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PDP Goals

Name: Meera Khalifa Ali Khalifa Al Badwawi.

ID: H00298056.
Teacher: Dr. Pauline Keith.
Concise Reflections & actuality

Goal 1: Use rewarding system (verbal reinforcement) effectively Applying this strategy (verbal reinforcement) will be effective
during circle time. in making the circle time go smoothly. Yet, some students will
not show any work or behaviors that deserve to be rewarded or
praised in the circle time.

Action 1: Increase verbal reinforcement on students

Reinforcing students behaviors will encourage other students
work during circle time.
to imitate and show well manners and behaviors during circle
Praise students positive behaviors. time. Moreover, they will work nicely to receive positive
Encourage students for better behaviors feedback from the teacher.
through make them the leader of the day
for example.

Desired time frame: From the beginning of the teaching practice until the end. I think that I will have less verbal reinforcement. But, it will be
more easy and flexible for me as I get used to the students.

Any support needed The MST. She will give me examples of reinforcement words and
situations that I need to reinforce.

Data collection tools to be used MCT report. I can ask the MST to take photos of students interactions in the
to provide evidence of the circle time. Also, in the end of the lesson I can take notes of
success of the action students behaviours.
Goal 1: Use rewarding system (verbal reinforcement) effectively during circle time.

To achieve this goal, Ive review a list of positive words and what needs to be reinforce such as, students behaviours, involvement and work. In
the beginning it was difficulty to use the positive reinforcement supported with a good reaction. However, as I build relationship with the studen ts and
spend more time with them in the playground and in the classroom. That made me think that I achieved this goal successfully. Here is the evidence for
my goal which is my MCT report (the comments are highlighted).
Concise Reflections & actuality

Goal 2: Improve time management in the classroom in order to I believe that this goal will take me a difficult time to achieve. Ive
finish all the lesson activities. been working on this goal from the last semester. However, I will
work on succeeding this goal as I didnt achieve it in a way that
satisfy me. I will work on creating activities that are suitable and
effective at the same time.
Action 2: It is easy to prepare the materials before the lesson. However, I
Prepare the materials before the lesson.
believe that giving students time to finish their work depend on the
Give students time to finish their work. time that I have for each activity.
Check the time between each activity.

Desired time frame: From the beginning of the teaching practice until the end. This goal is based on the activities and the lesson that I have. As a
result, in some lessons I will complete the lesson activities nicely.
But, in some I will have to finish the activities in other sessions.

Any support needed From the MST and the teacher assistance. The MST will help me in checking how students are working and
she will provide help if needed.

Data collection tools to be used Using hourglass or other ways in making me aware of time will
Using hourglass, bell or a timer .
to provide evidence of the help in smoothing the transitions and students achievement in each
Pictures. activity.
success of the action
MST lesson report.
Goal 2: Improve time management in the classroom in order to finish all the lesson activities.

In order to develop this goal, it was important for me to look for well and appropriate activities and videos to avoid taking extra time from the
Arabic teacher sessions or from the learning centres time. The structure that I had in my lesson was well and organize. This is a skill that I improved
during this teaching practice as am teaching more and more. The evidence is my MST lesson evaluations, where she had positive comments on my lesson
planning and time. Another evidence is picture of students creating /t/ sound.

The students were creating sound /t/, the activity was

approprate and the students finished in a good timing.
Concise Reflections & actuality

Goal 3: Use more of clear instructions and simple In this goal am aiming to make students more
vocabulary. comfortable in the lesson and to make them be
more creative and flexible in what they are

Action 3: I have a clear voice, am going to use more of a

I will give the instructions with a
simple words for students in order to avoid any
clear voice and slowly.
misunderstanding. I think when I ask students
Explain what students need to do by to explain what they need to do. Each one of
using simple vocabulary. them will explain different. So that will affect
Ask the students to explain what the instructions
they need to do in order to give
other instructions

Desired time frame: From the beginning of the teaching practice This goal is personal and am going to achieve it
until the end. in one week.

Any support needed From the MST. My MST can help me by giving me example of
words or actions to make the instructions

Data collection tools to be used to provide MST lesson report. Taking photos of students work will be easy,
evidence of the success of the action however, video tapping students will be strict as
I need to take permission in the beginning as
its more of student privacy.
Goal 3: Use more of clear instructions and simple vocabulary.

In this goal, I wanted to develop the way in giving the students instructions to avoid repeating them over and over. Also, I had to take into
consideration students English, as they are only started learning the language this year. As a result, Ive used simply voca bulary to give them
instructions and to explain the lesson. Besides, even if the students didnt understand me I would say the instructions again with an action of what
they need to do. The evidence for achieving this goal, is my MST lesson evaluation.

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