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Wendy A. Ware Michael D. Willard

1 Clinical Manifestations of C a r d i a c Disease, 1 28 Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal

2 Diagnostic Tests for the C a r d i o v a s c u l a r System, Disorders, 351
12 29 Diagnostic Tests for the Alimentary Tract, 374
3 M a n a g e m e n t of Heart Failure, 53 30 G e n e r a l Therapeutic Principles, 395
4 C a r d i a c Arrhythmias a n d Antiarrhythmic 31 Disorders of the O r a l Cavity, Pharynx, a n d
Therapy, 73 Esophagus, 414
5 Congenital C a r d i a c Disease, 9 6 32 Disorders of the Stomach, 427
6 A c q u i r e d Valvular a n d Endocardial Disease, 114 33 Disorders of the Intestinal Tract, 440
7 M y o c a r d i a l Diseases of the D o g , 128 34 Disorders of the Peritoneum, 476
8 M y o c a r d i a l Diseases of the C a t , 142
9 Pericardial Disease a n d C a r d i a c Tumors, 156
11 Systemic Arterial Hypertension, 184 PANCREATIC DISORDERS, 485
12 Thromboembolic Disease, 192
Penny J. Wafson, Susan E. Bunch

35 Clinical Manifestations of Hepatobiliary Disease,

DISORDERS, 207 36 Diagnostic Tests for the Hepatobiliary System,
Eleanor C. Hawkins
37 Hepatobiliary Diseases in the C a t , 520
13 C l i n i c a l Manifestations of N a s a l Disease, 207 38 Hepatobiliary Diseases in the D o g , 541
14 Diagnostic Tests for the N a s a l Cavity a n d 39 Treatment of Complications of Hepatic Disease
Paranasal Sinuses, 213 a n d Failure, 569
15 Disorders of the N a s a l Cavity, 223 40 The Exocrine Pancreas, 5 7 9
16 C l i n i c a l Manifestations of Laryngeal a n d
Pharyngeal Disease, 237
17 Diagnostic Tests for the Larynx a n d Pharynx, 239 PART FIVE URINARY TRACT DISORDERS, 607
18 Disorders of the Larynx a n d Pharynx, 242
Gregory F. Grauer
19 C l i n i c a l Manifestations of Lower Respiratory Tract
Disorders, 247 41 Clinical Manifestations of U r i n a r y Disorders, 607
20 Diagnostic Tests for the Lower Respiratory Tract, 42 Diagnostic Tests for the U r i n a r y System, 623
252 43 Glomerulonephropathies, 637
21 Disorders of the Trachea a n d Bronchi, 285 44 Acute Renal Failure a n d Chronic Kidney Disease,
22 Disorders of the Pulmonary Parenchyma a n d 645
Vasculature, 302 45 U r i n a r y Tract Infections, 660
23 Clinical Manifestations of the Pleural Cavity a n d 46 C a n i n e Urolithiasis, 6 6 7
Mediastinal Disease, 323 47 Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, 6 7 7
24 Diagnostic Tests for the Pleural Cavity a n d 48 Disorders of Micturition, 684
M e d i a s t i n u m , 329
25 Disorders of the Pleural Cavity, 335
26 Emergency M a n a g e m e n t of Respiratory Distress, PART SIX ENDOCRINE DISORDERS, 695
Richard W. Nelson
27 A n c i l l a r y Therapy: O x y g e n Supplementation a n d
Ventilation, 345 49 Disorders of the Hypothalamus a n d Pituitary
Gland, 6 9 5
50 Disorders of the Parathyroid G l a n d , 7 1 5 PART ELEVEN ONCOLOGY, 1143
51 Disorders of the Thyroid G l a n d , 7 2 4
C. Guillermo Couto
52 Disorders of the Endocrine Pancreas, 764
53 Disorders of the A d r e n a l G l a n d , 810 75 Cytology, 1143
76 Principles of C a n c e r Treatment, 1150
77 Practical Chemotherapy, 1153
PART SEVEN METABOLIC AND ELECTROLYTE 78 Complications of C a n c e r Chemotherapy, 1159
DISORDERS, 851 79 A p p r o a c h to the Patient with a M a s s , 1169
80 Lymphoma in the C a t a n d D o g , 1174
Richard W. Nelson, Sean J. Delaney,
81 Leukemics, 1187
Denise A. Elliott
82 Selected N e o p l a s m s in Dogs a n d C a t s , 1195
54 Disorders of Metabolism, 851
55 Electrolyte Imbalances, 864
C. Guillermo Couto
DISORDERS, 885 83 Anemia, 1 2 0 9
84 Erythrocytosis, 1 2 2 5
Cheri A. Johnson
85 Leukopenia a n d Leukocytosis, 1 2 2 8
56 Disorders of the Estrous C y c l e , 885 86 C o m b i n e d Cytopenias a n d Leukoerythroblastosis,
57 Disorders of the V a g i n a a n d Uterus, 911 1236
58 False Pregnancy, Disorders of Pregnancy a n d 87 Disorders of Hemostasis, 1 2 4 2
Parturition, a n d M i s m a t i n g , 926 88 Lymphadenopathy a n d Splenomegaly, 1 2 6 0
59 Postpartum a n d M a m m a r y Disorders, 944 89 Hyperproteinemia, 1271
60 Disorders of M a l e Fertility, 950 90 Fever of Undetermined O r i g i n , 1 2 7 4
61 Disorders of the Penis, Prepuce, a n d Testes, 966 91 Recurrent Infections, 1 2 7 8
62 Disorders of the Prostate G l a n d , 9 7 5


983 Michael R. Lappin
Susan M. Taylor

63 Lesion Localization a n d the N e u r o l o g i c 92 Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases,

Examination, 983 1287
64 Diagnostic Tests for the Neuromuscular System, 93 Practical Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 1291
1007 94 Prevention of Infectious Diseases, 1 3 0 2
65 Intracranial Disorders, 1019 95 Polysystemic Bacterial Diseases, 1311
66 Loss of Vision a n d Pupillary Abnormalities, 1 0 2 7 96 Polysystemic Rickettsial Diseases, 1 3 2 2
67 Seizures, 1036 97 Polysystemic V i r a l Diseases, 1 3 3 6
68 H e a d Tilt, 1047 98 Polysystemic Mycotic Infections, 1 3 5 0
69 Encephalitis, Myelitis, a n d Meningitis, 1054 99 Polysystemic Protozoal Infections, 1 3 6 0
70 Disorders of the Spinal C o r d , 1065 100 Zoonoses, 1 3 7 4
71 Disorders of Peripheral Nerves a n d the
Neuromuscular Junction, 1092
72 Disorders of M u s c l e , 1108 PART FOURTEEN IMMUNE-MEDIATED
J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff
101 Pathogenesis of Immune-Mediated Disorders,
Susan M. Taylor
73 Clinical Manifestations of a n d Diagnostic Tests for 102 Diagnostic Testing for Autoimmune Disease, 1 3 9 3
Joint Disorders, 1119 103 Treatment of Primary Immune-Mediated Diseases,
74 Disorders of the Joints, 1127 1398
104 C o m m o n Immune-Mediated Diseases, 1 4 0 7
11830 Westline Industrial Drive
St. Louis, Missouri 63146

SMALL A N I M A L INTERNAL M E D I C I N E ISBN-13: 978-0-323-04881-1

ISBN-10: 0-323-04881-1
Copyright 2009, 2003,1998,1992 by Mosby, Inc., an imprint of Elsevier Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Small animal internal medicine / [edited by] Richard W. Nelson, C. Guillermo Couto.4th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-323-04881-1 (hardcover : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-323-04881-1 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. DogsDiseases. 2. CatsDiseases. 3. Veterinary
internal medicine. I. Nelson, Richard W. (Richard William) II. Couto, C. Guillermo.
[ D N L M : 1. Dog Diseases. 2. Cat Diseases. 3. Veterinary Medicinemethods. SF 991 S634 2009]
SF991.S5917 2009

ISBN-13: 978-0-323-04881-1
ISBN-10: 0-323-04881-1

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Section Editors


A C V I M (Internal Medicine), Professor, ACVIM (Internal Medicine and
Department of Medicine and Epide Oncology), Professor, Department of
miology, School of Veterinary M e d i Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of
cine, University of California, Davis. Veterinary Medicine; Chief, Oncology/
Dr. Nelson's interest lies i n clinical Hematology Service, Veterinary Teach
endocrinology, with a special emphasis ing Hospital, The O h i o State Univer
on disorders of the endocrine pancreas, sity. Dr. Couto earned his doctorate at
thyroid gland, and adrenal gland. Dr. Nelson has authored Buenos Aires University, Argentina. In addition to his teach
numerous manuscripts and book chapters, has co-authored ing responsibilities at O h i o State, Dr. Couto is the Director
two textbooks, Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Repro of the hospital's Transfusion Medicine Service and A n i m a l
duction with Dr. Ed Feldman and Small Animal Internal Blood Bank, and of the Greyhound Health and Wellness
Medicine with Dr. Guillermo Couto, and has lectured exten Program. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Vet
sively nationally and internationally. He was an Associate erinary Internal Medicine and President of the Veterinary
Editor for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine and Cancer Society. He has received the Norden Distinguished
serves as a reviewer for several veterinary journals. Dr. Nelson Teaching Award, the O S U Clinical Teaching Award, the
is a co-founder and member of the Society for Comparative BSAVA Bourgelat Award for outstanding contribution to
Endocrinology and a member of the European Society of small animal practice, and the O T S Service Award. Dr. Couto
Veterinary Endocrinology. has published more than 300 articles and chapters in the
areas of oncology, hematology, and immunology.


A C V I M (Internal Medicine), Professor A C V I M (Internal Medicine), Professor,
and Jarvis Chair of Small A n i m a l Inter Department of Clinical Sciences, North
nal Medicine i n the Department of Carolina State University College of
Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Hawkins is an
Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State officer of the Board of Regents of the
University. Dr. Grauer received his American College of Veterinary Inter
D V M degree from Iowa State Univer nal Medicine ( A C V I M ) . She has served
sity in 1978 and completed his postgraduate training and M S as President of the Specialty of Small A n i m a l Internal M e d
degree at Colorado State University. He was a faculty member icine ( A C V I M ) and as a board member of the Compara
at the University of Wisconsin for 7 years and then returned tive Respiratory Society. She has been invited to lecture
to Colorado State University, where he served as an Associate in the United States, Europe, South America, and Japan.
Professor and then Professor and Section Chief of Small Dr. Hawkins is the author of many refereed publications
Animal Medicine until 2000. Dr. Grauer has also served as and scientific proceedings. She has been a contributor or the
President and Chairman of the Board of Regents of the respiratory editor for numerous well-known veterinary texts.
American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. His areas Her areas of research include canine chronic bronchitis and
of clinical and research interest involve the small animal bronchoalveolar lavage as a diagnostic tool.
urinary system, specifically acute and chronic renal disease.
He has authored more than 225 refereed scientific publica
tions, abstracts, and book chapters and presented more than
1100 hours of continuing education i n the United States and
abroad dealing with urinary tract disease in dogs and cats.
He recently co-edited (with Dr. Jonathan Elliott of the Royal
Veterinary College in London) the BSAVA Manual of Canine
and Feline Nephrology and Urology.
CHERI A . JOHNSON, D V M , M S , Dipl. SUSAN M . TAYLOR, D V M , D i p l . A C V I M
A C V I M (Internal Medicine), Professor (Internal Medicine), Professor of
and Chief of Staff, Department of Small A n i m a l Medicine, Department
Small A n i m a l Clinical Sciences, College of Small A n i m a l Clinical Sciences,
of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan Western College of Veterinary M e d i
State University. Dr. Johnson has been cine, University of Saskatchewan. Dr.
an invited speaker throughout N o r t h Taylor has received several awards for
America and Europe. Her main areas of teaching excellence and has authored
interest are reproduction and endocrinology. She has numerous refereed journal articles and book chapters. She
authored numerous scientific articles and book chapters. Dr. has been invited to present continuing education lectures
Johnson has served on several committees i n the A C V I M , throughout the United States, Canada, and Italy. Clinical,
including chairing the Credentials Committee. She is a academic, and research interests include neurology, neuro
member and past Secretary/Treasurer of the Society for muscular disease, clinical immunology, and infectious
Comparative Endocrinology. disease. Dr. Taylor has an active research program investigat
ing medical and neurologic disorders affecting canine ath
M I C H A E L R. LAPPIN, D V M , PhD, Dipl. letes, particularly the inherited syndrome of exercise-induced
A C V I M (Internal Medicine), Professor collapse i n Labrador Retrievers.
of Small A n i m a l Internal Medicine at
the College of Veterinary Medicine and WENDY A . WARE, DVM, MS, Dipl.
Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State ACVIM (Cardiology), Professor,
University and Section Head of Small Departments of Veterinary Clinical
A n i m a l Internal Medicine. After earning Sciences and Biomedical Sciences, Iowa
his D V M at O k l a h o m a State University State University. Dr. Ware has served as
in 1981, he completed a small animal internal medicine Clinical Cardiologist in the Veterinary
residency and earned his doctorate i n parasitology at the Teaching Hospital and as an educator
University of Georgia. Dr. Lappin has studied feline infec for over 20 years. Her teaching skills in
tious diseases and has authored more than 200 research the areas of clinical cardiology and cardiovascular physiol
papers and book chapters. Dr. Lappin is past Associate Editor ogy are highly regarded. She has been invited to speak at
for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine and is serving many continuing education programs around the country
on the editorial board of Feline Medicine and Surgery and and internationally. Dr. Ware has authored numerous journal
Compendium for Continuing Education for the Practicing articles and more than 60 book chapters. She has served as
Veterinarian. Dr. Lappin has received the Beecham Research an officer on the Board of Regents of the American College
Award and the Norden Distinguished Teaching Award, and of Veterinary Internal Medicine, as Associate Editor for Car
he is the Kenneth W. Smith Professor in Small A n i m a l C l i n diology for the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, and
ical Veterinary Medicine at Colorado State University. has been a reviewer for several veterinary scientific journals.
Dr. Ware is a member of the A V M A and A C V I M .
M A , V e t . M B , M S , D i p l . A C V I M (SA), PENNY J. WATSON, MA, Vet.MB,
D i p l . E C V I M ( C A ) , Professor, Depart CertVR, D S A M , Dipl. E C V I M , M R C V S ,
ment of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Senior Lecturer i n Small Animal
School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue Medicine, Queen's Veterinary School
University. Dr. Scott-Moncrieff gradu Hospital, University of Cambridge,
ated from the University of Cambridge United K i n g d o m . Dr. Watson received
in 1985, completed an internship in her veterinary degree from the Univer
small animal medicine and surgery at the University of Sas sity of Cambridge. She spent four years
katchewan, and a residency in internal medicine at Purdue in private veterinary practice in the United Kingdom before
University. In 1989 she joined the faculty of Purdue Univer returning to Cambridge Veterinary School, where she now
sity, where she is currently Professor of small animal internal helps run the small animal internal medicine teaching hos
medicine and Assistant Head of the department of Veteri pital. She is both a member of the Royal College of Veteri
nary Clinical Sciences. Her clinical and research interests nary Surgeons and a European recognized specialist in Small
include immune-mediated hematologic disorders and clini A n i m a l Internal Medicine. Dr. Watson was on the examina
cal endocrinology. She is the author of numerous manu tion board of the European College of Veterinary Internal
scripts and book chapters and has lectured extensively
nationally and internationally.
Medicine ( E C V I M ) for five years, two as Chair. Her clinical MICHAEL D. WILLARD, DVM, MS,
and research interests are focused on gastroenterology, hep- D i p l . A C V I M (Internal Medicine),
atology, pancreatic disease, and comparative metabolism. Professor, Department of Veterinary
Dr. Watson is completing a doctorate by publication o n Small A n i m a l Medicine and Surgery,
aspects of chronic pancreatitis i n dogs as well as supervising Texas A & M University. Dr. Willard is
projects on canine chronic hepatitis. She has lectured and an internationally recognized veteri
published widely in these areas and received the BSAVA Pet- nary gastroenterologist and endosco
savers prize in 2008 for the best article i n the Journal of Small pist. H e has received the National
Animal Practice. S C A V M A teaching award for clinical teaching and the
National Norden teaching award. A past President of the
Comparative Gastroenterology Society and past Secretary of
the specialty of Internal Medicine, his main interests are
clinical gastroenterology and endoscopy (flexible and rigid).
Dr. W i l l a r d has published more than 170 journal articles and
book chapters on these topics and has given over 2,000 hours
of invited lectures o n these sub-jects in N o r t h America,
Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia. A member of
the International Sled D o g Veterinary Medical Association,
Dr. Willard is an Associate Editor for Journal of Veterinary
Internal Medicine.

SUSAN E . B U N C H , DVM, PhD, Dipl. DENISE A . E L L I O T T , B V S C P h D , Dipl.

A C V I M , formerly Professor of M e d i A C V I M , A C V N , Director of Scientific
cine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Affairs, Royal C a n i n , U S A . Dr. Elliott
College of Veterinary Medicine, N o r t h graduated from the University of M e l
Carolina State University. Dr. B u n c h is bourne with a Bachelor i n Veterinary
currently pursuing a career outside of Science w i t h Honors i n 1991. After
veterinary medicine. Previously, she completing an internship in small
was an internationally recognized vet animal medicine and surgery at the
erinary internist with a special interest i n hepatobiliary and University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Elliott moved to the Univer
pancreatic disorders of cats and dogs. Related to her interest sity of California, Davis where she completed a residency
in teaching simulator technology, she was awarded a Merck - in small animal medicine, a fellowship i n renal medicine
AgVet Award for Teaching Creativity i n 1997 and holds a U.S. and hemodialysis, and a residency i n small animal clinical
patent for the Canine A b d o m i n a l Palpation Simulator. She nutrition. Dr. Elliott received board certification with the
was a regular contributor to various journals and textbooks American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine i n 1996
and was an invited reviewer for seven professional journals. and with the American College of Veterinary N u t r i t i o n in
Dr. Bunch was also an active member of the A C V I M and 2001. The University of California, Davis awarded her a P h D
the Comparative Gastroenterology Society and Liver Study in N u t r i t i o n in 2001 for her work on multifrequency bio-
Group. She was named the N C V M A - V e t e r i n a r y Teaching electrical impedance analysis i n healthy cats and dogs.
Hospital Clinician of the year i n 1999.

S E A N J. D E L A N E Y , DVM, MS, Dipl.

A C V N , Chief Medical Officer and
Senior Executive Vice President, Natura
Pet Products, Inc. Dr. Delaney is a rec
ognized expert i n veterinary clinical
nutrition. H e received his D V M and
M S i n N u t r i t i o n from the University of
California, Davis. He also completed
the first full-time clinical nutrition residency at U C
Davis. Dr. Delaney was a clinical faculty member of the
Department of Molecular Biosciences at the University of
California, Davis for four years. D u r i n g that time he helped
develop and establish the largest veterinary clinical nutrition
teaching program i n the country. He also founded Davis
Veterinary Medical Consulting, a pet food industry consult
ing firm that also maintains and supports the Balance IT
veterinary nutrition software at Dr. Delaney
is a frequent speaker nationally and internationally on
veterinary nutrition. He is currently the Vice President of the
American College of Veterinary N u t r i t i o n and is co-editing
the upcoming text, Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition.
We would like to dedicate this book to Kay and Graciela.
This project would not have been possible without their continued understanding,
encouragement, and patience.

In the fourth edition of Small Animal Internal Medicine, we The section focusing on immune-mediated disorders has
have retained our original goal of creating a practical text been reorganized to include chapters on:
with a strong clinical slant that is useful for both practition Current recommendations and interpretation of diag
ers and students. We have continued to limit authorship, nostic tests
with each author selected for clinical expertise in his or her A n overview of c o m m o n l y used drugs for treating
respective field, to ensure as much consistency as possible immune-mediated disorders
within and among sections of the book. We have continued Treatment protocols for managing c o m m o n immune-
to focus on the clinically relevant aspects of the most c o m m o n mediated disorders
problems i n internal medicine, presenting information i n a Hundreds of new clinical photographs, the majority in
concise, understandable, and logical format. Extensive use of full color
tables, algorithms, cross-referencing within and among sec Algorithms throughout the text to aid readers in the
tions, and a comprehensive index help make Small Animal decision-making process
Internal Medicine a quick, easy-to-use reference textbook. Extensive cross-referencing to other chapters and dis
cussions, providing a helpful "road map" and reducing
ORGANIZATION redundancy within the book
Hundreds of functionally color-coded summary tables
The book contains 14 sections organized by organ systems and boxes to draw the reader's eye to quickly accessible
(e.g., cardiology, respiratory) or when multiple systems are information, such as:
involved, by discipline (e.g., oncology, infectious diseases,
immune-mediated disorders). Each section, when possible,
begins with a chapter on clinical signs and differential diag Etiology
noses and is followed by chapters on indications, techniques,
and interpretation of diagnostic tests; general therapeutic
principles; specific diseases; and finally a table listing recom Differential diagnoses
mended drug dosages for drugs commonly used to treat
disorders within the appropriate organ system or discipline.
Each section is supported extensively by tables, photographs, Drugs (appearing within chapters)
and schematic illustrations, including many algorithms,
which address clinical presentations, differential diagnoses,
diagnostic approaches, and treatment recommendations. D r u g formularies (appearing at the end of each
Selected references and recommended readings are provided section)
under the heading "Suggested Readings" at the end of each
chapter. In addition, specific studies are cited i n the text by
author name and year of publication and are included in the Treatment
Suggested Readings.

KEY FEATURES OF THE FOURTH EDITION General information (e.g., formulas, clinical
pathology values, manufacturer information,
We have retained all of the features that were popular in the breed predispositions)
first three editions, and have significantly updated and
expanded the new fourth edition. New features include:
Finally, we are grateful to the many practitioners, faculty, and
Thoroughly revised and updated content, with expanded students worldwide who provided constructive comments
coverage of hundreds of topics throughout the text on the first three editions, thereby making it possible to
The expertise of three new authors for the sections dealing design an even stronger fourth edition. We believe the
with hepatobiliary and exocrine pancreatic disorders, expanded content, features, and visual presentation will be
metabolic and electrolyte disorders, and immune- positively received and will continue to make this book a
mediated disorders valuable, user-friendly resource for all readers.
New, separate sections and expanded focus on hematol RICHARD W . NELSON
ogy and immunology C . GUILLERMO C O U T O

We w o u l d like to extend our sincerest thanks to Greg, Eleanor, Cheri, Michael, Sue, Wendy, and
M i k e for their continued dedication and hard work to this project; to Catharine, Penny, and Sean
for their willingness to become involved i n this project; and to Tony W i n k e l , Maureen Slaten,
Celeste Clingan, and many others at M o s b y for their commitment and latitude in developing this


DISORDERS, 1 Central Venous Pressure Measurement, 48
Biochemical Markers, 49
Wendy A. Ware
Angiocardiography, 49
1 CIinical Manifestations of C a r d i a c Disease, 1 Cardiac Catheterization, 50
SIGNS O F H E A R T DISEASE, 1 Other Noninvasive Imaging, 50
SIGNS O F H E A R T F A I L U R E , 1 Pneumopericardiography, 50
Weakness and Exercise Intolerance, 1 Endomyocardial Biopsy, 50
Syncope, 1 3 M a n a g e m e n t of Heart Failure, 5 3
Cough and Other Respiratory Signs, 3 O V E R V I E W O F H E A R T F A I L U R E , 53
Observation of Respiratory Pattern, 4 Systemic Responses, 54
Mucous Membranes, 5 General Causes of Heart Failure, 56
Jugular Veins, 5 Approach to Treating Heart Failure, 5 7
Precordium, 6 F A I L U R E , 57
Evaluation for Fluid Accumulation, 7 General Considerations, 57
Auscultation, 7 Supplemental Oxygen, 58
2 Diagnostic Tests for the Cardiovascular D r a g Therapy, 58
System, 12 Heart Failure Caused by Diastolic
C A R D I A C R A D I O G R A P H Y , 12 Dysfunction, 61
Cardiomegaly, 13 Monitoring and Follow-Up, 62
Cardiac Chamber Enlargement Patterns, 13 M A N A G E M E N T OF CHRONIC HEART
Intrathoracic Blood Vessels, 15 F A I L U R E , 62
Patterns of Pulmonary Edema, 16 General Considerations, 62
E L E C T R O C A R D I O G R A P H Y , 16 Diuretics, 63
Normal ECG Waveforms, 16 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors, 63
Lead Systems, 16 Positive Inotropic Agents, 65
Approach to ECG Interpretation, 17 Other Vasodilators, 67
Sinus Rhythms, 19 Dietary Considerations, 68
Ectopic Rhythms, 19 Chronic Diastolic Dysfunction, 70
Conduction Disturbances, 26 Reevaluation and Monitoring, 70
Mean Electrical Axis, 28 Strategies for Refractory Congestive Heart
Chamber Enlargement and Bundle Branch Failure, 70
Block Patterns, 28 4 C a r d i a c Arrhythmias a n d Antiarrhythmic
ST-T Abnormalities, 29 Therapy, 7 3
ECG Manifestations of Drug Toxicity and Electrolyte G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 73
Imbalance, 31 Development of Arrhythmias, 73
Common Artifacts, 32 Approach to Arrhythmia Management, 74
Ambulatory Electrocardiography, 32 DIAGNOSIS A N D M A N A G E M E N T OF
Other Methods of ECG Assessment, 33 C O M M O N A R R H Y T H M I A S , 74
E C H O C A R D I O G R A P H Y , 33 Clinical Presentation, 75
Basic Principles, 36 Tachyarrhythmias, 75
Two-Dimensional Echocardiography, 36 Bradyarrhythmias, 82
M-Mode Echocardiography, 38 A N T I A R R H Y T H M I C A G E N T S , 84
Contrast Echocardiography, 42 Class I Antiarrhythmic Drugs, 84
Doppler Echocardiography, 42 Class II Antiarrhythmic Drugs: -Adrenergic
Transesophageal Echocardiography, 47 Blockers, 89
Three-Dimensional Echocardiography, 48 Class III Antiarrhythmic Drugs, 91
Class IV Antiarrhythmic Drugs: Calcium Entry Infective Myocarditis, 137
Blockers, 91 Non-Infective Myocarditis, 139
Anticholinergic Drugs, 92 Traumatic Myocarditis, 139
Sympathomimetic Drugs, 93 8 M y o c a r d i a l Diseases of the C a t , 1 4 2
Other Drugs, 93 H Y P E R T R O P H I C C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y , 142
5 Congenital C a r d i a c Disease, 9 6 Radiography, 144
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 96 Electrocardiography, 144
S H U N T , 97 Subclinical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, 145
Patent Ductus Arteriosus, 9 7 Clinically Evident Hypertrophic
V E N T R I C U L A R O U T F L O W O B S T R U C T I O N , 100 Cardiomyopathy, 145
Subaortic Stenosis, 101 Chronic Refractory Congestive Heart Failure, 149
I N T R A C A R D I A C S H U N T , 105 DISEASE, 149
Ventricular Septal Defect, 106 R E S T R I C T I V E C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y , 150
Atrial Septal Defect, 107 D I L A T E D C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y , 151
M A L F O R M A T I O N , 107 Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular
Mitral Dysplasia, 107 Cardiomyopathy, 154
Tricuspid Dysplasia, 107 Corticosteroid-Associated Heart Failure, 154
C A R D I A C A N O M A L I E S C A U S I N G C Y A N O S I S , 108 Myocarditis, 154
Tetralogy of Fallot, 109 9 Pericardial Disease a n d C a r d i a c Tumors, 1 5 6
Pulmonary Hypertension with Shunt G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 156
Reversal, 109 C O N G E N I T A L P E R I C A R D I A L D I S O R D E R S , 156
O T H E R C A R D I O V A S C U L A R A N O M A L I E S , 111 Peritoneopericardial Diaphragmatic Hernia, 156
Vascular Ring Anomalies, 111 Other Pericardial Anomalies, 157
Cor Triatriatum, 112 P E R I C A R D I A L E F F U S I O N , 158
Endocardial Fibroelastosis, 112 Hemorrhage, 158
Other Vascular Anomalies, 112 Transudates, 159
6 A c q u i r e d Valvular a n d Endocardial Disease, 1 1 4 Exudates, 159
DISEASE, 114 Radiography, 160
Radiography, 116 Electrocardiography, 160
Electrocardiography, 116 Echocardiography, 160
Echocardiography, 117 Clinicopathologic Findings, 163
I N F E C T I V E E N D O C A R D I T I S , 121 Pericardiocentesis, 164
7 M y o c a r d i a l Diseases of the D o g , 1 2 8 C O N S T R I C T I V E P E R I C A R D I A L DISEASE, 165
D I L A T E D C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y , 128 C A R D I A C T U M O R S , 166
Radiography, 129 1 0 Heartworm Disease, 1 6 9
Electrocardiography, 130 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 169
Echocardiography, 131 Heartworm Life Cycle, 169
Clinicopathologic Findings, 131 Tests for Heartworm Disease, 169
Occult Dilated Cardiomyopathy, 132 H E A R T W O R M DISEASE I N D O G S , 171
Clinically Evident Dilated Cardiomyopathy, 132 Pulmonary Hypertension Without Heartworm
C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y , 134 Radiography, 172
Cardiomyopathy in Boxers, 134 Electrocardiography, 172
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Echocardiography, 172
in NonBoxer Dogs, 135 Clinicopathic Findings, 172
S E C O N D A R Y M Y O C A R D I A L D I S E A S E , 135 Pretreatment Evaluation, 173
Myocardial Toxins, 135 Adulticide Therapy in Dogs, 174
Metabolic and Nutritional Deficiency, 135 Pulmonary Complications, 176
Ischemic Myocardial Disease, 136 Right-sided Congestive Heart Failure, 177
Tachycardia-Induced Cardiomyopathy, 136 Caval Syndrome, 177
HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY Microfilaricide Therapy, 178
M Y O C A R D I T I S , 137 Heartworm Prevention, 178
H E A R T W O R M DISEASE I N CATS, 179 N A S A L M Y C O S E S , 226
Tests for Heartworm Disease in Cats, 180 Cryptococcosis, 226
Radiography, 180 Aspergillosis, 226
Echocardiography, 181 N A S A L PARASITES, 229
Electrocardiography, 181 Nasal Mites, 229
Other Tests, 181 Nasal Capillariasis, 229
Medical Therapy and Complications, 181 N A S O P H A R Y N G E A L P O L Y P S , 229
Surgical Therapy, 182 N A S A L T U M O R S , 230
Microfdaricide Therapy, 182 A L L E R G I C R H I N I T I S , 232
11 Systemic Arterial Hypertension, 1 8 4 I D I O P A T H I C R H I N I T I S , 232
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 184 Feline Chronic Rhinosinusitis, 232
Blood Pressure Measurement, 186 Canine Chronic/Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis, 234
Antihypertensive Drugs, 190 16 Clinical Manifestations of Laryngeal a n d
Hypertensive Emergency, 190 Pharyngeal Disease, 2 3 7
12 Thromboembolic Disease, 1 9 2 C L I N I C A L SIGNS, 2 3 7
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 192 Larynx, 237
P U L M O N A R Y T H R O M B O E M B O L I S M , 194 Pharynx, 238
CATS, 194 SIGNS I N D O G S A N D C A T S , 238
Prophylaxis Against Arterial DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES FOR P H A R Y N G E A L
Thromboembolism, 199 SIGNS I N D O G S A N D C A T S , 238
SYSTEMIC ARTERIAL T H R O M B O E M B O L I S M IN 17 Diagnostic Tests for the Larynx a n d Pharynx, 2 3 9
D O G S , 200 R A D I O G R A P H Y A N D U L T R A S O N O G R A P H Y , 239
Prophylaxis against Arterial Thromboembolism, 202 L A R Y N G O S C O P Y A N D P H A R Y N G O S C O P Y , 239
V E N O U S T H R O M B O S I S , 202 18 Disorders of the Larynx a n d Pharynx, 2 4 2
B R A C H Y C E P H A L I C A I R W A Y S Y N D R O M E , 243
DISORDERS, 207 L A R Y N G E A L N E O P L A S I A , 245
19 Clinical Manifestations of Lower Respiratory Tract
Eleanor C. Hawkins
Disorders, 2 4 7
13 Clinical Manifestations of N a s a l Disease, 2 0 7 C L I N I C A L SIGNS, 247
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 207 Cough, 247
N A S A L D I S C H A R G E , 207 Exercise Intolerance and Respiratory
S N E E Z I N G , 211 Distress, 248
Reverse Sneezing, 211 DIAGNOSTIC A P P R O A C H TO DOGS A N D
F A C I A L D E F O R M I T Y , 211 DISEASE, 249
14 Diagnostic Tests for the N a s a l Cavity a n d Initial Diagnostic Evaluation, 249
Paranasal Sinuses, 2 1 3 Pulmonary Specimens and Specific Disease
N A S A L I M A G I N G , 213 Testing, 250
Radiography, 213 20 Diagnostic Tests for the Lower Respiratory
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Tract, 2 5 2
Resonance Imaging, 215 T H O R A C I C R A D I O G R A P H Y , 252
R H I N O S C O P Y , 216 General Principles, 252
N A S A L BIOPSY: I N D I C A T I O N S A N D Trachea, 253
T E C H N I Q U E S , 218 Lungs, 253
Nasal Swab, 220 A N G I O G R A P H Y , 260
Nasal Flush, 220 U L T R A S O N O G R A P H Y , 260
Turbinectomy, 220 M A G N E T I C R E S O N A N C E I M A G I N G , 260
I N T E R P R E T A T I O N , 222 P A R A S I T O L O G Y , 261
15 Disorders of the N a s a l Cavity, 2 2 3 S E R O L O G Y , 262
F E L I N E U P P E R R E S P I R A T O R Y I N F E C T I O N , 223 T R A C H E A L W A S H , 263
B A C T E R I A L R H I N I T I S , 225 Techniques, 264
Specimen Handling, 268 EOSINOPHILIC P U L M O N A R Y
Interpretation of Results, 268 G R A N U L O M A T O S I S ) , 311
B R O N C H O A L V E O L A R L A V A G E , 270 P N E U M O N I A S , 312
Technique for NB-BAL in Cats, 270 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, 312
Technique for NB-BAL in Dogs, 272 P U L M O N A R Y N E O P L A S I A , 314
Recovery of Patients Following BAL, 273 P U L M O N A R Y H Y P E R T E N S I O N , 316
Specimen Handling, 273 P U L M O N A R Y T H R O M B O E M B O L I S M , 317
Interpretation of Results, 2 7 4 P U L M O N A R Y E D E M A , 319
Diagnostic Yield, 275 23 Clinical Manifestations of the Pleural Cavity a n d
TRANSTHORACIC L U N G ASPIRATION A N D Mediastinal Disease, 3 2 3
BIOPSY, 275 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 323
B R O N C H O S C O P Y , 276 A N D D I A G N O S T I C A P P R O A C H , 323
THORACOTOMY OR THORACOSCOPY WITH Transudates and Modified Transudates, 324
L U N G BIOPSY, 2 7 7 Septic and Nonseptic Exudates, 325
B L O O D GAS ANALYSIS, 277 Chylous Effusions, 326
Techniques, 277 Hemorrhagic Effusions, 326
Interpretation of Results, 279 Effusions Caused by Neoplasia, 327
P U L S E O X I M E T R Y , 283 P N E U M O T H O R A X , 327
Methodology, 283 M E D I A S T I N A L M A S S E S , 327
Interpretation, 283 P N E U M O M E D I A S T I N U M , 328
21 Disorders of the Trachea a n d Bronchi, 2 8 5 24 Diagnostic Tests for the Pleural Cavity a n d
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 285 Mediastinum, 3 2 9
T R A C H E O B R O N C H I T I S , 285 Pleural Cavity, 329
C A N I N E C H R O N I C B R O N C H I T I S , 287 Mediastinum, 330
General Management, 289 U L T R A S O N O G R A P H Y , 331
Drug Therapies, 290 C O M P U T E D T O M O G R A P H Y , 331
Management of Complications, 291 T H O R A C O C E N T E S I S , 331
Emergency Stabilization, 294 P L A C E M E N T , 332
Environment, 2 9 4 T H O R A C O S C O P Y A N D T H O R A C O T O M Y , 334
Glucocorticoids, 2 9 4 25 Disorders of the Pleural Cavity, 3 3 5
Bronchodilators, 295 P Y O T H O R A X , 335
Other Potential Treatments, 296 C H Y L O T H O R A X , 338
Failure to Respond, 296 S P O N T A N E O U S P N E U M O T H O R A X , 339
T R A C H E O B R O N C H O M A L A C I A , 296 26 Emergency M a n a g e m e n t of Respiratory
A L L E R G I C B R O N C H I T I S , 299 Distress, 341
2 2 Disorders of the Pulmonary Parenchyma a n d L A R G E A I R W A Y DISEASE, 341
Vasculature, 3 0 2 Extrathoracic (Upper) Airway Obstruction, 342
V I R A L P N E U M O N I A S , 302 Intrathoracic Large Airway Obstruction, 343
Canine Influenza, 302 P U L M O N A R Y P A R E N C H Y M A L DISEASE, 343
Other Viral Pneumonias, 303 P L E U R A L S P A C E DISEASE, 344
B A C T E R I A L P N E U M O N I A , 303 27 A n c i l l a r y Therapy: O x y g e n Supplementation a n d
T O X O P L A S M O S I S , 306 Ventilation, 3 4 5
F U N G A L P N E U M O N I A , 306 O X Y G E N S U P P L E M E N T A T I O N , 345
P U L M O N A R Y P A R A S I T E S , 307 Oxygen Masks, 345
Capillaria (Eucoleus) Aerophila, 3 0 7 Oxygen Hoods, 345
Paragonimus Kellicotti, 307 Nasal Catheters, 346
Aelurostrongylus Abstrusus, 308 Transtracheal Catheters, 347
Crenosoma Vulpis, 308 Endotracheal Tubes, 347
A S P I R A T I O N P N E U M O N I A , 309 Tracheal Tubes, 347
E N D O S C O P Y , 387
Michael D. Willard
B I O P S Y T E C H N I Q U E S A N D S U B M I S S I O N , 392
2 8 Clinical Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy, 392
Disorders, 351 Endoscopic Biopsy, 392
D Y S P H A G I A , H A L I T O S I S , A N D D R O O L I N G , 351 Full-Thickness Biopsy, 393
DISTINGUISHING REGURGITATION F R O M 3 0 G e n e r a l Therapeutic Principles, 3 9 5
V O M I T I N G F R O M E X P E C T O R A T I O N , 353 F L U I D T H E R A P Y , 395
R E G U R G I T A T I O N , 354 D I E T A R Y M A N A G E M E N T , 397
V O M I T I N G , 355 Special Nutritional Supplementation, 399
H E M A T E M E S I S , 358 Diets for Special Enteral Support, 404
D I A R R H E A , 360 Parenteral Nutrition, 404
H E M A T O C H E Z I A , 364 A N T I E M E T I C S , 404
M E L E N A , 364 A N T A C I D D R U G S , 405
T E N E S M U S , 365 INTESTINAL P R O T E C T A N T S , 406
C O N S T I P A T I O N , 366 D I G E S T I V E E N Z Y M E S U P P L E M E N T A T I O N , 407
F E C A L I N C O N T I N E N C E , 367 M O T I L I T Y MODIFIERS, 407
A N O R E X I A , 369 D R U G S , 408
A B D O M I N A L E F F U S I O N , 369 A N T I B A C T E R I A L DRUGS, 409
A B D O M I N A L P A I N , 371 A N T H E L M I N T I C D R U G S , 411
E N L A R G E M E N T , 372 31 Disorders of the O r a l Cavity, Pharynx, a n d
2 9 Diagnostic Tests for the Alimentary Tract, 3 7 4 Esophagus, 4 1 4
R O U T I N E L A B O R A T O R Y E V A L U A T I O N , 375 I N F L A M M A T I O N O F T H E O R O P H A R Y N X , 414
Complete Blood Count, 375 Sialocele, 4 1 4
Coagulation, 375 Sialoadenitis/Sialoadenosis/Salivary Gland
Serum Biochemistry Profile, 375 Necrosis, 4 1 4
Urinalysis, 375 Neoplasms of the Oral Cavity in Dogs, 415
F E C A L PARASITIC E V A L U A T I O N , 375 Neoplasms of the Oral Cavity in Cats, 416
F E C A L D I G E S T I O N TESTS, 376 Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma, 416
M I S C E L L A N E O U S F E C A L A N A L Y S E S , 376 Gingivitis/Periodontitis, 417
B A C T E R I A L F E C A L C U L T U R E , 377 Stomatitis, 4 1 7
C Y T O L O G I C E V A L U A T I O N O F FECES, 377 Feline Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Gingivitis/
R A D I O G R A P H Y O F T H E A L I M E N T A R Y T R A C T , 377 Pharyngitis, 417
T R A C T , 378 Masticatory Muscle Myositis/Atrophic Myositis, 418
I M A G I N G OF T H E O R A L CAVITY, P H A R Y N X , Cricopharyngeal Achalasia/Dysfunction, 418
A N D E S O P H A G U S , 378 Pharyngeal Dysphagia, 418
Indications, 378 E S O P H A G E A L W E A K N E S S / M E G A E S O P H A G U S , 419
Indications for Imaging of the Esophagus, 378 Congenital Esophageal Weakness, 4 1 9
IMAGING OF T H E S T O M A C H A N D SMALL Acquired Esophageal Weakness, 420
I N T E S T I N E , 380 Esophagitis, 421
Indications for Radiographic Imaging of the Hiatal Hernia, 421
Abdomen without Contrast Media, 380 Dysautonomia, 422
Indications for Ultrasonography of the Stomach and E S O P H A G E A L O B S T R U C T I O N , 423
Small Intestines, 381 Vascular Ring Anomalies, 423
Indications for Contrast-Enhanced Gastrograms, 383 Esophageal Foreign Objects, 423
Indications for Contrast-Enhanced Studies of the Esophageal Cicatrix, 424
Small Intestine, 384 Esophageal Neoplasms, 425
Indications for Barium Contrast Enemas, 385 3 2 Disorders of the Stomach, 4 2 7
P E R I T O N E A L F L U I D A N A L Y S I S , 386 GASTRITIS, 4 2 7
D I G E S T I O N A N D A B S O R P T I O N TESTS, 386 Acute Gastritis, 4 2 7
S E R U M C O N C E N T R A T I O N S O F V I T A M I N S , 386 Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, 428
Chronic Gastritis, 428 Dietary-Responsive Disease, 457
Helicobacter-Associated Disease, 429 Sma// Intestinal Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 458
Physaloptera Rara, 430 Large Intestinal Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 459
Ollulanus Tricuspis, 430 Granulomatous Enteritis/Gastritis, 460
GASTRIC O U T F L O W OBSTRUCTION/GASTRIC Immunoproliferative Enteropathy in Basenjis, 460
STASIS, 430 Enteropathy in Chinese Shar-Peis, 460
Benign Muscular Pyloric Hypertrophy (Pyloric P R O T E I N - L O S I N G E N T E R O P A T H Y , 460
Stenosis), 430 Causes of Protein-Losing Enteropathy, 460
Gastric Antral Mucosal Hypertrophy, 432 Intestinal Lymphangiectasia, 461
Gastric Foreign Objects, 433 Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Soft-Coated Wheaten
Gastric Dilation/Volvulus, 433 Terriers, 461
Partial or Intermittent Gastric Volvulus, 435 F U N C T I O N A L I N T E S T I N A L DISEASE, 462
Idiopathic Gastric Hypomotility, 435 Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 462
Bilious Vomiting Syndrome, 436 I N T E S T I N A L O B S T R U C T I O N , 462
GASTROINTESTINAL ULCERATION/ Simple Intestinal Obstruction, 462
E R O S I O N , 436 Incarcerated Intestinal Obstruction, 463
I N F I L T R A T I V E G A S T R I C DISEASES, 438 Mesenteric Torsion/Volvulus, 463
Neoplasms, 438 Linear Foreign Objects, 463
Pythiosis, 438 Intussusception, 464
3 3 Disorders of the Intestinal Tract, 4 4 0 M I S C E L L A N E O U S I N T E S T I N A L DISEASES, 466
A C U T E D I A R R H E A , 441 Sriorf Bowel Syndrome, 466
Acute Enteritis, 441 N E O P L A S M S O F T H E S M A L L I N T E S T I N E , 467
Enterotoxemia, 442 Alimentary Lymphoma, 467
Dietary-Induced Diarrhea, 442 Intestinal Adenocarcinoma, 467
I N F E C T I O U S D I A R R H E A , 443 Intestinal Leiomyoma/Leiomyosarcoma, 468
Canine Parvoviral Enteritis, 443 I N F L A M M A T I O N O F T H E L A R G E INTESTINE, 468
Feline Parvoviral Enteritis, 445 Acufe Colitis/Proctitis, 468
Canine Coronaviral Enteritis, 446 Chronic Colitis, 468
Feline Coronaviral Enteritis, 446 INTUSSUSCEPTION/PROLAPSE OF T H E LARGE
Feline Leukemia Virus-Associated Panleukopenia I N T E S T I N E , 468
(Myeloblastopenia), 446 Cecocolic Intussusception, 468
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated ecra/ Prolapse, 468
Diarrhea, 446 N E O P L A S M S O F T H E L A R G E I N T E S T I N E , 469
Salmon Poisoning/Elokomin Fluke Fever, 446 Adenocarcinoma, 469
B A C T E R I A L DISEASES: C O M M O N Jtecta/ Pofyps, 469
Campylobacteriosis, 447 DISEASES, 470
Salmonellosis, 4 4 7 Pythiosis, 470
Clostridial Diseases, 448 P E R I N E A L / P E R I A N A L DISEASES, 470
Miscellaneous Bacteria, 449 Perineal Hernia, 470
Histoplasmosis, 449 Perianal Fistulae, 471
Protothecosis, 450 Ana/ Sacculitis, 471
A L I M E N T A R Y T R A C T PARASITES, 450 P E R I A N A L N E O P L A S M S , 472
Whipworms, 4 5 0 A n a / Sac (Apocrine Gland) Adenocarcinoma, 472
Roundworms, 452 Perianal Gland Tumors, 472
Hookworms, 453 C O N S T I P A T I O N , 472
Tapeworms, 453 Pelvic Canal Obstruction Caused by Malaligned
Strongyloidiasis, 453 Healing of Old Pelvic Fractures, 472
Coccidiosis, 454 Benign Rectal Stricture, 473
Cryptosporidia, 454 Dietary Indiscretion Leading to Constipation, 473
Giardiasis, 454 Idiopathic Megacolon, 473
Trichomoniasis, 456 3 4 Disorders of the Peritoneum, 4 7 6
Heterobilharzia, 4 5 6 I N F L A M M A T O R Y DISEASES, 476
M A L D I G E S T I V E D I S E A S E , 456 Septic Peritonitis, 476
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, 456 Sclerosing, Encapstdating Peritonitis, 479
M A L A B S O R P T I V E DISEASES, 457 H E M O A B D O M E N , 479
Antibiotic-Responsive Enteropathy, 4 5 7 Abdominal Hemangiosarcoma, 479
M I S C E L L A N E O U S P E R I T O N E A L D I S O R D E R S , 479 3 8 Hepatobiliary Diseases in the D o g , 541
Abdominal Carcinomatosis, 479 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 541
Mesothelioma, 480 C H R O N I C HEPATITIS, 541
Feline Infections Peritonitis, 480 Idiopathic Chronic Hepatitis, 543
Copper Storage Disease, 548
Infectious Causes of Chronic Hepatitis, 550
PART FOUR HEPATOBILIARY AND EXOCRINE Lobular Dissecting Hepatitis, 551
PANCREATIC DISORDERS, 485 Toxic Causes of Chronic Hepatitis, 551
Penny J. Watson and Susan E. Bunch
B I L I A R Y T R A C T D I S O R D E R S , 553
3 5 Clinical Manifestations of Hepatobiliary Cholangitis and Cholecystitis, 553
Disease, 4 8 5 Gallbladder Mucocele, 553
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 485 Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction, 554
A B D O M I N A L E N L A R G E M E N T , 485 Bile Peritonitis, 555
Organomegaly, 485 C O N G E N I T A L V A S C U L A R D I S O R D E R S , 556
Abdominal Effusion, 486 Congenital Vascular Disorders Associated with Low
Abdominal Muscular Hypotonia, 488 Portal Pressure: Congenital Portosystemic
F E C A L C O L O R , 488 Congenital Vascular Disorders Associated with High
H E P A T I C E N C E P H A L O P A T H Y , 491 Portal Pressure, 559
C O A G U L O P A T H I E S , 494 F O C A L H E P A T I C L E S I O N S , 561
P O L Y U R I A A N D P O L Y D I P S I A , 495 Abscesses, 561
3 6 Diagnostic Tests for the Hepatobiliary Nodular Hyperplasia, 562
System, 4 9 6 Neoplasia, 562
Tests to Assess Status of the Hepatobiliary D E R M A T I T I S , 564
System, 497 S E C O N D A R Y H E P A T O P A T H I E S , 565
Tests to Assess Function of the Hepatobiliary Hepatocyte Vacuolation, 565
System, 498 Hepatic Congestion/Edema, 566
Urinalysis, 502 Nonspecific Reactive Hepatitis, 566
Fecal Evaluation, 503 3 9 Treatment of Complications of Hepatic Disease
Abdominocentesis/Fluid Analysis, 503 a n d Failure, 5 6 9
Complete Blood Count, 503 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 569
Coagulation Tests, 504 H E P A T I C E N C E P H A L O P A T H Y , 569
D I A G N O S T I C I M A G I N G , 505 Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy, 569
Survey Radiography, 505 Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy, 572
Ultrasonography, 508 P O R T A L H Y P E R T E N S I O N , 573
Scintigraphy, 512 Splanchnic Congestion and Gastrointestinal
L I V E R BIOPSY, 513 Ulceration, 574
3 7 Hepatobiliary Diseases in the C a t , 5 2 0 Ascites, 575
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 520 C O A G U L O P A T H Y , 575
H E P A T I C LIPIDOSIS, 520 P R O T E I N - C A L O R I E M A L N U T R I T I O N , 577
Primary Hepatic Lipidosis, 520 4 0 The Exocrine Pancreas, 5 7 9
Secondary Hepatic Lipidosis, 521 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 579
Cholangitis, 527 Acute Pancreatitis, 580
Cholecystitis, 531 Chronic Pancreatitis, 593
Biliary Cysts, 532 E X O C R I N E P A N C R E A T I C I N S U F F I C I E N C Y , 596
E X T R A H E P A T I C BILE D U C T O B S T R U C T I O N , 532 Routine Clinical Pathology, 598
H E P A T I C A M Y L O I D O S I S , 532 Pancreatic Enzymes, 598
N E O P L A S I A , 534 Other Diagnostic Tests, 599
C O N G E N I T A L P O R T O S Y S T E M I C S H U N T S , 535 Drugs, 600
H E P A T O B I L I A R Y I N F E C T I O N S , 537 Diet, 600
T O X I C H E P A T O P A T H Y , 538 E X O C R I N E P A N C R E A T I C N E O P L A S I A , 601
S Y S T E M I C DISEASE, 539 P S E U D O C Y S T S , 601
I N I T I A L E V A L U A T I O N , 688
Gregory F. Grauer
P H A R M A C O L O G I C T E S T I N G , 689
41 Clinical Manifestations of U r i n a r y Disorders, 6 0 7 L O W E R M O T O R N E U R O N D I S O R D E R S , 689
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 607 U P P E R M O T O R N E U R O N D I S O R D E R S , 689
Pollakiuria and Dysuria-Stranguria, 607 R E F L E X D Y S S Y N E R G I A , 690
Urethral Obstruction, 607 F U N C T I O N A L U R E T H R A L O B S T R U C T I O N , 690
Urinary Tract Infection, 608 URETHRAL SPHINCTER M E C H A N I S M
Transitional Cell Carcinoma, 609 I N C O M P E T E N C E , 690
Urolithiasis, 609 D E T R U S O R H Y P E R C O N T R A C T I L I T Y , 691
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (LUTD), 610 C O N G E N I T A L D I S O R D E R S , 691
Hematuria, 611 A N A T O M I C U R E T H R A L O B S T R U C T I O N , 691
Distended Bladder, 615
Small or Normal-Sized Bladder, 615 PART SIX ENDOCRINE DISORDERS, 695
P O L Y D I P S I A A N D P O L Y U R I A , 616
Richard W. Nelson
A Z O T E M I A , 620 4 9 Disorders of the Hypothalamus a n d Pituitary
R E N O M E G A L Y , 622 Gland, 695
42 Diagnostic Tests for the U r i n a r y System, 6 2 3 P O L Y U R I A A N D P O L Y D I P S I A , 695
R E N A L E X C R E T O R Y F U N C T I O N , 623 D I A B E T E S INSIPIDUS, 697
Glomerular Filtration Rate, 623 Central Diabetes Insipidus, 697
Fractional Clearance, 624 Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, 697
Q U A N T I F I C A T I O N O F P R O T E I N U R I A , 625 Signalment, 697
D E P R I V A T I O N TEST, A N D R E S P O N S E T O Physical Examination, 697
E X O G E N O U S A N T I D I U R E T I C H O R M O N E , 626 Modified Water Deprivation Test, 699
B L A D D E R A N D U R E T H R A L F U N C T I O N , 627 Response to Desmopressin (dDAVP), 699
B A C T E R I A L ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY Random Plasma Osmolality, 700
T E S T I N G , 627 Additional Diagnostic Tests, 701
D I A G N O S T I C I M A G I N G , 628 P R I M A R Y ( P S Y C H O G E N I C ) P O L Y D I P S I A , 702
C Y S T O S C O P Y , 632 E N D O C R I N E A L O P E C I A , 702
R E N A L BIOPSY, 633 F E L I N E A C R O M E G A L Y , 706
43 Glomerulonephropathies, 6 3 7 Acromegaly versus Hyperadrenocorticism, 709
44 Acute Renal Failure a n d Chronic Kidney P I T U I T A R Y D W A R F I S M , 709
Disease, 6 4 5 Signalment, 710
A C U T E R E N A L F A I L U R E , 646 Clinical Signs, 710
Risk Factors for Acute Renal Damage/ 5 0 Disorders of the Parathyroid G l a n d , 7 1 5
Monitoring Patients at Risk for Acute Renal H Y P E R P A R A T H Y R O I D I S M , 715
Damage/Failure, 650 P R I M A R Y H Y P E R P A R A T H Y R O I D I S M , 715
C H R O N I C K I D N E Y DISEASE, 653 Signalment, 716
Staging Chronic Kidney Disease, 655 Clinical Signs, 716
45 U r i n a r y Tract Infections, 6 6 0 Physical Examination, 717
U R I N A R Y T R A C T I N F E C T I O N S , 660 P R I M A R Y H Y P O P A R A T H Y R O I D I S M , 720
Host Defense Mechanisms, 661 Signalment, 721
Complicated Versus Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Clinical Signs, 721
Infections, 662 Physical Examination, 721
Relapses Versus Reinfections, 662 51 Disorders of the Thyroid G l a n d , 7 2 4
46 C a n i n e Urolithiasis, 6 6 7 H Y P O T H Y R O I D I S M I N D O G S , 724
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 667 Dermatologic Signs, 726
M O N I T O R I N G T H E PATIENT W I T H Neuromuscular Signs, 727
U R O L I T H I A S I S , 676 Reproductive Signs, 729
47 Feline Lower U r i n a r y Tract Disease, 6 7 7 Miscellaneous Clinical Signs, 729
48 Disorders of Micturition, 6 8 4 Myxedema Coma, 729
P H Y S I O L O G Y O F M I C T U R I T I O N , 684 Cretinism, 729
D I S T E N D E D B L A D D E R , 685 Autoimmune Polyendocrine Syndromes, 730
Dermatohistopathologic Findings, 731 Diet, 789
Ultrasonographic Findings, 731 Identification and Control of Concurrent
Tests of Thyroid Gland Function, 731 Problems, 789
Factors Affecting Thyroid Gland Function Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs, 790
Tests, 737 Identifying Initial Insulin Requirements, 791
Diagnosis in a Previously Treated Dog, 741 Insulin Therapy During Surgery, 792
Diagnosis in Puppies, 741 Complications of Insulin Therapy, 792
Initial Therapy with Sodium Levothyroxine Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, 795
(Synthetic T4), 741 D I A B E T I C K E T O A C I D O S I S , 796
Response to Sodium Levothyroxine Therapy, 742 Fluid Therapy, 797
Failure to Respond to Sodium Levothyroxine Insulin Therapy, 800
Therapy, 742 Concurrent Illness, 802
Therapeutic Monitoring, 742 Complications of Therapy for Diabetic
Thyrotoxicosis, 743 Ketoacidosis, 802
H Y P O T H Y R O I D I S M I N C A T S , 744 I N S U L I N - S E C R E T I N G p - C E L L N E O P L A S I A , 802
H Y P E R T H Y R O I D I S M I N C A T S , 745 Signalment of Treatment, 803
Signalment, 747 Clinical Signs, 803
Clinical Signs, 747 Physical Examination, 803
Physical Examination, 748 Clinical Pathology, 803
C O M M O N C O N C U R R E N T P R O B L E M S , 749 Overview of Treatment, 805
C A N I N E T H Y R O I D N E O P L A S I A , 758 Perioperative Management of Dogs Undergoing
Surgery, 761 Surgery, 805
Megavoltage Irradiation, 761 Postoperative Complications, 805
Chemotherapy, 761 Medical Treatment for Chronic Hypoglycemia, 806
Radioactive Iodine, 761 G A S T R I N - S E C R E T I N G N E O P L A S I A , 807
Oral Antithyroid Drugs, 762 5 3 Disorders of the A d r e n a l G l a n d , 8 1 0
5 2 Disorders of the Endocrine Pancreas, 7 6 4 H Y P E R A D R E N O C O R T I C I S M I N D O G S , 810
H Y P E R G L Y C E M I A , 764 Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism, 810
H Y P O G L Y C E M I A , 765 Adrenocortical Tumors, 810
D I A B E T E S M E L L I T U S I N D O G S , 767 Iatrogenic Hyperadrenocorticism, 812
Signalment, 767 Signalment, 812
History, 768 Clinical Signs, 812
Physical Examination, 768 Pituitary Macrotumor Syndrome, 814
Overview of Insulin Preparations, 769 Medical Complications: Pulmonary
Storage and Dilution of Insulin, 770 Thromboembolism, 814
Initial Insulin Recommendations for Diabetic Clinical Pathology, 815
Dogs, 771 Diagnostic Imaging, 815
Diet, 771 Tests of the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis, 818
Exercise, 772 Mitotane, 824
Identification and Control of Concurrent Trilostane, 827
Problems, 772 Ketoconazole, 828
Protocol for Identifying Initial Insulin L-Deprenyl, 828
Requirements, 773 Adrenalectomy, 828
History and Physical Examination, 774 Radiation Therapy, 829
Single Blood Glucose Determination, 774 ATYPICAL CUSHING'S SYNDROME IN
Serum Fructosamine Concentration, 774 D O G S , 830
Urine Glucose Monitoring, 775 H Y P E R A D R E N O C O R T I C I S M I N C A T S , 830
Serial Blood Glucose Curves, 775 Clinical Signs and Physical Examination
Insulin Therapy During Surgery, 778 Findings, 831
Complications of Insulin Therapy, 779 Clinical Pathology, 831
Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, 783 Diagnostic Imaging, 831
D I A B E T E S M E L L I T U S I N CATS, 785 Tests of the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis, 831
Signalment, 786 H Y P O A D R E N O C O R T I C I S M , 836
History, 786 Signalment, 836
Physical Examination, 787 Clinical Signs and Physical Examination
Initial Insulin Recommendations for Diabetic Findings, 837
Cats, 788 Clinical Pathology, 837
Electrocardiography, 838 ESTRUS S U P P R E S S I O N , C O N T R A C E P T I O N , A N D
Diagnostic Imaging, 838 P O P U L A T I O N C O N T R O L , 904
Therapy for Acute Addisonian Crisis, 839 Surgical Methods, 904
Maintenance Therapy for Primary Adrenal Non-surgical Methods for Contraception or
Insufficiency, 840 Sterilization, 905
A T Y P I C A L H Y P O A D R E N O C O R T I C I S M , 841 Contraception, 906
P H E O C H R O M O C Y T O M A , 842 O V A R I A N R E M N A N T S Y N D R O M E , 907
I N C I D E N T A L A D R E N A L M A S S , 844 O V A R I A N N E O P L A S I A , 907
I N D U C T I O N , 907
DISORDERS, 851 The Bitch, 908
5 7 Disorders of the V a g i n a a n d Uterus, 911
Richard W. Nelson, Sean J. Delaney,
and Denise A. Elliott
D I S C H A R G E , 911
54 Disorders of M e t a b o l i s m , 851 Hemorrhagic Vulvar Discharge, 911
P O L Y P H A G I A W I T H W E I G H T LOSS, 851 Mucoid Vulvar Discharge, 912
OBESITY, 852 Exudate, 912
H Y P E R L I P I D E M I A , 858 Abnormal Cells, 912
5 5 Electrolyte Imbalances, 864 A N O M A L I E S OF T H E VULVA, VESTIBULE, A N D
H Y P E R N A T R E M I A , 864 V A G I N A , 913
H Y P O N A T R E M I A , 866 C L I T O R A L H Y P E R T R O P H Y , 915
H Y P E R K A L E M I A , 867 V A G I N I T I S , 915
H Y P O K A L E M I A , 871 Prepubertal Bitch, 916
H Y P E R C A L C E M I A , 872 Mature Bitch, 916
H Y P O C A L C E M I A , 876 Chronic, Nonresponsive Vaginitis, 917
H Y P E R P H O S P H A T E M I A , 878 NEOPLASIA, 917
H Y P O P H O S P H A T E M I A , 879 V A G I N A L H Y P E R P L A S I A / P R O L A P S E , 918
H Y P O M A G N E S E M I A , 880 D I S O R D E R S O F T H E U T E R U S , 919
M U C O M E T R A , A N D P Y O M E T R A , 920
Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia, 920
DISORDERS, 885 Pyometra, 921
5 8 False Pregnancy, Disorders of Pregnancy a n d
Cheri A. Johnson
Parturition, a n d M i s m a t i n g , 9 2 6
56 Disorders of the Estrous C y c l e , 8 8 5 F A L S E P R E G N A N C Y , 926
The Bitch, 885 P A R T U R I T I O N , 927
The Queen, 889 Fecundity, 928
D I A G N O S T I C TESTS F O R T H E R E P R O D U C T I V E Pregnancy Diagnosis, 928
T R A C T , 891 Gestation Length, 930
Vaginal Cytology, 891 Parturition, 930
Vaginoscopy, 892 Predicting Labor, 930
Vaginal Bacterial Cultures, 893 Stages of Labor, 931
Virology, 894 D Y S T O C I A , 931
Assessment of Reproductive Hormones, 894 P R E G N A N C Y LOSS, 935
Diagnostic Imaging, 897 Mycoplasma, 935
Karyotyping, 898 Brucella Canis, 936
Laparoscopy and Celiotomy, 899 Herpes Virus, 938
F E M A L E INFERTILITY, 899 Other Causes of Pregnancy Loss, 939
Failure to Cycle, 9 0 0 O T H E R P R E G N A N C Y D I S O R D E R S , 940
Prolonged Interestrous Interval, 900 M I S M A T I N G ( A B O R T I F A C I E N T S ) , 940
Short Interestrous Interval, 902 Estrogens, 941
Abnormal Proestrus and Estrus, 902 Prostaglandins, 941
Normal Cycles, 903 Alternative Treatments, 942
5 9 Postpartum a n d M a m m a r y Disorders, 9 4 4 C H R O N I C B A C T E R I A L PROSTATITIS, 979
P O S T P A R T U M D I S O R D E R S , 944 P A R A P R O S T A T I C C Y S T S , 979
Metritis, 944 P R O S T A T I C N E O P L A S I A , 980
Puerperal Hypocalcemia (Puerperal Tetany,
Eclampsia), 945
Subinvolution of Placental Sites, 946 PART NINE NEUROMUSCULAR
D I S O R D E R S O F M A M M A R Y G L A N D s , 946 DISORDERS, 983
Mastitis, 946
Susan A/I. Taylor
Galactostasis, 946
Agalactia, 947 6 3 Lesion Localization a n d the Neurologic
Galactorrhea, 947 Examination, 9 8 3
Feline Mammary Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy, 947 FUNCTIONAL A N A T O M Y OF T H E NERVOUS
Mammary Duct Ectosia, 947 S Y S T E M A N D L E S I O N L O C A L I Z A T I O N , 983
Mammary Neoplasia, 947 Brain, 983
6 0 Disorders of M a l e Fertility, 9 5 0 Spinal Cord, 985
N O R M A L SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT A N D Neuromuscular System, 987
B E H A V I O R , 950 Neurologic Control of Micturition, 988
Development, 950 S C R E E N I N G N E U R O L O G I C E X A M I N A T I O N , 988
Breeding Behavior, 951 Mental State, 988
D I A G N O S T I C T E C H N I Q U E S T O ASSESS Posture, 989
R E P R O D U C T I V E F U N C T I O N , 953 Gait, 990
Semen Collection and Evaluation, 953 Postural Reactions, 992
Bacterial Culture of Semen, 957 Muscle Size/Tone, 994
Diagnostic Imaging, 958 Spinal Reflexes, 994
Hormonal Evaluation, 958 Sensory Evaluation, 997
Testicular Aspiration and Biopsy, 960 Pain/Hyperpathia, 997
D I A G N O S T I C A P P R O A C H T O INFERTILITY, 961 Urinary Tract Function, 1000
O L I G O Z O O S P E R M I A A N D A Z O O S P E R M I A , 962 Cranial Nerves, 1000
C O N G E N I T A L INFERTILITY, 964 Lesion Localization, 1004
A C Q U I R E D INFERTILITY, 964 D I A G N O S T I C A P P R O A C H , 1005
61 Disorders of the Penis, Prepuce, a n d Testes, 9 6 6 A n i m a l History, 1005
P E N I L E D I S O R D E R S , 966 Disease Onset and Progression, 1005
Penile Trauma, 966 Systemic Signs, 1006
Priapism, 966 6 4 Diagnostic Tests for the Neuromuscular
Miscellaneous Disorders, 967 System, 1 0 0 7
Persistent Penile Frenulum, 968 M I N I M U M D A T A B A S E , 1007
P R E P U T I A L D I S O R D E R S , 969 O T H E R R O U T I N E L A B O R A T O R Y TESTS, 1008
Balanoposthitis, 969 I M M U N O L O G Y , SEROLOGY, A N D
Paraphimosis, 969 M I C R O B I O L O G Y , 1008
Phimosis, 970 R A D I O G R A P H Y , 1008
T E S T I C U L A R D I S O R D E R S , 970 Radiographs, 1008
Cryptorchidism, 970 CEREBROSPINAL FLUID C O L L E C T I O N A N D
Testicular Neoplasia, 971 A N A L Y S I S , 1008
Orchitis and Epididymitis, 972 Indications, 1008
Torsion of the Spermatic Cord, 973 Contraindications, 1008
Miscellaneous Testicular and Scrotal Technique, 1009
Disorders, 97A Analysis, 1010
6 2 Disorders of the Prostate G l a n d , 9 7 5 A D V A N C E D D I A G N O S T I C I M A G I N G , 1011
O V E R V I E W O F P R O S T A T I C DISEASE, 975 Myelography, 1011
DIAGNOSTIC E V A L U A T I O N OF T H E PROSTATE Ultrasonography, 1013
G L A N D , 975 Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance
B E N I G N P R O S T A T I C H Y P E R P L A S I A , 976 Imaging, 1013
PROSTATE, 978 Electromyography, 1014
A C U T E B A C T E R I A L PROSTATITIS A N D Nerve Conduction Velocities, 1014
PROSTATIC ABSCESS, 978 Electroretinography, 1014
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response, 1014 D I A G N O S T I C E V A L U A T I O N , 1040
Electroencephalography, 1014 A N T I C O N V U L S A N T T H E R A P Y , 1042
B I O P S Y O F M U S C L E A N D N E R V E , 1015 A N T I C O N V U L S A N T D R U G S , 1043
Muscle Biopsy, 1015 Phenobarbital, 1043
Nerve Biopsy, 1016 Potassium Bromide, 1044
6 5 Intracranial Disorders, 1 0 1 9 Diazepam, 1044
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1019 Clorazepate, 1045
A B N O R M A L M E N T A T I O N , 1019 Felbamate, 1045
Intoxications, 1019 Gabapentin, 1045
Metabolic Encephalopathies, 1020 Zonisamide, 1045
Diagnostic Approach to Animals with Intracranial Levitiracetam, 1045
Disease, 1020 A L T E R N A T I V E T H E R A P I E S , 1045
I N T R A C R A N I A L D I S O R D E R S , 1020 E M E R G E N C Y T H E R A P Y F O R D O G S A N D CATS
Head Trauma, 1020 I N STATUS E P I L E P T I C U S , 1046
Vascular Accidents, 1021 6 8 H e a d Tilt, 1 0 4 7
Feline Ischemic Encephalopathy, 1021 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1047
Hydrocephalus, 1022 L O C A L I Z A T I O N O F T H E L E S I O N , 1047
Lissencephaly, 1023 Peripheral and Central Vestibular Disease, 1047
Thiamine Deficiency, 1023 Peripheral Vestibular Disease, 1047
Inflammatory Diseases (Encephalitis), 1023 Central Vestibular Disease, 1048
Inherited Degenerative Disorders, 1023 Paradoxical Vestibular Disease, 1049
Geriatric Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, 1023 P E R I P H E R A L V E S T I B U L A R DISEASE, 1049
Neoplasia, 1023 Disorders Causing Peripheral Vestibular
H Y P E R M E T R I A , 1024 Signs, 1049
Congenital Malformations, 1025 BILATERAL PERIPHERAL VESTIBULAR
Cerebellar Cortical Degeneration (Abiotrophy), 1025 DISEASE, 1052
Neuroaxonal Dystrophy, 1025 C E N T R A L V E S T I B U L A R DISEASE, 1052
Brain Cysts, 1025 Metronidazole Toxicity, 1052
T R E M O R S , 1025 A C U T E V E S T I B U L A R A T T A C K S , 1053
D Y S K I N E S I A S , 1026 6 9 Encephalitis, Myelitis, a n d Meningitis, 1 0 5 4
6 6 Loss of Vision a n d Pupillary Abnormalities, 1 0 2 7 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1054
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1027 N E C K P A I N , 1054
Vision, 1027 D I S O R D E R S , 1055
Menace Response, 1027 Steroid-Responsive Meningitis-Arteritis, 1055
Pupillary Light Reflex, 1027 Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis, 1056
Dazzle Reflex, 1028 Necrotizing Meningoencephalitis, 1057
Pupil Size and Symmetry, 1028 Feline Polioencephalomyelitis, 1058
Disorders of Eyeball Position and Movement, 1029 I N F E C T I O U S I N F L A M M A T O R Y D I S O R D E R S , 1058
Lacrimal Gland Function, 1029 Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
LOSS O F V I S I O N , 1030 Encephalopathy, 1058
Lesions of the Retina, Optic Disk, and Optic Bacterial Meningoencephalomyelitis, 1058
Nerve, 1030 Canine Distemper Virus, 1059
Lesions of the Optic Chiasm, 1031 Rabies, 1060
Lesions Caudal to the Optic Chiasm, 1031 Feline Infectious Peritonitis, 1061
H O R N E R ' S S Y N D R O M E , 1032 Toxoplasmosis, 1061
P R O T R U S I O N O F T H E T H I R D E Y E L I D , 1033 Neosporosis, 1062
6 7 Seizures, 1 0 3 6 Lyme Disease, 1062
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1036 Mycotic Infections, 1063
S E I Z U R E D E S C R I P T I O N S , 1036 Rickettsial Diseases, 1063
SEIZURE CLASSIFICATION A N D Parasitic Meningitis, Myelitis, and
L O C A L I Z A T I O N , 1037 Encephalitis, 1063
D I F F E R E N T I A L D I A G N O S I S , 1038 7 0 Disorders of the Spinal C o r d , 1 0 6 5
Idiopathic Epilepsy, 1039 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1065
Intracranial Disease, 1039 L O C A L I Z I N G S P I N A L C O R D L E S I O N S , 1066
Probable Symptomatic Epilepsy, 1039 C1-C5 Lesions, 1066
Extracranial Disease, 1039 C6-T2 Lesions, 1067
L4-S3 Lesions, 1067 T O N E , 1115
Diagnostic Approach, 1067 Opisthotonus and Tetanus, 1115
A C U T E S P I N A L C O R D D Y S F U N C T I O N , 1068 Myoclonus, 1116
Trauma, 1068
Hemorrhage/Infarction, 1070
Acute Intervertebral Disk Disease, 1071 PART TEN JOINT DISORDERS, 1119
Fibrocartilaginous Embolism, 1077
Susan A/I. Taylor
Atlantoaxial Instability, 1078
Neoplasia, 1078 7 3 Clinical Manifestations of a n d Diagnostic Tests for
PROGRESSIVE SPINAL C O R D Joint Disorders, 1 1 1 9
D Y S F U N C T I O N , 1078 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1119
Subacute Progressive Disorders, 1078 C L I N I C A L M A N I F E S T A T I O N S , 1119
Chronic Progressive Disorders, 1079 D I A G N O S T I C A P P R O A C H , 1119
Progressive Disorders in Young Animals, 1089 D I A G N O S T I C TESTS, 1121
Nonprogressive Disorders in Young Minimum Database, 1121
Animals, 1090 Radiography, 1121
71 Disorders of Peripheral Nerves a n d the Synovial Fluid Collection and Analysis, 1122
Neuromuscular Junction, 1 0 9 2 Synovial Fluid Culture, 1124
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1092 Synovial Membrane Biopsy, 1125
F O C A L N E U R O P A T H I E S , 1092 Immunologic and Serologic Tests, 1125
Traumatic Neuropathies, 1092 7 4 Disorders of the Joints, 1 1 2 7
Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors, 1093 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1127
Facial Nerve Paralysis, 1095 N O N I N F L A M M A T O R Y J O I N T DISEASE, 1127
Trigeminal Nerve Paralysis, 1096 Degenerative Joint Disease, 1127
Hyperchylomicronemia, 1097 INFECTIOUS I N F L A M M A T O R Y JOINT
Ischemic Neuromyopathy, 1097 DISEASES, 1129
P O L Y N E U R O P A T H I E S , 1098 Septic (Bacterial) Arthritis, 1129
Congenital/Inherited Polyneuropathies, 1098 Mycoplasma Polyarthritis, 1131
Acquired Chronic Polyneuropathies, 1098 Bacterial L Form-Associated Arthritis, 1131
Acquired Acute Polyneuropathies, 1101 Rickettsial Polyarthritis, 1132
DISORDERS OF T H E N E U R O M U S C U L A R Lyme Disease, 1132
J U N C T I O N , 1102 Leishmaniasis, 1133
Tick Paralysis, 1102 Fungal Arthritis, 1133
Botulism, 1104 Viral Arthritis, 1133
Myasthenia Gravis, 1104 N O N I N F E C T I O U S POLYARTHRITIS:
D Y S A U T O N O M I A , 1107 N O N E R O S I V E , 1133
7 2 Disorders of Muscle, 1 1 0 8 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Induced
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1108 Polyarthritis, 1133
E X E R C I S E I N T O L E R A N C E , 1108 Reactive Polyarthritis, 1134
I N F L A M M A T O R Y M Y O P A T H I E S , 1109 Idiopathic, Immune-Mediated, Nonerosive
Masticatory Myositis, 1109 Polyarthritis, 1135
Extraocular Myositis, 1110 Breed-Specific Polyarthritis Syndromes, 1137
Canine Idiopathic Polymyositis, 1111 Familial Chinese Shar-Pei Fever, 1137
Feline Idiopathic Polymyositis, 1111 Lymphoplasmacytic Synovitis, 1137
Dermatomyositis, 1112 N O N I N F E C T I O U S POLYARTHRITIS: EROSIVE, 1138
Protozoal Myositis, 1112 Canine Rheumatoid-like Polyarthritis, 1138
A C Q U I R E D M E T A B O L I C M Y O P A T H I E S , 1112 Erosive Polyarthritis of Greyhounds, 1139
Glucocorticoid Excess, 1112 Fe/ine Chronic Progressive Polyarthritis, 1140
Hypothyroidism, 1113
Hypokalemic Polymyopathy, 1113
Muscular Dystrophy, 1113
C. Guillermo Couto
Centronuclear Myopathy of Labrador
Retrievers, 1114 7 5 Cytology, 1 1 4 3
Myotonia, 1115 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1143
Inherited Metabolic Myopathies, 1115 F I N E - N E E D L E A S P I R A T I O N , 1143
I M P R E S S I O N S M E A R S , 1144 M A S T C E L L T U M O R S I N D O G S A N D CATS, 1200
S T A I N I N G O F C Y T O L O G I C S P E C I M E N S , 1144 Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs, 1200
INTERPRETATION OF CYTOLOGIC Mast Cell Tumors in Cats, 1203
S P E C I M E N S , 1144 I N J E C T I O N SITE S A R C O M A S I N C A T S , 1203
Normal Tissues, 1144
Hyperplastic Processes, 1145
Inflammatory Processes, 1145 PART TWELVE HEMATOLOGY, 1209
Malignant Cells, 1145
C. Guillermo Couto
Lymph Nodes, 1148
76 Principles of C a n c e r Treatment, 1 1 5 0 83 Anemia, 1209
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1150 D E F I N I T I O N , 1209
O W N E R - R E L A T E D F A C T O R S , 1150 E V A L U A T I O N , 1209
77 Practical Chemotherapy, 1 1 5 3 A N E M I C PATIENT, 1212
C E L L A N D T U M O R K I N E T I C S , 1153 R E G E N E R A T I V E A N E M I A S , 1213
B A S I C P R I N C I P L E S O F C H E M O T H E R A P Y , 1153 Blood Loss Anemia, 1213
C H E M O T H E R A P Y , 1155 N O N R E G E N E R A T I V E A N E M I A S , 1217
M E C H A N I S M OF ACTION OF ANTICANCER Anemia of Chronic Disease, 1218
D R U G S , 1156 Bone Marrow Disorders, 1218
T Y P E S O F A N T I C A N C E R D R U G S , 1156 Anemia of Renal Disease, 1220
SAFE H A N D L I N G O F A N T I C A N C E R Acute and Peracute Blood Loss or Hemolysis (First
D R U G S , 1157 48 to 96 Hours), 1220
78 Complications of C a n c e r Chemotherapy, 1 1 5 9 S E M I R E G E N E R A T I V E A N E M I A S , 1220
G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1159 Iron Deficiency Anemia, 1220
H E M A T O L O G I C T O X I C I T Y , 1159 P R I N C I P L E S O F T R A N S F U S I O N T H E R A P Y , 1221
G A S T R O I N T E S T I N A L T O X I C I T Y , 1163 Blood Groups, 1222
H Y P E R S E N S I T I V I T Y R E A C T I O N S , 1163 Cross-Matching and Blood Typing, 1222
D E R M A T O L O G I C T O X I C I T Y , 1164 Blood Administration, 1222
P A N C R E A T I T I S , 1165 Complications of Transfusion Therapy, 1223
C A R D I O T O X I C I T Y , 1166 8 4 Erythrocytosis, 1 2 2 5
U R O T O X I C I T Y , 1166 D E F I N I T I O N A N D C L A S S I F I C A T I O N , 1225
H E P A T O T O X I C I T Y , 1167 8 5 Leukopenia a n d Leukocytosis, 1 2 2 8
N E U R O T O X I C I T Y , 1167 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1228
A C U T E T U M O R LYSIS S Y N D R O M E , 1167 P H Y S I O L O G Y , 1228
79 A p p r o a c h to the Patient with a M a s s , 1 1 6 9 L E U K O C Y T E C H A N G E S I N DISEASE, 1229
A P P R O A C H TO T H E CAT OR D O G W I T H A Neutropenia, 1229
S O L I T A R Y M A S S , 1169 Neutrophilia, 1231
A P P R O A C H TO T H E CAT OR D O G W I T H A Eosinopenia, 1232
M E T A S T A T I C L E S I O N , 1170 Eosinophilia, 1232
A P P R O A C H TO T H E CAT OR D O G W I T H A Basophilia, 1233
M E D I A S T I N A L M A S S , 1171 Monocytosis, 1233
80 Lymphoma in the C a t a n d D o g , 1 1 7 4 Lymphopenia, 1234
81 Leukemics, 1 1 8 7 Lymphocytosis, 1235
D E F I N I T I O N S A N D C L A S S I F I C A T I O N , 1187 8 6 C o m b i n e d Cytopenias a n d
L E U K E M I A S I N D O G S , 1188 Leukoerythroblastosis, 1 2 3 6
Acute Leukemias, 1188 D E F I N I T I O N S A N D C L A S S I F I C A T I O N , 1236
Chronic Leukemias, 1190 C L I N I C O P A T H O L O G I C F E A T U R E S , 1236
L E U K E M I A S I N C A T S , 1192 8 7 Disorders of Hemostasis, 1 2 4 2
Acute Leukemias, 1192 G E N E R A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S , 1242
Chronic Leukemias, 1193 P H Y S I O L O G Y O F H E M O S T A S I S , 1242
82 Selected Neoplasms in Dogs a n d Cats, 1 1 9 5 CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF SPONTANEOUS
H E M A N G I O S A R C O M A I N D O G S , 1195 B L E E D I N G D I S O R D E R S , 1243
C A T S , 1197 B L E E D I N G PATIENT, 1244
PATIENT, 1247 R E S P I R A T O R Y T R A C T I N F E C T I O N S , 1299
P R I M A R Y H E M O S T A T I C D E F E C T S , 1248 S K I N A N D S O F T T I S S U E I N F E C T I O N S , 1300
Thrombocytopenia, 1248 U R O G E N I T A L T R A C T I N F E C T I O N S , 1300
Platelet Dysfunction, 1250 94 Prevention of Infectious Diseases, 1 3 0 2
Congenital Clotting Factor Deficiencies, 1252 A N I M A L H O S P I T A L S , 1302
Vitamin K Deficiency, 1253 General Biosecurity Guidelines, 1302
MIXED (COMBINED) HEMOSTATIC Patient Evaluation, 1303
D E F E C T S , 1253 Hospitalized Patients, 1303
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, 1253 Basic Disinfection Protocols, 1304
T H R O M B O S I S , 1257 B I O S E C U R I T Y P R O C E D U R E S F O R C L I E N T S , 1304
88 Lymphadenopathy a n d Splenomegaly, 1 2 6 0 V A C C I N A T I O N P R O T O C O L S , 1304
A P P L I E D A N A T O M Y A N D H I S T O L O G Y , 1260 Vaccine Types, 1304
F U N C T I O N , 1260 Vaccine Selection, 1305
L Y M P H A D E N O P A T H Y , 1260 Vaccination Protocols for Cats, 1306
S P L E N O M E G A L Y , 1264 Vaccination Protocols for Dogs, 1308
A P P R O A C H T O PATIENTS W I T H 95 Polysystemic Bacterial Diseases, 1311
S P L E N O M E G A L Y , 1266 F E L I N E B A R T O N E L L O S I S , 1312
89 Hyperproteinemia, 1271 96 Polysystemic Rickettsial Diseases, 1 3 2 2
90 Fever of Undetermined O r i g i n , 1 2 7 4 CANINE GRANULOCYTOTROPIC
F E V E R , 1274 A N A P L A S M O S I S , 1322
F E V E R O F U N D E T E R M I N E D O R I G I N , 1274 FELINE G R A N U L O C Y T O T R O P I C
Disorders Associated with Fever of Undetermined A N A P L A S M O S I S , 1324
Diagnostic Approach to the Patient with Fever of A N A P L A S M O S I S , 1324
Undetermined Origin, 1275 CANINE MONOCYTOTROPIC
91 Recurrent Infections, 1 2 7 8 E H R L I C H I O S I S , 1325
E H R L I C H I O S I S , 1329
E H R L I C H I O S I S , 1330
Michael R. Lappin
R O C K Y M O U N T A I N S P O T T E D F E V E R , 1330
9 2 Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, 1281 O T H E R R I C K E T T S I A L I N F E C T I O N S , 1332
D E M O N S T R A T I O N O F T H E O R G A N I S M , 1281 97 Polysystemic V i r a l Diseases, 1 3 3 6
Fecal Examination, 1281 C A N I N E D I S T E M P E R V I R U S , 1336
Cytology, 1284 F E L I N E C O R O N A V I R U S , 1338
Tissue Techniques, 1286 F E L I N E I M M U N O D E F I C I E N C Y V I R U S , 1342
Culture Techniques, 1287 F E L I N E L E U K E M I A V I R U S , 1345
Immunologic Techniques, 1287 98 Polysystemic Mycotic Infections, 1 3 5 0
Polymerase Chain Reaction, 1288 B L A S T O M Y C O S I S , 1350
Animal Inoculation, 1289 C O C C I D I O I D O M Y C O S I S , 1353
Electron Microscopy, 1289 C R Y P T O C O C C O S I S , 1354
A N T I B O D Y D E T E C T I O N , 1289 H I S T O P L A S M O S I S , 1356
Serum, 1289 99 Polysystemic Protozoal Infections, 1 3 6 0
Body Fluids, 1290 BABESIOSIS, 1360
9 3 Practical Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 1291 C Y T A U X Z O O N O S I S , 1361
A N A E R O B I C I N F E C T I O N S , 1294 H E P A T O Z O O N O S I S , 1362
E N D O C A R D I T I S , 1297 N E O S P O R O S I S , 1364
C E N T R A L N E R V O U S S Y S T E M I N F E C T I O N S , 1297 F E L I N E T O X O P L A S M O S I S , 1366
I N F E C T I O N S , 1297 A M E R I C A N T R Y P A N O S O M I A S I S , 1369
100 Zoonoses, 1 3 7 4 Megakaryocyte Direct Immunofluorescence, 1395
E N T E R I C Z O O N O S E S , 1374 Antinuclear Antibody Test, 1395
Nematodes, 1374 Lupus Erythematosus Test, 1395
Cestodes, 1377 Rheumatoid Factor, 1395
Coccidians, 1377 Immunofluorescence and
Flagellates, Amoeba, and Ciliates, 1379 Immunohistochemistry, 1395
Bacteria, 1379 Autoimmune Panels, 1396
BITE, S C R A T C H , O R E X U D A T E E X P O S U R E 1 0 3 Treatment of Primary Immune-Mediated
Z O O N O S E S , 1379 Diseases, 1 3 9 8
Bacteria, 1379 P R I N C I P L E S O F T R E A T M E N T OF I M M U N E -
Fungi, 1382 M E D I A T E D DISEASES, 1398
Z O O N O S E S , 1382 G L U C O C O R T I C O I D S , 1399
Bacteria, 1382 A Z A T H I O P R I N E , 1401
Viruses, 1383 C Y C L O P H O S P H A M I D E , 1401
Z O O N O S E S , 1383 C Y C L O S P O R I N E , 1402
S H A R E D V E C T O R Z O O N O S E S , 1384 V I N C R I S T I N E , 1402
S H A R E D E N V I R O N M E N T Z O O N O S E S , 1384 D A N A Z O L , 1405
I M M U N O G L O B U L I N , 1405
DISORDERS, 1389 S P L E N E C T O M Y , 1406
1 0 4 C o m m o n Immune-Mediated Diseases, 1 4 0 7
J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff
101 Pathogenesis of Immune-Mediated A N E M I A , 1407
Disorders, 1 3 8 9 P U R E R E D C E L L A P L A S I A , 1414
D E F I N I T I O N , 1389 T H R O M B O C Y T O P E N I A , 1416
I M M U N O P A T H O L O G I C M E C H A N I S M S , 1389 I M M U N E - M E D I A T E D N E U T R O P E N I A , 1419
D I S O R D E R S , 1390 P O L Y A R T H R I T I S , 1419
M E D I A T E D D I S O R D E R S , 1392 G L O M E R U L O N E P H R I T I S , 1423
D I S O R D E R S , 1392 I M M U N E - M E D I A T E D MYOSITIS, 1425
102 Diagnostic Testing for Autoimmune Disease, 1 3 9 3 Masticatory Myositis, 1425
C L I N I C A L D I A G N O S T I C A P P R O A C H , 1393 Polymyositis, 1426
S P E C I F I C D I A G N O S T I C TESTS, 1393 Dermatomyositis, 1427
Coombs Test (Direct Antiglobulin Test), 1393
Slide Agglutination Test, 1394
Antiplatelet Antibodies, 1394 Index, 1429
W e n d y A. Ware

C H A P T E R 1

Clinical Manifestations
of Cardiac Disease

filling (venous) pressures. M o s t clinical signs of heart failure

(Box 1-1) relate to high venous pressure behind the heart
(congestive signs) or inadequate b l o o d flow out of the heart
(low output signs). Congestive signs associated with right-
sided heart failure stem from systemic venous hypertension
Weakness and Exercise Intolerance
and the resulting increases i n systemic capillary pressure.
Congestion behind the left side of the heart produces
Cough and Other Respiratory Signs
pulmonary venous hypertension and edema. Biventricular
failure develops i n some animals. C h r o n i c left-sided conges
Observation of Respiratory Pattern
tive heart failure can facilitate the development of right-
Mucous Membranes
sided signs when pulmonary arterial pressure rises secondary
Jugular Veins
to pulmonary venous hypertension. Signs of low cardiac
Arterial Pulses
output are similar regardless of w h i c h ventricle is primarily
affected, because output from the left heart is coupled to that
Evaluation for Fluid Accumulation
from the right heart. Heart failure is discussed further in
Chapter 3 and w i t h i n the context of specific diseases.


Cardiac output often becomes inadequate for the level of
Signs of heart disease can be apparent even i f the animal activity i n animals w i t h heart disease or failure. Impaired
is not clinically i n "heart failure." Objective signs of heart skeletal muscle perfusion during exercise, related to vascular
disease include cardiac murmurs, rhythm disturbances, and metabolic changes that occur over time, can reduce exer
jugular pulsations, and cardiac enlargement. Other clinical cise tolerance. Increased pulmonary vascular pressures and
signs that can result from heart disease include syncope, edema also lead to poor exercise tolerance. Episodes of exer
excessively weak or strong arterial pulses, cough or respira tional weakness or collapse can relate to these changes or to
tory difficulty, exercise intolerance, abdominal distention, an acute decrease i n cardiac output caused by arrhythmias
and cyanosis. However, noncardiac diseases can cause these (Box 1-2).
signs as well. Further evaluation using thoracic radiography,
electrocardiography ( E C G ) , echocardiography, and some SYNCOPE
times other tests is usually indicated when signs suggestive Transient unconsciousness associated w i t h loss of postural
of cardiovascular disease are present. tone (collapse) from insufficient oxygen or glucose delivery
to the brain characterizes the clinical sign of syncope. Various
cardiac and noncardiac abnormalities can cause syncope, as
SIGNS OF HEART FAILURE well as intermittent weakness (see Box 1-2). Syncope can be
confused w i t h seizure episodes (Fig. 1-1). A careful descrip
Cardiac failure occurs when the heart cannot adequately tion of the animal's behavior or activity before the collapse
meet the body's circulatory needs or can do so only with high event, during the event itself, and following the collapse, as
BOX 1-1 BOX 1-2

C l i n i c a l Signs o f Heart Failure Causes o f Syncope or Intermittent Weakness

Congestive SignsLeft (T Left Heart Filling Pressure) Cardiovascular Causes

Pulmonary venous congestion B r a d y a r r h y t h m i a s (second- or third-degree A V block, sinus

P u l m o n a r y e d e m a (causes c o u g h , t a c h y p n e a , T r e s p i r a t o r y arrest, sick sinus s y n d r o m e , atrial standstill)
effort, o r t h o p n e a , p u l m o n a r y c r a c k l e s , tiring, hemopty T a c h y a r r h y t h m i a s ( p a r o x y s m a l atrial o r ventricular tachy
sis, cyanosis) c a r d i a , reentrant supraventricular tachycardia, atrial
S e c o n d a r y right-sided heart failure fibrillation)
C a r d i a c arrhythmias C o n g e n i t a l ventricular outflow obstruction (pulmonic steno
sis, s u b a o r t i c stenosis)
Congestive SignsRight ( Right Heart Filling Pressure)
A c q u i r e d ventricular outflow obstruction (heartworm d i s e a s e
Systemic v e n o u s c o n g e s t i o n (causes T central v e n o u s pres a n d other c a u s e s of p u l m o n a r y h y p e r t e n s i o n , hypertro
sure, jugular vein distention) phic obstructive c a r d i o m y o p a t h y , i n t r a c a r d i a c tumor,
H e p a t i c splenic c o n g e s t i o n thrombus)
Pleural effusion (causes T r e s p i r a t o r y effort, o r t h o p n e a , c y a C y a n o t i c heart d i s e a s e (tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary
nosis) hypertension a n d " r e v e r s e d " shunt)
Ascites Impaired f o r w a r d c a r d i a c output (severe valvular insuffi
S m a l l p e r i c a r d i a l effusion c i e n c y , d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a t h y , m y o c a r d i a l infarction
Subcutaneous e d e m a or inflammation)
C a r d i a c arrhythmias Impaired c a r d i a c filling (e.g., c a r d i a c t a m p o n a d e , constric
tive p e r i c a r d i t i s , h y p e r t r o p h i c or restrictive c a r d i o m y
Low Output Signs
opathy, i n t r a c a r d i a c tumor, thrombus)
Tiring C a r d i o v a s c u l a r drugs (diuretics, vasodilators)
Exertional w e a k n e s s N e u r o c a r d i o g e n i c reflexes ( v a s o v a g a l , cough-syncope,
Syncope other situational syncope)
Prerenal a z o t e m i a
Pulmonary Causes
C y a n o s i s (from p o o r p e r i p h e r a l circulation)
C a r d i a c arrhythmias Diseases causing h y p o x e m i a
P u l m o n a r y hypertension
Pulmonary thromboembolism

Metabolic and Hematologic Causes

Electrolyte i m b a l a n c e (especially p o t a s s i u m , calcium)
Sudden hemorrhage

Neurologic Causes

Cerebrovascular accident
Brain tumor

Neuromuscular Disease

FIG 1-1 (Narcolepsy, cataplexy)

S y n c o p e in a c a t with intermittent c o m p l e t e A V block a n d
d e l a y e d onset of ventricular e s c a p e rhythm. D u r i n g these AV, Atrioventricular.
e p i s o d e s the c a t initially a p p e a r e d d a z e d , then fell to her
side a n d stiffened briefly. W i t h i n a f e w s e c o n d s she w o u l d
r e g a i n c o n s c i o u s n e s s a n d resume n o r m a l activity. and defecation are not. A n aura (which often occurs before
seizure activity), postictal dementia, and neurologic deficits
are generally not seen i n dogs and cats with cardiovascular
well as a drug history, helps the clinician differentiate among syncope. Sometimes profound hypotension or asystole
syncopal attacks, episodic weakness, and true seizures. causes hypoxic "convulsive syncope," w i t h seizurelike activity
Syncope is often associated w i t h exertion or excitement. The or twitching; these convulsive syncopal episodes are pre
actual event may be characterized by rear l i m b weakness or ceded by loss o f muscle tone. Presyncope, wherein reduced
sudden collapse, lateral recumbency, stiffening o f the fore- brain perfusion (or substrate delivery) is not severe enough
limbs and opisthotonos, and m i c t u r i t i o n (Fig. 1-2). Vocaliza to cause unconsciousness, may appear as transient "wobbli
tion is c o m m o n ; however, tonic/clonic m o t i o n , facial fits, ness" or weakness, especially i n the rear limbs.
Postural hypotension and hypersensitivity o f carotid sinus
receptors may infrequently provoke syncope by inappropri
ate peripheral vasodilation and bradycardia.
Fainting associated with a coughing fit (cough syncope or
"cough-drop") occurs in some dogs with marked left atrial
enlargement and bronchial compression, as well as in dogs
with primary respiratory disease. Several mechanisms have
been proposed, including an acute decrease in cardiac filling
and output during the cough, peripheral vasodilation after
the cough, and increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure with
intracranial venous compression. Severe pulmonary diseases,
anemia, certain metabolic abnormalities, and primary neu
rologic diseases can also cause collapse resembling cardio
vascular syncope.
FIG 1-2
S y n c o p e in a D o b e r m a n Pinscher with p a r o x y s m a l ventricu
lar t a c h y c a r d i a . N o t e the e x t e n d e d h e a d a n d neck with COUGH AND OTHER
stiffened forelimbs. Involuntary micturition a l s o o c c u r r e d , RESPIRATORY SIGNS
f o l l o w e d shortly b y return of c o n s c i o u s n e s s a n d n o r m a l Congestive heart failure ( C H F ) in dogs results in cough,
tachypnea, and dyspnea. These signs also can be associated
with the pulmonary vascular disease and pneumonitis o f
heartworm disease in both dogs and cats. Noncardiac condi
Testing to determine the cause of intermittent weakness tions, including diseases o f the upper and lower airways,
or syncope usually includes E C G recordings (during rest, pulmonary parenchyma (including noncardiogenic p u l m o
exercise, and/or after exercise or a vagal maneuver), complete nary edema), pulmonary vasculature, and pleural space, as
blood count ( C B C ) , serum biochemical analysis (including well as certain nonrespiratory conditions, also should be
electrolytes and glucose), neurologic examination, thoracic considered i n patients with cough, tachypnea, or dyspnea
radiographs, heartworm testing, and echocardiography. (see Chapter 19).
Other studies for neuromuscular or neurologic disease may The cough caused by cardiogenic pulmonary edema in
also be valuable. Intermittent cardiac arrhythmias not appar dogs is often soft and moist, but it sometimes sounds like
ent on resting E C G may be uncovered by 24-hour ambula gagging. In contrast, cough is an unusual sign o f pulmonary
tory E C G (Holter monitor), event monitoring, or in-hospital edema i n cats. Tachypnea progressing to dyspnea occurs i n
continuous E C G monitoring. both species. Pleural and pericardial effusions occasionally
are associated with coughing as well. Mainstem bronchus
Cardiovascular Causes of Syncope compression caused by severe left atrial enlargement can
Various arrhythmias, ventricular outflow obstructions, cya stimulate a cough (often described as dry or hacking) in
notic congenital heart defects, and acquired diseases leading dogs with chronic mitral insufficiency, even in the absence
to poor cardiac output are the usual cardiac causes o f of pulmonary edema or congestion. A heartbase tumor,
syncope. Activation o f vasodepressor reflexes and excessive enlarged hilar l y m p h nodes, or other masses that impinge on
dosages of cardiovascular drugs can also induce syncope. an airway can also mechanically stimulate coughing.
Arrhythmias that provoke syncope are usually associated W h e n respiratory signs are caused by heart disease, other
with very fast or very slow heart rate and can occur with or evidence, such as generalized cardiomegaly, left atrial enlarge
without identifiable underlying organic heart disease. Ven ment, pulmonary venous congestion, lung infiltrates that
tricular outflow obstructions provoke syncope or sudden resolve w i t h diuretic therapy, and/or a positive heartworm
weakness if cardiac output becomes inadequate during exer test, is usually present. The findings on physical examination,
cise or if high systolic pressures activate ventricular mecha thoracic radiographs, an echocardiogram i f possible, and
noreceptors, causing inappropriate reflex bradycardia and sometimes electrocardiography help the clinician differenti
hypotension. Both dilated cardiomyopathy and severe mitral ate cardiac from noncardiac causes o f respiratory signs.
insufficiency can cause inadequate forward cardiac output,
especially during exertion. Vasodilators and diuretics may
induce syncope i f given i n excess. Syncope caused by abnor THE CARDIOVASCULAR EXAMINATION
mal peripheral vascular and/or neurologic reflex responses
is not well defined in animals but is thought to occur i n some The medical history (Box 1-3) is an important part of the
patients. Syncope during sudden bradycardia after a burst o f cardiovascular evaluation that helps guide the choice o f
sinus tachycardia has been documented, especially i n small diagnostic tests by suggesting various cardiac or noncardiac
breed dogs with advanced atrioventricular (AV) valve disease; diseases. The signalment is useful because some congenital
excitement often precipitates such an episode. Doberman and acquired abnormalities are more prevalent in certain
Pinschers and Boxers may experience a similar syndrome. breeds or life stages or because specific findings are c o m m o n
BOX 1-3

Important H i s t o r i c Information

Signalment (age, breed, gender)?

V a c c i n a t i o n status?
W h a t is the diet? H a v e there b e e n a n y recent c h a n g e s in
food or water consumption?
W h e r e w a s the a n i m a l o b t a i n e d ?
Is the pet h o u s e d i n d o o r s o r out?
H o w much time is spent o u t d o o r s ? S u p e r v i s e d ?
W h a t activity level is n o r m a l ? D o e s the a n i m a l tire e a s i l y
H a s there been any coughing? When? Describe epi
FIG 1 - 3
H a s there b e e n a n y e x c e s s i v e or u n e x p e c t e d p a n t i n g o r
D y s p n e a in a n o l d e r m a l e G o l d e n Retriever with a d v a n c e d
heavy breathing?
d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a t h y a n d fulminant p u l m o n a r y e d e m a .
H a s there b e e n a n y v o m i t i n g or g a g g i n g ? D i a r r h e a ?
The d o g a p p e a r e d highly a n x i o u s , with r a p i d l a b o r e d
H a v e there b e e n a n y recent c h a n g e s in u r i n a r y habits?
respirations a n d h y p e r s a l i v a t i o n . W i t h i n minutes after this
H a v e there b e e n a n y e p i s o d e s of fainting or w e a k n e s s ?
p h o t o g r a p h , r e s p i r a t o r y arrest o c c u r r e d , but the d o g w a s
D o the t o n g u e / m u c o u s m e m b r a n e s a l w a y s look pink, espe
resuscitated a n d lived another 9 months with therapy for
cially during exercise? heart failure.
H a v e there b e e n a n y recent c h a n g e s in attitude or activity
A r e m e d i c a t i o n s b e i n g g i v e n for this p r o b l e m ? W h a t ? H o w
m u c h ? H o w often? D o they help?
H a v e m e d i c a t i o n s b e e n used in the past for this p r o b l e m ?
W h a t ? H o w much? W e r e they effective?

i n individuals o f a given breed (e.g., soft cardiac ejection

m u r m u r i n n o r m a l Greyhounds).
Physical evaluation o f the dog or cat w i t h suspected heart
disease includes observation (e.g., attitude, posture, body
condition, level o f anxiety, respiratory pattern) and a general
physical examination. The cardiovascular examination itself
consists o f evaluating the peripheral circulation (mucous
membranes), systemic veins (especially the jugular veins), FIG 1 - 4
systemic arterial pulses (usually the femoral arteries), and S e v e r e d y s p n e a is manifested in this c a t by open-mouth
the precordium (left and right chest walls over the heart); b r e a t h i n g , infrequent s w a l l o w i n g (drooling saliva), a n d
reluctance to lie d o w n . N o t e a l s o the d i l a t e d pupils associ
palpating or percussing for abnormal fluid accumulation
a t e d with h e i g h t e n e d sympathetic tone.
(e.g., ascites, subcutaneous edema, pleural effusion); and
auscultating the heart and lungs. Proficiency i n the cardio
vascular examination requires practice but is important for pleural effusion or other pleural space disease (e.g., pneumo
accurate patient assessment and monitoring. thorax) generally causes exaggerated respiratory motions as
an effort to expand the collapsed lungs. It is important to
OBSERVATION OF note whether the respiratory difficulty is more intense during
RESPIRATORY PATTERN a particular phase o f respiration. Prolonged, labored inspi
Respiratory difficulty (dyspnea) usually causes the animal to ration is usually associated with upper airway disorders
appear anxious. Increased respiratory effort, flared nostrils, (obstruction), whereas prolonged expiration occurs with
and often a rapid rate o f breathing are evident (Fig. 1-3). lower airway obstruction or pulmonary infiltrative disease
Increased depth o f respiration (hyperpnea) frequently results (including edema). Animals with severely compromised ven
from hypoxemia, hypercarbia, or acidosis. P u l m o n a r y edema tilation may refuse to lie down; they stand or sit with elbows
(as well as other pulmonary infiltrates) increases lung stiff abducted to allow maximal rib expansion, and they resist
ness; rapid and shallow breathing (tachypnea) results as an being positioned i n lateral or dorsal recumbency (orthop
attempt to m i n i m i z e the work o f breathing. A n increased nea). Cats with dyspnea often crouch in a sternal position
resting respiratory rate is an early indicator o f pulmonary with elbows abducted. Open-mouth breathing is usually a
edema i n the absence o f p r i m a r y lung disease. Large-volume sign o f severe respiratory distress i n cats (Fig. 1-4). The
increased respiratory rate associated w i t h excitement, fever,
BOX 1-4
fear, or pain can usually be differentiated from dyspnea by
careful observation and physical examination. Abnormal Mucous Membrane Color

MUCOUS MEMBRANES Pale Mucous Membranes

Mucous membrane color and capillary refill time ( C R T ) are Anemia

used to evaluate peripheral perfusion. The oral mucosa is Poor cardiac output/high sympathetic tone

usually assessed, but caudal mucous membranes (prepuce or Injected, Brick-Red Membranes
vagina) also can be evaluated. The C R T is assessed by apply
Polycythemia (erythrocytosis)
ing digital pressure to blanch the membrane; color should
return within 2 seconds. Slower refill times occur as a result
of dehydration and other causes of decreased cardiac output Other causes of peripheral vasodilation
because of high peripheral sympathetic tone and vasocon
striction. Pale mucous membranes result from anemia or Cyanotic Mucous Membranes*

peripheral vasoconstriction. The C R T is normal i n anemic Pulmonary parenchymal disease

animals unless hypoperfusion is also present. However, the Airway obstruction
C R T can be difficult to assess i n severely anemic animals Pleural space disease
because of the lack of color contrast. The color of the caudal Pulmonary edema

membranes should be compared with that of the oral m e m Right-to-left shunting congenital cardiac defect
branes i n polycythemic cats and dogs for evidence of dif
ferential cyanosis. If the oral membranes are pigmented, the
Cold exposure
ocular conjunctiva can be evaluated. Box 1-4 outlines causes
for abnormal mucous membrane color. Petechiae i n the
mucous membranes may be noticed i n dogs and cats w i t h Differential Cyanosis
platelet disorders (see Chapter 87). In addition, oral and Reversed patent ductus arteriosus (head and forelimbs
ocular mucous membranes are often areas where icterus receive normally oxygenated blood, but caudal part of
(jaundice) is first detected. A yellowish cast to these m e m body receives desaturated blood via the ductus, which
branes should prompt further evaluation for hemolysis (see arises from the descending aorta)
Chapter 83) or hepatobiliary disease (see Chapter 35).
Icteric Mucous Membranes


Hepatobiliary disease
Systemic venous and right heart filling pressures are reflected
Biliary obstruction
at the jugular veins. These veins should not be distended
when the animal is standing with its head i n a normal posi * Anemic animals may not appear cyanotic even with marked
tion (jaw parallel to the floor). Persistent jugular vein disten hypoxemia because 5 g of desaturated hemoglobin per decaliter of
tion occurs i n patients with right-sided C H F (because of blood is necessary for visible cyanosis.
high right heart filling pressure), external compression of the
cranial vena cava, or jugular vein or cranial vena cava throm
bosis (Fig. 1-5). tricuspid regurgitation can cause a positive hepatojugular
Jugular pulsations extending higher than one third of the reflux even i n the absence of jugular distension or pulsations
way up the neck from the thoracic inlet also are abnormal. at rest. To test for this reflux, firm pressure is applied to the
Sometimes the carotid pulse wave is transmitted through cranial abdomen while the animal stands quietly. This
adjacent soft tissues, m i m i c k i n g a jugular pulse i n thin or transiently increases venous return. Jugular distention that
excited animals. To differentiate a true jugular pulse from persists while abdominal pressure is applied constitutes a
carotid transmission, the jugular vein is occluded lightly positive (abnormal) tests. N o r m a l animals have little to no
below the area of the visible pulse. If the pulse disappears, it change i n the jugular vein.
is a true jugular pulsation; i f the pulse continues, it is being
transmitted from the carotid artery. Jugular pulse waves are ARTERIAL PULSES
related to atrial contraction and filling. Visible pulsations The strength and regularity of the peripheral arterial pres
occur i n animals with tricuspid insufficiency (after the first sure waves and the pulse rate are assessed by palpating the
heart sound, during ventricular contraction), conditions femoral or other peripheral arteries (Box 1-6). Subjective
causing a stiff and hypertrophied right ventricle (just before evaluation of pulse strength is based o n the difference
the first heart sound, during atrial contraction), or arrhyth between the systolic and diastolic arterial pressures (the
mias that cause the atria to contract against closed A V valves pulse pressure). W h e n the difference is wide, the pulse feels
(so-called cannon "a" waves). Specific causes of jugular vein strong o n palpation; abnormally strong pulses are termed
distention and/or pulsations are listed i n Box 1-5. Impaired hyperkinetic. W h e n the pressure difference is small, the pulse
right ventricular filling, reduced pulmonary b l o o d flow, or feels weak (hypokinetic). If the rise to m a x i m u m systolic
BOX 1-6

A b n o r m a l Arterial Pulses

Weak Pulses

Dilated c a r d i o m y o p a t h y
(Sub)aortic stenosis
Pulmonic stenosis

Strong Pulses

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Very Strong, Bounding Pulses

Patent ductus arteriosus

S e v e r e a o r t i c regurgitation
FIG 1 - 5
Prominent jugular v e i n distention is seen in this cat with
signs of right-sided c o n g e s t i v e heart failure from d i l a t e d
cardiomyopathy. The femoral arterial pulse rate should be evaluated simul
taneously with the direct heart rate, which is obtained by
chest wall palpation or auscultation. Fewer femoral pulses
BOX 1-5 than heartbeats constitutes a pulse deficit. Various cardiac
arrhythmias induce pulse deficits by causing the heart to
Causes of Jugular Vein Distention/Pulsation beat before adequate ventricular filling has occurred.
Consequently, m i n i m a l or even no blood is ejected for
Distention Alone
those beats and a palpable pulse is absent. Other arterial
Pericardial effusion/tamponade pulse variations occur occasionally. Alternately weak then
Right atrial m a s s / i n f l o w obstruction
strong pulsations can result from severe myocardial failure
Dilated c a r d i o m y o p a t h y
(pulsus alternans) or from a normal heartbeat alternating
C r a n i a l m e d i a s t i n a l mass
with a premature beat (bigeminy), which causes reduced ven
Jugular v e i n / c r a n i a l vena c a v a thrombosis
tricular filling and ejection. A n exaggerated decrease in sys
Pulsation Distention tolic arterial pressure during inspiration occurs in association
Tricuspid insufficiency of a n y c a u s e ( d e g e n e r a t i v e , c a r d i o with cardiac tamponade; a weak arterial pulse strength
m y o p a t h y , c o n g e n i t a l , s e c o n d a r y to d i s e a s e s c a u s i n g (pulsus paradoxus) may be detected during inspiration in
right ventricular pressure o v e r l o a d ) those patients.
Pulmonic stenosis
Heartworm disease PRECORDIUM
Pulmonary hypertension The precordium is palpated by placing the palm and fingers
Ventricular p r e m a t u r e c o n t r a c t i o n s
of each hand on the corresponding side of the animal's chest
C o m p l e t e (third-degree) heart b l o c k
wall over the heart. Normally the strongest impulse is felt
Constrictive p e r i c a r d i t i s
during systole over the area of the left apex (located at
approximately the fifth intercostal space near the costochon
dral junction). Cardiomegaly or a space-occupying mass
within the chest can shift the precordial impulse to an abnor
arterial pressure is prolonged, as with severe subaortic ste mal location. Decreased intensity of the precordial impulse
nosis, the pulse also feels weak (pulsus parvus et tardus). Both can be caused by obesity, weak cardiac contractions, pericar
femoral pulses should be palpated and compared; absence of dial effusion, intrathoracic masses, pleural effusion, or pneu
pulse or a weaker pulse on one side may be caused by throm mothorax. The precordial impulse should be stronger on the
boembolism. Femoral pulses can be difficult to palpate in left chest wall than on the right. A stronger right precordial
cats, even when normal. Often an elusive pulse can be found impulse can result from right ventricular hypertrophy or
by gently working a fingertip toward the cat's femur in the displacement of the heart into the right hemithorax by a
area of the femoral triangle, where the femoral artery enters mass lesion, lung atelectasis, or chest deformity. Very loud
the leg between the dorsomedial thigh muscles. cardiac murmurs cause palpable vibrations on the chest wall
FIG 1 - 6
FIG 1 - 7
A b d o m i n a l distention in this y o u n g N e a p o l i t a n M a s t i f f is
D u r i n g c a r d i a c auscultation, r e s p i r a t o r y noise a n d p u r r i n g
c a u s e d by ascites from right heart failure. The d o g h a d
c a n b e d e c r e a s e d o r e l i m i n a t e d b y gently p l a c i n g a finger
congenital tricuspid valve d y s p l a s i a with severe regurgitation.
over o n e or both nostrils for brief p e r i o d s of time.

known as a precordial thrill. This feels like a buzzing sensa cultation. The animal should be standing, i f possible, so that
tion on the hand. A precordial thrill is usually localized to the heart is i n its normal position. Panting i n dogs is discour
the area of maximal intensity of the murmur. aged by holding the animal's m o u t h shut. Respiratory noise
can be decreased further by placing a finger over one or both
EVALUATION FOR FLUID nostrils for a short time. Purring i n cats may be stopped by
ACCUMULATION holding a finger over one or both nostrils (Fig. 1-7), waving
Right-sided C H F promotes abnormal fluid accumulation an alcohol-soaked cotton ball near the cat's nose, or turning
within body cavities (Fig. 1-6; see also Fig. 9-3) or, usually on a water faucet near the animal. Various other artifacts can
less noticeably, i n the subcutis of dependent areas. Palpation interfere with auscultation, including respiratory clicks, air
and ballottement of the abdomen, palpation of dependent movement sounds, shivering, muscle twitching, hair rubbing
areas, and percussion of the chest i n the standing animal are against the stethoscope (crackling sounds), gastrointestinal
used to detect effusions and subcutaneous edema. F l u i d sounds, and extraneous r o o m noises.
accumulation secondary to right-sided heart failure is usually The traditional stethoscope has both a stiff, flat diaphragm
accompanied by abnormal jugular vein distention and/or and a bell on the chestpiece. The diaphragm, when applied
pulsations, unless the animal's circulating blood volume is firmly to the chest wall, allows better auscultation of higher-
diminished by diuretic use or other cause. Hepatomegaly frequency heart sounds than those of low frequency. The
and/or splenomegaly may also be noted in cats and dogs bell, applied lightly to the chest wall, facilitates auscultation
with right-sided heart failure. of lower-frequency sounds such as S and S (see the follow
3 4

ing section on Gallop Sounds). Some stethoscopes have a

AUSCULTATION single-sided chestpiece that is designed to function as a dia
Thoracic auscultation is used to identify normal heart phragm when used with firm pressure and as a bell when
sounds, determine the presence or absence of abnormal used with light pressure. Ideally the stethoscope should have
sounds, assess heart rhythm and rate, and evaluate p u l m o short double tubing and comfortable eartips. The binaural
nary sounds. Heart sounds are created by turbulent blood eartubes should be angled rostrally to align with the exam
flow and associated vibrations i n adjacent tissue during the iner's ear canals (Fig. 1-8).
cardiac cycle. Although many of these sounds are too low i n Both sides of the chest should be carefully auscultated,
frequency and/or intensity to be audible, others can be heard with special attention to the valve areas (Fig. 1-9). The
with the stethoscope or even palpated. Heart sounds are stethoscope is moved gradually to all areas of the chest. The
classified as transient sounds (those of short duration) and examiner should concentrate on the various heart sounds,
cardiac murmurs (longer sounds occurring during a nor correlating them to the events of the cardiac cycle, and listen
mally silent part of the cardiac cycle). Cardiac murmurs and for any abnormal sounds i n systole and diastole successively.
transient sounds are described using general characteristics The n o r m a l heart sounds (S and S ) are used as a framework
1 2

of sound: frequency (pitch), amplitude of vibrations (inten for timing abnormal sounds. The point of maximal intensity
sity/loudness), duration, and quality (timbre). Sound quality ( P M I ) of any abnormal sounds should be located. The exam
is affected by the physical characteristics of the vibrating iner should focus o n cardiac auscultation separately from
structures. pulmonary auscultation because full assimilation of sounds
Because many heart sounds are difficult to hear, a coop from both systems simultaneously is unlikely. Pulmonary
erative animal and a quiet r o o m are important during aus- auscultation is described further i n Chapter 20.
Transient Heart Sounds dia, systemic arterial hypertension, or shortened P R inter
The heart sounds normally heard i n dogs and cats are S 1 vals. A muffled S can result from obesity, pericardial effusion,

(associated w i t h closure and tensing of the A V valves and diaphragmatic hernia, dilated cardiomyopathy, hypovole
associated structures at the onset of systole) and S (associ 2 mia/poor ventricular filling, or pleural effusion. A split or
ated with closure of the aortic and pulmonic valves following sloppy-sounding S may be normal, especially i n large dogs,

ejection). The diastolic sounds (S and S ) are not audible i n

3 4 or it may result from ventricular premature contractions or
normal dogs and cats. Fig. 1-10 correlates the hemodynamic an intraventricular conduction delay. The intensity of S is 2

events of the cardiac cycle with the E C G and timing of the increased by pulmonary hypertension (for example, from
heart sounds. It is important to understand these events and heartworm disease, a congenital shunt with Eisenmenger's
identify the t i m i n g of systole (between S and S ) and diastole
1 2 physiology, or cor pulmonale). Cardiac arrhythmias often
(after S until the next S ) i n the animal. The precordial
2 1 cause variation i n the intensity (or even absence) of heart
impulse occurs just after S (systole), and the arterial pulse
1 sounds.
between S and S .
1 2 N o r m a l physiologic splitting of S can be heard in some 2

Sometimes the first (S ) and/or second (S ) heart sounds

1 2 dogs because of variation in stroke volume during the respi
are altered i n intensity. A l o u d S may be heard i n dogs and
1 ratory cycle. D u r i n g inspiration, increased venous return to
cats with a thin chest wall, high sympathetic tone, tachycar- the right ventricle tends to delay closure of the pulmonic
valve, while reduced filling of the left ventricle accelerates
aortic closure. Pathologic splitting of S can result from 2

delayed ventricular activation or prolonged right ventricular

ejection secondary to ventricular premature beats, right
bundle branch block, a ventricular or atrial septal defect, or
pulmonary hypertension.

Gallop Sounds
The third (S ) and fourth (S ) heart sounds occur during
3 4

diastole (see Fig. 1-10) and are not normally audible in dogs
and cats. W h e n an S or S sound is heard, the heart may
3 4

sound like a galloping horse, hence the term gallop rhythm.

This term can be confusing because the presence or absence
of an audible S or S has nothing to do with the heart's
3 4

rhythm (i.e., the origin of cardiac activation and the intra

cardiac conduction process). Gallop sounds are usually heard
best w i t h the bell of the stethoscope (or by light pressure
applied to a single-sided chestpiece) because they are of
FIG 1 - 8
N o t e the a n g u l a t i o n of the stethoscope b i n a u r a l s for o p t i m a l
lower frequency than S and S . A t very fast heart rates, dif
1 2

a l i g n m e n t with the c l i n i c i a n ' s e a r c a n a l s (Top of picture is ferentiation of S from S is difficult. If both sounds are
3 4

rostral). The flat d i a p h r a g m of the c h e s t p i e c e is f a c i n g left, present, they may be superimposed, which is called a sum
a n d the c o n c a v e bell is f a c i n g right. mation gallop.

FIG 1 - 9
A p p r o x i m a t e locations of v a r i o u s v a l v e a r e a s o n chest w a l l . T, T r i c u s p i d ; P, p u l m o n i c ; A,
a o r t i c ; M, mitral.

Grading of Heart M u r m u r s


I V e r y soft murmur; h e a r d o n l y in quiet

s u r r o u n d i n g s after p r o l o n g e d listening
II Soft murmur but e a s i l y h e a r d
III M o d e r a t e - i n t e n s i t y murmur
IV Loud murmur but no p r e c o r d i a l thrill
V Loud murmur with a p a l p a b l e p r e c o r d i a l thrill
VI V e r y l o u d murmur with a p r e c o r d i a l thrill; c a n
b e h e a r d with the stethoscope lifted from the
chest w a l l

best over the mitral valve area. These sounds have been asso
ciated with degenerative valvular disease (endocardiosis),
mitral valve prolapse, and congenital mitral dysplasia; a con
current mitral insufficiency m u r m u r may be present. In dogs
with degenerative valvular disease, a mitral click may be the
first abnormal sound noted, with a m u r m u r developing over
time. A n early systolic, high-pitched ejection sound at the
left base may occur i n animals with valvular pulmonic ste
nosis or other diseases that cause dilation of a great artery.
The sound is thought to arise from either the sudden check
FIG 1 - 1 0 ing of a fused p u l m o n i c valve or the rapid filling of a dilated
C a r d i a c c y c l e d i a g r a m d e p i c t i n g relationships a m o n g g r e a t vessel during ejection. Rarely, restrictive pericardial disease
vessel, ventricular a n d atrial pressures, ventricular v o l u m e , causes an audible pericardial knock. This diastolic sound is
heart sounds, a n d electrical a c t i v a t i o n . AP, A o r t i c pressure; caused by sudden checking of ventricular filling by the
ECG, e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m ; IC, isovolumic c o n t r a c t i o n ; IR, restrictive pericardium; its timing is similar to the S . 3
isovolumic r e l a x a t i o n ; LVP, left ventricular pressure; LAP, left
atrial pressure; LVV, left ventricular v o l u m e .
Cardiac Murmurs
Cardiac murmurs are described by their timing within the
cardiac cycle (systolic or diastolic, or portions thereof),
The S , also k n o w n as an S gallop or ventricular gallop, is
3 3 intensity, P M I o n the precordium, radiation over the chest
associated with low-frequency vibrations at the end of the wall, quality, and pitch. Systolic murmurs can occur in early
rapid ventricular filling phase. A n audible S in the dog or 3 (protosystolic), middle (mesosystolic), or late (telesystolic)
cat usually indicates ventricular dilation with myocardial systole or throughout systole (holosystolic). Diastolic
failure. The extra sound can be fairly l o u d or very subtle and murmurs generally occur in early diastole (protodiastolic) or
is heard best over the cardiac apex. It may be the only aus throughout diastole (holodiastolic). M u r m u r s at the very
cultable abnormality i n an animal with dilated cardiomy end of diastole are termed presystolic. Continuous murmurs
opathy. A n S gallop may also be audible i n dogs with
3 begin i n systole and extend through S into all or part of 2

advanced valvular heart disease and congestive failure. diastole. M u r m u r intensity is arbitrarily graded o n a I to V I
The S gallop, also called an atrial or presystolic gallop, is
4 scale (Table 1-1). The P M I is usually indicated by the hemi
associated with low-frequency vibrations induced by blood thorax (right or left) and intercostal space or valve area
flow into the ventricles during atrial contraction (just after where it is located, or by the terms apex or base. Because
the P wave of the E C G ) . A n audible S i n the dog or cat is
4 murmurs can radiate extensively, the entire thorax, thoracic
usually associated with increased ventricular stiffness and inlet, and carotid artery areas should be auscultated. The
hypertrophy, as with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or hyper pitch and quality of a m u r m u r relate to its frequency and
thyroidism i n cats. A transient S gallop of u n k n o w n sig
4 subjective assessment. "Noisy" or "harsh" murmurs contain
nificance is sometimes heard in stressed or anemic cats. mixed frequencies. "Musical" murmurs are of essentially one
frequency with its overtones.
Other Transient Sounds M u r m u r s are also described by phonocardiographic con
Other brief abnormal sounds are sometimes audible. Systolic figuration (Fig. 1-11). A holosystolic (plateau-shaped)
clicks are mid-to-late systolic sounds that are usually heard m u r m u r begins at the time of S and is of fairly uniform
intensity throughout systole. L o u d holosystolic murmurs before and after the murmur. This type is also called an ejec
may mask the S and S sounds. A V valve insufficiency and
1 2 tion murmur because it occurs during blood ejection, usually
interventricular septal defects c o m m o n l y cause this type of because of ventricular outflow obstruction. A decrescendo
m u r m u r because turbulent blood flour occurs throughout m u r m u r tapers from its initial intensity over time; it may
ventricular systole. A crescendo-decrescendo or diamond- occur in systole or diastole. Continuous (machinery) mur
shaped m u r m u r starts softly, builds intensity i n midsystole, murs occur throughout systole and diastole.
and then diminishes; S and S can usually be heard clearly
1 2 S y s t o l i c m u r m u r s . Systolic murmurs can be decre
scendo, holosystolic (plateau-shaped), or ejection (cre
scendo-decrescendo) i n configuration. It can be difficult to
differentiate these by auscultation alone. But the most
important steps toward diagnosis include establishing that a
m u r m u r occurs i n systole (rather than diastole), determin
ing its P M I , and grading its intensity. Fig. 1-12 depicts the
typical P M I of various murmurs over the chest wall.
Functional murmurs usually are heard best over the left
heartbase. They are usually soft to moderate in intensity and
of decrescendo (or crescendo-decrescendo) configuration.
Functional murmurs may have no apparent cardiovascular
cause (e.g., "innocent" puppy murmurs) or can result from
an altered physiologic state (physiologic murmurs). Inno
cent puppy murmurs generally disappear by the time
the animal is approximately 6 months of age. Physiologic
murmurs have been associated with anemia, fever, high sym
pathetic tone, hyperthyroidism, marked bradycardia, periph
eral arteriovenous fistulae, hypoproteinemia, and athletic
FIG 1 - 1 1
The p h o n o c a r d i o g r a p h i c s h a p e (configuration) a s w e l l a s hearts. Aortic dilation (e.g., with hypertension) and dynamic
the timing of different murmurs a r e illustrated in this right ventricular outflow obstruction are other conditions
diagram. associated with systolic murmurs in cats.

FIG 1 - 1 2
The usual point of m a x i m a l intensity (PMI) a n d c o n f i g u r a t i o n for murmurs t y p i c a l of various
c o n g e n i t a l a n d a c q u i r e d c a u s e s a r e d e p i c t e d o n left (A) a n d right (B) chest w a l l s . AS,
aortic (valvular) stenosis; MVI, mitral v a l v e insufficiency; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; PS,
p u l m o n i c stenosis; SAS, s u b a o r t i c stenosis; TVI, tricuspid v a l v e insufficiency; VSD, ventricu
lar septal defect. (From B o n a g u r a J D , Berkwitt L: C a r d i o v a s c u l a r a n d p u l m o n a r y disorders.
In Fenner W , e d i t o r : Quick reference to veterinary medicine, e d 2, P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 9 1 , JB
The m u r m u r of mitral insufficiency is heard best at the (vessels). The m u r m u r is not interrupted at the time of
left apex, i n the area of the mitral valve. It radiates well dor- S ; instead, its intensity is often greater at that time. The

sally and often to the left base and right chest wall. M i t r a l m u r m u r becomes softer toward the end of diastole, and
insufficiency characteristically causes a plateau-shaped at slow heart rates it can become inaudible. Patent ductus
m u r m u r (holosystolic timing), but i n its early stages the arteriosus ( P D A ) is by far the most c o m m o n cause of a
m u r m u r may be protosystolic, tapering to a decrescendo continuous murmur. The P D A m u r m u r is loudest high
configuration. Occasionally this m u r m u r has a musical or at the left base above the pulmonic valve area; it tends to
"whoop-like" quality. W i t h degenerative mitral valve disease, radiate cranially, ventrally, and to the right. The systolic com
murmur intensity is related to disease severity. ponent is usually louder and heard well all over the chest.
Systolic ejection murmurs are most often heard at the left The diastolic component is more localized to the left base
base and are caused by ventricular outflow obstruction, in many cases. The diastolic component (and the correct
usually from a fixed narrowing (e.g., subaortic or p u l m o n i c diagnosis) may be missed i f only the cardiac apical area is
valve stenosis) or dynamic muscular obstruction. Ejection auscultated.
murmurs become louder as cardiac output or contractile Continuous murmurs can be confused with concurrent
strength increases. The subaortic stenosis m u r m u r is heard systolic ejection and diastolic decrescendo murmurs. But
well at the low left base and also at the right base because the with these so-called "to-and-fro" murmurs, the ejection (sys
murmur radiates up the aortic arch, which curves toward the tolic) component tapers i n late systole and the S can be 2

right. This m u r m u r also radiates up the carotid arteries and heard as a distinct sound. The most c o m m o n cause of to-
occasionally can be heard o n the calvarium. Soft (grade and-fro murmurs is the combination of subaortic stenosis
I-II/VI), nonpathologic systolic ejection (physiologic) with aortic insufficiency. Rarely, stenosis and insufficiency of
murmurs are c o m m o n i n sight hounds and certain other the pulmonic valve cause this type of murmur. Likewise,
large breeds; these can be related to a large stroke volume both holosystolic and diastolic decrescendo murmurs occur
(relative aortic stenosis), as well as breed-related left ven occasionally (e.g., with a ventricular septal defect and aortic
tricular outflow tract characteristics. The m u r m u r of pul insufficiency from loss of aortic root support). This also is
monic stenosis is best heard high at the left base. Relative not considered a true "continuous" murmur.
pulmonic stenosis occurs with greatly increased flow through
a structurally normal valve (e.g., with a large left-to-right Suggested Readings
shunting atrial or ventricular septal defect).
Braunwald E, Perloff JK: Physical examination of the heart and
Most murmurs heard o n the right chest wall are holosys circulation. In Zipes DP et al, editors: Brannwald's heart disease:
tolic, plateau-shaped murmurs, except for the subaortic ste a textbook of cardiovascular medicine, ed 7, Philadelphia, 2005,
nosis m u r m u r (above). The tricuspid insufficiency m u r m u r W B Saunders, pp 77-106.
is loudest at the right apex over the tricuspid valve. Its pitch Davidow EB, Woodfield )A: Syncope: pathophysiology and differ
or quality may be noticeably different from a concurrent ential diagnosis, Compend Contin Educ 23:608, 2001.
mitral insufficiency murmur, and it often is accompanied by Fabrizio F et al: Left basilar systolic murmur in retired racing grey
jugular pulsations. Ventricular septal defects also cause holo hounds, / Vet Intern Med 20:78, 2006.
systolic murmurs. The P M I is usually at the right sternal Haggstrom J, Kvart C, Hansson K: Heart sounds and murmurs:
border, reflecting the direction of the intracardiac shunt. A changes related to severity of chronic valvular disease in the
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, / Vet Intern Med 9:75, 1995.
large ventricular septal defect may also cause the m u r m u r of
Hamlin RL: Normal cardiovascular physiology. In Fox PR, Sisson
relative pulmonic stenosis.
DD, Moise NS, editors: Canine and feline cardiology, ed 2, New
Diastolic m u r m u r s . Diastolic murmurs are u n c o m m o n York, 1999, W B Saunders, pp 25-37.
in dogs and cats. Aortic insufficiency from bacterial endo Kienle R: Pulse alterations. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, editors:
carditis is the most c o m m o n cause, although congenital mal Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005,
formation or degenerative aortic valve disease occasionally WB Saunders, pp 200-204.
occurs. Clinically relevant pulmonic insufficiency is rare but Koplitz SL, Meurs K M , Bonagura JD: Echocardiographic assess
would be more likely in the face of pulmonary hypertension. ment of the left ventricular outflow tract in the Boxer, / Vet Intern
These diastolic murmurs begin at the time of S and are 2
Med 20:904, 2006.
heard best at the left base. They are decrescendo i n configu Pedersen H D et al: Auscultation in mild mitral regurgitation in
dogs: observer variation, effects of physical maneuvers, and
ration and extend a variable time into diastole, depending
agreement with color Doppler echocardiography and phonocar
on the pressure difference between the associated great vessel
diography, / Vet Intern Med 13:56, 1999.
and ventricle. Some aortic insufficiency murmurs have a
Prosek R: Abnormal heart sounds and heart murmurs. In Ettinger
musical quality. SJ, Feldman EC, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine,
C o n t i n u o u s m u r m u r s . As implied by the name, con ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, pp 195-200.
tinuous (machinery) murmurs occur throughout the Rishniw M , Thomas WP: Dynamic right ventricular outflow
cardiac cycle. They indicate that a substantial pressure obstruction: a new cause of systolic murmurs in cats, / Vet Intern
gradient exists continuously between two connecting areas Med 16:547, 2002.
C H A P T E R 2

Diagnostic Tests for the

Cardiovascular System


Thoracic radiographs are important for assessing overall
heart size and shape, pulmonary vessels, and lung paren
chyma, as well as surrounding structures. Both lateral and
Cardiac Chamber Enlargement Patterns
dorsoventral ( D V ) or ventrodorsal ( V D ) views should be
Intrathoracic Blood Vessels
obtained. O n lateral view, the ribs should be aligned with
Patterns of Pulmonary Edema
each other dorsally. O n D V or V D views, the sternum,
vertebral bodies, and dorsal spinous processes should be
N o r m a l E C G Waveforms
superimposed. The views chosen should be used consistently
Lead Systems
because slight changes in the appearance of the cardiac
Approach to E C G Interpretation
shadow occur with different positions. For example, the
Sinus Rhythms
heart tends to look more elongated on the V D view in com
Ectopic Rhythms
parison with that o n the D V view. In general, better defini
C o n d u c t i o n Disturbances
tion of the hilar area and caudal pulmonary arteries is
Mean Electrical Axis
obtained using the D V view. H i g h kilovoltage peak (kVp)
Chamber Enlargement and Bundle Branch Block
and low milliampere (mA) radiographic technique is recom
mended for better resolution among soft tissue structures.
ST-T Abnormalities
Exposure is ideally made at the time of peak inspiration. O n
E C G Manifestations of D r u g Toxicity and Electrolyte
expiration, the lungs appear denser, the heart is relatively
larger, the diaphragm may overlap the caudal heart border,
C o m m o n Artifacts
and pulmonary vessels are poorly delineated. Use of expo
A m b u l a t o r y Electrocardiography
sure times short enough to minimize respiratory motion and
Other Methods of E C G Assessment
proper, straight (not obliquely tilted) patient positioning are
important for accurate interpretation of cardiac shape and
Basic Principles
size and pulmonary parenchyma.
Two-Dimensional Echocardiography
The radiographs should be examined systematically,
M - M o d e Echocardiography
beginning with assessment of the technique, patient posi
Contrast Echocardiography
tioning, presence of artifacts, and phase of respiration during
Doppler Echocardiography
exposure. Chest conformation should be considered when
Transesophageal Echocardiography
evaluating cardiac size and shape in dogs because normal
Three-Dimensional Echocardiography
cardiac appearance may vary from breed to breed. The
cardiac shadow in dogs with round or barrel-shaped chests
Central Venous Pressure Measurement
has greater sternal contact on lateral view and an oval shape
Biochemical Markers
on D V or V D view. In contrast, the heart has an upright,
elongated appearance o n lateral view and a small, almost
Cardiac Catheterization
circular shape o n D V or V D view in narrow- and deep-
Other Noninvasive Imaging
chested dogs. Because of variations i n chest conformation
and the influences of respiration, cardiac cycle, and posi
Endomyocardial Biopsy
tioning on the apparent size of the cardiac shadow, mild
Greyhounds), the V H S also can be above the usual reference
The cardiac silhouette on lateral view i n cats is aligned
more parallel to the sternum than in dogs; this parallel posi
tioning may be accentuated in old cats. Radiographic posi
tioning can influence the relative size, shape, and position o f
the heart because the feline thorax is so flexible. O n lateral
view the n o r m a l cat heart is less than or equal to two inter
costal spaces (ICS) in w i d t h and less than 70% of the height
of the thorax. O n D V view the heart is normally no more
than one half the w i d t h o f the thorax. Measurement of V H S
is useful i n cats also. F r o m lateral radiographs i n cats, mean
V H S i n n o r m a l cats is 7.5 vertebrae (range 6.7 to 8.1 v). The
mean short axis cardiac dimension taken from D V or V D
view, compared w i t h the thoracic spine beginning at T4 on
lateral view, was 3.4 to 3.5 vertebrae. A n upper limit o f
normal of 4 vertebrae was identified. In kittens, as in puppies,
the relative size o f the heart compared with that o f the thorax
is larger than i n adults because o f smaller lung volume.
A n abnormally small heart shadow results from reduced
FIG 2 - 1 venous return (e.g., from shock or hypovolemia). The apex
D i a g r a m illustrating the vertebral heart s c o r e (VHS) measure appears more pointed and may be elevated from the sternum.
ment method using the lateral chest r a d i o g r a p h . The long-
Radiographic suggestion o f abnormal cardiac size or shape
axis (L) a n d short-axis (S) heart d i m e n s i o n s a r e t r a n s p o s e d
should be considered w i t h i n the context o f the physical
onto the vertebral c o l u m n a n d r e c o r d e d a s the n u m b e r of
vertebrae b e g i n n i n g with the c r a n i a l e d g e of T 4 . These examination and other test findings.
values a r e a d d e d to o b t a i n the V H S . In this e x a m p l e , L =
5 . 8 v, S = 4 . 6 v; therefore V H S = 1 0 . 4 v. T, T r a c h e a . CARDIOMEGALY
( M o d i f i e d from B u c h a n a n J W , Bucheler J : V e r t e b r a l scale Generalized enlargement o f the heart shadow on plain tho
system to measure c a n i n e heart s i z e in r a d i o g r a p h s , J Am racic radiographs may indicate true cardiomegaly or pericar
Vet Med Assoc 2 0 6 : 1 9 4 , 1 9 9 5 . )
dial distention. W i t h cardiac enlargement, the contours o f
different chambers are usually still evident, although massive
right ventricular ( R V ) and atrial (RA) dilation can cause a
cardiomegaly may be difficult to identify. Also, excess round cardiac silhouette. Fluid, fat, or viscera w i t h i n the
pericardial fat may m i m i c the appearance o f cardiomegaly. pericardium tends to obliterate these contours and create a
The cardiac shadow i n puppies normally appears slightly globoid heart shadow. C o m m o n differential diagnoses for
large relative to thoracic size compared with that o f adult cardiac enlargement patterns are listed i n Box 2-1.
The vertebral heart score ( V H S ) can be used as a means CARDIAC CHAMBER
of quantifying the presence and degree of cardiomegaly i n ENLARGEMENT PATTERNS
dogs and cats, because there is good correlation between Most diseases that cause cardiac dilation or hypertrophy
body length and heart size regardless o f chest conformation. affect two or more chambers. For example, mitral insuffi
Measurements for the V H S are obtained using the lateral ciency leads to left ventricular (D7) and left atrial ( L A )
view (Fig. 2-1) in adult dogs and puppies. The cardiac long enlargement; p u l m o n i c stenosis causes R V enlargement, a
axis is measured from the ventral border of the left mainstem m a i n p u l m o n a r y artery bulge, and often R A dilation. For
bronchus to the most ventral aspect o f the cardiac apex. This descriptive purposes, however, specific chamber and great
same distance is compared with the thoracic spine beginning vessel enlargements are discussed below. Fig. 2-2 illustrates
at the cranial edge of T4; length is estimated to the nearest various patterns o f chamber enlargement.
0.1 vertebra. The m a x i m u m perpendicular short axis is mea
sured in the central third of the heart shadow; the short axis Left Atrium
is also measured in number o f vertebrae (to the nearest 0.1) The L A is the most dorsocaudal chamber o f the heart,
beginning with T4. Both measurements are added to yield although its auricular appendage extends to the left and
the V H S . A V H S between 8.5 to 10.5 vertebrae is considered craniad. A n enlarged L A bulges dorsally and caudally on
normal for most breeds. Some variation may exist among lateral view. There is elevation o f the left and possibly right
breeds; an upper limit of 11 vertebrae may be n o r m a l i n dogs mainstem bronchi; compression o f the left mainstem bron
with a short thorax (e.g., Miniature Schnauzer), whereas an chus occurs i n patients with severe L A enlargement. In cats
upper limit of 9.5 vertebrae may be normal in dogs with a the caudal heart border is normally quite straight on lateral
long thorax (e.g., Dachshund). In some other breeds (e.g., view; L A enlargement causes subtle to marked convexity of
C o m m o n Differential Diagnoses for Radiographic Signs o f Cardiomegaly

Generalized Enlargement of the Cardiac Shadow M i t r a l insufficiency

Dilated cardiomyopathy A o r t i c insufficiency
M i t r a l a n d tricuspid insufficiency Ventricular septal defect
P e r i c a r d i a l effusion Patent ductus arteriosus
Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia (Sub)aortic stenosis
Tricuspid d y s p l a s i a Systemic hypertension
Ventricular o r atrial septal defect Hyperthyroidism
Patent ductus arteriosus
Right Atrial and Ventricular Enlargement
Left Atrial Enlargement A d v a n c e d heartworm disease
Early mitral insufficiency C h r o n i c , severe p u l m o n a r y d i s e a s e
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Tricuspid insufficiency
Pulmonic stenosis
Early dilated c a r d i o m y o p a t h y (especially D o b e r m a n Pinschers)
Tetralogy of Fallot
(Sub)aortic stenosis
A t r i a l septal defect
Left Atrial a n d Ventricular Enlargement P u l m o n a r y hypertension (with or without reversed shunting
Dilated c a r d i o m y o p a t h y c o n g e n i t a l defect)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy M a s s lesion within the right heart

FIG 2 - 2
C o m m o n r a d i o g r a p h i c e n l a r g e m e n t patterns. D i a g r a m s i n d i c a t i n g direction of e n l a r g e m e n t
of c a r d i a c c h a m b e r s a n d great vessels in the dorsoventral (A) a n d lateral (B) v i e w s . Ao,
A o r t a ( d e s c e n d i n g ) ; LA, left atrium; LAu, left a u r i c l e ; LV, left ventricle; MPA, m a i n pulmo
n a r y artery; RA, right atrium; RAu, right a u r i c l e ; RV, right ventricle. ( M o d i f i e d from
B o n a g u r a J D , Berkwitt L: C a r d i o v a s c u l a r a n d p u l m o n a r y d i s o r d e r s . In Fenner W , editor:
Quick reference to veterinary medicine, e d 3 , P h i l a d e l p h i a , 2 0 0 0 , JB Lippincott.)

the dorsocaudal heart border, w i t h elevation o f the m a i n - (Fig. 2-3). L A size is influenced by the pressure or volume
stem bronchi. O n D V or V D view, the mainstem b r o n c h i are load imposed, as well as the length of time the overload has
pushed laterally and curve slightly around a markedly been present. For example, m i t r a l regurgitation of slowly
enlarged L A (sometimes referred to as the "bowed-legged increasing severity may cause massive L A enlargement
cowboy sign"). A bulge i n the 2- to 3-o'clock position o f the without p u l m o n a r y edema i f the chamber has had time to
cardiac silhouette is c o m m o n i n cats and dogs w i t h concur dilate at relatively l o w pressures. Conversely, rupture of
rent left auricular enlargement. Massive L A enlargement chordae tendinae causes acute valvular regurgitation; there
sometimes appears as a large, rounded soft tissue opacity can be p u l m o n a r y edema w i t h relatively n o r m a l L A size
superimposed over the L V apical area o n D V ( V D ) view because atrial pressure rises quickly.
FIG 2 - 3
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (B) v i e w s from a d o g with c h r o n i c mitral r e g u r g i t a t i o n .
M a r k e d left ventricular a n d atrial e n l a r g e m e n t a r e evident. D o r s a l d i s p l a c e m e n t of the
c a r i n a is seen in A ; the c a u d a l e d g e of the left atrium (arrows), s u p e r i m p o s e d over the
ventricular s h a d o w , a n d a p r o m i n e n t left a u r i c u l a r b u l g e (arrowhead) are seen in B .

Left Ventricle chest conformation. O n D V / V D view, the heart tends to take

LV enlargement is manifested on lateral view by a taller on a reverse-D configuration, especially without concurrent
cardiac silhouette with elevation o f the carina and caudal left-sided enlargement. The apex may be shifted leftward,
vena cava. The caudal heart border becomes convex, but and the right heart border bulges to the right.
cardiac apical sternal contact is maintained. O n D V / V D
view, rounding and enlargement occur i n the 2- to 5-o'clock INTRATHORACIC BLOOD VESSELS
position. Some cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Great Vessels
maintain the apical point; concurrent atrial enlargement The aorta and m a i n pulmonary artery dilate in response to
creates the classic "valentine-shaped" heart. chronic arterial hypertension or increased turbulence (post
stenotic dilation). Subaortic stenosis causes dilation o f the
Right Atrium ascending aorta. Because o f its location w i t h i n the medias
R A enlargement causes a bulge of the cranial heart border t i n u m , dilation here is not easily detected, although widen
and widening o f the cardiac silhouette on lateral view. Tra ing and increased opacity o f the dorsocranial heart shadow
cheal elevation may occur over the cranial portion o f the may be observed. Patent ductus arteriosus causes a localized
heart shadow. Bulging o f the cardiac shadow on D V / V D dilation i n the descending aorta just caudal to the arch,
view occurs in the 9- to 11-o'clock position. The R A is largely which is where the ductus exits; this "ductus b u m p " is seen
superimposed over the RV; although differentiation from on D V or V D view. A prominent aortic arch is more c o m m o n
RV enlargement is difficult, concurrent enlargement o f both in cats than dogs. The thoracic aorta o f older cats also may
chambers is common. have an undulating appearance. Systemic hypertension is a
consideration in these cases.
Right Ventricle Severe dilation o f the m a i n pulmonary trunk (usually
RV enlargement (dilation or hypertrophy) usually causes associated with p u l m o n i c stenosis or pulmonary hyperten
increased convexity of the cranioventral heart border and sion) can be seen as a bulge superimposed over the trachea
elevation of the trachea over the cranial heart border o n on lateral radiograph. O n D V view in the dog, m a i n p u l m o
lateral view. W i t h severe R V enlargement and relatively nary trunk enlargement causes a bulge in the 1- to 2-o'clock
normal left heart size, the apex is elevated from the sternum. position. In the cat the m a i n pulmonary trunk is slightly
The carina and caudal vena cava are also elevated. The degree more medial and is usually obscured within the mediastinum.
of sternal contact of the heart shadow is not, by itself, a reli The caudal vena cava ( C a V C ) normally angles cranioven
able sign of R V enlargement because o f breed variation in trally from diaphragm to heart. The w i d t h o f the C a V C is
approximately that of the descending thoracic aorta, although pulmonary edema, enlargement of both pulmonary veins
its size changes with respiration. The CaVC-cardiac junction and arteries can be seen.
is pushed dorsally with enlargement o f either ventricle. Per
sistent widening of the C a V C could indicate right ventricular PATTERNS OF PULMONARY EDEMA
failure, cardiac tamponade, pericardial constriction, or other Pulmonary interstitial fluid accumulation increases pulmo
obstruction to right heart inflow. The following comparative nary opacity. P u l m o n a r y vessels appear ill-defined, and
findings suggest abnormal C a V C distention: C a V C / a o r t i c bronchial walls look thick as interstitial fluid accumulates
diameter (at same ICS) >1.5; CaVC/length of the thoracic around vessels and bronchi. As pulmonary edema worsens,
vertebra directly above the tracheal bifurcation >1.3; and areas o f fluffy or mottled fluid opacity progressively become
C a V C / w i d t h of right fourth rib (just ventral to the spine) more confluent. Alveolar edema causes greater opacity in the
>3.5. A thin C a V C can indicate hypovolemia, poor venous lung fields and obscures vessels and outer bronchial walls.
return, or pulmonary overinflation. The air-filled bronchi appear as lucent, branching lines sur
rounded by fluid density (air bronchograms). Interstitial and
Lobar Pulmonary Vessels alveolar patterns of pulmonary infiltration can be caused by
Pulmonary arteries are located dorsal and lateral to their many pulmonary diseases, as well as by cardiogenic edema
accompanying veins and bronchi. O n lateral view, the cranial (see Chapter 19). The distribution of these pulmonary infil
lobar vessels i n the nondependent ("up-side") lung are trates is important, especially i n dogs. Cardiogenic pulmo
more ventral and larger than those i n the dependent nary edema i n dogs is classically located i n dorsal and perihilar
lung. The width of the cranial lobar vessels is measured areas and is often bilaterally symmetric. Nevertheless, some
where they cross the fourth rib i n dogs or at the cranial heart dogs develop an asymmetric or concurrent ventral distribu
border (fourth to fifth rib) i n cats. These vessels are normally tion of cardiogenic edema. The distribution of cardiogenic
0.5 to 1 times the diameter of the proximal one third of the edema i n cats is usually uneven and patchy. The infiltrates
fourth rib. The D V view is best for evaluating the caudal are either distributed throughout the lung fields or concen
pulmonary vessels. The caudal lobar vessels should be 0.5 to trated i n the middle zones. Both the radiographic technique
1 times the width of the ninth (dogs) or tenth (cats) rib at and the phase o f respiration influence the apparent severity
the point of intersection. Four pulmonary vascular patterns of interstitial infiltrates. Other abnormalities on thoracic
are usually described: overcirculation, undercirculation, radiographs are discussed i n the Respiratory Disease section.
prominent pulmonary arteries, and prominent pulmonary
A n overcirculation pattern occurs when the lungs are ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY
hyperperfused, as i n left-to-right shunts, overhydration, and
other hyperdynamic states. P u l m o n a r y arteries and veins are The electrocardiogram ( E C G ) graphically represents the
both prominent; the increased perfusion also generally electrical depolarization and repolarization of cardiac muscle.
increases lung opacity. P u l m o n a r y undercirculation is char The E C G provides information on heart rate, rhythm, and
acterized by thin pulmonary arteries and veins, along w i t h intracardiac conduction; it may also suggest the presence of
increased pulmonary lucency. Severe dehydration, hypovo specific chamber enlargement, myocardial disease, ischemia,
lemia, obstruction to right ventricular inflow, right-sided pericardial disease, certain electrolyte imbalances, and some
congestive heart failure, and tetralogy of Fallot can cause this drug toxicities. But the E C G alone cannot be used to make a
pattern. Some animals w i t h p u l m o n i c stenosis appear to diagnosis of congestive heart failure, assess the strength (or
have p u l m o n a r y undercirculation. Overinflation of the lungs even presence) of cardiac contractions, or predict whether
or overexposure of radiographs also minimizes the appear the animal will survive an anesthetic or surgical procedure.
ance of pulmonary vessels.
Pulmonary arteries larger than their accompanying veins NORMAL ECG WAVEFORMS
indicate p u l m o n a r y arterial hypertension. The pulmonary The n o r m a l cardiac rhythm originates i n the sinoatrial node
arteries become dilated, tortuous, and blunted, and visual and activates the rest of the heart via specialized conduction
ization of the terminal portions is lost. Heartworm disease pathways (Fig. 2-4). The E C G waveforms, P-QRS-T, are gen
often causes this pulmonary vascular pattern, as well as erated as heart muscle is depolarized and then repolarized
patchy to diffuse interstitial pulmonary infiltrates. (Fig. 2-5 and Table 2-1). The Q R S complex, as a representa
Prominent pulmonary veins are a sign of pulmonary tion of ventricular muscle electrical activation, may not nec
venous congestion, usually from left-sided congestive heart essarily have each individual Q , R, or S wave components (or
failure. O n lateral view, the cranial lobar veins are larger and variations thereof). The configuration of the Q R S complex
denser than their accompanying arteries and may sag ven depends on the lead being recorded as well as the pattern of
trally. Dilated, tortuous pulmonary veins may be seen enter intraventricular conduction.
ing the dorsocaudal aspect of the enlarged L A i n dogs and
cats w i t h chronic pulmonary venous hypertension. But p u l LEAD SYSTEMS
monary venous dilation is not always visualized i n patients Various leads are used to evaluate the cardiac activation
w i t h left-sided heart failure. In cats w i t h acute cardiogenic process. The orientation of a lead w i t h respect to the heart

N o r m a l Cardiac Waveforms


P A c t i v a t i o n of atrial muscle; n o r m a l l y is
positive in l e a d s II a n d aV F

PR interval Time from onset of atrial muscle

a c t i v a t i o n , through c o n d u c t i o n o v e r
the A V n o d e , b u n d l e of H i s , a n d
Purkinje f i b e r s ; a l s o c a l l e d P Q interval
QRS complex A c t i v a t i o n of ventricular m u s c l e ; b y
d e f i n i t i o n , Q is the first n e g a t i v e
FIG 2 - 4 d e f l e c t i o n (if present), R the first
Schematic of c a r d i a c c o n d u c t i o n system. AV, Atrioventricular;
positive d e f l e c t i o n , a n d S is the
LA, left atrium; RV, right ventricle; SA, s i n o a t r i a l . ( M o d i f i e d
n e g a t i v e d e f l e c t i o n after the R w a v e
from Tilley LE: Essentials of canine and feline electrocardiog
J point E n d of the Q R S c o m p l e x ; junction of
raphy, e d 3 , P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 9 2 , Lea & Febiger.)
Q R S a n d ST s e g m e n t
ST s e g m e n t Represents the p e r i o d b e t w e e n
ventricular d e p o l a r i z a t i o n a n d
r e p o l a r i z a t i o n (correlates with p h a s e 2
of the a c t i o n potential)
T wave Ventricular muscle r e p o l a r i z a t i o n
Q T interval Total time of ventricular d e p o l a r i z a t i o n
and repolarization

AV, Atrioventricular.

degrees, the E C G deflection for that lead becomes smaller; it

becomes isoelectric when the activation wave is perpendicu
lar to the lead axis. Each lead has a positive and a negative
pole or direction. A positive deflection w i l l be recorded i n a
lead i f the cardiac activation wave travels toward the positive
pole (electrode) of that lead. If the wave of depolarization
travels away from the positive pole, a negative deflection w i l l
be recorded i n that E C G lead. Both bipolar and unipolar
E C G leads are used clinically. A bipolar lead records electri
cal potential differences between two electrodes o n the
body surface; the lead axis is oriented between these two
points. (Augmented) unipolar leads have a recording elec
trode (positive) on the body surface. The negative pole o f
the unipolar leads is formed by "Wilson's central terminal"
( V ) , which is an average o f all other electrodes and is analo
FIG 2 - 5 gous to zero.
N o r m a l c a n i n e P-QRS-T c o m p l e x in l e a d II. P a p e r s p e e d is The standard l i m b lead system records cardiac electrical
5 0 m m / s e c ; c a l i b r a t i o n is s t a n d a r d (1 c m = 1 mV). Time
activity i n the frontal plane (as depicted by a D V / V D radio
intervals (seconds) a r e m e a s u r e d from left to right; w a v e f o r m
graph). In this plane, left-to-right and cranial-to-caudal cur
amplitudes (millivolts) a r e m e a s u r e d a s positive (upward) or
negative ( d o w n w a r d ) motion from b a s e l i n e . (From Tilley LE: rents are recorded. Fig. 2-6 depicts the six standard frontal
Essentials of canine and feline electrocardiography, ed 3, leads (hexaxial lead system) overlying the cardiac ventricles.
P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 9 2 , Lea & Febiger.) Unipolar chest (precordial) leads "view" the heart from the
transverse plane (Fig. 2-7). Box 2-2 lists c o m m o n E C G lead
is called the lead axis. Each lead has direction and polarity.
If the myocardial depolarization or repolarization wave APPROACH TO ECG INTERPRETATION
travels parallel to the lead axis, a relatively large deflection Routine E C G recording is usually done with the animal
will be recorded. As the angle between the lead axis and the placed on a nonconducting surface i n right lateral recum
orientation of the activation wave increases toward 90 bency. The proximal limbs are parallel to each other and
FIG 2 - 6
Frontal l e a d system: d i a g r a m s of six frontal l e a d s over schematic of left a n d right ven
tricles within the thorax. C i r c u l a r field is used for d e t e r m i n i n g direction a n d m a g n i t u d e of
c a r d i a c electrical a c t i v a t i o n . E a c h l e a d is l a b e l e d at its positive p o l e . S h a d e d a r e a
represents n o r m a l r a n g e for m e a n electrical a x i s . A , D o g . B , C a t .

BOX 2-2

Small A n i m a l E C G Lead Systems

Standard Bipolar Limb Leads

I R A (-) c o m p a r e d with LA (+)

II R A (-) c o m p a r e d with LL (+)
III LA (-) c o m p a r e d with LL (+)

Augmented Unipolar Limb Leads

aV R R A (+) c o m p a r e d with a v e r a g e of LA a n d LL (-)

aV L LA (+) c o m p a r e d with a v e r a g e of R A a n d LL (-)
aV F LL (+) c o m p a r e d with a v e r a g e of R A a n d LA (-)

Unipolar Chest Leads

V , r V (CV RL)
1 2 5 Fifth right ICS n e a r sternum
2 6 Sixth left ICS near sternum
V 3 Sixth left I C S , equidistant between V 2

and V 4

V 4 (CV LU)6 Sixth left ICS near c o s t o c h o n d r a l junction

FIG 2 - 7
V 5 and V 6 S p a c e d as for V to V , continuing
3 4
C o m m o n l y used chest l e a d s seen from cross-sectional v i e w .
d o r s a l l y in sixth left ICS
C V R L is l o c a t e d at right e d g e of the sternum in fifth

V O v e r d o r s a l spinous process of seventh

intercostal s p a c e (ICS), C V L L is n e a r sternum at sixth I C S ,

C V L U is at c o s t o c h o n d r a l junction at sixth I C S , a n d V is t h o r a c i c vertebra

6 10

l o c a t e d near seventh d o r s a l s p i n o u s p r o c e s s .
Orthogonal Leads

X Lead I (right to left) in the frontal p l a n e

Y Lead aV (cranial to c a u d a l ) in the midsagittal p l a n e

Z Lead V 10 (ventral to dorsal) in the transverse p l a n e

RA, Right arm; LA, left arm; LL, left leg; ICS, intercostal space.
perpendicular to the torso. Other body positions may change A deflection from baseline (up or down) o f 10 small boxes
various waveform amplitudes and affect the calculated mean (1 cm) equals 1 m V at standard calibration. E C G reference
electrical axis ( M E A ) . However, if only heart rate and rhythm ranges for cats and dogs (Table 2-2) are representative o f
are desired, any recording position can be used. Front l i m b most n o r m a l animals, although complex measurements for
electrodes are placed at the elbows or slightly below, not some subpopulations can fall outside these ranges. For
touching the chest wall or each other. Rear l i m b electrodes example, endurance-trained dogs can have E C G measure
are placed at the stifles or hocks. W i t h alligator clip or ments that exceed the " n o r m a l " range, probably reflecting
button/plate electrodes, copious E C G paste or (less ideally) the training effects o n heart size. Such changes i n nontrained
alcohol is used to ensure good contact. C o m m u n i c a t i o n dogs suggest pathologic cardiac enlargement. M a n u a l fre
between two electrodes via a bridge o f paste or alcohol or by quency filters, available o n many E C G machines, can mark
physical contact should be avoided. The animal is gently edly attenuate the recorded voltages o f some waveforms
restrained i n position to m i n i m i z e movement artifacts. A when activated, although baseline artifact is reduced. The
relaxed and quiet patient produces a better quality tracing. effects o f filtering o n Q R S amplitude may complicate the
Holding the mouth shut to discourage panting or placing a assessment for E C G chamber enlargement criteria.
hand on the chest o f a trembling animal may be helpful.
A good E C G recording produces m i n i m a l artifact from SINUS RHYTHMS
patient movement, no electrical interference, and a clean The n o r m a l cardiac rhythm originates i n the sinus node and
baseline. The E C G complexes should be centered and totally produces the P - Q R S - T waveforms previously described. The
contained within the background gridwork so that neither P waves are positive i n caudal leads (II and aVF) and the P Q
the top nor bottom of the Q R S complex is clipped off. If (or P R ) intervals are consistent. Regular sinus rhythm is
the complexes are too large to fit entirely w i t h i n the grid, characterized by less than 10% variation i n the t i m i n g o f the
the calibration should be adjusted (e.g., from standard Q R S to Q R S (or R to R) intervals. N o r m a l l y the Q R S c o m
| [1 cm = 1 m V ] to 1/2 standard [0.5 c m = 1 m V ] ) . The cali plexes are narrow and upright i n leads II and aVF. However,
bration used during the recording must be k n o w n to an intraventricular conduction disturbance or ventricular
accurately measure waveform amplitude. A calibration enlargement pattern may cause them to be wide or abnor
square wave (1 m V amplitude) can be inscribed manually mally shaped.
during the recording i f this is not done automatically. The Sinus arrhythmia is characterized by cyclic slowing and
paper speed and lead(s) recorded also must be evident for speeding o f the sinus rate. This is usually associated with
interpretation. respiration; the sinus rate tends to increase on inspiration
A consistent approach to E C G interpretation is recom and decrease with expiration as a result o f fluctuations i n
mended. First the paper speed, lead(s) used, and calibration vagal tone. There may also be a cyclic change i n P-wave
are identified. Then the heart rate, heart rhythm, and M E A configuration ("wandering pacemaker"), with the P waves
are determined. Finally, individual waveforms are measured. becoming taller and spiked during inspiration and flatter i n
The heart rate is the number o f complexes (or beats) per expiration. Sinus arrhythmia is a c o m m o n and n o r m a l
minute. This can be calculated by counting the number o f rhythm variation i n dogs. It occurs i n resting cats but is not
complexes i n 3 or 6 seconds and then multiplying by 20 or often seen clinically. Pronounced sinus arrhythmia is associ
10, respectively. If the heart rhythm is regular, 3000 divided ated w i t h chronic p u l m o n a r y disease i n some dogs.
by the number o f small boxes (at paper speed 50 mm/sec) "Brady-" and "tachy-" are modifying terms that describe
between successive R R intervals equals the instantaneous abnormally slow or fast rhythms, respectively, without iden
heart rate. Because variations i n heart rate are so c o m m o n tifying intracardiac origin. Both sinus bradycardia and sinus
(in dogs especially), determining an estimated heart rate tachycardia are rhythms that originate i n the sinus node and
over several seconds is usually more accurate and practical are conducted normally; however, the rate o f sinus bradycar
than calculating an instantaneous heart rate. dia is slower than n o r m a l for the species, whereas that o f
Heart rhythm is assessed by scanning the E C G for irregu sinus tachycardia is faster than normal. Some causes o f sinus
larities and identifying individual waveforms. The presence bradycardia and tachycardia are listed i n B o x 2-3.
and pattern of P waves and Q R S - T complexes are deter Sinus arrest is absence o f sinus activity lasting at least
mined. The relationship between the P waves and QRS-Ts is twice as long as the animal's longest expected Q R S to Q R S
then evaluated. Calipers are often useful for evaluating the interval. A n escape complex usually interrupts the resulting
regularity and interrelationships o f the waveforms. Estima pause i f sinus activity does not resume i n time. Long pauses
tion of M E A is described o n p. 28. can cause fainting or weakness. Sinus arrest cannot be dif
Individual waveforms and intervals are usually measured ferentiated with certainty from sinoatrial (SA) block by the
using lead II. Amplitudes are recorded i n millivolts and surface E C G . Fig. 2-8 illustrates various sinus rhythms.
durations i n seconds. O n l y one thickness o f the inscribed
pen line should be included for each measurement. A t ECTOPIC RHYTHMS
25 mm/sec paper speed, each small (1 m m ) box o n the E C G Impulses originating from outside the sinus node (ectopic
gridwork is 0.04 seconds i n duration (from left to right). A t impulses) are abnormal and create an arrhythmia (dysrhyth
50 mm/sec paper speed, each small box equals 0.02 seconds. mia). Ectopic impulses are described o n the basis o f their

Normal ECG Reference Ranges for Dogs and Cats


Heart Rate

7 0 to 160 beats/min (adults)* to 2 2 0 beats/min (puppies) 120 to 2 4 0 beats/min

Mean Electrical Axis (Frontal Plane)

+40 to +100 degrees 0 to +160 degrees

Measurements (Lead II)

P-wave duration (maximum)

0.04 sec (0.05 sec, giant breeds) 0 . 0 3 5 to 0 . 0 4 sec

P-wave height (maximum)

0.4 mV 0.2 mV

PR interval

0.06 to 0.13 sec 0.05 to 0 . 0 9 sec

QRS complex duration (maximum)

0.05 sec (small breeds) 0.04 sec

0.06 sec (large breeds)

R-wave height (maximum)

2.5 mV (small breeds) 0.9 mV in any lead; Q R S total in any lead <1.2 mV
3 mV (large breeds)

ST segment deviation

<0.2 mV depression N o marked deviation

<0.15 mV elevation

T wave

Normally <25% of R wave height; can be positive, Maximum 0.3 mV; can be positive (most common), negative,
negative, or biphasic or biphasic

QT interval duration

0.15-0.25 (to 0.27) sec; varies inversely with heart rate 0.12 to 0.18 (range 0 . 0 7 to 0.2) sec; varies inversely with
heart rate

Chest Leads

V ; rV : positive T wave
1 2
R wave 1.0 mV maximum
V : S wave 0.8 mV maximum; R wave

2.5 mV maximum
V : S wave 0 . 7 mV maximum; R wave

3 mV maximum
V : negative Q R S ; negative T wave (except Chihuahua)
R / Q <1.0; negative T wave

Each small box on the E C G paper grid is 0.02 second wide at 50 mm/sec paper speed, 0.04 second wide at 25 mm/sec, and 0.1 mV high
at a calibration of 1 cm = 1 mV.
* Range may extend lower for large breeds and higher for toy breeds.
May be greater in young (under 2 years old), thin, deep-chested dogs.

general site o f o r i g i n (atrial, junctional, supraventricular, heart. Premature ectopic impulses (complexes) occur singly
ventricular) and their t i m i n g (Fig. 2-9). Timing refers to or i n multiples; groups o f three or more constitute an episode
whether the impulse occurs earlier than the next expected of tachycardia. Episodes o f tachycardia can be brief (parox
sinus impulse (premature) or after a longer pause (late or ysmal tachycardia) or quite prolonged (sustained tachycar
escape). Escape complexes represent activation o f a subsid dia). W h e n one premature complex follows each n o r m a l
iary pacemaker and function as a rescue mechanism for the Q R S , a bigeminal pattern exists; the origin of the premature
BOX 2-3

Causes of Sinus Bradycardia and Sinus Tachycardia

Sinus Bradycardia Anemia/hypoxia

H e a r t failure
C a r d i a c arrest (before or after) Hypotension
Drugs (e.g., s o m e tranquilizers, anesthetics, beta-blockers, Sepsis
c a l c i u m entry b l o c k e r s , d i g o x i n ) Anxiety/fear
Increased intracranial pressure Excitement
Brainstem lesions Exercise
Severe m e t a b o l i c d i s e a s e ( e . g . , h y p e r k a l e m i a , uremia)
O c u l a r pressure Drugs ( e . g . , a n t i c h o l i n e r g i c s , sympathomimetics)
C a r o t i d sinus pressure Toxicities ( e . g . , c h o c o l a t e , a m p h e t a m i n e s , theophylline)
Electric s h o c k
O t h e r causes of high v a g a l tone (e.g., a i r w a y obstruction)
Sinus n o d e d i s e a s e O t h e r c a u s e s of high sympathetic tone
N o r m a l variation (athletic dog)

Sinus Tachycardia

FIG 2 - 8
Sinus rhythms. A , Sinus rhythm in n o r m a l cat. Lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c . B , Sinus a r r h y t h m i a
with w a n d e r i n g p a c e m a k e r in a d o g . N o t e g r a d u a l v a r i a t i o n in P-wave height a s s o c i a t e d
with respiratory c h a n g e s in heart rate; this v a r i a t i o n is n o r m a l in the d o g . Lead a V F ,
2 5 m m / s e c . C , Sinus b r a d y c a r d i a . L e a d II, 2 5 m m / s e c , d o g .
FIG 2 - 9
Diagrams illustrating the appearance of ectopic complexes. Abnormal impulses can origi
nate (A) above the AV node (supraventricular) or from within the ventricles (ventricular).
Supraventricular ectopic complexes have a normal-appearing Q R S . A n abnormal P wave
usually precedes a complex originating in atrial tissue; no P wave (or a retrograde P wave
in the ST segmentnot shown) is common with an impulse originating from the AV junction.
Ventricular-origin QRS complexes have a different configuration from the normal sinus QRS.
The timing (B) of ectopic complexes refers to whether they appear before the next expected
sinus complex (premature or early) or after a longer than expected pause (escape or late).

complexes determines whether the r h y t h m is described as

FIG 2 - 1 0
atrial or ventricular bigeminy. Fig. 2-10 contains examples Ectopic complexes and rhythms. A , Atrial premature
of supraventricular and ventricular complexes. complexes in an old Cocker Spaniel with mitral insufficiency.
Note small negative P waves (arrows) preceding early
Supraventricular Premature Complexes complexes. Slight increase in QRS size is thought to be
related to minor intraventricular conduction delay with
Supraventricular premature complexes are impulses that
prematurity (lead III, 25 mm/sec). B , Short paroxysm of
originate above the atrioventricular (AV) node, either i n the
atrial tachycardia (lead II, 25 mm/sec, dog). C , Sustained
atria or the A V junctional area. Because they are conducted atrial tachycardia in Irish Setter with mitral stenosis. Note
into and through the ventricles v i a the n o r m a l conduction negative, abnormal P waves (lead II, 25 mm/sec).
pathway, their Q R S configuration is n o r m a l (unless an intra D , Multiform ventricular premature complexes (lead II,
ventricular conduction disturbance is also present). Prema 25 mm/sec, dog). E , Intermittent paroxysms of ventricular
tachycardia demonstrating fusion complex (arrow) (lead II,
ture complexes arising w i t h i n the atria are usually preceded
25 mm/sec, dog). F, Sustained ventricular tachycardia with
by an abnormal P wave (positive, negative, or biphasic c o n
several nonconducted P waves (arrows) superimposed (lead
figuration) called a P' wave. If an ectopic P ' wave occurs aVF, 25 mm/sec, dog). G, Sinus arrhythmia with periods of
before the A V node has completely repolarized, the impulse sinus arrest interrupted by junctional (arrows) and ventricular
may not be conducted into the ventricles (an example of (arrowheads) escape complexes (lead II, 25 mm/sec, dog).
physiologic A V block). In some cases, the premature impulse The differentiation between escape and premature com
plexes is crucial.
is conducted slowly (prolonged P ' Q interval) or w i t h a bundle
FIG 2-10
For l e g e n d , see f a c i n g p a g e .
branch block pattern. A l t h o u g h P ' waves usually do not waves on the E C G because there is no uniform atrial depo
precede junctional complexes, retrograde conduction into larization wave. Rather, the baseline usually shows irregular
the atria sometimes causes a negative P ' wave to follow, be undulations (fibrillation waves). Lack of organized electrical
superimposed on, or even precede the associated QRS complex. activity prevents meaningful atrial contraction. The A V
If the specific origin of the ectopic complex(es) is unclear, the node, being bombarded by chaotic electrical impulses, con
more general term supraventricular premature complex (or ducts as many as possible to the ventricles. Ultimately the
supraventricular tachycardia) is used. Clinically it is usually (ventricular) heart rate is determined by A V conduction
more important to determine whether an arrhythmia origi velocity and recovery time, which are influenced by prevail
nates from above the A V node (supraventricular) or below ing autonomic tone. Atrial fibrillation (AF) causes an irreg
it (ventricular) rather than the more specific localization. ular heart rhythm that is often quite rapid (Fig. 2-11). The
Supraventricular premature complexes that also depolarize Q R S complexes are usually normal i n configuration because
the sinus node reset the sinus rhythm and create a "noncom intraventricular conduction pathway is usually normal.
pensatory pause" (i.e., the interval between the sinus c o m M i n o r variation i n Q R S complex amplitude is common,
plexes preceding and following the premature complex is less however, and intermittent or sustained bundle branch
than that o f three consecutive sinus complexes). blocks can occur. A F tends to be a consequence of severe
atrial disease and enlargement i n dogs and cats; it is usually
Supraventricular Tachycardias preceded by intermittent atrial tachyarrhythmias and perhaps
Tachycardias of supraventricular origin often involve a reen atrial flutter. A F sometimes occurs spontaneously i n giant
trant pathway using the A V node (either within the A V node breed dogs without evidence of underlying heart disease
or using an accessory pathway). A premature supraventricu ("lone" A F ) . The heart rate can be normal i n these dogs.
lar or ventricular impulse can initiate reentrant supraven
tricular tachycardia (SVT). D u r i n g episodes of reentrant Ventricular Premature Complexes
S V T i n animals with ventricular preexcitation, the P R inter Ventricular premature complexes ( V P C s or PVCs) originate
val usually normalizes or is prolonged, and retrograde P ' below the A V node and do not activate ventricular muscle
waves may be evident. The Q R S complexes are of normal via the normal ventricular conduction pathway. Therefore
configuration unless a simultaneous intraventricular con their Q R S configuration differs from the animal's sinus
duction disturbance is present. complexes. Ventricular ectopic complexes are usually wider
Atrial tachycardia is caused by rapid discharge of an than sinus-origin complexes because of slower intramuscu
abnormal atrial focus or by atrial reentry (repetitive activa lar conduction. Because V P C s usually are not conducted
tion caused by conduction o f the electrical impulse around backward through the A V node into the atria, the sinus rate
an abnormal circuit within the atria). In the dog the atrial continues undisturbed; thus the V P C is followed by a "com
activation rate per minute is usually between 260 and 380. pensatory pause" i n the sinus rhythm. W h e n the configura
The P ' waves are often hidden i n the Q R S - T complexes. tion of multiple V P C s or ventricular tachycardia is consistent
Atrial tachycardia can be paroxysmal or sustained. It is in an animal, the complexes are described as being uniform,
usually a regular rhythm unless the rate is too fast for the A V unifocal, or monomorphic. W h e n the V P C s occurring in an
node to conduct every impulse, i n which case physiologic A V individual have differing configurations, they are said to be
block and irregular ventricular activation result. A consistent multiform or polymorphic. Increased electrical instability
ratio of atrial impulses to ventricular activation (e.g., 2:1 or may accompany multiform V P C s or tachycardia.
3:1 A V conduction) preserves the regularity o f this arrhyth
mia. Sometimes the impulses traverse the A V node but are Ventricular Tachycardia
delayed within the ventricular conduction system, causing a Ventricular tachycardia consists of a series of V P C s (usually
bundle branch block pattern on the E C G . Differentiation at a rate greater than 100 beats/min). The R R interval is most
from ventricular tachycardia may be difficult i n these cases. often regular, although some variation can occur. Noncon
ducted sinus P waves may be superimposed on or between
Atrial Flutter the ventricular complexes, although they are unrelated to the
Atrial flutter is caused by a very rapid (usually greater than V P C s because the A V node and/or ventricles are in the
400 impulses/min) wave of electrical activation regularly refractory period (physiologic A V dissociation). The term
cycling through the atria. The ventricular response may be capture beat refers to the successful conduction of a sinus P
irregular or regular, depending on the pattern of A V conduc wave into the ventricles uninterrupted by another V P C (i.e.,
tion. The E C G baseline consists of "sawtooth" flutter waves the sinus node has "recaptured" the ventricles). If the normal
that represent the fast, recurrent atrial activation. Atrial ventricular activation sequence is interrupted by a V P C , a
flutter is not a stable rhythm; it often degenerates into atrial "fusion" complex can result. A fusion complex represents a
fibrillation or may convert back to sinus rhythm. melding of the normal Q R S configuration and that of the
V P C (see Fig. 2-10, E). Fusion complexes are often observed
Atrial Fibrillation at the onset or end of a paroxysm of ventricular tachycardia;
This c o m m o n arrhythmia is characterized by rapid and they are preceded by a P wave and shortened P R interval.
chaotic electrical activation within the atria. There are no P Identification of P waves (whether conducted or not) or
FIG 2 - 1 1
A t r i a l fibrillation. A , U n c o n t r o l l e d atrial fibrillation (heart rate 2 2 0 b e a t s / m i n ) in a
D o b e r m a n Pinscher with d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a t h y (lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c ) . B , S l o w e r ventricu
lar r e s p o n s e rate after t h e r a p y in a different D o b e r m a n Pinscher with d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y
o p a t h y s h o w i n g b a s e l i n e fibrillation w a v e s . N o t e lack of P w a v e s a n d i r r e g u l a r RR
intervals. Eighth c o m p l e x from left s u p e r i m p o s e d o n c a l i b r a t i o n m a r k . Lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c .

fusion complexes helps i n differentiating ventricular tachy activity i n the ventricles; the E C G consists of an irregularly
cardia from S V T with abnormal (aberrant) intraventricular undulating baseline (Fig. 2-12). The ventricles cannot func
conduction. tion as a p u m p because coordinated mechanical activity
Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is characterized by cannot occur i n the presence of incoordinated electrical acti
QRS complexes that vary i n size, polarity, and often rate; vation. Ventricular flutter, w h i c h appears as rapid sine-wave
sometimes the Q R S configuration appears as i f it were rotat activity o n the E C G , may precede fibrillation. "Course" ven
ing around the isoelectric baseline. Torsades de pointes is a tricular fibrillation ( V F ) has larger E C G oscillations than
specific form of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia associ "fine"VF.
ated with Q - T interval prolongation.
Escape Complexes
Accelerated Ventricular Rhythm Ventricular asystole is the absence of ventricular electrical
Also called idioventricular tachycardia, accelerated ventricu (and mechanical) activity. Escape complexes and escape
lar rhythm is a ventricular-origin rhythm with a rate of rhythms are a protective mechanism. A n escape complex
about 60 to 100 beats/min i n the dog (perhaps somewhat occurs after a pause i n the dominant (usually sinus) rhythm.
faster in the cat). Because the rate is slower than true ven If the dominant rhythm does not resume, the escape focus
tricular tachycardia, it is usually a less serious rhythm dis continues to discharge at its o w n intrinsic rate. Escape
turbance. A n accelerated ventricular rhythm may appear rhythms are usually regular. Escape activity originates from
intermittently during sinus arrhythmia, as the sinus rate automatic cells w i t h i n the atria, the A V junction, or the ven
decreases; the ventricular rhythm is often suppressed as the tricles (see Fig. 2-10, G). Ventricular escape rhythms (idio
sinus rate increases. This is c o m m o n i n dogs recovering from ventricular rhythms) usually have an intrinsic rate less than
motor vehicle trauma. Often this rhythm disturbance has no 40 to 50 beats/min i n the dog and 100 beats/min i n the cat,
deleterious effects, although it could progress to ventricular although higher ventricular escape rates can occur. Junc
tachycardia, especially i n clinically unstable patients. tional escape rhythms usually range from 40 to 60 beats/min
in the dog, w i t h a faster rate expected i n the cat. It is impor
Ventricular Fibrillation tant to differentiate escape from premature complexes.
Ventricular fibrillation is a lethal rhythm that is character Escape activity should never be suppressed w i t h antiarrhyth
ized by multiple reentrant circuits causing chaotic electrical mic drugs.
FIG 2 - 1 2
Ventricular fibrillation. N o t e c h a o t i c b a s e l i n e motion a n d a b s e n c e of o r g a n i z e d w a v e
forms. A , C o a r s e fibrillation; B , fine fibrillation. Lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c , d o g .

CONDUCTION DISTURBANCES characterized by uniform P R intervals preceding the blocked

A b n o r m a l impulse conduction within the atrium can occur impulse and is thought to be more often associated with
at several sites. W i t h sinoatrial (SA) block, impulse transmis disease lower i n the A V conduction system (e.g., bundle of
sion from the SA node to the atrial muscle is prevented. His or major bundle branches). A n alternative classification
Although this cannot reliably be differentiated from sinus of second-degree A V block based on Q R S configuration has
arrest on the E C G , w i t h S A block the interval between been described. Patients with type A second-degree block
P waves is a multiple o f the n o r m a l P to P interval. A n have a normal, narrow Q R S configuration; those with type
atrial, junctional, or ventricular escape rhythm should take B second-degree block have a wide or abnormal QRS con
over after prolonged sinus arrest or block. Atrial standstill figuration, which suggests diffuse disease lower i n the ven
occurs when diseased atrial muscle prevents n o r m a l electri tricular conduction system. M o b i t z type I A V block usually
cal and mechanical function, regardless of sinus node activ is type A , whereas M o b i t z type II frequently is type B. Supra
ity; consequently, a junctional or ventricular escape rhythm ventricular or ventricular escape complexes are c o m m o n
results and P waves are not seen. Because hyperkalemia during long pauses i n ventricular activation. Third-degree or
interferes w i t h n o r m a l atrial function, it can m i m i c atrial complete A V block is complete failure o f A V conduction; no
standstill. sinus (or supraventricular) impulses are conducted into the
ventricles. Although a regular sinus rhythm or sinus arrhyth
Conduction Disturbances Within mia is often evident, the P waves are not related to the QRS
the AV Node complexes, which result from a (usually) regular ventricular
Abnormalities o f A V conduction can occur from excessive escape rhythm.
vagal tone, drugs (e.g., digoxin, xylazine, medetomidine,
verapamil, and anesthetic agents), and organic disease of the Intraventricular Conduction Disturbances
A V node and/or intraventricular conduction system. Three A b n o r m a l (aberrant) ventricular conduction occurs in asso
categories o f A V conduction disturbances are c o m m o n l y ciation with slowed or blocked impulse transmission i n a
described (Fig. 2-13). First-degree A V block, the mildest, major bundle branch or ventricular region. The right bundle
occurs when conduction from the atria into the ventricles is branch or the left anterior or posterior fascicles of the left
prolonged. A l l impulses are conducted, but the P R interval bundle branch can be affected singly or i n combination. A
is longer than normal. Second-degree A V block is character block i n all three major branches results in third-degree
ized by intermittent A V conduction; some P waves are not (complete) heart block. Activation of the myocardium served
followed by a Q R S complex. W h e n many P waves are not by the blocked pathway occurs relatively slowly, from myo
conducted, the patient has high-grade second-degree heart cyte to myocyte; therefore the Q R S complexes appear wide
block. There are two subtypes of second-degree A V block. and abnormal (Fig. 2-14). Right bundle branch block (RBBB)
M o b i t z type I (Wenckebach) is characterized by progressive is sometimes identified i n otherwise normal dogs and cats,
prolongation o f the P R interval until a nonconducted P wave although it can occur from disease or distention o f the right
occurs; it is frequently associated w i t h disorders w i t h i n the ventricle. Left bundle branch block (LBBB) is usually related
A V node itself and/or high vagal tone. M o b i t z type II is to clinically relevant underlying left ventricular disease. The
FIG 2 - 1 3
A V c o n d u c t i o n a b n o r m a l i t i e s . A , First-degree A V block in a d o g with d i g o x i n toxicity
(lead a V F , 2 5 m m / s e c ) . B , S e c o n d - d e g r e e A V b l o c k ( W e n c k e b a c h ) in a n o l d c a t under
a n e s t h e s i a . N o t e g r a d u a l l y p r o l o n g e d PR interval with f a i l e d c o n d u c t i o n of third (and
seventh) P wave(s) f o l l o w e d b y a n e s c a p e c o m p l e x . The fourth a n d eighth P w a v e s
(arrows) a r e not c o n d u c t e d b e c a u s e the ventricles a r e refractory (lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c ) .
C , S e c o n d - d e g r e e A V b l o c k in a c o m a t o s e o l d d o g with brainstem signs a n d s e i z u r e s .
N o t e the c h a n g i n g configuration of the P w a v e s (wandering pacemaker) (lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c )
D , C o m p l e t e (third-degree) heart b l o c k in a P o o d l e . There is u n d e r l y i n g sinus a r r h y t h m i a ,
but no P w a v e s a r e c o n d u c t e d ; a s l o w ventricular e s c a p e rhythm has resulted. T w o
c a l i b r a t i o n marks (half-standard, 0 . 5 c m = 1 mV) a r e s e e n . Lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c .

left anterior fascicular block (LAFB) pattern is c o m m o n i n the A V node (extranodal) and allows early depolarization
cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (represented by the delta wave) of a part o f the ventricle
distant to where normal ventricular activation begins. Other
Ventricular Preexcitation accessory pathways connect the atria or dorsal areas of the
Early activation (preexcitation) of part of the ventricular A V node directly to the bundle of H i s . These cause a short
myocardium can occur when there is an accessory conduc P R interval without early Q R S widening. Preexcitation can
tion pathway that bypasses the normal slow-conducting A V be intermittent or concealed (not evident on E C G ) . The
nodal pathway. Several types of preexcitation and accessory danger with preexcitation is that a reentrant supraventricu
pathways have been described. Most cause a shortened P R lar tachycardia can occur using the accessory pathway and
interval. Wolff-Parkinson-White ( W P W ) preexcitation is A V node (also called AV reciprocating tachycardia). Usually
also characterized by early widening and slurring of the Q R S the tachycardia impulses travel into the ventricles via the A V
by a so-called delta wave (Fig. 2-15). This pattern occurs node (antegrade or orthodromic conduction) and then back
because the accessory pathway (Kent's bundle) lies outside to the atria via the accessory pathway, but sometimes the
FIG 2 - 1 4
E C G from a d o g that d e v e l o p e d right b u n d l e b r a n c h b l o c k a n d first-degree A V block after
d o x o r u b i c i n therapy. Sinus a r r h y t h m i a , Leads I a n d II, 2 5 m m / s e c , 1 c m = 1 mV.

FIG 2 - 1 5
Ventricular p r e e x c i t a t i o n in a cat. N o t e s l o w e d Q R S upstroke (delta w a v e ; arrows)
i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w i n g e a c h P w a v e . L e a d II, 5 0 m m / s e c , 1 c m = 1 mV.

direction is reversed. Rapid A V reciprocating tachycardia can 2. F i n d the lead (I, II, III, a V R , a V L , or aVF) with the
cause weakness, syncope, congestive heart failure, and death. most isoelectric Q R S (positive and negative deflections
The presence o f the W P W pattern o n E C G i n conjunction are about equal). Then identify the lead perpendicular
with reentrant supraventricular tachycardia that causes clin to this lead o n the hexaxial lead diagram (see Fig. 2-6).
ical signs characterizes the W P W syndrome. If the Q R S i n this perpendicular lead is mostly positive,
the M E A is toward the positive pole of this lead. If the
MEAN ELECTRICAL AXIS Q R S i n the perpendicular lead is mostly negative, the
The mean electrical axis ( M E A ) describes the average direc M E A is oriented toward the negative pole. If all leads
tion of the ventricular depolarization process i n the frontal appear isoelectric, the frontal axis is indeterminate.
plane. It represents the summation of the various instanta Fig. 2-6 shows the normal M E A range for dogs and
neous vectors that occur from the beginning until the end cats.
of ventricular muscle activation. Major intraventricular con
duction disturbances and/or ventricular enlargement pat CHAMBER ENLARGEMENT AND BUNDLE
terns can shift the average direction of ventricular activation BRANCH BLOCK PATTERNS
and therefore the M E A . O n l y the six frontal plane leads are Changes i n the E C G waveforms can suggest enlargement or
used to determine M E A . Either o f the following methods can abnormal conduction w i t h i n a particular cardiac chamber.
be used: However, enlargement does not always produce these
changes. A widened P wave has been associated with L A
1. Find the lead (I, II, III, a V R , a V L , or aVF) with the enlargement (p mitrale); sometimes the P wave is notched
largest R wave (note: the R wave is a positive deflec as well as wide. Tall, spiked P waves (p pulmonale) can
tion). The positive electrode of this lead is the approx accompany R A enlargement. W i t h atrial enlargement, the
imate orientation of the M E A . usually obscure atrial repolarization (T ) wave may be
evident as a baseline shift i n the opposite direction of the Other QRS Abnormalities
P wave. Small-voltage Q R S complexes sometimes occur. Causes of
A right-axis deviation and an S wave i n lead I are strong reduced Q R S amplitude include pleural or pericardial effu
criteria for R V enlargement (or R B B B ) . Other E C G changes sions, obesity, intrathoracic mass lesions, hypovolemia, and
can usually be found as well. Three or more of the criteria hypothyroidism. Small complexes are occasionally seen i n
listed i n Box 2-4 are generally present when right ventricular dogs without identifiable abnormalities.
enlargement exists. R V enlargement (dilation or hypertro Electrical alternans is an every-other-beat recurring
phy) is usually pronounced i f it is evident o n the E C G alteration i n Q R S complex size or configuration. This is
because L V activation forces are normally so dominant. L V most often seen with large volume pericardial effusions (see
dilation and eccentric hypertrophy (see Chapter 3) often Chapter 9).
increase R-wave voltage i n the caudal leads (II and aVF) and
widen the Q R S . L V concentric hypertrophy inconsistently ST-T ABNORMALITIES
produces a left-axis deviation. The ST segment extends from the end of the Q R S complex
Conduction block i n the major ventricular conduction (also called the J-point) to the onset of the T wave. In dogs
pathways disturbs the normal activation process and alters
QRS configuration. Electrical activation of ventricular
muscle regions served by a diseased bundle branch occurs
late and progresses slowly. This widens the Q R S complex and BOX 2-4
shifts the terminal Q R S orientation toward the area of
Ventricular Chamber Enlargement and Conduction
delayed activation. Box 2-4 and Fig. 2-16 summarize E C G
Abnormality Patterns
patterns associated with ventricular enlargement or conduc
tion delay. Box 2-5 lists c o m m o n clinical associations. Normal

Normal mean electrical axis

N o S wave in lead I
R wave taller in lead II than in lead I
Lead V 2 R wave larger than S wave

Right Ventricular Enlargement

Right-axis deviation
S wave present in lead I
S wave in V 2-3 larger than R wave or >0.8 mV
Q-S (W shape) in V10

Positive T wave in lead V 10 (except Chihuahua breed)

Deep S wave in leads II, III, and aVF

Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB)

Same as right ventricular enlargement, with prolonged ter

minal portion of the Q R S (wide, sloppy S wave)

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Left-axis deviation
R wave in lead I taller than R wave in leads II or aV F

N o S wave in lead I

Left Anterior Fascicular Block (LAFB)

Same as left ventricular hypertrophy, possibly with wider


Left Ventricular Dilation

Normal frontal axis

Taller than normal R wave in leads II, aV , F V2-3

W i d e n e d Q R S ; slurring and displacement of ST segment

and T-wave enlargement may also occur

Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)

FIG 2 - 1 6
Schematic of common ventricular enlargement patterns and Normal frontal axis
conduction abnormalities. E C G leads are listed across top. Very wide and sloppy QRS
LAFB, left anterior fascicular block; LPFB, left posterior Small Q wave may be present in leads II, III, and a V F

fascicular block; LV, left ventricular; RVE, right ventricular (incomplete LBBB)
enlargement; RBBB, right bundle branch block.
BOX 2-5 BOX 2-6
C l i n i c a l Associations of E C G Enlargement Patterns Causes of ST Segment, T Wave, and Q T Abnormalities
Left Atrial Enlargement Depression of J Point/ST Segment
Mitral insufficiency (acquired or congenital) Myocardial ischemia
Cardiomyopathies Myocardial infarction/injury (subendocardial)
Patent ductus arteriosus Hyperkalemia or hypokalemia
Subaortic stenosis Cardiac trauma
Ventricular septal defect Secondary change (ventricular hypertrophy, conduction
disturbance, VPCs)
Right Atrial Enlargement
Digitalis ("sagging" appearance)
Tricuspid insufficiency (acquired or congenital) Pseudodepression (prominent T ) a

Chronic respiratory disease

Interatrial septal defect Elevation of the J Point/ST Segment
Pulmonic stenosis Pericarditis
Left ventricular epicardial injury
Left Ventricular Enlargement (Dilation)
Myocardial infarction (transmural)
Mitral insufficiency Myocardial hypoxia
Dilated cardiomyopathy Secondary change (ventricular hypertrophy, conduction
Aortic insufficiency disturbance, VPCs)
Patent ductus arteriosus Digoxin toxicity
Ventricular septal defect
Subaortic stenosis Prolongation of QT Interval

Left Ventricular Enlargement (Hypertrophy)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Quinidine toxicity
Subaortic stenosis Ethylene glycol poisoning
Secondary to prolonged QRS
Right Ventricular Enlargement
Pulmonic stenosis Central nervous system abnormalities
Tetralogy of Fallot
Tricuspid insufficiency (acquired or congenital) Shortening of QT Interval
Severe heartworm disease Hypercalcemia
Severe pulmonary hypertension (of other cause) Hyperkalemia
Digitalis toxicity

Large T Waves

Myocardial hypoxia
and cats this segment tends to slope into the following Ventricular enlargement
T-wave, so clear demarcation is u n c o m m o n . A b n o r m a l ele Intraventricular conduction abnormalities
vation (>0.15 m V in dogs or 0.1 m V i n cats) or depression Hyperkalemia
(>0.2 m V in dogs or >0.1 m V i n cats) of the J point and ST Metabolic or respiratory diseases
segment i n leads I, II, or a V F may be significant and can be Normal variation
caused by ischemia and other types of myocardial injury.
Tented T Waves
Atrial enlargement or tachycardia can cause pseudode
pression of the ST segment because of prominent T waves. Hyperkalemia

Other secondary causes of ST segment deviation include

VPC, Ventricular premature complex.
ventricular hypertrophy, slowed conduction, and some drugs
(e.g., digoxin).
The T wave represents ventricular muscle repolarization;
it may be positive, negative, or biphasic i n n o r m a l cats and QT Interval
dogs. Changes i n size, shape, or polarity from previous The Q T interval represents the total time of ventricular acti
recordings i n a given animal are probably clinically impor vation and repolarization. This interval varies inversely with
tant. Abnormalities of the T wave can be primary (i.e., not average heart rate; faster rates have a shorter Q T interval.
related to the depolarization process) or secondary (i.e., Autonomic nervous tone, various drugs, and electrolyte dis
related to abnormalities of ventricular depolarization). Sec orders influence the duration of the Q T interval (see Box
ondary ST-T changes tend to be i n the opposite direction of 2-6). Inappropriate prolongation of the Q T interval may
the main Q R S deflection. Box 2-6 lists some causes of ST-T facilitate development of serious reentrant arrhythmias
abnormalities. when underlying nonuniformity i n ventricular repolariza-
tion exists. Prediction equations for expected Q T duration m i c agents (see Chapter 4). Hypernatremia and alkalosis
have been derived for normal dogs and cats. worsen the effects of hypokalemia o n the heart.
Moderate hyperkalemia actually has an antiarrhythmic
ECG MANIFESTATIONS OF effect by reducing automaticity and enhancing uniformity
DRUG TOXICITY AND and speed of repolarization. However, rapid or severe
ELECTROLYTE IMBALANCE increases i n serum potassium concentration are arrhythmo
Digoxin, antiarrhythmic agents, and anesthetic drugs often genic primarily because they slow conduction velocity and
alter heart rhythm and/or conduction either by their direct shorten the refractory period. Fig. 2-17 describes the pro
electrophysiologic effects or by affecting autonomic tone gression of E C G changes as serum potassium concentration
(Box 2-7). rises. The sinus node is relatively resistant to the effects of
Potassium has marked and complex influences o n cardiac hyperkalemia and continues to function, although often at a
electrophysiology. Hypokalemia can increase spontaneous slower rate. Despite progressive atrial muscle unrespon
automaticity of cardiac cells, as well as nonuniformly slow siveness, specialized fibers transmit sinus impulses to
repolarization and conduction; these effects predispose to the ventricles, producing a "sinoventricular" rhythm. The
both supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. H y p o k a characteristic "tented" T-wave appearance may be more
lemia can cause progressive ST segment depression, reduced apparent i n some leads than i n others and may be of small
T-wave amplitude, and Q T interval prolongation. Severe amplitude. Fig. 2-18 illustrates the E C G effects of severe
hypokalemia can also increase Q R S and P-wave amplitudes hyperkalemia and the response to therapy i n a dog with
and durations. In addition, hypokalemia exacerbates digoxin Addison's disease. Hypocalcemia, hyponatremia, and acido
toxicity and reduces the effectiveness of class I antiarrhyth sis accentuate the E C G changes caused by hyperkalemia,

BOX 2-7

ECG Changes Associated With Electrolyte Imbalance and Selected Drug Adverse Effects/Toxicity

Hyperkalemia (see Figs. 2-17, 2-18) Quinidine/Procainamide

Peaked (tented) large T waves Atropine-like effects

Short Q T interval Prolonged Q T interval
Flat or absent P waves AV block
Widened QRS Ventricular tachyarrhythmias
ST segment depression W i d e n e d QRS complex
Sinus arrest
ST segment depression
Small, biphasic T waves AV block
Prolonged Q T interval Ventricular tachycardia
Tachyarrhythmias Sinus arrest

Hypercalcemia Beta Blockers

Few effects Sinus bradycardia

Short Q T interval Prolonged PR interval
Prolonged conduction AV block
Barbiturates/Thiobarbitu rates
Ventricular bigeminy
Prolonged Q T interval
Sinus bradycardia
Ventricular arrhythmias (increased sensitivity to catechol
PR prolongation amines, especially halothane)
Second- (or third-) degree AV block
Sinus bradycardia or arrest
Accelerated junctional rhythm Sinus bradycardia
Ventricular premature complexes Sinus arrest/sinoatrial block
Ventricular tachycardia AV block
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with block Ventricular tachyarrhythmias (especially with halothane, epi
Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular rate nephrine)

AV, Atrioventricular.
(except swimming), strenuous exercise, and sleep. This is
useful for detecting and quantifying intermittent cardiac
arrhythmias and therefore helps identify cardiac causes of
syncope and episodic weakness. Holter monitoring is also
used to assess the efficacy o f antiarrhythmic drug therapy
and to screen for arrhythmias associated with cardiomyopa
thy or other diseases. The Holter monitor is a small battery-
powered digital or analog tape recorder worn by the patient,
typically for 24 hours. Two or three E C G channels are
recorded from modified chest leads using adhesive patch
electrodes. D u r i n g the recording period, the animal's activi
ties are noted i n a patient diary for later correlation with
simultaneous E C G events. A n event button on the Holter
recorder can be pressed to mark the time a syncopal or other
episode is witnessed.
The digitized recording is analyzed using computer algo
rithms that classify the recorded complexes. Evaluation and
editing by a trained Holter technician experienced with vet
erinary recordings are important for accurate analysis. Fully
automated computer analysis can result i n significant mis-
classification of Q R S complexes and artifacts from dog and
cat recordings. A summary report and selected portions of
FIG 2 - 1 7
the recording are enlarged and printed for examination by
Progressive E C G c h a n g e s that d e v e l o p with w o r s e n i n g the clinician. Evaluation of a full disclosure print-out o f the
h y p e r k a l e m i a (scale represents serum K c o n c e n t r a t i o n in entire recording is also helpful when compared with the
m E q / L ) . A l t h o u g h E C G c h a n g e s c o r r e l a t e p o o r l y with serum selected E C G strips and the times of clinical signs and/or
K c o n c e n t r a t i o n , they a c c u r a t e l y reflect c a r d i a c electrophys activities noted i n the patient diary (see Suggested Readings
iologic changes.
for more information). A Holter monitor, hook-up supplies,
and analysis can be obtained from some commercial human
Holter scanning services, as well as many veterinary teaching
hospitals and cardiology referral centers.
whereas hypercalcemia and hypernatremia tend to coun Wide variation i n heart rate is seen throughout the day
teract them. i n n o r m a l animals. In dogs m a x i m u m heart rates o f up to
M a r k e d E C G changes caused by other electrolyte distur 300 beats/min have been recorded with excitement or activ
bances are u n c o m m o n . Severe hypercalcemia or hypocalce ity. Episodes o f bradycardia (<50 beats/min) are common,
mia could have noticeable effects (Table 2-3 on p. 34), but especially during quiet periods and sleep. Sinus arrhythmia,
this is rarely seen clinically. Hypomagnesemia has no reported sinus pauses (sometimes for more than 5 seconds), and occa
effects o n the E C G , but it can predispose to digoxin toxicity sional second-degree A V block are apparently c o m m o n in
and exaggerate the effects o f hypocalcemia. dogs, especially at times when mean heart rate is lower. In
normal cats heart rates also vary widely over 24 hours (e.g.
COMMON ARTIFACTS from ~70 to ~290 beats/minute. Regular sinus rhythm pre
Fig. 2-19 o n p. 35 illustrates some c o m m o n E C G artifacts. dominates i n n o r m a l cats, and sinus arrhythmia is evident
Electrical interference can be m i n i m i z e d or eliminated by at slower heart rates. Ventricular premature complexes occur
properly grounding the E C G machine; turning off other only sporadically i n n o r m a l dogs and cats; their prevalence
electrical equipment or lights o n the same circuit or having likely increases only slightly with age.
a different person restrain the animal may also help. Other
artifacts are sometimes confused with arrhythmias; how Event Recording
ever, artifacts do not disturb the underlying cardiac rhythm. Cardiac event recorders are smaller than typical Holter units
Conversely, ectopic complexes often disrupt the underlying and contain a microprocessor with a memory loop that can
rhythm and are followed by a T wave. Careful examination store a brief period o f a single modified chest lead E C G . The
for these characteristics usually allows differentiation event recorder can be w o r n for periods of a week or so, but
between intermittent artifacts and arrhythmias. it cannot store prolonged, continuous E C G activity. Event
recorders are used most often to determine whether episodic
AMBULATORY ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY weakness or syncope is caused by a cardiac arrhythmia.
Holter Monitoring W h e n an episode is observed, the owner activates the
Holter monitoring allows the continuous recording o f recorder, which then stores the E C G from a predetermined
cardiac electrical activity during n o r m a l daily activities time frame (e.g., from 30 seconds before activation to 30
FIG 2 - 1 8
E C G s r e c o r d e d in a f e m a l e P o o d l e with A d d i s o n ' s d i s e a s e at presentation (A), (K =
+ + +
1 0 . 2 ; N a = 1 3 2 m E q / L ) , a n d 2 d a y s later after treatment (B), (K = 3 . 5 ; N a =
1 4 4 m E q / L ) . N o t e a b s e n c e of P w a v e s , a c c e n t u a t e d a n d tented T w a v e s (especially in
chest leads), shortened Q T interval, a n d slightly w i d e n e d Q R S c o m p l e x e s in A c o m p a r e d
with B. Leads a s m a r k e d , 2 5 m m / s e c , 1 c m = 1 mV.

seconds after) for later retrieval and analysis. Implantable cator o f autonomic function, and possibly o f prognosis, for
(subcutaneous) recording devices have also been used i n veterinary patients is being explored (see Suggested Readings).
some veterinary patients and can allow intermittent E C G
monitoring over an extended time frame. Signal-Averaged
Electrocardiography (SAECG)
OTHER METHODS OF ECG ASSESSMENT Digital signal averaging o f the E C G provides a means of
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) enhancing E C G signal resolution by discarding random
Phasic fluctuations i n vagal and sympathetic tone during the components (noise) so that small-voltage potentials that
respiratory cycle, and also during slower periodic oscillations may occur at the end o f the Q R S complex and into the early
of arterial blood pressure, influence the variation i n time ST segment can be detected. These so-called ventricular late
between consecutive heartbeats. HRV refers to the fluctua potentials can be found i n patients with injured myocar
tion of beat-to-beat time intervals around their mean value. dium; they indicate the presence of conditions that predis
H R V is influenced by baroreceptor function as well as by the pose to reentrant ventricular tachyarrhythmias. The presence
respiratory cycle and sympathetic/parasympathetic balance. of late potentials on S A E C G has been identified i n some
The degree of H R V decreases with severe myocardial dys D o b e r m a n Pinschers w i t h ventricular tachycardia and sig
function and heart failure, as well as other causes of increased nificant ventricular dysfunction, but the sensitivity for pre
sympathetic tone. The variation i n instantaneous heart rate dicting risk o f ventricular tachycardia is unclear (see
(R-to-R intervals) can be evaluated as a function of time Suggested Readings).
(time-domain analysis) as well as i n terms of the frequency
and amplitude o f its summed oscillatory components (fre
quency-domain or power spectral analysis). Frequency- ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
domain analysis allows assessment o f the balance between
sympathetic and vagal modulation o f the cardiovascular Echocardiography (cardiac ultrasonography) is an impor
system. The potential clinical usefulness o f H R V as an i n d i tant noninvasive tool for imaging the heart and surrounding

Echocardiographic Measurements for Dogs*

BREED N (kg) LVID D (mm) LVID S (mm) LVW D (mm) LVW S (mm) IVS D (mm) IVS S (mm) FS (%) (mm) AO (mm) LA/AO

(Morrison '92)
20 3 (1.4-9) 20 (16-28) 10 (8-16) 5(4-6) 8 (6-10) - - 47 (35-57) 12 (8-18) 10 (8-13) 1.2
(CRIPPA '92)
Beagle 20 8.9 1.5 26.3 (19.5-33.1) 15.7 (8.9-22.5) 8.2 (4.4-12) 11.4 (7.6-15.2) 6.7 (4.5-8.9) 9.6 (6.6-12.6) 40 (22-58)
West Highland White 34 9.4 2.4 27.2 (21.6-32.8) 16.8 (12.8-20.8) 6.7 (4.7-8.7) 9.8 (6.8-12.8) 7.2 (4.6-9.8) 9.7 (7.1-12.3) 36 (2646)
(Boode '02)
English Cocker
(Gooding '86)
12 12.2 2 . 2 5 33.8 (27.240.4] 22.2 (16.6-27.8) 7.9 (5.7-10.1) - - - 34.3 (25.3-43.3)
Welsh Corgie (Morrison '92)
20 15 (8-19] 32 (28-40) 19 (12-23) 8 (6-10) 12 (8-13) - 44 (33-57) 21 (12-24) 18 (15-22) 1.17
(Sisson '91)
English Pointer 16 19.2 2 . 8 39.2 (34.4-44) 25.3 (20.5-30.1) 7.1 (5.7-8.5) 11.5 (8.9-14.1) 6.9 (4.7-9.1) 10.6 (8.6-12.6) 35.5 (27.5-43.5) 22.6 (18.6-22.6) 24.1 (20.7-27.5) 0.94 (0.8-1.08)
Afghan Hound (Morrison '92)
20 23 (17-36) 42 (33-52) 28 (20-37) 9 (7-11) 12 (9-18) - - 33 (2448) 26 (18-35) 26 (20-34) 1.0
(Page '93)
Greyhound 16 26.6 3.5 44.1 (28.1-50.1) 32.5 (25.5-39.5] 12.1 (8.7-15.5) 15.3 (10.9-19.7) 10.6 (7.2-14) 13.4 (8.2-18.6) 25.3 (12.7-37.9)
(Herrtage '94)
Boxer 30 28 7 . 1 40 (30-50) 26.8 10 (6-14) 15 (11-19) 9 (5-13) 13 (9-17) 33 (17-49) 23 (19-27) 22 (18-26) 1.06 (1.04-1.08)
(Snyder '95)
Greyhound 11 29.1 3 . 7 46.9 (40.7-53.1] 33.3 (28.1-38.5) 11.6 (8.2-15) 13.4 (10-16.8) 28.8 (20.4-37.2)
Golden 20 32 (23-41) 45 (37-51) 27 (18-35) 10 (8-12)
-15 (10-19)
- 39 (27-55) 27 (16-32) 24 (14-27)
Retriever (Morrison '92)
- - 1.13

Doberman 23 40.1 (34.7-45.5) 31.4 (25.9-36.9) 8 (5.6-10.4) 11.2 (8.3-14.1)

(Minors '98)
- - - 21.7 (14.4-29)
Doberman 21 36 (31-42) 46.8 (38.5-55.1) 30.8 (24.2-37.4) 9.6 (8.4-10.8) 14.1 (12.4-15.8) 9.6 (8.4-10.8) 14.3 (13-15.6) 34.2 (30.6-37.8) 26.6 (23.6-29.6) 29.9 (25.3-34.5) 0.89
(Calvert '86)
(Boyon '94)
Spanish Mastiff 12 52.4 3.3 47.7 (44.9-50.5) 29 (26.8-31.2] 9.7 (8.9-10.5) 15.2 (14.4-16) 9.8 (9-10.6) 15.6 (14.6-16.6) 39.2 28.5 (26.7-30.3) 27.6 (26-29.2) 1.03
(Koch '96)
Newfoundland 27 61 (47-69.5] 50 (44-60) 35.5 (29-44) 10 (8-13) 15 (11-16) 11.5 (7-15) 15 (11-20) 30 (22-37) 30 (24-33) 29 (26-33) 1.0 (0.8-1.25)
(Koch '96)
Great Dane 15 62 (52-75) 53 (44-59) 39.5 (3445) 12.5 (10-16) 16 (11-19) 14.5 (12-16) 16.5 (14-19) 25 (18-36) 33 (2846) 29.5 (28-34) 1.1 (0.9-1.5)
(Vollmar '99)
Irish Wolfhound 262 65 (43-93) 53.2 (45.2-61.2) 35.4 (29.841) 9.8 (6.6-13) 14.9 (10.6-19.2) 9.3 (5.7-12.9) 13.7 (8.9-18.5) 34 (2543) 32.9 (26.1-39.7) 33.1 (27.7-38.7) 0.99
(Koch '96)
Irish Wolfhound 20 68.5 (50-80) 50 (46-59) 36 (3345) 10 (9-13) 14 (11-17) 12 (9-14.5) 15 (11-17) 28 (20-34) 31 (22-35) 30 (29-31) 1.0 (0.9-1.5)

* Values expressed as mean 2 standard deviations or (range).

C o m m e n t : In general, normal FS is considered from 2 5 - 4 0 or 4 5 % , although some healthy athletic dogs have FS between 2 0 % and 2 5 % . Most normal dogs have an EPSS 6 mm; may be slightly
larger in giant breeds. LVID = left ventricular diameter in diastole; LVID = left ventricular diameter in systole; LVW = left ventricular free wall thickness in diastole; L V W = left ventricular free wall
d S d S

thickness in systole; IVS = interventricular septal thickness in diastole; IVS = interventricular septal thickness in systole; FS = left ventricular fractional shortening.
d S
FIG 2 - 1 9
C o m m o n E C G artifacts. A , 6 0 H z electrical interference; Lead III, 2 5 m m / s e c , d o g .
B, Baseline movement c a u s e d by p a n t i n g ; Lead II, 2 5 m m / s e c , d o g . C , R e s p i r a t o r y
motion artifact; Lead V , 5 0 m m / s e c , d o g . D , S e v e r e muscle tremor artifact; Lead V ,
3 3

5 0 m m / s e c , c a t . E, Intermittent, r a p i d b a s e l i n e spikes c a u s e d b y purring in c a t ; a

c a l i b r a t i o n mark is seen just left of the center of the strip. Lead a V F , 2 5 m m / s e c .

Structures. Anatomic relationships as well as cardiac func Like other diagnostic modalities, echocardiography is
tion can be assessed by evaluating cardiac chamber size, wall best used w i t h i n the context o f a thorough history, cardio
thickness, wall motion, valve configuration and m o t i o n , and vascular examination, and other appropriate tests. Technical
proximal great vessels and other parameters. Pericardial and expertise is essential to adequately perform and interpret the
pleural fluid are easily detected, and mass lesions w i t h i n and echocardiographic examination. The importance o f the
adjacent to the heart can be identified. Echocardiographic echocardiographer's skill and understanding o f n o r m a l and
examination can usually be performed w i t h m i n i m a l or no abnormal cardiovascular anatomy and physiology cannot be
chemical restraint. overemphasized. The ultrasound equipment used as well as
individual patient characteristics also affect the quality of animal's dependent side. Some animals can be adequately
images obtained. Sound waves do not travel well though imaged while standing. Shaving a small area of hair over the
bone (e.g., ribs) and air (lungs); these structures may pre transducer placement site can improve skin contact and
clude good visualization of the entire heart. image clarity Coupling gel is applied to produce air-free
contact between skin and transducer. The transducer is
BASIC PRINCIPLES placed over the area of the precordial impulse (or other
Echocardiography uses pulsed, high-frequency sound waves appropriate site), and its position is adjusted to find a good
that are reflected, refracted, and absorbed by body tissue "acoustic w i n d o w " that allows clear visualization of the
interfaces. O n l y the reflected portion can be received and heart. The right and left parasternal transducer positions are
processed for display. Transducer frequency, power output, used most often. M i n o r adjustment of the animal's forelimb
and various processing controls influence the intensity and or torso position may be required to obtain a good acoustic
clarity of the displayed echo images. Three echo modalities window. Once the heart is located, the transducer is angled
are used clinically: M - m o d e , two-dimensional (2-D, real or rotated and the echocardiograph's controls for factors
time), and Doppler. Each has important applications such as beam strength, focus, and postprocessing parameters
(described i n the subsequent sections). are adjusted as necessary to optimize the image. Optimal
Sound waves are propagated through soft tissue at a char visualization generally is achieved for 2-D and M - m o d e
acteristic speed (~1540 m/sec), so the thickness, size, and studies when the ultrasound beam is perpendicular to the
location of various structures i n relation to the origin of the cardiac structures and endocardial surfaces of interest. Image
ultrasound beam can be determined at any point i n time. artifacts are c o m m o n and can m i m i c a cardiac abnormality.
Because the intensity of the ultrasound beam decreases as it If the suspected lesion can be visualized i n more than one
penetrates into the body (because of beam divergence, imaging plane, it is more likely to be real.
absorption, scatter, and reflection of wave energy at tissue The echocardiographic examination includes carefully
interfaces), echoes returning from deeper structures tend to obtained M - m o d e measurements and all standard 2-D
be weaker. W h e n the ultrasound beam (2-D and M - m o d e ) imaging planes from both sides of the chest, as well as any
is perpendicular to the imaged structure, stronger echos are other views needed to further evaluate specific lesions.
returned. Also, greater mismatch i n acoustic impedance Doppler evaluation provides important additional informa
(which is related to tissue density) between two adjacent tion (discussed i n more detail later). The complete examina
tissues produces a more reflective boundary, and stronger tion can be quite time consuming in some patients. Light
echoes result. Very reflective interfaces such as bone/tissue or sedation is helpful i f the animal does not lie quietly.
air/tissue interfere with imaging of weaker echos from deeper Buprenorphine (0.0075 to 0.01 mg/kg IV) with aceproma
tissue interfaces. zine (0.03 mg/kg IV) usually works well for dogs. Butorpha
Higher frequency ultrasound permits better resolution of nol (0.2 mg/kg I M ) with acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg I M ) is
small structures because of the beam characteristics of longer adequate for many cats, although some require more intense
near field and lesser far field divergence. However, higher sedation. Acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg I M ) followed in 15
frequencies have less penetrating ability as more energy minutes by ketamine (2 mg/kg IV) can be used in cats, but
is absorbed and scattered by the soft tissues. Conversely, a this regimen can increase heart rate undesirably.
transducer that produces lower frequencies provides greater
penetration depth but less well-defined images. Frequencies TWO-DIMENSIONAL
generally used for small animal echocardiography range ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
from about 3.5 M H z (for large dogs) to >10 M H z (for cats A plane of tissue (both depth and width) is displayed using
and small dogs). A megahertz ( M H z ) represents 1,000,000 2-D echocardiography. The anatomic changes resulting from
cycles/sec. various diseases or congenital defects are evident, although
Strongly reflective tissues are referred to as being hyper- actual b l o o d flow is not usually visualized with 2-D or M -
echoic or of increased echogenicity. Poorly reflecting tissues mode imaging alone.
are hypoechoic; fluid, which does not reflect sound, is
anechoic or sonolucent. Tissue behind an area of sonolu Common 2-D Echocardiographic Views
cency appears hyperechoic because of acoustic enhancement. A variety of planes can be imaged from several chest wall
O n the other hand, through-transmission of the ultrasound locations. M o s t standard views are obtained from either
beam is blocked by a strongly hyperechoic object (such as a the right or left parasternal positions (directly over the
rib), and an acoustic shadow (where no image appears) is heart and close to the sternum). Images are occasionally
cast behind the object. obtained from subxiphoid (subcostal) or thoracic inlet
For most echocardiographic examinations, the animal is (suprasternal) positions. Long-axis views are obtained
gently restrained i n lateral recumbency; better-quality images with the imaging plane parallel to the long axis of the heart;
are usually obtained when the heart is imaged from the short-axis views are perpendicular to this plane (Figs. 2-20
recumbent side. For this the animal is placed on a table or to 2-25). Images are described by the location of the trans
platform with an edge cutout, which allows the echocardiog ducer and the imaging plane used (e.g., right parasternal
rapher to position and manipulate the transducer from the short-axis view, left cranial parasternal long-axis view). 2-D
FIG 2-20
T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l short-axis e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h i c v i e w s from the right p a r a s t e r n a l p o s i t i o n .
The center d i a g r a m i n d i c a t e s the orientation of the ultrasound b e a m used to i m a g e
c a r d i a c structures at the six levels s h o w n . S e v e r a l of these positions g u i d e M - m o d e b e a m
p l a c e m e n t as w e l l as D o p p l e r e v a l u a t i o n of tricuspid a n d p u l m o n a r y f l o w s . C o r r e s p o n d i n g
echo images a r e shown c l o c k w i s e from the bottom. A , A p e x . B , Papillary muscle. C , C h o r d a e
t e n d i n e a e . D , M i t r a l v a l v e . E, A o r t i c v a l v e . F, P u l m o n a r y artery. AMV, A n t e r i o r (septal)
mitral v a l v e c u s p ; AO, a o r t a ; APM, anterior p a p i l l a r y muscle; CaVC, c a u d a l v e n a c a v a ;
CH, c h o r d a e t e n d i n e a e ; LA, left atrium; LPA, left p u l m o n a r y artery; LV, left ventricle; LVO,
left ventricular outflow tract; PA, p u l m o n a r y artery; PM, p a p i l l a r y m u s c l e ; PMV, posterior
mitral v a l v e c u s p ; PPM, posterior p a p i l l a r y muscle; PV, p u l m o n a r y v a l v e ; RA, right a t r i u m ;
RAu, right a u r i c l e ; RC, LC, NC, right, left, a n d n o n c o r o n a r y cusps of aortic v a l v e ; RPA, right
p u l m o n a r y artery; RV, right ventricle; RVO, right ventricular outflow tract; TV, tricuspid
v a l v e . (From T h o m a s W P et a l : R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for s t a n d a r d s in transthoracic
2-dimensi onal e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y in the d o g a n d cat, J Vet Intern Med 7:247, 1 9 9 3 . )

imaging allows an overall assessment of cardiac chamber appropriately timed 2-D frames can also be used. Several
orientation, size and wall thickness. The R V wall is usually methods can be used to estimate L V volume and wall mass.
about one third of the thickness of the L V free wall and L A size is better assessed using 2-D rather than M - m o d e .
should be no greater than half its thickness. The size of the Several methods for measuring L A size have been described.
right atrial and ventricular chambers is subjectively com One is to measure the cranial-caudal diameter (top-to-
pared with that of the left atrium and ventricle; the right bottom on screen) at end-systole using a right parasternal
parasternal long axis and left apical 4 chamber views are long axis four-chamber view. In cats this L A dimension nor
useful for this. A l l valves and related structures as well as the mally is <16 m m ; a diameter >19 m m may indicate greater
great vessels are systematically examined. A n y suspected risk for thromboembolism. Because of greater body size
abnormality is scanned in multiple planes to further verify variation i n dogs, L A dimension is usually compared with
and delineate it. the 2-D aortic root diameter measured across the sinuses of
End diastolic and systolic L V internal dimensions and Valsalva. A 2-D maximal L A diameter: aortic root ratio
wall thickness are usually obtained using M - m o d e , but between 1.7 to 1.9 is considered normal.
FIG 2 - 2 1
T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l long-axis e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h i c v i e w s from
right p a r a s t e r n a l p o s i t i o n . E a c h d i a g r a m o n the left indi
cates the l o c a t i o n of the ultrasound b e a m a s it transects the
FIG 2 - 2 2
heart from the right s i d e , resulting in the c o r r e s p o n d i n g
Left c a u d a l (apical) parasternal position. Four-chamber v i e w
e c h o i m a g e o n the right. Long-axis f o u r - c h a m b e r (left
o p t i m i z e d for ventricular inflow is a b o v e . Five-chamber v i e w
ventricular inflow) v i e w is a b o v e . Long-axis v i e w of the left
o p t i m i z e d for left ventricular outflow is b e l o w . These v i e w s
ventricular o u t f l o w r e g i o n is b e l o w . AO, A o r t a ; CH,
p r o v i d e g o o d D o p p l e r velocity signals from mitral a n d
c h o r d a e t e n d i n a e ; LA, left a t r i u m ; LC, left c o r o n a r y c u s p of
aortic v a l v e r e g i o n s . AO, A o r t a ; AS, interatrial septum; LA,
aortic v a l v e ; LV, left ventricle; LVW, left ventricular w a l l ;
left a t r i u m ; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right
MV, mitral v a l v e ; PM, p a p i l l a r y m u s c l e ; RA, right a t r i u m ;
ventricle. (From T h o m a s W P et a l : R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for
RPA, right p u l m o n a r y a r t e r y ; RV, right ventricle; TV, tricuspid
v a l v e ; VS, interventricular septum. (From T h o m a s W P et a l : s t a n d a r d s in transthoracic 2 - d i m e n s i o n a l e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y
R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for s t a n d a r d s in transthoracic 2 - d i m e n - in the d o g a n d c a t , J Vet Intern Med 7 : 2 4 7 , 1 9 9 3 . )
s i o n a l e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y in the d o g a n d c a t , J Vet Intern
Med 7 : 2 4 7 , 1 9 9 3 . )
especially when coupled with a simultaneously recorded
E C G (or phonocardiogram). Difficulty i n achieving consis
tent and accurate beam placement for standard measure
M-MODE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY ments and calculations can be a limitation.
This modality provides a one-dimensional view (depth) into
the heart. M - m o d e images represent echos from various M-Mode Views
tissue interfaces along the axis o f the beam (displayed verti Standard M - m o d e views are obtained from the right para
cally on the screen). These echos, which move during the sternal transducer position. The M - m o d e cursor is posi
cardiac cycle, are displayed against time (on the horizontal tioned with 2 - D guidance using the right parasternal
axis). Thus the "wavy" lines that are seen on these recordings short-axis view. Precise positioning o f the ultrasound beam
correspond to the positions o f particular structures in rela within the heart (perpendicular to the structures to be mea
tion to the transducer as well as to each other at any point sured) and clear endocardial images are essential for accurate
i n time. Accurate placement o f the M - m o d e beam using a M - m o d e measurements and calculations. For example, pap
moveable cursor line superimposed on an appropriate 2 - D illary muscles within the left ventricle must be avoided when
(real-time) image is important. M - m o d e images usually measuring free-wall thickness. Fig. 2-26 illustrates standard
provide cleaner resolution o f cardiac borders than 2-D M - m o d e views. In cases in which the M - m o d e cursor cannot
because o f higher sampling rate. Measurements o f cardiac be optimally aligned (e.g., in animals with focal or asym
dimensions and m o t i o n throughout the cardiac cycle are metric hypertrophy), wall thickness measurements from 2-D
often more accurately obtained from M - m o d e tracings, images are preferred.
FIG 2 - 2 3
Left c a u d a l (apical) p a r a s t e r n a l 2 - d i m e n s i o n a l v i e w s
o p t i m i z e d for left ventricular inflow a n d left a u r i c l e (above)
a n d left ventricular outflow (below). AMV, A n t e r i o r (septal)
mitral v a l v e c u s p ; AO, a o r t a ; LA, left atrium; LAu, left
a u r i c l e ; LV, left ventricle; PMV, posterior mitral v a l v e c u s p ;
RC, NC, right a n d n o n c o r o n a r y cusps of aortic v a l v e ; RVO,
right ventricular outflow tract. (From T h o m a s W P et a l :
R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for s t a n d a r d s in transthoracic 2-dimen FIG 2 - 2 5
sional e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y in the d o g a n d cat, J Vet Intern Left c r a n i a l p a r a s t e r n a l long-axis v i e w s o p t i m i z e d for aortic
Med 7 : 2 4 7 , 1 9 9 3 . ) root (above), right atrium a n d a u r i c l e (middle), a n d right
ventricular o u t f l o w a n d m a i n p u l m o n a r y artery (below).
These v i e w s a r e u s e d to e v a l u a t e the heart b a s e a n d c a n
p r o v i d e g o o d D o p p l e r s i g n a l s for tricuspid a n d p u l m o n a r y
flows. AO, A o r t a ; CaVC, c a u d a l v e n a c a v a ; LA, left atrium;
LV, left ventricle; PA, p u l m o n a r y a r t e r y ; PV, p u l m o n a r y
v a l v e ; RA, right atrium; RAu, right a u r i c l e ; RC, NC, right
a n d n o n c o r o n a r y cusps of a o r t i c v a l v e ; RV, right ventricle;
RVO, right ventricular o u t f l o w tract. (From T h o m a s W P et a l :
R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for s t a n d a r d s in t r a n s t h o r a c i c 2-dimen
s i o n a l e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y in the d o g a n d cat, J Vet Intern
Med 7 : 2 4 7 , 1 9 9 3 . )

Common Measurements and

Normal Values
FIG 2 - 2 4 The standard dimensions measured w i t h M - m o d e and their
Left c r a n i a l parasternal short-axis v i e w o p t i m i z e d for right t i m i n g are also indicated i n Fig. 2-26. The leading edge tech
ventricular inflow a n d outflow. This v i e w is useful for nique is used when possible (i.e., from the edge closest to the
Doppler interrogation of tricuspid a n d p u l m o n a r y artery transducer [leading edge] of one side of the d i m e n s i o n to
flows. PA, P u l m o n a r y artery; PV, p u l m o n a r y v a l v e ; RA, right
the leading edge o f the other). In this way, only one endo
atrium; RC, LC, NC, right, left, a n d n o n c o r o n a r y cusps of
cardial surface is included i n the measurement. L V wall and
aortic v a l v e ; RV, right ventricle; TV, tricuspid v a l v e . (From
Thomas W P et a l : R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for s t a n d a r d s in interventricular septal thicknesses, as well as L V chamber
transthoracic 2 - d i m e n s i o n a l e c h o c a r d i o g r a p h y in the d o g dimensions, should be determined at the level o f the chordae
a n d cat, J Vet Intern Med 7 : 2 4 7 , 1 9 9 3 . ) tendineae, rather than the apex or m i t r a l valve level.
FIG 2-26
C o m m o n M - m o d e v i e w s . The d i a g r a m (A) indicates the a p p r o x i m a t e orientation of the o n e - d i m e n s i o n a l ultrasound b e a m
through the heart to a c h i e v e the c o r r e s p o n d i n g M - m o d e i m a g e s . A l e a d II E C G is r e c o r d e d with the e c h o i m a g e s for timing
within the c a r d i a c c y c l e . E n d d i a s t o l e o c c u r s at the onset of the Q R S c o m p l e x (yellow m e a s u r e lines); e n d systole (pink
m e a s u r e lines) is the time w h e n the d i m e n s i o n b e t w e e n the interventricular septum (IVS) a n d left ventricular free w a l l (LVW) is
smallest. B , Image at the level of the c h o r d a e t e n d i n e a e within the left ventricular lumen (LV), c o r r e s p o n d i n g to cursor line " 1 "
in A . Internal d i m e n s i o n s of the LV a r e m e a s u r e d from the l e a d i n g (anterior) e d g e of the left e n d o c a r d i a l w a l l of the IVS to the
l e a d i n g e d g e (luminal surface) of the posterior L V W . The thickness of the IVS is m e a s u r e d from the right e n d o c a r d i a l surface of
the IVS to the l e a d i n g e d g e of the left e n d o c a r d i a l septal w a l l at e n d d i a s t o l e a n d e n d systole; the posterior L V W is m e a s u r e d
at the s a m e times from the e n d o c a r d i a l surface to (but not including) the l e a d i n g e d g e of the e p i c a r d i a l e c h o e s . C , Image at
the mitral v a l v e level, cursor line " 2 " in A . The motion of the anterior ( A M ) a n d posterior (PM) mitral leaflets is d e s c r i b e d b y
the letters s h o w n . Diastolic o p e n i n g of the v a l v e o c c u r s at point D a n d systolic c l o s i n g o c c u r s at point C (see text for more
information). D, Image at the a o r t i c root (Ao) level " 3 " (where v a l v e cusps a r e seen). D i a m e t e r is m e a s u r e d at e n d diastole
from the l e a d i n g (anterior) e d g e of the anterior aortic w a l l to the l e a d i n g e d g e of the posterior w a l l . The left atrium (LA;
usually the a u r i c u l a r region) is m e a s u r e d at the time of p e a k anterior aortic movement. RV, Right ventricular l u m e n ; RVW,
right ventricular w a l l .
Measurements may also be taken from 2 - D images i f they FS, although intrinsic myocardial contractility is not
are of high resolution and frames from the appropriate times increased. The exaggerated FS i n patients w i t h severe mitral
in the cardiac cycle are used. Somatotype, breed, and body regurgitation causes the appearance of increased contractil
size greatly influence echo measurements i n dogs. Endur ity i n those w i t h n o r m a l myocardial function and can mask
ance training also affects measured parameters, reflecting the deteriorating contractile function. Regional wall m o t i o n
increased cardiac mass and volume associated w i t h frequent abnormalities as well as arrhythmias can affect the FS.
and sustained strenuous exercise. Some guidelines for The use of the calculated end-systolic volume index
approximate normal canine values are found i n Table 2-3. (ESVI) has been suggested as a more accurate way to assess
Normal measurements i n cats are more uniform but are also myocardial contractility i n the presence of mitral regurgita
influenced by body size (Table 2-4). Chamber volume and tion. This index ( E S V / m body surface area) compares ven
ejection fraction are better estimated from optimized 2 - D tricular size after ejection with body size rather than with the
frames using the modified Simpsons' method rather than volume-overloaded end-diastolic ventricular size. L V volume
M - m o d e images because of greater potential for inaccurate estimation from 2 - D rather than M - m o d e images is recom
geometric assumptions from one dimensional measure mended. Extrapolation from human studies suggests an
2 2
ments (see Supplemental Readings for further information). ESVI <30 m l / m is normal, 30 to 60 m l / m indicates m i l d L V
The right parasternal long axis view is usually better for systolic dysfunction, 60 to 90 m l / m represents moderate L V
assessing LV size than the left apical view. dysfunction, and >90 m l / m indicates severe L V dysfunction.
Diastolic measurements are made at the onset of the Q R S A number of other methods can also be used to assess L V
complex of a simultaneously recorded E C G . Systolic mea function.
surements of the LV are made from the point of peak down M i t r a l valve m o t i o n is also evaluated w i t h M - m o d e . The
ward motion of the septum to the leading edge of the L V anterior (septal) leaflet is most prominent and has an " M "
free-wall endocardium at the same instant. The septum and configuration. The posterior (parietal) leaflet is smaller; its
LV wall normally move toward each other i n systole, although m o t i o n mirrors the anterior leaflet, appearing as a "W." Tri
their peak movement may not coincide i f electrical activa cuspid valve m o t i o n is similar. The mitral valve m o t i o n
tion is not simultaneous. Paradoxic septal motion, i n which pattern is identified by letters (see Figure 2-26). Point E
the septum seems to move away from the L V wall and toward occurs at maximal opening of the valve during the rapid
the transducer i n systole, occurs i n some cases of R V volume ventricular filling phase. The valve drifts into a more closed
and/or pressure overload. This abnormal septal motion can position (point F) at the end of rapid ventricular filling.
also be visualized on 2-D images; it precludes accurate assess Atrial contraction causes the valve to open again (point A ) .
ment of LV function using fractional shortening. At rapid heart rates the E and A points can merge. The mitral
The fractional shortening (FS; % delta D ) is c o m m o n l y valve closes (point C) at the onset of ventricular systole. In
used to estimate LV function. FS is the percent change i n L V normal animals the mitral E point is close to the interven
dimension from diastole to systole ( [ L V I D d - L V I D s ] / L V I D d tricular septum. Increased E point-to-septal separation is
x 100). Most normal dogs have an FS between 25% to 27% usually associated w i t h reduced myocardial contractility, but
and 40%; in most cats FS is 35% to 65%, although there is aortic insufficiency can also cause this. In animals with L V
some variability. It is important to note that this index, like outflow obstruction, hemodynamic forces during ejection
others taken during cardiac ejection, has the significant l i m can pull the anterior mitral leaflet toward the septum. This
itation of being dependent on ventricular loading condi is called systolic anterior motion (SAM), and it causes the
tions. For example, reduced L V afterload (as occurs from normally straight mitral echos (between points C and D ) to
mitral insufficiency, ventricular septal defect, or peripheral bend toward the septum during systole (see Figure 8-4).
vasodilation) facilitates ejection of blood and permits greater Diastolic flutter of the anterior mitral leaflet can sometimes


Echocardiographic Measurement Guidelines for Cats*

LVID D (mm) LVID S (mm) LVW D (mm) LVW S (mm) IVS D (mm) IVS S (mm) L A (mm) A O (mm)

12-18 5-10 5.5 <9 5.5 <9 7-14 8-11

FS 35%-65%
EPSS 4 mm
LVID , Left ventricular internal diameter at end diastole; LVID , left ventricular internal diameter at end systole; LVW , left ventricular wall at end
d S d

diastole; L V W , left ventricular wall at end systole; IVS , interventricular septum at end diastole; IVS , interventricular septum at end systole; LA,
S d S

left atrium (systole); Ao, aortic root; FS, fractional shortening; EPSS, mitral E-point septal separation.
* These values are based on the author's experience and compilation of published studies. Ketamine increases heart rate and decreases LVID . d

See Suggested Readings for additional references.

Orientation of M-mode cursor across the LA is variable among animals; maximal LA dimension is best assessed by 2-D imaging.
lated if the opening and closing of the aortic valve are clearly
seen on M - m o d e and a simultaneous E C G is recorded for
timing. The STIs are left ventricular ejection time (duration
of time the aortic valve is open), preejection period (time
from the onset o f the Q R S to aortic valve opening), and total
electromechanical systole (left ventricular ejection time plus
preejection period). STIs can also be derived with Doppler

This technique, often called a "bubble study," uses rapid
injection of a substance containing "microbubbles" either
into a peripheral vein or selectively into the heart. These
microbubbles generate tiny pinpoint echos that temporarily
opacify the b l o o d pool being imaged (Fig. 2-29). The micro-
bubbles appear as bright sparkles moving with the blood
flow. Agitated saline solution, a mixture of saline and the
patient's blood, and other substances can be used as echo-
contrast material. Injection into a peripheral vein opacifies
FIG 2 - 2 7
the right heart chambers; bubbles seen in the left heart or
C o l o r f l o w D o p p l e r i m a g e of a n aortic regurgitation jet
aorta indicate a right-to-left shunt. Saline microbubbles do
a n g l e d t o w a r d a n d a l o n g the anterior leaflet of the mitral
v a l v e in a 2-year-old Rottweiler with aortic v a l v e e n d o c a r d i not pass through the pulmonary capillaries (although some
tis. The regurgitant jet c a u s e s the mitral leaflet to flutter in commercially available echo-contrast agents do), so echo-
d i a s t o l e a s seen in F i g . 2 - 2 8 . I m a g e d from the right contrast injection via selective left-sided heart catheteriza
p a r a s t e r n a l long a x i s p o s i t i o n . Ao, A o r t a ; LA, left a t r i u m ; tion is required to visualize intracardiac left-to-right shunts
LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle. or mitral regurgitation. Doppler echocardiography has
largely replaced echocontrast studies, but they are still a
useful tool in some cases.
be seen when an aortic insufficiency jet causes the leaflet to
vibrate (Figures 2-27 and 2-28). DOPPLER ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
The diameter o f the aortic root and sometimes its m o t i o n Blood flow direction and velocity are imaged with Doppler
are measured with M - m o d e . The parallel walls of the aortic echocardiography. Several types o f Doppler echocardiogra
root shift rightward i n systole. D u r i n g diastole one or two phy are used clinically: pulsed-wave ( P W ) , continuous-wave
aortic valve cusps may be seen as a straight line parallel to ( C W ) , and color flow (CF) mapping. Important clinical
and centered between the aortic wall echoes. At the onset o f applications relate to identifying abnormal flow direction or
ejection, the cusps separate toward the walls o f the aortic turbulence and increased flow velocity. This allows detection
root and then come together again at the end o f ejection. and quantification of valvular insufficiency, obstructive
The shape of these echoes (two cusps) has been described as lesions, and cardiac shunts. Cardiac output and other indica
a train o f boxcars or little rectangular boxes attached together tors of systolic function can be assessed, and there is much
by a string. Aortic diameter is measured at end diastole. The interest in Doppler-derived indices o f diastolic function in
amplitude o f posterior-to-anterior m o t i o n o f the aortic root patients with cardiac disease (see Suggested Readings). Ade
is often decreased in animals with poor cardiac output. The quate Doppler examinations are technically demanding.
L A dimension (behind the aortic root) is measured at They are often very time consuming and require a good
maximal systolic excursion. In n o r m a l cats and dogs, the understanding o f hemodynamic principles and cardiac
(M-mode) ratio o f L A to aortic root diameters is about 1 to anatomy.
1. However, L A size is underestimated with this M - m o d e The Doppler modality is based on detecting frequency
view because (especially in dogs) the M - m o d e cursor usually shifts between the emitted ultrasound energy and echoes
transects the L A close to the left auricle, not at its maximal reflected from m o v i n g b l o o d cells (the Doppler shift*).
dimension. In cats the M - m o d e beam is more likely to cross Echoes returning from cells moving away from the trans
the body o f the L A , but its orientation can be inconsistent. ducer are o f lower frequency, and those from cells moving
Echo beam placement may be difficult i n some animals, and toward the transducer are of higher frequency. The higher
the pulmonary artery can be inadvertently imaged instead.
Therefore L A size assessment is best done from 2 - D
images. * V = C( f/2f cos)

V, calculated b l o o d flow velocity (meters/sec); C , speed o f s o u n d i n soft

Systolic time intervals (STIs) have been used sporadically
tissue (1540 meters/sec); f, D o p p l e r frequency shift; f , transmitted fre

to estimate cardiac function, but they are influenced by quency; 6, intercept angle (between u l t r a s o u n d beam a n d b l o o d flow
cardiac filling and afterload. These intervals can be calcu direction).
FIG 3 - 2 8
C o l o r M - m o d e (A) a n d s t a n d a r d M - m o d e (B) i m a g e s of the mitral v a l v e from the d o g in
F i g . 2 - 2 7 . The disturbed f l o w from aortic r e g u r g i t a t i o n is seen as the c o l o r s a l o n g the
anterior leaflet in the left ventricular outflow r e g i o n . Fine fluttering of the anterior mitral
leaflet is seen in B; the leaflet a p p e a r s w i d e a n d " f u z z y " c o m p a r e d with the thin, discrete
posterior leaflet.

the velocity of the cells, the greater the frequency shift. ducer. Higher velocities are displayed farther from baseline.
Optimal blood flow profiles and calculation of maximal Other flow characteristics (e.g., turbulence) also affect the
blood flow velocity are possible when the ultrasound beam Doppler spectral display.
is aligned parallel to the flow. This is in contrast to the per
pendicular beam orientation needed for optimal M - m o d e Pulsed Wave Doppler
and 2-D imaging. W i t h Doppler, calculated blood flow veloc Pulsed wave ( P W ) Doppler uses short bursts of ultrasound
ity diminishes as the angle of incidence between ultrasound to analyze echoes returned from a specified area (designated
beam and direction of blood flow diverges from 0 degrees. the sample volume) along the Doppler cursor line. The
This is because the calculated flow velocity is inversely related advantage of P W Doppler is that blood flow velocity, direc
to the cosine of this angle (cosine 0 degrees = 1). As long as tion, and spectral characteristics can be calculated from a
the angle between the ultrasound beam and path of blood specific location i n the heart or blood vessel. The main dis
flow is less than 20 degrees, maximal flow velocity can be advantage is that the m a x i m u m measurable velocity is
estimated with reasonable accuracy. As this angle of inci limited. The pulse repetition frequency (time required to
dence increases, the calculated velocity decreases. At an angle send, receive, and process returning echoes), as well as the
of 90 degrees, the calculated velocity is 0 (cosine 90 degrees transmitted frequency and the distance of the sample volume
= 0); therefore no flow signal is recorded when the ultra from the transducer determine the m a x i m u m measurable
sound beam is perpendicular to blood flow. Flow signals are velocity (called the Nyquist limit). The Nyquist limit is
usually displayed with time on the x axis and velocity (scaled defined by two times the pulse repetition frequency. Lower
in m/sec) on the y axis. A zero baseline demarcates flow away frequency transducers and closer sample volume placement
from (below baseline) or toward (above baseline) the trans increase the Nyquist limit. W h e n blood flow velocity is
higher than the Nyquist limit, "aliasing" or velocity ambigu
ity occurs. This is displayed as a band of velocity signals
extending above and below ("wrapped around") the base
line, so neither velocity nor direction is measurable (Fig.
2-30). The velocity spectrum displayed with P W Doppler
when blood cells in the sample volume are moving in the
same direction and at the same velocity is relatively thin
(tight). Variation i n velocity causes spectral broadening
Characteristic blood flow patterns are obtained from the
different valve areas. Flow across both A V valves has a similar
pattern; likewise, flow patterns across the semilunar valve
areas are similar. N o r m a l diastolic flow across the mitral
valve (Fig. 2-31) and tricuspid valve consists of an initial
higher velocity signal during the rapid ventricular filling
phase (E wave), which is followed by a smaller velocity signal
associated with atrial contraction (A wave). Breed, age, and
body weight appear to have little influence on normal
Doppler measurements. Peak velocities are normally higher
across the mitral (peak E usually 0.9 to 1.0 m/sec; peak A
usually 0.6 to 0.7 m/sec) compared with the tricuspid valve
(peak E usually 0.8 to 0.9 m/sec; peak A usually 0.5 to
FIG 2-29 0.6 m/sec). The four-chamber left apical view usually pro
E c h o " b u b b l e " study in a d o g with p u l m o n a r y h y p e r t e n s i o n . vides optimal alignment for assessing mitral inflow veloci
Bright speckles fill the R A a n d RV c h a m b e r s after a n
ties; the left cranial short axis view is usually best for
injection of a g i t a t e d s a l i n e into a p e r i p h e r a l v e i n . B e c a u s e
tricuspid inflow, although several other imaging planes may
there w a s no i n t r a c a r d i a c shunt in this d o g , no " b u b b l e s "
a r e seen in the left heart c h a m b e r s , despite a b n o r m a l l y h i g h
provide adequate alignment. Doppler-derived diastolic func
right heart pressures. V i e w from left a p i c a l p o s i t i o n ; A o , tion indices include the isovolumic relaxation time, mitral
a o r t a ; LA, left a t r i u m ; LV, left ventricle; RA, right a t r i u m ; RV, valve E / A ratio, and others.
right ventricle. Flow across the pulmonary and aortic valves (Fig. 2-32)
accelerates rapidly during ejection, with more gradual decel-

FIG 2 - 3 0
M i t r a l d i a s t o l i c i n f l o w a n d systolic regurgitant f l o w in a d o g with d e g e n e r a t i v e mitral valve
d i s e a s e r e c o r d e d with P W D o p p l e r from left c a u d a l p a r a s t e r n a l p o s i t i o n . The d i r e c t i o n of mitral
regurgitant f l o w is a w a y from the transducer ( b e l o w b a s e l i n e ) ; h o w e v e r , this direction c a n n o t b e
d i s c e r n e d with P W b e c a u s e the f l o w v e l o c i t y is too h i g h . The s i g n a l is instead " w r a p p e d
a r o u n d " the b a s e l i n e (aliased).
FIG 2 - 3 1
N o r m a l mitral v a l v e i n f l o w r e c o r d e d with P W D o p p l e r from left c a u d a l p a r a s t e r n a l
position in a d o g . The f l o w s i g n a l ( a b o v e baseline) f o l l o w i n g the Q R S - T of the E C G
represents e a r l y diastolic f l o w into the ventricle (E); the s e c o n d , smaller p e a k after the P
w a v e represents inflow from atrial c o n t r a c t i o n (A). Velocity s c a l e in m e t e r s / s e c o n d is o n
the left.

eration. Peak systolic pulmonary velocity is 1.4 to 1.5 m/sec Pressure Gradient Estimation
in most normal dogs. The left cranial views usually provide Doppler estimation of pressure gradients is used in combi
better flow alignment. Sample volume placement is at or just nation with M - m o d e and 2 - D imaging to assess the severity
distal to the valve. Peak aortic velocity is usually 1 . 6 to of congenital or acquired flow obstructions. In addition,
1.7 m/sec, although some normal dogs have peak aortic regurgitant jet maximal velocity estimates the peak pressure
velocities above 2 m/sec related to increased stroke volume gradient across the regurgitant valve. The instantaneous
or high sympathetic tone, especially i f unsedated. Ventricular pressure gradient across a stenotic or regurgitant valve is
outflow obstruction causes more rapid flow acceleration, estimated using the maximal measured velocity of the flow
increased peak velocity, and turbulence. In general, aortic jet. C F Doppler is useful to depict jet orientation. Careful
velocities over 2.2 (-2.4) m/sec are suggestive o f outflow Doppler beam alignment is essential in order to measure
obstruction. Between 1.7 and ~2.2 m/sec lies a "grey zone" m a x i m u m velocity. C W Doppler is employed i f aliasing
where mild LV outflow obstruction (e.g., some cases o f sub occurs with P W Doppler. A modification o f the Bernoulli
aortic stenosis) cannot be differentiated with certainty from equation is used to estimate pressure gradient:
normal but vigorous left ventricular ejection. M a x i m a l 2
Pressure gradient = 4 ( m a x i m u m velocity)
aortic/LV outflow velocities are obtained in most dogs from
the subcostal (subxiphoid) position; however, in some dogs Other factors involved in this relationship are usually of
the left apical view provides higher velocity recordings. The m i n i m a l clinical importance and are generally ignored.
LV outflow region should be interrogated from both views Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure can be estimated (if
and the greater maximal velocity value used. there is no p u l m o n i c stenosis) by using the maximal tricus
pid regurgitation jet velocity (TRmax). The calculated sys
Continuous Wave Doppler tolic pressure gradient plus about 8 to 10 m m H g (or the
Continuous wave ( C W ) Doppler employs continuous and measured central venous pressure) equals the peak right ven
simultaneous ultrasound transmission and reception along tricular systolic pressure, which approximates pulmonary
the line of interrogation. Theoretically, there is no m a x i m u m artery systolic pressure. Pulmonary hypertension ( P H ) is
velocity limit with C W Doppler, so high-velocity flows can associated when T R m a x exceeds 2.8 m/s. The severity o f P H
be measured (Fig. 2-33). The disadvantage o f C W Doppler is often categorized as m i l d (~35-50 m m H g ; T R m a x 2.9-
is that sampling of blood flow velocity and direction occurs 3.5 m/s), moderate (~51-75 m m H g ; T R m a x 3.6-4.3 m/s),
all along the ultrasound beam, not i n a specified area (so- or severe (>75 m m H g ; T R m a x >4.3 m/s). Likewise, p u l m o
called range ambiguity). nary diastolic pressure can be estimated from pulmonary
FIG 2-32
N o r m a l p u l m o n a r y f l o w r e c o r d e d with P W D o p p l e r from left c r a n i a l short-axis position in
a d o g . There is r a p i d b l o o d a c c e l e r a t i o n ( b e l o w baseline) into the p u l m o n a r y artery, with
a p e a k velocity of a b o u t 1.0 m / s e c . Velocity s c a l e in meters per s e c o n d is on the left.

FIG 2-33
C W D o p p l e r r e c o r d i n g of high-velocity aortic outflow in a d o g with severe subaortic
stenosis, i m a g e d from the subcostal p o s i t i o n . Estimated systolic pressure g r a d i e n t a c r o s s
the outflow r e g i o n is 1 6 9 mm H g b a s e d o n a p e a k velocity of 6 . 5 m / s e c . Velocity s c a l e
in m e t e r s / s e c o n d is o n the left.

regurgitant (PR) jet velocity at end-diastole. The calculated Color Flow Mapping
end-diastolic pressure gradient between the pulmonary C o l o r flow (CF) mapping is a form of P W Doppler that
artery and the right ventricle, plus the estimated right ven combines the M - m o d e or 2-D modality with blood flow
tricular diastolic pressure, represents pulmonary arterial dia imaging. However, instead of one sample volume along
stolic pressure. Pulmonary hypertension is also suggested by one scan line, many sample volumes are analyzed along
a peak PR velocity of >2.2 m/s. multiple scan lines. The mean frequency shifts obtained
FIG 2 - 3 4 FIG 2 - 3 5
E x a m p l e of c o l o r f l o w a l i a s i n g in a d o g with mitral v a l v e Systolic frame s h o w i n g turbulent r e g u r g i t a n t f l o w into the
stenosis a n d atrial fibrillation. Diastolic f l o w t o w a r d the e n l a r g e d LA of a d o g with c h r o n i c mitral v a l v e d i s e a s e . The
n a r r o w e d mitral orifice (arrow) a c c e l e r a t e s b e y o n d the regurgitant jet curves a r o u n d the d o r s a l a s p e c t of the LA.
N y q u i s t limit, c a u s i n g r e d - c o d e d f l o w ( b l o o d m o v i n g t o w a r d I m a g e d from the right p a r a s t e r n a l long a x i s , four c h a m b e r
transducer) to a l i a s to blue, then a g a i n to r e d , a n d o n c e v i e w . LA, left a t r i u m ; LV, left ventricle; RA, right a t r i u m ; RV,
more to blue. Turbulent f l o w is seen within the left ventricle right ventricle.
at the top of the 2-D i m a g e .

from multiple sample volumes are color-coded for direction Doppler Tissue Imaging
(in relation to the transducer) and velocity. Most systems Doppler tissue imaging (DTI) is a modality used to assess
code blood flow toward the transducer as red and b l o o d the m o t i o n o f tissue, rather than b l o o d cells, by altering the
flow away from the transducer as blue. Zero velocity is i n d i signal processing and filtering o f returning echoes. Myocar
cated by black, meaning either no flow or flow that is dial velocity patterns can be assessed with color flow and
perpendicular to the angle o f incidence. Differences i n rela pulsed wave spectral D T I techniques. Spectral D T I provides
tive velocity o f flow can be accentuated, and the presence o f greater temporal resolution and quantifies velocity o f myo
multiple velocities and directions o f flow (turbulence) can cardial m o t i o n at specific locations, such as the lateral or
be indicated by different display maps that use variations septal aspects o f the mitral annulus (Fig. 2-36). C o l o r D T I
in brightness and color. Aliasing occurs often, even with methods display mean myocardial velocities from different
normal blood flows, because o f low Nyquist limits. Signal regions. Other techniques used to assess regional myocardial
aliasing is displayed as a reversal o f color (e.g., red shifting function and synchrony are derived from D T I methods;
to blue; Fig. 2-34). Turbulence produces multiple velocities these include myocardial velocity gradients, myocardial
and directions o f flow in an area, resulting in a mixing of strain, strain rate, and velocity vector imaging.
color; this display can be enhanced using a variance map,
which adds shades o f yellow or green to the red/blue display TRANSESOPHAGEAL
The severity o f valve regurgitation is sometimes estim Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) uses specialized
ated by the size and shape o f the regurgitant jet during C F transducers mounted on a flexible, steerable endoscope tip
imaging. Although technical and hemodynamic factors to image cardiac structures through the esophageal wall. T E E
confound the accuracy o f such assessment, wide and long can provide clearer images o f some cardiac structures (espe
regurgitant jets are generally associated with more severe cially those at or above the A V junction) compared with
regurgitation than narrow jets. Other methods for quantify transthoracic echocardiography because chest wall and lung
ing valve regurgitation have been described as well. M a x i m u m interference is avoided. This technique can be particularly
regurgitant jet velocity is not a good indicator o f severity, useful for defining some congenital cardiac defects and
especially with mitral regurgitation. Changes i n chamber identifying thrombi, tumors, or endocarditis lesions, as well
size provide a better indication of severity with chronic as guiding cardiac interventional procedures (Fig. 2-37).
regurgitation. The need for general anesthesia and the expense o f the
endoscopic transducers are the main disadvantages of T E E .
Complications related to the endoscopy procedure appear to
be m i n i m a l .

The ability to generate and manipulate 3-dimensional (3-D)
images of the heart and other structures is a promising new
way to evaluate cardiac structure and function. Anatomic
and blood flow abnormalities can be viewed from any angle
by rotating or bisecting the 3-D images. Current technology
requires several cardiac cycles in order to acquire sufficient
data for 3-D reconstruction of the entire heart, although true
"real time" 3-D echocardiography will soon be available.

FIG 2-36
P W D o p p l e r tissue i m a g e from a cat. The mitral annulus
moves t o w a r d the left a p e x (and transducer) in systole (S). Central venous pressure ( C V P ) is influenced by intravascu
Early d i a s t o l i c filling (Ea) shifts the annulus a w a y from the lar volume, venous compliance, and cardiac function. C V P
a p e x a s the LV e x p a n d s . A d d i t i o n a l motion o c c u r s with late measurement helps i n differentiating high right heart filling
diastolic filling from atrial contraction (Aa). pressure (as from right heart failure or pericardial disease)
from other causes of pleural or peritoneal effusion. But it is
important to note that pleural effusion itself can increase
intrapleural pressure enough to impair cardiac filling; this

FIG 2-37
A , T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l t r a n s e s o p h a g e a l e c h o (TEE) i m a g e at the h e a r t b a s e from a 5-year-old
English S p r i n g e r S p a n i e l s h o w s a patent ductus arteriosus (arrow) b e t w e e n the d e s c e n d i n g
a o r t a (D Ao) a n d p u l m o n a r y artery (PA). B , C o l o r f l o w D o p p l e r i m a g e in d i a s t o l e from the
s a m e orientation demonstrates f l o w a c c e l e r a t i o n t o w a r d the ductal o p e n i n g in the D A o
a n d the turbulent d u c t a l f l o w into the PA.
can raise C V P even i n the absence o f cardiac disease. There cTnT. H u m a n assays for c T n l and c T n T can be used i n dogs
fore C V P should be measured after thoracocentesis i n and cats, but because methodology is not standardized
patients with moderate- to large-volume pleural effusion. among various c T n l assays, the cut-off values for n o r m a l
C V P is sometimes used to monitor critical patients receiving may vary. Furthermore, c T n values that indicate clinically
large intravenous fluid infusions. However, C V P is not an relevant myocardial disease or damage i n animals are
accurate reflection of left heart filling pressure and thus unclear.
is not a reliable way to monitor for cardiogenic p u l The natriuretic peptides, A N P , B N P , and their precursors,
monary edema. The C V P in normal dogs and cats usually are other potentially useful biomarkers for assessing the
ranges from 0 to 8 (up to 10) c m H O . Fluctuations i n C V P
2 presence and possibly prognosis o f heart failure. Circulating
that parallel those o f intrapleural pressure occur during natriuretic peptide concentrations increase i n association
respiration. w i t h vascular volume expansion and decreased renal clear
C V P is measured via a large-bore jugular catheter that ance and when their production is stimulated (e.g., with
extends into or close to the right atrium. The catheter is ventricular strain and hypertrophy, hypoxia, or tachycardia).
placed aseptically and connected by extension tubing and a The natriuretic peptides should be used as functional markers
three-way stopcock to a fluid administration set. A water of cardiac disease rather than o f specific pathology. Issues
manometer is attached to the stopcock and positioned verti of standardization among different commercial assays and
cally, with the stopcock (representing 0 c m H O ) placed at
methodologies and lack o f universal reference values are
the same horizontal level as the patient's right atrium. The limitations. The N - t e r m i n a l fragments ( N T - p r o A N P and
stopcock is turned off to the animal, allowing the m a n o m N T - p r o B N P ) o f the natriuretic peptide precursor molecules
eter to fill with crystalloid fluid; then the stopcock is turned remain i n circulation longer and reach higher plasma con
off to the fluid reservoir so that the fluid c o l u m n i n the centrations than the active hormone molecules. Because
manometer equilibrates with the animal's C V P . Repeated A N P and N T - p r o A N P amino acid sequences are highly con
measurements are more consistent when taken w i t h the served among people, dogs, and cats, h u m a n assays may be
animal and manometer in the same position and during used. Canine and feline B N P are similar, but differences from
the expiratory phase of respiration. Small fluctuations i n the people preclude the use o f most human B N P assays. Canine
manometer's fluid meniscus occur w i t h the heartbeat, and and feline N T - p r o B N P measurement is commercially avail
slightly larger movement is associated w i t h respiration. able, although questions regarding interpretation o f results
Marked change in the height of the fluid c o l u m n associated remain. Plasma B N P and N T - p r o B N P are sensitive and spe
with the heartbeat suggests either severe tricuspid insuffi cific markers for chronic L V dysfunction i n people, and high
ciency or that the catheter tip is within the right ventricle. concentrations are negatively correlated w i t h prognosis.
B N P as well as N T - p r o A N P are high i n most cats w i t h hyper
BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS trophic cardiomyopathy. Elevated concentrations are also
A number of specific biochemical markers are being evalu seen i n dogs w i t h heart disease and heart failure, but overlap
ated for their diagnostic and prognostic potential. Cardiac i n these concentrations compared w i t h those o f some dogs
troponins are more sensitive for detecting myocardial injury without heart disease is o f concern. Studies are ongoing to
than cardiac-specific creatine kinase ( C K - M B ) and other clarify the potential usefulness o f plasma natriuretic peptides
biochemical markers of muscle damage. In dogs the C K - M B i n dogs w i t h cardiac disease.
isoform comprises only a m i n o r i t y of total cardiac C K , and Other biomarkers are currently being evaluated. The
it is also present in noncardiac tissues. Cardiac troponins are endothelin (ET) system is activated i n dogs and cats w i t h
regulatory proteins associated with cardiac actin (thin) con heart failure and i n those w i t h p u l m o n a r y hypertension, so
tractile filaments. Circulating concentrations of cardiac tro assays for plasma E T - l i k e immunoreactivity may be useful.
ponin I (cTnl) and cardiac troponin T (cTnT) provide a Tumor necrosis factor ( T N F ) may also be a useful marker

specific indicator o f myocardial injury or necrosis. The of cardiac disease progression, but it is not cardiac specific.
pattern and degree of their release can depend o n the type
and severity o f myocyte injury. A l t h o u g h there is an associa ANGIOCARDIOGRAPHY
tion between acute injury and the degree o f increase i n Nonselective angiocardiography can be used to diagnose
serum troponin concentration, this relationship is less clear several acquired and congenital diseases, including cardio
in patients with chronic disease. After acute myocyte damage, myopathy and heartworm disease i n cats, severe p u l m o n i c
serum c T n concentration increases within a few hours, peaks or (sub)aortic stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus, and tetral
in 12 to 24 hours, and then declines over the next few weeks. ogy o f Fallot. Intracardiac septal defects and valvular regur
Myocardial inflammation, trauma, congestive heart failure, gitation cannot be reliably identified. The quality o f such
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and gastric dilatation/volvu studies is higher with rapid injection o f radiopaque agents
lus have been associated with increased cardiac toponin via a large-bore catheter and w i t h smaller patient size.
concentrations. In dogs with congestive heart failure or In most cases, echocardiography provides similar infor
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, this probably relates to con mation more safely However, evaluation o f the pulmonary
tinued myocardial remodeling, not just acute damage from vasculature is better accomplished using nonselective
myocardial infarction. cTnI appears to be more specific than angiocardiography.
Selective angiocardiography is performed by advancing tissue. Because cardiac movement during the imaging
cardiac catheters into specific areas of the heart or great sequence reduces image quality, some type of physiologic
vessels. Injection o f contrast material is generally preceded ( E C G ) gating, as well as rapid image acquisition, are needed.
by the measurement o f pressures and oxygen saturations. Identification of pathologic morphology is a major applica
This technique allows identification o f anatomic abnormal tion, although myocardial function, perfusion, and blood
ities and the path of blood flow. Doppler echocardiography flow studies may be done depending on the technical capa
may provide comparable diagnostic information noninva bility of the equipment. Novel M R techniques also allow
sively. However, selective angiography is a necessary compo noninvasive evaluation of blood vessels, including calcula
nent of many cardiac interventional procedures. tion of peripheral resistance.


Cardiac catheterization allows measurement of pressure, Pneumopericardiography may be helpful i n delineating the
cardiac output, and b l o o d oxygen concentration from spe cause of pericardial effusions, especially i f echocardiography
cific intracardiac locations. Specialized catheters are selec is unavailable. This technique and pericardiocentesis are
tively placed into different areas of the heart and vasculature described in Chapter 9.
via the jugular vein, carotid artery, or the femoral vessels.
Congenital and acquired cardiac abnormalities can be iden ENDOMYOCARDIAL BIOPSY
tified and assessed with these procedures i n combination Small samples of endocardium and adjacent myocardium
with selective angiocardiography. The advantages of Doppler can be obtained using a special bioptome passed into the
echocardiography often outweigh those of cardiac catheter right ventricle via a jugular vein. Routine histopathology and
ization, especially i n view of the good correlation between other techniques to evaluate myocardial metabolic abnor
certain Doppler- and catheterization-derived measurements. malities can be performed on the biopsy samples. Endomyo
However, cardiac catheterization is necessary for balloon cardial biopsy is most often used for myocardial disease
valvuloplasty, ductal occlusion, and other interventional research and is not c o m m o n l y used i n clinical veterinary
procedures. cardiology.
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ( P C W P ) monitoring
is sometimes performed in dogs with heart failure because Suggested Readings
it provides an estimate o f left heart filling pressure (in the RADIOGRAPHY

absence of left ventricular inflow obstruction). To obtain Buchanan JW, Biicheler J: Vertebral scale system to measure canine
P C W P , an end-hole, balloon-tipped (Swan-Ganz) catheter heart size in radiographs, / Am Vet Med Assoc 206:194, 1995.
is passed into the m a i n pulmonary artery. W h e n the balloon Coulson A, Lewis N D : An atlas of interpretive radiographic anatomy
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C H A P T E R 3

Management of
Heart Failure

disease, genetic mutations, acute inflammation, ischemia,

increased systolic pressure load, and other causes.

Cardiac Responses
Cardiac remodeling refers to the changes in myocardial
Systemic Responses
size, shape, and stiffness that occur in response to various
General Causes of Heart Failure
mechanical, biochemical, and molecular signals induced
Approach to Treating Heart Failure
by the underlying injury or stress. These changes include
myocardial cell hypertrophy, cardiac cell drop-out or self-
destruction (apoptosis), excessive interstitial matrix forma
General Considerations
tion, fibrosis, and destruction of normal collagen binding
Supplemental Oxygen
between individual myocytes. The latter, resulting from
Drug Therapy
effects of myocardial collagenases or matrix metalloprotein
Heart Failure Caused by Diastolic Dysfunction
ases, can cause dilation or distortion of the ventricle from
Monitoring and Follow-Up
myocyte slippage. Stimuli for remodeling include mechani
cal forces (e.g., increased wall stress from volume or pressure
General Considerations
overload) and also various neurohormones (e.g., angioten
sin II, norepinephrine, endothelin, aldosterone) and cyto
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
kines (e.g., tumor necrosis factor [TNF] -alpha). Contributing
Positive Inotropic Agents
biochemical abnormalities related to cellular energy produc
Other Vasodilators
tion, calcium fluxes, protein synthesis, and catecholamine
Dietary Considerations
metabolism have been variably identified in different models
Chronic Diastolic Dysfunction
of heart failure and in clinical patients. Myocyte hypertrophy
Reevaluation and M o n i t o r i n g
and reactive fibrosis increase total cardiac mass by eccentric
Strategies for Refractory Congestive Heart Failure
and, in some cases, concentric patterns of hypertrophy. Ven
tricular hypertrophy can increase chamber stiffness, impair
relaxation, and increase filling pressures; these abnormalities
OVERVIEW OF HEART FAILURE of diastolic function can also contribute to systolic failure.
Ventricular remodeling also promotes the development of
Heart failure entails abnormalities of cardiac systolic or dia arrhythmias. The initiating stimulus underlying chronic
stolic function, or both. These can occur without evidence cardiac remodeling may occur years before clinical evidence
of abnormal fluid accumulation (congestion), especially in of heart failure appears.
the initial stages of disease. Congestive heart failure ( C H F ) Acute increases in ventricular filling (preload) induce
is characterized by high cardiac filling pressure, which leads greater contraction force and blood ejection. This response,
to venous congestion and tissue fluid accumulation. It is a known as the Frank-Starling mechanism, allows beat-to-beat
complex clinical syndrome rather than a specific etiologic adjustments that balance the output of the two ventricles
diagnosis. The pathophysiology of heart failure is complex. and increase overall cardiac output i n response to acute
It involves structural and functional changes within the heart increases i n hemodynamic load. The Frank-Starling effect
and vasculature as well as other organs. The process of pro helps normalize cardiac output under conditions of increased
gressive cardiac remodeling inherent to heart failure can pressure and/or volume loading, but these conditions also
develop secondary to cardiac injury or stress from valvular increase ventricular wall stress and oxygen consumption.
Ventricular wall stress is directly related to ventricular activation o f the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and
pressure and internal dimensions and inversely related to release o f antidiuretic hormone (ADH-vasopressin). These
wall thickness (Laplace's law). Myocardial hypertrophy can neurohormonal systems work independently and together to
reduce wall stress. The pattern o f hypertrophy that develops increase vascular volume (by sodium and water retention
depends on the underlying disease. A ventricular systolic and increased thirst) and vascular tone (Fig. 3-1). Excessive
pressure load induces "concentric" hypertrophy; myocardial volume retention results i n edema and effusions. Prolonged
fibers and ventricular walls thicken as contractile units are systemic vasoconstriction increases the workload on the
added i n parallel. A volume load causes "eccentric" hyper heart, can reduce forward cardiac output, and may exacer
trophy; myocardial fiber elongation and chamber dilation bate valvular regurgitation. The extent to which these mech
occur as new sarcomeres are laid d o w n i n series. Compensa anisms are activated varies with the severity and etiology of
tory hypertrophy lessens the importance o f the Frank-Star heart failure. In general, as failure worsens, neurohormonal
ling mechanism i n stable, chronic heart failure. A l t h o u g h activation increases. Increased production of endothelins
volume loads are better tolerated because myocardial oxygen and proinflammatory cytokines, as well as altered expression
demand is not as severe, both abnormal pressure and volume of vasodilatory and natriuretic factors, also contribute to the
loading impair cardiac performance over time. Eventually, complex interplay among these N H mechanisms and their
decompensation and myocardial failure develop. In patients consequences.
with p r i m a r y myocardial diseases, initial cardiac pressure The effects o f sympathetic stimulation (e.g., increased
and volume loads are normal, but intrinsic defects o f the contractility, heart rate, and venous return) can increase
heart muscle lead to the hypertrophy and dilation observed. cardiac output initially, but over time these effects become
Cardiac hypertrophy and other remodeling begin long detrimental by increasing afterload stress and myocardial
before heart failure becomes manifest. In addition to myocyte oxygen requirements, contributing to cellular damage and
hypertrophy, cardiac remodeling can include cell loss or self- myocardial fibrosis, and enhancing the potential for cardiac
destruction (apoptosis), excessive interstitial matrix for arrhythmias. N o r m a l feedback regulation of sympathetic
mation, and loss o f n o r m a l collagen binding. Myocyte nervous and hormonal systems depends on arterial and
hypertrophy and reactive fibrosis increase total cardiac mass atrial baroreceptor function. Baroreceptor responsiveness
as well as ventricular stiffness. This promotes elevated filling becomes attenuated in chronic heart failure, which contrib
pressures and predisposes the patient to ischemia. Increased utes to sustained sympathetic and hormonal activation and
chamber size increases wall stress and myocardial O demand.
2 reduced inhibitory vagal effects. Baroreceptor function can
Biochemical abnormalities involving cell energy production, improve with reversal of heart failure, increased myocardial
calcium fluxes, and contractile protein function can develop. contractility, decreased cardiac loading conditions, or inhibi
Clinical heart failure can be considered a state of decompen tion of angiotensin II (which directly attenuates barorecep
sated hypertrophy; ventricular function progressively dete tor sensitivity). Digoxin has a positive effect on baroreceptor
riorates as contractility and relaxation become more deranged. sensitivity.
C o n t i n u e d exposure to increased sympathetic stimula The renin-angiotensin system has far-reaching effects.
tion reduces cardiac sensitivity to catecholamines. D o w n - Whether systemic renin-angiotensin-aldosterone activation
regulation (reduced number) o f myocardial -receptors
1 always occurs before overt congestive failure is unclear, and
and other changes i n cellular signaling may help protect the may depend on the underlying etiology. Renin release from
myocardium against the cardiotoxic and arrhythmogenic the renal juxtaglomerular apparatus occurs secondary to low
effects o f catecholamines. Beta-blocking agents can reverse renal artery perfusion pressure, renal (-adrenergic receptor
(3 -receptor down-regulation but may worsen heart failure.
21 stimulation, and reduced N a delivery to the macula densa
Cardiac ( - and -receptors are also present but are not
2 1 of the distal renal tubule. Stringent dietary salt restriction
down-regulated; these are thought to contribute to myocar and diuretic or vasodilator therapy can promote renin
dial remodeling and arrhythmogenesis. Another cardiac release. Renin facilitates conversion o f the precursor peptide
receptor subtype ( -receptors) may promote myocardial
3 angiotensinogen to angiotensin I (an inactive form). Angio
function deterioration through a negative inotropic effect. tensin-converting enzyme ( A C E ) , found in the lung and
elsewhere, converts angiotensin I to the active angiotensin
SYSTEMIC RESPONSES II and is involved in the degradation of certain vasodi
Neurohormonal Mechanisms lator kinins. There are also other pathways that generate
Neurohormonal ( N H ) responses contribute to cardiac angiotensin II.
remodeling and also have more far-reaching effects. Over Angiotensin II has several important effects, including
time, excessive activation o f neurohormonal "compensa potent vasoconstriction and stimulation of aldosterone
tory" mechanisms leads to the clinical syndrome of C H E release from the adrenal cortex. Additional effects of angio
Although these mechanisms support circulation i n the face tensin II include increased thirst and salt appetite, facilita
of acute hypotension and hypovolemia, their chronic activa tion of neuronal norepinephrine synthesis and release,
tion accelerates further deterioration o f cardiac function. blockade o f neuronal norepinephrine reuptake, stimulation
Major neurohormonal changes i n heart failure include of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) release, and increased
increases i n sympathetic nervous tone, attenuated vagal tone, adrenal epinephrine secretion. Inhibition of A C E can reduce
FIG 3-1
Major neurohormonal mechanisms leading to volume retention and increased afterload in
congestive heart failure. ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; AT, angiotensin; EPI,
epinephrine; HF, heart failure; NE, norepinephrine.

N H activation and promote vasodilation and diuresis. Local baroreceptor function. Aldosterone is also produced locally
production o f angiotensin II also occurs in the heart, vascu in the cardiovascular system and mediates inflammation and
lature, adrenal glands, and other tissues. Local activity affects fibrosis. C h r o n i c exposure can be detrimental to ventricular
cardiovascular structure and function by enhancing sympa function and contribute to pathologic remodeling and myo
thetic effects and promoting tissue remodeling that can cardial fibrosis.
include hypertrophy, inflammation, and fibrosis. Antidiuretic hormone is released from the posterior pitu
Aldosterone promotes sodium and chloride reabsorption itary gland. This hormone directly causes vasoconstriction
as well as potassium and hydrogen i o n secretion i n the renal and also promotes free water reabsorption i n the distal neph
collecting tubules; the concurrent water reabsorption aug rons. Although increased plasma osmolality or reduced blood
ments vascular volume. Increased aldosterone concentration volume are the n o r m a l stimuli for A D H release, reduced
can promote hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and impaired effective circulating volume and other nonosmotic stimuli
cause continued release o f A D H in patients with heart motes sodium and water retention. Continued activation of
failure. The continued release o f A D H contributes to the these mechanisms leads to clinical edema and effusions.
dilutional hyponatremia sometimes found i n patients with Afferent arteriolar vasodilation mediated by endogenous
heart failure. prostaglandins and natriuretic peptides can partially offset
Increased circulating concentrations o f other substances the effects o f efferent vasoconstriction, but progressive
that play a role in abnormal myocardial hypertrophy and/or impairment o f renal b l o o d flow leads to renal insufficiency.
fibrosis, including cytokines (e.g., T N F ) and endothelins,
a Diuretics not only can magnify azotemia and electrolyte loss
have also been detected in animals with severe heart failure. but can further reduce cardiac output and activate the neu
Endothelin production is stimulated by hypoxia and vascu rohormonal mechanisms.
lar mechanical factors but also by angiotensin II, A D H , nor
epinephrine, cytokines (including T N F and interleukin-I),
Other Effects
and other factors. Reduced exercise capacity, along with skeletal muscle atrophy,
Endogenous mechanisms that oppose the vasoconstrictor occurs in patients with heart failure. Poor diastolic filling,
responses also are activated. These include natriuretic pep inadequate forward output, and pulmonary edema or pleural
tides, nitric oxide, and vasodilator prostaglandins. Normally, effusion can interfere with exercise ability Furthermore,
a balance between vasodilator and vasoconstrictor effects impaired peripheral vasodilation during exercise contributes
maintains circulatory homeostasis as well as renal solute to inadequate skeletal muscle perfusion and fatigue. Exces
excretion. As heart failure progresses, the influence o f the sive peripheral sympathetic tone, angiotensin II (both circu
vasoconstrictor mechanisms predominates despite increased lating and locally produced), and vasopressin can contribute
activation o f vasodilator mechanisms. to impaired skeletal muscle vasodilatory capacity i n patients
Natriuretic peptides are synthesized i n the heart and play with CHF. Increased vascular wall sodium content and inter
an important role in regulation o f b l o o d volume and pres stitial fluid pressure stiffen and compress vessels. Other
sure. Atrial natriuretic peptide ( A N P ) is synthesized by atrial mechanisms can include impaired endothelium-dependent
myocytes as a prohormone, w h i c h is then cleaved to the relaxation, increased endothelin concentration, and vascular
active peptide after release stimulated by mechanical stretch wall changes induced by the growth factor effects o f various
of the atrial wall. Brain natriuretic peptide ( B N P ) is also neurohormonal vasoconstrictors. A C E inhibitor therapy,
synthesized i n the heart, mainly by the ventricles i n response with or without spironolactone, may improve endothelial
to myocardial dysfunction or ischemia. Natriuretic peptides vasomotor function and exercise capacity. Pulmonary endo
cause diuresis, natriuresis, and peripheral vasodilation. They thelial function is improved by A C E inhibitors in dogs with
act to antagonize the effects o f the renin-angiotensin system CHF.
and can also alter vascular permeability and inhibit growth
of smooth muscle cells. Natriuretic peptides are degraded by GENERAL CAUSES OF HEART FAILURE
neutral endopeptidases. Circulating concentrations o f A N P The causes o f heart failure are quite diverse; it can be useful
and B N P increase in patients with heart failure. This increase to think o f them in terms o f underlying pathophysiology. In
has been correlated with pulmonary capillary wedge pres most cases o f heart failure, the major initiating abnormality
sure and severity o f heart failure i n both dogs and people. is myocardial (systolic pump) failure, systolic pressure over
N i t r i c oxide ( N O ) , produced i n vascular endothelium i n load, volume overload, or reduced ventricular compliance
response to endothelial-nitric oxide synthetase ( N O S ) , is a (impaired filling). Nevertheless, several pathophysiologic
functional antagonist o f endothelin and angiotensin II. This abnormalities often coexist; both systolic and diastolic func
response is impaired i n patients with heart failure. At tion abnormalities are c o m m o n in patients with advanced
the same time, myocardial i n d u c i b l e - N O S expression is failure.
enhanced; myocardial N O release has negative effects on Myocardial failure is characterized by poor ventricular
myocyte function. Intrarenal vasodilator prostaglandins contractile function, and it is most commonly secondary to
oppose the action o f angiotensin II on the renal vasculature. idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy; valvular insufficiency
The use o f prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors i n dogs or cats may or may not be present initially but usually develops as
with severe heart failure could potentially reduce glomerular the affected ventricle dilates. Persistent tachyarrhythmias,
filtration (by increasing afferent arteriolar resistance) and some nutritional deficiencies, and other cardiac insults also
enhance sodium retention. can lead to myocardial failure (see Chapters 7 and 8). Dis
eases that cause a volume or flow overload to the heart
Renal Effects usually involve a primary "plumbing" problem (e.g., a leaky
Renal efferent glomerular arteriolar constriction, mediated valve or abnormal systemic-to-pulmonary connection).
by sympathetic stimulation and angiotensin II, helps main Cardiac p u m p function is often maintained at a near-normal
tain glomerular filtration i n the face o f reduced cardiac level for a prolonged time, but myocardial contractility
output and renal b l o o d flow. Higher oncotic and lower does eventually deteriorate (see Chapters 5 and 6). Pressure
hydrostatic pressures develop i n the peritubular capillaries, overload results when the ventricle must generate higher-
enhancing the reabsorption o f tubular fluid and sodium. than-normal systolic pressure to eject blood. Concentric
Angiotensin II-mediated aldosterone release further pro hypertrophy increases ventricular wall thickness and stiff-
ness and predisposes the patient to ischemia. Excessive APPROACH TO TREATING
pressure loads eventually lead to a decline i n myocardial HEART FAILURE
contractility. Myocardial pressure overload results from con M o s t current treatment strategies are aimed at modifying
genital ventricular outflow obstruction and systemic or pul either the results of N H activation (i.e., sodium and water
monary hypertension (see Chapters 5, 10, and 11). Diseases retention) or the activation process itself (e.g., A C E i n h i b i
that restrict ventricular filling impair diastolic function. tion). In most cases, therapy centers o n controlling edema
These include hypertrophic and restrictive myocardial and effusions, improving cardiac output, reducing cardiac
disease and pericardial disease (see Chapters 8 and 9). C o n workload, supporting myocardial function, and managing
tractile ability is usually normal initially, but high filling concurrent arrhythmias. The approach to these goals varies
pressure leads to congestion behind the ventricle(s) and may somewhat w i t h different diseases, most notably those causing
diminish cardiac output. Examples of c o m m o n diseases are restriction to ventricular filling.
listed in Table 3-1 according to their main initiating patho The evolving perspective o n C H F management is based
physiology and typical clinical manifestation of C H F signs. on blocking excessive N H activation and preventing progres
sion of myocardial remodeling and dysfunction, with diuret
ics being used to control signs of congestion. Future strategies
may also involve drugs that block cytokines, antagonize
endothelins, and enhance atrial peptides, as well as other
Common Causes of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) strategies to block the effects of N H activation.

Classification of Severity
Guidelines for clinical staging of heart failure (based on the
Myocardial Failure
American Heart Association and American College of Cardi
ology [ A H A / A C C ] system) are being increasingly applied to
Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy Either L- or R-CHF
veterinary patients (Table 3-2). These describe disease pro
Myocardial ischemia/infarction L-CHF
gression through four stages over time. This staging system
Drug toxicities (e.g., doxorubicin) L-CHF
Infective myocarditis Either L- or R-CHF
emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and evidence-
based management of heart dysfunction. It also deemphasizes
Volume-Flow Overload the term "congestive" in congestive heartfailure because volume
Mitral valve regurgitation L-CHF overload is not consistently present at all stages. Nevertheless,
(degenerative, congenital, attention to the patient's fluid status is highly important.
infective) The clinical severity of heart failure is also sometimes
Aortic regurgitation (infective L-CHF described according to a modified N e w York Heart Associa
endocarditis, congenital) tion ( N Y H A ) classification scheme or the International
Ventricular septal defect L-CHF
Small A n i m a l Cardiac Health C o u n c i l ( I S A C H C ) criteria.
Patent ductus arteriosus L-CHF
These systems group patients into functional categories on
Tricuspid valve regurgitation R-CHF
the basis of clinical observations rather than underlying
(degenerative, congenital,
cardiac disease or myocardial function. Such classification
Tricuspid endocarditis R-CHF can be helpful conceptually and for categorizing study
Chronic anemia Either L- or R-CHF patients. Forrester's classification is another method of
Thyrotoxicosis Either L- or R-CHF grouping heart failure patients. Dogs with chronic mitral
regurgitation often fall into group II; severe dilated car
Pressure Overload
diomyopathy is the most c o m m o n diagnosis in group IV.
(Sub)aortic stenosis L-CHF Diseases causing group III heart failure are rare i n dogs and
Systemic hypertension L-CHF (rare) cats. Regardless of the clinical classification scheme, identify
Pulmonic stenosis R-CHF
ing the underlying etiology and pathophysiology, as well as
Heartworm disease R-CHF
the clinical severity, is important for individualized therapy.
Pulmonary hypertension R-CHF

Impaired Ventricular Filling

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy L-(+/- R-) C H F TREATMENT FOR ACUTE CONGESTIVE

Restrictive cardiomyopathy L-(+/- R-) C H F HEART FAILURE
Cardiac tamponade R-CHF
Constrictive pericardial disease R-CHF GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
Fulminant C H F is characterized by severe cardiogenic pul
* L-CHF, Left-sided congestive heart failure (pulmonary edema as
monary edema, w i t h or without pleural and/or abdominal
main congestive sign); R-CHF, right-sided congestive heart failure
effusions or poor cardiac output. Therapy is aimed at rapidly
(pleural effusion a n d / o r ascites as main congestive sign).
Weakness and other low-output signs can occur with any of these clearing pulmonary edema, improving oxygenation, and
diseases, especially those associated with arrhythmias. optimizing cardiac output (Box 3- 1).Thoracocentesis should

Classification Systems for Heart Failure Severity


Modified A H A / A C C Heart Failure Staging System

A Patient "at risk" for the development of heart failure, but apparent cardiac structural abnormality
not yet identified
B Structural cardiac abnormality is evident, but no clinical signs of heart failure
C Structural cardiac abnormality, with past or present clinical signs of heart failure
D Persistent or end-stage heart failure signs, refractory to standard therapy

Modified N Y H A Functional Classification

I Heart disease is present but no evidence of heart failure or exercise intolerance; cardiomegaly is
minimal to absent
II Signs of heart disease with evidence of exercise intolerance; radiographic cardiomegaly is present
III Signs of heart failure with normal activity or at night (e.g., cough, orthopnea); radiographic signs of
significant cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema or pleural/abdominal effusion
IV Severe heart failure with clinical signs at rest or with minimal activity; marked radiographic signs of
C H F and cardiomegaly

International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council Functional Classification

I Asymptomatic patient
la Signs of heart disease without cardiomegaly
lb Signs of heart disease and evidence of compensation (cardiomegaly)
II Mild to moderate heart failure. Clinical signs of failure evident at rest or with mild exercise, and
adversely affect quality of life
III Advanced heart failure. Clinical signs of C H F are immediately obvious
IlIa Home care is possible
llIb Hospitalization recommended (cardiogenic shock, life-threatening edema, large pleural effusion,
refractory ascites)

Forrester's Classification (Group)

1 Normal cardiac output and pulmonary venous pressures

II Pulmonary congestion but normal cardiac output
III Low cardiac output and peripheral hypoperfusion with no pulmonary congestion
IV Low cardiac output with pulmonary congestion

AHA/ACC, American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology; CHF, congestive heart failure.

be performed expediently i f marked pleural effusion exists. usually adequate. Concentrations of 50% to 100% oxygen
Likewise, large-volume ascites should be drained to improve may be needed initially, but this should be reduced within a
ventilation. Animals w i t h severe C H F are greatly stressed. few hours to 40% to avoid lung injury. When a nasal tube is
Physical activity must be maximally curtailed to reduce total used, humidified O is delivered at a rate of 50 to 100 ml/kg/

oxygen consumption; cage confinement is preferred. E n v i m i n . Extremely severe pulmonary edema with respiratory
ronmental stresses such as excess heat and humidity or failure may respond to endotracheal or tracheotomy tube
extreme cold should be avoided. W h e n transported, the placement, airway suctioning, and mechanical ventilation.
animal should be placed on a cart or carried. Unnecessary Positive end-expiratory pressure helps clear small airways
handling of the patient and administration of oral medica and expand alveoli. Positive airway pressures can adversely
tions should be avoided, when possible. affect hemodynamics, however, and chronic high oxygen
concentrations (>70%) can injure lung tissue (see Suggested
SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN Readings for more information). Continuous monitoring is
Oxygen administered by face mask or improvised hood, essential for intubated animals.
nasal catheter, endotracheal tube, or oxygen cage is beneficial
as long as the method chosen does not increase the patient's DRUG THERAPY
distress. A n oxygen cage with temperature and humidity Diuresis
controls is preferred, and a setting of 65 F is recommended Rapid diuresis can be achieved with I V furosemide; effects
for normothermic animals. Oxygen flow o f 6 to 10 L / m i n is begin within 5 minutes, peak by 30 minutes, and last about
BOX 3-1

Acute Treatment o f Decompensated Congestive Heart Failure

M i n i m i z e patient stress! Reduce afterload:

C a g e rest/transport o n g u r n e y (no activity a l l o w e d ) H y d r a l a z i n e (if not using nitroprusside; d o g s : 0 . 5 - 1 . 0 m g /
Improve o x y g e n a t i o n : kg P O r e p e a t e d in 2-3 hr [until systolic arterial pres-
Ensure a i r w a y p a t e n c y sure is 90-1 1 0 mm H g ] , then q 1 2 h ; see text); o r
G i v e supplemental O (avoid > 5 0 % for > 2 4 hours)
2 E n a l a p r i l ( 0 . 5 m g / k g P O q 1 2 - 2 4 h ) or other A C E I - a v o i d
If frothing evident, suction a i r w a y s nitroprusside; o r
Intubate a n d m e c h a n i c a l l y ventilate if n e c e s s a r y Amlodipine (dogs: 0 . 1 - 0 . 3 m g / k g P O , q 1 2 - 2 4 h ; see
Thoracocentesis if pleural effusion suspected/docu text)
mented Increase contractility (if m y o c a r d i a l failure present):
Remove a l v e o l a r fluid: D o b u t a m i n e * (1-10 g / k g / m i n C R I ; start low), or dopa
Diuresis: mine (dogs: 1-10 g/kg/min C R I ; cats: 1-5 g / k g /
Furosemide (dogs: 2-5[-8] m g / k g IV or I M , q 1 - 4 h until min C R I ; start low)
respiratory rate d e c r e a s e s , then 1-4 m g / k g q 6 - l 2 h , or A m r i n o n e (1-3 m g / k g IV; 1 0 - 1 0 0 g / k g / m i n CRI), o r
0.6-1 m g / k g / h CRI [see text]; cats: 1-2[-4] m g / k g m i l r i n o n e ( 5 0 g/kg IV o v e r 1 0 minutes initially;
IV or I M , q l - 4 h until respiratory rate d e c r e a s e s , then 0 . 3 7 5 - 0 . 7 5 g/kg/minute CRI [human dose])
q6-12h) P i m o b e n d a n o r d i g o x i n P O (see Table 3 - 3 ) ; ( d i g o x i n
Redistribute b l o o d v o l u m e : l o a d i n g d o s e [see text for i n d i c a t i o n s ] : P O 1 o r 2
V a s o d i l a t o r s (sodium nitroprusside, if a b l e to monitor BP d o s e s at t w i c e c a l c u l a t e d m a i n t e n a n c e ; d o g IV: 0 . 0 1 -
closely: 0.5-1 g/kg/min CRI in D W , titrate u p w a r d
0 . 0 2 m g / k g g i v e of this total d o s e in s l o w boluses
as n e e d e d to 5 - 1 5 g / k g / m i n ; or 2% nitroglycerin o v e r 2 - 4 hours to effect; c a t IV: 0 . 0 0 5 m g / k g g i v e
o i n t m e n t D o g s : to 1 inch c u t a n e o u s l y q 6 h ; of total, then 1-2 hours later g i v e d o s e bolus(es),
cats: to inch c u t a n e o u s l y q 6 h ) if n e e d e d )
+ M o r p h i n e (dogs only, see below) Monitor and address abnormalities as possible:
Phlebotomy (6-10 m l / k g ) R e s p i r a t o r y rate, heart rate a n d rhythm, arterial pressure,
M i n i m i z e bronchoconstriction: O saturation, b o d y w e i g h t , urine output, h y d r a t i o n ,

A m i n o p h y l l i n e (dogs: 4 - 8 m g / k g s l o w IV, I M , S C , o r 6- attitude, serum b i o c h e m i s t r y a n d b l o o d g a s a n a l y s e s ,

1 0 m g / k g P O q 6 - 8 h ; cats: 4 - 8 m g / k g I M , S C , P O a n d p u l m o n a r y c a p i l l a r y w e d g e pressure (if a v a i l -
q 8 - l 2h) o r similar d r u g able)
Reduce anxiety: Diastolic dysfunction ( e . g . , cats with h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y -
Butorphanol (dogs: 0 . 2 - 0 . 3 m g / k g I M ; cats: 0 . 2 - opathy):
0 . 2 5 m g / k g IM); o r General recommendations, O 2 therapy, a n d f u r o s e m i d e
M o r p h i n e (dogs: 0 . 0 2 5 - 0 . 1 m g / k g IV boluses q 2 - 3 m i n as a b o v e
to effect, or 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 m g / k g single I M o r S C dose) N i t r o g l y c e r i n a n d mild s e d a t i o n
A c e p r o m a z i n e (cats: 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 2 m g / k g S C ; or 0 . 0 5 - C o n s i d e r IV e s m o l o l ( 2 0 0 - 5 0 0 g/kg IV o v e r 1 minute,
0.1 m g / k g I M with b u t o r p h a n o l ) , o r f o l l o w e d b y 2 5 - 2 0 0 g/kg CRI) o r d i l t i a z e m (0.15-
D i a z e p a m (cats: 2-5 m g IV; d o g s : 5 - 1 0 m g IV) 0 . 2 5 m g / k g o v e r 2-3 minutes IV)

* Dilution of 250 mg dobutamine into 500 ml of D W or lactated Ringer's solution yields a solution of 500 g/ml; CRI of 0.6 ml/kg/hr

provides 5 g/kg/min.
Dilution of 40 mg of dopamine into 500 ml of D W or lactated Ringer's solution yields a solution of 80 g/ml; a volume of 0.75 ml/kg/hr

provides 1 g/kg/min.
ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; CRI, constant rate infusion; D W, 5% dextrose in water. 5

2 hours. This route also provides a m i l d venodilating effect. or electrolyte depletion. A n ancillary approach that has been
Some patients require aggressive initial doses or cumulative described for patients w i t h fulminant cardiogenic edema is
doses administered at frequent intervals (see Box 3-1). F u r o phlebotomy (up to 25% of total b l o o d volume), but this is
semide can be given by constant rate infusion ( C R I ) , which not generally done.
may provide greater diuresis than bolus injection. The vet
erinary formulation (50 mg/ml) can be diluted to 10 m g / m l Vasodilation
for C R I using 5% dextrose in water ( D W ) , lactated Ringer's
5 Vasodilator drugs can reduce p u l m o n a r y edema by increas
solution (LRS), or sterile water. D i l u t i o n to 5 m g / m l i n D W 5 ing systemic venous capacitance, lowering pulmonary
or sterile water is also described. The patient's respiratory venous pressure, and reducing systemic arterial resis
rate, as well as other parameters (discussed i n more detail tance. A l t h o u g h A C E inhibitors are a mainstay o f C H F
later), guide the intensity of continued furosemide therapy. management, more immediate afterload reduction is des
Once diuresis has begun and respiration improves, the irable for animals w i t h acute p u l m o n a r y edema. Arterio
dosage is reduced to prevent excessive volume contraction lar vasodilation is not recommended for heart failure
caused by diastolic dysfunction or ventricular outflow away from the lungs via dilation of capacitance vessels. M o r
obstruction. phine is contraindicated i n dogs with neurogenic edema
S o d i u m nitroprusside is a potent arteriolar and venous because it can raise intracranial pressure. M o r p h i n e is not
dilator, with direct action o n vascular smooth muscle. It is used i n cats.
given by I V infusion because o f its short duration o f action.
Blood pressure must be closely monitored when using this Inotropic Support
drug. The dose is titrated to maintain mean arterial pressure Positive inotropic therapy is indicated when heart failure is
at about 80 m m H g (at least >70 m m Hg) or systolic b l o o d caused by poor myocardial contractility. Oral therapy with
pressure between 90 and 110 m m H g . Nitroprusside C R I is pimobendan or digoxin can be started as soon as practical
usually continued for 12 to 24 hours. Dosage adjustments for animals needing chronic inotropic support (see Table
may be needed because drug tolerance develops rapidly. Pro 3-3 and p. 65). Treatment for one to three days with an I V
found hypotension is the major adverse effect. Cyanide tox sympathomimetic (catecholamine) or phosphodiesterase
icity can result from excessive or prolonged use (e.g., longer (PDE) inhibitor drug can help support arterial pressure,
than 48 hours). Nitroprusside should not be infused with forward cardiac output, and organ perfusion when myocar
other drugs, and should be protected from light. dial failure or hypotension is severe.
Hydralazine, a pure arteriolar dilator, is an alternative to Catecholamines enhance contractility via a cAMP-medi
nitroprusside. It is useful for refractory pulmonary edema ated increase i n intracellular Ca++. They can provoke arrhyth
caused by mitral regurgitation (and sometimes dilated car mias and increase pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance
diomyopathy) because it can reduce regurgitant flow and (potentially exacerbating edema formation). Their short
lower left atrial pressure. A n initial dose o f 0.75 to 1 mg/kg half-life (<2 minutes) and extensive hepatic metabolism
is given orally, followed by repeated doses every 2 to 3 hours necessitate constant I V infusion. Dobutamine (a synthetic
until the systolic blood pressure is between 90 and 110 m m H g analog o f dopamine) has lesser effect on heart rate and after-
or clinical improvement is obvious. If b l o o d pressure cannot load and is preferred over dopamine. Dobutamine stimulates
be monitored, an initial dose o f 1 mg/kg is repeated i n 2 to ( -receptors, w i t h only weak action on ( - and -receptors.
1 2

4 hours i f sufficient clinical improvement has not been Lower doses (e.g., 3 to 7 g/kg/min) have m i n i m a l effects on
observed. The addition o f 2% nitroglycerin ointment may heart rate and b l o o d pressure. The initial infusion rate should
provide beneficial venodilating effects. be low; this can be gradually increased over hours to achieve
A n A C E inhibitor or amlodipine, with or without nitro greater inotropic effect and maintain systolic arterial pres
glycerin ointment, is an alternative to hydralazine/nitroglyc sure between 90 and 120 m m H g . Heart rate, rhythm, and
erine. The onset o f action is slower and the effects are less b l o o d pressure must be monitored closely. Although dobu
pronounced, but this regimen can still be helpful. tamine is less arrhythmogenic than other catecholamines,
Nitroglycerin (and other orally or transcutaneously higher infusion rates (e.g., 10 to 20 g/kg/min) can precipi
administered nitrates) act mainly o n venous smooth muscle tate supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. Adverse
to increase venous capacitance and reduce cardiac filling effects are more likely i n cats; these include seizures at rela
pressure. The major indication for nitroglycerin is acute car tively low doses.
diogenic pulmonary edema. Nitroglycerin ointment (2%) is Dopamine at l o w doses (<2-5 g/kg/minute) also stimu
usually applied to the skin o f the groin, axillary area, or ear lates vasodilator dopaminergic receptors i n some regional
pinna, although the efficacy o f this i n heart failure is unclear. circulations. Low-to-moderate doses enhance contractility
A n application paper or glove is used to avoid skin contact and cardiac output, but high doses (10-15 g/kg/minute)
by the person applying the drug. cause peripheral vasoconstriction and increase heart rate, O 2

consumption, and the risk o f ventricular arrhythmias. A n

Other Acute Therapy initial I V infusion of 1 g/kg/min can be titrated upward to
Some dogs with severe pulmonary edema and bronchocon- desired clinical effect. The infusion rate should be decreased
striction benefit from bronchodilator therapy. Aminophyl if sinus tachycardia or other tachyarrhythmias develop.
line, given by slow I V administration or intramuscular ( I M ) Bipyridine P D E inhibitors such as amrinone and m i l r i
injection, has m i l d diuretic and positive inotropic actions as none increase intracellular Ca++ by inhibiting P D E III, an
well as a bronchodilating effect; it also decreases fatigue o f intracellular enzyme that degrades c A M P . These drugs also
respiratory muscles. Adverse effects include increased sym cause vasodilation, as increased c A M P promotes vascular
pathomimetic activity and arrhythmias. The oral route can smooth muscle relaxation. Hypotension, tachycardia, and GI
be used when respiration improves because gastrointestinal signs can occur when giving high doses. These drugs can
(GI) absorption is rapid. exacerbate ventricular arrhythmias. The effects of amrinone
M i l d sedation (butorphanol or morphine for dogs, butor are short-lived (<30 minutes) after I V injection in normal
phanol w i t h acepromazine for cats) can reduce anxiety. dogs, so C R I is required for sustained effect. Peak effects
Because morphine can induce vomiting, butorphanol may occur after 45 minutes o f C R I i n dogs. A m r i n o n e is some
be a better choice i n dogs. Nevertheless, other beneficial times used as an initial slow I V bolus followed by C R I ; half
effects o f morphine include slower, deeper breathing from the original bolus dose can be repeated after 20 or 30 minutes.
respiratory center depression and redistribution o f blood M i l r i n o n e has a m u c h greater potency than amrinone, but

Drugs for Managing Chronic Heart Failure



Furosemide 1-3 m g / k g P O q8-24h (long term); 1-2 m g / k g P O q8-12h; use smallest

use smallest effective dose effective dose
Spironolactone 0.5-2 m g / k g P O q(12-)24h 0.5-1 m g / k g P O q(12-)24h
Chlorothiazide 20-40 m g / k g P O q l 2 h 20-40 m g / k g P O q12h
Hydrochlorothiazide 2-4 m g / k g P O q l 2 h 1-2 m g / k g P O q l 2 h

ACE Inhibitors

Enalapril 0.5 m g / k g P O q(12-)24h 0.25-0.5 m g / k g P O q24(-12)h

Benazepril 0.25-0.5 m g / k g P O q(12-)24h 0.25-0.5 m g / k g P O q24(-12)h
Captopril 0.5-2.0 m g / k g P O q8-12h (low initial dose) 0.5-1.25 m g / k g P O q12-24h
Lisinopril 0.25-0.5 m g / k g P O q(12-)24h 0.25-0.5 m g / k g P O q24h
Fosinopril 0.25-0.5 m g / k g P O q24h
Ramipril 0.125-0.25 m g / k g P O q24h
Imidapril 0.25 m g / k g P O q24h
Other Vasodilators

Hydralazine 0.5-2 m g / k g P O q l 2 h (to 1 m g / k g initial) 2.5 (up to 10) mg/cat P O q l 2 h

Amlodipine 0.05 (initial) to 0.3(-0.5) m g / k g P O q(12-)24h 0.3125-0.625 mg/cat P O q24(-12)h
Prazosin Medium dogs: 1 mg P O q8-12hr; large dogs:
2 mg P O q8h
Nitroglycerin 2% ointment -1 inch cutaneously q4-6h - inch cutaneously q4-6h
Isosorbide dinitrate 0.5-2 m g / k g P O q(8-)12h
Isosorbide mononitrate 0.25-2 m g / k g P O q l 2 h

Positive Inotropes

Pimobendan 0.1-0.3 m g / k g P O q12h, start low; give at

least 1 hour before feeding
Digoxin PO: dogs <22 kg, 0.005-0.008 m g / k g q12h; 0 . 0 0 7 m g / k g (or of 0.125 mg
dogs >22 kg, 0.22 m g / m or tab) P O q 4 8 h . See Box 3-1
0.003-0.005 m g / k g q12h. Decrease by for IV dose.
10% for elixir. Maximum: 0.5 m g / d a y or
0.375 m g / d a y for Doberman Pinchers.
See Box 3-1 for loading doses.

CRI, Constant rate infusion.

there is little veterinary data with the I V form. A P D E likely to increase the ventricular response rate by enhancing
inhibitor can be used concurrently with digoxin and a atrioventricular (AV) conduction. If dobutamine or dopa-
catecholamine. mine is deemed necessary for such a case, diltiazem (admin-
Digoxin is generally not used intravenously except for istered rapidly by m o u t h or cautiously by IV) is used to
some supraventricular tachyarrhythmias when other acute reduce the heart rate. Digoxin, administered either by mouth
therapy is unavailable or ineffective (see Chapter 4). Acidosis (loading) or cautiously by IV, is an alternative.
and hypoxemia associated with severe p u l m o n a r y edema can
increase myocardial sensitivity to digitalis-induced arrhyth- HEART FAILURE CAUSED BY
mias. If digoxin is used intravenously, it must be given slowly DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION
(over at least 15 minutes); rapid injection causes peripheral W h e n acute C H F is caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
vasoconstriction. The calculated dose is usually divided, and thoracocentesis (if needed), diuretics, and oxygen therapy
boluses of one fourth the dose are given slowly over several are given as outlined previously. Cutaneous nitroglycerin can
hours. also be used. Diltiazem or a 1-blocker such as atenolol can
If arrhythmias develop during I V inotropic therapy, the be given to slow heart rate and increase ventricular filling
infusion rate is reduced or the drug is discontinued. In time once severe dyspnea has abated; alternatively, I V admin
animals with atrial fibrillation, catecholamine infusion is istration of diltiazem or esmolol could be used. Propranolol
(or other nonselective -blockers) is generally avoided In most patients with decompensated C H F , the smallest
in patients with fulminant pulmonary edema because (2- fluid volume possible should be used to deliver drugs by
blockade could induce bronchoconstriction. C R I . Careful monitoring and continued diuretic use is
Arteriolar vasodilators can be detrimental i f dynamic important to prevent recurrent pulmonary edema. W h e n
left ventricular (LV) outflow obstruction coexists, because additional fluid therapy is necessary, D W or a reduced

afterload reduction provokes greater systolic obstruction sodium fluid (e.g., 0.45% N a C l with 2.5% dextrose) with
(see Chapter 8). A C E inhibitors at standard doses do not added KC1 is administered at a conservative rate (e.g., 15 to
appear to worsen the LV outflow gradient. Addition of an 30 ml/kg/day I V ) . Alternatively, 0.45% NaCl with 2.5%
A C E inhibitor is recommended as soon as oral therapy is dextrose or lactated Ringer's solution can be administered
possible. subcutaneously.
Potassium supplementation at a maintenance rate is pro
MONITORING AND FOLLOW-UP vided by 0.05 to 0.1 mEq/kg/hour (or more conservatively,
Repeated assessment is important to monitor the effective 0.5 to 2.0 mEq/kg/day). For animals with hypokalemia,
ness o f therapy and to prevent hypotension or severe azote higher rates are used: 0.15 to 0.2 mEq/kg/hour for mild K
mia caused by excessive diuresis. M i l d azotemia c o m m o n l y deficiency; 0.25 to 0.3 mEq/kg/hour for moderate deficiency;
occurs. Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis can occur after and 0.4 to 0.5 mEq/kg/hour for severe deficiency. Measuring
aggressive diuresis. A serum potassium concentration w i t h i n serum K concentration in 4 to 6 hours is advised when
the m i d - to high-normal range is especially important for supplementing for moderate to severe deficiency. Hypona
animals with arrhythmias. Serum biochemical testing every tremia and worsened fluid retention can develop after using
24 to 48 hours is advised until the patient is eating and low-sodium IV solutions in some patients. These require a
drinking well. more balanced crystalloid solution. Other supportive thera
Arterial blood pressure can be monitored indirectly or pies for C H F and any underlying disease(s) depend on indi
directly, but gaining arterial access can increase patient vidual patient needs. Parenteral fluid administration is
stress. Indirect measures of organ perfusion such as capillary tapered off as the animal is able to resume oral food and
refill time, mucous membrane color, urine output, toe-web water intake.
temperature, and mentation can also be useful. Body weight
should be monitored, especially with aggressive diuretic
Central venous pressure ( C V P ) does not adequately HEART FAILURE
reflect left heart filling pressures. It should not be used to
guide diuretic or f l u i d therapy in patients with cardiogenic GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
pulmonary edema. Although pulmonary capillary wedge A general approach to chronic heart failure therapy is pre
pressure can reliably guide therapy, the placement and care sented in this section. Additional information is found in the
of an indwelling pulmonary artery catheter require meticu chapters describing different diseases. Therapy is tailored to
lous attention to asepsis and close monitoring. the individual animal's needs by adjusting dosages, adding
Pulse oximetry is a helpful noninvasive means of m o n i or substituting drugs, and modifying lifestyle or diet. Pleural
toring oxygen saturation (SpO ). Supplemental O should be
2 2 effusion and large-volume ascites that accumulate despite
given if SpO is <90%; mechanical ventilation is indicated i f
2 medical therapy should be drained to facilitate respiration.
S p O is <80% despite O therapy. Arterial sampling for blood
2 2 Likewise, pericardial effusion that compromises cardiac
gas analysis is more accurate but is stressful for the patient. filling must be drained. As heart disease progresses, more
Resolution o f radiographic evidence for pulmonary edema aggressive therapy is usually needed. Support of cardiac
usually lags behind clinical improvement by a day or two. function with digoxin or pimobendan is often indicated in
After respiratory signs begin to abate and diuresis is dogs and sometimes in cats.
evident, low-sodium water is offered. Fluid administration Exercise restriction helps reduce cardiac workload regard
(either subcutaneously or intravenously) is generally not less o f heart failure etiology. Strenuous exercise can provoke
advised i n patients with fulminant C H F . In most cases, dyspnea and potentially serious cardiac arrhythmias even in
gradual rehydration by free choice (low sodium) water intake animals with compensated C H F . Chronic heart failure is
is preferred even after aggressive diuretic therapy. However, associated with skeletal muscle changes that lead to fatigue
fluid therapy may be necessary for patients with heart failure and dyspnea. Physical training can improve cardiopulmo
and renal failure, marked hypokalemia, hypotension, digoxin nary function and quality o f life in patients with chronic
toxicity, persistent anorexia, or other serious systemic disease. heart failure. This is partly mediated by improvement in
Some animals require relatively high cardiac filling pressure vascular endothelial function and restoration of flow-depen
to maintain cardiac output, especially those with myocardial dent vasodilation. Although it is difficult to know how much
failure or markedly reduced ventricular compliance (e.g., exercise is best, regular (not sporadic) mild to moderate
from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or pericardial disease). activity is encouraged, as long as excessive respiratory effort
Diuresis and vasodilation in such cases can cause inadequate is not induced. Bursts of strenuous activity should be avoided.
cardiac output and hypotension. Dietary salt restriction and other nutritional issues are also
important in the management o f patients w i t h chronic heart effects are also thought to be important locally within the
failure. heart. Spironolactone is a competitive antagonist o f aldoste
+ +
rone. It promotes N a loss and K retention in the distal renal
DIURETICS tubule and can reduce the renal potassium wasting o f furo
Diuretic therapy is indicated for controlling cardiogenic p u l semide and other diuretics, especially when circulating aldo
monary edema and effusions. Diuretics remain fundamental sterone concentration is high. But its diuretic effect in n o r m a l
to the management of C H F because o f their ability to dogs is questionable. Spironolactone's onset of action is
decrease venous congestion and fluid accumulation (see slow; peak effect occurs w i t h i n 2 to 3 days.
Table 3-3). Agents that interfere with i o n transport in the Aldosterone release can occur despite the use of an A C E
loop of Henle (e.g., furosemide) have potent ability to inhibitor (so-called aldosterone escape); this may involve
promote both salt and water loss. Diuretics o f other classes, reduced hepatic clearance, increased release stimulated by K +

such as thiazides and potassium-sparing agents, are some +

elevation or N a depletion, and local tissue aldosterone pro
times combined with furosemide for chronic heart failure duction. Spironolactone's anti-aldosterone effect is thought
therapy. Given to excess, diuretics promote excessive volume to mitigate aldosterone-induced cardiovascular remodeling
contraction and activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone i n some cases. The drug has improved survival i n people
cascade. Diuretics also can exacerbate preexisting dehydra w i t h moderate to severe C H F , but it is not yet clear whether
tion or azotemia. Therefore the indication for their use i n similar survival benefit occurs clinically in dogs and cats.
such animals should be clearly established, and the lowest A potassium-sparing diuretic must be used cautiously i n
effective dose should be used. patients receiving an A C E inhibitor or potassium supple
ment and is absolutely contraindicated i n hyperkalemic
Furosemide +
patients. Adverse effects relate to excess K retention and
Furosemide is the loop diuretic used most widely for cats and GI disturbances. Spironolactone may decrease digoxin
dogs with heart failure. It acts on the ascending l i m b of the clearance.
- + +
loop of Henle to inhibit active CL , K , and N a cotransport,
thereby promoting excretion of these electrolytes; Ca and ++
Thiazide Diuretics
++ + -
Mg are also lost i n the urine. Loop diuretics can increase Thiazide diuretics decrease N a and Cl absorption and
systemic venous capacitance, possibly by mediating renal increase Ca"^ absorption i n the distal convoluted tubules.
+ - +
prostaglandin release. Furosemide may also promote salt loss M i l d to moderate diuresis with excretion o f N a , C I , K , and
by increasing total renal blood flow and by preferentially Mg results. The thiazides decrease renal blood flow and
enhancing renal cortical flow. The loop diuretics are well should not be used i n azotemic animals. Adverse effects are
absorbed when given orally. After oral administration, diure u n c o m m o n in the absence o f azotemia, but hypokalemia or
sis occurs within 1 hour, peaks between 1 to 2 hours, and may other electrolyte disturbance and dehydration can occur
last for 6 hours. Furosemide is highly protein bound; about with excessive use or i n anorectic patients. Thiazides can
80% is actively secreted unchanged i n the proximal renal cause hyperglycemia i n diabetic or prediabetic animals by
tubules, with the remainder excreted as glucuronide. inhibiting conversion o f proinsulin to insulin. Chlorothia
Although aggressive furosemide treatment is indicated zide's effects begin w i t h i n 1 hour, peak at 4 hours, and last 6
for acute, fulminant pulmonary edema, the smallest effective to 12 hours. Hydrochlorothiazide produces diuresis within 2
doses should be used for chronic heart failure therapy. The hours, w i t h peak effect at 4 hours, and duration o f about 12
dosage varies, depending on the clinical situation. Respira hours.
tory pattern, hydration, body weight, exercise tolerance,
renal function, and serum electrolyte concentrations are ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING
used to monitor response to therapy. Furosemide (or other ENZYME INHIBITORS
diuretic) alone is not recommended as the sole treatment for A C E inhibitors (ACEIs) are indicated for most causes of
chronic heart failure because it can exacerbate N H activation chronic heart failure, especially dilated cardiomyopathy and
and reduce renal function. chronic valvular insufficiency (see Table 3-3). Their use has
Adverse effects are usually related to excessive fluid and/or led to clinical improvement and lowered mortality rates in
electrolyte losses. Because they are more sensitive than dogs, people w i t h heart failure; similar benefits seem to occur i n
lower doses are used i n cats. Although hypokalemia is the dogs w i t h myocardial failure or volume overload and i n cats
most c o m m o n electrolyte disturbance, it is unusual in dogs w i t h diastolic dysfunction. They moderate excess N H
that are not anorexic. Hyponatremia develops i n some responses i n several ways; therefore ACEIs have considerable
i patients with severe C H F and results from an inability to advantages over hydralazine and other arteriolar dilators.
excrete free water (dilutional hyponatremia) rather than A C E I s have only modest diuretic and vasodilatory effects;
from a total body sodium deficit. their m a i n benefits arise from opposing the effects of N H
activation and abnormal cardiovascular remodeling changes.
Spironolactone By blocking the formation o f angiotensin II, ACEIs allow
Spironolactone may be a useful adjunct therapy i n patients arteriolar and venous vasodilation. The secondary inhibition
with chronic refractory heart failure. Its anti-aldosterone of aldosterone release helps reduce N a and water retention
and therefore edema/effusions, as well as the adverse effects erinary data exist on its use; this form is not well absorbed
of aldosterone directly o n the heart. A C E I s reduce ventricu orally.
lar arrhythmias and the rate o f sudden death i n people (and
probably animals) with heart failure, likely because angio Benazepril
tensin II-induced facilitation o f norepinephrine and epi Benazepril is metabolized to its active form, benazeprilat.
nephrine release is inhibited. Their vasodilating effects may O n l y about 40% is absorbed when administered orally, but
be enhanced by vasodilator kinins normally degraded by feeding does not affect absorption. After oral administration,
A C E . A local vasodilating effect may occur through i n h i b i peak A C E inhibition occurs within 2 hours i n dogs and cats;
tion of A C E found w i t h i n vascular walls, even i n the absence its effect can last over 24 hours. In cats doses of 0.25 to
of high circulating renin concentrations. Local A C E inhibi 0.5 mg/kg result i n 100% inhibition o f A C E that is main
tion may be beneficial by modulating vascular smooth tained at >90% for 24 hours, and tapers off to about 80% by
muscle and myocardial remodeling. However, it is unclear 36 hours. Benazapril has an initial half-life of 2.4 hours and
whether A C E inhibitors prevent ventricular remodeling and terminal half-life o f about 29 hours in cats. Repeated doses
dilation in dogs with heart disease. A C E inhibitors have been produce moderate increases i n drug plasma concentration.
variably effective in treating dogs w i t h hypertension. Benazepril is a preferred A C E I for animals with renal disease.
Most A C E I s (except captopril and lisinopril) are prodrugs This drug is eliminated equally i n urine and bile in dogs. In
that are converted to their active form i n the liver; therefore cats about 85% o f the drug is excreted i n the feces and only
severe liver dysfunction can interfere with this conversion. 15% i n urine. The drug is generally well tolerated. It may
Adverse effects o f ACEIs include hypotension, G I upset, also slow renal function deterioration i n cats with kidney
deterioration o f renal function, and hyperkalemia (especially disease.
when used with a potassium-sparing diuretic or potassium
supplement). Angiotensin II is important i n mediating Captopril
renal efferent arteriolar constriction, which maintains glo Captopril was the first A C E I used clinically. Captopril con
merular filtration when renal b l o o d flow decreases. As long tains a sulfhydryl group, i n contrast to enalapril and others.
as cardiac output and renal perfusion improve w i t h therapy, Disulfide metabolites can act as free radical scavengers. This
renal function is usually maintained. Poor glomerular filtra might have beneficial effects for the treatment of some heart
tion is more likely to result with overdiuresis, excess vasodi diseases, although the clinical significance is presently unclear.
lation, or severe myocardial dysfunction. Azotemia is first Captopril appears to be less effective than several other agents
addressed by decreasing the diuretic dosage. If necessary, the in reducing A C E activity i n normal dogs. Captopril is well
A C E I dosage is decreased or discontinued. Hypotension can absorbed when taken orally (75% bioavailable); however, food
usually be avoided by starting with low initial doses. Other decreases its bioavailability by 30% to 40%. In dogs hemody
adverse effects reported i n people include rash, pruritus, namic effects appear within 1 hour, peak i n 1 to 2 hours, and
impairment o f taste, proteinuria, cough, and neutropenia. last less than 4 hours. Captopril is excreted i n the urine.
The mechanism o f A C E I - i n d u c e d cough in people is unclear
but may involve inhibition o f endogenous bradykinin deg Lisinopril
radation or may be associated with increased N O generation. Lisinopril is a lysine analog o f enalaprilat with direct A C E -
N O has an inflammatory effect on bronchial epithelial inhibiting effects. It is 25% to 50% bioavailable, and absorp
cells. tion is not affected by feeding. The time to peak effect is 6
to 8 hours. The duration o f A C E inhibition appears long, but
Enalapril more specific information i n animals is lacking. Once-daily
Enalapril maleate is absorbed well when taken orally; a d m i n administration has been tried with apparent effectiveness.
istration with food does not decrease its bioavailability. It is
hydrolyzed i n the liver to enalaprilat, its most active form. Fosinopril
Peak A C E - i n h i b i t i n g activity occurs w i t h i n 4 to 6 hours i n Fosinopril is structurally different in that it contains a phos
dogs. D u r a t i o n o f action is 12 to 14 hours, and effects are phinic acid radical (rather than sulfhydryl or carboxyl), and
m i n i m a l by 24 hours at the recommended once-daily dose. it may be retained longer i n myocytes. Fosinopril is also a
Enalapril is generally administered once daily, although prodrug that is converted to the active fosinoprilat i n the GI
some dogs respond better when dosed every 12 hours. In cats mucosa and liver. Elimination occurs equally between kidney
maximal activity occurs w i t h i n 2 to 4 hours after an oral dose and liver; compensatory increases i n one pathway occur with
of either 0.25 or 0.5 mg/kg; some A C E inhibition (50% o f impairment o f the other. Its duration of action is well over
control) persists for two to three days. Enalapril and its active 24 hours in people. Fosinopril may cause falsely low serum
metabolite are excreted i n the urine. Renal failure and severe digoxin measurements using certain R I A assays.
C H F prolong its half-life, so reduced doses or benazepril are
used i n such patients. Severe liver dysfunction will interfere Other Angiotensin-Converting
with the conversion o f the prodrug to the active enalaprilat; Enzyme Inhibitors
lisinopril or captopril should be considered i n such patients Other agents that have been used in animals with heart
instead. Injectable enalaprilat is also available, but little vet failure include ramipril, quinipril, and imidapril. The latter
is comparable to enalapril i n efficacy and is available i n other chronic volume or pressure overloads. Digoxin is
liquid form, although other ACEIs can be compounded into usually contraindicated i n patients w i t h hypertrophic car
suspension. diomyopathy, especially those with ventricular outflow
obstruction; it is not useful i n dogs or cats with pericardial
POSITIVE INOTROPIC AGENTS diseases. D i g o x i n is only moderately effective i n slowing the
A positive inotropic agent is indicated for patients with ventricular response rate to atrial fibrillation and does not
dilated cardiomyopathy or other causes of myocardial failure, cause conversion to sinus rhythm. It is usually contraindi
including dogs with advanced mitral regurgitation (see Table cated when sinus or A V node disease is present. Digoxin
3-3). Pimobendan, now approved i n the United States, and is relatively contraindicated i n most patients with serious
digoxin are the inotropic agents available for chronic oral ventricular arrhythmias because it can exacerbate such
therapy. Pimobendan improves cardiac p u m p function both arrhythmias.
by enhancing contractility as well as by vasodilation. Digoxin Digoxin, i n addition to other digitalis glycosides, increases
is still used i n some cases and can be combined with p i m o the Ca available to contractile proteins by competitively
+ +
bendan. Digoxin also is indicated for treating some supra binding and inhibiting the N a , K -ATPase p u m p at the myo
ventricular tachyarrhythmias (see Chapter 4), except i n cats cardial cell membrane. Intracellular N a accumulation then
with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. promotes Ca entry via the sodium-calcium exchange. In
diseased myocardial cells i n which diastolic sequestration
Pimobendan ++
and systolic release of Ca is impaired, digitalis glycosides
Pimobendan (Vetmedin) is a benzimidazole-derivative may be ineffective as inotropic agents and could predis
phosphodiesterase III inhibitor. It slows c A M P breakdown pose the patient to cellular Ca overload and electrical
and enhances adrenergic effects on Ca fluxes and myocar instability.
dial contractility. Pimobendan also has a calcium-sensitizing The antiarrhythmic effects of digoxin are mediated p r i
effect on the contractile proteins, which promotes increased marily via increased parasympathetic tone to the sinus and
contractility without an increase i n myocardial O require
2 A V nodes and the atria. Some direct effects further prolong
ment. Pimobendan is known as an inodilator because it conduction time and refractory period of the A V node. Sinus
increases contractility while also causing systemic and pul rate slowing, reduced ventricular response rate to atrial
monary vasodilation. The drug may have other beneficial fibrillation and flutter, and suppression of atrial premature
effects by modulating N H and proinflammatory cytokine depolarizations are resulting effects. A l t h o u g h some ven
activation. Peak plasma concentrations occur within an hour tricular arrhythmias might be suppressed (probably via
of oral dosing. Bioavailability is about 60% i n dogs, but this enhanced vagal tone), the digitalis glycosides have potential
decreases i n the presence of food. Pimobendan is highly arrhythmogenic effects, especially i n patients with heart
protein bound. Elimination is mainly via hepatic metabo failure.
lism and biliary excretion. Concurrent Ca or (-blocker O r a l maintenance doses of digoxin are used to initiate
therapy may diminish the drug's positive inotropic effect. therapy i n most cases because loading doses can result i n
Clinical improvement has occurred i n many dogs when toxic serum concentrations. W h e n more rapid achievement
this agent was added to conventional C H F therapy (e.g., of therapeutic serum concentrations is important (e.g., for
furosemide, an A C E inhibitor, and digoxin). Pimobendan supraventricular tachyarrhythmia), the drug can be given at
appears to improve clinical status and increase survival time twice the oral maintenance dose for 1 to 2 doses or intrave
in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy ( D C M ) or chronic nously with caution (see Table 3-3). But alternate I V therapy
mitral valve disease. Pimobendan does not appear to increase for supraventricular tachycardia is usually more effective (see
the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death, Chapter 4). Other IV-positive inotropic drugs (see p. 60 and
as has occurred with other phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Box 3-1) are safer and more effective than digoxin for i m m e
There are limited anecdotal reports of pimobendan use i n diate support of myocardial contractility.
cats. Digoxin is well absorbed orally and undergoes m i n i m a l
hepatic metabolism. Absorption is approximately 60% for
Digoxin the tablet form and 75% for the elixir. Bioavailability is
The benefits o f digoxin arise from its modest positive ino decreased by kaolin-pectin compounds, antacids, the pres
tropic effect as well as its supraventricular antiarrhythmic ence of food, and malabsorption syndromes. A b o u t 27% of
activity. Its ability to sensitize baroreceptors and thereby the drug i n serum is protein bound. The serum half-life i n
modulate neurohormonal activation is probably its most dogs ranges from 23 to 39 hours; therapeutic serum concen
important attribute i n patients with heart failure. Because trations are achieved w i t h i n 2 to 4 days with dosing every
digoxin is potentially toxic, low doses are used and serum 12 hours. In cats the reported serum half-life ranges widely,
concentrations should be monitored. Serum concentrations from about 25 to over 78 hours; chronic oral administration
in the low to m i d therapeutic range are desired (discussed i n increases the half-life. The alcohol-based elixir, which is
more detail later). poorly palatable, results i n serum concentrations approxi
Digoxin is indicated i n patients with heart failure caused mately 50% higher than the tablet form of digoxin. A d m i n
by myocardial dysfunction, chronic mitral insufficiency, and istration of the tablets with food has resulted i n serum
concentrations about 50% lower than i n the fasted state i n both must be used, the digoxin dose is reduced by 50% i n i
cats. The pharmacokinetics i n cats with heart failure are tially and guided by serum concentration measurement.
similar to those in control cats receiving aspirin, furosemide, Other drugs k n o w n to increase serum digoxin concentration
and a low-salt diet, although m u c h interpatient variation is include verapamil and amiodarone. Diltiazem, prazosin, spi
present. Digoxin treatment every 48 hours i n cats produces ronolactone, and triamterene possibly increase serum
effective serum concentrations, with steady state achieved i n digoxin concentration. Hypokalemia especially, as well as
about 10 days. Because approximately 50% o f cats become other electrolyte and thyroid disturbances, can potentiate
toxic at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg every 48 hours, a dose o f digoxin toxicity. Drugs affecting hepatic microsomal
0.007 mg/kg every 48 hours has been recommended. Serum enzymes may also have effects on digoxin metabolism.
concentrations can be measured 8 hours postdosing once
steady state is reached (after about 10 days). Digoxin elimi Digoxin Toxicity
nation is primarily by glomerular filtration and renal secre As discussed previously, azotemia, hypokalemia, or concur
tion i n dogs, although approximately 15% is metabolized by rent use o f certain drugs predispose the patient to digoxin
the liver. Renal and hepatic elimination appear equally toxicity. Therefore it is important to monitor renal function
important i n cats. and serum electrolytes during digoxin therapy. Hypokalemia
Serum digoxin concentration (and risk o f toxicity) predisposes the patient to myocardial toxicity by leaving
+ +
increases w i t h renal failure because o f reduced clearance and more available binding sites on membrane N a , K -ATPase
volume o f distribution. There appears to be no correlation for digitalis; conversely, hyperkalemia displaces digitalis from
between the degree o f azotemia and the serum digoxin con those b i n d i n g sites. Hypercalcemia and hypernatremia
centration i n dogs, making extrapolations from h u m a n for potentiate both the inotropic and the toxic effects of the
mulas for calculating drug dosage i n renal failure unusable drug. A b n o r m a l thyroid hormone concentrations can also
i n this species. Lower doses and close monitoring o f serum influence the response to digoxin. Hyperthyroidism may
digoxin concentration are recommended i n animals with potentiate the myocardial effects o f the drug, whereas hypo
renal disease. thyroidism prolongs the half-life of digoxin in people but has
There is only a weak correlation between digoxin dose no pharmacokinetic effect i n dogs. Hypoxia sensitizes the
and serum concentration i n dogs with heart failure, indicat myocardium to the toxic effects o f digitalis. Quinidine
ing that other factors influence the serum concentrations o f increases serum digoxin concentration by reducing renal
this drug. Because m u c h o f the drug is b o u n d to skeletal clearance and competing for N a / K binding sites in skeletal
muscle, animals w i t h reduced muscle mass or cachexia and muscle. Verapamil and amiodarone also increase serum
those with compromised renal function can easily become digoxin concentration; other drugs that may do so include
toxic at the usual calculated doses. The dose should be based diltiazem, prazosin, and spironolactone. In addition, altera
o n the patient's calculated lean body weight because digoxin tion o f hepatic and renal function may affect the clearance
has poor l i p i d solubility. This consideration is especially of these drugs.
important i n obese animals. Management o f digoxin toxicity Digoxin toxicity causes G I , myocardial, or sometimes
is outlined later i n this section. Conservative dosing and central nervous system (CNS) signs. G I toxicity may develop
measurement o f serum digoxin concentrations help to before signs o f myocardial toxicity. Signs include anorexia,
prevent toxicity. depression, vomiting, borborygmi, and diarrhea. Some of
Measurement o f serum concentration is recommended 7 these G I signs result from the direct effects of digitalis on
to 10 days after initiation o f therapy (or dosage change). chemoreceptors i n the area postrema o f the medulla. C N S
Samples should be drawn 8 to 10 hours postdose. M a n y signs include depression and disorientation.
veterinary and most h u m a n hospital laboratories can provide Myocardial toxicity from digitalis glycosides can cause
this service. The therapeutic serum concentration range is almost any cardiac rhythm disturbance, including ventricu
1 to 2 (or 2.4) ng/ml. If the serum concentration is less lar tachyarrhythmias, supraventricular premature complexes
than 0.8 ng/ml, the digoxin dose can be increased by 25% to and tachycardia, sinus arrest, M o b i t z type I second-degree
30% and the serum concentration measured the following A V block, and junctional rhythms. Myocardial toxicity can
week. But a serum concentration i n the m i d to low thera occur before any other signs and can lead to collapse and
peutic range is probably safer. People with high-normal death, especially i n animals with myocardial failure. There
serum digoxin concentrations have greater risk for sudden fore the appearance of P R interval prolongation or signs of
death. If serum concentrations cannot be measured and tox GI toxicity should not be used to guide progressive dosing
icity is suspected, the drug should be discontinued for one o f digoxin. Digitalis glycosides can aggravate cellular calcium
to two days and then reinstituted at half o f the original overloading and electrical instability c o m m o n in failing
dose. myocardial cells. Digitalis can stimulate spontaneous auto
Certain drugs affect serum digoxin concentrations when maticity o f myocardial cells by inducing and potentiating
administered concurrently. Q u i n i d i n e increases serum late afterdepolarizations; cellular stretch, calcium overload
digoxin concentrations by displacing the drug from skeletal ing, and hypokalemia enhance this effect. Toxic concentra
muscle b i n d i n g sites and reducing its renal clearance. This tions o f digitalis also enhance automaticity by increasing
drug combination is therefore not recommended, but, i f sympathetic tone to the heart. Furthermore, the parasympa-
thetic effects of slowed conduction and altered refractory cular resistance and afterload on the heart. This facilitates
period facilitate development o f reentrant arrhythmias. D i g ejection of b l o o d and also can be useful i n treating animals
italis intoxication should be suspected i n patients taking the with hypertension. In patients with mitral regurgitation,
drug when ventricular arrhythmias and/or tachyarrhythmias arteriolar dilators decrease the systolic pressure gradient
with impaired conduction appear. across the mitral valve, reduce regurgitant flow, and enhance
Therapy for digitalis toxicity depends on its manifesta forward flow into the aorta. Reduced regurgitant flow can
tions. GI signs usually respond to drug withdrawal and cor diminish left atrial pressure, pulmonary congestion, and
rection of fluid or electrolyte abnormalities. A V conduction possibly left atrial size.
disturbances resolve after drug withdrawal, although some Arteriolar or mixed vasodilator therapy is generally begun
times anticholinergic therapy is needed. Digitalis-induced w i t h low doses to avoid hypotension and reflex tachycardia.
ventricular tachycardia and frequent ventricular premature Reduction i n concurrent diuretic dosage may be advisable.
complexes are generally treated with lidocaine. This drug M o n i t o r i n g for signs o f hypotension is especially important.
reduces sympathetic nervous tone and can suppress arrhyth Sequential arterial b l o o d pressure measurement for several
mias caused by reentry and late afterdepolarizations; it has hours after dosage increase is preferred. A mean arterial pres
little effect on sinus rate or A V nodal conduction. If lidocaine sure o f 70 to 80 m m H g or a venous p O o f >30 m m H g

is ineffective, phenytoin (diphenylhydantoin) is the second (from a free-flowing jugular vein) is the suggested therapeu
drug of choice in dogs; its effects are similar to those o f tic goal for dosage titration. Systolic pressures o f less than 90
lidocaine. I V administration o f phenytoin must be slow to to 100 m m H g should be avoided. Clinical signs o f drug-
prevent hypotension and myocardial depression caused induced hypotension include weakness, lethargy, tachycar
by the propylene glycol vehicle. Phenytoin has occasionally dia, and poor peripheral perfusion. The vasodilator dose can
been used orally to treat or prevent ventricular tachyarrhyth be titrated upward, i f necessary, while m o n i t o r i n g for hypo
mias caused by digitalis. tension with each increase i n dose.
Other measures are also helpful for digoxin toxicity, Venodilators relax systemic veins, increase venous capac
including I V potassium supplementation i f the serum potas itance, decrease cardiac filling pressures (preload), and
sium concentration is <4 m E q / L (see p. 62). Magnesium reduce pulmonary congestion. Goals o f venodilator therapy
supplementation may also be effective in suppressing are to maintain central venous pressure at 5 to 10 c m
arrhythmias; M g S O has been used at 25 to 40 mg/kg via
4 H O and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure at 12 to

slow intravenous bolus, followed by infusion o f the same 18 m m H g .

dose over 12 to 24 hours. F l u i d therapy is indicated to correct
dehydration and maximize renal function. A -blocker may Hydralazine
help control ventricular tachyarrhythmias, but this is not Hydralazine directly relaxes arteriolar smooth muscle when
used i f A V conduction block is present. Q u i n i d i n e should the vascular endothelium is intact, but it has little effect o n
pot be used because it increases the serum concentration o f the venous system. The drug reduces arterial b l o o d pressure,
digitalis. Oral administration o f the steroid-binding resin improves pulmonary edema, and increases jugular venous
cholestyramine is useful only very soon after accidental oxygen tension (presumably from increased cardiac output)
overdose of digoxin because this drug undergoes m i n i m a l i n dogs with mitral insufficiency and heart failure. The most
enterohepatic circulation. A preparation o f digoxin-specific c o m m o n indication for hydralazine is acute, severe C H F
antigen-binding fragments (digoxin-immune Fab) derived from mitral regurgitation. Hydralazine has been associated
from ovine antidigoxin antibodies has occasionally been w i t h significant reflex tachycardia i n some animals; the
used for digoxin and digitoxin overdose. The Fab fragment dosage should be reduced i f this occurs. Hydralazine can
binds with antigenic determinants on the digoxin molecule, contribute to the enhanced N H response i n patients w i t h
preventing and reversing the pharmacologic and toxic effects heart failure, which makes it less desirable than A C E I s for
of digoxin. The Fab fragment-digoxin complex is subse chronic use. However, it can be useful for animals that cannot
quently excreted by the kidney. Each 38 m g vial w i l l b i n d tolerate an A C E I .
about 0.6 m g digoxin. The recommended human dose is: Hydralazine has a faster onset o f action than amlodipine.
# vials needed = (serum digoxin concentration [ng/ml] x Its effect peaks w i t h i n 3 hours and lasts up to 12 hours.
body weight [kg])/100. A modified formula (Senior et al, Administration o f hydralazine w i t h food decreases bioavail
1991) taking the volume o f distribution o f digoxin i n the ability by over 60%. There is also extensive first-pass hepatic
dog into account is: # vials needed = body load o f digoxin metabolism o f this drug. However, i n dogs increased doses
(mg)/0.6 m g of digoxin. The body load o f digoxin = (serum saturate this mechanism and increase bioavailability. General
digoxin concentration [ng/ml] /1000) X 14 L / k g x body precautions for initiating and titrating therapy are outlined
weight [kg]. i n the preceding section.
Hypotension is the most c o m m o n adverse effect of
OTHER VASODILATORS hydralazine therapy. GI upset also can occur, which may
Vasodilators can affect arterioles, venous capacitance vessels, require drug discontinuation. H i g h dosages have been asso
or both ("balanced" vasodilators). Arteriolar dilators relax ciated with a lupuslike syndrome i n people, although this has
arteriolar smooth muscle and thereby decrease systemic vas- not been reported i n animals.

Amlodipine tion is recommended to help control fluid accumulation and
This dihydropyridine L-type Ca++ channel blocker causes reduce necessary drug therapy. Chloride restriction also
peripheral vasodilation as its major action, which tends to appears important. However, very low salt intake can increase
offsets any negative inotropic effect. A m l o d i p i n e has little rennin-angiotension system activation. It is unclear whether
effect on A V conduction. Besides being used to treat hyper a reduced-salt diet is necessary before overt C H F develops,
tension i n cats and sometimes dogs (see Chapter 11), it is an but refraining from feeding the patient high-salt table scraps
adjunctive therapy for refractory C H F . In dogs that cannot or treats w o u l d appear prudent. High-salt foods include pro
tolerate ACEIs, amlodipine could be used i n combination cessed meats; liver and kidney; canned fish; cheese, marga
w i t h a nitrate. rine, or butter; canned vegetables; breads; potato chips,
Amlodipine's oral bioavailability is good. It has a long pretzels, and other processed snack foods; and dog treats
duration o f action (at least 24 hours i n dogs). Plasma con such as rawhide and biscuits.
centration peaks i n 3 to 8 hours; half-life is about 30 hours. Moderate salt restriction is advised when clinical heart
Plasma concentrations increase with long-term therapy. failure develops. This represents a sodium intake of about
M a x i m a l effect develops over 4 to 7 days after therapy is 30 mg/kg/day (about 0.06% sodium for canned food or 210
begun in dogs. The drug is metabolized i n the liver. E l i m i n a to 240 mg/100 g o f dry food). Diets for senior animals or
tion is through the urine and feces. Because o f the delay i n those w i t h renal disease usually provide this level o f salt.
achieving m a x i m u m effect, l o w initial doses and weekly Prescription cardiac diets usually have greater sodium
b l o o d pressure monitoring during slow up-titration are restriction (e.g., 13 m g sodium/kg/day, or about 90 to 100 mg
recommended. sodium/100 g o f dry food, or 0.025% sodium i n a canned
food) and can be helpful i n patients with advanced heart
Prazosin failure. Severe sodium restriction (e.g., 7 mg/kg/day) can
Prazosin selectively blocks -receptors i n both arterial and
1 exacerbate N H activation and contribute to hyponatremia.
venous walls. It is not often used for chronic C H F manage A well-balanced diet and adequate caloric and protein intake
ment because drug tolerance can develop over time and the are important. Recipes for homemade low-salt diets are
capsule dose-size is inconvenient i n small animals. In addi available, but providing balanced vitamin and mineral
tion, controlled clinical studies i n dogs are lacking. Hypoten content may be difficult. D r i n k i n g water in some areas can
sion is the most c o m m o n adverse effect, especially after the contain high sodium concentrations. Nonsoftened water or
first dose. Tachycardia should occur less frequently than w i t h (where water from the public water supply contains more
hydralazine because presynaptic -receptors, important i n
2 than 150 p p m o f sodium), distilled water can be recom
the feedback control o f norepinephrine release, are not mended to further decrease salt intake. Supplementation of
blocked. specific nutrients is important i n some cases (discussed in
more detail later i n this section).
Nitrates Inappetence is c o m m o n i n dogs and cats with advanced
Nitrates act as venodilators. They are metabolized i n vascu heart failure. However, more calories may be needed because
lar smooth muscle to produce N O , w h i c h indirectly mediates of increased cardiopulmonary energy consumption or stress.
vasodilation. Nitroglycerin ointment or isosorbide dinitrate Malaise, increased respiratory effort, azotemia, digoxin
are used occasionally i n the management of chronic C H F , toxicity, and adverse effects o f other medications all can
either combined w i t h standard therapy for refractory C H F contribute to poor appetite. Meanwhile, poor splanchnic
or with hydralazine or amlodipine i n animals that cannot perfusion, bowel and pancreatic edema, and secondary intes
tolerate ACEIs. Nitrates effect b l o o d redistribution i n people, tinal lymphangiectasia may reduce nutrient absorption and
but there are few studies involving dogs, especially using the promote protein loss. Hypoalbuminemia and reduced
oral route for C H F management. There is extensive first-pass i m m u n e function may develop. Such factors, as well as renal
hepatic metabolism, and the efficacy o f oral nitrates is ques or hepatic dysfunction, also can alter the pharmacokinetics
tionable. Nitroglycerine ointment (2%) is usually applied of certain drugs.
cutaneously (see p. 60). Self-adhesive, sustained-release Strategies that sometimes help improve appetite include
preparations may be useful, but they have not been system warming the food to enhance its flavor, adding small amounts
atically evaluated i n small animals. Transdermal patches, of very palatable human foods (e.g., nonsalted meats or
5 m g , applied for 12 hours per day, have been used w i t h gravy, low-sodium soup), using a salt substitute (KC1) or
anecdotal success i n large dogs. Large doses, frequent appli garlic powder, handfeeding, and providing small quantities
cation, or long-acting formulations are most likely to be of the diet several times a day. If a change in diet is i n d i
associated with drug tolerance. Whether intermittent treat cated, a gradual switch improves acceptance (e.g., mixing
ment (with drug-free intervals) w i l l prevent nitrate tolerance the new w i t h the old diet i n a 1:3 ratio for several days, then
from developing in dogs and cats is u n k n o w n . 1:1 for several days, then 3:1, and finally the new diet
DIETARY CONSIDERATIONS Cardiac cachexia is the syndrome o f muscle wasting and
Heart failure can interfere with the kidney's ability to excrete fat loss associated with some cases of chronic C H F . Loss of
sodium and water loads. Therefore dietary s o d i u m restric muscle over the spine and gluteal region is usually noted
first. Weakness and fatigue are seen w i t h loss of lean body ation by echocardiogram is done to assess L V functional
mass; cardiac mass also can be affected. Cardiac cachexia is improvement. Dogs treated w i t h carnitine supplementation
thought to be a predictor of poor survival, and it is associated may give off a peculiar odor.
with reduced immune function i n people. The pathogenesis The m i n i m u m effective dose of L-carnitine is not k n o w n ;
of cardiac cachexia involves multiple factors, including pro it may vary with the type of deficiency, i f present at all.
inflammatory cytokines, T N F , and interleukin-1. These
a Several dose ranges have been suggested, including 50 to
substances suppress appetite and promote hypercatabolism. 100 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours for systemic deficiency or
Dietary supplementation with fish oils, which are high i n 200 mg/kg every 8 hours for myopathic deficiency. Others
omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic [EPA] and docosa use 1 g of oral L-carnitine every 8 hours for dogs <25 kg and
hexaenoic [ D H A ] acids) can reduce cytokine production a dose of 2 g every 12 hours for dogs between 25 and 40 kg.
and may improve endothelial function, among other benefi A b o u t teaspoonful of pure L-carnitine powder is the
cial effects. Approximate doses of 27 mg/kg/day E P A and equivalent o f 1 g. Both taurine and L-carnitine can be mixed
18 mg/kg/day D H A produced improvement i n cachexia and w i t h food for easier administration.
lower interleukin-1 levels i n dogs with dilated cardiomyopa
thy, although there was no effect of fish oil o n overall mortal Other Supplements
ity (Freeman, 1998). Whether higher E P A and D H A doses The role of other dietary supplements is unclear. Oxidative
would provide added benefit is not known; 30 to 40 mg/kg/ stress and free-radical damage probably play a role i n the
day E P A and 20 to 25 mg/kg/day D H A orally have been pathogenesis of myocardial dysfunction. Cytokines such as
recommended. T N F , shown to increase i n the circulation i n heart failure,
Grossly overweight pets with heart disease may benefit can promote oxidative stress. In people v i t a m i n C supple
from a weight-reducing diet. Obesity increases metabolic mentation has a beneficial effect o n endothelial function,
demands on the heart and expands b l o o d volume. This cardiac morbidity, and mortality. But the role of supplemen
Could increase cardiac filling and stimulate hypertrophy, tal antioxidant vitamins i n C H F is unclear, especially i n
increase venous pressure, and predispose the patient to animals. Whether coenzyme Q-10 provides any measurable
arrhythmias as well as alter cardiac metabolism. Mechanical benefit is controversial.
interference with respiration promotes hypoventilation; this
can contribute to cor pulmonale and complicate preexisting Beta-Blockers in Patients With
heart disease. Heart Failure
-blockers must be used cautiously, especially i n animals
Taurine with myocardial failure, because of their negative inotropic
Taurine is an essential nutrient for cats. Prolonged deficiency effects. A n important role is i n the management of certain
causes myocardial failure as well as other abnormalities (see arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation, and some ventricular
p. 151). Most commercial and prescription cat foods are well tachyarrhythmias (see Chapter 4). Another potential role for
supplemented with taurine, which has markedly reduced the some -blockers is i n modulating the processes that lead to
prevalence of taurine-responsive dilated cardiomyopathy i n pathologic cardiac remodeling i n patients w i t h heart failure.
cats. But taurine concentrations should be measured i n cats It is well k n o w n that certain agents, i n people, can improve
diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, because the diet of cardiac function, reverse pathologic ventricular remodeling,
some cats may still be deficient. Taurine-deficient cats are and reduce mortality w i t h chronic therapy. Carvedilol (a
given oral supplements of taurine (250 to 500 mg) twice third-generation -blocker) appears to be most effective i n
daily. this regard, but some second-generation -blockers (e.g.,
Some dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy appear deficient metoprolol) also show a survival benefit. It is possible that
in taurine and/or L-carnitine, most notably American Cocker carvedilol or metoprolol might play a similar beneficial role
Spaniels but also others (see p. 136). Dogs fed protein- in dogs, especially those w i t h dilated cardiomyopathy, but
testricted diets can become taurine deficient, and some the clinical efficacy of this i n dogs (and cats) is presently not
develop evidence of dilated cardiomyopathy. Taurine supple known.
mentation for dogs <25 kg is 500 to 1000 m g every 8 hours; Carvedilol blocks , - , and -adrenergic receptors
1 2 1

for dogs 25 to 40 kg the dose is 1 to 2 g every 8 to 12 hours. but is without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. It has
Although not all taurine-deficient American Cocker Spaniels antioxidant effects, reduces endothelin release, has some
heed both taurine and L-carnitine, most appear to. Ca++ blocking effect, and also is thought to promote vasodi
lation by affecting either N O or prostaglandin mechanisms.
L-carnitine Peak plasma concentrations appear to be quite variable after
Although L-carnitine deficiency has been identified i n Boxers oral administration. The drug is eliminated mainly through
and Doberman Pinschers with dilated cardiomyopathy, its hepatic metabolism. The half-life is short (<2 hours) i n dogs;
prevalence is thought to be low and the number of affected an active metabolite is thought to account for the nonselec
dogs responsive to L-carnitine supplementation even lower. tive -blocking effect, which lasts for 12 to 24 hours. Some
[Nevertheless, a trial period of supplementation (at a higher experimental evidence suggests that metoprolol also may
dosage) may be worthwhile. After at least 4 months, reevalu produce beneficial effects o n myocardial function i n dogs,
but ability to improve function and survival i n clinical cases pulmonary edema increases lung stiffness, which induces
is u n k n o w n . faster, more shallow respiration. Likewise, a persistent
Dogs w i t h occult myocardial dysfunction, stable compen increase i n resting heart rate accompanies the heightened
sated C H F (e.g., no evidence o f congestion for at least a week sympathetic tone o f decompensating failure.
or more) caused by cardiomyopathy, or chronic mitral regur A thorough physical examination, with emphasis on the
gitation that show signs o f myocardial dysfunction (and cardiovascular system (see Chapter 1), is important at each
compensated C H F ) are likely good candidates for carvedilol evaluation. Depending on the patient's status, clinical tests
(or metoprolol) therapy. There are presently no definitive might include a resting electrocardiogram ( E C G ) or ambu
guidelines. Initially, very low doses are used, along w i t h con latory monitoring, thoracic radiographs, serum biochemis
ventional C H F therapy as indicated. -blocker up-titration try analyses, an echocardiogram, serum digoxin concentration,
is done slowly. The dosage is increased every 1 to 2 weeks, i f or others. Periodic measurement o f serum electrolyte and
possible, over a 2-month period, to a target dose or as toler creatinine or B U N concentrations is recommended. Electro
ated. Anecdotal experience suggests a starting dose o f 0.05 lyte imbalance (especially hypokalemia or hyperkalemia,
to 0.1 mg/kg every 24 hours for carvedilol, w i t h an eventual hypomagnesemia, and sometimes hyponatremia) can occur
target o f 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg every 12 hours (or higher) i f toler from the use o f diuretics, ACEIs, and salt restriction. Pro
ated. A n initial metoprolol dose might be 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/ longed anorexia can contribute to hypokalemia, but potas
day, w i t h an eventual target o f 1 mg/kg (if tolerated). Careful sium supplementation should not be used without
monitoring is important because C H F decompensation, documenting hypokalemia, especially when ACEIs and spi
bradycardia, and hypotension can occur. ronolactone are prescribed. Serum magnesium concentra
tion does not accurately reflect total body stores; however,
CHRONIC DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION supplementation may be especially beneficial i n animals that
Furosemide is continued orally i n patients that have devel develop ventricular arrhythmias while receiving furosemide
oped C H F from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other and digoxin.
causes o f diastolic dysfunction. Gradual reduction to the M a n y factors can exacerbate the signs o f heart failure,
lowest dosage level and frequency that are effective for con including physical exertion, infection, anemia, exogenous
trolling edema is the aim. A -blocker or diltiazem has tra fluid administration (excess volume or sodium load), high-
ditionally also been used, but the efficacy o f this i n cats w i t h salt diet or dietary indiscretion, erratic administration of
chronic C H F from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is unclear. medication, inappropriate medication dosage for the level o f
A n A C E I i n such cases is thought to be beneficial, unless it disease, development of cardiac arrhythmias, environmental
provokes hypotension, particularly i n cats w i t h dynamic L V stress (e.g., heat, humidity, cold, smoke), development or
outflow obstruction (see Chapter 8). Spironolactone can also worsening of concurrent extracardiac disease, and progres
be useful as an adjunct therapy, especially for cases w i t h sion o f underlying heart disease (e.g., ruptured chordae ten
recurrent pleural effusion. dineae, left atrial tear, secondary right heart failure). Repeated
episodes o f acute, decompensated congestive failure that
REEVALUATION AND MONITORING may require hospitalization and intensive diuresis are rela
Client education is important when managing dogs and cats tively c o m m o n in patients with chronic progressive heart
with chronic heart failure. A good understanding o f the pet's failure.
underlying disease, the signs of heart failure, and the purpose
and potential adverse effects o f each medication make early STRATEGIES FOR REFRACTORY
identification o f complications more likely. Frequent reeval CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE
uation is important i n patients with chronic heart failure Recurrent C H F while o n initial therapy with furosemide and
because underlying diseases progress and complications an A C E I is usually first handled by increasing the dose o f
often develop. The time frame for recheck visits may vary furosemide and/or maximizing the A C E I dose. Pimobendan
from weekly to every 6 months or so, depending on the or digoxin, i f not previously used, is added i f inotropic
severity o f heart disease and the clinical stability o f the support is indicated. Other ancillary therapy could include
patient. an additional diuretic or vasodilator. Spironolactone is rec
Medications and dosage schedules should be reviewed at ommended because o f its action as an aldosterone antago
each visit, and problems with drug administration or signs nist and its likely cardioprotective effects. Because its benefits
of adverse effects ascertained. H o w well the animal has are thought to extend beyond additional diuresis, use o f
responded to medications, the diet and appetite level, activ spironolactone earlier i n the course of therapy may be
ity level, and any other concerns should also be discussed. It advantageous. Some animals benefit from the addition o f a
is helpful to have owners m o n i t o r their pet's respiratory thiazide diuretic as failure becomes more refractory.
(and, i f possible, heart) rate when the animal is asleep or L o w doses o f an arteriolar vasodilator to further reduce
resting at home. Resting respiratory rates for n o r m a l animals afterload (e.g., amlodipine or hydralazine) can further inten
i n the home environment are usually <30 breaths/minute. A sify therapy for dogs with C H F caused by mitral regurgita
persistent increase (of >20%) i n resting respiratory rate is tion or dilated cardiomyopathy. Blood pressure should be
often an early sign o f worsening heart failure. This is because monitored. A n arteriolar vasodilator is not recommended
for cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or dogs w i t h Adin DB, Hill RC, Scott KC: Short-term compatibility of furose
fixed ventricular outflow obstruction (e.g., subaortic mide with crystalloid solutions, / Vet Intern Med 17:724, 2003.
stenosis). Adin DB et al: Intermittent bolus injection versus continuous infu
sion of furosemide in normal adult greyhound dogs, / Vet Intern
Suggested Readings Med 17:632, 2003.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HEART FAILURE Adin DB et al: Efficacy of a single oral dose of isosorbide 5-mono-
Asano K et al: Plasma atrial and brain naturietic peptide levels in nitrate in normal dogs and in dogs with congestive heart failure,
dogs with congestive heart failure, / Vet Med Sci 61:523, 1999. / Vet Intern Med 15:105, 2001.
Biondo AW et al: Genomic sequence and cardiac expression of Atkins CE, Snyder PS, Keene BW: Effect of aspirin, furosemide, and
atrial natriuretic peptide in cats, Am J Vet Res 63:236, 2002. commercial low-salt diet on digoxin pharmacokinetic properties
Burger AJ, Aronson D: Activity of the neurohormonal system and in clinically normal cats, / Am Vet Med Assoc 193:1264, 1988.
its relationship to autonomic abnormalities in decompensated Atkins CE et al: Effects of compensated heart failure on digoxin
heart failure, / Card Fail 7:122, 2001. pharmacokinetics in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 195:945, 1989.
Constable P, Muir W, Sisson D: Clinical assessment of left ventricu Bristow MR: Beta-adrenergic receptor blockade in chronic heart
lar relaxation, / Vet Intern Med 13:5, 1999. failure, Circulation 101:558, 2000.
deMorais HA, Schwartz DS: Pathophysiology of heart failure. In Clare M , Hopper K: Mechanical ventilation: indications, goals and
Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal prognosis, Compend Cont Educ Pract Vet 27:195, 2005.
medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, W B Saunders, pp. 914-940. Clare M , Hopper K: Mechanical ventilation: ventilator settings,
Francis GS: Pathophysiology of chronic heart failure, Am J Med patient management, and nursing care, Compend Cont Educ
110:37S, 2005. Pract Vet 27:256. 2005.
Freeman L M et al: Antioxidant status and biomarkers of oxidative COVE Study Group: Controlled clinical evaluation of enalapril in
stress in dogs with congestive heart failure, / Vet Intern Med dogs with heart failure: results of the Cooperative Veterinary
19:537, 2005. Study Group, / Vet Intern Med 9:243, 1995.
Haggstrom J et al: Effects of naturally acquired decompensated Davidson G: Enalapril maleate, Compend Contin Educ Small Anim
mitral valve regurgitation on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Pract 21:1118, 1999.
system and atrial natriuretic peptide concentration in dogs, Am Ettinger SI et al: Effects of enalapril maleate on survival of dogs
} Vet Res 58:77, 1997. with naturally acquired heart failure,/Am Vet Med Assoc 213:1573,
Kramer GA et al: Plasma taurine concentrations in normal dogs 1998.
and in dogs with heart disease, / Vet Intern Med 9:253, 1995. Freeman L M et al: Nutritional alterations and the effect of fish oil
Meredith IT et al: Cardiac sympathetic nervous activity in conges supplementation in dogs with heart failure, / Vet Intern Med
tive heart failure, Circulation 88:136, 1993. 12:440, 1998.
Meurs K M et al: Plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor- Garg R et al: The effects of digoxin on mortality and morbidity in
alpha in cats with congestive heart failure, Am J Vet Res 63:640, patients with heart failure, New Engl J Med 336:525, 1997.
2002. Gordon SG et al: Pharmacodynamics of carvedilol in conscious,
Oyama MA, Sisson DD: Cardiac troponin-I concentration in dogs healthy dogs, / Vet Intern Med 20:297, 2006.
with cardiac disease, / Vet Intern Med 18:831, 2004. Hamlin RL et al: Effects of enalapril on exercise tolerance and
Pedersen H D et al: Activation of the renin-angiotensin system in longevity in dogs with heart failure produced by iatrogenic mitral
dogs with asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic mitral valvular regurgitation, / Vet Intern Med 10:85, 1996.
insufficiency, / Vet Intern Med 9:328, 1995. Hamlin RL, Nakayama T: Comparison of some pharmacokinetic
Sanderson SL et al: Effects of dietary fat and L-carnitine on plasma parameters of 5 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in
and whole blood taurine concentrations and cardiac function in normal Beagles, / Vet Intern Med 12:93, 1998.
healthy dogs fed protein-restricted diets, Am J Vet Res 62:1616, Hoffman RL et al: Vitamin C inhibits endothelial cell apoptosis in
2001. congestive heart failure, Circulation 104:2182, 2001.
Sisson DD: Neuroendocrine evaluation of cardiac disease, Vet Clin Hornig B, Maier V, Drexler H : Physical training improves endothe
North Am: Small Anim Pract 34:1105, 2004. lial function in patients with chronic heart failure, Circulation
Spratt DP et al: Cardiac troponin I: evaluation of a biomarker for 93:210, 1996.
the diagnosis of heart disease in the dog, / Small Anim Pract IMPROVE Study Group: Acute and short-term hemodynamic,
46:139, 2005. echocardiographic, and clinical effects of enalapril maleate in
Tidholm A, Haggstrom J, Hansson K: Vasopressin, Cortisol, and dogs with naturally acquired heart failure: results of the Invasive
catecholamine concentrations in dogs with dilated cardiomy Multicenter Prospective Veterinary Evaluation of Enalapril study,
opathy, Am } Vet Res 66:1709, 2005. / Vet Intern Med 9:234, 1995.
Turk JR: Physiologic and pathophysiologic effects of natriuretic Keister D M et al: Milrinone: a clinical trial in 29 dogs with moder
peptides and their implication in cardiopulmonary disease, J Am ate-to-severe congestive heart failure, / Vet Intern Med 4:79,
Vet Med Assoc 216:1970, 2000. 1990.
Weber KT: Aldosterone in congestive heart failure, N Engl } Med Khatta M , Alexander BS, Krichten C M , et al: The effect of coenzyme
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THERAPY OF HEART FAILURE King JN, Humbert-Droz E, Maurer M : Pharmacokinetics of bena
Abbott JA: Beta-blockade in the management of systolic dysfunc zepril and inhibition of plasma ACE activity in cats. Abstr, / Vet
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Abbott JA et al: Hemodynamic effects of orally administered carve King JN, Mauron C, Kaiser G: Pharmacokinetics of the active
dilol in healthy conscious dogs, Am } Vet Res 66:637, 2005. metabolite of benazepril, benazeprilat, and inhibition of plasma
angiotensin-converting enzyme activity after single and repeated Parameswaran N et al: Increased splenic capacity in response to
administration to dogs, Am J Vet Res 56:1620, 1995. transdermal application of nitroglycerine in the dog, / Vet Intern
Kittleson M D , Johnson LE, Pion PD: The acute hemodynamic Med 13:44, 1999.
effects of milrinone in dogs with severe idiopathic myocardial Pion PD, Sanderson SL, Kittelson M D : The effectiveness of taurine
failure, / Vet Intern Med 1:121, 1987. and levo-carnitine in dogs with heart disease, Vet Clin North Am:
Kvart C et al: Efficacy of enalapril for prevention of congestive heart Small Anim Pract 28:1495, 1998.
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mitral regurgitation, / Vet Intern Med 16:80, 2002. with congestive heart failure, / Vet Cardiol 6:7, 2004.
Lee SC et al: Iron supplementation inhibits cough associated with Roudebush P et al: The effect of combined therapy with captopril,
ACE inhibitors, Hypertension 38:166, 2001. furosemide, and a sodium-restricted diet on serum electrolyte
Lefebvre H P et al: Effects of renal impairment on the disposition levels and renal function in normal dogs and dogs with conges
of orally administered enalapril, benazepril and their active tive heart failure, / Vet Intern Med 8:337, 1994.
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Lovern CS et al: Additive effects of a sodium chloride restricted diet Senior DF et al: Treatment of acute digoxin toxicosis with digoxin
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Luis Fuentes V et al: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-con Straeter-Knowlen I M et al: ACE inhibitors in HF restore canine
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Morita H et al: Effects of long-term monotherapy with metoprolol Uechi M et al: Cardiovascular and renal effects of carvedilol in dogs
CR/XL the progression of left ventricular dysfunction and with heart failure, / Vet Med Sci 64:469, 2002.
remodeling in dogs with chronic heart failure, Cardiovasc Drugs Ward D M et al: Treatment of severe chronic digoxin toxicosis in
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ment of chronic heart failure, Am J Med 110:81S, 2001. 1999.
C H A P T E R 4

Cardiac Arrhythmias and

Antiarrhythmic Therapy

Occasional ventricular premature complexes occur

without consequence i n many animals. However, arrhyth
mias that compromise cardiac output and coronary perfu
sion can lead to myocardial ischemia, deterioration of cardiac
Development of Arrhythmias
p u m p function, and sometimes sudden death. These arrhyth
Approach to Arrhythmia Management
mias tend to be either very rapid (e.g., sustained ventricular
or supraventricular tachyarrhythmias) or very slow (e.g.,
advanced atrioventricular [AV] block with a slow or unstable
Clinical Presentation
ventricular escape rhythm). Sometimes, however, a lethal
arrhythmia such as ventricular fibrillation ( V F ) occurs
without antecedent sustained arrhythmia. Rapid sustained
tachycardia of either supraventricular or ventricular origin
Class I Antiarrhythmic Drugs
reduces cardiac output acutely and eventually leads to myo
Class II Antiarrhythmic Drugs: -Adrenergic Blockers
cardial dysfunction and congestive heart failure ( C H F ) .
class III Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Class IV Antiarrhythmic Drugs: Calcium Entry Blockers DEVELOPMENT OF ARRHYTHMIAS
Anticholinergic Drugs
Multiple factors underlie disturbances in cardiac rhythm.
Sympathomimetic Drugs
Abnormalities of conduction or automaticity caused by
Other Drugs
cardiac structural or pathophysiologic remodeling can pre
dispose to arrhythmias, even i n the absence of overt cardiac
disease. Genetic factors and environmental stresses contrib
ute to this. However, additional triggering (e.g., premature
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS stimulus or abrupt change i n heart rate) and/or modulat
ing factors (e.g., changes i n autonomic tone, circulating
Cardiac arrhythmias occur for many reasons. Although catecholamines, ischemia, or electrolyte disturbances) are
some arrhythmias are of no clinical consequence, others thought to be necessary to provoke and sustain a rhythm
cause serious hemodynamic compromise and sudden death, disturbance. For example, episodes of anger or aggressive
especially in animals with underlying heart disease. It is behavior have been linked to increased susceptibility to isch
important to make an accurate electrocardiographic diagno emic arrhythmias and sudden arrhythmic death in both dogs
sis, as well as to consider the arrhythmia's clinical context, and people. Various stresses that lead to cardiac remodeling
before deciding whether to use antiarrhythmic therapy. In changes also may play a role in the development of arrhyth
people the risk of death associated with ventricular tachyar mias. Remodeling can involve myocyte hypertrophy, changes
rhythmias is higher when myocardial function is impaired. in the structure or function of i o n channels, tissue fibrosis,
Dogs with cardiomyopathy also have increased risk for or the activity of the autonomic nervous system (see Chapter
sudden death, especially Doberman Pinschers and Boxers. 3). A l t h o u g h some of these changes act as beneficial com
An inherited disorder predisposing to sudden death has also pensatory mechanisms i n the short term, they can have
been identified in young German Shepherds. O n the other harmful and arrhythmogenic long-term effects. It is thought
hand, in previously healthy animals the ventricular prema that i f such underlying arrhythmogenic modulators could be
ture activity that occurs c o m m o n l y after thoracic trauma or controlled, arrhythmias would be lessened. Such modulators
splenectomy (see p. 139) is usually benign and resolves include catecholamines, free radicals, angiotensin II, cyto
without therapy. kines, and nitric oxide ( N O ) . The higher survival i n human
patients w i t h heart failure treated with angiotensin convert
BOX 4-
ing enzyme ( A C E ) inhibitors, spironolactone, and/or some
-blockers supports this approach. There is similar evidence ECG Interpretation Guide
for A C E inhibitors in dogs w i t h dilated cardiomyopathy and
1. Determine the heart rate. Is it too fast, too slow, or
reason to suspect that other therapies might be beneficial as
2 . Is the rhythm regular or irregular?
3. Is sinus rhythm present (with or without other abnor
APPROACH TO ARRHYTHMIA malities), or are there no consistent P-QRS-T relation
If antiarrhythmic drug therapy is considered, its goals should 4 . Are all P waves followed by a QRS and all QRS com
be defined. A n immediate goal is to restore hemodynamic plexes preceded by a P wave?
stability. Although ideal goals include conversion to sinus 5 . If premature (early) complexes are present, do they
rhythm, correction of underlying cause, and prevention o f look the same as sinus Q R S complexes (implying atrial
further arrhythmia and sudden death, suppression o f all or junctional [supraventricular] origin), or are they
wide and of different configuration than sinus com
abnormal beats is generally not a realistic goal. Successful
plexes (implying a ventricular origin or possibly abnor
therapy may mean sufficient reduction i n frequency (e.g., by
mal ventricular conduction of a supraventricular
>70-80%) or repetitive rate o f ectopic beats to promote
normal hemodynamics and eliminate clinical signs. However,
6 . Are premature Q R S complexes preceded by an abnor
even with apparently complete conversion to sinus rhythm, mal P wave (suggesting atrial origin)?
the risk of sudden death from a lethal arrhythmia may remain. 7 . Are there baseline undulations instead of clear and
Various arrhythmias and their E C G characteristics are consistent P waves, with a rapid, irregular QRS occur
described in Chapter 2. This section provides a general rence (compatible with atrial fibrillation)?
approach to managing cardiac rhythm disturbances. Never 8. Are there long pauses in the underlying rhythm before
theless, m u c h remains to be learned about effective arrhyth an abnormal complex occurs (escape beat)?
mia management and the prevention of sudden death. 9 . Is an intermittent AV conduction disturbance present?
1 0 . Is there a lack of consistent temporal relationship
between P waves and Q R S complexes, with a slow
1. Record and interpret an E C G (Box 4-1); identify and
and regular Q R S occurrence (implying complete AV
define any arrhythmia. A n extended E C G recording
block with escape rhythm)?
period may be needed (e.g., Holter monitor or prolonged
1 1 . For sinus and supraventricular complexes, is the mean
in-hospital monitoring). electrical axis normal?
2. Evaluate the whole patient, including history, physical 1 2 . Are all measurements and waveform durations within
exam findings, and clinical/laboratory test results. Are normal limits?
signs o f hemodynamic impairment evident (e.g., episodic See Chapter 2 for more specific information.
weakness, syncope, signs o f congestive heart failure)? Are
other signs o f cardiac disease present (e.g., heart murmur,
cardiomegaly)? Are there additional abnormalities (e.g.,
fever, abnormal b l o o d chemistry values, respiratory or nomic tone, baroreceptor reflexes, and variations in heart
other extracardiac disease, trauma)? Is the animal receiv rate. Treatment decisions are based on consideration of the
ing any medications? Correct what can be corrected. origin (supraventricular or ventricular), timing (premature
3. Decide whether to use antiarrhythmic drug therapy. C o n or escape), and severity of the rhythm disturbance, as well
sider signalment, history, clinical signs, and underlying as the clinical context. Accurate E C G interpretation is impor
disease as well as the potential benefits/risks o f the drug(s) tant. Although a routine (resting) E C G documents arrhyth
under consideration. mias present during the recording period, it provides only a
4. If an antiarrhythmic drug is to be used, define the goals glimpse o f the cardiac rhythms occurring over time. Because
of therapy for this patient. marked variation i n frequency and severity of arrhythmias
5. Initiate treatment and determine drug effectiveness. may occur over time, potentially critical arrhythmias are
Adjust dose or try alternate agents, i f needed. easily missed. For this reason, Holter monitoring or other
6. M o n i t o r patient status. Assess arrhythmia control (con forms of extended E C G acquisition are useful i n assessing
sider repeated Holter monitoring), manage underlying the severity and frequency o f arrhythmias and monitoring
disease(s), and watch for adverse drug effects and other treatment efficacy. Some rhythm abnormalities do not
complications. require therapy, whereas others demand immediate aggres
sive treatment. Close patient monitoring is especially impor
tant in patients with more serious arrhythmias.
DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias occur from various
OF COMMON ARRHYTHMIAS mechanisms, including reentry involving the AV node, acces
sory pathways, or sinoatrial (SA) node, as well as abnormal
Cardiac arrhythmias i n a given animal often occur inconsis automaticity within atrial or junctional tissue. M a n y patients
tently and are influenced by drug therapy, prevailing auto- have atrial enlargement. C o m m o n underlying heart diseases
BOX 4-2

Factors Predisposing to Arrhythmias

Atrial Arrhythmias
Degenerative valvular disease with myocardial fibrosis
Mitral or tricuspid insufficiency Trauma
Dilated cardiomyopathy Cardiac neoplasia
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Heartworm disease
Restrictive cardiomyopathy Congenital heart disease
Cardiac neoplasia Ventricular dilation
Congenital malformation Mechanical stimulation (intracardiac catheter, pacing wire)
Accessory AV nodal bypass tract(s)
Myocardial fibrosis Extracardiac
High sympathetic tone Hypoxia
ischemia Electrolyte imbalances (especially K )+

lntraatrial catheter placement Acidosis/alkalosis

Extracardiac Hypothermia
Catecholamines Fever
Electrolyte imbalances Sepsis/toxemia
Digoxin toxicity Trauma (thoracic or abdominal)
Other drugs (anesthetic agents, bronchodilators) Gastric dilation/volvulus
Acidosis/alkalosis Splenic mass or splenectomy
Hypoxia Hemangiosarcoma
Thyrotoxicosis Pulmonary disease
Severe anemia Uremia
Electric shock Pancreatitis
Thoracic surgery Pheochromocytoma
Other endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, Addison's
Ventricular Arrhythmias
disease, hypothyroidism)
Cardiac High sympathetic tone (pain, anxiety, fever)
Congestive heart failure Central nervous system disease (increases in sympathetic or
Cardiomyopathy (especially Doberman Pinschers and vagal stimulation)
Boxers) Electric shock
Myocarditis Drugs (digoxin, sympathomimetics, anesthetics, tranquilizers,
Pericarditis anticholinergics, antiarrhythmics)

include chronic mitral or tricuspid valve degeneration with Because some drugs can provoke arrhythmias, reducing
regurgitation, dilated cardiomyopathy, congenital malfor dosage or discontinuing the medication may be useful.
mations, and cardiac neoplasia. Other factors also may pre
dispose to atrial tachyarrhythmias (Box 4-2). CLINICAL PRESENTATION
Ventricular premature contractions (VPCs) occur i n Box 4-3 lists c o m m o n arrhythmias according to a clinical
association with disorders that affect cardiac tissue directly description of the heartbeat.
or indirectly through neurohormonal effects (see Box 4-2).
For instance, disorders of the central nervous system can TACHYARRHYTNMIAS
produce abnormal neural effects on the heart that cause Rapid Irregular Rhythms
ventricular or supraventricular arrhythmias (brain-heart Irregular heart rhythms are c o m m o n , and the E C G is impor
syndrome). When V P C s are infrequent or underlying cardiac tant for differentiating abnormal rhythms as well as sinus
function is normal, adverse hemodynamic effects may arrhythmia. Pulse deficits (see p. 6) and an irregular, weak
be negligible. However, hemodynamic impairment can be pulse with heart sounds of varying intensity and regularity
severe in dogs or cats with underlying heart disease, rapid may be detected on physical examination. Premature con
ventricular rates, or myocardial depression stemming from tractions interrupt ventricular filling and reduce stroke
a systemic disease. volume, sometimes to the extent that there is no ejection at
Factors such as underlying hypoxia, electrolyte or acid- all for that cycle (Fig. 4-1). Rapid atrial fibrillation (AF) and
base imbalances, and abnormal hormone concentrations premature contractions o f any origin often cause pulse defi
(e.g., thyroid) can exacerbate arrhythmias. Therefore cor cits. Ventricular premature complexes can cause audible
recting these is usually important for arrhythmia control. splitting of the heart sounds because of asynchronous ven-
tion disturbance is present, S V T may resemble ventricular
BOX 4-3 tachycardia. A vagal maneuver can be useful i n differentiat
ing among narrow Q R S complex tachycardias.
Clinical Characterization of Common Heart Rate and
Sustained, rapid arrhythmias lead to decrease i n cardiac
Rhythm Disturbances
output, arterial blood pressure, and coronary perfusion.
Fast, Irregular Rhythms C H F eventually may result. Signs o f poor cardiac output and
A t r i a l or s u p r a v e n t r i c u l a r premature contractions hypotension include weakness, depression, pallor, prolonged
P a r o x y s m a l atrial or supraventricular t a c h y c a r d i a capillary refill time, exercise intolerance, syncope, dyspnea,
A t r i a l flutter o r fibrillation prerenal azotemia, worsening rhythm disturbances, and
Ventricular p r e m a t u r e contractions sometimes altered mentation, seizure activity, and sudden
P a r o x y s m a l ventricular t a c h y c a r d i a death.

Fast, Regular Rhythms

Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
Sinus t a c h y c a r d i a
Occasional premature beats do not require specific therapy.
S u s t a i n e d supraventricular t a c h y c a r d i a
Factors that predispose to these arrhythmias should be m i n
S u s t a i n e d ventricular t a c h y c a r d i a
imized as m u c h as possible (e.g., discontinue or reduce
Slow, Irregular Rhythms dosage o f suspected drugs, manage heart failure i f present,
Sinus b r a d y a r r h y t h m i a and treat metabolic or endocrine abnormalities).
Sinus arrest Oral therapy for frequent supraventricular pre
Sick sinus s y n d r o m e m a t u r e b e a t s a n d p a r o x y s m a l t a c h y c a r d i a . Initial
High-grade 2 n d
d e g r e e A V block oral therapy for frequent atrial premature complexes (APCs)
or paroxysmal S V T usually involves either digoxin, diltiazem,
Slow, Regular Rhythms
a -blocker, or a combination o f these. Digoxin (see Table
Sinus b r a d y c a r d i a 3-3) is the initial oral drug of choice i n dogs with heart
C o m p l e t e (third-degree) A V block w i t h ventricular e s c a p e failure and cats with dilated cardiomyopathy (Fig. 4-2). A
-blocker or the calcium entry blocker diltiazem may be
A t r i a l standstill w i t h ventricular e s c a p e rhythm
added to the regimen if the arrhythmia is not controlled with
digoxin, along with other therapy (including an A C E inhib
itor) indicated for heart failure. Cats with hypertrophic car
tricular activation. Ventricular and supraventricular tachy diomyopathy or hyperthyroidism are usually treated with a
cardias and A F cause more severe hemodynamic compromise -blocker such as atenolol, although diltiazem is an alterna
than do isolated premature contractions, especially i n tive. Refractory intermittent supraventricular tachyarrhyth
patients w i t h underlying heart disease. mias may respond to amiodarone, sotalol, procainamide,
quinidine, or a class I C agent.
Rapid Regular Rhythms Acute therapy for supraventricular tachycardia.
Rapid regular rhythms include sinus tachycardia, sustained M o r e aggressive therapy is warranted for rapid and persis
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), and sustained ventricu tent supraventricular tachyarrhythmias, especially i n the face
lar tachycardia. Sinus tachycardia is caused by high sym of hemodynamic impairment. A vagal maneuver can be tried
pathetic tone or drug-induced vagal blockade. Underlying first (discussed i n more detail i n the following section). I V
causes include anxiety, pain, fever, thyrotoxicosis, heart access is secured, and fluids are administered to maintain
failure, hypotension, shock, the ingestion o f stimulants or blood pressure and enhance endogenous vagal tone. However,
toxins (e.g., chocolate, caffeine), or drugs (e.g., catechol patients with k n o w n or suspected heart failure should receive
amines, anticholinergics, theophylline, and related agents). a small volume slowly, i f at all. If a vagal maneuver does not
The heart rate i n dogs and cats with sinus tachycardia is terminate the arrhythmia, diltiazem I V (or oral loading)
usually <300 beats/min, although it can be higher i n those is often chosen first because of its lesser negative inotropic
with thyrotoxicosis or i n those that have ingested exogenous effects. Although verapamil (IV) is equally effective against
stimulants or drugs (particularly cats). Alleviation o f the SVTs, it is not recommended for dogs with myocardial dys
underlying cause and intravenous (IV) administration o f function or heart failure because o f its greater negative
fluids to reverse hypotension (in animals without edema) inotropic effects. A slowly administered I V -blocker (e.g.,
should cause the sympathetic tone and sinus rate to propranolol, esmolol) is an alternative therapy but also has
decrease. negative inotropic effects i n animals with high underlying
S V T o f varying causes can be difficult to differentiate sympathetic tone. Some cases o f reentrant S V T or automatic
from sinus tachycardia. The heart rate i n patients w i t h S V T atrial tachycardia respond to I V lidocaine. I V digoxin also
is often >300 beats/min, but it is rare for the sinus rate to be may be tried, but this has been less effective than the calcium
this rapid. Patients with SVTs, such as sinus tachycardia, channel blockers. Digoxin has a slower onset o f action, and
usually have a n o r m a l Q R S configuration (narrow and although it increases vagal tone, I V administration can also
upright i n lead II). However, i f an intraventricular conduc increase central sympathetic output. IV amiodarone is an
FIG 4-1
M - m o d e e c h o c a r d i o g r a m at the aortic root level in a D o b e r m a n Pinscher with atrial
fibrillation a n d d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . Pulse deficits a n d variable-intensity pulses
o c c u r r e d s e c o n d a r y to the v a r i a b l e (or absent) aortic v a l v e o p e n i n g c a u s e d by the
arrhythmia a n d illustrated in this e c h o c a r d i o g r a m . The motion of t w o aortic v a l v e leaflets
is seen within the p a r a l l e l aortic root e c h o c a r d i o g r a m s . M o s t c y c l e s a r e a s s o c i a t e d with
v a r i a b l e a n d p o o r stroke v o l u m e a n d with a b b r e v i a t e d aortic v a l v e o p e n i n g , but there is
no o p e n i n g at all after the sixth e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m c o m p l e x from the left (arrow). R w a v e s
a r e i n d i c a t e d by w h i t e dots.

FIG 4 - 2
A therapeutic a p p r o a c h to supraventricular t a c h y a r r h y t h m i a s . S e e Table 4-2 for d r u g
d o s e s a n d text for more information. APCs, A t r i a l premature contractions; BP, b l o o d
pressure; CHF, c o n g e s t i v e heart failure; HCM, h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y o p a t h y ; HF, heart
failure or m y o c a r d i a l d y s f u n c t i o n ; SVT, supraventricular t a c h y c a r d i a .
alternative agent i n refractory cases. Sotalol or a class I A or ful, repeating the vagal maneuver after antiarrhythmic drug
IC drug might be tried i f the arrhythmia is unremitting. injection may be useful, -blockers, Ca++ entry-blockers,
Adenosine appears to be ineffective in dogs for terminating digoxin, and other agents can increase the effectiveness of
SVTs. Further cardiac diagnostic tests are indicated once vagal maneuvers. The vagal maneuver can be further poten
conversion is achieved or the ventricular rate has decreased tiated i n dogs by administering intramuscular (IM) mor
to <200 beats/min. Once the rhythm is better controlled, oral phine sulfate (0.2 mg/kg) or I V edrophonium chloride (1 to
diltiazem, digoxin, amiodarone, or -blockers are options 4 m g ; atropine and an endotracheal tube should be readily
for chronic therapy; combinations of these agents can be available).
Paroxysmal A V reciprocating tachycardia is a reentrant Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias
tachycardia involving an accessory pathway and the A V node Occasional V P C s i n an otherwise asymptomatic animal
(see p. 27). It is interrupted by slowing conduction or pro should not be treated. Moderately frequent single V P C s of
longing the refractory period of either or both tissues. A uniform configuration may not require antiarrhythmic drug
vagal maneuver may slow A V conduction enough to termi treatment either, especially if underlying heart function is
nate the rhythm. Diltiazem and -blockers slow A V conduc normal. Nevertheless, guidelines as to whether, when, and
tion and increase refractoriness. Another approach is I V how best to treat intermittent ventricular tachyarrhythmias
amiodarone or procainamide. Digoxin slows A V conduction remain undefined. Besides being expensive, antiarrhythmic
but has variable effects o n the accessory pathway; its use is drugs can have serious adverse effects, can provoke addi
usually discouraged i n people with preexcitation syndromes. tional arrhythmias (proarrhythmic effects), and may not be
Procainamide and quinidine may prevent A V reciprocating efficacious. Pretreatment and posttreatment 24- to 48-hour
tachycardia because they lengthen the refractory period ambulatory E C G recordings showing at least a 70% to 80%
of the accessory pathway. High-dose procainamide, with or reduction i n arrhythmia frequency provide the best indica
without a -blocker or diltiazem, has been successful in pre tor o f drug arrhythmia-suppression efficacy. Intermittent
venting the recurrence o f tachycardia i n some cases. Intra E C G recordings cannot truly differentiate between drug
cardiac electrophysiologic mapping with radiofrequency effect (or lack thereof) and the spontaneous, marked vari
catheter ablation o f accessory pathways has been used suc ability o f arrhythmia frequency that occurs i n any individual.
cessfully to abolish refractory S V T associated with preexcita However, in-hospital E C G recordings o f 15 seconds to several
tion in dogs, although this technique is not widely available minutes in duration are often the most practical attempt to
yet. monitor arrhythmias.
Atrial tachycardia caused by a persistent automatic ectopic Several factors influence the decision to use ventricular
focus may be particularly difficult to suppress. W h e n the antiarrhythmic drug therapy. These factors include the
antiarrhythmic strategies outlined in the preceding para nature of the animal's underlying disease, the perceived
graphs are unsuccessful, the goal o f therapy shifts to ven severity o f the arrhythmia, and the presence or absence of
tricular rate control. By prolonging A V conduction time and hemodynamic compromise. Diseases such as dilated cardio
refractoriness, fewer atrial impulses are then conducted and myopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopa
ventricular rate is slowed (and usually irregular). Therapy thy in Boxers, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and subaortic
with combinations o f diltiazem or a -blocker and digoxin, stenosis, among others, are frequently associated with sudden
sotalol, or amiodarone can be effective. The animal w i t h death from arrhythmias. Therefore ventricular antiarrhyth
persistent automatic atrial tachycardia could be a candidate mic therapy w o u l d appear most urgent in animals with these
for intracardiac electrophysiologic mapping and catheter diseases. However, the efficacy of a particular therapy to
ablation when such tools are available. Alternatively, heart prolong survival as well as suppress the arrhythmia is diffi
rate control could be achieved by A V node ablation with cult to accurately assess. Traditional guidelines for instituting
permanent pacemaker implantation. ventricular antiarrhythmic therapy have been based on fre
V a g a l m a n e u v e r . A vagal maneuver can help the c l i n i quency, prematurity, and variability of the Q R S configura
cian differentiate among tachycardias caused by an ectopic tion o f the arrhythmia. Characteristics thought to imply
automatic focus, those dependent on a reentrant circuit increased electrical instability include rapid paroxysmal or
involving the A V node, or excessively rapid sinus node acti sustained ventricular tachycardia (e.g., >130 beats/min),
vation. The vagal maneuver may transiently slow or inter multiform (polymorphic) V P C configuration, or close cou
mittently block A V conduction, exposing abnormal atrial P ' pling of V P C s to preceding complexes (R-on-T phenome
waves, and allow an ectopic atrial focus to be identified. Vagal non). However, clear evidence that these guidelines predict
maneuvers can terminate reentrant SVTs involving the A V greater risk o f sudden death i n all patients is lacking. It is
node by interrupting the reentrant circuit. The maneuver probably more important to consider the animal's underly
tends to temporarily slow the rate o f sinus tachycardia. ing heart disease and whether the arrhythmia is causing
Vagal maneuvers are performed by massaging the area signs o f hypotension or low cardiac output. Animals that
over the carotid sinuses (below the mandible i n the jugular are hemodynamically unstable or have a disease associated
furrows) or by applying firm bilateral ocular pressure for 15 with sudden cardiac death are treated earlier and more
to 20 seconds. A l t h o u g h initial attempts are often unsuccess aggressively.
A c u t e t h e r a p y f o r v e n t r i c u l a r t a c h y c a r d i a . Sus Cats with frequent ventricular tachyarrhythmias are
tained ventricular tachycardia is treated aggressively because usually given a -blocker first. Alternatively, low doses o f
it can result in marked decreases i n arterial b l o o d pressure, lidocaine can be administered. However, cats, especially if
especially at faster rates. Lidocaine (IV) is usually the first- not anesthetized, can be quite sensitive to the neurotoxic
choice drug for controlling serious ventricular tachyarrhyth effects o f this drug. Procainamide or sotalol can also be
mias i n hospitalized dogs. It is effective against arrhythmias used.
of several underlying mechanisms and has m i n i m a l adverse Digoxin is not used specifically for treating ventricular
hemodynamic effects. Because the effects o f I V boluses last tachyarrhythmias, although it may be indicated for patients
only about 10 to 15 minutes, a constant rate infusion (CRI) with concurrent heart failure and supraventricular arrhy
is warranted if the drug is effective. Small supplemental IV thmias. Digoxin can also predispose to the development
boluses can be given i n addition to the C R I to maintain of ventricular arrhythmias. Another antiarrhythmic drug
therapeutic drug concentrations until a steady state is may be necessary i n animals with preexisting frequent
achieved. IV infusion can be continued for several days, i f or repetitive V P C s . Phenytoin is used only i n dogs for digi
needed. If lidocaine is ineffective after maximal recom talis-induced ventricular tachyarrhythmias that are refrac
mended doses, several other strategies can be tried (Fig. 4-3). tory to lidocaine. Ancillary KC1 supplementation (if serum
IV amiodarone or oral mexiletine or sotalol can be more K 4 m E q / L ) with or without M g S O can increase antiar

effective in some cases. W i t h I V amiodarone, slow injection rhythmic efficacy.

of conservative doses and blood pressure monitoring are Close E C G monitoring and further diagnostic testing
recommended because marked hypotension can occur. should follow initial therapy. Total suppression of persistent
Alternatively, procainamide (given intravenously, intramus ventricular tachyarrhythmias is not expected. The patient's
cularly, or orally) or quinidine (given intramuscularly or clinical status, the underlying disease(s), the success o f
orally) can be tried next. Effects of a single I M or oral loading the drug i n suppressing the arrhythmia, and the drug
dose of either drug should occur within 2 hours. If this is dosage (e.g., whether it could be increased) all influence the
effective, lower doses can be given every 4 to 6 hours intra decision whether to continue or discontinue current treat
muscularly or orally. If ineffective, the dose can be increased ment or to use a different drug. Clinical status and results of
or another antiarrhythmic drug chosen. Q u i n i d i n e is not diagnostic testing also guide decisions about chronic oral
given intravenously because of its hypotensive effects. This therapy.
drug is also not recommended in patients on digoxin or that If the ventricular tachyarrhythmia appears refractory to
have prolonged Q T intervals. If the arrhythmia has not been initial treatment attempts, one or more o f the following
controlled, a -blocker can be added. considerations may be helpful:

FIG 4 - 3
A therapeutic a p p r o a c h to ventricular t a c h y a r r h y t h m i a s . S e e Table 4-2 for d r u g d o s e s
a n d text for more i n f o r m a t i o n . CRI, Constant-rate infusion; Dx, d i a g n o s i s ; ECG,
1. Reevaluate the E C G c o u l d the rhythm have been incor effects than the Class I drugs. Concurrent disease should be
rectly diagnosed initially? For example, S V T with an treated i f possible. It is likely that animals with arrhythmias
intraventricular conduction disturbance can m i m i c ven associated with underlying heart disease also benefit from
tricular tachycardia. In such cases, I V diltiazem is usually the use o f -blockers, A C E inhibitors, and some other ther
more effective than lidocaine. apies, as do people. However, -blockers alone do not appear
2. Reevaluate the serum K (and M g ) concentration. + +
effective i n suppressing ventricular tachyarrhythmias in
Hypokalemia reduces the efficacy of class I antiarrhyth Doberman Pinschers with cardiomyopathy.
mic drugs (e.g., lidocaine, procainamide, quinidine) and Several strategies are available for long-term oral therapy
can predispose to the development of arrhythmias. If the of patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias:
serum K concentration is <3 m E q / L , KC1 can be infused
at 0.5 mEq/kg/hr; for serum K between 3 to 3.5 m E q / L , 1. A Class I agent alone: sustained-release procainamide,
KC1 can be infused at 0.25 mEq/kg/hr. A serum K con mexiletine, (or possibly tocainide); occasionally a class IA
centration i n the high n o r m a l range is the goal. If the and IB drug are used together. However, Class I drugs
serum Mg concentration is <1.0 mg/dl, M g S O or 4 provide questionable protection from V F .
M g C l , diluted in D W , can be administered at 0.75 to
2 5 2. A Class I agent combined with a -blocker (Class II)
1.0 mEq/kg/day by C R I . agent: sustained release procainamide or mexiletine and
3. Maximize the dose o f the conventional antiarrhythmic atenolol or propranolol. -Blockers can be useful for both
drug having the greatest effect. ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias that are
4. Try amiodarone (IV), sotalol (oral), or a -blocker i n provoked by sympathetic stimulation or release of
conjunction with a class I drug (e.g., propranolol, esmolol, catecholamines. -Blockers may confer some protection
or atenolol w i t h procainamide or lidocaine) or a class I A against V F .
drug with a IB drug (e.g., procainamide with lidocaine or 3. A Class III agent: sotalol or amiodarone. These drugs may
mexiletine). provide greater antifibrillatory protection, but they also
5. Consider the possibility that the drug therapy is exacer have potentially serious adverse effects.
bating the rhythm disturbance (a proarrhythmic effect).
Polymorphous ventricular tachycardia (torsades de Presently, the three most favored options are sotalol; ami
pointes) has been associated with quinidine, procain odarone; or mexiletine or sustained-release procainamide
amide, and other drug toxicities. with atenolol, because they are likely to provide a greater
6. M g S O may be effective i n animals w i t h ventricular
4 antifibrillatory effect.
tachyarrhythmias associated with digoxin toxicity or with Frequent reevaluation is important for patients o n long-
suspected polymorphous ventricular tachycardia (tors term antiarrhythmic therapy (for any rhythm disturbance).
ades de pointes). A slowly administered I V bolus o f 25 to Patients' owners can be shown how to use a stethoscope or
40 mg/kg, diluted i n D W , followed by an infusion o f the
5 palpate the chest wall to count the number of "skipped" beats
same dose over 12 to 24 hours, has been suggested. Given per minute at home; this may yield an approximation o f the
that M g S O contains 8.13 m E q magnesium per gram, a
4 frequency o f arrhythmic events (either single or paroxysms).
similar magnesium dose is provided by calculating 0.15 However, continuous 24- to 48-hour ambulatory E C G
to 0.3 m E q / k g . recordings are more accurate. The decision to continue or
7. If the animal is tolerating the arrhythmia well, continue discontinue successful antiarrhythmic therapy is also based
supportive care, correct other abnormalities as possible, on consideration o f the clinical situation and any underlying
and continue cardiovascular monitoring alone or w i t h cardiac disease.
the most effective antiarrhythmic drug.
8. Direct current ( D C ) cardioversion or ventricular pacing Atrial Fibrillation
may be available at a referral center; ECG-synchronized A F most often develops when there is marked atrial enlar
equipment and anesthesia or sedation are required. H i g h - gement. It is a serious arrhythmia, especially when the
energy, nonsynchronized shock (defibrillation) can be ventricular response rate is high. Predisposing conditions
used for rapid polymorphic ventricular tachycardia or include dilated cardiomyopathy, chronic degenerative A V
flutter degenerating into fibrillation. valve disease, congenital malformations that cause atrial
Chronic oral therapy for ventricular tachyar enlargement, and hypertrophic or restrictive cardiomyopa
r h y t h m i a s . The same drug that was most effective during thy i n cats. Clinical heart failure is c o m m o n in these animals.
acute therapy, or a similar one, is often continued orally A F is characterized by an irregular and usually rapid ven
when long-term therapy is thought to be needed. A l t h o u g h tricular response rate. W h e n little time is available for ven
suppression of ventricular ectopy is one aim, reducing the tricular filling, stroke volume is compromised. Furthermore,
risk o f sudden arrhythmic death is the real issue for long- atrial contraction (the "atrial kick"), which is especially
term therapy. Whereas the Class IB drugs (lidocaine and important to ventricular filling at faster heart rates, is lost.
mexiletine) appear to raise the fibrillation threshold more Cardiac output tends to decrease considerably when A F
than the Class I A agents (procainamide and quinidine), develops; poor myocardial function exacerbates this
Class III agents appear to have m u c h greater antifibrillatory decrease.
FIG 4 - 4
A therapeutic a p p r o a c h to atrial fibrillation. S e e Table 4-2 for d r u g d o s e s a n d text for
more i n f o r m a t i o n . AF, atrial fibrillation; CHF, c o n g e s t i v e heart f a i l u r e ; HCM, h y p e r t r o p h i c
c a r d i o m y o p a t h y ; HR, heart rate.

Long-lasting conversion to sinus rhythm is rare in the face conduction and ventricular rate. Because o f their potential
of marked underlying cardiac disease, even after successful to depress myocardial function, the agent chosen is usually
electrical cardioversion. Therefore treatment in most cases is added 1 to 2 days after starting oral digoxin i n most patients
directed at reducing the ventricular response rate by slowing with reduced myocardial contractililty. A m i o d a r o n e can be
AV conduction (Fig. 4-4). A slower heart rate allows more added (or substituted) for additional rate control. A n occa
time for ventricular filling and lessens the relative impor sional dog w i l l revert to sinus rhythm i n response to diltia
tance o f atrial contraction. In-hospital heart rates <150 (or zem or amiodarone therapy. Digoxin is not used in cats with
180 in cats) beats/min are desirable. Heart rate should be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that develop A F ; a -blocker
documented by E C G ; counting the ventricular rate by aus or diltiazem is used instead.
cultation or palpation is often highly inaccurate. Resting W h e n A F develops i n patients that also have ventricular
heart rate at home, which can be monitored by the owner, is preexcitation, A V nodal blocking drugs (Ca++ blockers,
a better indicator o f drug effectiveness. Heart rates o f 70 to digoxin, and possibly -blockers) should not be used because
120 beats/min in dogs and 80 to 140 beats/min in cats are they can paradoxically increase the ventricular response rate.
probably acceptable. Amiodarone is recommended i n these cases. Sotalol or pro
T h e r a p y f o r a t r i a l f i b r i l l a t i o n . The oral drug o f first cainamide can also be used.
choice for most dogs with A F is digoxin (see Table 3-3). If Electrical cardioversion o f A F has been o f limited success
the heart rate exceeds 200 to 220 beats/min at rest, twice the i n animals; most revert to A F . Newer methods, including
eventual oral maintenance dosage can be given for 1 to 2 biphasic current delivery combined with amiodarone (or
days. W h e n more immediate heart rate reduction is i n d i other drug) therapy, may be more successful. Nevertheless,
cated, IV diltiazem is recommended. This has less negative experience with A F in people suggests that heart rate control
inotropic effect than verapamil or an I V -blocker, although provides similar survival benefit (and fewer adverse effects)
esmolol could be cautiously tried because o f its short half- than conversion to sinus rhythm.
life. If dobutamine or dopamine infusion is needed to
support myocardial function (see p. 60 and Box 3-1), I V Lone atrial fibrillation
diltiazem or an IV loading dose o f digoxin (cautiously) can A F sometimes develops in large or giant-breed dogs without
be used, but a -blocker should be avoided. cardiomegaly or other evidence o f structural heart disease.
Digoxin alone does not adequately reduce the heart rate This can occur transiently, usually i n association with trauma
in many animals. Increases i n sympathetic tone from C H F , or surgery. A F with a slow ventricular response rate can also
exercise, or excitement can override the vagal effect of digoxin be an incidental finding i n such dogs. This is k n o w n as "lone
on A V conduction. Either a -blocker or diltiazem can be AF". Acute A F without signs o f heart disease or failure may
added and titrated upward as needed to further slow A V convert to sinus rhythm spontaneously or i n response to
drug therapy, such as with diltiazem (e.g. P O for ~3 days),
amiodarone, or possibly sotalol or other Class III or IC
agents. Acute onset A F associated with high vagal tone may
convert with I V lidocaine. Q u i n i d i n e P O or I M has been
used for acute A F conversion i n large dogs without signs of
heart disease; but adverse effects can include increased ven
tricular response rate from the drug's vagolytic effects, ataxia,
and most seriously, seizures or polymorphic ventricular
tachycardia. If effective, the drug is discontinued after sinus
rhythm is achieved. Dogs that do not convert to sinus rhythm
are either given digoxin or continued on diltiazem for rate
control. Alternatively, i f the ventricular rate is consistently
low at rest, dogs can be monitored periodically without
therapy; but rapid heart rates still are likely with exercise or
FIG 4 - 5
A therapeutic a p p r o a c h to m a n a g i n g symptomatic bradyar
rhythmias. S e e B o x 3-1 a n d Table 4-2 a n d text for more
Sinus Bradycardia
Slow sinus rhythm (or arrhythmia) can be a n o r m a l finding,
especially in athletic dogs. Sinus bradycardia has also been different regions, but the syndrome is also seen in Dachs
associated with the administration of various drugs (e.g., hunds, Cocker Spaniels, Pugs, and mixed-breed dogs.
xylazine, thorazine tranquilizers, some anesthetic agents, Affected dogs have episodes of marked sinus bradycardia
medetomidine, digoxin, calcium entry blockers, -blockers, with sinus arrest (or sinoatrial block). Sick sinus syndrome
parasympathomimetic drugs), trauma or diseases of the is extremely rare in cats.
central nervous system, organic disease of the sinus node, Abnormalities of the A V conduction system may coexist,
hypothermia, hyperkalemia, and hypothyroidism, among causing the activity of subsidiary pacemakers to be depressed
other disorders. Conditions that increase vagal tone (e.g., and leading to prolonged periods of asystole. Some affected
respiratory or gastrointestinal tract disease or a mass involv dogs also have paroxysmal SVTs, prompting the name bra
ing the vagosympathetic trunk) may induce sinus bradycar dycardia-tachycardia syndrome (Fig. 4-6). Premature com
dia. C h r o n i c pulmonary disease often is associated with plexes may be followed by long pauses before sinus node
pronounced respiratory sinus arrhythmia. activity resumes, indicating a prolonged sinus node recovery
In most cases o f sinus bradycardia, the heart rate increases time. Intermittent periods of accelerated junctional rhythms
in response to exercise or atropine administration, and no and variable junctional or ventricular escape rhythms may
clinical signs are associated with the slow heart rate. Symp also occur.
tomatic dogs usually have a heart rate slower than 50 beats/ Clinical signs can result from bradycardia and sinus arrest,
m i n and/or pronounced underlying disease. Because sinus paroxysmal tachycardia, or both. Signs can mimic seizures
bradycardia and sinus bradyarrhythmia are extremely rare stemming from neurologic or metabolic disorders. Concur
in cats, a search for underlying cardiac or systemic disease rent degenerative A V valve disease is also often present. Some
(e.g., hyperkalemia) is warranted i n any cat with a slow heart dogs have evidence of C H F , usually secondary to A V valve
rate. regurgitation, although the arrhythmias may be a complicat
W h e n sinus bradycardia is associated with signs of weak ing factor.
ness, exercise intolerance, syncope, or worsening underlying E C G abnormalities are frequently pronounced in dogs
disease, an anticholinergic (or adrenergic) agent is given with long-standing sick sinus syndrome. Nevertheless, some
(Fig. 4-5). If sinus bradycardia is the result of a drug effect, dogs have one or more normal resting ECGs. Prolonged
discontinuation, dosage reduction, or other therapy should visual E C G monitoring or 24-hour ambulatory E C G can
be used, as appropriate (e.g., reversal of anesthesia or medeto help establish a definitive diagnosis. A n atropine challenge
midine, calcium salts for calcium entry blocker overdose, test is done i n dogs with persistent bradycardia (see p. 93).
dopamine or atropine for -blocker toxicity). If there is The normal response is an increase in the heart rate of 150%
inadequate increase in heart rate with medical therapy, tem or to > 130 to 150 beats/min. Dogs with sick sinus syndrome
porary or permanent pacing is indicated (see Suggested generally have a subnormal response.
Readings). Therapy with an anticholinergic agent, methylxanthine
bronchodilator, or terbutaline given orally may temporarily
Sick Sinus Syndrome help some animals that have a positive response to atropine
Sick sinus syndrome is a condition of erratic sinoatrial func challenge. However, anticholinergic or sympathomimetic
tion characterized by episodic weakness, syncope, and drugs used to accelerate the sinus rate can also exacerbate
Stokes-Adams seizures. Older female Miniature Schnauzers tachyarrhythmias. Conversely, drugs used to suppress these
and West H i g h l a n d White Terriers are c o m m o n l y affected in supraventricular tachyarrhythmias can magnify the brady-
FIG 4 - 6
C o n t i n u o u s e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m from a n 111-year-oldf e m a l e M i n i a t u r e S c h n a u z e r with sick
sinus s y n d r o m e , illustrating a c o m b i n a t i o n of b r a d y c a r d i a a n d t a c h y c a r d i a . The top
portion s h o w s persistent sinus arrest with three different e s c a p e c o m p l e x e s , f o l l o w e d b y a n
atrial premature c o m p l e x . There is a 1-mV c a l i b r a t i o n mark in the m i d d l e of the top strip.
The b r a d y c a r d i a is interrupted b y a run of atrial t a c h y c a r d i a at a rate of 2 5 0 b e a t s / m i n ,
with 1 :1 atrioventricular c o n d u c t i o n initially; but starting in the m i d d l e of the bottom strip,
e v e r y other P' w a v e is b l o c k e d ( 2 : 1 atrioventricular c o n d u c t i o n ) .

cardia, although digoxin or diltiazem is helpful i n some dogs escape focus, as well as the tachyarrhythmia. Permanent
if used cautiously. Sick sinus syndrome with frequent or pacemaker implantation is the treatment o f choice, although
severe clinical signs is best managed by permanent artificial the prognosis is poor i n dogs w i t h concurrent ventricular
pacing. The Suggested Readings list includes sources of myocardial dysfunction.
further details on pacing. Dogs that remain symptomatic Hyperkalemia should be ruled out in animals without P
because of paroxysmal SVTs can safely be given appropriate waves. The apparent lack o f atrial electrical and mechanical
antiarrhythmic therapy once a normally functioning pace activity ("silent atrium") caused by hyperkalemia w i l l resolve
maker is in place. with treatment. Sinus node activity (and P waves) become
evident as the serum K concentration returns to normal.
Atrial Standstill
Persistent atrial standstill is a rhythm disturbance character Atrioventricular Conduction Block
ized by lack o f effective atrial electrical activity (i.e., no P Second-degree, or intermittent, A V block usually causes
waves and a flat baseline) in which a junctional or ventricu an irregular heartbeat. In contrast, the ventricular escape
lar escape rhythm controls the heart. This bradyarrhythmia rhythm that occurs w i t h a third-degree, or complete, A V
is rare in dogs and extremely rare i n cats; most cases have block is regular, although premature contractions or shifts
occurred i n English Springer Spaniels with muscular dystro i n the escape focus may cause some irregularities. A V con
phy o f the fascioscapulohumeral type, although infiltrative duction disturbances may result from therapy with certain
and inflammatory diseases of the atrial myocardium can also drugs (e.g., agonists, opioids, digoxin), high vagal tone, or

result in atrial standstill. Because organic disease o f the atrial organic disease o f the A V node. Diseases that have been
myocardium may also involve the ventricular myocardium, associated with A V conduction disturbances include bacte
persistent atrial standstill may be a harbinger o f a serious rial endocarditis (of the aortic valve), hypertrophic cardio
and progressive cardiac disorder. myopathy, infiltrative myocardial disease, and myocarditis.
Medical treatment for persistent atrial standstill is rarely Idiopathic heart block may occur i n middle-aged to older
rewarding; however, an anticholinergic drug or an infusion dogs; congenital third-degree heart block has also been seen
of dopamine or isoproterenol can sometimes temporarily i n dogs. Symptomatic heart block is less c o m m o n in cats, but
accelerate the escape rhythm. If ventricular tachyarrhyth evidence o f any A V conduction disturbance should prompt
mias result from this treatment, the drug should be discon further diagnostic evaluation. Most cases have been associ
tinued or the dose reduced. Oral terbutaline may also have ated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Heart block is occa
some beneficial effect. Antiarrhythmic agents are contrain sionally found in old cats without detectable organic heart
dicated in these animals because they may suppress the disease.
Type I second-degree A V block and first-degree A V block
BOX 4-4
are frequently associated w i t h high vagal tone or drug effects
in dogs. These animals are often asymptomatic; exercise or Formulas to Calculate Constant-Rate Infusion
injection of an anticholinergic drug (atropine or glycopyr
Method 1
rolate) usually abolishes the conduction disturbance. H i g h -
grade (many blocked P waves) second-degree A V block and (Allows for "fine-tuning" fluid as well as drug administration
complete heart block usually cause lethargy, exercise intoler rate)

ance, weakness, syncope, and other signs of low cardiac Determine desired drug infusion rate: g/kg/min x kg
body weight = g/min (A)
output. These signs become severe when the heart rate is
Determine desired fluid infusion rate: ml/hour 60 = m l /
consistently <40 beats/min. C H F develops secondary to
min (B)
chronic bradycardia i n some dogs, especially i f other cardiac
(A) (B) = g/min ml/min = g drug/ml of fluid
disease is present. Convert from g to mg of drug needed (1 g =
A n atropine challenge test (p. 93) is used to determine the 0.001 mg)
degree o f vagal influence on the A V block. Long-term oral M g drug/ml fluid x ml of fluid in bag (or bottle, etc) = mg
anticholinergic therapy (e.g., propantheline bromide) can be of drug to a d d to the fluid container
attempted in symptomatic animals that are atropine-respon
Method 2
sive (see Fig. 4-5). Atropine or subsequent oral anticholiner
gic therapy is often ineffective, however, so artificial pacing (For total dose over a 6-hour period, must also calculate
fluid volume and administration rate)
is usually indicated. A n emergency infusion o f dopamine
Total dose in mg to infuse over a 6-hour period = Body
(see Box 3-1) or isoproterenol may increase the ventricular
weight (kg) x dose (g/kg/min) x 0.36
escape rate i n animals with high-grade second- or third-
degree block, although ventricular tachyarrhythmias may Method 3 (for Lidocaine)
also be provoked. O r a l isoproterenol is usually ineffective. A (Faster but less helpful if fluid rate is important or fine drug-
thorough cardiac workup is indicated before permanent dosage adjustments are needed)
artificial pacemaker implantation because some underlying For CRI of 4 4 g/kg/min of lidocaine, add 25 ml of 2%
diseases (e.g., myocardial disease, endocarditis) are associ lidocaine to 2 5 0 ml of D W 5

ated with a poor prognosis, even after pacing. Temporary Infuse at 0.25 m l / 2 5 lb of body weight/min
transvenous pacing is sometimes used for 1 to 2 days to
assess the animal's response to a n o r m a l heart rate before
permanent pacemaker surgery is performed.
venting VF. Class I V drugs are the calcium entry blockers;
ventricular arrhythmias are usually not responsive to these
ANTIARRHYTHMIC AGENTS agents, but they are important against supraventricular
tachyarrhythmias. Antiarrhythmic agents within this classi
Antiarrhythmic drugs can act by slowing the rate o f a tachy fication scheme are contraindicated i n animals with com
cardia, terminating a reentrant arrhythmia, or preventing plete heart block and should be used only cautiously in
abnormal impulse formation or conduction. These effects animals with sinus bradycardia, sick sinus syndrome, and
occur through modulation o f tissue electrophysiologic prop first- or second-degree A V block.
erties and/or autonomic nervous system effects. The tradi
tional (Vaughan-Williams) antiarrhythmic drugs are CLASS I ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS
classified according to their m a i n electrophysiologic effects Class I antiarrhythmic drugs block membrane N a channels
o n cardiac cells (Table 4-1). Although this classification and depress the action potential upstroke (phase 0), which
system has several shortcomings (e.g., some drugs having slows conduction velocity along the cardiac cells. They have
antiarrhythmic effects are excluded, several drugs have the been subclassified according to differences in other electro
multiclass effects, and focus o n i o n channel mechanisms is physiologic characteristics. These differences (see Table 4-1)
lacking), clinical reference to this classification persists. See may influence their efficacy against particular arrhythmias.
Table 4-2 and Box 4-4 for antiarrhythmic drug dosages and Most o f the Class I agents depend on extracellular K con
C R I calculation methods. centration for their effects, and they lose effectiveness i n
Class I agents tend to slow conduction and decrease auto patients with hypokalemia.
maticity and excitability by means o f their membrane-stabi
lizing effects; traditional ventricular antiarrhythmic drugs Lidocaine
belong to this class. Class II drugs include the (-adrenergic Lidocaine HC1 is usually the first-choice I V ventricular anti
antagonists (-blockers), w h i c h act by inhibiting the effects arrhythmic agent i n dogs. It is often ineffective against
of catecholamines o n the heart. Class III drugs prolong supraventricular arrhythmias. It has little effect on sinus
the effective refractory period o f cardiac action potentials node rate, A V conduction rate, and refractoriness. Lidocaine
without decreasing conduction velocity; they may be most suppresses automaticity i n normal Purkinje fibers and dis
effective in suppressing reentrant arrhythmias and in pre- eased myocardial tissue, slows conduction, and reduces the

Classification and Effects of Antiarrhythmic Drugs


Class I Decreases fast inward N a current; membrane-stabilizing effects (decreased
conductivity, excitability, and automaticity)
IA Quinidine Moderately decreases conductivity, increases action potential duration; can
Procainamide prolong Q R S complex and Q-T interval
IB Lidocaine Little change in conductivity, decreases action potential duration; QRS
Mexiletine complex and Q-T interval unchanged
IC Flecainide Markedly decreases conductivity without change in action potential duration
Class II Propranolol -adrenergic blockadereduces effects of sympathetic stimulation (no direct
Atenolol myocardial effects at clinical doses)
Class III Sotalol Selectively prolongs action potential duration and refractory period;
Amiodarone antiadrenergic effects; Q-T interval prolonged
Class IV Verapamil Decreases slow inward Ca++ current (greatest effects on sinoatrial and AV
Diltiazem nodes)
Other Antiarrhythmic Digoxin Antiarrhythmic action results mainly from indirect autonomic effects
Agents (especially increased vagal tone)
Atropine Anticholinergic agents oppose vagal effects on S A and AV nodes
Glycopyrrolate (glycopyrrolate and other drugs also have this effect)
+ ++
Adenosine Briefly opens K channels and indirectly slows Ca current (greatest effects on
sinoatrial and AV nodes); may transiently block AV conduction, but
ineffective in dogs

AV, atrioventricular; SA, sinoatrial.

supernormal period (during which the cell can be reexcited complete first-pass hepatic elimination. I V administration,
before complete repolarization occurs). It has greater effects usually as slow boluses followed by C R I , is most effective.
on diseased and hypoxic cardiac cells and at faster stimula Antiarrhythmic effects after I V bolus occur w i t h i n 2 minutes
tion rates. The electrophysiologic effects of lidocaine are and abate w i t h i n 10 to 20 minutes. C R I without a loading
dependent on the extracellular potassium concentration. dose produces steady-state concentrations i n 4 to 6 hours.
Hypokalemia may render the drug ineffective, but hyperka The half-life is <1 hour i n the dog. A n initial bolus of 2 mg/
lemia intensifies its depressant effects on cardiac membranes. kg is used in dogs and can be repeated two to three times i f
Lidocaine produces little or no depression of contractility at necessary. Lower doses should be used in cats to avoid toxic
therapeutic doses when administered slowly IV; this is useful ity (loading dose of 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg). The half-life i n cats
in dogs with heart failure. The lidocaine congeners tocainide is 1 to 2 hours. Therapeutic plasma concentrations are
and mexiletine similarly produce m i n i m a l negative inotropic thought to range from 1.5 to 6 g/ml in dogs. O n l y lidocaine
and hypotensive effects. Toxic concentrations o f lidocaine without epinephrine should be used for antiarrhythmic
can cause hypotension. therapy. If I V access is not possible, I M administration could
Lidocaine undergoes rapid hepatic metabolism; some be used, but I V is m u c h preferred.
metabolites may contribute to its antiarrhythmic and toxic The most c o m m o n toxic effect of lidocaine is central
effects. Lidocaine is not effective orally because of its almost nervous system excitation. Signs include agitation,

Dosage o f A n t i a r r h y t h m i c Drugs


Class I

Lidocaine D o g : initial boluses of 2 m g / k g s l o w l y IV, u p to 8 m g / k g ; o r r a p i d IV infusion a t 0 . 8 m g / k g / m i n ; if

effective, then 2 5 - 8 0 g / k g / m i n C R I ; c a n a l s o b e u s e d intratracheally for C P R
C a t : initial bolus of 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 (or 1.0) m g / k g s l o w l y IV; c a n r e p e a t boluses of 0 . 1 5 - 0 . 2 5 m g / k g , up
to total of 4 m g / k g ; if effective, 1 0 - 4 0 g / k g / m i n CRI
Procainamide D o g : 6 - 1 0 (up to 2 0 ) m g / k g IV o v e r 5 - 1 0 minutes; 1 0 - 5 0 g / k g / m i n C R I ; 6 - 2 0 (up to 3 0 ) m g / k g
I M q 4 - 6 h ; 1 0 - 2 5 m g / k g b y mouth q 6 h (sustained r e l e a s e : q6-8h)
C a t : 1 . 0 - 2 . 0 m g / k g s l o w l y IV; 1 0 - 2 0 g / k g / m i n C R I ; 7 . 5 - 2 0 m g / k g I M o r b y mouth q(6-)8h
Quinidine D o g : 6 - 2 0 mg/kg I M q 6 h ( l o a d i n g d o s e , 1 4 - 2 0 m g / k g ) ; 6 - 1 6 m g / k g b y mouth q 6 h ; sustained
a c t i o n p r e p a r a t i o n s , 8 - 2 0 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h
C a t : 6 - 1 6 m g / k g I M o r b y mouth q 8 h
Mexiletine D o g : 4 - 1 0 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h
Cat: -
Phenytoin D o g : 1 0 m g / k g s l o w l y IV; 3 0 - 5 0 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h
C a t : d o not use
Propafenone D o g : (?) 3-4 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h
Cat: -
Flecainide D o g : (?) 1-5 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 - 1 2 h
Cat: -

Class II

Atenolol D o g : 0 . 2 - 1 . 0 m g / k g b y mouth q 1 2 - 2 4 h
Cat: 6 . 2 5 - 1 2 . 5 m g / c a t b y mouth q ( 1 2 - ) 2 4 h
Propranolol Dog: 0 . 0 2 m g / k g initial bolus s l o w l y IV (up to m a x i m u m of 0.1 m g / k g ) ; initial d o s e , 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 m g / k g
by mouth q 8 h , u p to 1 m g / k g q 8 h
Cat: S a m e IV instructions; 2 . 5 u p to 1 0 m g / c a t b y mouth q 8 - 1 2 h
Esmolol Dog: 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 m g / k g IV over 1 minute ( l o a d i n g d o s e ) , f o l l o w e d b y infusion of 0 . 0 2 5 - 0 . 2 m g / k g / m i n
Cat: same
Metoprolol Dog: initial d o s e , 0 . 2 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h , u p to 1 m g / k g q8(-12)h
Cat: -

Class III

Sotalol D o g : 1-3.5 (-5) m g / k g b y mouth q 1 2 h

C a t : 1 0 - 2 0 m g / c a t b y mouth q 1 2 h (or 2 - 4 m g / k g b y mouth q 1 2 h )
Amiodarone D o g : 1 0 m g / k g b y mouth q 1 2 h for 7 d a y s , then 8 m g / k g b y mouth q 2 4 h (lower a s well a s higher
d o s e s h a v e b e e n used); 3(-5) m g / k g s l o w l y (over 1 0 - 2 0 min) IV (can r e p e a t but d o not e x c e e d
1 0 m g / k g in 1 hour)
Cat: -

Class IV

Diltiazem D o g : O r a l m a i n t e n a n c e : initial d o s e 0 . 5 m g / k g (up to 2 + m g / k g ) b y mouth q 8 h ; acute IV for

supraventricular t a c h y c a r d i a : 0 . 1 5 - 0 . 2 5 m g / k g over 2-3 min IV, c a n r e p e a t e v e r y 1 5 minutes until
conversion or maximum 0 . 7 5 m g / k g ; CRI: 5 - 1 5 m g / k g / h r ; oral loading dose: 0 . 5 m g / k g
f o l l o w e d b y 0 . 2 5 m g / k g b y mouth q 1 h to a total of 1.5(-2.0) mg/kg o r c o n v e r s i o n
C a t : S a m e ? ; for H C M : 1.5-2.5 m g / k g (or 7 . 5 - 1 0 m g / c a t ) b y mouth q 8 h ; sustained-release
p r e p a r a t i o n s : C a r d i z e m - C D , 1 0 m g / k g / d a y ( 4 5 m g / c a t is a b o u t 1 0 5 m g of C a r d i z e m - C D , o r the
a m o u n t that fits into the small e n d of a N o . 4 g e l a t i n c a p s u l e ) ; D i l t i a z e m (Dilacor) XR, 3 0 m g / c a t /
d a y (one half of a 6 0 - m g controlled-release tablet within the 2 4 0 - m g gelatin c a p s u l e ) , c a n increase
to 6 0 m g / d a y in s o m e cats if n e c e s s a r y
Verapamil D o g : initial d o s e , 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 0 5 m g / k g s l o w l y IV, c a n r e p e a t q 5 m i n u p to a total of 0 . 1 5 ( - 0 . 2 ) m g / k g ;
0 . 5 - 2 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h
C a t : initial d o s e , 0 . 0 2 5 m g / k g s l o w l y IV, c a n repeat e v e r y 5 minutes up to a total of 0 . 1 5 ( - 0 . 2 )
m g / k g ; 0.5-1 mg/kg b y mouth q 8 h
TABLE 4 - 2

Dosage o f A n t i a r r h y t h m i c Drugscont'd


Atropine D o g : 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 0 4 m g / k g IV, I M , S C ; c a n a l s o b e g i v e n intratracheally for C P R ; 0 . 0 4 m g / k g b y mouth

Cat: same
A t r o p i n e c h a l l e n g e test: 0 . 0 4 m g / k g IV (see text, p. 9 3 )
Glycopyrrolate D o g : 0 . 0 0 5 - 0 . 0 1 m g / k g IV o r I M ; 0 . 0 1 - 0 . 0 2 m g / k g S C
Cat: same
Propantheline D o g : 3 . 7 3 - 7 . 5 m g b y mouth q 8 - 1 2 h
Cat: -
Hyoscyamine D o g : 0 . 0 0 3 - 0 . 0 0 6 m g / k g b y mouth q 8 h
Cat: -


Isoproterenol D o g : 0 . 0 4 5 - 0 . 0 9 g / k g / m i n CRI
Cat: same
Terbutaline D o g : 2 . 5 - 5 m g / d o g b y mouth q 8 - 1 2 h
C a t : 1 . 2 5 m g / c a t b y mouth q 1 2 h

Other Agents

Digoxin S e e Table 3-3

Adenosine D o g : up to 1 2 m g a s r a p i d IV bolus
Cat: -
Edrophonium D o g : 0 . 0 5 to 0.1 m g / k g IV (have a t r o p i n e a n d e n d o t r a c h e a l tube a v a i l a b l e )
Cat: same?
Phenylephrine D o g : 0 . 0 0 4 to 0 . 0 1 m g / k g IV
Cat: same?

CRI, Constant rate infusion; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; , effective dosage not known.

disorientation, muscle twitches, nystagmus, and generalized premature ventricular (and sometimes atrial) depolariza
seizures. The latter may require diazepam (0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg tions and tachycardias. It is less effective than quinidine i n
IV) or a short-acting barbiturate. Nausea can also occur. managing atrial arrhythmias and is usually not effective i n
Worsening of arrhythmias (a proarrhythmic effect) is seen converting chronic atrial flutter-fibrillation to sinus rhythm.
occasionally, as it is with any drug having cardiac electro Procainamide should be used only with caution i n animals
physiologic effects. Cats are particularly sensitive to the with hypotension.
drug's toxic effects and may undergo respiratory arrest along Orally administered procainamide is well absorbed i n the
with seizures. In the event o f toxicity, lidocaine should be dog but has a half-life of only 2.5 to 4 hours. The sustained-
discontinued until the signs o f toxicity disappear; a lower release preparation has a slightly longer half-life o f 3 to 6
infusion rate may then be instituted. IV diazepam (0.25 to hours. Food may delay the absorption o f procainamide. The
0.5 mg/kg) is used to control lidocaine-induced seizures. drug undergoes hepatic metabolism and renal excretion i n
There are anecdotal reports o f respiratory depression and proportion to the creatinine clearance. The metabolite N -
arrest after the administration of lidocaine i n unconscious acetylprocainamide is not clinically important i n dogs and
dogs and cats. Propranolol, cimetidine, and other drugs that cats. Procainamide can be given orally or intramuscularly
decrease liver blood flow slow the metabolism o f lidocaine without marked hemodynamic effects, but rapid I V injec
and predispose to the development o f toxicity. Animals with tion can cause hypotension and cardiac depression, although
heart failure may also have reduced hepatic b l o o d flow and to a m u c h lesser degree than I V quinidine. Administration
may require a lower dosage of the drug. Hepatic disease can by C R I can be useful i f the arrhythmia responds to an I V
delay elimination as well. bolus; a steady state is reached i n 12 to 22 hours. Therapeu
tic plasma concentrations are thought to be 4 to 10 g/ml.
Procainamide The toxic effects o f procainamide are similar to those of
Procainamide HC1 has electrophysiologic effects similar to quinidine (discussed i n the following section) but are usually
those o f quinidine. Procainamide has both direct and indi milder. Gastrointestinal upset and prolongation o f the Q R S
rect (vagolytic) effects; it is indicated for the treatment o f or Q T intervals may occur. Procainamide can enhance the
ventricular response rate to A F i f used without digoxin Q u i n i d i n e toxicity occurs as an extension o f the drug's
or a - or Ca++ blocker. M o r e serious toxic effects include electrophysiologic and hemodynamic actions. As the plasma
hypotension, depressed A V conduction (sometimes causing concentration increases, the P R interval and Q R S duration
second- or third-degree heart block), and proarrhythmia. lengthen. M a r k e d Q T prolongation, right bundle-branch
The latter can cause syncope or V F . Hypotension responds block, or Q R S widening >25% of pretreatment value sug
to I V fluids, catecholamines, or calcium-containing solu gests drug toxicity; various conduction blocks and ventricu
tions. Gastrointestinal signs associated with oral therapy may lar tachyarrhythmias are other manifestations. Marked Q T
respond to dosage reduction. High-dose oral procainamide prolongation implies increased temporal dispersion of myo
therapy i n people has been associated w i t h a reversible lupus cardial refractoriness; this predisposes to torsades de pointes
like syndrome characterized by neutropenia, fever, depres (see p. 25) and V F . Transient episodes o f these serious
sion, and hepatomegaly, but this has not been documented arrhythmias can be a cause of syncopal attacks in people
in dogs. Long-term use can cause brown discoloration o f the taking quinidine. Lethargy, weakness, and C H F can result
haircoat i n black Doberman Pinschers. from the negative inotropic and vasodilatory effects of the
drug and subsequent hypotension. Cardiotoxicity and hypo
Quinidine tension can be partially reversed by sodium bicarbonate
Q u i n i d i n e has been used to treat ventricular and, occasion (1 m E q / k g I V ) , w h i c h temporarily decreases serum K con
ally, supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. In large dogs with centration, enhances quinidine's binding to albumin, and
recent-onset A F and n o r m a l ventricular function, quinidine reduces its cardiac electrophysiologic effects. Gastrointesti
may cause conversion to sinus rhythm. This drug must be nal signs (e.g., nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) are c o m m o n with
used cautiously i n animals with heart failure or hyperkale orally administered quinidine. Thrombocytopenia (revers
mia. The characteristic electrophysiologic effects o f q u i n i ible after quinidine discontinuation) can occur in people and
dine are depression o f automaticity and conduction velocity possibly i n dogs and cats.
and prolongation o f the effective refractory period. Corre
sponding dose-dependent E C G changes (e.g., PR, Q R S , and Mexiletine
Q T prolongation) result from direct electrophysiologic and Mexiletine HC1 is similar to lidocaine i n its electrophysio
vagolytic effects. A t low doses, quinidine's vagolytic effects logic, hemodynamic, toxic, and antiarrhythmic properties. It
may increase the sinus rate or the ventricular response rate can be effective i n suppressing ventricular tachyarrhythmias
to A F by antagonizing the drug's direct effects. As w i t h other i n dogs. The combination o f a -blocker (or procainamide
class I agents, hypokalemia reduces quinidine's antiarrhyth or quinidine) w i t h mexiletine may be more efficacious and
mic effectiveness. associated with fewer adverse effects than mexiletine alone.
The drug is well-absorbed orally but has fallen out o f The drug is easily absorbed when administered orally, but
favor for chronic oral therapy because o f its frequent adverse antacids, cimetidine, and narcotics reportedly slow its
effects and its interference w i t h digoxin pharmacokinetics. absorption i n people. Mexiletine undergoes hepatic metabo
Q u i n i d i n e is metabolized extensively by the liver, with little lism (influenced by liver b l o o d flow) and some renal excre
dependence o n liver b l o o d flow. The half-life is about 6 tion (which is slower if the urine is alkaline). Hepatic
hours i n dogs and 2 hours i n cats. Q u i n i d i n e is highly microsomal enzyme inducers may accelerate its clearance.
protein-bound; severe hypoalbuminemia can predispose to The half-life i n dogs is from 4.5 to 7 hours (depending to
toxicity. Cimetidine can also predispose to toxicity by slowing some degree o n the urine p H ) . Approximately 70% of the
the drug's elimination. Q u i n i d i n e can precipitate digoxin drug is protein bound. The therapeutic serum concentration
toxicity (when used concurrently) by displacing digoxin is thought to range from 0.5 to 2.0 g/ml (as in people). The
from skeletal muscle b i n d i n g sites and reducing its renal effects o f this drug in cats are not k n o w n . Adverse effects
clearance. Anticonvulsants and other drugs that induce have included vomiting, anorexia, tremor, disorientation,
hepatic microsomal enzymes can speed quinidine's metabo sinus bradycardia, and thrombocytopenia. Overall, mexi
lism. I V administration is not recommended because o f letine appears to produce fewer adverse effects than
quinidine's propensity to cause vasodilation (by means o f tocainide.
nonspecific -adrenergic receptor blockade), cardiac depres
sion, and hypotension. The oral and I M routes usually do Phenytoin
not cause adverse hemodynamic effects, but close monitor Phenytoin's electrophysiologic effects are similar to those of
ing is warranted initially, especially i n animals with underly lidocaine. It also has some slow-calcium channel inhibitory
ing cardiac disease. Therapeutic b l o o d concentrations are and central nervous system effects that may contribute to its
thought to be 2.5 to 5 g/ml and are usually achieved i n 12 effectiveness against digitalis-induced arrhythmias. This
to 24 hours after oral and I M administration. Slow-release drug is currently used only for digitalis-induced ventricular
sulfate (83% active drug), gluconate (62% active drug), and arrhythmias that have not responded to lidocaine in dogs.
polygalacturonate (80% active drug) salts o f quinidine Its contraindications are the same as for lidocaine. Slow IV
prolong the drug's absorption and elimination. The sulfate infusion and oral administration do not cause relevant
salt is more rapidly absorbed than the gluconate; peak effect hemodynamic disturbances; however, the oral bioavailability
is usually achieved 1 to 2 hours after oral administration. of phenytoin is poor. Rapid I V injection should be avoided
because the propylene glycol vehicle can depress myocardial CLASS II ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS:
contractility, exacerbate arrhythmias, and cause vasodila -ADRENERGIC BLOCKERS
tion, hypotension, or respiratory arrest. The half-life o f phe Class II antiarrhythmic drugs act by blocking catecholamine
nytoin in the dog is about 3 hours. The drug is metabolized effects. They slow heart rate, reduce myocardial O demand, 2

in the liver, and it may speed up its own elimination by and increase A V conduction time and refractoriness. The
stimulating hepatic microsomal enzymes. Co-administra antiarrhythmic effect of -blockers relates to 1-receptor
tion of cimetidine, chloramphenicol, and other drugs that blockade rather than direct electrophysiologic effects. They
inhibit microsomal enzyme activity increases phenytoin's are often used i n combination with a class I agent (e.g., pro
serum concentration. The I V administration of phenytoin cainamide or mexiletine), although their negative inotropic
has been associated with bradycardia, A V blocks, ventricular effect demands caution when used i n animals with myocar
tachycardia, and cardiac arrest. Other manifestations of phe dial failure. -receptor blockers are used i n animals with
nytoin toxicity include central nervous system signs (e.g., hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, certain congenital and
depression, nystagmus, disorientation, ataxia). The drug is acquired ventricular outflow obstructions, systemic hyper
not used i n cats because its half-life is >40 hours, and even tension, hyperthyroid heart disease, supraventricular and
low doses produce toxic serum concentrations i n this ventricular tachyarrhythmias (especially those induced by
species. enhanced sympathetic tone), and other diseases or toxicities
that cause excessive sympathetic stimulation. A -blocker is
Other Class I Agents often used i n conjunction with digoxin to slow the ventricu
Disopyramide is similar to quinidine and procainamide elec lar response rate to AF. A -blocker such as propranolol or
trophysiologically. It has a very short half-life i n the dog (<2 atenolol is considered the first-line antiarrhythmic agent in
hours), as well as marked depressive effects o n the canine cats for the treatment of both supraventricular and ven
myocardium. Tocainide, a class IB agent similar to lidocaine, tricular tachyarrhythmias. In people with stable heart failure,
is no longer available i n the United States. Flecainide and long-term therapy with certain -blockers improves cardiac
propafenone are class I C agents. They produce marked function and prolongs survival in those who tolerate the
reduction in cardiac conduction velocity but have little effect drug (see p. 69).
on sinus rate or refractoriness. H i g h doses depress automa -adrenergic receptors have been classified into subtypes.
ticity in the sinus node and specialized conducting tissues. -receptors are located primarily i n the myocardium and

Vasodilation and myocardial depression can result i n severe mediate increases i n contractility, heart rate, A V conduction
hypotension after I V injection, especially i n animals with velocity, and automaticity i n specialized fibers. Extracardiac
underlying cardiac disease. Proarrhythmia is a serious poten -receptors mediate bronchodilation and vasodilation, as

tial adverse effect of these agents. Bradycardia, intraventricu well as renin and insulin release. There are also some - as 2

lar conduction disturbance, and consistent (although transient) well as -receptors in the heart. "Nonselective" -blockers

hypotension, as well as nausea, vomiting, and anorexia, have inhibit catecholamine binding to both - and -adrenergic
1 2

occurred in dogs. Flecainide (and encainide) have been asso receptors. Other -blockers are more selective; they antago
ciated with increased mortality in people. These agents are nize mainly one or the other receptor subtype (Table 4-3).
rarely (and cautiously) used for treating life-threatening ven The first-generation -blockers (e.g., propranolol) have
tricular arrhythmias refractory to other therapy. nonselective -blocking effects. Second-generation agents

Characteristics of Selected -Blockers

Atenolol 1 0 RE
Carvedilol 1, 2, 1 + HM
Esmolol 1 0 BE
Labetalol 1, 2, 1 ++ HM
Metoprolol 1 ++ HM
Nadolol 1, 2 0 RE
Pindolol* 1, 2 ++ B
Propranolol 1, 2 ++ HM
Sotalol** 1, 2 0 RE
Timolol 1, 2 0 RE

* H a s intrinsic sympathomimetic activity.

* * A l s o has class III antiarrhythmic activity.
RE, Renal excretion; BE, blood esterases; HM, hepatic metabolism; 8, both renal excretion and hepatic metabolism are important.
(e.g., atenolol, metoprolol) are relatively 1 selective. The drug) and for emergency treatment of atrial or junctional
third-generation -blockers affect both 1 and receptors
2 tachycardia.
but also antagonize 1 receptors and may have other effects. Toxicity is most often related to excessive -blockade; this
A few -blockers have some degree o f intrinsic sympatho can develop at relatively low doses i n some animals. Brady
mimetic activity. cardia, heart failure, hypotension, bronchospasm, and hypo
The clinical antiarrhythmic effect o f class II drugs is glycemia can occur. Infusion of a catecholamine (e.g.,
thought to relate to -receptor blockade rather than to
dopamine or dobutamine) will help reverse these effects.
direct electrophysiologic mechanisms. In n o r m a l animals Propranolol and other lipophilic -blockers can cause central
-receptor blockers have little negative inotropic effect. nervous system effects such as depressed attitude and disori
However, they must be used cautiously i n animals with entation.
underlying myocardial disease because increased sympa
thetic drive may be needed to maintain cardiac output. Atenolol
M a r k e d depression o f cardiac contractility, conduction, or Atenolol is a selective 1-blocker. It is used commonly to slow
heart rate can result i n such cases. -blockers are generally sinus rate and A V conduction and to suppress ventricular
contraindicated i n patients w i t h sinus bradycardia, sick sinus premature beats. The half-life of atenolol is slightly more
syndrome, high-grade A V block, or severe C H F and i n than 3 hours i n dogs and about 3.5 hours in cats. Its oral
animals also receiving a Ca++-blocking drug. Nonselective bioavailability in both species is high (~90%). Atenolol is
-blockers may increase peripheral vascular resistance excreted i n the urine, so renal dysfunction delays its clear
(because o f unopposed -adrenergic effects) and provoke ance. Atenolol's -blocking effect lasts more than 12 hours
bronchoconstriction. -blockers may also mask the early but less than 24 hours i n n o r m a l cats. This drug is hydro
signs o f acute hypoglycemia i n diabetics (e.g., tachycardia philic. Adverse central nervous system effects are unlikely
and b l o o d pressure changes), and reduce the release o f because it does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier. As
insulin i n response to hyperglycemia. Because the effect o f with other -blockers, weakness or exacerbation o f heart
-blockers depends on the level o f sympathetic activation, failure can occur.
individual patient response is quite variable. Therefore initial
dosages should be low and cautiously titrated upward as Metoprolol
needed. Metoprolol tartrate is another 1-selective agent. It is well
-blockers enhance the depression of A V conduction pro absorbed orally, but bioavailability is reduced by a large first-
duced by digitalis, class I antiarrhythmic drugs, and Ca++- pass effect. There is m i n i m a l protein-binding. The drug is
blockers. Use of a -blocker and a Ca++-blocker simultaneously metabolized i n the liver and excreted i n the urine. Half-life
can markedly decrease heart rate and myocardial contra is 1.6 hours i n dogs and 1.3 hours i n cats. Metoprolol has
ctility. Because o f possible -receptor upregulation (in been used i n some dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy and
creased number or affinity of receptors) during long-term chronic valvular disease. It may possibly contribute to
-blockade, therapy should not be abruptly discontinued. improved cardiac function over time (see p. 69).

Propranolol Esmolol
Propranolol HC1 is a nonselective -blocker that was widely Esmolol HCl is an ultra-short acting -selective agent.

used i n dogs and cats, although atenolol is used more often It is rapidly metabolized by blood esterases and has a
now. Propranolol is not recommended for patients w i t h p u l half-life o f <10 minutes. Steady state occurs i n 5 minutes
monary edema because o f the potential for bronchoconstric after a loading dose or 30 minutes without. Esmolol's
tion caused by -receptor antagonism. The -receptor
2 2 effects are gone w i t h i n 10 to 20 minutes after infusion
blocking effects of propranolol also make it relatively con is terminated. This drug is used for acute therapy o f
traindicated i n patients w i t h asthma or chronic small airway tachyarrhythmias and feline hypertrophic obstructive
disease. cardiomyopathy.
Propranolol undergoes extensive first-pass hepatic metab
olism, so oral bioavailability is low; but with time and use o f Other -Blockers
higher doses hepatic enzymes become saturated and bio M a n y other -blocking drugs are available. Their receptor
availability increases. Propranolol reduces hepatic b l o o d selectivity as well as their pharmacologic characteristic vary.
flow, which prolongs its elimination as well as that of other Certain -blockers may prove useful in patients with chronic,
drugs dependent o n liver b l o o d flow for their metabolism stable myocardial failure by reducing the cardiotoxic effects
(e.g., lidocaine). Feeding delays oral absorption and increases of excessive sympathetic stimulation, improving cardiac
drug clearance after I V dosing (by increasing hepatic b l o o d function, promoting upregulation o f cardiac -receptors,
flow). The half-life o f propranolol i n the dog is only about and increasing survival time (see p. 69). The third-genera
1.5 hours (0.5 to 4.2 hours i n cats). Active metabolites tion -blocker, carvedilol, and the second-generation agent,
exist and dosing every 8 hours appears to be adequate i n metoprolol, are effective i n this regard. Nonselective (first-
both species. I V propranolol is used mainly for refractory generation) agents, such as propranolol, and some later-gen
ventricular tachycardia (in conjunction w i t h a class I eration agents do not appear to confer these survival benefits.
Agents with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity appear to amiodarone include refractory atrial and ventricular tachyar
have deleterious effects. rhythmias, especially reentrant arrhythmias using an acces
sory pathway. The I V form is used i n people w i t h A F ,
CLASS III ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS ventricular tachycardia, and during cardiopulmonary resus
C o m m o n features o f class III drugs include prolongation o f citation from recurrent ventricular tachycardia and fibrilla
the cardiac action potential and effective refractory period tion; similar applications are expected in dogs. However,
without a decrease i n conduction velocity. Their effects are conservative dosing w i t h slow injection over 10 to 20 minutes
mediated by inhibition o f potassium channels responsible is recommended, because I V use can cause hypotension and
for repolarization (delayed rectifier current). These agents bradycardia. The drug is also given by C R I in people; 10 to
are useful for ventricular arrhythmias, especially those caused 15 mg/kg/day has been used i n children.
by reentry. Class III drugs have antifibrillatory effects as well. The pharmacokinetics o f amiodarone are complex.
They share some characteristics o f other antiarrhythmic C h r o n i c oral use is associated with a prolonged time to
drug classes in addition to their class III effects. steady state (of several weeks), concentration o f drug in
myocardial and other tissues, and accumulation of an active
Sotalol metabolite (desethylamiodarone). Therapeutic serum con
Sotalol HC1 is a nonselective -blocker that has Class III centration is thought to be 1 to 2.5 g/ml. A m i o d a r o n e may
effects at higher doses. Its oral bioavailability is high, although have less o f a proarrhythmic effect than other agents and
absorption is reduced when given with food. Sotalol's half- may reduce the risk o f sudden death because of uniform
life is about 5 hours in dogs. It is eliminated unchanged by prolongation o f repolarization throughout the ventricles, as
the kidneys, and renal dysfunction prolongs elimination. well as suppression o f Purkinje fiber automaticity. In normal
Sotalol's -blocking effect outlasts its plasma half-life. The dogs I V amiodarone does not adversely affect contractility
drug has m i n i m a l hemodynamic effects, although it can at cumulative doses less than 12.5 to 15 mg/kg. However, the
cause slowed sinus rate, first-degree A V block, and hypoten potential exists for more profound cardiac depression and
sion. Proarrhythmia can occur (as with all antiarrhythmic hypotension i n dogs w i t h myocardial disease. Amiodarone
agents), including torsades de pointes. Sotalol's class III use is not described i n cats.
effects occur at higher doses i n dogs than i n people. Doses Long-term amiodarone is associated w i t h many potential
used clinically in dogs may be producing primarily -block adverse effects, including depressed appetite, gastrointestinal
ing effects. O n the other hand, a high incidence o f proar upset, pneumonitis leading to p u l m o n a r y fibrosis, hepatop
rhythmia (especially torsades de pointes), o f concern in athy, thyroid dysfunction, positive C o o m b s test, thrombo
people taking sotalol, has not been reported clinically cytopenia, and neutropenia. Occasional hypersensitivity
in dogs. Experimentally, i n dogs with hypokalemia, co reactions (with acute angioedema formation) or o f tremors
administration o f mexiletine reduced the proarrhythmic have occurred i n dogs. Other adverse effects observed
potential. i n people have included corneal microdeposits, photosen
Sotalol may worsen heart failure in animals w i t h dilated sitivity, bluish skin discoloration, and peripheral neuro
cardiomyopathy. However, sotalol is thought to have less pathy. Amiodarone can increase the serum concentration
negative inotropic effect than propranolol. Other adverse of digoxin, diltiazem, and possibly procainamide and
effects of sotalol have included hypotension, depression, quinidine.
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bradycardia. There are occa
sional anecdotal reports o f aggression that resolved after Other Class III Agents
sotalol was discontinued. Ibutilide fumarate is somewhat effective for converting
recent-onset A F i n people, but there is little veterinary expe
Amiodarone rience w i t h this drug. In experimental rapid-pacing-induced
Amiodarone HC1 is thought to produce its antiarrhythmic cardiomyopathy i n dogs, ibutilide caused episodes o f tors
effects by prolonging the action potential duration and effec ades de pointes.
tive refractory period i n both atrial and ventricular tissues. Dofetilide is another drug that selectively blocks the rapid
Although considered a class III agent, it shares properties component o f the K current responsible for repolarization.
with all three other antiarrhythmic drug classes. A m i o It too is used i n people for the conversion o f A F and to
darone is an iodinated c o m p o u n d that also has n o n maintain sinus rhythm. Its efficacy for this appears to be
competitive - and -blocking effects, as well as Ca++
1 comparable to that o f other class III drugs, and it does not
channel-blocking effects. The -blocking effects occur soon exacerbate left ventricular dysfunction. Bretylium tosylate is
after administration, but maximal class III effects (and pro no longer available i n the United States.
longation o f action potential duration and Q T interval) are
not achieved for weeks with chronic administration. Its Ca++ CLASS IV ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS:
blocking effects may inhibit triggered arrhythmias by reduc CALCIUM ENTRY BLOCKERS
ing afterdepolarizations. Therapeutic doses slow the sinus The Ca entry blockers are a diverse group o f drugs that
rate, decrease A V conduction velocity, and minimally depress have the c o m m o n property o f decreasing cellular Ca influx
myocardial contractility and b l o o d pressure. Indications for by blocking transmembrane L-type calcium channels. As a
group, these drugs can cause coronary and systemic vasodi this is given once daily. Diltiazem X R is another sustained-
lation, enhance myocardial relaxation, and reduce cardiac release diltiazem preparation. The 240-mg capsule contains
contractility. Some calcium entry blockers have antiarrhyth four 60-mg tablets. There is m u c h intercat variability in
m i c effects, especially o n tissues dependent on the slow pharmacokinetics with this form. Higher doses are more
inward Ca current, such as the sinus and A V nodes. Other likely to be associated with anorexia and other gastrointesti
conditions for which calcium entry blockers are potentially nal signs.
useful include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, myocardial Adverse effects o f diltiazem are u n c o m m o n at therapeutic
ischemia, and hypertension. doses, although anorexia, nausea, and bradycardia may
Possible adverse effects o f these agents include reduced occur. Rarely, other gastrointestinal, cardiac, and neurologic
contractility, vasodilation, hypotension, depression, anorexia, adverse effects develop. H i g h liver enzyme activities and
lethargy, bradycardia, and A V block. L o w initial doses are anorexia occur sporadically i n cats. Some cats have become
used and increased as needed to effect or to maximal recom aggressive or shown other personality change when treated
mended dose. Contraindications to Ca channel blocker use with diltiazem.
include sinus bradycardia, A V block, sick sinus syndrome,
digoxin toxicity, and myocardial failure (for agents with pro Verapamil
nounced negative inotropic effect). They are usually not pre Verapamil H C 1 is a phenylalkylamine and has the most
scribed i n patients receiving a -blocker because o f additive potent cardiac effects o f the Ca++-blockers used clinically.
negative effects on contractility, A V conduction, and heart The drug increases the refractory period o f nodal tissues and
rate. A n overdose or exaggerated response to a Ca++ blocker can abolish reentrant S V T as well as slow the ventricular
is treated with supportive care, including atropine for bra response rate i n AF. Verapamil causes dose-related slowing
dycardia or A V block, dopamine or dobutamine (see Box of the sinus rate and A V conduction. It is sometimes used
3-1) and furosemide for heart failure, and dopamine or I V for supraventricular and atrial tachycardias i n animals
calcium salts for hypotension. without heart failure. Verapamil's half-life in dogs is about
2.5 hours. It is poorly absorbed and undergoes first-pass
Diltiazem hepatic metabolism, resulting i n low bioavailability with oral
Diltiazem HCl is a benzothiazepine Ca channel blocker. It use. The pharmacokinetics i n cats are similar to those of
slows A V conduction, causes potent coronary and m i l d dogs.
peripheral vasodilation, and has a lesser negative inotropic The drug has important negative inotropic and some
effect than the prototypical calcium entry blocker, verapamil. vasodilatory effects that can cause cardiac decompensation,
Diltiazem is often combined w i t h digoxin to further slow the hypotension, and even death i n the presence o f underlying
ventricular response rate to A F i n dogs. It is indicated for myocardial disease. A n initially low I V dose is given very
other supraventricular tachyarrhythmias as well. Diltiazem slowly; this can be repeated at 5- (or more) minute intervals
is often used i n cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; its if no adverse effects have occurred and the arrhythmia per
beneficial effects can include enhanced myocardial relax sists. B l o o d pressure monitoring is advisable because o f the
ation and perfusion, as well as a m i l d decrease i n heart rate, potential for hypotension. As discussed above, verapamil is
contractility, and myocardial oxygen demand (see Chapter not recommended for use i n animals with heart failure. The
8). C h r o n i c diltiazem therapy may be associated with a toxic effects o f verapamil include sinus bradycardia, A V
decrease i n left ventricular wall and septal thickness i n cats block, hypotension, reduced myocardial contractility, and
w i t h hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. cardiogenic shock. Verapamil reduces the renal clearance o f
Peak effects are seen w i t h i n 2 hours o f oral dosing, and digoxin.
the effects last at least 6 hours i n dogs. Extensive first-pass
effect limits bioavailability, especially i n dogs. The half-life Other Calcium Channel Blockers
of diltiazem i n the dog is just over 2 hours, but chronic A number o f other Ca++-blockers are available. Most (dihy
oral treatment prolongs it because of enterohepatic circula dropyridine group) are used as antihypertensives. A m l o d i p
tion. In cats plasma diltiazem concentration peaks i n 30 ine besylate is recommended as the first-line antihypertensive
minutes, and the effects last for 8 hours. The therapeutic agent i n cats and is also used i n some hypertensive dogs (see
range is 50 to 300 n g / m l . Diltiazem is metabolized i n the Chapter 11). A m l o d i p i n e is also used in the treatment o f
liver; active metabolites exist. Drugs that inhibit hepatic chronic refractory heart failure i n some dogs (see Table 3-3).
enzyme systems (e.g., cimetidine) decrease the metabolism The drug is not useful as an antiarrhythmic agent. Nifedipine
of diltiazem. Propranolol and diltiazem reduce each other's is another potent vasodilator without antiarrhythmic
clearance when used simultaneously. A sustained-release effects.
preparation ( C a r d i z e m - C D ) , at 10 mg/kg daily i n cats,
produces plasma concentrations that peak i n 6 hours and ANTICHOLINERGIC DRUGS
remain i n the therapeutic range for 24 hours. A dose of Atropine and Glycopyrrolate
45 m g per cat is approximately equal to 105 m g o f Cardizem- Anticholinergic drugs increase sinus node rate and A V con
C D (or the amount that fits into the small end o f a N o . 4 duction when vagal tone is increased (see Table 4-2). Paren
gelatin capsule; a 300-mg capsule provides about 6.5 doses); teral atropine or glycopyrrolate is indicated for bradycardia
or A V block induced by anesthesia, central nervous system mias. Oral administration is not effective because of marked
lesions, and certain other diseases or toxicities. Atropine is first-pass hepatic metabolism.
a competitive muscarinic receptor antagonist that is used Terbutaline sulfate is a -receptor agonist that may have

to determine whether excess vagal tone is responsible a m i l d stimulatory effect o n heart rate when given orally.
for arrhythmias attributed to sinus and/or A V nodal dys Methylxanthine bronchodilators (e.g., aminophylline and
function. This is k n o w n as the atropine challenge test (or theophylline) increase heart rate i n some dogs with sick
atropine response test). Response to atropine challenge is sinus syndrome when used at higher doses.
most consistent with I V administration of 0.04 mg/kg. A n
E C G is recorded within 5 to 10 minutes after atropine injec OTHER DRUGS
tion. If the heart rate has not increased by at least 150%, the E d r o p h o n i u m chloride is a short-acting anticholinesterase
E C G is repeated 15 (to 20) minutes after atropine injection; with nicotinic and muscarinic effects. A l t h o u g h mainly used
sometimes, an initial vagomimetic effect on the A V node for diagnosing myasthenia gravis, it slows A V conduction,
lasts longer than 5 minutes. The normal sinus node response which can help i n the diagnosis and resolution of some cases
is a rate increase to 150 to 160 beats/minute (or >135 beats/ of acute SVT. The drug's effect begins within 1 minute and
minute). A positive response may not predict response to lasts up to 10 minutes after I V injection. Adverse effects
oral anticholinergic therapy. Atropine has little to no effect are primarily cholinergic and include gastrointestinal (e.g.,
on bradyarrhythmias caused by intrinsic disease of the sinus vomiting, diarrhea, salivation), respiratory (e.g., broncho-
or A V node. spasm, respiratory paralysis, edema), cardiovascular (e.g.,
Atropine given by any parenteral route can transiently bradycardia, hypotension, cardiac arrest), and muscular
exacerbate vagally mediated A V block when the atrial rate (e.g., twitching, weakness) signs. Atropine and supportive
increases faster than A V conduction can respond. However, care are used i f necessary.
IV administration causes the fastest and most consistent Phenylephrine HC1 is an -adrenergic agonist that
onset and resolution of the exacerbated block, as well as the increases b l o o d pressure by peripheral vasoconstriction. A
most rapid postbradycardia heart rates, compared with the baroreflex-mediated increase i n vagal tone slows A V conduc
I M and subcutaneous routes. Unlike atropine, glycopyrrolate tion and is thought to underlie its effects on SVT. Phenyl
does not have centrally mediated effects, and its effects are ephrine's pressor effect begins rapidly after I V injection and
longer-lasting than those of atropine. persists for up to 20 minutes. The drug is contraindicated
in patients with hypertension or ventricular tachycardia.
Oral Anticholinergic Drugs Extravasation can cause ischemic necrosis of surrounding
Some animals that respond to parenteral atropine or glyco tissue.
pyrrolate will also respond to an oral anticholinergic agent.
Clinical signs may be relieved i n these animals, at least for a Suggested Readings
time. Nevertheless, animals with symptomatic bradyarrhyth ARRHYTHMIAS AND ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS
mias usually require permanent pacemaker implantation to Awaji T, Wu ZJ, Hashimoto K: Acute antiarrhythmic effects of intra
effectively control heart rate. Propantheline bromide and venously administered amiodarone on canine ventricular
hyoscyamine sulfate are c o m m o n l y used, but other oral anti arrhythmias, / Cardiovasc Pharmacol 26:869, 1995.
cholinergic agents are also available. Individual dosage is Baty CI, Sweet D C , Keene BK: Torsades de pointes-like polymor
adjusted to effect. Oral absorption of propantheline is vari phic ventricular tachycardia in a dog, / Vet Intern Med 8:439,
able; food may decrease drug absorption.
Bicer S et al: Hemodynamic and electrocardiographic effects of
Vagolytic drugs can aggravate paroxysmal supraventricu
graded doses of amiodarone in healthy dogs anesthetized with
lar tachyarrhythmias (as i n sick sinus syndrome) and should
morphine/alpha chloralose, / Vet Intern Med 14:90, 2000.
be used only cautiously as chronic therapy i n those patients. Bicer S et al: Effects of chronic, oral amiodarone on left ventricular
Other adverse effects of anticholinergic therapy include pressure, electrocardiograms, and action potentials from myo
vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, keratoconjunctivitis cardium in vivo and from Purkinje fibers in vitro, Vet Therap
sicca, increased intraocular pressure, and drying of respira 2:325, 2001.
tory secretions. Bright I M , Martin I M , Mama K: A retrospective evaluation of
transthoracic biphasic electrical cardioversion for atrial fibrilla
SYMPATHOMIMETIC DRUGS tion in dogs, / Vet Cardiol 7:85, 2005.
Isoproterenol HC1 is a -receptor agonist that has been used Brundel BJIM et al: The pathology of atrial fibrillation in dogs, /
Vet Cardiol 7:121,2005.
to treat symptomatic A V block or bradycardia refractory to
Calvert CA, Brown I: Influence of antiarrhythmia therapy on sur
atropine, although electrical pacing is safer and more effec
vival times of 19 clinically healthy Doberman Pinschers with
tive. It also can be effective for torsades de pointes. Because dilated cardiomyopathy that experienced syncope, ventricular
of its affinity for -receptors, isoproterenol can cause hypo
tachycardia, and sudden death (1985-1998), J Am Anim Hosp
tension. It is not used for treating either heart failure or Assoc 40:24, 2004.
cardiac arrest. Isoproterenol can be arrhythmogenic, as can Calvert CA, Meurs K M : C V T Update: Doberman Pinscher occult
other catecholamines. The lowest effective dose (see Table cardiomyopathy. In Bonagura JD, editor: Kirk's current veterinary
4-2) is used, and the animal is monitored closely for arrhyth therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, WB Saunders, pp 756-760.
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in two dogs treated with amiodarone, / Am Vet Med Assoc of aggressive behavior in a dog, / Am Vet Med Assoc 211:1371,
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Gelzer A R M , Kraus MS: Management of atrial fibrillation, Vet Clin clinically normal cats, Am } Vet Res 57:1050, 1996.
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physiol 23:149, 2000. Saunders A B et al: Oral amiodarone therapy in dogs with atrial
Jacobs G, Calvert CA, Kraus M : Hepatopathy in 4 dogs treated with fibrillation, / Vet Intern Med 20:921, 2006.
amiodarone, / Vet Intern Med 14:96, 2000. Sawangkoon S et al: Acute cardiovascular effects and pharmacoki
Johnson L M et al: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic proper netics of carvedilol in healthy dogs, Am J Vet Res 61:57, 2000.
ties of conventional and CD-formulated diltiazem in cats, / Vet Seidler RW et al: Influence of sotalol on the time constant of iso
Intern Med 10:316, 1996. volumic left ventricular relaxation in anesthetized dogs, Am f Vet
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tachycardia using lidocaine in five dogs, / Vet Intern Med 20:272, Sicilian Gambit members: New approaches to antiarrhythmic
2006. therapy, Part I, Circulation 104:2865, 2001.
Kellum HB, Stepien RL: Third degree atrioventricular block in 21 Sicilian Gambit members: New approaches to antiarrhythmic
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Kovach JA, Nearing BD, Verrier R: Anger-like behavioral state Sicouri S et al: Chronic amiodarone reduces transmural dispersion
potentiates myocardial ischemia-induced T-wave alternans in of repolarization in the canine heart, / Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
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Lunney J, Ettinger SJ: Mexiletine administration for management Smith CE et al: Omega-3 fatty acids in Boxer dogs with arrhyth-
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C H A P T E R 5

Congenital Cardiac

of age. M u r m u r s caused by congenital disease usually persist

and may get louder with time, although this is not always the
case. Careful examination and auscultation are important,
not only in animals intended for breeding but also in working
dogs and pets. Puppies and kittens with a soft m u r m u r and
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
no other clinical or radiographic signs can be ausculted
repeatedly as they grow to determine if the m u r m u r disap
Subaortic Stenosis
pears. Further diagnostic tests are indicated in animals with
Pulmonic Stenosis
a persistent or l o u d murmur, those that manifest other signs,
and those for which economic or breeding-potential deci
Ventricular Septal Defect
sions are pending. Adult dogs and cats with a previously
Atrial Septal Defect
undiagnosed congenital defect may or may not manifest
clinical signs of disease at presentation.
M i t r a l Dysplasia
Congenital heart defects most often involve either a
Tricuspid Dysplasia
valve (or valve region) or an abnormal communication
between the systemic and pulmonary circulations. Abnor
Tetralogy of Fallot
mally formed valves can be insufficient, stenotic, or both.
Pulmonary Hypertension with Shunt Reversal
Other malformations can exist, and multiple anomalies
occur in some patients. Congenital malformations vary
Vascular Ring Anomalies
widely i n type and severity. The patient's prognosis and
C o r Triatriatum
options for therapy depend on the definitive diagnosis as
Endocardial Fibroelastosis
well as severity. Initial noninvasive testing usually includes
Other Vascular Anomalies
thoracic radiographs, an electrocardiogram (ECG), and
echocardiographic studies ( M - m o d e , 2-dimensional [2-D],
and Doppler). A packed cell volume ( P C V ) documents
erythrocytosis i n some cases with right-to-left shunting.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Cardiac catheterization with selective angiocardiography can
be useful to define some structural abnormalities or severity
C o m m o n congenital cardiac malformations, as well as some and is needed during transvascular interventional proce
that occur more sporadically, are described in this chapter. dures. Surgical repair or palliation, balloon valvuloplasty,
Most congenital heart defects produce an audible m u r m u r transcatheter shunt occlusion, or other interventional tech
(Fig. 5-1), although some serious malformations do not. niques may be helpful for some cases.
M u r m u r s caused by congenital disease range i n intensity Patent ductus arteriosus ( P D A ) and subaortic stenosis
from very l o u d to very soft depending on the type and sever (SAS) have been identified i n different surveys as the most
ity of the defect and o n hemodynamic factors. In addition c o m m o n congenital cardiovascular anomaly in the dog; pul
to murmurs of congenital disease, clinically insignificant monic stenosis (PS) is also quite common. Persistent right
"innocent" murmurs are relatively c o m m o n i n puppies and aortic arch (a vascular ring anomaly), ventricular septal
kittens. Innocent murmurs are usually soft systolic ejection- defect ( V S D ) , malformations (dysplasia) of the atrioven
type murmurs heard best at the left heart base; their intensity tricular (AV) valves, atrial septal defect (ASD), and tetralogy
may vary with heart rate or body position. Innocent murmurs of Fallot (T of F) occur less frequently but are not rare. A n
tend to get softer and usually disappear by about 4 months A V septal (endocardial cushion) defect consists of all or
FIG 5-1
F l o w chart for differentiating murmurs in p u p p i e s a n d kittens. ASD, A t r i a l septal defect;
ECD, e n d o c a r d i a l cushion defect; ECG, e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m ; ICS, intercostal s p a c e ; M, mitral
v a l v e ; PCV, p a c k e d cell v o l u m e ; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; r/o, rule out; SAS, subaor
tic stenosis; T, tricuspid v a l v e ; 7 o f F, tetralogy of Fallot; VSD, ventricular septal defect.

some of the following: a high V S D , a low A S D , and malfor caused by an aorticopulmonary w i n d o w (a communication
mations of one or both A V valves. The most c o m m o n mal between the ascending aorta and pulmonary artery) or some
formations in cats are A V valve dysplasias and atrial or other functionally similar communication in the hilar region.
ventricular septal defects; other lesions include SAS, P D A , T
of F, and PS. Endocardial fibroelastosis, mainly i n Burmese PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS
and Siamese cats, also has been reported. Congenital mal
formations are more prevalent i n male than female cats. Etiology and Pathophysiology
Congenital malformations i n both species can occur as iso Functional closure o f the ductus arteriosus normally occurs
lated defects, which is most often the case, or i n various w i t h i n hours after birth and is followed by structural changes
combinations. that occur over several months, which cause permanent
The prevalence o f congenital defects is higher i n purebred closure. The ductal wall i n animals w i t h an inherited P D A is
animals than in mixed-breed animals. In some studies a histologically abnormal and unable to constrict. W h e n the
polygenic inheritance pattern has been suggested, although ductus fails to close, b l o o d shunts through it from the
there is more recent focus on a single major gene effect descending aorta into the pulmonary artery. Shunting occurs
influenced by other modifying genes. Recognized breed pre during both systole and diastole because aortic pressure nor
dispositions are listed i n Table 5-1; animals o f other breeds mally is higher than p u l m o n i c pressure throughout the
can also be affected with any of these defects as well. cardiac cycle. This left-to-right shunt causes a volume over
load o f the pulmonary circulation, left atrium ( L A ) , and left
ventricle (LV). The shunt volume is directly related to the
EXTRACARDIAC ARTERIOVENOUS pressure difference (gradient) between the two circulations
SHUNT and the diameter o f the ductus.
Hyperkinetic arterial pulses are characteristic o f P D A .
The most c o m m o n congenital arteriovenous shunt is P D A . B l o o d runoff from the aorta into the pulmonary system
Rarely, similar hemodynamic and clinical abnormalities are allows diastolic aortic pressure to decrease below normal.

Breed Predispositions for Congenital Heart Disease


Patent ductus arteriosus Maltese, Pomeranian, Shetland Sheepdog, English Springer Spaniel, Keeshond, Bichon
Frise, Toy and Miniature Poodles, Yorkshire Terrier, Collie, Cocker Spaniel, German
Shepherd D o g ; Chihuahua, Kerry Blue Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Newfoundland; female
> male
Subaortic stenosis Newfoundland, Golden Retriever, Rottweiler, Boxer, German Shepherd Dog, English
Bulldog, Great Dane, German Short-Haired Pointer, Bouvier des Flandres, Samoyed
Pulmonic stenosis Bulldog (male > female), Mastiff, Samoyed, Miniature Schnauzer, West Highland White
Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, Airedale Terrier, Boykin Spaniel, Chihuahua, Scottish
Terrier, Boxer, Fox Terrier(?)
Ventricular septal defect English Bulldog, English Springer Spaniel, Keeshond; cats
Atrial septal defect Samoyed, Doberman Pinscher, Boxer
Tricuspid dysplasia Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd Dog, Boxer, Weimaraner, Great Dane, O l d English
Sheepdog, Golden Retriever; other large breeds; (male > female?)
Mitral dysplasia Bull Terrier, German Shepherd Dog, Great Dane, Golden Retriever, Newfoundland, Mastiff,
Rottweiler(?); cats; (male > female)
Tetralogy of Fallot Keeshond, English Bulldog
Persistent right aortic arch German Shepherd Dog, Great Dane, Irish Setter

FI6 5 - 2
Continuous femoral artery pressure recording during surgical ligation of a patent ductus
arteriosus in a Poodle. The wide pulse pressure (left side of trace) narrows as the ductus is
closed (right side of trace). Diastolic arterial pressure rises because blood runoff into the
pulmonary artery is curtailed. (Courtesy Dr. Dean Riedesel.)

The widened pulse pressure (systolic minus diastolic pres stemming from the chronic volume overload, and arrhyth
sure) causes palpably stronger arterial pulses (Fig. 5-2). mias contribute to the development of congestive heart
Compensatory mechanisms (e.g., increased heart rate, failure ( C H F ) .
volume retention) maintain adequate systemic blood In some cases, excessive p u l m o n a r y b l o o d flow leads to
flow. However, the L V is subjected to a great h e m o d y n a m i c p u l m o n a r y vascular changes, increased resistance, and p u l
burden, especially when the ductus is large, because the m o n a r y hypertension (see p. 109). If p u l m o n a r y artery pres
increased stoke volume is p u m p e d into the relatively h i g h sure rises to equal aortic pressure, very little b l o o d shunting
pressure aorta. L V and m i t r a l annulus dilation i n t u r n occurs. However, i f p u l m o n a r y artery pressure exceeds aortic
cause m i t r a l regurgitation and further volume overload. pressure, shunt reversal (right-to-left flow) occurs. A p p r o x i
Excess fluid retention, declining myocardial contractility mately 15% o f dogs w i t h inherited P D A develop a reversed
shunt; female Cocker Spaniels may be at increased risk for to L V enlargement may occur. However, the E C G is normal
reversed P D A . i n some animals w i t h P D A .
Echocardiography also shows left heart enlargement
Clinical Features and pulmonary trunk dilation. L V fractional shortening can
A left-to-right shunting P D A (discussed here) is by far the be n o r m a l or decreased, and the E point-septal separation is
most c o m m o n form; clinical features of reversed P D A are often increased. The ductus itself may be difficult to visualize
described on p. 110. The prevalence of P D A is higher i n because of its location between the descending aorta and
certain breeds of dogs, and a polygenic inheritance pattern pulmonary artery. Views from the cranial left parasternal
is thought to be responsible. The prevalence is approximately position are useful. Doppler interrogation documents con
three times greater in female than male dogs. Reduced exer tinuous, turbulent flow into the p u l m o n a r y artery (Fig. 5-4).
cise ability, tachypnea, or cough is present i n some cases, but The m a x i m u m aortic-to-pulmonary artery pressure gradi
many animals are asymptomatic when first diagnosed. ent should be estimated. Cardiac catheterization is generally
Typical findings include a continuous m u r m u r heard best unnecessary for diagnosis, although it is important during
high at the left base (see p. 9), often w i t h a precordial thrill, interventional procedures. Catheterization findings include
hyperkinetic (bounding, "waterhammer") arterial pulses, higher oxygen content i n the pulmonary artery compared
and pink mucous membranes. w i t h the right ventricle (oxygen "step-up") and a wide aortic
pressure pulse. Angiocardiography shows left-to-right shunt
Diagnosis ing through the ductus (see Fig. 5-3, C ) .
Radiographs usually show cardiac elongation (left heart dila
tion), left atrial and auricular enlargement, and pulmonary Treatment and Prognosis
overcirculation (Table 5-2). A bulge often is evident i n the Closure of the left-to-right ductus, usually performed as
descending aorta ("ductus bump") or main pulmonary soon as is feasible, is recommended by either a transcatheter
trunk, or both (Fig. 5-3). The triad of all three bulges (i.e., or surgical occlusion method. Surgical ligation is successful
pulmonary trunk, aorta, and left auricle), located i n that i n most cases, although a perioperative mortality of about
order from the 1 to 3 o'clock position on a dorsoventral 10% has been reported. Patient age or weight does not appear
(DV) radiograph, is a classic finding but not always seen. to affect the outcome of surgery. Several methods of trans-
There is also evidence of pulmonary edema i n animals with catheter P D A occlusion are available. These involve placing
left-sided heart failure. Characteristic E C G findings include a vascular occluding device (e.g., the Amplatz canine ductal
wide P waves, tall R waves, and often deep Q waves i n leads occluder) or wire coils w i t h attached thrombogenic tufts
II, aVF, and C V L L . Changes i n the ST-T segment secondary
6 w i t h i n the ductus. Vascular access is usually via the femoral


Radiographic Findings In C o m m o n Congenital Heart Defects


PDA LAE, LVE; left auricular bulge; Overcirculated Bulge(s) in descending aorta + pulmonary
increased cardiac width trunk; pulmonary edema
SAS LAE, LVE Normal W i d e cranial cardiac waist (dilated
ascending aorta)
PS RAE, RVE; reverse D Normal to undercirculated Pulmonary trunk bulge
VSD LAE, LVE; RVE Overcirculated Pulmonary edema; pulmonary trunk
bulge (large shunts)
ASD RAE, RVE Overcirculated Pulmonary trunk bulge
T dys RAE, RVE; globoid shape Normal Caudal cava dilation; pleural effusion,
ascites, hepatomegaly
M dys LAE, LVE Venous hypertension Pulmonary edema
T of F RVE, RAE; reverse D Undercirculated; prominent Normal to small pulmonary trunk; cranial
bronchial vessels aortic bulge on lateral view
PRAA Normal Normal Focal leftward and ventral tracheal
deviation narrowing cranial to heart;
wide cranial mediastinum;
megaesophagus; ( aspiration

ASD, Atrial septal defect; LAE, left atrial enlargement; LVE, left ventricular enlargement; M dys, mitral dysplasia; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus;
PS, pulmonic stenosis; RVE, right ventricular enlargement; RAE, right atrial enlargement; SAS, subaortic stenosis; T dys, tricuspid dysplasia;
T of F, tetralogy of Fallot; VSD, ventricular septal defect.
FIG 5 - 3
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (DV) (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a d o g with a patent ductus
arteriosus. N o t e the l a r g e a n d e l o n g a t e d heart a n d prominent p u l m o n a r y vasculature.
A l a r g e b u l g e is seen in the d e s c e n d i n g a o r t a o n the D V v i e w (arrowheads in B).
C , A n g i o c a r d i o g r a m o b t a i n e d using a left ventricular injection outlines the left ventricle,
a o r t a , patent ductus (arrowheads), a n d p u l m o n a r y artery.

artery, although some have used a venous approach to eventual outcome for most patients that do not undergo
the ductus. Where available, transcatheter P D A occlusion ductal closure. More than 50% o f affected dogs die within
offers a m u c h less invasive alternative to surgical ligation. the first year. In animals with pulmonary hypertension and
Complications can occur (including aberrant coil emboliza shunt reversal, ductal closure is contraindicated because
tion and residual ductal flow, among others), and not all the ductus acts as a "pop-off" valve for the high right-sided
cases are suitable for transcatheter occlusion. A normal life pressures. Ductal ligation in animals with reversed P D A
span can be expected after uncomplicated ductal closure. produces no improvement and can lead to right ventricular
The concurrent mitral regurgitation usually resolves after (RV) failure.
ductus ligation or occlusion if the valve is structurally normal.
Animals with C H F are treated with furosemide, an angio
tensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), rest, and dietary VENTRICULAR OUTFLOW OBSTRUCTION
sodium restriction (see Chapter 3). Because contractility
tends to decline over time, pimobendan or digoxin may be Ventricular outflow obstruction can occur at the semilunar
indicated as well. Arrhythmias are treated as necessary. valve, just below the valve (subvalvular), or above the valve
If the ductus is not closed, prognosis depends on its size in the proximal great vessel (supravalvular). SAS and PS are
and the level o f pulmonary vascular resistance. C H F is the most c o m m o n in dogs and cats. Stenotic lesions impose a
failure results when ventricular diastolic and atrial pressures
are elevated. Cardiac arrhythmias can contribute to the onset
of C H F . Furthermore, the combination o f outflow obstruc
tion, paroxysmal arrhythmias, and/or inappropriate bra
dycardia reflexly triggered by ventricular baroreceptor
stimulation can result in signs o f low cardiac output. These
are often associated with severe outflow tract obstruction
and include exercise intolerance, syncope, and sudden death.


Etiology and Pathophysiology

Subvalvular narrowing caused by a fibrous or fibromuscular
ring is the most c o m m o n type o f aortic stenosis i n dogs.
Certain larger breeds of dog are predisposed to this defect.
SAS is thought to be inherited as an autosomal dominant
trait with modifying genes that influence its phenotypic
expression. SAS also occurs i n cats; supravalvular lesions
have been reported in this species as well.
The spectrum o f SAS severity varies widely; three grades
of SAS have been described in Newfoundland dogs. The
mildest (grade I) is associated with no clinical signs or
m u r m u r and only subtle subaortic fibrous tissue ridging
seen on postmortem examination. Moderate (grade II) SAS
consists of m i l d clinical and hemodynamic evidence o f the
disease, with an incomplete fibrous ring below the aortic
valve found at postmortem. Dogs with grade III SAS have
severe disease and a complete fibrous ring around the outflow
tract. Some cases have an elongated, tunnel-like obstruction.
There may also be malformations of the mitral valve appa
ratus. Outflow tract narrowing and dynamic obstruction
with or without a discrete subvalvular ridge have also been
noted in Golden Retrievers. A component o f dynamic L V
outflow tract obstruction may be important i n other dogs as
The obstructive lesion of SAS develops during the first
several months of life, and there may be no audible m u r m u r
at an early age. In some dogs no m u r m u r is detected until 1
to 2 years of age, and the obstruction may continue to worsen
FIG 5 - 4 beyond that. M u r m u r intensity usually increases with exer
Continuous turbulent f l o w into the p u l m o n a r y a r t e r y from the
cise or excitement. Because o f such factors, as well as the
a r e a of the patent ductus (arrow) is illustrated b y systolic
presence of physiologic murmurs i n some animals, defini
(A) a n d diastolic (B) c o l o r f l o w D o p p l e r frames from the left
c r a n i a l parasternal p o s i t i o n , in a n adult f e m a l e S p r i n g e r tive diagnosis and genetic counseling to breeders can be
S p a n i e l . Ao, A s c e n d i n g a o r t a ; PA, m a i n p u l m o n a r y artery; difficult.
RV, right ventricle. The severity o f the stenosis determines the degree of LV
pressure overload and resulting concentric hypertrophy.
Coronary perfusion is easily compromised i n animals w i t h
pressure overload on the affected ventricle, requiring higher severe SAS and left ventricular hypertrophy. Capillary density
systolic pressure as well as a slightly longer time to eject may become inadequate as hypertrophy progresses, and high
blood across the narrowed outlet. This generates a systolic systolic wall tension with coronary narrowing can cause sys
pressure gradient across the stenosis because pressure d o w n tolic flow to be reversed i n small coronary arteries. These
stream of the stenosis is normal. The magnitude o f this factors contribute to the development of myocardial isch
gradient is related to the severity of the obstruction. emia and fibrosis. Clinical sequelae include arrhythmias,
Concentric myocardial hypertrophy typically develops in syncope, and sudden death. M a n y animals with SAS also
response to a systolic pressure overload; some dilation o f the have aortic or mitral valve regurgitation because o f related
affected ventricle can also occur. Ventricular hypertrophy malformations or secondary changes; this imposes a volume
can impede diastolic filling (by increasing ventricular stiff overload on the LV. Left-sided C H F develops i n some cases.
ness) or lead to secondary A V valve regurgitation. Heart Animals with SAS are thought to be at higher risk for devel-
oping aortic valve endocarditis because of jet lesion injury
to the underside of the valve (see p. 121 and Figure 6-4).

Clinical Features
Historical signs of fatigue, exercise intolerance or exertional
weakness, syncope, or sudden death occur in about a third
of dogs with SAS. Low-output signs can result from severe
outflow obstruction, tachyarrhythmias or sudden reflex bra
dycardia, and hypotension resulting from the activation of
ventricular mechanoreceptors. Left-sided C H F can develop,
usually in conjunction with concurrent mitral or aortic
regurgitation, other cardiac malformations, or acquired
endocarditis. Dyspnea is the most c o m m o n l y reported sign
in cats with SAS.
Characteristic physical examination findings in dogs with
moderate-to-severe stenosis include weak and late-rising
femoral pulses (pulsus parvus et tardus) and a precordial
thrill low at the left heartbase. A harsh systolic ejection
m u r m u r is heard at or below the aortic valve area on the left
hemithorax. This m u r m u r often radiates equally or more FIG 5 - 5
loudly to the right heartbase because of the orientation of E c h o c a r d i o g r a m from a 6-month-old G e r m a n S h e p h e r d D o g
with severe s u b a o r t i c stenosis. N o t e the discrete r i d g e of
the aortic arch. The m u r m u r frequently is heard over the
tissue (arrow) b e l o w the aortic v a l v e , c r e a t i n g a fixed
carotid arteries, and it may even radiate to the calvarium. In
outflow tract o b s t r u c t i o n . A, A o r t a ; LV, left ventricle; RV,
m i l d cases a soft, poorly radiating ejection m u r m u r at the right ventricle.
left and sometimes right heartbase may be the only abnor
mality found on physical examination. Functional aortic
stenosis murmurs that are not associated with SAS are
c o m m o n in Greyhounds and other sight hounds. Aortic
regurgitation can produce a diastolic m u r m u r at the left base
or may be inaudible. Severe aortic regurgitation can increase
the arterial pulse strength. There may be evidence of p u l m o
nary edema or arrhythmias.

Radiographic abnormalities (see Table 5-2) can be subtle,
especially i n dogs and cats with m i l d SAS. The LV can appear
normal or enlarged. Poststenotic dilation i n the ascending
aorta can cause a prominent cranial waist i n the cardiac
silhouette (especially on a lateral view) and cranial medias
tinal widening. The E C G is often normal, although evidence
of LV hypertrophy (left axis deviation) or enlargement (tall
complexes) can be present. Depression of the ST segment in
leads II and a V F can occur from secondary myocardial isch
FIG 5 - 6
emia or to hypertrophy; exercise induces further ischemic
C o l o r f l o w D o p p l e r f r a m e of the left ventricular outflow
ST-segment changes i n some animals. Ventricular tachyar r e g i o n in systole from a 2-year-old f e m a l e Rottweiler with
rhythmias are c o m m o n . severe subaortic stenosis. N o t e the turbulent f l o w pattern
Echocardiography reveals the extent of L V hypertrophy o r i g i n a t i n g b e l o w the aortic v a l v e , as w e l l as the thickened
and subaortic narrowing. A discrete tissue ridge below the septum, p a p i l l a r y muscle, a n d left ventricular free w a l l . Right
aortic valve is evident in many animals with moderate-to- p a r a s t e r n a l l o n g a x i s v i e w ; Ao, a o r t a ; L A , left atrium; LV,
left ventricle; RA, right atrium.
severe disease (Fig. 5-5). Premature closure of the aortic
valve, systolic anterior m o t i o n of the anterior mitral leaflet,
and increased L V subendocardial echogenicity (probably turbulence originating below the aortic valve and extending
from fibrosis) are c o m m o n i n animals with severe obstruc into the aorta, as well as high peak systolic outflow velocity
tion. Ascending aorta dilation, aortic valve thickening, and (Fig. 5-6). Some degree of aortic or mitral regurgitation is
L A enlargement with hypertrophy may also be seen. In c o m m o n . Spectral Doppler studies are used to estimate the
mildly affected animals 2 - D and M - m o d e findings may be stenosis severity. Doppler-estimated systolic pressure gradi
unremarkable. Doppler echocardiography reveals systolic ents i n unanesthetized animals are usually 40% to 50%
higher than those recorded during cardiac catheterization ent >100-125 m m Hg) is guarded. M o r e than half o f dogs
under anesthesia. Severe SAS is associated with peak esti with severe SAS die suddenly within their first 3 years. The
mated gradients >100 to 125 m m H g . The L V outflow tract overall prevalence of sudden death i n dogs with SAS appears
should be interrogated from more than one position to to be just over 20%. Infective endocarditis and C H F may be
achieve the best possible alignment with b l o o d flow. The more likely to develop after 3 years o f age. Atrial and ven
subcostal (subxiphoid) position usually yields the highest- tricular arrhythmias and worsened mitral regurgitation are
velocity signals, although the left apical position is optimal complicating factors. Dogs w i t h m i l d stenosis (e.g., catheter
in some animals. The Doppler-estimated aortic outflow ization gradient <35 m m H g or Doppler gradient <60-
velocity may be only equivocally high i n animals w i t h m i l d 70 m m Hg) are more likely to survive longer and without
SAS, especially with suboptimal Doppler beam alignment. clinical signs.
W i t h optimal alignment, aortic root velocities of <1.7 m/sec
are typical i n normal unsedated dogs; velocities over ~2.25 m / PULMONIC STENOSIS
sec are generally considered abnormal. Peak velocities i n the
equivocal range between these values may indicate the pres Etiology and Pathophysiology
ence of m i l d SAS, especially i f there is other evidence o f PS is more c o m m o n i n small breeds o f dogs. Some cases o f
disease, such as disturbed flow i n the outflow tract or ascend valvular PS result from simple fusion o f the valve cusps, but
ing aorta and aortic regurgitation. This is mainly o f concern valve dysplasia is more c o m m o n . Dysplastic valve leaflets are
when selecting animals for breeding. In some breeds (e.g., variably thickened, asymmetric, and partially fused, w i t h a
Greyhound, Boxer, Golden Retriever), outflow velocities i n hypoplastic valve annulus. Right ventricular pressure over
this equivocal range (1.8-2.25 m/sec) are c o m m o n . This may load produces right ventricle (RV) hypertrophy as well as
reflect breed-specific variation i n LV outflow tract anatomy secondary dilation. Severe ventricular hypertrophy promotes
or response to sympathetic stimulation, rather than SAS. A myocardial ischemia and its sequelae. Excessive muscular
limitation o f using the estimated pressure gradient to assess hypertrophy below the valve (infundibular area) can create
outflow obstruction severity is that this gradient depends o n a dynamic subvalvular component to the stenosis. Other
blood flow. Factors causing sympathetic stimulation and variants o f PS, including supravalvular stenosis and R V mus
increased cardiac output (e.g., excitement, exercise, fever) cular partition (double chamber R V ) occur rarely.
will increase outflow velocities, whereas myocardial failure, High-velocity b l o o d flow across the stenotic orifice creates
cardiodepressant drugs, and other causes o f reduced stroke turbulence leading to poststenotic dilation i n the m a i n p u l
volume will decrease recorded velocities. Cardiac catheter monary trunk. Right atrial dilation from secondary tricuspid
ization and angiocardiography are rarely used n o w to diag insufficiency and high R V filling pressure predisposes to
nose or quantify SAS, except i n conjunction with balloon atrial tachyarrhythmias and C H F . The combination of PS
dilation of the stenotic area. and a patent foramen ovale or A S D can allow right-to-left
shunting at the atrial level, but this is rare i n dogs and cats.
Treatment and Prognosis A single anomalous coronary artery has been described
Several palliative surgical techniques have been used i n in some Bulldogs and Boxers with PS and is thought to
dogs with severe SAS, with limited success. C a r d i o p u l m o contribute to the outflow obstruction. In such cases, pallia
nary bypass and open-heart surgery are necessary to reach tive surgical procedures and balloon valvuloplasty may cause
the lesion directly. Although resection of the stenotic area death secondary to transection or avulsion o f the major left
can significantly reduce the LV systolic pressure gradient and coronary branch.
possibly improve exercise ability, a long-term survival advan
tage appears lacking. Transvascular balloon dilation o f the Clinical Features
stenotic area reduces the measured gradient i n some dogs, M a n y dogs with PS are asymptomatic when diagnosed,
although narrowing may partially recur. Likewise, no sur although right-sided C H F or a history of exercise intolerance
vival benefit has been documented with this procedure. or syncope may exist. Clinical signs may not develop until
Medical therapy with a -blocker is advocated i n patients the animal is several years o l d , even i n those w i t h severe
with moderate to severe SAS to reduce myocardial oxygen stenosis. Physical examination findings characteristic of
demand and minimize the frequency and severity o f arrhyth moderate-to-severe stenosis include a prominent right pre
mias. Animals with a high pressure gradient, marked ST- cordial impulse; a thrill high at the left base; n o r m a l to
segment depression, frequent ventricular premature beats, slightly diminished femoral pulses; p i n k mucous m e m
or a history of syncope may be more likely to benefit from branes; and, i n some cases, jugular pulses. A systolic ejection
this therapy. Whether -blockers prolong survival is unclear. m u r m u r is heard best high at the left base on auscultation.
Exercise restriction is advised for animals with moderate-to- The m u r m u r can radiate cranioventrally and to the right i n
severe SAS. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy is recommended some cases but usually is not heard over the carotid arteries.
for animals with SAS before the performance o f any proce A n early systolic click is sometimes identified; this probably
dures with the potential to cause bacteremia (e.g., dentistry). is caused by abrupt checking o f a fused valve at the onset o f
The prognosis i n dogs and cats with severe stenosis (cath ejection. A m u r m u r o f tricuspid insufficiency or arrhyth
eterization pressure gradient >80 m m H g or Doppler gradi mias can be heard i n some cases.
Diagnosis diographic findings characteristic of moderate-to-severe
Radiographic findings typically seen in animals with PS are stenosis include R V hypertrophy and enlargement. The
outlined in Table 5-2. M a r k e d R V hypertrophy shifts the interventricular septum often appears flattened as high R V
cardiac apex dorsally and to the left. The heart may appear pressure pushes it toward the left (Figure 5-8, A). R A enlarge
as a "reverse D " shape on a D V or ventrodorsal ( V D ) view. ment is often seen as well. A thickened, asymmetrical, or
A variably sized pulmonary trunk bulge (poststenotic dila otherwise malformed pulmonic valve usually can be identi
tion) is best seen at the 1 o'clock position on a D V or V D fied (Fig. 5-8, B), although the outflow area may be narrow
view (Fig. 5-7). The size of the poststenotic dilation does not and difficult to visualize clearly. Poststenotic dilation of the
correlate with the severity of the pressure gradient. A dilated main pulmonary trunk is expected. Pleural effusion and
caudal vena cava is also seen in some animals. marked right heart dilation often accompany secondary
E C G changes are more c o m m o n in patients with moder C H F . Paradoxical septal m o t i o n is likely in such cases as well.
ate to severe stenosis. These include an R V hypertrophy Doppler evaluation along with anatomic findings provides
pattern, right axis deviation, and sometimes an R A enlarge an estimate of PS severity. Cardiac catheterization and angio
ment pattern (P pulmonale) or tachyarrhythmias. Echocar cardiography also can be used to assess the pressure gradient

FIG 5 - 7
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (DV) (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a d o g with p u l m o n i c stenosis,
s h o w i n g right ventricular e n l a r g e m e n t ( a p e x e l e v a t i o n o n lateral v i e w [arrowhead in A]
a n d reverse D c o n f i g u r a t i o n o n D V view) a l o n g with a p u l m o n a r y trunk b u l g e [arrowheads
in B) seen o n a D V v i e w . C , A n g i o c a r d i o g r a m using a selective right ventricular injection
demonstrates poststenotic d i l a t i o n of the m a i n p u l m o n a r y trunk a n d p u l m o n a r y arteries.
The t h i c k e n e d p u l m o n i c v a l v e is c l o s e d in this diastolic f r a m e .
FIG 5 - 8
E c h o c a r d i o g r a m s from t w o d o g s with severe p u l m o n i c stenosis. (A) Right p a r a s t e r n a l short-
a x i s v i e w at the ventricular level in a 4-month-old m a l e S a m o y e d s h o w s right ventricular
h y p e r t r o p h y (arrows) a n d e n l a r g e m e n t ; high right ventricular pressure flattens the septum
t o w a r d the left in this diastolic f r a m e . (B) T h i c k e n e d , p a r t i a l l y fused leaflets of the mal
f o r m e d p u l m o n a r y v a l v e (arrows) a r e seen in a 5-month-old m a l e P o m e r a n i a n . Ao, A o r t i c
root; LA, left atrium; RVOT, right ventricular outflow tract; RVW, right ventricular w a l l .

across the stenotic valve, the right heart filling pressure, and Exercise restriction is generally advised for animals with
other anatomic features. Doppler-estimated systolic pressure moderate-to-severe stenosis. A -blocker may be helpful,
gradients i n unanesthetized animals are usually 40% to 50% especially i n those with prominent R V infundibular hyper
higher than those recorded during cardiac catheterization. trophy. Signs o f C H F are managed medically (see Chapter
PS is generally considered m i l d i f the Doppler-derived gradi 3). The prognosis i n patients with PS is variable and depends
ent is <50 m m H g and severe i f it is >80 to 100 m m H g . on the severity o f the lesion. Life span can be normal in those
with m i l d PS, whereas animals with severe PS often die
Treatment a n d Prognosis within 3 years o f diagnosis. Sudden death or the onset o f
Balloon valvuloplasty is recommended for palliation of C H F is c o m m o n . The prognosis is considerably worse i n
severe (and sometimes moderate) stenosis, especially i f animals with tricuspid regurgitation, atrial fibrillation or
infundibular hypertrophy is not excessive. This procedure other tachyarrhythmias, or C H F .
reduces or eliminates clinical signs and appears to improve
long-term survival in severely affected animals. Balloon val
vuloplasty, done in conjunction with cardiac catheterization, INTRACARDIAC SHUNT
involves passing a specially designed balloon catheter across
the valve and inflating the balloon to enlarge the stenotic Blood flow volume across an intracardiac shunt depends
orifice. The procedure is most successful in dogs with simple on the size of the defect and the pressure gradient across
fusion of the pulmonic valve cusps. Dysplastic valves are it. In most cases, flow direction is from left to right, causing
more difficult to dilate effectively, but good results are pos pulmonary overcirculation. Compensatory increases i n
sible in some cases. Various surgical procedures also have blood volume and cardiac output occur in response to the
been used to palliate moderate-to-severe PS i n dogs. Balloon partial diversion o f blood away from the systemic circula
valvuloplasty generally is attempted before a surgical proce tion. A volume overload is imposed on the side o f the
dure because it is less risky. Animals with a single anomalous heart doing the most work. If right heart pressures increase
coronary artery should not undergo balloon or surgical dila as a result o f pulmonary hypertension or a concurrent
tion procedures. Coronary anatomy can be verified using PS, shunt flow may equilibrate or reverse (i.e., become
echocardiography or angiography. right-to-left).
Etiology and Pathophysiology
Most V S D s are located i n the membranous part o f the
septum, just below the aortic valve and beneath the septal
tricuspid leaflet. V S D s sporadically occur i n other septal
locations also. A V S D may be accompanied by other A V
septal (endocardial cushion) malformations, especially i n
cats. Usually, V S D s produce a volume overload o n the lungs,
L A , LV, and R V outflow tract. Small defects may be clinically
unimportant. Moderate-to-large defects tend to cause left
heart dilation and can lead to left-sided C H F . A very large
V S D causes both ventricles to function as a c o m m o n chamber
and induces R V dilation and hypertrophy. Pulmonary hyper
tension secondary to overcirculation is more likely to develop
i n animals with a large shunt. Some animals with V S D also
have aortic regurgitation, w i t h diastolic prolapse o f a valve
leaflet. Presumably this occurs because the deformed septum
provides inadequate anatomic support for the aortic root.
Aortic regurgitation places an additional volume load o n the FIG 5 - 9
C o l o r f l o w D o p p l e r f r a m e in systole s h o w i n g turbulent f l o w
(from left to right) through a small m e m b r a n o u s ventricular
septal defect just b e l o w the aortic root in a 1-year-old male
Clinical Features
terrier. Right p a r a s t e r n a l long a x i s v i e w ; AO, aortic root;
The most c o m m o n clinical manifestations o f V S D are exer LV, left ventricle.
cise intolerance and signs o f left-sided C H F . M a n y animals
are asymptomatic at the time o f diagnosis. The characteristic
auscultatory finding is a holosystolic murmur, heard loudest
at the cranial right sternal border (which corresponds to the more than one plane. Supporting clinical evidence and a
direction o f shunt flow). A large shunt volume can produce m u r m u r typical o f a V S D also should be present before the
a m u r m u r o f relative or functional PS (systolic ejection diagnosis is made. Doppler (or echo-contrast) studies usually
m u r m u r at the left base). W i t h concurrent aortic regurgita demonstrate the shunt flow (Fig. 5-9).
tion, the corresponding diastolic decrescendo m u r m u r is Cardiac catheterization, oximetry, and angiocardiogra
heard at the left base. phy allow measurement o f intracardiac pressures, indicate
the presence of an oxygen step-up at the level o f the R V
Diagnosis outflow tract, and show the pathway o f abnormal blood
Radiographic findings associated w i t h V S D vary with flow.
thesize o f the defect and the shunt volume (see Table 5-2).
Large shunts cause left heart enlargement and pulmonary Treatment and Prognosis
overcirculation. However, large shunts that increase p u l m o A small-to-moderate defect usually allows a relatively normal
nary vascular resistance and pressure lead to R V enlarge life span. In some cases, the defect closes spontaneously
ment. A large shunt volume (with or without pulmonary within the first 2 years of life. Closure can result from myo
hypertension) also can increase m a i n pulmonary trunk cardial hypertrophy around the V S D or a seal formed by the
size. septal tricuspid leaflet or a prolapsed aortic leaflet. Left-sided
The E C G may be n o r m a l or suggest L A or L V enlarge C H F is more likely i n animals with a large septal defect,
ment. In some cases, disturbed intraventricular conduction although pulmonary hypertension with shunt reversal devel
is suggested by "fractionated" or splintered Q R S complexes. ops in some instead, usually at an early age.
A n R V enlargement pattern usually indicates a very large Definitive therapy for V S D usually requires cardiopul
defect, pulmonary hypertension, or a concurrent R V outflow monary bypass or hypothermia and intracardiac surgery,
tract obstruction, although sometimes a right bundle-branch although transcatheter delivery o f an occlusion device may
block causes this pattern. be possible i n some cases. Large left-to-right shunts are
Echocardiography reveals left heart dilation (with or sometimes palliated by surgically placing a constrictive band
without R V dilation) when the shunt is large. The defect around the pulmonary trunk to create a m i l d supravalvular
often can be visualized just below the aortic valve in the right PS. This raises R V systolic pressure in response to the
parasternal long-axis L V outflow view. The septal tricuspid increased outflow resistance. Consequently, less b l o o d shunts
leaflet is located to the right o f the defect. Because echo from L V to RV. A n excessively tight band can cause right-to-
"dropout" at the thin membranous septum can m i m i c a left shunting (functionally analogous to a T o f F), however.
V S D , the area o f a suspected defect should be visualized in Left-sided C H F is managed medically. Palliative surgery
should not be attempted i n the presence o f pulmonary ATRIOVENTRICULAR VALVE
hypertension and shunt reversal. MALFORMATION
Congenital malformations o f the mitral valve apparatus
Etiology and Pathophysiology include shortened or overly elongated chordae tendineae,
Several types of A S D exist. Those located i n the region o f the direct attachment of the valve cusp to a papillary muscle,
fossa ovalis (ostium secundum defects) are more c o m m o n thickened or cleft or shortened valve cusps, prolapse o f valve
in dogs. A n A S D i n the lower interatrial septum (ostium leaflets, upwardly displaced or malformed papillary muscles,
p r i m u m defect) is likely to be part o f the A V septal (endo and excessive dilation o f the valve annulus. M i t r a l valve dys
cardial cushion or c o m m o n A V canal) defect complex, espe plasia ( M D ) is most c o m m o n i n large-breed dogs and also
cially in cats. Sinus venosus-type defects are rare; these are occurs i n cats. Valvular regurgitation is the predominant
located high in the atrial septum near the entry of the cranial functional abnormality, and it may be severe; the patho
vena cava. Animals with A S D c o m m o n l y have other cardiac physiology and sequelae resemble those o f acquired mitral
malformations as well. In most cases o f A S D , b l o o d shunts regurgitation (see p. 121). M i t r a l valve stenosis is u n c o m
from L A to R A and results in a volume overload to the right m o n . Obstruction to ventricular filling increases L A pressure
heart. However, i f PS or pulmonary hypertension is present, and can precipitate the development o f pulmonary edema.
right-to-left shunting and cyanosis may occur. M i t r a l regurgitation usually accompanies stenosis.
The clinical signs seen i n patients w i t h M D are similar to
Clinical Features those in dogs w i t h degenerative mitral valve disease, except
The clinical history i n animals with an A S D is usually rather for the younger patient age. Reduced exercise tolerance,
nonspecific. Physical examination findings associated with respiratory signs o f left-sided C H F , inappetence, and atrial
an isolated A S D are often unremarkable, although large left- arrhythmias (especially atrial fibrillation) are c o m m o n in
to-right shunts can cause a m u r m u r of relative PS. Fixed affected animals. M i t r a l regurgitation typically causes a sys
splitting (i.e., with no respiratory variation) o f the second tolic m u r m u r heard best at the left apex.
heart sound (S ) is the classic auscultatory finding. Rarely, a
2 The radiographic, E C G , echocardiographic, and catheter
soft diastolic m u r m u r of relative tricuspid stenosis might be ization findings are similar to those found in patients with
audible. acquired mitral insufficiency. Echocardiography can depict
the specific mitral apparatus malformations as well as the
Diagnosis degree o f chamber enlargement and functional changes.
Right heart enlargement, with or without pulmonary trunk Therapy consists o f medical management for C H F .
dilation, is found radiographically i n patients with severe Animals w i t h m i l d to moderate mitral valve dysfunction
shunts (see Table 5-2). The pulmonary circulation may may do well clinically for years. However, for those w i t h
appear to be increased unless pulmonary hypertension has severe mitral regurgitation or stenosis, the prognosis is poor.
developed. Left heart enlargement is not seen unless another Surgical valve reconstruction or replacement may be possible
defect, such as mitral insufficiency, is present. The E C G may i n some cases.
be normal or show evidence o f R V and R A enlargement. Cats
with an AV septal defect may have R V enlargement and a left TRICUSPID DYSPLASIA
axis deviation. Animals with tricuspid dysplasia ( T D ) have malformations
Echocardiography is likely to show R A and R V dilation, of the tricuspid valve and related structures that are similar
with or without paradoxical interventricular septal m o t i o n . to those of M D . The tricuspid valve can be displaced ven
Large ASDs can be visualized. Care must be taken not to trally into the ventricle (an Ebsteinlike anomaly) i n some
confuse the thinner fossa ovalis region of the interatrial cases; ventricular preexcitation may be more likely i n these
septum with an A S D because echo dropout also occurs here. animals. Tricuspid dysplasia is identified most frequently i n
Doppler echocardiography allows identification of smaller large-breed dogs, particularly in Labrador Retrievers, and i n
shunts that cannot be clearly visualized o n 2-D exam, but males.
venous inflow streams may complicate this. Cardiac cathe The pathophysiologic features o f T D are the same as
terization shows an oxygen step-up at the level o f the R A . those o f acquired tricuspid regurgitation. Severe cases result
Abnormal flow through the shunt may be evident after the i n marked enlargement o f the right heart chambers. Progres
injection of contrast material into the pulmonary artery. sive increase in R A and R V end-diastolic pressures eventually
result in right-sided C H F . Tricuspid stenosis is rare.
Treatment and Prognosis The historical signs and clinical findings likewise are
Large shunts can be treated surgically, similarly to V S D s . similar to those o f degenerative tricuspid disease. Initially,
Otherwise, animals are managed medically i f C H F develops. the animal may be asymptomatic or mildly exercise intoler
The prognosis is variable and depends o n shunt size, con ant. However, exercise intolerance, abdominal distention
current defects, and the level of pulmonary vascular resulting from ascites, dyspnea resulting from pleural effu
resistance. sion, anorexia, and cardiac cachexia often develop. The
FIG 5 - 1 0
Right p a r a s t e r n a l long-axis e c h o i m a g e s from a 1-year-old m a l e L a b r a d o r Retriever with
tricuspid v a l v e d y s p l a s i a in d i a s t o l e (A) a n d systole (B). The v a l v e annulus a p p e a r s to be
ventrally d i s p l a c e d ; the leaflet tips a r e tethered to a m a l f o r m e d , w i d e p a p i l l a r y muscle
[arrows in A ) . W i d e leaflet tip s e p a r a t i o n in systole (B) c a u s e d severe tricuspid regurgita
tion a n d c l i n i c a l c o n g e s t i v e heart failure. LA, Left a t r i u m ; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium;
RV, right ventricle.

m u r m u r o f tricuspid regurgitation is characteristic but not CARDIAC ANOMALIES

always clearly audible. Jugular pulsations are c o m m o n . A d d i CAUSING CYANOSIS
tional signs that accompany C H F include jugular vein dis
tention, muffled heart and lung sounds, and ballotable Malformations that allow deoxygenated blood to reach the
abdominal fluid. systemic circulation result i n hypoxemia. Visible cyanosis
Radiographs demonstrate R A and R V enlargement. The occurs when the desaturated hemoglobin concentration is
round appearance o f the heart shadow i n some cases is >5 g/dl. Arterial hypoxemia stimulates increased red blood
similar to that seen i n patients w i t h pericardial effusion or cell production, which increases oxygen carrying capacity.
dilated cardiomyopathy. A distended caudal vena cava, pleural However, b l o o d viscosity and resistance to flow also rise with
or peritoneal effusion, and hepatomegaly are c o m m o n . the increase in P C V Severe erythrocytosis ( P C V >65%) can
R V and occasionally R A enlargement patterns are seen on lead to microvascular sludging, poor tissue oxygenation,
E C G . A splintered Q R S complex configuration may be seen. intravascular thrombosis, hemorrhage, stroke, and cardiac
Atrial fibrillation or another atrial tachyarrhythmias arrhythmias. Erythrocytosis can become extreme, with a
occur commonly. Some patients exhibit signs of ventricular P C V >80% in some animals. The possibility of a venous
preexcitation. embolus crossing the shunt to the systemic circulation poses
Echocardiography reveals right heart dilation, which can another danger i n these cases.
be massive. Valve apparatus malformations also may be clear Anomalies that most often cause cyanosis i n dogs and cats
in several views (Fig. 5-10), although the left apical four- are T of F and pulmonary arterial hypertension secondary
chamber view is especially useful. Intracardiac electrocardi to a large P D A , V S D , or A S D . Other complex but u n c o m m o n
ography is necessary to confirm an Ebstein's anomaly, which anomalies, such as transposition o f the great vessels or
is suggested by ventral displacement o f the tricuspid valve truncus arteriosus, also send deoxygenated blood to the sys
annulus. A ventricular electrogram recorded o n the R A side temic circulation. Some collateral blood flow to the lungs
of the valve is diagnostic, although this technique is rarely develops from the bronchial arteries of the systemic circula
done in the clinic. tion. These small tortuous vessels may increase the overall
C H F and arrhythmias are managed medically. Periodic radiographic opacity of the central pulmonary fields.
thoracocentesis may be needed i n animals w i t h pleural effu Physical exertion tends to exacerbate right-to-left shunt
sion that cannot be controlled w i t h medication and diet. The ing and cyanosis because greater blood flow to skeletal
prognosis is guarded to poor, especially when cardiomegaly muscle reduces total peripheral vascular resistance. Despite
is marked. Nevertheless, some dogs survive for several years. the pressure overload o n the right heart, C H F is rare. The
Balloon dilation has been used successfully to treat tricuspid shunt provides an alternate pathway for high pressure
stenosis. flow.
TETRALOGY OF FALLOT document the right-to-left shunt. Typical clinicopath
ologic abnormalities include increased P C V and arterial
Etiology and Pathophysiology hypoxemia.
The four components of the T o f F are a V S D , PS, a dextro
positioned aorta, and R V hypertrophy. The V S D can be quite Treatment and Prognosis
large. The PS can involve the valve or infundibular area; i n Definitive repair o f T of F requires open-heart surgery.
some cases, the pulmonary artery is hypoplastic or not open Palliative surgical procedures can increase pulmonary blood
at all (atretic). The large aortic root extends over the right flow by creating a left-to-right shunt. Anastomosis of a sub
side of the interventricular septum and facilitates R V - t o - clavian artery to the pulmonary artery and the creation of a
aortic shunting. Aortic anomalies exist in some animals as w i n d o w between the ascending aorta and pulmonary artery
well. R V hypertrophy occurs i n response to the pressure are two techniques that have been used successfully.
overload imposed by the PS and systemic arterial circulation. Severe erythrocytosis and clinical signs associated with
The volume of blood shunted from the R V into the aorta hyperviscosity (e.g., weakness, shortness o f breath, seizures)
depends on the balance of outflow resistance caused by the can be treated w i t h periodic phlebotomy (see p. 111) or
fixed PS compared with systemic arterial resistance, w h i c h alternatively, hydroxyurea (see p. 111). The goal is to main
can vary. Exercise and other causes o f decreased arterial tain P C V at a level where clinical signs are m i n i m a l ; further
resistance increase right-to-left shunt volume. P u l m o n a r y reduction o f P C V (into the normal range) can exacerbate
vascular resistance is generally n o r m a l i n animals w i t h T o f signs of hypoxia. A -blocker may help reduce clinical signs
F. A polygenic inheritance pattern for T o f F has been iden i n some dogs with T o f F. Decreased sympathetic tone, R V
tified in the Keeshond. The defect also occurs i n other dog contractility, R V (muscular) outflow obstruction, and myo
breeds and in cats. cardial oxygen consumption, along with increased periph
eral vascular resistance, are potential benefits, although the
Clinical Features exact mechanism is not clear. Exercise restriction is also
Exertional weakness, dyspnea, syncope, cyanosis, and stunted advised. Drugs with systemic vasodilator effects should not
growth are c o m m o n i n the history. Physical examination be given.
findings are variable, depending on the relative severity o f The prognosis for animals with T o f F depends on the
the malformations. Cyanosis is seen at rest i n some animals. severity o f PS and erythrocytosis. M i l d l y affected animals
Others have pink mucous membranes, although cyanosis and those that have had a successful palliative surgical shunt
usually becomes evident with exercise in these cases. The ing procedure may survive well into middle age. Neverthe
precordial impulse is usually o f equal intensity or stronger less, progressive hypoxemia, erythrocytosis, and sudden
on the right chest wall than on the left. Inconsistently, a death at an earlier age are c o m m o n .
precordial thrill is palpable at the right sternal border or left
basilar area. Jugular pulsation may be noted. A holosystolic PULMONARY HYPERTENSION
m u r m u r at the right sternal border consistent with a V S D , WITH SHUNT REVERSAL
or a systolic ejection m u r m u r at the left base compatible with
PS, or both may be heard on auscultation. However, some Etiology and Pathophysiology
animals have no audible m u r m u r because hyperviscosity Pulmonary hypertension develops i n a relatively small
associated with polycythemia diminishes b l o o d turbulence percentage o f dogs and cats with shunts. The defects usually
and therefore m u r m u r intensity. associated with development o f pulmonary hypertension are
P D A , V S D , A V septal defect or c o m m o n A V canal, A S D , and
Diagnosis aorticopulmonary window. The low-resistance pulmonary
Thoracic radiographs depict variable cardiomegaly, usually vascular system normally can accept a large increase i n b l o o d
of the right heart (see Table 5-2). The m a i n p u l m o n a r y flow without marked increase i n pulmonary arterial pres
artery may appear small, although a bulge is evident in some sure. It is not clear why p u l m o n a r y hypertension develops in
cases. Reduced pulmonary vascular markings are c o m m o n , some animals, although the defect size i n those animals is
although a compensatory increase i n bronchial circulation usually quite large. It is possible that the high fetal p u l m o
can increase the overall pulmonary opacity. The malposi nary resistance may not regress normally in these animals or
tioned aorta creates a cranial bulge i n the heart shadow o n their p u l m o n a r y vasculature may react abnormally to an
lateral view. R V hypertrophy displaces the left heart dorsally initially large left-to-right shunt flow. In any case, irreversible
and can simulate left heart enlargement. The E C G typically histologic changes occur i n the p u l m o n a r y arteries that
suggests R V enlargement, although a left axis deviation is increase vascular resistance. These include intimal thicken
seen in some affected cats. ing, medial hypertrophy, and characteristic plexiform lesions.
Echocardiography depicts the V S D , a large aortic root As pulmonary vascular resistance rises, pulmonary artery
shifted rightward and overriding the ventricular septum, pressure increases and the volume o f b l o o d shunted from
some degree of PS, and R V hypertrophy Doppler studies left-to-right diminishes. If the right heart and p u l m o n a r y
reveal the right-to-left shunt and high-velocity stenotic pressures exceed those o f the systemic circulation, the shunt
pulmonary outflow jet. A n echo-contrast study also can reverses direction and deoxygenated blood flows into the
aorta. These changes appear to develop at an early age (e.g., only during exercise or excitement. Intracardiac shunts cause
by 6 months), although exceptions are possible. The term equally intense cyanosis throughout the body. Cyanosis of
Eisenmenger's physiology refers to the severe pulmonary the caudal mucous membranes alone (differential cyanosis)
hypertension and shunt reversal that develop. is typically caused by a reversed P D A . Here, normally oxy
Right-to-left shunts that result from pulmonary hyper genated blood flows to the cranial body by way of the brachy
tension cause pathophysiologic and clinical sequelae similar cephalic trunk and left subclavian artery (from the aortic
to those resulting from T of R The major difference is that arch), and the rest of the body receives desaturated blood
the impediment to pulmonary flow occurs at the level of the through the ductus, located in the descending aorta (Fig.
pulmonary arterioles rather than at the pulmonic valve. 5-11). Rear limb weakness is c o m m o n in animals with
Hypoxemia, R V hypertrophy and enlargement, erythrocyto reversed P D A .
sis and its consequences, increased shunting with exercise, A m u r m u r typical of the underlying defect(s) may be
and cyanosis can occur. Likewise, right-sided C H F is u n c o m heard, but often no m u r m u r or only a very soft systolic
m o n but can develop in response to secondary myocardial m u r m u r is audible because blood viscosity is increased by
failure or tricuspid insufficiency. The right-to-left shunt polycythemia. There is no continuous m u r m u r in patients
permits venous emboli to cross into the arterial system, with reversed P D A . Pulmonary hypertension often causes
potentially resulting i n stroke or other arterial embolization. the S sound to be loud and "snapping" or split. A gallop

sound is occasionally heard. Other subtle physical examina

Clinical Features tion findings include a pronounced right precordial impulse
The history and clinical presentation of animals with pul and jugular pulsations.
monary hypertension and shunt reversal are similar to those
associated with T of F. Exercise intolerance, shortness of Diagnosis

breath, syncope (especially in association with exercise or Thoracic radiographs typically reveal right heart enlarge
excitement), seizures, and sudden death are c o m m o n . Cough ment; a prominent pulmonary trunk; and tortuous, proxi
and hemoptysis may also occur. Cyanosis may be evident mally widened pulmonary arteries. A bulge in the descending

FIG 5 - 1 1
A n g i o c a r d i o g r a m s from a n 8-month-old f e m a l e C o c k e r S p a n i e l with patent ductus arterio
sus, p u l m o n a r y h y p e r t e n s i o n , a n d shunt reversal. Left ventricular injection (A) s h o w s d o r s a l
d i s p l a c e m e n t of the left ventricle b y the e n l a r g e d right ventricle. N o t e the dilution of
r a d i o g r a p h i c contrast solution in the d e s c e n d i n g a o r t a (from m i x i n g with n o n o p a c i f i e d
b l o o d from the ductus) a n d the p r o m i n e n t right c o r o n a r y artery. Right ventricular injection
(B) illustrates right ventricular h y p e r t r o p h y a n d p u l m o n a r y trunk d i l a t i o n s e c o n d a r y to
severe p u l m o n a r y h y p e r t e n s i o n . O p a c i f i e d b l o o d courses through the l a r g e ductus into the
descending aorta.
aorta may be seen in dogs with reversed P D A . The left heart clinical signs and exercise tolerance i n some dogs with pul
in animals with a reversed P D A or V S D may be enlarged monary hypertension, although experience in animals is
as well. The E C G usually suggests R V and sometimes R A limited. Doses o f 0.5 to 2(or 3) mg/kg q l 2 h or q8h seem to
enlargement, with a right axis deviation. be well-tolerated and produce some reduction i n Doppler-
Echocardiography reveals the R V hypertrophy and intra estimated pulmonary artery pressure. Lower initial doses are
cardiac anatomic defects (and sometimes a large ductus), as suggested, w i t h gradual up-titration. Adverse effects o f silde
well as pulmonary trunk dilation. Doppler or echo-contrast nafil can include possible nasal congestion, hypotension, or
study can confirm an intracardiac right-to-left shunt. sexual adverse effects, especially i n intact animals. Other
Reversed P D A flow can be shown by imaging the abdominal vasodilator drugs tend to produce systemic effects that are
aorta during venous echocontrast injection. Peak R V (and i n similar to or greater than those o n the pulmonary vascula
the absence of PS, pulmonary artery) pressure can be esti ture; therefore they are o f little benefit and possibly detri
mated by measuring the peak velocity o f a tricuspid regur mental. Low-dose aspirin (e.g., 5 mg/kg) therapy may also
gitation jet. Pulmonary insufficiency flow can be used to be useful i n animals w i t h pulmonary hypertension and
estimate diastolic pulmonary artery pressure. Cardiac cath reversed shunt, but this is not well-studied.
eterization also can confirm the diagnosis and quantify the
pulmonary hypertension and systemic hypoxemia.
Treatment a n d Prognosis

Therapy is aimed at managing secondary erythrocytosis to VASCULAR RING ANOMALIES

minimize signs of hyperviscosity and attempting to reduce Various vascular malformations originating from the embry
pulmonary arterial pressure, i f possible. Exercise restriction onic aortic arch system can occur. These can entrap the
is also advised. Erythrocytosis can be managed by periodic esophagus and sometimes the trachea within a vascular ring
phlebotomy or use of oral hydroxyurea. It is unclear whether at the dorsal heart base. Persistent right aortic arch is the
P C V alone should be used to guide treatment, although most c o m m o n vascular ring anomaly i n the dog. This devel
maintaining P C V at about 62% has previously been recom opmental malformation surrounds the esophagus: dorsally
mended. The ideal P C V for a patient w o u l d seem to be that and to the right with the aortic arch, to the left w i t h the
associated with m i n i m a l physical manifestations of hyper ligamentum arteriosum, and ventrally with the base o f the
viscosity (e.g., rear limb weakness, shortness o f breath, leth heart. Different vascular ring anomalies can occur as well. In
argy). Surgical closure o f the shunt is contraindicated. The addition, other vascular malformations, such as a left cranial
prognosis is generally poor i n animals with pulmonary vena cava or P D A , may accompany a vascular ring anomaly.
hypertension and shunt reversal, but some patients have Vascular ring anomalies are rare i n cats.
done well for years with medical management. The vascular ring prevents solid food from passing nor
Phlebotomy can be done when necessary. One method is mally through the esophagus. Clinical signs o f regurgitation
to remove 5 to 10 m l blood/kg body weight and administer and stunted growth c o m m o n l y develop within 6 months o f
an equal volume o f isotonic fluid. Another technique weaning. Esophageal dilation occurs cranial to the ring; food
(described by Cote and Ettinger, 2001) involves removing may be retained i n this area. Sometimes the esophagus dilates
10% of the patient's circulating b l o o d volume initially caudal to the stricture as well, indicating that altered esoph
without giving replacement fluid. This volume (ml) is calcu ageal motility coexists. Respiratory signs including coughing,
lated as 8.5% x body weight (kg) x 1000 g/kg x 1 ml/g. After wheezing, and cyanosis usually signal secondary aspiration
3 to 6 hours of cage rest, an additional volume o f b l o o d is pneumonia. However, in some cases a double aortic arch can
removed i f the patient's initial P C V was >60%. This addi cause stridor and other respiratory signs secondary to tra
tional volume would be 5% to 10% o f the circulating b l o o d cheal stenosis.
volume if initial P C V was 60% to 70%, or an additional 10% The animal's body condition score may be n o r m a l i n i
to 18% i f initial P C V was >70%. tially, but progressive debilitation ensues. A palpably dilated
Hydroxyurea therapy (40 to 50 mg/kg by m o u t h q48h or cervical esophagus (containing food or gas) is evident at the
3x/week) can be a useful alternative to periodic phlebotomy thoracic inlet i n some cases. Fever and respiratory signs
in some patients with secondary erythrocytosis. A C B C and suggest aspiration pneumonia. Vascular ring anomalies by
platelet count should be monitored weekly or biweekly to themselves do not result in abnormal cardiac sounds.
start. A P C V between approximately 55% to 60% is the sug Thoracic radiographs show a leftward tracheal deviation
gested target. Possible adverse effects o f hydroxyurea include near the cranial heart border on D V view. Other c o m m o n
anorexia, vomiting, bone marrow hypoplasia, alopecia, and signs include a widened cranial mediastinum, focal narrow
pruritus. The dose can be divided q l 2 h on treatment days, ing and/or ventral displacement o f the trachea, air or food
or administered twice weekly, or at <40 mg/kg depending on i n the cranial thoracic esophagus, and sometimes evidence
the patient's response. of aspiration pneumonia. A b a r i u m swallow allows visualiza
Sildenafil citrate is a selective phosphodiesterase-5 inhib tion of the esophageal stricture over the heartbase and cranial
itor that may reduce pulmonary resistance via nitric o x i d e - esophageal dilation (with or without caudal esophageal
dependent pulmonary vasodilation. It appears to improve dilation).
Surgical division of the ligamentum arteriosum, or other cardial systolic and diastolic function may be present. Defin
vessel if the anomaly is not a persistent right aortic arch, is itive antemortem diagnosis is difficult.
the recommended therapy. In some cases a retroesophageal
left subclavian artery or left aortic arch is also present and OTHER VASCULAR ANOMALIES
must be divided to free the esophagus. Medical management A number of venous anomalies have been described. M a n y
consists of frequent small, semisolid, or liquid meals eaten are not clinically important. The persistent left cranial vena
in an upright position. This feeding method may be neces cava is a fetal venous remnant that courses lateral to the left
sary indefinitely. Persistent regurgitation occurs i n some A V groove and empties into the coronary sinus of the caudal
dogs despite successful surgery, suggesting a permanent R A . A l t h o u g h it causes no clinical signs, its presence may
esophageal motility disorder. complicate surgical exposure of other structures at the left
heartbase. Portosystemic venous shunts are c o m m o n and
COR TRIATRIATUM can lead to hepatic encephalopathy as well as other signs.
C o r triatriatum is an u n c o m m o n malformation caused by These malformations are thought to be more prevalent
an abnormal membrane that divides either the right (dexter) in the Yorkshire Terrier, Pug, Miniature and Standard
or the left (sinister) atrium into two chambers. C o r triatria Schnauzers, Maltese, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, and Lhasa Apso
tum dexter occurs sporadically i n dogs; cor triatriatum sin breeds.
ister has been described only rarely. C o r triatriatum dexter
results from failure of the embryonic right sinus venosus Suggested Readings
valve to regress. The caudal vena cava and coronary sinus
empty into the R A caudal to the intra-atrial membrane; Bonagura JD, Lehmkuhl LB: Congenital heart disease. In Fox PR,
the tricuspid orifice is w i t h i n the cranial R A "chamber." Sisson D, Moise NS, editors: Textbook of canine and feline cardiol
Obstruction to venous flow through the opening i n the ogy, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1999, W B Saunders, pp. 471-535.
abnormal membrane elevates vascular pressure i n the caudal Buchanan JW: Prevalence of cardiovascular disorders. In Fox PR,
vena cava and the structures that drain into it. Sisson D, Moise NS, editors: Textbook of canine and feline cardiol
Large- to medium-size breeds of dog are most often ogy, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1999, pp. 457-470.
affected. Persistent ascites that develops at an early age is the Tidholm A: Retrospective study of congenital heart defects in 151
most prominent clinical sign. Exercise intolerance, lethargy, dogs, 7 Small Anim Pract 38:94, 1997.
distended cutaneous abdominal veins, and sometimes diar
rhea are reported also. Neither a cardiac m u r m u r nor jugular
Belanger M C et al: Usefulness of the indexed effective orifice area
venous distention are features of this anomaly.
in the assessment of subaortic stenosis in the dog, / Vet Intern
Thoracic radiographs indicate caudal vena caval disten Med 15:430, 2001.
tion without generalized cardiomegaly. The diaphragm may Buchanan JW: Pulmonic stenosis caused by single coronary artery
be displaced cranially by massive ascites. The E C G is usually in dogs: four cases (1965-1984), / Am Vet Med Assoc 196:115,
normal. Echocardiography reveals the abnormal membrane 1990.
and prominence of the caudal R A chamber and vena cava. Buchanan JW: Pathogenesis of single right coronary artery and
Doppler studies show the flow disturbance w i t h i n the R A pulmonic stenosis in English bulldogs, / Vet Intern Med 15:101,
and allow the intra-RA pressure gradient to be estimated. 2001.
Successful therapy requires enlarging the membrane Bussadori C et al: Balloon valvuloplasty in 30 dogs with pulmonic
orifice or excising the abnormal membrane to remove flow stenosis: effect of valve morphology and annular size on initial
and 1-year outcome, / Vet Intern Med 15:553, 2001.
obstruction. A surgical approach using inflow occlusion,
Estrada A et al: Prospective evaluation of the balloon-to-annulus
with or without hypothermia, can be used to excise the
ratio for valvuloplasty in the treatment of pulmonic stenosis in
membrane or break it d o w n using a valve dilator. A m u c h the dog, / Vet Intern Med 20:862, 2006.
less invasive option is percutaneous balloon dilation of the Falk T, lonsson L, Pedersen H D : Intramyocardial arterial narrowing
membrane orifice. This works well as long as a sufficiently in dogs with subaortic stenosis, / Small Anim Pract 45:448,
large balloon is used. Several balloon dilation catheters 2004.
placed simultaneously may be needed for effective dilation Fingland RB, Bonagura JD, Myer CW: Pulmonic stenosis in the dog:
in larger dogs. 29 cases, ] Am Vet Med Assoc 189:218, 1986.
Kienle RD, Thomas WP, Pion PD: The natural history of canine
ENDOCARDIAL FIBROELASTOSIS congenital subaortic stenosis, / Vet Intern Med 8:423, 1994.
Diffuse fibrosis and elastic thickening of the endocardium Koplitz SL et al: Aortic ejection velocity in healthy Boxers with soft
cardiac murmurs and Boxers without cardiac murmurs: 201
characterize the congenital abnormality endocardial fibro
cases (1997-2001), J Am Vet Med Assoc 222:770, 2003.
elastosis. It is reported more c o m m o n l y i n cats, especially
Meurs K M , Lehmkuhl LB, Bonagura ID: Survival times in dogs
Burmese and Siamese, but has been observed rarely in dogs. with severe subvalvular aortic stenosis treated with balloon val
Left-sided or biventricular heart failure c o m m o n l y develops vuloplasty or atenolol, / Am Vet Med Assoc 227:420, 2005.
early in life. A mitral regurgitation m u r m u r may be present. Orton EC et al: Influence of open surgical correction on intermedi
Criteria for LV and L A enlargement are seen o n radiographs, ate-term outcome in dogs with subvalvular aortic stenosis: 44
E C G , and echocardiogram. Evidence for reduced L V myo cases (1991-1998), J Am Vet Med Assoc 216:364, 2000.
Pyle RL: Interpreting low-intensity cardiac murmurs in dogs pre Saunders A B et al: Echocardiographic and angiocardiographic
disposed to subaortic stenosis (editorial), / Am Anim Assoc comparison of ductal dimensions in dogs with patent ductus
36:379, 2000. arteriosus, / Vet Intern Med 21:68, 2007.
Stafford Johnson M et al: Pulmonic stenosis in dogs: balloon dila Schneider M et al: Transvenous embolization of small patent ductus
tion improves clinical outcome, / Vet Intern Med 18:656, 2004. arteriosus with single detachable coils in dogs, / Vet Intern Med
15:222, 2001.
CARDIAC SHUNTS Schneider M et al: Transthoracic echocardiographic measurement
Birchard SJ, Bonagura JD, Fingland RB: Results of ligation of patent of patent ductus arteriosus in dogs, J Vet Intern Med 21:251,
ductus arteriosus in dogs: 201 cases (1969-1988), f Am Vet Med 2007.
Assoc 196:2011, 1990. Stafford Johnson M et al: Management of cor triatriatum dexter by
Buchanan JW, Patterson DF: Etiology of patent dutus arteriosus in balloon dilatation in three dogs, / Small Anim Pract 45:16,
dogs, / Vet Intern Med 17:167, 2003. 2004.
Bureau S, Monnet E, Orton EC: Evaluation of survival rate and Stokhof AA, Sreeram N , Wolvekamp WTC: Transcatheter closure
prognostic indicators for surgical treatment of left-to-right of patent ductus arteriosus using occluding spring coils, / Vet
patent ductus arteriosus in dogs: 52 cases (1995-2003), J Am Vet Intern Med 14:452, 2000.
Med Assoc 227:1794, 2005. Van Israel N et al: Review of left-to-right shunting patent ductus
Campbell FE et al: Immediate and late outcomes of transarterial arteriosus and short term outcome in 98 dogs, / Small Anim Pract
coil occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in dogs, / Vet Intern 43:395, 2002.
Med 20:83, 2006.
Cote E, Ettinger SJ: Long-term clinical management of right-to-left O T H E R ANOMALIES
("reversed") patent ductus arteriosus in 3 dogs, / Vet Intern Med Adin DB, Thomas WP: Balloon dilation of cor triatriatum dexter
15:39, 2001. in a dog, / Vet Intern Med 13:617, 1999.
Fox PR, Bond BR, Sommer RJ: Nonsurgical transcatheter coil Buchanan JW: Tracheal signs and associated vascular anomalies in
occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus in two dogs using a pre dogs with persistent right aortic arch, / Vet Intern Med 18:510,
formed Nitinol snare delivery technique, / Vet Intern Med 12:182, 2004.
1998. Famula TR et al: Evaluation of the genetic basis of tricuspid
Fujii Y et al: Transcatheter closure of congenital ventricular septal valve dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers, Am } Vet Res 63:816,
defects in 3 dogs with a detachable coil, / Vet Intern Med 18:911, 2002.
2004. Fossum TW, Miller M W : Cor triatriatum and caval anomalies,
Guglielmini C et al: Atrial septal defect in five dogs, J Small Anim Semin Vet Med Surg 9:177, 1994.
Pract 43-317, 2002. Isakow K, Fowler D, Walsh P: Video-assisted thoracoscopic division
Hogan DF et al: Transarterial coil embolization of patent ductus of the ligamentum arteriosum in two dogs with persistent right
arteriosus in small dogs with 0.025 inch vascular occlusion coils: aortic arch, / Am Vet Med Assoc 217:1333, 2000.
10 cases, / Vet Intern Med 18:325, 2004. Kornreich BG, Moise NS: Right atrioventricular valve malforma
Moore KW, Stepien RL: Hydroxyurea for treatment of polycythe tion in dogs and cats: an electrocardiographic survey with
mia secondary to right-to-left shunting patent ductus arteriosus emphasis on splintered QRS complexes, / Vet Intern Med 11:226,
in 4 dogs, / Vet Intern Med 15:418, 2001. 1997.
Orton EC et al: Open surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot in dogs, Lehmkuhl LB, Ware WA, Bonagura JD: Mitral stenosis in 15 dogs,
J Am Vet Med Assoc 219:1089, 2001. / Vet Intern Med 8:2, 1994.
Saunders AB et al: Pulmonary embolization of vascular occlusion Muldoon M M , Birchard SJ, Ellison GW: Long-term results of surgi
coils in dogs with patent ductus arteriosus, / Vet Intern Med cal correction of persistent right aortic arch in dogs: 25 cases
18:663,2004. (1980-1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 210:1761, 1997.
C H A P T E R6

Acquired Valvular and

Endocardial Disease

genic, with gender and age influencing expression. It appears

that the overall prevalence of mitral regurgitation ( M R )
murmurs and degenerative valve disease is similar in male
and female dogs, but males may have faster disease progres
sion. Some large-breed dogs are affected also, and the preva
lence may be higher in German Shepherd Dogs.
Multiple factors involving collagen degeneration, valve
leaflet stress, and endothelial function are thought to be
involved. Pathologic valve changes develop gradually with
age. Early lesions consist of small nodules on the free margins
of the valve; these become larger, coalescing plaques that
DEGENERATIVE ATRIOVENTRICULAR thicken and distort the valve. The histologic changes have
VALVE DISEASE been described as myxomatous degeneration. Collagen within
the affected leaflets degenerates, and acid mucopolysaccha
Chronic degenerative atrioventricular (AV) valve disease is rides and other substances accumulate within the layers of
the most c o m m o n cause of heart failure in the dog. This the leaflets, resulting in nodular thickening, deformity, and
condition is also k n o w n as endocardiosis, mucoid or myxo weakening o f the valve as well as its chordae tendineae.
matous valvular degeneration, or chronic valvular fibrosis. Redundant tissue between chordal attachments often bulges
Because clinically relevant degenerative valve disease is rare (prolapses) like a parachute or balloon toward the atrium.
in cats, this chapter w i l l focus on canine chronic valvular M i t r a l valve prolapse may be important in the pathogenesis
disease. The mitral valve is affected most often and to of the disease, at least in some breeds.
a greater degree, but degenerative lesions also involve the Affected valves gradually begin to leak because their edges
tricuspid valve in many dogs. However, isolated degene do not coapt properly. As the lesions progress, the valve
rative disease of the tricuspid valve is u n c o m m o n . Thicken insufficiency (regurgitation) becomes clinically evident.
ing of the aortic and pulmonic valves sometimes is Atrial jet lesions; endocardial fibrosis; and, i n patients with
observed in older animals but rarely causes more than m i l d advanced disease, partial or even full-thickness atrial tears
insufficiency. can form. Chronic valvular disease is also associated with
intramural coronary arteriosclerosis, microscopic intramu
Etiology a n d Pathophysiology ral myocardial infarctions, and focal myocardial fibrosis. The
The cause of degenerative A V valve disease is unclear, but a extent to which these changes cause clinical myocardial dys
hereditary basis is likely. Middle-aged and older small to function is not clear; however, impaired myocardial contrac
mid-size breeds are most often affected. Disease prevalence tility is observed late i n the disease. Interestingly, senior dogs
and severity increase with age. About a third o f small-breed without valvular disease also have similar vascular lesions.
dogs older than 10 years o f age are affected. C o m m o n l y The pathophysiologic changes relate to volume overload
affected breeds include Toy and Miniature Poodles, M i n i a on the affected side of the heart after the valve or valves
ture Schnauzers, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Fox Terriers, become incompetent. Regurgitation usually develops slowly
Cocker Spaniels, Pekingese, Boston Terriers, Miniature Pin over months to years. Mean atrial pressure usually remains
schers, Whippets, and Cavalier K i n g Charles Spaniels. A n fairly low during this time, unless a sudden increase in regur
especially high prevalence and an early onset of degenerative gitant volume (e.g., ruptured chordae) occurs. W i t h advanc
mitral valve disease ( M V D ) is reported in Cavalier King ing valve degeneration, a progressively larger volume of
Charles Spaniels, in which inheritance is thought to be poly blood moves ineffectually back and forth between the ven-

tricle and atrium, diminishing the forward flow to the aorta. tion can reduce ventricular filling time and cardiac output,
Compensatory mechanisms augment b l o o d volume to meet increase myocardial oxygen needs, and worsen p u l m o n a r y
the circulatory needs o f the body (see Chapter 3), including congestion and edema. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias also
increased sympathetic activity, attenuated vagal tone, and occur but are less c o m m o n .
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) activation. Sudden rupture o f diseased chordae tendineae acutely
Natriuretic peptide release occurs; higher atrial natriuretic increases regurgitant volume and can precipitate fulminant
peptide concentrations have been associated with marked pulmonary edema w i t h i n hours in previously compensated
left atrium (LA) enlargement and severe congestive heart or even asymptomatic dogs. Signs of low cardiac output may
failure ( C H F ) . The affected ventricle and atrium dilate to also occur. Sometimes, ruptured chordae tendineae are an
accept the growing regurgitant volume and the required incidental finding (on an echocardiogram or at necropsy),
forward stroke volume; eccentric myocardial hypertrophy especially i f second- or third-order chordae are involved.
develops i n an attempt to normalize the resulting increase i n Massive L A enlargement itself can result i n compression
wall stress. of the left mainstem bronchus and stimulate persistent
These compensatory changes i n heart size and b l o o d coughing, even i n the absence o f C H F . Furthermore, massive
volume allow most dogs to remain asymptomatic for a pro left (or right) atrial distention can result i n partial- or full-
longed period. Massive L A enlargement may develop before thickness tearing. Atrial wall rupture usually causes acute
any signs o f heart failure appear, and some dogs never show cardiac tamponade; there appears to be a higher prevalence
clinical signs o f heart failure. The rate at which the regurgi
tation worsens, as well as the degree o f atrial distensibility
and ventricular contractility, influence how well the disease
BOX 6-
is tolerated. A gradual increase i n atrial, pulmonary venous, Potential Complications of Chronic Atrioventricular
and capillary hydrostatic pressures stimulates compensatory
Valve Disease
increases in pulmonary lymphatic flow. Overt pulmonary
edema develops when the capacity of the pulmonary l y m Causes of Acutely Worsened Pulmonary Edema
phatic system is exceeded. Tricuspid insufficiency may be Arrhythmias
severe enough to cause right-sided C H F . Increased p u l m o Frequent atrial premature complexes
nary vascular pressure secondary to chronic left-sided C H F Paroxysmal atrial/supraventricular tachycardia
may also contribute to the development o f right-sided heart Atrial fibrillation
failure. Frequent ventricular tachyarrhythmias
Rule out drug toxicity (e.g., digoxin)
Ventricular p u m p function is maintained fairly well until
Ruptured chordae tendineae
late in the disease in many dogs, even i n the face o f severe
Iatrogenic volume overload
congestive signs. Nevertheless, chronic volume overload
Excessive volumes of IV fluids or blood
eventually reduces myocyte contractility. The mechanism o f High-sodium fluids
myocardial dysfunction may involve damage from oxygen Erratic or improper medication administration
free radicals as well as neurohormonal activation. Reduced Insufficient medication for stage of disease
contractility exacerbates ventricular dilation and valve regur Increased cardiac workload
gitation and therefore can worsen C H F . Assessment o f left Physical exertion
ventricular (LV) contractility i n animals with M R is c o m p l i Anemia
cated by the fact that the most commonly used clinical Infections/sepsis
indices (e.g., echocardiographic fractional shortening, ejec Hypertension
Disease of other organ systems (e.g., pulmonary, renal,
tion fraction) overestimate contractility because they are
liver, endocrine)
obtained during ejection and are therefore affected by the
Hot, humid environment
reduced ventricular afterload caused by M R . The echocar
Excessively cold environment
diographic estimation of the end-systolic volume index may Other environmental stresses
be useful (see p. 41). This index suggests that myocardial High salt intake
function is normal to mildly depressed i n most dogs with Myocardial degeneration and poor contractility
chronic mitral degeneration. A number of other echo/
Causes of Reduced Cardiac Output or Weakness
Doppler indices can also help assess L V systolic and diastolic
function. Arrhythmias (see above)
Ruptured chordae tendineae
Complicating Factors Cough-syncope
Left atrial tear
Although this disease usually progresses slowly, certain c o m
Intrapericardial bleeding
plicating events can precipitate acute clinical signs i n dogs
Cardiac tamponade
with previously compensated disease (Box 6-1). For example,
Increased cardiac workload (see above)
tachyarrhythmias may be severe enough to cause decompen Secondary right-sided heart failure
sated C H F , syncope, or both. Frequent atrial premature Myocardial degeneration and poor contractility
contractions, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, or atrial fibrilla
of this complication i n male Miniature Poodles, Cocker marked sinus arrhythmia and a normal heart rate. Pleural
Spaniels, and Dachshunds. In most o f these cases, severe effusion causes diminished pulmonary sounds ventrally.
valve disease; marked atrial enlargement; atrial jet lesions; Other physical examination findings may be normal or
and, often, ruptured first-order chordae tendineae are noncontributory. Peripheral capillary perfusion and arterial
present. pulse strength are usually good, although pulse deficits may
be present in dogs with tachyarrhythmias. A palpable pre
Clinical Features cordial thrill accompanies l o u d (grade 5-6/6) murmurs.
Degenerative A V valve disease may cause no clinical signs for Jugular vein distention and pulsations are not expected in
years, and some dogs never develop signs o f heart failure. In dogs with M R alone. In animals with T R , jugular pulses
those that do, the signs usually relate to decreased exercise occur during ventricular systole; these are more evident after
tolerance and manifestations o f pulmonary congestion and exercise or i n association with excitement. Jugular venous
edema. D i m i n i s h e d exercise capacity and cough or tachy distention results from elevated right heart filling pressures.
pnea with exertion are c o m m o n initial owner complaints. Jugular pulsations and distention are more evident with
As pulmonary congestion and interstitial edema worsen, the cranial abdominal compression (positive hepatojugular
resting respiratory rate increases. C o u g h i n g tends to occur reflux). Ascites or hepatomegaly may be evident in dogs with
at night and early m o r n i n g , as well as i n association w i t h right-sided C H F .
activity. Severe edema results i n obvious respiratory distress
and usually a moist cough. Signs o f severe pulmonary edema Diagnosis
can develop gradually or acutely. Intermittent episodes o f
symptomatic pulmonary edema interspersed with periods o f RADIOGRAPHY
compensated heart failure occurring over months to years Thoracic radiographs typically show some degree of L A and
are also c o m m o n . Episodes o f transient weakness or acute LV enlargement (see p. 13), which progresses over months
collapse (syncope) can occur secondary to arrhythmias, to years (Fig. 6-1). As L A size increases, dorsal main bron
coughing, or an atrial tear. Signs o f tricuspid regurgitation chus displacement occurs. Severe L A enlargement causes
(TR) are often overshadowed by those o f M R but include compression o f the left mainstem bronchus. Fluoroscopy
ascites; respiratory distress from pleural effusion; and, rarely, may demonstrate dynamic main bronchus collapse during
subcutaneous edema. Splanchnic congestion may precipitate coughing or even quiet breathing i n such animals. Extreme
gastrointestinal signs. The cough caused by m a i n bronchus dilation o f the L A can result over time, even without clinical
compression often is described as "honking." heart failure. Variable right heart enlargement occurs with
A holosystolic m u r m u r heard best i n the area o f the left chronic T R , but this may be masked by left heart and pul
apex (left fourth to sixth intercostal space) is typical i n monary changes associated with concurrent M V D .
patients with M R . The m u r m u r can radiate i n any direction. Pulmonary venous congestion and interstitial edema
M i l d regurgitation may be inaudible or cause a m u r m u r only occur with the onset o f left-sided C H F ; progressive intersti
in early systole (protosystolic). Exercise and excitement often tial and alveolar pulmonary edema may follow. Although
increase the intensity of soft M R murmurs. Louder murmurs cardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs typically has a hilar,
have been associated with more advanced disease, but i n dorsocaudal, and bilaterally symmetric pattern, an asym
dogs with massive regurgitation and severe heart failure, the metric distribution is seen in some dogs. The presence and
m u r m u r can be soft or even inaudible. Occasionally, the severity o f pulmonary edema do not necessarily correlate
m u r m u r sounds like a musical tone or whoop. Some dogs with the degree o f cardiomegaly. Acute, severe M R (e.g., with
with chronic mitral disease have a m i d - to late-systolic click, rupture o f the chordae tendineae) can cause severe edema in
w i t h or without a murmur. A n S gallop may be audible at
3 the presence o f m i n i m a l L A enlargement. Conversely, slowly
the left apex i n dogs with advanced disease. T R typically worsening M R can produce massive L A enlargement with no
causes a holosystolic m u r m u r best heard at the right apex. evidence o f C H F . Early signs of right-sided heart failure
Features that aid i n differentiating a T R m u r m u r from radi include caudal vena caval distention, pleural fissure lines,
ation o f an M R m u r m u r to the right chest wall include and hepatomegaly. Overt pleural effusion and ascites occur
jugular vein pulsations, a precordial thrill over the right apex, with advanced failure.
and a different quality to the m u r m u r heard over the tricus
Pulmonary sounds can be n o r m a l or abnormal. Accentu The electrocardiogram ( E C G ) may suggest L A or biatrial
ated, harsh breath sounds and end-inspiratory crackles enlargement and L V dilation (see p. 28), although the tracing
(especially i n ventral lung fields) develop as pulmonary is often normal. A n R V enlargement pattern is occasionally
edema worsens. Fulminant pulmonary edema causes wide seen in dogs w i t h severe T R . Arrhythmias, especially sinus
spread inspiratory as well as expiratory crackles and wheezes. tachycardia, supraventricular premature complexes, parox
Some dogs with chronic M R have abnormal lung sounds ysmal or sustained supraventricular tachycardias, ventricular
caused by underlying p u l m o n a r y or airway disease rather premature complexes, and atrial fibrillation are c o m m o n in
than C H F . Dogs w i t h C H F tend to have sinus tachycardia; dogs with advanced disease. These arrhythmias may be asso
those with chronic pulmonary disease frequently have ciated with decompensated C H F , weakness, or syncope.
FIG 6-1
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a P o o d l e with a d v a n c e d mitral v a l v e
insufficiency. N o t e m a r k e d left ventricular a n d atrial e n l a r g e m e n t a n d n a r r o w i n g of left
mainstem b r o n c h u s [arrowheads in A ) .

Echocardiography shows the atrial and ventricular chamber
dilation secondary to chronic A V valve insufficiency. Depend
ing on the degree of volume overload, this enlargement can
be severe. Vigorous LV wall and septal m o t i o n are seen with
M R when contractility is normal (Fig. 6-2); fractional short
ening is high, and there is little to no E point-septal separa
tion. Although ventricular diastolic dimension is increased,
systolic dimension is normal until myocardial failure ensues.
Calculation of end-systolic volume index may help in assess
ing myocardial function. Ventricular wall thickness is typi
cally normal in dogs with chronic A V valve disease. W i t h
severe T R , paradoxical septal motion may occur along with
the right ventricular (RV) and right atrial (RA) dilation.
Pericardial fluid (blood) is seen after an L A tear, and evi FIG 6 - 2
dence for cardiac tamponade may be evident. M i l d pericar S a m p l e M - m o d e e c h o c a r d i o g r a m from m a l e M a l t e s e with
a d v a n c e d mitral v a l v e insufficiency a n d left-sided heart
dial effusion may also accompany signs of right-sided C H F .
failure. N o t e a c c e n t u a t e d septal a n d left ventricular poste
Affected valve cusps are thickened and may appear
rior w a l l motion (fractional shortening = 5 0 % ) a n d lack of
knobby. Smooth thickening is characteristic of degenerative mitral v a l v e E p o i n t - s e p t a l s e p a r a t i o n (arrows).
disease (endocardiosis). Conversely, rough and irregular veg
etative valve lesions are characteristic of bacterial endo
carditis; however, clear differentiation between these by flow area provides a rough estimate of regurgitation severity,
echocardiography alone may be impossible. Systolic prolapse there are technical limitations with this. The proximal
involving one or both valve leaflets is c o m m o n with degen isovelocity surface area (PISA) method is considered by
erative A V valve disease (Fig. 6-3, A). A ruptured chorda some to be a more accurate way to estimate M R severity.
tendinea or leaflet tip sometimes is seen flailing into the Other Doppler techniques can be used to evaluate systolic
atrium during systole (Figure 6-3, B). The direction and and diastolic ventricular function. M a x i m a l T R jet velocity
extent of flow disturbance can be seen with color-flow indicates whether pulmonary hypertension is present and its
Doppler (see Figure 2-35). Although the size of the disturbed severity.
FIG 6 - 3
A , Thick, mildly p r o l a p s i n g mitral v a l v e a n d LA e n l a r g e m e n t a r e seen from the left a p i c a l
position in a n o l d e r D a c h s h u n d with severe d e g e n e r a t i v e A V v a l v e d i s e a s e . The tricuspid
v a l v e is also thick. B , C h o r d a t e n d i n e a e rupture is e v i d e n t b y the flail segment (arrow)
seen in the e n l a r g e d LA of a n o l d e r m i x e d b r e e d d o g . C , A l a r g e jet of mitral regurgita
tion c a u s e s a w i d e a r e a of f l o w d i s t u r b a n c e in a n o t h e r m i x e d b r e e d d o g o n c o l o r f l o w
e c h o . N o t e the LA a n d LV e n l a r g e m e n t . LA, Left a t r i u m ; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium.

Clinicopathologic Findings hormonal activation that contributes to the disease process

Clinical laboratory data may be normal or reflect changes (Box 6-2). Drugs that decrease LV size (e.g., diuretics, vaso
associated with C H F or concurrent extracardiac disease. dilators, positive inotropic agents) may reduce the regurgi
Other diseases produce signs similar to those o f C H F result tant volume by decreasing mitral annulus size. Drugs that
ing from degenerative A V valve disease, including tracheal promote arteriolar vasodilation enhance forward cardiac
collapse, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary output and reduce regurgitant volume by decreasing sys
fibrosis, pulmonary neoplasia, pneumonia, pharyngitis, temic arteriolar resistance. Frequent reevaluation and medi
heartworm disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, and bacterial cation adjustment become necessary as the disease progresses.
endocarditis. In many dogs with advanced M R , clinical compensation can
be maintained for months to years using appropriate therapy.
Treatment and Prognosis Although congestive signs develop gradually in some dogs,
Medical therapy is used to control signs of C H F as well as severe pulmonary edema or episodes of syncope appear
support cardiac function and modulate the excessive neuro- acutely i n others. Intermittent episodes of decompensation
BOX 6-2

Treatment Guidelines for Chronic Atrioventricular Valve Disease

Asymptomatic (Modified A H A / A C C Stage B)
Consider IV nitroprusside, or
Client education (about disease process and early heart Oral hydralazine or amlodipine, + / - topical nitroglycerine
failure signs) + / - Butorphanol or morphine
Routine health maintenance Antiarrhythmic therapy, if necessary
Blood pressure measurement + / - Positive inotropic drug:
Baseline chest radiographs (+/- echocardiogram) and If myocardial failure documented, IV drug can be used
yearly rechecks (see Box 3-1).
Maintain normal body weight/condition After patient stabilized, can use long-term oral pimoben
Regular mild to moderate exercise dan + / - digoxin therapy
Avoid excessively strenuous activity + / - Bronchodilator
Heartworm testing and prophylaxis in endemic areas Thoracocentesis, if large volume pleural effusion
Manage other medical problems
Chronic Recurrent or Refractory Heart Failure Strategies
Avoid high-salt foods; consider moderately salt-restricted
(Modified A H A / A C C Stage D)*
Consider A C E inhibitor if marked increase in LA + / - LV Ensure that therapies for stage C are being given at optimal
enlargement occurs; additional therapies aimed against doses and intervals, including furosemide, A C E inhibitor,
neurohormonal activation may or may not be clinically pimobendan a n d / o r digoxin, spironolactone
useful Rule out systemic arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, anemia,
and other complications
Mild to Moderate CHF signs (Modified A H A / A C C
Increase furosemide dose/frequency; may be able to
Stage C, Chronic)* decrease again in several days after signs abate
Considerations as above, and Enforced rest until signs abate
Furosemide, as needed A d d pimobendan, if not currently prescribed
A C E inhibitor (or pimobendan) Increase A C E inhibitor dose/frequency (to q l 2 h from
Pimobendan (can use with or without A C E inhibitor) q24h)
+ / - Digoxin (indicated with atrial tachyarrhythmias, includ A d d digoxin, if not currently prescribed; monitor serum con
ing fibrillation) centration; increase dose only if subtherapeutic concen
+ / - Additional diuretic (spironolactone, hydrochlorothiazide) tration documented
Antiarrhythmic therapy if necessary A d d (or increase dose of) second diuretic (e.g., spironolac
Complete exercise restriction until signs abate tone, hydrochlorothiazide)
Moderate dietary salt restriction Additional afterload reduction (e.g., amlodipine or hydrala
Resting respiratory (+/- heart) rate monitoring at home zine); monitor blood pressure
Further restrict dietary salt intake; verify that drinking water
Severe, Acute CHF Signs (Modified A H A / A C C is low in sodium
Stage C, Acute)*
Thoracocentesis (or abdomincentesis) as needed
Supplemental O 2
M a n a g e arrhythmias, if present (see Chapter 4)
C a g e rest and minimal patient handling Consider sildenafil for secondary pulmonary hypertension
Furosemide (more aggressive doses, parenteral) (e.g., 1-2 m g / k g q8-12h)
Vasodilator therapy Consider bronchodilator trial, or cough suppressant

* S e e Tables 3-2, 3-3, and Box 3-1 for further details and doses.

in dogs o n long-term C H F therapy often can be successfully delays time to C H F onset i n asymptomatic dogs is presently
managed. Therapy must be guided by the patient's clinical lacking. Whether dogs w i t h marked cardiomegaly might
status and the nature o f complicating factors. Surgical pro benefit from therapy to modulate pathologic remodeling is
cedures such as m i t r a l annuloplasty, other valve repair tech unclear.
niques, and mitral valve replacement may be treatment Client education about the disease process and early signs
options i n some patients but are not widely available. of C H F is important. It is probably prudent to discourage
high-salt foods, pursue weight reduction for obese dogs, and
Asymptomatic Atrioventricular avoid prolonged strenuous exercise. A diet moderately
Valve Regurgitation reduced i n salt may be helpful. Periodic reevaluation (e.g.,
Dogs that have shown no clinical signs o f disease are gener every 6 to 12 months) o f cardiac size and function as well
ally not given drug therapy. C o n v i n c i n g evidence that angio as b l o o d pressure is advised. Other disease conditions are
tensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or other therapy managed as appropriate.
Mild to Moderate Congestive Heart Failure Severe Congestive Heart Failure
When clinical signs occur i n association w i t h exercise or Severe p u l m o n a r y edema and shortness of breath at rest
activity, several treatment modalities are instituted (see Box require urgent treatment (see Box 3-1). Aggressive diuresis
6-2 and Tables 3-3 and Box 3-1). The severity o f clinical signs with parenteral furosemide (e.g., 2 to 4 mg/kg q l - 4 h IV,
and the nature o f any complicating factors influence the initially), supplemental oxygen, and cage rest are instituted
aggressiveness o f therapy. W h e n it is unclear whether respi as soon as possible. Gentle handling is important because
ratory signs are caused by early C H F or a noncardiac cause, added stress may precipitate cardiopulmonary arrest. Tho
a therapeutic trial o f furosemide (e.g., 1 to 2 mg/kg by m o u t h racic radiographs and other diagnostic procedures are post
q8-12h) is indicated. Cardiogenic p u l m o n a r y edema usually poned until the animal's respiratory condition is more
responds rapidly. stable.
Furosemide is used for dogs with radiographic evidence Vasodilator therapy is also indicated. If adequate m o n i
of p u l m o n a r y edema and/or more severe clinical signs. toring facilities are available, intravenous (IV) nitroprusside
Higher and more frequent doses are used when edema is may be used for rapid arteriolar and venous dilation; however,
severe. After signs o f failure are controlled, the dose and blood pressure must be closely monitored to prevent hypo
frequency o f furosemide administration are gradually tension. Another approach for acute therapy is oral hydrala
reduced to the lowest effective levels for chronic therapy. zine. Its direct and rapid arteriolar vasodilating effect
Furosemide alone (e.g., without an A C E I or other agent) is increases forward flow and decreases regurgitation; however,
not recommended for the long-term treatment o f heart oral administration can be stressful. A reduced dose is used
failure. in animals already o n an A C E I . A m l o d i p i n e is an alternative
A n A C E I is generally recommended for dogs with early arteriolar vasodilator, but it has a m u c h slower onset of
signs o f failure (see Chapter 3). The ability o f these agents action. Topical nitroglycerin also can be used in an attempt
to modulate neurohormonal responses to heart failure to reduce pulmonary venous pressure by direct venodilation.
is thought to be their m a i n advantage. C h r o n i c A C E I W h e n positive inotropic therapy is indicated, pimoben
therapy can improve exercise tolerance, cough, and respira dan (or digoxin) may be initiated (or continued i f previously
tory effort, although the issue o f enhanced survival is prescribed) once acute dyspnea subsides. Paroxysmal atrial
unclear. tachycardia or atrial fibrillation may respond to digoxin.
Pimobendan also is being used increasingly for the man Although several days are needed to achieve a therapeutic
agement o f moderate to advanced C H F (see Chapter 3). This blood concentration w i t h oral maintenance doses, I V digi
drug has positive inotropic, vasodilator, and other actions. talization is generally not recommended. Diltiazem or a
Its beneficial effects may exceed those o f ACEIs, although -blocker (see Table 4-2) can be used instead o f or in addi
they are often used together. Digoxin, with or without p i m o tion to digoxin i f supraventricular tachyarrhythmias require
bendan, is often added to the chronic therapy o f C H F treatment (see Chapter 4). Dogs that need more intense
resulting from advanced A V valve insufficiency. Digoxin's inotropic support or that have persistent hypotension can be
sensitizing effect o n baroreceptors may be more advanta given an IV agent (e.g., dobutamine, dopamine, amrinone;
geous than its modest positive inotropic effect (see Chapter see Box 3-1).
3). M a r k e d L V dilation, evidence for reduced myocardial Ancillary therapy often includes m i l d sedation to reduce
contractility, or recurrent episodes o f p u l m o n a r y edema anxiety (e.g., butorphanol or morphine). A bronchodilator
despite furosemide and other treatment are indications for (e.g., theophylline, aminophylline) may be useful if broncho-
adding digoxin. D i g o x i n also is indicated for heart rate spasm is induced by severe pulmonary edema; although effi
control i n dogs with atrial fibrillation and for its antiarrhyth cacy for this is unclear, these agents may help support
mic effect i n some cases o f frequent atrial premature beats respiratory muscle function.
or supraventricular tachycardia. Conservative doses and Thoracocentesis is indicated i n dogs with moderate- to
measurement o f serum concentrations are recommended to large-volume pleural effusion to improve pulmonary func
prevent toxicity (see p. 66). tion. Ascites that impedes respiration also should be drained.
Moderate dietary salt restriction (e.g., diets formulated Therapy for ventricular tachyarrhythmias is warranted
for dogs with kidney disease or for senior dogs) is recom in some cases. Close monitoring is important for titrating
mended initially. Further salt restriction may be achieved therapy and identifying drug toxicities or adverse effects
with diets formulated for patients w i t h heart failure. Exercise (e.g., azotemia, electrolyte abnormalities, hypotension,
restriction is important when signs o f C H F exist. M i l d to arrhythmias).
moderate, regular activity (not causing undue respiratory After the animal's condition is stabilized, medications are
effort) may be resumed during chronic, compensated dis adjusted over several days to weeks to determine optimal
ease. Strenuous exercise is not recommended. Antitussive long-term therapy. Furosemide is titrated to the lowest dose
therapy can be helpful i n dogs without p u l m o n a r y edema (and longest interval) that controls signs of C H F . Institution
but with persistent cough caused by mechanical mainstem of an A C E I is recommended for ongoing therapy if hydrala
bronchus compression (e.g., hydrocodone bitartrate, zine or nitroprusside was the initial vasodilator used. As
0.25 mg/kg by m o u t h q8-12h; or butorphanol, 0.5 mg/kg by the effects o f previously administered hydralazine wane,
m o u t h q6-12h). the first dose o f A C E I given should be half the usual dose
(i.e., 0.25 mg/kg by mouth). A n A C E I can be started at the nosed or decompensated C H F should be evaluated more
standard dose shortly after discontinuing a nitroprusside frequently (within several days to a week or so) until their
infusion. condition is stable. Those w i t h chronic heart failure that
appears well-controlled can be reevaluated less frequently,
Chronic Management of Advanced Disease usually several times per year. The medication supply, a d m i n
When C H F becomes refractory, therapy is intensified or istration compliance, drugs and doses being given, and diet
modified according to individual patient needs. The follow should be reviewed with the owner at each visit.
ing suggestions for modifying therapy are listed i n approxi A general physical exam w i t h particular attention to car
mate order of use. Recurrent pulmonary edema i n some diovascular parameters is important at each visit. A n E C G is
dogs responds to an increased dose o f furosemide and rest indicated i f an arrhythmia or unexpectedly low or high heart
for a few days. The dose can then be returned to previous or rate is found. W h e n an arrhythmia is suspected but not
a slightly higher level, i f possible. The A C E I dose should be documented o n routine E C G , ambulatory electrocardiogra
maximized i f this has not already been done (e.g., enalapril phy (e.g., 24-hour Holter monitoring) can be helpful. The
from once to twice daily). respiratory rate and pattern are also noted; thoracic radio
Pimobendan and/or digoxin can be added i f it is not graphs are warranted i f abnormal p u l m o n a r y sounds are
already being used. The dose o f digoxin is not titrated upward heard or i f the owner reports coughing, other respiratory
unless subtherapeutic serum concentrations are documented signs, or an increased resting respiratory rate. Other causes
(see Chapter 3). Spironolactone can be added, i f not already of cough should be considered i f neither p u l m o n a r y edema
being used (see Chapter 3). This aldosterone antagonist may nor venous congestion is seen radiographically and i f the
reduce the severity o f chronic refractory pulmonary edema resting respiratory rate has not increased. Left mainstem
or effusions as well as have beneficial effects o n cardiac bronchus compression by an enlarged L A can stimulate a dry
remodeling. Conversely, another diuretic with a different cough. C o u g h suppressants are helpful for this, but they
mechanism of action or the spironolactone/hydrochloro should be prescribed only after other causes o f cough are
thiazide combination product may be useful. ruled out.
Continued monitoring, especially o f renal function and Echocardiography may show evidence o f chordal rupture,
serum electrolyte concentrations, is important. Dietary progressive cardiomegaly, or worsened myocardial function.
sodium restriction can be intensified. If the A C E I and furo Frequent m o n i t o r i n g o f serum electrolyte concentrations
semide doses are already maximal, low-dose hydralazine (e. and renal function is important. Other routine b l o o d and
g., 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg by m o u t h q l 2 h ) or amlodipine (e.g., urine tests are done periodically also. Dogs receiving digoxin
0.05 to 0.2 mg/kg by m o u t h q24h) can be added, although should have a serum concentration measured 7 to 10 days
blood pressure should be monitored. after treatment initiation or a dosage change. Additional
Intermittent tachyarrhythmias can promote decompen measurements are recommended i f signs consistent with
sated C H F as well as episodes o f transient weakness or toxicity appear or i f renal disease or electrolyte imbalance
syncope. Cough-induced syncope, atrial rupture, or other (hypokalemia) is suspected.
causes o f reduced cardiac output may also occur. Despite the The prognosis i n dogs that have shown clinical signs o f
periodic recurrence of signs o f C H F , many dogs w i t h chronic degenerative valve disease is quite variable. W i t h appropriate
A V valve regurgitation can enjoy a good quality o f life for therapy and attentive management o f complications, some
several years after the signs o f failure first appear. dogs live well for more than 4 years after the signs o f heart
failure first appear. Some dogs die during an initial episode
Patient Monitoring and Reevaluation of fulminant p u l m o n a r y edema. Survival for most symp
Client education regarding the disease process, the clinical tomatic dogs ranges from several months to a few years.
signs o f failure, and the drugs used to control them is essen
tial for long-term therapy to be successful. As the disease
progresses, medication readjustment (i.e., different dosages INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS
of currently used drugs and/or additional drugs) is expected.
Several c o m m o n potential complications o f chronic degen Etiology and Pathophysiology
erative A V valve disease can cause decompensation (see B o x Endocarditis is more c o m m o n i n dogs than i n cats. Bactere
6-1). At-home monitoring is important to detect early signs mia, either persistent or transient, is necessary for endocar
of decompensation. Respiratory (+/- heart) rate can be dial infection to occur. Recurrent bacteremia may occur with
monitored periodically when the dog is quietly resting or infections o f the skin, mouth, urinary tract, prostate, lungs,
sleeping (see p. 70; a persistent increase i n either can signal or other organs. Dentistry procedures are k n o w n to cause a
early decompensation. transient bacteremia. Other procedures are presumed to
Asymptomatic dogs should be reevaluated at least yearly cause transient bacteremia i n some cases (e.g., endoscopy,
in the context o f a routine preventive health program. The urethral catheterization, anal surgery, and other "dirty" pro
frequency of reevaluation i n dogs receiving medication for cedures). The likelihood o f a cardiac infection becoming
heart failure depends on the disease severity and whether any established is increased when organisms are highly virulent
complicating factors are present. Dogs w i t h recently diag or the bacterial load is heavy.
The endocardial surface of the valve is infected directly congestion and edema are usual. Clinical heart failure devel
from the b l o o d flowing past it. Previously normal valves may ops rapidly i n patients with severe valve destruction, rupture
be invaded by virulent bacteria, causing acute bacterial endo of chordae tendineae, and multiple valve involvement, or
carditis. Subacute bacterial endocarditis is thought to result when other predisposing factors are present. Cardiac func
from infection of previously damaged or diseased valves tion can be compromised by myocardial injury resulting
after a persistent bacteremia. Such damage may result from from coronary arterial embolization with myocardial infarc
mechanical trauma (e.g., jet lesions resulting from turbulent tion and abscess formation or from direct extension of the
blood flow or endocardial injury from a vascular catheter infection into the myocardium. Reduced contractility and
extending into the heart). Myxomatous degeneration of the atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmias often result. Aortic
mitral valve has not been associated w i t h a higher risk for valve endocarditis lesions may extend into the A V node and
infective endocarditis. cause partial or complete A V block. Arrhythmias may cause
The lesions of endocarditis are typically located down weakness, syncope, and sudden death or contribute to the
stream from the disturbed b l o o d flow; c o m m o n sites include development of C H F .
the ventricular side of the aortic valve i n patients w i t h sub Fragments of vegetative lesions often break loose. Embo
aortic stenosis, the right ventricular side of a ventricular lization of other body sites causes infarction or metastatic
septal defect, and the atrial surface of a regurgitant mitral infection, which results i n diverse clinical signs. Larger and
valve. Bacterial clumping caused by the action of an agglu more mobile vegetations (based on echocardiographic
tinating antibody may facilitate attachment to the valves. appearance) are associated with higher incidence of embolic
Alternatively, chronic stress and mechanical trauma can pre events i n people; the same may occur in animals. Emboli can
dispose to the development of nonbacterial thrombotic be septic or bland (containing no infectious organisms).
endocarditis, a sterile accumulation of platelets and fibrin Septic arthritis, diskospondylitis, urinary tract infections,
o n the valve surface. Nonseptic emboli may break off from and renal and splenic infarctions are c o m m o n i n affected
such vegetations and cause infarctions elsewhere. Bacteremia animals. Local abscess formation resulting from septic
can also cause a secondary infective endocarditis at these thromboemboli contributes to recurrent bacteremia and
sites. fever. Hypertrophic osteopathy has also been associated with
The most c o m m o n organisms identified i n dogs and cats bacterial endocarditis. Circulating immune complexes as
with endocarditis have been Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus well as cell-mediated responses contribute to the disease syn
sp., and Escherichia coli. Additional organisms isolated from drome. Sterile polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis,
infected valves have included Corynebacterium (Arcanobac and other forms of immune-mediated organ damage are
terium) sp., Pasteurella sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Erysip c o m m o n . Rheumatoid factor and antinuclear antibody test
elothrix rhusiopathiae (E. tonsillaris), and others. Bartonella ( A N A ) results may be positive.
vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and other Bartonella sp. have also
been found i n dogs w i t h endocarditis. Culture-negative Clinical Features
endocarditis may be caused by fastidious organisms or by The prevalence o f bacterial endocarditis is relatively low in
Bartonella spp.; i n a recent study of 71 dogs with infective dogs and even lower i n cats. Male dogs are affected more
endocarditis, Bartonella spp. was identified as the causative commonly than females. A n increased prevalence of endo
agent i n 45% of the patients w i t h a negative b l o o d culture carditis has been noted i n association with age. German
and i n 20% of the overall population. Shepherd Dogs and other large-breed dogs may be at greater
The mitral and aortic valves are most c o m m o n l y affected risk. Subaortic stenosis is a k n o w n risk factor for aortic
in dogs and cats. M i c r o b i a l colonization leads to ulceration valve endocarditis. Immunocompromised animals may also
of the valve endothelium. Subendothelial collagen exposure be at greater risk for endocarditis, but this has not been
in turn stimulates platelet aggregation and activation of the substantiated.
coagulation cascade, leading to the formation of vegetations. The clinical signs of endocarditis are quite variable. M a n y
Vegetations consist mainly of aggregated platelets, fibrin, affected animals have evidence of past or concurrent infec
blood cells, and bacteria. Newer vegetations are friable. W i t h tions, although often a clear history of predisposing factors
time, the lesions become fibrous and may calcify. As addi is absent. The presenting signs can result from left-sided
tional fibrin is deposited over bacterial colonies, they become C H F or arrhythmias, but cardiac signs may be overshadowed
protected from normal host defenses as well as many antibi by signs of systemic infarction, infection, immune-mediated
otics. Although vegetations usually involve the valve leaflets, damage, or a combination of these. Nonspecific signs of
lesions may extend to the chordae tendineae, sinuses of Val lethargy, weight loss, inappetence, recurrent fever, and weak
salva, mural endocardium, or adjacent myocardium. Vegeta ness may be the predominant abnormalities. Infective endo
tions cause valve deformity, including perforations or tearing carditis often mimics immune-mediated disease. Dogs with
o f the leaflet(s), and result i n valve insufficiency. Rarely, large endocarditis are c o m m o n l y evaluated for a "fever of unknown
vegetations may cause the valve to become stenotic. origin." Some of the consequences of infectious endocarditis
Valve insufficiency and subsequent volume overload are outlined i n Box 6-3. Endocarditis has been nicknamed
c o m m o n l y lead to C H E Because the mitral and/or aortic "the great imitator"; maintaining an index of suspicion for
valve is usually affected, left-sided C H F signs of pulmonary this disease is important.
BOX 6-3

Potential Sequelae of Infective Endocarditis

Septic osteomyelitis
Valve insufficiency or stenosis Bone pain
Murmur Lameness
Congestive heart failure Myositis
Coronary embolization (aortic valve*) Muscle pain
Myocardial infarction
Brain and Meninges
Myocardial abscess
Myocarditis Abscesses
Decreased contractility (segmental or global) Associated neurologic signs
Arrhythmias Encephalitis and meningitis
Myocarditis (direct invasion by microorganisms) Associated neurologic signs
Vascular System in General
Atrioventricular conduction abnormalities (aortic valve*
Decreased contractility Vasculitis
Pericarditis (direct invasion by microorganisms) Thrombosis
Pericardial effusion Petechiae and small hemorrhages (e.g., eye, skin)
Cardiac tamponade (?) Obstruction

Kidney Ischemia of tissues served, with associated signs

Infarction Lung
Reduced renal function Pulmonary emboli (tricuspid or pulmonic valves, rare*)
Abscess formation and pyelonephritis Pneumonia (tricuspid or pulmonic valves, rare*)
Reduced renal function
Urinary tract infection
Renal pain Sepsis
Glomerulonephritis (immune mediated) Fever
Proteinuria Anorexia
Reduced renal function Malaise and depression
Vague pain
Septic arthritis Inflammatory leukogram
Joint swelling and pain Mild anemia
Lameness Positive antinuclear antibody test
Immune-mediated polyarthritis Positive blood cultures
Shifting-leg lameness
Joint swelling and pain

*Diseased valve most commonly associated with abnormality.

Infective valve damage may be signaled by signs o f C H F Diagnosis

in an unexpected clinical setting or i n an animal w i t h a It may be difficult to obtain a definitive antemortem diag
murmur of recent onset, especially i f other suggestive nosis. Presumptive diagnosis of infective endocarditis is
signs are present. But a "new" m u r m u r can indicate nonin made on the basis of positive findings i n two or more b l o o d
fective acquired disease (e.g., degenerative valve disease, car cultures, i n addition to either echocardiographic evidence of
diomyopathy), previously undiagnosed congenital disease, vegetations or valve destruction or the documented recent
or physiologic alterations (e.g., fever, anemia). Conversely, appearance of a regurgitant murmur. Endocarditis is likely
endocarditis may develop i n an animal k n o w n to have a even when b l o o d culture results are negative or intermit
murmur resulting from another cardiac disease. A l t h o u g h tently positive i f there is echocardiographic evidence of veg
a change in m u r m u r quality or intensity over a short etations or valve destruction along w i t h a combination of
time frame may indicate active valve damage, physiologic other criteria (Box 6-4). A new diastolic murmur, hyperki
causes of m u r m u r variation are c o m m o n . The onset of a netic pulses, and fever are strongly suggestive of aortic valve
diastolic murmur at the left heartbase is suspicious for aortic endocarditis.
valve endocarditis, especially i f fever or other signs are Several samples of at least 10 m l of blood should be asep
present. tically collected over a 24-hour period for bacterial blood
BOX 6-4

Criteria for Diagnosis of Infectious Endocarditis*

Definite Endocarditis b y Pathologic Criteria
Persistently positive b l o o d cultures for o r g a n i s m consistent
P a t h o l o g i c (postmortem) lesions of active e n d o c a r d i t i s with with e n d o c a r d i t i s (samples d r a w n > 1 2 h a p a r t or three
e v i d e n c e of m i c r o o r g a n i s m s in v e g e t a t i o n (or embolus) o r or more cultures d r a w n at least 1 h apart)
intracardiac abcess E v i d e n c e of e n d o c a r d i a l involvement
Positive e c h o c a r d i o g r a m for infective e n d o c a r d i t i s (oscil
Definite Endocarditis b y Clinical Criteria
lating mass o n heart v a l v e or supportive structure or in
T w o m a j o r criteria (below), o r path of regurgitant jet o r e v i d e n c e of c a r d i a c abcess)
O n e m a j o r a n d three m i n o r c r i t e r i a , o r N e w v a l v u l a r regurgitation (increase o r c h a n g e in preex
Five m i n o r criteria isting murmur not sufficient evidence)

Possible Endocarditis Minor Criteria

F i n d i n g s consistent with infectious e n d o c a r d i t i s that fall short P r e d i s p o s i n g heart c o n d i t i o n (see p. 1 2 6 )

of " d e f i n i t e " but not " r e j e c t e d " Fever
V a s c u l a r p h e n o m e n a : m a j o r arterial e m b o l i , septic infarcts
Rejected Diagnosis of Endocarditis
Immunologic p h e n o m e n a : glomerulonephritis, positive anti-
Firm alternative d i a g n o s i s for c l i n i c a l manifestations nuclear a n t i b o d y o r r h e u m a t o i d factor tests
Resolution of manifestations of infective e n d o c a r d i t i s with 4 M i c r o b i o l o g i c e v i d e n c e : positive b l o o d culture not meeting
o r f e w e r d a y s of antibiotic t h e r a p y major criteria a b o v e
N o p a t h o l o g i c e v i d e n c e of infective e n d o c a r d i t i s at s u r g e r y E c h o c a r d i o g r a m consistent with infective e n d o c a r d i t i s but not
or n e c r o p s y after 4 o r f e w e r d a y s of antibiotic t h e r a p y meeting m a j o r criteria a b o v e
(Rare in d o g s a n d cats: r e p e a t e d nonsterile IV drug a d m i n
Major Criteria
Positive b l o o d cultures
T y p i c a l m i c r o o r g a n i s m for infective e n d o c a r d i t i s from t w o
s e p a r a t e b l o o d cultures

* Adapted from Duke criteria for endocarditis. In Durack DT et al: N e w criteria for diagnosis of infective endocarditis: utilization of specific
echocardiographic findings, Am J Med 96:200, 1994.

culture, w i t h more than 1 hour elapsing between collections. the proficiency o f the echocardiographer. Because false-
Ideally, different venipuncture sites should be used for each negative and false-positive findings o f "lesions" may occur,
sample. Larger sample volumes (e.g., 20 to 30 ml) increase cautious interpretation o f images is important. M i l d valve
culture sensitivity. Both aerobic and anaerobic cultures have thickening and/or enhanced echogenicity may occur i n
been recommended, although the value of routine anaerobic patients w i t h early valve damage. Vegetative lesions appear
culture is questionable. Prolonged incubation (3 weeks) as irregular dense masses. As valve destruction progresses,
is recommended because some bacteria are slow-growing. ruptured chordae, flail leaflet tips, or other abnormal valve
Although blood culture results are positive i n many dogs motion can be seen. Differentiation o f mitral vegetations
with this disease, negative results do not necessarily rule out from degenerative thickening may be impossible, however,
infective endocarditis; i n a recent study, less than 50% of the especially i n the early stages. Nevertheless, vegetative endo
blood cultures i n dogs w i t h confirmed infective endocarditis carditis classically causes rough, ragged-looking valve thick
were positive. A s discussed above, Bartonella spp. is an ening; degenerative disease is associated with smooth
emerging pathogen that causes blood culture-negative endo valvular thickening. Poor or marginal-quality images or
carditis i n dogs; i n the same study, 4 5 % o f the dogs w i t h the use o f lower-frequency transducers can prevent iden
negative blood cultures were positive for Bartonella spp. o n tification o f some vegetations because of suboptimal
polymerase chain reaction ( P C R ) . Results may be negative resolution. Secondary effects o f valve dysfunction include
in the setting o f chronic endocarditis, recent antibiotic chamber enlargement from volume overload and flail or
therapy, intermittent bacteremia, and infection w i t h fastidi otherwise abnormal valve leaflet motion. Myocardial dys
ous or slow-growing organisms, as well as noninfective function and arrhythmias may also be evident. Aortic insuf
endocarditis. Serologic and P C R testing are also commer ficiency can cause fluttering o f the anterior mitral valve
cially available for Bartonella spp. leaflet during diastole as the regurgitant jet makes contact
Echocardiography is especially supportive i f oscillating with this leaflet. Doppler studies illustrate flow disturbances
vegetative lesions and abnormal valve m o t i o n can be identi (Fig. 6-5).
fied (Fig. 6-4). The visualization o f lesions depends o n The E C G may be normal or document premature beats,
their size and location, o n the image resolution, and tachycardias, conduction disturbances, or evidence of myo-
Clinicopathologic findings usually reflect an inflamma
tory process. Neutrophilia with a left shift is typical of acute
endocarditis, whereas mature neutrophilia with or without
monocytosis usually develops with chronic disease. Nonre
generative anemia has been associated with about half of
canine cases. Biochemical abnormalities are variable. Azote
mia, hyperglobulinemia, hematuria, pyuria, and proteinuria
are c o m m o n . The A N A results may be positive in dogs with
subacute or chronic bacterial endocarditis; i n a recent study,
75% of dogs with Bartonella vinsonii infection had positive
A N A test results.

Treatment and Prognosis

Aggressive therapy with bactericidal antibiotics capable of
penetrating fibrin, as well as supportive care, are indicated
for infective endocarditis. Ideally, drug choice is guided by
culture and in-vitro susceptibility test results. Because treat
ment delay while waiting for these results can be harmful,
broad-spectrum combination therapy is usually begun
immediately after b l o o d culture samples are obtained.
FIG 6 - 4 Therapy can be altered, i f necessary, when culture results are
Right parasternal short-axis e c h o c a r d i o g r a m at the aortic-left
available. Culture-negative cases should be continued on
atrial level in a 2-year-old m a l e V i z s l a with c o n g e n i t a l
the broad-spectrum regimen. A n initial combination of a
subaortic stenosis a n d p u l m o n i c stenosis. N o t e the a o r t i c
valve vegetation (arrows) c a u s e d b y e n d o c a r d i t i s . A , A o r t a ; cephalosporin, penicillin, or a synthetic penicillin derivative
LA, left atrium; RA, right a t r i u m ; RVOT, right ventricular (e.g., ampicillin) with an aminoglycoside (gentamicin or
outflow tract. amikacin) or a fluoroquinolone (e.g. enrofloxacin) is com
monly used. This is likely to be effective against the organ
isms most often associated with infective endocarditis.
Clindamycin or metronidazole provides added anaerobic
efficacy. Azithromycin or possibly enrofloxacin or high-dose
doxycycline has been suggested for Bartonella spp.
Antibiotics are administered intravenously (or at least
intramuscularly) for the first week or longer to obtain higher
and more predictable blood concentrations. Oral therapy is
often used thereafter for practical reasons, although paren
teral administration is probably better. Antimicrobial therapy
is continued for at least 6 weeks; 8 weeks of therapy is often
recommended. However, aminoglycosides are discontinued
after 1 week or sooner i f renal toxicity develops. Close m o n
itoring of the urine sediment is indicated to detect early
aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity. For documented or sus
pected B. vinsonii (berkhoffii) infection, repeat serologic or
P C R testing is recommended between 3 and 6 months after
antibiotic therapy.
Supportive care includes management for C H F (see
Chapter 3) and arrhythmias (see Chapter 4) i f present.
FIG 6 - 5
Right parasternal long a x i s , c o l o r f l o w D o p p l e r i m a g e taken
Complications related to the primary source of infection,
during diastole from the s a m e d o g as in Fig 6 - 4 . The embolic events, or immune responses are addressed to the
"flamelike" jet of aortic regurgitation extends from the extent possible. Attention to hydration status, nutritional
closed aortic valve into the left ventricular outflow tract. A, support, and general nursing care is also important. C o r t i
A o r t a ; LV, left ventricle. costeroids are contraindicated. The efficacy of aspirin to
inhibit platelet aggregation and vegetative lesion growth
cardial ischemia. Radiographic findings are unremarkable in and reduce the risk of embolic events is u n k n o w n . Aspirin
some cases; however, in others, evidence of left-sided C H F or oral anticoagulants appear to be of no benefit for this i n
or other organ involvement (e.g., diskospondylitis) is seen. people.
Cardiomegaly is minimal early i n the disease but progresses Long-term prognosis is generally guarded to poor. Echo
over time as a result of valve insufficiency. cardiographic evidence of vegetations and volume overload
suggests a poor prognosis. Aggressive therapy may be suc Kittleson M D , Brown WA: Regurgitant fraction measured by using
cessful if valve dysfunction is not severe and large vegetations the proximal isovelocity surface area method in dogs with chronic
are absent. C H F is the most c o m m o n cause of death, although myxomatous mitral valve disease, / Vet Intern Med 17:84, 2003.
sepsis, systemic embolization, arrhythmias, or renal failure Kvart C et al: Efficacy of enalapril for prevention of congestive heart
failure in dogs with myxomatous valve disease and asymptomatic
may be the proximate cause.
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Lombard CW, Jons O, Bussadori C M : Clinical efficacy of pimoben
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carditis are not preventable. The risk of endocarditis from a tricular valvular disease in dogs, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42:249,
specific (e.g., dental) procedure i n humans is very low c o m 2006.
pared w i t h the cumulative risk associated with n o r m a l daily Mow T, Pedersen H D : Increased endothelin-receptor density in
activities. However, because endocarditis appears to have an myxomatous canine mitral leaflets, / CardiovacPharmacol 34:254,
increased incidence i n patients w i t h certain cardiovascular 1999.
malformations, antimicrobial prophylaxis is recommended Muzzi RAL, deAraujo RB, Muzzi LAL et al: Regurgitant jet area by
before dental or other "dirty" procedures (e.g., involving the Doppler color flow mapping: quantitative assessment of mitral
oral cavity or intestinal or urogenital systems) i n these cases. regurgitation severity in dogs, / Vet Cardiol 5:33, 2003.
Olsen L H , Fredholm M , Pedersen H D : Epidemiology and inheri
Subaortic stenosis is a well-recognized predisposing lesion;
tance of mitral valve prolapse in Dachshunds, / Vet Intern Med
endocarditis has also been associated with ventricular septal
13:448, 1999.
defect, patent ductus arteriosus, and cyanotic congenital
Orton EC et al: Technique and outcome of mitral valve replacement
heart disease. Antimicrobial prophylaxis is recommended for in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 226:1508, 2005.
animals with an implanted pacemaker or other device or Pedersen H D et al: Auscultation in mild mitral regurgitation in
with a history of endocarditis. Prophylaxis should be consid dogs: observer variation, effects of physical maneuvers, and
ered for i m m u n o c o m p r o m i s e d animals as well. Recommen agreement with color Doppler echocardiography and phonocar
dations (extrapolated from human medicine) include the diography, / Vet Intern Med 13:56, 1999.
administration of high-dose ampicillin or amoxicillin 1 hour Pedersen HD, Lorentzen KA, Kristensen BO: Echocardiographic
before and 6 hours after an oral or upper respiratory proce mitral prolapse in Cavalier King Charles spaniels: epidemiology
dure and ampicillin w i t h an aminoglycoside (IV, 30 minutes and prognostic significance for regurgitation, Vet Rec 144:315,
before and 8 hours after) a gastrointestinal or urogenital
Serres F, Chetboul V, Tissier R et al: Chordae tendineae rupture in
procedure. Alternatively, ticarcillin or a first-generation
dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease: prevalence, survival,
cephalosporin intravenously 1 hour before and 6 hours after and prognostic factors (114 cases, 2001-2006), / Vet Intern Med
the procedure has been used. 21:258-264, 2007.
Smith PJ et al: Efficacy and safety of pimobendan in canine heart
Suggested Readings failure caused by myxomatous mitral valve disease, / Small Anim
DEGENERATIVE A V V A L V E DISEASE Pract 46:121, 2005.
Beardow AW, Buchanan JW: Chronic mitral valve disease in Cava Straeter-Knowlen I M et al: ACE inhibitors in heart failure restore
lier King Charles Spaniels: 95 cases (1987-1991), / Am Vet Med canine pulmonary endothelial function and A N G II vasocon
Assoc 203:1023, 1993. striction, Am J Physiol 277:H1924, 1999.
Borgarelli M et al: Comparison of primary mitral valve disease in
German Shepherd Dogs and in small breeds, / Vet Cardiol 6:27, INFECTIVE ENDOCARDITIS
2004. Breitschwerdt EB: Bartonella species as emerging vector-transmit
Buchanan JW: Prevalence of cardiovascular disorders. In Fox PR, ted pathogens, Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 25(Suppl), 12, 2003.
Sisson D, Moise NS, editors: Textbook of canine and feline cardiol Chan KL et al: A randominzed trial of aspirin on the risk of embolic
ogy, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1999, WB Saunders, pp. 457-470. events in patients with infective endocarditis, / Am Coll Cardiol
Buchanan JW, Sammarco CD: Circumferential suture of the mitral 42:775, 2003.
annulus for correction of mitral regurgitation in dogs, Vet Surg DiSalvo G et al: Echocardiography predicts embolic events in infec
27:182, 1998. tive endocarditis, f Am Coll Cardiol 37:1069, 2001.
Corcoran B M et al: Identification of surface morphologic changes Durack DT et al: New criteria for diagnosis of infective endocardi
in the mitral valve leaflets and chordae tendineae of dogs with tis: utilization of specific echocardiographic findings, Am J Med
myxomatous degeneration, Am J Vet Res 65:198, 2004. 96:200, 1994.
Haggstrom J, Kvart C, Hansson K: Heart sounds and murmurs: Elwood C M , Cobb M A , Stepien RL: Clinical and echocardiographic
changes related to severity of chronic valvular disease in the findings in 10 dogs with vegetative bacterial endocarditis, / Small
Cavalier King Charles spaniel, / Vet Intern Med 9:75, 1995. Anim Pract 34:420, 1993.
Haggstrom I et al: Effects of naturally acquired decompensated MacDonald K A et al: A prospective study of canine infective endo
mitral valve regurgitation on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone carditis in Northern California (1999-2001): emergence of Bar
system and atrial natriuretic peptide concentration in dogs, Am tonella as a prevalent etiologic agent, / Vet Intern Med 18:56,
} Vet Res 58:77, 1997. 2004.
Kitagawa H et al: Efficacy of monotherapy with benazepril, an Miller MW, Fox PR, Saunders AB: Pathologic and clinical features
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, in dogs with naturally of infectious endocarditis, / Vet Cardiol 6:35, 2004.
acquired chronic mitral insufficiency, / Vet Med Sci 59:513, Peddle G, Sleeper M M : Canine bacterial endocarditis: a review, /
1997. Am Anim Hosp Assoc 43:258-263, 2007.
Smith BE, Tompkins MB, Breitschwerdt EB: Antinuclear antibodies in dogs: 71 cases (1992-2005), J Am Vet Med Assoc 228:1723,
can be detected in dog sera reactive to Bartonella vinsonii subsp. 2006.
berkhoffii, Ehrlichia canis, or Leishmania infantum antigens, / Tou SP, Adin DB, Castleman WL: Mitral valve endocarditis after
Vet Intern Med 18:47, 2004. dental prophylaxis in a dog, / Vet Intern Med 19:268, 2005.
Sykes JE et al: Evaluation of the relationship between causative Wall M , Calvert C A , Greene CE: Infective endocarditis in dogs,
organisms and clinical characteristics of infective endocarditis Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 24:614, 2002.
C H A P T E R7

Myocardial Diseases
of the Dog


Etiology and Pathophysiology
Radiography D C M is an idiopathic disease characterized by poor myocar
Electrocardiography dial contractility, with or without arrhythmias. A genetic
Echocardiography basis is thought to exist for idiopathic D C M , especially in
Clinicopathologic Findings breeds that have a high prevalence or a familial occurrence
Occult Dilated Cardiomyopathy of the disease. Large and giant breeds are most commonly
Clinically Evident Dilated Cardiomyopathy affected, including Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, Saint
Bernards, Scottish Deerhounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Boxers,
Newfoundlands, Afghan Hounds, and Dalmatians. Some
Cardiomyopathy i n Boxers smaller breeds such as Cocker Spaniels and Bulldogs are also
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy affected. The disease in rarely seen in dogs that weigh less
in NonBoxer Dogs than 12 kg. In at least some Great Danes, D C M appears to
be an X - l i n k e d recessive trait. A n autosomal dominant
Myocardial Toxins inheritance pattern was found in Boxers with ventricular
Metabolic and Nutritional Deficiency arrhythmias (discussed in more detail later in this chapter);
Ischemic Myocardial Disease however, a rapidly fatal familial D C M affecting very young
Tachycardia-Induced Cardiomyopathy Portuguese Water Dogs shows an autosomal recessive inher
itance pattern. Doberman Pinschers appear to have the
Clinical Features highest prevalence of D C M ; although a genetic basis is sus
Diagnosis pected, the inheritance pattern is not clear.
Treatment Various biochemical defects, nutritional deficiencies,
toxins, immunologic mechanisms, and infectious agents
Infective Myocarditis may be involved i n the pathogenesis of D C M in different
Non-Infective Myocarditis cases. Impaired intracellular energy homeostasis and
Traumatic Myocarditis decreased myocardial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concen
trations were found i n myocardial biochemical studies of
affected Doberman Pinschers. D C M as an entity probably
represents the end-stage of different pathologic processes or
Heart muscle disease that leads to contractile dysfunction metabolic defects involving myocardial cells or the intercel
and cardiac chamber enlargement is an important cause of lular matrix rather than a single disease. Idiopathic D C M has
heart failure in dogs. Idiopathic or primary dilated cardio also been associated with prior viral infections in people.
myopathy ( D C M ) is most c o m m o n and mainly affects the However, on the basis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
larger breeds. Secondary and infective myocardial diseases analysis of myocardial samples from a small number of
(see pp. 135 and 137) occur less often. Arrhythmogenic right DCM-affected dogs, viral agents do not seem to be com
ventricular cardiomyopathy ( A R V C ) , also k n o w n as Boxer monly associated with D C M i n this species.
cardiomyopathy, is an important myocardial disease i n Decreased ventricular contractility (systolic dysfunction)
Boxers. A R V C is u n c o m m o n i n other breeds. Hypertrophic is the major functional defect in dogs with D C M . Progressive
cardiomyopathy ( H C M ) is recognized infrequently in dogs cardiac chamber dilation (remodeling) develops as systolic
(see p. 137). p u m p function and cardiac output worsen and compensa-
tory mechanisms become activated. Poor cardiac output can and D o b e r m a n Pinschers there may be no gender predilec
cause weakness, syncope, and ultimately, cardiogenic shock. tion once dogs w i t h occult disease are included. Cardiomy
Increased diastolic stiffness also contributes to the develop opathy i n Boxers is described i n more detail later (see p. 134).
ment of higher end-diastolic pressures, venous congestion, Male D o b e r m a n Pinschers generally show signs at an earlier
and congestive heart failure ( C H F ) . Cardiac enlargement age than females.
and papillary muscle dysfunction often cause poor systolic D C M appears to develop slowly, w i t h a prolonged pre
apposition of mitral and tricuspid leaflets with valve insuf clinical (occult) stage that may evolve over several years
ficiency. Although severe degenerative atrioventricular (AV) before clinical signs become evident. Occult D C M often is
valve disease is not typical i n dogs with D C M , some have recognized through the use of echocardiography. Some
mild to moderate valvular disease, which exacerbates valve giant-breed dogs with mild-to-moderate L V dysfunction are
insufficiency. relatively asymptomatic, even i n the presence of AF.
As cardiac output decreases, sympathetic, hormonal, and Clinical signs o f D C M may appear to develop rapidly,
renal compensatory mechanisms become activated. These especially i n sedentary dogs i n which early signs may not be
mechanisms increase heart rate, peripheral vascular resis noticed. Sudden death before C H F signs develop is relatively
tance, and volume retention (see Chapter 3). C h r o n i c neu c o m m o n . Presenting complaints include any or all o f the
rohormonal activation is thought to contribute to progressive following: weakness, lethargy, tachypnea or dyspnea, exercise
myocardial damage, as well as to C H F . Coronary perfusion intolerance, cough (sometimes described as "gagging"),
can be compromised by poor forward b l o o d flow and anorexia, abdominal distention (ascites), and syncope (see
increased ventricular diastolic pressure; myocardial ischemia Fig. 1-2). Loss of muscle mass (cardiac cachexia), accentu
further impairs myocardial function and predisposes to ated along the dorsal midline, may be severe.
arrhythmia development. Signs of low-output heart failure Physical examination findings vary with the degree o f
and right- or left-sided C H F (see Chapter 3) are c o m m o n cardiac decompensation. Dogs with occult disease may
in dogs with D C M . have a n o r m a l physical exam. Others have a soft m u r m u r of
Atrial fibrillation (AF) often develops i n dogs with D C M . mitral or tricuspid regurgitation or an arrhythmia. Dogs
Atrial contraction contributes importantly to ventricular with advanced disease and poor cardiac output have increased
filling, especially at faster heart rates. The loss o f the "atrial sympathetic tone and peripheral vasoconstriction. A conse
kick" associated with A F reduces cardiac output and can quence is mucous membrane pallor and slowed capillary
cause acute clinical decompensation. Persistent tachycardia refill time. The femoral arterial pulse and precordial impulse
associated with A F probably also accelerates disease progres are often weak and rapid. Uncontrolled A F and frequent
sion. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias also occur frequently and V P C s cause an irregular and usually rapid heart rhythm,
can cause sudden death. In Doberman Pinschers serial Holter w i t h frequent pulse deficits and variable pulse strength (see
recordings have documented the appearance o f ventricular Fig. 4-1). Signs o f left- and/or right-sided C H F include
premature contractions (VPCs) months to more than a year tachypnea, increased breath sounds, pulmonary crackles,
before early echocardiographic abnormalities were noted. jugular venous distention or pulsations, pleural effusion or
Once left ventricular (LV) function begins to deteriorate, ascites, and/or hepatosplenomegaly. Heart sounds may be
the frequency o f tachyarrhythmias increases. Excitement- muffled in association with pleural effusion or poor cardiac
induced bradyarrhythmias have also been associated w i t h contractility. A n audible third heart sound (S gallop) is a

low-output signs i n Doberman Pinschers. classic finding, although it may be obscured by an irregular
Dilation o f all cardiac chambers is typical i n dogs with heart rhythm. Systolic m u r m u r s o f mitral or tricuspid
D C M , although left atrial (LA) and LV enlargement usually regurgitation that are soft to moderate i n intensity are
predominate. The ventricular wall thickness may appear common.
decreased compared with the lumen size. Flattened, atrophic
papillary muscles and endocardial thickening are described. Diagnosis
Concurrent degenerative changes o f the A V valves are gener
ally only m i l d to moderate, i f present at all. Histopathologic RADIOGRAPHY
findings include scattered areas o f myocardial necrosis, The stage o f disease, chest conformation, and hydration
degeneration, and fibrosis, especially in the left ventricle. status influence the radiographic findings. Generalized
Narrowed (attenuated) myocardial cells with a wavy appear cardiomegaly is usually evident, although left heart enlarge
ance may be a c o m m o n finding. Inflammatory cell infil ment may predominate (Fig. 7-1). In D o b e r m a n Pinschers
trates, myocardial hypertrophy, and fatty infiltration (mainly the heart may appear minimally enlarged, except for the left
in Boxers and some Doberman Pinschers) are inconsistent atrium. In other dogs cardiomegaly may be severe and can
features. m i m i c the globoid cardiac silhouette typical o f large pericar
dial effusions. Distended pulmonary veins and pulmonary
Clinical Findings interstitial or alveolar opacities, especially i n the hilar and
The prevalence of D C M increases with age, although most dorsocaudal regions, accompany left heart failure with p u l
dogs presented with C H F are 4 to 10 years old. Males appear monary edema. The distribution o f pulmonary edema infil
to be affected more often than females. However, in Boxers trates may be asymmetric or widespread. Pleural effusion,
caudal vena cava distention, hepatomegaly, and ascites rhythm, although A F is often documented instead, especially
usually accompany right-sided C H F . in Great Danes and other giant breeds (see Fig. 2-11). Other
atrial tachyarrhythmias, paroxysmal or sustained ventricular
ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY tachycardia, fusion complexes, and multiform V P C s are fre
The electrocardiogram ( E C G ) findings i n dogs with D C M quent findings. The Q R S complexes may be tall (consistent
are also variable. Sinus rhythm is usually the underlying with L V dilation), n o r m a l size, or small. Myocardial disease

FIG 7-1
R a d i o g r a p h i c e x a m p l e s of d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a t h y in d o g s . Lateral (A) a n d dorsoventral
(B) v i e w s s h o w i n g g e n e r a l i z e d c a r d i o m e g a l y in a male L a b r a d o r Retriever. N o t e the
c r a n i a l p u l m o n a r y vein is slightly l a r g e r than the a c c o m p a n y i n g artery in (A). Lateral
(C) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (D) v i e w s of D o b e r m a n Pinscher d e p i c t i n g the prominent left atrial
a n d relatively m o d e r a t e ventricular e n l a r g e m e n t s c o m m o n l y found in affected d o g s of
this b r e e d . There is mild p e r i b r o n c h i a l p u l m o n a r y e d e m a a s w e l l .
often causes a widened Q R S complex with a slowed R-wave
descent and slurred ST segment. A bundle-branch block
pattern or other intraventricular conduction disturbance may
be observed. The P waves in dogs with sinus rhythm are fre
quently widened and notched, suggesting L A enlargement.
Twenty-four-hour Holter monitoring is useful for docu
menting frequent ventricular ectopy. This has been used as
a screening tool for cardiomyopathy in Doberman Pinschers
and Boxers (see p. 135). The presence of >50 V P C s / d a y or
any couplets or triplets is thought to predict future overt
D C M in Doberman Pinschers. Nevertheless, some dogs with FIG 7 - 2
M - m o d e e c h o c a r d i o g r a m from a d o g with d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y
<50 VPCs/day on initial evaluation may develop D C M after
o p a t h y at the c h o r d a l (left side of figure) a n d mitral v a l v e
several years. The frequency and complexity of ventricular
(right side of figure) levels. N o t e attenuated w a l l motion
tachyarrhythmias appear to be negatively correlated with (fractional s h o r t e n i n g = 18%) a n d the w i d e mitral v a l v e E
fractional shortening; sustained ventricular tachycardia has p o i n t - s e p t a l s e p a r a t i o n (28 mm).
been associated with increased risk of sudden death. Vari
ability in the number of V P C s between repeated Holter
recordings in the same dog can be high. If available, the
technique of signal averaged electrocardiography can reveal
the presence of ventricular late potentials, which may suggest
an increased risk for sudden death in Doberman Pinschers
with occult D C M .

Echocardiography is used to assess cardiac chamber dimen
sions and myocardial function and differentiate pericardial
effusion or chronic valvular insufficiency from D C M . Dilated
cardiac chambers and poor systolic ventricular wall and
septal motion are characteristic findings in dogs with D C M .
In severe cases only m i n i m a l wall motion is evident. A l l
chambers are usually affected, but right atrial (RA) and right
ventricular (RV) dimensions may appear normal, especially
in Doberman Pinschers and Boxers. L V systolic (as well as
diastolic) dimension is increased compared with normal
ranges for the breed, and the ventricle appears more
spherical. Fractional shortening and ejection fraction are
FIG 7-3
decreased (Fig. 7-2). Other c o m m o n features are a wide
M i l d mitral regurgitation is i n d i c a t e d b y a relatively small
mitral valve E point-septal separation and reduced aortic a r e a of d i s t u r b e d f l o w in this systolic f r a m e from a S t a n d a r d
root motion. LV free-wall and septal thicknesses are normal P o o d l e with d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . N o t e the LA a n d LV
to decreased. The calculated end-systolic volume index (see d i l a t i o n . Right p a r a s t e r n a l l o n g a x i s v i e w , o p t i m i z e d for the
p. 41) is generally over 80 m l / m i n dogs with overt D C M left ventricular i n f l o w tract. LA, Left a t r i u m ; LV, left ventricle.
(<30 m l / m is considered normal). Evidence for abnormal
diastolic as well as systolic function can be found in dogs
with advanced disease. M i l d to moderate A V valve regur CLINICOPATHOLOGIC FINDINGS
gitation is usually seen with Doppler echocardiography Clinicopathologic findings are noncontributory in most
(Fig. 7-3). cases. In others, prerenal azotemia resulting from poor renal
Echocardiography is also used to screen for occult disease. perfusion or mildly increased liver enzyme activities result
There may be no clear abnormalities early in the disease. ing from passive hepatic congestion occur. Severe C H F may
Alternatively, apparently healthy Doberman Pinschers may be associated with hypoproteinemia, hyponatremia, and
have slightly reduced fractional shortening compared with hyperkalemia. Hypothyroidism with associated hypercholes
what is considered normal for other breeds. The following terolemia occurs i n some dogs with D C M . Others have a
echocardiographic criteria appear to indicate high risk for reduced serum thyroid hormone concentration without
overt D C M within 2 to 3 years in asymptomatic Doberman hypothyroidism (sick euthyroid); normal T S H and free T 4

Pinschers: L V I D d >46 m m (in dogs <42 kg) or >50 m m (in concentrations are c o m m o n . Increased circulating neuro
dogs >42 kg), LVIDs >38 m m , or V P C s during initial exam hormones (e.g., norepiniphrine, aldosterone, endothelin,
ination, FS < 25%, and/or mitral valve E point-septal separa natriuretic peptides) occur mainly in D C M dogs with overt
tion >8 m m (LVID, left ventricular internal diameter; d, C H F . Natriuretic peptide elevations i n dogs with occult
diastole; 5, systole). D C M are also reported i n some studies. Significant positive
correlations have been identified between L V dimensions (in
BOX 7-1
both diastole and systole) and atrial natriuretic peptide, as
well as endothelin (O'Sullivan et al., 2007). N e u r o h o r m o n a l Treatment Outline for Dogs w i t h Dilated
changes i n occult D C M were not associated w i t h time to Cardiomyopathy
C H F onset or sudden death i n this study; however, i n dogs
with overt C H F , increases i n N E and endothelin over a Mild to Moderate Signs of Congestive Heart Failure*

m o n t h were inversely associated w i t h survival time. Serum ACEI

cardiac troponin (cTnT or c T n l ) concentrations are elevated Furosemide
i n some dogs w i t h D C M , as well as w i t h other causes of Pimobendan (or digoxin)

myocyte injury. Antiarrhythmic therapy, if necessary

+ / - Initiate spironolactone
Complete exercise restriction until signs abate
Treatment Moderate dietary salt restriction

OCCULT DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY Severe, Acute Signs of Congestive Heart Failure*

Dogs with L V dilation or reduced FS are often treated Supplemental O2
with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), Furosemide (parenteral)
although it is unclear whether this prolongs the preclinical Inotropic support (e.g., IV dobutamine a n d / o r amrinone
phase. Other therapy aimed at modulating early neurohor with minimal fluid volume; initiate oral pimobendan [or
monal responses and ventricular remodeling processes have digoxin] when possible)
theoretical appeal, but their clinical usefulness is not clear. ACEI as soon as possible
Other vasodilator with caution (e.g., IV nitroprusside, oral
Further study of this using certain -blockers (e.g., carve
hydralazine, or amlodipine with topical nitroglycerine)
dilol, metoprolol), spironolactone, pimobendan, and other
Antiarrhythmic therapy, if necessary** (With uncontrolled
agents is ongoing.
AF, catecholamine infusion can further increase AV con
The decision to use antiarrhythmic drug therapy i n dogs duction and ventricular response rate; if dopamine or
w i t h ventricular tachyarrhythmias is influenced by whether dobutamine is necessary, use IV diltiazem or digoxin
they result i n clinical signs (e.g., episodic weakness, syncope) [either by oral route or cautious IV loading])
as well as the arrhythmia frequency and complexity seen on + / - Bronchodilator
Holter recording. Various antiarrhythmic agents have been +/- Butorphanol or morphine
used, but the most effective regimen(s) and when to institute C a g e rest
therapy are still not clear. It w o u l d seem that a regimen that Minimize patient handling
increases ventricular fibrillation threshold and decreases Monitor respiratory rate, heart rate and rhythm, arterial
blood pressure, peripheral perfusion, urine output, renal
arrhythmia frequency and severity is desired. Sotalol, amio
function, serum electrolytes, etc.
darone (both Class III agents), as well as the combination of
mexiletine and atenolol or procainamide w i t h atenolol, may AF and Inadequate Heart Rate Control with Digoxin**
be useful.
Acute: add IV diltiazem
Chronic: a d d oral -blocker at low dose or diltiazem; titrate
Therapy is aimed at improving the animal's quality of life Chronic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Management*

and prolonging survival to the extent possible by controlling ACEI

C H F signs, optimizing cardiac output, and managing Furosemide (lowest effective dosage and frequency)
arrhythmias. Pimobendan (or digoxin), an A C E I , and furo Pimobendan/digoxin
semide are used for most dogs (Box 7-1). Severe heart failure Spironolactone
Antiarrhythmic therapy as indicated
may require additional therapy, including an intravenous
+ / - Other medications (see p. 67)
(IV) inotropic agent. Antiarrhythmic drugs are used o n the
+ / - Carvedilol/metoprolol
basis of individual need. Client education
Dogs with acute C H F are treated as outlined i n Box 3-1, Resting respiratory rate (and heart rate if possible) monitor
with parenteral furosemide, supplemental oxygen, 2% nitro ing at home
glycerin ointment or sodium nitroprusside infusion, inotro Regular but mild exercise
pic support, and cage rest, w i t h or without aminophylline Dietary salt restriction
and morphine or butorphanol. Thoracocentesis is indicated Routine health maintenance (including heartworm testing
if pleural effusion is suspected or identified. and prophylaxis in endemic areas)
Inotropic support can be i n the form of oral pimobendan Proper management of other medical problems

and/or digoxin i f oral administration is not overly stressful

* See text and Chapter 3 for further details.
and the delay i n onset of effects is not critical. M o r e acute * * S e e Chapter 4 , p. 8 1 .
and stronger inotropic support for dogs w i t h very poor con ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; AF, atrial
tractility, persistent hypotension, or fulminant C H F can be fibrillation; AV, atrioventricular.
provided by IV infusion of dobutamine or dopamine for 2 gradual dosage titration to effect or a m a x i m u m recom
(to 3) days. The phosphodiesterase inhibitors amrinone and mended level is advised. Heart rate control i n dogs with A F
milrinone may be helpful for short-term stabilization i n is important. A m a x i m u m ventricular rate o f 140 to 150
some dogs and can be used concurrently with digoxin and a beats/min i n the hospital (i.e., stressful) setting is the recom
catecholamine. Long-term use o f strong positive inotropic mended target; lower heart rates (e.g., ~100 beats/min or
drugs is thought to have detrimental effects on the myocar less) are expected at home. Because accurate counting o f
dium. D u r i n g infusion o f these drugs, the animal must be heart rate by auscultation or chest palpation i n dogs with A F
observed closely for worsening tachycardia or arrhythmias is difficult, an E C G recording is recommended. Femoral
(especially V P C s ) . pulses should not be used to assess heart rate in the presence
If arrhythmias develop, the drug is discontinued or of AF.
infused at up to half the original rate. In dogs with AF, cat Furosemide is used at the lowest effective oral dose and
echolamine infusion is likely to increase the ventricular at consistent time intervals for long-term therapy (see Table
response rate because the drug enhances A V conduction. If 3-3). Hypokalemia and alkalosis are u n c o m m o n sequelae,
dopamine or dobutamine is thought necessary in dogs with unless anorexia or vomiting occurs. Potassium supplements
AF, rapid oral or cautious I V diltiazem can be used to slow may be given i f hypokalemia is documented. However, these
A V conduction. Digoxin, either administered orally or by should be used cautiously i f an A C E I and/or spironolac
cautious I V loading doses, is an alternative. tone (see Table 3-3 and p. 62) are also being administered
Because clinical status may deteriorate rapidly, frequent to prevent hyperkalemia, especially i f renal disease is
patient evaluation is important. Respiratory rate and char present.
acter, lung sounds, pulse quality, heart rate and rhythm, Spironolactone is thought to be useful for chronic therapy
peripheral perfusion, rectal temperature, hydration status, because o f its aldosterone-antagonist, as well as potential
body weight, renal function, mentation, pulse oxymetry, and diuretic, effects. Increased aldosterone production develops
blood pressure should be monitored. Ventricular contractil as a component o f neurohormonal activation in heart failure,
ity is abysmal in many dogs with severe D C M ; because these but ACEIs do not fully suppress this. Aldosterone is k n o w n
patients have little cardiac reserve, diuretic and vasodilator to promote cardiovascular fibrosis and abnormal remodel
therapy may lead to hypotension, and even cardiogenic ing and as such contributes to the progression o f cardiac
shock. disease. Therefore spironolactone is advocated as adjunctive
therapy i n combination w i t h an A C E I , furosemide, and
Long-Term Therapy pimobendan/digoxin for chronic D C M therapy.
Chronic inotropic therapy for dogs with D C M traditionally A n A C E I should be used i n the chronic treatment of
consisted of oral digoxin, but pimobendan now offers several D C M . Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition can atten
advantages over digoxin (see p. 65). Pimobendan (Vetmedin, uate progressive ventricular dilation and secondary mitral
Boehringer Ingelheim) is a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor regurgitation. ACEIs have a positive effect on survival in
that increases contractility through a Ca++-sensitizing effect; both people and dogs with myocardial failure. These drugs
the drug also has vasodilator and other beneficial effects. minimize clinical signs and increase exercise tolerance. Enal
Digoxin, with its neurohormonal modulating and antiar april or benazepril are used most extensively, but other ACEIs
rhythmic effects, may still be useful and can be given with have similar effects.
pimobendan. Digoxin is indicated i n dogs with A F to help The pure arteriolar dilator hydralazine can also improve
slow the ventricular response rate. It can also suppress some cardiac output and exercise tolerance, as well as help reduce
other supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. congestion; however, it can precipitate hypotension and
If digoxin is used, it is generally initiated with oral m a i n reflex tachycardia, and it tends to exacerbate neurohormonal
tenance doses. Toxicity seems to develop at relatively low activation. Hydralazine can be used i n combination with a
dosages in some dogs, especially Doberman Pinschers. A nitrate i n dogs that do not tolerate an A C E I . Hydralazine or
total m a x i m u m daily dose o f 0.5 m g is generally used for amlodipine (see Table 3-3) could also be useful as adjunct
large and giant-breed dogs, except for Doberman Pinschers, therapy for dogs with refractory C H F , although arterial
which are given a total m a x i m u m dose o f 0.25 mg/day to blood pressure should be carefully monitored i n such
0.375 mg/day. Serum digoxin concentration should be mea animals. A n y vasodilator must be used cautiously i n dogs
sured 7 to 10 days after digoxin therapy is initiated or the with a low cardiac reserve because o f the increased potential
dose is changed (see p. 66). Dogs w i t h A F and a ventricular for hypotension. Therapy is initiated at a low dose; i f this
rate exceeding 200 beats/min can be cautiously given digoxin is well-tolerated, the next dose is increased to a low m a i n
IV (see Box 3-1) or twice the oral maintenance dose on the tenance level. The patient should be evaluated for several
first day to more rapidly achieve effective b l o o d concentra hours after each incremental dose, ideally by b l o o d pressure
tions. However, the use of I V or rapid oral diltiazem is prob measurement. Signs o f worsening tachycardia, weakened
ably safer (see p. 81). If oral digoxin alone has not significantly pulses, or lethargy also can indicate the presence of hypoten
reduced the heart rate after 36 to 48 hours, a -blocker or sion. The jugular venous P O can be used to estimate direc

diltiazem may be added (see Table 4-2). Because these agents tional changes i n cardiac output; a venous P O >30 m m H g

can have negative inotropic effects, a low initial dose and is desirable.
A number o f other therapies may be useful in certain ARRHYTHMOGENIC RIGHT
dogs with D C M , although additional studies are needed VENTRICULAR CARDIOMYOPATHY
to define o p t i m a l recommendations. These i n c l u d e
omega-3 fatty acids, L-carnitine (in dogs w i t h low myocar CARDIOMYOPATHY IN BOXERS
dial carnitine concentrations), taurine (in dogs with low Myocardial disease i n Boxers has similar features to those of
plasma concentrations), l o n g - t e r m - b l o c k e r therapy people with A R V C . Histologic changes in the myocardium are
(e.g., carvedilol or metoprolol), and possibly others (see more extensive than those i n dogs of other breeds with car
Chapter 3, p. 69). Several palliative surgical therapies diomyopathy and include atrophy o f myofibers, fibrosis, and
for D C M have been described i n dogs but are not widely fatty infiltration. Focal areas o f myocytolysis, necrosis, hem
used. orrhage, and mononuclear cell infiltration are also common.
Although clinical features vary, the prevalence of ven
Monitoring tricular arrhythmias and syncope is high in Boxers with
M a n y dogs can be maintained fairly well for a variable time myocardial disease. A genetic basis is believed to exist given
w i t h chronic oral therapy. Owner education regarding the that the disease is more prevalent i n some bloodlines. Three
purpose, dosage, and adverse effects o f each drug used is also disease categories have been described. The first consists of
important. M o n i t o r i n g the dog's resting respiratory (and dogs with ventricular tachyarrhythmia but without clinical
heart) rate at home helps assess how well the patient's C H F signs. The second consists o f dogs that have syncope or
is controlled. Periodic reevaluation is important, but the weakness associated with paroxysmal or sustained ventricu
time frame depends on the animal's status. Visits once or lar tachycardia, despite n o r m a l heart size and L V function.
twice a week may be needed initially. Dogs with stable heart The third group comprises Boxers with poor myocardial
failure can be rechecked every 2 or 3 months. Serum electro function and C H F , as well as ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
lyte and creatinine (or B U N ) concentrations, an E C G , p u l Dogs with m i l d echocardiographic changes and those with
monary status, b l o o d pressure, serum digoxin concentration, syncope or weakness may later develop poor L V function
body weight, and other appropriate factors can be evaluated, and C H F . There appears to be geographical variation i n the
and therapy adjusted as needed. prevalence of these clinical presentations; for example,
tachyarrhythmias w i t h n o r m a l L V function are typical in
Prognosis affected U.S. Boxers, whereas L V dysfunction appears to be
The prognosis for dogs w i t h D C M is generally guarded to more c o m m o n i n parts o f Europe.
poor. Historically, most dogs do not survive longer than 3
months after the clinical manifestations o f C H F , although Clinical Findings
approximately 25% to 40% o f affected dogs live longer than Signs may appear at any age, but the mean age is reportedly
6 months i f initial response to therapy is good. The probabil 8.5 years (range <1-15 years). The most consistent clinical
ity o f survival for 2 years is estimated at 7.5% to 28%. finding is a cardiac arrhythmia. W h e n C H F occurs, left-sided
However, the advent o f newer therapies may change this signs are more c o m m o n than ascites or other signs of right-
bleak picture. Pleural effusion and possibly ascites and p u l sided heart failure. M a n y Boxers also develop a mitral insuf
monary edema have been identified as independent indica ficiency murmur.
tors o f poorer prognosis. The radiographic findings are variable; many Boxers have
Sudden death may occur even in the occult stage, before no visible abnormalities. Those with congestive signs gener
heart failure is apparent. Sudden death occurs in about 20% ally show evidence of cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema.
to 40% o f affected D o b e r m a n Pinschers. Although ventricu Echocardiographic findings also vary. M a n y Boxers have
lar tachyarrhythmias are thought to precipitate cardiac arrest normal cardiac size and function; others show chamber dila
most commonly, bradyarrhythmias may be involved i n some tion with reduced fractional shortening.
dogs. The characteristic E C G finding is ventricular ectopy.
Doberman Pinschers with occult D C M often experience V P C s occur singly, i n pairs, i n short runs, or as sustained
deterioration within 6 to 12 months. Dobermans i n overt ventricular tachycardia. Most ectopic ventricular complexes
C H F when initially presented generally do not live long, with appear upright i n leads II and aVF. Some Boxers have m u l
a reported median survival o f less than 7 weeks. The prog tiform V P C s . There usually is an underlying sinus rhythm.
nosis is worse if A F is present in dogs with C H F . Most symp A F is less c o m m o n . Supraventricular tachycardia, conduc
tomatic dogs are between 5 and 10 years o l d at the time tion abnormalities, and evidence o f chamber enlargement
of death. also are sometimes seen on E C G .
In each case, however, it is reasonable to assess the ani Twenty-four-hour Holter monitoring is often used as a
mal's response to initial treatment before pronouncing an screening tool for Boxer A R V C . It also is recommended to
unequivocally dismal prognosis. Early diagnosis may help evaluate the efficacy o f antiarrhythmic drug therapy. Fre
prolong life; further cardiac evaluation is indicated for dogs quent V P C s and/or complex ventricular arrhythmias are
with a history o f reduced exercise tolerance, weakness, or characteristic findings i n affected dogs. However, an absolute
syncope or in those i n which an arrhythmia, murmur, or number of V P C s / 2 4 - h o u r period that might separate normal
gallop sound is detected. from abnormal dogs is not (and may never be) clear. A n
arbitrary cut-off of >50 V P C s / 2 4 - h o u r period is often used tions (see p. 137), inflammation, trauma (see p. 139),
to designate an abnormal frequency. However, there can be ischemia, neoplastic infiltrations, and metabolic abnormali
enormous variability i n the number of V P C s between ties can impair normal contractile function. Hyperthermia,
repeated Holter recordings i n the same dog. Very frequent irradiation, electric shock, and other insults can also damage
V P C s or episodes of ventricular tachycardia are thought to the myocardium. Some substances are known cardiac toxins.
signal an increased risk for syncope and sudden death.
Treatment Doxorubicin
Boxers with signs from tachyarrhythmias, but w i t h normal The antineoplastic drug doxorubicin induces both acute and
heart size and LV function, are treated with antiarrhythmic chronic cardiotoxicity. Histamine, secondary catecholamine
drugs. Some asymptomatic dogs found to have ventricular release, and free-radical production appear to be involved
tachycardia on Holter monitoring are also given an antiar in the pathogenesis of myocardial damage, which leads to
rhythmic drug. The best regimen(s) and when to institute decreased cardiac output, arrhythmias, and degeneration of
therapy are still not clear. Antiarrhythmic drug therapy that myocytes. Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity is directly
is apparently successful in reducing V P C number based on related to the peak serum concentration of the drug; admin
Holter recording may still not prevent sudden death. Sotalol, istering the drug diluted (0.5 mg/ml) over 20 to 40 minutes
mexiletine with atenolol, amiodarone, or procainamide with minimizes the risk of developing cardiotoxicity. Progressive
atenolol have been advocated (see Chapter 4) because they myocardial damage and fibrosis have developed i n associa
might reduce the risk for sudden death from ventricular tion with cumulative doses of >160 m g / m and sometimes
fibrillation, but further study is needed. Some dogs require as low as 100 m g / m . In dogs that have normal pretreatment
treatment for persistent supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. cardiac function, clinical cardiotoxicity is u n c o m m o n until
Therapy for C H F is similar to that described for dogs with the cumulative dose exceeds 240 m g / m . It is difficult to
idiopathic D C M . Myocardial carnitine deficiency has been predict whether and when clinical cardiotoxicity w i l l occur.
documented in some Boxers with D C M and heart failure. Increases i n circulating cardiac troponin concentrations can
Some of these dogs have responded to oral L-carnitine sup be seen, but more work is needed to clarify the utility of this
plementation. Digoxin is used sparingly, i f at all, when ven i n monitoring dogs for doxorubicin-induced myocardial
tricular tachyarrhythmias are frequent. injury.
Cardiac conduction defects (infranodal A V block and
Prognosis bundle branch block) as well as ventricular and supraven
The prognosis for affected Boxers is guarded. Survival is tricular tachyarrhythmias can develop i n affected dogs. E C G
often <6 months i n those with C H F . Asymptomatic dogs changes do not necessarily precede clinical heart failure.
may have a more optimistic future, but the likelihood of Dogs with underlying cardiac abnormalities and those of
developing serious arrhythmias is high. Sudden death is breeds with a higher prevalence of idiopathic D C M are
common, presumably from V P C s leading to ventricular thought to be at greater risk for doxorubicin-induced car
fibrillation. The ventricular tachyarrhythmias may be refrac diotoxicity. Recently, carvedilol has been shown to minimize
tory to drug therapy. Furthermore, even i f most arrhythmias or prevent the development of doxorubicin-induced cardio
are suppressed, an increased survival is not assured. toxicity i n humans; we have had similar anecdotal experi
ences i n dogs. Clinical features of this cardiomyopathy are
ARRHYTHMOGENIC RIGHT similar to those of idiopathic D C M .
A form of cardiomyopathy that mainly affects the right ven Ethyl alcohol, especially i f given intravenously for the treat
tricle has been observed rarely i n dogs. It appears similar to ment of ethylene glycol intoxication, can cause severe myo
A R V C described i n people and cats (see p. 154). Pathologic cardial depression and death; slow administration of a
changes are characterized by widespread fibrous and fatty diluted (20% or less) solution is advised. Other cardiac
tissue replacement i n the R V myocardium. In certain geo toxins include plant toxins (e.g., Taxus, foxglove, black locust,
graphical areas, trypanosomiasis is a possible differential buttercups, lily-of-the-valley, gossypol), cocaine, anesthetic
diagnosis. Clinical manifestations are largely related to right- drugs, cobalt, catecholamines, and ionophores such as
sided C H F and severe ventricular tachyarrhythmias. M a r k e d monensin.
right heart dilation is typical. Sudden death is a c o m m o n
outcome i n people with A R V C . METABOLIC AND
SECONDARY MYOCARDIAL DISEASE L-carnitine is an essential component of the mitochondrial
membrane transport system for fatty acids, which are the
Poor myocardial function may result from a variety o f iden hearts most important energy source. It also transports
tifiable insults and nutritional deficiencies. Myocardial infec potentially toxic metabolites out of the mitochondria i n the
form of carnitine esters. L-carnitine-linked defects i n myo ming from brain or spinal cord injury results in myocardial
cardial metabolism have been found i n some dogs with hemorrhage, necrosis, and arrhythmias (brain-heart syn
D C M . Rather than simple L-carnitine deficiency, one or drome). Muscular dystrophy of the fasciohumoral type
more underlying genetic or acquired metabolic defects are (reported i n English Springer Spaniels) may result in atrial
suspected. There may be an association between D C M and standstill and heart failure. Canine X-linked (Duchenne's)
carnitine deficiency in some families of Boxers, Doberman muscular dystrophy i n Golden Retrievers and other breeds
Pinschers, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds, Newfoundlands, also has been associated with myocardial fibrosis and miner
and Cocker Spaniels. L-carnitine is mainly present i n foods alization. Rarely, nonneoplastic (e.g., glycogen storage disease)
of animal origin. D C M has developed i n some dogs fed strict and neoplastic (metastatic and primary) infiltrates interfere
vegetarian diets. with normal myocardial function. Immunologic mechanisms
Plasma carnitine concentration is not a sensitive indicator may also play an important role in the pathogenesis of myo
of myocardial carnitine deficiency. M o s t dogs with myocar cardial dysfunction i n some dogs with myocarditis.
dial carnitine deficiency, diagnosed via endomyocardial
biopsy, have had normal or high plasma carnitine concentra ISCHEMIC MYOCARDIAL DISEASE
tions. Furthermore, the response to oral carnitine supple Acute myocardial infarction resulting from coronary embo
mentation is inconsistent. Subjective improvement may lization is u n c o m m o n . A n underlying disease associated with
occur, but few dogs have echocardiographic evidence of increased risk for thromboembolism, such as bacterial endo
improved function. Dogs that do respond show clinical carditis, neoplasia, severe renal disease, immune-mediated
improvement within the first m o n t h of supplementation; hemolytic anemia, acute pancreatitis, disseminated intravas
there may be some degree of improvement i n echo param cular coagulopathy, and/or corticosteroid use, underlies most
eters after 2 to 3 months. L-carnitine supplementation does cases. Sporadic reports o f myocardial infarction are associ
not suppress preexisting arrhythmias or prevent sudden ated with congenital ventricular outflow obstruction, patent
death. See p. 69 for supplementation guidelines. ductus arteriosus, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and mitral
insufficiency. Atherosclerosis of the major coronary arteries,
Taurine which can accompany severe hypothyroidism in dogs, rarely
Although most dogs with D C M are not taurine deficient, low leads to acute myocardial infarction. Clinical signs of acute
plasma taurine concentration is found i n some. L o w taurine, major coronary artery obstruction are likely to include
and sometimes carnitine, concentrations occur in Cocker arrhythmias, pulmonary edema, marked ST segment change
Spaniels with D C M . O r a l supplementation of these amino on E C G , and evidence o f regional or global myocardial con
acids can improve L V size and function as well as reduce the tractile dysfunction o n echocardiogram. H i g h circulating
need for heart failure medications i n this breed. L o w plasma cardiac troponin concentrations and possibly creatine kinase
taurine concentrations have also been found i n some Golden activity occur after myocardial injury and necrosis.
Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Saint Bernards, Dalmatians, Disease of small coronary vessels is recognized as well.
and other dogs with D C M . A normally adequate taurine Non-atherosclerotic narrowing of small coronary arteries
content is found in the diets of some such cases, although could be more clinically important than previously assumed.
others have been fed low-protein or vegetarian diets. The Hyalinization of small coronary vessels and intramural myo
role o f taurine supplementation is unclear. Although taurine- cardial infarctions have been described i n dogs with chronic
deficient dogs may show some echocardiographic improve degenerative A V valve disease, but they can occur in older
ment after supplementation, there is questionable effect o n dogs without valve disease as well. Fibromuscular arterio
survival time. Nevertheless, measurement of plasma taurine sclerosis of small coronary vessels is also described. These
or a trial of supplemental taurine for at least 4 months may changes in the walls of the small coronary arteries cause
be useful, especially in an atypical breed affected with D C M . luminal narrowing and can impair resting coronary blood
(See p. 69 for supplementation guidelines.) Plasma taurine flow as well as vasodilatory responses. Small myocardial
concentrations <25 (to 40) n m o l / m l and b l o o d taurine con infarctions and secondary fibrosis lead to reduced myocar
centrations <200 (or 150) n m o l / m l are generally considered dial function. Various arrhythmias can occur. Eventual C H F
deficient. Specific collection and submission guidelines is a cause of death in many cases with intramural coronary
should be obtained from the laboratory used. arteriosclerosis. Sudden death is a less c o m m o n sequela.
Larger breeds of dog may be predisposed, although Cocker
Other Factors Spaniels and Cavalier K i n g Charles Spaniels appear to be
Myocardial injury induced by free radicals may play a role i n commonly affected smaller breeds.
a number of diseases. Evidence for increased oxidative stress
has been found i n dogs with C H F and myocardial failure, but TACHYCARDIA-INDUCED
the clinical ramifications of this are unclear. Diseases such as CARDIOMYOPATHY
hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma, and diabetes mellitus The term tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy (TICM) refers
have been associated with reduced myocardial function, but to the progressive myocardial dysfunction, activation of neu
clinical heart failure is unusual i n dogs secondary to these rohormonal compensatory mechanisms, and C H F that result
conditions alone. Excessive sympathetic stimulation stem from rapid, incessant tachycardias. The myocardial failure
may be reversible if the heart rate can be normalized in time. dynamic outflow obstruction causes. Partial systolic aortic
T I C M has been described i n several dogs with A V nodal valve closure may be seen as well. Other causes of LV hyper
reciprocating tachycardias associated with accessory conduc trophy include congenital subaortic stenosis, hypertensive
tion pathways that bypass the A V node (e.g., Wolff- renal disease, thyrotoxicosis, and pheochromocytoma. T h o
Parkinson-White; see p. 27). Rapid artificial pacing (e.g., racic radiographs may indicate L A and L V enlargement, with
>200 beats/min) is a c o m m o n model for inducing experi or without pulmonary congestion or edema. Some cases
mental myocardial failure that simulates D C M . appear radiographically normal. E C G findings may include
ventricular tachyarrhythmias and conduction abnormalities,
such as complete heart block, first-degree A V block, and
HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY fascicular blocks. Criteria for L V enlargement are variably
In contrast to cats, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( H C M )
is quite uncommon in dogs. A genetic basis is suspected, Treatment
although the cause is unknown. It is possible that several The general goals of H C M treatment are to enhance myo
disease processes lead to similar ventricular changes. The cardial relaxation and ventricular filling, control pulmonary
pathophysiology is similar to that of H C M i n cats (see Chapter edema, and suppress arrhythmias. A -blocker (see p. 89) or
8). Abnormal, excessive myocardial hypertrophy increases Ca++-channel blocker (see p. 91) may lower heart rate,
ventricular stiffness and leads to diastolic dysfunction. The I V prolong ventricular filling time, reduce ventricular contrac
hypertrophy is usually symmetric, but regional variation i n tility, and m i n i m i z e myocardial oxygen requirement, -
wall or septal thickness can occur. Compromised coronary blockers can also reduce dynamic L V outflow obstruction
perfusion is likely with severe ventricular hypertrophy. This and may suppress arrhythmias induced by heightened sym
leads to myocardial ischemia, which exacerbates arrhythmias, pathetic activity, whereas Ca++-blockers may facilitate myo
delays ventricular relaxation, and further impairs filling. H i g h cardial relaxation. Diltiazem has a lesser inotropic effect and
LV filling pressure predisposes to pulmonary venous conges w o u l d be less useful against dynamic outflow obstruction,
tion and edema. Besides diastolic dysfunction, systolic dynamic especially i n view of its vasodilating effect. Because - and
LV outflow obstruction occurs i n some dogs. Malposition of Ca++-channel blockers can worsen A V conduction abnor
the mitral apparatus may contribute to systolic anterior mitral malities, they may be relatively contraindicated i n certain
valve motion and LV outflow obstruction as well as to mitral animals. A diuretic and A C E I are indicated i f congestive signs
regurgitation. In some dogs asymmetric septal hypertrophy are present. Digoxin should not be used because it may
also contributes to outflow obstruction. L V outflow obstruc increase myocardial oxygen requirements, worsen outflow
tion increases ventricular wall stress and myocardial oxygen obstruction, and predispose to the development of ventricu
requirement while also impairing coronary blood flow. Heart lar arrhythmias. Exercise restriction is advised in dogs with
rate elevations magnify these abnormalities. HCM.

Clinical Features
H C M is most commonly diagnosed i n young to middle-age MYOCARDITIS
large-breed dogs, although there is a wide age distribution.
Various breeds are affected. There may be a higher preva A wide variety of agents can affect the myocardium, although
lence of H C M i n males. Clinical signs of C H F , episodic weak disease manifestations i n other organ systems may over
ness, and/or syncope occur in some dogs. Sudden death is shadow the cardiac involvement. The heart can be injured
the only sign in some cases. Ventricular arrhythmias second by direct invasion of the infective agent, by toxins it elabo
ary to myocardial ischemia are presumed to cause the low- rates, or by the host's i m m u n e response. Non-infective causes
output signs and sudden death. A systolic murmur, related of myocarditis include cardiotoxic drugs and drug hypersen
to either LV outflow obstruction or mitral insufficiency, may sitivity reactions. Myocarditis can cause persistent cardiac
be heard on auscultation. The systolic ejection m u r m u r of arrhythmias and progressively impair myocardial function.
ventricular outflow obstruction becomes louder when ven
tricular contractility is increased (e.g., with exercise or excite INFECTIVE MYOCARDITIS
ment) or when afterload is reduced (e.g., from vasodilator
use). A n S gallop sound is heard i n some affected dogs.
Etiology and Pathophysiology

Viral Myocarditis
Diagnosis Lymphocytic myocarditis has been associated with acute
Echocardiography is the best diagnostic tool for H C M . A n viral infections in experimental animals and in people.
abnormally thick left ventricle, with or without narrowing Cardiotropic viruses can play an important role in the patho
of the L V outflow tract area or asymmetrical septal hyper genesis of myocarditis and subsequent cardiomyopathy i n
trophy, and L A enlargement are characteristic findings. several species, but this is not recognized c o m m o n l y in dogs.
Mitral regurgitation may be evident on Doppler studies. Sys The host animal's i m m u n e responses to viral and nonviral
tolic anterior motion of the mitral valve may result from antigens contribute to myocardial inflammation and damage.
A syndrome of parvoviral myocarditis was well-known diagnosis. Treatment w i t h an appropriate antibiotic should
in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It is characterized by a be instituted pending diagnostic test results. Cardiac drugs
peracute necrotizing myocarditis and sudden death (with or are used as needed. Resolution of A V conduction block
without signs of acute respiratory distress) in apparently may not occur i n dogs despite appropriate antimicrobial
healthy puppies about 4 to 8 weeks old. Cardiac dilation therapy.
with pale streaks i n the myocardium, gross evidence of con
gestive failure, large basophilic or amorphophilic intranu Protozoal Myocarditis
clear inclusion bodies, myocyte degeneration, and focal Trypanosoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii, Neosporum caninum,
mononuclear cell infiltrates are typical necropsy findings. Babesia canis, and Hepatozoon canis are known to affect
This syndrome is u n c o m m o n now, probably as a result of the myocardium. Trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) has
maternal antibody production i n response to virus exposure occurred mainly i n young dogs i n Texas, Louisiana, Okla
and vaccination. Parvovirus may cause a form o f D C M i n homa, Virginia, and other southern states i n the United
young dogs that survive neonatal infection; viral genetic States. The possibility for human infection should be recog
material has been identified i n some canine ventricular myo nized; this is an important cause of human myocarditis and
cardial samples i n the absence of classic intranuclear inclu subsequent cardiomyopathy in Central and South America.
sion bodies. The organism is transmitted by bloodsucking insects of the
Canine distemper virus may cause myocarditis i n young family Reduviidae and is enzootic i n wild animals of the
puppies, but multisystemic signs usually predominate. H i s region. Amastigotes of T. cruzi cause myocarditis with a
tologic changes i n the myocardium are m i l d compared with mononuclear cell infiltrate and disruption and necrosis of
those i n the classic form of parvovirus myocarditis. Experi myocardial fibers. Acute, latent, and chronic phases of
mental herpesvirus infection of pups during gestation also Chagas' myocarditis have been described. Lethargy, depres
causes necrotizing myocarditis w i t h intranuclear inclusion sion, and other systemic signs, as well as various tachyar
bodies leading to fetal or perinatal death. rhythmias, A V conduction defects, and sudden death, are
seen i n dogs w i t h acute trypanosomiasis. Clinical signs are
Bacterial Myocarditis sometimes subtle. The disease is diagnosed in the acute stage
Bacteremia and bacterial endocarditis or pericarditis can by finding trypomastigotes in thick peripheral blood smears;
cause focal or multifocal suppurative myocardial inflamma the organism can be isolated i n cell culture or by inoculation
tion or abscess formation. Localized infections elsewhere i n into mice. Animals that survive the acute phase enter a latent
the body may be the source o f the organisms. Clinical signs phase of variable duration. D u r i n g this phase the parasit
include malaise; weight loss; and, inconsistently, fever. emia is resolved, and antibodies develop against the organ
Arrhythmias and cardiac conduction abnormalities are ism as well as cardiac antigens. Chronic Chagas' disease
c o m m o n , but murmurs are rare unless concurrent valvular is characterized by progressive right-sided or generalized
endocarditis or another underlying cardiac defect is present. cardiomegaly and various arrhythmias. Ventricular tach
Serial bacterial (or fungal) blood cultures, serology, or P C R yarrhythmias are most common, but supraventricular
may allow identification of the organism. Bartonella vinsonii tachyarrhythmias may occur. Right bundle branch block and
subspecies have been associated w i t h cardiac arrhythmias, A V conduction disturbances are also reported. Ventricular
myocarditis, endocarditis, and sudden death. dilation and reduced myocardial function are usually evident
echocardiographically. Clinical signs of biventricular failure
Lyme Carditis are c o m m o n . Antemortem diagnosis i n chronic cases may be
Lyme disease is more prevalent i n certain geographic areas, possible through serologic testing. Therapy in the acute stage
especially the northeastern, western coastal, and north is aimed at eliminating the organism and minimizing myo
central United States, as well as i n Japan and Europe, among cardial inflammation; several treatments have been tried
other areas. The spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi (or related with variable success. The therapy for chronic Chagas' disease
species) is transmitted to dogs by ticks (especially Ixodes is aimed at supporting myocardial function, controlling con
genus) and possibly other biting insects. Third-degree (com gestive signs, and suppressing arrhythmias.
plete) and high-grade second-degree A V block have been Toxoplasmosis and neosporiosis can cause clinical myo
identified i n dogs w i t h Lyme disease. Syncope, C H F , reduced carditis i n conjunction with generalized systemic infection,
myocardial contractility, and ventricular arrhythmias also especially i n the immunocompromised animal. The organ
are reported i n affected dogs. Pathologic findings of Lyme ism becomes encysted i n the heart and various other body
myocarditis include infiltrates of plasma cells, macrophages, tissues after the initial infection. W i t h rupture of these cysts,
neutrophils, and lymphocytes, with areas of myocardial expelled bradyzoites induce hypersensitivity reactions and
necrosis. These are similar to findings i n human Lyme car tissue necrosis. Other systemic signs often overshadow signs
ditis. A presumptive diagnosis is made on the basis of the of myocarditis. Immunosuppressed dogs with chronic toxo
finding of positive (or increasing) serum titers or a positive plasmosis (or neosporiosis) may be prone to active disease,
S N A P test and concurrent signs of myocarditis, with or including clinically relevant myocarditis, pneumonia, cho
without other systemic signs. The findings from endomyo rioretinitis, and encephalitis. Antiprotozoal therapy may be
cardial biopsy, i f available, may be helpful i n confirming the successful.
Babesiosis can be associated with cardiac lesions i n dogs, not proven to be clinically beneficial i n dogs with myocardi
including myocardial hemorrhage, inflammation, and necro tis, and considering the possible infective cause, they are not
sis. Pericardial effusion and variable E C G changes are also recommended as nonspecific therapy. Exceptions w o u l d
noted i n some cases. A correlation between plasma cardiac be confirmed immune-mediated disease, drug-related or
troponin I (cTnl) concentration and clinical severity, sur eosinophilic myocarditis, or confirmed nonresolving
vival, and cardiac histopathologic findings was shown i n myocarditis.
dogs with babesiosis.
H. canis may involve the myocardium during part of its NON-INFECTIVE MYOCARDITIS
life cycle; this was found i n dogs along the Texas coast. Infec Myocardial inflammation can result from the effects of
tion occurs as a result of ingesting the organism's definitive drugs, toxins, or i m m u n o l o g i c responses. A l t h o u g h there is
host, the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Clinical little clinical documentation for many of these i n dogs,
signs include stiffness, anorexia, fever, neutrophilia, and a large number of potential causes have been identified i n
periosteal new bone reaction. people. Besides the well-known toxic effects of doxorubicin
and catecholamines, other potential causes of non-infective
Other Causes myocarditis include heavy metals (e.g., arsenic, lead, mercury),
Rarely, fungi (Aspergillus, Cryptococcus, Coccidioides, Histo antineoplastic drugs (cyclophosphamide, 5-fluorouracil,
plasma, Paecilomyces), rickettsiae (Rickettsia rickettsii, interleukin-2, alpha-interferon), other drugs (e.g., thyroid
Ehrlichia canis, Bartonella elizabethae), algaelike organisms hormone, cocaine, amphetamines, lithium), and toxins (wasp
(Prototheca sp.), and nematode larval migration (Toxocara or scorpion stings, snake venom, spider bites). Immune-
sp.) cause myocarditis. Affected animals are usually immu mediated diseases and p h e o c h r o m o c y t o m a can cause
nosuppressed and have systemic signs of disease. Rocky myocarditis as well. Hypersensitivity reactions to many anti-
Mountain spotted fever (R. rickettsii) occasionally causes infective agents and other drugs have also been identified as
fatal ventricular arrhythmias, along with necrotizing vas causes of myocarditis i n people. Drug-related myocarditis is
culitis, myocardial thrombosis, and ischemia. Angiostrongy usually characterized by eosinophilic as well as lymphocytic
lus vasorum infection i n association with immune-mediated infiltrates.
thrombocytopenia has rarely caused myocarditis, thrombos
ing arteritis, and sudden death. TRAUMATIC MYOCARDITIS
Nonpenetrating or blunt trauma to the chest and heart is
Clinical Findings and Diagnosis more c o m m o n than penetrating wounds. Cardiac arrhyth
Unexplained onset of arrhythmias or heart failure after a mias are frequently observed after such trauma, especially i n
recent episode of infective disease or drug exposure is the dogs. Cardiac damage can result from impact against the
classic clinical presentation of acute myocarditis. However, chest wall, compression, or acceleration-deceleration forces.
definitive diagnosis is difficult because clinical and clinico Other possible mechanisms of myocardial injury and
pathologic findings are usually nonspecific and inconsistent. arrhythmogenesis include an autonomic imbalance, isch
A database including complete blood count, serum bio emia, reperfusion injury, and electrolyte and acid-base dis
chemical profile with creatine kinase activity, cardiac tropo turbances. Thoracic radiographs, serum biochemistries,
nin concentration, thoracic and abdominal radiographs, and circulating cardiac troponin concentrations, E C G , and echo
urinalysis are usually obtained. E C G changes could include cardiography are recommended i n the assessment of these
an ST segment shift, T-wave or Q R S voltage changes, A V cases. Echocardiography can define preexisting heart disease,
conduction abnormalities, and various arrhythmias. Echo global myocardial function, and unexpected cardiovascular
cardiographic signs of poor regional or global wall m o t i o n , findings, but it may not identify small areas of myocardial
altered myocardial echogenicity, or pericardial effusion may injury.
be evident. In dogs with persistent fever, serial bacterial (or Arrhythmias usually appear within 24 to 48 hours after
fungal) blood cultures may be useful. Serologic screening for trauma, although they can be missed on intermittent E C G
known infective causes may or may not be helpful. Histo recordings. V P C s , ventricular tachycardia, and accelerated
logic criteria for a diagnosis of myocarditis include inflam idioventricular rhythms (with rates of 60 to 100 beats/min
matory infiltrates with myocyte degeneration and necrosis. or slightly faster) are more c o m m o n than supraventricular
Endomyocardial biopsy specimens are currently the only tachyarrhythmias or bradyarrhythmias i n these patients.
means of obtaining a definitive antemortem diagnosis, but Accelerated idioventricular rhythms usually are manifested
if the lesions are focal, the findings may not be diagnostic. only when the sinus rate slows or pauses; they are benign i n
most dogs with normal underlying heart function and disap
Treatment pear with time (generally within a week or so). Antiarrhyth
Unless a specific etiology can be identified and treated, mic therapy for accelerated idioventricular rhythm i n this
therapy for suspected myocarditis is largely supportive. Strict setting is usually unnecessary. The patient as well as the E C G
rest, antiarrhythmic drugs (see Chapter 4), therapy to support should be monitored closely. M o r e serious arrhythmias
myocardial function and manage C H F signs (see Chapter 3), (e.g., faster rate) or hemodynamic deterioration may require
and other support are used as needed. Corticosteroids are antiarrhythmic therapy (see Chapter 4).
Traumatic avulsion of A V valve papillary muscles, septal Mauldin GE, Fox PR, Patnaik AK: Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxi-
perforation, and rupture of the heart or pericardium have cosis: clinical features in 23 dogs, / Vet Intern Med 6:82, 1992.
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causes acute volume overload w i t h acute onset of C H F . Signs paraffin-embedded myocardium from dogs with dilated cardio
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Meurs K M et al: Comparison of the effects of four antiarrhythmic
Suggested Readings treatments for familial ventricular arrhythmias in Boxers, / Am
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mercially available complete and balanced diets, / Am Vet Med cardiomyopathy in Great Danes and results of a pedigree analy
Assoc 223:1130, 2003. sis: 17 cases (1990-2000), J Am Vet Med Assoc 218:729, 2001.
Baumwart RD et al: Clinical, echocardiographic, and electrocardio McEntee K et al: Usefulness of dobutamine stress tests for detection
graphic abnormalities in Boxers with cardiomyopathy and left of cardiac abnormalities in dogs with experimentally induced
ventricular systolic dysfunction: 48 cases (1985-2003), J Am Vet early left ventricular dysfunction, Am J Vet Res 62:448, 2001.
Med Assoc 226:1102, 2005. Minors SL, O'Grady MR: Resting and dobutamine stress echocar
Baumwart RD, Orvalho J, Meurs K M : Evaluation of serum cardiac diographic factors associated with the development of occult
troponin I concentration in boxers with arrhythmogenic right dilated cardiomyopathy in healthy Doberman Pinscher dogs,
ventricular cardiomyopathy, Am } Vet Res 68:524, 2007. / Vet Intern Med 12:369, 1998.
Borgarelli M et al: Prognostic indicators for dogs with dilated car O'Sullivan M L , O'Grady MR, Minors SL: Plasma big endothelin-1,
diomyopathy, / Vet Intern Med 20:104, 2006. atrial natriuretic peptide, aldosterone, and norepinephrine con
Calvert C A et al: Results of ambulatory electrocardiography in centrations in normal Doberman Pinschers and Doberman Pin
overtly healthy Doberman Pinschers with echocardiographic schers with dilated cardiomyopathy, / Vet Intern Med 21:92-99,
abnormalities, / Am Vet Med Assoc 217:1328, 2000. 2007.
Calvert CA, Jacobs GJ, Pickus CW: Bradycardia-associated episodic O'Sullivan M L , O'Grady MR, Minors SL: Assessment of diastolic
weakness, syncope, and aborted sudden death in cardiomyop- function by Doppler echocardiography in normal Doberman
athic Doberman Pinschers, / Vet Intern Med 10:88, 1996. Pinschers and Doberman Pinschers with dilated cardiomyopa
Calvert C A et al: Clinical and pathological findings in Doberman thy, J Vet Intern Med 21:81, 2007.
Pinschers with occult cardiomyopathy that died suddenly or Oyama M A , Sisson DD, Prosek R et al: Carvedilol in dogs
developed congestive heart failure: 54 cases (1984-1991), J Am with dilated cardiomyopathy, / Vet Intern Med 21:1272-1279,
Vet Med Assoc 210:505, 1997. 2007.
Calvert C A et al: Signalment, survival, and prognostic factors in Sisson DD, Thomas WP, Keene BW: Primary myocardial diseases
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C H A P T E R 8

Myocardial Diseases
of the Cat


Radiography The cause of primary or idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomy
Electrocardiography opathy ( H C M ) in cats is unknown, but a heritable abnor
Echocardiography mality is likely in many cases. Disease prevalence appears to
Subclinical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy be high i n several breeds, such as the Maine C o o n , Persian,
Clinically Evident Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Ragdoll, and American Shorthair. There are also reports of
Diuretic Therapy H C M in litter mates and other closely related domestic
Other Therapy for Acute Congestive Heart Failure shorthair cats. A n autosomal dominant inheritance pattern
Chronic Refractory Congestive Heart Failure has been found in some breeds. In human familial H C M ,
S E C O N D A R Y HYPERTROPHIC M Y O C A R D I A L many different gene mutations are known to exist. Although
DISEASE several c o m m o n human gene mutations have not yet simi
RESTRICTIVE C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y larly been found in feline H C M , others may be i n the future.
DILATED C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y Reduced myomesin (a sarcomeric protein) occurs in some
OTHER M Y O C A R D I A L DISEASES affected Maine C o o n cats. The same researchers (Meurs
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy et al. 2005) also found a mutation in cardiac myosin-binding
Corticosteroid-Associated Heart Failure protein C in this breed. Another mutation has been
Myocarditis identified i n Ragdoll cats; testing for these mutations is cur
rently available (contact
In addition to mutations of genes that encode for myo
cardial contractile or regulatory proteins, possible causes of
the disease include an increased myocardial sensitivity to
or excessive production of catecholamines; an abnormal
hypertrophic response to myocardial ischemia, fibrosis, or
Myocardial disease i n cats encompasses a diverse collection trophic factors; a primary collagen abnormality; and abnor
of idiopathic and secondary processes affecting the myocar malities of the myocardial calcium-handling process. M y o
dium. The spectrum o f anatomic and pathophysiologic cardial hypertrophy with foci of mineralization occurs in
features is wide. Disease characterized by myocardial hyper cats with hypertrophic feline muscular dystrophy, an X -
trophy is most c o m m o n , although features of multiple linked recessive dystrophin deficiency similar to Duchenne
pathophysiologic categories co-exist i n some cats. Restrictive muscular dystrophy in people; however, congestive heart
pathophysiology develops often. Classic dilated cardiomy failure ( C H F ) is u n c o m m o n i n these cats. Some cats with
opathy is now u n c o m m o n i n cats; its features are similar to H C M have high serum growth hormone concentrations. It
those of dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs (see Chapter 7). is not clear whether viral myocarditis has a role in the patho
Myocardial disease i n some cats does not fit neatly into the genesis of feline cardiomyopathy. One study of myocardial
categories of hypertrophic, dilated, or restrictive cardiomy samples from cats with H C M evaluated by polymerase chain
opathy and therefore is considered indeterminate or unclas reaction ( P C R ) showed evidence of panleukopenia virus
sified cardiomyopathy. Arterial thromboembolism is a major D N A in approximately one third of the cats with myocardi
complication i n cats w i t h myocardial disease. tis but in none of the healthy control cats (Meurs, 2000).
Pathophysiology narrowing o f intramural coronary arteries, increased L V
Thickening of the left ventricular (LV) wall and/or interven filling pressure, decreased coronary artery perfusion pres
tricular septum is characteristic, but the extent and distribu sure, and insufficient myocardial capillary density for the
tion of hypertrophy i n cats with H C M are variable. M a n y degree of hypertrophy. Tachycardia contributes to ischemia
cats have symmetric hypertrophy, but some have asymmetric by increasing myocardial O requirements while reducing

septal thickening, and a few have hypertrophy limited to diastolic coronary perfusion time. Ischemia impairs early,
the free wall or papillary muscles. The L V lumen usually active ventricular relaxation, w h i c h further increases ven
appears small. Focal or diffuse areas of fibrosis occur w i t h i n tricular filling pressure, and over time leads to myocardial
the endocardium, conduction system, or myocardium; nar fibrosis. Ischemia can provoke arrhythmias and possibly
rowing of small intramural coronary arteries may also be thoracic pain.
noted. Areas of myocardial infarction as well as myocardial Atrial fibrillation (AF) and other tachyarrhythmias fur
fiber disarray may be present. ther impair diastolic filling and exacerbate venous conges
Myocardial hypertrophy and the accompanying changes tion; the loss of the atrial "kick" and the rapid heart rate
increase ventricular wall stiffness. Additionally, early active associated w i t h A F are especially detrimental. Ventricular
myocardial relaxation may be slow and incomplete, espe tachycardia or other arrhythmias may lead to syncope or
cially in the presence of myocardial ischemia. This further sudden death.
reduces ventricular distensibility and promotes diastolic dys Pulmonary venous congestion and edema result from
function. This ventricular stiffness impairs L V filling and increasing L A pressure. Increased pulmonary venous and
increases diastolic pressure. L V volume remains n o r m a l or capillary pressures are thought to cause pulmonary vasocon
decreased. Reduced ventricular volume results i n a lower striction; increased pulmonary arterial pressure and second
stroke volume, which may contribute to neurohormonal ary right-sided C H F signs may occur. Eventually, refractory
activation. Higher heart rates further interfere w i t h L V biventricular failure with profuse pleural effusion develops
filling, promote myocardial ischemia, and contribute to i n some cats with H C M . The effusion is usually a modified
pulmonary venous congestion and edema by shortening transudate, although it can be (or become) chylous.
the diastolic filling period. Contractility, or systolic function,
is usually normal i n affected cats. However, some cats Clinical Features
experience progression to ventricular systolic failure and H C M may be most c o m m o n i n middle-age male cats, but
dilation. clinical signs can occur at any age. Cats with milder disease
Progressively higher L V filling pressures lead to increased may be asymptomatic for years. Symptomatic cats are most
left atrial (LA) and pulmonary venous pressures. Progressive often presented for respiratory signs of variable severity or
L A dilation as well as pulmonary congestion and edema can acute signs o f thromboembolism (see p. 195). Respiratory
result. The degree of L A enlargement varies from m i l d to signs include tachypnea; panting associated w i t h activity;
massive. A thrombus is sometimes found w i t h i n the L V or dyspnea; and, only rarely, coughing (which can be misinter
attached to a ventricular wall, although it is more c o m m o n l y preted as vomiting). Disease onset may seem acute in seden
located i n the L A . Arterial thromboembolism is a major tary cats, even though pathologic changes have developed
complication of H C M as well as other forms of cardiomy gradually. Occasionally, lethargy or anorexia is the only evi
opathy i n cats (see Chapter 12). M i t r a l regurgitation devel dence of disease. Some cats have syncope or sudden death i n
ops i n some affected cats. Changes i n L V geometry, papillary the absence o f other signs. Stresses such as anesthesia, surgery,
muscle structure, or the systolic movement of the mitral fluid administration, systemic illnesses (e.g., fever or anemia),
valve (systolic anterior motion [SAM]) may prevent n o r m a l or boarding can precipitate C H F in an otherwise compen
valve closure. Valve insufficiency exacerbates the increased sated cat. Asymptomatic disease is discovered i n some cats
L A size and pressure. when a m u r m u r or gallop sound is heard during routine
Systolic dynamic L V outflow obstruction occurs i n some auscultation.
cats. This is also k n o w n as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomy Systolic murmurs compatible with mitral regurgitation
opathy or functional subaortic stenosis. Excessive asymmetric or L V outflow tract obstruction are c o m m o n . Some cats do
hypertrophy of the basilar interventricular septum may be not have an audible murmur, even those with marked
evident on echocardiograms or at necropsy. Systolic outflow ventricular hypertrophy. A diastolic gallop sound (usually
obstruction increases L V pressure, wall stress, and myocar S ) may be heard, especially i f heart failure is evident or

dial oxygen demand and promotes myocardial ischemia. imminent. Cardiac arrhythmias are relatively c o m m o n .
Mitral regurgitation is exacerbated by the tendency of Femoral pulses are usually strong, unless distal aortic throm
hemodynamic forces to pull the anterior mitral leaflet boembolism has occurred. The precordial impulse often
toward the interventricular septum during ejection ( S A M , feels vigorous. Prominent lung sounds, pulmonary crackles,
see Figure 8-3). Increased LV outflow turbulence c o m m o n l y and sometimes cyanosis accompany severe pulmonary
causes an ejection m u r m u r of variable intensity i n these edema. Pulmonary crackles are not always heard w i t h edema
cats. in cats. Pleural effusion usually attenuates ventral p u l m o
Several factors probably contribute to the development nary sounds. The physical examination may be normal in
of myocardial ischemia i n cats with H C M . These include subclinical cases.
Diagnosis (Fig. 8-2). Atrioventricular (AV) conduction delay, complete
A V block, or sinus bradycardia is occasionally found.
Radiographic features of H C M include a prominent left ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
atrium and variable L V enlargement (Fig. 8-1). The classic Echocardiography is the best means of diagnosis and dif
valentine-shaped appearance of the heart on dorsoventral or ferentiation of H C M from other disorders. The extent of
ventrodorsal views is not always present, although usually hypertrophy and its distribution within the ventricular wall,
the point of the left ventricular apex is maintained. The septum, and papillary muscles is shown by two-dimensional
cardiac silhouette appears normal in most cats with m i l d and M - m o d e echo studies. Doppler techniques can demon
H C M . Enlarged and tortuous pulmonary veins may be noted strate L V diastolic or systolic abnormalities.
i n cats with chronically high L A and pulmonary venous Widespread myocardial thickening is common, and the
pressure. Left-sided C H F produces variable degrees of patchy hypertrophy is often asymmetrically distributed among
interstitial or alveolar pulmonary edema infiltrates. The various LV wall, septal, and papillary muscle locations. Focal
radiographic distribution of pulmonary edema is variable; areas of hypertrophy also occur. Use of two-dimensional-
a diffuse or focal distribution throughout the lung fields is guided M - m o d e helps ensure proper beam position. Stan
c o m m o n , in contrast to the characteristic perihilar distribu dard M - m o d e views and measurements are obtained, but
tion of cardiogenic pulmonary edema seen i n dogs. Pleural thickened areas outside these standard positions should also
effusion is c o m m o n i n cats with advanced or biventricular be measured (Fig. 8-3). The diagnosis of early disease may
CHF. be questionable in cats with m i l d or only focal thickening.
Falsely increased thickness measurements (pseudohypertro
ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY phy) can occur with dehydration and sometimes tachycar
M a n y (up to 70%) cats with H C M have electrocardiogram dia. Spurious diastolic thickness measurements also arise
( E C G ) abnormalities. These include criteria for L A or L V when the beam does not transect the wall/septum perpen
enlargement, ventricular and/or (less often) supraventricular dicularly and when the measurement is not taken at the end
tachyarrhythmias, and a left anterior fascicular block pattern of diastole, as can happen without simultaneous E C G record-

FIG 8-1
R a d i o g r a p h i c e x a m p l e s of feline h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n
tral (B) v i e w s s h o w i n g atrial a n d mild ventricular e n l a r g e m e n t in a m a l e Domestic
S h o r t h a i r cat. Lateral (C) v i e w of a c a t with h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y o p a t h y a n d m a r k e d
pulmonary edema.
enlargement and pericardial or pleural effusion are occa
sionally detected.
Cats w i t h dynamic L V outflow tract obstruction also
often have S A M o f the mitral valve (Fig. 8-4) or premature
closure o f the aortic valve leaflets o n M - m o d e scans. Doppler
modalities can demonstrate mitral regurgitation and L V
outflow turbulence (Fig. 8-5), although optimal alignment
with the maximal-velocity outflow jet is often difficult and
it is easy to underestimate the systolic gradient.
L A enlargement may be m i l d to marked. Spontaneous
contrast (swirling, smoky echos) is visible w i t h i n the enlarged
L A of some cats. This is thought to result from b l o o d stasis
with cellular aggregations and to be a harbinger o f throm
boembolism. A thrombus is occasionally visualized w i t h i n
the left atrium, usually i n the auricle (Fig. 8-6).
Other causes o f myocardial hypertrophy (see p. 149)
should be excluded before a diagnosis o f idiopathic H C M is
made. Myocardial thickening can also result from infiltrative
disease. Variation in myocardial echogenicity or wall irregu
larities may be noted in such cases. Excess moderator bands
appear as bright, linear echos within the left ventricular

Clinicopathologic Findings
Clinical pathology tests are often noncontributory. H i g h
concentrations o f circulating natriuretic peptides and cardiac
troponins occur in cats w i t h moderate to severe H C M . Vari
ably elevated plasma T N F concentrations have been found

i n cats with C H F .

E l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m from a c a t with h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y CARDIOMYOPATHY
o p a t h y s h o w i n g o c c a s i o n a l ventricular premature c o m p l e x e s
a n d a left a x i s d e v i a t i o n . Leads I, II, III, at 2 5 m m / s e c .
Whether (and how) asymptomatic cats should be treated
1 c m = 1 mV. is controversial. It is unclear i f disease progression can be
slowed or survival prolonged by medical therapy before the
onset of clinical signs. According to anecdotal reports, some
ing or when using two-dimensional imaging o f insufficient cats show increased activity or improved "attitude" after
frame rate. A (properly obtained) diastolic L V wall or septal being treated with a [3-blocker or diltiazem on the basis o f
thickness >5.5 m m is considered abnormal. Cats with severe echocardiographic findings or an arrhythmia. W h e n moder
H C M have diastolic L V wall or septal thicknesses o f 8 m m ate to severe L A enlargement is found, especially with spon
or more, although the degree of hypertrophy is not neces taneous echocontrast, instituting antithrombotic prophylaxis
sarily correlated with the severity o f clinical signs. Doppler- is prudent (see Chapter 12).
derived estimates o f diastolic function, such as isovolumic Avoidance o f stressful situations likely to cause persistent
relaxation time, and mitral inflow and pulmonary venous tachycardia and reevaluation on a semiannual or annual
velocity patterns, as well as Doppler tissue imaging tech basis are usually advised. Secondary causes o f myocardial
niques are being employed more often to define disease char hypertrophy, such as systemic arterial hypertension and
acteristics. hyperthyroidism, should be ruled out (or treated, i f found).
Papillary muscle hypertrophy can be marked, and systolic
LV cavity obliteration is observed i n some cats. Increased CLINICALLY EVIDENT HYPERTROPHIC
echogenicity (brightness) o f papillary muscles and subendo CARDIOMYOPATHY
cardial areas is thought to be a marker for chronic myocar Goals o f therapy are to enhance ventricular filling, relieve
dial ischemia with resulting fibrosis. LV fractional shortening congestion, control arrhythmias, m i n i m i z e ischemia, and
(FS) is generally normal to increased. However, some cats prevent thromboembolism (Box 8-1). Furosemide is used
have mild to moderate LV dilation and reduced contractility only at the dosage needed to help control congestive signs.
(FS ~ 23%-29%; normal FS is 35%-65%). Right ventricular Moderate to severe pleural effusion is treated by thoraco-
FIG 8 - 3
E c h o c a r d i o g r a p h i c e x a m p l e s of feline h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . M - m o d e i m a g e
(A) at the left ventricular level from a 7-year-old m a l e Domestic S h o r t h a i r cat. The left
ventricular d i a s t o l i c free-wall a n d septal thicknesses a r e a b o u t 8 m m . T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l
right p a r a s t e r n a l short-axis v i e w s d u r i n g d i a s t o l e (B) a n d systole (C) in m a l e M a i n e C o o n
cat with h y p e r t r o p h i c obstructive c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . In (B) note the h y p e r t r o p h i e d a n d
bright p a p i l l a r y muscles. In (C) note the almost total systolic obliteration of the left
ventricular c h a m b e r . IVS, interventricular s e p t u m ; LV, left ventricle; LVW, left ventricular
free w a l l ; RV, right ventricle.

centesis, w i t h the cat restrained gently i n sternal position. therapies should be delayed until the cat's condition is more
Cats with severe C H F signs are given supplemental oxygen, stable.
parenteral furosemide, and sometimes other drugs to con Ventricular filling is improved by slowing the heart rate
trol edema (discussed i n more detail later). Once initial and enhancing relaxation. Stress and activity level should be
medications have been given, the cat should be allowed to minimized to the extent possible. Although the Ca++-channel
rest. The respiratory rate is noted initially and then every 30 blocker diltiazem, or a -blocker (see Chapter 4 and Table
minutes or so without disturbing the cat. Catheter place 4-2) have historically formed the foundation of long-term
ment, blood sampling, radiographs, and other tests and oral therapy, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
FIG 8 - 4
A , T w o - d i m e n s i o n a l e c h o i m a g e in midsystole from the cat in Fig. 8-3, B a n d C . E c h o e s
from the anterior mitral leaflet a p p e a r within the LV outflow tract (arrow) b e c a u s e of
a b n o r m a l systolic anterior (toward the septum) motion ( S A M ) of the v a l v e . B , The M - m o d e
e c h o c a r d i o g r a m at the mitral v a l v e level a l s o s h o w s the mitral S A M (arrows). Ao, A o r t a ;
LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.

FIG 8 - 5
C o l o r flow D o p p l e r i m a g e taken in systole from a male
Domestic Longhair cat with h y p e r t r o p h i c obstructive c a r d i o
FIG 8 - 6
myopathy. N o t e the turbulent f l o w just a b o v e w h e r e the
E c h o c a r d i o g r a m o b t a i n e d from the right p a r a s t e r n a l short-
thickened interventricular septum protrudes into the left
a x i s position at the aortic-left atrial level in a n o l d m a l e
ventricular outflow tract a n d a small mitral insufficiency jet
Domestic S h o r t h a i r cat with restrictive c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . N o t e
into the LA, c o m m o n with S A M . Right p a r a s t e r n a l long a x i s
the massive left atrial e n l a r g e m e n t a n d thrombus (arrows)
view. A o , A o r t a ; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle.
within the a u r i c l e . A, A o r t a ; LA, left a t r i u m ; RVOT, right
ventricular outflow tract.
infarction, or concurrent hyperthyroidism. A n A C E I may
BOX 8-1
reduce neurohormonal activation and abnormal cardiac
Treatment Outline for Cats with Hypertrophic remodeling. It is sometimes used alone or combined with
Cardiomyopathy diltiazem or a -blocker. Long-term therapy generally also
includes therapy to reduce the likelihood of arterial throm
Severe, Acute Signs of CHF* boembolism (see Chapter 12). Dietary sodium restriction is
Supplemental O 2
recommended i f the cat w i l l accept such a diet, but it is more
Minimize patient handling important to forestall anorexia.
Furosemide (parenteral) Certain drugs are generally discouraged in cats with
Thoracocentesis, if pleural effusion present H C M . These include digoxin and other positive inotropic
Heart rate control and antiarrhythmic therapy, if indicated agents because they increase the myocardial oxygen demand
(can use IV diltiazem, esmolol, [+/-] or propranolol)
and can worsen dynamic L V outflow obstruction. A n y drug
+/- nitroglycerin (cutaneous)
that accelerates the heart rate is also potentially detrimental
+/- bronchodilator (e.g., aminophylline or theophylline)
because tachycardia shortens ventricular filling time and
+/- sedation
Monitor: respiratory rate, HR and rhythm, arterial blood
predisposes to myocardial ischemia. Arterial vasodilators can
pressure, renal function, serum electrolytes, etc. cause hypotension and reflex tachycardia, and cats with
H C M have little preload reserve. Hypotension can also exac
Mild To Moderate Signs of CHF* erbate dynamic outflow obstruction. Although ACEIs have
A C E inhibitor this potential, their vasodilating effects are usually mild.
-blocker (e.g., atenolol) or diltiazem
Furosemide Diuretic Therapy
Antithrombotic prophylaxis (aspirin, clopidogrel, heparin, Cats w i t h severe pulmonary edema are usually given intra
L M W H , or warfarin) muscular (IM) furosemide initially (2 mg/kg q1-4h; see Box
Exercise restriction 3-1 and p. 58), until an I V catheter can be placed without
Reduced-salt diet, if the cat will eat it
excessive stress to the cat. The respiratory rate and effort are
Chronic H C M Management* used to guide ongoing diuretic therapy. As respiratory dis
tress resolves, furosemide can be continued at a reduced dose
A C E inhibitor
-blocker (e.g., atenolol) or diltiazem
(-1 mg/kg q8-12h). Once pulmonary edema is controlled,
Furosemide (lowest effective dosage and frequency) furosemide is given orally and the dose gradually titrated
Antithrombotic prophylaxis (aspirin, clopidogrel, heparin, downward to the lowest effective level. A starting dose of
L M W H , or warfarin) 6.25 mg/cat q8-12h can be slowly reduced over days to weeks,
Thoracocentesis as needed depending o n the cat's response. Some cats do well with
+/- Spironolactone a n d / o r hydrochlorothiazide dosing a few times per week (or less), whereas others require
+/- Concurrent (3-blocker and diltiazem therapy it several times per day. Complications of excessive diuresis
+/- Additional antiarrhythmic drug therapy, if indicated include azotemia, anorexia, electrolyte disturbances, and
Home monitoring of resting respiratory rate (+HR if
poor L V filling. If the cat is unable to rehydrate itself by oral
water intake, cautious parenteral fluid administration may
Dietary salt restriction, if accepted
be needed (e.g., 15-20 ml/kg/day of 0.45% saline, 5% dex
Monitor renal function, electrolytes, etc.
trose i n water, or other low-sodium fluid).
M a n a g e other medical problems (rule out hyperthyroidism
and hypertension if not done previously)
+/- Positive inotropic drug (only for deteriorating systolic Other Therapy for Acute Congestive
function without LV outflow obstruction) Heart Failure
Nitroglycerin ointment may be used (q4-6h, see Box 3-1),
* See text and Chapters 3 and 4 for further details.
although no studies of its efficacy i n this situation have been
See Chapter 4 for additional ventricular antiarrhythmic drug
done. The bronchodilating and m i l d diuretic effects of ami
See Chapter 12 for further details. nophylline (5 mg/kg q l 2 h , I M , I V ) may be helpful in cats
ACE, Angiotensin-converting enzyme; CHF, congestive heart failure; with severe pulmonary edema, as long as the drug does not
HR, heart rate; LMWH, low-molecular-weight heparin. increase the heart rate.
Butorphanol may be used to reduce anxiety (see Box 3-1).
(ACEI) may have greater benefit i n cats w i t h C H F . O p t i m a l Acepromazine may be used as an alternative and can promote
recommendations await further study. The decision to use peripheral redistribution of blood by its -blocking effects.
one particular drug over another is influenced by echocar Hypothermia may be exacerbated by peripheral vasodila
diographic or other findings i n the individual cat or the tion. M o r p h i n e should not be used i n cats. Airway suction
response to medication. Diltiazem is often used when severe, ing and mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory
symmetric L V hypertrophy is present. A -blocker is cur pressure can be considered i n extreme cases.
rently preferred for cats w i t h dynamic L V outflow obstruc Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. An
tion, tachyarrhythmias, syncope, suspected myocardial A C E I appears to have beneficial effects, especially i n cats with
refractory heart failure. Renin-angiotensin system inhibition into a flavored suspension for more accurate dosing. P i m o
may mitigate angiotensin II-mediated ventricular hypertro bendan or digoxin can also be used for treating refractory
phy. A C E inhibition might reduce L A size and ventricular/ right-sided C H F signs in cats without L V outflow obstruc
septal wall thickness, at least in some cats. Enalapril and tion and those w i t h progressive L V dilation and myocardial
benazepril are the agents used most often i n cats, although systolic failure i n end-stage disease. Frequent m o n i t o r i n g for
others are available (see Chapter 3 and Table 3-3). the development o f azotemia or electrolyte disturbances
Ca++-channel blockers. Ca++-channel blockers are is warranted.
thought to have beneficial effects in cats w i t h H C M by m o d
estly reducing heart rate and contractility (which reduces Prognosis
myocardial O demand). Diltiazem promotes coronary vaso
2 Several factors influence the prognosis for cats with H C M ,
dilation and may have a positive effect o n myocardial relax including the speed with which the disease progresses, the
ation. Verapamil is not recommended because of its variable occurrence of thromboembolic events and/or arrhythmias,
bioavailability and risk of toxicity in cats. A m l o d i p i n e has and the response to therapy. Asymptomatic cats with only
primarily vasodilatory effects and is not used for H C M m i l d to moderate L V hypertrophy and atrial enlargement
because it can provoke reflex tachycardia and worsen a sys often live well for several years. Cats with marked L A enlarge
tolic outflow gradient. ment and more severe hypertrophy appear to be at greater
Diltiazem is well-tolerated in many cases. Longer-acting risk for C H F , thromboembolism, and sudden death. L A size
diltiazem products are more convenient for chronic use, and age (i.e., older cats) appear to be negatively correlated
although the serum concentrations achieved can be variable. w i t h survival. M e d i a n survival time for cats w i t h C H F is
Dilacor (diltiazem) X R , dosed at half of an internal (60-mg) probably between 1 to 2 years. The prognosis is worse i n cats
tablet from the 240-mg capsule size q24(-12)h, or Cardizem with A F or refractory right-sided C H F . T h r o m b o e m b o l i s m
C D , compounded and dosed at 10 mg/kg q24h, are most and C H F confer a guarded prognosis (median survival of 2
often used. to 6 months), although some cats do well i f congestive signs
-adrenergic blockers. -blockers can reduce heart can be controlled and infarction of vital organs has not
rate and dynamic LV outflow obstruction to a greater extent occurred. Recurrence of thromboembolism is c o m m o n .
than diltiazem. They are also used to suppress tachyarrhyth
mias in cats. Sympathetic inhibition also leads to reduced
myocardial O demand, which can be important i n cats w i t h
myocardial ischemia or infarction. By inhibiting catechol MYOCARDIAL DISEASE
amine-induced myocyte damage, -blockers may reduce
myocardial fibrosis. -blockers can slow active myocardial Myocardial hypertrophy is a compensatory response to
relaxation, although the benefits of heart rate reduction may certain identifiable stresses or diseases. M a r k e d L V wall and
outweigh this. septal thickening and clinical heart failure can occur i n some
Atenolol (see Chapter 4) is used most commonly. Pro of these cases, although they are generally not considered to
pranolol or another nonselective -blocker can also be used, be idiopathic H C M . Secondary causes should be ruled out
but these should be avoided until pulmonary edema is largely whenever L V hypertrophy is identified.
resolved. Antagonism of airway -receptors leading to bron
2 Evaluation for hyperthyroidism is indicated i n cats 6 years
choconstriction is a concern when using nonselective agents of age or older w i t h myocardial hypertrophy. Hyperthyroid
in C H F . Propranolol (a l i p i d soluble drug) causes lethargy ism alters cardiovascular function by its direct effects o n the
and depressed appetite in some cats. myocardium and through the interaction of heightened
Occasionally, a -blocker is added to diltiazem therapy sympathetic nervous system activity and excess thyroid
(or vice versa) i n cats with chronic refractory failure or to hormone on the heart and peripheral circulation. Cardiac
further reduce heart rate i n cats with AF. However, care must effects of thyroid hormone include myocardial hypertrophy
be taken to prevent bradycardia or hypotension i n animals and increased heart rate and contractility. The metabolic
receiving this combination. acceleration that accompanies hyperthyroidism causes a
hyperdynamic circulatory state characterized by increased
CHRONIC REFRACTORY CONGESTIVE cardiac output, oxygen demand, blood volume, and heart
HEART FAILURE rate. Systemic hypertension can further stimulate myocardial
Refractory pulmonary edema or pleural effusion is difficult hypertrophy. Manifestations of hyperthyroid heart disease
to manage. Moderate to large pleural effusions should be often include a systolic murmur, hyperdynamic arterial
treated by thoracocentesis. Various medical strategies may pulses, a strong precordial impulse, sinus tachycardia, and
help slow the rate of abnormal fluid accumulation, including various arrhythmias. Criteria for LV enlargement or hyper
maximizing the dosage of (or adding) an A C E I ; increasing trophy are often found on E C G , thoracic radiographs, or
the dosage of furosemide (up to 4 mg/kg q8h); increasing the echocardiogram. Signs of C H F develop i n approximately
dose of diltiazem or -blocker for greater heart rate control; 15% of hyperthyroid cats; most have n o r m a l to high FS, but
and adding spironolactone, with or without hydrochloro a few have poor contractile function. Cardiac therapy, i n
thiazide (see Table 3-3). Spironolactone can be compounded addition to treatment of the hyperthyroidism, may be neces-
sary for these cats. A (3-blocker can temporarily control many left heart filling pressures, combined with compensatory
of the adverse cardiac effects of excess thyroid hormone, neurohormonal activation, leads to left-sided or biventricu
especially tachyarrhythmias. Diltiazem is an alternative lar C H F . The duration of subclinical disease progression in
therapy. Treatment for C H F is the same as that described R C M is unknown.
for H C M . The rare hypodynamic (dilated) cardiac failure is
treated in the same way as dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiac Clinical Features
therapy, including a (3-blocker, is not a substitute for anti Middle-aged and older cats are most often diagnosed with
thyroid treatment. R C M . Young cats are sometimes affected. Inactivity, poor
L V concentric hypertrophy is the expected response to appetite, vomiting, and weight loss of recent onset are
increased ventricular systolic pressure (afterload). Systemic c o m m o n i n the history. The clinical presentation varies but
arterial hypertension (see Chapter 11) increases afterload usually includes respiratory signs from pulmonary edema
because of high arterial pressure and resistance. Increased or pleural effusion. Clinical signs are often precipitated or
resistance to ventricular outflow also occurs w i t h a fixed acutely worsened by stress or concurrent disease that causes
(e.g., congenital) subaortic stenosis or dynamic L V outflow increased cardiovascular demand. Thromboembolic events
tract obstruction (hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopa are also c o m m o n . Sometimes the condition is discovered by
thy). Cardiac hypertrophy also develops i n cats with hyper detecting abnormal heart sounds or arrhythmias on routine
somatotropism (acromegaly) as a result of growth hormone's exam or radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly.
trophic effects on the heart. C H F occurs i n some of these A systolic m u r m u r of mitral or tricuspid regurgitation, a
cats. Increased myocardial thickness occasionally results gallop sound, and arrhythmias are c o m m o n physical exam
from infiltrative myocardial disease, most notably from ination findings. Pulmonary sounds can be abnormal in cats
lymphoma. with pulmonary edema or pleural effusion. Femoral arterial
pulses are n o r m a l or slightly weak. Jugular vein distention
and pulsation are c o m m o n in cats with right-sided C H F
RESTRICTIVE CARDIOMYOPATHY signs. Acute signs of distal aortic (or other) thromboembo
lism may be the reason for presentation.
Etiology and Pathophysiology
Restrictive cardiomyopathy ( R C M ) is associated w i t h exten Diagnosis
sive endocardial, subendocardial, or myocardial fibrosis. The Diagnostic test results are frequently similar to those in
cause is not clear but probably is multifactorial. This condi cats w i t h H C M . Radiographs indicate L A or biatrial enlarge
tion may be a consequence of endomyocarditis or the end- ment (sometimes massive) and L V or generalized heart
stage o f myocardial failure and infarction caused by H C M . enlargement (Fig. 8-7). M i l d to moderate pericardial effu
Neoplastic (e.g., lymphoma) or other infiltrative or infec sion contributes to the cardiomegaly i n some cats. Proximal
tious diseases occasionally causes a secondary R C M . pulmonary veins may appear dilated and tortuous. Other
There are a variety of histologic findings i n cats with possible radiographic findings i n cats with C H F signs include
R C M , including marked perivascular and interstitial fibrosis, infiltrates of pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, and some
intramural coronary artery narrowing, and myocyte hyper times hepatomegaly.
trophy, as well as areas of degeneration and necrosis. Some C o m m o n E C G abnormalities include wide Q R S com
cats have extensive L V endomyocardial fibrosis w i t h chamber plexes, tall R waves, evidence of intraventricular conduction
deformity, or fibrous tissue bridging between the septum disturbances, wide P waves, and atrial tachyarrhythmias or
and L V wall. The mitral apparatus and papillary muscles may fibrillation. Echocardiography typically shows marked L A
be fused to surrounding tissue or distorted. (and sometimes right atrial [RA]) enlargement. There is
L A enlargement is prominent i n cats w i t h R C M , as a variable L V wall and interventricular septal thickening. Ven
consequence of chronically high L V filling pressure from tricular wall m o t i o n is often normal but may be somewhat
increased LV wall stiffness. The LV may be n o r m a l to reduced depressed (FS usually >25%). Hyperechoic areas of fibrosis
in size or mildly dilated. L V hypertrophy is variably present w i t h i n the L V wall and/or endocardial areas may be evident.
and may be regional. Intracardiac t h r o m b i and systemic Extraneous intraluminal echos representing excess modera
thromboembolism are c o m m o n . tor bands are occasionally seen. Sometimes, extensive L V
L V fibrosis impairs diastolic filling. Most affected cats endocardial fibrosis, with scar tissue bridging between the
have n o r m a l to only mildly reduced contractility, but this free-wall and septum, constricts part of the ventricular
may progress with time as more functional myocardium is chamber. Right ventricular (RV) dilation is often seen.
lost. Some cases develop regional L V dysfunction, possibly Sometimes an intracardiac thrombus is found, usually in the
from myocardial infarction, which decreases overall systolic left auricle or left atrium, but occasionally i n the left ven
function. These cases are perhaps better considered unclas tricle (see Fig. 8-6). M i l d mitral or tricuspid regurgitation
sified rather than restrictive. If mitral regurgitation is present, and a restrictive mitral inflow pattern can be seen with
it is usually m i l d . Arrhythmias, ventricular dilation, and Doppler studies. Some cats have marked regional wall dys
myocardial ischemia or infarction also contribute to the function, especially of the left ventricular free wall, which
development of diastolic dysfunction. Chronically elevated depresses FS, along with m i l d left ventricular dilation. These
FIG 8 - 7
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a n o l d e r D o m e s t i c S h o r t h a i r c a t with
restrictive c a r d i o m y o p a t h y s h o w m a r k e d left atrial e n l a r g e m e n t a n d p r o m i n e n t p r o x i m a l
p u l m o n a r y veins.

may represent cases of myocardial infarction or unclassified trolyte concentrations should be measured periodically.
cardiomyopathy rather than R C M . Furosemide and/or enalapril doses should be reduced if
The clinicopathologic findings are nonspecific. Pleural hypotension or azotemia occurs.
effusions are usually classified as modified transudate or Cats with refractory heart failure and pleural effusion are
chyle. Plasma taurine concentration is low i n some affected difficult to manage. In addition to thoracocentesis as needed,
cats and should be measured i f decreased contractility is the A C E I and furosemide dosages can be increased cau
identified. tiously. A d d i n g digoxin or pimobendan, i f not already being
used, may be helpful for cats with refractory failure. Other
Treatment and Prognosis strategies include adding spironolactone (with or without
Therapy for acute C H F is the same as for cats with H C M hydrochlorothiazide) or nitroglycerin ointment to the
(see p. 148). Cats that require inotropic support can be given regimen.
dobutamine by constant rate infusion (CRI). Management The prognosis is generally guarded to poor for cats with
of thromboembolism is described on p. 197. R C M and heart failure. Nevertheless, some cats survive more
Long-term therapy for heart failure includes furosemide than a year after diagnosis. Thromboembolism and refrac
at the lowest effective dosage; the resting respiratory rate, tory pleural effusion c o m m o n l y occur.
activity level, and radiographic findings are used to monitor
efficacy. A n A C E I is also used, starting with a very low dose
and increasing to the usual maintenance dose (see Table 3-3). DILATED CARDIOMYOPATHY
Ideally, blood pressure should be monitored when initiating
or adjusting this therapy. A -blocker is usually used for Etiology
tachyarrhythmias or i f myocardial infarction is suspected. In the late 1980s taurine deficiency was identified as a major
Alternatively, diltiazem can also be used, although its value cause of dilated cardiomyopathy ( D C M ) i n cats. This discov
in the face of significant fibrosis is controversial. Cats that ery prompted pet food manufacturers to increase the taurine
need chronic inotropic support can be given digoxin or content of commercial cat diets. Clinical D C M then became
pimobendan (see Table 3-3). Taurine supplementation may an u n c o m m o n disease in cats. Not all cats fed a taurine-
be helpful. Prophylaxis against thromboembolism is recom deficient diet develop D C M . Other factors besides a simple
mended (see p. 199), and a low-sodium diet should be fed, deficiency of this essential amino acid are likely to be involved
if accepted. Creatinine or the blood urea nitrogen and elec in the pathogenesis, including genetic factors and a possible
link with potassium depletion. Relatively few cases of D C M Pathophysiology
are identified now; many of these cats are not taurine deficient. D C M in cats has a similar pathophysiology to that in
D C M i n these cats may represent the end-stage of another dogs (see p. 129). Poor myocardial contractility is the char
myocardial metabolic abnormality, toxicity, or infection. acteristic feature (Fig. 8-8). Usually, all cardiac chambers
Doxorubicin causes characteristic myocardial histologic become dilated. A V valve insufficiency occurs secondary to
lesions in cats as it does i n dogs. Cats appear less likely to chamber enlargement and papillary muscle atrophy. As
develop clinical C H F from myocardial failure. Although i n cardiac output decreases, compensatory neurohormonal
very rare cases cats have echocardiographic changes consis mechanisms are activated, leading eventually to signs of
tent with D C M after receiving cumulative doses of 170 to C H F and low cardiac output. Besides pulmonary edema,
240 m g / m , clinically relevant doxorubicin-induced cardio pleural effusion and arrhythmias are c o m m o n in cats with
myopathy does not occur in the cat. DCM.

FIG 8 - 8
N o n s e l e c t i v e a n g i o g r a m from a 13-year-old f e m a l e S i a m e s e cat with d i l a t e d c a r d i o m y o p a
thy. A bolus of r a d i o g r a p h i c contrast material w a s injected into the jugular v e i n . A , Three
s e c o n d s after injection, s o m e contrast m e d i u m r emains in the right ventricle a n d pulmo
n a r y v a s c u l a t u r e . D i l a t e d p u l m o n a r y veins a r e seen entering the left atrium. N o t e the
d i l a t e d left atrium a n d ventricle. B , Thirteen s e c o n d s after the injection, the left heart a n d
p u l m o n a r y veins a r e still o p a c i f i e d , illustrating the p o o r c a r d i a c contractility a n d extremely
s l o w circulation time. The thin left ventricular c a u d a l w a l l a n d p a p i l l a r y muscles a r e better
seen in this f r a m e .
Clinical Features samples. N o r m a l whole b l o o d taurine concentrations exceed
D C M can occur at any age, although most affected cats are 200 n m o l / m l ; <140 n m o l / m l is considered deficient.
late-middle aged to geriatric. There is no breed or gender
predilection. Clinical signs often include anorexia, lethargy, Treatment and Prognosis
increased respiratory effort or dyspnea, dehydration, and The goals o f treatment are analogous to those for dogs with
hypothermia. Subtle evidence o f poor ventricular function D C M . Pleural fluid is removed by thoracocentesis. In cats
is usually found in conjunction with signs o f respiratory with acute C H F , furosemide is given to promote diuresis, as
compromise. Jugular venous distention, an attenuated pre described for H C M . Overly aggressive diuresis is discouraged
cordial impulse, weak femoral pulses, a gallop sound (usually because it can markedly reduce cardiac output i n these cases
S ), and a left or right apical systolic m u r m u r (of mitral or
3 w i t h poor systolic function. Supplemental O is recom

tricuspid regurgitation) are c o m m o n . Bradycardia and mended. The venodilator nitroglycerin may be helpful i n
arrhythmias are frequently heard, although many cats have cats with severe p u l m o n a r y edema. A C E I therapy is begun
a normal sinus rhythm. Increased lung sounds and p u l m o as soon as oral medication can be safely given. Other vaso
nary crackles can be auscultated in some cats, but pleural dilators (nitroprusside, hydralazine, or amlodipine) may
effusion may muffle ventral lung sounds. Some cats have help maximize cardiac output, although they increase the
signs of arterial thromboembolism (see p. 195). risk o f hypotension (see Box 3-1). B l o o d pressure, hydration,
renal function, electrolyte balance, and peripheral perfusion
Diagnosis should be monitored closely. Hypothermia is c o m m o n i n
Generalized cardiomegaly w i t h rounding o f the cardiac apex cats w i t h decompensated D C M ; external w a r m i n g is pro
is often seen on radiographs. Pleural effusion is c o m m o n and vided as needed.
may obscure the heart shadow and co-existing evidence o f Positive inotropic support is indicated. Dobutamine (or
pulmonary edema or venous congestion. Hepatomegaly dopamine) is administered by C R I for critical cases (see
may be detected; ascites is occasionally found. p. 60 and Box 3-1). Possible adverse effects include seizures
Typical E C G findings include a L V enlargement pattern, or tachycardia; i f they occur, the infusion rate is decreased
A V conduction disturbance, and tachyarrhythmias. Echocar by 50% or discontinued. O r a l inotropic therapy w i t h p i m o
diography is an important tool to differentiate D C M from bendan or digoxin (see p. 65 and Table 3-3) for maintenance
other myocardial pathophysiology. Findings are analogous therapy may be instituted. D i g o x i n tablets are usually used
to those in dogs with D C M (see p. 131). Some cats have areas because the elixir is distasteful to many cats. Toxicity can
of focal hypertrophy with hypokinesis o f only the LV wall or easily occur, especially i n cats receiving concurrent drug
septum. These may represent indeterminant myocardial therapy; serum digoxin concentration should be monitored
disease rather than typical D C M . A n intracardiac thrombus if this drug is used (see p. 66).
is identified in some cats, more often within the left atrium. Sometimes the diuretic and vasodilator therapy used for
Nonselective angiocardiography is a more risky alterna acute C H F leads to hypotension and can predispose to car
tive to echocardiography, as with other cardiomyopathies. diogenic shock i n cats with D C M . Half-strength saline solu
Characteristic angiographic findings include generalized tion w i t h 2.5% dextrose or other l o w - s o d i u m fluids can be
chamber enlargement, atrophied papillary muscles, small used intravenously with caution to help support blood pres
aortic diameter, and slow circulation time (see Fig. 8-8). sure (e.g., 20 to 35 ml/kg/day i n several divided doses or by
Complications o f angiography, especially i n cats w i t h poor CRI); potassium supplementation may be needed. Fluid can
myocardial function or C H F , include vomiting and aspira be administered subcutaneously i f necessary, although its
tion, arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest. The pleural effusion i n absorption from the extravascular space may be impaired i n
cats with D C M is usually a modified transudate, although these cases.
it can be chylous. Prerenal azotemia, mildly increased liver Chronic therapy for D C M i n cats that survive acute C H F
enzyme activity, and a stress leukogram are c o m m o n clini includes oral furosemide (tapered to the lowest effective
copathologic findings. Cats with arterial thromboembolism dosage), an A C E I , pimobendan or digoxin, antithrombotic
often have high serum muscle enzyme activities and may prophylaxis (p. 199), and (if the patient is taurine deficient)
have an abnormal hemostasis profile. Plasma or whole b l o o d supplemental taurine or a high-taurine diet. Taurine supple
taurine concentration measurement is recommended. Spe mentation is instituted as soon as practical, at 250 to 500 m g
cific instructions for sample collection and mailing should orally q l 2 h , when plasma taurine concentration is l o w or
be obtained from the specific laboratory. Plasma taurine cannot be measured. Clinical improvement, i f it occurs, is
concentrations are influenced by the amount o f taurine i n generally not apparent until after the first 1 to 2 weeks o f
the diet, the type o f diet, and the time o f sampling i n relation taurine supplementation, so supportive cardiac care is vital.
to eating; however, a plasma taurine concentration o f 20 to Improved systolic function is seen echocardiographically
30 nmol/ml or less i n a cat w i t h D C M is diagnostic for w i t h i n 6 weeks o f starting taurine supplementation i n most
taurine deficiency. Non-anorexic cats with a plasma taurine taurine-deficient cats. D r u g therapy may become unneces
concentration of <60 n m o l / m l probably should receive sary i n some cats after 6 to 12 weeks, but resolution of pleural
taurine supplementation or a different diet. W h o l e b l o o d effusion and p u l m o n a r y edema should be confirmed before
samples produce more consistent results than plasma weaning the cat from medications. If n o r m a l systolic func-
tion, based o n echocardiography, returns, the patient can be CORTICOSTEROID-ASSOCIATED
slowly weaned from supplemental taurine as long as a diet HEART FAILURE
k n o w n to support adequate plasma taurine concentrations Some cats develop C H F after receiving corticosteroid therapy.
(e.g., most name-brand commercial foods) is consumed. It is unclear whether this represents a previously unrecog
D r y diets with 1000 to 1200 m g o f taurine per kilogram o f nized form of feline heart failure, unrelated to preexisting
dry weight and canned diets w i t h 2000 to 2500 mg of taurine H C M , hypertension, or hyperthyroidism. A n acute onset
per kilogram of dry weight are thought to maintain normal of lethargy, anorexia, tachypnea, and respiratory distress is
plasma taurine concentrations i n adult cats. Reevaluation of described i n affected cats. Most cats have normal ausculta
the plasma taurine concentration 2 to 4 weeks after discon tory findings without tachycardia.
tinuing the supplement is advised. Moderate cardiomegaly, w i t h diffuse pulmonary infil
Taurine-deficient cats that survive a m o n t h after initial trates and m i l d or moderate pleural effusion, appears to be
diagnosis often can be weaned from all or most medications typical o n radiographic examination. Possible E C G findings
and appear to have approximately a 50% chance for 1-year include sinus bradycardia, intraventricular conduction
survival. The prognosis for cats that do not receive taurine abnormalities, atrial standstill, atrial fibrillation, and V P C s .
supplements or do not respond to taurine is guarded to poor. O n echocardiogram, most affected cats have some degree of
Thromboembolism i n cats with D C M is a grave sign. LV wall or septal hypertrophy and L A enlargement. Some
have A V valve insufficiency or abnormal systolic mitral
OTHER MYOCARDIAL DISEASES C H F is treated i n the same way as H C M ; corticosteroids
should be discontinued. Partial resolution of abnormal
ARRHYTHMOGENIC RIGHT cardiac findings and successful weaning from cardiac medi
VENTRICULAR CARDIOMYOPATHY cations are reported i n some cats.
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ( A R V C )
is an idiopathic cardiomyopathy that is similar to the u n c o m MYOCARDITIS
m o n A R V C i n people. Characteristic features include m o d Inflammation of the myocardium and adjacent structures
erate to severe R V chamber dilation, w i t h either focal or may occur i n cats, as it does i n other species (see also p. 137).
diffuse R V wall thinning. R V wall aneurysm is also c o m m o n . In one study myocarditis was histologically identified in
Dilation of the right atrium and, less commonly, the left samples from more than half of cardiomyopathic cats but
atrium may occur. Myocardial atrophy w i t h fatty and/or none from cats i n the control group; viral D N A (panleuko
fibrous replacement tissue, focal myocarditis, and evidence penia) was found i n about one third of the cats with myo
of apoptosis are typical histologic findings. These are most carditis. However, the possible role of viral myocarditis in
prominent i n the R V wall. Fibrous tissue or fatty infiltration the pathogenesis of cardiomyopathy is not clear. Severe,
is sometimes found i n the L V and atrial walls. widespread myocarditis may cause C H F or fatal arrhyth
Signs of right-sided C H F are c o m m o n , with labored mias. Cats w i t h focal myocardial inflammation may be
respirations caused by pleural effusion, jugular venous dis asymptomatic. Acute and chronic viral myocarditis have
tention, ascites or hepatosplenomegaly, and occasionally been suspected. A viral cause is rarely documented, although
syncope. Lethargy and inappetence without overt heart feline coronavirus has been identified as a cause of
failure are sometimes the presenting signs. pericarditis-epicarditis.
Thoracic radiographs indicate right heart and sometimes Endomyocarditis has been documented mostly in
L A enlargement. Pleural effusion is c o m m o n . Ascites, caudal young cats. Acute death, w i t h or without preceding signs of
vena caval distention, and evidence o f pericardial effusion pulmonary edema for 1 to 2 days, is the most c o m m o n pre
may also occur. The E C G can document various arrhythmias sentation. Histopathologic characteristics of acute endo
in affected cats, including ventricular premature complexes myocarditis include focal or diffuse lymphocytic, plasmacytic,
( V P C s ) , ventricular tachycardia, A F , and supraventricular and histiocytic infiltrates w i t h few neutrophils. Myocardial
tachyarrhythmias. A right bundle branch block pattern degeneration and lysis are seen adjacent to the infiltrates.
appears to be c o m m o n ; some cats have first-degree A V block. Chronic endomyocarditis may have a m i n i m a l inflammatory
Echocardiography shows severe R A and R V enlargement. response but m u c h myocardial degeneration and fibrosis.
Other possible findings include abnormal muscular trabecu R C M could represent the end stage of nonfatal endomyocar
lation, aneurysmal dilation, areas o f dyskinesis, and para ditis. Therapy involves managing C H F signs and arrhyth
doxical septal motion. Tricuspid regurgitation appears to be mias, and other supportive care.
a consistent finding o n Doppler exam. Bacterial myocarditis may develop in association with
The prognosis is guarded once signs of heart failure sepsis or as a result of bacterial endocarditis or pericarditis.
appear. Recommended therapy includes diuretics as neces Experimental Bartonella sp. infection can cause subclinical
sary, an A C E I , and digoxin (or pimobendan). Additional lymphoplasmacytic myocarditis, but it is unclear whether
antiarrhythmic therapy may be needed (see Chapter 4). In natural infection plays a role i n the development of cardio
people w i t h A R V C , various tachyarrhythmias are a p r o m i myopathy i n cats. Toxoplasma gondii occasionally has been
nent feature and sudden death is c o m m o n . associated w i t h myocarditis, usually in immunosuppressed
cats as part of a generalized disease process. Traumatic myo MacDonald KA et al: Tissue Doppler imaging and gradient echo
carditis is recognized infrequently i n cats. cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in normal cats and cats with
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, / Vet Intern Med 20:627, 2006.
Suggested Readings MacLean H N et al: N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide immuno-
Baty CJ et al: Natural history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and reactivity in plasma of cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
aortic thromboembolism in a family of domestic shorthair cats, / Vet Intern Med 20:284, 2006.
/ Vet Intern Med 15:595, 2001. Meurs K M et al: Familial systolic anterior motion of the mitral
Bright JM, Herrtage M E , Schneider JF: Pulsed Doppler assessment valve and/or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is apparently inher
of left ventricular diastolic function in normal and cardiomyop- ited as an autosomal dominant trait in a family of American
athic cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 35:285, 1999. shorthair cats. Abstr, / Vet Intern Med 11:138, 1997.
Ferasin L et al: Feline idiopathic cardiomyopathy: a retrospective Meurs K M et al: Molecular screening by polymerase chain reaction
study of 106 cats (1994-2001), J Feline Med Surg 5:151, 2003. detects panleukopenia virus D N A in formalin-fixed hearts from
Fox PR: Hypertrophic cardiopathy: clinical and pathologic corre cats with idiopathic cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, Cardiovasc
lates, / Vet Cardiol 5:39, 2003. Pathol 9:119, 2000.
Fox PR: Endomyocardial fibrosis and restrictive cardiomyopathy: Meurs K M et al: Myomesin, a sarcomeric protein is reduced in
pathologic and clinical features, / Vet Cardiol 6:25-31, 2004. Maine Coon cats with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
Fox PR et al: Spontaneously occurring arrhythmogenic right ven / Vet Intern Med 15:281, 2001.
tricular cardiomyopathy in the domestic cat: a new animal model Meurs K M et al: A cardiac myosin binding protein C mutation in
similar to the human disease, Circulation 102:1863, 2000. the Maine Coon cat with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
Gaschen L et al: Cardiomyopathy in dystrophin-deficient hypertro Hum Mol Genet 14:3587, 2005.
phic feline muscular dystrophy, / Vet Intern Med 13:346, 1999. Pion PD, Kittleson M D , Thomas WP: Response of cats with dilated
Gavaghan BJ et al: Quantification of left ventricular diastolic wall cardiomyopathy to taurine supplementation, ] Am Vet Med Assoc
motion by Doppler tissue imaging in healthy cats and cats with 201:275, 1992.
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C H A P T E R 9

Pericardial Disease and

Cardiac Tumors

most often in dogs. Other acquired and congenital pericar

dial diseases are seen infrequently. Acquired pericardial
disease causing clinical signs is u n c o m m o n in cats.
Peritoneopericardial Diaphragmatic Hernia
Other Pericardial Anomalies
Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia ( P P D H ) is the
most c o m m o n pericardial malformation i n dogs and cats. It
Cardiac Tamponade
occurs when abnormal embryonic development (probably
of the septum transversum) allows persistent communica
tion between the pericardial and peritoneal cavities at the
ventral midline. The pleural space is not involved. Other
Clinicopathologic Findings
congenital defects, such as umbilical hernia, sternal malfor
mations, and cardiac anomalies may co-exist with P P D H .
A b d o m i n a l contents herniate into the pericardial space to a
variable degree and cause associated clinical signs. Although
the peritoneal-pericardial communication is not trauma
induced, trauma can facilitate movement of abdominal con
tents through a preexisting defect.
Clinical Features
Several diseases of the pericardium and intrapericardial The initial onset of clinical signs associated with P P D H can
space can disrupt cardiac function. Normally, the pericar occur at any age (ages between 4 weeks and 15 years have
d i u m anchors the heart in place and provides a barrier to been reported). The majority of cases are diagnosed during
infection or inflammation from adjacent tissues. The peri the first 4 years of life, usually within the first year. In some
cardium is a closed serosal sac that envelops the heart and is animals clinical signs never develop. Males appear to be
attached to the great vessels at the heartbase. Directly adhered affected more frequently than females, andWeimaraners may
to the heart is the visceral pericardium, or epicardium, be predisposed. The malformation is common in cats as well.
which is composed of a thin layer of mesothelial cells. This Clinical signs usually relate to the gastrointestinal (GI) or
layer reflects back over itself at the base of the heart to line respiratory system. Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss,
the outer fibrous parietal layer. A small amount (-0.25 ml/kg abdominal pain, cough, dyspnea, and wheezing are most
body weight) of clear, serous fluid normally serves as a lubri often reported; shock and collapse may also occur. Possible
cant between these layers. The pericardium helps balance the physical examination findings include muffled heart sounds
output of the right and left ventricles and limits acute disten on one or both sides of the chest; displacement or attenua
tion of the heart, although there are few overt clinical con tion of the apical precordial impulse; an "empty" feel on
sequences associated with its removal. abdominal palpation (with herniation of many organs); and,
Excess or abnormal fluid accumulation in the pericardial rarely, signs of cardiac tamponade (discussed in more detail
sac is the most c o m m o n pericardial disorder, and it occurs later).
Diagnosis decreased amplitude complexes and axis deviations caused
Thoracic radiographs are often diagnostic or highly sugges by cardiac position changes sometimes occur.
tive of P P D H . Enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, dorsal
tracheal displacement, overlap of the diaphragmatic and Treatment
caudal heart borders, and abnormal fat and/or gas densities Therapy involves surgical closure o f the peritoneal-
within the cardiac silhouette are characteristic findings (Fig. pericardial defect after viable organs are returned to their
9-1, A and B). A pleural fold, extending between the caudal normal location. The presence o f other congenital abnor
heart shadow and the diaphragm ventral to the caudal vena malities and the animal's clinical signs influence the decision
cava on lateral view, is usually evident. Gas-filled loops of to operate. The prognosis i n uncomplicated cases is excel
bowel crossing the diaphragm into the pericardial sac, a lent. Older animals without clinical signs may do well without
small liver, and few organs within the abdominal cavity may surgery, especially because organs chronically adhered to the
also be seen. Echocardiography helps confirm the diagnosis heart or pericardium may be traumatized during attempted
when radiographic findings are equivocal (Fig. 9-2). A G I repositioning.
barium series is diagnostic i f the stomach and/or intestines
are in the pericardial cavity (Fig. 9-1, C ) . Fluoroscopy, n o n OTHER PERICARDIAL ANOMALIES
selective angiography (especially i f only falciform fat or liver Pericardial cysts are rare anomalies. They may originate from
has herniated), celiography, or pneumopericardiography abnormal fetal mesenchymal tissue or from incarcerated
also can aid in diagnosis. E C G changes are inconsistent; omental or falciform fat associated with a small P P D H . The

FIG 9-1
Lateral (A) a n d dorsoventral (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a 5-year-old m a l e Persian c a t with a
c o n g e n i t a l p e r i t o n e o p e r i c a r d i a l d i a p h r a g m a t i c hernia (PPDH). N o t e the greatly e n l a r g e d
c a r d i a c silhouette c o n t a i n i n g fat, soft tissue, a n d g a s densities a s w e l l a s t r a c h e a l e l e v a
tion. There is o v e r l a p b e t w e e n the c a r d i a c a n d d i a p h r a g m a t i c b o r d e r s o n both v i e w s .
Presence of a portion of the stomach a n d d u o d e n u m w i t h i n the p e r i c a r d i u m is evident
after b a r i u m administration (C); o m e n t a l fat a n d liver a r e a l s o present w i t h i n the pericar
d i a l s a c . In C , the d o r s a l pleural fold b e t w e e n p e r i c a r d i u m a n d d i a p h r a g m is best
a p p r e c i a t e d (arrow).
FIG 9 - 2
Right p a r a s t e r n a l short-axis e c h o c a r d i o g r a m from a f e m a l e Persian c a t with peritoneoperi
cardial d i a p h r a g m a t i c h e r n i a (PPDH). The p e r i c a r d i u m (PERI), i n d i c a t e d b y arrows,
surrounds liver a n d o m e n t a l tissue a s w e l l a s the heart. LV, Left ventricle.

pathophysiologic signs and clinical presentation can m i m i c The fluid does not clot unless hemorrhage was very recent.
those seen with pericardial effusion. Radiographically, the Neoplastic hemorrhagic effusions are more likely in dogs
cardiac silhouette may appear enlarged and deformed. Echo older than 7 years. Middle-aged, large-breed dogs are most
cardiography or pneumopericardiography can reveal the likely to have idiopathic "benign" hemorrhagic effusion.
diagnosis. Surgical cyst removal, combined with partial peri Hemangiosarcoma ( H S A ) is by far the most common
cardiectomy, usually resolves the clinical signs. neoplasm causing hemorrhagic pericardial effusion in dogs;
Congenital defects of the pericardium itself are extremely it is u n c o m m o n i n cats. Hemorrhagic pericardial effusion
rare in dogs and cats; most are incidental postmortem find also occurs i n association with various heartbase tumors;
ings. Sporadic cases of partial (usually left-sided) or c o m pericardial mesotheliomas; malignant histiocytosis ( M H ) ;
plete absence of the pericardium are reported. A possible and, rarely, metastatic carcinoma. H S A s (see p. 167) usually
complication of partial absence of the pericardium is her arise within the right heart, especially in the right auricular
niation of a portion of the heart; this could cause syncope, appendage. Chemodectoma is the most c o m m o n heartbase
embolic disease, or sudden death. Echocardiography or tumor; it arises from chemoreceptor cells at the base of the
angiocardiography may allow antemortem diagnosis. aorta. Thyroid, parathyroid, lymphoid, and connective tissue
neoplasms also occur at the heartbase. Pericardial mesothe
lioma develops i n some dogs and cats and may m i m i c idio
PERICARDIAL EFFUSION pathic disease. L y m p h o m a involving various parts of the
heart is seen more often in cats than in dogs. Dogs with
M H and pericardial effusion usually have pleural effusion
Etiology and Types Of Fluid and ascites despite the fact that they do not have cardiac
In dogs most pericardial effusions are serosanguineous or tamponade.
sanguineous and are of neoplastic or idiopathic origin. Tran Idiopathic (benign) pericardial effusion is reported most
sudates, modified transudates, and exudates are found occa frequently in m e d i u m - to large-breed dogs. Golden Retriev
sionally in both dogs and cats. ers, Labrador Retrievers, and Saint Bernards may be predis
posed. A l t h o u g h dogs of any age can be affected, the median
HEMORRHAGE age is 6 to 7 years. M o r e cases have been reported in males
Hemorrhagic effusions are c o m m o n i n dogs. The fluid than females. M i l d pericardial inflammation, with diffuse or
usually appears dark red, with a packed cell volume ( P C V ) perivascular fibrosis and focal hemorrhage, is c o m m o n on
>7%, a specific gravity >1.015, and a protein concentration histologic exam. Layers of fibrosis suggest a recurrent process
>3 g/dl. Cytologic analysis shows mainly red blood cells, but in some cases. Constrictive pericardial disease is a potential
reactive mesothelial, neoplastic, or other cells may be seen. complication.
Other, less c o m m o n causes of intrapericardial hemor tamponade. Lung and/or tracheal compression can compro
rhage include left atrial rupture secondary to severe mitral mise ventilation and stimulate cough; esophageal compres
insufficiency (see p. 116), coagulopathy, penetrating trauma sion can cause dysphagia or regurgitation.
(including iatrogenic laceration of a coronary artery during
pericardiocentesis), and possibly uremic pericarditis. CARDIAC TAMPONADE
Cardiac tamponade develops when pericardial fluid accu
TRANSUDATES mulation raises intrapericardial pressure to or above the
Pure transudates are clear, with a low cell count (usually normal cardiac diastolic pressure. This external compression
<1000 cells/l), specific gravity (<1.012), and protein content of the heart progressively limits filling, initially of the right
(<2.5 g/dl). Modified transudates may appear slightly cloudy heart, then the left. Cardiac output subsequently falls while
or pink tinged. Their cellularity (~1000 to 8000 cells/l) is systemic venous pressure rises. Pressure i n all cardiac cham
still low, but total protein concentration (~2.5-5.0 g/dl) and bers and the great veins eventually becomes equilibrated
specific gravity (1.015-1.030) are higher than those of a pure during diastole. Neurohormonal compensatory mechanisms
transudate. In some dogs and cats, transudative effusions are activated as tamponade develops. Gradual pericardial
occur with congestive heart failure ( C H F ) , hypoalbumin fluid accumulation results i n signs of C H F because of com
emia, P P D H and pericardial cysts, and toxemias that increase pensatory volume retention and the direct effects o f impaired
vascular permeability (including uremia). These conditions cardiac filling. Manifestations of systemic venous congestion
usually are associated with relatively small-volume pericar and right-sided C H F (ascites and pleural effusion) usually
dial effusion; cardiac tamponade is rare. predominate because of the right heart's thinner wall and
low pressures. Pericardial effusion does not typically affect
EXUDATES cardiac contractility directly, but reduced coronary perfusion
Exudative effusions are cloudy to opaque or serofibrinous to during tamponade can impair both systolic and diastolic
serosanguineous. They typically have a high nucleated cell function. L o w cardiac output, arterial hypotension, and poor
count (usually much higher than 3000 cells/l), protein organ perfusion can ultimately lead to cardiogenic shock
content (often much above 3 g/dl), and specific gravity and death.
(>1.015). Cytologic findings are related to the etiology. The rate of pericardial fluid accumulation and the disten
Exudative pericardial effusions are found only rarely i n sibility of the pericardial sac determine whether and how
small animals, except i n cats with feline infectious peritoni quickly cardiac tamponade develops. Rapid accumulation of
tis (FIP). even a relatively small volume can raise intrapericardial pres
Infectious pericarditis is usually related to plant awn sure sharply. A gradual process is implied when the pericar
migration, bite wounds, or extension of a pleural or m e d i dial fluid volume is large. Cardiac tamponade is relatively
astinal infection. Various bacteria (aerobic and anaerobic), c o m m o n i n dogs but rare i n cats.
actinomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, disseminated tuberculo Pulsus paradoxus is the term used to describe the exagger
sis, and, rarely, systemic protozoal infections have been ated variation i n arterial b l o o d pressure that occurs during
identified. Sterile exudative effusions are reported with the respiratory cycle as a result of cardiac tamponade. D u r i n g
leptospirosis, canine distemper, and idiopathic pericardial inspiration intrapericardial and right atrial (RA) pressures
effusion i n dogs and with FIP and toxoplasmosis i n cats. FIP fall, which facilitates right heart filling and pulmonary
is the most important cause of symptomatic pericardial effu blood flow. A t the same time, left heart filling is reduced as
sion in cats. Chronic uremia occasionally causes a sterile, more blood is held i n the lungs and the interventricular
serofibrinous or hemorrhagic effusion. septum bulges leftward from the inspiratory increase i n
right ventricular ( R V ) filling; consequently, left heart output
Pathophysiology and systemic arterial pressure decrease during inspiration.
Fluid accumulation within the pericardial space causes clin The variation in systolic arterial pressure between inspira
ical signs when it raises intrapericardial pressure to or above tion and expiration is usually >10 m m H g i n patients w i t h
normal cardiac filling pressure. This accumulation impedes cardiac tamponade and pulsus paradoxus. Pulsus paradoxus
venous return and cardiac filling. As long as intrapericardial is not always discernible using palpation of the femoral
pressure remains low, cardiac filling and output remain pulse.
relatively normal. If fluid accumulates slowly, the pericar
dium may distend enough to accommodate the increased Clinical Features
effusate volume at relatively low pressure. However, peri Clinical findings in patients with cardiac tamponade usually
cardial tissue is relatively noncompliant. Rapid fluid accu reflect right-sided C H F as well as poor cardiac output. Before
mulation or a very large effusion causes a steep rise i n obvious ascites develops, possible nonspecific signs include
intrapericardial pressure, leading to cardiac tamponade. lethargy, weakness, poor exercise tolerance, and inappetence.
Pericardial fibrosis and thickening further limit the compli The history typically includes complaints of weakness, exer
ance of this tissue. cise intolerance, abdominal enlargement, tachypnea, syncope,
Pericardial effusion of very large volume may cause clin and cough. A history of collapse is more c o m m o n i n dogs
ical signs by virtue of its size, even without overt cardiac with neoplastic disease; dogs without a mass lesion are more
Pericardial effusion enlarges the cardiac silhouette (Fig. 9-4).
A massive amount o f pericardial fluid causes the classic
globoid-shaped heart shadow on both radiographic views.
Smaller fluid volumes allow various cardiac contours to be
identified, especially dorsally. Other findings associated with
tamponade include pleural effusion, a distended caudal vena
cava, hepatomegaly, and ascites. Pulmonary infiltrates of
edema and distended pulmonary veins are seen ocasionally.
Some heartbase tumors cause tracheal deviation or a soft-
tissue mass effect. Metastatic lung lesions are c o m m o n in
dogs with hemangiosarcoma.
W h e n used, fluoroscopy demonstrates diminished to
absent motion of the cardiac shadow because of the fluid
FIG 9 - 3 surrounding the heart. Angiocardiography is used only
O l d e r m a l e B o x e r with c h r o n i c c a r d i a c t a m p o n a d e a n d rarely now to evaluate patients with pericardial effusion and
right-sided c o n g e s t i v e heart failure s e c o n d a r y to chemodec cardiac tumors; it typically reveals increased endocardial-
toma. The a b d o m e n is g r e a t l y d i s t e n d e d with ascites; to-pericardial distance. Cardiac neoplasms can cause dis
c h r o n i c loss of l e a n b o d y mass is e v i d e n t a l o n g the s p i n e , placement of normal structures, filling defects, and vascular
pelvis, a n d rib c a g e .
"blushing" (opacification of excessive, abnormal tumor-
associated vessels). Pneumopericardiography has also been
replaced by echocardiography. Pneumopericardiography
uses carbon dioxide or air injected into the drained pericar
likely to have obvious ascites. M a r k e d loss o f lean body mass dial sac to outline the heart, but it is rarely used these days.
occurs in some chronic cases (Fig. 9-3). Radiographs are taken from different orientations, but the
Jugular vein distention and/or positive hepatojugular left lateral and dorsoventral views are most helpful. These
reflux, hepatomegaly, ascites, labored respirations, and weak views allow the injected gas to outline the right atrial and
femoral pulses are c o m m o n physical examination findings. heartbase areas, respectively, where tumors are most common.
Pleural effusion and ascites are also c o m m o n in cats, as
well as dogs, with cardiac tamponade. A palpable decrease ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY
i n arterial pulse strength during inspiration (pulsus para Although there are no pathognomonic electrocardiographic
doxus) might be discernible i n some dogs with tamponade. ( E C G ) findings, the following abnormalities are suggestive
Sinus tachycardia, pale mucous membranes, and prolonged of pericardial effusion: small amplitude Q R S complexes
capillary refill time are manifestations o f high sympathetic (<1 m V in dogs), electrical alternans, and ST segment eleva
tone. The precordial impulse is weak when the pericardial tion (epicardial injury current). Electrical alternans is a
fluid volume is large. Heart sounds are muffled i n patients recurring alteration i n the size of the Q R S complex (or
with moderate to large pericardial effusions. Lung sounds sometimes the T wave) with every other beat (Fig. 9-5). It
are muffled over the ventral thorax in those with pleural results from the back-and-forth swinging motion of the
effusion. Although pericardial effusion does not cause a heart within the pericardium. Electrical alternans is most
murmur, concurrent cardiac disease may do so. If fluid likely to be seen i n patients with large-volume pericardial
has rapidly accumulated, acute tamponade can lead to shock effusion; it may be most evident at heart rates between 90
and death without obvious signs of pleural effusion, ascites, and 140/min and/or in the standing position. Sinus tachy
or radiographic evidence o f cardiomegaly. In such cases,
cardia is c o m m o n with cardiac tamponade. Atrial or ven
jugular venous distention, hypotension, and pulmonary
tricular tachyarrhythmias may also occur.
edema may be evident. Infectious pericarditis may be accom
panied by fever; rarely, a pericardial friction rub might be ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
Echocardiography is highly sensitive for detecting pericar
dial fluid, and it is the preferred diagnostic modality i f
Diagnosis radiographic changes are equivocal. Because fluid is sonolu
A central venous pressure ( C V P ) above 10 to 12 c m H O 2 cent, pericardial effusion appears as an echo-free space
is c o m m o n ; normally, C V P is <8 c m H O . C V P measure
2 between the bright parietal pericardium and the epicardium
ment is helpful when the jugular veins are difficult to (Fig. 9-6). A b n o r m a l cardiac wall motion and chamber
assess or it is unclear whether right heart filling pressure shape and intrapericardial or intracardiac mass lesions can
is elevated. Moderate- to large-volume pleural effusion also be imaged. W i t h large-volume pericardial effusion, the
should be drained before C V P measurement, not only to heart may appear to swing back and forth within the peri
stabilize the patient but also to minimize artifactual C V P cardial sac. Cardiac tamponade is manifested by diastolic
elevation. compression/collapse o f the right atrium and sometimes the
FIG 9 - 4
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a m i x e d - b r e e d d o g with l a r g e pericar
d i a l effusion. N o t e g l o b o i d s h a p e of c a r d i a c silhouette a n d distended c a u d a l v e n a c a v a (A).

FIG 9 - 5
Electrical alternans is evident o n this l e a d II e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m from a 10-year-old m a l e
B u l l d o g with a l a r g e p e r i c a r d i a l effusion. N o t e a l s o the small v o l t a g e Q R S c o m p l e x e s a n d
sinus t a c h y c a r d i a (heart rate a b o u t 1 7 0 b e a t s / m i n ) .

right ventricle (Fig. 9-7). It must be remembered that the Mesothelioma may not cause discrete mass lesions and
volume of effusion is not the main determinant of hemo therefore may be indistinguishable from idiopathic pericar
dynamic compromise but rather the intrapericardial pres dial effusion.
sure. The R V and R A walls are often well visualized and Sometimes pleural effusion, a markedly enlarged left
may appear hyperechoic because of the surrounding fluid. atrium, a dilated coronary sinus, or persistent left cranial
Better visualization of the heartbase and mass lesions is gen vena cava can be confused with pericardial effusion. Careful
erally obtained before pericardiocentesis is performed. scanning from several positions helps i n differentiating these
Careful evaluation of all portions of the right atrium and conditions. Identification of the parietal pericardium in rela
auricle, right ventricle, ascending aorta, and pericardium tion to the echo-free fluid helps differentiate pleural from
itself is important to screen for neoplasia. The left cranial pericardial effusion. Because the pericardium is a relatively
parasternal (and transesophageal) transducer positions are strong ultrasound reflector, by progressively dampening the
especially useful. Some mass lesions are difficult to visualize. returning echo signals, pericardial echos are seen to be the
FIG 9 - 6
E c h o c a r d i o g r a p h i c e x a m p l e s of p e r i c a r d i a l effusion. A , Short-axis M - m o d e v i e w at mitral
v a l v e a n d c h o r d a l levels. Large echo-free (fluid) s p a c e s a r e seen on either side of the
heart; the right ventricular w a l l is c l e a r l y v i s u a l i z e d . The small t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l i m a g e
a b o v e the M - m o d e s h o w s the heart (transected b y the M - m o d e cursor line) s u r r o u n d e d by
p e r i c a r d i a l fluid (which a p p e a r s b l a c k o n the i m a g e ) . B , Long-axis t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l v i e w
from left p a r a s t e r n a l position d e p i c t i n g a l a r g e h e a r t b a s e tumor a n d p e r i c a r d i a l effusion
in a S c h n a u z e r . PE, P e r i c a r d i a l effusion; T, tumor; IV, left ventricle; A, a o r t a .

FIG 9 - 7
Diastolic c o m p r e s s i o n of the right atrial w a l l (arrow) is evident in this left c a u d a l four-
c h a m b e r e c h o c a r d i o g r a m from a 3-year-old f e m a l e S a i n t B e r n a r d with c a r d i a c t a m p o n
a d e . LA, Left atrium; LV, left ventricle; PE, p e r i c a r d i a l effusion; RA, right atrium; RV, right
last to disappear. Most pericardial fluid accumulates near cause tamponade and often resolve with management of the
the cardiac apex because the pericardium adheres more underlying condition.
tightly to the heartbase; there is usually little fluid behind the Dogs w i t h idiopathic pericardial effusion are initially
left atrium. Furthermore, evidence o f collapsed lung lobes or treated conservatively by pericardiocentesis. After an infec
pleural folds can often be seen within pleural effusion. tious cause is ruled out by pericardial fluid culture or cyto
logic analysis, a glucocorticoid is often used (e.g., oral
CLINICOPATHOLOGIC FINDINGS prednisone, 1 mg/kg/day, tapered over 2-4 weeks); however,
Hematologic and biochemical test results are generally n o n its efficacy i n preventing recurrent idiopathic pericardial
specific. The complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) may suggest effusion is u n k n o w n . Sometimes a 1- to 2-week course of a
inflammation or infection. Cardiac H S A may be associated broad-spectrum antibiotic is used concurrently. Periodic
with a regenerative anemia, increased numbers of nucleated reevaluation o f these dogs by radiography or echocardiogra
red blood cells and schistocytes, and thrombocytopenia. phy is advised to detect recurrence. Apparent recovery occurs
M i l d hypoproteinemia is seen in some cases of pericardial after one or two pericardial taps i n about half of affected
effusion. Cardiac troponin concentration or enzyme activi dogs. Cardiac tamponade recurs after a variable time span
ties may be increased as a result of ischemia or myocardial (days to years) i n other cases. Some cases o f recurrent effu
invasion; m i l d increases i n liver enzyme activities and pre sion are caused by mesothelioma, M H , or other neoplasia,
renal azotemia may occur secondary to heart failure. Pleural which may become evident on repeated echocardiographic
and peritoneal fluids in dogs and cats with cardiac tampon exam.
ade are usually modified transudates. Recurrent effusion that does not respond to repeated
Pericardiocentesis (discussed in the next section) usually pericardiocenteses and antiinflammatory therapy is usually
yields a hemorrhagic effusion; occasionally the fluid is sup treated by subtotal pericardiectomy. Removal o f the pericar
purative. Samples are submitted for cytologic analysis and d i u m ventral to the phrenic nerves allows pericardial fluid
saved for possible bacterial (or fungal) culture. Nevertheless, drainage to the larger absorptive surface of the pleural space.
differentiation of neoplastic effusions from benign hemor The less invasive technique o f thoracoscopic partial pericar
rhagic pericarditis is usually impossible on the basis o f cytol diectomy has also been used successfully to treat idiopathic
ogy alone. Reactive mesothelial cells within the effusion may and some cases of neoplastic pericardial effusion; biopsy
closely resemble neoplastic cells; furthermore, chemodecto samples of the mass or masses (if identified) can be obtained
mas and HSAs may not shed cells into the effusion. There through thoracoscopy. Lateral and subxiphoid approaches
fore identifying a mass lesion with echocardiography is have been described. Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy
helpful for diagnosis. The effusions i n patients w i t h l y m also appears to be an effective and even less invasive option
phoma or M H typically are consistent with a modified tran for some cases. This procedure is performed under general
sudate. Neoplastic cells usually are easily identified in dogs anesthesia w i t h fluoroscopic guidance. It involves placing a
and cats with lymphoma and in dogs with M H . M a n y neo percutaneous sheath introducer through the chest wall into
plastic (and other non-inflammatory) effusions have a p H the pericardial space, then inserting a large balloon dilation
of 7.0 or greater, whereas inflammatory effusions generally catheter. The sheath is adjusted so that the balloon can be
have lower p H . However, there appears to be too m u c h positioned across the pericardial membrane; as the balloon
overlap for pericardial p H to be used as a reliable discrimina is inflated, it stretches the hole i n the parietal pericardium.
tor. Pericardial fluid culture is performed i f cytology and p H There is some concern that adhesions developing around a
suggest an infectious or inflammatory cause. In some patients small pericardiotomy opening may result in fluid reaccumu
fungal titers (e.g., coccidioidomycosis) or other serologic lation or increased risk o f constrictive pericarditis.
tests are helpful. It is currently unclear whether analysis o f Neoplastic pericardial effusions are also initially drained
pericardial fluid for cardiac troponins or other substances to relieve cardiac tamponade. Therapy may involve attempted
will allow better differentiation o f the underlying etiology. surgical resection (depending on tumor size and location)
or surgical biopsy, a trial of chemotherapy (based on biopsy
Treatment and Prognosis or clinicopathologic findings), or conservative therapy until
It is important to differentiate cardiac tamponade from episodes o f cardiac tamponade become unmanageable. Sur
other causes of right-sided C H F because the treatment is gical resection o f H S A is often not possible because o f the
very different. Positive inotropic drugs do not ameliorate the size and extent o f the tumor. Small tumors involving only
signs of tamponade; diuretics and vasodilators can further the tip o f the right auricle have been successfully removed;
reduce cardiac output and exacerbate hypotension and use o f a pericardial patch graft may allow resection o f larger
shock. Pericardiocentesis (discussed i n the next section) is masses involving the lateral R A wall. However, auriculec
the immediate treatment of choice, and it also provides diag tomy alone rarely results i n prolonged long-term survival.
nostic information. Most signs o f C H F resolve after pericar Partial pericardiectomy may prevent the recurrence of tam
dial fluid is removed. A dose or two o f a diuretic may be ponade. The increased potential for tumor dissemination
useful after pericardiocentesis i n some animals. Pericardial throughout the thoracic cavity does not appear to affect
effusions secondary to other diseases that cause C H F , con survival time, compared with pericardiocentesis alone, in
genital malformations, or hypoalbuminemia do not usually dogs with H S A or mesothelioma. The prognosis in dogs with
R A H S A treated with surgery alone or i n those i n which entire pericardial sac can be fatal, and partial pericardiec
treatment is declined by the owners is poor (median survival tomy may enhance intrathoracic dissemination o f certain
of 2-3 weeks); most dogs w i t h atrial H S A have objective tumors such as mesothelioma and carcinoma.
responses to multiagent chemotherapy ( V A C protocol) and
survival times o f 4 to 8 months. Survival time i n dogs with PERICARDIOCENTESIS
mesothelioma may be slightly longer than i n those with Pericardiocentesis should be done immediately in animals
H S A , but the overall prognosis is poor. with cardiac tamponade. Administration of diuretics or
Heartbase tumors (e.g., chemodectoma) tend to be slow vasodilators without pericardiocentesis may cause further
growing and locally invasive and have a l o w metastatic hypotension and cardiogenic shock. Pericardiocentesis is
potential. Partial pericardiectomy may prolong survival for a relatively safe procedure when performed carefully.
years. Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy may also be an Removal of even a small volume o f pericardial fluid can
effective palliative procedure. Because o f local invasion, markedly decrease intrapericardial pressure in animals with
complete surgical resection is rarely possible; attempts at tamponade.
aggressive resection often result i n severe bleeding and death. Pericardiocentesis is usually done from the right side to
However, small, well-defined masses may be completely minimize the risk o f trauma to the lung (via the cardiac
resectable. Surgical biopsy is indicated i f chemotherapy is notch) and major coronary vessels (located mostly on the
contemplated. Effusion secondary to myocardial l y m p h o m a , left). The need for sedation depends on the clinical status
usually easily diagnosed cytologically, often responds to peri and temperament o f the animal. The animal is usually placed
cardiocentesis and chemotherapy. i n left lateral or sternal recumbency for more secure restraint,
Infectious pericarditis should be treated aggressively with especially i f the animal is weak or excitable. Sometimes
appropriate antimicrobial drugs, as determined by microbial needle pericardiocentesis can be successfully performed on
culture and sensitivity testing. Surgical therapy is likely to be the standing animal, but the risk o f injury increases i f the
more effective than continuous drainage with an indwelling patient suddenly moves. A n elevated echocardiography table
pericardial catheter, and it also allows removal o f penetrating with a large cutout can also be used with good success; the
foreign bodies. The prognosis is guarded. Even w i t h success animal is placed i n right lateral recumbency, and the tap is
ful elimination o f infection, epicardial and pericardial fibrin performed from underneath. A n advantage to this method
deposition may lead to constrictive pericardial disease. is that fluid moves to the right side with gravity; however, i f
Pure hemorrhage into the pericardial space, whether the adequate space is not available for wide sterile skin prepara
result of trauma, rupture o f the left atrium, or a systemic tion or needle/catheter manipulation, this approach is not
coagulopathy, should be removed i f signs o f cardiac tampon advised. Echo guidance can be used but is not necessary
ade exist. O n l y enough b l o o d to control signs o f tamponade unless the effusion is of very small volume or appears com
should be removed because continued drainage may predis partmentalized.
pose to further bleeding. The remaining b l o o d is usually A variety o f equipment can be used for pericardiocentesis.
resorbed through the pericardium (autotransfusion). Surgery A butterfly needle/catheter (19- to 21-gauge) or appropri
may be needed to stop continued bleeding or remove large ately long hypodermic or spinal needle attached to extension
clots. Dogs that survive an initial episode o f intrapericardial tubing is adequate i n emergency situations. A n over-the-
bleeding from rupture o f the left atrium still have a guarded needle catheter system is a safer alternative because it reduces
to poor prognosis because o f recurrent tearing o f the left the risk o f cardiopulmonary laceration during fluid aspira
atrium. Animals w i t h intrapericardial hemorrhage o f unclear tion. The catheter is chosen according to patient size (e.g.,
cause should be evaluated for a coagulation disorder. W h e n 12- to 16-gauge, 4- to 6-inch long catheter for large dogs,
trauma-induced intrapericardial hemorrhage persists i n an down to 18- to 20-gauge, 1- to 2-inch long catheter for
animal with n o r m a l hemostasis, surgical exploration is small dogs or cats). A few extra small side holes may be
indicated. smoothly cut (with sterile scissors) near the tip of larger
catheters to increase fluid removal rate. D u r i n g initial cath
Complications eter placement the extension tubing is attached to the needle
Complications o f diseases causing pericardial effusion relate stylet. After the catheter is advanced into the pericardial
to (1) sequelae o f the fluid accumulation itself (e.g., cardiac space, the extension tubing is reattached directly to the cath
tamponade and compression o f surrounding structures eter. W i t h all methods, a three-way stopcock is placed
[lung, esophagus, trachea]), (2) immediate effects o f associ between the tubing and a collection syringe.
ated inflammatory processes (e.g., arrhythmias, local and A n E C G monitor should be i n place during pericardio
systemic effects o f infectious agents, further fluid forma centesis because needle/catheter contact with the heart com
tion), (3) pericardial fibrosis and subsequent constrictive m o n l y induces ventricular arrhythmias. The skin is shaved
pericarditis, (4) sequelae o f neoplastic processes (e.g., further over a wide area o f the right precordium (from about the
bleeding, metastases, local invasion and obstruction, seed third to seventh intercostal spaces and from sternum to cos
ing o f the pleura, loss o f function), and (5) complications o f tochondral junction) and surgically prepared. Sterile gloves
pericardiocentesis (discussed i n the next section). Overly and aseptic technique are used for the procedure. The punc
aggressive surgical attempts to remove cardiac tumors or the ture site is located by palpating to identify the point at which
the cardiac impulse feels strongest (usually between the CONSTRICTIVE PERICARDIAL DISEASE
fourth and sixth ribs just lateral to the sternum). Local anes
thesia is necessary when using large catheters and recom Etiology and Pathophysiology
mended for needle pericardiocentesis. Lidocaine (2%) is Constrictive pericardial disease is diagnosed occasionally
infiltrated with sterile technique at the skin puncture site, i n dogs but only rarely i n cats. This condition occurs when
into underlying intercostal muscles, and into the pleura. thickening and scarring o f the visceral and/or parietal
A small stab incision is made i n the skin to allow catheter pericardium restrict ventricular diastolic expansion and
entry. prevent n o r m a l cardiac filling. Both ventricles are affected.
Intercostal vessels are located just caudal to each rib and Usually the entire pericardium is involved symmetrically.
must be avoided when entering the chest. Once the needle Fusion o f parietal and visceral pericardial layers obliterates
has penetrated the skin, the operator's assistant should apply the pericardial space i n some cases. In others the visceral
gentle negative pressure to the attached syringe as the oper layer (epicardium) alone is involved. A small amount o f
ator slowly advances the needle toward the heart. It is some pericardial effusion (constrictive-effusive pericarditis) may
times helpful to aim the tip o f the needle toward the animal's be present.
opposite shoulder. The tubing is observed so that fluid w i l l Increased fibrous connective tissue and variable amounts
be seen as soon as it is aspirated. Pleural fluid (usually straw of inflammatory and reactive pericardial infiltrates are seen
colored) may enter the tubing first and is drained as m u c h on histopathologic exam. A l t h o u g h the etiology o f constric
as possible. The pericardium creates increased resistance to tive pericardial disease is often u n k n o w n , acute inflamma
needle advancement and may produce a subtle scratching tion with fibrin deposition and possibly varying degrees of
sensation. Gentle pressure is used to advance the needle pericardial effusion are thought to precede its development.
through the pericardium. A loss o f resistance may be noted Some cases i n dogs are attributable to recurrent idiopathic
with needle penetration, and fluid aspirated into the tubing hemorrhagic effusion, infectious pericarditis (resulting
usually appears dark red. If the needle comes into contact from actinomycosis, mycobacteriosis, coccidioidomycosis),
with the heart, a marked scratching or tapping sensation is a metallic foreign body i n the pericardium, tumors, and
usually felt, the needle may move w i t h the heartbeat, and idiopathic osseous metaplasia and/or fibrosis o f the
ventricular premature complexes are often provoked. The pericardium.
needle should be retracted slightly i f cardiac contact occurs. In advanced constrictive pericardial disease, ventricular
It is important to avoid excessive needle m o t i o n w i t h i n the filling is limited essentially to early diastole, before ventricu
chest. W h e n a catheter system is used, after the needle/stylet lar expansion is abruptly curtailed. A n y further ventricular
is well within the pericardial space, the catheter is advanced, filling is accomplished only at high venous pressures. C o m
the stylet removed, and the extension tubing attached to the promised filling reduces cardiac output, and compensatory
catheter. Initial fluid samples are saved for cytologic exam mechanisms o f heart failure cause fluid retention, tachycar
and possible culture, and then as m u c h fluid as possible is dia, and vasoconstriction.
Pericardial effusion usually appears quite hemorrhagic. Clinical Features
It can be distressing to see dark, bloody fluid being aspirated Middle-aged, large- to medium-breed dogs are most often
from near the heart, but pericardial fluid can be differenti affected. Males and G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs may be at higher
ated from intracardiac b l o o d i n several ways. Unless the fluid risk. Some dogs have a history o f pericardial effusion. C l i n i
is caused by very recent pericardial hemorrhage, it will not cal signs o f right-sided C H F predominate. A b d o m i n a l dis
clot. (A few drops can be placed on the table or into a serum tention (ascites), tachypnea or labored breathing, tiring,
tube to check.) The P C V o f pericardial fluid is usually m u c h syncope, weakness, and weight loss are c o m m o n complaints.
lower than that o f peripheral b l o o d (except i n some dogs These signs may develop over weeks to months. Ascites and
with H S A ) ; also, the supernatant is xanthochromic (yellow jugular venous distention are the most consistent clinical
tinged) when spun i n a hematocrit tube. As the pericardial findings, as i n dogs w i t h cardiac tamponade. Weakened
fluid is drained, the animal's E C G complexes increase i n femoral pulses and muffled heart sounds are also typical. A
amplitude, tachycardia diminishes, and the patient often diastolic pericardial knock sound, resulting from abrupt
takes a deep breath and appears more comfortable. deceleration o f ventricular filling i n early diastole, has been
described but is not often identified i n dogs. A systolic
Complications m u r m u r or click, probably caused by valvular disease rather
Complications o f pericardiocentesis include (1) cardiac than the pericardial pathology, or a diastolic gallop sound
injury or puncture causing arrhythmias (the most c o m m o n may be heard.
complication, although usually self-limiting when the needle
is withdrawn), (2) lung laceration causing pneumothorax Diagnosis
and/or hemorrhage, (3) coronary artery laceration with The diagnosis o f constrictive pericardial disease may be dif
myocardial infarction or further bleeding into the pericardial ficult. Typical radiographic findings include m i l d to moder
space, and (4) dissemination o f infection or neoplastic cells ate cardiomegaly, pleural effusion, and caudal vena cava
into the pleural space. distention. Reduced cardiac m o t i o n may be evident on fluo-
roscopy. Echocardiographic changes i n dogs w i t h constric threatening. Tachyarrhythmias are another complication of
tive pericardial disease may be subtle; suggestive findings surgery. In the postoperative period, a diuretic and possibly
include diastolic flattening of the left ventricular freewall and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) may be
abnormal septal motion. The pericardium may appear thick helpful. Positive inotropic and vasodilating drugs are not
ened and intensely echogenic, but differentiating this from usually indicated. Constrictive pericardial disease is progres
normal pericardial echogenicity may be impossible. Possible sive and, without successful surgical intervention, ultimately
E C G abnormalities include sinus tachycardia, P-wave pro fatal.
longation, and small Q R S complexes.
A C V P >15 m m H g is c o m m o n . Intracardiac hemody
namic measurements are most useful diagnostically. In addi CARDIAC TUMORS
tion to high mean atrial and diastolic ventricular pressures,
the atrial pressure waveform shows a prominent y descent Etiology and Pathophysiology
(during ventricular relaxation). This is i n contrast to cardiac Echocardiography has made the antemortem diagnosis of
tamponade, wherein the y descent is diminished. D u r i n g cardiac tumors more c o m m o n , although the overall preva
tamponade, ventricular diastolic expansion immediately lence of such neoplasms is low. Some cardiac tumors cause
raises intrapericardial pressure and impairs caval flow into severe clinical signs, whereas others are diagnosed fortu
the right atrium, thus preventing the n o r m a l early diastolic itously. Dogs with cardiac tumors tend to be middle-aged
decrease in C V P (y descent), although flow into the right and older. M o r e than 85% of affected dogs are between 7 and
atrium (and x descent on atrial waveform) continues during 15 years of age; however, very o l d dogs (>15 years) have a
ventricular contraction. W i t h constrictive pericardial disease, surprisingly low prevalence. Reproductive status influences
filling pressure is low only i n early diastole (during the time the relative risk for cardiac tumors i n dogs, despite a similar
of y descent). Another classic finding w i t h constrictive peri frequency of occurrence i n males and females overall. Neu
cardial disease is an early diastolic dip i n ventricular pres tered dogs have a greater relative risk, especially spayed
sure, followed by a mid-diastolic plateau, but this is not females, which have a risk that is four to five times greater
consistently seen in dogs. Results of angiocardiography may compared w i t h that of intact females. Intact and neutered
be normal, or they may show atrial and vena caval enlarge males also have greater risk than intact females. Certain
ment with increased endocardial-pericardial distance. breeds of dog have a higher prevalence of cardiac tumor
compared with the general population (Table 9-1). The age
Treatment and Prognosis distribution of cats with cardiac tumors is different from that
Therapy for constrictive pericardial disease consists of surgi of dogs; about 28% are 7 years old or younger. It is unknown
cal pericardiectomy. This is more successful when only the whether reproductive status affects relative risk for cardiac
parietal pericardium is involved. Constrictive pericardial tumors i n cats.
disease involving the visceral layer requires epicardial strip The most c o m m o n cardiac tumor i n dogs is H S A . Most
ping. This procedure increases the surgical difficulty and are located i n the right atrium and/or right auricle; some also
associated complications. Pulmonary thrombosis is report infiltrate the ventricular wall. H S A s usually are associated
edly a c o m m o n postoperative complication and can be life- w i t h hemorrhagic pericardial effusion and cardiac tampon-


D o g Breeds w i t h H i g h Prevalence o f Cardiac Tumors


Saluki 6 401 7.75 3.92-15.38

French B u l l d o g 3 215 7.19 2.72-19.23
Irish W a t e r S p a n i e l 2 168 6.13 1.81-20.83
F l a t - C o a t e d Retriever 4 534 3.85 1.54-9.62
G o l d e n Retriever 215 32,940 3.73 3.26-4.27
Boxer 52 8,496 3.22 2.47-4.18
Afghan Hound 12 2,080 2.97 1.72-5.10
English Setter 21 3,796 2.86 1.89-4.31
Scottish Terrier 16 3,290 2.50 1.55-4.03
Boston Terrier 25 5,225 2.47 1.68-3.62
Bulldog 24 5,580 2.22 1.49-3.29
G e r m a n Shepherd Dog 129 37,872 1.81 1.52-2.17

Modified from W a r e W A , Hopper DL: Cardiac tumors in dogs: 1 9 8 2 - 1 9 9 5 , J Vet Intern Med 13:95, 1999.
CI, Confidence interval.
ade (see p. 158). Metastases are c o m m o n by the time o f Auscultation findings vary. Arrhythmias or muffled heart
diagnosis. Golden Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs, Afghan sounds (if large pericardial effusion is present) are c o m m o n .
Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, English Setters, and Labrador Occasionally a m u r m u r is caused by neoplastic obstruction
Retrievers, among others, are at higher risk for this tumor. of intracardiac b l o o d flow, but murmurs associated w i t h
Masses at the heartbase are the second most frequently unrelated disease (e.g., degenerative mitral regurgitation) are
reported cardiac tumor i n dogs. They are usually neoplasms more c o m m o n . Auscultation findings may be normal.
of the chemoreceptor aortic bodies (chemodectoma, aortic
body tumors); ectopic thyroid or parathyroid, or mixed- Diagnosis
cell-type tumors also occur here. Heartbase tumors tend to Radiographic findings are also quite variable. The cardiac
be locally invasive around the root o f the aorta and sur silhouette may be n o r m a l or show an unusual bulge, a mass
rounding structures; metastases to other organs occur rarely. effect adjacent to the heart, or a globoid cardiac silhouette
Chemodectomas are reported more frequently i n brachyce compatible w i t h pericardial effusion. Intrapericardial masses
phalic dogs (specifically Boxers, Boston Terriers, and B u l l are obscured by pericardial effusion. Other radiographic
dogs) but affect individuals o f other breeds as well. Clinical findings that occur secondary to impaired cardiac filling
signs associated with heartbase tumors are usually related to include pleural effusion, evidence o f p u l m o n a r y edema, w i d
pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade. ening o f the caudal vena cava (and/or p u l m o n a r y veins),
Mesothelioma occurs sporadically; there may be geo hepatomegaly, and ascites. Dorsal deviation o f the trachea
graphical variation i n its prevalence. Other primary tumors and increased perihilar opacity are seen i n some dogs w i t h
involving the heart are rare i n dogs but include myxoma, heartbase tumors. Evidence o f p u l m o n a r y metastases is
various types o f sarcoma, and other neoplasms. Most cases found w i t h some p r i m a r y or secondary (metastatic) cardiac
involve right-heart structures. Metastatic tumors, including neoplasms.
lymphoma, other sarcomas, and various carcinomas, may E C G findings sometimes show abnormalities suggesting
involve the heart as well. M H may involve the heart or peri the location and sequelae o f the underlying disease, such as
cardium; most affected dogs are either Golden Retrievers, chamber enlargement, pericardial effusion, and various
Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, or Greyhounds. M i l d peri arrhythmias. Echocardiography can depict cardiac masses
cardial effusion, without overt signs o f cardiac tamponade, and determine the presence or absence of pericardial effu
co-exists with pleural and abdominal effusion. sion as well as secondary changes i n cardiac chamber size,
Lymphoma is the most c o m m o n cardiac t u m o r i n cats. shape, and ventricular function. Doppler techniques allow
Various (mostly metastatic) carcinomas are the next most assessment o f associated b l o o d flow abnormalities. Heart-
c o m m o n cardiac neoplasms i n cats. H S A is u n c o m m o n ; base tumors that extend into the pericardial space are easier
other tumors (such as aortic body tumor, fibrosarcoma, to see when there is pericardial effusion, just as intracardiac
rhabdomyosarcoma) are reported only rarely i n cats. masses are accentuated by the echolucent intracardiac b l o o d
Cardiac tumors cause several pathophysiologic abnor surrounding them (Fig. 9-8). The left cranial parasternal
malities, depending on their location and size. Ultimately, transducer position may be especially useful i n evaluating
the patient's clinical signs can be referred to one or a c o m the ascending aorta, right auricle, and surrounding struc
bination of these. M a n y tumors impede cardiac filling by tures. Echocardiographic assessment of the tumor's location,
causing pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponade (dis size, attachment (pedunculated or broad based), and extent
cussed earlier). A n intrapericardial mass can itself externally (superficial or deeply invading adjacent myocardium) may
compress the heart as well as cause pericardial effusion. help in determining whether surgical resection or biopsy is
Alternatively, a tumor that grows i n an intracardiac location possible. Visualizing a suspected mass lesion in more than
can physically obstruct cardiac inflow or outflow. Myocardial one echocardiographic plane helps verify it and prevent the
tumor infiltration or secondary ischemia can disrupt the misinterpretation o f artifacts.
cardiac rhythm and impair contractility. If the tumor is small Pericardial fluid analysis is recommended, although
or has not yet markedly impaired cardiac function, clinical definitive diagnosis o f neoplasia cannot usually be made on
signs may be absent. the basis o f cytologic findings alone (see p. 163). Cardiac
l y m p h o m a or M H is more likely to be diagnosed o n pericar
Clinical Features dial fluid cytology. Nevertheless, visualization o f a cardiac
Signs of right-sided C H F result from b l o o d flow obstruction mass using echocardiography, computed tomography, pneu
within the right atrium or ventricle or from cardiac tampon mopericardiography, angiography, or another modality is
ade. Syncope, weakness associated w i t h exertion, and other usually necessary for diagnosis. Hematologic and serum bio
low output signs also result from cardiac tamponade, b l o o d chemical tests are generally nonspecific i n dogs and cats with
flow obstruction, arrhythmias, or impaired myocardial func cardiac tumors. Cardiac enzyme activities or circulation tro
tion secondary to cardiac tumors. Tachyarrhythmias o f any p o n i n concentrations may be high because o f ischemia or
type may also occur; intracardiac conduction disturbances myocardial invasion; m i l d increases i n serum alanine a m i
sometimes result from tumor infiltration. Lethargy or col notransferase activity and azotemia may occur with C H F .
lapse may relate to bleeding tumors (e.g., H S A ) present i n H S A is often associated w i t h a regenerative anemia, increased
extracardiac locations as well. number o f nucleated red b l o o d cells and schistocytes, leuko-
months. L y m p h o m a and M H should be treated using stan
dard protocols.

Suggested Readings
Aronsohn M G , Carpenter JL: Surgical treatment of idiopathic peri
cardial effusion in the dog: 25 cases (1978-1993), J Am Anim
Hosp Assoc 35:521, 1999.
Aronson LR, Gregory CR: Infectious pericardial effusion in five
dogs, Vet Surg 24:402, 1995.
Brisson BA, Holmberg DL: Use of pericardial patch graft recon
struction of the right atrium for treatment of hemangiosarcoma
in a dog,} Am Vet Med Assoc 218:723, 2001.
Closa JM, Font A, Mascort J: Pericardial mesothelioma in a dog:
long term survival after pericardiectomy in combination with
chemotherapy, / Small Anim Pract 40:383, 1999.
Cobb M A et al: Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy for the man
agement of malignant pericardial effusion in two dogs, / Small
Anim Pract 37:549, 1996.
Davidson BJ, Paling AC, Lahmers SL et al: Disease association and
clinical assessment of feline pericardial effusion, ] Am Anim Hosp
Assoc 44:5-9, 2008.
Day MJ, Martin MWS: Immunohistochemical characterization of
the lesions of canine idiopathic pericarditis, / Small Anim Pract
FIG 9 - 8 43:382, 2002.
Right p a r a s t e r n a l short-axis e c h o c a r d i o g r a m from a 16-year- Dunning D et al: Analysis of prognostic indicators for dogs with
o l d C o c k e r S p a n i e l a n d P o o d l e mix with ascites a n d pericardial effusion: 46 cases (1985-1996), / Am Vet Med Assoc
w e a k n e s s . A l a r g e right atrial tumor extends a c r o s s the 212:1276, 1998.
tricuspid orifice into the ventricle in this diastolic f r a m e . Ehrhart N et al: Survival of dogs with aortic body tumors, Vet Surg
P e r i c a r d i a l effusion w a s not present in this d o g . A o , A o r t a ;
31:44, 2002.
LA, left a t r i u m ; RA, right a t r i u m ; RV, right ventricle.
Fine D M , Tobias A H , lacob KA: Use of pericardial fluid pH to
distinguish between idiopathic and neoplastic effusions, / Vet
Intern Med 17:525, 2003.
lackson J, Richter KP, Launer DP: Thorascopic partial pericardiec
cytosis, and thrombocytopenia. If present, pleural and peri tomy in 13 dogs, / Vet Intern Med 13:529, 1999.
toneal fluids are usually modified transudates. Miller MW, Sisson DD: Pericardial disorders. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman
EC, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 5, Phila
Treatment and Prognosis delphia, 2000, W B Saunders, pp 923-936.
Unfortunately, there are few good long-term options in most Reimer SB et al: Long-term outcome of cats treated conservatively
patients with a heart tumor. Cardiac tamponade is managed or surgically for peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia: 66
when it occurs (see p. 163). Conservative therapy (pericar cases (1987-2002), / Am Vet Med Assoc 224:728, 2004.
diocentesis as needed, possibly with glucocorticoid adminis Rush JE, Keene BW, Fox PR: Pericardial disease in the cat: a retro
tration to decrease inflammation) is used i n some animals. spective evaluation of 66 cases, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 26:39, 1990.
Sidley JA et al: Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy as a treatment
Partial pericardiectomy or pericardiotomy may be helpful in
for recurrent pericardial effusion in 6 dogs, / Vet Intern Med
animals with recurrent tamponade.
16:541, 2002.
Surgical tumor resection may be possible depending on
Stepien RL, Whitley NT, Dubielzig RR: Idiopathic or mesotheli-
the location, size, and invasiveness of the mass. Tumors oma-related pericardial effusion: clinical findings and survival
involving only the tip of the right auricular appendage or a in 17 dogs studied retrospectively, / Small Anim Pract 41:342,
pedunculated mass in a surgically accessible location are 2000.
more likely to be resectable. Intracardiac masses w i t h i n the Stafford Johnson M et al: A retrospective study of clinical findings,
right side of the heart might be reached using venous inflow treatment and outcome in 143 dogs with pericardial effusion,
occlusion techniques and rapid cardiotomy; however, surgi / Small Anim Pract 45:546, 2004.
cal access to lesions o n the left side of the heart and large or Thomas WP et al: Constrictive pericardial disease in the dog, / Am
medially attached masses in the right heart generally requires Vet Med Assoc 184:546, 1984.
Vicari ED et al: Survival times of and prognostic indicators for dogs
cardiopulmonary bypass.
with heart base masses: 25 cases (1986-1999), J Am Vet Med Assoc
Surgical biopsy of a nonresectable mass may be helpful i f
219:485, 2001.
chemotherapy is being contemplated. Although many cardiac
Ware WA: Cardiac neoplasia. In Bonagura JD, editor: Kirk's current
tumors appear to be fairly unresponsive to chemotherapy, veterinary therapy XII, Philadelphia, 1995, WB Saunders, pp 873-
some are treated with short-term success. Some cardiac 876.
hemangiosarcomas respond to vincristine, doxorubicin, and Ware WA, Hopper DL: Cardiac tumors in dogs: 1982-1995, / Vet
cyclophosphamide combination chemotherapy for 4 to 8 Intern Med 13:95, 1999.
C H A P T E R 10

Heartworm Disease

the new host when the mosquito takes another blood meal.
L larvae migrate subcutaneously within the new host,

molting into an L stage within 9 to 12 days, and then enter

ing the L stage. The juvenile L worms enter the vasculature
5 5
Heartworm Life Cycle
about 100 days after infection, where they migrate preferen
Tests for Heartworm Disease
tially to the peripheral pulmonary arteries of the caudal lung
lobes. It takes at least 5 and usually more than 6 months
Pulmonary Hypertension Without Heartworm Disease
before these worms develop into adults, at which time gravid
females release microfilariae and the infection becomes
Microfilariae passed to another animal by blood transfu
Clinicopathic Findings
sion or across the placenta do not develop into adult worms
Pretreatment Evaluation
because the mosquito host is required to complete the par
Adulticide Therapy in Dogs
asite's life cycle. Therefore puppies younger than 6 months
Pulmonary Complications
of age that have circulating microfilariae most likely received
Right-sided Congestive Heart Failure
them transplacentally and do not have patent heartworm
Caval Syndrome
disease ( H W D ) .
Microfilaricide Therapy
H W D is widespread throughout the United States, espe
Heartworm Prevention
cially along the eastern and gulf coasts and in the Mississippi
River valley Sporadic cases occur in other areas of the
Tests for Heartworm Disease i n Cats
country and Canada; the disease is prevalent in other regions
of the world as well. Heartworm transmission is limited by
climate. A n average daily temperature of >64 F for about a
month is needed for the L1 larvae to mature within a mos
Other Tests
quito to the infective stage. Heartworm transmission peaks
Medical Therapy and Complications
during July and August i n temperate regions of the Northern
Surgical Therapy
Microfilaricide Therapy
Dogs and other canids are the preferred host species.
Although cats are also affected by H W D , they are more resis
tant to infection than dogs. The overall prevalence of heart-
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS w o r m disease i n cats is thought to be 5% to 20% of that i n
dogs i n the same geographic area. Reported prevalences
HEARTWORM LIFE CYCLE range from 0% to > 16%. In the United States, cases have
The heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is transmitted by been identified i n most of the midwest and eastern states and
various species of mosquitoes, which act as its obligate inter in California.
mediate host. A mosquito initially ingests the microfilariae,
or first-stage larvae (L1), which circulate i n the blood of an TESTS FOR HEARTWORM DISEASE
infected host animal. The L1 develops into an L and then
Serologic Tests
enters the infective L stage within the mosquito over a
3 A n t i g e n tests. Adult heartworm antigen (Ag) tests are
period of approximately 2 to 2.5 weeks. Infective larvae enter recommended as the main screening test for H W D in dogs.
Currently available A g test kits are highly accurate. Because of clinical disease or radiographic signs. H i g h A b titers are
monthly heartworm preventive drugs promote occult infec associated with heartworm death as well as heavy infection.
tions by virtually eliminating circulating microfilariae, A g It is unclear how long circulating A b remain after elimina
testing provides higher overall sensitivity for diagnosing tion of heartworm infection.
H W D . Circulating A g is usually detectable by about 6.5 to 7 False negative A b tests also occur fairly frequently (in up
months after infection but not sooner than 5 months. There to approximately 14% of cases). These are usually related to
is no reason to test puppies younger than 7 months. Testing infection with a single w o r m and are a matter of concern
of adults is recommended at about 7 months after the pre because the feline w o r m burden is often low. Therefore a
ceding transmission season. Depending on the climate, negative heartworm A b test suggests one of the following:
monthly heartworm prophylaxis may have been started (or (1) the cat does not have heartworm infection, (2) the cat
continued) before that time. has an infection less than 60 days old, or (3) the cat produced
Commercially available test kits are immunoassays that a concentration of IgG A b against the A g used i n making the
detect circulating heartworm A g from the adult female test that is too low to be detected. W h e n clinical findings
reproductive tract. M o s t are enzyme-linked immunosorbent suggest H W D but the A b test is negative, serological testing
assays (ELISAs), although hemagglutination and immuno should be repeated using a different A b test and a heartworm
chromatographic test methods also are available. These tests A g test. Chest radiographs and an echocardiogram are also
are generally very specific and have a good sensitivity. Posi recommended. The A b test may also be repeated i n a few
tive results are consistently obtained when at least three months.
female worms 7 to 8 months or older are present. Most kits
do not detect infections less than 5 months o l d , and male Microfilaria Identification
worms are not detected. Most serum/plasma kits often can Tests for circulating microfilariae are no longer recom
identify infections with one live female w o r m . Microwell- mended for routine heartworm screening. They are useful i n
format ELISA tests i n general are slightly more sensitive than identifying patients that are reservoirs of infection and to
the rapid assay, membrane-format tests. O f the latter the assess whether high numbers of microfilariae are present
S N A P test ( I D E X X Laboratories, Westbrook, Maine) report before a monthly preventive drug is administered. Microfi
edly is more sensitive for detecting infections with 1 or 2 laria testing is mandatory i f diethylcarbamazine (DEC) is to
female worms. A weak positive or ambiguous test result may be used as a heartworm preventive. The macrocyclic lactone
be rechecked using a different test kit or repeated after a preventive drugs, administered monthly, reduce and elimi
short time with the same type of kit; microfilaria testing and nate microfilaremia by impairing the reproductive function
chest radiographs can also help determine whether infection of female and possibly also male worms. Most dogs become
is present. A false-positive A g test result can usually be traced amicrofilaremic by the sixth monthly dose with these drugs.
to a technical error. False-negative results may occur with However, up to 90% of heartworm-positive dogs that are not
a low w o r m burden, immature female worms only, male treated monthly with a macrolide have circulating microfi
unisex infection, or a cold test kit. Because the adult w o r m lariae. The remaining so-called occult infections, i n which
burden is l o w i n cats and there is greater probability of male there are no circulating microfilariae, can result from an
unisex infections, false-negative test results are more likely i m m u n e response that destroys the microfilariae within the
in this species. lung (true occult infection), unisex infection, sterile adult
Antibody tests. Heartworm antibody tests are mar heartworms, or the presence of only immature worms (pre-
keted for cats. The E L I S A antibody (Ab) tests use either patent infection). Occult infections are frequently associated
recombinant A g or heartworm A g extracted and purified with severe signs of disease. L o w numbers of microfilariae
from male and female worms. These tests are used to screen and diurnal variations in the number of circulating micro
for feline heartworm disease. The A b tests have m i n i m a l to filariae in peripheral blood can also cause false-negative
no cross-reactivity with gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infec microfilaria test results. Circulating microfilariae are rarely
tions. A b tests provide greater sensitivity than A g tests found i n cats with H W D .
because larvae of either sex can provoke a host i m m u n e Microfilaria concentration tests that use at least 1 m l of
response. The specificity of the A b tests for H W D is of some blood are recommended for detecting circulating microfi
concern, however. Serum A b to both immature and adult lariae. The nonconcentration tests are more likely to miss
worms is detected as early as 60 days after infection, and low numbers of microfilariae, although they do allow obser
some immature heartworm larvae never develop into adults. vation of mirofilarial motility. Dirofilaria have a stationary
Therefore a positive A b test indicates exposure to migrating rather than a migratory movement pattern. Nonconcentra
larvae as well as adults, not the presence of adult heartworms tion tests include examination of a fresh wet blood smear or
specifically. W h e n the A b test is positive, other evidence also the buffy coat of a spun hematocrit tube.
should be sought to support a diagnosis of H W D . This can Concentration tests are done using either a millipore filter
include a positive heartworm A g test or findings consistent or the modified Knott's centrifugation technique. Both tech
with H W D on thoracic radiography and echocardiography. niques lyse the red blood cells and fix any existing microfi
The concentration of A b does not appear to correlate well lariae. The modified Knott test is preferred for measuring
with an individual cat's w o r m burden, nor with the severity larval body size and differentiating D . immitis from non-
The heartworm-induced changes begin w i t h endothelial cell
TABLE 10-1
swelling, widening of intercellular junctions, increased endo
Morphologic Differentiation of Microfilaria thelial permeability, and periarterial edema. Endothelial
sloughing leads to the adhesion of activated white blood
cells and platelets. Various trophic factors stimulate smooth
muscle cell migration and proliferation within the media
Fresh Few to large Usually small numbers
and into the intima. Villous proliferations consist of smooth
smear numbers muscle and collagen with an endothelium-like covering.
Undulate in one Move across field These proliferative changes of the intima occur 3 to 4 weeks
place after adult worms arrive. They cause l u m i n a l narrowing
Stained Straight body Curved body of the smaller pulmonary arteries and also induce further
smear* Straight tail Posterior extremity hook endothelial damage and more proliferative lesions. Hyper
("button hook" tail); sensitivity pneumonitis may contribute to parenchymal lung
inconsistent finding
lesions. Endothelial damage promotes thrombosis as well as
Tapered head Blunt head
a perivascular tissue reaction and periarterial edema. Inter
>290 m long <275-280 m long
stitial and alveolar infiltrates may become radiographically
>6 urn wide <6 urn wide
apparent; partial lung consolidation develops i n some
* S i z e criteria given for lysate prepared using 2% formalin
animals. Hypoxic vasoconstriction can also play a role in the
(modified Knott's test); microfilariae tend to be smaller with lysate of vascular changes that increase pulmonary vascular resistance
filter tests. Width and morphology are the best discriminating factors. and consequently cause pulmonary hypertension. Dead
worms stimulate greater host response and worsen the pul
monary disease. W o r m fragments and thrombi cause embo
pathogenic filarial larvae, such as Acanthocheilonema (for lization and a more intense reaction, which eventually leads
merly Dipetalonema) reconditum (Table 10-1). A n occasional to fibrosis.
false-positive microfilaria test result occurs i n animals with The w o r m distribution, and accompanying villous prolif
microfilariae but no live adult heartworms. eration, is most severe in the caudal and accessory lobar
arteries. Affected pulmonary arteries lose their normal
tapered peripheral branching appearance and appear blunted
HEARTWORM DISEASE IN DOGS or pruned. Aneurysmal dilation and peripheral occlusion
may occur. The vessels become tortuous and proximally
Pathophysiology dilated as the increased pulmonary vascular resistance
Heartworm disease is an important cause of pulmonary demands higher perfusion pressures.
hypertension (cor pulmonale) i n regions where the disease Right ventricular dilation and concentric hypertrophy
is endemic. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance raises are the responses to a chronic requirement for increased
pulmonary arterial pressure according to the relationship: systolic pressure. C h r o n i c pulmonary hypertension can lead
cardiac output = pressure/resistance. The presence of adult to right ventricular ( R V ) myocardial failure, increased R V
worms i n the pulmonary arteries provokes reactive vascular diastolic pressure, and signs of right-sided congestive heart
lesions sthat reduce vascular compliance and lumen size. failure ( C H F ) , especially i n conjunction with secondary tri
Within days after young heartworms enter the pulmonary cuspid insufficiency. Cardiac output progressively declines as
arteries, pathologic changes begin i n these vessels. The host- the R V fails. W h e n cardiac output becomes inadequate
parasite interaction is thought to be more important than during exercise, exertional dyspnea, fatigue, and syncope
the worm number alone i n the development of clinical signs, may occur.
although a large w o r m burden may be associated with severe Chronic hepatic congestion secondary to H W D may lead
disease. The pathogenesis of H W D may be modulated by to permanent liver damage and cirrhosis. Circulating i m
obligate intracellular bacteria (genus Wolbachia) that are mune complexes or possibly microfilarial antigens provoke
harbored by the worms. This may involve bacterial endotox glomerulonephritis. Renal amyloidosis has also been associ
ins as well as the host immune response to a major Wolbachia ated w i t h H W D i n dogs i n rare cases. Occasionally, aberrant
surface protein, which is thought to contribute to pulmonary worms can cause embolization of the brain, eye, or other
and renal inflammation. Little correlation has been found systemic arteries.
between pulmonary vascular resistance and the number of Although the caudal pulmonary arteries are the preferred
worms present. A low w o r m burden can produce serious site, w o r m migration to the caudal vena cava is associated
lung injury and a greater rise in pulmonary vascular resis with heavy w o r m burdens. A massive number of worms can
tance if the cardiac output is high. The increase in p u l m o cause mechanical occlusion of the R V outflow tract, p u l m o
nary blood flow associated with exercise exacerbates the nary arteries, tricuspid valve region, or venae cavae. This
pulmonary vascular pathology. is k n o w n as the caval syndrome. Cases of systemic arterial
Villous myointimal proliferation of the pulmonary migration causing h i n d l i m b lameness, paresthesia, and isch
arteries containing heartworms is the characteristic lesion. emic necrosis are sporadically described.
A number o f diseases besides H W D are associated w i t h RADIOGRAPHY
pulmonary hypertension i n dogs, including hypoxic p u l m o Radiographic findings are often normal early i n the dis
nary disease and vascular obstructive disease (e.g., p u l m o ease, although marked changes can develop rapidly i n dogs
nary thromboembolism). Vascular obstruction reduces total w i t h heavy w o r m burdens. Characteristic findings include
cross-sectional p u l m o n a r y vascular area by mechanically R V enlargement, a pulmonary trunk bulge, and centrally
obstructing vessels and provoking local hypoxic pulmonary enlarged and tortuous lobar pulmonary arteries with periph
vasoconstriction as well as other reactive changes. Associated eral blunting (Fig. 10-1 and p. 15). The caudal lobar arteries,
pulmonary parenchymal disease can contribute to reduced which are usually the most severely affected, are best evalu
vascular area. ated o n a dorsoventral ( D V ) view; the width of these vessels
C h r o n i c elevations i n pulmonary venous pressure (as is normally no larger than the ninth rib (at its intersection
from mitral regurgitation) may increase pulmonary artery with the vessels). Enlargement o f lobar pulmonary arteries
pressure but usually only m i l d l y to moderately. P u l m o n a r y (without concurrent venous distention) is strongly sugges
edema or congestion associated with high venous pressure tive o f H W D or other cause of pulmonary hypertension. A n
can contribute to increased pulmonary vascular resistance enlarged caudal vena cava also may be seen (see p. 16). Patchy
by reducing lung compliance and increasing resistance to air pulmonary interstitial or alveolar infiltrates suggestive of
flow. Pulmonary overcirculation caused by a congenital infarction, edema, pneumonia, or fibrosis also are common.
cardiac shunt can cause vascular injury and pulmonary arte These pulmonary opacities may be mainly perivascular.
rial remodeling leading to high vascular resistance, p u l m o Right-sided C H F caused by H W D is associated with radio
nary hypertension and shunt reversal (Eisenmenger's graphic evidence of severe pulmonary arterial disease and
physiology; see p. 109). right heart enlargement.


There is no specific age or breed predilection for H W D i n Electrocardiographic ( E C G ) findings are usually normal,
dogs. A l t h o u g h most affected dogs are between 4 and 8 years although advanced disease can cause a right axis deviation
old, H W D is also diagnosed i n dogs <1 year (but >6 months) or an arrhythmia. Dogs with heartworm-induced C H F
of age as well as i n geriatric animals. Males are affected two almost always have E C G criteria for R V enlargement. Tall P
to four times as often as females. Large-breed dogs and those waves, suggesting right atrial (RA) enlargement, are some
living mainly outdoors are at m u c h greater risk o f infection times found.
than small-breed and indoor dogs. The length o f the haircoat
does not appear to affect infection risk. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
Dogs diagnosed by a positive routine screening test are Echocardiographic findings i n dogs with advanced H W D
often asymptomatic. Dogs with occult disease and those not include R V and R A dilation, R V hypertrophy, paradoxical
routinely tested are more likely to have advanced pulmonary septal motion, a small left heart, and pulmonary artery dila
arterial disease and clinical signs. Dogs w i t h clinical disease tion. Heartworms located i n peripheral pulmonary arteries
often have a history o f fatigue, shortness o f breath or exer cannot be seen o n echocardiogram. Heartworms within the
tional dyspnea, syncope, cough, hemoptysis, weight loss, or heart, the m a i n pulmonary artery and its bifurcation, and
signs o f right-sided C H F . A change i n or loss o f the dog's venae cavae appear as small, bright parallel echos (Fig. 10-2).
bark has sometimes been reported. Suspected caval syndrome can be quickly confirmed by
Physical examination findings may be n o r m a l i n patients echocardiography. Secondary right-sided C H F may be dem
with early or m i l d disease. Severe disease is frequently asso onstrated by pleural or pericardial effusion or ascites. Color-
ciated with poor body condition, tachypnea or dyspnea, flow Doppler can be used i n the identification of tricuspid
jugular vein distention or pulsations, ascites, or other evi regurgitation even when an audible m u r m u r is absent. Spec
dence o f right-sided C H F . Increased or abnormal lung tral Doppler measurement o f m a x i m u m tricuspid or pulmo
sounds (wheezes and crackles), a l o u d and often split second nary regurgitant jet velocity allows estimation of pulmonary
heart sound (S ), an ejection click or m u r m u r at the left
2 hypertension severity (see p. 45).
heartbase, a m u r m u r o f tricuspid insufficiency, or cardiac
arrhythmias are variably heard on auscultation. Severe p u l CLINICOPATHIC FINDINGS
monary arterial disease and thromboembolism can lead to Eosinophilia, basophilia, and monocytosis are inconsistent
disseminated intravascular coagulation ( D I C ) , thrombocy hematologic findings. However, fewer than half of dogs with
topenia, epistaxis, and possibly hemoglobinuria. Hemoglo H W D have eosinophilia. M i l d regenerative anemia, thought
binuria is also associated w i t h caval syndrome. Aberrant to result from hemolysis, occurs in less than a third of affected
w o r m migration to the central nervous system, eye, femoral dogs. Thrombocytopenia may result from platelet consump
arteries, subcutis, peritoneal cavity, and other sites occurs tion in the pulmonary arterial system, especially after adul
occasionally and causes related signs. ticide treatment. D I C also develops in some in dogs with
FIG 1 0 - 1
Lateral (A) a n d dorsoventral (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a G e r m a n S h e p h e r d D o g with
a d v a n c e d h e a r t w o r m d i s e a s e . E n l a r g e m e n t of p u l m o n a r y arteries is s e e n , e s p e c i a l l y
on dorsoventral v i e w (arrowheads).

advanced disease. The i m m u n e response to heartworms pro

duces a polyclonal gammopathy. M i l d to moderate eleva
tions i n liver enzyme activity and azotemia may occur.
Proteinuria is found in 20% to 30% o f affected dogs and is
more likely with advanced disease. H y p o a l b u m i n e m i a may
develop in severely affected animals.

Treatment of Dogs with Heartworm Disease

As a general rule, adulticide treatment is recommended
for dogs infected with heartworms. The withholding o f adul
ticide treatment in some asymptomatic cases remains con
troversial. Although continuous monthly treatment with
prophylactic ivermectin does eventually k i l l late precardial
larvae and young adult worms, this effect occurs over a pro
longed time (over 1 to 2 years). Older worms are more resistant
to ivermectin and can still cause clinical disease. Further
more, progression o f pulmonary arterial changes, pulmonary
disease, and other heartworm-induced effects (e.g., glomeru
lonephritis) may increase the risk o f adulticide treatment
should this be undertaken i n the future. If adulticide therapy
FIG 1 0 - 2 is not given, the dog should at least be treated continuously
Echo i m a g e from a d o g with severe h e a r t w o r m d i s e a s e . with ivermectin or possibly with selamectin or moxidectin,
N o t e the dilated m a i n p u l m o n a r y artery (PA) a n d d o u b l e - which also have some adulticidal effects. Use o f heartworm
w a l l e d echos from h e a r t w o r m s (arrows) in the right P A .
prophylaxis is also important to prevent disease transmission
A o , Aortic root.
to other animals (by reducing the microfilaremia).
Heartworm-infected dogs should have a thorough his in about a third o f treated dogs. Melarsomine is available as
tory and physical examination. Pretreatment thoracic radio a sterile lyophilized powder in 50-mg vials. The rehydrated
graphs provide the best overall assessment o f p u l m o n a r y product is fully stable for 24 hours i f kept refrigerated in the
arterial and parenchymal disease status. The risk o f post dark.
adulticide pulmonary thromboembolism is increased i n Coughing or gagging and (less often) dyspnea after
dogs with preexisting clinical and radiographic signs o f treatment may be related to the H W D itself, although pul
severe p u l m o n a r y vascular disease, especially in those w i t h monary congestion is reported as a toxic effect of overdosing.
right-sided C H F or a high w o r m burden. Other pretreat Most clinical signs noted i n dogs treated with melarsomine
ment tests should include a complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) , have been behavioral (e.g., tremors, lethargy, unsteadiness
serum biochemical profile, and urinalysis. A platelet count is and ataxia, restlessness), respiratory (e.g., panting, shallow
important i n animals w i t h severe pulmonary arterial disease. breathing, labored respirations, crackles), or injection-site
If hypoalbuminemia or proteinuria is detected, a urine related (e.g., edema, redness, tenderness, vocalization,
protein-creatinine ratio or urine protein loss quantification increased aspartate aminotransferase and creatine kinase
is advised. M i l d l y to moderately increased liver enzyme activities). Injection site reactions are generally m i l d to m o d
activity may be associated with hepatic congestion, but it erate and resolve within 4 (to 12) weeks. Occasionally these
does not preclude therapy w i t h melarsomine. Liver enzyme reactions are severe. The manufacturer reports that firm
activities usually normalize w i t h i n 1 to 2 months o f heart- nodules may persist indefinitely at the sites. General signs of
w o r m treatment. Some dogs w i t h H W D develop azotemia lethargy, depression, and anorexia occur i n about 15% or
and/or severe proteinuria. Prerenal azotemia is treated w i t h fewer dogs; other adverse effects, including fever, vomiting,
fluid therapy before adulticide is given. Severe glomerular and diarrhea, occur occasionally. Adverse effects are gener
disease, with loss o f antithrombin as well as other proteins, ally m i l d at recommended doses. Hepatic and renal changes
may increase the risk for thromboembolism. A s p i r i n is not have not proved clinically relevant i n animals receiving rec
recommended as a routine preadulticide treatment i n most ommended doses o f melarsomine. Overall melarsomine
dogs because convincing evidence o f a beneficial antithrom causes less systemic toxicity than its predecessor, thiacetars
botic effect is lacking. amide. Nevertheless, melarsomine has a low margin o f safety.
The use o f prophylactic monthly doses o f ivermectin for Overdose may cause collapse, severe salivation, vomiting,
up to 6 months before the administration of an adulticide respiratory distress resulting from pulmonary inflammation
in dogs that are clinically stable may be useful. This strategy and edema, stupor, and death. Some clinical reversal of
can reduce heartworm A g mass by decreasing or eliminating melarsomine toxicity may be achieved with B A L (British Anti-
circulating microfilariae and tissue-migrating larvae, stunt Lewisite or dimercaprol) at a dose o f 3 mg/kg, administered
ing immature w o r m growth, and damaging the adult female intramuscularly. This also decreases adulticide activity.
reproductive system. Delaying melarsomine for several The H W D severity is used to guide melarsomine therapy
months also allows any late-stage larvae to mature further, (Table 10-2). Standard therapy is used for dogs with mild
which should increase susceptibility to the adulticidal effect. (class 1) to moderate (class 2) disease. Standard therapy (Box
Microfilaria-positive dogs should be observed i n the hospital 10-1) involves two doses o f 2.5 mg/kg given intramuscularly,
after the first ivermectin dose i n case o f adverse reaction. 24 hours apart. The manufacturer's administration instruc
Specific microfilaricide treatment is not necessary before tions should be followed carefully. Dogs with severe disease
using adulticide. (class 3) or those i n class 2 i n which a more conservative
approach is desired are treated with the alternative dosing
ADULTICIDE THERAPY IN DOGS regimen. This is designed to partially reduce the w o r m
Melarsomine dihydrochloride (Immiticide, Merial) is the burden w i t h an initial injection, followed by the standard
adulticide o f choice. It is effective against both immature and adulticide regimen 1 month later. The risk o f massive pul
mature heartworms; male worms are more susceptible than monary thromboembolism and death resulting from an i n i
females. The w o r m k i l l can be controlled by adjusting the tially heavy w o r m kill is reduced with this protocol. Dogs
dose. A n alternative dosing protocol is advised for dogs w i t h w i t h caval syndrome (class 4) should not be given adulticide
more severe disease to promote a more gradual w o r m k i l l . treatment until worms are surgically removed (see p. 177).
Melarsomine is rapidly absorbed from the intramuscular Strict rest should be enforced for 4 to 6 weeks after adul
(IM) injection site. Unchanged drug and a major metabolite ticide therapy to reduce the effects o f adult w o r m death and
are rapidly eliminated i n the feces; a m i n o r metabolite is pulmonary thromboembolism (see p. 176). The rest period
excreted in urine. The drug should be given by deep I M for working dogs should probably be longer because increased
injection into the epaxial lumbar muscles (L3 to L5 region), pulmonary b l o o d flow i n response to exercise exacerbates
exactly as recommended by the manufacturer. The lumbar pulmonary capillary bed damage and subsequent fibrosis.
muscle site provides good vascularity and lymphatic drain Heartworm A g testing is recommended 6 months after
age with m i n i m a l fascial planes. Furthermore, gravity may adulticide treatment; results should be negative with success
help prevent the drug from leaking into subcutaneous tissues, ful treatment. M a n y dogs are heartworm Ag-negative by 4
where it can cause more irritation. The drug does cause a months after adulticide therapy. Incomplete w o r m kill is
local reaction at the injection site; this is clinically noticeable associated w i t h persistent antigenemia. The decision to
TABLE 10-2

Classification of Heartworm Disease Severity in Dogs


1 (mild) None; or occasional cough, None None

fatigue on exercise, or
mild loss of condition
2 (moderate) None; or occasional cough, Right ventricular enlargement M i l d anemia (PCV to 30%);
fatigue on exercise, or a n d / o r some pulmonary artery proteinuria (2+ on dipstick)
mild to moderate loss of enlargement; +perivascular and
condition mixed alveolar/interstitial
3 (severe) General loss of condition or Right ventricular atrial Anemia (PCV < 30%);
cachexia; fatigue on enlargement; moderate to severe proteinuria (>2+ on dipstick)
exercise or mild activity; pulmonary artery enlargement;
occasional or persistent perivascular or diffuse mixed
cough; dyspnea; right- alveolar/interstitial opacities;
sided heart failure evidence of thromboembolism
4 (very severe) See p. 177
Caval syndrome

PCV, Packed cell volume.

BOX 10-1

Checklist for Melarsomine (Immiticide) Adulticide Therapy in Dogs

Before starting treatment 4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 at 24 hours after first dose; use
1. Confirm diagnosis. opposite side for second injection.
2. Conduct pretreatment evaluation and management. 5. Enforce rest for 4 to 6 weeks minimum; symptomatic
3. Determine class (severity) of disease (see Table 10-2). treatment as needed.
4. Determine melarsomine (Immiticide) treatment protocol.* Alternate treatment protocol (for class 3 and some class 2
Standard treatment protocol (for class 1 and many class 2 dogs)
dogs) 1. Provide symptomatic treatment as needed; enforce rest.
1. Reconstitute melarsomine as directed by manufacturer. 2. W h e n condition is stable, administer one dose of 2.5 m g /
(Use immediately or within 24 hours if refrigerated and kg as described in the standard treatment protocol.
protected from light.) 3. Continue enforced rest and symptomatic treatment as
2. Draw 2.5 m g / k g of Immiticide into a syringe; attach a needed.
new, sterile needle: 23-gauge, 1-inch (2.5-cm) long for 4. Between 4 and 6 weeks later, administer two more doses,
dogs <10 kg; or 22-gauge, 1.5-inch (3.75-cm) long for 24 hours apart, according to the standard treatment
dogs >10 kg. protocol.
3. Give by deep intramuscular injection into lumbar (epaxial)
musculature in the L3 to L5 region; avoid subcutaneous
leakage. Record location of first injection.

*See p. 174 for more information.

repeat adulticide therapy is guided by the patient's overall heartworms, although it is somewhat effective against male
health, performance expectations, and age. Complete w o r m worms and may sterilize adult female worms.
kill is probably not necessary; even i f some adult heartworms
survive, pulmonary arterial disease improves considerably Postadulticide Pulmonary Thromboembolic
after adulticide therapy. Complications
Thiacetarsamide is an older adulticide agent that may P u l m o n a r y arterial disease worsens from 5 to 30 days after
still be available. It has no advantages and several disadvan adulticide therapy and is especially severe i n previously
tages compared w i t h melarsomine. Likewise, the use o f other symptomatic dogs. It occurs because dead and dying worms
drugs, such as levamisole or stibophen, as adulticides is not lead to thrombosis and p u l m o n a r y artery obstruction, w i t h
recommended. Levamisole does not consistently k i l l adult exacerbation o f platelet adhesion, m y o i n t i m a l proliferation,
villous hypertrophy, granulomatous arteritis, perivascular dogs with occult H W D . Clinical manifestations of heart-
edema, and hemorrhage. P u l m o n a r y b l o o d flow obstruction w o r m pneumonitis include a progressively worsening cough,
and increased vascular resistance further strain the right crackles heard on auscultation, tachypnea or dyspnea, and
ventricle and increase oxygen demand. Poor cardiac output, sometimes cyanosis, weight loss, and anorexia. Eosinophilia,
hypotension, and myocardial ischemia may result. Severe basophilia, and hyperglobulinemia are inconsistent findings.
ventilation-perfusion mismatch may result from pulmonary Heartworm A g tests are usually positive. Diffuse interstitial
hypoperfusion, hypoxic vasoconstriction and bronchocon- and alveolar infiltrates, especially i n the caudal lobes, are
striction, pulmonary inflammation, and fluid accumulation. c o m m o n on radiographs; these can be similar to those in
Pulmonary thromboembolization is most likely to occur 7 dogs with pulmonary edema or blastomycosis. There is often
to 17 days after adulticide therapy. As expected, the caudal no clinically relevant cardiomegaly or pulmonary lobar
and accessory lung lobes are most c o m m o n l y and severely artery enlargement. Tracheal wash cytology usually reveals
affected. a sterile eosinophilic exudate with variable numbers of
Depression, fever, tachycardia, tachypnea or dyspnea, and well-preserved neutrophils and macrophages. Therapy with
cough are c o m m o n clinical signs. Hemoptysis, right-sided a glucocorticoid (prednisone, 1-2 mg/kg/day by mouth i n i
C H F , collapse, or death may also occur. Interstitial and alve tially) usually results i n rapid and marked improvement.
olar pulmonary inflammation and fluid accumulation cause Prednisone may be continued as needed, i n gradually tapered
p u l m o n a r y crackles on auscultation. Focal lung consolida doses (to 0.5 mg/kg every other day) and does not appear to
tion may cause areas of muffled lung sounds. Thoracic radio adversely affect the adulticide efficacy of melarsomine.
graphs show patchy alveolar infiltrates w i t h air bronchograms, Pulmonary eosinophilic granulomatosis is an u n c o m m o n
especially near the caudal lobar arteries. Thrombocytopenia syndrome that has been associated with H W D , although
or neutrophilia with a left shift may be seen on C B C . some affected dogs have negative heartworm tests. Its patho
Treatment of pulmonary thromboembolism includes genesis is thought to involve a hypersensitivity reaction to
strict rest (i.e., cage confinement) and glucocorticoid therapy heartworm A g or i m m u n e complexes, or both. Pulmonary
to reduce pulmonary inflammation (prednisone, 1 to 2 mg/ granulomas comprise a mixed mononuclear and neutro
kg/day by m o u t h initially, then tapering). Supplemental philic cell population, with many eosinophils and macro
oxygen therapy is recommended to reduce hypoxia phages. A proliferation of bronchial smooth muscle within
mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction. A bronchodilator granulomas and an abundance of alveolar cells i n the sur
(e.g., oral aminophylline, 10 mg/kg I M or I V q8h; or oral rounding area are c o m m o n findings. Lymphocytic and
theophylline, 9 mg/kg q6-8h), judicious fluid therapy (if eosinophilic perivascular infiltrates may also occur. Eosino
there is evidence of cardiovascular shock), and cough sup philic granulomas involving the l y m p h nodes, trachea,
pressants may be useful. Antibiotics have been given empir tonsils, spleen, G I tract, and the liver or kidneys may occur
ically, but they are of questionable benefit unless there is concurrently. The clinical signs of pulmonary eosinophilic
evidence of concurrent bacterial infection. Hydralazine has granulomatosis are similar to those of eosinophilic pneumo
reduced pulmonary vascular resistance experimentally, and nitis. Clinicopathologic findings variably include leukocyto
some dogs seem to respond clinically to diltiazem. Systemic sis, neutrophilia, eosinophilia, basophilia, monocytosis, and
hypotension and tachycardia must be avoided when using a hyperglobulinemia. In some cases an exudative, primarily
vasodilator. A s p i r i n is not recommended because there is no eosinophilic pleural effusion develops. Radiographic find
convincing evidence that it prevents thrombosis or reduces ings include multiple pulmonary nodules of varying size and
pulmonary arteritis. Heparin (200 to 400 U / k g sodium location with mixed alveolar and interstitial pulmonary
heparin administered subcutaneously q8h, or 50 to 100 U / k g infiltrates; hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathy may also
calcium heparin administered subcutaneously q8-12h) may be present. Eosinophilic granulomatosis is treated initially
be considered for severe cases of thromboembolism. with prednisone (1 to 2 mg/kg q l 2 h ) ; however, additional
However, excessive bleeding is a possible serious adverse cytotoxic therapy may be needed as well. N o t all dogs respond
effect. Low-molecular-weight heparin might provide a safer completely, and relapses are c o m m o n , especially when
alternative to unfractionated heparin, but definitive recom therapy is reduced or discontinued. The response to i m m u
mendations are not yet available. nosuppressive drugs after relapse may be poor. Therapy
Endothelial changes i n survivors regress w i t h i n 4 to 6 for adult heartworms is given when pulmonary disease
weeks. Pulmonary hypertension and arterial disease, along improves.
with radiographic changes, d i m i n i s h over the next several Severe pulmonary arterial disease is more c o m m o n in
months. Eventually, pulmonary arterial pressure and the dogs with long-standing heartworm infection, in those with
contour of the proximal pulmonary arteries normalize, many adult worms, and i n active dogs. Severe cough, exercise
although some fibrosis may remain. intolerance, tachypnea or dyspnea, episodic weakness,
syncope, weight loss, and ascites are c o m m o n clinical signs;
Treatment of Dogs with Complicated HWD death sometimes occurs. Typical radiographic findings
include markedly enlarged, tortuous, and blunted pulmo
PULMONARY COMPLICATIONS nary arteries. P u l m o n a r y parenchymal infiltrates leading to
Immune-mediated pneumonitis occurs i n some dogs. Aller hypoxemia are seen i n some cases; these are treated with
gic or eosinophilic pneumonitis develops i n a m i n o r i t y of prednisone as described in the preceding paragraph. T h r o m -
bocytopenia and hemolysis may occur i n dogs w i t h severe with pulmonary hypertension, lead to the development of
pulmonary arterial disease and thromboembolism. M o n i right-sided congestive signs and poor cardiac output.
toring of platelet count and packed cell volume is recom Clinicopathologic findings may include microfilaremia,
mended. D I C develops i n some dogs. Conservative therapy Coombs-negative fragmentation hemolytic anemia (from
with oxygen, prednisone, and a bronchodilator (e.g., theoph red b l o o d cell trauma), azotemia, abnormal liver function,
ylline), as for postadulticide pulmonary thromboembolism, and increased liver enzyme activities; D I C is c o m m o n . Intra
should help improve oxygenation and reduce pulmonary vascular hemolysis results i n hemoglobinemia and hemo
artery pressures. Alternate-day, low-dose prednisone (e.g., globinuria. Thoracic radiographs indicate right heart and
0.5 mg/kg orally) is thought to have beneficial antiinflam pulmonary artery enlargement. The E C G usually suggests
matory effects, although long-term use of high corticoste R V enlargement. Ventricular or supraventricular premature
roid doses may reduce pulmonary b l o o d flow, increase risk complexes are c o m m o n . Echocardiography reveals a mass of
of thromboembolism, and inhibit vascular disease resolution. worms entangled at the tricuspid valve and i n the right
After the animal's condition is stabilized, the alternative atrium and venae cavae (Fig. 10-3). R V dilation and hyper
melarsomine protocol may be used. Use o f aspirin is dis trophy, paradoxical septal m o t i o n , and a small left ventricle
couraged, especially with hemoptysis. Prophylactic antibiot are also typical.
ics are sometimes recommended because o f the potential M o s t dogs die w i t h i n 24 and 72 hours as a result o f car
for secondary bacterial infections i n devitalized pulmonary diogenic shock complicated by metabolic acidosis, D I C , and
tissue. anemia unless they are aggressively treated. W o r m s must be
surgically removed from the vena cava and right atrium
RIGHT-SIDED CONGESTIVE as soon as possible. The dog is lightly sedated, i f necessary,
HEART FAILURE and local anesthesia is used. A right jugular venotomy w i t h
Severe pulmonary arterial disease and pulmonary hyperten the dog restrained i n left lateral recumbency is the usual
sion can cause C H F . Jugular venous distention or pulsation, approach. L o n g alligator forceps, an endoscopic basket
ascites, syncope, exercise intolerance, and arrhythmias are retrieval instrument, or horsehair brush device are used to
typical signs. Pleural or pericardial effusion as well as other grasp and withdraw the heartworms through the jugular
signs secondary to pulmonary arterial and parenchymal vein incision. The instrument is gently passed d o w n the vein
disease may also occur. Treatment is the same as for dogs into the right atrium; repositioning o f the animal's head and
with severe pulmonary arterial disease, with the addition of neck may be necessary to pass the instrument beyond the
furosemide (e.g., 1-2 mg/kg/day), an angiotensin-converting thoracic inlet. The goal is to retrieve as many worms as pos
enzyme inhibitor (ACEI; e.g., enalapril 0.5 mg/kg q12-24 h sible; generally, five to six unsuccessful attempts i n sequence
by mouth), and a sodium-restricted diet. Use of digoxin i n is the end point. Resistance to instrument withdrawal from
these cases is controversial; pimobendan has not been evalu the vein may occur i f too many worms are grasped at once
ated i n this setting but could be useful. or a cardiovascular structure is grabbed by forceps. Survival
rates o f 50% to 80% have been reported for dogs undergoing
CAVAL SYNDROME this procedure. Another technique that has been used i n very
The (vena) caval syndrome occurs i n heavily infected animals small dogs is right auricular cannulation performed via a
when venous inflow to the heart is obstructed by a mass o f thoracotomy to remove worms. (See Suggested Readings for
worms, leading to low-output cardiovascular shock. Other more information o n this technique.)
terms for this condition include postcaval syndrome, acute Cautious intravenous (IV) fluid administration with
hepatic syndrome, liver failure syndrome, dirofilarial hemoglo other supportive care is provided during and after surgical
binuria, and vena cava embolism. As the heartworm burden w o r m removal. Central venous pressure monitoring helps
increases, adult worms migrate to the right atrium and the clinician assess the effectiveness o f w o r m removal and
caudal vena cava from their preferred locations i n the p u l fluid therapy. Treatment w i t h a positive inotrope or sodium
monary artery and right ventricle. Factors other than w o r m bicarbonate is usually not necessary, but a broad spectrum
burden alone are probably also involved i n the development antibiotic is recommended. M o n i t o r i n g for anemia, t h r o m
of the caval syndrome, including degree of pulmonary bocytopenia, D I C , and organ dysfunction is important;
hypertension. Caval syndrome occurs more often i n geo treatment is given as indicated. Severe pulmonary thrombo
graphic areas where H W D is enzootic; up to 20% o f dogs embolism and renal or hepatic failure are associated w i t h
with H W D are estimated to be affected i n some areas. poor outcome. Dogs that survive acute caval syndrome can
Most dogs that develop caval syndrome have no history be treated w i t h adulticide w i t h i n a few weeks after stabiliza
of heartworm-related signs. Acute collapse is c o m m o n , often tion to eliminate remaining worms. The use o f a flexible
accompanied by anorexia, weakness, tachypnea or dyspnea, alligator forceps w i t h fluoroscopic or transesophageal echo
pallor, hemoglobinuria, and bilirubinuria. A tricuspid guidance has been advocated as a way to reduce the w o r m
insufficiency murmur, jugular distention and pulsations, burden i n the m a i n pulmonary artery and lobar branches
weak pulses, a l o u d and possibly split S , and a cardiac gallop
2 before adulticide therapy. This can reduce the risk for post
rhythm are often found. Sometimes coughing or hemoptysis adulticide thromboembolism i n heavily infected dogs,
and ascites occur. Tricuspid insufficiency and partial occlu although technical issues and the need for heavy sedation
sion of R V inflow caused by a mass of worms, i n conjunction or anesthesia may be limitations.
FIG 1 0 - 3
E c h o c a r d i o g r a m from a 9-year-old m a l e m i x e d - b r e e d d o g with c a v a l s y n d r o m e . The
transducer is in the right p a r a s t e r n a l short-axis position at a level just b e l o w the a o r t a . The
i m a g e s h o w s the e n l a r g e d a n d h y p e r t r o p h i e d right ventricle a n d its outflow tract. M a n y
s m a l l , bright p a r a l l e l e c h o e s a r e a p p a r e n t in the b o d y of the right ventricle (RV) in this
d i a s t o l i c f r a m e a n d a r e c a u s e d b y a c l u m p of h e a r t w o r m s e n t a n g l e d in the tricuspid v a l v e
a p p a r a t u s . N o t e a l s o the w i d e n e d m a i n p u l m o n a r y artery segment t y p i c a l of p u l m o n a r y
h y p e r t e n s i o n (small arrows). The interventricular septum is flattened a n d p u s h e d t o w a r d
the left ventricle (LV) b y h i g h right ventricular pressure (open arrow). The LV itself is small
b e c a u s e the h e a r t w o r m s obstruct b l o o d f l o w through the right heart. P A , M a i n p u l m o n a r y

MICROFILARICIDE THERAPY microfilaricidal, but clinical experience for this purpose is

Specific microfilaricidal therapy for dogs with circulating lacking. Other drugs used as microfilaricides in the past (e.g.,
microfilariae may be given 3 to 4 weeks after adulticide levamisole and fenthion) are not recommended because
therapy, but the gradual microfilaricidal effect of monthly of lower efficacy and frequent adverse effects.
preventive drugs has largely replaced the need for this treat
ment. O r a l ivermectin (at 50 g/kg) and milbemycin oxime HEARTWORM PREVENTION
(at standard preventive dose) can rapidly reduce microfi Heartworm prophylaxis is indicated for all dogs living in
lariae. Ivermectin at this dose is safe for Collies. The rapid endemic areas. The time of year that infection can occur is
death of many microfilariae can cause systemic effects w i t h i n limited in many geographic areas, because sustained warm,
3 to 8 (and occasionally 12) hours of the first dose; these moist conditions are needed for transmission of the disease.
include lethargy, inappetence, excessive salivation, retching, Transmission can occur only during a few months in the
defecation, pallor, and tachycardia. Such adverse effects are most northern parts of the United States and Canada; year-
usually mild, but dogs w i t h a high number of circulating round transmission is likely only in the far south of the
microfilariae may experience circulatory collapse. This con continental United States. Although monthly preventive
dition generally responds to glucocorticoid therapy (e.g., therapy may be necessary only during June through Novem
prednisolone sodium succinate, 10 mg/kg, or dexametha ber in most of the United States, continuous chemoprophy-
sone, 1 mg/kg, administered intravenously) and I V fluid laxis throughout the year may be more practical in locations
administration (e.g., 80 m l / k g over 2 hours) i f these are insti where transmission is likely during more than half the year.
tuted promptly. A l l cases should be closely observed for 8 to Several drugs are currently available for preventing heart-
12 hours after initial microfilaria treatment with either mac w o r m disease: the avermectins (ivermectin, selamectin) and
rolide. A n additional benefit is protection against new infec the milbemycins (milbemycin oxime, moxidectin). Diethy
tion. Moxidectin and selamectin are also k n o w n to be carbamazine ( D E C ) is another choice, but it must be given
daily. The avermectins and milbemycins induce neuromus do not show clinical improvement w i t h i n 3 to 5 hours are
cular paralysis and death i n nematode (and arthropod) likely to die. Dogs without circulating microfilariae may be
parasites by interacting with membrane chloride channels. given D E C . Those o n D E C prophylaxis that are subsequently
They are effective against third- and fourth-stage larvae and discovered to have circulating microfilariae may be contin
sometimes young adult worms as well as microfilariae; ued on the drug without interruption during adulticide and
however, milbemycin is least effective against adult D. microfilaricide therapy to prevent reinfection.
immitis. Retroactive efficacy (reachback) with these agents Preventive therapy can begin at 6 to 8 weeks of age. Dogs
lasts at least 1 and possible more than 2 months after a single old enough to have been previously infected should be tested
dose. These agents are quite safe i n mammals when used as for circulating A g and (if D E C is to be used) microfilariae
directed, even i n sensitive Collies. Cases of clinical toxicity before chemoprophylaxis is initially begun. Retesting for
have usually been related to dosage miscalculation using heartworm A g every 2 to 3 years is probably adequate when
a concentrated livestock preparation. monthly preventive agents are used. W h e n D E C is chosen as
The avermectins and milbemycins are packaged i n a preventive, yearly microfilaria testing is important before
monthly dose units according to body weight ranges. Dosing D E C is reinstituted.
should begin within 1 m o n t h of the start o f the heartworm
transmission season and continue to within 1 m o n t h after
the transmission season ends. Year-round administration HEARTWORM DISEASE IN CATS
may be preferable depending o n location. Drugs available for
monthly oral administration include ivermectin (6-12 g/ Pathophysiology
kg; Heartgard, Merial), milbemycin oxime (0.5-1.0 mg/kg; In cats the pathophysiologic changes associated with H W D
Interceptor, Novartis A n i m a l Health), and moxidectin (3 g/ occur i n two stages. Approximately 3 to 6 months after infec
kg; ProHeart, Fort Dodge A n i m a l Health). Selamectin (Rev tion, immature worms arrive, and may die, i n the pulmonary
olution, Pfizer A n i m a l Health) is applied to the skin between arteries. This stimulates pulmonary intravascular macro
the shoulder blades at a monthly dose range o f 6-12 mg/kg; phage activation. These specialized phagocytic cells are
efficacy is not affected i f bathing or s w i m m i n g is delayed at located i n the pulmonary capillary beds o f cats but not dogs.
least 2 hours after application. Some of these agents are effec Activation o f these macrophages leads to acute inflamma
tive against other parasites at the doses used for heartworm tion i n the p u l m o n a r y arteries and lung tissue. Adventitial
prevention (e.g., hookworms with milbemycin; fleas, ear- and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltrates of eosinophils
mites, and ticks with selamectin). These drugs are also some and neutrophils are seen as well. Cats also have more exten
times marketed i n combination with other antiparasitic sive alveolar type 2 (surfactant-producing) cell hyperplasia
agents for broader protection against endoparasites and than dogs, which can interfere with alveolar O exchange.

ectoparastites. The parenchymal lesions are thought to play an important

D E C (at 3 mg/kg, or 6.6 mg/kg of the 50% citrate, by role i n the development of acute respiratory distress i n cats
mouth once daily) has been used for decades to prevent 3 to 9 months after infection. The acronym H A R D (heart-
H W D . The drug is thought to affect the heartworm's L to 3 worm-associated respiratory disease) has been proposed for
L molting stage at 9 to 12 days after infection. The drug may
4 the lesions and subsequent clinical signs that may result from
be discontinued 2 months after a killing frost i n regions with the death of L larvae i n the lungs of these cats. Although

cold winters and reinstituted 1 m o n t h before mosquito some cats recover, this phase is fatal i n others. Sudden death
season in the spring. Before beginning (or restarting) D E C can occur.
treatment, dogs must be negative for microfilariae (see In cats that survive, the acute inflammation subsides. Vas
p. 170). Puppies 6 months of age and older also should be cular injury leads to myointimal proliferations and muscular
tested for microfilariae. A n n u a l microfilaria tests are strongly hypertrophy i n affected pulmonary arteries. These lesions
recommended, even i n areas where the drug is given year- tend to be focal. This may be why clinically relevant p u l m o
round. To be effective, D E C must be given daily. If a lapse i n nary hypertension, secondary R V hypertrophy, and right-
D E C administration of <6 weeks has occurred, one dose o f sided C H F are u n c o m m o n i n cats. Dead and degenerating
a monthly preventive drug should restore protection. For worms cause recrudescence of pulmonary inflammation and
longer lapses, monthly chemoprophylaxis should be extended thromboembolism. Disease is most severe i n the caudal lung
for a year. Microfilaria-positive dogs should not be given lobes. Caudal lobar arterial obstruction can be caused by
D E C . Adverse reactions of variable severity may occur, espe villous proliferation, thrombi, or dead heartworms. Adult
cially in dogs with higher numbers of microfilariae. These worms are more likely to obstruct the p u l m o n a r y arteries of
may include lethargy progressing to vomiting, diarrhea, and cats (compared with dogs) by virtue of their relative size. The
bradycardia; some patients develop hypovolemic shock, bronchopulmonary circulation i n cats is thought to prevent
with tachypnea, tachycardia, recumbency, hypersalivation, pulmonary infarction.
and eventually death. I V dexamethasone (at least 2 mg/kg), Vomiting is c o m m o n i n cats with H W D . The mechanism
fluids, and other supportive measures have been used to treat for this may involve central stimulation (of the chemorecep
the hypovolemia and shock; atropine is used for severe bra tor trigger zone) by inflammatory mediators. Antiinflamma
dycardia. Dogs with this microfilaria-induced reaction that tory doses of a glucocorticoid often control this sign.
Infected cats generally have fewer adult worms than do graphs, and echocardiography is used. Microfilaria testing is
infected dogs. Heartworms mature more slowly, fewer only occasionally helpful.
numbers o f infective larvae mature to adults, and the adult
life span is shorter i n cats. However, live worms can persist TESTS FOR HEATWORM DISEASE
for 2 to 3 years. Heartworm-infected cats generally have IN CATS
fewer than eight adult worms i n the R V and pulmonary Serologic Tests
arteries, and most cats have only one or two worms. Never Feline heartworm A b tests are often used for screening;
theless, even one adult w o r m can cause death. Unisex infec however, although they are fairly sensitive, they are not spe
tion is c o m m o n . M o s t cats have no or only a brief period o f cific for adult heartworms. The ELISA-based A g tests are
microfilaremia. Aberrant w o r m migration is also more highly specific i n detecting adult heartworm infection, but
c o m m o n i n cats than dogs and complicates necropsy confir their sensitivity depends on the gender, age, and number of
mation o f infection. Aberrant sites have included the brain, worms. Serologic test results may be negative early in the
subcutaneous nodules, body cavities, and occasionally a infection, although the cat may have clinical signs. A g test
systemic artery. results are negative during the first 5 months after infection
and may be variably positive at 6 to 7 months; infections
Clinical Features w i t h mature female worms should be detected after 7 months.
Most reported cases have occurred i n cats 3 to 6 years o f age, False-negative heartworm A g test results are more likely in
although cats o f any age are susceptible. Domestic Shorthair cats because w o r m burden is typically low; also, a longer time
cats seem to be overrepresented. Male cats are overrepre is required for cats to become A g positive. Acute death and
sented i n some but not all studies. Cats living strictly indoors severe clinical signs may occur i n Ag-negative cats. Further
are not protected from infection. Infection is self-limiting i n more, postmortem diagnosis may be difficult i f the worms
some cats. Some researchers have noted an increase i n H W D are located i n distal pulmonary arteries or aberrant sites.
diagnosis during fall and winter, presumably after infection Occasionally, a positive A g test result occurs but no worms
i n the spring, but others have found fewer cases i n the latter are found on postmortem examination. Spontaneous w o r m
part of the year. death, worms overlooked during pulmonary evaluation, and
Clinical signs are variable and may be transient or n o n ectopic infection are likely reasons for this finding.
specific. Respiratory signs occur i n more than half o f symp
tomatic cats, especially dyspnea and/or paroxysmal cough, RADIOGRAPHY
w h i c h can m i m i c feline asthma. Other client complaints Radiographic findings that suggest H W D include pulmo
include lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, syncope, other neuro nary artery enlargement with or without visible tortuosity
logical signs, and sudden death. Vomiting, usually unrelated and pruning, R V or generalized cardiac enlargement, and
to eating, is c o m m o n and may be the only sign i n some diffuse or focal pulmonary bronchointerstitial infiltrates
infected cats. Severe clinical signs are usually associated with (Fig. 10-4). P u l m o n a r y hyperinflation is sometimes evident.
the arrival o f L worms i n the pulmonary arteries (and
5 The pulmonary artery and right heart changes are typically
H A R D surrounding the death o f some L ) and also w i t h
5 more subtle i n cats than dogs. Radiographic findings may
thromboembolism after the death o f one or more adult not correlate w i t h clinical signs or results o f serologic tests.
worms. The sudden onset o f neurologic signs, with or Pulmonary artery distention may be greatest within the first
without anorexia and lethargy, is c o m m o n during aberrant 7 months of infection; some regression may occur subse
w o r m migration. Such signs include seizures, dementia, quently, especially i n cranial arteries. The D V view is best for
apparent blindness, ataxia, circling, mydriasis, and hyper- evaluating caudal lobar arteries; these are more frequently
salivation. O n l y rarely do cardiopulmonary and neurologic abnormal o n radiographs. The right caudal lobar artery may
signs co-exist. A l t h o u g h heartworms can cause significant be more prominent; however, a left caudal pulmonary artery
pulmonary disease, some cats have no clinical signs. 1 . 6 multiplied by the w i d t h o f the ninth rib at the ninth
Auscultation may reveal pulmonary crackles, muffled intercostal space was reported as the most discriminating
lung sounds (either from pulmonary consolidation or pleural radiographic finding for separating heartworm-infected
effusion), tachycardia, and sometimes a cardiac gallop sound from non-infected cats (Schafer et al., 1995). The main p u l
or m u r m u r . Pleural effusion caused by right-sided C H F , as monary artery segment is not usually visible on D V or ven
well as syncope, is less c o m m o n i n cats than i n dogs w i t h trodorsal views i n cats because its location is more medial
H W D . However, chylothorax and ascites are occasionally than it is i n dogs. Marked right heart enlargement is more
associated w i t h H W D i n cats, and pneumothorax occurs likely when signs o f right-sided C H F (e.g., pleural effusion)
rarely. There are sporadic reports o f caval syndrome i n cats. exist. Thoracocentesis may be necessary to evaluate the heart,
Peracute respiratory distress, ataxia, collapse, seizures, pulmonary vasculature, and lung parenchyma when there
hemoptysis, or sudden death may occur. is pleural effusion. Ascites occurs i n some cats with H W D ,
but it is rare i n cats with heart failure resulting from
Diagnosis cardiomyopathy.
Definitive diagnosis is more difficult i n cats than dogs. A Both heartworm-associated pneumonitis as well as pul
combination o f serologic testing (see p. 170), thoracic radio monary thromboembolism produce pulmonary infiltrates;
FIG 1 0 - 4
Lateral (A) a n d d o r s o v e n t r a l (B) r a d i o g r a p h s from a c a t with h e a r t w o r m d i s e a s e . There
are interstitial infiltrates throughout the lung fields a n d e n l a r g e d p u l m o n a r y arteries seen
on both v i e w s .

focal perivascular and interstitial opacities are more c o m m o n generative anemia. Advanced pulmonary arterial disease and
than diffuse infiltrates. Radiographs are n o r m a l i n a small thromboembolism may be accompanied by neutrophilia
minority of heartworm-infected cats. (sometimes w i t h a left-shift), monocytosis, thrombocytope
Pulmonary arteriography may confirm a suspected diag nia, and D I C . Hyperglobulinemia, the most c o m m o n bio
nosis of H W D in a cat with a false-negative A g test result and chemical abnormality, occurs inconsistently. The prevalence
normal echocardiogram. The study may be performed using of glomerulopathies i n cats w i t h H W D is u n k n o w n , but it
a large-bore jugular catheter. M o r p h o l o g i c changes i n the does not appear to be high.
pulmonary arteries are outlined, and worms appear as linear Tracheal wash or bronchoalveolar lavage specimens may
filling defects. show an eosinophilic exudate that suggests allergic or para
sitic disease, similar to that found w i t h feline asthma or
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY pulmonary parasites. This finding usually occurs between
Echocardiographic findings may be n o r m a l unless worms 4 and 8 months after infection. Later i n the disease, tracheal
are located in the heart, m a i n pulmonary artery segment, or wash findings may be unremarkable or indicate nonspecific
proximal left and right pulmonary arteries. However, heart- chronic inflammation. Pleural effusion resulting from heart-
worms may be visualized i n about one half to three fourths worm-induced C H F is generally a modified transudate,
of infected cats. Higher numbers o f worms increase the like although chylothorax occasionally develops.
lihood of identification with echocardiography. Because At around 6.5 to 7 months after infection, a transient
worms are seen more often i n the pulmonary arteries than (1 to 2 months i n duration), low-grade microfilaremia
in right heart chambers, an index o f suspicion and careful occurs i n about half o f infected cats. Therefore microfilaria
interrogation of these structures are important. concentration tests are usually negative. Nevertheless, a
concentration test may still prove valuable i n some i n d i
ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY vidual cats. Between 3 and 5 m l , rather than 1 m l , o f b l o o d
E C G findings are often normal, but most cats w i t h heart- should be used to increase the probability o f detecting
worm-induced C H F have changes suggesting R V enlarge microfilariae.
ment. Arrhythmias appear to be u n c o m m o n . Advanced
pulmonary arterial disease and C H F are more likely to cause Treatment of Cats with Heartworm Disease
ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
Between one and two thirds of infected cats have peripheral Adulticide therapy is not recommended i n most cases
eosinophilia, usually from 4 to 7 months after infection. because the likelihood o f severe complications i n this species
M a n y times the eosinophil count is normal; basophilia is is high. Also, spontaneous cure is possible in cats because o f
uncommon. About one third of the cases have m i l d nonre- the shorter heartworm life span, and cats are not significant
reservoirs for H W D transmission to other animals. O n the tions. The risk is expected to be higher for heavily infected
basis o f a retrospective study (Atkins et al., 2000), cats treated cats. A n adulticide should never be given only on the basis
with thiacetarsamide had no survival advantage over those of a positive A g , Ab, or microfilaria test result. There is little
that were not treated with adulticide. clinical experience with melarsomine (Immiticide) in cats.
The recommended, and more conservative, approach for Doses of >3.5 mg/kg appear to be toxic in this species. IV
infected cats is to use prednisone as needed for respiratory thiacetarsamide (Caparsolate) has been used successfully at
signs and radiographically evident pulmonary interstitial the same doses used in dogs (2.2 mg/kg q l 2 h for 2 days) in
infiltrates. A m o n t h l y heartworm preventive drug is also combination with prednisone and extremely close monitor
advised but not a heartworm adulticide. Serologic tests (for ing for 2 weeks. Acute respiratory failure and death may
heartworm A b and Ag) are obtained every 6 to 12 months occur as a result o f dying worms or toxic effects of the
to monitor infection status. Ag-positive cats usually become arsenical drug. Profound depression and GI side effects also
negative w i t h i n 4 to 5 months o f w o r m death. It is unclear are c o m m o n after each dose. Pretreatment with an antihis
how long A b tests remain positive. Serial thoracic radio tamine and soluble glucocorticoid before thiacetarsamide
graphs and echocardiograms also can be useful for monitor administration is o f u n k n o w n efficacy. The effectiveness o f
ing cats that have had abnormal findings. Interstitial chronic ivermectin at the recommended prophylactic dose
pulmonary infiltrates usually respond to prednisone (e.g., against juvenile worms i n cats is not k n o w n . Results of adult
2 mg/kg/day by mouth, reduced gradually over 2 weeks to w o r m A g tests should be negative within 3 to 4 months of
0.5 mg/kg qod, then discontinued after 2 more weeks). Pred successful adulticide therapy, the time required for A b titers
nisone therapy may be repeated periodically i f respiratory to become negative is likely m u c h longer.
signs recur.
The possibility o f severe respiratory distress and death is SURGICAL THERAPY
always present, especially after spontaneous or adulticide Several approaches are described for removing adult heart-
induced w o r m death. P u l m o n a r y thromboembolism is more worms from cats, although they are technically challenging.
likely to produce a fatal outcome in cats than dogs. Clinical A right jugular venotomy may be used to reach worms i n the
findings with p u l m o n a r y thromboembolism include fever, right atrium and vena cava with small alligator forceps,
cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, pallor, pulmonary crackles, endoscopic grasping or basket retrieval forceps, or another
tachycardia, and hypotension. Radiographic signs include device. W o r m removal via thoracotomy and right atriotomy
poorly defined, rounded or wedge-shaped interstitial opaci has also been done successfully. A left thoracotomy and pul
ties that obscure associated pulmonary vessels. Alveolar infil monary arteriotomy may permit w o r m extraction from
trates are seen i n some cases. Cats w i t h acute disease are within the p u l m o n a r y artery. A potentially fatal anaphylactic
given supportive care, which may include an I V glucocorti reaction associated with w o r m breakage could occur during
coid (e.g., 100 to 250 m g prednisone s o d i u m succinate), fluid such procedures. Presurgical treatment with a glucocorticoid
therapy, a bronchodilator, and supplemental oxygen. Diuret and antihistamine has been suggested. It is not known
ics are not indicated. A s p i r i n is currently not recommended whether pretreatment with heparin for several days can
for cats with H W D . A s p i r i n and other nonsteroidal antiin reduce thromboembolism associated with surgical w o r m
flammatory drugs have not been shown to produce benefit removal.
and may exacerbate p u l m o n a r y disease.
Right-sided C H F develops in some cats w i t h severe p u l MICROFILARICIDE THERAPY
monary arterial disease. C o u g h and other signs o f p u l m o Microfilaricide therapy is rarely necessary because microfila
nary interstitial disease or a thromboembolic event occur remia is brief. However, ivermectin and milbemycin should
inconsistently. Dyspnea (caused by pleural effusion) and be effective i n this setting.
jugular venous distention or pulsation are c o m m o n . Radio
graphic and E C G findings usually suggest R V enlargement. Heartworm Prevention in Cats
Therapy is directed at controlling the signs of heart failure. Heartworm prophylaxis is recommended for cats in endemic
This includes thoracocentesis as needed, cage rest, and cau areas. Selamectin (Revolution), ivermectin (Heartgard for
tious furosemide therapy (e.g., 1 mg/kg ql2-24h). A n A C E I cats), and milbemycin oxime (Interceptor Flavor Tabs for
Cats) are effective preventive drugs i n cats. Selamectin is
may be helpful. Digoxin is not usually recommended. P i m o used at the same dose as for dogs (6-12 mg/kg, topically).
bendan might be considered, but clinical experience is Selamectin also is useful for controlling fleas and earmites as
lacking. The cat's clinical progress and clinicopathologic well as h o o k w o r m and r o u n d w o r m infections in cats. Iver
abnormalities are used to guide supportive therapy. mectin is administered orally at 24 g/kg monthly (four
times the dose used i n dogs). The m i n i m u m recommended
Caval syndrome occurs rarely i n cats. Successful removal
dose for milbemycin is 2 mg/kg (about twice the dose used
of adult worms through a jugular venotomy is possible. i n dogs). A l l these agents are safe i n kittens 6 weeks or older.
Adulticide therapy may be considered for cats that con A heartworm A g test is recommended before beginning pro
tinue to manifest clinical signs despite prednisone treat phylaxis i f infection could have occurred 8 months or more
ment. Potentially fatal thromboembolism can occur, even in the past. These agents may be used i n seropositive cats.
with only one w o r m present. A b o u t a third o f adulticide
treated cats are expected to have thromboembolic complica
The efficacy of moxidectin or D E C for heartworm preven Kitoh K et al: Role of histamine in heartworm extract-induced
tion in cats is not known. shock in dogs, Am J Vet Res 62:770, 2001.
Kuntz C A et al: Use of a modified surgical approach to the right
atrium for retrieval of heartworms in a dog, J Am Vet Med Assoc
Suggested Readings 208:692, 1996.
GENERAL Lok JB et al: Activity of an injectable, sustained-release formulation
Bazzocchi C et al: Immunological role of the endosymbionts of moxidectin administered prophylactically to mixed breed
of Dirofilaria immitis: the Wolbachia surface protein activates dogs to prevent infection with Dirofilaria immitis, Am J Vet Res
canine neutrophils with production of IL-8, Vet Parasitol 117:73, 62:1721,2001.
2003. Rawlings CA et al: Surgical removal of heartworms, Semin Vet Med
Datz C: Update on canine and feline heartworm tests, Compend Surg 9:200, 1994.
Cont Educ Pract Vet 25:30, 2003.
Kellum HB, Stepien RL: Sildenafil citrate therapy in 22 dogs HEARTWORM DISEASE IN T H E C A T
with pulmonary hypertension, / Vet Intern Med 21:1258-1264, American Heartworm Society: 2007 Guidelines for the diagnosis,
2007. prevention, and management of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis)
Litster A et al: Radiographic cardiac size in cats and dogs with infection in cats, retrieved on 1/27/08, American Heartworm
heartworm disease compared with reference values using the Society; Accessed 1/27/2008.
vertebral heart scale method: 53 cases, / Vet Cardiol 7:33, 2005. Atkins C et al: Prevalence of heartworm infection in cats with signs
McCall JW: The safety-net story about macrocyclic lactone heart- of cardiorespiratory abnormalities, J Am Vet Med Assoc 212:517,
worm preventives: a review, an update, and recommendations, 1998.
Vet Parasitol 133:197, 2005. Atkins C et al: Heartworm infection in cats: 50 cases (1985-1997),
f Am Vet Med Assoc 217:355, 2000.
HEARTWORM DISEASE IN T H E D O G Borgarelli M et al: Surgical removal of heartworms from the right
American Heartworm Society: 2005 Guidelines for the diagnosis, atrium of a cat, J Am Vet Med Assoc 211(1) 68, 1997.
prevention, and management of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) Browne LE et al: Pulmonary arterial disease in cats seropositive for
infection in dogs, retrieved on 1/27/08, American Heartworm Dirofilaria immitis but lacking adult heartworms in the heart and
Society; Accessed 1/27/2008. lungs, Am J Vet Res 66:1544, 2005.
Atkins CE, Miller MW: Is there a better way to administer heart- DeFrancesco TC et al: Use of echocardiography for the diagnosis
worm adulticidal therapy? Vet Med 98:310, 2003. of heartworm disease in cats: 43 cases (1985-1997), J Am Vet Med
Frank I et al: Systemic arterial dirofilariasis in five dogs, / Vet Intern Assoc 218:66, 2001.
Med 11:189, 1997. Dillon A R et al: Feline heartworm disease: correlations of clinical
Hettlich BF et al: Neurologic complications after melarsomine signs, serology, and other diagnosticsresults of a multi-center
dihydrochloride treatment for Dirofilaria immitis in three dogs, study, Vet Ther 1:176-, 2000.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:1456, 2003. Morchon R et al: Specific IgG antibody response against antigens
Hopper K, Aldrich J, Haskins SC: Ivermectin toxicity in 17 collies, of Dirofilaria immitis and its Wolbachia endosymbiont bacterium
/ Vet Intern Med 16:89, 2002. in cats with natural and experimental infections, Vet Parasitol
Kitagawa H et al: Comparison of laboratory test results before and 125:313, 2004.
after surgical removal of heartworms in dogs with vena caval Snyder PS et al: Performance of serologic tests used to detect heart-
syndrome,/Am Vet Med Assoc 213:1134, 1998. worm infection in cats,} Am Vet Med Assoc 216:693, 2000.
C H A P T E R 11

Systemic Arterial

(e.g., for some sight hounds). Moderate hypertension is

associated with BPs between 160 and 180 m m H g systolic
and 100 and 120 m m H g diastolic (plus ~30 m m H g for spe
cific breed differences). Arterial pressures > 180/120 m m H g
B l o o d Pressure Measurement
(plus ~50 m m H g for specific breeds) indicate severe
Antihypertensive Drugs
Hypertensive Emergency
M i l d hypertension generally does not require antihyper
tensive therapy, although any underlying disease should be
addressed. Some animals with moderate hypertension also
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS may not need specific antihypertensive therapy. However,
severe hypertension should be treated to prevent or reduce
Over time, marked elevation o f arterial b l o o d pressure end-organ damage. Some animals require urgent antihyper
(BP) can cause serious clinical consequences. Various factors tensive therapy (see p. 190). If antihypertensive therapy is
influence values obtained for systolic, diastolic, and mean used, close monitoring for efficacy, adverse effects, and dete
arterial B P i n healthy animals. Breed-related variation and rioration of underlying conditions is warranted.
variations related to age, gender, reproductive status, and
other factors can occur. A n average n o r m a l B P across breeds Etiology
of dog is about 133/75 m m H g (systolic/diastolic), and an Hypertension is usually associated with other diseases (Box
average normal B P i n cats is about 124/84 m m H g , using 11-1) rather than being a primary condition (idiopathic
oscillometric methods. However, breed-related variations or essential hypertension) i n dogs and cats. There is a high
should always be taken into account; for example, because prevalence of at least m i l d hypertension i n cats with renal
Greyhounds have higher systolic B P and Irish Wolfhounds disease or hyperthyroidism. Renal disease, especially involv
lower systolic B P than other breeds, the recommendations ing glomerular function, and hyperadrenocorticism are
of the Veterinary B l o o d Pressure Society should be inter commonly associated with hypertension i n dogs; diabetes
preted with caution. Variation i n measured B P may be related mellitus, hypothyroidism, and liver disease may also be asso
to technique (direct and various noninvasive methods) as ciated with higher BP. Because of the increased risk for
well as to patient anxiety. Systolic B P can exceed 180 m m H g hypertension i n patients with such conditions, B P should be
in some stressed normal animals. The demarcation between measured when diagnosing the disease as well as periodically
acceptable and "abnormally high" arterial B P is not clear-cut. thereafter. Similarly, hypertension discovered during a routine
Furthermore, although some dogs and cats clearly have clin exam may be an early marker of such underlying disease.
ical disease caused by hypertension, many with "abnormally Certain drugs, such as glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids,
high" B P have no evidence of related pathology, although nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, phenylpropanol
a predisposing disease condition may exist. Repeated B P amine, sodium chloride, and even topical ocular phenyleph
measurements over time along with careful clinical rine, can increase BP. Obesity is k n o w n to increase B P mildly
evaluation are indicated when considering a diagnosis of in dogs. Inherited idiopathic (essential) hypertension has been
hypertension. documented i n dogs and cats, but it is uncommon. Idio
Guidelines from the Veterinary B l o o d Pressure Society pathic hypertension is considered a diagnosis of exclusion.
suggest that repeatable (on at least three occasions) pressure
measurements of 150 to 160 m m H g systolic and 95 to Pathophysiology
100 m m H g diastolic constitute m i l d hypertension; an addi BP depends on the relationship between cardiac output and
tional 20 m m H g is allowed for specific breed differences peripheral vascular resistance. B P is increased by conditions
BOX 11-1 BOX 11-2

Diseases Associated with Hypertension Complications of Hypertension

Documented or Suspected Causes in Dogs and Cats Ocular

Renal disease (tubular, glomerular, vascular) Retinopathy (edema, vascular tortuosity, hemorrhage, focal
Hyperadrenocorticism ischemia, atrophy)
Hyperthyroidism Choroidopathy (edema, vascular tortuosity, hemorrhage,
Pheochromocytoma focal ischemia)
Diabetes mellitus Retinal detachment (bullous or total)
Liver disease Hemorrhage (retinal, vitreal, hyphema)
Hyperaldosteronism Papilledema
Intracranial lesions (T intracranial pressure) Blindness
High-salt diet (?) Glaucoma
Secondary corneal ulcers
Chronic anemia (cats)
Other Diseases Associated with Hypertension in People*
Edema, T intracranial pressure
Acromegaly Hypertensive encephalopathy (lethargy, behavioral changes)
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion Cerebrovascular accident (focal ischemia, hemorrhage)
Hyperviscosity/erythrocytosis Seizures or collapse episodes
Renin-secreting tumors
Hypothyroidism with atherosclerosis Polyuria/polydipsia
Hyperestrogenism Glomerulosclerosis/proliferative glomerulitis
Coarctation of the aorta Renal tubular degenerative and fibrosis
Pregnancy Further deterioration in renal function
Central nervous system disease
* Essential hypertension is often associated with family history, high Left ventricular hypertrophy (overt heart failure rare)
salt intake, smoking, or obesity. Murmur or gallop sound
Aortic dilation
Aneurysm or dissection rare

that raise cardiac output (by increasing heart rate, stroke Other
volume, and/or blood volume) or by those that increase
vascular resistance. Arterial B P normally is maintained
within narrow bounds by the actions o f the autonomic
nervous system (e.g., via arterial baroreceptors), various hor
monal systems (e.g., the renin-angiotensin system [ R A A S ] ,
aldosterone, vasopressin/antidiuretic hormone, and natri effects related to secondary hyperparathyroidism may be
uretic peptides), blood volume regulation by the kidney, and involved i n chronic renal failure.
other factors. H i g h perfusion pressure can damage capillary beds. In
Modulation of these systems by various disease condi most tissues capillary pressure is regulated by vasoconstric
tions can lead to chronic elevation of arterial BP. For example, tion of arterioles that feed the capillaries, although this
hypertension can result from increased sympathetic nervous control may be inadequate because of underlying organ
activity or responsiveness (e.g., hyperthyroidism, hyper disease. The continued arteriolar constriction secondary to
adrenocorticism), increased catecholamine production (e.g., chronic hypertension leads to hypertrophy and other vascu
pheochromocytoma), or volume expansion caused by lar remodeling changes that can further increase vascular
increased sodium retention (e.g., decreased glomerular fil resistance. These structural changes and vascular spasm can
tration and reduced sodium excretion in renal failure, hyper cause capillary hypoxia, tissue damage, hemorrhage, and
aldosteronism, hyperadrenocorticism, acromegaly). R A A S infarction, which can lead to organ dysfunction (Box 11-2).
activation, with subsequent salt and water retention and Organs that are particularly vulnerable to damage result
vasoconstriction, may result from intrarenal diseases (e.g., ing from chronic hypertension are the eye, kidney, heart, and
glomerulonephritis, chronic interstitial nephritis), enhanced brain. These structures are often referred to as target-organs
production of angiotensinogen (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism), or end-organs. In the eye hypertension often causes focal
and extrarenal diseases that increase sympathetic nervous perivascular edema, hemorrhage, and ischemia, especially i n
activity or interfere with renal perfusion (e.g., hyperthyroid the retina and choroid layers. Bullous or total retinal detach
ism, renal artery obstruction). Impaired production of ment is c o m m o n . Hyphema, vitreal hemorrhage, and optic
vasodilator substances (e.g., prostaglandins, kallikreins) and neuropathy can also occur. Renal glomerular hypertension
occurs when afferent arteriolar autoregulation is disrupted. protein : creatinine ratio [UPC]) is indicated in all hyperten
The resulting glomerular hyperfiltration can lead to glo sive patients. However, not all hypertensive patients with
merulosclerosis, renal tubular degeneration, and fibrosis. underlying chronic renal disease are azotemic. Other tests are
These changes contribute to renal function deterioration done as needed to rule out possible underlying diseases
and increasing vascular resistance; thus chronic hyperten or complications. These might include various endocrine
sion tends to perpetuate itself. Proteinuria is an important tests, thoracic and abdominal radiographs, ultrasonography
manifestation o f renal damage and has been associated (including echocardiography), electrocardiography, ocular
experimentally w i t h severity o f hypertension i n cats and examination, and serologic tests.
dogs. B l o o d pressure is not directly correlated w i t h serum Thoracic radiographs often reveal some degree of cardio
creatinine concentrations, and hypertension can develop megaly i n patients with chronic hypertension. Cats especially
prior to azotemia. Increased systemic arterial pressure and may have a prominent aortic arch and an undulating (wavy)
vascular resistance increase the afterload stress o n the heart appearance to the thoracic aorta, although these findings
and stimulate left ventricular hypertrophy. Increased cere may not be exclusive to hypertension. Electrocardiographic
bral vascular pressure can promote edema formation, raise ( E C G ) findings may suggest left atrial (LA) or left ven
intracranial pressure, and cause hemorrhage. tricular (LV) enlargement. Arrhythmias do not appear to be
Clinical Features M i l d to moderate L V hypertrophy is seen on echocardiog
Clinically recognized arterial hypertension usually occurs i n raphy i n some cases, although often measurements are within
middle-aged to older dogs and cats, presumably because o f normal reference range. L V wall and septal hypertrophy may
the associated disease conditions. Cats w i t h severe end-organ be symmetric or asymmetric. Other echocardiographic find
disease secondary to hypertension tend to be geriatric. Signs ings may include m i l d L A enlargement and sometimes mitral
o f hypertension relate either to underlying disease or to end- or m i l d aortic regurgitation. Proximal aortic dilation is
organ damage caused by the hypertension itself. another echocardiographic finding i n some animals with
Ocular signs are the most c o m m o n presenting issue, systemic hypertension. Nelson et al. (2002) found that almost
especially sudden blindness, which usually results from acute all hypertensive cats, but not healthy older cats, had a ratio
retinal hemorrhage or detachment. A l t h o u g h the retina of proximal ascending aortic diameter : aortic valve annulus
may reattach, sight often does not return. Ocular fundic diameter o f 1.25.
changes associated w i t h hypertension include bullous to
complete effusive retinal detachment, intraretinal edema, BLOOD PRESSURE MEASUREMENT
and hemorrhage. Vascular tortuosity, hyperreflective scars, Several methods can be used to measure systemic arterial BP
retinal atrophy, papilledema, and perivasculitis are other signs. i n the clinic. Calculating the average of several measure
Hemorrhage i n the anterior or posterior chamber, closed- ments (generally between three and five) i n succession is
angle glaucoma, and cornal ulceration may also occur. recommended to increase accuracy. W h e n readings differ
Another c o m m o n complaint is polyuria and polydipsia, widely, the highest and lowest are discarded and an average
which can be associated with renal disease, hyperadrenocor value from at least three readings is used. H i g h pressures
ticism (in dogs), or hyperthyroidism (in cats). Furthermore, should be confirmed by repeated measurement sessions
hypertension itself causes a so-called pressure diuresis. E p i before a diagnosis o f hypertension is made. Anxiety related
staxis can result from vascular rupture i n the nasal mucosa. to the clinical setting may falsely increase b l o o d pressure i n
Hypertensive encephalopathy resulting from edema and vas some animals (i.e., the "white-coat effect"). Using the least
cular lesions can cause lethargy, seizures, abnormal menta restraint possible i n a quiet environment and allowing time
tion, collapse, or other neurologic or nonspecific signs. (e.g., 5 to 15 minutes) for acclimatization is best for awake
Paresis and other focal defects can occur as a result o f cere animals. Use o f a consistent technique and cuff size is
brovascular accident (stroke) caused by hypertensive arte important.
riolar spasm or hemorrhage.
A soft, systolic cardiac m u r m u r is c o m m o n l y heard on Direct Blood Pressure Measurement
auscultation i n animals w i t h hypertension. A gallop sound Arterial pressure is measured directly by a needle or catheter
may also be present, especially i n cats. Clinical heart failure placed into an artery and connected to a pressure transducer.
is u n c o m m o n . Direct arterial pressure measurement is considered the gold
standard, but it requires greater technical skill; moreover, in
Diagnosis awake animals the physical restraint and discomfort associ
B l o o d pressure measurements are indicated not only when ated with arterial puncture may falsely increase BP. Direct
signs compatible w i t h hypertension are found but also when arterial pressure measurement is more accurate than indirect
a disease associated w i t h hypertension is diagnosed. A diag methods i n hypotensive animals.
nosis o f arterial hypertension should be confirmed by mea For arterial pressure monitoring over a period of time, an
suring B P multiple times and o n different days. A routine indwelling arterial line is often the best approach. The dorsal
laboratory database (complete b l o o d count [ C B C ] ; serum metatarsal artery is c o m m o n l y used for this technique. A n
biochemical profile; and urinalysis, w i t h or without a urine electronic pressure monitor provides continuous measure-
merit of systolic and diastolic pressures and calculated mean ing cuff pressure oscillation signals. Veterinary models are
pressure. W i t h fluid-filled systems, the pressure transducer available (e.g., Cardell Veterinary B l o o d Pressure Monitor,
must be placed at the level of the patient's right atrium to Sharn, Inc; M e m o p r i n t , S&B m e d V E T ) . W i t h these systems
prevent a false increase or decrease of the measured pressure the flow occlusion cuff is inflated to a pressure above the
related to the effects of gravity on the fluid w i t h i n the con systolic pressure and then slowly deflated i n small pressure
necting tubing. The use of wireless, telemetric b l o o d pres decrements. The microprocessor measures and averages the
sure monitors for dogs is currently under investigation. resulting pressure oscillations that are characteristic of sys
When occasional BP measurement is needed, a small- tolic, diastolic, and/or mean pressures (depending o n the
gauge needle attached directly to a pressure transducer may system). Accurate results w i t h oscillometric methods depend
be used to puncture the dorsal metatarsal or femoral artery. on careful adherence to the directions for use and an i m m o
To prevent hematoma formation, direct pressure should be bile subject. Because muscle contraction can produce oscil
applied to the arterial puncture site for several minutes after lations, the l i m b used should not be bearing weight. A t least
removing the catheter or needle used for B P measurement. five readings should be obtained; the lowest and highest are
discarded, and the remaining measurements are averaged.
Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement The oscillometric method may be difficult to use effectively
Several noninvasive methods are available to indirectly in small dogs and cats; underestimation of systolic B P is
measure BP. These techniques involve the use of an inflatable common.
cuff that is placed around a limb, usually the radial artery D o p p l e r u l t r a s o n i c m e t h o d . This method employs
(most dogs) or brachial artery (small dogs and cats) or the the frequency change between emitted ultrasound and
median caudal artery of the tail to occlude blood flow. C o n returning echoes (from m o v i n g b l o o d cells or vessel wall) to
trolled release of cuff pressure is monitored to detect the detect b l o o d flow i n a superficial artery. This frequency
return of flow. Doppler ultrasonic flow detection and oscil change, the so-called Doppler shift, is converted to an audible
lometric methods are used most often. Both techniques signal. One system c o m m o n l y used i n animals is designed
produce measurements that correlate fairly well with direct to determine systolic pressure by detecting b l o o d cell
BP measurement but are not exactly predictive of it. Indirect flow (Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Detector, M o d e l 811, Parks
methods are most reliable i n normotensive and hypertensive Medical Electronics, Inc).
animals. The Doppler method has shown greater correlation Effective locations for pressure measurement include the
with direct BP measurement i n conscious cats compared dorsal metatarsal, palmar c o m m o n digital (forelimb), and
with the oscillometric method. Other methods, such as aus median caudal (tail) arteries. The probe is placed distal to
cultation and arterial palpation, are not recommended for the occluding cuff. A small area of hair is clipped over the
estimating BP. The auscultatory method (used to detect artery for probe placement. Ultrasonic coupling gel is applied
Korotkoff sounds i n people) is technically impractical to the flat Doppler flow probe to obtain air-free contact with
because of the limb conformation of dogs and cats. Direct the skin. The probe is positioned so that a clear flow signal
arterial palpation is not reliable for estimating B P because is heard; it must not be held so tightly that it occludes flow.
pulse strength depends on the pulse pressure (systolic minus The probe must remain still to m i n i m i z e noise; it can be
diastolic arterial pressure), not the absolute level of systolic taped i n place. A low volume setting on the Doppler unit or
or mean pressure. Pulse strength is also influenced by body a headset is used to m i n i m i z e patient anxiety caused by the
conformation and other factors. l o u d audio signals.
Cuff size and p l a c e m e n t . H u m a n pediatric- and The flow-occluding cuff is attached to a sphygmoma
infant-size cuffs can be used for indirect B P measurement i n nometer and inflated to about 20 to 30 m m H g above the
dogs and cats. The cuff must be the correct size for the point at which arterial flow ceases and no audible signals are
patient. The width of the inflatable balloon (bladder) w i t h i n heard. The cuff is slowly deflated (by a few m m H g per
the cuff should be about 30% (especially for cats) to 40% second). D u r i n g deflation, characteristic pulsatile flow
(especially for dogs) of the circumference of the extremity signals from b l o o d cell (or arterial wall) m o t i o n return
it surrounds. The length of the balloon should cover at least during systole. The systolic pressure is the pressure at w h i c h
60% of this circumference. Some of the cuff inflation pres b l o o d flow first recurs (indicated by brief swishing sounds).
sure goes toward tissue compression. Cuffs that are too Sometimes a change i n the flow sound from short and p u l
narrow are more affected by this phenomenon and produce satile to a longer, more continuous swishing can be detected
falsely increased pressure readings; cuffs that are too wide as cuff pressure diminishes; the pressure at w h i c h this change
may underestimate BP. The cuff bladder should be centered occurs is an approximation of diastolic pressure. Doppler
over the target artery. C o m m o n cuff locations are midway estimation of diastolic B P is less accurate because of its
between the elbow and carpus or i n the tibial region; skeletal subjective nature. The change i n flow sound is not always
prominences are avoided. The cuff should encircle the l i m b detectable, especially with small or stiff vessels. As with
snugly without being excessively tight. Tape (not just Velcro the oscillometric method, it may be difficult to obtain
on the cuff) is used to secure the cuff i n position. measurements in small or hypotensive animals w i t h the
O s c i l l o m e t r i c m e t h o d . The indirect oscillometric Doppler method. Patient movement also interferes with
method uses an automated system for detecting and process measurement.
Treatment and Prognosis for long-term antihypertensive therapy and monitoring
Antihypertensive therapy is indicated for animals w i t h severe as well as the potential for adverse medication effects are
hypertension and those w i t h clinical signs presumed to be considerations.
caused by hypertension. Measured B P i n such animals is Several drugs are used as antihypertensive agents i n dogs
generally over 180/120 m m H g . A l t h o u g h some cases con and cats (Table 11-1). Usually one drug is administered at a
stitute hypertensive emergencies that require immediate time, with initially l o w doses, and the animal is monitored
therapy and intensive monitoring (discussed i n more detail to assess efficacy. It may take 2 or more weeks for a significant
later), most hypertensive animals can be managed more con decrease i n B P to be observed. The drugs used most often
servatively (Box 11-3). Gradual reduction i n B P maybe safer are angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), the
i n patients w i t h long-standing hypertension. Chronically Ca++-blocker amlodipine, and -adrenergic blockers. Therapy
high B P leads to vascular adaptations i n the cerebral auto- w i t h a single agent is effective i n some cases, whereas com
regulatory process; i f B P is suddenly reduced, cerebral perfu bination therapy may be needed for adequate B P control
sion may be adversely affected. It is unclear whether all dogs i n others. A n A C E I is recommended as the initial antihy
and cats w i t h moderate hypertension (e.g., repeatable sys pertensive drug i n dogs, and amlodipine i n cats, unless
tolic pressures of 160 to 180 m m Hg) benefit from specific hyperthyroidism is the underlying cause. For hyperthyroid-
antihypertensive treatment. Nevertheless, patients with high induced hypertension, atenolol or another -blocker is used
BP that persists after treatment for the primary disease, as first.
well as those with evidence o f end-organ damage, should be Ancillary strategies may be helpful i n patients with hyper
treated. The goal of therapy is to reduce the B P to below tension, although alone they are unlikely to markedly reduce
150/95 m m H g . The expense and time commitment required BP. Moderate dietary salt reduction (e.g., <0.22% to 0.25%

BOX 11-3

Approach to the Patient with Hypertension

Suspect Hypertension or Disease Associated with
Begin initial antihypertensive drug therapy (see Table 11-1).
Hypertension (see Box 11 -2, text)
Dogs: enalapril or other ACEI
Measure BP (see text) If pheochromocytoma suspected, see p. 190
Use quiet environment. Nonhyperthyroid cats: amlodipine
Allow at least 5 to 10 minutes for patient to acclimate Hyperthyroid cats: atenolol or other -blocker
to environment (if animal is easily stressed, have owner If emergent therapy needed, see p. 190
present when possible). Provide client education about the patient's disease(s) and
Measure limb circumference, and use appropriate-size potential complications, medication and reevaluation
cuff (use same cuff size for subsequent measurements schedules, potential adverse effects of medication(s), and
as well). dietary concerns.
Use consistent measurement technique.
Patient Reevaluation
Take at least five BP readings; discard highest and
lowest, average the remaining readings. Recheck BP in 1 to 2 weeks for clinically stable patients.
Repeat BP measurements at other (one to three) times, prefer Earlier reevaluation is advised for unstable patients,
ably on different days, to confirm diagnosis of hyperten but full effects of antihypertensive drugs may not yet
sion, except: be realized.
If acute, hypertension-induced clinical signs (e.g., Obtain other tests as individually indicated.
ocular hemorrhage, retinal detachment, neurologic Decide whether to continue therapy as is or adjust dose (up
signs) are present, begin therapy immediately (see or down).
p. 190; Table 11-1). Continue weekly to biweekly BP monitoring and underlying
Screen for underlying disease(s) (see Box 11-1) disease management.
Obtain C B C , serum biochemistry tests, urinalysis. If BP control is not achieved after maximum dosage
Obtain other data depending on individual presenta of initial agent, try alternative drug or combination
tion: endocrine testing, thoracic and abdominal radio therapy.
graphs, ocular examination, E C G , echocardiography, W h e n BP (and underlying disease) is controlled, gradually
other tests as indicated. increase time between recheck examinations.
Recheck no less frequently than every 2 to 3 months
If Hypertension Confirmed:
because medication requirements may change.
M a n a g e underlying disease(s). Recheck baseline lab data every 6 months or as indi
Avoid drugs that can increase BP, if possible. vidually indicated.
Use reduced-sodium or weight reduction diet if patient is

ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; BP, arterial blood pressure; CBC, complete blood count; ECG, electrocardiogram.
TABLE 11-1

Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension


ACEIs (see Chapter 3)

Enalapril 0.5 m g / k g P O q24(-12)hr 0.25-0.5 mg/kg P O q24hr

Benazepril 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g P O q24(-12)hr same
Ramipril 0.125-0.25 mg/kg P O q24hr
Captopril 0.5-2.0 m g / k g P O q8-12hr 0.5-1.25 mg/kg P O q12-24hr

Calcium Channel Blocker

Amlodipine 0 . 1 - 0 . 3 (-0.5) m g / k g P O q 2 4 ( - 1 2 ) h r 0 . 6 2 5 m g / c a t (or 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 m g / k g )

P O q24(-12)hr

-Adrenergic Blockers (see Chapter 4)

Atenolol 0 . 2 - 1 . 0 m g / k g P O q 1 2 - 2 4 h r (start low) 6 . 2 5 - 1 2 . 5 m g / c a t P O q(12-)24hr

Propranolol 0 . 1 - 1 . 0 m g / k g P O q 8 h r (start low) 2.5-10 mg/cat P O q8-12hr

1-Adrenergic Blockers

Phenoxybenzamine 0 . 2 - 1 . 5 m g / k g P O q(8-)12hr 0.2-0.5 m g / k g P O q12hr

Prazosin 0.05-0.2 m g / k g P O q8-12hr

Diuretics (see Chapter 3)

Furosemide 0.5-3 m g / k g P O q8-24hr 0.5-2 m g / k g P O q12-24hr

Hydrochlorothiazide 1-4 m g / k g P O q 1 2 - 2 4 h r 1-2 m g / k g P O q 1 2 - 2 4 h r

Drugs for Hypertensive Crisis

H y d r a l a z i n e (see C h a p t e r 3) 0 . 5 - 2 . 0 m g / k g P O q l 2 h (titrate up to effect); o r same

0 . 2 m g / k g IV o r I M , r e p e a t q 2 h a s n e e d e d
N i t r o p r u s s i d e (see C h a p t e r 3) 0.5-1 g / k g / m i n CRI (initial) to 5 - 1 5 g / k g / m i n same
Enalaprilat 0 . 2 m g / k g IV, r e p e a t q 1 - 2 h a s n e e d e d same
Esmolol 5 0 - 7 5 g / k g / m i n CRI same
Propranolol 0 . 0 2 m g / k g (initial) to 0.1 m g / k g s l o w IV same
Labetolol 0 . 2 5 m g / k g IV o v e r 2 m i n , r e p e a t up to total d o s e same
of 3 . 7 5 m g / k g , followed b y CRI of 2 5 g/kg/min
Acepromazine 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 1 m g / k g (up to 3 m g total) IV same
Phentolamine 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 1 m q / k q IV bolus, f o l l o w e d b y CRI to effect same

ACEI, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; PO, by mouth; IV, intravenous; CRI, constant rate infusion.

sodium on a dry matter basis) is advised for all cases. Diuretics are avoided or used only with caution i n animals
Although not expected to normalize B P by itself, it may with renal disease because they can lead to dehydration
enhance antihypertensive drug effectiveness. A high-salt diet and exacerbate azotemia. Serum potassium concentration
may contribute to development o f hypertension i n some should be monitored, especially i n cats with chronic renal
cats, although salt intake does not generally affect B P i n disease.
normal cats. Conversely, neurohormonal activation and The ability to m o n i t o r B P is important when antihyper
potassium excretion may be increased i n cats with renal tensive drugs are prescribed. Serial measurements are needed
dysfunction that are fed a low-sodium diet. Weight reduction to assess treatment efficacy and prevent hypotension. Adverse
is usually advised for obese animals. It is prudent to avoid effects o f antihypertensive therapy usually relate to hypoten
prescribing drugs that can potentiate vasoconstriction (e.g., sion, manifested by lethargy or ataxia, and reduced appetite.
phenylpropanolamine and other ( 1 - a d r e n e r g i c agonists). Attaining initial B P control may take several weeks. M o n i t o r
Glucocorticoids and progesterone derivatives should also ing may be done every 1 to 2 weeks to assess the efficacy o f
be avoided when possible because steroid hormones can antihypertensive treatment i n non-urgent cases. Once satis
increase BP. A diuretic (thiazide or furosemide; see Chapter factory regulation is achieved, B P should be measured at
3) may help by reducing b l o o d volume i n patients w i t h least every 2 or 3 months. Some animals become refractory
volume expansion, but a diuretic alone is rarely effective. to therapy that was initially effective. Increased antihyper-
tensive dosage, adjunctive therapy, or a change of antihyper -adrenergic blockers may reduce B P by decreasing heart
tensive drug can be tried. Continued attention to the rate, cardiac output, and renal renin release. Atenolol and
underlying disease process is important. Routine C B C , serum propranolol have been used most often (see p. 89). A
biochemistry profile, and urinalysis (with or without a U P C ) -blocker is recommended for cats with hyperthyroid-
are also recommended every 6 months. Decreasing the mag induced hypertension. However, -blockers are often inef
nitude of proteinuria associated with hypertension is a fective when used as the sole antihypertensive agent in cats
desired treatment outcome. w i t h renal disease.
The long-term prognosis for animals w i t h hypertension 1 -adrenergic antagonists oppose the vasoconstrictive
is usually guarded because underlying disease processes effects of these -receptors. Their main use is for hyperten
tend to be severe and progressive. Therapy for some primary sion caused by pheochromocytoma. Phenoxybenzamine is
diseases can exacerbate hypertension or complicate its a noncompetitive and -blocker used most often for
1 2

control. F l u i d therapy, corticosteroids, and erythropoietin pheochromocytoma-induced hypertension. Treatment is

are examples. The degree of proteinuria appears to be a initiated with a low dose that is titrated upward as necessary.
negative prognostic factor i n cats with chronic renal The 1-blocker prazosin is another option for large
disease. dogs. After -blocker dosing is begun, adjunctive therapy
with a -blocker can help control reflex tachycardia or
The ACEIs (e.g., enalapril, benazepril) reduce angiotensin II Hypotension is a potential adverse effect of antihyperten
production, thereby reducing vascular resistance and volume sive drugs and is usually manifested as periods of lethargy
retention (see p. 63). These agents have been more effective or ataxia. Reduced appetite may be another adverse effect.
in dogs, although their efficacy depends on the degree of Rebound hypertension can occur i f antihypertensive therapy
R A A S activation underlying the hypertension. Cats with is suddenly discontinued. This is especially of concern when
chronic kidney disease and hypertension often are not using - or -blockers. If therapy with such agents is to be

responsive to ACEIs. However, an A C E I may help protect terminated, the dosage should be gradually tapered down.
against hypertensive renal damage by preferentially reducing
efferent arteriolar constriction and reducing glomerular HYPERTENSIVE EMERGENCY
hypertension. Urgent antihypertensive therapy is indicated when new or
A m l o d i p i n e besylate is a long-acting dihydropyridine progressive signs of severe hypertension are identified.
Ca++-blocker that causes vasodilation without appreciable Examples include acute retinal detachment and hemorrhage,
cardiac effects. It can be effective as a primary antihyperten encephalopathy, or other evidence of intracranial hemor
sive agent in cats and has a duration of effect of at least 24 rhage, acute renal failure, aortic aneurysm, and acute heart
hours. A m l o d i p i n e generally does not alter serum creatinine failure.
concentration or body weight i n cats with chronic kidney Direct-acting vasodilator agents generally produce faster
disease. M i l d hypokalemia should respond to oral potassium reduction i n B P (e.g., nitroprusside, hydralazine). Nitroprus
supplementation. The drug is usually dosed once daily and side can be dosed to effect by constant intravenous (IV)
may be given with or without food. Administration q12h infusion, but arterial pressure should be closely monitored
may be used i n large cats or i n those that do not respond to prevent hypotension (see Table 11-1). Hydralazine given
sufficiently to the lower dose. Alternatively, a -blocker or intravenously or orally is an alternative, especially for dogs.
A C E I may be added for cats that do not respond adequately O r a l amlodipine can be effective i n quickly reducing blood
to amlodipine alone. A m l o d i p i n e tablets are difficult to pressure in cats and has less risk of inducing hypotension.
split evenly but they can be compounded using lactose as A n I V -blocker (propranolol, esmolol, or labetolol), ACEI
a diluent. (enalaprilat), or acepromazine (see Table 11-1) also can be
A m l o d i p i n e also is effective i n some dogs. A lower dose used. One of these agents can be added to oral hydralazine
is tried initially and titrated upward as necessary over a therapy i f that has not adequately reduced B P within 12
period of days. Amlodipine's half-life is about 30 hours in hours.
dogs; maximal effects occur 4 to 7 days after initiating W h e n hypertensive crisis is related to pheochromocy
therapy. Oral bioavailability is high, and peak plasma con toma or other cause of catecholamine excess, the -blocker
centrations are reached 3 to 8 hours after administration; phentolamine is used I V (see Table 11-1) and titrated to
plasma concentrations increase w i t h chronic therapy. The effect. A d d i t i o n of a -blocker can help mitigate pheochro
drug undergoes hepatic metabolism, but there is not exten mocytoma-induced tachyarrhythmias, but it should not be
sive first-pass elimination; caution is warranted when liver administered alone or before an -blocker is given. Use of a
function is poor. The drug is excreted through the urine and -blocker as the sole agent in this setting leaves 1-receptors
feces. A Ca++-channel blocker used as adjunctive therapy unopposed and is likely to exacerbate hypertension. Antihy
with an A C E I i n dogs may control B P while yielding a bal pertensive treatment is recommended for 2 to 3 weeks before
anced effect o n glomerular pressure and glomerular filtra surgery for pheochromocytoma excision, i f possible. For
tion rate ( G F R ) through equal dilation of afferent and inoperable pheochromocytoma, therapy is continued orally
efferent arterioles. to prevent hypertensive emergencies.
Suggested Readings Jensen JL et al: Plasma renin activity and angiotensin I and aldo
Acierno MJ, Labato M A : Hypertension in dogs and cats, Compend sterone concentrations in cats with hypertension associated with
Cont Educ Pract Vet 26:336, 2004. chronic renal disease, Am J Vet Res 58:535, 1997.
Arnold R M : Pharm profile: amlodipine, Compend Contin Educ lepson RE et al: Effect of control of systolic blood pressure on
23:558, 2001. survival in cats with systemic hypertension, / Vet Intern Med
Belew A M , Barlett T, Brown SA: Evaluation of the white coat effect 21:402, 2007.
in cats, / Vet Intern Med 13:134, 1999. Kallet A l , Cowgill LD, Kass P H : Comparison of blood pressure
Bodey AR, Rampling M W : Comparison of haemorrheological measurements obtained in dogs by use of indirect oscillometry
parameters and blood pressure in various breeds of dog, / Small in a veterinary clinic versus at home,/Am Vet Med Assoc 210:651,
Anim Pract 40:3, 1999. 1997.
Bright JM, Dentino M : Indirect arterial blood pressure measure Kraft W, Egner B: Causes and effects of hypertension. In Egner B,
ment in nonsedated Irish Wolfhounds: reference values for the Carr A, Brown S, editors: Essential facts of blood pressure in dogs
breed, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 38:521, 2002. and cats, Babenhausen, Germany, 2003, BE Vet Verlag, pp 61-
Brown S et al: Guidelines for the identification, evaluation, and 86.
management of systemic hypertension in dogs and cats. A C V I M Maggio F et al: Ocular lesions associated with systemic hyperten
Consensus Statement, / Vet Intern Med 21:542, 2007. sion in cats: 69 cases (1985-1998), J Am Vet Med Assoc 217:695,
Brown S: The kidney as target organ. In Egner B, Carr A, Brown S, 2000.
editors: Essential facts of blood pressure in dogs and cats, Meurs K M et al: Arterial blood pressure measurement in a
Babenhausen, Germany, 2003, BE Vet Verlag, pp 121-128. population of healthy geriatric dogs, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc
Brown SA et al: Effects of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhib 36:497, 2000.
itor benazepril in cats with induced renal insufficiency, Am J Vet Nelson OL et al: Echocardiographic and radiographic changes asso
Res 62:375, 2001. ciated with systemic hypertension in cuts,] Vet Intern Med 16:418,
Buranakarl C, Mathur S, Brown SA: Effects of dietary sodium chlo 2002.
ride intake on renal function and blood pressure in cats with Sansom J, Rogers K, Wood JLN: Blood pressure assessment in
normal and reduced renal function, Am J Vet Res 65:620, 2004. healthy cats and cats with hypertensive retinopathy, Am J Vet Res
Chetboul V et al: Spontaneous feline hypertension: clinical and 65:245, 2004.
echocardiographic abnormalities, and survival rate, / Vet Intern Snyder PS, Sadek D, Jones GL: Effect of amlodipine on echocardio
Med 17:89, 2003. graphic variables in cats with systemic hypertension, / Vet Intern
Egner B. Blood pressure measurement: basic principles and practi Med 15:52, 2001.
cal applications. In Egner B, Carr A, Brown S, editors: Essential Sparkes A H et al: Inter- and intraindividual variation in Doppler
facts of blood pressure in dogs and cats, Babenhausen, Germany, ultrasonic indirect blood pressure measurements in healthy cats,
2003, BE Vet Verlag, pp 1-14. / Vet Intern Med 13:314, 1999.
Elliot J et al: Feline hypertension: clinical findings and response to Steele JL, Henik RA, Stepien RL: Effects of angiotensin-converting
antihypertensive treatment in 30 cases, / Small Anim Pract 42:122, enzyme inhibition on plasma aldosterone concentration,
2001. plasma rennin activity, and blood pressure in spontaneously
Erhardt W, Henke J, Carr A: Techniques of arterial blood pressure hypertensive cats with chronic renal disease, Vet Therap 3:157,
measurement. In Egner B, Carr A, Brown S, editors: Essential facts 2002.
of blood pressure in dogs and cats, Babenhausen, Germany, 2003, Stepien RL, Rapoport GS: Clinical comparison of three methods to
BE Vet Verlag, pp 34-59. measure blood pressure in non-sedated dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc
Finco DR: Association of systemic hypertension with renal injury 215:1623, 1999.
in dogs with induced renal failure, / Vet Intern Med 18:289, 2004. Stepien RL et al: Comparative diagnostic test characteristics
Henik RA, Snyder PS, Volk L M : Treatment of systemic hypertension of oscillometric and Doppler ultrasound methods in the detec
in cats with amlodipine besylate, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 33:226, tion of systolic hypertension in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 17: 65,
1997. 2003.
Jacob F et al: Association between initial systolic blood pressure and Tissier R, Perrot S, Enriquez B: Amlodipine: one of the main anti
risk of developing a uremic crisis or of dying in dogs with chronic hypertensive drugs in veterinary therapeutics, / Vet Cardiol 7:53,
renal failure, J Am Vet Med Assoc 222:322, 2003. 2005.
C H A P T E R 12

Thromboembolic Disease

quickly induces several reactions that cause vasoconstriction,

hemostatic plug formation, and attempts at vascular repair
in order to prevent blood loss.
Intact endothelium normally produces factors with anti
platelet, anticoagulant, and also fibrinolytic effects. A n t i
platelet substances include nitric oxide and prostacyclin.
Prophylaxis Against Arterial T h r o m b o e m b o l i s m
Nitric oxide inhibits platelet activation and promotes local
vasodilation. Prostacyclin also inhibits platelet activation
Prophylaxis against Arterial T h r o m b o e m b o l i s m
and aggregation, while mediating vascular smooth muscle
relaxation. Anticoagulant substances synthesized by intact
endothelium include thrombomodulin, protein S, and
heparan sulfate. These substances inhibit the coagulation
process in a number of ways.
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Damaged endothelial cells promote thrombus formation.
Although this reduces blood loss in the event of vascular
Thromboembolic (TE) disease involves either a locally laceration, in other settings T E disease results. Endothelial
formed (in situ) clot, an aggregation of platelets and other damage contributes to thrombus formation in several ways.
blood elements (thrombus), or a clot or other aggregate that For example, injured endothelial cells release endothelin,
breaks away from its origination site (embolus) and is carried which promotes vasoconstriction and decreases local blood
downstream by blood flow. Both thrombi and emboli can flow as well as tissue factor (thromboplastin), which activates
partially or completely obstruct blood flow, either i n a vessel the extrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade.
or i n the heart. T E disease can occur whenever n o r m a l Exposed subendothelial collagen and other substances
hemostatic mechanisms are disturbed. Most clinically recog stimulate platelet adherence and aggregation. This is fol
nized T E events involve the distal aorta, pulmonary arteries, lowed by platelet activation. Activated platelets release a
heart, or cranial vena cava. (For additional information o n number of substances that further stimulate the process of
the pathogenesis of T E , see Chapter 87.) platelet aggregation. Fibrinogen binds to surface glycopro
The clinical sequelae of T E disease depend mainly on the tein (gp) IIb/IIIa receptors, which are expressed on activated
size and location of the clot(s). These factors determine how platelets. Fibrinogen linkage forms a primary platelet plug,
much functional compromise occurs and in which organs which then stabilizes as platelets contract and fibrinogen is
and tissues. Acute, profound clinical signs result from some converted to fibrin via the action of thrombin (factor IIa)
thrombolemboli. Others cause subclinical tissue damage and produced by the coagulation cascade.
varying degrees of pathology. T E disease is sometimes sus Both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of the coagula
pected antemortem; i n other cases it is discovered at nec tion cascade feed into the c o m m o n pathway to produce
ropsy (or not at all). thrombin (see Chapter 87). Tissue factor (released from
There is normally an interplay among the different factors monocytes and damaged cells) stimulates the extrinsic
that promote coagulation, inhibit coagulation, and promote pathway by activating factor V I I . The intrinsic pathway
fibrinolysis. A proper balance of these factors maintains amplifies the process; it also modulates fibrinolysis. T h r o m
blood fluidity and minimizes loss when vessels are damaged. bin converts fibrinogen into fibrin monomers. These polym
Platelets, the vascular endothelium, proteins of the coagula erize to soluble fibrin, which then is cross-linked by the
tion cascade, and the fibrinolytic system are all involved action of thrombin-activated factor XIII. This insoluble
in normal hemostasis. Injury to the vascular endothelium fibrin stabilizes the clot. T h r o m b i n also stimulates further
platelet aggregation as well as contributes to negative feed
BOX 1 2-
back inhibition o f clotting by interacting with thrombo
modulin, proteins C and S, and antithrombin (AT). Diseases Potentially Associated with Thromboembolism
After a thrombus forms, several mechanisms limit its
Endothelial Disruption
extent and promote its breakdown. Thrombolysis requires
plasmin. Its inactive precursor, plasminogen, is converted Sepsis
to plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) when Systemic inflammatory disease
Heartworm disease
fibrin is present. D u r i n g activation o f the coagulation
cascade, t-PA is simultaneously released by endothelial cells.
Massive trauma
Several other substances also can act as plasminogen activa
tors. Plasmin degrades fibrinogen and soluble (noncross
Intravenous catheterization
linked) fibrin to yield fibrinogen/fibrin degradation products Injection of irritating substance
(FDPs). Plasmin also cleaves cross-linked fibrin i n stabilized Reperfusion injury
clots into large fragments (x-oligomers) that are further Atherosclerosis
broken down into D-dimers and other fragments. D-dimers Arteriosclerosis
are produced only with active coagulation and subsequent Hyperhomocysteinemia
fibrinolysis. There are also negative feedback constraints
Abnormal Blood Flow
on fibrinolysis (e.g., plasminogen activator inhibitors, 2 -
antiplasmin, thrombin-activated fibrinolytic factor). Defec Vascular obstruction (e.g., mass lesion, adult heartworms,
catheter or other device)
tive fibrinolysis is thought to play a role i n pathologic
Heart disease
Cardiomyopathy (especially in cats)
Inhibition of platelet adherence and activation is i m p o r
tant in preventing primary platelet plug formation. In addi Congestive heart failure
tion, there are three m a i n mechanisms that limit thrombus Shock
formation: AT, protein C , and the fibrinolytic system. A T is Hypovolemia/dehydration
a small protein produced by the liver, which is responsible Prolonged recumbency
for most of the anticoagulant effect o f plasma. AT, with its Hyperviscosity (e.g., polycythemia, leukemia, hyperglobu-
co-factor heparan sulfate, binds and inactivates thrombin; linemia)
factors IXa, X a , X i a , and X l l a ; and kallikrein. Protein C , a Hypoviscosity (anemia)

vitamin K-dependent glycoprotein, also is involved i n coun Anatomic abnormality (e.g., aneurysm, A-V fistula)
tering thrombosis.
Increased Coagulability
Malfunction of one or more of these systems promotes
Glomerular disease/protein-losing nephropathy
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (+/- thrombocytopenia)
T E disease is more likely when changes in n o r m a l hemostatic Protein-losing enteropathy
processes create conditions that favor clot formation or Sepsis/infection
impair thrombolysis. Three general situations (so-called Neoplasia
Virchow's triad) promote pathologic thrombosis: abnormal Disseminated intravascular coagulation
endothelial structure or function, slowed or static b l o o d Heart disease
flow, and a hypercoagulable state (either from increased pro-
coagulant substances or decreased anticoagulant or fibrino
lytic substances). A number o f c o m m o n diseases produce
such conditions (Box 12-1). coagulant mechanisms. This occurs with sepsis and likely
Diseases that induce severe or widespread endothelial other systemic inflammatory conditions as well. Neoplastic
injury also cause loss o f n o r m a l endothelial antiplatelet, anti invasion, vascular disruption resulting from other disease,
coagulant, and fibrinolytic functions. Increased coagulability and postischemic injury also induce endothelial damage.
and platelet activation favor pathologic thrombosis. Injured Mechanical trauma to the vascular endothelium (as w i t h
endothelium also releases tissue factor as well as antifibrino catheterization) can also precipitate T E disease, especially
lytic factors. Subendothelial tissue, exposed because o f when other predisposing conditions exist. P u l m o n a r y artery
endothelial cell damage, promotes thrombosis by acting as endothelial injury resulting from heartworm disease ( H W D )
a substrate for clot formation and stimulating platelet adher is well k n o w n (see Chapter 10). The inflammatory reaction
ence and aggregation. to dead or dying worms and w o r m fragments exacerbates
Systemic release o f inflammatory cytokines (e.g., tumor the endothelial damage and prothrombotic conditions.
necrosis factor [ T N F ] , various interleukins, platelet activat Stagnant b l o o d flow promotes thrombosis by impeding
ing factor, nitric oxide) can cause widespread endothelial the dilution and clearance o f coagulation factors. Poor flow
injury, induce tissue factor expression, and also inhibit anti- can promote local tissue hypoxia and endothelial injury as
well. A b n o r m a l turbulence has also been associated w i t h with decreased fibrinolysis (resulting from increased plas
thrombus formation. Turbulence can mechanically injure minogen activator inhibitor [PAI] activity) and high levels
the endothelial surface. of several coagulation factors. Diabetes mellitus is occa
Hypercoagulability may develop secondary to various sionally associated w i t h T E disease in dogs. Platelet hyper
systemic diseases i n dogs and cats; multiple mechanisms are aggregability and possibly hypofibrinolysis are thought to
thought to be involved. Nevertheless, thrombus formation be involved. Occasionally, a patient with clinically relevant
i n such cases may also depend o n altered endothelial integ T E disease does not have any detectable abnormality that
rity or b l o o d flow. A T deficiency is a c o m m o n cause o f can result in hypercoagulability (e.g., Greyhounds with
hypercoagulability. Excessive loss, increased consumption, or aortic T E disease not associated with detectable hemostatic
possibly inadequate hepatic synthesis leads to A T deficiency. or cardiovascular abnormalities). Cats with myocardial
Decreased protein C activity and other mechanisms may disease (see Chapter 8) are at risk for intracardiac thrombus
also contribute to hypercoagulability. formation and subsequent arterial embolization. The mech
Increased platelet aggregability has been associated w i t h anisms involved probably relate to poor intracardiac
neoplasia, some heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, and blood flow (especially within the left atrium), altered
nephrotic syndrome i n some animals. Thrombocytosis blood coagulability, local tissue or blood vessel injury, or a
alone, without an increase i n platelet aggregability, is not combination o f these. Increased platelet reactivity occurs
thought to increase the risk for thrombosis. i n some o f these cats. A b n o r m a l turbulence may be a
Defective fibrinolysis can promote pathologic thrombosis factor when mitral regurgitation occurs. D I C may accom
by preventing efficient breakdown o f physiologic clots. This pany thromboembolism. Some cats with T E disease have
can result from either reduced levels o f fibrinolytic sub decreased plasma arginine and vitamin B and B concen
6 12

stances (e.g., t-PA, plasminogen, urokinase) or increased trations; hyperhomocysteinemia may be a factor in some
production o f plasminogen activator inhibitors; the latter cases. Hyperhomocysteinemia and low plasma vitamin B
is a major mechanism of T E disease in" humans with concentrations are risk factors for thromboembolism in
hypertension. people. It is not k n o w n i f hypercoagulability induced by
Pancreatitis, shock, trauma, sepsis, neoplasia, severe hep a genetic abnormality exists i n some cats, as it does in
atopathy, heatstroke, immune-mediated disease, and other people.
conditions can lead to gross thrombosis as well as dissemi
nated intravascular coagulopathy ( D I C ) . D I C involves
massive activation o f t h r o m b i n and plasmin, w i t h general PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM
ized consumption o f coagulation factors and platelets. D I C
produces extensive thrombosis as well as hemorrhage i n the Pulmonary thromboemboli i n dogs are associated with
microcirculation, resulting i n widespread tissue ischemia H W D , other heart diseases, immune-mediated hemolytic
and multiorgan failure. anemia ( I M H A ) , neoplasia, D I C , sepsis, hyperadrenocorti
Protein-losing nephropathy (resulting from glomerulo cism, nephrotic syndrome, pancreatitis, trauma, hypothy
nephritis, renal amyloid deposition, or hypertensive injury) roidism, and right atrial thrombus related to infection.
can lead to marked A T deficiency. Because o f its small size, Pulmonary T E disease appears to be rare i n cats com
A T is lost through damaged glomeruli more easily than most pared with dogs, except i n those with H W D . Nevertheless,
procoagulant proteins, which predisposes to thrombosis. pulmonary T E disease has been associated with a variety o f
Protein-losing enteropathies also cause A T deficiency, but systemic and inflammatory disorders i n cats, including neo
concurrent loss of larger proteins tends to maintain a balance plasia, H W D , anemia (probably immune mediated), pancre
between procoagulant and anticoagulant factors. Other atitis, glomerulonephritis, encephalitis, pneumonia, heart
factors also may contribute to T E disease i n animals w i t h disease, sepsis, glucocorticoid administration, protein-losing
protein-losing nephropathies, such as increased platelet enteropathy, and hepatic lipidosis.
aggregation secondary to hypoalbuminemia. Pulmonary T E disease that causes pulmonary hyper
Thrombosis associated with immune-mediated hemo tension variably produces right ventricular enlargement
lytic anemia ( I M H A ) is also thought to be multifactorial, and hypertrophy, interventricular septal flattening, and
with the systemic inflammatory (immune-mediated) high tricuspid regurgitation jet velocities. Sometimes a
response playing a large role. Thrombocytopenia, hyperbili clot is identified w i t h i n the pulmonary artery or right
rubinemia, and hypoalbuminemia have been identified as atrium.
risk factors for T E disease. The role o f high-dose corticoste
roid therapy i n pathologic thrombosis is unclear. However,
T E disease is relatively c o m m o n i n animals receiving exog SYSTEMIC ARTERIAL
enous corticosteroids and i n those w i t h hyperadrenocorti THROMBOEMBOLISM IN CATS
cism (see next paragraph). Other predisposing factors are
usually concurrent i n these cases as well. The most c o m m o n cause for arterial T E disease in cats is
T E disease occurs i n some dogs with spontaneous hyper cardiomyopathy (see Chapter 8). T h r o m b i initially form in
adrenocorticism. This endocrinopathy has been associated the left heart and can become quite large. Although some
remain in the heart (usually the left atrial [LA] appendage; Signs o f pain and poor systemic perfusion are usually
see Figure 8-6), others embolize to the distal aorta or, less present. Hypothermia and azotemia are c o m m o n . A cardiac
often, other sites. Marked L A enlargement may magnify the murmur, gallop sound, or arrhythmia is often identified, but
risk for thromboembolus formation, but this is controver these signs are not always evident even with underlying heart
sial. Neoplastic and systemic inflammatory disease are some disease. Clinical signs o f heart disease before the T E event
times associated with systemic thromboemboli i n cats. are often absent. Tachypnea and open-mouth breathing are
Hyperthyroidism may be a risk factor for T E disease in cats c o m m o n i n cats with acute arterial embolization, despite the
independent o f its cardiac effects. In some cases, no predis absence o f overt congestive heart failure ( C H F ) . These signs
posing condition is identified. may represent a pain response, although increased p u l m o
Systemic arterial emboli usually lodge at the aortic trifur nary venous pressure could be involved. Thoracic radio
cation (so-called saddle thrombus; Figure 12-1), but iliac, graphs should be obtained as soon as possible because it is
femoral, renal, brachial, and other arteries can be affected important to determine whether pulmonary edema under
depending on embolus size and flow path. Besides obstruct lies the respiratory signs.
ing flow in the affected artery, thromboemboli release vaso Acute h i n d l i m b paresis without palpable femoral pulses
active substances that induce vasoconstriction and is typical. C o m m o n clinical findings are summarized in Box
compromise collateral blood flow development around the 12-2. M o t o r function i n the rear limbs is m i n i m a l to absent
obstructed vessel. Tissue ischemia results and causes further in most cases, although the cat is usually able to flex and
damage and inflammation. A n ischemic neuromyopathy extend the hips. Sensation to the lower limbs is poor. One
occurs in the affected limb(s), with peripheral nerve dys side may show greater deficits than the other. E m b o l i are
function and degeneration as well as pathologic changes in occasionally small enough to lodge more distally i n only one
associated muscle tissue. limb, which causes paresis o f the lower limb alone. E m b o l i
Coronary thromboembolism with myocardial necrosis zation o f a brachial artery produces (usually right) forelimb
has occurred in cats with cardiac disease, especially severe monoparesis. Intermittent claudication (see p. 201) occurs
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or infective endocarditis, as rarely. T h r o m b o e m b o l i w i t h i n the renal, mesenteric, or pul
well as from carcinoma emboli. monary arterial circulation may result in failure o f these
organs and death. E m b o l i to the brain could induce seizures
Clinical Features or various neurological deficits.
Arterial T E disease i n cats usually causes acute and dramatic
clinical signs secondary to tissue ischemia (Fig. 12-2). Male Diagnosis
cats are at higher risk for thromboembolism, but this gender Thoracic radiography is used to screen for cardiopulmonary
bias appears to be related to the prevalence o f hypertrophic abnormalities such as evidence for heart failure or other
cardiomyopathy. Distal aortic embolization occurs i n most disease associated with thromboemboli (e.g., glomerulone
cases. However, the clinical findings depend on the area phritis, neoplasia, H W D ) . Most cats with arterial T E disease
embolized as well as the extent and duration o f arterial have some degree o f cardiomegaly (especially L A enlarge
blockage. ment) when cardiomyopathy is the underlying cause. Signs
of heart failure include dilated pulmonary veins, pulmonary
edema, or pleural effusion. A few affected cats have no radio
graphic evidence o f cardiomegaly.
Echocardiography delineates the type o f myocardial
disease and may reveal the presence o f an intracardiac throm
bus (see Figure 8-6). The most c o m m o n site for intracardiac
t h r o m b i is the left auricular appendage. Most cats with arte
rial T E disease associated with cardiomyopathy have some
degree o f L A enlargement. A n L A dimension o f >20 m m
(measured from the two-dimensional long-axis four-
chamber view) may increase the risk for T E disease, although
more than half o f aortic T E disease cases i n one study had a
smaller left atrium (Smith, 2003). If echocardiography is
unavailable, nonselective angiocardiography can help define
the nature o f underlying cardiac disease and determine the
location and extent o f the thromboembolism.
Cats w i t h arterial thromboembolism often have azotemia.
This can be prerenal, resulting from poor systemic perfusion
FIG 1 2 - 1
or dehydration; primary renal, resulting from embolization
Postmortem i m a g e with o p e n e d distal a o r t a , from a c a t with
c a r d i o m y o p a t h y . A t h r o m b o e m b o l u s (just left of the forceps of the renal arteries or preexisting kidney disease; or a c o m
tip) is l o d g e d at the aortic trifurcation. The rear limbs a r e to bination o f both. Metabolic acidosis, D I C , electrolyte abnor
the left in the i m a g e ; c r a n i a l is to the right. malities (especially low serum sodium, calcium, potassium,
FIG 1 2 - 2
A , C a t with t h r o m b o e m b o l i s m to the distal a o r t a . The left rear limb w a s d r a g g e d b e h i n d
as the c a t tried to w a l k ; there w a s slightly better function in the right rear. B , The p a d s of
the left rear p a w (right s i d e of image) in this c a t w e r e p a l e r a s w e l l a s c o o l e r c o m p a r e d
with the left f o r e p a w (left side of i m a g e ) .

BOX 12-2

C o m m o n C l i n i c a l Findings i n Cats w i t h Systemic A r t e r i a l T h r o m b o e m b o l i s m

A c u t e limb p a r e s i s Lethargy/weakness
Posterior p a r e s i s S i g n s of heart d i s e a s e (inconsistent)
Monoparesis Systolic murmur
Intermittent c l a u d i c a t i o n G a l l o p sounds
C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of affected limb(s) Arrhythmias
Painful Cardiomegaly
C o o l distal limbs S i g n s of c o n g e s t i v e heart failure
Pale f o o t p a d s Pulmonary e d e m a
Cyanotic nailbeds Effusions
A b s e n t arterial pulse Hematologic a n d biochemical abnormalities
C o n t r a c t u r e of affected muscles (especially g a s t r o c n e m i u s Azotemia
a n d c r a n i a l tibial) Increased a l a n i n e a m i n o t r a n s f e r a s e activity
Tachypnea/dyspnea Increased a s p a r t a t e a m i n o t r a n s f e r a s e activity
Rule out c o n g e s t i v e heart failure versus p a i n o r other Increased lactate d e h y d r o g e n a s e activity
pulmonary disease Increased c r e a t i n e k i n a s e activity
V o c a l i z a t i o n (pain a n d distress) H y p e r g l y c e m i a (stress)
Hypothermia L y m p h o p e n i a (stress)
Anorexia D i s s e m i n a t e d intravascular c o a g u l a t i o n

and elevated phosphorus), and stress hyperglycemia are Other causes of acute posterior paresis to be considered
c o m m o n . Hyperkalemia may develop secondary to ischemic include intervertebral disk disease, spinal neoplasia (e.g.,
muscle damage and reperfusion. Skeletal muscle damage and lymphoma), trauma, fibrocartilaginous infarction, diabetic
necrosis are accompanied by elevations o f alanine amino neuropathy, and possibly myasthenia gravis.
transferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities, begin
ning w i t h i n 12 hours o f the T E event and peaking by 36 Treatment and Prognosis
hours. Widespread muscle injury causes lactate dehydroge The goals o f treatment are to manage concurrent C H F and
nase and creatine kinase activities to be increased soon after arrhythmias (if present), prevent extension o f the embolus
the event; elevations i n these enzyme activities may persist and formation of additional thrombi, promote collateral cir
for weeks. Metabolic acidosis, D I C , and hyperkalemia may culation, and provide supportive care (Box 12-3). The treat
also be present secondary to ischemic muscle damage and ment of heart failure is outlined i n Chapter 8 and Box 8-1.
reperfusion. Cats with arterial T E disease usually have a Propranolol is discouraged i n cats with cardiomyopathy
normal coagulation profile. and arterial thromboembolism because its nonselective
BOX 1 2-3

Therapy for T h r o m b o e m b o l i c Disease

Initial d i a g n o s t i c tests Further d i a g n o s t i c testing

C o m p l e t e p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n a n d history Complete c a r d i a c evaluation, including e c h o c a r d i o g r a m
H e m o g r a m , serum b i o c h e m i c a l profile, urinalysis O t h e r tests a s i n d i c a t e d ( b a s e d o n initial f i n d i n g s a n d
T h o r a c i c r a d i o g r a p h s (rule out signs of c o n g e s t i v e heart c a r d i a c exam) to rule out p r e d i s p o s i n g c o n d i t i o n s
failure, other infiltrates, pleural effusion) Prevention of extension of existing clot a n d n e w t h r o m b o e m
C o a g u l a t i o n a n d D-dimer tests, if p o s s i b l e b o l i c events
A n a l g e s i a a s n e e d e d (especially for systemic arterial throm Antiplatelet t h e r a p y
boembolism) Aspirin
Morphine D o g : 0 . 5 m g / k g b y mouth q 1 2 h
D o g : 0 . 5 - 2 . 0 m g / k g a d m i n i s t e r e d intramuscularly, C a t : 81 m g / c a t b y mouth 2 - 3 times a w e e k ; l o w - d o s e ,
subcutaneously q 3 - 5 h ; 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 4 m g / k g a d m i n i s t e r e d 5 m g / c a t q 7 2 h (see text)
intravenously q 3 - 5 h Clopidogrel
Cat: 0.05-0.2 m g / k g administered intramuscularly, D o g : 2 - 4 m g / k g b y mouth q 2 4 h (dose not well-estab
subcutaneously q 3 - 4 h (dysphoria occurs in s o m e cats) lished)
O x y m o r p h o n e or h y d r o m o r p h o n e C a t : 1 8 . 7 5 m g / c a t b y mouth q 2 4 h (dose not w e l l -
D o g : 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 2 m g / k g administered intramuscularly, established)
intravenously, s u b c u t a n e o u s l y q 2 - 4 h Anticoagulant therapy
C a t : 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 2 m g / k g administered intramuscularly, Sodium heparin
intravenously, s u b c u t a n e o u s l y q 2 - 4 h D o g : 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 l U / k g a d m i n i s t e r e d intravenously, fol
Butorphanol l o w e d b y 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 l U / k g a d m i n i s t e r e d subcutane
D o g : 0.2-2.0 m g / k g administered intramuscularly, ously q 6 - 8 h for 2 - 4 d a y s o r a s n e e d e d
intravenously, s u b c u t a n e o u s l y q 1 - 4 h Cat: same
C a t : 0 . 2 - 1 . 0 m g / k g administered intramuscularly (cranial Dalteparin sodium
lumbar a r e a ) , intravenously, s u b c u t a n e o u s l y q 1 - 4 h D o g : s a m e a s c a t ? (see text)
Buprenorphine Cat: 150U/kg administered subcutaneously q4h?
D o g : 0 . 0 0 5 - 0 . 0 2 m g / k g a d m i n i s t e r e d intramuscu (see text)
larly, intravenously, s u b c u t a n e o u s l y q 6 - 8 h Enoxaparin
C a t : 0 . 0 0 5 - 0 . 0 2 m g / k g a d m i n i s t e r e d intramuscularly, D o g : same as cat?
intravenously, s u b c u t a n e o u s l y q 6 - 8 h ; c a n g i v e b y C a t : 1.5 m g / k g administered subcutaneously q 6 h ?
mouth for t r a n s m u c o s a l a b s o r p t i o n (see text)
Supportive c a r e Thrombolytic t h e r a p y (pursue o n l y with c a u t i o n , see text)
Provide supplemental O2 if respiratory signs exist. Streptokinase
A d m i n i s t e r intravenous fluid a s i n d i c a t e d (if not in c o n g e s D o g : 9 0 , 0 0 0 IU infused intravenously o v e r 2 0 to 3 0
tive heart failure). minutes, then at 4 5 , 0 0 0 l U / h for 3 (or more) hours
M o n i t o r for a n d correct a z o t e m i a a n d electrolyte a b n o r (see text)
malities. Cat: same
M a n a g e c o n g e s t i v e heart failure if present (see C h a p t e r s rt-PA
3, 8). D o g : 1 m g / k g bolus IV q 1 h for 1 0 d o s e s (see text)
Provide external w a r m i n g if h y p o t h e r m i a persists after C a t : 0 . 2 5 - 1 m g / k g / h (up to a total of 1-10 m g / k g )
rehydration. a d m i n i s t e r e d intravenously (see text)
Identify a n d m a n a g e u n d e r l y i n g disease(s).
Provide nutritional support if a n o r e x i a persists.

-blocking effect may contribute to peripheral vasoconstric be used to help alleviate pain for up to 3 days, but because
tion from unopposed -receptors, and the drug has no it takes about 12 hours to become effective, another analge
antithrombotic effects at clinical doses. sic is used simultaneously d u r i n g this initial p e r i o d . Respira
A n analgesic is recommended, especially for the first 24 tory depression and reduced gastrointestinal (GI) motility
to 36 hours, because this is a painful condition. B u t o r p h a n o l are potential side effects.
(0.15 to 0.5 mg/kg, administered intramuscularly into the Acepromazine is not recommended for animals w i t h arte
cranial lumbar area or subcutaneously q l - 3 h ) has been rec rial T E disease, despite its -adrenergic receptor-blocking
ommended, especially for the first 24 to 36 hours after the effects. Improved collateral flow has not been documented,
embolic event. Low-dose morphine (0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg q3-6h, and hypotension and exacerbation o f dynamic ventricular
administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously) could be outflow obstruction (in cats w i t h hypertrophic obstructive
considered, but some cats experience dysphoria. A fentanyl cardiomyopathy) are potential adverse effects. Other sup
patch (25 g/h size) applied to a shaved area of skin could portive care is given to improve and maintain adequate
tissue perfusion, minimize further endothelial damage and q6-8h for 2 to 4 days is one protocol. M o n i t o r i n g the patient's
blood stasis, and optimize organ function as well as to allow activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is recom
time for collateral circulation development. mended, although results may not accurately predict serum
Antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapies are used to heparin concentrations. Pretreatment coagulation testing is
reduce platelet aggregation and growth of existing thrombi. done for comparison, and the goal is to prolong the a P T T to
A l t h o u g h fibrinolytic therapy is used i n some cases, dosage 1.5 to 2.5 times baseline. Activated clotting time is not rec
uncertainties, the need for intensive care, and the potential ommended to monitor heparin therapy. Hemorrhage is the
for serious complications stemming from reperfusion injury major complication. Protamine sulfate can be used to coun
limit its use. teract heparin-induced bleeding. However, an overdose of
A s p i r i n (acetylsalicylic acid) is used c o m m o n l y to block protamine can paradoxically cause irreversible hemorrhage.
platelet activation and aggregation i n patients with, or at risk Dosage guidelines for protamine sulfate are as follows:
for, T E disease. A s p i r i n irreversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase, 1 mg/100 U of heparin is given i f the heparin was given
which reduces prostaglandin and thromboxane A synthesis 2 within the previous 60 minutes; 0.5 mg/100 U of heparin is
and therefore subsequent platelet aggregation, serotonin given i f the heparin was given more than 1 but less than 2
release, and vasoconstriction. Because platelets cannot syn hours earlier; and 0.25 mg/100 U of heparin is given i f more
thesize additional cyclooxygenase, this reduction o f proco than 2 hours have elapsed since heparin was administered.
agulant prostaglandins and thromboxane persists for the Fresh frozen plasma may be needed to replenish AT. Heparin
platelets life span (7 to 10 days). Endothelial production of treatment is continued until the patient is stable and has
prostacyclin (also via the cyclooxygenase pathway) is reduced been o n antiplatelet therapy for a few days.
by aspirin but only transiently as endothelial cells synthesize L M W H is a safer alternative to unfractionated heparin.
additional cyclooxygenase. Aspirin's benefit may relate more L M W H products are a diverse group of depolymerized
to in situ thrombus formation; efficacy i n acute arterial heparin that vary i n size, structure, and pharmacokinetics.
thromboembolism is u n k n o w n . Adverse effects of aspirin Their smaller size prevents simultaneous binding to throm
tend to be m i l d and u n c o m m o n , but the optimal dose is bin and AT. L M W H products have more effect against factor
unclear. Cats lack an enzyme (glucuronyl transferase) that X a through their inactivation of AT. Because they have
is needed to metabolize aspirin, so less frequent dosing is m i n i m a l ability to inhibit thrombin, they are less likely to
required compared with dogs. In cats with experimental cause bleeding. L M W H products have greater bioavailability
aortic thrombosis, 10 to 25 mg/kg (1.25 grains/cat) given by and a longer half-life than unfractionated heparin when
m o u t h once every (2 to) 3 days inhibited platelet aggregation given subcutaneously because of lesser binding to plasma
and improved collateral circulation. However, low-dose proteins as well as endothelial cells and macrophages.
aspirin (5 mg/cat q72h) has also been used with fewer G I However, L M W H products do not markedly affect coagula
adverse effects, although its efficacy i n preventing T E events tion times, so m o n i t o r i n g a P T T is generally not necessary.
is u n k n o w n . Aspirin therapy is started when the patient is L M W H effect can be monitored indirectly by anti-Xa activ
able to take food and oral medications. ity. O p t i m a l anti-Xa activity level i n cats is not known;
Other antiplatelet drugs are being studied. The thieno the target range i n people is reported as 0.5 to 1.0 U / m l ,
pyridines inhibit adenosine diphosphate ( A D P ) - b i n d i n g at although 0.3 to 0.6 U / m l has also been used. The L M W H
platelet receptors and subsequent ADP-mediated platelet products have differences in biological and clinical effects
aggregation. Clopidogrel (Plavix; 18.75 mg/cat P O q24h) and are not interchangeable. The most effective dosage for
appears to have significant antiplatelet effects; daily dosing the various L M W H products is not clearly established in
may be possible. dogs and cats. C o m m o n l y used dosages of dalteparin sodium
Heparin is indicated to limit extension of existing t h r o m b i (Fragmin; 100-150 U / k g administereed subcutaneously q8-
and prevent further T E episodes; it does not promote throm 24h) and enoxaparin (Lovenox; 1 mg/kg administered sub
bolysis. Unfractionated heparin and a number of low-molec cutaneously ql2-24h) were extrapolated from human use.
ular-weight heparin ( L M W H ) products are available. However, according to a recent study (Alwood et al., 2007),
Heparin's main anticoagulant effect is produced through A T these doses do not produce a (human) target level of anti-Xa
activation, which i n turn inhibits factors I X , X , X I , and X I I activity i n cats. Although enoxaparin produced anti-Xa
and thrombin. Unfractionated heparin binds thrombin as activity close to this level at 4 hours postdose, activity was
well as AT. Heparin also stimulates release of tissue factor undetectable 8 hours later. O n the basis of this study, the
inhibitors from vascular sites, which helps reduce (extrinsic) predicted optimal dose and dosing interval to maintain anti-
coagulation cascade activation. O p t i m a l dosing protocols for X a activity within the (human) therapeutic range in normal
animals are not k n o w n . Unfractionated heparin is usually cats are as follows: dalteparin, 150 U / k g administered sub
given as an initial intravenous (IV) bolus followed by sub cutaneously q4h; and enoxaparin, 1.5 mg/kg administered
cutaneous (SC) injections (see B o x 12-3). Heparin is not subcutaneously q6h. The optimal therapeutic range in cats
given I M because of the risk for hemorrhage at the injection as well as the most effective dosage i n sick cats are not yet
site. Heparin doses (from 75 to 500 U / k g ) have been used known.
with uncertain efficacy. A n initial I V dose of 200 IU/kg, Drugs used to promote clot lysis include streptokinase
followed by 150 to 200 I U / k g administered subcutaneously and h u m a n recombinant tissue plasminogen activator
(rt-PA). These agents increase conversion o f plasminogen to Surgical clot removal is generally not advised i n cats.
plasmin to facilitate fibrinolysis. Veterinary experience with The surgical risk is high, and significant neuromuscular
these agents is quite limited. Although they effectively break ischemic injury is likely to have already occurred by the time
down clots, complications related to reperfusion injury and of surgery. Clot removal using an embolectomy catheter
hemorrhage, the high mortality rate, the cost o f therapy, the has not been very effective i n cats.
intensive care required, and the lack o f clearly established In general, the prognosis is poor i n cats with arterial T E
dosing protocols have prevented their widespread use. Fur disease. Historically, only a third o f cats survive the initial
thermore, a clear survival advantage has not been shown. If episode. However, survival statistics improve when cats eu
used, this therapy is best instituted within 3 to 4 hours o f thanized without therapy are excluded or when only cases
vascular occlusion. A n intensive care setting, including con from recent years are analyzed. Survival is better i f only one
tinuous serum potassium concentration (or electrocardio l i m b is involved and/or i f some motor function is preserved
graphic [ECG]) monitoring to detect reperfusion-induced at presentation. H y p o t h e r m i a and C H F at presentation are
hyperkalemia, is recommended. both associated with poor survival i n cats. Other negative
Streptokinase is a nonspecific plasminogen activator that factors may include hyperphosphatemia, progressive hyper
promotes the breakdown o f fibrin as well as fibrinogen. This kalemia or azotemia, progressive l i m b injury (continued
action leads to the degradation o f fibrin w i t h i n t h r o m b i and muscle contracture after 2 to 3 days, necrosis), severe L A
clot lysis but also potentially leads to systemic fibrinolysis, enlargement, presence o f intracardiac t h r o m b i or spontane
coagulopathy, and bleeding. Streptokinase also degrades ous contrast ("swirling smoke") o n echocardiogram, D I C ,
factors V, VIII, and prothrombin. Although its half-life is and history o f thromboembolism.
about 30 minutes, fibrinogen depletion continues for m u c h Barring complications, l i m b function should begin to
longer. Streptokinase has been used with variable success i n return w i t h i n 1 to 2 weeks. Some cats become clinically
a small number of dogs w i t h arterial T E disease. The reported n o r m a l w i t h i n 1 to 2 months, although residual deficits may
protocol is 90,000 I U of I V streptokinase infused over 20 to persist for a variable time. Tissue necrosis may require w o u n d
30 minutes, then at a rate o f 45,000 I U / h o u r for 3 (to 8) management and skin grafting. Permanent limb deformity
hours. D i l u t i o n o f 250,000 I U into 5 m l saline, then into develops i n some cats, and amputation is occasionally neces
50 m l to yield 5000 U / m l for infusion w i t h a syringe p u m p sary. Repeated events are c o m m o n . Significant embolization
has been suggested for cats. Adverse effects are m i n o r i n of the kidneys, intestines, or other organs carries a grave
some cases, and bleeding may respond to discontinuing prognosis.
streptokinase. However, there is a risk for serious hemor
rhage, and the mortality rate i n clinical cases is high. Acute PROPHYLAXIS AGAINST ARTERIAL
hyperkalemia (secondary to thrombolysis and reperfusion THROMBOEMBOLISM
injury), metabolic acidosis, bleeding, and other complica Prophylactic therapy w i t h an antiplatelet or anticoagulant
tions are thought to be responsible for causing death. Strep drug is c o m m o n l y used i n animals thought to be at increased
tokinase can increase platelet aggregability and induce risk for T E disease. These include cats with cardiomyopathy
platelet dysfunction. It is unclear i f lower doses w o u l d be (especially those w i t h marked L A enlargement, echocardio
effective with fewer complications. Streptokinase combined graphic evidence for intracardiac spontaneous contrast or
with heparin therapy can increase the risk o f hemorrhage, thrombus, or a previous T E event) and animals with sepsis,
especially when coagulation times are increased. Streptoki I M H A , severe pancreatitis, or other procoagulant condi
nase is potentially antigenic because it is produced by (- tions. However, the efficacy o f T E prophylaxis is unknown,
hemolytic streptococci. N o survival benefit has been shown and a strategy that consistently prevents thromboembolism
for streptokinase therapy compared with conventional (i.e., is not yet identified.
aspirin and heparin) treatment i n cats. Drugs used for arterial T E prophylaxis include aspirin,
rt-PA is a single-chain polypeptide serine protease w i t h a clopidogrel, warfarin (Coumadin), and L M W H . A s p i r i n
higher specificity for fibrin within thrombi and a low affinity and clopidogrel present a low risk for serious hemor
for circulating plasminogen. Although the risk o f hemor rhage and require less monitoring compared with warfarin.
rhage is less than with streptokinase, there is the potential Adverse G I effects (e.g., vomiting, inappetence, ulceration,
for serious bleeding as well as other side effects. rt-PA is also hematemesis) occur i n some animals. Buffered aspirin
potentially antigenic i n animals because it is a h u m a n protein. formulation or an aspirin-Maalox combination product
Like streptokinase, rt-PA induces platelet dysfunction but may be helpful. Low-dose aspirin (5 mg/cat every t h i r d day)
not hyperaggregability. Experience with rt-PA is very limited, has been advocated i n cats. Although adverse effects are
and the optimal dosage is not k n o w n . A n I V dose o f 0.25 to unlikely w i t h this dose, it is not k n o w n whether antipla
1 mg/kg/h up to a total o f 1 to 10 mg/kg was used i n a small telet effectiveness is compromised. Warfarin (discussed i n
number of cats; although signs o f reperfusion occurred, the more detail later) is associated w i t h greater expense and
mortality rate was high. The cause o f death i n most cats was a higher rate o f fatal hemorrhage. N o survival benefit has
attributed to reperfusion (hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis) been shown for warfarin compared w i t h aspirin i n cats.
and hemorrhage, although C H F and arrhythmias were also In some reports, recurrent t h r o m b o e m b o l i s m occurred i n
involved. almost half of cats treated w i t h warfarin. Clopidogrel or
L M W H prophylaxis may be more efficacious, with less sion with fresh frozen plasma, packed red blood cells, or
risk o f hemorrhage, but more experience with this therapy whole fresh b l o o d is sometimes necessary.
is needed. Recurrent T E events occurred i n 20% o f cats
in one study (Smith, 2004). L M W H is expensive and must
be given by daily S C injection, but some owners are SYSTEMIC ARTERIAL
motivated to do this. In cats without thrombocytopenia, THROMBOEMBOLISM IN DOGS
aspirin may be used concurrently. Diltiazem, at clinical doses,
does not appear to have significant platelet-inhibiting Arterial T E disease i n dogs is relatively u n c o m m o n com
effects. pared with cats. Nevertheless, it has been associated with
Warfarin inhibits the enzyme (vitamin K epoxide reduc many conditions, including protein-losing nephropathies,
tase) responsible for activating the v i t a m i n K-dependent hyperadrenocorticism, neoplasia, chronic interstitial nephri
factors (II, VII, IX, and X ) , as well as proteins C and S. Initial tis, H W D , hypothyroidism, gastric dilatation-volvulus, pan
warfarin treatment causes transient hypercoagulability creatitis, and several cardiovascular diseases. Kidney disease
because anticoagulant proteins have a shorter half-life than was present i n about half of the dogs with T E disease in
most procoagulant factors. Therefore heparin (e.g., 100 I U / one report (Van Winkle, 1993). Vegetative endocarditis is
kg administered subcutaneously q8h) is given for 2 to 4 days the most c o m m o n cardiac disease associated with systemic
after warfarin is initiated. There is wide variability i n dose thromboembolism. Other cardiovascular conditions that
response and potential for serious bleeding, even i n cats that have been associated with canine T E disease include patent
are monitored closely. Warfarin is highly protein-bound; ductus arteriosus (surgical ligation site), dilated cardiomy
concurrent use o f other protein-bound drugs or change i n opathy, myocardial infarction, arteritis, aortic intimal fibro
serum protein concentration can markedly alter the antico sis, atherosclerosis, aortic dissection, granulomatous
agulant effect. Bleeding may be manifested as weakness, leth inflammatory erosion into the left atrium, and other thrombi
argy, or pallor rather than overt hemorrhage. A baseline in the left heart. T E disease is a rare complication of arterio
coagulation profile and platelet count are obtained, and venous ( A - V ) fistulae; it may relate to venous stasis from
aspirin discontinued, before beginning treatment. The usual distal venous hypertension. Aortic T E has occurred i n Grey
initial warfarin dose is 0.25 to 0.5 m g (total dose) adminis hounds without overt underlying abnormalities as well as in
tered orally q24-48h i n cats. Uneven distribution o f drug those w i t h protein-losing nephropathy or intramuscular
w i t h i n the tablets is reported, so compounding rather than hemangiosarcoma i n the thigh muscles. Affected dogs
administering tablet fragments is recommended. D r u g typically present for intermittent rear limb lameness (clau
administration and b l o o d sampling times should be dication) and have weak femoral pulses on the affected
consistent. side, and the thrombi are obvious during abdominal
The dose is adjusted either on the basis o f prothrombin ultrasonography.
time (PT) or the international normalization ratio (INR). Atherosclerosis is u n c o m m o n i n dogs, but it has been
The I N R is a more precise method that has been recom associated with T E disease i n this species, as it has i n people.
mended to prevent problems related to variation i n c o m Endothelial disruption i n areas o f atherosclerotic plaque,
mercial P T assays. The I N R is calculated by dividing the hypercholesterolemia, increased PAI-1, and possibly other
animal's P T by the control P T and raising the quotient to mechanisms may be involved i n thrombus formation. A t h
the power o f the international sensitivity index (ISI) o f the erosclerosis may develop with profound hypothyroidism,
thromboplastin used i n the assay, or I N R = (animal P T / hypercholesterolemia, or hyperlipidemia. The aorta as well
control P T ) . The ISI is provided with each batch o f t h r o m as coronary and other m e d i u m to large arteries are affected.
boplastin made. Extrapolation from h u m a n data suggests Myocardial and cerebral infarctions occur i n some cases, and
that an I N R o f 2 to 3 is as effective as higher values, with there is a high rate o f interstitial myocardial fibrosis in
less chance for bleeding. Using a warfarin dose o f 0.05 affected dogs.
to 0.1 mg/kg/day i n the dog achieves this I N R i n about 5 Vasculitis related to infectious, inflammatory, immune-
to 7 days. Heparin overlap until the I N R is >2 is recom mediated, or toxic disease occasionally underlies T E events.
mended. W h e n P T is used to m o n i t o r warfarin therapy, a Arteritis of immune-mediated pathogenesis is described in
goal of 1.25 to 1.5 (to 2) times pretreatment P T at 8 to 10 some young Beagles and other dogs. Inflammation and
hours after dosing is advised; the animal is weaned off necrosis that affect small to medium-sized arteries may be
heparin when the I N R is >1.25. The P T is evaluated (several associated w i t h thrombosis.
hours after dosing) daily initially, then at progressively Coronary artery thromboembolism causes myocardial
increasing time intervals (e.g., twice a week, then once a ischemia and infarction. Infective endocarditis, neoplasia
week, then every m o n t h to 2 months) as long as the cat's that involves the heart directly or by neoplastic emboli, cor
condition appears stable. onary atherosclerosis, dilated cardiomyopathy, degenerative
If the P T or I N R increases excessively, warfarin is discon mitral valve disease with C H F , and coronary vasculitis are
tinued and vitamin K1 administered (1 to 2 mg/kg/day reported causes. In other dogs coronary T E events have
administered orally or subcutaneously) until the P T is occurred with severe renal disease, I M H A , exogenous corti
normal and the packed cell volume ( P C V ) is stable. Transfu costeroids or hyperadrenocorticism, and acute pancreatic
necrosis. These cases may have T E lesions i n other locations disease and for p u l m o n a r y changes i n animals suspected to
as well. have p u l m o n a r y thromboemboli. Evidence for C H F or other
pulmonary disease associated w i t h T E disease (e.g., neopla
Clinical Features sia, H W D , other infections) may also be found.
There appear to be no age, breed, or sex predilections for A complete echocardiographic exam is important to
arterial T E disease i n dogs. As in cats, the distal aorta is the define whether (and what type of) heart disease might be
most c o m m o n location for clinically recognized thrombo present. T h r o m b i w i t h i n the left or right heart chambers
emboli. In contrast to cats, most dogs have some clinical and proximal great vessels can be readily seen w i t h two-
signs from 1 to 8 weeks before presentation. Less than a dimensional echocardiography. In dogs with coronary T E
quarter of cases have peracute paralysis without prior signs disease, the echocardiographic examination may indicate
of lameness, as usually occurs in cats. Signs related to the T E reduced myocardial contractility w i t h or without regional
event include pain, hindlimb paresis, lameness or weakness dysfunction. Areas o f myocardial fibrosis secondary to
(which may be progressive or intermittent), and chewing or chronic ischemia or infarction appear hyperechoic c o m
hypersensitivity o f the affected limb(s) or lumbar area. pared with the surrounding myocardium. T h r o m b o e m
Although about half o f affected dogs present with sudden b o l i i n the distal aorta (or other vessel) may be visible by
paralysis, this is often preceded by a variable period o f lame ultrasonography as well. Doppler studies can demonstrate
ness. Intermittent claudication, c o m m o n i n people with partial or complete obstruction to b l o o d flow i n some
peripheral occlusive vascular disease, may be a manifestation cases.
of distal aortic T E disease. This involves pain, weakness, and Angiography may be used to document vascular occlu
lameness that develop during exercise. These signs intensify sion when ultrasonography is inconclusive or unavailable. It
until walking becomes impossible, then disappear with rest. also can show the extent o f collateral circulation. The choice
Inadequate perfusion during exercise leads to lactic acid of selective or nonselective technique depends o n patient size
accumulation and cramping. and the suspected location o f the clot.
Physical examination findings i n dogs with aortic t h r o m Routine laboratory test results depend largely on the
boembolism are similar to those i n cats, including absent or disease process underlying the T E event(s). Systemic arterial
weak femoral pulses, cool extremities, h i n d l i m b pain, loss o f T E disease also produces elevated muscle enzyme concentra
sensation in the digits, hyperesthesia, cyanotic nailbeds, and tions from skeletal muscle ischemia and necrosis. Aspartate
neuromuscular dysfunction. Occasionally, a brachial or other aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
artery is embolized. T E disease involving an abdominal activities rise soon after the T E event. Widespread muscle
organ causes abdominal pain, with clinical and laboratory injury causes increased lactate dehydrogenase and creatine
evidence of damage to the affected organ. kinase ( C K ) activities as well.
Coronary artery thromboembolism is likely to be associ Coagulation test results i n patients with T E disease are
ated with arrhythmias, as well as ST segment and T wave variable. The concentration o f FDPs or D-dimer may be
changes on E C G . Ventricular (or other) tachyarrhythmias increased, but this can occur i n patients with inflammatory
are common, but i f the atrioventricular (AV) nodal area is disease and is not specific for a T E event or D I C . Modestly
injured, conduction block may result. Clinical signs o f acute increased D - d i m e r concentrations occur i n diseases such as
myocardial infarction/necrosis may m i m i c those o f p u l m o neoplasia, liver disease, and I M H A . This could reflect sub
nary T E disease; these include weakness, dyspnea, and col clinical T E disease or another clot activation mechanism
lapse. Respiratory difficulty may develop as a result o f because these conditions are associated with a procoagulant
pulmonary abnormalities or left heart failure (pulmonary state. Body cavity hemorrhage also causes a rise in D-dimer
edema) depending on the underlying disease and degree o f concentrations. Because this condition is associated with
myocardial dysfunction. Some animals with respiratory dis increased fibrin formation, elevated D-dimer levels may not
tress have no radiographically evident pulmonary infiltrates. indicate T E disease i n such cases. The specificity o f D-dimer
Increased pulmonary venous pressure preceding overt edema testing for pathologic thromboembolism is lower at lower
(from acute myocardial dysfunction) or concurrent p u l m o D-dimer concentrations, but the high sensitivity at lower
nary emboli are potential causes. Other findings i n animals concentrations provides an important screening tool. D-
with myocardial necrosis include sudden death, tachycardia, dimer testing appears to be as specific for D I C as F D P mea
weak pulses, increased lung sounds or crackles, cough, surement. A number o f assays have been developed to
cardiac murmur, hyperthermia or sometimes hypothermia, measure D-dimer concentrations i n dogs; some are qualita
and (less commonly) G I signs. Signs o f other systemic disease tive or semiquantitative (i.e., latex agglutination, immuno
may be concurrent. Acute ischemic myocardial injury that chromatographic, and immunofiltration tests), others are
causes sudden death may not be detectable o n routine more quantitative (i.e., immunoturbidity, enzymatic i m m u
histopathology noassays). It is important to interpret D - d i m e r results i n the
context o f other clinical and test findings. Assays for circulat
Diagnosis ing A T and proteins C and S are also available for dogs and
Thoracic radiography is used to screen for cardiac abnor cats. Deficiencies of these proteins are associated with
malities, especially i n animals with systemic arterial T E increased risk o f thrombosis.
Thromboelastography ( T E G ) provides an easy point-of- serum electrolyte concentrations are monitored daily or
care method o f assessing global hemostasis and is quite valu more frequently i f fibrinolytic therapy is used. Continuous
able when evaluating patients with T E disease. E C G monitoring during the first several days can help the
clinician detect acute hyperkalemia associated with reperfu
Treatment and Prognosis sion (see Chapter 2, p. 31). In general, the prognosis is
The goals o f therapy are the same as for cats w i t h T E disease: poor.
Stabilize the patient by supportive treatment as indicated,
prevent extension o f the existing thrombus and additional PROPHYLAXIS AGAINST ARTERIAL
T E events, and reduce the size o f the thromboembolus THROMBOEMBOLISM
and restore perfusion. Supportive care is given to improve Prophylactic strategies are the same as for cats. Aspirin,
and maintain adequate tissue perfusion, m i n i m i z e further L M W H , warfarin, or possibly clopidogrel are agents to con
endothelial damage and b l o o d stasis, and optimize organ sider. If warfarin is used, the usual initial warfarin dose is 0.25
function as well as to allow time for collateral circulation to 0.5 m g (total dose) administered orally q24(to 48)h in cats;
development. Correcting or managing underlying disease(s), 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg administered orally q24h i n dogs. A loading
to the extent possible, is also important. Antiplatelet dose of ~0.2 mg/kg for 2 days appears to be safe in dogs.
and anticoagulant therapies are used to reduce platelet
aggregation and growth o f existing t h r o m b i as i n cats (see p.
199). The results of the T E G , i f available, should be used to VENOUS THROMBOSIS
monitor response to anticoagulants i n patients with T E
disease. Thrombosis i n large veins is more likely to be clinically
Management strategies used for T E disease are outlined evident than thrombosis i n small vessels. Cranial vena caval
in Box 12-3. Although fibrinolytic therapy is used i n some thrombosis has been associated w i t h I M H A and/or immune-
cases, dosage uncertainties, the need for intensive care, and mediated thrombocytopenia, sepsis, neoplasia, protein-
the potential for serious complications limit its use. The losing nephropathies, mycotic disease, heart disease, and
reported streptokinase protocol for dogs is 90,000 I U infused glucocorticoid therapy (especially in patients with systemic
intravenously over 20 to 30 minutes, then continued at a rate inflammatory disease) i n dogs. Most cases have more than
of 45,000 I U / h o u r for 3 (to 12) hours. In dogs, rt-PA has one predisposing factor. A n indwelling jugular catheter
been used as 1 mg/kg boluses administered intravenously increases the risk for cranial caval thrombosis, probably by
q1h for 10 doses, w i t h I V fluid, other supportive therapy, and causing vascular endothelial damage or laminar flow disrup
close monitoring. The half-life o f t-PA is about 2 to 3 minutes tion or by acting as a nidus for clot formation.
i n dogs, but effects persist longer because o f b i n d i n g to Portal vein thrombosis, along with D I C , has occurred in
fibrin. The consequences o f reperfusion injury present dogs with pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis. Peritonitis,
serious complications to thrombolytic therapy. The i r o n che neoplasia, hepatitis, protein-losing nephropathy, I M H A , and
lator deferoxamine mesylate has been used i n an attempt to vasculitis have also been diagnosed occasionally in dogs
reduce oxidative damage caused by free radicals involving with portal thrombosis. A high proportion of dogs with
iron. A l l o p u r i n o l also has been used but with uncertain incidental portal or splenic vein thrombosis are receiving
results. Clot removal using an embolectomy catheter has not corticosteroids.
been very effective i n cats but might be more successful i n Systemic venous thrombosis produces signs related to
dogs o f larger size. increased venous pressure upstream from the obstruction.
Fluid therapy is used to expand vascular volume, support Thrombosis o f the cranial vena cava can lead to the cranial
blood pressure, and correct electrolyte and acid/base abnor caval syndrome. The cranial caval syndrome is characterized
malities depending o n individual patient needs. However, by bilaterally symmetric subcutaneous edema o f the head,
for animals with heart disease and especially C H F , fluid neck, and forelimbs; another cause o f this syndrome is exter
therapy is given only w i t h great caution (if at all). Hypother nal compression o f the cranial cava, usually by a neoplastic
mia that persists after circulating volume is restored can be mass. Pleural effusion occurs commonly. This effusion is
addressed with external warming. Specific treatment for often chylous because l y m p h flow from the thoracic duct
heart disease, C H F , and arrhythmias is provided as indicated into the cranial vena cava is also impaired. Palpable throm
(see Chapters 3 and 4 and other relevant chapters). Acute bosis extends into the jugular veins i n some cases. Because
respiratory signs may signal C H F , pain, or p u l m o n a r y throm vena caval obstruction reduces pulmonary blood flow and
boembolism. Differentiation is important because diuretic left heart filling, signs of poor cardiac output are common.
or vasodilator therapy could worsen perfusion i n animals Vena caval thrombosis may be visible on ultrasound
without C H F . exam, especially when the clot extends into the right atrium.
Because acute arterial embolization is particularly painful, Portal vein thrombosis and thromboemboli i n the aorta or
analgesic therapy is important i n such cases, especially for other large peripheral vessels can also be documented on
the first 24 to 36 hours (see Box 12-3). Loosely bandaging ultrasound examination.
the affected limb(s) to prevent self-mutilation may be needed Clinicopathic findings generally reflect underlying disease
in some animals w i t h aortic T E disease. Renal function and as well as tissue damage resulting from vascular obstruction.
Cranial caval thrombosis has been associated with thrombo cardial necrosis: 28 cases, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 36:199,
cytopenia. 2000.
Laste NJ, Harpster NK: A retrospective study of 100 cases of feline
distal aortic thromboembolism: 1977-1993, / Am Anim Hosp
Suggested Readings Assoc 31:492, 1995.
Alwood AJ et al: Anticoagulant effects of low-molecular-weight McMichael M A et al: Plasma homocysteine, B vitamins, and amino
heparins in healthy cats, / Vet Intern Med 21:378, 2007. acid concentrations in cats with cardiomyopathy and arterial
Boswood A, Lamb CR, White RN: Aortic and iliac thrombosis in thromboembolism, / Vet Intern Med 14:507, 2000.
six dogs, / Small Anim Pract 41:109, 2000. Moore K E et al: Retrospective study of streptokinase administra
Bright JM, Dowers K, Powers BE: Effects of the glycoprotein Ilb/IIIa tion in 46 cats with arterial thromboembolism, / Vet Emerg Crit
antagonist abciximab on thrombus formation and platelet func Care 10:245, 2000.
tion in cats with arterial injury, Vet Ther 4:35, 2003. Nelson OL, Andreasen C: The utility of plasma D-dimer to
Buchanan JW, Beardow AW, Sammarco CD: Femoral artery occlu identify thromboembolic disease in dogs, /Vet Intern Med 17:830,
sion in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, / Am Vet Med Assoc 2003.
211:872, 1997. Olsen L H et al: Increased platelet aggregation response in Cavalier
Carr AP, Panciera DL, Kidd L: Prognostic factors for mortality and King Charles Spaniels with mitral valve prolapse, / Vet Intern Med
thromboembolism in canine immune-mediated hemolytic 15:209, 2001.
anemia: a retrospective study of 72 dogs, / Vet Intern Med 16:504, Palmer KG, King LG, Van Winkle TJ: Clinical manifestations and
2002. associated disease syndromes in dogs with cranial vena cava
Cook AK, Cowgill LD: Clinical and pathological features of protein- thrombosis: 17 cases (1989-1996), f Am Vet Med Assoc 213:220,
losing glomerular disease in the dog: a review of 137 cases (1985- 1998.
1992), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 32:313, 1999. Schermerhorn TS, Pembleton-Corbett JR, Kornreich B: Pulmonary
De Laforcade A M et al: Hemostatic changes in dogs with naturally thromboembolism in cats, / Vet Intern Med 18:533, 2004.
occurring sepsis, / Vet Intern Med 17:674, 2003. Schoeman JP: Feline distal aortic thromboembolism: a review of 44
Driehuys S et al: Myocardial infarction in dogs and cats: 37 cases cases (1990-1998), / Feline Med Surg 1:221, 1999.
(1985-1994), J Am Vet Med Assoc 213:1444, 1998. Smith CE et al: Use of low molecular weight heparin in cats: 57
Fox PR, Petrie JP, Hohenhaus AE: Peripheral vascular disease. In cases (1999-2003), J Am Vet Med Assoc 225:1237, 2004.
Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal Smith SA et al: Arterial thromboembolism in cats: acute crisis in
medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders, pp 1145- 127 cases (1992-2001) and long-term management with low-
1165. dose aspirin in 24 cases, / Vet Intern Med 17:73, 2003.
Good LI, Manning A M : Thromboembolic disease: physiology Smith SA, Tobias A H : Feline arterial thromboembolism: an
of hemostasis and pathophysiology of thrombosis, Compend update, Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract 34:1245,
Contin Educ Pract Vet 25:650, 2003. 2004.
Good LI, Manning A M : Thromboembolic disease: predispositions Stokol T et al: D-dimer concentrations in healthy dogs and dogs
and clinical management, Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 25:660, with disseminated intravascular coagulation, Am ] Vet Res 61:393,
2003. 2000.
Hogan DF et al: Antiplatelet effects and pharmacodynamics of Thompson MF, Scott-Moncrieff JC, Hogan DF: Thrombolytic
clopidogrel in cats,/Am Vet Med Assoc 225:1406, 2004. therapy in dogs and cats, J Vet Emerg Crit Care 11:111,
Hogan DF et al: Evaluation of antiplatelet effects of ticlopidine in 2001.
cats, Am J Vet Res 65:327, 2004. Van Winkle TJ, Hackner SG, Liu SM: Clinical and pathological
Kidd L, Stepien RL, Amrheiw DP: Clinical findings and coronary features of aortic thromboembolism in 36 dogs, / Vet Emerg Crit
artery disease in dogs and cats with acute and subacute myo Care 3:13, 1993.

Drugs Used i n Cardiovascular Disorders



Furosemide Lasix 1 to 3 m g / k g q 8 - 2 4 h c h r o n i c P O (use 1 to 2 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h c h r o n i c P O

Salix lowest effective d o s e ) ; o r (acute therapy) 2 (use lowest effective d o s e ) ; o r
to 5 m g / k g q 1 - 4 h until RR d e c r e a s e s , then (acute therapy) u p to 4 m g / k g
1 to 4 m g / k g q 6 - l 2 h IV, I M , S C ; o r 0 . 6 q 1 - 4 h until RR d e c r e a s e s , then
to 1 m g / k g / h r CRI (see C h a p t e r 3) q 6 - 1 2 h IV, I M , S C a s n e e d e d
Spironolactone Aldactone 0 . 5 to 2 m g / k g q ( 1 2 h - ) 2 4 h P O 0 . 5 to 1 m g / k g q ( 1 2 - ) 2 4 h P O
Chlorothiazide Diuril 2 0 to 4 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O Same
Hydrochlorothiazide Hydrodiuril 1 to 4 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O 1 to 2 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O

Drugs Used in Cardiovascular Disorderscont'd

Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors

Enalapril Enacard 0 . 5 m g / k g q ( 1 2 - ) 2 4 h P O ; o r for 0 . 2 5 to 0 . 5 m g / k g q ( 1 2 - ) 2 4 h P O

Vasotec hypertensive crisis: e n a l a p r i l a t 0 . 2 m g / k g
IV, r e p e a t q 1 - 2 h a s n e e d e d
Benazepril Lotensin 0 . 2 5 to 0 . 5 m g / k g q 2 4 ( - 1 2 ) h P O Same
Captopril Capoten 0 . 5 to 2 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h P O 0 . 5 to 1 . 2 5 m g / k g q 1 2 - 2 4 h P O
( 0 . 2 5 to 0 . 5 m g / k g initial dose)
Lisinopril Prinivil 0 . 2 5 to 0 . 5 m g / k g q 2 4 ( - 1 2 ) h P O 0.25-0.5 mg/kg q24h P O
Fosinopril Monopril 0.25-0.5 mg/kg q24h P O
Ramipril Altace 0 . 1 2 5 to 0 . 2 5 m g / k g q 2 4 h r P O
Imidapril Tanatril, 0.25 mg/kg q24hr P O

Other Vasodilators

Hydralazine Apresoline 0 . 5 to 2 m g / k g q l 2 h P O (to 1 m g / k g initial) 2 . 5 (up to 10) m g per cat q 1 2 h P O

For d e c o m p e n s a t e d C H F : 0 . 5 to 1 m g / k g
P O , r e p e a t in 2 - 3 h , then q 1 2 h (see
C h a p t e r 3 ) ; o r (for hypertensive crisis)
0 . 2 m g / k g IV
A m l o d i p i n e besylate Norvasc 0 . 0 5 to 0 . 3 (-0.5) m g / k g q ( 1 2 - ) 2 4 h P O 0 . 3 1 2 5 - 0 . 6 2 5 m g / c a t q24(-12-)hr
Prazosin Minipress S m a l l d o g s (<5 kg): d o not use; m e d i u m D o not use
dogs: 1 mg q 8 - 1 2 h P O ; large dogs: 2 mg
q 8 h P O (or 0 . 0 5 to 0 . 2 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h
Na nitroprusside Nitropress 0 . 5 to 1 g/kg/min CRI (initial), to 5 to Same
1 5 g/kg/min C R I
Nitroglycerine Nitrobid to 1 inch q4-6h cutaneously to inch q 4 - 6 h cutaneously
ointment 2 % Nitrol
Isosorbide dinitrate Isordil 0 . 5 to 2 m g / k g q8(-12)h P O
Phenoxybenzamine Dibenzyline 0 . 2 (to 1.5) m g q(8-)12h P O 0 . 2 to 0 . 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O
Phentolamine Regitine 0 . 0 2 to 0.1 m g / k g IV b o l u s , f o l l o w e d b y Same
CRI to effect
Acepromazine 0 . 0 5 to 0.1 m g / k g (up to 3 m g total) IV Same

Positive Inotropic Drugs

Pimobendan Vetmedin 0.1 to 0 . 3 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O Same

Digoxin Cardoxin O r a l : d o g s < 2 2 k g , 0 . 0 0 5 to 0 . 0 0 8 m g / k g Oral: 0.007 mg/kg q48h
Digitek q 1 2 h ; dogs >22 kg, 0 . 2 2 m g / m or IV l o a d i n g : 0 . 0 0 5 m g / k g g i v e
Lanoxin 0 . 0 0 3 to 0 . 0 0 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h . D e c r e a s e of total, then 1 to 2 h later
b y 1 0 % for elixir. M a x i m u m 0 . 5 m g / d a y g i v e 1/4 d o s e bolus a s n e e d e d
( 0 . 3 7 5 m g / d a y for D o b e r m a n Pinchers)
IV l o a d i n g : 0 . 0 1 to 0 . 0 2 m g / k g ; g i v e of
total d o s e in s l o w boluses over 2 to 4 h to
Dobutamine Dobutrex 1 to 1 0 g/kg/min CRI (start low) Same
Dopamine Intropin 1 to 1 0 g/kg/min CRI (start low) 1 to 5 g/kg/min CRI (start low)
Amrinone Inocor 1 to 3 m g / k g initial bolus, IV; 1 0 to Same?
1 0 0 g/kg/min C R I
Milrinone Primacor 5 0 g/kg IV over 1 0 min initially; 0 . 3 7 5 to Same?
0 . 7 5 g/kg/min CRI (humans)
Drugs Used in Cardiovascular Disorderscont'd

Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Class I

Lidocaine Xylocaine Initial boluses of 2 m g / k g s l o w l y IV, u p to Initial bolus of 0 . 2 5 to 0 . 5 (or

8 m g / k g ; o r r a p i d IV infusion at 0 . 8 m g / 1.0) m g / k g s l o w l y IV; c a n r e p e a t
k g / m i n ; if effective, then 2 5 to 8 0 g / k g / boluses of 0 . 1 5 - 0 . 2 5 m g / k g , u p
min CRI to total of 4 m g / k g ; if effective,
1 0 - 4 0 m c g / k g / m i n u t e CRI
Procainamide Pronestyl 6 to 1 0 (up to 20) m g / k g IV over 5 to 1 0 min; 1 to 2 m g / k g s l o w l y IV; 1 0 to
Pronestyl SR 1 0 to 5 0 g / k g / m i n C R I ; 6 to 2 0 (up to 2 0 g / k g / m i n C R I ; 7 . 5 to
P r o c a n SR 3 0 ) m g / k g q 4 - 6 h I M ; 1 0 to 2 5 m g / k g 2 0 m g / k g q ( 6 to) 8 h I M , P O
q 6 h P O (sustained r e l e a s e : q6-8h)
Quinidine Quinidex 6 to 2 0 m g / k g q 6 h I M ( l o a d i n g d o s e 1 4 to 6 to 1 6 m g / k g q 8 h I M , P O
Extentabs 2 0 m g / k g ) ; 6 to 1 6 m g / k g q 6 h P O ;
Quinaglute sustained a c t i o n p r e p s 8 to 2 0 m g / k g
Dura-Tabs q8h P O
Mexiletine Mexitil
Phenytoin Dilantin 1 0 m g / k g s l o w IV; 3 0 to 5 0 m g / k g q 8 h P O Do not use
Propafenone Rythmol D o g : (?) 3 to 4 m g / k g q 8 h r P O
Flecainide Tambocor D o g : (?) 1 to 5 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h r P O

Class II

Atenolol Tenormin 0 . 2 to 1 m g / k g q 1 2 - 2 4 h P O (start low) 6 . 2 5 to 1 2 . 5 m g per cat q ( l 2-)24h P O

Propranolol Inderal IV: initial bolus of 0 . 0 2 m g / k g slowly, u p to IV: S a m e
m a x . of 0.1 m g / k g O r a l : 2 . 5 u p to 1 0 m g p e r c a t q 8 -
O r a l : initial d o s e of 0.1 to 0 . 2 m g / k g q 8 h , 12h
up to m a x . of 1 m g / k g q 8 h
Esmolol Brevibloc 0.1 to 0 . 5 m g / k g IV o v e r 1 minute ( l o a d i n g Same
d o s e ) , f o l l o w e d b y infusion of 0 . 0 2 5 to
0.2 mg/kg/minute
Metroprolol Lopressor 0 . 2 m g / k g initial d o s e q 8 h P O ; u p to
1 mg/kg q8h

Class III

Sotalol Betapace 1 to 3 . 5 (-5) m g / k g q 1 2 h r P O

Amiodarone Cordarone 1 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h r P O for 7 d a y s , then 8 m g /
kg q 2 4 h r P O (lower a s well a s higher doses
h a v e b e e n used); 3 (to 5) m g / k g s l o w l y
(over 1 0 - 2 0 minutes) IV (can r e p e a t but
d o not e x c e e d 1 0 m g / k g in 1 hour)

Class IV

Diltiazem Cardizem O r a l m a i n t e n a n c e : initial d o s e 0 . 5 m g / k g Same?

Cardizem-CD (up to 2 + m g / k g ) q 8 h r P O ; acute IV for Far h y p e r t r o p h i c c a r d i o m y o p a t h y , 1
D i l a c o r XR supraventricular t a c h y c a r d i a : 0 . 1 5 - 0 . 2 5 to 2 . 5 m g / k g q 8 h P O ; s u s t a i n e d
m g / k g o v e r 2 - 3 minutes IV, c a n r e p e a t release C a r d i z e m - C D : 1 0 m g /
e v e r y 1 5 minutes until c o n v e r s i o n or k g / d a y ; diltiazem XR: 3 0 m g /
maximum 0 . 7 5 m g / k g ; CRI: 5 - 1 5 m g / c a t / d a y , c a n i n c r e a s e to 6 0 m g /
kg/hr; P O loading dose: 0.5 m g / k g P O d a y in s o m e cats if n e c e s s a r y
f o l l o w e d b y 0 . 2 5 m g / k g P O q 1 h r to a
total of 1.5(-2.0) m g / k g o r c o n v e r s i o n .
Diltiazem XR: 1.5 to 4 m g / k g q 1 2 - 2 4 h P O

Drugs Used i n Cardiovascular Disorderscont'd


Verapamil Calan 0 . 0 2 to 0 . 0 5 m g / k g s l o w l y IV; c a n r e p e a t Initial d o s e 0 . 0 2 5 m g / k g slowly IV;

Isoptin q 5 m i n , up to total of 0 . 1 5 (to 0.2) mg/ c a n r e p e a t q 5 m i n , up to total of
k g ; 0 . 5 to 2 m g / k g q 8 h P O 0 . 1 5 (to 0.2) m g / k g ; 0 . 5 to
1 m g / k g q8h P O

Antiarrhythmic Drugs

Atropine 0 . 0 2 to 0 . 0 4 m g / k g IV, I M , S C ; A t r o p h i n e Same

c h a l l e n g e test: 0 . 0 4 m g / k g IV (see
C h a p t e r 4)
Glycopyrrolate Robinul 0 . 0 0 5 to 0 . 0 1 m g / k g IV, I M ; 0 . 0 1 to Same
0.02 mg/kg SC
P r o p a n t h e l i n e Br Pro-Banthine 3 . 7 3 to 7 . 5 m g q 8 - 1 2 h , P O
Hyoscyamine Anaspaz, 0 . 0 0 3 - 0 . 0 0 6 m g / k g q8hr P O


Isoproterenol Isuprel 0 . 0 4 5 to 0 . 0 9 g / k g / m i n CRI Same

Terbutaline Brethine 2 . 5 to 5 m g per d o g q 8 - l 2 h P O 1 . 2 5 mg per cat q 1 2 h P O

Drugs for Heartworm Disease

Heartworm Adulticide

Melarsomine Immiticide F o l l o w manufacturer's instructions carefully;

s t a n d a r d r e g i m e n : 2 . 5 m g / k g d e e p into
l u m b a r muscles q 2 4 h for 2 d o s e s .
Alternate r e g i m e n : 2 . 5 m g / k g I M for 1
d o s e ; 1 month later g i v e s t a n d a r d r e g i m e n

Microfilaricide Therapy (often not needed)

Ivermectin Ivomec O n e d o s e ( 0 . 0 5 m g / k g ) o r a l l y 3 to 4 w e e k s Same

Heartgard-30 after a d u l t i c i d e therapy. C a n repeat in 2
Milbemycin oxime Interceptor O n e d o s e of 0 . 5 to 1.0 m g / k g P O ; c a n Same
r e p e a t in 2 w e e k s

Heartworm Prevention

Ivermectin Heartgard-30 0 . 0 0 6 to 0 . 0 1 2 m g / k g P O o n c e a month 0 . 0 2 4 m g / k g P O o n c e a month

Milbemycin oxime Interceptor 0 . 5 (to 1.0) m g / k g P O o n c e a month 2 m g / k g P O o n c e a month
Selamectin Revolution 6 to 1 2 m g / k g t o p i c a l l y o n c e a month Same
Moxidectin ProHeart 0 . 0 0 3 m g / k g o n c e a month
Diethylcarbamazine Filaribits 3 m g / k g ( 6 . 6 m g / k g of 5 0 % citrate) P O Same
Nemacide once a day

Antithrombotic Agents

Aspirin 0.5 mg/kg q12h P O 81 m g / c a t 2 - 3 times a w e e k P O ;

l o w - d o s e , 5 m g / c a t q 7 2 h (see
C h a p t e r 12)
Clopidogrel Plavix 2 - 4 m g / k g q 2 4 h P O (dose not w e l l 1 8 . 7 5 m g / c a t q 2 4 h P O (dose not
established) w e l l established)
Heparin N a 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 I U / k g IV, f o l l o w e d b y 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 Same
I U / k g q 6 - 8 h S C for 2 - 4 d a y s or as n e e d e d
Dalteparin N a Fragmin 1 0 0 - 1 5 0 U / k g q ( 1 2 ) - 2 4 h S C (see C h a p t e r 1 0 0 U / k g q(12)-24h S C (see
12) C h a p t e r 12)
Enoxaparin Lovenox s a m e a s cat? 1 m g / k g q 1 2 - 2 4 h S C (see C h a p 12)

PO, By mouth; IV, intravenous; IM, intramuscular; SC, subcutaneous; CHF, congestive heart failure; CRI, constant rate infusion; RR, respiratory
Eleanor C . Hawkins

C H A P T E R 13

Clinical Manifestations of
Nasal Disease

although it may also develop w i t h disorders o f the lower

respiratory tract, such as bacterial pneumonia and infectious
tracheobronchitis, or systemic disorders, such as coagulopa
thies and systemic hypertension. Nasal discharge is charac
terized as serous, mucopurulent w i t h or without hemorrhage,
or purely hemorrhagic (epistaxis). Serous nasal discharge has
Reverse Sneezing
a clear, watery consistency. Depending o n the quantity and
duration o f the discharge, a serous discharge may be normal,
may be indicative o f viral upper respiratory infection, or may
precede the development o f a mucopurulent discharge. As
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS such, many o f the causes o f mucopurulent discharge can
initially cause serous discharge (Box 13-1).
The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses have a complex M u c o p u r u l e n t nasal discharge is typically characterized
anatomy and are lined by mucosa. Their rostral p o r t i o n is by a thick, ropey consistency and has a white, yellow, or green
inhabited by bacteria i n health. Nasal disorders are frequently tint. A mucopurulent nasal discharge implies inflammation.
associated with mucosal edema, inflammation, and second Most intranasal diseases result i n inflammation and second
ary bacterial infection. They are often focal or multifocal i n ary bacterial infection, m a k i n g this sign a c o m m o n presenta
distribution. These factors combine to make the accurate tion for most nasal diseases. Potential etiologies include
diagnosis of nasal disease a challenge that can be met only infectious agents, foreign bodies, neoplasia, polyps, and
through a thorough, systematic approach. extension o f disease from the oral cavity (see Box 13-1). If
Diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses typi mucopurulent discharge is present i n conjunction w i t h
cally cause nasal discharge; sneezing; stertor (i.e., snoring or signs o f lower respiratory tract disease, such as cough, respi
snorting sounds); facial deformity; systemic signs o f illness ratory distress, or auscultable crackles, the diagnostic em
(e.g., lethargy, inappetence, weight loss); or, i n rare instances, phasis is initially o n evaluation of the lower airways and
central nervous system signs. The most c o m m o n clinical p u l m o n a r y parenchyma. Hemorrhage may be associated
manifestation is nasal discharge. The general diagnostic with mucopurulent exudate from any etiology, but signifi
approach to animals with nasal disease is included i n the cant and prolonged bleeding i n association w i t h m u c o p u r u
discussion of nasal discharge. Specific considerations related lent discharge is usually associated with neoplasia or mycotic
to sneezing, stertor, and facial deformity follow. Stenotic infections.
nares are discussed i n the section o n brachycephalic airway Persistent pure hemorrhage (epistaxis) can result from
syndrome (Chapter 18). trauma, local aggressive disease processes (e.g., neoplasia,
mycotic infections), systemic hypertension, or systemic
bleeding disorders. Systemic hemostatic disorders that can
NASAL DISCHARGE cause epistaxis include thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopa
thies, von Willebrand's disease, rodenticide toxicity, and vas
Classification and Etiology culitides. Ehrlichiosis and Rocky M o u n t a i n spotted fever
Nasal discharge is most c o m m o n l y associated with disease can cause epistaxis through several o f these mechanisms.
localized within the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, Nasal foreign bodies may cause hemorrhage after entry into
the nasal cavity, but the bleeding tends to subside quickly.
BOX 13-1 Bleeding can also occur after aggressive sneezing from any
Differential Diagnoses for Nasal Discharge in Dogs
and Cats Diagnostic Approach
Serous Discharge A complete history and physical examination can be used to
Normal prioritize the differential diagnoses for each type of nasal
Viral infection discharge (see B o x 13-1). Acute and chronic diseases are
Early sign of etiology of mucopurulent discharge defined by obtaining historical information regarding the
onset o f signs and evaluating the overall condition o f the
Mucopurulent Discharge With or Without Hemorrhage
animal. Acute processes, such as foreign bodies or acute
Viral infection feline viral infections, often result i n a sudden onset of signs,
Feline herpesvirus (rhinotracheitis virus) including sneezing, and the animal's body condition is excel
Feline calicivirus
lent. In chronic processes, such as mycotic infections or neo
Canine influenza virus
plasia, signs are present over a long period o f time and the
Bacterial infection (usually secondary)
overall body condition can be deleteriously affected. A
Fungal infection
Aspergillus history of gagging or retching may indicate masses, foreign
Cryptococcus bodies, or exudate i n the caudal nasopharynx.
Penicillium Nasal discharge is characterized as unilateral or bilateral
Rhinosporidium on the basis o f both historical and physical examination
Nasal parasites findings. W h e n nasal discharge is apparently unilateral, a
Pneumonyssoides cold microscope slide may be held close to the external nares
Capillaria (Eucoleus) to determine the patency o f the side o f the nasal cavity
Foreign body without discharge. Condensation w i l l not be visible i n front
of the naris i f airflow is obstructed, which suggests that the
disease is actually bilateral. A l t h o u g h any bilateral process
can cause signs from one side only and unilateral disease can
Malignant lymphoma
Nasopharyngeal polyp progress to involve the opposite side, some generalizations
Extension of oral disease can be made. Systemic disorders and infectious diseases tend
Tooth root abscess to involve both sides o f the nasal cavity, whereas foreign
Oronasal fistula bodies, polyps, and tooth root abscessation tend to cause
Deformed palate unilateral discharge. Neoplasia may initially cause unilateral
Allergic rhinitis discharge that later becomes bilateral after destruction o f the
Feline chronic rhinosinusitis nasal septum.
Canine chronic/lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis
Ulceration o f the nasal plane is highly suggestive of
Pure Hemorrhagic Discharge (Epistaxis) a diagnosis o f nasal aspergillosis (Fig. 13-1). Polypoid
masses protruding from the external nares i n the dog are
Nasal disease
typical o f rhinosporidiosis, and i n the cat they are typical o f
Acute trauma
Acute foreign body cryptococcosis.
Neoplasia A thorough assessment o f the head, including facial sym
Fungal infection metry, teeth, gingiva, hard and soft palate, mandibular l y m p h
Less commonly, other etiologies as listed for mucopuru nodes, and eyes, should be performed. Mass lesions invading
lent discharge beyond the nasal cavity can cause deformity o f facial bones
Systemic disease or the hard palate, exophthalmos, or inability to retropulse
Clotting disorders the eye. Pain o n palpation o f the nasal bones is suggestive of
Thrombocytopenia aspergillosis. Gingivitis, dental calculi, loose teeth, or pus i n
the gingival sulcus should raise an index o f suspicion for
Coagulation defect
oronasal fistulae or tooth root abscess, especially i f unilateral
nasal discharge is present. Foci of inflammation and folds of
Hyperviscosity syndrome
Polycythemia hyperplastic gingiva i n the dorsum o f the mouth should be
Systemic hypertension probed for oronasal fistulae. A n o r m a l examination o f the
oral cavity does not rule out oronasal fistulae or tooth root
abscess. The hard and soft palates are examined for deforma
tion, erosions, or congenital defects such as clefts or hypo
plasia. M a n d i b u l a r l y m p h node enlargement suggests active
inflammation or neoplasia, and fine-needle aspirates of
enlarged or firm nodes are evaluated for organisms, such as
FIG 1 3 - 1 FIG 1 3 - 3
Depigmentation a n d ulceration of the p l a n u m n a s a l e is Fundic e x a m i n a t i o n c a n p r o v i d e useful information in
suggestive of nasal aspergillosis. The visible lesions usually a n i m a l s with signs of respiratory tract d i s e a s e . This fundus
extend from o n e or both nares a n d a r e most severe from a c a t with chorioretinitis c a u s e d b y c r y p t o c o c c o s i s h a s
ventrally. This d o g has unilateral d e p i g m e n t a t i o n a n d mild a l a r g e , f o c a l , hyporeflective lesion in the a r e a centralis.
ulceration. Smaller regions of hyporeflectivity w e r e a l s o s e e n . The optic
disk is in the u p p e r left-hand c o r n e r of the p h o t o g r a p h .
(Courtesy M . D a v i d s o n , N o r t h C a r o l i n a State University,
Raleigh, N.C.)

Diagnostic tests that should be considered for a dog

or cat w i t h nasal discharge are included i n B o x 13-2. The
signalment, history, and physical examination findings
dictate i n part w h i c h diagnostic tests are ultimately required
to establish the diagnosis. A s a general rule, less invasive
diagnostic tests are performed initially. A complete b l o o d
count ( C B C ) w i t h platelet count, coagulation panel (i.e.,
activated clotting time or p r o t h r o m b i n and partial t h r o m
boplastin times), buccal mucosal bleeding time, and arterial
b l o o d pressure should be evaluated i n dogs and cats with
epistaxis. V o n Willebrand's factor assays are performed i n
purebred dogs w i t h epistaxis and i n dogs w i t h prolonged
FIG 1 3 - 2
mucosal bleeding times. Determination o f Ehrlichia spp. and
Photomicrograph of fine-needle aspirate of a c a t with f a c i a l
deformity. Identification of c r y p t o c o c c a l o r g a n i s m s provides Rocky M o u n t a i n spotted fever titers are indicated for dogs
a definitive d i a g n o s i s for cats with nasal d i s c h a r g e o r f a c i a l with epistaxis i n regions o f the country where potential expo
deformity. O r g a n i s m s c a n often b e found in s w a b s of n a s a l sure to these rickettsial agents exists. Testing for Bartonella
d i s c h a r g e , fine-needle aspirates of facial masses, or fine- sp. is also considered. Testing for feline immunodeficiency
needle aspirates of e n l a r g e d m a n d i b u l a r lymph n o d e s . The
virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) should be per
organisms a r e v a r i a b l y s i z e d , r a n g i n g from a b o u t 3 to
formed i n cats w i t h chronic nasal discharge and potential
3 0 m in diameter, with a w i d e c a p s u l e a n d n a r r o w - b a s e d
b u d d i n g . They m a y b e found intracellularly o r exposure. Cats infected w i t h FeLV may be predisposed to
extracellularly. chronic infection w i t h herpesvirus or calicivirus, whereas
those w i t h F I V may have chronic nasal discharge without
concurrent infection w i t h these upper respiratory viruses.
Cryptococcus, and neoplastic cells (Fig. 13-2). A fundic exam M o s t animals w i t h intranasal disease have n o r m a l tho
ination should always be performed because active chorio racic radiographs. However, thoracic radiographs may be
retinitis can occur w i t h cryptococcosis, ehrlichiosis, and useful i n identifying primary b r o n c h o p u l m o n a r y disease,
malignant l y m p h o m a (Fig. 13-3). Retinal detachment can pulmonary involvement w i t h cryptococcosis, and rare
occur with systemic hypertension or mass lesions extending metastases from neoplastic disease. They may also be a useful
into the bony orbit. W i t h epistaxis, identification o f pete preanesthetic screening test for animals that w i l l require
chiae or hemorrhage i n other mucous membranes, skin, nasal imaging, rhinoscopy, and nasal biopsy.
ocular fundus, feces, or urine supports a systemic bleeding Cytologic evaluation o f superficial nasal swabs may iden
disorder. Note that melena may be present as a result of tify cryptococcal organisms i n cats (see F i g . 13-2). Nonspe
swallowing b l o o d from the nasal cavity. cific findings include proteinaceous background, moderate
BOX 1 3-2

General Diagnostic Approach to Dogs and Cats with Chronic Nasal Discharge

Phase I (Noninvasive Testing)


History Aspergillus titer Nasal swab cytologic evalua Complete blood count
Physical examination tion (cryptococcosis) Platelet count
Funduscopic examination Cryptococcal antigen titer Coagulation times
Thoracic radiographs Viral testing Buccal mucosal bleeding time
Feline leukemia virus Tests for tick-borne diseases (dogs)
Feline immunodeficiency virus Arterial blood pressure
+ / - Herpesvirus von Willebrand's factor assay (dogs)
+ / - Calicivirus
Phase IIAll Patients (General Anesthesia Required)
Nasal radiography or computed tomography
Oral examination
Rhinoscopy: external nares and nasopharynx
Nasal biopsy/histologic examination
Deep nasal culture

Phase IIIAll Patients (Referral Usually Required)

Computed tomography (if not previously performed) or magnetic resonance imaging

Phase IVAll Patients (Consider Referral)

Repeat Phase II using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging
Exploratory rhinotomy with turbinectomy

to severe inflammation, and bacteria. Tests to identify her w h i c h acute viral infection is not suspected. These diagnos
pesvirus and calicivirus infections may be performed i n cats tic tests are performed w i t h the dog or cat under general
w i t h acute and chronic rhinitis. These tests are most useful anesthesia. Nasal radiographs or C T scans are obtained first,
i n evaluating cattery problems rather than the condition o f followed by oral examination and rhinoscopy and then spec
an individual cat (see Chapter 15). i m e n collection. This order is recommended because the
Fungal titer determinations are available for aspergillosis results of radiography or C T and rhinoscopy are often useful
i n dogs and cryptococcosis i n dogs and cats. The test for i n the selection of biopsy sites. In addition, hemorrhage from
aspergillosis detects antibodies i n the b l o o d . A single positive biopsy sites could obscure or alter radiographic and rhino
test result strongly suggests active infection by the organism; scopic detail i f the specimen were collected first. In dogs and
however, a negative titer does not rule out the disease. In cats suspected o f having acute foreign body inhalation, rhi
either case, the result o f the test must be interpreted i n con noscopy is performed first i n the hopes o f identifying and
junction w i t h results o f nasal imaging, rhinoscopy, and nasal removing the foreign material. (See Chapter 14 for more
histology and culture. detail o n nasal radiography, C T , and rhinoscopy.)
The b l o o d test o f choice for cryptococcosis is the latex The combination o f radiography, rhinoscopy, and nasal
agglutination capsular antigen test ( L C A T ) . Because organ biopsy has a diagnostic success rate o f approximately 80% in
ism identification is usually possible i n specimens from dogs. Dogs w i t h persistent signs i n which a diagnosis cannot
infected organs, organism identification is the m e t h o d o f be obtained following the assessment described earlier
choice for a definitive diagnosis. The L C A T is performed i f require further evaluation. It is more difficult to evaluate the
cryptococcosis is suspected but an extensive search for the success rate for cats. H i g h proportions o f cats with chronic
organism has failed. The L C A T is also performed i n animals nasal discharge suffer from feline chronic rhinosinusitis
w i t h a confirmed diagnosis as a means o f m o n i t o r i n g thera (idiopathic rhinitis) and are diagnosed only through exclu
peutic response (see Chapter 98). sion. Cats are evaluated further only i f signs suggestive of
In general, nasal radiography or computerized tomogra another disease are found during any part of their evaluation
phy ( C T ) , rhinoscopy, and biopsy are required to establish a or i f the clinical signs are progressive or intolerable to the
diagnosis o f intranasal disease i n most dogs and i n cats i n owners.
Nasal C T is considered i f not performed previously and conjunctivitis and fever, may be present as well as a history
if a diagnosis has not been made. C T provides excellent of exposure to other cats or kittens.
visualization of all o f the nasal turbinates and may allow the Dogs i n which acute, paroxysmal sneezing develops should
identification o f small masses that are not visible on nasal undergo prompt rhinoscopic examination (see Chapter 14).
radiography or rhinoscopy. C T is also more accurate than W i t h time, foreign material may become covered w i t h mucus
nasal radiography i n determining the extent o f nasal tumors. or migrate deeper into the nasal passages, and any delay i n
Magnetic resonance imaging ( M R I ) may be more accurate performing rhinoscopy may interfere with the identification
than C T i n the assessment o f soft tissues, such as nasal neo and removal o f the foreign bodies. Nasal mites are also iden
plasia. In the absence o f a diagnosis, nasal imaging (prefer tified rhinoscopically. In contrast, cats sneeze more often as
ably C T or M R I ) , rhinoscopy, and biopsy can be repeated a result o f acute viral infection rather than a foreign body.
after a 1- to 2-month delay. Immediate rhinoscopic examination is not indicated unless
Exploratory rhinotomy with turbinectomy is the final there has been k n o w n exposure to a foreign body or the
diagnostic test. Surgical exploration o f the nose allows direct history and physical examination findings do not support a
visualization of the nasal cavity for the presence o f foreign diagnosis o f viral upper respiratory infection.
bodies, mass lesions, or fungal mats and for obtaining b i o p
sies and culture specimens. The potential benefits o f surgery, REVERSE SNEEZING
however, should be weighed against the potential complica Reverse sneezing is a paroxysm o f noisy, labored inspiration
tions associated with rhinotomy and turbinectomy. The Sug initiated by nasopharyngeal irritation. Such irritation can be
gested Readings section offers surgical references. the result o f a foreign body located dorsal to the soft palate
or nasopharyngeal inflammation. Foreign bodies usually
originate from grass or plant material that is prehended into
SNEEZING the oral cavity and which, presumably, is coughed up or
migrates into the nasopharyx. Epiglottic entrapment o f the
soft palate has also been proposed as a cause. The majority
Etiology and Diagnostic Approach of cases are idiopathic. Small-breed dogs are usually affected,
A sneeze is an explosive release o f air from the lungs through and signs may be associated with excitement or drinking.
the nasal cavity and mouth. It is a protective reflex to expel The paroxysms last only a few seconds and do not signifi
irritants from the nasal cavity. Intermittent, occasional sneez cantly interfere w i t h respiration. A l t h o u g h these animals
ing is considered normal. Persistent, paroxysmal sneezing usually display this sign throughout their life, the problem
should be considered abnormal. Disorders c o m m o n l y asso rarely progresses.
ciated with acute-onset, persistent sneezing include nasal The diagnosis is generally made by a thorough history
foreign body and feline upper respiratory infection. The and physical examination. Generally, no treatment is needed
canine nasal mite, Pneumonyssoides caninum, and exposure because the episodes are self-limiting. Some owners report
to irritating aerosols are less c o m m o n causes o f sneezing. A l l that massaging the neck shortens an ongoing episode or that
the nasal diseases considered as differential diagnoses for administration o f antihistamines decreases the frequency
nasal discharge are also potential causes for sneezing; and severity o f episodes, but controlled studies are lacking.
however, animals with these diseases generally present with Further evaluation for potential nasal or pharyngeal disor
nasal discharge as the primary complaint. ders is indicated i f syncope, exercise intolerance, or other
The owners should be questioned carefully concerning signs o f respiratory disease are reported or i f the reverse
the possible recent exposure of the pet to foreign bodies sneezing is severe or progressive.
(e.g., rooting i n the ground, running through grassy fields),
powders, and aerosols or, i n cats, exposure to new cats or
kittens. Sneezing is an acute phenomenon that often subsides STERTOR
with time. A foreign body should not be excluded from the
differential diagnoses just because the sneezing subsides. In Stertor refers to coarse, audible snoring or snorting sounds
the dog a history of acute sneezing followed by the develop associated w i t h breathing. It indicates upper airway obstruc
ment of a nasal discharge is suggestive o f a foreign body. tion. Stertor is most often the result o f pharyngeal disease
Other findings may help narrow the list of differential (see Chapter 16). Intranasal causes o f stertor include obstruc
diagnoses. Dogs with foreign bodies may paw at their nose. tion caused by congenital deformities, masses, exudate, or
Foreign bodies are typically associated with unilateral, muco b l o o d clots. Evaluation for nasal disease proceeds as described
purulent nasal discharge, although serous or serosanguine for nasal discharge.
ous discharge may be present initially. Foreign bodies i n the
caudal nasopharynx may cause gagging, retching, or reverse
sneezing. The nasal discharge associated w i t h reactions to FACIAL DEFORMITY
aerosols, powders, or other inhaled irritants is usually bilat
eral and serous i n nature. In cats other clinical signs sup Carnaissal tooth root abscess i n dogs can result i n swelling,
portive of a diagnosis of upper respiratory infection, such as often with drainage, adjacent to the nasal cavity and beneath
FIG 1 3 - 4
F a c i a l deformity c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y firm swelling over the maxilla in t w o cats. A , Deformity
in this c a t w a s the result of c a r c i n o m a . N o t i c e the ipsilateral b l e p h a r o s p a s m . B , Deformity
in this c a t w a s the result of c r y p t o c o c c o s i s . A p h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of the fine-needle aspirate
of this swelling is p r o v i d e d in F i g . 1 3 - 2 .

the eye. Excluding dental disease, the most c o m m o n causes Henderson SM: Investigation of nasal disease in the cat: a retrospec
of facial deformity adjacent to the nasal cavity are neoplasia tive study of 77 cases, / Fel Med Surg 6:245, 2004.
and, i n cats, cryptococcosis (Fig. 13-4). Visible swellings can Lent SE et al: Evaluation of rhinoscopy and rhinoscopy-assisted
mucosal biopsy in diagnosis of nasal disease in dogs: 119 cases
often be evaluated directly through fine-needle aspiration or
(1985-1989), J Am VetMedAssoc 201:1425, 1992.
punch biopsy (see Fig. 13-2). Further evaluation proceeds as
Pomrantz JS et al: Comparison of serologic evaluation via agar gel
for nasal discharge i f such an approach is not possible or is
immunodiffusion and fungal culture of tissue for diagnosis of
unsuccessful. nasal aspergillosis in dogs, f Am Vet Med Assoc 203:1319, 2007.
Slatter D: Textbook of small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2003, WB
Suggested Readings Saunders.
Demko JL et al: Chronic nasal discharge in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc Strasser JL et al: Clinical features of epistaxis in dogs: a retrospective
230:1032, 2007. study of 35 cases (1999-2002), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 41:179,
Fossum TW: Small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2007, Mosby. 2005.
C H A P T E R 14

Diagnostic Tests for the

Nasal Cavity and
Paranasal Sinuses


Nasal radiographs are useful for identifying the extent and
NASAL IMAGING severity of disease, localizing sites for biopsy w i t h i n the nasal
Radiography cavity, and prioritizing the differential diagnoses. The dog or
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance cat must be anesthetized to prevent m o t i o n and facilitate
Imaging positioning. Radiographic abnormalities are often subtle.
RHINOSCOPY A t least four views should be taken: lateral, ventrodorsal,
N A S A L BIOPSY: I N D I C A T I O N S A N D T E C H N I Q U E S intraoral, and frontal sinus or skyline. Radiographs of
Nasal Swab the tympanic bullae are obtained i n cats because o f the fre
Nasal Flush quent occurrence o f otitis media i n cats w i t h nasal disease
Pinch Biopsy (Detweiler et al., 2006). Determination o f involvement of
Turbinectomy the middle ear is particularly important i n cats w i t h sus
N A S A L CULTURES: SAMPLE C O L L E C T I O N A N D pected nasopharyngeal polyps. Lateral-oblique views or
INTERPRETATION dental films are also indicated i n dogs and cats w i t h possible
tooth root abscess. The intraoral view is particularly helpful
for detecting subtle asymmetry between the left and right
nasal cavities.
The intraoral view is taken w i t h the animal i n sternal
NASAL IMAGING recumbency. The corner o f a nonscreen film is placed above
the tongue as far into the oral cavity as possible, and the
Nasal imaging is a key component o f the diagnostic assess radiographic beam is positioned directly above the nasal
ment of animals w i t h signs o f intranasal disease, allowing cavity (Figs. 14-1 and 14-2). The frontal sinus view is obtained
assessment of bone and soft tissue structures that are not w i t h the animal i n dorsal recumbency. Adhesive tape can be
visible by physical examination or rhinoscopy. Nasal radiog used to support the body and draw the forelimbs caudally,
raphy is the type of imaging most readily available and is out o f the field. The head is positioned perpendicular to the
described i n some detail. However, computed tomography spine and the table by drawing the muzzle toward the
(CT) provides images that are superior to radiographs i n the sternum w i t h adhesive tape. Endotracheal tube and anes
majority of cases. The role o f magnetic resonance imaging thetic tubes are displaced lateral to the head to remove them
(MRI) i n the evaluation of canine and feline nasal disease from the field. A radiographic beam is positioned directly
has not been well established, but it likely provides more above the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses (Figs. 14-3 and
accurate images of soft tissue than does CT. M R I is not used 14-4). The frontal sinus view identifies disease involving the
routinely o n account of its limited availability and relatively frontal sinuses, w h i c h i n diseases such as aspergillosis or
high expense. neoplasia may be the only area o f disease involvement. The
Because nasal imaging rarely provides a definitive diag tympanic bullae are best seen w i t h an open-mouth projec
nosis, it is usually followed by rhinoscopy and nasal biopsy. tion i n w h i c h the beam is aimed at the base of the skull (Figs.
A l l of these procedures require general anesthesia. Imaging 14-5 and 14-6). The bullae are also evaluated individually
should be performed before, rather than after, these proce by lateral-oblique films, offsetting each bulla from the sur
dures for two reasons: (1) The results o f nasal imaging help rounding skull.
the clinician direct biopsy instruments to the most abnormal Nasal radiographs are evaluated for increased fluid
regions, and (2) rhinoscopy and biopsy cause hemorrhage, density, loss o f turbinates, lysis o f facial bones, radiolucency
which obscures soft tissue detail. at the tips of the tooth roots, and the presence o f radiodense
FIG 1 4 - 1
Positioning of a d o g for intraoral r a d i o g r a p h s .

FIG 1 4 - 3
Positioning of a d o g for frontal sinus r a d i o g r a p h s . The
e n d o t r a c h e a l a n d anesthetic tubes a r e d i s p l a c e d laterally i
this instance b y t a p i n g them to a n upright metal cylinder.

FIG 1 4 - 2
Intraoral r a d i o g r a p h of a c a t with c a r c i n o m a . N o r m a l fine
turbinate pattern is visible o n the left s i d e (L) of n a s a l c a v i t y
a n d p r o v i d e s b a s i s for c o m p a r i s o n with the right side (R).
Turbinate pattern is less a p p a r e n t o n right s i d e , a n d a n a r e a
of turbinate lysis c a n b e seen a d j a c e n t to the first premolar.

foreign bodies (Box 14-1). Increased fluid density can be

caused by mucus, exudate, b l o o d , or soft tissue masses such
as polyps, tumors, or granulomas. Soft tissue masses may
appear localized, but the surrounding fluid often obscures
their borders. A t h i n r i m o f lysis surrounding a focal density
may represent a foreign body. F l u i d density w i t h i n the frontal
sinuses may represent n o r m a l mucus accumulation caused
FIG 1 4 - 4
by obstruction of drainage into the nasal cavity, extension of Frontal sinus v i e w of a d o g with a n a s a l tumor. The left
disease into the frontal sinuses from the nasal cavity, or frontal sinus (L) has i n c r e a s e d soft tissue density c o m p a r e d
p r i m a r y disease involving the frontal sinuses. with the air-filled sinus o n the right side (R).
FIG 1 4 - 5
Positioning of a c a t for open-mouth projection of the
tympanic bullae. B e a m (arrow) is a i m e d through the mouth FIG 1 4 - 7
t o w a r d the b a s e of the skull. A d h e s i v e tape (t) is h o l d i n g Intraoral r a d i o g r a p h o f a d o g with nasal a s p e r g i l l o s i s . Focal
h e a d a n d m a n d i b l e in position. a r e a s o f m a r k e d turbinate lysis a r e present o n both sides o f
the n a s a l cavity. The v o m e r b o n e remains intact.

Loss o f the n o r m a l fine turbinate pattern i n combination

with increased fluid density w i t h i n the nasal cavity can occur
w i t h chronic inflammatory conditions o f any etiology. Early
neoplastic changes can also be associated w i t h an increase i n
soft tissue density and destruction o f the turbinates (see Figs.
14-2 and 14-4). M o r e aggressive neoplastic changes may
include marked lysis or deformation of the vomer and/or
facial bones. M u l t i p l e , well-defined lytic zones w i t h i n the
nasal cavity and increased radiolucency i n the rostral p o r t i o n
of the nasal cavity suggest aspergillosis (Fig. 14-7). The
vomer bone may be roughened but is rarely destroyed. Pre
vious traumatic fracture o f the nasal bones and secondary
osteomyelitis can also be detected radiographically.


R a d i o g r a p h o b t a i n e d from a c a t with n a s o p h a r y n g e a l p o l y p MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
using the open-mouth projection demonstrated in F i g . 1 4 - 5 .
C T provides excellent visualization o f the nasal turbinates,
The left bulla has thickening of b o n e a n d i n c r e a s e d fluid
density, indicating bulla osteitis a n d p r o b a b l e extension of nasal septum, hard palate, and cribriform plate (Fig. 14-8).
the polyp. In cats C T is also useful for determining middle ear involve
ment w i t h nasopharyngeal polyps or other nasal disease. C T
is more accurate than conventional radiography i n assessing
the extent o f neoplastic disease insofar as it allows more
BOX 14-1

Radiographic Signs of Common Nasal Diseases*

Feline Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Fluid density within the frontal sinus; frontal bones sometimes
Soft tissue opacity within nasal cavity, possibly asymmetric thickened or moth-eaten
Mild turbinate lysis
Soft tissue opacity in frontal sinus(es) Cryptococcosis
Soft tissue opacity, possibly asymmetric
Nasopharyngeal Polyp
Turbinate lysis
Soft tissue opacity above soft palate Facial bone destruction
Soft tissue opacity within nasal cavity, usually unilateral Soft tissue mass external to facial bones
Mild turbinate lysis possible
Canine Chronic/Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis
Bulla osteitis: soft tissue opacity within bulla, thickening of
bone Soft tissue opacity
Lysis of nasal turbinates, especially rostrally
Nasal Neoplasia
Soft tissue opacity, possibly asymmetric Allergic Rhinitis
Turbinate destruction Increased soft tissue opacity
Vomer bone a n d / o r facial bone destruction Mild turbinate lysis possible
Soft tissue mass external to facial bones
Tooth Root Abscesses
Nasal Aspergillosis
Radiolucency adjacent to tooth roots, commonly apically
Well-defined lucent areas within the nasal cavity
Increased radiolucency rostrally Foreign Bodies
Increased soft tissue opacity possibly also present Mineral and metallic dense foreign bodies readily identified
N o destruction of vomer or facial bones, although signs often Plant foreign bodies: focal, ill-defined, increased soft tissue
bilateral opacity
Vomer bone sometimes roughened Lucent rim around abnormal tissue (rare)

* Note that these descriptions represent typical cases and are not specific findings.

accurate localization o f mass lesions for subsequent biopsy provides good visualization through the external nares i n
than nasal radiography, and it is instrumental for radio most patients. Endoscopes without biopsy or suction chan
therapy treatment planning. Determination o f the integrity nels are preferable because o f their small outside diameter.
of the cribriform plate is important i n treatment planning Some o f these systems are relatively inexpensive, including
for nasal aspergillosis. C T may also identify the presence o f one model that can be attached to a standard otoscope
lesions i n animals w i t h undiagnosed nasal disease when handle for the light source (Fig. 14-9). Scopes designed for
other techniques have failed. Typical lesions are as described arthroscopy, cystoscopy, and sexing o f birds also work well.
i n B o x 14-1. M R I may be more accurate than C T i n the In m e d i u m to large dogs, a flexible pediatric bronchoscope
assessment o f soft tissues, such as nasal neoplasia. (e.g., 4 - m m outer diameter) can be used. Flexible endo
scopes are now available i n smaller sizes, similar to small
rigid scopes, although they are relatively more expensive and
RHINOSCOPY fragile. If an endoscope is not available, the rostral region of
the nasal cavity can be examined w i t h an otoscope. H u m a n
Rhinoscopy allows visual assessment o f the nasal cavity pediatric otoscopic cones ( 2 - to 3 - m m diameter) can be
through the use o f a rigid or flexible endoscope or an oto purchased for examining cats and small dogs.
scopic cone. Rhinoscopy is used to visualize and remove General anesthesia is required for rhinoscopy. Rhinos
foreign bodies; to grossly assess the nasal mucosa for the copy is usually performed immediately after nasal imaging
presence o f inflammation, turbinate erosion, mass lesions, unless a foreign body is strongly suspected. The oral cavity
fungal plaques, and parasites; and to aid i n the collection o f and caudal nasopharynx should be assessed first. D u r i n g the
nasal specimens for histopathologic examination and culture. oral examination the hard and soft palates are visually exam
Complete rhinoscopy always includes a thorough examina ined and palpated for deformation, erosions, or defects, and
tion o f the oral cavity and caudal nasopharynx, i n addition the gingival sulci are probed for fistulae.
to visualization of the nasal cavity through the external nares. The caudal nasopharynx is evaluated for the presence of
The extent o f visualization depends o n the quality o f the nasopharyngeal polyps, neoplasia, and foreign bodies.
equipment and the outside diameter o f the rhinoscope. A Foreign bodies, particularly grass or plant material, are c o m
narrow ( 2 - to 3 - m m diameter), rigid fiberoptic endoscope m o n l y found i n this location i n cats and occasionally i n dogs.
FIG 1 4 - 8
C T scans of n a s a l cavity of t w o different d o g s at the level of the e y e s . A , N o r m a l n a s a l
turbinates a n d intact n a s a l septum a r e present. B , N e o p l a s t i c mass is present within the
right cavity; it is e r o d i n g through the h a r d p a l a t e (white arrow), the frontal b o n e into the
retrobulbar s p a c e (small black arrows), a n d the n a s a l septum. The tumor a l s o extends into
the right frontal sinus. F, Frontal sinus; E, e n d o t r a c h e a l tube; T, t o n g u e .

FIG 1 4 - 1 0
The c a u d a l n a s o p h a r y n x is best e x a m i n e d with a flexible
e n d o s c o p e that is p a s s e d into the o r a l cavity a n d retro-
flexed 1 8 0 d e g r e e s a r o u n d the e d g e of the soft p a l a t e , a s
s h o w n in this r a d i o g r a p h .

The caudal nasopharynx is best visualized w i t h a flexible

endoscope that is passed into the oral cavity and retroflexed
around the soft palate (Figs. 14-10 through 14-12). Alterna
tively, the caudal nasopharynx can be evaluated w i t h the aid
of a dental mirror, penlight, and spay hook, w h i c h is attached
to the caudal edge o f the soft palate and pulled forward to
improve visualization o f the area. It may be possible to visu
FIG 1 4 - 9
Rigid e n d o s c o p e (diameter, 3 . 5 m m ; length, 4 inches) alize nasal mites o f infected dogs by observing the caudal
suitable for r h i n o s c o p y that uses a s t a n d a r d o t o s c o p e nasopharynx while flushing anesthetic gases (e.g., halothane
handle as a light source. ( M D S , Inc., B r a n d o n , Fla.) and oxygen) through the nares.
Rhinoscopy must be performed patiently, gently, and
thoroughly to maximize the likelihood of identifying gross
abnormalities and m i n i m i z e the risk of hemorrhage. The
more n o r m a l side of the nasal cavity is examined first. The
tip o f the scope is passed through the naris with the tip
pointed medially. Each nasal meatus is evaluated, beginning
ventrally and w o r k i n g dorsally to ensure visualization should
hemorrhage develop during the procedure. Each nasal
meatus should be examined as far caudally as the scope can
be passed without trauma.
A l t h o u g h the rhinoscope can be used to evaluate the large
chambers o f the nose, many o f the small recesses cannot be
examined, even w i t h the smallest endoscopes. Thus disease
or a foreign body may be missed i f only these small recesses
are involved. Swollen and inflamed nasal mucosa, hemor
rhage caused by the procedure, and the accumulation of
exudate and mucus can also interfere w i t h visualization of
the nasal cavity. Foreign bodies and masses are frequently
coated and effectively hidden by seemingly insignificant
amounts o f mucus, exudate, or blood. The tenacious mate
rial must be removed using a rubber catheter with the tip
cut off attached to a suction unit. If necessary, saline flushes
can also be used, although resulting fluid bubbles may
FIG 1 4 - 1 1 further interfere w i t h visualization. Some clinicians prefer to
V i e w of the internal nares obtained b y passing a flexible bron
maintain continuous saline infusion o f the nasal cavity using
c h o s c o p e a r o u n d the e d g e of the soft p a l a t e in a d o g with
a standard intravenous administration set attached to a cath
s n e e z i n g . A small white object is seen within the left n a s a l
cavity a d j a c e n t to the septum. N o t e that the septum is n a r r o w eter or, i f available, the biopsy channel of the rhinoscope. The
a n d the right internal naris is oval in s h a p e a n d not obstructed. entire examination is done "under water."
O n r e m o v a l , the object w a s found to b e a p o p c o r n kernel. N o catheter should ever be passed blindly into the nasal
The d o g h a d a n a b n o r m a l l y short soft p a l a t e , a n d the kernel cavity beyond the level o f the medial canthus o f the eye to
presumably entered the c a u d a l nasal cavity from the oropharynx. avoid entering the cranial vault through the cribriform plate.
The clinician must be sure the endotracheal tube cuff is fully
inflated and the back o f the pharynx is packed with gauze to
prevent aspiration o f b l o o d , mucus, or saline flush into the
lungs. The clinician must be careful not to overinflate the
endotracheal tube cuff, which could result i n a tracheal tear.
The nasal mucosa is normally smooth and pink, with a
small amount o f serous to m u c o i d fluid present along the
mucosal surface. Potential abnormalities visualized w i t h the
rhinoscope include inflammation of the nasal mucosa; mass
lesions; erosion of the turbinates (Fig. 14-13, A ) ; mats of fungal
hyphae (Fig. 14-13, B); foreign bodies; and, rarely, nasal
mites or Capillaria worms (Fig. 14-14). Differential diagnoses
for gross rhinoscopic abnormalities are provided i n Box 14-2.
The location o f any abnormality should be noted, includ
ing the meatus involved (common, ventral, middle, dorsal),
the medial-to-lateral orientation w i t h i n the meatus, and the
distance caudal from the naris. Exact localization is critical
for directing instruments for the retrieval of foreign bodies
or nasal biopsy should visual guidance become impeded by
hemorrhage or size o f the cavity.

FIG 1 4 - 1 2
V i e w of the internal nares (thin arrows) o b t a i n e d b y p a s s i n g
a flexible b r o n c h o s c o p e a r o u n d the e d g e of the soft palate in
a d o g with nasal d i s c h a r g e . A soft tissue mass (broad arrow) AND TECHNIQUES
is blocking the normally thin septum a n d is partially obstructing
the a i r w a y lumens. C o m p a r e this v i e w with the a p p e a r a n c e Visualization o f a foreign body or nasal parasites during
of the n o r m a l septum a n d right internal naris in F i g . 14-11 rhinoscopy establishes a diagnosis. For many dogs and cats,
BOX 14-2

Differential Diagnoses for Gross Rhinoscopic

Abnormalities i n Dogs and Cats

Inflammation (Mucosal Swelling, Hyperemia, Increased

Mucus, Exudate)

N o n s p e c i f i c f i n d i n g ; c o n s i d e r all differential d i a g n o s e s for

mucopurulent n a s a l d i s c h a r g e (infectious, inflammatory,


Nasopharyngeal polyp
M a t of f u n g a l h y p h a e or f u n g a l g r a n u l o m a (aspergillosis,
penicilliosis, rhinosporidiosis)

Turbinate Erosion

Feline herpesvirus
Chronic inflammatory process

Fungal Plaques


M i t e s : Pneumonyssoides caninum
FIG 14-13 W o r m s : Capillaria (Eucoleus) boehmi
A , R h i n o s c o p i c v i e w through the external naris of a d o g
with aspergillosis s h o w i n g e r o s i o n of turbinates a n d a Foreign Bodies
green-brown g r a n u l o m a t o u s mass. B , A closer v i e w of the
fungal mat shows white, filamentous structures (hyphae).

FIG 14-14
R h i n o s c o p i c v i e w through the external naris. A , A single n a s a l mite is seen in this d o g
with Pneumonyssoides caninum. B , A thin white w o r m is seen in this d o g with Capillaria
(Eucoleus) boehmi.
however, the diagnosis must be based o n cytologic, histo oral cavity and internal nares, with the tip o f the catheter
logic, and microbiologic evaluation o f nasal biopsy speci pointing rostrally. W i t h the animal i n sternal recumbency
mens. Nasal biopsy specimens should be obtained immediately and the nose pointed toward the floor, approximately 100 m l
after nasal imaging and rhinoscopy while the animal is still of sterile saline solution is forcibly injected i n pulses by
anesthetized. These earlier procedures can help localize the syringe. The fluid exiting the external nares is collected i n a
lesion, m a x i m i z i n g the likelihood o f obtaining material rep bowl and can be examined cytologically. Occasionally nasal
resentative o f the p r i m a r y disease process. mites can be identified i n nasal flushings. Magnification or
Nasal biopsy techniques include nasal swab, nasal flush, placement o f dark paper behind the specimen for contrast
pinch biopsy, and turbinectomy. Fine-needle aspirates can may be needed to visualize the mites. A portion o f fluid can
be obtained from mass lesions as described i n Chapter 75. also be filtered through a gauze sponge. Large particles
P i n c h biopsy is the preferred nonsurgical method o f speci trapped i n the sponge can be retrieved and submitted for
men collection. It is more likely to provide pieces o f nasal histopathologic analysis. These specimens are often insuffi
tissue that extend beneath the superficial inflammation, cient for providing a definitive diagnosis.
which is c o m m o n to many nasal disorders, than nasal swabs
or flushes. In addition, the pieces o f tissue obtained w i t h this PINCH BIOPSY
more aggressive method can be evaluated histologically, Pinch biopsy is the author's preferred method of nasal biopsy.
whereas the material obtained w i t h the less traumatic tech In the p i n c h biopsy technique, alligator cup biopsy forceps
niques may be suitable only for cytologic analysis. H i s ( m i n i m u m size, 2 x 3 m m ) are used to obtain pieces o f nasal
topathologic examination is preferred over cytologic mucosa for histologic evaluation (Fig. 14-15). Full-thickness
examination i n most cases because the marked inflamma tissue specimens can be obtained, and guided specimen col
tion that accompanies many nasal diseases makes it difficult lection is more easily performed with this technique than
to cytologically differentiate p r i m a r y from secondary inflam w i t h previously described methods. The biopsy forceps are
mation and reactive from neoplastic epithelial cells. Carci passed adjacent to a rigid endoscope and directed to any
nomas can also appear cytologically as l y m p h o m a and vice gross lesions. If a flexible scope is used, biopsy instruments
versa. can be passed through the biopsy channel of the endoscope.
Regardless o f the technique used (except for nasal swab), The resulting specimens are extremely small and may not be
the cuff o f the endotracheal tube should be inflated (avoid of sufficient quality for diagnostic purposes. Larger alligator
ing overinflation) and the caudal pharynx packed with gauze forceps are preferred. If lesions are not present grossly but
sponges to prevent the aspiration o f fluid. Intravenous crys are present radiographically or by CT, the biopsy instrument
talloid fluids (10 to 20 m l / k g / h plus replacement o f esti can be guided using the relationship of the lesion to the
mated b l o o d loss) are recommended during the procedure upper teeth.
to counter the hypotensive effects o f prolonged anesthesia After the first piece is taken, bleeding w i l l prevent further
and b l o o d loss from hemorrhage after biopsy. Blood-clotting visual guidance; therefore the forceps are passed blindly to
capabilities should be assessed before the more aggressive the position identified during rhinoscopic examination (e.g.,
biopsy techniques are performed i f there is any history o f meatus involved and depth from external naris). If a mass is
hemorrhagic exudate or epistaxis or any other indication o f present, the forceps are passed i n a closed position until just
coagulopathy. before the mass is reached. The forceps are then opened and
passed a short distance farther until resistance is felt. Larger
NASAL SWAB forceps, such as a mare uterine biopsy instrument, are useful
The least traumatic techniques are the nasal swab and nasal for collecting large volumes o f tissue from m e d i u m to large
flush. Unlike the other collection techniques, nasal swabs can size dogs w i t h nasal masses. No forceps should ever be passed
be collected from an awake animal. Nasal swabs are useful into the nasal cavity deeper than the level of the medial canthus
for identifying cryptococcal organisms cytologically and of the eye without visual guidance to keep from penetrating the
should be collected early i n the evaluation o f cats with cribriform plate.
chronic rhinitis. Other findings are generally nonspecific. A m i n i m u m o f six tissue specimens (using a 2 X 3 m m
Exudate immediately w i t h i n the external nares or draining forcep or larger) should be obtained from any lesion. If no
from the nares is collected using a cotton-tipped swab. Rela localizable lesion is identified radiographically or rhinoscop
tively small swabs are available (e.g., D a c r o n swabs; Puritan ically, multiple biopsies (usually 6 to 10) are obtained ran
M e d i c a l Products C o . L L C ) that can facilitate specimen col d o m l y from both sides o f the nasal cavity.
lection from cats w i t h m i n i m a l discharge. The swab is then
rolled o n a microscope slide. Routine cytologic stains are TURBINECTOMY
generally used, although India i n k can be applied to demon Turbinectomy provides the best tissue specimens for histo
strate cryptococcal organisms (see Chapter 98). logic examination and allows the clinician to remove
abnormal or poorly vascularized tissues, debulk fungal
NASAL FLUSH granulomas, and place drains for subsequent topical nasal
Nasal flush is a m i n i m a l l y invasive technique. A soft catheter therapy. Turbinectomy is performed through a rhinotomy
is positioned i n the caudal region o f the nasal cavity v i a the incision and is a more invasive technique than those previ-
FIG 1 4 - 1 5
C u p b i o p s y f o r c e p s a r e a v a i l a b l e in different s i z e s . To o b t a i n sufficient tissue, a m i n i m u m
size of 2 x 3 mm is r e c o m m e n d e d . The l a r g e r forceps a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y useful for o b t a i n i n g
b i o p s i e s from n a s a l masses in d o g s .

ously described. Turbinectomy is a reasonably difficult carotid artery o n the involved side can be ligated without
surgical procedure that should be considered only when subsequent adverse effects. R h i n o t o m y should not be
other less invasive techniques have failed to establish the attempted. In the vast majority of animals, only time or cold
diagnosis. Potential operative and postoperative complica saline infusions are required to control hemorrhage. The fear
tions include pain, excessive hemorrhage, inadvertent entry of severe hemorrhage should not prevent the collection of
into the cranial vault, and recurrent nasal infections. Cats good-quality tissue specimens.
may be anorectic postoperatively. Placement o f an esopha Trauma to the brain is prevented by never passing any
gostomy or gastrostomy tube (see Chapter 30) should be object into the nasal cavity beyond the level o f the medial
considered i f necessary to provide a means for meeting canthus o f the eye without visual guidance. The distance
nutritional requirements during the recovery period. (See from the external nares to the medial canthus is noted by
Suggested Readings i n Chapter 13 for information o n the holding the instrument or catheter against the face, with the
surgical procedure.) tip at the medial canthus. The level o f the nares is marked
o n the instrument or catheter w i t h a piece o f tape or marking
Complications pen. The object should never be inserted beyond that
The major complication associated w i t h nasal biopsy is h e m mark.
orrhage. The severity o f hemorrhage depends o n the method Aspiration o f b l o o d , saline solution, or exudate into the
used to obtain the biopsy, but even w i t h aggressive tech lungs must be avoided. A cuffed endotracheal tube should
niques the hemorrhage is rarely life threatening. W h e n any be i n place d u r i n g the procedure, and the caudal pharynx
technique is used, the floor o f the nasal cavity is avoided to should be packed w i t h gauze after visual assessment o f the
prevent damage to major b l o o d vessels. For m i n o r hemor oral cavity and nasopharynx. The cuff should be sufficiently
rhage, the rate of administration o f intravenous fluids should inflated to prevent audible leakage o f air during gentle c o m
be increased and manipulations w i t h i n the nasal cavity pression o f the reservoir bag o f the anesthesia machine.
should be stopped until the bleeding subsides. C o l d saline Overinflation o f the cuff may lead to tracheal trauma or tear.
solution with or without diluted epinephrine (1:100,000) The nose is pointed toward the floor over the end o f the
can be gently infused into the nasal cavity. Persistent severe examination table, allowing b l o o d and fluid to drip out from
hemorrhage can be controlled by packing the nasal cavity the external nares after rhinoscopy and biopsy. Finally, the
with umbilical tape. The tape must be packed through the caudal pharynx is examined d u r i n g gauze removal and
nasopharynx as well as through the external nares or the before extubation for visualization o f continued accumula
blood will only be redirected. Similarly, placing swabs or tion o f fluid. Gauze sponges are counted d u r i n g placement
gauze i n the external nares serves only to redirect b l o o d and then recounted during removal so that none is inadver
caudally. In the rare event of uncontrolled hemorrhage, the tently left behind.
NASAL CULTURES: SAMPLE COLLECTION biotic therapy. Sensitivity data from bacterial cultures con
AND INTERPRETATION sidered to represent significant infection may help i n
antibiotic selection. (See Chapter 15 for further therapeutic
Microbiologic cultures o f nasal specimens are recommended recommendations.)
but can be difficult to interpret. Aerobic and anaerobic bac The role of Mycoplasma spp. i n respiratory tract infec
terial cultures, mycoplasmal cultures, and fungal cultures can tions of dogs and cats is still being elucidated. Cultures for
be performed on material obtained by swab, nasal flush, or Mycoplasma spp. and treatment with appropriate antibiotics
tissue biopsy. According to Harvey (1984), the n o r m a l nasal are a consideration for cats with chronic rhinosinusitis.
flora can include Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococ A diagnosis o f nasal aspergillosis or penicilliosis requires
cus, Pseudomonas, Pasteurella, and Aspergillus organisms and the presence of several supportive signs, and fungal cultures
a variety of other aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and fungi. are indicated whenever fungal disease is one of the differen
Thus bacterial or fungal growth from nasal specimens does tial diagnoses. The growth o f Aspergillus or Penicillium
not necessarily confirm the presence o f infection. organisms is considered along with other clinical data, such
Cultures should be performed on specimens collected as radiographic and rhinoscopic findings, and serologic
within the caudal nasal cavity o f anesthetized patients. titers. Fungal growth supports a diagnosis o f mycotic rhini
Bacterial growth from superficial specimens, such as nasal tis only when other data also support the diagnosis. The fact
discharge or swabs inserted into the external nares o f unanes that fungal infection occasionally occurs secondary to nasal
thetized patients, is unlikely to be clinically significant. It tumors should not be overlooked during initial evaluation
is difficult for a culture swab to be passed into the caudal and m o n i t o r i n g o f therapeutic response. The sensitivity of
nasal cavity without its being contaminated w i t h superficial fungal culture can be greatly enhanced by collecting a swab
(insignificant) organisms. Guarded specimen swabs can or biopsy for culture directly from a fungal plaque or granu
prevent contamination but are relatively expensive. Alter l o m a with rhinoscopic guidance.
natively, mucosal biopsies from the caudal nasal cavity can
be obtained for culture using sterilized biopsy forceps; the Suggested Readings
results may be more indicative o f true infection than those Codner EC et al: Comparison of computed tomography with radi
from swabs because, i n theory, the organisms have invaded ography as a noninvasive diagnostic technique for chronic nasal
disease in dogs,} Am Vet Med Assoc 202:1106, 1993.
the tissues. Superficial contamination may still occur.
Detweiler DA et al: Computed tomographic evidence of bulla effu
Regardless o f the method used, the growth o f many colo
sion in cats with sinonasal disease: 2001-2004, / Vet Intern Med
nies o f one or two types o f bacteria more likely reflects
20:1080, 2006.
infection than the growth o f many different organisms. Harvey CE: Therapeutic strategies involving antimicrobial treat
The microbiology laboratory should be asked to report all ment of the upper respiratory tract in small animals, / Am Vet
growth. Otherwise, the laboratory may report only one or Med Assoc 185:1159, 1984.
two organisms that are more often pathogenic and provide Lefebvre J: Computed tomography as an aid in the diagnosis of
misleading information about the relative purity o f the chronic nasal disease in dogs, / Small Anim Pract 46:280, 2005.
culture. The presence o f septic inflammation based o n his McCarthy TC: Rhinoscopy: the diagnostic approach to chronic
tologic examination of nasal specimens and a positive nasal disease. In McCarthy TR, editor: Veterinary endoscopy for
response to antibiotic therapy support a diagnosis o f the small animal practitioner, St Louis, 2005, Saunders, p 137.
Padrid PA et al: Endoscopy of the upper respiratory tract of the dog
bacterial infection contributing to clinical signs. A l t h o u g h
and cat. In Tarns TR, editor: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St
bacterial rhinitis is rarely a primary disease entity, improve
Louis, 1999, Mosby, p 357.
ment i n nasal discharge may be seen i f the bacterial compo
Schoenborn W C et al: Retrospective assessment of computed tomo
nent o f the problem is treated; however, the improvement is graphic imaging of feline sinonasal disease in 62 cats, Vet Rad
generally transient unless the underlying disease process can Ultrasound 44:198, 2003.
be corrected. Some animals i n which a p r i m a r y disease Willard M D et al: Endoscopic examination of the choane in dogs
process is never identified or cannot be corrected (e.g., cats and cats: 118 cases (1988-1998), J Am Vet Med Assoc 215:1301,
with chronic rhinosinusitis) respond well to long-term anti 1999.
C H A P T E R 15

Disorders of the
Nasal Cavity

Clinical Features
Clinical manifestations o f feline U R I can be acute, chronic
FELINE UPPER RESPIRATORY I N F E C T I O N and intermittent, or chronic and persistent. Acute disease is
BACTERIAL RHINITIS the most c o m m o n . The clinical signs o f acute U R I include
NASAL M Y C O S E S fever, sneezing, serous or mucopurulent nasal discharge,
Cryptococcosis conjunctivitis and ocular discharge, hypersalivation, anorexia,
Aspergillosis and dehydration. F H V can also cause corneal ulceration,
N A S A L PARASITES abortion, and neonatal death, whereas F C V can cause oral
Nasal mites ulcerations, m i l d interstitial pneumonia, or polyarthritis.
Nasal capillariasis Rare, short-lived outbreaks of highly virulent strains o f cali
N A S O P H A R Y N G E A L POLYPS civirus have been associated w i t h severe upper respiratory
NASAL TUMORS disease, signs o f systemic vasculitis (facial and l i m b edema
ALLERGIC RHINITIS progressing to focal necrosis) and high rates o f mortality.
IDIOPATHIC RHINITIS Bordetella can cause cough and, i n young kittens, pneumo
Feline C h r o n i c Rhinosinusitis nia. Signs o f Chlamydophila infection are usually limited to
Canine Chronic/Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis conjunctivitis.
Some cats that recover from the acute disease have peri
odic recurrence of acute signs, usually i n association w i t h
stressful or immunosuppressive events. Other cats may have
chronic, persistent signs, most notably a serous to m u c o p u
rulent nasal discharge w i t h or without sneezing. C h r o n i c
FELINE UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONnasal discharge can presumably result from persistence o f an
active viral infection or from irreversible damage to t u r b i
Etiology nates and mucosa by F H V ; the latter predisposes the cat to
Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are c o m m o n i n cats. an exaggerated response to irritants and secondary bacterial
Feline herpesvirus ( F H V ) , also k n o w n as feline rhinotrache rhinitis. Unfortunately, correlation between tests to confirm
itis virus, and feline calicivirus (FCV), cause nearly 90% o f exposure to or the presence o f viruses and clinical signs is
these infections. Bordetella bronchiseptica and Chlamydophila poor (Johnson et al., 2005). Because the role o f viral infec
felis (previously k n o w n as Chlamydia psittaci) are less c o m tion i n cats w i t h chronic rhinosinusitis is not well under
monly involved. Other viruses and Mycoplasmas may play a stood, cats w i t h chronic signs o f nasal disease are discussed
primary or secondary role, whereas other bacteria are con i n the section o n feline chronic rhinosinusitis (p. 232).
sidered secondary pathogens.
Cats become infected through contact w i t h actively Diagnosis
infected cats, carrier cats, and fomites. Cats that are young, Acute U R I is usually diagnosed o n the basis o f history and
stressed, or immunosuppressed are most likely to develop physical examination findings. Specific tests that are avail
clinical signs. Infected cats often become carriers o f F H V or able to identify F H V , F C V , Bordetella, and Chlamydophila
F C V after resolution of the clinical signs. The duration o f organisms include fluorescent antibody testing, virus isola
the carrier state is not k n o w n but may last from weeks to tion procedures or bacterial cultures, polymerase chain reac
years. Bordetella can be isolated from asymptomatic cats, tion ( P C R ) , and serum antibody titers. Fluorescent antibody
although the effectiveness o f transmission o f disease from tests for F H V and F C V are performed o n smears prepared
such cats is not known. from conjunctival scrapings, pharyngeal swabs, or tonsillar
swabs or o n impression smears from tonsillar biopsy speci days, then q72h) can be prescribed for cats that are difficult
mens. Virus isolation tests and P C R can be performed on to medicate.
pharyngeal, conjunctival, or nasal swabs (using sterile swabs Cats with F H V infection may benefit from treatment with
made o f cotton) or on tissue specimens such as tonsillar lysine. It has been postulated that excessive concentrations
biopsy specimens or mucosal scraping. Tissue specimens are of lysine may antagonize arginine, a promoter o f herpesvirus
preferred for virus isolation and P C R . Specimens are placed replication. Lysine (500 mg/cat q l 2 h ) , obtained from health
i n appropriate transport media. Routine cytologic prepara food stores, is added to food. Administration o f feline re
tions o f conjunctival smears can be examined for intracy combinant omega interferon or human recombinant -2b
toplasmic inclusion bodies suggestive o f Chlamydophila interferon may also be of some benefit i n FHV-infected cats
infections, but these findings are nonspecific. A l t h o u g h (Siebeck et al., 2006).
routine bacterial cultures o f the oropharynx can be used to Chlamydophila infection should be suspected i n cats with
identify Bordetella, the organism can be found i n healthy and conjunctivitis as the primary problem and i n cats from cat
infected cats. Demonstration o f rising antibody titers against teries i n which the disease is endemic. O r a l antibiotics are
a specific agent over 2 to 3 weeks suggests active infection. administered for 3 weeks. In addition, chloramphenicol or
Regardless o f the method used, close coordination with the tetracycline ophthalmic ointment should be applied at least
pathology laboratory o n specimen collection and handling three times daily and continued for a m i n i m u m o f 14 days
is recommended for optimal results. after the resolution of signs.
Tests to identify specific agents are particularly useful i n Corneal ulcers resulting from F H V are treated with topical
cattery outbreaks i n which the clinician is asked to recom antiviral drugs, such as trifluridine, idoxuridine, or adenine
m e n d specific preventive measures. Multiple cats, both with arabinoside. One drop should be applied to each affected eye
and without clinical signs, should be tested when performing five to six times daily for no longer than 2 to 3 weeks. Routine
cattery surveys. Specific diagnostic tests are less useful for ulcer management is also indicated. Tetracycline or chloram
testing individual cats because their results do not alter phenicol ophthalmic ointment is administered two to four
therapy; false-negative results may occur i f signs are the times daily. Topical atropine is used for mydriasis as needed
result o f permanent nasal damage or i f the specimen does to control pain. Treatment is continued for 1 to 2 weeks after
not contain the agent, and, positive results may merely reflect epithelialization has occurred.
a carrier cat that has a concurrent disease process causing Topical and systemic corticosteroids are contraindicated
the clinical signs. The exception to this generalization is i n d i i n cats with acute U R I or ocular manifestations of F H V
vidual cats with suspected Chlamydophila infection, i n which infection. They can prolong clinical signs and increase viral
case specific effective therapy can be recommended. shedding.
Treatment o f cats with chronic signs is discussed on
Treatment p. 233.
In most cats U R I is a self-limiting disease, and treatment o f
cats with acute signs includes appropriate supportive care. Prevention in the Individual Pet Cat
Hydration and nutritional needs should be provided when Prevention of U R I i n all cats is based on avoiding exposure
necessary. D r i e d mucus and exudate should be cleaned from to the infectious agents (e.g., F H V , F C V , Bordetella and Chla
the face and nares. The cat can be placed i n a steamy bath mydophila organisms) and strengthening i m m u n i t y against
r o o m or a small r o o m with a vaporizer for 15 to 20 minutes infection. Most household cats are relatively resistant to pro
two or three times daily to help clear excess secretions. Severe longed problems associated with URIs, and routine health
nasal congestion is treated w i t h pediatric topical deconges care with regular vaccination using a subcutaneous product
tants such as 0.25% phenylephrine or 0.025% oxymetazo is adequate. Vaccination decreases severity o f clinical signs
line. A drop is gently placed i n each nostril daily for a resulting from URIs but does not prevent infection. Owners
m a x i m u m o f 3 days. If longer therapy is necessary, the decon should be discouraged from allowing their cats to roam
gestant is withheld for 3 days before beginning another 3-day freely outdoors.
course to prevent possible rebound congestion after w i t h Subcutaneous modified-live virus vaccines for F H V and
drawal o f the drug (based on problems with rebound conges F C V are used for most cats and are available i n combination
tion that occurs i n people). Another option for prolonged with panleukopenia vaccine. These vaccines are convenient
decongestant therapy is to alternate daily the naris treated. to administer, do not result in clinical signs when used cor
Antibiotic therapy to treat secondary infection is i n d i rectly, and provide adequate protection for cats that are not
cated i n cats with severe clinical signs. The initial antibiotic heavily exposed to these viruses. These vaccines are not effec
of choice is ampicillin (22 mg/kg q8h) or amoxicillin (22 mg/ tive i n kittens while maternal i m m u n i t y persists. Kittens are
kg q8h to q12h), because they are often effective, are associ usually vaccinated beginning at 6 to 10 weeks o f age and
ated with few adverse reactions, and can be administered to again i n 3 to 4 weeks. A t least two vaccines must be given
kittens. If Bordetella, Chlamydophila, or Mycoplasma spp. is initially, with the final vaccine administered after the kitten
suspected, doxycycline (5 to 10 mg/kg q12h, followed by a is 16 weeks old. A booster vaccination is recommended 1
bolus o f water) or chloramphenicol (10 to 15 mg/kg q l 2 h ) year after the final vaccine i n the initial series. Subsequent
should be used. A z i t h r o m y c i n (5 to 10 mg/kg q24h for 3 booster vaccinations are recommended every 3 years, unless
the cat has increased risk of exposure to infection. A study bacterial rhinitis, and it is difficult to make a definitive diag
by Lappin et al. (2002) indicates that detection of F H V and nosis because o f the diverse flora i n the n o r m a l nasal cavity
F C V antibodies i n the serum of cats is predictive o f suscep (see Chapter 14). M i c r o s c o p i c evidence of neutrophilic
tibility to disease and therefore may be useful i n determining inflammation and bacteria is a nonspecific finding i n the
need for revaccination. Queens should be vaccinated before majority o f animals w i t h nasal signs (Fig. 15-1). Bacterial
breeding. cultures o f swabs or nasal mucosal biopsies collected deep
Subcutaneous modified-live vaccines for F H V and F C V w i t h i n the nasal cavity can be performed. The growth o f
are safe but can cause disease i f introduced into the cat by many colonies o f only one or two organisms may represent
the normal oronasal route of infection. The vaccine should significant infection. G r o w t h of many different organisms or
not be aerosolized i n front o f the cat. Vaccine inadvertently small numbers of colonies probably represents n o r m a l flora.
left on the skin after injection should be washed off i m m e The microbiology laboratory should be requested to report
diately before the cat licks the area. all growth. Specimens for Mycoplasmal cultures should be
Modified-live vaccines should not be used i n pregnant placed in appropriate transport media for culture using spe
queens. Killed products are available for F H V and F C V cific isolation methods. Beneficial response to antibiotic
that can be used in pregnant queens. Killed vaccines have therapy is often used to support a diagnosis o f bacterial
also been recommended for cats with feline leukemia virus involvement.
(FeLV) or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection.
Modified-live vaccines for F H V and F C V are also avail Treatment
able for intranasal administration. Signs of acute U R I occa The bacterial component o f nasal disease is treated w i t h
sionally occur after vaccination. Attention should be paid to antibiotic therapy. If growth obtained by bacterial culture
ensure that panleukopenia is included i n the intranasal is believed to be significant, sensitivity information can be
product or that a panleukopenia vaccine is administered used i n selecting antibiotics. Anaerobic organisms may be
subcutaneously. involved. Broad-spectrum antibiotics that may be effective
Vaccines against Bordetella or Chlamydophila are recom include amoxicillin (22 mg/kg q8-12h), trimethoprim-
mended for use only i n catteries or shelters where these sulfadiazine (15 mg/kg q l 2 h ) , chloramphenicol (50 mg/kg
infections are endemic. Infections with Bordetella or Chla q8h for dogs; 10 to 15 mg/kg q l 2 h for cats), or clindamycin
mydophila are less c o m m o n than F H V and F C V infection, (5.5 to 11 mg/kg q l 2 h ) . Doxycycline (5 to 10 mg/kg q l 2 h ,
and disease resulting from Bordetella infections occurs p r i followed by a bolus o f water) or chloramphenicol is often
marily i n cats housed i n crowded conditions. Furthermore, effective against Bordetella and Mycoplasma organisms.
these diseases can be effectively treated w i t h antibiotics.

The prognosis for cats with acute U R I is good. C h r o n i c
disease does not develop i n most pet cats.

Acute bacterial rhinitis caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica
occurs occasionally i n cats (see the section on feline upper
respiratory infection) and rarely i n dogs (see the section o n
canine infectious tracheobronchitis i n Chapter 21). It is pos
sible that Mycoplasma can act as primary nasal pathogens.
In the vast majority o f cases, bacterial rhinitis is a secondary
complication and not a primary disease process. Bacterial
rhinitis occurs secondarily to almost all diseases o f the nasal
cavity. The bacteria that inhabit the nasal cavity i n health are
quick to overgrow when disease disrupts n o r m a l mucosal
defenses. Antibiotic therapy often leads to clinical improve
ment, but the response is usually temporary. Therefore m a n
agement of dogs and cats with suspected bacterial rhinitis
should include a thorough diagnostic evaluation for an under
FIG 1 5 - 1
lying disease process, particularly when signs are chronic.
A p h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of a slide p r e p a r e d from a n a s a l s w a b
of a patient with c h r o n i c mucopurulent d i s c h a r g e s h o w s the
t y p i c a l findings of mucus, neutrophilic i n f l a m m a t i o n , a n d
Most dogs and cats with bacterial rhinitis have m u c o p u r u intracellular a n d extracellular b a c t e r i a . These f i n d i n g s a r e
lent nasal discharge. N o clinical signs are pathognomonic for not specific a n d g e n e r a l l y reflect s e c o n d a r y p r o c e s s e s .
For acute infection or i n cases i n w h i c h the p r i m a r y infection is rare i n cats. The discharge can be m u c o i d , muco
etiology (e.g., foreign body, diseased tooth root) has been purulent w i t h or without hemorrhage, or purely hemor
eliminated, antibiotics are administered for 7 to 10 days. rhagic. The discharge can be unilateral or bilateral. Sneezing
C h r o n i c infections require prolonged treatment. Antibiotics may be reported. Features that are highly suggestive of asper
are administered initially for 1 week. If a beneficial response gillosis are sensitivity to palpation o f the face or depigmenta
is seen, the drug is continued for a m i n i m u m o f 4 to 6 weeks. tion and ulceration of the external nares (see Fig. 13-1). Lung
If signs recur after discontinuation of drug after 4 to 6 weeks, involvement is not expected.
the same antibiotic is reinstituted for even longer periods. Systemic aspergillosis i n dogs is generally caused by
If no response is seen after the initial week o f treatment, Aspergillus terreus and other Aspergillus spp. rather than A.
the drug should be discontinued. Another antibiotic can be fumigatus. It is an unusual, generally fatal disease that occurs
tried, although further evaluation for another, as yet uniden primarily i n G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs. Nasal signs are not
tified, p r i m a r y disorder should be pursued. Further diagnos reported.
tic evaluation is particularly warranted i n dogs because,
compared w i t h cats, they less frequently have idiopathic Diagnosis
disease. Frequent stopping and starting of different antibiot N o single test result is diagnostic for infection with aspergil
ics every 7 to 14 days is not recommended and may predis losis. The diagnosis is based on the cumulative findings o f a
pose the animal to the growth o f resistant gram-negative comprehensive evaluation of a dog w i t h appropriate clinical
infections. signs. In addition, aspergillosis can be an opportunistic
infection, and underlying nasal disease must always be con
Prognosis sidered.
Bacterial rhinitis is usually responsive to antibiotic therapy. Radiographic signs of aspergillosis include well-defined
However, long-term resolution o f signs depends o n the iden lucent areas w i t h i n the nasal cavity and increased radiolu
tification and correction o f any underlying disease process. cency rostrally (see F i g . 14-7). Typically no destruction of
the vomer or facial bones occurs, although the bones may
appear roughened. However, destruction of these bones or
NASAL MYCOSES the cribriform plate may occur i n dogs w i t h advanced disease.
Increased fluid opacity may be present. Fluid opacity within
CRYPTOCOCCOSIS the frontal sinus can represent a site o f infection or mucus
Cryptococcus neoformans is a fungal agent that infects cats accumulation from obstructed drainage. In some patients
and, less commonly, dogs. It most likely enters the body the frontal sinus is the only site o f infection.
through the respiratory tract and, i n some animals, may dis Rhinoscopic abnormalities include erosion of nasal tur
seminate to other organs. In cats clinical signs usually reflect binates and fungal plaques, which appear as white-to-green
infection o f the nasal cavity, central nervous system ( C N S ) , plaques of m o l d o n the nasal mucosa (see Fig. 14-13). Failure
eyes, or skin and subcutaneous tissues. In dogs signs o f C N S to visualize these lesions does not rule out aspergillosis. C o n
involvement are most c o m m o n . The lungs are c o m m o n l y firmation that presumed plaques are indeed fungal hyphae
infected i n both species, but clinical signs of lung involve can be achieved by cytology (Fig. 15-2) and culture of mate
ment (e.g., cough, dyspnea) are rare. Clinical features, diag rial collected by biopsy or swab under visual guidance.
nosis, and treatment o f cryptococcosis are discussed i n D u r i n g rhinoscopy, plaques are mechanically debulked by
Chapter 98.

Aspergillus fumigatus is a n o r m a l inhabitant o f the nasal
cavity i n many animals. In some dogs and, rarely, cats, it
becomes a pathogen. The m o l d form o f the organism can
develop into visible fungal plaques that invade the nasal
mucosa ("fungal mats") and fungal granulomas. A n animal
that develops aspergillosis may have another nasal condition,
such as neoplasia, foreign body, p r i o r trauma, or i m m u n e
deficiency that predisposes the animal to secondary fungal
infection. Excessive exposure to Aspergillus organisms may
explain the frequent occurrence o f disease i n otherwise
healthy animals. Another type o f fungus, Penicillium, can
cause signs similar to those o f aspergillosis.

Clinical Features
FIG 15-2
Aspergillosis can cause chronic nasal disease i n dogs of any B r a n c h i n g h y p h a e of Aspergillus fumigatus from a s w a b of
age or breed but is most c o m m o n i n young male dogs. Nasal a visualized fungal plaque.
scraping or vigorous flushing to increase the efficacy o f The animal is anesthetized and oxygenated through a
topical treatment. cuffed endotracheal tube. The dog is positioned i n dorsal
Aspergillus organisms can generally be seen histologically recumbency w i t h the nose pulled d o w n parallel with the
in biopsy specimens o f affected nasal mucosa after routine table (Figs. 15-3 and 15-4). For a large-breed dog, a 24 Fr
staining techniques, although special staining can be per Foley catheter w i t h a 5-ml balloon is passed through the
formed to identify subtle involvement. Neutrophilic, lym oral cavity, around the soft palate, and into the caudal naso
phoplasmacytic, or mixed inflammation is usually also pharynx such that the bulb is at the junction of the hard and
present. Multiple biopsy specimens should be obtained soft palates. The bulb is inflated w i t h approximately 10 m l
because the mucosa is affected multifocally rather than dif of air to ensure a snug fit. A laparotomy sponge is inserted
fusely. Invasion of fungal organisms into the nasal mucosa within the oropharynx, caudal to the balloon and ventral to
is indicative o f infection. the soft palate to help h o l d the balloon i n position and
Results of fungal cultures are difficult to interpret, unless further obstruct the nasal pharynx. Additional laparotomy
the specimen is obtained from a visualized plaque. The sponges are packed carefully into the back o f the m o u t h
organism can be found i n the nasal cavity o f n o r m a l animals, around the tracheal tube to prevent any drug that might leak
and false-negative culture results can also occur. A positive past the nasopharyngeal packing from reaching the lower
culture, in conjunction with other appropriate clinical and airways.
diagnostic findings, supports the diagnosis. A 10 Fr polypropylene urinary catheter is passed into the
Positive serum antibody titers also support a diagnosis o f dorsal meatus o f each nasal cavity to a distance approxi
infection. Although titers are indirect evidence o f infection, mately midway between the external naris and the medial
animals with Aspergillus organisms as a n o r m a l nasal inhab canthus o f the eye. The correct distance is marked on the
itant do not usually develop measurable antibodies against catheters with tape to prevent accidentally inserting the cath
the organism. Pomerantz et al. (2007) found that serum eters too far during the procedure. A 12 Fr Foley catheter
antibodies had a sensitivity o f 67%, a specificity o f 98%, a with a 5-ml balloon is passed adjacent to the polypropylene
positive predictive value o f 98%, and a negative predictive catheter into each nasal cavity. The cuff is inflated and pulled
value of 84% for the diagnosis of nasal aspergillosis. Their snugly against the inside o f the naris. A small suture is placed
study included 21 dogs with aspergillosis, 25 dogs with n o n - across each naris lateral to the catheter to prevent balloon
fungal rhinitis, and 12 dogs with nasal neoplasia. migration. A gauze sponge is placed between the endotra
cheal tube and the incisive ducts behind the upper incisors
Treatment to m i n i m i z e leakage.
The current treatments o f choice for nasal aspergillosis A solution o f 1% clotrimazole is administered through
are topical clotrimazole, with a success rate of 80% to 90% the polypropylene catheters. Approximately 30 m l is used for
with one or more treatments, and oral itraconazole, with a each side i n a typical retriever-size dog. Each Foley catheter
success rate o f 60% to 70%. O r a l therapy is simpler to is checked for filling during the initial infusion and is then
administer than topical therapy but is somewhat less suc clamped when clotrimazole begins to drip from the catheter.
cessful, requires prolonged treatment, and is relatively expen The solution is viscous, but excessive pressure is not required
sive. Itraconazole is administered orally at a dose o f 5 mg/kg for infusion. A d d i t i o n a l clotrimazole is administered during
every 12 hours and must be continued for 60 to 90 days or the next hour at a rate that results i n approximately 1 drop
longer. (See Chapter 98 for a complete discussion o f this every few seconds from each external naris. In dogs of the
drug.) size described, a total o f approximately 100 to 120 m l w i l l be
Successful topical treatment o f aspergillosis was originally used.
documented with enilconazole administered through tubes After the initial 15 minutes, the head is tilted slightly to
placed surgically into both frontal sinuses and both sides o f one side and then the other for 15 minutes each and then
the nasal cavity. The drug was administered through the back into dorsal recumbency for 15 minutes. After this hour
tubes twice daily for 7 to 10 days. Subsequently, it was dis of contact time, the dog is rolled into sternal recumbency
covered that the over-the-counter drug clotrimazole was w i t h the head hanging over the end of the table and the nose
equally efficacious when infused through surgically placed pointing toward the floor. The catheters are removed from
tubes over a 1-hour period. D u r i n g the 1-hour infusion, the the external nares, and the clotrimazole and resulting mucus
dogs were kept under anesthesia and the caudal nasopharynx are allowed to drain. Drainage w i l l usually subside i n 10 to
and external nares were packed to allow filling o f the nasal 15 minutes. A flexible suction tip may be used to expedite
cavity. It has since been demonstrated that good distribution this process. The laparotomy pads are then carefully removed
of the drug can be achieved using a noninvasive technique from the nasopharynx and oral cavity and counted to ensure
(discussed i n the next paragraphs). Success with clotrima that all are retrieved. The catheter i n the nasopharynx is
zole using this technique has been similar to that docu removed. A n y drug w i t h i n the oral cavity is swabbed or
mented with infusion through surgically placed tubes. suctioned.
Debridement of visible fungal plaques during rhinoscopy Two potential complications o f clotrimazole treatment
and before topical therapy appears to increase the rate o f are aspiration pneumonia and meningoencephalitis. M e n i n
success. goencephalitis is generally fatal and results when clotrima-
FIG 15-3
D o g with n a s a l mycotic infection p r e p a r e d for 1-hour s o a k with c l o t r i m a z o l e . A cuffed
e n d o t r a c h e a l tube is in p l a c e (E). A 2 4 Fr Foley catheter (broad arrow) is in the c a u d a l
n a s o p h a r y n x . A 12 Fr Foley catheter (narrow arrows) is obstructing e a c h nostril. A 1 0 Fr
p o l y p r o p y l e n e catheter (red arrowheads) is p l a c e d m i d w a y into e a c h d o r s a l meatus for
infusion of the d r u g . L a p a r o t o m y s p o n g e s a r e used to further p a c k the c a u d a l n a s o p h a r
y n x , a r o u n d the t r a c h e a l tube a n d the c a u d a l o r a l cavity.

FIG 15-4
S c h e m a t i c d i a g r a m of a cross section of the h e a d of a d o g p r e p a r e d for 1-hour s o a k with
c l o t r i m a z o l e , et, E n d o t r a c h e a l tube; npf, Foley catheter p l a c e d in c a u d a l n a s o p h a r y n x ; s,
p h a r y n g e a l s p o n g e s ; ic, p o l y p r o p y l e n e infusion catheter; nf, rostral Foley catheter obstruct
ing nostril; hp, h a r d p a l a t e ; s p , soft p a l a t e ; cp, cribriform plate; rfs, rostral frontal sinus;
mfs, m e d i a l frontal sinus; Ifs, lateral frontal sinus. (Reprinted with p e r m i s s i o n from M a t h e w s
K G et a l : C o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h i c assessment of n o n i n v a s i v e intranasal infusions in d o g s
with f u n g a l rhinitis, Vet Surg 2 5 : 3 0 9 , 1 9 9 6 . )
zole and its carrier, polyethylene glycol (PEG), make contact often located i n the frontal sinuses and caudal nasal cavity.
with the brain through a compromised cribriform plate. It Marks et al. (1994) report the greatest success i n identifying
is difficult to determine the integrity o f the cribriform plate mites by flushing the nasal cavities w i t h halothane i n oxygen.
before treatment without the aid o f computed tomography The anesthetic mixture causes the mites to migrate to the
(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging ( M R I ) , although caudal nasopharynx, where the mites are visualized using an
marked radiographic changes i n the caudal nasal cavity endoscope.
should increase concern. Fortunately, complications are not
common. Treatment
Clinical signs generally resolve i n 1 to 2 weeks. A second M i l b e m y c i n oxime (0.5 to 1 mg/kg, orally, every 7 to 10 days
1-hour soak is performed if signs persist after 2 weeks. O n e for three treatments) has been used successfully for treating
cause of treatment failure is the inability o f clotrimazole to nasal mites. Ivermectin has also been used for treatment
reach all sites of infection. As previously mentioned, removal (0.2 mg/kg, administered subcutaneously and repeated i n
of fungal plaques with rhinoscopic guidance is thought to 3 weeks), but it is not safe for certain breeds. A n y dogs
improve response to therapy. One or both frontal sinuses are i n direct contact w i t h the affected animal should also be
often infected, and it may be necessary to trephine the treated.
affected sinus, debulk any fungal granulomas, and directly
administer clotrimazole into the sinus. In rare cases, infec Prognosis
tion extends beyond the nasal cavity (e.g., into the retrobul
The prognosis for dogs w i t h nasal mites is excellent.
bar space). Itraconazole treatment is indicated i n these
Some clinicians have had success using the combination
Nasal capillariasis is caused by a nematode, Capillaria (Euco
of itraconazole and another oral antifungal agent, terbin
leus) boehmi, originally identified as a w o r m o f the frontal
afine, for the treatment o f aspergillosis. Published studies are
sinuses i n foxes. The adult w o r m is small, thin, and white and
not available (see Chapter 98).
lives o n the mucosa o f the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses of
Some dogs have a persistant nasal discharge after treat
dogs (see Fig. 14-14, B). The adults shed eggs that are swal
ment for aspergillosis i n the absence o f identifiable active
lowed and pass i n the feces. C l i n i c a l signs include sneezing
fungal infection. These dogs may have secondary bacterial
and mucopurulent nasal discharge, w i t h or without hemor
rhinitis or sensitivity to inhaled irritants because o f the
rhage. The diagnosis is made by identifying double opercu
damaged nasal anatomy and mucosa and are managed as
lated Capillaria (Eucoleus) eggs on routine fecal flotation
described i n the section on canine chronic/lymphoplasma
(similar to the eggs o f Capillaria (Eucoleus) aerophila; see Fig.
cytic rhinitis in this chapter.
20-12, C) or visualizing adult worms during rhinoscopy.
Treatments include ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg, orally, once) or
fenbendazole (25 to 50 mg/kg q12h for 10 to 14 days). Success
The prognosis for dogs with nasal aspergillosis has improved
of treatment should be confirmed w i t h repeated fecal exami
with the availability of new antifungal agents. For most
nations, i n addition to resolution o f clinical signs. Repeated
animals a fair-to-good prognosis is warranted.
treatments may be necessary, and reinfection is possible i f
exposure to contaminated soil continues.

Pneumonyssoides caninum is a small white mite approxi Nasopharyngeal polyps are benign growths that occur most
mately 1 m m i n size (see Fig. 14-14, A ) . Most infestations are often i n kittens and young adult cats, although they are
clinically silent, but some dogs may have moderate-to-severe occasionally found i n older animals. Their origin is u n k n o w n ,
clinical signs. but they are often attached to the base o f the eustachian tube.
They can extend into the external ear canal, middle ear,
Clinical Features and Diagnosis pharynx, and nasal cavity. Grossly, they are pink, p o l y p o i d
A common clinical feature o f nasal mites is sneezing, which growths, often arising from a stalk (Fig. 15-5). Because o f
is often violent. Head shaking, pawing at the nose, reverse their gross appearance, they are sometimes mistaken for
sneezing, chronic nasal discharge, and epistaxis can also neoplasia.
occur. These signs are similar to those caused by nasal foreign
bodies. The diagnosis is made by visualizing the mites during Clinical Features
rhinoscopy or by retrograde nasal flushing, as described i n Respiratory signs caused by nasopharyngeal polyps include
Chapter 14. The mites can be easily overlooked i n the stertorous breathing, upper airway obstruction, and serous
retrieved saline solution; they should be specifically searched to-mucopurulent nasal discharge. Signs o f otitis externa
for with slight magnification or by placing dark material or otitis media/interna, such as head tilt, nystagmus, or
behind the specimen for contrast. Further, the mites are Horner's syndrome, can also occur.
a course o f prednisolone i n some cats. Prednisolone was
administered at 1 to 2 mg/kg every 24 hours for 2 weeks,
then at half the original dose for 1 week, then every other
day for 7 to 10 more days. A course of antibiotics (e.g.,
amoxicillin) was also administered.

The prognosis is excellent, but treatment of recurrent dis
ease may be necessary. Regrowth of a polyp can occur at the
original site i f abnormal tissue remains, with signs o f recur
rence typically appearing w i t h i n 1 year. Bulla osteotomies
should be considered i n cats w i t h recurrence and signs of
otitis media i f not performed w i t h initial treatment.

The majority of nasal tumors i n the dog and cat are malig
nant. Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and undif
ferentiated carcinoma are c o m m o n nasal tumors i n dogs.
L y m p h o m a and adenocarcinoma are c o m m o n i n cats. Fibro
FIG 15-5
sarcomas and other sarcomas also occur i n both species.
A nasopharyngeal polyp w a s visualized during rhinoscopy
through the exterior naris of a c a t with c h r o n i c n a s a l Benign tumors include adenomas, fibromas, papillomas, and
d i s c h a r g e . The p o l y p w a s e x c i s e d b y traction a n d has a n transmissible venereal tumors (the latter only i n dogs).
o b v i o u s stalk.
Clinical Features
Nasal tumors usually occur i n older animals but cannot be
Diagnosis excluded from the differential diagnosis of young dogs and
Identification of a soft tissue opacity above the soft palate cats. N o breed predisposition has been consistently identi
radiographically and gross visualization o f a mass i n the fied. Collies and Irish Setters were overrepresented i n a report
nasopharynx, nasal cavity, or external ear canal support a of malignant nasal tumors i n dogs by Evans et al. (1989).
tentative diagnosis o f nasopharyngeal polyp. Complete eval The clinical features o f nasal tumors (usually chronic)
uation of cats w i t h polyps also includes a deep otoscopic reflect the locally invasive nature of these tumors. Nasal
examination and radiographs or C T scans o f the osseous discharge is the most c o m m o n complaint. The discharge can
bullae to determine the extent o f involvement. The majority be serous, m u c o i d , mucopurulent, or hemorrhagic. One
of cats with polyps have otitis media, detectable radiograph or both nostrils can be involved. W i t h bilateral involvement,
ically as thickened bone or increased soft tissue opacity o f the discharge is often worse from one nostril compared with
the bulla (see Fig. 14-6). The definitive diagnosis is made by the other. For many animals the discharge is initially unilat
histopathologic analysis o f tissue biopsy; the specimen is eral and progresses to bilateral. Sneezing may be reported.
usually obtained d u r i n g surgical excision. Nasopharyngeal Obstruction o f the nasal cavity by the tumor may cause
polyps are composed o f inflammatory tissue, fibrous con decreased or absent air flow through one o f the nares.
nective tissue, and epithelium. Deformation o f the facial bones, hard palate, or maxillary
dental arcade may be visible (see Fig. 13-4). Tumor growth
Treatment extending into the cranial vault can result i n neurologic
Treatment o f nasopharyngeal polyps consists o f surgical signs. G r o w t h into the orbit may cause exophthalmos or
excision. Surgery is usually performed through the oral inability to retropulse the eye. Animals only rarely experi
cavity by traction. In addition, bullae osteotomy should ence neurologic signs (e.g., seizures, behavior changes,
be considered i n cats w i t h radiographic or C T evidence o f abnormal mental status) or ocular abnormalities as the
involvement o f the osseous bullae. Rarely, r h i n o t o m y is primary complaints (i.e., no signs o f nasal discharge). Weight
required for complete removal. loss and anorexia may accompany the respiratory signs but
A n early study by Kapatkin et al. (1990) reported that 5 are often absent.
of 31 cats had regrowth o f an excised polyp. O f the five cats
w i t h regrowth, four had not had bulla osteotomies. These Diagnosis
findings support the importance o f addressing involvement A diagnosis o f neoplasia is based on clinical features and
of the osseous bulla i n cats w i t h polyps. However, a subse supported by typical abnormalities detected by imaging of
quent study by Anderson et al. (2000) reported successful the nasal cavity and frontal sinuses or rhinoscopy. A defini
treatment with traction alone, particularly when followed by tive diagnosis requires histopathologic examination of a
biopsy specimen, although fine needle aspirates o f nasal performed after megavoltage radiotherapy (Adams et al.,
masses may provide conclusive results. Imaging (radiogra 2005).
phy, CT, or M R I ) and rhinoscopic abnormalities can reflect Treatment o f malignant nasal tumors with surgery alone
soft tissue mass lesions; turbinate, vomer bone, or facial does not result i n prolonged survival times; it may indeed
bone destruction (see Figs. 14-2,14-4, and 14-8, B); or diffuse shorten survival times. It is doubtful that all abnormal tissue
infiltration of the mucosa with neoplastic and inflammatory can be excised i n the majority o f cases.
cells. Chemotherapy may be attempted when radiation therapy
Biopsy specimens, including tissue from deep within has failed or is not a viable option. Carcinomas may be
the lesion, should be obtained i n all patients for histologic responsive to cisplatin, carboplatin, or multiagent chemo
confirmation. Nasal neoplasms frequently cause a marked therapy. (See Chapter 77 for a discussion o f general princi
inflammatory response of the nasal mucosa and, i n some ples for the selection o f chemotherapy.)
patients, secondary bacterial or fungal infection. A cytologic Treatment with piroxicam, a nonsteroidal antiinflamma
diagnosis of neoplasia must be accepted cautiously, taking tory drug, can be considered for dogs w i t h carcinoma for
into consideration concurrent inflammation and potentially which radiation therapy is not elected. Partial remissions or
marked hyperplastic and metaplastic change. Furthermore, improvement i n clinical signs have been reported for some
in some cases the cytologic characteristics o f l y m p h o m a and dogs with transitional cell carcinoma o f the urinary bladder,
carcinoma w i l l m i m i c each other, which may lead to an oral squamous cell carcinoma, and several other carcinomas.
erroneous classification. Potential side effects include gastrointestinal ulceration
Not all cases o f neoplasia w i l l be diagnosed on initial (which can be severe) and kidney damage. For dogs with
evaluation of the dog or cat. Imaging, rhinoscopy, and biopsy other types o f tumors and cats, improvement o f clinical signs
may need to be repeated i n 1 to 3 months i n animals with may be seen with antiinflammatory doses o f glucocorticoids.
persistent signs in which a definitive diagnosis has not been Prednisolone is prescribed for cats, and either prednisone or
made. C T and M R I are more sensitive techniques for imaging prednisolone for dogs (0.5 to 1 mg/kg/day; tapered to lowest
nasal tumors than routine radiography, and one o f these effective dose). Neither drug should be given i n conjunction
should be performed when available (see Fig. 14-8, B). Surgi with piroxicam.
cal exploration is occasionally necessary to obtain a defini
tive diagnosis. Prognosis
Once a definitive diagnosis is made, determining the The prognosis for dogs and cats with untreated malignant
extent of disease can help i n assessing the feasibility o f surgi nasal tumors is poor. Survival after diagnosis is usually only
cal or radiation therapy versus chemotherapy. Some infor a few months. Euthanasia is often requested because o f per
mation can be obtained from high-quality nasal radiographs, sistent epistaxis or discharge, labored respirations, anorexia
but C T and M R I are more sensitive methods for evaluating and weight loss, or neurologic signs. Epistaxis is a poor prog
the extent of abnormal tissue. Aspirates of mandibular nostic indicator. In a study o f 132 dogs w i t h untreated nasal
lymph nodes should be examined cytologically for evidence carcinoma by Rassnick et al. (2006), the median survival
of local spread. Thoracic radiographs are evaluated, although time of dogs with epistaxis was 88 days (95% confidence
pulmonary metastases are u n c o m m o n at the time o f initial interval (CI), 65-106 days) and o f dogs without epistaxis was
diagnosis. Cytologic evaluation of bone marrow aspirates 224 days (95% C I , 54-467 days). The overall median survival
and abdominal radiographs or ultrasound are indicated for time was 95 days (range 7-1114 days).
patients with lymphoma. Cats with l y m p h o m a are also tested Radiation therapy can prolong survival and improve
for FeLV and FIV. quality o f life i n some animals. The therapy is well tolerated
by most animals, and i n those that achieve remission the
Treatment quality o f life is usually excellent. Studies o f dogs treated with
Treatment of benign tumors should include surgical exci megavoltage radiation, with or without prior surgical treat
sion. Malignant nasal tumors can be treated with radiation ment, by Theon et al. (1993) and H e n r y et al. (1998) found
therapy (with or without surgery) and/or chemotherapy. median survival times o f approximately 13 months. Survival
Palliative treatment can also be tried. The treatments of rates for 1 and 2 years were 55% to 60% and 25% to 45%,
choice for cats with nasal l y m p h o m a are chemotherapy using respectively. For dogs receiving megavoltage radiation fol
standard lymphoma protocols (see Chapter 80), radiation lowed by surgical debulking, median survival time was 47.7
therapy, or both. Radiation therapy avoids the systemic months, w i t h survival rates for 2 and 3 years o f 69% and
adverse effects of chemotherapeutic drugs but may be insuf 58%, respectively (Adams et al., 2005). The dogs i n the study
ficient if the tumor involves other organs. by Adams et al. (2005) that d i d not receive postradiotherapy
Radiation therapy is the treatment o f choice for most surgery had a median survival o f 19.7 months and lower
other malignant nasal tumors. Surgical debulking before 2- and 3-year survival rates (44% and 24%, respectively).
radiation is recommended i f orthovoltage radiation w i l l be A study by Evans et al. (1989) o f dogs receiving orthovolt
used. Surgery is not beneficial before megavoltage radiation age radiation therapy after surgical debulking reported a
(cobalt or linear accelerator), but improved success o f treat median survival time of 16.5 months, a 1-year survival rate o f
ment has been recently reported with surgical debulking 54% and a 2-year survival rate o f 43%. N o r t h r u p et al. (2001)
report a median survival time o f approximately 7 months, a biopsy reveals eosinophilic inflammation. It is possible that
1-year survival rate of 37%, and a 2-year survival rate o f only w i t h chronic disease, a mixed inflammatory response occurs,
17% i n dogs treated with surgery and orthovoltage radiation. obscuring the diagnosis. There should be no indication i n
Less information is available concerning prognosis i n any o f the diagnostic tests o f an aggressive disease process,
cats. According to Straw et al. (1986), six cats w i t h malignant parasites or other active infection, or neoplasia.
neoplasms (three with lymphoma) that received radiation
therapy had a mean survival time o f 19 months. A study by Treatment
Theon et al. (1994) o f 16 cats with n o n l y m p h o i d neoplasia Removing the offending allergen from the animal's environ
receiving radiation therapy showed a 1 -year survival rate o f ment or diet is the ideal treatment o f allergic rhinitis. W h e n
44% and a 2-year survival rate o f 17%. O f eight cats with this is not possible, a beneficial response may be achieved
nasal l y m p h o m a treated with cyclophosphamide, vincris w i t h antihistamines. Chlorpheniramine can be administered
tine, and prednisolone ( C O P ) , six (75%) achieved complete orally at a dose o f 4 to 8 mg/dog every 8 to 12 hours or
remission (Teske et al., 2002). M e d i a n survival time was 358 2 mg/cat every 8 to 12 hours. The second-generation anti
days, and the estimated 1 -year survival rate was 75%. Accord histamine cetirizine (Zyrtec, Pfizer) may be more successful
ing to preliminary data from Arteaga et al. (2007), cats w i t h in cats. A pharmacokinetic study o f this drug i n healthy cats
nasal l y m p h o m a treated with radiation and chemotherapy found a dosage o f 1 mg/kg, administered orally every 24
had a median survival time o f 511 days. hours, to maintain plasma concentrations similar to those
reported i n people (Papich et al., 2006). Glucocorticoids may
be used i f antihistamines are unsuccessful. Prednisone is
ALLERGIC RHINITIS initiated at a dose o f 0.25 mg/kg every 12 hours until signs
resolve. The dose is then tapered to the lowest effective
Etiology amount. If treatment is effective, signs w i l l generally resolve
Allergic rhinitis has not been well characterized i n dogs or w i t h i n a few days. Drugs are continued only as long as needed
cats. However, dermatologists provide anecdotal reports o f to control signs.
atopic dogs rubbing the face (possibly indicating nasal p r u
ritus) a n d experiencing serous nasal discharge, i n addition Prognosis
to dermatologic signs. Allergic rhinitis is generally consid The prognosis for dogs and cats with allergic rhinitis is excel
ered to be a hypersensitivity response w i t h i n the nasal cavity lent i f the allergen can be eliminated. Otherwise, the prog
and sinuses to airborne antigens. It is possible that food nosis for control is good, but a cure is unlikely.
allergens play a role i n some patients. Other antigens are
capable o f inducing a hypersensitivity response as well, and
thus the differential diagnoses must include parasites, other IDIOPATHIC RHINITIS
infectious diseases, and neoplasia.
Idiopathic rhinitis is a more c o m m o n diagnosis i n cats com
Clinical Features pared w i t h dogs. The diagnosis cannot be made without a
Dogs or cats w i t h allergic rhinitis experience sneezing and/or thorough diagnostic evaluation to rule out specific diseases
serous or mucopurulent nasal discharge. Signs may be acute (see Chapters 13 a n d 14).
or chronic. Careful questioning o f the owner may reveal
a relationship between signs a n d potential allergens. For FELINE CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS
instance, signs may be worse during certain seasons; i n the
presence o f cigarette smoke; or after the introduction o f a Etiology
new brand o f kitty litter, new perfumes, cleaning agents, Feline chronic rhinosinusitis has long been presumed to be
furniture, or fabric i n the house. Note that worsening o f a result o f viral infection with F H V or F C V (see the section
signs may simply be a result o f exposure to irritants rather o n feline upper respiratory infection, p. 223). Persistent viral
than an actual allergic response. Debilitation o f the animal infection has been implicated, but studies have failed to show
is not expected. an association between tests indicating exposure to or infec
tion w i t h these viruses and clinical signs. It is possible that
Diagnosis infection w i t h these viruses results i n damaged mucosa that
Identifying a historical relationship between signs and a par is more susceptible to bacterial infection or that mounts an
ticular allergen a n d then achieving resolution o f signs after excessive inflammatory response to irritants or normal nasal
removal o f the suspected agent from the animal's environ flora. Preliminary studies have failed to show an association
ment support the diagnosis o f allergic rhinitis. W h e n this with feline chronic rhinosinusitis and Bartonella infection,
approach is not possible or successful, a thorough diagnostic based o n serum antibody titers or P C R o f nasal tissue
evaluation o f the nasal cavity is indicated (see Chapters 13 (Berryessa et al., 2007). In the absence o f a k n o w n etiology,
and 14). Nasal radiographs reveal increased soft tissue opacity this disease w i l l be denoted by the term idiopathic feline
with m i n i m a l or no turbinate destruction. Classically, nasal chronic rhinosinusitis.
Clinical Features and Diagnosis
BOX 15-1
Chronic m u c o i d or mucopurulent nasal discharge is the
most c o m m o n clinical sign of idiopathic feline chronic r h i Management Considerations for Cats with Idiopathic
nosinusitis. The discharge is typically bilateral. Fresh b l o o d Chronic Rhinosinusitis
may be seen i n the discharge o f some cats but is not usually
Facilitate Drainage of Discharge
a primary complaint. Sneezing may occur. Given that this is
an idiopathic disease, the lack of specific findings is i m p o r Vaporizer treatments
tant. Cats should have no funduscopic lesions, no lymphade Topical saline administration
nopathy, no facial or palate deformities, and healthy teeth Nasal cavity flushes under anesthesia
Topical decongestants
and gums. Anorexia and weight loss are rarely reported.
Thorough diagnostic testing is indicated, as described i n Decrease Irritants in the Environment
Chapters 13 and 14. Results of such testing do not support
Improvement of indoor air quality
the diagnosis of a specific disease. Usual nonspecific findings
include turbinate erosion, mucosal inflammation, and Control Secondary Bacterial Infections
increased mucus accumulation as assessed by nasal imaging Long-term antibiotic treatment
and rhinoscopy; neutrophilic or mixed inflammation w i t h
Treat Possible Mycoplasma Infection
bacteria o n cytology of nasal discharge; and neutrophilic
and/or lymphoplasmacytic inflammation o n nasal biopsy. Antibiotic treatment
Nonspecific abnormalities attributable to chronic inflamma
Treat Possible Herpesvirus Infection
tion, such as epithelial hyperplasia and fibrosis, may also be
Lysine treatment
seen. Secondary bacterial rhinitis or Mycoplasma infection
may be identified. Reduce Inflammation
Second-generation antihistamine treatment
Oral prednisolone treatment
Cats with idiopathic chronic rhinosinusitis often require
management for years. Fortunately, most o f these cats are Surgical Intervention
healthy i n all other respects. Treatment strategies include Turbinectomy
facilitating drainage o f discharge; decreasing irritants i n the Frontal sinus ablation
environment; controlling secondary bacterial infections;
treating possible Mycoplasmal or F H V infection; reducing
inflammation; and, as a last resort, performing a turbinec
tomy and frontal sinus ablation (Box 15-1). C h r o n i c antibiotic therapy may be required to manage
Keeping secretions moist, performing intermittent nasal secondary bacterial infections. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
flushes, and judiciously using topical decongestants facilitate such as amoxicillin (22 mg/kg q8-12h) or t r i m e t h o p r i m -
drainage. Keeping the cat i n a r o o m w i t h a vaporizer, for sulfadiazine (15 mg/kg q l 2 h ) are often successful. C h l o r a m
instance, during the night, can provide symptomatic relief phenicol (10 to 15 m g / k g q l 2 h ) and doxycycline (5 to
by keeping secretions moist. Alternatively, drops of sterile 10 mg/kg q l 2 h , followed by a bolus o f water) have activity
saline can be placed into the nares. Some cats experience a against some bacteria and Chlamydophila and Mycoplasma
marked improvement i n clinical signs for weeks after flush organisms and can be effective i n some cats when other
ing of the nasal cavity w i t h copious amounts o f saline or drugs have failed. This author reserves fluoroquinolones for
dilute betadine solution. General anesthesia is required, and cats w i t h documented resistant gram-negative infections. If
the lower airways must be protected w i t h an endotracheal a beneficial response to antibiotic therapy is seen w i t h i n 1
tube, gauze sponges, and positioning o f the head to facilitate week of its initiation, the antibiotic should be continued for
drainage from the external nares. Topical decongestants, as at least 4 to 6 weeks. If a beneficial response is not seen, the
described for feline upper respiratory infection (see page antibiotic is discontinued. Note that the frequent stopping
224), may provide symptomatic relief d u r i n g episodes o f and starting o f different antibiotics every 7 to 14 days is not
severe congestion. recommended and may predispose the cat to resistant gram-
Irritants i n the environment can further exacerbate negative infections. Cats that respond well d u r i n g the pro
mucosal inflammation. Irritants such as smoke (from tobacco longed course o f antibiotics but that relapse shortly after
or fireplace) and perfumed products should be avoided. discontinuation o f the drug despite 4 to 6 weeks o f relief are
Motivated clients can take steps to improve the air quality i n candidates for continuous long-term antibiotic therapy.
their homes, such as by cleaning the carpet, furniture, Treatment w i t h the previously used antibiotic often can be
drapery, and furnace; regularly replacing air filters; and using successfully reinstituted. A m o x i c i l l i n administered twice
an air cleaner. The A m e r i c a n L u n g Association has a useful daily is often sufficient.
Web site with nonproprietary recommendations for i m p r o v Treatment w i t h lysine may be effective i n cats w i t h
ing indoor air quality ( ). active herpesvirus infections. It has been postulated that
excessive concentrations o f lysine may antagonize arginine, M a n y specific causes o f nasal disease result i n a concur
a promoter o f herpesvirus replication. Because the specific rent inflammatory response because o f the disease itself or
organism(s) involved is rarely k n o w n , trial therapy is i n i t i as a response to the secondary effects of infection or enhanced
ated. Lysine (500 mg/cat q12h), which can obtained from response to irritants; this makes a thorough diagnostic eval
health food stores, is added to food. A m i n i m u m o f 4 weeks uation of these cases imperative. Windsor et al. (2006) per
is necessary to assess success o f treatment. formed multiple P C R assays on paraffin-embedded nasal
Anecdotal success i n occasional cats has been reported tissue from dogs w i t h idiopathic chronic rhinitis and failed
with treatment w i t h the second-generation antihistamine to find evidence for a role o f bacteria (based on D N A load),
cetirizine (Zyrtec, Pfizer) as described for allergic rhinitis canine adenovirus-2, parainfluenza virus, Chlamydophila
(see p. 232). N o efficacy studies are available. spp. or Bartonella spp. i n affected dogs. H i g h amounts of
Cats w i t h severe signs that persist despite the previously fungal D N A were found i n affected dogs, suggesting a pos
described methods o f supportive care may benefit from glu sible contribution to clinical signs. Alternatively, the result
cocorticoids to reduce inflammation. However, certain risks may simply reflect decreased clearance o f fungal organisms
are involved. Glucocorticoids may further predispose the cat from the diseased nasal cavity.
to secondary infections, increase viral shedding, and mask Although not supported i n the previously quoted study,
signs o f a more serious disease. Glucocorticoids should be a potential role for Bartonella infection has been suggested
prescribed only after a complete diagnostic evaluation has on the basis o f a study that found an association between
been performed to rule out other diseases. Prednisolone is seropositivity for Bartonella spp. and nasal discharge or epi
administered at a dose o f 0.5 mg/kg every 12 hours. If a staxis ( H e n n et a l , 2005) and a report o f three dogs with
beneficial response is seen w i t h i n 1 week, the dose is gradu epistaxis and evidence of infection w i t h Bartonella spp.
ally decreased to the lowest effective dose. A dose as l o w as (Breitschwerdt et al., 2005). A study i n our laboratory
0.25 mg/kg every 2 to 3 days may be sufficient to control (Hawkins et al., 2008) failed to find an obvious association
clinical signs. If a clinical response is not seen w i t h i n 1 week, between bartonellosis and idiopathic rhinitis, i n agreement
the drug should be discontinued. w i t h findings by W i n d s o r et al. (2006).
Cats with severe or deteriorating signs that persist despite
conscientious care are candidates for turbinectomy and Clinical Features and Diagnosis
frontal sinus ablation, assuming a complete diagnostic The clinical features and diagnosis of idiopathic canine
evaluation to eliminate other causes o f chronic nasal dis chronic rhinitis are similar to those described for idiopathic
charge has been performed (Chapters 13 and 14). Turbinec feline chronic rhinosinusitis. C h r o n i c m u c o i d or muco
tomy and frontal sinus ablation are difficult surgical purulent nasal discharge is the most c o m m o n clinical sign
procedures. Major b l o o d vessels and the cranial vault must and is typically bilateral. Fresh b l o o d may be seen i n the
be avoided, and tissue remnants must not be left behind. discharge o f some dogs, but it is not usually a primary com
Anorexia can be a postoperative problem; placement o f an plaint. Given that it is an idiopathic disease, the lack of
esophagostomy or gastrostomy tube (see p. 30) provides an specific findings is important. Dogs should have no fundu
excellent means for meeting nutritional requirements i f nec scopic lesions, no lymphadenopathy, no facial or palate
essary after surgery. Complete elimination o f respiratory deformities, and healthy teeth and gums. Anorexia and
signs is unlikely, but signs may be more easily managed. The weight loss are rarely reported. Thorough diagnostic testing
reader is referred to surgical texts by Fossum or Slatter for is indicated, as described i n Chapters 13 and 14. Results
a description o f the surgical techniques (see Suggested of such testing do not support the diagnosis of a specific
Readings). disease. Usual nonspecific findings include turbinate erosion,
mucosal inflammation, and increased mucus accumula
CANINE CHRONIC/ tion as assessed by nasal imaging and rhinoscopy; neutro
LYMPHOPLASMACYTIC RHINITIS philic or mixed inflammation w i t h bacteria on cytology
of nasal discharge; and lymphoplasmacytic and/or neutro
Etiology philic inflammation on nasal biopsy. Nonspecific abnor
Idiopathic chronic rhinitis i n dogs is sometimes character malities attributable to chronic inflammation, such as
ized by the inflammatory infiltrates seen i n nasal mucosal epithelial hyperplasia and fibrosis, can also be seen. Sec
biopsies; thus the disease lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis has ondary bacterial rhinitis or Mycoplasma infection may be
been described. It was originally reported to be a steroid- identified.
responsive disorder (Burgener et al., 1987), but a subsequent
report by W i n d s o r et al. (2004) and clinical experience Treatment
suggest that corticosteroids are not always effective i n the Treatment o f idiopathic canine chronic rhinitis is also similar
treatment o f lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis. It is not u n c o m to that described for idiopathic feline rhinosinusitis. Dogs
m o n for neutrophilic inflammation to be found, predomi are treated for secondary bacterial rhinitis (as described on
nantly or along w i t h lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. For these p. 233), and efforts are made to decrease irritants i n the
reasons, the less specific term idiopathic canine chronic rhi environment (see p. 233). As w i t h cats, some dogs w i l l benefit
nitis w i l l be used. from efforts to facilitate the draining o f nasal discharge by
humidification of air or instillation o f sterile saline into the Evans S M et al: Prognostic factors and survival after radiotherapy
nasal cavity. for intranasal neoplasms in dogs: 70 cases (1974-1985), J Am Vet
Burgener et al. (1987) reported successful treatment o f Med Assoc 194:1460, 1989.
dogs with lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis using i m m u n o s u p Evinger TV et al: Ivermectin for treatment of nasal capillariasis in a
d o g , / A m Vet Med Assoc 186:174, 1985.
pressive doses of prednisone (1 mg/kg q l 2 h ) . A positive
Fossum TW: Small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2007, Mosby.
response is expected w i t h i n 2 weeks, at which time the dose
Gunnarsson LK et al: Clinical efficacy of milbemycin oxime in the
of prednisone is decreased gradually to the lowest effective
treatment of nasal mite infection in dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
amount. If no response to initial therapy occurs, other 35:81, 1999.
immunosuppressive drugs such as azathioprine can be added Hawkins EC et al: Failure to identify an association between sero
to the treatment regimen (see Chapter 103). Unfortunately, logic or molecular evidence of Bartonella spp infection and idio
immunosuppressive treatment is not always effective. If clin pathic rhinitis in dogs (Accepted), J Am Vet Med Assoc, 2008.
ical signs worsen during treatment with corticosteroids, the Henn JB et al: Seroprevalence of antibodies against Bartonella
clinician should discontinue therapy and carefully reevaluate species and evaluation of risk factors and clinical signs associated
the dog for other diseases. with seropositivity in dogs, Am / Vet Res 66:688, 2005.
Other treatments that may be effective i n some dogs Henry CJ et al: Survival in dogs with nasal adenocarcinoma: 64
cases (1981-1995), / Vet Intern Med 12:436, 1998.
include antihistamines or itraconazole. According to pre
lohnson LR et al: Assessment of infectious organisms associated
liminary data from Kuehn (2006), administration o f itracon
with chronic rhinosinusitis in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 227:579,
azole (5 mg/kg q l 2 h ) resulted i n dramatic improvement i n
clinical signs i n some dogs with idiopathic chronic rhinitis. Kapatkin AS et al: Results of surgery and long-term follow-up in
Treatment was required for a m i n i m u m of 3 to 6 months. 31 cats with nasopharyngeal polyps, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc
The rationale for this treatment may be supported by the 26:387, 1990.
findings of increased fungal load i n affected dogs by W i n d s o r Kuehn NF: Prospective long term pilot study using oral itracon
et al. (2006). azole therapy for the treatment of chronic idiopathic (lympho
Dogs with severe or nonresponsive signs are candidates plasmacytic) rhinitis in dogs. Abstr, British Small Animal
for rhinotomy and turbinectomy, as described for cats o n Veterinary Association Annual Congress, Prague, Czech Repub
lic, 2006.
p. 234.
Lappin M R et al: Use of serologic tests to predict resistance to feline
Prognosis herpesvirus 1, feline calicivirus, and feline parvovirus infection
in cats, / Am Vet Med Assoc 220:38, 2002.
The prognosis for idiopathic chronic rhinitis i n dogs is gen
Maggs D) et al: Effects of L-lysine and L-arginine on in vitro rep
erally good with respect to management of signs and quality lication of feline herpesvirus type-1, Am } Vet Res 61:1474,
of life. However, some degree o f clinical signs persists i n 2000.
many dogs. Marks SL et al: Pneumonyssoides caninum: the canine nasal mite,
Cornpend Contin Educ Pract Vet 16:577, 1994.
Mathews KG et al: Computed tomographic assessment of noninva
Suggested Readings sive intranasal infusions in dogs with fungal rhinitis, Vet Surg
Adams W M et al: Outcome of accelerated radiotherapy alone or 25:309, 1996.
accelerated radiotherapy followed by exenteration of the nasal Northrup N C et al: Retrospective study of orthovoltage radiation
cavity in dogs with intranasal neoplasia: 53 cases (1990-2002), therapy for nasal tumors in 42 dogs, / Vet Intern Med 15:183,
/ Am Vet Med Assoc 227:936, 2005. 2001.
Anderson D M et al: Management of inflammatory polyps in 37 Papich M G et al: Cetirizine (Zyrtec) pharmacokinetics in healthy
cats, Vet Record 147:684, 2000. cats. Abstr, / Vet Intern Med 20:754, 2006.
Arteaga T et al: A retrospective analysis of nasal lymphoma in 71 Pomerantz JS et al: Comparison of serologic evaluation via agar
cast (1999-2006). Abst, / Vet Intern Med 21:573, 2007. gel immunodiffusion and fungal culture of tissue for diagnosis
Berryessa N A et al: The role of Bartonella spp. in feline chronic of nasal aspergillosis in dogs, / Am Vet Med Assoc 230:1319,
rhinosinusitis. Abst, / Vet Intern Med 21: 608, 2007. 2007
Binns SH et al: Prevalence and risk factors for feline Bordetella Rassnick K M et al: Evaluation of factors associated with survival in
bronchiseptica infection, Vet Rec 144:575, 1999. dogs with untreated nasal carcinomas: 139 cases (1993-2003),
Bredal W et al: Use of milbemycin oxime in the treatment of dogs J Am Vet Med Assoc 229:401, 2006.
with nasal mite (Pneumonyssoides caninum) infection, / Small Schmidt BR et al: Evaluation of piroxicam for the treatment of oral
Anim Pract 39:126, 1998. squamous cell carcinoma in dogs,/Am Vet Med Assoc 218:1783,
Breitschwerdt et al: Bartonella species as a potential cause of epi 2001.
staxis in dogs, / Clin Micro 43:2529, 2005. Seibeck N et al: Effects of human recombinant alpha-2b interferon
Burgener D C et al: Lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis in five dogs, / Am and feline recombinant omega interferon on in vitro replication
Anim Hosp Assoc 23:565, 1987. of feline herpesvirus, Am ] Vet Res 67:1406, 2006.
Coutts AJ et al: Studies on natural transmission of Bordetella bron Sharp N : Nasal aspergillosis. In Kirk RW, editor: Current
chiseptica in cats, Vet Microbiol 48:19, 1996. veterinary therapy X, Philadelphia, 1989, W B Saunders,
Davidson AP et al: Treatment of nasal aspergillosis with topical p 1106.
clotrimazole. In Bonagura JD et al, editors: Current veterinary Slatter D: Textbook of small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2003,
therapy XII, Philadelphia, 1995, W B Saunders, p 899. Saunders.
Speakman AJ et al: Antimicrobial susceptibility of Bordetella bron- The 2006 American Association of Feline Practitioners Feline
chiseptica isolates from cats and comparison of agar dilution and Vaccine Advisory Panel Report. / Am Vet Med Assoc 229:1405,
E-test methods, Vet Microbiol 54:53, 1997. 2006.
Straw RC et al: Use of radiotherapy for the treatment of intranasal Theon AP et al: Megavoltage irradiation of neoplasms of the nasal
tumors in cats: six cases (1980-1985), J Am VetMed Assoc 189:927, and paranasal cavities in 77 dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 202:1469,
1986. 1993.
Tasker S et al: Aetiology and diagnosis of persistent nasal disease in Theon AP et al: Irradiation of nonlymphoproliferative neoplasms
the dog: a retrospective study of 42 cases, / Small Anim Pract of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in 16 cats,/Am VetMed
40:473, 1999. Assoc 204:78, 1994.
Teske E et al: Chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, vincristine Windsor RC et al: Idiopathic lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis in
and prednisolone (COP) in cats with malignant lymphoma: new dogs: 37 cases (1997-2002), / Am Vet Med Assoc 224:1952,
results with an old protocol, / Vet Intern Med 16:179, 2002. 2004.
C H A P T E R 16

Clinical Manifestations
of Laryngeal and
Pharyngeal Disease

A characteristic breathing pattern can often be identified

on physical examination o f patients i n distress from extra-
thoracic (upper) airway obstruction, such as results from
laryngeal disease (see Chapter 26). The respiratory rate is
n o r m a l to only slightly elevated (often 30 to 40 breaths/min),
which is particularly remarkable i n the presence o f overt
distress. Inspiratory efforts are prolonged and labored, rela
tive to expiratory efforts. The larynx tends to be sucked into
the airway l u m e n as a result o f negative pressure w i t h i n the
extrathoracic airways that occurs d u r i n g inspiration, making
inhalation o f air more difficult. D u r i n g expiration, pressures
are positive i n the extrathoracic airways, "pushing" the soft
tissues open. Nevertheless, expiration may not be effortless.
Some obstruction to airflow may occur d u r i n g expiration
CLINICAL SIGNS w i t h fixed obstructions, such as laryngeal masses. Even w i t h
the dynamic obstruction that results from laryngeal paraly
LARYNX sis, i n w h i c h expiration should be possible without any
Regardless of the cause, diseases of the larynx result i n similar blockage to flow, resultant laryngeal edema and inflamma
clinical signs, most notably respiratory distress and stridor. tion can interfere w i t h n o r m a l expiration. O n auscultation,
Voice change is specific for laryngeal disease but is not always referred upper airway sounds are heard and lung sounds are
reported. Clients may volunteer that they have noticed a n o r m a l to increased.
change i n their dog's bark or cat's meow, but specific ques Stridor, a high-pitched wheezing sound, is sometimes
tioning may be necessary to obtain this important informa heard d u r i n g inspiration. It is audible without a stethoscope,
tion. Localization of disease to the larynx can generally be although auscultation of the neck may aid i n identifying
achieved with a good history and physical examination. A m i l d disease. Stridor is produced by air turbulence through
definitive diagnosis is made through a combination o f laryn the narrowed laryngeal opening. N a r r o w i n g o f the extratho
geal radiography, laryngoscopy, and laryngeal biopsy. racic trachea less c o m m o n l y produces stridor.
Respiratory distress resulting from laryngeal disease is In patients that are not presented for respiratory distress
due to airway obstruction. A l t h o u g h most laryngeal diseases (e.g., for patients w i t h exercise intolerance or voice change),
are progressive over several weeks to months, animals typi it may be necessary to exercise the patient to identify the
cally present i n acute distress. Dogs and cats are able to characteristic breathing pattern and stridor associated w i t h
compensate for their disease initially through self-imposed laryngeal disease.
exercise restriction. Often an exacerbating event occurs, such Some patients w i t h laryngeal disease, particularly whose
as exercise, excitement, or high ambient temperature, result laryngeal paralysis is an early manifestation o f diffuse neu
ing i n markedly increased respiratory efforts. These increased romuscular disease or w i t h distortion o f n o r m a l laryngeal
efforts lead to excess negative pressures o n the diseased anatomy, have subclinical aspiration or overt aspiration
larynx, sucking the surrounding soft tissues into the lumen, pneumonia resulting from the loss o f n o r m a l protective
and causing laryngeal inflammation and edema. Obstruc mechanisms. Patients may have clinical signs reflecting aspi
tion to airflow becomes more severe, leading to even greater ration, such as cough, lethargy, anorexia, fever, tachypnea,
respiratory efforts (Fig. 16-1). The airway obstruction can and abnormal lung sounds. (See p. 309 for a discussion of
ultimately be fatal. aspiration pneumonia.)
BOX 16-1
Differential Diagnoses for Laryngeal Disease in Dogs
and Cats

Laryngeal paralysis
Laryngeal neoplasia
Obstructive laryngitis
Laryngeal collapse
W e b formation
FIG 1 6 - 1 Foreign body
Patients with extrathoracic (upper) airway obstruction often Extraluminal mass
present in respiratory distress as a result of a progressive Acute laryngitis
worsening of airway obstruction after an exacerbating


Space-occupying lesions o f the pharynx can cause signs o f
Differential Diagnoses for Pharyngeal Disease in Dogs
upper airway obstruction as described for the larynx, but
and Cats
overt respiratory distress occurs only w i t h advanced disease.
M o r e typical presenting signs o f pharyngeal disease are Brachycephalic airway syndrome
stertor, reverse sneezing, gagging, retching, and dysphagia. Elongated soft palate
Stertor is a loud, coarse sound such as that produced by Nasopharyngeal polyp
snoring or snorting. Stertor results from excessive soft tissue Foreign body
in the pharynx, such as an elongated soft palate or mass,
causing turbulent air flow. Reverse sneezing (see p. 210),
gagging, or retching may occur from local stimulation from
Extraluminal mass
the tissue itself or from secondary secretions. Dysphagia
results from physical obstruction, usually because o f a mass.
As w i t h laryngeal disorders, a definitive diagnosis is made
through a combination of visual examination, radiography, DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES FOR
and biopsy o f abnormal tissue. Visual examination includes PHARYNGEAL SIGNS IN DOGS
a thorough evaluation o f the oral cavity, larynx (see p. 239), AND CATS
and caudal nasopharynx (see p. 215).
The most c o m m o n pharyngeal disorders i n dogs are brachy
cephalic airway syndrome and elongated soft palate (Box
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES FOR 16-2). Elongated soft palate is a component of brachyce
LARYNGEAL SIGNS IN DOGS AND CATS phalic airway syndrome and is discussed w i t h this disorder
i n Chapter 18 (p. 244), but it can also occur i n nonbrachy
Differential considerations for dogs and cats with respiratory cephalic dogs. The most c o m m o n pharyngeal disorders i n
distress are discussed i n Chapter 26. cats are l y m p h o m a and nasopharyngeal polyps (Allen et al.,
Dogs are more c o m m o n l y presented for laryngeal disease 1999). Nasopharyngeal polyps, nasal tumors, and foreign
than cats and usually have laryngeal paralysis (Box 16-1). bodies are discussed i n the chapters o n nasal diseases (see
Laryngeal neoplasia can occur i n dogs or cats. Obstructive Chapters 13 to 15). Other differential diagnoses are abscess
laryngitis is a poorly characterized inflammatory disorder. or granuloma and compression caused by an extraluminal
Other possible diseases of the larynx include laryngeal col mass.
lapse (see p. 241), web formation (i.e., adhesions or fibrotic
tissue across the laryngeal opening, usually as a complication Suggested Readings
of surgery), trauma, foreign body, and compression caused Allen HS et al: Nasopharyngeal diseases in cats: a retrospective
by an extraluminal mass. Acute laryngitis is not a well- study of 53 cases (1991-1998), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 35:457,
characterized disease i n dogs or cats but presumably could 1999.
result from viral or other infectious agents, foreign bodies, Venker-Van Hangen AJ: Diseases of the larynx, Vet Clin North Am
or excessive barking. Small Anim Pract 22:1155, 1992.
C H A P T E R 1 7

Diagnostic Tests for the

Larynx and Pharynx

sound waves, accurate assessment o f this area can be diffi

cult. Nevertheless, ultrasonography was found to be useful
i n the diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis i n dogs (Rudorf et al.,
2001). Localization o f mass lesions and guidance o f needle
aspiration can also be performed.
C o m p u t e d tomography or magnetic resonance imaging
can be performed i n patients w i t h mass lesions to better
determine extent o f disease.
Radiographs of the pharynx and larynx should be evaluated PHARYNGOSCOPY
in animals with suspected upper airway disease (Figs. 17-1
and 17-2). They are particularly useful i n identifying radio- Laryngoscopy and pharyngoscopy allow visualization of the
dense foreign bodies such as needles, w h i c h can be embedded larynx and pharynx for assessment o f structural abnormali
in tissues and may be difficult to find during laryngoscopy, ties and laryngeal function. The procedures are indicated i n
and adjacent bony changes. Soft tissue masses and soft palate any dog or cat w i t h clinical signs that suggest upper airway
abnormalities may be seen, but apparent abnormal opacities obstruction or laryngeal or pharyngeal disease. It should
are often misleading, particularly i f there is any rotation o f be noted that patients w i t h increased respiratory efforts
the head and neck, and overt abnormalities are often not resulting from upper airway obstruction might have diffi
identified. A b n o r m a l soft tissue opacities or narrowing o f the culty d u r i n g recovery from anesthesia. For a period of time
airway lumen identified radiographically must be confirmed between removal of the endotracheal tube and full recovery
with laryngoscopy or endoscopy and biopsy. Laryngeal paraly of neuromuscular function, the patient may be unable to
sis cannot be detected radiographically. maintain an open airway. Therefore laryngoscopy should not
A lateral view o f the larynx, caudal nasopharynx, and be undertaken in these patients unless the clinician is prepared
cranial cervical trachea is usually obtained. The vertebral to perform whatever surgical treatments may be indicated
column interferes with airway evaluation o n dorsoventral or during the same anesthetic period.
ventrodorsal ( V D ) projections. In animals w i t h abnormal The animal is placed i n sternal recumbency. Anesthesia is
opacities identified o n the lateral view, a V D or oblique view induced and maintained w i t h a short-acting injectable agent
may confirm the existence o f the abnormality and allow without p r i o r sedation. Propofol, sodium thiopental, or
further localization o f it. W h e n radiographs o f the laryngeal s o d i u m thiamylal is c o m m o n l y used. Depth o f anesthesia is
area are obtained, the head is held w i t h the neck slightly carefully titrated, w i t h just enough drug administered to
extended. Padding under the neck and around the head may allow visualization of the laryngeal cartilages; some jaw tone
be needed to avoid rotation. Radiodense foreign bodies are is maintained, and spontaneous deep respirations occur.
readily identified. Soft tissue masses that are w i t h i n the Gauze is passed under the maxilla b e h i n d the canine teeth,
airway or that distort the airway are apparent i n some and the head is elevated by hand or by tying the gauze to a
animals with neoplasia, granulomas, abscesses, or polyps, stand (Fig. 17-3). This positioning avoids external compres
and elongated soft palate is sometimes detectable. sion of the neck. Retraction o f the tongue w i t h a gauze
Ultrasonography provides another noninvasive imaging sponge should allow visualization o f the caudal pharynx and
modality for evaluating the pharynx and larynx, and laryn larynx. A laryngoscope is also helpful i n i l l u m i n a t i n g this
geal motion can be assessed. Because air interferes w i t h region and enhancing visualization.
FIG 1 7 - 1
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of the neck, l a r y n x , a n d p h a r y n x
s h o w i n g n o r m a l a n a t o m y . N o t e that the patient's h e a d a n d
neck a r e not rotated. Excellent v i s u a l i z a t i o n of the soft
palate a n d epiglottis a r e p o s s i b l e . Images o b t a i n e d from
p o o r l y p o s i t i o n e d patients often result in the a p p e a r a n c e of FIG 1 7 - 3
" l e s i o n s " such a s masses or a b n o r m a l soft palate b e c a u s e D o g positioned with the h e a d held off the table b y g a u z e
normal structures a r e c a p t u r e d at a n o b l i q u e a n g l e o r a r e p a s s e d a r o u n d the m a x i l l a a n d hung from a n intravenous
s u p e r i m p o s e d o n o n e another. p o l e . The tongue is pulled out, a n d a l a r y n g o s c o p e is
used to v i s u a l i z e the p h a r y n g e a l a n a t o m y a n d l a r y n g e a l

inspiration and close o n expiration (Fig. 17-4). Laryngeal

paralysis resulting i n clinical signs is usually bilateral. The
cartilages are not abducted during inspiration. In fact, they
may be passively forced outward during expiration and/or
sucked inward d u r i n g inspiration, resulting i n paradoxical
If the patient fails to take deep breaths, doxapram hydro
chloride (1.1-2.2 mg/kg, administered intravenously) can be
given to stimulate breathing. In a study by Tobias et al.
(2004), none o f the potential systemic side effects of the drug
were noted, but some dogs required intubation when
increased breathing efforts resulted i n significant obstruc
tion to airflow at the larynx.
If no laryngeal m o t i o n is observed, examination o f the
arytenoid cartilages should be continued as long as possible
while the animal recovers from anesthesia. Effects of anes
thesia and shallow breathing are the most c o m m o n causes
for an erroneous diagnosis o f laryngeal paralysis.
FIG 1 7 - 2 After evaluation o f laryngeal function, the plane of anes
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g with a neck mass s h o w i n g thesia is deepened and the caudal pharynx and larynx are
m a r k e d d i s p l a c e m e n t of the l a r y n x .
thoroughly evaluated for structural abnormalities, foreign
bodies, or mass lesions; appropriate diagnostic samples
The m o t i o n of the arytenoid cartilages is evaluated while should be obtained for histopathologic analysis and perhaps
the patient takes several deep breaths. A n assistant is needed culture. The length o f the soft palate should be assessed. The
to verbally report the onset o f each inspiration and expira soft palate normally extends to the tip o f the epiglottis during
tion by observing chest wall movements. N o r m a l l y the ary inhalation. A n elongated soft palate can contribute to signs
tenoid cartilages abduct symmetrically and widely w i t h each of upper airway obstruction.
Neoplasia, granulomas, abscesses, or other masses can
occur w i t h i n or external to the larynx or pharynx, causing
compression or deviation o f n o r m a l structures or both.
Severe, diffuse thickening o f the laryngeal mucosa can be
caused by infiltrative neoplasia or obstructive laryngitis.
Biopsy specimens for histologic examination should be
obtained from any lesions to establish an accurate diagnosis
because the prognoses for these diseases are quite different.
The n o r m a l diverse flora o f the pharynx makes culture
results difficult or impossible to interpret. Bacterial growth
from abscess fluid or tissue obtained from granulomatous
lesions may represent infection.
Obliteration o f most o f the airway l u m e n by surround
ing mucosa is k n o w n as laryngeal collapse. W i t h prolonged
upper airway obstruction, the soft tissues are sucked into
the lumen by the increased negative pressure created as the
dog or cat struggles to get air into its lungs. Eversion o f the
laryngeal saccules, thickening and elongation of the soft
palate, and inflammation w i t h thickening o f the pharyngeal
mucosa can occur. The laryngeal cartilages can become soft
and deformed, unable to support the soft tissues o f the
pharynx. It is unclear whether this chondromalacia is a con
current or secondary component o f laryngeal collapse. C o l
lapse most often occurs i n dogs w i t h brachycephalic airway
syndrome but can also occur w i t h any chronic obstructive
The trachea should be examined radiographically or visu
ally w i t h an endoscope i f abnormalities are not identified o n
laryngoscopy i n the dog or cat w i t h signs of upper airway
obstruction. For these animals, the laryngeal cartilages can
be held open w i t h an endotracheal tube for a cursory exam
FIG 1 7 - 4 ination o f the proximal trachea at the time o f laryngoscopy
C a n i n e larynx. A , D u r i n g i n s p i r a t i o n , a r y t e n o i d c a r t i l a g e s i f an endoscope is not available.
and v o c a l folds a r e a b d u c t e d , resulting in w i d e symmetric
opening to t r a c h e a . B , D u r i n g e x p i r a t i o n , c a r t i l a g e s a n d
Suggested Readings
vocal folds nearly c l o s e the glottis.
Rudorf H et al: The role of ultrasound in the assessment of
laryngeal paralysis in the dog, Vet Radiol Ultrasound 42:338,
As described i n Chapter 14, the caudal nasopharynx 2001.
should be evaluated for nasopharyngeal polyps, mass lesions, Tobias K M et al: Effects of doxapram HC1 on laryngeal function of
normal dogs and dogs with naturally occurring laryngeal paraly
and foreign bodies. Needles or other sharp objects may be
sis, Vet Anaesthesia and Analgesia 31:258, 2004.
buried i n tissue, and careful visual examination and palpa
tion are required for detection.
C H A P T E R 18

Disorders of the Larynx

and Pharynx

Clinical Features
Laryngeal paralysis can occur at any age and i n any breed,
LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS although the idiopathic form is most c o m m o n l y seen i n
BRACHYCEPHALIC AIRWAY SYNDROME older large-breed dogs. Clinical signs of respiratory distress
OBSTRUCTIVE LARYNGITIS and stridor are a direct result of narrowing of the airway at
LARYNGEAL NEOPLASIA the arytenoid cartilages and vocal folds. The owner may also
note a change i n voice (i.e., bark or meow). Most patients
are presented for acute respiratory distress, i n spite of the
chronic, progressive nature of this disease. Decompensation
LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS is frequently a result of exercise, excitement, or high environ
mental temperatures, resulting i n a cycle o f increased respi-
Laryngeal paralysis refers to a failure o f the arytenoid carti
lages to abduct d u r i n g inspiration, creating extrathoracic
(upper) airway obstruction. The abductor muscles are inner BOX 1 8-
vated by the left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves. If
Potential Causes o f Laryngeal Paralysis
clinical signs develop, both arytenoid cartilages are usually
affected. Idiopathic
Ventral Cervical Lesion
Trauma to nerves
Potential causes o f laryngeal paralysis are listed i n Box 18-1.
Direct trauma
Laryngeal paralysis is most often idiopathic. Trauma or neo
plasia involving the ventral neck can damage the recurrent Fibrosis
laryngeal nerves directly or through inflammation and scar Neoplasia
ring. Masses or trauma involving the anterior thoracic cavity O t h e r inflammatory o r mass lesion
can also cause damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerves as
Anterior Thoracic Lesion
they course around the subclavian artery (right side) or
ligamentum arteriosum (left side). Dogs w i t h polyneuropa Neoplasia
thy-polymyopathy can be presented w i t h laryngeal paralysis Trauma
as the predominant clinical sign. Polyneuropathies i n turn Postoperative
have been associated w i t h immune-mediated diseases, endo
O t h e r inflammatory o r mass lesion
crinopathies, or other systemic disorders (see Chapter 71).
Congenital laryngeal paralysis has been documented i n the Polyneuropathy and Polymyopathy
Bouvier des Flandres and is suspected i n Siberian Huskies Idiopathic
and Bull Terriers. A laryngeal paralysis-polyneuropathy Immune m e d i a t e d
complex has been described i n young Dalmations, Rott Endocrinopathy
weilers, and Great Pyrenees. Anecdotally, there may be an Hypothyroidism
increasing incidence o f idiopathic laryngeal paralysis i n O t h e r systemic d i s o r d e r
older G o l d e n and Labrador Retrievers, and i n one study 47 Toxicity
of 140 dogs (34%) w i t h laryngeal paralysis were Labrador Congenital disease
Retrievers ( M a c P h a i l et al., 2001). Laryngeal paralysis is Myasthenia gravis
u n c o m m o n i n cats.
ratory efforts; increased negative airway pressures, w h i c h
BOX 1 8-2
suck the soft tissue into the airway; and pharyngeal edema
and inflammation, which lead to further increased respira Diagnostic Evaluation of Dogs and Cats with Confirmed
tory efforts. Cyanosis, syncope, and death can occur. Dogs Laryngeal Paralysis
with respiratory distress require immediate emergency
Underlying Cause
Some dogs w i t h laryngeal paralysis exhibit gagging or Thoracic radiographs
coughing w i t h eating or have overt aspiration pneumonia, Cervical radiographs
presumably resulting from concurrent pharyngeal dysfunc Serum biochemical panel
Thyroid hormone evaluation
tion or a more generalized polyneuropathy-polymyopathy.
Ancillary tests in select cases
Diagnosis Evaluation for polyneuropathy-polymyopathy
A definitive diagnosis o f laryngeal paralysis is made through
Nerve conduction measurements
laryngoscopy (see p. 239). Movement o f the arytenoid carti Antinuclear antibody test
lages is observed during a light plane o f anesthesia while the Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody test
patient is taking deep breaths. In laryngeal paralysis the ary
tenoid cartilages and vocal folds remain closed d u r i n g inspi Concurrent Pulmonary Disease

ration and open slightly during expiration. The larynx does Thoracic radiographs
not exhibit the n o r m a l coordinated movement associated
Concurrent Pharyngeal Dysfunction
with breathing, opening o n inspiration and closing o n expi
Evaluation of gag reflex
ration. Additional laryngoscopic findings may include pha
Observation of patient swallowing food and water
ryngeal edema and inflammation. The larynx and pharynx
Fluoroscopic observation of barium swallow
are also examined for neoplasia, foreign bodies, or other
diseases that might interfere w i t h n o r m a l function and for Concurrent Esophageal Dysfunction
laryngeal collapse (see p. 241). Thoracic radiographs
Once a diagnosis o f laryngeal paralysis is established, Contrast-enhanced esophagram
additional diagnostic tests should be considered to identify Fluoroscopic observation of barium swallow
underlying or associated diseases, to rule out concurrent
pulmonary problems (e.g., aspiration pneumonia) that may
be contributing to the clinical signs, and to rule out concur
rent pharyngeal and esophageal motility problems (Box
18-2). The latter is especially important i f surgical correction coids (e.g., prednisone, 0.5 mg/kg given orally q l 2 h initially)
for the treatment o f laryngeal paralysis is being considered. and cage rest may reduce secondary inflammation and
If the diagnostic tests fail to identify a cause, idiopathic edema o f the pharynx and larynx and enhance airflow.
laryngeal paralysis is diagnosed.
Treatment The overall prognosis for dogs w i t h laryngeal paralysis
In animals with respiratory distress, emergency medical treated surgically is fair to good. A s many as 90% o f owners
therapy to relieve upper airway obstruction is indicated (see of dogs w i t h laryngeal paralysis that underwent unilateral
Chapter 26). Following stabilization and a thorough diag arytenoid lateralization consider the procedure successful 1
nostic evaluation, surgery is usually the treatment o f choice. year or longer after surgery (White, 1989; H a m m e l et al.,
Even when specific therapy can be directed at an associated 2006). M a c P h a i l et al. (2001) reported a median survival
disease (e.g., hypothyroidism), complete resolution o f c l i n i time o f 1800 days (nearly 5 years) for 140 dogs that under
cal signs of laryngeal paralysis is rarely seen. Also, most cases went various surgical procedures, although the mortality
are idiopathic, and signs are generally progressive. rate from postoperative complications was high at 14%. The
Various laryngoplasty techniques have been described, most c o m m o n complication is aspiration pneumonia. A
including arytenoid lateralization (tie-back) procedures, guarded prognosis is warranted for patients w i t h signs o f
partial laryngectomy, and castellated laryngoplasty. The goal aspiration, dysphagia, megaesophagus, or systemic polyneu
of surgery is to provide an adequate opening for the flow o f ropathy or polymyopathy. Dogs w i t h laryngeal paralysis as
air but not one so large that the animal is predisposed to an early manifestation o f generalized polyneuropathy or
aspiration and the development o f pneumonia. Several oper polymyopathy may have progression o f signs.
ations to gradually enlarge the glottis may be necessary to
minimize the chance o f subsequent aspiration. The recom
mended initial procedure for most dogs and cats is unilateral BRACHYCEPHAUC AIRWAY SYNDROME
arytenoid lateralization.
If surgery is not an option, medical management consist The term brachycephalic airway syndrome, or upper airway
ing o f antiinflammatory doses o f short-acting glucocorti- obstruction syndrome, refers to the multiple anatomic abnor-
obstruction, including l o u d breathing sounds, stertor,
increased inspiratory efforts, cyanosis, and syncope. Clinical
signs are exacerbated by exercise, excitement, and high envi
ronmental temperatures. The increased inspiratory effort
c o m m o n l y associated w i t h this syndrome may cause second
ary edema and inflammation o f the laryngeal and pharyn
geal mucosae and enhance eversion o f the laryngeal saccules
or laryngeal collapse, further narrowing the glottis, exacer
bating the clinical signs, and creating a vicious cycle. As a
result, some dogs may be presented w i t h life-threatening
upper airway obstruction that requires immediate emer
gency therapy. Concurrent gastrointestinal signs are c o m
m o n l y reported.

A tentative diagnosis is made o n the basis o f the breed,
clinical signs, and the appearance of the external nares (Fig.
18-2). Stenotic nares are generally bilaterally symmetric, and
the alar folds may be sucked inward during inspiration,
thereby worsening the obstruction to airflow. Laryngoscopy
(see Chapter 17) and radiographic evaluation o f the trachea
(see Chapter 20) are necessary to fully assess the extent and
severity of abnormalities. Most other causes o f upper airway
obstruction (see Chapter 26, and Boxes 16-1 and 16-2) can
also be ruled i n or out o n the basis of the results of these
diagnostic tests.

Therapy should be designed to enhance the passage of air
FIG 18-1
through the upper airways and to m i n i m i z e the factors
T w o B u l l d o g p u p p i e s (A) a n d a Boston Terrier (B) with
that exacerbate the clinical signs (e.g., excessive exercise and
b r a c h y c e p h a l i c a i r w a y s y n d r o m e . A b n o r m a l i t i e s c a n include
stenotic n a r e s , e l o n g a t e d soft p a l a t e , e v e r t e d l a r y n g e a l excitement, overheating). Surgical correction of the ana
saccules, laryngeal collapse, a n d hypoplastic trachea. tomic defects is the treatment o f choice. The specific surgical
procedure selected depends o n the nature of the existing
problems and can include widening o f the external nares
malities c o m m o n l y found i n brachycephalic dogs and, to a and removal o f excessive soft palate and everted laryngeal
lesser extent, i n short-faced cats such as Himalayans. The saccules.
predominant anatomic abnormalities include stenotic nares, Correction o f stenotic nares is a simple procedure and
elongated soft palate, and, i n Bulldogs, hypoplastic trachea. can lead to a surprising alleviation of the signs i n affected
Prolonged upper airway obstruction resulting i n increased patients. Stenotic nares can be safely corrected at 3 to 4
inspiratory efforts may lead to eversion o f the laryngeal sac months of age, ideally before clinical signs develop. The soft
cules and, ultimately, laryngeal collapse. The severity o f these palate should be evaluated at the same time and also cor
abnormalities varies, and one or any combination o f these rected i f elongated. Such early relief o f obstruction should
abnormalities may be present i n any given brachycephalic decrease the amount o f negative pressure placed on the pha
dog or short-faced cat (Fig. 18-1). ryngeal and laryngeal structures during inspiration and
Concurrent gastrointestinal signs such as ptyalism, regur decrease progression o f disease.
gitation, and v o m i t i n g are c o m m o n i n dogs w i t h brachyce Medical management consisting of the administration of
phalic airway syndrome (Poncet et al., 2005) U n d e r l y i n g short-acting glucocorticoids (e.g., prednisone, 0.5 mg/kg
gastrointestinal disease may be a concurrent problem i n given orally q l 2 h initially) and cage rest may reduce the
these breeds o f dogs or may result from or be exacerbated secondary inflammation and edema of the pharynx and
by the increased intrathoracic pressures generated i n response larynx and enhance airflow, but it w i l l not eliminate the
to the upper airway obstruction. problem. Emergency therapy may be required to alleviate the
upper airway obstruction i n animals presenting i n respira
Clinical Features tory distress (see Chapter 26).
The abnormalities associated w i t h the brachycephalic airway Weight management and concurrent treatment for gas
syndrome impair the flow o f air through the extrathoracic trointestinal disease should not be neglected i n patients with
(upper) airways and cause clinical signs o f upper airway brachycephalic airway syndrome.
but is differentiated from neoplasia o n the basis o f the
histopathologic evaluation o f biopsy specimens. Inflamma
tory infiltrates can be granulomatous, pyogranulomatous,
or lymphocytic-plasmacytic. Etiologic agents have not been
This syndrome is poorly characterized and probably
includes several different diseases. Some animals respond to
glucocorticoid therapy. Prednisone or prednisolone (1.0 m g /
kg given orally q l 2 h ) is used initially. Once the clinical signs
have resolved, the dose o f prednisone can be tapered to the
lowest amount that effectively maintains remission o f clini
cal signs. Conservative excision o f the tissue obstructing the
airway may be necessary i n animals w i t h severe signs o f
upper airway obstruction or large granulomatous masses.
The prognosis varies, depending o n the size o f the lesion,
the severity o f laryngeal damage, and the responsiveness o f
the lesion to glucocorticoid therapy.

Neoplasms originating from the larynx are u n c o m m o n i n
dogs and cats. M o r e commonly, tumors originating i n tissues
adjacent to the larynx, such as thyroid carcinoma and l y m
phoma, compress or invade the larynx and distort n o r m a l
laryngeal structures. C l i n i c a l signs o f extrathoracic (upper)
FIG 1 8 - 2
C a t with severely stenotic nares (A), a s c o m p a r e d with the airway obstruction result. Laryngeal tumors include carci
nares of a normal c a t (B). Early c o r r e c t i o n of stenotic nares n o m a (squamous cell, undifferentiated, and adenocarci
a n d other a m e n a b l e u p p e r a i r w a y obstructions, such a s a n noma), l y m p h o m a , melanoma, mast cell tumors and other
e l o n g a t e d soft p a l a t e , is highly r e c o m m e n d e d . sarcomas, and benign neoplasia. L y m p h o m a is the most
c o m m o n tumor i n cats.

Clinical Features
Prognosis The clinical signs o f laryngeal neoplasia are similar to those
The prognosis depends o n the severity o f the abnormalities of other laryngeal diseases and include noisy respiration,
at the time of diagnosis and the ability to surgically correct stridor, increased inspiratory efforts, cyanosis, syncope, and
them. The clinical signs w i l l progressively worsen i f the a change i n bark or meow. Mass lesions can also cause con
underlying problems go uncorrected. The prognosis after current dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, or visible or pal
early surgical correction of the abnormalities is good for pable masses i n the ventral neck.
many animals. Laryngeal collapse (see p. 241) is generally
considered a poor prognostic indicator, although a recent Diagnosis
study demonstrated that even dogs w i t h severe laryngeal Extralaryngeal mass lesions are often identified by palpation
collapse can respond well to surgical intervention (Torrez et of the neck. P r i m a r y laryngeal tumors are rarely palpable
al., 2006). Permanent tracheostomy can be considered as a and are best identified by laryngoscopy. Laryngeal radio
salvage procedure i n animals w i t h severe collapse that are graphs, ultrasonography, or computed tomography can be
not responsive. A hypoplastic trachea is not surgically cor useful i n assessing the extent o f disease. Differential diagno
rectable, but there is no clear relationship between the degree ses include obstructive laryngitis, nasopharyngeal polyp,
of hypoplasia and morbidity or mortality. foreign body, traumatic granuloma, and abscess. For a defin
itive diagnosis o f neoplasia to be made, histologic examina
tion o f a biopsy specimen o f the mass must be done. A
OBSTRUCTIVE LARYNGITIS diagnosis o f malignant neoplasia should not be made o n the
basis o f the gross appearance alone.
Nonneoplastic infiltration of the larynx w i t h inflam
matory cells can occur i n dogs and cats, causing irregular Treatment
proliferation, hyperemia, and swelling of the larynx. The therapy used depends o n the type o f t u m o r identified
Clinical signs of an upper airway obstruction result. The histologically. Benign tumors should be excised surgically, i f
larynx may appear grossly neoplastic during laryngoscopy possible. Complete surgical excision o f malignant tumors is
rarely possible, although ventilation may be improved and Hendricks JC: Brachycephalic airway syndrome, Vet Clin North Am
time may be gained to allow other treatments such as radia Small Anim Pract 22:1145, 1992.
tion or chemotherapy to become effective. Complete laryn lakubiak MJ et al: Laryngeal, laryngotracheal, and tracheal masses
gectomy and permanent tracheostomy may be considered i n in cats: 27 cases (1998-2003), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 41:310,
select animals.
MacPhail C M et al: Outcome of and postoperative complica
tions in dogs undergoing surgical treatment of laryngeal par
alysis: 140 cases (1985-1998), / Am Vet Med Assoc 218:1949,
The prognosis i n animals with benign tumors is excellent i f 2001.
the tumors can be totally resected. Malignant neoplasms are Mahony O M et al: Laryngeal paralysis-polyneuropathy complex in
associated with a poor prognosis. young Rottweilers, / Vet Intern Med 12:330, 1998.
Poncet C M et al: Prevalence of gastrointestinal tract lesions in 73
Suggested Readings brachycephalic dogs with upper respiratory syndrome, / Small
Braund K G et al: Laryngeal paralysis-polyneuropathy complex in Anim Pract 46:273, 2005.
young Dalmatians, Am J Vet Res 55:534, 1994. Riecks T W et al: Surgical correction of brachycephalic airway
Burbridge H M : A review of laryngeal paralysis in dogs, Br Vet J syndrome in dogs: 62 cases (1991-2004), J Am Vet Med Assoc
151:71, 1995. 230:1324, 2007.
Costello M F et al: Acute upper airway obstruction due to laryngeal Schachter S et al: Laryngeal paralysis in cats: 16 cases (1990-1999),
disease in 5 cats, Vet Emerg Crit Care 11:205, 2001. J Am Vet Med Assoc 216:1100, 2000.
Gabriel A et al: Laryngeal paralysis-polyneuropathy complex Torrez C V et al: Results of surgical correction of abnormalities
in young related Pyrenean mountain dogs, / Small Anim Pract associated with brachycephalic airway syndrome in dogs in
47:144, 2006. Australia, / Small Anim Pract 47:150, 2006.
Hammel SP et al: Postoperative results of unilateral arytenoid lat White RAS: Unilateral arytenoid lateralisation: an assessment
eralization for treatment of idiopathic laryngeal paralysis in of technique and long term results in 62 dogs with laryngeal
dogs: 39 cases (1996-2002),} Am Vet Med Assoc 228:1215, 2006. paralysis, / Small Anim Pract 30:543, 1989.
C H A P T E R 19

Clinical Manifestations
of Lower Respiratory
Tract Disorders

Classically, differential diagnoses for cough are divided

into those that cause productive cough and those that cause
nonproductive cough. A productive cough results i n the
delivery o f mucus, exudate, edema fluid, or b l o o d from the
airways into the oral cavity. A moist sound can often be
Exercise Intolerance and Respiratory Distress
heard during the cough. A n i m a l s rarely expectorate the fluid,
but swallowing can be seen after a coughing episode. If
expectoration occurs, clients may confuse the cough w i t h
Initial Diagnostic Evaluation
vomiting. In h u m a n medicine, categorizing cough as pro
Pulmonary Specimens and Specific Disease Testing
ductive or nonproductive is rarely difficult because the
patient can report the coughing up o f secretions. In veteri
nary medicine, recognition o f a productive cough is more
CLINICAL SIGNS difficult. If the owner or veterinarian has heard or seen evi
dence that the cough is productive, it usually is. However, not
In this discussion, the term lower respiratory tract disorders hearing or seeing evidence of productivity does not rule out the
refers to diseases of the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, possibility of its presence. Productive coughs are most c o m
interstitium, and vasculature o f the lung (Box 19-1). Dogs m o n l y caused by inflammatory or infectious diseases of the
and cats with diseases o f the lower respiratory tract are c o m airways or alveoli and by heart failure (Box 19-2).

monly seen for evaluation o f cough. Lower respiratory tract Hemoptysis is the coughing up o f b l o o d . Blood-tinged
diseases that interfere with the oxygenation o f b l o o d can saliva may be observed w i t h i n the oral cavity or dripping
result i n respiratory distress, exercise intolerance, weakness, from the commissures o f the m o u t h after a cough. H e m o p
cyanosis, or syncope. Nonlocalizing signs such as fever, tysis is an unusual clinical sign that most c o m m o n l y occurs
anorexia, weight loss, and depression also occur and are the in animals w i t h heartworm disease or pulmonary neoplasia.
only presenting sign i n some animals. In rare instances, Less c o m m o n causes o f hemoptysis are mycotic infections,
potentially misleading signs, such as vomiting, can occur i n foreign bodies, severe congestive heart failure, thromboem
animals with lower respiratory tract disease. Auscultation bolic disease, l u n g lobe torsion, and some systemic bleeding
and thoracic radiography help localize the disease to the disorders such as disseminated intravascular coagulation
lower respiratory tract i n these animals. The two major pre (see B o x 19-2).
senting signs i n animals with lower respiratory tract disease, Intensity o f cough is useful i n prioritizing the differential
cough and respiratory distress, can be further characterized diagnoses. C o u g h associated with airway inflammation (i.e.,
by a careful history and physical examination. bronchitis) or large airway collapse is often l o u d , harsh, and
paroxysmal. The cough associated with tracheal collapse is
COUGH often described as a "goose-honk." C o u g h resulting from
A cough is an explosive release of air from the lungs through tracheal disease can usually be induced by palpation o f the
the mouth. It is generally a protective reflex to expel material trachea, although the concurrent involvement o f deeper
from the airways, although inflammation or compression of airways is possible. C o u g h associated w i t h pneumonias and
the airways can also stimulate cough. C o u g h is sometimes p u l m o n a r y edema is usually soft.
caused by disease outside of the lower respiratory tract. Chy The association o f coughing with temporal events can be
lothorax can cause cough. A l t h o u g h not well documented i n helpful. C o u g h resulting from tracheal disease is exacerbated
dogs or cats, gastroesophageal reflux and postnasal drip are by pressure o n the neck, such as pulling o n the animal's
common causes of cough i n people. collar. C o u g h caused by heart failure tends to occur more
BOX 19-1

Differential Diagnoses for Lower Respiratory Tract Disease in Dogs and Cats

Disorders of the Trachea a n d Bronchi

Bacterial pneumonia
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis Protozoal pneumonia
Canine chronic bronchitis Toxoplasmosis
Collapsing trachea Fungal pneumonia
Feline bronchitis (idiopathic) Blastomycosis
Allergic bronchitis Histoplasmosis
Bacterial and Mycoplasmal infections Coccidioidomycosis
Oslerus osleri infection Parasitic disease
Neoplasia Heartworm disease
Foreign body Pulmonary parasites
Tracheal tear Paragonimus infection
Bronchial compression Aelurostrongylus infection
Left atrial enlargement Capillaria infection
Hilar lymphadenopathy Crenosoma infection
Neoplasia Aspiration pneumonia
Eosinophilic lung disease
Disorders of the Pulmonary Parenchyma and Vasculature Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias
Infectious diseases Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Viral pneumonias Pulmonary neoplasia
Canine influenza Pulmonary contusions
Canine distemper Pulmonary hypertension
Calicivirus Pulmonary thromboembolism
Feline infectious peritonitis Pulmonary edema

frequently at night, whereas cough caused by airway inflam cats have m i n i m a l l y visible respiratory efforts. Cats that
m a t i o n (bronchitis) tends to occur more frequently u p o n show noticeable chest excursions or open-mouth breathing
rising from sleep or d u r i n g and after exercise or exposure to are severely compromised. Patients i n overt distress require
cold air. The client's perception o f frequency may be biased rapid physical assessment and immediate stabilization before
by the times o f day d u r i n g w h i c h they have the most contact further diagnostic testing, as discussed i n Chapter 26.
w i t h their pets, often i n the evenings and during exercise.
Surprisingly, cats w i t h many o f the disorders listed i n B o x Resting Respiratory Rate
19-2 do not cough. In cats that cough, the index o f suspicion Resting respiratory rate can be used as an indicator of p u l
for bronchitis, l u n g parasites, and heartworm disease is monary function i n patients that are not yet i n respiratory
high. distress. The measurement is ideally made at home by the
owner, w h i c h spares the patient the stress of the veterinary
EXERCISE INTOLERANCE AND hospital. The n o r m a l respiratory rate o f a dog or cat without
RESPIRATORY DISTRESS stress, at rest, is less than 20 respirations per minute. A rate
Diseases o f the lower respiratory tract can compromise the of up to 30 respirations per minute is generally considered
lung's function o f oxygenating the b l o o d through a variety n o r m a l during a routine physical examination.
of mechanisms (see the section o n b l o o d gas analysis i n
Chapter 20). C l i n i c a l signs o f such compromise begin as Mucous Membrane Color
m i l d l y increased respirations and subtly decreased activity Cyanosis, i n w h i c h n o r m a l l y p i n k mucous membranes are
and progress through exercise intolerance (manifested as bluish, is a sign o f severe hypoxemia and indicates that the
reluctance to exercise or respiratory distress w i t h exertion) increased respiratory effort is not sufficiently compensating
to overt respiratory distress at rest. Because o f compensatory for the degree o f respiratory dysfunction. Pallor of mucous
mechanisms, the ability of most pets to self-regulate their membranes is a more c o m m o n sign o f acute hypoxemia
activity, and the inability o f pets to communicate, many resulting from respiratory disease.
veterinary patients w i t h c o m p r o m i s e d l u n g function arrive
i n overt respiratory distress. Dogs i n overt distress w i l l often Breathing Pattern
stand w i t h their neck extended and elbows abducted. M o v e Patients i n respiratory distress resulting from diseases of the
ments of the abdominal muscles may be exaggerated. Healthy lower respiratory tract, excluding the large airways, typically
Physical Examination
BOX 19-2 Measurement o f respiratory rate, assessment o f mucous
membrane color, and observation o f the breathing pattern
Differential Diagnoses for Productive C o u g h * i n Dogs
were described i n the previous sections. A complete physical
and Cats
examination, i n c l u d i n g a fundic examination, is warranted
Edema to identify signs o f disease that may be concurrently or sec

Heart failure ondarily affecting the lungs (e.g., systemic mycoses, meta
Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema static neoplasia, megaesophagus). The cardiovascular system
should be carefully evaluated. M i t r a l insufficiency m u r m u r s
Mucus or Exudate are frequently auscultated i n older small-breed dogs brought
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis to the clinician w i t h the primary complaint o f cough. M i t r a l
Canine chronic bronchitis insufficiency is often an incidental finding, but the clinician
Feline bronchitis (idiopathic) must consider both cardiac and respiratory tract diseases as
Allergic bronchitis
differential diagnoses i n these animals. M i t r a l insufficiency
Bacterial infection (bronchitis or pneumonia)
can lead to left atrial enlargement w i t h compression o f
Parasitic disease
the mainstem b r o n c h i , causing cough, or to congestive heart
Aspiration pneumonia
Fungal pneumonia (severe) failure. Dogs i n congestive heart failure are nearly always
tachycardic, and any cough is usually soft. Other signs o f
Blood (Hemoptysis) heart disease include prolonged capillary refill time, weak or
Heartworm disease irregular pulses, abnormal jugular pulses, ascites or subcuta
Neoplasia neous edema, gallop rhythms, and pulse deficits. Thoracic
Fungal pneumonia radiographs and occasionally echocardiography may be
Thromboembolism needed before cardiac problems can be comfortably ruled
Severe heart failure out as a cause o f lower respiratory tract signs.
Foreign body
Thoracic auscultation. Careful auscultation o f the
Lung lobe torsion
upper airways and lungs is a critical component o f the phys
Systemic bleeding disorder
ical examination i n dogs and cats w i t h respiratory tract

* Because it can be difficult to determine the productive nature

signs. Auscultation should be performed i n a quiet location
of a cough in veterinary medicine, these differential diagnoses w i t h the animal calm. Panting and p u r r i n g do not result i n
should also be considered in patients with nonproductive cough. deep inspiration, precluding evaluation o f lung sounds. The
Diseases of the lower respiratory tract disease most often heart and upper airways should be auscultated first. The
associated with cough in cats. C o u g h in cats is rarely identified as
clinician can then mentally subtract the contribution o f
these sounds from the sounds auscultated over the lung
have rapid and often shallow respirations; increased expira Initially, the stethoscope is placed over the trachea near
tory or inspiratory efforts, or both; and abnormal l u n g the larynx (Fig. 19-1). Discontinuous snoring or snorting
sounds o n auscultation. Patients w i t h intrathoracic large sounds can be referred from the nasal cavity and pharynx as
airway obstruction (intrathoracic trachea and/or large a result o f obstructions stemming from structural abnor
bronchi) generally have n o r m a l to slightly increased respira malities, such as an elongated soft palate or mass lesions, and
tory rate; prolonged, labored expiration; and audible or aus excessive mucus or exudate. Wheezes, which are continuous
cultable expiratory sounds (see Chapter 26). high-pitched sounds, occur i n animals with obstructive
laryngeal conditions, such as laryngeal paralysis, neoplasia,
inflammation, and foreign bodies. Discontinuous snoring
DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH TO DOGS sounds and wheezes are k n o w n as stertor and stridor, respec
AND CATS WITH LOWER RESPIRATORY tively, when they can be heard without a stethoscope. The
TRACT DISEASE entire cervical trachea is then auscultated for areas o f h i g h -
pitched sounds caused by localized airway narrowing. Several
INITIAL DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION breaths are auscultated with the stethoscope i n each position,
The initial diagnostic evaluation of dogs or cats w i t h signs and the phase o f respiration i n w h i c h abnormal sounds
of lower respiratory tract disease includes a complete history, occur is noted. A b n o r m a l sounds resulting from extratho
physical examination, thoracic radiographs, and complete racic disease are generally loudest d u r i n g inspiration.
blood count ( C B C ) . Further diagnostic tests are selected o n The lungs are auscultated next. N o r m a l l y , the lungs extend
the basis of information obtained from these procedures; cranially to the thoracic inlet and caudally to about the
these include the evaluation of specimens collected from the seventh rib ventrally along the sternum and to approximately
lower respiratory tract, tests for specific diseases, and arterial the n i n t h intercostal space dorsally along the spine (see Fig.
blood gas analysis. Historical information was discussed i n 19-1). The cranioventral, central, and dorsal l u n g fields o n
previous paragraphs. both the left and right sides are auscultated systematically.
nia, bronchitis) and some interstitial pneumonias, particu
larly interstitial fibrosis, can result i n crackles. Wheezes are
musical, continuous sounds that indicate the presence of
airway narrowing. N a r r o w i n g can occur as a result o f bron
choconstriction, bronchial wall thickening, exudate or fluid
within the bronchial lumen, intraluminal masses, or external
airway compression. They are most c o m m o n l y heard i n cats
with bronchitis. Wheezes caused by an intrathoracic airway
obstruction are loudest during early expiration. Sudden
snapping at the end o f expiration can be heard i n some dogs
w i t h intrathoracic tracheal collapse.

Thoracic radiographs are indicated i n dogs and cats with
lower respiratory tract signs. Neck radiographs should also
be obtained i n animals with suspected tracheal disease. Radi
FIG 1 9 - 1
ography is perhaps the single most helpful diagnostic tool i n
Auscultation of the respiratory tract b e g i n s with the stetho
s c o p e positioned over the t r a c h e a (stethoscope position (1)). the evaluation o f dogs and cats with intrathoracic disease.
After assessing u p p e r a i r w a y s o u n d s , the stethoscope is It helps i n localizing the problem to an organ system (i.e.,
positioned to e v a l u a t e the c r a n i o v e n t r a l , central, a n d d o r s a l cardiac, pulmonary, mediastinal, pleural), identifying the
lung fields o n both sides of the chest (stethoscope positions area of involvement within the lower respiratory tract (i.e.,
(2), (3), a n d (4)). N o t e that the lung fields extend from the vascular, bronchial, alveolar, interstitial), and narrowing the
thoracic inlet to a p p r o x i m a t e l y the seventh rib a l o n g the
list of potential differential diagnoses. It also helps i n the
sternum a n d to a p p r o x i m a t e l y the ninth intercostal s p a c e
a l o n g the s p i n e (thin red line). C o m m o n mistakes a r e to formulation o f a diagnostic plan (see Chapter 20). A d d i
neglect the cranioventral lung fields, r e a c h e d b y p l a c i n g the tional diagnostic tests are necessary i n most animals to estab
stethoscope b e t w e e n the forelimb a n d the chest, a n d to lish a definitive diagnosis.
position the stethoscope t o o f a r c a u d a l l y , b e y o n d the lung
fields a n d o v e r the liver. (Thick black line indicates position Complete Blood Count
of the thirteenth rib.)
The C B C of patients with lower respiratory tract disease may
show the anemia o f inflammatory disease, polycythemia sec
ondary to chronic hypoxia, or a white b l o o d cell response
A n y asymmetry i n the sounds between the left and right characteristic o f an inflammatory process of the lungs. The
sides is abnormal. hematologic changes are insensitive, however, and an absence
N o r m a l l u n g sounds have been described historically as a of abnormalities cannot be used as the basis for ruling out
mixture o f "bronchial" and "vesicular" sounds, although all inflammatory lung diseases. For instance, only half of dogs
sounds originate from the large airways. The bronchial with bacterial pneumonia have a neutrophilic leukocytosis
sounds are most prominent i n the central regions o f the and left shift. Abnormalities are also not specific. For instance,
lungs. They are tubular sounds similar i n character to those eosinophilia is c o m m o n l y encountered as a result of hyper
heard over the trachea, but they are quieter. Vesicular sounds sensitivity or parasitic disease involving organs other than
are most prominent i n the peripheral lung fields. They are the lung.
soft and have been likened to a breeze b l o w i n g through
leaves. These n o r m a l sounds are best described as "normal PULMONARY SPECIMENS AND SPECIFIC
breath sounds." DISEASE TESTING
Decreased lung sounds over one or both sides o f the Based o n results o f the history, physical examination, tho
thorax occur i n dogs and cats w i t h pleural effusion, pneu racic radiographs, and C B C , a prioritized list of differential
mothorax, diaphragmatic hernia, or mass lesions. Surpris diagnoses is developed. A d d i t i o n a l diagnostic tests (Fig.
ingly, consolidated lung lobes and mass lesions can result i n 19-2) are nearly always required to achieve a definitive diag
enhanced lung sounds because of the improved transmission nosis, which is necessary for optimal therapy and outcome.
of airway sounds from adjacent lobes. A b n o r m a l lungs Selection o f appropriate tests is based o n the most likely dif
sounds are described as increased breath sounds (alterna ferential diagnoses, the localization of disease within the
tively, harsh lung sounds), crackles, or wheezes. Increased lower respiratory tract (e.g., diffuse bronchial disease, single
breath sounds are a nonspecific finding but are c o m m o n i n mass lesion), the degree of respiratory compromise of the
patients w i t h pulmonary edema or pneumonia. Crackles are patient, and the client's motivation for optimal care.
nonmusical, discontinuous noises that sound like paper Invasive and noninvasive tests are available. Noninvasive
being crumpled or bubbles popping. Diseases resulting i n tests have the obvious advantage of being nearly risk free but
the formation o f edema or an exudate w i t h i n the airways are usually aimed at confirming a specific diagnosis. Most
(e.g., p u l m o n a r y edema, infectious or aspiration pneumo patients w i t h lower respiratory tract disease require collec-
FIG 19-2
D i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h for d o g s a n d cats with l o w e r r e s p i r a t o r y tract d i s e a s e .

tion o f a pulmonary specimen for microscopic and m i c r o do not provide a diagnosis i n a patient with progressive
biologic analysis to further narrow the list of differential disease, thoracoscopy or thoracotomy with lung biopsy is
diagnoses or make a definitive diagnosis. A l t h o u g h the pro indicated.
cedures for specimen collection from the lung are considered Valuable information about patients with lower respira
invasive, they carry varying degrees o f risk, depending o n the tory tract disease can also be obtained by assessing lung
procedure used and the degree o f respiratory compromise function through arterial b l o o d gas analysis. Results are
of the patient. The risk is m i n i m a l i n many instances. rarely helpful i n making a final diagnosis, but they are useful
Noninvasive tests include serology for pulmonary patho in determining degree o f compromise and i n monitoring
gens, fecal examinations for parasites, and specialized response to therapy. Pulse oximetry, a noninvasive technique
imaging techniques such as fluoroscopy, angiography, to measure oxygen saturation o f the b l o o d , is particularly
computed tomography ( C T ) , ultrasonography, magnetic valuable i n m o n i t o r i n g patients w i t h respiratory compro
resonance imaging ( M R I ) , and nuclear imaging. Techniques mise during anesthetic procedures or respiratory crises.
for collection of pulmonary specimens that can be per
formed without specialized equipment include tracheal Suggested Readings
wash, bronchoalveolar lavage, and transthoracic lung aspira Hamlin RL: Physical examination of the pulmonary system, Vet
tion. Visually guided specimens can be collected during Clin N Am Small Anim Pract 30:1175, 2000.
bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy has the additional benefit of Kotlikoff M I et al: Lung sounds in veterinary medicine. Part II:
allowing visual assessment of the airways. If analysis o f Deriving clinical information from lung sounds, Compend Cont
lung specimens and results of reasonable noninvasive tests Ed Pract Vet 6:462, 1984.
C H A P T E R 20

Diagnostic Tests for the

Lower Respiratory Tract


General Principles Thoracic radiographs play an integral role i n the diagnostic
Trachea evaluation o f dogs and cats with clinical signs related to the
Lungs lower respiratory tract. They are also indicated for the eval
ANGIOGRAPHY uation o f animals w i t h vague, nonspecific signs of disease to
ULTRASONOGRAPHY detect occult pulmonary disease. Thoracic radiographs can
COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY A N D MAGNETIC be helpful i n localizing disease processes, narrowing and pri
RESONANCE IMAGING oritizing the differential diagnoses, determining the extent
NUCLEAR IMAGING of disease involvement, and m o n i t o r i n g the progression of
PARASITOLOGY disease and response to treatment.
SEROLOGY A m i n i m u m o f two views o f the thorax should be taken
TRACHEAL W A S H in all dogs and cats. Right lateral and ventrodorsal ( V D )
Techniques views usually are preferred. The sensitivity o f radiographs in
Specimen H a n d l i n g the detection o f lesions is improved i f both right and left
Interpretation o f Results lateral views are obtained. These are indicated i f disease of
NONBRONCHOSCOPIC BRONCHOALVEOLAR the right middle lung lobe, metastatic disease, or other subtle
LAVAGE changes are suspected. The side of the lung away from the
Technique for N B - B A L i n Cats table is more aerated, thereby providing more contrast for
Technique for N B - B A L i n Dogs soft-tissue opacities, and is slightly magnified compared with
Recovery o f Patients Following B A L the side against the table. Dorsoventral ( D V ) views are taken
Specimen H a n d l i n g to evaluate the dorsal pulmonary arteries i n animals with
Interpretation o f Results suspected heartworm disease, pulmonary thromboembo
Diagnostic Y i e l d lism, or pulmonary hypertension. The combination o f D V
TRANSTHORACIC L U N G ASPIRATION A N D and V D views has the same advantages as the combination
BIOPSY of right and left lateral views i n detecting subtle changes in

Techniques the dorsally oriented vessels. D V , rather than V D , views are

BRONCHOSCOPY taken to m i n i m i z e stress i n animals i n respiratory distress.

Technique Horizontal-beam lateral radiographs with the animal stand

T H O R A C O T O M Y O R T H O R A C O S C O P Y WITH L U N G ing can be used to evaluate animals with suspected cavitary

BIOPSY lesions or pleural effusion.

BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS Careful technique is essential to ensure that thoracic

Techniques radiographs are obtained that yield useful information. Poor
Interpretation o f Results technique can lead to either underinterpretation or over-
PULSE OXIMETRY interpretation o f abnormalities. Appropriate film, settings,
Methodology and development procedures should be used, and the films
Interpretation should be interpreted using proper lighting. The settings
used are recorded so that the same technique can be used
when obtaining future films, w h i c h allows for more critical
comparison of the progression o f disease. The dog or cat
should be restrained adequately to prevent movement, and
a short exposure time is used.
Radiographs should be taken during m a x i m u m inspira
tion. Fully expanded lungs provide the most air contrast for
soft-tissue opacities, and m o t i o n is also m i n i m i z e d d u r i n g
this phase of the respiratory cycle. Radiographic indications
of m a x i m u m inspiration include widening o f the angle
between the diaphragm and vertebral c o l u m n (representing
maximal expansion of caudal lung lobes); a lucent region i n
front of the heart shadow (representing maximal expansion
of the cranial lung lobes); flattening o f the diaphragm;
minimal contact between the heart and the diaphragm; and
a well-delineated, nearly horizontal vena cava. Radiographs
of the lungs obtained during phases o f respiration other
than peak inspiration are difficult to interpret. For example,
incomplete expansion o f the lungs can cause increased p u l
FIG 20-1
monary opacities to be seen that appear pathologic, resulting
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of a B u l l d o g with a h y p o p l a s t i c t r a c h e a .
in misdiagnosis. The t r a c h e a l lumen (narrow arrows) is less than half the s i z e
Animals that are panting should be allowed to calm d o w n of the l a r y n x (broad arrows).
before thoracic radiographs are obtained. A paper bag can
be placed over the animal's muzzle to increase the concentra have a l u m e n less than half the n o r m a l size (Fig. 20-1). Stric
tion of carbon dioxide i n the inspired air, causing the animal tures and fractured cartilage rings can cause an abrupt, local
to take deeper breaths. It may be necessary to sedate some ized narrowing o f the air stripe. Mass lesions i n the tissues
animals. adjacent to the trachea can compress the trachea, causing
A l l structures o f the thorax should be evaluated system a more gradual, localized narrowing o f the air stripe. In
atically i n every animal to enhance diagnostic accuracy. animals w i t h extrathoracic tracheal collapse, the tracheal air
Extrapulmonary abnormalities may develop secondary to stripe is narrowed i n the cervical region during inspiration.
pulmonary disease and may be the only radiographic finding In animals w i t h intrathoracic tracheal collapse, the air stripe
(e.g., subcutaneous emphysema after tracheal laceration). is narrowed o n thoracic films during expiration. Fluoros
Conversely, pulmonary disease may occur secondary to other copy, available primarily through referral centers, provides a
evident thoracic diseases, such as mitral valve insufficiency, more sensitive assessment of tracheal collapse. Finally, the air
megaesophagus, and neoplasia o f the body wall. contrast o f the trachea sometimes allows foreign bodies or
masses to be visualized w i t h i n the trachea. M o s t foreign
TRACHEA bodies lodge at the level o f the carina or w i t h i n the bronchi.
The trachea and, i n young animals, the thymus are recogniz The inability to radiographically identify a foreign body does
able i n the cranial mediastinum. Radiographs o f the cervical not rule out the diagnosis, however.
trachea must also be taken i n dogs and cats with suspected
upper airway obstruction or primary tracheal disease, most LUNGS
notably tracheal collapse. D u r i n g evaluation o f the trachea, The clinician must be careful not to overinterpret l u n g
it is important to obtain radiographs o f the cervical portion abnormalities o n thoracic radiographs. A definitive diagno
during inspiration and o f the thorax during both inspiration sis is not possible i n most animals, and microscopic exami
and expiration. nation of p u l m o n a r y specimens, further evaluation o f the
Only the inner wall of the trachea should be visible. If the heart, or testing for specific diseases is necessary. The lungs
outer wall of the trachea is identified, this is suggestive o f are examined for the possible presence o f four major abnor
pneumomediastinum. The trachea normally has a u n i f o r m mal patterns: vascular, bronchial, alveolar, and interstitial.
diameter and is straight, deviating ventrally from the verte Mass lesions are considered w i t h the interstitial patterns.
bral bodies on lateral views as it progresses toward the carina. L u n g lobe consolidation, atelectasis, p u l m o n a r y cysts, and
It may appear elevated near the carina i f the heart is enlarged lung lobe torsions are other potential abnormalities. Animals
or pleural effusion is present. Flexion or extension o f the with severe respiratory distress but normal thoracic
neck may cause bowing of the trachea. O n V D views the radiograph findings usually have thromboembolic disease or
trachea may deviate to the right o f midline i n some dogs. have suffered a very recent insult to the lungs, such as trauma
The tracheal cartilage becomes calcified i n some older dogs or aspiration (Box 20-1).
and chondrodystrophic breeds.
The overall size and continuity of the tracheal l u m e n Vascular Pattern
should also be evaluated. The n o r m a l tracheal l u m e n is The pulmonary vasculature is assessed by evaluating the
nearly as wide as the laryngeal lumen. Hypoplastic tracheas vessels to the cranial lung lobes o n the lateral view and the
BOX 20-1 BOX 20-2

Common Lower Respiratory Tract Differential Diagnoses Differential Diagnoses for Dogs and Cats with Abnormal
for Dogs and Cats with Respiratory Signs and Normal Pulmonary Vascular Patterns on Thoracic Radiographs
Thoracic Radiographs
Enlarged Arteries
Respiratory Distress Heartworm disease
Pulmonary thromboembolism Pulmonary thromboembolism
Acute aspiration Pulmonary hypertension
Acute pulmonary hemorrhage
Enlarged Veins
Acute foreign body inhalation
Left-sided heart failure
Enlarged Arteries and Veins (Pulmonary Overcirculation)
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis
Canine chronic bronchitis Left-to-right shunts
Collapsing trachea Patent ductus arteriosus
Feline bronchitis (idiopathic) Ventricular septal defect
Acute foreign body inhalation Atrial septal defect
Gastroesophageal reflux*
Small Arteries and Veins
* Gastroesophageal reflux is a common cause of cough in people. Pulmonary undercirculation
Documentation in dogs a n d cats is limited, but the possibility should Cardiovascular shock
also be considered. Hypovolemia
Severe dehydration
vessels to the caudal lung lobes o n the V D or D V view. N o r Blood loss
mally, the b l o o d vessels should taper gradually from the Hypoadrenocorticism
Pulmonic valve stenosis
left atrium (pulmonary vein) or right ventricle (pulmonary
Hyperinflation of the lungs
arteries) toward the periphery o f the lungs. C o m p a n i o n
Feline bronchitis (idiopathic)
arteries and veins should be similar i n size. Arteries and veins
Allergic bronchitis
have a consistent relationship w i t h each other and the asso
ciated bronchus. O n lateral radiographs the pulmonary
artery is dorsal and the p u l m o n a r y vein is ventral to the
bronchus. O n V D or D V radiographs the p u l m o n a r y artery The finding o f smaller-than-normal arteries and veins
is lateral and the pulmonary vein is medial to the bronchus. may indicate the presence of pulmonary undercirculation
Vessels that are pointed directly toward or away from the or hyperinflation. Undercirculation most often occurs in
X - r a y beam are "end-on" and appear as circular nodules. combination w i t h microcardia resulting from hypoadreno
They are distinguished from lesions by their association with corticism or other causes o f severe hypovolemia. P u l m o n i c
a linear vessel and adjacent bronchus. stenosis may also cause radiographically visible undercir
A b n o r m a l vascular patterns generally involve an increase culation i n some dogs. Hyperinflation is associated with
or decrease i n the size o f arteries or veins (Box 20-2). The obstructive airway disease, such as allergic or idiopathic
finding o f arteries larger than their c o m p a n i o n veins i n d i feline bronchitis.
cates the presence o f p u l m o n a r y hypertension or t h r o m b o
embolism, most c o m m o n l y caused by heartworm disease, a Bronchial Pattern
finding seen i n both dogs and cats (Fig. 20-2). The p u l m o Bronchial walls are normally most easily discernible radio-
nary arteries often appear tortuous and truncated i n such graphically at the hilus. They should taper and grow thinner
animals. Concurrent enlargement o f the m a i n pulmonary as they extend toward the periphery o f each lung lobe. Bron
artery and right side o f the heart may be seen i n affected chial structures are not normally visible radiographically
dogs. There may also be interstitial, bronchial, or alveolar i n the peripheral regions o f the lungs. The cartilage may be
infiltrates i n cats and dogs w i t h heartworm disease as a result calcified i n older dogs and chondrodystrophic breeds, making
of concurrent inflammation, edema, or hemorrhage. the walls more prominent but still sharply defined.
Veins larger than their c o m p a n i o n arteries indicate the A bronchial pattern is caused by thickening of the bron
presence of congestion resulting from left-sided heart failure. chial walls or bronchial dilation. Thickened bronchial walls
P u l m o n a r y edema may also be present. are visible as "tram lines" and "doughnuts" i n the peripheral
D i l a t i o n o f both arteries and veins is an unusual finding, regions o f the lung (Fig. 20-3). T r a m lines are produced by
except i n young animals. The finding o f p u l m o n a r y over- airways that r u n transverse to the X - r a y beam, causing the
circulation is suggestive of left-to-right cardiac or vascular appearance of parallel thick lines with an air stripe i n
shunts, such as patent ductus arteriosus and ventricular between. Doughnuts are produced by airways that are point
septal defects. ing directly toward or away from the beam, causing a thick
BOX 20-3

Differential Diagnoses for Dogs and Cats w i t h B r o n c h i a l

Patterns o n Thoracic Radiographs*

C a n i n e c h r o n i c bronchitis
Feline bronchitis (idiopathic)
A l l e r g i c bronchitis
C a n i n e infectious tracheobronchitis
Bacterial infection
M y c o p l a s m a l infection
P u l m o n a r y parasites

* Bronchial disease can occur in conjunction with parenchymal lung

disease. See Boxes 20-4 to 20-6 for more differential diagnoses if
mixed patterns are present.

inflammatory cells w i t h i n the walls, muscular hypertrophy,

epithelial hyperplasia, or a combination of these changes.
Potential causes o f bronchial disease are listed i n B o x 20-3.
C h r o n i c bronchial disease can result i n irreversible
dilation o f the airways, w h i c h is termed bronchiectasis. It
is identified radiographically by the presence o f widened,
nontapering airways (Fig. 20-4). Bronchiectasis can be cylin
FIG 2 0 - 2 drical (tubular) or saccular (cystic). Cylindrical bronchiec
Dilation of p u l m o n a r y arteries is a p p a r e n t o n this ventrodor tasis is characterized by fairly u n i f o r m dilation of the airway.
sal view of the thorax in a d o g with heartworm d i s e a s e . Saccular bronchiectasis additionally has localized dilations
The artery to the left c a u d a l lung lobe is extremely e n l a r g e d .
peripherally that can lead to a honeycomb appearance. A l l
Arrowheads delineate the borders of the arteries to the left
cranial a n d c a u d a l lobes. major bronchi are usually affected.

Alveolar Pattern
Alveoli are not normally visible radiographically. Alveolar
patterns occur when the alveoli are filled with fluid-dense
material (Box 20-4). The fluid opacity may be caused by
edema, inflammation, hemorrhage, or neoplastic infiltrates,
which generally originate from the interstitial tissues. The
fluid-filled alveoli are silhouetted against the walls of the
airways they surround. The result is a visible stripe o f air
from the airway l u m e n i n the absence o f definable airway
walls. This stripe is an air bronchogram (Fig. 20-5). If the
fluid continues to accumulate, the airway lumen will eventu
ally also become filled w i t h fluid, resulting i n the formation
of solid areas o f fluid opacity, or consolidation.
Edema most often results from left-sided heart failure
(see Chapter 22). In dogs the fluid initially accumulates i n
FIG 2 0 - 3
A bronchointerstitial pattern is present in this lateral radio the perihilar region, and eventually the entire l u n g is affected.
graph from a cat with i d i o p a t h i c bronchitis. The b r o n c h i a l In cats patchy areas of edema can be present initially through
component results from thickening of the b r o n c h i a l w a l l s out the l u n g fields. The finding of enlarged p u l m o n a r y veins
and is characterized b y " d o u g h n u t s " a n d "tram lines." In supports the cardiac origin o f the infiltrates. Noncardiogenic
this radiograph the bronchial c h a n g e s a r e most a p p a r e n t in edema is typically most severe i n the caudal l u n g lobes.
the c a u d a l lung lobes.
Inflammatory infiltrates can be caused by infectious
agents, noninfectious inflammatory disease, or neoplasia.
circle to be seen radiographically, with the airway l u m e n The location of the infiltrative process can often help estab
creating the "hole." The walls of the bronchi tend to be indis lish a tentative diagnosis. F o r example, diseases o f airway
tinct. The finding of thickened walls indicates the presence origin, such as most bacterial and aspiration pneumonias,
of bronchitis and results from an accumulation of mucus or primarily affect the dependent lung lobes (i.e., the right
exudate along the walls within the lumens, an infiltration of middle and cranial lobes and the left cranial lobe). In con-
FIG 2 0 - 4
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g with c h r o n i c bronchitis a n d b r o n c h i e c t a s i s . The a i r w a y
lumens a r e greatly e n l a r g e d , a n d n o r m a l t a p e r i n g of the a i r w a y w a l l s is not s e e n .

BOX 20-4

Differential Diagnoses for Dogs and Cats w i t h Alveolar

Patterns o n T h o r a c i c Radiographs*

Pulmonary Edema

Severe Inflammatory Disease

Bacterial p n e u m o n i a
Aspiration pneumonia


P u l m o n a r y contusion
Pulmonary thromboembolism
Fungal pneumonia
FIG 2 0 - 5
Systemic c o a g u l o p a t h y
Lateral v i e w of the thorax of a d o g with a s p i r a t i o n pneumo
n i a . A n a l v e o l a r pattern is evident b y the i n c r e a s e d soft-
* A n y of the differential diagnoses for interstitial patterns (Boxes
tissue o p a c i t y with a i r b r o n c h o g r a m s . A i r b r o n c h o g r a m s a r e
20-5 and 20-6) can cause an alveolar pattern if associated with
b r o n c h i a l a i r stripes without visible b r o n c h i a l w a l l s . In this
severe inflammation, edema, or hemorrhage.
r a d i o g r a p h the pattern is most severe in the ventral (depen
dent) r e g i o n s of the l u n g , consistent with bacterial or
aspiration pneumonia.
trast, diseases o f vascular origin, such as dirofilariasis and
t h r o m b o e m b o l i , p r i m a r i l y affect the caudal lung lobes.
Localized processes involving only one lung lobe suggest the Interstitial Pattern
presence o f a foreign body, neoplasia, abscess, granuloma, or The p u l m o n a r y interstitial tissues confer a fine, lacy pattern
lung lobe torsion. to the p u l m o n a r y parenchyma of many dogs and cats as they
Hemorrhage usually results from trauma. T h r o m b o e m age, i n the absence of clinically apparent respiratory disease.
bolism, neoplasia, coagulopathies, and fungal infections can They are not normally visible o n inspiratory radiographs i n
also cause hemorrhage into the alveoli. young adult animals.
A b n o r m a l interstitial patterns are reticular (unstruc and some eosinophilic l u n g diseases or idiopathic interstitial
tured), nodular, or reticulonodular i n appearance. A nodular pneumonias may be indistinguishable from neoplastic
interstitial pattern is characterized by the finding o f roughly lesions. In the absence o f strong clinical evidence, malignant
circular, fluid-dense lesions i n one or more lung lobes. neoplasia must be confirmed cytologically or histologically.
However, the nodules must be nearly 1 c m i n diameter to be If this is not possible, radiographs can be obtained again 4
routinely detected. Interstitial nodules may represent active weeks later to evaluate for progression o f disease.
or inactive inflammatory lesions or neoplasia (Box 20-5). Neoplastic involvement o f the p u l m o n a r y parenchyma
Active inflammatory nodules often have poorly defined cannot be totally excluded o n the basis o f thoracic radio
borders. Mycotic infections typically result i n the formation graph findings because malignant cells are present for a
of multiple, diffuse nodules. The nodules may be small while before lesions reach a radiographically detectable size.
(miliary; Fig. 20-6) or large and coalescing. Parasitic granu The sensitivity o f radiography i n identifying neoplastic
lomas are often multiple, although paragonimiasis can result nodules can be improved by obtaining left and right lateral
in the formation of a single pulmonary nodule. Abscesses views of the thorax.
can form as a result of foreign bodies or as a sequela to bac The reticular interstitial pattern is characterized by a
terial pneumonia. N o d u l a r patterns may also be seen o n the diffuse, unstructured, lacy increase i n the opacity o f the
radiographs obtained i n animals w i t h some eosinophilic pulmonary interstitium, w h i c h partially obscures n o r m a l
lung diseases and idiopathic interstitial pneumonias.
Inflammatory nodules can persist as inactive lesions after
the disease resolves. In contrast to active inflammatory
nodules, however, the borders of inactive nodules are often
well demarcated. Nodules may also become mineralized i n
some conditions, such as histoplasmosis. Well-defined, small,
inactive nodules are sometimes seen i n healthy older dogs
without a history of disease. Radiographs taken several
months later i n these animals typically show no change i n
the size of these inactive lesions.
Neoplastic nodules may be singular or multiple (Fig.
20-7). They are often well defined, although secondary
inflammation, edema, or hemorrhage can obscure the
margins. There is no radiographic pattern that is diagnostic
for neoplasia. Lesions caused by parasites, fungal infections,

FIG 2 0 - 6
Lateral v i e w of the thorax in a d o g with b l a s t o m y c o s i s . A
miliary, n o d u l a r interstitial pattern is present. Increased soft-
BOX 20-5 tissue o p a c i t y a b o v e the b a s e of heart m a y b e the result of
hilar l y m p h a d e n o p a t h y .
Differential Diagnoses for Dogs and Cats w i t h N o d u l a r
Interstitial Patterns

Mycotic Infection

Pulmonary Parasites
Aelurostrongylus infection
Paragonimus infection

Bacterial p n e u m o n i a
Foreign b o d y

Eosinophilic Lung Disease

FIG 2 0 - 7
Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias Lateral v i e w of the thorax of a d o g with m a l i g n a n t n e o p l a
s i a . A w e l l - c i r c u m s c r i b e d , s o l i d , circular mass is present in
the c a u d a l lung field. P a p i l l a r y a d e n o c a r c i n o m a w a s
Inactive Lesions
d i a g n o s e d after surgical e x c i s i o n .
FIG 2 0 - 8
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g with p u l m o n a r y c a r c i n o m a . A n unstructured pattern is present
as well a s a n i n c r e a s e d b r o n c h i a l pattern.

vascular and airway markings. Reticular interstitial patterns

frequently occur i n conjunction with nodular interstitial BOX 20-6
patterns (also called reticulonodular patterns) and alveolar
Differential Diagnoses for Dogs and Cats w i t h Reticular
and bronchial patterns (Fig. 20-8).
(Unstructured) Interstitial Patterns
The increased reticular interstitial opacity can result from
edema, hemorrhage, inflammatory cells, neoplastic cells, or Pulmonary Edema (Mild)
fibrosis within the interstitium (Box 20-6). The interstitial Infection
space surrounds the airways and vessels and is normally
Viral pneumonia
extremely small i n dogs and cats. W i t h the continued
Bacterial p n e u m o n i a
accumulation o f fluid or cells, however, the alveoli can be
come flooded, w h i c h produces an alveolar pattern. Visible Mycotic pneumonia
focal interstitial accumulations o f cells, or nodules, can also Parasitic infection (more often b r o n c h i a l o r nodular intersti
develop with time. A n y o f the diseases associated with alveo tial pattern)
lar and interstitial nodular patterns can cause a reticular
interstitial pattern early i n the course o f disease (see Boxes Neoplasia
20-4 and 20-5). This pattern is also often seen i n older dogs
Eosinophilic Lung Disease
with no clinically apparent disease, presumably as a result o f
pulmonary fibrosis; this further decreases the specificity o f
Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonias
the finding.
Idiopathic p u l m o n a r y fibrosis

Lung Lobe Consolidation Hemorrhage (Mild)

Lung lobe consolidation is characterized by a lung lobe that
is entirely soft-tissue opacity (Fig. 20-9, A). Consolidation
occurs when an alveolar or interstitial disease process pro
gresses to the point at w h i c h the entire lobe is filled with fluid plant material can also result i n consolidation of the involved
or cells. C o m m o n differential diagnoses for lung lobe lung lobe as a result o f the inflammatory reaction to the
consolidation are severe bacterial or aspiration pneumonia foreign material and secondary infection. This differential
(essentially resulting i n an abscess o f the entire lobe), neo diagnosis should be considered especially i n regions of the
plasia, lung lobe torsion, and hemorrhage. The inhalation of country where foxtails are prevalent.
Fig 20-9
T h o r a c i c r a d i o g r a p h s from three different patients, ventrodorsal projections. R a d i o g r a p h
A shows consolidation of the right middle lung lobe c a u s e d b y n e o p l a s i a . N o t e that the soft
tissue density of the lung silhouettes with the s h a d o w of the heart. R a d i o g r a p h B s h o w s
atelectasis of the m i d d l e region of the right lung a n d m a r k e d hyperinflation of the remain
ing lungs in a c a t with i d i o p a t h i c bronchitis. N o t e the shift of the heart s h a d o w t o w a r d the
c o l l a p s e d r e g i o n . R a d i o g r a p h C s h o w s atelectasis of the right m i d d l e lung lobe in another
cat with i d i o p a t h i c bronchitis. In this patient the a d j a c e n t lung lobes h a v e e x p a n d e d into
the a r e a previously o c c u p i e d b y the right m i d d l e l o b e , preventing d i s p l a c e m e n t of the

Atelectasis fluid, often w i t h a partially visible wall (Fig. 20-10). A n air-

Atelectasis is also characterized by a lobe that is entirely soft- fluid interface may be visible using standing horizontal-
tissue opacity. In this instance the lobe is collapsed as a result beam projections. Bullae and blebs are rarely apparent
of airway obstruction. A l l the air w i t h i n the lobe has been radiographically.
absorbed and not replaced. It is distinguished from consoli Cavitary lesions may be discovered incidentally or on tho
dation by the small size o f the lobe (Fig. 20-9, B). Often the racic radiographs o f dogs and cats w i t h spontaneous pneu
heart is displaced toward the atelectatic lobe. Atelectasis is mothorax. If pneumothorax is present, surgical excision of
most commonly seen involving the right middle lobe o f cats the lesion is usually indicated (see Chapter 25). If inflamma
with bronchitis (Fig. 20-9, C ) . Displacement of the heart may tory or neoplastic disease is suspected, further diagnostic
not occur in these cats. testing is indicated. If the lesion is found incidentally, animals
can be periodically reevaluated radiographically to deter
Cavitary Lesions mine whether the lesion is progressing or resolving. If the
Cavity lesions describe any abnormal air accumulation i n lesion does not resolve during the course of 1 to 3 months,
the lung. They can be congenital, acquired, or idiopathic. surgical removal is considered for diagnostic purposes
Specific types of cavitary lesions include bullae, w h i c h result and to prevent potentially life-threatening spontaneous
from ruptured alveoli due to congenital weakness o f tissues pneumothorax.
and/or small airway obstruction, such as i n some cats
with idiopathic bronchitis; blebs, which are bullae located Lung Lobe Torsion
within the pleura; and cysts, w h i c h are cavitary lesions L u n g lobe torsion can develop spontaneously i n deep-chested
lined by airway epithelium. Parasitic "cysts" (not lined by dogs or as a complication of pleural effusion or pneumonec
epithelium) can form around Paragonimus worms. Thoracic tomy i n dogs and cats. The right middle and left cranial lobes
trauma is a c o m m o n cause of cavitary lesions. Other are most c o m m o n l y involved. The lobe usually twists at the
differential diagnoses include neoplasia, lung infarction hilus, obstructing the flow o f b l o o d into and out of the lung
(from thromboembolism), abscess, and granuloma. Cavitary lobe. Venous drainage is obstructed before arterial flow,
lesions may be apparent as localized accumulations of air or causing the lung lobe to become congested w i t h b l o o d . Over
Arteries may appear dilated and tortuous. There also
may be localized areas o f extravasated contrast agent. If
several days have elapsed since the embolization occurred,
however, lesions may no longer be identifiable; therefore
angiography should be performed as soon as the disorder
is suspected and the animal's condition is stabilized.
Angiography may also be used as a confirmatory test in
cats w i t h presumptive dirofilariasis but negative adult anti
gen b l o o d test results and echocardiographic findings (see
Chapter 10).

Ultrasonography is used to evaluate pulmonary mass lesions
adjacent to the body wall, diaphragm, or heart and also
consolidated lung lobes (Fig. 20-11). Because air interferes
with the sound waves, aerated lungs and structures sur
rounded by aerated lungs cannot be examined. However,
some patients w i t h a reticular interstitial pattern o n thoracic
radiographs have sufficient infiltrates to be visualized where
they abut the body wall. The consistency of lesions often can
be determined to be solid, cystic, or fluid filled. Some solid
masses are hypolucent and appear to be cystic on ultrasono
grams. Vascular structures may be visible, particularly with
Doppler ultrasound, and this can be helpful i n identifying
lung lobe torsion. Ultrasonography can also be used to guide
needles or biopsy instruments into solid masses for speci
m e n collection. It is used for evaluating the heart i n animals
with clinical signs that cannot be readily localized to either
FIG 30-10 the cardiac or the respiratory systems. Ultrasonographic
V e n t r o d o r s a l v i e w of the t h o r a x in a c a t s h o w i n g a cystic evaluation of patients w i t h pleural disorders is discussed i n
lesion (arrowheads) in the left c a u d a l lung l o b e . Differential Chapter 24.
d i a g n o s e s i n c l u d e d n e o p l a s i a a n d Paragonimus infection.


time, air is absorbed from the alveoli and atelectasis can
occur. Computed tomography ( C T ) and magnetic resonance
L u n g lobe torsion is difficult to identify radiographically. imaging ( M R I ) are used routinely i n h u m a n medicine for
Severe bacterial or aspiration pneumonia resulting i n the diagnostic evaluation o f lung disease. The accessibility
consolidation of these same lobes is far more c o m m o n and of C T i n particular has led to its increased use i n dogs and
produces similar radiographic changes. The finding of p u l cats. The resultant three-dimensional images are more sensi
monary vessels or b r o n c h i traveling i n an abnormal direc tive and specific for the identification of certain airway, vas
tion is strongly suggestive o f torsion. Unfortunately, pleural cular, and parenchymal diseases as compared with thoracic
fluid, i f not present initially, often develops and obscures the radiography. In a study o f dogs with metastatic neoplasia,
radiographic image o f the affected lobe. Ultrasonography is only 9% o f nodules detected by C T were identified by
often useful i n detecting a torsed lung lobe. Bronchoscopy, thoracic radiography (Nemanic et al., 2006). Examples of
bronchography, computed tomography, or thoracotomy is cases that may benefit from C T include those with possible
necessary to confirm the diagnosis i n some animals. metastatic disease; possible pulmonary thromboembolism;
idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, including idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis; or potentially excisable disease (to
ANGIOGRAPHY determine the extent and location o f disease and the poten
tial involvement of other structures, such as the major
Angiography can be used to confirm a diagnosis o f p u l m o vessels). The application of C T and M R I to the diagnosis
nary thromboembolism. Obstructed arteries are blunted of specific canine and feline pulmonary diseases requires
or do not show the n o r m a l gentle taper and arborization. further investigation.
FIG 2 0 - 1 1
Multiple p u l m o n a r y nodules a r e e a s i l y visible o n the lateral r a d i o g r a p h (A) from a c a t
with a o n e y e a r history of c o u g h a n d recent e p i s o d e s of respiratory distress with w h e e z
ing. N o d u l e s d o not o b v i o u s l y extend to the chest w a l l b a s e d o n the ventrodorsal r a d i o
g r a p h (B). H o w e v e r , a 1-cm mass w a s found o n u l t r a s o n o g r a p h i c e x a m i n a t i o n of the right
thorax (C; a red line has b e e n p o s i t i o n e d b e t w e e n the ultrasound markers to i n d i c a t e site
of measurement). A n ultrasound-guided a s p i r a t e w a s p e r f o r m e d . The p r e s e n c e of eosino
phils in the a s p i r a t e p r o m p t e d the p e r f o r m a n c e of fecal e x a m i n a t i o n s for p u l m o n a r y
parasites, a n d a d i a g n o s i s of p a r a g o n i m i a s i s w a s m a d e through the identification of
characteristic o v a .

NUCLEAR IMAGING ratory tract specimens, or fecal examinations. Oslerus osleri

reside i n nodules near the carina, w h i c h can be identified
Mucociliary clearance can be measured by placing a drop of bronchoscopically. Rarely, other parasites may be seen. B l o o d
technetium-labeled a l b u m i n at the carina and observing its tests are often used to diagnose heartworm disease (see
movement with a gamma camera to assist i n the diagnosis Chapter 10).
of ciliary dyskinesia. Nuclear imaging can be used for the Larvae that may be present i n fluid from tracheal or b r o n
relatively noninvasive measurement of pulmonary perfusion chial washings include O. osleri, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
and ventilation, valuable for the diagnosis o f pulmonary (Fig. 20-12, A ) , and Crenosoma vulpis (Fig. 20-12, B). Eggs
thromboembolism. Restrictions for handling radioisotopes that may be present include those o f Capillaria (Eucoleus)
and the need for specialized recording equipment limit the aerophila and Paragonimus kellicotti (Fig. 20-12, C and D).
availability of these tools to specialty centers. Larvated eggs or larvae from Filaroides hirthi or Aelurostron
gylus milksi can be present but are rarely associated w i t h
clinical signs. The more c o m m o n organisms are described i n
The hosts o f lung parasites generally cough up and
Parasites involving the lower respiratory tract are identified swallow the eggs or larvae, w h i c h are then passed i n the feces
by direct observation, b l o o d tests, cytologic analysis of respi to infect the next host or an intermediate host. Fecal exami-
FIG 20-12
A , Larva of Aelurostrongylus abstrusus. B , Larva of Crenosoma vulpis. C , D o u b l e opercu
lated o v a of Capillaria sp. D , S i n g l e o p e r c u l a t e d o v a of Paragonimus kellicotti.

nation for eggs or larvae is a simple, noninvasive tool for the Toxoplasma gondii occasionally causes pneumonia i n dogs
diagnosis o f such infestations. However, because shedding is and cats. Dogs do not shed Toxoplasma organisms i n the
intermittent, parasitic disease cannot be included solely o n feces, but cats may. However, the shedding of eggs is part of
the basis o f negative fecal examination findings. M u l t i p l e (at the direct life cycle o f the organisms and does not correlate
least three) examinations should be performed i n animals with the presence o f systemic disease resulting from the indi
that are highly suspected o f having parasitic disease. If pos rect cycle. Infection is therefore diagnosed by finding
sible, several days should be allowed to elapse between each tachyzoites i n pulmonary specimens or indirectly on the
collection of feces. basis of serologic findings.
Routine fecal flotation can be used to concentrate eggs M i g r a t i n g intestinal parasites can cause transient pulmo
from C. aerophila. High-density fecal flotation (specific nary signs i n y o u n g animals. M i g r a t i o n most often occurs
gravity [s.g.], 1.30 to 1.35) can be used to concentrate P. before the mature adults develop i n the intestine, and thus
kellicotti eggs. Sedimentation techniques are preferred for eggs may not be found i n feces.
concentrating and identifying P. kellicotti eggs, particularly
i f few eggs are present. Larvae are identified through the
use o f the Baermann technique. However, O. osleri larvae SEROLOGY
are insufficiently motile for reliable identification with this
technique, and zinc sulfate (s.g., 1.18) flotation is recom Serologic tests can detect a variety of pulmonary pathogens.
mended. Even so, false-negative results are c o m m o n in cases A n t i b o d y tests provide only indirect evidence o f infection,
with O. osleri. A l l of these techniques can be readily per however. In general, they should be used only to confirm a
formed at m i n i m a l expense. Methods for sedimentation suspected diagnosis, not to screen for disease. Whenever
and the Baermann technique are described i n Boxes 20-7 possible, identification o f the infectious organisms is the
and 20-8. preferred method o f diagnosis. Tests available for c o m m o n

Characteristics of Eggs or Larvae from Respiratory Parasites


Capillaria aerophila Dog and cat Eggs Routine flotation of Barrel shaped, yellow, with prominent,
feces, airway transparent, asymmetric bipolar
specimens plugs; slightly smaller than Trichuris
eggs; 60-80 m x 30-40 m
Paragonimus Dog and cat Eggs High-density flotation or O v a l , golden-brown, single,
kellicotti sedimentation of operculated; operculum flat with
feces, airway prominent shoulders; 75-118 m x
specimens 42-67 m
Aelurostrongylus Cat Larvae Baermann technique of Larvae with S-shaped tail; dorsal spine
abstrusus feces, airway present; 350-400 m x 17 m;
specimens eggs or larvated eggs may be seen
in airway specimens
Oslerus osleri Dog Larvae, eggs Tracheal wash, Larvae have S-shaped tail without
bronchial brushing of dorsal spine; rarely found eggs are
nodules, zinc sulfate thin-walled, colorless, and larvated;
flotation of feces 8 0 x 5 0 m
Crenosoma vulpis Dog Larvae Baermann technique of Larvae have tapered tail without
feces, airway severe kinks or spines; 250-300 m;
specimens larvated eggs may be seen in
airway specimens

BOX 20-7 BOX 20-8

Sedimentation of Feces for Concentration of Eggs Baermann Technique for Concentration of Larvae

1. Homogenize 1 to 3 g of feces with water (at least 1. Set up apparatus.

30 ml). a. Glass funnel supported in ring stand
2. Pass through coarse sieve or gauze (250-m mesh), b. Rubber tube attached to bottom of funnel, and closed
washing debris remaining in sieve with fine spray of with a clamp
water. c. Coarse sieve (250-m mesh) placed in top of
3. Pour filtrate into conical urine flask, and let stand for 2 funnel
minutes. d. Double-layer gauze on top of sieve
4. Discard most of supernate. 2. Place feces on gauze in funnel.
5. Pour remaining 12 to 1 5 ml into flat-bottomed tube, and 3. Fill funnel slowly with water to immerse feces.
let stand for 2 minutes. 4. Leave overnight at room temperature.
6. Draw off supernate. 5. Collect water via rubber tube from neck of funnel in a
7. A d d 2 to 3 drops of 5% methylene blue. Petri dish.
8. Examine under low power. 6. Examine under low power.

Data from Urquhart G M et al: Veterinary parasitology, ed 2, Data from Urquhart G M et al: Veterinary parasitology, ed 2,
Oxford, 1996, Blackwell Science. O x f o r d , 1996, Blackwell Science.

pulmonary pathogens include those for Histoplasma, Blasto TRACHEAL WASH

myces, Coccidiodomyces, Toxoplasma, and feline coronavirus.
These tests are discussed fully i n Chapter 92. A n t i b o d y tests Indications and Complications
for canine influenza are discussed further i n Chapter 22. Tracheal wash can yield valuable diagnostic information i n
Serum antigen tests for Cryptococcus (see Chapter 98) and animals with cough or respiratory distress resulting from
adult heartworms are also available (see Chapter 10). A n t i disease o f the airways or p u l m o n a r y parenchyma and
body tests for dirofilariasis are available and used p r i m a r i l y i n animals w i t h vague presenting signs a n d p u l m o n a r y
to support the diagnosis o f feline heartworm disease (see abnormalities detected o n thoracic radiographs (i.e., most
Chapter 10). animals with lower respiratory tract disease). Tracheal wash
is generally performed after results o f the history, physical 45 degrees from horizontal (Fig. 20-13, A). Overextension o f
examination, thoracic radiography, and other routine c o m the neck causes the animal to be more resistant. Dogs that
ponents o f the database are k n o w n . cannot be restrained should be tranquilized. If tranquiliza
Tracheal wash provides fluid and cells that can be used to tion is needed, premedication with atropine or glycopyrro
identify diseases involving the major airways while bypassing late is recommended to m i n i m i z e contamination of the
the n o r m a l flora and debris o f the oral cavity and pharynx. trachea with oral secretions. Narcotics are avoided to pre
The fluid obtained is evaluated cytologically and microbio serve the cough reflex, which can facilitate the retrieval of
logically and therefore should be collected before the initia fluid.
tion o f antibiotic treatment whenever possible. Tracheal The cricothyroid ligament is identified by palpating the
wash is likely to provide a representative specimen i n patients trachea i n the ventral cervical region and following it dor-
with bronchial or alveolar disease (Table 20-2). It is less likely sally toward the larynx to the raised, smooth, narrow band
to identify interstitial and small focal disease processes. of the cricoid cartilage. Immediately above the cricoid carti
However, the procedure is inexpensive and minimally inva lage is a depression, where the cricothyroid ligament is
sive, and this makes it reasonable to perform i n most animals located (Fig. 20-13, B). If the trachea is entered above the
with lower respiratory tract disease i f the risks o f other cricothyroid ligament, the catheter is passed dorsally into
methods o f specimen collection are deemed too great. the pharynx and a nondiagnostic specimen is obtained.
Potential complications are rare, and they include tracheal Such dorsal passage o f the catheter often results i n excessive
laceration, subcutaneous emphysema, and pneumomedias gagging and retching.
t i n u m . Bronchospasm may be induced by the procedure i n Lidocaine is always injected subcutaneously at the site of
patients with hyperreactive airways, particularly cats with entry. The skin over the cricothyroid ligament is prepared
bronchitis. surgically, and sterile gloves are w o r n to pass the catheter.
The needle o f the catheter is held with the bevel facing ven
TECHNIQUES trally. The skin over the ligament is then tented, and the
Tracheal wash is performed using transtracheal or endo needle is passed through the skin. The larynx is stabilized
tracheal techniques. Transtracheal wash is performed by with the nondominant hand. T o properly stabilize it, the
passing a catheter into the trachea to the level o f the carina clinician should grasp at least 180 degrees o f the circumfer
through the cricothyroid ligament or between the tracheal ence o f the airway between the fingers and thumb. Failure to
rings i n an awake or sedated animal. Endotracheal wash is h o l d the airway firmly is the most c o m m o n technical mistake
performed by passing a catheter through an endotracheal made. Next, the tip o f the needle is rested against the crico
tube i n an anesthetized animal. The endotracheal technique thyroid ligament and inserted through the ligament with a
is preferred i n cats and very small dogs, although either quick, short m o t i o n .
technique can be used i n any animal. Patients with airways The hand stabilizing the trachea is then used to pinch the
that may be hyperreactive, particularly cats, are treated needle at the skin, with the hand kept firmly i n contact with
with bronchodilators (see the section o n endotracheal the neck, while the catheter is threaded into the trachea with
technique). the other hand. B y keeping the hand holding the needle
against the neck o f the animal so that the hand, needle, and
Transtracheal Technique neck can move as one, the clinician prevents laceration of
Transtracheal wash fluid is collected using an 18- to 22- the larynx or trachea and inadvertent removal of the needle
gauge through-the-needle intravenous catheter (e.g., Intra from the trachea. Threading the catheter provokes coughing.
cath; Becton, D i c k i n s o n and C o m p a n y ) . The catheter should There should be little or no resistance to the passage o f the
be long enough to reach the carina, w h i c h is located at catheter. Elevating the hub of the needle slightly so that the
approximately the level of the fourth intercostal space. The tip points more ventrally or retracting the needle a few m i l
longest intravenous catheter available may be 12 inches limeters facilitates passage o f the catheter i f it is lodged
(30 cm), which is long enough to reach from the cricothy against the opposite tracheal wall. The catheter itself should
roid ligament to the carina i n most dogs. However, it may not be pulled back through the needle because the tip can
be necessary to insert the catheter between tracheal rings be sheared off within the airway by the cutting edge of the
i n giant-breed dogs to ensure that it reaches the carina. needle.
Alternatively, a 14-gauge, short, over-the-needle catheter Once the catheter is completely threaded into the airway,
is used to enter the trachea at the cricothyroid ligament the needle is withdrawn and the catheter guard is attached
and a 3.5F polypropylene male dog urinary catheter is to prevent shearing o f the catheter. The person restraining
passed through the catheter into the airways. The ability the animal n o w holds the catheter guard against the neck
of the urinary catheter to pass through the 14-gauge catheter of the animal so that movement of the neck will not dis
should be tested each time before the procedure is lodge the catheter. The head can be restrained i n a natural
performed. position.
The dog can sit or lie d o w n , depending on what position It is convenient to have four to six 12-ml syringes ready,
is more comfortable for the animal and clinician. The dog is each filled with 3 to 5 m l o f 0.9% sterile preservative-free
restrained with its nose pointing toward the ceiling at about sodium chloride solution. The entire bolus o f saline i n one
TABLE 20-2

Comparisons of Techniques for Collecting Specimens from the Lower Respiratory Tract

Tracheal wash Large airways Moderate Simple technique Airway must be involved Bronchial and
Minimal expense for specimen to alveolar disease
N o special equipment represent disease Because of safety
Complications rare M a y induce and ease,
Volume adequate for bronchospasm in consider for any
cytology and culture patients with lung disease
hyperreactive airways, Less likely to be
particularly cats representative of
interstitial or
small focal

Bronchoalveolar Small airways, Large Simple technique General anesthesia Small airway,
lavage alveoli, Nonbronchoscopic required alveolar, or
sometimes technique requires no Special equipment and interstitial disease
interstitium special equipment expertise required for Routine during
and minimal expense bronchoscopic bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopic technique collection
allows airway Generally not
evaluation and recommended for
directed sampling animals with increased
Resultant hypoxemia is respiratory efforts or
transient and respiratory distress
responsive to oxygen Capability to provide
supplementation oxygen supplementation
Safe for animals in is required
stable condition M a y induce
Large volume of lung bronchospasm in
sampled patients with
High cytologic quality hyperreactive airways,
Large volume for analysis particularly cats

Lung aspirate Interstitium, Small Simple technique Potential for complications: Solid masses
alveoli Minimal expense pneumothorax, adjacent to chest
when N o special equipment hemothorax, wall (for solitary/
flooded Solid masses adjacent to pulmonary hemorrhage localized
body wall: excellent Relatively small area of disease, see also
representation with lung sampled Thoracotomy or
minimal risk Specimen adequate only Thoracoscopy
for cytology with Lung Biopsy)
Specimen blood Diffuse interstitial
contaminated disease

Thoracotomy or Small Large Ideal specimen Relatively expensive Localized process

thoracoscopy airways, Allows histologic Requires expertise where excision
with lung alveoli, examination in Requires general may be
biopsy interstitium addition to culture anesthesia therapeutic as
Major surgical procedure well as
A n y progressive
disease not
diagnosed by
less invasive
FIG 2 0 - 1 3
A , To perform a transtracheal w a s h , the a n i m a l is restrained in a c o m f o r t a b l e position
with the nose pointed t o w a r d the c e i l i n g . The ventral neck is c l i p p e d a n d s c r u b b e d , a n d
the c l i n i c i a n w e a r s sterile g l o v e s . The c r i c o t h y r o i d ligament is identified a s d e s c r i b e d in B .
After a n injection of l i d o c a i n e , the n e e d l e of the catheter is p l a c e d through the skin. The
larynx is g r a s p e d firmly with the fingers a n d thumb at least 1 8 0 d e g r e e s a r o u n d the
a i r w a y . The needle c a n then b e inserted through the c r i c o t h y r o i d ligament into the a i r w a y
lumen. B , The lateral v i e w of this a n a t o m i c s p e c i m e n demonstrates the t r a c h e a a n d larynx
in a position similar to that of the d o g in A . The cricothyroid ligament (arrow) is identified
by p a l p a t i n g the t r a c h e a (T) from ventral to d o r s a l until the r a i s e d c r i c o i d c a r t i l a g e (CC) is
p a l p a t e d . The c r i c o t h y r o i d ligament is the first d e p r e s s i o n a b o v e the c r i c o i d c a r t i l a g e . The
c r i c o t h y r o i d ligament attaches c r a n i a l l y to the thyroid c a r t i l a g e (TC). The p a l p a b l e
d e p r e s s i o n a b o v e the thyroid c a r t i l a g e (not shown) should not b e entered.

syringe is injected into the catheter. Immediately after this, Endotracheal Technique
many aspiration attempts are made. After each aspiration, The endotracheal technique is performed by passing a 3.5-5F
the syringe must be disconnected from the catheter and the male dog urinary catheter through a sterilized endotracheal
air evacuated without losing any o f the retrieved fluid. A s p i tube. The animal is anesthetized with a short-acting intrave
rations should be forceful and repeated at least five or six nous agent to a sufficient depth to allow intubation. A short-
times so that small volumes o f airway secretions that have acting barbiturate, propofol, or, i n cats, a combination of
been aspirated into the catheter are pulled the entire length ketamine and acepromazine or diazepam is effective.
of the catheter into the syringe. Premedication with atropine, particularly i n cats, is recom
The procedure is repeated using additional boluses of mended to m i n i m i z e contamination of the trachea with saliva.
saline u n t i l a sufficient amount o f fluid is retrieved for anal Cats with lower respiratory tract disease may have airway
ysis. A total o f 1.5 to 3 m l o f turbid fluid is adequate i n most hyperreactivity and generally should be administered a bron
instances. The clinician does not need to be concerned about chodilator before the tracheal wash. Terbutaline (0.01 mg/kg)
" d r o w n i n g " the animal w i t h the infusion o f the modest can be given subcutaneously to cats not already receiving oral
volumes o f fluid described because the fluid is rapidly bronchodilators. It is also prudent to keep a metered dose
absorbed into the circulation. Failure to retrieve adequate inhaler of albuterol at hand to administer through the endo
volumes o f visibly turbid fluid can be the result o f several tracheal tube or by mask i f breathing becomes labored.
technical difficulties, as outlined i n Figure 20-14. A sterilized endotracheal tube should be passed without
The catheter is removed after sufficient fluid is collected. dragging the tip through the oral cavity. The animal's mouth
A sterile gauze sponge w i t h antiseptic ointment is then is opened wide w i t h the tongue pulled out, a laryngoscope
immediately placed over the catheter site, and a light bandage is used, and, i n cats, sterile topical lidocaine is applied to the
is wrapped around the neck. This bandage is left i n place for laryngeal cartilages to ease passage of the tube with m i n i m a l
several hours while the animal rests quietly i n a cage. These contamination.
precautions m i n i m i z e the likelihood that subcutaneous The urinary catheter is passed through the endotracheal
emphysema or pneumomediastinum will develop. tube to the level of the carina (approximately the fourth
FIG 20-14
O v e r c o m i n g p r o b l e m s with t r a c h e a l w a s h fluid c o l l e c t i o n . G r e e n b o x e s i n d i c a t e p r o b l e m s ,
blue b o x e s indicate p o s s i b l e c a u s e s , a n d o r a n g e b o x e s i n d i c a t e r e m e d i e s .
intercostal space), maintaining sterile technique. The wash
procedure is performed as described for the transtracheal
technique. Slightly larger boluses o f saline may be required,
however, because o f the larger volume o f the catheter. Use o f
a catheter larger than 5F seems to reduce the yield o f the
wash except when secretions are extremely viscous.

The cells collected i n the wash fluid are fragile. The fluid
is ideally processed w i t h i n 30 minutes o f collection, with
m i n i m a l manipulation. Bacterial culture is performed o n at
least 0.5 to 1 m l o f fluid. Fungal cultures are performed i f
mycotic disease is a differential diagnosis, and Mycoplasma
cultures are considered for cats and dogs with signs o f b r o n
chitis. Cytologic preparations are made both from the fluid FIG 20-15
and from any mucus w i t h i n the fluid. Both fluid and mucus Photomicrograph of a Blastomyces organism from the lungs
are examined because infectious agents and inflammatory of a dog with blastomycosis. The organisms stain deeply
cells can be concentrated i n the mucus, but the protein basophilic, are 5 to 15 m in diameter, and have a thick
aceous material causes cells to c l u m p and interferes with refractile cell wall. Often, as in this figure, broad-based
budding forms are seen. The cells present are alveolar
evaluation o f the cell morphology. M u c u s is retrieved w i t h a
macrophages and neutrophils. (Bronchoalveolar lavage
needle, and squash preparations are made. Direct smears o f
fluid, Wright stain.)
the fluid itself can be made, but such specimens are often
hypocellular. Sediment or cytocentrifuge preparations are
generally necessary to make adequate interpretation pos
sible. Straining the fluid through gauze to remove the mucus
is discouraged because infectious agents may be lost i n the
process. Routine cytologic stains are used.
Microscopic examination of slides includes the identifica
tion of cell types, qualitative evaluation o f the cells, and an
examination for infectious agents. Cells are evaluated quali
tatively for evidence o f macrophage activation, neutrophil
degeneration, lymphocyte reactivity, and characteristics o f
malignancy. Epithelial hyperplasia secondary to inflamma
tion should not be overinterpreted as neoplasia, however.
Infectious agents such as bacteria, protozoa (Toxoplasma
gondii), fungi (Histoplasma, Blastomyces, and Cryptococcus
organisms), and parasitic larvae or eggs may be present (see
Fig. 20-12, and Figs. 20-15 through 20-17). Because only one FIG 2 0 - 1 6
or two organisms may be present o n an entire slide, a thor P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of Histoplasma o r g a n i s m s from the lungs
ough evaluation is indicated. of a d o g with histoplasmosis. The o r g a n i s m s a r e small (2 to
4 m) a n d r o u n d , with a d e e p l y staining center a n d a
INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS lighter-staining h a l o . They a r e often f o u n d within p h a g o c y t i c
cells: in this figure, a n a l v e o l a r m a c r o p h a g e . (Bronchoalveo
N o r m a l tracheal wash fluid contains primarily respiratory
lar l a v a g e fluid, W r i g h t stain.)
epithelial cells. Few other inflammatory cells are present (Fig.
20-18). Occasionally, macrophages are retrieved from the
small airways and alveoli because the catheter was extended from drainage of saliva into the trachea, which usually occurs
into the lungs beyond the carina or because relatively large in cats that hypersalivate or dogs that are heavily sedated,
volumes o f saline were used. M o s t macrophages are not acti particularly i f the head and neck are extended more than
vated. In these instances the presence of macrophages does briefly for the passage o f the endotracheal tube or transtra
not indicate disease but rather reflects the acquisition o f cheal catheter. O r a l contamination is indicated by the finding
material from the deep lung (see the section o n nonbron of numerous squamous epithelial cells, often coated with
choscopic bronchoalveolar lavage). bacteria, and Simonsiella organisms (Fig. 20-19). Simonsiella
Slides are examined for evidence o f overt oral contamina organisms are large basophilic rods that are frequently found
tion, w h i c h can occur during transtracheal washing i f the stacked uniformly o n one another along their broad side.
catheter needle was inadvertently inserted p r o x i m a l to the Specimens with overt oral contamination generally do not
cricothyroid ligament. Rarely, dogs can cough the catheter provide accurate information about the airways, particularly
up into the oropharynx. O r a l contamination can also result with regard to bacterial infection.
Cytologic results of tracheal wash fluid are most useful cant, whereas the growth of bacteria i n culture may or may
when pathogenic organisms or malignant cells are identified. not be significant because low numbers o f bacteria can be
The presence of pathogens such as Toxoplasma gondii, sys present i n the large airways o f healthy animals. In general,
temic fungal organisms, and parasites provide a definitive the cytologic identification o f bacteria and their growth i n
diagnosis. The finding o f bacterial organisms i n cytologic culture without multiplication i n enrichment broth are sig
preparations without evidence o f oral contamination i n d i nificant findings. Bacteria that are not seen cytologically and
cates the presence o f infection. The growth o f any of the that grow only after incubation i n enrichment media can
systemic mycotic agents i n culture is also clinically signifi- result from several situations. For example, the bacteria may
be causing infection without being present i n high numbers
because of the prior administration o f antibiotics or because
of the collection o f a nonrepresentative specimen. The bac
teria may also be clinically insignificant and represent n o r m a l
tracheal inhabitants or result from contamination during
collection. Other clinical data must therefore be considered
when interpreting such findings. The role o f Mycoplasma sp.
in respiratory disease o f the dog and cat is not well under
stood. These organisms cannot be seen o n cytologic prepara
tions and are difficult to grow i n culture. Specific transport
media is necessary. G r o w t h o f Mycoplasma organisms from
tracheal wash fluid may indicate primary or secondary infec
tion or be an insignificant finding. Treatment is generally
Criteria o f malignancy for m a k i n g a diagnosis o f neo
plasia must be interpreted w i t h extreme caution. Overt char
acteristics o f malignancy must be present i n many cells i n
FIG 2 0 - 1 7
the absence o f concurrent inflammation for a definitive
Photomicrograph of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites from the
diagnosis to be made.
lungs of a c a t with acute t o x o p l a s m o s i s . The extracellular
tachyzoites a r e crescent s h a p e d with a centrally p l a c e d The type o f inflammatory cells present i n tracheal wash
nucleus. They a r e a p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 m in length. (Bronchoal fluid can assist i n narrowing the differential diagnoses,
veolar l a v a g e fluid, W r i g h t stain.) although a mixed inflammatory response is c o m m o n .

FIG 2 0 - 1 8
Tracheal w a s h fluid from a healthy d o g s h o w i n g ciliated epithelium a n d f e w inflammatory
response is also usually present. Hemorrhage can be caused
by neoplasia, mycotic infection, heartworm disease, throm
boembolism, foreign body, lung lobe torsion, or coagulopa
thies. Evidence of hemorrhage is seen occasionally i n animals
with congestive heart failure or severe bacterial pneumonia.

Indications and Complications
Bronchoalvelolar lavage ( B A L ) is considered for the diagnos
tic evaluation o f patients with lung disease involving the
small airways, alveoli, or interstitium that are not i n respira
tory distress (see Table 20-2). A large volume o f lung is
FIG 20-19
T r a c h e a l w a s h fluid s h o w i n g e v i d e n c e of o r o p h a r y n g e a l sampled by B A L (Figs. 20-20 and 20-21). The collected spec
c o n t a m i n a t i o n . The numerous, uniformly s t a c k e d b a s o p h i l i c imens are o f large volume, providing more than adequate
rods a r e Simonsiella o r g a n i s m s , n o r m a l inhabitants of the material for routine cytology, cytology involving special
o r a l cavity. These o r g a n i s m s , a s w e l l a s m a n y other stains (e.g., G r a m stains, acid-fast stains), multiple types of
b a c t e r i a , a r e a d h e r i n g to a s q u a m o u s epithelial c e l l .
cultures (e.g., bacterial, fungal, mycoplasmal), or other spe
S q u a m o u s epithelium is a n o t h e r i n d i c a t i o n of c o n t a m i n a t i o n
cific tests that might be helpful i n particular patients (e.g.,
from the o r a l cavity.
flow cytometry, polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). Cyto
logic preparations from B A L fluid are o f excellent quality
Neutrophilic (suppurative) inflammation is c o m m o n i n bac and consistently provide large numbers of well-stained cells
terial infections. Before antibiotic therapy is initiated, the for examination.
neutrophils may be (but are not always) degenerative, and Although general anesthesia is required, the procedure is
organisms can often be seen. N e u t r o p h i l i c inflammation associated w i t h few complications and can be performed
may be a response to a variety o f other diseases. For instance, repeatedly i n the same animal to follow the progression of
it can be caused by other infectious agents or seen i n patients disease or observe the response to therapy. The primary
with canine chronic bronchitis, idiopathic pulmonary fibro complication o f B A L is transient hypoxemia. The hypoxemia
sis or other idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, or even neo generally can be corrected with oxygen supplementation, but
plasia. Some cats w i t h idiopathic bronchitis have neutrophilic animals exhibiting increased respiratory efforts or respira
inflammation rather than the expected eosinophilic response tory distress i n r o o m air are not good candidates for this
(see Chapter 21). The neutrophils i n these instances are gen procedure. Patients with hyperreactive airways, particularly
erally nondegenerative. cats, are treated with bronchodilators, as described previ
Eosinophilic inflammation reflects a hypersensitivity ously, for endotracheal washing. For patients with bacterial
response, and c o m m o n diseases resulting i n eosinophilic or aspiration pneumonia, tracheal washing routinely results
inflammation include allergic bronchitis, parasitic disease, i n an adequate specimen for cytologic and microbiologic
and eosinophilic lung disease. Parasites that affect the lung analysis and avoids the need for general anesthesia i n these
include primary lungworms or flukes, migrating intestinal patients.
parasites, and heartworms. Over time, m i x e d inflammation B A L is a routine part o f diagnostic bronchoscopy, during
can occur i n patients w i t h hypersensitivity. It is occasionally w h i c h visually guided B A L specimens can be collected from
possible for nonparasitic infections or neoplasia to cause specific diseased lung lobes. However, nonbronchoscopic
eosinophilia, usually as part of a mixed inflammatory response. techniques ( N B - B A L ) have been developed that allow B A L
Macrophagic (granulomatous) inflammation is charac to be performed with m i n i m a l expense i n routine practice
terized by the finding o f increased numbers o f activated settings. Because visual guidance is not possible using these
macrophages, generally present as a component of mixed methods, they are used primarily for patients with diffuse
inflammation along w i t h increased numbers of other inflam disease. However, the technique described for cats probably
matory cells. Activated macrophages are vacuolated and have samples the cranial and middle regions of the lung on the
increased amounts o f cytoplasm. This response is nonspe side of the cat placed against the table, whereas the technique
cific unless an etiologic agent can be identified. described for dogs consistently samples one o f the caudal
Lymphocytic inflammation alone is u n c o m m o n . V i r a l or lung lobes.
rickettsial infection, idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, and
l y m p h o m a are considerations. TECHNIQUE FOR NB-BAL IN CATS
True hemorrhage can be differentiated from a traumatic A sterile endotracheal tube and syringe adapter are used i n
specimen collection by the presence o f erythrophagocytosis cats to collect lavage fluid (Fig. 20-22; see also Fig. 20-21).
and hemosiderin-laden macrophages. An inflammatory Cats, particularly those with signs of bronchitis, should be
FIG 2 0 - 2 0
The r e g i o n of the l o w e r respiratory tract that is s a m p l e d b y b r o n c h o a l v e o l a r l a v a g e (BAL)
in c o m p a r i s o n with the r e g i o n s a m p l e d b y t r a c h e a l w a s h (TW). The solid red line (b)
within the a i r w a y s represents a b r o n c h o s c o p e or m o d i f i e d f e e d i n g tube. The o p e n lines (c)
represent the t r a c h e a l w a s h catheter. B r o n c h o a l v e o l a r l a v a g e y i e l d s fluid representative of
the d e e p l u n g , w h e r e a s t r a c h e a l w a s h y i e l d s fluid representative of p r o c e s s e s involving
major a i r w a y s .

FIG 20-21
The r e g i o n of the l o w e r respiratory tract p r e s u m e d to b e s a m p l e d b y n o n b r o n c h o s c o p i c
b r o n c h o a l v e o l a r l a v a g e in cats using a n e n d o t r a c h e a l tube.
FIG 20-22
B r o n c h o a l v e o l a r l a v a g e using a n e n d o t r a c h e a l tube in a cat. The fluid retrieved is grossly
f o a m y b e c a u s e of the surfactant present. The p r o c e d u r e is p e r f o r m e d q u i c k l y b e c a u s e the
a i r w a y is c o m p l e t e l y o c c l u d e d d u r i n g the infusion a n d a s p i r a t i o n of fluid.

treated with bronchodilators before the procedure, as des TECHNIQUE FOR NB-BAL IN DOGS
cribed previously for tracheal wash (endotracheal technique), A n inexpensive 122-cm 16F Levin-type polyvinyl chloride
to decrease the risk of bronchospasm. The cat is premedi stomach tube (Argyle stomach tube, Tyco Healthcare Group
cated with atropine (0.05 mg/kg subcutaneously) and anes L P ) can be used i n dogs to collect lavage fluid. The tube must
thetized with ketamine and acepromazine or diazepam, given be modified for successful N B - B A L . Sterile technique is
intravenously. The endotracheal tube is passed as cleanly as maintained throughout. The distal end o f the tube is cut off
possible through the larynx to m i n i m i z e oral contamination. to remove the side openings. The proximal end is cut off to
T o achieve sufficient cleanliness, the tip of the tongue is pulled remove the flange and shorten the tube to a length slightly
out, a laryngoscope is used, and sterile lidocaine is applied greater than the distance from the open end o f the dog's
topically to the laryngeal mucosa. The cuff is then inflated endotracheal tube to the last rib. A syringe adapter is placed
sufficiently to create a seal, but overinflation is avoided to within the p r o x i m a l end o f the tube (Fig. 20-23).
prevent tracheal rupture (i.e., use a 3 - m l syringe and inflate Recovery of B A L fluid can be improved by tapering the
cuff i n 0.5-ml increments only until no leak is audible when distal end of the tube. Tapering is readily achieved using a
gentle pressure is placed o n the oxygen reservoir bag). metal, single-blade, handheld pencil sharpener that has been
The cat is placed i n lateral recumbency with the most autoclaved and is used only for this purpose (see Fig. 20-23,
diseased side, as determined by physical and radiographic A and B).
findings, against the table. Oxygen (100%) is administered The dog is premedicated with atropine (0.05 mg/kg
for several minutes through the endotracheal tube. The anes subcutaneously) or glycopyrrolate (0.005 mg/kg subcutane
thetic adapter is then removed from the endotracheal tube ously) and anesthetized using a short-acting protocol that
and replaced with a sterile syringe adapter, using caution to will allow intubation, such as with propofol, a short-acting
avoid contamination o f the end of the tube or adapter. barbiturate, or the combination of medetomidine and butor
Immediately, a bolus o f warmed, sterile 0.9% saline solution phanol. If the dog is o f sufficient size to accept a size 6 or
(5 m l / k g body weight) is infused through the tube over larger endotracheal tube, the dog is intubated with a sterile
approximately 3 seconds. Immediately after infusion, suction endotracheal tube placed as cleanly as possible to minimize
is applied by syringe. A i r is eliminated from the syringe, and oral contamination o f the specimen. The modified stomach
several aspiration attempts are made until fluid is no longer tube w i l l not fit through a smaller endotracheal tube, so the
recovered. The procedure is repeated using a total o f two or technique must be performed without an endotracheal tube
three boluses of saline solution. The cat is allowed to expand or a smaller stomach tube must be used. If no endotracheal
its lungs between the infusions o f saline solution. After the tube is used, extreme care must be taken to m i n i m i z e oral
last infusion, the syringe adapter is removed (because it contamination i n passing the modified stomach tube, and
greatly interferes with ventilation) and excess fluid is drained an appropriate-sized endotracheal tube should be available
from the large airways and endotracheal tube by elevating to gain control o f the airway i n case o f complications and
the caudal half of the cat a few inches off o f the table. A t this for recovery.
point, the cat is cared for as described i n the section o n Oxygen (100%) is provided through the endotracheal
recovery o f patients after B A L . tube or by face mask for several minutes. The modified
FIG 2 0 - 2 4
Bronchoalveolar lavage using a modified stomach tube in a
FIG 2 0 - 2 3
dog. The tube is passed through a sterile endotracheal tube
The catheter used for nonbronchoscopic bronchoalveolar
and lodged in a bronchus. A syringe preloaded with saline
lavage in dogs is a modified 16F Levin-type stomach tube.
and air is held upright during infusion so that the saline is
The tube is shortened by cutting off both ends. A simple
infused first, followed by the air.
pencil sharpener (inset A) is used to taper the distal end of
the tube (inset B). A syringe adapter is added to the
proximal end. Sterility is maintained throughout.
possible, patients are monitored w i t h pulse oximetry (p. 283)
before and throughout the procedure and d u r i n g recovery.
stomach tube is passed through the endotracheal tube using After the procedure, 100% oxygen is provided through an
sterile technique until resistance is felt. The goal is to wedge endotracheal tube for as long as the dog or cat w i l l allow
the tube snugly into an airway rather than have it abut an intubation. Several gentle "sighs" are performed with the
airway division. Therefore the tube is withdrawn slightly, anesthesia bag to help expand any collapsed portions of lung.
then passed again, until resistance is consistently felt at the Bronchospasms are a reported complication o f B A L i n
same depth. Rotating the tube slightly during passage may people, and increased airway resistance has been documented
help achieve a snug fit. Remember that i f the endotracheal i n cats after bronchoscopy and B A L (Kirschvink et al., 2005).
tube is not m u c h larger than the stomach tube, ventilation Albuterol i n a metered dose inhaler should be o n hand to
is restricted at this point and the procedure should be c o m administer through the endotracheal tube or by spacer and
pleted expediently. mask i f needed.
For medium-size dogs and larger, two 3 5 - m l syringes are After extubation the mucous membrane color, pulses, and
prepared i n advance, each with 25 m l of saline and 5 m l o f character o f respirations are monitored closely. Crackles can
air. While the modified stomach tube is held i n place, a 2 5 - m l be heard for several hours after B A L and are not cause for
bolus of saline is infused through the tube, followed by the concern. Treatment w i t h oxygen supplementation is contin
5 m l of air, by holding the syringe upright during infusion ued by mask, oxygen cage, or nasal catheter i f there are any
(Fig. 20-24). Gentle suction is applied immediately after indications o f hypoxemia. Oxygen supplementation is rarely
infusion, using the same syringe. It may be necessary to necessary for more than 10 to 15 minutes after B A L , even i n
withdraw the tube slightly i f negative pressure is felt. The animals w i t h diseased lungs; however, the ability to provide
tube should not be withdrawn more than a few millimeters. supplementation for longer periods is a prerequisite for the
If it is withdrawn too far, air w i l l be recovered instead o f performance o f this procedure.
fluid. The second bolus o f saline is infused and recovered i n
the same manner, with the tube i n the same position. The SPECIMEN HANDLING
dog is cared for as described i n the next section. Successful B A L yields fluid that is grossly foamy, a result
In very small dogs, it is prudent to reduce the volume of of the surfactant from the alveoli. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 50% to
saline used i n each bolus, particularly i f a smaller diameter 80% o f the total volume o f saline instilled is expected to be
stomach tube is used. Overinflation o f the lungs with exces recovered. Less w i l l be obtained from dogs w i t h tracheo
sive fluid volumes should be avoided. bronchomalacia (collapsing airways). The fluid is placed o n
ice immediately after collection and is processed as soon as
RECOVERY OF PATIENTS possible, with m i n i m u m manipulation to decrease cell lysis.
FOLLOWING BAL For convenience, retrieved boluses can be combined for analy
Regardless of the method used, B A L causes a transient sis; however, fluid from the first bolus usually contains more
decrease i n the arterial oxygen concentration, but this hypox cells from the larger airways, and fluid from later boluses is
emia responds readily to oxygen supplementation. Where more representative o f the alveoli and interstitium.
The B A L fluid is analyzed cytologically and microbio are made through the identification of organisms or abnor
logically. Nucleated cell counts are performed o n undiluted mal cell populations. Fungal, protozoal, or parasitic organ
fluid using a hemocytometer. Cells are concentrated onto isms may be present i n extremely low numbers i n B A L
slides for differential cell counts and qualitative analysis specimens; therefore the entire concentrated slide prepara
using cytocentrifugation or sedimentation techniques. Excel tion must be carefully scanned. Profound epithelial hyper
lent-quality slides result that are stained using routine cyto plasia can occur i n the presence of an inflammatory response
logic procedures. Differential cell counts are performed by and should not be confused w i t h neoplasia.
counting at least 200 nucleated cells. Slides are scrutinized If quantitative bacterial culture is available, growth of
for evidence o f macrophage activation, lymphocyte reactiv organisms at greater than 1.7 X 10 colony-forming units
ity, neutrophil degeneration, and criteria o f malignancy. A l l ( C F U ) / m l has been reported to indicate infection (Peeters
slides are examined thoroughly for possible etiologic agents, et a l , 2000). In the absence o f quantitative numbers, growth
such as fungi, protozoa, parasites, and bacteria (see Figs.
20-12 and 20-15 to 20-17). As described for tracheal wash,
visible strands of mucus can be examined for etiologic agents
by squash preparation.
Approximately 5 m l of fluid is used for bacterial culture.
A d d i t i o n a l fluid is submitted for fungal culture i f mycotic
disease is among the differential diagnoses. Mycoplasma
cultures are considered i n cats and dogs w i t h signs o f

N o r m a l cytologic values for B A L fluid are inexact because of
inconsistency i n the techniques used and variability among
individual animals o f the same species. In general, total
nucleated cell counts i n n o r m a l animals are less than 400 to
500/l. Differential cell counts from healthy dogs and cats
are listed i n Table 20-3.
Interpretation o f B A L fluid cytology and cultures is essen
tially the same as that described for tracheal wash fluid,
although the specimens are more representative o f the deep
lung than the airways. In addition, the n o r m a l cell popula
tion o f macrophages must not be misinterpreted as being FIG 2 0 - 2 5
indicative o f macrophagic or chronic inflammation (Fig. B r o n c h o a l v e o l a r l a v a g e fluid from a normal d o g . N o t e that
20-25). A s for all cytologic specimens, definitive diagnoses alveolar macrophages predominate.

TABLE 20-3
Differential C e l l Counts from Bronchoalveolar Lavage F l u i d from N o r m a l A n i m a l s



Macrophages 70 11 71 10 81 11 78 15
Lymphocytes 7 + 5 5 + 3 2 5 0.4 0.6
Neutrophils 5 5 7 4 15 12 5 5
Eosinophils 6 6 16 7 2 3 16 14
Epithelial cells 1 1
M a s t cells 1 1

* M e a n SD, 6 clinically and histologically normal dogs. (From Kuehn N F : Canine bronchoalveolar lavage profile. Thesis for masters of
science degree, West Lafayette, Ind, 1 9 8 7 , Purdue University.)
M e a n SE, 1 1 clinically normal cats. (From King RR et al: Bronchoalveolar lavage cell populations in dogs and cats with eosinophilic
pneumonitis. In Proceedings of the Seventh Veterinary Respiratory Symposium, Chicago, 1988, Comparative Respiratory Society.)
M e a n SD, 9 clinically normal dogs. (From Hawkins EC et al: Use of a modified stomach tube for bronchoalveolar lavage in dogs, J Am
VetMedAssoc 2 1 5 : 1 6 3 5 , 1999.)
M e a n SD, 3 4 specific pathogen-free cats. (From Hawkins EC et al: Cytologic characterization of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid collected
through an endotracheal tube in cats, Am J Vet Res 55:795, 1994.)
of organisms on a plate directly inoculated with B A L fluid is vessels, or nerves. If a solitary localized mass lesion is present,
considered significant, whereas growth from fluid that occurs thoracotomy and biopsy should be considered rather than
only after multiplication i n enrichment broth may also be a transthoracic sampling because this permits both the diag
result of normal inhabitants or contamination. Patients that nosis o f the problem and the potentially therapeutic benefits
are already receiving antibiotics at the time o f specimen col of complete excision.
lection may have significant infection with few or no bacte Transthoracic l u n g aspirates can be obtained i n animals
ria by culture. with a diffuse interstitial radiographic pattern. In some o f
these patients, solid areas o f infiltrate i n lung tissue i m m e
DIAGNOSTIC YIELD diately adjacent to the body wall can be identified ultraso
A retrospective study o f B A L fluid cytologic analysis i n dogs nographically even though they are not apparent on thoracic
at referral institutions showed that B A L findings provided radiographs (see Fig. 20-11). Ultrasound guidance o f the
the basis for a definitive diagnosis i n 25% o f cases and were aspiration needle into the areas o f infiltrate should improve
supportive of the diagnosis i n an additional 50%. O n l y dogs diagnostic yield and safety. If areas o f infiltrate cannot be
in which a definitive diagnosis was obtained by any means identified ultrasonographically, B A L should be considered
were included. Definitive diagnoses were possible on the before lung aspiration i n animals that can tolerate the pro
basis of B A L only i n those animals i n which infectious organ cedure because it yields a larger specimen for analysis and,
isms were identified or i n those cases i n which overtly malig i n this author's o p i n i o n , carries less risk than transthoracic
nant cells were present i n specimens i n the absence of marked aspiration i n patients that are not experiencing increased
inflammation. B A L has been shown to be more sensitive respiratory efforts or distress. Tracheal wash (if B A L is not
than radiographs i n identifying pulmonary involvement possible) and appropriate ancillary tests are also generally
with lymphosarcoma. Carcinoma was definitively identified indicated before lung aspiration i n these patients because
in 57% of cases, and other sarcomas were not found i n B A L they carry little risk.
fluid. Fungal pneumonia was confirmed i n only 2 5 % o f
cases, although organisms were found i n 67% o f cases i n a TECHNIQUES
previous study o f dogs with overt fungal pneumonia. The site o f collection i n animals with localized disease adja
cent to the body wall is best identified with ultrasonography.
If ultrasonography is not available or the lesion is surrounded
TRANSTHORACIC LUNG ASPIRATION by aerated lung, the site is determined o n the basis o f
AND BIOPSY two radiographic views. The location o f the lesion during
inspiration i n all three dimensions is identified by its rela
Indications and Complications tionship to external landmarks: the nearest intercostal space
Pulmonary parenchymal specimens can be obtained by or rib, the distance from the costochondral junctions, and
transthoracic needle aspiration or biopsy. A l t h o u g h only a the depth into the lungs from the body wall. If available,
small region of lung is sampled by these methods, collection fluoroscopy or C T also can be used to guide the needle or
can be guided by radiographic findings or ultrasonography biopsy instrument.
to improve the likelihood of obtaining representative speci The site o f collection i n animals with diffuse disease is a
mens. As with tracheal wash and B A L , a definitive diagnosis caudal l u n g lobe. The needle is inserted between the seventh
will be possible i n patients with infectious or neoplastic to ninth intercostal spaces, approximately two thirds o f the
disease. Patients with non-infectious inflammatory diseases distance from the costochondral junctions to the spine.
require thoracoscopy or thoracotomy with lung biopsy for a The animal must be restrained for the procedure, and
definitive diagnosis. sedation or anesthesia is necessary i n some. Anesthesia is
Potential complications o f transthoracic needle aspira avoided, i f possible, because the hemorrhage created by
tion or biopsy include pneumothorax, hemothorax, and p u l the procedure is not cleared as readily from the lungs i n an
monary hemorrhage. The procedures are not recommended anesthetized dog or cat. The skin at the site o f collection is
in animals with suspected cysts, abscesses, pulmonary hyper shaved and surgically prepared. Lidocaine is injected into the
tension, or coagulopathies. Severe complications are u n c o m subcutaneous tissues and intercostal muscles to provide local
mon, but these procedures should not be performed unless anesthesia.
the clinician is prepared to place a chest tube and otherwise L u n g aspiration can be performed w i t h an injection
support the animal i f necessary. needle, spinal needle, or a variety o f thin-walled needles
Lung aspirates and biopsy specimens are indicated for the designed specifically for lung aspiration i n people. Spinal
nonsurgical diagnosis o f intrathoracic mass lesions that are needles are readily available i n most practices, are sufficiently
in contact with the thoracic wall. The risk o f complications long to penetrate through the thoracic wall, and have a stylet.
in these animals is relatively low because the specimens can A 22-gauge, 1.5- to 3.5-inch (3.75- to 8.75-cm) spinal needle
be collected without disrupting aerated lung. Obtaining is usually adequate.
aspirates or biopsy specimens from masses that are far from The clinician wears sterile gloves. The needle with stylet
the body wall and near the mediastinum carries the addi is advanced through the skin several rib spaces from the
tional risk of lacerating important mediastinal organs, desired biopsy site. The needle and skin are then moved to
the biopsy site. This is done because air is less likely to enter needle, and the contents o f the needle are then forced onto
the thorax through the needle tract following the procedure one or more slides. Grossly, the material is bloody i n most
i f the openings i n the skin and chest wall are not aligned. cases. Squash preparations are made. Slides are stained
The needle is then advanced through the body wall to the using routine procedures and then evaluated cytologically.
pleura. The stylet is removed, and the needle hub is i m m e Increased numbers o f inflammatory cells, infectious agents,
diately covered by a finger to prevent pneumothorax u n t i l a or neoplastic cell populations are potential abnormalities.
12-ml syringe can be placed o n the hub. D u r i n g inspiration Alveolar macrophages are n o r m a l findings i n parenchymal
the needle is thrust into the chest to a depth predetermined specimens and should not be interpreted as representing
from the radiographs, usually about 1 i n c h (2.5 c m ) , while chronic inflammation. They should be carefully examined
suction is applied to the syringe (Fig. 20-26). T o keep from for evidence o f phagocytosis o f bacteria, fungi, or red b l o o d
inserting the needle too deeply, the clinician may p i n c h the cells and for signs o f activation. Epithelial hyperplasia can
needle shaft w i t h the t h u m b and forefinger o f the nondom occur i n the presence o f inflammation and should not be
inant h a n d at the desired m a x i m u m depth o f insertion. confused w i t h neoplasia. Sometimes the liver is aspirated
D u r i n g insertion the needle can be twisted along its l o n g axis inadvertently, particularly i n deep-chested dogs, yielding a
i n an attempt to obtain a core o f tissue. The needle is then population o f cells that may resemble those from adenocar
immediately withdrawn to the level o f the pleura. Several cinoma. However, hepatocytes typically contain bile pigment.
quick stabs into the l u n g can be made along different lines Bacterial culture is indicated i n some animals, although the
to increase the yield. volume o f material obtained is quite small.
Each stab should take only a second. Prolonging the time Transthoracic l u n g core biopsies can be performed i n
that the needle is w i t h i n the l u n g tissue increases the likeli animals w i t h mass lesions. They are collected after an aspi
h o o d o f complications. The l u n g tissue w i l l be m o v i n g w i t h rate has proved to be nondiagnostic. Needle biopsy instru
respirations, resulting i n laceration o f tissue, even i f the ments can be used to biopsy lesions adjacent to the chest wall
needle is held steady. (e.g., E Z C o r e biopsy needles, Products G r o u p International).
The needle is withdrawn from the body wall w i t h a Smaller-bore, thin-walled lung biopsy instruments can be
m i n i m a l amount o f negative pressure maintained by the obtained from medical suppliers for h u m a n patients. These
syringe. It is unusual for the specimen to be large enough to instruments collect smaller pieces o f tissue but are less dis
have entered the syringe. The needle is removed from the ruptive to n o r m a l lung. Ideally, sufficient material is col
syringe, the syringe is filled with air and reattached to the lected for histologic evaluation. If not, squash preparations
are made for cytologic studies.

Bronchoscopy is indicated for the evaluation o f the major
airways i n animals w i t h suspected structural abnormalities,
for visual assessment o f airway inflammation or pulmonary
hemorrhage, and as a means o f collecting specimens i n
animals with undiagnosed lower respiratory tract disease.
Bronchoscopy can be used to identify structural abnormali
ties o f the major airways, such as tracheal collapse, mass
lesions, tears, strictures, lung lobe torsions, bronchiectasis,
bronchial collapse, and external airway compression. Foreign
bodies or parasites may be identified. Hemorrhage or inflam
mation involving or extending to the large airways may also
be seen and localized.
Specimen collection techniques performed i n conjunc
tion w i t h bronchoscopy are valuable diagnostic tools because
they can be used to obtain specimens from deeper regions
of the l u n g than is possible w i t h the tracheal wash technique,
FIG 20-26 and visually directed sampling o f specific lesions or lung
Transthoracic lung aspiration performed with a spinal lobes is also possible. Animals undergoing bronchoscopy
needle. Note that sterile technique is used. The needle shaft
must receive general anesthesia, and the presence o f the
can be pinched with a finger and thumb at the maximum
scope w i t h i n the airways compromises ventilation. Therefore
depth to which the needle should be passed. The finger and
thumb thus act as a guard to prevent overinsertion of the bronchoscopy is contraindicated i n animals with severe
needle. Although this patient is under general anesthesia, respiratory tract compromise unless the procedure is likely
this is not usually indicated. to be therapeutic (e.g., foreign body removal).
Technique relatively small incision can be performed. If disease is obvi
Bronchoscopy is technically more demanding than most ously disseminated throughout the lungs such that surgical
other endoscopic techniques. The patient is often experienc intervention w i l l not be therapeutic, biopsies o f abnormal
ing some degree of respiratory compromise, w h i c h poses tissue can be obtained w i t h these methods v i a small i n c i
increased anesthetic and procedural risk. Airway hyperreac sions. F o r patients with questionable findings or apparently
tivity may be exacerbated by the procedure, particularly i n localized disease, thoracoscopy or " m i n i " thoracotomy
cats.(Kirschvink et al., 2005) A small-diameter, flexible endo can be transitioned to a full thoracotomy during the same
scope is needed and should be sterilized before use. The anesthesia.
bronchoscopist should be thoroughly familiar with n o r m a l
airway anatomy to ensure that every lobe is examined. B A L
is routinely performed as part o f diagnostic bronchoscopy BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS
after thorough visual examination of the airways. The reader
is referred to chapters i n other textbooks for details about Indications
performing bronchoscopy and bronchoscopic B A L (Kuehn, The measurement o f partial pressures o f oxygen (PaO ) and 2

2004; M c K i e r n a n , 2005; Hawkins, 2004). Bronchoscopic carbon dioxide (PaCO ) i n arterial b l o o d specimens provides

images o f normal airways are shown i n Fig. 20-27. Reported information about p u l m o n a r y function. Venous b l o o d anal
cell counts from bronchoscopically collected B A L fluid are ysis is less useful because venous b l o o d oxygen pressures are
provided i n Table 20-3. greatly affected by cardiac function and peripheral circula
Abnormalities that may be observed during bronchos tion. Arterial b l o o d gas measurements are indicated to doc
copy and their c o m m o n clinical correlations are listed i n ument pulmonary failure, to differentiate hypoventilation
Table 20-4. A definitive diagnosis may not be possible o n the from other causes o f hypoxemia, to help determine the
basis o f the findings yielded by gross examination alone. need for supportive therapy, and to m o n i t o r the response to
Specimens are collected through the biopsy channel for cyto therapy. Respiratory compromise must be severe for abnor
logic, histopathologic, and microbiologic analysis. Bronchial malities to be measurable because the body has tremendous
specimens are obtained by bronchial washing, bronchial compensatory mechanisms.
brushing, or pinch biopsy. Material for bacterial culture can
be collected with guarded culture swabs. The deeper l u n g is TECHNIQUES
sampled by B A L or transbronchial biopsy. Foreign bodies are Arterial b l o o d is collected i n a heparinized syringe. D i l u t i o n
removed with retrieval forceps. of specimens w i t h l i q u i d heparin can alter b l o o d gas results.
Therefore commercially available syringes preloaded with
lyophilized heparin are recommended (e.g., M i c r o ABG,
THORACOTOMY OR THORACOSCOPY 1-ml luer slip syringe with 25-g needle and 50 U heparin,
WITH LUNG BIOPSY V i t a l Signs, Inc). Alternatively, the procedure for hepariniz
ing syringes as described by H o p p e r et al. (2005) should be
Thoracotomy and surgical biopsy are performed i n animals followed: 0.5 m l o f l i q u i d sodium heparin is drawn into a
with progressive clinical signs o f lower respiratory tract 3-ml syringe w i t h a 25 g needle. The plunger is drawn back
disease that has not been diagnosed using less invasive means. to the 3 m l mark. A l l air is then expelled from the syringe.
Although thoracotomy carries a greater risk than the previ This procedure for expelling air and excess heparin is repeated
ously mentioned diagnostic techniques, the m o d e r n anes three times.
thetic agents, surgical techniques, and m o n i t o r i n g capabilities The femoral artery is c o m m o n l y used (Fig. 20-28). The
now available have made this procedure routine i n many animal is placed i n lateral recumbency. The upper rear l i m b
veterinary practices. Analgesic drugs are used to manage the is abducted, and the rear l i m b resting on the table is restrained
postoperative pain, and complication-free animals are dis i n a partially extended position. The femoral artery is pal
charged as soon as 2 to 3 days after surgery. Surgical biopsy pated i n the inguinal region, close to the abdominal wall,
provides excellent-quality specimens for histopathologic using two fingers. The needle is advanced into the artery
analysis and culture. A b n o r m a l lung tissue and accessible between these fingers. The artery is thick walled and loosely
lymph nodes are biopsied. attached to adjacent tissues; thus the needle must be sharp
Excisional biopsy o f abnormal tissue can be therapeutic and positioned exactly o n top o f the artery. A short, jabbing
in animals with localized disease. Removal o f localized neo m o t i o n facilitates entry.
plasms, abscesses, cysts, and foreign bodies can be curative. The dorsal pedal artery is useful for arterial collection i n
The removal of large localized lesions can improve the medium-sized and large dogs. The position o f the artery is
matching of ventilation and perfusion, even i n animals with illustrated i n Fig. 20-29.
evidence o f diffuse lung involvement, thereby i m p r o v i n g the Once the needle has penetrated the skin, suction is
oxygenation o f b l o o d and reducing clinical signs. applied. O n entry o f the needle into the artery, b l o o d should
In practices where thoracoscopy is available, this less inva enter the syringe quickly, sometimes i n pulses. Unless the
sive technique can be used for initial assessment o f intra animal is severely compromised, the b l o o d w i l l be bright red
thoracic disease. Similarly, a " m i n i " thoracotomy through a compared with the dark red of venous blood. D a r k red b l o o d
FIG 2 0 - 2 7
B r o n c h o s c o p i c i m a g e s of n o r m a l a i r w a y s . The labels for the l o b a r b r o n c h i a r e from a
useful nomenclature system for the major a i r w a y s a n d their b r a n c h e s b y A m i s et a l .
( 1 9 8 6 ) . A , C a r i n a , the d i v i s i o n b e t w e e n the right (R) a n d left (L) mainstem b r o n c h i .
B , Right mainstem b r o n c h u s . The c a r i n a is off the right s i d e of the i m a g e . The o p e n i n g s to
the right c r a n i a l (RB1), right m i d d l e (RB2), a c c e s s o r y (RB3), a n d right c a u d a l (RB4)
b r o n c h i a r e visible. C , Left mainstem b r o n c h u s . The c a r i n a is off the left side of the i m a g e .
The o p e n i n g s to the left c r a n i a l (LB1) a n d left c a u d a l (LB2) b r o n c h i a r e visible. The left
c r a n i a l l o b e (LB1) d i v i d e s i m m e d i a t e l y into c r a n i a l (narrow arrow) a n d c a u d a l (broad
arrow) b r a n c h e s . (Amis T C et a l : Systematic identification of e n d o b r o n c h i a l a n a t o m y
d u r i n g b r o n c h o s c o p y in the d o g , Am J Vet Res 4 7 : 2 6 4 9 , 1 9 8 6 . )

or b l o o d that is difficult to draw into the syringe may be from Pressure is applied even after unsuccessful attempts i f there
a vein. M i x e d samples from both the artery and vein can also is any possibility that the artery was entered.
be collected accidentally, particularly from the femoral site. A l l air bubbles are eliminated from the syringe. The
After removal o f the needle, pressure is applied to the needle is covered by a cork or rubber stopper, and the entire
puncture site for 5 minutes to prevent hematoma formation. syringe is placed i n crushed ice unless the b l o o d specimen is
TABLE 20-4
Bronchoscopic Abnormalities and T h e i r C l i n i c a l Correlations


H y p e r e m i a , loss of n o r m a l v a s c u l a r pattern, e x c e s s Inflammation
mucus, e x u d a t e
Redundant tracheal m e m b r a n e Tracheal collapse
Flattened c a r t i l a g e rings Tracheal collapse
Uniform n a r r o w i n g Hypoplastic trachea
Strictures Prior trauma
M a s s lesions Fractured rings, foreign b o d y g r a n u l o m a , n e o p l a s i a
Tears Usually c a u s e d b y e x c e s s i v e e n d o t r a c h e a l tube cuff pressure


Widened H i l a r l y m p h a d e n o p a t h y , extraluminal mass

Multiple raised nodules Oslerus osleri
Foreign b o d y Foreign b o d y


H y p e r e m i a , excess mucus, e x u d a t e Inflammation

C o l l a p s e of a i r w a y d u r i n g e x p i r a t i o n Chronic inflammation, bronchomalacia
C o l l a p s e of a i r w a y , inspiration a n d e x p i r a t i o n , ability Chronic inflammation, b r o n c h o m a l a c i a
to pass s c o p e through n a r r o w e d a i r w a y
C o l l a p s e of a i r w a y , inspiration a n d e x p i r a t i o n , inability Extraluminal mass lesions ( n e o p l a s i a , g r a n u l o m a , abscess)
to pass s c o p e through n a r r o w e d a i r w a y
C o l l a p s e of a i r w a y with " p u c k e r i n g " of m u c o s a Lung l o b e torsion
Hemorrhage N e o p l a s i a , fungal infection, h e a r t w o r m , t h r o m b o e m b o l i c d i s e a s e ,
c o a g u l o p a t h y , t r a u m a (including foreign b o d y related)
Single mass lesion Neoplasia
Multiple p o l y p o i d masses U s u a l l y c h r o n i c bronchitis; at c a r i n a , Oslerus
Foreign b o d y Foreign b o d y

to be analyzed immediately. Specimens should be analyzed

as soon as possible after collection. M i n i m a l alterations
occur i n specimens stored o n ice d u r i n g the few hours
required to transport the specimen to a h u m a n hospital i f a
b l o o d gas analyzer is not available o n site. Because o f the
availability o f reasonably priced b l o o d gas analyzers, point-
of-care testing is n o w possible.

Approximate arterial b l o o d gas values for n o r m a l dogs and
cats are provided i n Table 20-5. M o r e exact values should be
obtained for n o r m a l dogs and cats using the actual ana

FIG 2 0 - 2 8 PaO and PaCO

2 2

Position for o b t a i n i n g a n arterial b l o o d s p e c i m e n from the A b n o r m a l PaO and PaCO values can result from technical
2 2

femoral artery. The d o g is in left lateral r e c u m b e n c y . The

error. The animal's c o n d i t i o n and the collection technique
right rear limb is b e i n g held p e r p e n d i c u l a r to the table to
are considered i n the interpretation o f b l o o d gas values. F o r
expose the left inguinal a r e a . The pulse is p a l p a t e d in the
femoral triangle b e t w e e n t w o fingers to a c c u r a t e l y locate example, an animal i n stable c o n d i t i o n w i t h n o r m a l mucous
the artery. The n e e d l e is l a i d directly o n t o p of the artery, membrane characteristics being evaluated for exercise i n t o l
then stabbed into it with a short, j a b b i n g motion. erance is unlikely to have a resting PaO o f 45 m m H g . The 2
PaO is sigmoid i n shape, with a plateau at higher PaO values
2 2

(Fig. 20-30). N o r m a l hemoglobin is almost totally saturated

with oxygen when the PaO is greater than 80 to 90 m m H g ,

and clinical signs are unlikely i n animals with such values.

The curve begins to decrease more quickly at lower PaO 2

values. A value o f less than 60 m m H g corresponds to a

hemoglobin saturation that is considered dangerous, and
treatment for hypoxemia is indicated. (See the section on
oxygen content, delivery, and utilization [p. 282] for further
In general, animals become cyanotic when the PaO 2

reaches 50 m m H g or less, which results i n a concentration

of nonoxygenated (unsaturated) hemoglobin of 5 g/dl or
more. Cyanosis occurs as a result of the increased concentra
tion o f nonoxygenated hemoglobin i n the b l o o d and is not
a direct reflection o f the PaO . The development o f cyanosis

depends o n the total concentration o f hemoglobin, as well

as the oxygen pressure; cyanosis develops more quickly in
animals with polycythemia than i n animals with anemia.
Acute hypoxemia resulting from lung disease more often
produces pallor i n an animal than cyanosis. Treatment for
hypoxemia is indicated for all animals with cyanosis.
Determining the mechanism o f hypoxemia is useful i n
selecting appropriate supportive therapy. These mechanisms
include hypoventilation, inequality of ventilation and perfu
sion w i t h i n the lung, and diffusion abnormality. Hypoventi
lation is the inadequate exchange o f gases between the
outside o f the body and the alveoli. The PaO and PaCO are
2 2

both affected by a lack of gas exchange, and hypercapnia

occurs i n conjunction with hypoxemia. Causes o f hypoven
tilation are listed i n B o x 20-9.
FIG 2 0 - 2 9 The ventilation and perfusion of different regions o f the
Position for o b t a i n i n g a n arterial b l o o d s p e c i m e n from the lung must be matched for the b l o o d leaving the lung to be
d o r s a l p e d a l artery. The d o g is in left lateral r e c u m b e n c y , fully oxygenated. The relationship between ventilation (V)
with the m e d i a l surface of the left l e g e x p o s e d . A pulse is
and perfusion (Q) can be described as a ratio ( V / Q ) . Hypox
p a l p a t e d just b e l o w the tarsus o n the d o r s a l surface of the
metatarsus b e t w e e n the midline a n d the m e d i a l a s p e c t of emia can develop i f there are regions of lung with either a
the distal limb. low or a high V / Q .
Poorly ventilated portions o f lung with normal blood
flow have a l o w V / Q . Regionally decreased ventilation occurs
in most pulmonary diseases for reasons such as alveolar
TABLE 20-5
flooding, alveolar collapse, or small airway obstruction. The
Approximate Ranges o f Arterial B l o o d Gas Values for flow o f b l o o d past totally nonaerated tissue is k n o w n as a
N o r m a l Dogs and Cats Breathing R o o m A i r venous admixture or shunt ( V / Q o f zero). The alveoli may
be unventilated as a result of complete filling or collapse,
resulting i n physiologic shunts, or the alveoli may be bypassed
by true anatomic shunts. Unoxygenated b l o o d from these
P a O (mm Hg)
2 85-100
regions then mixes with oxygenated b l o o d from ventilated
P a C O (mm Hg)
2 35-45
H C O (mmol/L) 21-27 portions o f the lung. The immediate result is a decreased

pH 7.35-7.45 PaO and an increased PaCO . The body responds to the

2 2

hypercapnia by increasing ventilation, effectively returning

the PaCO to n o r m a l or even lower than normal. However,

the increased ventilation cannot correct the hypoxemia

collection o f venous b l o o d is a more likely explanation for because b l o o d flowing by ventilated alveoli is already maxi
this abnormal value. mally saturated.
H y p o x e m i a is present i f the PaO is below the n o r m a l
2 Except where shunts are present, the PaO can be improved

range. The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve describing the in dogs and cats with lung regions w i t h l o w V / Q by provid
relationship between the saturated hemoglobin level and ing supplemental oxygen therapy administered by face mask,
FIG 2 0 - 3 0
Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve (approximation).

BOX 20-9 oxygen cage, or nasal catheter. Positive-pressure ventilation

may be necessary to combat atelectasis (see Chapter 27).
Clinical Correlations of B l o o d Gas A b n o r m a l i t i e s The ventilation o f areas o f lung with decreased circula
tion (a high V / Q ) occurs i n dogs and cats w i t h t h r o m b o e m
Decreased PaO and Increased PaCO
2 2

bolism. Initially there may be little effect o n arterial blood

(Normal A-a Gradient)
gas values because b l o o d flow is shifted to unaffected regions
Venous specimen
of the lung. However, b l o o d flow i n the n o r m a l regions o f
the lungs increases with increasing severity o f disease, and
Airway obstruction
V / Q is decreased enough i n those regions that a decreased
Decreased ventilatory muscle function
PaO and a n o r m a l or decreased PaCO occur, as described
Anesthesia 2 2

Central nervous system disease previously. Both hypoxemia and hypercapnia are seen i n the
Polyneuropathy setting o f extremely severe embolization.
Polymyopathy Diffusion abnormalities alone do not result i n clinically
Neuromuscular junction disorders (myasthenia significant hypoxemia but can occur i n conjunction with
gravis) V / Q mismatching i n diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary
Extreme fatigue (prolonged distress) fibrosis and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema. Gas is normally
Restriction of lung expansion exchanged between the alveoli and the blood by diffusing
Thoracic wall abnormality
across the respiratory membrane. This membrane consists
Excessive thoracic bandage
of the fluid lining the alveolus, alveolar epithelium, alveolar
basement membrane, interstitium, capillary basement m e m
Pleural effusion
brane, and capillary endothelium. Gases must also diffuse
Increased dead space (low alveolar ventilation)
Severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/ through plasma and red b l o o d cell membranes. Functional
emphysema and structural adaptations that facilitate diffusion between
End-stage severe pulmonary parenchymal disease the alveoli and red b l o o d cells provide an efficient system for
Severe pulmonary thromboembolism this process, which is rarely affected significantly by disease.

Decreased PaO and Normal or Decreased PaCO

2 2
A-a Gradient
(Wide A-a Gradient)
Hypoventilation is differentiated from V / Q abnormalities by
Ventilation/perfusion ( V / Q ) abnormality
evaluating the PaCO i n conjunction with the PaO . Qualita
2 2
Most lower respiratory tract diseases (see Table 19-1,
tive differences are described i n the preceding paragraphs:
p. 248)
hypoventilation is associated with hypoxemia and hypercap-
nia, and V / Q abnormalities are generally associated w i t h critical for assessing lung function. However, the clinician
hypoxemia and normocapnia or hypocapnia. It is possible to must remember that other variables are involved i n oxygen
quantify this relationship by calculating the alveolar-arterial delivery to the tissues besides PaO and that tissue hypoxia

oxygen gradient ( A - a gradient), which factors out the effects can occur i n spite of a n o r m a l PaO . The formula for calculat

of ventilation and the inspired oxygen concentration o n PaO 2 ing the total oxygen content o f arterial b l o o d (CaO ) is pro 2

(Table 20-6). vided i n Table 20-6. The greatest contribution to CaO i n 2

The premise o f the A-a gradient is that PaO (a) is nearly 2 health is oxygenated hemoglobin. In a normal dog (PaO , 2

equal (within 10 m m H g i n r o o m air) to the partial pressure 100 m m H g ; hemoglobin, 15 g/dl), oxygenated hemoglobin
of oxygen i n the alveoli, P A O (A), i n the absence o f a dif2 accounts for 20 m l o f O / d l , whereas dissolved oxygen

fusion abnormality or V / Q mismatch. In the presence of accounts for only about 0.3 m l of O / d l . 2

a diffusion abnormality or V / Q mismatch, the difference The quantity o f hemoglobin is routinely appraised by the
widens (greater than 15 m m H g i n r o o m air). Examination complete b l o o d count. It can also be estimated on the basis
of the equation reveals that hyperventilation, resulting i n a of the packed cell volume (by dividing the packed cell volume
lower PaCO , results i n a higher P A O . Conversely, hypoven
2 2 by 3). The oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SaO ) is depen 2

tilation, resulting i n a higher PaCO , results i n a lower P A O . 2 2 dent o n the PaO , as depicted by the sigmoid shape of

Physiologically the PaO can never exceed the P A O , however,

2 2 the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve (see Fig. 20-30).
and the finding o f a negative value indicates an error. The However, the SaO is also influenced by other variables that

error may be i n one o f the measured values or i n the assumed can shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the
R value (see Table 20-6). left or right (e.g., p H , temperature, or 2,3-diphosphoglycer-
Clinical examples o f the calculation and interpretation o f ate concentrations) or interfere with oxygen binding with
the A-a gradient are provided i n B o x 20-10. hemoglobin (e.g., carbon monoxide toxicity or methemo
globinemia). Some laboratories measure SaO . 2

Oxygen Content, Delivery, and Utilization Oxygen must also be successfully delivered to the tissues,
The c o m m o n l y reported b l o o d gas value PaO reflects the 2 and this depends on cardiac output and local circulation.
pressure o f oxygen dissolved i n arterial blood. This value is Ultimately, the tissues must be able to effectively utilize the

TABLE 20-6

Relationships of Arterial Blood Gas Measurements


2 2 Relationship is defined by sigmoid oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve. Curve
plateaus at greater than 9 0 % SaO with PaO values greater than 80 mm H g .
2 2

Curve is steep at PaO values of between 2 0 and 6 0 mm H g . (Assuming normal


hemoglobin, p H , temperature, and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentrations.)

C a O = (SaO x Hgb x 1.34) +
2 2 Total oxygen content of blood is greatly influenced by SaO and hemoglobin 2

(0.003 x PaO ) 2 concentration. In health, more than 6 0 times more oxygen is delivered by
hemoglobin than is dissolved in plasma (PaO ). 2

Paco = PAco 2 2 These values are increased with hypoventilation at alveolar level and decreased
with hypoventilation.
PAo = Flo (P - PH O) - P a c o / R
2 2 B 2 2 Partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air available for exchange with blood
on room air at sea level: PAo = 2 changes directly with inspired oxygen concentration and inversely with Paco . 2

150 mm Hg - P a c o / 0 . 8 2 R is assumed to be 0.8 for fasting animals. With normally functioning lungs
(minimal V / Q mismatch), alveolar hyperventilation results in increased PAo and 2

subsequently increased Pao , whereas hypoventilation results in decreased PAo

2 2

and decreased Pao . 2

A-a = PAo - P a o 2 2 A-a gradient quantitatively assesses V / Q mismatch by eliminating contribution of

alveolar ventilation and inspired oxygen concentration to measured Pao . Low 2

Pao , with a normal A-a gradient (10 mm Hg in room air) indicates


hypoventilation alone. Low Pao with a wide A-a gradient (>15 mm Hg in room

air) indicates a component of V / Q mismatch.

Paco 2 1 / p H Increased Paco causes respiratory acidosis; decreased Paco causes respiratory
2 2

alkalosis. Actual pH depends on metabolic (HCO3) status as well.

A - a , Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (mm Hg); C o o , oxygen content of arterial blood (ml of O / d l ) ; Flo , fraction of oxygen in inspired
2 2 2

air (%); Hgb, hemoglobin concentration (g/dl); P a c o , partial pressure of C O 2 2 in arterial blood (mm Hg); PAco , partial pressure of O in
2 2

alveolar air (mm Hg); P a o , partial pressure of O in arterial blood (mm Hg); PAo , partial pressure of O in alveolar air (mm Hg); P ,
2 2 2 2 B

barometric (atmospheric) pressure (mm Hg); P H O , partial pressure of water in alveolar air (100%
2 humidified) (mm Hg); pH, negative
+ +
logarithm of H concentration (decreases with increased H ); R, respiratory exchange quotient (ratio of O uptake per C O 2 2 produced); S a o 2

amount of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen (%); V/Q, ratio of ventilation to perfusion of alveoli.
If both the PaCO and the bicarbonate concentration are
BOX 20-10 2

abnormal, such that b o t h contribute to the same alteration

Calculation and Interpretation of A-a Gradient: i n p H , a m i x e d disturbance is present. For instance, an
Clinical Examples animal w i t h acidosis, an increased PaCO , and a decreased

HCO 3 has a m i x e d metabolic and respiratory acidosis.

Example 1: A healthy dog breathing room air has a PaO 2

of 95 mm Hg and a PaCO of 4 0 mm Hg. His calculated


PAo is 100 mm Hg. (PAo = FIo [P - P H O ] - PaCO /

2 2 2 B 2 2

R = 0.21 [765 mm H g - 5 0 mm H g ] - [ 4 0 mm Hg/0.8].)

The A-a gradient is 100 mm H g - 9 5 mm Hg = 5 mm H g .
This value is normal.
Example 2: A dog with respiratory depression due to an Pulse oximetry is a m e t h o d o f m o n i t o r i n g the oxygen satura
anesthetic overdose has a PaO of 72 mm Hg and a
tion o f b l o o d . The saturation o f hemoglobin w i t h oxygen
PaCO of 5 6 mm Hg in room air. His calculated PAo
2 2 is related to the PaO by the sigmoid oxygen-hemoglobin

is 80 mm Hg. The A-a gradient is 8 mm Hg. His hypox dissociation curve (see Fig. 20-30). Pulse oximetry is n o n
emia can be explained by hypoventilation. invasive, can be used to continuously m o n i t o r a dog or cat,
Later the same day, the dog develops crackles bilaterally. provides immediate results, and is affordable for most prac
Repeat blood gas analysis shows a PaO of 6 0 mm Hg
tices. It is a particularly useful device for m o n i t o r i n g animals
and a PaCO of 48 mm Hg. His calculated PAo is
2 2
with respiratory disease that must undergo procedures
90 mm Hg. The A-a gradient is 3 0 mm Hg. Hypoventila
requiring anesthesia. It can also be used i n some cases to
tion continues to contribute to the hypoxemia, but
hypoventilation has improved. The widened A-a gradi m o n i t o r the progression of disease or the response to therapy.
ent indicates V / Q mismatch. This dog has aspirated M o r e and more clinicians are using these devices for the
gastric contents into his lungs. routine m o n i t o r i n g o f animals under general anesthesia,
particularly i f the number o f personnel is limited, because
alarms can be set to warn o f marked changes i n values.

oxygena process interfered with i n the presence o f toxici METHODOLOGY

ties such as carbon monoxide or cyanide poisoning. Each o f M o s t pulse oximeters have a probe that is attached to a fold
these processes must be considered when interpreting the of tissue, such as the tongue, l i p , ear flap, inguinal skin fold,
blood gas values i n an individual animal. toe, or tail (Fig. 20-31). This probe measures light absorption
through the tissues. Other models measure reflected light
Acid-Base Status and can be placed o n mucous membranes or w i t h i n the
The acid-base status of an animal can also be assessed using esophagus or rectum. Artifacts resulting from external light
the same blood sample as that used to measure b l o o d gases. sources are m i n i m i z e d i n the latter sites. Arterial b l o o d is
Acid-base status is influenced by the respiratory system (see identified by the oximeter as that component w h i c h changes
Table 20-6). Respiratory acidosis results i f carbon dioxide is i n pulses. Nonpulsatile absorption is considered background.
retained as a result of hypoventilation. If the problem per
sists for several days, compensatory retention o f bicarbonate INTERPRETATION
by the kidneys occurs. Excess removal o f carbon dioxide by Values provided by the pulse oximeter must be interpreted
the lungs caused by hyperventilation results i n respiratory w i t h care. The instrument must record a pulse that matches
alkalosis. Hyperventilation is usually an acute phenomenon, the palpable pulse o f the animal. A n y discrepancy between
potentially caused by shock, sepsis, severe anemia, anxiety, the actual pulse and the pulse received by the oximeter i n d i
or pain; therefore compensatory changes i n the bicarbonate cates an inaccurate reading. C o m m o n problems that can
concentration are rarely seen. interfere with the accurate detection o f pulses include the
The respiratory system partially compensates for primary position of the probe, animal m o t i o n (e.g., respirations, shiv
metabolic acid-base disorders, and this can occur quickly. ering), and weak or irregular pulse pressures (e.g., tachycar
Hyperventilation and a decreased PaCO occur i n response
dia, hypovolemia, hypothermia, arrhythmias).
to metabolic acidosis. Hypoventilation and an increased The value measured indicates the saturation o f hemo
PaCO occur i n response to metabolic alkalosis.
2 globin i n the local circulation. However, this value can be
In most cases, acid-base disturbances can be identified as affected by factors other than pulmonary function, such as
primarily respiratory or primarily metabolic i n nature o n the vasoconstriction, l o w cardiac output, a n d the local stasis o f
basis of the p H . The compensatory response w i l l never be blood. Other intrinsic factors that can affect oximetry read
excessive and alter the p H beyond n o r m a l limits. A n animal ings include anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, carboxyhemoglo
with acidosis ( p H of less than 7.35) has a primary respiratory binemia, and methemoglobinemia. External lights and the
acidosis i f the PaCO is increased and a compensatory respi
location o f the probe can also influence results. Pulse o x i m
ratory response i f the PaCO is decreased. A n animal w i t h
etry readings o f oxygen saturation are less accurate below
alkalosis ( p H o f greater than 7.45) has a primary respiratory values o f 80%.
alkalosis if the PaCO is decreased and a compensatory respi
These sources for error should not discourage the c l i n i
ratory response i f the PaCO is increased.
cian from using this technology, however, because changes
Faunt K K et al: Evaluation of biopsy specimens obtained during
thoracoscopy from lungs of clinically normal dogs, Am J Vet Res
59:1499, 1998.
Hardie E M et al: Tracheal rupture in cats: 16 cases (1983-1998),
J Am Vet Med Assoc 214:508, 1999.
Hawkins EC et al: Bronchoalveolar lavage in the evaluation of pul
monary disease in the dog and cat, / Vet Intern Med 4:267, 1990.
Hawkins EC et al: Cytologic characterization of bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid collected through an endotracheal tube in cats, Am
} Vet Res 55:795, 1994.
Hawkins EC et al: Cytological analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage
fluid in the diagnosis of respiratory tract disease in dogs: a ret
rospective study, / Vet Intern Med 9:386, 1995.
Hawkins EC et al: Use of a modified stomach tube for bronchoal
veolar lavage in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 215:1635, 1999.
Hawkins EC: Bronchoalveolar lavage. In King LG, editor: Textbook
of respiratory disease in dogs and cats, St Louis, 2004, Elsevier.
Hendricks IC et al: Practicality, usefulness, and limits of pulse
oximetry in critical small animal patients, Vet Emerg Crit Care
3:5, 1993.
Hopper K et al: Assessment of the effect of dilution of blood
samples with sodium heparin on blood gas, electrolyte, and
lactate measurements in dogs, Am J Vet Res 66:656, 2005.
FIG 2 0 - 3 1 Kirschvink N et al: Bronchodilators in bronchoscopy-induced
Monitoring oxygen saturation in a cat under general airflow limitation in allergen-sensitized cats, / Vet Intern Med
anesthesia using a pulse oximeter with a probe (P) clamped 19:161, 2005.
on the tongue (T). Kneller SK: Thoracic radiography. In Kirk RW, editor: Current
veterinary therapy IX, Philadelphia, 1986, WB Saunders.
Kuehn N F et al: Bronchoscopy. In King LG, editor: Textbook of
respiratory disease in dogs and cats, St Louis, 2004, Elsevier.
i n saturation i n an individual animal provide valuable infor McKiernan BC: Bronchoscopy. In McCarthy TC et al, editors: Vet
mation. Rather, results must be interpreted critically. erinary endoscopy for the small animal practitioner, St Louis, 2005,
The examination o f the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation Elsevier.
curve (see Fig. 20-30) i n n o r m a l dogs and cats shows that Neath PJ et al: Lung lobe torsion in dogs: 22 cases (1981-1999),
animals w i t h PaO values exceeding 85 m m H g w i l l have a
J Am Vet Med Assoc 217:1041, 2000.
hemoglobin saturation greater than 95%. If PaO values Nemanic S et al: Comparison of thoracic radiographs and single

breath-hold helical CT for detection of pulmonary nodules in

decrease to 60 m m H g , the hemoglobin saturation w i l l be
dogs with metastatic neoplasia, / Vet Intern Med 20:508, 2006.
approximately 90%. A n y further decrease i n PaO results i n
Norris CR et al: Use of keyhole lung biopsy for diagnosis of inter
a precipitous decrease i n hemoglobin saturation, illustrated
stitial lung diseases in dogs and cats: 13 cases (1998-2001), J Am
by the steep p o r t i o n o f the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation Vet Med Assoc 221:1453, 2002.
curve. Ideally, then, hemoglobin saturation should be m a i n Peeters DE et al: Quantitative bacterial cultures and cytological
tained at more than 90% by means o f oxygen supplementa examination of bronchoalveolar lavage specimens from dogs,
tion or ventilatory support (see Chapter 27) or the specific / Vet Intern Med 14:534, 2000.
treatment o f the underlying disease. However, because o f Reinemeyer CR: Parasites of the respiratory tract. In Bonagura JD
the many variables associated with pulse oximetry, such et al, editors: Current veterinary therapy XII, Philadelphia, 1983,
strict guidelines are not always valid. In practice, a baseline W B Saunders.
hemoglobin saturation value is measured and subsequent Shaw D H et al: Eosinophilic bronchitis caused by Crenosoma vulpis
changes i n that value are then used to assess improvement infection in dogs, Can Vet} 37:361, 1996.
Suter PF: Thoracic radiography, Wettswil, Switzerland, 1984, Peter F
or deterioration i n oxygenation. Ideally, the baseline value is
compared w i t h the PaO obtained from an arterial b l o o d
Teske E et al: Transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy of the lung
sample collected concurrently to ensure the accuracy o f the
in dogs with pulmonic disease, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 27:289,
readings. 1991.
Urquhart G M et al: Veterinary parasitology, ed 2, Oxford, 1996,
Suggested Readings Blackwell Science.
Bauer T G : Lung biopsy, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract West JB: Respiratory physiology: the essentials, ed 7, Baltimore, 2004,
30:1207, 2000. Lippincott, Williams 8c Wilkins.
Bowman D D et al: Georgis' parasitology for veterinarians, ed 7, West IB: Pulmonary pathophysiology: the essentials, ed 6, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, 1999, W B Saunders. 2003, Lippincott, Williams &. Wilkins.
C H A P T E R 21

Disorders of the Trachea

and Bronchi

tions have acute cough and often nasal discharge. This form
of the disease is similar to canine infectious tracheobronchi
tis and is self-limiting. The severe form o f the disease is
characterized by pneumonia. Canine influenza is discussed
i n Chapter 22.
General Management
D r u g Therapies
Management of Complications
Emergency Stabilization Etiology
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis, or "kennel cough," is a
highly contagious, acute disease that is localized i n the
airways. One or more infectious agents cause it, including
Other Potential Treatments
canine adenovirus 2 ( C A V 2 ) , parainfluenza virus (PIV),
Failure to Respond
canine respiratory coronavirus and Bordetella bronchiseptica.
Bordetella organisms infect ciliated respiratory epithelium
(Fig. 21-1) and can decrease mucociliary clearance. Other
organisms may become involved as secondary pathogens.
In most dogs the disease is self-limiting, w i t h resolution of
clinical signs i n approximately 2 weeks.

Clinical Features
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS Affected dogs are first seen because o f the sudden onset o f a
severe productive or nonproductive cough, w h i c h is often
C o m m o n diseases of the trachea and b r o n c h i include exacerbated by exercise, excitement, or the pressure o f the
canine infectious tracheobronchitis, canine chronic b r o n c h i collar o n the neck. Palpating the trachea easily induces
tis, feline bronchitis, collapsing trachea, and allergic b r o n c h i the cough. Gagging, retching, or nasal discharge can also
tis. Oslerus osleri infection is an important consideration i n occur. A recent history (i.e., w i t h i n 2 weeks) o f boarding,
young dogs. hospitalization, or exposure to a puppy or dog that has
Other diseases may involve the airways, either p r i m a r i l y similar signs is c o m m o n . Puppies recently obtained from pet
or concurrently with pulmonary parenchymal disease. stores, kennels, or shelters have often been exposed to the
These diseases, such as viral, mycoplasmal, and bacterial pathogens.
infection; other parasitic infections; and neoplasia are dis The majority o f dogs w i t h infectious tracheobronchitis
cussed i n Chapter 22. Feline bordetellosis can cause signs o f are considered to have "uncomplicated," self-limiting disease
bronchitis (e.g., cough) but is more often associated w i t h and do not show signs of systemic illness. Therefore dogs
signs of upper respiratory disease (see the section o n feline showing respiratory distress, weight loss, persistent anorexia,
upper respiratory infection, i n Chapter 15) or bacterial or signs o f involvement o f other organ systems, such as
pneumonia (see the section o n bacterial pneumonia, i n diarrhea, chorioretinitis, or seizures, may have some other,
Chapter 22). Dogs with m i l d canine influenza virus infec more serious disease, such as canine distemper, severe canine
TABLE 21-1

C o m m o n C o u g h Suppressants for Use i n Dogs*


Dextromethorphan 1 to 2 m g / k g , q 6 - 8 h orally
Butorphanol 0 . 5 m g / k g , q 6 - 1 2 h orally
H y d r o c o d o n e bitartrate 0 . 2 5 m g / k g , q 6 - 1 2 h orally

*Centrally acting cough suppressants are rarely, if ever, indicated

for use in cats and can result in adverse reactions. The preceding
dosages are for dogs only.
Efficacy is questionable in dogs.

FIG 2 1 - 1
P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of a tracheal b i o p s y from a d o g infected or thoracic radiograph findings. A s discussed i n Chapter 19
with Bordetella bronchiseptica. The o r g a n i s m s a r e small it is not always possible to recognize a productive cough in
b a s o p h i l i c rods that a r e visible a l o n g the ciliated b o r d e r of dogs. Therefore cough suppressants should be used judi
the epithelial cells. ( G i e m s a stain courtesy D. M a l a r k e y . ) ciously to treat frequent or severe cough, allow for restful
sleep, and prevent exhaustion.
A variety o f cough suppressants can be used in dogs
influenza, or a mycotic infection. A l t h o u g h u n c o m m o n , (Table 21-1). Dextromethorphan is available i n over-the-
serious respiratory complications can result from infectious counter preparations; however, it has questionable efficacy
tracheobronchitis. Secondary bacterial pneumonia can in dogs. C o l d remedies with additional ingredients such as
develop, particularly i n puppies, immunocompromised antihistamines and decongestants should be avoided. Pedi
dogs, and dogs that have preexisting lung abnormalities such atric l i q u i d preparations are palatable for most dogs, and the
as chronic bronchitis. Dogs w i t h chronic airway disease or alcohol contained i n them may also have a m i l d tranquilizing
tracheal collapse can experience an acute, severe exacerba effect. Narcotic cough suppressants are more likely to be
tion o f their chronic problems, and extended management effective. Butorphanol is available as a veterinary labeled
may be necessary to resolve the signs associated w i t h infec product (Torbutrol, Fort Dodge A n i m a l Health). Hydroco
tion i n these animals. Bordetella infection has been associ done bitartrate is a potent alternative for dogs with refrac
ated w i t h canine chronic bronchitis. tory cough.
In theory, antibiotics are not indicated for most dogs with
Diagnosis infectious tracheobronchitis for two reasons: (1) The disease
Uncomplicated cases o f kennel cough are diagnosed on the is usually self-limiting and tends to resolve spontaneously,
basis of the presenting signs. However, differential diagnoses regardless o f any specific treatment that is implemented, and
should also include the early presentation o f a more serious (2) no antibiotic protocol has been proven to eliminate Bor
disease and the m i l d form o f canine influenza. Diagnostic detella organisms from the airways. In practice, however,
testing is indicated for dogs w i t h systemic, progressive, or antibiotics are often prescribed, and their use is justified
unresolving signs. Tests to be considered include thoracic because o f the potential role o f Bordetella i n the disease.
radiographs, a complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) , tracheal wash Fluoroquinolones have the advantage o f reaching high con
fluid analysis, and polymerase chain reaction ( P C R ) testing, centrations i n the airway secretions, but their use is ideally
paired serology, or other tests for canine influenza (see reserved for more serious infections. Other antibiotics that
p. 302) and other respiratory pathogens. Tracheal wash fluid are effective against many Bordetella isolates include amoxi
cytology shows acute inflammation, and bacterial culture o f cillin w i t h clavulanate (20 to 25 mg/kg q8h), doxycycline (5
the fluid can be useful for identifying any bacteria involved to 10 mg/kg q l 2 h , followed by a bolus o f water), and chlor
in the disease. Concurrent antibiotic sensitivity information amphenicol (50 mg/kg q8h). Beta-lactam antibiotics do
is helpful i n selecting antibiotics. not generally reach therapeutic concentrations in airway
secretions o f healthy (not inflamed) subjects. If such an anti
Treatment biotic is used for bronchial infections, the high end of the
Uncomplicated infectious tracheobronchitis is a self-limiting dosage range should be used and the drug administered
disease. Rest for at least 7 days, specifically avoiding exercise every 8 hours. The ability of doxycycline to reach therapeu
and excitement, is indicated to m i n i m i z e the continual irrita tic concentration w i t h i n the airways is questionable because
tion o f the airways caused by excessive coughing. C o u g h in the dog it is highly protein bound, although the presence
suppressants are valuable for the same reason but should not of inflammatory cells may increase locally available concen
be given i f the cough is productive or i f exudate is suspected trations o f the drug. Bacterial susceptibility data from tra
to be accumulating i n the lungs o n the basis o f auscultation cheal wash fluid can be used to guide the selection of an
appropriate antibiotic. Antibiotics are administered for 5 tial for the housing o f dogs with clinical signs o f infectious
days beyond the time the clinical signs resolve or for at least tracheobronchitis.
14 days. Injectable and intranasal vaccines are available for the
Administration of gentamicin by nebulization can be three major pathogens involved i n canine infectious tracheo
considered for refractory cases or i n outbreaks of infection bronchitis (i.e., C A V 2 , PIV, B. bronchiseptica). Injectable
involving dogs housed together, although no controlled modified-live virus vaccines against C A V 2 and P I V are ade
studies have been published. A n early study by Bemis et al. quate for most pet dogs. They are conveniently included i n
(1997) showed that bacterial populations o f Bordetella i n the most combination distemper vaccines. Because maternal
trachea and bronchi were reduced for up to 3 days after antibodies interfere w i t h the response to the vaccines,
treatment with nebulized gentamicin but not orally a d m i n puppies must be vaccinated every 2 to 4 weeks, beginning
istered antibiotics, and clinical signs were reduced. Note that at 6 to 8 weeks of age and through 14 to 16 weeks of age.
the numbers of organisms returned to pretreatment values At least two vaccines must be given initially. For most
within 7 days. Some clinicians have since reported success i n healthy dogs, a booster is recommended after 1 year,
managing difficult cases and outbreaks with this treatment followed by subsequent vaccinations every 3 years (see
(Miller et al., 2003). The protocol used by Bemis et al. (1997) Chapter 94).
is 50 mg of gentamicin sulfate i n 3 m l of sterile water, deliv Dogs at high risk for disease, such as those i n kennels
ered by nebulizer and face mask (see Fig. 22-1) for 10 minutes where the disease is endemic or those that are frequently
every 12 hours for 3 days. Sterile technique must be m a i n boarded, may benefit from vaccines incorporating B. bron
tained to keep from delivering additional bacteria to the chiseptica. These vaccines do not prevent infection but
airways. Nebulization of drugs has the potential to induce aim to decrease clinical signs i f infection occurs. They may
bronchospasms, so dogs should be carefully observed during also reduce the duration o f shedding o f organisms after
the procedure. Pretreatment with bronchodilators should infection. A study by Ellis et al. (2001) indicated that
be considered, and additional bronchodilators (metered both intranasal and parenteral Bordetella vaccines afford
dose inhaler and/or injectable) should be at hand for use as similar protection based o n antibody titers, clinical signs,
needed. upper airway cultures, and histopathologic examination
Glucocorticoids should not be used. A field trial con of tissues after exposure to organisms. The greatest benefit
ducted by Thrusfield et al. (1991) failed to demonstrate any was achieved by administering both forms o f vaccine
benefit of steroid therapy, either alone or i n combination sequentially at a 2-week interval. Unfortunately, the paren
with antibiotics. teral vaccine used i n the study was a killed bacterin that is
If clinical signs have not resolved within 2 weeks, further no longer available. The dogs i n this study were vaccinated
diagnostic evaluation is indicated. See Chapter 22 for the between 14 to 18 weeks o f age. Also i n experimental settings,
management of complicated cases of infectious tracheo protection against challenge following intranasal vaccination
bronchitis with bacterial pneumonia. against B. bronchiseptica and P I V began by 72 hours after
vaccination and persisted for at least 13 months (Gore et al.,
Prognosis 2005; Jacobs et al., 2005). Intranasal Bordetella vaccines
The prognosis for recovery from uncomplicated infectious occasionally cause clinical signs, predominantly cough. The
tracheobronchitis is excellent. signs are generally self-limiting but are disturbing to most
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis can be prevented by
minimizing an animal's exposure to organisms and through CANINE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS
vaccination programs. Excellent nutrition, routine deworm
ing, and avoidance o f stress improve the dog's ability Etiology
to respond appropriately to infection without showing Canine chronic bronchitis is a disease syndrome defined as
serious signs. cough occurring on most days o f 2 or more consecutive
Bordetella may persist i n the airways of dogs for up to 3 months i n the past year i n the absence o f other active disease.
months after infection. To m i n i m i z e exposure to Bordetella Histologic changes of the airways are those o f long-term
or respiratory viruses, dogs are kept isolated from puppies inflammation and include fibrosis, epithelial hyperplasia,
or dogs that have been recently boarded. Careful sanitation glandular hypertrophy, and inflammatory infiltrates. Some
should be practiced i n kenneling facilities. Caretakers should of these changes are irreversible. Excessive mucus is present
be instructed i n the disinfection of cages, bowls, and runs, within the airways, and small airway obstruction occurs.
and anyone working with the dogs must wash their hands In people chronic bronchitis is strongly associated with
after handling each animal. Dogs should not be allowed to smoking. It is presumed that canine chronic bronchitis is a
have face-to-face contact. Adequate air exchange and h u m i d consequence o f a long-standing inflammatory process initi
ity control are necessary i n rooms housing several dogs. ated by infection, allergy, or inhaled irritants or toxins. A
Recommended goals are at least 10 to 15 air exchanges per continuing cycle o f inflammation likely occurs as mucosal
hour and less than 50% humidity. A n isolation area is essen damage, mucus hypersecretion, and airway obstruction
impairs n o r m a l mucociliary clearance, and inflammatory Dogs w i t h chronic bronchitis are often brought to a veter
mediators amplify the response to irritants and organisms. inarian because o f sudden exacerbation of signs. The change
in signs may result from transient worsening o f the chronic
Clinical Features bronchitis, perhaps after a period o f unusual excitement,
C h r o n i c bronchitis occurs most often i n middle-aged or stress, or exposure to irritants or allergens; from a secondary
older, small-breed dogs. Breeds c o m m o n l y affected include complication, such as bacterial infection; or from the devel
Terriers, Poodles, and Cocker Spaniels. Small-breed dogs are opment of a concurrent disease, such as left atrial enlarge
also predisposed to the development o f collapsing trachea ment and bronchial compression or heart failure (Box 21-1).
and mitral insufficiency w i t h left atrial enlargement causing In addition to obtaining a routine complete history, the client
compression o f the mainstem bronchi. These causes for should be carefully questioned about the character of the
cough must be differentiated, and their contribution to the cough and the progression of signs. Detailed information
development o f the current clinical features determined, for should be obtained regarding the following: environmental
appropriate management to be implemented. conditions, particularly exposure to smoke, other potential
Dogs w i t h chronic bronchitis are evaluated because o f irritants and toxins, or allergens; exposure to infectious
l o u d , harsh cough. M u c u s hypersecretion is a component o f agents, such as boarding or exposure to puppies; and all pre
the disease, but the cough may sound productive or nonpro vious and current medications and the response to treatment.
ductive. The cough has usually progressed slowly over O n physical examination, increased breath sounds, crack
months to years, although clients usually report the initial les, or occasionally wheezes are auscultated in animals with
onset as acute. There should be no systemic signs o f illness chronic bronchitis. End-expiratory clicks caused by main-
such as anorexia or weight loss. A s the disease progresses, stem bronchial or intrathoracic tracheal collapse may be
exercise intolerance becomes evident; then incessant cough heard i n animals w i t h advanced disease. A prominent or split
ing or overt respiratory distress is seen. second heart sound occurs i n animals with secondary p u l
Potential complications o f chronic bronchitis include monary hypertension. Dogs with respiratory distress (end-
bacterial or mycoplasmal infection, tracheobronchomalacia stage disease) characteristically show marked expiratory efforts
(see p. 297), p u l m o n a r y hypertension (Chapter 22), and because o f the narrowing and collapse of the intrathoracic
bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is the term for permanent dila
tion o f the airways (Fig. 21-2; see also Fig. 20-4). Bronchiec
tasis can be present secondary to other causes of chronic
airway inflammation, airway obstruction, and i n association BOX 21-1
w i t h certain congenital disorders such as ciliary dyskinesia
Diagnostic Considerations for Dogs w i t h Signs Consistent
(i.e., i m m o t i l e cilia syndrome). Bronchiectasis caused by
w i t h Canine C h r o n i c Bronchitis
traction o n the airways, rather than bronchial disease, can be
seen with idiopathic p u l m o n a r y fibrosis. Generally, all the Other Active Disease (Rather than Canine
major airways are dilated i n dogs w i t h bronchiectasis, but Chronic Bronchitis)
occasionally it is localized. Recurrent bacterial infections and Bacterial infection
overt bacterial pneumonia are c o m m o n complications i n M y c o p l a s m a l infection
dogs with bronchiectasis. Bronchial c o m p r e s s i o n (e.g., left atrial enlargement)
Pulmonary parasites
Heartworm disease
A l l e r g i c bronchitis
Foreign b o d y
Chronic aspiration
G a s t r o e s o p h a g e a l reflux*

Potential Complications of Canine Chronic Bronchitis

P u l m o n a r y hypertension
Bacterial infection
M y c o p l a s m a l infection

Most Common Concurrent Cardiopulmonary Diseases

C o l l a p s i n g trachea
B r o n c h i a l c o m p r e s s i o n (e.g., left atrial enlargement)
FIG 2 1 - 2 Heart failure
P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of a lung b i o p s y from a d o g with severe
bronchiectasis. The a i r w a y s a r e filled with e x u d a t e a n d a r e *Gastroesophageal reflux is a common cause of chronic cough in
greatly d i l a t e d (H&E stain). people. Documentation in dogs and cats is limited.
large airways. The presence o f a fever or other systemic signs
is suggestive of other disease, such as bacterial pneumonia.

Canine chronic bronchitis is defined as a cough occurring
on most days of 2 or more consecutive months i n the past
year in the absence of other active disease. Therefore chronic
bronchitis is diagnosed on the basis of not only clinical signs
but also the elimination of other diseases from the list of
differential diagnoses (see Box 21-1). The possibility of sec
ondary disease complicates this simple definition.
A bronchial pattern with increased interstitial markings FIG 21-3
B r o n c h o s c o p i c v i e w of the right c a u d a l b r o n c h u s of a d o g
is typically seen on thoracic radiographs, but changes are
with c h r o n i c bronchitis a n d severe b r o n c h o m a l a c i a . The
often m i l d and difficult to distinguish from clinically insig
a i r w a y s a p p e a r n o r m a l d u r i n g inspiration (A) but c o m
nificant changes associated w i t h aging. In a study by Mantis pletely c o l l a p s e d u r i n g e x p i r a t i o n , obliterating the lumen
et al. (1998), thoracic radiographs had a sensitivity o f 50% of the a i r w a y (B).
to 65% for the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis. Thoracic
radiographs are most useful for ruling out other active
disease and identifying concurrent or secondary disease. transposition o f the abdominal and thoracic organs, such
Tracheal wash or bronchoalveolar lavage ( B A L ) fluid that left-sided structures are found o n the right and vice
should be collected at the time o f the initial presentation and versa) is seen in 50% of such dogs. Dextrocardia occurring
after a persistent exacerbation o f signs. Neutrophilic or mixed in association with chronic bronchitis is extremely suggestive
inflammation and increased amounts of mucus are usually of this disease. Sperm motility can be evaluated i n intact
present. The finding o f degenerative neutrophils indicates male dogs. The finding o f n o r m a l sperm motility rules out
the possibility o f a bacterial infection. A l t h o u g h not a spe a diagnosis of ciliary dyskinesia. The disease is diagnosed on
cific finding, airway eosinophilia is suggestive of a hypersen the basis o f the rate at which radioisotopes deposited at the
sitivity reaction, as can occur with allergy, parasitism, or carina are cleared and the findings from electron micro
heartworm disease. Slides should be carefully examined for scopic examination o f bronchial biopsy, nasal biopsy, or
organisms. Bacterial cultures are performed and the results sperm specimens.
interpreted as discussed in Chapter 20. A l t h o u g h the role o f
Mycoplasma infections i n these cases is not well understood, Treatment
Mycoplasma cultures are also considered. C h r o n i c bronchitis is managed symptomatically, with spe
Bronchoscopy, with specimen collection, is performed i n cific treatment possible only for concurrent or complicating
selected cases, primarily to help rule out other diseases. The diseases that are identified. Each dog with chronic bronchitis
maximal benefit o f bronchoscopy is obtained early i n the is presented at a different stage o f the disease, with or without
course of disease, before severe permanent damage has concurrent or secondary cardiopulmonary disease (see Box
occurred and while the risk o f the procedure is m i n i m a l . 21-1). Hence each dog must be managed individually. Ideally,
Gross abnormalities visualized by bronchoscopy include an medications are initiated one at a time to assess the most
increased amount o f mucus, roughened mucosa, and hyper effective combination. It w i l l likely be necessary to modify
emia. Major airways may collapse during expiration as a treatment over time.
result of weakened walls (Fig. 21-3), and polypoid mucosal
proliferation may be present. Bronchial dilatation is seen i n GENERAL MANAGEMENT
animals with bronchiectasis. Exacerbating factors, either possible or proven, are avoided.
Further diagnostic procedures are indicated to rule out Potential allergens are considered i n dogs with eosinophilic
other potential causes of chronic cough, and the selection o f inflammation and trial elimination pursued (see the section
these depends on the presenting signs and the results of the on allergic bronchitis, p. 299). Exposure to irritants such as
previously discussed diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests to be smoke (from tobacco or fireplace) and perfumed products
considered include heartworm tests, fecal examinations for should be avoided i n all dogs. Motivated clients can take
pulmonary parasites, echocardiography, and systemic evalu steps to improve the air quality in their home, such as carpet,
ation (i.e., C B C , serum biochemical panel, urinalysis). Echo furniture, and drapery cleaning; cleaning o f the furnace and
cardiography may reveal evidence of secondary pulmonary the frequent replacement of air filters; and the use of an air
hypertension, including right heart enlargement (i.e., cor cleaner. The American Lung Association has a useful Web
pulmonale). site with nonproprietary recommendations for i m p r o v i n g
Ciliary dyskinesia, in which ciliary m o t i o n is abnormal, is indoor air quality ( ). Excitement or stress
uncommon but should be considered i n young dogs w i t h can cause an acute worsening o f signs i n some animals, and
bronchiectasis or recurrent bacterial infection. A b n o r m a l i short-term tranquilization w i t h acepromazine or sedation
ties exist in all ciliated tissues, and situs inversus (i.e., lateral w i t h phenobarbital can be helpful i n relieving the signs.
It is n o r m a l for flora from the oropharynx to be aspirated dosage is not reduced by one third to one half. Potential
into the airways. Routine dental prophylaxis and teeth brush adverse effects include gastrointestinal signs, cardiac arrhyth
ing w i l l help maintain a healthy oral flora and may decrease mias, nervousness, and seizures. Serious adverse effects are
any contributions o f n o r m a l aspiration to ongoing airway extremely rare at therapeutic concentrations.
inflammation i n these patients w i t h reduced mucociliary Variability in sustained plasma concentrations has
clearance. been found for different long-acting theophylline products.
A i r w a y hydration should be maintained to facilitate Dosage recommendations are currently available for a
mucociliary clearance. Adequate airway hydration is best generic product from a specific manufacturer (Box 21-2). If
achieved by maintaining systemic hydration. Therefore beneficial effects are not seen, the patient is predisposed to
diuretic therapy is not recommended i n these patients. For adverse effects, or adverse effects occur, plasma theophylline
severely affected dogs, placing the animal i n a steamy bath concentrations should be measured. Therapeutic peak con
r o o m or i n a r o o m with a vaporizer daily may provide symp centrations for bronchodilation, based on data from people,
tomatic relief, although the moisture does not penetrate very are 5 to 20 g/ml. Plasma is collected during peak concentra
deeply into the airways. Nebulization o f saline w i l l allow tions, generally 4 to 5 hours after administration o f a long-
moisture to go more deeply i n the lungs. This technique is acting product or 1.5 to 2 hours after administration of
discussed further i n the section o n bacterial pneumonia i n immediate release products. Measurement of concentrations
Chapter 22. immediately before the next scheduled dose might provide
Patients that are overweight and/or unfit may benefit useful information concerning duration of therapeutic
from weight loss (Chapter 54) and exercise. Exercise should concentrations.
be tailored to the dog's current fitness level and degree o f Theophylline and related drugs that are not long acting
pulmonary dysfunction to keep from causing excessive respi are useful i n specific circumstances but must be adminis
ratory efforts or even death. Observing the dog during tered three times daily (see Box 21-2). Palatable elixirs of
specific exercise, such as a short walk, while i n the client's
presence may be necessary to make initial recommendations.
Instructing clients i n the measurement o f respiratory rate,
observation o f mucous membrane color, and signs of BOX 21-2
increased respiratory effort w i l l improve their ability to
Common Bronchodilators for Use in Dogs and Cats
assess their dog's status d u r i n g exercise.
DRUG THERAPIES Aminophylline
Medications to control clinical signs include bronchodila Cat: 5 m g / k g orally q12h
tors, glucocorticoids, and cough suppressants. Dog: 11 m g / k g orally q8h
Theophylline, a methylxanthine bronchodilator, has been Oxtriphylline elixir (Choledyl, Parke-Davis)
used for years for the treatment o f chronic bronchitis i n Cat: None
people and dogs. This drug became unpopular w i t h physi Dog: 14 m g / k g orally q8h
cians when newer bronchodilators w i t h fewer side effects Theophylline base (immediate release)
Cat: 4 m g / k g orally q12h
became available. However, recent research i n people sug
Dog: 9 m g / k g orally q8h
gests that theophylline is effective i n treating the underlying
Long-acting theophylline (Theochron or TheoCap, Inwood
inflammation of chronic bronchitis, even at concentrations
Laboratories, Inwood, N Y ) *
below those resulting i n bronchodilation (hence, reducing Cat: 15 m g / k g q24h, in evening
side effects), and that the antiinflammatory effects may Dog: 10 m g / k g q12h
be synergistic w i t h those o f glucocorticoids. Theophylline
may also improve mucociliary clearance, decrease fatigue Sympathomimetics

of respiratory muscles, and inhibit the release o f mast cell Terbutaline

mediators o f inflammation. The potential beneficial effects Cat: 1/8-1/4 of 2.5 mg tablet/cat orally q l 2 h ; or
of theophylline beyond bronchodilation may be o f particu 0.01 m g / k g subcutaneously; can repeat once
lar importance i n dogs because their airways are not as reac Dog: 1.25-5 m g / d o g orally q8-12h
tive (i.e., likely to bronchospasm) as those o f cats and people.
Cat and Dog: 20-50 g/kg orally q8-12h (0.02-
However, theophylline alone is rarely sufficient to control the
0.05 mg/kg), beginning with lower dose.
clinical signs o f chronic bronchitis.
Other advantages o f theophylline are the availability of * Canine dosage for these products from Inwood Laboratories from
long-acting preparations that can be administered twice Bach JF et al: Evaluation of the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics
daily to dogs and the fact that plasma concentrations o f drug of two extended-release theophylline formulations in dogs, J Am Vet
Med Assoc 224:1 113, 2 0 0 4 . Feline dosage from Guenther-Yenke
can be easily measured by commercial diagnostic laborato
CL et al: Pharmacokinetics of an extended-release theophylline
ries. A disadvantage o f theophylline is that other drugs, product in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2 3 1 : 9 0 0 , 2 0 0 7 . Monitoring
such as fluoroquinolones and chloramphenicol, can delay its of plasma concentrations is recommended in patients at risk for or
clearance and cause signs o f theophylline toxicity i f the with signs of toxicity and in patients that fail to respond to treatment
theophylline derivatives (e.g., oxtriphylline) are convenient organisms involved i n bronchial infections generally origi
for administration to toy breeds. Therapeutic b l o o d con nate from the oropharynx. They are frequently gram-
centrations are reached more quickly after the administra negative w i t h unpredictable antibiotic sensitivity patterns.
tion of liquids, or tablets or capsules that are not long The role o f Mycoplasma organisms i n canine chronic b r o n
acting. chitis is not well understood. They may be an incidental
Sympathomimetic drugs are preferred by some clinicians finding or pathogenic. Ideally, antibiotic selection is based
as bronchodilators (see Box 21-2). Terbutaline and albuterol on results o f culture. Antibiotics that are generally effective
are selective for 2-adrenergic receptors, lessening their against Mycoplasma include doxycycline, azithromycin,
cardiac effects. Potential adverse effects include nervousness, chloramphenicol, and fluoroquinolones.
tremors, hypotension, and tachycardia. The clinical use of In addition to the susceptibility o f identified organisms,
bronchodilators delivered by metered-dose inhaler, such as the ability o f selected antibiotics to penetrate the airway
albuterol and ipatropium (a parasympatholytic), has not secretions to the site o f infection should be considered
been reported i n dogs w i t h chronic bronchitis. when selecting an antibiotic. Antibiotics that are likely to
Glucocorticoids are often effective i n controlling the signs reach concentrations effective against susceptible organisms
of chronic bronchitis and may slow the development of per include chloramphenicol, fluoroquinolones, azithromycin,
manent airway damage by decreasing inflammation. They and possibly amoxicillin w i t h clavulanate. Beta-lactam anti
may be particularly helpful i n dogs w i t h eosinophilic airway biotics do not generally reach therapeutic concentrations
inflammation. Potential negative effects include an increased i n airway secretions o f healthy (not inflamed) subjects. If
susceptibility to infection i n dogs already impaired by used for bronchial infections, the high end o f the dosage
decreased airway clearance; a tendency toward obesity, hep range should be used and the drug administered every 8
atomegaly, and muscle weakness that may adversely affect hours (20 to 25 mg/kg q8h). Doxycycline has often been
ventilation; and pulmonary thromboembolism. Therefore recommended because Mycoplasma and many Bordetella
short-acting products are used, the dose is tapered to the isolates are susceptible to this drug. However, the ability of
lowest effective one (when possible, 0.5 mg/kg q48h or less), doxycycline to reach therapeutic concentration w i t h i n the
and the drug is discontinued i f no beneficial effect is seen. airways is questionable because i n the dog it is highly protein
Prednisone is initially given at a dose o f 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg bound, although the presence o f inflammatory cells may
every 12 hours, w i t h a positive response expected w i t h i n increase locally available concentrations o f the drug. It
1 week. is preferable to reserve fluoroquinolones for serious
Dogs that require relatively high dosages o f prednisone, infections.
have unacceptable adverse effects, or have conditions for If an antibiotic is effective, a positive response is generally
which glucocorticoids are relatively contraindicated (e.g., seen within 1 week. Treatment is then continued for at least
diabetes mellitus) may benefit from local treatment w i t h 1 week beyond the time when the clinical signs stabilize
metered-dose inhalers. This route o f administration is dis because complete resolution is unlikely i n these animals.
cussed i n more detail later i n this chapter, i n the section on Antibiotic treatment usually is necessary for 3 to 4 weeks.
feline bronchitis (p. 295). Even longer treatment may be necessary i n some cases, par
Cough suppressants are used cautiously because cough is ticularly i f bronchiectasis or overt pneumonia is present. The
an important mechanism to clear airway secretions. In some use o f antibiotics for the treatment o f respiratory tract infec
dogs, however, the cough is incessant and exhausting, or tions is also discussed i n the section o n canine infectious
ineffective because o f marked tracheobronchomalacia and tracheobronchitis i n this chapter (p. 285) and i n the section
airway collapse. C o u g h suppressants can provide significant on bacterial pneumonia i n Chapter 22.
relief in such animals and may even facilitate ventilation and Tracheobronchomalacia is discussed on p. 297, and p u l
decrease anxiety. monary hypertension is discussed i n Chapter 22.
Although the doses given i n Table 21-1 are the ones that
provide prolonged effectiveness, less frequent administra Prognosis
tion (i.e., only during times o f the day when coughing is Canine chronic bronchitis cannot be completely cured. The
most severe) may preserve some beneficial effect of cough. prognosis for the control o f signs and a satisfactory quality
For dogs with severe cough, hydrocodone may provide the of life i n animals is good i f the owners are conscientious
greatest relief. about performing the medical management aspects of care,
are willing to adjust treatment over time, and treat secondary
MANAGEMENT OF COMPLICATIONS problems as they occur.
Antibiotics are often prescribed for dogs w i t h chronic bron
chitis. If possible, confirmation o f infection and antibiotic
sensitivity information should be obtained by culture o f an FELINE BRONCHITIS (IDIOPATHIC)
airway specimen (e.g., tracheal wash fluid). Because cough
in dogs with chronic bronchitis often waxes and wanes i n Etiology
severity, it is difficult to make a diagnosis o f infection o n the Cats with respiratory disease o f many etiologies present with
basis of the patient's response to therapy. Furthermore, signs of bronchitis or asthma. Cat airways are much more reac-
tive, prone to bronchoconstriction, than dogs. The c o m m o n A wide variety o f pathologic processes can affect i n d i
presenting signs o f bronchitis (i.e., cough, wheezing, and/or vidual cats w i t h idiopathic bronchitis. Clinically, the range
respiratory distress) can occur i n cats with diseases as varied as i n the severity o f signs and the response to therapy shows
lung parasites, heartworm disease, allergic bronchitis, bacterial this diversity. Different combinations of factors that result in
or viral bronchitis, toxoplasmosis, idiopathic pulmonary small airway obstruction, a consistent feature o f feline bron
fibrosis, carcinoma, and aspiration pneumonia (Table 21-2). chial disease, are present i n each animal (Box 21-3). Some of
Veterinarians often assume that cats w i t h presenting signs o f these factors are reversible (e.g., bronchospasm, inflamma
bronchitis or asthma have idiopathic disease because i n most tion), and some are permanent (e.g., fibrosis, emphysema).
cats an underlying etiology cannot be found. However, as The classification proposed by Moise et al. (1989), which was
with canine chronic bronchitis, a diagnosis o f idiopathic formulated o n the basis o f similar pathologic processes that
feline bronchitis can be made only by ruling out other active occur i n people, is recommended as a way to better define
disease. Care should be taken when using the terms feline bronchial disease i n individual cats for the purpose o f treat
bronchitis or feline asthma to distinguish between a pre ment recommendations and prognostication (Box 21-4). A
sentation consistent with bronchitis in a broad sense and a cat can also have more than one type o f bronchitis. Although
clinical diagnosis of idiopathic disease. Cats w i t h idiopathic it is not always possible to absolutely determine the type or
bronchitis often have some degree o f airway eosinophilia, types o f bronchial disease present without sophisticated pul
typical o f an allergic reaction. This author prefers to reserve m o n a r y function testing, routine clinical data (i.e., history
the diagnosis o f allergic bronchitis to patients w h o respond and physical examination findings, thoracic radiographs,
dramatically to the elimination o f a suspected allergen analysis of airway specimens, progression of signs) can be
(see p. 299). used to classify the disease i n most cats.

TABLE 21-2

Differential Diagnoses (Etiologic) for Cats w i t h Presenting Signs o f Bronchitis



Allergic bronchitis Dramatic clinical response to elimination of suspected allergen(s) from

environment or diet.
Pulmonary parasites (Aelurostrongylus Thoracic radiographs may have a nodular pattern; Larvae (Aelurostongylus) or
abstrusus; Capillaria aerophila; eggs identified in tracheal wash or BAL fluid or in the feces. See Chapter 20
Paragonimus kellicotti) for appropriate procedures for fecal testing.
Heartworm disease Pulmonary artery enlargement may be present on thoracic radiographs; positive
heartworm antigen test or identification of adult worm(s) on echocardiography
(see Chapter 1 0).
Bacterial bronchitis Intracellular bacteria in tracheal wash or BAL fluid and significant growth on
culture (see Chapter 20).
Mycoplasmal bronchitis Growth of Mycoplasma on specific culture of tracheal wash or BAL fluid (presence
may indicate primary infection, secondary infection, or be incidental).
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Radiographs may show more severe infiltrates than expected in cats with
idiopathic bronchitis; diagnosis requires lung biopsy (see Chapter 22).
Carcinoma Radiographs may show more severe infiltrates than expected in cats with
idiopathic bronchitis. Cytologic or histologic identification of malignant cells in
tracheal wash or BAL fluid, lung aspirates, or lung biopsy. Histologic
confirmation is ideal.
Toxoplasmosis Systemic signs usually present (fever, anorexia, depression). Radiographs may
show more severe infiltrates than expected in cats with idiopathic bronchitis,
possibly with a nodular pattern. Diagnosis is confirmed by identification of
organisms (tachyzoites) in tracheal wash or BAL fluid. Rising serum antibody
titers or elevated IgM concentrations are supportive of the diagnosis (see
Chapter 99).
Aspiration pneumonia Unusual in cats. History supportive of a predisposing event or condition.
Radiographs typically show an alveolar pattern, worse in the dependent
(cranial and middle) lung lobes. Neutrophilic inflammation, usually with
bacteria, in tracheal wash fluid.
Idiopathic feline bronchitis Elimination of other diseases from the differential diagnoses.

BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage.

signs are not present. If systemic signs are identified, another
BOX 21-3
diagnosis should be aggressively pursued.
Factors that C a n Contribute to Small A i r w a y O b s t r u c t i o n Owners should be carefully questioned regarding an asso
i n Cats w i t h Bronchial Disease ciation w i t h exposure to potential allergens or irritants. Irri
tants i n the environment can cause worsening o f signs o f
Bronchoconstriction bronchitis regardless o f the underlying etiology. E n v i r o n
Bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy
mental considerations include exposure to new litter (usually
Increased mucus production
perfumed), cigarette or fireplace smoke, carpet cleaners, and
Decreased mucus clearance
household items containing perfumes such as deodorant or
Inflammatory exudate in airway lumens
Inflammatory infiltrate in airway walls hair spray. Clients should also be questioned about whether
Epithelial hyperplasia there has been any recent remodeling or any other change i n
Glandular hypertrophy the cat's environment. Seasonal exacerbations are suggestive
Fibrosis of potential allergen exposure.
Emphysema Physical examination abnormalities result from small
airway obstruction. Cats that are i n distress show tachypnea.
Typically the increased respiratory efforts are more pro
nounced during expiration, and auscultation reveals expira
BOX 21-4 tory wheezes. Crackles are occasionally present. In some
patients i n distress, hyperinflation o f the lungs due to air
Classification o f Feline Bronchial Disease trapping may result i n increased inspiratory efforts and
Bronchial Asthma decreased lung sounds. Physical examination findings may
be unremarkable between episodes.
Predominant feature: reversible airway obstruction primar
ily resulting from bronchoconstriction
Other common features: hypertrophy of smooth muscle,
increased mucus production, eosinophilic inflammation A diagnosis o f idiopathic feline bronchitis is made o n the
basis of typical historical, physical examination, and thoracic
Acute Bronchitis
radiographic findings and the elimination o f other possible
Predominant feature: reversible airway inflammation of differential diagnoses (see Table 21-2). A thorough search for
short duration (<1-3 months) other diagnoses is highly recommended, even though a spe
Other common features: increased mucus production, neu cific diagnosis is not c o m m o n l y found, because identifying
trophilic or macrophagic inflammation an etiology for the clinical signs may allow for specific treat
Chronic Bronchitis ment and even cure o f an individual cat. Factors to consider
when developing a diagnostic plan include the clinical con
Predominant feature: chronic airway inflammation (>2-3
dition of the cat and the client's tolerance for expense and
months) resulting in irreversible damage (e.g., fibrosis)
Other common features: increased mucus production; neu risk. Cats that are i n respiratory distress or are otherwise i n
trophilic, eosinophilic, or mixed inflammation; isolation critical condition should not undergo any stressful testing
of bacteria or Mycoplasma organisms causing infection until their condition has stabilized. Sufficiently stable cats
or as nonpathogenic inhabitants; concurrent bronchial that have any indication of a diagnosis other than idiopathic
asthma disease o n the basis o f presenting signs and thoracic radio
graphs or any subsequent test results require a thorough
evaluation. Certain tests are completely safe, such as fecal
Predominant feature: destruction of bronchiolar and alveo testing for p u l m o n a r y parasites, and their inclusion i n the
lar walls resulting in enlarged peripheral air spaces
diagnostic plan is largely based o n financial considerations.
Other common features: cavitary lesions (bullae); result of
In most cats w i t h signs of bronchitis, collection o f tracheal
or concurrent with chronic bronchitis
wash fluid for cytology and culture and tests for p u l m o n a r y
Adapted from Moise N S et al: Bronchopulmonary disease. In parasitism and heartworm disease are recommended.
Sherding RG, editor: The cat: diseases and clinical management, A C B C is often performed as a routine screening test.
New York, 1989, Churchill Livingstone. Cats w i t h idiopathic bronchitis are often thought to have
peripheral eosinophilia. However, this finding is neither spe
cific nor sensitive and cannot be used to rule out or defini
Clinical Features tively diagnose feline bronchitis.
Idiopathic bronchitis can develop i n cats o f any age, although Thoracic radiographs from cats w i t h bronchitis generally
it most commonly develops i n young adult and middle-aged show a bronchial pattern (see Fig. 20-3). Increased reticular
animals. The major clinical feature is cough or episodic interstitial markings and patchy alveolar opacities may also
respiratory distress or both. The owners may report audible be present. The lungs may be seen to be overinflated as a
wheezing during an episode. The signs are often slowly pro result o f the trapping of air, and occasionally collapse (i.e.,
gressive. Weight loss, anorexia, depression, or other systemic atelectasis) o f the right middle lung lobe is seen (see F i g .
20-9). However, because clinical signs can precede radio owner questioning as described i n the section on clinical
graphic changes and because radiographs cannot detect m i l d features. Smoke can often aggravate signs because of its local
airway changes, thoracic radiographs may be n o r m a l i n cats irritating effects. The effect of litter perfumes can be evalu
with bronchitis. Radiographs are also scrutinized for signs of ated by replacing the litter with sandbox sand or plain clay
specific diseases (see Table 21-2). litter. Indoor cats may show improvement i n response to
The tracheal wash or B A L fluid cytologic findings are measures taken to decrease the level o f dusts, molds, and
generally representative o f the airway inflammation and mildew i n the home. Such measures include carpet, furni
consist of increased numbers of inflammatory cells and an ture, and drapery cleaning; cleaning of the furnace and the
increased amount o f mucus. Inflammation can be eosino frequent replacement o f air filters; and the use of an air
philic, neutrophilic, or mixed. Although not a specific finding, cleaner. The American Lung Association has a useful website
eosinophilic inflammation is suggestive o f a hypersensitivity with nonproprietary recommendations for improving indoor
response to allergens or parasites. Neutrophils should be air quality ( A n y beneficial response to an
examined for signs of the degeneration suggestive of bacte environmental change is usually seen within 1 to 2 weeks.
rial infection. Slides should be carefully scrutinized for the
presence o f organisms, particularly bacteria and parasitic GLUCOCORTICOIDS
larvae or ova. Fluid should be cultured for bacteria, although Therapy with glucocorticoids, with or without bronchodila
it is important to note that the growth o f organisms may or tors, is necessary for most cats with idiopathic bronchitis.
may not indicate the existence of true infection (see Chapter Results can be dramatic. However, drug therapy can interfere
20). Cultures for Mycoplasma spp. may also be helpful. with environmental testing; therefore the ability of the
Testing for heartworm disease is described i n Chapter 10. animal to tolerate a delay i n the start of drug therapy must
Multiple fecal examinations using special concentrating be assessed on an animal-by-animal basis. Glucocorticoids
techniques are performed to identify pulmonary parasites, can relieve the clinical signs i n most cats and may protect the
particularly i n young cats and cats with airway eosinophilia airways from the detrimental effects of chronic inflam
(see Chapter 20). Other tests may be indicated for individual mation. Short-acting products such as prednisolone are
cats. recommended because the dose can be tapered to the lowest
effective amount. Anecdotal experience and a preliminary
Treatment study suggest that prednisolone may be more effective i n cats
than prednisone ( G r a h a m - M i z e et al., 2004). A dose of 0.5
EMERGENCY STABILIZATION to 1 mg/kg is administered every 12 hours initially, with the
The condition of cats i n acute respiratory distress should dose doubled i f signs are not controlled within 1 week. Once
be stabilized before diagnostic tests are performed. Success the signs are well controlled, the dose is tapered. A reason
ful treatment includes administration o f a bronchodilator, able goal is to administer 0.5 mg/kg or less every other day.
rapid-acting glucocorticoids, and oxygen supplementation. Outdoor cats that cannot be treated frequently can be admin
Terbutaline can be administered subcutaneously, a route that istered depot steroid products, such as methylprednisolone
avoids additional patient stress (see Box 21-2). Prednisolone acetate (10 mg/cat intramuscularly may be effective for up
sodium succinate is the recommended glucocorticoid for a to 4 weeks).
life-threatening crisis (up to 10 mg/kg, administered intra Glucocorticoids, such as fluticasone propionate (Flovent,
venously). If intravenous administration is too stressful, the GlaxoSmithKline), can also be administered locally to the
drug can be given intramuscularly. Alternatively, dexameth airways by M D I , as is routine for treating asthma in people.
asone sodium phosphate (up to 2 mg/kg, administered intra The advantages are m i n i m a l systemic side effects and relative
venously) can be given. After the drugs are administered, the ease of administration i n some cats compared with pilling.
cat is placed in a cool, stress-free, oxygen-enriched environ To date, however, it is still not k n o w n how m u c h drug is
ment. If additional bronchodilation is desired, albuterol can deposited i n the lower airways, how much remains in the
be administered by nebulization or metered-dose inhaler oral and nasal cavities, and how much is absorbed systemi
( M D I ) . A d m i n i s t r a t i o n of drugs by M D I is described later cally i n cats. Theoretical concerns about the oronasal deposi
in this section. (See Chapter 26 for further discussion o f cats tion o f the potent glucocorticoid in cats, compared with
with respiratory distress.) people, include the high incidence of periodontal disease and
latent herpesvirus infections and the inability to effectively
ENVIRONMENT rinse the m o u t h with water after use. Local dermatitis because
The potential influence of the environment o n clinical signs of mites, dermatophytes, or bacteria can occur. However,
should be investigated. Allergic bronchitis is diagnosed some veterinarians have been using glucocorticoid M D I s to
through the elimination o f potential allergens from the treat idiopathic feline bronchitis for many years without
environment (see the section o n allergic bronchitis). frequent, obvious adverse effects.
However, even cats with idiopathic bronchitis can benefit This author prefers to obtain a clinical remission of signs
from improvement i n indoor air quality through the reduc using orally administered drug first, except i n cats with rela
tion o f irritants or unidentified allergens. Potential sources tive contraindications for systemic glucocorticoid therapy,
of allergens or irritants are determined through careful such as diabetes mellitus. Cats that require a relatively low
FIG 21-5
FIG 21-4 A d m i n i s t e r i n g drugs b y metered-dose inhaler (MDI) to a c a t .
A p p a r a t u s for administering drugs b y metered d o s e inhaler The mask a n d c h a m b e r a p p a r a t u s is the A e r o k a t (Trudell
(MDI) to cats consisting of a n anesthetic mask, s p a c e r M e d i c a l International, L o n d o n , O n t a r i o , C a n a d a ) .
( O p t i C h a m b e r , Respironics, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.), a n d M D I
(Ventolin, G l a x o S m i t h K l i n e , R e s e a r c h Triangle Park, N . C . ) .

tered by M D I every 30 minutes for up to 4 hours, and oxygen

is administered. Once stabilized, these cats are prescribed
dose of oral glucocorticoids to control clinical signs, have no 220 g o f fluticasone propionate by M D I every 12 hours and
noticeable adverse effects, and can be pilled without diffi albuterol by M D I every 6 hours as needed. Oral prednisolone
culty are often well maintained with oral therapy. Otherwise, is administered as needed.
once signs are in remission, treatment by M D I is initiated
and the dosage of oral prednisolone gradually reduced. BRONCHODILATORS
A spacer must be used for effectively administering drugs Cats that require relatively large amounts of glucocorticoids
by M D I to cats, and the airflow generated by the cat must be to control clinical signs, react unfavorably to glucocorticoid
sufficient to activate the spacer valve. Padrid (2000) has therapy, or suffer from periodic exacerbations of signs can
found the OptiChamber (Respironics, Inc) to be effective benefit from bronchodilator therapy. Recommended doses
(Fig. 21 -4). A small anesthetic mask, with rubber diaphragm, of these drugs are listed i n Box 21-2.
is attached to the spacer. W i d e n i n g of the adapter of the This author prefers to use theophylline because it is effec
anesthetic mask that is inserted into the spacer is necessary tive and inexpensive and can be given to cats once daily;
to create a snug fit. This is achieved by wrapping adhesive moreover, the plasma concentrations can be easily measured
tape around the adapter. Alternatively, a mask with spacer for the m o n i t o r i n g o f difficult cases. Additional properties
specifically designed for use i n cats is available (Aerokat, of theophylline, potential drug interactions, and adverse
Trudell Medical International). The cat is allowed to rest effects are described i n the section on canine chronic b r o n
comfortably o n a table or i n the client's lap. The client places chitis (p. 290).
his or her arms on either side o f the cat or gently steadies The pharmacokinetics of theophylline products are dif
the cat's neck and head to provide restraint (Fig. 21-5). The ferent i n cats compared with dogs, resulting in different
M D I , attached to the spacer, is actuated (i.e., pressed) twice. dosages (see Box 21-2). Variability i n sustained plasma con
The mask is placed immediately o n the cat's face, covering centrations i n both species has been found for different long-
the mouth and nose completely, and is held i n place acting theophylline products. Dosage recommendations are
while the cat takes 7 to 10 breaths, inhaling the drug into currently available for a generic product from a specific
its airways. manufacturer (Box 21-2). However, the individual metabo
The following treatment schedule has been recommended lism o f all o f the methylxanthines is variable. If beneficial
(Padrid, 2000): Cats with m i l d daily symptoms should receive effects are not seen, the patient is predisposed to adverse
220 g of fluticasone propionate by M D I twice daily and effects, or adverse effects occur, plasma theophylline concen
albuterol by M D I as needed. The maximal effect o f flutica trations should be measured. Therapeutic peak concentra
sone is not expected until 7 to 10 days o f treatment. Cats tions, based o n data from h u m a n subjects, are 5 to 20 g/ml.
with moderate daily symptoms should receive treatments Plasma for the determination of these concentrations should
with M D I as described for m i l d symptoms; i n addition, be collected 12 hours after the evening dosing o f the long-
prednisolone is administered orally for 10 days (1 mg/kg acting products and 2 hours after short-acting products.
every 12 hours for 5 days, then every 24 hours for 5 days). Measurement o f concentrations immediately before the next
For cats with severe symptoms, dexamethasone is adminis scheduled dose might provide useful information concern
tered once (2 mg/kg, intravenously), albuterol is adminis- ing duration o f therapeutic concentrations.
Sympathomimetic drugs can also be effective b r o n c h o d i
BOX 21-5
lators. Terbutaline is selective for (2-adrenergic receptors,
lessening its cardiac effects. Potential adverse effects include Considerations for Cats w i t h Bronchitis that Fail to
nervousness, tremors, hypotension, and tachycardia. It can Respond to Glucocorticoid and Bronchodilator Therapy
be administered subcutaneously for the treatment o f respira
Is the Cat Receiving Prescribed Medication?
tory emergencies; it can also be administered orally. Note
that the recommended oral dose for cats (one eighth to one Measure plasma theophylline concentrations.
fourth of a 2.5-mg tablet; see Box 21-2) is lower than the Initiate trial therapy with repositol glucocorticoids.
c o m m o n l y cited dose o f 1.25 mg/cat. The subcutaneous dose Was a n Underlying Disease Missed on Initial Evaluation?
is lower still: 0.01 mg/kg, repeated once i n 5 to 10 minutes i f
Repeat diagnostic evaluation, including complete history for
potential allergens, thoracic radiographs, tracheal wash
Bronchodilators can be administered to cats by M D I for
fluid analysis, heartworm tests, and fecal examinations
the immediate treatment o f acute respiratory distress for parasites. In addition, perform complete blood count,
(asthma attack). Cats w i t h idiopathic bronchitis are r o u serum biochemical analysis, and urinalysis.
tinely prescribed an albuterol M D I , spacer, and mask (see the Initiate trial therapy with anti-Mycoplasma drug.
section o n glucocorticoids for details) to be kept at home for Initiate trial environmental manipulations to minimize poten
emergencies. tial allergen and irritant exposure.

Has a Complicating Disease Developed?

A therapeutic trial w i t h an antibiotic effective against Myco Repeat diagnostic evaluation as described in the preceding
plasma is considered because o f the difficulty i n document
ing infection w i t h this organism. Either doxycycline (5 to
10 mg/kg q l 2 h ) or chloramphenicol (10 to 15 mg/kg q l 2 h )
is administered for 14 days. For cats that are difficult to
medicate, azithromycin (5 to 10 mg/kg q24h for 3 days, then Prognosis
q72h) can be tried. Remember that administration of doxy The prognosis for the control of clinical signs of idiopathic
cycline should always be followed w i t h a bolus o f water to feline bronchitis is good for most cats, particularly i f exten
m i n i m i z e the incidence o f esophageal stricture. sive permanent damage has not yet occurred. Complete cure
Antihistamines are not recommended for treating feline is unlikely, and most cats require continued medication. Cats
bronchitis because histamine i n some cats produces bron that have severe, acute asthmatic attacks are at risk for sudden
chodilation. However, work done by Padrid et al. (1995) has death. Cats with persistent, untreated airway inflammation
shown that the serotonin antagonist, cyproheptadine, has a can develop the permanent changes of chronic bronchitis
bronchodilatory effect in vitro. A dose o f 2 mg/cat orally and emphysema.
every 12 hours can be tried i n cats w i t h signs that cannot be
controlled w i t h routine bronchodilator and glucocorticoid
therapy. This treatment is not consistently effective. COLLAPSING TRACHEA AND
M u c h interest has been shown among clients and veteri TRACHEOBRONCHOMALACIA
narians i n the use o f oral leukotriene inhibitors i n cats (e.g.,
Accolate, Singulair, and Zyflo). However, the clinician should Etiology
be aware that i n people, leukotriene inhibitors are less effec The normal trachea is seen to be circular o n cross section
tive i n the management of asthma than glucocorticoids, and (see Fig. 21-8, B, and Fig. 20-27, A ) . A n open lumen is main
they are not used i n the emergency management o f the tained during all phases of quiet respiration by the carti
disease or for refractory cases. Their advantage for people laginous tracheal rings, which are connected by fibroelastic
lies i n decreased side effects, compared with glucocorticoids, annular ligaments to maintain flexibility, thereby allowing
and ease o f administration. To date, toxicity studies have not movement o f the neck without compromising the airway.
been performed on these drugs i n cats. Furthermore, several The cartilaginous rings are incomplete dorsally. The dorsal
preliminary studies suggest that leukotriene i n h i b i t i o n i n tracheal membrane, consisting of the longitudinal tracheal
cats w o u l d not be expected to have efficacy comparable to muscle and connective tissue, completes the rings. The term
that i n people. Therefore their routine use i n cats is not cur tracheal collapse refers to the narrowing of the tracheal lumen
rently advocated. Further investigation into their potential resulting from weakening o f the cartilaginous rings, a redun
role i n treating feline bronchitis is certainly indicated. dancy o f the dorsal tracheal membrane, or both. The condi
tion can affect the extrathoracic trachea, the intrathoracic
FAILURE TO RESPOND trachea, or both.
The clinician should ask himself or herself the questions A credible theory o f the pathogenesis of tracheal collapse
listed i n B o x 21-5 i f cats fail to respond to glucocorticoid and is that certain dogs are predisposed to collapse because of
bronchodilator therapy or i f exacerbation o f signs occurs inherent abnormalities i n their cartilage but are initially
during chronic treatment. asymptomatic. A n exacerbating problem develops that
results in increased respiratory efforts, airway inflammation, O n physical examination a cough can usually be elicited
and/or cough. Changes i n intrathoracic and airway pressures by palpation o f the trachea. A n end-expiratory snap or click
during increased respiratory efforts or cough likely contrib may be heard during auscultation i f intrathoracic collapse is
ute to narrowing of the trachea, and the chronic presence o f present. In advanced cases or after exercise, increased inspi
inflammatory mediators (e.g., collagenases and proteases) ratory effort may be observed i n dogs w i t h extrathoracic
within the trachea likely further weaken its structure. A n y collapse and increased expiratory effort observed i n those
narrowing of the trachea results in greatly increased resis w i t h intrathoracic collapse, often accompanied by audible
tance to air flow and local turbulence because the resistance sounds.
to airflow is proportional to the reciprocal of the radius o f History and physical examination should also emphasize
the lumen to the fourth power. This increased resistance may a search for exacerbating or complicating disease. The
further contribute to a cycle o f increased respiratory efforts, frequent association w i t h canine chronic bronchitis has
cough, and inflammation. In addition, as described for been mentioned. Other possibilities include cardiac disease
canine chronic bronchitis, a continuing cycle of inflamma causing left atrial enlargement w i t h bronchial compression
tion is also plausible as a result of mucosal damage. M u c u s or p u l m o n a r y edema; airway inflammation caused by
hypersecretion and airway obstruction impair n o r m a l muco bacterial infection, allergic bronchitis, exposure to smoke
ciliary clearance, and inflammatory mediators amplify the (e.g., from cigarettes, fireplaces), or recent intubation; upper
response to irritants and organisms. airway obstruction caused by elongated soft palate, stenotic
Clinically, tracheal collapse often occurs i n conjunction nares, or laryngeal paralysis; and systemic disorders such as
with canine chronic bronchitis. In dogs w i t h chronic b r o n obesity or hyperadrenocorticism.
chitis, the intrathoracic trachea is most often affected. Dogs
with chronic bronchitis may initially demonstrate collapse Diagnosis
of their major (mainstem and/or lobar) bronchi. The lumen Collapsing trachea is most often diagnosed o n the basis o f
of these airways is normally maintained by rafts o f cartilage clinical signs and the findings from cervical and thoracic
within their walls, rather than rings. C h r o n i c exposure to radiography. Radiographs o f the neck to evaluate the size o f
inflammatory mediators presumably plays a role i n the the l u m e n of the extrathoracic trachea are taken d u r i n g
resultant loss o f n o r m a l airway structure. In addition, inspiration (Fig. 21-6), when narrowing caused by tracheal
obstruction of smaller airways because o f excess mucus and collapse is more evident because o f negative airway pressure.
mucosal alterations may decrease the intraluminal airway Conversely, the size o f the l u m e n of the intrathoracic trachea
pressures in the larger airways during expiration and con is evaluated o n thoracic radiographs taken during expira
tribute to airway collapse. The general term for weakening tion, when increased intrathoracic pressures make collapse
of the normal tracheal and bronchial structure is tracheo more apparent (Fig. 21-7). Radiographs of the thorax should
bronchomalacia. also be taken during inspiration to detect concurrent b r o n
As a result o f intrathoracic and airway pressures, the chial or parenchymal abnormalities. (See Chapter 20 for
extrathoracic trachea tends to collapse d u r i n g inspiration. further discussion o f radiography.)
The intrathoracic trachea and mainstem and lobar bronchi Fluoroscopic evaluation provides a "motion picture" view
tend to collapse during expiration. of large airway dynamics, making changes i n l u m i n a l d i a m -

Clinical Features
Tracheal collapse is c o m m o n in middle-aged toy and m i n i a
ture dogs, although it also can occur early i n life and i n
large-breed dogs. Signs may occur acutely but then slowly
progress over months to years. The p r i m a r y clinical feature
in most dogs is a nonproductive cough, described as a "goose
honk." The cough is worse during excitement or exercise
or when the collar exerts pressure o n the neck. Eventually
(usually after years o f chronic cough), respiratory distress
caused by obstruction to airflow may be brought o n by
excitement, exercise, or overheating. Systemic signs such as
weight loss, anorexia, and depression are not expected. Occa
sionally, dogs are presented p r i m a r i l y for signs o f upper
airway obstruction without cough, also exacerbated d u r i n g
excitement, exercise, or hot weather. Stertorous sounds may
be heard during periods o f increased respiratory efforts.
FIG 21-6
Such signs are usually the result of extrathoracic tracheal
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of the t h o r a x a n d neck of a d o g with
collapse. Tracheal collapse is rare i n cats, and most often it c o l l a p s i n g t r a c h e a taken d u r i n g i n s p i r a t i o n . The extratho
occurs secondary to a tracheal obstruction such as a tumor r a c i c a i r w a y stripe is severely n a r r o w e d c r a n i a l to the
or traumatic injury. t h o r a c i c inlet.
FIG 2 1 - 8
B r o n c h o s c o p i c i m a g e s from a d o g with tracheal c o l l a p s e
(A). The dorsal tracheal membrane is much w i d e r than that of
a normal d o g (B). The a i r w a y lumen is greatly c o m p r o m i s e d .

Bronchoscopy is performed w i t h the patient under general

anesthesia, w h i c h interferes w i t h the ability to induce cough.
However, allowing the patient to reach a light plane o f anes
thesia combined with the manipulation of the airways will
often cause more forceful respirations that increase the like
l i h o o d o f identifying airway collapse.
A d d i t i o n a l tests are performed to identify exacerbating or
concurrent conditions. Tracheal wash fluid is analyzed by
cytology and culture i f bronchoscopy and B A L are not done.
Other considerations include an upper airway examination,
cardiac evaluation, and screening for systemic disease.

M e d i c a l therapy is adequate treatment for most animals. In
a study o f 100 dogs by White et al. (1994), medical therapy
resulted i n resolution o f signs for at least 1 year i n 7 1 % of
cases. Dogs that are overweight are placed o n a weight-
reducing diet. Harnesses should be used instead of collars,
FIG 2 1 - 7 and owners should be counseled to keep their dogs from
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h s of a d o g with t r a c h e o b r o n c h o m a l a c i a . becoming overheated (e.g., they should not be left i n a car).
During inspiration (A) the t r a c h e a a n d mainstem b r o n c h i
Excessive excitement should also be avoided. Sedatives such
a r e nearly n o r m a l . During e x p i r a t i o n (B) the intrathoracic
as phenobarbital are prescribed for some animals, and these
t r a c h e a a n d mainstem b r o n c h i a r e m a r k e d l y n a r r o w e d .
Evaluation of the p u l m o n a r y p a r e n c h y m a should not b e can be administered before k n o w n stressful events.
attempted using films e x p o s e d during e x p i r a t i o n . C o u g h suppressants are used to control signs and disrupt
the potential cycle o f perpetuating cough (see Table 21-1).
The dose and frequency of administration of cough suppres
eter easier to identify than by routine radiography. The sen sants are adjusted as needed. Initially, high, frequent dosing
sitivity o f fluoroscopy i n detecting airway collapse is may be needed to break the cycle o f coughing. Subsequently,
enhanced if the patient can be induced to cough during the it is often possible to decrease frequency of administration
evaluation by applying pressure to the trachea. Some degree and dose. Bronchodilators may be beneficial i n dogs with
of collapse is probably n o r m a l d u r i n g cough, and i n people signs o f chronic bronchitis (see p. 290). Antiinflammatory
a diagnosis o f tracheobronchomalacia is generally made if doses o f glucocorticoids can be given for a short period
the l u m i n a l diameter decreases by greater than 50% d u r i n g d u r i n g exacerbation of signs (prednisone, 0.5 to 1 mg/kg
forced exhalation. q l 2 h for 3 to 5 days, then tapered and discontinued over 3
Bronchoscopy is also useful i n the diagnosis o f airway to 4 weeks). Long-term use is not recommended because of
collapse (Fig. 21-8; see also Fig. 21-3). The b r o n c h i o f smaller potential detrimental side effects such as obesity, but this is
dogs may be difficult to evaluate by radiography or fluoro often necessary to control signs i n patients with chronic
scopy but are easily examined bronchoscopically. Broncho bronchitis. Dogs w i t h signs referable to mitral insufficiency
scopy and the collection o f airway specimens (such as by are managed for this disease (see Chapter 8). Dogs with
B A L ) is useful for identifying exacerbating or concurrent abnormalities causing upper airway obstruction are treated
conditions. w i t h corrective surgical procedures.
evaluations performed during episodes o f persistent exacer
bations o f signs. A n i m a l s i n which severe signs develop
despite appropriate medical care have a guarded prognosis,
and motivated clients should be referred for possible stent

Allergic bronchitis is a hypersensitivity response o f the
airways to an allergen or allergens. The offending allergens
are presumably inhaled, although food allergens could also
be involved. A definitive diagnosis requires identification of
allergen(s) and resolution of signs after elimination o f the
allergen(s). Large controlled studies describing allergic bron
FIG 21-9
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h of the d o g with t r a c h e a l c o l l a p s e s h o w n
chitis i n dogs or cats are lacking. A study by Prost (2004)
in Fig. 2 1 - 6 after p l a c e m e n t of a n intraluminal stent. The presented as an abstract found that 15 o f 20 cats had positive
stent is has a meshlike structure a n d extends nearly the intradermal skin tests to aeroallergens. For cats that reacted
entire length of the t r a c h e a . to storage mites or cockroach antigen, discontinuation o f
any dry food was recommended (i.e., only canned food was
Antibiotics are not indicated for the routine management provided). Remission o f signs occurred i n 3 cats with only
of a collapsing trachea. Dogs i n which tracheal wash or B A L this treatment. Immunotherapy (desensitization) appeared
fluid analysis has revealed evidence of infection should be to reduce or eliminate signs i n some o f the other cats. A s a
treated with appropriate antibiotics (selected o n the basis of preliminary study, other treatments were also given to the
the results of sensitivity testing). Because most antibiotics do study cats, and a control population was not described.
not reach high concentrations i n the airways, relatively high It is likely that some patients with allergic bronchitis
doses of antibiotics should be administered for several weeks, are misdiagnosed because of difficulty i n identifying spe
as described for canine chronic bronchitis (p. 291). A n y cific allergens. In dogs long-standing allergic bronchitis may
other potential related problems identified during the diag result i n the permanent changes recognized as canine chronic
nostic evaluation are addressed. bronchitis. In cats failure to identify specific allergen(s)
Management of dogs i n acute distress w i t h signs o f either results i n a diagnosis of idiopathic feline bronchitis.
extrathoracic airway obstruction or intrathoracic large Allergic bronchitis i n dogs may result i n acute or chronic
airway obstruction is discussed i n Chapter 26. cough. Rarely, respiratory distress and wheezing occur. The
Surgical treatment of a collapsing trachea should be con physical examination and radiographic findings reflect the
sidered for animals that are no longer responsive to medical presence o f bronchial disease, as described i n the section o n
management, usually because of respiratory difficulty. The canine chronic bronchitis. Eosinophilic inflammation is
introduction of intraluminal stents has greatly reduced the expected i n tracheal wash or B A L fluid. Heartworm tests and
morbidity and improved the success of surgical intervention. fecal examinations for p u l m o n a r y parasites are performed
The most c o m m o n l y used stents are self-expanding and to eliminate parasitism as the cause o f the eosinophilic
made of nickel-titanium alloys (Fig. 21-9). In experienced inflammation. In dogs younger than than 2 years o f age,
hands, these stents are simple to place during a short period bronchoscopic evaluation for Oslerus osleri also should be
of anesthesia using fluoroscopic or bronchoscopic guidance. considered (see the following section). Allergic bronchitis i n
There is m i n i m a l morbidity associated w i t h stent placement, cats has the same presentation and results o f diagnostic
and response is immediate and often dramatic. However, testing as described for idiopathic feline bronchitis, w i t h
clinical signs (particularly cough) may not completely resolve, eosinophilia expected i n airway specimens.
collapse of airways beyond the trachea and concurrent c o n d i Management o f allergic bronchitis is initially focused o n
tions are not directly addressed (often resulting i n the contin identifying and eliminating potential allergens from the
ued need for medical management), and complications such environment (see the section o n feline bronchitis). Diet trials
as granuloma formation and stent fracture can occur. Results w i t h novel protein and carbohydrate sources also can be
from stent placement are sufficiently encouraging that m o t i considered. According to the preliminary study previously
vated clients with a dog that is failing medical management described, a change i n diet to canned food may be beneficial
of tracheal collapse should be referred to someone experi in some cases. Such experimentation w i t h environment and
enced in stent placement for further consideration of this option. diet is possible only i n patients w i t h clinical signs that are
sufficiently m i l d to delay the administration of glucocorti
Prognosis coids and bronchodilators, as described i n the sections o n
In most dogs clinical signs can be controlled w i t h conscien canine chronic bronchitis and feline bronchitis (idiopathic).
tiously performed medical management, w i t h diagnostic Elimination trials can still be pursued once clinical signs are
controlled w i t h medications, but confirmation o f a benefi
cial effect w i l l require discontinuation o f the medication
and, for a definitive diagnosis to be made, reintroduction o f
the allergen. The latter may not be necessary or practical i n
all cases.

Oslerus osleri is an u n c o m m o n parasite o f young dogs,
usually those younger than 2 years o f age. The adult worms FIG 21-10
B r o n c h o s c o p i c v i e w of multiple nodules at the c a r i n a of a
live at the carina and mainstem b r o n c h i and cause a local,
d o g infected with Oslerus osleri.
nodular inflammatory reaction w i t h fibrosis. First-stage
larvae are coughed up and swallowed. The m a i n cause of
infection i n dogs appears to be through intimate contact
Suggested Readings
with their dam as puppies.
Bach JF et al: Evaluation of the bioavailability and pharmacokinet
Clinical Features ics of two extended-release theophylline formulations in dogs,
7 Am Vet Med Assoc 224:1113, 2004.
Young affected dogs have an acute, l o u d , nonproductive Bemis DA et al: Aerosol, parenteral, and oral antibiotic treatment
cough and occasionally wheezing. The dogs appear other of Bordetella bronchiseptica infections in dogs, / Am Vet Med
wise healthy, making the initial presentation indistinguish Assoc 170:1082, 1977.
able from that o f canine infectious tracheobronchitis. Bidgood T et al: Comparison of plasma and interstitial fluid con
However, the cough persists, and eventually airway obstruc centrations of doxycycline and meropenem following constant
tion occurs as a result o f the formation o f reactive nodules. rate intravenous infusion in dogs, Am J Vet Res 64:1040, 2003.
Buonavoglia et al: Canine respiratory viruses, Vet Res 38:455,
Diagnosis 2007.
Dye JA et al: Chronopharmacokinetics of theophylline in the cat,
Nodules at the carina occasionally can be recognized radio-
/ Vet Pharmacol Ther 13:278, 1990.
graphically. Cytologic examination o f tracheal wash fluid i n
Ellis JA et al: Effect of vaccination on experimental infection with
some dogs shows the characteristic ova or larvae, providing
Bordetella bronchiseptica in dogs, / Am Vet Med Assoc 218:367,
the basis for a definitive diagnosis (see Table 20-1). Rarely, 2001.
larvae are found i n fecal specimens using zinc sulfate Gore T: Intranasal kennel cough vaccine protecting dogs from
(s.g. 1.18) flotation (preferred) or the Baermann technique experimental Bordetella bronchiseptica challenge within 72 hours,
(see Box 20-8). Vet Record 156:482, 2005.
The most sensitive diagnostic method is bronchoscopy, Graham-Mize C A et al: Bioavailability and activity of prednisone
w h i c h enables the nodules to be readily seen (Fig. 21-10). and prednisolone in the feline patient. Abstr., Vet Dermatol
Brushings o f the nodules are obtained and immediately 15(Suppl 1):9, 2004.
evaluated cytologically to detect the larvae. Material can be Guenther-Yenke C L et al: Pharmacokinetics of an extended-release
theophylline product in cats,} Am Vet Med Assoc 231:900, 2007.
examined directly i n saline solution or stained with new
Jacobs AAC et al: Protection of dogs for 13 months against Borde
methylene blue. If a definitive diagnosis is not obtained from
tella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus with a modi
analysis o f the brushings, biopsy specimens are obtained.
fied live vaccine, Vet Record 157:19, 2005.
Johnson LR: Tracheal collapse: diagnosis and medical and surgical
treatment, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 30:1253, 2000.
Treatment w i t h ivermectin (400 g / k g orally or subcutane Johnson LR et al: Clinical and microbiologic findings in dogs with
ously) is recommended. The same dose is administered again bronchoscopically diagnosed tracheal collapse: 37 cases (1990-
every 3 weeks for four treatments. This treatment has not 1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 219:1247, 2001.
been extensively investigated, however, and is not an approved Mantis P et al: Assessment of the accuracy of thoracic radiography
use o f this drug. It cannot be administered to Collies or in the diagnosis of canine chronic bronchitis, / Small Anim Pract
related breeds. A n alternative treatment is fenbendazole 39:518, 1998.
McKiernan BC: Current uses and hazards of bronchodilator therapy.
(50 mg/kg q24h for 7 to 14 days).
In Kirk RW et al, editors: Current veterinary therapy XI, Phila
Prognosis delphia, 1992, WB Saunders.
McKiernan BC: Diagnosis and treatment of chronic bronchitis:
The prognosis for dogs treated w i t h ivermectin is good; the twenty years of experience, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract
drug appears to be successful i n eliminating infection i n 30:1267, 2001.
the limited number o f dogs that have been treated. Follow- Miller D J M et al: Gentamicin aerosolization for the treatment of
up o f individual patients is indicated to ensure successful infectious tracheobronchitis. Abstr., Proceed Am Coll Vet Intern
elimination. Med, 2003.
Moise NS et al: Bronchopulmonary disease. In Sherding RG, editor: Randolf IF et al: Prevalence of mycoplasmal and ureaplasmal recov
The cat: diseases and clinical management, New York, 1989, ery from tracheobronchial lavages and of mycoplasmal recovery
Churchill Livingstone. from pharyngeal swab specimens in cats with or without pulmo
Moritz A et al: Management of advanced tracheal collapse in dogs nary disease, Am J Vet Res 54:897, 1993.
using intraluminal self-expanding biliary wall stents, / Vet Intern Ridyard A: Heartworm and lungworm in dogs and cats in the UK,
Med 18:31, 2004. In Practice 27:147, 2005.
Outerbridge C A et al: Oslerus osleri tracheobronchitis: treatment Speakman A l et al: Antibiotic susceptibility of canine Bordetella
with ivermectin in 4 dogs, Can J Vet 39:238, 1998. bronchiseptica isolates, Vet Microbiol 71:193, 2000.
Padrid PA et al: Cyproheptadine-induced attenuation of type-I Thrusfield M V et al: A field investigation of kennel cough:
immediate hypersensitivity reactions of airway smooth muscle efficacy of different treatments, / Small Anim Pract 32:455,
from immune-sensitized cats, Am ] Vet Res 56:109, 1995. 1991.
Padrid P: Feline asthma: diagnosis and treatment, Vet Clin North Wheeldon EB et al: Chronic respiratory disease in the dog, / Small
Am Small Anim Pract 30:1279, 2000. Anim Pract 18:229, 1977.
Prost C: Treatment of allergic feline asthma with allergen avoidance White RAS et al: Tracheal collapse in the dog: is there really a role
and specific immunotherapy. Abstr., Vet Dermatol 13(Suppl 1): for surgery? A survey of 100 cases, / Small Anim Pract 35:191,
55, 2004. 1994.
C H A P T E R 22

Disorders of the
Pulmonary Parenchyma
and Vasculature

kennels. Dogs are thought to shed the virus for up to 10 days

after the first appearance of clinical signs, and shedding can
also occur from the nearly 20% of infected dogs that never
develop clinical signs (Crawford, 2005).
Canine Influenza
Other V i r a l Pneumonias Clinical Features
The disease is most frequently identified during outbreaks
among dogs i n group housing, such as race tracks and animal
shelters. Individual pets often have a recent history (usually
in the previous week) o f exposure to other dogs. Clinical
Capillaria (Eucoleus) aerophila
signs o f canine influenza i n most dogs are similar to those
Paragonimus kellicotti
of infectious tracheobronchitis (see p. 285). This m i l d form
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus
of the disease causes a cough that can be harsh and loud, as
Crenosoma vulpis
typically heard with infectious tracheobronchitis, but that is
more often soft and moist. Some dogs may have concurrent
mucopurulent nasal discharge, a less c o m m o n finding in
infectious tracheobronchitis.
Dogs with the severe form o f disease develop overt pneu
m o n i a , peracutely or after having acough for up to 10 days
Idiopathic P u l m o n a r y Fibrosis
(Crawford, 2005). Secondary bacteria infection is c o m m o n .
Presenting signs can include fever, increased respiratory
rate progressing to respiratory distress, and auscultable

A diagnosis o f canine influenza should be considered i n all
dogs with acute cough until proven otherwise because it is
VIRAL PNEUMONIAS highly transmissible to susceptible dogs. The diagnosis of
pneumonia is made by the radiographic detection of a bron
CANINE INFLUENZA chointerstitial or bronchoalveolar pattern or both in dogs
showing appropriate clinical signs. A tracheal wash is recom
Etiology mended to determine the types of bacteria involved and their
The canine influenza virus appears to be a recent adaptation antibiotic sensitivity.
from an equine influenza virus (Crawford et al., 2005). Sero Confirmation of the diagnosis of influenza is possible
logic evidence has been found to support its existence among through several methods: serology, ELISA for antigen detec
racing greyhounds since 1999 (Anderson et a l , 2007). There tion, virus isolation, and polymerase chain reaction ( P C R )
fore most dogs are susceptible to infection regardless o f age, for viral R N A . Serology has several advantages compared
and spread among dogs i n contact w i t h one another, espe with the other methods because blood is simple to collect,
cially those housed together, is rapid. The virus is transmit the resultant serum is stable, and infection can be detected
ted through respiratory secretions that are aerosolized or even after viral shedding has ceased. However, rapid confir
contaminate objects, including hands, clothing, bowls, and mation o f the diagnosis is not possible through serology
because rising antibody titers are required to confirm the Veterinary Medical Association (
diagnosis. M o r e timely results are possible with antigen health/influenza/canine_guidelines.asp).
detection (Directigen F l u A , Becton, D i c k i n s o n and
Company) and P C R . Preliminary data by Spindel et al. OTHER VIRAL PNEUMONIAS
(2007) using nasal swabs for specimens indicate that P C R is Several other viruses can infect the lower respiratory tract,
much more sensitive i n detecting virus than antigen detec but rarely do signs o f viral pneumonia predominate. The
tion by ELISA or virus isolation. Other specimens that can role of canine adenovirus 1 and parainfluenza virus i n canine
be submitted for virus isolation or P C R are pharyngeal infectious tracheobronchitis has already been discussed (see
swabs, tracheal wash fluid, or lung tissue. Results from any Chapter 21). In dogs canine distemper virus can also infect
test for viral detection can be falsely negative because o f the the respiratory epithelium. Clinical signs o f pneumonia
relatively short period o f shedding after the development o f usually result from a secondary bacterial pneumonia. Infec
signs i n many patients. For best results, samples are collected tion o f the gastrointestinal tract or central nervous system
from febrile dogs very early i n the course o f disease. can also occur i n dogs with distemper (see Chapter 97). In
cats, calicivirus can cause pneumonia, but this manifestation
Treatment of infection is rare. The dry form o f feline infectious perito
In dogs with the m i l d form of disease, cough w i l l generally nitis can affect the lungs, but cats are generally seen because
persist for several weeks even when treated with antibiotics of signs o f involvement o f other organs. Feline infectious
and cough suppressants. M u c o p u r u l e n t nasal discharge can peritonitis is discussed i n Chapter 97.
be a result of secondary bacterial infection and may respond
to antibiotics.
Dogs with pneumonia require aggressive supportive care, BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA
including intravenous fluid therapy i f needed to maintain
systemic (and therefore airway) hydration. A variety o f Etiology
bacteria have been isolated from infected dogs, including A wide variety o f bacteria can infect the lungs. C o m m o n
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus and gram-negative bacterial isolates from dogs and cats with pulmonary infec
organisms that are resistant to c o m m o n l y prescribed antibi tions include Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus spp.,
otics. Broad spectrum antibiotics should be prescribed i n i Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Pasteurella spp., Klebsi
tially and can be modified later on the basis o f culture and ella spp., Proteus spp., and Pseudomonas spp. Anaerobic
sensitivity results and response to therapy. Initial choices organisms can be part o f m i x e d infections, particularly i n
include the combination o f ampicillin with sulbactam and animals with aspiration pneumonia or with l u n g lobe con
either a fluoroquinolone or an aminoglycoside or mero solidation. Mycoplasma organisms have been isolated from
penem. (For additional information on treating bacterial dogs and cats with pneumonia, but their exact role is not
pneumonia, see p. 304) known.
Bacteria can colonize the airways, alveoli, or interstitium.
Prognosis The term pneumonia means inflammation o f the lung, but
Most dogs that are exposed to the influenza virus w i l l become the term is not specific for bacterial disease. Infection that
infected. Dogs with the m i l d form of the disease fully recover, clinically appears to be limited to the airways and peribron
although cough may persist for as long as a m o n t h . The chial tissues is called bacterial bronchitis. If all three regions
prognosis is more guarded for dogs that develop the severe are involved, the disease is called either bacterial broncho
form of the disease. Overall mortality has been reported to pneumonia or bacterial pneumonia. M o s t cases o f bacterial
be <5% (Yoon et a l , 2005). pneumonia result from bacteria of the oral cavity and
pharynx entering the lungs via the airways, which causes
Prevention a bronchopneumonia involving primarily the gravity-
Vaccination is the most promising approach for prevention, dependent cranial and ventral lung lobes (see Fig. 20-5).
but no vaccines are currently available. In veterinary hospi Bacteria that enter the lung through the hematogenous route
tals, animal shelters, and other kenneling facilities, i m m e d i usually cause pneumonia that assumes a caudal or diffuse
ate isolation of dogs with signs of influenza is indicated pattern and marked interstitial involvement.
and strict isolation protocols must be followed. The virus is Bacterial pneumonia is a c o m m o n lung disease, particu
readily killed by routine disinfectants. Successful prevention larly i n dogs. C o m m u n i t y - a c q u i r e d infectious pneumonia
of spread of organisms depends on careful cleaning and has been described i n puppies (Radhakrishnan et a l , 2007),
disinfection of tables, cages, bowls, and any other objects i n most often caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica (49% of
contact with infected dogs. In addition, strict attention to cases). However, consideration should also be given for pre
detail is necessary regarding hand cleaning after contact with disposing abnormalities. In adult dogs, a predisposing abnor
any animal and using disposable barrier protection (e.g., mality usually exists. Abnormalities to consider i n all patients
gloves, booties, outerwear) when working with infected dogs include the aspiration o f ingested material or gastric c o n
or contaminated areas. Recommendations for managers and tents because o f cleft palate, megaesophagus, or other causes
workers of kennel facilities are provided by the American of aspiration pneumonia (p. 309); decreased clearance from
the lungs o f normally inhaled debris, particularly i n animals yield, specimens should be collected before antibiotic therapy
with chronic bronchitis, ciliary dyskinesia, or bronchiectasis; is initiated. A tracheal wash specimen is generally sufficient.
immunosuppression resulting from drugs, malnutrition, Septic neutrophilic inflammation is typically found in
stress, or endocrinopathies; other infections, including animals with bacterial pneumonia, and growth o f organisms
canine influenza, canine distemper, feline leukemia virus o n bacterial culture is expected. Examination o f a gram-
infection, or feline immunodeficiency virus infection; the stained preparation w i l l provide early guidance i n antibiotic
inhalation or migration o f foreign bodies; and, rarely, neo selection pending results o f culture and will also assist in
plasia or fungal or parasitic infections. the identification of anaerobes or unusual organisms (e.g.,
Mycobacteria and filamentous organisms).
Clinical Features A conscientious effort is also made to identify any under
Dogs and cats with bacterial p n e u m o n i a are evaluated lying problems. In some animals, such as those with mega-
because o f respiratory signs, systemic signs, or both. Respira esophagus, the initiating cause is obvious. Further diagnostic
tory signs can include cough (which is usually productive tests are indicated i n other animals, depending on the results
and soft), a bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, exercise of the clinicopathologic evaluation. These may include
intolerance, and respiratory distress. C o u g h is less c o m m o n bronchoscopy to search for airway abnormalities or foreign
i n cats w i t h pneumonia. Systemic signs include lethargy, bodies, conjunctival scrapings to look for distemper virus,
anorexia, fever, and weight loss. The animal may have a serologic tests to determine whether the animal has a fungal
history of chronic airway disease or regurgitation. Cats, par infection, tests for influenza virus, and hormonal assays to
ticularly kittens, from stressful housing situations (e.g., over determine whether the animal has hyperadrenocorticism.
crowding) appear predisposed to develop pneumonia as a Ciliary dyskinesia is discussed briefly i n Chapter 21. The
result o f Bordetella infections. Dogs with complicated infec diagnostic evaluation for aspiration pneumonia is discussed
tious tracheobronchitis may have a recent history o f harsh on p. 309.
cough and a history consistent w i t h exposure, as described
i n Chapter 21. Other potential predisposing factors, as listed Treatment
i n the preceding paragraph, are pursued through careful
history taking. Antibiotics
Fever may be present o n physical examination but is The treatment o f bacterial pneumonia consists of antibiotics
identified i n only about half o f patients. Crackles and and supportive care, with follow-up evaluation (Box 22-1).
occasionally expiratory wheezes may be auscultated, with the The antibiotic sensitivity of the involved organisms is diffi-
abnormal lung sounds often prominent over the cranioven
tral l u n g fields.

Diagnosis BOX 22-1

Bacterial pneumonia is diagnosed o n the basis o f the c o m Therapeutic Considerations for Bacterial Pneumonia
plete b l o o d count ( C B C ) , thoracic radiograph findings, and
the results from tracheal wash fluid cytologic analysis and Antibiotics
bacterial culture. A C B C showing neutrophilic leukocytosis Selected on basis of results from gram staining and culture
with a left shift, neutropenia with a degenerative left shift, and sensitivity testing of pulmonary specimens
or moderate-to-marked neutrophil toxicity is supportive
A i r w a y Hydration
of bacterial p n e u m o n i a . A n o r m a l or stress leukogram is as
likely to be found. Maintain systemic hydration
Saline nebulization
A b n o r m a l patterns o n thoracic radiographs vary w i t h the
underlying disease. The typical abnormality is an alveolar Physiotherapy
pattern, possibly with consolidation, that is most severe i n
Turning of recumbent animals every 1 to 2 hours
the dependent l u n g lobes (see Fig. 20-5). Increased bronchial Mild exercise of animals in stable condition
and interstitial markings are also often present. Infections Coupage
secondary to foreign bodies can be localized to any region o f
the lung. A n interstitial pattern alone may be present i n Bronchodilators

animals with early or m i l d disease or i n those w i t h infections As needed, particularly in cats

of hematogenous origin. A bronchial pattern alone may be
O x y g e n Supplementation
present i n animals w i t h a p r i m a r i l y bronchial infection.
Radiographs are also evaluated for the presence of mega- As needed

esophagus and other extrapulmonary disease. AVOID

P u l m o n a r y specimens are evaluated cytologically and
microbiologically (bacterial and ideally mycoplasmal c u l
Cough suppressants
tures) to establish a definitive diagnosis and provide
guidance i n antibiotic selection. T o maximize the diagnostic
cult to predict. Gram-negative infections and infections w i t h
multiple organisms are c o m m o n . Antibiotics are initially
selected on the basis o f severity o f clinical signs and the
cytologic characteristics (i.e., morphology and gram-stain
ing) of organisms found i n pulmonary specimens. A n t i b i o t i c
selection is subsequently modified, as needed, according to
clinical response and sensitivity data from bacterial cultures
of pulmonary specimens.
The extent to which an antibiotic can penetrate into the
airway secretions does not need to be a major consideration
in patients with bacterial pneumonia. Antibiotics generally
achieve concentrations within the p u l m o n a r y parenchyma
equal to those i n plasma. Nebulization o f antibiotics is rarely
indicated. FIG 2 2 - 1
For animals with m i l d or moderate clinical signs, antibi Disposable jet nebulizers are readily available and inexpen
sive. Sterile saline solution is placed in the nebulizer (N).
otics that can be initiated before sensitivity results are avail
Oxygen enters the bottom of the nebulizer (open arrow),
able include amoxicillin-clavulanate (20 to 25 mg/kg q8h),
and nebulized air exits the top (closed arrow). Nebulized
cephalexin (20 to 40 mg/kg q8h), or chloramphenicol (dogs, air is delivered to the animal with a face mask, as shown
50 mg/kg q8h; cats, 10 to 15 mg/kg q12h). Fluoroquinolones here, or it can be delivered into an enclosed cage.
are reserved for animals with resistant gram-negative infec
tions. Kittens from stressful environments suspected o f
having Bordetella-induced pneumonia should be treated ticularly recommended for animals w i t h areas o f consolida
with amoxicillin-clavulanate, doxycycline (5 to 10 mg/kg tion or with suspected decreased airway clearance, such as
q12h; followed by a bolus o f water), or fluoroquinolones those with bronchiectasis. Humidification refers to the satu
while awaiting results o f cultures. Doxycycline or a fluoro ration o f air w i t h water vapor. Depending o n the tempera
quinolone is more likely to be effective but has a greater ture, the volume o f water that remains as vapor is limited.
potential for side effects i n young kittens. The moisture reaches only the nasal cavity and the p r o x i m a l
Animals with severe clinical signs or possible sepsis trachea. V a p o r i z a t i o n is not effective i n hydrating deeper
should be treated initially with intravenous antibiotics. regions o f the lungs. However, the more p r o x i m a l effect can
Broad-spectrum coverage i n animals w i t h life-threatening still provide some relief, particularly i n animals w i t h nasal
infections can be achieved with meropenem (8 mg/kg q8h) discharge. H u m i d i f i c a t i o n is convenient and can be achieved
or the combination o f either ampicillin with sulbactam simply by placing the animal i n a steamy bathroom or i n a
(22 mg/kg of ampicillin q8h) and a fluoroquinolone or small r o o m with an inexpensive vaporizer, w h i c h is readily
ampicillin with sulbactam and an aminoglycoside (e.g., a m i available at pharmacies.
kacin, 5 to 10 mg/kg q8h). Sulbactam is a beta-lactamase Nebulization is necessary to provide moisture deeper into
inhibitor, as is clavulanate, and the combination o f ampicil the airways. Nebulizers generate small, variably sized drop
lin with sulbactam provides a drug w i t h similar activity as lets, w i t h a diameter ranging from 0.5 to 5 m required to
amoxicillin-clavulanate i n an intravenous formulation. If reach the deeper airways. Several types o f nebulizers are
Toxoplasma infection is among the differential diagnoses, available. Disposable jet nebulizers are readily available and
the combination of a fluoroquinolone and clindamycin inexpensive, and they can be attached to bottled oxygen or
or a fluoroquinolone and azithromycin can be used (see an air compressor (Fig. 22-1). Effective, inexpensive portable
Chapter 99). compressors are commercially available i f needed for home
Antibiotic treatment should be continued for at least 1 use. The nebulized oxygen is delivered to the animal through
week after the clinical signs resolve. Guidelines for patient a face mask. The particles can be seen as a mist.
monitoring are provided o n p. 306. Sterile saline solution is used as a nebulizing solution
because it has mucolytic properties and is relatively nonir
Airway Hydration ritating. Premedication with bronchodilators has been sug
The drying o f secretions results i n increased viscosity and gested as a way to reduce the bronchospasms, although use
decreased ciliary function, w h i c h interfere with the n o r m a l of saline alone i n dogs does not usually cause problems. It is
clearance mechanisms o f the lung. Thus the water content recommended that nebulization be performed two to six
of airway secretions must be maintained and airways must times daily for 10 to 30 minutes each time. Nebulization
be hydrated i n animals with pneumonia. Animals w i t h any should be followed immediately by physiotherapy to promote
evidence of dehydration should receive fluid therapy. Diuret the expectoration o f exudate that may have increased i n
ics can cause dehydration, and their use is contraindicated volume w i t h rehydration. Nebulizers and tubing should be
in such animals. replaced after no more than 24 hours o f use i n actively
Additional moisture for the airways can be provided infected patients, and face masks should be cleaned and dis
through humidification or nebulization. Such therapy is par infected.
Physiotherapy ized disease after long-term antibiotic therapy is an indica
Lying i n one position impairs airway clearance, and lung tion for bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, or thoracotomy.
consolidation can occur i f one side remains dependent for
prolonged periods. Therefore animals that are recumbent Prognosis
must be turned at least every 2 hours. Because activity causes Bacterial pneumonia responds readily to appropriate therapy.
animals to take deeper breaths and to cough, which pro The prognosis is more guarded i n animals with underlying
motes airway clearance, animals that are i n a sufficiently problems that predispose them to infection, and the likeli
stable condition and can tolerate the oxygen demands should h o o d o f eliminating these problems must be taken into con
be m i l d l y exercised. sideration.
Physiotherapy is indicated after nebulization to promote Pulmonary abscess formation is an u n c o m m o n compli
coughing and facilitate the clearance o f exudate from the cation of bacterial pneumonia. Abscesses are seen as focal
lungs. M i l d exercise is used when possible. Otherwise, lesions on radiographs, and entire lobes may be involved.
coupage is performed. T o perform coupage, the clinician Horizontal-beam radiographs can be useful i n determining
strikes the animal's chest over the lung fields with cupped whether the lesions are filled with fluid. Ultrasonography
hands. The action should be forceful but not painful and can also be helpful i n characterizing areas o f consolidation.
should be continued for 5 to 10 minutes i f tolerated by the Abscesses resolve i n response to prolonged medical therapy
patient. Coupage may also be beneficial for animals with in some animals, but i f improvement is not observed or
lung consolidation that are not receiving nebulization. radiographic evidence o f disease reappears after the discon
tinuation o f therapy, surgical excision (i.e., lobectomy) is
Bronchodilators indicated.
Bronchospasm can occur secondary to inflammation, par
ticularly i n cats. Bronchodilators are used i n animals show
ing increased respiratory efforts, particularly i f expiratory TOXOPLASMOSIS
wheezes are auscultated. Patient status should be monitored
closely because bronchodilators may worsen ventilatiomper The lungs are a c o m m o n site o f involvement i n cats with
fusion (V/Q) mismatching, exacerbating hypoxemia. They toxoplasmosis. Thoracic radiographs typically show fluffy
are discontinued i f clinical signs worsen or do not improve. alveolar and interstitial opacities throughout the lungs
Bronchodilators are discussed i n Chapter 21 (cats, p. 290; in such animals. Less often, a nodular interstitial, diffuse
dogs, p. 296). interstitial or bronchial pattern, lung lobe consolidation, or
pleural effusion is seen. Organisms are rarely recovered from
Other Treatment the lungs by tracheal wash. Bronchoalveolar lavage is more
Expectorants are o f questionable value i n dogs and cats. likely to retrieve organisms (see Fig. 20-17). Toxoplasmosis
Glucocorticoids are relatively contraindicated i n animals is a multisystemic disease and is discussed i n detail i n
with bacterial pneumonia. Oxygen therapy (see Chapter 27) Chapter 99.
is provided i f the clinical signs, arterial b l o o d gas measure
ments, or pulse oximetry measurements indicate a need
Monitoring The c o m m o n mycotic diseases that can involve the lungs are
Dogs and cats with bacterial pneumonia should be closely blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and coccidioidomycosis. In
monitored for signs o f deteriorating pulmonary function. most cases, the organisms enter the body through the respi
Respiratory rate and effort and mucous membrane color are ratory tract. The infection may be successfully eliminated
monitored at least twice daily. Thoracic radiographs and the without the animal showing clinical signs, or the animal may
C B C are evaluated every 24 to 72 hours. If the animal's con show only transient respiratory signs. The infection may also
dition does not improve within 72 hours, it may be necessary progress to cause disease involving the lungs alone or spread
to alter treatment or perform additional tests. A n i m a l s systemically to various target organs, or both processes may
showing improvement are sent home and reevaluated every occur. Cryptococcal organisms also enter the body through
10 to 14 days. Once clinical and radiographic signs have the respiratory tract and can infect the lungs, particularly i n
resolved, antibiotic treatment is continued for an additional cats. However, the presenting signs i n cats are generally those
week. of nasal infection. Pulmonary signs are most often the
The evidence o f infection on initial radiographs can primary presenting complaint i n dogs with blastomycosis
obscure that o f focal disease processes such as neoplasia or and cats with histoplasmosis.
foreign bodies, and focal opacities may not be apparent while Pulmonary mycoses are considered i n the differential
an animal is receiving antibiotics. Therefore radiographs diagnoses o f dogs or cats with progressive signs of lower
should be reevaluated approximately 1 week after antibiotic respiratory tract disease, especially i f they occur i n conjunc
therapy has been discontinued i n animals with recurrent tion with weight loss, fever, lymphadenopathy, chorioretini
infection or suspected localized disease. Persistence o f local tis, or other evidence of multisystemic involvement. Thoracic
radiographs typically show a diffuse, nodular, interstitial normal, although a bronchial or bronchointerstitial pattern
pattern of the lungs (see Fig. 20-6). The nodules are often may be seen. Tracheal wash fluid can show eosinophilic
miliary. The presence o f this pattern i n dogs with suspicious inflammation. Capillaria is diagnosed by the finding o f char
clinical signs supports a diagnosis o f mycotic infection, acteristic eggs i n tracheal wash fluid or fecal flotation mate
but other diseases, including neoplasia, parasitic, or atypical rial (see Fig. 20-12, C ) .
bacterial (e.g., mycobacterial) infections and eosinophilic The treatment o f choice for dogs and cats is fenbendazole
lung disease, can also produce similar patterns, so these must (50 mg/kg orally q24h for 14 days). Levamisole (8 mg/kg
be borne i n m i n d as well. Other potential radiographic orally for 10 to 20 days) has also been used successfully i n
abnormalities include alveolar and bronchointerstitial dogs. Ivermectin has been suggested for treatment, but a
patterns and consolidated regions of lung. H i l a r lymphade consistently effective dosage has not been established. The
nopathy can occur, most c o m m o n l y i n animals with histo prognosis i n animals with the disease is excellent.
plasmosis. The lesions caused by histoplasmosis can also be
Organisms can occasionally be retrieved by tracheal wash. Paragonimus kellicotti is a small fluke. Snails and crayfish are
However, because of the interstitial nature o f these diseases, both necessary intermediate hosts, thus limiting the disease
bronchoalveolar lavage and lung aspiration are more likely to animals that have been i n the region o f the Great Lakes,
to be successful (see Figs. 20-15 and 20-16). Fungal culture i n the Midwest, or i n the southern U n i t e d States. Pairs o f
is probably more sensitive than cytologic analysis alone. A n adults are walled off by fibrous tissue, usually i n the caudal
inability to find organisms i n pulmonary specimens does lung lobes, with a connection to an airway to allow for the
not rule out the diagnosis of mycotic disease, however. A passage o f eggs. A local granulomatous reaction may occur
complete discussion o f systemic mycoses is provided i n around the adults, or a generalized inflammatory response
Chapter 98. to the eggs may occur.
Infection is more c o m m o n i n cats than i n dogs. Some
dogs and cats have no clinical signs. W h e n clinical signs are
PULMONARY PARASITES present, they may be the same as those seen i n animals with
allergic bronchitis. Alternatively, signs of spontaneous pneu
Several parasites can cause lung disease. Certain intestinal mothorax can result from the rupture o f cysts.
parasites, especially Toxocara canis, can cause transient pneu The classic radiographic abnormality is single or multiple
monia i n young animals, usually those younger than a few solid or cavitary mass lesions, most c o m m o n l y present i n
months of age, as the larvae migrate through the lungs. the right caudal lobe (see Fig. 20-10). Other abnormal
Infection with Dirofilaria immitis can result i n severe p u l m o patterns seen o n thoracic radiographs can be bronchial,
nary disease through inflammation and thrombosis (see interstitial (reticular or nodular), or alveolar i n nature,
Chapter 10). Oslerus osleri resides at the carina and m a i n - depending o n the severity of the inflammatory response (see
stem bronchi of dogs and is discussed i n Chapter 21. The Fig. 20-11).
other primary lung parasites that are most c o m m o n l y diag Infection is diagnosed definitively through the identifica
nosed are Capillaria (Eucoleus) aerophila and Paragonimus tion o f the ova i n fecal specimens (using the sedimentation
kellicotti i n dogs and cats, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus i n cats, technique described i n Chapter 20), tracheal wash fluid, or
and Crenosoma vulpis i n dogs. bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (see Fig. 20-12, D). M u l t i p l e
Infection occurs as a result of the ingestion of infective fecal specimens should be examined i n suspected cases
forms, often within intermediate or paratenic hosts, that because the eggs are not always present. A presumptive diag
subsequently migrate to the lungs. A n eosinophilic inflam nosis is necessary i n some cases. Note that ova from the
matory response often occurs within the lungs, causing tapeworm Spirometra spp. can be mistakenly identified as
clinical signs i n some, but not all, infected animals. The ova from Paragonimus (Fig. 22-2).
definitive diagnosis is made by the identification of the char Fenbendazole is used to treat paragonimiasis at the same
acteristic eggs or larvae i n respiratory or fecal specimens (see dosage as that recommended for the treatment o f capillaria
Chapter 20). sis. Alternatively, praziquantel can be used at a dosage o f
23 mg/kg orally every 8 hours for 3 days.
CAPILLARIA (EUCOLEUS) AEROPHILA Thoracocentesis should be used to stabilize the condition
Capillaria aerophila, also k n o w n as Eucoleus aerophila, is a of animals with pneumothorax. If air continues to accumu
small nematode. A d u l t worms are located primarily beneath late w i t h i n the pleural space, however, it may be necessary to
the epithelial surfaces o f the large airways. Clinical signs place a chest tube and perform suction until the leak has
develop i n very few animals with Capillaria infections, and been sealed (see Chapter 24). Surgical intervention is rarely
the disease is most often identified through the fortuitous required.
identification of characteristic eggs during routine fecal The response to treatment is monitored by thoracic
examinations. radiographs and periodic fecal examinations. Treatment
The rare animal that displays signs has signs o f allergic may have to be repeated i n some cases. The prognosis is
bronchitis. Thoracic radiograph findings are generally excellent.
FIG 2 2 - 2
The o p e r c u l a t e d o v a from Spirometra t a p e w o r m s (A) c a n b e m i s d i a g n o s e d a s Paragoni
mus o v a (B). The Spirometra o v a a r e smaller a n d more p a l e than the y e l l o w - b r o w n
Paragonimus o v a . M o s t notably, Paragonimus o v a h a v e a distinctly visible shoulder
(arrow) at the o p e r c u l a t e d e n d . (Courtesy J a m e s R. Flowers.)

AELUROSTRONGYLUS ABSTRUSUS goal, and glucocorticoid therapy may interfere with the
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus is a small w o r m that infects the effectiveness o f the antiparasitic drugs. Bronchodilators may
small airways and pulmonary parenchyma o f cats. Snails or provide symptomatic relief and presumably do so without
slugs serve as intermediate hosts. M o s t cats w i t h infection interference with antiparasitic drug action. The prognosis i n
have no clinical signs. Those cats that do are usually young. animals with the infection is excellent.
The clinical signs are those o f bronchitis. The abnormalities
seen o n radiographs may also reflect bronchitis, although a CRENOSOMA VULPIS
diffuse miliary or nodular interstitial pattern is present i n Crenosoma vulpis is a l u n g w o r m o f foxes that can also infect
some cats. Eosinophilic inflammation may be apparent i n dogs. Dogs living i n Atlantic Canada and parts of Europe are
peripheral b l o o d and airway specimens. most c o m m o n l y diagnosed with this disease, while the diag
A definitive diagnosis is made through the identification nosis remains rare i n the U n i t e d States. However, it is pos
of larvae, w h i c h may be present i n fecal specimens prepared sible that with increased residential development into fox
using the Baermann technique (see Fig. 20-12, A) or i n habitats, the frequency of cases i n this country will increase.
airway specimens obtained by tracheal washing or b r o n The w o r m resides i n the airways (i.e., trachea, bronchi, bron
choalveolar lavage. M u l t i p l e fecal specimens should be chioles). Snails or slugs serve as intermediate hosts. The
examined i n suspected cases because the larvae are not clinical signs are those o f allergic or chronic bronchitis. T h o
always present. racic radiographs may have a bronchointerstitial or patchy
Cats should be treated with fenbendazole at the same alveolar pattern or occasionally a nodular pattern. Infection
dosage as that used for the treatment o f capillariasis. In one is diagnosed definitively through the identification o f the
study, the dosage o f 50 mg/kg orally q24h for 15 days was larvae i n fecal specimens using the Baermann technique
effective i n eliminating infection i n all four cats treated described i n B o x 20-8, tracheal wash fluid, or bronchoalveo
(Grandi et al., 2005). In contrast with a previous report, lar lavage fluid (see Fig. 20-12, B). M u l t i p l e fecal specimens
ivermectin (0.4 mg/kg, administered subcutaneously) was should be examined i n suspected cases because the larvae are
not effective i n one cat treated. The response to treatment not always present. A single oral dose of milbemycin oxime
is monitored by thoracic radiographs and periodic fecal (0.5 mg/kg) was effective i n resolving clinical signs and elim
examinations. Treatment may have to be repeated i n some ination o f larvae from feces collected 4 to 6 weeks after
cases. treatment i n 32 dogs (Conboy, 2004). This treatment may
Antiinflammatory therapy with glucocorticoids alone not be effective against immature larvae. A s with other pul
often causes the clinical signs to resolve. However, eliminat monary parasites, the response to treatment is monitored
ing the underlying parasitic disease is a preferable treatment with thoracic radiographs and periodic fecal examinations.
BOX 22-2
Underlying Causes of Aspiration Pneumonia in Dogs
A small amount of fluid and bacteria is aspirated from the
and Cats*
oropharynx into the airways o f healthy animals, but n o r m a l
airway clearance mechanisms prevent infection. Organisms Esophageal Disorders
from the oropharynx are thought to be the source o f bacte Megaesophagus, Chapter 31
ria in many animals with bacterial pneumonia, specifically Reflux esophagitis, Chapter 31
bacterial bronchopneumonia (see p. 303). In people such Esophageal obstruction, Chapter 31
infection is termed aspiration pneumonia. In veterinary med Myasthenia gravis (localized), Chapter 71
icine the term aspiration pneumonia is generally used to refer Bronchoesophageal fistulae
to the inflammatory lung disease that occurs as a result o f
Localized Oropharyngeal Abnormalities
the inhalation o f overt amounts o f solid or l i q u i d material
Cleft palate
into the lungs. The materials that are usually aspirated are
Cricopharyngeal motor dysfunction, Chapter 31
stomach contents or food. N o r m a l laryngeal and pharyngeal
Laryngoplasty, Chapter 17
function prevents aspiration i n healthy animals, although
Brachycephalic airway syndrome, Chapter 17
occasionally an excited puppy or a dog running through tall
grass aspirates a foreign body. Otherwise, the presence o f Systemic Neuromuscular Disorders
aspiration pneumonia i n an animal o f any age indicates an Myasthenia gravis, Chapter 71
underlying predisposing abnormality (Box 22-2). Polyneuropathy, Chapter 71
Aspiration pneumonia is a c o m m o n complication of Polymyopathy, Chapter 72
animals with regurgitation. Megaesophagus is the most
Decreased Mentation
common cause of regurgitation (see Chapter 31). Other
causes of regurgitation (e.g., reflux esophagitis, esophageal General anesthesia
obstruction) are less c o m m o n . Another cause o f aspiration
i Post ictus, Chapter 6 7
pneumonia is localized or systemic neurologic or muscular
| Head trauma
disease affecting the normal swallowing reflexes of the larynx
| Severe metabolic disease
or pharynx. These reflexes can also be depressed i n dogs or
cats with abnormal levels of consciousness or i n those that Iatrogenic**
are anesthetized. Laryngeal paralysis does not always lead to Force-feeding
the development of aspiration pneumonia, but aspiration is Stomach tubes, Chapter 30
a potential complication of therapeutic laryngoplasty. It can
Vomiting (in Combination with Other Predisposing
also occur i n animals with abnormal pharyngeal anatomy
Factors), Chapter 28
resulting from mass lesions, brachycephalic airway syn
drome, or cleft palate. Bronchoesophageal fistulae are a rare
* Discussions of these abnormalities can be found on the given
cause of aspiration pneumonia.
chapter numbers.
Aggressive force-feeding, especially i n mentally depressed * * O v e r z e a l o u s feeding, incorrect tube placement, or loss of lower
animals, and improper placement o f stomach tubes into esophageal sphincter competence because of presence of tube.
the trachea are iatrogenic causes o f aspiration pneumonia.
Mineral o i l administered to prevent hairballs can be a cause
of aspiration pneumonia i n cats because the tasteless and This response can become organized, resulting i n the forma
odorless o i l is poorly handled by the pharynx. tion o f granulomas.
The damage to the lung resulting from aspiration may Bacterial infection may result from the aspiration o f
stem from chemical damage, obstruction o f the airways, contaminated material, such as ingesta that remained i n
infection, and the resulting inflammatory response to each the esophagus. A c i d i c gastric contents are probably sterile,
of these factors. Gastric acid causes severe chemical injury to although i n people the contents are considered contami
the lower airways. Tissue necrosis, hemorrhage, edema, and nated i f antacids have been taken, i f an intestinal obstruction
bronchoconstriction ensue, and a marked acute inflam is present, or with periodontal disease. Note that many vet
matory response is initiated. H y p o x e m i a resulting from erinary patients have periodontal disease. Regardless of the
decreased alveolar ventilation and compliance can be fatal. sterility o f the aspirated material, the resultant damage to
Severe respiratory distress can occur from physical the lungs by gastric acid greatly predisposes the animal to
obstruction o f the airways by the aspirated material. In most the development o f a secondary infection.
cases only small airways are obstructed, but rarely a large The inhalation o f mineral o i l elicits a chronic inflam
piece of food will obstruct a major airway. Obstruction is matory response. The clinical signs i n this setting are often
subsequently exacerbated by reflex bronchoconstriction and m i l d , but i n rare instances they may be severe. Radiographic
inflammation. Inhaled solid material initiates an inflamma abnormalities persist and can be erroneously interpreted as
tory reaction that includes an abundance o f macrophages. representing neoplastic lesions.
Clinical Features B l o o d gas analysis can be helpful i n differentiating
Dogs and cats with aspiration pneumonia are frequently hypoventilation from ventilation-perfusion abnormalities
presented for acute, severe respiratory signs. Systemic signs (see Chapter 20), although a combination of abnormalities
such as anorexia and depression are c o m m o n , and these exists i n most animals with aspiration pneumonia. Animals
patients may even present i n shock. V o m i t i n g , regurgitation, with evidence o f profound hypoventilation may have either
or eating may have preceded the onset o f distress. Other a large airway obstruction or muscle weakness secondary to
patients are seen because o f chronic intermittent or pro an underlying neuromuscular disorder such as myasthenia
gressive signs o f coughing or increased respiratory efforts. gravis. B l o o d gas analysis also assists i n the therapeutic man
Occasionally, patients show only signs o f depression or the agement of these animals and can be used effectively to
predisposing disease. A thorough history is obtained, with monitor the response to therapy.
all organ systems carefully reviewed. The owners are spe Diagnostic evaluation is indicated to identify potential
cifically questioned about force-feeding and medication underlying diseases (see B o x 22-2). This may include a thor
administration. ough oral and pharyngeal examination, contrast-enhanced
Fever may be present, but it is an inconsistent finding. radiographic studies to evaluate the esophagus, or specific
Crackles are often auscultated, particularly over the depen neuromuscular tests.
dent lung lobes. Wheezes are heard i n some cases. Once a
patient is i n stable condition, a thorough neuromuscular Treatment
examination is performed. The ability o f the patient to Suctioning o f the airways is helpful only for animals that
prehend and swallow food and water should also be aspirate i n the hospital while already anesthetized or un
observed. conscious, when it can be performed immediately after
aspiration. If a bronchoscope is immediately available, suc
Diagnosis tioning can be performed through the biopsy channel, which
Aspiration pneumonia is usually diagnosed on the basis o f affords visualized guidance. Alternatively, a sterile soft rubber
the suggestive radiographic findings i n conjunction with tube attached to a suction p u m p can be passed blindly into
evidence o f a predisposing condition. Thoracic radiographs the airways through an endotracheal tube. Excessive suction
typically show diffuse, increased interstitial opacities with may result i n lung lobe collapse. Therefore low-pressure,
alveolar flooding (air bronchograms) and consolidation intermittent suction is used, followed by expansion of the
of the dependent lung lobes (see Fig. 20-5). Radiographic lungs with several positive-pressure ventilations using an
abnormalities may not be apparent until 12 to 24 hours after anesthetic or A m b u bag. Airway lavage is contraindicated.
aspiration, however. Occasionally, nodular interstitial pat Animals i n severe respiratory distress should be treated
terns are seen i n chronic cases. Large nodules can form with fluid therapy, oxygen supplementation, bronchodila
around solids; miliary nodules often form i n animals that tors, and glucocorticoids. Fluids are administered intrave
have aspirated mineral o i l . Large airway obstruction is sus nously at high rates to treat shock (see Chapter 30) and
pected i f radiographs show a soft-tissue mass w i t h i n a large should be continued after initial stabilization of the animal's
airway, but this is an unusual finding. A marked, diffuse condition to maintain systemic hydration, which is necessary
alveolar pattern can be seen i n dogs that have severe second to maximize the effectiveness o f airway clearance mecha
ary edema (see the section on p u l m o n a r y edema, p. 319). nisms. However, overhydration must be avoided because o f
The peripheral b l o o d count can reflect the pulmonary a tendency for pulmonary edema.
inflammatory process, but it is often normal. Neutrophils are Oxygen supplementation (see Chapter 27) is initiated
examined for the presence of toxic changes suggestive o f immediately i n compromised animals. Positive-pressure
sepsis. ventilation is required for animals i n severe respiratory dis
Tracheal wash is indicated for all animals that can tolerate tress that is unresponsive to oxygen therapy.
the procedure to identify complicating bacterial infection Bronchodilators can be administered to decrease bron
and obtain antibiotic sensitivity data. A marked inflamma chospasms and ventilatory muscle fatigue. They are most
tory response characterized by a predominance o f neutro likely to be effective i n cats. Bronchodilators can worsen
phils is seen i n cytologic specimens. B l o o d resulting from ventilatiomperfusion ( V / Q ) mismatching, exacerbating
hemorrhage may be seen i n specimens from animals i n the hypoxemia. They are discontinued i f no improvement
acute period after aspiration. Bacteria may also be seen. is seen or clinical signs appear to worsen after their
Bacterial cultures should always be performed. administration.
Bronchoscopy can be used to grossly examine the airways Rapid-acting glucocorticoids are administered for the
and detect and remove large solids. However, the likelihood treatment o f shock. Their use i n the absence o f shock is
of a large airway obstruction is very small, so bronchoscopy controversial. The antiinflammatory effects of glucocorti
is performed only i f there are clear signs o f large airway coids can be beneficial, but glucocorticoids can interfere with
obstruction (see Chapter 26) or i f the animal is not c o n n o r m a l host defense mechanisms i n tissues that have already
scious and therefore does not require general anesthesia for been severely compromised. This author reserves the use of
the procedure. glucocorticoids for patients that have severe respiratory
compromise and a deteriorating clinical picture despite and idiopathic bronchitis are by far the most c o m m o n eosin
appropriate antibiotic therapy and supportive care. L o w ophilic lung diseases seen i n cats and are discussed i n Chapter
(antiinflammatory) doses o f short-acting preparations are 21. Interstitial infiltration, with or without concurrent b r o n
administered for up to 48 hours. chitis, is sometimes referred to as pulmonary infiltrates with
Animals with a large airway obstruction can benefit from eosinophils (PIE) and is typically seen i n dogs. Eosinophilic
bronchoscopy and foreign body removal. However, routine pulmonary granulomatosis is a severe type of PIE seen i n dogs
bronchoscopy is not indicated because of the risk o f the and is characterized by the development o f nodules and
general anesthesia needed during the procedure and the often hilar lymphadenopathy. It must be differentiated from
infrequency of large airway obstructions. a mycotic infection and neoplasia. The term eosinophilic
Antibiotics are administered immediately i n animals that bronchopneumopathy is also used to describe eosinophilic
are presented i n severe distress or with overt systemic signs lung disease. These names are descriptive only and likely
of sepsis. Selected antibiotics should have a broad spectrum encompass a variety of hypersensitivity disorders o f the
of activity and be administered intravenously. Such drugs lung.
include meropenem or combinations o f either ampicillin Because eosinophilic inflammation is a hypersensitivity
with sulbactam and a fluoroquinolone or ampicillin with response, an underlying antigen source is actively pursued i n
sulbactam and an aminoglycoside (see the section o n bacte- affected animals. Considerations include heartworms, p u l
rial pneumonia, p. 303). monary parasites, drugs, and inhaled allergens. F o o d allergy
A tracheal wash is performed i n stable patients before could play a role i n these disorders, but this association has
initiation o f antibiotics to document the presence o f infec not been explored. Potential allergens are discussed further
tion and obtain antibiotic sensitivity data. This information i n the section o n allergic bronchitis, Chapter 21. Bacteria,
is particularly valuable because prolonged treatment is often fungi, and neoplasia can also induce a hypersensitivity
needed and also because research i n h u m a n medicine has response, but this response often is not the predominant
amply demonstrated that resistant secondary infections finding. In many cases no underlying disease can be found.
can develop after aspiration i n patients given antibiotics i n i Eosinophilic pulmonary granulomatosis is strongly associ
tially or on an empirical basis. A s discussed for bacterial ated with heartworm disease.
pneumonia, the high incidence o f gram-negative and
mixed infections make assumptions regarding antibiotic Clinical Features
sensitivity prone to error. Pending results o f culture, it is Eosinophilic lung diseases are seen i n young and older
reasonable to initiate treatment with a penicillin with a dogs. Affected dogs are evaluated because o f progressive
beta-lactamase inhibitor (e.g., amoxicillin-clavulanate or respiratory signs, such as cough, increased respiratory efforts,
ampicillin with sulbactam). Because infection can occur as and exercise intolerance. Systemic signs such as anorexia
a later complication i n these patients, frequent m o n i t o r i n g and weight loss are usually m i l d . L u n g sounds are often
with physical examination, C B C , and thoracic radiographs normal, although crackles or expiratory wheezes are
is necessary to detect any deterioration consistent with sec possible.
ondary infection. Tracheal wash is repeated i f infection is
suspected. Diagnosis
Further therapeutic and m o n i t o r i n g considerations are The finding o f peripheral eosinophilia is included i n some
discussed i n the section o n bacterial pneumonia (p. 303). definitions o f PIE, but it is not present i n all animals with
Underlying diseases are treated to prevent recurrence. the disease, n o r is it a specific finding. A diffuse interstitial
pattern is seen o n thoracic radiographs. Eosinophilic p u l m o
Prognosis nary granulomatosis results i n the formation o f nodules,
Animals with m i l d signs o f disease and a correctable under usually with indistinct borders. These nodules can be quite
lying problem have an excellent prognosis. The prognosis is large, and hilar lymphadenopathy m a y also be present. A
worse for animals with more severe disease or uncorrectable patchy alveolar opacity and consolidation o f the l u n g lobes
underlying problems. can occur as well.
P u l m o n a r y specimens must be examined to establish a
diagnosis o f PIE. I n some cases o f PIE, evidence o f eosino
EOSINOPHILIC LUNG DISEASE philic inflammation m a y be found i n tracheal wash fluid.
(PULMONARY INFILTRATES WITH M o r e aggressive techniques for collecting pulmonary speci
EOSINOPHILS AND EOSINOPHILIC mens, such as bronchoalveolar lavage, lung aspiration, or
PULMONARY GRANULOMATOSIS) lung biopsy, are required to identify the eosinophilic response
i n other cases. Other inflammatory cell populations are fre
Eosinophilic lung disease is a broad term describing inflam quently present i n lesser numbers i n such specimens.
matory lung disease i n which the predominant infiltrating Potential antigen sources should be considered, and p u l
cell is the eosinophil. Eosinophilic inflammation can involve monary specimens should be carefully examined for the
primarily the airways or the interstitium. Allergic bronchitis presence o f infectious agents and features o f malignancy.
Heartworm tests and fecal examinations for pulmonary septa include alveolar epithelium, epithelial basal lamina,
parasites are indicated i n all cases. capillary endothelial basal lamina, and capillary endothe
l i u m . Other cells include fibroblasts and alveolar macro
Treatment phages. T o make a diagnosis of idiopathic disease, the k n o w n
A n y primary disease identified during the diagnostic evalu etiologies o f interstitial lung disease must be ruled out as
ation o f these animals is treated directly. Eliminating the completely as possible. Etiologies o f interstitial lung disease
source o f the antigen that may be triggering the excessive are numerous and include many infectious agents and some
i m m u n e response may result i n a cure. toxins and neoplasia.
Antiinflammatory therapy with glucocorticoids is Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the most well-described
indicated for dogs i n w h i c h an antigen source cannot be idiopathic interstitial pneumonia i n dogs and cats. Some of
identified and for dogs with heartworm disease i f the eosin the eosinophilic lung diseases (not including allergic or idio
ophilic inflammation is causing respiratory compromise (see pathic feline bronchitis) may also be part of this group of
Chapter 10). Dogs with eosinophilic granulomatosis often diseases (see p. 311). Other inflammatory lung diseases of
require more aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. the interstitium i n which a cause cannot be identified are
Dogs are typically treated with glucocorticoids, such as occasionally seen i n dogs and cats. The lesions may represent
prednisone, at an initial dosage of 1 to 2 mg/kg orally every a form o f vasculitis, a component o f systemic lupus erythe
12 hours. Clinical signs and thoracic radiographs are used to matosus, i m m u n e complex disease, or some other hypersen
m o n i t o r the animal's response to therapy, and initially these sitivity response. These diseases are rare, however, and not
should be assessed every week. Once the clinical signs have well documented. A l u n g biopsy must be performed for a
resolved, the dosage o f glucocorticoids is decreased to the definitive diagnosis to be made. A clinical diagnosis is made
lowest effective one. If signs have remained i n remission for only after extensive testing has been done to rule out more
3 months, discontinuation o f therapy can be attempted. If c o m m o n causes of lung disease, particularly infectious agents
signs are exacerbated by glucocorticoid therapy, immediate and neoplasia, and after a prolonged positive response to
reevaluation to search for underlying infectious agents is immunosuppressive therapy. L y m p h o m a t o i d granulomato
indicated. sis is a nodular interstitial disease that exhibits clinical signs
Dogs with large nodular lesions (eosinophilic granuloma similar to those seen i n animals with eosinophilic p u l m o
tosis) should be treated with a combination o f glucocorti nary granulomatosis. It was initially considered to be an
coids and a cytotoxic agent. Prednisone is administered to inflammatory l u n g disease but is currently considered to be
these animals at a dosage o f 1 mg/kg orally every 12 hours, lymphoproliferative neoplasia o f the lung (see p. 314).
i n combination with cyclophosphamide at a dosage o f
50 m g / m orally every 48 hours. Clinical signs and thoracic IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS
radiographs are evaluated every 1 to 2 weeks until remission In people idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is the clinical diag
is achieved. C B C s are also done every 1 to 2 weeks to detect nosis that is defined by the histopathologic diagnosis o f usual
excessive bone marrow suppression resulting from the cyclo interstitial pneumonia. However, the histopathologic pattern
phosphamide. Attempts to discontinue therapy can be made of usual interstitial pneumonia can be seen as a result of
after several months of remission. It may be necessary to other diseases, and according to the American Thoracic
discontinue the cyclophosphamide earlier than this because Society/European Respiratory Society consensus statement
long-term treatment is associated with sterile hemorrhagic (2002), the diagnosis o f idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis also
cystitis. (See Chapter 78 for further discussion o f the adverse requires (1) the exclusion o f other k n o w n causes of intersti
effects o f cyclophosphamide therapy.) The effectiveness o f tial lung diseases including drug toxicities, environmental
other immunosuppressive drugs, such as cyclosporine, have exposures, and collagen vascular diseases; (2) characteristic
not been reported. radiographic or computed tomographic abnormalities; and
(3) characteristic pulmonary function abnormalities. In vet
Prognosis erinary medicine the latter criterion may be difficult to apply,
A wide spectrum o f disease is seen i n terms o f both but attention should be paid to the other criteria.
the severity o f the signs and the underlying causes. The The characteristic lesions that result i n the histopatho
prognosis is generally fair to good. However, the prognosis logic pattern o f usual interstitial pneumonia are as follows:
is guarded i n dogs with severe eosinophilic pulmonary fibrosis, areas o f fibroblast proliferation, metaplasia of the
granulomatosis. alveolar epithelium, and m i l d to moderate inflammation.
Honeycomb change may occur as a result o f enlarged air
spaces lined by abnormal alveolar epithelium. The lungs are
IDIOPATHIC INTERSTITIAL PNEUMONIASheterogeneously affected, with areas o f normal lung inter
mixed with abnormal regions. The abnormal regions are
The term idiopathic interstitial pneumonia generally denotes often subpleural. A defect i n w o u n d healing has been hypoth
inflammatory and/or fibrotic infiltration of the lungs involv esized as the cause.
ing primarily the alveolar septa. Small airways, alveoli, and Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has been recently described
the pulmonary vasculature may also be affected. The alveolar i n cats o n the basis of histologic lesions which are quite
Clinical Features
A breed predisposition is seen i n dogs w i t h p u l m o n a r y fibro
sis. West H i g h l a n d W h i t e Terriers are most frequently
reported, w i t h fewer cases documented among Staffordshire
Bull Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers, C a i r n Terriers, and Schip
perkes. Both dogs and cats tend to be middle-aged or older
at the time o f presentation, although characteristic signs
have been found i n patients as young as 2 years o f age.
Signs are most often slowly progressive over months. In
cats the duration o f signs may be shorter, w i t h 6 o f 23 cats
having shown signs for only 2 days to 2 weeks ( C o h n et al.,
2004). Respiratory compromise is the most prominent clin
ical sign o f pulmonary fibrosis, manifested as exercise intol
erance and/or rapid, labored breathing. C o u g h often occurs,
but i f it is the predominant sign, higher consideration for a
diagnosis o f bronchitis should be given. Syncope may occur
in dogs.
Crackles are the hallmark auscultatory finding i n dogs
and are noted i n some cats. Wheezes are heard i n approxi
mately half o f dogs and some cats. The abnormal breathing
pattern is typically tachypnea with relatively effortless

Thoracic radiographs o f dogs w i t h pulmonary fibrosis
typically show a diffuse interstitial pattern. The abnormal
densities generally must be moderate to severe to be distin
guished from age-related change. A bronchial pattern is
often noted concurrently, contributing to the overlap i n
signs between pulmonary fibrosis and chronic bronchitis.
Evidence o f pulmonary hypertension may be seen (see
FIG 2 2 - 3 p. 316). Radiographs o f cats w i t h this disease may show
Photomicrographs of a lung b i o p s y from a c a t with idio diffuse or patchy infiltrate (Fig. 22-4). Patterns may be inter
pathic p u l m o n a r y fibrosis. A t lower p o w e r (A) there is stitial, bronchial, alveolar, or m i x e d but are often quite severe.
distortion a n d obliteration of the normal p u l m o n a r y architec
Bronchiectasis, caused by traction o n the airways, may be
ture b e c a u s e of replacement of the p a r e n c h y m a with
noted i n either species w i t h advanced disease.
d i s o r g a n i z e d b a n d s of fibrous tissue a n d scattered mono
nuclear inflammatory cells. There a r e f e w r e c o g n i z a b l e Results of the C B C , serum biochemistry panel, and u r i
alveoli in this section. The a l v e o l a r septae a r e t h i c k e n e d , nalysis are generally unremarkable. Polycythemia may be
a n d metaplasia of the a l v e o l a r epithelium is present. A t present secondary to chronic hypoxemia. Screening tests to
higher p o w e r (B) subpleural alveoli s h o w m a r k e d distortion identify other etiologies o f interstitial lung disease include
with marked septal fibrosis a n d type 2 epithelial h y p e r p l a
fecal examinations for parasites, heartworm tests, and appro
s i a . Although normal a r e a s of the lung a r e not s h o w n , the
priate infectious disease serology.
disease is c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y heterogeneity of lesions within
the lung. (Photomicrographs courtesy Stuart Hunter.) A i r w a y specimens should be collected i n sufficiently
stable patients, primarily to assist i n the identification o f
other causes of lung disease. M i l d to moderate inflammation
may be seen i n patients with pulmonary fibrosis, but this is
similar to those i n people ( C o h n et al., 2004; W i l l i a m s et al., a nonspecific finding. Bronchoscopy may also be useful i n
2006; Fig. 22-3). Unlike the disease that affects people and some patients for identifying other causes o f lung disease,
cats, the disease i n dogs has been associated with the primary such as chronic bronchitis.
lesion of collagen deposition i n the alveolar septa with no Typical lesions identified by computed tomography are
fibroblastic foci (Norris et al., 2005). often used i n making a presumptive diagnosis o f idiopathic
Neoplasia can occur concurrently with idiopathic p u l m o pulmonary fibrosis i n people. Similar lesions may be seen i n
nary fibrosis i n people and was reported i n 6 of 23 cats some dogs w i t h the disease (Johnson et al., 2005). Results o f
(Cohn et al., 2004). The lesions of pulmonary fibrosis can computed tomography i n cats have not been reported.
also be misinterpreted as carcinoma, and 4 o f 23 cats con A definitive diagnosis o f p u l m o n a r y fibrosis requires a
sidered to have pulmonary fibrosis were initially given a lung biopsy obtained by thoracotomy or thoracoscopy. The
pathologic diagnosis o f carcinoma. expense and invasiveness o f biopsy preclude its use i n some
Nevertheless, individual patients, particularly dogs, can
survive for longer than a year. The mean survival time in
dogs i n one study was 18 months from the onset of signs,
with survival up to 3 years (Corcoran et al., 1999). The prog
nosis i n cats is poorer. O f 23 cats, 14 died or were euthanized
within weeks of the onset o f signs and only 7 of 23 survived
longer than 1 year ( C o h n et al., 2004).

Primary pulmonary tumors, metastatic neoplasia, and m u l
ticentric neoplasia can all involve the lungs. Most primary
pulmonary tumors are malignant. Carcinomas predominate
and include adenocarcinoma, bronchoalveolar carcinoma,
and squamous cell carcinoma. Sarcomas and benign tumors
FIG 22-4
Lateral thoracic radiograph from a cat with idiopathic pulmo are m u c h less c o m m o n . Small cell carcinoma, or oat cell
nary fibrosis showing a diffuse interstitial pattern with patchy tumor, which occurs frequently in people, is rare in dogs
areas of alveolar disease in the caudal lung lobes. Pericar and cats.
dial and mediastinal fat are also seen. Radiographic abnor The lungs are a c o m m o n site for the metastasis of
malities in cats with fibrosis are quite variable, including the malignant neoplasia from other sites i n the body and
range of interstitial, bronchial, alveolar, or mixed patterns.
even from primary pulmonary tumors. Neoplastic cells can
be carried i n the bloodstream and trapped i n the lungs,
patients. Furthermore, the lack o f specific treatment recom where there is low blood flow and an extensive capillary
mendations for pulmonary fibrosis is a deterrent. However, network. Lymphatic spread or local invasion can also
biopsy should be considered i n patients that are stable and occur.
whose owners have sufficient resources. The less invasive Multicentric tumors can involve the lungs. Such tumors
tests cannot completely rule out the existence o f a different, include lymphoma, malignant histiocytosis, and masto
directly treatable disease (e.g., atypical bacterial infection, cytoma. A n unusual lymphoproliferative tumor limited to
fungal disease, parasitism), and more aggressive treatment involvement o f the lung is lymphomatoid granulomatosis.
for pulmonary fibrosis could be recommended with histo This neoplasm is characterized by the infiltration of pleo
logic confirmation o f the diagnosis. morphic lymphoreticular and plasmacytoid cells around and
into blood vessels, with accompanying eosinophils, neutro
Treatment phils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells.
Even i n people, large, well-controlled studies have not been Multiple tumors of different origins can occur in the same
performed to determine the ideal treatment strategy for animal. In other words, the presence o f a neoplasm in one
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (Hoyles et al., 2006). Most site o f the body does not necessarily imply that the same
individuals are treated with prednisone at l o w dosages and tumor is also present i n the lungs.
azathioprine. Cyclophosphamide is used routinely by some
physicians and only during exacerbations by others. C o r t i Clinical Features
costeroids alone are not considered to be effective. M a n y Neoplasms are most c o m m o n i n older animals but also
other drugs, including colchicine and penicillamine, have occur in young adult animals. Tumors involving the lungs
been tried or investigated, but thus far none have been can produce a wide spectrum o f clinical signs. These signs
proved convincingly effective. Survival rates 5 years after the are usually chronic and slowly progressive, but peracute
diagnosis remain only 20% to 30% with treatment. manifestations such as pneumothorax or hemorrhage can
Most dogs and cats have been treated with corticosteroids also occur.
and bronchodilators. Theophylline derivatives have the the Most signs reflect respiratory tract involvement. Infiltra
oretical potential to provide some benefit through potentia tion o f the lung by the tumor can cause interference with
tion o f steroid activity. O n the basis o f clinical experience oxygenation, leading to increased respiratory efforts and
with people, the addition o f azathioprine or cyclophospha exercise intolerance. Mass lesions can compress airways, pro
mide may be of benefit. Animals with severe pulmonary voking cough and obstructing ventilation. Erosion through
hypertension may benefit from treatment o f this complica vessels can result i n pulmonary hemorrhage. The blood loss
tion (p. 316). can be sudden, resulting i n acute hypovolemia and anemia
in addition to respiratory compromise. Edema, nonseptic
Prognosis inflammation, or bacterial infection can occur secondary to
The prognosis for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis i n dogs and the tumor. Erosion through the airways can result in pneu
cats is poor, with relentless progression of disease expected. mothorax. Pleural effusion of nearly any character can form.
In rare cases, the caudal or cranial venae cavae are obstructed,
resulting i n the development o f ascites or head and neck
edema, respectively.
Nonspecific signs i n dogs and cats with pulmonary neo
plasms include weight loss, anorexia, depression, and fever.
Gastrointestinal signs may be the primary complaint. V o m i t
ing and regurgitation may be the presenting signs i n cats i n
particular. Lameness may be the presenting sign i n patients
with hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to thoracic mass
lesions and i n cats with metastasis of carcinoma to their
Some animals with lung neoplasia have no clinical signs
at all, and the tumor is discovered as an incidental finding
on thoracic radiographs or at postmortem examination.
Animals with metastatic or multicentric lung neoplasia can
be seen because of signs o f tumor involvement i n another FIG 22-5
organ. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from the dog whose lateral
Lung sounds may be normal, decreased, or increased. thoracic radiograph showing a severe, unstructured intersti
tial pattern is depicted in Fig. 20-8. M a n y clumps of deeply
They are decreased over all lung fields i n animals with
staining epithelial cells showing marked criteria of malig
pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Localized decreased or nancy were seen. O n e such clump is shown here. A
increased lung sounds can be heard over regions that are diagnosis of carcinoma was made. Note that a cytologic
consolidated. In a few patients, crackles and wheezes can be diagnosis of carcinoma should not be made if there is
auscultated. There may be evidence o f other organ involve concurrent inflammation. The surrounding lighter-staining
ment or hypertrophic osteopathy. cells are alveolar macrophages, the normal predominant
cell type in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
Neoplasia is definitively diagnosed through the histologic or
cytologic identification of criteria o f malignancy i n popula
tions of cells i n pulmonary specimens (Fig. 22-5). Thoracic establish a diagnosis. Tracheal wash fluid cytology rarely
radiographs are c o m m o n l y evaluated initially, and findings results i n a definitive diagnosis. It is generally necessary to
can support a tentative diagnosis of neoplasia. Radiographs evaluate lung aspirates, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, or lung
can also be used to identify the location of disease, and this biopsy specimens.
information helps the clinician select the most appropriate It may be appropriate to delay the collection o f p u l m o
technique for specimen collection. nary specimens i n asymptomatic animals with multifocal
Good-quality radiographs, including both left and right disease or animals with significant unrelated problems.
lateral projections, should be evaluated. Primary pulmonary Rather, radiographs are obtained again i n 4 to 6 weeks to
tumors can cause localized mass lesions (see Figs. 20-7 and document the progression o f lesions. Such delay is never
20-10) or the consolidation of an entire lobe (see Fig. 20-9, recommended i n dogs or cats with potentially resectable
A ) . T u m o r margins are often distinct but can be ill-defined disease.
as a result of associated inflammation and edema. Cavitation The confirmation o f malignant neoplasia i n other
may be evident. Metastatic or multicentric disease results i n organs i n conjunction with typical thoracic radiographic
a diffuse reticular, nodular, or reticulonodular interstitial abnormalities is often adequate for making a presumptive
pattern (see Fig. 20-8). In cats primary lung tumors often diagnosis o f pulmonary metastases. Overinterpretation o f
have a diffuse distribution by the time o f presentation, and subtle radiographic lesions should be avoided. Conversely,
the radiographic pattern may be suggestive of bronchitis, the absence o f radiographic changes does not eliminate the
edema, or pneumonia. possibility o f metastatic disease.
Pulmonary neoplasia is occasionally associated with hem Evaluation of the thorax by computed tomography
orrhage, edema, inflammation, infection, or airway occlu should be considered i n patients with k n o w n or suspected
sion that can contribute to the formation of alveolar patterns neoplasia. C o m p u t e d tomography is m u c h more sensitive
and consolidation. Lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, or than thoracic radiography i n the detection o f metastatic
pneumothorax can also be identified by radiography i n some disease (see Chapter 20). In patients with localized disease
patients with neoplasia. for w h o m surgical excision is being planned, computed
Nonneoplastic disease, including fungal infection, lung tomography provides more detailed anatomic information
parasites, the aspiration of mineral o i l , eosinophilic granu regarding the involvement o f adjacent structures and is also
lomatosis, atypical bacterial infections, and inactive lesions more accurate i n identifying involvement of tracheobron
from previous disease, can produce similar radiographic chial l y m p h nodes, compared with radiography (Paoloni
abnormalities. Pulmonary specimens must be evaluated to et al., 2006).
Solitary pulmonary tumors are treated by surgical resection.
To obtain clear margins, usually the entire l u n g lobe that is Etiology
involved must be excised. L y m p h node biopsy specimens, as Increased pulmonary arterial pressure (i.e., pulmonary sys
well as biopsy specimens from any grossly abnormal lung, tolic pressure >30 m m H g ) is called pulmonary hypertension.
are obtained for histologic analysis. The diagnosis is most accurately made by direct pressure
In animals with a large mass lesion, respiratory signs may measurements via cardiac catheterization, a procedure
abate after excision, even i f metastatic lesions are present rarely performed i n dogs or cats. A n estimation of pulmo
throughout the lungs. If the lesions cannot be removed sur nary artery pressure can be made by Doppler echocardiog
gically, chemotherapy can be attempted (see Chapter 77). N o raphy i n patients with pulmonary or tricuspid valvular
protocol is uniformly effective for the treatment o f primary insufficiency (see Chapter 6). The increasing availability of
lung tumors. this technology has increased awareness o f the existence
Metastatic neoplasms o f the lungs are treated with che of pulmonary hypertension i n veterinary medicine. Causes
motherapy. In most animals the initial protocol is deter of pulmonary hypertension include obstruction to venous
m i n e d by the expected sensitivity o f the primary tumor. drainage as can occur with heart disease (see Chapter 6),
Unfortunately, metastatic neoplasms do not always have the increased pulmonary b l o o d flow caused by congenital heart
same response to specific agents as the primary tumor. lesions (see Chapter 5), and increased pulmonary vascular
Multicentric tumors are treated with standard chemo resistance. Genetic factors may influence the occurrence of
therapeutic protocols, regardless o f whether the lungs are pulmonary hypertension i n some individuals but not i n
involved. Multicentric tumors are discussed i n Chapter 79. others with the same disease. W h e n no underlying disease
L y m p h o m a t o i d granulomatosis is treated with chemother can be identified to explain the hypertension, a clinical diag
apy designed to treat l y m p h o m a (see Chapter 80). nosis o f primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension is
Prognosis Pulmonary vascular resistance can be increased as a
The prognosis for animals with benign neoplasms is excel result of pulmonary thromboembolism (seep. 317) or heart-
lent, but these tumors are u n c o m m o n . The prognosis for w o r m disease (see Chapter 10). Vascular resistance can
animals with malignant neoplasia is potentially related to also be increased as a complication of chronic pulmonary
several variables, w h i c h include t u m o r histology, presence o f parenchymal disease, such as canine chronic bronchitis
regional l y m p h node involvement, and presence o f clinical (see p. 287) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (see p. 312).
signs. Survival times o f several years are possible after surgi A simplistic explanation for increased vascular resistance
cal excision. Ogilvie et al. (1989) reported that o f 76 dogs as a complication o f pulmonary disease is the adaptive
with primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma, surgical excision response o f the lung to improve the matching of venti
resulted i n remission (i.e., elimination o f all macroscopic lation and perfusion ( V / Q ) through hypoxic vasoconstric
evidence o f tumor) i n 55 dogs. The median survival time o f tion. However, i n people other factors are thought to
dogs that went into remission was 330 days, whereas the contribute significantly to the development of hypertension
survival time i n dogs that d i d not achieve remission was 28 associated with pulmonary disease, including endothelial
days. A t the completion of the study, 10 dogs remained alive. dysfunction, vascular remodeling, and possibly thrombosis
M c N i e l et al. (1997) found that the histologic score o f the in situ.
tumor, presence o f clinical signs, and regional l y m p h node
metastases were significantly associated with the prognosis Clinical Features and Diagnosis
i n 67 dogs with primary l u n g tumors. M e d i a n survival times Pulmonary hypertension is diagnosed more commonly i n
for dogs with and without clinical signs were 240 and 545 dogs than cats. Clinical signs include those o f progressive
days, respectively. M e d i a n survival times for dogs with and hypoxemia and can be difficult to distinguish from any
without l y m p h node involvement were 26 and 452 days, underlying cardiac or pulmonary disease. Signs of pulmo
respectively. M e d i a n survival times for dogs with papillary nary hypertension include exercise intolerance, weakness,
carcinoma were 495 days, compared with 44 days for dogs syncope, and respiratory distress. Physical examination may
with other histologic t u m o r types. Survival times ranged reveal a l o u d split S heart sound (see Chapter 6). Radio

from 0 to 1437 days. A report o f 21 cats with primary lung graphic evidence of pulmonary hypertension may be present
tumors found a median survival time of 115 days after i n severely affected patients and includes pulmonary artery
surgery ( H a h n et al., 1998). Cats with moderately differenti enlargement and right-sided cardiomegaly. Radiographs are
ated tumors had a median survival time o f 698 days (range evaluated closely for underlying cardiopulmonary disease.
of 13 to 1526 days), whereas cats with poorly differentiated The diagnosis o f pulmonary hypertension is most often
tumors had a median survival time o f 75 days (range o f 13 made through Doppler echocardiography. Use of this modal
to 634 days). The prognosis for animals with multicentric ity to estimate pulmonary artery pressure requires the pres
neoplasms is not k n o w n to depend o n the presence or ence o f pulmonary or tricuspid regurgitation and a highly
absence o f pulmonary involvement. skilled echocardiographer.
BOX 22-3
Pulmonary hypertension is best treated by identifying and
aggressively managing the underlying disease process. In Abnormalities Potentially Associated with Pulmonary
people pulmonary hypertension associated with chronic Thromboembolism*
bronchitis is usually m i l d and not directly treated. L o n g -
term oxygen therapy is often provided, but this treatment is
Severe trauma
rarely practical for veterinary patients. Direct treatment can
Hyperadrenocorticism, Chapter 53
be attempted i n patients showing clinical signs o f pulmonary
Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia
hypertension i f no underlying disease is identified or Hyperlipidemia, Chapter 5 4
management fails to improve pulmonary arterial pressures. Glomerulopathies, Chapter 4 3
Unfortunately, little is k n o w n about the treatment of p u l m o Dirofilariasis and adulticide therapy, Chapter 10
nary hypertension i n animals, and adverse consequences can Cardiomyopathy, Chapters 7 and 8
occur through worsening of V / Q matching or other drug- Endocarditis, Chapter 6
related side effects. Therefore careful m o n i t o r i n g o f clinical Pancreatitis, Chapter 4 0

signs and pulmonary artery pressures is indicated. The drug Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Chapter 8 7

most commonly used to treat pulmonary hypertension i n Hyperviscosity syndromes

dogs is sildenafil citrate (Viagra, Pfizer), a phosphodiesterase
V inhibitor that causes vasodilation through a nitric oxide
* Discussions of these abnormalities can be found in the given
pathway. Dosage and toxicity studies have not been pub chapters.
lished, but a dosage range between 0.5 and 2.7 mg/kg (median
1.9 mg/kg) orally every 8 to 24 hours has been reported
(Bach et al., 2006). A dosage o f 0.5 mg/kg orally every 12 nary emboli, and the pages where they are discussed, are
hours can be used initially and increased to effect. Long-term listed i n Box 22-3. The remainder of this discussion is limited
anticoagulation with warfarin or heparin is often prescribed to pulmonary t h r o m b o e m b o l i s m ( P T E ) .
for people with primary pulmonary hypertension to prevent
small thrombi formation. Its potential benefits for veterinary Clinical Features
patients are not k n o w n (see the next section, o n the treat In many instances, the predominant presenting sign o f
ment of pulmonary thromboembolism). animals w i t h P T E is peracute respiratory distress. Cardiovas
cular shock and sudden death can occur. A s awareness of
Prognosis P T E has increased, the diagnosis is being made w i t h greater
The prognosis for pulmonary hypertension is presumably frequency i n patients w i t h milder and more chronic signs o f
influenced by the severity of hypertension, presence o f c l i n tachypnea or increased respiratory efforts. Historic or phys
ical signs, and any underlying disease. ical examination findings related to a potential underlying
disease increase the index o f suspicion for a diagnosis o f
P T E . A l o u d or split-second heart sound (see Chapter 1) may
PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM be heard o n auscultation and is indicative of pulmonary hyper
tension. Crackles or wheezes are heard i n occasional cases.
The extensive low-pressure vascular system o f the lungs is a
common site for emboli to lodge. It is the first vascular bed Diagnosis
through which thrombi from the systemic venous network Routine diagnostic methods do not provide information
or right ventricle pass. The respiratory signs can be profound that can be used to make a definitive diagnosis o f P T E . A
and even fatal i n dogs and cats. Hemorrhage, edema, and high index o f suspicion must be maintained because this
bronchoconstriction, i n addition to the decreased b l o o d disease is frequently overlooked. The diagnosis is suspected
flow, can contribute to the respiratory compromise. The on the basis o f clinical signs, thoracic radiography, arterial
attendant increased vascular resistance secondary to the b l o o d gas analysis, echocardiography, and clinicopathologic
physical obstruction by emboli and vasoconstriction results data. A definitive diagnosis requires spiral (helical) c o m
in pulmonary hypertension, w h i c h can ultimately lead to the puted tomography, angiography, or nuclear perfusion scan
development of right-sided heart failure. ning, but spiral (helical) computed tomography is becoming
T h r o m b o e m b o l i generally form as a result o f disease i n the routine modality for diagnosis i n people.
organs other than the lungs, and a search for the underlying P T E is suspected i n dogs and cats w i t h severe dyspnea o f
cause of clot formation is therefore essential. Abnormalities acute onset, particularly i f there are m i n i m a l or no radio
predisposing to clot formation include venous stasis, turbu graphic signs o f respiratory disease. In many cases of P T E
lent blood flow, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulation. the lungs appear n o r m a l o n thoracic radiographs i n spite o f
In addition to emboli originating from thrombi, emboli can the severe lower respiratory tract signs. W h e n radiographic
consist of bacteria, parasites, neoplasia, or fat. C o n d i t i o n s lesions occur, the caudal lobes are most often involved.
that have been associated with the development o f p u l m o - Blunted p u l m o n a r y arteries, i n some cases ending w i t h focal
or wedge-shaped areas o f interstitial or alveolar opacities findings. However, these changes may be apparent for only
resulting from the extravasation o f b l o o d or edema, may be a few days after the event, so this test must be done early i n
present. Areas o f lung without a b l o o d supply can appear the disease. Nuclear scans can provide evidence of P T E with
hyperlucent. Diffuse interstitial and alveolar opacities and m i n i m a l risk to the animal. Unfortunately, this technology
right-sided heart enlargement can occur. Pleural effusion is is for the most part available only at academic institutions.
present i n some cases and is usually m i l d . Echocardiography Pulmonary specimens for histopathologic evaluation are
may show secondary changes (e.g., right ventricular enlarge rarely collected, except at necropsy. However, evidence of
ment, increased p u l m o n a r y artery pressures), underlying embolism is not always found at necropsy because clots may
disease (e.g., heartworm disease, primary cardiac disease), or dissolve rapidly after death. Therefore such tissue should be
residual t h r o m b i . collected and preserved immediately after death. The exten
Arterial b l o o d gas analysis can show hypoxemia to be sive vascular network makes it impossible to evaluate all
m i l d or profound. Tachypnea leads to hypocapnia, except i n possible sites of embolism, and the characteristic lesions may
severe cases, and the abnormal alveolar-arterial oxygen gra also be missed.
dient (A-a gradient) supports the presence o f a ventilation-
perfusion disorder (see Chapter 20). A poor response to Treatment
oxygen supplementation is supportive o f a diagnosis o f Shock therapy may be needed for patients i n severe distress,
PTE. including high doses o f rapid-acting glucocorticoids (e.g.,
Clinicopathologic evidence o f a disease k n o w n to predis prednisolone s o d i u m succinate, up to 10 mg/kg intra
pose animals to thromboemboli further heightens suspicion venously). Animals should also receive immediate oxygen
for this disorder. Unfortunately, measurements of clotting therapy (see Chapter 27).
parameters are not helpful i n making the diagnosis. In people Animals with suspected hypercoagulability are likely to
measurement o f circulating D-dimers (a degradation pro benefit from anticoagulant therapy. Large-scale clinical
duct o f cross-linked fibrin) is used as an indicator of the studies o f the response of dogs or cats with P T E to antico
likelihood o f P T E . It is not considered a specific test, so its agulant therapy have not been published. Anticoagulant
primary value has been i n the elimination o f P T E from the therapy is administered only to animals i n which the diag
differential diagnoses. However, even a negative result can be nosis is highly probable. Dogs with heartworm disease suf
misleading i n certain disease states and i n the presence o f fering from postadulticide therapy reactions usually are not
small subsegmental emboli. treated with anticoagulants (see Chapter 10). Potential surgi
Measurement of D-dimer concentrations is available for cal candidates should be treated with great caution. Clotting
dogs through commercial laboratories. A study o f 30 healthy times must be monitored frequently to m i n i m i z e the risk
dogs, 67 clinically ill dogs without evidence o f thromboem of severe hemorrhage. General guidelines for anticoagulant
bolic disease, and 20 with thromboembolic disease provides therapy are provided here. However, more complete descrip
some guidance for interpretation o f results (Nelson et al., tions o f anticoagulant therapy are available i n the literature,
2003). A D-dimer concentration o f >500 n g / m l was able to and a current pharmacology text should be consulted before
predict the diagnosis o f thromboembolic disease with 100% anticoagulants are used.
sensitivity but with a specificity o f only 70% (i.e., having Initially, heparin (200 to 300 U / k g subcutaneously q8h)
30% false-positive results). A D-dimer concentration o f is administered for anticoagulant therapy. The goal of
>1000 n g / m l decreased the sensitivity o f the result to 94% heparin therapy is to maintain the partial thromboplastin
but increased the specificity o f the result to 80%. A D-dimer time (PTT) at 1.5 to 2.5 times normal, which corresponds
concentration >2000 n g / m l decreased the sensitivity of to approximately a 1.2 to 1.4 times increase above the normal
the result to 36% but increased the specificity to 98.5%. activated clotting time ( A C T ) . Clotting times are evaluated
Thus the degree o f elevation i n D-dimer concentration before and 2 hours after the administration of heparin, and
must be considered i n conjunction with other clinical the dosage is adjusted on the basis o f the results.
information. Hemorrhage is a potential complication of heparin
Spiral (helical) computed tomography is c o m m o n l y used therapy. Protamine sulfate is a heparin antagonist that can
in people to confirm a diagnosis o f P T E and is being used be administered i f bleeding is not adequately controlled
increasingly to confirm the diagnosis i n veterinary medicine. after heparin treatment is discontinued. Some clinicians
One limitation o f thoracic computed tomography i n dogs advocate gradually tapering the dosage of heparin over
and especially cats is patient size. In addition, veterinary several days when discontinuing treatment to avoid rebound
patients w i l l not h o l d their breath. Patients must be anesthe hypercoagulation.
tized and positive pressure ventilation applied during scan Heparin can be administered by the owner at home, but
ning for m a x i m a l resolution. A high quality computed long-term anticoagulation is usually maintained with oral
tomography scanner and an experienced radiologist are warfarin. Animals receiving warfarin therapy require fre
required for accurate interpretation. quent monitoring, and dosage adjustments are c o m m o n .
Angiography can provide a definitive diagnosis o f P T E . The potential for drug interactions with all concurrent med
Sudden p r u n i n g o f pulmonary arteries or intravascular ications being administered must be considered. A n initial
filling defects and extravasation of dye are characteristic dosage o f 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg by m o u t h every 24 hours is pre-
scribed for dogs, and a total o f 0.5 mg every 24 hours is
prescribed for most cats. The goal o f therapy is to maintain
BOX 22-4
a prothrombin time (PT) o f 1.5 to 2 times n o r m a l or an
Possible Causes o f P u l m o n a r y E d e m a
international normalization ratio (INR) o f 2.0 to 3.0. It
appears that it is safer to use the I N R than the P T for m o n Decreased Plasma Oncotic Pressure
itoring anticoagulation. The I N R is calculated from the mea Hypoalbuminemia
sured P T and corrects for the variable strength of the Gastrointestinal loss
thromboplastin reagent used i n the assay. The I N R or the Glomerulopathy
formula to calculate it can be obtained from the commercial Liver disease
laboratory or the supplier o f in-office test kits. H e p a r i n Iatrogenic overhydration
therapy can be discontinued once the desired prolongation
has been reached. It may be possible to decrease the fre Vascular Overload
quency of administration of oral warfarin to every 48 hours
after several days of treatment.
Left-sided heart failure
U n t i l the P T has stabilized, which takes a m i n i m u m o f 5 Left-to-right shunts
days, clotting times are assessed daily. Subsequent examina Overhydration
tion of the animal and evaluation o f clotting times are per
formed at least every 5 days, with the interval gradually Lymphatic Obstruction (Rare)
increasing to every 4 to 6 weeks i f consistent and favorable Neoplasia
results are obtained.
Increased Vascular Permeability
Excessive hemorrhage is the primary complication o f
warfarin therapy. Plasma or vitamin K , (2 to 5 mg/kg q24h) Inhaled toxins
Smoke inhalation
can be used to treat uncontrollable hemorrhage. However, i f
Gastric acid aspiration
vitamin K is used, further attempts at anticoagulation using
Oxygen toxicity
warfarin cannot be made for several weeks.
Drugs or toxins
The use of fibrinolytic agents for the treatment o f P T E i n Snake venom
animals has not been well established. Recombinant tissue Cisplatin in cats
plasminogen activator has shown promise because it acts Electrocution
locally at sites o f fibrin deposition. Trauma
Because of the serious problems and limitations associ Pulmonary
ated with anticoagulant therapy, eliminating the predispos Multisystemic
ing problem must be a major priority. Sepsis
Prevention Uremia
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
No methods o f preventing P T E i n at-risk patients have been
Inflammation (infectious or noninfectious)*
objectively studied i n veterinary medicine. Treatments that
have potential benefit include the long-term administration Miscellaneous Causes
of low molecular weight heparin, aspirin, or clopidagrel. Thromboembolism
Aspirin for the prevention o f P T E remains controversial Upper airway obstruction
because aspirin-induced alterations i n local prostaglandin Near-drowning
and leukotriene metabolism may be detrimental. Neurogenic edema
Prognosis Head trauma
The prognosis depends o n the severity o f the respiratory
* Inflammation is usually the prominent clinical abnormality, not
signs and the ability to eliminate the underlying process. In
general, a guarded prognosis is warranted.

The fluid initially accumulates i n the interstitium.

PULMONARY EDEMA However, because the interstitium is a small compartment,
the alveoli are soon involved. W h e n profound fluid accumu
Etiology lation occurs, even the airways become filled. Respiratory
The same general mechanisms that cause edema elsewhere function is further affected as a result o f the atelectasis
in the body cause edema i n the pulmonary parenchyma. and decreased compliance caused by compression o f the
Major mechanisms are decreased plasma oncotic pressure, alveoli and decreased concentrations o f surfactant. A i r w a y
vascular overload, lymphatic obstruction, and increased vas resistance increases as a result o f the l u m i n a l narrowing o f
cular permeability. The disorders that can produce these small bronchioles. H y p o x e m i a results from ventilation-per
problems are listed i n B o x 22-4. fusion abnormalities.
Clinical Features Arterial b l o o d gas analysis and pulse oximetry i n dogs
Animals with pulmonary edema are seen because o f cough, and cats with pulmonary edema are useful in selecting and
tachypnea, respiratory distress, or signs o f the inciting monitoring therapy. Hypoxemia is present, usually i n con
disease. Crackles are heard o n auscultation, except i n animals junction with hypocapnia and a widened A-a gradient.
with m i l d or early disease. Blood-tinged froth may appear
in the trachea, pharynx, or nares immediately preceding Treatment
death from pulmonary edema. Respiratory signs can be per It is easier for the body to prevent edema fluid from forming
acute, as i n acute respiratory distress syndrome ( A R D S ) , or than it is to mobilize existing fluid. The initial management
subacute, as i n hypoalbuminemia. However, a prolonged of pulmonary edema should be aggressive. Once the edema
history o f respiratory signs (e.g., months) is not consistent has resolved, the body's own compensatory mechanisms
with a diagnosis o f edema. The list o f differential diagnoses become more effective and the intensity of therapeutic inter
i n B o x 22-4 can often be greatly narrowed by obtaining ventions can often be decreased.
a thorough history and performing a thorough physical A l l animals with pulmonary edema are treated with cage
examination. rest and m i n i m a l stress. Dogs and cats with significant
hypoxemia should receive oxygen therapy (see Chapter 27).
Diagnosis Positive-pressure ventilation is required i n severe cases.
Pulmonary edema i n most dogs and cats is based on typical Methylxanthine bronchodilators (see pp. 290 and 296) may
radiographic changes i n the lungs i n conjunction with clin also be beneficial i n some patients. They are m i l d diuretics
ical evidence (from the history, physical examination, radi and also decrease bronchospasms and possibly respiratory
ography, echocardiography, and serum biochemical analysis muscle fatigue. However, i n some patients bronchodilators
[particularly a l b u m i n concentration]) o f a disease associated exacerbate ventilatiomperfusion ( V / Q ) mismatching. The
with pulmonary edema. patient's response to bronchodilators should be carefully
Early pulmonary edema assumes an interstitial pattern observed.
on radiographs, which progresses to become an alveolar Furosemide is indicated for the treatment of most forms
pattern. In dogs edema caused by heart failure is generally of edema but is not used i n hypovolemic animals. Animals
more severe i n the hilar region. In cats the increased opaci with hypovolemia actually require conservative fluid supple
ties are more often patchy and unpredictable i n their mentation. If this is necessary to maintain the vascular
distribution. Edema resulting from increased vascular per volume i n animals with cardiac impairment or decreased
meability tends to be most severe i n the dorsocaudal lung oncotic pressure, then positive inotropic agents or plasma
regions. infusions, respectively, are necessary.
Radiographs should be carefully examined for signs o f Edema caused by hypoalbuminemia is treated with
heart disease, venous congestion, P T E , pleural effusion, and plasma or colloid infusions. However, it is not necessary for
mass lesions. Echocardiography is helpful i n identifying the plasma protein concentrations to reach normal levels for
primary cardiac disease i f the clinical signs and radiographic edema to decrease. Furosemide can be administered to more
findings are ambiguous. quickly mobilize the fluid from the lungs, but clinical dehy
Decreased oncotic pressure can be identified by the serum dration and hypovolemia must be prevented. Diagnostic and
a l b u m i n concentration. Concentrations less than 1 g/dl are therapeutic efforts are directed at the underlying disease.
usually required before decreased oncotic pressure is consid The treatment of cardiogenic edema is discussed i n
ered to be the sole cause o f the pulmonary edema. P u l m o Chapter 3.
nary edema resulting purely from hypoalbuminemia is Overhydration is treated by the discontinuation of fluid
probably rare. In many animals volume overload or vasculi therapy. Furosemide is administered i f respiratory compro
tis is a contributing factor. Plasma protein quantitation using mise is present. If excessive volumes o f fluid were not admin
a refractometer can indirectly assess a l b u m i n concentration istered inadvertently, causes of fluid intolerance, such as
i n emergency situations. oliguric renal failure, heart failure, and increased vascular
Vascular permeability edema, or noncardiogenic p u l m o permeability, must be sought.
nary edema, can result i n the full range o f compromise, from Edema caused by increased vascular permeability is dif
m i n i m a l clinical signs that spontaneously resolve to the fre ficult to treat. In some cases, pulmonary compromise is mild
quently fatal, fulminant process o f A R D S . A R D S , or "shock and the edema transient. Routine supportive care with
lung," describes a syndrome o f acute, rapidly progressive oxygen supplementation may be sufficient, but mechanical
pulmonary edema. In a review o f 19 dogs with A R D S by ventilation is often required. A n y active underlying problem
Parent et al. (1996), the time o f onset o f dyspnea ranged should be identified and corrected.
from 0.5 to 48 hours (mean 4.5 hours) before admission, and A R D S responds poorly to management. Ventilator therapy
the duration o f dyspnea before death i n dogs not mechani with positive end-expiratory pressure is indicated, and even
cally ventilated ranged from 8 to 76 hours (mean 16 hours). with such aggressive support the mortality rate is high. Furo
Pulmonary specimens from patients with vascular per semide is generally ineffective i n treating edema caused by
meability edema are not cytologically unique, showing a increased vascular permeability, but because of limitations
predominantly neutrophilic response. i n our diagnostic capabilities, it is reasonable to include this
drug in the initial management of these patients. Glucocor Crawford C: Canine influenza virus (canine flu), University of
ticoids are of no clear benefit i n these patients, but they are Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Advisory,
frequently given to animals with moderate to severe signs.
htm, Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2008.
Many novel therapies for A R D S have been studied i n people,
DeMonye W et al: Embolus location affects the sensitivity of a rapid
although to date none has been shown to be consistently
quantitative D-dimer assay in the diagnosis of pulmonary embo
effective i n improving outcome. Studies are ongoing. E x a m
lism, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 165:345, 2002.
ples of such therapies include endotoxin blockers, inhibitors
Drobatz KJ et al: Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, Compend
of specific inflammatory mediators, inhaled nitrous oxide, Contin Educ Pract Vet 16:333, 1994.
antioxidant drugs, and surfactant replacement. Drobatz KJ et al: Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema in dogs
and cats: 26 cases (1989-1993), / Am Vet Med Assoc 206:1732,
Prognosis 1995.
The prognosis for an animal with pulmonary edema depends Grandi G et al: Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (cat lungworm) infec
on the severity of the edema and the ability to eliminate or tion in five cats from Italy, Vet Parasitol 25:177, 2005.
control the underlying problem. Aggressive management Hahn K A et al: Primary lung tumors in cats: 86 cases (1979-1994),
J Am Vet Med Assoc 211:1257, 1997.
early i n the course of edema formation improves the prog
Hahn K A et al: Prognosis factors for survival in cats after removal
nosis for an animal with any given disease. A n i m a l s w i t h
of a primary lung tumor: 21 cases (1979-1994), Vet Surg 27:307,
A R D S have a guarded to grave prognosis.
Hoyles RK et al: Treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Clin
Suggested Readings Pulm Med 13:17, 2006.
American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Interna lohnson LR et al: Pulmonary thromboembolism in 29 dogs: 1985-
tional Multidisciplinary Consensus Classification of the Idio 1995, / Vet Intern Med 13:338, 1999.
pathic Interstitial Pneumonias, Am J Respir Crit Care Med Johnson LR et al: Clinical characteristics of 53 dogs with Doppler-
165:277, 2002. derived evidence of pulmonary hypertension: 1992-1996, / Vet
American Veterinary Medical Association: Control of canine influ Intern Med 13:440, 1999.
enza in dogs-questions, answers, and interim guidelines, www. Johnson VS et al: Thoracic high-resolution computed tomographic, findings in dogs with canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,
Retrieved on Feb. 12, 2008. / Small Anim Pract 46:381, 2005.
Anderson T C et al: Serological evidence for canine influenza virus Keyes M L et al: Pulmonary thromboembolism in dogs, Vet Emerg
circulation in racing greyhounds from 1999 to 2003. Abstr., / Vet Crit Care 3:23, 1993.
Intern Med 21:576, 2007. LaRue M J et al: Pulmonary thromboembolism in dogs: 47 cases
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1997. Dis 11:1974, 2005.
C H A P T E R 23

Clinical Manifestations of
the Pleural Cavity and
Mediastinal Disease

efforts seem i n excess o f the volume of effusion (see

Chapter 22).

Transudates and M o d i f i e d Transudates
Septic and Nonseptic Exudates
Chylous Effusions
The presence of pleural effusion i n a dog or cat is usually
Hemorrhagic Effusions
confirmed by thoracic radiography or thoracocentesis (see
Effusions Caused by Neoplasia
Chapter 24). In animals presented i n respiratory distress
with suspected pleural effusion, thoracocentesis is performed
immediately to stabilize the animal's condition before radio
graphs are taken. A l t h o u g h thoracocentesis is more invasive
than radiography, the potential therapeutic benefit of the
procedure far outweighs the small risk o f complications.
Animals i n stable c o n d i t i o n at presentation can be evaluated
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS initially w i t h thoracic radiographs to confirm the presence
and location o f fluid before thoracocentesis is performed.
C o m m o n abnormalities of the pleural cavity i n the dog and Ultrasonography is a valuable tool for the evaluation of
cat include the accumulation of fluid (pleural effusion) or patients w i t h pleural effusion. If equipment is available o n
air (pneumothorax) i n the pleural space. Mediastinal masses site, animals i n critical condition can be examined ultraso
and pneumomediastinum are also discussed i n this chapter. nographically w i t h m i n i m a l stress to confirm both the pres
Respiratory signs caused by pleural disease result from inter ence of fluid and direct needle placement for thoracocentesis.
ference with normal expansion of the lungs. Exercise intoler Ultrasonography is also useful i n evaluating the thorax for
ance is an early sign; overt respiratory distress ultimately the presence o f mass lesions, hernias, and primary cardiac or
occurs. Physical examination findings that assist i n localizing pericardial disease. Because sound waves cannot pass through
the cause of respiratory compromise to the pleural space aerated lungs, any masses must be adjacent to the chest wall,
include increased respiratory rate and decreased lung sounds heart, or diaphragm to be detected by ultrasound. The pres
on auscultation (see Chapter 26). W i t h increasing c o m p r o ence of pleural fluid facilitates the ultrasonographic evalua
mise, increased abdominal excursions during breathing may tion of the chest. If the patient is stable, it is preferable to
be seen. Breathing effort may be increased during inspiration evaluate the thorax ultrasonographically before removing
relative to expiration, but this finding is not always obvious. the pleural fluid.
In cats with mediastinal masses, decreased compressibility o f Thoracic radiographs should be taken again after as m u c h
the anterior thorax may be palpable. Thoracic radiography, fluid or air as possible has been removed from the pleural
thoracocentesis, or both are performed to confirm the pres space and the lungs have had time to reexpand. Full expan
ence of pleural space disease. sion o f the lungs is required for accurate evaluation o f the
Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE) can cause a pleural pulmonary parenchyma. The presence o f fluid also obscures
effusion. The effusion is generally m i l d and may be an visibility o f heart size and shape and mass lesions.
exudate or a modified transudate. P T E should be considered Cytologic analysis o f pleural fluid obtained by thoraco
as a diagnosis particularly i n patients whose respiratory centesis is indicated for the diagnostic evaluation o f all
TABLE 23-1
Diagnostic Approach in Dogs and Cats with Pleural Effusion Based on Fluid Type

Pure and modified Right-sided heart failure Evaluate pulses, auscultation, E C G , thor rad, echo
transudates Pericardial disease See right-sided heart failure
Hypoalbuminemia (pure transudate) Serum albumin concentrations
Neoplasia Thor rad and US, CT, thoracoscopy, thoracotomy
Diaphragmatic hernia Thor rad and US
Nonseptic exudates Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) Pleural fluid cytology is generally sufficient. In questionable
cases available tests are many, but none has shown
good specificity for diagnosing FIP. Consider systemic
evaluation, ophthalmoscopic examination, serum or fluid
electrophoresis, coronavirus antibody titer, PCR of tissues
or effusion (see Chapter 97)
Neoplasia See Neoplasia above
Diaphragmatic hernia See Diaphragmatic hernia above
Lung lobe torsion Thor rad and US, bronchoscopy, thoracotomy
Septic exudates Pyothorax Gram staining, aerobic and anaerobic cultures, serial thor
Chylous effusion Chylothorax See Box 25-1
Hemorrhagic effusion Trauma History
Bleeding disorder Systemic examination, coagulation tests (ACT, PT, PTT),
platelet count
Neoplasia See Neoplasia above
Lung lobe torsion See Lung lobe torsion above

ACT, Activated, clotting time; CT, computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiography; echo, echocardiography; PCR, polymerase chain
reaction; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial thromboplastin time; thor rad, thoracic radiography; US, ultrasonography.

animals with pleural effusion. Measurement o f the protein concentration of up to 3.5 g/dl and nucleated cell counts of
concentration and total nucleated cell count, as well as the up to 5000/l. The primary cell types include neutrophils as
qualitative assessment of individual cells, is essential for well as mononuclear cells.
accurately classifying the fluid, formulating a diagnostic Transudates and modified transudates form as a result of
plan, and initiating appropriate therapy (Table 23-1). increased hydrostatic pressure, decreased plasma oncotic
Pleural fluid is classified as a transudate, modified tran pressure, or a lymphatic obstruction. Increased hydrostatic
sudate, or exudate o n the basis o f protein concentration and pressure occurs i n association with right-sided congestive
nucleated cell count. Further classification o f fluid may be heart failure or pericardial disease. Physical examination
possible on the basis o f other cytologic or biochemical fea findings such as abnormal jugular pulses, gallop rhythms,
tures. Clinically useful fluid categories include septic exudate, arrhythmias, or m u r m u r s support a diagnosis of heart
chylous effusion, hemorrhagic effusion, and effusion caused disease. Heart sounds may be muffled i n animals with peri
by neoplasia. A l t h o u g h various types o f fluid have typical cardial effusions. Thoracic radiography (after fluid removal),
gross appearances (Fig. 23-1), reliance o n gross appearance electrocardiography, and echocardiography are indicated for
alone w i l l lead to the misclassification o f fluid and missed cardiac evaluation (see Chapter 2).
diagnoses (through the failure to identify organisms or Decreased plasma oncotic pressure is a result of hypoal
abnormal cell populations) i n some cases. In addition to the b u m i n e m i a . Effusions secondary to hypoalbuminemia alone
inflammatory cell types i n each cytologic category described are pure transudates, having very low protein concentra
in the subsequent sections, mesothelial cells are generally tions. Subcutaneous edema may be detected i n dependent
present and are often reactive. areas of the body. A decreased production of albumin causes
hypoalbuminemia i n patients with liver disease, and an
TRANSUDATES AND MODIFIED increased loss o f albumin causes it i n patients with glo
TRANSUDATES merulopathies or protein-losing enteropathies. The total
Pure transudates are fluids with l o w protein concentrations plasma protein concentration shown by refractometry
of less than 2.5 to 3 g/dl and l o w nucleated cell counts of less during the initial evaluation of the dog or cat can provide an
than 500 to 1000/l. The p r i m a r y cell types are mononuclear early indication o f hypoalbuminemia. Serum biochemical
cells, composed o f macrophages, lymphocytes, and mesothe analysis provides an exact measurement of the albumin
lial cells. Modified transudates have a slightly higher protein concentration. In general, albumin concentrations must be
FIG 2 3 - 1
Characteristic gross a p p e a r a n c e of the various types of pleural effusion. N o t e that
cytologic analysis should a l w a y s b e p e r f o r m e d to ensure a c c u r a t e classification of fluid
a n d to a v o i d missing d i a g n o s t i c o r g a n i s m s or neoplastic cells. A , Transudate. Fluid is
nearly clear. B , M o d i f i e d transudate. Fluid is slightly o p a q u e a n d , in this e x a m p l e , red-
tinged. C , N o n s e p t i c exudate. Fluid is more o p a q u e . The fluid s h o w n is from a c a t with
feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). FIP fluid is characteristically straw c o l o r e d with grossly
visible fibrin clots. D , Septic e x u d a t e . Fluid has a purulent a p p e a r a n c e , with cellular
debris gravitating t o w a r d the bottom of the tube. E, C h y l o u s effusion. Fluid is milky white.
F, H e m o r r h a g i c effusion. H e m o r r h a g i c effusions a r e bright to d a r k r e d . In this c a s e ,
cytologic e x a m i n a t i o n r e v e a l e d filamentous o r g a n i s m s demonstrating the i m p o r t a n c e of
cytologic a n a l y s i s .

lower than 1 g/dl before transudation occurs caused only findings do not entirely rule out the existence o f a tear i n the
because of hypoalbuminemia. diaphragm, however.
Lymphatic obstruction can be caused by neoplasia and Neoplasia must be considered as a differential diagnosis
diaphragmatic hernias. Diaphragmatic hernias should be for patients with any type of effusion, although it is rare for
suspected in any animal with a history of trauma. The trauma a pure transudate to develop. (See the section o n effusions
may have been recent or may have occurred years ago. caused by neoplasia for further discussion.)
Although a modified transudate usually forms as a result of
chronic diaphragmatic hernia, an exudative fluid can also be SEPTIC AND NONSEPTIC EXUDATES
found. Diaphragmatic hernias are identified by radiography Exudates have a high protein concentration (greater than
or ultrasonography. Occasionally, it is necessary to adminis 3 g/dl) compared with that i n transudates. Nucleated cell
ter barium orally and perform an upper gastrointestinal counts are also high (greater than 5000/l). Cell types i n
series or to intraperitoneally administer water-soluble iodin nonseptic exudates include neutrophils, macrophages, eosin
ated contrast media and perform peritoneography to confirm ophils, and lymphocytes. The macrophages and lymphocytes
the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia. N o r m a l imaging may be activated, and typically the neutrophils are nonde-
generative. There is no evidence o f organisms. Differential CHYLOUS EFFUSIONS
diagnoses i n animals with nonseptic exudates include feline Chylous effusion (chylothroax) results from the leakage of
infectious peritonitis (FIP), neoplasia, chronic diaphrag fluid from the thoracic duct, which carries lipid-rich lymph
matic hernia, lung lobe torsion, and resolving septic exu from the body. Such leakage can be idiopathic, congenital,
dates. Prior treatment with antibiotics i n animals with a or secondary to trauma, neoplasia, cardiac disease, pericar
septic effusion can alter the characteristics o f the neutrophil dial disease, dirofilariasis, lung lobe torsion, or diaphrag
population i n the fluid, making them appear nondegenera matic hernia. Chyle is usually milky white and turbid (see
tive, and decrease the number o f organisms present i n the Fig 23-1, E), largely as a result o f chylomicrons that carry fats
fluid to an undetectable level. Therefore pleural fluid analy from the intestines. The fluid is occasionally blood tinged,
sis should be performed before treatment is initiated so that although this finding may also be an artifact from prior
bacterial infection is not overlooked. thoracocentesis. It is also possible to obtain clear and color
Cats with FIP can present with fever or chorioretinitis i n less fluids, particularly i n anorectic animals, but this is
addition to respiratory signs (see Chapter 97). The pleural uncommon.
fluid protein concentration is often very high i n such animals, Chyle has the cytologic characteristics o f a modified tran
approaching serum concentrations. It is c o m m o n to see sudate or nonseptic exudate with moderate concentrations
fibrin strands or clots i n the fluid. Careful cytologic evalua of protein, usually greater than 2.5 g/dl. The nucleated cell
tion of the fluid is essential to differentiate FIP fluid from count is low to moderate, ranging from 400 to 10,000/l.
exudates caused by pyothorax or malignant l y m p h o m a . The Early i n the disease the predominant cell type is the small
evaluation of animals for diaphragmatic hernia was described lymphocyte. A few neutrophils may also be present. W i t h
i n the previous section and is described for neoplasia i n a time, nondegenerative neutrophils become more predomi
following section (i.e., Effusion Caused by Neoplasia). nant and there are fewer lymphocytes. Macrophages also
Spontaneous l u n g lobe torsions are most c o m m o n i n increase i n number with time, and plasma cells may be
dogs with deep, narrow thoracic cavities. In addition to present.
causing an effusion, torsions can be seen i n dogs and cats A diagnosis o f chylothorax is confirmed by measuring the
secondary to pleural effusion. Underlying pulmonary disease concentrations of triglycerides i n the pleural fluid and serum.
resulting i n lobe atelectasis can also contribute to the devel Each specimen should be well mixed by the laboratory before
opment o f torsion. T o r s i o n should be considered i n animals a portion is analyzed because o f the tendency for the lipid
with a preexisting effusion or pulmonary disease i f their portion to rise to the surface. The triglyceride content i n
condition suddenly deteriorates. The effusion is often a n o n - chyle is high compared with that i n serum. Rarely, the test
septic exudate, but it may be chylous or hemorrhagic. Signs w i l l need to be repeated after a meal i n anorectic animals.
of lung lobe torsion may be identified through thoracic radi M o s t cases o f chylothorax are idiopathic, but this diag
ography or ultrasonography (see Chapter 20). Bronchoscopy nosis can be made only after the other disorders have been
or thoracotomy is required to verify the condition i n some ruled out. Treatment is most likely to be successful i f an
animals. underlying problem is identified and treated directly. (See
Septic exudates often have extremely high nucleated cell Chapter 25 for a complete discussion of chylothorax.)
counts (e.g., 50,000 to more than 100,000/l), and degener
ate neutrophils are the predominant cells. Bacteria can often HEMORRHAGIC EFFUSIONS
be observed w i t h i n neutrophils and macrophages as well as Hemorrhagic effusions are grossly red as a result o f the large
extracellularly (see Fig. 25-1). The fluid may have a foul odor. red b l o o d cell content. Hemorrhagic effusions have greater
Septic exudates are diagnostic for pyothorax. Pyothorax can than 3 g/dl of protein and more than 1000 nucleated cells/l,
occur spontaneously, secondary to wounds that penetrate with a distribution similar to that o f peripheral blood. Over
into the thoracic cavity through the chest wall or esophagus, time the numbers o f neutrophils and macrophages increase.
secondary to migrating grass awns or other foreign bodies, Hemorrhagic effusions (except those obtained immediately
or as an extension of bacterial pneumonia. Sterile technique after bleeding into the thorax) are readily distinguished from
should be used during thoracocentesis and chest tube place the recovery o f peripheral blood through traumatic thora
ment i n all animals with pleural effusion or pneumothorax cocentesis by several features: hemorrhagic effusions have
to prevent iatrogenic infection. erythrophagocytosis and an inflammatory response on cyto
G r a m staining and both aerobic and anaerobic bacterial logic evaluation, hemorrhagic effusions do not clot, and the
cultures with antibiotic sensitivity testing should be per packed cell volume ( P C V ) o f hemorrhagic effusions is lower
formed on the fluid. Culture and sensitivity testing provide than that of peripheral blood.
valuable information that can be used for selecting appropri Hypovolemia and anemia may contribute to the clinical
ate antibiotics and m o n i t o r i n g therapy. M i x e d bacterial signs o f patients with hemothorax (see Chapter 26). H e m o
infections are c o m m o n . However, bacteria do not grow from thorax can result from trauma, systemic bleeding disorders,
cultures o f all septic exudates, and results are not available neoplasia, and lung lobe torsion. Rarely, septic exudates are
for several days. G r a m staining provides immediate informa grossly hemorrhagic (see Fig 23-1, F) and are distinguished
tion that can be used to help select antibiotics and is helpful cytologically. Respiratory distress caused by hemothorax
i n cases i n which bacteria cannot be grown from the fluid. may be the only clinical sign i n animals with some bleeding
disorders, including rodenticide intoxication. A n activated Leaks through the thoracic wall can occur after a trau
clotting time and platelet count should be performed early matic injury or as a result o f a faulty pleural drainage
in the evaluation o f these animals, followed by more specific system. A i r can also enter the thorax during abdominal
clotting tests (i.e., prothrombin time and partial thrombo surgery through a previously undetected diaphragmatic
plastin time). Hemangiosarcoma o f the heart or lungs is a hernia. These causes are readily identified.
common neoplastic cause o f a hemorrhagic effusion, but Pneumothorax resulting from pulmonary air can occur
malignant cells are rarely identified cytologically. Neoplastic after blunt trauma to the chest (i.e., traumatic pneumotho
effusions are discussed further i n the next section. rax) or as a result o f existing p u l m o n a r y lesions (i.e., spon
taneous pneumothorax). Traumatic pneumothorax occurs
EFFUSIONS CAUSED BY NEOPLASIA frequently, and the history and physical examination find
Neoplasia within the thoracic cavity can result i n most types ings allow this to be diagnosed. P u l m o n a r y contusions are
of effusion (modified transudates, exudates, chylous effu often present i n these animals.
sion, or hemorrhagic effusion). Neoplasms may involve any Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs when preexisting
of the intrathoracic structures, including the lungs, medias pulmonary lesions rupture. Cavitary l u n g diseases include
tinal tissues, pleura, heart, and l y m p h nodes. In some cases, blebs, bullae, and cysts, which can be congenital or idiopathic
neoplastic cells exfoliate from the tumor into the effusion, or result from prior trauma, chronic airway disease, or
and an early diagnosis can be made through fluid cytology. Paragonimus infection. Necrotic centers can develop i n
This is often possible i n patients with mediastinal l y m p h o m a . neoplasms, thromboembolized regions, abscesses, and gran
Unfortunately, other than i n cases o f lymphoma, it can be ulomas involving the airways, and these can rupture, allowing
difficult or impossible to establish a definitive diagnosis o f air to escape into the pleural space. (See Chapter 20 for
neoplasia on the basis o f cytologic findings i n the pleural further discussion o f cavitary lesions, and Chapter 25 for
fluid alone. Inflammation can result i n considerable hyper further discussion o f spontaneous pneumothorax.)
plastic changes of mesothelial cells that are easily confused Dogs and cats with pneumothorax and a recent history
with neoplastic cells. A cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia other of trauma are managed conservatively. Cage rest, the removal
than lymphoma should he made with extreme caution. of accumulating air by periodic thoracocentesis or by chest
In the majority of cases, neoplastic cells are not present tube, and radiographic m o n i t o r i n g are indicated. If abnor
in the fluid or a cytologic diagnosis cannot be made. T h o mal radiographic opacities persist without improvement for
racic radiography and ultrasonography should be performed more than several days i n trauma patients, further diagnos
to evaluate the thorax for evidence o f neoplasia (see Chapter tic tests should be performed, as described i n the section o n
24). Ultrasonography can be used to differentiate localized spontaneous pneumothorax (see Chapter 25).
accumulations of fluid from soft tissue masses. If soft
tissue masses are detected, aspirates or biopsy specimens
are obtained for cytologic or histopathologic evaluation. MEDIASTINAL MASSES
A definitive diagnosis cannot be made on the basis o f the
radiograph findings or ultrasound images alone. Mediastinal masses can cause inspiratory distress as a result
Diffuse neoplastic infiltration of the pleura and some of displacement o f lung tissue by the mass itself or by the
masses cannot be seen with these imaging techniques. secondary pleural effusion that may develop. A d d i t i o n a l
Repeated thoracic radiography, computed tomography, tho clinical signs such as coughing, regurgitation, and facial
racoscopy, or surgical exploration may be necessary i n such edema may also be present. Neoplasia is the primary dif
cases. ferential diagnosis. L y m p h o m a involving the mediastinum is
c o m m o n , particularly i n cats. Other types o f neoplasms
include t h y m o m a and rarely thyroid carcinoma, parathyroid
PNEUMOTHORAX carcinoma, and chemodectoma. Nonneoplastic mass lesions
such as abscesses, granulomas, hematomas, and cysts are
Pneumothorax is the accumulation of air i n the pleural other possibilities.
space. The diagnosis is confirmed by means o f thoracic radi Mediastinal masses i n cats can often be palpated during
ography. The pleural cavity is normally under negative pres gentle compression o f the anterior thorax. Radiographically,
sure, which keeps the lungs expanded i n health. However, mediastinal masses appear as soft tissue opacities i n the ante
if an opening forms between the pleural cavity and the rior mediastinum (Fig. 23-2). However, it can be difficult
atmosphere or the airways o f the lungs, air is transferred to accurately identify a mediastinal mass i f pleural fluid is
into the pleural space because of this negative pressure. present. Pleural fluid can both m i m i c the appearance of a
A tension pneumothorax occurs if a one-way valve is created mass and obscure its borders. Ultrasonography done before
by tissue at the site of leakage, such that air can enter into removal o f the pleural fluid is helpful i n identifying a mass
the pleural space during inspiration but cannot return to the and determining the extent to w h i c h surrounding structures
airways or atmosphere during expiration. Increased intra are involved.
pleural pressure and resultant respiratory distress occur Thoracocentesis and fluid analysis should be performed
quickly. i n animals with pleural effusion. L y m p h o m a can frequently
guide biopsy. Alternatively, sites for sampling can be deter
mined from two radiographic views of the thorax. The dorsal
mediastinal area and heart should be avoided when obtain
ing biopsy samples. A study by Lana et al. (2006) demon
strated the usefulness o f flow cytometry of mediastinal mass
aspirates i n differentiating l y m p h o m a from thymoma i n
Surgical exploration or thoracoscopy may be necessary to
biopsy small lesions, cavitary lesions, and lesions adjacent to
the heart or main b l o o d vessels. Complete excision of the
mass should be attempted at that time, unless lymphoma is
diagnosed. (Specific recommendations for the management
of dogs and cats with mediastinal neoplasia are given in
Chapter 79)

Pneumomediastinum is identified radiographically. Subcu
taneous emphysema or pneumothorax can occur concur
rently or secondarily. Respiratory compromise most often
results from pneumothorax. Mediastinal air c o m m o n l y orig
inates from rupture or tears i n the trachea, bronchi, or
alveoli. These leaks can occur as a result of bite wounds of
the neck or sudden changes i n intrathoracic pressure result
ing from coughing, blunt trauma, or excessive respiratory
efforts against obstructed airways. Potential iatrogenic
causes include tracheal washing, tracheostomy, and endotra
cheal tube placement (usually caused by excessive endotra
cheal tube cuff pressure). A i r can also enter the mediastinum
FIG 2 3 - 2 through esophageal tears, generally resulting from foreign
V e n t r o d o r s a l v i e w of the t h o r a x of a c a t with a n anterior bodies.
m e d i a s t i n a l mass. Soft tissue o p a c i t y fills the a n t e r i o r Strict cage rest is indicated for animals with pneumo
m e d i a s t i n u m a n d o b s c u r e s the b o r d e r of the heart.
mediastinum to facilitate natural sealing of the tear. If air
continues to accumulate, causing respiratory compromise,
bronchoscopy should be performed to identify tracheal or
be diagnosed through the identification o f malignant cells in
bronchial lacerations that may require surgical repair.
the effusion. Transthoracic fine-needle aspiration or biopsy
can be performed to obtain specimens for microscopic eval Suggested Readings
uation o f the mass itself. Aspiration cytology is generally
Hardie E M et al: Tracheal rupture in cats: 16 cases (1983-1998),
performed initially, followed by biopsy i f a cytologic diagno
J Am Vet Med Assoc 214:508, 1999.
sis is not obtained. Transthoracic biopsy specimens can be Lana S et al: Diagnosis of mediastinal masses in dogs by flow
obtained relatively safely, particularly i f the lesion is solid cytometry, / Vet Intern Med 20:1161, 2006.
rather than cystic. Ultrasonography can be helpful i n deter Scott JA et al: Canine pyothorax: pleural anatomy and pathophysi
m i n i n g the consistency of the mass and can also be used to ology, Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 25:172, 2003.
C H A P T E R 24

Diagnostic Tests for the

Pleural Cavity and

ance o f pleural fissure lines and can be confused w i t h pleural

thickening. A s fluid accumulates, the lung lobes retract and
the lung lobe borders become rounded. R o u n d i n g o f the
caudodorsal angles o f the caudal lung lobes is especially
Pleural Cavity
noticeable. The fluid silhouettes w i t h the heart and dia
phragm, obscuring their borders. The lungs float o n top of
the fluid, displacing the trachea dorsally and causing the
illusion o f a mediastinal mass or cardiomegaly (Fig. 24-1, A).
As more fluid accumulates, the lung parenchyma appears
abnormally dense as a result o f incomplete expansion. C o l
lapsed lobes should be examined carefully for evidence o f
torsion (see Chapter 20). Pockets o f fluid accumulation or
unilateral effusion indicates the possibility o f concurrent
pleural adhesions (Fig. 24-1, B).
RADIOGRAPHY Critical radiographic evaluation o f intrathoracic struc
tures, including the lungs, heart, diaphragm, and mediasti
PLEURAL CAVITY n u m , cannot be performed i n animals w i t h pleural effusion
The pleura surrounds each lung lobe and lines the thoracic until the fluid has been removed. The interpretation of
cavity. It is not normally visible radiographically, and i n d i radiographs obtained i n the presence o f fluid is prone to
vidual lung lobes cannot be distinguished. Abnormalities error. A n exception to this rule is the finding o f gas-filled
of the pleura and pleural cavity include pleural thickening, intestinal loops i n the thorax, w h i c h is diagnostic for dia
pleural effusion, and pneumothorax. The mediastinum i n phragmatic hernia. Both left and right lateral views should
the dog and cat is not an effective barrier between the left be evaluated, i n addition to a ventrodorsal view, to improve
and right side o f the thorax, and effusion or pneumothorax the sensitivity o f detecting masses.
is therefore usually bilateral.
Pleural Thickening Pneumothorax is the presence of air i n the pleural space. A i r
Pleural thickening results i n a thin, fluid-dense line between opacity without vessels or airways can be seen between the
lung lobes, where the pleura is perpendicular to the X - r a y lung lobes and chest wall o n radiographs. It may be necessary
beam. These lines arc from the periphery toward the hilar to carefully scrutinize the films using high intensity lighting
region and are k n o w n as pleural fissure lines. The lines can to detect m i l d pneumothorax. A s a greater volume o f air
occur as a result of prior pleural disease and subsequent accumulates i n the pleural space, the lung parenchyma
fibrosis, m i l d active pleuritis, or low-volume pleural effusion. becomes more dense because o f incomplete expansion, facil
They can be an incidental finding in older dogs. Infiltration itating the radiographic diagnosis. The heart is generally
of the pleura with neoplastic cells generally results i n effu elevated above the sternum, with air opacity apparent
sion rather than thickening. between these two structures (Fig. 24-2). Radiographs should
be examined carefully for evidence of possible causes o f the
Pleural Effusion pneumothorax, such as cavitary lesions or rib fractures
Pleural effusion is visible radiographically after about 50 to (indicating trauma). T o accurately evaluate the pulmonary
100 m l has accumulated i n the pleural cavity, depending o n parenchyma, the air must be removed and the lungs allowed
the size of the animal. A n early effusion assumes the appear to expand. Cavitary lesions are not always apparent
FIG 2 4 - 2
Lateral v i e w of a d o g with p n e u m o t h o r a x a n d p n e u m o m e d i
astinum. The p n e u m o t h o r a x is mild a n d is demonstrated b y
elevation of the heart a b o v e the sternum. W h e n high-
intensity lighting w a s p l a c e d b e h i n d the o r i g i n a l radio
g r a p h s , retraction of lung borders c o u l d also b e seen. It is
possible to v i s u a l i z e the outer w a l l of the trachea a n d major
b l o o d vessels in the anterior mediastinum b e c a u s e of the
p n e u m o m e d i a s t i n u m . A chest tube p l a c e d to stabilize the
d o g ' s c o n d i t i o n is also visible (arrows).

malities involving the structures within the mediastinum

(e.g., megaesophagus).
Pneumomediastinum is the accumulation o f air i n the
mediastinum. If a pneumomediastinum is present, the outer
wall o f the trachea and the other cranial mediastinal struc
tures, such as the esophagus, major branches o f the aortic
arch, and cranial vena cava, are contrasted against the air (see
Fig. 24-2). These structures are not normally visible.
A b n o r m a l soft tissue opacities can occur i n the cranial
mediastinum, although concurrent pleural effusion often
obscures mass lesions. Localized lesions can represent neo
plasia, abscesses, granulomas, or cysts (see Fig. 23-2). Less
discrete disease can cause a general widening of the medias
t i n u m that is seen to exceed the width of the vertebra on
FIG 2 4 - 1 ventrodorsal views. Exudates, edema, hemorrhage, tumor
A , Lateral thoracic v i e w of a c a t with pleural effusion. S e e infiltration, and fat can cause a widened mediastinum.
text. B, Ventrodorsal v i e w s h o w i n g that the effusion is Megaesophagus can often be observed i n the cranial medi
astinum, especially o n lateral views.
The caudal vena cava and aorta are normally visible i n the
caudal mediastinum. The most c o m m o n caudal mediastinal
radiographically. Further evaluation for cavitary lesions i n abnormalities are megaesophagus and diaphragmatic hernia.
patients w i t h spontaneous pneumothorax includes c o m Megaesophagus is an important consideration i n animals
puted tomography. with respiratory signs because it is a c o m m o n cause of aspi
ration pneumonia.
MEDIASTINUM The mediastinum is normally located i n the center of
The cranial and caudal mediastinum contains the heart the thoracic cavity. A n abnormal shift o f the mediastinum is
and great vessels, esophagus, l y m p h nodes, and associated identified by a lateral change i n the position of the heart on
support structures. Radiographic abnormalities involving ventrodorsal or dorsoventral views. Atelectasis (i.e., lung
the mediastinum include pneumomediastinum, and altera lobe collapse), lobectomy, and adhesions of the mediastinum
tions i n size (e.g., mass lesions), displacement, and abnor- to the chest wall can all cause the mediastinum to shift
guide aspiration needles or biopsy instruments to the lesion,
although biopsies can be done safely only o n solid masses.
Ultrasonography is also useful for directing needle place
ment during thoracocentesis i n animals with localized accu
mulations o f pleural fluid. A i r interferes w i t h the sound
waves, so structures surrounded by aerated lung cannot be

As discussed i n Chapter 20, computed tomography is more
sensitive than radiographs for evaluating the thorax. It is
useful to determine the extent o f mass lesions prior to tho
racotomy and to increase the likelihood o f localizing cavitary
FIG 24-3 lesions i n patients with spontaneous pneumothorax.
Lateral thoracic r a d i o g r a p h o b t a i n e d in a d o g with pulmo
nary n e o p l a s i a a n d sternal a n d hilar l y m p h a d e n o p a t h y . The
sternal n o d e is the soft tissue o p a c i t y resting o n the c a u d a l
half of the s e c o n d sternebra. The hilar n o d e s a r e identified
by the i n c r e a s e d soft tissue o p a c i t y a r o u n d the c a r i n a .
Several discrete p u l m o n a r y nodules a r e a l s o present. Thoracocentesis is indicated for the collection o f diagnostic
specimens i n dogs and cats with pleural effusion, for removal
of pleural fluid or air to stabilize the c o n d i t i o n o f dogs and
cats with impaired ventilation, and before radiographic
toward the abnormality. Space-occupying lesions can cause evaluation o f intrathoracic structures i n dogs and cats with
the mediastinum to shift i n the opposite direction. pleural fluid or air. Possible complications of thoracocentesis
The lymph nodes and heart are mediastinal structures but are pneumothorax caused by lung laceration, hemothorax,
are considered separately to ensure a careful evaluation. The and iatrogenic pyothorax. Complications are extremely rare
sternal nodes are located immediately dorsal to the sternum if careful technique is used.
near the thoracic inlet at the level of the first to third sterne- Thoracocentesis is performed with the animal in lateral
brae (Fig. 24-3). Enlargement is seen on lateral views and has or sternal recumbency, depending o n w h i c h position is
the appearance of a discrete mass lesion. The hilar nodes are less stressful. F l u i d or air is usually present bilaterally
located at the heartbase around the carina. Enlargement is throughout the pleural space and can be retrieved from the
seen as a generalized increased soft tissue opacity i n the seventh intercostal space (ICS) by placing the needle approx
perihilar region and is most easily seen o n the lateral view. imately two thirds of the distance from the costochondral
C o m m o n differential diagnoses for hilar lymphadenopathy junction toward the spine. If initial attempts are unsuccess
are lymphoma and fungal infections (especially histoplas ful, other sites are tried or the animal's position is changed.
mosis). Other differential diagnoses include metastatic F l u i d may be more successfully retrieved from gravity-
neoplasia, eosinophilic pulmonary granulomatosis, and dependent sites (i.e., closer to the costochondral junctions)
mycobacterial infections. A n y inflammatory disease can and air from nondependent sites. Thoracic radiographs are
potentially cause lymphadenopathy. Other considerations i n useful i n choosing sides for thoracocentesis i n the event o f
animals with an increased perihilar opacity o n radiographs unilateral effusions. Ultrasonography is useful for guiding
include atrial enlargement and heartbase tumors. needle placement i n patients i n w h i c h fluid collection proves
Evaluation of the heart is described i n Chapters 1 and 2. difficult.
Right-sided heart failure and pericardial effusion can cause A local anesthetic can be administered at the site o f tho
pleural fluid accumulation. racocentesis. Sedation is rarely required but may be useful
for decreasing patient stress. The site is shaved and surgically
prepared, and the procedure is performed using sterile tech
ULTRASONOGRAPHY nique. M o s t often, a butterfly catheter, three-way stopcock,
and syringe are used. The removal o f fluid or air by syringe
Ultrasonography is indicated i n the diagnostic evaluation o f is associated with movement o f the syringe, and the tubing
dogs and cats with pleural effusion to search for masses, of the butterfly catheter prevents this movement from affect
diaphragmatic hernia, lung lobe torsion, and cardiac disease. ing the position o f the needle within the thoracic cavity. A i r
Mediastinal masses, masses involving the pulmonary paren and most fluids can be retrieved through a 21-gauge but
chyma adjacent to the body wall, and masses extending into terfly catheter. A larger needle may be required to collect
the thorax from the body wall may be identified and their extremely viscous fluids, such as fluid from feline infectious
echogenicity evaluated. Ultrasonography can also be used to peritonitis or pyothorax. The three-way stopcock is attached
to the catheter to keep air from entering the thorax d u r i n g centesis and therapy for shock are performed to stabilize
emptying or changing o f the syringe. dogs and cats i n critical condition before chest tubes are
W i t h the syringe snugly attached and the stopcock open placed.
between the catheter and syringe (closed to r o o m air), the The major complication o f chest tubes is pneumothorax
needle is advanced through the skin only. The needle and caused by a leak i n the apparatus. Animals with chest tubes
skin are then moved about two rib spaces to the actual col- must be carefully monitored at all times to make sure that
lection site. This technique prevents air from entering the they do not disrupt the tubing connections, pull the tube
chest through the needle tract after the procedure (an part of the way out of the chest so that there are fenestrations
unlikely scenario). The needle is then advanced into the outside the body wall, or bite through the tubing. A n y leaks
thorax immediately i n front o f the rib to avoid the intercos- in the system can result i n a life-threatening pneumothorax
tal vessels and nerves. The needle is held with a hand resting within minutes. If an animal with a chest tube must be left
on the chest wall so that it will not move relative to the res- unattended, the tube should be clamped off close to the body
pirations or movement o f the animal. Slight negative pres- wall and should be well protected by bandage material.
sure is applied to the catheter by the syringe so that entry Hemothorax, iatrogenic pyothorax, and pneumothorax
into the pleural space is immediately identified by the recov- caused by lung laceration can also occur, but these problems
ery o f fluid or air. Once the needle has entered the pleural are generally prevented through the use of careful aseptic
space, the tip is aimed away from the l u n g by lowering the technique.
wings o f the catheter toward the body wall. Ideally, the bevel Pediatric chest tubes can be obtained from hospital supply
of the needle should face toward the lungs. companies. These tubes have multiple fenestrations, are
A n alternative to a butterfly catheter is an intravenous calibrated along their length, and are radiopaque. For treat-
over-the-needle catheter. In large dogs a 3 - or 5 - i n c h ing pyothorax, the tube should be as large as w i l l fit between
(8- or 13-cm) 14- to 16-gauge catheter can be used. These the ribs. The size of the tube is less critical for control o f
catheters are soft and produce less trauma than butterfly pneumothorax. Before placement the end of the tube is
catheters while i n the pleural space and permit the animal occluded with a syringe adapter, a three-way valve, and a
to be repositioned or rolled to improve fluid or air removal. hose clamp (Fig. 24-4, A ) .
The longer length, compared with a butterfly needle, may Sterile technique is used during placement of the chest
be needed to reach the pleural space i n large-breed or obese tube. In an animal with unilateral disease, the tube is placed
dogs. A few side holes can be added to the distal end o f the in the involved side o f the thorax. Either side can be used i n
catheter using a surgical blade and sterile technique to an animal with bilateral disease. The lateral side of the animal
increase the sites where fluid can enter. The holes should be over the caudal rib cage is shaved and surgically prepared.
spaced far apart, should not take up more than one fifth o f The animal is anesthetized or heavily sedated. If the animal
the circumference o f the catheter, and should have no rough is sedated, a local anesthetic is placed subcutaneously at the
edges because the catheter might then break off in the animal tenth ICS and within the subcutaneous tissues, intercostal
during removal. Extension tubing and a three-way stopcock muscles, and pleura at the seventh ICS. The dorsoventral
are attached to the catheter immediately after placement. A orientation is one half to two thirds the distance from the
small skin incision, just slightly larger than the catheter, w i l l costochondral junction to the thoracolumbar musculature.
facilitate placement. A s with the butterfly catheter, slight This distance should correspond to the level where the ribs
negative pressure is maintained by syringe so that entry into are maximally bowed.
the pleural space is immediately identified. The catheter tip The length o f tube to be advanced into the chest must be
is then directed cranially to allow positioning of the catheter determined from thoracic radiographs or by external land-
between the lungs and chest wall, preventing trauma to the marks o n the animal. The tube should extend from the tenth
lung tissue. ICS to the first rib. The fenestrations i n the tube must not
After fluid specimens are saved for cytologic and m i c r o - extend outside the point o f exit from the pleural cavity.
biologic analysis, as m u c h fluid or air as possible is removed, A stab incision is made through the skin at the tenth ICS.
except i n patients with acute hemothorax (see Chapter 26). A purse-string suture is then placed around the opening but
is not tied. Some chest tubes made for humans contain a
stylet. Smaller chest tubes are inserted with the aid of curved
CHEST TUBES: INDICATIONS AND hemostats. The tip o f the tube is grasped with the tip o f the
PLACEMENT hemostats with the tube parallel to the body of the clamps
(see Fig. 24-4, B).
Chest tube placement is indicated for the treatment o f dogs The tube, with the stylet or hemostats, is then tunneled
and cats with pyothorax (see Chapter 25). Chest tubes are subcutaneously from the tenth to the seventh ICS. If hemo-
also indicated for the management o f pneumothorax i f air stats are used, the tips are directed away from the animal's
continues to accumulate despite multiple thoracocenteses. body (see Fig. 24-4, C). Once the tip reaches the seventh
Chest tubes provide a means to prevent fluid and air from ICS, the stylet or hemostats are raised perpendicular to the
accumulating i n the pleural space until the underlying cause chest wall. The p a l m o f the hand is placed over the end of
of the pleural disorder resolves. If possible, needle thoraco- the stylet or the hemostat handles, and the tube is thrust
tube from being withdrawn i f tension is accidentally applied
to the tubing. The opening in the skin is covered with a
sterile sponge with antiseptic ointment. A light wrap is
placed around the tube to hold it against the chest wall. The
wrap must not be too tight. A wrap that is too tight can greatly
decrease chest wall compliance and increase the work of
breathing i n these compromised animals. The hose clamp is
placed o n the tube between the animal and the three-way
valve to further protect against pneumothorax whenever
suction is not being applied to the tube. A n Elizabethan
collar is always placed o n the animal because a single bite
through the tube can be fatal.
Thoracic radiographs are taken to evaluate the tube posi
tion and the effectiveness of drainage. T w o views must be
evaluated. Ideally, the tube should extend along the ventral
FIG 2 4 - 5 aspect o f the pleural space to the thoracic inlet. The most
After a n assistant pulls the skin f o r w a r d , a n i n c i s i o n c a n b e important sign o f adequate tube placement is the absence of
m a d e through the skin at the seventh intercostal s p a c e a n d areas o f persistent fluid or air accumulation. If areas of fluid
blunt dissection is used to r e a c h the p l e u r a . A chest tube or air persist, it may be necessary to replace the tube or place
c a n b e p o p p e d into the p l e u r a l s p a c e with m i n i m a l t r a u m a
a second tube i n the opposite side.
to the u n d e r l y i n g l u n g . W h e n the skin is r e l e a s e d , the tube
Once a chest tube is i n place and is determined to be i n
will c o u r s e through a s u b c u t a n e o u s tunnel to prevent a i r
leaks a r o u n d the tube. a satisfactory position, its effectiveness must be monitored
regularly by thoracic radiography, generally every 24 to 48
hours. The animal must also be monitored for the develop
through the body wall with one rapid m o t i o n (see Fig. ment of secondary complications. These include infection
24-4, D). Once the tube has entered the pleural space, it is and the leakage o f air. The bandage should be removed at
quickly advanced forward until the predetermined length least daily. The site where the tube enters the skin should
has entered the chest while the stylet or hemostats are w i t h be evaluated for signs o f inflammation or subcutaneous
drawn (see Fig. 24-4, E). emphysema. The tube and skin sutures should be examined
A n alternative technique can be used to m i n i m i z e trauma for signs o f m o t i o n . The skin around the tube is kept clean,
to the lungs caused when thrusting the tube through the and a sterile sponge is replaced over the entry site of the tube
body wall. In this technique, after the skin incision has been before rebandaging. Stopcock ports should be protected with
made and a purse-string suture placed, an assistant standing sterile caps when not i n use. Gloves should be w o r n and the
at the head of the animal draws the skin o f the thorax crani stopcock ports wiped with hydrogen peroxide before use.
ally to p u l l the skin opening forward from the tenth to the
seventh ICS (Fig. 24-5). W i t h the skin held i n this position,
hemostats are used to bluntly dissect through the thoracic THORACOSCOPY AND THORACOTOMY
and intercostal musculature to the pleura. A t this point the
chest tube with the stylet or hemostats is easily popped A definitive diagnosis for the cause o f pleural effusion is
through the pleura into the chest with m i n i m a l force. The sometimes elusive. In such cases, thoracoscopy or thoracot
tube is then advanced and the skin released. o m y may be necessary to allow visual assessment of the
A i r will be sucked into the pleural cavity d u r i n g tube thoracic cavity and the collection o f specimens for histologic
placement regardless o f the method used. This air must be and bacteriologic analysis. Mesotheliomas and pleural carci
immediately removed through the tube using a 35-ml nomatosis are often diagnosed through these methods.
syringe. The purse-string suture is then tied around the tube.
Immediately external to the skin entrance, the tube is attached Suggested Readings
to the body wall by suturing the tape that is formed as a DeRycke L M et al: Thoracoscopic anatomy of dogs positioned in
butterfly around the tube to the skin o n either side o f it (see lateral recumbency, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 37:543, 2001.
Fig. 24-4, F) or by using a Chinese finger trap suture around Suter PF: Thoracic radiography, Wettswil, Switzerland, 1994, Peter F
the tube and attached to the skin. This prevents the chest Suter.
C H A P T E R 25

Disorders of the
Pleural Cavity

radiographs are taken again after removal of the fluid to

evaluate the pulmonary parenchyma for evidence o f under
lying disease (e.g., bacterial pneumonia, foreign body) that
may have caused the pyothorax. The identification of a septic
exudate by pleural fluid analysis establishes the diagnosis o f
Septic suppurative inflammation is a consistent finding
in pleural fluid examined cytologically, except in animals
that are receiving antibiotics (Fig. 25-1; see also Chapter 23).
Pleural fluid is best evaluated by G r a m staining and aerobic
PYOTHORAX and anaerobic bacterial cultures. Anaerobes are usually
present i n the fluid, and i n many dogs and cats, more than
Etiology one type o f bacteria are present. A l l o f the types o f bacteria
Septic exudate i n the pleural cavity is referred to as pyotho involved may not grow i n the laboratory i n spite of cytologic
rax. It is most often idiopathic i n origin, particularly i n cats. evidence o f their presence, possibly because of competition
It can result from foreign bodies, puncture wounds through between organisms or an inhibitory effect o f the exudative
the chest wall, esophageal tears (usually from ingested foreign fluid. Organisms such as Actinomyces and Nocardia particu
bodies), and extension of pulmonary infection. Thoracic larly do not grow well i f specimens have been cultured using
foreign bodies are usually migrating grass awns. They are routine procedures. The absence o f growth of bacteria does
rare i n cats and most c o m m o n i n sporting breeds o f dogs i n not rule out a diagnosis o f pyothorax.
states where there is a large concentration o f foxtail grasses Evaluation o f the patient's systemic status may reveal
(e.g., California). evidence o f active inflammation, systemic inflammatory
response syndrome, or sepsis.
Clinical Features
Dogs and cats with pyothorax have clinical signs referable to Treatment
pleural effusion and abscess formation. Signs may be acute M e d i c a l therapy for pyothorax includes antibiotics, drainage
or chronic. Tachypnea, decreased lung sounds, and increased of the pleural cavity, and appropriate supportive care (e.g.,
abdominal excursions are typical of pleural effusion. In addi fluid therapy). A t first, empirically selected antibiotics are
tion, fever, lethargy, anorexia, and weight loss are c o m m o n . administered intravenously. The results of G r a m staining
Animals may be presented i n septic shock or demonstrate and culture and sensitivity testing are helpful in selecting
signs of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. antibiotics. Generally, anaerobes and Pasteurella (a c o m m o n
isolate from cats w i t h pyothorax) are sensitive to amoxicil
Diagnosis lin-clavulanate. Other gram-negative organisms are often
The diagnosis of pyothorax is made through thoracic radi sensitive to amoxicillin-clavulanate, but their antibiotic sen
ography and the cytologic evaluation o f pleural fluid. sitivities are unpredictable. Unfortunately, this drug is not
Thoracic radiographs are used to confirm the presence of available for intravenous administration. A m p i c i l l i n with
pleural effusion and to determine whether the disease is sulbactam, a different -lactamase inhibitor, is an excellent
localized, unilateral, or bilateral. In most animals fluid is substitute for intravenous use (22 mg/kg o f ampicillin q8h).
present throughout the pleural space. The finding of a local Other drugs that have good activity against anaerobic organ
ized accumulation of fluid indicates the possible presence o f isms are chloramphenicol, metronidazole, and clindamycin.
pleural fibrosis, mass lesions, or lung lobe torsion. Thoracic If metronidazole or clindamycin is used, additional gram-
FIG 2 5 - 1
C y t o l o g i c p r e p a r a t i o n of a s p e c i m e n of a pleural effusion
from a c a t with p y o t h o r a x . D e g e n e r a t i v e neutrophils
p r e d o m i n a t e , a n d intracellular a n d extracellular b a c t e r i a a r e FIG 2 5 - 2
prevalent (arrowheads). Both rods a n d c o c c i a r e seen. Pleural fibrosis manifested b y m a r k e d l y thickened pleura
seen d u r i n g thoracotomy in a c a t with chronic pyothorax.
Treatment with antibiotics a l o n e w a s attempted, a n d several
w e e k s later the cat's c o n d i t i o n deteriorated. Fibrosis w a s
negative coverage is necessary and is achieved by adding a too extensive to a l l o w for routine d r a i n a g e with chest tubes.
fluoroquinolone or aminoglycoside antibiotic to the treat S u r g i c a l d e b r i d e m e n t , several lobectomies, d r a i n a g e
ment. A d d i t i o n o f one o f these antibiotics may also be neces through surgically p l a c e d tubes, a n d long-term antibiotic
sary i n patients receiving ampicillin with sulbactam that fail therapy resulted in a cure.
to show improvement i n clinical condition, complete b l o o d
count ( C B C ) , and fluid cytology w i t h i n the first few days of
treatment. more feasible. Constant suction is applied with a suction
O r a l antibiotics are used once significant improvement is p u m p and collection unit. Disposable pediatric cage-side
noted, usually about the time o f chest tube removal. A m o x collection units (e.g., Thora-Seal III, Argyle, Sherwood
icillin-clavulanate (20 to 25 mg/kg q8h) is used i n patients Medical) are available through hospital supply companies.
that have responded to ampicillin with sulbactam. Oral anti These units allow m o n i t o r i n g o f collected fluid volume and
biotic therapy is continued for an additional 4 to 6 weeks. adjustment o f suction pressure. A n initial suction pressure
Drainage o f the septic exudate is an essential part o f the of 10 to 15 c m H O is used, but more or less pressure may

treatment of pyothorax. A l t h o u g h treatment with antibiotics be necessary depending o n the viscosity o f the pleural fluid
alone often causes dramatic improvement i n the animal's and the collapsibility o f the tubes. The collection systems
clinical c o n d i t i o n initially, the signs generally recur, and must be carefully monitored for the occurrence of leaks or
complications o f the prolonged infection, such as fibrosis or malfunctions that could cause a fatal pneumothorax.
abscesses, are more likely (Fig. 25-2). Indwelling chest tubes Intermittent suction by syringe is ideally performed every
provide the best drainage and can be used to keep the exudate 2 hours for the first days of treatment, with arrangements
from accumulating d u r i n g the initial days o f antibiotic made for drainage to continue during the night. W i t h i n a
therapy. Dogs and cats i n critical condition at presentation few days the volume o f fluid produced will decrease, and the
are stabilized through the use o f needle thoracocentesis and interval can then be lengthened. If such intensive care is not
shock therapy before chest tube placement. Intermittent possible, an effort should still be made to empty the chest of
needle thoracocentesis is m i n i m a l l y effective for draining fluid at least once late i n the evening to m i n i m i z e the accu
the pleural cavity and is not recommended for treatment mulation o f exudate overnight.
unless the owner cannot afford the expense o f chest tube Lavage o f the chest cavity is performed twice daily and
management. consists of the removal of any fluid within the chest, followed
Chest tube placement and assessment o f positioning by the slow infusion o f warmed sterile saline solution into
are discussed i n Chapter 24. A n i m a l s probably respond most the chest. A volume of approximately 10 ml/kg of body
rapidly to constant suctioning o f the exudate from the chest, weight is infused, but the infusion should be discontinued
although intermittent suction is certainly adequate and often if any distress is noted. After this the animal is gently rolled
FIG 25-3
Cytologic preparation of a specimen of a pleural effusion from a cat being treated
successfully for pyothorax with chest tube drainage and antibiotics. Compared with the
fluid shown in Fig. 25-1, the nucleated cell count is low, the neutrophils are nondegenera
tive, organisms are not present, and mononuclear cells are appearing (Cytocentrifuge prep).

from side to side, and the fluid is removed. Sterile technique phils w i l l persist but should no longer appear degenerative
is used throughout the procedure. The volume recovered (Fig. 25-3). W h e n these criteria have been met and no pockets
should be about 75% o f the volume infused. If less fluid is of fluid are seen o n thoracic radiographs, the chest tube
retrieved, this may indicate that the chest tube is no longer is removed and the animal is m o n i t o r e d clinically for at
providing adequate drainage and should be assessed by least 24 hours for the development o f pneumothorax or
radiograph or ultrasonography. There is no obvious benefit the recurrence o f effusion. Thoracic radiographs can be
from the addition o f antibiotics, antiseptics, or enzymes to taken to more sensitively evaluate the animal for these
the lavage solution. The addition of heparin (1500 U / 1 0 0 m l ) potential problems.
to the lavage fluid may decrease fibrin formation. Thoracic radiographs are evaluated 1 week after removal
A l l adapter ports connected to the chest tube should be of the chest tube and 1 week and 1 m o n t h after discontinu
covered with sterile caps when not i n use. W h e n accessing ation of the antibiotic therapy. These radiographs are
the ports, the clinician should wear gloves and remember to obtained so that a localized nidus o f disease such as a foreign
wipe the ports with hydrogen peroxide before use. body or an abscess can be identified and also so that recur
Thoracic radiographs are taken every 24 to 48 hours to rence o f a pyothorax can be detected before large volumes
ensure that the chest is being completely drained o f fluid. of pleural fluid accumulate. Such niduses are often invisible
Failure to monitor the effectiveness o f drainage radiograph when large volumes o f pleural fluid are present or while
ically can lead to costly prolongation o f the intensive care aggressive therapy is i n progress.
required for maintenance o f the chest tube. Exploratory thoracotomy is indicated for the removal of
Serum electrolyte concentrations are also monitored. a suspected nidus o f infection and i n those animals that do
M a n y dogs and cats with pyothorax are dehydrated and ano not respond to medical therapy. In the latter instance surgery
rectic at presentation and require intravenous fluid therapy. may be necessary to remove fibrotic and diseased tissue or a
Supplementation of the intravenous fluid with potassium foreign body. Failure to respond is suggested by the contin
may be necessary. ued need for a chest tube for longer than 1 week after the
The decision to discontinue drainage and remove the start o f appropriate antibiotic treatment and drainage,
chest tube is based o n the fluid volume and cytologic char although reported cases that have undergone complete
acteristics. The volume o f fluid recovered should have recovery after medical management have required drainage
decreased to less than 2 ml/kg/day. Slides o f the fluid are by chest tubes for longer periods. Furthermore, persistence
prepared daily and evaluated cytologically. Bacteria should of large pockets o f fluid i n spite of appropriate chest tube
no longer be visible intracellularly or extracellularly. N e u t r o placement may necessitate the decision to perform a thora-
cotomy earlier. C o m p u t e d tomography o f the chest may be be identified i n most animals, i n which case idiopathic chy
a more sensitive method for detecting persistent pulmonary lothorax is diagnosed.
lesions than thoracic radiography. Rooney et al. (2002) rec Fibrosing pleuritis and pericarditis can be associated with
ommended consideration for thoracotomy particularly i n chylothorax. Cats, i n particular, may develop fibrosing pleu
dogs that have radiographic evidence o f mediastinal or p u l ritis, w h i c h can interfere with normal expansion of the lungs
monary lesions or i f Actinomyces spp. are identified i n the even after thoracocentesis. Inflammation and thickening of
pleural fluid. the pericardium could contribute to the further formation
of chylous effusion.
M o s t cases o f pyothorax are idiopathic. The prognosis for Clinical Features
animals w i t h pyothorax is fair to good i f it is recognized early Chylothorax can occur i n dogs or cats o f any age. Afghan
and treated aggressively. W a d d e l l et al. (2002) reported a H o u n d s and Shiba Inus appear to be predisposed to the
survival rate for cats o f 66%, excluding those that were disorder. The primary clinical sign is respiratory distress
euthanatized before treatment. In their report, 5 o f 80 cats typical o f pleural effusion. Although the distress is often
required thoracotomy. Treatment success i n dogs has been acute i n onset, more subtle signs have generally been present
reported to be as high as 100% w i t h medical therapy alone for more than a month. Lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, and
(Piek et al., 2000). However, i n a study by Rooney et al. exercise intolerance are c o m m o n . In some cases cough is the
(2002) o f 26 dogs, only 25% of dogs were successfully treated only presenting sign.
medically whereas 78% responded favorably to thoracotomy.
One possible explanation for the poor success o f medical Diagnosis
management i n the latter study is the geographic location Chylothorax is diagnosed by thoracic radiographs and the
in a region o f the country where grass awn migration is identification o f chyle through cytologic and biochemical
common. evaluation o f pleural fluid obtained by thoracocentesis (see
Exploratory surgery is necessary to ensure complete reso Chapter 23). Lymphopenia and panhypoproteinemia may be
lution o f the problem i n dogs or cats w i t h foreign bodies i n present i n peripheral blood.
the thoracic cavity. Radiolucent foreign bodies can be diffi Once chylothorax has been diagnosed, further diagnostic
cult to find, however, and the prognosis for pyothorax sec tests are performed to identify potential underlying disease
ondary to them is more guarded. Long-term complications (Box 25-1). These tests include thoracic ultrasonography;
of pyothorax such as pleural fibrosis and restrictive lung echocardiography; microfilarial examination and adult
disease are u n c o m m o n . antigen testing for heartworm disease; and, i n cats, the mea
surement o f thyroid hormone concentrations. Lymphangi
ography can be used to identify lymphangiectasia, sites of
CHYLOTHORAX obstruction, and, rarely, sites of leakage from the thoracic
duct. Lymphangiography is performed before the surgical
Etiology ligation o f lymphatics is attempted.
Chylothorax is the accumulation of chyle w i t h i n the thoracic
cavity. The chyle originates from the thoracic duct, w h i c h Treatment
carries triglyceride-rich fluid from the intestinal lymphatics Thoracocentesis and appropriate fluid therapy are used to
and empties into the venous system i n the anterior thorax. stabilize dogs and cats w i t h chylothorax, as needed, at pre
The fluid also contains lymphocytes, protein, and fat-soluble sentation. Electrolyte abnormalities may be present. A con
vitamins. Thoracic duct rupture after thoracic trauma can certed effort is made to identify any underlying cause of
result i n transient chylothorax. However, most cases are not the chylothorax so that it can be directly treated. Elimination
the result o f a ruptured duct. Possible causes o f nontrau of the underlying problem may result i n resolution of the
matic chylothorax include generalized lymphangiectasia, chylothorax, although medical management (as described
inflammation, and obstruction o f lymphatic flow. Flow can later for idiopathic chylothorax) is generally required for
be obstructed for physical reasons, such as neoplasia, or as a several weeks or even months. The exception is chylothorax
result o f increased venous pressures. of traumatic origin, w h i c h generally resolves within 1 to 2
Chylothorax can be categorized as congenital, traumatic, weeks.
or nontraumatic. A congenital predisposition may exist i n A routinely successful treatment for idiopathic chylotho
animals i n w h i c h chylothorax develops later i n life. T r a u rax has not been established. Medical management is ini
matic events that induce chylothorax can be surgical (e.g., tially attempted because spontaneous remission occurs i n
thoracotomy) or nonsurgical (e.g., being hit by a car). N o n some cases. In the absence of resolution with medical therapy,
traumatic causes o f chylothorax include neoplasia, par thoracic duct ligation and pericardectomy are recommended.
ticularly mediastinal l y m p h o m a i n cats; cardiomyopathy, M e d i c a l management consists primarily o f intermittent
dirofilariasis, pericardial disease, and other causes o f right- thoracocentesis and a low-fat diet. Thoracocentesis is per
sided heart failure; lung lobe torsion; diaphragmatic hernia; formed as needed on the basis o f the owner's observation of
and systemic lymphangiectasia. N o underlying disease can increased respiratory rate or effort or decreased activity or
macrophage function. The resorption o f effusion may
BOX 25-
thereby be enhanced and fibrosis o f the pleura m i n i m i z e d .
Diagnostic Tests to Identify Underlying Diseases in Dogs The drug is available over the counter at health food stores.
and Cats with Chylothorax A dosage o f 50 to 100 m g / k g given orally every 8 hours is
Complete Blood Count, Serum Biochemical
Surgical management is considered i f clinical signs have
Panel, Urinalysis
not i m p r o v e d w i t h i n 2 to 3 months o f medical therapy or
Evaluation of systemic status if signs are intolerable. The recommended surgical manage
Cytologic Examination of Fluid ment o f chylothorax includes thoracic duct ligation and
pericardectomy. Thoracic duct ligation is technically difficult
Infectious agents
and is ideally performed by an experienced surgeon. M u l t i
Neoplastic cells (especially lymphoma)
ple ligations o f the thoracic duct and its collaterals are per
Thoracic Radiographs (After Fluid Removal) formed. The ducts are identified by lymphangiography
Anterior mediastinal masses before surgery, and lymphangiography is repeated after liga
Other neoplasia tion to assess the success o f ligation. Pericardectomy is rec
Cardiac disease ommended at the time o f thoracic duct ligation and is
Heartworm disease associated with an improved outcome (Fossum et al., 2004).
Pericardial disease Placement o f pleuroperitoneal or pleurovenous shunts or

Ultrasonography (Ideally, in the Presence of Fluid) mesh w i t h i n the diaphragm to allow fluid to drain away from
the pleural space has also been recommended for the m a n
Anterior mediastinum
agement o f chylothorax and should be considered i f medical
and surgical treatment are unsuccessful. These drainage p r o
Heart (echocardiography)
Cardiomyopathy cedures provide a route for the leaking chyle to reenter the
Heartworm disease circulation without producing the respiratory compromise
Pericardial disease associated w i t h pleural effusion. Unfortunately, drains often
Congenital heart disease become nonfunctional w i t h i n months o f placement.
Other fluid densities adjacent to body wall
Neoplasia Prognosis
Lung lobe torsion The prognosis for chylothorax has generally been regarded
as guarded unless the chylothorax was traumatically induced
Heartworm Antibody and Antigen Tests
or the result o f a reversible c o n d i t i o n . However, a study by
Heartworm disease
Fossum et al. (2004) indicated an overall success rate for
Lymphangiography thoracic duct ligation and pericardectomy o f 100% i n dogs
and 90% i n cats. It is not possible to predict the contribution
Preoperative and postoperative assessment of thoracic
duct of fibrosing pleuritis to clinical signs i n cats w i t h this c o m
plication. In cats w i t h continued respiratory difficulties fol
lowing resolution o f effusion, decortication o f the l u n g is
appetite. Initially, thoracocentesis may need to be performed
every 1 to 2 weeks. The interval between thoracocenteses w i l l
gradually lengthen if the chylothorax is responsive to medical SPONTANEOUS PNEUMOTHORAX
management. Ultrasound guidance o f the needle during
thoracocentesis is especially helpful i n removing pockets o f Spontaneous pneumothorax occurs when preexisting p u l
chyle from the pleural cavity, and by increasing the effective monary cavitary lesions rupture. It is m u c h less c o m m o n
ness of drainage, it can prolong the interval between thora than traumatic pneumothorax and occurs more often i n
cocenteses. dogs than cats. Rapid, profound respiratory distress occurs
A low-fat, nutritionally complete diet is fed (see Chapter i n the subset o f animals i n w h i c h a tension pneumothorax
54). In humans medium-chain triglyceride o i l is absorbed develops. Cavitary lesions can be congenital or idiopathic
directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the lymphatics, and or result from p r i o r trauma, chronic airway disease (e.g.,
can be used as a fat supplement. Unfortunately, i n dogs these idiopathic feline bronchitis), or Paragonimus infection.
triglycerides have been shown to enter the thoracic duct. Necrotic centers can develop i n neoplasms, thromboembo
Nevertheless, they can be added to the diet i f additional lized regions (e.g., from dirofilariasis), abscesses, and granu
calories are desired. lomas involving the airways, and these can rupture, allowing
Medical management may be facilitated by the adminis air to escape into the pleural space. (See Chapter 20 for
tration of rutin, a benzopyrone drug. R u t i n has been used i n further discussion o f cavitary lesions.)
humans for the treatment of lymphedema. It is thought to Thoracocentesis is useful for initial stabilization o f the
decrease the protein content o f the effusion by affecting animal's condition. If frequent thoracocentesis is needed to
thorax). In large dogs a one-way H e i m l i c h valve can be used
rather than suction.
Regardless of the treatment used, recurrence is a possibil
ity. Accurate diagnosis o f the underlying lung disease and
determination o f the extent o f involvement through a tho
racotomy assist i n determining the prognosis.

Neoplastic effusions resulting from mediastinal l y m p h o m a
are treated with radiation or chemotherapy (see Chapter 80).
Effusions caused by mesothelioma or carcinoma of the
pleural surfaces may respond to palliative therapy with intra
cavitary infusions o f cisplatin or carboplatin (see M o o r e ,
1992). Placement of pleuroperitoneal shunts or intermittent
FIG 25-4 thoracocentesis to alleviate the degree o f respiratory c o m
Blebs c a n b e seen in this intra-operative i m a g e of the lung promise can also be considered to prolong the life of patients
of a d o g that p r e s e n t e d with s p o n t a n e o u s p n e u m o t h o r a x . that have no clinical signs beyond those resulting from the
The s i z e of these b l e b s p r e c l u d e d their identification b y
accumulation o f pleural effusion.
either t h o r a c i c r a d i o g r a p h y o r c o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y .
(Courtesy Dr. G u i l l a u m e Pierre C h a n o i t . )
Suggested Readings
A u J) et al: Use of computed tomography for evaluation of lung
control the pneumothorax, a chest tube is placed (see Chapter lesions associated with spontaneous pneumothorax in dogs: 12
24). Dogs and cats are evaluated for underlying disease with cases (1999-2002), } Am Vet Med Assoc 228:733, 2006.
thoracic radiographs (repeated after full lung expansion), Fossum T W et al: Chylothorax in cats: 37 cases (1969-1989), ] Am
computed tomography o f the thorax, multiple fecal exami Vet Med Assoc 198:672, 1991.
Fossum T W et al: Chylothorax associated with right-sided heart
nations for Paragonimus ova (see Chapter 20), heartworm
failure in 5 cats, / Am Vet Med Assoc 204:84, 1994.
tests, and possibly tracheal wash fluid analysis or bronchos
Fossum TW: Small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2007, Mosby.
copy. C o m p u t e d tomography is m u c h more sensitive for the
Holtsinger R H et al: Spontaneous pneumothorax in the dog: a
identification o f bullae or blebs and should be performed retrospective analysis of 21 cases, ] Am Anim Hosp Assoc 29:195,
before thoracotomy. In a study by A u et al. (2006), thoracic 1993.
radiography identified bullae or blebs i n only 2 o f 12 dogs Lipscomb VJ et al: Spontaneous pneumothorax caused by pulmo
with spontaneous pneumothorax whereas computed tomog nary blebs and bullae in 12 dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 39:435,
raphy was successful i n identifying lesions i n 9 o f these 2003.
dogs. Moore AS: Chemotherapy for intrathoracic cancer in dogs and cats,
Patients w i t h Paragonimus infections generally respond to Problems in Vet Med 4:351, 1992.
medical treatment (See Chapter 22). Otherwise, surgical Piek CJ et al: Pyothorax in 9 dogs, Vet Q 22:107, 2000.
Puerto D A et al: Surgical and nonsurgical management of and
therapy is indicated for most animals. In a review of 21 cases,
selected risk factors for spontaneous pneumothorax in dogs: 64
Holtsinger et al. (1993) found that most dogs w i t h spontane
cases (1986-1999), J Am Vet Med Assoc 220:1670, 2002.
ous pneumothorax managed medically w i t h chest tubes and
Rooney M B et al: Medical and surgical treatment of pyothorax
suction ultimately required surgery during the initial hospi
in dogs: 26 cases (1991-2001), / Am Vet Med Assoc 221:86,
talization or u p o n subsequent recurrence o f pneumothorax 2002.
to resolve the problem. Because unobserved recurrence of Scott JA et al: Canine pyothorax: clinical presentation, diagnosis,
spontaneous pneumothorax can be fatal, conservative treat and treatment, Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet 25:180, 2003.
ment is believed to carry more risk than surgery. Further Smeak D D et al: Treatment of chronic pleural effusion with pleu
more, a report o f 64 cases by Puerto et al. (2002) showed that roperitoneal shunts in dogs: 14 cases (1985-1999), ] Am Vet Med
recurrence and mortality rates for dogs w i t h spontaneous Assoc 219:1590, 2001.
pneumothorax were lower i n dogs that had surgery c o m Thompson MS et al: Use of rutin for the medical management of
idiopathic chylothorax in four cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 215:245,
pared w i t h dogs that were treated conservatively. A median
sternotomy is generally recommended to allow exposure o f
Waddell LS et al: Risk factors, prognostic indicators, and outcome
all lung lobes because it is often not possible to localize all
of pyothorax in cats: 80 cases (1986-1999), J Am Vet Med Assoc
cavitary lesions preoperatively (Fig. 25-4). A b n o r m a l tissue 221:819, 2002.
is evaluated histologically and microbiologically for a defin Walker A L et al: Bacteria associated with pyothorax of dogs and
itive diagnosis. cats: 98 cases (1989-1998), J Am Vet Med Assoc 216:359, 2000.
Conservative therapy consists o f cage rest and chest tube White H L et al: Spontaneous pneumothorax in two cats with small
placement w i t h continuous suction (see the section o n pyo airway disease, J Am Vet Med Assoc 222:1573, 2003.
C H A P T E R 26

Emergency Management
of Respiratory Distress

tion, severe p u l m o n a r y parenchymal or vascular disease

(i.e., pulmonary thromboembolism), pleural effusion, or
pneumothorax. Respiratory distress can also occur as a result
of primary cardiac disease causing decreased perfusion, p u l
monary edema, or pleural effusion (see Chapter 1). In addi
Extrathoracic (Upper) Airway Obstruction
tion, noncardiopulmonary causes o f hyperpnea must be
Intrathoracic Large A i r w a y Obstruction
considered i n animals w i t h apparent distress, including
severe anemia, hypovolemia, acidosis, hyperthermia, and
neurologic disease. N o r m a l breath sounds may be increased
in dogs and cats with these diseases, but crackles or wheezes
are not expected.
A physical examination should be performed rapidly,
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS paying particular attention to the breathing pattern, auscul
tatory abnormalities o f the thorax and trachea, pulses, and
Respiratory distress, or dyspnea, refers to an abnormally mucous membrane color and perfusion. Attempts at stabiliz
increased effort i n breathing. Some authors prefer to use ing the animal's condition should then be made before i n i
terms such as hyperpnea and increased respiratory effort i n tiating further diagnostic testing.
reference to this abnormality because dyspnea and distress Dogs and cats i n shock should be treated appropriately
imply feelings that cannot be determined with certainty i n (see Chapter 30). M o s t animals i n severe respiratory distress
animals. Breathing difficulties are extremely stressful for benefit from decreased stress and activity, placement i n a
people and are likely so for dogs and cats as well. Dyspnea is cool environment, and oxygen supplementation. Cage rest is
also physically exhausting to the animal as a whole and to extremely important, and the least stressful method of
the respiratory musculature specifically. Animals i n respira oxygen supplementation should be used initially (see Chapter
tory distress at rest should be managed aggressively, and their 27). A n oxygen cage achieves both these goals, with the dis
clinical status should be frequently assessed. advantage that the animal is inaccessible. Sedation o f the
A dog or cat i n respiratory distress may show orthopnea, animal may be beneficial (Box 26-1). M o r e specific therapy
which is a difficulty in breathing i n certain positions. Animals depends o n the location and cause o f the respiratory distress
with orthopnea will assume a sitting or standing position (Table 26-1).
with their elbows abducted and neck extended. M o v e m e n t
of the abdominal muscles that assist ventilation may be exag
gerated. Cats normally have a m i n i m a l visible respiratory LARGE AIRWAY DISEASE
effort. Cats that show noticeable chest excursions or open-
mouth breathing are severely compromised. Cyanosis, i n Diseases of the large airways result i n respiratory distress by
which normally pink mucous membranes are bluish, is a obstructing the flow o f air into the lungs. For the purposes
sign of severe hypoxemia and indicates that the increased of these discussions, extrathoracic large airways (otherwise
respiratory effort is not sufficiently compensating for the k n o w n as upper airways) include the pharynx, larynx, and
degree of respiratory dysfunction. Pallor o f the mucous trachea p r o x i m a l to the thoracic inlet; intrathoracic large
membranes is a more c o m m o n sign o f acute hypoxemia airways include the trachea distal to the thoracic inlet and
resulting from respiratory disease than is cyanosis. bronchi. A n i m a l s presenting i n respiratory distress caused by
Respiratory distress caused by respiratory tract disease large airway obstruction typically have a markedly increased
most c o m m o n l y develops as a result o f large airway obstruc respiratory effort with a m i n i m a l l y increased respiratory rate
BOX 26-1
Drugs Used to Decrease Stress in Animals with Respiratory Distress

Upper A i r w a y Obstruction: Decreases Anxiety a n d Lessens Respiratory Efforts, Decreasing Negative Pressure
within Upper Airways

Acepromazine Dogs and cats 0.05 m g / k g IV, SQ

Morphine Dogs only, particularly 0.1 m g / k g IV; repeat q3min to effect; duration, 1-4 hr
brachycephalic dogs

Pulmonary Edema: Decreases Anxiety; Morphine Reduces Pulmonary Venous Pressure

Morphine Dogs only 0.1 m g / k g IV; repeat q3min to effect; duration, 1-4 hr
Acepromazine Dogs and cats 0.05 m g / k g IV, SQ; duration, 3-6 hr

Rib Fractures, After Thoracotomy, Other Trauma: Pain Relief

Hydromorphone Dogs 0.05 m g / k g IV, IM; can repeat IV q3mim to effect; duration, 2-4 hr
Cats 0.025-0.05 m g / k g IV, IM; can repeat IV q3min to effect but stop if mydriasis
occurs; duration, 2-4 hr
Butorphanol Cats 0.1 m g / k g IV, IM, SQ; can repeat IV q3min to effect; duration, 1-6 hr
Buprenorphine Dogs and cats 0.005 m g / k g IV, IM; repeat to effect; duration, 4-8 hr

IV, Intravenously; SQ, subcutaneously; IM, intramuscularly.

TABLE 26-1
Localization of Respiratory Tract Disease by Physical Examination Findings in Dogs and Cats with Severe
Respiratory Distress

Respiratory N1- N1-

Relative Inspiration Expiration T Expiration Inspiration N o difference T Inspiration
Audible Inpiratory stridor, Expiratory Rarely expiratory None None None
sounds stertor cough/wheeze wheeze
Auscultable Referred upper End expiratory Expiratory wheezes Breath Breath 4 Breath
sounds airway sounds; click; breath or breath sounds; sounds, sounds
breath sounds sounds; rarely, crackles crackles,
sounds breath sounds and/or
with air trapping wheezes

T, Slightly increased; , increased; , markedly increased; i , decreased; N1, normal. Normal respiratory rates for dogs and cats at rest
are 20/min. In the hospital setting, rates of 30/min are generally accepted as normal.

(see Table 26-1). Excursions o f the chest may be increased or stertor is usually heard, generally during inspiration.
(i.e., deep breaths are taken). Breath sounds are often A history o f voice change may be present with laryngeal
increased. disease.
Laryngeal paralysis and brachycephalic airway syndrome
EXTRATHORACIC (UPPER) are the most c o m m o n causes o f upper airway obstruction
AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION (see Chapter 18). Other laryngeal and pharyngeal diseases
Patients w i t h extrathoracic (upper) airway obstruction typ are listed i n Boxes 16-1 and 16-2. Severe tracheal collapse can
ically have the greatest breathing effort d u r i n g inspiration, result i n extrathoracic or intrathoracic large airway obstruc
w h i c h is generally prolonged relative to expiration. Stridor t i o n or both. Rarely, other diseases o f the extrathoracic
obstruction typically have the greatest breathing effort
during expiration, which is generally prolonged relative to
inspiration. The most c o m m o n cause o f intrathoracic large
airway obstruction is collapse o f the mainstem b r o n c h i
and/or intrathoracic trachea (tracheobronchomalacia; see
Chapter 21). A high-pitched, wheezing, coughlike sound is
often heard during expiration i n these patients, and crackles
or wheezes may be auscultated. Other differential diagnoses
include foreign body, advanced Oslerus infection, tracheal
neoplasia, tracheal stricture, and bronchial compression by
extreme hilar lymphadenopathy.
Sedation, oxygen supplementation, and m i n i m i z i n g stress
as described for the management o f upper airway obstruc
FIG 26-1 tion are often effective i n stabilizing these patients as well.
Patients with extrathoracic (upper) a i r w a y obstruction often H i g h doses o f hydrocodone or butorphenol w i l l provide
present in acute respiratory distress b e c a u s e of a progres cough suppression and sedation (see Chapter 21). Dogs w i t h
sive w o r s e n i n g of a i r w a y obstruction after a n e x a c e r b a t i n g
chronic bronchitis may benefit from bronchodilators and
event. M e d i c a l intervention is n e a r l y a l w a y s successful in
b r e a k i n g this c y c l e a n d s t a b i l i z i n g the patient's respiratory


trachea, such as foreign body, stricture, neoplasia, granu Diseases of the pulmonary parenchyma result i n hypoxemia
loma, and hypoplasia, result i n respiratory distress. and respiratory distress through a variety of mechanisms,
Patients with extrathoracic airway obstruction usually including the obstruction o f small airways (obstructive lung
present with acute distress i n spite of the chronic nature o f disease; e.g., idiopathic feline bronchitis); decreased p u l m o
most of these diseases because o f a vicious cycle of increased nary compliance (restrictive lung disease, " s t i f f lungs; e.g.,
respirations leading to increased obstruction, as described i n pulmonary fibrosis); and interference with pulmonary cir
Chapter 16. This cycle can almost always be broken with culation (e.g., pulmonary thromboembolism). The majority
medical management (Fig. 26-1). The patient is sedated (see of patients with p u l m o n a r y parenchymal disease, such
Box 26-1) and provided a cool, oxygen-rich environment as those w i t h pneumonias or p u l m o n a r y edema, develop
(e.g., oxygen cage). For dogs w i t h pharyngeal disease, p r i hypoxemia through a c o m b i n a t i o n of these mechanisms
marily brachycephalic airway syndrome, morphine is given. that contribute to V / Q mismatch (see Chapter 20), including
Otherwise, acepromazine is used. Subjectively, dogs with airway obstruction and alveolar flooding, and decreased
brachycephalic airway syndrome seem to have more diffi compliance.
culty maintaining a patent airway when sedated with Animals presenting i n respiratory distress caused by
acepromazine compared with morphine. Short-acting corti pulmonary parenchymal disease typically have a markedly
costeroids are thought by some to be effective i n decreasing increased respiratory rate (see Table 26-1). Patients with p r i
local inflammation (e.g., dexamethasone, 0.1 mg/kg intra marily obstructive disease, usually cats with bronchial disease,
venously [IV], or prednisolone sodium succinate, up to may have prolonged expiration relative to inspiration with
10 mg/kg I V ) . increased expiratory efforts. Expiratory wheezes are c o m
In rare cases, sedation and oxygen supplementation w i l l m o n l y auscultated. Patients with primarily restrictive disease,
not resolve the respiratory distress and the obstruction must usually dogs with pulmonary fibrosis, may have prolonged
be physically bypassed. Placement o f an endotracheal tube is inspiration relative to expiration and effortless expiration.
generally effective. A short-acting anesthetic agent is a d m i n Crackles are c o m m o n l y auscultated. Occasionally, cats with
istered. Long and narrow endotracheal tubes with stylets severe bronchial disease w i l l develop a restrictive breathing
should be available to pass by large or deep obstructions. If pattern i n association with air trapping and hyperinflation
an endotracheal tube cannot be placed, a transtracheal cath of the lungs. Other patients, with a combination of these
eter can be inserted distal to the obstruction (see Chapter processes occurring, have increased efforts during both
27). If a tracheostomy tube is needed, it can then be placed phases o f respiration; shallow breathing; and crackles,
under controlled, sterile conditions. It is rarely necessary to wheezes, or increased breath sounds o n auscultation. Dif
perform a nonsterile emergency tracheostomy. ferential diagnoses for dogs and cats w i t h p u l m o n a r y disease
are provided i n B o x 19-1.
INTRATHORACIC LARGE Oxygen therapy is the treatment o f choice for stabilizing
AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION dogs or cats with severe respiratory distress believed to
Respiratory distress caused by intrathoracic large airway be caused by p u l m o n a r y disease (see Chapter 27). B r o n c h o
obstruction is rare. Patients with intrathoracic large airway dilators, diuretics, or glucocorticoids can be considered
as additional treatments i f oxygen therapy alone is not Specimens obtained after initiating antibiotics are often
adequate. not diagnostic, even with continued progression o f signs.
Bronchodilators, such as short-acting theophyllines or However, airway sampling may not be possible i n these
-agonists, are used i f obstructive lung disease is suspected unstable patients. If sepsis is suspected, blood and urine
because they decrease bronchoconstriction. In combination cultures may be useful. The diagnosis and treatment of
with oxygen, they are the treatment o f choice for cats with bacterial and aspiration pneumonia are described in
signs o f bronchitis (see Chapter 21). Subcutaneous terbuta Chapter 22.
line (0.01 mg/kg, repeated i n 5 to 10 minutes i f necessary) If the dog or cat does not respond to this management, it
or albuterol administered by metered dose inhaler are most may be necessary to intubate the patient and institute posi
often used i n emergency situations. Bronchodilators are tive-pressure ventilation (see Chapter 27) until a diagnosis
described i n more detail i n Chapter 21 (see pp. 290 and 296 can be established and specific therapy initiated.
and B o x 21-2).
Diuretics, such as furosemide (2 mg/kg, administered
intravenously), are indicated for the management o f p u l m o PLEURAL SPACE DISEASE
nary edema. If edema is among the differential diagnoses o f
an unstable patient, a short trial o f furosemide therapy is Pleural space diseases cause respiratory distress by prevent
reasonable. However, potential complications o f diuretic ing normal lung expansion. They are similar mechanistically
use resulting from volume contraction and dehydration to restrictive lung disease. Animals presenting i n respiratory
should be taken into consideration. C o n t i n u e d use o f distress as a result o f pleural space disease typically have a
diuretics is contraindicated i n animals with exudative lung markedly increased respiratory rate (see Table 26-1). Rela
disease or bronchitis because systemic dehydration results tively increased inspiratory efforts may be noted but are not
in the drying o f airways and airway secretions. The muco always obvious. Decreased l u n g sounds on auscultation
ciliary clearance o f airway secretions and contaminants is distinguish patients with tachypnea caused by pleural space
decreased, and airways are further obstructed with mucus disease from patients with tachypnea caused by pulmonary
plugs. parenchymal disease. Increased abdominal excursions during
Glucocorticoids decrease inflammation. Rapid-acting breathing may be noted.
formulations, such as prednisolone sodium succinate (up to M o s t patients i n respiratory distress resulting from pleural
10 mg/kg, administered intravenously), are indicated for space disease have pleural effusion or pneumothorax (see
animals i n severe respiratory distress caused by the following Chapter 23). Other differential diagnoses are diaphragmatic
conditions: idiopathic feline bronchitis, thromboembolism hernia and mediastinal masses. If pleural effusion or pneu
after adulticide treatment for heartworms, allergic b r o n c h i mothorax is suspected to be causing respiratory distress,
tis, pulmonary parasitism, and respiratory failure soon after needle thoracocentesis (see Chapter 24) should be performed
the initiation o f treatment for p u l m o n a r y mycoses. Animals immediately before further diagnostic testing is performed
with other inflammatory diseases or acute respiratory dis or any drugs are administered. Oxygen can be provided by
tress syndrome may respond favorably to glucocorticoid mask while the procedure is performed, but successful drain
administration. The potential negative effects o f corticoste age o f the pleural space w i l l quickly improve the animal's
roids must be considered before their use. For example, the condition. Occasionally, emergency placement o f a chest
immunosuppressive effects o f these drugs can result i n the tube is necessary to evacuate rapidly accumulating air (see
exacerbation o f an infectious disease. A l t h o u g h the use Chapter 24).
of short-acting corticosteroids for the acute stabilization o f As m u c h fluid or air should be removed as possible.
such cases probably w i l l not greatly interfere with appropri The exception is i n animals with acute hemothorax.
ate antimicrobial therapy, long-acting agents and prolonged Hemothorax is usually the result o f trauma or rodenticide
administration should be avoided. Glucocorticoid therapy intoxication. The respiratory distress associated with hemo
potentially interferes w i t h the results o f future diagnostic thorax is often the result o f acute b l o o d loss rather than
tests, particularly i f l y m p h o m a is a differential diagnosis. an inability to expand the lungs. In this situation, as little
Appropriate diagnostic tests are performed once the patient volume as is needed to stabilize the animal's condition is
can tolerate the stress. removed. The remainder w i l l be reabsorbed (autotransfu
Broad-spectrum antibiotics are administered i f there is sion), to the benefit of the animal. Aggressive fluid therapy
evidence o f sepsis (e.g., fever, neutrophilic leukocytosis with is indicated.
left shift and moderate to marked toxicity o f neutrophils) or
a high degree of suspicion o f bacterial or aspiration pneu Suggested Readings
monia. Note that airway specimens (usually tracheal wash) Hansen BD: Analgesic therapy, Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet 16:868,
should be obtained for culture if at all possible before initiat 1994.
ing broad-spectrum antibiotics i n order to confirm the diag Mathews KA et al: Analgesia and chemical restraint for the emer
nosis o f bacterial infection and to obtain susceptibility data. gent patient. Vet Clin N Am: Small Anim Pract 35:481, 2005.
C H A P T E R 27

Ancillary Therapy:
Oxygen Supplementation
and Ventilation

tilators designed for long-term use have a heated humidifier

incorporated into their design. H u m i d i t y exchange filters,
which can also be attached to tracheal and endotracheal
tubes, function by retaining moisture from exhaled air and
Oxygen Masks
adding it to inhaled air. These filters can support bacterial
Oxygen Hoods
growth and must be replaced daily. Nebulization can also be
Nasal Catheters
used to add moisture to the airways. Less effective methods
Transtracheal Catheters
of hydration can be used i f other options are not available,
Endotracheal Tubes
such as instillation o f sterile 0.9% s o d i u m chloride solution
Tracheal Tubes
directly into tubes or catheters. Some water vapor can also
Oxygen Cages
be added to the oxygen by incorporating pass-over or bubble
humidifiers i n the system.
The inhalation o f air with greater than 50% oxygen is
toxic to the p u l m o n a r y epithelium. P u l m o n a r y function
OXYGEN SUPPLEMENTATION deteriorates, and death can result. A i r with greater than 50%
oxygen is therefore not provided for longer than 12 hours. If
Oxygen supplementation is generally indicated to m a i n higher concentrations are necessary to maintain adequate
tain arterial blood oxygen pressures (PaO ) at more than
2 arterial oxygen concentrations, ventilatory support is
60 m m H g . Oxygen supplementation is indicated i n every initiated.
dog or cat with signs of respiratory distress or labored
breathing. Cyanosis is another clear indication. Whenever OXYGEN MASKS
possible, the cause o f hypoxemia should be identified and Oxygen masks are useful for short-term supplementation.
specific treatment initiated as well. Assisted ventilation is The animal experiences m i n i m a l stress, and manipulations
indicated for animals with an inadequate arterial oxygen such as venous catheter placement and thoracocentesis can
concentration despite supplementation and for animals with be performed. A snug fit is desirable to decrease the volume
arterial carbon dioxide pressures exceeding 60 m m H g (see of dead space, and a relatively high flow rate is necessary
Chapter 20). (Table 27-1). Sterile eye ointment is applied to prevent desic
The inhaled concentration o f oxygen can be supple cation of the corneas.
mented by the administration of 100% oxygen by mask,
hood, nasal catheter, transtracheal catheter, endotracheal OXYGEN HOODS
tube, tracheal tube, or oxygen cage. Administration of oxygen Oxygen hoods that can be placed over the animal's head are
by nasal catheter is very well suited to most practices. available. W i t h some, the animals must be laterally recum
W h e n administering 100% oxygen to an animal, the c l i n i bent and still, l i m i t i n g the use of hoods to animals recovering
cian must consider the anhydrous nature of pure oxygen and from anesthesia, those that are severely depressed, and those
the toxic effects of oxygen in a high concentration. Because that are heavily sedated (Fig. 27-1). Others are designed to
oxygen from tanks contains no water, drying of the airways completely surround the animal's head and are attached
can occur quickly, particularly i f the nasal cavity has been around the neck. O n e design is an adaptation o f an Elizabe
completely bypassed by catheters or tubes. A l l animals with than collar ( O x y H o o d , Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc.). In
respiratory tract diseases should be systemically hydrated. some situations oxygen hoods may be better tolerated than
Moisture must be added to the airways o f animals receiving oxygen masks, and it may take less manpower to care for an
oxygen by catheter or tube for longer than a few hours. V e n animal for w h i c h one is being used than an animal with an
TABLE 27-1
M a x i m u m Achievable Oxygen Concentrations and Associated F l o w Rates for V a r i o u s Methods o f Supplementation


Mask 50-60 8-12 L/min

N a s a l catheter 50 6-8 L/min o r 5 0 - 1 5 0 m L / k g / m i n
Transtracheal catheter 30-40 1-2 L/min
E n d o t r a c h e a l tube 100 0.2 L/kg/min
T r a c h e a l tube 100 0.2 L/kg/min
Oxygen cage 60 2-3*

From Court M H et al: Inhalation therapy: oxygen administration, humidification, and aerosol therapy, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract
15:1041, 1985.
* After cage is filled, flow is adjusted based on oxygen concentration as measured by oxygen sensor.

FIG 2 7 - 2
D o g with intranasal catheter in p l a c e for delivery of o x y g e n .
The catheter is sutured to the m u z z l e less than 1 c m from its
exit from the naris a n d is further a n c h o r e d with sutures to
FIG 2 7 - 1 the face s o that it exits b e h i n d the a n i m a l ' s h e a d . A n
A n o x y g e n h o o d c a n b e used for recumbent a n i m a l s a s a E l i z a b e t h a n c o l l a r is routinely used to prevent the a n i m a l
substitute for a n o x y g e n mask. In this patient o x y g e n is from r e m o v i n g the catheter.
b e i n g d e l i v e r e d through a n o p e n i n g in the top of the h o o d ,
a n d the light blue o p e n i n g that will a c c o m m o d a t e s t a n d a r d
anesthesia tubing is left o p e n for circulation of air. R e g a r d with nasal secretions, however. Soft red rubber or infant
less of the method used to i n c r e a s e the o x y g e n in inspired feeding tubes or polyurethane catheters can be used. Tube
air, a m e a n s for e s c a p e of e x p i r e d C O is essential.
size is based o n patient size. In general, a 3.5 to 5 French tube
( D i s p o s a - H o o d , Utah M e d i c a l Products, Inc., M i d v a l e , Utah.)
is used for cats, and a 5 to 8 French tube is used for dogs.
The method o f placement has been described by
Fitzpatrick et al. (1986). First, the length o f tubing to be
oxygen mask. A means for escape o f exhaled air must always inserted into the nasal cavity is measured against the head
be provided to prevent the buildup o f C O 2 within the hood. of the animal. The tubing should reach the level of the car
nassial tooth. Sedation is rarely necessary. A water-soluble
NASAL CATHETERS lubricant or 0.2% lidocaine jelly is applied to the length of
Nasal catheters can be used for long-term oxygen supple the catheter that will be within the nasal cavity. Next, 0.2%
mentation (Fig. 27-2). The animal is relatively free to move lidocaine is dripped gently into the nasal cavity through the
and is accessible for evaluation and treatment. M o s t animals naris with the animal's nose pointed upward. The catheter is
tolerate the catheter well. Catheters can become obstructed then passed through the naris, initially aimed dorsomedially
through the naris, then immediately ventromedially. Once TRACHEAL TUBES
the correct length o f catheter has been inserted, it is gently Tracheal tubes are placed through the tracheal rings and
bent beneath the lateral cartilage and sutured to the muzzle are readily tolerated by conscious animals. It is rare that an
no farther than 1 c m caudal to the exit from the naris. The animal requires an emergency tracheostomy. Nearly all such
catheter can be further anchored to the face with sutures, animals can be stabilized using other techniques. Thus tra
traveling between the eyes to behind the animal's head. A n cheal tubes can be placed using a careful, sterile surgical
Elizabethan collar is placed on the patient to prevent the technique. Tracheal tubes are generally used for the manage
animal from removing the catheter. ment o f animals with an upper airway obstruction. R o o m
A sterile intravenous set can be connected to the catheter. air often contains adequate oxygen for use i n animals with
The intravenous line can be attached to a half-filled bottle an upper airway obstruction once the obstruction has been
of sterile saline solution and positioned above the fluid level. bypassed.
Oxygen is then delivered through the bottle, below the fluid The tube itself should have a diameter nearly as wide as
level, providing some moisture as the oxygen bubbles through the tracheal lumen and a length o f 5 to 10 rings. It is neces
the saline. sary to use high-volume, low-pressure cuffs to prevent tra
cheal damage and subsequent stricture. D o u b l e - l u m e n tubes
TRANSTRACHEAL CATHETERS are ideal for this method. The inner tube can be removed for
Oxygen can be administered through a jugular catheter cleaning and replaced easily. Single-lumen tubes also work
placed with a sterile technique through the trachea. This and may be necessary i n small animals.
approach is particularly useful for the emergency stabi Tracheal tubes are usually placed with the animal anes
lization o f animals with an upper airway obstruction. thetized with a short-acting agent. The trachea is exposed
Branditz et al. (1989) have described a method for cardio through a ventral midline incision made just beneath the
pulmonary resuscitation that can be performed by one larynx. The trachea is entered through an incision made a
person by administering oxygen at a high flow rate o f few rings below the cricoid cartilage, parallel to the trachea
15 L / m i n through a tracheal catheter. In this method a large and perpendicular to the rings, and through just enough
jugular catheter is placed as described for transtracheal rings to allow passage o f the tube. Either end o f the incision
washing (see Chapter 20). can be widened with a small transverse incision. Stay sutures
are placed on each side o f the incision to facilitate initial
ENDOTRACHEAL TUBES placement o f the tube as well as later replacement i f the
Endotracheal tubes are used to administer oxygen during tube is accidentally or intentionally removed. The tube is
surgical procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. then inserted into the opening. W i t h m i n i m a l pressure o n
They can be used to bypass most upper airway obstructions the airway, it is tied with gauze around the neck o f the
for emergency stabilization. Pure oxygen can be adminis animal. Few or no sutures are used to close the incision to
tered for short periods. Longer supplementation requires prevent the collection o f air subcutaneously. A gauze sponge
the mixing of 100% oxygen with r o o m air. Ventilation can with a slit cut i n it and coated with antiseptic ointment can
be provided with a cuffed endotracheal tube. T r a u m a to the be placed over the incision and around the tube.
trachea is decreased through the use o f high-volume, low- The tube must be monitored for obstruction and
pressure cuffs and by inflating the cuff with the least amount cleaned. The inner tube o f double-lumen tubes can be easily
of pressure necessary to create a seal. If positive-pressure removed for this purpose. The tube is cleaned every 30 to
ventilation is not being used, the cuff can remain deflated. 60 minutes initially, with the interval increased as less
Because endotracheal tubes are not tolerated by alert secretions accumulate. Sterile technique is used when han
animals, tracheal tubes are preferred for long-term manage dling the tubes, and they must be replaced i f they become
ment. Conscious animals i n which endotracheal tubes are contaminated.
used must be given sedatives, analgesics, paralyzing agents, Single-lumen tubes are difficult to remove and replace
or a combination of these drugs. The combination o f hydro safely for the first few days unless stay sutures are left i n place.
morphone and diazepam is adequate i n some animals. Pen Periodic cleaning can be performed with the tube i n place.
tobarbital, administered intravenously to effect, can be added Sterile saline solution is instilled into the tube for this
if necessary. The combination o f ketamine and Valium may purpose. T o perform suctioning, a sterile urinary catheter
be safer for the initial intubation o f patients that are hypox with several openings at the end is attached to a suction unit
emic. Following intubation and improvement i n hypoxemia, and passed through the tube. The trachea and tracheal tube
morphine and pancuronium can be given. are then suctioned to remove secretions. Suctioning is per
The cuff should be deflated when possible to m i n i m i z e formed for short intervals to allow the lungs to reinflate.
tracheal damage. The tube must be cleaned periodically to Cleaning is performed every few hours initially, then less
remove secretions (see the recommendations for tracheal frequently i f secretions are not accumulating.
tube cleaning), and frequent flushing o f the oral cavity is A smaller tube can be used once the animal is able to
performed. Moisture must be added to the inspired gases, as oxygenate adequately with r o o m air. The tube can be removed
previously discussed. when the animal can oxygenate by breathing around a small
tube with the lumen obstructed. The incision is allowed to Animals with severe lung disease may be unable to main
heal without suturing. The tip o f the tube is cultured for tain adequate oxygenation without ventilatory support.
bacteria. Positive-pressure ventilation is routinely necessary for the
Antibiotics are not administered prophylactically. A n y management of patients with acute respiratory distress syn
existing infection or infections that occur during therapy are drome ( A R D S ; see Chapter 22, p. 319). As previously noted,
treated on the basis o f culture and sensitivity information. the long-term administration o f air with an oxygen concen
tration greater than 50% results i n serious lung damage. If
OXYGEN CAGES the PaO cannot be maintained at greater than 60 m m H g

Oxygen cages provide an oxygen-enriched environment without excessive oxygen supplementation, ventilatory
with m i n i m a l stress to animals. However, the animal is support is indicated.
isolated from direct contact, which can be a disadvantage. The delivery o f air by positive pressure is different from
Other environmental factors, such as humidity, temperature, the normal inhalation of air by negative pressure. W i t h pos
and carbon dioxide concentration, must be monitored and itive pressure, the distribution of ventilation within the lungs
controlled or extreme stress and even death can occur. The is altered. The intrathoracic pressure increases each time the
animal is totally dependent on proper cage function. The lungs are filled with air, which results i n decreased venous
ability o f the cage to maintain the correct environment varies return to the heart. A l o n g with other effects, systemic hypo
with the specific cage as well as with each animal. C o m m e r tension results and can be severe enough to cause acute renal
cial cages are available for veterinary use. Incubators from failure. Compliance o f the lungs also decreases over time i n
h u m a n hospitals can be modified for small animals. animals receiving positive-pressure ventilation. As the lungs
become stiffer, greater pressures are necessary to expand
them. Careful m o n i t o r i n g o f animals is essential during ven
VENTILATORY SUPPORT tilation. Important variables to monitor include blood gas
values, compliance, mucous membrane color, capillary refill
The purposes o f ventilatory support are to decrease the time, pulse quality, arterial blood pressure, central venous
retention o f carbon dioxide and to improve oxygenation. pressure, lung sounds, and urine output. The extensive
Ventilatory support is labor intensive and associated with nursing care and monitoring required for these patients
complications, however. It is used when other means o f usually limit the use o f long-term ventilatory support to
respiratory support are not adequate. large referral hospitals.
The retention o f carbon dioxide, or hypercapnia, occurs
i n animals that are unable to ventilate adequately. Spontane Suggested Readings
ous ventilation can be impaired by neurologic dysfunction, Branditz FK et al: Continuous transtracheal oxygen delivery during
such as that w h i c h occurs with severe head trauma, polyneu cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an alternative method of ventila
ropathies, and some toxicities. Ventilatory support is recom tion in a canine model, Chest 95:441, 1989.
mended i n such animals i f the PaCO level increases to more
Court M H et al: Inhalation therapy: oxygen administration, humid
than 60 m m H g . Hypoventilation caused by a pleural effu ification, and aerosol therapy, Vet Clin North Am Small Anim
sion or pneumothorax is treated by removing the fluid or Pract 15:1041, 1985.
air, not by positive-pressure ventilation. Hypoventilation Fitzpatrick RK et al: Nasal oxygen administration in dogs and cats:
experimental and clinical investigations, ] Am Anim Hosp Assoc
caused by an upper airway obstruction is treated by estab
22:293, 1986.
lishing a patent airway.
McKiernan BC: Principles of respiratory therapy. In Kirk RW,
A n i m a l s with cerebral edema, usually caused by trauma, editor: Current veterinary therapy VIII, Philadelphia, 1983, WB
may benefit from ventilatory support to maintain the PaCO 2
Saunders, p 216.
within 20 to 30 m m H g . The resultant decrease i n b l o o d flow Moon PF et al: Mechanical ventilation. In Kirk RW et al, editors:
to the brain may decrease the total intracranial volume, Current veterinary therapy XI, Philadelphia, 1992, WB Saunders,
thereby decreasing pressure on the brain. p 98.
Drugs Used i n Respiratory Disorders

GENERIC N A M E TRADE N A M E DOGS (mg/kg*) CATS ( m g / k g * )

Acepromazine 0.05 IV, IM, S C (maximum, 4 mg) 0.05 IV, IM, S C (maximum, 1 mg)
Amikacin Amiglyde 5-10 IV, S C q8h Same
Aminophylline 11 P O , IV, IM q8h 5 P O , IV, IM q12h
Amoxicillin Amoxi-tab 22 P O q8-12h Same
Amoxicillin-clavulanate Clavamox 20-25 P O q8h Same
Ampicillin 22 P O , IV, S C q8h Same
Ampicillin-sulbactam Unasyn 22 m g / k g (ampicillin) IV q8h Same
Atropine 0.05 S C Same
Azithromycin Zithromax 5-10 m g / k g P O q24h for 3 days, 5-10 m g / k g P O q24h for 3 days,
then q 4 8 - 7 2 h then q72h
Butorphanol Torbutrol 0.5 P O q6-l 2h (antitussive) Not recommended
Cefazolin 20-25 IM, IV q8h Same
Cephalexin Keflex 20-40 P O q8h Same
Cetirizine Zyrtec 1 P O q24h
Chloramphenicol 5 0 P O , IV, S C q8h 10-15 P O , IV, S C q12h
Chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton 4-8 m g / d o g q8-12h 2 mg/cat q8-l 2h
Clindamycin Antirobe 5.5-11 P O , IV, S C q12h Same
Cyclophosphamide Cytoxan 2
5 0 m g / m P O q48h Same
Cyproheptadine Periactin 2 mg/cat P O q12h
Dexamethasone Azium 0.1-0.2 IV q l 2 h Same
Dextromethorphan 1-2 P O q6-8h Not recommended
Diazepam Valium 0.2-0.5 IV
Diphenhydramine Benadryl 1 IM; 2-4 P O Same
Doxycycline 5-10 P O , IV q12h Same
Enrofloxacin Baytril 10-20 P O , IV, S C q24h
Fenbendazole (for Panacur 25-50 m g / k g P O q12h for 14 Same
lungworms) days
Furosemide Lasix 2 P O , IV, IM q8-12h Same
Glycopyrrolate 0.005 IV, S C Same
Heparin 200-300 U / k g S C q8h Same
Hydrocodone bitartrate Hycodan 0.25 P O q6-12h Not recommended
Hydromorphone 0.05 IV, IM; can repeat IV q3min 0.025-0.05 IV, IM; can repeat IV
to effect; duration 2-4h q3min to effect; stop if
mydriasis occurs
Itraconazole (for Sporanox 5 PO q l 2 h with food
Ivermectin See text for specific parasites See text for specific parasites
Ketamine Ketaset Vetalar 2-5 IV
Lysine 5 0 0 mg/cat P O q l 2 h
Marbofloxacin Zeniquin 3-5.5 P O q24h Same
Meropenem Merrem IV 8 IV, S C q8h Same
Methylprednisolone acetate Depo-Medrol 10 mg/cat IM q2-4 weeks
Metronidazole Flagyl 10 PO q8h 10 PO q l 2 h
0.5-1 P O q7-10d for 3 treatments
Milbemycin (for nasal mites) Interceptor -
Morphine 0.1 IV; repeat q3min to effect;
duration l-4h
Oxtriphylline Choledyl 14 P O q8h
Oxymetazoline 0.025% Afrin (0.025%) 1 drop/nostril q24h for 3 days,
then withhold for 3 days
Phenylephrine 0.25% Neo-Synephrine 1 drop/nostril q24h for 3 days,
(0.25%) then withhold for 3 days
Praziquantel (for Droncit 23 P O q8h for 3 days Same

Drugs Used in Respiratory Disorderscont'd
GENERIC N A M E TRADE N A M E DOGS (mg/kg*) CATS ( m g / k g * )

Prednisone 0.25-2 P O q l 2 h Same

Prednisolone sodium Solu-Delta-Cortef Up to 10 IV Same
Sildenafil Viagra 0.5 q 1 2 h ; increase to effect up to
2 q8h
Terbutaline Brethine 1.25-5 m g / d o g P O q8-12h 1/8-1/4 of 2.5-mg tablet/cat q12h
P O to start; 0.01 mg/kg S C ,
repeat once in 5-10 min if
Tetracycline 22 P O q8h Same
Tetracycline ophthalmic q4-8h
Theophylline base 9 P O q8h 4 PO q l 2 h
(immediate release)
Theophylline (long- 10 P O q l 2 h 15 P O q24h in evening
acting formulations)
Trimethoprim- Tribrissen 15-30 P O q12h Same
Vitamin K1 Mephyton 2-5 P O , S C , q24h Same
Warfarin Coumadin 0.1-0.2 P O q24h 0.5 mg/cat

IV, Intravenous; IM, intramuscular; S C , subcutaneous; P O , by mouth.

*Unless otherwise noted.
Dosages are for theophylline SR (Theochron or TheoCap, Inwood Laboratories, Inwood, N.Y.). Because of differences in available products,
appropriate dosages are uncertain and therapeutic monitoring of animals should be considered. See Chapter 21 for further discussion.

M i c h a e l D. W i l l a r d

C H A P T E R 28

Clinical Manifestations of
Gastrointestinal Disorders

onset, the clinician usually should first consider foreign

objects or trauma as the cause i n such an animal. The envi
ronment and vaccination history should also be assessed to
determine whether rabies is a possibility.
The next step is a thorough oral, laryngeal, and cranial
examination. This examination is often the most important
diagnostic step because most problems producing oral pain
can be partially or completely defined o n the basis of physical
examination findings. Ideally, this is done without chemical
restraint to allow pain to be detected. However, the animal
often must be anesthetized for the oral examination to be
performed adequately. A search for anatomic abnormalities,
inflammatory lesions, pain, and discomfort should always
be made. If pain is found, the clinician should determine
whether it occurs when the m o u t h is opened (e.g., retrobulbar
inflammation), is associated with extraoral structures (e.g.,
muscles o f mastication), or originates from the oral cavity.
The clinician should also search for fractures, lacerations,
crepitus, masses, enlarged l y m p h nodes, inflamed or ulcer
ated areas, draining tracts, loose teeth, excessive temporal
muscle atrophy, inability to open the m o u t h while the animal
is under anesthesia, and ocular problems (e.g., proptosis of
the eye, inflammation, or strabismus suggestive of retrobul
DYSPHAGIA, HALITOSIS, bar disease). If oral pain is apparent but cannot be localized,
AND DROOLING retrobulbar lesions, temporomandibular joint disease, and
posterior pharyngeal lesions should be considered. A concur
Dysphagia, halitosis, and drooling may co-exist i n many rent clinicopathologic evaluation may be useful, especially i f
animals with oral disease. Dysphagia (i.e., difficulty i n eating) oral examination findings indicate the presence o f systemic
usually results from oral pain, masses, foreign objects, disease (e.g., lingual necrosis resulting from uremia, chronic
trauma, neuromuscular dysfunction, or a combination o f infection secondary to hyperadrenocorticism).
these (Box 28-1). Halitosis typically signifies an abnormal Biopsies should be done o f mucosal lesions (e.g., masses,
bacterial proliferation secondary to tissue necrosis, tartar, inflamed or ulcerated areas) and painful muscles o f mastica
periodontitis, or the oral or esophageal retention o f food tion. Masses that do not disrupt the mucosa, especially those
(Box 28-2). Drooling occurs because animals are unable to on the midline and dorsal to the larynx, can be difficult to
or are i n too much pain to swallow (i.e., pseudoptyalism). discern and are sometimes found only by careful digital pal
Excessive salivation is usually due to nausea; animals that are pation. Fine-needle aspiration and cytologic evaluation are
not nauseated rarely produce excessive saliva (Box 28-3). reasonable first steps for the diagnosis o f masses. Remember
Although any disease causing dysphagia may have an acute that fine-needle aspirates can only find disease; they cannot
BOX 28-1

Causes of Dysphagia

O r a l Pain O r a l Mass

Fractured bones o r teeth Tumor ( m a l i g n a n t o r benign)

Trauma Eosinophilic g r a n u l o m a
Periodontitis o r caries (especially cats) Foreign o b j e c t (oral, p h a r y n g e a l , o r laryngeal)
M a n d i b u l a r o r m a x i l l a r y osteomyelitis Retropharyngeal lymphadenomegally
O t h e r causes I n f l a m m a t o r y p o l y p o f m i d d l e e a r (primarily cats)
Retrobulbar a b s c e s s / i n f l a m m a t i o n Sialocele
Various other abscesses o r g r a n u l o m a s o f the o r a l cavity
Oral Trauma
Temporal-masseter myositis
Stomatitis, glossitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, tonsillitis, o r Fractured bones ( e . g . , m a n d i b l e , maxilla)
sialoadenitis Soft tissue laceration
I m m u n e - m e d i a t e d disease Hematoma
Feline v i r a l rhinotracheitis, c a l i c i v i r u s , leukemia virus, o r
N e u r o m u s c u l a r Disease
i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus
Lingual foreign objects, other foreign objects, or Localized myasthenia
granulomas Temporal-masseter myositis
Tooth root abscess T e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r joint disease
Uremia O r a l , p h a r y n g e a l , o r c r i c o p h a r y n g e a l dysfunction
Electrical c o r d burn Cricopharyngeal achalasia
M i s c e l l a n e o u s causes Tick paralysis
Thallium Rabies
Caustics Tetanus
Pain a s s o c i a t e d w i t h s w a l l o w i n g : e s o p h a g e a l stricture o r Botulism
esophagitis Various c r a n i a l nerve d y s f u n c t i o n s / C N S disease

BOX 28-2 BOX 28-3

Causes of Halitosis Major Causes of Drooling

Bacterial Causes Ptyalism

Food retained in the mouth Nausea

A n a t o m i c defect a l l o w i n g retention (exposed tooth roots, H e p a t i c e n c e p h a l o p a t h y (especially feline)
tumor, l a r g e ulcer) Seizure activity
N e u r o m u s c u l a r defect a l l o w i n g retention (pharyngeal C h e m i c a l or toxic stimulation of salivation (organophospha
dysphagia) tes, caustics, bitter drugs [ e . g . , atropine, metronidazole])
Food retained in the e s o p h a g u s Behavior
Tartar o r p e r i o d o n t i t i s Hyperthermia
D a m a g e d o r a l tissue
S a l i v a r y g l a n d hypersecretion
N e o p l a s i a / g r a n u l o m a o f mouth o r e s o p h a g u s
Severe stomatitis/glossitis Pseudoptyalism
O r a l p a i n , especially stomatitis, glossitis, gingivitis, p h a r y n
Eating N o x i o u s Substances
gitis, tonsillitis, o r sialoadenitis (see Box 28-1)
Necrotic or odoriferous food O r a l o r p h a r y n g e a l d y s p h a g i a (see Box 28-1)
Feces Facial nerve paralysis

exclude disease. Subtle masses or those dorsal to the larynx caused by n o r m a l oral flora. Biopsies o f these lesions are
may sometimes be aspirated more accurately w i t h ultraso often not done aggressively because they bleed profusely and
nographic guidance. M u l t i p l e aspirations are usually done are hard to suture. The clinician should avoid major vessels
before a wedge or p u n c h biopsy is performed. (e.g., the palatine artery) and use silver nitrate to stop hem
Incisional biopsy specimens must include generous orrhage. It is better to have difficulty stopping hemorrhage
amounts o f submucosal tissues. M a n y oral tumors cannot be after obtaining an adequate biopsy specimen than less
diagnosed o n the basis o f findings from superficial biopsy difficulty stopping hemorrhage after obtaining a nondiag
specimens because o f superficial necrosis and i n f l a m m a t i o n nostic specimen. If diffuse oral mucosal lesions are noted,
search carefully for vesicles (e.g., pemphigus), and i f these graphic studies (e.g., cinefluoroscopy or fluoroscopy) are
are found, remove them intact for histopathologic and best for detecting and defining neuromuscular dysphagia. If
immunofluorescent studies. If vesicles are not found, then at neuromuscular problems are seemingly ruled out by these
least two or three tissue samples representing a spectrum o f radiographic studies, then anatomic lesions and occult causes
new and old lesions should be submitted for analysis. of pain (e.g., soft tissue inflammation or infection) must be
If oral examination findings are not helpful, plain oral reconsidered.
and laryngeal radiographs are usually the best next steps.
Oral cultures are rarely cost-effective because the n o r m a l
oral flora makes interpretation of the results difficult. Even DISTINGUISHING REGURGITATION
animals with severe halitosis or stomatitis secondary to bac FROM VOMITING
terial infection rarely benefit from bacterial culture, unless FROM EXPECTORATION
there is a draining tract or abscess.
Halitosis often accompanies dysphagia, i n w h i c h case it is Regurgitation is the expulsion o f material (i.e., food, water,
usually more productive to determine the cause o f the dys saliva) from the mouth, pharynx, or esophagus. It must be
phagia. If halitosis occurs without dysphagia, the clinician differentiated from v o m i t i n g (the expulsion of material from
should first be sure that the odor is abnormal and then check the stomach and/or intestines) and expectoration (the expul
for the ingestion o f odoriferous substances (e.g., feces). A sion o f material from the respiratory tract). Historical and
thorough oral examination is still the most important test. physical examination findings sometimes allow differentia
Halitosis not attributable to an oropharyngeal lesion may be tion o f these three (Table 28-1). Expectoration is generally
originating from the esophagus. Contrast-enhanced radio associated with coughing at the time o f the event. However,
graphs or esophagoscopy may reveal the presence o f tumors because dogs that cough and gag excessively may stimulate
or retained food secondary to stricture or weakness. If the themselves to v o m i t as well, careful history taking is i m p o r
history and oral examination are unrevealing except for the tant. Animals that regurgitate and occasionally those that
finding of mild-to-moderate tartar accumulation, the teeth vomit may cough as a result o f aspiration, but oral expulsion
should be cleaned to try to alleviate the problem. is not consistently correlated with coughing in these patients.
Drooling is usually caused by nausea, oral pain, or dys The criteria i n Table 28-1 are only guidelines. Some
phagia. The approach to the diagnosis of oral pain and dys animals that appear to be regurgitating are v o m i t i n g and vice
phagia is described under the appropriate headings. Nausea
is considered in the section on vomiting.
Dysphagic animals without demonstrable lesions or pain
may have neuromuscular disease. Dysphagia of muscular TABLE 2 8 -
origin usually results from atrophic myositis (see Chapter
Aids to Differentiate Regurgitation from Vomiting*
31). The finding of swollen, painful temporal muscles sug
gests acute myositis. The combination o f severe temporal- SIGN REGURGITATION VOMITING
masseter muscle atrophy and difficulty opening the m o u t h
Prodromal n a u s e a t No Usually
(even when the animal is anesthetized) is suggestive o f
Retching No Usually
chronic temporal-masseter myositis. Biopsy o f affected
Material produced
muscles is indicated, but the clinician must ensure that
muscle tissue is retrieved; it is easy to obtain only fibrous scar No
tissue. It may help to have serum analyzed for antibodies to Blood (undigested) (digested or
type 2 M muscle fibers, a finding consistent with masticatory undigested)
muscle myositis but not polymyopathy. A m o u n t of material A n y amount A n y amount
Neurogenic dysphagia is caused by disorders i n the oral Time relative to Anytime Anytime
(i.e., also called prehensile), pharyngeal, or cricopharyngeal eating
phases of swallowing (disorders o f the latter two phases are Distention o f c e r v i c a l No
discussed in the section on regurgitation). Rabies should esophagus
Dipstick analysis of
always be considered, despite its relative rarity. After rabies
is presumptively ruled out, cranial nerve deficits (especially
pH >7 <5 or >8
deficits of cranial nerves V , V I I , I X , XII) should be consid
Bile No
ered. Because the clinical signs vary depending o n the nerve
(or nerves) affected, a careful neurologic examination must T h e s e a r e guidelines that often help distinguish v o m i t i n g from
be done. regurgitation. However, occasional animals will require plain a n d /

Inability to pick up food or having food drop from the o r c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d r a d i o g r a p h s to d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n the t w o .

May include salivation, licking lips, p a c i n g , a n d a n a n x i o u s
mouth while eating usually indicates a prehensile disorder.
e x p r e s s i o n . The o w n e r m a y s i m p l y state t h a t t h e a n i m a l is a w a r e
Dysphagia may be noticeable in dogs and cats with pharyn that it w i l l s o o n " v o m i t . "
geal and cricopharyngeal dysfunction, but regurgitation is These a r e u s u a l l y f o r c e f u l , v i g o r o u s a b d o m i n a l c o n t r a c t i o n s o r d r y
often more prominent. D y n a m i c contrast-enhanced radio h e a v e s . This is n o t t o b e c o n f u s e d w i t h g a g g i n g .
versa. If the clinician cannot distinguish between the two o n lowing, repeated efforts at swallowing, food falling from the
the basis o f the history and physical examination findings, m o u t h during swallowing) if it is present. Some animals with
he or she may use a urine dipstick to determine the p H and dysphagia associated with neuromuscular disorders have
whether there is bilirubin i n freshly "vomited" material. If the more difficulty swallowing liquids than solid foods, probably
p H is 5 or less, the material has originated from the stomach because it is easier to aspirate liquids. Attempts to swallow
and probably resulted from vomiting. If the p H is more than water may produce coughing i n these animals.
7 and there is no evidence of bilirubin, this is most consistent If a regurgitating animal is dysphagic, oral, pharyngeal,
with regurgitation. The presence of bilirubin indicates that and cricopharyngeal dysfunctions should be considered;
the material has originated from the duodenum (i.e., vomit the latter two m i m i c each other. Fluoroscopic evaluation of
ing). A positive finding o f b l o o d in the urine dipstick test is swallowing during a barium meal is necessary to differenti
not useful. ate pharyngeal from cricopharyngeal dysfunction. If they are
If vomiting and regurgitation still cannot be distinguished, not accurately differentiated, inappropriate therapy may
plain and/or contrast-enhanced radiographs will usually cause morbidity or mortality.
detect esophageal dysfunction. However, some esophageal If the regurgitating animal is not dysphagic, esophageal
disorders (e.g., hiatal hernia, partial stricture, partial or seg dysfunction is most likely. The two main reasons for esoph
mental motility defect) are easily missed unless a careful ageal regurgitation are obstruction and muscular weakness.
radiographic technique and/or fluoroscopy are used. Endos Plain thoracic radiographs, with or without barium con
copy is rarely required to detect esophageal lesions missed trast-enhancement, are the best tools for initially defining
by imaging (e.g., esophagitis). these problems. Fluoroscopy is often necessary i n animals
with a partial loss o f peristalsis, segmental aperistalsis, gas
troesophageal reflux, or sliding hiatal hernias. If the animal
REGURGITATION seems to be regurgitating but the contrast-enhanced radio
graphs fail to reveal esophageal dysfunction, either the
Once regurgitation is confirmed, the disease should be local assessment of regurgitation is wrong or there is occult disease
ized to the oral cavity/pharynx or esophagus (Fig. 28-1). The (e.g., partial stricture of the esophagus, esophagitis, gastro
history, i n combination with observation o f the pet eating, esophageal reflux). Procedures involving the use of liquid
should allow the clinician to detect evidence o f dysphagia barium sulfate may miss some lesions (e.g., partial stric
(e.g., undue stretching or flexing o f the neck during swal tures). Repeating contrast-enhanced esophagography using

FIG 28-1
G e n e r a l d i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to r e g u r g i t a t i o n in the d o g a n d cat.
BOX 28-5
Box 28-4
Causes of Esophageal Obstruction Causes of Esophageal Weakness

C o n g e n i t a l Causes
Congenital Causes

Vascular ring a n o m a l y Idiopathic

Persistent fourth right aortic arch (most c o m m o n type)
A c q u i r e d Causes
O t h e r vascular rings
Esophageal w e b (rare) M y a s t h e n i a ( g e n e r a l i z e d o r localized)
A c q u i r e d Causes Esophagitis
G a s t r o e s o p h a g e a l reflux
Foreign object
Cicatrix/stricture Hiatal hernia
Anesthesia-associated reflux
Esophageal tumors Spontaneous reflux
Foreign b o d y
Caustic ingestion
S a r c o m a caused b y Spirocerca lupi
Leiomyoma of lower e s o p h a g e a l sphincter Iatrogenic ( e . g . , d o x y c y c l i n e )
Extraesophageal tumors Disinfectants, c h e m i c a l s , etc.
Persistent v o m i t i n g
Thyroid c a r c i n o m a
Excessive gastric a c i d i t y
Pulmonary c a r c i n o m a
Mediastinal lymphosarcoma
A c h a l a s i a of the lower e s o p h a g e a l sphincter (very rare) M a s t cell tumor
G a s t r o e s o p h a g e a l intussusception (very rare) Fungal o r g a n i s m s ( e . g . , pythiosis)
M i s c e l l a n e o u s causes
Spirocerca lupi
barium plus food or performing esophagoscopy (or both) is Dermatomyositis ( p r i n c i p a l l y in Collies)
appropriate i n such patients. Botulism
Esophageal obstruction is principally caused by foreign Tetanus
objects and vascular anomalies, although cicatrix, tumors, Lead p o i s o n i n g
and achalasia of the lower esophageal sphincter may also be C a n i n e distemper
responsible (Box 28-4). Obstruction should be characterized Idiopathic

as congenital or acquired and as intraluminal, intramural, or

extraesophageal. Congenital obstructions are usually extra
esophageal vascular ring anomalies. Acquired intraluminal tions), canine distemper (retinal lesions), and neuropathy-
obstructions are usually caused by foreign objects or cicatrix myopathy (electromyography, nerve biopsy, muscle biopsy).
secondary to esophagitis. The clinician should always deter Chagas' disease causes esophageal disease i n people, but it is
mine whether animals with esophageal foreign objects also u n k n o w n whether it causes esophageal weakness i n dogs.
have a partial esophageal stricture that has predisposed them Esophagoscopy may detect esophagitis or small lesions
to the obstruction. Endoscopy may be both diagnostic and (e.g., partial strictures) that contrast-enhanced esophagrams
therapeutic i n these animals; thoracotomy is seldom needed do not reveal. If esophagitis is found, the clinician should
for the management of cicatrix or intraluminal foreign objects. look carefully for a cause (e.g., hiatal hernia, gastric outflow
Esophageal weakness may be congenital or acquired. obstruction). After entering the stomach, the clinician
Congenital weakness is of uncertain cause, and further diag retroflexes the tip o f the endoscope and examines the lower
nostics are typically unfruitful. Acquired esophageal weak esophageal sphincter for leiomyomas. Gastroduodenoscopy
ness usually results from an underlying neuromuscular is performed concurrently to look for gastric and duodenal
problem. Although an underlying cause is infrequently diag reasons for gastroesophageal reflux or vomiting. If fluoroscopy
nosed, finding one may lead to a permanent cure as opposed is available, the lower esophageal sphincter should be
to supportive therapy, which only treats symptoms. A c o m observed for several minutes to detect the frequency and
plete blood count ( C B C ) , serum biochemistry profile, deter severity o f gastroesophageal reflux (normal animals may
mination o f serum antibody titers to acetylcholine receptors, show occasional reflux).
an adrenocorticotropic hormone ( A C T H ) - s t i m u l a t i o n test
(see Chapter 53), and/or fecal examination for Spirocerca
lupi ova are performed to look for causes o f acquired esoph VOMITING
ageal weakness (Box 28-5). One may also consider searching
for lead intoxication (nucleated red b l o o d cells and baso V o m i t i n g is usually caused by (1) m o t i o n sickness, (2) inges
philic stippling i n the C B C , serum and urine lead concentra- tion o f emetogenic substances (e.g., drugs), (3) gastrointes-
BOX 28-6

Causes o f V o m i t i n g

M o t i o n Sickness (Acute)
Dietary indiscretion
Gastrointestinal/Abdominal Inflammation
Dietary intolerance
(Acute o r Chronic)
Emetogenic Substances (Acute)
I n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease
Drugs: almost a n y d r u g c a n cause v o m i t i n g (especially d r u g s Gastritis
a d m i n i s t e r e d o r a l l y [PO]), but the f o l l o w i n g d r u g s seem espe without ulcers/erosions
cially likely to cause v o m i t i n g : with ulcers/erosions
Digoxin non-obstructing f o r e i g n b o d y
Cyclophosphamide Enteritis (acute)
Cisplatin Parvovirus
Dacarbazine H e m o r r h a g i c gastroenteritis
Doxorubicin Parasites (acute o r c h r o n i c ) , especially Physaloptera
Erythromycin Pancreatitis
Penicillamine Peritonitis (acute o r chronic)
TetracycIine/doxycycline Colitis (acute o r chronic)
A m o x i c i l l i n clavulanic a c i d
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs E x t r a a l i m e n t a r y Tract Diseases (Acute o r Chronic)
Xylazine Uremia
Toxic chemicals A d r e n a l insufficiency
Strychnine Hypercalcemia
H e a v y metals H e p a t i c insufficiency o r disease
G a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l Tract O b s t r u c t i o n (Acute o r Chronic)
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Gastric o u t f l o w obstruction Pyometra
Benign p y l o r i c stenosis Endotoxemia/septicemia
Foreign o b j e c t
M i s c e l l a n e o u s Causes (Acute o r Chronic)
G a s t r i c a n t r a l mucosal h y p e r t r o p h y
Neoplasia Dysautonomia
N o n n e o p l a s t i c infiltrative disease ( e . g . , pythiosis) Feline h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m
Gastric m a l p o s i t i o n i n g Postoperative nausea
Gastric dilation o r volvulus (see nonproductive retching) Overeating
Partial gastric d i l a t i o n / v o l v u l u s (does not a l w a y s cause Idiopathic hypomotility
clinical signs) Central nervous system disease
Intestinal "Limbic" e p i l e p s y
Foreign o b j e c t Tumor
N o n l i n e a r objects Meningitis
Linear objects Increased i n t r a c r a n i a l pressure
Neoplasia Sialoadenitis/sialoadenosis*
Intussusception Behavior

is n e c e s s a r y to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r this is the c a u s e o f v o m i t i n g o r a n effect o f v o m i t i n g .

tinal (GI) tract obstruction, (4) abdominal (especially (i.e., red) or partially digested (i.e., "coffee grounds" or
alimentary tract) i n f l a m m a t i o n or irritation, and (5) extra- "dregs").
gastrointestinal tract diseases that may stimulate the m e d u l In animals w i t h acute v o m i t i n g without hematemesis, the
lary v o m i t i n g center or the chemoreceptor trigger zone (Box clinician should first search for obvious causes (e.g., inges
28-6). Occasionally, central nervous system ( C N S ) disease, tion o f a foreign body, intoxication, organ failure, parvovi
behavior, and learned reactions to specific stimuli may rus) as well as for secondary fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base
cause v o m i t i n g . If the cause o f the v o m i t i n g is not apparent abnormalities or sepsis that require prompt, specific therapy.
o n the basis o f the history and physical examination findings, If the animal's c o n d i t i o n seems stable and there is no obvious
the next step depends o n whether the v o m i t i n g is acute cause, symptomatic treatment is often used for 1 to 3 days.
or chronic and whether there is hematemesis (Figs. 28-2 If the a n i m a l is too sick for the clinician to take a chance on
and 28-3). Remember that b l o o d i n vomitus m a y be fresh guessing wrong, i f the v o m i t i n g persists for 2 to 4 days after
FIG 2 8 - 2
G e n e r a l d i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to v o m i t i n g in the d o g a n d c a t . C B C , C o m p l e t e b l o o d
count; FeLV, feline leukemia virus; FIV, feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus; CSF, c e r e b r o s p i n a l
f l u i d ; EEG, e l e c t r o e n c e p h a l o g r a m ; MRI, m a g n e t i c resonance i m a g i n g .

the start of symptomatic therapy, or if the condition worsens objects, masses, pancreatitis, peritonitis, poor serosal con
during this initial time, then more aggressive diagnostic trast i n the region o f the pancreas, free abdominal fluid, or
testing is usually indicated. free abdominal gas. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography can be
The clinician should search for historical evidence o f the more revealing than plain radiographs; however, radiographs
ingestion of foreign objects, toxins, inappropriate food, or may be more sensitive i n revealing some foreign bodies. A
drugs. Physical examination is used to look for abdominal C B C , serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis are also
abnormalities (e.g., masses), linear foreign objects caught indicated. Cats should be tested for feline leukemia virus,
under the tongue, and evidence of extraabdominal disease feline immunodeficiency virus, and hyperthyroidism. It may
(e.g., uremia, hyperthyroidism). The clinician should always be necessary to measure serum bile acid concentrations (or
consider the possibility o f linear foreign bodies i n v o m i t i n g b l o o d a m m o n i a concentrations) or perform an A C T H -
cats and carefully examine the base o f the tongue. Chemical stimulation test (or at least resting serum Cortisol concentra
restraint (e.g., ketamine H C l , 2.2 mg/kg of body weight given tions) to identify hepatic or adrenal insufficiency that is not
intravenously) may be necessary to examine this area prop indicated by results o f routine serum biochemistry profiles.
erly. The abdomen is palpated to search for masses or pain, If results o f the C B C , chemistry profile, urinalysis, and
but even careful palpation may miss short ileocolic intus routine abdominal imaging are not diagnostic, the next step
susceptions i n the craniodorsal area o f the abdomen. It is is usually either contrast-enhanced abdominal radiography
reasonable to perform fecal examination for parasites because or endoscopy plus biopsy. Endoscopy is usually more cost-
they can be the cause of vomiting. If a cause cannot be found effective than contrast-enhanced radiography i n v o m i t i n g
and the animal is not unduly ill, the clinician may prescribe patients. D u r i n g endoscopy the clinician should biopsy the
a therapeutic trial (e.g., pyrantel and a dietary trial; see Table stomach and duodenum, regardless o f the gross mucosal
30-7 and Chapter 30). Therapeutic trials should be designed appearance. In cats endoscopic biopsy o f the ileum and
so that the failure of a treatment allows the clinician to ascending colon may be required to reveal the cause of v o m
exclude at least one disease and then look for others. iting. If laparotomy is chosen over endoscopy, the entire
If acute vomiting does not respond to symptomatic abdomen should be examined and biopsy o f the stomach,
therapy or i f the animal is so sick that the clinician cannot duodenum, jejunum, ileum, mesenteric l y m p h node, liver,
take a chance on symptomatic therapy being ineffective, and, i n cats, the pancreas should be performed.
aggressive diagnostic testing is indicated. Animals with acute If the cause o f v o m i t i n g is undiagnosed after biopsy, the
or chronic vomiting without hematemesis should undergo basis for previously excluding the different diseases should
abdominal imaging (i.e., radiography, ultrasonography) to be reviewed. Diseases may be inappropriately ruled out (or
look for problems such as an intestinal obstruction, foreign diagnosed) because the clinician does not understand the
FIG 2 8 - 3
G e n e r a l d i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to hematemesis in the d o g a n d c a t . PCV, Packed cell
v o l u m e ; CBC, c o m p l e t e b l o o d count.

limitations of certain tests. For example, dogs with hypoad never diagnosed on the basis o f fecal examination results.
renocorticism may have n o r m a l electrolyte concentrations; Finally, the clinician may have to consider less c o m m o n dis
inflammatory gastric and bowel disease may be localized eases that are more difficult to diagnose (e.g., idiopathic
to one area o f the stomach or intestine and rarely causes gastric hypomotility, occult C N S disease, "limbic epilepsy").
significant changes i n the white b l o o d cell count; hyperthy
roid cats may have n o r m a l serum thyroxine concentrations;
dogs and cats with hepatic failure may have n o r m a l serum HEMATEMESIS
alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activi
ties; dogs and cats with pancreatitis may have n o r m a l serum The clinician must often use history and physical examina
amylase and lipase activities and n o r m a l abdominal ultra tion to help identify hematemesis as well as distinguish it
sound examinations; and Physaloptera infections are almost from other problems. Hematemesis may involve expulsion
of digested blood (i.e., "coffee grounds") or fresh blood. respiratory tract), or G U E (Box 28-7). Historical and physical
Animals with oral lesions that have blood dripping from examination findings may help i n ruling out a coagulopathy
their lips do not have hematemesis. Likewise, hemoptysis or respiratory tract disease as the cause. However, platelet
(i.e., coughing up blood) is not hematemesis. counts and the clotting capability (e.g., one-stage p r o t h r o m
The clinician should further distinguish v o m i t i n g that b i n time, partial thromboplastin time, buccal mucosal bleed
produces specks o f blood from v o m i t i n g i n which there is ing time) are preferred. The clinician should then l o o k for
substantial blood present. The former may be caused by obvious causes o f G U E (e.g., acute gastritis, hemorrhagic
gastric mucosal trauma secondary to vigorous v o m i t i n g from gastroenteritis [ H G E ] , ulcerogenic drugs [e.g., nonsteroidal
any cause, and animals with such "hematemesis" should gen antiinflammatory drugs, dexamethasone], recent severe
erally be treated as described i n the previous section on hypovolemic shock, systemic inflammatory response syn
vomiting. Patients that produce more substantial amounts o f drome, abdominal masses that may involve the gastric
blood generally should be approached differently. Although mucosa, cutaneous mast cell tumors). It is important to
hematemesis is usually caused by gastroduodenal ulceration remember that a mast cell tumor can grossly m i m i c almost
and erosion ( G U E ) , the clinician should not automatically any other benign or malignant neoplasm, especially lipomas.
start treating affected patients with antacids, cytoprotective If acute gastritis, H G E , nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
agents, or sucralfate. Shock (e.g., hypovolemic, septic) and drug-induced G U E , or G U E resulting from shock is strongly
acute abdominal conditions should be eliminated first. The suspected, the clinician may elect a limited diagnostic workup
clinician should check the hematocrit and plasma total (e.g., C B C , serum biochemistry panel) to define the degree
protein concentration to determine whether a blood transfu of blood loss and look for evidence o f renal or hepatic or
sion is necessary (see Fig. 28-3). The clinician should next try adrenal failure. Then the animal can be treated symptom
to identify the cause, whether it is a coagulopathy (uncom atically for 3 to 5 days (see pp. 407-409) to see what effect
mon), the ingestion of b l o o d from another site (e.g., the this has i n controlling clinical signs. Endoscopy is not neces-

BOX 2 8 - 7

Causes o f Hematemesis

Coagulopathy (Uncommon) O t h e r causes

T h r o m b o c y t o p e n i a / p l a t e l e t dysfunction H e p a t i c disease (common a n d important)
Clotting factor d e f i c i e n c y H y p o a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m ( u n c o m m o n but important)
Disseminated intravascular c o a g u l a t i o n Pancreatitis (common a n d important)
Renal disease (uncommon)
A l i m e n t a r y Tract Lesion I n f l a m m a t o r y diseases
Gastrointestinal tract u l c e r a t i o n / e r o s i o n (important) Foreign objects (rarely a p r i m a r y cause but w i l l w o r s e n
Infiltrative disease preexisting ulceration or erosion)
- Leiomyoma A c u t e gastritis (common)
- Carcinomas H e m o r r h a g i c gastroenteritis (common)
- Lymphomas C h r o n i c gastritis

Pythiosis (especially y o u n g e r d o g s in the southeastern Helicobacter-associated disease (very q u e s t i o n a b l e asso

United States) c i a t i o n w i t h hematemesis in d o g s a n d cats)
Inflammatory b o w e l disease (uncommon) Gastric mucosal t r a u m a from v i g o r o u s v o m i t i n g *
"Stress" ulceration Gastric p o l y p s

H y p o v o l e m i c shock (common) E s o p h a g e a l disease (uncommon)

Septic shock (i.e., systemic i n f l a m m a t o r y response syn Tumor
drome) I n f l a m m a t o r y disease ( e . g . , severe esophagitis)
After gastric d i l a t i o n o r volvulus Trauma
N e u r o g e n i c "shock" Bleeding o r a l lesion
G a l l b l a d d e r disease (rare)
Extreme or sustained exertion
E x t r a a l i m e n t a r y Tract Lesion ( r a r e )
M a s t cell tumor
G a s t r i n o m a (rare) Respiratory tract disorders
Iatrogenic causes Lung l o b e torsion
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (common and Pulmonary tumor
important) Posterior nares lesion

Corticosteroids (especially dexamethasone) (important)

* H e m a t e m e s i s c a u s e d b y v i g o r o u s v o m i t i n g usually consists o f specks o f b l o o d as o p p o s e d to l a r g e r q u a n t i t i e s

sarily helpful i n many o f these cases because it cannot reli ing sites beyond the reach o f the endoscope; blood being
ably distinguish between ulcers that will heal with medical swallowed from a lesion i n the mouth, posterior nares,
therapy and those that will require surgical resection. trachea, or lungs; hemorrhage from the gallbladder; or an
However, i f the cause is u n k n o w n and especially i f the v o m intermittently bleeding gastric or duodenal lesion. Endos
iting or b l o o d loss is severe or chronic, more aggressive diag copy of the trachea and choana can be diagnostic i n some
nostic tests (e.g., abdominal imaging, gastroduodenoscopy) cases.
should be done (see Fig. 28-3). The stomach and duodenum
should be imaged, preferably by abdominal ultrasonography
with or without plain radiographs to look for alimentary DIARRHEA
tract infiltrations, foreign objects, and masses. Endoscopy is
the most sensitive and specific means o f finding and evaluat Diarrhea is excessive fecal water. Fecal mucus is principally
ing gastroduodenal ulcers and erosions. The principal i n d i caused by large bowel disorders and is discussed in the
cations for endoscopy i n animals with upper G I b l o o d loss section on chronic large bowel diarrhea. The best approach
include (a) distinguishing potentially resectable ulcers from to the assessment o f animals with diarrhea is to first distin
widespread, unresectable erosions i n patients with life- guish acute from chronic problems.
threatening G I bleeding; (b) localizing ulcers when consider Acute diarrhea is usually caused by diet, parasites, or
ing surgical resection; and (c) determining the cause o f G U E infectious diseases (Box 28-8). Dietary problems are often
in patients with upper G I b l o o d loss o f u n k n o w n cause. detected by history; parasites by fecal examination; and
D u r i n g endoscopy the clinician should generally biopsy infectious diseases by history (i.e., evidence o f contagion or
mucosa i n an effort to rule out neoplasia or inflammatory exposure), C B C , fecal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
bowel disease. A b d o m i n a l exploratory surgery may be per for canine parvoviral antigen, and the exclusion of other
formed instead o f endoscopy, but it is easy to miss bleeding causes. If acute diarrhea becomes unduly severe or persis
mucosal lesions when examining the serosal surface; intra tent, additional diagnostic tests are recommended. The diag
operative endoscopy (i.e., endoscopic examination o f the nostic approach for such a patient is similar to that adopted
mucosal surface o f the stomach and d u o d e n u m while the for the assessment o f animals with chronic diarrhea.
abdomen is opened) may be useful i n finding lesions that Animals with chronic diarrhea should first be examined
the surgeon cannot discern from the serosal surface. for evidence of parasites; multiple fecal examinations looking
If the source o f bleeding cannot be found using gastro for nematodes, Giardia, and Tritrichomonas are indicated.
duodenoscopy, the clinician should consider possible bleed Next, the clinician should determine whether the diarrhea

BOX 28-8

Causes of Acute Diarrhea

Bacterial causes
Intolerance/allergy Salmonella spp.
Poor-quality f o o d Clostridium perfringens
Rapid d i e t a r y c h a n g e (especially in p u p p i e s a n d kittens) V e r o t o x i n - p r o d u c i n g Escherichia coli
Bacterial f o o d p o i s o n i n g Campylobacter jejuni
Yersinia enterocolitica (questionable)
Various other b a c t e r i a
Helminths Rickettsial infection
Protozoa Salmon p o i s o n i n g
O t h e r Causes
Tritrichomonas (feline)
Coccidia Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
Infectious Causes
"Irritable b o w e l s y n d r o m e "
Viral causes Ingestion of " t o x i n s "
Parvovirus (canine, feline) " G a r b a g e c a n " intoxication (spoiled foods)
C o r o n a v i r u s (canine, feline) Chemicals
Feline leukemia virus ( i n c l u d i n g infections s e c o n d a r y to H e a v y metals
it) Various drugs (antibiotics, antineoplastics, anthelmintics,
a n t i i n f l a m m a t o r i e s , d i g i t a l i s , lactulose)
Feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus (specifically infections sec
A c u t e pancreatitis ( d i a r r h e a usually modest c o m p o n e n t of
o n d a r y to it)
Various other viruses (e.g., rotavirus, c a n i n e distemper clinical signs but c a n b e major)
virus) Hypoadrenocorticism
TABLE 28-2

Differentiation of Chronic Small Intestinal from Large Intestinal Diarrheas


W e i g h t loss* Expected Rare*

Polyphagia Sometimes Rare to absent
Frequency of b o w e l movements O f t e n near n o r m a l Sometimes v e r y i n c r e a s e d
Volume of feces O f t e n increased Sometimes d e c r e a s e d (because
of the i n c r e a s e d frequency)
Blood in feces Melena (rare) H e m a t o c h e z i a (sometimes)
Mucus in feces Uncommon Sometimes
Tenesmus U n c o m m o n (but m a y occur later in c h r o n i c cases) Sometimes
Vomiting M a y b e seen M a y b e seen

* F a i l u r e to lose w e i g h t o r c o n d i t i o n is t h e m o s t r e l i a b l e i n d i c a t i o n t h a t a n a n i m a l h a s l a r g e b o w e l d i s e a s e . H o w e v e r , a n i m a l s w i t h c o l o n i c
histoplasmosis, p y t h i o s i s , l y m p h o m a , o r s i m i l a r infiltrative d i s e a s e s m a y h a v e w e i g h t loss d e s p i t e l a r g e b o w e l i n v o l v e m e n t .
H e m a t o c h e z i a b e c o m e s m u c h m o r e i m p o r t a n t as a d i f f e r e n t i a t i n g f e a t u r e in a n i m a l s t h a t a r e l o s i n g w e i g h t . Its p r e s e n c e in such a n i m a l s
confirms the p r e s e n c e o f l a r g e b o w e l i n v o l v e m e n t (either b y itself o r in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h small b o w e l d i s e a s e ) d e s p i t e w e i g h t loss.

originates from the small or large intestine. History is the when enzymes are added to their diet. If EPI is incorrectly
best tool (Table 28-2). Failure to lose weight or body condi ruled out i n such a case, then unnecessary endoscopies or
tion despite chronic diarrhea almost always indicates large operations often result. Antibiotic-responsive enteropathy
bowel disease. Weight loss usually indicates the presence o f (ARE) may be responsible for causing such a failure to
small bowel disease, although severe large bowel diseases respond to proper enzyme supplements and dietary changes.
(e.g., pythiosis, histoplasmosis, malignancy) may cause Therefore the clinician should definitively diagnose or rule
weight loss. Animals with weight loss resulting from severe out E P I before proceeding with other diagnostic tests or
large bowel disease usually have obvious signs o f colonic treatments.
involvement (i.e., fecal mucus, marked tenesmus, hemato Malabsorptive intestinal disease may be protein-losing
chezia). If there is tenesmus, the clinician must ascertain (PLE) or nonprotein-losing (Fig. 28-4). The serum albumin
whether it was present when the disease began; i f tenesmus concentration will usually be markedly decreased (i.e., 2.0 g/
did not begin until late i n the course, it may be due simply dl or less; normal, 2.5 to 4.4 g/dl) i n the former but not i n
to perineal scalding or anal soreness resulting from chronic the latter; hypoglobulinemia may develop in patients with
irritation. P L E . Diarrhea occurs only i f the absorptive capacity o f the
Chronic small intestinal diarrhea can be categorized as colon is exceeded. Therefore a dog or cat can be losing weight
maldigestion, nonprotein-losing malabsorptive disease, and because of small intestinal malabsorption and not have diar
protein-losing malabsorptive disease. Maldigestion is princi rhea (see the section o n weight loss). If an animal has marked
pally caused by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) and hypoproteinemia not resulting from protein-losing nephrop
rarely causes significant hypoalbuminemia (i.e., serum athy, hepatic insufficiency, or skin lesions, then P L E must be
albumin concentration o f 2.0 g/dl or less i f the normal range the m a i n consideration.
is 2.5 to 4.4 g/dl). F i l m digestion tests for fecal trypsin activ In patients with nonprotein-losing malabsorptive disease,
ity, Sudan staining of feces for undigested fats, and fat the clinician may perform additional diagnostic tests (e.g.,
absorption tests yield many false-negative and false-positive intestinal biopsy) or design therapeutic trials depending on
results. The most sensitive and specific test for EPI is measur how i l l the patient is. Therapeutic trials are the best way to
ing the serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI; see diagnose antibiotic responsive enteropathy (ARE) or dietary
p. 388), which is indicated i n dogs with chronic small intes responsive disease. A R E cannot reliably be diagnosed on the
tinal diarrhea. The cPLI test may have use i n diagnosing EPI, basis o f quantitated duodenal culture, and decreased serum
but this is not yet certain. EPI is rare i n cats, but i f suspected, cobalamin plus increased serum folate concentrations are o f
an fTLI (feline TLI) is recommended. dubious sensitivity. However, i f a therapeutic trial is per
Diagnosing EPI by treating the animal and evaluating its formed, the clinician must be sure that it is done properly
response to therapy is not recommended. If the animal has (e.g., long enough, correct dose) so that it w i l l almost cer
apparently responded to pancreatic enzyme supplementa tainly succeed i f the animal has the suspected disease. If the
tion, the enzymes should be repeatedly withheld and then patient seems particularly i l l (e.g., substantial weight loss) or
readministered to ensure that the enzymes are responsible if P L E is suspected, ultrasonography and intestinal biopsy
for resolution of the diarrhea. A false-positive diagnosis o f are often the preferred next steps because spending 2 to 3
EPI results in the unnecessary supplementation of expensive weeks waiting to see i f a therapeutic trial will work can be
enzymes. Second, up to 15% of dogs with EPI do not respond disasterous i f the therapy is incorrect and the disease pro-
FIG 2 8 - 4
G e n e r a l d i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to small intestinal d i a r r h e a in the d o g a n d cat. C S C ,
C o m p l e t e b l o o d count; FeLV, feline leukemia virus; FIV, feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus, TLI,
trypsin-like immunoreactivity.

gresses. If diagnostic tests are chosen, abdominal imaging raphy reveals a localized lesion that cannot be reached with
(especially ultrasonography) followed by gastroduodenos an endoscope, then laparotomy is necessary as opposed to
copy or colonoscopy are typical next steps because the endoscopy. Otherwise, endoscopy is quicker and safer than
findings can help determine the cause o f P L E and nonpro laparotomy and may allow the clinician to biopsy lesions not
tein-losing enteropathies i n patients that do not have A R E seen from the serosal surface. Endoscopic biopsy specimens
or dietary responsive disease (Boxes 28-9 and 28-10). Absorp can be nondiagnostic i f the endoscopist has not been care
tive tests and b a r i u m contrast-enhanced radiographs are fully trained i n taking biopsy specimens. If laparotomy is
rarely helpful. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography may be diagnos performed i n hypoalbuminemic animals, it may be prudent
tic i f it shows lymphadenopathy or intestinal infiltrates that to use nonabsorbable suture material and/or perform intes
can be aspirated percutaneously. Laparotomy or endoscopy tinal serosal patch grafting. The presence o f distended
can be performed to obtain biopsy specimens. If ultrasonog intestinal lymphatics or lipogranulomas is suggestive of
l y m p h a n g i e c t a s i a . I f a cause is n o t s h o w n b y i n t e s t i n a l b i o p s y f o r m u c o s a l t h i c k e n i n g o r p r o l i f e r a t i o n . T h e r e c t u m is t h e
specimens, t h e m a i n possible reasons f o r t h i s are t h a t t h e m o s t c o m m o n site o f c a n i n e c o l o n i c n e o p l a s i a , a n d finding
specimens w e r e i n a d e q u a t e (e.g., n o t deep e n o u g h , f r o m t h e o b v i o u s m u c o s a l lesions i n d i c a t e s t h e n e e d f o r b i o p s y . I f t h e
w r o n g place, t o o m u c h a r t i f a c t ) , t h e a n i m a l has o c c u l t g i a r rectal m u c o s a seems n o r m a l a n d t h e a n i m a l has n o t lost
diasis, t h e a n i m a l has A R E , t h e a n i m a l has a d i e t a r y i n t o l e r w e i g h t o r b e c o m e h y p o a l b u m i n e m i c (i.e., a l b u m i n < 2 . 0 g /
ance, o r there is l o c a l i z e d l y m p h a n g i e c t a s i a o r i n f l a m m a t i o n d l ) , i t is o f t e n m o s t a p p r o p r i a t e t o first t r y t h e r a p e u t i c t r i a l s .
at a site o t h e r t h a n t h e o n e b i o p s i e d .
D o g s w i t h c h r o n i c large i n t e s t i n a l d i a r r h e a ( B o x 2 8 - 1 1 )
s h o u l d first u n d e r g o a d i g i t a l r e c t a l e x a m i n a t i o n t o search
BOX 2 8 - 1 0

Major Causes of Protein-Losing Enteropathy*

BOX 28-9 Dog

Major Causes of Malabsorptive Disease Intestinal l y m p h a n g i e c t a s i a ( c o m m o n a n d important)

A l i m e n t a r y tract l y m p h o m a ( c o m m o n a n d important)
Dog Severe i n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease

Dietary responsive (food intolerance o r a l l e r g y ; c o m m o n A l i m e n t a r y tract f u n g a l infections

a n d important) Histoplasmosis (regionally important)
Parasitism: g i a r d i a s i s , nematodes (common a n d important) Pythiosis
Antibiotic-responsive e n t e r o p a t h y (common a n d important) C h r o n i c intussusception (especially y o u n g dogs)
Inflammatory b o w e l disease A l i m e n t a r y tract h e m o r r h a g e ( e . g . , ulceration o r e r o s i o n ,

Neoplastic b o w e l disease (especially l y m p h o m a ; i m p o r t a n t n e o p l a s i a , parasites)

Unusual enteropathies ( e . g . , c h r o n i c purulent enteropathy,
but not common)
Fungal infections (regionally important) severe ectasia o f mucosal crypts)
Massive hookworm or whipworm infestation (regionally
Histoplasmosis important)

Cat Cat

Dietary responsive (food intolerance o r a l l e r g y ; c o m m o n A l i m e n t a r y tract l y m p h o m a

a n d important) Severe i n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease
Parasitism: g i a r d i a s i s Alimentary hemorrhage (e.g., neoplasia, duodenal polyps,
Inflammatory b o w e l disease: lymphocytic-plasmacytic enter i d i o p a t h i c ulceration)
itis (common a n d important)
* A n y gastrointestinal disease c a n cause protein-losing enteropathy,
Neoplastic b o w e l disease (especially l y m p h o m a ; c o m m o n
but these a r e t h e most c o m m o n c a u s e s . E x c e p t f o r
a n d important)
l y m p h a n g i e c t a s i a , these d i s e a s e s d o n o t c o n s i s t e n t l y p r o d u c e
protein-losing enteropathy.

BOX 28-1 1

Major Causes of Chronic Large Intestinal Diarrhea

Dog I n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease
Dietary responsive (intolerance o r a l l e r g y ; i m p o r t a n t a n d Neoplasia
common) Lymphoma
Fiber-responsive (important a n d c o m m o n ) Adenocarcinoma
Functional disorder (so-called "irritable b o w e l syndrome")
W h i p w o r m s (regionally i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n ) D i e t a r y responsive (intolerance o r a l l e r g y ; i m p o r t a n t a n d
Giardia (regionally i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n s m a l l b o w e l common)
disease that sometimes mimics large b o w e l disease) Fiber-responsive ( i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n )
Heterobilharzia (regionally important) Functional d i s o r d e r (so-called irritable b o w e l syndrome)
Bacterial diseases I n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease
"Clostridial" colitis (important a n d c o m m o n ) Tritrichomonas
Histiocytic ulcerative colitis ( p r i n c i p a l l y Boxers a n d French Feline leukemia virus infection (including infections second
Bulldogs) a r y to it)
Fungal infections (regionally i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n ) Feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus infection (specifically infec
Histoplasmosis tions s e c o n d a r y to it)
However, multiple fecal examinations to detect whipworms, HEMATOCHEZIA
Giardia (a small bowel problem that can m i m i c large bowel
disease), and Tritrichomonas are appropriate. Therapeutic If the patient has hematochezia (fresh blood i n the feces) and
trials usually consist of high-fiber diets, hypoallergenic diets, diarrhea, the problem should usually be approached in the
antibiotics to control "clostridial" colitis, or treatment for same way as that for animals with large bowel diarrhea (see
whipworms. p. 362). The patient with normal stools plus hematochezia is
Additional diagnostic tests that may be done instead o f approached slightly differently. Streaks of blood on the
therapeutic trials principally include obtaining biopsy spec outside o f otherwise normal feces usually indicates the pres
imens of the colonic mucosa by colonoscopy, fecal cultures, ence of a distal colonic or rectal lesion, whereas b l o o d that
assays for clostridial toxin, and antigen tests for specific is mixed into the feces suggests that bleeding is occurring
organisms (e.g., Campylobacter). Fecal cultures for specific higher i n the colon. Coagulopathies are rarely a cause o f
pathogens (e.g., Salmonella spp.) should be done i f the rectal bleeding only. Focal bleeding lesions i n the distal colon,
history indicates the possiblity o f a contagious disorder or i f rectum, or perineal region (Box 28-12) are especially impor
the animal is not responding to seemingly appropriate tant. Acute hematochezia may also result from trauma.
therapy. Fecal cultures should be done before the animal A thorough digital rectal examination is the best initial
receives enemas or intestinal lavagae solutions. Unless there step (even i f anesthesia is necessary). The clinician should
is some epidemiologic reason to suspect an infectious bac express each anal sac repeatedly and examine the contents.
teria, fecal cultures tend to be low-yield procedures that are If the problem is chronic and results of these tests are unin
difficult to interpret. formly negative, then colonoscopy and biopsy are usually
If the results o f these tests are not diagnostic, the clinician indicated. A n excellent barium enema is usually inferior to
must consider three m a i n possibilities. First, the biopsy a good endoscopic examination. Biopsy specimens should
specimens may not be representative o f the entire colonic include the submucosa, or some neoplastic lesions will be
mucosa. For example, i f the disease is localized to the region missed. Hematochezia is rarely severe enough to cause
of the ileocolic valve, it will be necessary to use a flexible anemia; however, a C B C can be performed to look for and
endoscope to reach the area. Second, the pathologist may evaluate the cause o f anemias.
not have recognized the lesions. This occasionally happens,
especially if animals have colonic histoplasmosis or neopla
sia. T h i r d , there may be no mucosal lesions. This typically MELENA
occurs i n animals with a dietary intolerance or allergy,
"clostridial" colitis, chronic giardiasis, or irritable bowel syn Melena is caused by digested b l o o d and is seen as coal tar
drome (i.e., fiber-responsive diarrhea), all c o m m o n prob black (not dark) feces. The clinician must be extremely
lems in dogs. careful to distinguish melena from stools that are intensely

BOX 2 8 - 1 2

Major Causes o f Hematochezia*

D i e t a r y responsive (intolerance o r a l l e r g y ; common)
A n a l - R e c t a l Disease
" C l o s t r i d i a l " colitis (common)
A n a l sacculitis ( i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n ) H e m o r r h a g i c gastroenteritis (important)
Neoplasia Parvoviral enteritis (important a n d common)
Rectal a d e n o c a r c i n o m a (important) Histoplasmosis (regionally i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n )
Rectal p o l y p (important) Pythiosis
Colorectal leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma Intussusception
Perianal fistulas (important) Ileocolic
Anal foreign body Cecocolic
Rectal p r o l a p s e I n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease
Anal-rectal t r a u m a ( e . g . , f o r e i g n b o d y , thermometer, e n e m a Colonic trauma
tube, fecal l o o p , pelvic fractures) Coagulopathy

C o l o n i c / l n t e s t i n a l Disease Cat

Parasitism D i e t a r y responsive (intolerance o r allergy)

W h i p w o r m s (important a n d c o m m o n ) I n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l disease (important)
H o o k w o r m s (severe infections i n v o l v i n g the colon) Coccidia

*These d i s e a s e s d o n o t c o n s i s t e n t l y p r o d u c e h e m a t o c h e z i a ; h o w e v e r , w h e n h e m a t o c h e z i a is p r e s e n t , these a r e t h e most c o m m o n causes.

BOX 28-13 BOX 2 8 - 1 4

Major Causes of Melena* Major Causes of Tenesmus and/or Dyschezia

Dog Dog

Hookworms Perineal i n f l a m m a t i o n o r p a i n : a n a l sacculitis

G a s t r o d u o d e n a l tract u l c e r a r i o n / e r o s i o n (see Box 2 8 - 7 ) Rectal i n f l a m m a t i o n / p a i n
Gastric or small intestinal t u m o r / p o l y p Perianal fistulae
Lymphoma Tumor
Adenocarcinoma Proctitis (either p r i m a r y disease o r s e c o n d a r y to d i a r r h e a
Leiomyoma or l e i o m y o s a r c o m a or prolapse)
Ingested b l o o d Histoplasmosis/pythiosis
O r a l lesions C o l o n i c / r e c t a l obstruction
Nasopharyngeal lesions Rectal n e o p l a s i a
Pulmonary lesions Rectal g r a n u l o m a
Diet Perineal h e r n i a
Hypoadrenocorticism Constipation
Coagulopathies Prostatomegaly
Pelvic fracture
Cat (Rare) O t h e r pelvic c a n a l masses
Small intestinal tumor Rectal f o r e i g n o b j e c t
Duodenal polyps
O t h e r tumors ( a d e n o c a r c i n o m a , mast cell tumor) Urethral obstruction
C o a g u l o p a t h i e s : vitamin K d e f i c i e n c y (intoxication o r result- Rectal obstruction
ing from malabsorption) Pelvic fracture
Perineal h e r n i a
* These diseases d o not consistently p r o d u c e m e l e n a ; h o w e v e r , if Constipation
m e l e n a is present, these a r e the most c o m m o n c a u s e s . Abscess near rectum

dark green. Melena is strongly suggestive o f upper alimen

tary tract bleeding or the ingestion of b l o o d (Box 28-13). nation o f feces from the rectum) are principally caused by
However, a lot o f blood must enter the G I tract in a short obstructive or inflammatory distal colonic or urinary bladder
time to produce melena, which is why most animals with or urethral lesions (Box 28-14). Colitis, constipation, peri
upper GI hemorrhage do not have melena. A C B C is i n d i neal hernias, perianal fistulas, prostatic disease, and cystic/
cated to look for iron deficiency anemia (i.e., microcytosis, urethral disease are the most c o m m o n causes o f tenesmus.
hypochromasia, thrombocytosis). Measuring the total serum M o s t rectal masses and strictures cause hematochezia;
iron concentration and the total iron-binding capacity plus however, some do not disrupt the colonic mucosa and cause
staining the bone marrow for iron are more definitive tests only tenesmus.
for iron deficiency anemia. Ultrasonongraphy is very useful The first goal (especially i n cats) is to distinguish lower
when looking for infiltrated, bleeding lesions (e.g., an intes urinary tract from alimentary tract disease. In cats tenesmus
tinal tumor). Gastroduodenoscopy is the most sensitive test secondary to a urethral obstruction is often misinterpreted
for G U E (which is often missed by ultrasonography). If gas as constipation. By observing the animal, the clinician may
troduodenoscopy is nonrevealing, then contrast-enhanced be able to determine whether the animal is attempting to
radiography may detect small intestinal lesions beyond the urinate or defecate. The clinician palpates the bladder (a
reach o f the endoscope. If imaging reveals a lesion beyond distended urinary bladder indicates an obstruction; a small,
the reach o f the endoscope, exploratory laparotomy is painful bladder indicates inflammation); performs a uri
required. The clinician may elect to perform exploratory nalysis; and, i f necessary, catheterizes the urethra to deter
surgery immediately, but it is easy to miss bleeding mucosal mine whether it is patent.
lesions when examining the serosa or palpating the bowel. If the clinician suspects tenesmus resulting from alimen
Intraoperative endoscopy may be helpful i f surgery is per tary tract disease, he or she should palpate the abdomen and
formed but no lesion is detected. rectum and visualize the anus and perineal areas. The clini
cian should not assume that constipation, i f present, is
causing the tenesmus. Severe pain (e.g., that resulting from
TENESMUS proctitis) may make the animal refuse to defecate and cause
secondary constipation. M o s t strictures, perineal hernias,
Tenesmus (i.e., ineffectual or painful straining at urination masses, enlarged prostates, pelvic fractures, and rectal tumors
or defecation) and dyschezia (i.e., painful or difficult elimi can be detected during a digital rectal examination. The
clinician may need to use two fingers to detect partial stric CONSTIPATION
tures when examining large dogs. Perianal fistulae are usually
visible but may be detected only as perirectal thickenings. Constipation (the infrequent and difficult evacuation of
Next, the clinician expresses the anal sacs and examines their feces) and obstipation (intractable constipation) have several
contents. Finally, the clinician evaluates the feces to deter causes (Box 28-15). The initial use of symptomatic therapy
mine whether they are excessively hard or have abnormal is often successful, but it is also important to look for causes
contents (e.g., hair, trash). because some problems may become harder to treat if symp
A biopsy should be done o f any mass, stricture, or tomatic therapy masks the signs while the underlying disease
infiltrative lesion found by rectal examination. A rectal progresses.
scraping is sometimes sufficient (e.g., histoplasmosis), but A search o f the history for iatrogenic, dietary, environ
biopsy specimens that include the submucosa are usually mental, or behavioral causes should be done. Feces should
preferred. Fine-needle aspiration should be performed o n be examined to determine whether they contain plastic,
extracolonic masses because abscesses occasionally occur i n bones, hair, popcorn, or other such material. Physical and
extracolonic locations. rectal examinations are done to search for rectal obstruction
If the clinician is confused by the findings from a physical or infiltration. Plain pelvic radiographs can help show
examination, observing the animal defecate may help define whether the animal has anatomic abnormalities or a previ
the underlying process. Animals with inflammation often ously undetected colonic obstruction (e.g., prostatomegaly,
continue to strain after defecating, whereas a constipated enlarged sublumbar l y m p h node). Ultrasonography is the
animal strains before feces are produced. Tenesmus that preferred technique when looking for infiltrates. A serum
occurs when an animal is i n a squatting position often results biochemistry panel may reveal causes of colonic inertia (e.g.,
from colitis, whereas tenesmus that occurs when an animal hypercalcemia, hypokalemia, hypothyroidism).
is i n a semiwalking or partial squatting position usually Colonoscopy is indicated i f the clinician suspects an
results from constipation. obstruction too orad to be detected by digital examination.

BOX 2 8 - 1 5

Causes o f C o n s t i p a t i o n

Iatrogenic Causes
Intraluminal a n d intramural disorders
Drugs Tumor
Opiates Granuloma
Anticholinergics Cicatrix
Carafate (sucralfate) Rectal f o r e i g n b o d y
Barium C o n g e n i t a l stricture
Extraluminal disorders
Behavioral/Environmental Causes Tumor
C h a n g e in h o u s e h o l d / r o u t i n e Granuloma
Soiled litter b o x / n o litter b o x Abscess
House t r a i n i n g H e a l e d pelvic fracture
Inactivity Prostatomegaly
Prostatic o r p a r a p r o s t a t i c cyst
Refusal t o Defecate
Sublumbar lymphadenopathy
Colonic W e a k n e s s
Pain in r e c t a l / p e r i n e a l a r e a (see Box 2 8 - 1 4 )
Inability to assume position to d e f e c a t e Systemic disease
Orthopedic problem Hypercalcemia
Neurologic problem Hypokalemia
D i e t a r y Causes
Localized neuromuscular disease
Excessive fiber in d e h y d r a t e d animal Spinal c o r d t r a u m a
A b n o r m a l diet Pelvic nerve damage
Hair Dysautonomia
Bones C h r o n i c , massive d i l a t i o n of the colon causing irreversible
Indigestible material ( e . g . , plants, plastic) stretching of the c o l o n i c musculature

Colonic O b s t r u c t i o n Miscellaneous Causes

Pseudocoprostasis Severe d e h y d r a t i o n
D e v i a t i o n of rectal c a n a l : perineal h e r n i a I d i o p a t h i c m e g a c o l o n (especially cats)
Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration o f infiltrative
colonic lesions sometimes yields diagnostic findings, but
BOX 2 8 - 1 6
colonoscopy (especially rigid) allows a more reliable biopsy
Causes o f Weight Loss
specimen to be obtained. If a thorough diagnostic workup
fails to identify a cause in a patient with a grossly dilated Food
colon, idiopathic megacolon may be present. N o t e n o u g h (especially if there a r e multiple animals)
Poor q u a l i t y o r l o w c a l o r i c density
A n o r e x i a (see Box 2 8 - 1 7 )

D y s p h a g i a (see Box 2 8 - 1 )
Fecal incontinence is caused by neuromuscular disease (e.g.,
cauda equine syndrome, lumbosacral stenosis) or a partial R e g u r g i t a t i o n / V o m i t i n g (i.e., losing e n o u g h calories to
rectal obstruction. Severe irritative proctitis may cause a c c o u n t f o r w e i g h t loss; see Boxes 2 8 - 4 to 2 8 - 6 )
urge incontinence. Animals with rectal obstructions con M a l d i g e s t i v e Disease
tinually try to defecate because the anal canal is filled
Exocrine p a n c r e a t i c insufficiency (usually but not a l w a y s
with feces. Proctitis is suspected on the basis o f rectal exam associated w i t h d i a r r h e a )
ination findings and confirmed by proctoscopy and biopsy
findings. Neuromuscular disease is suspected i f an abnormal M a l a b s o r p t i v e Disease (see Box 2 8 - 9 )

anal reflex is found, usually in conjunction with other neu Small intestinal disease ( m a y b e associated w i t h n o r m a l
rologic defects in the anal, perineal, h i n d l i m b , or coccygeal stools)
region. Defects i n the coccygeal region are discussed i n
Chapter 70.
O r g a n failure
C a r d i a c failure
H e p a t i c failure
Renal failure
A d r e n a l failure
Weight loss is usually caused by one of several categories o f
problems (Box 28-16). If other problems with more defined Cancer C a c h e x i a
lists of differentials (e.g., ascites, vomiting, diarrhea, poly Excessive U t i l i z a t i o n o f Calories
uria/polydipsia) are also present, they should usually be Lactation
investigated first because it may be easier to find the cause. Increased w o r k
If there are no such concurrent problems that allow relatively Extremely c o l d e n v i r o n m e n t
prompt localization of the disease, the clinician should then Pregnancy
determine what the animal's appetite was when the weight Increased c a t a b o l i s m resulting f r o m f e v e r / i n f l a m m a t i o n
loss began (Fig. 28-5). Almost any disease can cause anorexia. Hyperthyroidism
Weight loss despite a good appetite usually indicates
Increased Loss of N u t r i e n t s
maldigestion, malabsorption, or excessive utilization (e.g.,
Diabetes mellitus
hyperthyroidism, lactation) or inappropriate loss (e.g., dia
Protein-losing n e p h r o p a t h y
betes mellitus) of calories.
Protein-losing e n t e r o p a t h y
The animal's history should be reviewed for evidence
of dietary problems, dysphagia, regurgitation, vomiting, or N e u r o m u s c u l a r Disease
increased use of calories (e.g., lactation, work, extremely cold Lower motor neuron disease
temperature). Signalments suggestive o f particular diseases
(e.g., hyperthyroidism i n older cats, hepatic failure i n younger
dogs with signs of portosystemic shunts) should be recog
nized. It is important to remember that diarrhea may be failure, or a paraneoplastic syndrome. Cats should be tested
absent in animals with severe small intestinal disease. for circulating feline leukemia virus antigen and antibodies
Physical examination is performed to identify abnormal to feline immunodeficiency virus. Serum T (and sometimes 4

ities that might help localize the problem to a particular fT ) concentrations should be determined in middle-aged to

body system (e.g., nasal disease preventing n o r m a l olfaction, older cats. If clinical pathology data are not helpful, imaging
dysphagia, arrhythmia suggestive of cardiac failure, weakness is usually the next step. Thoracic radiographs (ventrodorsal
suggestive of neuromuscular disease, abnormally sized or and both lateral views) are important because significant
shaped organs, abnormal fluid accumulations). Retinal thoracic disease cannot be ruled out on the basis o f physical
examination may identify inflammatory or infiltrative dis examination findings alone. M o s t cats and some dogs can be
eases, especially i n cats. palpated well enough that abdominal radiographs are not
A C B C , serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis should cost-effective early i n the workup. However, abdominal
be done next to search for evidence o f inflammation, organ ultrasonography may reveal focal or infiltrative lesions that
FIG 2 8 - 5
G e n e r a l d i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to w e i g h t loss in the d o g a n d c a t . CBC, C o m p l e t e b l o o d
count; FeLV, feline leukemia virus; FIV, feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus; ACTH, a d r e n o c o r t i
c o t r o p i c h o r m o n e ; EEG, e l e c t r o e n c e p h a l o g r a p h y ; EMG, e l e c t r o m y o g r a p h y ; CT, c o m p u t e d
t o m o g r a p h y ; CSF, c e r e b r o s p i n a l f l u i d ; MRI, m a g n e t i c resonance i m a g i n g .

cannot be palpated (plain radiographs reveal such lesions Other possible diagnostic tools include tests to evaluate
less frequently). the C N S (i.e., cerebrospinal fluid analysis, electroencepha
If the cause o f weight loss remains u n k n o w n after these lography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance
steps have been taken, additional tests are necessary. Daily imaging; animals that are anorectic as a result o f severe C N S
physical examinations can be an important means o f local disease do not always have obvious cranial nerve deficits or
izing the problem. Fever o f u n k n o w n origin may be noted seizures) and peripheral nerves and muscles (i.e., electromy
(see Chapter 90). Organ function testing (e.g., serum bile ography, muscle or nerve biopsies; sometimes the weakness
acid concentrations, A C T H - s t i m u l a t i o n testing, serum T L I , associated with neuropathies and myopathies is mistaken for
serum cobalamin) is reasonable. Likewise, if serum T concen 4 lethargy). (See Chapter 64.) If the cause of the weight loss
trations are n o r m a l i n a cat with suspected hyperthyroidism, still remains undiagnosed and the history and physical
the serum fT concentration should be determined or other
4 examination findings are still noncontributory, occult cancer
tests (e.g., nuclear scintigraphy) performed (see Chapter 51). becomes a major differential diagnosis. In such cases, the
If the cause o f weight loss still remains undiagnosed, the clinician may have to wait and retest later with the hope that
clinician should consider performing gastric and intestinal the disease will progress enough to be detected.
biopsy (preferably endoscopically). If a laparotomy is per Causes o f weight loss that can be particularly difficult to
formed instead, the entire abdomen should be examined, diagnose include gastric disease that does not cause vomit
multiple biopsy samples o f the alimentary tract obtained, ing, intestinal disease that does not cause vomiting or
and biopsy o f the liver and mesenteric lymph nodes done. diarrhea, hepatic disease with normal serum alanine
Biopsy o f the pancreas should also be done i n cats. aminotransferase or alkaline phosphatase activities, occult
inflammatory disease, hypoadrenocorticism with n o r m a l ABDOMINAL EFFUSION
serum electrolyte concentrations, occult cancer, "dry" feline
infectious peritonitis, and C N S disease without cranial nerve A b d o m i n a l effusion is usually caused by hypoalbuminemia,
deficits or seizures. portal hypertension, or peritoneal inflammation. Effusions
resulting from alimentary tract disorders are primarily
caused by P L E or alimentary tract rupture (i.e., septic peri
ANOREXIA tonitis). Some animals with P L E have n o r m a l stools, with
ascites being the presenting complaint. Malignant tumors
The approach to the diagnostic evaluation of animals with may obstruct lymphatic flow or increase vascular permeabil
anorexia of uncertain cause is similar to that for animals with ity, causing modified transudates to form or nonseptic peri
weight loss (see Fig. 28-5), and the differential diagnoses tonitis to develop. Modified transudates usually result from
are also similar (Box 28-17). Inflammatory disease is often hepatic or cardiac disease or from malignant conditions. For
detected by the C B C or the finding of fever (see Chapter 90). further information on abdominal effusions, see Chapters 35
GI disease may produce anorexia without vomiting or diar and 36.
rhea. Cancer cachexia (with anorexia as the predominant
sign) may stem from relatively small tumors that are not
grossly detectable, although this is rare. Finally, C N S disease ACUTE ABDOMEN
must be considered whenever there is altered mentation.
However, altered mentation may resemble the depression Acute abdomen refers to various abdominal disorders pro
and lethargy commonly seen in animals with other diseases. ducing shock (hypovolemic or septic), sepsis, or severe pain
(Box 28-18). Causes may include alimentary tract obstruc
tion or leakage, vascular compromise (e.g., congestion,
torsion, volvulus, ischemia), inflammation, neoplasia, or
BOX 2 8 - 1 7 sepsis. The diagnostic evaluation of this problem is deter
mined by the severity of the clinical signs (Fig. 28-6).
Major Causes of Anorexia
Shock and gastric dilation or volvulus ( G D V ) must be
I n f l a m m a t o r y Disease identified and treated immediately. Once these conditions
Bacterial infections are eliminated, the next major decision is whether to perform
| Viral infections exploratory surgery or initiate medical therapy. A n i m a l s
Fungal infections with abdominal masses, foreign objects, bunched-up loops
Rickettsial infections of painful small intestine (e.g., linear foreign body), or spon
Protozoal infections taneous septic peritonitis should typically undergo surgery
Sterile inflammation as soon as supportive therapy has made the risk of anesthe
Immune-mediated disease
sia acceptable. If the cause of the acute abdomen is uncertain,
N e o p l a s t i c disease
it can be difficult to determine whether surgery is indicated.
Surgery is not necessarily beneficial and may even be detri
Fever of u n k n o w n o r i g i n
mental to animals with conditions such as pancreatitis, par
voviral enteritis, pyelonephritis, or prostatitis. Typically,
A l i m e n t a r y Tract Disease abdominal imaging (i.e., plain abdominal radiography or
Gastric or intestinal disease ultrasonongraphy) and clinical pathologic studies (i.e., C B C ,
D y s p h a g i a (especially resulting from pain) chemistry panel) should be performed before a laparotomy
is performed. Ultrasound can reveal changes (e.g., infiltration)
N a u s e a (stimulation of the m e d u l l a r y v o m i t i n g center f o r
that radiographs cannot detect, sometimes allowing diagno
a n y reason, even if it is not sufficient to cause v o m i t i n g ,
sis via aspiration (and potentially eliminating the need for
especially gastric o r intestinal disease; see Box 2 8 - 6 )
surgery). However, radiographs occasionally detect lesions
Metabolic Disease (e.g., small foreign bodies) that were missed ultrasonograph
ically. Imaging may reveal spontaneous pneumoperitoneum,
O r g a n failure ( e . g . , kidney, a d r e n a l , liver, heart)
abdominal masses, foreign objects, alimentary tract obstruc
Diabetic ketoacidosis tion, gastric or mesenteric torsion (these require surgical
H y p e r t h y r o i d i s m (usually causes p o l y p h a g i a , but some cats treatment), or free peritoneal fluid (this requires abdomino
have apathetic hyperthyroidism) centesis and fluid analysis for management). A b a r i u m series
is seldom needed and may complicate later therapy/surgery.
Central N e r v o u s S y s t e m Disease
If optimal medical therapy is being given and the animal's
Cancer Cachexia condition is clearly deteriorating or does not improve after
Anosmia 2 to 5 days of therapy, or i f the animal continues to have
excruciating pain, it is often appropriate to recommend
Psychologic Causes
exploratory surgery. Inform the client that y o u may discover
BOX 2 8 - 1 8

Major Causes of Acute Abdomen

Septic I n f l a m m a t i o n O r g a n Distention o r O b s t r u c t i o n
Septic peritonitis Gastric d i l a t i o n o r volvulus (important a n d c o m m o n )
Perforated gastric ulcer ( N S A I D s , tumor) (important) Intestinal obstruction resulting from m a n y causes (important
Perforated intestines (tumor, post-op d e h i s c e n c e , linear and common)
foreign body, severe inflammation) (important a n d Intussusception (important)
common) Dystocia
Devitalized intestines (intussusception, t h r o m b o s i s / i n f a r c t ) Mesenteric volvulus (rare)
Ruptured gallbladder d u e to septic cholecystitis o r Incarcerated obstruction (rare)
Abscess/Infection Ischemia
Splenic Torsion o f spleen, liver l o b e , testicle, o r other o r g a n
Hepatic T h r o m b o e m b o l i s m o f a b d o m i n a l organ(s)
Prostatic O t h e r Causes o f A b d o m i n a l Pain (see Box 2 8 - 1 9 )
Renal Abdominal Hemorrhage
Pyometra (ruptured)
Abdominal neoplasia (hemangiosarcoma, hepatocellular
Nonseptic I n f l a m m a t i o n carcinoma; important a n d common)
Pancreatitis ( i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n ) Trauma
Uroabdomen (important) C o a g u l o p a t h y (important)
Abdominal Neoplasia

BOX 2 8 - 1 9

Causes of Abdominal Pain

Poor P a l p a t i o n Technique
M u s c u l o s k e l e t a l S y s t e m (Mimics A b d o m i n a l Pain)
Infection (rare)
Urogenital System
Intervertebral disk disease (important a n d c o m m o n )
Diskospondylitis (important) Pyelonephritis (important)
Abscesses Lower u r i n a r y tract infection
Prostatitis (common)
N o n s e p t i c cystitis ( c o m m o n in cats)
Peritonitis Cystic o r ureteral obstruction o r rupture ( c o m m o n , especially
Septic ( i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n ) after trauma)
N o n s e p t i c ( e . g . , u r o a b d o m e n ; important) Urethritis or obstruction (common)
A d h e s i o n s (rare) Metritis
Uterine torsion (rare)
G a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l Tract
Gastrointestinal ulcer Testicular torsion (rare)
Foreign o b j e c t (especially linear) Mastitis (does n o t cause true a b d o m i n a l p a i n but mimics
Neoplasm a b d o m i n a l pain)
A d h e s i o n s (rare)
Miscellaneous Causes
Intestinal ischemia (rare)
Intestinal spasm (rare) Postoperative p a i n (especially if a n i m a l has a tight suture
See also Box 2 8 - 1 8 , under O r g a n Distention o r Obstruction line)
Iatrogenic causes
H e p a t o b i l i a r y Tract
Hepatitis Bethanechol
A d r e n a l i t i s (associated w i t h h y p o a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m ; rare)
Cholelithiasis o r cholecystitis
H e a v y metal i n t o x i c a t i o n (rare)
Pancreas V a s c u l o p a t h y (rare)
Pancreatitis ( i m p o r t a n t a n d c o m m o n ) Rocky M o u n t a i n spotted fever vasculitis

Torsion (rare)
FIG 2 8 - 6
G e n e r a l d i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to acute a b d o m e n in the d o g a n d c a t . CBC, C o m p l e t e
b l o o d count.

the animal has a disorder not surgically correctable (espe A n animal with true abdominal pain may show obvious
cially pancreatitis) or that nothing abnormal may be found. discomfort (e.g., it paces or repeatedly assumes different
In the latter case, the clinician should biopsy various abdom positions, repeatedly looks at or licks its abdomen) and may
inal organs and then treat the animal's symptoms while whine, growl, or snap i f the abdomen is touched. Some dogs
awaiting biopsy results. stretch out and assume a "praying" position (i.e., the "posi
tion o f r e l i e f ) . Other animals have inconspicuous signs
(e.g., the animal grunts or tries to walk away when palpated,
ABDOMINAL PAIN the abdomen is tensed) that are easily missed. O n the other
hand, a poor or rough abdominal palpation technique i n
"Abdominal" pain must first be determined to be abdominal normal animals may elicit a guarding response that can
and not extraabdominal in origin (e.g., thoracolumbar pain m i m i c abdominal pain. The m a i n causes of abdominal pain
is often erroneously assessed as being abdominal i n origin). are listed i n B o x 28-19.
BOX 2 8 - 2 0

Causes of Abdominal Enlargement

| Tissue
Pregnancy Free in a b d o m e n
H e p a t o m e g a l y (infiltrative o r i n f l a m m a t o r y disease, lipidosis, Transudate, m o d i f i e d transudate, e x u d a t e , b l o o d , chyle
S p l e n o m e g a l y (infiltrative o r i n f l a m m a t o r y disease, neopla
sia, hematoma) C o n t a i n e d in organ(s)
R e n o m e g a l y ( n e o p l a s i a , infiltrative disease, compensatory Stomach (gastric d i l a t i o n o r volvulus)
hypertrophy) Intestines (resulting f r o m obstruction)
Miscellaneous neoplasia In p a r e n c h y m a t o u s organs (e.g., liver) resulting from
G r a n u l o m a ( e . g . , pythiosis) infection w i t h g a s - p r o d u c i n g b a c t e r i a
Free in a b d o m e n
Iatrogenic (after l a p a r o s c o p y o r l a p a r o t o m y )
C o n t a i n e d in organ(s) A l i m e n t a r y tract or female r e p r o d u c t i v e tract rupture
C o n g e s t i o n resulting from torsion, volvulus, or right-sided Bacterial m e t a b o l i s m (peritonitis)
heart failure
Liver Obesity
Cysts Lipoma
Paraprostatic cyst
W e a k A b d o m i n a l Muscles
Perinephric cyst
H e p a t i c cyst Hyperadrenocorticism
Intestines o r stomach (resulting f r o m obstruction o r ileus) Feces

If the patient has abdominal pain, the goal is to determine on abdominal masses and enlarged organs, unless there is a
the source. If the pain is originating from w i t h i n the abdom reason not to (e.g., hepatomegaly caused by severe right-
inal cavity, the diagnostic approach depends o n its severity, sided heart failure). Fine-needle aspiration is usually safe,
the progression o f disease, and whether there are any although the leakage of septic contents or implantation
obvious causes. The steps taken i n diagnosing the cause of neoplastic cells may occur. Ultrasonography helps deter
of abdominal pain are similar to those taken i n an animal mine the potential for hemorrhage or leakage (e.g., cyst,
with acute abdomen. Some causes of abdominal pain can mass with ultrasonographic characteristics of hemangiosar
be difficult to diagnose (e.g., acute pancreatitis, localized coma). The finding of a spontaneous pneumoperitoneum
peritonitis). suggests alimentary tract rupture or septic peritonitis and is
an indication for immediate surgical exploration. A hollow
viscus dilated with gas may indicate obstruction (i.e., gastric
ABDOMINAL DISTENTION dilation, intestinal obstruction) or physiologic ileus (see pp.
OR ENLARGEMENT 384 and 436; Figs. 29-5 and 32-4). Surgery is indicated i f an
obstruction seems likely. If abdominal musculature weak
A b d o m i n a l distention or enlargement may be associated ness is suspected, the clinician should test for hyperadreno
with an acute abdomen, but these conditions are typically corticism. Results of a C B C , serum biochemistry panel, and
separate problems. It is best to believe clients who claim urinalysis are used to look for specific organ involvement
there is abdominal enlargement until good cause is found to (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism). Contrast-enhanced alimentary
do otherwise. There are six main causes o f abdominal disten or urinary tract radiographs may be useful i n selected cases,
tion (Box 28-20). although ultrasonography often makes such techniques
The first concern is whether an acute abdomen is present unnecessary.
(e.g., G D V , septic peritonitis, hemoabdomen plus shock).
After an acute abdomen is ruled out, it should be possible Suggested Readings
to classify the enlargement o n the basis o f the physical
Harkin KR: Constipation, tenesmus, dyschezia, and fecal inconti
examination and abdominal imaging (i.e., radiography or nence. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal
ultrasonography) findings, according to the criteria i n medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders.
B o x 28-20. Obesity and pregnancy should be obvious. Spec Hoover JP et al: Anorexia. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook
imens of free abdominal fluid should be obtained and ana of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB
lyzed as described i n Chapter 36. Biopsy should be performed Saunders.

Kelly K M : Melena and hematochezia. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Twedt D C : Vomiting. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook of
Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, W B
WB Saunders. Saunders.
Marretta SM: Ptyalism. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook of vet Willard M D et al: Gastrointestinal, pancreatic, and hepatic dis
erinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders. orders. In Willard M D et al, editors: Small animal clinical
Steiner JM: Diarrhea. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook of vet diagnosis by laboratory methods, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2004, W B
erinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders. Saunders.
C H A P T E R 29

Diagnostic Tests for the

Alimentary Tract

Routine physical examination is the first step in evaluating
animals with alimentary tract disease, although oral exami
Complete Blood C o u n t
nation is sometimes skipped in uncooperative animals.
If oral, abdominal, or rectal disease is a major concern and
Serum Biochemistry Profile
the patient refuses to allow examination o f the area, it
is reasonable and appropriate to sedate or anesthetize
the patient to examine and palpate this area. A c o m m o n
example of this is a vomiting cat with a possible linear
foreign body lodged under the tongue; the clinician must
thoroughly examine the mouth, even i f it requires chemical
The clinician should methodically identify individual
organs during abdominal palpation. In dogs the small intes
tine, large intestine, and urinary bladder can usually be
found (unless there is an abdominal effusion, abdominal
pain, or obesity). In cats both kidneys are usually palpable.
Indications for Imaging o f the Esophagus
In both species the clinician can usually detect substan
tial splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, intestinal or mesenteric
masses, and intestinal foreign objects. A b d o m i n a l pain may
Indications for Radiographic Imaging of the A b d o m e n
be subtle; some animals will cry out during gentle palpation,
without Contrast M e d i a
whereas many just tense their abdomen (i.e., guarding) or
Indications for Ultrasonography o f the Stomach and
try to move away. A rough palpation technique can cause a
Small Intestines
normal animal to tense up or vocalize during palpation,
Indications for Contrast-Enhanced Gastrograms
m i m i c k i n g the reaction o f an animal with abdominal pain.
Indications for Contrast-Enhanced Studies o f the Small
Light, careful palpation permits the definition of as much of
the internal abdominal contents as possible. If sufficient
Indications for B a r i u m Contrast Enemas
abdominal fluid is present to prevent meaningful abdominal
palpation, ballottement of the abdomen should produce a
fluid wave.
D u r i n g a rectal examination, the examiner should be
able to identify and evaluate the colonic mucosa, anal sph
incter, anal sacs, pelvic canal bones, muscular support
for the rectum, urogenital tract, and luminal contents.
However, it is particularly easy to misinterpret mucosal
Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy
polyps as mucosal folds and to miss partial strictures that
Endoscopic Biopsy
are large enough to allow a single digit to pass through
Full-Thickness Biopsy
ROUTINE LABORATORY EVALUATION measuring h u m a n a l b u m i n result i n falsely low measure
ments of canine albumin.
COMPLETE B L O O D COUNT Ill animals (especially those receiving multiple drugs) are
Complete blood counts (CBCs) are especially important i n at risk for secondary renal or hepatic failure. Very young and
animals at risk for neutropenia (e.g., parvoviral enteritis, very small animals easily become hypoglycemic i f they
severe sepsis), infection (e.g., aspiration pneumonia), or cannot eat or absorb ingested nutrients. Finally, finding
anemia (e.g., pale mucous membranes, melena, hemateme hypercalcemia or hypoalbuminemia may provide a clue to
sis) and also i n those that have fever, weight loss, or anorexia the underlying problem (i.e., make some disorders more
resulting from an occult cause. The clinician should always likely) i n animals with weight loss or anorexia.
evaluate absolute numbers of the different types o f white
blood cells ( W B C s ) , not the percentages, because an animal URINALYSIS
may have an abnormal percentage o f a particular W B C and Urinalysis is required to accurately evaluate renal function
yet have a normal absolute number of cells (and vice versa). and, i n conjunction with the urine protein:creatinine ratio,
If the animal is anemic, the clinician should evaluate the to help identify the cause of hypoalbuminemia. U r i n e should
C B C for evidence o f iron deficiency (e.g., hypochromasia, always be obtained before fluid therapy is begun.
microcytosis, thrombocytosis, increased red b l o o d cell dis
tribution width).
A platelet count is important. Platelet numbers can be esti Fecal flotation is indicated i n almost every animal with ali
mated on the basis o f correctly made b l o o d smears (i.e., a mentary tract disease or weight loss, especially i n puppies
dog should have an average of 8 to 30 platelets per oil immer and kittens. Even i f it is not the primary problem, parasitism
sion field; finding 1 platelet per field suggests a platelet count may cause additional debilitation. Concentrated salt or
of approximately 15,000 to 20,000/l). Coagulation panels sugar solutions are typically used for fecal flotation. The
may detect unsuspected coagulopathies (e.g., disseminated former are usually superior, although incorrectly made
intravascular coagulation). Activated clotting times are crude solutions may not force heavier ova (e.g., whipworms) to
estimates of the intrinsic clotting pathway; partial thrombo float. Moreover, concentrated salt solutions can distort
plastin times are more sensitive. Mucosal bleeding time is an Giardia cysts, making identification difficult. A zinc sulfate
excellent screening test for coagulopathies severe enough to flotation solution is preferred for detecting nematode ova
cause clinical bleeding. and Giardia cysts. Centrifugation is strongly recommended;
it promotes separation o f cysts from the fecal matter
SERUM BIOCHEMISTRY PROFILE and results i n a more sensitive fecal examination. Some
Serum biochemistry profiles that include alanine transami parasites intermittently shed small numbers o f ova or cysts,
nase and alkaline phosphatase activities, as well as the b l o o d necessitating repeated fecal analyses for diagnosis. W h i p
urea nitrogen, creatinine, total protein, albumin, sodium, w o r m and Giardia infections can be especially difficult to
potassium, chloride, total C O , cholesterol, calcium, phos
2 diagnose.
phorus, magnesium, bilirubin, and glucose concentrations, The ova o f the most c o m m o n tapeworm species are con
are important i n animals with severe vomiting, diarrhea, tained i n segments and are not found by flotation tech
ascites, unexplained weight loss, or anorexia. These values niques. Nanophyetus salmincola (the fluke that transmits
are crucial to correctly diagnosing the animal's problem and salmon poisoning) is detected by many flotation solutions,
appropriately treating it. The clinician cannot predict the although sedimentation examinations are required to detect
changes that w i l l occur or the magnitude o f the changes i n most other fluke ova. Cryptosporidiosis can be detected
a particular animal, even when the cause o f the disease is by flotation techniques, but higher magnification (X1000)
known. The total carbon dioxide concentration is not as must be used. The clinician should send the feces to a
definitive as b l o o d gas analysis but helps define the acid-base laboratory that is familiar w i t h this coccidium and is able
status, which also cannot be accurately predicted. to perform special procedures to detect it. E L I S A methodol
The albumin concentration is more useful than the total ogy is more sensitive than fecal examination for finding
protein concentration. Hyperglobulinemia, which has many Cryptosporidia.
causes (e.g., heartworms, chronic dermatitis, ehrlichiosis) i n Direct fecal examination, although convenient, is not sen
a hypoalbuminemic dog can cause the serum total protein sitive for nematodes and should not replace flotation tech
concentration to be normal. Severe hypoalbuminemia (i.e., niques. However, occasionally amebiasis, strongyloidiasis,
less than 2.0 g/dl) is important diagnostically; it is more and w h i p w o r m infections missed by flotation procedures
commonly found in animals with infiltrative alimentary can be detected i n this way. M o t i l e Giardia and Tritricho
tract disease, parvoviral diarrhea, intestinal lymphangiecta monas trophozoites may be found i f the feces are very fresh
sia, gastrointestinal blood loss, or ascites. It is important to and the smear is adequately diluted w i t h saline solution.
have the serum albumin measured by technology designed Direct examination seems about half as sensitive as zinc
for canine and feline albumin; some techniques used for sulfate flotation techniques i n detecting giardiasis.
Fecal sedimentation is time-consuming and offers no MISCELLANEOUS FECAL ANALYSES
advantage i n detecting c o m m o n gastrointestinal tract para
sites. However, it does detect fluke ova missed by other tech Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) can be used
niques, especially the ova o f Eurytrema spp., Platynosomum to detect various antibodies or antigens. The test for canine
spp., and Amphimerus spp. plus Heterobilharzia. parvovirus seems to be very specific. However, virus may not
Feces may be preserved by m i x i n g equal volumes o f feces be found i n the feces for the first 24 to 48 hours, and it may
and 10% neutral buffered formalin or by using commercially be necessary to repeat the test i n 2 to 3 days i f initial results
available kits. Polyvinyl alcohol is used i n the latter, and feces are negative i n a dog strongly suspected o f having parvoviral
preserved i n this manner can be examined weeks to months infection. In addition, although dogs with parvoviral diar
later. These techniques are especially useful if one cannot rhea initially shed large amounts of virus, fecal shedding
immediately examine feces for protozoal cysts. decreases substantially during the ensuing 7 to 14 days. A
repeatedly negative test result therefore does not rule out
parvoviral infection, but it does necessitate a consideration
FECAL DIGESTION TESTS of other acute, febrile gastroenteritides (e.g., salmonellosis).
This test is particularly valuable i f there are epidemiologic
Examining feces for undigested food particles by staining considerations (e.g., breeding kennel).
thin fecal smears with the Sudan stain (for fat) or iodine (for ELISAs for detecting a Giardia-specific antigen i n human
starch and muscle fibers) is of dubious value. Although the (ProSpecT/Microplate ELISA assay for Giardia, Alexon, Inc.)
finding of excessive amounts o f undigested fecal fat is sug and canine/feline feces ( S N A P Giardia Test, Idexx Laborato
gestive o f exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), this test ries) are available. The S N A P Giardia test appears to be sen
has many false-positive and false-negative results. If EPI is a sitive and specific but has not been carefully compared with
differential diagnosis, serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity multiple zinc sulfate flotation examinations i n clinical
(TLI) is a better way to confirm the diagnosis (see the section patients. It has the advantage of being able to be performed
on digestion and absorption tests). in the practice. A n IFA test ( M E R I F L U O R Cryptosporidium/
Fecal analysis for proteolytic activity (i.e., the fecal trypsin Giardia direct immunofluorescent kit, Meridian Bioscience,
content) also tests for E P I . Qualitative estimates (e.g., fecal Inc.) appears to be specific but has the disadvantage of
film digestion, fecal gelatin digestion) are unreliable. Q u a n requiring that feces be sent to a commercial laboratory.
titative analysis is seldom needed because the T L I test is ELISAs for detecting cryptosporidial antigens i n feces
easier and more pleasant to perform. It is rarely necessary to (ProSpecT C r y p t o s p o r i d i u m Microplate Assay, Meridian
quantitate fecal proteolytic activity to diagnose EPI caused Diagnostics, Inc. and ProSpecT Cryptosporidium micro-
by pancreatic duct obstruction, something T L I does not plate assay, Remel Inc.) appear to be more sensitive than
detect. In this test feces are collected for 3 consecutive days routine fecal examinations. Special staining of fecal smears
and stored frozen until sent to the laboratory. However, this with a modified Ziehl-Neelsen acid-fast technique is also
is an exceedingly rare situation. sensitive, albeit more labor intensive. A n I F A test ( M E R I
Quantitated fecal fat analysis is seldom indicated. F L U O R Cryptosporidium/Giardia direct immunofluorescent
Although sensitive for detecting fat malabsorption and mal kit, M e r i d i a n Bioscience, Inc.) was not as sensitive as the
digestion, it is expensive and unpleasant to perform and does ELISAs when looking for Cryptosporidia.
not differentiate malabsorption from E P I . Electron microscopy can be used to identify various viral
Fecal occult b l o o d analyses are seldom useful because particles (e.g., coronavirus, astrovirus) i n feces. Because the
most pets eat meat by-products that cause a positive reac E L I S A is usually adequate for detecting parvovirus, electron
tion. False-positive reactions may also be produced by microscopy is rarely necessary. However, it is reasonable to
cimetidine, oral iron preparations, and some vegetables. Fur choose this technique i f other test results are not diagnostic
thermore, the sensitivity o f different techniques varies, and there are epidemiologic considerations. Fecal samples
making it difficult to accurately compare results. Finally, blood for electron microscopy analysis should be obtained early
is often not distributed homogeneously throughout the i n the disease because fecal viral concentrations may de
feces, and a negative result could stem from a sampling error crease dramatically within 7 to 14 days after the onset of
(especially i n animals with lower intestinal tract problems). signs. Furthermore, some delicate viruses (e.g., coronavirus)
If analysis for fecal occult b l o o d is desired, the optimal degenerate quickly, and the feces from animals suspected of
approach is to feed the animal a meat-free diet for 3 to 4 days having such an infection must be handled appropriately if
before performing the test. Tests using the reagents benzi meaningful results are to be obtained. It is important that
dine or orthotoluidine to detect hemoglobin tend to be very clinicians contact their laboratory for instructions on sample
sensitive (and hence less specific), whereas those using guaiac handling.
are less sensitive (and thus more specific). A sensitive and Assays for bacterial toxins i n feces sometimes help i m p l i
specific fluorometric method has been validated i n dogs. cate specific bacteria as causing diarrhea. There are numer
Repeated testing may be necessary to demonstrate intermit ous ELISA tests available for detecting Clostridum difficile
tent bleeding. toxin i n h u m a n feces; however, the sensitivity o f these tests
for canine feces appears to be poor. The tissue culture assay CYTOLOGIC EVALUATION OF FECES
for Clostridum difficile toxin in feces is sensitive but only
performed in research laboratories. ELISA tests (Clostridium Fecal cytologic evaluations may identify etiologic agents or
perfringens Enterotoxin Test, TechLab) and reverse passive inflammatory cells. In this method a thin, air-dried smear is
latex agglutination tests (Oxoid PET-RPLA, Unipath Co.) stained with Gram's or a Romanowsky-type stain (e.g., Diff-
tests for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin are available. Quik). The latter identifies cells better than Gram's stain
However, the results of these tests do not clearly correlate does.
with presence or absence of disease. Their value in clinical Finding excessive numbers of spore-forming bacteria (e.g.,
cases is still being defined. more than 3 to 4 per1000xfield)was once thought to strongly
There are both culture techniques (InPouch TF, BioMed suggest clostridial colitis (see Fig. 33-1). However, the pres
Dianonstics) and polymerase chan reaction (PCR) tests for ence of spores is neither specific nor sensitive for clostridial
Tritrichomonas fetus in feline feces. The culture technique colitis. Finding that the bacterial population is relatively
can be done in the practice and appears to be sensitive and uniform morphologically is of uncertain value, other than to
specific; it is more sensitive than direct fecal examination. show that the normal bacterial flora is disrupted. However,
no comments can be made relative to cause or effect.
Short, curved, gram-negative rods (i.e., "commas" or
BACTERIAL FECAL CULTURE "seagull wings") are suggestive of campylobacteriosis. The
larger spirochetes, which are often plentiful in diarrheic
Fecal culture is seldom indicated in small animals unless a feces, are not C. jejuni and are of uncertain pathogenicity.
contagious disease is strongly suspected or other test findings Although cytologic preparations are not critically analyzed
(e.g., endoscopy and biopsy) are nondiagnostic. Specific in diarrheic small animals, fecal cytologic analysis for Cam
culture techniques for the detection of each pathogen are pylobacter spp. is a specific, albeit insensitive, method in
recommended. Therefore the clinician should contact the people. Fungal organisms (e.g., Histoplasma capsulatum,
laboratory before submitting feces, informing them specifi Cyniclomyces guttulatus Candida spp.) are rarely found by
cally what bacteria to attempt to grow and following their fecal examination; cytologic examination of mucosal scrap
instructions regarding the handling of specimens. It is impor ings or histologic examination of biopsy specimens is usually
tant to remember that fecal culture cannot be used to diag necessary to diagnose histoplasmosis.
nose small intestinal antibiotic-responsive enteropathy (ARE). The finding of leukocytes in feces indicates the presence
The pathogens most likely to be cultured from feces from of a transmural colonic inflammation instead of just a
small animals are C. perfringens, C. difficile, Salmonella spp., superficial mucosal inflammation. However, a definitive
Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, and verotoxin- diagnosis of a particular cause is not possible.
producing strains of Escherichia coli. Confirmation of toxin
production of isolates can be performed using PCR tech
niques or bioassay. Aeromonas spp. and Plesiomonas spp. may RADIOGRAPHY OF THE
also cause diarrhea. Salmonella spp. are best cultured by ALIMENTARY TRACT
inoculating at least 1 g of fresh feces into an enrichment
medium and subsequendy a selective medium specific for Imaging (i.e., radiography) allows structures to be evaluated
Salmonella spp. It is sometimes possible to culture Salmo that cannot be adequately assessed during physical examina
nella from the colonic mucosa. A PCR technique has been tion (e.g., esophagus, stomach) and may detect abnormali
used recently in the evaluation of equine feces and may be ties missed by abdominal palpation (e.g., gastric mass,
useful for the evaluation of canine and feline feces. To culture foreign object, splenic parenchymal mass). Plain radiographs
C. jejuni, very fresh feces must be inoculated onto selective should always be obtained before contrast-enhanced radio
media and incubated at approximately 40 C instead of 37 graphs because (1) the former may yield diagnostic findings,
C. If inoculation is to be delayed, special transport media (2) contrast-enhanced radiographs may be contraindicated,
should be used, not routine commercial transport devices and (3) plain radiographs are needed to ensure a correct
(e.g., culturette swabs). PCR testing is available for Campy radiographic technique during the contrast procedure. Con
lobacter spp. in canine and feline feces (GI Lab, Texas A & M trast-enhanced radiographs may be able to detect abnor
University). The clinical value is still being defined. malities (e.g., a gastric outflow tract obstruction) that plain
It is important to note that the mere presence of any of radiographs cannot.
these bacteria in an animal's feces does not confirm that they Radiographs are generally useful in the diagnostic workup
are causing disease. Culture results must be correlated with of animals with dysphagia, regurgitation, vomiting, abdom
clinical signs and the results of other laboratory tests. inal mass or distention, abdominal pain, or acute abdomen.
Candida spp. are occasionally cultured from feces. The They are occasionally helpful in animals with constipation,
finding is often of uncertain significance, but the organisms weight loss, or anorexia of unknown cause, but other tests
may cause problems in some animals (e.g., those receiving are usually indicated first in such animals and often render
chemotherapy). imaging unnecessary. Radiographic findings are rarely diag-
nostic i n dogs or cats with diarrhea or copious abdominal dynamic studies (i.e., fluoroscopy, cinefluoroscopy) are nec
effusion. essary i f one is looking for dysphagia of neuromuscular
origin. These studies are performed by feeding conscious
animals various forms of barium (i.e., liquid, paste, and
ULTRASONOGRAPHY OF THE mixed with food).
Ultrasonography may be done i n combination w i t h or Foreign objects, fractures, bone lysis, soft tissue masses or
instead o f radiography; however, it is extremely operator densities, and emphysema are c o m m o n l y found. The bone
dependent. It is often useful i n animals w i t h an acute surrounding the tooth roots should be examined for evi
abdomen, abdominal effusion, vomiting, diarrhea, weight dence o f lysis and the temporomandibular joints for signs of
loss, or anorexia o f u n k n o w n cause and also i n those with arthritis. It is important to remember to consider the bilat
an abdominal mass, distention, or pain. Ultrasonography eral symmetry o f the skull; one side should be compared
can be used to identify pancreatitis, infiltrations i n various with the other when evaluating the V D projection. W h e n
organs, and intussusceptions that radiography misses. Fur performing contrast-enhanced or dynamic studies, the clini
thermore, effusions, which render radiographs useless, cian should watch for the aspiration of barium, the strength
enhance ultrasonographic contrast. Ultrasonography can with which the bolus is propelled into the esophagus, and
be more informative than radiography when determining the synchronization o f the opening o f the cricopharyngeal
whether an animal with an acute abdomen requires surgery. muscle with the pharyngeal phase of swallowing.
Finally, ultrasonography can be used to guide the percutane
ous aspiration and biopsy o f intraabdominal lesions that INDICATIONS FOR I M A G I N G OF
would otherwise necessitate surgery or laparoscopy. THE E S O P H A G U S
Indications for evaluating the esophagus include regurgita
Techniques tion (including pharyngeal dysphagia), pain when swallow
A 5 M H z probe is probably the most utilitarian. H a i r is often ing, unexplained recurrent pneumonia or cough, and
clipped so that there is no trapped air that could compromise thoracic "masses" (seen radiographically) o f undetermined
the quality o f the image. F l u i d can be infused into the origin. A b a r i u m contrast-enhanced esophagram is neces
abdomen or stomach to improve the evaluation, but this is sary unless plain films reveal the presence o f an esophageal
infrequently needed. foreign object, evidence o f esophageal perforation (e.g., a
pleural effusion or pneumothorax), or an obvious hiatal
Findings hernia. Finding obvious megaesophagus on plain radio
The thickness, echodensity, and homogeneity of organs (e.g., graphs is usually considered sufficient, but some dogs with
liver, spleen, intestine, stomach, mesenteric l y m p h nodes, megaesophagus on plain radiographs demonstrate normal
masses) may be assessed. Intraparenchymal infiltrates that function when barium is administered. Ultrasonography is
cannot be detected radiographically may also be found. The seldom useful for dogs and cats with esophageal disease,
particular ultrasonographic findings seen i n specific disor unless there is a thoracic mass.
ders o f the alimentary tract are discussed i n subsequent
chapters dealing with the disorders. Techniques
L i q u i d b a r i u m is the best contrast agent for esophageal
studies; it provides excellent detail and, if aspirated, is not as
IMAGING OF THE ORAL CAVITY, noxious as paste or food. The clinician must be careful not
PHARYNX, AND ESOPHAGUS to administer drugs that affect esophageal motility (e.g.,
xylazine, ketamine, anesthesia). The animal should take
INDICATIONS several swallows o f dilute barium from a syringe, after which
Animals with dysphagia, oral pain, halitosis o f u n k n o w n right lateral and V D views are quickly obtained. If possible,
cause, or a swelling or mass should generally undergo the clinician should perform fluoroscopy as the animal swal
imaging. If dysphagia o f neuromuscular origin is suspected, lows the b a r i u m to assess esophageal motility and look for
dynamic studies (i.e., fluoroscopy) are recommended. U l t r a partial esophageal obstruction, segmental esophageal weak
sonography can be particularly informative i n the evaluation ness, gastroesophageal reflux, and esophageal-pharyngeal
of any infiltrates or masses. reflux (i.e., cricopharyngeal incompetence). Radiographs
may be taken i f a lesion is found fluoroscopically. If
Techniques fluoroscopy is not available, multiple radiographs (usually
Anesthesia is necessary so that animals can be properly lateral projections) are taken i n rapid succession, beginning
positioned for radiographs o f the skull. Lateral, dorsoventral very shortly (i.e., 5 to 10 seconds) after swallowing.
( D V ) , and oblique views are used to detect foreign objects B a r i u m paste is acceptable i f liquid is not available.
or fractures. O p e n - m o u t h ventrodorsal ( V D ) views and Hypertonic, iodine-contrast agents do not achieve as good a
end-on views o f the nose may also be helpful. However, contrast as barium and cause severe problems i f aspirated;
isotonic water-soluble iodine contrast agents are better. If
radiographic studies performed with liquid or paste contrast
agents do not detect an abnormality i n an animal i n w h i c h
esophageal disease is strongly suspected, the study should be
repeated using a mixture o f b a r i u m and food (both canned
food and dry kibble). Such studies may detect partial stric
tures or muscular weakness not found i n previous studies.
If barium is retained i n the esophagus but little or none
enters the stomach, the animal should be held i n a vertical
position so that gravity facilitates the migration of b a r i u m
into the stomach. If barium readily enters the stomach, this
indicates that there is no lower esophageal sphincter obstruc
tion. If a hiatal hernia is suspected but not seen, a lateral
radiograph of the caudal thorax may be taken while the
abdomen is manually compressed. This is done i n an attempt
to force the stomach to herniate into the thorax so that the
hernia can be demonstrated. FIG 29-1
If esophageal disease seems likely but is not found by Lateral thoracic r a d i o g r a p h from a d o g that w a s seen
static radiographs, fluoroscopic studies are required. It may because of c o u g h i n g . N o t e the d i l a t e d , air-filled e s o p h a g u s
(arrows). C o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d e s o p h a g r a m (with fluoroscopy)
be necessary to observe the esophagus for several minutes
o b t a i n e d 2 d a y s later d o c u m e n t e d n o r m a l e s o p h a g e a l size
(or longer) before some abnormalities (e.g., gastroesopha a n d function.
geal or esophageal-pharyngeal reflux) occur. In animals with
marginal esophageal disease, fluoroscopy may be necessary
to document that primary or secondary esophageal waves
are present but are either weak or not readily stimulated. times causes pneumothorax, emphysematous mediastinitis,
If an esophageal perforation is suspected (e.g., septic or a pleural or mediastinal effusion.
pleuritis or mediastinitis, pneumomediastinum or pneumo Contrast-enhanced esophagrams should be considered
thorax), an isotonic, iodine contrast m e d i u m may be used. i n animals with suspected esophageal disease and i n those
However, the only purpose o f such a study is to localize the with unidentified thoracic masses because many esophageal
perforation. If the clinician already knows where the leakage tumors radiographically resemble pulmonary parenchymal
is likely to be (e.g., there is a bone foreign body i n the esoph masses (see Fig. 31-5). Contrast-enhanced esophagrams may
agus), radiographs are of dubious value; exploratory surgery also show that structures that seemingly involve the esopha
is usually a better option. gus actually do not. A n obstruction is suggested on contrast-
enhanced esophagrams i f the b a r i u m c o l u m n terminates
Findings abruptly as it travels caudally; weakness usually causes con
Esophageal dilation, foreign objects, soft tissue densities, trast to be retained throughout the esophagus (Fig. 29-3)
spondylosis suggestive o f spirocercosis, and hiatal hernia unless it is segmental. A partial obstruction is suggested by
may often be identified on plain films. A n air-filled esopha the retention of barium-impregnated food but not o f l i q u i d
gus is not always diagnostic of pathologic esophageal weak or paste (see Fig. 31-4).
ness. Although it is tempting to use plain radiograph findings A b a r i u m contrast study may reveal malpositioning (e.g.,
as the basis for the diagnosis of esophageal disease when hiatal hernia; see Fig. 31-2). However, the finding o f a prop
there is an "obvious" abnormality, it is easy to misinterpret erly positioned structure on one study does not ensure that
plain films or miss abnormalities that a b a r i u m contrastl- it will stay properly positioned (e.g., some hiatal hernias slide
enhanced study reveals. Even the finding of a dilated, gas- i n and out o f the diaphragm and may be normally posi
filled esophagus on plain thoracic films does not definitively tioned when the radiograph is taken). Gastroesophageal
diagnose "megaesophagus." Rarely, animals with a dilated, reflux and esophagitis also may be difficult to diagnose
air-filled esophagus on plain films are found to have n o r m a l radiographically. B a r i u m may adhere to a severely diseased
esophageal function when evaluated with b a r i u m contrast- mucosa, but less severe esophagitis may not be detected. In
enhanced radiographs (Fig. 29-1). Likewise, the appearance addition, normal dogs may have an episode o f gastroesoph
of an accumulation of foodlike material i n the classic loca ageal reflux during a contrast study, whereas dogs with
tion for a vascular ring anomaly may be caused by a localized pathologic gastroesophageal reflux may not have reflux
esophageal weakness or a thymic cyst. during a short examination.
M a n y foreign objects i n the esophagus (e.g., bones) can If the animal is believed to be regurgitating but the b a r i u m
be seen on plain radiographs. However, excellent radio contrast-enhanced radiographs are unrevealing, either the
graphic technique is necessary because some bones (espe assessment o f regurgitation is wrong or there is occult
cially poultry bones) as well as rawhide treats are relatively disease, i n which case reexamination of the esophagus with
radiolucent (Fig. 29-2). A n esophageal perforation some- fluoroscopy or endoscopy or both must be done.
FIG 2 9 - 2
A , Lateral thoracic r a d i o g r a p h from a d o g w i t h a foreign o b j e c t in the esophagus (arrows).
N o t e the c o n c o m i t a n t pleural effusion. A chicken b o n e h a d p e r f o r a t e d the e s o p h a g u s , a n d
septic pleuritis w a s present. ( A from A l l e n D, editor: Small animal medicine, Philadelphia,
1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.) B , Lateral t h o r a c i c r a d i o g r a p h f r o m a d o g w i t h a r a w h i d e treat in
the e s o p h a g u s . The density representing the b o n e (arrows) is more diffuse than w a s seen
in A a n d looks m o r e like a p u l m o n a r y p a r e n c h y m a l density than a b o n e .

IMAGING OF THE STOMACH AND foreign objects and alimentary tract dilation resulting from
SMALL INTESTINE obstruction, foreign objects, or masses.


I M A G I N G OF THE A B D O M E N WITHOUT The clinician always should obtain two radiographic views,
CONTRAST MEDIA usually right lateral and V D projections. Cleansing enemas
Indications for plain abdominal radiography may include may improve the diagnostic usefulness o f radiographs in
vomiting, acute abdomen, constipation, abdominal pain, patients with a great deal o f feces; however, a critically ill
enlargement, distention, or a mass. Plain radiographs are animal or one with an acute abdomen generally should
rarely beneficial in animals with a marked abdominal effu not have an enema unless plain radiographs show it is
sion (the fluid obliterates serosal detail) or with chronic necessary.
diarrhea. Plain radiography is often not as cost-effective
when the abdomen can be palpated thoroughly as when the Findings
area is difficult to examine (e.g., large or obese animals or Plain abdominal radiographs may detect masses, foreign
animals in pain). In v o m i t i n g animals plain abdominal objects, a gas- or fluid-distended hollow viscus, misshapen
radiographs can be especially helpful in detecting radiodense or emphysematous parenchymal organs, pneumoperito-
FIG 2 9 - 3
A , Lateral t h o r a c i c contrast-enhanced e s o p h a g r a m f r o m a d o g w i t h g e n e r a l i z e d e s o p h a
g e a l w e a k n e s s . N o t e that b a r i u m is r e t a i n e d t h r o u g h o u t the length o f the e s o p h a g u s
(arrows). B , Lateral t h o r a c i c contrast-enhanced r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g w i t h a n e s o p h a g e a l
obstruction c a u s e d b y a vascular r i n g a n o m a l y . The c o l u m n of b a r i u m stops a b r u p t l y
(short arrow) in front of the heart, a f i n d i n g characteristic of a persistent fourth a o r t i c a r c h .
A filling defect is also d i s p l a c i n g b a r i u m in the d i l a t e d p o r t i o n of the e s o p h a g u s (long
arrows). (Courtesy Dr. Phillip F. Steyn, C o l o r a d o State University, Fort C o l l i n s , C o l o . )

neum, abdominal effusions, and displaced organs suggestive intestinal distention is found but is very localized and seems
of a mass or adhesion. out of place (e.g., has herniated), a strangulated or incarcerated
Gastric outflow tract obstruction is easy to diagnose when intestinal obstruction (see Fig. 33-9) should be considered.
there is marked gastric distention (Fig. 29-4). However, if the Linear foreign bodies rarely produce gas-distended bowel
patient has recently vomited, the stomach may be empty and loops. Instead, they tend to cause the intestines to bunch
contracted. Gastric dilation, especially with volvulus, is easily together, and sometimes small gas bubbles are present (see
recognized (see Fig. 32-4). Radiodense foreign objects are Fig. 33-10). This occurs because the intestines "gather" around
easily seen, but radiolucent foreign objects are seen only if the linear foreign object as they try to propel it aborad. This
they are outlined by swallowed air. "gathering" or "bunching" plus the fact that linear foreign
Intestinal obstructions are usually easier to diagnose on bodies tend primarily to affect the upper small intestines (i.e.,
the basis of plain radiograph findings than are gastric duodenum) mean that it is rare that they cause gas-distended
obstructions; obstructed intestines distended with air, fluid, loops o f bowel. Sometimes pleated (i.e., "accordian-like")
or ingesta are not readily emptied when the patient vomits intestines can be seen on plain radiographs (see Fig. 33-10).
(unless it is a high, duodenal obstruction). However, intesti It is difficult to determine the thickness o f intestines on
nal distention (i.e., ileus) may be caused by inflammation plain radiographs. Animals with diarrhea and an increased
(i.e., adynamic or physiologic ileus) as well as obstruction amount of intestinal fluid are often misdiagnosed as having
(i.e., mechanical, occlusive, or anatomic ileus). A n a t o m i c thickened intestinal walls.
ileus (i.e., obstruction) typically produces a nonuniform Decreased serosal contrast is due to either lack of fat or
intestinal distention with a greater degree o f distention than excessive abdominal fluid (see Chapter 36). Displacement of
is seen with physiologic ileus (Fig. 29-5). If "stacking" o f the an organ (Fig. 29-7) often means that there is a mass present.
distended intestines or sharp bends and turns in the dilated Pneumoperitoneum is diagnosed i f both the thoracic and
intestines are seen, this also suggests anatomic ileus. Lateral abdominal surfaces o f the diaphragm or the serosal surfaces
radiographs obtained with the animal standing rarely aid in of the liver, stomach, or kidneys are easily seen (see Fig.
differentiating anatomic from physiologic ileus. Even expe 34-1, A). Pneumoperitoneum may also be documented by
rienced radiologists occasionally misdiagnose physiologic the finding o f only a few gas bubbles in the peritoneal cavity
ileus as representing an obstruction. Thus diseases producing (see Fig. 34-1, B).
severe inflammation (e.g., parvoviral enteritis) may clinically
and radiographically m i m i c an intestinal obstruction. INDICATIONS FOR U L T R A S O N O G R A P H Y
Special types o f intestinal obstruction are associated with O F THE S T O M A C H A N D
unique radiographic findings. If the entire intestinal tract is S M A L L INTESTINES
uniformly distended with gas (Fig. 29-6) and the clinical Ultrasonography usually reveals almost any soft tissue change
signs fit, mesenteric volvulus may be diagnosed. If marked that plain radiographs detect in addition to infiltrations that
FIG 29-4
Plain lateral r a d i o g r a p h f r o m a d o g w i t h gastric o u t f l o w obstructi on. N o t e the d i l a t e d
stomach p r o t r u d i n g past the costal a r c h (arrows).

FIG 29-5
A , Plain lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h f r o m a d o g w i t h a n intestinal obstruction causing
intestinal d i s t e n t i o n . N o t e the m a r k e d l y i n c r e a s e d d i a m e t e r of the small intestinal lumen
(arrows). B , Plain lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h from a d o g w i t h peritonitis c a u s i n g
p h y s i o l o g i c ileus. N o t e the lesser d e g r e e of small intestinal distention c o m p a r e d w i t h that
in A . The l a r g e gas-filled structure is the gastric pylorus (arrows). (Courtesy Dr. Kenita
Rogers, Texas A & M University, C o l l e g e Station, Tex.)

radiographs cannot detect. Ultrasonography is particularly and it is easy to miss small foreign objects (especially in the
useful for detecting intussusceptions, pancreatitis, abdomi stomach i f there is food and gas present). Ultrasonography
nal infiltrative disease, and small amounts of effusion not will not detect bony changes and modest microhepatica that
seen radiographically; for evaluating the hepatic paren are easily detected by radiographs. The skill of the ultraso
chyma; and for identifying abdominal neoplasia i n animals nographer determines the usefulness of the technique.
with a substantial effusion. Ultrasonography is m u c h more
revealing than radiography i n animals with m i n i m a l body Technique
fat that have little or no radiographic contrast in the abdomen. Before ultrasonography is performed, the abdominal hair
However, very dehydrated animals may be difficult to image, usually should be clipped to improve the quality of the
infiltrates (Fig. 29-8, A ) , intussusceptions (Fig. 29-8, B ) ,
enlarged l y m p h nodes (Fig. 29-8, C ) , masses (Fig. 29-8, D),
some radiolucent foreign objects, and small amounts o f free
peritoneal fluid that radiographs cannot detect. If tissue
infiltrates are found, they can sometimes be aspirated by the
fine-needle technique.


Contrast-enhanced gastrography is principally performed i n
vomiting animals when ultrasound studies and plain abdom
inal radiographs are unrevealing. It is primarily used to
detect a gastric outflow tract obstruction, gastric masses/
foreign bodies, and gastric motility problems.

FIG 2 9 - 6 The animal should not be allowed to eat for at least 12
Lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h from a d o g that h a d a n acute hours (preferably 24 hours) before the procedure, and feces
onset of v o m i t i n g , a b d o m i n a l p a i n , a n d shock. There is a
should be removed with enemas. Plain radiographs should
uniform intestinal distention that is not as g r e a t as that in
Fig. 2 9 - 5 , A. H o w e v e r , distention is m o r e than that seen in
be obtained immediately before the contrast-enhanced films
Fig. 2 9 - 5 , 8. Some intestinal loops h a v e assumed a vertical to verify that the abdomen has been properly prepared and
orientation (arrows), w h i c h suggests the existence of a n the radiographic technique is correct and to determine
obstruction. This d o g h a d a mesenteric volvulus. (Courtesy whether the diagnosis cannot be made on the basis o f the
Dr. Susan Yanoff, U.S. Military.) plain radiographic findings. L i q u i d b a r i u m sulfate is then
administered orally (8 to 10 m l / k g i n small dogs and cats and
5 to 8 m l / k g i n large dogs). Iohexol can be administered
orally (i.e., 700 to 875 m g I/kg, w h i c h is about 11/4 to 11/2 m l /
kg). The agent should be administered via a stomach tube to
ensure adequate gastric filling and optimal evaluation o f the
stomach. The animal should not receive motility-altering
drugs (e.g., xylazine, parasympatholytics), which delay outflow.
Immediately after b a r i u m administration, radiographs
are taken i n the left and right lateral plus D V and V D projec
tions. Radiographs i n the lateral and D V projections should
be obtained again at 15 and 30 minutes and perhaps also at
1 to 3 hours. The right lateral view causes b a r i u m to pool i n
the pylorus, the left lateral view causes it to p o o l i n the gastric
body, the D V view causes it to p o o l along the greater curva
ture, and the V D view allows better evaluation o f the pylorus
and antrum. Double-contrast gastrograms provide more
FIG 2 9 - 7 detail than single-contrast gastrograms. They are performed
Lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h from a d o g w i t h a l a r g e by administering b a r i u m via a stomach tube, then removing
g r a n u l o m a caused b y pythiosis. Small intestinal loops a r e most o f the b a r i u m through the same tube and insufflating
d i s p l a c e d dorsally a n d c a u d a l l y (small arrows). The b o r d e r
the stomach with gas until it is mildly distended.
of the mass is not d i s c e r n i b l e except w h e r e it displaces
If available, fluoroscopy is best performed immediately
small intestinal loops. The f i n d i n g of a d i l a t e d intestinal l o o p
(long arrows) is consistent w i t h obstruction. after administration o f the barium. It can be used to evaluate
gastric motility, gastric outflow, and the maximal opening
size o f the pylorus. If the animal is fed b a r i u m mixed with
examination. This is not necessary i n animals with m i n i m a l food (only recommended if gastric outflow tract obstruction
hair. Because air in the stomach or intestines limits the use is suspected despite n o r m a l l i q u i d b a r i u m study findings),
fulness of ultrasonography, exercise, drugs (e.g., some nar gastric emptying will be markedly delayed compared with
cotics) that cause hyperventilation, and enemas should be that seen when the animal is fed liquid barium.
avoided before the examination.
Findings Gastric emptying is considered delayed if liquid b a r i u m does
Ultrasonography should detect almost any soft tissue change not enter the d u o d e n u m 15 to 30 minutes after administra
that plain radiographs detect, plus gastric and intestinal tion or i f the stomach fails to almost completely empty a
FIG 29-8
A , U l t r a s o n o g r a p h i c i m a g e of t w o sections of small intestine f r o m a cat w i t h a n a l i m e n t a r y
tract l y m p h o m a . The n o r m a l intestine o n the right is 2 . 8 mm thick (see the t w o " + ' s " noted
as D 2 ) , w h e r e a s the a b n o r m a l intestine o n the left is 4.5 mm thick (D1) because of
neoplastic infiltrates. B , U l t r a s o n o g r a p h i c i m a g e o f a n ileocolic intussusception that w a s
not o b v i o u s o n p l a i n a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h s . There a r e t w o intestinal w a l l s (small arrows)
seen o n e a c h side of the lumen (large arrow). C , A n e n l a r g e d mesenteric l y m p h n o d e in a
d o g c a u s e d b y l y m p h o m a , seen b y u l t r a s o n o g r a p h y . The l y m p h n o d e w a s not detected on
r a d i o g r a p h s o r b y a b d o m i n a l p a l p a t i o n . D , Ultrasound i m a g e of the gastric antrum from
a d o g w i t h b e n i g n gastric p o l y p s . O n e p o l y p c a n be seen (arrows) p r o t r u d i n g into the
gastric lumen. (Courtesy Dr. Linda H o m c o , C o r n e l l University, I t h a c a , N.Y.)

liquid barium meal in 3 hours (see Fig. 32-2). L u m i n a l filling persistent spot of barium is identified in the stomach long
defects (e.g., growths and radiolucent foreign objects), ulcers, after the organ has emptied itself of the contrast agent (see
pyloric lesions preventing gastric emptying, and infiltrative Fig. 32-6). The duodenum should be scrutinized in a search
lesions may be seen using this method (see Fig. 32-2, C ) . for constrictions and infiltrative lesions because many vom
However, normal peristalsis, ingesta, or gas bubbles may iting animals have disease there (e.g., inflammatory bowel
resemble an abnormality; therefore a change must be seen disease, tumors) rather than in the stomach (see Chapter 33).
on at least two separate films before the clinician can diag
Contrast-enhanced gastrograms are not as sensitive as ENHANCED STUDIES OF THE
endoscopy for detecting gastric ulceration, and they cannot S M A L L INTESTINE
detect erosions. Ulcers are documented radiographically i f V o m i t i n g is the principal reason for performing contrast
barium is seen to enter the gastric or duodenal wall or i f a studies of the upper small intestine. Contrast-enhanced
radiographs are particularly useful for distinguishing ana
tomic from physiologic ileus. O r a d obstructions are easier to
demonstrate than aborad ones i f the contrast m e d i u m is
administered orally. If a very aborad obstruction is suspected
(e.g., ileocolic intussusception), a barium enema (or prefer
ably ultrasonography) is often better than an upper gastro
intestinal contrast series. Although linear foreign objects
usually produce subtle findings on plain radiographs, they
often cause a classic "pleating" or "bunching" o f the intes
tines to be seen on contrast films (see Fig. 33-10, C ) .
Animals with diarrhea seldom benefit from contrast
studies of the intestines because normal radiographic
findings do not exclude the presence o f severe intestinal
disease, and even i f radiographic findings indicate the pres
ence of infiltrative disease, it is still necessary to obtain a
biopsy specimen to determine the cause. Contrast series are
sometimes useful i f the clinician is trying to decide whether
to perform endoscopy or surgery. However, it is usually more
cost-effective to perform endoscopy or surgery and skip the FIG 2 9 - 9
contrast-enhanced radiographs. Lateral c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d r a d i o g r a p h f r o m a d o g w i t h
Use o f iodinated contrast agents (preferably iohexol) is d u o d e n a l l y m p h o m a . N o t e the s c a l l o p e d a p p e a r a n c e to the
reasonable if an alimentary tract perforation is suspected. m a r g i n of the small intestine (arrows).
However, i f spontaneous septic peritonitis is strongly sus
pected, it can usually be definitively diagnosed by ultra
sound-guided abdominocentesis and fluid analysis. If "Enteritis" is often incorrectly diagnosed i f a fine "brush
ultrasound is unavailable and b l i n d abdominocentesis is border" i n the lumen is found. However, this finding actually
unrevealing in such a patient, it is usually better to perform results from the b a r i u m normally distributing itself among
a thorough exploratory laparotomy than contrast-enhanced villi, not from enteritis. Infiltration is denoted by scalloped
radiography. margins (sometimes called thumb-printing); such a pattern
(Fig. 29-9) may be seen i n the setting of neoplasia (e.g.,
Technique lymphoma), inflammatory bowel disease, fungal infection
Liquid barium sulfate is administered as described for con (e.g., histoplasmosis), or parvoviral enteritis. However, its
trast-enhanced gastrography. Lateral and V D radiographs absence does not rule out the presence o f infiltrative disease.
should be obtained immediately and then 30, 60, and 120 Focal dilations not caused by obstruction (i.e., diverticula)
minutes after barium administration. Additional films are are rare and usually represent a localized neoplastic infiltrate.
obtained as necessary. The study is completed once contrast In rare instances, unsuspected intestinal b l i n d loops or short-
has reached the colon. If chemical restraint is absolutely bowel syndromes may be detected. M o t i l i t y problems may
necessary, acetylpromazine may be used. Fluoroscopy is cause slowed passage o f the contrast through the alimentary
rarely needed for these studies. tract.
Hypertonic iodinated contrast agents are inferior to
barium for small intestinal studies because they decrease the INDICATIONS FOR B A R I U M
intestinal transit time and can cause considerable fluid shifts CONTRAST E N E M A S
by osmotically drawing fluid into the gastrointestinal tract. If ultrasound and flexible colonoscopy are available, there is
Their potential advantages rarely outweigh the disadvan seldom any need for barium enemas. If only rigid colonos
tages. Iohexol is safer and produces better detail than the copy is available, barium enemas are needed to evaluate the
hypertonic iodinated compounds. ascending and transverse colon, areas inaccessible to rigid
scopes. If colonoscopy is unavailable, a barium enema may
Findings be useful for looking for infiltrative lesions (e.g., rectal-colonic
In a complete intestinal obstruction, the barium c o l u m n neoplasia causing hematochezia), a partial or complete
cannot advance beyond a certain point, and the intestines obstruction, or ileocolic or cecocolic intussusception. It can
orad to this point are typically dilated. A partial obstruction also evaluate the colon orad to a near-complete rectal obstruc
may be denoted by delayed passage past a certain point tion to determine whether there are more infiltrative lesions
(there may or may not be dilation o f the intestines orad to or obstructions besides the one palpated near the rectum.
this point) or constriction o f the lumen. Because it is easy to
overinterpret contrast-enhanced radiographs o f the intes Technique
tines, changes must be seen o n at least two different films The patient should be fasted for at least 24 hours, and then
taken at different times before a disease is diagnosed. the colon must be emptied and cleaned by enemas or ali-
mentary tract lavage solutions, or both. The animal should catheter (e.g., a dialysis catheter, a sterile teat cannula, or an
be anesthetized and a balloon-tipped catheter placed in the 18-gauge cephalic catheter with additional holes cut with a
colon. The balloon is then inflated so that b a r i u m cannot scalpel) may be successful. It is sometimes best to allow fluid
leak out the rectum. Approximately 7 to 10 m l o f liquid to drain out o f the catheter without applying negative pres
barium/kg at body temperature is infused into the colon sure.
until it is uniformly distended, and lateral and V D radio If peritoneal inflammation is suspected but abdominal
graphs are obtained. The colon may then be emptied of fluid cannot be retrieved, a diagnostic peritoneal lavage may
barium and insufflated with air to achieve a double-contrast be performed. In this method a sterile catheter (preferably
barium enema, which provides greater detail. If too m u c h with multiple fenestrations) is inserted into the abdomen
barium is administered, the ileum may fill with the contrast and warm, sterile physiologic saline solution (20 ml/kg) is
agent, obscuring colonic detail and making the study less administered rapidly. The abdomen is massaged vigorously
useful. for 1 to 2 minutes, and then some of the fluid is aspirated.
The aspirate is evaluated cytologically.
B a r i u m enemas unreliably detect mucosal disease (i.e., ulcers,
inflammation). If the animal has been properly prepared, DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION TESTS
these enemas can reveal intraluminal filling defects re
presenting ileocolic or cecocolic intussusception (see Fig. Exocrine pancreatic function may be tested by measuring
33-11), proliferative colonic neoplasia (e.g., polyps, adeno fecal proteolytic activity (not recommended), fat absorption
carcinoma), extraluminal compression denoted by smooth- with and without pancreatic enzymes (not recommended),
surfaced displacement of the b a r i u m from the colonic lumen, or serum T L I (recommended).
and infiltrative disease (i.e., a roughened, partial obstruction Fat absorption testing is simple but o f questionable sen
or an "apple core" lesion) (Fig. 29-10). However, it is imper sitivity and specificity. It is no longer recommended. The
ative that a change be found on at least two films to ensure reader is referred to prior editions o f this text for a descrip
that it is not an artifact. tion o f the test and interpretation.
Serum T L I is the most sensitive and specific test for EPI
and is convenient (i.e., submit 1 m l of refrigerated serum
PERITONEAL FLUID ANALYSIS obtained after an overnight fast) and readily available. The
T L I assay detects circulating proteins produced by a nor
Fluid analysis is discussed in detail in Chapter 36. The mally functioning exocrine pancreas and is even valid in
fluid is obtained by performing abdominocentesis with a animals receiving pancreatic enzyme supplements orally.
syringe and needle. If this technique fails, a multifenestrated Pancreatitis, renal failure, and severe malnutrition may
increase the serum T L I concentrations, but this rarely causes
results to be misinterpreted. However, i f EPI is caused by
obstruction o f the pancreatic ducts (apparently rare) as
opposed to acinar cell atrophy or destruction (common), the
serum T L I test may not detect maldigestion. In such cases, a
quantitative fecal proteolytic assay is required.
N o r m a l dogs have serum T L I activities of 5.2 to 35 g/L.
Values of less than 2.5 g/L confirm a diagnosis of EPI. Normal
cats have higher values (28 to 115 g/L). The serum TLI assay
is primarily indicated in dogs with chronic small intestinal
diarrhea or chronic weight loss o f u n k n o w n origin. Because
feline EPI is rare, the test is seldom necessary i n cats. Although
principally used to detect EPI, serum T L I values substantially
greater than normal are suggestive of pancreatitis.


FIG 2 9 - 1 0 Serum concentrations o f cobalamin and folate are some

Lateral v i e w of a d o g that h a d a b a r i u m e n e m a . There is
times helpful in animals with chronic small intestinal diar
c i r c u m f e r e n t i a l n a r r o w i n g w i t h r o u g h e n e d b o r d e r s (thin
arrows) that is in distinction to the rest of the c o l o n . This
rhea or chronic weight loss. These tests may provide evidence
d o g h a d infiltrative a d e n o c a r c i n o m a , w h i c h c a u s e d a n of severe small intestinal mucosal disease. Dietary cobalamin
o b s t r u c t i o n . The u r i n a r y b l a d d e r is also seen as a result of is absorbed in the intestine, principally the ileum. W h e n A R E
the previous contrast p r o c e d u r e (thick arrows). is present, bacteria sometimes b i n d cobalamin and prevent
its absorption, decreasing the serum concentrations. C o b a l short-bowel syndrome, or atrophic gastritis and i n those
amin concentrations are usually decreased in dogs with EPI, receiving antacid therapy (e.g., H -receptor antagonist and

possibly because o f the high incidence o f A R E in such proton p u m p inhibitors). Resting serum gastrin concentra
animals. Severe mucosal disease, especially i n the region of tions may vary, with occasional values i n the normal range
the ileum, may also cause serum cobalamin concentrations in animals w i t h gastrinoma. Provocative testing should be
to be decreased, ostensibly because o f malabsorption o f the considered i n dogs strongly suspected o f having gastrinoma
vitamin. Perhaps the major indications for measuring serum but with n o r m a l baseline serum gastrin concentrations (see
cobalamin are to look for evidence o f intestinal disease i n Chapter 52).
patients with weight loss of uncertain cause and to better Testing for urease activity i n gastric mucosa is sometimes
define cats with k n o w n small intestinal disease (cobalamin- done i f the clinician is looking for Helicobacter sp. i n the
deficient cats can experience metabolic complications). If stomach. This bacteria has strong urease activity. To perform
the serum cobalamin is low i n a patient with weight loss o f this, one or preferably two fresh pieces o f gastric mucosa are
unknown cause, it is likely that small intestinal disease is placed into urease agar and observed for up to 24 hours. If
responsible. B-complex vitamin supplementation may cause these urease-producing bacteria are present, their enzyme
an increased serum cobalamin concentration. will split the urea i n the agar into a m m o n i a and the p H
Dietary folate is absorbed i n the small intestine. If indicator i n the agar will change from amber to p i n k (some
there are many bacteria in the upper small intestine, these times this occurs within 15 minutes). Tubes o f urease agar
sometimes synthesize and release folate, causing the serum may be obtained from microbiologic supply houses. There
concentrations to be increased. Likewise, severe intestinal are also special kits designed to detect Helicobacter spp. In
mucosal disease may decrease absorption, causing lower dogs and cats there is no good evidence that this test is more
serum concentrations. B-complex vitamin supplementation advantageous than special staining (e.g., Warthin-Starry) o f
may increase serum folate concentrations. multiple gastric biopsy specimens.
Because bright light degrades cobalamin, samples should Intestinal permeability testing can be performed, and
be frozen and kept in the dark during storage and transport. finding increased permeability seems to be a reliable marker
The specificity o f decreased serum cobalamin and increased of small intestinal disease. However, at this time it is impos
folate concentrations for A R E is questionable. sible to diagnose a patient with increased small intestinal
permeability as having a particular disease. Currently, the
major value to such testing seems to be (1) determining that
OTHER SPECIAL TESTS FOR ALIMENTARY a patient with clinical signs o f uncertain cause has small
TRACT DISEASE intestinal disease and (2) evaluating response to therapy i n
difficult-to-manage patients. This test is seldom done i n
Antibodies to acetylcholine receptors should be measured i f clinical cases.
the clinician is looking for a cause of dysphagia or esophageal Fecal alpha-1 protease inhibitor can be measured i n feces
weakness that could be of neuromuscular origin (see p. 422). and is a marker for gastrointestinal protein loss. Clinically,
Serum is obtained and sent to a laboratory that can perform this test is rarely indicated but could be helpful when trying
a validated assay for the species being evaluated. Increased to distinguish whether hypoalbuminemia is at least partly
titers to such antibodies are strongly suggestive o f myasthe due to a protein-losing enteropathy i n a patient with k n o w n
nia gravis, even i f there are no systemic signs. False-positive renal protein loss or hepatic insufficiency.
results are rare. Testing can be done by D r . Diane Shelton Tests for Pythium insidiosum are available. E L I S A tests for
(Comparative Neuromuscular Laboratory, Basic Science antibodies and P C R testing for antigen can be done at Lou
Building, University of California at San Diego, L a Jolla, C A isana State University (Dr. A m y Grooters, College o f Veteri
92093-0612). nary Medicine, Lousiana State University, Baton Rouge, L A
Measurement of antibodies to 2 M muscle fibers can be 70803).
helpful in dogs with suspected masticatory muscle myositis
(see p. 420). These antibodies are typically not found i n dogs
with polymyositis, whereas most dogs with masticatory ENDOSCOPY
myositis have them. Serum is required for the test and can
be sent to D r . Diane Shelton for testing. Endoscopy is often cost-effective i f radiographic and ultra
Serum gastrin concentrations are measured i n animals sonographic findings have been nondiagnostic i n animals
with signs suggestive o f gastrinoma (i.e., chronic vomiting, with chronic vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss. It permits
weight loss, and diarrhea i n older animals, especially i f there rapid exploration o f selected sections o f the alimentary tract
is concurrent esophagitis or duodenal ulceration). Gastrin and mucosal biopsy without the need for a thoracotomy or
stimulates gastric acid secretion and is trophic for the gastric laparotomy. Although excellent for detecting morphologic
mucosa. Serum for assay o f gastrin is harvested from an changes (e.g., masses, ulcers, obstruction), it is insensitive for
animal after an overnight fast and rapidly frozen. The serum revealing abnormal function (e.g., esophageal weakness).
gastrin concentration may be increased i n animals with gas Rigid endoscopy is easier to perform and less expensive
trinoma, a gastric outflow tract obstruction, renal failure, than flexible endoscopy, and it can provide excellent biopsy
FIG 29-11 FIG 29-13
E n d o s c o p i c v i e w o f a p o l y p o i d mass in the e s o p h a g u s of a Endoscopic v i e w of the l o w e r e s o p h a g e a l sphincter of a
C h o w . This represents a n a d e n o c a r c i n o m a . d o g w i t h m o d e r a t e l y severe reflux esophagitis s e c o n d a r y to
v o m i t i n g . N o t e the h y p e r e m i c a r e a s .

FIG 29-12 FIG 29-14

Endoscopic v i e w of the e s o p h a g u s of a d o g w i t h a c h i c k e n Endoscopic v i e w of the distal e s o p h a g u s of a d o g w i t h
neck b o n e l o d g e d in it. The b o n e w a s ultimately r e m o v e d severe e s o p h a g i t i s s e c o n d a r y to a b o n e f o r e i g n b o d y . N o t e
w i t h a r i g i d scope a n d a l l i g a t o r f o r c e p s . the w h i t e p l a q u e in the 9 o ' c l o c k position that is due to
pressure necrosis from the f o r e i g n b o d y .

samples. Flexible endoscopes can be used to examine struc

tures that cannot be inspected with a rigid endoscope. Flex ter area to detect leiomyomas (Fig. 29-16) or other easily
ible instruments are expensive, and it takes time to become missed lesions. The esophageal lumen is covered with squa
proficient in their use. In addition, one is limited by how far mous epithelium, which cannot be pulled off with typical
the instrument can be advanced. Furthermore, tissue samples flexible endoscopic forceps. Therefore, if esophageal mucosal
obtained through a flexible endoscope may have artifacts or biopsy specimens are desired, flexible endoscopes are typi
may be too small to yield diagnostic findings unless the cli cally inadequate unless the distal feline esophagus is being
nician's technique is excellent. biopsied or there is a tumor.
Esophagoscopy is useful i n looking for esophageal tumors Although esophagoscopy may occasionally detect esoph
(Fig. 29-11), foreign objects (Fig. 29-12), inflammation (Figs. ageal weakness (Fig. 29-17), it is not sensitive for detecting
29-13 and 29-14), and obstructions caused by cicatrix (Fig. this and other selected disorders (e.g., diverticula). N o t all
29-15). Foreign objects and cicatrix are preferentially treated foreign objects can be safely removed endoscopically, and
endoscopically. Esophagoscopy may also show partial the clinician must guard against rupturing a diseased esoph
obstructions not detected by contrast esophagrams. It is agus while trying to extract a foreign object. Finally, care
important in such procedures to enter the stomach and must be taken to avoid creating a potentially fatal gastric
retroflex the scope's tip to view the lower esophageal sphinc- distention i n patients with esophageal strictures and a fatal
FIG 29-17
FIG 29-15 Endoscopic v i e w o f a d o g w i t h a m e g a e s o p h a g u s . N o t e
Endoscopic v i e w of the same site as in Fig. 2 9 - 1 3 but 10
that the lumen is d i l a t e d a n d there is substantial f o o d
days later. A n a r r o w i n g of the lumen is o b v i o u s ; this is d u e
material a c c u m u l a t i o n .
to cicatrix f o r m a t i o n . A g u i d e w i r e has b e e n passed t h r o u g h
the cicatrix in p r e p a r a t i o n for b a l l o o n d i l a t i o n .

FIG 29-18
FIG 29-16 Endoscopic v i e w of a gastric ulcer o n the g r e a t e r c u r v a t u r e
V i e w of the l o w e r e s o p h a g e a l sphincter (as seen from the in a C h o w . N o t e that it is o b v i o u s that the m u c o s a is
stomach) of a d o g w i t h a l e i o m y o m a . This lesion w a s e r o d e d to the level of the s u b m u c o s a .
causing v o m i t i n g a n d r e g u r g i t a t i o n a n d w o u l d easily have
been missed if a c a r e f u l , m e t h o d i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n h a d not
been c a r r i e d out. may facilitate passage of the foreign object through the
Gastroduodenoscopy and biopsy are indicated in selected
tension pneumothorax in animals with an esophageal animals with vomiting, apparent upper gastrointestinal
perforation. blood loss, apparent gastroduodenal reflux, or small intesti
Rigid endoscopy is often more useful than flexible endos nal disease. It is more sensitive and specific than radiography
copy in removing esophageal foreign objects. The rigid for detecting mucosal ulcers (Fig. 29-18), erosions (Fig.
endoscope can protect the esophagus during extraction of 29-19), tumors (Fig. 29-20), and inflammatory lesions (Figs.
the object, and it allows the use of rigid forceps that can 29-21 to 29-23). Endoscopy is also quicker and less stressful
grasp the foreign object more tightly. Care must be taken to to the animal than exploratory laparotomy. M a n y foreign
maintain the animal's esophagus as straight as possible when objects in the upper gastrointestinal tract (Fig. 29-24) can be
using a rigid endoscope. If a flexible endoscope is used, it is removed using endoscopy, and multiple biopsy specimens
often helpful to pass it through a rigid scope or tube that can be obtained. Occasionally, unexpected diagnoses (e.g.,
has been passed through the cricopharyngeal sphincter; this Physaloptera infection; Fig. 29-25) may be found. It may be
FIG 29-21
Endoscopic v i e w of the stomach of a cat w i t h diffuse
i n f l a m m a t i o n , e r o s i o n , a n d ulceration of u n k n o w n cause.
FIG 29-19
Endoscopic v i e w o f the gastric m u c o s a of a d o g ' s stomach
that has o b v i o u s b l e e d i n g . This d o g h a d received nonsteroi
d a l d r u g s , a n d the b l e e d i n g represented erosions that c o u l d
not be detected w i t h r a d i o g r a p h s or u l t r a s o n o g r a p h y . (From
Fossum T, e d i t o r : Small animal surgery, St Louis, 1 9 9 7 ,

FIG 2 9 - 2 2
A f o c a l gastritis near the pylorus of a d o g . N o t e the
r e d d e n e d spots o n the lesion, w h i c h w e r e responsible for
intermittent hematemesis.

FIG 2 9 - 2 0
Endoscopic v i e w of the stomach o f a d o g w i t h a n o b v i o u s
mass in the g r e a t e r c u r v a t u r e . This is a n ulcerated leiomyo
s a r c o m a that w a s successfully r e m o v e d .

necessary to use endoscopes with outer diameters of 9 m m

or less i n dogs and cats weighing less than 4 to 5 kg. W h e n
ever possible, a scope with a 2.8-mm biopsy channel should
be used to obtain larger specimens and allow the use of
better foreign object retrieval devices.
The stomach must be as empty as possible when gastro
duodenoscopy is performed, which usually necessitates at
least a 24-hour fast; many animals undergoing gastroscopy
may not empty their stomachs as rapidly as they normally
FIG 2 9 - 2 3
would. D u r i n g the procedure the stomach must be ade The d u o d e n u m o f a d o g w i t h m a r k e d i n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l
quately inflated with air to allow thorough evaluation of its disease. N o t e the p s e u d o m e m b r a n e - l i k e a p p e a r a n c e , w h i c h
mucosa. Suction must be available to remove secretions or suggests severe disease.
FIG 2 9 - 2 4
Endoscopic v i e w of the antrum of a d o g w i t h a ball f o r e i g n
object that has been present for months a n d w a s not FIG 2 9 - 2 6
detected o n plain r a d i o g r a p h s or b y u l t r a s o n o g r a p h y . E n d o s c o p i c v i e w of a n o r m a l c o l o n in a d o g , s h o w i n g
t y p i c a l s u b m u c o s a l b l o o d vessels. Inability to see such b l o o d
vessels m a y suggest i n f l a m m a t o r y infiltrates.

biopsy forceps obtain excellent tissue samples, w h i c h allows

the identification o f most lesions, including submucosal
ones. Biopsy instruments used with flexible endoscopes do
not obtain as deep a biopsy specimen but are adequate for
obtaining specimens from mucosal lesions.
Proctoscopy and colonoscopy are easier to perform,
require less animal restraint, and do not always require the
more expensive flexible equipment demanded by other
endoscopic procedures. The colon must be clean to allow
proper inspection o f the mucosa. A l l food should be with
held for at least 24 and preferably 36 hours before the pro
cedure, a m i l d laxative (e.g., bisacodyl) should be administered
the night before the procedure, and several copious w a r m
water enemas should be given the night before and the
m o r n i n g o f the procedure. Proctoscopy requires less clean
FIG 2 9 - 2 5
ing than colonoscopy. C o m m e r c i a l intestinal lavage solu
Endoscopic v i e w of the g r e a t e r curvature of the stomach of
tions (e.g., GoLytely, Colyte) clean the colon better than
a d o g w i t h a Physaloptera attached.
enemas and are particularly useful i n larger dogs, those that
w i l l be undergoing ileoscopy (which necessitates a very clean
air. The endoscopist must inspect the mucosa methodically ileocolic area), and animals i n pain that resist enemas. The
to keep from missing lesions. It is particularly easy to miss lavage solution is usually given to the animal twice the night
lesions (e.g., ulcers or Physaloptera) just inside the pylorus. before the procedure and perhaps once the m o r n i n g o f the
Biopsy specimens of the gastric and duodenal mucosa should procedure. In rare cases, it can cause gastric dilation or
always be obtained because normal findings seen on visual volvulus.
examination do not rule out the presence o f severe mucosal Sedation plus manual restraint can often be used instead
disease. Like esophagoscopy, gastroscopy is not sensitive i n of anesthesia; however, many animals undergoing colonos
identifying functional problems (i.e., gastric hypomotility). copy have colonic or rectal irritation, and anesthesia is
Proctoscopy or colonoscopy is indicated i n dogs and cats usually preferred. Suction should be available.
with chronic large bowel disease unresponsive to appropriate N o r m a l colonic mucosa is smooth and glistening, and the
dietary, antibacterial, or anthelmintic therapies as well as submucosal b l o o d vessels can be seen (Fig. 29-26); enema
those that are losing weight or are hypoalbuminemic. C o l o tubes may cause linear artifacts. The colon should distend to
noscopy is more sensitive and definitive, yet comparable i n a u n i f o r m diameter, but it may have bends. If a flexible scope
cost to plain and contrast-enhanced radiography. Proctos is used, the clinician should identify and inspect the ileocolic
copy is used i n animals with obvious rectal abnormalities valve and the cecum (Figs. 29-27 and 29-28). The clinician
(e.g., stricture felt on digital rectal examination). Rigid should always biopsy the mucosa; normal gross findings do
FIG 2 9 - 2 7
N o r m a l ileocolic valve r e g i o n in a d o g . The ileocolic valve
is the mushroomlike structure, a n d the o p e n i n g b e l o w it is
the c e c o c o l i c valve.
FIG 2 9 - 2 9
Same site as in Fig. 2 9 - 2 8 . A b i o p s y instrument has been
b l i n d l y passed into the ileum because the scope c a n n o t b e
a d v a n c e d t h r o u g h the n a r r o w orifice.

ing so that the ileocolic valve can be visualized. It is difficult

or impossible to enter the ileum o f most cats (because of
size), but one can often pass biopsy forceps through the
ileocolic valve and blindly biopsy the ileal mucosa (Fig.
29-29). Ileoscopy can be particularly valuable i n diagnosing
l y m p h o m a i n cats when the duodenal biopsies are nondiag



Fine-needle aspiration or core biopsy of enlarged lymph
nodes, abdominal masses, and infiltrated abdominal organs
FIG 2 9 - 2 8
may be guided by abdominal palpation or ultrasonography.
Endoscopic v i e w of a n o r m a l ileocolic valve r e g i o n from a
cat. The b l i n d p o u c h is the c e c u m , a n d the small o p e n i n g A 23- to 25-gauge needle is typically used so that any inad
a b o v e it is the ileocolic valve. vertent intestinal or vascular perforation is insignificant (see
Chapter 75).

not rule out the presence o f significant disease. Strictured ENDOSCOPIC BIOPSY
areas with relatively normal-appearing mucosa are usually Rigid endoscopy usually provides excellent biopsy samples
caused by a submucosal lesion, i n which case biopsying must of the descending colon (i.e., large specimens that include
be aggressive enough to ensure that submucosal tissue is the full thickness o f the mucosa, including some muscularis
included i n the specimen. Cytology can detect histoplasmo mucosa), but the stomach and small intestine cannot be
sis, protothecosis, some neoplasms, and eosinophilic colitis. biopsied with this equipment. Flexible endoscopes can reach
A n adult or a pediatric h u m a n sigmoidoscope is usually more o f the alimentary tract, but the tissue samples obtained
adequate for rigid colonoscopy. The tip o f the rigid biopsy with these scopes may not always be deep enough to allow
forceps should have a shearing action (i.e., one part o f the submucosal lesions to be diagnosed. Ideally, the tissue to be
tip should fit into the other when it is closed, thus acting like biopsied is visualized; however, the clinician may pass the
a pair o f scissors) instead o f a clamshell (also called "double biopsy forceps through the pylorus or ileocolic valve and
spoon") action i n w h i c h the edges o f the top and bottom biopsy the duodenum or ileum blindly if the tip of the endo
jaws simply meet. scope cannot be advanced into these areas.
Ileoscopy is principally indicated i n dogs with diarrhea N o t all laboratories are adept at processing and interpret
and i n cats with v o m i t i n g or diarrhea. It is performed during ing these samples. Endoscopes with 2.8-mm biopsy channel
flexible colonoscopy and requires thorough colonic cleans are generally preferred to those with a 2.0- or a 2.2-mm
channel because the larger forceps allow retrieval of substan the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, mesenteric l y m p h
tially larger and deeper tissue samples. nodes, and liver (and the pancreas i n cats) should be obtained,
W h e n intestinal or gastric mucosa is biopsied, the tissue regardless of how normal these organs appear, unless an
sample must be handled carefully to m i n i m i z e artifacts and obvious lesion is found (e.g., a large tumor). However, it is
distortion. The tissue should be carefully removed from the wise not to assume that a grossly impressive lesion is respon
biopsy forceps with a 25-gauge needle. A squash preparation sible for the clinical signs; rather, the clinician should perform
of one tissue specimen can be evaluated cytologically, and a biopsy even when the diagnosis seems obvious. Dehiscence
the remaining samples are fixed i n formalin and evaluated is a concern i f the serum albumin concentration is less than
histologically. The cytology slides should be evaluated by a 1.5 g/dl, but the use of nonabsorbable suture material and
pathologist familiar with gastrointestinal cytology. Cytologic serosal patch grafting over intestinal suture lines minimizes
preparations of the gastric mucosa may show adenocarci the risk. The clinician should consider whether gastrostomy
noma, lymphoma, inflammatory cells, or large numbers of or enterostomy feeding tubes should be placed i n emaciated
spirochetes (see Fig. 32-1). Cytologic studies of the intestinal animals before exiting the abdomen.
mucosa may show eosinophilic enteritis, lymphoma, histo
plasmosis, or protothecosis, and occasionally giardiasis,
Suggested Readings
bacteria, or Heterobilharzia ova. The absence of cytologic
findings suggestive of these disorders does not rule them out, Baez JL et al: Radiographic, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic
findings in cats with inflammatory bowel disease of the stomach
but finding them cytologically is diagnostic.
and small intestine: 33 cases (1990-1997), J Am Vet Med Assoc
The laboratory should be consulted regarding the proper
215:349, 1999.
way to submit endoscopic tissue sections. In the author's lab, Bonfanti U et al: Diagnostic value of cytologic examination of
the samples are oriented o n the surface of a plastic cassette gastrointestinal tract tumors in dogs and cats: 83 cases (2001-
sponge such that the submucosal side is o n the sponge and 2004), ] Am Vet Med Assoc 229:1130, 2006.
the luminal side is away from the sponge. The sponge is Cave NJ et al: Evaluation of a routine diagnostic fecal panel for dogs
placed in 10% neutral buffered formalin with the tissues with diarrhea, J Am Vet Med Assoc 221:52, 2002.
down i n the formalin. The clinician should place tissues Chouicha N et al: Evaluation of five enzyme immunoassays com
from different locations i n different vials of formalin; each pared with the cytotoxicity assay for diagnosis of Clostridium
vial should be properly labeled so that the pathologist can diffficile-assotiated diarrhea in dogs, / Vet Diagn Invest 18:182,
correctly identify the area evaluated. Small tissue samples
Dryden M et al: Accurate diagnosis of Giardia spp. and proper fecal
should not be allowed to dry out or be damaged before
examination procedures, Vet Therap 7:4, 2006.
placement i n formalin.
Goggin I M et al: Ultrasonographic measurement of gastrointestinal
Two c o m m o n problems with endoscopically obtained wall thickness and the ultrasonographic appearance of the
tissue samples are that the sample is too small or there is ileocolic region in healthy cats, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 36:224,
excessive artifact. Lymphomas are sometimes relatively deep 2000.
in the mucosa (or are submucosal), and a superficial biopsy Grooters A M et al: Development of a nested polymerase chain
specimen may then show only a tissue reaction above the reaction assay for the detection and identification of Pythyium
tumor, resulting in a misdiagnosis of inflammatory bowel insidiosum, J Vet Intern Med 16:147, 2002.
disease. Multiple biopsy specimens should be obtained until Grooters A M et al: Development and evaluation of an enzyme-
there are at least five to eight samples of excellent size and linked immunosorbent assay for the serodiagnosis of pythiosis
in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 16:142-146, 2002.
depth (i.e., the full thickness of mucosa). It is important to
Gualtieri M : Esophagoscopy, Vet Clin N Am 31:605, 2001.
contact the pathologist and determine whether the quality
Guilford W G : Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. In McCarthy TC,
of the tissue samples was adequate and i f the severity of the
editor: Veterinary endoscopy, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
histologic lesions found is consistent with the clinical signs. Hall EJ et al: Diseases of the small intestine. In Ettinger SJ et al,
editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadel
FULL-THICKNESS BIOPSY phia, 2005, W B Saunders.
If endoscopy is not available, abdominal surgery may be Leib MS et al: Complications associated with 355 flexible colon-
needed to perform gastric and intestinal biopsies. Full- scopic procedures in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 18:642, 2004.
thickness biopsy specimens obtained surgically can have Marks SL et al: Evaluation of methods to diagnose Clostridium
fewer artifacts than those obtained endoscopically; however, perfringens-associated diarrhea in dogs, / Am Vet Med Assoc
the clinician must consider the pros and cons of surgery i n 214:357, 1999.
a potentially debilitated or ill animal. Endoscopy allows the Marks SL et al: Comparison of direct immunofluorescence, modi
clinician to direct the biopsy forceps to lesions that cannot fied acid-fast staining, and enzyme immunoassay techniques for
detection of Cryptosporidium spp. in naturally exposed kittens, /
be seen from the serosal surface. If surgery is performed,
Am Vet Med Assoc 225:1549, 2004.
maximal benefit should be obtained from the procedure; the
Marks SL et al: Diarrhea in kittens. In August JR, editor: Consulta
entire abdomen should be examined (i.e., literally from the
tions in feline internal medicine, ed 5, St Louis, 2006, Elsevier/
beginning of the stomach to the end of the colon with all Saunders.
parenchymal organs). Biopsy specimens should be obtained Mansell J et al: Biopsy of the gastrointestinal tract, Vet Clin N Am
from all obviously abnormal structures. Biopsy specimens of 33:1099, 2003.
Newell S M et al: Sonography of the normal feline gastrointestinal Washabau RJ et al: Diseases of the large intestine. In Ettinger SJ et
tract, Vet Radiol Ultra 40:40, 1999. al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Phila
Patsikas M N et al: Ultrasonographic signs of intestinal intussuscep delphia, 2005, WB Saunders.
tion associated with acute enteritis or gastroenteritis in 19 young Weinstein W M : Mucosal biopsy techniques and interaction with
dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 39:57, 2003. the pathologist, Gastrointest Endosc Clin N Am 10(4):555, 2000.
Patsikas M N et al: Normal and abnormal ultrasonographic findings Willard M D et al: Quality of tissue specimens obtained endoscop
that mimic small intestinal intussusception in the dog, / Am ically from the duodenum of dogs and cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc
Anim Hosp Assoc 40:14, 2004. 219:474, 2001.
Richter KP: Endoscopic evaluation of the colon. In McCarthy TC, Willard M D et al: Gastrointestinal, pancreatic, and hepatic disorders.
editor: Veterinary endoscopy, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders. In Willard M D et al, editors: Small animal clinical diagnosis by
Rudorf H et al: Ultrasonographic evaluation of the thickness of the laboratory methods, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2004, WB Saunders.
small intestinal wall in dogs with inflammatory bowel disease, / Willard M D et al: Bacterial causes of enteritis and colitis. In August
Small Anim Tract 46:322, 2005. IR, editor: Consultations in feline internal medicine, ed 5, St Louis,
Vaden SL et al: Evaluation of intestinal permeability and gluten 2006, Elsevier/Saunders.
sensitivity in Soft-Coated Wheaten Terriers with familial protein- Williams DA: Exocrine pancreatic disease and pancreatitis. In
losing enteropathy, protein-losing nephropathy, or both, Am J Vet Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine,
Res 61:518, 2000. ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, WB Saunders.
Valentine BA: Endoscopic biopsy handling and histopathology. Zajac A M et al: Evaluation of the importance of centrifugation as
In McCarthy TC, editor: Veterinary endoscopy, St Louis, 2005, a component of zinc sulfate flotation examinations, J Am Anim
Elsevier/Saunders. Hosp Assoc 38:22, 2002.
C H A P T E R 30

General Therapeutic

It is rarely necessary or appropriate to administer bicar

bonate because reexpanding the vascular compartment and
improving peripheral perfusion will alleviate lactic acidosis.
Bicarbonate is primarily administered in patients with
extreme acidosis (e.g., p H < 7.05 or bicarbonate <10 m E q / L )
Special Nutritional Supplementation
that are i n imminent danger o f dying. Bicarbonate or lac
Diets for Special Enteral Support
tated Ringer's solution should not be used i f alkalosis seems
Parenteral N u t r i t i o n
likely (e.g., v o m i t i n g o f gastric origin).
Parenteral fluid administration is indicated i f the animal
is significantly hypovolemic or i f the absorption of enteral
fluids is questionable (e.g., severe intestinal disease, obstruc
tion, vomiting, or ileus). Subcutaneous (SC) fluid adminis
tration is acceptable i f the animal is not i n shock, absorbs
the fluids, and accepts repeated SC administration. M u l t i p l e
SC depots o f 10 to 50 m l each are given, depending on the
animal's size. Dependent areas should be checked for the
presence o f unabsorbed fluids before administering more
fluid. Severely dehydrated animals may not absorb SC fluids
as rapidly as desired, making initial intravenous (IV) a d m i n
istration more effective. I V fluid administration is required
FLUID THERAPY in patients that are severely dehydrated or are in shock, even
if a venous cutdown is necessary. Intramedullary adminis
Fluid therapy is primarily used to treat shock, dehydration, tration may be used i f I V administration is desired but a
and electrolyte and acid-base disturbances. Accurately pre catheter cannot be established. T o do this, a large-bore hypo
dicting the nature o f electrolyte and acid-base changes dermic needle or a bone marrow aspiration needle (prefer
on the basis of clinical parameters is impossible; therefore able) can be inserted through the femur (trochanteric fossa),
serum electrolyte concentrations must be measured. V o m i t the tibia, the wing o f the i l i u m , or the humerus. Fluids can
ing gastric contents inconsistently produces a classic hypo be administered by the intramedullary route at a mainte
kalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis. The loss of nance rate or faster. Intraperitoneal administration is accept
intestinal contents classically produces hypokalemia, with or able but repletes the intravascular compartment more slowly
without acidosis, but a hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis may than I V or intramedullary techniques.
occur. V o m i t i n g animals are often assumed to be hypokale Dogs i n shock (e.g., those with tachycardia, poor periph
mic; however, animals with hypoadrenocorticism or anuric eral perfusion, cool extremities, a prolonged capillary refill
renal failure may be hyperkalemic. If electrolytes have not time, a weak femoral pulse, and/or tachypnea) may receive
been measured or if fluid therapy must be started before they 88 m l of isotonic crystalloids per kilogram or more intrave
are available, physiologic saline solution plus 20 m E q potas nously during the first hour. This " m a x i m u m " rate may be
sium chloride per liter is a reasonable therapeutic choice (see exceeded i f necessary to reestablish adequate peripheral per
Table 30-1), assuming that the fluids are administered at one fusion; the patient must be closely monitored to determine
to two times the maintenance requirement. A lead II electro whether the fluids are being administered appropriately. It is
cardiographic ( E C G ) tracing may be evaluated to ensure that also important to remember that dogs with systemic inflam
moderate to severe hyperkalemia is unlikely (see Chapter 55). matory response syndrome (SIRS) initially have brick-red
oral mucous membranes; w a r m extremities; and a strong,
TABLE 30-1
b o u n d i n g femoral pulse before the signs o f classic shock
occur. Large dogs i n severe shock, such as those with a gastric
General Guidelines for Potassium Supplementation
volvulus, may require two simultaneous 16- to 18-gauge
of IV Fluids
cephalic catheters and I V bags placed i n pneumatic compres
sion devices to achieve an adequate flow rate. It is easier to PLASMA POTASSIUM A M O U N T O F KCI T O A D D T O
overhydrate cats; the clinician should therefore monitor cats
(mEq/L) M A I N T E N A N C E RATES* ( m E q / L )
carefully when rapidly administering fluids. In general, the
clinician should not exceed 55 m l / k g during the first hour
3.7-5.0 10-20
for cats i n shock. Lactated Ringer's solution or physiologic
3.0-3.7 20-30
saline solution is c o m m o n l y used for treating shock. However, 2.5-3.0 30-40
the clinician must be sure that fluids that are to be adminis 2.0-2.5 40-60
tered rapidly for shock do not contain too m u c h potassium <2.0 60-70
because cardiotoxicity can occur.
Hypertonic saline solution (i.e., 7%) may be used to treat * D o n o t e x c e e d p o t a s s i u m , 0 . 5 m E q / k g / h r , e x c e p t in a n i m a l s in
h y p o k a l e m i c e m e r g e n c i e s a n d then o n l y w i t h c o n s t a n t , close
severe hypovolemic or endotoxic shock. Relatively small
e l e c t r o c a r d i o g r a m ( E C G ) m o n i t o r i n g . Be sure t o r o u t i n e l y m o n i t o r
volumes (i.e., 4 to 5 m l / k g delivered over 10 minutes) seem p l a s m a p o t a s s i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s w h e n e v e r a d m i n i s t e r i n g fluids w i t h
to be as effective as larger volumes of isotonic crystalloids. m o r e t h a n 3 0 to 4 0 m E q o f p o t a s s i u m p e r liter.
Hypertonic solutions shift fluid from the intracellular and
interstitial compartments into the intravascular compart
ment and stimulate vascular reflexes. Hypertonic solutions potassium should be supplemented i f the animal is anorec
generally should not be used i n animals with hypernatremic tic or vomiting, has diarrhea, or is receiving prolonged or
dehydration, cardiogenic shock, or renal failure. U n c o n intense fluid therapy (see guidelines for administration in
trolled hemorrhage may also be a contraindication to their Table 30-1). The animal should be monitored for the devel
use. The clinician may readminister hypertonic saline solu opment o f iatrogenic hyperkalemia (e.g., E C G or plasma
tion i n 2 m l / k g aliquots until a total of 10 m l / k g has been potassium determinations), and no more than 0.5 mEq/kg/h
given or until the serum sodium concentration is 160 m E q / should generally be administered. O r a l (PO) potassium sup
L or more. After administering hypertonic saline solution, plementation is often more effective than parenteral supple
the clinician may continue to administer other fluids but at mentation i f the animal is not vomiting. Cats receiving I V
a reduced rate (e.g., 10 to 20 ml/kg/hr) until shock is c o n fluids often show an initial decrease i n their serum potas
trolled. A mixture o f 7% saline solution plus dextran 70 has sium concentrations, even i f the fluids contain 40 m E q or
a longer duration o f action than hypertonic saline solution more o f potassium chloride per liter.
alone. This combination may be administered at a rate o f 3 Dehydrated animals not i n shock are treated by replacing
to 5 m l / k g over 5 minutes. Dextran is rarely associated w i t h the estimated fluid deficit. T o do this, first the degree of
allergic reactions or renal failure but should be used carefully dehydration must be estimated. Prolonged skin tenting is
or not at all i n animals with coagulopathies. usually first noted at 5% to 6% dehydration. However, any
Colloids (e.g., hetastarch) are also useful i n treating shock. dog or cat that has lost weight may show skin tenting, whereas
Like hypertonic saline solution, colloids draw water from the obese animals and those with peracute dehydration often do
interstitial compartment into the vascular compartment; not show skin tenting, regardless o f the severity o f dehydra
however, their effects last longer and do not increase the total tion. Dry, tacky oral mucous membranes usually indicate 6%
body s o d i u m load. Relatively small volumes can be a d m i n to 7% dehydration. However, dehydrated, nauseated animals
istered quickly (i.e., 5 to 10 ml/kg, m a x i m u m o f 20 m l / k g i n may have moist oral mucous membranes, whereas well
1 day), and the clinician must reduce the subsequent rate o f hydrated, panting, or dyspneic animals have dry mouths.
I V fluid administration to prevent hypertension. Colloids M u l t i p l y i n g the estimated percentage o f dehydration by the
should be used with caution i n animals with bleeding animal's weight (in kilograms) determines the liters required
tendencies. to replace the deficit. This amount is typically replaced over
If it is difficult to maintain peak systolic b l o o d pressures 2 to 8 hours, depending on the animal's condition. Fluid
above 80 to 90 m m H g , vasopressors may be needed. C o n delivery rate should generally not exceed 88 ml/kg/hr.
stant rate infusion o f vasopressin has been very effective for In general, it is better to slightly overestimate rather than
this purpose, even when dobutamine and dopamine were underestimate the fluid deficit, unless the animal has conges
unsuccessful. tive heart failure, anuric or oliguric renal failure, severe
Approximately 44 to 66 m l o f fluid per kilogram o f b o d y hypoproteinemia, severe anemia, or pulmonary edema. It is
weight is required daily for maintenance for dogs weighing usually easier to h a r m cats than dogs by excessive fluid
between 10 and 50 kg, with larger dogs needing less than administration.
smaller dogs. Dogs weighing less than 5 kg may need 80 m l / Ongoing losses are typically estimated from the observa
kg/day. It is important to choose the correct fluid to prevent tion o f vomiting, diarrhea, and urination; however, it is
electrolyte imbalances, especially hypokalemia. In general, c o m m o n to underestimate losses. Weighing the animal regu-
larly is one way to estimate the adequacy o f maintenance albumin, thereby helping maintain the plasma oncotic
fluid therapy. A progressive weight loss suggests inadequate pressure i n animals with severe protein-losing enteropathies.
fluid therapy. The same scale should always be used to ensure If hetastarch is used, the clinician should decrease the rate
consistent results. A change o f 1 lb (0.45 kg) represents of fluid administration to prevent hypertension. Sometimes,
approximately 500 m l of water. administering hetastarch results i n massive fluid retention
The development o f inspiratory pulmonary crackles, a and substantial worsening o f ascites.
gallop rhythm, or edema (especially cervical) indicates that
the animal is probably overhydrated. A new heart m u r m u r
is not always a sign o f overhydration; severely dehydrated DIETARY MANAGEMENT
dogs with valvular insufficiency may not have an audible
m u r m u r until they are volume replete. The central venous Symptomatic or specific dietary therapy is often important
pressure is excellent for detecting excessive fluid administra i n animals with gastrointestinal tract problems. S y m p t o m
tion; however, it is rarely necessary to measure it, except in atic therapy usually involves the use o f bland, easily digested
animals with severe cardiac or renal failure and those receiv diets, whereas specific therapy typically involves the use
ing aggressive fluid therapy. The central venous pressure of elimination or hypoallergenic diets, diets with a highly
( C V P ) is normally less than 4 c m H O and generally should
2 restricted fat content, fiber-supplemented diets, or a c o m b i
not exceed 10 to 12 c m H O , even during aggressive fluid
2 nation o f these.
therapy. Poor technique will often give falsely high C V P Bland, easily digested diets are indicated in animals with
readings. acute gastritis or enteritis. Such diets are available commer
Oral rehydration therapy makes use o f the facilitated cially (Box 30-1). Homemade versions usually consist o f
intestinal absorption o f sodium. The co-administration o f a boiled poultry or lean hamburger, low-fat cottage cheese,
monosaccharide (e.g., dextrose) or amino acid with s o d i u m boiled rice, and/or boiled potatoes i n some combination.
speeds up sodium absorption and subsequent water uptake. Boiled chicken, turkey, or fish and green beans may be useful
This approach works i f the animal can ingest oral fluids i n cats. A typical mixture is one part boiled chicken or cottage
(i.e., it is not vomiting) and the intestinal mucosa is func cheese and two parts boiled potato. The restricted-fat content
tional (i.e., there is reasonable villus function). A b s o r p t i o n facilitates digestion. These diets also tend to be l o w i n lactose,
primarily occurs in the mature epithelium near the villus tip. which helps prevent maldigestion. Frequent, small amounts
Various products for use in people are commercially avail of these foods are usually fed until the diarrhea resolves, and
able, and there are also recipes for making these solutions. then the diet is gradually changed back to the routine one.
Failure to monitor the patient or follow instructions may This diet may be continued after the event is over; however,
lead to the development o f severe hypernatremia. Some dogs if a homemade diet is used long-term, it must be nutrition
and cats with acute enteritis not caused by severe parvoviral ally balanced (especially for puppies and kittens).
enteritis can receive rehydration fluids orally. These easily digested diets usually also help prevent v o m
The type of fluid therapy used in hypoproteinemic iting because they are low in fat and fiber (both delay emp
animals depends on the degree o f hypoalbuminemia. Exces tying) and high i n complex carbohydrates. Extremely
sive fluids can dilute the serum albumin concentration, hyperosmolar diets should be avoided (e.g., do not use con
causing ascites, edema, diminished peripheral perfusion, or centrated sugar solutions or honey) because they also may
a combination of these. Careful calculation o f the fluid needs delay gastric emptying.
and ongoing losses is therefore necessary. In animals with Elimination diets are indicated i f a dietary allergy (i.e., an
severe hypoalbuminemia (e.g., serum albumin o f 1.5 g/dl or immune-mediated hypersensitivity to a dietary component)
less), a plasma transfusion (6 to 10 m l / k g of plasma initially) or intolerance (i.e., a nonimmune-mediated problem) is sus-
may be considered to improve the oncotic pressure. A
c o m m o n mistake is to give inadequate amounts o f plasma.
Therefore the serum albumin concentration should be mea
sured 8 to 12 hours after the transfusion to ensure that suf BOX 30-1
ficient plasma was administered. Further, animals with severe
Examples o f C o m m e r c i a l B l a n d * Diets
protein-losing enteropathies and protein-losing nephropa
thies rapidly excrete the supplemented protein, making Hill's Prescription Diet i / d
repeated transfusions necessary i f the plasma albumin con lams E u k a n u b a Low-Residue-Adult
centration is to be maintained. It can therefore be very Purina C N M E N - F o r m u l a
expensive to replenish albumin i n large, hypoalbuminemic Royal C a n i n Intestinal HE Formula (dogs)
dogs. H u m a n albumin has been used instead o f canine Royal C a n i n C a n i n e Low Fat
plasma and appears efficacious although side effects have Royal C a n i n Intestinal HE 3 0 Formula (cats)

been reported. Hetastarch (5 to 20 ml/kg/day) and dextran

* " B l a n d " refers t o e a s i l y d i g e s t i b l e diets t h a t o f t e n c o n t a i n less f a t
70 may be used i n place o f plasma or albumin. Hetastarch
t h a n is f o u n d in m a n y p e t f o o d s .
(supplied as a 6% solution) is larger than a l b u m i n and This list is a p a r t i a l list f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f s h o w i n g e x a m p l e s o f such
therefore may persist in the intravascular space longer than d i e t s . It is n o t a n all-inclusive list o f such d i e t s .
when eating these diets exclusively. The partially hydrolyzed
BOX 30-2
proteins may also make such diets easier for diseased alimen
tary tracts to digest and absorb.
Examples of Homemade, Hypoallergenic* Diets
Elemental diets (e.g., Vivonex T E N ; Novartis Nutrition)
1 p a r t b o i l e d w h i t e c h i c k e n o r turkey meat w i t h o u t the skin; are diets i n which the nutrients are supplied as amino acids
2 parts b o i l e d o r b a k e d p o t a t o (without the skin) and simple sugars. These diets are hypoallergenic, but more
1 p a r t b o i l e d o r b r o i l e d w h i t e fish w i t h o u t the skin; 2 parts
important, they are extremely easy to digest and absorb
b o i l e d o r b a k e d p o t a t o (without the skin)
when there is major small intestinal disease. Diseased
1 p a r t b o i l e d m u t t o n , v e n i s o n , o r r a b b i t w i t h o u t the skin; 2
intestines have increased permeability, which allows luminal
parts b o i l e d o r b a k e d p o t a t o (without the skin)
contents to leak into the mucosa. Such leakage may be an
1 p a r t d r a i n e d , low-fat c o t t a g e cheese; 2 parts b o i l e d o r
b a k e d p o t a t o (without the skin) important mechanism perpetuating intestinal inflamma
tion. Because the amino acids and simple sugars found in
A nonflavored vitamin supplement may be given three times per elemental diets do not elicit an inflammatory reaction when
week. they enter the interstitium, they do not contribute to per
Rice can be substituted for potato, but many dogs and cats seem to petuation o f the inflammatory response i n the intestines.
digest potato more easily than rice.
The elemental diets prepared for people (e.g., Vivonex T E N )
These diets are not balanced but are adequate for 3 to 4 months of
use in sexually mature animals. If growing animals are being fed typically have less protein than desired for veterinary patients.
such a diet, then a nutritionist must be consulted to balance calcium Therefore protein supplements are usually given when pre
and phosphorus. paring this diet by adding 350 m l of water plus 250 m l of
* Hypoallergenic refers to a diet specially formulated for a given 8.5% amino acids (for injection) instead of 600 m l o f water.
animal, one that does not expose the animal to potential allergens
that it has eaten in the past. Therefore the clinician must obtain a A d d i n g 1 to 2 m l o f a flavored vitamin syrup often makes it
careful dietary history to determine what will or will not constitute a palatable. If the animal w i l l not drink this formulation, it
hypoallergenic diet for a particular animal. may be administered via nasoesophageal tube. These diets
are generally reserved for patients that are extremely i l l from
severe intestinal disease.
pected. There is also evidence that such diets may help treat Ultra-low-fat diets are indicated i n animals with intesti
and control antibiotic-responsive enteropathies. These diets nal lymphangiectasia. Because long-chain fatty acids enter
may be composed o f the same ingredients found i n bland lacteals and are reesterified, removing them from the diet
diets; however, they must be formulated so that the animal therefore prevents the dilation and rupture o f lacteals and
is fed food that it has not eaten before (and hence could not the subsequent intestinal lymphatic loss. M e d i u m - c h a i n tri
be responsible for causing allergy or intolerance) or food glycerides ( M C T s ) were once recommended as supplements
that is very unlikely to provoke allergy or intolerance (e.g., to such diets at a dose o f 1 to 2 m l / k g of body weight. M C T s
potatoes). Excellent commercial elimination diets are avail appear to be absorbed into the portal b l o o d without going
able, or the clinician may suggest a homemade diet. E x a m through the lacteals and thoracic duct. They have an unpleas
ples o f homemade elimination diets are described i n ant taste, so very small amounts (e.g., 1 tsp/lb of food) should
Box 30-2. be added to the diet initially. Otherwise, the animal may
Elimination diets that are going to be effective are usually refuse to eat the food. Using a highly digestible, ultra-low-fat
effective w i t h i n 3 to 4 weeks, although i n rare cases patients diet usually eliminates the need for supplementing M C T s ;
may require 6 or more weeks before clinical efficacy is however, M C T s have been used to help very thin animals
evident. It is critical that no other foods or treats be given to with severe gastrointestinal disease absorb nutrients and
the animal during this time (e.g., flavored pills, toys, medica gain weight.
tions). If the signs resolve during this time, the diet should Fiber supplementation may help many dogs and cats
be continued for at least 4 to 6 more weeks to ensure that it with large (and rarely small) intestinal diseases. Although
is the diet that is responsible for the animal's improvement fiber is generally classified as soluble or insoluble, many fibers
and not a spontaneous fluctuation o f the disease. If a home have characteristics of both. Insoluble fiber is poorly digested
made diet was used, the clinician should try to gradually or metabolized by bacteria and ultimately produces more
switch the animal to a commerical diet or balance the home stool bulk. Some insoluble fibers apparently normalize colonic
made diet with appropriate vitamins, minerals, and fatty myoelectrical activity and help prevent spasms. Soluble fiber
acids. can be metabolized by bacteria into short-chain volatile fatty
Partially hydrolyzed diets (Purina H A ; Nestle Purina, acids, which are trophic to colonic mucosa; it may also slow
H i l l ' s z/d; H i l l ' s Pet Products, Hypoallergenic H P 19 F o r m u l a the absorption o f nutrients by the small intestine.
[dogs] and Hypoallergenic H P 2 3 F o r m u l a [cats]; Royal Fiber-enriched diets may ameliorate diarrhea i n many
Canin) have been formulated i n an attempt to eliminate animals with large bowel disease (especially those with
proteins large enough to cause i m m u n o l o g i c reactions (i.e., m i n i m a l inflammation) and lessen constipation not caused
make a diet that is hypoallergenic for all animals). Although by obstruction or pain. Such a diet should be fed for at least
these diets are not uniformly effective, many dogs and cats 2 weeks before assessing efficacy, although most animals that
with gastrointestinal diseases w i l l have clinical improvement respond do so within the first week. A commercial high-fiber
diet may be used, or fiber may be added to the current diet.
BOX 30-3
Psyllium hydrocolloid (e.g., Metamucil) or coarse, unpro
cessed wheat bran may be added to the pet's diet i n the
Calculation of Nutritional Needs and Formulations of
amount of 1 to 2 teaspoons or 1 to 4 tablespoons per can o f
Total Parenteral Nutrition Solution
food, respectively. Some cats w i l l not eat these diets or fiber
supplements; however, canned p u m p k i n pie filling is effec Actual b o d y weight = kg
tive and usually acceptable to cats; 1 to 3 tablespoons m a y
Basal E n e r g y R e q u i r e m e n t
be given daily. It is important that the animal maintain ade
3 0 ( w e i g h t in kg) + 7 0 = kcal/day
quate water intake, lest the increased dietary fiber produce 0 . 7 5
H o w e v e r , if < 2 k g o r > 2 5 k g , use 7 0 ( w e i g h t in k g )
obstipation. If too m u c h soluble fiber is fed, there may be
excessive stool, which the owner then mistakes for continued Maintenance Energy Requirement
large bowel disease. A d j u s t m e n t factors: Dogs Cats
C a g e rest (1.25) (1.1)
SPECIAL NUTRITIONAL After s u r g e r y (1.3) (1.12)
SUPPLEMENTATION Trauma (1.5) (1.2)
If the animal refuses to ingest adequate calories, special Sepsis (1.7) (1.28)
nutritional supplementation is necessary. Daily nutritional Severe burn (2.0) (1.4)

requirements should be calculated to avoid underfeeding.

Basal R e q u i r e m e n t x A d j u s t m e n t Factor =
Approximately 60 kcal/kg/day is reasonable for the m a i n
tenance needs o f mature dogs and cats that are not lactat
ing or losing a significant amount o f energy or protein. Protein Requirement
M o r e exact calculations are recommended i f the animal 4 g / k g in a d u l t d o g s
has severe disease or ongoing fluid and nutritional losses 6 g / k g in cats a n d h y p o p r o t e i n e m i c d o g s
(Box 30-3). If there is renal f a i l u r e , use 1.5 g / k g in d o g s or 3 g / k g in
In some cases, simply sending the animal home, warming cats
the food, or feeding the animal a palatable diet (e.g., chicken _______ g / d a y
baby food for dogs) ensures adequate caloric intake. The
clinician can attempt force-feeding by manually placing food Solution formulation:
g of protein necessitates ml of an 8.5% or
in the animal's mouth, although this seldom works i n severely
10% amino acid solution (85 or 100 mg of protein/ml, respectively).
anorectic animals. Cyproheptadine (2 to 4 m g per cat) stim Determine the calories derived from the protein (4 kcal/g of
ulates some cats to eat, especially those with m i l d anorexia. protein), and subtract this from the daily caloric needs. Supply the
However, cyproheptadine seldom induces a severely anorec remaining calories with glucose and lipid. kcal needed.
tic cat (e.g., one with severe hepatic lipidosis) to ingest ade Provide at least 10%, and preferably 40%, of caloric needs with
lipid emulsion. A 20% lipid emulsion has 2 kcal/ml. Do not use in
quate calories. Diazepam rarely causes acute feline hepatic
lipemic animals; use with caution in animals with pancreatitis.
failure. Megestrol acetate is an excellent appetite stimulant ml needed. Provide remainder of calories with 50%
but occasionally causes diabetes mellitus, reproductive prob dextrose, which has 1.7 kcal/ml. ml needed.
lems, or tumors. Cobalamin injections have been noted to Use one half the calculated amount of solution on the first day, and
increase appetite i n some dogs. Recently, mirtazapine has increase it to the calculated amount on the second day, if
hyperglycemia, lipemia, azotemia, or hyperammonemia does not
been used with anecdotal success i n dogs (once daily) and
cats (every three days). Appetite stimulants are usually less Either use amino acid solution with electrolytes or add electrolytes
effective i n dogs than i n cats. so that the solution has sodium, 35 mEq/L; chloride, 35 mEq/L;
Tube feeding is a more reliable way to ensure that ade potassium, 42 mEq/L; magnesium, 5 mEq/L; and phosphate,
quate calories are ingested. Intermittent orogastric tube 15 mmol/L. These concentrations may be adjusted as needed,
depending on the animal's serum electrolyte concentrations. Add
feeding is useful for animals that need nutritional support
multiple vitamins and trace elements (especially zinc and copper)
for only a relatively short time, although it may be used for that are formulated for parenteral nutrition solutions.
longer periods i n orphaned puppies and kittens. It is typi For partial (also called peripheral) parenteral nutrition formulation,
cally done two or three times daily, using restraint and a see Zsombor-Murray et al: Peripheral parenteral nutrition, Comp
Cont Educ 21:512, 1999.
mouth gag. A tube is measured and marked to correspond
to the length from the tip o f the nose to the midthoracic
region. The tube is then carefully inserted through the mouth
gag to the premarked point. If the animal coughs or is dys disadvantage is the need to physically restrain the animal.
pneic, the tube may have entered the trachea and should be Placement o f an indwelling tube (discussed i n more detail
repositioned. T o ensure safety, the clinician should flush the later i n this chapter) circumvents this problem.
tube with water before the warmed gruel is administered. Nasoesophageal tubes are indicated i n animals that need
The gruel should be given over several seconds or 1 minute. nutritional support and have a functional esophagus,
Because relatively large-diameter tubes can be used, home stomach, and intestines. They are easy to place, but they are
made gruels may be administered i n this way. The major difficult to maintain i n animals that are vomiting. T o place
them, the clinician first anesthetizes the nose by instilling a Pharyngostomy and esophagostomy tubes are indicated
few drops of lidocaine solution i n one nostril. Then the clini i n animals with a functional esophagus, stomach, and intes
cian lubricates a sterile polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, or tines that require nutritional support but do not tolerate
silicone tube (the diameter depends o n the animal's size, but nasoesophageal or intermittent tube feeding. V o m i t i n g may
5F to 12F is typical) with sterile, water-soluble jelly and make it difficult to maintain these tubes, but they can be used
inserts it into the ventromedial portion o f the nostril. The for weeks to months.
animal's head is restrained i n its normal position, and the To place a pharyngostomy tube, the clinician anesthetizes
tube is inserted until the tip is just beyond the thoracic inlet. the animal and inserts a finger into the m o u t h so that the tip
If the clinician encounters difficulty i n passing the tube, the of the finger is caudal to the epihyoid bone and as dorsal and
tip should be withdrawn, redirected, and advanced again. If as close to the cricopharyngeal sphincter as possible. The tip
the clinician is unsure whether the tube is i n the esophagus, of the finger is then pushed laterally, and a skin incision is
thoracic radiographs should be obtained or several milliliters made over this spot. Hemostats are used to bluntly dissect
of sterile saline solution should be instilled into the tube to through to the pharynx. A soft latex or rubber catheter (18F
see i f this provokes coughing. to 22F, urinary) is then inserted into the opening and into
Tape is applied to the tube to secure it, and then the tape the esophagus. In general, the tip o f the catheter should end
is glued or sutured as needed to the skin along the dorsal i n the midthoracic esophagus. The tube is secured with trac
aspect o f the nose. The tube must not be allowed to touch tion sutures and the area bandaged. Some inflammation at
sensory vibrissae because the animal w i l l not tolerate it. It the stoma is c o m m o n , and routine cleansing and bandage
may be necessary to place an Elizabethan collar o n some changes are necessary. Systemic antibiotics are not typically
animals to prevent them from pulling out the tube. O n l y needed. A n Elizabethan collar may be used if the animal tries
small-diameter tubes (e.g., 5F) can be used i n small dogs and to remove the tube. T o remove the tube, the clinician simply
cats, which limits the rate o f administration and necessitates cuts the sutures and pulls it out. The opening w i l l close
the use o f commercial l i q u i d diets (Table 30-2) instead o f spontaneously over the next 1 to 4 days. Pharyngostomy
less expensive homemade gruels. The clinician should flush tubes effectively bypass oral lesions. Advantages o f these
the tube w i t h water after each feeding to prevent occlusion. tubes include easy placement, easy removal, and minimal
Long-term acceptance is typical, but rhinitis occurs i n some complications i f they have been properly inserted (i.e., they
animals. cannot cause peritonitis as gastrostomy or enterostomy tubes
Some dogs and cats do not tolerate nasoesophageal tubes can). However, it is easy to place them such that they cause
and repeatedly pull them out. However, they are usually gagging and regurgitation (i.e., if they touch the larynx, espe
effective for short-term therapy (e.g., 1 to 10 days), and some cially i n cats and small dogs). The clinician should take care
animals tolerate them for weeks. not to disrupt vessels or nerves when using scissors or a
scalpel during the dissection. Because pharyngostomy tubes
are larger than nasoesophageal tubes, homemade gruels can
be fed through them.
TABLE 30-2
The placement o f esophagostomy tubes is similar to that
Selected Enteral Diets of pharyngostomy tubes. The animal is placed i n right lateral
recumbency, the m o u t h is held open, and a long right-angle
hemostat is placed through the cricopharyngeal sphincter.
Osmolite* Polymeric diet; contains t a u r i n e ,
The tip o f the hemostat is then forced up to show where to
carnitine, a n d M C T make the incision i n the left cervical region. The incision
CliniCare Polymeric diet; contains t a u r i n e , but should be made midway between the cricopharyngeal
n o lactose sphincter and the thoracic inlet. The tip o f the hemostat is
Jevity* Polymeric diet; c o n t a i n s t a u r i n e , fiber, forced up through the esophagus and the nick i n the skin;
carnitine, a n d M C T the tip o f a feeding tube is then grasped and pulled into the
Peptamen O l i g o m e r i c diet; contains t a u r i n e , esophagus and out the m o u t h so that the flared end of the
carnitine, a n d M C T catheter (i.e., where the syringe w i l l be attached) is left pro
Pulmocare* Polymeric diet; c o n t a i n s t a u r i n e ,
truding from the neck. The distal end o f the catheter is then
carnitine, a n d M C T
redirected d o w n the esophagus with a rigid colonoscope or
Vital H N * O l i g o m e r i c diet; c o n t a i n s M C T
other device. Esophagostomy tubes cannot cause gagging but
V i v o n e x T.E.N. Elemental diet; h i g h in c a r b o h y d r a t e s ,
l o w in protein a n d fat
are otherwise similar to pharyngostomy tubes.
Gastrostomy tubes bypass the m o u t h and esophagus
MCT, Medium-chain triglyceride. in animals with a functional stomach and intestines. They
* Ross L a b o r a t o r i e s , C o l u m b u s , O h i o . can also be used when nasoesophageal, pharyngostomy,
A b b o t t A n i m a l H e a l t h , N o r t h C h i c a g o , III.
esophagostomy, or intermittent gastric tubing is unaccept
N e s t l e N u t r i t i o n , D e e r f i e l d , III.
Novartis Nutrition, Minneapolis, M i n n .
able. V o m i t i n g is not a contraindication. This technique
|| To i n c r e a s e p r o t e i n c o n t e n t , reconstitute o n e p a c k e t o f p o w d e r requires surgery, endoscopy, or special devices for proper
w i t h 3 5 0 m l w a t e r plus 2 5 0 ml o f 8 . 5 % a m i n o a c i d s f o r i n j e c t i o n . placement.
Endoscopy is the preferred and safest way to place these daily requirement and w o r k up to the complete nutritional
tubes percutaneously. The use o f dedicated devices for the needs over 1 to 3 days. If the tube becomes plugged, it can
placement of gastrostomy tubes has made the procedure sometimes be unplugged by using flexible endoscopy forceps
easier and readily available for clinicians without endoscopes or by instilling a fresh carbonated beverage into the tube.
(Fig. 30-1). To place gastrostomy tubes using these devices, W h e n the tube is to be removed, sufficient traction is applied
the clinician positions the anesthetized animal i n right lateral to the catheter so that the m u s h r o o m tip collapses and passes
recumbency and surgically prepares the area behind the last through the stomach and skin incision. The fistula usually
rib on the left abdominal wall. The device is then blindly and closes spontaneously i n 1 to 4 days. The major risk of using
carefully advanced down the esophagus until the tip is i n the such tubes is leakage and peritonitis, which are rare but
stomach and can be seen pushing against the skin behind potentially catastrophic. In dogs larger than 20 to 25 kg,
the last rib. The plunger on the handle is advanced until the gastrostomy tubes are typically placed surgically or sutures
trocar in the tip penetrates the skin and can be seen. In the are passed through the abdominal wall and into the gastric
tip of the trocar is a hole i n which a suture (e.g., N o . 1 or 2 wall to ensure that the stomach and abdominal wall stay i n
polyamide or other nonabsorbable material) is tied. The cli apposition and form an adhesion that prevents leakage.
nician then withdraws the device from the animal, bringing Improper use o f dedicated devices can result i n malplace
one end of the suture with it. In the meantime, another ment of the tube and/or perforation o f abdominal organs
person grasps the other end of the suture firmly so that it (e.g., spleen, omentum).
cannot be pulled into the stomach. The end o f the suture Low-profile gastrostomy tubes can be used i f a stoma has
that was brought out through the m o u t h is n o w passed ret been previously established by a routine gastrostomy tube.
rograde through the sheath of an 18-gauge over-the-needle The major advantage o f such tubes is that they may replace
IV catheter or a disposable pipette tip of similar diameter. routine gastrostomy tubes that are disintegrating or have
Next, one can use either an umbrella catheter specifically been inadvertently pulled out, and they may be placed
designed for use as a gastrostomy tube, or one can modify a without anesthesia or a surgical/endoscopic procedure.
mushroom-type catheter (usually 18F to 24F). The latter is Typically, sedation is all that is needed. However, to use the
prepared by cutting off the syringe end. The clinician then preexisting stoma, the low-profile gastrostomy tube must be
attaches the suture that has been pulled out through the placed w i t h i n 12 hours o f removing the o l d gastrostomy
mouth to this end o f the catheter, using a needle to pass tube, or another tube (e.g., a red latex male urinary catheter)
the suture through the catheter and make a mattress suture must be inserted into the stoma as quickly as possible to
pattern. The end o f the m u s h r o o m catheter tip that has just prevent the o l d stoma from closing.
been attached to the suture is inserted into the flared end o f Enterostomy tubes are indicated i n animals with func
the IV catheter or disposable pipette tip. The other person tional intestines when the stomach must be bypassed (e.g.,
then begins to pull on the end o f the suture where it enters recent gastric surgery). Laparotomy or laparoscopy is gener
the abdominal wall, thus pulling the cut tip o f the mush ally needed to place these tubes. A 12-gauge needle is used
room catheter into the stomach. The modified end o f the to puncture the antimesenteric border o f the intestine, and
mushroom catheter that was inserted into the disposable a sterile 5F plastic catheter is advanced aborally through the
pipette tip is thereby pulled out o f the stomach through the needle until approximately 15 c m extends into the intestinal
same hole previously made by the trocar. Traction is placed lumen. The 12-gauge needle is removed, and a purse-string
on the mushroom catheter until the m u s h r o o m head is suture is placed to prevent the catheter from m o v i n g freely.
securely placed against the gastric mucosa, w h i c h is pulled The needle is then used i n the same manner to make a
next to the abdominal wall. (The clinician should take care pathway for the catheter to exit through the abdominal wall.
not to pull the mushroom tip of the catheter out o f the The antimesenteric border o f the intestine is sutured to the
stomach.) The catheter is held i n place by an outer flange abdominal wall so that the sites where the tube enters the
and/or traction sutures (excessive pressure o n the gastric intestine and exits the abdomen are opposed. Traction
mucosa can cause avascular necrosis), and the area is ban sutures are used to secure the catheter.
daged lightly. The clinician may place a jejunostomy tube by first placing
Gastrostomy tubes allow the administration o f thick a gastrostomy tube and then inserting a jejunostomy tube
gruels and are often tolerated for weeks to years. Either a through the gastrostomy tube. Next, the clinician directs the
homemade gruel or a commercial l i q u i d diet (see Table 30-2) jejunostomy tube into the d u o d e n u m w i t h a flexible endo
may be used. These tubes must be left in place for at least 7 scope. Alternatively, the clinician may use a guide wire placed
to 10 days to allow an adhesion to form between the stomach in the d u o d e n u m via an endoscope to feed the jejuno
and the abdominal wall, which will prevent gastric leakage stomy tube through the gastrostomy tube and into the
into the peritoneal cavity when the tube is removed. They duodenum.
are often used i n cats that do not tolerate pharyngostomy, The small diameter of enterostomy tubes often necessi
nasogastric, or esophagostomy tubes. The tube should be tates the administration o f commercial liquid diets (see
flushed with water and air after each feeding. Although the Table 30-2), which are best infused at a constant rate. The
entire caloric requirement may be administered as soon as rate necessary to administer daily caloric needs is calculated.
the tube is placed, it is often better to start with one half the A one half-strength feeding solution is administered at one
FIG 30-1
For l e g e n d see o p p o s i t e .
FIG 30-1
The proper w a y to use a d e d i c a t e d device to place a gastrostomy tube. A , The device consists of a c a n n u l a w i t h a h a n d l e a n d
a trocar that is passed through the c a n n u l a once it is p r o p e r l y p o s i t i o n e d . B , Proper placement of the device b e h i n d the last rib.
The trocar is pushed through the c a n n u l a until the tip exits the skin such that a suture can be tied onto the tip. C , The device a n d
the attached suture are w i t h d r a w n t h r o u g h the animal's mouth. D , The p r o p e r w a y to use a d e d i c a t e d d e v i c e to p l a c e a
gastrostomy tube. The tip of the suture that exits the mouth is attached to the cut end of a mushroom-tip catheter. E, The other
end of the suture is pulled so that the tip of the catheter exits the skin. It is pulled until the m u s h r o o m tip is snugly a g a i n s t the
gastric mucosa a n d the stomach is held against the a b d o m i n a l w a l l . (Reprinted with permission from Fossum T, editor: Small
animal surgery, St Louis, 1 9 9 7 , Mosby.)
half the calculated rate o n the first day. O n the second day PARENTERAL NUTRITION
the rate of administration is increased to the calculated rate, Parenteral nutrition is indicated if the animal's intestines
but a one half-strength solution is still used. O n the t h i r d cannot reliably absorb nutrients. It is the most certain
day a full-strength solution is administered at the calculated method o f supplying nutrition to such animals; however, it
rate. If diarrhea occurs, the rate o f administration can be is expensive and can be associated with metabolic and infec
decreased or fiber (e.g., psyllium) can be added to the liquid tious complications. There are two types of parenteral nutri
diet. The tube should be left i n place for 7 to 10 days, i f pos tion: total parenteral nutrition ( T P N ) and partial (also called
sible, to allow adhesions to develop around the area and peripheral) parenteral nutrition ( P P N ) . In general, P P N is
prevent leakage. W h e n enteral feeding is no longer necessary, m u c h more convenient and less expensive than T P N . For
the clinician simply removes the sutures and pulls out the T P N a central I V line is dedicated to the administration of
catheter. the T P N solution only (i.e., the piggybacking of other solu
tions and the obtaining o f blood samples are forbidden).
DIETS FOR SPECIAL ENTERAL SUPPORT Double-lumen jugular catheters allowing the administration
C o m m e r c i a l diets (see Table 30-2) may be used for enteral of parenteral nutrition and fluids through the same catheter
support. If the feeding tube diameter is sufficient, blended are optimal. The aseptic placement and management of the
commercial diets, which are less expensive and still effective, catheter are the best protection against catheter-related
can be used. A gruel made by blending one can of feline p / d sepsis. Antibiotic prophylaxis does not replace proper man
(Hill's Pet Products) plus 1 C (0.35 L) o f water provides agement and is ineffective i n preventing infections. The daily
approximately 0.9 kcal/ml and is useful for dogs and cats. caloric and protein requirements are determined (see Box
Elemental diets may be better than blended gruels i n animals 30-3), and the customized solution is administered by con
with intestinal disease. However, some elemental diets (e.g., stant I V infusion. The clinician must routinely monitor the
Vivonex, Novartis N u t r i t i o n ) do not have as m u c h protein animal's weight; rectal temperature; and serum sodium,
as desired for dogs and cats (see Table 30-2); therefore the chloride, potassium, phosphorus, and glucose concentra
clinician may replace some o f the water used in m i x i n g the tions (in addition to the urine for glucosuria). The feeding
elemental diet with 8.5% amino acids for injection (e.g., solution is adjusted to prevent or correct serum imbalances.
350 m l water +250 m l 8.5% amino acids). W h e n feeding cats, P P N is similar but (1) supplies only approximately 50% of
the clinician must be sure that sufficient taurine is present caloric needs, (2) has a lower osmolality than T P N solutions
in the diet. so that peripheral I V catheters are sufficient, and (3) is
Nasoesophageal, pharyngostomy, esophagostomy, and intended to be used for approximately a week with the goal
gastrostomy tubes are usually used for bolus feeding. Animals to get a severely i l l or emaciated patient "over the hump"
that have been anorectic for days to weeks should usually before starting enteral nutrition. Regardless of whether T P N
start by receiving small amounts (e.g., 3 to 5 ml/kg) every or P P N is used, the animal should also receive some feedings
2 to 4 hours. The amount is gradually increased and the orally, i f possible, to help prevent intestinal villous atrophy.
frequency decreased until the animal is receiving its caloric
needs i n three or four daily feedings. The clinician should
expect to ultimately administer at least 22 to 30 m l / k g at each ANTIEMETICS
feeding to most dogs and cats. Larger volumes may be given
if they do not cause v o m i t i n g or distress. Antiemetics are indicated for symptomatic therapy in many
Enterostomy tubes are usually used for constant-rate animals with acute v o m i t i n g or those in which vomiting is
feeding, which best involves the use o f an enteral feeding contributing to morbidity (e.g., discomfort or excessive fluid
pump. The clinician should begin by feeding the animal and electrolyte losses). Peripherally acting drugs (Table 30-3)
a one half-strength diet at one half the rate that w i l l ulti are less effective than centrally acting ones but may suffice
mately be needed to meet the animal's caloric needs. If diar in animals w i t h m i n i m a l disease. Some o f these drugs are
rhea does not result after 24 to 36 hours, the clinician given orally, but this is an unreliable route in nauseated
increases the flow rate to what w i l l ultimately be needed. If animals. Parasympatholytics (e.g., atropine, aminopentam
diarrhea still does not occur, the diet may then be changed ide) have been used extensively. Although they are given
from one half strength to full strength. Constant infusion o f parenterally and may have some central activity, they are
these same diets may be done through gastrostomy and seldom effective i n animals with severe vomiting.
esophagostomy tubes i n animals that readily v o m i t when If it is important to halt the vomiting, a centrally acting
fed food i n boluses (e.g., some cats with severe hepatic drug should be administered parenterally. Suppositories are
lipidosis). Animals that are critically i l l and v o m i t readily convenient, but their absorption is erratic.
are believed to potentially benefit from "microalimenta Phenothiazine derivatives (e.g., prochlorperazine [Com
tion," in w h i c h very small amounts o f l i q u i d diet (e.g., 1 to pazine] ) are often effective. They inhibit the chemoreceptor
2 m l / h i n 30 to 40 kg dogs) are infused into nasoesophageal trigger zone and, i n higher doses, the medullary vomiting
tubes i n an effort to get some nutrition to the intestinal center. Antiemesis is usually achieved at doses that do not
mucosa and prevent bacterial translocation and, ultimately, produce marked sedation. However, these drugs may cause
sepsis. vasodilation and can decrease peripheral perfusion in a
TABLE 30-3

Selected Antiemetic Drugs


P e r i p h e r a l l y A c t i n g Drugs

K a o p e c t a t e / b i s m u t h subsalicylate (poorly effective) 1-2 m l / k g P O q 8 - 2 4 h (dogs only)

Anticholinergic drugs (modest efficacy)
Propantheline (Pro-Banthine) 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h
Aminopentimide (Centrine) 0 . 0 1 - 0 . 0 3 m g / k g SC o r I M q 8 - 1 2 h (dogs only)
0 . 0 2 m g / k g SC o r I M q 8 - 1 2 h (cats only)

Centrally A c t i n g Drugs

Phenothiazine derivatives
C h l o r p r o m a z i n e (Thorazine) 0 . 3 - 0 . 5 m g / k g I M , IV, o r SC q 8 h
Prochlorperazine ( C o m p a z i n e ) 0.1-0.5 m g / k g IM q8-12h
M e t o c l o p r a m i d e (Region) 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g P O , I M , o r IV q 8 - 2 4 h
1-2 m g / k g / d a y , constant IV infusion
Serotonin receptor antagonists
Ondansetron (Zofran) 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 m g / k g IV q 8 - 2 4 h
Dolasetron (Anzemet) 0 . 3 - 1 . 0 m g / k g SC o r IV q 2 4 h
Granisetron (Kytril) 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 m g / k g P O ( a n e c d o t a l , d o g s only)
Neurokinin-1 receptor a n t a g o n i s t
M a r o p i t a n t (Cerenia) 1 m g / k g SC q 2 4 h o r 2 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h (dogs only)
T r i m e t h o b e n z a m i d e (Tigan) (poorly effective) 3 m g / k g , I M q 8 h (dogs only)
D i p h e n h y d r a m i n e (Benadryl) (poorly effective) 2-4 m g / k g P O q 8 h
1-2 m g / k g IV o r I M q 8 - 1 2 h

PO, O r a l l y ; SC, subcutaneously; I M , intramuscularly.

* D o s a g e s a r e f o r b o t h d o g s a n d cats unless o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d .
T h i s d r u g c o n t a i n s s a l i c y l a t e a n d c a n b e n e p h r o t o x i c if c o m b i n e d w i t h o t h e r n e p h r o t o x i c d r u g s .

dehydrated animal. Some data suggest that phenothiazines liminary data suggest that this w i l l be a useful drug i n
may lower the seizure threshold i n animals with epilepsy, but clinical practice.
this is uncertain. Narcotics, such as fentanyl, oxymorphone, and butorpha
Metoclopramide (Reglan) inhibits the chemoreceptor nol, may cause v o m i t i n g initially, but v o m i t i n g is usually
trigger zone and increases gastric tone and peristalsis, both inhibited once the drug penetrates to the medullary vomit
of which inhibit emesis. Rarely, animals show unusual behav ing center. Trimethobenzamide (Tigan) and antihistamines
ior after administration. The drug is excreted i n the urine, are effective i n some animals but generally are unreliable
and severe renal failure makes adverse effects more likely. It antiemetics i n dogs and cats.
rarely worsens vomiting, perhaps because it causes excessive
gastric contractions. The liquid form of metoclopramide
given orally is often not accepted by cats. Because of its pro- ANTACID DRUGS
kinetic activity, the drug is contraindicated i n animals with
a gastric or duodenal obstruction. Metoclopramide may be Antacid drugs (Table 30-4) are indicated when appropriate
more effective in animals with severe vomiting if given intra to lessen gastric acidity (e.g., ulcer disease; acid hypersecre
venously at a dosage of 1 to 2 mg/kg/day by constant rate tion resulting from renal failure, mast cell tumor, or gastri
infusion. noma). A l t h o u g h they are not antiemetics, they apparently
Ondansetron (Zofran) and dolasetron (Anzemet) are may have an "antidyspepsic" effect due to diminishing gastric
serotonin receptor antagonists. Developed for use i n people hyperacidity.
with vomiting resulting from chemotherapy, they are often Antacids, which titrate the gastric acidity, are over-the-
effective i n animals in which vomiting is not controlled with counter preparations that are typically of limited efficacy
phenothiazines or metoclopramide (e.g., severe canine par because o f the way they are administered. C o m p o u n d s
voviral enteritis). Granisetron (Kytril) has been used when containing a l u m i n u m or magnesium tend to be more effec
an oral medication is required, but its efficacy is uncertain. tive and do not cause the gastric acid rebound that some
Maropitant (Cerenia) is a neurokinin-1 receptor antago times occurs i n response to calcium-containing antacids.
nist that has recently been approved for use i n dogs. Pre Antacids should be administered orally every 4 to 6 hours
antagonists are now available as over-the-counter prepara
TABLE 30-4
tions. The m a i n indication for these drugs is the treatment
of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Some clinicians use them
Selected Antacid Drugs
prophylactically i n an attempt to prevent ulceration associ
DRUG DOSAGE* ated with the use of some steroids and some nonsteroidal
antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but they are most effec
A c i d T i t r a t i n g Drugs
tive i n treating existing ulcers after N S A I D or steroid therapy
Aluminum hydroxide 10-30 m g / k g PO q6-8h has ceased. They are effective i n lessening ulceration associ
(many names)
ated with submaximal exertion. Nizatidine and ranitidine
Magnesium hydroxide 5 - 1 0 ml P O q 4 - 6 h (dogs)
have gastric prokinetic activity. Very rarely, these drugs may
(many names) q 8 - 1 2 h (cats)
cause bone marrow suppression, central nervous system
Gastric A c i d Secretion I n h i b i t o r s problems, or diarrhea. Parenteral administration, especially
H2 receptor antagonists the rapid I V injection o f ranitidine, may cause nausea, vom
Cimetidine (Tagamet) 5 - 1 0 m g / k g P O , I M , o r IV iting, or bradycardia. There is concern that severely i l l or
q6-8h stressed animals may require larger than currently recom
Ranitidine (Zantac) 1-2 m g / k g P O o r IV q 8 - 1 2 h mended doses i n order to suppress gastric acid secretion; this
(dogs) is being investigated.
2 . 5 m g / k g IV o r 3 . 5 m g / k g Proton p u m p inhibitors (i.e., Omeprazole [Prilosec], lan
P O q l 2 h (cats)
soprazole [Prevacid], and pantoprazole [Protonix]) block
N i z a t i d i n e (Axid) 2.5-5 m g / k g q 2 4 h PO
the final c o m m o n pathway o f gastric acid secretion. This
is the most effective class of drugs for decreasing gastric
F a m o t i d i n e (Pepcid, 0 . 5 m g / k g P O o r IV
acid secretion, but m a x i m u m suppression of acid secretion
Pepcid A C ) q12-24h
takes between 2 and 5 days when administered orally.
Proton Pump Inhibitors Omeprazole is a noncompetitive inhibitor primarily used i n
Omeprazole (Prilosec) 0.7-1.5 m g / k g PO q12-24h animals with severe gastroesophageal reflux or gastrinomas
(dogs) (diseases i n which H receptor-antagonists are often inade

L a n o s p r a z o l e (Prevacid) 1 m g / k g IV q 2 4 h (dog) quate). It is uncertain whether most animals with gastric

P a n t o p r a z o l e (Protonix) 1 m g / k g IV q 2 4 h (dog)T ulcers benefit from the enhanced blockade of gastric acid
secretion that this drug provides, as compared with H recep2
P O , O r a l l y ; S C , s u b c u t a n e o u s l y ; I M , i n t r a m u s c u l a r l y ; IV,
tor-antagonist therapy.
* D o s a g e s a r e f o r b o t h d o g s a n d cats unless o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d ,
D o s a g e s b a s e d u p o n a n e c d o t a l r e p o r t s . These d r u g s h a v e n o t
b e e n used e x t e n s i v e l y , a n d their s a f t e y a n d e f f i c a c y in d o g s a r e n o t INTESTINAL PROTECTANTS
A n e c d o t a l r e p o r t s s u g g e s t t h a t h i g h e r d o s e s m a y b e n e c e s s a r y in
s e v e r e l y ill o r s e v e r e l y stressed p a t i e n t s .
Intestinal protectants (Table 30-5) include drugs and inert
adsorbents such as kaolin, pectin and barium sulfate contrast
media. M a n y people believe that inert adsorbents hasten
to ensure continued control o f gastric acidity; however, clinical relief i n animals with m i n o r inflammation, possibly
this may cause diarrhea, especially i n animals receiving because they coat the mucosa or adsorb toxins. They prob
magnesium-containing compounds. Hypophosphatemia, ably make fecal consistency more normal simply by increas
although unlikely, is possible after extensive a l u m i n u m ing fecal particulate matter. Inert adsorbents do not have a
hydroxide administration. Hypermagnesemia, also unlikely, proven efficacy i n the treatment of gastritis or enteritis.
is possible i n dogs and cats with renal failure that are given It is inappropriate to rely on these drugs alone i n very sick
magnesium-containing compounds. These types o f antacids animals.
may also interfere with the absorption o f some other drugs Sucralfate (Carafate) is principally indicated for animals
(e.g., tetracycline, cimetidine). with gastroduodenal ulceration or erosion but might also be
Histamine ( H ) receptor antagonists are indicated when
2 2 useful for those with esophagitis (especially i f administered
controlling gastric acidity is important. They act by prevent as a slurry). It does not appear to effectively prevent N S A I D -
ing histamine from stimulating the gastric parietal cell. induced ulceration but may help prevent stress ulceration.
Cimetidine (Tagamet) is effective but should be given three Sucralfate is a nonabsorbable, sulfated sucrose complex that
or four times per day to achieve best results; it inhibits protects denuded mucosa by adhering tightly to it. It also
hepatic cytochrome P-450 enzymes, thereby slowing the inhibits peptic activity and may alter prostaglandin synthesis
metabolism o f some drugs. Famotidine (Pepcid) and nizati and the actions o f endogenous sulfhydryl compounds. The
dine (Axid) are as or more effective than cimetidine when dose is extrapolated from humans on the basis of the ani
administered one or two times per day and do not affect mal's weight. Although no supportive data are available for
hepatic enzyme activity as m u c h as cimetidine does. It is not dogs and cats, sucralfate and H receptor-antagonists are

clear that ranitidine is effective i n dogs. The H receptor 2 often used concurrently i n animals with severe gastrointes-
TABLE 30-5

Selected Gastrointestinal Protectants and Cytoprotective Agents


Sucralfate (Carafate) 0.5-1 g (dogs) o r 0 . 2 5 g (cats) P O Potentially c o n s t i p a t i n g , a b s o r b s some other o r a l l y

q 6 - 8 h , d e p e n d i n g o n animal's a d m i n i s t e r e d d r u g s , p r i m a r i l y used to treat existing
size ulcers
Misoprostol (Cytotec) 2-5 g / k g P O q 8 h (dogs) M a y cause d i a r r h e a / a b d o m i n a l c r a m p s , p r i m a r i l y used
to prevent ulcers, not f o r use in p r e g n a n t a n i m a l s

* D o s a g e s a r e for b o t h d o g s a n d cats unless o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d .

tinal tract ulceration or erosion. However, because sucralfate

may adsorb other drugs, other orally administered drugs
TABLE 3 0 - 6
should probably be given 1 to 2 hours before or after sucral
Selected Drugs Used to Treat Diarrhea Symptomatically
fate administration. A n acidic p H promotes optimal activity,
and there is typically sufficient acid remaining after H recep DRUG DOSAGE*

tor-antagonist therapy for sucralfate to be effective. There

Intestinal Motility Modifiers
are no absolute contraindications to the use o f sucralfate.
The biggest disadvantage is that it must be given orally, and Anticholinergic drugs
Methscopolamine 0 . 3 - 1 . 0 m g / k g P O q 8 h (dog)
many animals that need it are vomiting. Sucralfate can cause
Propantheline (Pro- 0.25-0.5 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h
Misoprostol (Cytotec) is a prostaglandin E1 analog used
to treat ulcers but especially to help prevent N S A I D - i n d u c e d
gastroduodenal ulceration. The drug is primarily used i n Diphenoxylate 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 2 m g / k g PO q 8 - l 2 h (dogs)
dogs that require N S A I D s but i n which N S A I D s cause (Lomotil)
anorexia or vomiting. Use o f N S A I D s that have a higher risk Loperamide 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 m g / k g P O q 8 - 1 2 h (dogs)
of causing gastrointestinal tract problems (e.g., piroxicam) (Imodium) 0 . 0 8 - 0 . 1 6 m g / k g P O q l 2 h (cats)
might also be an indication. Misoprostol does not appear to Paregoric 0 . 0 5 m g / k g P O q 1 2 h (dogs)
be as effective i n preventing N S A I D - i n d u c e d ulcers i n dogs
Antiinflammatory/Antisecretory Drug
as it is i n people. The major adverse effects o f misoprostol
Bismuth subsalicylate 1 m l / k g / d a y PO divided q 8 - 1 2 h
seem to be abdominal cramping and diarrhea, w h i c h usually
(Pepto-Bismol, (dogs) f o r 1-2 d a y s
disappear after 2 to 3 days o f therapy. Pregnancy may be a
contraindication. There is evidence that misoprostol may
have immunosuppressant properties, especially i n combina PO, Orally.
tion with other drugs. * D o s a g e s a r e f o r b o t h d o g s a n d cats unless o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d .
This d r u g c o n t a i n s s a l i c y l a t e a n d c a n b e n e p h r o t o x i c if c o m b i n e d
with other nephrotoxic drugs.


Pancreatic enzyme supplementation is indicated to treat tinal bacteria from rendering the enzyme supplementation
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency; however, it is often used ineffective. Occasionally, a stomatitis or diarrhea develops i n
empirically without justification i n animals with diarrhea. dogs receiving large amounts o f enzyme supplementation.
There are many products that vary greatly i n their potency.
Although pills may work, powdered preparations tend to be
more effective; enteric-coated pills are particularly ineffec MOTILITY MODIFIERS
tive. Viokase-V ( A . H . Robins Co.) and Pancreazyme (Daniels
Pharmaceuticals) seem to be particularly efficacious. The Drugs that prolong the intestinal transit time are p r i n
powder should be mixed with the food (approximately 1 to cipally used to symptomatically treat diarrhea. Although
2 teaspoons per meal), but allowing the mixture to " i n c u infrequently needed, they are indicated if the diarrhea causes
bate" before feeding has not been found beneficial. Fat is the excessive fluid or electrolyte losses or owners demand control
main nutrient that must be digested i n animals with exocrine of the diarrhea at home. Opiates (Table 30-6) increase resis
pancreatic insufficiency, and feeding them a low-fat diet may tance to flow by augmenting segmental contraction. They
ameliorate diarrhea. Antacid or antibiotic therapy (or both) tend to be more effective than parasympatholytics, which
may occasionally help prevent gastric acidity or small intes paralyze motility i n the intestines (i.e., create ileus). Both
classes o f drugs have antisecretory effects. Because cats do tors. It must be used cautiously because overdose may cause
not tolerate narcotics as well as dogs, opiates should not toxicity accompanied by signs o f parasympathetic overload
be used in this species, although loperamide may be used (e.g., vomiting, miosis, diarrhea). Azathioprine (with or
carefully. without steroids) may be a better long-term treatment for
Loperamide (Imodium) is available as an over-the- myasthenia gravis than pyridostigmine.
counter drug. Use o f loperamide theoretically increases
the risk for bacterial proliferation i n the intestinal lumen,
thus potentially initiating or perpetuating disease; how ANTIINFLAMMATORY AND
ever, this is very rare i n clinical practice. A n overdose can ANTISECRETORY DRUGS
cause narcotic intoxication (i.e., collapse, vomiting, ataxia,
hypersalivation), w h i c h requires treatment with narcotic Intestinal antiinflammatory or antisecretory drugs (or both)
antagonists. are indicated for lessening the fluid losses resulting from
Diphenoxylate (Lomotil) is similar to loperamide but diarrhea or for controlling intestinal inflammation that is
tends to be somewhat less effective. It has more potential for unresponsive to dietary or antibacterial therapy.
toxicity than loperamide. Rarely, a dog responds to it but not Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol, Kaopectate) is an
to loperamide. This drug should not be used i n cats. over-the-counter antidiarrheal agent that is effective i n many
Drugs that shorten the transit time (prokinetic drugs) dogs with acute enteritis (see Table 30-6), probably because
empty the stomach or increase intestinal peristalsis or both. of the antiprostaglandin activity o f the salicylate moiety.
Metoclopramide is a prokinetic drug that is effective only i n The m a i n disadvantages are that the salicylate is absorbed
the stomach and the p r o x i m a l duodenum. However, it can (warranting its cautious use i n cats or in dogs receiving
be administered parenterally. Adverse effects are mentioned other nephrotoxic drugs), it turns stools black (which mimics
under the section o n antiemetics. Cisapride stimulates melena), and it must be administered orally (many animals
normal motility from the lower esophageal sphincter to the dislike its taste). Bismuth is bactericidal for certain organ
anus. It is usually effective unless the tissue has been irrepa isms (e.g., Helicobacter spp.).
rably damaged (e.g., megacolon i n cats). Primarily used for Octreotide (Sandostatin) is a synthetic analog o f soma
the treatment o f constipation, it may also be used for the tostatin that inhibits alimentary tract motility and the secre
management o f gastroparesis (in w h i c h it is usually more tion o f gastrointestinal hormones and fluids. It has had
effective than metoclopramide) and small intestinal ileus. It limited use i n dogs and cats but might be helpful in a few
has rarely been reported to be beneficial i n dogs with mega animals with intractable diarrhea or pancreatitis.
esophagus. Cisapride is no longer available from h u m a n Salicylazosulfapyridine (sulfasalazine [Azulfidine]) is
pharmacies but is generally available from veterinary phar indicated for animals with colonic inflammation. This drug
macies. It is available only as an oral preparation. It has few is generally not beneficial i n animals with small intestinal
significant adverse effects, although intoxication with large problems. It is a combination o f sulfapyridine and 5-amino-
doses may cause diarrhea, muscular tremors, ataxia, fever, salicylic acid. C o l o n i c bacteria split the molecule, and the
aggression, and other central nervous system signs. Erythro 5-aminosalicylic acid (probably the active moiety) is subse
m y c i n stimulates m o t i l i n receptors and enhances gastric quently deposited on diseased colonic mucosa. Dogs gener
motility at doses less than required for antibacterial activity ally receive 50 to 60 mg/kg, divided into three doses daily,
(i.e., 2 mg/kg). It may also increase intestinal motility. but not to exceed 3 g daily. Sulfasalazine may be effective at
Nizatidine and ranitidine are H receptor antagonists that
2 lower-than-expected doses i f used i n combination with glu
also have gastric prokinetic effects at routinely used doses. cocorticoids. Empirically, 15 mg/kg/day, sometimes divided
Bethanechol (Urecholine) is an acetylcholine analog that into twice-daily doses, is often tolerated by cats,
stimulates intestinal motility and secretion. It produces but they must be closely observed for the development of
strong contractions that can cause pain or injure the animal; salicylate intoxication (i.e., lethargy, anorexia, vomiting,
hence, it is infrequently used, except for increasing urinary hyperthermia, tachypnea). Some cats that vomit or become
bladder contractions. Obstruction o f an outflow area can be anorectic may tolerate the medication if it is given i n enteric-
a contraindication to the use o f prokinetic drugs because coated tablets. M a n y dogs with colitis respond to therapy in
vigorous contractions against such a lesion may cause pain 3 to 5 days. However, the drug should be given for 2 weeks
or perforation. Obstruction o f the urinary outflow tract is before deciding that it is ineffective. If signs of colitis resolve,
also a contraindication to the use o f bethanechol. Tegaserod the dose o f the drug should be gradually reduced. If the
(Zelnorm) has prokinetic activity i n the canine colon (0.05 animal cannot be weaned off the drug entirely, the lowest
to 0.1 mg/kg, q l 2 h ) , but there is too little information effective dose should be used and the animal monitored
regarding its effectiveness i n clinical disease to make recom regularly for the development o f drug-induced adverse
mendations about its use. effects (especially those resulting from the sulfa drug). Sul
Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) inhibits acetylcholinesterase fasalazine may cause transient or permanent keratoconjunc
and is used to treat myasthenia gravis (see Chapter 71). It is tivitis sicca. Other possible complications include cutaneous
used for the treatment o f acquired megaesophagus associ vasculitis, arthritis, bone marrow suppression, diarrhea, and
ated with the formation o f antibodies to acetylcholine recep any other problem associated with sulfa drugs or NSAIDs.
Olsalazine and mesalamine contain or are metabolized steroid and dietary therapy. It is also used i n animals with
to 5-aminosalicylic acid but do not have the sulfa, w h i c h is severe disease i n w h i c h it is i n the animal's best interest
responsible for most of sulfasalazine's adverse effects. In to use aggressive therapy initially. These drugs should be
people they are as effective as sulfasalazine but safer. Olsala used only i f the diagnosis has been confirmed histopatho
zine and mesalamine have been used effectively i n dogs. logically. Immunosuppressive therapy can be more efficacious
They are given i n a dose generally about one half that o f than corticosteroid therapy alone and allows corticosteroids
sulfasalazine. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca has also been found to be given at lower doses and for shorter periods, thereby
in dogs receiving mesalamine. decreasing their adverse effects. However, the possibility
Corticosteroids are specifically indicated i n animals with of adverse effects from these drugs usually limits their
chronic alimentary tract inflammation (e.g., moderate to use to animals with severe disease. The reader is referred to
marked inflammatory bowel diseases) that is not responsive Chapter 103 for additional information o n immunosuppres
to well-designed elimination diets. In cats prednisolone sive therapy.
appears to have better activity than prednisone. Relatively Azathioprine (Imuran) is c o m m o n l y used i n dogs (50 mg/
high doses (i.e., prednisolone, 2.2 mg/kg/day) are often used m daily or every other day) with severe alimentary tract
initially, and the dose is tapered to find the lowest effective inflammation. Azathioprine should not be used i n cats
dose. Dexamethasone is sometimes effective when predniso because o f the risk for myelotoxicity. For smaller dogs a 50-
lone is not, but dexamethasone has more adverse effects m g azathioprine tablet is typically crushed and suspended i n
than prednisolone. If P O administration is a problem i n a a l i q u i d (e.g., 15 m l o f a v i t a m i n supplement) to allow more
cat, long-lasting steroid injections (e.g., methylprednisolone accurate dosing. The suspension must be mixed well before
acetate) may be tried. each dosing. It may take 2 to 5 weeks before the beneficial
Methyprednisolone appears to be more effective than effects o f this drug are seen. Side effects i n dogs may i n
prednisolone, requiring only 80% o f the dose used for pred clude hepatic disease, pancreatitis, and bone marrow
nisolone. Budesonide (Entocort) is a steroid that is not more suppression.
effective than prednisolone but is largely eliminated by first C h l o r a m b u c i l is an alkylating agent that is used for the
pass metabolism i n the liver, which decreases its systemic same reasons as azathioprine. Chlorambucil, however,
effects. The response may be rapid or take weeks. appears to have fewer adverse effects than azathioprine. A
Corticosteroids are often beneficial i n cats with reasonable starting dose i n cats is 1 m g twice weekly for cats
inflammatory bowel disease, but they may worsen intesti weighing less than 7 lb (3.5 kg) and 2 m g twice weekly for
nal disease in some dogs and cats. Iatrogenic Cushing's syn cats weighing more than that. Beneficial effects may not be
drome is more o f a problem i n dogs but can occur i n seen for 4 to 5 weeks. If a response is seen, the dose should
cats that are grossly overdosed. It is important to have a then be decreased very slowly over the next 2 to 3 months.
histologically based diagnosis before using high-dose The animal should be monitored for myelosuppression.
prednisolone therapy because some diseases that m i m i c Stronger alkylating agents, such as cyclophosphamide, are
steroid-responsive lymphocytic colitis (e.g., histoplasmosis) seldom used for the management o f nonneoplastic gastro
are absolute contraindications to corticosteroid therapy. intestinal tract disease.
Although more c o m m o n i n the southeastern U n i t e d States Cyclosporine (Atopica) is a potent immunosuppressive
and the O h i o River Valley, histoplasmosis has been found i n drug that is sometimes used i n dogs with inflammatory
unexpected states. bowel disease, lymphangiectasia, and perianal fistulas. The
Retention enemas of corticosteroids or 5-aminosalicylic dose is 3 to 5 mg/kg q l 2 h when given orally, but erratic
acid are sometimes indicated i n animals with severe distal bioavailability requires therapeutic drug m o n i t o r i n g and
colitis. The dose is estimated from the h u m a n dose. These subsequent adjusting o f the dose. There is considerable
enemas place large doses of an antiinflammatory agent variation i n the bioavailablity o f different preparations o f
directly on the affected area while m i n i m i z i n g systemic cyclosporine. It may be administered intravenously in v o m
effects. Although effective i n controlling the clinical signs, iting patients, but then the initial dose should probably be
their administration is unpleasant for both clients and decreased by 50%. Because o f its considerable expense, it
animals. Further, the active ingredient may be absorbed i f is sometimes administered with l o w doses o f ketoconazole
there is substantial inflammation and increased mucosal (3 to 5 mg/kg q l 2 h ) , w h i c h inhibits metabolism o f cyclospo
permeability (i.e., animals receiving corticosteroid enemas rine and i n turn allows the use o f lower doses at less expense
can become polyuric and polydipsic). Therapeutic retention to the client.
enemas are typically used until the clinical signs are con
trolled and other therapy (e.g., sulfasalazine, diet) becomes
effective. The contraindications to their use are the same as ANTIBACTERIAL DRUGS
those to the systemic administration o f the active ingredient
of the enema. In dogs and cats with gastrointestinal problems, antibiotics
Immunosuppressive therapy (e.g., azathioprine, chloram are primarily indicated i f aspiration pneumonia, fever, a
bucil, cyclosporine) is indicated i n animals with severe leukogram suggestive o f sepsis, severe neutropenia, antibi
inflammatory bowel disease that is unresponsive to cortico otic-responsive enteropathy, clostridial colitis, symptomatic
Helicobacter gastritis, or perhaps hematemesis or melena is bacteria (e.g., amikacin, 25 mg/kg given intravenously once
found or suspected. Animals with an acute abdomen may daily or enrofloxacin, 15 mg/kg given intravenously once
reasonably be treated with antibiotics while the nature o f the daily) are often effective. T o improve the anaerobic spec
disease is being defined. Acute colitis is a reasonable indica trum, especially i f a cephalosporin is used instead o f ampicil
tion for amoxicillin (22 mg/kg q12h) because clostridial lin, the clinician may include metronidazole (10 mg/kg
colitis is reasonably c o m m o n . However, most animals with given intravenously two or three times daily). Alternatively,
acute enteritis or gastritis o f u n k n o w n cause do not benefit a second-generation cephalosporin (e.g., cefoxitin, 30 mg/kg
from antibiotic therapy. In general, the routine use o f anti given intravenously three or four times daily) may be used.
microbials i n animals with alimentary tract disorders is not In general, it takes at least 48 to 72 hours before the clinician
recommended, unless the animal is at high risk for infection can tell whether the therapy will be effective.
or a specific disorder is being treated. Helicobacter gastritis may be treated with various combi
Nonabsorbable aminoglycosides (e.g., neomycin) are nations o f drugs. Currently, the combination o f an antacid
often used to "sterilize" the intestines. However, they do not (i.e., famotidine or omeprazole; see Table 30-4) and a mac
kill anaerobic bacteria, w h i c h are the predominant type rolide (i.e., erythromycin or azithromycin; see pp. 483-485)
found there. Further, there are a plethora of viral and dietary or amoxicillin seems to be very effective. A d d i n g metronida
causes o f acute enteritis that are not responsive to antibio zole and/or bismuth subsalicylate may enhance efficacy.
tics. Thus aminoglycosides given orally are not indicated However, some patients seem to respond to erythromycin or
unless a specific infection (e.g., campylobacteriosis) is being amoxicillin as a sole agent. If high doses o f erythromycin
considered. (22 mg/kg given twice daily) cause vomiting, the dose may
Broad-spectrum antibiotics effective against aerobes and be lowered to 10 to 15 mg/kg given twice daily. A 10- to 14-
anaerobes may be used for the treatment o f antibiotic- day course o f treatment appears to be adequate for most
responsive enteropathy ( A R E ) . Metronidazole (10 to 15 m g / animals, although recurrence of infection is possible.
kg q24h) may also be used for this purpose (see later discus Metronidazole is a "miscellaneous" drug that is com
sion) but has not been as successful i n this author's experi m o n l y used i n animals with inflammatory bowel disease. It
ence. Tylosin (20 to 40 mg/kg q l 2 h ) is c o m m o n l y used for has antimicrobial activity against anaerobic bacteria (which
this purpose. Tetracycline (22 mg/kg q l 2 h ) has also been predominate i n the gastrointestinal tract) and protozoa
used, and patients w i t h severe disease believed to have A R E (e.g., Giardia). It has been suggested to have some effect on
may be treated with combinations (e.g., metronidazole and the i m m u n e system, as shown by its apparent beneficial
enrofloxacin [7 mg/kg q24h]). Inappropriate antibiotic effects i n people with Crohn's disease. The usefulness of
therapy may hypothetically eliminate enough resident bac metronidazole i n dogs and cats with inflammatory bowel
teria that overgrowth o f pathogenic bacteria i n the colon disease (10 to 15 mg/kg given twice daily) is suspected but
occurs. However, this is rarely a clinical problem i n dogs unproved. Adverse effects are u n c o m m o n but may include
and cats. The clinician should treat the patient for at least 2 salivation (because o f its taste), vomiting, central nervous
to 3 weeks before deciding that therapy for A R E has been system abnormalities (e.g., central vestibular signs), and
unsuccessful. perhaps neutropenia. These adverse effects usually resolve
Pets occasionally have enteritis caused by a specific bac after withdrawing the drug. Cats sometimes accept oral sus
terium. However, even this is not necessarily an indication pensions better than the 250-mg tablets, which must be cut
for antibiotics. Clinical signs resulting from some bacterial and have an unpleasant taste. Some cats diagnosed with
enteritides (e.g., salmonellosis, enterohemorrhagic Esche inflammatory bowel disease respond to metronidazole better
richia coli) generally do not resolve more quickly when the than they do to corticosteroids. Occasionally, dogs with
animal is treated with antibiotics, even those to w h i c h the colitis do likewise.
bacteria are sensitive.
Dogs and cats with viral enteritis but without obvious
systemic sepsis may reasonably be treated with antibiotics i f PROBIOTICS/PREBIOTICS
secondary sepsis is likely to occur (e.g., those with neutro
penia or severe hemorrhagic diarrhea). First-generation The administration o f live bacteria or yeast i n the food with
cephalosporins (e.g., cefazolin) are often effective for such the intent to produce a beneficial effect is called probiotic
use. therapy. The administration o f a specific dietary substance
If systemic or abdominal sepsis is suspected to have orig to specifically increase or decrease the numbers o f specific
inated from the alimentary tract (e.g., septicemia caused by bacteria is called prebiotic therapy. The concurrent use of
parvoviral enteritis, perforated intestine), broad-spectrum probiotics and prebiotics is called symbiotic therapy. Although
antimicrobial therapy is indicated. Antibiotics with a good there is good evidence that these therapies are beneficial for
aerobic gram-positive and anaerobic spectrum o f action specific conditions i n people, there is currently no published
(e.g., ticarcillin plus clavulinic acid [Timentin], 50 mg/kg w o r k showing a clear benefit i n clinically i l l dogs or cats.
given intravenously three to four times daily, or clindamycin, However, this may change with time.
11 mg/kg given intravenously three times daily) combined Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Enterococcus are the
with antibiotics with excellent activity against most aerobic bacteria typically administered to dogs. These bacteria are
believed to stimulate Toll-like receptors i n the bowel and perforating the colon. Enemas are usually administered to
thereby benefit the patient. The beneficial effect seems to last cats with a soft canine male urinary catheter and a 50-ml
only as long as the bacteria are being administered. There is syringe. If fluid is administered too quickly, however, the cat
no evidence that these bacteria become permanently estab w i l l usually vomit. A suspected or pending colonic perfora
lished i n the gastrointestinal microflora during administra tion is also a contraindication to a cleansing enema.
tion. Not all probiotics sold i n drug or grocery stores contain Hypertonic enemas are potentially dangerous and should
what the label states, which may be at least partially respon be used cautiously (if at all) because they can cause massive,
sible for their failure to have demonstrated efficacy. In fatal fluid and electrolyte shifts (i.e., hyperphosphatemia,
general, large numbers of bacteria appear to be necessary, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia). This is espe
which explains why feeding yogurt (which contains relatively cially true for cats, small dogs, and any animal that cannot
modest numbers of Lactobacilli) is ineffective. A t the time o f quickly evacuate the enema because o f obstipation.
this writing, there are two products marketed specifically for Cathartics and laxatives (Table 30-8) should be used only
veterinary use (Fortiflora, Purina C o ) that contains Entero to augment defecation i n animals that are not obstructed.
coccus faecium and Proviable (Nutramax) that contains a They are not routinely indicated i n small animals, except
mixture of several bacteria. perhaps as part o f lower bowel cleansing before contrast-
enhanced abdominal radiography or endoscopy.
Irritative laxatives (e.g., bisacodyl) stimulate defecation
ANTHELMINTIC DRUGS rather than soften feces. They are often used before colono
scopic procedures and i n animals that are reluctant to def
Anthelmintics are frequently prescribed for dogs and cats ecate because o f an altered environment. They are probably
with alimentary tract disease, even i f parasitism is not the not appropriate for long-term use because o f the depen
primary problem. It is often reasonable to use these drugs dence and colonic problems noted i n people who have used
empirically for the treatment of suspected parasitic infec them inappropriately. A glycerin suppository or a lubricated
tions i n animals with acute or chronic diarrhea. Selected match stick is often an effective substitute for an irritative
anthelmintics are listed i n Table 30-7. laxative. These objects are carefully placed i n the rectum to
stimulate defecation.
B u l k and osmotic laxatives include a variety o f prepara
ENEMAS, LAXATIVES, AND CATHARTICS tions: various fibers (especially the soluble ones); magne
sium sulfate; lactulose; and, i n milk-intolerant animals, ice
Enemas are classified as either cleansing or retention. cream or milk. They promote the fecal retention o f water
Retention enemas are given so that the material adminis and are indicated i n animals that have overly hard stools not
tered stays i n the colon until it exerts its desired effects caused by the ingestion o f foreign objects. These laxatives are
(e.g., antiinflammatory retention enemas are used in animals more appropriate for long-term use than the irritative
with inflammatory bowel disease, water i n obstipated cathartics are. Larger doses may be needed i n cats because
animals). Obstipated animals may require frequent a d m i n they retain fluids more effectively than dogs do.
istrations of modest volumes of water (e.g., 20 to 200 m l , Fiber is a bulking agent that is incorporated into the food
depending on the animal's size) so that the water stays i n and can be used indefinitely. C o m m e r c i a l diets relatively
the colon and gradually softens the feces. The clinician high i n fiber may be used, or existing diets may be supple
should avoid overdistending the colon or administering mented with fiber (see pp. 400-401). It is important to
drugs that may be absorbed and produce undesirable effects. supply adequate amounts o f water so that the additional
Suspected or pending colonic rupture is a contraindication fiber does not cause the formation o f harder-than-normal
to the use of enemas, but this outcome is difficult to predict. stools. T o o m u c h fiber may cause excessive stool or inappe
Animals that have undergone neurosurgery (e.g., those that tence resulting from decreased palatability (a danger for fat
have had a hemilaminectomy) and are receiving corticoste cats at risk for hepatic lipidosis). Fiber should not be given
roids (e.g., dexamethasone) may be at increased risk for to animals with a partial or complete alimentary tract
colonic perforation. Animals with colonic tumors or that obstruction because impaction may occur.
have recently undergone colonic surgery or biopsy should Lactulose (Cephulac) was designed to control signs o f
not receive enemas either, unless there is an overriding hepatic encephalopathy, but it is also a very effective osmotic
reason. laxative. It is a disaccharide that is split by colonic bacteria
Cleansing enemas are designed to remove fecal material. into unabsorbed particles. Lactulose is particularly useful for
They involve the repeated administration o f relatively large animals that refuse to eat high-fiber diets. The dose necessary
volumes o f warm water. In dogs the water is administered to soften feces must be determined in each animal, but 0.5
by gravity flow from a bucket or bag held above the animal. or 5 m l may be given two or three times daily to small and
The tube is gently advanced as far as it will easily go into the large dogs, respectively. Cats often need higher dosages (e.g.,
colon. Between 50 and 100 m l is tolerated by most small 5 m l three times daily). If gross overdosing occurs, so m u c h
dogs, 200 to 500 m l by medium-size dogs, and 1 to 2 L by water can be lost that hypernatremic dehydration ensues. There
large dogs. Care should be taken to avoid overdistending or are no obvious contraindications to the use o f lactulose.
TABLE 30-7

Selected Anthelmintics

Albendazole (Valbazen) 2 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h for 3 d a y s G M a y cause l e u k o p e n i a in some animals.

(dogs only) D o not use in e a r l y p r e g n a n c y .
2 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h for 5 d a y s N o t a p p r o v e d for use in d o g s .
(cats only)
Fenbendazole (Panacur) 5 0 m g / k g for 3-5 days H/R/W/G N o t a p p r o v e d for cats but often used
for 3-5 d a y s in cats to eliminate
Giardia. G i v e w i t h f o o d .
Furazolidone 4 . 4 m g / k g q 1 2 h for 5 d a y s G
Metronidazole (Flagyl) 2 5 - 5 0 m g / k g for 5 - 1 7 days G Rarely see n e u r o l o g i c signs.
(dogs only)
2 5 - 5 0 m g / k g for 5 d a y s (cats
Ronidazole 3 0 - 5 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h for 1 4 d a y s For Tritrichomonas infections in cats;
(cats only) d r u g is not a p p r o v e d for use in
a n i m a l s . Rarely causes neurologic
Pyrantel ( N e m e x ) 5 m g / k g (dogs only) H/R/P G i v e after meal
2 0 m g / k g , o n c e o n l y (cats only)
Pyrantel/febantel/ 1 t a b l e t / 1 0 kg T/H/R/W
p r a z i q u a n t e l (Drontal Plus)
Imidocloprid/moxidectin TopicalFollow manufacturers' H/R/W
( A d v a n t a g e multi) recommendations
Ivermectin 2 0 0 g / k g (dogs only) H/R/P Do not use in Collies, Shelties, Border
C o l l i e s , or A u s t r a l i a n Shepherds. Use
w i t h c a u t i o n in O l d English
S h e e p d o g s . O n l y a p p r o v e d for use
as h e a r t w o r m preventive.
Safe to use in d o g s w i t h D immitis
m i c r o f i l a r e m i a . Treats Strongyloides.
G e n e r a l l y should use o n l y if other drugs
not a p p r o p r i a t e .
M i l b e m y c i n (Interceptor) 0 . 5 m g / k g , monthly H/R/W N o t a p p r o v e d for use in cats. N o t safe
to use in d o g s w i t h D. immitis
Praziquantel (Droncit) 5 m g / k g for d o g s > 6 . 8 kg T 1 0 m g / k g for juvenile Echinococcus
7 . 5 m g / k g for d o g s < 6 . 8 kg
6 . 3 m g / k g for cats < 1 . 8 k g
5 m g / k g for cats > 1 . 8 kg
For Heterobilharzia, 20 mg/kg
SC q 8 h for 1 d a y ( d o g only)
Episprantel (Cestex) 5 . 5 m g / k g for d o g s T
2 . 7 5 m g / k g f o r cats
Selamectin (Revolution) 6 m g / k g t o p i c a l for cats H/R N o t a p p r o v e d for use in d o g s .
S u l f a d i m e t h o x i n e (Albon) 5 0 m g / k g o n d a y 1 , then C M a y cause d r y eyes, arthritis,
2 7 . 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h for 9 d a y s c y t o p e n i a , hepatic disease.
Trimethoprim-sulfadiazine 3 0 m g / k g for 1 0 d a y s C M a y cause d r y eyes, arthritis,
(Tribrissen) c y t o p e n i a , hepatic disease.

P O , o r a l l y ; G , Giardia; H, hookworms; R, r o u n d w o r m s ; W , w h i p w o r m s ; P, Physaloptera; T, t a p e w o r m s ; C , coccidia.

* D o s a g e s a r e f o r b o t h d o g s a n d cats unless o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d .
TABLE 30-8

Selected Laxatives, Cathartics, Stool-Softening Agents, and Bulking Agents


Bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 5 m g (small d o g s a n d cats) D o not b r e a k tablets

1 0 - 1 5 m g (larger dogs)
Coarse w h e a t b r a n 1-3 t b s p / 4 5 4 g of f o o d
C a n n e d p u m p k i n p i e filling 1-3 t b s p / d a y (cats only) Principally for cats
Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (Colace) 1 0 - 2 0 0 m g q 8 - 1 2 h (dogs only) Be sure a n i m a l is not d e h y d r a t e d
1 0 - 2 5 m g q 1 2 - 2 4 h (cats only) when treating
Lactulose (Cephulac) 1 m l / 5 kg q 8 - 1 2 h , then adjust d o s e C a n cause severe osmotic d i a r r h e a
as n e e d e d (dogs only)
5 ml q 8 h , then adjust dose as n e e d e d
(cats only)
Psyllium (Metamucil) 1-2 t s p / 4 5 4 g of f o o d Be sure a n i m a l has e n o u g h w a t e r ,
or c o n s t i p a t i o n m a y d e v e l o p

PO, Orally.

Suggested Readings Marshall-fones Z V et al: Effects of Lactobacillus acidophilus

Abood SK et al: Enteral nutrition. In DiBartola SP, editor: Pluid, DSM13241 as a probiotic in healthy adult cats, Am ] Vet Res
electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal practice, ed 3, 67:1005, 2006.
Philadelphia, 2006, WB Saunders. Puente-Redondo V A et al: The anti-emetic efficacy of maropitant
Allenspach K et al: Pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of cyclo (Cerenia) in the treatment of ongoing emesis caused by a wide
sporine treatment of dogs with steroid-refractory inflammatory range of underlying clinical aetiologies in canine patients in
bowel disease, / Vet Intern Med 20:239, 2006. Europe, / Small Anim Pract 48:93, 2007.
Berenas A M et al: Effects of ranitidine, famotidine, pantoprazole, Remillard RL et al: Assisted feeding in hospitalized patients: enteral
and omeprazole on intragastric p H in dogs, Am J Vet Res 66:425, and parenteral nutrition. In Hand MS et al, editors: Small animal
2005. clinical nutrition, ed 4, Topeka, Kan, 2000, Mark Morris
Boothe D M : Gastrointestinal pharmacology. In Boothe D M , editor: Institute.
Small animal clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, Philadel Rosado T W et al: Neurotoxicosis in 4 cats receiving ronidazole,
phia, 2001, WB Saunders. / Vet Intern Med 21:328, 2007.
Chan DL et al: Retrospective evaluation of partial patenteral nutri Simpson K W et al: Fluid and electrolyte disorders in gastrointesti
tion in dogs and cats, / Vet Intern Med 16:440, 2002. nal and pancreatic disease. In DiBartola SP, editor: Fluid, electro
Day TK et al: Shock syndromes. In DiBartola SP, editor: Fluid, lyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal practice, ed 3,
electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal practice, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2006, W B Saunders.
Philadelphia, 2006, WB Saunders. Tumulty JW et al: Clinical effects of short-term oral budesonide on
Freeman L M et al: Total parenteral nutrition. In DiBartola SP, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in dogs with inflamma
editor: Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders in small animal tory bowel disease, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 40:120, 2004.
practice, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2006, W B Saunders. Washabau RJ: Update on antiemetic therapy. In August IR, editor:
Hall EJ et al: Diseases of the small intestine. In Ettinger SI et al, Consultations in feline internal medicine, ed 4, Philadelphia, 2001,
editor: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadel W B Saunders.
phia, 2005, WB Saunders. Washabau RJ: Gastrointestinal motility disorders and gastrointes
Hughes D et al: Fluid therapy with macromolecular plasma volume tinal prokinetic therapy, Vet Clinics N Am 33:1007, 2003.
expanders. In DiBartola SP, editor: Fluid, electrolyte, and acid- Washabau RJ et al: Diseases of the large intestine. In Ettinger SJ
base disorders in small animal practice, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2006, et al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6,
WB Saunders. Philadelphia, 2005, W B Saunders.
Lloyd S et al: Activity of toltrazuril and diclazuril against Isospora Zsombor-Murray et al: Peripheral parenteral nutrition, Comp Cont
species in kittens and puppies, Vet Rec 148:509, 2001. Educ 21:512, 1999.
C H A P T E R 31

Disorders of the Oral

Cavity, Pharynx,
and Esophagus

CHAPTER OUTLINE Clinical Features

A large, usually painless swelling is found under the jaw or
MASSES, PROLIFERATIONS,A N D I N F L A M M A T I O N tongue or occasionally in the pharynx. Oral cavity sialoceles
O F THE O R O P H A R Y N X may cause dysphagia, whereas those located in the pharynx
Sialocele often produce gagging or dyspnea. If traumatized, sialoceles
Sialoadenitis/Sialoadenosis/Salivary G l a n d Necrosis may bleed or cause anorexia due to discomfort.
Neoplasms of the O r a l Cavity in Dogs
Neoplasms of the O r a l Cavity in Cats
Feline Eosinophilic Granuloma Aspiration with a large-bore needle reveals thick fluid with
Gingivitis/Periodontitis some neutrophils. The fluid usually resembles mucus,
Stomatitis strongly suggesting its salivary gland origin. Contrast radio
Feline Lymphocytic-Plasmacytic Gingivitis/Pharyngitis graphic procedures (contrast sialograms) sometimes define
DYSPHAGIAS which gland is involved.
Masticatory Muscle Myositis/Atrophic Myositis
Cricopharyngeal Achalasia/Dysfunction
Pharyngeal Dysphagia The mass is opened and drained, and the salivary gland
ESOPHAGEAL WEAKNESS/MEGAESOPHAGUS responsible for the secretions must be excised.
Congenital Esophageal Weakness
Acquired Esophageal Weakness
Esophagitis The prognosis is excellent i f the correct gland is removed.
Hiatal Hernia
Vascular Ring Anomalies
Esophageal Foreign Objects
Esophageal Cicatrix The etiology is unknown, but the condition apparently has
Esophageal Neoplasms occurred as an idiopathic event as well as secondary to vom

Clinical Features
The condition may cause a painless enlargement of one or
MASSES, PROLIFERATIONS, AND more salivary glands (usually the submandibular). If there is
INFLAMMATION OF THE OROPHARYNX substantial inflammation, animals may be dysphagic. A syn
drome has been reported in which noninflammatory swelling
SIALOCELE is associated with vomiting that is responsive to phenobarbi
tal therapy. This syndrome has no established cause and effect.
Sialoceles are accumulations of saliva in subcutaneous tissues Diagnosis
caused by salivary duct obstruction and/or rupture and Biopsy and cytology or histopathology confirm that the mass
subsequent leakage of secretions into subcutaneous tissues. is salivary tissue and determine whether inflammation or
Most cases are probably traumatic, but some are idiopathic. necrosis is present.
Treatment (classically i n Boxers), oral papillomatosis, and eosinophilic
If there is substantial inflammation and pain, surgical granulomas (e.g., i n Siberian Huskies and Cavalier K i n g
removal seems most efficacious. If the patient is vomiting, a Charles Spaniels) also occur.
search should be made for an underlying cause. If a cause is
found, it should be treated and the size of the salivary glands Clinical Features
monitored. If no other cause for vomiting can be found, The most c o m m o n signs of tumors of the oral cavity are
phenobarbital may be administered at anticonvulsant doses halitosis, dysphagia, bleeding, or a growth protruding from
(see Chapter 67). the mouth. Papillomatosis and fibromatous periodontal
hyperplasia are benign growths that may cause discomfort
Prognosis when eating and occasionally cause bleeding, m i l d halitosis,
The prognosis is usually excellent. or tissue protrusion from the mouth. The biologic behaviors
of the different tumors are presented i n Table 31-1.
IN D O G S Diagnosis
A thorough examination of the oral cavity (which may require
Etiology that the animal be under anesthesia) usually reveals a mass
Most soft tissue masses of the oral cavity are neoplasms, and involving the gingiva, although the tonsillar area, hard palate,
most of these are malignant (i.e., melanoma, squamous cell and tongue can also be affected. Diagnosis requires cytologic
carcinoma, fibrosarcoma). However, acanthomatous amelo or histopathologic analysis, although papillomatosis and
blastomas (previously called epulides), fibromatous epulides melanomas may be strongly suspected o n the basis of their

TABLE 31-1

Some Characteristics of Selected O r a l T u m o r s


S q u a m o u s Cell Carcinoma

Gingiva Fleshy o r u l c e r a t e d / o n M a l i g n a n t , locally W i d e surgical resection o n rostral g i n g i v a

rostral g i n g i v a invasive r a d i a t i o n ; p i r o x i c a m often helpful
Tonsil Fleshy o r u l c e r a t e d / o n Malignant, N o n e ( c h e m o t h e r a p y m a y b e o f some
o n e o r rarely b o t h c o m m o n l y spreads benefit); p i r o x i c a m m a y b e helpful
tonsils to r e g i o n a l l y m p h
Tongue m a r g i n (dog) Ulcerated/on margin of M a l i g n a n t , locally Surgical resection o f t o n g u e / r a d i o t h e r a p y ;
tongue invasive p i r o x i c a m m a y b e helpful
Base of tongue (cat) U l c e r a t e d / a t base of M a l i g n a n t , locally N o n e ( r a d i o t h e r a p y of t o n g u e a n d / o r
tongue invasive c h e m o t h e r a p y m a y b e used palliatively)
Malignant G r e y or black; can be Very m a l i g n a n t , N o n e (resection a n d / o r r a d i a t i o n a r e
Melanoma smooth, usually f l e s h y / e a r l y metastases p a l l i a t i v e but rarely curative); c a r b o p l a t i n
on g u m , tongue, or to lungs a n d radiation might help. A vaccine
palate recently has b e e n released; initial reports
are encouraging.
Fibrosarcoma Pink a n d f l e s h y / o n p a l a t e Malignant, very W i d e surgical resection ( c h e m o t h e r a p y
or gums invasive locally a n d / o r r a d i a t i o n m a y b e o f some v a l u e
in selected cases)
Acanthomatous Pink a n d f l e s h y / o n g u m M a l i g n a n t , locally Surgical resection r a d i a t i o n
Ameloblastoma or rostral m a n d i b l e invasive
Fibromatous Epulis Pink, fleshy, solitary o r Benign N o t h i n g o r surgical resection
multiple/on gums
Papillomatosis Pink or w h i t e , cauliflower Benign N o t h i n g o r surgical resection
like, m u l t i p l e / s e e n
Plasmacytoma Fleshy o r ulcerated M a l i g n a n t , locally Surgical resection r a d i a t i o n
growth on gingiva invasive
Rarely metastasizes
gross appearance. The preferred diagnostic approach i n a dog Clinical Features
with a mass o f the oral cavity is to perform an incisional Dysphagia, halitosis, anorexia, and/or bleeding are c o m m o n
biopsy and to obtain thoracic and skull radiographs or a features o f these tumors.
computed tomography ( C T ) scan o f the affected area. If
malignancy is a diagnostic consideration, thoracic radio Diagnosis
graphs should be obtained to evaluate for metastases (seldom A large, deep biopsy specimen is needed because it is crucial
seen but a very poor prognostic sign if present), and maxillary to differentiate malignant tumors from eosinophilic granu
and mandibular radiographs should be obtained to check for lomas. The superficial aspect o f many masses of the oral
bony involvement. Fine-needle aspiration o f regional l y m p h cavity is ulcerated and necrotic as a result of the proliferation
nodes, even if they appear normal, is indicated to detect of normal oral bacterial flora, making it difficult to interpret
metastases. Melanomas may be amelanotic and can cytologi this part o f the mass.
cally resemble fibrosarcomas, carcinomas, or undifferentiated
round cell tumors. Biopsy and subsequent histopathologic Treatment
analysis may be required for a definitive diagnosis. Surgical excision is desirable. Radiation therapy and/or che
motherapy may benefit cats with incompletely excised squa
Treatment/Prognosis mous cell carcinomas not involving the tongue or tonsil.
The preferred therapeutic approach i n dogs with confirmed
malignant neoplasms o f the oral cavity and lack o f clinically Prognosis
detectable metastases is wide, aggressive surgical excision o f In general, the prognosis for cats with squamous cell
the mass and surrounding tissues (e.g., mandibulectomy, carcinomas o f the tongue or tonsil is guarded to poor (see
maxillectomy). Enlarged regional l y m p h nodes should be Chapter 82).
excised and evaluated histopathologically, even i f they are
cytologically negative for neoplasia. Early complete excision FELINE EOSINOPHILIC G R A N U L O M A
of gingival or hard palate squamous cell carcinomas,
fibrosarcomas, acanthomatous epulides, and (rarely) mela Etiology
nomas may be curative. Acanthomatous epulis and amelo
The cause o f feline eosinophilic granuloma is unknown.
blastomas may respond to radiation therapy alone (complete
surgical excision is preferred), and squamous cell carcinomas Clinical Features
or fibrosarcomas with residual postoperative disease may Feline eosinophilic granuloma complex includes indolent
benefit from postoperative adjunctive radiation therapy. ulcer, eosinophilic plaque, and linear granuloma; however,
Lingual squamous cell carcinomas affecting the base o f the it has not been established that these diseases are related.
tongue and tonsillar carcinomas have a very poor prognosis; Indolent ulcers are classically found on the lip or oral mucosa
complete excision or irradiation usually causes severe mor of middle-aged cats. Eosinophilic plaque usually occurs
bidity. Melanomas metastasize early and have a very guarded on the skin of the medial thighs and abdomen. Linear
prognosis. Chemotherapy is usually not beneficial i n dogs granuloma is typically found on the posterior aspect of
with squamous cell carcinoma, acanthomatous epulis, and the rear legs of young cats but may also occur on the tongue,
melanoma, but an oncologist should be consulted about new palate, and oral mucosa. Severe oral involvement of an
protocols that may provide some benefit. Piroxicam can eosinophilic ulcer or plaque typically produces dysphagia,
benefit some patients with squamous cell carcinoma. C o m halitosis, and/or anorexia. Cats with eosinophilic gran
bination chemotherapy may be beneficial i n some dogs with ulomas of the m o u t h may have concurrent cutaneous
fibrosarcoma (see Chapter 77). Radiotherapy plus hyperther lesions.
mia has been successful i n some dogs with oral fibrosarcoma.
Papillomatosis usually resolves spontaneously, although it Diagnosis
may be necessary to resect some o f the masses i f they inter A n ulcerated mass may be found at the base of the tongue
fere with eating. Fibromatous epulides may be resected i f or o n the hard palate, the glossopalatine arches, or anywhere
they cause problems. else i n the mouth. A deep biopsy specimen of the mass is
necessary for accurate diagnosis. Peripheral eosinophilia is
N E O P L A S M S O F THE O R A L CAVITY inconsistently present.
Etiology High-dose corticosteroid therapy (oral prednisolone, 2.2 to
T u m o r s o f the oral cavity are less c o m m o n in cats than in 4.4 mg/kg/day) often controls these lesions. Sometimes cats
dogs, but they are usually squamous cell carcinomas, w h i c h are best treated with methylprednisolone acetate injections
are diagnosed and treated as described for dogs. Cats are (20 m g every 2 to 3 weeks as needed) instead o f oral pred
different from dogs i n that they also have sublingual squa nisolone. Although effective, megestrol acetate may cause
mous cell carcinomas and eosinophilic granulomas (which diabetes mellitus, mammary tumors, and uterine problems
m i m i c carcinoma but have a m u c h better prognosis). and probably should not be used except under extreme
constraints. C h l o r a m b u c i l might prove useful i n resistant
BOX 31-1
Common Causes of Stomatitis
The prognosis is good, but the lesion can recur. Renal failure


C h e w i n g o r ingesting caustic agents
Etiology C h e w i n g o n electrical c o r d s
Immune-mediated disease
Bacterial proliferation and toxin production, usually associ Pemphigus
ated with tartar buildup, destroy n o r m a l gingival structures Lupus
and produce inflammation. Immunosuppression caused by U p p e r r e s p i r a t o r y viruses (feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline
feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus calicivirus)
(FIV), and/or feline calicivirus may predispose some cats to Infection s e c o n d a r y to i m m u n o s u p p r e s s i o n (feline leukemia
this disease. virus, feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus)
Tooth root abscesses
Clinical Features Severe periodontitis
Dogs and cats may be affected. M a n y are asymptomatic, but
Thallium i n t o x i c a t i o n
halitosis, oral discomfort, refusal to eat, dysphagia, drooling,
and tooth loss may occur.

Diagnosis vation o f the lesions, but an underlying cause should be

Visual examination of the gums reveals hyperemia around sought. Biopsy is routinely indicated, as are routine clinical
the tooth margins. Gingival recession may reveal tooth roots. pathology data and radiographs of the mandible and maxilla,
Accurate diagnosis can be made through probing and oral including the tooth roots.
radiographs. The stage of periodontal disease is defined by
radiographs. Treatment
Therapy is both symptomatic (to control signs) and specific
Treatment (i.e., directed at the underlying cause). T h o r o u g h teeth
Supragingival and subgingival tartar should be removed, and cleaning and aggressive antibacterial therapy (i.e., systemic
the crowns should be polished. Antimicrobial drugs effective antibiotics effective against aerobes and anaerobes, cleansing
against anaerobic bacteria (e.g., amoxicillin, clindamycin, oral rinses w i t h antibacterial solutions such as chlorhexi
metronidazole; see Drugs Used i n Gastrointestinal Disorders dine) often help. In some animals extracting teeth that are
table, pp. 481-483) may be used before and after cleaning associated with the most severely affected areas may help.
teeth. Regular brushing of the teeth and/or oral rinsing with Bovine lactoferrin has been reported to ameliorate otherwise
a veterinary chlorhexidine solution formulated for that resistant lesions i n cats.
purpose helps to control the problem.
Prognosis The prognosis depends o n the underlying cause.
The prognosis is good with proper therapy.

Etiology Etiology
There are many causes o f canine and feline stomatitis (Box A n idiopathic disorder, feline lymphocytic-plasmacytic gin
31 -1). The clinician should always consider the possibility o f givitis might be caused by feline calicivirus or any stimulus
immunosuppression with secondary stomatitis (e.g., F e L V , producing sustained gingival inflammation. Cats appear
FIV, diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism). to have an excessive oral inflammatory response that can
produce marked gingival proliferation.
Clinical Features
Most dogs and cats with stomatitis have thick, ropey saliva; Clinical Features
severe halitosis; and/or anorexia caused by pain. Some Anorexia and/or halitosis are the most c o m m o n signs.
animals are febrile and lose weight. Affected cats grossly have reddened gingiva around the teeth
and/or posterior pillars o f the pharynx. The gingiva may be
Diagnosis obviously proliferative i n severe cases and bleed easily. Dental
A thorough oral examination usually requires that the animal neck lesions often accompany the gingivitis. Teeth chattering
be under anesthesia. Stomatitis is diagnosed by gross obser- is also occasionally seen.
Diagnosis Prognosis
Biopsy o f affected (especially proliferative) gingiva is needed The prognosis is usually good, but continued medication
for diagnosis. Histologic evaluation reveals a lymphocytic- may be needed.
plasmacytic infiltration. Serum globulin concentrations may
be increased. CRICOPHARYNGEAL A C H A L A S I A /
There is currently no reliable therapy for this disorder. Proper Etiology
cleaning and polishing o f teeth and antibiotic therapy effec The cause o f cricopharyngeal achalasia/dysfunction is
tive against anaerobic bacteria may help. High-dose cortico unknown, but it is usually congenital. There is an incoordi
steroid therapy (prednisolone, 2.2 mg/kg/day) is often useful. nation between the cricopharyngeus muscle and the rest of
In some severe cases, multiple tooth extractions may allevi the swallowing reflex, which produces obstruction at the
ate the source o f the inflammation. However, extraction o f cricopharyngeal sphincter during swallowing (i.e., the
the canine teeth should be delayed. Immunosuppressive sphincter does not open at the proper time). The problem
drugs such as chlorambucil also may be tried i n obstinate has a genetic basis i n Golden Retrievers.
Clinical Features
Prognosis Primarily seen i n young dogs, cricopharyngeal achalasia
The prognosis is guarded; severely affected animals often do rarely occurs as an acquired disorder. The major sign is
not respond well to therapy. regurgitation immediately after or concurrent with swallow
ing. Some animals become anorexic, and severe weight loss
may occur. Clinically, this condition may be indistinguish
DYSPHAGIAS able from pharyngeal dysfunction.


ATROPHIC MYOSITIS Definitive diagnosis requires fluoroscopy or cinefluoroscopy
while the animal is swallowing barium or another contrast
Etiology media. A young animal that is regurgitating food immedi
Masticatory muscle myositis/atrophic myositis is an idio ately on swallowing is suggestive of the disorder, but pharyn
pathic, immune-mediated disorder that affects the muscles geal dysphagia with normal cricopharyngeal sphincter
of mastication i n dogs. The syndrome has not been reported function occasionally occurs as an apparently congenital
i n cats. defect and must be differentiated from cricopharyngeal
Clinical Features
In the acute stages the temporalis and masseter muscles may Treatment
be swollen and painful. However, many dogs are not pre Cricopharyngeal myotomy can be curative. The clinician
sented until the muscles are severely atrophied and the must be careful not to cause cicatrix at the surgery site.
m o u t h cannot be opened. Esophageal function in the cranial esophagus must be evalu
ated before this surgery is considered (see the next section,
Diagnosis on pharyngeal dysphagia).
A t r o p h y o f the temporalis and masseter muscles and the
inability to open the dog's m o u t h while it is anesthetized Prognosis
allow the clinician to establish a presumptive diagnosis. The prognosis is good i f cicatrix does not occur
Muscle biopsy o f the temporalis and masseter muscles pro postoperatively.
vides confirmation. The presence o f antibodies to type 2 M
fibers strongly supports this diagnosis. PHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA

Treatment Etiology
High-dose prednisolone therapy (2.2 mg/kg/day) with or Pharyngeal dysphagia is primarily an acquired disorder,
without azathioprine (50 m g / m q24 h) is usually curative. and neuropathies, myopathies, and junctionopathies (e.g.,
Once control has been achieved, the prednisolone and aza localized myasthenia gravis) seem to be the main cause.
thioprine are administered every 48 hours and then the dose The inability to form a normal bolus o f food at the base of
of prednisolone is tapered to avoid adverse effects. However, the tongue and/or to propel the bolus into the esophagus is
this tapering must be done slowly to prevent recurrence (see often associated with lesions o f cranial nerves IX or X .
the section o n immunosuppressive drugs i n Chapter 103). Simultaneous dysfunction o f the cranial esophagus may
If needed, a gastrostomy tube may be used until the animal cause food retention just caudal to the cricopharyngeal
can eat. sphincter.
Clinical Features Occasionally, coughing and other signs o f aspiration trache
Although pharyngeal dysphagia principally is found i n older itis and/or pneumonia may be the only signs reported by the
animals, young animals occasionally have transient signs. owner.
Pharyngeal dysphagia often clinically mimics cricopharyn
geal achalasia; regurgitation is associated with swallowing. Diagnosis
Pharyngeal dysphagia sometimes causes more difficulty with The clinician usually first determines from the history that
swallowing fluids than solids. Aspiration (especially associ regurgitation appears likely (see p. 353). Then, after radio
ated with liquids) is c o m m o n because the proximal esopha graphic findings show generalized esophageal dilation that
gus is often flaccid and retains food, predisposing to later is not associated with obstruction (see Fig. 29-3, A), the
reflux into the pharynx. clinician can presumptively diagnose esophageal weakness.
Diverticula i n the cranial thorax caused by esophageal
Diagnosis weakness occur occasionally and are often confused with
Fluoroscopy or cinefluoroscopy while the animal is swallow vascular ring obstruction (Fig. 31-1). Congenital, rather
ing barium is typically required for diagnosis. A n experi than acquired, disease is suspected i f the regurgitation and/
enced radiologist is needed to reliably distinguish pharyngeal or aspiration began when the pet was young. If clinical fea
dysphagia from cricopharyngeal dysphagia. W i t h the former tures have been relatively m i l d or intermittent, the diagnosis
condition, the animal does not have adequate strength to might not be made until the animal is older, but consider
properly push boluses of food into the esophagus, whereas ation o f the history should suggest that signs have been
in the latter the animal has adequate strength but the crico present since the animal was young. Endoscopy is not
pharyngeal sphincter stays shut or opens at the wrong time as useful as contrast radiographs for diagnosing this disor
during swallowing, thereby preventing n o r m a l movement o f der. Collies may have dermatomyositis, which also causes
food from the pharynx to the proximal esophagus. It appears esophageal weakness. Some breeds (e.g., M i n i a t u r e Schnau
that some cases may be detected by electromyography o f zers, Great Danes, Dalmatians) appear to be at increased
laryngeal, pharyngeal, and esophageal muscles. risk.

Treatment Treatment
Although cricopharyngeal myotomy is often curative for Congenital esophageal weakness currently cannot be cured
animals with cricopharyngeal achalasia, it may be disastrous or resolved by medical therapy, although cisapride (0.25 m g /
for animals with pharyngeal dysphagias because it allows kg) seemingly ameliorates signs i n rare cases (probably i n
food retained i n the proximal esophagus to more easily patients with substantial gastroesophageal reflux). Conser
reenter the pharynx and be aspirated. The clinician must vative dietary management is used to try to prevent further
either bypass the pharynx (e.g., gastrostomy tube) or resolve dilation and aspiration. Classically, the animal is fed a gruel
the underlying cause (e.g., treat or control myasthenia from an elevated platform that requires the pet to stand o n
gravis). its rear legs. In this manner, the cervical and thoracic esoph
agus is nearly vertical when food is ingested, w h i c h allows
Prognosis gravity to aid food passing through the esophagus and into
The prognosis is guarded because it is often difficult to the stomach. This position should be maintained for 5 to 10
find and treat the underlying cause, and the dog or cat is minutes after the animal has finished eating and drinking. If
prone to progressive weight loss and recurring aspiration the dog cannot stand, it may be backed into a corner, forced
pneumonia. to sit o n its haunches, and have its front legs lifted while the
corner prevents the dog from falling over. Alternatively, it
may be fed o n stairs so that it is at least at a 45-degree angle
ESOPHAGEAL WEAKNESS/ when eating. Feeding several small meals a day also helps
MEGAESOPHAGUS prevent esophageal retention.
Some animals do better i f fed dry or canned dog food free
CONGENITAL E S O P H A G E A L W E A K N E S S choice throughout the day from such a platform. It is impos
sible to predict whether a given dog will respond better to
Etiology gruel or dry dog food. Therefore trial and error are necessary
The cause of congenital esophageal weakness (i.e., congenital to determine the diet that works best for a particular animal.
megaesophagus) is unknown. There is no evidence of demy In some dogs the dilated esophagus may partially return to
elination or neuronal degeneration, and vagal efferent inner n o r m a l size and function. Even i f the esophagus remains
vation appears to be normal. dilated, some dogs may be managed by dietary change and
have a good quality o f life.
Clinical Features Gastrostomy tubes bypass the esophagus and can provide
Affected animals (primarily dogs) are usually presented some relief from regurgitation and/or aspiration. However,
because of "vomiting" (actually regurgitation) with or animals may still regurgitate saliva and, i f there is gastro
without weight loss, coughing, or fever from pneumonia. esophageal reflux, may also regurgitate food. Some animals
FIG 31-1
Lateral contrast t h o r a c i c r a d i o g r a p h of a cat. N o t e l a r g e diverticulum suggestive of
obstruction (arrows). This c a t h a d g e n e r a l i z e d e s o p h a g e a l w e a k n e s s w i t h o u t obstruction.

with gastrostomy tubes respond well for varying periods o f ized esophageal dilation without evidence of obstruction on
time. plain and contrast radiographs (see Fig. 29-3, A). The sever
ity of clinical signs does not always correlate with the mag
Prognosis nitude o f radiographic changes. Some symptomatic animals
The prognosis is guarded to poor; some animals respond have segmental weakness primarily affecting the cervical
well, but most have severe regurgitation and/or aspiration esophagus, just behind the cricopharyngeus muscle. However,
symptoms despite all treatment efforts. Aspiration pneumo normal dogs often have m i n i m a l amounts of barium retained
nia is the major cause o f death. in this location, so it is important to distinguish insignificant
from clinically important retention. It is important to rule
ACQUIRED E S O P H A G E A L W E A K N E S S out lower esophageal spasm and stricture, which, though
very rare, radiographically m i m i c esophageal weakness but
Etiology require surgical treatment. Ideally, fluoroscopy should be
Acquired esophageal weakness in dogs is usually caused by used to look for evidence o f gastroesophageal reflux, which
a neuropathy, myopathy, or junctionopathy (e.g., myasthenia may benefit from prokinetic therapy (e.g., cisapride).
gravis; see B o x 28-5). G e r m a n Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, It is important to search for underlying causes of acquired
and Irish Setters might have increased risk. In cats esopha esophageal weakness (see Box 28-5). The titer o f antibodies
gitis may be a cause of acquired esophageal weakness. to acetylcholine receptors (indicative of myasthenia gravis)
should be measured in dogs. "Localized" myasthenia may
Clinical Features affect only the esophagus and/or oropharyngeal muscles. A n
Acquired esophageal weakness primarily occurs in dogs. adrenocorticotropic hormone ( A C T H ) - s t i m u l a t i o n test is
The patients usually are presented because of "vomiting" indicated to look for otherwise occult hypoadrenocorticism
(actually regurgitation), but some present with a cough (even if serum electrolyte concentrations are normal). Serum
and little or no obvious regurgitation (e.g., regurgitated thyroxine, free thyroxine, and thyroid-stimulating hormone
material is sometimes reswallowed or re-eaten by the animal). (TSH) concentrations may reveal hypothyroidism, which
Weight loss may occur i f the dog regurgitates most o f its can very rarely be associated with esophageal dysfunction.
food. Tests of thyroid gland function must be interpreted carefully
because of potential confusion regarding the euthyroid sick
Diagnosis syndrome (see Chapter 51). Electromyography may reveal
The initial diagnostic step is to document that regurgitation, generalized neuropathies or myopathies. Dysautonomia
rather than vomiting, is occurring (see p. 353). Acquired occurs occasionally and is suspected on the basis of clinical
esophageal weakness is usually diagnosed by finding general signs (i.e., dilated colon, dry nose, dilated pupils, keratocon-
junctivitis sicca, and/or bradycardia that responds poorly to often hyperemic and/or ulcerated; anorexia is the primary
atropine). Gastric outflow obstruction i n cats can cause sign.
vomiting with secondary esophagitis. Other causes are rarely
found (see Box 28-5). If an underlying cause cannot be Diagnosis
found, the disease is termed idiopathic acquired esophageal A history o f vomiting followed by both v o m i t i n g and regur
weakness (i.e., idiopathic acquired megaesophagus). gitation suggests esophagitis secondary to excessive exposure
to gastric acid. This sign may occur i n parvoviral enteritis
Treatment and in various other disorders. Likewise, regurgitation or
Dogs with acquired megaesophagus caused by localized anorexia begining shortly after an anesthetic procedure may
myasthenia gravis or hypoadrenocorticism often respond to indicate esophagitis caused by reflux. Plain and contrast
appropriate therapy (see Chapters 53 and 71). Localized radiographs may reveal hiatal hernias, gastroesophageal
myasthenia seems ultimately to respond best to i m m u n o reflux, or esophageal foreign bodies. Contrast esophagrams
suppressive therapy (e.g., azathioprine), although pyridostig do not reliably detect esophagitis; esophagoscopy with or
mine may help initially. Gastroesophageal reflux may respond without biopsy is needed to establish a definitive diagnosis.
to prokinetic and antacid therapy (cisapride at 0.25 mg/kg
and omeprazole at 0.7 to 1.5 mg/kg are preferred). If the Treatment
disease is idiopathic, conservative dietary therapy as described Decreasing gastric acidity, preventing reflux o f gastric
for congenital esophageal weakness is the only recourse. contents into the esophagus, and protecting the denuded
Although some dogs with congenital esophageal weakness esophagus are the hallmarks o f treatment. H receptor 2

regain variable degrees of esophageal function, this is rare i n antagonists (see Table 30-4) may be used, but proton p u m p
those with idiopathic acquired esophageal weakness. Severe inhibitors (e.g., omeprazole) are superior for decreasing
esophagitis may cause secondary esophageal weakness, which gastric acidity, a critical factor i n these animals. However,
resolves after appropriate therapy (discussed i n more detail because it may take 2 to 5 days for omeprazole to achieve
later in this chapter). Gastrostomy tubes diminish the poten m a x i m u m efficacy, famotidine may be used concurrently
tial for aspiration, ensure positive nitrogen balance, and help during initial therapy. Metoclopramide stimulates gastric
treat esophagitis if present. Some dogs benefit from the long- emptying, resulting i n less gastric volume to reflux into the
term use of a gastrostomy tube, but others continue to regur esophagus, but cisapride (0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg) tends to be
gitate and aspirate as a result o f severe gastroesophageal more effective. Sucralfate (particularly suspensions) might
reflux or simply the accumulation o f large amounts o f saliva protect denuded esophageal mucosa (see Table 30-5), but
in the esophagus. its usefulness is u n k n o w n . Antibiotics effective against
anaerobes (e.g., amoxicillin, clindamycin; see Drugs Used i n
Prognosis Gastrointestinal Disorders, pp. 481-483) have been used but
A l l animals with acquired esophageal weakness are at risk for are o f u n k n o w n value. A gastrostomy feeding tube helps to
aspiration pneumonia and sudden death. If the underlying protect the esophagus while the mucosa is healing and
cause can be treated and the esophageal dilation and weak ensures a positive nitrogen balance. Corticosteroids (e.g.,
ness can be resolved, the prognosis is good because the risk prednisolone, 1.1 mg/kg/day) may be administered i n an
of aspiration is eliminated. The prognosis is guarded i f the attempt to prevent cicatrix, but their efficacy is dubious.
animal with idiopathic megaesophagus responds to dietary Hiatal hernias may need to be surgically repaired.
management (it is still at risk) and very poor i f the animal
does not respond to this protocol. Prognosis
The prognosis depends o n the severity o f the esophagitis
ESOPHAGITIS and whether an underlying cause can be identified and
controlled. Early, aggressive therapy helps to prevent cicatrix
Etiology formation and allows a better prognosis.
Esophagitis is principally caused by gastroesophageal reflux,
persistent vomiting of gastric acid, esophageal foreign HIATAL HERNIA
objects, and caustic agents. Pills (e.g., tetracycline) may be
retained i n the esophagus i f they are not washed down with Etiology
water or food and are thought to cause severe esophagitis i n Hiatal hernia is a diaphragmatic abnormality that allows
cats. A n association between distal esophagitis (ostensibly part o f the stomach (usually the cardia) to prolapse into the
caused by gastroesophageal reflux) and upper respiratory thoracic cavity. In severe cases it allows gastroesophageal
disease in brachycephalic dogs has been suggested. reflux. The condition seems to be primarily congenital.

Clinical Features Clinical Features

Regurgitation is expected, although anorexia and drooling Sharpei dogs seem to be predisposed to this disorder. Regur
may predominate i f swallowing is painful. If a caustic agent gitation is the primary sign i n symptomatic individuals, but
(e.g., disinfectant) is ingested, the mouth and tongue are some animals are asymptomatic.
Diagnosis Prognosis
Plain radiographs or positive-contrast esophagrams may The prognosis is often good after surgical repair (congenital
reveal gastric herniation into the thorax (Fig. 31-2); however, cases) or aggressive medical management (acquired cases).
herniation may be intermittent and difficult to detect. It is
sometimes necessary to put pressure on the abdomen during DYSAUTONOMIA
the radiographic procedure to cause displacement of the
stomach during the study. Hiatal hernias are occasionally Etiology
found endoscopically. Dysautonomia i n dogs and cats is an idiopathic condition
that causes loss of autonomic nervous system function. In at
Treatment least some circumstances, it may be due to a clostridial
If the hiatal hernia is symptomatic at an early age, surgery is toxin.
more likely to be required to correct it. If signs of hiatal
hernia first appear later i n life, aggressive medical manage Clinical Features
ment of gastroesophageal reflux (e.g., cisapride, omeprazole) Clinical signs vary substantially. Megaesophagus and subse
is often sufficient. If medical management is not successful, quent regurgitation are c o m m o n (not invariable); however,
surgery can be considered. dysuria and a distended urinary bladder, mydriasis and lack

FIG 31-2
A , Lateral r a d i o g r a p h o f a d o g w i t h a hiatal h e r n i a s h o w i n g the gastric s h a d o w extend
ing c r a n i a l to the d i a p h r a g m (arrows). B , Lateral v i e w of contrast e s o p h a g r a m of a c a t
w i t h hiatal h e r n i a . There is no e v i d e n c e of h e r n i a on this r a d i o g r a p h because it has
a p p a r e n t l y slid b a c k into the a b d o m e n . C , Lateral v i e w of contrast e s o p h a g r a m of the cat
in B . The b o d y of the stomach has n o w slid into the t h o r a c i c c a v i t y (arrows), c o n f i r m i n g
that a hiatal h e r n i a is present. D , A n e n d o s c o p i c i m a g e o f the l o w e r e s o p h a g e a l sphincter
(LES) a r e a of a d o g w i t h a hiatal h e r n i a . G a s t r i c r u g a l folds c a n be seen. ( A , Courtesy
Dr. Russ Stickle, M i c h i g a n State University, East Lansing, M i c h . B a n d C , C o u r t e s y Dr.
Royce Roberts, University o f G e o r g i a , A t h e n s , G a . )
of pupillary light response, dry mucous membranes, weight
loss, constipation, vomiting, poor anal tone, and/or anorexia
have all been reported. There appear to be geographic areas
(e.g., Missouri and surrounding states) that currently have
an increased incidence o f the disease.

Dysautonomia is usually first suspected clinically by finding
dysuria, dry mucous membranes, and abnormal pupillary
light responses. Radiographs revealing distention of multiple
areas of the alimentary tract (e.g., esophagus, stomach, small
intestine) also are suggestive. A presumptive, antemortem
diagnosis is usually made by observing the effects o f pilocar
pine on pupil size after 1 to 2 drops of 0.05% pilocarpine are
placed i n one eye only. Finding that the treated eye rapidly
constricts whereas the untreated eye does not is consistent
with dysautonomia. Similarly, finding that a dysuric dog
FIG 3 1 - 3
with a large urinary bladder can urinate after subcutaneous E n d o s c o p i c v i e w of a n e s o p h a g e a l lumen constricted b y a n
administration of 0.04 m g bethanechol/kg is also suggestive e x t r a m u r a l v a s c u l a r ring a n o m a l y .
(although not all affected animals respond). Definitive diag
nosis requires histopathology of autonomic ganglia, which
can be obtained only at necropsy.
normal. In rare cases the entire esophagus is dilated (the
Treatment result o f concurrent megaesophagus) except for a narrowing
Treatment is palliative. Bethanechol can be given (1.25 to at the base o f the heart. It has been suggested that i f focal
5 mg once daily) to aid i n urinary evacuation. The urinary leftward deviation o f the trachea is seen at the cranial border
bladder should be expressed as needed. Gastric prokinetics of the heart i n the ventrodorsal or dorsoventral projections,
(e.g., cisapride) may help lessen vomiting. Antibiotics may this is sufficient to diagnose P R A A i n young dogs that are
be administered for aspiration pneumonia secondary to regurgitating food. Endoscopically, the esophagus has an
megaesophagus. extramural narrowing (Fig. 31-3; i.e., not a mucosal prolif
eration or scar) near the base of the heart.
The prognosis is usually grim. Treatment
Surgical resection o f the anomalous vessel is necessary. C o n
servative dietary management (i.e., gruel diet) by itself is
ESOPHAGEAL OBSTRUCTION inappropriate because the dilation will persist and probably
progress. In particular, the animal w i l l be at risk for foreign
VASCULAR RING A N O M A L I E S body occlusion at the site o f the P R A A . Dietary therapy may
benefit some animals postoperatively.
Vascular ring anomalies are congenital defects. A n embry Prognosis
onic aortic arch persists, trapping the esophagus i n a ring o f M o s t patients improve dramatically after surgery. However,
tissue. Persistent right fourth aortic arch ( P R A A ) is the most there are exceptions, and the more severe the preoperative
commonly recognized vascular anomaly (see Chapter 5). dilation, the more likely regurgitation will continue postop
eratively. Some dogs have concomitant esophageal weakness.
Clinical Features A guarded prognosis is appropriate. If a postsurgical stric
Vascular ring anomalies occur i n both dogs and cats. Regur ture occurs, esophageal ballooning or a second surgical pro
gitation is the most c o m m o n presenting complaint, although cedure may be considered.
signs of aspiration may occur. Clinical features often begin
shortly after the animal eats solid food for the first time. E S O P H A G E A L FOREIGN OBJECTS
Some animals have relatively m i n o r clinical signs and are not
diagnosed until they are several years old. Etiology
Almost anything may lodge i n the esophagus, but objects
Diagnosis with sharp points (e.g., bones, fishhooks) are probably
Definitive diagnosis is usually made by contrast esophagram most c o m m o n . M o s t obstructions occur at the thoracic
(see Fig. 29-3, B). Typically, the esophagus cranial to the inlet, the base of the heart, or immediately i n front o f the
heart is dilated, whereas the esophagus caudal to the heart is diaphragm.
Clinical Features E S O P H A G E A L CICATRIX
Dogs are more c o m m o n l y affected because of their less
discriminating eating habits. Regurgitation or anorexia Etiology
secondary to esophageal pain is c o m m o n . Acute onset o f Prior esophagitis from any cause may produce a stricture.
regurgitation (as opposed to vomiting) is suggestive o f Severe, deep inflammation of the esophagus (e.g., subse
esophageal foreign body. Clinical signs depend o n where the quent to foreign bodies or severe gastroesophageal reflux) is
obstruction occurs, whether it is complete or partial, and usually required for cicatrix to occur.
whether esophageal perforation has occurred. Complete
obstructions cause regurgitation o f solids and liquids, Clinical Features
whereas partial obstructions may allow passage o f liquids to Esophageal cicatrix occurs i n both dogs and cats. The main
the stomach. If an esophageal foreign object is impinging o n sign is regurgitation (especially o f solids). Some animals
airways, acute dyspnea may occur. Esophageal perforation are clinically anorexic as a result o f pain experienced when
usually causes fever and anorexia; dyspnea may occur as the food becomes lodged at the stricture by forceful esophageal
result of pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Subcutaneous peristalsis.
emphysema rarely occurs.
Diagnosis Partial obstructions may be difficult to diagnose. Positive-
Plain thoracic radiographs reveal most esophageal foreign contrast esophagrams (often using barium mixed with food)
bodies (see Fig. 29-2), although the clinician may have to are necessary (Fig. 31-4). Esophagoscopy is definitive, but a
search carefully to find poultry bones or other food items partial stricture may not be obvious i n large dogs unless the
that are even less radiodense. It is also important to look for endoscopist is experienced and the esophagus is carefully
evidence o f esophageal perforation (i.e., pneumothorax, inspected.
pleural effusion, fluid i n the mediastinum). Esophagrams are
rarely necessary; esophagoscopy is diagnostic and typically Treatment
therapeutic. Treatment consists o f correcting the suspected cause (e.g.,
esophagitis) and/or widening the stricture by ballooning or
Treatment bougienage. Surgical resection is not recommended because
Foreign objects are best removed endoscopically unless (1) iatrogenic strictures at the anastomotic site are common.
they are too firmly lodged to pull free or (2) radiographs Ballooning is less traumatic, has less chance of perforation,
suggest perforation. Thoracotomy is indicated i n these two
situations, although i n rare cases perforations may be treated
medically. Objects that cannot be moved should not be
pulled on vigorously because of the risk of creating or enlarg
ing a perforation. A n object should be pushed into the
stomach only when the clinician is confident that there are
no sharp edges on the other side of the foreign object. D u r i n g
the procedure the esophagus should be insufflated carefully
to avoid rupturing weakened areas or causing tension pneu
mothorax. After an object has been removed, the esophageal
mucosa should be reexamined endoscopically to evaluate the
damage caused by the object. Thoracic radiographs should
be repeated to look for pneumothorax, an indication o f per
foration. Treatment after foreign body removal may include
antibiotics, H receptor antagonists or proton p u m p inhibi

tors, prokinetic agents, gastrostomy feeding tube, and/or

corticosteroids (prednisolone, 1.1 mg/kg/day), depending
on residual damage. Perforation usually requires thoracot
o m y to clean out septic debris and close the esophageal
FIG 3 1 - 4
Prognosis Lateral contrast e s o p h a g r a m using liquid b a r i u m m i x e d w i t h
The prognosis for animals with esophageal foreign bodies moist f o o d . Partial stricture (arrows) is preventing the bolus
from r e a d i l y entering the stomach. This stricture w a s not
without perforation is usually good, but the presence o f per
detected w i t h b a r i u m paste, even w h e n v i e w e d fluoroscopi
foration warrants a guarded prognosis depending o n the cally. H o w e v e r , w h e n the b a r i u m - f o o d mixture w a s used,
severity o f thoracic contamination. Cicatrix formation with the stricture w a s o b v i o u s a n d material w a s retained for
obstruction is possible i f substantial mucosal damage minutes b e f o r e p a s s i n g . Endoscopically, there w a s a b a n d
occurs. of fibrous connective tissue at this spot.
and may be accomplished during esophagoscopy. A n g i o ESOPHAGEAL NEOPLASMS
plasty catheters or esophageal dilation balloons are more
useful than Foley catheters because the former are less likely Etiology
to slide to one side of the obstruction during inflation. B o u Primary esophageal sarcomas i n dogs are often due to Spi
gienage can more easily cause a rupture, but it is relatively rocerca lupi. Primary esophageal carcinomas are o f u n k n o w n
safe and equally effective i f done by a trained individual. etiology. Leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas are found at the
After the stricture has been dilated, antibiotics and/or corti lower esophageal sphincter i n older dogs. T h y r o i d carcino
costeroids (prednisolone, 1.1 mg/kg/day) are often adminis mas and pulmonary alveolar carcinomas may invade the
tered to help prevent infection and stricture reformation; esophagus i n dogs. Squamous cell carcinomas are the most
however, their efficacy is u n k n o w n . Intralesional steroid c o m m o n esophageal neoplasm i n cats.
injections performed endoscopically have been tried in
severe cases, but their value is uncertain at this time. If Clinical Features
esophagitis is present, it should be treated aggressively. Some Dogs and cats with primary esophageal tumors may be
animals are cured after one ballooning, whereas others asymptomatic until the tumor is far advanced, and these
require multiple procedures. animals are diagnosed fortuitously when thoracic radio
Early identification and appropriate treatment o f high- graphs are obtained for other reasons. Regurgitation,
risk animals (i.e., those with severe esophagitis or after anorexia, and/or fetid breath may occur i f the tumor is large
foreign object removal) help decrease the likelihood o f stric or causes esophageal dysfunction. If the esophagus is involved
ture formation. Resolving esophagitis decreases inflammation secondarily, clinical signs may result from esophageal dys
and lessens fibrous connective tissue formation. The efficacy function or tumor effects o n other tissues.
of corticosteroids is uncertain, but they are worth trying i n
selected cases. Diagnosis
Plain thoracic radiographs may reveal a soft tissue density i n
Prognosis the caudal lung fields. These tumors may be difficult to
The shorter the length o f esophagus involved and the sooner discern radiographically from pulmonary lesions and usually
the corrective procedure is performed, hopefully the better require contrast esophagrams to make this distinction (Fig.
the prognosis. Animals with extensive, mature strictures 31-5). Esophagoscopy easily locates intraluminal and intra
and/or continuing esophagitis often need repeated dilatory mural masses (Fig. 31-6) or strictures and is sensitive in
procedures and have a more guarded prognosis. M o s t animals finding extraluminal masses causing esophageal stricture
with benign esophageal strictures can be helped. Long-term (i.e., the endoscopist will not be able to normally distend the
gastrostomy tubes may be necessary i n some animals. esophageal lumen). Retroflexing the tip o f an endoscope

FIG 3 1 - 5
A , Lateral thoracic r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g w i t h a previously unsuspected mass (arrows) not
obviously associated w i t h the e s o p h a g u s . B , Contrast e s o p h a g r a m in the same d o g
demonstrates that the e s o p h a g u s is d i l a t e d (large arrows) a n d that there a r e intraesopha
geal filling defects (small arrows) in this d i l a t e d a r e a . This d o g h a d a p r i m a r y e s o p h a g e a l
carcinoma. ( A from Allen D, editor: Small animal medicine, Philadelphia, 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.)
G r a h a m JP et al: Esophageal transit o f capsules in clinically normal
cats, Am J Vet Res 61:655, 2000.
Gualtieri M : Esophagoscopy, Vet Clinics N Am 31:605, 2001.
Gualtieri M et al: Reflux esophagitis i n three cats associated with
metaplastic columnar esophageal epithelium, / Am Anim Hosp
Assoc 42:65, 2006.
H a n E et al: Feline esophagitis secondary to gastroesophageal reflux
disease: clinical signs and radiographic, endoscopic, and histo
pathologic findings, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 39:161, 2003.
H a r k i n K R et al: D y s a u t o n o m i a i n dogs: 65 cases (1993-2000), I Am
Vet Med Assoc 220:633, 2002.
Jergans A E : Diseases o f the esophagus. In Ettinger SJ et al, editors:
Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005,
W B Saunders.
Leib M S et al: Endoscopic b a l l o o n dilation o f benign esophageal
strictures i n dogs and cats, / Vet Intern Med 15:547, 2001.
Mears E A et al: Canine megaesophagus. In Bonagura J D , editor:
Current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, W B
FIG 31-6 Saunders.
Endoscopic view of the lower esophageal sphincter of a Melendez L D et al: Suspected doxycyline-induced esophagitis with
dog. There is an intramural mass protruding into the lumen esophageal stricture formation i n three cats, Fel Tract 28:10,
at 3 o'clock to the sphincter. 2000.
M o o r e A H : Removal o f oesophageal foreign bodies i n dogs: use of
the fluoroscopic method and outcome, / Small Anim Tract42:227',
while it is w i t h i n the stomach is the best m e t h o d of
Moses L et al: Esophageal motility dysfunction i n cats: a study of
identifying lower esophageal sphincter leiomyomas and
44 cases, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 36:309, 2000.
leiomyosarcomas. Niles JD et al: Resolution o f dysphagia following cricopharyngeal
myectomy i n six y o u n g dogs, / Small Anim Pract 42:32, 2001.
Treatment N u n n R et al: Association between Key-Gaskell syndrome and
Surgical resection is rarely curative (except for leiomyomas infection by Clostridium botulinum type C / D , Vet Rec 155:111,
at the lower esophageal sphincter) because of the advanced 2004.
nature of most esophageal neoplasms when they are diag O ' B r i e n D P et al: Diagnosis and management o f dysautonomia in
nosed. Resection may be palliative. Photodynamic therapy dogs. In Bonagura J D , editor: Current veterinary therapy XIII,

may be beneficial i n dogs and cats w i t h small superficial Philadelphia, 2000, W B Saunders.
Poncet C M et al: Prevalence o f gastrointestinal tract lesions i n 73
esophageal neoplasms.
brachycephalic dogs with upper respiratory syndrome, / Small

Prognosis Anim Pract 46:273, 2005.

Ranen E et al: Spirocercosis-associated esophageal sarcomas i n
The prognosis is usually poor. dogs a retrospective study o f 17 cases (1997-2003), Vet Parasitol
119:209, 2004.
Suggested Readings R y c k m a n L R et al: Dysphagia as the primary clinical abnormality
Bexfield N H et al: Esophageal dysmotility i n y o u n g dogs, / Vet i n two dogs w i t h inflammatory myopathy, J Am Vet Med Assoc
Intern Med 20:1314, 2006. 226:1519-1523, 2005.
Boydell P et al: Sialadenosis i n dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 216:872, Sale C et al: Results o f transthoracic esophagotomy retrieval of
2000. esophageal foreign b o d y obstructions i n dogs: 14 cases (2000-
Buchanan J W : Tracheal signs and associated vascular anomalies i n 2004), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42:450, 2006.
dogs w i t h persistent right aortic arch, / Vet Intern Med 18:510, Schmidt B R et al: Evaluation o f piroxicam for the treatment o f oral
2004. squamous cell carcinoma i n dogs, ] Am Vet Med Assoc 218:1783,
Davidson A P et al: Inheritance o f cricopharygeal dysfunction i n 2001.
G o l d e n Retrievers, Amer J Vet Res 65:344, 2004. Sellon R K et al: Esophagitis and esophageal strictures, Vet Clinics N
DeBowes LJ: Feline stomatitis and faucitis. In Bonagura J D , editor: Am 33:945, 2003.
Current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, W B W a r n o c k JJ et al: Surgical management o f cricopharyngeal dyspha
Saunders. gia i n dogs: 14 cases (1989-2001), J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:1462-
G i b b o n K J et al: Phenobarbital-responsive ptyalism, dysphagia, and 1468, 2003.
apparent esophageal spasm i n a G e r m a n Shepherd puppy, J Am W i l s o n D V et al: Postanesthetic esophageal dysfunction i n 13 dogs,
Anim Hosp Assoc 40:230, 2004. / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 40:455, 2004.
Disorders of the Stomach

habits. Signs usually consist of acute onset of vomiting; food

and bile are typically vomited, although small amounts of
blood may be present. Affected animals are typically u n i n
terested in food and may or may not feel sick. Fever and
Acute Gastritis
abdominal pain are u n c o m m o n .
Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis
Chronic Gastritis Diagnosis
Helicobacter-Associated Disease
Unless the animal was seen eating some irritative substance,
Physaloptera rara
acute gastritis is usually a presumptive diagnosis of exclusion
Ollulanus tricuspis
based on history and physical examination findings. A b d o m
inal imaging and/or clinical pathologic data are indicated if
the animal is severely ill or i f other disease is suspected. After
Benign Muscular Pyloric Hypertrophy (Pyloric Stenosis)
alimentary foreign body, obstruction, parvoviral enteritis,
Gastric Antral Mucosal Hypertrophy
uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoadrenocorticism, hepatic
Gastric Foreign Objects
disease, hypercalcemia, and pancreatitis are ruled out, acute
Gastric Dilation/Volvulus
gastritis is a reasonable tentative diagnosis. If the anorexia/
Partial or Intermittent Gastric Volvulus
vomiting resolves after 1 to 2 days of symptomatic and sup
Idiopathic Gastric H y p o m o t i l i t y
portive therapy, the tentative diagnosis is generally assumed
Bilious V o m i t i n g Syndrome
to be correct (pancreatitis is still possible; see Chapter 40).
Gastroscopy i n such animals might reveal bile or gastric
Because acute gastritis is a diagnosis o f exclusion and its
signs are suggestive o f various other disorders (e.g., foreign
bodies, intoxication), good history taking and physical exam
ination are mandatory. The owner should monitor the pet,
and i f the animal's condition worsens or does not improve
within 1 to 3 days, imaging, a complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) ,
GASTRITIS a serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis are indicated.


Parenteral fluid therapy and the withholding o f food and
Etiology water for 24 hours often suffice to control vomiting. If the
Ingestion of spoiled or contaminated foods, foreign objects, vomiting persists or is excessive, or i f the animal becomes
toxic plants, chemicals, and/or irritating drugs (e.g., nonste depressed because o f the vomiting, central-acting antiemet
roidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]) are c o m m o n ics (e.g., prochlorperazine, ondansetron, maropitant) may be
causes of acute gastritis. Infectious, viral, and bacterial causes administered parenterally (see p. 404). W h e n feeding begins,
occur but are not well defined in dogs and cats. small amounts o f cool water are offered frequently. If the
animal drinks without vomiting, small amounts o f a bland
Clinical Features diet (e.g., one part cottage cheese and two parts potato; one
Dogs are more commonly affected than cats by acute gastri part boiled chicken and two parts potato) are offered. A n t i
tis, probably because o f their less discriminating eating biotics and corticosteroids are rarely indicated.
Prognosis i m m u n e mechanisms. Ollulanus tricuspis may cause granu
The prognosis is excellent as long as the fluid and electrolyte lomatous gastritis i n cats.
balance is maintained.
Clinical Features
H E M O R R H A G I C GASTROENTERITIS C h r o n i c gastritis appears to be more c o m m o n in cats than
in dogs and may or may not be associated with chronic
Etiology enteritis (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease). Anorexia and
The cause o f hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is u n k n o w n . vomiting are the most c o m m o n signs i n affected dogs and
cats. The frequency o f vomiting varies from once weekly to
Clinical Features many times per day. Some animals have only anorexia, osten
Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis occurs i n dogs and is more sibly as a result o f low-grade nausea.
severe than acute gastritis, typically causing profuse
hematemesis and/or hematochezia. Classically occurring i n
smaller breeds that have not had access to garbage, this dis Clinical pathologic findings are not diagnostic, although
order has an acute course that can rapidly produce a criti eosinophilic gastritis inconsistently causes peripheral eosin
cally ill animal. In severe cases the animal may be m o r i b u n d ophilia. Imaging sometimes documents mucosal thickening.
by the time o f presentation. Diagnosis requires gastric mucosal biopsy, and endoscopy
is the most cost-effective method o f obtaining these
Diagnosis samples. Gastritis may be very localized, and endoscopy
These animals are typically hemoconcentrated (i.e., packed allows multiple biopsies over the entire mucosal surface,
cell volume [PCV] 55%) with n o r m a l plasma total protein whereas surgical biopsy typically results i n one sample
concentrations. The acute onset o f typical clinical signs plus that is taken blindly. Gastric biopsy should always be per
marked hemoconcentration allows a presumptive diagnosis. formed, regardless o f the visual mucosal appearance. It
Thrombocytopenia and renal or prerenal azotemia may be must be remembered that enteritis is far more common
seen i n severely affected animals. than gastritis (which is why duodenal biopsies are usually
more important than gastric biopsies). Gastric lymphoma
Treatment can be surrounded by lymphocytic inflammation, and
Aggressive fluid therapy is initiated to treat or prevent shock, obtaining inappropriately superficial biopsy specimens may
disseminated intravascular coagulation ( D I C ) secondary to result i n an incorrect diagnosis of inflammatory disease.
hypoperfusion, and renal failure secondary to hypovolemia. Appropriate use o f a scope with a 2.8-mm biopsy channel
Parenteral antibiotics (e.g., ampicillin, chloramphenicol; see will usually prevent this misdiagnosis (unless the tumor
pp. 481-483) are often used because o f the fear that intesti is i n the muscular layers o f the stomach). Meaningful
nal bacteria are proliferating, but their value has not been histopathologic interpretation o f alimentary tissue can be
definitively established. If the patient becomes severely hypo difficult; the clinician should not hesitate to request a second
albuminemic during fluid therapy, synthetic colloids or histologic o p i n i o n i f the diagnosis does not fit the patient
plasma may be required. or the response (or lack thereof) to therapy. If Ollulanus
tricuspis is suspected, vomitus or gastric washings should be
Prognosis examined for the parasites, but they might also be found in
The prognosis is good for most animals that are presen gastric biopsy specimens. Physaloptera organisms are visible
ted i n a timely fashion. Inadequately treated animals may endoscopically.
die as a result o f circulatory collapse, D I C , and/or renal
failure. Treatment
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis sometimes responds to
CHRONIC GASTRITIS dietary therapy (e.g., low-fat, low-fiber, elimination diets)
alone (see p. 397). If such therapy is inadequate, corticoste
Etiology roids (e.g., prednisolone, 2.2 mg/kg/day) can be used con
There are several types o f chronic gastritis (e.g., lympho currently. Even if corticosteroids are required, dietary therapy
cytic/plasmacytic, eosinophilic, granulomatous, atrophic). may ultimately allow one to administer a substantially
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic gastritis might be an i m m u n e decreased dose, thus avoiding glucocorticoid adverse effects.
and/or inflammatory reaction to a variety o f antigens. Heli If corticosteroid therapy is necessary, the dose should be
cobacter organisms might be responsible for such a reaction gradually decreased to find the lowest effective dose. However,
in some animals (especially cats). Physaloptera rara has the dose should not be tapered too quickly after obtaining a
seemingly been associated with a similar reaction i n some clinical response or the clinical signs may return and be more
dogs. Eosinophilic gastritis may represent an allergic reac difficult to control than they were initially. In rare
tion, probably to food antigens. Atrophic gastritis may be the cases, azathioprine or similar drugs will be necessary (see
result o f chronic gastric inflammatory disease and/or Chapter 30). Concurrent use o f H receptor antagonists is
sometimes beneficial. Ulceration should be treated as dis
cussed on page 436.
Canine eosinophilic gastritis usually responds well to a
strict elimination diet. If dietary therapy alone fails, cortico
steroid therapy (e.g., prednisolone, 1.1 to 2.2 mg/kg/day) i n
conjunction with diet is usually effective. Feline hypereosin
ophilic syndrome responds poorly to most treatments.
Atrophic gastritis and granulomatous gastritis are more
difficult to treat than lymphocytic-plasmacytic or canine
eosinophilic gastritis. Diets l o w i n fat and fiber (e.g., one part
cottage cheese and two parts potato) may help control signs.
Atrophic gastritis may respond to antiinflammatory, antacid,
and/or prokinetic therapy; the latter is designed to keep the
stomach empty, especially at night. Granulomatous gastritis
is u n c o m m o n i n dogs and cats and does not respond well to FIG 32-1
A i r - d r i e d smear of gastric mucosa o b t a i n e d e n d o s c o p i c a l l y
dietary or corticosteroid therapy.
a n d stained w i t h Diff-Quik. N u m e r o u s spirochetes a r e seen.
The affected d o g w a s v o m i t i n g because of a n ulcerated
l e i o m y o m a , a n d the spirochetes d i d not a p p e a r to b e
The prognosis for canine and feline lymphocytic-plasma c a u s i n g disease in this a n i m a l . ( M a g n i f i c a t i o n x 1 0 0 0 . )
cytic gastritis is often good with appropriate therapy. Some
researchers have suggested that l y m p h o m a has been k n o w n
to develop in cats with lymphocytic gastritis; however, it is
possible that the original diagnosis of lymphocytic gastritis evidence seems to suggest that some ill animals with gastric
was incorrect or that lymphoma developed independently of Helicobacter infections have their signs resolve when the
the gastritis. organism is eliminated. Whether the "cure" is due to the
The prognosis for canine eosinophilic gastritis is typi elimination o f Helicobacter organisms or something else
cally good. Feline eosinophilic gastritis can be a component remains i n question, but it seems reasonable to assume that
of hypereosinophilic syndrome, which typically responds Helicobacter organisms cause disease i n some animals.
poorly to treatment. Hypereosinophilic syndrome has a
guarded prognosis. Diagnosis
Gastric biopsy is currently required for a diagnosis of Heli
HELICOBACTER-ASSOCIATED DISEASE cobacter infection. The organisms are easy to identify i f the
pathologist is looking for them and uses special stains (e.g.,
Etiology Giemsa, Warthin-Starry). The bacteria are not uniformly
Helicobacter pylori is the principal spirochete found i n h u m a n distributed throughout the stomach, and it is best to obtain
gastric mucosa, whereas Helicobacter felis, Helicobacter heil biopsy specimens from the body, fundus, and antrum. The
mannii, Helicobacter bizzozeronii, and Helicobacter salomonis clinician may also diagnose this infection by cytologic evalu
may be the principal gastric spirochetes i n dogs and cats. ation of the gastric mucosa (Fig. 32-1) or by looking for
However, H. pylori has been found i n cats. gastric mucosal urease activity (see Chapter 29). Because of
the uncertain pathogenicity of Helicobacter spp., the clinician
Clinical Features is advised to look first for other, better explanations for the
People with symptomatic H. pylori infections usually develop animal's clinical signs before deciding that a Helicobacter
ulceration and gastritis with neutrophilic infiltrates. They organism is causing disease.
can also develop a lymphocytic lesion that is indistin
guishable from lymphoma but that can be cured with Treatment
antibiotic therapy. Dogs and cats with gastric Helicobacter A combination of metronidazole, amoxicillin, and either
infections may have nausea, anorexia, and/or vomiting asso famotidine or bismuth (either subsalicylate or subcitrate)
ciated with lymphocytic and occasionally neutrophilic seems to be effective i n veterinary patients. A z i t h r o m y c i n
infiltrates; however, most dogs and cats with gastric Helico and claritromycin have been substituted for bismuth i n cats.
bacter infections are asymptomatic. Because so many infected Anecdotally, some animals seem to respond to just erythro
animals are asymptomatic, the cause and effect have not mycin or amoxicillin. Therapy should probably last for at
been clearly established between Helicobacter organisms and least 10 days.
canine or feline gastric disease. Cats colonized with H. pylori
seem to have more severe histologic lesions than those with Prognosis
H. felis, which i n turn may be associated with more severe Animals with apparent Helicobacter-associated disease seem
lesions than those with H. heilmannii. Reasonable anecdotal to respond well to treatment and have a good progno-
sis. However, because the cause and effect are uncertain, with a dissecting microscope is the best means o f diagnosis.
any animal that does not respond to therapy should be The parasite can be seen occasionally i n gastric mucosal
reexamined carefully to determine i f other diseases are biopsy specimens.
present. Recurrence of infection after treatment occurs, but
it is not clear whether this represents a relapse of the original Treatment/Prognosis
infection or reinfection from an outside sourse. Therapy is uncertain, but oxfendazole (10 mg/kg, orally
administered q l 2 h for 5 days) or fenbendazole might be
PHYSALOPTERA RARA effective. Occasionally, animals have severe gastritis and
become debilitated.
Physaloptera rara is a nematode that has an indirect life cycle; GASTRIC OUTFLOW OBSTRUCTION/
beetles are the intermediate hosts. GASTRIC STASIS
A single Physaloptera rara parasite can cause intractable HYPERTROPHY (PYLORIC STENOSIS)
vomiting. The parasite is primarily found i n dogs. The v o m
iting usually does not resolve with antiemetics. V o m i t u s may Etiology
or may not contain bile, and affected animals appear other The cause o f benign muscular pyloric hypertrophy has not
wise healthy. been definitively established, although some experimental
research suggests that gastrin promotes the development of
Diagnosis pyloric stenosis.
Ova are seldom found i n feces. Furthermore, s o d i u m dichro
mate or magnesium sulfate solutions are usually necessary Clinical Features
to identify the eggs in feces. M o s t diagnoses are made when Benign muscular pyloric stenosis typically causes persistent
the parasites are found during gastroduodenoscopy (see Fig. vomiting i n young animals (especially brachycephalic dogs
29-25). There may be only one w o r m causing clinical signs, and Siamese cats) but can be found i n any animal. These
and it can be difficult to find, especially i f it is attached animals usually vomit food shortly after eating. The vomit
w i t h i n the pylorus. Alternatively, empirical treatment (as ing is sometimes described as projectile. The animals are
described here) is reasonable. otherwise clinically normal, although some pets may lose
weight. Some cats with pyloric stenosis vomit so m u c h that
Treatment secondary esophagitis, megaesophagus, and regurgitation
Pyrantel pamoate or ivermectin is usually effective. If the occur, confusing the clinical picture. Hypochloremic, hypo
parasite is found during endoscopy, it can be removed with kalemic, metabolic alkalosis sometimes occurs, but it is incon
forceps. sistent and nonspecific for gastric outflow obstruction.

Prognosis Diagnosis
The vomiting usually stops as soon as the worms are removed Diagnosing pyloric stenosis requires first finding gastric
or eliminated. outflow obstruction during barium contrast-enhanced
radiographs (Fig. 32-2), ultrasonography, gastroduodenos
OLLULANUS TRICUSPIS copy, and/or exploratory surgery. Infiltrative disease of the
pyloric mucosa then must be ruled out through biopsy.
Etiology Endoscopically, the clinician may see prominent folds of
Ollulanus tricuspis is a nematode with a direct life cycle that normal-appearing mucosa at the pylorus. A t surgery the
is transmitted via vomited material. serosa appears normal, but the pylorus is usually thickened
when palpated. The surgeon can open the stomach and try
Clinical Features to pass a finger through the pylorus to assess its patency.
Cats are the most c o m m o n l y affected species, although dogs Extraalimentary tract diseases causing vomiting (see Box
and foxes are occasionally infected. V o m i t i n g is the principal 28-6) should also be eliminated.
clinical sign, but clinically n o r m a l cats may harbor the para
site. Gross gastric mucosal lesions may or may not be seen Treatment
i n infested cats. Surgical correction is indicated. Pyloroplasty (e.g., a Y - U -
plasty) is more consistently effective than pyloromyotomy.
Diagnosis However, improperly performed pyloroplasty or pyloromy
Cattery situations promote infection because the parasite is otomy can cause perforation or obstruction. Furthermore,
passed directly from one cat to another. However, occasion the clinician should not routinely do a pyloric outflow pro
ally cats with no k n o w n contact with other cats are infected. cedure whenever an exploratory procedure fails to reveal
Looking for parasites in gastric washings or vomited material another cause o f vomiting.
FIG 32-2
A a n d B , V e n t r o d o r s a l contrast r a d i o g r a p h s of a d o g w i t h
a gastric o u t f l o w obstruction. These r a d i o g r a p h s w e r e
o b t a i n e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 hours after b a r i u m a d m i n i s t r a
t i o n . There is i n a d e q u a t e gastric e m p t y i n g despite o b v i o u s
peristalsis. N o t e the smooth c o n t o u r o f b a r i u m in the antrum
(arrows), w h i c h is in contrast to C . This is a case of p y l o r i c
stenosis. C , Dorsoventral contrast r a d i o g r a p h s of a d o g
w i t h gastric a d e n o c a r c i n o m a . The antrum has a n i r r e g u l a r
outline but is not d i s t e n d e d (arrows). This failure to distend
persisted on multiple r a d i o g r a p h s a n d indicates a n infiltra
tive lesion.
Prognosis Clinical Features
Surgery should be curative, and the prognosis is good. Principally found i n older, small-breed dogs, antral hyper
trophy clinically resembles pyloric stenosis (i.e., animals
GASTRIC A N T R A L M U C O S A L usually vomit food, especially after meals).
Etiology Gastric outlet obstruction is diagnosed radiographically,
Antral mucosal hypertrophy is idiopathic. Gastric outflow ultrasonographically, or endoscopically; however, definitive
obstruction is caused by excessive, nonneoplastic mucosa diagnosis o f antral mucosal hypertrophy requires biopsy.
that occludes the distal gastric antrum (Fig. 32-3). This dis Endoscopically, the antral mucosa is redundant and may
order is different from benign muscular pyloric stenosis, i n resemble a submucosal neoplasm causing convoluted
which the mucosa is thrown up into folds secondary to the mucosal folds. In some cases the mucosa will be obviously
submucosal thickening. reddened and inflamed. However, the mucosa in dogs with

FIG 3 2 - 3
A , E n d o s c o p i c v i e w o f the p y l o r i c r e g i o n of a d o g that has gastric antral mucosal
h y p e r t r o p h y . If b i o p s y is not p e r f o r m e d , these folds m a y easily be mistaken f o r n e o p l a s i a .
B , Intraoperative p h o t o g r a p h of a d o g ' s o p e n e d pylorus. N o t e the numerous folds of
mucosa that a r e p r o t r u d i n g (arrows) as a result o f gastric antral mucosal h y p e r t r o p h y .
antral hypertrophy is usually not as firm or hard as expected induced (e.g., apomorphine i n the dog, 0.02 or 0.1 mg/kg
in those with infiltrative carcinomas or leiomyomas. If antral administered intravenously or subcutaneously, respectively;
mucosal hypertrophy is seen at surgery, there should be no hydrogen peroxide i n the dog, 1 to 5 m l o f 3% solution/kg
evidence of submucosal infiltration or muscular thickening administered orally; xylazine i n the cat, 0.4 to 0.5 mg/kg
suggestive of neoplasia or benign pyloric stenosis, respec administered intravenously) to eliminate gastric foreign
tively. It is important to differentiate mucosal hypertrophy objects i f the clinician believes that the object will not cause
from these other diseases so that therapeutic recommenda problems during forcible ejection (i.e., it does not have sharp
tions are appropriate (e.g., gastric carcinomas typically have edges or points and is small enough to pass easily). If there
a worse prognosis, and surgery is not always indicated). is doubt as to the safety o f this approach, the object should
be removed endoscopically or surgically.
Treatment Before the animal is anesthetized for surgery or endos
Antral mucosal hypertrophy is treated by mucosal resection, copy, the electrolyte and acid-base status should be evalu
usually combined with pyloroplasty. Pyloromyotomy alone ated. Although electrolyte changes (e.g., hypokalemia) are
may be insufficient to resolve clinical signs from mucosal c o m m o n , they are impossible to predict w i t h any accuracy.
hypertrophy. Hypokalemia predisposes to cardiac arrhythmias and should
be corrected before anesthesia is induced.
Prognosis Endoscopic removal o f foreign objects requires a flexible
The prognosis is excellent. endoscope and appropriate retrieval forceps. The animal
should always be radiographed just before being anesthe
GASTRIC FOREIGN OBJECTS tized to ensure that the object is still i n the stomach. Lacera
tion o f the esophagus and entrapment o f the retrieval forceps
Etiology i n the object should be avoided. If endoscopic removal is
Objects that can pass through the esophagus may become a unsuccessful, gastrostomy should be performed.
gastric or intestinal foreign object. Subsequently, v o m i t i n g
may result from gastric outlet obstruction, gastric distention, Prognosis
or irritation. Linear foreign objects whose orad end lodges The prognosis is usually good unless the animal is debilitated
at the pylorus may cause intestinal perforation with subse or there is septic peritonitis secondary to gastric perforation.
quent peritonitis and must be dealt with expeditiously (see
the section on intestinal obstruction o n p. 464). GASTRIC D I L A T I O N / V O L V U L U S

Clinical Features Etiology

Dogs are affected more c o m m o n l y than cats because o f their The cause o f gastric dilation/volvulus ( G D V ) is u n k n o w n
less discriminating eating habits. V o m i t i n g (not regurgita but may involve abnormal gastric motility. Thoracic
tion) is a c o m m o n sign, but some animals demonstrate only confirmation seems correlated with risk; Irish Setters with a
anorexia, whereas others are asymptomatic. deeper thorax relative to width are more likely to experience
G D V . Dogs w i t h parents that had G D V may also be at
Diagnosis increased risk. There are conflicting data regarding what pre
Acute onset o f vomiting i n an otherwise n o r m a l animal, disposes dogs to G D V . Eating a large volume during a meal,
especially a puppy, suggests foreign body ingestion. The cli eating once a day, eating rapidly, being underweight, eating
nician might palpate an object during physical examination from an elevated platform, being male, and advanced age
or see it during plain radiographic imaging. Imaging and seem to increase risk. Feeding dry food that is high i n o i l
endoscopy are the most reliable means of diagnosis. However, may also increase risk. G D V occurs when the stomach dilates
diagnosis can be difficult i f the stomach is filled w i t h food. excessively with gas (e.g., aerophagia, bacterial fermentation
Some diseases closely m i m i c obstruction caused by foreign of carbohydrates, diffusion from the blood). T h e stomach
objects; canine parvovirus may initially cause intense v o m i t may maintain its n o r m a l anatomic position (gastric dila
ing, during which time viral particles might not be detected tion) or twist ( G D V ) . In the latter situation the pylorus
in the feces. Hypokalemic, hypochloremic, metabolic typically rotates ventrally from the right side o f the abdomen
alkalosis is consistent with gastric outflow obstruction; below the body o f the stomach to become positioned dorsal
however, these changes may be absent i n animals w i t h gastric to the gastric cardia o n the left side. If the stomach twists
obstruction and present i n animals without obstruction. sufficiently, gastric outflow is obstructed and progressive dis
Therefore these electrolyte changes are neither sensitive nor tention with air results. Splenic torsion may occur concur
specific for gastric outflow obstruction. rently with the spleen o n the right side o f the abdomen i f
the stomach twists sufficiently. Massive gastric distention
Treatment obstructs the hepatic portal vein and posterior vena cava,
Small foreign objects that are unlikely to cause trauma may causing mesenteric congestion, decreased cardiac output,
pass through the gastrointestinal tract. If there is doubt, it is severe shock, and D I C . The gastric b l o o d supply may be
best to remove the object i n question. V o m i t i n g can be impaired, causing gastric wall necrosis.
Clinical Features decompression is usually performed with an orogastric tube,
G D V principally occurs in large- and giant-breed dogs with after which the stomach is lavaged with warm water to
deep chests; it rarely occurs in small dogs or cats. Affected remove its contents. The stomach of dogs with dilation and
dogs typically retch nonproductively and may demonstrate many with G D V can be decompressed in this manner. Mes
abdominal pain. M a r k e d anterior abdominal distention may enteric congestion caused by the enlarged stomach predis
be seen later. However, abdominal distention is not always poses to infection and endotoxemia, making systemic
obvious in large, heavily muscled dogs. Eventually, depres antibiotic administration reasonable (e.g., cefazolin, 20 mg/
sion and a m o r i b u n d state occur. kg administered intravenously). Serum electrolyte concen
trations and acid-base status should be evaluated.
Diagnosis The orogastric tube should not be forced into the stomach
Physical examination findings (i.e., a large dog with a large against undue resistance because it could rupture the lower
tympanic anterior abdomen that is retching unproductively) esophagus. If the tube cannot be passed into the stomach,
allow presumptive diagnosis o f G D V but do not permit dif the clinician may insert a large needle (e.g., a 3-inch, 12- to
ferentiation between dilation and G D V ; plain abdominal 14-gauge needle) into the stomach just behind the rib cage
radiographs, preferably with the animal in right lateral i n the left flank to decompress the stomach (which usually
recumbency, are required. Volvulus is denoted by displace causes some abdominal contamination) or perform a tem
ment o f the pylorus and/or formation o f a " s h e l f o f tissue porary gastrostomy in the left paralumbar area (i.e., the
in the gastric shadow (Fig. 32-4). It is impossible to distin stomach wall is sutured to the skin, and then the stomach
guish between dilation and dilation/torsion on the basis o f wall is incised to allow evacuation o f accumulated gas and
ability or inability to pass an orogastric tube. other contents). After the animal is stabilized, a second
procedure is performed to close the temporary gastrostomy
Treatment (if present), reposition the stomach, remove the spleen (if
Treatment consists o f initiating aggressive therapy for shock grossly infarcted), remove or invaginate the devitalized
(hetastarch or hypertonic saline infusion [see p. 396] may gastric wall, and perform a gastropexy. Gastropexy (e.g., cir
make treatment for shock quicker and easier) and then cumcostal, belt loop, tube gastrostomy) is recommended to
decompressing the stomach unless the patient is asphyxiat help prevent recurrence o f torsion and may be correlated
ing, i n which case the stomach is decompressed first. Gastric with prolongation o f survival. Another option consists of

FIG 3 2 - 4
Lateral r a d i o g r a p h o f a d o g w i t h gastric d i l a t i o n / v o l v u l u s . The stomach is d i l a t e d (large
arrows), a n d there is a "shelf" of tissue (small arrows), d e m o n s t r a t i n g that the stomach is
m a l p o s i t i o n e d . R a d i o g r a p h s o b t a i n e d from the right lateral position seem superior to those
o f other v i e w s in d e m o n s t r a t i n g this shelf. If the stomach w e r e similarly d i s t e n d e d but not
m a l p o s i t i o n e d , the d i a g n o s i s w o u l d b e gastric d i l a t i o n .
immediately performing a laparotomy after decompressing classic G D V . Although occurring i n the same breeds as G D V ,
the stomach but before stabilizing the animal. The decision partial gastric volvulus usually produces a chronic, inter
as to whether to first stabilize the animal or immediately mittent, potentially difficult-to-diagnose problem. It may
perform surgery is based on the condition of the dog at occur repeatedly and spontaneously resolve; dogs may appear
initial presentation and on whether the animal w o u l d be a normal between bouts. Some dogs have persistent, nondis
considerably better anesthetic risk after stabilization. tended volvulus and are asymptomatic.
If the dog has G D V (see Fig. 32-4), surgery is necessary
to reposition the stomach; this is followed by gastropexy to Diagnosis
prevent recurrence. This surgery should be performed as Plain radiographs are usually diagnostic (Fig. 32-5). However,
soon as the animal constitutes an acceptable anesthetic risk diagnosis may require repeated radiographs and/or contrast
because torsion (even when the stomach is deflated) impairs studies. Chronic volvulus will rarely be diagnosed endoscop
gastric wall perfusion and may cause necrosis. Areas of ically. It is possible, i n rare cases, to cause a temporary gastric
gastric wall necrosis should be resected, or preferably invag- volvulus by manipulating the gastroscope i n an air-distended
inated, to prevent perforation and abdominal contamina stomach. Therefore the clinician must differentiate sponta
tion. In dogs with gastric dilation without torsion, gastropexy neous from iatrogenic volvulus.
is optional and may be performed after the dog is completely
recovered from the current episode. Gastropexy almost Treatment
always prevents torsions but does not prevent dilation. If partial or intermittent gastric volvulus is diagnosed, surgi
Postoperatively, the animal should be monitored by elec cal repositioning and gastropexy are usually curative.
trocardiogram (ECG) for 48 to 72 hours. Lidocaine, procain
amide, and/or soltolol therapy may be needed i f cardiac Prognosis
arrhythmias diminish cardiac output (see Chapter 4). H y p o The prognosis is usually good once the problem is identified
kalemia is c o m m o n and makes such arrhythmias refractory and surgically corrected.
to medical control. Therefore hypokalemia should be
Prevention is difficult because the cause is u n k n o w n . HYPOMOTILITY
Although preventing exercise after meals and feeding small
meals of softened food w o u l d seem to be useful, there are no Etiology
data to confirm this speculation. Idiopathic gastric hypomotility refers to an anecdotal syn
drome characterized by poor gastric emptying and motility
Prognosis despite the lack of anatomic obstruction, inflammatory
The prognosis depends on how quickly the condition is lesions, or other causes.
recognized and treated. Mortality rates ranging from 20% to
45% have been reported. Early therapy improves the prog Clinical Features
nosis, whereas a delay lasting more than 5 hours between Idiopathic gastric hypomotility has primarily been diag
onset of signs and presentation to the veterinarian's office, nosed i n dogs. Affected dogs usually vomit food several
hypothermia at admission, preoperative cardiac arrhyth hours after eating but otherwise feel well. Weight loss may
mias, increased preoperative blood lactate concentrations, or may not occur.
gastric wall necrosis, severe D I C , partial gastrectomy, sple
nectomy, and postoperative development of acute renal Diagnosis
failure seem to worsen the prognosis. Although rare, gastric Fluoroscopic studies document decreased gastric motility,
dilation may recur after gastropexy. Prophylactic gastropexy but diagnosis requires ruling out gastric outlet obstruction,
may be elected for animals believed to be at increased risk infiltrative bowel disease, inflammatory abdominal disease,
for G D V . Laparoscopy can be used to make prophylactic and extraalimentary tract diseases (e.g., renal, adrenal, or
gastropexy a minimally invasive procedure. hepatic failure; severe hypokalemia or hypercalcemia).


GASTRIC V O L V U L U S Metoclopramide (see Table 30-3) increases gastric peristalsis
i n some but not all affected dogs. Cisapride or erythromycin
Etiology may be effective i f metoclopramide fails. Diets l o w i n fat and
The causes for partial and intermittent gastric volvulus might fiber promote gastric emptying and may be helpful.
be the same as for classic G D V .
Clinical Features Dogs that respond to medical management have a good
Dogs with partial or intermittent volvulus do not have prognosis. Those that do not respond have a poor prognosis
the life-threatening, progressive syndrome characterizing for cure, although they may still be acceptable pets.
FIG 3 2 - 5
Lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h of a n Irish Setter w i t h c h r o n i c v o m i t i n g c a u s e d b y gastric
volvulus that d i d not cause d i l a t i o n . A "shelf" of tissue (arrows) demonstrates that the
stomach has t w i s t e d .


Bilious v o m i t i n g syndrome appears to be caused by gastro Etiology
duodenal reflux that occurs when the dog's stomach is empty Gastrointestinal ulceration/erosion ( G U E ) is more c o m m o n
for long periods o f time (e.g., during an overnight fast). i n dogs than i n cats. There are several potential causes. Stress
ulceration is associated with severe hypovolemic, septic, or
Clinical Features neurogenic shock, such as occurs after trauma, surgery, and
Bilious v o m i t i n g syndrome usually affects otherwise n o r m a l endotoxemia. These ulcers are typically in the gastric antrum,
dogs that are fed once daily i n the m o r n i n g . Classically, the body, and/or duodenum. Extreme exertion (e.g., in sled
pet vomits bile-stained fluid once a day, usually late at night dogs) causes gastric erosions/ulcers i n the body and fundus,
or i n the m o r n i n g just before eating. probably as a result o f a combination o f poor perfusion and
high circulating levels o f glucocorticoids.
Diagnosis N S A I D s (e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, piroxicam,
The clinician must rule out obstruction, gastrointestinal flunixin) are a major cause of canine G U E because these
inflammation, and extraalimentary tract diseases. E l i m i n a drugs have longer half-lives in dogs than in people. Naproxen,
tion of these disorders, in addition to the history as described, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and flunixin are particularly dan
strongly suggests bilious v o m i t i n g syndrome. gerous to dogs. Concurrent use o f more than one N S A I D or
use of an N S A I D plus a corticosteroid (especially dexameth
Treatment asone) increases the risk o f G U E . The newer C O X - 2 -
Feeding the dog an extra meal late at night to prevent the selective N S A I D s (e.g., carprofen, dericoxib, meloxicam,
stomach from being empty for long periods o f time is often etodolac) are less likely to cause G U E ; however, G U E can still
curative. If vomiting continues, a gastric prokinetic may be occur i f these drugs are used inappropriately (e.g., excessive
administered late at night to prevent reflux. dose, failure to have an adequate washout period between
use o f different N S A I D s , concurrent use of corticosteroids).
Prognosis Use o f N S A I D s i n animals with poor visceral perfusion
The prognosis is excellent. M o s t animals respond to therapy, (e.g., those i n cardiac failure, shock) may also increase the
and those that do not remain otherwise healthy. risk o f G U E . M o s t steroids pose m i n i m a l risk unless the
animal is otherwise at increased risk for G U E (e.g., anoxic
gastric mucosa due to shock or anemia). Dexamethasone,
however, is clearly ulcerogenic when used at high doses.
Mast cell tumors may release histamine (especially i f
radiation or chemotherapy is being used), which induces
gastric acid secretion. Gastrinomas are apudomas princi
pally found i n the pancreas. Usually occurring i n older
dogs and rarely i n cats, these tumors secrete gastrin, which
produces severe gastric hyperacidity, duodenal ulceration,
esophagitis, and diarrhea.
Renal failure seldom causes G U E , but hepatic failure
seems to be an important cause i n dogs. Foreign objects
rarely cause G U E , but they prevent healing and increase
blood loss from ulcers. Inflammatory bowel disease may be
associated with G U E i n dogs, although most animals with
this condition do not have these lesions. Gastric neoplasms
and other infiltrative diseases (e.g., pythiosis) may also cause
G U E (see p. 438) Tumors are especially important as a cause
in cats and older dogs.

Clinical Features
G U E is more c o m m o n in dogs than i n cats. Anorexia may
be the principal sign. If vomiting occurs, b l o o d (i.e., fresh or
digested) may or may not be present. A n e m i a and/or hypo FIG 3 2 - 6
proteinemia occasionally occur and cause signs (i.e., edema, C o n t r a s t v e n t r o d o r s a l r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g w i t h persistent
pale mucous membranes, weakness, dyspnea). Melena may v o m i t i n g . N o t e the small " s l i v e r " representing retention of
occur i f there is severe b l o o d loss within a short period of b a r i u m in the r e g i o n of the pylorus (arrows). This a r e a of
contrast persisted o n several r a d i o g r a p h s . E n d o s c o p y a n d
time. Most affected dogs, even those with severe G U E , do not
s u r g e r y c o n f i r m e d a l a r g e ulcer that h a d p e r f o r a t e d a n d
demonstrate pain during abdominal palpation. Perforation s p o n t a n e o u s l y s e a l e d . This r a d i o g r a p h demonstrates h o w
is associated with signs o f septic peritonitis (see p. 476). difficult r a d i o g r a p h i c d i a g n o s i s o f gastrointestinal ulceration
Some ulcers perforate and seal over before generalized peri can be.
tonitis occurs. In such cases a small abscess may develop at
the site, causing abdominal pain, anorexia, and/or vomiting.
Diagnosis Therapy depends on the severity o f G U E and whether an
A presumptive diagnosis of G U E is usually based on finding underlying cause is detected. Animals with suspected G U E
evidence of gastrointestinal b l o o d loss (e.g., hematemesis, that is not obviously life threatening (i.e., there is no evi
melena, iron-deficiency anemia) i n an animal without a dence of severe anemia, shock, sepsis, severe abdominal pain,
coagulopathy. The history and physical examination may or severe depression) may first be treated symptomatically if
identify an obvious cause (e.g., stress, N S A I D administra the clinician believes that he or she knows the cause.
tion, mast cell tumor). Perforation may cause peritonitis and Symptomatic therapy (e.g., H receptor antagonists, 2

signs of an acute abdomen and sepsis. Because mast cell proton p u m p inhibitors, sucralfate, parenteral fluids, with
tumors may resemble almost any cutaneous lesion, all cuta holding food) is often successful. Eliminating the underlying
neous masses or nodules should be evaluated cytologically. etiology (e.g., N S A I D s , shock) is important, and any gastric
Hepatic failure is usually diagnosed on the basis of the serum foreign objects present should be removed. If appropriate
biochemistry profile. Contrast radiographs are diagnostic for medical therapy is unsuccessful after 5 or 6 days, or i f the
foreign objects and sometimes for G U E (Fig. 32-6). Ultraso animal has life-threatening bleeding despite appropriate
nography sometimes detects gastric thickening (such as medical therapy, the ulcer(s) should usually be resected. The
would be seen in infiltrated lesions) and/or mucosal defects. stomach should be examined endoscopically before surgery
Endoscopy is the most sensitive and specific tool for diagnos to determine the number and location of the ulcers; it is
ing G U E (see Figs. 29-18 to 29-21) and, i n conjunction with surprisingly easy to miss ulcers during laparotomy.
biopsy, can be used to diagnose tumors (see Fig. 29-20), In animals with gastrinomas, H -receptor antagonist 2

foreign bodies (see Fig. 29-24), and inflammation that may therapy is often palliative for months. Animals with high
cause ulcers. Endoscopic findings may also suggest a gastri serum gastrin concentrations may require more potent
noma if duodenal erosions are found. Serum gastrin concen and/or higher doses o f H receptor antagonists (e.g., famoti

trations should be measured i f a gastrinoma is suspected or dine) or the more potent proton p u m p inhibitors (see
if there are no other likely causes. Table 30-4).
Prevention of G U E is preferable to treatment, and ratio scopically. W h e n biopsy of such lesions is performed endo
nal N S A I D and steroid therapy are especially important. scopically, the sample must be deep enough to ensure that
Sucralfate (Carafate; see Table 30-5) and H receptor antag
2 submucosal tissue is included. Furthermore, scirrhous
onists (see Table 30-4) have been used i n an attempt to adenocarcinomas may be so dense that the clinician cannot
prevent G U E i n dogs receiving N S A I D s and steroids; however, obtain diagnostic biopsy specimens with flexible endoscopic
there is no good evidence that these drugs are effective for forceps. Mucosal lymphomas and nonscirrhous adenocarci
this purpose i n dogs and cats. M i s o p r o s t o l (see Table 30-5) nomas often produce G U E , and endoscopically obtained
is designed to prevent N S A I D - i n d u c e d ulceration and is tissue samples are usually diagnostic. Polyps are usually
more effective than H receptor antagonists or sucralfate.
2 obvious endoscopically, but a biopsy specimen should always
However, it is not uniformly successful. be obtained and evaluated to ensure that adenocarcinoma is
not present.
The prognosis is favorable i f the underlying cause can be Treatment
controlled and i f therapy prevents perforation of the ulcer. M o s t adenocarcinomas are advanced before clinical signs
are obvious, making complete surgical excision difficult or
impossible. Leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas are more
INFILTRATIVE GASTRIC DISEASES likely to be resectable than adenocarcinomas. Gastroduode
nostomy may palliate gastric outflow obstruction caused by
NEOPLASMS an unresectable tumor. Chemotherapy is rarely helpful
except for dogs and cats with lymphoma.
Neoplastic infiltrations (e.g., adenocarcinoma, lymphoma, Prognosis
leiomyomas, and leiomyosarcomas in dogs; l y m p h o m a i n The prognosis for adenocarcinomas and lymphomas is poor
cats) may produce G U E through direct mucosal disruption. unless they are detected very early. Leiomyomas and leio
Gastric l y m p h o m a is typically a diffuse lesion but can myosarcomas, i f diagnosed relatively early, are often cured
produce masses. The cause and significance of benign gastric surgically. It does not appear to be necessary to resect gastric
polyps are u n k n o w n . They seem to occur more c o m m o n l y polyps unless they are causing outflow obstruction.
in the antrum.
Clinical Features
Dogs and cats with gastric tumors are usually asymptomatic Etiology
until the disease is advanced. Anorexia (not vomiting) is the Pythiosis is a fungal infection caused by Pythium insidiosum.
most c o m m o n initial sign. V o m i t i n g caused by gastric neo This species is principally found in the G u l f coast area of the
plasia usually signifies advanced disease or gastric outflow southeastern U n i t e d States. A n y area of the alimentary tract
obstruction. Adenocarcinomas are typically infiltrative and or skin may be affected. The fungus typically causes intense
decrease emptying by impairing motility and/or obstructing submucosal infiltration of fibrous connective tissue and a
the outflow tract. Weight loss is c o m m o n l y caused by nutri purulent, eosinophilic, granulomatous inflammation causing
ent loss or cancer cachexia syndrome. Hematemesis occa G U E . Such infiltration prevents peristalsis, causing stasis.
sionally occurs, but leiomyomas seem to be the tumor most
likely to cause severe acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Clinical Features
Other bleeding gastric tumors are more likely to cause iron Pythiosis principally affects dogs, typically causing vomiting,
deficiency anemia even i f gastrointestinal blood loss is not anorexia, diarrhea, and/or weight loss. Because gastric
obvious. Polyps rarely cause signs unless they obstruct the outflow obstruction occurs frequently, vomiting is common.
pylorus. Colonic involvement may cause tenesmus and hematochezia.

Diagnosis Diagnosis
Iron deficiency anemia i n a dog or cat without obvious b l o o d Diagnosis requires serology or seeing the organism cyto
loss suggests gastrointestinal bleeding, often caused by a logically or histologically. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent
tumor. Plain and contrast imaging may reveal gastric wall assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are
thickening, decreased motility, and/or mucosal irregularities. available to look for antibodies or antigen, respectively.
The only sign of submucosal adenocarcinoma may be failure Biopsy samples should include the submucosa because the
of one area to dilate (see Fig. 32-2, C ) . Ultrasound-guided organism is more likely to be there than in the mucosa. Such
aspiration of thickened areas i n the gastric wall may produce diagnostic biopsy specimens can be procured by way of rigid
cytologic preparations that are diagnostic for adenocarci endoscopy; however, because of the dense nature of the
noma or lymphoma. Endoscopically, such areas may appear infiltrate, a sufficiently deep sample can rarely be obtained
as multiple mucosal folds extending into the lumen without by flexible endoscopy. Cytologic analysis of a tissue sample
ulceration or erosion. Some tumors will be obvious endo obtained by scraping an excised piece of submucosa with a
scalpel blade may be diagnostic; fungal hyphae that do not Graham JP et al: Ultrasonographic features of canine gastrointes
stain and appear as "ghosts" with typical Romanowsky-type tinal pythiosis, Vet Radiol Ultra 41:273, 2000.
stains are strongly supportive of a diagnosis. The organisms Grooters A M et al: Development of a nested polymerase chain
may be sparse and difficult to find histologically, even i n reaction assay for the detection and identification of Pythium
insidiosum, J Vet Intern Med 16:147, 2002.
large tissue samples.
Grooters A M et al: Development and evaluation of an enzyme-
Treatment linked immunosorbent assay for the serodiagnosis of pythiosis
in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 16:142, 2002.
Complete surgical excision provides the best chance for cure. Hensel P et al: Immunotherapy for treatment of multicentric cuta
Itraconazole (5 mg/kg administered orally q l 2 h ) or liposo neous pythiosis in a dog, J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:215, 2003.
mal amphotericin B (2.2 mg/kg/treatment) with or without Hilton LE et al: Spontaneous gastroduodenal perforation in 16
terebinifin may benefit some animals for varying periods of dogs and seven cats (1982-1999), I Am Anim Hosp Assoc 38:176,
time. Immunotherapy has recently become available, but 2002.
critical evaluation of the efficacy of this therapy is not cur Lamb CR et al: Ultrasonographic appearance of primary gastric
rently available neoplasia in 21 dogs, J Small Anim Pract 40:211, 1999.
Lascelles B et al: Gastrointestinal tract perforation in dogs treated
Prognosis with a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor: 29 cases (2002-2003),
/ Am Vet Med Assoc 2271112, 2005.
Pythiosis often spreads to or involves structures that cannot
Liptak JM et al: Gastroduodenal ulceration in cats: eight cases and
be surgically removed (e.g., root of the mesentery, pancreas
a review of the literature, / Pel Med Surg 4:27, 2002.
surrounding the bile duct), resulting i n a grim prognosis. Neiger R et al: Gastric mucosal lesions in dogs with acute interver
tebral disc disease: characterization and effects of omeprazole or
Suggested Readings misoprostol, / Vet Intern Med 14:33, 2000.
Beck JJ et al: Risk factors associated with short-term outcome and Neiger R et al: Helicobacter infection in dogs and cats: facts and
development of perioperative complications in dogs undergoing fiction, / Vet Intern Med 14:125, 2000.
surgery because of gastric dilatation-volvulus: 166 cases (1992- Peters R et al: Histopathologic features of canine uremic gastropa-
2003), J Am Vet Med Assoc 229:1934, 2006. thy: a retrospective study, / Vet Intern Med 19:315, 2005.
Bergh MS et al: The coxib NSAIDs: potential clinical and pharma Raghavan M et al: Diet-related risk factors for gastric dilatation-
cologic importance in veterinary medicine, / Vet Intern Med volvulus in dogs of high-risk breeds, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc
19:633, 2005. 40:192-203, 2004.
Boston SE et al: Endoscopic evaluation of the gastroduodenal Raghavan M et al: The effect of ingredients in dry dog foods on the
mucosa to determine the safety of short-term concurrent admin - risk of gastric dilatation-volvulus in dogs, I Am Anim Hosp Assoc
stration of meloxicam and dexamethasone in healthy dogs, Am 42:28, 2006.
J Vet Res 64:1369, 2003. Rawlings C A et al: Prospective evaluation of laparoscopic-assisted
Buber T et al: Evaluation of lidocaine treatment and risk factors for gastropexy in dogs susceptible to gastric dilatation, J Am Vet Med
death associated with gastric dilatation and volvulus in dogs: 112 Assoc 221:1576, 2002.
cases (1997-2005), J Am Vet Med Assoc 230:1334, 2007. Sennello K et al: Effects of deracoxib or buffered aspirin on the
Cohen M et al: Gastrointestinal leiomyosarcoma in 14 dogs, / Vet gastric mucosa of healthy dogs, / Vet Intern Med 20:1291,
Intern Med 17:107, 2003. 2006.
Davis MS et al: Efficacy of omeprazole for the prevention of exer Simpson K at al: The relationship of Helicobacter spp. infection
cise-induced gastritis in racing alaskan sled dogs, /Vet Intern Med to gastric disease in dogs and cats, / Vet Inter Med 14:223,
17:163, 2003. 2000.
de Papp E et al: Plasma lactate concentration as a predictor of Steelman-Szymeczek SJ et al: Clinical evaluation of a right-sided
gastric necrosis and survival among dogs with gastric dilatation- prophylactic gastropexy via a grid approach, / Am Anim Hosp
volvulus: 102 cases (1995-1998), I Am Vet Med Assoc 215:49, 1999. Assoc 39:397, 2003.
Dowers K et al: Effect of short-term sequential adminstration of Swan H M et al: Canine gastric adenocarcinoma and leiomyosar
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the stomach and prox coma: a retrospective study of 21 cases (1986-1999) and litera
imal portion of the duodenum in healthy dogs, Am } Vet Res ture reveiw, } Am Anim Hosp Assoc 38:157, 2002.
67:1794, 2006. Tarns TR: Endoscopic removal of gastrointestinal foreign bodies. In
Easton S: A retrospective study into the effects of operator experi Tarns TR, editor: Small animal endoscopy, ed 2, St Louis, 1999,
ence on the accuracy of ultrasound in the diagnosis of gastric Mosby.
neoplasia in dogs, Vet Radiol Ultra 42:47, 2001. Waldrop JE et al: Packed red blood cell tranfusions in dogs with
Eggertsdottir A V et al: Comparison of the recurrence rate of gastric gastrointestinal hemorrhage: 55 cases (1999-2001), J Am Anim
dilatation with or without volvulus in dogs after circumcostal Hosp Assoc 39:523, 2003.
gastropexy versus gastrocolopexy, Vet Surg 30:546, 2001. Ward D M et al: The effect of dosing interval on the efficacy of
Glickman LT et al: Incidence of and breed-related risk factors for misoprostol in the prevention of aspirin-induced gastric injury,
gastric dilatation-volvulus in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 216:40, / Vet Intern Med 17:282, 2003.
2000. Webb C et al: Canine gastritis, Vet Clin N Am 33:969, 2003.
Glickman LT et al: Non-dietary risk factors for gastric dilatation- Wiinberg B et al: Quantitative analysis of inflammatory and
volvulus in large and giant breed dogs, / Am Vet Med Assoc immune responses in dogs with gastritis and their relationship
217:1492, 2000. to Helicobacter spp infection, / Vet Intern Med 19:4, 2005.
C H A P T E R 33

Disorders of the
Intestinal Tract

Small Intestinal Inflammatory Bowel Disease

CHAPTER OUTLINE Large Intestinal Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Granulomatous Enteritis/Gastritis
ACUTE DIARRHEA Immunoproliferative Enteropathy in Basenjis
Acute Enteritis Enteropathy in Chinese Shar-Peis
Dietary-Induced Diarrhea Causes of Protein-Losing Enteropathy
INFECTIOUS DIARRHEA Intestinal Lymphangiectasia
Canine Parvoviral Enteritis Protein-Losing Enteropathy in Soft-Coated Wheaten
Feline Parvoviral Enteritis Terriers
Canine Coronaviral Enteritis F U N C T I O N A L INTESTINAL DISEASE
Feline Coronaviral Enteritis Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Feline Leukemia Virus-Associated Panleukopenia INTESTINAL O B S T R U C T I O N
(Myeloblastopenia) Simple Intestinal Obstruction
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Incarcerated Intestinal Obstruction
Diarrhea Mesenteric Torsion/Volvulus
Salmon Poisoning/Elokomin Fluke Fever Linear Foreign Objects
Campylobacteriosis M I S C E L L A N E O U S INTESTINAL DISEASES
Salmonellosis Short Bowel Syndrome
Clostridial Diseases N E O P L A S M S O F THE SMALL INTESTINE
Miscellaneous Bacteria Alimentary L y m p h o m a
Histoplasmosis Intestinal Adenocarcinoma
Protothecosis Intestinal Leiomyoma/Leiomyosarcoma
Whipworms Acute Colitis/Proctitis
Roundworms C h r o n i c Colitis
Hookworms I N T U S S U S C E P T I O N / P R O L A P S E O F THE LARGE
Strongyloidiasis Cecocolic Intussusception
Coccidiosis Rectal Prolapse
Giardiasis Adenocarcinoma
Trichomoniasis Rectal Polyps
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency PERINEAL/PERIANAL DISEASES
Antibiotic-Responsive Enteropathy Perianal Fistulae
Dietary-Responsive Disease A n a l Sacculitis
PERIANAL NEOPLASMS direct fecal examinations are always indicated because
Anal Sac (Apocrine Gland) Adenocarcinoma parasites may worsen the problem, even when they are not
Perianal Gland Tumors the m a i n cause. The need for other diagnostic procedures
CONSTIPATION depends o n the severity of the illness and o n whether the risk
Pelvic Canal Obstruction Caused by Malaligned Healing of contagion exists. Clinically m i l d enteritis is usually treated
of O l d Pelvic Fractures symptomatically, with few diagnostic tests being performed.
Benign Rectal Stricture If the animal is febrile, has hemorrhagic stools, is part o f an
Dietary Indiscretion Leading to Constipation outbreak of enteritis, or is particularly i l l , then additional
Idiopathic Megacolon tests (e.g., complete b l o o d count [ C B C ] to identify neutro
penia, fecal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
for canine parvovirus, serologic analysis for feline leukemia
virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV),
ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE CHAPTER blood glucose to identify hypoglycemia, and serum electro
lytes to detect hypokalemia) are indicated. A b d o m i n a l
ARE: Antibiotic-responsive enteropathy (previously k n o w n radiographs and/or ultrasonography should be evaluated i f
as small intestinal bacterial overgrowthIBO) abdominal pain, masses, obstruction, or foreign body are
CPV: Canine parvovirus suspected.
EGE: Eosinophilic gastroenteritis
EHEC: Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Treatment
EPI: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency Symptomatic therapy usually suffices. The cause is usually
FeLV: Feline leukemia virus u n k n o w n or is a virus for w h i c h there is no specific therapy.
FIV: Feline immunodeficiency virus The goal of symptomatic therapy is reestablishment of fluid,
GDV: Gastric dilation and volvulus electrolyte, and acid-base homeostasis. A n i m a l s with severe
GUE: Gastric ulceration/erosion dehydration (i.e., >8% to 10% as determined by sunken eyes;
HES: Hypereosinophilic syndrome fast, weak pulse; and marked depression; or a history of
IBD: Inflammatory bowel disease significant fluid loss coupled w i t h inadequate fluid intake)
IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome should receive intravenous fluids, whereas fluids adminis
IL: Intestinal lymphangiectasia tered orally or subcutaneously usually suffice for patients
LPC: Lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis that are less severely dehydrated. Potassium supplementation
LPE: Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis is usually indicated, but bicarbonate is rarely needed. O r a l
PCR: Polymerase chain reaction rehydration is sometimes useful i n allowing home manage
PLE: Protein-losing enteropathy ment of animals, especially when litters of young animals are
affected. (See the discussion o n fluid, electrolyte, and acid-
base therapy i n Chapter 30 for details.)
ACUTE DIARRHEA Antidiarrheals are seldom necessary except when exces
sive fecal losses make maintenance of fluid and electrolyte
ACUTE ENTERITIS balance difficult, but they are often requested by clients.
Opiates are usually the most effective antidiarrheals. Bismuth
Etiology subsalicylate (see Table 30-6) is useful i n stopping diarrhea
Acute enteritis can be caused by infectious agents, poor diet, in dogs with m i l d to moderate enteritis. However, absorp
abrupt dietary changes, inappropriate foods, additives (e.g., tion of the salicylate may cause nephrotoxicity i n some
chemicals), and/or parasites. Except for parvovirus, para animals (especially when combined with other potentially
sites, and obvious dietary indiscretions, the cause is rarely nephrotoxic drugs), and many dogs dislike the taste. Cats
diagnosed because most affected animals spontaneously rarely need these medications. (See the discussion on drugs
improve, although supportive therapy may be needed. that prolong intestinal transit time i n Chapter 30.) If anti
diarrheals are needed for more than 2 to 5 days, the animal
Clinical Features should be carefully reassessed.
Diarrhea of unknown cause occurs commonly, especially i n Severe intestinal inflammation often causes v o m i t i n g that
puppies and kittens. Signs consist of diarrhea with or without is difficult to control. Central-acting antiemetics (e.g., dol
vomiting, dehydration, fever, anorexia, depression, crying, asteron, ondansetron, maropitant, or prochlorperazine; see
and/or abdominal pain. Very young animals may become Table 30-3) are more likely to be effective than peripheral-
hypothermic, hypoglycemic, and stuporous. acting drugs. The animal should be well hydrated before
receiving phenothiazine derivatives, which dilate b l o o d
Diagnosis vessels and can produce hypotension.
History and physical and fecal examinations are used to Although food is typically withheld from animals with
identify possible causes. Fecal flotation (preferably a cen severe enteritis to "rest" the intestinal tract, such starvation
trifugal flotation using zinc sulfate flotation solution) and may be detrimental. Administering even small amounts of
food to the intestines helps them recover sooner and prevent may exhibit symptoms o f shock early i n the course of the
breakdown of the mucosal barrier to bacteria. Denying any disease. C B C s typically reveal a neutrophilic leukocytosis,
oral intake is occasionally necessary i n animals i n w h i c h often with a left shift and sometimes with white blood
eating causes severe vomiting or explosive diarrhea with sub cell ( W B C ) toxicity.
stantial fluid loss. However, if feeding does not make the pet's
vomiting and diarrhea much worse, feeding small amounts Diagnosis
of food is probably more beneficial than withholding food. Exclusion o f other causes by history and physical examina
Frequent, small feedings o f easily digested, nonirritative tion coupled with severe W B C changes (e.g., toxicity, left
foods (e.g., cottage cheese, boiled chicken, potato) is the shift) o n the C B C allow for presumptive diagnosis. The pet
most c o m m o n approach. If food must be withheld, it should should be checked for intestinal parasites, which may be
be reoffered as soon as possible. Some animals w i t h severe contributing to the problem. Fecal cultures are rarely useful
enteritis may need parenteral nutrition to establish a positive diagnostically.
nitrogen balance.
If the animal is febrile or neutropenic or has systemic Treatment
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (e.g., septic shock), These patients typically need aggressive intravenous (IV)
broad-spectrum systemic antibiotics (e.g., -lactam antibi fluid therapy plus broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy (e.g.,
otic plus an aminoglycoside) are indicated (see the discus ticarcillin plus clavulinic acid). The serum albumin concen
sion of drugs used i n gastrointestinal disorders, pp. 409-410). tration must be monitored and colloids given i f needed.
The clinician should observe for hypoglycemia, especially i n Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) may require
young animals. A d d i n g dextrose (2.5% to 5%) to the intra plasma and/or heparin therapy.
venous fluids or administering an intravenous bolus o f
50% dextrose (2 to 5 ml/kg) may be necessary to counter Prognosis
hypoglycemia. The prognosis depends on how i l l the patient is at
If the cause o f the diarrhea is u n k n o w n , the clinician presentation.
should assume it to be infectious and disinfect the premises
accordingly. Bleach diluted i n water (i.e., 1:32) destroys par DIETARY-INDUCED DIARRHEA
vovirus and many other infectious agents causing diarrhea.
Animals must not be injured by inappropriate contact with Etiology
such disinfectants. Personnel c o m i n g i n contact with the Dietary causes o f diarrhea are c o m m o n , especially in young
animals, cages, and litter should wear protective clothing animals. Poor-quality ingredients (e.g., rancid fat), bacterial
(e.g., boots, gloves, gowns) that can be discarded or disin enterotoxins or mycotoxins, allergy or intolerance to ingre
fected when leaving the area. dients, or inability o f the animal to digest normal foods
After the enteropathy appears to be clinically resolved, the are c o m m o n causes. The latter mechanism revolves around
animal is gradually returned to its n o r m a l diet over a 5- to intestinal brush border enzymes that are produced in
10-day period. If this change is associated with more diar response to the presence of substrates (e.g., disaccharidases).
rhea, then the switch is postponed for another 5 days. If the diet is suddenly changed, some animals (especially
puppies and kittens) are unable to digest or absorb certain
Prognosis nutrients until the intestinal brush border adapts to the new
The prognosis depends o n the animal's condition and can diet. Other animals may never be able to produce the neces
be influenced by its age and other gastrointestinal (GI) prob sary enzymes (e.g., lactase) to digest certain nutrients (e.g.,
lems. V e r y young or emaciated animals and those with SIRS lactose).
or substantial intestinal parasite burdens have a more guarded
prognosis. Intussusception may occur secondary to acute Clinical Features
enteritis, thus worsening the prognosis. Diet-induced diarrhea occurs i n both dogs and cats. The
diarrhea tends to reflect small intestinal dysfunction (i.e.,
ENTEROTOXEMIA there is usually no fecal b l o o d or mucus) unless there is
colonic involvement. The diarrhea usually starts shortly after
Etiology the new diet is initiated (e.g., 1 to 3 days) and is m i l d to
The cause is assumed to be bacterial, although causative moderate i n severity. Affected animals infrequently have
organisms are almost never isolated. other signs unless parasites or complicating factors are present.

Clinical Features Diagnosis

A n acute onset o f severe, often mucoid-bloody diarrhea that History and physical and fecal examinations are used to
may be associated with v o m i t i n g is typical. In severe cases eliminate other c o m m o n causes. If diarrhea occurs shortly
mucus casts o f the intestines are expelled, making it appear after a suspected or k n o w n dietary change (e.g., after the pet
as if the intestinal mucosa is being lost. In contrast to animals is brought home), a tentative diagnosis of diet-induced
with acute enteritis, these patients usually feel quite i l l and disease is reasonable. However, the pet may also be showing
the first clinical signs of a recently acquired infection. The bacterial infection, especially i f a damaged intestinal tract
animal should always be checked for intestinal parasites allows bacteria access to the body. Fever and/or septic shock
because they may contribute to the problem even when they (i.e., systemic inflammatory response syndrome) are
are not the principal cause. c o m m o n i n severely i l l dogs but are often absent i n less
severely affected animals. Puppies that are infected in utero
Treatment or before 8 weeks o f age may develop myocarditis.
A bland diet (e.g., boiled potato plus boiled skinless chicken)
fed in multiple, small feedings (see p. 397) usually causes Diagnosis
resolution of the diarrhea i n 1 to 3 days. Once the diarrhea Diagnosis is often tentatively made on the basis o f history
resolves, the diet can be gradually changed back to the pet's and physical examination findings. Neutropenia is suggestive
regular diet. but is neither sensitive nor specific for canine parvovirus
enteritis; salmonellosis or any overwhelming infection can
Prognosis cause similar changes i n the C B C . Regardless o f whether
The prognosis is usually excellent, unless a very young animal diarrhea occurs, infected dogs shed large numbers o f viral
with m i n i m a l nutritional reserves becomes emaciated, dehy 9
particles i n the feces (i.e., >10 particles/g). Therefore E L I S A
drated, or hypoglycemic. for C P V - 2 i n the feces is the best diagnostic test. Vaccination
with a modified live parvoviral vaccine may cause a weak
positive result for 5 to 15 days after vaccination. However,
INFECTIOUS DIARRHEA the E L I S A results may be negative i f the assay is performed
early i n the clinical course o f the disease, and the clinician
CANINE PARVOVIRAL ENTERITIS should not hesitate to repeat this test i n dogs that seem
likely to have parvoviral enteritis but that initially have
Etiology negative findings. Shedding decreases rapidly and may be
There are two types o f parvoviruses that infect dogs. Canine undetectable 10 to 14 days after infection. The real advan
parvovirus-1 ( C P V - 1 ) , also k n o w n as "minute virus o f tage to testing is that either a presumptive diagnosis o f par
canines," is a relatively nonpathogenic virus that sometimes voviral enteritis is confirmed or other diseases that can
is associated with gastroenteritis, pneumonitis, and/or m y o m i m i c parvovirus but require different therapy (e.g., salmo
carditis in puppies 1 to 3 weeks old. Canine parvovirus-2 nellosis, intussusception) must be considered. Electron
(CPV-2) is responsible for classic parvoviral enteritis. C P V - 2 microscopic evaluation o f feces detects the presence o f the
usually causes signs 5 to 12 days after the dog is infected via virus; however, C P V - 1 (which is usually nonpathogenic
the fecal-oral route, and it preferentially invades and destroys except perhaps i n neonates) is morphologically indistin
rapidly dividing cells (i.e., bone marrow progenitors, intes guishable from C P V - 2 . If the dog dies, there are typical his
tinal crypt epithelium). tologic lesions (i.e., crypt necrosis), and fluorescent antibody
and in situ hydridization techniques can establish a definitive
Clinical Features diagnosis.
The virus has mutated since it was first recognized, and the
most recently recognized mutations, C P V - 2 b , may be more Treatment
pathogenic in some dogs. C P V - 2 b and the even more recently Treatment of canine parvoviral enteritis is fundamentally the
identified C P V - 2 c can also infect cats. The clinical signs same as for any severe, acute, infectious enteritis (see p. 441).
depend on the virulence of the virus, the size o f the inocu F l u i d and electrolyte therapy is crucial and is typically c o m
lum, the host's defenses, the age of the pup, and the presence bined with antibiotics (Box 33-1). M o s t dogs will live i f they
of other enteric pathogens (e.g., parasites). D o b e r m a n can be supported long enough. However, very young puppies,
Pinschers, Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Labrador Retrievers, and dogs i n severe septic shock, and certain breeds seem to have
German Shepherd dogs may be more susceptible than other more problems and may have a more guarded prognosis.
breeds. Viral destruction o f intestinal crypts may produce Mistakes include inadequate fluid therapy (common), over-
villus collapse, diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal bleeding, and zealous fluid administration (especially i n dogs with severe
subsequent bacterial invasion; however, some animals have hypoproteinemia), failure to administer glucose to hypogly
m i l d or even subclinical disease. M a n y dogs are initially pre cemic patients, failure to supplement adequate potassium,
sented because of depression, anorexia, and/or v o m i t i n g unrecognized sepsis, and unsuspected concurrent G I disease
(which can resemble foreign object ingestion) without diar (e.g., parasites, intussusception).
rhea. Diarrhea is often absent for the first 24 to 48 hours o f If the serum a l b u m i n concentration is less than 2.0 g/dl,
illness and may not be bloody i f and when it does occur. it is advantageous to administer plasma. Colloids such as
Intestinal protein loss may occur secondary to inflammation, hetastarch may be substituted for plasma, but they do not
causing hypoalbuminemia. V o m i t i n g is usually prominent contain antibodies that might be beneficial. Antibiotic
and may be severe enough to cause esophagitis. Damage to therapy is needed i f evidence o f infection (i.e., fever, septic
bone marrow progenitors may produce transient or pro shock) exists or there is risk o f infection (i.e., severe neutro
longed neutropenia, making the animal susceptible to serious penia). If the animal is neutropenic but afebrile, the a d m i n -
444 P A R T III Digestive System Disorders

BOX 33-1

General Guidelines for Treatment of Canine Parvoviral Enteritis*

Fluids Dogs W i t h S e c o n d a r y Esophagitis

Administer balanced electrolyte solution w i t h 3 0 - 4 0 mEq If r e g u r g i t a t i o n occurs in a d d i t i o n t o v o m i t i n g , administer:

potassium c h l o r i d e / L . H -receptor antagonists (injectable)

Calculate maintanence requirements (i.e., 66 ml/kg/day Sucralfate (Carafate) slurry

with dogs < 5 k g needing u p to 8 0 m l / k g / d a y ) .
Special N u t r i t i o n a l T h e r a p y
Estimate deficit (better t o slightly overestimate rather than
underestimate the deficit). Try t o feed d o g small amounts as soon as feeding does not
Dogs w i t h v e r y m i l d cases m a y receive subcutaneous fluids cause major e x a c e r b a t i o n in v o m i t i n g .
(intravenous fluids still p r e f e r r e d ) , but w a t c h f o r sudden " M i c r o e n t e r a l " nutrition (slow d r i p o f enteral diet adminis
w o r s e n i n g o f the disease. tered v i a n a s o e s o p h a g e a l tube) if d o g refuses to eat a n d
Dogs w i t h m o d e r a t e to severe cases should receive fluids v i a a d m i n i s t r a t i o n does not m a k e v o m i t i n g w o r s e
intravenous o r i n t r a m e d u l l a r y route. Administer parenteral nutrition if prolonged anorexia
A d d 2 . 5 % - 5 % dextrose t o the intravenous fluids if h y p o g l y occurs
cemia o r systemic i n f l a m m a t o r y response s y n d r o m e is Peripheral parenteral nutrition is more convenient than
present o r is a risk. total parenteral nutrition
A d m i n i s t e r p l a s m a o r hetastarch if d o g has serum a l b u m i n
M o n i t o r Physical Status
<2.0 g / d l .
Plasma: 6 - 1 0 m l / k g over 4 hours; r e p e a t until the desired Physical e x a m i n a t i o n (1-3 times per d a y d e p e n d i n g on sever
serum a l b u m i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n is a t t a i n e d ity o f signs)
Hetastarch: 1 0 - 2 0 m l / k g B o d y w e i g h t (1-2 times p e r d a y t o assess c h a n g e s in hydra
tion status)
Antibiotics Potassium (every 1-2 d a y s d e p e n d i n g on severity of v o m i t i n g /
A d m i n i s t e r t o f e b r i l e o r severely neutropenic d o g s . diarrhea)
Prophylactic a n t i b i o t i c s f o r n o n f e b r i l e neutropenic patients Serum protein (every 1-2 d a y s d e p e n d i n g o n severity o f
(e.g., cefazolin). signs)
Broad-spectrum antibiotics f o r f e b r i l e , neutropenic patients Glucose (every 4 - 1 2 hours in d o g s that have systemic
( e . g . , t i c a r c i l l i n / c l a v u l i n i c a c i d plus a m i k a c i n ) . inflammatory response syndrome or were initially
Packed cell v o l u m e (every 1-2 days)
G i v e n if n e e d e d : W h i t e b l o o d cell count: either actual count or estimated from
Serotonin receptor antagonists a slide (every 1-2 d a y s in febrile animals)
C o n t r o v e r s i a l Therapies
M a r o p i t a n t (minimal clinical e x p e r i e n c e at the time o f this Recominant feline IFN-: O n e report suggests that this
writing) t h e r a p y w a s useful.
M e t o c l o p r a m i d e (constant rate infusion is m o r e effective Tamiflu (anecdotally beneficial if used early in the course o f
than intermittent bolusing) the disease)
H2-receptor antagonists (for a n t i d y s p e p s i a effects) Flunixin M e g l u m i n e : Sometimes used f o r patients with sys
Famotidine temic i n f l a m m a t o r y response s y n d r o m e , but perforation
a n d b l e e d i n g a r e significant risks.

Pyrantel (should b e g i v e n after feeding)

Ivermectin (this d r u g is a b s o r b e d in the o r a l mucous m e m b r a
nes; d o not g i v e t o breeds that a r e likely to h a v e adverse
effects, such as C o l l i e s , O l d English S h e e p d o g s , etc.)

* T h e same guidelines generally a p p l y to d o g s with other causes o f acute enteritis/gastritis,

U s u a l l y t h e first c o n s i d e r a t i o n s w h e n a n a n i m a l is p r e s e n t e d .
A h i s t o r y o f d e c r e a s e d i n t a k e plus i n c r e a s e d loss such a s v o m i t i n g a n d / o r d i a r r h e a c o n f i r m s d e h y d r a t i o n , r e g a r d l e s s o f w h e t h e r d o g
appears to be dehydrated.

istration o f a first-generation cephalosporin is reasonable. If noglycosides should not be administered until the patient is
the a n i m a l is i n septic shock (i.e., systemic inflammatory rehydrated and renal perfusion is re-established. C a u t i o n
response syndrome), then an antibiotic c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h a should be used when administering enrofloxacin to young,
broad aerobic and anerobic spectrum is recommended (e.g., large-breed dogs lest cartilage damage occur. Severe vomit
ticarcillin or a m p i c i l l i n plus a m i k a c i n or enrofloxacin). A m i ing complicates therapy and may require administration of
dolasetron, ondansetron, or maropitant (see Table 30-3). If than 5 weeks o f age or those suspected o f incubating or being
esophagitis occurs, H -receptor antagonists may be useful
2 affected with distemper.
(see Table 30-4). H u m a n granulocyte colony-stimulating If parvoviral enteritis develops i n one dog i n a multiple-
factor (G-CSF) (5 g/kg q24h) to increase neutrophil dog household, it is reasonable to administer booster vac
numbers and tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) (2 mg/kg q l 2 - cinations to the other dogs, preferably using an inactivated
24h) to combat the virus have been advocated; however, vaccine i n case they are incubating the infection at the time
there is no evidence that either substantively benefits the of i m m u n i z a t i o n . If the client is bringing a puppy into a
patient. Flunixin meglamine has been suggested for patients house with a dog that has recently had parvoviral enteritis,
in septic shock, but care must be taken lest iatrogenic the puppy should be kept elsewhere until it has received its
ulceration/perforation occurs. Recombinant feline IFN- immunizations.
(2.5 x 10 units per kg) has been suggested to improve the
chance of survival. Prognosis
If possible, feeding small amounts of liquid diet via a Dogs treated i n a timely fashion with proper therapy
nasoesophageal (NE) tube seems to help the intestines to typically live, especially i f they survive the first 4 days o f
heal more rapidly. A bland diet may be fed once v o m i t i n g clinical signs. The possible sequela o f intussusception
has ceased for 18 to 24 hours. Parenteral nutrition can be may cause persistent diarrhea i n pups recovering from the
life saving for patients that are persistently unable to hold viral infection. Dogs that have recovered from C P V - 2 enter
down oral food. It can be equally critical for patients itis develop long-lived i m m u n i t y that may be lifelong.
unable to accept any enteral nutrition. Partial parenteral Whether i m m u n i z a t i o n against C P V - 1 will be needed is
nutrition is easier and less expensive than total parenteral unknown.
nutrition. The dog should be kept away from other sus
ceptible animals for 2 to 4 weeks after discharge, and the FELINE P A R V O V I R A L ENTERITIS
owner should be conscientious about the disposal o f feces.
Vaccination of other dogs i n the household should be Etiology
considered. Feline parvoviral enteritis (feline distemper, feline panleuko
W h e n trying to prevent the spread o f parvoviral enteritis, penia) is caused by feline panleukopenia virus ( F P V ) , which
the clinician must remember that (1) parvovirus persists for is distinct from C V P - 2 b . However, C P V - 2 a , C P V - 2 b , and
long periods of time (i.e., months) i n the environment, C P V - 2 c can infect cats and cause disease.
making it difficult to prevent exposure; (2) asymptomatic
dogs may shed virulent C P V - 2 ; (3) maternal i m m u n i t y Clinical Features
sufficient to inactivate vaccine virus may be present i n some M a n y infected cats never show clinical signs o f disease. Signs
puppies; and (4) dilute bleach (1:32) is one of the few readily i n affected cats are usually similar to those described for
available disinfectants that kills the virus, but it can take 10 dogs with parvoviral enteritis. Kittens affected in utero may
minutes to achieve effectiveness. develop cerebellar hypoplasia.
Vaccination o f pups should generally commence at 6 to
8 weeks of age. The antigen density and immunogenicity o f Diagnosis
the vaccine as well as the amount o f antibody transferred Diagnosis is similar to that described for canine parvovirus.
from the bitch determine when the pup can be successfully The E L I S A test for fecal C P V is also a good test for feline
immunized. Inactivated vaccines generally are not as suc parvovirus. However, it is important to note that the test may
cessful as attenuated vaccines, and giving a series o f these be positive for only 1 to 2 days after infection, and by the
vaccinations seems best. Attenuated vaccines are generally time the cat is clinically ill, this test may not be able to detect
more successful i n producing a long-lasting immunity. W h e n viral shedding i n the feces.
the immune status o f the pup is u n k n o w n , administering an
attenuated vaccine at 6, 9, and 12 weeks o f age is usually Treatment
successful. If vaccination before 5 to 6 weeks of age is deemed Cats with parvoviral infection are treated m u c h i n the same
necessary, an inactivated vaccine is safer. Regardless o f the way as described for dogs with the disease. A major differ
vaccine used, it appears that there is typically a 2- to 3-week ence between dogs and cats centers o n i m m u n i z a t i o n :
window during which the pup is susceptible to parvovirus Parvoviral vaccine seems to engender a better protective
infection and yet cannot be successfully immunized. A n n u a l response i n cats than i n dogs. However, kittens younger than
revaccination is generally recommended for parvovirus, 4 weeks o f age should not be vaccinated with modified live
although it is possible that vaccination every 3 years may be virus vaccines lest cerebellar hypoplasia occur. Also, the
sufficient after the initial series as a puppy. Adults that were vaccine cannot be administered orally, but intranasal admin
previously not vaccinated usually receive two doses 2 to 4 stration is effective.
weeks apart. There is no strong evidence that parvoviral vac
cination should be given separately from modified-live Prognosis
canine distemper vaccinations. However, modified-live As with dogs, many affected cats live i f overwhelming sepsis
vaccinations should not be administered to patients younger is prevented and they can be supported long enough.
CANINE CORONAVIRAL ENTERITIS by feline parvovirus. The bone marrow and lymph nodes are
not consistently affected as they are i n cats with parvoviral
Etiology enteritis.
Canine coronaviral enteritis occurs when coronavirus
invades and destroys mature cells on the intestinal villi. Clinical Features
Because intestinal crypts remain intact, villi regenerate more C h r o n i c weight loss, vomiting, and diarrhea are c o m m o n .
quickly i n dogs with coronaviral enteritis than i n dogs with The diarrhea often has characteristics of large bowel disease.
parvoviral enteritis; bone marrow cells are not affected. A n e m i a is c o m m o n .

Clinical Features Diagnosis

Coronaviral enteritis is typically less severe than classic par Finding F e L V infection i n a cat with chronic diarrhea is sug
voviral enteritis and rarely causes hemorrhagic diarrhea, gestive. Cats are typically neutropenic. Histologic lesions of
septicemia, or death. Dogs o f any age may be infected. Signs F P V i n a cat with F e L V should be definitive.
usually last less than 1 to 1 weeks, and small or very young
dogs may die as a result o f dehydration or electrolyte abnor Treatment
malities i f they are not properly treated. D u a l infection with Symptomatic therapy (fluid/electrolyte therapy, antibiotics,
parvovirus may produce a high incidence o f m o r b i d i t y and antiemetics, and/or highly digestible bland diets as needed)
mortality. and elimination o f other problems that compromise the
intestines (e.g., parasites, poor diet) may be beneficial.
Because canine coronaviral enteritis is usually m u c h less Prognosis
severe than many other enteritides, it is seldom definitively This disease has a poor prognosis because of other FeLV-
diagnosed. M o s t dogs are treated symptomatically for acute related complications.
enteritis until they improve. Electron microscopic examina
tion o f feces obtained early i n the course o f the disease can FELINE IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS-
be diagnostic. However, the virus is fragile and easily dis ASSOCIATED DIARRHEA
rupted by inappropriate handling o f the feces. A history o f
contagion and elimination of other causes are reasons to Etiology
suspect canine coronaviral enteritis. F I V may be associated with severe, purulent colitis. The
pathogenesis is unclear and may involve multiple mechanisms.
F l u i d therapy, motility modifiers (see Chapter 30), and time Clinical Features
should resolve most cases o f coronaviral enteritis. S y m p t o m Severe large bowel disease is c o m m o n and can occasionally
atic therapy (see p. 441) is usually successful except, perhaps, result i n colonic rupture. These animals generally appear i l l ,
for very young animals. A vaccination is available but o f whereas most cats with chronic large bowel disease caused
uncertain value except, perhaps, i n animals at high risk o f by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or dietary intolerance
infection (e.g., those i n infected kennels or dog shows). seemingly feel fine.

Prognosis Diagnosis
The prognosis for recovery is usually good. Detection o f antibodies to F I V plus severe, purulent colitis
allows presumptive diagnosis.
Infections in adults are often asymptomatic, whereas kittens Treatment
may have m i l d , transient diarrhea and fever. Deaths are rare, Therapy is supportive (e.g., fluids/electrolytes, antiemetics,
and the prognosis for recovery is excellent. This disease is antibiotics, and/or highly digestible bland diets as needed).
important because (1) affected animals seroconvert and may
become positive o n feline infectious peritonitis serologic Prognosis
analysis and (2) mutation by the feline coronavirus may be The long-term prognosis is very poor, although some cats
the cause o f feline infectious peritonitis. can be maintained for months.


Etiology Salmon poisoning is caused by Neorickettsia helminthoeca.
FeLV-associated panleukopenia (myeloblastopenia) may Dogs are infected when they eat fish (primarily salmon)
actually be caused by co-infection with F e L V and F P V . infected with a fluke (Nanophyetus salmincola) that carries
The intestinal lesion histologically resembles that produced the rickettsia. The rickettsia spreads to the intestines and
most lymph nodes, causing inflammation. This disease is and using molecular techniques o n isolates to demonstrate
principally found i n the Pacific northwestern U n i t e d States toxin production.
because the snail intermediate host (Oxytrema silicula) for
N. salmincola lives there. The E l o k o m i n fluke fever agent may CAMPYLOBACTERIOSIS
be a strain of N. helminthoeca.
Clinical Features There are several species o f Campylobacter. Campylobacter
Dogs, not cats, are affected. The severity o f signs varies jejuni is the species routinely associated with G I disease,
and typically consists o f initial fever that eventually falls and although Campylobacter upsaliensis has been implicated.
becomes subnormal. Fever is followed by anorexia and These organisms prefer high temperatures (i.e., 39 to 41
weight loss, which may also involve vomiting and/or diar C); hence poultry is probably a reservoir. These organisms
rhea. The diarrhea is typically small bowel but may become are found i n the intestinal tract o f healthy dogs and cats.
Clinical Features
Diagnosis Symptomatic campylobacteriosis is principally diagnosed i n
Presumptive diagnosis is usually based o n the animal's animals younger than 6 months o l d living i n crowded c o n d i
habitat plus a history o f recent consumption o f raw fish or tions (e.g., kennels, humane shelters) or as a nosocomial
exposure to streams or lakes. Finding Nanophyetus spp. ova infection. M u c o i d diarrhea (with or without blood), anorexia,
(operculated trematode ova) i n the stool is very suggestive, and/or fever are the primary signs. Campylobacteriosis tends
and finding rickettsia i n fine-needle aspirates of enlarged to be self-limiting i n dogs, cats, and people; however, it occa
lymph nodes is confirmatory. sionally causes chronic diarrhea.

Treatment Diagnosis
Treatment consists of symptomatic control o f dehydration, Occasionally, classic Campylobacter forms may be found
vomiting, and diarrhea and elimination o f the rickettsia and during cytologic examination of a fecal smear (i.e., "commas,"
fluke. Tetracycline, oxytetracycline, doxycycline, or chloram "seagull wings"). This cytology is thought to be specific but
phenicol (see Chapter 93) eliminates the rickettsia. The fluke of uncertain sensitivity. Polymerase chain reaction ( P C R )
is killed with praziquantel (see Table 30-7). analysis o f feces is available.

Prognosis Treatment
The prognosis depends on the clinical severity at the time o f If campylobacteriosis is suspected, erythromycin (11 to
diagnosis. Most dogs respond favorably to tetracyclines and 15 mg/kg administered orally q8h) or neomycin (20 mg/kg
supportive therapy. The key to success is awareness o f the administered orally q l 2 h ) is usually effective. -lactam anti
disease. Untreated salmon poisoning has a poor prognosis. biotics (i.e., penicillins, first-generation cephalosporins) are
often ineffective. The length o f treatment necessary for cure
has not been firmly established. The animal should be treated
BACTERIAL DISEASES: for at least 1 to 3 days beyond resolution o f clinical signs;
COMMON THEMES however, antibiotic therapy may not eradicate the bacteria,
and reinfection is likely i n kennel conditions. C h r o n i c infec
The following bacterial diseases all have certain aspects i n tions may require prolonged therapy (e.g., weeks).
common. First, all of these bacteria may be found i n feces This bacterium is potentially transmissible to people, and
from clinically normal dogs and cats. Simply growing the there are cases i n w h i c h there is convincing evidence o f
bacteria or finding toxin produced by the bacteria i n the transmission from pets to people. Infected dogs and cats
patient's feces are insufficient by themselves to definitively should be isolated, and individuals w o r k i n g with the animal
diagnose intestinal disease as being caused by this particular or its environment or wastes should wear protective clothing
organism. Diagnosis can be made only by finding clinical and wash with disinfectants.
disease consistent with a particular organism, evidence of the
organism or its toxin, eliminating other causes o f the clinical Prognosis
signs, and seeing the expected response to appropriate W i t h appropriate antibiotic therapy, the prognosis for recov
therapy. If the clinician undertakes culture, it is crucial to call ery is good.
the laboratory ahead of time, tell staff members what is being
sought through culture, and follow their instructions regard SALMONELLOSIS
ing submission o f the sample.
The problems with making a diagnosis using the previ Etiology
ously mentioned criteria are obvious, and caution is war There are numerous Salmonella serotypes that may cause
ranted before making definitive statements regarding cause disease; Salmonella typhimurium is one o f the serovars that
and effect. In many cases, the best chance o f making a defin is more c o m m o n l y associated with disease. The bacteria may
itive diagnosis involves following the guidelines described originate from animals shedding the organism (e.g., infected
dogs and cats) or from contaminated foods (especially
poultry and eggs).

Clinical Features
Salmonella spp. may produce acute or chronic diarrhea,
septicemia, and/or sudden death, especially i n very young or
geriatric animals. Salmonellosis i n young animals can
produce a syndrome that closely mimics parvoviral enteritis
(including severe neutropenia), which is one reason that
E L I S A testing for parvovirus is useful. The fact that salmo
nellosis occasionally develops during or after canine parvo
viral enteritis makes the situation more confusing.

Culture of Salmonella spp. from normally sterile areas (e.g, FIG 33-1
blood) confirms that it is causing disease. Identification by Photomicrograph of air-dried canine feces stained with Diff-
P C R can be a sensitive method of diagnosis. Quik. Numerous spores are seen as clear vacuoles in darkly
stained rods. (Magnification x1000.)
Treatment depends o n the clinical signs. Animals with diar hemorrhagic diarrhea; or a chronic large bowel or small
rhea as the sole sign may need only supportive fluid therapy bowel (or both) diarrhea (with or without blood or mucus).
(including plasma i n hypoalbuminemic patients). Nonste This clostridial disease is primarily recognized in dogs.
roidal drugs (to lessen intestinal secretion) and lactulose Disease associated with C. difficile is poorly characterized in
have been used i n such patients. Antibiotics are of dubious small animals but may include large bowel diarrhea, espe
value and might promote a carrier state. Septicemic (i.e., cially after antibiotic therapy.
febrile) animals should receive supportive therapy and par
enteral antibiotics as determined by susceptibility testing, Diagnosis
but quinolones, potentiated sulfa drugs, amoxicillin, and In particular, finding spore-forming bacteria on fecal smears
chloramphenicol are often good initial choices (see the (Fig. 33-1) is not diagnostic. Commercially available toxin
discussion of drugs used i n gastrointestinal disorders, assays for C. difficile toxin have not been validated for the
pp. 409-410). Aggressive plasma therapy might be beneficial dog or cat, and results do not necessarily correlate with the
in such patients. patient's clinical condition. Determining that the patient has
Infected animals are public health risks (especially for large bowel diarrhea without weight loss or hypoalbumin
infants and older adults) and should be isolated from other emia, elimination of other causes, and resolution of signs
animals, at least until they are asymptomatic. Even when when treated appropriately (see next paragraph) is typically
signs disappear, reculturing of feces is reasonable to ensure the basis for presumptive diagnosis.
that shedding has stopped. Individuals i n contact with the
animal, its environment, and its waste should wear protective Treatment
clothing and wash with disinfectants such as phenolic c o m If C. perfringens disease is suspected, the animal may be
pounds and bleach (1:32 dilution). treated with tylosin or amoxicillin, and response is expected
shortly. Some animals are cured after a 1- to 3-week course
Prognosis of therapy. However, antibiotic treatment does not necessar
The prognosis is usually good i n animals with only diarrhea ily eliminate the bacteria, and some dogs need indefinite
but guarded i n septicemic dogs and cats. therapy. Tylosin (20 to 80 mg/kg/day, divided, ql2h) or
amoxicillin (22 mg/kg q l 2 h ) seems to be effective and yet
CLOSTRIDIAL DISEASES has m i n i m a l adverse effects i n these animals. Some animals
can eventually be maintained with once daily or every-other-
Etiology day antibiotic therapy. Some dogs with chronic diarrhea
Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile can be found seemingly caused by C. perfringens respond well to fiber-
in clinically normal dogs but appear to cause diarrhea i n supplemented diets. Metronidazole is not as consistently
some. For C. perfringens to produce disease, the bacteria effective as tylosin or amoxicillin. The prognosis is good, and
must possess the ability to produce toxin, and environmen there is no obvious public health risk, although there is anec
tal conditions must be such that toxin is produced. dotal evidence of transmission between people and dogs.
If disease caused by C. difficile is suspected, supportive fluid
Clinical Features and electrolyte therapy may be necessary depending on the
C. perfringens apparently may produce an acute, bloody, self- severity of signs. Metronidazole should be effective in killing
limiting nosocomial diarrhea; an acute, potentially fatal this bacterium, but one must be sure to use a sufficiently
high dose to achieve adequate metronidazole concentrations reticuloendothelial systems, as well as the bones and eyes.
in the feces. Vancomycin is often used to treat people with this Principally found i n animals from the Mississippi and O h i o
disease but has not generally been necessary i n dogs or cats. River valleys, it occurs i n other areas as well.

Prognosis Clinical Features

The prognosis is excellent i n dogs with diarrhea caused Alimentary tract involvement is primarily found i n dogs;
by C. perfringens but uncertain for those cases caused by diarrhea (with or without b l o o d or mucus) and weight
C. difficile. loss are c o m m o n signs. The lungs, liver, spleen, l y m p h nodes,
bone marrow, bones, and/or eyes may also be affected.
MISCELLANEOUS BACTERIA Symptomatic alimentary involvement is m u c h less c o m m o n
in cats, i n w h i c h respiratory dysfunction (e.g., dyspnea,
Etiology cough), fever, and/or weight loss are more c o m m o n .
Yersinia enterocolitica, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Plesiomo In G I histoplasmosis, the colon is usually the most severely
nas shigelloides may cause acute or chronic enterocolitis i n affected segment. Diffuse, severe, granulomatous, ulcerative
dogs and/or cats as well as i n people. However, these bacteria mucosal disease can produce bloody stool, intestinal protein
(especially the latter two) are u n c o m m o n l y diagnosed i n the loss, intermittent fever, and/or weight loss. Small intestinal
United States. Y. enterocolitica is primarily found i n cold involvement occasionally occurs. The disease may smolder
environments and i n pigs, which may serve as a reservoir. It for long periods o f time, causing m i l d to moderate, nonpro
is also a cause of food poisoning because of its ability to grow gressive signs. Occasionally, histoplasmosis causes focal
in cold temperatures. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli colonic granulomas or is present i n grossly n o r m a l -
( E H E C ) may seemingly be associated with canine and feline appearing colonic mucosa.
diarrhea, although it does not appear to be especially common.
Clinical Features Diagnosis requires finding the yeast (Fig. 33-2), although a
Small bowel diarrhea may be caused by any of these bacteria. recent test for antigen present i n urine is being evaluated.
Yersiniosis usually affects the colon and produces chronic Dogs from endemic areas with chronic large bowel diarrhea
large bowel diarrhea. Affected people report substantial are especially suspect. Protein-losing enteropathy is c o m m o n
abdominal pain. in dogs with severe histoplasmosis, and hypoalbuminemia
i n dogs with large bowel disease is suggestive o f the disease,
Diagnosis regardless o f the location.
Animals with persistent colitis, especially those that Rectal examination sometimes reveals thickened rectal
are i n contact with pigs, may reasonably be cultured for folds, which can easily be scraped w i t h a dull curette or
Y. enterocolitica. syringe cap to obtain material for cytologic prepara
tions. Evaluation o f colonic biopsy specimens is usually
Treatment diagnostic, but special stains may be necessary. Mesenteric
Therapy is supportive. The affected animal should be iso l y m p h node samples or repeated colonic biopsy is rarely
lated from other animals. People i n contact with the animal required. Fundic examination occasionally reveals active
and/or its environment and wastes should wear protective chorioretinitis. A b d o m i n a l radiographs might reveal hepa
clothing and clean themselves with disinfectants. A l t h o u g h tosplenomegaly, and thoracic radiographs sometimes
antibiotics intuitively seem indicated, their use has not demonstrate pulmonary involvement (e.g., miliary inter
shortened clinical disease caused by E H E C . Nonetheless, stitial involvement and/or hilar lymphadenopathy). Cyto
appropriate antibiotics as determined by culture and sensi logic evaluation o f hepatic or splenic aspirates may be
tivity are used (e.g., Y. enterocolitica is often sensitive to tet diagnostic. The C B C rarely reveals yeasts i n circulating
racyclines). The preferred length o f antibiotic therapy has W B C s . Thrombocytopenia may occur. Cytologic examina
not been established, but treatment should probably be con tion o f bone marrow or o f buffy coat smears may reveal the
tinued for 1 to 3 days beyond clinical remission. organism. Serologic tests and fecal culture for the yeast are
The prognosis is uncertain but seems to be good i f the bac Treatment
teria can be identified by culture and the infection treated It is crucial to look for histoplasmosis before beginning
appropriately. empiric corticosteroid therapy for suspected canine colonic
IBD. Corticosteroid therapy lessens host defenses and may
HISTOPLASMOSIS allow a previously treatable case to rapidly progress and k i l l
the animal. Itraconazole by itself or preceded by amphoteri
Etiology cin B is often effective (see Chapter 98). Treatment should
Caused by Histoplasma capsulatum, histoplasmosis is a be continued long enough (i.e., at least 4 to 6 months) to
mycotic infection that may affect the G I , respiratory, and/or lessen chances for relapse.
FIG 3 3 - 2
Cytologic preparation of a colonic mucosal scraping demonstrating Histoplasma capsula
tum. Note the macrophage with numerous yeasts in the cytoplasm (arrows). (Wright-
Giemsa stain; magnification x400.) (From Allen D, editor: Small animal medicine,
Philadelphia, 1991, JB Lippincott.)

Prognosis Prognosis
M a n y dogs can be cured i f treated relatively early. M u l t i p l e The prognosis for disseminated disease is poor because no
organ system involvement worsens the prognosis, as does treatment consistently works.
central nervous system ( C N S ) involvement.


Prototheca zopfii is an alga that invades tissue. It appears
to be acquired from the environment, and some type of Etiology
deficiency i n the host's i m m u n e system might be needed for Trichuris vulpis is principally found i n the eastern United
the organism to produce disease. States. Animals acquire the infection by ingesting ova; the
adults burrow into the colonic and cecal mucosa and may
Clinical Features cause inflammation, bleeding, and intestinal protein loss.
Affecting dogs and occasionally cats, protothecosis princi
pally involves the skin, colon, and eyes but may disseminate Clinical Features
throughout the body. Collies may be overrepresented. Dogs and rarely cats acquire whipworms, which produce a
Colonic involvement causes bloody stools and other signs of wide spectrum of m i l d to severe colonic disease that can
colitis, m u c h like histoplasmosis. Protothecosis is m u c h less include hematochezia and protein-losing enteropathy. Severe
c o m m o n than histoplasmosis, and the GI form primarily trichuriasis may cause severe hyponatremia and hyperkale
affects dogs. mia, m i m i c k i n g hypoadrenocorticism. M a r k e d hyponatre
mia might be responsible for C N S signs (e.g., seizures).
Diagnosis W h i p w o r m s generally do not affect cats as severely as dogs.

Diagnosis requires demonstrating the organism (Fig. 33-3).

Treatment T. vulpis should always be sought in dogs with bloody stools
M o s t drugs work inconsistently. H i g h doses of amphotericin or other colonic disease. Diagnosis is made through finding
B (administered via liposomes) might be useful. ova (Fig. 33-4) i n the feces or seeing the adults at endoscopic
FIG 33-3
C y t o l o g i c p r e p a r a t i o n of a c o l o n i c mucosal s c r a p i n g d e m o n s t r a t i n g Prototheca s p p . N o t e
the b e a n - s h a p e d structures that have a g r a n u l a r internal structure a n d a p p e a r to have a
halo (arrows). ( W r i g h t - G i e m s a stain; m a g n i f i c a t i o n x 1 0 0 0 . ) (Courtesy Dr. A l i c e W o l f ,
Texas A & M University.)

FIG 33-4
P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of a fecal flotation analysis from a d o g , d e m o n s t r a t i n g characteristic o v a
from w h i p w o r m s (W), Toxocara canis (T), a n d Isospora s p p . (I). The r e m a i n i n g o v a a r e
those of an unusual t a p e w o r m , Spirometra sp. ( M a g n i f i c a t i o n x 2 5 0 . ) (Courtesy Dr. Tom
C r a i g , Texas A & M University.)
evaluation. However, these ova are relatively dense and float and migrate against the flow of ingesta. They can cause
only i n properly prepared flotation solutions. Furthermore, inflammatory infiltrates (e.g., eosinophils) in the wall of the
ova are shed intermittently and sometimes can be found only intestine.
if multiple fecal examinations are performed.
Clinical Features
Treatment Roundworms may cause or contribute to diarrhea, stunted
Because of the potential difficulty i n diagnosing T. vulpis, growth, a poor haircoat, and poor weight gain, especially in
it is reasonable to empirically treat dogs with chronic large young animals. Runts with "potbellies" suggest severe round
bowel disease with fenbendazole or other appropriate drugs w o r m infection. Sometimes, roundworms gain access to the
(see Table 30-7) before proceeding to endoscopy. If a dog is stomach, i n which case they may be vomited. If parasites are
treated for whipworms, it should be treated again i n 3 numerous, they may obstruct the intestines or bile duct.
months to kill worms that were not i n the intestinal lumen
at the time of the first treatment. The ova persist i n the Diagnosis
environment for long periods. Diagnosis is easy because ova are produced in large numbers
and are readily found by fecal flotation (Fig. 33-5; see also
Prognosis Fig. 33-4). Occasionally, neonates develop clinical signs of
The prognosis for recovery is good. r o u n d w o r m infestation but ova cannot be found in the feces.
Transplacental migration results in large w o r m burdens,
ROUNDWORMS causing signs i n these animals before the parasites mature
and produce ova.
Roundworms are c o m m o n i n dogs {Toxocara canis and Treatment
Toxascaris leonina) and cats {Toxocara cati and Toxascaris Various anthelmintics are effective (see Table 30-7), but pyr
leonina). Dogs and cats can obtain roundworms from antel is especially safe for young dogs and cats, particularly
ingesting the ova (either directly or via paratenic hosts). those with diarrhea. Affected animals should be retreated at
T. canis is often obtained transplacentally from the mother; 2- to 3-week intervals to kill roundworms that were initially
T. cati may use transmammary passage, and T. leonina can in tissues but migrated into the intestinal lumen since the
use intermediate hosts. Tissue migration of immature last treatment.
forms can cause hepatic fibrosis and significant pulmonary High-dose fenbendazole therapy (i.e., 50 mg/kg/day from
lesions. A d u l t roundworms live i n the small intestinal lumen day 40 of gestation until 2 weeks postpartum) has been sug-

FIG 3 3 - 5
P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h o f a fecal flotation analysis from a d o g d e m o n s t r a t i n g characteristic o v a
from h o o k w o r m s (H) a n d Toxocara canis (T). ( M a g n i f i c a t i o n x 4 0 0 . ) (Courtesy Dr. Tom
C r a i g , Texas A & M University.)
gested to reduce the somatic r o u n d w o r m burden i n bitches neous larval migrans). Use o f heartworm preventives con
and lessen transplacental transmission to puppies. N e w b o r n taining pyrantel or milbemycin helps to minimize h o o k w o r m
puppies can be treated with fenbendazole (100 mg/kg for 3 infestations.
days), which kills more than 90% o f prenatal larvae. This
treatment can be repeated 2 to 3 weeks later. Preweaning Prognosis
puppies should be treated at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks o f age to The prognosis is good i n mature dogs and cats but guarded
lessen contamination o f the environment because T. canis in severely anemic puppies and kittens. If the puppies or
and T. cati pose a human health risk (i.e., visceral and ocular kittens are severely stunted i n their growth, they may never
larval migrans). Preweaning kittens should be treated at 6, 8, attain their anticipated body size.
and 10 weeks of age.
The prognosis for recovery is good unless the animal is Etiology
already severely stunted when treated, i n w h i c h case it may Several tapeworms infect dogs and cats, the most c o m m o n
never attain its anticipated body size. being Dipylidium caninum. Tapeworms usually have an i n d i
rect life cycle; the dog or cat is infected when it eats an
HOOKWORMS infected intermediate host. Fleas and lice are intermediate
hosts for D. caninum, whereas w i l d animals (e.g., rabbits) are
Etiology intermediate hosts for some Taenia spp.
Ancylostoma spp. and Uncinaria spp. are more c o m m o n i n
dogs than i n cats. Infestation is usually via ingestion o f the Clinical Features
ova or through transcolostral transmission; freshly hatched Aesthetically offensive, tapeworms are rarely pathogenic in
larvae may also penetrate the skin. The adults live i n the small animals, although Mesocestoides spp. can reproduce
small intestinal lumen, where they attach to the mucosa. in the host and cause disease (e.g., abdominal effusion).
Plugs of intestinal mucosa and/or b l o o d is ingested, depend The most c o m m o n sign i n infested dogs and cats is anal
ing on the w o r m species. In severe infestations hookworms irritation associated with shed segments "crawling" on
may be found in the colon. the area. Typically, the owner sees motile tapeworm seg
ments on the feces and requests treatment. Occasionally,
Clinical Features a segment enters an anal sac and causes inflammation.
Dogs are more severely affected than cats. Y o u n g animals V e r y rarely, large numbers o f tapeworms cause intestinal
may have life-threatening b l o o d loss or iron-deficiency obstruction.
anemia, melena, frank fecal blood, diarrhea, and/or failure
to thrive. Older dogs rarely have disease solely caused by Diagnosis
hookworms unless they harbor a massive infestation, but Taenia spp. and especially D. caninum eggs are typically
these worms may still contribute to disease caused by other confined i n segments not detected by routine fecal flotations.
intestinal problems. Echinococcus spp. and some Taenia spp. ova may be found i n
the feces. Tapeworms are usually diagnosed when the owner
Diagnosis reports tapeworm segments (e.g., "rice grains") o n feces or
Finding ova in the feces is diagnostic (see Fig. 33-5) and easy the perineal area.
because hookworms are prolific egg producers. However,
5- to 10-day-old puppies may be exsanguinated by transco Treatment
lostrally obtained hookworms before ova appear i n the feces. Praziquantel and episprantel are effective against all species
Such prepatent infections rarely occur i n older animals that of tapeworms (see Table 30-7). Prevention o f tapeworms
have received a sudden, massive exposure. Diagnosis is sug involves controlling the intermediate hosts (i.e., fleas and lice
gested by signalment and clinical signs i n these animals. Iron for D. caninum). Echinococcus spp. are a h u m a n health
deficiency anemia in a puppy or kitten free of fleas is highly hazard.
suggestive of h o o k w o r m infestation.
Various anthelmintics are effective (see Table 30-7). Treat Etiology
ment should be repeated i n approximately 3 weeks to kill Strongyloides stercoralis principally affects puppies, especially
parasites entering the intestinal lumen from the tissues. In those i n crowded conditions. These parasites produce motile
anemic puppies and kittens, b l o o d transfusions may be life larvae that penetrate unbroken skin or mucosa; thus the
saving. animal may be infested from its o w n feces even before the
Application o f moxidectin to pregnant bitches on day 55 larvae are evacuated from the colon. In this manner, animals
of pregnancy reduces transcolostral transmission to puppies. can quickly acquire large parasitic burdens. M o s t animals are
Hookworms are a potential human health hazard (i.e., cuta infested after being exposed to fresh feces containing the
motile larvae. H u m a n e shelters and pet stores are likely for 10 to 20 days (see Table 30-7). The sulfa drug does not
sources for infestation. eradicate the coccidia but inhibits it so that body defense
mechanisms can reestablish control. A m p r o l i u m (25 mg/kg
Clinical Features administered orally q24h for 3 to 5 days) can be used in
Infested animals usually have m u c o i d or hemorrhagic diar puppies but is not approved for use i n dogs; it is potentially
rhea and are systemically ill (e.g., lethargy). Respiratory signs toxic in cats. Toltrazuril (15 mg/kg q24h for 3 days) has been
(i.e., verminous pneumonia) occur i f parasites penetrate the found to decrease oocyst shedding, at least temporarily.
Diagnosis The prognosis for recovery is usually good unless there are
S. stercoralis is diagnosed by finding the larvae in fresh feces, underlying problems that allowed the coccidia to become
either by direct fecal examination or by Baermann sedimen pathogenic i n the first place.
tation. Strongyloides larvae must be differentiated from
Oslerus spp. larvae. The feces must be fresh because o l d feces CRYPTOSPORIDIA
may contain hatched h o o k w o r m larvae, w h i c h resemble
those o f Strongyloides spp. Etiology
Cryptosporidium parvum may infect animals that ingest the
Treatment sporulated oocysts. These oocysts originate from infested
Fenbendazole (when used for 5 days instead o f 3; see Table animals but may be carried i n water. Thin-walled oocysts are
30-7), thiabendazole, and ivermectin are effective anthel produced, which can rupture in the intestine and produce
mintics. This disease is a h u m a n health hazard because larvae autoinfection. The organism infests the brush border of
penetrate unbroken skin. Immunosuppressed people are at small intestinal epithelial cells and causes diarrhea.
risk for severe disease after being infected.
Clinical Features
Prognosis Diarrhea is the most c o m m o n clinical sign in dogs and cats,
The prognosis is guarded i n young animals with severe diar although many infested cats are asymptomatic. Dogs with
rhea and/or pneumonia. diarrhea are usually under 6 months o f age, but a similar age
predilection has not been recognized for cats.
Etiology Diagnosis requires finding the oocysts or a positive ELISA.
Isospora spp. are principally found i n young cats and dogs. C. parvum is the smallest of the coccidians and is easy to miss
The pet is usually infested by ingesting infective oocysts from on fecal examination. Examination should be performed at
the environment. The coccidia invade and destroy villous x1000 magnification. Use of acid-fast stains on fecal smears
epithelial cells. and fluorescent antibody techniques improves sensitivity. It
is best to submit the feces to a laboratory experienced in
Clinical Features diagnosing cryptosporidiosis. The laboratory must be
Coccidia may be clinically insignificant (especially i n an warned that the feces may contain C. parvum, which is
asymptomatic, older animal), or they may be responsible for potentially infective for people. The ELISA is more sensitive
m i l d to severe diarrhea, sometimes with blood. Rarely, a than fecal examination.
kitten or puppy may lose enough b l o o d to require a b l o o d
transfusion. Treatment/Prognosis
There are no k n o w n reliable treatments. Immunocompetent
Diagnosis people and cattle often spontaneously eliminate the infesta
Coccidiosis is diagnosed by finding oocysts o n fecal flotation tion, but whether small animals do so is unknown. Most
examination (see Fig. 33-4); however, repeated fecal exami young dogs with diarrhea associated with cryptosporidiosis
nations may be needed, and small numbers o f oocysts do not die or are euthanized. M a n y cats have asymptomatic infesta
ensure that the infestation is insignificant. These oocysts tions, and those with diarrhea have an unknown prognosis.
should not be confused with giardial cysts. If a necropsy is
performed, multiple areas o f the intestine should be sampled GIARDIASIS
because the infection may be localized to one area. Occasion
ally, Eimeria oocysts will be seen i n the feces o f dogs that eat Etiology
deer or rabbit excrement. Giardiasis is caused by a protozoan, Giardia sp. Animals are
infected when they ingest cysts shed from infected animals,
Treatment often via water. Organisms are principally found in the small
If coccidia are believed to be causing a problem, sulfadi intestine, where they interfere with digestion through
methoxine or trimethoprim-sulfa should be administered uncertain mechanisms. In people Giardia organisms may
occasionally ascend into the bile duct and cause hepatic occasionally reveal Giardia organisms when other techniques
problems. do not.

Clinical Features Treatment

Signs vary from m i l d to severe diarrhea, which may be per Because of the occasional difficulty i n finding Giardia organ
sistent, intermittent, or self-limiting. Typically the diarrhea isms (especially i n animals that have had various symptom
is "cow patty"-like, without blood or mucus; however, there atic antidiarrheal medications), response to treatment is
is substantial variation. Some animals experience weight often the retrospective basis of diagnosis (see Table 30-7).
loss; others do not. Diarrhea caused by Giardia can m i m i c This approach has limitations. Quinacrine is effective but no
large bowel diarrhea i n some patients. In cats there may be longer available. Metronidazole has few adverse effects and
an association between shedding giardial oocysts and shed seems reasonably effective (approximately 85% cured after 7
ding either cryptosporidial or coccidian oocysts. days of therapy). However, clinical response to metronida
zole therapy may occur i n animals without giardiasis. Fura
Diagnosis zolidone (5 days of therapy) is probably as effective as
Giardiasis is diagnosed by finding motile trophozoites (Fig. metronidazole and is available as a suspension, making it
33-6) i n fresh feces or duodenal washes, by finding cysts easier to treat infected kittens. Albendazole (3 days of therapy
with fecal flotation techniques, or by finding giardial pro in dogs, 5 days of therapy i n cats) and fenbendazole (5 days
teins in feces using an ELISA. Z i n c sulfate solutions seem to of therapy i n dogs or cats) are also effective, and recent data
be the best medium for demonstrating cysts (especially when suggest that ronidazole may also be effective (see the section
centrifugal flotation is performed) because other solutions on tritrichomoniasis). However, none of these drugs is 100%
may distort them. A t least three fecal examinations should effective, meaning that failure to respond to drug therapy
be performed over the course of 7 to 10 days before dis does not rule out giardiasis.
counting giardiasis. Some fecal ELISA techniques (e.g., S N A P There are several reasons w h y it can be difficult to elimi
Giardia Test, Idexx Laboratories) appear to have excellent nate Giardia spp. First, Giardia organisms seemingly may
sensitivity and are easier than centrifugal fecal flotation become resistant to some drugs. Second, immunodeficiency
examinations. Washes of the duodenal lumen (performed or concurrent host disease may make it difficult to eliminate
endoscopically or surgically by instilling and then retrieving the organism. T h i r d , reinfection is easy because giardial cysts
5 to 10 m l of physiologic saline solution from the duodenal are rather resistant to environmental influences and rela
lumen) or cytologic evaluation of the duodenal mucosa tively few are needed to reinfect a dog or person. Bathing the

FIG 3 3 - 6
Giardia trophozoites (arrows) in a c a n i n e fecal smear that has been stained to e n h a n c e
internal structures. ( M a g n i f i c a t i o n x 1 0 0 0 . ) (Courtesy Dr. Tom C r a i g , Texas A & M
patient and cleansing the environment can be very impor diluted with warm saline solution is the easiest technique,
tant to successful treatment i n many patients. Quaternary but it is insensitive. Fecal culture using the pouch technique
a m m o n i u m compounds and pine tars are effective disinfec developed for bovine venereal trichomoniasis is more sensi
tants for the premises. Fourth, sometimes other protozoal tive.
agents (e.g, Tritrichomonas) are mistaken for Giardia. V a c
cination is not generally successful as a treatment modality Treatment/Prognosis
for patients that do not respond to the aforementioned Ronidazole (30 to 50 mg/kg q l 2 h for 14 days) is the only
drugs. drug currently k n o w n to safely eliminate Tritrichomonas, but
neurologic signs have been reported with its use. If tricho
Prognosis moniasis is diagnosed, it is still important to look for other
The prognosis for recovery is usually good, although i n some causes of diarrhea (e.g., C. perfringens, diet, Cryptosporidium
cases the organisms are difficult to eradicate. Whether people spp.) because treatment for one of these other causes may
may occasionally be infected with Giardia organisms shed cause resolution of the diarrhea. M o s t affected cats will even
from dogs is u n k n o w n . tually resolve the clinical signs of trichomoniasis, although
diarrhea may recur i f the patient undergoes stressful events
TRICHOMONIASIS (e.g., elective surgery).

Trichomoniasis i n cats appears to be caused by Tritricho
monas foetus/suis. Animals are probably infected by the fecal- Etiology
oral route. Heterobilharzia americana infects dogs and establishes itself
in the liver. Ova laid i n the veins end up i n the intestinal wall,
Clinical Features where they elicit a granulomatous inflammation. The organ
Trichomoniasis typically is associated with large bowel diar ism is primarily found i n G u l f coast states and the southern
rhea, which rarely contains b l o o d or mucus. Exotic cat breeds Atlantic coast states.
(e.g., Somalis, Ocicats, Bengals) are the breeds primarily
affected with clinical signs. Affected cats are typically other Clinical Features
wise normal, although there may be anal irritation and Large bowel disease is the primary sign, although the ova can
defecation i n inappropriate places. The diarrhea typically be found i n large and small bowel. Diarrhea, hematochezia,
resolves spontaneously, although it may persist for months. and weight loss are typical findings. Protein-losing enter
opathy may occur, and the granulomatous reaction is associ
Diagnosis ated with hypercalcemia i n some dogs. Hepatic disease may
Diagnosis requires identifying the motile trophozoite, but be m i l d or severe.
live Tritrichomonas trophozoites can be mistaken for Giardia
trophozoites (Fig. 33-7). Timely examination of fresh feces Diagnosis
Finding the ova i n feces or i n mucosal biopsy specimens is

Fenbendazole plus praziquantel is successful i n killing the
parasite and the ova. However, the prognosis is seemingly
dependent o n the severity of the granulomatous reaction in
the bowel and liver.



Canine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is caused by
FIG 3 3 - 7 pancreatic acinar cell atrophy or destruction associated with
C o m p a r i s o n of Giardia t r o p h o z o i t e s (small arrows) a n d
Tritrichomonas t r o p h o z o i t e s (large arrows) in a smear that
has b e e n stained to e n h a n c e internal structures. N o t e that
the Tritrichomonas trophozoites are larger a n d have one
Clinical Features
large undulating membrane. (Magnification x 1 0 0 0 . ) EPI is principally found i n dogs and rarely i n cats. Chronic
(Courtesy Dr. Tom C r a i g , Texas A & M University.) small intestinal diarrhea, a ravenous appetite, and weight
loss are classic findings. Steatorrhea (i.e., slate-gray stools) tions have questionable sensitivity and specificity for this
is sometimes seen, and animals occasionally have weight disorder. Duodenal mucosal cytology and histopathology are
loss without diarrhea. The diarrhea is classified as a small routinely nondiagnostic for A R E . Because o f these problems
bowel problem (because o f the weight loss and the nature o f in diagnosing A R E , many clinicians treat and observe for
the diarrhea). Physical examination and routine clinical response.
pathologic findings are not diagnostic. The most sensitive
and specific test for canine EPI is measurement o f serum Treatment
trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI; i.e., l o w activity i n Because o f the difficulty i n diagnosing A R E , therapy is rea
affected dogs). Finding undetectable levels o f canine pan sonable when this disorder is suspected. Therapy consists o f
creatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI) might be suggestive antibiotics and the removal o f potential causes (e.g., b l i n d
of EPI but is not as specific as decreased T L I . Treatment or stagnant loops o f intestine). Because mixed bacterial pop
involves the administration o f pancreatic enzymes with the ulations are expected, broad-spectrum antibiotics effective
food and manipulation o f dietary fat content. The reader is against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are recommended.
referred to Chapter 40 for more information o n E P I . Tylosin (10 to 40 mg/kg q12h) is often effective. A combina
tion o f metronidazole (15 mg/kg q24h) and enrofloxacin
(7 mg/kg q24h) also seems effective i n many patients. Recent
MALABSORPTIVE DISEASES w o r k suggests that simultaneously feeding a high-quality,
highly digestible or hypoallergenic diet makes the antibiotic
Occasionally, a pure culture o f a specific bacteria will be
Etiology found i n the duodenum, such that a specific antibiotic is
Antibiotic-responsive enteropathy (ARE) is a syndrome i n required. However, such cases appear to be rare. W h e n treat
which the duodenum or jejunum (or both) has high numbers ing dogs with suspected A R E , the clinician should wait 2 to
of bacteria (i.e., usually >10 colony forming units/ml) and 3 weeks before deciding that the therapy was not effective.
the host seemingly has an abnormal response to these bac Because there may be an underlying cause that cannot be
teria. The abnormal host response is important, as seen by corrected, some animals need long-term to indefinite anti
the fact that dogs with comparable numbers o f bacteria i n biotic therapy. This may be especially true i n dogs that have
their small intestine (i.e., 1 0 / m l o f fasting fluid) do not had repeated episodes of illness since they were a few months
have clinical disease. The bacteria may be present because o f old. It seems as though these patients may have some genetic
(1) an anatomic defect allowing retention o f food (e.g., a predisposition to A R E , probably because o f a defect i n host
partial stricture or an area o f hypomotility), (2) other dis defense mechanisms. The clinician should warn the owner
eases (e.g., intestinal mucosal disease), (3) impaired host that the goal is typically control, not cure. Patients that have
defenses (i.e., hypochlorhydria, IgA deficiency), or (4) no nearly constant diarrhea when not being treated may need
identifiable reason. Bacteria causing A R E are usually present antibiotics and dietary therapy indefinitely. Patients who
in mixed culture, and they probably gain access to the ali have episodes every 2 to 4 months might best be treated
mentary tract by being swallowed (i.e., originating from the when they relapse as opposed to having them o n antibiotics
oral cavity or i n the food). A n y species o f bacteria may be constantly
present, but Escherichia coli, enterococci, and anaerobes such
as Clostridium spp. seem to be especially c o m m o n . Presum Prognosis
ably, enterocytes are damaged by deconjugation of bile acids, The prognosis is usually good for control of A R E , but the
fatty acid hydroxylation, generation o f alcohols, and poten clinician must be concerned with possible underlying
tially other mechanisms. causes.


A R E can be found i n any dog. Clinical signs are principally
diarrhea or weight loss (or both), although vomiting may Etiology
also occur. Dietary-responsive disease is an all-inclusive term that
includes dietary allergy (a hyperimmune response to a
Diagnosis dietary antigen) and dietary intolerance (a nonimmune
Currently available diagnostic tests for A R E have question mediated response to a dietary substance). F r o m a clinical
able sensitivity and specificity. Quantitative duodenal fluid standpoint, there is m i n i m a l value i n distinguishing between
cultures are difficult to obtain i n most private practices and the two unless there are concurrent cutaneous signs o f aller
are difficult to interpret. The major value o f small bowel gic disease.
cultures may be i n patients in which the diagnosis of A R E is
not i n doubt but the patient is no longer responding to c o m Clinical Features
monly used antibiotics, and the question is which antibiotic(s) Affected patients may have v o m i t i n g and/or diarrhea (large
might be effective. Serum cobalamin and folate concentra and/or small bowel) as well as allergic skin disease.
Diagnosis nosis requires elimination o f k n o w n causes of diarrhea
Diagnosis consists o f showing response to feeding an elimi plus histology showing mucosal inflammatory infiltrates,
nation diet that is appropriate for the patient (see the discus architectural changes (e.g., villus atrophy, crypt changes),
sion of dietary management i n Chapter 30). There is typically and/or epithelial changes. Mucosal cytologic evaluation is
m i n i m a l value in distinguishing between allergy and intoler unreliable for diagnosing lymphocytic inflammation because
ance. Tests for IgE antibodies i n the patient's b l o o d to specific lymphocytes and plasma cells are normally present in intes
antigens are not as valuable as seeing the response to an tinal mucosa. Histologic diagnosis of mucosal inflammation
elimination diet. The diet must be carefully chosen; it must is unfortunately subjective, and biopsy samples are frequently
consist o f nonallergenic substances or foods to which the overinterpreted. " M i l d " L P E often refers to essentially normal
patient has not previously been exposed. M o s t animals tissue. Even descriptions of "moderate" or "severe" L P E may
respond to an appropriate diet within 3 weeks, although be dubious because o f substantial inconsistency among
some take longer. pathologists. It can be extremely difficult to distinguish a
well-differentiated lymphocytic l y m p h o m a from severe LPE,
Treatment even with full-thickness samples. Some animals with intense
M o s t patients that respond can simply be fed the diet to dietary reactions have biopsy findings that resemble lym
which they responded i n the dietary trial (assuming that it phoma. If the biopsy specimens are of marginal quality
is balanced). Rare patients develop allergies to the elimina (either from the standpoint o f size or artifacts present), it is
tion diet and require different elimination diets to be fed o n easy to mistakenly diagnose L P E instead of lymphoma if the
rotating 2- to 3-week cycles. latter is causing a secondary tissue reaction. Recent data
document that biopsy of more than one site (e.g., duodenum
Prognosis and ileum, as opposed to just duodenum) is sometimes
The prognosis is usually good. critical i n finding inflammatory (and neoplastic) changes.
Diagnosis o f feline L P E is similar to that o f canine LPE, but
S M A L L INTESTINAL I N F L A M M A T O R Y it is important to note that cats with I B D may have mild to
B O W E L DISEASE moderate mesenteric lymphadenopathy, and such lymph
adenopathy is not diagnostic o f intestinal lymphoma.
Clinical Features Diagnosis o f E G E is similar to diagnosis of LPE. Dogs
I B D involves idiopathic intestinal inflammation. I B D can with E G E may have eosinophilia and/or concurrent eosino
affect any portion o f the canine or feline intestine. A l t h o u g h philic respiratory or cutaneous dietary allergies with pruri
the cause o f I B D is u n k n o w n , it is speculated to involve an tus. G e r m a n Shepherd dogs seem to be overrepresented.
exaggerated or inappropriate response by the i m m u n e system Diagnosis of feline E G E centers on finding intestinal eosino
to bacterial and/or dietary antigens as at least part o f the philic infiltrates; however, splenic, hepatic, lymph node,
mechanism. The clinical and histologic features o f IBD can and bone marrow infiltrates and peripheral eosinophilia are
closely resemble those of alimentary l y m p h o m a (see p. 467). common.
Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis (LPE) is the most c o m
m o n l y diagnosed form o f canine and feline I B D . C h r o n i c Treatment
small intestinal diarrhea is c o m m o n , but some patients have Canine L P E treatment begins with elimination diets and
weight loss with n o r m a l stools. If the duodenum is severely antibiotics i n case what appears to be I B D is actually dietary
affected, vomiting may be the major sign, and diarrhea can intolerance or A R E . Other therapy depends on the severity
be either m i l d or absent. Protein-losing enteropathy can of the L P E . Somewhat more severe disease warrants
occur with the more severe forms. metronidazole with or without high-dose corticosteroid
Eosinophilic gastroenterocolitis ( E G E ) is usually an aller therapy (e.g., prednisolone, 2.2 mg/kg/day or budesonide in
gic reaction to dietary substances (e.g., beef, milk) and as steroid-intolerant patients). M o r e severe disease, especially if
such is not I B D . However, the clinical signs do not always associated with hypoalbuminemia, usually requires i m m u
respond to dietary change and may represent true I B D in nosuppressives (e.g., azathioprine or cyclosporine). Cyclo
some dogs. It is less c o m m o n than L P E . Some cats have sporine seems to be reasonably effective and works faster
eosinophilic enteritis as part o f a hypereosinophilic syn than azathioprine administered every other day; however, it
drome ( H E S ) . The cause o f feline H E S is u n k n o w n , but is also more expensive. Elemental diets, although expensive,
immune-mediated and neoplastic mechanisms may be can be invaluable i n severely emaciated or severely hypopro
responsible. Less severely affected cats without H E S seem to teinemic patients with severe inflammation as a way to feed
have a condition similar to canine E G E . the patient and the intestinal mucosa without causing more
mucosal irritation. Failure o f a dog to respond to "appropri
Diagnosis ate" therapy can be the result o f inadequate therapy, owner
Because I B D is idiopathic intestinal inflammation, it is a noncompliance, or misdiagnosis (i.e., diagnosing LPE when
diagnosis o f exclusion; it is not just a histologic diagnosis. the problem is lymphoma).
N o physical examination, historic, clinical pathology, Feline L P E treatment is somewhat similar to that for
imaging, or histologic findings are diagnostic o f IBD. Diag canine L P E . H i g h l y digestible elimination diets may be cura-
tive i f what was thought to be I B D is actually food intoler time, and the dose should not be decreased more frequently
ance, and therapeutic diets should always be used i f the cat than once every 2 to 3 weeks, if possible. If a homemade diet
will eat them. H i g h doses o f corticosteroids are typically was used initially, the clinician should seek to transition the
administered early i n cats because o f their beneficial effects patient to a complete, balanced commercial elimination diet.
and the cat's relative resistance to iatrogenic hyperadreno Dietary and antibiotic therapy are usually the last to be
corticism. Prednisolone is preferred to prednisone i n the cat, altered. There is no obvious benefit to rebiopsying patients
and methylprednisolone is typically more effective than that are clinically improving.
prednisolone. Budesonide is primarily indicated i n cats that
cannot tolerate the systemic effects o f steroids (e.g., those Prognosis
with diabetes mellitus). Low-dose metronidazole (10 to The prognosis for dogs and cats with L P E is often good, i f
15 mg/kg administered orally q12h), either alone or i n c o m therapy is begun before the patient is emaciated. Severe
bination with corticosteroids and diet, may also be effective. hypoalbuminemia and a very poor body condition are
Azathioprine is not used i n cats; instead, chlorambucil is thought to be suggestive that the patient may have more
used for cats with biopsy-proven, severe L P E that does not difficulty responding. A markedly l o w serum cobalamin con
respond to other therapy (see Chapter 79) or for cats with centration i n the dog might be a poor prognostic sign, but
well-differentiated lymphoma. Enteral or parenteral n u t r i that is uncertain. M a n y animals will need to be on a special
tional supplementation may be useful i n emaciated cats (see diet for the rest o f their lives. M a n y with moderate to severe
Chapter 30). Parenteral administration of cobalamin to cats disease will need prolonged medical therapy, w h i c h should
with severely decreased serum concentrations may aid or be be tapered cautiously. Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome should
necessary for remission o f diarrhea. If the cat responds to be avoided. Severely affected animals may initially benefit
this therapy, the elimination diet should be continued while from enteral or parenteral nutritional therapy. A l t h o u g h the
the medications are gradually tapered one at a time. relationship is unclear, L P E has been suggested to be a poten
Canine E G E treatment should focus on a strict hypoal tially prelymphomatous lesion (see p. 460 for immunopro
lergenic diet (e.g., fish and potato, turkey and potato). Par liferative enteropathy i n Basenjis); however, this is uncertain.
tially hydrolyzed diets may also be helpful, but they are not If a dog or cat with a prior diagnosis o f L P E is later diagnosed
a panacea for all GI dietary allergies/intolerances. It is impor as having l y m p h o m a , it may be just as likely that either the
tant to determine what the dog was fed previously when initial diagnosis o f I B D was wrong (i.e., the patient had
selecting the dietary therapy. If signs do not resolve with lymphoma) or that the l y m p h o m a developed independently
dietary therapy, the addition of corticosteroid therapy is of the I B D .
usually curative. Animals usually respond better to elimina
tion diets than to corticosteroids. Sometimes, an animal i n i LARGE INTESTINAL I N F L A M M A T O R Y
tially responds to dietary management but relapses while still B O W E L DISEASE
eating this diet because it becomes allergic to one o f the
ingredients. This situation necessitates administration o f Clinical Features
another elimination diet. In some animals that are very In the author's practice, Clostridium colitis, parasites, dietary
prone to developing such intolerances, switching back and intolerance, and fiber-responsive diarrhea are responsible
forth from one elimination diet to another at 2-week inter for most cases referred and previously diagnosed as having
vals helps to prevent this relapse from happening. (See "intractable" large bowel " I B D . " Canine lymphocytic-
Chapter 30 for more information on these therapies.) plasmacytic colitis ( L P C ) typically causes large bowel diar
Feline E G E associated with hypereosinophilic syndrome rhea (i.e., soft stools with or without b l o o d or mucus; no
usually requires high-dose corticosteroid therapy (i.e., pred appreciable weight loss). In general, affected dogs are funda
nisolone, 4.4 to 6.6 mg/kg/day); response is often poor. Cats mentally healthy except for soft stools. In cats hematochezia
with eosinophilic enteritis not caused by HES often respond is the most c o m m o n clinical sign, and diarrhea is the second
favorably to elimination diets plus corticosteroid therapy. most c o m m o n sign. Feline L P C may occur by itself or con
If the dog or cat responds clinically, then the therapy currently with L P E , whereas canine large bowel I B D seems
should be continued without change for another 2 to 4 weeks to be infrequently associated w i t h small bowel I B D .
to ensure that the clinical improvement is the result o f the
therapy and not an unrelated transient improvement. Once Diagnosis
the clinician is convinced that the prescribed therapy is Diagnosis (i.e., excluding other causes and finding mucosal
responsible for the improvement seen, the animal should be histologic changes) is similar to that for small bowel IBD. In
slowly weaned from the drugs, starting with those that have particular, Tritrichomonas can cause substantial m o n o n u
the greatest potential for adverse effects. If antiinflammatory clear infiltrates into feline colonic mucosa.
or immunosuppressive therapy was initially required, the
clinician should attempt to maintain the pet on every-other- Treatment
day corticosteroid and azathioprine therapy. If that regimen Steroids, metronidazole, sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), mesala
is successful, then the lowest effective dose o f each should be mine, or olsalazine may be used i n dogs with moderate to
slowly determined. O n l y one change should be made at a severe L P C . Corticosteroids and/or metronidazole may be
effective by themselves and/or allow lower doses o f sulfasala However, because other diseases (e.g., lymphoma, histoplas
zine to be successful. Hypoallergenic and fiber-enriched diets mosis) may m i m i c immunoproliferative enteropathy,
are often very helpful. It is critical to eliminate colonic fungal alimentary tract biopsy is needed before aggressive i m m u
infections before begining immunosuppressive therapy. nosuppressive therapy is begun.
High-fiber and hypoallergenic diets are also often bene
ficial i n cats; i n fact, most "intractable" feline L P C cases seen Treatment
i n the author's practice are ultimately determined to be related Therapy may include highly digestible, elimination, or ele
to diet. M o s t cats with L P C respond well to prednisolone mental diets; antibiotics for A R E (see p. 457); high-dose
and/or metronidazole, and sulfasalazine is rarely needed. corticosteroids; metronidazole; and azathioprine. Response
to therapy is variable, and affected dogs that respond are at
Prognosis risk for relapse, especially i f stressed.
The prognosis for patients with colonic I B D tends to be Although a genetic basis is suspected, not enough is
better than for small bowel I B D . k n o w n to be able to confidently recommend a breeding
program. Performing biopsy o f the intestines of asymptom
G R A N U L O M A T O U S ENTERITIS/ atic dogs to identify animals i n which the disease will develop
GASTRITIS is dubious because clinically normal Basenjis may have
Canine granulomatous enteritis/gastritis is u n c o m m o n , and lesions similar to those of dogs with diarrhea and weight loss,
it can be diagnosed only histopathologically. The clinician although the changes tend to be milder.
should search diligently for an etiology (e.g., fungal). Clinical
signs are similar to those o f other forms o f I B D . Although Prognosis
compared to Crohn's disease i n people, the two are dissimi M a n y affected animals die 2 to 3 years after diagnosis. The
lar. If the disease is localized, surgical resection should be prognosis is poor for recovery, but some dogs can be main
considered i f the clinician is sure that there is not a systemic tained for prolonged periods of time with careful monitor
cause (e.g., fungal). If it is diffuse, corticosteroids, metroni ing and care. In a few dogs l y m p h o m a later develops.
dazole, antibiotics, azathioprine, and dietary therapy should
be considered. T o o few cases have been described and treated ENTEROPATHY IN CHINESE SHAR-PEIS
to allow generalizations. The prognosis is poor.
Feline granulomatous enteritis is a rare type o f I B D that Etiology
causes weight loss, protein-losing enteropathy, and perhaps Chinese Shar-Peis have a poorly characterized enteropathy
diarrhea; it also requires histopathologic confirmation. Affected that may be unique to them or may be a severe form of
cats seem to respond to high-dose corticosteroid therapy, but I B D . Chinese Shar-Peis have immune system abnormalities
attempts to reduce the dose o f glucocorticoids may cause that may predispose them to exaggerated inflammatory
recurrence o f clinical signs. The prognosis is guarded. reactions.


IN BASENJIS Diarrhea and/or weight loss (i.e., small intestinal dysfunc
tion) are the m a i n clinical signs.
Immunoproliferative enteropathy i n Basenjis is an intense Diagnosis
lymphocytic-plasmacytic small intestinal infiltrate often Small intestinal biopsy is necessary for diagnosis. Eosino
associated with villous clubbing, m i l d lacteal dilation, gastric philic and lymphocytic-plasmacytic intestinal infiltrates are
rugal hypertrophy, lymphocytic gastritis, and/or gastric typically found. Serum cobalamin concentrations are often
mucosal atrophy. It probably has a genetic basis or predispo quite low.
sition, and intestinal bacteria may play an important role.
Clinical Features The animal is treated for I B D (i.e., elimination diets and
The disease tends to be a severe form o f L P E that waxes and immunosuppressive drugs) and A R E .
wanes, particularly as the animal is stressed (e.g., traveling,
disease). Weight loss, small intestinal diarrhea, vomiting, Prognosis
and/or anorexia are c o m m o n l y seen. M o s t affected Basenjis Affected Chinese Shar-Peis have a guarded prognosis.
start showing clinical signs by 3 to 4 years o f age.


M a r k e d hypoalbuminemia and hyperglobulinemia are
c o m m o n , especially i n advanced cases. The early stages o f CAUSES OF PROTEIN-LOSING
the disease resemble many other intestinal disorders. In ENTEROPATHY
advanced cases the clinical signs are so suggestive that a A n y intestinal disease that produces sufficient inflammation,
presumptive diagnosis is often made without biopsy. infiltration, congestion, or bleeding can produce a protein-
losing enteropathy ( P L E ; or gastropathy i f it affects the
stomach; see Box 28-10). I B D and alimentary tract l y m
phoma have been suggested as particularly c o m m o n causes
in adult dogs, whereas hookworms and chronic intussuscep
tion are c o m m o n causes i n very young dogs. W h e n I B D is
responsible, it is usually a severe form of L P E , although E G E
or granulomatous disease may be responsible. Immunopro
liferative enteritis of Basenjis, GI ulceration/erosion, and
bleeding tumors may also produce P L E . Lymphangiectasia
appears to be more c o m m o n (in dogs) than was once
thought; the problem is that it can be difficult to diagnose.
Cats infrequently have P L E , but when it occurs, it is usually
caused by L P E or lymphoma. Therapy should be directed at
managing the underlying cause.


FIG 3 3 - 8
Intestinal lymphangiectasia (IL) is a disorder of the intestinal
Endoscopic i m a g e of the d u o d e n u m of a d o g w i t h l y m p h a n
lymphatic system of dogs. Lymphatic obstruction causes
g i e c t a s i a . The l a r g e w h i t e " d o t s " a r e d i l a t e d lacteals in the
dilation and rupture of intestinal lacteals with subsequent tips of the villi.
leakage of lymphatic contents (i.e., protein, lymphocytes,
and chylomicrons) into the intestinal submucosa, lamina
propria, and lumen. Although these proteins may be digested
and resorbed, excessive loss exceeds the intestine's ability to tic if done appropriately, but surgical biopsies are sometimes
resorb them, thus resulting in hypoalbuminemia. Leakage o f required. If full-thickness surgical biopsies are performed,
lymphatic fat into the intestinal wall may cause granuloma serosal patch grafting and nonabsorbable suture material
formation, which exacerbates lymphatic obstruction. N o t may decrease the risk o f dehiscence. IL may be localized to
reported i n cats, the condition has many potential causes in one area o f the intestines (e.g., ileum).
dogs (e.g., lymphatic obstruction, pericarditis, infiltrative
mesenteric lymph node disease, infiltrative intestinal mucosal Treatment
disease, congenital malformations). M o s t cases o f symptom The underlying cause o f IL is rarely determined, necessitat
atic IL are idiopathic. ing reliance on symptomatic therapy. A n ultra-low-fat diet
essentially devoid o f long-chain fatty acids helps to prevent
Clinical Features further intestinal lacteal engorgement and subsequent
Yorkshire Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, and protein loss. Prednisolone (1.1 to 2.2 mg/kg/day) or azathio
Lundehunds appear to be at higher risk than other breeds. prine (2.2 mg/kg q48h) or cyclosporine (3-5 mg/kg q24h to
Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers also have an unusually high q l 2 h ) sometimes lessens inflammation around the lipogran
incidence of protein-losing nephropathy. The first sign of ulomas and improves lymphatic flow.
disease caused by IL may be transudative ascites. Diarrhea is M o n i t o r i n g serum a l b u m i n concentration may be the
inconsistent and may occur early or late i n the course of the best way o f assessing response to therapy. If the animal
disease, if at all. Intestinal lipogranulomas (i.e., white nodules improves with dietary therapy, it should probably be fed that
in the intestinal serosa or mesentery) are sometimes found diet indefinitely. Azathioprine or cyclosporine therapy might
at surgery. They are probably secondary to IL (i.e., fat leaking help solidify response to dietary therapy and maintain remis
out of dilated lymphatic vessels), but they might worsen sion.
existing IL by further obstructing lymphatics.
Diagnosis The prognosis is variable, but most dogs respond well to
Clinical pathologic evaluation is not diagnostic, but hypoal ultra-low-fat diets, although some require prednisolone i n
buminemia and hypocholesterolemia are expected. Although addition to the diet. A few dogs die despite dietary and pred
panhypoproteinemia is classically attributed to P L E , animals nisolone therapy.
that were initially hyperglobulinemic may lose most of their
serum proteins and still have normal serum globulin con PROTEIN-LOSING ENTEROPATHY IN
centrations. Lymphopenia is c o m m o n but inconsistent. SOFT-COATED WHEATEN TERRIERS
Diagnosis requires intestinal histopathology. Feeding the
animal fat the night before the biopsy seems to make lesions Etiology
more obvious, and classic mucosal lesions may be seen endo Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers (SCWTs) have a predisposi
scopically (Fig. 33-8). Endoscopic biopsies are often diagnos- tion to P L E and protein-losing nephropathy. The cause is
uncertain, although food hypersensitivity has been reported Anticholinergics occasionally are useful (e.g., propantheline,
to be present i n some affected dogs. 0.25 mg/kg; or dicyclomine, 0.15 mg/kg up to q8h, as
Clinical Features
Individual dogs may have P L E or protein-losing nephropa Prognosis
thy (or both). Typical clinical signs may include vomiting, The prognosis is good; in most animals the signs are con
diarrhea, weight loss, and ascites. Affected dogs are often trolled by diet or medical management.
middle aged when diagnosed.


Panhypoproteinemia and hypocholesterolemia are c o m
mon, as with any P L E . Histopathology of intestinal mucosa SIMPLE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION
may reveal lymphangiectasia, lymphangitis, or supposedly
IBD. Etiology
Simple intestinal obstruction (i.e., the intestinal lumen is
Treatment/Prognosis obstructed but without peritoneal leakage, severe venous
Treatment is typically as for lymphangiectasia and/or I B D . occlusion, or bowel devitalization) is usually caused by
The prognosis appears guarded to poor for clinically i l l foreign objects. Infiltrative disease and intussusception may
animals, with most dying w i t h i n a year of diagnosis. also be responsible.

Clinical Features
FUNCTIONAL INTESTINAL DISEASE Simple intestinal obstructions usually cause vomiting with
or without anorexia, depression, or diarrhea. A b d o m i n a l
IRRITABLE B O W E L S Y N D R O M E pain is u n c o m m o n . The more orad the obstruction is, the
more frequent and severe the vomiting tends to be. If the
Etiology intestine becomes devitalized and septic peritonitis results,
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) i n people is characterized by the obstruction becomes complicated and the animal may
diarrhea, constipation, and/or cramping (usually of the large be presented i n a m o r i b u n d state or i n septic shock (systemic
intestines) i n which an organic lesion cannot be identified. inflammatory response syndrome, or SIRS).
It is an idiopathic large bowel disease i n w h i c h all k n o w n
causes of diarrhea have been eliminated and a "functional" Diagnosis
disorder is presumed. IBS i n dogs is different and primarily A b d o m i n a l palpation, plain abdominal radiographs, or
involves an idiopathic, chronic large bowel diarrhea i n w h i c h ultrasonographic imaging can be diagnostic i f they reveal a
parasitic, dietary, bacterial, and inflammatory causes have foreign object, mass, or obvious obstructive ileus (see Fig.
been eliminated. There are probably various causes of this 29-5, A ) . Masses or dilated intestinal loops may be found
syndrome i n dogs. with either technique. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography tends to
be the most sensitive technique (unless the intestines are
Clinical Features filled with gas) and can reveal dilated or thickened intestinal
C h r o n i c large bowel diarrhea is the principal sign. Fecal loops that are not obvious on radiographs (e.g., poor serosal
mucus is c o m m o n , blood i n the feces is infrequent, and contrast caused by abdominal fluid or lack of abdominal fat)
weight loss is very rare. Some dogs with IBS are small breeds or palpation. If it is difficult to distinguish obstruction from
that are heavily imprinted on a single family member. C l i n physiologic ileus, abdominal contrast radiographs may be
ical signs may develop following separation of the dog from considered. M a n y intestinal foreign bodies cause hypochlo
the favored person. Other dogs with IBS are nervous and remic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, a metabolic change
high-strung (e.g., police or guard dogs, especially German that is supposedly suggestive of gastric outflow obstruction.
Shepherd Dogs). Some dogs have no apparent initiating Finding a foreign object is usually sufficient to establish
cause. a diagnosis. If an abdominal mass or an obvious obstructive
ileus is found, a presumptive diagnosis of obstruction is made,
Diagnosis and ultrasonography or exploratory surgery should be planned.
Diagnosis consists of eliminating k n o w n causes by physical Aspirate cytologic evaluation of masses may be used to diag
examination, clinical pathologic data, fecal analysis, colonos nose some diseases (e.g., lymphoma) before surgery.
copy/biopsy, and appropriately performed therapeutic trials.
Treatment Once intestinal obstruction is diagnosed, the clinician should
Treatment with fiber-supplemented diets (i.e., >7% to 9% perform routine preanesthetic laboratory tests (serum
fiber on a dry matter basis) is often helpful (see p. 398). M a n y electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities are c o m m o n i n v o m
animals must receive fiber chronically to prevent relapse. iting animals), stabilize the animal, and promptly proceed to
surgery. V o m i t i n g o f gastric origin classically produces a
hypokalemic, hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis and para
doxical aciduria, whereas vomiting caused by intestinal
obstruction may produce metabolic acidosis and varying
degrees of hypokalemia. However, these changes cannot be
predicted even when the cause o f the vomiting is k n o w n ,
making serum electrolyte and acid-base determinations
important i n therapy planning.

If septic peritonitis is absent and massive intestinal resection
is not necessary, the prognosis is usually good.


Incarcerated intestinal obstruction involves a loop o f intes
tine trapped or "strangulated" as it passes through a hernia
(e.g., abdominal wall, mesenteric) or similar rent. The FIG 3 3 - 9
entrapped intestinal loop quickly dilates, accumulating fluid Lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h o f a d o g w i t h a r u p t u r e d
in which bacteria flourish and release endotoxins. SIRS p r e p u b i c t e n d o n a n d i n c a r c e r a t e d intestinal obstruction.
occurs rapidly. This is a true surgical emergency, and animals N o t e the d i l a t e d section of intestine in the a r e a of the
h e r n i a (arrows). (From A l l e n D, e d i t o r : Small animal
deteriorate quickly i f the entrapped loop is not removed.
medicine, P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.)

Clinical Features
Dogs and cats with incarcerated intestinal obstruction typi
cally have acute vomiting, abdominal pain, and progressive M u c h o f the intestine is typically devitalized by the time
depression. Palpation o f the entrapped loop often causes surgery is performed.
severe pain and occasionally vomiting. O n physical examina
tion, "muddy" mucous membranes and tachycardia may be Clinical Features
noted, suggesting endotoxic shock. This u n c o m m o n cause o f intestinal obstruction principally
occurs i n large dogs (especially G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs).
Diagnosis Mesenteric torsion is denoted by an acute onset o f severe
A presumptive diagnosis is made by finding a distended, nausea, retching, vomiting, abdominal pain, and depression.
painful intestinal loop, especially i f the loop is contained Bloody diarrhea may or may not occur. A b d o m i n a l disten
within a hernia. Radiographically, a markedly dilated segment tion is not as evident as it is i n animals with gastric dila
of intestine is detected (Fig. 33-9) that is sometimes obvi tion/volvulus ( G D V ) .
ously outside the peritoneal cavity. Otherwise, an obviously
strangulated loop of intestine will be found at exploratory Diagnosis
surgery. A b d o m i n a l radiographs are often diagnostic and typically
show widespread, uniform ileus (see Fig. 29-6).
Immediate surgery and aggressive therapy for endotoxic Treatment
shock are indicated. Devitalized bowel should be resected, Immediate surgery is necessary. The intestines must be prop
with care taken to avoid spillage of septic contents into the erly repositioned, and devitalized bowel must be resected.
Prognosis The prognosis is extremely poor; most animals die despite
The prognosis is guarded. Rapid recognition and prompt heroic efforts. Animals that live may develop short bowel
surgery are necessary to prevent mortality. syndrome i f massive intestinal resection is necessary.


Etiology Etiology
In mesenteric torsion/volvulus, the intestines twist about the Numerous objects can assume a linear configuration i n the
root of the mesentery, causing severe vascular compromise. alimentary tract (e.g., string, thread, nylon stockings, cloth).
The foreign object lodges or fixes at one point (e.g., the base occasionally succeeds, but the clinician must be careful
of the tongue, pylorus), and the rest trails off into the intes because it is easy to rupture devitalized intestine and
tines. The small intestine seeks to propel the object aborally cause peritonitis. If the clinician can pass the tip of the
via peristaltic waves and i n this manner gathers around it endoscope to near the aborad end o f the object and pull
and becomes pleated. A s the intestines continue trying to it out by grabbing the aborad end, surgery is sometimes
propel it aborally, the linear object cuts or "saws" into the unnecessary.
intestines, often perforating them at multiple sites o n the
antimesenteric border. Fatal peritonitis can result. Prognosis
The prognosis is usually good i f severe septic peritonitis is
Clinical Features absent and massive intestinal resection is unnecessary. If a
Linear foreign objects appear to be more frequent i n cats linear foreign object has been present a long time, it may
than i n dogs. V o m i t i n g food, bile, and/or phlegm is c o m m o n , embed itself in the intestinal mucosa, making intestinal
but some animals show only anorexia or depression. A few resection necessary. W h e n massive intestinal resection is nec
(especially dogs with chronic linear foreign bodies) can be essary, short bowel syndrome can result; this condition has
relatively asymptomatic for days to weeks while the foreign a guarded to poor prognosis.
body continues to embed itself in the intestines.
The history may be suggestive o f a linear foreign body (e.g., Etiology
the cat was playing with cloth or string). Bunched, painful Intussusception is a telescoping o f one intestinal segment
intestines are occasionally detected by abdominal palpation. (the intussusceptum) into an adjacent segment (the intus
The object is sometimes seen lodged at the base o f the suscipiens). It may occur anywhere in the alimentary tract,
tongue; however, failure to find a foreign object at the base but ileocolic intussusceptions (i.e., the ileum entering the
of the tongue does not eliminate linear foreign body as a colon) seem more c o m m o n . Ileocolic intussusceptions seem
diagnosis. Even when such objects lodge under the tongue, to be associated with active enteritis (especially i n young
they can be very difficult to find despite a careful, thorough animals), which ostensibly disrupts normal motility and
oral examination; some become embedded i n the frenulum. promotes the smaller ileum to intussuscept into the larger
If necessary, chemical restraint (e.g., ketamine, 2 mg/kg diameter colon. However, ileocolic intussusception may
administered intravenously) should be used to allow ade occur i n animals with acute renal failure, leptospirosis, prior
quate oral examination. intestinal surgery, and other problems.
Foreign objects lodged at the pylorus and trailing off into
the d u o d e n u m must be diagnosed by abdominal palpation, Clinical Features
imaging, or endoscopy. The objects themselves are infre Acute ileocolic intussusception causes obstruction of the
quently seen radiographically and only rarely produce dilated intestinal lumen and congestion of the intussusceptum's
intestinal loops suggesting anatomic ileus; the p r o x i m i t y to mucosa. Scant bloody diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
the stomach and the pleating of the intestines around the and a palpable abdominal mass are c o m m o n . Chronic ileo
object usually prevents the intestines from dilating. Plain colic intussusceptions typically produce less vomiting,
radiographs may reveal small gas bubbles i n the intestines, abdominal pain, and hematochezia. These animals often
especially in the region o f the duodenum, and obvious intes have intractable diarrhea and hypoalbuminemia because of
tinal pleating may occasionally be seen (Fig. 33-10). If con protein loss from the congested mucosa. P L E i n a young dog
trast radiographs are performed, they typically reveal a without hookworms or a puppy that seems to be having an
pleated or bunched intestinal pattern, w h i c h is diagnostic o f unexpectedly long recovery from parvoviral enteritis should
linear foreign body. Finally, these objects are sometimes seen prompt suspicion o f chronic intussusception. Acute jejuno-
endoscopically lodged at the pylorus. jejunal intussusceptions usually do not cause hematochezia.
Mucosal congestion can be more severe than that in ileoco
Treatment lic intussusception; intestinal devitalization eventually
A b d o m i n a l surgery is often needed to remove linear foreign occurs, and bacteria and their toxins gain access to the peri
objects. However, i f the animal is otherwise healthy, i f the toneal cavity.
linear foreign object has been present for only 1 or 2 days,
and if it is fixed under the tongue, the object may be cut loose Diagnosis
to see i f it will now pass through the intestines without Palpation o f an elongated, obviously thickened intestinal
further problem. Surgery is indicated i f the animal does not loop establishes a presumptive diagnosis; however, some
feel better 12 to 24 hours after the object is cut free from its infiltrative diseases produce similar findings. Ileocolic intus
point o f fixation. susceptions that are short and do not extend far into the
If there is doubt as to the length o f time that the object descending colon may be especially difficult to palpate
has been present, or i f it is fixed at the pylorus, surgery is because they are high up and under the rib cage. Occasional
usually a safer therapeutic approach. Endoscopic removal intussusceptions "slide" i n and out of the colon and can be
FIG 3 3 - 1 0
A , Plain a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h of a c a t w i t h a linear f o r e i g n b o d y l o d g e d at the p y l o r u s .
N o t e the small g a s bubbles in the mass of intestines (arrows). B , Plain a b d o m i n a l r a d i o
g r a p h of a cat with a linear f o r e i g n b o d y . N o t e the o b v i o u s l y p l e a t e d small b o w e l
(arrows). C , Contrast r a d i o g r a p h o f a c a t w i t h a linear f o r e i g n b o d y . N o t e the p l e a t e d ,
b u n c h e d pattern of intestines (arrows). ( A from A l l e n D, editor: Small animal medicine,
P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.)

missed during abdominal palpation. If the intussusception junal intussusceptions may be easier to palpate because o f
protrudes as far as the rectum, it may resemble a rectal their location. Furthermore, plain abdominal radiographs
prolapse. Therefore i f tissue is protruding from the rectum, may be more likely to demonstrate obstructive ileus (i.e.,
the clinician should perform a careful rectal palpation to gas-distended bowel loops) because the obstruction is not so
ascertain that a fornix exists (i.e., it is a rectal prolapse) as far aborad.
opposed to an intussusception (in which a fornix cannot be A reason for the intussusception (e.g., parasites, mass,
found). enteritis) should always be sought. Fecal examination for
Plain abdominal radiographs infrequently allow the diag parasites and evaluation o f full-thickness intestinal biopsy
nosis of ileocolic intussusceptions because they usually cause specimens obtained at the time o f surgical correction o f the
minimal intestinal gas accumulation. A properly performed intussusception should be performed. In particular, the tip
barium contrast enema may reveal a characteristic colonic of the intussuscepted bowel (i.e., the intussusceptum) should
filling defect caused by the intussuscepted ileum (Fig. 33-11). be examined for a mass lesion (e.g., tumor), w h i c h could
Abdominal ultrasonography is quick and reasonably sensi have served as a focus and allowed the intussusception to
tive and specific for detecting intussusceptions (see Fig. 29-8, occur. Additional diagnostic tests may be warranted depend
B). Colonoscopy can be definitive if the intussuscepted intes ing o n the history, physical examination findings, and results
tine is seen extending into the colon (Fig. 33-12). Jejunoje- of clinical pathologic evaluation.
FIG 3 3 - 1 2
Endoscopic v i e w of the a s c e n d i n g colon of a d o g with an
ileocolic intussusception. N o t e the l a r g e , " h o t dog"-like mass
in the c o l o n i c lumen, w h i c h is the intussusception.

Intussusceptions must be treated surgically. Acute ones may
be reduced or resected, whereas chronic ones usually must
be resected. Recurrence (in the same or a different site)
is reasonably c o m m o n . Surgical plication helps prevent

The prognosis is often good i f septic peritonitis has not
occurred and the intestines do not reintussuscept.



Short bowel syndrome occurs when extensive resection of
intestines results i n the need for special nutritional therapy
until the intestines are able to adapt. This is typically an
iatrogenic disorder caused by resection o f more than 75% to
90% o f the small intestine. The remaining intestine is unable
to adequately digest and absorb nutrients. Large numbers of
bacteria may reach the upper small intestines, especially if
the ileocolic valve is removed. However, not all animals with
substantial small intestinal resections develop this syndrome.
Dogs and cats seem better able than people to tolerate loss
FIG 3 3 - 1 1 of a large percentage o f small intestine.
A , Lateral r a d i o g r a p h taken d u r i n g a b a r i u m e n e m a of a
d o g . Contrast m e d i u m outlines the e n d of a l a r g e ileocolic
Clinical Features
intussusception (thin arrows). N o t e that b a r i u m does not fill Affected animals usually have severe weight loss and intrac
up the n o r m a l l y p o s i t i o n e d c o l o n i c lumen because o f a long table diarrhea (typically without mucus or blood), which
filling defect (large arrows). B , Spot r a d i o g r a p h taken
often occurs shortly after eating. Undigested food particles
d u r i n g a b a r i u m e n e m a of a d o g . The c o l o n is d e s c e n d i n g
are often seen in the feces.
o n the left (short arrows), a n d the ileum (long arrows) is
entering the c o l o n . There is a n a r e a in w h i c h b a r i u m is
d i s p l a c e d , representing a n intussuscepted cecum (curved
arrows). ( A courtesy Dr. A l i c e W o l f , Texas A & M A history o f substantial resection i n conjunction with the
University.) clinical signs is sufficient for diagnosis. It is wise to deter-
mine how m u c h small intestine is left by performing contrast adenopathy (i.e., enlargement) is typical but not invariable,
radiographs; estimates made at surgery can be surprisingly and it is important to note that I B D can cause m i l d to m o d
inaccurate. erate mesenteric lymphadenopathy. Extraintestinal abnor
malities (e.g.,peripherallymphadenopathy) are inconsistently
Treatment found i n dogs and cats with alimentary l y m p h o m a .
The best treatment is prevention. One should avoid massive
resections i f at all possible, even i f it means doing a "second Diagnosis
look" surgery 24 to 48 hours later. If massive resection occurs Diagnosis requires demonstration o f neoplastic l y m p h o
and the animal cannot maintain its body weight with oral cytes, w h i c h may be obtained by fine-needle aspiration,
feedings alone, total parenteral nutrition is needed until imprint, or squash cytologic preparations. However, histo
intestinal adaptation has occurred and treatments have pathologic evaluation o f intestinal biopsy specimens is the
become effective i n controlling clinical signs. It is important most reliable diagnostic method. It is important to biopsy
to continue to feed the animal orally to stimulate intestinal the ileum because many patients (especially cats) do not
mucosal hypertrophy. The diet should be highly digestible have l y m p h o m a i n the duodenum. If endoscopic biopsy
(e.g., low-fat cottage cheese, potato) and should be fed i n samples are obtained, a poor sample or one that is not suf
small amounts, at least three to four times per day. Opiate ficiently deep may cause the erroneous diagnosis o f L P E
antidiarrheals (e.g., loperamide), and H -receptor antagonists
2 instead o f l y m p h o m a . Finding lymphocytes i n the submu
may be useful in lessening diarrhea and decreasing gastric cosa is not specific for l y m p h o m a : Lymphocytes can be
hypersecretion. Antibiotics might be needed to control the found i n the submucosa of cats with I B D . However, cats with
large bacterial populations now present i n the small intestine I B D generally do not have the dramatic numbers that can be
(pp. 409-110). found i n some cases w i t h l y m p h o m a . Occasionally, neoplas
tic lymphocytes are found only i n the serosal layer and full-
Prognosis thickness surgical biopsy specimens are necessary, but this
If intestinal adaptation occurs, the animal may eventually be scenario is extremely u n c o m m o n . A n i m a l s with extremely
fed a near-normal diet. However, some animals w i l l never be well-differentiated lymphocytic l y m p h o m a may be impos
able to resume regular diets, and others die despite all efforts. sible to distinguish from those w i t h L P E using routine his
Animals that are initially malnourished seem to have a worse topathology, even with multiple full-thickness biopsy
prognosis than those that are well nourished. Some dogs samples. This seems to be a particularly important problem
and cats do better than one w o u l d intuitively expect them i n cats. In such cases, diagnosis often depends on finding
to do, despite the loss o f approximately 85% o f the small lymphocytes i n organs where they should not be found (e.
intestines. g., liver) or i n performing immunohistochemical studies to
determine i f the l y m p h o i d population is monoclonal. Para
neoplastic hypercalcemia occasionally occurs but is neither
NEOPLASMS OF THE SMALL INTESTINE sensitive nor specific for l y m p h o m a .

Chemotherapy is o f questionable value i n dogs; many
Etiology patients become quite i l l i f given aggressive chemotherapy.
Lymphoma is a neoplastic proliferation o f lymphocytes Cats with well-differentiated small cell l y m p h o m a treated
(see Chapter 80) that could also be placed i n the section with prednisolone and chlorambucil may do as well as cats
on malabsorptive diseases. It may be caused by F e L V i n cats, with I B D that receive the same therapy. Treatment protocols
but the etiology i n dogs is u n k n o w n . L P E has been sugges are outlined i n Chapter 80.
ted to be prelymphomatous i n some animals, but the fre
quency of malignant transformation o f L P E to l y m p h o m a is Prognosis
unknown. L y m p h o m a often affects the intestines, although The long-term prognosis is very poor, but some cats with
extraintestinal forms (e.g., l y m p h nodes, liver, spleen) are well-differentiated intestinal l y m p h o m a w i l l live years with
more c o m m o n i n dogs (see Chapter 80). Alimentary l y m therapy.
phoma appears to be more c o m m o n i n cats than i n dogs.
Clinical Features Intestinal adenocarcinoma is more c o m m o n i n dogs than
Chronic, progressive weight loss, anorexia, small intestinal i n cats. It typically causes diffuse intestinal thickening or
diarrhea, and/or vomiting may occur. Alimentary l y m focal circumferential mass lesions. P r i m a r y clinical signs are
phoma may cause nodules, masses, diffuse intestinal thick weight loss and v o m i t i n g caused by intestinal obstruction.
ening resulting from infiltrative disease (see Fig. 29-9), Diagnosis requires demonstrating neoplastic epithelial cells.
dilated sections of intestine that are not obstructed, and/or Endoscopy, surgery, and ultrasound-guided fine-needle
focal constrictions. It may also be present i n grossly normal- aspiration may be diagnostic. Scirrhous carcinomas have
appearing intestine; P L E may also occur. Mesenteric l y m p h - very dense fibrous connective tissue that often cannot be
adequately biopsied with fine-needle aspiration or a flexible Treatment
endoscope; therefore surgery is sometimes required to obtain Symptomatic therapy is typically sufficient because acute
diagnostic biopsies. The prognosis is good i f c o m p l e t e sur proctitis and colitis are usually idiopathic. Withholding food
gical excision is possible, but metastases to regional l y m p h for 24 to 36 hours lessens the severity of clinical signs. The
nodes are c o m m o n by the time o f diagnosis. Postoperative animal should then be fed small amounts of a bland diet
adjuvant chemotherapy does not appear to be beneficial. (e.g., cottage cheese and rice) with or without fiber. After
resolution o f the clinical signs, the animal may be gradually
INTESTINAL L E I O M Y O M A / returned to its original diet. Areas o f anal excoriation should
LEIOMYOSARCOMA be cleansed, and an antibiotic-corticosteroid ointment
Intestinal leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas are connective should be applied. M o s t animals recover within 1 to 3 days.
tissue tumors that usually form a distinct mass and are For proctitis, stool softeners and broad-spectrum antimicro
primarily found i n the small intestine and stomach o f bial therapy effective against anaerobic bacteria may also be
older dogs. Primary clinical signs are intestinal hemorrhage, used.
i r o n deficiency anemia, and obstruction. They can also cause
hypoglycemia as a paraneoplastic effect. Diagnosis requires Prognosis
demonstration o f neoplastic cells. Evaluation o f ultrasound- The prognosis for idiopathic disease is good.
guided fine-needle aspirate may be diagnostic, but these
tumors do not exfoliate as readily as many carcinomas or CHRONIC COLITIS
lymphomas, and biopsy is often necessary. Surgical excision For a discussion o f chronic colitis, see p. 459.
may be curative i f there are no metastases. Metastases make
the prognosis poor, although some animals are palliated by


ACUTE COLITIS/PROCTITIS Cecocolic intussusception, i n which the cecum intus
suscepts into the colon, is rare. The cause is unknown,
Etiology although some suggest that whipworm-induced typhlitis
Acute colitis has many causes (e.g., bacteria, diet, parasites). may be responsible.
The underlying cause is seldom diagnosed because this
problem tends to be self-limiting. Acute proctitis probably Clinical Features
has similar causes but may also be secondary to passage o f a Primarily occurring i n dogs, intussuscepted cecums can
rough foreign object that traumatizes the rectal mucosa. bleed to the point where some dogs become anemic. Hema
tochezia is the major sign. It does not lead to intestinal
Clinical Features obstruction and infrequently causes diarrhea.
Animals with acute colitis, w h i c h is more c o m m o n i n dogs
than i n cats, often feel good despite large bowel diarrhea (i.e., Diagnosis
hematochezia, fecal mucus, tenesmus). V o m i t i n g occurs Cecocolic intussusception is rarely palpated during physical
infrequently. The major clinical signs o f acute proctitis are examination. Flexible endoscopy, ultrasonography, and
constipation, tenesmus, hematochezia, dyschezia, and/or contrast enema (see Fig. 33-11, B) usually reveal the
depression. intussusception.

Diagnosis Treatment
Rectal examination is important; animals with acute colitis Typhlectomy is curative, and the prognosis is good.
may have rectal discomfort and/or hematochezia. E l i m i
nating obvious causes (e.g., diet, parasites) and resolving
the problem with symptomatic therapy allow the clinician RECTAL PROLAPSE
to make a presumptive diagnosis. Colonoscopy and biopsy
are definitive but seldom performed or needed unless Etiology
the initial presentation is unduly severe. Rectal examina Rectal prolapse usually occurs secondary to enteritis or
tion o f animals with acute proctitis may reveal roughened, colitis i n young animals. They begin to strain because of
thick, and/or obviously ulcerated mucosa. Proctoscopy rectal irritation, and eventually some or all o f the rectal
and rectal mucosal biopsy are definitive but seldom mucosa prolapses. M u c o s a l exposure increases irritation and
required. perpetuates straining, which promotes prolapse. Hence a
positive feedback cycle is initiated. M a n x cats appear to be are usually required to diagnose submucosal carcinomas and
predisposed to rectal prolapse. distinguish benign polyps from carcinomas because invasion
of the submucosa is an important feature o f rectal adeno
Clinical Features carcinomas. Because most colonic neoplasms arise i n or near
Dogs and cats (especially juveniles) are affected. The pres the rectum, digital examination is the best screening test.
ence of colonic or rectal mucosa extending from the anus is Colonoscopy is required for masses farther orad. Imaging is
obvious during the physical examination. used to detect sublumbar l y m p h node or pulmonary involve
ment (i.e., metastases).
The diagnosis is based on physical examination. Rectal Treatment
examination is needed to differentiate rectal prolapse from Complete surgical excision is curative; however, most malig
an intussusception protruding from the rectum (see p. 465). nancies cannot be surgically cured because o f their location
in the pelvic canal, extent o f local invasion, and/or tendency
Treatment to metastasize to regional l y m p h nodes.
Treatment consists o f resolving the original cause of strain
ing if possible, repositioning the rectal mucosa, and prevent Prognosis
ing additional straining/prolapse. A well-lubricated finger is The prognosis for unresectable adenocarcinoma is poor.
used to reposition the mucosa. If it readily prolapses after Preoperative and intraoperative radiotherapy may be
being replaced, a purse-string suture i n the anus is used for palliative for some dogs w i t h nonresectable colorectal
1 to 3 days to hold it in position. The subsequent rectal adenocarcinomas.
opening must be large enough so that the animal can defe
cate. Occasionally, an epidural anesthetic is needed to prevent RECTAL POLYPS
repeated prolapse. If the everted mucosa is so irritated that
straining continues, retention enemas with kaolin or barium Etiology
may provide relief. If a massive prolapse is present or the The cause o f rectal polyps is u n k n o w n .
rectal mucosa is irreversibly damaged, resection may be
necessary. Clinical Features
Principally found i n dogs, hematochezia (which may be con
Prognosis siderable) and tenesmus are the primary clinical signs.
The prognosis is usually good, but some cases tend to Obstruction is rare.
Usually detected during rectal examination, some adenoma
NEOPLASMS OF THE LARGE INTESTINE tous polyps resemble sessile adenocarcinomas because they
are so large that the narrow, stalklike attachment cannot be
ADENOCARCINOMA readily discerned. Occasionally, multiple small polyps may
be palpated throughout one segment o f the colon, usually
Etiology within a few centimeters o f the rectum (Fig. 33-13). Histo-
The cause of adenocarcinoma is u n k n o w n . Contrary to ade
nocarcinoma in people, relatively few cases of colonic adeno
carcinoma in dogs have been found to arise from polyps.
These tumors can extend into the lumen or be infiltrative
and produce a circumferential narrowing.

Clinical Features
Principally found in dogs, colonic and rectal adenocarcino
mas are more c o m m o n in older animals. Hematochezia is
common. Infiltrative tumors are likely to cause tenesmus
and/or constipation secondary to obstruction.

Finding carcinoma cells is necessary for a diagnosis. Histo
pathologic evaluation is often preferable to cytologic analysis
FIG 3 3 - 1 3
because epithelial dysplasia may be present i n benign lesions, E n d o s c o p i c v i e w of the distal c o l o n of a d o g that has
causing a false-positive cytologic diagnosis o f carcinoma. multiple b e n i g n p o l y p s . Biopsy is necessary to d e t e r m i n e
Relatively deep biopsies obtained with rigid biopsy forceps that these a r e not i n f l a m m a t o r y o r m a l i g n a n t .
pathology is required for diagnosis and to distinguish polyps with advanced disease often lose weight. In rare cases there
from malignancies. will be infarction of mucosa or vessels with subsequent isch
emia. Cats are rarely affected.
Complete excision via surgery or endoscopy is curative. If Diagnosis
possible, a thorough endoscopic or imaging evaluation Because the lesion is submucosal and very fibrotic, rigid biopsy
of the colon should be done before surgery to ensure that forceps are typically necessary to obtain deep, diagnostic
additional polyps are not present. If they are incompletely samples that include substantial amounts o f submucosa (i.e.,
excised, polyps return and must be excised again. M u l t i p l e where the organism is found; Fig. 33-14). Special stains (e.g.,
polyps w i t h i n a defined area may necessitate segmental Warthin-Starry) are needed to find the organism. Sometimes,
colonic mucosal resection. the organism cannot be found, but a suggestive pyogranulo
matous, eosinophilic inflammation is present. Serologic tests
Prognosis for antigen and antibodies are available (see Chapter 29).
M o s t canine rectal and colonic polyps do not result i n car
cinoma in situ, possibly because they are diagnosed relatively Treatment
sooner than colonic polyps i n people. The prognosis is good. Complete surgical excision is preferred. N o medication has
consistently been effective, although itraconazole or liposo
mal amphotericin B plus/minus terbenifine might be tem
MISCELLANEOUS LARGE INTESTINAL porarily beneficial i n some dogs.
PYTHIOSIS The prognosis is poor unless the lesion can be completely
As discussed i n Chapter 32, pythiosis is caused by Pythium
Clinical Features PERINEAL HERNIA
Pythiosis o f the large bowel usually occurs at or near the
rectum. However, it can involve any area o f the intestinal Etiology
tract. Rectal lesions often cause partial obstruction. Fistulae Perineal hernia occurs when the pelvic diaphragm (i.e., coc
may develop, resembling perianal fistulae. The dog may be cygeus and levator ani muscles) weakens and allows the
presented for constipation and/or hematochezia. Animals rectal canal to deviate laterally.

FIG 3 3 - 1 4
P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h o f a c o l o n i c b i o p s y s p e c i m e n . The m u c o s a is intact, but g r a n u l o m a s
b e l o w the m u c o s a (arrows) c o n t a i n f u n g a l h y p h a e . These g r a n u l o m a s w o u l d not be f o u n d
by s u p e r f i c i a l mucosal s a m p l i n g . These g r a n u l o m a s a r e c a u s e d b y pythiosis.
Clinical Features 2
prine, 50 m g / m q48h, or topical 0.1% tacrolimus q24h to
This condition is principally found i n older intact male dogs q l 2 h ) with or without antibacterial drugs (e.g., metronida
(especially Boston Terriers, Boxers, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, zole, erythromycin). Administering oral ketoconazole (5 mg/
and Pekingeses); cats are rarely affected. M o s t animals present kg q l 2 h ) may allow a lower dose o f cyclosporine to be effec
because of dyschezia, constipation, or perineal swelling; tive, thus decreasing the client's cost. If cyclosporine is used,
however, urinary bladder herniation into this defect may the clinician should m o n i t o r therapeutic b l o o d levels o f the
cause severe, potentially fatal postrenal uremia with depres drug to ensure that adequate b l o o d levels are present.
sion and vomiting. Hypoallergenic diets may also be beneficial. Rarely, animals
will not respond to medical therapy and w i l l require surgery.
Diagnosis Surgery may cause fecal incontinence. Postoperative care is
Digital rectal examination should detect rectal deviation, important and consists o f keeping the area clean. Fecal soft
lack of muscular support, and/or a rectal diverticulum. The eners are sometimes useful.
clinician should check for retroflexion of the urinary bladder
into the hernia. If such herniation is suspected, it can be Prognosis
confirmed by ultrasonography, radiographs, catheterizing M a n y patients are treated successfully. However, the progno
the bladder, or aspirating the swelling (after imaging) to see sis is guarded, and repeated medical care or surgeries may be
if urine is present. needed.

Animals with postrenal uremia constitute an emergency; the
bladder should be emptied and repositioned, and intrave Etiology
nous fluids should be administered. The preferred treatment In anal sacculitis the anal sac becomes infected, resulting i n
is surgical reconstruction o f the muscular support; however, an abscess or cellulitis.
surgery may fail, and clients should be prepared for the
fact that their pet may require additional reconstructive Clinical Features
procedures. A n a l sacculitis is relatively c o m m o n i n dogs and occasionally
occurs i n cats. Small dogs (e.g., Poodles, Chihuahuas) prob
Prognosis ably have a higher incidence o f this disorder than other
The prognosis is fair to guarded. breeds. M i l d cases cause irritation (i.e., scooting, licking,
or biting the area). A n a l sacs occasionally bleed onto the
PERIANAL FISTULAE feces. Severe cases may be associated with obvious pain,
swelling, and/or draining tracts. Dyschezia or constipa
Etiology tion may develop because the animal refuses to defecate.
The cause of perianal fistulae is u n k n o w n . Impacted anal Fever may occur i n dogs and cats w i t h severe anal
crypts and/or anal sacs have been hypothesized to become sacculitis.
infected and rupture into deep tissues. A n immune-mediated
mechanism is likely to be involved, as seen by the clinical Diagnosis
response to immunosuppressive drugs. Physical and rectal examination is usually diagnostic. The
anal sacs are often painful; the sac contents may appear
Clinical Features purulent, bloody, or n o r m a l but increased in volume. In
Perianal fistulae occur i n dogs and are more c o m m o n i n severe cases it may be impossible to express the affected sac.
breeds with a sloping conformation and/or a broad base to If the sac ruptures, the fistulous tract is usually i n a 4 o'clock
the tail head (e.g., German Shepherd Dogs). There are typi or 7 o'clock position i n relation to the anus. Occasionally,
cally one or more painful draining tracts around the anus. there is an obvious abscess.
Animals are usually presented because of constipation (caused
by the pain), odor, rectal pain, and/or rectal discharge. Treatment
M i l d cases require only that the anal sac be expressed and an
Diagnosis aqueous antibiotic-corticosteroid preparation be infused.
Diagnosis is made by physical and rectal examination. Care Infusion with saline solution may aid i n expressing impacted
should be taken when examining the patient because the sacs. If clients express the anal sacs at home, they can often
rectal area can be very painful. Draining tracts are sometimes prevent impaction and reduce the likelihood o f severe c o m
absent, but granulomas and abscesses can be palpated via the plications.
rectum. Rectal pythiosis rarely mimics perianal fistulae. Abscesses should be lanced, drained, flushed, and treated
with a hot pack; systemic antibiotics should also be a d m i n
Treatment istered. H o t packs also help soft spots form i n early abscesses.
Most affected dogs are cured with immunosuppressive If the problem recurs, is severe, or is nonresponsive to
therapy (e.g., cyclosporine, 3 to 5 mg/ kg q l 2 h or azathio medical therapy, affected sacs can be resected.
Prognosis Diagnosis
The prognosis is usually good. Cytologic and/or histopathologic evaluation is needed for
diagnosis, but neither reliably distinguishes malignant from
benign masses. Finding metastases (e.g., regional lymph nodes,
PERIANAL NEOPLASMS lungs) is the most certain method o f diagnosing malignancy.

A N A L SAC (APOCRINE G L A N D ) Treatment

ADENOCARCINOMA Surgical excision is preferred for benign or solitary tumors
that have not metastasized. Neutering is recommended for
Etiology dogs with adenomas. Radiation is recommended for multi
A n a l sac adenocarcinomas are derived from the apocrine centric and some malignant tumors. Chemotherapy (vin
glands and are usually found i n older female dogs. cristine, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide [ V A C ] protocol) is
helpful i n dogs with adenocarcinomas (see Chapter 77).
Clinical Features
A n anal sac or pararectal mass can often be palpated, but Prognosis
some are not obvious. Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia causing The prognosis is good for benign lesions but guarded for
anorexia, weight loss, vomiting, and polyuria-polydipsia is malignant lesions.
c o m m o n . Occasionally, constipation occurs as a result o f the
hypercalcemia or perineal mass. Metastatic sublumbar
lymphadenopathy occurs early i n the course o f the disease, CONSTIPATION
but metastases to other organs are rare.
Constipation may be caused by any perineal or perianal
Diagnosis disease that causes pain (e.g., perianal fistulae, perineal
Cytologic and/or histopathologic evaluation is necessary to hernia, anal sacculitis), obstruction, or colonic weakness. It
establish a diagnosis. Hypercalcemia i n an older female dog may also be caused by other disorders (see Box 28-15).
should lead to careful examination o f both anal sacs and
pararectal structures. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography may PELVIC C A N A L OBSTRUCTION CAUSED
reveal sublumbar lymphadenopathy. BY M A L A L I G N E D HEALING OF OLD
Hypercalcemia, i f present, must be treated (see Chapter 55). Etiology
The tumor should be removed, but these tumors have often Prior trauma (e.g., automobile-associated injuries) is a
metastasized to regional l y m p h nodes by the time o f diag c o m m o n cause o f pelvic canal obstruction in cats because
nosis. Palliative chemotherapy (see Chapter 77) may be tran they frequently sustain pelvic trauma that heals i f they are
siently beneficial in some dogs. allowed to rest. Cats appear clinically normal once the frac
tures heal, but the d i m i n u t i o n of the pelvic canal can produce
Prognosis megacolon and/or dystocia.
The prognosis is guarded.
PERIANAL G L A N D T U M O R S Digital rectal examination should be diagnostic. Radiographs
will further define the extent of the problem.
Perianal gland tumors arise from modified sebaceous glands. Treatment
Perianal gland adenomas have testosterone receptors. Constipation caused by m i n i m a l pelvic narrowing may be
controlled with stool softeners, but orthopedic surgery may
Clinical Features be needed. The prognosis depends somewhat on how severely
Perianal gland adenomas are often sharply demarcated, the colon has been distended. Unless the colon is massively
raised, and red and may be pruritic. C o m m o n l y found stretched out o f shape, it can often resume function i f it is
around the anus and base o f the tail, they may be solitary kept empty and allowed to regain its normal diameter. Pro-
or multiple and can occur over the entire back half o f the kinetic drugs such as cisapride (0.25 mg/kg administered
dog. Male hormones appear to stimulate their growth, and orally q8- 12h) may stimulate peristalsis; however, prokinetic
they are often found i n older intact male dogs (especially drugs must not be used i f there is residual obstruction.
Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, and G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs). P r u
ritus may lead to licking and ulceration o f the tumor. Prognosis
Perianal gland adenocarcinomas are rare; they are usually The prognosis depends on the severity and chronicity of
large, infiltrative, ulcerated masses with a high metastatic colonic distention and the success o f surgery in widening the
potential. pelvic canal.
The prognosis is usually good. The colon should function
Etiology normally after cleansing unless the distention has been pro
The cause is uncertain but may be congenital. longed and severe.

Clinical Features IDIOPATHIC M E G A C O L O N

Constipation and tenesmus are the principal clinical
The cause is u n k n o w n but may involve behavior (i.e., refusal
Diagnosis to defecate) or altered colonic neurotransmitters.
Digital rectal examination detects a stricture, although
this sign can be missed i f a large dog is palpated care Clinical Features
lessly or i f the stricture is beyond reach. Proctoscopy Idiopathic megacolon is principally a feline disease, although
and evaluation of a deep biopsy specimen (i.e., including dogs are occasionally affected. Affected animals may be
submucosa) of the stricture are needed to confirm that the depressed and anorectic and are often presented because of
lesion is benign and fibrous as opposed to neoplastic or infrequent defecation.
Treatment Diagnosis requires palpating a massively dilated colon (not
In some animals, simple dilation via balloon or retractor will one just filled to normal capacity) plus elimination of dietary,
tear the stricture and allow normal defecation; other animals behavioral, metabolic, and anatomic causes. A b d o m i n a l
require surgery. Owners should be warned that strictures radiographs should be evaluated i f proper abdominal palpa
may re-form during healing, and surgery can cause inconti tion cannot be performed.
nence i n rare cases. Corticosteroids (prednisolone, 1.1 mg/
kg/day) might impede stricture re-formation. Treatment
Impacted feces must be removed. Multiple w a r m water
Prognosis retention and cleansing enemas over 2 to 4 days usually
The prognosis is guarded to good. work. Future fecal impaction is prevented by adding fiber to
a moist diet (e.g., Metamucil, p u m p k i n pie filling), making
DIETARY INDISCRETION LEADING sure clean litter is always available, and using osmotic laxa
TO CONSTIPATION tives (e.g., lactulose) and/or prokinetic drugs (e.g., cisapride).
Lubricants are not helpful, because they do not change fecal
Etiology consistency. If this conservative therapy fails or is refused by
Dogs often eat inappropriate foods or other materials the client, subtotal colectomy is indicated i n cats (not dogs).
(e.g., paper, popcorn, hair, bones). Excessive dietary fiber Cats typically have soft stools for a few weeks postoperatively,
supplements can cause constipation i f the animal becomes some for the rest of their lives.
Diagnosis The prognosis is fair to guarded. M a n y cats respond well to
Dietary causes are c o m m o n i n dogs that eat trash. Dietary conservative therapy i f treated early.
indiscretion is best diagnosed by examining fecal matter
retrieved from the colon. Suggested Readings
Abdelmagid OY et al: Evaluation of the efficacy and duration of
Treatment immunity of a canine combination vaccine against virulent par
Controlling the pet's eating habits, adding appropriate vovirus, infectious canine hepatitis virus,and distemper virus
amounts of fiber to the diet, and feeding a moist diet (espe experimental challenges, Vet Therap 5:173, 2004.
cially in cats) help prevent constipation. Repeated retention Allenspach K et al: Pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of cyclo
and cleansing (not hypertonic) enemas may be needed. sporine treatment of dogs with steroid-refractory inflammatory
Manual disruption of hard feces should be avoided, but i f it bowel disease, / Vet Intern Med 20:239, 2006.
is necessary, the animal should be anesthetized to help Baez IL et al: Radiographic, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic
findings in cats with inflammatory bowel disease of the stomach
prevent colonic trauma during the procedure, and sponge
and small intestine: 33 cases (1990-1997), / Am Vet Med Assoc
forceps or curved hemostats should be used to mechanically
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break apart the feces. It often helps to insert a rigid colono Batchelor DJ et al: Breed associations for canine exocrine pancreatic
scope up to the fecal mass and then insert a tube with a insufficiency, / Vet Intern Med 21:207, 2007.
vigorous stream of running water at body temperature Bender JB et al: Epidemiologic features of Campylobacter infection
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Disorders of the

drome [SIRS]) occurs. However, some animals with septic

peritonitis may have m i l d vomiting, slight fever, and copious
volumes of abdominal fluid and feel relatively well for days
or longer. In particular, cats with septic peritonitis may not
Septic Peritonitis
show signs of abdominal pain and may be bradycardic.
Sclerosing, Encapsulating Peritonitis
A b d o m i n a l Hemangiosarcoma
Most animals with septic peritonitis have small amounts of
abdominal fluid that cannot be detected by physical exami
A b d o m i n a l Carcinomatosis
nation but that decrease serosal detail on plain abdominal
radiographs (much like what is seen in animals with a lack
Feline Infectious Peritonitis
of body fat). Ultrasonography is a sensitive means for detect
ing such small fluid volumes. Free peritoneal gas not related
to recent abdominal surgery strongly suggests alimentary
tract leakage (Fig. 34-1) or infection with gas-forming bac
INFLAMMATORY DISEASES teria. Ultrasonography may detect masses (e.g., tumors)
responsible for such leakage. Neutrophilia is c o m m o n but
SEPTIC PERITONITIS nonspecific i n dogs and cats with septic peritonitis.
Abdominocentesis is indicated i f free abdominal fluid is
Etiology detected or i f septic peritonitis is suspected. Retrieved fluid
Spontaneous septic peritonitis is usually caused by alimen is examined cytologically and cultured. Ultrasound guidance
tary tract perforation or devitalization caused by neoplasia, should allow the clinician to sample effusions, even when
ulceration, intussusception, foreign objects, or dehiscence of only m i n i m a l amounts are present.
suture lines. Septic peritonitis can also develop after abdom Bacteria (especially i f phagocytized by white blood cells)
inal gunshot wounds, surgery, or hematogenous spread from or fecal contents i n abdominal fluid are diagnostic for septic
elsewhere. Cats seemingly can develop spontaneous septic peritonitis (Fig. 34-2). However, fecal contents and bacteria
peritonitis. are often not seen despite severe infection. Prior antibiotic
use may greatly suppress bacterial numbers and the percent
Clinical Features age of neutrophils demonstrating degenerative changes.
If septic peritonitis occurs secondary to suture line dehis Furthermore, m i l d degenerative changes are c o m m o n after
cence, it classically manifests 3 to 6 days postoperatively. recent abdominal surgery. M o r e important, it is almost
Dogs with two or more of the following have been reported impossible to quickly distinguish septic peritonitis from
to be at increased risk for dehiscence: serum a l b u m i n <2.5 g/ sterile pancreatitis in some dogs without exploratory lapa
dl, intestinal foreign body, and preoperative peritonitis. rotomy. Both can cause SIRS, and ultrasound is not as sensi
Dogs with septic peritonitis are usually depressed, febrile, tive in detecting pancreatitis as desired. Effusion lactate levels
and vomiting and may have abdominal pain (if they are not are not accurate in distinguishing septic from nonseptic effu
too depressed to respond). A b d o m i n a l effusion is usually sions. Degenerative neutrophils are suggestive of septic
m i l d to modest i n amount. Signs usually progress rapidly peritonitis, but severe sterile pancreatitis can produce degen
until septic shock (i.e., systemic inflammatory response syn erative changes identical to that seen with infection. Unfor-
FIG 34-1
A , Plain lateral a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g . Visceral m a r g i n s of k i d n e y (small solid
arrows) a n d s t o m a c h (large solid arrows) are o u t l i n e d b y n e g a t i v e contrast (i.e., a i r ) . In
a d d i t i o n , there a r e pockets of free a i r in the a b d o m e n (open arrows). This d o g h a d a
gastric ulcer that s p o n t a n e o u s l y p e r f o r a t e d . B , Plain lateral r a d i o g r a p h of a d o g w i t h a
splenic abscess. There a r e a i r b u b b l e s in the r e g i o n o f the spleen (short arrows) a n d free
gas in the d o r s a l p e r i t o n e a l c a v i t y (long arrows).

tunately, when septic peritonitis is strongly suspected, the of adhesions, resulting in short bowel syndrome (see p. 466),
clinician typically cannot wait for results of abdominal fluid which has substantial morbidity.
culture. At this time, the ability o f canine pancreatic lipase Substantial abdominal contamination may require pro
immunoreactivity determinations to discriminate between tracted drainage. Penrose drains are typically inadequate for
the two is uncertain, especially since dogs with septic peri this purpose. O p e n abdominal drainage may be done, but it
tonitis may have secondary pancreatitis i f the intestinal is very time and labor intensive. A nonabsorbable suture is
perforation is close to the pancreas. Therefore the clinician used to close the abdomen except for a 6- to 8-cm opening
should always warn the client that the patient may or may at its most dependent aspect. This open incision is covered
not need the procedure but that there is no quick, reliable with sterile absorbent dressings (e.g., a sterile sanitary napkin
way to distinguish before surgery. held i n place by sterile cast padding and sterile gauze) that
are changed as needed, usually two to four times per day
Treatment initially. Eventually, only one change per day will be needed.
Animals with spontaneous septic peritonitis usually have an W h e n the dressing is changed, a sterile, gloved hand should
alimentary tract leak and should be surgically explored as explore the opening to ensure that o m e n t u m and intestines
soon as they are stable. A preanesthetic complete b l o o d have not blocked the site. This dressing change regimen is
count ( C B C ) , serum biochemistry profile, and urinalysis are continued until abdominal drainage decreases and most or
desirable; however, surgery usually should not be delayed all o f the peritoneal contamination is gone. Then a second
even i f the laboratory results are. D u r i n g surgery a careful surgery is performed to close the abdomen. The opening
search should be made for intestinal or gastric defects. Biopsy sometimes closes spontaneously. The abdomen should be
of tissue surrounding a perforation should be performed to recultured at the time o f the second surgery. Alternatively,
search for underlying neoplasia or inflammatory bowel closed suction drains have been used postoperatively with
disease (IBD). After the defect is corrected, the abdomen success, and some clinicians advocate closure o f such abdo
should be repeatedly lavaged with large volumes o f w a r m mens without drainage.
crystalloid solutions to dilute and remove debris and bacte Systemic antimicrobial therapy should consist of
ria. The abdomen cannot be adequately lavaged via a drain broad-spectrum, parenteral antibiotics. A combination of
tube or even a peritoneal dialysis catheter except i n the a -lactam drug (e.g., ticarcillin plus clavulinic acid) and
mildest cases. Adhesions re-form quickly; they should not be metronidazole plus an aminoglycoside (e.g., amikacin) is
broken down unless it is necessary to examine the intestines. usually an excellent choice (see the discussion of antibacterial
Intestines should be resected only i f they are truly devital drugs used in gastrointestinal disorders, p. 409). Enrofloxacin
ized. Intestines are sometimes unnecessarily removed because may be substituted for the aminoglycoside, but it must be
FIG 3 4 - 2
A , P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of peritoneal e x u d a t e from a d o g w i t h septic peritonitis. N o t e bacteria
(small arrows) a n d neutrophils that h a v e d e g e n e r a t e d so much that it is difficult to identify
them as neutrophils (large arrows). ( W r i g h t ' s stain; m a g n i f i c a t i o n x 1 0 0 0 . ) (Courtesy Dr.
C l a u d i a B a r t o n , Texas A & M University.) B , P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h of septic p e r i t o n e a l f l u i d .
There is o n e intracellular b a c t e r i u m (large a r r o w ) a n d t w o things (small, clear a r r o w s ) that
m a y o r m a y not be b a c t e r i a . The neutrophils a r e not n e a r l y as d e g e n e r a t e d as in A .

given over 30 to 40 minutes in a diluted form. A m i n o g l y c o factors is optimal; plasma is given until the A T III concentra
sides and quinolones are dose-dependent drugs; administra tion and the prothrombine time (PT) and partial thrombo
tion of the entire daily dose i n one injection is safer and plastin time (PTT) are normal or clearly much improved.
probably as or more effective than administering smaller Heparin may also be administered; low molecular weight
doses two to three times daily. Cefoxitin (30 mg/kg q6-8h) heparin is believed to be more effective than unfractionated
and meropenem (24 mg/kg once daily) are other -lactam heparin.
drugs that may be used. F l u i d and electrolyte support
helps prevent aminoglycoside-induced nephrotoxicity. Prognosis
Hypoalbuminemia can occur, especially i f open abdominal The prognosis depends on the cause of the leak (e.g., perfo
drainage is used. If disseminated intravascular coagulation rations may be caused by malignancies) and the animal's
(DIC) is present, administration of fresh frozen plasma condition when it is diagnosed. SIRS and D I C worsen the
to replenish antithrombin III ( A T III) and other clotting prognosis.
PERITONITIS A b d o m i n a l hemangiosarcoma is principally found i n older
dogs, especially German Shepherd Dogs and Golden Retrievers.
Etiology Anemia, abdominal effusion, and periodic weakness or collapse
Reported causes include bacterial infection, steatitis, and from poor peripheral perfusion are c o m m o n presenting
fiberglass ingestion. This form of peritonitis is rare. complaints. Some animals have bicavity hemorrhagic effusion.

Clinical features Diagnosis

Sclerosing, encapsulating peritonitis is a chronic condition Ultrasonography is the most sensitive test for splenic and
in which abdominal organs are covered and encased i n hepatic masses, especially when there is copious abdominal
heavy layers of connective tissue. Typical clinical signs usually effusion. Radiographs may reveal a mass i f there is m i n i m a l
include vomiting, abdominal pain, and ascites. D u r i n g free peritoneal fluid. Abdominocentesis typically reveals
exploratory surgery the lesions may m i m i c those o f a meso hemoabdomen but not neoplastic cells. Definitive diagnosis
thelioma. Analysis o f abdominal fluid usually reveals red requires biopsy (via laparotomy) because splenic hematoma,
blood cells, mixed inflammatory cells, and macrophages. hemangioma, and widespread accessory splenic tissue mas
Diagnosis is confirmed by surgical biopsy o f the thick cover querade as hemangiosarcoma but have a m u c h better prog
ing of the abdominal organs. nosis. T w o or more large tissue samples should always be
submitted, and the clinician should be prepared to request
Treatment recuts; hemangiosarcoma may be difficult to find histologi
Antibiotics with or without corticosteroids may be tried. cally. Fine-needle biopsy (especially fine-needle core biopsy) is
Removal of underlying causes (e.g., steatitis i n cats) is desir sometimes diagnostic. However, there is the risk o f inducing
able, but such causes are rarely found. life-threatening hemorrhage, and the patient must be watched
closely after the procedure for evidence o f hypovolemia.
Most affected animals die despite therapeutic attempts. Treatment
Solitary masses should be excised. Chemotherapy may be
palliative for some animals with multiple masses; chemo
HEMOABDOMEN therapy is also indicated as an adjuvant postoperative treat
ment modality (see Chapter 82).
Most red effusions are blood-tinged transudates, not
hemoabdomen. Hemoabdomen is usually indicated by a Prognosis
fluid with a hematocrit greater than or equal to 10% to 15%. The prognosis is poor because the tumor metastasizes early.
Blood in the abdominal cavity can be iatrogenic (i.e., caused by
abdominocentesis), traumatic (e.g., automobile-associated
trauma), or toxic (e.g., ingestion o f vitamin K antagonist) i n MISCELLANEOUS PERITONEAL
origin, or can represent spontaneous disease. Clots or plate DISORDERS
lets in the sample mean that the bleeding is iatrogenic or is
currently occurring near the site of the abdominocentesis. A B D O M I N A L CARCINOMATOSIS
Spontaneous hemoabdomen is usually the result o f a bleed
ing neoplasm (e.g., hemangiosarcoma, hepatocellular carci Etiology
noma). History, physical examination, coagulation studies, A b d o m i n a l carcinomatosis involves widespread, miliary
and/or abdominal ultrasonography usually establish the peritoneal carcinomas that may have originated from various
diagnosis. It should be noted that thrombocytopenia may sites; intestinal and pancreatic adenocarcinomas are c o m m o n
cause or be caused by vigorous abdominal bleeding. Also, neoplasms that may result i n carcinomatosis.
even when a coagulopathy is secondary to the original cause
of the hemoabdomen (e.g., tumor), it may become severe Clinical Features
enough to cause bleeding by itself. Weight loss may be the predominant complaint, although
some animals are presented because o f obvious abdominal

Etiology Diagnosis
A b d o m i n a l hemangiosarcoma often originates i n the spleen Physical examination and radiography rarely help to estab
(see Chapter 82). It can spread throughout the abdomen by lish the diagnosis. Ultrasonography may reveal masses or
implantation, causing widespread peritoneal seepage o f infiltrates i f they are large enough; however, small, miliary
blood, or it can metastasize to distant sites (e.g., liver, lesions can be missed by ultrasound. Fluid analysis reveals a
lungs). nonseptic exudate or a modified transudate; epithelial neo-
plastic cells are occasionally found (see Chapter 36). Lapa inal effusion of FIP is discussed here. Although a major cause
roscopy or abdominal exploratory surgery with histologic of feline abdominal effusion, FIP is not the only cause. Fur
examination of biopsy specimens is usually needed for thermore, not all cats with FIP have effusions. FIP effusions
diagnosis. are classically pyogranulomatous (i.e., macrophages and
nondegenerate neutrophils) with a relatively low nucleated
Treatment cell count (i.e., 10,000/l). However, some cats with FIP
Intracavitary chemotherapy has been palliative for some have effusions that primarily contain neutrophils. A nonsep
animals, although generally there is no effective treatment tic exudate i n a nonazotemic cat suggests FIP until proven
for this disorder. Cisplatin (50 to 70 m g / m every 3 weeks) otherwise.
and 5-fluorouracil (150 m g / m every 2 to 3 weeks) are fre
quently effective i n decreasing fluid accumulation in dogs Suggested Readings
with carcinomatosis but should not be used i n cats; carbo Boysen SR et al: Evaluation of a focused assessment with sonogra
platin (150 to 200 m g / m every 3 weeks) may be effective i n phy for trama protocol to detect free abdominal fluid in dogs
cats. involved in motor vehicle accidents, J Am Vet Med Assoc 225:1198,
Prognosis Brockman DJ et al: A practical approach to hemoperitoneum in the
The prognosis is grim. dog and cat, Vet Clin N Am 30:657, 2000.
Costello M F et al: Underlying cause, pathophysiologic abnormali
ties, and response to treatment in cats with septic peritonitis: 51
cases (1990-2001), J Am Vet Med Assoc 225:897, 2004.
Hinton LE et al: Spontaneous gastroduodenal perforation in 16
dogs and seven cats (1982-1999),} Am Anim Hosp Assoc 38:176,
The cause is u n k n o w n . 2002.
Lanz OI et al: Surgical treatment of septic peritonitis without abdo
Clinical Features minal drainage in 28 dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 37:87, 2001.
Levin G M et al: Lactate as a diagnostic test for septic peritoneal
Mesothelioma often causes bicavity effusion. The tumor may
effusions in dogs and cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 40:364, 2004.
appear as fragile clots adhering to the peritoneal surface of
Merlo M et al: Radiographic and ultrasonographic features of
various organs. retained surgical sponge in eight dogs, Vet Radiol Ultrasound
Diagnosis 41:279, 2000.
Mueller M G et al: Use of closed-suction drains to treat generalized
Imaging reveals only fluid accumulations. F l u i d cytology
peritonitis in dogs and cats: 40 cases (1997-1999), ] Am Vet Med
rarely is beneficial because reactive mesothelial cells are
Assoc 219:789, 2001.
notorious for m i m i c i n g malignancy, and pathologists gener Pintar J et al: Acute nontraumatic hemoabdomen in the dog: a
ally acknowledge the inability to cytologically distinguish retrospective analysis of 39 cases (1987-2001), J Am Anim Hosp
neoplastic cells from nonneoplastic cells i n abdominal fluid. Assoc 39:518, 2003.
Laparoscopy or laparotomy are typically needed to make a Ralphs SC et al: Risk factors for leakage following intestinal anas
definitive diagnosis. tomosis in dogs and cats: 115 cases (1991-2000), J Am Vet Med
Assoc 223:73-77, 2003.
Treatment Saunders WB et al: Penumperitoneum in dogs and cats: 39 cases
(1983-2002), J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:462, 2003.
Intracavity cis-platinum may be attempted. Shales CI et al: Complications following full-thickness small intes
tinal biopsy in 66 dogs: a retrospective study, / Small Anim Pract
Prognosis 46:317, 2005.
The prognosis is grim, but chemotherapy has been reported Sharpe A et al: Intestinal haemangiosarcoma in the cat: clinical and
to prolong survival by several months. pathological features of four cases, / Small Anim Pract 41:411,
FELINE INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS Smelstoys JA et al: Outcome of and prognostic indicators for dogs
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease of cats, and cats with pneumoperitoneum and no history of penetrating
which is discussed i n detail i n Chapter 97. O n l y the abdom trauma: 54 cases (1988-2002), ] Am Vet Med Assoc 225:251, 2004.
Drugs Used i n Gastrointestinal Disorders


Albendazole Valbazen 2 5 m g / k g PO q 1 2 h for 3 d a y s S a m e for 5 d a y s

Aluminum Amphojel 1 0 - 3 0 m g / k g ; PO q6-8h Unknown
Amikacin Amiglyde 2 0 - 2 5 m g / k g IV q 2 4 h Same
Aminopentamide Centrine 0 . 0 1 - 0 . 0 3 m g / k g PO, IV, SC q8-12h 0.02 m g / k g PO, SC q8-12h
Amoxicillin 2 2 m g / k g P O , I M , SC, q12h Same
Amphotericin B Fungizone 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 m g / k g IV q 2 - 3 d ; w a t c h for toxicity 0 . 1 - 0 . 3 m g / k g IV q 2 - 3 d ; w a t c h for
A m p h o t e r i c i n B, Abelcet 1.1-3.3 m g / k g / t r e a t m e n t IV; w a t c h for 0 . 5 - 2 . 2 m g / k g / t r e a t m e n t IV; not
lipid c o m p l e x or AmBisome toxicity a p p r o v e d w a t c h for toxicity
Ampicillin 2 2 m g / k g IV, q 6 - 8 h Same
Amprolium 2 5 m g / k g (puppies) for 3-5 d a y s (not Do not use
Apomorphine 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 0 4 m g / k g IV; 0 . 0 4 - 0 . 1 m g / k g SC D o not use
Atropine 0 . 0 2 - 0 . 0 4 m g / k g IV, SC q 6 - 8 h ; Same
0 . 2 - 0 . 5 m g / k g IV, I M for
o r g a n o p h o s p h a t e toxicity
Azathioprine Imuran 50 mg/m 2
PO q 2 4 - 4 8 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Do not use in cats
Azithromycin Zithromax 1 0 m g / k g PO q 1 2 - 2 4 h (not a p p r o v e d ) 5-15 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h (not approved)
Bethanechol Urecholine 1 . 2 5 - 1 5 m g total d o s e P O q 8 h 1.2-5 m g total d o s e PO
Bisacodyl Dulcolax 5-15 m g total dose PO as n e e d e d 5 m g total dose PO q24h
Bismuth Pepto-Bismol 1 m l / k g / d a y PO d i v i d e d q 8 - 1 2 h for 1-2 D o not use
subsalicylate days
Budesonide Entocort 1-3 m g / d o g PO q 2 4 - 4 8 h (not a p p r o v e d ) 1 m g / c a t PO q 2 4 - 7 2 h (not
Butorphanol Torbutrol, 0 . 2 - 0 . 4 m g / k g IV, SC, I M q 2 - 3 h as n e e d e d 0 . 2 m g / k g IV, SC as n e e d e d
Cefazolin Ancef 2 0 - 2 5 m g / k g IV, I M , SC q6-8h Same
Cefotaxime Claforan 2 0 - 8 0 m g / k g IV, I M , SC q 6 - 8 h (not S a m e (not a p p r o v e d )
Cefoxitin Mefoxin 3 0 m g / k g IV, I M , SC q 6 - 8 h (not a p p r o v e d ) S a m e as d o g s (not a p p r o v e d )
Chlorambucil Leukeran N o t used for IBD 1 m g t w i c e w e e k l y for cats
< 3 . 5 k g ; 2 m g t w i c e w e e k l y for
cats > 3 . 5 kg (not a p p r o v e d )
Chloramphenicol 5 0 m g / k g PO, IV, SC q 8 h S a m e , but q 1 2 h
Chlorpromazine Thorazine 0 . 3 - 0 . 5 m g / k g IV, I M , SC q 8 - l 2 h for Same
Cimetidine Tagamet 5 - 1 0 m g / k g PO, IV, SC q6-8h Same
Cisapride Propulsid 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g PO q8-12h 2.5-5 m g total dose PO q8-12h
(1 m g / k g m a x i m u m dose)
Clindamycin Antirobe 1 1 m g / k g PO q 8 h Same
Cyclosporine Atopica 3-5 m g / k g PO ql2h N o t for use in cats
Cyproheptadine Periactin N o t used for a n o r e x i a in d o g s 2-4 mg total d o s e
Dexamethasone Azium 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 1 m g / k g IV, SC, PO q 2 4 h for Same
Diazepam Valium N o t for use in a n o r e x i c d o g s 0 . 2 m g IV
Dicyclomine Bentyl 0 . 1 5 m g / k g PO q 8 h Unknown
Dioctyl sodium Colace 1 0 - 2 0 0 m g total dose PO, d e p e n d i n g o n 1 0 - 2 5 m g total dose PO q 1 2 - 2 4 h
sulfosuccinate weight, q8-12h
Diphenhydramine Benadryl 2-4 m g / k g PO; 1-2 m g / k g IV, I M q8-12h Same
Diphenoxylate Lomotil 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 2 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h D o not use
Dolasetron Anzemet 0 . 3 - 1 . 0 m g / k g SC or IV q 2 4 h (not S a m e (not a p p r o v e d )
Doxycycline Vibramycin 1 0 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h or 5 m g / k g PO q12h 5 - 1 0 m g / k g PO q12h

Drugs Used in Gastrointestinal Disorderscont'd


Enrofloxacin Baytril 2 . 5 - 2 0 m g / k g PO or IV (diluted) q12-24h Same (high doses c a n b e

associated w i t h blindness)
Episprantel Cestex 5.5 m g / k g PO once 2 . 7 5 m g / k g PO once
Erythromycin 1 1 - 2 2 m g / k g P O q 8 h (for a n t i m i c r o b i a l Same
a c t i o n ) ; 2 m g / k g P O q 8 - 1 2 h (for
prokinetic activity)
Famotidine Pepcid 0 . 5 m g / k g P O , IV q 1 2 - 2 4 h (higher doses Same (not a p p r o v e d )
m a y b e necessary in severely stressed
Febantel 1 0 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h f o r 3 d a y s (adult dogs) 10 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h
15 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h f o r 3 d a y s (puppies)
Febantel plus Drontal plus See manufacturer's r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s Not approved
p y r a n t e l plus
Fenbendazole Panacur 5 0 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h f o r 3-5 d a y s N o t a p p r o v e d , but p r o b a b l y the
same as for d o g s
Flunixin m e g l u m i n e Banamine 1 m g / k g IV f o r septic shock (controversial) Not recommended
Furazolidone Furoxone 4 . 4 m g / k g P O q 1 2 h for 5 days for giardiasis Same
Granisetron Kytril 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 m g / k g P O (not a p p r o v e d )
Hetastarch 10-20 mk/kg/day 10-15 mg/kg/day
Imidocloprid/ Advantage See manufacturer's r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s Same
moxidectin multi
Imipenem-Cilastatin Primaxin 5 m g / k g IV, I M , SC q 4 - 6 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Same (not a p p r o v e d )
lnterferon- Virbagen 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 u n i t s / k g IV, S Q q 2 4 h 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 u n i t s / k g SC q 2 4 h
Itraconazole Sporanox 5 m g / k g PO q 1 2 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Same (not a p p r o v e d )
Ivermectin 2 0 0 g / k g P O (not in Collies o r other 2 5 0 g / k g PO
sensitive breeds) f o r intestinal parasites
Kaopectate 1-2 m l / k g P O q 8 - 1 2 h Not recommended
Ketamine N o t used 1-2 m g / k g IV f o r 5 - 1 0 minutes o f
Ketoconazole Nizoral 1 0 - 2 0 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Same (usually d i v i d e d dose)
Lactulose Cephulac 0 . 2 m l / k g P O q 8 - 1 2 h , then adjust (not 5 ml P O q 8 h (not a p p r o v e d )
Lanosprazole Prevacid 1 m g / k g IV q 2 4 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Unknown
Loperamide Imodium 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 m g / k g P O q 8 - 1 2 h (not a p p r o v e d ) 0 . 0 8 - 0 . 1 6 m g / k g PO q l 2 h (not
Magnesium M i l k of 5 - 1 0 ml total d o s e P O q 6 - 8 h (antacid) 5 - 1 0 ml total dose PO q 8 - 1 2 h
hydroxide Magnesia (antacid)
Maropitant Cerenia 1 m g / k g SC o r 2 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h Not approved
M e g e s t r o l acetate Ovaban 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h (dogs) (not 2 . 5 - 5 m g / c a t PO q 2 4 h (not
recommended) recommended)
Meropenem M e r r e m IV 12 m g / k g SC q 8 - 1 2 h o r 2 4 m g / k g IV q 2 4 h Same (not a p p r o v e d )
(not a p p r o v e d )
Mertazapine Remeron 3.75 to 2 2 . 5 m g P O daily, d e p e n d i n g u p o n 3.75 mg PO q48-72h (anecdotal
size ( a n e c d o t a l a n d not a p p r o v e d ) a n d not a p p r o v e d )
Mesalamine Pentasa 1 0 - 2 0 m g / k g P O q 1 2 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Not recommended
Methscopolamine Pamine 0.3-1 m g / k g PO q 8 h Unknown
Methylprednisolone Depo-Medrol 1 m g / k g I M q1-3 w k 1 0 - 4 0 m g total dose I M q 1 - 3 w k
Metoclopramide Reglan 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g IV, P O , I M q 8 - 2 4 h Same (not a p p r o v e d )
1-2 m g / k g / d a y , CRI
Metronidazole Flagyl 2 5 - 5 0 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h for 5-7 days for 2 5 - 5 0 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h for 5 days
giardiasis; 10-15 m g / k g PO q 1 2 - 2 4 h for for g i a r d i a s i s ; 1 0 - 1 5 m g / k g PO
IBD q 1 2 - 2 4 h for IBD

P O , By m o u t h ( o r a l l y ) ; IV, i n t r a v e n o u s l y ; S C , s u b c u t a n e o u s l y ; I M , i n t r a m u s c u l a r l y ; I B D , i n f l a m m a t o r y b o w e l d i s e a s e , C R I , c o n s t a n t rate infusion.

Drugs Used i n Gastrointestinal Disorderscont'd


Milbemycin Interceptor 0 . 5 m g / k g PO monthly Not approved

Misoprostol Cytotec 2-5 g / k g PO q 8 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Unknown
Neomycin Biosol 1 0 - 1 5 m g / k g PO q 6 - 1 2 h Same
Nizatidine Axid 2 . 5 - 5 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Unknown
Olsalazine Dipentum 1 0 m g / k g PO q 1 2 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Unknown
Omeprazole Prilosec 0 . 7 - 1 . 5 m g / k g PO q 1 2 - 2 4 h (not a p p r o v e d ) S a m e (not a p p r o v e d )
Ondansetron Zofran 0.5-1 m g / k g P O ; 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 m g / k g IV q 8 - 2 4 h Unknown
(not a p p r o v e d )
Orbifloxacin Orbax 2.5-7.5 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h Same
Oxazepam Serax N o t used for a n o r e x i a 2 . 5 mg total d o s e PO
Oxytetracycline 2 2 m g / k g PO ql2h Same
Pancreatic Viokase V 1-3 t s p / 4 5 4 g of f o o d Same
enzymes Pancreazyme
Pantoprazole Protonix 1 m g / k g IV q 2 4 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Unknown
Paregoric Corrective 0 . 0 5 m g / k g PO q 1 2 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Not recommended
Piperazine 4 4 - 6 6 m g / k g PO o n c e Same
Praziquantel Droncit See manufacturer's r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s See manufacturer's
Prednisolone 1.1-2.2 m g / k g P O , IV, SC, q 2 4 h or Same
d i v i d e d , for a n t i i n f l a m m a t o r y effects
Prochlorperazine Compazine 0.1-0.5 m g / k g IM q8-12h 0 . 1 3 m g / k g I M q l 2 h (not
Propantheline Pro-Banthine 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h (not a p p r o v e d ) S a m e (not a p p r o v e d )
Psyllium Metamucil 1-2 t s p / 4 5 4 g of f o o d Same
Pyrantel p a m o a t e Nemex 5 mg/kg PO 20 mg/kg PO
Pyridostigmine Mestinon 0.5-2 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h N o t used
Rantidine Zantac 1-2 m g / k g PO, IV, I M , q 8 - 1 2 h (not 2 . 5 m g / k g IV; 3 . 5 m g / k g PO
approved) ql2h
Ronidazole unknown 3 0 - 5 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h PO for 1 4
d a y s (not a p p r o v e d )
Selemectin Revolution 6 m g / k g t o p i c a l l y (not a p p r o v e d ) 6 m g / k g topical
Sucralfate Carafate 0.5-1 g q 6 - 8 h , d e p e n d i n g o n size 0.25 g q6-12h
Sulfadimethoxine Albon 5 0 m g / k g PO first d a y , then 2 7 . 5 mg/kg Same
PO q 1 2 h for 9 d a y s
Sulfasalazine Azulfidine 1 0 - 2 0 m g / k g PO q 6 - 8 h , not to e x c e e d N o t r e c o m m e n d e d , but 7 . 5 mg/kg
3 q/day PO q 1 2 h is used
Tegaserod Zelnorm 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 1 0 m g / k g PO q12h Unknown
Tetracycline 2 2 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h Same
Thiabendazole Omnizole 5 0 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h for 3 d a y s (not Unknown
Ticarcillin plus Timentin 5 0 m g / k g IV q 6 - 8 h (not a p p r o v e d ) 4 0 m g / k g IV q 6 - 8 h (not a p p r o v e d )
clavulinic a c i d
Toltrazuril Baycox 5 - 2 0 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h (dogs) U n k n o w n (cats)
Trimethobenzamide Tigan 3 m g / k g I M q 8 h (not a p p r o v e d ) Unknown
Trimethoprim- Tribrissen, 3 0 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h for 1 0 d a y s Same as for d o g s
sulfadiazine Bactrim
Tylosin Tylan 2 0 - 4 0 m g / k g PO q 1 2 - 2 4 h in f o o d Same
Vitamin B 1 2
1 0 0 - 2 0 0 mg PO q 2 4 h or 0 . 2 5 - 1 . 0 m g I M , 5 0 - 1 0 0 m g PO q 2 4 h (cats) or
SC q 7 d (dogs) 0 . 1 5 - 0 . 2 5 mg I M , SC q 7 d
Xylazine Rompun 1.1 m g / k g IV; 2 . 2 m g / k g SC, IM 0 . 4 - 0 . 5 m g / k g I M or IV for emesis
Penny J . W a t s o n a n d Susan E. Bunch

C H A P T E R 35

Clinical Manifestations of
Hepatobiliary Disease


ABDOMINAL ENLARGEMENT A b d o m i n a l enlargement may be the presenting complaint of
Organomegaly owners of cats and dogs with hepatobiliary disease, or it may
A b d o m i n a l Effusion be noted during physical examination. Organomegaly, fluid
Abdominal Muscular H y p o t o n i a expansion of the peritoneal space, or poor abdominal muscle
J A U N D I C E , BILIRUBINURIA, A N D C H A N G E IN F E C A L tone is usually the cause o f this abnormality.
COLOR Enlarged organs that most often account for increased
HEPATIC E N C E P H A L O P A T H Y abdominal size are the liver, the spleen (see Chapter 88), and
COAGULOPATHIES occasionally the kidneys (see Chapter 41). Normally, the liver
POLYURIA A N D POLYDIPSIA is palpable just caudal to the costal arch along the ventral
body wall i n the cat and dog, but it may not be palpable at
all. Inability to palpate the liver, especially i n dogs, does not
automatically mean that the liver is abnormally small. In lean
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS cats it is usually possible to palpate the diaphragmatic surface
of the liver. In cats or dogs with pleural effusion or other
Clinical signs of hepatobiliary disease i n cats and dogs can be diseases that expand thoracic volume, the liver may be dis
extremely variable, ranging from anorexia and weight loss to placed caudally and erroneously appear to be enlarged.
abdominal effusion, jaundice, and hepatic coma (Box 35-1). Liver enlargement is m u c h more c o m m o n i n cats than in
However, none of these signs are pathognomonic for hepa dogs with liver disease. Dogs more often have reduced liver
tobiliary disease, and they must be distinguished from iden size because o f chronic hepatitis with fibrosis. The pattern
tical signs caused by disease of other organ systems. The of liver enlargement may be generalized or focal, depending
severity of the clinical sign does not necessarily correlate with on the cause. Infiltrative and congestive disease processes or
the prognosis or with the degree o f liver injury, although those that stimulate hepatocellular hypertrophy or m o n o
several of these signs are often seen together i n dogs and nuclear-phagocytic system ( M P S ) hyperplasia tend to result
cats with end-stage hepatic disease (e.g., ascites, metabolic in smooth or slightly irregular, firm, diffuse hepatomegaly.
encephalopathy from hepatocellular dysfunction, and Focal or asymmetrical hepatic enlargement is often seen with
acquired portosystemic venous shunting with gastrointesti proliferative or expansive diseases that form solid or cystic
nal bleeding); however, ascites has recently been shown to be mass lesions. Examples o f such diseases are listed i n Table
a significant negative prognostic indicator i n dogs with 35-1.
chronic hepatitis. A t the opposite end of the spectrum of Smooth, generalized hepatosplenomegaly may be associ
hepatobiliary disease, because o f the tremendous reserve ated with nonhepatic causes, such as increased intravascular
capacity o f the liver, there may be no clues for the presence hydrostatic pressure (passive congestion) secondary to right-
of a hepatic disorder except for abnormal screening b l o o d sided congestive heart failure or pericardial disease. In rare
test results obtained before an elective anesthetic procedure. instances hepatic vein occlusion (Budd-Chiari syndrome)
BOX 35-1 TABLE 35-1
C l i n i c a l Signs and Physical E x a m i n a t i o n Findings i n Cats
Differential Diagnoses for Changes i n Hepatic Size
and Dogs w i t h Hepatobiliary Disease
General, Nonspecific
Anorexia Hepatomegaly
Depression Generalized
Lethargy Infiltration
Weight loss Primary or metastatic neoplasia C, D
Small body stature Cholangitis C
Poor or unkempt haircoat Extra medullary hematopoiesis* C, D
Nausea, vomiting Mononuclear-phagocytic cell C, D
Diarrhea hyperplasia*
Dehydration Amyloidosis (rare) C, D
Polydipsia, polyuria Passive congestion*
Right-sided heart failure C, D
More Specific But Not Pathognomonic Pericardial disease D
Abdominal enlargement (organomegaly, effusion, or mus Caudal vena cava obstruction D
cular hypotonia) Caval syndrome D
Jaundice, bilirubinuria, acholic feces Budd-Chiari syndrome (rare) C, D
Metabolic encephalopathy Lipidosis C (moderate
Coagulopathies to marked),
D (mild)
Hypercortisolism (steroid hepatopathy) D
Anticonvulsant drug therapy D
Acute extrahepatic bile duct obstruction C, D
results i n similar findings. Hepatosplenomegaly i n icteric Acute hepatotoxicity C, D
dogs or cats may be attributable to benign M P S hyperplasia Focal or asymmetric
and extramedullary hematopoiesis secondary to i m m u n e -
Primary or metastatic neoplasia C, D
mediated hemolytic anemia or to infiltrative processes
Nodular hyperplasia D
such as l y m p h o m a , systemic mast cell disease, or myeloid Chronic hepatic disease with fibrosis and D
leukemia. nodular regeneration
Another cause of hepatosplenomegaly is primary hepatic Abscess(es) (rare) C, D
parenchymal disease with sustained intrahepatic portal Cysts (rare) C, D
hypertension. In dogs and cats with this syndrome, the liver
Microhepatia (Generalized Only)
is usually firm and irregular o n palpation and often the liver
itself is reduced i n size as a result of fibrosis; however, the Reduced hepatic mass
Chronic hepatic disease with D
spleen can be enlarged and congested as a result of portal
progressive loss of hepatocytes
hypertension. For conditions that involve primarily the
Decreased portal blood flow with
spleen, see Chapter 88. hepatocellular atrophy
Congenital portosystemic shunt C, D
ABDOMINAL EFFUSION Intrahepatic portal vein hypoplasia D
A b d o m i n a l effusion is m u c h more c o m m o n i n dogs than i n Chronic portal vein thrombosis D
cats with liver disease. W i t h the exception of liver disease Hypovolemia
associated with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), cats with Shock? ?
liver disease rarely have ascites. The pathogenesis of abdom Addison's disease D
inal effusion i n cats and dogs w i t h hepatobiliary disease is
* Concurrent splenomegaly likely.
determined by chemical and cytologic analysis of a fluid
toss of portal blood flow to one lobe can cause the lobe to atrophy.
specimen (Fig. 35-1; see also Table 36.1). O n the basis of cell C, Primarily cats; D, primarily dogs; C, D, cats and dogs.
and protein content, abdominal fluids are classified by stan
dard criteria as transudates, modified transudates (moderate
to l o w cellularity with moderate to l o w protein concentra
tion), exudates (high cellularity and protein concentration), lar origin or severe protein-losing enteropathy or nephro
or chyle or b l o o d (see Table 36-1).The term ascites is reserved pathy. A small amount of effusion is suspected when
for fluid of l o w to moderate protein content and l o w to abdominal palpation yields a "slippery" sensation during
moderate cell count (transudate or modified transudate) physical examination. Moderate-to-large-volume effusion is
and is usually related to disorders of hepatic or cardiovascu- frequently conspicuous but may distend the abdomen so
FIG 35-1
Mechanisms of abdominal fluid accumulation associated with altered portal and hepatic
blood flow and clinical correlates. PREHEPATIC: arteriovenous fistula (A) or portal vein
obstruction or hypoplasia; INTRAHEPATIC presinusoidal; periportal fibrosis or portal
venule hypoplasia; INTRAHEPATIC sinusoidal: cellular infiltrates or collagen (B); INTRAHE
PATIC postsinusoidal: central (terminal hepatic) venular fibrosis; POSTHEPATIC (passive
congestion): obstruction of hepatic veins or intrathoracic caudal vena cava, right-sided
heart failure (C) or pericardial disease. Arrow indicates direction of venous blood flow.
(From Johnson SE: Portal hypertension. I. Pathophysiology and clinical consequences,
Compend Contin Educ 9 : 7 4 1 , 1987.)

much that details of abdominal organs are obscured during sodium retention by the kidneys and increased circulating
palpation. Whether there is small- or large-volume effusion, fluid volume. This R A A S activation is triggered by a decrease
the general pathogeneses of third-space fluid accumulation i n systemic b l o o d pressure caused by pooling o f a significant
(excessive formation by increased venous hydrostatic pres proportion of the circulating b l o o d volume i n the splanchnic
sure, decreased intravascular oncotic pressure, or altered circulation. It has been observed that, in many cases, overt
vascular permeability and insufficient resorption), singly or ascites does not develop until sodium retention by the
in combination, apply to cats and dogs with hepatobiliary kidneys is increased, altering the balance of fluid formation
diseases. In addition, an important part o f the mechanisms and reabsorption. Therefore aldosterone antagonists play a
of ascites formation in dogs with liver disease is activation key role i n the treatment o f ascites associated with liver
of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) with disease.
Intrahepatic portal venous hypertension is the most an inflammatory reaction, with subsequent exudation of
c o m m o n mechanism leading to ascites i n companion l y m p h and fibrin. The fluid may be serosanguineous, hemor
animals, particularly dogs, with hepatobiliary diseases. The rhagic, or chylous i n appearance. Regardless of the gross
formation of abdominal effusion depends on the site, rate, appearance of the fluid, the protein content is variable, and
and degree of defective venous outflow. Sustained resistance the fluid may contain exfoliated malignant cells if the primary
to intrahepatic portal b l o o d flow at the level of the portal neoplasm is a carcinoma, mesothelioma, or lymphoma,
triad favors exudation of fluid from more proximal (in the although often it does not, in which case further investiga
direction of portal b l o o d flow; i.e., intestinal) lymphatics tions are required to diagnose the neoplasm.
into the abdominal cavity. The fluid is generally of low Extravasation of bile from a ruptured biliary tract elicits
protein content and is hypocellular. However, i f the fluid is a strong inflammatory response and stimulates transudation
present i n the abdomen for any amount of time, it becomes of l y m p h by serosal surfaces. In experimental animal models,
"modified" w i t h an increase i n protein content. The excep the damaging component of bile has been identified as bile
tion to this is in the animal with marked hypoalbuminemia acids. U n l i k e with most other causes of abdominal effusion
associated with liver disease i n which the ascites remains a associated with hepatobiliary disease, there may be evidence
low-protein transudate. Inflammatory or neoplastic cellular of cranial abdominal or diffuse abdominal pain identified
infiltrates or fibrosis i n this region of the liver are the patho during physical examination i n cats and dogs with bile peri
logic processes most often responsible for this type of effu tonitis. The fluid appears characteristically dark orange,
sion. Sinusoidal obstruction caused by regenerative nodules, yellow, or green and has a high bilirubin content on analysis,
collagen deposition, or cellular infiltrates causes effusion of and the predominant cell type is the healthy neutrophil,
a fluid composed of a mixture of hepatic and intestinal except when the biliary tract is infected. Because normal bile
l y m p h that has a variable protein content and generally l o w is sterile, the initial phase of bile peritonitis is nonseptic, but
cell count. unless treatment is initiated rapidly, secondary infection,
Prehepatic portal venous occlusion or the presence of a usually with anaerobes, may become life-threatening.
large arteriovenous fistula, leading to portal venous volume
overload, and associated high intrahepatic vascular resis ABDOMINAL MUSCULAR HYPOTONIA
tance triggered by increased portal flow also produces a l o w The presence of a distended abdomen in the absence of
to moderate protein, hypocellular effusion, as w o u l d diffuse organomegaly or abdominal effusion suggests abdominal
mesenteric lymphatic obstruction associated with l y m muscular hypotonia. Either the catabolic effects of severe
phoma. The latter can also sometimes result i n a chylous malnutrition or (more c o m m o n l y in dogs) excess endoge
effusions. Examples of causes of portal venous occlusion nous or exogenous corticosteroids reduce muscular strength,
include intraluminal obstructive masses (e.g., thrombus), giving the appearance of an enlarged abdomen. In both dogs
extraluminal compressive masses (e.g., mesenteric l y m p h and (much less commonly) cats with hyperadrenocorticism,
node, neoplasm), and portal vein hypoplasia or atresia. the combination of generalized hepatomegaly (mild and
Venous congestion from disease of the major hepatic associated with diabetes mellitus i n cats), redistribution of
veins and/or distally (i.e., thoracic caudal vena cava, heart; fat stores to the abdomen, and muscular weakness causes
posthepatic venous congestion) increases formation of abdominal distention.
hepatic lymph, w h i c h exudes from superficial hepatic l y m O n the basis of the physical examination findings, the
phatics. Because the endothelial cell-lined sinusoids are problem of abdominal enlargement should be refined to the
highly permeable, hepatic l y m p h is of high protein content. level of organomegaly, abdominal effusion, or poor muscu
A b d o m i n a l effusion formed under these conditions is more lar tone, as shown i n Fig. 35-2. Additional tests are required
likely to develop i n dogs than i n cats. Reactive hepatic veins to obtain a definitive diagnosis.
that behave as postsinusoidal sphincters have been identified
in dogs and are speculated to add to venous outflow impinge
ment. Concurrent hypoalbuminemia (1.5 g/dl) i n dogs JAUNDICE, BILIRUBINURIA, AND
(and rarely cats) associated with hepatic parenchymal failure CHANGE IN FECAL COLOR
may further enhance movement of fluid into the peritoneal
space. Perivenular pyogranulomatous infiltrates i n the vis By definition, jaundice i n cats and dogs is the yellow staining
ceral and parietal peritoneum of cats with the effusive form of serum or tissues by an excessive amount of bile pigment
of FIP increase vascular permeability and promote exuda or bilirubin (Fig. 35-3); the terms jaundice and icterus may
tion of straw-colored, protein-rich fluid into the peritoneal be used interchangeably. Because the normal liver has the
space. Typically, the fluid is of l o w to moderate cellularity, ability to take up and excrete a large amount of bilirubin,
with a m i x e d cell population of neutrophils and macro there must be either a large, persistent increase i n the pro
phages, and with a moderate to high protein concentration. duction of bile pigment (hyperbilirubinemia) or a major
It is usually classified as an exudate but occasionally is a impairment i n bile excretion (cholestasis with hyperbiliru
modified transudate. binemia) before jaundice is detectable as yellow-stained
Hepatobiliary malignancies or other intraabdominal car tissues (serum bilirubin concentration >2 mg/dl) or serum
cinomas that have disseminated to the peritoneum can elicit (serum bilirubin concentration 1.5 mg/dl).
FIG 35-2
Algorithm for initial evaluation of the cat or dog with abdominal distention.

In normal animals bilirubin is a waste product o f heme tion to various carbohydrates, conjugated bilirubin, n o w
protein degradation. The primary source o f heme proteins water soluble, is excreted into the bile canaliculi. Conjugated
is senescent erythrocytes, with a small contribution by m y o bilirubin is then incorporated into micelles and stored with
globin and heme-containing enzyme systems i n the liver. other bile constituents in the gallbladder until it is discharged
After phagocytosis by cells o f the M P S , primarily in the bone into the duodenum. However, in dogs it has been noted that
marrow and spleen, heme oxygenase opens the protopor only 29% to 53% o f bile produced is stored in the gall
phyrin ring of hemoglobin, forming biliverdin. Biliverdin bladder; the rest is secreted directly into the d u o d e n u m
reductase converts biliverdin to fat-soluble bilirubin IXa, (Rothuizen et al., 1990). After arrival i n the intestine, conju
which is released into the circulation, where it is b o u n d to gated bilirubin undergoes bacterial deconjugation and then
albumin for transport to hepatic sinusoidal membranes. reduction to urobilinogen, with most urobilinogen being
After uptake, transhepatocellular movement, and conjuga resorbed into the enterohepatic circulation. A small fraction
FIG 35-3
Jaundiced mucous membranes in a dog (A, gum, and B, sclera). Note that this dog had
jaundice because of immune-mediated hemolytic anemia and not liver diseasehence the
mucous membranes are pale and yellow (which makes them more easily photographed).
(Photographs courtesy Sara Gould.)

of urobilinogen is then excreted i n the urine, and a small most published resources agree that concentrations over
portion remains in the intestinal tract to be converted to 0.3 mg/dl i n cats and 0.6 mg/dl in dogs are abnormal. W h e n
stercobilin, which imparts normal fecal color. results o f laboratory tests are assessed, species differences in
Inherited abnormalities of bilirubin metabolism have not the formation and renal processing of bilirubin between cats
been identified in cats and dogs; thus i n the absence o f and dogs must be taken into account. Canine renal tubules
massive increases i n bile pigment production by hemolysis, have a low resorptive threshold for bilirubin. Dogs (males to
jaundice is attributable to impaired excretion o f bilirubin a greater extent than females) have the necessary renal
(and usually other constituents o f bile) by diffuse intrahe enzyme systems to process bilirubin to a limited extent;
patic hepatocellular or biliary disease or by interrupted therefore bilirubinuria (up to 2+ to 3+ reaction by dipstick
delivery o f bile to the duodenum. The inability to take up, analysis) may be a normal finding i n canine urine specimens
intracellularly process, or excrete bilirubin into the bile of specific gravity greater than 1.025. Cats do not have this
canaliculi (the rate-limiting step) is the mechanism o f cho ability, and they have a ninefold higher tubular absorptive
lestasis believed to be operational in many primary hepato capacity for bilirubin than dogs. Bilirubinuria in cats is asso
cellular diseases. Jaundice is more likely to be a clinical ciated with hyperbilirubinemia and is always pathologic.
feature i f the liver disorder involves primarily the periportal Because unconjugated and most conjugated bilirubin is
(zone 1) hepatocytes (Fig. 35-4) than i f the lesion involves albumin-bound i n the circulation, only the small amount of
centrilobular (zone 3) hepatocytes. Inflammation and swell nonprotein-bound conjugated bilirubin is expected to
ing o f larger intrahepatic biliary structures could similarly appear in the urine i n physiologic and pathologic states. In
delay bile excretion. dogs with hepatobiliary disease, increasing bilirubinuria
Obstruction o f the bile duct near the d u o d e n u m results often precedes the development of hyperbilirubinemia and
i n increased intraluminal biliary tract pressure, interhepato clinical jaundice and may be the first sign of illness detected
cellular regurgitation o f bile constituents into the circula by owners.
tion, and jaundice. If only one o f the hepatic bile ducts Several nonhepatobiliary disorders impede bilirubin
exiting the liver is blocked or i f only the cystic duct exiting excretion by poorly understood means. Jaundice with evi
the gallbladder is obstructed for some reason, there may be dence o f hepatocellular dysfunction but m i n i m a l histopath
biochemical clues for localized cholestasis, such as high ologic changes i n the liver has been described in septic
serum alkaline phosphatase activity; however, the liver's human, feline, and canine patients. Certain products released
overall ability to excrete is preserved, and jaundice does not by bacteria, such as endotoxin, are k n o w n to reversibly inter
ensue. Traumatic or pathologic biliary tract rupture allows fere with bile flow. As yet unexplained m i l d hyperbilirubine
leakage of bile into the peritoneal space and some absorption mia (2.5 mg/dl) may also be detected in approximately 20%
of bile components. Depending o n the underlying cause and of hyperthyroid cats. Experimental investigations of thyro
the time elapsed between biliary rupture and diagnosis, the toxicosis i n laboratory animals have demonstrated increased
degree o f jaundice may be m i l d to moderate. If biliary production of bilirubin, which has been proposed to be asso
rupture has occurred, the total bilirubin content o f the ciated with increased degradation o f hepatic heme proteins.
abdominal effusion is greater than that o f serum. There is no histologic evidence of cholestasis at the light
Reference ranges for serum total bilirubin concentrations microscopic level in affected cats, and the hyperbilirubine
in dogs and cats may vary from laboratory to laboratory, but mia resolves with return to euthyroidism. Guidelines for
FIG 35-4
A , Rappaport scheme of the hepatic functional lobule (acinus), organized according to
biochemical considerations (1958). For example, zone 1 cells are responsible for protein
synthesis, urea and cholesterol production, gluconeogenesis, bile formation, and cytogen
esis; zone 2 cells also produce albumin and are actively involved in glycolysis and
pigment formation; and zone 3 cells are the major site of liponeogenesis, ketogenesis,
and drug metabolism. Zone 3 hepatocytes, being farther from the hepatic artery and
hepatic portal veins, also have the lowest oxygen supply and are therefore most suscep
tible to hypoxic damage. Conversely, zone 1 hepatocytes, being closest to the hepatic
portal vein, are most susceptible to damage by toxins from the gut. B, Outdated theory of
hepatic functional lobule, as first proposed in 1833. The apparent hexagonal boundaries
have little to do with functional arrangement.

initial evaluation o f the icteric cat or dog are given i n Fig. tion of bile pigments. The true frequency of white bile i n cats
35-5. Finally, lipemia is a c o m m o n cause o f pseudohyper or dogs with severe cholestasis is not k n o w n .
bilirubinemia in dogs as a result o f interference with the
laboratory test.
Acholic feces result from total absence o f bile pigment i n HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY
the intestine (Fig. 35-6). O n l y a small amount of bile pigment
is needed to be changed to stercobilin and yield normal fecal Signs o f abnormal mentation and neurologic dysfunction
color; therefore bile flow into the intestine must be c o m develop i n dogs and cats with serious hepatobiliary disease
pletely discontinued in order to form acholic feces, and this as a result o f exposure o f the cerebral cortex to absorbed
is very rare i n both dogs and cats. In addition to appearing intestinal toxins that have not been removed by the liver.
pale from lack of stercobilin and other pigments, acholic Substances that have been implicated as important i n the
feces are pale because o f steatorrhea resulting from the lack genesis o f hepatic encephalopathy ( H E ) , singly or i n combi
of bile acids to facilitate fat absorption. Mechanical diseases nation, are ammonia, mercaptans, short-chain fatty acids,
of the extrahepatic biliary tract (e.g., unremitting complete skatoles, indoles, and aromatic amino acids. Either there is
extrahepatic bile duct obstruction [ E B D O ] , traumatic bile marked reduction i n functional hepatic mass or portal b l o o d
duct avulsion from the duodenum) are the most c o m m o n flow has been diverted by the development o f portosystemic
causes of acholic feces i n cats and dogs. Total inability to take venous anastomoses, thus preventing detoxification o f gas
up, conjugate, and excrete bilirubin because o f generalized trointestinal (GI) toxins, or there is a combination o f these
hepatocellular failure is theoretically possible. However, two processes. Portosystemic shunting can occur via the
because the functional organization o f the liver is heteroge presence o f a macroscopic vascular pattern that results from
neous (see Fig. 35-4) and because primary hepatic diseases a congenital vascular miscommunication or by a complex o f
do not affect all hepatocytes uniformly, the overall ability o f acquired "relief valves" that open i n response to sustained
the liver to process bilirubin may be altered, although it is portal hypertension secondary to severe primary hepatobi
usually preserved. A condition has been reported rarely i n liary disease (Fig. 35-7). Intrahepatic, microscopic portosys
cats with severe cholangitis i n which bile flow ceases. U n d e r temic shunting or widespread hepatocellular inability to
detoxify noxious enteric substances accounts for H E when
these circumstances, "bile" consists o f only clear, viscous
an abnormal portal vascular pattern cannot be demon
biliary epithelial secretions, and this may result i n the pro
strated. Rarely, i f congenital portovascular anomalies and
duction of acholic feces. A similar finding, k n o w n as "white
severe primary hepatobiliary disease with acquired shunting
bile syndrome," has been associated with prolonged total
have been ruled out, congenital urea enzyme cycle deficiencies
biliary obstruction and is thought to be the result o f resorp
FIG 35-5
Algorithm for preliminary evaluation of the icteric cat or dog. AP, Alkaline phosphatase;
GGT, -glutamyltransferase; ALT, alanine transaminase; EBDO, extrahepatic bile duct

and organic acidemias, in which a m m o n i a cannot be the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) environment are complex. The
degraded to urea, are considered. H E has also been reported brain is very sensitive to the toxic effects o f N H but does

i n congenital cobalamin deficiency i n dogs (Battersby et al., not have a urea cycle, so N H i n the C S F is detoxified to

2005). Animals with systemic diseases having hepatic m a n i glutamine. C S F glutamine concentrations in dogs with por
festations do not undergo sufficient loss o f hepatic mass or tosystemic shunts (PSS) correlate better with clinical signs
change in hepatic b l o o d flow to develop signs o f H E . than C S F or b l o o d N H levels (Fig. 35-8). Dogs with

The pathogenesis o f this reversible abnormality i n cere congenital PSS also have increased C S F concentrations of
bral metabolism currently is incompletely understood. aromatic amino acids, particularly tryptophan and its
Increased a m m o n i a ( N H ) in the b l o o d remains the most
3 metabolites, and this appears to be directly related to N H 3

important cause of H E . M o s t o f the precipitating factors and concentrations in the C S F because they share an antiport
treatment recommendations for H E primarily affect b l o o d transporter. Also implicated are changes in central nervous
N H 3 concentrations. The effects on neurotransmitters and system ( C N S ) serotonin activity (which is often reduced);
FIG 3 5 - 6
Acholic feces from a 7-year-old spayed female Collie dog
with a strictured bile duct and complete bile duct obstruction
3 weeks after recovery from severe pancreatitis.

FIG 3 5 - 8
Two dogs with similar fasting plasma ammonia concentra
tions, emphasizing the lack of correlation between plasma
ammonia content and severity of encephalopathic signs.
A , Female Miniature Poodle with congenital portosystemic
shunt. The plasma ammonia concentration was 4 5 4 g/dl.
B, Male mixed-breed dog with chronic hepatic failure and
FIG 3 5 - 7 acquired portosystemic shunting. The plasma ammonia
Spectrum of hepatic encephalopathy in cats and dogs concentration was 3 9 0 g/dl.
ranging from pure vascular to pure hepatocellular causes.
*, Clinically relevant only in dogs and cats; , clinically
relevant only in human patients. (Modified from Schafer DF Endogenous hepatic protein metabolism from excess
et al: Hepatic encephalopathy. In Zakim D et a l , editors; dietary protein, G I bleeding, or breakdown of lean
Hepatology: a textbook of liver disease, Philadelphia, body mass
1990, W B Saunders.)

It is very important to realize that the traditional view that

the toxins causing H E are predominantly of dietary origin is
stimulation of N M D A (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors, misleading; although the gut is an important source o f N H 3

peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors, and altered astro in animals o n high-protein diets, i n many animals, particu
cyte receptors and handling of glutamate. M o s t o f these larly those with protein-calorie malnutrition, endogenous
changes are related to increased N H .
3 sources o f N H may be more important and further dietary

The sources o f increased blood ammonia i n animals protein restriction just worsens the hyperammonemia i n
with liver disease are outlined i n Fig. 35-9 and include the these cases.
following: Subtle, nonspecific signs of H E i n cats and dogs that could
be noted at any time and that represent chronic or subclini
Bacterial breakdown o f undigested amino acids and cal H E include anorexia, depression, weight loss, lethargy,
purines that reach the colon nausea, fever, hypersalivation (particularly in cats), intermit
Bacterial and intestinal urease action o n urea, which tent vomiting, and diarrhea. Certain events might precipitate
freely diffuses into the colon from the blood an acute episode o f H E with severe neurologic signs (see
Small intestinal enterocyte catabolism of glutamine as Chapter 39). Nearly any C N S sign may be observed i n cats
their main energy source and dogs with H E , although typical signs tend to be nonlo-
BOX 35-3
Coagulation Proteins and Inhibitors Synthesized
by the Liver

Proteins C and S
Vitamin K-dependent factors
II (prothrombin)
Factor V
Factor XI
Factor XII
Factor XIII

with severe hepatobiliary disease. Despite the fact that most

FIG 35-9 coagulation proteins and inhibitors, except for von Wille
Sources of ammonia that can contribute to hepatic encepha brand's factor (vWF) and possibly factor VIII, are synthe
lopathy: Note that it is now believed that bacterial degrada sized i n the liver (Box 35-3), the overall frequency of clinical
tion of undigested protein in the colon is the least important sequelae o f disturbances in hemostasis is low. Inability to
of these on normal diets. synthesize vitamin K-dependent factors (II, V I I , IX, and X)
because of the absence of bile acid-dependent fat absorption
secondary to complete E B D O or a transected bile duct from
BOX 35-2 abdominal trauma can cause clinically apparent bleeding.
Subclinical and clinical coagulopathies are also noted in
Typical C l i n i c a l Signs of Hepatic Encephalopathy i n Dogs
animals with severe diseases o f the hepatic parenchyma.
and Cats
Some animals with severe hepatic disease and relatively
Lethargy unremarkable results o f routine coagulation tests have high
Depression serum activity o f proteins induced by vitamin K antagonism
Behavioral changes ( P I V K A ) that could impart bleeding tendencies. In early
Head pressing studies of the mechanism o f impaired coagulation after
partial hepatectomy i n dogs, after surgical removal of 70%
of the hepatic mass, dogs developed significant alterations in
Central blindness
plasma clotting factor concentrations without spontaneous
Seizures (uncommon)
Coma (uncommon) hemorrhage. Having severe hepatic parenchymal disease
Hypersalivation (especially cats) predisposes a dog or cat not only to changes i n coagulation
factor activity from hepatocellular dysfunction but also to
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), particularly
i n those with acute disease (see Chapter 38). In dogs with
calizing, suggesting generalized brain involvement: trem acute hepatic necrosis, some clinicians have observed throm
bling, ataxia, hysteria, dementia, marked personality change bocytopenia, thought to be associated with increased platelet
(usually toward aggressiveness), circling, head pressing, use or sequestration.
cortical blindness, or seizures (see B o x 35-2). Ocassionally, Other than noticeable imbalances in coagulation factor
animals with hyperammonemia have asymmetric, localizing activity, the only other mechanism by which bleeding might
neurologic signs that regress with appropriate treatment for occur i n a cat or dog with severe hepatic disease is portal
HE. hypertension-induced vascular congestion and fragility. In
such cases, which are expected considerably more often in
dogs than i n cats because of the types o f hepatobiliary dis
COAGULOPATHIES eases they acquire, the c o m m o n site affected is the upper GI
tract (stomach, duodenum); therefore hematemesis and
Because o f the integral role o f the liver i n hemostasis, hem melena are c o m m o n bleeding presentations and a common
orrhagic tendencies can be a presenting sign i n cats and dogs cause of death i n dogs with chronic liver disease. In contrast
to human patients, i n w h o m fragile esophageal varices tion and increased water intake with compensatory P U .
develop and can burst, causing severe and often fatal hemor Changes i n the function of portal vein osmoreceptors that
rhage, the mechanism of G I hemorrhage i n companion stimulate thirst without hyperosmolality are also thought to
animals is unknown but is suspected to be related to poor be partly responsible for P D . Loss of the renal medullary
mucosal perfusion and reduced epithelial cell turnover asso concentrating gradient for urea because of the inability to
ciated with portal hypertension and splanchnic pooling of produce urea from a m m o n i a w o u l d first cause P U and then
blood. Hypergastrinemia was observed i n dogs made cir compensatory P D . Delayed Cortisol excretion and persistent
rhotic under experimental conditions and was theorized to hypokalemia may also contribute to the renal concentrating
have been provoked by excess serum bile acid concentra defect. Investigation of polydipsia i n dogs with congenital
tions. M o r e recent studies have not borne out this theory; i n PSS has identified partial renal concentrating ability i n
fact, gastrin is often low in dogs with liver disease, and the response to water deprivation, with resolution of P D when
ulcers are often duodenal and not gastric. normal portal b l o o d flow was reestablished.
Suggested Readings
Battersby IA et al: Hyperammonaemic encephalopathy secondary
POLYURIA AND POLYDIPSIA to selective cobalamin deficiency in a juvenile Border collie,
/ Small Anim Pract 46:339, 2005.
Increased thirst and volume of urination can be clinical signs Maddison JE: Newest insights into hepatic encephalopathy, Eur J
of serious hepatocellular dysfunction and also of portosys Compar Gastroenterol 5:17, 2000.
temic shunts. Several factors are suspected to contribute to Moore KP et al: Guidelines on the management of ascites in cir
polydipsia (PD) and polyuria ( P U ) , which are seen primar rhosis, Gut 55 (Suppl VI):vil, 2006.
ily i n dogs and rarely i n cats, with marked hepatic dysfunc Rothuizen J et al: Postprandial and cholecystokinin-induced emp
tion. Altered sense of thirst may be a manifestation of H E . tying of the gall bladder in dogs, Vet Rec 19:126, 1990.
Dogs with congenital and acquired PSS have hypercorti Rothuizen I et al: Chronic glucocorticoid excess and impaired
solemia associated with reduced metabolism of Cortisol i n osmoregulation of vasopressin release in dogs with hepatic
encephalopathy, Dom Anim Endocrinol 12:13, 1995.
the liver and decreased Cortisol binding protein concentra
Shawcross D, lalan R: Dispelling myths in the treatment of hepatic
tion in the plasma. Excess secretion of adrenocorticotropic
encephalopathy, Lancet 365:431, 2005.
hormone stimulated by abnormal neurotransmitters leads to Sterczer A et al: Fast resolution of hypercortisolism in dogs with
excess Cortisol secretion and altered threshold for antidi portosystemic encephalopathy after surgical shunt closure,
uretic hormone release in dogs with H E . Secondary hyper Res Vet Sci 66:63, 1999.
aldosteronism from delayed excretion of aldosterone, which Wright K N et al: Peritoneal effusion in cats: 65 cases (1981-1997),
is accomplished normally by the liver, leads to sodium reten J Am Vet Med Assoc 214:375, 1999.
C H A P T E R 36

Diagnostic Tests for the

Hepatobiliary System

O f the recommended screening tests for hepatobiliary

disease, the serum biochemistry profile offers specific infor
mation regarding the distribution and activity or status (e.g.,
hyperbilirubinemia, enzyme activities) o f a hepatobiliary -
disorder and an estimate of the degree o f functional i m
Tests to Assess Status o f the Hepatobiliary System
pairment (e.g., inadequate protein synthesis, altered toxin
Tests to Assess F u n c t i o n o f the Hepatobiliary System
excretion). Determining hepatic functional capacity adds a
meaningful dimension to the diagnostic evaluation and
Fecal Evaluation
permits construction o f a reasonable list of differential diag
Abdominocentesis/Fluid Analysis
noses and tentative assignment o f prognosis. It is important
Complete B l o o d C o u n t
to remember that some hepatobiliary diseases are character
Coagulation Tests
ized by subtle changes i n enzyme activity i n association with
severe functional disturbance, and some have high enzyme
Survey Radiography
activities and n o r m a l functional indices. Because of the large
reserve capacity of the liver, detection o f global hepatic func
tional impairment by conventional means is not possible
until there is at least 55% loss o f hepatic mass. Diseases that
cause acute hepatocyte loss show evidence of functional
impairment more quickly than diseases with chronic hepa
DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH tocyte loss, wherein the remaining hepatocytes have time to
compensate. In dogs with chronic hepatitis, signs of func
Because the liver is physiologically and anatomically diverse, tional impairment may not be evident until 75% of hepatic
no single test adequately identifies liver disease or its under mass has been lost. The recommended serum biochemistry
lying cause. For this reason, a battery o f tests must be used profile for liver disease includes, i n addition to liver enzymes,
to assess the hepatobiliary system. M a n y o f these tests just albumin, urea nitrogen, bilirubin, cholesterol, and glucose
show liver involvement i n a disease process and do not eval concentrations, w h i c h are used to assess the ability of the
uate liver function. A reasonable package o f screening tests liver to synthesize proteins, detoxify protein degradation
recommended for an animal suspected o f having hepatobi products, excrete organic anions and other substances, and
liary disease includes a complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) , serum help maintain euglycemia, respectively. Development of
biochemical profile, urinalysis, fecal analysis, and survey automated methods for laboratory analysis has made mea
abdominal radiographs or ultrasonography. Results o f these surement of many substances i n the b l o o d easy; these labora
tests may suggest evidence o f hepatobiliary disease that can tory analytic methods are available at competitive prices
be confirmed by other, more specific tests. It is important at through commercial laboratories or as point-of-care test kits
this stage to rule out secondary hepatopathy and rule i n or systems. For this reason, there is no excuse for excluding
primary liver disease because with hepatopathies secondary a multiple component serum biochemistry profile from the
to other diseases, time and resources should be devoted as initial diagnostic plan for a cat or dog suspected of having
soon as possible to identifying and treating the underlying hepatobiliary disease.
cause rather than investigating the liver. The need for other A sensitive, although relatively nonspecific, test of
laboratory tests (e.g., serum bile acid [SBA], abdominocen hepatobiliary function is determination of fasting and post
tesis, coagulation profile) is determined by each animal's prandial S B A concentrations. Serum bile acid concentra
history and physical examination findings. tions are measured if there are persistent liver-specific serum
biochemical abnormalities or a liver problem is suspected within hepatocyte mitochondria) has a wider tissue distribu
(e.g., microhepatia, a m m o n i u m biurate crystalluria) but tion (e.g., i n muscle), A L T is the enzyme selected to most
results of routine diagnostic tests are inconclusive. Serum accurately reflect hepatocellular injury. Less is k n o w n about
bile acids are not a helpful test of liver function i n a jaun the behavior of A S T i n various hepatobiliary diseases i n
diced animal because they are also elevated i n cholestasis companion animals, although some studies have indicated
because of decreased excretion, independent of liver func that A S T is a more reliable indicator of liver injury i n cats.
tion. Bile acids are not available on usual practice analyzers, Several studies have demonstrated m i l d to moderately high
but a point-of-care snap test for S B A estimation has recently serum A L T activity (without histologic or biochemical evi
become available i n the U n i t e d States ( I D E X X Laboratories, dence of liver injury), i n addition to expected high serum
Westbrook, M E ) . activities of muscle-specific creatine kinase and A S T , i n dogs
Results of laboratory evaluation reflect one point i n time with skeletal muscle necrosis.
in a spectrum of dynamic changes. If the test results are In general, the magnitude of serum A L T and A S T activity
equivocal and the clinical signs are vague, sequential evalu elevation approximates the extent, but not the reversibility,
ation may be necessary to allow time for the disease to be of hepatocellular injury. Rather than clinical relevance being
fully expressed. assigned to absolute values for A L T or A S T activity (e.g.,
By using a combination of history, physical examination serum A L T activity o f 200 I U / L is worse than 100 I U / L ) , the
findings, and results of screening and hepatobiliary-specific values should be assessed i n terms of number of fold eleva
laboratory tests, the clinician should be able to describe the tions from normal. Twofold to threefold elevations i n serum
disorder as primary or secondary (reactive) hepatopathy, A L T activity are associated with m i l d hepatocellular lesions,
active or quiescent; characterize the pattern of hepatobiliary fivefold to tenfold elevations are seen with moderately severe
disease as primarily hepatocellular, primarily biliary, or mixed lesions, and greater than tenfold increases suggest marked
hepatobiliary; and estimate the degree of hepatobiliary dys hepatocellular injury. A L T (and to a lesser extent AST) activ
function. F r o m this same information, an animal may be ity is also often increased by glucocorticoids i n dogs, although
described clinically as having hepatic disease, with evidence to a lesser extent than A L P .
of hepatic abnormalities such as high liver enzyme activities Serum enzyme activities that reflect new synthesis and
and hepatomegaly, or hepatic failure, i n which there is a state release o f enzyme from the biliary tract i n response to certain
of multiple function loss. Some primary hepatic diseases may stimuli are alkaline phosphatase (AP) and y-glutamyltrans
progress to failure; most secondary hepatic diseases do not ferase ( G G T ) . Bile retention (i.e., cholestasis) is the strongest
(Tables 37-1 and 38-1). Use of the term failure often inap stimulus for accelerated production o f these enzymes. U n l i k e
propriately connotes a poor prognosis. If the underlying A L T and A S T , A P and G G T are i n l o w concentration i n the
cause can be removed full recovery is possible. M o s t i m p o r cytoplasm o f hepatocytes and biliary epithelium and are
tant, before an accurate prognosis can be given, a complete membrane-associated, so the fact that they simply leak out
evaluation must be conducted, including, for most primary of damaged cells does not account for increased serum activ
hepatobiliary diseases i n both dogs and cats, a liver biopsy. ity. Measurable A P activity is also detectable i n nonhepato
biliary tissues of cats and dogs (including osteoblasts,
intestinal mucosa, renal cortex, and placenta), but serum
DIAGNOSTIC TESTS activity i n healthy adult cats and dogs arises only from the
liver, with some contribution by the bone isoenzyme i n
TESTS TO ASSESS STATUS OF THE young, rapidly growing dogs and i n kittens less than 15
HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM weeks old. The renal form is mainly measurable i n the urine,
Serum Enzyme Activities and the gut form has a very short half-life so is not usually
Liver-specific serum enzyme activities are included routinely measurable (although the steroid-induced isoenzyme of A P
in screening serum biochemistry panels and are regarded as in dogs is believed to be an altered gut isoenzyme with a
markers of hepatocellular and biliary injury and reactivity. prolonged half-life). The half-life of feline A P is shorter than
Because marked hepatic disease can be present i n patients that of canine A P ; thus serum activity is relatively lower i n
with normal serum enzyme activity, finding normal values cats than i n dogs with a similar degree of cholestasis, and,
should not preclude further investigation, especially i f there conversely, even m i l d elevations of A P i n cats are clinically
are clinical signs or other laboratory test results that suggest very significant. Markedly high serum A P activity of bone
hepatobiliary disease. Increased serum activity o f enzymes origin (mean total serum A P values more than fivefold
normally located i n hepatocyte cytosol i n high concentration higher than those i n nonaffected individuals, with only the
reflects structural or functional cell membrane injury that bone isoenzyme detected) was identified i n certain healthy
would allow these enzymes to escape or leak into the blood. juvenile (7 months old) members of a family of Siberian
The two enzymes found to be of most diagnostic use i n cats Huskies (Lawler et al., 1996). This change is believed to be
and dogs are alanine transaminase ( A L T ; glutamic-pyruvic benign and familial and should be considered when results
transaminase [GPT]) and aspartate transaminase (AST; of serum A P activity are interpreted i n this breed. A young,
glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase [ G O T ] ) . Because A L T growing dog of any breed can have a m i l d increase i n serum
is found principally i n hepatocytes and A S T (also located A P . Increased serum A P activity o f u n k n o w n origin has also
been described i n adult Scottish Terriers and is believed to stick reactions, especially i n dilute urine with inactive sedi
be benign and possibly familial (Gallagher et al., 2006). ment, justifies further evaluation by at least measurement of
Certain drugs, the most c o m m o n o f w h i c h are anticon r a n d o m urine protein : creatinine ratio (normal ratio is <0.5
vulsants (specifically phenytoin, phenobarbital, and p r i m i i n cats and dogs). If proteinuria is ruled out, diseases that
done) and corticosteroids, can elicit striking increases (up to cause gastrointestinal protein loss should be considered;
hundredfold) i n serum A P activity (and to a lesser extent however, these diseases usually result i n equivalent loss of
G G T and also A L T activity) i n dogs but not i n cats. There globulins and thus panhypoproteinemia, although this is not
usually is no other clinicopathologic or microscopic evi invariably the case i n inflammatory gastrointestinal disease
dence o f cholestasis (i.e., hyperbilirubinemia). A n t i c o n v u l wherein concurrent increase i n gamma-globulins masks the
sant drugs stimulate production o f A P identical to the gut loss. Conversely, although panhyproteinemia is report
normal liver isoenzyme; G G T activity does not change. edly not typical o f hypoproteinemia o f hepatic origin, glob
Pharmacologic levels o f corticosteroids administered orally, ulin concentrations can be low i n liver disease, particularly
b y injection, or topically reliably provoke a unique A P iso portosystemic shunts, because all plasma globulins except
enzyme that is separable from the others by electrophoretic gamma globulins are made i n the liver. In fact, globulin
and immunoassay techniques. This characteristic is useful concentrations frequently are normal to increased i n dogs
when interpreting high total serum A P activity i n a dog with and cats with chronic inflammatory hepatic disease. Because
subtle clinical signs suggestive o f iatrogenic or naturally the plasma half-life o f albumin is long i n cats and dogs (8
occurring hypercortisolism. The corticosteroid A P isoen to 10 days) and there must be loss of approximately 80%
zyme is a component o f routine canine serum biochemistry of functioning hepatocytes before hypoalbuminemia is
profiles at several veterinary colleges and commercial labo expressed, the finding of hypoalbuminemia usually indicates
ratories. However, measurement o f A P isoenzymes has been severe chronic hepatic insufficiency. The exception to this
shown to be o f limited usefulness either i n dogs treated with is the hypoalbuminemia associated with a "negative acute
phenobarbital (Gaskill et al., 2004) or i n dogs w i t h hyperad phase" response i n acute or acute-on-chronic inflammatory
renocorticism (Jensen et al., 1992). In the latter, it has a high liver disease. Serum albumin can decrease when there is an
sensitivity but very l o w specificity, so finding a l o w steroid- increase i n hepatic production of acute phase proteins in
induced isoenzyme rules out hypercortisolism, but a high animals without hepatic insufficiency. Serum protein elec
concentration o f steroid-induced isoenzyme may be found trophoresis can help differentiate this condition from a true
i n many disease other than hypercortisolism. Serum G G T lack o f hepatic function: Sevelius et al. (1995) showed that a
activity rises similarly i n response to corticosteroid influence low a l b u m i n concentration combined with a low concentra
but less spectacularly. Serum A P and G G T activities tend to tion o f acute phase proteins i n electrophoresis indicated
be parallel i n cholestatic hepatopathies o f cats and dogs, severe hepatic dysfunction with a poor prognosis, whereas
although they are m u c h less dramatic i n cats. Simultaneous hypoalbuminemia combined with normal or elevated acute
measurement o f serum A P and G G T may aid i n differentiat phase proteins indicated a good prognosis. H y p o a l b u m i n
ing seemingly benign drug-induced effects from nonicteric emia o f any cause is unusual i n cats, except in those with
cholestatic hepatic disease i n dogs. Assessing serum A P and nephrotic syndrome. W h e n interpreting serum protein con
G G T activities together may also offer clues to the type o f centrations, the clinician should remember that total protein
hepatic disorder i n cats. B o t h enzymes are i n l o w concentra values for young cats and dogs are lower than those for adults
tion i n feline liver tissue compared with that i n the canine and that puppy serum albumin concentration is similar to
liver and have short half-lives, so relatively smaller increases that i n adults, whereas kitten serum albumin concentration
i n serum activity, especially o f G G T , are important signs o f is lower than that i n adult cats.
the presence o f hepatic disease i n cats. In cats a pattern o f
high serum A P activity with less strikingly abnormal G G T Serum Urea Nitrogen Concentration
activity is most consistent with hepatic lipidosis (see Chapter Formation o f urea as a means o f detoxifying ammonia
37), although extrahepatic bile duct obstruction ( E B D O ) derived from intestinal sources takes place only i n the liver.
must also be considered. Despite this apparent advantage as a specific measure of
hepatic function, serum urea concentration is commonly
TESTS TO ASSESS FUNCTION OF THE affected by several nonhepatic factors and the capacity of the
HEPATOBILIARY SYSTEM liver to detoxify urea is so great that it is not noticeably
Serum Albumin Concentration reduced until severe, extensive end-stage liver disease ensues.
The liver is virtually the only source o f a l b u m i n production Prolonged restricted protein intake because o f complete
i n the body; thus hypoalbuminemia could be a manifesta anorexia or intentional reduction i n protein intake for ther
tion o f hepatic inability to synthesize this protein. Causes apeutic purposes (e.g., chronic kidney disease; urate, cystine,
other than lack o f hepatic synthesis (i.e., massive glomerular or struvite urolithiasis) is the most c o m m o n cause of low
or gastrointestinal loss or bleeding) must be considered b l o o d urea nitrogen ( B U N ) content. Prior fluid therapy and/
before ascribing hypoalbuminemia to hepatic insufficiency. or marked polydipsia/poluria of nonrenal causes will also
Renal protein loss can be detected presumptively by routine result i n a decrease i n B U N . As always, reference ranges
urinalysis. Consistent identification o f positive protein dip should be considered for each species when interpreting
B U N values. For example, a B U N concentration o f 12 m g / d l evidence o f cholestasis (high serum A P and G G T activities
is well within normal limits for dogs but is subnormal for with moderate to high A L T activity), and i f there is anemia,
cats. If low B U N values are noted i n a cat or dog with n o r m a l it is m i l d and poorly regenerative. Hyperbilirubinemia is
water intake and a good appetite for a diet with the appropri attributed primarily to hemolysis when there is moderate to
ate protein content for the species (on a dry matter basis: marked anemia with strong evidence of regeneration (except
22% for dogs, 35% to 40% for cats), then the possibility o f i n the first 1 to 3 days, when the response is less regenerative)
hepatic inability to convert a m m o n i a to urea should be and m i n i m a l changes i n serum markers o f cholestasis.
Serum Cholesterol Concentration
Serum Bilirubin Concentration Total cholesterol concentration is included i n serum chem
Because o f the large reserve capacity of the mononuclear- istry profiles by many commercial laboratories but affords
phagocytic system and liver to process bilirubin (e.g., 70% useful information for only a limited number o f hepatobili
hepatectomy will not cause jaundice), hyperbilirubinemia ary diseases. H i g h total cholesterol values are observed i n
can occur only from greatly increased production or cats and dogs with severe intrahepatic cholestasis involving
decreased excretion o f bile pigment. Specific inborn errors bile ducts or E B D O because o f impaired excretion o f free
of bilirubin uptake, conjugation, and excretion have not cholesterol into the bile and subsequent regurgitation into
been documented in cats or dogs. Increased production o f the blood. L o w total serum cholesterol concentrations have
bilirubin from red b l o o d cell destruction arises from intra been noted i n dogs with chronic severe hepatocellular disease
vascular or extravascular hemolysis and rarely from resorp and frequently i n cats and dogs with congenital portosys
tion of a large hematoma; hyperbilirubinemia also occurs i n temic shunts (PSS). It has been speculated that hypocholes-
association with rhabdomyolysis i n Greyhounds and other terolemia is a sign o f markedly altered intestinal absorption
dog breeds. Under these circumstances i n dogs, serum b i l i of (and increased use of) cholesterol for bile acid synthesis
rubin concentrations are usually lower than 10 mg/dl. Values when the enterohepatic recirculation o f bile acids is dis
usually do not increase above 10 m g / d l unless there is a turbed, as occurs with PSS. In other hepatobiliary diseases
concurrent flaw i n bilirubin excretion. This has been borne of cats and dogs, the total cholesterol values vary consider
out clinically in studies o f dogs with immune-mediated ably w i t h i n the reference range. N o r m a l values i n 4-week-old
hemolytic anemia i n which high liver enzyme activities are kittens are higher than those for adults; 8-week-old puppy
observed, even before treatment with corticosteroids, and reference ranges are the same as those for adults.
moderately delayed bilirubin excretion has been docu
mented. It has been proposed that cholestasis results from Serum Glucose Concentration
liver injury associated with hypoxia and i n some cases due Hypoglycemia is an unusual event associated with hepatobi
to early disseminated intravascular coagulation ( D I C ) . liary disease i n dogs and especially i n cats. Lost capacity to
Because increased production and decreased excretion of maintain n o r m a l serum glucose concentrations occurs i n
bilirubin occur i n dogs with severe hemolysis, serum biliru animals with acquired chronic progressive hepatobiliary
bin concentrations therefore can be as high as 35 mg/dl. disease when 20% functional hepatic mass or less is remain
Icterus in cats with pure hemolytic disease is an inconsistent ing. This inability to maintain n o r m a l serum glucose con
finding and m i l d i f present; specific bilirubin concentrations centrations is presumably caused by the loss o f hepatocytes
associated with experimentally induced or naturally occur with functioning gluconeogenic and glycolytic enzyme
ring hemolytic diseases i n cats are not available. systems and impaired hepatic degradation o f insulin. H y p o
Because nearly all diseases associated with hyperbilirubi glycemia is often a near-terminal event i n dogs with chronic
nemia i n cats and dogs are characterized by a mixture of progressive hepatobiliary disease. In striking contrast is the
conjugated and unconjugated bilirubinemia, quantifying the frequent observation of hypoglycemia i n dogs with con
two fractions by use o f van den Bergh's test achieves little i n genital PSS, particularly small-breed dogs. In PSS hypo
discriminating primary hepatic or biliary disease from non glycemia may be due to an increase in circulating insulin
hepatobiliary disease i n a clinical setting. This lack o f benefit concentration caused by reduced first pass metabolism i n the
in using van den Bergh's test may relate to the time between liver, as observed i n humans, but this has never been inves
onset of illness and examination, w h i c h is usually at least tigated i n dogs. Hypoglycemia is also c o m m o n as a paraneo
several days. Under conditions o f acute massive hemolysis, plastic syndrome i n dogs with large hepatocellular carcinomas
the total serum bilirubin concentration may consist primar and can be associated w i t h production i n insulin-like growth
ily of the unconjugated form initially. As hemolysis contin factor by the tumour ( Z i n i et al., 2007). In either case, i f
ues, the liver is able to take up and conjugate bilirubin, hypoglycemia is identified and confirmed by repeating the
accounting for a combination o f unconjugated and conju test using s o d i u m fluoride tubes i f necessary, and i f nonhe
gated bilirubin. patic causes (functional hypoglycemia, sepsis, insulinoma,
Because red blood cell membrane changes are often a or other neoplasm producing an insulin-like substance,
component of many primary hepatobiliary disorders, accel Addison's disease; see Chapter 53) are excluded, a primary
erated red blood cell destruction often contributes to hyper hepatic t u m o r (e.g., hepatocellular carcinoma), a PSS, or
bilirubinemia. In such cases, there is strong clinicopathologic severe generalized hepatopathy is suspected.
Serum Electrolyte Concentrations
BOX 36-
Serum electrolyte determinations facilitate supportive care
of cats and dogs with hepatobiliary disease but give no par Summary of Techniques for Bile Acid Stimulation Test
ticular hints as to the character o f the disorder. The most and Postprandial Ammonia Challenge Test
c o m m o n abnormality is hypokalemia, w h i c h is attributed to
Bile Acid Stimulation Test
a combination o f excessive renal and gastrointestinal losses,
reduced intake, and secondary hyperaldosteronism i n dogs Collect a 3-ml blood sample in a serum tube after the
and cats with severe chronic hepatobiliary disease. Metabolic animal was fasted for 12 hours.
alkalosis, presumptive evidence o f w h i c h might be abnor Feed a small amount of food that is normal in fat content
(approximately 2 7 % fat [dry matter basis] in dogs).
mally high serum total carbon dioxide content confirmed by
Collect another 3-ml blood sample in a serum tube 2 hours
b l o o d gas analysis, is usually caused by overzealous diuretic
after the meal.
therapy i n dogs with chronic hepatic failure and ascites.
Hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis potentiate each other Postprandial Ammonia Challenge Test
and may also worsen signs o f hepatic encephalopathy ( H E ) Collect a 3-ml blood sample after the animal was fasted for
by p r o m o t i n g persistence o f readily membrane-diffusible 12 hours.
ammonia ( N H ) .3 Feed an amount of food corresponding to 2 5 % of the dog's
daily metabolic energy requirement.
Serum Bile Acid Concentrations Collect another 3-ml blood sample in a serum tube 6 hours
Recent validation o f rapid, technically simple methods for after the meal.
S B A analysis i n cats and dogs has provided a sensitive, vari
ably specific test o f hepatocellular function and the integrity
of the enterohepatic portal circulation. " P r i m a r y " bile acids
(i.e., cholic, chenodeoxycholic) are synthesized only i n the likelihood o f precipitating an episode o f H E during this part
liver, where they are conjugated with various amino acids of the test is extremely low, even i n predisposed animals.
(primarily taurine) before secretion into the bile. Bile is After the serum is harvested, the samples may be refrigerated
stored i n the gallbladder, where it is concentrated until, for several days or frozen almost indefinitely before assay.
under the influence o f cholecystokinin, it is released into the The stability of the b l o o d sample is one of the major advan
duodenum. After facilitating fat absorption i n the small tages over the m u c h more labile serum ammonia test.
intestine, the primary bile acids are efficiently absorbed into Studies o f SBAs have confirmed their value i n detecting
the portal vein and returned to the liver for reuptake and clinically relevant hepatobiliary disease requiring definitive
resecretion into the bile. A small percentage o f primary bile diagnostic testing i n cats and dogs, especially in anicteric
acids that escapes resorption is converted by intestinal bac animals with equivocal clinical signs and unexplained high
teria to "secondary" bile acids (i.e., deoxycholic, lithocholic), liver enzyme activity. There continues to be controversy as
some o f w h i c h are also resorbed into the portal circulation. to whether a fasting or postprandial value alone is sufficient
Absorption o f bile acids by the intestine is extremely effi or whether fasting and postprandial measurements are
cient, but hepatic extraction from portal venous b l o o d is not. required. If only one sample can be obtained (and the animal
This accounts for small concentrations o f cholic, chenode will eat or can tolerate being force-fed a small meal), the
oxycholic, and deoxycholic acids that are released into the postprandial value is most useful to determine the presence
peripheral b l o o d o f healthy cats and dogs i n the fasting state or absence, but not the type, of clinically relevant hepatobi
(total <5 mol/L by enzymatic method and 5 to 10 mol/L liary disease i n most cats and dogs. Current recommenda
by radioimmunoassay [RIA]). D u r i n g a meal a large load o f tions state that for animals suspected o f having acquired
bile acids is delivered to the intestine and portal circulation hepatobiliary disease, biopsy is needed when postprandial
for recycling; postprandial values i n n o r m a l dogs and cats S B A concentration using the enzymatic method exceeds
may increase up to threefold to fourfold over fasting values 20 mol/L i n cats and 25 mol/L i n dogs, although other
(15 mol/L with the enzymatic method for cats and dogs; authors (particularly i n the U n i t e d K i n g d o m ) suggest that
25 mol/L with the R I A method for dogs). N o r m a l values S B A between 20 and 40 mol/L in dogs represents a grey
for juvenile animals are similar to adult reference ranges. area (Hall et al., 2005). Elevations i n this region have been
A b n o r m a l l y high fasting and/or postprandial S B A concen seen with secondary hepatopathies (particularly hyperadre
trations reflect disturbance i n hepatic secretion into the bile nocorticism) and with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
or at any point along the path o f portal venous return to the because of reduced hepatic clearance of deconjugated bile
liver and hepatocellular uptake. L o w S B A concentrations acids. Therefore the authors w o u l d recommend a liver biopsy
may be attributable to small intestinal (ileal) malabsorption with a higher cut-off for postprandial bile acids of 40 mol/
of bile acids but might be difficult to interpret because both L. N o pattern o f preprandial and postprandial values is
fasting and postprandial S B A concentrations may not be pathognomonic for any particular hepatic disorder, although
measurable i n healthy animals. it is safe to make certain generalizations. Magnitude of eleva
The standard way to assess S B A concentrations is out tion above 20 mol/L i n cats and 25 mol/L in dogs roughly
lined i n Box 36-1. Collective experience indicates that the correlates with the severity, but not the reversibility, of the
hepatobiliary disorder, although with PSS, the magnitude o f causes gallbladder contraction. Expulsion o f bile during
elevation does not correlate with the degree o f shunting or periodic physiologic gallbladder contraction between meals
severity of clinical signs. The change between the fasting may complicate interpretation o f the fasted sample result.
value and the postprandial value likely corresponds to por Lipemia o f the sample can seriously affect the validity o f the
tosystemic shunting, either microscopic (intrahepatic) or test, particularly o n heparinized blood. For this reason, it is
macroscopic. There is so m u c h overlap i n fasting and post far preferable to use serum, both for the external samples
prandial SBA patterns among primary hepatobiliary diseases and for the snap test.
that no particular statement can be made regarding the spe Several questions remain to be answered regarding the
cific causative hepatobiliary disease. Occasionally, fasting clinical use o f S B A measurement i n cats and dogs. Investiga
SBA levels are higher than postprandial levels, w h i c h signi tion o f individual S B A profiles i n cats and dogs with various
fies nothing more than occasional, normal, spontaneous hepatobiliary diseases has provided interesting information
gallbladder contraction i n fasting. In general, secondary but no clear and specific profile for any one disease. C a n
hepatic diseases cause more modest hepatobiliary dysfunc sequential S B A values be used to more precisely monitor a
tion (SBA values <100 mol/L). cat's or dog's progress? U n t i l this and other questions are
For the diagnosis of congenital PSS, fasting and postpran answered, use o f S B A analysis is limited to measuring total
dial S B A determinations are recommended to enhance serum values as a sensitive and relatively specific screening
detection ability because it is relatively c o m m o n for fasting test for the presence or absence o f clinically significant hep
values to be well within n o r m a l limits and for postprandial atobiliary disease. Additional diagnostic testing must always
values to be as high as tenfold to twentyfold higher than follow to identify the specific cause.
normal postprandial values.
N o w that simplified methods for SBA measurement have Urinary Bile Acid Concentrations
been developed (i.e., enzymatic, RIA) and are accessible, Determination of bile acids accumulating i n urine over time
determination of total SBA has become a convenient, practi can be used to assess hepatobiliary function. U r i n e bile acids
cal test of hepatobiliary function i n cats and dogs. Some are believed to reflect average serum bile acid concentrations
reference laboratories use an adapted enzymatic method, a during the interval o f urine formation. Expression o f urine
commercial enzymatic kit (Enzabile; Nyegaard and C o . , bile acid concentrations as a ratio with the urine creatinine
Olso, Norway), or a commercial R I A (Conjugated Bile Acids concentration eliminates the influence o f urine concentra
Solid Phase Radioimmunoassay K i t I ; Becton Dickinson, tion and flow. R a n d o m urine sampling for bile acid deter
Orangeburg, N . Y . ) . Each yields comparable diagnostic mination does not require attending to the t i m i n g o f an
results, although the sample size needed for the R I A assay is enterohepatic challenge or obtaining a sample after with
quite small (50 pi) compared with the enzymatic method holding food. In recent studies urinary bile acid concentra
(400 to 500 l). Because the measurement o f fasting and tions were increased i n dogs and cats with hepatobiliary
postprandial SBA concentrations assesses the same functions disease and portosystemic vascular anomalies, compared
as the a m m o n i u m chloride ( N H C l ) tolerance test without
4 with dogs and cats with nonhepatic disorders (except for
potentially dangerous consequences, it is the preferred test. hepatic neoplasia i n dogs; Balkman et al., 2003; Trainor et
As with any specially requested test, the laboratory chosen a l , 2003). The urine nonsulfated bile acid : creatinine ratio
should use methods verified for clinical use i n the target and the urine sulfated plus nonsulfated bile acid : creatinine
species and be able to provide reference ranges. ratio positively correlated with serum bile acid test results
A benchtop " S N A P " test for bile acids has recently become and had similar overall diagnostic performance and substan
available from I D E X X Laboratories (see http://www.idexx. tially higher (dogs) or similar (cats) specificity, compared
com/animalhealth/analyzers/vetlabnotes/2005snapreader. w i t h the serum bile acid test, and are recommended. The
jsp). The disadvantage o f the S N A P test is that it has a l o w urine sulfated bile acid : creatinine ratio had lower sensitiv
cut-off, which means that it does not differentiate secondary ity i n dogs and cats, compared with the serum bile acid
from primary hepatobiliary disease. test.
Several factors may affect S B A values and therefore their
interpretation. One aspect o f the S B A challenge test that has Plasma Ammonia Concentration
not been standardized is the feeding step. The ideal quantity One test that is not included i n a standard screening battery
and composition of the test meal have not been determined. of tests but is available through reference or h u m a n hospital
Size of the test meal and therefore consumption o f the entire laboratories is plasma a m m o n i a concentration. Fasting
meal or only part o f the meal may affect gastric emptying. plasma a m m o n i a can be measured i n any cat or dog w i t h
Delayed gastric emptying could cause the peak S B A concen historic or physical examination findings suggestive o f H E .
tration to occur more than 2 hours later. Hastened or delayed Signs o f H E (see B o x 35-2), whether they have a congenital
intestinal transit time or the presence o f intestinal disease or acquired basis, appear the same. Quantifying plasma
(especially o f the ileum) may also impede and blunt peak a m m o n i a concentration not only can confirm H E , although
absorption of the test meal. It is likely that fat content o f the n o r m a l fasting values i n animals with hepatobiliary disease
test meal is important because fat is the primary stimulus for are relatively c o m m o n , but can also provide baseline data
the small intestinal mucosa to secrete cholecystokinin, w h i c h and help i n evaluating response to treatment. However, S B A
values (particularly postprandial) provide very similar infor Plasma Protein C Activity
mation. Some investigators have suggested that arterial Plasma protein C activity was recently evaluated as a marker
ammonia concentrations may more accurately represent of hepatobiliary disease i n dogs. Protein C is an anticoagu
blood a m m o n i a status i n dogs with hepatobiliary disease lant protein that is synthesized in the liver and circulates as
than venous measurements because skeletal muscle can a plasma zymogen. L o w protein C activity has been associ
metabolize ammonia. H i g h plasma ammonia concentration ated with thrombotic disorders in humans and animals. L o w
usually indicates reduced hepatic mass available to process protein C activity has also been documented in dogs with
ammonia and/or the presence of portosystemic shunting, acquired and congenital hepatobiliary disorders, and dogs
which disrupts presentation of ammonia to the liver for with PSS appear to develop the lowest protein C activity. In
detoxification. However, ammonia is very labile i n the blood a recent study by Toulza et al. (2006), protein C acivity was
sample and, for example, can be falsely elevated i f the significantly lower in dogs with congenital or acquired portal
blood sample is taken in an environment contaminated with systemic shunts, compared with dogs without PSS. Plasma
urine. Sample handling has to be undertaken with caution, protein C activity improved or normalized after surgery for
and some benchtop analyzers are inaccurate, particularly in the shunt. These findings suggest that plasma protein C
the moderately elevated range. For these reasons, SBAs are activity reflects the adequacy of hepatoportal perfusion in
often a preferred test. The exception to this w o u l d be an dogs and that protein C activity may prove useful as a means
animal with suspected hepatic encephalopathy and concur to monitor improvement of hepatic-portal perfusion after
rent cholestasis. As outlined in the preceding paragraphs, bile ligation of portosystemic vascular anomalies. Plasma protein
acid concentrations will be high in cholestasis (because they C activity may also help differentiate dogs with intrahepatic
are excreted in the bile) independent of any reduction in liver portal vein hypoplasia from those with portal systemic vas
function or shunting. Measuring b l o o d ammonia in these cular anomaly (plasma protein C activity >70% versus <70%,
circumstances will give useful additional information about respectively).
potential shunting and H E .
In a recent study the 12-hour fasting plasma ammonia URINALYSIS
concentration had higher sensitivity and specificity than the C o m m o n findings in urinalysis consistent with hepatobiliary
12-hour fasting bile acid concentration for detecting porto disease include excessive bilirubinuria in a nonanemic dog
systemic shunting i n a general population o f dogs and in ( 2 + i n urine o f specific gravity 1.025), presence of biliru
dogs with liver disease (Gerritzen-Bruning et al., 2006). bin in the urine o f cats, and a m m o n i u m biurate crystalluria
However, a bile acid stimulation test (fasting and 2-hour in properly processed urine specimens (Fig. 36-1). In dogs
postprandial bile acid) has a m u c h higher sensitivity for excessive bilirubinuria may precede the onset o f hyperbili
detecting PSS than a single fasting bile acid, and a single rubinemia and jaundice. Small numbers of bilirubin crystals
postprandial bile acid concentration is likely as sensitive as may be found in concentrated urine specimens from normal
a fasting ammonia concentration, although the authors d i d dogs and a m m o n i u m biurate crystals are also occasionally
not test this. found in normal animals and also in Dalmatian dogs with a
Although reference ranges vary among laboratories, defect in urate metabolism (see Chapter 46) and therefore
fasting plasma a m m o n i a values for normal dogs are typically are not pathognomonic for PSS. Hyperammonemia com
100 mg/dl or less and 90 m g / d l or less for n o r m a l cats. A t bined with excess uric acidemia from diminished hepatic
least 6 hours o f fasting should precede sample collection.
Samples must be collected into iced ammonia-free heparin
ized tubes and spun immediately in a refrigerated centrifuge.
Plasma must be removed within 30 minutes so that values
will not be spuriously elevated by hemolysis because red
blood cells contain two to three times the ammonia concen
tration o f plasma. T o obtain accurate values, feline plasma
can be frozen at - 2 0 C and assayed within 48 hours; canine
plasma must be assayed within 30 minutes.
If signs are compatible with H E at the time o f sample
collection, a single fasting sample will suffice. If there are no
signs o f H E and results o f other tests are equivocal, a post
prandial challenge test may be performed (see Box 36-1).
The older a m m o n i u m chloride challenge tests (either oral or
rectal) are contraindicated because of the significant poten
tial for either test to trigger a severe encephalopathic crisis
in the patient. The postprandial a m m o n i a test is a safer test
and has a 9 1 % sensitivity for portosystemic shunting but FIG 36-1
only a 3 1 % sensitivity for diffuse hepatocellular disease Ammonium biurate crystals in the urine of a dog with a
(Walker et al., 2001). congenital portosystemic shunt.
conversion to allantoin exceeds the renal threshold and preferable i n cases other than peritonitis to remove fluid
favors precipitation o f crystals, especially i n alkaline urine. gradually, using diuretics. In cases i n w h i c h large volume
Their presence i n the urine may fluctuate, but alkalinizing fluid removal is necessary (e.g., for dyspnea), concurrent
the urine specimen with a few drops o f sodium or potassium administration o f fresh frozen plasma or a colloid solution
hydroxide may increase the likelihood o f identifying a m m o is essential. In dogs w i t h chronic hepatic failure and sus
nium biurate crystals during sediment examination. tained intrahepatic portal hypertension, abdominal fluid is
Measurement o f urinary urobilinogen by dipstick analy usually a modified transudate with moderate nucleated cell
sis has traditionally been used to assess the patency o f the count and protein content (Table 36-1). A pure transudate
extrahepatic biliary system. So many factors influence detec w i t h l o w cell count (<2500 cells/l) and protein concentra
tion of urobilinogen i n the urine (e.g., intestinal flora and tion (<2.5 g/dl), and a clear, m i n i m a l l y colored appearance
transit time, renal function, urine p H and specific gravity, is found when the dog is hypoproteinemic. A b d o m i n a l fluid
exposure of the urine specimen to light) that the test is n o w i n dogs with intrahepatic postsinusoidal venous obstruction
considered to be o f m i n i m a l value i n diagnosing E B D O . If (e.g., venoocclusive disease) or posthepatic venous obstruc
urine samples are obtained serially and processed properly, tion (e.g., any cause o f right-sided heart failure) can be any
repeated absence o f urobilinogen suggests, but is not diag color but is typically red- or yellow-tinged and is classified
nostic of, complete E B D O . as a modified transudate. Feline infectious peritonitis fluid
Consistently dilute urine (specific gravity as l o w as 1.005) and neoplastic effusions are also c o m m o n l y classified as
may be a feature o f congenital and acquired PSS and severe modified transudates or nonseptic exudates. Bile peritonitis
hepatocellular diseases because o f the associated polydipsia/ also results i n an exudate, w h i c h is initially sterile but can
polyuria and hypercortisolism, as discussed i n Chapter 35. become septic w i t h time. W i t h neoplasia, effusions can occa
Urine specific gravity must also be interpreted i n light o f sionally be chylous or even hemorrhagic, and the latter can
concurrent drug therapy, such as administration o f diuretics, also be seen i n amyloidosis as a result o f rupture o f the liver
corticosteroids, or anticonvulsants. capsule. Reactive mesothelial cells can be mistaken for neo
plastic cells, emphasizing the need for experience in evaluat
FECAL EVALUATION ing cytologic specimens. Exudates have high cell counts
Fecal specimen analysis rarely provides useful information (>20,000 cells/l) and protein content (>2.5 g/dl) and, o n
in the evaluation of a dog or cat with suspected hepatobiliary the basis o f whether the inflammatory cells look toxic or
disease, except for a change i n appearance associated with contain ingested bacteria, are further classified as septic or
two specific conditions. Absence of fecal pigment (acholic nonseptic. Fluid analysis provides additional clues to the
feces; see Fig. 35-6) and steatorrhea are consequences o f origin o f hepatobiliary disease and must not be overlooked.
chronic complete E B D O , and dark, orange-colored feces A guide to interpreting fluid analysis results is given i n
reflect increased bilirubin production and excretion after Table 36-1.
marked hemolysis or rhabdomyolysis. It should also be noted
that gastrointestinal ulceration is a serious and important COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT
complication of portal hypertension, particularly i n dogs There are few changes i n b l o o d cells that suggest hepatobi
(see Chapter 39), so the clinician should always be alert to liary disease. M o s t are changes i n erythrocytes associated
the development of melena in a dog with chronic liver w i t h fragmentation or changes i n cell size or membrane
disease. composition (Fig. 36-2). Microcytosis (mean cell volume
[ M C V ] <60 fl in canine breeds other than the Japanese A k i t a
ABDOMINOCENTESIS/FLUID ANALYSIS or Shiba Inu) with n o r m o c h r o m i a or slight hypochromia
If abdominal fluid is detected during physical examination, (mean cell hemoglobin concentration: 32 to 34 g/dl) is a
abdominal radiography, or ultrasonography, a sample must rather c o m m o n finding i n dogs with congenital PSS (>60%);
always be obtained for analysis. For moderate to large volume it is less c o m m o n i n cats w i t h congenital PSS ( 3 0 % ) . M o s t
effusion, simple needle paracentesis is sufficient to obtain affected animals are not anemic. The cause o f microcytosis,
5 to 10 m l of fluid for gross inspection; determination o f which has also been observed with less frequency i n dogs
protein content; cytologic evaluation; and, i n selected cases, with chronic hepatic failure and acquired PSS, is chelation
special biochemical analysis. Larger volumes are removed of i r o n w i t h i n the liver rather than absolute i r o n deficiency;
using an over-the-needle-style catheter with extension tubing therefore iron supplementation does not help. However, the
or a needle with attached tubing ( E - Z infusion set) if clinical change in the size o f red b l o o d cells is reversible upon resto
signs secondary to fluid accumulation are present (e.g., ration o f portal b l o o d flow. If anemia is also present, m i c r o
dyspnea) or i f removal of abdominal fluid is part o f the cytosis must be distinguished from anemia o f inflammatory
treatment (e.g., bile peritonitis). Removal o f a significant disease, w h i c h can occasionally cause small red b l o o d cells
volume o f abdominal fluid for clinical reasons should be and relative i r o n deficiency, or from i r o n deficiency anemia
avoided unless it is absolutely necessary because doing so associated with chronic gastrointestinal b l o o d loss (see
often causes a precipitous decrease i n serum protein concen Chapter 83).
trations in animals with liver disease owing to the inability Strongly regenerative anemia, with macrocytosis, high
of the liver to replace proteins removed i n the fluid. It is reticulocyte count, and normal to slightly increased serum
TABLE 36-1
Characteristics of Abdominal Effusion in Hepatobiliary Disease



Pure Clear, colorless <1500/l <2.5 g / d l <1.016 Chronic hepatic failure with
transudates marked hypoalbuminemia
Modified Serosanguineous, <7000/l >2.5 g / d l 1.010-1.031 Chronic hepatic failure, right-sided
transudates amber heart failure, pericardial
disease, caval syndrome, Budd-
Chiari-like syndrome,
intrahepatic portal vein
hypoplasia, chronic portal vein
thrombosis, feline infectious
peritonitis (some cases),
neoplasia (some cases)
Septic Cloudy; red, dark >7000/l >2.5 g / d l 1.020-1.031 Perforated duodenal ulcer, bile
yellow, green peritonitis (fluid bilirubin
concentration exceeds serum
bilirubin concentration)
Nonseptic Clear; red, dark >7000/l 2.5 g / d l 1.017-1.031 Feline infectious peritonitis,
yellow, green neoplasia with serosal
involvement, ruptured
hemangiosarcoma, early bile
Chylous Opaque, white to Variable; Variable; 1.030-1.032 Neoplasia (some cases); diseases
effusions pink ("strawberry usually 2.5- obstructing lymphatic drainage
milkshake") 1000- 6.5 g / d l
Hemorrhagic Red Variable; Usually <1.013 Neoplasia (some cases);
effusions usually >3.0 g / d l amyloidosis with hepatic
1500 to capsule rupture; ruptured
1000/l hemangiosarcoma

protein concentration i n a jaundiced dog, especially i f sphe nucleated red b l o o d cells is also detected. M i l d to moderate
rocytes are also identified, indicates hemolytic anemia and nonregenerative anemia is c o m m o n i n cats with many dif
increased bilirubin formation as the cause of jaundice. Cats ferent illnesses, including those of the hepatobiliary tract.
and dogs with hemolytic anemia typically also have high Few changes i n the leukon are expected in cats or dogs
serum liver enzyme activities and bile acid concentrations, with hepatobiliary disease, except when an infectious agent
pointing to hepatic consequences developing secondary to is present as the initiating event (histoplasmosis, bacterial
the effects of marked hemolysis, such as hypoxia and t h r o m cholangitis, or leptospirosis i n dogs); where there is concur
boembolism. rent pancreatitis, which is particularly c o m m o n i n cats (see
Certain red b l o o d cell morphologic changes are consis Chapter 40); or when infection has complicated a primary
tent with serious hepatobiliary disease and are related to hepatobiliary disorder (e.g., gram-negative sepsis in a dog
alterations i n lipoprotein metabolism and irregularities i n with cirrhosis, septic bile peritonitis). Neutrophilic leukocy
red blood cell membrane structure. Acanthocytes, leptocytes, tosis is likely i n such cases, whereas pancytopenia is typical
and codocytes (target cells) are good examples (see Fig. of disseminated histoplasmosis and severe toxoplasmosis in
36-2). Poikilocytosis of u n k n o w n pathogenesis is a consis cats and of early infectious canine hepatitis.
tent finding i n cats w i t h congenital PSS and occasionally
with other hepatobiliary diseases; cats with chronic hepato COAGULATION TESTS
biliary disease frequently have H e i n z bodies i n their red Clinically relevant coagulopathies are unusual i n cats and
b l o o d cells. Fragmented red b l o o d cells or schistocytes con dogs with hepatobiliary disease except for those with acute
stitute an expected finding i n animals with D I C ; hemangio hepatic failure (including acute hepatic lipidosis in cats or
sarcoma is considered when an inappropriate number of hepatic l y m p h o m a i n both species), complete E B D O , or
FIG 36-2
Erythrocyte morphologic changes often associated with hepatobiliary disease in cats and
dogs (Wright-Giemsa stain). A, Microcytic red blood cells (mean corpuscular volume
[MCV] = 4 5 fl) from dog with congenital portosystemic shunt; compare the microcytic red
blood cells with the size of a nearby normal small lymphocyte 6 to 9 m in diameter.
B, Normal canine red blood cells (MCV = 7 0 fl) for comparison. C, Acanthocytes from dog
with severe chronic hepatic passive congestion. D, Poikilocytes from cat with cholangitis.

active D I C . It is more c o m m o n to have subtle prolongation A summary o f laboratory tests for cats and dogs with
of activated partial thromboplastin time ( A P T T ; 1.5 times hepatobiliary disease and interpretation o f their results is
normal), abnormal fibrin degradation products (10 to 40 or given i n Table 36-2.
higher), and variable fibrinogen concentration (<100 to
200 mg/dl) in cats and dogs with severe parenchymal hepatic
disease. Elevated D-dimers are c o m m o n i n patients with DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING
liver disease and do not always indicate D I C i n these cases.
It has been proposed that nonspecific elevation can occur i n SURVEY RADIOGRAPHY
liver disease as a result of reduced clearance by the liver. Radiographic evaluation o f the abdomen is used to c o m
Platelet numbers may be normal or low; m i l d thrombocyto plement physical examination findings and to confirm
penia (130,000 to 150,000 cells/l) is usually associated with suspicions regarding the character and location of the hepa
splenic sequestration or chronic D I C . M o r e severe thrombo tobiliary disease suggested by results o f clinicopathologic
cytopenia (100,000 cells/l) is expected in acute D I C or examination. Survey radiographs provide subjective infor
decompensated chronic D I C . Some animals with severe mation regarding the size and shape o f the liver (see Table
hepatic disease and relatively unremarkable routine coagula 35-1). Optimally, the animal should have an empty gastro
tion test results have high serum activity o f proteins induced intestinal tract at the time the radiographs are obtained. In
by vitamin K antagonism ( P I V K A ) that could impart bleed the n o r m a l dog and cat i n right lateral recumbency, the
ing tendencies. Primary or metastatic cancer o f the liver gastric axis is parallel to the ribs at the tenth intercostal space,
could also cause coagulopathy unrelated to loss of hepatocel and the caudoventral border o f the liver (the left lateral liver
lular ability to make or degrade coagulation proteins. lobe) appears sharp; the image is made possible by the con-
Summary of First- and Second-Line Clinicopathologic Tests Useful in the Diagnosis of Hepatobiliary Disease

Serum ALT, AST Integrity of liver cell membranes; Degree of increase roughly correlates with number of
activities escape from cells hepatocytes involved but not severity of disease
Serum AP, G G T Reactivity of biliary epithelium to Increase associated with intrahepatic or extrahepatic
activities various stimuli; increased synthesis cholestasis or drug effect (dogs only): corticosteroids,
and release anticonvulsants (AP only, not GGT)
Serum albumin Protein synthesis Rule out other causes of low concentration (glomerular or
concentration intestinal loss); low value indicates 80% overall hepatic
function loss or negative acute phase response
Serum urea Protein degradation and With low values, rule out prolonged anorexia; dietary
concentration detoxification protein restriction; severe P U / P D ; urea cycle enzyme
deficiency (rare); congenital PSS; severe, acquired
chronic hepatobiliary disease
Serum bilirubin Uptake and excretion of bilirubin Rule out marked hemolysis first; if PCV is normal,
concentration intrahepatic or extrahepatic cholestasis is present
Serum cholesterol Biliary excretion, intestinal High values compatible with severe cholestasis of any
concentration absorption, integrity of the kind; low values suggest congenital PSS; anticonvulsant
enterohepatic circulation drug-induced change; severe, acquired chronic
hepatobiliary disease; or severe intestinal malassimilation
Serum glucose Hepatocellular gluconeogenic or Low values indicate severe hepatocellular dysfunction, PSS,
concentration glycolytic ability; insulin and other or presence of a primary liver tumor
hormone metabolism
Plasma ammonia Integrity of the enterohepatic High fasting or postprandial values suggest congenital or
concentration circulation, hepatic function and acquired PSS or acute hepatocellular inability to detoxify
mass ammonia to urea (massive necrosis)
Serum bile acid Integrity of the enterohepatic High fasting or postprandial values compatible with
concentrations circulation, hepatic function and hepatocellular dysfunction, congenital PSS, or loss of
mass hepatic mass. Elevated in cholestasis independent of
hepatocellular dysfunction or shunting so rule this out
Coagulation profile Hepatocellular function, adequacy of Abnormal values may indicate marked hepatocellular
vitamin K absorption and stores dysfunction, acute or chronic DIC, complete EBDO

ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; AP, alkaline phosphatase; GGT, -gluramyltransferase; PU/PD, polyuria/
polydipsia; PSS, portosystemic shunting; PCV, packed cell volume; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; EBDO, extrahepatic bile duct

trasting fat-filled falciform ligament (Fig. 36-3). In dog nographic contrast, this is the imaging modality of choice in
breeds with narrow, deep chests, the entire liver shadow may animals with ascites. Poor abdominal detail in emaciated or
be contained within the caudal rib cage. In dogs with wide, very young animals lacking abdominal fat stores also makes
shallow thoracic conformation, the liver may extend slightly detection of subtle hepatic changes difficult.
beyond the costal arch. In the ventrodorsal view the borders In cats and dogs with generalized hepatomegaly, the liver
of the liver are defined by the cranial duodenum and the extends beyond the costal arch; it causes displacement of the
gastric fundus; i n this view the gastric shadow is perpen gastric axis and pylorus caudally and dorsally in the lateral
dicular to the spine. This view is less useful for assessing liver projection and shifting of the gastric shadow caudally and
size unless it is markedly and asymmetrically enlarged. to the left i n the ventrodorsal view (see Fig 36-3). In addition,
Immature animals have a relatively larger liver than do the edges of the liver in the lateral view may appear rounded
adults. The gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary tree are not (see Fig. 36-3). Occasionally, the spleen and liver cannot be
visible separately radiographically i n healthy animals. differentiated when they are i n direct contact, as seen in the
Survey radiography is of minimal to no benefit if there is right lateral view. A ventrodorsal view would help to deter
moderate to marked abdominal effusion because the similar mine the size, shape, and position of each organ. Increased
radiographic opacities of the liver and fluid preclude distinc intrathoracic volume associated with deep inspiration, severe
tion of liver size and shape except by indirect assessment pleural effusion, or overinflation of the lungs may result in
(e.g., malposition of a gas-filled stomach and duodenum; Fig caudal displacement of the liver, giving the erroneous impres
36-4). However, because abdominal fluid increases ultraso sion of hepatomegaly using other radiographic criteria.
FIG 3 6 - 4
Lateral abdominal radiograph of an 8-year-old Bearded
Collie with chronic hepatitis, portal hypertension, and
ascites demonstrating the loss of abdominal detail associ
ated with free abdominal fluid, which renders radiography
unhelpful. (Radiograph courtesy the diagnostic imaging
department, The Queen's Veterinary School Hospital,
University of Cambridge.)

also seem small i n animals with traumatic diaphragmatic

hernia and herniation of liver lobes into the thorax or i n
those with congenital peritoneopericardial hernia.
Focal hepatic enlargement is indicated by displacement of
organs adjacent to the affected lobe. The most c o m m o n
radiographically detectable focal hepatic enlargement is that
of the right lateral lobe, an example of which is shown i n Fig.
36-5. In this case the body and pyloric regions of the stomach
are shifted dorsally (lateral view) and to the patient's left
(ventrodorsal view); the gastric fundus remains i n n o r m a l
position. Shifting of the stomach to the left is n o r m a l i n cats
and should not be mistaken for right hepatomegaly. If the
FIG 36-3 left lateral lobe or lobes are enlarged, the gastric fundus
Lateral abdominal radiographs demonstrating gastric axis moves to the left and caudally; the lesser curvature of the
(white line) as an indication of liver size. A , Lateral stomach may appear indented. Primary or metastatic neo
abdominal radiograph of a normal cat with normal liver
plasia, hyperplastic or regenerative nodules, and cysts most
size. B, Lateral abdominal radiograph of a cat with diffuse
c o m m o n l y account for focal hepatic enlargement or for
hepatic amyloidosis demonstrating hepatomegally and
caudal displacement of the gastric axis. C , Lateral abdomi irregular liver margins without enlargement. If the gallblad
nal radiograph of a middle-aged English Springer Spaniel der is massively enlarged because of E B D O , it may m i m i c a
with cirrhosis demonstrating microhepatica and cranial right cranial abdominal mass or an enlarged, rounded liver
displacement of the gastric axis. (Radiographs courtesy the lobe. Changes i n hepatic radiographic opacity are rare and
diagnostic imaging department, The Queen's Veterinary are usually associated with hepatic or biliary tract infection
School Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
caused by gas-forming bacteria (patchy and/or linear areas
of decreased opacity) or mineralization (focal or diffuse
spots of mineralization or mineralized biliary calculi).
Because the liver may be contained entirely within the rib W i t h the advent of ultrasonography, contrast radio
cage in normal cats and dogs, microhepatia is more difficult graphic procedures are seldom needed to confirm the pres
to recognize than hepatomegaly. Changes i n the angle of the ence of hepatic masses, cholelithiasis, E B D O , congenital PSS,
gastric fundus in the right lateral projection (see Fig. 36-3) and other structural diseases. The contrast study that is still
could indicate a small hepatic shadow i f the angle is more necessary to localize some types of congenital PSS and is
upright or perpendicular to the spine and especially i f the achievable i n private practice is portal venography. Accept
stomach seems rather close to the diaphragm. The liver may able approaches for this technique are splenoportography,
FIG 36-5
Lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) abdominal radiographs of a 9-year-old spayed female
mixed-breed dog with a hepatocellular carcinoma enlarging the right lateral liver lobe.
The dog was also severely hypoglycemic.

operative mesenteric portography, and operative splenopor hepatic portal vasculature. In addition, it has been shown
tography. The two operative procedures require general that the degree o f intrahepatic portal vessel opacification on
anesthesia and a small abdominal incision; however, little post-ligation portography is predictive for outcome (Lee
sophisticated equipment is needed, and the procedures are et al., 2006).
associated with few complications. A 22-gauge catheter is
placed in the splenic vein or a mesenteric vein (Fig. 36-6), ULTRASONOGRAPHY
and the resting portal venous pressure is measured with a A b d o m i n a l ultrasonagraphy (US) is the preferred diagnostic
water manometer ( N = 6 to 13 c m H O ) . Portal pressure is
2 modality for evaluating the hepatobiliary system in dogs and
measured as soon as possible in the procedure because pro cats. Operating on the principle that a pulse of sound (echo)
longed anesthesia may complicate its interpretation. A n can be reflected when it passes through the interface between
injection o f iodine-based contrast m e d i u m at a dose o f 0.5 two different materials, U S can detect differences between
to 1 m l / k g is then quickly made. Lateral and possibly ventro homogeneous liquids of low echogenicity, such as blood and
dorsal and oblique radiographs are made at the end o f the bile, and more heterogeneous echogenic structures made up
injection. Contrast m e d i u m given to a normal cat or dog of several soft tissues. Whereas abdominal effusion obscures
should flow into the portal vein, enter the liver, and branch abdominal detail on survey radiography, it enhances the
multiple times, opacifying the extrahepatic and intrahepatic ability o f U S to detect abnormalities (Fig. 36-8). However,
portal vasculature. Diversion o f the contrast m e d i u m into bone and gas-filled organs reflect the sound beam com
the systemic circulation indicates PSS (Fig. 36-7). Measure pletely (acoustic shadowing) so that structures beneath
ment o f portal pressure and a liver biopsy can be performed cannot be imaged by U S . The procedure does not require
during the operative techniques; they are required to distin anesthesia, but the patient must be still, and good contact
guish acquired PSS from congenital PSS, w h i c h is essential between the transducer and abdominal skin must be ensured
to rendering an accurate prognosis and developing the by clipping the hair coat and applying acoustic coupling gel.
correct treatment plan. As a general rule, cases o f congenital Animals are usually positioned in dorsal or lateral recum
PSS are usually single whereas acquired PSS are multiple, so bency. The hepatic parenchyma, gallbladder, large hepatic
the mesenteric portography may suggest a diagnosis. It may and portal veins, and adjacent caudal vena cava are all visible
be necessary to repeat the contrast study after congenital PSS i n the liver o f the normal cat and dog. Unlike plain radiog
ligation if there is concern about the adequacy o f the intra raphy, which requires two views to complete the study, US
FIG 36-6
A 22-gauge intravenous catheter attached to an extension
set, three-way stopcock, and water manometer has been
placed in a mesenteric vein in preparation for intraoperative FIG 36-7
measurement of resting portal pressure. The catheter may Operative mesenteric portal venography in a young
also be secured in place and used for operative portal domestic shorthaired cat before (A) and after (B) surgical
venography. correction (note improvement in hepatic portal blood flow in
B with arborization of the contrast material within the
small portal vessels in the liver). (Radiographs courtesy the
diagnostic imaging department, The Queen's Veterinary
School Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
makes many slices through several planes to create a three-
dimensional reconstruction o f the target structures.
Performing U S and interpreting the recorded images are
a blend of technical skill and experience. It is also important
to remember that U S is very sensitive to the presence o f
lesions but does not diagnose what the lesions are (i.e., it
cannot yield a histological diagnosis). W i t h a few exceptions,
which predominantly involve lesions o f the biliary tract and
vessels, the ultrasonographic appearance o f a variety o f both
benign and malignant hepatic lesions can appear very similar
and histology of a liver biopsy is usually required for diag
nosis. A n animal should never be euthanized on the basis of
an ultrasonographically identified "tumor" without histo
logical confirmation because benign nodular hyperplasia or
focal inflammatory lesions can look the same. Table 36-3
outlines the typical appearances o f different hepatic lesions
on ultrasonography.
FIG 36-8
Neoplasia may appear as hyperechoic or hypoechoic
Abdominal ultrasound is enhanced by the presence of
and focal or diffuse. Hepatic l y m p h o m a often appears
ascites. Ultrasound of the abdomen of a dog with chronic
diffusely hypoechoic but can also appear hyperechoic. hepatitis and ascites. (Image courtesy the diagnostic
Some tumors, such as metastatic hemangiosarcomas, have imaging department, The Queen's Veterinary School
a classically nodular hypoechoic appearance (Fig. 36-9). Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
Ultrasonographic Findings in Dogs and Cats with Hepatobiliary Diseases


Focal Cyst(s) may be singular or multiple with septae; thin-walled
Abscess(es) may be poorly demarcated and have a
heterogeneous echo pattern
Hematoma(s) appearance depends on maturity
Lymphoma may look like cyst if solitary

Focal Focal or multifocal neoplasia
Regenerative nodule formation
Extramedullary hematopoiesis
Normal liver surrounded by hyperechoic liver
Diffuse Abscess(es) or granuloma(s)
Neoplastic or inflammatory cell infiltrates
Passive congestion
Hepatocellular necrosis
Extramedullary hematopoiesis

Focal Focal or multifocal neoplasia
Nodular hyperplasia
Mineralization (creates shadowing artifact)
Gas (creates reverberation artifact)
Hematoma or abscess
Diffuse Fatty infiltration (attenuates the sound beam)
Neoplastic or inflammatory cell infiltrates
Steroid hepatopathy (dogs only)

Tubular StructuresBiliary Tract

Dilated intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction; persistent or recently relieved
Severe cholangitis complex (cats)
Choledochal cyst (rare)
Distended gallbladder Normal (prolonged fasting)
Distended gallbladder and cystic duct Cystic duct obstruction
Distended gallbladder and common bile duct Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction; persistent or recently relieved
Focal areas of gravity-dependent hyperechogenicity within Cholelithiasis
biliary tract or gallbladder that cause acoustic shadowing
Focal areas of hyperechogenicity within gallbladder that "Sludged" or inspissated bile from severe cholestasis,
settle to dependent portion of gallbladder when animal's prolonged anorexia, and dehydration
position changes
Stellate or "kiwi fruit" appearance to gallbladder Gallbladder mucocele
Intraluminal echoic masses in gallbladder Neoplasia (polyp, malignant neoplasm)
Adherent inspissated bile
Apparent thickened gallbladder wall Cystic hyperplasia (focal)
Cholecystitis, cholangitis
Infectious canine hepatitis
Hypoalbuminemia with edema formation
Abdominal effusion

Ultrasonographic Findings i n Dogs and Cats with Hepatobiliary Diseasescont'd


Tubular StructuresBlood Vessels

Dilated hepatic veins and portal veins Right-sided congestive heart failure
Pericardial disease
Intrathoracic caudal vena cava occlusion
Hepatic vein occlusion (Budd-Chiari syndrome)
Prominent hepatic arteries Reduced portal blood flow
Distended portal vein with reduced velocity and flow Portal hypertension of any cause (by Doppler)
Inapparent hepatic vessels Cirrhosis
Severe fatty infiltration
Inapparent portal veins Congenital portosystemic shunt
Portal vein thrombus
Intrahepatic portal vein hypoplasia
Aberrant vessel that communicates with systemic circulation Intrahepatic or extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunt
Connection between a portal vein and an artery within one Arterioportal venous fistula
or more liver lobes
Many tortuous veins clustered around left kidney and along Acquired portosystemic shunts associated with portal
colon hypertension

FIG 36-10
FIG 36-9 Ultrasonographic appearance of dilated biliary tract in a
Ultrasonographic appearance of a hepatic hemangiosar cat with chronic cholangitis. (Image courtesy the diagnostic
coma in a dog. Note the multiple hypoechoic nodules. imaging department, The Queen's Veterinary School
(Image courtesy the diagnostic imaging department, Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
The Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of

can be followed ultrasonographically along its course toward

Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography has recently been used the small intestine, and lesions i n the pancreas or duodenum
to improve visualization of small hepatic metastases i n dogs obstructing it can be identified.
(O'Brien 2007). Typically, hepatic lipidosis i n cats causes an A dilated gallbladder may indicate prolonged anorexia,
increase i n echogenicity and so does diffuse fibrosis such as unless dilated bile ducts, particularly the c o m m o n bile duct,
cirrhosis in dogs. However, a cirrhotic liver may appear are also seen, which supports E B D O or chronic cholangitis/
normal ultrasonographically. cholangiohepatitis i n cats (see Fig. 36-10). Intrahepatic or
Dilated anechoic (black) vascular channels and echoic extrahepatic anomalous vessels may also be identified in
bile ducts can be identified; biliary tract imaging is particu animals with clinicopathologic evidence of severe chronic
larly useful in cats with suspected biliary tract disease (Fig. hepatobiliary disease or congenital PSS (Fig. 36-11). C o n
36-10) or dogs and cats with suspected E B D O . The bile duct genital PSSs are typically single vessels, whereas acquired
FIG 36-11
A , Doppler ultrasonographic findings of a congenital extrahepatic portocaval shunt in a
young English Springer spaniel. B, Ultrasonographic appearance of multiple extrahepatic
acquired portosystemic shunts in a 6-year-old German Shepherd Dog with noncirrhotic
portal hypertension. CVC, Caudal vena cava; PV, portal vein. (Images courtesy the
diagnostic imaging department, The Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of

PSSs are usually multiple. Use of Doppler color-flow imaging lection of emissions from decaying isotope using a gamma
confirms the location o f the suspicious vessel(s) and the camera focused over the animal's liver region and recorded
direction o f b l o o d flow within it. Doppler imaging can also o n radiographic film. The isotope has a short (6-hour) half-
provide supportive evidence o f intrahepatic portal hyperten life; thus, although the animal must be relatively isolated for
sion by allowing the assessment o f the speed and direction 24 to 48 hours and urinary and fecal waste stored until
of portal flow. Portal b l o o d flow toward the liver (hepatope radioactivity has fallen to background levels, there is minimal
tal) is normal; away from the liver (hepatofugal) is abnormal. radiation hazard to the animal or involved personnel. T o
9 9 m
Whether the lesion is determined to be focal or diffuse, U S distinguish medical from surgical causes of jaundice, Tc
can also be used as a guide to obtain diagnostic specimens is combined with disofenin (Hepatolite). After an intrave
for cytologic or histopathologic evaluation. U S has devel nous injection of radiopharmaceutical, scintigraphic images
oped into a valuable and critically important adjunct to are made sequentially over 3 hours to determine whether the
diagnosis o f hepatobiliary disease of cats and dogs by allow isotope has been taken up by the liver, excreted into the
ing characterization o f structural changes not possible by biliary tract, and expelled into the intestine. In cats and dogs
any other modality and by providing a way to obtain needle with E B D O , no evidence of radiopharmaceutical is detected
liver biopsy specimens and bile duct samples in a visualized i n the gallbladder or intestine.
manner without the need for general anesthesia. Another application o f scintigraphy is used in the diag
nosis o f PSS i n cats and dogs. Following placement of
pertechnetate labeled with T c into the descending colon,
Other imaging modalities, such as scintigraphy (nuclear the vascular path taken by the isotope after absorption is
imaging), magnetic resonance imaging, contrast-enhanced plotted. Time/activity curves determine whether the isotope
harmonic ultrasound, and computed tomography, are avail arrived in the liver first, which is normal, or in the heart and
able primarily through teaching or larger referral institu lungs, which is compatible with any k i n d o f portal venous
tions. O f these imaging modalities, scintigraphy has been bypass of the liver (Fig. 36-12). This approach has the advan
evaluated most thoroughly for diagnosis o f hepatobiliary tage o f specifically evaluating the portal blood supply rather
disease in cats and dogs. The isotope selected most often for than the hepatic mass, which may or may not be reduced in
clinical use is technetium-99m ( T c ) , w h i c h is incorpo animals with congenital PSS or primary hepatobiliary disease
rated into the radiopharmaceutical specific for the planned and acquired PSS. The test results do not provide anatomic
9 9 m
study. For example, T c b o u n d to sulfur colloid, which is detail but only evidence o f the presence or absence of con
phagocytized by monocyte-macrophage cells of the liver and genital or acquired portosystemic shunting. Transcolonic
spleen, is given to assess liver mass. Images are made by col portal scintigraphy is most helpful in confirming the
BOX 36-2
Patient and Operator Considerations for Hepatic Biopsy

1. Characteristics of the suspected hepatobiliary disorder:
liver size (small, normal, enlarged); texture (fibrotic or
friable); focal, multifocal, or diffuse distribution; pres
ence of abdominal effusion
2. Clinical stability and suitability for anesthesia
3. Coagulation status and platelet count

1. Available equipment
2. Experience with chosen technique
3. Complication rate for chosen technique
4. Size of specimen needed
5. Access to reliable veterinary pathology laboratory

FIG 36-12
Transcolonic scintigraphy demonstrating the portal vascular
path to the liver. A , Normal dog with isotope following a
direct path to the liver and a small (5%) shunt fraction.
B, Abnormal arrival of isotope in the heart and lungs of 1-
year-old male Miniature Schnauzer with congenital portosys
temic shunt and large (84%) shunt fraction. In each scan
image the dog's head is to the right. (Courtesy Dr. Lisa J.
FIG 36-13
Forrest, North Carolina State University, College of Veteri
nary Medicine.) A 4-year-old spayed female domestic short-haired cat with
suspected hepatic lipidosis positioned in right lateral
recumbency for blind fine-needle aspirate for cytology. With
care taken to avoid the spleen, the needle is directed
presence of a congenital PSS i n a cat or dog with atypical craniomedially into the liver.
clinicopathologic test results, equivocal abdominal ultra
sound findings (e.g., normal-size liver, no identifiable vessel
arising from the portal vein), and no evidence of portal
hypertension (e.g., ascites). cause; (3) determine hepatic involvement i n systemic illness
(although biopsy is not always necessary for this); (4) stage
neoplastic disease; (5) objectively assess response to therapy;
LIVER BIOPSY or (6) evaluate progress of previously diagnosed, not spe
cifically treatable disease. Percutaneous hepatic biopsy is not
General Considerations performed if there is a good chance that the disease can
For many primary hepatobiliary diseases of cats and dogs, a be corrected surgically, such as i n some cases of E B D O or
hepatic biopsy is needed to establish a final diagnosis and congenital PSS; instead, a specimen is obtained at the time
prognosis. In some cases bile culture is also imperative. of surgery to complete the diagnostic evaluation. Several
Biopsy is indicated to (1) explain abnormal results of hepatic approaches are available; choice is dictated by patient and
status and/or function tests, especially i f they persist for operator considerations (Box 36-2). In addition, i n most
longer than 1 month; (2) explain hepatomegaly of u n k n o w n cases of hepatic disease the accuracy of histological diagno-
sis is better with larger (i.e., surgical or laparoscopic) rather to interpret are often the result (Fig. 36-14). There is less than
than smaller (i.e., needle) biopsies. a 40% correlation between 18-gauge needle biopsy and
A l l cats and dogs undergoing hepatic biopsy are fasted for wedge biopsy for certain hepatobiliary diseases (i.e., chronic
at least 12 hours, regardless o f the approach selected. In hepatitis/cirrhosis, cholangitis, portovascular anomaly,
general, percutaneous needle core biopsy or aspiration (for fibrosis). If a needle technique is selected, the largest avail
cytologic analysis) o f a single cavitary or solid lesion highly able instrument is used (preferably 14 gauge; m i n i m u m 16
likely to be n o n l y m p h o i d cancer should be avoided unless gauge) and multiple samples are taken to ensure samples
the owner is unwilling to permit surgery for complete resec adequate for examination.
tion. Fine-needle aspiration o f the liver for cytologic analysis The animal's coagulation status is determined before a
is rarely advisable because o f l o w diagnostic yield and often liver biopsy is performed, regardless of the approach. Ideally,
misleading results. The exceptions to this are for quick diag a complete coagulation profile (one-stage prothrombin time
nosis of hepatic lipidosis i n cats and possibly for suspected [OSPT], A P T T , fibrin degradation products, fibrinogen
hepatic l y m p h o m a , although even then the diagnosis may content, platelet count) is obtained; a platelet count and an
need to be confirmed histologically (Fig. 36-13). However, activated clotting time or whole b l o o d clotting time i n a glass
an overall correlation o f only 30% i n dog and 51% i n cats tube, as a screening test of the intrinsic coagulation cascade,
was found i n one study comparing the cytologic diagnosis are also acceptable. Bleeding after ultrasound-guided biopsy
with the histopathologic diagnosis o f a variety o f liver dis is more likely i f the platelet count is less than 80,000 cells/l
eases (Wang et al., 2004). or i f the O S P T (dogs) or A P T T (cats) is prolonged (Bigge
In an especially small and/or firm fibrotic liver, it is dif et al., 2001). If possible, v o n Willebrand's factor is measured
ficult to obtain a biopsy specimen by percutaneous needle i n susceptible breeds i n advance of biopsy because results
methods; small, fragmented specimens that are challenging of standard coagulation tests are usually normal in affected

FIG 36-14
A , Liver specimen obtained percutaneously (with ultrasound guidance) from a dog with
hepatic fibrosis and nodular regeneration (B). The specimen was difficult to obtain
because the liver was firm and rubbery in texture. C, The resultant sample was difficult to
interpret histologically.
dogs. A buccal mucosa bleeding time test provides indirect needle requires two hands to operate and relies on the tissue
assessment of platelet function (see Chapter 87). In dogs falling into the specimen trough and then being severed by
with von Willebrand's disease, desmopressin acetate the sharp outer cannula (Fig. 36-15). One-handed operat
( D D A V P ) is given (1 g/kg intranasal preparation subcuta able semi-automatic (e.g., Tenmo Evolution biopsy needle,
neously) before surgery to enhance shift of von Willebrand's Cardinal Health; V E T - c o r e biopsy needle, Global Veterinary
factor activity from endothelial cells to the plasma. Products Inc) and automatic (e.g., P r o - M a g Ultra Automatic
M i l d abnormalities i n coagulation test results do not pre biopsy instrument, M a n a n Medical Products; Bard Biopty
clude liver biopsy. In fact, results of routine coagulation tests biopsy instrument and Bard Biopty-Cut biopsy needle, Bard
may not correlate with liver bleeding times, as was found i n Inc) versions of this instrument are also available. These
one study of human patients. Liver biopsy should be delayed biopsy needles are intended for single use. Either the auto
if there is clinical evidence of bleeding or marked abnor matic biopsy instrument or the semi-automatic biopsy
malities in results of coagulation tests. Because animals with needle device can be used to obtain liver biopsies in dogs,
complete E B D O may be vitamin K deficient (manifested by but only the semi-automatic biopsy needle device should be
prolongation of both O S P T and A P T T ) , treatment with used i n cats. A recent study identified a high risk of fatal
vitamin K1 (0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg [maximum of 10 mg] subcuta complications (i.e., unexpected fatal shock reaction) when
neously q l 2 h for 3 treatments) is indicated for 1 or 2 days an automatic biopsy instrument was used to obtain liver
before surgery. V i t a m i n K supplementation can also improve biopsies i n cats (Proot and Rothuizen, 2006).
coagulation times i n animals with other liver disease, par Biopsy can be done of any palpably enlarged lobe as long
ticularly cats. Repeating the O S P T and A P T T within 24 as care is taken to angle the needle to avoid puncturing the
hours after administration of vitamin K1 should demon gallbladder. M o s t often, the animal is placed i n right lateral
strate normal or near-normal values. If not, the dose can be recumbency for this purpose and biopsy of the left lateral
adjusted and the procedure delayed. Although it may not lobe is done. Elevating the head and thorax slightly may
seem rational to give vitamin K1 to animals with severe assist in "presenting" the liver to the operator. T w o or three
parenchymal hepatic disease before surgery, it has been of complete core specimens are obtained; if indicated, one core
benefit to some animals and, i f given properly, can do no specimen is placed i n a sterile container for culture and
harm. These animals may have high serum activity of pro sensitivity testing. Gently rolling a specimen on a slide for
teins induced by vitamin K antagonism ( P I V K A ) that could cytologic assessment is a good way to attempt to identify
impart bleeding tendencies. If there has been m i n i m a l the disease process quickly and inexpensively. Each of the
improvement in coagulation test results after vitamin K has 1 remaining core specimens is placed on a piece of stiff paper
been administered, fresh frozen plasma is administered (e.g., filter paper) i n correct orientation (Fig. 36-16) before
before biopsy. If bleeding is excessive during or after biopsy immersion i n fixative for histologic examination and/or
and cannot be controlled locally with direct pressure special testing.
or application of clot-promoting substances, fresh whole After biopsy, a small bandage is applied to keep the site
blood or plasma is given (see Chapter 83 for transfusion clean during recovery, and the animal is placed i n a position
guidelines). to allow body weight to compress the region of the biopsy
sites in the liver (e.g., left lateral recumbency). Consideration
Techniques should be given to postoperative analgesia; puncture of the
Information gathered before biopsy must support the fact liver capsule can be painful. The animal should be monitored
that the likelihood of acquiring a diagnostic sample without carefully for any evidence of hemorrhage for several hours
complications is high. A specimen procured from any area after the procedure. As long as the biopsy procedure pro
of the liver is considered representative of the disease. Because ceeded smoothly and without unpleasant surprises (animal
only a small stab incision large enough to accommodate the awake and struggling), only basic monitoring of mucous
biopsy needle is needed (a N o . 11 blade is the perfect choice membrane color and the skin puncture site is needed. N a t u
for this purpose), healing i n hypoalbuminemic animals is rally, i f excessive hemorrhage or damage to other organs
not compromised. If the operator is confident with the occurs with this b l i n d technique, detection and treatment
biopsy procedure, there is little time involved and only heavy may be delayed.
sedation is required. If the results are nondiagnostic, a larger Visualized percutaneous needle biopsy, with the aid of
specimen is obtained for histopathologic examination, either U S (Fig. 36-17) or modified laparoscopic equipment
usually by laparoscopy or laparotomy. (Fig. 36-18), allows selection of the site(s) and direct or
Biopsy can be performed blindly i f the cat or dog has indirect inspection after the biopsy. W h e n the procedure is
generalized hepatomegaly and the operator is confident of properly performed, serious complications are few. In an
the path of the needle. The most c o m m o n needle biopsy animal in which diffuse or multifocal hepatobiliary disease
instruments are the T r u - C u t (Cardinal Health) and Jamshidi is suspected, multiple biopsy specimens are obtained safely.
Menghini (Cardinal Health; K o r m e d Inc.) needles. The General anesthesia is usually required for use of a modified
Jamshidi Menghini biopsy needles can be operated with one laparoscope. Aspiration of the gallbladder for cytologic anal
hand, and aspiration is used to sever and contain the speci ysis and culture can be accomplished with U S guidance or
men within the barrel of a 6- or 12-ml syringe. The T r u - C u t by laparoscopy. Bile leakage may occur, even if a small-gauge
FIG 36-15
A , Tru-Cut biopsy needle with the specimen trough exposed (left) and then covered by the
sharp outer cannula (right). B, Liver tissue filling the specimen trough (between arrows).

FIG 36-16
FIG 36-17
Needle biopsy specimen affixed to a stiff piece of paper to
Biopsy gun instrument with accompanying biopsy needle
preserve orientation of the sample during formalin fixation
used for obtaining liver specimens with ultrasonographic
for histopathologic examination.
needle is used, so attempts are made to completely evacuate
the gallbladder, and the needle should be placed i n the
gallbladder through the liver parenchyma to help prevent
leakage. Some surgeons prefer to obtain bile during lapa
rotomy when a purse-string suture can be applied to the
aspiration site to prevent seepage. Large-volume abdominal
effusion hinders direct inspection of the liver and associated
structures and must be removed before laparoscopic biopsy
is attempted.
A n operative approach (laparoscopy [Fig. 36-19], lapa
rotomy) is preferred for liver biopsy i f the liver is small, U S
equipment is not available, or the operator is not experi
enced with the aforementioned percutaneous needle
methods. Laparotomy is perfectly acceptable for dogs and
cats that are good anesthetic risks and allows thorough
examination of the liver, biliary tract, and portal vein as well
as other abdominal structures, such as l y m p h nodes. Bile can
be acquired easily and safely. The procedure is more pro
longed, and healing complications may arise i n severely
hypoalbuminemic animals, notably those with intractable
ascites, but larger samples for histopathologic examination
and special staining techniques are obtainable (Fig. 36-20)
and hemorrhage can be arrested directly. Use of nonabsorb
able suture material and small cranial or flank incisions may
lessen incision complications. Obviously, this is the approach
of choice for surgically correctable diseases; a liver biopsy
specimen is obtained concurrently.
As for the percutaneous biopsy techniques, liver and/or
bile specimens for microbiologic culture are aseptically pro
cessed first. Impression smears for cytologic analysis are then
made by gently touching the specimen to a slide before
placing it in fixative. Excess blood is removed by blotting the
sample o n gauze before slides are made. A b n o r m a l popula
tions of cells (e.g., mast cells, lymphoblasts) are readily
detectable using rapid stain systems such as D i f f Q u i k
(Harleco, Gibbstown, N.J.). For routine processing and his
topathologic examination, liver tissue specimens are sub
merged in buffered 10% formalin at a ratio of at least 10
parts formalin to 1 part tissue. Samples for copper histo
chemical staining or tissue quantification are harvested and
fixed or preserved according to the specifications of the
pathology laboratory selected to do the assays. Other special
FIG 36-18
Modified laparoscopic approach for liver biopsy. stains for infectious agents or fibrous tissue, amyloid, glyco
A , Readily available materials needed for the procedure. gen, and other metabolic products are available, and their
B, A Tru-Cut biopsy needle is used for obtaining liver use is discussed with the attending pathologist before the
specimens. C, The liver is first inspected, and then the tissue specimen is obtained. A portion of the specimen can
needle is passed through a sterile otoscope cone into the be frozen for molecular studies (e.g., P C R for organisms or
liver for tissue sampling. See Bunch et a l . (1985) in
tumor clonality).
Suggested Readings for further details on this procedure.
FIG 36-19
A , Laparoscopic liver biopsy. B, Tip of the biopsy instrument that is passed through one
of the preplaced cannulas. C , Intraabdominal view of a dog with chronic hepatic disease
and portal hypertension. Note the prominent, tortuous omental veins.

FIG 36-20
Comparison of liver specimens obtained by different methods and mounted on glass
slides. These samples are adequate for histopathologic examination: percutaneous needle
sample (left); samples obtained intraoperatively by use of an 8-mm skin biopsy punch
(middle) or removal of a wedge specimen (right).
Suggested Readings Koblik PD et al: Transcolonic sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m scin
Balkman CE et al: Evaluation of urine sulfated and nonsulfated bile tigraphy for diagnosis of macrovascular portosystemic shunts in
acids as a diagnostic test for liver disease in dogs, / Am Vet Med dogs, cats, and pot-bellied pigs: 176 cases (1988-1992), J Am Vet
Assoc 222:1368, 2003. Med Assoc 207:729, 1995.
Bexfield NJ et al: Diagnosis of canine liver disease, In Practice Lawler DF et al: Benign familial hyperphosphatasemia in Siberian
28:444, 2006. Huskies, Am J Vet Res 57:612, 1996.
Bigge LA et al: Correlation between coagulation profile findings Lee K C et al: Association of portovenographic findings with
and bleeding complications after ultrasound-guided biopsies: outcome in dogs receiving surgical treatment for single con
434 cases (1993-1996), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 37:228, 2001. genital portosystemic shunts: 45 cases (2000-2004), J Am Vet Med
Bunch SE et al: A modified laparoscopic approach for liver biopsy Assoc 229:1122, 2006.
in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 187:1032, 1985. Liptak I M : Hepatobiliary tumors. In Withrow SJ, Vail D M , editors:
Clifford C A et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of focal splenic Withrow and MacEwen's small animal clinical oncology, ed 4, St
and hepatic lesions in the dog, / Vet Intern Med 18:330, Louis, 2007, Saunders Elsevier.
2004. Milller PB et al: Effects of long-term phenobarbital treatment on
Cole T et al: Diagnostic comparison of needle biopsy and wedge the liver in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 14:165, 2000.
biopsy specimens of the liver in dogs and cats, / Am Vet Med O'Brien RT: Improved detection of metastatic hepatic hemangio-
Assoc 220:1483, 2002. sarcome nodules with contrast ultrasound in three dogs, Vet
Gallagher AE et al: Hyperphosphatasemia in Scottish Terriers: 7 Radiol Ultrasound 48:146, 2007.
cases, / Vet Intern Med 20:418, 2006. Proot SJ, Rothuizen J: High complication rate of an automatic Tru-
Gaskill CL et al: Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzyme profiles in Cut biopsy gun device for liver biopsy in cats, / Vet Intern Med
phenobarbital-treated epileptic dogs, Vet Clin Pathol 33:215, 20:1327, 2006.
2004. Sevelius et al: Serum protein electrophoresis as a prognostic marker
Gerritzen-Bruning MJ et al: Diagnostic value of fasting plasma of chronic liver disease in dogs, Vet Rec 137:663, 1995.
ammonia and bile acid concentrations in the identification Toulza O et al: Evaluation of plasma protein C activity for detection
of portosystemic shunting in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 20:13, of hepatobiliary disease and portosystemic shunting in dogs,
2006. J Am Vet Med Assoc 229:1761, 2006.
Hall EJ et al: Laboratory evaluation of hepatic disease. In Villiers E, Trainor D et al: Urine sulfated and nonsulfated bile acids as a diag
Blackwood L, editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline clinical nostic test for liver disease in cats, / Vet Intern Med 17:145,
pathology, ed 2, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, 2005, British 2003.
Small Animal Veterinary Association. Walker M C et al: Postprandial venous ammonia concentrations in
Head LL, Daniel GB: Correlation between hepatobiliary scintigra the diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease in dogs, / Vet Intern Med
phy and surgery or postmortem examination findings in dogs 15:463, 2001.
and cats with extrahepatic biliary obstruction, partial obstruc Wang KY, Panciera DL, Al-Rukibat RK, Radi ZA: Accuracy of ultra
tion, and patency of the biliary system: 18 cases (1995-2004), sound-guided fine-needle aspiration of the liver and cytologic
J Am Vet Med Assoc 227:1618, 2005. findings in dogs and cats: 97 cases (1990-2000), J Am Vet Med
Jensen AL et al: Preliminary experience with the diagnostic value Assoc 224:75, 2004.
of the canine corticosteroid-induced alkaline phosphatase isoen Zini E et al: Paraneoplastic hypoglycemia due to an insulin-like
zyme in hypercorticism and diabetes mellitus, Zentralbl Veteri- growth factor type-II secreting hepatocellular carcinoma in a
narmed 39:342, 1992. dog, / Vet Intern Med 21:193, 2007.
C H A P T E R 37

Hepatobiliary Diseases in
the Cat

most c o m m o n in the U n i t e d States and cholangitis most

CHAPTER OUTLINE c o m m o n i n Europe, but lipidosis is becoming increasingly
c o m m o n i n Europe, and cholangitis is now commonly rec
ognized i n the U n i t e d States.
Primary Hepatic Lipidosis
Secondary Hepatic Lipidosis
Cholangitis Etiology and Pathogenesis
Feline hepatic lipidosis may be primary or secondary to
Biliary Cysts
another disease, but i n either case it is associated with a high
mortality, unless the cat is intensively fed.
Primary or idiopathic hepatic lipidosis usually affects obese
cats and remains the most c o m m o n hepatic disease of cats
in N o r t h America; it is also now emerging as an increasingly
c o m m o n problem in Europe. It is effectively an acute hepa
topathy with a massive accumulation o f fat in hepatocytes
leading to acute loss o f hepatocyte function, which is revers
ible i f the fat can be mobilized (Fig. 37-2). The reason for
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS the differences in prevalence in different countries is
u n k n o w n but intriguing. Some researchers suggest environ
The causes, clinical signs, and prognosis o f hepatobiliary mental differences (e.g., differences in outdoor/indoor life
tract diseases i n cats are very different from those of dogs. style or feeding habits), genetic differences among cats,
Causes o f liver disease i n cats, both primary and secondary, or both.
are outlined in Table 37-1. Cats typically have hepatobiliary The pathogenesis of primary hepatic lipidosis remains
disease or acute hepatic lipidosis, but chronic parenchymal incompletely understood, but it seems to involve a combina
disease is u n c o m m o n i n this species; i n addition, feline liver tion of excessive peripheral lipid mobilization to the liver,
disease rarely progresses to cirrhosis, as is sometimes the case deficiency o f dietary proteins and other nutrients that would
in dogs. The clinical signs of hepatobiliary disease i n cats are usually allow fat metabolism and transport out o f the liver,
generally nonspecific and similar to the signs of inflamma and concurrent primary disturbances in appetite. Excessive
tory bowel disease (IBD) and pancreatitis; the three condi mobilization o f peripheral fat occurs particularly during
tions may co-exist, further confusing diagnosis. Hepatic periods o f anorexia or stress in previously overweight cats.
lipidosis presents with more classical signs o f liver disease, Concurrently, anorexia results in deficiencies of dietary pro
including jaundice and encephalopathy. The important dif teins and other nutrients; cats are particularly susceptible
ferences between feline and canine hepatobiliary diseases are to these because o f their high dietary requirements (see
outlined in Table 37-2 and Fig. 37-1. Table 37-2). Some of these nutrients are important in fat
The feline hepatopathies in this chapter are described metabolism and mobilization, particularly methionine, car
approximately in order o f their frequency in clinical practice nitine, and taurine, so deficiencies in these nutrients are
in the U n i t e d States. Historically, hepatic lipidosis has been implicated as contributing to the pathogenesis of the disease.
Methionine is an important precursor i n the synthesis o f an
important hepatic antioxidant, glutathione, and hepatic con
Clinically Relevant Hepatobiliary Diseases i n Cats centrations o f glutathione may decrease markedly i n cats
with hepatic lipidosis. Relative arginine deficiency will con
tribute to the resultant hepatic encephalopathy caused by
Common decreased urea cycle activity. Concurrent primary appetite
disturbances result i n persistent and marked anorexia, which
Idiopathic lipidosis Secondary lipidosis
is likely due to disturbances i n the complex neurohormonal
Neutrophilic cholangitis Hyperthyroidism
Pancreatitis control o f appetite. Recent studies have suggested peripheral
Lymphocytic cholangitis
Diabetes mellitus insulin resistance does not play a significant role i n the
Uncommon or Rare
Congenital portosystemic Secondary neoplasia (less SECONDARY HEPATIC LIPIDOSIS
shunt common than primary) Secondary hepatic lipidosis is also c o m m o n i n cats; its patho
Extrahepatic bile duct Biliary stasis associated genesis is similar to the primary disease but complicated by
obstruction with extrahepatic sepsis the more marked neuroendocrine responses to stress. Sec
Liver flukes (except in hunting Hepatic abscess
ondary lipidosis can therefore be seen i n cats that are less
cats in endemic areas)
obese than those presenting with the primary disease and
Primary neoplasia
Infections (see Box 37-5) even i n cats w i t h n o r m a l or thin body condition. A n y
Drug- or toxin-induced anorexic cat with concurrent disease must therefore be
hepatopathy regarded as at high risk of hepatic lipidosis, and appropriate
Biliary cysts feeding support should be instituted as rapidly as possible.
Sclerosing cholangitis/biliary Secondary lipidosis may occur i n association with any disease
sclerosis causing anorexia i n cats but has been most c o m m o n l y rec
Hepatic amyloidosis ognized i n cats with pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus ( D M ) ,
Intrahepatic arteriovenous other hepatic disorders, I B D , and neoplasia.
Clinical Features
Most affected cats are middle-aged, but they can be o f any
age or sex. There is no reported breed predilection. Cats with

FIG 37-1
Anatomic relationship between pancreas, common bile duct, and duodenum in the cat.
(From Strombeck DR: Small animal gastroenterology, Davis, Calif, 1 9 7 9 , Stonegate
Important Differences Between Cats and Dogs with Hepatobiliary Disease


Disease Cats have a higher prevalence Chronic parenchymal disease Unknown.

spectrum of hepatobiliary diseases than is the most common, usually It has been proposed that the
dogs. Chronic parenchymal progressing to fibrosis and high prevalence of biliary tract
disease, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cirrhosis, with portal disease is due to differences in
and portal hypertension are hypertension. Biliary tract anatomy, but this has not been
much less common than in disease (acute and chronic) proved. In most cats the bile
dogs. does occur but is duct joins the single major
Concurrent biliary tract disease, uncommon. pancreatic duct before
pancreatitis and inflammatory Secondary hepatic lipidosis entering the small intestine at
bowel disease are possible in can develop in association major duodenal papilla,
either species but are more with other diseases but this whereas in most dogs the bile
common in the cat. Ascending is not usually a clinical duct enters the duodenum
infections of the bile duct are problem. separately from two pancreatic
also proposed to be more ducts (Fig. 37-1).
common in cats. Underlying cause of hepatic
Cats are particularly susceptible lipidosis in cats is not fully
to clinically serious hepatic elucidated (see text) but likely
lipidosis (either primary or due to differences in
secondary). metabolism.
Ability to Cats have a relative deficiency Because dogs are generally Cats are less likely than dogs to
metabolize of glucuronyl transferase, more likely to scavenge, have toxic liver damage
drugs/toxins reducing their ability to they may have more access associated with environmental
metabolize drugs and toxins to hepatotoxins. Dogs toxins. However, cats are
and making them more generally have no deficiency generally less able to
susceptible to oxidant toxins. of enzymes, but there are metabolize toxins than dogs
However, cats are more picky some breed variations (e.g., and are therefore more
with their food and therefore Doberman Pinschers have an susceptible than dogs to toxic
less likely to scavenge toxins. impaired ability to detoxify liver damage caused by many
potentiated sulphonamides). potentially hepatotoxic drugs.
Isoenzymes of Cats do not produce a steroid- Dogs have a steroid-induced Even mild increase in ALP in cats
alkaline induced isoenzyme of alkaline isoenzyme of ALP and ALP implies significant ongoing
phosphatase phosphatase (ALP) and the T 12 has a long half-life: half-life problem. ALP does not
(ALP) a n d of ALP is very short in cats (6 of hepatobiliary ALP is 6 6 increase with steroid therapy
steroid hours). hours and glucocorticoid (or H A C before development
hepatopathies Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is induced is 7 4 hours. of diabetes mellitus) in cats.
rare in cats. Hyperadrenocorticism is Steroid treatment and H A C are
common in dogs. major differentials for high ALP
in dogs.
Hepatic Adapted to high-protein diet: Adapted to use dietary starch Cats will rapidly develop protein-
metabolism of postprandial hepatic and postprandial insulin calorie malnutrition and start
glucose a n d gluconeogenesis from protein release results in glucose breaking down their own body
protein and constantly high activity of storage. C a n downregulate protein if fed a protein-
protein catabolizing enzymes hepatic protein metabolizing restricted diet in liver disease.
in the liver, which cannot be enzymes as necessary when Arginine deficiency can
downregulated. the diet is low in protein. contribute to the development
High dietary requirement for Lower arginine requirement of hyperammonemia in cats
arginine for the hepatic urea than cats. with liver disease if the cat is
cycle. N o obligate dietary taurine fed a diet deficient in arginine
Taurine is an essential dietary requirement provided diet (such as dairy protein).
requirement and bile salts all contains enough sulphur Taurine, arginine, and protein
conjugated with taurine. amino acids. deficiency can contribute to
the pathogenesis of hepatic
lipidosis in cats.
The only truly definitive and reliable method o f diagnosis
and of identifying concurrent and causative conditions is
histopathology o f a wedge biopsy o f liver obtained at lapa
rotomy or laparoscopy or (less reliably) a T r u - C u t biopsy
taken under ultrasound guidance. However, all o f these pro
cedures require a general anesthetic, and the majority o f cats
with hepatic lipidosis are too ill on presentation to be safely
anesthetized. Therefore cytology o f a fine needle aspirate
( F N A ) o f the liver obtained either blindly or under ultraso
nographic guidance i n an awake or sedated cat can give a
preliminary diagnosis; this will allow intensive management
and tube feeding for a few days to stabilize the patient before
anesthesia is considered for a more definitive diagnosis.
Because coagulopathies are c o m m o n in cats with lipidosis, a
few days o f therapy will help correct them before considering
surgery. The clinician must be aware, however, that F N A
cytology, although useful for emergency diagnosis and man
agement, can be misleading i n cats, and hepatic parenchymal
disease can be misdiagnosed as lipidosis using this technique.
In addition, concurrent diseases o f the liver and other organs
(including the pancreas and small intestine) will be over
looked without a laparoscopic or surgical biopsy. It is impor
tant to differentiate m i l d to moderate lipid accumulation in
hepatocytes, which is c o m m o n i n sick and anorexic cats and
causes no clinical problems, from clinically severe lipidosis
FIG 37-2 on cytology (see Fig. 37-2).
Cytology of (A) normal hepatocytes and (B) feline hepato F N A s can be taken under ultrasonographic guidance
cytes with hepatic lipidosis showing marked swelling of while the cat is being imaged or be obtained blindly i f there
hepatocytes with lipid. (A and B , Courtesy Elizabeth Villiers;
is palpable hepatomegaly. The procedure is performed in a
B, From Hall EJ, Simpson JW, Williams, DA, editors: BSAVA
manual of canine and feline gastroenterology, ed 2, similar way to aspiration o f a mass: The enlarged liver is
Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, 2 0 0 5 , British Small palpated, and the abdominal wall overlying it is clipped and
Animal Veterinary Association.) prepped. A 22-gauge needle is passed through the skin into
the liver from ventrally o n the left side, which prevents inad
vertent puncturing o f the gallbladder, and gentle suction is
primary lipidosis are c o m m o n l y obese, are housed indoors, applied to a 5-ml syringe two or three times, before with
and have experienced a stressful event (e.g., introduction o f drawing and gently expressing the needle contents onto a
a new pet into the household, abrupt dietary change) or an slide (see Fig. 36-13). Analgesia is recommended for either
illness that causes them to become anorexic and lose weight procedure because puncture o f the liver capsule is painful.
rapidly. The initiating event is not always k n o w n . Secondary Opiate partial agonists, such as buprenorphine, are a good
lipidosis may affect cats o f normal or thin body condition as choice; buprenorphine appears to be more effective than
well as obese animals, and the clinical signs are complicated butorphanol as an analgesic in cats.
by the signs of the concurrent disease. For example, the Clinically relevant hepatic lipidosis is usually easily rec
clinical signs o f acute diabetic ketoacidosis are similar to ognizable on routine Giemsa or Diff-Quik staining o f cytol
those of developing hepatic lipidosis. ogy samples or routine hematoxylin and eosin-stained
Clinical signs are typical o f an acute (reversible) loss o f histology samples (see Fig. 37-2). It is possible to use special
hepatocyte function and o f hepatocyte swelling with resul staining procedures with O i l red O applied to snap-frozen
tant intrahepatic cholestasis. Cats are usually jaundiced, and biopsy samples to confirm that hepatocellular vacuolation is
have intermittent vomiting and dehydration. They may also indeed lipid, but these procedures are not practical i n a
have diarrhea or constipation. There is usually palpable hep private practice setting. In addition, glycogen accumulation
atomegally on physical examination. Hepatic encephalopa is u n c o m m o n in feline (as opposed to canine) hepatocytes.
thy, most often manifested as depression and ptyalism, is Clinicopathologic findings reflect cholestasis and marked
related to severe hepatocellular dysfunction and relative argi hepatocellular dysfunction. Hyperbilirubinemia is present in
nine deficiency, to which the anorexic cat is predisposed. more than 95% o f cases, and the activities o f the hepatocel
Previously obese cats have extensive loss of muscle mass but lular enzymes alanine aminotransferase ( A L T ) and aspartate
maintain certain fat stores, such as those i n the falciform aminotransferase (AST) are also markedly elevated in most
ligament and inguinal region (Fig. 37-3). cats. Alkaline phosphatase activity ( A L P ) is also markedly
elevated in more than 80% o f cases; this is particularly rel
evant in cats, in which this enzyme has a short half-life and
no steroid induction (see Table 37-2). In cats with classical
primary (idiopathic) lipidosis, a particular hallmark o f the
disease is an inappropriately low -glutamyl transferase
( G G T ) activity, which is only mildly increased i n the face o f
marked increase in the activity/concentration o f the other
cholestatic markers (i.e., bilirubin and A L P ) . This is in con
trast to cats with primary biliary tract disease i n which both
G G T and A L P activities are high. However, in cats with sec
ondary lipidosis associated with an underlying primary
hepatopathy or pancreatic disease, G G T activity may be high
as well. Therefore finding a high G G T activity does not rule
out hepatic lipidosis but should stimulate a search for an
underlying cause. Blood urea ( B U N ) concentration is l o w i n
more than half o f the cats with lipidosis, reflecting general
FIG 37-3
ized hepatocyte dysfunction. Electrolyte abnormalities are
Lateral abdominal radiograph of a Domestic Short-haired
relatively c o m m o n and can contribute to mortality i f not
cat with hepatic lipidosis secondary to prolonged fasting
addressed. U p to a third o f cats are hypokalemic, and hypo because of a diet change. Note maintenance of large
phosphatemia has been reported in 17% o f the cases; hypo falciform fat pad below the liver in spite of weight loss and
magnesemia has also been reported i n cats with lipidosis. loss of subcutaneous fat under the spine. (Courtesy the
Hypokalemia was a poor prognostic indicator in one study diagnostic imaging department at the Queen's Veterinary
(Center et al., 1993). There is no value i n measuring serum School Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
bile acids as an indication o f hepatic function in these cats
because they will be high as a result o f the concurrent cho
lestasis. Fasting cholesterol and glucose concentrations may are selected according to clues in the history, physical exam
also be high, and sometimes hyperglycemia is so marked as ination, and clinicopathologic and ultrasonographic evalua
to result i n glucosuria. This is usually a stress/metabolic tions. For example, serum feline specific pancreatic lipase
response and typically resolves after appropriate therapy. immunoreactivity should be evaluated i n cats suspected of
However, some cats may become diabetic as a result o f an having pancreatitis (see Chapter 40).
underlying disease process, or D M may be the cause o f their
lipidosis; therefore b l o o d and urine glucose and ketones Treatment and Prognosis
should be monitored carefully. The appearance o f ketonuria Treatment recommendations for cats with hepatic lipidosis
in addition to glycosuria in a hyperglycemic cat is highly are outlined in Box 37-1. The single most important factor
suggestive o f overt D M . in reducing mortality is early and intensive feeding of a high-
Hemostatic abnormalities are c o m m o n in cats with l i p i protein diet. In most cases, this requires some form of tube
dosis, occurring in between 20% and 60% o f the cases. They feeding. If the cat is very ill at presentation, a nasoesophageal
are more reliably detected with the P I V K A test (proteins tube can be placed for the first few days while the cat is sta
invoked by vitamin K absence; Center et a l , 2000), but bilized (Box 37-2 and Fig. 37-4) and then an esophagostomy
P I V K A tests are not readily available to many practitioners, or gastrostomy tube may be placed for long-term feeding
and overt prolongation o f clotting times are also seen i n (see Box 37-2 and Fig. 37-5). Most cats need 4 to 6 weeks of
some cases. A n e m i a is present in about a quarter o f cats, and tube feeding, but many cats can be sent home with a gastros
there is often an increase i n H e i n z bodies. Because lipidosis tomy tube i n place for home feeding once they have stabi
is non-inflammatory, a neutrophilia is not characteristic but lized. A high-protein diet, such as those manufactured for
may occur as a result o f another underlying disease. feline intensive care patients, is ideal (e.g., Royal Canin feline
Radiographs show hepatomegaly in most cases, whereas concentration instant or Hills A D diet or "Fortol" liquid feed
abdominal effusion is u n c o m m o n (Fig. 37-3). Ultrasonog [Arnolds]). In some cats, however, a high-protein diet will
raphy helps differentiate parenchymal from biliary tract worsen signs of encephalopathy during the first few days of
disease and also allows assessment of other abdominal organs therapy. Attempts should be made to control this by other
to look for underlying disease, particularly o f the pancreas methods, such as by feeding smaller amounts more fre
and intestine. Characteristically, the lipidotic liver appears quently rather than by reducing the protein content of the
hyperechoic, although this is not a specific finding and can diet. Concurrent pancreatitis does not alter the dietary rec
also be seen in cats with other generalized parenchymal dis ommendations; the current recommendations in cats with
eases, such as l y m p h o m a or hepatic amyloidosis. pancreatitis is to feed them as soon as possible and not to
Additional diagnostic tests are performed to determine restrict fat (see Chapter 40).
the presence o f concurrent illnesses that could be causing Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities should also be
protracted anorexia and secondary hepatic lipidosis. Tests addressed effectively in the first few days, and antiemetics
BOX 37-1

Treat any identifiable underlying cause as effectively as such as taurine, arginine, B vitamins, or carnitine to
possible, but also concurrently start other treatment: Do the tube feed, but there is no firm evidence that any
not rely on treating the cause alone to resolve the disease of these are necessary if a balanced feline diet is used.
in secondary cases; in most cases the anorexia will persist Amount to feed: start conservatively with the resting
unless active measures are taken to feed the cat. energy requirement (RER) because cats have had
Institute fluid therapy and nutritional support as soon as prolonged anorexia and complications of feeding are
possible. more common in the first few days. Start with small
Fluid therapy: Intravenous fluid support is necessary in amounts frequently (or even slow-rate constant infusion)
the early stages of therapy (maintenance rates + and gradually build up to higher volumes and lower
replacement for any fluid lost, e.g., in vomiting). frequency over the first week. The calorie intake can
Measure and replace any electrolyte deficits, particu then be gradually increased to the metabolic energy
larly potassium and phosphate. Carefully monitor requirement (MER).
blood glucose and electrolytes, particularly potassium
and phosphate, which may become low during treat RER = 5 0 x B W
ment. Normal saline with added potassium chloride MER = 70 x B W
as necessary is the most useful fluid. Dextrose is Appetite stimulants are not recommended because
avoided because it may worsen hyperglycaemia and they are of very limited efficacy and potentially
lactated Ringer's may be contraindicated with marked hepatotoxic.
hepatocellular dysfunction because the lactate may not Additional vitamins are necessary in some cats: cobal
be metabolized to bicarbonate. There is N O evidence amin (vitamin B ) may be deficient, particularly in cats

that adding insulin to the fluids helps; in fact, it with concurrent pancreatic a n d / o r ileal disease (see
increases the risk of serious hypokalaemia and hypo Chapter 40) and should then be supplemented paren
phosphatemia. After the first few days, fluid and elec terally. Vitamin K-responsive coagulopathies are very
trolyte needs can be supplied via the feeding tube. common in cats with lipidosis, and some authors rec
Nutritional support should be instituted as soon as ommend supplementation in all cats at the start of
possible. A nasoesophageal tube can be used for treatment with 0.5 m g / k g given intramuscularly q12h
temporary support for the first few days before general for three doses.
anesthetic for more permanent tube placement. A gas Antiemetics and promotility agents such as ranitidine
trostomy or esophagostomy tube will usually be (2 m g / k g P O or IV twice a day) and metoclopramide
required long term because feeding will be necessary (0.5 mg/kg IM or P O q8h or 1 to 2 m g / k g q24h IV as
in most cases for 4 to 6 weeks. A diet that is as high a slow infusion) may be necessary if the cat is vomiting
in protein as possible should be given, preferably or has delayed gastric empting with reflux of food up the
managing any resultant encephalopathy by other feeding tube.
means such as feeding little and often. This means Antioxidants are also recommended, particularly S-ade
using a diet manufactured for nutritional support of nosylmethionine (20 mg/kg or 2 0 0 mg total once a day)
hypermetabolic sick cats if possible. A diet such as on the basis of some limited but supportive evidence in
Royal-Canin concentration instant diet or Hill's A D cats. There is currently no evidence in support of the use
would be suitable. Some clinicians add extra nutrients of ursodeoyxcholic acid in cats with lipidosis.

should be used if necessary. M a n y cats require vitamin K instituted. Studies have reported between 55% and 80% sur
therapy for coagulopathies [0.5 mg/kg of vitamin K1 (Phy vival i n intensively fed cats, whereas mortality is very high
tomenadione) subcutaneously or intramuscularly q l 2 h for without supportive feeding. One large study (Center et a l ,
3 days]; clinicians should not place any central catheters or 1993) suggested that anemia, hypokalemia, and older age
invasive feeding tubes until hemostasis is normal. There is were poor prognostic indicators for survival and that cats
the potential for serious and undetected bleeding around with secondary hepatic lipidosis may do slightly worse than
a central venous catheter in a cat with a coagulopathy. those with primary disease. However, the differences were
Antioxidant therapy is also indicated i n cats with lipidosis not significant, which suggests that it is well worth treating
because of the associated glutathione depletion i n many cats; cats with secondary lipidosis as aggressively as those with
vitamin E and S-adenosylmethione supplementation should primary disease.
be considered. (S-adenosylmethionine: 20 mg/kg once a day
given whole on an empty stomach, cats and dogs, or 100- to
400-mg total dose daily i n cats. The ideal dose of vitamin E BILIARY TRACT DISEASE
in a cat is unclear, but the authors use 100 I U daily.)
Prognosis for recovery i n cats with hepatic lipidosis is Biliary tract diseases are the second most c o m m o n disorders
reasonably good as long as feeding is rapidly and effectively of the feline liver (see Table 37-1). This contrasts with dogs,
BOX 37-2
Outline of Method of Placement of Feeding Tubes

Nasoesophageal Tube
5. Suture stomach to abdominal wall using simple inter
For short-term nutritional support (<1 week) while stabilizing rupted pattern; you may wrap omentum around tube
cat before placement of esophagostomy or gastrostomy tube. between stomach and body wall.
6. Exit catheter through separate stab incision, and secure
to skin.
1. Premeasure tube to allow placement in caudal esopha 7. Plug to stop air from filling stomach and food from leaking
gus, not stomach; this minimizes gastric reflux. Premea out, and cover with a dressing/body bandage. Put on
sure to seventh intercostal (IC) space from nose or 7 5 % an elizabethan collar.
of distance from nose to last rib if animal is so obese that 8. Clean stoma regularly, and flush tube regularly with
ribs cannot be counted. (Orogastric: ninth IC space or warm water, even when not in use.
9 0 % of distance nose to last rib.) Mark tube with pen or
piece of tape. Placement endoscopically
2. Apply local anesthetic to nose. M i l d sedation may also This is quicker and less invasive if you are not already doing
be necessary, preferably with buprenorphine or butor a laparotomy, but it is necessary to use a fiberoptic endo
phanol, but often not. scope. (However, it is possible to use gastrostomy introducers
3. Lubricate tube and advance into ventral meatus; it is and do it blind, although there is a higher incidence of
important not to advance into middle or dorsal meatus or traumatic injuries with inexperienced operators, who can
stops at the ethmoturbinates. It may be helpful to raise easily push the tube through visceral surface of stomach and
cat's head slightly to do this. damage or entrap the spleen. It is best to insufflate stomach
4 . Hold cat's head normally as you approach pharynx to first if doing it blind and attempt it only if taught by an exper
prevent tracheal intubation. Allow cat to swallow, and ienced operator and practiced on cadavers first.) Several
advance tube to measured mark or tape. companies make PEG tube kits suitable for veterinary use.
5 . To check that the tube is correctly positioned, instill water 1. Clip and aseptically prepare an area of skin caudal to
and then air and auscultate over left flank for bubbling left costal arch.
in stomach. If still uncertain, perform a radiograph. If tube 2. Pass endoscope through mouth into stomach and inflate
does not have a radiodense line, inject some ionic con stomach.
trast material into tube first. 3. Insert catheter into stomach through stab incision in
6. Pass tube over top of cat's head, and suture or glue tapes shaved area of body wall.
at level of nares and top of head; be careful to avoid 4. Remove stylet, and pass thick nylon suture through
interfering with cat's whiskers. catheter.
7. Put on elizabethan collar. 5. G r a b suture with biopsy instrument of endoscope, and
pull it out of mouth.
8. Flush regularly with warm water before and after feeds.
6. Attach suture to feeding tube as directed by manufac
Gastrostomy Tube turer.
Indicated for longer-term nutritional support (>l-2 weeks). 7. Pull the whole assembly back into the stomach by gentle
The tube must be in at least 5 to 7 days for surgical tubes traction on the nylon where it exits the body wall.
and 14 to 21 days for endoscopically placed tubes to allow 8. Pull the feeding tube out through the body wall, and
adhesions to form between stomach and body wall. secure it with a second stent outside and sutures.
Advantages over nasoesophageal tube of longer-term 9. C a p and cover as directed by manufacturer, and place
support: can feed thicker food; better tolerated by animal, an elizabethan collar to prevent interference.
which is more likely to start eating with tube in place; easier 10. Clean stoma regularly, and flush tube regularly with
to manage; could be managed by owner at home. However, warm water, even when not in use.
it is necessary to use a general anaesthetic for placement. Note on gastrostomy tube removal: Do not remove for at
least 5 to 7 days (surgical) or 14 to 21 days (PEG tubes).
Placement at laparotomy Method of removal depends on tube placed. Always refer
Placement is usually via a left paracostal laparotomy but can to the manufacturer's instructions, and do not attempt simply
be via midline laparotomy. to pull the tube out. Most manufactured tube kits for human
1. Pull stomach to body wall and exteriorize. Pack off area use cannot be pulled out but have to be cut close to the body
between stomach and body wall. wall and the end retrieved from the stomach endoscopically.
2. Lay two concentric purse-string sutures in greater curva (The end can be left to pass through into the feces in medium-
ture of body or fundus of stomach, and incise in center to large-breed dogs but not cats, in which it may act as a
of these. pyloric foreign body.) The Pezzar mushroom-tipped catheters
3. Insert feeding tube or catheter; it is best to use a Pezzar placed surgically can be removed completely by using a
mushroom-tipped catheter and not a foley because the stylet in the tube to flatten out the mushroom.
latter show a propensity to disintegrate too early. Experience with a trained operator is highly recom
4. Tighten purse strings; they should be tight enough to seal mended before attempting surgical placement of a gastros
but not so tight that they cause necrosis of gastric wall. tomy tube or blind placement of a gastrostomy tube.
The nomenclature of biliary tract disease has recently
been standardized by the W o r l d Small A n i m a l Veterinary
Association ( W S A V A ) ; its recommended categorizations of
disease will be used here (Rothuizen et al., 2006; Table 37-3).
A wide variety of alternative names have been used i n the
literature, sometimes blurring the categories and confusing
comparisons between studies. It is to be hoped that a stan
dardized nomenclature will aid i n the search for causes and
treatment of these diseases.
A l l disorders of the biliary tract i n cats can present with
very similar clinical signs, including lethargy, anorexia, and
jaundice. Clinical, clinicopathologic, and diagnostic imaging
findings do not allow differentiation of the types of disease;
in most cases, cytology, culture of bile, and histopathology
of the liver are necessary for accurate diagnosis and most
effective treatment.

Cholangitis refers to inflammation of the biliary tract, which
in some (but not all) cats may also extend to the surround
ing hepatic parenchyma. It is more c o m m o n in cats than i n
FIG 37-4 dogs, and it is typically divided into three categories, likely
Nasoesophageal tube in place in a cat being fed a liquid associated with different etiologies: neutrophilic cholangitis,
enteral diet. lymphocytic cholangitis, and chronic cholangitis associated
with liver fluke infestation.

Neutrophilic Cholangitis
Neutrophilic cholangitis is also k n o w n as suppurative chol
angitis, exudative cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis, and acute

Pathogenesis and Etiology

This process is believed to be due to an ascending bacterial
infection originating i n the small intestine. The most
c o m m o n organism isolated is Escherichia coli, although
Streptococcus spp., Clostridium spp., and even occasionally
Salmonella spp. may be involved. Concurrent pancreatic and
intestinal disease are c o m m o n (as outlined i n the preceding
sections). The result is a neutrophilic infiltrate i n the lumen
of the bile duct and often also invasion of the bile duct walls
with neutrophils and edema and neutrophils within the
FIG 37-5
portal areas (Fig. 37-6). Occasionally, an associated hepatic
Cat with gastrostomy tube to permit long-term feeding.
abscess may develop. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gall
bladder) may occur concurrently, or the two conditions may
occur separately. A more chronic stage of neutrophilic chol
in which parenchymal diseases are most c o m m o n . As dis angitis is also recognized; i n these cases there is a mixed
cussed in the previous section, cats also often have concur inflammatory infiltrate i n the portal areas consisting of neu
rent pancreatitis and/or intestinal disease; it has been trophils, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. These cases are
proposed that this is a reflection of the anatomy of their thought to represent more chronic, persistent infection of
pancreatic and bile ducts, which usually join before entering the biliary tract, but there is some overlap with cats with
the proximal duodenum through a c o m m o n outflow tract lymphocytic cholangitis according to some studies.
(see Fig. 37-1). It has been proposed that this increases the
likelihood of intestinal contents being refluxed up both the Clinical Features
pancreatic and bile ducts during vomiting. However, it is also Cats of all ages and breeds can be affected, but acute chol
possible that the disease associations reflect c o m m o n caus angitis is most often seen i n young to middle-aged cats. It
ative agents or events independent of the anatomy i n this usually presents acutely (less than a month's history),
species. although the more chronic form may be present for longer.
Outline of Currently Recommended W S A V A Classification of Feline Biliary Tract Disease



Neutrophilic Suppurative or exudative Likely Acute phase: neutrophils in lumen Cytology and culture of
cholangitis cholangitis/ ascending a n d / o r epithelium of bile ducts. bile aspirates are
cholangiohepatitis bacterial M a y also be edema and necessary for diagnosis.
Chronic phase: some infection neutrophils in periportal area, Ultrasound and
previously reported from small parenchyma, and occasionally histopathology can be
cases of "lymphocytic" intestine hepatic abscess. suggestive but are not
or "chronic" Chronic phase: mixed obligatory, and changes
cholangiohepatitis inflammatory infiltrate in portal may be absent on either
would now fall into this areas, including neutrophils, of these.
category. lymphocytes, plasma cells, and
sometimes some fibrosis and
bile duct proliferation
Lymphocytic Lymphocytic Unknown Infiltration of small lymphocytes Liver histopathology is
cholangitis cholangiohepatitis; may be into the portal regions. Variable necessary for diagnosis.
lymphocytic portal immune- portal fibrosis and bile duct Changes may be found on
hepatitis; chronic mediated proliferation. Lymphocytes may ultrasound and bile
cholangiohepatitis; disease also be present within biliary cytology but will not give
nonsuppurative epithelium. Occasional plasma a definitive diagnosis.
cholangitis: but note cells and eosinophils may be
overlap of these seen. Difficult to differentiate
definitions with the some cases from well-
chronic phase of differentiated lymphoma.
neutrophilic cholangitis
Chronic Liver fluke Dilated larger bile ducts with Ultrasonography of dilated
cholangitis papillary projections and bile ducts + history of
associated marked periductal and portal possible exposure +
with liver fibrosis. Slight to moderate demonstration of fluke
fluke inflammation of portal areas eggs in feces or bile
and ducts with neutrophils and aspirates (see text).
macrophages and limited Histopathology
numbers of eosinophils. Flukes supportive.
and eggs may be seen in ducts.

Data from Rothuizen J et al: WSAVA standards for clinical and histological diagnosis of canine and feline liver diseases, Oxford, UK, 2 0 0 6 ,
Saunders ttd, Elsevier.

Cats typically have signs of biliary stasis and sepsis with A n accurate diagnosis of neutrophilic cholangitis caused
lethargy, pyrexia, and jaundice. by acute ascending infection requires cytology and culture
of bile. Histopathology of the liver alone is not enough i n
Diagnosis this particular disease because i n many cases the disease is
Clinicopathologic and imaging findings show overlap with confined to the biliary tract, and changes on liver pathology
the other diseases of the biliary tract, so a definitive diagno are m i l d and nonspecific. Samples of bile for bacterial culture
sis of neutrophilic cholangitis cannot be made simply from can be taken carefully from the gallbladder during laparot
a characteristic history and clinicopathologic findings. omy or laparoscopy or under ultrasonographic guidance.
However, cats with this acute disease tend to have higher There is a small but definite risk of bile leakage, particularly
segmented and band neutrophil counts, A L T activities, if the gallbladder wall is devitalized and/or there is increased
and total bilirubin concentrations than cats with l y m p h o pressure within it. In these cases it might be safer to obtain
cytic cholangitis. They may have a coarse or nodular texture a sample at laparotomy rather than under ultrasonographic
to the liver on ultrasonography and may develop dilated guidance. In the latter case a general anesthetic is strongly
biliary tracts more chronically, but cats with the truly recommended to prevent patient movement while the needle
acute disease may have no dilation of the biliary tract o n is i n the gallbladder, which greatly increases the risk of bile
ultrasonography. leakage. The needle should be placed i n the gallbladder
Pathogenesis and Etiology
Lymphocytic cholangitis is a slowly progressive chronic
disease characterized by infiltration of the portal areas of the
liver with small lymphocytes. Occasionally, plasma cells and
eosinophils may also be seen. There is often associated pro
liferation of bile ducts, and there may be portal fibrosis. It
particularly affects the larger bile ducts, which may become
irregularly distended with thickened walls but usually remain
patent. In severe cases the m a i n differential diagnosis o n
histology is lymphoma. The cause is u n k n o w n . A n immune-
mediated etiology has been suggested by some researchers,
but the disease does not resolve with immunosuppressive
medication. Other studies have suggested possible infectious
etiologies, such as Helicobacter spp.,or Bartonella spp. ( B o o m -
kens et a l , 2004; Greiter-Wilke et al., 2006; Kordick et al.,
1999), although more evidence is required before infectious
organisms are confirmed as a cause. However, the use of
immunosuppressive medication in these cases is subject to
FIG 37-6
Photomicrograph of liver specimen from a cat with neutro question.
philic cholangitis. Notice the neutrophilic inflammation in
and around bile ducts (large arrow). Biliary ductular Clinical Features
hyperplasia is also present (small arrow) (hematoxylin-eosin
Cats with lymphocytic cholangitis are typically young to
middle-aged, and Persians appear to be overrepresented.
They tend to have a long history (months to years) of waxing
and waning low-grade illness. M a n y become jaundiced, and
through the hepatic parenchyma further to reduce the risk they often lose weight and have intermittent anorexia and
of leakage. The cat should be monitored carefully for any lethargy, but they are less likely to be pyrexic than cats with
leakage of bile after the procedure; any suspicion of leakage neutrophilic cholangitis. About a third of cats may also present
and bile peritonitis warrants surgery. Cytology of bile usually with a high-protein ascites, reportedly most c o m m o n l y i n
shows bacteria and neutrophils, and culture and sensitivity the United K i n g d o m . This makes differentiation from feline
tests should be performed. infectious peritonitis (FIP) important. Ultimately, the differ
entiation i n these cats can be made only on histopathology.
Treatment and Prognosis
Cats should be treated for 4 to 6 weeks with an appropriate Diagnosis
antibiotic on the basis of the results of culture and sensitiv Diagnosis in these cases relies ultimately on hepatic histopa
ity tests. Amoxycillin is a good initial choice at a dose of thology, although ultrasonographic and clincopathologic
15-20 mg/kg, P O q8h. Ursodeoxycholic acid may be given as findings can support a presumptive clinical diagnosis.
an additional choleretic and antiinflammatory agent at a Increases i n liver enzyme activities are m i l d to moderate and
dose of 15 mg/kg, P O q24h, although there are no studies tend to be less marked than i n cats with neutrophilic chol
demonstrating their benefit in cats. Septic or extremely sick angitis. Peripheral blood neutrophilia is less c o m m o n than
cats may require hospitalization for intravenous (IV) fluid in cats with the acute disease but may be present. A particu
and IV antibiotic administration during the initial stages of lar feature of most cats with lymphocytic cholangitis is an
therapy. Careful attention should be paid to feeding anorexic increase in -globulin concentration, which again may cause
cats to prevent the concurrent development of hepatic l i p i confusion with FIP. Radiographic signs are nonspecific:
dosis; a high-protein diet designed for critical care use, as There may be hepatomegaly (which is often due to enlarge
outlined in the lipidosis section, would be m u c h more appro ment of the larger bile ducts) and i n some cases ascites (Fig.
priate in these animals than a protein-restricted liver diet. The 37-7). Ultrasonography is more helpful and reveals dilation
prognosis is generally good, and these cats usually recover of the biliary tract i n all cases (see Fig. 36-10). The c o m m o n
completely provided they are treated early and appropriately. bile duct typically appears dilated, and there may be dilation
It is thought that the more chronic form of neutrophilic of the gallbladder and "sludge" within it. The main differen
cholangitis may represent long-term persistence of a low- tial diagnosis for these cats is extrahepatic biliary obstruc
grade infection in untreated or only partially treated cats. tion; the ultrasonographer should attempt to rule this out
by carefully imaging the surrounding pancreas, small intes
Lymphocytic Cholangitis tine, and mesentery.
Lymphocytic cholangitis is also k n o w n as lymphocytic chol It is very important to evaluate a hemostasis profile before
angiohepatitis, lymphocytic portal hepatitis, and nonsuppura performing a liver biopsy i n view of how c o m m o n l y coagu
tive cholangitis. lation times are prolonged i n cats with liver disease. V i t a m i n
Treatment and Prognosis
Researchers disagree on the recommended therapy of this
disease, which likely reflects our uncertainty about the etiol
ogy. A number of authors recommend immunosuppressive
doses of corticosteroids. However, although these tend to
ameliorate the acute flare-ups of the disease, they do not lead
to resolution of signs, and the condition invariably recurs.
Antibiotic therapy is wise, at least early i n the treatment,
until an infectious etiology has been ruled out. There is good
logical reason to use ursodeoxycholic acid (15 mg/kg P O
q24h) in these cats for its choleretic and antiinflammatory
effect as well as its effect on modulating the bile acid pool
and reducing toxic bile acids. Use of antioxidants such as
S-adenosylmethionine (20 mg/kg or 200 to 400 mg total
FIG 37-7 once a day on an empty stomach) and vitamin E (approxi
A lateral abdominal radiograph from a cat with lymphocytic mately 100 I U daily) is also logical because bile is a potent
cholangitis and associated ascites. The major differential oxidizing toxin i n the liver. However, none of these therapies
diagnosis in this case would be feline infectious peritonitis. has been critically evaluated in cats with lymphocytic chol
(Courtesy the diagnostic imaging department, The Queen's
angitis. Again, it is important to ensure that affected cats eat
Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
to prevent the development of concurrent hepatic lipidosis;
as discussed i n the preceding sections, a highly digestible,
high-quality diet without protein restriction is indicated. A
diet formulated for feline intestinal disease (such as lam's
feline intestinal or Royal-Canin feline selected protein or
Hills ID) might be the most appropriate because of the rela
tively high prevalence of concurrent inflammatory bowel
disease. Tube feeding should be considered i f necessary, as
outlined i n the section on hepatic lipidosis. Cats with more
acute signs, particularly associated with concurrent intesti
nal and/or pancreatic disease, may require hospitalization
and I V fluid therapy.
The prognosis for cure appears to be poor because the
disease appears to wax and wane chronically i n spite of
treatment. However, few cats with lymphocytic cholangitis
die as a result of their disease. This is likely because, unlike
in dogs, the disease does not generally progress to end-stage
FIG 37-8 cirrhosis.
Photomicrograph of liver specimen from a cat with severe
lymphocytic cholangitis. There is intense mononuclear cell Sclerosing Cholangitis
infiltration in the portal tract (center).
Sclerosing cholangitis, or biliary cirrhosis, involves an end-
stage fibrotic liver, and is very u n c o m m o n i n cats. The con
dition is characterized histologically by diffuse proliferative
K should be given before biopsy (0.5 mg/kg of vitamin K1 fibrosis o f bile duct walls spreading to involve the hepatic
SQ or I M q12h for 3 days) i f there is any concern about clot lobules and disrupting their architecture and circulation. It
ting function; fresh frozen plasma should be available to is thought i n most cases to represent an end stage of chronic
manage postbiopsy bleeding i f it occurs. Bile aspiration is biliary tract disease: usually complete obstruction or chronic
not necessary unless the disease is more acute and there is a severe liver fluke infestation (see the next section). It is very
possibility of neutrophilic cholangitis. Histology is impor unusual for neutrophilic or lymphocytic cholangitis to prog
tant to rule out FIP (see Chapter 97). The typical hepatic ress to sclerosing cholangitis i n cats. Affected cats present
lesion i n cats with FIP is a multifocal pyogranulomatous with typical clinical signs of chronic biliary tract disease, as
reaction with evidence o f vasculitis or perivasculitis, which outlined i n the cholangitis and extrahepatic biliary tract
is quite distinct from the periportal lymphocytic infiltrate obstruction sections. Affected cats may also develop chronic
seen i n cats with lymphocytic cholangitis (Fig. 37-8). Serol portal hypertension, with the resultant development of
ogy or P C R for Bartonella spp. might be considered, although ascites, gastrointestinal ulceration, and/or acquired porto
the importance of this organism in the naturally occurring systemic shunts (PSS) and hepatic encephalopathy (see
disease is unclear. Chapter 39). Acquired PSSs are m u c h less c o m m o n in cats
than in dogs, although they are occasionally recognized. absent in the later stages of disease, and flukes and eggs may
Sclerosing cholangitis is diagnosed on hepatic biopsy; again, not be seen on histology.
it is very important to evaluate hemostasis profiles before
biopsy and to administer vitamin K (0.5 mg/kg SQ or I M Clinical Signs
q l 2 h for up to 3 days) as necessary because vitamin K defi C o m m o n l y , cats with low-grade infestations remain asymp
ciency is c o m m o n in cats with chronic biliary tract obstruc tomatic. However, heavy infestations can be associated with
tion. It should be noted that cats with sclerosing cholangitis severe and often fatal disease (Haney et al., 2006; Xavier
may have hepatomegaly on radiography, which is unexpected et al, 2007). In these cases clinical signs are typically those
(cirrhosis usually results in a small liver i n dogs). Presum of posthepatic jaundice combined w i t h inflammatory liver
ably, this reflects the biliary tract dilation and florid peribil disease (e.g., jaundice, anorexia, depression, weight loss, and
iary fibrosis in these cases. Treatment is supportive, with lethargy). Diarrhea and vomiting have been features of clin
treatment of only the clinical signs associated with portal ical cases but do not occur i n experimental cases; affected
hypertension, as outlined in Chapter 39. cats may also have hepatomegaly and ascites.

Liver Fluke Infestation Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made after a history of exposure (cats often have
Etiology and Pathogenesis a history of hunting lizards) combined with finding the
Liver fluke infestation is regularly observed i n cats from areas flukes or eggs i n feces and bile. Supportive findings are high
endemic for the family Opisthorchiidae (Platynosomum spp. liver enzyme activities typical of cholestasis; A L T and A S T
and also occasionally Amphimerus pseudofelineus and activities and bilirubin concentration are particularly high,
Metametorchis intermedius). It is estimated that in Florida but A L P activity is surprisingly often only mildly elevated.
and Hawaii Platynosomum fastosum (the most c o m m o n Eosinophilia may be seen in severe cases but is inconsistent.
feline liver fluke) has prevalence of up to 70%; the clinical Ultrasonography reveals changes typical of biliary tract
feline disease is referred to as "lizard poisoning." The flukes disease, such as dilation of the bile ducts. In one case fluke
require two intermediate hosts: water snails and lizards, infestation also caused acquired polycystic disease of the
amphibians, geckos, or fish, depending on the species. The biliary system (Xavier et a l , 2007).
cat is the final host and is infested by ingesting the metacer Ova may be found i n the feces using the formalin-ether
cariae in the second intermediate host. The immature flukes sedimentation method (Box 37-3). However, shedding of
migrate from the intestine to the liver via the bile ducts and eggs is sporadic; also, of course, eggs w i l l not be present i f
become adult and patent by 8 to 10 weeks. Eggs can then be the fluke infestation has resulted i n a complete biliary
found i n the feces (inconsistent) or bile aspirates (more reli obstruction. The most reliable way of demonstrating flukes
able). The severity of associated disease seems to depend on and eggs is on bile aspirates.
the parasite load and on individual responses. M a n y cases
are mild. In some cases the pancreas may also be affected. Treatment
The clinical signs are caused by peribiliary inflammation and The ideal and most effective treatment regimen for feline
fibrosis in the liver, culminating, i n severe cases, in effectively liver flukes remains controversial. Currently, the most c o m
a posthepatic jaundice. The fluke takes 8 to 12 weeks from monly recommended treatment is praziquantel at 20 mg/kg
infestation to reach adulthood. In experimental infestations SQ q24h for 3 days. The prognosis for recovery in severely
hepatic lesions are visible histologically from 3 weeks postin affected cats is poor.
festation. There is an initial distention of proximal bile ducts
and a neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammatory response, CHOLECYSTITIS
which progresses chronically to adenomatous hyperplasia of Cholecystitis refers to inflammation of the gallbladder. N e u
ducts and surrounding florid fibrosis. Eosinophils may be trophilic cholecystitis is frequently seen i n cats but rarely in

BOX 37-3
Formalin-Ether Sedimentation Technique for Detecting Platynosomum concinnum Ova in Feces

1. Mix 1 g of feces in 25 ml saline; filter through a fine 4. A d d 3 ml of cold ether on top of solution and shake
mesh screen. vigorously for 1 min. Centrifuge for 3 min at
2. Centrifuge solution for 5 min at 1500 rpm; discard the 1500 rpm.
supernate. 5. Discard the supernate, resuspend the pellet in several
3. Resuspend the pellet with 7 ml of 10% neutral buffered drops of saline, and prepare slide of solution to
formalin; let stand for 10 min. examine microscopically.

From Bielsa LM et al: tiver flukes (Platynosomum concinnum] in cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2 1 : 2 6 9 , 1 9 8 5 .
dogs. It may occur alone or i n combination with neutro
philic cholangitis. Ultrasonographically, the gallbladder wall
BOX 37-4
often appears thickened and sometimes irregular; there may
Causes o f Extrahepatic Bile D u c t Obstruction ( E B D O )
be "sludging" o f the bile and/or choleliths. Clinical signs,
i n Cats
diagnosis, and treatment are very similar to those o f neutro
philic cholangitis (see preceding section). Lymphocytic cho Common Causes
lecystitis is also occasionally recognized. O n e or a combination of inflammation of pancreas,
duodenum, or biliary tree (most common)
BILIARY CYSTS Neoplasia, particularly of the biliary tree or pancreas
M o s t cystic lesions i n the feline liver are o f bile duct origin (second most common)
and may be congenital or acquired. Congenital cysts are
Less Common Causes
usually multiple and often present as part o f a polycystic
Stricture of bile duct after inflammation, surgery, or
disease o f several organs, including the kidneys. The cystic
contents are clear. Persian cats and Persian crosses are at
Diaphragmatic hernia with involvement of the gallblad
increased risk. Cysts may be an incidental finding o n imaging, der/common bile duct and subsequent compression
particularly i f they are small, but large cysts can cause clini Cholelithiasis
cal signs as a result o f destruction o f hepatic tissue and also Usually cholesterol a n d / o r calcium salts secondary
compression o f surrounding bile ducts resulting i n signs o f to cholangitis
biliary tract obstruction (see next section). Treatment is not Occasionally bilirubinassociated with pyruvate
indicated i f they are small and nonprogressive, but i f they kinase deficiency-induced hemolysis in Somali cats
are large and causing problems, they may be treated surgi Cysts (congenital or acquired) compressing biliary tree
cally by removal or omentalization (Friend et a l , 2001). Liver flukes
Acquired hepatic cysts may be single or multiple and may
Note that sepsis distant to the liver can produce an associated
be small or very large. The contents may be clear, bloody, or biliary stasis, which may appear clinicopathologically to be very
bilious. They may occur secondary to trauma, inflammation, similar to EBDO.
or neoplasia (including biliary cystadenomas) or i n rare Note also that biliary tract rupture (usually traumatic) produces
cases caused by liver flukes. Therapy depends on the cause, similar clinicopathological findings to EBDO.
but surgical management may be necessary i f they are large.

EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCT choleliths i n a cat should stimulate a search for underlying
OBSTRUCTION hemolytic disease.

Pathogenesis and Etiology Clinical Features

Extrahepatic bile duct obstruction ( E B D O ) is a syndrome In case series o f cats with E B D O , clinical signs, clinicopatho
associated with several different underlying causes. Causes logic findings, and survey radiographic findings were indis
of E B D O may be categorized as extraluminal compressive or tinguishable from those associated with other severe
intraluminal obstructive lesions, but often diseases cause cholestatic hepatopathies; jaundice, anorexia, depression,
E B D O through a combination o f these mechanisms (e.g., vomiting, and hepatomegaly were the main presenting fea
cholangitis may result i n a combination o f extraluminal tures. If biliary obstruction is complete, feces will be pale or
compression by associated edema and inflammation and acholic. There may be a cranial abdominal mass on palpa
intraluminal obstruction by inspissated bile). Therefore it is tion, because of either a very distended gallbladder or under
more practically helpful to divide the causes into c o m m o n lying neoplasia, but often abdominal palpation is normal
and less c o m m o n causes (Box 37-4). Several studies have (other than the hepatomegaly). Cats with E B D O are at par
shown inflammation o f the small intestine, pancreas, biliary ticular risk o f malabsorption o f fat-soluble vitamins, includ
tract, or a combination o f these ("triaditis") to be the most ing vitamin K , because o f the lack of intestinal bile salts
c o m m o n cause o f E B D O i n cats; neoplasia of the biliary tract reducing fat digestion. This is compounded in many cases
or pancreas are the next most c o m m o n cause. Choleliths are by the concurrent intestinal and/or pancreatic disease, which
very u n c o m m o n i n cats. Those reported i n the literature are further reduces fat absorption. As discussed previously, it is
usually cholesterol or calcium salts or a mixture o f these and very important i n these cases to assess coagulation times
are associated with cholangitis. They are variably radiodense before performing biopsies or surgery and to supplement
depending o n the amount o f calcium i n the stone, but they vitamin K parenterally as necessary.
are easily visualized with ultrasonography o f the biliary tract.
T w o out o f the three cases o f bilirubin choleliths reported i n Diagnosis
the literature were from Somali cats with pyruvate kinase Ultrasonography is the most useful diagnostic tool to dif
deficiency, and it was assumed that they were secondary to ferentiate E B D O from other biliary tract diseases in cats;
hemolysis (Harvey et a l , 2007). Therefore finding bilirubin sometimes, the cause o f E B D O is determined. Clinicopatho-
logic findings are nonspecific; the high concentration/activ been recognized most c o m m o n l y as a familial disease i n
ities of hepatocellular and biliary enzymes, bilirubin, and Siamese cats with both renal and hepatic involvement. Abys
cholesterol resulting from cholestasis are indistinguishable sinian cats also suffer from familial amyloidosis, but it is
from those i n cats with other severe cholestatic hepatopa predominantly renal i n this breed. However, more recently
thies. Ultrasonography will usually reveal dilation o f the it has been reported sporadically i n a number o f breeds,
gallbladder and the extrahepatic and intrahepatic biliary including domestic short-haired cats with purely hepatic
trees, although gallbladder dilation is not a consistent and and no renal involvement (Beatty et al., 2002). The amyloid
essential finding. A search should then be conducted for a i n both familial and sporadic cases is amyloid A (inflamma
possible cause of obstruction by carefully examining the tory), and i n sporadic cases there is usually an underlying
small intestine, liver, and pancreas for evidence of inflamma chronic inflammatory process i n another organ (such as
tion or neoplasia. Biliary tract rupture can present i n a chronic gingivitis) thought to be the driving force for the
similar way and should be ruled out by identifying and ana formation o f the inflammatory amyloid.
lyzing any free abdominal fluid; cats with biliary rupture
have a high concentration of bilirubin i n the fluid. F N A of Clinical Signs and Diagnosis
bile from the gallbladder under ultrasonographic guidance Affected cats usually present with signs o f anemia and hypo
should be avoided or approached with great care i f E B D O is tension related to rupture o f the hepatic capsule and hemoab
suspected or confirmed because there is a high risk of leakage domen. These cats are predisposed to hepatic rupture because
on account of the increased pressure. In these cats it is pref the liver is enlarged and also rigid and therefore easily
erable to aspirate bile during surgery. It may be necessary to damaged with n o r m a l trauma such as knocking the abdomen
undertake an exploratory laparotomy to assess bile duct when j u m p i n g . Affected cats usually exhibit lethargy,
patency and the cause of the obstruction. Hemostatic func anorexia, pale mucous membranes, a b o u n d i n g pulse, and a
tion should be assessed first, and vitamin K therapy given as heart m u r m u r secondary to the anemia but rarely any
0.5 mg/kg of vitamin K1 SQ or I M q12h for 3 days. The liver, specific signs o f liver disease. There may be hepatomegaly
pancreas, and small intestine should be carefully inspected on abdominal palpation.
and biopsied, as deemed necessary.
Treatment Diagnosis relies on histopathology o f a liver biopsy; although
Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the E B D O clinicopathologic and ultrasonograhic findings are support
and whether the obstruction is complete or partial. Biliary ive, it is important to rule out the major differential diagno
tract surgery in the cat carries a high morbidity and mortal ses o f FIP, hepatic lipidosis, and hepatic l y m p h o m a . The
ity and should be undertaken only when necessary to relieve transient anemia resolves as b l o o d is reabsorbed from the
complete obstruction. The prognosis for partial obstructions abdomen (autotranfusion). There are m i l d to marked
is surprisingly good when using medical management, and increases i n A L T activity and globulin concentration but
surgery may not be necessary in all cases. Recent studies o f rarely increases i n A L P and G G T activities, which helps
E B D O in acute-on-chronic pancreatitis i n humans suggest differentiate amyloidosis from biliary tract disease and
that medical management rather than surgery or stenting is lipidosis. O n ultrasonography amyloidosis can resemble
the treatment of choice in most cases and that there are both l y m p h o m a and lipidosis, with hepatomegaly and a
usually no long-term sequelae. Similar studies have not been generalized increase i n hepatic parenchymal echogenicity
reported in cats. or m i x e d hypo- and hyperechoic appearance (Beatty et al,
If the feces are not acholic and there is some evidence of 2002), but no dilation o f the biliary tract. F N A cytology
bile flow into the duodenum, cats can be managed medically is not helpful because amyloid does not appear o n the
with a choleretic (ursodeoxycholic acid 15 mg/kg P O q24h) aspirate. Therefore hepatic biopsy, after careful evaluation
and an antioxidant such as S-adenosylmethionine (20 mg/kg of hemostasis profiles, is the recommended method of
or 200 to 400 mg daily on an empty stomach) to protect the diagnosis.
hepatocytes against bile-induced oxidant damage. The
underlying disorder should also be treated as outlined i n the Treatment and Prognosis
preceding section. However, if the cat does not improve after Treatment is supportive because there is no specific anti-
several days or signs of complete obstruction, such as acholic amyloid medication. Colchicine is o f uncertain efficacy and
feces, develop, surgical intervention is indicated. If the cat is not indicated i n cats because o f its potential toxicity.
requires cholecystoenterostomy, the prognosis is poor. Instead, the focus should be on reducing or eliminating the
underlying inflammatory disorder driving the amyloid
deposition, and supportive care with antioxidants and
HEPATIC AMYLOIDOSIS vitamin K supplementation as necessary (0.5 mg/kg SQ or
I M every 7 to 20 days). B l o o d transfusions may be necessary
Etiology i n cats with acute hemoabdomen. The long-term prognosis
Hepatic amyloidosis is an u n c o m m o n but apparently emerg is poor, and most cats die as a result of intraabdominal
ing cause of liver disease in cats. Historically, amyloidosis has bleeding.
NEOPLASIA The c o m m o n feline primary liver tumors recognized and
their behavior are outlined i n Table 37-4.
Primary liver tumors are u n c o m m o n i n cats but are never Clinical Features
theless more c o m m o n than i n dogs. Hepatic tumors are Primary malignant liver tumors are usually seen i n older cats
m u c h less c o m m o n i n both species than they are i n people, (mean age 10 to 12 years). There is no obvious gender pre
possibly because two of the predisposing factors for develop disposition reported. The presenting clinical signs and clini
ment o f liver tumors (hepatitis virus infection and copathologic findings are indistinguishable from those i n
-protease inhibitor deficiency) have not been recognized i n cats with other primary liver diseases. There may be lethargy,
small animals. Cirrhosis also predisposes to liver tumors i n vomiting, weight loss, ascites, or jaundice. Some affected cats
people but is rare i n cats. Liver tumors represent 1% to 2.9% may have palpable hepatomegaly, ascites, or liver masses on
of all neoplasms i n cats (Liptak, 2007) but up to 6.9% o f the abdominal palpation. However, at least 50% of cats with liver
nonhematopoietic tumors. N o predisposing factors have tumors are asymptomatic.
been identified. In contrast to dogs, benign tumors are more
c o m m o n than malignant tumors i n cats; they may be an Diagnosis
incidental finding during w o r k u p for other diseases. A n Diagnosis relies on a combination of diagnostic imaging,
unusual benign t u m o r occasionally found i n cats is the cytology, and histology. A suspicion may be gained from the
myelolipoma, which has a suggested association with chronic clinical findings, but given that more than half of affected
hypoxia and hepatic involvement i n diaphragmatic hernias. animals have no clinical signs, the liver mass may be a ser
Biliary carcinomas are the most c o m m o n malignant tumors endipitous finding while the cat is being imaged for another
i n cats; this may m i r r o r the high prevalence o f biliary tract reason. O n clinical pathology high liver enzyme activity and
disease in this species. Trematodes are also a predisposing bile acid concentration and m i l d anemia and neutrophilia
cause i n humans and may be i n some cats, but bile duct are c o m m o n but nonspecific findings. Jaundice is uncom
carcinomas also occur i n cats outside the range o f liver fluke m o n but can occur. Liver function is usually normal because
infestations, so there are obviously other factors involved. the t u m o r must involve more than 70% of liver mass
Also in contrast to dogs, primary hepatobiliary tumors are before resulting i n a reduction in liver function. The excep
more c o m m o n than metastatic neoplasia i n cats. Secondary tion to this is diffuse hematological malignancy (e.g., lym
tumors include particularly hematopoietic tumors, such as phoma), which can result i n significant disturbance of
l y m p h o m a and, less commonly, leukemias, histiocytic hepatocyte function (including coagulopathies). The func
tumors, and mast cell tumors and metastases from other tional defects often resolve when the tumor is cytoreduced
organs such as the pancreas, m a m m a r y glands, and gastro by chemotherapy.
intestinal tract. Hemangiosarcomas i n the liver may be Radiographs may show hepatomegaly; the liver may have
primary or secondary, and sometimes the origin is difficult an irregular border or focal enlargement of one lobe. There
to ascertain if multiple organs are involved, although primary may be also involvement o f other organs (e.g., lymphade
hepatic hemangiosarcomas appear to be more c o m m o n i n nopathy i n cats with lymphoma), and thoracic radiographs
cats than i n dogs. may reveal evidence o f metastases. However, radiographs

TABLE 37-4
Primary Liver Tumors in Cats

Bile duct tumors: Most common primary liver tumor in cats (>50%).
Biliary carcinoma (including cystadenocarcinoma) Biliary carcinoma most common malignant feline liver tumor.
Biliary adenoma Aggressive behaviordiffuse intraperitoneal metastases in
Gallbladder tumors 6 7 % to 8 0 % of cases.
Hepatocellular tumors: Recognized but less common than biliary tumors. Adenoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) more common than carcinoma.
Hepatocellular adenoma (hepatoblastomavery rare)
Neuroendocrine tumors: Very rare but very aggressive
Hepatic carcinoid
Primary hepatic sarcomas: Uncommon. Most locally aggressive and high MR.
Hemangiosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, and others Hemangiosarcoma most common primary hepatic sarcoma
in cats.

Note: Benign tumors are more common than malignant tumors in this species.
MR, Metastatic rate.
may also be normal. Some malignant hepatic tumors c o m tumor; however, most cats with l y m p h o m a o f the liver
monly metastasize to the peritoneum and local l y m p h nodes respond to chemotherapy (see Chapter 80).
and less commonly to the lungs. As i n other diseases o f the
liver, ultrasonography is more helpful i n identifying a hepatic
mass and also in evaluating for metastases; it also allows for CONGENITAL PORTOSYSTEMIC SHUNTS
F N A of the mass(es). Hepatic tumors can also be cystic,
particularly cystadenocarcinomas. Cats, unlike dogs, rarely Etiology and Pathogenesis
have benign nodular hyperplasia i n the liver, so this is not a PSSs are abnormal vascular communications between the
differential diagnosis for a hepatic mass. Diffuse hepatic portal and systemic circulation. They may be congenital or
tumors (e.g., lymphoma) may show a diffuse change i n echo acquired secondary to portal hypertension. Those o f the
genicity, or the liver may appear n o r m a l o n ultrasonography. latter type are usually multiple vessels and are very rare i n
Important differential diagnoses for diffuse hepatic tumors cats because they usually occur secondary to severe hepatic
are FIP, lipidosis, and amyloidosis. A thorough abdominal fibrosis and cirrhosis, both u n c o m m o n i n cats. Acquired PSS
ultrasonographic examination should be undertaken to secondary to a congenital hepatic arteriovenous ( A V ) fistula
search for evidence of metastases. It should be kept i n m i n d has been reported i n a young cat, but this is very rare
that because benign tumors are more c o m m o n than malig ( M c C o n n e l l et al., 2006). M o s t cases o f PSS i n cats are there
nant tumors i n cats, no animal should be euthanized on the fore congenital, but even these are recognized less c o m m o n l y
basis of finding a hepatic mass with no evidence of metasta than i n dogs. Congenital PSSs are usually single or at most
ses on ultrasonography. double vessels and may be intrahepatic or extrahepatic i n
A definitive diagnosis is usually obtained using cytology location. Cats may have either type o f PSS (Lipscomb et al.,
or histopathology. In some cases F N A s may be diagnostic, 2007). Extrahepatic PSSs represent abnormal communca
but in others they may be difficult to interpret, particularly tions between the portal vein or one o f its contributors (left
in cats with benign hepatocellular tumors, i n which the gastric, splenic, cranial, or caudal mesenteric or gastroduo
cells look indistinguishable from normal hepatocytes. denal veins) and the caudal vena cava or azygos vein. Intra
Ultrasonography-guided T r u - C u t biopsies are usually diag hepatic PSSs may be left-sided, i n which case they are believed
nostic; alternatively, biopsies can be obtained during lapa to represent a persistence o f the fetal ductus venosus after
roscopy or laparotomy. In the case of an apparently single birth (patent ductus venosus, P D V ; W h i t e and Burton, 2001),
lesion, the clinician may elect to proceed straight to surgical or they may be right-sided or centrally located i n the liver,
removal and an "excisional" biopsy. Hemostasis profiles i n which case they are believed to be anomalous vessels. The
should be evaluated before performing a biopsy. It is unusual reason that congenital PSSs develop at all is u n k n o w n ,
for the one-stage prothrombin time and activated partial although it is assumed that there may be genetic reasons
thromboplastin time to be prolonged i n cats with primary and/or developmental problems i n utero that resulted i n
liver tumors, but they can be markedly prolonged i n cats abnormal development o f the liver vasculature.
with diffuse hepatic infiltration with l y m p h o m a or other The pathophysiology o f congenital PSS largely relates to
diffuse secondary tumors (e.g., mast cell tumors). Biopsies the shunting o f unfiltered b l o o d directly into the systemic
should not be considered i n these cases until clotting circulation, resulting i n hyperammoniemia and hepatic
factors have been replenished with a fresh frozen plasma encephalopathy ( H E ) . The pathophysiology o f H E is out
transfusion. lined i n Chapter 35. The shunting vessel acts as a low-
resistance pathway for some o f the portal blood, bypassing
Treatment the higher resistance intrahepatic portal vasculature. Portal
Treatment of primary hepatic tumors relies o n surgical pressure is therefore lower than n o r m a l i n cats with con
removal i f they are resectable. This is advisable even i n cats genital PSS, w h i c h is an important distinguishing feature
with benign tumors, including biliary adenomas. Treatment from (rare) cases of acquired shunting, i n w h i c h there
of diffuse, nodular, or metastatic tumors may be difficult. is portal hypertension and therefore an increased portal
Primary hepatic tumors generally have a poor response to pressure. Concurrent hepatic microvascular dysplasia or
chemotherapy. It has been suggested that this is because portal vein hypoplasia, which can confuse this differen
hepatocytes, both normal and transformed, have high expres tiation, occurs i n some dogs (see Chapter 38) but has
sion of the multidrug resistance membrane-associated not been reported i n cats. Shunting may also allow bactere
P-glycoprotein and also that hepatocytes are naturally high mia and potentially infections o f hematogenous origin
in detoxifying enzymes. Radiotherapy is not wise because that may present as "pyrexia o f u n k n o w n origin," although
normal liver tissue is very radiosensitive. For additional this is rare. A d d i t i o n a l effects o f portal b l o o d bypassing the
information, please see Chapters 80 (the section on l y m liver are hepatic atrophy and a reduction i n the metabolic
phoma) and 82 (the section on mast cell tumors). activity o f the liver, w h i c h contributes to inefficient use of
dietary components, poor growth, and loss o f lean body
Prognosis mass.
Prognosis of benign tumors is good after resection. Progno Liver atrophy (microhepatia) and changes i n hepatic
sis is very poor for cats with any type of malignant liver organelle function are partly due to changes in hepatic per-
fusion. The portal blood usually provides about 50% of the
liver's oxygen requirement, but this is obviously reduced i n
cats with PSS. Cats with PSS typically have arteriolar hyper
plasia i n an attempt to compensate for the reduced portal
flow, but they often still have some degree of hepatic under
perfusion. In addition, PSS results i n reduced delivery o f
"hepatotrophic factors," such as insulin, to the liver, which
further contributes to hepatic atrophy.

Clinical Features
Persian and Himalayan cats have been reported to be at
increased risk for congenital PSS i n small case series, and
another series noted that purebred cats i n general were over-
represented; however, cats o f any breed, including mixed-
breed cats, can be affected. Both sexes appear to be equally
at risk. There is no reported associated between breed and
shunt types (unlike i n dogs), although i n one study 6 out o f FIG 37-9
13 cats with an intrahepatic PSS were Siamese (Lipscomb et A 6-month-old kitten with a congenital portosystemic shunt,
demonstrating very small size for its age and also copper-
al., 2007). M o s t cases present before 2 years o f age; many are
color irises, which are often noted in kittens with portosys
younger than 1 year old, but old cats with congenital PSSs temic shunts.
are frequently recognized.
The typical clinical signs i n cats with congenital PSS are
gastrointestinal, urinary, or neurological ( H E ) , although the the rare feline cases o f acquired PSS, i n which ascites is more
latter tend to predominate i n cats and, anecdotally, are often c o m m o n because o f portal hypertension.
more severe than i n dogs. Cats typically present with a
history o f waxing and waning neurological signs consistent Diagnosis
with H E rather than a sudden acute H E crisis. The typical A suspicion for congenital PSS can be gained from the history
signs o f H E are outlined i n Box 35-1. Hypersalivation is a of recurrent neurological signs combined with high fasting
c o m m o n sign o f H E i n cats, but it is rare i n dogs. There is and/or postprandial bile acid or ammonia concentrations.
sometimes an association between H E and feeding, which Care should be taken when performing traditional ammonia
may relate to glutamine metabolism by enterocytes releasing tolerance tests, which can precipitate severe H E . Postprandial
ammonia, although not all cats display these signs. Cats i n ammonia or bile acid determinations are safer alternatives.
acute crisis may present comatose or with seizures; cats Serum bile acid concentrations should be measured before
appear to be more susceptible to seizures than dogs, both and 2 hours after feeding. (see Box 36-1). If ammonia is
preoperatively and postoperatively. The reason for this is measured instead, the postprandial sample should be taken
unknown, although it has been suggested that sudden 6 hours after feeding (Walker et al., 2001). Other typical (but
changes i n the concentrations o f a m m o n i a and other metab not pathognomonic) clinicopathologic findings in some
olites i n the blood after surgery or sudden changes i n medical (but not all) cats include low serum urea concentration,
management may destabilize neurotransmitters i n cats. mildly increased liver enzyme activities, and microcytosis.
D r u g intolerance is c o m m o n , particularly prolonged recov Notable differences from dogs are that decreases i n total
ery from routine anesthesia for spaying/neutering. Animals protein or albumin concentrations, hypoglycemia, and
with PSS may also show intermittent vomiting and/or diar anemia are m u c h less c o m m o n i n cats. Urine specific gravity
rhea. Urinary tract signs are due to cystitis associated with is low i n many dogs but occurs i n fewer than 20% of affected
urate calculi and polyuria/polydipsia, but they are less cats. If fasting bile acid concentrations are very high, it is not
c o m m o n i n cats than i n dogs. Impaired urine-concentrating necessary to obtain a postprandial sample, but the diagnos
ability may reflect reduced renal-concentrating gradient sec tic sensitivity o f doing both is higher than just measuring
ondary to low urea concentration and increased blood Cor fasting concentrations. If biliary stasis (which also causes
tisol concentration secondary to reduced hepatic breakdown, high bile acid concentrations) is ruled out and the cat does
although this has been demonstrated only i n dogs thus far. not have hepatic lipidosis (which causes hepatocellular
Cats with congenital PSS also often (but not always) show failure and H E with increases i n bile acid and ammonia
signs o f poor growth compared with their littermates (Fig. concentration i n many cases), it is likely that the cat has a
37-9). There has been a reported high prevalence of copper- congenital PSS because other causes of H E and high bile acid
colored irises i n cats with PSS (see Fig. 37-9), but this is not concentrations are u n c o m m o n i n cats. A b d o m i n a l radio
a consistent feature. graphs show a small liver i n 50% o f cases (Lamb et al., 1996).
Because o f the low portal pressure, ascites is not a feature However, for definitive diagnosis the shunting vessel must be
in cats, which helps i n distinguishing congenital PSS from visualized.
Visualization of the shunting vessel is achieved by ultra
BOX 37-5
sonography or portal venography (see Fig. 36-7, A and B)
Transcolonic portal scintigraphy will also demonstrate por Infectious Diseases with Hepatic Involvement in Cats
tosystemic shunting, but it does not differentiate congenital
Liver fluke (see text for details)
from acquired shunting. A liver biopsy should be taken at
Feline infectious peritonitis
the time of surgery or portovenography (after evaluation of
hemostasis profiles) to rule out other or concurrent condi
tions. This shows histological features very similar to those Histoplasmosis
in dogs and typical of portal venous hypoperfusion with loss Tyzzer's disease
of smaller portal veins, increased numbers of arterioles, Salmonellosis
hepatocellular atrophy with lipogranulomas, and sometimes Infection with Streptococcus groups B and G in neonates
periportal sinusoidal dilation but minimal inflammation. Leptospirosis (extremely rare)
Disseminated mycobacterial infections
Treatment Infection with Cytauxzoon felis
Tularemia (Francisella tularensis)
Treatment involves complete or partial ligation of the shunt
ing vessel using one of several methods, including silk or
Note also that neutrophilic cholangitis is often due to ascending
cellophane or ameroid constrictors; a detailed explanation is bacterial infection from the gut. Bartonella spp. may be involved in
beyond the scope of this book. The procedure is best reserved the etiology of some cases of lymphocytic cholangitis.
for referral centers, particularly in cats, which are more
prone to complications than dogs. The postoperative mor
tality in cats appears to be higher than in dogs, which is often
due to intractable severe neurological signs. Pretreatment long-term prognosis. However, clients should be warned that
with phenobarbital has been attempted, but too few cases short-term mortality rate after surgery is relatively high.
have been reported to assess its value. Propofol infusions are
often used for HE-associated seizures in dogs, but care must
be taken in cats because of their susceptibility to Heinz body HEPATOBILIARY INFECTIONS
anemia when given propofol infusions.
Cats should be managed medically before and for a period Several infectious organisms can infect the liver, either as a
of about 2 months after surgery while the portal vasculature primary target or as part of a more generalized infection.
and liver mass recover. This involves careful mild dietary These are listed in Box 37-5. In addition, neutrophilic chol
protein restriction with additional antibiotics (usually angitis likely has a primary infectious cause in most cats
amoxicillin, 15 to 20 mg/kg PO q8h) and sometimes also a (discussed in more detail in a previous section).
soluble fiber source such as lactulose (2.5 to 5 ml, given PO Hepatic involvement is common in both the dry and
q8h to effect). Some anecdotal data suggest that changes in effusive forms of FIP (see Chapter 97). Because cats with
medical management should be made more gradually in cats effusive FIP can present with the same signs as cats with
than in dogs to prevent the risk of seizures (e.g., change the lymphocytic cholangitis, it is an important differential diag
diet first, then add antibiotics after a week or more, and then nosis for this disease. A liver biopsy may be necessary to dis
add the soluble fiber source later). Details of medical man tinguish them; a diagnosis is occasionally made cytologically.
agement of HE are described in Chapter 39. Cats do not Disseminated toxoplasmosis is uncommon in cats, but
tolerate marked dietary protein restriction because of their when it occurs, the liver is usually involved with intracellular
high obligate protein requirement (see Table 37-2). A diet growth of Toxoplasma gondii during the active clinical
manufactured for cats with liver disease (such as Hills LD) disease, resulting in cell death. Effects of delayed hypersen
is appropriate, and, unlike in dogs, home-made diets based sitivity reactions and immune-complex vasculitis also con
on dairy protein should be avoided in cats because dairy tribute to clinical illness. Infection of the lungs, liver, and
protein is relatively deficient in arginine, which is essential central nervous system (including the eyes) with trophozo
for the urea cycle; deficiency will further predispose to ites is most commonly responsible for clinical signs. As
hyperammonemia. Medical management alone is effective in expected, high serum A L T activity and hyperbilirubinemia
some dogs long term (see Chapter 38), but anecdotally, cats commensurate with the degree of hepatocellular necrosis are
do not do as well with medical management of congenital the typical serum biochemical findings in cats with liver
PSS, probably because of their high obligate protein metab involvement. Cholangiohepatitis resulting from infection of
olism, which would make them more susceptible to hyper the biliary epithelium has been noted occasionally in exper
ammonemia, regardless of the diet fed. imental and spontaneously occurring cases of toxoplasmosis
in cats. The distribution of affected tissues in disseminated
Prognosis histoplasmosis often includes the lung, eye, bone marrow,
The prognosis appears to be good if the PSS can be ligated, spleen, lymph node, skin, bone, and liver. Infection with
although insufficient cases have been reported to assess the Bartonella spp. can cause cholangitis in cats.
Pathogenesis and Etiology Therapeutic Agents or Environmental Toxins that Can
By definition, toxic hepatopathy refers to a hepatic injury Cause Clinically Relevant Hepatic Toxicity in Cats
directly attributable to exposure to environmental toxins or
certain therapeutic agents. A n y therapeutic agent could Therapeutic Agents
potentially be heptatotoxic as a result o f an idiosyncratic Acetaminophen 120 mg/kg
reaction, but only a limited number o f such drugs have been Griseofulvin
reported i n cats (Box 37-6) i n addition to reported environ Megestrol acetate
mental hepatotoxins. Cats are particularly sensitive to phenol Ketoconazole
toxicity because o f their limited hepatic glucuronide trans
Aspirin >33 m g / k g / d a y
ferase activity. A variety o f essential oils used topically have
been reported to be hepatotoxic i n cats. Essential oils are Diazepam
absorbed rapidly, both orally and dermally, and are metabo Methimazole
lized by the liver to glucuronide and glycine conjugates; it is Stanozolol
believed that cats are more sensitive than dogs to their hep Nitrofurantoin
atotoxic effects (Means, 2002). Amiodarone
Complete information that could support meaningful MTP inhibitors (off-label use; see text)
conclusions about the frequency, character, and substances Essential oils
that consistently cause hepatotoxicity i n cats is not available. Environmental Toxins
Clinicians therefore must rely o n anecdotal reports, clinical
Pine oil + isopropanol
observations, and data accumulated by central agencies such
Inorganic arsenicals (lead arsenate, sodium arsenate,
as the National A n i m a l Poison C o n t r o l Center in Urbana,
sodium arsenite)
Illinois (888-426-4435; $55 per case via credit card), and the Thallium
U.S. Food and D r u g Administration's Center for Veterinary Zinc phosphide
Medicine, i n Washington, D C (the toll-free telephone White phosphorus
number for reporting suspected adverse drug experiences Amanita phalloides (mushroom)
is 1-888-FDA-VETS). In general, drug- or toxin-induced Aflatoxin
hepatic injury in cats is extremely u n c o m m o n , and most Dry-cleaning fluid (tricholorethane)
reactions are acute (occuring within 5 days o f exposure). The Toluene
character and severity o f the toxic reaction depend on the Phenols
characteristics o f the substance, as well as the dose and the
duration o f exposure.
Three therapeutic agents have been reported to be hepa
totoxic i n certain cats: tetracycline (1 cat), diazepam (17 to 5 o f administration i n cats given diazepam by mouth.
cats), and stanozolol (16 cats). Veterinarians have used these U n t i l there is more information that would improve under
agents for years without k n o w n deleterious effects. For each standing of this lethal and unpredictable hepatic reaction,
drug, clinical and clinicopathologic signs o f hepatotoxicosis use o f other agents for control o f behavior and elimination
developed within 13 days o f daily oral administration at problems i n cats is recommended. Cats that experienced an
recommended dosages. The adverse hepatic reaction to tet adverse reaction to stanozolol were healthy or had chronic
racycline was serious but nonlethal, and the cat recovered renal failure (14 o f 18 cats) or gingivitis/stomatitis (2 of 3
completely after drug discontinuation and 6 weeks o f sup cats; H a r k i n et al., 2000). Serum A L T activity was markedly
portive care (Kaufman et al., 1993). Histologic findings i n increased in most cats given 1 m g orally every 24 hours for
the liver included centrilobular fibrosis, m i l d cholangiohep several months or 4 m g orally every 24 hours (and 25 mg
atitis, and m i l d l i p i d deposition i n hepatocytes. In the cats intramuscularly once) for 3 weeks; all but one survived after
that experienced diazepam-associated hepatic failure, the the drug was discontinued and intensive supportive care
outcome was death in 16 o f 17 despite intensive treatment. given. The histologic lesions were moderate to marked,
The oral dosages of diazepam that cats received, primarily diffuse centrilobular lipidosis and evidence o f intrahepatic
for inappropriate urination, ranged from 1 m g every 24 cholestasis (accumulation o f bile and lipofuscin in hepato
hours to 2.5 m g every 12 hours. The histologic lesions i n the cytes and Kupffer cells).
liver were similar to those observed i n the cat with tetracy The new microsomal triglyceride transfer protein ( M T P )
cline-associated hepatic injury but more severe: massive, inhibitors marketed for weight loss in dogs are known to
predominantly centrilobular necrosis; suppurative cholangi increase liver enzymes reversibly i n that species but could
tis; and m i l d lipid vacuolation i n some cats. Because o f the result i n clinically significant hepatic lipidosis i n cats i f used
severity o f the lesions reported i n cats apparently susceptible off-label i n that species. This has not been reported yet
to diazepam-associated hepatic necrosis, serum liver enzyme because their use in cats is specifically contraindicated;
activities should be evaluated during the w i n d o w o f days 3 however, clinicians should be aware o f the risk.
The discriminatory eating habits of cats may account for HEPATOBILIARY INVOLVEMENT IN CATS
the relatively u n c o m m o n occurrence of hepatotoxicity from WITH SYSTEMIC DISEASE
ingested environmental toxins such as pesticides, household
products, and other chemicals. It is certainly possible that Several feline systemic illnesses have hepatic manifestations
many adverse hepatic reactions to drugs or toxic chemicals that may be identified by physical, clinicopathologic, or
go unnoticed in cats because the first clinical signs of illness radiographic examination, but the major clinical signs can
are vomiting and diarrhea, after which the medication is be attributed to another disease (see Table 37-1). In such
stopped. If the signs resolve, there usually is no further eval cases the hepatic lesion should recede with satisfactory treat
uation and the medication is not readministered to prove ment o f the primary illness.
that the substance caused the reaction. Metastatic neoplasia could be the underlying reason for
abdominal enlargement resulting from hepatomegaly or,
Diagnosis rarely, malignant abdominal effusion, although primary
Clinical evidence that suggests drug- or toxin-induced neoplasia is more c o m m o n than metastatic neoplasia in the
hepatic damage includes supportive history (e.g., k n o w n feline liver. Some of the signs of hyperthyroidism, especially
exposure); normal liver size to m i l d generalized tender hep occasional vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss, can resemble
atomegaly; laboratory test results consistent with acute liver those of primary hepatobiliary disease. Thyrotoxic cats c o m
injury (e.g., high serum A L T and/or A S T activity, hyperbili monly have high liver enzyme activities; more than 75% of
rubinemia); and, i f the exposure was nonlethal, recovery affected cats have high serum A P activity (twofold to twelve
with discontinuation of the agent and specific or supportive fold), although i n cats it is not k n o w n whether this is of liver
care. There are no pathognomonic histologic changes i n the or bone origin or, as is true for hyperthyroid h u m a n patients,
liver, although necrosis with m i n i m a l inflammation and both. M o r e than 50% of hyperthyroid cats have high serum
lipid accumulation are considered classic findings. In many A L T or A S T activity (twofold to tenfold). M o r e than 90% of
cases all clinical and clinicopathologic markers of a toxic affected cats have high serum activity of at least one of the
liver insult are present, but the inciting chemical cannot be enzymes A P , A L T , and A S T . Approximately 3% are hyper
identified. In the case of hepatotoxicity from therapeutic bilirubinemic. Histopathologic changes are m i n i m a l , and
agents, idiosyncratic reactions can occur that are not dose there appears to be little functional disturbance. It is thought
related, although drug overdose is usually the reason for liver that malnutrition, hepatocellular hypoxia, and the direct
injury. effects of thyroid hormone o n liver cells are responsible for
these liver-related abnormalities. Hepatomegaly associated
Treatment with m i l d to moderate lipid deposition is a c o m m o n physi
In cats with suspected acute hepatotoxicity, the basic p r i n cal examination finding i n cats with diabetes mellitus; a
ciples for treatment of toxicoses are applied: preventing small number of cats may also be icteric. M i l d to moderate
further exposure and absorption, managing life-threatening increases i n liver-specific enzyme activities are typical. M o r e
cardiopulmonary and renal complications, hastening elimi severe clinicopathologic abnormalities might be expected i n
nation of the substance, implementing specific therapy i f cats with more severe hepatic lipidosis. Hyperadrenocortism
possible, and providing supportive care. Because few hepa is rare i n cats, and, unlike i n dogs, obvious liver involvement
totoxins have specific antidotes, the success of recovery often is unusual. The liver is usually n o r m a l i n size o n radiographs,
relies on time and aggressive supportive care. M o r e guidance and it is unusual to identify high serum A P and A L T activi
on supportive treatment of acute toxic hepatopathy is pro ties i n hyperadrenocorticoid cats. U n l i k e dogs, cats do not
vided in Box 38-4. possess a steroid-induced isoenzyme of A L P , and increased
Acetaminophen is one of the few toxins with a specific A L T , when recognized, is probably related to intercurrent
antidote. Acetaminophen is particularly toxic to cats, i n diabetes mellitus.
which the usual hepatic detoxification pathways of sulpha
tion and glucuronidation are particularly limited. Acetamin Suggested Readings
ophen is oxidized to a toxic metabolite that causes Aronson LR et al: Acetaminophen toxicosis in 17 cats, / Vet Emerg
methemoglobinuria within hours of ingestion and H e i n z Crit Care 6:65, 1996.
body anemia, hemolysis, and liver failure within 2 to 7 days Bacon NJ et al: Extrahepatic biliary tract surgery in the cat: a case
of ingestion. N-acetylcysteine is a specific antidote that binds series and review, / Small Anim Pract 44:231, 2003.
the toxic metabolite and increases the glucuronidation Beatty IA et al: Spontaneous hepatic rupture in six cats with sys
process. It should be administered at a dose of 140 mg/kg temic amyloidosis, / Small Anim Pract 43:355, 2002.
Brain P H et al: Feline cholecystitis and acute neutrophilic cholan
intravenously or orally as a loading dose and then continued
gitis: clinical findings, bacterial isolates and response to treat
at 70 mg/kg q6h for a total of seven treatments or for up to
ment in six cases, / Feline Med Surg 8:91, 2006.
5 days. There is also evidence that additional S-adenosylme
Broussard JD et al: Changes in clinical and laboratory findings in
thionine (20 mg/kg or 200 to 400 mg total daily) is beneficial cats with hyperthyroidism from 1983 to 1993, JAm VetMedAssoc
in cats with acetaminophen toxicity because it replenishes 206:302, 1995.
glutathione, which inactivates the toxic metabolite (Webb Brown B et al: Metabolic and hormonal alterations in cats with
et a l , 2003). hepatic lipidosis, / Vet Intern Med 14:20, 2000.
Buote NJ et al: Cholecystoenterostomy for treatment of extrahe Lamb CR et al: Ultrasonographic diagnosis of congenital port
patic biliary tract obstruction in cats: 22 cases (1994-2003), J Am osystemic shunt in 14 cats, / Small Anim Pract 37:205,
Vet Med Assoc 228:1376, 2006. 1996.
Center SA: Feline hepatic lipidosis, Vet Clin NAm Small Anim Pract Lipscomb VJ et al: Complications and long-term outcomes of the
35:224, 2005. ligation of congenital portosystemic shunts in 49 cats, Vet Rec
Center SA et al: A retrospective study of 77 cats with severe hepatic 160:465, 2007.
lipidosis: 1975-1990, / Vet Intern Med 7:349, 1993. Liptak JM: Hepatobiliary tumors. In Withrow SJ, Vail D M , editors:
Center SA et al: Fulminant hepatic failure associated with oral Withrow and MacEwen's small animal clinical oncology, ed 4,
administration of diazepam in 11 cats, / Am Vet Med Assoc St Louis, 2007, Saunders.
209:618, 1996. Mayhew PD et al: Pathogenesis and outcome of extrahepatic biliary
Center SA et al: Proteins invoked by vitamin K absence and clotting obstruction in cats, / Small Anim Pract 43:247, 2002.
times in clinically ill cats, / Vet Intern Med 14:292, 2000. McConnell JF et al: Ultrasonographic diagnosis of unusual portal
Cole T L et al: Diagnostic comparison of needle and wedge biopsy vascular abnormalities in two cats, / Small Anim Pract 47:338,
specimens of the liver in dogs and cats, / Am Vet Med Assoc 2006.
220:1483, 2002. Means C: Selected herbal hazards, Vet Clin Small Anim 32:367,
Crowe DT et al: Esophagostomy tubes for feeding and decompres 2002.
sion: clinical experience in 29 small animal patients, J Am Anim Rothuizen J et al: WSAVA standards for clinical and histological
Hosp Assoc 33:393, 1997. diagnosis of canine and feline liver diseases, Oxford, U K , 2006,
Friend EJ et al: Omentalisation of congenital liver cysts in a cat, Saunders Ltd Elsevier.
Vet Rec 149:275, 2001. Savary-Bataille K C et al: Percutaneous ultrasound-guided
Greiter-Wilke A et al: Association of Helicobacter with cholangio cholecystocentesis in healthy cats, / Vet Intern Med 17:298,
hepatitis in cats, / Vet Intern Med 20:822, 2006. 2003.
Haney DR et al: Severe cholestatic liver disease secondary to liver Walker M C et al: Postprandial venous ammonia concentrations in
fluke (Platynosomum concinnum) infection in three cats, / Am the diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease in dogs, / Vet Intern Med
Anim Hosp Assoc 42:234, 2006. 15:463, 2001.
Harkin KR et al: Hepatotoxicity of stanozolol in cats,} Am Vet Med Wang KY et al: Accuracy of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspira
Assoc 217:681, 2000. tion of the liver and cytologic findings in dogs and cats: 97 cases
Harvey M et al: Treatment and long-term follow-up of extrahepatic (1990-2000), J Am Vet Med Assoc 224:75, 2004.
biliary obstruction with bilirubin cholelithiasis in a Somali cat Webb CB et al: S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) in a feline acet
with pyruvate kinase deficiency, / Feline Med Surg 4:424, 2007. aminophen model of oxidative injury, ] Feline Med Surg 5:69,
Havig M et al: Outcome of ameroid constrictor occlusion of single 2003.
congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in cats: 12 cases Weiss DJ et al: Relationship between feline inflammatory liver
(1993-2000), J Am Vet Med Assoc 220:337, 2002. disease and inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, and
Hunt GB: Effect of breed on anatomy of portosystemic shunts nephritis in cats,} Am Vet Med Assoc 209:1114, 1996.
resulting from congenital diseases in dogs and cats: a review of White R N et al: Anatomy of the patent ductus venosus in the cat,
242 cases, Aust Vet J 82:746, 2004. / Feline Med Surg 3:229, 2001.
Kaufman A C et al: Increased alanine transaminase activity associ Willard M D et al: Fine-needle aspirate cytology suggesting hepatic
ated with tetracycline administration in a cat, J Am Vet Med Assoc lipidosis in four cats with infiltrative hepatic disease, / Feline Med
202:628, 1993. Surg 1:215, 1999.
Kordick D L et al: Clinical and pathologic evaluation of chronic Xavier FG et al: Cystic liver disease related to high Platynosomum
Bartonella henselae or Bartonella clarridgeiae infection in cats, fastosum infection in a domestic cat, / Feline Med Surg 9:51,
/ Clin Microbiol 37:1536, 1999. 2007.
C H A P T E R 38

Hepatobiliary Diseases
in the Dog

it almost invariably leads to progressive fibrosis and cirrho

sis. This contrasts with cats, i n w h i c h primary biliary disease
is more c o m m o n and fibrosis and cirrhosis extremely
u n c o m m o n . The clinical signs o f liver disease in dogs there
fore tend to be even more nonspecific than i n catsjaundice
Idiopathic Chronic Hepatitis
is less c o m m o n i n association with parenchymal disease,
Copper Storage Disease
and, because of the enormous reserve capacity of the liver,
Infectious Causes of C h r o n i c Hepatitis
signs may not be seen u n t i l 75% o f the liver mass is lost. The
Lobular Dissecting Hepatitis
cause of chronic hepatitis i n dogs is usually u n k n o w n , with
Toxic Causes of Chronic Hepatitis
a few notable exceptions, and treatment focuses on attempt
ing to slow progression of disease and treating the clinical
signs. Dogs with chronic hepatitis often develop portal
Cholangitis and Cholecystitis
hypertension, and treatment of the associated complications
Gallbladder Mucocele
are central to treatment of disease i n dogs (see also Chapter
Extrahepatic Bile Duct Obstruction
39), whereas portal hypertension is very u n c o m m o n i n cats.
Bile Peritonitis
Congenital portosystemic shunts (PSSs) are more c o m m o n l y
recognized i n dogs than i n cats; i n addition, vacuolar and
Congenital Vascular Disorders Associated with L o w
secondary hepatopathies are very c o m m o n i n dogs and can
Portal Pressure: Congenital Portosystemic Shunt
be confused with primary liver disease on presentation. The
Congenital Vascular Disorders Associated with H i g h
most c o m m o n primary and secondary liver diseases i n dogs
Portal Pressure
are outlined i n Table 38-1.
Dysplasia/Noncirrhotic Portal Hypertension
Nodular Hyperplasia
C h r o n i c hepatitis is predominantly a histological definition.
It is defined by the W o r l d Small A n i m a l Veterinary Associa
tion ( W S A V A ) Liver Standardization group as being charac
terized by hepatocellular apoptosis or necrosis, a variable
Hepatocyte Vacuolation
mononuclear or mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate, regen
Hepatic Congestion/Edema
eration, and fibrosis (Van D e n Ingh et al., 2006; Fig. 38-1).
Nonspecific Reactive Hepatitis
The histological definition says nothing about temporal
chronicity, and some authors have suggested that increases
in liver enzyme activities for more than 4 months associated
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS with inflammatory liver disease might constitute a definite
diagnosis of "chronic" hepatitis in dogs.
There are marked differences between dogs and cats in the C h r o n i c hepatitis is c o m m o n i n dogs and shows some
causes, types, and presentations of liver disease (see Table noticeable breed predilections, suggesting a genetic basis to
37-2). In dogs chronic liver disease is more c o m m o n than the disease. Box 38-1 lists dog breeds reported to have a high
acute disease, and notably, chronic parenchymal disease prevalence of chronic hepatitis, and B o x 38-2 lists possible
(chronic hepatitis) is much more c o m m o n in dogs than cats; reasons for genetic increases i n susceptibility, all of which
Liver Diseases in Dogs

Chronic hepatitis Steroid-induced hepatopathy

Copper storage disease Hepatic steatosis (lipidosis) (secondary to diabetes mellitus or
Congenital portosystemic shunt Congestion: heart failure or heartworm disease
Drug/toxin-induced hepatopathy "Idiopathic" vacuolar hepatopathy in Scottish Terriers and others
Reactive hepatitis (secondary to pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel
disease, etc.)
Metastatic neoplasia

Biliary tract disease, all types Hepatocutaneous syndrome

Hepatic infections (see text)
Portal vein hypoplasia/microvascular dysplasia
Hepatic arteriovenous fistula
Acute fulminant hepatitis (all causes)
Hepatic abscess
Primary neoplasia

FIG 38-1
A , Histopathology of normal liver from a middle-aged Yorkshire terrier. Note normal
portal triad with hepatic portal vein, artery, and bile duct and hepatocytes arranged in
neat cords with sinusoids between (white holes in bottom right are a sectioning artefact)
Hematoxylin and eosin x 2 0 0 . B , Histopathology of liver in a 3-year-old female English
Springer Spaniel with severe chronic hepatitis. There is marked distortion of the normal
lobular structure (compare to A) with inflammation and fibrosis and hepatocyte vacuola
tion and necrosis. There is also some ductular hyperplasia and disruption of the limiting
plate. Hematoxylin and eosin x 1 0 0 . (Courtesy the Pathology Department, Department of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge.)

have been demonstrated in humans with chronic hepatitis mean that chronic hepatitis in all dogs of that breed are due
and some of which have been recognized in other diseases to the same cause. For example, in many Doberman Pin
in dogs. Y o u n g to middle-aged dogs are most c o m m o n l y schers and West Highland White Terriers chronic hepatitis is
affected, and the sex ratio varies among breeds. It should also due to copper accumulation, but in others it is not. In many
be noted that there are some notable geographical differ cases of canine chronic hepatitis, the cause is unknown. This
ences i n breed-related liver diseases, which likely reflect dif contrasts with the situation in human medicine, wherein
ferences i n breeding in different countries: Diseases c o m m o n most cases of chronic hepatitis are viral and some have
in the United States may be unusual in the United K i n g d o m defined and often effective treatments that can reverse the
and vice versa. It is also important to remember that chronic disease process. In dogs chronic viral causes have not been
hepatitis can affect mixed breed as well as purebred dogs and convincingly demonstrated, but the histology in some cases
that recognition of one cause in a breed does not necessarily is suggestive of this and the search for infectious agents con-
inflammation may also result i n bouts o f pyrexia and hepatic
BOX 38-1
pain with associated gastrointestinal (GI) and other signs,
Dog Breeds with a Reported Increased Risk and many dogs with chronic hepatitis develop negative
of Chronic Hepatitis* nitrogen balance and protein-calorie malnutrition. Loss o f
hepatic function accounts for coagulopathies and adverse
Bedlington Terrier (worldwide. Copper storage disease)
drug reactions i n affected dogs.
Dalmatian (U.S., Copper storage disease)
Portal hypertension is an important consequence o f
Labrador Retrievers (worldwide. Copper storage disease in
U.S. and Holland. Not copper associated U.K.) females chronic hepatitis and fibrosis, and its effects contribute to
> males the clinical signs and death o f many affected animals (see
West Highland White Terriers (worldwide. Some copper also Chapter 39). It causes a typical triad o f clinical signs o f
associated and some not; all countries) ascites, G I ulceration, and hepatic encephalopathy ( H E ) . In
Skye Terriers (reports in U.K. onlymay be copper associ a healthy dog the pressure i n the portal vein is lower than
ated. N o recent reports) the pressure i n the caudal vena cava. However, i n association
Doberman Pinschers (worldwide. Some copper storage with obstruction and disruption o f sinusoids by fibrosis and
disease and some not) females > males hepatocyte swelling, portal pressure rises until it exceeds that
American and English Cocker Spaniels (worldwide) males i n the caudal vena cava (portal hypertension). This results i n
> females splanchic congestion with splenic congestion, gut wall edema,
English Springer Spaniels (U.K. and Norway) females >
and eventually ascites. The mechanisms o f ascites formation
in dogs with liver disease are complex but involve activation
* N o reported sex ratio unless stated. of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) with
sodium retention i n the kidneys and increased circulating
fluid volume.
If the rise i n portal pressure is sustained, multiple acquired
BOX 38-2 PSSs will develop by the opening up o f previously nonfunc
tional vessels; this allows for some o f the portal b l o o d to
Possible Reasons for Breed-related Liver Disease
bypass the liver and enter the portal vein directly (Fig. 38-2).
Increased susceptibility to infectious causes of chronic These acquired PSSs differ from congenital PSSs i n that they
hepatitis and/or chronicity of infection are multiple and exist i n the presence o f increased portal
Mutation in gene involved in metal storage or excretion pressure, whereas i n patients with congenital PSSs the portal
Mutation in gene involved in other metabolic processes pressure is low. Acquired PSSs lead to H E by a similar mech
(e.g., protease inhibitor production)
anism to congenital PSS (see Chapter 39). However, the H E
Increased susceptibility to toxic hepatitis (e.g., impaired
must be medically managed because ligation o f acquired
detoxification of drugs)
PSSs is contraindicated. This is because acquired PSSs are
Susceptibility to autoimmune disease
important escape valves to allow dissipation o f some o f the
portal hypertension; therefore any attempt to ligate them
will result i n fatal splanchic congestion. Acquired PSSs in
tinues. Most cases therefore remain a nonspecific diagnosis humans are also recognized to reduce the risk o f serious G I
of "chronic hepatitis," and the treatment remains nonspecific ulceration associated with portal hypertension; because of
and symptomatic. However, i n a few notable exceptions, this, they are sometimes created surgically i n humans with
such as copper storage disease and toxic hepatitis, the cause cirrhosis to reduce the risk o f serious bleeds. The same is
may be k n o w n and may be treated specifically. These are likely to be true i n dogs: GI ulceration is one o f the most
outlined in separate sections of this chapter. c o m m o n causes o f death i n dogs with chronic hepatitis;
acquired PSSs will help reduce this risk.
Clinical Features
Etiology and Pathogenesis Dogs o f any age or breed can be affected with idiopathic
Idiopathic chronic hepatitis likely represents an unidentified chronic hepatitis, but there is an increased suspicion i n
viral, bacterial, or other infection; an unidentified previous middle-aged dogs o f the breeds outlined i n B o x 38-1. The
toxic event; or, in some cases, autoimmune disease. However, functional and structural reserve capacity of the liver implies
because autoimmune chronic hepatitis has not yet been con that dogs with chronic hepatitis usually have no clinical signs
vincingly demonstrated i n dogs, immunosuppressive drugs until late i n the disease process, when more than 75% of liver
should not be used or used only very cautiously. function has gone. By this stage, there is already extensive
The pathogenesis o f chronic hepatitis relates to loss o f destruction o f liver mass and treatment will be less effective
hepatic mass resulting in loss o f function and, late i n the than it w o u l d have been earlier i n the disease (Fig. 38-3). It
disease process, development o f portal hypertension. In is therefore beneficial to diagnose the disease earlier, and
many cases hepatocyte swelling, fibrosis, and portal hyper dogs with persistently high liver enzyme activities (particu
tension also contribute to cholestasis and jaundice. Ongoing larly hepatocellular enzymes such as A L T ) should not be
FIG 38-2
Diagramatic representation of congenital and acquired portosystemic shunts. A , Congeni
tal portocaval shunt. B , Multiple acquired shunts develop only if the pressure in the portal
vein is higher than the pressure in the vena cava.

often overtly thin. They may be depressed, but they are also
often surprisingly alert considering the severity of their

Ultimately, a definitive diagnosis requires a liver biopsy, but
suspicion o f disease is gained from the clinical signs and
clinicopathologic features. Clinical signs, clinicopathologic
findings, and imaging may be supportive o f chronic hepati
tis but are not specific. A serum biochemical profile may
show a combination of high activities of hepatocellular
(alanine transaminase [ALT] and aspartate aminotransferase
FIG 38-3
[AST]) and cholestatic (alkaline phosphatase [ALP] and
Liver from a 6-year-old Bearded Collie that had shown
clinical signs for only 1 month before dying from end-stage -glutamyltransferase [GGT]) enzymes, and evidence of
liver disease. The diagnosis was chronic hepatitis with decreased parenchymal liver function (low urea, low albumin,
macronodular cirrhosis and very little normal liver tissue and sometimes high bilirubin and bile acid concentrations).
remaining. Persistent increases in A L T are the most consistent finding
i n dogs with chronic hepatitis, but they can also be found in
other primary and secondary hepatopathies. A high A L P
ignored. If liver enzyme activities are high for several months activity is m u c h less specific i n dogs, particularly because
and other causes have been ruled out (see the section on there is a steroid-induced isoenzyme. Hepatocellular enzymes
secondary hepatopathy), then a liver biopsy should be can become n o r m a l i n end-stage disease because of a lack of
obtained. This is even more important in breeds at high risk liver mass, but by that stage function tests (e.g., ammonia
and i n those predisposed to treatable diseases, such as copper and bile acid concentrations) will be abnormal, and the dog
storage disease. may even be jaundiced.
Once dogs have lost a significant amount o f liver mass, Radiographic findings are nonspecific. Dogs with chronic
they will display clinical signs, but these are typically low- hepatitis often have a small liver (contrasting with cats, in
grade, waxing and waning, and nonspecific, making differ which hepatomegaly is more common), but there is an
ential diagnosis from other diseases a challenge. V o m i t i n g overlap with normal, and the assessment of liver size is
and diarrhea, anorexia, and polydipsia/polyuria are c o m m o n . further confused by the variation in gastric axis in deep-
Jaundice and ascites occur i n some dogs at presentation and chested dogs. If ascites is present, radiographs are not helpful
develop later in others, but not i n all cases. Ascites at presen because the fluid obscures all abdominal detail. Ultrasonog
tation has been identified as a poor prognostic indicator i n raphy is m u c h more useful in assessing hepatic architecture
humans and dogs because it may represent more advanced (see Chapter 36). Dogs with chronic hepatitis often have a
disease with secondary portal hypertension. H E is u n c o m small, diffusely hyperechoic liver on ultrasonography,
m o n and usually seen only i n end-stage disease. The pres although the liver may look ultrasonographically normal in
ence o f H E strongly suggests the development o f acquired some cases. In other cases it may appear nodular because of
PSS. Dogs with chronic hepatitis usually have some degree macronodular cirrhosis and/or concurrent benign nodular
of protein-calorie malnutrition as a result o f chronic hepatic hyperplasia. It is impossible to definitively differentiate
functional impairment and concurrent GI signs. They are benign from malignant nodules on ultrasonographic appear-
ance alone; cytology or biopsy is essential to obtain a defin add to the food is difficult to estimate. It is advisable to
itive diagnosis. start with 1 or 2 tablespoons o f cottage cheese per meal,
End-stage chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis may appear monitor clinical signs and b l o o d protein levels, and adjust
very similar to noncirrhotic portal hypertension from a accordingly.
diagnostic standpoint, and yet the treatment o f the latter is
very different and the long-term prognosis m u c h more Drugs
favorable than with cirrhosis. Therefore a liver biopsy is nec D r u g support i n dogs with idiopathic chronic hepatitis is
essary for a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment. nonspecific and attempts to slow progression o f disease and
It is important to perform a hemostasis profile (one stage control clinical signs. Specific drug treatments are reserved
prothrombin time; activated partial thromboplastin time, for patients with an identified underlying cause. W i t h o u t a
and platelet count) before obtaining a biopsy and to address biopsy, nonspecific treatment should consist o f choleretics,
any coagulopathies or thrombocytopenia before the proce antioxidants, and diet. The use of glucocorticoids must be
dure. Fine needle aspirate ( F N A ) cytology is o f limited value reserved for biopsy-confirmed cases only.
in the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis; the most representative G l u c o c o r t i c o i d s . Glucocorticoids are c o m m o n l y used
biopsies are wedge biopsies obtained during laparotomy or i n dogs with idiopathic chronic hepatitis, but they should
laparoscopy, although ultrasonographically guided T r u - C u t never be used without a biopsy. Biopsies are necessary not
needle biopsies can be of some benefit. only to confirm the presumptive diagnosis but also to rule
out any contraindications. There is currently no evidence
Treatment that idiopathic chronic hepatitis is an autoimmune disease,
The aims of treatment of dogs with chronic hepatitis are to so glucocorticoids are used i n this context for their antiin
treat any identified underlying cause (see subsequent sec flammatory and antifibrotic role rather than as i m m u n o s u p
tions), slow progression of the disease if possible, and support pressives. Fibrous tissue is laid d o w n i n the liver by
liver function and the animal's nutritional and metabolic transformed Ito (stellate) cells, and i n dogs these are usually
needs. stimulated indirectly by cytokines produced by inflamma
tory cells to transform to collagen-producing cells. The
Diet chain o f events i n idiopathic chronic hepatitis is therefore
Dietary management is always an important part o f treat usually as outlined i n Fig. 38-4. Glucocorticoids have an
ment in patients with liver disease because the liver is the important role to play early i n the disease process: Their
"first stop" for nutrients on their way from the gut to antiinflammatory effect reduces cytokine formation and Ito
the systemic circulation and it is intimately involved i n the
metabolism of nutrients. This metabolism is compromised
in patients with liver disease; i n addition, dogs with chronic
hepatitis typically have protein-calorie malnutrition, so
excessive restriction of nutrients can be harmful. The nutri
tional requirements i n dogs with liver disease are outlined i n
Table 38-2. The most important consideration is dietary
protein concentration. It is now recognized i n both people
and dogs with liver disease that, i n order to avoid negative
nitrogen balance, dietary protein should not be restricted.
However, it is important to feed a high-quality, highly digest
ible protein to reduce hepatic work and to decrease the
amount of undigested protein that reaches the colon, where
it is converted to ammonia. Most ammonia reaching the
systemic circulation i n the portal b l o o d o f animals with con
genital and acquired PSSs originates not from dietary protein
but from enterocyte catabolism of glutamine as their m a i n
source o f energy. This cannot be avoided without starving
the enterocytes, so other means o f control o f H E are recom
mended in addition to dietary restriction. Clinical diets
available for dogs with liver disease (Hills L D and Royal
Canin-Waltham Hepatic support) are ideally formulated,
except that they have lower protein than is ideal for a dog
with chronic hepatitis. Therefore these diets should be fed as
FIG 38-4
a baseline little and often, with the addition of high-quality
Chain of events in typical idopathic hepatitis in dogs and
protein to the food. Dairy and vegetable protein produce the points for therapeutic intervention (those in brackets are
best results in humans and dogs with liver disease; cottage potential treatments not yet available for clinical use in
cheese is a good choice to add to the diet. The amount to dogs).
Dietary Considerations for Dogs with Liver Disease

The diet should be fed little and often (4-6 times a day) and needs to be palatable. A good and sufficient diet is essential
for hepatic regeneration and optimal hepatic function.


Protein Normal amount of high quality (all essential amino acids in optimal amounts), highly digestible
(so none left in colon for bacteria to break down to ammonia), and not in excess or requires
hepatic metabolism resulting in increased blood ammonia.
Low levels of aromatic amino acids and high levels of branched chain amino acids said to be
helpful to reduce hepatic encephalopathy, but evidence is lacking.
Ideal protein to use is dairy or vegetable. Cottage cheese is often used, but it is relatively low
in arginine. The easiest w a y to feed sufficient high-quality protein is to feed a proprietary diet
for canine intestinal or liver disease and adjust the protein level to individual's clinical signs.
Note diets for canine liver disease have slightly reduced protein content so may need to add
more protein e.g., cottage cheese if body weight or blood albumin drops.
Single protein source diet based on dairy or soy protein is recommended after recovery from
acute hepatitis.
Fat N o special advice in liver disease. Should not be excessively restricted as an important source
of calories and fat maldigestion and steatorrhea because of cholestasis and lack of bile salts
very rare. Restrict only if clinical steatorrhea develops. Avoid very high fat diets, particularly
with cholestasis or portal hypertension, in which gastrointestinal signs may be exacerbated.
Optimizing omega 3: Omega 6 may help reduce inflammation (more research necessary).
Carbohydrate The carbohydrate used should be highly digestible as a calorie source, reducing need for
hepatic gluconeogenesis from fat and protein. Carbohydrate metabolism usually disrupted in
hepatic disease. Therefore complex carbohydrates will be better used as an energy source by
the animal with liver disease than glucose.
Fiber Fermentable fiber: may reduce hepatic encephalopathy (conflicting evidence in humans, little
evidence in dogs). Broken down to short chain fatty acids in the colon which trap ammonia
as ammonium ions. Also beneficial effect on colonic bacteria, increasing nitrogen
incorporation into bacteria and reducing ammonia production. (Lactulose is a fermentable
Nonfermentable fiber: also important because prevents constipation, which is a potential
predisposing factor for development of encephalopathy; it increases the contact time for
colonic bacteria to act on feces and produce ammonia.
Mixed fiber source in moderate amounts is therefore useful but not too much or it interferes with
the digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Minerals: zinc Zinc deficiency is common in humans with chronic liver disease. Dogs are proposed to be
similar to humans (but little direct evidence exists). Supplementation with zinc proposed to
reduce encephalopathy because it is used in metalloenzymes in the urea cycle and in muscle
metabolism of ammonia. Zinc is also indicated in copper storage disease because it reduces
copper absorption from gut and copper availability in the liver. It may also reduce collagen
lay-down in liver and stabilize lysosomal enzymes and also has some antioxidant activity.
Supplementing zinc is therefore recommended in any chronic hepatitis in dogs or cats.
Minerals: copper Animals with copper storage disease should be maintained on a low-copper, high-zinc diet.
Vitamins: fat soluble Vitamin E supplementation may be cytoprotective especially in copper toxicity because of its
antioxidant effect.
Vitamin K supplementation may be necessary if clotting times are prolonged, especially if
considering biopsies.
Vitamins A and D should not be supplemented. Vitamin A can cause hepatic damage, and
vitamin D supplementation can cause calcification in tissues.
Vitamins: water soluble B vitamins should be supplemented because there is increased loss in polydipsia/polyuria
associated with liver disease. It is recommended that dogs with liver disease receive a double
dose of B-vitamins.
Vitamin C should not be supplemented because ascorbate can increase the tissue damage
associated with copper and iron in liver disease.
cell stimulation, thus reducing fibrous tissue deposition. chronic hepatitis. The recommended dose is 20 mg/kg P O
They are therefore indicated early in the disease process, q24h. There are some studies documenting its use i n dogs,
when there is inflammation and m i n i m a l fibrosis, and once but more are needed to define i n which diseases it is most
infectious etiologies have been ruled out. In these situations useful. S-Adenosylmethionine is a very unstable molecule
they may slow the progression of the disease (although that (because it is a methyl donor) and must therefore be care
has not been proved). The logical dose to use is antiinflam fully packaged and given o n an empty stomach. The phar
matory (equivalent to 0.5 mg/kg of prednisone and gradu mokinetics and GI availability i n dogs are k n o w n for the
ally reducing over several weeks by halving the dose and pure preparation (Denosyl SD4; Nutramax Laboratories),
reducing to every-other-day treatment), although i m m u n o but it is increasingly being marketed as a polypharmacy
suppressive doses also have been used; there is currently nutraceutical in preparations with other nutraceuticals and
insufficient evidence i n dogs to advise which is correct. vitamins mixed together. Pharmacokinetic and absorption
Glucocorticoids are contraindicated later i n the disease, data should be sought from the manufacturers of these prod
when there is portal hypertension and end-stage fibrosis, or ucts to ensure that the S-adenosylmethionine is absorbed in
in conditions with noninflammatory fibrosis (e.g., noncir effective amounts.
rhotic portal hypertension), in which there is no reason for Another antioxidant c o m m o n l y used in dogs with chronic
their use. In these circumstances they are also likely to hepatitis is m i l k thistle (Silybum marianum). The active
shorten the life expectancy by increasing the risk of serious ingredients are flavonoids, c o m m o n l y referred to as silyma
GI ulceration (see Fig. 39-1). Hence glucocorticoids should rin, and the most effective of these is believed to be silybin.
never be used without a histopathologic diagnosis and There are very few studies of the use of flavonoids in dogs,
staging of disease. and the only clinical studies are o n acute toxic hepatitis.
Other antiinflammatory or immunosuppressive Silybin undoubtedly has the potential to be a helpful adjunct
d r u g s . Some of the other drugs used i n dogs with liver to therapy i n some cases, but m u c h more information on
disease also have antiinflammatory activity, particularly zinc, absorption, availability, and ideal dosage is necessary. Silybin
S-adenosylmethionine, and ursodiol (discussed in more is included in many nutraceuticals marketed for dogs with
detail later). Azathioprine has occasionally been used in dogs liver disease. One recent study (Filburn et al., 2007) showed
with chronic hepatitis, but there is no evidence that it is that it had very poor absorption alone but was m u c h more
beneficial; until immune-mediated causes of chronic hepa bioavailable when complexed with phosphatidylcholine.
titis have been proved, it would be wise to avoid the use of Therefore, although antioxidant nutraceuticals have great
this or other potent immunosuppressive medications. potential benefits i n the treatment of chronic liver disease i n
C h o l e r e t i c s . Ursodiol is widely and c o m m o n l y used i n dogs and can be safely used without a biopsy, the clinician
dogs with chronic hepatitis. It is a synthetic hydrophilic bile must be aware of the emerging nature of the information
acid that is choleretic and also modulates the bile acid pool about their bioavailability and efficacy and choose products
in biliary stasis, making the bile less toxic to hepatocytes. It carefully with this in m i n d .
also has antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties, and A n t i f i b r o t i c s . In inflammatory liver disease and early
recent studies suggest that it is synergistic with S-adenosyl fibrosis, glucocorticoids have a potent indirect antifibrotic
methionine and vitamin E. The only absolute contraindica activity by reducing inflammation, as outlined i n the preced
tion is complete biliary obstruction, which is very rare in ing sections. Later i n the disease process, when there is exten
dogs and would usually result in obvious acholic feces. It is sive fibrosis, the direct antifibrotic agent colchicine can be
logical to use it in any dog with chronic hepatitis, particularly used; there is limited but encouraging anecdotal evidence
in those associated with biliary stasis, and it can safely be supporting its effectiveness i n dogs. It is an alkaloid deriva
used without a biopsy. However, as with other drugs used in tive that binds tubulin and has the potential to reverse fibro
canine liver disease, there is very limited (although encour sis. The recommended dose i n dogs is 0.03 mg/kg/day P O .
aging) evidence as to its efficacy. It may be more helpful i n Adverse effects are u n c o m m o n i n dogs but include bone
some diseases than others, but this is not k n o w n yet i n dogs. marrow suppression and anorexia/diarrhea; it is the latter
The recommended dose is 10 to 15 mg/kg q l 2 h (or split into that often limits its use i n clinical cases.
two doses given q l 2 h ) . A n t i b i o t i c s . There is a primary indication for the use of
A n t i o x i d a n t s . A variety of antioxidants are used i n dogs antibiotics in dogs with ascending biliary tract infections or
with chronic hepatitis. The most well-documented are suspected bacterial infection as a cause of the chronic hepa
vitamin E and S-adenosylmethionine. V i t a m i n E appears to titis. The latter is rarely proved, but i f it is possible that
be beneficial at a dose rate of 400 IU/day for a 30-kg dog atypical leptospiral infection may be present (e.g., i f chronic
given as a water-soluble preparation once a day. Doses for hepatitis is seen i n a dog with access to sources of infection
smaller dogs are scaled appropriately. S-Adenosylmethio such as rivers or ditches), a course of appropriate antibiotics
nine is a glutathione precursor and is of particular benefit in w o u l d be wise to rule this out. The recommended therapy
dogs with toxic hepatopathy (discussed i n more detail later) for leptospiral infections is to start with intravenous (IV)
and those with biliary stasis because bile is a potent oxidant. amoxicillin at a dose of 22 mg/kg q12h to terminate replica
It is synergistic with V i t a m i n E and ursodiol, and an argu tion and reduce potentially fatal liver and kidney complica
ment could be made for it being beneficial i n any dog with tions. If leptospiral infection is subsequently confirmed (on
rising titres on serology, dark field microscopy, or P C R of the Zone 3 (perivenous; see Fig. 35-4 for an explanation of
urine for organisms), this should be followed by doxycycline hepatic zonation).
therapy (5 mg/kg P O q l 2 h for 3 weeks) once liver function True copper storage disease likely represents a genetic
is normal to eliminate the chronic renal carrier state. Bar defect i n copper transport and/or storage, but the only breed
tonella spp. have occasionally been associated with chronic in which this has been defined is the Bedlington Terrier. In
liver disease i n dogs. The optimal treatment for Bartonella this breed it is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, and
spp. i n dogs has not been established. Macrolides (e.g., up to 60% of Bedlington Terriers i n some countries have
erythromycin) or alternatively fluoroquinolones or doxycy been affected in the past, although the prevalence is now
cline have been shown to have some efficacy against some decreasing as a result of selective breeding. The disease is
Bartonella spp. i n dogs. It has been suggested that 4 to confined to the liver, and there appears to be a specific defect
6 weeks of treatment might be necessary to eliminate i n hepatic biliary copper excretion (probably in transport
infection. from the hepatocyte lysosomes to the biliary tract). Recent
Antibiotics are also used as part of supportive treatment work has identified at least one genetic defect associated with
in dogs with H E caused by acquired PSS i n end-stage chronic the disease: a deletion i n the M U R R 1 gene (now C O M M D 1 ;
hepatitis, i n a similar way to dogs with congenital PSS to V a n de Sluis et al., 2002), which codes for a protein of
reduce toxin absorption from the gut and the risk of systemic u n k n o w n function. However, Bedlington Terriers with
infections (see Chapter 39). A m p i c i l l i n is often used long copper storage disease but without a C O M M D 1 deletion
term i n these cases at a dose of 10 to 20 mg/kg, P O or I V are now being reported i n the United States, United Kingdom,
q8-12h. and Australia (Coronado et a l , 2003; Heywood, 2006; H y u n
As with other drugs, the clinician should avoid any et al., 2004), suggesting that there is at least one other muta
antibiotics that increase hepatic w o r k or the risk of hepato tion involved i n the breed that has yet to be identified.
toxicity. Thus tetracyclines, potentiated sulphonamides,
nitrofurantoin, and erythromycin should be avoided unless Clinical Features
necessary (e.g., with confirmed leptospirosis or bartonello Affected Bedlington Terriers can present with either acute or
sis) because they are potentially hepatotoxic. chronic clinical signs, depending on individual factors, such
as the amount of copper i n the diet, and also likely other
COPPER STORAGE DISEASE factors, including concurrent stress and disease. If there is
rapid and marked build-up, dogs may present with acute
Pathogenesis and Etiology fulminant hepatic necrosis and no previous clinical signs.
Copper storage disease has been recognized as a cause of This is usually seen i n young to middle-aged dogs and is
acute and chronic hepatitis i n several breeds, the best often accompanied by acute hemolytic anemia caused by the
researched of which is the Bedlington Terrier (see B o x 38-1). rapid release of copper into the circulation. The prognosis is
Other breeds i n which copper storage disease has been poor, and most animals die within a few days. Fortunately,
reported are Dalmatians (in the U n i t e d States and Canada), this is u n c o m m o n ; most dogs have a more chronic, pro
Labrador Retrievers (in the U n i t e d States and Holland), and tracted course with several years of copper build-up and
some Doberman Pinschers (in H o l l a n d ) , although individ persistently high A L T activity, culminating i n the develop
ual members of all these breeds have also been reported with ment of chronic hepatitis with piecemeal necrosis, inflam
chronic hepatitis without copper accumulation. In addition, mation, and bridging fibrosis. Clinical signs are therefore
copper storage disease has been suspected but not exten recognized i n these individuals only late i n the disease process
sively investigated in West Highland W h i t e Terriers and Skye and are usually those of canine chronic hepatitis. These dogs
Terriers. It is also possible for seemingly n o r m a l dogs without usually present at about 4 years o l d but may be younger (Fig.
a recognized copper storage disease to develop copper-asso 38-5). Eventually, i f not treated, affected dogs will develop
ciated chronic hepatitis if fed a diet very high i n copper, such cirrhosis.
as dry calf feed ( V a n den Ingh et al., 2007). The clinical signs and progression i n other breeds with
Copper is excreted i n the bile and can b u i l d up as a copper storage disease are similar to those i n Bedlington
secondary phenomenon i n any type of chronic hepatitis Terriers. The disease i n Dalmatians is associated with acute
associated with cholestasis. In these cases the accumulation onset, rapid progression, and very high levels of hepatic
is usually m i l d , often i n zone 1 (peribiliary), and the amount copper i n the absence of significant clinical, clinicopatho
of copper does not correlate with the severity of the disease. logical, or histological evidence of cholestasis. Affected dogs
It is unclear whether copper chelation is helpful i n dogs with usually present as young adults with acute onset of GI signs
secondary copper build-up, but probably it is not. The and polydipsia/polyuria, by which time severe liver disease
peribiliary distribution and lack of correlation between is already present. Labrador Retrievers with copper storage
amount of copper b u i l d up and clinical signs helps to dis disease have an average age at presentation of 7 to 9 years
tinguish these cases from "true" copper storage disease, i n (range, 2.5 to 14 years). The clinical signs are relatively mild
which the copper accumulation is the cause rather than an and included anorexia, vomiting, and lethargy. Doberman
epiphenomenon of the disease and accumulation is usually Pinschers appear to have a long phase of subclinical disease
marked, progressive, correlated with disease severity, and i n culminating, i n untreated cases, in an acute-on-chronic
FIG 3 8 - 5
Beddlington Terrier with copper storage disease. (From Hall
FIG 38-6
EJ, Simpson JW, Williams DA, editors: BSAVA manual of
Cytology of hepatocytes from Bedlington terrier with copper
canine and feline gastroenterology, ed 2, Gloucestershire,
storage disease demonstrating copper granules (rubeanic
United Kingdom, 2 0 0 5 , British Small Animal Veterinary
acid stain). (Courtesy Elizabeth Villiers; from Hall EJ,
Simpson JW, Williams DA, editors: BSAVA manual of
canine and feline gastroenterology, ed 2, Gloucestershire,
United Kingdom, 2 0 0 5 , British Small Animal Veterinary
disease and rapidly progressive deterioration. However, it is Association.)
unclear how many of the clinically affected Doberman P i n
schers described in the literature had copper storage disease
and how many had idiopathic chronic hepatitis, so the true breeding animal, clinicians should obtain a biopsy when the
presenting signs o f copper storage disease i n this breed are dog is about 12 months o l d , by w h i c h time there will be suf
unclear. Most published studies on true copper storage ficient copper build-up to diagnose the disease. In m u c h
disease i n Doberman Pinschers describe diagnosis and treat older animals, cirrhosis with nodular regeneration can
ment of subclinical disease. develop, and the nodules will have a lower copper content
than the rest of the liver, confusing diagnosis if a regenerative
Diagnosis nodule is inadvertently biopsied.
The magnitude o f increase i n liver enzyme activities and
the diagnostic imaging findings i n dogs with chronic copper Treatment
storage disease are very similar to those of dogs with idio The ideal treatment i n a dog k n o w n to be affected is preven
pathic chronic hepatitis. Therefore a definitive diagnosis tion. Bedlington Terriers with the C O M M D 1 mutation
requires a liver biopsy and estimation of the copper concen should be fed a low-copper, high-zinc diet. The proprietary
tration i n the liver. This can be done qualitatively on forma liver diets formulated for dogs (Royal-Canin Hepatic support
lin fixed sections using rhodanine staining to detect copper; or Hills canine L D ) have low copper and high zinc concen
correlations between quantitative and qualitative estimation trations but are also moderately protein restricted, so it
of copper accumulation have been published (Shih et al., would be wise to supplement with a low-copper protein source
2007). The finding of large accumulations o f copper i n hepa (e.g., cottage cheese) i n growing dogs. It is also important to
tocytes on cytology with rubeanic acid is also very suggestive avoid giving the dog tap water from copper pipes i n soft
of copper storage disease (Fig. 38-6; Teske et a l , 1992). water areas; bottled water should be used instead. B o x 38-3
Quantitative measurement of copper content can also be gives a list o f c o m m o n high-copper foods that should be
performed, but this requires a large biopsy specimen care avoided and high-zinc foods that could be supplemented.
fully taken and stored i n copper-free tubes. In addition to Dogs that present with an acute crisis should be treated
estimating copper content, the liver biopsy will give an i n d i with intensive support in exactly the same way as dogs with
cation of the chronicity and extent o f liver damage, which acute hepatitis (Box 38-4). Blood transfusion may be neces
will affect treatment decisions i n a very similar way to chronic sary i f hemolysis is severe. Copper chelation is unlikely to be
hepatitis. Bedlington Terriers can be tested for the C O M M D 1 beneficial acutely, but chelation with 2,2,2-tetramine (trien
deletion either before breeding or when newly acquired to tine) could be considered (or 2,3,2-tetramine i f obtainable)
assess their risk for this disease, but an absence o f the because this can chelate rapidly. Trientine is available as
C O M M D 1 deletion does not guarantee that the dog will not a drug licensed for humans (Syprine, M e r c k Sharp and
be affected. The genetic test is currently offered via m o u t h Dohme). The recommended dose i n dogs is 10 to 15 mg/kg
swabs at the A n i m a l Health Trust i n Newmarket, U . K . (details P O q l 2 h 30 minutes before a meal. 2,3,2-Tetramine is dif
at ficult to obtain. Penicillamine is not helpful i n an acute crisis
and by Vet G e n in the United States ( T o because chelation takes weeks to months. However, it should
rule out copper storage disease through a liver biopsy i n a be noted that there is m u c h less information available about
BOX 38-3 BOX 38-4
Foods Rich in Copper and Zinc Outline of Treatment Recommendations for Acute
Copper Fulminant Hepatitis

*Shellfish Identify and treat cause if possible (e.g., remove drugs

* Liver implicated; treat leptospirosis; give N-acetylcysteine
Kidney, heart (150 m g / k g by IV infusion in 2 0 0 ml 5% glucose over
Cereals 15 minutes, followed by 5 0 mg/kg IV infusion in 5 0 0 ml
Cocoa over 4 hours then 100 mg/kg IV infusion in 1000 ml
Legumes over 16 hours) + / - cimetidine (5-10 mg/kg IV, IM or
PO tid) for acetaminophen toxicity).
Soft tap water (copper pipes)
Fluids: Careful IV fluid therapy: dextrose saline with
Zinc added potassium often most appropriate. Measure
Red meat blood glucose and electrolyte concentrations every few
Egg yolks hours and adjust appropriately. Use peripheral catheter
Milk and monitor renal function (use central catheters only
Beans, peas when confirmed that there is no coagulopathy or high
Liver risk of unnoticed bleeding around catheter). Monitor
W h o l e grains, lentils carefully: Ensure adequate urine output and reversal
Rice of dehydration, but do not overinfuse or worsen fluid
Potatoes retention.
Treat coagulopathy as necessary: Consider fresh frozen
* = particularly high in copper plasma and vitamin K.
Treat acute hepatic encephalopathy: Consider propofol
infusions and lactulose/neomycin enemas. Regularly
the pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, and toxicity of tri monitor blood glucose and potassium, and supplement
entine i n dogs than there is for D-penicillamine. Reported as necessary.
adverse effects include nausea, gastritis, abdominal pain, Treat any gastrointestinal ulceration: Consider acid
melena, and weakness. O n recovery, the animal should con secretory inhibitors (ranitidine or omeprazole).
tinue on long-term treatment, as outlined i n the following Treat any ascites with spironolactone +/- furosemide
sections. (see Chapter 39).
Consider antibiotics in all cases to protect against infec
Treatment of dogs that already have high hepatic copper
tious complications, particularly septicemia of gut origin.
concentrations documented by biopsy but are not in an
Certainly give antibiotics to all pyrexic cases intrave
acute crisis consists of active copper chelation, zinc supple nously. Use broad-spectrum agents that are safe in liver
mentation, and use of a low-copper diet and additional sup disease.
portive therapy. The chronic hepatitis secondary to copper Food: Nothing by mouth for first 1 to 3 days; then feed
storage disease should be treated the same way as i n dogs diet based on dairy or soy protein: high quality protein,
with idiopathic chronic hepatitis, using antioxidants, urso not restricted.
diol, and other supportive medication (see the section o n
chronic idiopathic hepatitis). There is a particular role for
antioxidants such as vitamin E and S-adenosylmethionine in
metal-induced liver injury. Chelation can be achieved using may be used and can remove copper from the liver more
either D-penicillamine or trientine. D-penicillamine takes rapidly than D-penicillamine. Details of dose and potential
months to have a significant effect on the copper content of adverse effects are given i n a preceding section.
the liver but is easily available and its pharmacokinetics and Copper chelation treatment is continued until normal
toxicity i n dogs are well documented. The recommended liver copper concentration is reached; this is best determined
dose is 10 to 15 mg/kg P O q l 2 h 30 minutes before meals. It by liver biopsy and copper quantification or cytologic esti
also has weak antifibrotic and antiinflammatory properties. mate. Treatment should then be stopped to prevent copper
Starting at the lower end of the dose range and increasing deficiency, which can occur after prolonged, overzealous
the dose after 1 week (or dividing the dose and giving it more copper chelation and can result i n severe effects of copper
frequently) can reduce the c o m m o n adverse effects of v o m deficiency with weight loss and hematemesis. The regimen
iting and anorexia. It has also been reported to cause can then be changed to a preventive protocol consisting of a
nephrotic syndrome, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia i n copper-restricted diet and zinc administration.
dogs, so a complete blood count and urine samples should
be monitored regularly during therapy. A decrease i n liver INFECTIOUS CAUSES OF CANINE
copper content of about 900 g/g dry weight per year can be CHRONIC HEPATITIS
anticipated i n dogs treated with D-penicillamine. Trientine Primary chronic hepatitis caused by infectious agents is
(2,2,2 tetramine) is another efficacious copper chelator that u n c o m m o n i n dogs, although there may be a yet unidenti-
fied infectious cause in some dogs with what appears to be may also be periportal and portoportal fibrosis that may
idiopathic chronic hepatitis. Clinicians should keep this disrupt the hepatic architecture. The organisms are sparse
possibility in m i n d before prescribing immunosuppressive and difficult to find with conventional staining techniques,
medication. so it is very possible that some cases of leptospiral hepatitis
To date, there has been no convincing demonstration of are misdiagnosed as immune-mediated disease o n the basis
a viral cause of canine chronic hepatis, although it has been of the histological appearance. There is also often a poor
suspected in several cases. The most c o m m o n viral cause of serological response i n affected dogs, further complicating
chronic hepatitis in people is hepatitis B virus, a hepadnavi diagnosis.
rus. Similar hepadnaviruses associated with hepatitis have Adamus et al. (1997) noted the similarity i n age bias
been identified i n woodchucks, ground squirrels, tree squir (6 to 9 months) and histological appearance between lepto
rels, and ducks, but attempts to identify hepadnaviruses by spiral hepatitis and lobular dissecting hepatitis, and it has
P C R in the liver of dogs with chronic hepatitis or hepato been suggested that undiagnosed infections may be a cause
cellular carcinoma have failed. Two other viruses have been of lobular dissecting hepatitis i n some young dogs (discussed
suggested as a possible cause of canine chronic hepatitis: in more detail later). There have also been recent sporadic
canine adenovirus type 1 ( C A V 1 ) and canine acidophil cell reports of Bartonella henselae and Bartonella clarridgeiae in
hepatitis virus. C A V 1 causes acute fulminant hepatitis in dogs with chronic liver disease, but again their significance
immunologically naive dogs, but it can also cause chronic as a cause of the disease is unclear. Peliosis hepatis, rather
hepatitis experimentally i n partially immune dogs. However, than chronic hepatitis, is the more classical histological
its importance i n naturally occurring chronic hepatitis is appearance associated with Bartonella spp. infection in
unclear, and studies are conflicting. A n alternative viral cause humans and has been reported i n one dog (Kitchell et al.,
of canine acute, persistent, and chronic hepatitis was pro 2000). Serology or P C R for Bartonella spp. is available.
posed i n Glasgow by Jarrett et al. in 1985 and named canine A recent study (Boomkens et a l , 2005) evaluated 98 liver
acidophil cell hepatitis virus pending isolation and identifica samples from dogs with chronic hepatitis using nested P C R
tion. The virus appeared to be transmissible by subcutane for Hepadnaviridae, Helicobacter spp., Leptospira spp.,
ous injection of liver homogenate and serum and was Borrelia spp., hepatitis A virus, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis E
apparently capable of producing a chronic hepatitis marked virus, canine adenovirus, and canine parvovirus and failed
by fibrosis and hepatocyte necrosis, but sparse inflammatory to find evidence of infection i n any of the dogs. M o r e work
changes (Jarrett et a l , 1985, 1987). It was proposed at the is needed before potential infectious causes of chronic hepa
time that this was the most important cause of hepatitis i n titis i n dogs can be completely ruled out.
Glasgow. However, there have been no further published
studies by either these or other workers regarding the iden LOBULAR DISSECTING HEPATITIS
tity or significance of this virus, so its identity and role Lobular dissecting hepatitis is an idiopathic inflammatory
remain unknown. disorder recognized predominantly i n young dogs; it has
Bacterial infections have been sporadically reported as a a typical histological appearance of fibrotic dissection of
cause of canine chronic hepatitis, but their importance is lobular parenchyma into individual and small groups of
unclear. Bile-tolerant Helicobacter spp. can cause hepatitis hepatocytes. It has been reported i n several breeds, including
centered on the bile ducts in rodents; there is one report families of Standard Poodles and Finnish Spitzes. It has been
of necrotizing hepatitis associated with Helicobacter canis proposed that lobular dissecting hepatitis does not represent
infection in a pup (Fox et a l , 1996). However, no further a distinctive disease but rather a response of the juvenile liver
work has been reported i n dogs, and a clear association to a variety of insults. Infectious etiologies have been sug
between Helicobacter infection and liver disease has yet to be gested, although not proved, and the age of onset and histo
demonstrated. logical appearance bear a striking resemblance to atypical
Infections with apparently atypical leptospires may be a leptospiral infection in dogs. Treatment recommendations
clinically relevant and underestimated cause of chronic hep are similar to those for canine chronic hepatitis (see preced
atitis in dogs. Most dogs in the United States are vaccinated ing section).
regularly against Leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and
icterohaemorrhagiae, so it is assumed that leptospiral infec TOXIC CAUSES OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS
tion is now a rare disease. However, recent studies have Toxins and drug reactions more c o m m o n l y cause acute,
shown an emergence of diseases associated with other necrotizing hepatitis than chronic disease. Phenobarbital or
serovars; in addition, there is little immunologic cross-reac primidone can cause either acute or chronic hepatotoxicity
tion with the vaccine serovars. Infection with "atypical" lep (see later discussion). Lomustine ( C C N U ) can also cause
tospires, particularly L. grippotyphosa, can cause a chronic delayed, cumulative dose-related, chronic hepatotoxicity
hepatitis with ascites, particularly i n young dogs; azotemia is that is irreversible and can be fatal. Another occasional
uncommon in these dogs. Histologically, the liver of dogs reported cause of chronic liver damage is phenylbutazone.
with confirmed atypical leptospire infection has portal Most other reported hepatotoxic drugs and toxins cause an
and intralobular inflammation (i.e., mainly lymphocytic acute hepatitis (see section on acute hepatitis and B o x 38-5).
plasmacytic with some neutrophils and macrophages). There Certain mycotoxins, including aflatoxins, can cause acute or
thing as liver dialysis. However, because of the remarkable
BOX 38-5 regenerative capacity of the liver, animals that recover from
the acute phase o f the disease can recover completely, with
Potential Causes of Acute Fulminant Hepatitis in Dogs
no permanent hepatic injury, as long as they are fed and
Infections supported properly.
Canine adenovirus type 1 Most causes o f acute fulminating hepatitis in dogs are
Neonatal canine herpes virus infectious or toxic (see Box 38-5). In unvaccinated dogs
Leptospira interrogans (various serovars) C A V - 1 and leptospira are important differential diagnoses.
Endotoxemia Dogs with copper storage disease can present acutely and
often will have hemolysis associated with high serum copper
concentration, i n addition to acute hepatic necrosis. Xylitol,
Heat stroke
an artificial sweetener, has recently been reported to cause
Metabolic acute hepatic necrosis i n dogs (Dunayer et al., 2006) with a
high mortality. Aflatoxin in contaminated feed-stuffs also
Acute necrosis associated with copper storage disease
in Bedlingtons, Dalmatians, and some Labradors and recently caused acute and subacute hepatitis with a high
Dobermans (see Box 38-1) mortality in dogs (Newman et al., 2007). The most common
drugs implicated i n causing acute hepatic necrosis in dogs
Toxic or Drug-induced are listed i n Box 38-5, but potentially any drug could cause
Acetaminophen idiosyncratic hepatic necrosis in an individual dog. Recently,
Phenobarbital or primidone a case o f destructive cholangitis ("disappearing bile duct
Carprofen (especially Labrador Retrievers) syndrome") was reported in a dog as a suspected drug
Mebendazole reaction to either one or a combination of amoxicillin-
clavulanate, amitraz and milbemycin oxime (Gabriel et a l ,
2006), and we have seen this in a clinical case likely caused
Potentiated sulphonamides
by an indiosyncratic reaction to amoxicillin-clavulanate.
Clinical Features
Nitrofurantoin The clinical features of acute fulminating hepatitis, indepen
Lomustine (CCNU) dent o f the cause, relate to the acute loss o f hepatic function
together with the effects o f generalized cell necrosis and
release o f inflammatory cytokines and tissue factors. Dogs
usually present with acute onset of one or more of the fol
chronic liver disease in dogs depending o n the dose ingested lowing: anorexia; vomiting; polydipsia; dehydration; hepatic
and period o f exposure. Dogs scavenge and eat contami encephalopathy with depression progressing to seizures
nated food more often than humans do, so it is possible that and/or coma; jaundice; fever; cranial abdominal pain;
a number o f cases o f canine chronic hepatitis are due to coagulopathy with petechiae and possible hematemesis and
acute or chronic ingestion o f unidentified toxins. Because a melena; and, i n some cases, ascites and splenomegaly result
wide variety of drugs have been reported as causing hepatic ing from acute portal hypertension. Renal failure is a severe
adverse reactions i n humans and dogs, a drug reaction complication i n some cases with both prerenal and intrinsic
should be considered in any dog with chronic hepatitis that renal components. In humans with acute hepatic failure,
is also on long-term therapy of any sort, although care should hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, cerebral and pulmonary
be taken not to overdiagnose drug reactions; chronic hepa edema, and pancreatic inflammation also have been reported;
titis should be considered as possibly drug related only when these may occur in some dogs, although they have not been
there is a clear temporal relationship with drug intake and specifically reported.
likely alternative causes have been excluded.
Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of history, clinical
ACUTE HEPATITIS signs, and clinicopathologic findings. Liver histopathology
should be confirmatory, but results are often not obtained
Etiology and Pathogenesis until recovery (or postmortem) because of the severe acute
Acute hepatitis is m u c h less c o m m o n than chronic hepatitis nature o f the disease. A history of recent drug or toxin expo
i n dogs but, when severe, carries a m u c h poorer prognosis. sure is important i n implicating these as a cause; vaccination
Treatment focuses on providing supportive measures and status is an important consideration for infectious causes.
allowing the liver to recover. Dogs with acute hepatitis are at O n clinical pathology dogs with acute hepatitis often have
high risk of disseminated intravascular coagulation ( D I C ) . early, marked increases i n hepatocellular enzyme A L T and
Severe loss o f liver function is also fatal because it cannot be A S T activities (tenfold to > 100-fold). Jaundice and increases
replaced artificially while awaiting recovery; there is no such in markers o f cholestasis may also occur; the rare cases of
destructive cholangitis are characterized by early, severe bial culture and sensitivity testing, preferably before antibi
jaundice and marked increases i n A L P activity and hyper otic treatment is initiated.
bilirubinemia. Hypoglycemia and hypokalemia are c o m m o n Liver biopsies and bile samples can be obtained by direct
in dogs with acute hepatitis, and azotemia is seen i n some visualisation during surgery or laparoscopy or via ultraso
cases, as a result of both prerenal and renal causes. H e m o nographic guidance. The latter method carries a greater risk
static abnormalities, with both prolonged clotting times and of bile leakage; to m i n i m i z e this, a 22-gauge needle attached
thrombocytopenia, are frequently present and can be a sign to a 12-ml syringe is used for cholecystocentesis (bile
of developing D I C (see Chapter 87). Diagnostic imaging is retrieval), and an attempt is made to evacuate the gallblad
not usually very helpful i n dogs with acute hepatitis. There der. The procedure is best performed under general anesthe
may be hepatomegaly and a diffuse change i n hepatic echo sia rather than heavy sedation to m i n i m i z e the chance of
genicity; i n some cases there may be splenic congestion and/ patient m o t i o n during aspiration. The risk of iatrogenic bile
or ascites, but these changes are not specific and do not help or septic peritonitis is greatest with patients with a severely
define the cause or extent of the damage. In some patients diseased gallbladder wall (determined ultrasonographically);
the ultrasonographic exam is unremarkable. surgical treatment is necessary i f bile peritonitis occurs.
Enteric organisms similar to those found i n cats are most
Treatment and Prognosis c o m m o n l y found, and the most c o m m o n isolate i n several
Treatment of acute fulminant hepatitis i n dogs is largely studies is Escherichia coli. Other organisms reported are all
supportive and is outlined i n B o x 38-4. Every attempt should of gut origin and include Enterococcus sp., Klebsiella sp., Clos
be made to identify and treat the primary cause at the same tridium sp. (which may be a gas-forming species causing
time that supportive therapy is instituted. Corticosteroid emphysematous changes i n the gallbladder wall visible
treatment is not indicated i n these cases and may i n fact radiographically), fecal Streptococcus sp., Corynbacterium
worsen the prognosis by increasing the risk of GI ulceration spp., and Bacteroides sp. Antibiotic resistance is relatively
and thrombosis. The owner should be warned of the poor c o m m o n among isolates and can also develop during therapy,
prognosis for recovery i n spite of intensive support, and i n underscoring the importance of obtaining bile samples for
severe cases, early referral to an intensive care unit should be culture and sensitivity whenever possible. Choleliths can be
considered. However, dogs that recover from the acute phase found i n association with cholecystitis or cholangitis; the
have a good chance of complete recovery. Some research i n cause-and-effect relationship is not always clear.
humans and animals has suggested that chronic liver lesions
are less likely to develop i f a single-protein m i l k or soybean- GALLBLADDER MUCOCELE
based diet is fed in the recovery phase. Gallbladder mucocele has recently been reported as a
c o m m o n cause of clinical signs of biliary tract disease in
dogs (Figure 38-7). The cause is unclear, but it is most
BILIARY TRACT DISORDERS c o m m o n i n middle-aged to older dogs; there appears to be
a breed predisposition in Shetland Sheepdogs i n the U n i t e d
Biliary tract disorders are less c o m m o n in dogs than in cats, States (Aguirre et a l , 2007). Other suggested breed associa
but both primary biliary tract disorders and extrahepatic bile tions are Cocker Spaniels and M i n i a t u r e Schauzers. It has
duct obstruction are recognized i n dogs. In addition, destruc been proposed that sterile or septic inflammation of the
tive cholangitis caused by drug reactions leading to severe gallbladder wall and/or disordered gallbladder motility pre
cholestasis and icterus has been recognized occasionally i n dispose to mucocele formation. In the Shetland Sheepdogs
dogs (but not cats). Dogs occasionally develop congenital there appeared to be an association between gallbladder
hepatic and renal cysts, similar to Caroli's disease i n mucocele and dyslipidemias, usually caused by other con
humans. current diseases such as pancreatitis, hyperadrenocorticism,
hypothyroidism, and diabetes mellitus.
CHOLANGITIS AND CHOLECYSTITIS Clinical signs vary. In some dogs mucocele is clinically
As discussed in the preceding section, primary biliary tract silent and is an incidental finding o n abdominal ultrasonog
disease is less c o m m o n i n dogs than i n cats. The clinical signs raphy (Fig. 38-7). In others nonspecific clinical signs are seen
and diagnostic evaluation are very similar to those i n cats similar to those of other biliary tract diseases with anorexia,
with neutrophilic cholangitis (see Chapter 37). Dogs can be lethargy, vomiting, and icterus. Some dogs present acutely
of any age or breed, and the typical presentation is acute because of gallbladder rupture and bile peritonitis.
onset of anorexia, jaundice, and vomiting, with or without Treatment is usually surgical for clinically affected dogs
pyrexia. In some cases there may have been a previous history with cholecystectomy with or without biliary diversion.
of acute enteritis or pancreatitis, suggesting a potential cause There is a high perioperative mortality, particularly for dogs
for ascending biliary infection from the gut. Mechanical that have biliary diversion surgery. However, those that
obstruction and gallbladder mucocele (discussed i n more survive the perioperative period have a good long-term
detail later) should be ruled out first, usually by ultrasonog prognosis. Medical management of subclinical mucoceles
raphy, and then liver and bile and/or gallbladder mucosa has been reported i n Shetland Sheepdogs (Aguirre et al.,
specimens should be obtained for histopathology and micro 2007). This consisted of a low-fat diet (such as Hills I D or
FIG 38-7
A , Ultrasonographic transverse image of the gallbladder of a dog with a mucocele; note
the stellate pattern to the bile. The mucinous material does not move with change in
patient position. B , Appearance of the gallbladder and contents after surgical removal.
(Courtesy Dr. Kathy A . Spaulding, North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary

FIG 38-8
A , Jaundiced ocular and B , oral mucous membranes in a 6-year-old English Springer
Spaniel with extrahepatic biliary obstruction caused by acute-on-chronic pancreatitis. The
jaundice resolved uneventfully with medical management.

Royal-Canin W a l t h a m intestinal low fat or Eukanuba The most c o m m o n cause o f E B D O in dogs is extraluminal
intestinal diets) with a choleretic (ursodeoxycholic acid 10- obstruction from acute-on-chronic pancreatitis (see Chapter
15 mg/kg total dose daily, preferably split twice daily) and an 40), but intestinal foreign bodies, neoplasia, bile duct involve
anti-oxidant (S-adenosylmethionine 20 mg/kg P O q24h). In ment in a diaphragmatic hernia, and other processes can also
one dog this resulted in resolution of the mucocele, i n two cause E B D O (Fig. 38-8). Bile duct injuries that heal and
dogs the mucocele remained static, one dog died as a result result in stricture formation several weeks later are also seen
of gallbladder rupture, and one dog died as a result o f p u l in dogs; the c o m m o n bile duct ( C B D ) may be compressed
monary thromboembolism, both within 2 weeks o f diagno when carried with the liver into the thorax in dogs with
sis; two dogs were lost to follow-up. It w o u l d seem sensible diaphragmatic hernia. Extraluminal compressive lesions,
also to address the underlying cause o f the dyslipidemia in such as pancreatic, biliary, or duodenal neoplasms, are less
all cases, whether surgically or medically managed. c o m m o n causes, and cholelithiasis as a cause o f E B D O is
rare. T o be considered E B D O , a pathologic process must exist
EXTRAHEPATIC BILE DUCT at the level o f the C B D that impedes bile flow into the duo
OBSTRUCTION denum. O n l y if bile flow has been completely interrupted for
The causes o f extrahepatic bile duct obstruction ( E B D O ) i n several weeks do acholic feces, vitamin K-responsive coagu
dogs are very similar to those i n cats (see B o x 37-4) with lopathy, and repeated absence of urobilinogen in properly
the exception of liver flukes, which are u n c o m m o n in dogs. processed urine specimens occur. If obstruction is incom-
plete, these features are not present and the constellation o f but they may also be found in asymptomatic dogs. These
signs and clinicopathologic test results resembles those o f concretions are radiolucent unless they contain calcium,
other, nonobstructive biliary tract disorders. which occurs about 50% o f the time. Inflammatory abdom
inal effusion is expected i n dogs with bile peritonitis but not
BILE PERITONITIS i n those with most causes o f E B D O (except for effusions
Bile peritonitis results most often from abdominal trauma associated with pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer).
damaging the c o m m o n bile duct (e.g., penetrating injury, The ability to differentiate medical from surgical causes
horse kick, automobile accident) or pathologic rupture o f a of jaundice has been refined with the development o f ultra
severely diseased gallbladder, which sometimes occurs after sonography, although this imaging modality is certainly not
diagnostic ultrasonography-guided aspiration. Early signs foolproof. Dilated and tortuous hepatic bile ducts and C B D ,
of bile peritonitis are nonspecific, but with progression, as well as gallbladder distention, are convincing ultrasono
jaundice, fever, and abdominal effusion are seen. W h e n bile, graphic evidence o f E B D O at the C B D or sphincter of O d d i .
which is normally sterile, comes i n contact with the perito W h e n dilated biliary structures are seen, it might be difficult
neal surface, resultant cell necrosis and changes i n permea to distinguish E B D O that requires surgical intervention from
bility predispose to infection with bacteria that move across resolving, transient E B D O associated with severe acute-on-
the intestinal wall. Hypovolemia and sepsis may occur i n chronic pancreatitis or from nonobstructive biliary disease
animals with undetected bile peritonitis. (e.g., bacterial cholecystitis/cholangitis) unless a source of
obstruction is specifically identified (e.g., pancreatic mass,
Clinical Features cholelith i n the C B D ) . Prolonged fasting causes gallbladder
Presenting clinical signs and clinicopathologic and physical enlargement because o f delayed evacuation and should not
examination findings o f all these disorders may not differ be overinterpreted. In addition, cystic hyperplasia and
greatly unless the underlying condition has caused E B D O epithelial polyp formation are c o m m o n lesions in older
or bile peritonitis. Regardless o f the underlying disorder, dogs, not to be confused with choleliths i n the gallbladder.
typical clinical signs are jaundice, acute or chronic vomiting, A stellate appearance to the contents of the gallbladder is
anorexia, depression, weight loss, and occasionally vague characteristic of gallbladder mucocele. M o n i t o r i n g the serum
cranial abdominal pain. Because o f the protected location o f bilirubin concentration to determine when to intervene sur
the gallbladder in the abdomen, it is rarely possible to be able gically is not worthwhile because it begins to decline over
to palpate it i n a dog with E B D O , unless the gallbladder is days to weeks, without relief o f obstruction, i n both cats
greatly enlarged. and dogs with experimentally induced E B D O . Conversely, i n
some dogs a significant proportion o f bilirubin becomes
Diagnosis irreversibly b o u n d to a l b u m i n i n the circulation ("bilipro
The pattern of clinicopathologic findings typical o f biliary tein"), resulting i n delayed clearance and continued eleva
tract disorders is that o f hyperbilirubinemia, high serum A P tion o f serum bilirubin concentration for up to 2 weeks after
and G G T activities, high fasting and postprandial serum bile the initial insult has resolved.
acid (SBA) concentrations, and less severe changes i n serum
A L T activity. SBA concentrations increase early i n dogs with Treatment and Prognosis
biliary stasis; i n these circumstances the degree of S B A eleva If the distinction between medical and surgical causes o f
tion gives no indication o f liver function. Generally, more jaundice is not clear, it is safer to proceed surgically to avoid
severe cholestatic lesions are associated with more severe excessive delays i n diagnosis. Surgery is required i n dogs with
clinicopathologic changes. Fractionating the total bilirubin persistent E B D O , bile peritonitis, and gallbladder mucocele.
concentration into direct- and indirect-reacting components As with any other form o f liver disease, it is important to
(i.e., the van den Bergh reaction) does not distinguish intra stabilize the patient with fluids and electrolytes and perform
hepatic from extrahepatic cholestasis or obstructive from a hemostasis profile and platelet count before surgery. P r o
nonobstructive cholestasis. Radiographically, there may be longed coagulation times may respond to v i t a m i n K injec
evidence of hepatomegaly and a mass effect i n the area o f tions (1 mg/kg S Q q24h for 24 to 48 hours before and after
the gallbladder on survey abdominal films. Gas shadows surgery), but i f not, a plasma transfusion is advisable before
associated with the gallbladder and other biliary tract surgery to replace clotting factors. If surgery for bile perito
structures could be ascribed to ascending infection with nitis is to be delayed, peritoneal drainage should be estab
gas-forming organisms. Findings consistent with acute-on- lished to remove noxious, bile-containing abdominal fluid
chronic pancreatitis as an underlying cause o f E B D O are loss and for lavage. Should a site o f obstruction or biliary injury
of serosal detail in the area of the pancreas as an indication not be identified, at least tissue (i.e., liver, gallbladder mucosa)
of localized peritonitis, trapped pockets o f gas i n the duode and bile specimens can be obtained for histopathologic and
n u m , and duodenal displacement. However, i n many cases cytologic evaluation and bacterial culture and sensitivity
of chronic pancreatitis imaging findings may be less severe testing. A n y abdominal fluid should be analyzed cytologi
or normal in spite o f extensive fibrosis around the bile duct. cally and cultured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. A liver
Choleliths form i n dogs i n a manner similar to the way they biopsy specimen should also be obtained i n all cases. Typical
form i n cats, usually as a sequela to cholestasis and infection, hepatic histopathologic findings i n dogs with early E B D O
are canalicular bile plugs and bile ductular proliferation, result i n the development o f PSSs and asymmetry of hepatic
with degrees o f periportal inflammation and fibrosis i n lobular and vascular supplies; this is likely also true in dogs.
chronic cases. C o n f o u n d i n g biliary infection can incite a This w o u l d explain why it is relatively c o m m o n to see dogs
stronger inflammatory reaction i n the periportal region. with more than one co-existent congenital vascular disorder
However, it is impossible to diagnose a primary biliary tract i n the liver (e.g. a congenital PSS combined with intrahepatic
infection from a liver biopsy alone. Aerobic and anaerobic portal vein hypoplasia or microvascular dysplasia [ M V D ] )
culture and cytological examination o f bile are required to and w o u l d also explain why dogs with congenital PSSs
diagnosis infectious cholangitis. have a higher prevalence o f other congenital defects, such as
Surgical goals are to relieve biliary obstruction or leakage cryptorchidism and cardiac disorders.
and restore bile flow. Reconstructive procedures to divert bile For ease of categorization and because they have different
flow can be performed i f the cause o f E B D O cannot be cor clinical presentations, congenital vascular disorders have
rected. However, because these carry a poor long-term prog been divided into disorders associated with low portal pres
nosis, less invasive procedures such as stenting are preferred sure and those with high portal pressure. However, it is
whenever possible (Amsellem et al., 2006). important to remember than when two or more congenital
Antibiotic therapy is started immediately after bile hepatic defects occur concurrently, the differentiation will be
samples are obtained; ampicillin or amoxicillin (22 mg/kg less obvious.
IV, S Q , or P O q8h), first-generation cephalosporins (22 m g /
kg I V or P O q8h), or metronidazole (7.5 to 10 mg/ kg P O CONGENITAL VASCULAR DISORDERS
q l 2 h ; use lower dose when severe hepatobiliary dysfunc ASOCIATED WITH LOW PORTAL
tion is present) are good empiric choices as single agents PRESSURE: CONGENITAL
initially in animals without a long history o f antibiotic PORTOSYSTEMIC SHUNT
In cases without complete biliary obstruction (e.g., Etiology and Pathogenesis
ascending cholangitis) or with transient obstruction (e.g., Congenital PSSs are the most c o m m o n congenital portovas
some cases o f acute-on-chronic pancreatitis), medical m a n cular disorder i n dogs. The etiology and pathogenesis are
agement alone is indicated. The choleretic ursodiol is i n d i very similar to those i n cats; the reader is referred to Chapter
cated as additional treatment i n these cases, provided that 37 for more details. M a n y different types o f congenital por
complete E B D O has been ruled out. The recommended dose tovascular anomalies have been reported i n dogs; sometimes
is 10 to 15 mg/kg total daily, preferably split into two doses. they co-exist with intrahepatic or extrahepatic portal vein
In addition, all cases (both medical and surgical) should hypoplasia or intrahepatic M V D (discussed i n more detail
receive antioxidant therapy, preferably with vitamin E later). However, a distinguishing feature of isolated congen
(400 I U for a 30-kg dog, scaled appropriately to the size o f ital PSS is that it results i n low portal pressure, because some
the dog; tablets usually come as 100 I U , 200 I U , or 400 I U ) b l o o d is shunted away from the high resistance sinusoidal
and S-adenosylmethionine (20 mg/kg P O q24h) because it circulation by the shunting vessel. Dogs with isolated con
has been demonstrated that bile reflux i n the liver is a potent genital PSS therefore do not present with ascites unless they
oxidant toxin. Dogs should be fed a high quality diet which are severely hypoalbuminemic. This allows differentiation
is not protein-restricted: i n most cases, a diet designed for from the congenital vascular disorders associated with
critical care feeding is more appropriate than a manufac increased portal pressure, and therefore acquired PSS, out
tured liver support diet, because the dog is suffering an lined below, i n which portal hypertension and associated
inflammatory and/or septic process whereas hepatocyte ascites are c o m m o n at presentation.
function is usually good. Canine congenital PSS can be extrahepatic or intrahe
The prognosis for dogs with E B D O or bile peritonitis patic. Extrahepatic PSSs are anomalous vessels connecting
depends on the underlying cause. If the cause can be the portal vein or one o f its contributors (left gastric, splenic,
addressed without surgical reconstruction, the prognosis is cranial or caudal mesenteric, or gastroduodenal veins) to the
fair to good. If extensive biliary reconstruction is needed, the caudal vena cava or azygos vein. They are most commonly
prognosis is guarded. recognized i n small-breed dogs and have a high prevalence
i n C a i r n Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, West Highland White
Terriers, Maltese, Havanese, other terriers, and Miniature
CONGENITAL VASCULAR DISORDERS Schnauzers (Fig. 38-9). Intrahepatic PSSs may be left-sided,
i n which case they are thought to represent persistence of the
Congenital disorders o f hepatic vasculature, both intrahe fetal ductus venosus, or they can be right-sided or central, in
patic and extrahepatic, are more c o m m o n i n dogs than i n which case they likely have a different embryological origin.
cats. There are some breed-related tendencies, suggesting a Intrahepatic PSS is more c o m m o n l y seen i n large-breed
genetic basis to some disorders, but it is also assumed that dogs, but Collies also tend to have extrahepatic PSSs, despite
most o f them result from some type o f (as yet undefined) being large dogs. Increased breed prevalence suggests a
insult i n utero. It is k n o w n that experimental reduction i n genetic basis to the disease, but this has only been investi
flow i n the umbilical vein i n sheep and other species can gated i n Irish Wolfhounds, i n which an inherited basis of
FIG 38-9
Typical small-breed dogs with congenital extrahepatic portosytemic shunts. A , An 8-month-
old female Border Terrier. B , A 9-month-old female Miniature Schnauzer.

patent ductus venosus has been demonstrated, and i n C a i r n neurological signs and (in some cases) palpable renomegaly.
Terriers with extrahepatic PSS, i n which an autosomal poly The latter is due to circulatory changes and is not a reflection
genic inheritance or monogenic with variable expression is of renal disease; it is o f no clinical significance and regresses
suspected (Van Straten et a l , 2005). Affected Irish Wolf after shunt ligation. Other congenital defects may be appar
hounds tend to have smaller litters and can also produce ent, particularly cryptorchidism.
more than one puppy with a PSS i n a litter.
One study reported that dogs from breeds that were not Diagnosis
usually recognized as having a high risk of PSS were more Diagnosis o f congenital PSS i n dogs is the same as i n cats
likely to present with unusual anatomical forms o f PSS that (see Chapter 37) and relies on visualizing the shunting vessel
were less often amenable to surgical management (Hunt, ultrasonographically, with portovenography (Fig. 38-10), or
2004). grossly at surgery. Scintigraphy can demonstrate shunting
but is not helpful to differentiate congenital from acquired
Clinical Features PSS, so some other imaging method is necessary for treat
Clinical signs are very similar to those i n cats; neurological, ment decisions. See Chapter 36 for more information on
gastrointestinal, and urinary tract signs predominate (see imaging PSS.
Chapter 37 for more details). A b o u t 75% o f dogs present It is important, i f possible, to try to estimate how well-
before 1 year of age, but some present at an older age, with developed the remaining hepatic portal vasculature is by
some as old as 10 years o f age before signs are recognized. repeating the portovenography after ligation and/or by eval
There is a spectrum of severity of neurological signs ranging uating the histological findings on liver biopsies taken at the
from severely affected young puppies that persistently circle, time o f ligation. This is a work i n progress, but there is a
become centrally blind, and can even have seizures or become strong suspicion that the prognosis postligation may depend
comatose to very mildly affected individuals. It is likely that o n the potential for the intrahepatic vasculature to open up
this variation reflects differences i n shunt fraction and also after surgery and that dogs that do poorly postoperatively
dietary and other environmental differences among dogs. may have concurrent portal vein hypoplasia and/or M V D
Polydipsia and polyuria with hyposthenuric urine are rela (discussed i n more detail later).
tively common; this is largely due to high Cortisol concentra Nonspecific clinicopathologic findings i n more than 50%
tion i n affected dogs (see Chapter 35) and also increases in of affected dogs, regardless o f the type o f vascular anomaly,
antidiuretic hormone and reduced renal medullar concen are microcytosis, hypoalbuminemia, m i l d increases i n serum
trating gradient (see Chapter 35). Urate uroliths are also A P and A L T activities, hypocholesterolemia, and l o w B U N
common and can be renal. Anecdotally, urate renal calculi concentration. Fasting bile acid concentrations may be
seem to be more c o m m o n i n terriers, and dogs presenting normal or high, but postprandial bile acid concentrations
with calculi often do not have prominent neurological signs. are high i n all cases. However, this does not distinguish con
O n physical examination animals are often (but not always) genital PSS from acquired PPS or early cholestasis, which
smaller than their littermates and may have non-localizing also causes increases i n bile acid concentrations. Postpran-
FIG 38-10
A , Portovenogram in a 1-year-old Golden Retriever with an intrahepatic portosystemic
shunt. This was a central divisional shunt and had a venous sinus-like structure, as
demonstrated well in this radiograph. B , Normal portovenogram in a dog for comparison.
(Courtesy the Diagnostic Imaging Department, the Queen's Veterinary School Hospital,
University of Cambridge.)

dial a m m o n i a concentration can also be measured and will aware of the small but definite risk of postoperative mortal
be high, whereas fasting a m m o n i a concentration may be ity as a result o f portal hypertension and/or refractory sei
high or n o r m a l (see B o x 36-1 for details of how to perform zures and of the potential that the PSS may be only partially
an a m m o n i a challenge test). A m m o n i a tolerance or chal and not totally ligated. In fact, it is more c o m m o n to be able
lenge tests are potentially dangerous because they can pre to partially ligate the PSS at the first surgery because the
cipitate an encephalopathic crisis. Other tests have been portal vasculature cannot initially accommodate all the
evaluated for their sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis shunting blood. In some cases it is possible to repeat
of PSS. Protein C , a liver-derived anticoagulant factor, is also the surgery at a later date to ligate the PSS further, but this
decreased i n dogs with PSS and increases after ligation; this is often not necessary to control clinical signs. A few dogs
can help differentiate PSS from M V D . with partially ligated shunts develop portal hypertension
Puppies o f high-risk breeds could be screened for con and multiple acquired PSS with a recurrence of their clinical
genital PSS by measuring bile acid or ammonia concentra signs. There are several different surgical procedures
tions before they are placed into homes, but there are described for ligation o f PSS, but they are outside the scope
potential false positives with both of these tests and no puppy of this book. In addition to surgical ligation, PSS may be
should be euthanized or labeled as having a definite con attenuated with ameroid constrictors (Fig. 38-11) or embo
genital PSS on the basis o f high bile acid and/or ammonia lized with coils. Laparoscopic ligation of PSS has been
concentrations without further evidence. N o r m a l Irish Wolf reported in two dogs (Miller et a l , 2006). Ligation of a PSS
hounds can have a transiently high b l o o d a m m o n i a concen requires an experienced surgeon.
tration between the ages o f 6 to 8 weeks; this normalizes at Medical management is required to stabilize the patient
3 to 4 months of age. Zandlivet et al. (2007) have demon before surgery and also for about 8 weeks after surgery while
strated that this is due to a clinically insignificant urea cycle the hepatic vasculature and mass recover. This involves
defect. Postprandial bile acid concentrations can be falsely careful dietary management combined, in many cases, with
elevated in Maltese puppies without PSS for u n k n o w n antibiotics and soluble dietary fiber. The details are outlined
reasons, again confusing any efforts at screening tests in this in Chapter 39. In some cases medical management may con
breed (Tisdall et a l , 1995). tinue successfully over the course of the patient's life as an
O n diagnostic imaging the liver is frequently (but not alternative to surgery (Watson et al., 1998). Usually, this is
always) small. Ultrasonography now has a high sensitivity because the client cannot afford referral or is unhappy about
and specificity for the diagnosis o f both intrahepatic and the risks associated with surgery or because the patient has
extrahepatic PSS; furthermore, their anatomy can usually multiple or intrahepatic shunts. M i l d l y affected and older
also be described ultrasonographically. animals are good candidates for medical management; gen
erally, these are the individuals with smaller shunting frac
Treatment and Prognosis tions. Dogs (particularly terriers) that present at an older age
Surgical occlusion o f the anomalous vessel to restore normal with urate stones but no neurological signs, are also good
portal circulation has long been recommended as the treat candidates for medical management alone. In addition, dogs
ment o f choice. In many cases this will restore n o r m a l or with concurrent portal vein hypoplasia and/or M V D tend to
near normal liver function. However, owners need to be have a higher surgical risk and are best managed medically.
of arterioles, and a variable amount o f m i l d fibrosis. There
are some reports o f overt hypoplasia o f the extrahepatic
portal vein, but most reports of noncirrhotic portal hyper
tension and M V D appear to describe portal vein hypoplasia
confined to the intrahepatic vasculature. These diseases may
all be different abnormalities or they may represent different
spectra o f the same abnormalities, but their clinical presen
tation, treatment, and prognosis are similar. A lack o f intra
hepatic or extrahepatic portal vein branches results i n portal
hypertension, with the same potential consequences as those
of chronic hepatitis (see preceding section), including ascites,
gut wall edema, and often G I ulceration and acquired PSS.
Dogs with M V D often do not present with notable portal
hypertension, but it is grouped with these diseases by the
FIG 3 8 - 1 1
W S A V A liver standardization group (Cullen et al., 2006).
Lateral abdominal radiograph of a 3-year-old Miniature
Schnauzer that had an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt Dogs reported with M V D typically have shunting at the level
ligated with an ameroid constrictor 2 years previously. Note of the hepatic lobule but do not have clinical signs of overt
the ameroid is visible as a radiodense ring in the craniodor portal hypertension.
sal abdomen. (Courtesy the Diagnostic Imaging Department, A n y breed can be affected, but M V D particularly affects
the Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of small-breed dogs, with Yorkshire Terriers and C a i r n Terriers
showing a particularly high incidence.

Clinical Signs
Medical management does not reverse the underlying Dogs with all these conditions typically present at a young
disorder but can result i n good long-term results. Once the age with a combination o f signs o f portal hypertension and
dog has reached adulthood, there is no evidence that the liver PSS, the severity o f w h i c h depends o n that o f their lesions.
progressively atrophies throughout life. Ultimately, more Because o f the acquired PSS seen i n these patients, some of
studies are needed to identify the factors that are most the clinical signs and clinicopathologic findings overlap with
important i n determining prognosis after medical and/or those o f congenital PSS, particularly because all these disor
surgical management and to help identify preoperatively the ders typically present i n young dogs. Therefore presence of
small number of animals that w i l l have a poor outcome after other signs o f portal hypertension (e.g., ascites) is an impor
surgery. tant clinical clue that one of these disorders with acquired
PSS may be present, rather than a congenital PSS.
CONGENITAL VASCULAR Dogs with portal vein hypoplasia or idiopathic noncir
DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH rhotic portal hypertension typically present between 1 and
PORTAL PRESSURE 4 years o f age and are often purebreds o f either gender; large
There are a number of less c o m m o n congenital vascular breeds predominate. Early reports of "congenital" or juvenile
disorders of the liver i n dogs that present with n o r m a l or hepatic fibrosis i n G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs may also have
high portal pressure, rather than the low portal pressure seen represented a form of noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Pre
in association with congenital PSS. Because o f the portal senting signs are typically those o f portal hypertension, with
hypertension, the affected dog may present with the constel abdominal distention associated with effusion; GI signs;
lation of typical clinical signs (see Chapter 39), including polydipsia; weight loss; and, less consistently, signs o f H E .
ascites, and the potential for GI ulceration i n addition to Dogs are often surprisingly alert (Fig. 38-12).
multiple acquired PSS and H E . W i t h the exception o f arte Dogs with M V D present with similar clinicopathological
riovenous fistulae, none of these conditions can be treated findings but usually without overt evidence o f portal hyper
surgically; however, some o f them have a good long-term tension or ascites. M V D tends to affect terriers and thus
prognosis with medical management. overlaps with breeds at high risk for congenital PSS. In addi
tion, some dogs may have both congenital PSS and M V D or
Primary Hypoplasia of The Portal Vein/ portal vein hypoplasia, further confusing the diagnosis.
Microvascular Dysplasia/Noncirrhotic C a i r n Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers i n particular have been
Portal Hypertension reported with M V D . In one breed (the C a i r n Terrier), the
site of anatomic abnormality has been identified as the ter
Etiology and Pathogenesis m i n a l portal veins. In this breed it is believed to be an auto
There are several reports of vascular disorders i n young dogs somal, inherited trait, but the specific mode of inheritance
associated with portal hypertension, usually ascites, and has not been established. Typical signs include vomiting,
characteristic histopathological changes i n the liver o f a diarrhea, and signs o f H E , although the clinical signs, par
reduction i n smaller portal vein branches, increased numbers ticularly the H E , are notably milder i n dogs with M V D than
FIG 38-12
A female German Shepherd Dog with noncirrhotic portal hypertension. A , At 14 months of
age, with ascites and in poor body condition but remarkably alert B, 5 years later on medical
management onlyvery stable and in good body condition with no detectable ascites.
The dog lived for 8 years with a good quality of life before developing a gastroduodenal
ulcer (see Chapter 39). C , Drugs that the dog received long term, in addition to dietary
management. (B and C reproduced by permission from UK Vet, 9(7):41, 2004.)

in those with congenital PSS unless both disorders occur rhotic portal hypertension; it may be possible to visualize
concurrently. Dogs with only M V D are somewhat older, and multiple acquired PSSs ultrasonographically. Dogs with
many have m i l d to no signs of illness. In the case of young M V D alone tend not to have ascites and have less marked
purebred dogs that have been screened for congenital PSS increases i n S B A concentrations than dogs with true con
before sale or that are i l l for nonhepatic reasons, high S B A genital PSS.
concentration may be the only finding. The most important aspects of identifying a dog with
M V D / p o r t a l vein hypoplasia/noncirrhotic portal hyperten
Diagnosis sion are ruling out a surgically correctable PSS, identifying
Diagnosis of M V D / i n t r a h e p a t i c portal vein hypoplasia and portal hypertension (which requires treatment, see Chapter
noncirrhotic portal hypertension relies ultimately o n liver 39), and obtaining a liver biopsy for confirmation or exclu
biopsy findings of intrahepatic portal vein hypoplasia i n sion of other hepatopathies. Portal vein hypoplasia and non
the absence of a grossly demonstrable shunting vessel. The cirrhotic portal hypertension are very similarly clinically, on
liver biopsy findings alone can be indistinguishable from clinical pathology, and on diagnostic imaging to end-stage
the changes that occur secondary to congenital PSS, and chronic hepatitis with cirrhosis, and the only way to differ
therefore the clinical findings of concurrent portal hyper entiate the two is on liver histology. In general, portal vein
tension and ruling out a shunting vessel are important hypoplasia/noncirrhotic portal hypertension carries a much
parts of the final diagnosis. Clinicopathologic findings better long-term prognosis than cirrhosis, so the differentia
are very similar to those i n dogs with congenital PSS and tion is important prognostically.
include microcytosis, evidence of hepatic dysfunction (e.g.,
hypoalbuminemia), and low urine specific gravity. Micro Treatment and Prognosis
hepatia and hypoechogenic abdominal fluid are the notable The prognosis for all these conditions appears to be relatively
abdominal ultrasonographic findings i n dogs with noncir good, provided the clinical signs can be controlled. They are
nonprogressive, and there is no surgical treatment for any of two dogs. Clostridium sp. was the only isolate cultured anaer
them; symptomatic therapy of H E , ascites, and G I ulceration obically from abscess fluid i n 4 of 7 dogs.
(if present) is usually successful (see Chapter 39). It should
be noted that glucocorticoid therapy is absolutely contrain Clinical Features
dicated in these dogs and is likely to worsen the outcome The typical signalment and physical examination findings i n
because of the associated portal hypertension and high risk dogs with hepatic abscesses depend o n the underlying cause.
of GI ulceration. This underlines the importance of liver Dogs over 8 years o l d are most often affected because the
biopsy in these dogs, allowing differentiation from chronic predisposing causes of liver abscesses are seen more c o m
hepatitis. m o n l y i n older dogs. Regardless o f the initiating event,
One study of dogs with noncirrhotic portal hypertension anorexia, lethargy, and v o m i t i n g are consistent presenting
concluded that affected dogs might live as long as 9 years complaints. Expected physical examination findings include
after diagnosis with appropriate symptomatic therapy. A fever, dehydration, and abdominal pain. Hepatomegaly may
few dogs were euthanized because of problems related to be detected i n dogs with diabetes mellitus or hyperadreno
persistent portal hypertension (e.g., duodenal ulceration). corticism and i n some dogs with primary hepatobiliary
Dogs with M V D tend to have milder clinical signs than dogs disease.
with congenital PSS and can be managed medically with
success over the long term. Affected dogs seem to live c o m Diagnosis
fortably i n good to excellent condition for at least 5 years Neutrophilic leukocytosis with a left shift, with or without
(Christiansen et al., 2000). toxic changes, and high serum A L P and A L T activities are
dependable but nonspecific clinicopathologic abnormalities.
Arterioportal Fistula Survey abdominal radiographs may reveal evidence of irreg
Intrahepatic arterioportal fistula, causing marked volume ular hepatomegaly, a mass, or gas opacities within the area
overload of the portal circulation resulting i n portal hyper of the hepatic parenchyma (Fig. 38-13), but ultrasonography
tension, acquired PSSs, and ascites, is seen occasionally. is the imaging modality of choice. One or more hypoechoic
Abdominal ultrasonography with Doppler can frequently or anechoic hepatic masses and perhaps a hyperechoic r i m
detect the tortuous tubular structures representing the con surrounding the mass or masses are characteristic findings.
nection between an artery and overperfused portal vein or If there are multiple masses that w o u l d preclude surgical
veins; sometimes the turbulent b l o o d flow through the fistula removal or i f the owner declines surgery, F N A cytologic
can be auscultated through the body wall. If only one lobe analysis of the contents o f a representative lesion w i l l distin
of the liver is affected, the lobe containing the arterioportal guish an abscess from nodular hyperplasia, neoplasm (e.g.,
fistula can be removed surgically; assuming that there is hemangiosarcoma), or granuloma. Ideally, material should
adequate intrahepatic portal vasculature, acquired PSSs be obtained for cytologic analysis and aerobic and anaerobic
regress once portal overcirculation subsides. M o r e often, bacterial culture from a representative lesion deep i n the liver
multiple liver lobes are involved, making surgical treatment parenchyma to prevent abscess rupture and abdominal con
impossible. tamination. Abscess material should also be obtained by this
approach during surgery so that antibiotic treatment can
be initiated postoperatively. Ultrasound-guided drainage of
FOCAL HEPATIC LESIONS the abscess can also be used as treatment i n combination
with appropriate antibiotics (discussed i n more detail later).
ABSCESSES Results o f the preliminary clinicopathologic and radio
graphic evaluation should be scrutinized for evidence of
Etiology previously mentioned associated or predisposing illnesses.
Hepatic abscesses are usually the result of septic emboliza
tion from an intraabdominal bacterial infection. In puppies Treatment and Prognosis
they are a frequently a consequence of omphalophlebitis, Treatment for liver abscesses consists of surgical removal of
whereas in adult dogs they arise most often subsequent to infected tissue, administration of appropriate antibiotics,
inflammatory conditions of the pancreas or hepatobiliary supportive care, and resolution of underlying predisposing
system. Adult dogs with certain endocrine diseases, such as conditions. Infected liver tissue should be removed, i f pos
diabetes mellitus or hyperadrenocorticism, are also at risk. sible, and submitted for histopathologic examination and
Occasionally, infection arising from a location other than the bacterial culture i f this was not done preoperatively. Fluid,
abdominal cavity, such as the endocardium, lung, or blood, electrolyte, and acid-base abnormalities are addressed.
may disseminate to the liver, causing abscessation. Administration of a combination of antibiotics with a gram-
In a review (Farrar et al., 1996) of 14 dogs with hepatic negative and anaerobic spectrum is initiated until culture
abscesses, aerobic bacteria were isolated i n 9 of 10 cases i n and sensitivity test results are available. Because staphylo
which material from the hepatic lesions was submitted for cocci and Clostridia are the most c o m m o n isolates, amoxicil
culture. Although the most c o m m o n isolates were gram- lin (10 to 20 mg/kg I V q8h) or enrofloxacin (2.5 mg/kg I V
negative organisms, Staphylococcus spp. were identified i n or P O q l 2 h ) combined with metronidazole (10 mg/kg P O
FIG 38-13
A , Lateral abdominal radiograph of a 1-year-old female Great Dane with a liver abscess
[arrows) caused by Clostridium spp.; the cause was undetermined. B , Gross appearance
of the resected liver lobe containing an abscess (arrow).

q8-12h or 7.5 mg/kg P O q8-12h for dogs with hepatic dys change occurs m u c h less frequently and w o u l d be identified
function) or clindamycin (10 mg/kg I V or P O q l 2 h ) is a i n liver biopsy specimens. The lesion consists of increased
good empiric choice. Surgery is not indicated i n animals numbers o f normal to vacuolated hepatocytes with more
with multiple abscesses; ultrasound-guided centesis and mitotic figures and fewer binucleate cells than expected in
abscess evacuation may be a reasonable adjunct to treatment. normal liver; components of normal lobular architecture
Antibiotic treatment is continued on a long-term basis, (e.g., portal tracts, central vein) remain. Adjacent paren
usually for 6 to 8 weeks or until clinicopathologic and ultra chyma is compressed by growth of the nodules; fibrosis,
sonographic indicators of abscessation are resolved. F r o m necrosis, inflammation, and bile ductule hyperplasia are
the limited information available about this rare condition, absent. Because the prognosis for each of these nodular con
it seems that w i t h aggressive medical and surgical manage ditions is different and the margin of the lesion with adjacent
ment the prognosis for dogs with liver abscesses may not be hepatic tissue is important to establish a diagnosis, a wedge
as poor as once thought. biopsy is recommended. Needle specimens are likely to be
too small to confidently differentiate nodular hyperplasia
NODULAR HYPERPLASIA from primary hepatocellular carcinoma or adenoma. The
Hepatic nodular hyperplasia is a benign condition o f older cause o f this lesion is unknown; on the basis of experimen
dogs that does not cause clinical illness; clinicians should be tal development o f nodular hyperplasia in rodent species,
aware o f it, however, because hyperplastic nodules may be some have speculated a dietary role (low protein).
misinterpreted as a more serious condition, such as primary
or metastatic malignancy or regenerative nodules associated NEOPLASIA
with cirrhosis. The prevalence increases with age, and as
many as 70% to 100% o f dogs older than 14 years o f age Etiology
have some microscopic or macroscopic hyperplasia. Affected Primary hepatic neoplasms are rare i n dogs, accounting for
dogs have high serum A L P activity (usually 2.5-fold eleva fewer than 1.5% o f all canine tumors. Unlike in cats, malig
tion but may be as high as fourteenfold), which prompts nant tumors are more c o m m o n than benign tumors, and
investigation for hyperadrenocorticism. There is no evidence metastatic tumors are 2.5 times more c o m m o n than primary
of hepatic dysfunction o n serum biochemical analysis. M a n y tumors i n dogs. Metastases particularly arise from primary
dogs have multiple macroscopic nodules found ultrasono neoplasms i n the spleen, pancreas, and GI tract (Fig. 38-14);
graphically or at surgery, ranging i n size from 2 to 5 c m i n the liver can also be involved in systemic malignancies such
diameter; some dogs have a single nodule. M i c r o n o d u l a r as lymphoma, malignant histiocytosis, and mastocytosis.
Although certain chemicals can induce hepatic neoplasms examination or diagnostic imaging without supportive his
experimentally and infectious hepatitis is also a predisposing tology. The left liver lobes are often affected by hepatocel
cause in other species, the cause o f naturally occurring lular carcinoma which can occur i n three different patterns:
canine hepatic neoplasms is unknown. The types o f primary massive (single, large nodule; most c o m m o n ) , nodular
hepatic tumors seen in dogs and their relative importance (multiple smaller nodules), and diffuse (indistinct nodules
and metastatic potential are outlined in Table 38-3. throughout). The behavior o f each type of tumor tends also
to be different, as outlined i n Table 38-3.
Clinical Features Clinicopathologic abnormalities are likewise not specific
Clinical signs and physical examination findings i n dogs for neoplasia and b l o o d tests may be normal, even i n dogs
with primary or secondary liver tumors are nonspecific, with extensive involvement. Dogs with l y m p h o m a infiltrat
except for diffuse or nodular hepatomegaly. Even this can be ing the liver usually have marked increases i n A L T and A L P
confused with other conditions, such as macronodular cir activities but are rarely jaundiced; moreover, they may have
rhosis or benign nodular hyperplasia, which are also c o m m o n normal liver echotexture. Hypoglycemia has been described
in older dogs. Therefore no dog should be euthanized on the in association with hepatocellular carcinoma in dogs and can
basis of a presumptive diagnosis o f a liver mass on clinical be due to paraneoplastic production o f insulin-like growth
factor. Massive forms of hepatocellular carcinoma have a low
metastatic rate. Metastases from other diffuse and nodular
forms of hepatocellular carcinoma or biliary carcinoma
usually occur early; the most c o m m o n sites are regional
lymph nodes, lung, and peritoneal surfaces. Hepatocellular
adenoma (hepatoma) is a benign tumor that most often
occurs as a single mass that is typically smaller than the
massive form o f hepatocellular carcinoma but can be m u l t i
focal. Histologic features o f hepatocellular adenoma are very
similar to those o f nodular hyperplasia (or indeed normal
liver) except for the presence o f a fine r i m o f reticulin sur
rounding the adenoma and lack o f apparent normal archi
tecture (i.e., few portal tracts, no central veins).

Treatment and Prognosis

FIG 38-14 W h e n a single large hepatic mass is identified, it can be very
Gross appearance of liver post-mortem from a 2-year-old difficult to distinguish well-differentiated hepatocellular
male Husky with a metastic carcinoma. carcinoma from nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular

TABLE 38-3
Primary Liver Tumors in Dogs
Note that malignant tumors are more common than benign tumors and that metastases to the liver are more common than
primary liver tumors in dogs.


Hepatocellular tumors: H C C most common primary liver tumor in dogs (50%). Most are
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) massive; some are nodular or diffuse. Miniature Schnauzers and
Hepatocellular adenoma/hepatoma male dogs may be at increased risk. MR 0% to 3 7 % for massive
(Hepatoblastomavery rare) and 9 3 % to 100% for nodular and diffuse forms.
Adenoma uncommon and usually incidental.
Biliary tract tumors: Bile duct carcinomas second most common primary tumor in dogs
Biliary carcinoma (including cystadenocarcinoma) (22% to 4 1 % of malignant canine liver tumors). Labrador Retrievers
Biliary adenoma and females may be at increased risk. Usually aggressive. MR up
Gallbladder tumors to 88%. Adenomas uncommon and gallbladder tumors very rare.
Neuroendocrine tumors: Very rare, but always diffuse or nodular, and very aggressive.
Hepatic carcinoid
Primary hepatic sarcomas: Uncommon. Most locally aggressive, diffuse or nodular and high MR.
Hemangiosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, and others

MR, Metastatic rate.

adenoma. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for creatic tumors and dogs without. It has been proposed that
primary hepatic neoplasms and for massive hepatocellular canine superficial necrolytic dermatitis represents a meta
carcinoma. In the latter, it usually carries a good prognosis bolic hepatopathy with increased hepatic catabolism of
because they have a lower metastatic rate than the more amino acids that decreases their peripheral availability.
diffuse and nodular forms of the tumor and local recurrence Recently, 11 dogs with superficial necrolytic dermatitis
rate after liver lobectomy is reportedly less than 13%. Long- secondary to chronic phenobarbital administration for
term (2- to 3-year) survival rates after surgical resection are epilepsy were reported (March et al., 2004). The median age
c o m m o n i n dogs with massive hepatocellular carcinoma of the affected dogs was 10 years, and the median duration
Surgical excision is therefore the treatment of choice for of phenobarbital therapy was 6 years. N o other underlying
single tumors involving one liver lobe because this allows cause could be found. Plasma amino acid concentrations
both diagnosis and, i n many cases, cure. The prognosis for were markedly decreased i n the only dog in which they were
diffuse and nodular hepatocellular carcinoma and other measured.
forms o f primary malignant liver tumors is poor because Whatever the underlying pathogenesis, dogs with super
there is no effective therapy. Radiation therapy is not effec ficial necrolytic dermatitis are at high risk of becoming dia
tive because the liver cannot tolerate cumulative doses of betic, which is reported i n 25% to 40% of cases. This is easy
radiation. Hepatic tumors also respond poorly to chemo to explain if b l o o d glucagon concentrations are high, because
therapy, likely partly because of development of rapid drug glucagon is a diabetogenic hormone, but is difficult to explain
resistance by neoplastic hepatocytes. The response of sec on the basis of simple amino acid alterations.
ondary (metastatic) liver tumors depends o n the type and
location of the primary; responses i n dogs w i t h l y m p h o m a Clinical Findings
are very good to excellent, and i n dogs with hemangisoar Idiopathic superficial necrolytic dermatitis is reported most
coma they are good. Metastatic carcinomas or carcinoids of often i n older dogs of small breeds; i n one study 75% of the
the liver rarely respond to chemotherapy. affected dogs were male (Outerbridge et al., 2002). Most
dogs present because of their skin disease rather than their
primary liver disease. Typically, there is erythema; crusting;
HEPATOCUTANEOUS SYNDROME/ and hyperkeratosis affecting the footpads, the nose, and peri
SUPERFICIAL NECROLYTIC DERMATITIS orbital, perianal, and genital areas and also often pressure
points o n the limbs. The paw lesions can be extremely painful
Etiology and Pathogenesis because o f associated fissures and may result in lameness and
Hepatocutaneous syndrome (also k n o w n as superficial necro secondary infection. Signs of liver disease may also be present
lytic dermatitis, metabolic epidermal necrosis, and necrolytic (although usually not), and diabetes mellitus often develops
migratory erythema) is a skin condition reported i n associa later i n the disease process, especially i f the animal is given
tion w i t h certain liver diseases that usually carries a poor diabetogenic drugs such as glucocorticoids i n an attempt to
prognosis. The pathophysiology and underlying causes i n control the skin disease.
dogs remain unclear, and it is likely multifactorial. It occurs
in association w i t h certain classical findings o n hepatic ultra Diagnosis
sonography and histopathology, and often no underlying Definitive diagnosis is based on skin biopsy findings that are
cause is found. However, because it is likely that many cases very characteristic and unique: The only syndrome with a
represent a hepatic reaction to an underlying endocrine similar appearance on skin histopathology is zinc-responsive
tumor or disorder, superficial necrolytic dermatitis repre dermatosis. There is a marked parakeratotic hyperkeratosis
sents an intermediate disorder between primary liver disease with intercellular and intracellular edema and hyperplastic
and secondary hepatopathies. basal cells, producing a characteristic "red, white, and blue"
The underlying pathogenesis i n the skin appears to be due appearance o n hematoxylin and eosin staining.
to abnormally l o w circulating amino acid concentrations The associated hepatic findings are more nonspecific,
and thus malnutrition of the skin, particularly i n areas of except for the ultrasonographic findings. There are usually
poor b l o o d supply, such as the extremities. Z i n c deficiency increases i n liver enzyme activities, and there may be hypo
may also be involved because the histological appearance o f albuminemia in some cases. In dogs that are diabetic there
the skin is very similar to that i n dogs with zinc-responsive is hyperglycemia and glycosuria. The classical ultrasono
dermatosis; fatty acid deficiencies have also been implicated. graphic appearance is a "Swiss-cheese" liver consisting of
In humans the disorder is usually associated with a gluca multiple hypoechoic regions with hyperechoic borders (Fig.
gon-secreting tumor of the pancreas. However, glucagono 38-15). Hepatic histology i n all cases is remarkably similar,
mas are rarely reported i n affected dogs, and circulating showing what has been described as a distinctive form of
glucagon concentrations are usually n o r m a l (although they macronodular cirrhosis. The liver is divided into regenera
may be occasionally high). Plasma amino acid concentra tive hyperplastic nodules with fibrous septa and bordered by
tions have been reported to be very l o w i n all affected dogs characteristic ballooned, vacuolated hepatocytes but with
in which they have been measured, both i n dogs with pan m i n i m a l or no inflammation or necrosis.
S-adenosylmethionine supplementation with antibiotics;
however, one dog d i d become diabetic a m o n t h after

Secondary (reactive and vacuolar) hepatopathies are very
c o m m o n i n dogs. In fact, i n pathology studies it is clear that
they are more c o m m o n than primary hepatic disease. M a n y
of these hepatopathies result i n elevations i n liver enzymes,
but the liver changes are usually not clinically significant and
usually do not result i n compromised liver function. However,
FIG 38-15 they are often confused with primary liver disease, and it is
Ultrasonographic appearance of the liver of a 6-year-old important to rule out secondary hepatopathies as m u c h as
Border Terrier with hepatocutaneous syndrome secondary to
possible i n the w o r k u p o f dogs with elevated liver enzymes
chronic phenobarbital medication for idiopathic epilepsy.
to allow identification and treatment o f the underlying
Note the typical hypoechoic "holes" in the liver parenchyma
on the left. (Courtesy Diagnostic Imaging Department, Queen's primary disease (e.g., endocrine disease or inflammatory
Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge.) disease elsewhere i n the splanchic bed). It is also important
to be aware that raised liver enzymes i n an o l d dog have
many other causes apart from primary liver disease and to
Treatment a n d Prognosis resist the tendency to immediately put such dogs o n a
The prognosis is very poor unless the underlying cause can protein-restricted diet and other medication for liver disease
be identified and treated; most dogs live for less than 6 before w o r k i n g up the case properly. M a n y dogs with sec
months. There have been reports o f resolution o f disease i f ondary hepatopathies will not have hepatic histopathology
a pancreatic tumor is identified and removed. Dogs with performed because the primary cause will be identified with
phenobarbital-associated hepatocutaneous syndrome may other tests. However, it is convenient from a classification
improve when the drug is withdrawn, although this has point o f view to split secondary hepatopathies into three
not yet been demonstrated. A n alternative nonhepatotoxic groups on the basis o f their appearance histopathologically:
therapy for their epilepsy will need to be instituted; potas secondary hepatopathies associated with hepatocyte swelling
sium bromide might be an alternative choice, but it takes and/or vacuolation, hepatic congestion/edema, and reactive
weeks to reach steady-state. Gabapentin might also be used, hepatitis.
although this is only effective i n some dogs. For additional
information, please see Chapter 67. HEPATOCYTE VACUOLATION
W h e n an underlying cause cannot be identified and Secondary hepatopathies associated with hepatocyte vacu
treated, therapy is symptomatic and supportive. The most olation are divided into steroid-induced hepatopathy and
important aspect is amino acid/protein supplementation; in hepatocellular steatosis (lipidosis/fatty change). Steroid-
a few cases this may lead to long-term survival. There are induced hepatopathy is characterized by hepatocellular gly
single case reports of humans with resolution o f the disease cogen accumulation, which is distinctive from steatosis, i n
after amino acid infusions and/or regular dietary supple which fat (rather than glycogen) accumulates i n hepatocytes.
mentation of egg protein; feeding egg yolks has also been The difference can be demonstrated with special stains (Peri
reported as resulting in a clinical improvement i n some dogs. odic acid Schiff for glycogen and O i l red O or Sudan black
It is unclear whether eggs are beneficial simply because they for fat), but there are some differences also o n routine hema
are a high-quality amino acid supplement or whether there toxylin and eosin staining that help with differentiation:
are other beneficial micronutrients i n the eggs. Dogs with Glycogen vacuoles tend not to displace the nucleus from the
hepatocutaneous syndrome should not be fed proprietary center o f the cell and often contain strands o f eosinophilic
diets for liver disease because these are protein restricted. material, whereas classic steatosis is associated with clear,
Other support included antibiotics for secondary skin infec empty vacuoles (because the fat is lost i n processing) and the
tions (such as cefalexin 20 mg/kg q l 2 h ) and antioxidants nucleus is often displaced to the edge of the cell (Fig. 38-16).
(see the section on the treatment o f chronic hepatitis). In Both types of vacuolar hepatopathy are reversible when
addition, zinc and fatty acid supplementation may be helpful the underlying cause is taken away. The most c o m m o n causes
in some cases. Glucocorticoids should be avoided because are endocrine diseases (see Table 38-1). Steroid-induced
they will precipitate diabetes mellitus. W e have treated two hepatopathy is seen i n hyperadrenocorticism and dogs being
dogs with hepatocutaneous syndrome that survived for given exogenous corticosteroids. It has also been associated
several years on a high-quality digestible diet (marketed for with other hormone therapies and administration o f some
GI disease) supplemented with extra egg and vitamin E and other drugs, such as D-penicillamine. There have been
FIG 38-16
Gross (A) and histological (B) appearance of the liver postmortem in a middle-aged
Miniature Poodle with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Note the pale, yellowish
appearance of the liver associated with generalized hepatic steatosis. Histologically, the
hepatocytes are markedly swollen with fat that displaces the nuclei to the edge of the
cells. Portal triad in the center (Hematoxylin and eosin x 200). (Courtesy Pathology
Department, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge.)

reports of idiopathic vacuolar hepatopathy i n Scottish those of the primary cause and not related to the liver.
terriers causing marked elevations in A L P , but the underly However, sometimes there will be an overlap in clinical
ing cause is u n k n o w n . The vacuolation seen as part of the signsnotably with hyperadrenocorticism or diabetes mel
hepatocutaneous syndrome looks very similar to glycogen litus in which the polydipsia, poluria, and abdominal enlarge
vacuolation. Steatosis is classically associated with diabetes ment together with raised liver enzymes might increase the
mellitus in dogs, in which it starts centrilobularly and then suspicion of primary liver disease. Recognizing that there is
spreads. It has also been reported in juvenile hypoglycemia a secondary hepatopathy involves initial pattern recognition
of small-breed dogs. However, although hepatic steatosis can of the enzyme elevation and clinical signs (e.g., i n a dog with
sometimes appear very marked i n dogs, it does not appear polydipsia/polyuria, a pot-belly, and dermatological signs, a
to become a clinically significant disease in its o w n right, pattern of a very marked elevation i n A L P and less marked
unlike i n cats, in which primary or secondary hepatic l i p i elevation in A L T should raise the suspicion of hyperadreno
dosis are important clinical syndromes (Chapter 37). corticism). This is followed by appropriate diagnostic tests
for the underlying condition. Liver biopsies are usually not
HEPATIC CONGESTION/EDEMA indicated or taken. However, there will inevitably be cases
Hepatic congestion is a c o m m o n finding with right-sided with m i l d or nonclassical changes of the primary condition
congestive heart failure and other causes of posthepatic in which liver biopsies will be taken on suspicion of primary
venous congestion, such as heartworm disease. This results hepatopathy. Finding nonspecific secondary changes in the
again i n elevation in liver enzymes. It is usually reversible, liver should then stimulate a repeat search for an underlying
but in a few very chronic cases of congestion associated with cause.
heart disease, it can result in fibrosis and permanent c o m
promise ("hepatic cirrhosis"). Suggested Readings
Adamus C et al: Chronic hepatitis associated with leptospiral infec
NONSPECIFIC REACTIVE HEPATITIS tion in vaccinated beagles, / Comp Path 117:311, 1997.
Nonspecific reactive hepatitis is a nonspecific hepatic response Aguirre A L et al: Gallbladder disease in Shetland Sheepdogs: 38
to a number of extrahepatic processes, particularly inflam cases (1995-2005), J Am Vet Med Assoc 231:79, 2007.
matory processes i n the splanchic bed such as pancreatitis Allen L et al: Clinicopathological features of dogs with hepatic
and inflammatory bowel disease. There is a m i l d inflamma microvascular dysplasia with and without portosystemic shunts:
tory infiltrate in the sinusoids and portal areas and/or paren 42 cases (1991-1996), ] Am Vet Med Assoc 15:218, 1999.
chyma but no associated hepatocyte necrosis or fibrosis and Amsellem P M et al: Long-term survival and risk factors associated
with biliary surgery in dogs: 34 cases (1994-2004), J Am Vet Med
therefore no evidence of primary (significant) hepatitis. This
Assoc 229:1451, 2006.
could be viewed as the hepatic equivalent of a "reactive l y m p h
Boomkens SY et al: PCR screening for candidate etiological agents
node" and should stimulate a search for an underlying cause. of canine hepatitis, Vet Microbiol 108:49, 2005.
Bunch SE: Hepatotoxicity associated with pharmacologic agents in
dogs and cats, Vet Clin N Am Small Anim Pract 23:659, 1993.
The diagnosis of all types of secondary hepatopathy relies on Bunch SE et al: Idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension in
diagnosing the underlying cause. The clinical signs will be dogs: 33 cases (1982-1988), / Am Vet Med Assoc 218:392, 2001.
Christiansen JS et al: Hepatic microvascular dysplasia in dogs: a March PA et al: Superficial necrolytic dermatitis in 11 dogs with a
retrospective study of 24 cases (1987-1995), J Am Anim Hosp history of phenobarbital administration (1995-2002), / Vet Intern
Assoc 36:385, 2000. Med 18:65, 2004.
Coronado V A et al: New haplotypes in the Bedlington terrier indi Miller J M et al: Laparoscopic portosystemic shunt attenuation in
cate complexity in copper toxicosis, Mammalian Genome 14:483, two dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42:160, 2006.
2003. Newman SJ et al: Aflatoxicosis in nine dogs after exposure to con
Cullen J M et al: Morphological classification of circulatory dis taminated commercial dog food, / Vet Diagn Invest 19:168, 2007.
orders of the canine and feline liver. In Rothuizen J et al, editors: O'Neill EJ et al: Bacterial cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis with or
WSAVA standards for clinical and histological diagnosis of canine without concurrent cholecystitis in four dogs, / Small Anim Pract
and feline liver disease, Oxford, England, 2006, Saunders Ltd. 47:325, 2006.
Dunayer EK et al: Acute hepatic failure and coagulopathy associated Outerbridge CA et al: Plasma amino acid concentrations in 36 dogs
with xylitol ingestion in eight dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 229:1113, with histologically confirmed superficial necrolytic dermatitis,
2006. Vet Dermatol 13:177, 2002.
Farrar ET et al: Hepatic abscesses in dogs: 14 cases (1982-1994), Pike FS et al: Gallbladder mucocele in dogs: 30 cases (2000-2002),
J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:243, 1996. ] Am Vet Med Assoc 224:1615, 2004.
Filburn CR et al: Bioavailability of a silybin-phosphatidylcholine Schermerhorn T et al: Characterization of hepatoportal microvas
complex in dogs, / Vet Pharmacol Ther 30:132, 2007. cular dysplasia in a kindred of cairn terriers, / Vet Intern Med
Fox JA et al: Helicobacter canis isolated from a dog liver with mul 10:219, 1996.
tifocal nectrotizing hepatitis, / Clin Microbiol 34:2479, 1996. Schwarz L A et al: Hepatic abscesses in 13 dogs: a review of the
Gabriel A et al: Suspected drug-induced destructive cholangitis in ultrasonographic findings, clinical data and therapeutic options,
a young dog, / Small Anim Pract 47:344, 2006. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 39:357, 1998.
Gillespie T N et al: Detection of Bartonella henselae and Bartonella Seguin M A et al: Iatrogenic copper deficiency associated with long-
clarridgeiae D N A in hepatic specimens from two dogs with term copper chelation for treatment of copper storage disease in
hepatic disease, J Am Vet Med Assoc 222:47, 2003. a Bedlington Terrier, J Am Vet Med Assoc 15:218, 2001.
Gorlinger S et al: Congenital dilatation of the bile ducts (Caroli's Sepesy L M et al: Vacuolar hepatopathy in dogs: 336 cases (1993-
disease) in young dogs, / Vet Intern Med 17:28, 2003. 2005), J Am Vet Med Assoc 229:246, 2006.
Haywood S: Copper toxicosis in Bedlington terriers, Vet Rec 159:687, Shawcross D et al: Dispelling myths in the treatment of hepatic
2006. encephalopathy, Lancet 365:431, 2005.
Hartmann K, Greene CE: Diseases caused by systemic bacterial Shih JL et al: Chronic hepatitis in Labrador Retrievers: clinical
infections. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, editors: Textbook of presentation and prognostic factors, / Vet Intern Med 21:33,
veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005, Saunders 2007.
Elsevier. Szatmari V , Rothuizen J: Ultrasonographic identification and
Hoffmann G et al: Copper-associated chronic hepatitis in Labrador characterization of congenital portosystemic shunts and portal
Retrievers, / Vet Intern Med 20:856, 2006. hypertensive disorders in dogs and cats. In Rothuizen J et al,
Hyun C et al: Evaluation of haplotypes associated with copper editors: WSAVA standards for clinical and histological diagnosis of
toxicosis in Bedlington terriers in Australia, Am / Vet Res 65:1573, canine and feline liver disease, Oxford, England, 2006, Saunders.
2004. Teske E et al: Cytological detection of copper for the diagnosis of
Hunt GB: Effect of breed on anatomy of portosystemic shunts inherited copper toxicosis in Bedlington terriers, Vet Rec 131:30,
resulting from congenital diseases in dogs and cats: a review of 1992.
242 cases, Aust Vet J 82:746, 2004. Tisdall PL et al: Post-prandial serum bile acid concentrations and
Jarrett W F H et al: A new transmissible agent causing acute hepati ammonia tolerance in Maltese dogs with and without hepatic
tis, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis in dogs, Vet Rec 116:629, vascular anomalies, Aust Vet J 72:121, 1995.
1985. Tobias K M et al: Association of breed with the diagnosis of con
Jarrett W F H et al: Persistent hepatitis and chronic fibrosis induced genital portosystemic shunts in dogs: 2,400 cases (1980-2002),
by canine acidophil cell hepatitis virus, Vet Rec 120:234, 1987. J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:1636, 2003.
Kitchell BE et al: Peliosis hepatis in a dog infected with Bartonella Toulza O et al: Evaluation of plasma protein C activity for detection
henselae, ] Am Vet Med Assoc 216:519, 2000. of hepatobiliary disease and portosystemic shunting in dogs,
Kristal O et al: Hepatotoxicity associated with C C N U (lomustine) J Am Vet Med Assoc 229:1761, 2006.
chemotherapy in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 18:75, 2004. Van den Ingh, T S G A M et al: Morphological classification of paren
Lee K C et al: Association of portovenographic findings with chymal disorders of the canine and feline liver. In Rothuizen J
outcome in dogs receiving surgical treatment for single con et al, editors: WSAVA standards for clinical and histological diag
genital portosystemic shunts: 45 cases (2000-2004), J Am Vet Med nosis of canine and feline liver disease, Oxford, England, 2006,
Assoc 229:1122, 2006. Saunders.
Liptak JM: Hepatobiliary tumours. In Withrow SJ, Vail D M , editors: Van den Ingh, TSGAM et al: Possible nutritionally induced copper-
Withrow and MacEwan's small animal clinical oncology, ed 4, St associated chronic hepatitis in two dogs, Vet Rec 161:728, 2007.
Louis, 2007, Saunders Elsevier. Van de Sluis B et al: Identification of a new copper metabolism gene
Mandigers PJ et al: Association between liver copper concentration by positional cloning in a purebred dog population, Hum Molecr
and subclinical hepatitis in Doberman Pinschers, / Vet Intern Genets 11:165, 2002.
Med 18:647, 2004. van Straten G et al: Inherited congenital extrahepatic portosystemic
Mandigers PJ et al: Improvement in liver pathology after 4 months shunts in Cairn terriers, / Vet Intern Med 19:321, 2005.
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hepatitis, / Vet Intern Med 19:40, 2005. shunts, In Practice 19:106, 1997.
Watson PJ: Canine chronic liver disease: a review of current under Webb CB et al: Copper-associated liver disease in Dalmatians:
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shunts in 27 dogsa retrospective study, / Small Anim Pract enzyme deficiency in Irish wolfhounds, / Vet Intern Med 21:215,
39:62, 1998. 2007.
C H A P T E R 39

Treatment of
Complications of Hepatic
Disease and Failure


Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy
The goal of treatment in cats and dogs with H E is to restore
Acute Hepatic Encephalopathy
normal neurologic function by decreasing formation of gut-
derived and peripherally derived encephalotoxins, eliminat
Splanchnic Congestion and Gastrointestinal
ing precipitating factors, and correcting acid-base and
electrolyte abnormalities. A variety of encephalotoxins are
implicated in causing H E (see Chapter 35), but the most
important from the point of view of treatment is ammonia.
It was once believed that the most important source o f
ammonia was undigested protein in the gut, but emphasis
has now shifted to interorgan metabolism of ammonia i n
patients with H E , whereas dietary protein itself is a less
important source (Wright et a l , 2007; see Chapter 35).
Inflammatory mediators are also thought to be important
precipitators of H E in their own right. It is k n o w n that
clinically relevant episodes of H E i n dogs and cats with con
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS genital or acquired PSS are often precipitated not just by
feeding but also by stress and infections, emphasizing the
The following problems are c o m m o n in dogs with hepatic role of hypermetabolism, inflammation, and breakdown of
failure and are usually related to sudden or chronic progres body protein in the development of H E . In fact, particularly
sive loss of functional hepatocyte mass, intrahepatic portal in dogs with acquired PSS and protein-calorie malnutrition,
hypertension resulting from primary hepatobiliary disease, H E is often triggered by negative nitrogen balance and
acquired portosystemic shunts (PSSs), or a combination of breaking down muscle mass (Fig. 39-1), and in these cir
these factors. The clinical syndrome of portal hypertension cumstances starvation and protein restriction will worsen
with abdominal effusion, acquired PSSs, and high risk of the H E .
gastrointestinal (GI) ulceration is observed frequently in A combination of careful dietary manipulation, locally
dogs with chronic liver disease but rarely in cats, whereas acting agents that discourage formation of readily absorb
coagulopathies are c o m m o n in cats because of the additional able ammonia and hasten evacuation of the intestinal tract,
effects of concurrent biliary tract, pancreatic, and small antibiotics to suppress bacterial populations that generate
intestinal disease. Hepatic encephalopathy ( H E ) resulting ammonia and other gut-derived encephalotoxins, and treat
from congenital PSS is relatively c o m m o n i n both species. ment of any precipitating cause is the standard approach for
Protein-calorie malnutrition is c o m m o n in both species, long-term management of chronic H E (Box 39-1). Dietary
particularly in association with chronic disease. Effective management and treatment of the underlying cause are the
management of these problems is vital to achieve a reason most important approaches, but advice has changed over
able quality of life for the patient and to enable hepatic the last few years with respect to protein restriction, and it
recovery while specific therapy is taking effect or when the is now clear that dogs and cats with congenital or acquired
underlying cause cannot be eradicated. PSS have higher protein requirements; long-term feeding of
FIG 39-1
A , A 9-year-old neutered female German Shepherd Dog with previously stable noncir
rhotic portal hypertension treated medically for 8 years presented very depressed with a
week-long history of anorexia (same dog as Fig. 38-12 in Chapter 38). B and C , In spite
of immediate institution of tube feeding on admission, the dog rapidly developed fatal
septic peritonitis as a result of rupture of an ulcer at the gastroduodenal junction. It was
found that the dog had developed asymptomatic pyelonephritis. The referring veterinarian
had recognized the hepatic encephalopathy but tried to manage it by starvation for a
week which likely increased rather than decreased ammonia production through break
down of muscle and also increased the risk of GI ulceration because of a lack of intralu
minal gut nutrition.

a protein-restricted diet not only is not indicated but will in the gut broken down by bacteria is a source of gut-derived
result in protein-calorie malnutrition. ammonia. However, as has recently been pointed out, gut
Whether it is due to congenital PSS in dogs and cats or bacteria will metabolize only undigested protein that reaches
acquired PSS (mainly i n dogs), treatment o f H E is m u c h the the colon. This should not occur i f the protein in the diet is
same. The m a i n difference is that acquired PSSs are usually very digestible and not i n such excessive amounts that it
the result o f portal hypertension, so treatment o f the other overwhelms the digestive capacity o f the small intestine.
manifestations o f this and the underlying liver disease will There are high amounts o f ammonia in the portal circula
also be necessary in these cases (see the discussion o f portal tion, particularly after a meal, but the main source of these
hypertension below). Recent studies in human medicine is obligate catabolism of glutamine by small intestinal entero
have questioned the actual efficacy of some o f the treatment cytes as their main energy source, and intestinal glutaminase
recommendations for H E , including lactulose. Controlled activity seems to increase for unknown reasons in humans
trials have not been conducted in animals to determine the with cirrhosis, increasing gut ammonia production. Studies
optimal treatment for H E and for each stage (mild, moder in dogs with experimental PSS and animals and humans
ate, severe) o f H E ; therefore current recommendations are with acquired PSS have actually shown a higher protein
based on studies i n h u m a n medicine and on anecdotal requirement than in normal animals or people. Therefore
reports in dogs and cats. the current recommendation is to feed animals with con
genital or acquired PSS normal to only slightly reduced
Diet quantities of protein that is highly digestible and of high
The ideal diet for long-term management o f H E is the same biological value in order to minimize the amounts of undi
as the diet recommended i n chronic liver disease in dogs; gested protein reaching the colon and "wastage" of excess
dietary recommendations are outlined in Table 38-2 and Box nonessential amino acids by transamination or deamination
39-1. Protein restriction has long been recommended in for energy. Some experts recommend that diets should have
patients with H E owing to the fact that undigested protein low amounts o f aromatic amino acids, because these have
been implicated in H E , but i n fact there is no evidence that
BOX 39-1 the ratio of dietary aromatic amino acid : branched chain
amino acid has any effect on H E . Food should be fed i n small
Long-term M e d i c a l Management of Hepatic
amounts and often to avoid overwhelming the ability o f the
liver to metabolize it. Diets manufactured for dogs with liver
Dietary Management disease are a good starting point (Hill's canine L D ; Royal-
Feed normal amounts (if possible) of high-quality, highly C a n i n canine hepatic) but are rather protein-restricted, so
digestible protein to minimize the chance that any they should be supplemented with a high-quality protein
protein will reach the colon to be converted into N H 3 . such as cottage cheese or chicken. A n alternative is to feed a
Some veterinarians recommend increasing branched veterinary diet marketed for intestinal disease; these diets
chain amino acids and reducing aromatic amino acids contain high-quality, highly digestible protein sources (Hill's
such as tryptophan, but there is no evidence that chang canine or feline I D ; lam's canine or feline intestinal formula;
ing the dietary levels affects cerebrospinal fluid levels. Royal-Canin canine or feline digestive lowfat). Most, if not
Consider adding ornithine aspartate, which provides
all, dogs with congenital or acquired PSS can tolerate normal
substrates for conversion of NH3 to urea (ornithine) and
protein concentrations i f other measures are also imple
glutamine (aspartate). Restrict protein only if absolutely
mented, as outlined in the subsequent paragraphs and in Box
necessary to control neurologic signs
39-1. A few require more marked restriction i n the short
Prevent protein-calorie malnutrition by avoiding pro
term, but every effort should be made to increase to a normal
longed fasting a n d / o r excessive protein restriction
because this will lead to hyperammonemia from break protein concentration over the long term.
down of body protein
Feed little and often to reduce the amount of liver work Lactulose
required and reduce the potential for undigested food Lactulose (-galactosidoffuctose) is a semisynthetic disaccha
to reach the colon.
ride that is not digestible by mammals and therefore passes
Fat: N o special recommendations, although it should be
into the colon, where it is degraded by bacteria into short
fed in normal amounts and not restricted unless clinical
chain fatty acids ( S C F A ) , particularly lactic and acetic acid.
steatorrhoea develops (rare). Avoid diets that are very
high in fats, particularly with cholestasis or portal These S C F A s help control signs of H E by acidification of the
hypertension in which gastrointestinal signs may be intestinal contents, which traps a m m o n i u m ions i n the colon,
exacerbated. and by promoting osmotic diarrhea. In addition, S C F A s are
Carbohydrates should be highly digestible as a primary used as an energy source by colonic bacteria, allowing them to
calorie source, reducing the need for hepatic gluconeo grow and thus incorporate colonic a m m o n i a into their own
genesis from fat and protein. bacterial protein, which is subsequently lost with the bacteria
Fermentable fiber reduces hepatic encephalopathy in i n the feces (a type of bacterial "ammonia trap").
the same way as lactulose. Nonfermentable fiber is also The dose is adjusted until there are two to three soft stools
important because it prevents constipation and therefore
per day (see Box 39-1); overdosing results i n watery diarrhea.
reduces contact time for colonic bacteria to act on feces
There are no k n o w n complications of chronic lactulose use
and produce ammonia.
i n animals (other than diarrhea). However, the efficacy of
Zinc supplementation may reduce encephalopathy
because zinc is used in many metalloenzymes in the lactulose has never been critically evaluated in dogs and cats
urea cycle and in muscle metabolism of ammonia with H E , and recent studies i n humans suggest that it may
not be as helpful as previously thought. Lactulose can also
Lactulose be given by enema in animals with acute H E (Box 39-2).
Lactulose is a soluble fiber that acidifies colonic contents, M a n y cats and dogs object strongly to the sweet taste of
reducing ammonia absorption, and also increases lactulose; an attractive alternative is lactitol (-galactosidos-
colonic bacterial cell growth, therefore incorporating orbitol), which is a relative of lactulose and can be used as a
ammonia in to bacterial cell walls. Cats should be given powder (500 mg/kg/day i n three to four doses, adjusted to
2.5 to 5 ml P O q8h; dogs 2.5 to 15 ml P O q8h. Start produce two to three soft stools daily). Currently, lactitol is
at the low dose, and titrate to effect (2 to 3 soft stools
available i n the United States as a food sweetener, but it has
a day).
not been studied in dogs and cats with H E
Amoxicillin (22 mg/kg PO q 12 h) or metronidazole
Antibiotic Treatment
(7.5 mg/kg P O q 12h) to reduce gastrointestinal flora If dietary therapy alone or i n combination with lactulose is
and also protect against bacteremia insufficient to control signs of H E , other medications may
be added. Antibacterial drugs that are effective for anaerobic
Identify and Treat Concurrent Infections/Inflammation
organisms (metronidazole, 7.5 mg/kg administered P O q8-
12h; amoxicillin, 22 mg/kg administered P O q l 2 h ) are pref
erable. Antibiotics effective for gram-negative, urea-splitting
organisms (neomycin sulfate, 20 mg/kg administered P O
q l 2 h ) may also be used, although neomycin is more useful
BOX 39-2 BOX 39-3

Treatment of Acute Encephalopathic Crisis Precipitating Factors for Hepatic Encephalopathy in a

Susceptible Individual
Remove/treat any identified precipitating cause.
Nothing by mouth 24-48 hours; intravenous fluids. Increased Generation of Ammonia in the Intestine
Avoid fluid overload (measure central venous pressure A high-protein meal (e.g., puppy or kitten food)
or monitor carefully clinically). Very poorly digestible protein reaching the colon and
Avoid/treat hypokalemia (triggers hepatic encephalo allowing bacterial metabolism to ammonia
pathy). Gastrointestinal bleeding (e.g., bleeding ulcer in
Avoid/treat hypoglycemia (monitor blood glucose every acquired shunts with portal hypertension) or ingestion of
1 to 2 hours, particularly in small breeds in which hypo blood
glycemia is common and can cause permanent cerebral Constipation (increases contact time between colonic
damage). bacteria and feces and therefore increases ammonia
Monitor body temperature, and warm gently as production)
necessary. Azotemia (urea freely diffuses across colonic membrane
Administer enemas to remove ammonia from colon: and is split by bacteria to ammonia)
warm water, lactulose, or dilute vinegar.
Instill a neomycin retention enema after the colon is clear Increased Generation of Ammonia Systemically
and administer ampicillin intravenously. Transfusion of stored blood
Treat any seizures: Catabolism/hypermetabolism/protein-calorie malnutri
Carefully rule out "treatable" causes (e.g., electrolyte tion (increases breakdown of lean body mass with
imbalances, hypoglycemia, hypertension, idiopathic release of N H )

epilepsy). Feeding a poor-quality protein (excessive deamination

Maintain other intensive care measures (as above). as protein is used for energy)
Treat with an anticonvulsant:
Propofol boluses (1 m g / k g cats, 3.5 m g / k g dogs) Effects on the Uptake and Metabolism of Ammonia
followed by infusions (0.1 to 0.25 mg/kg/minute) in the Brain
usually most effective Metabolic alkalosis (increases amount of unionized
Phenobarbital may also be used; diazepam of N H 3 in circulation ,which increases passage across
limited efficacy blood-brain barrier)
Hypokalemia (results in alkalosis with consequences out
lined above)
Sedatives/anesthetics (direct interaction with various
i n acute H E rather than in long-term use because intestinal
bacteria tend to become resistant to neomycin. In addition,
Estrus (may be due to production of neurosteroids with
it is not systemically absorbed and remains within the
neurologic effects)
gastrointestinal tract; it is preferable to use a systemically Inflammation (inflammatory cytokines have been impli
absorbed antibiotic over the long term to protect against cated in having a direct central effect)
bacteremia. The low dose of metronidazole is given to avert
neurotoxicity as a potential adverse effect of delayed hepatic
excretion. Other therapeutic strategies investigated i n
humans with chronic H E include ornithine aspartate supple
mentation (see Box 39-1) and probiotics to increase numbers ACUTE HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY
of beneficial bacteria. These may show benefit i n dogs i n the
future, but there are currently no published studies docu Treatment
menting their use i n small animals. Acute H E is a true medical emergency. Fortunately, it is
m u c h less c o m m o n than chronic, waxing and waning H E .
Controlling Precipitating Factors Animals may present in seizure or comatose, and although
Certain conditions are k n o w n to accentuate or precipitate H E initially causes no permanent brain damage, prolonged
H E and should be avoided or treated aggressively when seizures, status epilepticus, or coma will; prolonged severe
detected (Box 39-3). In fact, i n many cases it is the precipitat H E by itself may lead to serious cerebral edema as a result
ing factors (rather than the diet) that are most important i n of accumulation of the osmolyte glutamine (from ammonia
triggering H E . It is particularly important to identify and detoxification) in astrocytes. In addition, the effects of acute
treat any concurrent inflammatory disease because even H E , particularly hypoglycemia, can be fatal i f not recognized
infections as apparently m i l d as cystitis or middle ear disease and treated. The treatment of acute encephalopathic crises
can trigger H E episodes in susceptible individuals. Recent is outlined in Box 39-2. Intensive management is required.
work i n humans and experimental animals has highlighted However, treatment is worthwhile because some animals can
the importance of inflammation and inflammatory cyto go on to complete recovery and successful long-term medical
kines in triggering H E (Wright et al., 2007). management, particularly i f the acute crisis was triggered by
a definable event (e.g., acute gastrointestinal bleeding in a rate can be gradually reduced to control seizures while still
dog with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension). allowing the dog to regain consciousnessin some cases,
Nothing by mouth ( N P O ) , administration of enemas, and even enough to start eating.
intravenous fluid therapy constitute the basic therapeutic In spite o f some early promising reports, there is still no
approach. W a r m water cleansing enemas may be useful convincing evidence i n support of other pharmacological
simply by removing colonic contents and preventing absorp treatments for H E , apart from antibiotics and lactulose, and
tion of intestinal encephalotoxins. Lactulose or dilute vinegar therefore other drugs cannot currently be recommended for
may be added to acidify the colon and decrease absorption use i n dogs. Trials o f the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist
of ammonia. The most effective enema contains three parts flumazenil in h u m a n patients with refractory acute H E have
lactulose to seven parts water at a total dose o f 20 ml/kg. The had mixed results, and although flumazenil has been studied
solution is left in place, with the aid o f a Foley catheter, as a in animals for its ability to reverse the action o f benzodiaz
retention enema for 15 to 20 minutes. For lactulose to be epine tranquilizers, there have been no clinical studies on its
beneficial, the p H o f the evacuated colon contents must be use in acute H E i n animals.
6 or lower. These enemas can be given every 4 to 6 hours.
Because lactulose is osmotically active, dehydration can
occur if enemas are used too aggressively without careful PORTAL HYPERTENSION
attention to fluid intake. Fluids chosen for replacement of
losses, volume expansion, and maintenance should not Pathogenesis
contain lactate, which is converted to bicarbonate, because Portal hypertension is the sustained increase i n blood pres
alkalinizing solutions may precipitate or worsen H E by pro sure in the portal system and is seen most frequently in dogs
moting formation o f the more readily diffusible form o f with chronic liver disease, although it may also occasionally
ammonia. Half-strength (0.45%) saline solution i n 2.5% occur in dogs with acute liver disease. Portal hypertension is
dextrose is a good empirical choice, with potassium added extremely u n c o m m o n in cats. It is caused by the increased
according to its serum concentration (see Table 55-1). Serum resistance to b l o o d flow through the sinusoids of the liver or
electrolyte concentrations i n dogs with H E are extremely (less commonly) by more direct obstructions to the portal
variable; until the results become available, 20 m E q K C l / L i n vein such as thromboemboli. Early in chronic liver disease,
administered fluids is a safe amount to add. Seizuring dogs portal hypertension can be the result o f multiplication and
can be stabilized with low-dose propofol infusions (Fig. phenotypic transformation o f hepatic Ito (stellate) cells,
39-2) or phenobarbital. The dose of propofol is calculated which become contractile myofibroblasts that surround the
by giving an initial bolus to effect (usually about 1mg/kg), sinusoids and cause constriction. In the longer term, fibrous
timing how long it takes for the animal to show m i l d signs tissue laid down by these transformed stellate cells results in
of seizuring, such as m i l d limb paddling again, and then more irreversible sinusoidal obstruction. The most c o m m o n
dividing the dose by the time to calculate an infusion rate. cause o f portal hypertension is therefore chronic hepatitis
For example, i f after a bolus of 1 mg/kg o f propofol the dog progressing to cirrhosis in dogs (Fig. 39-3). It can also occur
began to show signs of seizure activity again after 10 minutes, i n association with hepatic neoplasia or diffuse hepatic
the infusion rate to give would be 1/10 = 0.1 mg/kg/min. In swelling.
practice, the dose of propofol to give by constant rate infu The changes i n hemodynamics associated with "back
sion is usually about 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/min. Dogs sometimes pressure" i n the portal circulation result in one or more o f
need to remain on the infusion for hours or days, but the the typical triad o f intestinal wall edema/ulceration, ascites,
and acquired PSSs. Acquired PSSs occur as "escape valves"
when the portal vein pressure is consistently higher than the
pressure in the caudal vena cava (see Fig. 38-2). They are
always multiple and occur as a result o f the opening up of
previously nonfunctional veloomental vessels. They are an
important compensatory mechanism because they dissipate
some of the increased portal pressure, limiting the increase
in splanchnic pressure and thus reducing the risk o f gastro
intestinal ulceration. In humans with chronic portal hyper
tension, acquired PSSs have been demonstrated to prolong
life expectancy by reducing the chance o f serious gastroin
testinal or esophageal bleedingto the point that i f they are
not already present, they are often created surgically. Similar
survival data are not available for dogs, but it is clear that
ligation o f acquired PSS is contraindicated and will result i n
FIG 39-2
A Miniature Schnauzer with a congenital portosystemic fatal splanchnic congestion. Acquired PSSs result in H E i n a
shunt that had postligation seizures is stabilized with a similar way to congenital PSSs; treatment is outlined i n the
propofol infusion. preceding section.
FIG 39-3
Ultrasonographic images demonstrating the progressive development of ascites with portal
hypertension in a dog with cirrhosis: Ultrasonography on the first visit showed no evidence
of free abdominal fluid, but dilated vessels in the midabdomen (including splenic conges
tion, A) and also a dilated portal vein (B). When the dog returned for a liver biopsy 2 weeks
later, ultrasonography now revealed the development of mild early ascites (C). (Courtesy
Diagnostic Imaging Dept, Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge.)

SPLANCHNIC CONGESTION AND Corticosteroids have been shown to shorten the life expec
GASTROINTESTINAL ULCERATION tancy o f humans with chronic hepatitis and concurrent
portal hypertension and should not be used in dogs with
Pathogenesis portal hypertension unless there is a very good reason for it.
Splanchnic congestion is a c o m m o n and early complication If they are deemed necessary, the owners should be fully
of portal hypertension, the result of the pooling o f b l o o d in informed o f their potentially serious adverse effects. Other
the splanchnic circulation and reduced flow into the portal triggers for G I ulceration in dogs with portal hypertension
system (see Fig. 39-3). This can cause visible congestion and are sepsis and protein-calorie malnutrition (discussed in
edema o f the gut wall that can be detected either ultrasono more detail later), particularly i f combined with a period of
graphically (where there may be thickening and loss o f layer anorexia (see Fig. 39-1). The small intestine requires luminal
ing o f the gut) or during surgery. It occurs before the onset glutamine and other nutrients to permit effective healing,
of ascites and persists after ascites resolves (see Fig. 39-3). and prolonged anorexia results i n an increased risk of gas
The congested gut wall is at increased risk o f GI ulceration. trointestinal ulceration as a result o f glutamine depletion.
Catastrophic gastrointestinal or esophageal ulceration is the The clinician must be aware that GI ulceration may occur
most c o m m o n cause o f death i n humans with portal hyper acutely i n dogs with splanchic congestion and serious
tension who do not undergo a liver transplant, and it appears clinical deterioration may occur before melena is apparent
also to be the most c o m m o n cause o f death in dogs with because it takes several hours for the blood to pass from the
stable chronic liver disease (see Fig. 39-1). Ulceration associ small to the large intestine. Before this occurs, it is possible
ated with portal hypertension in humans often takes the for the animal to show sudden onset and marked signs of
form o f bleeding esophageal varices, whereas in dogs the H E because blood is a "high-protein meal" in the small intes
ulceration is most c o m m o n l y in the proximal duodenum, tine (see preceding section) or even for the ulcer to perforate
presumably reflecting a difference in the anatomy o f the and cause peritonitis (see Fig. 39-1).
portal system i n the two species. Preventing gastrointestinal
ulceration is therefore vital, and for this reason it is very Treatment
important to refrain from using ulcerogenic drugs (e.g., ste Treatment o f gastrointestinal ulceration largely revolves
roids) in dogs with portal hypertension whenever possible. around its prevention (i.e., avoiding triggers as m u c h as pos-
sible, such as the use of steroids or nonsteroidal antiinflam tubules. This leads to an increase i n circulating fluid volume,
matory drugs, and avoiding hypotension during any surgery). precipitating the formation o f ascites, w h i c h i n turn reduces
It is particularly important that any dog with portal hyper venous return because o f increased pressure o n the caudal
tension that undergoes a prolonged period o f anorexia is fed vena cava and initiates a vicious cycle of renal sodium reten
because these individuals will be at high risk o f gastrointes tion and ascites. Therefore aldosterone antagonists are
tinal ulceration i f they do not receive nourishment (see Fig. usually most effective i n dogs with ascites secondary to
39-1). Parenteral nutrition is not an effective alternative i n portal hypertension, whereas loop diuretics, such as furose
these dogs because it does not supply luminal nutrients for mide used alone, can be ineffective or even, in some cases,
enterocyte healing (in fact, upper gastrointestinal ulceration actually increase the volume o f effusion by causing a further
is a c o m m o n adverse effect of total parenteral nutrition in decrease i n systemic b l o o d pressure as a result o f hemocon
humans, even i n those without portal hypertension), and centration and secondary increases i n R A A S activation.
some form o f enteral support should be instituted as soon
as possible. The use of gastric acid secretory inhibitors ( H 2
blockers or proton pump inhibitors) is o f questionable Treatment o f ascites associated with liver failure revolves
benefit in patients with portal hypertension because it is around the use o f diuretics: first aldosterone antagonists
usually the duodenum that is ulcerated (rather than the (spironolactone, 1 to 2 mg/kg administered P O q l 2 h ) , but
stomach); also, there have been reports that the gastric p H then with the addition o f furosemide (2-4 mg/kg adminis
in dogs with liver disease may already be higher than n o r m a l tered P O q l 2 h ) i f necessary i n refractory cases. Spironolac
as a result of changes i n gastrin metabolism. However, i n the tone usually takes 2 or 3 days to reach full effect, and the
face of active ulceration and melena, they are often used i n resolution o f ascites can be monitored by weighing the
the hope that they will help. In these circumstances, cimeti patient daily (any acute changes i n weight w i l l be due to fluid
dine is contraindicated because o f its effect o n hepatic P450 shifts). Dietary sodium restriction has also been recom
enzymes; therefore ranitidine (2 mg/kg administered orally mended, although it is unclear h o w effective or important
or via slow I V administration q l 2 h ) or famotidine (0.5 to this is. However, it is certainly wise to refrain from feeding
1 mg/kg administered P O ql2-24h) are recommended. Like the patient high-salt snacks and treats.
wise, sucralfate (Carafate) is o f questionable efficacy; it is It is very important to m o n i t o r serum electrolyte concen
most effective against gastric ulceration (i.e., i n association trations (mainly s o d i u m and potassium) daily during the
with a low p H ) , but it is often used (at a dosage o f 500 m g first few days o f treatment and every few weeks to months
to 1 g per dog P O q8h). Hemostasis profiles should also be thereafter, depending on h o w stable the dog and drug doses
evaluated, and any coagulopathy treated with vitamin K (see are. Hypokalemia should be avoided because it can precipi
the section on coagulopathy) or plasma transfusions. tate H E (see preceding section), but it is less likely i n a dog
on both aldosterone antagonists and loop diuretics than i n
ASCITES a dog on furosemide alone. Hyponatremia can also occur; i f
it is marked, the diuretics should be stopped and the patient
Pathogenesis given careful intravenous replacement until the sodium is
The development of ascites (defined as the accumulation of normalized.
a transudate or modified transudate i n the peritoneal cavity) Therapeutic paracentesis is indicated only i n patients
is another consequence of portal hypertension (see Fig. with ascites that is severe enough to compromise breathing.
39-3), but the pathogenesis is complex and has really been This is actually unusual and is manifested by severe, d r u m
studied only i n humans; it is assumed that the mechanisms like ascites; the dog is unable to settle and lie down. Paracen
of ascites are similar in dogs. One way i n w h i c h dogs differ tesis should be accompanied by concurrent intravenous
from humans is that dogs do not develop the "spontaneous" administration o f a colloid plasma expander, plasma, or
infection of ascites o f liver origin by extension o f gut bacte albumin; removal o f a large volume of fluid containing
ria into the fluid that results i n peritonitis, which is c o m albumin can result i n a precipitous hypoalbuminemia and
monly reported in people. The presence o f ascites is a poor decrease i n oncotic pressure, leading to pulmonary edema.
prognostic indicator in humans with chronic hepatitis, and This is a real problem i n dogs with chronic liver disease in
the same appears to be true i n dogs. Hypoalbuminemia con which the liver's capacity to manufacture a l b u m i n is reduced.
tributes to the development of ascites but by itself is rarely Clear recommendations for dogs have not been published,
sufficient to cause fluid accumulation; portal hypertension but the recommendations for humans, adapted for dogs, are
is a critical contributing factor. The development o f ascites outlined i n B o x 39-4.
in patients with liver disease also seems to lead to sodium
retention by the kidneys. In many cases there is systemic
hypotension and increased renal sodium retention, partly as COAGULOPATHY
a result of reduced glomerular filtration rate and decreased
sodium delivery to the tubules and partly as a result o f Pathogenesis
increased release of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAAS) The liver plays a central role i n both the coagulation and
that results i n increased sodium retention i n the distal fibrinolytic systems. The liver synthesizes all the coagulation
Coagulopathies can also occur i n dogs and cats with liver
BOX 39-4 disease as a result o f disseminated intravascular coagulation
(DIC) with resultant prolongation o f clotting times and
Guidelines for Therapeutic Paracentesis in Dogs with
thrombocytopenia. D I C is particularly a complication o f
Ascites Resulting from Liver Disease
acute, fulminating hepatitis and also some hepatic tumors;
Reserve for use ONLY in cases with severe, refractory it carries a very poor prognosis.
Small volume paracentesis: follow up with intravenous Clinical Features and Diagnosis
plasma expansion with 2 to 5 ml/kg of gelofuscin or
Despite the presence o f hemostatic abnormalities, spontane
ous bleeding is u n c o m m o n i n patients with chronic liver
Large volume paracentesis: volume expand preferably
disease but relatively c o m m o n i n those with acute disease.
with albumin using 8 g albumin/I of ascites removed
(i.e., 1 0 0 ml of 2 0 % albumin per 3 liters of ascites). Because dogs with portal hypertension and gastrointestinal
Failing that, use fresh frozen plasma (10 ml/kg slowly) hemorrhage (see previous section) may also have a coagu
lopathy predisposing to their bleeding, they should be thor
Adapted from Moore et al: Guidelines on the management of oughly evaluated. However, the risk of hemorrhage increases
ascites in cirrhosis, Gut 55 (suppl 6 ) : v i l , 2 0 0 6 . after a challenge to hemostasis, such as liver biopsy; therefore
it is very important to evaluate hemostasis before perform
ing liver biopsy. One study (Bigge et a l , 2001) suggested that
thrombocytopenia was a more significant predictor of bleed
factors with the exception o f factor VIII and also makes the ing complications after ultrasonography-guided biopsies in
inhibitors o f coagulation and fibrinolysis. Factors II, V I I , dogs and cats than prolongation of the O S P T and A P T T .
I X , and X also require hepatic activation by a v i t a m i n In Therefore clinicians must perform a platelet count in dogs
dependent carboxylation reaction. Hemostatic abnormali and cats before performing a liver biopsy. A platelet estimate
ties are quite c o m m o n i n both dogs and cats with liver can be can be done manually on the blood smear (Chapter
disease; i n one study 50% and 75% o f dogs with liver disease 87) The platelet count (per L) can be estimated by counting
had prolongation of the one-stage p r o t h r o m b i n time (OSPT) the number of platelets i n 10 o i l immersion fields and m u l
and activated partial thromboplastin time ( A P T T ) , respec tiplying the average number per field by 15,000 to 20,000.
tively (Badylak et al., 1983). In another study 82% o f cats Prolongation o f coagulation times may also increase the risk
with liver disease had hemostatic abnormalities (Lisciandro of bleeding; i n the same study, prolongation o f the O S P T in
et al., 1998). Cats appear to be particularly susceptible to dogs and the A P T T i n cats was significantly associated with
prolongation of clotting times; this is at least partly due to bleeding complications after biopsy. Ideally, therefore, both
reduced v i t a m i n K absorption. Dogs and cats with v i t a m i n O S P T and A P T T should be evaluated i n cats and dogs before
K-responsive coagulopathies have prolongation of b o t h the hepatic biopsy, however, a practical alternative could be
O S P T and A P T T (and the O S P T may actually be longer than assessment of at least an activated clotting time (ACT) in a
the A P T T ) . V i t a m i n K is a fat-soluble vitamin, and its absorp glass tube containing diatomaceous earth as a contact activa
tion is decreased i n association w i t h biliary tract disease tor, although theoretically this is more useful i n cats than
(which is c o m m o n i n cats); bile acid secretion into the small dogs because it assesses the intrinsic pathway (=APTT) and
intestine is also reduced. Moreover, the inflammatory bowel
final c o m m o n pathway only.
disease c o m m o n l y seen concurrently i n cats with chronic
Because factor depletion must be greater than 70% to
biliary tract disease results i n reduced fat absorption. Finally,
result i n prolongation o f the O S P T or A P T T , many more
some cats with chronic biliary tract disease have concurrent
dogs and cats may have subtle abnormalities in the con
chronic pancreatitis, and as this progresses to exocrine pan
centration o f individual coagulation factors. These can be
creatic insufficiency, fat absorption (and thus v i t a m i n K
detected by more sensitive tests, such as measuring the
absorption) w i l l decline further.
concentration o f individual clotting factors or the P I V K A
In contrast, dogs with chronic liver disease rarely have (proteins induced by vitamin K absence) test, although its
clinically relevant prolongation o f clotting times. However, clinical efficacy in large numbers of dogs and cats is untested.
i n both species severe diffuse liver disease, particularly acute If available, thromboelastography may allow for rapid quan
infiltration such as lipidosis (cats) and l y m p h o m a (cats and tification o f hemostasis (see Chapter 87).
dogs), will cause a decrease i n the activity o f clotting factors In dogs and cats with severe acute liver disease, spontane
i n many cases as a result o f hepatocyte damage and reduced ous bleeding may result from depletion of clotting factors;
synthesis i n the liver. In patients with l y m p h o m a or lipidosis i n addition, there is a potential for developing D I C (see
this decreased activity o f clotting factors is rapidly reversible Chapter 87). In patients with D I C , A P T T and O S P T may be
if the underlying disease can be successfully treated, thus prolonged, but it is impossible to distinguish this from
allowing recovery o f hepatocyte function. In one study o f reduced hepatic production o f clotting factors. However,
cats coagulopathies were seen most c o m m o n l y i n cats with measurement o f increased D-dimers and/or fibrin degrada
hepatic lipidosis and cats with inflammatory bowel disease tion products, combined with decreases in platelet count,
and concurrent cholangitis (Center et al., 2000). increases the index of suspicion for D I C . D-dimer concen-
trations are often mildly to moderately increased i n dogs individual up to 50% o f arterial a m m o n i a is metabolized i n
with liver disease because of reduced clearance i n the liver, skeletal muscle by conversion o f glutamate to glutamine,
and this does not necessarily mean that the dog has a t h r o m so loss o f muscle mass will reduce the ability to detoxify
bus or D I C . M o r e marked elevations are suggestive o f D I C . ammonia. W h a t gives the most cause for concern regarding
protein-calorie malnutrition i n the veterinary patient is that
Treatment it is often partly caused by well-meaning but unhelpful
Dogs and cats with prolonged clotting times associated with manipulations by the clinician or even by a lack o f recogni
chronic liver disease often respond to parenteral v i t a m i n K tion and attention (discussed i n greater detail later). For this
supplementation alone. It is recommended that all patients reason, it is very important that clinicians treating dogs with
receive vitamin K1 (phytomenadione), at a dosage o f 0.5 to chronic liver disease remain alert to the possibility of protein-
2.0 mg/kg administered I M or S Q 12 hours before biopsy calorie malnutrition.
and repeated q12h for 3 days as necessary. M a l n u t r i t i o n can also be seen i n dogs and cats with
It is important to monitor clotting during long-term congenital PSS, both as a result o f reduced liver synthetic
therapy (OSPT + A P T T or P I V K A ) and stop when they capability or as a result of inappropriately severe protein
normalize because it is possible to overdose on v i t a m i n K , restriction by the attending clinician. Cats with chronic liver
which can result i n Heinz body hemolysis. If the coagulopa disease may have negative energy balance, often as a result
thy fails to respond to vitamin K treatment alone or i f there of the effects o f concurrent intestinal and pancreatic disease
are clinical signs of hemorrhage associated with the disease reducing digestion and absorption o f food. In addition, cats
(which is more c o m m o n with acute disease), administration i n negative nitrogen balance are at a particular risk o f devel
of fresh frozen plasma or stored plasma is indicated to oping acute hepatic lipidosis (see Chapter 37) so protein-
replenish depleted clotting factors. A starting dose of 10 m l / calorie malnutrition i n this species requires particularly
kg given slowly is recommended; the dose o f plasma is aggressive management.
titrated on the basis of the results o f the O S P T and A P T T .
Again, liver biopsy, surgery or the placement o f central Clinical Signs and Diagnosis
venous catheters should not be contemplated until coagula W h e n suffering from severe malnutrition, dogs and cats
tion times have been normalized. appear cachectic, with reduced muscle mass. However, loss
The treatment o f D I C is difficult and frequently unsuc of muscle mass occurs relatively late i n the process, and i n
cessful. The most effective treatment is to remove the incit the earlier stages of protein-calorie malnutrition the animal's
ing cause, which i n acute liver failure i n humans means rapid body condition score may be n o r m a l and yet many poten
liver transplant. W i t h o u t this option i n dogs and cats, the tially deleterious effects on the i m m u n e system and gut wall
mortality i n D I C o f acute fulminant hepatitis is likely to be will already be under way. There is no simple b l o o d test that
100%. Recommended therapies include plasma transfusion allows diagnosis o f malnutrition. The most effective means
to replace depleted clotting factors and careful heparin to do this is by taking a careful history as well as performing
therapy during the hypercoagulable phase. However, the effi a clinical examination. A n y animal with liver disease should
cacy of heparin therapy i n D I C has recently been called into be considered as being at risk o f protein-calorie malnutri
question i n humans, and there are no clinical data support tion. A history o f partial or complete anorexia for more than
ing its use i n dogs and cats. 3 days or recent weight loss o f >10% not associated with
fluid shifts should trigger rapid and aggressive nutritional
Pathogenesis The treatment is to feed the patient an appropriate diet.
Protein-calorie malnutrition is very c o m m o n i n dogs with Protein restriction should be avoided as m u c h as possible
chronic hepatitis as a result o f reduced intake caused by and i n some cases o f chronic liver disease associated with
anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea and increased loss/wastage obvious cachexia, supplementation of a maintenance diet
of calories caused by hypermetabolism and poor liver func with extra high-quality protein (such as dairy protein) is
tion. Protein-calorie malnutrition is likely to have a serious even indicated. If the patient will not eat voluntarily, some
impact on both longevity and quality o f life in affected dogs. form of assisted tube feeding should be instituted short term.
There are no studies specifically addressing the effect o f mal This is particularly important i n cats w i t h hepatic lipidosis,
nutrition on survival and infections of dogs with liver disease, which almost invariably refuse to eat independently and require
but in other canine diseases it is k n o w n to increase the risk gastrostomy or esophagostomy tube feeding (see Chapter
of septic complications. This is true i n humans with portal 37). A search should then be made for any underlying cause
hypertension and also likely i n dogs. In humans with portal of anorexia, such as concurrent infections (see Fig. 39-1).
hypertension malnutrition also predisposes to gut ulcer It is very important to avoid iatrogenic malnutrition
ation. In addition, negative nitrogen balance and reduced while the patient is hospitalized. W i t h h o l d i n g food for several
muscle mass predispose to H E . Breakdown o f body protein days to allow multiple tests (e.g., liver biopsy or endoscopy)
results i n more ammonia production, and also i n a n o r m a l is a c o m m o n problem; tests should be spread out over a
longer period i f necessary to allow feeding between them. It Griffen A et al: Evaluation of a canine D-dimer point-of-care test
is also possible for malnutrition to develop unnoticed i n the kit for use in samples obtained from dogs with disseminated
hospital as a result of inadequate record keeping and fre intravascular coagulation, thromboembolic disease, and hemor
quent staff turnover. Finally, feeding an excessively protein- rhage, Am J Vet Res 64:1562, 2003.
Kummeling A et al: Coagulation profiles in dogs with congenital
restricted diet to a dog or cat with liver disease can also result
portosystemic shunts before and after surgical attenuation, / Vet
in negative nitrogen balance.
Intern Med 20:1319, 2006.
Laflamme DP et al: Apparent dietary protein requirement of dogs
Suggested Readings with portosystemic shunt, Am ] Vet Res 54:719, 1993.
Aronson LR et al: Endogenous benzodiazepine activity in the Lisciandro SC et al: Coagulation abnormalities in 22 cats with
peripheral and portal blood of dogs with congenital portosys naturally occurring liver disease, / Vet Intern Med 12:71, 1998.
temic shunts, Vet Surg 26:189, 1997. Mount M E at al: Use of a test for proteins induced by vitamin K
Badylak SF et al: Alterations of prothrombin time and activated absence or antagonism in diagnosis of anticoagulant poisoning
partial thromboplastin time in dogs with hepatic disease, Am J in dogs: 325 cases (1987-1997), / Am Vet Med Assoc 222:194,
Vet Res 42:2053, 1981. 2003.
Badylak SF et al: Plasma coagulation factor abnormalities in dogs Moore et al: Guidelines on the management of ascites in cirrhosis,
with naturally occurring hepatic disease, Am J Vet Res 44:2336, Gut 55 (suppl 6):vil, 2006.
1983. Niles JD et al: Hemostatic profiles in 39 dogs with congenital por
Bigge LA et al: Correlation between coagulation profile findings tosystemic shunts, Vet Surg 30:97, 2001.
and bleeding complications after ultrasound-guided biopsies: Shawcross D et al: Dispelling myths in the treatment of hepatic
434 cases (1993-1996), J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 37:228, 2001. encephalopathy, Lancet 365:431, 2005.
Center SA et al: Proteins invoked by vitamin K absence and clotting Wright G at al: Management of hepatic encephalopathy in patients
times in clinically ill cats, / Vet Intern Med 14:292, 2000. with cirrhosis, Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 21:95, 2007.
C H A P T E R 40

The Exocrine Pancreas

inappropriate early activation of the zymogen trypsinogen

to trypsin within the pancreatic acini is the final c o m m o n
pathway triggering pancreatic inflammation. In the normal
animal pancreatic secretion is triggered by the thought of
food and stomach filling and most potently by the presence
Acute Pancreatitis
of fat and protein i n the small intestinal lumen. The vagus
Chronic Pancreatitis
nerve, the local enteric nervous system, and the hormones
secretin and cholecystokin from the small intestine all stim
ulate pancreatic secretion. Trypsinogen is activated within
the small intestine by the brush border enzyme enterokinase,
which cleaves a peptide (the "trypsin-activation peptide"
[TAP]) from trypsinogen. Activated trypsin then activates
the other zymogens w i t h i n the intestinal lumen. IF, which is
necessary for vitamin B absorption i n the ileum, is secreted
1 2

GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS only by the pancreas i n the cat. In the dog the pancreas is the
main source of IF, but a small amount is also secreted by the
The pancreas is located i n the cranial abdomen, with the left gastric mucosa.
limb positioned between the transverse colon and the greater Diseases of the exocrine pancreas are relatively c o m m o n
curvature of the stomach and the right limb running along but often misdiagnosed i n both dogs and cats because of
side the proximal duodenum. A n y or all of these neighboring nonspecific clinical signs and a lack o f sensitive and specific
structures can be affected when there is pancreatic inflam clincopathological tests. Pancreatitis is the most c o m m o n
mation. The exocrine acini make up about 90% of pancreatic disease o f the exocrine pancreas i n both cats and dogs; EPI,
tissue, and the endocrine islets interspersed among the acini although less c o m m o n , is also recognized frequently. U n c o m
make up the other 10% (Fig. 40-1). The close anatomical m o n diseases o f the pancreas include pancreatic abscess,
association between the acini and islets allows subtle signal pseudocyst, and neoplasia.
ing between them to coordinate digestion and metabolism, Recent advances i n the understanding o f the pathophysi
but it also means that there is a complex cause-and-effect ology, prevalence, and potential causes o f pancreatitis i n
relationship between diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis. The dogs and cats may give clues to treatment i n the future,
major function o f the exocrine pancreas is to secrete diges although treatment o f acute pancreatitis remains largely
tive enzymes, bicarbonate, and intrinsic factor (IF) into the nonspecific and supportive i n all species.
proximal duodenum. Pancreatic enzymes are responsible for Important differences i n the anatomy of the pancreas and
the initial digestion o f larger food molecules and require an associated areas between the dog and cat are outlined i n
alkaline p H to function (hence the concurrent bicarbonate Table 40-1.
secretion by pancreatic duct cells). The pancreas secretes
several proteases, phospholipases, ribonucleases, and deoxy
ribonucleases as inactive precursors (zymogens) and also PANCREATITIS
-amylase and lipase as intact molecules. The pancreas is the
only significant source of lipase, and hence steatorrhea (fatty Pancreatitis may be acute or chronic. As with acute and
feces) is a prominent sign o f exocrine pancreatic insuffi chronic hepatitis, the difference is histological and not neces
ciency (EPI). Trypsin is central to the pathogenesis of sarily clinical (Table 40-2 and Fig. 40-2), and there is some
pancreatitis, as outlined i n the subsequent sections, and clinical overlap between the two. C h r o n i c disease may present
with the resulting pancreatic autodigestion, inflammation,
and peripancreatic fat necrosis that leads to focal or more
generalized sterile peritonitis. There is an associated systemic
inflammatory response (SIR) i n even the mildest cases of
pancreatitis. M a n y other organs may be involved, and i n the
most severe cases, there is multiorgan failure and diffuse
intravascular coagulation ( D I C ) . The circulating protease
inhibitors (1-antitrypsin (= -protease inhibitor) and -

macroglobulin play a role in removing trypsin and other

proteases from the circulation. Saturation of these protease
inhibitors by excessive amounts of circulating proteases con
tributes to the systemic inflammation, but generalized
FIG 40-1
Histopathology of a section of normal canine pancreas neutrophil activation and cytokine release is probably the
showing two paler staining islets of Langerhans and primary cause of SIR.
exocrine acini surrounding them. Note that the islets make The previous paragraph describes the final common
up only 10% to 2 0 % of the volume of the pancreas. pathway of acute pancreatitis in dogs and cats, but the
underlying cause of the disease is often unknown (see Table
40-3). There appears to be a strong breed relationship in
initially as an acute-on-chronic episode; in postmortem dogs with pancreatitis, so hereditary causes are likely to be
studies of fatal acute pancreatitis in dogs and cats, up to half a factor in this species. M a n y of the previously reported
of the cases were actually acute-on-chronic disease. Differ supposed causes in dogs are likely triggers for disease in
entiation of truly acute disease from an acute flare-up of genetically susceptible individuals.
chronic disease is not important for initial management,
which is the same i n all cases, but is important to allow rec Clinical Features
ognition of the potential long-term sequelae of chronic Acute pancreatitis typically affects middle-aged dogs and
disease, as outlined in the following sections. The causes of cats, although very young and very old individuals may also
acute and chronic pancreatitis may be different, but there be affected. Terrier breeds, Miniature Schauzers, and domes
may also be some overlap between them. tic short-haired cats appear to be at increased risk for acute
pancreatitis, although any breed or cross-breed can be
ACUTE PANCREATITIS affected. Some dog breeds appear to be underrepresented in
clinical studies, particularly large and giant breeds, although
Etiology and Pathogenesis Labrador Retrievers are sometimes affected and also some
Understanding of the pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis times Husky-types (particularly i n Australia). Breed rela
in humans has increased in recent years with the discovery tionships suggest an underlying genetic tendency, mirroring
of hereditary mutations of trypsin, which predispose to pan the situation in humans. It is likely that the disease is multi
creatitis; the pathophysiology of this disease is believed to be factorial with a genetic tendency and superimposed trigger
similar i n dogs and cats. The final c o m m o n pathway i n all ing factors. For example, eating a high-fat meal may be a
cases is the inappropriate early activation of trypsinogen trigger for a susceptible terrier. Some studies suggest a slight
within the pancreas as a result of increased autoactivation increase i n risk in female dogs, whereas others show no sex
and/or reduced autolysis. Trypsin is the major protease predisposition. Obesity has been suggested as a predisposing
secreted by the pancreas, and inappropriate early activation factor in dogs, but it is unclear whether this is a cause or
within the acinar cells w o u l d obviously cause autodigestion whether it is co-segregating with disease (i.e., breeds at high
and severe inflammation. Protective mechanisms therefore risk for acute pancreatitis may coincidentally also be breeds
exist to prevent early activation: Trypsin is stored within with a high risk for obesity). In cats there is a recognized
zymogen granules i n the pancreatic acini as the inactive pre association with concurrent cholangitis, inflammatory bowel
cursor trypsinogen; up to 10% of trypsinogen gradually disease, or renal disease in some cases. Cats with acute
autoactivates within the granules but is inactivated by the pancreatitis are also at high risk for hepatic lipidosis.
action of other trypsin molecules and by the co-segregating The history in dogs often includes a trigger such as a
protective molecule pancreatic secretory trypsin-inhibitor high-fat meal or engorging (see Table 40-3). Recent drug
(PSTI; also k n o w n as serine protease inhibitor Kazal type 1, therapy may also be a trigger, particularly potassium bromide,
or SPINK1). Genetic mutations of trypsinogen, which make azathioprine or asparaginase i n dogs. Concurrent endocrine
it resistant to hydrolysis, and/or of PSTI predispose to pan diseases such as hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, or
creatitis in people and are also likely to occur i n some dogs diabetes mellitus ( D M ) increase the risk of severe fatal pan
(Table 40-3). If too m u c h trypsin autoactivates within the creatitis in dogs; therefore it is important to identify these in
pancreas, the protective mechanisms are overwhelmed and the history. In cats the history may include features of con
a chain reaction occurs, whereby activated trypsin activates current cholangiohepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or
more trypsin and the other enzymes within the pancreas, hepatic lipidosis (or any combination thereof).
Differences in Pancreatic Structure, Function, and Diseases Between Dogs and Cats


Anatomy Usually two pancreatic ducts: Usually single major pancreatic duct joining the
(but many variations; large accessory duct from right limb to common bile duct before entering duodenum
some dogs are like minor papilla in duodenum at duodenal papilla 3 cm distal to pylorus
cats and vice versa) small pancreatic duct from left limb to 2 0 % of cats have second, accessory duct;
major duodenal papilla in duodenum occasionally ducts remain separate
beside (but not joining) bile duct Sphincter of O d d i may be as important as in
Sphincter of O d d i unlikely to be of clinical humans
Pancreatic function Intrinsic factor secreted largely by Intrinsic factor secreted entirely by pancreas so
pancreas but also some in stomach; Vitamin B deficiency very common in

vitamin B deficiency common in

1 2
exocrine insufficiency; vitamin K deficiency
exocrine insufficiency but sometimes also common because of concurrent liver and
normal intestinal disease further reducing absorption
Pancreatitis: disease Common association between pancreatitis Common association with cholangiohepatitis
associations and endocrine disease (see text) a n d / o r inflammatory bowel disease
Association with liver and small intestinal High risk concurrent hepatic lipidosis
disease not recognized M a y also be associated with renal disease
Emerging association in some breeds with
immune-mediated diseases, particularly
keratoconjunctivitis sicca (see text)
Exocrine pancreas: Incidental pancreatic nodular hyperplasia Incidental pancreatic nodular hyperplasia
other pathology common common
Cystic acinar degeneration rare Cystic acinar degeneration common and
associated with chronic pancreatitis
Pancreatitis: spectrum Most cases acute at presentation Most cases low-grade, chronic interstitial, and a
of disease Low-grade chronic disease increasingly challenge to diagnose
recognized and more common than Acute severe cases also recognized
acute on postmortem studies
Pancreatitis: diagnosis Histology gold standard Histology gold standard
Variety of catalytic and immunoassays Catalytic assays no help
available Immunoassays more helpful
Ultrasonography quite sensitive Ultrasonography less sensitive than in dogs
Obvious/suggestive clinical signs in acute Clinical signs usually low-grade and nonspecific
cases even in acute disease
Causes of exocrine Often pancreatic acinar a t r o p h y - Most cases end-stage chronic pancreatitis
pancreatic increased prevalence in certain breeds Pancreatic acinar atrophy not reported
insufficiency (especially German Shepherd Dogs)
End-stage chronic pancreatitis also
common and under-recognized,
particularly middle-aged to older dogs
of specific breeds (see text)

The clinical signs i n dogs vary with the severity of the causes of acute abdomen, particularly intestinal foreign body
disease from m i l d abdominal pain and anorexia at one or obstruction; the vomiting may be so severe that the dog
end of the spectrum to an "acute abdomen" and potential may undergo an unnecessary laparotomy for a suspected
multiorgan failure and D I C at the severe end of the spec obstruction if a careful workup was not performed first.
trum. Dogs with severe acute disease usually present with Some patients may show the classic "praying stance," with
acute vomiting, anorexia, marked abdominal pain, and the forelegs on the floor and the hindlegs standing (Fig.
varying degrees of dehydration, collapse, and shock. The 40-3), but this is not pathognomonic for pancreatitis and
vomiting is initially typical of delayed gastric emptying can be seen i n association with any pain i n the cranial
resulting from peritonitis, with emesis of undigested food a abdomen, including hepatic, gastric, or duodenal pain. By
long time after feeding progressing to vomiting only bile. contrast, cats with severe, fatal, necrotizing pancreatitis
The main differential diagnoses i n these cases are other usually have surprisingly m i l d clinical signs, such as anorexia
Differences Between Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis in Dogs and Cats


Histopathology Varying degrees of acinar necrosis, edema, Characterized by lymphocytic inflammation and
and inflammation with neutrophils and fibrosis with permanent disruption of
peri-pancreatic fat necrosis architecture
Potentially completely reversible with no Possible to have acute-on-chronic cases with
permanent pancreatic architectural or concurrent neutrophilic inflammation and
functional changes necrosis
Clinical appearance Spectrum from severe and fatal (usually Spectrum from mild, low-grade intermittent
necrotizing) to mild and subclinical gastrointestinal signs (most common) to an
(less common) acute-on-chronic episode indistinguishable from
classical acute pancreatitis
Diagnostic challenge Higher sensitivity of enzyme tests and Lower sensitivity of enzyme tests and
ultrasonography than in chronic disease ultrasonography than in acute disease:
diagnosis much more challenging
Mortality and long- High immediate mortality but no long-term Low mortality except acute-on-chronic bouts
term sequelae sequelae High risk of eventual exocrine and endocrine

TABLE 40-3
Causes of Acute Pancreatitis in Dogs and Cats


Idiopathic 9 0 % Unknown (some may be hereditary)

Duct obstruction hypersecretion bile Experimental; neoplasia; surgery cholangitis + role in chronic pancreatitis
reflux into pancreatic duct
Hypertriglyceridemia Inherent abnormal lipid metabolism (breed related, e.g., M i n . Schnauzers)
Endocrine: diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocortism, hypothyroidism
Breed/sex? Increased risk terriers spayed femalesmay reflect risk of
hypertriglyceridemia (also M i n . Schnauzers; see above)
Diet Dietary indiscretion/high-fat diet
Malnutrition; Obesity?
Trauma Road traffic accident, surgery, "high rise syndrome"
Ischemia/reperfusion Surgery (not just pancreas), gastric dilatation and volvulus; shock, severe
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (common association if anemia severe)
Hypercalcemia Experimental; hypercalcemia of malignancy (uncommon association
clinically); primary hyperparathyroidism
Drugs/toxins Organophosphates; azathioprine; asparaginase; thiazides; furosemide;
estrogens; sulpha drugs; tetracycline; procainamide, potassium bromide.
Infections Toxoplasma, others (uncommon)

From Villiers E, Blackwood L, editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline clinical pathology, ed 2, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, 2 0 0 5 ,
British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

and lethargy; vomiting and abdominal pain occur i n fewer ses for this presentation i n dogs as well as cats. Animals that
than half the cases. are still eating may show prominent postprandial discomfort.
At the milder end of the spectrum, dogs and cats may Both cats and dogs with acute pancreatitis can present
present with m i l d gastrointestinal signstypically anorexia with jaundice, either at initial examination or often develop
and sometimes some m i l d vomiting, followed by the passage ing a few days later, when the initial acute signs are resolving.
of some colitic-like feces accompanied by some fresh blood In fact, most, if not all, animals with jaundice have acute-on-
resulting from local peritonitis in the area of the transverse chronic disease (see the section on chronic pancreatitis).
colon. Inflammatory bowel disease, low-grade infectious enter Careful clinical examination should focus on identifica
itis, and chronic hepatitis w o u l d be major differential diagno tion of the degree of dehydration and shock, careful assess-
FIG 40-2
A , Gross appearance of acute pancreatitis in a cat at laparotomy demonstrating
generalized hyperemia. It is also possible for acute pancreatitis to appear normal grossly.
B , Histopathological appearance of acute pancreatitis in a young adult female West
Highland White Terrier. Note prominent edema and inflammation disrupting the acini.
This case was fatal, but it would have been potentially completely reversible if the dog
had survived the acute phase. Hematoxylin and eosin x 1 0 0 . C , Gross appearance of
chronic pancreatitis in a middle-aged Jack Russell Terrier. Note nodular appearance of
pancreas and extensive adhesions to the duodenum obscuring the mesentery. It is also
possible for chronic pancreatitis to appear normal grossly. D , Histological appearance of
chronic pancreatitis from a 10-year-old male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Note fibrosis,
mononuclear inflammatory cells, and ductular hyperplasia. Hematoxylin and eosin x 2 0 0 .
E, Histological appearance of end-stage chronic pancreatitis in an 1 1-year-old neutered
female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with diabetes mellitus and exocrine pancreatic
insufficiency. Note extensive fibrosis (green) and small islands of remaining acini (red).
Massons Trichrome x 4 0 . (A and C , From Villiers E, Blackwood L, editors: BSAVA manual
of canine and feline clinical pathology, ed 2, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, 2 0 0 5 ,
British Small Animal Veterinary Association.)

ment for any concurrent diseases (particularly endocrine and treatment decisions, as outlined i n the following sec
disease), and careful abdominal palpation. In severe cases tions. A b d o m i n a l palpation should identify pancreatic pain
petechiae or ecchymoses suggestive of D I C may be identi and rule out, if possible, any palpable foreign bodies or intus
fied, and there may be respiratory distress associated with susceptions, although abdominal imaging will be required to
acute respiratory distress syndrome. Careful clinical and rule these out with confidence. In severe cases generalized
clinicopathological assessment of the degree of shock and peritonitis will result i n generalized unmistakable abdominal
concurrent organ damage is important for prognosis pain, whereas i n milder cases careful palpation of the cranial
abdomen is required to identify a focus of abdominal pain, Typical clinicopathologic abnormalities i n dogs and cats
as indicated i n Fig. 40-4. Occasionally, a cranial abdominal with acute pancreatitis are shown i n Table 40-4.
mass may be palpated, particularly in cats, representing a
focus of fat necrosis. More Specific Pancreatic Enzyme Assays
M o r e specific laboratory tests for the pancreas are the
Diagnosis catalytic assays amylase and lipase and the immunoassays
Routine Clinical Pathology trypsinlike immunoreactivity (TLI) and pancreatic lipase
Routine laboratory analysis (i.e., complete b l o o d count immunoreactivity (PLI). Catalytic assays rely on the ability
[ C B C ] , serum biochemical profile, and urinalysis) typically of the molecule to catalyze a reaction in vivo and thus rely
does not help i n arriving at a specific diagnosis, but it is very on presence of active enzyme; however, they are not species
important to perform these in all but the mildest cases specific. In cats amylase and lipase are of very questionable
because they give important prognostic information and aid diagnostic value. Immunoassays, however, use an antibody
in effective treatment, as outlined i n the following sections. against a part of the enzyme molecule distant from the active
site and thus will also measure inactive precursors (e.g., tryp
sinogen) and tend to be organ and species specific. The
advantages and disadvantages of the different assays are out
lined i n Table 40-5. Overall, P L I has the highest sensitivity
and likely the highest specificity i n both species and is the
only reliable test for pancreatitis currently available i n cats.
A SNAP test for canine P L I has recently been released by
I D E X X (see details at
testkits/snapcpl/index.jsp), which should aid in rapid

Diagnostic Imaging
The most sensitive way to image the canine and feline pan
creas noninvasively is by ultrasonography. A b d o m i n a l radio
graphs i n patients with pancreatitis usually show m i l d or no
changes, even i n those with severe disease (Fig. 40-5).
However, i n patients with acute disease, abdominal radiog
raphy plays an important role in ruling out acute intestinal
FIG 40-3
obstruction, which w o u l d result i n obvious changes, primar
Dog exhibiting evidence of cranial abdominal pain by
assuming the "position of relief." (Courtesy Dr. William E. ily dilated, gas-filled, stacking loops of intestine. Classical
Hornbuckle, Cornell University, College of Veterinary radiographic changes i n dogs and cats with acute pancreati
Medicine.) tis include focal decrease i n contrast in the cranial abdomen

FIG 40-4
Carefully palpating a Cocker Spaniel for cranial abdominal pain. A , The clinician should
palpate craniodorsally under the rib cage for evidence of focal pancreatic pain (as shown
in this dog by turning of the head). B , With deep-chested dogs it helps to ask an assistant
to elevate the head of the dog to displace the pancreas caudally (effectively achieving the
opposite of the dog in Fig. 40-3).
Typical Clinicopathologic Findings in Dogs and Cats with Acute Pancreatitis


Urea + / - Increased in 5 0 % to Urea increased in Usually prerenal because of dehydration and

creatinine 6 5 % of cases 5 7 % of cases and hypotension (urea > creatinine) and indicates
creatinine in 3 3 % need for aggressive fluid therapy
Often also some intrinsic renal failure (sepsis and
Potassium Decreased in 2 0 % of Decreased in 5 6 % of Increased loss in vomiting and renal loss with fluid
cases cases therapy + reduced intake and aldosterone
release caused by hypovolemia
Requires treatment because contributes to
gastrointestinal atony
Sodium Can be increased Usually normal or Increase caused by dehydration; decrease caused
(12%), decreased decreased (23%) by loss in gastrointestinal secretions with
(33%), or normal Increased only in 4 % of vomiting
Chloride Very commonly Unknown Loss in gastrointestinal secretions with vomiting
decreased (81%)
Calcium Increased in about Total calcium reduced in Reduction poor prognostic indicator in cats but of
9% of cases and 4 0 % to 4 5 % of cases; no prognostic significance in dogs; caused by
decreased in about ionized calcium saponification in peripancreatic fat (unproven) and
3% of cases reduced in 6 0 % of glucagon release stimulating calcitonin in some.
cases; total calcium Increased calcium likely cause rather than effect of
increased in 5 % disease
Phosphate Often increased (55%) Increased in 27%, Increase usually due to reduced renal excretion
decreased in 14% secondary to renal compromise; decrease
(in cats) due to treatment for diabetes mellitus
Glucose Increased in 3 0 % to Increased in 64%, very Increased because of decreased insulin and
88%, decreased in rarely decreased increased glucagon, Cortisol, and
up to 4 0 % catecholamines; about half return to normal;
decreases caused by sepsis and anorexia
Albumin Increased in 3 9 % to Increased in 8% to Increase due to dehydration; decrease due to gut
50%, reduced in 30%, reduced in 2 4 % loss, malnutrition, concurrent liver disease, or
17% renal loss
Hepatocellular Increased in 6 1 % Increased in 6 8 % Hepatic necrosis and vacuolation due to sepsis,
enzymes (ALT local effects of pancreatic enzymes + / -
and AST) concurrent hepatic disease in cats
Cholestatic Increased in 7 9 % Increased in 5 0 % Biliary obstruction due to acute-on-chronic
enzymes (ALP pancreatitis + / - concurrent cholangitis + / -
and GGT) lipidosis in cats; steroid induced ALP in dogs
Bilirubin Increased in 5 3 % Increased in 6 4 % As G G T
Cholesterol Increased in 4 8 % to Increased in 6 4 % C a n be due to cholestasis; unclear in others if
80% cause or effect: often due to concurrent/
predisposing disease
Triglycerides Commonly increased Rarely measured Unclear if cause or effect: often due to concurrent/
predisposing disease
Neutrophils Increased in 5 5 % to Increased in about 30%, Increase due to inflammatory response; decrease
60% decreased in 1 5 % in some cats due to consumption may be poor
Droanostic indicator
Hematocrit Increased in about 2 0 % As dogs Increase due to dehydration; decrease due to
and decreased in anemia of chronic disease; gastrointestinal
about 2 0 % ulceration
Platelets Commonly decreased Usually normal Decrease due to circulating proteases + / -
in severe cases (59%) disseminated intravascular coagulation

Data from Schaer M : A clinicopathological survey of acute pancreatitis in 3 0 dogs and 5 cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1 5 : 6 8 1 , 1 9 7 9 ; Hill
RC et al: Acute necrotizing pancreatitis and acute suppurative pancreatitis in the cat: a retrospective study of 4 0 cases (1976-1989), J Vet
Intern Med 7 : 2 5 , 1 9 9 3 ; Hess RS, et al: Clinical. Clinicopathological, radiographic and ultrasonographic abnormalities in dogs with fatal
acute pancreatitis: 7 0 cases (1986-1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 2 1 3 : 6 6 5 , 1 9 9 8 ; Mansfield C S et al: Review of feline pancreatitis. Part 2:
clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment, J Feline Med and Surgery 3 : 1 2 5 , 2 0 0 1 .
The Use of Specific Catalytic Enzyme Tests and Immunoassays in the Diagnosis of Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis in
Dogs and Cats


Catalytic assays Either may be normal in severe chronic pancreatitis

Dogs onlyof no due to enzyme depletion loss of tissue; degree of
use in cats elevation of no prognostic value, except where stated;
both renally excreted and elevated 2 or 3 times in
Amylase Widely available on in-house analyzers Low sensitivity and specificity because of high
Steroids do not elevate it so can help background level from other sources, including small
diagnose pancreatitis in dog with intestine
Lipase Widely available on practice analyzers; Extrapancreatic sources so high background level.
more sensitive than amylase; degree Steroids elevate up to 5x.
of elevation may have prognostic

Canine TLI Elevations high specificity for Low sensitivity for diagnosis of pancreatitis (but high
pancreatitis sensitivity for EPI); said to rise and fall more quickly
than lipase or amylase; renally excreted: elevated
2 or 3 times in azotemia
M a y be inappropriately low in severe chronic cases
due to pancreatic depletion loss of tissue mass; no
clear prognostic significance
Feline TLI One of only two assays available for Lower sensitivity and specificity than canine TLI better
cats used for diagnosis of EPI; renally excreted so elevated
in azotemia
Canine PLI Early indications most sensitive and Increased in renal disease but may not be significantly
specific test for canine pancreatitis; so? (Unclear yet if affected by steroids)
organ specific, so no interference
from extrapancreatic sources
N o w available as in-house test
(see URL in text)
Feline PLI Very new test but appears most Very little published data available on its use
sensitive and specific test available
for feline pancreatitis

TLI, Trypsinlike immunoreactivity; PU, pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity

associated with local peritonitis; a dilated, fixed (C-shaped), dogs. Pancreatic M R I has not been reported in small animal
and laterally displaced proximal duodenum o n ventrodorsal species, and transendoscopic ultrasonography is not widely
views; and caudal displacement of the transverse colon. available, although it w o u l d be expected to be useful
Occasionally, a "mass" effect may be seen i n the region of the insofar as the pancreas can be imaged very closely from the
pancreas, usually the result of fat necrosis. Pancreatic tumors adjacent stomach or duodenum. Because all these techniques
by contrast are usually small, but it is impossible to differen require general anesthesia, they may never become widely
tiate fat necrosis from neoplasia using imaging alone. used i n small animal patients with severe acute pancreatitis.
A b d o m i n a l radiographs appear n o r m a l i n many dogs and Transcutaneous ultrasonography has a high specificity for
cats with acute or chronic pancreatitis. B a r i u m studies pancreatic disease (i.e., i f a lesion is found, it is real) but a
should be avoided, i f possible, because they do not contrib variable sensitivity depending on the skill of the operator
ute to diagnosis and the associated gut filling provides further and the severity of the disease. Ultrasonography has a
stimulus for pancreatic enzyme release. higher sensitivity for classical acute pancreatitis in both
The most sensitive imaging modalities i n humans with dogs and cats because associated edema and peripancreatic
pancreatitis are magnetic resonance imaging ( M R I ) , c o m fat necrosis result i n visible interfaces. The sensitivity is
puted tomography ( C T ) , or transendoscopic ultrasonogra m u c h lower for chronic pancreatitis i n both cats and dogs
phy. C T has so far proved disappointing i n both cats and (Fig. 40-6).
Fluid Analysis cats. However, elevations i n either plasma or urine T A P are
Some dogs and cats with pancreatitis have abdominal effu no more sensitive or specific than currently available blood
sion. Fluid analysis usually reveals serosanguineous sterile tests. In dogs the best prognostic indicator is the modified
exudates, although transudates and chylous effusions have organ score, as shown i n Tables 40-6 and 40-7. This system
also been reported in cats. Amylase and lipase activities i n has been extrapolated from humans, but its use as a prog
the fluid may be higher than in the serum, and elevated nostic and treatment indicator i n cats has not been critically
lipase in the effusion can be diagnostically helpful (Guija de evaluated. O f the individual diagnostic tests, the following
Arespacochaga et al., 2006). Pleural effusions also occur i n a were found to be negative prognostic indicators i n dogs: high
small number of dogs with acute pancreatitis as a result of urinary T A P : creatinine ratio, marked increases in serum
generalized vasculitis. lipase activity, marked increases i n serum creatinine and
The search continues for the ideal diagnostic test for pan phosphate concentrations, and l o w urine specific gravity. In
creatitis. Trypsin-activation peptide ( T A P ) is well conserved cats, the following negative prognostic indicators were found:
between species, so human ELISAs can be used for dogs and low ionized calcium and leukopenia. U r i n a r y or plasma T A P
do not appear to be prognostically useful i n cats, and neither
does the degree o f elevation o f T L I i n either species. The
prognostic significance of degree of elevation of cPLI activ
ity is currently u n k n o w n .

Definitive diagnosis of acute pancreatitis can be achieved
only via histopathology of a pancreatic biopsy, but this is
invasive and not indicated i n most cases. However, i f the
animal has a laparotomy during its investigation, the clini
cian should always remember to visually inspect the pan
creas and also, preferably, to obtain a small biopsy. The
pancreas usually appears grossly inflamed and may have a
FIG 40-5 masslike appearance. The latter is usually due to fat necrosis
Lateral abdominal radiograph from a 7-year-old Jack Russell and/or fibrosis and not neoplasia; therefore no animal should
Terrier with acute pancreatitis. There are minimal changes be euthanized on the basis of a tumorlike appearance in the
apparent apart from a mild loss of abdominal contrast, in
pancreas without supportive cytology or pathology because
spite of the severity of the disease. This does, however, help
to rule out acute obstruction because the intestinal loops are most large masses i n the pancreas are not tumors. As i n the
not dilated and gas filled. (Courtesy the Diagnostic Imaging small intestine, it is possible for the pancreas to appear
Department, Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University grossly n o r m a l despite having clinically relevant disease, par
of Cambridge.) ticularly i n cats and i n dogs and cats with low-grade chronic

FIG 40-6
A , Typical ultrasonographic appearance of acute pancreatitis in a Miniature Schnauzer
with a diffusely hypoechoic pancreas (white arrows) with surrounding hyperechoic mesen
tery. B , Typical ultrasonographic appearance of chronic pancreatitis in an English Cocker
Spaniel. There is a masslike effect displacing the duodenum. Many dogs and cats with
chronic pancreatitis have an unremarkable abdominal ultrasound. (Courtesy the Diagnostic
Imaging Department, Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge.)
disease. Pancreatic biopsy is safe and does not carry a high intravenous fluids and analgesia, and patients with mild
risk of postoperative pancreatitis, provided that the pancreas disease can sometimes be managed on an outpatient basis.
is handled gently and the b l o o d supply is not disrupted. It is The easiest and most practical way to scale treatment and
best to take a small biopsy f r o m the tip of a lobe and not to prognosis in dogs is to use the organ-scoring system m o d i
ligate any vessels, particularly o n the right limb, which shares fied f r o m h u m a n medicine by Ruaux and Atwell (1998) and
a b l o o d supply with the proximal duodenum. Ruaux (2000; see Tables 40-6 and 40-7). Cats, even those
However, in most cases a biopsy will not be performed with severe disease, are more difficult to assess because of
and diagnosis is based o n a combination of clinical suspicion, their m i l d clinical signs and because the utility of the organ-
specific enzyme tests, and diagnostic imaging. N o one n o n scoring system has not yet been assessed in this species. It
invasive test is 100% sensitive and specific for pancreatitis in therefore seems prudent to assume that all cats have severe
dogs and cats; in a few cases of even severe disease, all the disease unless proved otherwise and treat them intensively,
tests may be negative. with the intent of preventing hepatic lipidosis and other fatal
Treatment and Prognosis The inciting cause of the pancreatitis should be treated or
The treatment and prognosis of dogs and cats with acute removed i n the few cases where it is known (e.g., hypercal
pancreatitis depends o n the severity of the condition at pre cemia or drug-induced), and every effort should be made
sentation. Severe acute pancreatitis is a very serious disease, during treatment to avoid further potential triggers, as out
has a very high mortality, and requires intensive manage lined in Table 40-3. M o s t cases of pancreatitis are, however,
ment, whereas more moderate disease can be managed with idiopathic, and treatment is largely symptomatic. The one

TABLE 40-6
Modified Organ Scoring System for Treatment and Prognostic Decisions in Acute Pancreatitis

Mild 0 Excellent 0
Moderate 1 G o o d to fair 11
2 Fair to poor 20
Severe 3 Poor 66
4 Grave 100

*The severity scoring system is based on the number of organ systems apart from the pancreas showing evidence of failure or compromise at
initial presentation; see Table 40-7 for details on scoring. This scoring system was developed for acute pancreatitis in dogs. It is unclear
whether this system can be applied to cats or to acute-on-chronic pancreatitis in dogs.
From Ruaux C G et al: A severity score for spontaneous canine acute pancreatitis, Austr Vet J 7 6 : 8 0 4 , 1 9 9 8 ; and Ruaux C G : Pathophysiology
of organ failure in severe acute pancreatitis in dogs, Compend Cont Edu Small Anim Vet 2 2 : 5 3 1 , 2 0 0 0 .

TABLE 40-7
Criteria to Assess Organ System Compromise for Severity Scoring System in Canine Acute Pancreatitis


Hepatic O n e or more of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate

aminotransferase, or alanine aminotransferase >3x
upper reference range
Renal Blood urea >84 mg/dl Blood urea 15-57 mg/dl
Creatinine >3.0 mg/dl Creatinine 0.6-1.8 mg/dl
Leukocytic >10% band neutrophils or total white cell count Band neutrophils 0.0-0.2 x 103/l
>24 x 103/l Total white cell count 4.5-17 x 103/l
Endocrine pancreas* Blood glucose >234 mg/dl a n d / o r -OH butyrate Blood glucose 59-123 mg/dl
>1 mmol/l -OH butyrate 0.0-0.6 mmol/l
A c i d / b a s e buffering* Bicarbonate <13 or >26 mmol/l a n d / o r anion gap Bicarbonate 15-24 mmol/l
<15 or >38 mmol/l Anion gap 17-35 mmol/l

* If increased glucose, butyrate, and acidosis co-exist, count as one system.

From Ruaux C G et al: A severity score for spontaneous canine acute pancreatitis, Austr Vet J 7 6 : 8 0 4 , 1998.
exception is chronic pancreatitis in English Cocker Spaniels, by synthetic colloids. It is important to measure urine output
which may be an immune-mediated disease in w h i c h ste concurrently. Rapid crystalloid infusion i n severely affected
roids and other immunosuppressive drugs may be indicated animals that have a pathological increase i n vascular perme
as a specific treatment (see the section on chronic pancreati ability carries an increased risk o f pulmonary edema,
tis for more details). Occasionally, Cocker Spaniels with so patients should be closely monitored; central venous
chronic pancreatitis present with acute clinical signs, and pressure ideally should be measured i n the most severely
judicious corticosteroid therapy might be considered i n affected dogs.
these individuals. However, there is no evidence that corti Serum electrolyte concentrations should be carefully
costeroid therapy helps i n other breeds o f dogs, including monitored. Potential electrolyte abnormalities are outlined
terriers, and i n these the use of such drugs might actually in Table 40-4, but the most clinically important abnormality
worsen prognosis by increasing the risk o f gastric ulceration i n most cases is hypokalemia caused by vomiting and reduced
and reducing the activity o f the reticuloendothelial system food intake. H y p o k a l e m i a can significantly impair recovery
in the removal of circulating -macroglobulin-protease
2 and contribute to mortality because it causes not only skel
complexes. In some instances, a dog or cat may need corti etal muscle weakness but also gastrointestinal atony, which
costeroid therapy for a concurrent condition, such as will contribute to the clinical signs of the disease and delay
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or inflammatory bowel successful feeding. Aggressive fluid therapy further increases
disease, in which case the benefits o f corticosteroids may renal potassium loss, particularly i n cats, so it is important
outweigh their potential deleterious effects. to measure serum potassium concentrations frequently (at
Severe, necrotizing pancreatitis (scores 3 and 4; Tables least daily while the patient is vomiting) and add supplemen
40-6 and 40-7) carries a poor to very poor prognosis in both tal potassium chloride to the fluids as necessary. A scaled
cats and dogs. These patients have severe fluid and electro approach is best, based o n the degree of hypokalemia. Lac
lyte abnormalities associated with systemic inflammatory tated Ringer's or Plasmalyte contains only 4 mEq/1 potas
disease, renal compromise, and a high risk o f D I C . Intensive sium, and most cases require supplementing at least to
management is required, including plasma transfusions i n replacement rates (20 mEq/1). Even i f serum potassium
many cases and enteral tube feeding or total parenteral n u t r i concentration cannot be measured, a v o m i t i n g anorexic dog
tion in some (see next section). These patients will likely with no evidence o f renal failure should receive replacement
benefit from referral to a specialist. If referral is not an rates o f potassium i n the fluids. M o r e severely hypokalemic
option, intensive therapy can be attempted i n the practice, dogs should be supplemented more, as long as serum con
but the owner must be warned of the very poor prognosis centrations can be regularly measured and infusion rates
and expense of treatment. carefully controlled. A dog or cat with a serum potassium
At the other end o f the spectrum, patients with very m i l d concentration o f 2.0 mEq/1 or less should receive between 40
pancreatitis (score 0) may simply need hospitalization for 12 and 60 mEq/1 i n the fluids at a controlled infusion rate. As a
to 24 hours of intravenous fluid therapy i f they are v o m i t i n g general rule, the infusion rate o f potassium should still not
and dehydrated; if they are alert and well-hydrated, they may be increased above 0.5 mEq/kg/hour.
be managed at home with 24 to 48 hours o f pancreatic rest A plasma transfusion is indicated i n dogs and cats with
(fluids only by mouth) and analgesia followed by long-term severe pancreatitis (organ score 2 to 4) to replace 1-
feeding o f an appropriate diet. antitrypsin and 2-macroglobulin. It also supplies clotting
It is important to give consideration to the following factors and may be combined with heparin therapy i n
aspects of treatment i n all patients: intravenous fluid and animals at high risk o f D I C , although the efficacy of heparin
electrolyte replacement; analgesia; nutrition; and other therapy i n D I C in humans and animals has recently been
supportive therapy, as indicated, such as antiemetics and questioned and there are no controlled trials that either
antibiotics. support or refute its use i n pancreatitis in dogs and cats at
Intravenous Fluids and Electrolytes
Intravenous fluid therapy is very important i n all but the Analgesia
mildest cases of pancreatitis to reverse dehydration, address Pancreatitis is usually a very painful condition in humans
electrolyte imbalances associated with vomiting and fluid and animals. Hospitalized patients should therefore be m o n
pooling i n the hypomotile gastrointestinal tract, and main itored carefully for pain, and analgesia should be adminis
tain adequate pancreatic circulation. It is vital to prevent tered as necessary. In practice, analgesia is indicated i n almost
pancreatic ischemia associated with reduced perfusion all patients with pancreatitis and should be given routinely
because it contributes to necrosis. Replacement fluids (e.g., to cats with pancreatitis because pain is difficult to assess i n
lactated Ringer's or Plasmalyte) are usually used at rates and this species. M o r p h i n e agonists or partial agonists are often
volumes that depend on the degree o f dehydration and used, particularly buprenorphine. M o r p h i n e , meperidine,
shocktwice maintenance (100 to 120 ml/kg/day) rates are and fentanyl (intravenous or patches) can also be used (Table
adequate for m i l d to moderately affected animals (grades 0 40-8). Concerns that the effects of opiates o n the sphincter
and 1), but more severely affected animals may need initial of O d d i might exacerbate disease have often been cited with
shock rates (90 ml/kg/hour for 30 to 60 minutes) followed regard to dogs as well as humans, but more recent studies
Details of Analgesics Used on Acute Pancreatitis



Buprenorphine Most generally useful IV, S C , IM: 0.01- IV, S C , IM as Concerns about effects on
analgesic in hospitalized 0.02 m g / k g dogs Sphincter of O d d i largely
case Orally in cats unfounded
Cats (but not dogs) may (Robertson
be dosed orally at home et a l . , 2003)
Butorphanol Authors have very limited 0.05-0.6 m g / k g IM, As dogs At analgesic doses in humans
experience of its use S C , or IV q6-8h; it increases pulmonary
other opiates preferred 0.1-0.2 m g / k g / h artery pressure and cardiac
in acute pancreatitis as a CRI work, unlike the other
because of O r a l : 0.5-1 m g / k g analgesics in the table, so
butorphanol's q6-12h other opiates preferred
cardiovascular effects
(see notes)
Meperidine Meperidine by injection 5 mg/kg S C , IM 3-5 mg/kg S C , Painful on injection
(Demerol) only, hence hospitalized q2h IM q2h Is derived from atropine and
animals therefore, in contrast to the
N O T for IV administration other opioids, is a
spasmolytic agent on
smooth musclemight be
useful for the gut
Methadone Little nausea or vomiting so 0.2-0.4 m g / k g SC 0.2 m g / k g S C Can produce dysphoria
more useful than or IM q4-6h or as or IM q4-6h
morphine required or as required
Hydromorphone 0.05 mg/kg IV q4h; 0.1 mg/kg IM Can produce dysphoria
0.1-0.4 m g / k g IM q7h
Fentanyl patches Very useful, care with 2-4 g/kg/h patch 25 (g/h patch 24-hour onset and 72-hour
home discharge with half duration in dogs; 7-hour
exposed onset and 72-hour duration
in cats
Tramadol Authors have no personal Oral: 2-5 mg / k g Oral: 2-4 m g / Tramadol also decreases
experience of using this q8-12h kg q 8-12 h cardiac contractility; should
in acute pancreatitis but not be used in acute phase
may be a useful drug for when myocardial depressant
home use orally for mild factor may be released.
to moderate pain. N o published studies on
pharmacokinetics in small
animals so doses empirical.
Dysphoria more likely in cats
Ketamine infusion Severe refractory pain in 2 g/kg/min As dogs Useful as adjunct, probably
hospitalized patient not suitable as sole
analgesic; can produce
dysphoria at higher
infusion rates
Lidocaine infusion Excellent analgesic for Bolus of 1 m g / k g IV 0.1 m g / k g / h Use with caution in cats
hospitalized patients followed by because of lidocaine
2 0 g/kg/min toxicity
Acetaminophen Mainstay nonsteroidal in 10 mg/kg orally D O N O T USE Should not be used if
(Paracetamol) human pancreatitis; q12h as is toxic significant concurrent liver
often neglected in dogs, disease
but useful because it
does not have the same
deleterious effects on the
gastrointestinal tract and
TABLE 40-8
Details of Analgesics Used on Acute Pancreatitiscont'd


Carprofen and Mainly for home use; Used Carprofen: 4 mg/kg Carprofen: Underestimated efficacy
other with great care because S C , IV, or orally 2 mg/kg S C , C O X 1:2 inhibition ratio of
nonsteroidal of potential gut and renal q 2 4 h ; maintain on IV, or orally; 65
antiinflammatory side effects in pancreatitis; 2 m g / k g q12h maintain on
drugs not for use in acute 2 mg/kg
disease or in the
presence of concurrent
hyperadrenocorticism or
steroid treatment

(With thanks to Dr. Jackie Brearley, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia, the Queen's Veterinary School Hospital, University of
Cambridge, UK.)
IV, Intravenous; S C , subcutaneous; IM, intramuscular.

have suggested m i n i m a l clinically relevant effects, except Nutrition

when high and repeated doses o f morphine are used; these It is very important to consider appropriate nutritional man
drugs are regularly used n o w i n humans with pancreatitis agement o f the patient w i t h pancreatitis. Complete pan
with no obvious problems. Fentanyl patches take time to creatic rest by starvation, avoiding anything by m o u t h
achieve effect (on average, 24 hours i n dogs and 7 hours i n (including water or barium), has traditionally been advised
cats), so concurrent use o f an opiate for the first few hours for patients with acute pancreatitis. Initially, it was believed
after application is recommended. Nonsteroidal antiinflam that early enteral nutrition was contraindicated because it
matory drugs (NSAIDs) should be avoided i f possible was likely to result i n cholecystokinin and secretin release,
because o f the increased risk o f gastroduodenal ulceration with consequent release o f pancreatic enzymes and worsen
in patients with pancreatitis and also the potential o f some ing o f pancreatitis and associated pain. Total parenteral
N S A I D s to precipitate renal failure i n animals with hypoten nutrition ( T P N ) seemed a more logical route early i n the
sion and/or shock. In people acute pancreatitis has been disease process, with jejunal tube feeding later i n the disease
associated with the use of N S A I D s . Cyclo-oxygenase-2 aiming to bypass the areas o f pancreatic enzyme stimulation.
inhibitors have a lower risk ratio than the conventional However, recent studies have suggested that early enteral
N S A I D s i n this respect. Alternative analgesics that could be nutrition is preferable to T P N , and current best practice i n
considered i n severe cases include a low-dose intravenous h u m a n medicine is outlined i n B o x 40-1 along with rele
ketamine infusion, which has the advantage o f m i n i m a l vance to veterinary patients. It is no longer appropriate or
effect on gastrointestinal motility (Bares et al., 1995) or acceptable to starve the patient for days and days while
intravenous lidocaine. Details o f analgesia are given i n awaiting resolution o f disease. Increasing evidence is accu
Table 40-8. mulating i n h u m a n medicine o f the importance o f early
Providing analgesia that can be dispensed for the client enteral nutrition i n patients with pancreatitis, and emerging
to take home i n patients with milder or resolving disease can work i n humans suggests that i m m u n o m o d u l a t i n g nutrients
be a challenge. The pain should not be underestimated i n may also be o f benefit. There are no studies evaluating the
these patients. However, it is difficult to find effective and efficacy o f early or late enteral or parental nutrition i n natu
safe analgesia that can be dispensed for use at home. A d m i n rally occurring pancreatitis i n dogs or cats. Therefore the
istration of opioids during visits to the clinic is wise, and one advice currently given is based o n anecdotal evidence,
of the less ulcerogenic N S A I D s could be used cautiously at extrapolation from humans, and o n experimental studies
home. Cats can be effectively dosed with buprenorphine i n dogs only.
orally (Robertson et a l , 2003), allowing simple home medi However, early feeding of an appropriate diet is n o w i n d i
cation, but the oral route is not effective i n dogs. Anecdotally, cated i n dogs. In addition, starvation is contraindicated i n
Tramadol has been found to be helpful i n dogs. Feeding a cats because o f the high risk o f hepatic lipidosis. The current
low-fat diet helps reduce postprandial pain i n humans and advice is therefore to institute some form o f enteral feeding,
anecdotally helps some dogs significantly. However, a d m i n whenever possible, within 48 hours i n both dogs and cats.
istering pancreatic enzymes i n the food does not seem to The more severe the disease, the more important it is to feed
reduce pain i n dogs, and there is little evidence i n support early. In severe cases this is best achieved with jejunostomy
of their use for pain relief i n either dogs or cats. tube feeding by continuous infusion of an elemental diet,
Best Practice for Feeding Patients with Acute Pancreatitis

Recent studies and metaanalyses of studies of nutrition in experimental acute pancreatitis but not yet in clinical pan
human acute pancreatitis have led to changes in advice for creatitis in dogs, although the experiences from early
best-practice feeding in these cases (Meier and Beglinger, enteral feeding in other gastrointestinal diseases in this
2006). Note that early enteral nutrition is p a r t i c u l a r l y species, such as parvovirus enteritis (Mohr et al., 2003),
indicated in severe disease, which is perhaps unexpected suggest that the recommendations may be similar. Most
and counter to our current practice in dogs. recently, it has been suggested that feeding may even be
A negative nitrogen balance is common in acute pancre given safely intragastrically in humans with acute pancre
atitis and is associated with a tenfold increase in mortal atitis, although more studies are needed to confirm this.
ity, although there have been no studies looking at Type of diet used: In humans, elemental diets have been
association of disease severity with nitrogen balance. This used in most cases and usually by continuous infusion.
is also likely to be true in small animals but has not been N o studies have really assessed whether less elemental
specifically investigated. diets would also work. Recent studies looking at immune-
IV feeding of glucose, protein, or lipids does not stimulate modulating micronutrients in the diets, such as glutamine,
pancreatic secretions. However, whether feeding is IV or fiber, arginine, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotic bacte
enteral, blood glucose should be kept normal because ria, have been encouraging (Pearce et al., 2006), but
hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia is associated with a more studies are needed before definite conclusions can
negative outcome. Insulin is used if the patient becomes be drawn. N o similar studies have been undertaken in
hyperglycemic on feeding, but this should be done only dogs and cats.
carefully in an intensive care situation with regular (hourly) In m i l d acute pancreatitis in humans current best practice
monitoring of blood glucose. is to withhold food in many cases for a little longer. Fluids,
Intrajejunal infusion of elemental diets in humans and electrolytes, and analgesics are delivered for 2 to 5 days,
experimental canine models of pancreatitis does not and then a diet rich in carbohydrate and moderate in fat
stimulate pancreatic enzyme release significantly. and protein is initiated with discharge on a normal diet
Early o r a l feeding after acute pancreatitis in humans is within 4 to 7 days. A g a i n , there are no specific recom
associated with increased pain, whereas jejunal feeding mendations for mild acute disease in dogs and cats.
is not. This has not been assessed in small animals. In c a t s : Current anecdotal recommendations are to feed
I m p o r t a n t : e a r l y i n t r a j e j u n a l f e e d i n g is p r e f e r r e d immediately in mild, moderate, and severe pancreatitis,
o v e r t o t a l p a r e n t e r a l n u t r i t i o n in p a t i e n t s w i t h preferably via a jejunostomy tube, although again it has
acute pancreatitis, particularly severe disease. been suggested that gastrostromy tubes with multiple low-
Results of metaanalysis in humans show that intrajejunal volume feeds should also be safe. There is just one case
feeding after 48 hours significantly reduced incidences of report of using an endoscopically placed J-tube in a
infections, reduced surgical interventions, and reduced cat with acute pancreatitis (Jennings et al., 2001). The
length of hospital stay and cost over total parenteral nutri emphasis on early feeding in cats comes from the risk of
tion. These findings have also been replicated in dogs with hepatic lipidosis.

although frequent small-volume feeds of a low-fat food via administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, or orally
a gastrostomy tube is also well tolerated i n most dogs and three times a day, or 1 to 2 mg/kg, administered intrave
cats with moderate pancreatitis. A good initial choice is baby nously over 24 hours as a slow infusion), but its effect on
rice mixed with water followed by a low-fat proprietary vet stimulating gastric motility may increase pain and pancre
erinary diet (such as Eukanuba Intestinal Formula; H i l l ' s atic enzyme release i n some animals. A phenothiazine anti
i/d; Royal-Canin-Waltham Digestive low fat or Purina E N - emetic such as chlorpromazine may be more effective in
formula) (Fig. 40-7). Concurrent antiemetics are also essen some patients, but phenothiazines have sedative and hypo
tial to allow effective feeding i n many cases (see next section). tensive effects, which may be particularly marked if they are
In patients in which enteral nutrition is not possible or when used together with opioid analgesia, so care should be taken
only a small percentage of the daily caloric requirements can i n these cases. 5 - H T receptor antagonists such as ondanse

be given enterally, some form of supplemental parenteral tron are useful i n other forms of vomiting in dogs (such as
nutrition should be considered. This is most practically chemotherapy-induced emesis) but are best avoided in pan
administered as peripheral parenteral nutrition (see creatitis because they have occasionally been reported to
Chandler et a l , 2000). trigger pancreatitis i n humans. The newly available NK1
receptor antagonist maropitant, licensed for use in dogs, has
Antiemetics both central and peripheral antiemetic effects and is showing
Antiemetics are often necessary to manage acute vomiting i n promise as an antiemetic i n dogs with pancreatitis, although
dogs and cats with pancreatitis. Metoclopramide has been it is not licensed for use i n cats. (Maropitant is available as
used successfully i n dogs with pancreatitis (0.5 to 1 mg/kg, Cerenia (Pfizer) in either an injectable solution (10 mg/ml)
FIG 40-7
Baby rice is a good first choice for feeding dogs with acute pancreatitis because it
contains no fat and protein. It comes as a finely ground rice powder (A) that can then be
mixed with water and, if desired, a gravy substitute such as Bovril to enhance the flavor
for feeding (B).

or tablets (16 mg, 24 mg, and 60 mg). The dose of injection Treatment of Biliary Tract Obstruction
is 1 mg/kg (i.e., 1 m l per 10 kg body weight once a day for Associated with Pancreatitis
up to 5 days). The dose of the tablets is 2 mg/kg once a day M o s t cases of extrahepatic biliary obstruction secondary to
for up to 5 days. acute-on-chronic pancreatitis resolve with conservative
management, and surgical or needle decompression of the
Gastroprotectants gallbladder and stenting of the bile duct are usually unneces
Patients with acute pancreatitis have an increased risk of sary i n dogs and cats. In humans it has n o w been demon
gastroduodenal ulceration caused by local peritonitis; they strated that there is no advantage to surgical intervention i n
should be monitored carefully for evidence of this (melena, most patients and no difference i n the severity and chronic
hematemesis) and treated as necessary with sucralfate and ity of secondary liver disease between those treated medically
acid secretory inhibitors ( H blockers such as cimetidine,
2 and those treated surgically, provided the jaundice resolves
famotidine, ranitidine, or nizatidine or the proton p u m p within a m o n t h (Addallah et al 2007). N o such study has
inhibitor omeprazole). Cimetidine should be avoided i n been done i n small animals, so treatment advice has to be
animals with concurrent liver disease because of its effect on empirical: If the feces remain colored (not white or acholic,
the cytochrome P450 system. Ranitidine can be used instead which implies complete biliary obstruction) and the jaun
in these animals, but its additional gastric prokinetic effect dice gradually resolves over a week to 10 days, then surgical
can cause vomiting in some individuals; it should be discon intervention is not indicated and conservative management
tinued if this occurs. Because famotidine does not have these with antioxidants and ursodeoxycholic acid are advised (see
prokinetic effects, it may be preferable. Chapters 37 and 38).


Infectious complications are reportedly rare i n dogs and cats
with pancreatitis, but when they occur, they can be serious; Etiology and Pathogenesis
antibiotic therapy has been shown to improve survival i n Chronic pancreatitis is defined as "a continuing inflamma
such cases i n humans. It is therefore advisable to use broad- tory disease characterized by the destruction of pancreatic
spectrum antibiotics in dogs and cats with acute pancreatitis parenchyma leading to progressive or permanent impair
because it is not always possible to assess the occurrence or ment of exocrine or endocrine function or both." The gold
risk of septic complications. Fluroquinolones or potentiated standard for diagnosis is histology (see Fig. 40-2), but this is
sulphonamides have been used i n humans because they pen rarely indicated or performed i n dogs or cats. Noninvasive
etrate the pancreas well and are effective against most h u m a n diagnosis is difficult with the currently available diagnostic
bacterial isolates from this region. However, because potenti imaging, and blood tests have a lower sensitivity than for
ated sulphonamides are potentially hepatotoxic, they are best acute disease.
avoided if there is concurrent hepatic involvement; fluroqui Chronic pancreatitis has been considered a rare and not
nolones are effective against only aerobes, so combination particularly important disease i n dogs, whereas it is recog
with another antibiotic with action against anaerobes, such nized as the most c o m m o n form of pancreatitis i n cats.
as metronidazole or amoxicillin, may be necessary. M e t r o n i However, the early literature published on canine pancreatic
dazole has the added benefit of being beneficial i f there is disease i n the 1960s and 1970s recognized it as a c o m m o n
concurrent inflammatory bowel disease or small intestinal disease of clinical significance. It was noted that a high
bacterial overgrowth secondary to intestinal ileus. proportion of cases of E P I i n dogs were caused by chronic
pancreatitis and also that it might be responsible for up to some cases will have a separate etiology. Some cases may
30% or more of cases of diabetes mellitus ( D M ) . M o r e recent represent chronic relapsing cases of acute disease, but
pathological and clinical studies i n both dogs (Newman many cases are truly chronic from the outset, with an initial
et al., 2004; Watson et a l , 2007) and cats (DeCock et al., mononuclear infiltrate. Genetic causes are likely to be impor
2007) have reconfirmed it as a c o m m o n and clinically rele tant i n dogs, which explains the increased risk in certain
vant disease i n both dogs and cats. It is likely to cause inter breeds.
mittent and/or ongoing recurrent gastrointestinal signs and N o particular breed prevalence has been reported for cats
epigastric pain i n a high number o f dogs and cats, but it is with chronic pancreatitis, and domestic shorthairs are most
frequently underrecognized because o f the difficulty of c o m m o n l y affected.
obtaining a noninvasive diagnosis. In dogs the postmortem
prevalence o f chronic pancreatitis is up to 34%, particularly Autoimmune Chronic Pancreatitis
in susceptible breeds, and even i n studies o f fatal acute pan The particular form o f chronic pancreatitis recognized in
creatitis, acute-on-chronic disease accounts for 40% of cases. English Cocker Spaniels i n the U . K . is thought to be an
In cats an even higher postmortem prevalence of chronic autoimmune disorder (Watson et al., 2006b; see Fig. 40-8).
pancreatitis o f 60% has been reported. It must be noted that As i n h u m a n autoimmune pancreatitis, it typically affects
postmortem studies tend to overestimate the prevalence of middle-aged to older dogs, with a higher prevalence in males,
chronic diseases, w h i c h leave permanent architectural and at least 50% of affected dogs subsequently develop D M ,
changes in the organ, whereas the prevalence of acute, totally EPI, or both. Dogs also often have other concurrent autoim
reversible diseases will be underestimated, unless the animal mune disease, particularly keratoconjunctivitis sicca. There
dies during the episode. Nevertheless, it is clear that there are is often a mass-like lesion on ultrasound (see Fig. 40-6, B),
many more cases o f chronic pancreatitis i n veterinary prac and biopsies show a typical perilobular diffuse fibrotic and
tice than currently recognized and that a number o f these lymphocytic disease centered on perilobular ducts and
are clinically relevant. vessels, with loss o f large ducts and hyperplasia of smaller
ducts. Immunohistochemistry shows a preponderance of
Idiopathic Chronic Pancreatitis duct and vein-centered C D 3 + lymphocytes (i.e., T-cells).
As i n acute pancreatitis, the cause o f chronic pancreatitis i n The h u m a n disease is believed to be a duct-centered immune
dogs is usually u n k n o w n (see Table 40-3). A n y age or breed reaction and responds to steroid therapy, including a reduc
of dog can be affected, but the most typical signalment is tion i n insulin requirement in some diabetics. This is clearly
a middle-aged to old dog, particularly a Cavalier K i n g differentiated from the proposed autoimmunity in young
Charles Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Collie, or Boxer i n the U . K . German Shepherd Dogs with pancreatic acinar atrophy,
(Watson et a l , 2007; Fig. 40-8). The breed prevalence in which is acinar-centered and does not result i n D M (dis
the U . S . has not been investigated, but an independent cussed i n more detail later). There are not yet any controlled
large study o f EPI i n the U . K . found an increased prevalence trials evaluating the use of immunosuppressive drugs in
in older Cavalier K i n g Charles Spaniels, supporting this English Cocker Spaniels with chronic pancreatitis, but there
breed association. Other parts of the world have also reported is n o w enough circumstantial evidence to justify their use in
a high incidence i n arctic-type breeds such as Huskies. this particular breed. However, the clinician should note that
There is likely to be some overlap with acute disease, although this is very breed specific; terriers in the U . K . , for example,
have a very different histopathological and clinical picture
of disease that does not appear to be autoimmune, and the
use o f steroids i n terriers with chronic pancreatitis is not

Clinical Features
Dogs with chronic pancreatitis, regardless of the cause, most
c o m m o n l y present with m i l d intermittent gastrointestinal
signs. Typically, they have bouts of anorexia, occasional v o m
iting, m i l d hematochezia, and obvious postprandial pain,
which often goes on for months to years before a veterinar
ian is consulted. The trigger for finally seeking veterinary
attention is often an acute-on-chronic bout or the develop
ment o f D M or E P I . The m a i n differential diagnoses in the
low-grade cases are inflammatory bowel disease and primary
gastrointestinal motility disorders. Dogs may become more
playful and less picky with their food when they are switched
FIG 4 0 - 8 to a low-fat diet, which suggests that they previously had
A n 8-year-old neutered m a l e English C o c k e r S p a n i e l with postprandial pain. C h r o n i c epigastric pain is a hallmark of
c h r o n i c pancreatitis. the h u m a n disease and is sometimes severe enough to lead
to opiate addiction or surgery, so it should not be overlooked there is less edema than i n those with acute disease. A variety
or underestimated in small animal patients. In more severe, of ultrasonographic changes may be seen i n patients with
acute-on-chronic cases, the dogs are clinically indistinguish chronic pancreatitis, including a n o r m a l pancreas, a mass
able from those with classical acute pancreatitis (see preced lesion, a mixed hyperechoic and hypoechoic appearance to
ing section), with severe vomiting, dehydration, shock, and the pancreas, and sometimes an appearance resembling that
potential multiorgan failure. The first clinically severe bout of classical acute pancreatitis with a hypoechoic pancreas
tends to come at the end o f a long (often years) subclinical and a bright surrounding mesentery (Watson et al 2006b;
phase of quietly progressive and extensive pancreatic destruc see Fig. 40-6). In addition, i n patients with chronic disease
tion in dogs. It is very important for clinicians to be aware adhesions to the gut may be apparent, and the anatomy o f
of this because these dogs are at m u c h higher risk for devel the pancreatic and duodenal relationship may be changed
oping exocrine and/or endocrine dysfunction than those by these adhesions. Some patients (particularly Cocker
with truly acute pancreatitis; in addition, they usually already Spaniels) have large mass-like lesions associated w i t h fibrosis
have protein-calorie malnutrition at presentation, w h i c h and inflammation; some cases have tortuous and dilated,
makes their management even more challenging. It is also irregular ducts; and many cases have completely n o r m a l
relatively c o m m o n for dogs with chronic pancreatitis to first pancreatic ultrasonographic findings i n spite o f severe
present with signs of D M and a concurrent acute-on-chronic disease.
bout of pancreatitis resulting i n a ketoacidotic crisis. In some Likewise, clinical pathology can be helpful, but the results
dogs there are no obvious clinical signs until the develop may also be normal. Increases i n pancreatic enzyme a c t i v i
ment o f EPI, D M , or both. The development o f E P I in a ties are most likely to be seen during an acute-on-chronic
middle-aged to older dog of a breed not typical for pancre bout than during a quiescent phase o f disease (very similar
atic acinar atrophy has to increase the index o f suspicion for to the waxing-and-waning increases i n liver enzyme activi
underlying chronic pancreatitis. The development o f EPI or ties i n patients w i t h ongoing chronic hepatitis). Again,
D M i n a dog or cat with chronic pancreatitis requires the similar to the situation i n hepatic cirrhosis, in end-stage
loss of approximately 90% o f exocrine or endocrine tissue chronic pancreatitis there may not be enough pancreatic
function, respectively, which implies considerable tissue tissue left to produce increases i n enzyme activities, even i n
destruction and end-stage disease. acute flare-ups. O n the other hand, occasionally serum T L I
In cats the clinical signs of chronic pancreatitis are usually can temporarily increase into or above the n o r m a l range i n
very mild and nonspecific. This is not surprising considering dogs with E P I as a result o f end-stage chronic pancreatitis,
that cats display m i l d clinical signs, even i n association with confusing the diagnosis o f E P I i n these dogs. cPLI appears
acute necrotizing pancreatitis. One study showed that the to have the highest sensitivity for the diagnosis o f canine
clinical signs o f histologically confirmed chronic nonsup chronic pancreatitis, but even this has a lower sensitivity
purative pancreatitis i n cats were indistinguishable from than i n acute disease. The diagnostic sensitivity o f feline P L I
those of acute necrotizing pancreatitis (Ferreri et a l , 2003). for chronic pancreatitis i n cats is u n k n o w n .
However, chronic pancreatitis in this species is significantly It is important to measure serum B concentrations i n

more often associated with concurrent disease than acute dogs and cats with chronic pancreatitis. The gradual devel
pancreatitis, particularly inflammatory bowel disease, chol opment of EPI, combined often w i t h concurrent ileal disease
angiohepatitis, hepatic lipidosis, and/or renal disease. The particularly i n cats, predisposes to cobalamin deficiency, as
clinical signs o f these concurrent diseases may predominate, outlined i n the section o n E P I . If serum B concentration
1 2

further confusing diagnosis. Nevertheless, some cats will is low, cobalamin should be supplemented parenterally
eventually develop end-stage disease with resultant EPI (0.02 mg/kg, administered intramuscularly or subcutane
and/or D M . ously every 2 weeks i n dogs and cats until serum concentra
Chronic pancreatitis is the most c o m m o n cause o f extra tion is normalized).
hepatic biliary obstruction i n dogs (see Chapter 38), and
dogs and cats with acute-on-chronic pancreatitis frequently Biopsy
develop jaundice. The diagnosis o f chronic pancreatitis can be very difficult i n
dogs and cats, and difficulties i n diagnosis likely result i n
Diagnosis under-recognition o f the disease. Establishing a definitive
Noninvasive Diagnosis diagnosis relies o n obtaining a pancreatic biopsy. However,
In the absence o f a biopsy, which is the gold standard, the this w i l l not be indicated i n most cases until there are effec
clinician must rely on a combination o f clinical history, tive treatments because a biopsy is a relatively invasive
ultrasonography, and clinical pathology. The findings o n procedure, the results o f w h i c h do not alter treatment or
diagnostic imaging and clinical pathology are similar to outcome. However, with the potential for some more specific
those outlined in the section on acute pancreatitis and Tables therapies, routine biopsy may be indicated i n the future. In
40-4 and 40-5. However, changes tend to be less marked i n humans the preferred method is needle-biopsy via transen
dogs and cats with chronic pancreatitis, and the diagnostic doscopic ultrasonographic guidance. Transendoscopic ultra
sensitivity of all tests is lower. Ultrasonography has a lower sonography is very expensive and o f limited availability i n
sensitivity in dogs and cats with chronic disease because veterinary medicine, so i n dogs and cats surgical or laparo-
scopic biopsies remain the most applicable. Cytology o f EXOCRINE PANCREATIC INSUFFICIENCY
ultrasound-guided transcutaneous fine needle aspirates o f
the pancreas may help differentiate neoplasia or dysplasia EPI is a functional diagnosis that results from a lack o f pan
from inflammation, but veterinary experience i n this area is creatic enzymes. As such, unlike pancreatitis, it is diagnosed
very limited. If the clinician is performing a laparotomy to o n the basis o f clinical signs and pancreatic function tests
obtain other biopsies, it makes perfect sense to obtain a and not primarily the results of pancreatic histopathology,
pancreatic biopsy at that time as well. Pancreatitis is not a although finding a marked reduction in pancreatic acinar
risk, provided the pancreas is handled gently and the b l o o d mass on histology is supportive of a diagnosis of EPI. The
supply is not disrupted. However, the biopsy should be small pancreas is the only significant source o f lipase, so fat
and from the tip o f a lobe and may therefore miss the area maldigestion with fatty feces (steatorrhea) and weight loss
of disease, which is usually patchy, particularly early on, and are the predominant signs o f EPI.
can also be centered on large ducts. Unfortunately therefore,
even biopsy has its limitations. Pathogenesis
Pancreatic acinar atrophy ( P A A ) is believed to be the pre
Treatment and Prognosis dominant cause o f EPI i n dogs, but recent work has shown
Dogs and cats with chronic, intermittent pancreatitis may that end-stage chronic pancreatitis is also important i n this
have intermittent bouts o f m i l d gastrointestinal signs and species (Fig. 40-9; Watson and Herrtage, 2006a; Batchelor
anorexia, and the owner's primary concern is often that the et al., 2007a). P A A has not been recognized in cats; end-stage
pet has missed a meal. These animals can be managed at pancreatitis is the most c o m m o n cause o f feline EPI (Fig.
home, as long as anorexia is not long lasting, and the owner 40-10). The development o f clinical EPI requires approxi
should be reassured that a short period o f self-induced star mately a 90% reduction i n lipase production and thus exten
vation is actually beneficial because it provides pancreatic sive loss o f pancreatic acini. It is therefore extremely unlikely
rest. to occur after a severe bout o f pancreatitis; it tends to result
As i n patients with acute pancreatitis, the current prefer from chronic, ongoing disease. However, the chronic disease
ence is for symptomatic treatment. Dogs and cats with acute may be largely subclinical or only present as occasional clin
flare-ups require the same intensive treatment as dogs and ical acute-on-chronic episodes, so the degree of underlying
cats w i t h classical acute pancreatitis and have the same risk pancreatic damage may be underestimated.
of mortality (see preceding section). The difference from P A A is particularly recognized i n young German Shep
isolated acute pancreatitis is that if the animal recovers from herd Dogs (see Fig. 40-9, A) , i n which an autosomal mode
the acute bout, it is likely to remain with considerable exo of inheritance has been demonstrated, and has also been
crine and/or endocrine functional impairment. In the milder described i n Rough Collies, suspected in English Setters, and
cases symptomatic treatment can make a real difference i n sporadically reported i n other breeds. A recent large study of
the animal's quality o f life. Changing to a low-fat diet (such EPI i n the U . K . reported that young C h o w Chows were over-
as H i l l ' s I D , R o y a l - C a n i n - W a l t h a m Digestive l o w fat, or represented (Batchelor et al., 2007a). The pathogenesis was
Eukanuba Intestinal) apparently reduces postprandial pain u n k n o w n , but the juvenile onset suggested P A A or perhaps
and acute flare-ups i n many cases. Owners often underesti a congenital defect i n this breed.
mate the effects o f fatty treats, w h i c h can precipitate recur Histological studies i n German Shepherd Dogs suggest
rences i n susceptible individuals. Some animals need that P A A is an autoimmune disease directed against the
analgesia, either intermittently or continuously (see section acini (Wiberg et al., 2000). Therefore the islets are spared,
o n acute pancreatitis and Table 40-8). A c c o r d i n g to anec and dogs with P A A are not typically diabetic. However,
dotal reports, short courses o f metronidazole (10 mg/kg, P O affected dogs do not respond to immunosuppressive therapy.
q l 2 h ) seem to help some patients after acute bouts M o s t dogs develop the disease i n young adulthood, but a
presumably because they develop secondary bacterial over proportion o f G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs remain subclinical
growth as a result o f a "stagnant l o o p " phenomenon i n for a prolonged period o f time and present only late in
the adjacent duodenum. Serum B concentration should
1 2
be measured regularly, and cobalamin should be supple In contrast, many dogs with end-stage chronic pancreati
mented parenterally as necessary (0.02 mg/kg, administered tis also develop D M either before or after EPI as a result of
intramuscularly 2 to 4 weeks until serum concentration concurrent islet cell destruction (Watson, 2003; Watson
normalizes). et al., 2006a). The situation is similar i n cats with end-stage
Treatment o f extrahepatic biliary tract obstruction asso chronic pancreatitis. There is no breed relationship in cats,
ciated with acute-on-chronic disease should be as outlined but dogs with E P I as a result of end-stage chronic pancreati
i n the acute pancreatitis section. tis tend to be middle-aged to older m e d i u m - or small-breed
In patients with end-stage disease, exocrine and/or endo dogs, particularly Cavalier K i n g Charles Spaniels, English
crine deficiency may develop. Dogs and cats w i t h E P I and/or Cocker Spaniels, and Collies (see Fig. 40-8). Interestingly,
D M are managed with enzymes (discussed i n more detail although Boxers i n the U . K . were reported to have an
later) and insulin as necessary i n the usual way (see Chapter increased prevalence o f chronic pancreatitis in one study,
52), and most do surprisingly well long term. they have also been reported to be significantly under-
FIG 40-9
A , Physical appearance of a 2-year-old male German Shepherd Dog with exocrine
pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). B , An 11-year-old neutered female English Springer Spaniel
with EPI caused by end-stage chronic pancreatitis. This dog also had diabetes mellitus
(DM) but was still losing weight in spite of good control of the D M . EPI had not initially
been suspected, but once it was diagnosed and treated with enzyme supplements, the
dog returned to normal weight and coat condition within 6 months (C). (A, Courtesy Dr.
William E. Hornbuckle, Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine. B , From
Journal of Small Animal Practice vol. 4 4 , 2003.)

represented among dogs with EPI, which suggests that their

chronic pancreatitis does not progress to end-stage disease.
Other underrepresented breeds i n a large study of EPI were
Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers and
Weimaraners (Batchelor et al., 2007a). Finding compatible
clinical signs i n these breeds should first trigger a search for
other possible causes, such as chronic infections or inflam
matory bowel disease.
Other causes of EPI in dogs and cats are pancreatic
tumors, hyperacidity of the d u o d e n u m inactivating lipase,
and isolated enzyme (particularly lipase) deficiency. These
are all rare causes. Patients with pancreatic tumors usually
present for other reasons, but tumors can result i n EPI
owing to a combination of compression of pancreatic ducts
FIG 40-10 by the mass, destruction of acinar tissue, and associated
A middle-aged Persian cat with end-stage chronic pancreati pancreatitis.
tis and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Note matting of U p to 70% of dogs with EPI have concurrent small intes
coat with feces and poor body condition. tinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This will contribute to
clinical signs and should be considered when treating an
affected dog. In SIBO bacteria deconjugate bile salts, thus the clinical signs o f the three conditions because they are so
decreasing fat emulsification and therefore fat digestion. similar.
Bacteria also break down the undigested fat to hydroxy fatty
acids. These and deconjugated bile salts irritate the colonic
mucosa and may cause large intestinal diarrhea by stimulat ROUTINE CLINICAL PATHOLOGY
ing secretion. Dogs with EPI therefore tend to present with C B C s and serum biochemistry profiles are often normal in
signs o f both small and large bowel diarrhea. dogs and cats with E P I . In very cachectic animals there may
A high proportion o f dogs (particularly those presenting be subtle nonspecific changes consistent with malnutrition,
with low body condition scores) also have reduced duodenal negative nitrogen balance, and breakdown of body muscle
enzyme activity, w h i c h may be partly due to the SIBO but such as low albumin and globulin concentrations, mildly
also to the effects o f malnutrition o n the gut and possibly to increased liver enzyme activities, low cholesterol and triglyc
the loss o f the trophic influence o f pancreatic secretions. eride concentrations, and lymphopenia.
Cobalamin deficiency is c o m m o n i n both dogs and cats with Finding marked hypoproteinemia or more severe changes
EPI and seems to be a negative prognostic indicator i n dogs on the C B C and biochemistry profiles in an animal with EPI
if untreated (Batchelor et al 2007b). V i t a m i n B is absorbed
1 2 should trigger a search for another concurrent disease. Cats
from the distal ileum using a carrier-mediated process that and dogs with end-stage pancreatitis may present with more
requires the v i t a m i n to be b o u n d to intrinsic factor (IF). The severe secondary clinicopathologic changes, as outlined in
latter is produced entirely by the pancreas in cats and mainly the pancreatitis section. A high percentage of these patients
by the pancreas i n dogs, although the canine stomach can with end-stage pancreatitis (up to 50%) also have concurrent
also produce a small amount. Therefore most cats with EPI D M , so they have clinicopathological changes typical of D M
are expected to be B -deficient, whereas most but not all o f
12 (see Chapter 52).
dogs with EPI have hypocobalaminemia. In one large study
of dogs with E P I , 82% o f dogs had l o w serum cobalamin PANCREATIC ENZYMES
concentration (Batchelor et al 2007b). In cats with end-stage The diagnosis o f EPI in dogs and cats relies on demonstrat
pancreatitis, the hypocobalaminemia is compounded by the ing reduced pancreatic enzyme output. The most sensitive
high prevalence o f concurrent inflammatory bowel disease, and specific way o f doing this is by measuring reduced cir
w h i c h often decreases ileal absorption o f vitamin B . C o b a l
1 2 culating enzyme activity. B l o o d tests that indirectly measure
amin deficiency causes villous atrophy and reduced gastro gut enzyme activity, such as the B T - P A B A test, are now rarely
intestinal function, weight loss, and diarrhea i n cats; therefore used because they have been replaced by the specific i m m u
it is important not only to document hypocobalaminemia noassays for serum activities o f pancreatic enzymes. Readers
but also to treat it with parenteral B injections (0.02 mg/kg,
12 who would like more information on the B T - P A B A test are
administered intramuscularly 2 to 4 weeks until serum con referred to Batt et al. (1981). The plasma turbidity test, used
centration normalizes). historically after feeding a high-fat meal, with and without
pancreatic enzymes, had a very l o w sensitivity and specificity
Clinical Features for EPI and has been completely superseded by the enzy
M o s t dogs and cats w i t h EPI present because o f chronic matic test.
diarrhea and emaciation i n tandem with a ravenous appetite Measurement o f reduced T L I in the blood has a high
(see Fig. 40-9). The diarrhea tends to be fatty (steatorrhea) sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis o f EPI in dogs
because o f prominent fat maldigestion but is variable from and cats and is currently the single test o f choice for the
day to day and among individuals. Sometimes diarrhea is not diagnosis o f EPI i n small animals. It is important to measure
a prominent feature because digestion is interrupted so early it on a fasting sample because the release o f pancreatic
in the process that the osmotic effect o f molecules is rela enzymes associated with feeding can raise the levels in the
tively small. Affected dogs and cats also often have chronic serum. It is not necessary to stop exogenous pancreatic
seborrheic skin disease resulting from deficiency of essential enzyme supplementation before measuring T L I because
fatty acids and cachexia, and some patients present to a exogenous enzymes should not be absorbed from the
dermatology clinic for this reason. If EPI is due to chronic gut into the circulation; even i f they are, the test is an
pancreatitis, the diagnosis may be complicated by concur immunoassay that does not cross-react with the tryspin/
rent ongoing pancreatitis that may cause intermittent trypsinogen o f other species i n the supplement. However,
anorexia and vomiting. Animals with end-stage chronic pan there are some problems i n interpreting the results, as listed
creatitis may also develop D M either before or months to in Box 40-2.
years after the development o f EPI. Unlike i n humans, amylase and lipase activities are not
Concurrent diseases are c o m m o n i n dogs with EPI, either consistently low in dogs and cats with EPI because of the
related or unrelated to the pancreatic deficiency. In one study high background levels o f enzymes from other organs. A low
in dogs concurrent gastrointestinal, skeletal, and skin con cPLI also has a good sensitivity and specificity for the diag
ditions were c o m m o n (Batchelor et al 2007b). Cats with nosis o f EPI i n dogs (Steiner et al., 2001). However, this test
pancreatitis often have concurrent cholangitis and/or inflam is not superior to T L I . P L I is also likely to be low in cats
matory bowel disease, and it is often difficult to differentiate with E P I .
BOX 40-2
Interpretation of TLI Results in the Diagnosis of Canine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

A low serum TLI (<2.5 g/l in dogs) in a dog with com In another proportion of dogs (about 10%), the TLI will
patible clinical signs, particularly in a high-risk breed, is decrease to the level diagnostic of EPI and in some it
diagnostic of EPI may remain in the grey area.
A repeat blood sample to confirm diagnosis in a few In an older dog that is not a German Shepherd Dog,
weeks to months is recommended in cats and in older TLI values may fluctuate as described below and
dogs that are not German Shepherd Dogs. Occasion samples should be repeated when there is no clinically
ally, a single TLI may be low in a dog with pancreati acute flare-up
tis as a result of a temporary reduction in enzyme A normal TLI in a German Shepherd Dog rules out EPI
production. resulting from PAA, and a search should be made for
A low serum TLI (<2.5 g/1 in dogs) with no compatible another cause of the presenting clinical signs.
clinical signs (i.e., no weight loss or diarrhea) is not A single normal or high TLI in an older nonGerman Shep
diagnostic of EPI but should be repeated herd Dog with suspicious clinical signs does not rule out
A dog with persistently low TLI but no steatorrhea or EPI. TLI can transiently and intermittently increase into or
weight loss should be considered to have subclinical above the normal range in dogs with EPI secondary to
EPI and should not be treated but monitored for any chronic end-stage pancreatitis if it is measured during a
evidence of clinical disease. A TLI stimulation test may bout of inflammation. This is understandable because EPI
give more information about the status of the animal reduces TLI but pancreatitis elevates it, so the two condi
but is rarely performed. Subclinical EPI has been tions occurring concurrently interfere with interpretation
reported in a small number of German Shepherd Dogs of the test. This is likely to be true in cats as well, although
with PAA (Wiberg et al 1999) but has not yet been it has not been well documented in that species. Therefore
reported in cats. It is uncommon. in any animal with suspected EPI secondary to chronic
A TLI in the gray area (2.5-5.0 g/1 in dogs) is not diag pancreatitis, TLI measurements should be repeated, pref
nostic of EPI and should be repeated in a few weeks to erably when the animal is showing no clinical signs of
months pancreatitis. Alternatively, a test for enzyme activity in the
In a proportion of dogs (45% in one study: Wiberg gut such as a fecal elastase test could be used in these
et al., 1999), the TLI will return to the normal range. animals.

Note: A TLI stimulation test could be used in animals with subclinical EPI (low TLI but no clinical signs) or animals with a TLI persistently in
the grey area. Pancreatic enzyme output is stimulated either with intravenous cholecystokinin and secretin or with a test meal, and TLI
concentrations are measured before and after stimulation (Wiberg et al., 1999). Animals with true clinical EPI show no stimulation, whereas
animals with subclinical EPI still have enough enzyme activity to increase their TLI after stimulation. The value of a stimulation test in clinical
cases is limited because the decision to treat is based on the clinical signs. It is of more value in monitoring progression of disease for clinical
EPI, Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency; PAA, pancreatic acinar atrophy.

Fecal tests for EPI are rarely used because of low sensitiv on three days or using a cut-off value for diagnosis of EPI,
ity and specificity compared with serum tests. Measuring which is below this variation i n most dogs.
fecal trypsin activity has a very low sensitivity and specificity
for EPI, as do assessment of fecal proteolytic activity or OTHER DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
microscopic examination of feces for undigested fat, starch, It is also advisable to measure serum cobalamin concentra
and muscle fibers. A l l these tests have been superseded by tion in animals with EPI because cobalamin concentration
measurement of serum T L I and cPLI. Measurement of fecal is often reduced because of a deficiency of pancreatic intrin
elastase may have some utility in dogs with EPI as a result of sic factor, as previously explained. If serum B concentration
1 2

chronic pancreatitis or duct blockage, in which T L I results is low, it should be supplemented parenterally. (0.02 mg/kg,
may be misleading. Elastase appears to have higher sensitiv administered intramuscularly every 2 to 4 weeks until serum
ity and specificity than the other fecal tests for the diagnosis concentration normalizes).
of EPI in dogs. Elastase is a pancreatic enzyme, and a species- Serum folate concentrations are high i n about a third of
specific ELISA for canine elastase has been developed and is dogs with EPI. This may indicate SIBO, although the sensi
available for commercial use i n dogs (Spillman et a l , 2000 tivity and specificity of high serum folate concentration for
and 2001). As with canine T L I , because there is no cross- the diagnosis of SIBO is poor. The definition and diagnosis
reaction with elastase from other species, dogs can remain of SIBO is problematic, and it is better to assume that a
on enzyme supplementation while the test is performed. newly diagnosed dog with EPI has SIBO and treat it appro
There is marked variation in elastase levels in normal canine priately than to rely o n the results of diagnostic tests. The
feces compared with humans. The sensitivity and specificity importance of SIBO i n cats with EPI is u n k n o w n . Occasion
of the test are improved by taking three separate fecal samples ally i n dogs and cats with EPI, serum folate concentration
may be low; this can suggest either dietary deficiency or gain may be very difficult to achieve with a low-fat diet.
concurrent inflammatory or infiltrative disease i n the There is no convincing evidence i n the literature that long-
jejunum. U n l i k e cobalamin, there is no clear evidence that term feeding o f a low-fat diet improves outcome i n dogs
folate should be supplemented i n dogs when it is low. with P A A , although there is some evidence that it may result
i n faster resolution o f clinical signs. However, high-fat diets
Treatment (such as proprietary renal diets) should obviously be avoided.
DRUGS W e therefore recommend that dogs with P A A be fed a normal
A l l dogs and cats w i t h clinical EPI require enzyme supple- to moderately fat-restricted, highly digestible diet with rea-
mentation for life. In most cases this is provided as a powder sonable calorie density. The diet should also be low in fiber
or in the form o f a capsule, which is opened and then sprin- because fiber impairs the activity of pancreatic enzymes and
kled on the food. Fresh raw pancreas (which can be frozen soluble fiber may actually absorb pancreatic enzymes. Fiber
i n aliquots) may be used as an alternative and can be very may also reduce small intestinal absorption and activity of
effective, but there is also the potential for acquiring gastro- brush border enzymes. The proprietary veterinary diets mar-
intestinal infections (such as Salmonella and C a m p y l o - keted for gastrointestinal disease i n dogs (e.g., Hill's ID,
bacter). The dose o f enzymes is initially as recommended by Royal-Canin Digestive l o w fat H E , and Eukanuba Intestinal
the manufacturer and then titrated to the individual. A large or Dermatosis FP) fulfill these requirements and are recom-
proportion o f enzyme activity is lost i n the acid p H o f the mended, at least for initial stabilization. In the long term,
stomach (up to 83% o f lipase activity and 65% o f trypsin after the gut wall recovers, these dogs can be maintained on
activity). T o overcome this, either the dose o f enzymes given a normal fat level in most cases and can often return to their
is increased or an H blocker is administered concurrently to
2 normal diet. In some individuals with P A A extra calories can
increase gastric p H . Preincubating enzymes with the food is be added to the diet between meals i n the form of medium
not indicated because they require the alkaline environment chain triglycerides, such as coconut oil. They should not be
of the small intestine to work properly. In the long term it is used i n cats and should not be given in overly high doses i n
often possible to decrease the dose o f enzymes given (but not dogs because o f the risk o f osmotic diarrhea. The recom-
stop altogether). This may be due to resolution o f the sec- mended daily amount is to 4 teaspoons i n dogs in divided
ondary bacterial overgrowth and the effects o f chronic m a l - doses. M e d i u m chain triglycerides also cannot carry fat-
nutrition and cobalamin deficiency on enterocytes and brush soluble vitamins, will cause vomiting in some individuals,
border enzymes. Reports suggest that enzyme replacement and are contraindicated i n dogs with liver disease because
may be reduced over the long term by between 6% and 58% they may worsen encephalopathy.
but not stopped altogether. In dogs with EPI as a result of C P , dietary advice is slightly
Dogs and cats with EPI and concurrent SIBO require different. M a n y of these dogs benefit from long-term feeding
courses o f appropriate antibiotics (oxytetracycline, tylosin, of a low-fat diet, which seems to reduce postprandial pain
or metronidazole). It is advisable to administer prophylactic and acute flare-ups o f disease (Hill's I D ; Royal-Canin Diges-
medication for presumed SIBO i n all newly diagnosed cases tive l o w fat, or Eukanuba Intestinal). Therefore proprietary
for 3 to 4 weeks i n view o f the high prevalence o f concurrent low-fat diets w o u l d be preferred i n these patients. The use of
bacterial overgrowth and the difficulty i n diagnosing it, m e d i u m chain triglycerides is not recommended in dogs
although it remains unclear whether initial antibiotic therapy with chronic pancreatitis, but fortunately these are often
improves prognosis. small-breed dogs with less cachexia than the German
Dogs and cats with documented hypocobalaminemia will Shepherd Dogs with P A A .
require parenteral vitamin B injections (0.02 mg/kg, a d m i n -
1 2 It is best to feed two or more meals a day, each with
istered intrumuscularly every 2 to 4 weeks until serum con- enzymes added, and the dog should not be allowed to scav-
centration normalizes). It is relatively c o m m o n for G e r m a n enge. This is often difficult because they are polyphagic, but
Shepherd Dogs with P A A to have concurrent inflammatory scavenging, especially o f fatty foods, causes recurrence of
bowel disease, and this must also be addressed. Animals with diarrhea and sets back recovery.
EPI as a result o f chronic pancreatitis may require insulin Cats with EPI are often best managed on a hypoallergenic
therapy for concurrent D M and other therapies for acute intestinal type diet (e.g., H i l l ' s D D , Eukanuba dermatosis
flare-ups, including analgesics, as outlined i n the section o n L B , or Royal-Canin limited ingredient diets) because there
pancreatitis. is a high incidence o f concurrent inflammatory bowel
disease. If they are also diabetic, it is unclear whether they
DIET should be fed an intestinal diet or a proprietary feline dia-
Disruption of fat digestion is the most important feature o f betes diet (e.g., H i l l ' s M D , Royal-Canin diabetic diet, or
EPI. A low-fat food has therefore been traditionally recom- Purina D M ) .
mended, but it may not contain enough calories to feed a
large-breed dog (e.g., a G e r m a n Shepherd Dog) effectively. Prognosis
Fat usually contributes a significant proportion o f daily The prognosis for dogs with EPI is good because the disease
energy intake because it is more energy-dense than carbohy- can be treated. However, a surprising number of dogs (19%
drates. In large-breed dogs with EPI and cachexia, weight i n one recent study) are euthanized within the first year of
treatment because o f poor response to therapy (Batchelor Neuroendocrine tumors such as insulinomas and gastri
et al., 2007b). The same study showed that the median sur nomas appear to be more c o m m o n than pancreatic adeno
vival time o f dogs that responded to treatment was very carcinomas i n dogs and tend to be seen i n different breeds
good, at 1919 days. This underlines the importance of sched of dog, predominantly large breeds (Watson et al., 2007).
uling regular follow-up appointments, particularly i n the These are tumors o f the endocrine pancreas that produce
initial stages o f therapy, to evaluate progress and change clinical signs related to secretion o f hormones and are
management as necessary. Prognosis for dogs and cats with therefore outside the scope o f this chapter.
EPI as a result o f end-stage chronic pancreatitis is surpris
ingly good i n most cases, even i f it is complicated by concur
rent D M , with survival times o f several years i n most cases. PANCREATIC ABSCESSES, CYSTS,
EXOCRINE PANCREATIC NEOPLASIA Pancreatic abscesses, cysts, and pseudocysts are u n c o m m o n l y
reported i n dogs and cats and are usually a complication or
Neoplasms of the exocrine pancreas are u n c o m m o n i n both sequela o f pancreatitis. Pancreatic cysts may be congenital
cats and dogs. Pancreatic adenocarcinomas have a very (e.g., as part o f the polycystic renal disease i n Persian cats)
aggressive biological behavior and have usually disseminated or secondary to cystic neoplasia, but the most c o m m o n are
widely by the time o f diagnosis. They are often subclinical pseudocysts secondary to pancreatitis. A pancreatic pseudo
until they have disseminated, but they can result i n single or cyst is a collection o f fluid containing pancreatic enzymes
repeat bouts o f pancreatitis and/or the development o f EPI. and debris i n a nonepithelialized sac. Pseudocysts have been
Some pancreatic tumors have been associated with paraneo recognized i n association with pancreatitis i n both cats and
plastic syndromes such as sterile panniculitis i n dogs, alope dogs, although they appear to be rare, and microscopic
cia with shiny skin i n cats, and hypercalcemia. C h r o n i c acinar cysts were found frequently i n feline chronic pancre
pancreatitis is a risk factor for the development of pancreatic atitis. Pseudocysts are not associated with any distinct c l i n i
adenocarcinomas i n humans, and this may also be true i n copathological findings other than those associated with the
dogs because the published reports o f these tumors i n dogs underlying pancreatitis. Analysis o f fluid obtained from a
show a predominance o f Cocker and Cavalier K i n g Charles pseudocyst by fine needle aspiration generally shows a m o d
spaniels. ified transudate. The activities o f amylase and lipase can be
Pancreatic adenomas are rare i n small animals but have measured i n the pseudocyst fluid. In humans the enzymes
been reported i n cats. N o d u l a r hyperplasia o f the exocrine are higher i n pseudocysts associated with pancreatitis than
pancreas is also c o m m o n i n older dogs and cats. This usually i n those associated with cystic carcinomas, but the value o f
presents as multiple small masses, whereas pancreatic tumors this measurement i n small animals is u n k n o w n . Cytology
are usually single, but histopathology or cytology is neces can differentiate a pseudocyst from a true abscess because a
sary to definitively differentiate hyperplasia from neoplasia. pseudocyst contains amorphous debris; some neutrophils
Both dogs and cats with acute and chronic pancreatitis and macrophages; and, rarely, small numbers o f reactive
sometimes present with a large pancreatic "mass" as a result fibroblasts, whereas an abscess contains many degener
of fat necrosis and/or associated fibrosis, and it is important ative neutrophils and variable numbers o f pancreatic acinar
not to confuse these with neoplasia. Again, histopathology is cells, which may appear very atypical as a result o f
required to differentiate these conditions. Ultrasound-guided inflammation.
fine needle aspiration cytology has been suggested as a useful A true pancreatic abscess is a collection o f septic exudate
means of differentiating inflammatory and neoplastic lesions that results from secondary infection o f necrotic pancrea
of the pancreas (Bjorneby and Kari, 2002). Clinical use i n tic tissue or a pancreatic pseudocyst. They are associated
dogs and cats is limited, but it has been reported to be helpful with a poor prognosis but fortunately are rare i n dogs and
in diagnosis i n some studies (Bennet et al., 2001). cats.
Pancreatic tumors are not associated with any specific Treatment o f pancreatic pseudocysts can be surgical or
clinicopathological changes and may cause no changes i n medical. M e d i c a l treatment by ultrasound-guided cyst aspi
enzymes at all. Alternatively, they can result i n recurrent ration has had a reasonable success rate. Pancreatic abscesses
bouts o f pancreatitis with typical associated b l o o d changes, should be treated surgically with omentalization or open
and EPI can develop. In some cases biliary tract obstruc peritoneal drainage. Both carry a high mortality rate, but a
tion may occur with associated jaundice and marked eleva recent study suggested that omentalization may be preferable
tions i n liver enzyme activities. Occasionally, pancreatic (Johnson et a l , 2006).
tumors have been reported associated with marked
hyperlipasemia. Suggested Readings
The prognosis i n dogs and cats with pancreatic adenocar Addallah A A et al: Biliary tract obstruction in chronic pancreatitis,
cinoma is very poor. The tumors are extremely aggressive, HPB 9:421, 2007.
poorly sensitive to chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and have Barres FJ et al: Effects of intravenous ketamine on gastrointestinal
usually disseminated widely by the time o f diagnosis. motility in the dog, Int Med 7:584, 1995.
Batchelor DJ et al: Breed associations for canine exocrine pancreatic Mohr AJ et al: Effect of early enteral nutrition on intestinal perme
insufficiency, / Vet Intern Med 21:207, 2007a. ability, intestinal protein loss, and outcome in dogs with severe
Batchelor DJ et al: Prognostic factors in canine exocrine pancreatic parvoviral enteritis, / Vet Intern Med 17:791, 2003.
insufficiency: prolonged survival is likely if clinical remission is Newman S et al: Localization of pancreatic inflammation and
achieved, / Vet Intern Med 21:54, 2007b. necrosis in dogs, / Vet Intern Med 18:488, 2004.
Batt R M et al: Specificity of the BT-PABA test for the diagnosis of Pearce CB et al: A double-blind, randomised, controlled trial to
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in the dog, Vet Rec 108:303, study the effects of an enteral feed supplemented with glutamine,
1981. arginine, and omega-3 fatty acid in predicted acute severe
Bennett PF et al: Ultrasonographic and cytopathological diagnosis pancreatitis, J Pancreas 7:361, 2006.
of exocrine pancreatic carcinoma in the dog and cat, JAAHA Ruaux CG: Pathophysiology of organ failure in severe acute pan
37:466, 2001. creatitis in dogs, Compend Cont Educ Small Animl Vet 22:531,
Bjorneby I M et al: Cytology of the pancreas, Vet Clin NAm 32:1293, 2000.
2002. Ruaux C G et al: A severity score for spontaneous canine acute
Chandler M L et al: A pilot study of protein sparing in healthy pancreatitis, Aus Vet J 76:804, 1998.
dogs using peripheral parenteral nutrition, Res Vet Sci 69:47, Robertson SA et al: Systemic uptake of buprenorphine by cats after
2000. oral mucosal administration, Vet Rec 152:675, 2003.
De Cock HE et al: Prevalence and histopathologic characteristics of Schaer M : A clinicopathological survey of acute pancreatitis in
pancreatitis in cats, Vet Pathol 44:39, 2007. 30 dogs and 5 cats, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 15:681, 1979.
Etemad B et al: Chronic pancreatitis: diagnosis, classification, and Spillmann T et al: Canine pancreatic elastase in dogs with clinical
new genetic developments, Gastroenterology 120:682, 2001. exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, normal dogs and dogs with
Hall EJ et al: A survey of the diagnosis and treatment of canine chronic enteropathies, Eur J Comp Gastroenteroly 5:1, 2000.
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, / Small Anim Prac 32:613, Spillmann T et al: A n immunoassay for canine pancreatic elastase
1991. 1 as an indicator of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs,
Ferreri JA et al: Clinical differentiation of acute necrotizing / Vet Diagnost Invest 13:468, 2001.
from chronic non-suppurative pancreatitis in cats: 63 cases Steiner J M et al: Serum canine lipase immunoreactivity in dogs
(1996-2001), J Am Vet Med Assoc 223:469, 2003. with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, / Vet Intern Med 15:274,
Gerhardt A et al: Comparison of the sensitivity of different 2001.
diagnostic tests for pancreatitis in cats, / Vet Intern Med 15:329, Swift N C et al: Evaluation of serum feline tryspin-like immunore
2001. activity for diagnosis of pancreatitis in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc
Guija de Arespacochaga A et al: Comparison of lipase activity in 217:37, 2000.
peritoneal fluid of dogs with different pathologiesa comple Watson PJ: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency as an end stage of
mentary diagnostic tool in acute pancreatitis? / Vet Med 53:119, pancreatitis in four dogs, / Small Anim Pract 44:306, 2003.
2006. Watson PJ et al: A prospective observational study of 30 cases of
Hall EJ et al: A survey of the diagnosis and treatment of canine canine chronic pancreatitis. Proceedings of the 16 ECVIM-CA
exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, / Small Anim Prac 32:613, Congress Amsterdam, and published in the Journal of Veterinary
1991. Internal Medicine, 20:1519, 2006a.
Hess RS, et al: Clinical, clinicopathological, radiographic and ultra Watson PJ et al: Prevalence and breed distribution of chronic
sonographic abnormalities in dogs with fatal acute pancreatitis: pancreatitis at post-mortem examination in first opinion dogs.
70 cases (1986-1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 213:665, 1998. / Small Anim Prac 48:609, 2007.
Hess RS et al: Evaluation of risk factors for fatal acute pancreatitis Watson PJ et al: Chronic pancreatitis in cocker spaniels shows
in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 214:46, 1999. features of human autoimmune pancreatitis.Proceedings of
Hill RC et al: Acute necrotizing pancreatitis and acute suppurative the 16 E C V I M - C A Congress Amsterdam, and published in
pancreatitis in the cat: a retrospective study of 40 cases (1976- the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 20:1518, 2006b.
1989), / Vet Intern Med 7:25, 1993. Weiss DJ et al: Relationship between inflammatory hepatic disease
Jennings M et al: Successful treatment of feline pancreatitis using and inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis and nephritis in
an endoscopically placed gastrojejunostomy tube, / Am Anim cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 206:1114, 1996.
Hosp Assoc 37:145, 2001. Westermarck E et al: Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in dogs,
Johnson M D et al: Treatment for pancreatic abscesses via omental- Vet Clin Nh Am Small Anim Pract 33:1165, 2003.
ization with abdominal closure versus open peritoneal drainage Wiberg M E : Pancreatic acinar atrophy in German shepherd dogs
in dogs: 15 cases (1994-2004), / Am Vet Med Assoc 228:397, and rough-coated collies. Etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treat
2006. ment. A review, Vet Q 26:61, 2004.
Kimmel SE et al: Incidence and prognostic value of low plasma Wiberg M E et al: Cellular and humoral immune responses in atro
ionised calcium concentration in cats with acute pancreatitis: 46 phic lymphocytic pancreatitis in German shepherd dogs and
cases (1996-1998),} Am Vet Med Assoc 219:1105, 2001. rough-coated collies, Vet Immunol Immunopathol 76:103, 2000.
Mansfield CS et al: Trypsinogen activation peptide in the diagnosis Wiberg M E et al: Serum trypsinlike immunoractivity measurement
of canine pancreatitis, / Vet Intern Med 14:346, 2000. for the diagnosis of subclinical exocrine pancreatic insufficiency,
Mansfield CS et al: Review of feline pancreatitis. Part 2: clinical / Vet Intern Med 13:426, 1999.
signs, diagnosis and treatment, / Feline Med Surg 3:125, Williams DA, Batt R M : Sensitivity and specificity of radioimmuno
2001. assay of serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity for the diagnosis
Meier RF et al: Nutrition in pancreatic diseases, Best Pract Res Clin of canine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, / Am Vet Med Assoc
Gastroenterol 20:507, 2006. 192:195, 1988.

ANALGESICS See Table 40-8

Amoxicillin and ampicillin 10-20 mg/kg P O , S C , or IV Broad-spectrum bactericidal and therapeutic levels in
q8-12h dogs and cats liver and bile
Biliary tract infections; control of gut bacteria in
hepatic encephalopathy; control of systemic
infection of gut origin
Preferably used on basis of culture and sensitivity
Cephalexin 10-20 mg/kg P O , S C , or IV Very similar activity and spectrum to ampicillinsee
q8-12h dogs and cats ampicillin
Helpful in patients with penicillin hypersensitivity;
<10% show cross-reaction to cephalexin
Enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg S C or P O q24h dogs Bactericidal particularly against gram negatives; poor
(Baytril) and cats efficacy against anaerobes and strep; good tissue
Bilary tract infections, particularly with gram-negative
Also infectious complications of pancreatitis
Preferably used on basis of culture and sensitivity;
should not be used in growing dogs (toxic to
growing cartilage); used only with care in cats: risk
of retinal damage
Marbofloxacin 2 mg/kg S C , P O , or IV q24h As enrofloxacin
(Zeniquin) dogs and cats
Metronidazole 10 mg/kg P O or slowly IV q l 2 h Bactericidal particularly effective against anaerobes;
dogs and cats often used in combination with ampicillin for biliary
If significant hepatic functional tract infections or to control gut bacteria in hepatic
impairment, reduce to 7.5 m g / encephalopathy
kg q12h
Neomycin 2 0 mg/kg q6-8h P O or as a Particularly used in acute hepatic encephalopathy;
retention enema dogs and cats systemic absorption and oto- and nephrotoxicity can
occur if there is concurrent G l ulceration,
particularly in cats.
Potentiated sulphonamides, 15 mg/kg of combined ingredients Bactericidal, broad-spectrum and probably drug of
(e.g., trimethoprim-sulpha) (trimethoprim + sulphonamide) choice with infectious complications of pancreatitis;
PO q l 2 h should not be used in liver disease if possible
because hepatotoxic in susceptible individuals;
should not be used in Doberman Pinschers because
of reduced hepatic clearance; immune-mediated
diseases occasional adverse effects
Chlorpromazine 0.2-0.4 mg/kg S C q8h dogs and Indicated in vomiting associated with pancreatitis and
cats some cases of hepatitis, but only if other anti
emetics tried and ineffective because it is a
phenothiazine sedative; effective antiemetic but also
sedative, so ensure adequate hydration and avoid
or use very low dose in encephalopathy and
cardiovascular compromise
Metoclopramide 0.2-0.5 mg/kg P O or S C q8h or Indicated in vomiting associated with liver disease
1 mg/kg q24h as a constant and some cases of pancreatitis; however,
rate infusion peripheral prokinetic effect may increase pain in
pancreatitis; neurological adverse effects
occasionally seen; avoid in encephalopathy


Maropitant Dogs only: 1 mg/kg S C q24h for Centrally acting antiemetic in new class (NK1 receptor
(Cerenia) up to 5 days or 2 m g / k g orally antagonist); antiemetic of choice in canine
q24h for up to 5 days pancreatitis as no obvious prokinetic effect; used
with care in liver disease because metabolized in
the liver, so do not use if significant liver
dysfunction; not licensed for cats
Ondansetron Cats and dogs: 0.5 mg/kg IV Refractory vomiting; may be contraindicated in
(Zofran) loading dose followed by pancreatitis because it has been reported to trigger
0.5 mg/kg/hour infusion q6h or it in humans
0.5-1 mg/kg P O q12-24h
Lactulose 5-15 ml P O q8h (dogs) Hepatic encephalopathy with acquired or congenital
0.25-1 ml P O q8h (cats) portosystemic shunts; overdose produces diarrhea;
C a n also be given as retention titrate to effect (= 2-3 soft bowel movements a day)
enema in acute encephalopathy
Antibiotics (e.g., ampicillin, See antibacterial section
metronidazole, neomycin)
Propofol Constant rate infusion; rate Drug of choice for seizures because of liver disease/
calculated by giving an initial hepatic encephalopathy; should not be used in
bolus to effect (usually about pancreatitis because it is a lipid vehicle
1 mg/kg) and timing duration of
action; usually about 0.1-
0.2 m g / k g / m i n
Phenobarbital 5-10 m g / k g P O q24h Can be used prophylactically before and immediately
preoperatively followed by 3- after surgery to reduce risk of postoperative
5 m g / k g q12h postoperatively seizures after ligation of PSS, but evidence of
for 3 weeks effectiveness is anecdotal
Prednisolone (prednisone) Antiinflammatory dose: 0.5 m g / k g Antiinflammatory or immunosuppressive doses in
q 2 4 h ; immunosuppressive dose: lymphocytic cholangitis in cats and chronic hepatitis
1-2 m g / k g q24h. Taper at in dogs and in suspected immune-mediated
0.5 m g / k g q24h or eod pancreatitis in English Cocker spaniels
Avoid in suppurative cholangitis; avoid in portal
hypertension or animals with ascites (potential G l
ulceration); avoid use of dexamethasone because
very ulcerogenic
Colchicine Dogs only 0.03 m g / k g / d a y P O Antifibrotic of choice in moderate hepatic fibrosis in
dogs, but efficacy unclear; monitor blood samples
for bone marrow suppression; G l side effects
common and most likely reason to stop therapy
S-adenosylmethionine Dogs: 2 0 m g / k g P O q24h or Indicated in any liver disease but particularly hepatic
(SAM-e) higher; cats: 2 0 m g / k g or lipidosis in cats and toxic hepatitis and diseases
(Denosyl) 200-400 mg total daily causing biliary stasis in dogs and cats; tablets must
be given whole on an empty stomach for effective
Sylmarin (silymarin, silibin) 50-200 m g / d o g P O q24h Antioxidant derived from milk thistle; likely effective
and safe, but very limited studies to base dose
advice on in dogs; studies were in toxic hepatitis
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 4 0 0 IU per day for medium-sized Indications as S A M e but including any chronic
dogs (titrate accordingly for hepatitis in dogs
other sizes) or 5-25 l U / k g P O
daily dogs and cats

Zinc (see copper chelating)

and ursodeoxycholic acid
(see choleretic) also have
antioxidant activities
N-acetylcysteine Cats and dogs: 140 m g / k g IV or Antidote for acetaminophen toxicity that binds the
PO as a loading dose and then toxic metabolite and increases the glucuronidation
continued at 7 0 mg/kg q6h for process; can cause nausea and vomiting when
a total of 7 treatments or for up given orally; foul taste makes oral dosing difficult
to 5 days without nasogastric tube
Cimetidine Dogs: 5-10 mg/kg IV, IM, or P O Slows oxidative hepatic drug metabolism by binding
q6-8h; Cats 2.5-5 m g / k g IV, IM, to microsomal cytochrome P 4 5 0 ; therefore useful
or PO q8-12h additional antidote in acetaminophen toxicity in
dogs and cats
Also antioxidants such as See sections on antioxidants and
S-adenosylmethionine vitamins
and vitamins E and C
supportive for oxidant
toxins such as
Ranitidine 2 mg/kg PO or slowly IV q l 2 h Acid secretory inhibitor of choice in liver disease;
(Zantac) dogs and cats may not be necessary if gastric pH is high;
Cimetidine should be avoided because of action on
P450 enzymes, except as an antidote (see above)
Sucralfate Dogs: 1 g per 3 0 kg 4 times a day. Gastric ulceration associated with liver or pancreatic
(Carafate) Cats: 2 5 0 mg/cat P O q8-12h disease
Penicillamine Dogs only: 10-15 mg/kg P O q12h Copper chelator for copper storage disease; takes
months to de-copper liver; give on an empty
stomach; vomiting common; Immune-mediated,
renal, and skin disease possible
2,3,2-tetramine Dogs only: 10-15 mg/kg P O q12h Copper chelator for copper storage disease in dogs;
tetrahydrochloride (2,3,2- more rapid effect than penicillamine so may be
T) and 2,2,2-tetramine more useful in acute disease; 2,3,2-tetramine
tetrahydrochloride produces greater copper loss but is not available as
a drug; isolated case reports of their use in dogs
but no extensive trials; toxicity data unclear except
that prolonged use may lead to clinical signs
resulting from low copper levels
Zinc acetate or sulphate 1-20 m g / k g / d a y of elemental zinc Indicated in copper storage disease to reduce copper
dogs; 7 m g / c a t / d a y of absorption; also antioxidant, antifibrotic, and
elemental zinc cats increases ammonia detoxification, so may be helpful
in any chronic hepatitis or hepatic encephalopathy;
monitor blood levels every 1-2 weeks and keep
below 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 g/dl to avoid toxicity (iron
deficiency and hemolysis); main side effect is
vomitinggive 1 hour before food to minimize this
Ursodeoxycholic acid 4-15 mg/kg per day split into two Choleretic + also moderates bile acid pool to be less
(Ursodiol) doses 12 hours apart (dogs); toxic + antiinflammatory and antioxidant; indicated
15 mg/kg P O once a day (cats) in conditions associated with biliary stasis but
without complete bile duct obstruction;
contraindicated with obstruction in case of
gallbladder rupture


Furosemide 2 mg/kg P O q8-12h dogs and Use as additional diuretic where necessary in ascites
cats of liver disease; always use concurrent
spironolactone to avoid compensatory increase
aldosterone action with further water retention and
Spironolactone 2-4 mg/kg day in divided doses Diuretic of choice in ascites of liver disease (see text
dogs and cats Chapter 39); Gradual onset of action over 2-3
days; may be combined with furosemide for more
marked diuresis
Fresh frozen plasma Dogs and cats: starting dose of Replenish depleted clotting factors in severe acute or
10 ml/kg; the dose of plasma is chronic liver disease, particularly if prolonged OSPT
titrated based on the results of a n d / o r APTT and no response to vitamin K
the OSPT and APTT treatment alone
Vitamin K1 (Phytomenadione) 0.5-2 mg/kg SC or IM 12 hours Treatment of coagulopathy associated with liver
(Konakion) before biopsy and then q12h for disease, particularly if concurrent biliary stasis a n d /
3 days or gut disease reducing vitamin K absorption;
treatment of coagulopathy before liver biopsy
Vitamin B 12 Dogs and cats: 0.02 m g / k g IM or Treatment of vitamin B deficiency, particularly

(Cyanocobalamin) SC every 2-4 weeks until serum associated with EPI and lack of pancreatic intrinsic
concentration normalizes (oral factor
dosing ineffective in EPI because
of ineffective absorption)
Vitamin K1 (Phytomenadione) See treatment of coagulopathy
Vitamin E See antioxidant section
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Cats and dogs oxidant toxins: Indicated only as supportive treatment for oxidant
30-40 mg/kg S C q6h for 7 toxins affecting the liver (e.g., acetaminophen)
treatments Not indicated in other cases of hepatitis or copper
storage disease because increases absorption and
hepatic build-up of metals

PO, By mouth; SC, subcutaneous; IV, intravenous; GI, gastrointestinal; PSS, portosystemic shunt; IM, intramuscular; EPI, exocrine pancreatic
G r e g o r y F. G r a u e r

C H A P T E R 41

Clinical Manifestations of
Urinary Disorders

urination (dysuria) associated w i t h straining (stranguria;

Fig. 41-1). L U T I i n dogs is often caused by bacterial infec
tion; i n contrast, primary bacterial infection o f the urinary
tract is relatively rare i n cats. Sterile inflammation (e.g., some
Pollakiuria and Dysuria-Stranguria
cases of calcium oxalate urolithiasis and idiopathic cystitis)
Urethral Obstruction
or space-occupying masses o f the lower urinary tract (e.g.,
Urinary Tract Infection
neoplasia, ureterocele) can result i n pollakiuria and dysuria-
Transitional Cell Carcinoma
stranguria i n both dogs and cats. W h e n an animal has clini
cal signs suggestive of L U T I or obstruction, transabdominal
Feline Lower U r i n a r y Tract Inflammation
palpation o f the bladder may confirm the presence o f a dis
tended bladder, a thickened bladder wall, a bladder mass, or
urolithiasis. If possible, urinary bladder palpation should be
Initial Evaluation
performed before and after the patient voids because a full
Pharmacologic Testing and Treatment
bladder may obscure the presence o f intraluminal masses or
Distended Bladder
uroliths. Digital rectal examination i n smaller male and
Small or Normal-Sized Bladder
female dogs and i n cats often allows the clinician to evaluate
the trigone o f the bladder and the pelvic urethra i n a search
for masses or uroliths. Urinalysis, urine bacterial culture,
ultrasonography o f the bladder, and/or plain or contrast-
enhanced radiography o f the bladder and urethra often
demonstrate the cause o f the pollakiuria and dysuria-
stranguria; occasionally, advanced imaging modalities (e.g.,
computed tomography ( C T ) scan) may be necessary to eval
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS uate the lower urinary tract. Currently, cystoscopy is widely
used i n specialty practices and academic hospitals for evalu
This chapter begins w i t h a discussion o f urinary tract ation of patients w i t h lower urinary tract diseases. If systemic
problems that are likely to be identified by pet owners (e.g., signs (e.g., depression, lethargy, anorexia, vomiting) are
pollakiuria and dysuria-stranguria, hematuria, urinary present i n animals w i t h L U T I , a complete b l o o d count ( C B C )
incontinence, and polydipsia and polyuria). Problems that and serum biochemistry profile should also be obtained, and
are usually identified on the basis o f a physical examination, the kidneys, prostate, and uterus/uterine stump should be
a m i n i m u m database, or with imaging techniques, i n c l u d evaluated as a possible source o f the signs.
ing proteinuria, azotemia, and renomegaly, are discussed
Urethral obstruction, either functional (e.g., reflex dyssyner
POLLAKIURIA AND DYSURIA- gia, urethral spasm) or anatomic (e.g., urolithiasis, granulo
STRANGURIA matous urethritis, neoplasia), usually causes pollakiuria,
Lower urinary tract inflammation (LUTI) usually results i n dysuria-stranguria, or both, w i t h an attenuated or absent
increased frequency o f urination (pollakiuria) and difficult urine stream. A urethral catheter will pass relatively easily i n
FIG 4 1 - 1
Diagnostic a p p r o a c h to pollakiuria a n d dysuria-stranguria (see also Fig. 4 1 - 7 ) .

TABLE 41-1

Numbers of Bacteria per Milliliter Considered Significant According to Method of Urine Collection in Dogs and Cats


Cystocentesis >1000 1 0 0 to 1 0 0 0 <100

Catheterization >10,000 1 0 0 0 to 1 0 , 0 0 0 <1000
V o i d e d o r expressed > 100,000 1 0 , 0 0 0 to 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 < 10,000

patients with a functional obstruction, whereas an anatomic or a midstream catch during voiding. However, the number
obstruction w i l l result i n "grating," difficult passage or the of organisms isolated i n a normal dog or cat varies according
inability to pass the catheter. If there is any question, a pos to the technique used (Table 41-1). Ideally, urine should be
itive contrast retrograde urethrogram w i l l confirm the pres obtained by cystocentesis, and urine specimens should be
ence o f an anatomic lesion or obstruction. If a complete plated w i t h i n 30 minutes o f collection. If this is not possible,
urethral obstruction exists, the degree o f postrenal azotemia the urine sample should be refrigerated i n a closed container
and hyperkalemia should be assessed immediately. H y p e r k a because bacteria may double their numbers i n urine every
lemia can cause life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and 45 minutes at r o o m temperature, resulting i n false-positive
should be treated p r o m p t l y (see Fig. 41-1). culture findings. O n the other hand, false-negative urine
culture results may be obtained i f the urine has been frozen
URINARY TRACT INFECTION or refrigerated for 12 to 24 hours or more.
U r i n e for urinalysis and bacterial culture may be obtained A n i m a l s with recurrent or refractory urinary tract infec
by antepubic cystocentesis, urinary bladder catheterization, tions (UTIs) should undergo ultrasonography or contrast-
enhanced radiography i n a search for underlying anatomic urease-producing bacteria are present); cystine uroliths
disorders. Bladder tumors or polyps, uroliths, pyelonephri with an acidic urine; and oxalate, urate, and silicate uroliths
tis, prostatitis, ureteroceles, and urachal remnants are with a neutral-to-acidic urine. Crystalluria may be observed
common causes o f recurrent or unresponsive U T I s . In depending o n the urine concentration, p H , and temperature.
some cases, systemic disorders such as hyperadrenocorti Although crystalluria may exist i n the absence o f uroliths,
cism, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mellitus may be and uroliths may be present i n the absence of crystalluria, i f
associated with recurrent UTIs, as can long-term corticoste the two coexist, the identity of the crystals is usually the same
roid treatment. UTIs are discussed i n greater depth i n as that o f the urolith (Figs. 41-2 to 41-6). Exceptions do
Chapter 45. occur, however; for example, a urease-producing bacterial
infection could generate struvite crystals i n the presence o f
TRANSITIONAL CELL CARCINOMA silicate or calcium oxalate uroliths. Bacterial urine culture
Transitional cell carcinoma ( T C C ) is the most c o m m o n and sensitivity testing should be performed i n all animals
malignant bladder tumor in dogs and should be suspected with urolithiasis to identify and properly treat any concur
in older dogs with hematuria, pollakiuria, and dysuria- rent U T I . If a cystotomy is performed to remove stones,
stranguria. T C C s are rare i n cats, where they are usually a small piece o f the bladder mucosa or urolith should be
detected as a diffuse thickening of the bladder wall during
palpation or imaging. T C C s most frequently arise i n the
bladder trigone region; therefore rectal palpation can often
detect their presence. U r i n a r y bladder ultrasonography or
double contrast-enhanced cystography will confirm that a
bladder mass exists. In some cases, unilateral or bilateral
hydroureter-hydronephrosis is observed as a result of obstruc
tion o f one or both ureters at the vesicoureteral junction.
T u m o r biopsy and histopathologic evaluation should be done
to confirm the tumor type and stage and to direct the nature
of specific treatment. The bladder tumor antigen test ( V -
B T A test: is usually not recommended
as a diagnostic aid because it does not reliably differentiate
dogs with bladder cancer from dogs with L U T I resulting
from other causes. In some specialty practices, cystoscopy
provides a simple method to obtain a diagnostic sample for
histopathology and assess the extent of bladder involvement
FIG 4 1 - 3
in dogs and cats with infiltrative bladder diseases.
Struvite crystals in urine sediment. These crystals a r e
normally colorless. (From G r a u e r GF: C a n i n e urolithiasis. In
UROLITHIASIS Allen D G , editor: Small animal medicine, Philadelphia,
Urinary bladder and urethral uroliths can often be palpated 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.)
during abdominal or rectal examination; however, a full
bladder or a thickened, inflamed bladder wall may obscure
small uroliths. In male dogs with dysuria, the urethra should
be palpated subcutaneously from the ischial arch to the os
penis i n a search for urethral uroliths. Ultrasonography
or plain or contrast-enhanced radiography of the urinary
tract may be necessary to confirm the presence o f uroliths.
Calcium oxalate and struvite uroliths are the most radiodense,
whereas urate uroliths are relatively radiolucent, and c o n
trast-enhanced radiographs may be required for their diag
nosis. Silicate and cystine uroliths have an intermediate
radiodensity, and unless the stones are small (<5 m m i n
diameter), they can usually be observed o n plain film
Urinalysis findings i n dogs and cats with urolithiasis often
indicate the presence of urinary tract inflammation (e.g.,
hematuria, pyuria, increased numbers of epithelial cells, and
FIG 4 1 - 3
proteinuria). The urine p H varies depending o n the stone
M o n o h y d r a t e calcium oxalate crystals in urine sediment.
type, on the presence or absence o f a concurrent bacterial These crystals a r e normally colorless. (From G r a u e r GF:
infection, and on the animal's diet. In general, struvite uro C a n i n e urolithiasis. In Allen D G , editor: Small animal
liths are associated with an alkaline urine (especially i f medicine, Philadelphia, 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.)
FIG 4 1 - 4 FIG 4 1 - 6
Dihydrate calcium oxalate crystals in urine sediment. These Cystine crystals in urine sediment. These crystals a r e
crystals a r e normally colorless. (From G r a u e r GF: C a n i n e normally clear to light yellow. (From Grauer GF: Canine
urolithiasis. In Allen D G , editor: Small animal medicine, urolithiasis. In Allen D G , editor: Small animal medicine,
Philadelphia, 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.) Philadelphia, 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.)

titative urolith analysis, available at most teaching hospitals

and reference laboratories, is recommended instead.
Urolithiasis is discussed i n greater detail i n Chapters 46
and 47.


Cats with L U T D (often referred to as feline urologic syn
drome, feline lower urinary tract inflammation, ox feline inter
stitial cystitis; see Chapter 47) usually are presented because
of pollakiuria, dysuria-stranguria, microscopic or gross
hematuria, or inappropriate voiding. In male cats with a
urinary tract obstruction, the presenting signs depend on
how long the obstruction has been present. W i t h i n the first
FIG 4 1 - 5 6 to 24 hours, most obstructed cats will make frequent
A m m o n i u m biurate crystals in urine sediment. These crystals attempts to urinate, pace, vocalize, hide under beds or
are normally d a r k yellow. (From G r a u e r GF: C a n i n e behind couches, lick their genitalia, and display anxiety. If
urolithiasis. In Allen D G , editor: Small animal medicine, the obstruction is not relieved within 36 to 48 hours, char
Philadelphia, 1 9 9 1 , JB Lippincott.) acteristic clinical signs o f postrenal azotemia and hyperkale
mia, including anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, depression,
weakness, collapse, stupor, hypothermia, acidosis with
submitted for bacterial culture. This is because urine may be hyperventilation, or bradycardia, may be observed. Sudden
sterile i n dogs and cats that have previously been treated with death may also occur.
antibiotics, whereas the stone or bladder mucosa may still O n physical examination an unobstructed cat is appar
harbor bacteria. ently healthy, except for a small, easily expressible bladder.
The animal's signalment, as well as the clinicopathologic The bladder wall may be thickened, and palpation may cause
and radiographic findings, are often helpful i n determining the animal to void. A b d o m i n a l palpation may be painful
the type of urolith (Box 41 -1); however, a quantitative urolith to the unobstructed cat; however, the obstructed cat will
analysis should be performed i f uroliths are passed or always resent manipulation o f the caudal abdomen unless it
removed surgically. Identification o f the u r o l i t h type facili is severely depressed or comatose. The most significant phys
tates the use o f specific measures to dissolve them or prevent ical examination finding i n an obstructed cat is a turgid,
their recurrence. Qualitative commercial kit analysis o f uro distended bladder that is difficult or impossible to express.
liths is not recommended because these kits do not detect Care should be exercised i n manipulating the distended
silicic acid salts, frequently fail to detect calcium-containing bladder, however, because the wall has been injured by the
uroliths, and yield false-positive results for uric acid more increased intravesical pressure and is susceptible to rupture.
than half o f the time i n animals with cystine uroliths. Q u a n In a male cat with a urethral obstruction, the penis may be
BOX 41-1

Factors That May Aid in the Identification of Uroliths in Dogs

Urine is usually a c i d i c to neutral.
8 0 % to 9 7 % of uroliths in female d o g s are struvite. Uroliths a r e relatively radiolucent.
Uroliths in d o g s y o u n g e r than 1 year of a g e are usually Increased incidence in d o g s w i t h severe hepatic insuffi
struvite. ciency (e.g., portosystemic shunts in M i n i a t u r e Schnau
There is a high incidence of concurrent u r i n a r y tract infec zers a n d Yorkshire Terriers).
tion (especially Staphylococcus or Proteus spp.).
Urine is usually alkaline. Silicate
Uroliths are radiodense. Increased prevalence in male d o g s (especially G e r m a n
Increased prevalence in M i n i a t u r e Schnauzers, M i n i a t u r e Shepherd Dogs, G o l d e n Retrievers, a n d Labrador
Poodles, Bichon Frises, Cocker Spaniels. Retrievers).
Urine is usually a c i d i c to neutral.
Calcium O x a l a t e Urolith r a d i o d e n s i t y is v a r i a b l e .
Increased prevalence in older male d o g s (especially M i n H i g h d i e t a r y intake o f silicates p r o b a b l y predisposes
iature Schnauzers, M i n i a t u r e Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, (corn gluten a n d s o y b e a n hulls).
Lhasa Apsos, Bichon Frises, a n d Shih Tzus).
Urine is usually acidic to neutral.
Uroliths are radiodense. Increased prevalence in male d o g s (especially Dachs
Hypercalcemia m a y b e a contributing factor. hunds, Basset H o u n d s , Bulldogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Irish
Terriers, C h i h u a h u a s , Mastiffs, a n d Rottweilers).
A m m o n i u m Acid Urate
Urine is usually a c i d i c .
Increased prevalence in male d o g s (especially Dalma Urolith r a d i o d e n s i t y is v a r i a b l e .
tians a n d Bulldogs).

congested and it may protrude from the prepuce. Occasion Because the urine strip reagents detect hemoglobin and
ally, a urethral plug is seen extending from the urethral myoglobin, a positive " b l o o d " test i n a urine dipstick does
orifice, and i n some cases the cat may lick its penis until it not necessarily mean that the patient has hematuria, and the
becomes excoriated and bleeds. sediment should be evaluated microscopically (discussed i n
A history of acute onset of pollakiuria, dysuria- more detail later). Hematuria occurring i n conjunction with
stranguria, and hematuria i n an otherwise healthy cat i n d i pollakiuria and dysuria-stranguria is usually associated with
cates L U T D . Physical examination should include digital L U T I . Conversely, hematuria that occurs i n the absence o f
rectal palpation o f the caudal bladder and urethra i n an other clinical signs often originates from the upper urinary
attempt to determine whether there are masses or calculi, as tract. Hematuria may be gross (macroscopic hematuria) or
well as abdominal palpation o f the bladder before and after occult (microscopic hematuria). Occult hematuria (more
voiding to determine the residual urine volume and whether than five red b l o o d cells per high-power field) is often present
there are intraluminal masses or uroliths. The m i n i m a l diag in dogs and cats with pollakiuria and dysuria-stranguria.
nostic workup i n cats with pollakiuria and dysuria-strangu The diagnostic w o r k u p i n dogs and cats with hematuria is
ria should always include a complete urinalysis. The urine directed toward identifying the origin o f the hemorrhage as
should preferably be obtained by cystocentesis; however, i f well as the underlying disease.
manipulation o f the bladder during abdominal palpation In most cases hematuria is caused by inflammation,
results i n voiding, a sample obtained from a clean tabletop trauma, or neoplasia o f the urogenital tract; however, hema
may be used to assess urine p H and sediment. turia may also be caused by systemic bleeding disorders,
A n extensive diagnostic evaluation o f the unobstructed strenuous exercise, heat stroke, or renal infarcts. The renal
cat is usually not warranted. In most o f these cases the urine telangiectasia that occurs i n Cardigan Welsh Corgis may also
is bacteriologically sterile, and clinical signs respond to cause hematuria, as can the renal hematuria i n Weimaraners.
canned food dietary therapy. However, if clinical signs persist The timing o f gross hematuria during voiding may provide
beyond 5 to 7 days o f instituting dietary therapy, a second clues as to the source o f the hemorrhage. Hematuria that
urinalysis with a urine culture and sensitivity, radiography occurs at the beginning o f voiding (initial hematuria) is sug
of the abdomen, ultrasonography, and/or contrast-enhanced gestive o f hemorrhage originating from the lower urinary
cystography-urethrography should be performed (Fig. 41-7). tract (bladder neck, urethra, vagina, vulva, penis, or prepuce).
Extraurinary causes such as proestrus, metritis, pyometra,
HEMATURIA prostatic disease, or neoplasia o f the genital tract may also
Hematuria, the presence of red blood cells i n the urine, is cause initial hematuria (Table 41-2). H e m a t u r i a that occurs
frequently encountered i n clinical veterinary medicine. at the end o f voiding (terminal hematuria) usually results
FIG 41-7
D i a g n o s t i c p l a n for feline l o w e r u r i n a r y tract i n f l a m m a t i o n s y n d r o m e .

TABLE 4 1 - 2

Potential Causes of Hematuria


Initial hematuria
Urethral causes S p o n t a n e o u s b l e e d i n g unassociated w i t h v o i d i n g m a y also occur w i t h
Trauma the f o l l o w i n g :
Infection Prostatic: i n f e c t i o n , cyst, abscess, tumor
Urolithiasis Uterine: i n f e c t i o n , tumor, proestrus, subinvolution
Neoplasia V a g i n a l : tumor, t r a u m a
G r a n u l o m a t o u s urethritis P r e p u t i a l / p e n i l e : tumor, t r a u m a
Bladder trigone region

Total or terminal hematuria

Kidney, ureter, b l a d d e r Prostatic (see a b o v e )
Trauma B l e e d i n g disorders
Infection H e a t stroke
Urolithiasis Exercise-induced
Drug i n d u c e d ( c y c l o p h o s p h a m i d e )
Feline l o w e r u r i n a r y tract i n f l a m m a t i o n s y n d r o m e
Renal infarct
Renal t e l a n g i e c t a s i a
I d i o p a t h i c renal h e m a t u r i a

from hemorrhage originating from the upper u r i n a r y tract hematuria), the hemorrhage usually originates i n the bladder,
(bladder, ureters, or kidneys). In this case the hemorrhage ureters, or kidneys. Pseudohematuria may be caused by myo
may be intermittent, w h i c h allows the red b l o o d cells to settle globin or h e m o g l o b i n , drugs, and natural or artificial food
i n the bladder and be expelled w i t h the last o f the bladder dyes i n the urine. In cases o f pseudohematuria, the urine
contents. If hematuria occurs throughout voiding (total supernate remains discolored after centrifugation.
In dogs and cats with hematuria caused by inflammation, the pelvic inlet. In larger female dogs digital vaginal palpa
trauma, or neoplasia o f the lower urinary tract, concurrent tion and the use of a vaginal speculum or scope allow for the
clinical signs usually include pollakiuria and dysuria- urethral orifice to be evaluated; vaginal masses, strictures,
stranguria. Hematuria associated with upper urinary tract and lacerations can be ruled i n or out i n this way. In male
disease may be associated with systemic signs, including dogs the perineal urethra should be palpated subcutaneously
depression, lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, weight from the ischial arch to the os penis, and the penis should
loss, and abdominal pain, or it may be asymptomatic. In be extruded from the prepuce and examined to determine
some cases upper urinary tract hemorrhage can result i n the whether there are masses, signs o f trauma, or urethral pro
formation of blood clots i n the bladder, leading to subse lapse. Finally, catheterization o f the urethra i n dysuric
quent dysuria-stranguria. If hemorrhage from the genital animals allows assessment o f urethral patency; when i n d i
tract is causing hematuria, spontaneous bleeding not associ cated, positive contrast retrograde urethrography or ultraso
ated with voiding may also be observed. A d d i t i o n a l signs nography can be employed to outline urethral anatomic
indicating that the genital tract is the source o f hemorrhage abnormalities.
include a purulent vaginal or urethral discharge independent C o m p a r i s o n o f urine obtained by cystocentesis with
of voiding, behavioral changes (e.g., proestrus), or straining voided urine may help differentiate lower urinary tract or
to defecate i n association with a stilted gait (e.g., prostatic genital tract disease from upper urinary tract disease. Cysto
disease). centesis prevents the urine from being contaminated with
A complete physical examination often helps localize the bacteria, cells, and debris from the urethra, vagina, vulva,
source of the hematuria. If possible, the kidneys should be prepuce, or uterus; however, prostatic disease may alter the
palpated and assessed i n terms o f their size, shape, consis characteristics o f urine obtained by cystocentesis (as a result
tency, and symmetry and for the presence o f pain. The of the reflux of fluid into the bladder). A b n o r m a l urinalysis
urinary bladder should be palpated before and after voiding, findings i n urine collected by cystocentesis indicate involve
because, as already noted, a full bladder may obscure intra ment o f the bladder, ureters, kidneys, or prostate. It should
luminal masses, uroliths, or wall thickening. Observation o f be remembered, however, that catheterization or bladder
voiding should also be part of the physical examination and expression, and to a greater extent cystocentesis, may result
provides the opportunity to obtain a voided urine sample in traumatic microscopic hematuria.
(Fig. 41-8). In addition, the timing o f the hematuria can be Urinalysis should be performed as soon as possible after
confirmed and the character o f the urine stream, as well as urine collection. In addition to evaluating the urine sedi
the presence or absence of dysuria, can be noted. Rectal ment for red b l o o d cells, the clinician should look for white
palpation allows evaluation of the prostate i n male dogs and b l o o d cells, epithelial cells, t u m o r cells, casts, crystals, para
of the pelvic urethra i n dogs and cats of both sexes. The site ova, and bacteria. If urine remains at r o o m temperature
trigone region o f the bladder can also be palpated rectally i n for more than 30 minutes, urease-producing bacteria can
small dogs and cats; this is facilitated by concurrent abdom proliferate, resulting i n an increase i n the urine p H , w h i c h
inal palpation, with the examiner pushing the bladder toward may cause red and white b l o o d cells and casts to fragment

FIG 4 1 - 8
Diagnostic a p p r o a c h to d o g s a n d cats w i t h h e m a t u r i a .
and lyse and may alter the crystal composition. In addition, is unilateral or bilateral. Nuclear medicine (technetium
hyposthenuria can result i n the lysis o f red and white b l o o d labeled red b l o o d cells) can also be used to localize renal
cells, and lysed red b l o o d cells i n urine may create confusion hematuria to one individual kidney.
between hemoglobinuria and hematuria. Refrigeration is
the easiest way to preserve the stability o f a urine sample.
A l t h o u g h overnight refrigeration i n a closed sterile container DISORDERS OF MICTURITION
is acceptable for urine to be used for bacterial culture samples,
it is not recommended for urine intended for chemical and Disorders o f micturition include both urine retention and
cellular analysis. urine leakage (incontinence). Incontinence, the inappropri
Reagent strips used to detect b l o o d i n urine do so by ate passage o f urine, may be caused by congenital abnor
detecting the peroxidase-like activity o f hemoglobin from malities or acquired disorders. In evaluating an animal with
lysed cells. The test can detect approximately 0.05 to 0.3 m g incontinence, the clinician may find it helpful to determine
of hemoglobin per deciliter of urine (equivalent to 10,000 whether the urinary bladder is distended, small, or normal
lysed red b l o o d cells per milliliter o f urine, or approximately in size (Table 41-3). Distended bladders are associated with
three lysed red b l o o d cells per high-power field). These urine retention and are usually caused by either detrusor
reagent test strips also show a positive reaction for b l o o d i n hypocontractility or increased outflow resistance. Increased
the presence o f myoglobinuria. outflow resistance may be anatomic (e.g., urethral urolith)
A C B C and serum biochemistry profile should be evalu or functional (e.g., reflex dyssynergia). Urinary incontinence
ated i n dogs and cats with hematuria and concurrent w i l l occur with a primary urine retention disorder when
systemic signs. A n inflammatory leukogram is compatible intravesicular pressure overcomes outflow resistance pres
with metritis-pyometra, acute bacterial pyelonephritis, or sure. This type of incontinence is termed paradoxic.
prostatitis. Azotemia occurring i n association with hematu M o r e commonly, however, incontinence is associated with a
ria usually indicates the presence o f renal parenchymal small or normal-sized bladder that is typically caused by
disease or a rent i n the urinary excretory pathway; how either decreased outflow resistance or increased detrusor
ever, prerenal causes o f azotemia should also be ruled out. contractility.
If the b l o o d loss caused by hematuria is severe or i f signs
of generalized bleeding exist, a hemostasis profile, platelet Initial Evaluation
count, and bleeding time s h o u l d be evaluated (see The age of onset, reproductive status, age at neutering,
Chapter 87). current medications, and history of trauma or previous
Plain and contrast-enhanced radiography, ultrasonogra urinary tract disorders are important anamnestic points to
phy, and/or cystoscopy w i l l often help show the location and cover when obtaining the history i n an animal with disorders
cause o f hematuria. In some cases, abdominal exploratory of micturition. The physical examination should include an
surgery and biopsy may be necessary to arrive at a diagnosis. evaluation o f the perineum for evidence of urine scalding or
Biopsy specimens may be obtained from the kidneys, bladder, staining. Thorough palpation o f the bladder to assess its size
and prostate gland; i f indicated, individual ureteral catheter and wall thickness and a rectal examination to assess anal
ization through a cystotomy or visualization through a cys tone, the prostate gland, the pelvic urethra, and the trigone
toscope may be performed to determine i f renal hematuria region o f the bladder should be performed i n all cases. A

TABLE 4 1 - 3

Causes of Urinary Incontinence and Associated Clinical Signs


Large bladder
Lower motor neuron lesions D r i b b l i n g of urine; distended b l a d d e r that is easily expressed; history of trauma or surgery
in pelvic region
U p p e r motor neuron lesions Distended b l a d d e r that is difficult to express; possible presence o f paresis or paralysis
Reflex dyssynergia O f t e n , large-breed male d o g ; distended b l a d d e r that is difficult to express but easy to
catheterize; urine stream initiated a n d then interrupted
O u t f l o w tract obstruction Usually male animals; dysuria-stranguria, d r i b b l i n g of urine; distended bladder that is
difficult to express a n d catheterize
Small bladder
Urethral sphincter mechanism M i d d l e - a g e d or older neutered or spayed d o g s ; d r i b b l i n g of urine usually occurring w h e n
incompetence a n i m a l is relaxed o r asleep, normal v o i d i n g otherwise
Detrusor h y p e r r e f l e x i a / i n s t a b i l i t y Pollakiuria, dysuria-stranguria, hematuria, bacteriuria
C o n g e n i t a l abnormalities Young a n i m a l ; constant d r i b b l i n g o f urine possible, v o i d i n g possibly normal otherwise
digital vaginal examination is indicated, and vaginoscopy bladder helps localize the lesion and classify the injury as an
may be used to help identify congenital defects (e.g., vaginal upper motor neuron ( U M N ) lesion (located above the fifth
strictures, ectopic ureters) i n female dogs. lumbar vertebral body) or a lower motor neuron ( L M N )
A neurologic examination should include evaluation o f lesion (located at or below the fifth lumbar vertebral body).
the perineal and bulbospongiosus reflexes. The perineal The most characteristic sign o f an L M N lesion to the bladder
reflex causes the anal sphincter to contract and the tail to is a distended bladder that is easily expressed. A n L M N injury
ventroflex i n response to pinching o f the perineal skin. The affecting innervation to the bladder creates both sphincter
bulbospongiosus reflex causes the anal sphincter to contract and detrusor hyporeflexia; i f the lesion involves the S1-S3
in response to gentle compression o f the bulb o f the penis spinal cord segments, both perineal and bulbospongiosus
or the vulva. Both of these reflexes are dependent on an reflexes are absent.
intact pudendal nerve (sensory and motor) and intact sacral A n i m a l s with U M N lesions to the bladder characteristi
spinal cord segments S1-S3. If both reflexes are normal, the cally have a large, distended bladder that is difficult to express;
pudendal reflex arc is intact. Because the pelvic nerve (sensory the U M N lesion may also cause paresis or paralysis. A n i m a l s
and motor parasympathetic innervation to the detrusor with a U M N lesion have no voluntary control o f micturition,
muscle) arises from the same sacral cord segments, damage and the urethral sphincter shows reflex hyperexcitability
to the pudendal nerve may also affect the pelvic nerve. because there is a lack o f inhibition to the somatic efferents
Dogs should be walked outside so that the voiding posture i n the pudendal nerve, making expression o f the bladder
and urine stream size and character can be observed. Imme difficult. W i t h time, U M N bladders may develop reflex c o n
diately after the animal has attempted to void, the bladder traction and partial emptying i n response to detrusor stretch
should be palpated to estimate the residual volume (normal ing. This "automatic" emptying occurs without control or
residual volume is approximately 0.2 to 0.4 ml/kg). Catheter sensation.
ization to quantify the residual volume is indicated i f a large Reflex dyssynergia or detrusor-urethral dyssynergia is a
bladder is palpable after voiding (in male dogs behavioral condition observed p r i m a r i l y i n large-breed male dogs. The
urine marking can make it difficult to assess the true residual cause is usually difficult to determine but may include any
urine volume). of several neurologic lesions o f the spinal cord or autonomic
A urinalysis should be performed i n all animals with ganglia. Reflex dyssynergia results from active contraction o f
urinary incontinence. If a bacterial urine culture is indicated, the detrusor without relaxation o f the internal or external
as noted earlier, cystocentesis is the preferred method o f col urethral sphincters. Characteristic signs o f reflex dyssynergia
lection; however, dogs and cats with a distended bladder include a n o r m a l or near-normal initiation o f voiding, fol
should ideally be catheterized to empty the bladder and lowed by a narrowed urine stream. U r i n e may be delivered
prevent the possibility of urine from leaking from the cysto i n spurts, or flow may be completely disrupted and the
centesis site. animal w i l l often strain to produce urine. After a while, the
dog lowers his leg and then often begins dribbling urine as
Pharmacologic Testing and Treatment he walks away. A l t h o u g h it is difficult to express urine from
Frequently, the diagnosis o f disorders of micturition (see the bladder o f a dog with reflex dyssynergia, urethral cath
Chapter 48) is based to some degree on the animal's response eterization is usually easy.
to pharmacologic testing and therapy. For example, detrusor Incontinence i n an animal w i t h urinary outflow tract
hypocontractility should improve i n response to a parasym obstruction is called paradoxic incontinence. It occurs because
pathomimetic drug such as bethanechol, and urethral hypo intravesical pressure exceeds the pressure within the urethra,
tonicity should respond to - a d r e n e r g i c agents such as allowing urine to leak past the obstruction before a urethral
phenylpropanolamine or hormone replacement therapy. or bladder rupture occurs. C l i n i c a l signs associated with an
Urethral hypertonicity is treated with - s y m p a t h o l y t i c s anatomic urethral obstruction include dribbling of urine,
(e.g., phenoxybenzamine) and striated muscle relaxants straining to urinate without producing urine, restlessness,
(e.g., diazepam). Detrusor hypercontractility often responds and abdominal pain. The most c o m m o n causes o f urethral
to treatment o f the underlying inflammatory process (e.g., obstruction are calculi and neoplasia i n dogs and urethral
bacterial cystitis or urolithiasis); however, smooth muscle plugs i n cats; however, urethral strictures and granuloma
antispasmodics (e.g., oxybutynin) and parasympatholytics tous urethritis can also create obstructions to urine flow.
(e.g., propantheline) may be useful i n cases o f severe Prostatic disease i n dogs may cause an outflow tract obstruc
inflammation. tion. Older male dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia may
be evaluated because o f stranguria and tenesmus; however,
DISTENDED BLADDER prostatic neoplasia and prostatic abscess formation are more
Causes of incontinence that are typically associated with a likely causes o f urinary outflow tract obstruction i n such
distended bladder include neurogenic disorders (lower and animals.
upper motor neuron lesions and reflex dyssynergia) and
urine outflow tract obstructive disorders (paradoxic i n c o n SMALL OR NORMAL-SIZED BLADDER
tinence; see Table 41-3). If neurologic lesions or deficits are Causes o f urinary incontinence i n animals with a small or
detected during a neurologic examination, the status o f the normal-size bladder include urethral sphincter mechanism
incompetence ( U S M I ) , detrusor hyperreflexia or instability, The most c o m m o n clinical sign i n an animal with ectopic
and congenital abnormalities. Estrogen and testosterone are ureters is a constant dribbling o f urine, although dogs and
believed to contribute to the integrity o f urethral muscle cats with a unilateral ectopic ureter may void normally.
tone by increasing its responsiveness to - a d r e n e r g i c inner Because 70% o f ectopic ureters i n dogs terminate i n the
vation. Thus middle-aged to older, spayed female dogs are vagina, vaginoscopy may allow visualization of the opening
prone to the development o f incontinence associated with of the ectopic ureter; however, the opening can be difficult
decreased estrogen concentrations. This incontinence is to see, even i f the vagina is fully distended with air. Intrave
most pronounced when the animal is asleep or relaxed and nous urography, retrograde vaginourethrography, and cys
often responds to estrogen replacement therapy. Less fre toscopy are additional diagnostic tests for characterizing the
quently, incontinence develops i n male dogs after castration; defect. In contrast to the incontinence associated with ectopic
the condition seems to occur most c o m m o n l y i n dogs cas ureters, that associated with a vaginal stricture is often inter
trated at an older age and often responds to intramuscular mittent, occurring with changes i n body position. Vaginal
testosterone administration. Diagnosis o f both processes is strictures can be diagnosed using digital vaginal examina
based on the history, physical examination, and urinalysis tion, vaginoscopy, or contrast-enhanced vaginography.
findings (no evidence o f L U T I ) and o n the response to Incontinence may also be caused by cognitive dysfunc
therapy. Frequently, - a d r e n e r g i c treatment (e.g., phenyl tion, decreased bladder capacity, or decreased mobility i n
propanolamine) is effective i n both male and female dogs senior animals. Polyuric-polydipsic disorders such as chronic
with U S M I incontinence, and i n severe cases may be c o m kidney disease and diabetes mellitus i n senior animals also
bined with hormone replacement treatment. Testosterone often exacerbate incontinence. Likewise, diuretic and corti
treatment is contraindicated i n dogs that were neutered costeroid therapy should be avoided i n incontinent animals
because o f behavioral, prostatic, or perineal problems. because o f their negative effects o n urine concentration.
In these cases - a d r e n e r g i c treatment should be used;
- a d r e n e r g i c treatment should be used with caution (or not
at all) i n patients with hypertension. POLYDIPSIA AND POLYURIA
Detrusor hyperreflexia or instability is the inability to
control voiding because o f a strong urge to urinate. Increased thirst and urine production are frequent present
Inflammation o f the bladder or urethra may create a sensa ing complaints i n small animals. Polydipsia (PD) and poly
tion o f bladder fullness, w h i c h triggers the voiding reflex. uria (PU) i n the dog and cat have been defined as a water
Clinical signs o f this type o f incontinence include pollaki consumption greater than 80 to 100 ml/kg/day and a urine
uria, dysuria-stranguria, and frequently hematuria. Bacterial production greater than 40 to 50 ml/kg/day, respectively.
U T I is the most c o m m o n cause i n the dog, and sterile L U T D However, it is possible for thirst and urine production to be
is the most c o m m o n cause i n cats. A urinalysis that reveals w i t h i n the n o r m a l range and yet be abnormal i n individual
evidence of U T I or inflammation (e.g., bacteriuria, pyuria, animals. Polydipsia and polyuria usually co-exist, and deter
or hematuria) initially supports a tentative diagnosis o f urge m i n i n g the primary component o f the syndrome is one of
or inflammatory incontinence. If clinical signs persist after the initial diagnostic considerations i n an animal showing
appropriate treatment for the urinary tract inflammation increased water consumption and urine production.
has been initiated, further diagnostic testing, including ultra Thirst is stimulated primarily by osmotic factors. Hyperos
sonography, contrast-enhanced radiography, and/or cystos molality of the extracellular fluid usually occurs secondary to
copy, are indicated because infiltrative disease o f the bladder water loss, or it may result from the ingestion or intravenous
(e.g., neoplasia, chronic cystitis), polyps, uroliths, or urachal infusion of hypertonic solutions. This hyperosmolality results
remnants can also result i n pollakiuria and stranguria. It i n the dehydration of osmoreceptors, which stimulate thirst.
should also be noted that detrusor hyperreflexia/instability Nonosmotic factors, including decreased arterial blood pres
may also be a primary or idiopathic disorder that is not sure, increased body temperature, pain, and certain drugs, can
associated with bladder or urethral inflammation. also stimulate thirst. Thirst is inhibited by expansion of the
U r i n a r y incontinence i n a young animal may be associ extracellular fluid volume, increased arterial blood pressure,
ated with a variety o f congenital defects o f the urinary and drinking, and fullness o f the stomach. Thirst is abnormally
genital systems. The most c o m m o n defects are ectopic ureters stimulated i n animals with primary polydipsia, resulting i n
and vaginal strictures, but a patent urachus, urethrorectal water consumption that exceeds physiologic need. Renal func
and urethrovaginal fistulas, and female pseudohermaphro tion i n these animals is usually normal, and secondary poly
ditism have also been associated with urinary incontinence. uria occurs to r i d the body of the excess water.
Ectopic ureters are most c o m m o n l y observed i n female dogs. The kidneys maintain body fluid composition and volume
Breeds at high risk for ectopic ureters include Siberian by resorbing water and solutes from the glomerular filtrate.
Huskies, M i n i a t u r e and T o y Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, The resorption o f solute i n excess o f water results i n the
Smooth Fox Terriers, West H i g h l a n d W h i t e Terriers, Collies, formation o f dilute urine. Conversely, the resorption of
and Cardigan Welsh Corgis. Ectopic ureters are rarely seen water i n excess o f solute results i n the formation of concen
i n cats, but the gender predisposition is reversed; the preva trated urine. For concentrated urine to form, antidiuretic
lence is higher i n males than i n females. hormone ( A D H ) must be produced and released, and the
renal tubules must be responsive to the A D H . For the latter p h o m a with hypercalcemia); perineal mass (anal sac adeno
to occur, the renal medullary interstitium must be hyper carcinoma with hypercalcemia); cataracts (diabetes mellitus);
tonic and at least one third o f the total nephron population symmetric truncal alopecia (hyperadrenocorticism); vaginal
must be functional. A D H is synthesized i n the supraoptic discharge (pyometra); and small, irregular kidneys (chronic
and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and is stored kidney disease). A m i n i m u m w o r k u p consisting o f a C B C ,
in the posterior pituitary gland. Its release is stimulated by serum biochemistry profile, urinalysis, thoracic radiography,
the same factors that stimulate thirst. In the presence of and abdominal radiography or ultrasonography may confirm
A D H , the distal portion of the distal convoluted tubule and or suggest a diagnosis i n many animals with primary poly
the collecting duct become permeable to water, and water is uria (e.g., hypercalcemia and mediastinal lymphadenopathy
resorbed from the tubular lumen. The hypertonicity o f the in dogs with l y m p h o m a or increased serum alkaline phos
renal medullary interstitium produces the osmotic pressure phatase activity i n dogs with hyperadrenocorticism). Fre
that drives the water resorption. A primary polyuria associ quently, further specific tests are necessary to confirm a
ated with a relative or absolute lack of A D H is termed central diagnosis (e.g., l y m p h node aspiration or biopsy for l y m
or pituitary diabetes insipidus (CDI), whereas a polyuria p h o m a and an A C T H - s t i m u l a t i o n test for hyperadrenocor
caused by nonresponsiveness to A D H is termed nephrogenic ticism [Table 41-4]).
diabetes insipidus (NDI; Box 41-2). The urine specific gravity may also be helpful i n deter
Even though P U and P D usually occur together, the m i n i n g the underlying cause o f the syndrome and i n
owner may not be aware of one or both components, depend confirming whether the pet is actually polyuric. U r i n e specific
ing on their severity and how closely the animal is observed. gravity is usually divided into four ranges: hyposthenuric
Conversely, owners frequently confuse pollakiuria with poly urine has a specific gravity o f between 1.001 and 1.007; isos
uria. Polyuria is often manifested by nocturia, pollakiuria thenuric urine has the same specific gravity as plasma, 1.008
and incontinence, whereas polydipsia is often manifested by to 1.012; m i n i m a l l y concentrated urine has a specific gravity
a constantly empty water bowl and drinking from unusual of between 1.013 and 1.030 i n dogs and 1.013 and 1.035 i n
sources, including toilets and puddles, and eating snow. It is cats; and hypersthenuric urine has a specific gravity o f more
relatively easy for most pet owners to measure 24-hour water than 1.030 i n dogs and more than 1.035 i n cats. The animal's
consumption i n a single-pet household, and this is a good hydration status, serum urea nitrogen and creatinine c o n
way to confirm the presence o f polydipsia; measuring water centrations, and current medications must be k n o w n i n
consumption i n a multipet household is relatively difficult, order to interpret r a n d o m urine specific gravity values. For
unless the patient can be isolated. example, a normally hydrated dog may have a urine specific
A complete history and physical examination may suggest gravity i n the isosthenuric range and a cat receiving furose
the underlying cause i n animals with polydipsia and polyuria mide may be somewhat dehydrated and still have m i n i m a l l y
(Fig. 41-9); these include lymphadenopathy i n dogs (lym concentrated urine; however, n o r m a l dogs and cats should
produce hypersthenuric urine i n response to clinically
detectable dehydration.
BOX 4 1 - 2 It is unusual for dogs and cats with P D and/or P U to have
a urine specific gravity consistently i n the hypersthenuric
Potential Causes of Polydipsia and Polyuria range; this finding warrants the measurement o f water c o n
sumption to confirm i f the patient actually has either c o n d i
P r i m a r y Polydipsia
tion. Animals with primary polydipsia or with C D I usually
Psychogenic have urine specific gravities i n the hyposthenuric range,
Hepatic insufficiency o r portosystemic shunt whereas animals with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are
P r i m a r y Polyuria most likely to be isosthenuric or to have m i n i m a l l y concen
trated urine. If the history, physical examination, and
Pituitary diabetes insipidus
m i n i m a l diagnostic w o r k u p findings are unrewarding, spe
N e p h r o g e n i c diabetes insipidus
cialized diagnostic tests, including determination o f the
Renal insufficiency o r failure
Hyperadrenocorticism plasma osmolality, gradual water deprivation testing, and
Hypoadrenocorticism determination o f the animal's response to exogenous A D H ,
Hepatic insufficiency may be necessary to arrive at a diagnosis (see Chapter 42 and
Pyometra Fig. 41-9).
Postobstructive diuresis PROTEINURIA
Diabetes mellitus
Normoglycemic glucosuria
N o r m a l l y , the urine o f dogs and cats contains only a small
amount o f protein because the selective permeability o f the
Iatrogenic or drug induced
Renal medullary solute w a s h o u t glomerular capillary wall restricts the filtration of most
plasma proteins o n the basis o f protein weight and charge.
FIG 4 1 - 9
D i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to d o g s a n d cats w i t h p o l y d i p s i a a n d p o l y u r i a .

TABLE 4 1 - 4

Ancillary Diagnostic Tests that May Be Used to Evaluate Dogs and Cats with Polydipsia and Polyuria


Primary polydipsia Plasma osmolality, m o d i f i e d w a t e r d e p r i v a t i o n , rule o u t hepatic insufficiency or PSS

Pituitary d i a b e t e s insipidus Plasma osmolality, m o d i f i e d w a t e r d e p r i v a t i o n test, response to e x o g e n o u s antidiuretic
N e p h r o g e n i c d i a b e t e s insipidus
Renal insufficiency o r failure Serum u r e a n i t r o g e n a n d c r e a t i n i n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , creatinine c l e a r a n c e , electrolyte
fractional clearance, biopsy
Hyperadrenocorticism ACTH-stimulation test, dexamethasone-suppression test, urine C o r t i s o l / c r e a t i n i n e ratio
Hypoadrenocorticism Serum s o d i u m / p o t a s s i u m r a t i o , ACTH-stimulation test
H e p a t i c insufficiency o r PSS Serum bile a c i d s p r e p r a n d i a l l y a n d p o s t p r a n d i a l l y , a b d o m i n a l ultrasonography
D o p p l e r , 99Tc scan (enema), p o r t a l a n g i o g r a p h y , b i o p s y
Pyometra A b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h y or ultrasonography, vaginal cytology
Hypercalcemia Serum c a l c i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s (total a n d i o n i z e d ) , r a d i o g r a p h y , lymph n o d e c y t o l o g y
or b i o p s y , b o n e m a r r o w c y t o l o g y , P T H / P T H r p assays
Hypokalemia Serum potassium c o n c e n t r a t i o n , potassium f r a c t i o n a l c l e a r a n c e
Glucosuria O b t a i n c o n c u r r e n t serum g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n
Hyperthyroidism Serum total a n d free t h y r o x i n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , triiodothyronine-suppression test, c a r d i a c
e v a l u a t i o n , 99Tc s c a n n i n g
Renal m e d u l l a r y solute w a s h o u t Repeat w a t e r d e p r i v a t i o n a n d e x o g e n o u s A D H testing after g r a d u a l w a t e r restriction
a n d d i e t a r y salt a n d protein s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n f o r 1 0 to 1 4 d a y s

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; ADH, antidiuretic hormone; PSS, portosystemic shunt; PTH, parathyroid hormone; PTHrp, parathyroid
hormone-related peptide.
with quaternary a m m o n i u m compounds, or i f the dipstick
TABLE 4 1 - 5
is left i n contact w i t h the urine long enough to leach out the
Approximate Molecular Weights of Various citrate buffer that is incorporated i n the filter paper pad.
Plasma Proteins False-negative results may occur i n the setting o f Bence Jones
proteinuria or dilute or acidic urine. The dipstick test can
detect approximately 30 to 1000 m g o f protein per deciliter.
The dipstick method is not affected by urine turbidity;
however, the supernatant from centrifuged urine samples
Parathyroid h o r m o n e 9,000 should ideally be used for all physiochemical analyses.
Lysozyme 14,000 The sulfosalicylic acid test is performed by m i x i n g equal
Myoglobin 17,000 quantities o f urine supernate and 3% to 5% sulfosalicylic
Growth hormone 22,000 acid, and subjectively grading the turbidity that results from
Bence Jones proteins (monomer) 22,000 precipitation o f protein o n a 0 to 4 scale. This test is also
Amylase 50,000 more sensitive to a l b u m i n than globulins, but Bence Jones
Hemoglobin 64,500
proteinuria can be detected. False-positive results may occur
Antithrombin 65,000
if the urine contains radiographic contrast agents, penicillin,
Albumin 69,000
cephalosporins, sulfisoxazole, or the urine preservative
Immunoglobulin G 160,000
thymol. The protein content may be overestimated with the
Immunoglobulin A (dimer) 300,000
Fibrinogen 400,000 sulfosalicylic acid test i f uncentrifuged urine or t u r b i d urine
Immunoglobulin M 900,000 is analyzed. False-negative results may occur i f the urine is
markedly alkaline or diluted. Because the varying degrees o f
turbidity are not standardized, results may also vary among
laboratories. This test can detect approximately 5 to 5000 m g
Proteins with a molecular weight greater than 60,000 to of protein per deciliter. Further information on such tests is
65,000 daltons are normally not present i n large quantities contained i n Chapter 42.
in normal glomerular filtrate (Table 41-5). The negatively Proteinuria detected by these semiquantitative methods
charged glomerular capillary wall further impedes the should always be interpreted i n light o f the urine specific
passage of negatively charged proteins such as albumin. In gravity and urine sediment. For example, a 2 proteinuria
addition, smaller-molecular-weight proteins, as well as those with a 1.010 urine specific gravity is suggestive o f a m u c h
positively charged proteins that do pass through the glo greater urine protein loss on a 24-hour basis than is a 2
merular capillary wall, are largely resorbed by the p r o x i m a l proteinuria with a 1.040 urine specific gravity. Because the
tubular epithelial cells. Such resorbed proteins may be broken urine protein concentration is frequently increased i n
down and used by the epithelial cells or returned to the b l o o d animals with L U T I or hemorrhage, proteinuria should also
stream. Renal proteinuria most c o m m o n l y arises because o f be assessed i n the context o f urine sediment changes indica
glomerular capillary wall lesions that allow increased filtra tive o f inflammation or hemorrhage (e.g., bacteria and
tion o f plasma proteins into the glomerular filtrate. Tubular increased numbers o f white and red b l o o d cells and epithe
lesions that result i n decreased reabsorption o f filtered lial cells i n the urine sediment). The evaluation o f the animal
proteins (primarily albumin) are another source o f renal with proteinuria is further discussed i n Chapter 42.
proteinuria. Although glomerular lesions result i n greater Once persistent proteinuria has been documented, the
magnitude of proteinuria compared with tubular lesions, next step is to identify its source. Proteinuria may be caused
proteinuria associated with both types o f lesions tends to be by physiologic or pathologic conditions (Table 41-6). Physi
persistent and serves as an important marker o f kidney ologic or benign proteinuria is often transient and abates
disease. when the underlying cause is corrected. Strenuous exercise,
Proteinuria is routinely detected by semiquantitative seizures, fever, exposure to extreme heat or cold, and stress
methods, including the dipstick colorimetric test and the are examples o f conditions that may cause physiologic pro
sulfosalicylic turbidimetric test. The dipstick test is inexpen teinuria. The pathophysiology o f physiologic proteinuria is
sive and easy to use; amino groups o f proteins b i n d to the not completely understood; however, relative renal vasocon
indicator incorporated i n the filter paper o n the dipstick and striction, ischemia, and congestion are thought to be
cause a color change. The color change is graded by compar involved. Decreased physical activity may also affect urine
ing it to a standard, but the comparison is subjective. protein excretion i n dogs; one study showed that urinary
However, automated dipstick analyzers that use reflectance protein loss is higher i n dogs confined to cages than i n dogs
photometry to consistently read the color change and provide with n o r m a l activity. This is different from the postural or
a printout of results are available (Idexx VetLab U A Analyzer, orthostatic proteinuria that occurs i n people. In the latter
I D E X X Laboratories, Westbrook, Maine). The dipstick test condition, m i l d proteinuria occurs when the person is stand
is most sensitive to albumin because a l b u m i n has more free ing or active but diminishes when the person is recumbent.
amino groups than globulins. False-positive results may be Pathologic proteinuria may be caused by urinary or n o n -
obtained i f the urine is alkaline, i f it has been contaminated urinary abnormalities. N o n u r i n a r y disorders associated
result i n the decreased resorption of filtered protein (e.g.,
TABLE 4 1 - 6
Fanconi's syndrome and chronic kidney disease).
Classification of Proteinuria Prerenal (physiologic and pathologicnonurinary) and
postrenal (pathologic urinarynonrenal) proteinuria, as
well as inflammatory renal proteinuria, can usually be
identified on the basis o f history and physical examination
Physiologic Strenuous exercise
findings and the urine sediment changes. Renal proteinuria
Fever caused by abnormal tubular resorption may be accompanied
Exposure to heat o r cold by normoglycemic glucosuria and an abnormal urinary loss
Stress of electrolytes, which can help differentiate tubular from
Decreased activity level (strict c a g e rest) glomerular proteinuria. It is important to identify the source
Pathologic of the proteinuria because the quantification of renal pro
Nonurinary Bence Jones proteinuria teinuria can be a helpful prognostic tool, although it is not
Hemoglobinuria or myoglobinuria useful i n animals with prerenal or postrenal proteinuria.
Congestive heart failure
G e n i t a l tract inflammation
Nonrenal Cystourolithiasis
Bacterial cystitis
Trauma o r h e m o r r h a g e Azotemia is defined as increased concentrations of urea and
Neoplasia creatinine (and other nonproteinaceous nitrogenous sub
Drug-induced cystitis (e.g., stances) i n the blood. The interpretation of serum urea
cyclophosphamide) nitrogen and creatinine concentrations as a measure of renal
Renal G l o m e r u l a r lesions function requires a knowledge o f the production and excre
A b n o r m a l tubular resorption tion of these substances. Urea is synthesized i n the liver from
Renal parenchymal inflammation or ammonia, which is i n turn generated from the catabolism of
hemorrhage ingested and endogenous proteins. Urea production is
increased i n the settings o f a high dietary protein intake,
upper gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage, and catabolic states
that result i n the breakdown of body proteins (e.g., fever and
with proteinuria often involve the production o f s m a l l - corticosteroid administration). Conversely, urea production
molecular-weight proteins that are filtered by the glomeruli is decreased i n the settings of a low dietary protein intake,
and that subsequently overwhelm the resorptive capacity o f use o f anabolic steroids, decreased hepatic function, or
the p r o x i m a l tubule. Examples o f this include the produc decreased delivery o f a m m o n i a to the liver (e.g., portosys
tion o f i m m u n o g l o b u l i n light chains (Bence Jones proteins) temic shunt). Urea has a small molecular weight (60 daltons)
by neoplastic plasma cells or lymphocytes and the release o f and is a permeate solute that readily diffuses throughout all
hemoglobin from damaged red b l o o d cells, w h i c h then body fluid compartments; its concentration is similar in
exceeds the b i n d i n g capacity of haptoglobin (in this case intracellular and extracellular fluid and i n plasma, serum,
centrifuged urine w o u l d be discolored by the pigment). and b l o o d . Urea that diffuses into the intestinal lumen is
Renal congestion secondary to congestive heart failure can degraded by enteric organisms to ammonia, which is then
also result i n pathologic nonurinary proteinuria, as can reabsorbed into the portal circulation and again converted
genital tract inflammation (e.g., prostatitis or metritis). to urea by the liver. Urea is principally excreted by the
Pathologic urinary proteinuria may be renal or nonrenal kidneys; it is freely filtered through the glomeruli and pas
in origin. N o n r e n a l proteinuria most frequently occurs i n sively resorbed by the renal tubules. The tubular resorption
association with L U T I or hemorrhage. Changes seen i n the of urea is increased and the net excretion decreased when
urine sediment usually reflect the underlying cause (e.g., tubular flow rates and volumes are decreased, as it occurs i n
urolithiasis, neoplasia, trauma, bacterial cystitis). O n the patients with dehydration. Conversely, the tubular resorp
other hand, renal proteinuria is most often caused by glo t i o n o f urea is decreased and the excretion is increased i n the
merular lesions. Glomerulonephritis and amyloidosis alter presence o f diuresis. Decreased renal blood flow (prerenal
the selective permeability o f the glomerular capillaries and causes, such as dehydration or decreased cardiac output) and
frequently result i n a proteinuria greater than 50 mg/kg/24 h decreased excretion o f urine (postrenal causes, such as ure
or urine protein: creatinine ratios greater than 2.0 (see thral obstruction or ruptured bladder), as well as primary
Chapter 42). The occurrence o f persistent proteinuria with renal dysfunction, will result i n decreased excretion of urea.
a n o r m a l urine sediment or accompanied by hyaline cast Creatinine is irreversibly formed by the nonenzymatic
formation is strongly suggestive o f glomerular disease. metabolism of creatine and phosphocreatine i n muscle. Cre
Besides glomerular disease, renal proteinuria may be caused atinine production is relatively constant and proportional to
by inflammatory or infiltrative disorders o f the kidney (e.g., muscle mass; animals with a large muscle mass produce
neoplasia, pyelonephritis) or by tubular abnormalities that more creatinine each day than do animals with a small
muscle mass. For example, serum creatinine concentration Postrenal azotemia is usually caused by an obstruction to
in Greyhounds is higher than i n dogs of other breeds. Muscle urine outflow or a rupture o f the urine outflow tract. Similar
trauma and inflammation do not increase the production o f to prerenal azotemia, i n postrenal azotemia the kidneys are
creatinine. In comparison with the urea nitrogen concentra initially normal; however, the urine specific gravity varies
tion, the creatinine concentration is relatively unaffected by depending o n the animal's hydration status. In patients with
the dietary protein level; however, serum creatinine concen urethral obstruction, catheterization is difficult and dysuria
trations can increase after the ingestion o f meat and the and stranguria are c o m m o n clinical signs. Rupture o f the
subsequent increased absorption of creatinine from the gas urinary tract that results i n azotemia usually involves the
trointestinal tract. The molecular weight o f creatinine is 113 bladder or urethra, is more c o m m o n i n male than female
daltons; therefore it diffuses throughout body fluid compart animals, and frequently results i n abdominal effusion or sub
ments more slowly than urea does. Some creatinine diffuses cutaneous fluid accumulation. F l u i d obtained by abdomino
into the intestinal lumen, is degraded by enteric bacteria, and centesis is usually sterile and contains a higher concentration
is excreted from the body i n the feces; however, most creati of creatinine than the serum does. Even though creatinine is
nine is excreted by the kidneys. Creatinine is freely filtered a small molecule and equilibrates rapidly, the concentration
by the glomeruli and is not significantly resorbed or secreted of creatinine i n the abdominal fluid is higher than that of
by the renal tubules. Because the production o f creatinine is serum i f the kidneys are producing urine that is draining
relatively constant, an increase i n the serum creatinine con into the abdomen. Positive contrast-enhanced urethrogra
centration is indicative o f decreased renal excretion. It is phy or cystography is the best way to confirm a rupture o f
important to remember, however, that prerenal and postre the urethra or bladder.
nal factors influence renal function and, therefore, the Renal azotemia occurs as a result o f nephron loss or
excretion o f creatinine. Disproportionate increases i n blood damage. A diagnosis o f renal azotemia is confirmed i f the
urea nitrogen ( B U N ) relative to creatinine can be caused azotemia is persistently associated with isosthenuria or m i n
by high-protein diets, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, imally concentrated urine (see Table 41-7). Inasmuch as
and increased tubular reabsorption o f urea nitrogen associ urine is usually stored i n the bladder for several hours, it is
ated with prerenal azotemia. Conversely, a disproportion important not to evaluate the specific gravity of urine pro
ately low B U N can be observed with decreased liver function, duced before the onset o f the azotemia. For example, pre
portosystemic shunts, low-protein diets, and prolonged renal azotemia may occur i n response to acute, severe
diuresis. dehydration; however, the animal may appear to have renal
Rule outs for azotemia include prerenal, renal, and postre azotemia i f the hypersthenuric urine being produced i n
nal causes. A n y condition that causes a decrease i n renal response to the dehydration is diluted by a larger volume
blood flow may result i n prerenal azotemia, and this includes of previously formed, less concentrated urine. The differ
hypovolemia (e.g., dehydration, hypoadrenocorticism), entiation o f prerenal from renal azotemia can be a diag
hypotension (e.g., anesthesia, cardiomyopathy), and aortic nostic challenge i n some animals. Prerenal dehydration
or renal arterial thrombus formation. Initially, the kidneys causing azotemia and accompanied by a decreased urine-
are structurally and functionally n o r m a l i n dogs and cats concentrating ability can be confused with renal azotemia.
with prerenal azotemia, and they respond to the decreased Examples of conditions that can cause this syndrome include
renal blood flow by conserving water and sodium. Hyper furosemide treatment, w h i c h causes dehydration, and hyper
sthenuric urine (i.e., specific gravity greater than 1.030 i n calcemia, w h i c h compromises the urine-concentrating ability
dogs and greater than 1.035 i n cats) with a relatively l o w and results i n dehydration secondary to vomiting. A l t h o u g h
concentration of sodium and a high concentration o f cre fluid therapy is often implemented initially i n animals with
atinine is produced (Table41-7). Elimination of the underly either prerenal or renal azotemia to manage the dehydration,
ing disorder (e.g., fluid therapy to correct hypovolemia) the prognosis is quite different. Frequently, the response to
results i n rapid resolution o f the azotemia unless the under fluid therapy is the best way to differentiate prerenal from
lying disorder has persisted long enough or is severe enough renal azotemia; renal azotemia does not completely resolve
to have caused renal parenchymal damage. i n response to fluid therapy alone.

TABLE 4 1 - 7

Differentiation of Prerenal Azotemia from Acute Renal Failure


Urine specific gravity Hypersthenuric Isosthenuric or minimally concentrated

Fractional clearance of sodium <1% >2%
(Urine x Serum /(Urine x Serum )
Na Cr Cr Na

Urine creatinine-to-serum creatinine ratio >20:1 <10:1

the kidney length on abdominal radiographs should be
BOX 41-3 approximately equivalent to 2.5 to 3 times the length of the
second lumbar vertebra i n cats and 2.5 to 3.5 times the
Differentiation of Acute from Chronic Renal Failure
length o f the second lumbar vertebra i n dogs. Enlarged
on the Basis of History, Clinical Signs, and Clinical
kidneys with a n o r m a l shape can be caused by edema, acute
Pathology Data
inflammation, diffusely infiltrating neoplastic disease, u n i
Acute Renal Failure lateral compensatory hypertrophy, trauma (intracapsular
History o f ischemia o r toxicant exposure hemorrhage), perirenal cysts, or hydronephrosis. Enlarged,
N o r m a l o r increased hematocrit abnormally shaped kidneys may be caused by renal neopla
Enlarged kidneys sia, cysts, abscesses, hydronephrosis, or hematomas. Ultraso
H y p e r k a l e m i a (with oliguria) nography, intravenous urography, and advanced imaging
M o r e severe metabolic acidosis ( C T scan or magnetic resonance imaging) can be used to
Active urine sediment further define kidney shape and reveal internal details. Ultra
G o o d body condition sonography is particularly useful for evaluating enlarged
Relatively severe clinical signs for level o f dysfunction kidneys associated with fluid accumulation (e.g., hydro
nephrosis, abscesses, and perirenal and parenchymal cysts)
Chronic Renal Failure
and can also be used to guide fine-needle aspiration or
History o f renal disease o r p o l y d i p s i a - p o l y u r i a
needle biopsy o f the affected kidney. Kidney biopsy is often
Nonregenerative anemia
necessary to confirm the cause o f the renomegaly; however,
Small, irregular kidneys
Normal or hypokalemia biopsy is contraindicated i f only one kidney is present or if
N o r m a l o r mild metabolic acidosis a bleeding disorder, hydronephrosis, a cyst, or an abscess is
Inactive urine sediment suspected.
W e i g h t loss
Relatively mild clinical signs for level o f dysfunction Suggested Readings
Bartges J W : Discolored urine. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman E C , editors:
Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005,
Renal failure is a state o f decreased renal function i n W B Saunders.
which azotemia and the inability to produce hypersthenuric DiBartola SP: Renal disease: Clinical approach and laboratory
urine persist concurrently. The treatment and prognosis vary evaluation. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman E C , editors: Textbook of vet
for animals with acute renal failure and chronic kidney erinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005, Elsevier/
disease; therefore it is important to distinguish between these Saunders.
two entities. Acute renal failure ( A R F ) develops w i t h i n Fischer JR, Lane IF: Incontinence and urine retention. In Elliott JA,
Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual ofcanine and feline nephrology
hours or days. U n i q u e clinical signs and clinicopathologic
and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small
findings often associated with A R F include enlarged or
A n i m a l Veterinary Association.
swollen kidneys, hemoconcentration, good body condition,
G e r m a n A : A b n o r m a l renal palpation. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F ,
an active urine sediment, relatively severe hyperkalemia and editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and
metabolic acidosis, and relatively severe clinical signs for the urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l
degree o f azotemia (Box 41-3). C h r o n i c kidney disease Veterinary Association.
( C K D ) develops over a period o f weeks, months, or years, Lees G E et al: Assessment and management o f proteinuria i n dogs
and the clinical signs are often relatively m i l d for the mag and cats: 2004 A C V I M F o r u m Consensus Statement (Small
nitude o f azotemia. U n i q u e signs o f C K D often include a A n i m a l ) , / Vet Intern Med 19:377, 2005.
history o f weight loss and P D / P U , poor body condition, Syme H M : Polyuria and polydipsia. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F , editors:
nonregenerative anemia, small and irregular kidneys, and BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, ed 2,
Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l Veterinary
osseous fibrodystrophy caused by secondary renal hyper
parathyroidism (see B o x 41-3).
Watson A D J : Dysuria and hematuria. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F ,
editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and
urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l
RENOMEGALY Veterinary Association.
W i l s o n H M et al: Clinical signs, treatments, and outcome i n cats
Renal enlargement is usually detected by physical examina with transitional cell carcinoma o f the urinary bladder: 20 cases
tion or by abdominal imaging. A quick rule o f thumb is that (1990-2004), J Am Vet Med Assoc 231:101, 2007.
C H A P T E R 42

Diagnostic Tests for the

Urinary System

resorption or secretion or by metabolism elsewhere i n the

body. In addition, the substance used must not alter renal
function. The renal clearance o f i n u l i n is the gold standard
method o f determining G F R , but it is difficult to measure
Glomerular Filtration Rate
the i n u l i n concentration i n plasma and urine. O n the other
Fractional Clearance
hand, it is relatively easy to determine the renal clearance of
creatinine and therefore more practical. The renal clearance
of creatinine can be calculated by multiplying the concentra
tion o f creatinine i n urine by the rate o f urine production
and then dividing the product by the serum concentration
of creatinine, as follows:
DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING V o l u m e o f plasma cleared ( m l / m i n ) = GFR ( m l / m i n ) =
CYSTOSCOPY (Urine [mg/dl] X Urine volume [ml/min)]
Cr S e r u m Cr (mg/dl)
For example, i f the urine creatinine concentration is
60 mg/dl, urine production is 3 m l / m i n , and the serum cre
atinine concentration is 1.8 mg/dl, 100 m l o f plasma is
RENAL EXCRETORY FUNCTION cleared o f creatinine per minute. This value is divided by the
animal's body weight i n kilograms and expressed i n m i l l i l i
GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE ters per minute per kilogram. Note that prerenal and postre
Blood urea nitrogen ( B U N ) and creatinine concentra nal factors, as well as renal parenchymal lesions, influence
tions provide a crude index of the glomerular filtration rate plasma clearance.
(GFR). However, inasmuch as the creatinine concentration The G F R can be calculated using the clearance o f either
is influenced by fewer extrarenal variables and creatinine is endogenous or exogenous creatinine. Endogenous creatinine
not resorbed by the renal tubules, the serum creatinine con clearance, however, requires urine collection for a lengthy
centration is a better index of G F R than is the B U N . Never period (i.e., 24 hours) to m i n i m i z e errors i n the collection,
theless, azotemia resulting from impaired renal function is thus necessitating the use o f indwelling catheters, repeated
not detectable until approximately three fourths of the neph urinary catheterization, or the use o f metabolism cages for
rons i n both kidneys are nonfunctional. This percentage may urine collection. Endogenous creatinine clearance can be
be even higher i n dogs and cats with chronic progressive used i n the clinical setting to evaluate renal excretory func
renal disease because the remaining viable nephrons often tion i f renal dysfunction is suspected, but the serum urea
undergo compensatory hypertrophy. Therefore renal clear nitrogen and creatinine concentrations are within normal
ance and measurement o f G F R can provide more accurate ranges. In early renal disease, a relatively large decline i n G F R
information about renal excretory function than the serum results i n small changes i n serum creatinine concentrations
creatinine and B U N concentrations, especially early i n renal within the n o r m a l range. Less c o m m o n l y , endogenous cre
disease, before three fourths of the nephrons have been atinine clearance can be used to better quantify renal excre
destroyed. tory function i n animals with azotemia because i n advanced
Renal clearance is the rate at which a substance is c o m renal disease relatively large changes i n serum creatinine
pletely cleared from a certain volume o f plasma. Substances concentrations are accompanied by m u c h smaller decreases
used to measure renal clearance must be freely filtered by the i n G F R . A serum sample obtained approximately midway
glomerulus (not protein-bound) and not affected by tubular through the urine collection period and a well-mixed aliquot
noncreatinine chromogens is largely negated. Measurement
BOX 4 2 -
of exogenous creatinine clearance is most appropriate i n
Calculation of Endogenous Creatinine Clearance, nonazotemic animals. Initially, a constant intravenous infu
24-Hour Urine Protein Excretion, and Urine Protein/ sion o f creatinine was used i n the test; however, research has
Creatinine Ratio shown that a single subcutaneous injection of 100 mg of
creatinine per kilogram o f body weight (Sigma Chemicals,
St. Louis, Missouri) can be used instead. U r i n e is collected
Body weight = 2 0 kg for 20 minutes, starting 40 minutes after the injection, and
2 4 - h o u r urine volume = 4 0 0 ml ( 4 . 0 dl) serum samples are obtained at the start and end of the col
Urine protein concentration = 6 5 0 m g / d l lection period (the average o f the two serum creatinine con
Urine creatinine concentration = 1 1 0 m g / d l
centrations is used to calculate creatinine clearance). Because
Serum creatinine concentration = 1.9 m g / d l
of the short collection period, it is important to rinse the
T i m e 2 4 hours = 1 4 4 0 minutes
bladder w i t h a sterile saline solution at the start and end of
the collection. T o increase the accuracy of this technique, two
20-minute clearances can be calculated and averaged. N o r m a l
exogenous creatinine clearance values are 3.5 to 4.5 m l / m i n /
kg i n dogs and 2.4 to 3.3 m l / m i n / k g i n cats.
Plasma clearance o f iohexol, an iodinated radiographic
contrast agent, has been shown to reliably estimate G F R i n
dogs and cats. Because calculation o f iohexol clearance does
not require urine collection, the procedure is less labor
intensive and invasive compared with creatinine clearance.
Iohexol plasma clearance can be performed i n dogs and cats
that are well hydrated and fasted for 12 hours before the
Data study. Iohexol (e.g., Omnipaque 240 m g I/ml, available from
Urine protein from r a n d o m urine sample = 7 5 0 m g / d l G E Healthcare, Inc., Princeton, NJ) is administered intrave
Urine creatinine from r a n d o m urine sample = 1 2 0 m g / d l nously at the dosage o f 300 m g iodine/kg body weight. Blood
samples are collected at 2, 3, and 4 hours after the intrave
nous (IV) injection. Serum from each b l o o d sample is har
Urine p r o t e i n / c r e a t i n i n e ratio = vested (approximated 1.5 m l of serum is needed per sample)
( 7 5 0 mg/dl)/(120 m g / d l ) = 6 . 2 5
and then shipped either chilled or frozen to the university
6 . 2 5 x 2 0 (linear regression conversion factor) =
teaching hospital or specialized reference laboratory (e.g.,
1 2 5 mg o f urine p r o t e i n / k g / 2 4 hours
Diagnostic Center for Population and A n i m a l Health,
Toxicology Section, M i c h i g a n State University).
Renal scintigraphy using technetium 99m-labeled dieth
ylenetriaminepentaacetic acid also allows the G F R to be
from the 24-hour urine sample are used to measure creati evaluated and is available at several universities and major
nine concentrations. The volume of urine collected is divided referral centers. This is a quick, noninvasive method that
by 1440, the number of minutes i n 24 hours (Box 42-1). One does not require urinary catheterization and has the advan
drawback to this method, however, is the fact that noncre tage of being able to quantitatively evaluate individual kidney
atinine chromogens present i n the serum falsely increase function. Disadvantages o f this procedure include its limited
serum creatinine concentrations i f the standard alkaline availability, exposure of the animal to radioisotopes, the need
picrate method o f analysis is used, especially when serum for radioisotope disposal, and poorer correlation with inulin
creatinine concentrations are within the n o r m a l range or clearance when compared with plasma clearance techniques
only m i l d l y increased. In fact, noncreatinine chromogens such as that used w i t h iohexol.
can account for as m u c h as 50% o f the total amount o f
chromagens i n animals w i t h serum creatinine concentra FRACTIONAL CLEARANCE
tions w i t h i n n o r m a l ranges. Because noncreatinine c h r o m o The clearance o f various solutes i n the urine may be com
gens are not excreted i n the urine, the calculated endogenous pared w i t h the clearance o f creatinine i n the urine to assess
creatinine clearance can be falsely decreased. Despite this the degree of tubular resorption or secretion. Because the
problem, endogenous creatinine clearance has been shown renal clearance o f creatinine is relatively constant over time,
to closely approximate i n u l i n clearance i n dogs and cats. expressing the renal clearance of a solute as a percentage of
N o r m a l values for endogenous creatinine clearance i n the the clearance o f creatinine gauges the body's attempt to con
dog and cat are 2.8 to 3.7 and 2 to 3 m l / m i n / k g , respectively. serve or excrete the solute. The fractional clearance (FC) of
The clearance o f exogenous creatinine can be determined a solute is the quotient o f the urine:serum solute ratio
over a relatively short period, and because the serum creati divided by the urine:serum creatinine ratio ( [ U r i n e :

nine concentration is considerably increased, the effect o f S e r u m ] / [ U r i n e : S e r u m ] ) . A timed urine collection is not
S Cr Cr
necessary to determine the F C o f a solute. Some solutes, of the inflammatory disorder. The urine p r o t e i n : creatinine
including glucose and amino acids, are normally highly con ratio cannot be used to differentiate between renal protein
served, whereas electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, potas uria and proteinuria associated with lower urinary tract
sium, calcium, and phosphorus are variably conserved. In inflammation or hemorrhage. The urine proteinxreatinine
normal dogs and cats the FCs o f sodium, chloride, and ratio provides a noninvasive way to follow progression o f
calcium are less than 1%; however, the FCs o f potassium and disease or response to treatment. The variation i n urine
phosphorus are more variable and may be as high as 20% p r o t e i n : creatinine observed i n dogs with stable proteinuria
and 39%, respectively. Examples o f situations i n w h i c h a suggests that the ratio should differ by 80%, especially with
knowledge o f the F C o f electrolytes may be helpful include lower range proteinuria, i n order to conclude that a signifi
(1) the diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism, i n which cant change has occurred. In cats the urine p r o t e i n : creati
the F C of phosphorus is increased; (2) the diagnosis o f nine variation within the reference range suggests that the
tubular dysfunction, such as Fanconi's syndrome, i n w h i c h ratio should differ by 90% to conclude that a significant
the FCs of all electrolytes are increased; and (3) the differ increase or decrease i n proteinuria has occurred. Typically,
entiation of prerenal azotemia, i n which the F C of s o d i u m quantitative measurement o f urine protein and creatinine
is decreased, from acute renal failure, i n which the F C o f (mg/dl) is performed at reference laboratories and teaching
sodium is increased (>2%; see Table 41-3). In many cases, hospitals; however, in-house quantitative urine p r o t e i n : cre
however, the correlation between spot urine sample and 24- atinine measurement has recently become available (Idexx
hour urine sample F C is poor. In addition, the amount o f VetTest Chemistry Analyzer, I D E X X Laboratories, West-
dietary intake o f the electrolyte i n question can influence brook, M a i n e ) , and results appear to correlate well with stan
results, and there tends to be large intrapatient and interpa dard quantitative methodologies.
tient variation i n results. Moreover, the F C may also be breed Antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
dependent; for example, F C o f most electrolytes is signifi (ELISA) used to detect l o w levels o f a l b u m i n i n canine and
cantly different i n Greyhounds than i n other dog breeds. For feline urine (microalbuminuria [ M A ] ) are commercially
these reasons, the clinical usefulness o f F C of electrolytes is available (E.R.D.-Screen, Heska Corp., Fort Collins, C o l o
limited. rado). M A is usually defined as a urine a l b u m i n concentra
tion between 1.0 and 30 mg/dl. These are concentrations too
low to be routinely detected by standard dipstick screening
QUANTIFICATION OF PROTEINURIA tests. It is interesting to note that the presence o f M A has
been shown to be an accurate predictor o f subsequent renal
If the results of the dipstick or sulfosalicylic acid test for disease i n h u m a n beings with both systemic hypertension
proteinuria (see Chapter 41) indicate the presence o f persis and diabetes mellitus, and it has also been observed i n h u m a n
tent proteinuria and the urine sediment examination findings beings with systemic diseases that are associated with glo
are normal (i.e., renal proteinuria is suspected), urine protein merulopathy. Studies i n dogs have shown the prevalence o f
excretion should be quantified. This helps i n evaluating the M A i n apparently healthy dogs and Soft Coated Wheaten
severity of renal lesions and assessing the response to treat Terriers genetically predisposed to developing glomerular
ment or the progression of disease. The trichloroacetic acid- disease to be 19% and 76%, respectively (Jensen et al., 2001;
N-Ponceau S, Coomassie brilliant blue, or benzethonium Vaden et al., 2001). In additional studies, development o f
chloride tests are the most c o m m o n methods used to quan M A preceded the development o f overt albuminuria i n dogs
tify urine protein and are available at referral centers and with experimentally induced heartworm disease (Grauer
reference laboratories. et a l , 2002) and i n dogs with X - l i n k e d hereditary nephrop
The urine protein: creatinine ratio i n canine and feline athy (Lees et al., 2002). M A testing should be used when
urine samples has been shown to accurately reflect the quan conventional screening tests for proteinuria are negative and
tity of protein excreted i n the urine over a 24-hour period. increased sensitivity is desired (e.g., screening for early
Both urine creatinine and urine protein concentrations are kidney disease i n young animals that may have heritable
affected by urine volume and urine concentration, but the kidney disease or screening for acquired chronic kidney
ratio of the urine protein to urine creatinine is not. This disease i n older animals). A positive M A test o f suspected
allows quantitation of proteinuria without the need to collect renal origin should be pursued with a three-step paradigm
a timed urine sample, and therefore the test has greatly facil of (1) monitoring, (2) investigating, and (3) intervening. The
itated the diagnosis o f kidney disease i n small animals. A initial step o f m o n i t o r i n g involves determining i f the albu
urine protein: creatinine ratio of less than 0.4 and less than m i n u r i a is persistent or transient. It is important to note that
0.5 is considered normal i n cats and dogs, respectively. A the sensitivity o f M A assays makes it likely that some positive
complete urinalysis should always be performed before or results w i l l be caused by benign or physiologic proteinuria.
along with determination of the urine protein: creatinine In these cases, follow-up assays should be negative, confirm
ratio because hematuria or pyuria may indicate the presence ing that the M A was transient. Transient M A is likely to be
of nonglomerular proteinuria. If there is evidence o f of little or no consequence. O n the other hand, persistent
inflammation (e.g., pyuria, bacteriuria), the protein concen proteinuria/albuminuria o f renal origin indicates the pres
tration should be measured again after successful treatment ence o f kidney disease. Persistent proteinuria/albuminuria
can be defined as positive test results o n >2 occasions, >2 teins i n the serum indicate the presence of severe glomerular
weeks apart. Because persistent proteinuria/albuminuria can proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome.
be constant or increase or decrease i n magnitude over time,
m o n i t o r i n g should use quantitative methods to determine
disease trends and/or response to treatment. Quantitative PLASMA AND URINE OSMOLALITY,
albuminuria assays or the urine protein/creatinine ratio are WATER DEPRIVATION TEST, AND
used to document changes i n the magnitude of the a l b u m i n RESPONSE TO EXOGENOUS
uria once its persistence has been confirmed. Changes i n the ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE
magnitude o f proteinuria should always be interpreted i n
light o f the patient's serum creatinine concentration because Measurement o f plasma osmolality may aid i n the determi
albuminuria may decrease i n association with progressive nation o f the primary component o f the polydipsia/polyuria
renal disease as the number o f functional nephrons decrease. ( P D / P U ) syndrome. N o r m a l plasma osmolality i n dogs and
Decreasing albuminuria i n the face o f a stable serum creati cats is 280 to 310 m O s m / k g . Plasma osmolality i n animals
nine concentration suggests improvement i n renal function, with primary P D is usually low (275 to 285 mOsm/kg),
whereas decreasing albuminuria i n the face o f an increasing reflecting the dilutional effect of excessive water consump
serum creatinine suggests disease progression. tion. In contrast, animals with a primary P U often have high
Once persistent proteinuria has been documented by plasma osmolalities (305 to 315 mOsm/kg) because of their
monitoring, the appropriate response depends o n the mag inability to concentrate urine and the resultant dehydration
nitude o f the proteinuria and the health status o f the patient (see Fig. 41-9). However, there can also be considerable
(e.g., the presence or absence o f azotemia and/or hyperten overlap i n randomly obtained plasma osmolalities between
sion). The second step o f investigation refers to performing animals with primary polydipsic disorders and those with
new or additional tests to diagnose an underlying/concur primary polyuric disorders.
rent infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic disease process Determination o f a urine: plasma osmolality ratio allows
or to more completely define the patient's renal disease. a more precise determination o f urine concentration than
Examples o f such further investigation may include a c o m does urine specific gravity alone because specific gravity
plete m i n i m u m database, urine culture, measurement o f measures the density o f urine rather than the number of
blood pressure, serology for immune-mediated or infectious particles i n solution. For example, moderate-to-marked glu
diseases, radiographs/ultrasound, and renal biopsy. cosuria or proteinuria increases urine specific gravity more
In cases o f persistent proteinuria, where an underlying than the urine osmolality. In response to dehydration, normal
disorder cannot be identified or treated, the need for treat dogs and cats should be able to form urine that is five to six
ment o f the proteinuria depends o n its magnitude and the times more concentrated than plasma. Plasma and urine
presence or absence o f azotemia. In the absence o f azotemia, osmolality may be determined using either a vapor pressure
proteinuria resulting i n urine p r o t e i n : creatinine ratios >1.0 or freezing point depression osmometer, and measurement
to 3.0 should be treated, whereas continued m o n i t o r i n g and is available at a reasonable cost at most veterinary teaching
patient investigation should be the primary focus i n cases hospitals and reference laboratories.
with lesser-magnitude proteinuria. Treatment recommenda Water deprivation causes dehydration and plasma hyper
tions i n these cases usually include decreased dietary protein osmolality and allows the neurohypophyseal-renal axis to be
intake (early renal failure diets), n-3 fatty acid supplementa evaluated. Water deprivation tests are used to differentiate
tion (early renal failure diets), low-dose aspirin (0.5 mg/kg diabetes insipidus from primary P D and should be per
q24h administered orally), and angiotensin-converting formed only after other causes of P U and P D have been ruled
enzyme ( A C E ) inhibitors (e.g., enalapril, benazepril; 0.5 to out o n the basis of the findings from physical examination
1.0 mg/kg q24h administered orally), although it is difficult and a m i n i m u m database. It should be noted that water
to separate the effects o f individual treatments when they are deprivation tests are potentially dangerous. They should
used i n combination. Treatment for persistent proteinuria i n therefore be performed only under close observation and
azotemic dogs and cats should be initiated when the urine after water intake has been gradually reduced (see later dis
proteinxreatinine ratio is 0.5 and 0.4, respectively. Treat cussion) because failure to produce concentrated urine (i.e.,
ment recommendations i n this case usually include A C E diabetes insipidus) may result i n severe dehydration and
inhibition and renal failure diets. potential ischemic renal injury. Increases i n plasma osmolal
U r i n e and serum protein electrophoresis may help i n ity o f 1% to 2% above n o r m a l levels stimulate the release of
identifying the source o f the proteinuria and i n establishing antidiuretic hormone ( A D H ) , and normal kidneys should
a prognosis. For example, proteinuria associated with hem respond to this A D H by producing hypersthenuric urine.
orrhage into the urinary tract has an electrophoretic pattern The water deprivation test is complete when the animal loses
very similar to that o f serum. Early glomerular damage 5% o f its body weight as a result o f dehydration, becomes
usually results principally i n albuminuria; however, as the azotemic, becomes hyperosmolemic (plasma osmolality
glomerular disease progresses, an increasing amount o f >320 m O s m / k g ) , or produces hypersthenuric urine (specific
globulin may be lost as well. M a r k e d hypoalbuminemia and gravity 1.030 i n dogs or 1.035 i n cats). It is important to
increased concentrations o f larger-molecular-weight pro obtain accurate baseline values and ensure that the bladder
is emptied each time the urine specific gravity or osmolality deprivation. The lack o f a response to water deprivation and
is measured so that urine produced between evaluations is exogenous A D H administration after gradual water reduc
not diluted by previously formed urine. Plasma osmolality tion suggests that N D I unrelated to medullary washout is the
constitutes a good measure o f hydration status during water cause o f the P D / P U .
deprivation, and, i n fact, a water deprivation test may not be
necessary i f it is measured at baseline. The finding o f a base
line plasma osmolality of 320 m O s m / k g or greater i n a BLADDER AND URETHRAL FUNCTION
clinically nondehydrated dog or cat with hyposthenuria or
isosthenuria indicates a failure o f the neurohypophyseal- Several specialized diagnostic tests, including urethral pres
renal axis. Similarly, a water deprivation test should not be sure profilometry, cystometry, and uroflowmetry, may help
performed i n an animal that is clinically dehydrated or azo categorize bladder and urethral function i n dogs and cats
temic and that has hyposthenuria, isosthenuria, or m i n i with disorders o f micturition. These tests are available at
mally concentrated urine because these conditions already many referral centers. The urethral pressure profile ( U P P )
demonstrate a failure o f the neurohypophyseal-renal axis. assesses the perfusion pressure or m i n i m a l distention pres
The time it takes to reach the end-point o f a water depriva sure w i t h i n the bladder and urethra during the storage phase
tion test is variable; small dogs and cats may dehydrate of micturition. The functional urethral length (the length o f
within several hours, whereas significant dehydration may the urethra that has a pressure greater than the intravesical
not occur i n large dogs for 36 to 48 hours. A n i m a l s that fail pressure) and the functional urethral closure pressure (the
to produce hypersthenuric urine i n response to water greatest urethral pressure minus the intravesical pressure)
deprivation have either pituitary or nephrogenic diabetes can be determined o n the basis o f a U P P . Electromyography
insipidus. may be combined with a U P P to define the portion o f ure
A pharmacologic dose o f A D H may be administered to thral resistance contributed to by periurethral striated muscle
differentiate pituitary diabetes insipidus (lack o f A D H ) from (external sphincter). The U P P can be used to assess urethral
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (no response to A D H ) . sphincter tone i n animals with suspected urethral sphincter
Aqueous A D H (3 to 5 U given intramuscularly) is c o m m o n l y incompetence or functional urethral obstruction and ure
used for diagnostic testing, although synthetic desmopressin thral spasm. In addition, the U P P can be used to evaluate
acetate nasal spray, given as drops i n the conjunctival sac, sphincter response to treatment with -adrenergic drugs or
or an injectable preparation o f desmopressin acetate, given estrogens. Finally, the U P P should be determined preopera
subcutaneously (3 to 5 U ) , may also be used. The A D H tively to evaluate urethral sphincter function i n dogs and cats
should be administered immediately at the end-point o f with ectopic ureters or vaginal strictures because o f the
the water deprivation test, before water is made available, increased incidence o f sphincter incompetence i n animals
in animals that do not respond to water deprivation. It is with these congenital anomalies. A cystometrogram records
important that the bladder be empty immediately before the changes i n intravesical pressure during bladder filling and
administration of A D H so that the urine produced i n detrusor contraction. It evaluates the detrusor reflex,
response to A D H is not diluted by previously formed urine. m a x i m a l detrusor contraction pressure, and bladder cap
Animals with central diabetes insipidus ( C D I ) usually acity and compliance i n animals w i t h suspected detrusor
respond by producing urine that is hypersthenuric or at least atony, instability, and decreased capacity or compliance.
1.025 within 1 to 2 hours. The absence o f an increase i n Uroflowmetry measures urine flow during the voiding phase
urine specific gravity i n response to both water deprivation o f m i c t u r i t i o n and defines the relationship between urine
and exogenous A D H administration indicates the presence flow and detrusor contraction. The presence o f normal,
of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus ( N D I ) . increased, or decreased urethral resistance can be established
Renal medullary hypertonicity may be lost after pro with uroflowmetry.
longed P U (primary or secondary). Therefore medullary
washout may develop i n animals with primary P D or C D I ,
making them appear to have N D I . Water intake may be BACTERIAL ANTIBIOTIC
gradually reduced over 10 to 14 days to correct renal m e d u l SENSITIVITY TESTING
lary washout before the water deprivation test is performed.
In addition to gradually limiting the dog's or cat's water The majority o f simple, uncomplicated urinary tract infec
intake (10% reduction every other day u n t i l the animal is tions i n female dogs can be effectively treated with an anti
drinking 80 to 90 ml/kg/day), a high-protein diet that is biotic chosen o n the basis o f urine sediment G r a m staining
lightly salted (unless the patient is hypertensive) should be or culture and sensitivity based o n the disk-diffusion/Kirby
fed to the animal to facilitate reestablishment o f n o r m a l Bauer method. If disk-diffusion sensitivity testing shows that
medullary tonicity. Water restriction should be discontinued the organism is highly resistant to antibiotics (e.g., suscep
if the animal becomes overly aggressive i n its desire for water tible only to aminoglycosides), m i n i m u m inhibitory concen
or becomes lethargic or weak. The response to water depri tration ( M I C ) sensitivity testing can be helpful because o f
vation and, i f necessary, the response to exogenous A D H differences i n the serum and urine concentrations o f antibi
should be evaluated after 10 to 14 days o f this gradual water otics. In these cases, i n vivo sensitivity may exist even though
TABLE 42-1

Urine Concentration of Selected Antimicrobial Agents in Healthy Dogs with Normal Renal Function



Penicillin G 40,000 U/kg q8h PO 294 211

Ampicillin 25 mg/kg q8h PO 309 55
Amoxicillin 1 1 mg/kg q8h PO 202 93
Tetracycline 20 mg/kg q8h PO 138 65
Chloramphenicol 33 mg/kg q8h PO 124 + 40
Sulfisoxazole 22 mg/kg q8h PO 1466 832
Cephalexin 30 mg/kg q12h PO 805 421
Trimethoprim/sulfa 15 m g / k g q 1 2 h PO 55 19
Enrofloxacin 2.5 m g / k g q 1 2 h PO 43 12

* Dosages are the same for cats, except that the dosage or chloramphenicol in cats is 20 mg/kg q8h for 1 week.
PO, Orally.

disk-diffusion sensitivity testing has shown i n vitro resis

tance. For example, the M I C s of penicillin for staphylococcal
organisms, including penicillinase-producing strains, are
approximately 10 g / m l . The average urine concentration o f
ampicillin, when given i n standard doses orally, exceeds
300 g / m l , whereas the expected serum concentration is
only 1 to 2 g / m l . The general rule o f thumb i n interpreting
M I C s is that i f the M I C is 25% or less o f the expected mean
urine concentration (Table 42-1), the organism should be
susceptible. However, M I C sensitivity should not be used i n
animals w i t h pyelonephritis, prostatitis, or bladder infec
tions w i t h a thickened bladder wall because drug concentra
tions i n these tissues will be closer to serum concentrations
than to urine concentrations.


Plain film r a d i o g r a p h i c a p p e a r a n c e o f bilateral renal calculi
in a cat. (Courtesy Dr. Phillip Steyn, C o l o r a d o State
It is relatively difficult to visualize the entire outline o f both
University, Fort Collins, Colo.)
kidneys on plain abdominal radiographs; the right kidney
is usually more difficult to visualize than the left because o f
its close association with the caudate lobe o f the liver. It is Ultrasonography is used to evaluate renal tissue architec
even more difficult to visualize the kidneys i n thin or emaci ture i f kidney abnormalities have been detected by physical
ated animals because the contrast provided by abdominal fat examination (e.g., abnormal kidney size or shape), clinico
is lacking. Plain abdominal radiographs are valuable to eval pathologic findings (e.g., azotemia or proteinuria), or survey
uate kidney number, location, size, shape, and radiographic radiographs (e.g., abnormal kidney size, shape, or opacity or
density (Table 42-2). Kidney size is best estimated by c o m nonvisualization o f a kidney). Ultrasonography can provide
paring kidney length with the length o f adjacent lumbar information about the tissue architecture of the kidneys.
vertebrae; the kidneys should be approximately equivalent Normally, the renal cortex is hypoechoic compared with the
to 2.5 to 3 times the length o f the second lumbar vertebra i n spleen, and the renal medulla is hypoechoic compared with
cats and 2.5 to 3.5 times the length o f the second lumbar the cortex (Fig. 42-2). The renal pelvis and diverticula are
vertebra i n dogs. Canine kidneys are generally bean shaped, relatively hyperechoic. Relatively hypoechoic renal cortices
whereas feline kidneys are more spherical. The right kidney can be observed i n patients with acute tubular necrosis, poly
is approximately one-half length cranial to the left kidney cystic kidney disease, abscesses, or renal edema associated
in both cats and dogs, and the kidneys o f cats are more with acute renal failure. Conversely, relatively hyperechoic
movable than those o f dogs. Kidneys have a soft tissue or
renal cortices are associated with chronic kidney disease
water density throughout and are more dense than the
( C K D ) , nephrocalcinosis, amyloidosis, feline infectious peri
perirenal fat. A n y radiopacity within the kidney is abnormal
tonitis, and calcium oxalate nephrosis secondary to ethylene
(Fig. 42-1).
glycol ingestion. Glomerular and tubulointerstitial disease
TABLE 4 2 - 2

Imaging Procedure and Potential Findings in Cats and Dogs with Urinary Disorders


Plain a b d o m i n a l r a d i o g r a p h y R a d i o p a q u e uroliths
Increased o r d e c r e a s e d k i d n e y size
A b d o m i n a l mass(es)
Bladder distention
Emphysematous cystitis
Enlarged uterus
Enlarged prostate
Renal ultrasonography Tissue architecture (diffuse versus focal disease, echodense versus echolucent lesions)
Perirenal fluid, renal cysts, o r abscesses
H y d r o n e p h r o s i s , hydroureter
Excretory u r o g r a p h y Renal p a r e n c h y m a l filling defects
Renal pelvic dilatation o r filling defects
Hydronephrosis o r hydroureter
Ureteral obstruction
Ectopic ureter(s)
Extravasation o f contrast material
Contrast-enhanced cy st ogr a phy Radiolucent uroliths
Intraluminal mass(es)
W a l l thickening
U r a c h a l remnant
Extravasation o f contrast material
Enlarged prostate
Reflux o f contrast material into ureters*
Bladder ultrasonography Intraluminal masses (uroliths, b l o o d clots, tumors, polyps)
W a l l thickening
Prostatic lesions
Sublumbar l y m p h a d e n o p a t h y
Contrast-enhanced urethrography Intraluminal filling defects
Extraluminal compression
Extravasation o f contrast material
Enlarged prostate
Reflux o f contrast material into p r o s t a t e *

* M a y be observed in normal dogs.

can show a normal or hyperechoic echotexture depending becomes more difficult as azotemia increases. I V urography
on chronicity. Renal l y m p h o m a can make the renal cortices should be avoided i n dehydrated animals and i n those receiv
appear hypoechoic or hyperechoic (Fig. 42-3). H y d r o n e ing potentially nephrotoxic drugs.
phrosis and hydroureters are easily and noninvasively diag If the ureters are normal, they cannot be visualized o n
nosed on the basis o f ultrasonographic findings (Fig. 42-4). plain radiographs. N o r m a l ureters appear as radiopaque
Resistance to renal b l o o d flow (resistive index), which can be lines that extend from the kidneys to the trigone region o f
calculated with the use o f color flow Doppler imaging, is the bladder o n I V urograms (see Fig. 42-5, B). The n o r m a l
increased i n association with several renal diseases. ureteral diameter is 1 to 2 m m , and apparent filling defects
A n intravenous urogram (Box 42-2) can also aid i n the are frequently caused by peristaltic contractions that propel
evaluation of renal structures, specifically the renal vessels, urine and contrast material to the bladder. Indications for
parenchyma, and pelvis, as well as the ureters (Fig. 42-5). intravenous urography to evaluate the ureters include sus
Potential indications for I V urography include kidney abnor pected obstructive uropathy (Fig. 42-6), trauma (rupture or
malities noted on plain radiographs or ultrasonograms, laceration), calculi, ectopic ureters (Fig. 42-7), neoplasia, and
inability to visualize one or both kidneys on plain radio ureterocele.
graphs or ultrasonograms, and hematuria o f suspected renal The size, shape, and position o f the urinary bladder can
origin. In addition, I V urography qualitatively assesses i n d i usually be evaluated and any radiopacities detected on
vidual kidney excretory function; therefore it should be per plain abdominal radiographs and ultrasonograms (Fig.
formed before nephrectomy or nephrotomy i f other means 42-8). However, retrograde contrast-enhanced radiographic
of assessing G F R are not available. The utility o f I V urogra studies are easy to perform and are used to visualize the
phy diminishes if azotemia exists, and good renal opacification entire bladder and its relationship to other structures i n the
FIG 4 2 - 2 FIG 4 2 - 4
Ultrasonographic i m a g e s o f t h e k i d n e y a n d s p l e e n in a d o g Ultrasonographic image of a hydronephrotic kidney.

s h o w i n g the increased echogenicity of the spleen (upper ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n , C o l o r a d o State University, Fort

right) c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e r e n a l c o r t e x . ( C o u r t e s y D r . R o b e r t Collins, Colo.)

W r i g l e y , C o l o r a d o State University, Fort C o l l i n s , Colo.)

BOX 4 2 - 2

Technique for Intravenous Urography

1. Patient preparation:
N o f o o d for 2 4 hours; w a t e r a v a i l a b l e , free choice
One or more enemas at least 2 hours before
Assess hydration status; d o not proceed if a n i m a l is
2. Evaluate survey r a d i o g r a p h s for effectiveness o f e n e m a s .
3. U s e s e d a t i o n o n l y if n e c e s s a r y .
4. Infuse contrast solution intravenously via jugular or
cephalic vein as bolus injection.
8 8 0 m g / k g i o d i n e ; d o s e c a n b e d o u b l e d if r e n a l f u n c t i o n
is p o o r .
Nonionic iodinated contrast solutions are safest but
more expensive.
5. Obtain abdominal r a d i o g r a p h s as follows:
Ventrodorsal views a t 5 to 2 0 seconds, 5 minutes, 20
minutes, a n d 4 0 minutes after injection
Lateral v i e w at 5 minutes
FIG 4 2 - 3
Oblique views at 3 to 5 minutes to assess ureteral
Ultrasonographic i m a g e o f a feline kidney with lymphoma.
t e r m i n a t i o n in b l a d d e r
( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n , C o l o r a d o State University, Fort
Collins, Colo.)
FIG 42-5
R a d i o g r a p h i c a p p e a r a n c e of n o r m a l c a n i n e kidneys d u r i n g (A) the n e p h r o g r a m stage of
a n i n t r a v e n o u s p y e l o g r a m a n d (B) t h e p y e l o g r a m s t a g e o f a n i n t r a v e n o u s pyelogram.

FIG 42-6
Intravenous p y e l o g r a m of a d o g w i t h a transitional cell c a r c i n o m a of the b l a d d e r and
unilateral hydroureter. ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n , C o l o r a d o S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , Fort C o l l i n s ,
FIG 4 2 - 7
Intravenous p y e l o g r a m of a d o g with a unilateral ectopic
FIG 4 2 - 9
ureter. ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n , C o l o r a d o State Univer
P o s i t i v e c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d c y s t o g r a m in a m a l e d o g
sity, F o r t C o l l i n s , Colo.)
s h o w i n g a small u r a c h a l r e m n a n t . ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip
S t e y n , C o l o r a d o State University, Fort C o l l i n s , Colo.)

masses (e.g., calculi, blood clots, tumors, polyps; Figs. 42-11

and 42-12). The prostate gland and sublumbar l y m p h nodes
are also easily evaluated with ultrasonography. However, it
may be less effective than contrast-enhanced cystography i n
detecting subtle mucosal irregularities, small uroliths, and
bladder rupture.
Similar to the ureters, the urethra is not routinely visual
ized on plain radiographs. Contrast-enhanced urethrogra
phy is most frequently performed i n male dogs and cats to
detect or rule out urethral obstruction or rupture (Figs.
42-13 and 42-14). It may be used to identify the presence
and location o f mucosal and mural lesions, luminal filling
FIG 4 2 - 8 defects, strictures, an extramural compression, and urethral
A p p e a r a n c e o f r a d i o p a q u e cystouroliths o n p l a i n film rupture or laceration.
r a d i o g r a p h s o f a d o g . ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip Steyn, Colorado C o m p u t e d tomography ( C T ) , both plain and with con
State University, Fort Collins, Colo.) trast, and magnetic resonance imaging ( M R I ) are increas
ingly used for evaluation o f urinary tract pathology at
teaching hospitals and other referral centers. The three-
posterior abdomen. Negative (air or carbon dioxide) or dimensional anatomical information provided by C T and
positive (iodinated contrast medium) contrast material may M R I can be helpful i n surgical planning, especially for detec
be used for contrast-enhanced cystography (Fig. 42-9); tion o f tumor invasion into adjacent tissues. Intravenous
however, double-contrast studies (bladder is filled with a urography with C T is an excellent imaging technique for
positive-contrast m e d i u m that is removed and replaced with detection o f ectopic ureters, and G F R can be calculated using
air or carbon dioxide) provide the best information about contrast-enhanced C T images of the kidneys.
the bladder mucosal surface (Fig. 42-10). Abnormalities that
may be identified by contrast-enhanced cystography include
mucosal and mural lesions, l u m i n a l filling defects, urachal CYSTOSCOPY
remnants, diverticuli, vesicoureteral reflux, extraluminal
masses, radiolucent calculi, and bladder tears. Cystoscopy allows relatively noninvasive visualization and
Ultrasonography can also be used to evaluate the urinary biopsy o f the urethral and bladder mucosal surface. In some
bladder, i n most cases without the sedation and urinary cases, bladder mucosal lesions can be biopsied or resected
catheterization required for contrast-enhanced cystography. and uroliths removed or crushed by means of cystoscopy.
It is particularly useful for differentiating intraluminal Finally, cystoscopy can be used to catheterize the ureters to
FIG 4 2 - 1 0
D o u b l e c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d cystograms of a d o g s h o w i n g (A) insufficient distention o f the
b l a d d e r w i t h a i r , g i v i n g a n a r t i f i c i a l a p p e a r a n c e o f a t h i c k e n e d b l a d d e r w a l l , a n d (B)
p r o p e r distention of the b l a d d e r w i t h negative contrast.

obtain urine samples and perform retrograde pyelography. temic hypertension, and renal lesions associated with fluid
Cystoscopy is used to evaluate patients with lower urinary accumulation (e.g.,hydronephrosis, renal cysts and abscesses).
tract inflammation, to evaluate potential anatomic abnor In addition, renal biopsy should not be attempted by inex
malities i n animals with recurrent urinary tract infections perienced clinicians or i n animals that are not adequately
(e.g., urolithiasis, polyps, urachal remnants) and animals restrained.
with urine retention or incontinence, to evaluate and obtain Renal biopsy specimens can be obtained percutaneously
a biopsy specimen of bladder or urethral masses, and to dif using the keyhole technique or under laparoscopic or ultra
ferentiate unilateral from bilateral renal hematuria. sonographic guidance. In many cases the best way to obtain
a specimen is at laparotomy, when both kidneys can be visu
alized, because postbiopsy hemorrhage can then be accu
RENAL BIOPSY rately assessed and treated and an adequate biopsy specimen
ensured. The cortical region o f the kidney should be biop
The biopsy and histopathologic evaluation o f renal tissue is sied to obtain an adequate number o f glomeruli i n the
a valuable diagnostic and prognostic tool. Renal biopsy specimen and to avoid renal nerves and major vessels i n the
should be considered i f the diagnosis is i n question (e.g., medullary region. Most animals w i l l have microscopic
immune complex glomerulonephritis versus amyloidosis i n hematuria for 1 to 3 days after the biopsy procedure, and
dogs with proteinuria), i f treatment may be altered on the overt hematuria is not u n c o m m o n . In a retrospective study
basis of results (e.g., confirmation and culture o f bacterial by V a d e n (2007) o f renal biopsies i n 283 dogs and 65 cats,
pyelonephritis), or i f the prognosis may be altered on the complications were reported i n 13.4% and 18.5% of dogs
basis of results (e.g., evidence o f reversible tubular lesions i n and cats, respectively. The most c o m m o n complication was
a dog or cat with acute tubular necrosis). A specific diagnosis severe hemorrhage; hydronephrosis and death were u n c o m
is required to implement specific treatment in most animals m o n . Dogs that developed complications after renal biopsy
with renal disease, and a biopsy frequently must be per were more likely to have been 4 to <7 years o f age and >9
formed for a specific diagnosis to be obtained. In addition, years, to weigh <5 kg, and to have serum creatinine concen
the prognosis for animals with renal disease is most accurate trations >5 mg/dL. The majority o f biopsies from both dogs
if it is based on three variables: the severity o f dysfunction, (87.6%) and cats (86.2%) were considered to be o f satisfac
the response to treatment, and the renal histopathologic tory quality. Biopsies from dogs were more likely to be o f
findings. high quality i f they were obtained when the patient was
Renal biopsy should be considered only after less invasive under general anesthesia and more likely to contain only
tests have been done and the blood clotting ability has been renal cortex i f they were obtained by surgery. It was c o n
assessed. Absolute or relative contraindications to renal cluded that renal biopsy is a relatively safe procedure, with
biopsy include a solitary kidney, a coagulopathy, severe sys- a l o w frequency o f severe complications.
FIG 42-11
A a n d B, U l t r a s o n o g r a p h i c i m a g e s of the b l a d d e r of d o g s with b e n i g n polyps.
(A c o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n , C o l o r a d o State U n i v e r s i t y , Fort C o l l i n s , Colo.)
FIG 42-12
Ultrasonographic i m a g e of the b l a d d e r of a d o g w i t h a
transitional cell carcinoma.

FIG 42-13
Positive c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d urethrogram in a d o g w i t h an
i n t r a l u m i n a l u r o l i t h . ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n , Colorado
State University, Fort C o l l i n s , Colo.)

FIG 42-14
Positive c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d u r e t h r o g r a m in a d o g w i t h a n o b s t r u c t i v e u r o p a t h y associated
with prostatic neoplasia.

To prevent artifactual changes, care must be exercised Suggested Readings

when handling and fixing renal tissue. It is important to Adams L G : Cystoscopy. In Elliott JA, Grauer GF, editors: BSAVA
consult the histopathology laboratory before performing manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, ed 2,
Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small Animal Veterinary
the biopsy to ensure that appropriate fixatives are used.
W h e n possible, immunofluorescent or immunohistoch
Dennis R, McConnell: Diagnostic imaging of the urinary tract. In
emical techniques and electron microscopy should be
Elliott JA, Grauer GF, editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline
used to maximize the i n f o r m a t i o n gained from the biopsy nephrology and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British
specimen. C o m m u n i c a t i o n w i t h the laboratory patho Small Animal Veterinary Association.
logist before biopsy will help determine which fixatives DiBartola SP: Renal disease: Clinical approach and laboratory eval
should be used and will maximize the utility of the biopsy uation. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman EC, editors: Textbook of veterinary
sample. internal medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
Elliott JA, Grauer G F : Proteinuria. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F , editors: caused b y X - l i n k e d hereditary nephropathy, / Vet Intern Med
BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, ed 2, 21:425, 2007.
Gloucester, E n g l a n d , 2007, British Small A n i m a l Veterinary Syme H M : P o l y u r i a a n d polydipsia. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F , editors:
Association. B S A V A manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, ed 2,
Fischer JR, Lane IF: Incontinence a n d urine retention. In Elliott JA, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l Veterinary
Grauer G F , editors: BSA VA manual of canine and feline nephrology Association.
and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small V a d e n SL et al: Renal biopsy: A retrospective study o f methods and
A n i m a l Veterinary Association. complications i n 283 dogs a n d 65 cats (1989-2000), / Vet Intern
Heiene R, Lefebvre H P : Assessment o f renal function. In Elliott JA, Med 19:794, 2005.
Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology V a d e n SL, B r o w n C A : Renal biopsy. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F , editors:
and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, ed 2,
A n i m a l Veterinary Association. Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l Veterinary Asso
Lees G E et al: Assessment a n d management o f proteinuria i n dogs ciation.
and cats: 2004 A C V I M F o r u m Consensus Statement (Small W a m s l e y H , A l l e m a n R: Complete urinalysis. In Elliott JA, Grauer
A n i m a l ) , / Vet Intern Med 19:377, 2005. G F , editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and
N a b i t y M B et al: Day-to-day variation o f the urine p r o t e i n : creati urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l
nine ratio i n female dogs w i t h stable glomerular proteinuria Veterinary Association.
C H A P T E R 43


lary wall. Nonglomerular antigens may localize i n the glo

merular capillary wall as a result o f an electrical charge
interaction or a biochemical affinity with the glomerular
Etiology and Pathophysiology
capillary wall. Immune complexes have been shown to form
Clinical Features
in situ i n dogs w i t h glomerulonephritis associated w i t h
Although antibodies directed against intrinsic glomerular
basement membrane material have not been found i n dogs
and cats w i t h naturally occurring glomerulonephritis, several
infectious and inflammatory diseases have been associated
with immune-mediated glomerular disease (Box 43-1). In
Glomerulonephritis ( G N ) , or inflammation o f the glomeruli many cases, however, the antigen source or underlying
and tubules, is the most c o m m o n type o f glomerulone disease is not identified; i n such cases, the glomerular disease
phropathy and is usually caused by i m m u n e complexes is referred to as idiopathic. It is not difficult to identify endog
within the glomerular capillary walls. It is thought to be one enous i m m u n o g l o b u l i n or complement within glomeruli
of the major causes of chronic kidney disease ( C K D ) i n dogs, using various i m m u n o l o g i c techniques, but the antigens
and several studies have shown that the prevalence o f G N i n associated w i t h the i m m u n e complex w i t h i n glomerular
randomly selected dogs is as high as 50%. The deposition of tissue are rarely identified.
amyloid within the glomeruli and glomerular basement Despite the widespread acceptance of the term GN, i n
membrane structural abnormalities (e.g., hereditary X - most cases glomerular lesions associated w i t h the presence
linked nephropathy of male Samoyeds and Cocker Spaniels) of i m m u n e complexes do not have classic evidence o f neu
are additional important, although less c o m m o n , causes of trophilic inflammation. In very simplistic terms, the histo
glomerulonephropathy. Loss of plasma proteins, principally pathologic changes observed i n the glomerulus usually
albumin, i n the urine is the hallmark o f glomerulonephrop include one or more o f the following: cellular proliferation,
athy. In addition to its diagnostic utility, the magnitude of mesangial matrix expansion, and capillary wall thickening.
proteinuria is associated w i t h progression o f C K D , and A d d i t i o n a l histopathologic subclassification o f glomerular
therefore it has become a major focus i n the treatment o f lesions associated w i t h i m m u n e complexes that use immu
patients with glomerulopathies. nohistochemical and ultrastructural studies w i l l be necessary
to improve the ability to effectively treat and accurately prog
Etiology and Pathophysiology nosticate this disease process.
Most glomerulonephropathies i n dogs and cats are mediated The glomerulus provides a unique environment for inju
by immunologic mechanisms. Immune complexes present rious i m m u n e complexes to stimulate production of bioac
in the glomerular capillary wall are usually responsible for tive mediators such as proinflammatory cytokines, vasoactive
initiating glomerular damage and proteinuria. For example, substances, growth factors, and extracellular matrix proteins
soluble circulating antigen-antibody complexes may be and proteases that can contribute to the injury (see Fig.
deposited or trapped i n the glomeruli (Fig. 43-1). In contrast 43-1). These substances may be produced by endogenous
to the glomerular deposition o f preformed complexes, glomerular cells or by platelets, macrophages, and neutro
immune complexes may also form in situ i n the glomerular phils that are attracted to the immune-mediated lesion. For
capillary wall (see Fig. 43-1). This occurs when circulating example, activation o f the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
antibodies react with endogenous glomerular antigens or system (RAAS) can have hemodynamic and inflammatory/
"planted," nonglomerular antigens i n the glomerular capil fibrotic effects o n the kidney. The m a i n hemodynamic effect
is vasoconstriction of the efferent glomerular arteriole, result
ing i n intraglomerular hypertension. This increased hydro
static pressure within the glomerular capillaries helps drive
plasma a l b u m i n through the injured glomerular capillary
wall. Angiotensin and aldosterone are also proinflammatory
and can stimulate glomerular cell proliferation and fibrosis.
Aldosterone also stimulates release o f plasminogen activator
inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), a powerful inhibitor of fibrinolysis that
perpetuates glomerular thrombosis (see next paragraph).
In addition to the R A A S , several factors, including activa
tion o f the complement system, platelet aggregation, activa
tion of the coagulation system, and fibrin deposition, also
contribute to glomerular damage. Platelet activation and
aggregation occur secondarily to endothelial damage or
antigen-antibody interaction. Platelets, i n turn, exacerbate
glomerular damage by release o f vasoactive and inflamma
tory substances and by activation of the coagulation cascade.
Platelets are also capable o f releasing growth-stimulating
factors that promote proliferation o f vascular endothelial
cells. The glomerulus responds to this injury by cellular pro
liferation, thickening of the glomerular basement membrane,
and, i f the injury persists, hyalinization and sclerosis (Fig.
43-2). In those cases when identification and correction of
FIG 4 3 - 1 an underlying disease process is not possible, treatment is
The two major types of immunologically mediated glomeru focused on decreasing this glomerular response to the immune
lar injury. Circulating soluble immune complexes have
complexes (e.g., angiotensin and platelet antagonists).
become trapped in the glomerular filter and have fixed
Once a glomerulus has been irreversibly damaged by
complement. Chemotactic complement components have
attracted neutrophils to the area. The release of oxygen free G N , the entire nephron becomes nonfunctional. Fibrosis
radicals and lysosomal enzymes from neutrophils has and scarring o f irreversibly damaged nephrons may resem
resulted in damage to the glomerulus (top). Damage may ble primary interstitial inflammation. In fact, for many years
also result from the attachment of antibodies directed renal interstitial inflammation, or "chronic interstitial
against fixed intrinsic glomerular antigens (bottom, left).
nephritis," was thought to be the primary lesion that caused
Finally, damage may result from the attachment of
C K D i n dogs. As more and more nephrons become involved,
antibodies directed against planted nonglomerular antigens
(bottom, right). GBM, Glomerular basement membrane; glomerular filtration in toto decreases. Remaining viable
PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte. (From Chew DJ et al: nephrons compensate for the decrease i n nephron numbers
Manual of small animal nephrology and urology, London, with increased individual glomerular filtration rates
1986, Churchill Livingstone.) (Fig. 43-3). This "hyperfiltration," coupled with systemic

*TXB, Thromboxane; Ang II, angiotensin II; ET-1, endothelin-1.

FIG 4 3 - 2
Glomerular response to the presence of immune complexes.
BOX 43-1

Diseases Associated with Glomerulonephritis in Dogs and Cats

Canine adenovirus I Diabetes mellitus
Bacterial e n d o c a r d i t i s
Ehrlichiosis Feline leukemia virus
Leishmaniasis Feline i m m u n o d e f i c i e n c y virus
Pyometra Feline infectious peritonitis
Borelliosis M y c o p l a s m a polyarthritis
Chronic bacterial infections (gingivitis, p y o d e r m a ) C h r o n i c b a c t e r i a l infections
Rocky M o u n t a i n spotted fever
Trypanosomiasis Neoplasia
Helicobacter? Pancreatitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Other immune-mediated diseases
C h r o n i c skin disease
Various Types
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Other immune-mediated diseases Idiopathic
Prostatitis Familial
Hepatitis Nonimmunologichyperfiltration?
Diabetes mellitus
Inflammatory b o w e l disease

Various Types
Hyperadrenocorticism a n d long-term, high-dose corticosteroids?

FIG 4 3 - 3
Proposed pathogenesis o f progressive loss o f n e p h r o n s s e c o n d a r y to a p r i m a r y
hypertension i f present, may further contribute to glomeru of the acute-phase reactant protein, serum amyloid A protein
lar hyalinization and sclerosis. Although it has not been (SAA), and is produced by hepatocytes i n response to tissue
documented i n dogs with naturally occurring G N , hyperfil injury. Cytokines (e.g., interleukins, tumor necrosis factor)
tration and proteinuria i n remnant nephrons may result i n released from macrophages after tissue injury stimulate
progressive nephron loss, independent of the primary disease hepatocytes to produce S A A . Amyloidosis is usually associ
process. ated with an underlying inflammatory or neoplastic process;
Although glomerular amyloidosis is less c o m m o n than however, no predisposing factors can be identified i n many
G N , it is a progressive disease that also frequently leads to dogs and cats with amyloidosis. Amyloidosis has been asso
C K D . It is characterized by the extracellular deposition o f ciated with cyclic neutropenia and with ciliary dyskinesia
nonbranching fibrillar proteins that stack into a specific (3- and recurrent respiratory tract infections i n dogs. Renal
pleated sheet conformation and exhibit green birefringence amyloidosis is a familial disease i n the Abyssinian cat; it
under polarized light when stained with Congo red (Fig. 43-4). results i n medullary (not glomerular) amyloid deposition as
Amyloidosis i n dogs and cats is the reactive systemic form, a part o f systemic amyloidosis. A similar form of suspected
i n which amyloid may be deposited i n several organs besides familial medullary amyloidosis resulting i n renal failure has
the kidneys. Reactive systemic amyloid deposits contain been observed i n Chinese Shar-Pei dogs. Intermittent fever
amyloid protein A A , which is an amino-terminal fragment that occurs i n association with tibiotarsal joint swelling
and that resolves regardless of treatment is often observed
i n these dogs. The staining characteristics o f the amyloid
i n Chinese Shar-Peis indicate that the amyloid is an inflam
matory type. This amyloidosis syndrome i n Chinese Shar-
Peis is similar to that observed i n people with familial
Mediterranean fever. The medullary deposition of amyloid
i n Abyssinian cats and Chinese Shar-Pei dogs makes pro
teinuria u n c o m m o n ; renal failure, however, is a c o m m o n

Clinical Features
There may be no clinical signs associated with low level
proteinuria; alternatively, i f signs are present they are usually
m i l d and nonspecific (e.g., weight loss and lethargy). If pro
teinuria is severe and results i n serum albumin concentra
tion <1.5 to 1.0 mg/dl, edema and/or ascites may occur
(Table 43-1). If the glomerular disease process causes loss of
FIG 4 3 - 4
Typical a p p e a r a n c e of glomerular a m y l o i d (green birefrin more than three quarters of the nephrons, clinical signs
g e n c e ) w h e n r e n a l t i s s u e is s t a i n e d w i t h C o n g o red a n d consistent with advanced stage C K D may be present (e.g.,
viewed under polarized light. polydipsia-polyuria, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weight

TABLE 43-1

Signs Associated w i t h Different Manifestations o f G l o m e r u l a r Disease


Mild-to-moderate proteinuria* Lethargy, mild w e i g h t loss, Serum albumin 1.5-3.0 g / d l

decreased muscle mass
Marked proteinuria (>3.5 g/day) Severe muscle w a s t i n g , w e i g h t gain Serum albumin < 1 . 5 g / d l ,
m a y o c c u r , h o w e v e r , a s result o f hypercholesterolemia
e d e m a or ascites
Renal failure Depression, anorexia, nausea, A z o t e m i a , isosthenuria or minimally
v o m i t i n g , w e i g h t loss, p o l y u r i a - concentrated urine, hyperphosphatemia,
polydipsia nonregenerative anemia
Pulmonary thromboembolism Acute d y s p n e a or severe panting H y p o x e m i a ; normal or low Pco ; 2 fibrinogen
> 3 0 0 m g / d l ; antithrombin < 7 0 % of normal
Retinal h e m o r r h a g e and/or Acute blindness Systolic b l o o d pressure > 1 8 0 m m H g

*Microalbuminuria, as discussed in Chapter 42, may precede proteinuria and therefore be an early diagnostic tool.
P c o , Partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
loss). Occasionally, clinical signs associated with an underly A n t i t h r o m b i n works i n concert with heparin to inhibit serine
ing infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic disease may be proteases (clotting factors II, I X , X , X I , and XII) and nor
the reason owners seek veterinary care. Rarely, dogs may be mally plays a vital role i n modulating t h r o m b i n and fibrin
presented with acute dyspnea or severe panting caused by a production. Finally, impaired fibrinolysis caused by aldoste
pulmonary thromboembolism or may have signs associated rone-induced production o f PAI-1 further enhances b l o o d
with thromboembolism elsewhere (e.g., lameness from clotting. The pulmonary arterial system is the most c o m m o n
aortic thromboembolism). location for a thromboembolic disease i n dogs with glo
Persistent proteinuria may lead to clinical signs o f merular lesions. Dogs with pulmonary thromboembolism
nephrotic syndrome, which is usually defined as a combina are usually dyspneic and hypoxemic and have m i n i m a l p u l
tion of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, ascites or edema, and monary parenchymal radiographic abnormalities. Treatment
hypercholesterolemia. Decreased plasma oncotic pressure of pulmonary thromboembolism is difficult, often expen
and hyperaldosteronism activity causing sodium retention sive, and frequently unrewarding; therefore early prophylac
are thought to be the primary cause o f ascites and edema. It tic treatment to prevent thrombus formation is important.
has also been hypothesized that intrarenal mechanisms, There is increasing suspicion that proteinuria may cause
independent o f aldosterone, may contribute to sodium glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage that can lead to
retention. The hypercholesterolemia associated with the progressive nephron loss i n dogs and cats. Plasma proteins
nephrotic syndrome probably occurs because o f a combina that have crossed the glomerular capillary wall can accumu
tion of decreased catabolism o f proteins and lipoproteins late w i t h i n the glomerular tuft and stimulate mesangial cell
and increased hepatic synthesis of proteins and lipoproteins. proliferation and increased production o f mesangial matrix.
This results i n the accumulation o f large-molecular-weight, In addition, excessive amounts o f protein i n the glomerular
cholesterol-rich lipoproteins, which are not as easily lost filtrate can damage tubular epithelial cells and lead to inter
through the damaged capillary wall as are the smaller- stitial inflammation, fibrosis, and cell death. Mechanisms for
molecular-weight proteins, such as albumin. the tubulointerstitial lesions associated with proteinuria
In addition to the previously mentioned clinical signs, include tubular cell lysosomal damage/rupture, peroxidative
systemic hypertension and hypercoagulability are frequent and immune-mediated damage, increased production o f
complications i n dogs with nephrotic syndrome. A combina growth factors, cytokines and vasoactive agents, and
tion of activation o f the R A A S and decreased renal produc transdifferentiation o f tubular cells to myoepithelial cells
tion of vasodilators, coupled with increased responsiveness that can produce collagen.
to normal vasopressor mechanisms, are likely involved i n the In dogs with naturally occurring C K D , proteinuria result
pathogenesis of the systemic hypertension. Systemic hyper ing i n a urine p r o t e i n : creatinine ratio 1.0 was associated
tension has been c o m m o n l y associated with i m m u n e - with a threefold greater risk o f developing uremic crises and
mediated G N , glomerulosclerosis, and amyloidosis, and i n death compared with dogs with urine protein: creatinine
one study, 84% of dogs with glomerular disease were found ratio <1.0. The relative risk o f adverse outcome was approx
to be hypertensive. Retinal changes, including hemorrhage, imately 1.5 times higher for every 1 unit increase i n urine
detachment, and papilledema, can be consequences o f sys protein: creatinine ratio. In addition, dogs with urine pro
temic hypertension; occasionally, blindness may be the pre tein: creatinine ratio 1.0 had a decrease i n renal function
senting sign i n hypertensive dogs. In most cases, the systemic that was greater i n magnitude than that observed i n dogs
hypertension is thought to occur secondary to the kidney with urine p r o t e i n : creatinine ratio <1.0. In cats with natu
disease rather than being a primary entitiy that causes the rally occurring C K D , proteinuria appears to be very highly
kidney disease. Systemic hypertension can be transmitted related to survival. The hazard ratios (95% confidence inter
into the glomerular capillaries, especially as autoregulation vals) for death or euthanasia were 2.9 and 4.0 for urine
fails, resulting i n intraglomerular hypertension. This protein: creatinine ratio 0.2 to 0.4 and >0.4, respectively,
increased hydrostatic pressure within glomerular capillaries compared w i t h the baseline group with a urine protein: cre
can exacerbate loss o f plasma proteins across the already atinine ratio <0.2. O n the basis o f this evidence, it is possible
abnormal capillary wall or sufficiently damage the wall to that proteinuria is not only a marker o f C K D i n the dog and
induce nascent glomerular protein loss. B l o o d pressure mea cat but also a mediator o f progressive renal injury. A t t e n u
surement should be part o f the evaluation and management ation o f p r o t e i n u r i a should be a major treatment objective
of dogs with glomerular disease because it is likely that i n dogs and cats with C K D .
control of systemic hypertension may slow the progression
of glomerular disease. Diagnosis
Hypercoagulability and thromboembolism associated Persistent, severe proteinuria with a n o r m a l urine sediment
with the nephrotic syndrome occur secondarily to several (hyaline casts may be observed) is the hallmark clinicopath
abnormalities i n hemostasis. In addition to m i l d thrombo ologic sign o f glomerulonephropathies. The urine pro
cytosis, a hypoalbuminemia-related platelet hypersensitivity tein : creatinine ratio is used to quantify the magnitude o f the
increases platelet adhesion and aggregation proportionally urine protein loss. M i c r o a l b u m i n u r i a may precede overt
to the magnitude of hypoalbuminemia. Loss o f antithrom proteinuria i n many cases (see the section o n proteinuria i n
bin (AT) i n urine also contributes to hypercoagulability. Chapter 42). Protein-losing nephropathies are definitively
diagnosed o n the basis o f renal cortical histopathologic study by V a d e n (1995) cyclosporine treatment was found to
findings. (See sections o n proteinuria and renal biopsy i n be o f no benefit i n reducing proteinuria associated with G N
Chapters 41 and 42.) i n dogs. The association between hyperadrenocorticism or
long-term exogenous corticosteroid administration and G N
Treatment and thromboembolism i n the dog, as well as the lack of
Inasmuch as i m m u n e complexes usually initiate G N , primary consistent therapeutic response to corticosteroids, raises
treatment objectives include (1) identification and elimina questions about use of these drugs i n dogs with G N . In a
tion of causative/associated antigens and (2) reduction of the retrospective study o f dogs with naturally occurring G N ,
glomerular response to the i m m u n e complexes. treatment with corticosteroids appeared to be detrimental,
E l i m i n a t i o n o f the source o f antigenic stimulation is the leading to azotemia and worsening o f proteinuria. Similarly,
treatment o f choice for G N . For example, proteinuria associ prednisone increased the urine protein: creatinine level from
ated with dirofilariasis i n dogs often improves or resolves 1.5 to 5.6 i n carrier female dogs with X - l i n k e d hereditary
after successful treatment o f parasitic infection. U n f o r t u nephropathy. Consequently, routine use of corticosteroids to
nately, elimination of the antigen source often is not possible treat G N i n dogs is not recommended. Treatment with cor
because the antigen source or underlying disease may not be ticosteroids may be indicated, however, i f the underlying
identified or may be impossible to eliminate (e.g., neoplasia). disease process is k n o w n to be steroid responsive (e.g., sys
In a retrospective study by C o o k (1996) o f 106 dogs with temic lupus erythematosus). It is likely that there are specific
G N , 4 3 % had no identifiable concurrent disease or disorder subtypes o f canine i m m u n e complex G N (e.g., minimal
and 19% had neoplasia. Infection, polyarthritis, hepatitis, change G N ) that are steroid responsive i f they are appropri
hyperadrenocorticism, and immune-mediated hemolytic ately identified and treated.
anemia are additional c o m m o n l y identified concurrent If an underlying or concurrent disease process cannot be
medical problems (Box 43-2). identified and treated, or i f immunosuppressive treatment is
Immunosuppressive drugs have been recommended i n deemed inappropriate, treatment may be aimed at decreas
dogs with G N , but despite these recommendations, there has ing the glomerular response to the presence of immune
been only one controlled clinical trial i n veterinary medicine complexes. Platelets appear to play an important role i n the
assessing the effects of immunosuppressive treatment. In this glomerular response to i m m u n e complexes, and therefore
aspirin treatment is often recommended. Appropriate dosage
is probably important i f nonspecific cyclooxygenase inhibi
tors, such as aspirin, are used to decrease glomerular inflam
mation and platelet aggregation. A n extremely low dosage of
BOX 4 3 - 2 aspirin (0.5 mg/kg administered orally once a day) may
selectively inhibit platelet cyclooxygenase without prevent
T r e a t m e n t Guidelines f o r Dogs a n d Cats
ing the beneficial effects of prostacyclin formation (e.g.,
with Glomerulonephritis
vasodilation, inhibition of platelet aggregation). Low-dose
1 . Identity a n d eliminate a n y underlying diseases aspirin is easily administered o n an outpatient basis and does
2 . Immunosuppressive treatment (usually not r e c o m m e n d e d not require extensive monitoring. Because fibrin accumula
for dogs) tion within the glomerulus is a frequent and irreversible
a. C y c l o p h o s p h a m i d e , 5 0 m g / m P O q 4 8 h (dogs) o r consequence of G N and thromboembolic disorders can
2 0 0 to 3 0 0 m g / m P O q 3 w k (cats) o r complicate the management of protein-losing nephropa
b. A z a t h i o p r i n e , 5 0 m g / m P O q 2 4 h x 7 days, then thies, antiplatelet/anticoagulant treatment with aspirin may
q 4 8 h (dogs only) o r
serve several purposes.
c. C y c l o s p o r i n e A , 1 5 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h (dogs only)
Treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
d . Prednisone, 1.0 to 2 . 0 m g / k g P O q l 2 - 2 4 h (cats
only) (ACEIs) can reduce proteinuria and slow disease progres
3. A n t i i n f l a m m a t o r y - h y p e r c o a g u l a b i l i t y treatment: a s p i r i n , sion. In dogs with unilateral nephrectomy and experimen
0 . 5 to 5 . 0 m g / k g P O q l 2 h (dogs); 0 . 5 to 5 . 0 m g / k g tally induced diabetes mellitus, A C E I administration reduced
PO q 4 8 h (cats) glomerular transcapillary hydraulic pressure and glomerular
4 . Supportive care cell hypertrophy as well as proteinuria. In another study by
a. Dietary: sodium restriction, h i g h - q u a l i t y - l o w - q u a n t i t y Grodecki (1997) A C E I treatment o f Samoyed dogs with X -
protein linked hereditary nephritis decreased proteinuria, improved
b. Hypertension: d i e t a r y sodium reduction; ACEIs (e.g., renal excretory function, decreased glomerular basement
enalapril, 0 . 5 m g / k g PO q 1 2 - 2 4 h , or benazepril,
membrane splitting, and prolonged survival compared with
0 . 2 5 to 0 . 5 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h ; ACEIs often have
control dogs. A double-blind, multicenter, prospective clini
antiproteinuric effects as well) a n d / o r calcium
cal trial assessed the effects o f enalapril ( E N ) versus standard
channel blockers
care i n dogs with naturally occurring, idiopathic G N . The
c. Edema a n d ascites: d i e t a r y sodium restriction; furo
semide, 2 . 2 m g / k g P O q 8 - 2 4 h , if necessary enalapril treatment group had decreased proteinuria, systolic
b l o o d pressure, and stable renal function compared with the
PO, By mouth; ACEIs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. placebo-treated group. In prospective randomized, con-
trolled clinical trials (King, 2006; M i z u t a n i , 2006) i n cats that D M S O has a similar amyloid-dissolving effect i n domes
with spontaneous C K D , benazepril has been shown to reduce tic animals. The antiinflammatory effects o f D M S O may also
proteinuria, delay C K D progression, and extend survival serve to decrease production o f the acute-phase reactant
time. S A A and the inflammation associated w i t h an underlying
Treatment with A C E I probably decreases proteinuria and disease. Decreased urinary protein excretion was observed i n
preserves renal function associated with glomerular disease one dog w i t h amyloidosis treated w i t h D M S O ; however, the
by several mechanisms. In dogs administration o f lisinopril effects o f D M S O were difficult to determine because two
decreases efferent glomerular arteriolar resistance, w h i c h potential underlying causes (interdigital pyoderma and a
results i n decreased glomerular transcapillary hydraulic Sertoli cell tumor) were eliminated before the D M S O treat
pressure and decreased proteinuria. In rats administration ment. The dosage o f D M S O used i n that dog was 80 mg/kg
of E N prevents the loss of glomerular heparan sulfate that administered subcutaneously three times per week; the treat
can occur with glomerular disease. Administration o f A C E I ment was continued for more than a year without apparent
also is thought to attenuate proteinuria by decreasing the size adverse effects. Other studies assessing the effects o f D M S O
of glomerular capillary endothelial cell pores i n people. In in dogs w i t h amyloidosis, however, have shown the treat
addition, the antiproteinuric and renal protective effects o f ment to be ineffective.
A C E I i n people may be, i n part, associated w i t h improved Colchicine is another drug that is frequently mentioned
lipoprotein metabolism. Decreased production o f angioten for the treatment o f amyloidosis. It prevents the production
sin and aldosterone may also result i n decreased renal fibro of S A A by hepatocytes and has been shown to prevent amy
sis. Finally, administration of A C E I i n dogs slows glomerular loidosis i n humans and mice i f used early i n the disease.
mesangial cell growth and proliferation that can alter the A l t h o u g h colchicine has been recommended to prevent
permeability of the glomerular capillary wall and lead to medullary amyloidosis i n Chinese Shar-Pei dogs w i t h
glomerulosclerosis. fever and tibiotarsal joint swelling, no controlled studies o f
Supportive therapy is important i n the management of its use i n this setting have been performed. The dosage
dogs with G N and should be aimed at alleviating systemic of colchicine that has been recommended for the pro
hypertension, decreasing edema/ascites, and reducing the phylactic treatment o f amyloidosis is 0.025 mg/kg given
risk of thromboembolism. A C E I s are recommended as the orally q24h. Increasing the dose to 0.025 mg/kg, given orally
first line of treatment for proteinuric, hypertensive dogs. In q12h, may be considered i f the animal tolerates the initial
those cases wherein systemic hypertension is refractory to dose well for 2 weeks. However, because adverse effects
A C E I treatment, a calcium channel blocker should be added of colchicine include bone marrow toxicity, the patient
to the antihypertensive regimen. A l t h o u g h similar studies should be monitored closely w i t h periodic complete b l o o d
have not been performed i n dogs or cats, i n people the c o m counts.
bination o f A C E I and an aldosterone receptor antagonist
(e.g., spironolactone) have had additive effects i n reducing Monitoring
proteinuria and renal disease progression. It is important to m o n i t o r the urine protein: creatinine ratio
Cage rest and restriction o f dietary sodium should be the after initiating treatment. Immunosuppressive treatment
primary treatment considerations for patients with edema could alter the ratio of antigen to antibody, thus exacerbating
and/or ascites. Paracentesis and diuretics should be reserved the glomerular lesions and the proteinuria (i.e., a decrease
for those dogs with respiratory distress or abdominal dis i n antibody formation leading to a m i l d excess o f antigen or
comfort. Overzealous use of diuretics may cause dehydration equal amounts o f antigen and antibody i n the i m m u n e c o m
and acute renal decompensation. Plasma transfusions w i l l plexes), i n w h i c h case treatment should be altered or discon
provide only temporary benefit i n terms of increasing oncotic tinued. In addition, corticosteroids can induce proteinuria
pressure resulting from the addition o f albumin. In the past, owing to a number o f mechanisms, so an increase i n the
dietary protein supplementation was recommended to offset urine protein: creatinine ratio can be iatrogenic, not neces
the effects o f proteinuria and reduce edema and ascites; sarily a result o f the progression o f the disease. Lack o f
however, recent studies i n proteinuric heterozygous female response to A C E I treatment may suggest the need for increas
dogs with X - l i n k e d nephropathy suggest that reduced dietary ing the dosage or adding one or more drugs.
protein is associated with reduced proteinuria. N - 3 fatty acid In addition, b l o o d pressure and serum creatinine and
supplementation may also be beneficial; i n dogs w i t h surgi urea nitrogen concentrations should be monitored i n animals
cally reduced remnant kidneys, dietary supplementation with G N . In cases i n w h i c h the glomerular filtration rate
with fish o i l reduced proteinuria, intraglomerular pressures, depends o n s o d i u m retention and volume expansion, treat
and glomerular lesion and maintained the glomerular filtra ment w i t h A C E I s can be associated w i t h a decrease i n renal
tion rate. excretory function. Finally, although proteinuria then
Similar to the treatment of G N , the primary treatment for occurs before the onset o f azotemia, G N can lead to C K D .
amyloidosis, i f possible, should be the identification and W i t h the development o f C K D , the glomerular filtration
treatment of any underlying inflammatory process. Dimeth rate decreases and the proteinuria therefore usually also
ylsulfoxide ( D M S O ) has been shown to dissolve amyloid decreases. Management guidelines for C K D are presented i n
fibrils in vitro and in vivo i n mice. It has been hypothesized Chapter 44.
Prognosis Grauer G F et al: Effects o f enalapril vs placebo as a treatment for
canine idiopathic glomerulonephritis, / Vet Intern Med 14:526,
The prognosis for dogs w i t h G N is variable and is best based
on consideration of the following factors: severity o f dys
Grauer G F : Management o f glomerulonephritis. In Elliott JA,
function (i.e., the magnitude o f the proteinuria and the pres
Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual ofcanine and feline nephrology
ence or absence o f azotemia), the response to therapy, and and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small
the assessment o f renal histopathology. C l i n i c a l experience A n i m a l Veterinary Association.
suggests that the disease is progressive i n m a n y cases, but G r o d e c k i K et al: Treatment o f X - l i n k e d hereditary nephritis i n
decreases i n the urine p r o t e i n : creatinine ratio and increases Samoyed dogs w i t h angiotensin-converting enzyme ( A C E )
i n a l b u m i n and A T concentration can occur i n dogs w i t h inhibitor, / Comp Pathol 117:209, 1997.
i m m u n e - m e d i a t e d G N treated w i t h diet, A C E I s , and l o w - l o c o b F et al: Evaluation o f the association between initial pro

dose aspirin. In selected cases, immunosuppressive treatment teinuria a n d m o r b i d i t y rate or death i n dogs w i t h naturally
occurring chronic renal failure, J Am Vet Med Assoc 226:393-400,
w i t h corticosteroids and azathioprine may be o f benefit.
Inasmuch as glomerular a m y l o i d deposition results i n
K i n g J N et al: Tolerability a n d efficacy o f benazepril i n cats
severe proteinuria, w i t h its attendant effects, the disease is
with chronic kidney disease, / Vet Intern Med 20:1054,
relentlessly progressive, often resulting i n C K D and uremia;
and given that no specific treatment has proved to be effec Lees G E , et al: Assessment a n d management o f proteinuria i n dogs
tive, the prognosis for animals w i t h renal amyloidosis is a n d cats: 2004 A C V I M F o r u m Consensus Statement (Small
guarded to poor. A n i m a l ) , / Vet Intern Med 19:377, 2005.
M i z u t a n i H et al: Evaluation o f the clinical efficacy o f benazepril i n
Suggested Readings the treatment o f chronic renal insufficiency i n cats, / Vet Intern
B r o w n S et al: Guidelines for the identification, evaluation, a n d Med 20:1074, 2006.
management o f systemic hypertension i n dogs a n d cats, / Vet Syme H M et al: Survival o f cats w i t h naturally occurring chronic
Intern Med 21:542, 2007. renal failure is related to severity o f proteinuria, / Vet Intern Med
C o o k A K et al: C l i n i c a l a n d pathologic features o f protein-losing 20:528, 2006.
glomerular disease i n the dog: A review o f 137 cases, J Am Anim V a d e n S L et al: T h e effects o f cyclosporin versus standard care i n
Hosp Assoc 32:313-322, 1996. dogs w i t h naturally occurring glomerulonephritis, / Vet Intern
D a m b a c h D M et al: M o r p h o l o g i c , i m m u n o h i s t o c h e m i c a l , a n d Med 9:259, 1995.
ultrastructural characterization o f a distinctive renal lesion i n V a d e n SL: G l o m e r u l a r diseases. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman E C , editors:
dog putatively associated w i t h Borrelia burgdorferi infection: 49 Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005,
cases (1987-1992), Vet Pathol 34:85, 1997. Elsevier/Saunders.
C H A P T E R 44

Acute Renal Failure and

Chronic Kidney Disease

replaced by fibrous connective tissue; therefore a specific

cause is rarely determined once end-stage kidney damage is
present. C K D occurs over a period o f weeks, months, or
years and is a leading cause o f death i n dogs and cats. Once
Etiology and Pathogenesis
advanced stage C K D has occurred, i m p r o v i n g renal function
Clinical Features and Diagnosis
is usually not possible. The goal o f C K D treatment is three
Risk Factors for Acute Renal Damage/Failure
fold: (1) to identify and correct the primary disease process,
M o n i t o r i n g Patients at Risk for Acute Renal Damage/
(2) to m o n i t o r and slow disease progression, and (3) to
alleviate patient clinical signs.
Treatment of Established Acute Renal Failure
M a n y different and sometimes confusing terms are used
to describe renal function and its deterioration (Fig. 44-1):
Etiology and Pathogenesis
Clinical Features and Diagnosis
Renal disease implies the existence o f renal lesions; it
Staging Chronic Kidney Disease
does not qualify the cause, severity, or distribution o f the
Further Diagnostics and Treatment
lesions or the degree o f renal function.
C K D refers to a loss o f nephrons associated with pro
longed (usually longer than 2 months) and often progres
Renal failure occurs when approximately three fourths of the sive disease process.
nephrons of both kidneys cease to function. Acute renal Renal reserve may be thought o f as the percentage o f
failure (ARF) results from an abrupt decline i n renal func "extra" nephrons available (i.e., those not necessary to
tion and is usually caused by an ischemic or toxic insult to maintain n o r m a l renal function). A l t h o u g h it probably
the kidneys, although leptospirosis is reemerging as an varies from animal to animal, it is greater than 50% i n
important infectious cause of A R F . Ischemic or toxicant- n o r m a l cats and dogs.
induced injury usually results i n damage to the metabolically Renal insufficiency begins when the renal reserve is lost.
active epithelial cells of the proximal tubules and thick A n i m a l s with renal insufficiency outwardly appear normal
ascending loop of Henle, causing impaired regulation of but have a reduced capacity to compensate for stresses
water and solute balance. Nephrotoxicants interfere with such as infection or dehydration and have reduced ability
essential tubular cell functions and cause cellular injury, to concentrate urine.
swelling, and death. Renal ischemia causes cellular hypoxia Azotemia is the increased concentration of urea nitrogen,
and substrate insufficiency, which leads to the depletion o f creatinine, and other nonproteinaceous nitrogenous
adenosine triphosphate ( A T P ) , cellular swelling, and death. waste products i n the blood.
Vasoconstriction secondary to toxic or ischemic tubular epi Renal azotemia denotes azotemia caused by renal paren
thelial injury further decreases glomerular filtration. It is chymal lesions.
important to note, however, that tubular lesions and dys Renal failure is a state of decreased renal function that
function caused by toxic and ischemic insults may be revers allows persistent abnormalities (azotemia and inability to
ible. In contrast, the nephron damage associated with chronic concentrate urine) to exist; it refers to a level o f organ
kidney disease ( C K D ) is usually irreversible. Regardless o f function rather than a specific disease entity.
whether the underlying disease primarily affects the glom Uremia is the presence o f all urine constituents i n the
eruli, tubules, interstitium, or renal vasculature, irreversible blood. It may occur secondary to renal failure or postre
damage to any portion of the nephron renders the entire nal disorders, including urethral obstruction and urinary
nephron nonfunctional. Irreversibly damaged nephrons are bladder rupture.
surface area o f the glomerular capillaries. W i t h i n the renal
cortex, the epithelial cells of the proximal tubule and thick
ascending loop o f Henle are most frequently affected by
ischemia and toxicant-induced injury because o f their trans
port functions and high metabolic rates. Toxicants disrupt
the metabolic pathways that generate A T P , and ischemia can
rapidly deplete cellular A T P stores. W i t h the resulting loss of
energy, the sodium-potassium pump (Na/K) fails, leading to
cell swelling and death. By resorbing water and electrolytes
from the glomerular filtrate, tubular epithelial cells may be
exposed to increasingly higher concentrations o f toxicants.
Toxicants that are either secreted or resorbed by tubular
epithelial cells (e.g., gentamicin) may accumulate i n high
concentrations within these cells. Similarly, the countercur
rent multiplier system may concentrate toxicants i n the
medulla. Finally, the kidneys also play a role i n the biotrans
FI6 4 4 - 1
The stages o f renal f u n c t i o n . (From G r a u e r G et a l : C h r o n i c
formation o f many drugs and toxicants. This usually results
r e n a l f a i l u r e i n t h e d o g , Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet in the formation o f metabolites that are less toxic than the
3:1009, 1981.) parent compound; however, i n some cases (e.g., the oxida
tion of ethylene glycol to glycolate and oxalate), the metabo
lites are more toxic than the parent compound.
Box 44-2 presents a partial list o f potential nephrotoxi
BOX 4 4 -
cants. It should be noted that toxic insults to the kidney often
can be caused by therapeutic agents, i n addition to the
Factors that May Predispose the Kidney to Ischemia and
better-known nephrotoxicants. Gentamicin and ethylene
Toxicant-Induced Injury
glycol are two o f the most c o m m o n causes o f toxicant-
The kidneys receive 2 0 % of cardiac output; the cortex induced A R F . B o x 44-3 presents a partial list of ischemic
receives 9 0 % of the renal b l o o d flow. causes o f A R F . Leptospirosis is a c o m m o n cause of A R F ; the
The glomerular capillaries have a large surface area.
organisms colonize and proliferate within renal tubular epi
Proximal tubule a n d thick ascending loop of Henle cells
thelial cells and can lead to acute interstitial nephritis. Acute
have a high metabolic rate and are susceptible to
renal damage leading to failure can also occur i n dogs with
h y p o x i a a n d nutrient deficiency.
leptospirosis because of renal vasculitis and the development
Tubular secretion a n d resorption m a y concentrate toxicants
w i t h i n cells.
of swelling that further compromises renal blood flow. Acute
A countercurrent multiplier system m a y concentrate toxi renal failure has also recently been associated with ingestion
cants within the medulla. of pet food containing contaminated wheat and corn gluten
Xenobiotic metabolism within the kidney may generate and rice protein concentrates. The investigation has focused
toxic metabolites (e.g., metabolism of ethylene glycol). on melamine and cyanuric acid as the major contaminants;
however, melamine-related substances (e.g., ammelide and
ammeline) may also be involved i n the pathogenesis. It is
thought that a chemical reaction between melamine and
The uremic syndrome is a constellation o f clinical signs cyanuric acid produces insoluble crystals that form i n the
(e.g., gastroenteritis, acidosis, pneumonitis, osteodystro distal renal tubules o f affected animals, compromising renal
phy, and encephalopathy) that occur secondary to function. Clinical presentation is quite variable and ranges
uremia. from severe A R F to m i l d azotemia associated with urine-
concentrating deficits to no clinical signs. Crystalluria
(round, yellow crystals with radiant striations that may
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE resemble urate crystals) is observed i n many cases. Identifi
cation o f the crystals can be accomplished at veterinary diag
Etiology and Pathogenesis nostic laboratories. Treatment o f affected patients in largely
The kidneys are highly susceptible to the effects o f ischemia symptomatic, long-term intravenous (IV) fluid therapy may
and toxicants because o f their unique anatomic and physi be required for recovery i n some cases.
ologic features (Box 44-1). For example, the large renal b l o o d In many cases, A R F inadvertently develops i n the hospital
flow (approximately 20% o f the cardiac output) results i n setting i n conjunction with the performance o f diagnostic or
the increased delivery of blood-borne toxicants to the kidney, therapeutic procedures. For example, A R F may be caused by
as compared with that to other organs. The renal cortex is hypotension and decreased renal perfusion associated with
especially susceptible to toxicants because it receives 90% of anesthesia and surgery or with the use o f vasodilators or
the renal b l o o d flow and contains the large endothelial nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Prolonged
BOX 4 4 - 2

Partial List of Potential Nephrotoxicants in Dogs and Cats

Therapeutic Agents
Antimicrobials Chloroform
Aminoglycosides Herbicides
Cephalosporins Solvents
Nafcillin (especially in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h anesthesia)
Polymyxins Pigments
Sulfonamides Hemoglobin
Tetracyclines Myoglobin
Antifungals Intravenous Agents
Amphotericin B R a d i o g r a p h i c contrast agents
Anthelmintics Chemotherapeutic Agents
Thiacetarsamide Cisplatin
Analgesics Methotrexate
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
H e a v y Metals
Mercury Miscellaneous A g e n t s
Cadmium Hypercalcemia
Snake v e n o m
Organic C o m p o u n d s Raisins/grapes

Ethylene glycol
C a r b o n tetrachloride

anesthesia w i t h inadequate fluid therapy i n older dogs and

BOX 44-3 cats w i t h preexisting, subclinical renal insufficiency is a fre
quent cause of renal ischemia and A R F i n the hospital setting.
Partial List of Potential Causes of Decreased Renal
Similarly, A R F frequently occurs i n animals treated with
Perfusion/Ischemia in Dogs and Cats
potential nephrotoxicants such as gentamicin or amphoteri
Dehydration cin. The kidneys can maintain adequate renal perfusion
Hemorrhage pressure by autoregulation as long as the mean arterial
Hypovolemia blood pressure exceeds approximately 60 to 70 m m H g .
Decreased oncotic pressure
Renal b l o o d flow and perfusion pressure must be maintained
Deep anesthesia
for glomerular filtration and cellular delivery o f oxygen and
Increased b l o o d viscosity
nutrients to occur. Cellular swelling secondary to decreased
N a / K p u m p activity results from the osmotic extraction o f
Administration of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, water from the extracellular space, causing the amount o f
decreased renal prostaglandin formation water i n the plasma to decrease. The consequences o f a
Hyperthermia decreased amount o f plasma water i n the renal vasculature
Hypothermia are red b l o o d cell aggregation and vascular congestion and
Burns stasis, w h i c h tend to potentiate and perpetuate decreased
Trauma glomerular b l o o d flow and decreased oxygen and nutrient
Renal vessel thrombosis or microthrombus formation delivery. The c o m m o n result of ischemic or toxicant-induced
Transfusion reactions
tubular cell swelling, injury, and death is nephron dys
function leading to a decreased glomerular filtration rate
In A R F dysfunction and reduced glomerular filtration
occur at the individual nephron level as a result o f a c o m b i
nation o f tubular obstruction, tubular backleak, renal arte-
riolar vasoconstriction, and decreased glomerular capillary
permeability. Specifically, cellular debris within the tubule
may inspissate and obstruct the flow o f filtrate through the
nephron. Alternatively, interstitial edema may compress and
obstruct renal tubules. A backleak, or abnormal reabsorption
of filtrate, occurs because o f a loss of tubular cell integrity,
allowing the filtrate to cross from the tubular l u m e n into the
renal interstitium and subsequently the renal vasculature.
Tubular backleak is facilitated by tubular obstruction because
of the increased intratubular pressures proximal to the
obstruction. The decreased resorption o f solute and water by
damaged p r o x i m a l tubule segments results i n the increased
delivery of solutes and fluid to the distal nephron and macula
densa i n many nephrons, which causes afferent glomerular
arteriole constriction. The exact mediators o f this vasocon FIG 4 4 - 2
striction are not k n o w n , but natriuretic factor, the renin- U l t r a s o n o g r a p h i c a p p e a r a n c e of a kidney from a d o g that
angiotensin system, and thromboxane may be involved. A ingested ethylene glycol. N o t i c e the m a r k e d l y increased

decrease i n the permeability o f the glomerular capillary wall r e n a l c o r t i c a l e c h o g e n i c i t y . ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Phillip S t e y n ,

C o l o r a d o State University, Fort C o l l i n s , Colo.)
also leads to a reduction i n glomerular filtration. For example,
aminoglycosides have been shown to decrease both the
number and size o f fenestrae i n glomerular capillary endo azotemia superimposed on an inability to concentrate urine
thelial cells, thereby decreasing the surface area available for (e.g., Addison's disease, hypercalcemia, overzealous use of
ultrafiltration. The impaired glomerular capillary permea furosemide) initially mimics renal failure; however, i n these
bility that occurs i n A R F often persists after vasoconstriction prerenal cases, volume replacement results i n resolution of
and renal b l o o d flow have been corrected. the azotemia.
Acute tubular damage leading to A R F has three distinct A R F occurs within hours or days of exposure to the insult.
phases: (1) initiation, (2) maintenance, and (3) recovery. U n i q u e clinical signs and clinicopathologic findings associ
D u r i n g the initiation phase, therapeutic measures that reduce ated with A R F include enlarged or swollen kidneys, hemo
the renal insult can prevent the development o f established concentration, good body condition, active urine sediment
A R F . In the initiation phase, individual tubules are damaged (e.g., granular casts, renal epithelial cells), and relatively
but overall renal function remains adequate. Acute tubular severe hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis (especially i n the
damage, occurring before the development o f A R F , is sug face of oliguria; see Box 41-7). Clinical signs i n an animal
gested by renal tubular epithelial cells and casts i n the urine with A R F tend to be severe compared with those seen i n
sediment (discussed i n more detail later). The maintenance an animal with C K D and similar magnitude o f azotemia.
phase is characterized by the development o f tubular lesions Renal ultrasonographic findings i n dogs and cats with A R F
and nephron dysfunction (i.e., renal azotemia and urine- are usually nonspecific, with diffusely normal to slightly
concentrating deficits). A l t h o u g h therapeutic interventions hypoechoic renal cortices. In animals with calcium oxalate
during the maintenance phase are often life saving, they nephrosis associated with ethylene glycol ingestion, the renal
usually do little to diminish the severity o f existing renal cortices can be very hyperechoic (Fig. 44-2). Doppler estima
lesions, improve function, or hasten recovery. In the recovery tion o f the resistive index (RI) i n renal arcuate arteries is
phase, renal lesions are repaired and function improves. increased i n many dogs with A R F ; however, this method of
Tubular damage may be reversible i f the tubular basement evaluation must be more extensively correlated with the
membrane is intact and viable epithelial cells are present. renal histopathologic changes before firm conclusions
Although new nephrons cannot be produced and irrevers regarding the merits o f the RI can be drawn.
ibly damaged nephrons cannot be repaired, the functional Renal biopsy specimens from dogs and cats with A R F
hypertrophy o f surviving nephrons may adequately c o m show p r o x i m a l tubular cell degeneration, ranging from
pensate for the decrease i n nephron numbers. Even i f renal cloudy swelling to necrosis, with edema and mononuclear
functional recovery is incomplete, adequate function may be and polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration i n the inter
reestablished. stitium. Ethylene glycol and melamine-associated nephro
toxicity is frequently associated with intratubular crystals.
Clinical Features and Diagnosis Although toxicant-induced A R F cannot be histopathologi
Clinical signs o f A R F are often nonspecific and include leth cally differentiated from A R F caused by ischemia i n all cases,
argy, depression, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydra renal histologic findings are often helpful i n establishing a
tion; occasionally, uremic breath or oral ulcers may be prognosis. Evidence o f tubular regeneration (e.g., flattened,
present. A diagnosis of A R F is suspected if azotemia develops basophilic epithelial cells with irregular nuclear size; mitotic
acutely and is associated with persistent isosthenuria or figures; high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios) and the finding of
minimally concentrated urine. Prerenal dehydration and generally intact tubular basement membranes are good
prognostic findings and may be observed as early as three rotoxic and ischemic damage to the kidney. Dehydration and
days after the insult. Conversely, large numbers o f granular volume depletion are perhaps the most c o m m o n causes o f
casts, extensive tubular necrosis, and interstitial mineraliza decreased renal perfusion. Renal hypoperfusion can also be
tion and fibrosis with disrupted tubular basement m e m caused by decreased cardiac output, decreased plasma
branes are poor prognostic signs. In addition to the renal oncotic pressure, increased b l o o d viscosity, or systemic vaso
histopathologic changes, the degree o f functional impair dilation. In addition to decreased renal perfusion, volume
ment and, even more important, the response to therapy depletion also leads to a decreased volume o f distribution o f
should be considered when formulating a prognosis. nephrotoxic drugs and a decreased flow of tubular fluid.
Decreased tubular flow, i n turn, potentiates tubular resorp
RISK FACTORS FOR ACUTE RENAL tion, w h i c h can increase the intratubular concentration o f
DAMAGE/FAILURE nephrotoxicants. Preexisting renal disease and advanced age,
Although the prevention o f trauma (e.g., being hit by car) which is often associated with some degree o f decreased
that may lead to shock and the development o f renal isch renal function, may increase the potential for nephrotoxicity
emia or exposure to nephrotoxicants outside the hospital produced by several mechanisms. For example, the pharma
relies on client education and environmental control, an cokinetics o f potentially nephrotoxic drugs may be altered
important aspect of the prevention of hospital-acquired A R F in the face of decreased renal function. Specifically, the excre
is the identification o f patients at increased risk. Several risk tion o f gentamicin has been shown to be decreased i n par
factors that predispose dogs to the development of gentami tially nephrectomized dogs with subclinical renal dysfunction.
cin-induced A R F have been identified (Box 44-4); however, Animals with renal insufficiency or advanced age may also
it is likely that many of these factors also predispose dogs have reduced urine-concentrating ability and thus a decreased
and cats to the development o f other types o f toxicant- ability to compensate for dehydration. Preexisting renal
induced A R F as well as A R F induced by ischemia. In many disease may also compromise the production of vasodilatory
cases a combination of decreased renal perfusion or treat prostaglandins. The resulting unbalanced vasoconstriction
ment with nephrotoxic agents i n the context of more chronic, could result i n decreased renal perfusion.
preexisting risk factors is responsible for the development o f Studies i n dogs have shown that reduced dietary potas
A R F i n the hospital setting. Once the clinician detects pre sium intake exacerbates gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity,
disposing risk factors, he or she can assess the risk:benefit possibly because potassium-depleted cells are more suscep
ratio i n individual cases i n which an elective anesthetic tible to necrosis. It is important to note that an adverse effect
procedure is considered or treatment with potentially of high-dose gentamicin treatment i n dogs is an increase i n
nephrotoxic drugs is indicated. In some situations, predis the urinary excretion o f potassium. It is possible that this
posing risk factors can be eliminated or corrected before any could result i n potassium depletion (especially i f it occurs i n
potential renal insults occur. combination w i t h anorexia or vomiting) and thus increase
Major categories o f risk factors include disorders affect the risk o f gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity. Because
ing renal perfusion, preexisting renal disease, electrolyte potassium is primarily an intracellular cation, any patient
disturbances, treatment with nephrotoxic drugs, and dietary with prolonged anorexia, v o m i t i n g , or diarrhea may have
influences. Poor renal perfusion increases the risk o f neph- whole-body potassium depletion even i f serum potassium
concentrations are within the n o r m a l range.
The administration o f potentially nephrotoxic drugs or
BOX 4 4 - 4 drugs that may enhance nephrotoxicity obviously increases
the risk o f A R F . For example, the concurrent use o f furose
Risk Factors for Acute Renal Failure mide and gentamicin i n dogs is associated with an increased
risk of A R F and an increased severity of A R F , should it occur.
Preexisting renal disease o r renal insufficiency
Furosemide probably potentiates gentamicin-induced neph
rotoxicity by causing dehydration, reducing the volume o f
Decreased cardiac output
Sepsis, pyometra distribution o f gentamicin, and increasing its renal cortical
Disseminated intravascular c o a g u l a t i o n (DIC) uptake. F l u i d repletion minimizes but does not negate the
Fever additive effect o f furosemide on gentamicin-induced neph
Liver disease rotoxicity i n the dog because furosemide facilitates the
Electrolyte abnormalities such as h y p o k a l e m i a a n d tubular uptake o f gentamicin independent o f hemodynamic
hypercalcemia changes. B y means o f similar mechanisms, furosemide has
Concurrent use of diuretics w i t h potentially nephrotoxic been shown to enhance radiocontrast agent and cisplatin-
drugs such as aminoglycosides induced nephrotoxicity i n h u m a n beings.
Concurrent use o f potentially nephrotoxic drugs such as
The use o f N S A I D s can also increase the risk o f acute
aminoglycosides, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs,
renal damage and A R F . In well-hydrated, healthy patients,
a n d intravenous r a d i o g r a p h i c contrast agents
N S A I D s are usually well tolerated. However, i n situations
Decreased dietary protein
Diabetes mellitus associated with high renin concentration (e.g., sodium or
volume depletion, hypotension, congestive heart failure,
C K D ) the potential for adverse effects on renal function tional clinical conditions that are thought to enhance the risk
increases. H i g h renin states stimulate the production o f of A R F i n dogs include vasculitis, fever, and prolonged
angiotensin and aldosterone, which can, i n turn, decrease anesthesia.
renal b l o o d flow and G F R . N o r m a l l y , renal prostaglandins
counteract this decrease i n renal b l o o d flow and G F R . MONITORING PATIENTS AT RISK FOR
However, i n patients with C K D and those undergoing treat ACUTE RENAL DAMAGE/FAILURE
ment with N S A I D s , the protective effects that prostaglandin The recognition and appropriate management of renal
has o n renal b l o o d flow and G F R may be compromised. injury i n the initial phase of A R F are associated with improve
Dogs appear to be particularly sensitive to N S A I D s such as ment i n prognosis; therefore animals receiving potentially
ibuprofen and naproxen, which, i n addition to A R F , may nephrotoxic drugs and high-risk animals undergoing anes
cause gastrointestinal tract ulceration. A t one time, C O X thesia should be monitored closely.
2-specific inhibitors were thought to have less effect on renal A l o n g with b l o o d pressure, urine production is an excel
b l o o d flow; however, research shows that C O X 2 enzymes are lent parameter to monitor during anesthesia. Ideally, urine
present or expressed i n the canine kidney; therefore any production should be greater than 2 ml/kg/h. Increased
N S A I D , regardless o f its C O X specificity or sparing proper urinary excretion o f protein, glucose (normoglycemic glu
ties, has the potential to produce adverse renal effects. In cosuria), or casts and/or renal tubular epitheial cells may be
particular, dogs express higher basal levels o f C O X 2 i n the an early indication o f renal tubular damage i n animals
kidney than some other species and may be uniquely sensi receiving potentially nephrotoxic drugs. As an alternative
tive to the nephrotoxic effects o f C O X 2-selective drugs. to standard clinicopathologic tests, the detection and
There is also the concern that patients treated with angio quantification o f urine enzymes (enzymuria) have been used
tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) may have to recognize early nephrotoxicity i n the dog. Inasmuch as
increased risk o f renal toxicity when treated with N S A I D s most serum enzymes are not filtered by the glomerulus
because some of the beneficial effects o f A C E I are derived because of their large molecular weight, enzymuria may be
from kinin-stimulated production of prostaglandins. In one an indication of renal tubular leakage or necrosis. Several
study o f normal dogs treated with enalapril and tepoxalin, enzymes originate from specific cellular organelles and
no alteration o f G F R was noted. thus can serve as markers for damage to a specific site. For
Studies i n healthy dogs have shown that the quantity of example, - G l u t a m y l transpeptidase ( G G T ) originates from
protein fed before a nephrotoxic insult can significantly the proximal tubular brush border and N-acetyl glucosa
affect the degree of renal damage and dysfunction. H i g h - minidase ( N A G ) is a lysosomal enzyme. Enzymuria usually
dietary-protein (27.3%) conditioning beginning 21 days precedes azotemia and decreased urine-concentrating ability
before and continuing during gentamicin administration associated with nephrotoxic proximal tubular injury by
was found to reduce nephrotoxicity, enhance gentamicin several days. The urine G G T : creatinine and N A G : creatinine
clearance, and result i n a larger volume o f distribution c o m ratios have been shown to accurately reflect 24-hour urine
pared with the findings i n dogs fed m e d i u m (13.7%) or low G G T and N A G excretion i n dogs, i f determined before the
levels o f protein (9.4%). In addition, creatinine clearance onset o f azotemia. Baseline urine G G T : creatinine and
and the renal elimination o f gentamicin were preserved N A G : creatinine ratios therefore should be determined i n all
throughout 7 days of treatment i n dogs fed a high-protein dogs that are to receive potentially nephrotoxic drugs.
diet, whereas these parameters decreased during the treat Twofold to threefold increases i n the GGT/creatinine or
ment period i n dogs fed a m e d i u m - or low-protein diet. NAG/creatinine ratio over the baseline are suggestive of
A l t h o u g h dietary protein conditioning may not be practical clinically relevant tubular damage. D r u g therapy should be
in the clinical setting, it is important to realize that anorectic discontinued if this occurs.
animals may be at increased risk for A R F as a result o f
decreased protein intake. Treatment
Risk factors are additive, and any complication occurring The goals o f treatment o f established A R F are to eliminate
in high-risk animals increases the potential for A R F . B y renal hemodynamic disorders and alleviate water and solute
virtue o f their diseases, animals i n shock or with acidosis, imbalances to give the nephrons additional time to repair
sepsis, or major organ system failure are at increased risk for and hypertrophy. A positive response to therapy is indicated
A R F , and these are also the animals that are likely to require by a decrease i n the serum creatinine concentration and an
anesthesia or chemotherapy, which is potentially damaging increase i n urine production. Induction o f diuresis facilitates
to the kidneys. For example, A R F is c o m m o n i n dogs with the management of A R F by decreasing serum urea nitrogen,
pyometra and Escherichia coli endotoxin-induced urine- phosphorus, and potassium concentrations and by lessening
concentrating defects. If fluid therapy is inadequate during the likelihood o f overhydration. Even though the G F R and
anesthesia for ovariohysterectomy or during the recovery renal b l o o d flow may improve i n response to diuresis, they
period, dehydration and decreased renal perfusion may are frequently unchanged, and the increased urine produc
result i n A R F . Trauma, extensive burns, pancreatitis, diabetes tion is actually a result of decreased tubular resorption of
mellitus, and multiple myeloma are examples o f disorders filtrate (Table 44-1). Increased urine production alone does
associated with a high incidence o f A R F i n people. A d d i not indicate an improvement i n G F R .
TABLE 4 4 - BOX 4 4 - 5

Hypothetical C o m p a r i s o n o f the G l o m e r u l a r Filtration Treatment Guidelines for Dogs and Cats w i t h A c u t e

Rate and U r i n e P r o d u c t i o n i n N o r m a l and N o n o l i g u r i c Renal Failure
Acute Renal Failure States*
Discontinue all potentially nephrotoxic drugs; consider mea
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE sures to decrease a b s o r p t i o n (e.g., induction of emesis
NORMAL (L/DAY) (L/DAY) a n d administration o f activated c h a r c o a l a n d sodium
Glomerular filtration rate 100 10 Start specific antidotal therapy if a p p l i c a b l e (e.g., a l c o h o l
Tubular resorption 99 07 d e h y d r o g e n a s e inhibitors for ethylene glycol).
Urine production 1 03 Identify a n d treat a n y prerenal o r postrenal abnormalities.
Start intravenous fluid therapy w i t h normal saline solution
* These show the effect of tubular resorption on urine production in or 0 . 4 5 % saline solution in 2 . 5 % dextrose:
the face of decreased glomerular filtration.
a . Rehydrate a n i m a l w i t h i n 6 hours.
b. Provide maintenance fluid a n d replace continuing
fluid losses.
Treatment guidelines for A R F are listed i n Box 44-5. M o s t Assess volume o f urine p r o d u c t i o n .
dogs and cats with A R F are dehydrated because o f gastroin Correct acid-base a n d electrolyte abnormalities; rule out
hypercalcemic nephropathy.
testinal fluid loss (e.g., vomiting) superimposed o n their
If necessary, to increase urine p r o d u c t i o n , p r o v i d e mild
inability to concentrate urine. Replacement o f these volume
volume expansion w h i l e m o n i t o r i n g urine volume, b o d y
deficits will correct the prerenal component of the A R F and
w e i g h t , plasma total solids, hematocrit, a n d central
help protect against any additional ischemic renal tubular venous pressure.
damage. Once the patient is rehydrated, establishing or aug Administer diuretics, if necessary, to increase urine
menting diuresis can facilitate excretion o f solutes that are production:
reabsorbed and secreted by renal tubular cells (e.g., urea a. M a n n i t o l o r
nitrogen and potassium). Increasing tubular flow rates and b. Furosemide
volumes will hinder reabsorption and favor secretion of Base subsequent fluid volumes o n urine p r o d u c t i o n plus
solutes. 2 0 m l / k g / 2 4 h.
The large volume of fluid and rapid administration rate Consider peritoneal dialysis if there is no response to a b o v e
treatment; b i o p s y k i d n e y a t time of dialysis catheter
necessary i n patients with A R F require that fluids be given
intravenously. Jugular catheters or other central venous lines
Control h y p e r p h o s p h a t e m i a :
are ideal because they facilitate frequent b l o o d sampling and
a . Phosphate-restricted diet a n d , if necessary,
infusion of hypertonic solutions (e.g., mannitol) and allow b. Enteric phosphate binders
access for central venous pressure ( C V P ) measurement. Treat v o m i t i n g a n d gastroenteritis w i t h :
Deficit fluid requirements should be replaced over the first a. M e t o c l o p r a m i d e ,
4 to 6 hours of treatment unless the patient has a cardiac b. T r i m e t h o b e n z a m i d e , o r
disorder that requires a slower administration rate. A fluid c. C h l o r p r o m a z i n e
bolus challenge of 20 ml/kg body weight given intravenously Treat gastric h y p e r a c i d i t y w i t h H blockers.

over 10 minutes can help assess the possibility o f a subse Provide caloric requirements ( 7 0 to 1 0 0 k c a l / k g / d a y ) .
quent volume overload. The C V P should not increase by
more than 2 c m of water if the patient's cardiovascular func
tion is normal. Because measurement o f C V P is not always
accurate or reproducible, results should always be inter assessment o f body weight, C V P , packed cell volume, and
preted i n light o f other paramenters (e.g., patient's body plasma total solids w i l l help detect early overhydration. A n
weight, hematocrit, plasma total solids, and physical exami increase i n the C V P of 5 to 7 c m o f water over baseline
nation findings). The purpose of replacing volume deficits values suggests the likelihood of overhydration. Physical
over the first 4 to 6 hours rather than over the n o r m a l 12 to manifestations o f overhydration include increased broncho-
24 hours is to rapidly improve renal perfusion and decrease vesicular sounds or overt crackles and wheezes, tachycardia,
the likelihood of continued ischemic damage. N o r m a l saline restlessness, chemosis, and serous nasal discharge; however,
(0.9% solution) is the fluid o f choice for rehydration unless these signs tend to be observed after the development of
the patient is hypernatremic, i n which case a 0.45% saline pulmonary edema. Overhydration i n dogs and cats with oli
with 2.5% dextrose solution should be used. The amount o f goanuric A R F is a c o m m o n complication that is extremely
fluid required to restore extracellular fluid deficits can be difficult to correct.
calculated by multiplying the estimated percentage o f dehy U r i n e production should be measured and electrolyte
dration by the patient's body weight i n kilograms. and acid-base status assessed during the period o f rehydra
D u r i n g this rapid rehydration phase the patient should tion. U r i n e production (ml/kg/hour) should be measured so
be closely observed for signs of overhydration. Frequent that maintenance fluid needs can be accurately administered.
0.9% saline solution) are effective i n lowering serum calcium
TABLE 4 4 - 2
concentration and do not affect the clinician's ability to diag
nose the primary cause of hypercalcemia. Conversely, sig
Hypothetical Examples of Daily Maintenance Fluid
nificant hypocalcemia can be observed i n dogs and cats with
Requirements in Does and Cats
A R F associated with ethylene glycol intoxication.
NORMAL Oliguric A R F patients are at risk for hyperkalemia. Serum
potassium concentrations greater than 6.5 to 7.0 m E q / L can
cause cardiac conduction disturbances (bradycardia, atrial
standstill, idioventricular rhythms, ventricular tachycardia,
Insensible 20 20 20
ventricular fibrillation, asystole) and electrocardiographic
loss ( m l / k g )
Urine v o l u m e 40 10 160 changes (peaked T waves, prolonged P R intervals, widened
(ml/kg) Q R S complexes, or the loss o f P waves). M i l d to moderate
Total ( m l / k g ) 60 30 180 hyperkalemia typically resolves with administration of
potassium-free fluids (dilution) and improved urine flow
ARF, Acute renal failure. (increased excretion). M o r e severe hyperkalemia (>7-8 m E q /
L) or hyperkalemia resulting i n electrocardiographic ( E C G )
abnormalities should be treated with agents that rapidly
Because approximately two thirds o f normal maintenance decrease serum potassium concentrations or counteract the
fluid needs are due to fluid loss i n urine, oliguric and nono effects o f hyperkalemia on cardiac conduction. Sodium
liguric patients can have large variations i n their mainte bicarbonate (see discussion o f dosage later i n this chapter)
nance fluid needs (see Table 44-2). Metabolism cages, urinary helps correct metabolic acidosis and lower serum potassium
catheters, and manual collection of voided urine are methods concentration by exchanging intracellular hydrogen ions for
used to collect and measure urine volume. W i t h regard potassium. Insulin can also be used to increase intracellular
to indwelling urinary catheters, strict aseptic technique shifting o f potassium. Regular insulin is administered intra
and closed collection systems must be used. Because o f the venously at a dosage o f 0.1 to 0.25 U / k g , followed by a
possibility o f urinary tract infection, intermittent u r i n glucose bolus o f 1 to 2 g per unit o f insulin given. Blood
ary bladder catheterization is usually recommended over glucose m o n i t o r i n g should be maintained for several hours
indwelling catheterization for timed urine volume collec after administration o f insulin because hypoglycemia may
tions. In cats weighing the litter pan before and after voiding occur. Ten percent calcium gluconate (0.5-1.0 ml/kg admin
is a useful, although less accurate, method for assessing urine istered intravenously over 10 to 15 minutes) will counteract
production. If an indwelling urinary catheter or a metabo the cardiotoxic effects o f hyperkalemia without lowering the
lism cage is not available, patients should be weighed i n the serum potassium and can be used i n emergency situations.
same scale two or three times a day to assess fluid gain or The effects o f the aforementioned regimens are short-lived,
loss. and fluid and acid-base therapy to initiate and maintain a
Initially, most patients with A R F have n o r m a l serum diuresis and maintain b l o o d p H and bicarbonate within
s o d i u m and chloride concentrations o n account o f iso the normal range (discussed i n more detail later i n this
natremic fluid loss. However, hypernatremia can develop chapter) are important to maintain potassium excretion and
after several days o f therapy with fluids containing large normokalemia.
amounts o f s o d i u m (0.9% N a C l , lactated Ringer's solution, M i l d to moderate metabolic acidosis also generally res
and N o r m o s o l ) and/or i n association with sodium bicarbon olves after fluid therapy, and specific treatment is usually not
ate treatment o f metabolic acidosis. If hypernatremia occurs, necessary unless the b l o o d p H is less than 7.2 or the total
the use 0.45% N a C l w i t h 2.5% dextrose fluids w i l l usually C O / C O H is less than 12 m E q / L . Bicarbonate requirements
2 3

correct the problem. can be calculated using the base deficit as determined from
Disorders o f calcium balance can also occasionally occur arterial b l o o d gas, or an estimated base deficit [body weight
i n patients with A R F . If moderate to severe hypercalcemia is (kg) x 0.3 x base deficit or (20 - T C O ) = m E q bicarbonate

observed, a primary hypercalcemic disorder (e.g., neoplasia required]. Optimally, one half the calculated bicarbonate
or vitamin D intoxication) should be considered as the
3 dosage should be administered intravenously over 15 to 30
cause o f the renal failure. In most cases assessment o f the minutes, and then acid-base parameters reassessed. Over-
ionized calcium concentration is preferable to measurement zealous bicarbonate administration may result i n ionized
of the total calcium concentration. Immediate treatment for hypocalcemia, paradoxical cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) acido
hypercalcemia includes rehydration with 0.9% N a C l fol sis, and/or cerebral edema.
lowed by diuresis induced with furosemide. Glucocorticoids If signs of overhydration are not present and oliguria
w i l l also help lower calcium concentrations by decreasing persists after apparent rehydration, m i l d volume expansion
intestinal absorption and facilitating excretion, but their use (3% to 5% o f the patient's body weight i n fluid) may be
may interfere with the diagnosis o f the underlying disorder initiated inasmuch as dehydration of this magnitude is dif
(e.g., lymphoma). Intravenous bisphosphonates (pamidro ficult to detect clinically. If volume expansion is attempted,
nate-Aredia, 1 mg/kg as a constant rate infusion (CRI) i n the possibility o f inducing overhydration increases and close
patient observation is necessary. Unfortunately, most patients 3 times a day on the same scale. If hypernatremia and hyper
that have oliguria will remain oliguric after rehydration and kalemia are not present and a diuresis has been established,
volume expansion. polyionic maintenance fluids (e.g., lactated Ringer's solu
In the past, diuretic therapy was frequently recommended tion, N o r m o s o l ) should be used. In the recovery phase of
in patients that were persistently oligoanuric despite appro A R F , urine volume and electrolyte losses can be great. Potas
priate fluid therapy. Compared with those patients with sium supplementation may be necessary, especially i f the
diminished urine production, polyuric A R F patients are patient is v o m i t i n g or anorectic.
thought to have less severe tubular injury, improved excre C o n t r o l o f nausea and v o m i t i n g i n dogs and cats with
tion of solutes that are reabsorbed or secreted (e.g., urea A R F is important to facilitate caloric intake. In addition, the
nitrogen and potassium), and less risk o f developing over inability to control v o m i t i n g is discouraging to owners and
hydration and pulmonary edema. There is, however, no evi may result i n a hastened decision for euthanasia. (Please see
dence that diuretic therapy w i l l hasten the recovery from the section o n management o f chronic kidney disease for
A R F or decrease mortality associated with A R F . In humans specific recommendations for the treatment of nausea and
with established A R F , there is increasing evidence that vomiting.)
diuretic therapy may actually be associated with increased W h e n fluid therapy is successful i n i n d u c i n g or maintain
risk of death and nonrecovery of renal function. If the choice ing diuresis, the daily volume of fluid administered to the
is to use diuretics i n dogs or cats with A R F , they should be patient w i l l eventually need to be decreased. Indications for
used only after dehydration has been corrected and the tapering I V fluid volume include the following: (1) signifi
patient has been volume expanded. Furosemide and m a n cant decreases i n B U N and phosphorus concentrations, (2)
nitol are probably the diuretics o f choice. Dopamine is not control o f v o m i t i n g and diarrhea, and (3) i m p r o v e d m o o d
recommended because o f its unpredictable effects on renal and renewed interest i n eating and drinking. These indica
blood flow and G F R . tions rarely occur before 5 or 6 days o f intense fluid therapy/
Furosemide blocks the reabsorption o f chloride and diuresis and may require 10 or more days o f treatment.
sodium i n the thick ascending limb o f Henle, resulting i n Gradually reducing maintenance fluid requirements by 25%
natriuresis and osmotic diuresis. The dose recommended for each day is usually recommended for fluid tapering. If the
oligoanuric dogs and cats is 2 to 6 mg/kg I V q8h; however, patient loses weight or increases i n packed cell volume, total
in healthy dogs C R I o f furosemide with a 0.66 mg/kg I V protein, and B U N and/or creatinine concentrations are
loading dose followed by 0.66 mg/kg/h resulted i n more observed, fluid therapy tapering should be discontinued and
diuresis, natriuresis, and calciuresis and less kaliuresis than the previous maintenance volume reinstated for at least 48
did intermittent bolus infusion. hours.
Mannitol, i n a 10% or 20% solution, has been recom Peritoneal or hemodialysis should be considered i n
mended as an osmotic diuretic at a dose o f 0.5 to 1.0 g/kg, patients with severe, persistent uremia, acidosis, or hyperka
given intravenously as a slow bolus over 15 to 20 minutes. lemia. Dialysis may also be used to treat overhydration and
Urine output should increase within 1 hour i f the treatment hasten elimination o f dialyzable toxicants. Renal biopsy
is effective. A second bolus may be attempted, but the poten should be performed i f the diagnosis is i n doubt, i f the
tial for volume overexpansion and complications such as patient does not respond to therapy w i t h i n 3 to 5 days, or i f
pulmonary edema increases considerably i f urine produc dialysis is considered. The long-term prognosis for dogs or
tion does not increase. As an osmotic agent, mannitol may cats with A R F is usually fair to good i f the patient survives
decrease tubular cell swelling, increase tubular flow, and the period o f renal tubular regeneration and compensation;
help prevent tubular obstruction or collapse. In healthy cats however, several weeks may be required for renal function to
the renal effects of mannitol, when used as an adjunct to improve. A n i m a l s with moderate to severe renal damage may
fluid therapy, are superior to those o f furosemide and require many weeks for renal repair, and the prolonged time
dopamine combination. The use o f mannitol is contraindi required for recovery results i n a poor prognosis. The sever
cated in an overhydrated patient because the resultant ity o f the initial azotemia/uremia, the response to fluid
increase i n intravascular volume may precipitate pulmonary therapy, and assessment o f renal histopathologic lesions are
edema. the most important prognostic indicators early i n the course
Whether or not diuresis can be established, fluid therapy of A R F .
should be tailored to match urine volume and other losses,
including insensible losses (e.g., water loss caused by respira
tion) and continuing losses (e.g., fluid loss caused by vomit CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE
ing or diarrhea). Insensible losses are estimated at 20 ml/kg/day.
Urine output is quantitated for 6- to 8-hour intervals, and Etiology and Pathogenesis
that amount is replaced over an equivalent subsequent time U n l i k e A R F , the cause o f C K D is usually difficult to deter
period. The volume o f fluid loss resulting from v o m i t i n g mine. Because o f the interdependence of the vascular and
and/or diarrhea is estimated, and that amount is added to tubular components o f the nephron, the end-point o f irre
the 24-hour fluid needs of the patient. Fluid losses or gains versible glomerular or tubular damage is the same. A m o r
can also be indirectly estimated by weighing the patient 2 to phologic heterogeneity among nephrons exists i n the
BOX 4 4 - 6 BOX 4 4 - 7

Potential Causes o f C h r o n i c K i d n e y Disease i n Dogs Substances that C a n Increase i n Concentration i n the

and Cats Plasma o f Dogs and Cats with Renal Failure

I m m u n o l o g i c Disorders A m i n o acids
Systemic lupus erythematosus A r o m a t i c a n d aliphatic amines
Glomerulonephritis Creatinine
Vasculitis (e.g., feline infectious peritonitis)
Cyclic adenosine m o n o p h o s p h a t e
Amyloidosis Gastrin
Neoplasia Glucagon
Growth hormone
Guanidinium compounds
Nephrotoxicants Parathyroid h o r m o n e
Renal Ischemia Peptides
I n f l a m m a t o r y o r Infectious Causes Phenols
Purine a n d p y r i m i d i n e derivatives
Renal calculi
H e r e d i t a r y a n d Congenital Disorders Ribonuclease
Renal h y p o p l a s i a o r dysplasia Uric a c i d
Polycystic kidneys
Familial nephropathies (Lhasa A p s o s , Shih Tzus, N o r w e
g i a n Elkhounds, Rottweilers, Bernese M o u n t a i n Dogs,
C h o w C h o w s , N e w f o u n d l a n d s , Bull Terriers, Pembroke
Welsh C o r g i s , Chinese Shar-Peis, D o b e r m a n Pinschers, of these substances. Components of the uremic syndrome
Samoyeds, G o l d e n Retrievers, S t a n d a r d Poodles, Soft include sodium and water imbalance, anemia, carbohydrate
C o a t e d W h e a t e n Terriers, Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, intolerance, neurologic disturbances, gastrointestinal tract
Keeshonds, Bedlington Terriers, C a i r n Terriers, Basenjis, disturbances, osteodystrophy, immunologic incompetence,
Abyssinian cats) and metabolic acidosis.
In addition to excreting metabolic wastes and maintain
Urinary O u t f l o w Obstruction
ing fluid and electrolyte balance, the kidneys also function
as endocrine organs and catabolize several peptide hor
mones. Therefore h o r m o n a l disturbances also play a role i n
the pathogenesis o f C K D . For example, the decreased pro
duction o f erythropoietin ( E P O ) and calcitriol i n animals
chronically diseased kidney, with the changes ranging from with C K D contributes to the development of nonregenera
severe atrophy and fibrous connective tissue replacement to tive anemia and hyperparathyroidism. Conversely, decreased
marked hypertrophy. The histopathologic changes are not metabolism and increased concentrations o f parathyroid
process-specific, and therefore the cause is usually u n k n o w n . hormone ( P T H ) and gastrin contribute to the development
Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that primary glo of hyperparathyroidism and gastritis, respectively.
merular disorders are a major cause o f C K D i n the dog. Some o f the pathophysiologic changes that occur i n C K D
Because glomerular filtration in toto is uniformly reduced, are brought about by compensatory mechanisms. The
C K D may be considered a single pathologic entity, although osteodystrophy of C K D occurs secondary to hyperparathy
many diverse pathways can lead to this end-point. Potential roidism, which develops i n an attempt to maintain normal
causes o f C K D are listed i n B o x 44-6. plasma calcium and phosphorus concentrations. Similarly,
The pathophysiology o f C K D can be considered at both the G F R o f intact hypertrophied nephrons increases in
the organ and systemic level. A t the level o f the kidney, the animals with C K D i n an attempt to maintain adequate renal
fundamental pathologic change that occurs is a loss o f neph function; however, proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis i n
rons and decreased G F R . Reduced G F R , i n turn, results i n these individual nephrons, leading to additional nephron
increased plasma concentrations o f substances that are nor damage and loss, may be consequences of this hyperfiltration
mally eliminated from the body by renal excretion. M a n y (Fig. 44-3).
substances have been shown to accumulate i n the plasma of
patients with C K D (Box 44-7). The constellation o f clinical Clinical Features and Diagnosis
signs k n o w n as the uremic syndrome is thought to occur, at Unlike A R F , C K D develops over a period of months or years,
least i n part, as a result o f increasing plasma concentrations and its clinical signs are often relatively m i l d for the magni-
tude of the azotemia. Unique signs o f C K D include a history STAGING CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE
of weight loss, polydipsia-polyuria, poor body condition, Once a diagnosis o f C K D has been established and fluid
nonregenerative anemia, and small and irregularly shaped therapy has resolved any prerenal azotemia, staging the
kidneys. A diagnosis of C K D is usually based on a combina disease process can help clinicians focus their diagnostic and
tion of compatible historical, physical examination, and therapeutic efforts. The International Renal Interest Society
clinicopathologic findings. Plain radiographs can confirm (IRIS) was created to advance the scientific understanding
the presence o f small kidneys. Renal ultrasonography will of kidney diseases i n small animals at the Eighth A n n u a l
usually show diffusely hyperechoic renal cortices with loss o f Congress o f the European Society o f Veterinary Internal
the normal corticomedullary boundary. The increased corti Medicine i n Vienna, Austria i n 1998. Seventeen independent
cal echogenicity results from replacement o f the irreversibly veterinary nephrologists from eight countries serve o n the
damaged nephrons with fibrous connective tissue. Radio IRIS Board, w i t h the mission o f helping practitioners better
graphic studies and ultrasonography can also help identify diagnose, understand, and treat canine and feline renal
or rule out potentially treatable causes o f C K D , such as disease. Table 44-3 was developed by the IRIS Board as guide
pyelonephritis and renal urolithiasis. Renal biopsy is not to staging canine and feline C K D .
routinely performed i n animals with C K D unless the diag Serum creatinine concentrations must always be inter
nosis is i n question. Renal histopathologic preparations will preted i n light of the patient's urine specific gravity and
show some combination o f a loss o f tubules with replace physical examination findings to rule out prerenal and
ment fibrosis and mineralization, glomerulosclerosis and postrenal causes o f azotemia. The C K D stages are further
glomerular atrophy, and foci of mononuclear cells (small classified by the presence or absence o f proteinuria and sys
lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages) within the temic hypertension (Table 44-4).
interstitium i n association with fibrous connective tissue The classic diagnosis o f renal failure based o n renal azo
replacement. temia (persistent azotemia superimposed on the inability to

TABLE 4 4 - 4

IRIS C K D Substaging System for P r o t e i n u r i a

and Hypertension


< 0 . 2 (cats a n d dogs) Nonproteinuric

0 . 2 - 0 . 4 (cats), 0 . 2 - 0 . 5 (dogs) Borderline proteinuric
> 0 . 4 (cats), > 0 . 5 (dogs) Proteinuric

<140 Normotensive
140-160 Borderline hypertensive
>160 Hypertensive
FIG 4 4 - 3
Proposed pathogenesis of progressive loss of nephrons in IRIS, International Renal Interest Society; CKD, chronic kidney
chronic kidney disease. disease.

TABLE 44-3

IRIS C K D Staging System for Dogs and Cats



m g / d l (cats) <1.6 1.6-2.8 2.9-5.0 >5.0

m g / d l (dogs) <1.4 1.4-2.0 2.1-5.0 >5.0

IRIS, International Renal Interest Society; CKD, chronic kidney disease.

concentrate urine) pertains to C K D stages II through I V . roliths or bacterial pyelonephritis as well as treatments
Stage I C K D (nonazotemic C K D ) could be diagnosed i n cats designed to slow the progression o f renal disease (so-called
and dogs with persistent proteinuria, urine-concentrating renoprotective treatments) w i l l be of most value i n the earlier
deficits, increases i n serum creatinine concentration over stages of C K D . Examples o f renoprotective treatments
time even i f the values remain i n the n o r m a l range (e.g., include dietary change designed to reduce serum phospho
serum creatinine concentration that increases form 0.6 to rus concentrations and A C E I s designed to normalize sys
1.2 mg/dl could indicate a 50% reduction i n G F R ) , or abnor temic and intraglomerular b l o o d pressures and reduce
mal renal palpation or renal ultrasonographic findings. proteinuria. In the later stages of C K D , treatment tends to
be focused on ameliorating the patient's clinical signs associ
Further Diagnostics and Treatment ated with the decreased renal function.
In general, the diagnostic approach to a patient i n which Specific treatment i n patients with C K D is directed at the
C K D has been identified and staged is focused on three areas: primary cause o f the kidney disease. Although it may not be
(1) characterization o f the renal disease, (2) characterization possible to identify the primary cause of the C K D , specific
of the stability of the renal disease and renal function, and treatment have the potential to reduce the magnitude of
(3) characterization o f the patient's problems associated subsequent renal damage. As an example, bacterial pyelone
with the decreased renal function (Fig. 44-4). Further phritis can cause or complicate C K D , and the condition can
definition of the renal disease (beyond a standard m i n i m u m be specifically treated with appropriate antibiotic therapy.
database) could include, for example, quantification of The prevalence o f urinary tract infection (UTI) increases in
proteinuria, measurement of b l o o d pressure, urine culture, older dogs and cats, and especially dogs and cats with C K D ,
kidney imaging, and possibly kidney biopsy. The stability o f because the antibacterial properties o f the urine decline as
the renal function may be assessed by serial m o n i t o r i n g o f its concentration decreases. In a study of cats with naturally
abnormalities identified during the initial evaluation o f the occurring C K D , 29% had occult U T I . Bacterial infection of
renal disease. This m o n i t o r i n g should always include serial the renal pelvis and parenchyma (i.e., pyelonephritis) can
serum biochemistry profiles, urinalyses, quantification o f then result from an ascending lower U T I . Initially with
proteinuria, and measurement o f b l o o d pressure, but it may ascending U T I , the renal cortex is not affected; however, as
also include follow-up urine cultures and ultrasonographic chronic pyelonephritis develops, the entire kidney may
examinations. Characterization o f the renal disease and its become involved. Pyelonephritis also can precipitate the
stability is most important i n the earlier stages of C K D , when development of renal calculi, and, conversely, renal calculi
appropriate treatment has the greatest potential to improve can increase the risk o f pyelonephritis. Long-term antibiotic
or stabilize renal function. Characterization o f the patient's therapy based on culture and sensitivity may halt the renal
problems becomes more important i n the later stages o f damage associated with pyelonephritis; however, i f renoliths
C K D , when clinical signs tend to be more severe. In the later are present, antibiotic therapy alone is usually ineffective.
stages o f C K D , diagnostic (and subsequent therapeutic) C a l c i u m oxalate uroliths are the most c o m m o n type of reno
efforts should be directed at the anorexia, vomiting, acidosis, liths i n older cats, and because they cannot be dissolved,
potassium depletion, hypertension, anemia, and related signs. surgery is necessary for stone removal. Anesthesia and
Similar to the diagnostic approach to C K D , the therapeu surgery, however, have the potential to further compromise
tic approach should also be tailored to fit the patient's stage renal function i n the cat with C K D . In most cases, the patient
of disease. For example, disease-specific treatments for neph is closely monitored for obstructive uropathy and surgery

FIG 4 4 - 4
Prioritization o f d i a g n o s t i c a n d treatment efforts b a s e d o n the stage of chronic k i d n e y
disease. The larger the a r r o w h e a d , the higher the priority.
is not performed unless an obstruction develops. C o n c u r
TABLE 4 4 - 5
rent pyelonephritis that cannot be resolved with antibiotic
treatment is another potential indication for surgical Risk of Target Organ Damage Associated with
intervention. Hypertension in Dogs and Cats
Similar to bacterial pyelonephritis, hypertension ( H T )
can cause or complicate C K D . Gradual reduction o f dietary
salt intake is often recommended as the first line of treat
ment for H T ; however, no studies document the efficacy of <150 <95 Minimal
dietary salt reduction i n lowering b l o o d pressure i n dogs or 150-159 95-99 Low
cats. In many cases vasodilators ( A C E I and calcium channel 160-179 100-119 Moderate
blockers [CCBs]) may be necessary to control hypertension. 180 120 High
Although ACEIs are usually recommended for H T associated
with C K D i n dogs, amlodipine is often recommended as the
first-choice antihypertensive medication for cats. Recent
studies, however, have raised the concern that amlodipine as phosphorus reduction, serum phosphorus concentrations
a monotherapy i n animals with renal disease may expose the remain high, enteric phosphate-binding gels containing
glomeruli to higher pressures because o f efferent arteriolar calcium acetate, calcium carbonate, or a l u m i n u m hydroxide
constriction caused by local increases i n renin-angiotensin- should be administered with meals (initial dosage o f 30 m g /
aldosterone system activity. If so, cats with renal disease kg b o d y weight with the dosage increased as needed to
should benefit from therapy with both A C E I s and C C B s . achieve normophosphatemia).
Cats with C K D are m i l d to moderate H T should be treated Hyperphosphatemia i n patients with C K D occurs as a
with an A C E I (e.g., benazepril: 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg q24h) result o f decreased renal excretion o f phosphates. C o n c u r
because of the positive effects on intraglomerular hyperten rently, decreased renal production o f the active form o f
sion and proteinuria. In cats with severe H T (systolic b l o o d vitamin D decreases intestinal absorption of calcium, which,

pressure >180 m m Hg) or cats i n which H T persists despite i n conjunction with impaired renal reabsorption of calcium,
A C E I treatment, amlodipine (0.625 to 1.25mg/cat q24h) decreases plasma ionized calcium concentrations. Decreased
treatment should be initiated. Several studies have docu vitamin D and serum calcium concentrations stimulate

mented renoprotective effects of A C E I s i n dogs and cats with P T H secretion, which facilitates renal excretion of phospho
naturally occurring C K D . rus and increases serum calcium concentrations by increas
Direct-acting vasodilator drugs such as A C E I s and C C B s ing renal calcium reabsorption and calcium absorption from
are the most successful i n achieving acute reduction o f blood bones and the gastrointestinal tract. The disadvantages o f
pressure, but sympathetic nervous system-mediated increases this hyperparathyroidism, however, can be severe and include
in heart rate and aldosterone-mediated sodium and water osteodystrophy, bone m a r r o w suppression, and soft tissue
retention may modulate the effects o f the vasodilation over mineralization. Soft tissue mineralization occurs p r e d o m i
time. C o m b i n i n g antihypertensive treatments with different nantly i n damaged tissue, and i f mineralization occurs i n
modes of action may block the compensatory effects caused renal tissue, the result may be a progressive decline i n renal
by one medication when used alone. For example, diuretics, function. If the product o f the serum calcium and phospho
aldosterone antagonists, and -blockers, which may have rus concentrations is greater than 50 to 70 mg/dl, the patient
minimal antihypertensive effect alone, may produce additive is at risk for soft tissue mineralization. Studies i n dogs and
effects when given i n combination with A C E I s or C C B s . cats with remnant kidney C K D have shown that n o r m a l
Overall, the risk o f target organ damage i n the eyes, brain, dietary phosphorus intake is associated with microscopic
kidneys, and heart is thought to be m i n i m a l i f systolic b l o o d renal mineralization and fibrosis, and these changes were
pressure is <150 m m H g (Table 44-5). prevented by reducing dietary phosphorus. Similarly, i n dogs
In many dogs and cats with stage II to I V C K D , renal and cats with naturally occurring C K D , feeding a diet spe
lesions progress and renal function deteriorates (see Figure cifically formulated to meet their needs, together with phos
44-1). Progressive loss o f function as well as the rate of phate-binding drugs, ifrequired, controls hyperphosphatemia
decline are monitored by longitudinal measurement o f and secondary renal hyperparathyroidism and is associated
serum creatinine concentrations. In addition to the antihy with a prolonged survival time. Physiologic doses o f cal
pertensive treatment discussed previously, A C E I s (to control citriol may also be beneficial i n dogs and cats with hyper
intraglomerular hypertension and proteinuria) and dietary parathyroidism and hyperphosphatemia associated with
phosphorus restriction are examples of so-called renopro C K D . In a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial
tective treatments. Reduction of dietary phosphorus is one i n dogs with spontaneous C K D (stages III and I V ) , calcitriol
of the cornerstones of management o f C K D and can be treatment (initial dose o f 2.5 ng/kg/day that was adjusted
accomplished by feeding specifically formulated diets for w i t h i n the range o f 0.75 to 5.0 ng/kg/day according to serial
C K D . F r o m a practical standpoint, dietary phosphorus determination o f ionized calcium and P T H concentrations)
reduction is combined with dietary protein reduction (dis resulted i n decreased all-cause mortality and prolonged sur
cussed i n more detail later). If, after 3to 4 weeks o f dietary vival compared with placebo treatment. Calcitriol should
not be administered until hyperphosphatemia has been con animal can tolerate at his/her level of renal function. A favor
trolled with diet and enteric binders. In addition, i f the C a able response to therapy consists of stable body weight and
X Phos product exceeds 60 to 70 mg/dl, calcitriol should not serum creatinine and albumin concentrations and decreas
be used because o f the risk o f soft tissue mineralization. ing serum urea nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.
Serial serum calcium determinations are recommended i n Moderate dietary protein reduction should be employed
dogs and cats receiving calcitriol to help prevent hypercalce early i n the course o f renal failure, and use of markedly
mia, especially i f the patient is also receiving a calcium-con reduced protein diets should be reserved for patients that are
taining enteric phosphorus binder. refractory to moderate dietary protein reduction.
Diagnosis and management o f proteinuria i n dogs and Most diets for C K D are alkalinizing diets; however, potas
cats with C K D should be accomplished i n a step-wise fashion. sium citrate or sodium bicarbonate, given orally to effect,
Because the specificity o f the dipstick screening test for pro may be indicated if the patient remains acidemic (total C O 2

teinuria in both dogs and cats is poor, confirmation o f pro < 12 m E q / L ) 2 to 3 weeks after diet change. Oral potassium
teinuria should be accomplished with a more specific citrate supplementation may also prevent hypokalemia and
follow-up test, such as the sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) turbidi potassium depletion i n cats with C K D . Anorexia; high-
metric test, urine p r o t e i n : creatinine ratio, or canine or feline protein, acidifying diets; polyuria-polydipsia; and vomiting
specific albuminuria assay (see Chapter 42). The second step can all contribute to potassium depletion; however, only
in assessment o f proteinuria is to determine its origin. P r o 20% to 30% o f cats with C K D have hypokalemia as an initial
teinuria o f renal origin can adversely affect the prognosis o f clinicopathologic finding. Potassium is predominantly an
dogs and cats with C K D , and therefore physiologic or benign intracellular cation, and approximately 95% of total body
proteinuria and prerenal and postrenal proteinuria should potassium is present i n skeletal muscle; therefore serum
be ruled out. Subsequently, via serial monitoring, the clini potassium concentrations may not accurately reflect total
cian should determine whether the proteinuria is persistent body potassium stores, especially in the early stages of potas
or transient. Persistent proteinuria is defined as at least two sium depletion. It has been documented that cats with C K D
positive tests at 2-week intervals. Relatively m i l d proteinuria have lower muscle potassium concentrations and higher
in dogs and cats with spontaneous chronic renal failure serum potassium concentrations than do normal cats. This
appears to be a negative predictor o f survival. In azotemic data may suggest the need for oral potassium supplementa
patients persistent proteinuria o f renal origin with a urine tion early i n the course o f C K D i n cats. Generalized muscle
protein: creatinine ratio > 0.4 (cats) or > 0.5 (dogs) should weakness is the primary clinical sign associated with hypo
be treated with an A C E I and/or dietary protein reduction kalemia/potassium depletion. Muscle weakness usually
(discussed i n more detail later). resolves within 1 to 5 days after initiation of oral potassium
Symptomatic treatment becomes a higher priority i n the supplementation.
later stages o f C K D , when the renal failure and uremia have V o m i t i n g and anorexia are c o m m o n i n dogs and cats with
a more pronounced effect o n the patient's quality o f life. In C K D and can often result i n decreased caloric intake. Causes
addition to phosphorus restriction, dietary management of vomiting and anorexia include (1) stimulation of chemo
includes protein reduction (dietary protein is reduced not receptor trigger zone by uremic toxins, (2) decreased excre
restricted in these diets; restriction of any dietary component tion o f gastrin and increased gastric acid secretion (plasma
generally means feeding less than the daily requirements), gastrin concentrations i n cats with chronic renal failure may
salt reduction, n-3 fatty acid supplementation, and alkalini be as high as 20 times the normal concentrations), and (3)
zation. Feeding specifically formulated renal failure diets not gastrointestinal irritation secondary to uremia. V o m i t i n g
only may allow the animal to live more comfortably with may be treated with metoclopramide, which blocks the che
decreased renal function but also may significantly prolong moreceptor trigger zone. Metoclopramide also increases
survival. Ideally, dietary protein reduction allows all essential gastric motility and emptying without causing gastric acid
amino acid requirements to be met without excesses. This is secretion and is the drug of choice for vomiting associated
accomplished by feeding smaller quantities o f high biologi with renal failure. H receptor blockers (famotidine or ranit

cal value protein and results i n a decreased need for renal idine) have been shown to effectively decrease gastric acid
clearance o f urea and other nitrogenous metabolites. W h e n secretion, which may attenuate vomiting in C K D . Oral ulcers,
feeding reduced protein diets, the clinician must remember stomatitis, and glossitis may occur as a result of gastritis and
that the energy requirements o f the body have a higher vomiting or the effect o f uremic toxins on mucosal mem
priority than does protein anabolism; therefore, i f the branes and w i l l often also result i n anorexia. If vomiting has
available carbohydrates and fats are insufficient to meet been controlled but anorexia persists, placement of a gas
caloric requirements, endogenous proteins w i l l often be used trostomy or esophagostomy tube will often facilitate the
as a source o f energy. Catabolism of endogenous proteins for maintenance o f caloric intake and hydration status. In many
energy increases the nitrogenous waste that the kidney must cases without feeding tubes, fluid therapy with polyionic
excrete and exacerbates the clinical signs o f renal failure. solutions, given intravenously or subcutaneously in the hos
A good recommendation for dietary protein reduction pital or subcutaneously by owners at home (10 to 50 ml/kg
for both dogs and cats is to feed the m a x i m u m amount of subcutaneously every 1 to 3 days), will help improve the
high biological value, highly digestible protein that the patient's quality o f life.
The nonregenerative anemia observed i n dogs a n d cats B r o w n S et al: Guidelines for the identification, evaluation, a n d
with C K D occurs as a result of a combination o f decreased management o f systemic hypertension i n dogs a n d cats, / Vet
E P O production, shortened red b l o o d cell survival, gastro Intern Med 21:542, 2007.
C o w g i l l L D , Francey T: A c u t e uremia. I n Ettinger SJ, F e l d m a n E C ,
intestinal tract b l o o d loss, and the effects o f uremic toxins
editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, St Louis,
such as P T H on erythropoiesis. In addition, nutritional defi
2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
ciencies (e.g., vitamins B and B , niacin, and folic acid) and
6 1 2
D i B a r t o l a SP: F a m i l i a l renal disease i n dogs a n d cats. In Ettinger SJ,
iron depletion can contribute to the anemia associated w i t h
F e l d m a n E C , editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed
C K D . Anabolic steroids are usually o f little benefit; however, 6, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
treatment with recombinant h u m a n E P O i n dogs and cats Elliott JA: Staging chronic k i d n e y disease. I n Elliott J A , Grauer G F ,
with C K D and anemia has generally been successful. editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and
Although not approved for use i n veterinary medicine, the urology, ed 2, Gloucester, E n g l a n d , 2007, British Small A n i m a l
dosage that has been recommended is 100 U / k g o f recombi Veterinary Association.
nant E P O given subcutaneously three times weekly. The dose Fischer JR: Peritoneal a n d hemodialysis. I n Elliott JA, Grauer G F ,
interval is lengthened once a target packed cell volume is editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and
achieved (approximately 40% i n dogs a n d 35% i n cats). urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l
Veterinary Association.
Usually, a dosage of 75 to 100 U / k g once or twice weekly is
Grauer G F : M a n a g e m e n t o f acute renal failure. I n Elliott JA, Grauer
sufficient for maintenance. This treatment, i n addition to
G F , editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and
increasing the packed cell volume, often results i n increased
urology, ed 2, Gloucester, E n g l a n d , 2007, British Small A n i m a l
appetite, weight gain, increased strength, and an improved Veterinary Association.
sense o f well-being. It should be noted, however, that anti Jacob F et al: Association between initial systolic b l o o d pressure and
bodies may form i n dogs and cats treated with h u m a n risk o f developing a u r e m i c crisis or o f d y i n g i n dogs w i t h chronic
recombinant products. Studies show that antirecombinant renal failure, I Am Vet Med Assoc 222:322, 2003.
EPO-binding antibodies will develop i n approximately 25% Jacob F et al: Evaluation o f the association between initial
to 30% of dogs and cats and that these antibodies may also proteinuria a n d m o r b i d i t y rate o r death i n dogs w i t h naturally
react with endogenous E P O , making the animal transfusion occurring chronic renal failure, / Am Vet Med Assoc 226:393,

dependent. Development o f a n t i - r - H u E P O antibodies 2005.

Jepson R E et al: Effect o f c o n t r o l o f systolic b l o o d pressure o n
should be suspected i n patients with a sudden decrease i n
survival i n cats w i t h systemic hypertension, / Vet Intern Med
packed cell volume. Iron deficiency; external b l o o d loss;
21:402, 2007.
hemolytic disorders; and concurrent infectious, inflamma
K e r l M E : Renal tubular disease. I n Ettinger SJ, F e l d m a n E C , editors:
tory, or neoplastic diseases should be ruled out i n such Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005,
patients. The absence o f peripheral reticulocytes and severe Elsevier/Saunders.
erythroid hypoplasia ( M : E ratio >10) o n bone marrow M c C a b e JR et al: T h e effects o f fluids and diuretic therapies o n
cytology is compatible with the presence o f a n t i - r - H u E P O glomerular filtration rate, renal b l o o d flow, and urine output i n
antibodies. Iron supplementation (iron dextran: 10 mg/kg healthy cats (abstract), / Vet Intern Med 18:415, 2004.
administered intramuscularly every 3 to 4 weeks) should be Platinga E A et al: Retrospective study o f the survival o f cats w i t h
employed during recombinant E P O treatment because o f acquired chronic renal insufficiency offered different c o m m e r c i a l

the rapid initiation o f erythropoiesis and marginal depletion diets, Vet Rec 157:185, 2005.
P o l z i n D J et al: C h r o n i c k i d n e y disease. I n Ettinger SJ et al, editors:
of iron stores that occur i n animals with C K D . U n t i l canine
Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2005,
and feline recombinant E P O become commercially available,
W B Saunders.
treatment with human recombinant products should be
Ross SJ et al: A case-control study o f the effects o f nephrolithiasis
reserved for those animals with weakness and lethargy attrib i n cats w i t h chronic k i d n e y disease, J Am Vet Med Assoc 230:1854,
utable to their anemia. 2007.
Stepien R L , Elliott JA: Measurement o f b l o o d pressure. I n Elliott
Suggested Readings JA, Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline
A d i n D B et al: Intermittent bolus injection versus continuous infu nephrology and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British
sion of furosemide i n n o r m a l adult greyhound dogs, / Vet Intern Small A n i m a l Veterinary Association.
Med 17:632, 2003. Syme H M et al: Survival o f cats w i t h naturally o c c u r r i n g chronic
Behrend E N et al: Hospital-acquired acute renal failure i n dogs: 29 renal failure is related to severity o f proteinuria, / Vet Intern Med
cases (1983-1992), J Am Vet Med Assoc 208:537, 1996. 20:528, 2006.
Brown SA: Management o f chronic kidney disease. In Elliott JA, V a d e n S L et al: Retrospective analysis o f 106 dogs w i t h acute renal
Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology failure, / Vet Intern Med 9:209, 1995.
and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small W o r w a g S et al: Retrospective, acute renal failure i n cats: 25 cases
A n i m a l Veterinary Association. (1997-2002) (abstract), / Vet Intern Med 18:416, 2004.
C H A P T E R 45

Urinary Tract Infections

neous flora that ascend through the urethra to the bladder.

Although many enteric organisms are anaerobes, the oxygen
tension i n urine probably inhibits the growth of strict anaer
obic bacteria; therefore anaerobes rarely cause UTIs.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
Bacterial virulence of invading organisms is a major
Host Defense Mechanisms
factor that determines whether a U T I becomes established
Complicated Versus Uncomplicated U r i n a r y Tract
(Box 45-1). The ability o f bacteria to adhere to the epithelial
surface of the urinary tract prevents bacterial washout during
Relapses Versus Reinfections
voiding and allows bacteria to proliferate between urine
Clinical Features
voidings. Infection o f the urinary tract usually involves
bacterial colonization o f the genitalia, migration of the bac
teria along the urethra, and adherence o f the organisms
to the uroepithelium. Uroepithelial adherence is facilitated
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS by fimbriae, which are rigid, filamentous, proteinaceous
appendages found o n many gram-negative bacteria. Other
Bacterial infections o f the urinary tract occur more fre factors that increase bacterial virulence include capsular K
quently i n dogs than i n cats. Although inflammatory disease antigens, which interfere with opsonization and phagocyto
of the lower urinary tract is c o m m o n i n cats, bacterial infec sis, and O antigens i n endotoxin, which decrease smooth
tions are rare. Fewer than 2% o f the cases o f lower urinary muscle contractility. The latter may stop ureteral peristalsis
tract disease ( L U T D ) i n cats are caused by a primary urinary and facilitate the ascension o f bacteria from the bladder to
tract infection ( U T I ) . Most o f the U T I s i n dogs involve bac the kidney. E. coli isolates from dogs have a greater ability to
terial inflammation o f the lower urinary tract (bladder, produce colicins (resulting i n increased vascular permeabil
urethra); however, the ascension o f bacteria into the ureters ity), hemolysins (increasing their invasiveness through tissue
and kidneys is a potential sequela o f lower UTIs. C o m p a r e d damage), and -lactamase (causing resistance to -lactam
with the prevalence o f bacterial UTIs, mycoplasmal, chla antibiotics) and to ferment dulcitol (which is associated with
mydial, viral, and fungal U T I s are rare i n dogs. M o s t bacterial resistance to phagocytosis), but they have a decreased ability
infections o f the lower urinary tract respond quickly to to agglutinate red blood cells (RBCs; associated with uro
appropriate antibiotic treatment; however, UTIs associated epithelial adherence) compared with human E. coli isolates.
with defects i n the host i m m u n e system (complicated UTIs) Finally, cell wall-deficient bacterial variants may thrive in
often fail to respond to antibiotic therapy, or the infection hypertonic environments such as the renal medulla and
relapses shortly after antibiotic withdrawal. urine, where white blood cell ( W B C ) migration and phago
cytosis may be compromised.
Etiology and Pathogenesis Bacterial resistance to antimicrobial drugs may result
The most c o m m o n bacterial pathogens associated with U T I s from inherent resistance, from mutation and selection, or
i n the dog include Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Streptococ from the transfer o f resistance factors (R factors) between
cus, Enterococcus, Enterobacter, Proteus, Klebsiella, and Pseu organisms through D N A transfer. A n entire bacterial popu
domonas organisms. E. coli is the most c o m m o n isolate from lation can acquire resistance by genetic transfer after only
canine and feline urine (Table 45-1). Although UTIs usually one dose o f an antibiotic. The R factor phenomenon has
involve a single organism, as many as 20% to 30% may be been identified i n gram-negative bacteria, including E. coli,
mixed bacterial infections (i.e., two or more species). M o s t Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Proteus. R factor resistance to
bacterial UTIs are thought to be caused by intestinal or cuta- multiple drugs is c o m m o n , and R factors are known to
TABLE 45-1 TABLE 4 5 - 2

Approximate Percentages of Bacterial Isolates in Dogs Host Defense Mechanisms and Abnormalities that May
with Urinary Tract Infections Lead to Complicated Urinary Tract Infections


B. coli 45 Normal Micturition

Staphylococcus spp. 13 N o r m a l urine v o l u m e Urinary incontinence
Proteus s p p . 10 Normal voiding Urine o u t f l o w tract obstruction
Enterococcus 8 frequency Incomplete b l a d d e r e m p t y i n g
Klebsiella s p p . 7 Small residual urine
Streptococcus spp. 6 volume
Enterobacter s p p . 3
Pseudomonas spp. 3 A n a t o m i c Structures
Other organisms 5 Urethral high-pressure Urethral a n o m a l i e s
zone Urethrostomy s u r g e r y
Urethral c o n t r a c t i o n a n d Ectopic ureter
peristalsis Urachal diverticula
Urethral length Vesicoureteral reflux
Vesicoureteral valvelike I n d w e l l i n g u r i n a r y catheter
BOX 45-1
junction Urinary incontinence
Factors Affecting Bacterial Virulence Ureteral c o n t r a c t i o n s a n d V a g i n a l stricture
peristalsis Ureteral d i l a t a t i o n o r
F i m b r i a e f a c i l i t a t e attachment t o uroepithelium hydroureter
C a p s u l a r K a n t i g e n s i n c r e a s e invasiveness a n d interfere
M u c o s a l Defense B a r r i e r s
with opsonization and phagocytosis
O antigens in e n d o t o x i n d e c r e a s e smooth muscle contrac A n t i b o d y a n d muco Mucosal trauma
tility protein production Urolithiasis
Cell w a l l - d e f i c i e n t bacterial v a r i a n t s c a n exist in hyper Nonpathogenic flora Catheterization
tonic environments (urine, renal medulla) w h e r e host colonization Immunoglobulin A deficiency
defense mechanisms m a y b e c o m p r o m i s e d Neoplasia
C o l i c i n s i n c r e a s e vascular p e r m e a b i l i t y Cyclophosphamide-induced
H e m o l y s i n s i n c r e a s e invasiveness t h r o u g h tissue d a m a g e damage
-Lactamasecauses resistance t o -lactam antibiotics
Antimicrobial Properties o f Urine
Dulcitol f e r m e n t a t i o n c a u s e s resistance t o p h a g o c y t o s i s
Erythrocyte agglutinationassociated with uroepithelial Hyperosmolality Decreased urine concentration
adherence H i g h urea c o n c e n t r a t i o n Glucosuria
Drug resistance Acidic p H
Inherent resistance
Systemic Immunocompetence
M u t a t i o n a n d selection
Resistance factor transfer C e l l - m e d i a t e d immunity? Immunosuppressive d r u g
Humoral immunity Hyperadrenocorticism
D i a b e t e s melitus
C h r o n i c k i d n e y disease
confer resistance to penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglyco Neoplasia
sides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, and
Mycoplasmal organisms have also been associated w i t h
UTIs i n dogs, but this type o f infection is u n c o m m o n . C l i n
ical signs of mycoplasmal cystitis may include hematuria, mechanism against U T I . The mechanical washout that
pollakiuria, stranguria, incontinence, polydipsia-polyuria, occurs as a result o f complete v o i d i n g is responsible for
and fever; however, some dogs w i t h positive urine culture removing more than 9 5 % o f nonadherent bacteria that gain
results are asymptomatic. Whether mycoplasmas are p r i m a r y entrance into the urinary bladder. W a s h o u t is enhanced b y
urinary tract pathogens remains unclear. increased urine p r o d u c t i o n and frequency o f v o i d i n g . D i s
orders that decrease the frequency o f v o i d i n g or the v o l u m e
HOST DEFENSE MECHANISMS of v o i d e d urine or that result i n an increased urine residual
The status of the host defense mechanisms appears to be the v o l u m e may predispose animals to the development o f U T I s .
most important factor influencing the pathogenesis of U T I The n o r m a l urine residual v o l u m e for dogs and cats is less
(Table 45-2). N o r m a l v o i d i n g is an efficient natural defense than 0.2 to 0.4 m l / k g .
Bacteria are normally present i n increasing numbers from any U T I i n a male dog should be considered a complicated
the midurethra to the distal urethra, but these organisms infection.
seldom cause UTIs i n n o r m a l dogs. The high-pressure zone Disorders o f micturition are often complicated by U T I .
i n the midurethra and the spontaneous urethral contrac U r i n e retention or incomplete voiding allows more time for
tions help prevent the ascension o f bacteria. Differences i n bacteria to multiply within the urinary tract. Urine retention
epithelial morphology (decreased epithelial receptor sites) may also cause bladder wall distention that can compress
also help decrease the number o f bacteria that can colonize intramural vessels and thereby decrease the number of W B C s
the p r o x i m a l and middle sections o f the urethra. The length and other antimicrobial factors that enter the bladder lumen.
of the urethra and zinc-containing bacteriostatic/bacteri Conversely, urinary incontinence associated with decreased
cidal prostatic secretions contribute to a lower incidence o f urethral sphincter tone may predispose the patient to an
U T I s i n male dogs than i n female dogs. In both genders the ascending U T I . Damage to mucosal barriers (e.g., transi
valvelike nature o f the vesicoureteral junction confers pro tional cell carcinoma [TCC]) may also result i n the develop
tection against the ascension o f bacteria to the kidneys. ment o f a complicated U T I depending on the extent of the
The colonization o f vulval and preputial l u m i n a l mucous lesion and whether uropathogens are concurrently intro
membranes by nonpathogenic flora also serves to decrease duced. Interestingly, bacterial inoculation of the urinary
colonization by uropathogens. N o r m a l flora occupy most o f bladder i n experimental animals usually fails to establish a
the epithelial receptor sites, produce bacteriocins that inter U T I that lasts beyond 2 to 3 days, unless the uroepithelium
fere with uropathogen metabolism, and have a high affinity is first damaged by a chemical or mechanical insult.
but l o w requirement for the essential nutrients needed by Whenever the urinary bladder is catheterized, bacteria are
uropathogens. In addition, mucosal secretions help prevent carried up the urethra to the bladder. If the catheter is
the adherence of uropathogens to the epithelium; specifically, inserted too far and damages the bladder mucosa, the chance
secretory immunoglobulins do so by coating pathogenic of infection increases greatly. A n a t o m i c defects may also
bacteria, and glycosaminoglycans by forming a protective allow the ascending migration o f bacteria (e.g., indwelling
barrier over the epithelial surface. urinary catheter, ectopic ureter) or may damage mucosal
The antibacterial properties o f urine constitute an i m p o r barriers (e.g., urolithiasis, neoplasia, urachal remnant, thick
tant host defense mechanism against UTIs. U r i n e is fre ened bladder wall caused by chronic inflammation). In one
quently bacteriostatic and sometimes can be bactericidal, study o f 137 dogs cared for i n an intensive care unit, indwell
depending o n its composition. The combination o f a low p H ing urethral catheters were associated with U T I in 26 cases
and high concentrations o f urea and weak organic acids i n (19%); another similar study of 39 dogs demonstrated a U T I
concentrated urine inhibits bacterial growth. The increased rate o f 10%. Decreased urine volume may also be associated
urine-concentrating ability o f cats compared with dogs is with a heightened risk for U T I because of decreased washout
thought to be one of the reasons that normal cats have so few (although concentrated urine has greater antibacterial prop
bacterial UTIs. Dilute urine formed i n animals with polydipsic erties), and altered urine composition (glucosuria or the
polyuric disorders has less antibacterial activity than hyper excretion o f irritating substances such as cyclophosphamide
sthenuric urine does. For example, the prevalence of bacterial metabolites that result i n hematuria) can make the environ
U T I is higher i n both dogs and cats with chronic kidney ment more receptive to bacterial growth. In addition to these
disease ( C K D ) . A n i m a l s w i t h C K D also often have decreased local factors, systemic disorders, such as renal failure, hyper
concentrations o f antibiotic i n their urine during treatment adrenocorticism, prolonged corticosteroid administration,
associated w i t h decreased renal excretion o f the drug. neoplasia, and diabetes mellitus, can result i n a complicated
U T I . Potential mechanisms suggested to increase the risk of
COMPLICATED VERSUS U T I i n dogs with hyperadrenocorticism and/or diabetes
UNCOMPLICATED URINARY mellitus include enhanced bacterial growth i n urine caused
TRACT INFECTIONS by glucosuria or decreased urine concentration, decreased
Uncomplicated U T I s occur i n the absence o f underlying neutrophil chemotaxis associated with glucosuria, and
structural or functional abnormalities i n the host defense decreased inflammatory response and/or urine retention
mechanisms. They are easier to treat than complicated U T I s (detrusor muscle weakness) associated with hypercorti
and are usually cleared soon after appropriate antibiotic solemia. U T I is also c o m m o n i n dogs with thoracolumbar
treatment is initiated. Complicated U T I s are associated with (T-L) disk disease. In a recent study of 92 dogs that under
defects i n the host defense mechanisms (i.e., interference went surgery for T - L disk disease, 25 (27%) had U T I . Risk
with n o r m a l micturition, anatomic defects, damage to factors for U T I i n this study included female gender, the
mucosal barriers, alterations i n urine volume or composi inability to ambulate or voluntarily void, lack of periopera
tion, or systemic i m m u n o c o m p r o m i s e ) . It is usually not pos tive cefazolin administration, and decreased body tempera
sible to eliminate the clinical and clinicopathologic signs o f ture (<35 C ) during the anesthetic period.
complicated U T I s with antibiotic treatment alone; signs
either persist during antibiotic treatment or recur shortly RELAPSES VERSUS REINFECTIONS
after antibiotic withdrawal. Because o f the relatively low Recurrences o f clinical and clinicopathologic signs of U T I
prevalence of U T I s i n male dogs compared with female dogs, can be classified into two categories: relapses and reinfec-
tions. Relapses are infections caused by the same species o f
BOX 4 5 - 2
bacteria; the clinical signs recur relatively shortly after anti
biotic withdrawal. In these cases the previous antibacterial Clinicopathologic Findings that C a n Be Associated w i t h
treatment has failed to eliminate the organism. Relapses may Bacterial Pyelonephritis i n Dogs and Cats
result from the use of an improper antibiotic or dosage, the
Fever, leukocytosis, renal p a i n
emergence o f drug-resistant pathogens, or failure to elimi
Cellular casts in urine sediment
nate factors that alter normal host defense mechanisms and
Renal failure (i.e., a z o t e m i a , inability to concentrate urine,
allow the bacteria to persist (e.g., bacteria inside a urolith).
Relapsing UTIs are frequently associated with a greater anti Excretory u r o g r a m a n d ultrasonographic abnormalities
microbial resistance than that observed i n the original infec (i.e., renal pelvis dilation o r asymmetric filling of diver
tion. Relapses in male dogs may result from chronic prostatic ticula, dilated ureters)
infections. Because o f the blood-prostate barrier, antibiotics Bacteria in i n f l a m m a t o r y lesions identified b y renal histo
must be lipid soluble and have an alkaline or neutral p K a logic studies
(e.g., fluoroquinolones, trimethoprim-sulfa, chlorampheni Positive result from bacterial culture of ureteral urine
col, carbenicillin) i n order to gain access to the prostate. o b t a i n e d a t cystoscopy (Stamey test)
Recurrent UTIs may also result from reinfection. In this Positive result from bacterial culture o f urine o b t a i n e d after
b l a d d e r rinsing w i t h sterile saline solution (Fairley test)
case the previous antibacterial treatment cleared the first
Positive result from bacterial culture o f fluid aspirated from
infection, but the urinary tract subsequently became infected
the renal pelvis (pyelocentesis) under ultrasound guidance
with another bacterium. In most cases the interval between
reinfections is longer than the interval between relapses (>2-
4 weeks). The occurrence of reinfections often indicates that
the factors that alter normal host defense mechanisms have 41-1). Bacterial antibiotic sensitivity testing should be per
not been eliminated. Alternatively, reinfections may be iat formed to guide the selection o f antibiotic treatment and, i n
rogenic and occur as a result of follow-up catheterization. cases o f recurrent U T I , help differentiate relapses from rein
Reinfections with less invasive bacteria (Pseudomonas aeru fections. It may be difficult to differentiate a lower U T I from
ginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter cloacae) generally upper urinary tract involvement (as well as prostatitis), but
suggest that the host's i m m u n e system is compromised. this should be attempted to prevent renal damage i n dogs
Similarly, Corynebacterium urealyticum U T I i n dogs and cats and cats with pyelonephritis, w h i c h requires long-term anti
has been associated with preexisting urinary tract disorders biotic treatment and close m o n i t o r i n g (Box 45-2). A n i m a l s
(e.g., incontinence and urine retention). with acute bacterial pyelonephritis or prostatitis may
manifest nonspecific systemic signs o f lethargy, depres
Clinical Features sion, anorexia, fever, and leukocytosis, w h i c h rarely occur
Inflammation o f the lower urinary tract often results i n p o l in the setting lower U T I s . However, these systemic signs
lakiuria, stranguria or dysuria, and gross or microscopic are frequently absent i n animals with chronic pyelonephritis
hematuria. Urinalysis findings compatible with a lower U T I or prostatitis. Bilateral pyelonephritis may result i n renal
include bacteriuria, hematuria, pyuria, and increased n u m failure and subsequent azotemia and the loss o f urine-
bers of transitional epithelial cells i n the urine sediment. concentrating ability. Cylindruria, especially W B C cellular
In addition, an increased urine protein concentration and casts, indicates the presence o f renal disease and, i f coupled
alkaline urine may be observed. However, bacteria as well as with a significant bacteriuria, is highly suggestive of bacterial
other urine sediment abnormalities are not always observed pyelonephritis. Several tests have been developed to differ
during urine sediment examination i n animals with a bacte entiate upper and lower U T I s i n people (see Box 45-2);
rial U T I , especially i f the urine is hyposthenuric or isosthe however, these tests are difficult to perform and have not
nuric. Ideally, urine bacterial cultures should be performed always proved reliable i n veterinary medicine.
to confirm the presence and type of bacteria. Research has
shown that the testing of canine urine with commercially Treatment
available dipstick leukocyte esterase assays is not reliable, and It is important to try to identify those animals with poten
the false-negative rate can exceed 10% i n the absence o f a tially treatable i m m u n e system defects or disorders (e.g.,
urine sediment examination. Some urine dipsticks also have diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism, chronic renal
a nitrate pad to detect nitrate-reducing bacteria, but this test failure, urolithiasis, urachal remnants, excessive perivulvar
has also been shown to be inaccurate i n dogs and cats. skin folds or pyoderma, incontinence) that predispose to the
Cystocentesis constitutes the best way to collect urine for development o f UTIs. Therefore a complete physical exami
urinalysis and bacterial culture because it prevents urine nation should be performed i n all animals with signs o f a
from being contaminated by bacteria inhabiting the distal U T I . Similarly, urinalysis and culture should be performed
urethra, prepuce, or vulva. If urine collected by catheteriza i n all dogs and cats with suspected i m m u n e system defects.
tion, voiding, or bladder expression is cultured, it is i m p o r A l t h o u g h antibiotic treatment is the cornerstone o f manage
tant to quantify the number of organisms per milliliter to ment, the status o f host defense mechanisms is thought to
differentiate a true infection from contamination (see Table be the single most important determinant o f the outcome o f
FIG 4 5 - 1
Flow d i a g r a m f o r m a n a g e m e n t o f u r i n a r y tract infections.

treatment for a U T I . Antibiotic treatment should control the cus spp., amoxicillin; Enterobacter spp., trimethoprim-sulfa
pathogenic bacterial growth for enough time to allow host or enrofloxacin; Klebsiella spp., first-generation cephalospo
defense mechanisms to prevent colonization o f the urinary rins or enrofloxacin; and Pseudomonas spp., tetracycline
tract without the need for further antibiotic administration. (Table 45-3). It should be noted, however, that it is often
A l t h o u g h it is advisable to evaluate the bacterial sensitivity difficult to predict the sensitivity o f gram-negative enteric
to antimicrobial drugs, the treatment o f acute, u n c o m p l i bacteria. If the identity of the bacteria is unknown, treatment
cated U T I s is often dictated by economic and time consid should be determined o n the basis o f the Gram's staining
erations. If bacterial sensitivity results are not available, characteristics (i.e., ampicillin, amoxicillin, or amoxicillin-
the antibiotic should be chosen o n the basis o f bacterial clavulanic acid for gram-positive bacteria and trimethoprim-
identification or the Gram's staining characteristics o f the sulfa or enrofloxacin for gram-negative bacteria).
bacteria (Fig. 45-1). C l i n i c a l experience at several veterinary The steps to follow in the management of a U T I are given
teaching hospitals has shown that intelligent guesses can be in B o x 45-3, and a flow diagram is shown in Fig. 45-1. The
made regarding bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics. In the duration o f therapy for a lower U T I must be individualized
absence o f bacterial sensitivity testing, the following are and should be based on the cessation of clinical signs and
the drugs o f choice for the treatment o f infection w i t h the elimination o f the abnormal urine sediment as well as nega
bacteria listed: E. coli, trimethoprim-sulfa or enrofloxacin; tive urine culture results. In general, uncomplicated lower
Proteus, amoxicillin; Staphylococcus, amoxicillin; Streptococ UTIs should be treated for 2 weeks, whereas complicated
TABLE 45-3 BOX 4 5 - 3

Antimicrobial Agents to Which More than 90% of Ideal Steps to Follow in the Management of Urinary Tract
Urinary Isolates Are Susceptible In Vitro at Infections in Dogs and Cats
Concentrations Less than One Fourth of the Expected
D i a g n o s i s should b e d e t e r m i n e d o n t h e basis o f history;
Urinary Concentration
urine sediment; a n d , ideally, urine culture a n d sensitivity
Select a n a n t i m i c r o b i a l a g e n t .
E. coli* Trimethoprim-sulfa Reculture urine in 3 t o 5 d a y s t o ascertain effectiveness o f
Fluoroquinolone selected a n t i m i c r o b i a l a g e n t .
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid E x a m i n e urine sediment 3 t o 4 d a y s b e f o r e d i s c o n t i n u i n g
Coagulase-positive Amoxicillin a n t i b i o t i c treatment.
Staphylococcus spp. Chloramphenicol Repeat urinalysis a n d culture 1 0 t o 1 4 d a y s after cessation
Trimethoprim-sulfa of antibiotic therapy.
C e p h a l o s p o r i n s (first g e n e r a t i o n ) Patients w i t h recurrent u r i n a r y tract infections should u n d e r g o
Proteus mirabilis Amoxicillin contrast-enhanced radiography and/or ultrasonogra
Fluoroquinolone phy, a c o m p l e t e b l o o d c o u n t , a n d serum b i o c h e m i s t r y
C e p h a l o s p o r i n s (first, s e c o n d , p r o f i l e t o d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r they h a v e u n d e r l y i n g pre
third generations) d i s p o s i n g factors.
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid It m a y b e necessary t o treat frequent reinfections w i t h pro
Klebsiella C e p h a l o s p o r i n s (first, s e c o n d , p h y l a c t i c doses o f a n t i b i o t i c s after the initial i n f l a m m a
pneumoniae* third generations) tion has b e e n c l e a r e d u p in response t o s t a n d a r d - d o s e
Fluoroquinolone a n t i b i o t i c treatment.
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
Streptococcus spp. Amoxicillin
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid BOX 4 5 - 4
C e p h a l o s p o r i n s (first, s e c o n d , Reasons for Poor Therapeutic Response in Dogs and Cats
t h i r d generations) with Urinary Tract Infections
Pseudomonas Tetracycline
aeruginosa Fluoroquinolone Use o f ineffective d r u g s o r ineffective d u r a t i o n o f t h e r a p y
Carbenicillin Failure o f o w n e r t o a d m i n i s t e r p r e s c r i b e d d o s e a t p r o p e r
Enterobacter spp.* Trimethoprim-sulfa intervals
Fluoroquinolone Gastrointestinal tract d i s e a s e o r c o n c u r r e n t o r a l intake o f
Enterococcus spp. Fluoroquinolone f o o d a n d d r u g , resulting i n d e c r e a s e d d r u g a b s o r p t i o n
Trimethoprim-sulfa I m p a i r e d a c t i o n o f d r u g s , either b e c a u s e b a c t e r i a a r e not
Chloramphenicol m u l t i p l y i n g o r b e c a u s e they a r e sequestered in a n inac
Tetracyline cessible site ( e . g . , prostate o r uroliths)
Failure t o r e c o g n i z e a n d e l i m i n a t e p r e d i s p o s i n g causes
* These bacteria are capable of major changes in their Presence o f m i x e d b a c t e r i a l infections in w h i c h o n l y o n e o f
susceptibility to antibiotics and are therefore less predictable. the p a t h o g e n s is e r a d i c a t e d b y a n t i m i c r o b i a l t h e r a p y
Iatrogenic reinfection c a u s e d b y c a t h e t e r i z a t i o n
D e v e l o p m e n t o f d r u g resistance in b a c t e r i a

UTIs should be treated for a m i n i m u m o f 4 weeks. Proper

selection o f antibiotic therapy can be verified after 3 to 5 days
of therapy by determining whether the urine is sterile. The nographic, and renal biopsy findings m a y confirm the pres
urine sediment, however, may still be a b n o r m a l at this ence o f pyelonephritis; however, results o f these studies may
time. be n o r m a l i n dogs a n d cats w i t h c h r o n i c pyelonephritis. In
Reasons for a poor therapeutic response are listed i n B o x patients w i t h moderate to m a r k e d pyeloectasia, ultrasound-
45-4. U r i n e culture and sensitivity testing should always be guided pyelocentesis can be used to obtain samples for
done i n animals w i t h recurrent U T I s . I n a d d i t i o n , attempts cytology and culture. Finally, the possibility o f otherwise
should be intensified to identify defects i n the host's i m m u n e asymptomatic hyperadrenocorticism causing the recurrent
system. Double contrast-enhanced cystography and ultraso U T I s should be considered, especially i n animals w i t h infec
nography may be used to identify anatomic abnormalities, tions associated w i t h l o w numbers o f W B C s and R B C s i n the

mucosal lesions o f the bladder, or urolithiasis. In intact male urine sediment. L o n g - t e r m (4 to 6 weeks) antibiotic treat

dogs semen and prostatic wash cytologic and culture studies ment is required for patients w i t h complicated U T I s , and

as well as ultrasonography should be done to rule out or careful follow-up examinations s h o u l d be performed i n such

identify bacterial prostatitis. Excretory urographic, ultraso- animals (see B o x 45-3). W h e n antibiotic treatment is used
for this period o f time, the adverse effects o f long-term people. These products should not be used i n cats, however,
antibiotic therapy should also be considered. Keratocon because methylene blue has the potential to cause Heinz
junctivitis sicca and folate deficiency anemia may occur i n bodies and hemolytic anemia. Similarly, phenazopyridine, a
association with long-term use o f trimethoprim-sulfa urinary tract analgesic, should not be used i n cats.
(although they are rare), and nephrotoxicity is always a Cranberry juice extracts, glycosaminoglycans, and vac
concern i n animals receiving aminoglycosides, even for a cines directed against bacterial fimbria are additional adjunc
short time. tive treatments that can decrease bacterial adherence to
The prognosis for an animal with a complicated U T I , as uroepithelium i n other species but require further evalua
opposed to an uncomplicated U T I , is always guarded. The tion i n the dog before clinical recommendations can be
single most important treatment for a complicated U T I is made.
correction of the underlying defect i n the host defense mech
anisms. If predisposing factors cannot be identified or elim Suggested Readings
inated, relapses and reinfections are c o m m o n . Low-dose A d a m s L G , Syme H M : C a n i n e lower urinary tract diseases. In
(one t h i r d to one half o f the conventional daily dose) anti Ettinger SJ, Feldman E C , editors: Textbook of veterinary internal
microbial treatment administered at bedtime (after the last medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.

evening void) may be recommended for animals with fre Bartges J W : U r i n a r y tract infections. In Ettinger SJ, Feldman E C ,
editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 6, St Louis,
quent infections associated with host defense mechanism
2005, Elsevier.
problems that cannot be cured. This allows the drug to be
C o h n L A et al: Trends i n fluoroquinolone resistance o f bacteria
present i n the bladder overnight, supplementing the animal's
isolated from canine urinary tracts, / Vet Diag Invest 15:338,
defense mechanisms. Penicillins are recommended for the 2003.
treatment o f recurrences caused by gram-positive bacteria, C r a w f o r d JT et al: Influence o f vestibulovaginal stenosis, pelvic
whereas trimethoprim-sulfa or enrofloxacin is recommended bladder, a n d recessed vulva o n response to treatment for clinical
for the treatment o f recurrences caused by gram-negative signs o f lower urinary tract disease i n dogs: 38 cases (1990-1999),
bacteria. It should be noted, however, that low-dose, long- J Am Vet Med Assoc 221:995, 2002.
term antibiotic treatment can predispose the animal to the Forrester S D et al: Retrospective evaluation o f urinary tract infec
development o f a very resistant U T I . t i o n i n 42 dogs w i t h hyperadrenocorticism or diabetes mellitus
or both, / Vet Intern Med 13:557, 1999.
U r i n a r y acidification ( a m m o n i u m chloride) has been
Hess RS et al: C o n c u r r e n t disorders i n dogs w i t h diabetes mellitus:
advocated as adjunctive therapy for lower U T I s because
221 cases (1993-1998), J Am Vet Med Assoc 217:1166, 2000.
acidic urine provides a less favorable environment for bacte
L i n g G V : Bacterial infections o f the urinary tract. In Ettinger SJ
rial growth. However, the antimicrobial activity o f acidic
et al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, Philadel
urine is inferior to that o f antibiotics and should not be phia, 2000, W B Saunders.
expected to eradicate infection; a m m o n i u m chloride should L i n g G V et al: Interrelations o f organism prevalence, specimen col
be used only i n conjunction w i t h other modes o f therapy. lection method, and host age, sex, and breed a m o n g 8,354 canine
U r i n a r y acidification may also be an effective adjunctive urinary tract infections (1969-1995), / Vet Intern Med 15:341,
therapy to adjust the urine p H and thereby optimize the 2001.
efficacy o f certain antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, carben N o r r i s C R et al: Recurrent a n d persistent urinary tract infections
icillin, tetracycline, nitrofurantoin). A m m o n i u m chloride i n dogs: 383 cases (1969-1995), / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 36:484,

(60 to 100 mg/kg) should be given orally twice daily to m a i n 2000.

Ogeer-Gyles J et al: Evaluation o f catheter-associated urinary tract
tain a urine p H o f less than 6.5. The use o f a m m o n i u m
infections a n d multi-drug-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from
chloride is not without risk, however, especially i n male dogs,
the urine o f dogs w i t h indwelling urinary catheters, J Am Vet Med
because oxalate, silicate, urate, and cystine are all less soluble
Assoc 229:1584, 2006.
i n acidic urine and urolithiasis may result from excessive
O l u c h A O et al: Nonenteric Escherichia coli isolates from dogs: 674
acidification. In addition, urinary acidification w o u l d be cases (1990-1998), f Am Vet Med Assoc 218:381, 2001.
contraindicated i n dogs with liver or kidney disease. U r i n a r y Seguin M A et al: Persistent urinary tract infections and reinfections
antiseptics have also been advocated as adjunctive therapy i n i n 100 dogs (1989-1999), / Vet Intern Med 17:622, 2003.
the control or prophylaxis o f lower UTIs. A l t h o u g h they are Senior D F : Management o f urinary tract infections. In Elliott JA,
less effective than specific antimicrobial therapy i n eradicat Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual ofcanine and feline nephrology
ing infections, they are probably more effective than urinary and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small
acidifiers. Methenamine mandelate is a cyclic hydrocarbon A n i m a l Veterinary Association.
Smarick S D et al: Incidence o f catheter-associated urinary tract
and is the most c o m m o n l y used urinary tract antiseptic. The
infection a m o n g dogs i n a small a n i m a l intensive care unit, J Am
dose for dogs is 10 mg/kg, administered orally every 6 hours.
Vet Med Assoc 224:1936, 2004.
In an acidic environment ( p H < 6), methenamine hydrolyzes
Stiffler K S et al: Prevalence and characterization of urinary tract
to form formaldehyde. It should be used i n conjunction with
infection i n dogs w i t h surgically treated type 1 thoracolumbar
a m m o n i u m chloride to enhance its effectiveness. Methylene intervertebral disc extrusion, Vet Surg 35:330, 2006.
blue (tetramethylthionine chloride) is a weak urinary anti Swenson C L et al: Evaluation o f modified Wright-staining of urine
septic agent that used to be c o m m o n i n combination p r o d sediment as a m e t h o d for accurate detection o f bacteriuria in
ucts designed to treat lower urinary tract inflammation i n dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 224:1282, 2004.
C H A P T E R 46

Canine Urolithiasis

tration o f salts i n the urine, adequate time i n the urinary

tract (urinary retention o f salts and crystals), a urine p H
favorable for salts to crystallize, a nucleation center or nidus
o n which crystallization can occur, and decreased concentra
Etiology and Pathogenesis
tions o f crystallization inhibitors i n the urine. The combina
Clinical features and diagnosis
tion of a high dietary intake o f minerals and protein and the
ability o f dogs to produce relatively highly concentrated
urine contributes to the supersaturation o f urine with salts.
In some cases decreased tubular resorption (e.g., calcium,
cystine, uric acid) or an increased production secondary to
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS bacterial infection (e.g., a m m o n i u m and phosphate ions)
also contributes to this supersaturation.
Canine urine is a complex solution i n which salts (e.g., calcium
Several theories exist concerning the pathogenesis o f uro
oxalate, magnesium a m m o n i u m phosphate) can remain i n
liths. In the precipitation-crystallization theory, the super-
solution under conditions o f supersaturation. However,
saturation o f urine with salts is thought to be the primary
supersaturated urine has a potential energy o f precipitation,
factor responsible for initiating nidus formation and sustain
or the tendency to form solids from the dissolved salts. Crys
ing the growth of the urolith. N o r m a l canine urine is super
talluria is a consequence o f urine supersaturation, and uro
saturated with several salts. However, the greater the
liths may form i f crystals aggregate and are not excreted.
concentration of salts i n urine and the less often voiding
Uroliths may damage the uroepithelium and result i n urinary
occurs (e.g., decreased water intake), the greater the chance
tract inflammation (hematuria, pollakiuria, dysuria-stran
of urolith formation. Supersaturated urine has a potential
guria). They may also predispose the animal to the develop
energy o f precipitation, or a driving force that favors crystal
ment of a bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI). If uroliths
formation. The greater the magnitude o f the supersatura
lodge i n the ureters or urethra, urine flow may be obstructed.
tion, the greater the potential for crystallization to occur.
Most uroliths i n dogs are found i n the bladder or urethra;
Conversely, undersaturated solutions have a potential energy
only about 5% are located i n the kidneys or ureters. Uroliths
of dissolution, such that previously formed crystals dissolve
are usually named according to their mineral content. Recent
at a rate proportional to the degree o f undersaturation.
data collected at the College of Veterinary Medicine o f the
In other theories of urolith formation, it is thought that
University of Minnesota have shown that approximately
substances i n urine may promote or inhibit crystal forma
38% of canine uroliths are struvite (magnesium a m m o n i u m
tion. For example, i n the matrix nucleation theory an organic
phosphate), 42% are calcium oxalate, 5% are urate, 1% are
matrix substance i n urine is thought to promote initial nidus
silicate, 1% are cystine, and 14% are m i x e d or c o m p o u n d
formation. This matrix substance may be albumin, globulin,
uroliths (i.e., the urolith contains less than 70% of any one
Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein, or an immunologically unique
mineral type). Crystalline aggregates constitute approxi
hydroxyproline-deficient protein called matrix substance A.
mately 95% o f the urolith weight, and an organic matrix
The proteinaceous matrix substance may promote crystal
composed of protein and mucoprotein complexes may c o n
lization by providing a surface where crystallization can
stitute as m u c h as 5%. Factors associated with particular
occur and by binding crystals together, which may increase
types of uroliths are summarized i n Table 46-1.
their urinary retention. A c c o r d i n g to another theory, the
Etiology and Pathogenesis crystallization inhibitor theory, the absence o f a critical
Conditions that contribute to the crystallization of salts and inhibitor of crystal formation is considered to be the primary
the formation of uroliths include a sufficiently high concen factor that allows initial nidus formation. Examples o f
TABLE 46-1

Factors that Help Predict Urolith Composition


Magnesium 2.5 Neutral to Very c o m m o n , Female (>80%) Miniature Schnauzers, 1-8 Usually n o n e
ammonium alkaline e s p e c i a l l y urease- B i c h o n Frises, C o c k e r
phosphate producing Spaniels, Miniature
(struvite) bacteria (e.g., Poodles
Calcium oxalate 3.0 A c i d i c to Rare M a l e (>70%) Miniature Schnauzers, 5-12 Occasional
neutral M i n i a t u r e Poodles, hypercalcemia
Yorkshire Terriers, Lhasa
A p s o s , Bichon Frises, Shih
Tzus, C a i r n Terriers
Urate 1.0 A c i d i c to Uncommon M a l e (>90%) D a l m a t i a n s , English B u l l d o g s , 1-4 D e c r e a s e d serum u r e a ,
neutral M i n i a t u r e Schnauzers nitrogen, a n d albumin
(PSS), Yorkshire Terriers concentrations a n d
(PSS) abnormal preprandial
a n d postprandial bile
a c i d c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in
d o g s w i t h PSS
Cystine 1.5 Acidic Rare M a l e (>95%) D a c h s h u n d s , Basset H o u n d s , 1-7 Usually n o n e
English B u l l d o g s , Yorkshire
Terriers, Irish Terriers,
Rottweilers, C h i h a u h a u s ,
M a s t i f f s , Tibetan Spaniels
Silicate 2.5 Acidic to Uncommon M a l e (>95%) G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs, 4-9 Usually n o n e
neutral G o l d e n Retrievers,
L a b r a d o r Retrievers, O l d
English S h e e p d o g s

PSS, Portosystemic shunt.

crystallization inhibitors are citrates, glycosaminoglycans, hydrolysis o f urea increases the urine concentrations o f
and pyrophosphates. Decreased concentrations o f these sub a m m o n i u m and phosphate (a result o f the increased disso
stances in urine may facilitate spontaneous crystallization ciation o f phosphorus) ions, which augments urine super-
and urolith growth. The extent to which promoters and saturation. H i g h urine a m m o n i a concentrations may also
inhibitors of crystallization are involved i n urolith formation damage glycosaminoglycans that prevent bacteria from
in dogs is unknown. In all cases, however, supersaturation o f adhering to the urinary mucosa. Bacterial cystitis also
the urine with urolith constituents is essential for uroliths increases the amount o f organic debris available as a crystal
to form. lization surface. Because o f their high association with UTIs,
Struvite uroliths. Struvite or magnesium a m m o n i u m struvite uroliths are more c o m m o n i n female dogs (80% to
phosphate uroliths are c o m m o n uroliths i n dogs (Fig. 46-1). 97% o f uroliths i n female dogs are struvite). Uroliths i n dogs
Uroliths that predominantly consist o f struvite may also younger than 1 year o f age are usually struvite and are also
contain a small amount of calcium phosphate (hydroxyapa frequently associated with a U T I .
tite) or calcium carbonate. Because most canine diets are The factors involved i n the pathogenesis o f struvite uro
rich i n minerals and protein, canine urine frequently becomes liths i n sterile urine are not k n o w n ; however, the struvite
supersaturated with magnesium, a m m o n i u m , and phos uroliths that form i n cats usually do so i n the absence o f a
phate; however, a U T I is an important factor predisposing to U T I . A greater urine-concentrating ability, and therefore a
the formation of struvite uroliths i n dogs and Staphylococcus greater degree o f urine supersaturation, may be partially
and Proteus are c o m m o n l y associated pathogens. These bac responsible for causing uroliths to form i n cats and i n those
teria contain urease and are capable o f splitting urea into dogs without UTIs. In addition, a consistently high urine p H
ammonia and carbon dioxide. H y d r o x y l and a m m o n i u m in the absence o f a U T I (potentially caused by drugs, diet,
ions are formed by the hydrolysis of ammonia, which or renal tubular disorders) may facilitate struvite urolith
decreases hydrogen i o n concentrations i n urine, resulting i n formation.
an alkaline urine and decreased struvite solubility. The A l t h o u g h struvite uroliths may occur i n any breed, those
most c o m m o n l y affected include M i n i a t u r e Schnauzers,
Miniature Poodles, Bichon Frises, and Cocker Spaniels. The
high prevalence o f struvite uroliths i n Cocker Spaniels has
led to the suggestion that there is a familial predisposition i n
this breed (see Table 46-1). Uroliths larger than 1 c m i n any
dimension are likely to be struvite. In addition, struvite uro
liths found i n the urinary bladder are most likely to be
smooth, blunt-edged or faceted, or pyramidal.
Calcium oxalate uroliths. C a l c i u m oxalate uroliths i n
dogs are often the monohydrate (whewellite) form (Fig. 46-2,
A ; see also Fig. 41-3) rather than the dihydrate (weddellite)
form (see Figs. 41-4 and 46-2, B). The factors involved i n the
pathogenesis o f calcium oxalate urolithiasis i n dogs are not
completely understood but frequently involve increased con
centrations o f calcium i n the urine. Hypercalciuria probably
occurs most c o m m o n l y i n dogs postprandially and is associ
ated with increased absorption o f calcium from the gut.
Another potential cause of hypercalciuria is the defective
tubular resorption of calcium. Hypercalciuria may also occur
secondary to overt hypercalcemia (e.g., that resulting from
primary hyperparathyroidism, neoplasia, or vitamin D
intoxication); however, this is thought to be an infrequent
cause o f calcium oxalate uroliths. Treatment with certain
drugs (e.g., glucocorticoids, furosemide) as well as dietary
supplementation with calcium or s o d i u m chloride may also
result i n hypercalciuria. A n association between hyperadre
nocorticism and the development o f calcium-containing
uroliths has also been identified i n dogs. Finally, decreased
urine concentrations of glycosaminoglycans, T a m m - H o r s f a l l
protein, osteopontine, and/or citrate, which are calcium
oxalate crystallization inhibitors, or defective urinary neph
FIG 4 6 - 1
A , Typical a p p e a r a n c e of struvite stones, a l t h o u g h struvite
rocalcin or increased dietary intake o f oxalate (e.g., vegeta
s t o n e s m a y a l s o b e j a c k s h a p e d ( B ) . (B c o u r t e s y D r . bles, grass, vitamin C ) may play a role i n the pathogenesis o f
H o w a r d Seim, C o l o r a d o State University.) calcium oxalate urolithiasis i n some dogs. The overall preva-
FIG 4 6 - 2 FIG 4 6 - 3
Typical a p p e a r a n c e of m o n o h y d r a t e c a l c i u m o x a l a t e stones A p p e a r a n c e o f a m m o n i u m urate stones from t w o different
(A) a n d d i h y d r a t e c a l c i u m o x a l a t e stones (B). dogs.

lence o f calcium oxalate uroliths i n dogs has increased allantoin has been found to be decreased i n them, even
significantly over the past 10 years and may be related to the though hepatocyte uricase activities are often adequate. The
increased use of urine-acidifying diets or other unidentified decreased production of allantoin seen i n these breeds results
environmental factors. i n the increased urinary excretion of uric acid. Normally,
Approximately 70% o f calcium oxalate uroliths are found allantoin, which is produced through the oxidation of uric
i n male dogs, and M i n i a t u r e and Standard Schnauzers, acid by uricase, is the major metabolite generated during
Miniature Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Lhasa Apsos, Bichon purine metabolism. In comparison with uric acid, allantoin
Frises, and Shih Tzus are the breeds c o m m o n l y affected. is quite soluble i n urine.
Obesity also appears to increase the risk o f calcium oxalate In addition to a decreased hepatic metabolism of uric
urolithiasis. The increased prevalence i n male dogs may be acid, the proximal tubular resorption of uric acid appears to
related to an increase i n the hepatic production o f oxalate be decreased i n Dalmatians. This increases the uric acid and
mediated by testosterone. Conversely, estrogens i n female sodium urate (the salt o f uric acid) concentrations i n urine.
dogs may increase the urinary excretion of citrate. C a l c i u m Although urinary uric acid excretion i n Dalmatians is
oxalate uroliths frequently occur i n older dogs (mean age: approximately 10 times that of other dogs, urate stones form
8 to 12 years), and a concurrent U T I appears to be rare. i n only a small percentage. For u n k n o w n reasons, male Dal
C a l c i u m oxalate solubility is increased i n urine with a p H matians are at greater risk o f having urate stones than are
above 6.5, whereas a urine p H o f less than 6.5 favors calcium female Dalmatians. In one published study the male : female
oxalate crystal formation. ratio for urate stone-forming Dalmatians was reported to be
Urate uroliths. M o s t urate uroliths are composed o f 16.4:1. Approximately 60% of urate uroliths occur in Dal
a m m o n i u m acid urate; 100% uric acid and sodium urate matians, and, conversely, approximately 75% of the uroliths
uroliths are relatively rare (Fig. 46-3). U r i c acid is derived i n Dalmatians are urate uroliths. In addition to Dalmatians,
from the metabolic degradation o f endogenous purine ribo English Bulldogs have an increased incidence of urate
nucleotides and dietary nucleic acids. It is hypothesized that uroliths.
the hepatic transport o f uric acid is defective i n Dalmatians Another possible cause o f urate stone formation is a
and some English Bulldogs because uric acid conversion to decreased glycosaminoglycan concentration i n the urine.
Glycosaminoglycans i n urine may combine with urate salts, silicate solubility, and secondary UTIs may occur as a result
resulting i n an overall negative charge and reduced crystal of mucosal irritation caused by these jack-shaped uroliths.
lization. H i g h dietary protein is usually associated w i t h an Cystine uroliths. Cystinuria, an inherited disorder of
increase i n the urinary excretion o f both uric acid and renal tubular transport, is thought to be the primary cause
ammonium ions. A m m o n i a , w h i c h is produced by renal of cystine uroliths. The tubular resorptive defect involves
tubular cells from glutamine, diffuses into the tubular l u m e n cystine and, i n some cases, other amino acids (tubular
and serves as a buffer for secreted hydrogen ions, thereby resorption o f cysteine, the immediate precursor o f cystine,
forming a m m o n i u m ions. A m m o n i u m ions are relatively glycine, ornithine, carnitine, arginine, and lysine, may also
lipid insoluble and therefore become trapped within the be decreased). A l t h o u g h the plasma cystine concentrations
tubular fluid. U r i c acid crystallization is facilitated i n acidic are normal i n these dogs, the concentration of plasma methi
urine, whereas an alkaline urine appears to favor a m m o n i u m onine, a precursor o f cystine, may be increased. Plasma
urate crystallization. A m m o n i u m acid urate stones may also cystine is freely filtered through the glomeruli and is actively
form i n any dog with hepatic insufficiency (e.g., hepatic resorbed by p r o x i m a l tubular epithelial cells i n normal dogs.
cirrhosis, microvascular dysplasia, or portosystemic shunt Were it not for the relative insolubility o f cystine i n urine
[PSS]) as a result of increased renal excretion o f a m m o n i u m and the potential for uroliths to form, cystinuria w o u l d be
urates. PSSs are c o m m o n i n Miniature Schnauzers, Yorkshire of little consequence. Cystine is most soluble i n alkaline solu
Terriers, and Pekingese dogs; therefore a m m o n i u m acid tions; therefore cystine stones usually form i n acidic urine.
urate uroliths are more c o m m o n i n these breeds. UTIs, espe Interestingly, cystine uroliths do not form i n all dogs with
cially those with urease-producing bacteria, may facilitate cystinuria; therefore cystinuria is a predisposing, rather than
ammonium acid urate crystallization by increasing urine a primary, causative factor. Cystine uroliths (Fig. 46-5) are
ammonia concentrations. A U T I may also occur secondary most frequently observed i n male dogs, and Dachshunds are
to urolith-induced mucosal irritation. the breed principally affected, but Basset H o u n d s , Tibetan
Silicate uroliths. Silicate uroliths were first reported i n Spaniels, English Bulldogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Irish Terriers,
the United States i n 1976 i n association with crystallographic Chihuahuas, Mastiffs, and Rottweilers also appear to be at
analysis o f uroliths. Silicate uroliths frequently, but not increased risk for cystine urolithiasis.
always, have a jack shape (Fig. 46-4), although not all jack- For u n k n o w n reasons, cystine uroliths usually do not
stones are silicates ( a m m o n i u m urate and struvite uroliths form i n young dogs; the average age at detection is 3 to 6
may also be jack shaped; see Fig. 46-1, B). The factors respon years. The prevalence o f cystine urolithiasis i n dogs i n the
sible for the pathogenesis o f silicate uroliths are u n k n o w n , U n i t e d K i n g d o m has been reported to be m u c h higher than
but their formation is probably related to the dietary intake that seen i n dogs i n the U n i t e d States, probably reflecting
of silicates, silicic acid, or magnesium silicate. There appears the increased popularity o f affected breeds i n the U n i t e d
to be a link between the formation o f silicate uroliths and K i n g d o m . UTIs may occur secondarily; however, infection is
the consumption of large amounts o f corn gluten or soybean not thought to play a primary role i n the pathogenesis o f
hulls, which can be high i n silicates. M a n y o f the reported cystine uroliths.
silicate uroliths i n the U n i t e d States have occurred i n male
German Shepherd Dogs, O l d English Sheepdogs, and G o l d e n Clinical Features and Diagnosis
and Labrador Retrievers. M o s t silicate uroliths are diagnosed The clinical features o f urolithiasis depend on the number,
in dogs 6 to 8 years of age. Alkaline urine appears to increase type, and location o f the stones i n the urinary tract. Because

FIG 4 6 - 4 FIG 4 6 - 5
Typical a p p e a r a n c e of a silicate stone. Typical a p p e a r a n c e of cystine stones.
most uroliths are located i n the urinary bladder, clinical signs with unilateral renal uroliths may be asymptomatic, or they
of cystitis (hematuria, pollakiuria, dysuria-stranguria) are may have hematuria and chronic pyelonephritis. Frequently,
frequently observed. M u c o s a l irritation is relatively severe i n chronic kidney disease develops i n animals with bilateral
dogs w i t h jack-shaped uroliths, as opposed to that seen i n renal uroliths, especially i f pyelonephritis is also present.
dogs with solitary, smooth stones. Incomplete v o i d i n g (i.e., Dogs with ureteral uroliths may also be asymptomatic, or
urine retention), mucosal hyperplasia leading to polyp for they may have hematuria and abdominal pain. Unilateral
mation, and sequestration o f bacteria w i t h i n the stone are obstruction o f a ureter often results i n unilateral hydrone
additional complications associated with urolithiasis. In phrosis without evidence o f decreased renal function.
male dogs smaller uroliths may pass into the urethra, causing Canine urolithiasis is usually diagnosed on the basis of a
partial or complete obstruction w i t h signs o f bladder disten combination o f historical, physical examination, and radio
tion, dysuria-stranguria, and postrenal azotemia (depres graphic or ultrasonographic findings (Fig. 46-7). In male
sion, anorexia, vomiting). Uroliths frequently lodge i n the dogs with dysuria and stranguria caused by urethral stones,
male urethra at the caudal aspect o f the os penis (Fig. 46-6). attempted passage o f a urinary catheter will often be met
Occasionally, the urinary bladder or urethra may rupture with a "gritty feeling" of resistance. Regardless o f the ease of
and result i n an abdominal effusion or subcutaneous peri catheter passage, the diagnosis can usually be confirmed with
neal fluid accumulation and postrenal azotemia. A n i m a l s retrograde positive contrast-enhanced urethrography. In
some cases cystouroliths can be detected during abdominal
palpation i n dogs with signs o f cystitis. Plain film radio
graphs w i l l usually confirm the presence o f cystouroliths
unless the stones are radiolucent or very small. Double-
contrast-enhanced cystography is a more sensitive diag
nostic tool for detecting radiolucent cystouroliths. Finally,
ultrasonography can be used to visualize radioopaque or
radiolucent uroliths and is the imaging method of choice for
diagnosing renoliths and hydronephrosis-hydroureter that
can be associated with renoliths.

General principles for the treatment of urolithiasis include
the relief o f any urethral obstruction and decompression of
the bladder, if necessary. This can usually be accomplished
by the passage of a small-bore catheter, cystocentesis, or dis
lodgment of the urethral calculi by retrograde hydropulsion.
FIG 46-6
O n l y rarely will an emergency urethrotomy be necessary.
R a d i o g r a p h of a male d o g with a n o p a q u e urethral calculus
at the c a u d a l a s p e c t of the os penis. N o t e the d i s t e n d e d Fluid therapy should be initiated to restore water and elec
b l a d d e r associated with the obstructive uropathy a n d the trolyte balance i f postrenal azotemia exists. Hyperkalemia is
staples from a previous cystotomy for urolith removal. a potentially life-threatening electrolyte disturbance that
may occur i n association with postrenal azotemia caused by
urethral obstruction or rupture of the urinary bladder or
urethra. The serum potassium concentration as well as the
blood urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations should be
measured i n patients with a suspected obstruction. Alter
natively, bradycardia and electrocardiographic findings of
flattened P waves, a prolonged P R interval, widened Q R S
complexes, and tall or spiked T waves are suggestive o f
hyperkalemia and indicate the need for aggressive treatment
to lower the serum potassium concentration. Hyperkalemia
should be promptly treated according to the regimen out
lined i n B o x 46-1.
The medical dissolution o f struvite, urate, and cystine
uroliths has been shown to be effective (Table 46-2); however,
the choice between the surgical removal of uroliths and
medical dissolution is not always clear. Disadvantages of
surgery include the need for anesthesia, the invasiveness of
FIG 46-7
Typical a p p e a r a n c e of r a d i o p a q u e cystouroliths o n plain the procedure (potential surgical complications), the possi
film r a d i o g r a p h s . ( C o u r t e s y Dr. Philip S t e y n , C o l o r a d o State bility o f incomplete removal o f uroliths, and the persistence
University, Fort Collins, Colo.) of underlying causes. Inasmuch as the underlying cause is
M e d i c a l treatment decreases the concentration of calcu
BOX 46-1 logenic salts i n the urine, increases salt solubility i n urine,
and increases urine volume, which produces urine with a
Electrocardiographic Findings and Treatment
lower concentration o f calculogenic salts. The major disad
Recommendations for Dogs and Cats with Hyperkalemia
vantage o f the medical treatment o f urolithiasis is that c o n
ECG Findings siderable owner compliance is required for several weeks to
1. Bradycardia months. The cost of medical dissolution is comparable to the
2. Flattened waves cost o f surgery because multiple urinalyses, bacterial cul
3. Prolonged PR interval tures, and frequent radiographs are required for follow-up.
4. W i d e n e d QRS complexes Animals with urolith-induced obstructive uropathy cannot
5. Tall or spiked T w a v e s be treated medically, and some uroliths (calcium oxalate,
6. Arrhythmias calcium phosphate, silicate, and mixed-composition uro
Treatment Recommendations liths) do not respond to medical dissolution. In addition to
the medical dissolution of uroliths, voiding urohydropropul
1. Fluid therapy w i t h 0 . 9 % saline solution
sion or catheter u r o l i t h retrieval can be used to remove
2. Slow IV bolus of regular insulin ( 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 U / k g ) , fol
l o w e d by 5 0 % dextrose (4 m l / U of administered insulin), cystouroliths nonsurgically i n some animals (Box 46-2;
or see also L u l i c h et a l , 1992, 1993, for detailed instructions).
3. Slow IV bolus o f sodium b i c a r b o n a t e (1-2 m E q / k g ) , o r Lithotripsy, available at some referral centers, has also been
4 . Slow IV bolus o f 1 0 % calcium gluconate ( 0 . 5 - 1 . 0 m l / k g used successfully to treat nephroliths and, less c o m m o n l y ,
while monitoring the ECG) ureteroliths i n dogs.
General preventive measures to be taken i n addition
ECG, Electrocardiogram; IV, intravenous. to the surgical or medical management o f uroliths include
the induction o f diuresis and the eradication o f UTIs.
Diuresis is important because it lowers the urine specific
gravity and the urinary concentration o f calculogenic salts.
usually not eliminated, surgery typically does not lead to Feeding canned food w i l l help increase water intake. In
a decrease i n the rate o f urolith recurrence. Advantages general, the maintenance o f a urine specific gravity o f less
of surgery include the fact that the urolith type can be than 1.020 is ideal, and dogs should be allowed frequent
definitively diagnosed, any concurrent or predisposing ana opportunities to void. The urine sediment and p H should
tomic abnormalities (e.g., urachal remnants, urinary bladder be monitored routinely, and UTIs should be treated pro
polyps) can be corrected, and urinary bladder mucosal mptly on the basis o f bacterial culture and sensitivity results
samples can be obtained for bacterial culture i f the urine (see specific instructions i n discussion of each type o f
yields no growth on culture. urolith).

TABLE 4 6 - 2

Treatment and Prevention of Urolithiasis in Dogs


Struvite Surgical removal o r dissolution: Hill's c / d diet

Hill's s / d diet M o n i t o r urine p H a n d urine sediment,
Control infection a n d treat a n y infections quickly
Urease inhibitor? and appropriately
Keep urine p H < 6 . 5 , B U N < 1 0 m g / d l , a n d urine specific
gravity < 1 . 0 2 0
Calcium oxalate Surgical removal Hill's u / d diet
Urate Surgical removal o r dissolution: Potassium citrate?
Hill's u / d diet Hill's u / d diet
A l l o p u r i n o l (7-10 m g / k g q 8 - 2 4 h PO) A l l o p u r i n o l if necessary
Control infection
Silicate Surgical removal Hill's u / d diet
Prevent consumption o f dirt a n d grass
Cystine Surgical removal o r dissolution: Hill's u / d diet
Hill's u / d diet Thiol-containing drugs if necessary
N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)-glycine ( 1 5 - 2 0 m g / k g q / 2 h PO)

BUN, Blood urea nitrogen.

In addition to decreasing the concentration of crystalloids
BOX 4 6 - 2
i n the urine, the elimination of any bacterial U T I is an essen
tial part o f the medical treatment o f struvite urolithiasis. If
Guidelines for Urohydropropulsion
infection is present at the start o f treatment, antibiotics
1 . Assess urolith size a n d shape in relation to animal size: should be continued throughout the course of the medical
Uroliths must b e smaller than the smallest urethral dissolution treatment to destroy viable bacteria that may be
diameter. liberated from the urolith as it dissolves. Antibiotics should
Smooth uroliths w i l l pass more r e a d i l y than those w i t h
be selected o n the basis o f urine culture and sensitivity find
irregular surfaces.
ings; i n cases of severe or persistent UTIs caused by urease-
2 . Sedation facilitates a n i m a l p o s i t i o n i n g . Consider anal
producing bacteria, the urease inhibitor acetohydroxamic
gesia a n d muscle relaxation.
3. G e n e r a l anesthesia m a y also b e used. acid (Lithostat; M i s s i o n Pharmacal, San A n t o n i o , Texas) may
4 . M o d e r a t e l y distend the b l a d d e r w i t h sterile saline solu be added to the treatment, but it is rarely needed. A t a dose of
tion administered through a urethral catheter (4-6 m l / 12.5 mg/kg, administered orally q l 2 h , it may help dissolve
kg of b o d y w e i g h t ) , a n d assess b l a d d e r size b y struvite uroliths that are resistant to antibiotic and dietary
abdominal palpation. treatment. Adjunctive treatment with urinary acidifiers i n
5 . Remove urethral catheter. conjunction with the struvite dissolution diets is usually not
6 . Position the a n i m a l so that its vertebral column is recommended. The most c o m m o n causes of alkaline urine
vertical. during diet treatment are a persistent bacterial infection and
7 . Gently agitate the b l a d d e r using a b d o m i n a l p a l p a t i o n
lack of dietary compliance. The medical treatment o f sterile
to move uroliths into the trigone r e g i o n .
struvite uroliths is the same as that described i n previous
8. A p p l y steady digital pressure to the b l a d d e r to express
paragraphs, except that antibiotics are not necessary.
urine a n d uroliths.
9 . Steps 4 through 8 c a n b e repeated as necessary. Measures to prevent the recurrence o f struvite uroliths
1 0 . Assess complete urolith removal w i t h follow-up r a d i o include preventing and controlling UTIs, maintaining an
g r a p h s o r d o u b l e - c o n t r a s t - e n h a n c e d cystograms. acidic urine, and decreasing the dietary intake o f calculo
genic salts. H i l l ' s Canine Prescription Diet c/d is a good
maintenance diet to prevent sterile struvite urolith recur
rence because the protein, magnesium, calcium, and phos
phorous content is only moderately restricted and it produces
Struvite uroliths. Struvite uroliths can usually be dis an acidic urine. In dogs with recurrent UTIs, predisposing
solved by feeding the animal a struvite dissolution diet (e.g., abnormalities (e.g., urachal remnant, urinary bladder polyp)
H i l l ' s Canine Prescription Diet s/d and Royal C a n i n canine should be identified or ruled out with double-contrast-
U R I N A R Y S O ) . It takes an average o f 8 to 10 weeks (range: enhanced cystography or ultrasonography. Otherwise, silent
2 weeks to 7 months) for struvite uroliths to be dissolved i n hyperadrenocorticism may also result i n recurrent U T I (see
this way. The rate at w h i c h uroliths dissolve is proportional Chapter 45). Occasionally, long-term, lower-dose prophylac
to the surface area o f the urolith exposed to the undersatu tic antibiotic treatment may be necessary to prevent recur
rated urine and the presence or absence o f a U T I (sterile rent UTIs. Routine urinalyses should be performed every 2
struvite uroliths w i l l dissolve more rapidly than those associ to 4 months i n asymptomatic animals, and follow-up urine
ated with a U T I ) . These diets should not be fed routinely as cultures performed i n animals with clinical signs of lower
a maintenance diet and should not be used i n pregnant, urinary tract inflammation.
lactating, or growing animals or after surgery because w o u n d Calcium oxalate uroliths. A medical treatment for the
healing may be compromised as a result o f the restricted dissolution o f oxalate urolithiasis has not yet been devel
protein i n the diet. In addition, because o f its high salt oped. A moderate restriction o f protein, calcium, oxalate,
content, struvite dissolution diets should not be fed to dogs and s o d i u m intake, with a normal intake of phosphorus,
w i t h congestive heart failure, hypertension, or nephrotic magnesium, and vitamins C and D , is recommended to
syndrome. In M i n i a t u r e Schnauzers, the high fat content o f prevent recurrence o f calcium oxalate uroliths after surgical
the s/d diet may exacerbate any l i p i d abnormalities and removal (e.g., Hill's Canine Prescription Diet u/d is recom
increase the risk o f pancreatitis; i n this case H i l l ' s Prescrip mended for this). Increased dietary s o d i u m intake may result
tion Diet w / d may be used. The dissolution diet should be i n an increase i n the urinary excretion o f calcium and there
fed for a m i n i m u m o f 30 days after the calculi are no longer fore should be avoided. Potassium citrate, given orally, may
visible radiographically. It should be noted that these diets help prevent recurrence o f calcium oxalate uroliths because
w i l l not dissolve nonstruvite uroliths and w i l l not be effective citrate complexes with calcium, thereby forming a relatively
i f a U T I persists or i f the animal is fed anything i n addition soluble calcium citrate. In addition, it results i n m i l d urine
to the dissolution diet. Lack o f owner compliance with the alkalinization, which increases the solubility o f calcium
dietary recommendations (i.e., instructions to feed the dis oxalate. However, because overzealous urine alkalinization
solution diet only) is indicated i f the serum urea nitrogen may result i n the formation of calcium phosphate uroliths,
concentrations remain greater than 10 m g / d l after the diet this should be avoided. The recommended dose of potas
has been initiated. sium citrate is 40 to 75 mg/kg, administered orally q l 2 h .
Thiazide diuretics have also been recommended to decrease u n k n o w n i f the long-term use o f allopurinol to prevent the
the urinary excretion of calcium; hydrochlorothiazide (2 mg/ recurrence o f urate uroliths increases the risk o f xanthine
kg, administered orally q l 2 h ) has been shown to reduce uroliths. The benefits of allopurinol may, however, outweigh
urine calcium excretion i n dogs. This effect was enhanced by the risks i n animals that have had multiple episodes o f urate
combining the treatment with the u / d diet. urolithiasis. Just as i n the management o f struvite uroliths,
Urate uroliths. The medical dissolution o f urate uro any U T I should be appropriately treated because urease-
liths that are not associated with hepatic insufficiency (e.g., producing organisms w i l l increase the urine a m m o n i u m i o n
PSSs) should include a diet l o w i n protein and nucleic acids, concentration and potentiate a m m o n i u m urate crystal pro
alkalinization o f the urine, xanthine oxidase i n h i b i t i o n , and duction.
the elimination o f UTIs. Hill's Canine Prescription Diet u / d In dogs w i t h urate urolithiasis secondary to severe hepatic
has a reduced protein and purine content and produces alka insufficiency, the underlying disorder should be corrected i f
line urine; therefore it is recommended for the dissolution possible. If hepatic function can be i m p r o v e d (e.g., surgical
and prevention o f urate uroliths. The u / d diet decreases the correction o f a PSS) and the urine becomes undersaturated
hepatic formation of urea and hence renal medullary hyper with a m m o n i u m and urate ions, uroliths may dissolve spon
tonicity and urine-concentrating ability. In addition, allopu taneously. Even though spontaneous dissolution after surgi
rinol, a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme xanthine oxidase, cal correction o f a PSS is possible, it is usually recommended
which converts hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to that a cystotomy be performed to remove uroliths at the time
uric acid (Fig. 46-8), should be administered orally at a dose of PSS correction. In dogs w i t h inoperable PSS or m i c r o
of 10 to 15 mg/kg q l 2 h or once daily, and, i f necessary, vascular dysplasia, the k / d or l/d diet may be used to help
sodium bicarbonate or potassium citrate should be a d m i n decrease urine saturation w i t h a m m o n i u m urate and reduce
istered orally to maintain a urine p H o f 7.0. The dose o f the signs o f hepatoencephalopathy.
urine alkalinizer has to be individualized for each animal. Silicate uroliths. A l t h o u g h the medical dissolution o f
Potassium citrate is available in a wax matrix tablet (Urocit- silicate uroliths is not yet feasible, recommended ways to
K; Mission Pharmacal, San A n t o n i o , Texas). Treatment can decrease recurrence after surgical removal include a dietary
be started with a one-quarter tablet q8h and the dosage change, increasing the urine volume, and urine alkaliniza
adjusted up or d o w n based on the urine p H . Higher doses tion. Hill's Canine Prescription Diet u / d may be beneficial
of allopurinol especially i f combined with higher protein because it contains l o w amounts o f silicates and produces
diets, increase the risk o f xanthine urolith formation. It is alkaline urine. In addition, i n certain regions soil may contain
high concentrations o f silicate; therefore the consumption o f
dirt and grass should be discouraged.
Cystine uroliths. Recommendations for the medical
dissolution and prevention o f cystine uroliths include a
reduction i n the dietary intake o f protein and methionine,
alkalinization o f the urine, and the administration o f thiol
containing drugs. Hill's Canine Prescription Diet u / d is
appropriate because it has a very l o w protein content, pro
duces alkaline urine, and decreases the urine-concentrating
ability. U r i n e p H should be maintained at approximately 7.5,
with potassium citrate given orally i f necessary. Treatment
can be started w i t h a one-quarter tablet q8h and the dosage
adjusted up or d o w n depending on the urine p H (see urate
section above). S o d i u m bicarbonate or s o d i u m chloride
supplementation should be avoided because the resulting
natriuresis may enhance cystinuria. d-Penicillamine forms a
disulfide c o m p o u n d w i t h cysteine and therefore decreases
the cystine content o f the urine (Fig. 46-9). This disulfide
c o m p o u n d is approximately 50 times more soluble than
cystine i n urine. d-Penicillamine may interfere w i t h surgical
w o u n d healing, and treatment should not be initiated earlier
than 2 weeks after surgery. Other possible infrequent or rare
adverse effects o f d-penicillamine include i m m u n e complex
glomerulonephritis, fever, and skin hypersensitivity. Another
thiol-containing drug, N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)-glycine
( M P G ) , increases the solubility o f cystine i n urine by means
FI6 4 6 - 8
of a disulfide exchange reaction similar to that produced by
M e t a b o l i s m of purine a d e n o s i n e a n d a c o m p a r i s o n of the d-penicillamine and may have fewer adverse effects. The
structures of h y p o x a n t h i n e a n d a l l o p u r i n o l . dose o f M P G recommended for dogs for urate urolith dis-
Suggested Readings
A d a m s L G , Syme H M : Canine lower urinary tract diseases. In
Ettinger SJ, F e l d m a n E C , editors: Textbook of veterinary internal
medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
A l d r i c h J et al: Silica-containing urinary calculi i n dogs (1981-
1993), / Vet Intern Med 11:288, 1997.
Bartges J W et al: Prevalence o f cystine and urate uroliths i n B u l l
dogs and urate uroliths i n Dalmatians, / Am Vet Med Assoc
204:1914, 1994.
Bartges J W et al: Influence o f four diets o n uric acid metabolism
a n d endogenous acid p r o d u c t i o n i n healthy Beagles, Am J Vet Res
57:324, 1996.
Bartges J W et al: Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics o f intrave
nously and orally administered a l l o p u r i n o l i n healthy Beagles,
Am J Vet Res 58:504, 1997.
Bartges J W et al: Influence o f two diets o n pharmacokinetic param
eters o f a l l o p u r i n o l and o x y p u r i n o l i n healthy Beagles, Am } Vet
Res 58:511, 1997.
Bartges J W et al: A m m o n i u m urate uroliths i n dogs w i t h portosys
FIG 46-9 temic shunts. In Bonagura J D , editor: Current veterinary therapy
Structures of cystine, cysteine, d - p e n i c i l l a m i n e , a n d cysteine- XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, W B Saunders.
p e n i c i l l a m i n e disulfide. Hess RS et al: Association between hyperadrenocorticism and
development o f calcium-containing uroliths in dogs w i t h uroli
thiasis, J Am Vet Med Assoc 212:1889, 1998.
H o p p e A et al: C y s t i n u r i a i n the dog: clinical studies during
solution is 15 to 20 mg/kg, administered orally q l 2 h . T h i o l -
14 years o f medical treatment, / Vet Intern Med 15:361,
containing drugs s h o u l d be used along w i t h H i l l ' s C a n i n e
Prescription Diet u / d i f necessary to prevent cystine u r o l i t h
L u l i c h JP et al: Evaluation o f urine and serum metabolites i n
formation. M i n i a t u r e Schnauzers w i t h c a l c i u m oxalate urolithiasis, Am J Vet
Res 52:1583, 1991.
L u l i c h JP et al: Prevalence o f c a l c i u m oxalate uroliths i n M i n i a t u r e
MONITORING THE PATIENT Schnauzers, Am } Vet Res 52:1579, 1991.
WITH UROLITHIASIS L u l i c h JP et al: Catheter-assisted retrieval o f urocystoliths from dogs
and cats, Am J Vet Med Assoc 201:111, 1992.
L u l i c h JP et al: N o n s u r g i c a l removal o f urocystoliths by voiding
Whenever medical dissolution o f uroliths is being attempted,
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C H A P T E R 47

Feline Lower Urinary

Tract Disease

CHAPTER OUTLINE Etiology and Pathogenesis

F L U T D can be divided into two broad categories according
Etiology and Pathogenesis to the presence or absence o f an identifiable cause o f the
Clinical Features and Diagnosis urinary tract disease. Uroliths, urinary tract infection (UTI),
Management anatomic abnormalities (e.g., urachal remanants, urethral
strictures), trauma, irritant cystitis, neurologic disorders,
behavioral abnormalities, and neoplasia can all cause or
m i m i c F L U T D . In many cases, despite a thorough diagnostic
Feline lower urinary tract disease ( F L U T D ) is characterized evaluation, the cause o f F L U T D remains u n k n o w n and is
by one or more o f the following clinical signs: pollakiuria, classified as idiopathic.
hematuria, dysuria-stranguria, inappropriate urination, and Uroliths. F L U T D may occur i n association with uroliths,
partial or complete urethral obstruction. These clinical signs microcalculi, and/or crystal-containing mucous urethral
have historically been termed feline urologic syndrome; plugs. Struvite and calcium oxalate are the most c o m m o n
however, this syndrome is not a single disease entity. The feline uroliths. As with canine urolithiasis, there must be a
definition of the syndrome has varied among studies and sufficiently high concentration o f urolith-forming constitu
authors, and it is difficult to interpret the literature without ents i n the urine, a favorable p H , and adequate time i n the
a broader definition that includes all disorders associated urinary tract for crystals/uroliths to form.
with F L U T D . Approximately 4 5 % o f the uroliths i n cats consist either
F L U T D has been reported to occur i n 0.34% to 0.64% o f entirely or predominantly o f struvite. M o s t struvite uroliths
all cats, and it is thought to be the reason for 4% to 10% o f form i n the urinary bladder o f young cats, and i n contrast
all feline admissions to veterinary hospitals. It appears to be to dogs, most feline struvite uroliths form i n sterile urine.
equally prevalent i n male and female cats, although over W h e n a bacterial infection is present, the most c o m m o n
weight cats are thought to be at higher risk for F L U T D . organism is a urease-producing Staphylococcus sp. T a m m -
Indoor cats are also reported to be more predisposed to Horsfall mucoprotein, secreted by the renal tubules, is the
F L U T D than outdoor cats; however, because the urination major protein found i n feline struvite uroliths. It may also
habits of indoor cats are more closely observed than those play a role i n the pathogenesis of urethral plugs that may
of outdoor cats, this may be an observational difference. contain struvite crystals.
Most feline lower urinary tract disorders occur i n cats Urethral obstruction is more c o m m o n i n the male cat; the
between 2 and 6 years of age, with a higher prevalence i n the length and diameter o f the urethra play a relevant role
winter and spring months. Between 30% and 70% o f cats in this. M a n y obstructions are caused by mucus- and/or
that have one episode of F L U T D will have a recurrence. struvite-containing plugs that lodge i n the penile urethra.
The reported mortality rates for cats with F L U T D range Uroliths may lodge i n any portion o f the urethra, including
from 6% to 36%. Hyperkalemia and uremia are major causes sections p r o x i m a l to fibrous connective tissue strictures
of death i n male cats with urethral obstruction; however, resulting from previous injuries. Local inflammation that
some cats with recurrent F L U T D are euthanized because develops i n response to urethral calculi or plugs may exac
their owners are unwilling to incur the expense o f repeated erbate the obstruction by causing urethral edema. Iatrogenic
treatment, diagnostics, or hospitalization necessary to relieve trauma created by urethral catheterization may also cause
urethral obstruction. C h r o n i c kidney disease ( C K D ) second urethritis or inflammation of the periurethral tissue, leading
ary to ascending pyelonephritis is a possible long-term to urethral compression.
sequela or complication o f F L U T D , especially i f there have In addition to struvite uroliths, other types o f uroliths,
been repeated urethral catheterizations. including calcium oxalate and urate stones, can cause signs
of F L U T D . C a l c i u m oxalate uroliths account for approxi
mately 4 5 % o f feline uroliths, and urate uroliths constitute
approximately 5%. A c c o r d i n g to one study, Burmese, Persian,
and Himalayan cats may be at higher risk for calcium oxalate
urolithiasis. C a l c i u m oxalate uroliths are also more c o m m o n
in neutered male cats than i n female cats, their prevalence is
higher i n older animals, and they occur more frequently i n
the kidneys than struvite uroliths do. C a l c i u m oxalate uro
liths are becoming more prevalent i n cats, and this may be
related to the widespread use o f acidifying diets designed to
prevent struvite-related F L U T D . Epidemiologic studies i n d i
cate that cats fed diets l o w i n s o d i u m or potassium or for
mulated to maximize urine acidity have an increased risk o f
developing calcium oxalate uroliths but a decreased risk o f
developing struvite uroliths. Another retrospective study
suggested that feeding cats urine-acidifying diets, feeding
cats a single brand o f cat food, and maintaining cats i n an
indoor-only environment were factors associated with the
development o f calcium oxalate urolithiasis. The increase i n FIG 4 7 - 1
prevalence o f calcium oxalate uroliths i n cats may also cor Positive-contrast-enhanced c y s t o g r a m of a feline bladder
showing a urachal remnant.
relate with the observation that cats are living longer lives
than they were 10 to 15 years ago. Finally, because the prev
alence of calcium oxalate uroliths is also increasing i n people
and dogs, there may be unidentified environmental factors the acquired diverticuli are observed primarily in cats older
c o m m o n to all three species influencing the development of than 1 year, with a mean age o f 3.7 years. Male cats are twice
these uroliths. as likely to acquire the abnormality as female cats, and
U r i n a r y tract infection. A primary bacterial infection increased intravesical pressure and bladder inflammation
of the feline urinary tract, although rare i n young cats c o m during urethral obstruction may play a major role i n its
pared with dogs, may also cause the clinical signs observed i n pathogenesis. Although a urachal diverticulum may be an
F L U T D . Usually, U T I will occur secondary to altered n o r m a l incidental finding i n an asymptomatic cat, hematuria and
host defense mechanisms that allow bacteria to colonize the dysuria are frequently noted clinical signs. Vesicourachal
bladder or urethra. Complete voiding (bladder content wash diverticuli are currently thought to develop secondary to
out) is a major host defense mechanism against bacterial F L U T D and increased intravesical pressure and are not
infection. Therefore anatomic abnormalities, partial obstruc thought to be a major initiating factor.
tions, or detrusor atony that may interfere with n o r m a l Idiopathic feline lower urinary tract disease. In
voiding can result i n an increased urine residual volume. large retrospective studies o f cats with F L U T D conducted at
C h r o n i c inflammation o f the urinary bladder with fibrosis the University o f Minnesota and O h i o State University, a
and thickening o f the bladder wall may also cause decreased cause could not be found i n 54% and 79% of the cats, respec
detrusor tone and incomplete voiding. Perhaps the most tively. Researchers at O h i o State University have found
important factor predisposing to the development o f a sec numerous similarities between cats with idiopathic F L U T D
ondary bacterial cystitis i n association with F L U T D is ure and women with interstitial cystitis. These similarities include
thral catheterization (especially placement of indwelling urinary chronic irritative voiding patterns, sterile urine, a prominent
catheters) combined with fluid therapy and the formation o f bladder mucosal vascularity with spontaneous hemorrhages
dilute urine that has decreased antibacterial properties. observed during cystoscopy, decreased mucosal production
F r o m time to time, researchers have implicated viruses, of glycosaminoglycan, and increased numbers o f mast cells
including feline calicivirus, bovine herpesvirus 4, and feline and sensory afferent neurons i n bladder mucosal biopsy
syncytia-forming virus, i n the pathogenesis o f F L U T D . The samples. The cause o f interstitial cystitis i n women is also
finding o f bovine herpesvirus 4 antibodies i n cats and the u n k n o w n . A decreased urine volume and decreased fre
detection of calicivirus-like particles i n the crystalline- quency o f urination may facilitate the development of
mucous urethral plugs o f male cats have sparked renewed F L U T D . Possible causes o f a decreased urine volume and
interest i n the possibility o f a viral component i n the syn frequency o f urination include a dirty or poorly available
drome (Osborne et al., 1999). Whether viruses play a major litter box; decreased physical activity as a result of cold
role remains to be determined. weather, castration, obesity, illness, or confinement; and
Miscellaneous causes of feline lower urinary decreased water consumption because of water taste, avail
tract disease. In previous studies o f cats with naturally ability, or temperature. Stress may also contribute to the
occurring F L U T D , approximately 2 5 % had vesicourachal development o f the clinical signs of urinary tract disease.
diverticuli (Fig. 47-1). These may be congenital or acquired; Increased plasma concentrations o f noradrenaline have been
documented i n cats with idiopathic F L U T D . Increased to 24 hours, most obstructed cats w i l l make frequent attempts
noradrenaline could increase uroepithelial permeability, to urinate, pace, vocalize, hide under beds or behind couches,
increase nociceptive nerve fiber (C-fiber) activity, and acti lick their genitalia, and display anxiety. If the obstruction is
vate neurogenic bladder inflammatory responses. Further not relieved w i t h i n 36 to 48 hours, clinical signs character
more, decreased Cortisol concentrations have been observed istic o f postrenal azotemia, including anorexia, vomiting,
when corticotropin-releasing factor and adrenocorticotropic dehydration, depression, weakness, collapse, stupor, hypo
hormone concentrations are increased i n cats with idio thermia, acidosis with hyperventilation, bradycardia, and
pathic F L U T D , indicating the possibility o f reduced adreno sudden death, may occur.
cortical reserve. Although the role o f stress is difficult to O n physical examination an unobstructed cat w i l l be
prove, it is often implicated; the history provided by owners apparently healthy, except for a small, easily expressed
frequently points to a recent association with boarding, cat bladder. The bladder wall may also be thickened. A b d o m i n a l
shows, a new pet or baby i n the home, a vacation, or cold or palpation may be painful for the unobstructed cat; however,
rainy weather. Additional stressors i n multiple cat house the obstructed cat always resents manipulation o f the caudal
holds may include intercat aggression brought o n by c o m area o f the abdomen. The most relevant finding during
petition for access to water, food, litter boxes, and space. physical examination o f an obstructed cat is a turgid, dis
tended bladder that is difficult or impossible to express. Care
Clinical Features and Diagnosis should be exercised when manipulating the distended
The clinical signs o f F L U T D depend o n the component o f bladder, however, because the wall has been injured by the
the disease complex present (Box 47-1). Unobstructed cats increased intravesical pressure and is susceptible to rupture.
usually have pollakiuria, dysuria-stranguria, and microscopic In the cat w i t h urethral obstruction, the penis may be c o n
or gross hematuria, and they urinate i n inappropriate places, gested and protrude from the prepuce. Occasionally, a ure
often i n a bathtub or sink (see also Chapter 41). These clin thral plug is observed to extend from the urethral orifice; i n
ical signs may be readily apparent i n cats that live indoors some cases the cat may lick its penis until it becomes excori
but may be missed i n cats that live primarily outdoors. ated and bleeds.
In male cats with urinary obstruction, the presenting The diagnosis o f urethral obstruction is usually straight
signs depend o n the duration o f the obstruction. W i t h i n 6 forward and is based o n historical and physical examination
findings. In unobstructed cats with F L U T D , urinalysis usually
reveals hematuria; i f not, behavioral causes o f abnormal
urination should be considered (Box 47-2 and Fig. 47-2).
BOX 47-1 Struvite-associated disease is likely i n cats i n which the initial
urine p H is alkaline and struvite crystals are observed i n the
Clinical Signs Associated with Lower Urinary Tract
urine sediment. Radiography or ultrasonography and urine
Inflammation in Cats
cultures should be employed to rule out or identify overt
Cystitis-Urethritis urolithiasis and a urinary tract infection i n cats with sus
Hematuria pected struvite-associated disease, especially i f there is no
Pollakiuria response to a magnesium-restricted, acidifying diet (see Fig.
Dysuria-stranguria 47-2 and the section o n management). In cats w i t h F L U T D
Vocalizing during v o i d i n g that have acidic urine, radiography or ultrasonography can
Licking at genitalia help identify or rule out anatomic abnormalities (e.g., thick
Urination in i n a p p r o p r i a t e places ened bladder wall, polyps, tumors, nonstruvite-associated
urolithiasis). Cystoscopy is also a valuable tool i n cats with
Partial o r Complete U r e t h r a l Obstruction
F L U T D . Nonspecific cystoscopic findings include prominent
Inability to urinate, straining in the litter b o x
mucosal vascularity and submucosal petechial hemorrhages.
Hiding behavior
Radiography (plain and double-contrast-enhanced cystog
Vocalizing during v o i d i n g attempts
raphy), ultrasonography, or cystoscopy and urine culture
Painful a b d o m e n
Licking at genitalia should be performed i n all cats with recurrent F L U T D .
Congested penis extended from prepuce
Signs of postrenal a z o t e m i a / u r e m i a Management
Depression Unobstructed cats. The nature o f the treatment for
Weakness F L U T D depends o n the clinical signs at presentation (see
Anorexia B o x 47-2 and Fig. 47-2). Unobstructed cats with dysuria-
Emesis stranguria and hematuria w i l l often become asymptomatic
Dehydration w i t h i n 5 to 7 days o f presentation whether therapy is insti
tuted or not. M a n y cats are treated with antibiotics, and i f
Acidosis a n d hyperventilation
clinical signs abate, a cause-and-effect relationship is often
Electrolyte disturbances (hyperkalemia)
established i n the minds o f the clinician and cat owner. The
clinician should remember, however, that more than 95%
BOX 4 7 - 2

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Plan for Cats with Lower Urinary Tract Inflammation

1 . Rule out urethral o b s t r u c t i o n ; relieve o b s t r u c t i o n , if present 5. O b t a i n a urine sample in cats with non-struvite
with n o . 2 below. associated FLUTD o r in cats w i t h struvite-associated FLUTD
2 . Assess d e g r e e o f h y p e r k a l e m i a w i t h a n e l e c t r o c a r d i o w i t h persistent o r r e c u r r i n g clinical signs:
gram; measure serum urea nitrogen, creatinine, a n d a. If there is n o e v i d e n c e o f u r i n a r y tract infection,
potassium c o n c e n t r a t i o n s ; a n d initiate IV f l u i d t h e r a p y if e x a m i n e the b l a d d e r using r a d i o g r a p h y o r ultrasonog
cat is obstructed a n d d e p r e s s e d . raphy o r e x a m i n e the b l a d d e r a n d urethra using
3. In both obstructed a n d unobstructed cats, o b t a i n a urine contrast-enhanced r a d i o g r a p h y o r cystoscopy.
s a m p l e b y cystocentesis, if possible, for the e v a l u a t i o n o f b. If there is e v i d e n c e o f u r i n a r y tract infection, p e r f o r m
urine p H a n d urine sediment. Culture urine if there is b a c t e r i a l culture a n d sensitivity testing a n d treat w i t h
evidence o f a u r i n a r y tract infection (pyuria, bacteriuria). an a p p r o p r i a t e a n t i b i o t i c . If signs persist or recur,
4 . M a n a g e cats w i t h suspected struvite-associated FLUTD e x a m i n e the b l a d d e r using r a d i o g r a p h y o r ultrasonog
using a diet c o n t a i n i n g less than 2 0 mEq o f m a g n e s i u m raphy or examine the b l a d d e r a n d urethra with
per 1 0 0 k C a l , a n d a c i d i f y urine ( b e t w e e n 6 . 2 a n d 6 . 4 ) contrast-enhanced r a d i o g r a p h y o r cystoscopy.
w i t h a m m o n i u m c h l o r i d e o r m e t h i o n i n e , if necessary. 6. In cases of idiopathic FLUTD, try antiinflammatory treatment.

IV, Intravenous; FLUTD, feline lower urinary tract disease.

FIG 4 7 - 2
Diagnostic a n d therapeutic f l o w chart for unobstructed cats with lower urinary tract disease.
of young cats with F L U T D have sterile urine and that the mended for the treatment o f F L U T D i n cats; however, no
same results could be obtained by treating with numerous controlled studies have demonstrated the efficacy o f any o f
placebos. these agents. O x y b u t y n i n and propantheline are antispas
If the initial urinalysis reveals an alkaline urine with stru m o d i c drugs that may alleviate pollakiuria i n some cats, and
vite crystalluria, imaging o f the urinary tract to rule out buprenophine (0.005 to 0.01 mg/kg administered intrave
struvite uroliths is indicated. U r i n e culture and sensitivity nously or intramuscularly q4-8h) or butorphanol (0.2 to
tests should be performed if pyuria or bacteriuria is observed 0.8 mg/kg administered intravenously or subcutaneously q2-
in the urine sediment, and appropriate antibiotics should be 6h or 1.5 mg/kg administered orally q4-8h) can be used as
administered i f urine cultures are positive. Cystocentesis is an analgesic. It must be kept i n m i n d that i n controlled
the ideal way to obtain urine for bacterial culture; i f urine is studies, more than 70% o f cats w i t h idiopathic F L U T D have
obtained by any other method, a quantitative urine culture appeared to respond to placebo treatments (e.g., lactose,
should be performed. Several sources o f fresh water should wheat flour).
be made available to the cat. The litter boxes should also be In cats that w i l l accept the change, switching from a dry
cleaned frequently and placed i n convenient locations. diet to a canned diet to help increase water intake and
Hill's Feline Prescription Diet s/d can be used to effec decrease urine concentration is often associated with
tively dissolve struvite uroliths. It takes an average o f 36 days improvement. Decreasing stress and i m p r o v i n g quality o f
for sterile struvite uroliths to dissolve, whereas struvite uro life may also be very important factors i n the management
liths associated with urease-producing bacterial infections i n of cats w i t h idiopathic F L U T D . Increasing the number o f
cats take an average o f 79 days to dissolve. Antibiotic treat litter boxes and keeping them clean may help decrease stress
ment i n cats with struvite urolithiasis and a concurrent bac in multiple cat households. Similarly, providing access to
terial urinary tract infection should be determined o n the several sources o f fresh food and water may help. Cats may
basis o f urine culture and sensitivity results and continued also benefit from increased play activities and increased
throughout the period o f dissolution. The diet should be fed access to private space. Finally, pheromone therapy (Feliway
for 30 days beyond the point when the uroliths are no longer C E V A A n i m a l Health, Libourne, France) may produce a
visible i n radiographs. calming effect and help reduce stress.
If struvite crystalluria and alkaline urine recur repeatedly Obstructed cats. In cats w i t h a urethral obstruction, the
in cats with previous struvite uroliths, longer-term dietary relative urgency for relieving the obstruction depends o n the
therapy is warranted. Examples o f diets that can be used to physical status of the cat. Cats that are alert and not azotemic
treat struvite-associated F L U T D as well as prevent recur may be sedated for urethral catheterization without further
rence include Hill's Feline Prescription Diet c/d (canned or diagnostic tests or treatment; however, i n a depressed cat
dry), Science Diet Feline Maintenance (canned or dry), lams with urethral obstruction, the serum potassium concentra
pH/S, Purina U R - F o r m u l a Feline Diet, and W a l t h a m Vet tion should be measured in-house or an electrocardiograph
erinarium Feline C o n t r o l p H o r m u l a Diet. The composition rhythm strip should be evaluated to assess the degree o f
of many over-the-counter cat foods is not constant; therefore hyperkalemia (see B o x 46-1) and an intravenous (IV) cath
it is difficult to make recommendations regarding their use. eter should be placed for the administration o f n o r m a l
Ideally, the urine p H , measured 4 to 8 hours after feeding, (0.9%) saline solution before establishing urethral patency.
should be maintained between 6.2 and 6.4. The aforemen If the electrocardiogram or b l o o d tests confirm the presence
tioned prescription diets are metabolized to form acid ions, of hyperkalemia, the cat should be treated aggressively
which are excreted i n the urine; it is rare, therefore, for these to decrease serum potassium concentrations or counteract
prescription diets not to maintain an acidic urine i n cats. A the effects o f hyperkalemia o n cardiac conduction (see
urease-producing bacterial infection and dietary indiscre Box 46-1).
tion should be identified or ruled out i f alkaline urine is The degree o f restraint required for urethral catheteriza
found to persist during dietary therapy. tion depends o n the cat's temperament and physical status.
In most cases o f F L U T D , the urine is acidic and no stru Physical restraint i n a towel or cat bag, w i t h or without the
vite crystals are observed; therefore magnesium-restricted, topical application o f lidocaine, may be all that is required
acidifying diets are not recommended. In cats with persistent i n a severely depressed cat. In cats requiring more restraint,
or recurrent clinical signs, a urine sample should be obtained ketamine H C 1 (1 to 2 mg/kg administered intravenously),
by cystocentesis for urine culture, and plain abdominal an ultra-short-acting barbiturate (IV thiamylal s o d i u m or
radiography or ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced radio thiopental sodium, 1 mg/kg titrated to effect), or propofol
graphic studies of the bladder and urethra, or cystoscopy 6.6 mg/kg administered I V slowly over 60 seconds) may be
should be performed to identify or rule out anatomic abnor used to effect. Because ketamine is eliminated by the kidneys,
malities i f the urine is bacteriologically sterile (see B o x 47-2 low I V doses (10 to 20 m g total) are frequently adequate for
and Fig. 47-2). Numerous agents, including antibiotics, tran restraint. The administration of additional doses o f ketamine
quilizers, anticholinergics, analgesics, antispasmodics, gly should be avoided i n severely azotemic cats.
cosaminoglycans, amitriptyline, and antiinflammatory drugs A urethral obstruction may be relieved i n some cases by
(e.g., dimethylsulfoxide, glucocorticoids, and nonsteroidal penile massage and gentle expression o f the bladder. If this
antiinflammmatory drugs [NSAIDs]), have been recom does not result i n urine flow, palpation o f the urethra per
rectum may dislodge a urethral plug or calculus. Sterile iso the degree o f azotemia and the response to treatment, to
tonic saline solution, administered through well-lubricated ensure the adequate recovery of renal function. Occasionally,
catheters or cannulas, should be used to hydropulse urethral hypokalemia occurs i n a cat with a prolonged and severe
plugs into the bladder. A variety o f cannulas and catheters diuresis. In addition, i f severe hematuria persists, the hema
may be used for this purpose; however, nonmetal catheters tocrit should be monitored once or twice daily.
with smooth, open ends are preferred to prevent iatrogenic Detrusor atony is fairly c o m m o n i n cats obstructed for
damage to the urethral mucosa. Use o f a strict aseptic tech more than 24 hours and is associated with bladder over-
nique is essential to prevent bacterial U T I s . If catheterizing distention. If the bladder can be expressed four to six times
the bladder proves difficult, cystocentesis with a 22-gauge or per day, an indwelling catheter may not be necessary. If the
small needle may be performed to decrease the intravesical bladder cannot be expressed at least four times per day, an
pressure and allow for the urethral obstruction to be indwelling catheter is indicated. Bethanechol (2.5 m g q8h
backflushed into the bladder. administered orally) may be administered to stimulate detru
Indications for the placement o f indwelling urinary cath sor contractility only after the finding o f a wide urine stream
eters i n male cats with obstructions that have just been or the placement o f an indwelling urinary catheter has
relieved include the following: (1) an inability to restore a confirmed that the urethra is patent. Acepromazine and
n o r m a l urine stream, (2) an abundance o f debris that cannot phenoxybenzamine can significantly lower intraurethral
be extracted via repeated bladder lavage, (3) evidence o f pressures i n anesthetized, healthy, intact male cats, and
detrusor atony i n cats that cannot be manually expressed therefore these drugs may also be helpful i n the management
four to six times per day, or (4) intensive care o f critically i l l of a functional urethral obstruction i n cats with F L U T D .
animals i n which urine formation is being monitored as a Perineal urethrostomy is rarely required for the emer
guide to fluid therapy requirements. W h e n an indwelling gency relief o f a urethral obstruction. If the obstruction
urinary catheter is necessary, again, strict aseptic technique cannot be relieved by medical means, the condition of uremic
should be used during placement. A soft red rubber feeding cats must be stabilized before surgery is performed. Repeated
tube (3F to 5F) should be used; placing the feeding tube i n cystocentesis should be done to keep the bladder empty until
the freezer for 30 minutes before use facilitates its passage. hyperkalemia, acidosis, and uremia resolve. Elective perineal
The catheter should be inserted only as far as the neck o f the urethrostomies are occasionally advisable i n male cats with
bladder; catheter passage should be stopped as soon as urine recurrent obstructions to decrease the likelihood of death
can be aspirated from the catheter. A closed urine-collection from postrenal azotemia. However, a perineal urethrostomy
system should be used, and the catheter should be sutured does not decrease the risk o f recurrence o f clinical signs of
to the prepuce and left i n place for as short a time as possible cystitis, and it has been documented that cats with cystitis
(2 to 3 days is the average). A n Elizabethan collar or tape that undergo perineal urethrostomies are more susceptible
hobbles are needed to prevent the cat from chewing out the to bacterial U T I s .
sutures and removing the catheter. Phenoxybenzamine or Probably the most important aspect of long-term patient
prazosin treatment is often initiated at this time to decrease monitoring is ensuring that the owner recognizes both the
urethral spasms that can be stimulated by the indwelling significance and the clinical signs o f urethral obstruction.
catheter. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment is not recom Owners o f male cats with urinary obstruction must be
mended; however, the urine sediment should be examined warned o f the risks o f reobstruction, especially during
daily for bacteria and white b l o o d cells, and the urine cul the first 24 to 48 hours after the relief of an obstruction or
tured i f necessary. Secondary bacterial U T I s are c o m m o n i n the removal of an indwelling urinary catheter. Allowing the
cats with indwelling urinary catheters receiving I V fluids to owner to palpate the distended bladder during the initial
promote diuresis. examination is a good way to teach h i m or her how to dif
The degree o f postrenal azotemia should be assessed by ferentiate pollakiuria, dysuria-stranguria, and an obstruc
measuring the serum urea nitrogen, creatinine, and potas tion. A n y straining i n the litter box should be cause for alarm
sium concentrations. I V fluid therapy is indicated, especially in a male cat with a history o f urethral obstruction, and
in cats with azotemia. Maintenance therapy (approximately careful observation for continued voiding of urine is essen
60 to 70 ml/kg/day) and replacement therapy (percentage of tial for the early detection of a recurrence.
dehydration x body weight [in kilograms] = liters to a d m i n Follow-up urinalysis and urine culture should be per
ister) should be administered intravenously over 24 hours. formed 5 to 7 days after catheterization i n all cats that have
The subcutaneous administration o f a balanced electrolyte been catheterized to relieve a urethral obstruction. Because
solution is an acceptable mode o f fluid therapy i n some cats n o r m a l host defenses are bypassed when a catheter is intro
once the initial uremic crisis is under control. Measurement duced into the bladder, UTIs are c o m m o n after catheteriza
of the urine volume every 4 to 8 hours w i l l facilitate the tion, especially i f an indwelling urinary catheter has been
administration o f correct replacement therapy. A large- used. A follow-up urinalysis and urine culture should also
volume, postobstructive diuresis may develop i n some cats, be performed i n all cats receiving corticosteroids because
and I V fluid replacement therapy is essential i n these animals. these may decrease i m m u n e system function (and decrease
Serum urea nitrogen, creatinine, and serum electrolyte con inflammation-related changes i n the urine sediment) and
centrations should be reassessed as needed, depending o n predispose cats to the development of bacterial UTIs. Ascend-
ing pyelonephritis is a significant concern i n cats with any Buffington C A T et al: C l i n i c a l evaluation o f cats w i t h nonobstruc
UTI, and it is a potential complication o f F L U T D , especially tive urinary tract diseases, J Am Vet Med Assoc 210:46, 1997.

if corticosteroids are used. Urethral obstruction caused by Buffington C A T et al: Feline interstitial cystitis, J Am Vet Med Assoc
215:682, 1999.
struvite uroliths or struvite-containing mucous plugs should
Buffington C A T et al: C V T update: idiopathic (interstitial) cystitis
be managed with dietary treatment designed to either dis
in cats. In Bonagura J D , editor: Current veterinary therapy XIII,
solve the urolith or prevent recurrence, as previously
Philadelphia, 2000, W B Saunders.
described. Periodic urinalyses to measure p H are beneficial
Buffington C A T , C h e w D J : Management o f non-obstructive i d i o -
in cats with struvite-associated disease being managed by pathic/interstitial cystitis i n cats. In Elliott JA, Grauer G F , editors:
diet to prevent recurrent episodes. The urine p H 4 to 8 hours BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology and urology, ed 2,
after eating should be 6.4 or less. Yearly urinalysis and bacte Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small A n i m a l Veterinary
rial culture are especially important i n cats w i t h perineal Association.
urethrostomies because the n o r m a l host defense mecha Kruger J M et al: Nonobstructive idiopathic feline lower urinary
nisms of the lower urethra have been surgically removed i n tract disease: therapeutic rights a n d wrongs. In Bonagura J D ,
these cats. editor: Current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, W B
The prognosis for male cats w i t h recurrent urethral
Kruger J M et al: R a n d o m i z e d controlled trial o f the efficacy o f
obstruction is guarded, and perineal urethrostomy should
short-term amitripyline administration for treatment o f acute,
be considered, especially i f the second obstruction occurs
nonobstructive, idiopathic lower u r i n a r y tract disease i n cats,
during medical management designed to prevent recurrence. ] Am Vet Med Assoc 222:749, 2003.
The prognosis for cats w i t h recurrent nonobstructed Lekcharoensuk C et al: Association between dietary factors and
F L U T D is fair to good, inasmuch as this syndrome is rarely c a l c i u m oxalate and magnesium a m m o n i u m phosphate u r o l i
life-threatening. Pyelonephritis, renal urolithiasis, and thiasis i n cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 219:1228, 2001.
C K D are potential sequelae o f recurrent nonobstructed Lekcharoensuk C et al: E p i d e m i o l o g i c study o f risk factors for lower
FLUTD. urinary tract disease i n cats, / Am Vet Med Assoc 218:1429, 2001.
Osborne C A et al: Feline urologic syndrome, feline lower urinary
tract disease, feline interstitial cystitis: what's i n a name? J Am Vet
Suggested Readings Med Assoc 214:1470, 1999.
Bartges J W et al: Bacterial urinary tract infection i n cats. In W e s t r o p p JL et al: Feline lower urinary tract disease. In Ettinger SJ,
Bonagura J D , editor: Current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadel Feldman E C , editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine,
phia, 2000, W B Saunders. ed 6, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
C H A P T E R 48

Disorders of Micturition

vation to the bladder is provided by the sensory and motor

portions o f the pelvic nerve that arises from sacral spinal
cord segments S1 to S3 (vertebral body L5). The sensory
portion relays the sensation o f bladder fullness as the stretch
Etiology and Clinical Features o f Disorders of Micturition
receptors associated with detrusor muscle fibers are acti
vated. The motor portion of this parasympathetic innerva
tion predominates during the voiding phase o f micturition,
with stimulation o f the pelvic nerve resulting i n the depo
larization o f pacemaker fibers throughout the detrusor
muscle. The subsequent spread of excitation to adjoining
muscle fibers through tight junctions o f smooth muscle cells
leads to contraction o f the detrusor muscle.
The S1 to S3 spinal cord segments are also the source of
the somatic innervation to the external urethral sphincter via
the pudendal nerve. The motor portion of the pudendal
nerve causes contraction o f the skeletal muscle o f the exter
nal urethral sphincter under voluntary control. The external
urethral sphincter is located predominantly i n the midpor
tion of the female urethra and i n the membranous portion
of the male urethra. The pudendal nerve also has sensory
and motor function to the perineal region, including the anal
sphincter, vulva, and prepuce.
M i c t u r i t i o n is the n o r m a l process o f the passive storage and Sympathetic innervation to the bladder is provided by the
active voiding o f urine. Disorders o f micturition encompass hypogastric nerve and is composed o f preganglionic fibers
problems with urine storage (incontinence) and bladder exiting spinal cord segments L1 to L4 i n the dog (vertebral
emptying (urine retention). U r i n a r y incontinence is the bodies L1 to L3) and L2 to L5 i n the cat (vertebral bodies L2
inappropriate passage o f urine during the storage phase of to L4) and synapsing i n the caudal mesenteric ganglion.
micturition. The most c o m m o n forms o f urinary inconti -Adrenergic fibers terminate i n the detrusor muscle; stimu
nence occur secondary to either increased detrusor contrac lation of these fibers results i n detrusor muscle relaxation,
tility or decreased urethral outflow resistance. Conversely, which facilitates urine storage. -Adrenergic fibers innervate
decreased detrusor contractility or increased urethral outflow the smooth muscle fibers i n the trigone and urethra; stimu
resistance can result i n urine retention. A r m e d with an under lation o f these fibers causes contraction and formation of the
standing of bladder and urethral neuroanatomy, as well as the functional internal urethral sphincter. - A d r e n e r g i c recep
mechanism of action o f currently available drugs, clinicians tors also have a modulating effect on the external urethral
are able to effectively control many disorders o f micturition. sphincter.
The normal storage phase o f micturition is governed by
sympathetic autonomic domination, which causes the detru
PHYSIOLOGY OF MICTURITION sor muscle to relax as a result o f -adrenergic stimulation
and the internal urethral sphincter to contract as a result of
M i c t u r i t i o n is controlled by a combination o f autonomic -adrenergic stimulation. V o i d i n g is also consciously inhib
and somatic innervation (Fig. 48-1). Parasympathetic inner ited by the contraction of striated urethral muscles distal to
FIG 4 8 - 1
Autonomic a n d somatic innervation of the urinary bladder.

the bladder and involuntarily inhibited by a spinal reflex that tion that produces compression, damage, or degeneration of
tightens the external urethral sphincter when there is a sharp the spinal cord or pelvic nerve. Overdistention of the bladder
increase i n intraabdominal pressure (e.g., during abdominal for a prolonged time may also cause a neurogenic inconti
palpation or bladder expression, barking, coughing, sneez nence by decreasing bladder detrusor muscle tone (a type o f
ing, retching). Urinary incontinence occurs i f the intravesi L M N disorder). Dysautonomia i n dogs and cats, an auto
cal pressure exceeds the pressure exerted by the urethral n o m i c polyganglionopathy, also produces an L M N inconti
sphincters. nence that is associated with weak and ineffective detrusor
Stretch receptors i n the bladder send impulses through activity. O n the other hand, urine leakage or incontinence
the pelvic nerve and spinal cord pathways to the thalamus disorders are usually associated with a small or normal-size
and cerebral cortex when the urinary bladder fills and intra bladder caused by increased detrusor contractility or
mural tension exceeds the threshold. V o l u n t a r y control o f decreased urethral outflow resistance. Congenital abnor
voiding is mediated by the cerebral cortex through the pons malities o f the urinary system (e.g., ectopic ureters, vaginal
(main micturition center), the cerebellum, and the reticulo strictures) can also result i n urinary incontinence associated
spinal tracts to the sacral nuclei. The voiding phase o f m i c with a small or normal-sized urinary bladder. It should be
turition is characterized by parasympathetic activity. In this noted that urine leakage can occur with urine retention dis
phase the detrusor muscle contracts secondary to choliner orders when intravesical pressure exceeds outflow resistance.
gic stimulation of the motor portion o f the pelvic nerve. It This type o f urine leakage is referred to as paradoxic or over
is important to note that during this cholinergic-mediated flow incontinence (discussed i n greater detail later).
detrusor contraction, the a and -adrenergic input to the
internal and external urethral sphincters is reflexly inhibited
at the level of the pons. W h e n the bladder is empty, the DISTENDED BLADDER
normal sympathetic domination resumes and the detrusor
muscle relaxes to allow filling to occur. The n o r m a l residual Big, distended urinary bladders are usually easily palpated
volume of urine after complete voiding is approximately on physical examination, and the ease o f bladder expression
0.2 to 0.4 ml/kg (with a m a x i m u m o f 10 ml) i n both dogs is an important part o f patient assessment. If the distended
and cats. bladder is easy to express, the underlying p r o b l e m is usually
decreased detrusor contractility. Conversely, if the bladder is
Etiology and Clinical Features of difficult to express, increased outflow resistance should be
Disorders of Micturition suspected. Both functional (e.g., increased urethral tone
Disorders of micturition can be divided into two major cat caused by increased sympathetic tone or urethral spasm) and
egories: those associated with a large or distended bladder anatomic (e.g., urethral uroliths or trigonal masses) prob
and those associated with a small or normal-sized bladder lems can cause increased outflow resistance. Urethral cath
(Table 48-1). Urine retention disorders associated with dis eterization and/or positive contrast urethrography can be
tended bladders include neurogenic disorders (upper [ U M N ] used to differentiate functional and anatomic causes of
and lower [ L M N ] motor neuron disease, functional urethral increased outflow resistance.
obstruction, reflex dyssynergia) and anatomic obstructive If neurologic lesions or deficits are detected during neu
disorders. Neurologic disorders may be caused by any condi rologic examination, the status o f the bladder helps localize
TABLE 48-1

Disorders of Micturition


Distended Bladder
Lower motor neuron disease Lesion to S1 to S3 spinal c o r d segment (at o r b e l o w fifth lumbar
vertebral b o d y ) , n e o p l a s i a , t r a u m a , c a u d a e q u i n a syndrome
Trauma to pelvic nerve, detrusor atony, canine a n d feline dysautonomia
U p p e r motor neuron disease Lesion cranial t o S1 spinal c o r d segment (above fifth lumbar vertebral
b o d y ) , intervertebral disk protrusion, n e o p l a s i a , trauma,
fibrocartilaginous infarct, meningitis
C e r e b r a l disease, cerebellar disease, brainstem disease
Reflex dyssynergia (detrusor-urethral dyssynergia) Unknown
Functional urethral obstruction Urethral muscular spasm, often associated with urethral inflammation o r
A n a t o m i c outflow tract obstruction Urethral stricture, n e o p l a s i a , cystic o r urethral calculi, granulomatous
urethritis, prostatic disease

Small o r N o r m a l - S i z e d B l a d d e r
Urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence Deficient b l a d d e r / u r e t h r a l support, hormone-responsive
Detrusor hyperreflexia o r instability Bladder irritation, urethral irritation
C o n g e n i t a l incontinence Ectopic ureters, patent urachus, urethral fistula (rectal o r vaginal),
p s e u d o h e r m a p h r o d i t i s m , v a g i n a l strictures

the lesion and classify the injury as either a U M N lesion urine while walking away. It is difficult to express urine from
(above the fifth lumbar vertebral body) or an L M N lesion the bladder of a dog with reflex dyssynergia, but urethral
(at or below the fifth lumbar vertebral body). The most catheterization is usually easily accomplished. W i t h reflex
characteristic sign o f an L M N lesion affecting the bladder is dyssynergia, increased outflow resistance occurs when the
a distended bladder that is easily expressed. A n L M N injury dog tries to initiate voiding. A similar type of functional
affecting the bladder causes both sphincter and detrusor urethral obstruction has been described i n three male dogs
hyporeflexia; if the lesion involves spinal cord segments S1 in which resting outflow resistance was increased (Lane,
to S3, both perineal and bulbospongiosus reflexes o f the 2000). Prostatitis and a history o f urethral calculi were asso
pudendal nerve are usually absent. ciated with the functional urethral obstruction i n two cases,
U M N lesions affecting the bladder result i n a large, dis respectively; the t h i r d case was diagnosed as idiopathic.
tended bladder that is difficult to express but easy to cathe Anatomic outflow obstruction results i n a big, distended
terize. Thoracolumbar spinal c o r d lesions causing paresis or bladder that is usually both difficult to express and catheter
paralysis are frequent causes o f U M N bladder disorders. A n ize. In some cases a catheter may be passed around an ana
animal with a U M N lesion has no voluntary control o f m i c tomic urethral lesion relatively easily, and a positive contrast
turition, and the urethral sphincter shows reflex hyperexcit retrograde urethrogram may be necessary to confirm the
ability because the somatic efferents i n the pudendal nerve presence of a lesion.
are not inhibited, making expression difficult. Incontinence i n an animal with a primary urine retention
Reflex dyssynergia, or detrusor-urethral dyssynergia, is problem is called paradoxic or overflow incontinence. Urine
seen p r i m a r i l y i n large-breed male dogs. The cause is usually leakage occurs i n this case when intravesical pressure exceeds
difficult to determine but may include any o f several neuro outflow resistance. Clinical signs associated with a functional
logic lesions of the spinal cord or autonomic ganglia. Patho or anatomic urethral obstruction include dribbling of urine,
physiologically, reflex dyssynergia results from the active straining to urinate without producing urine, restlessness,
contraction o f the detrusor without relaxation o f the inter and abdominal pain. The most c o m m o n causes of anatomic
nal or external urethral sphincters. Characteristic signs o f urethral obstruction are calculi and neoplasia i n dogs, and
reflex dyssynergia include n o r m a l or near-normal initiation struvite/mucous plugs i n cats; however, trigonal masses, ure
of voiding, followed by a narrowed urine stream. U r i n e may thral strictures, and granulomatous urethritis can also create
be delivered i n spurts, or flow may be completely disrupted obstructions to urine flow. A n y type of prostatic disease i n
and the dog w i l l often strain to produce urine. After a while dogs may produce an outflow tract obstruction. Older male
the dog will lower its leg and then often begins dribbling dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia may be evaluated
because of stranguria and tenesmus; however, bacterial pros the dog under anesthesia has been identified i n bitches with
tatitis, prostatic neoplasia, and prostatic abscesses are more U S M I . This is thought to be due to deficient bladder and
likely causes of a urinary outflow tract obstruction. In urethral support mechanism i n these dogs. Estrogen and
patients with decreased detrusor contractility, paradoxic testosterone are believed to contribute to the integrity of
incontinence occurs earlier and at lower intravesicular pres urethral muscle tone by augmenting its responsiveness to
sures compared with patients that have either functional or - a d r e n e r g i c innervation. Thus middle-age to older, spayed
anatomic outflow resistance problems. female dogs are prone to incontinence because o f decreased
estrogen concentrations. This incontinence is most pro
nounced when the animal is asleep or relaxed and often
SMALL OR NORMAL-SIZE BLADDER responds to estrogen replacement or - a d r e n e r g i c therapy.
Less frequently, incontinence develops i n male dogs after
Causes of urinary incontinence associated with a small or castration; the condition seems to occur most c o m m o n l y
normal-size bladder include increased detrusor contractility i n dogs castrated at an older age and often responds to
and decreased outflow resistance. Increased detrusor c o n - a d r e n e r g i c treatment or hormone replacement. B o t h
tractility is generally associated with bladder and or urethral processes are diagnosed o n the basis o f history, physical
irritation/inflammation that creates an urge to v o i d that examination findings, urinalysis (lack o f evidence o f lower
overcomes normal house-trained behavior. These patients urinary tract inflammation), and the animal's response to
often exhibit pollakiuria, dysuria, and stranguria and have therapy. Frequently, - a d r e n e r g i c treatment (e.g., phenyl
inflammatory or hemorrhagic urine sediment findings. propanolamine) may be combined with hormone replace
Conversely, i n patients with decreased urethral outflow resis ment treatment i n severe cases o f U S M I .
tance, urine leakage is often most pronounced when the U r i n a r y incontinence i n a young animal with a small or
animal is asleep or relaxed. The voiding phase of micturition normal-size bladder may be associated with a variety o f c o n
is usually normal i n these patients, as is the urinalysis (unless genital defects o f the urinary or genital systems. The most
complicated by an ascending urinary tract infection). c o m m o n defects are ectopic ureters and vaginal strictures,
Detrusor muscle hypercontractility (also referred to but patent urachus, urethrorectal and urethrovaginal fistulae,
as detrusor instability or urge incontinence) is the inability and female pseudohermaphroditism have also been associ
to control voiding owing to a strong urge to urinate. ated with urinary incontinence. Ectopic ureters are most
Inflammation of the bladder or urethra may trigger the c o m m o n l y observed i n female dogs. Breeds i n which the
voiding reflex by creating a sensation o f bladder fullness. prevalence of ectopic ureters is high include Siberian Huskies,
Clinical signs of this type o f incontinence include pollaki Miniature and T o y Poodles, Labrador Retrievers, Fox
uria, dysuria-stranguria, and frequently hematuria. A bacte Terriers, West H i g h l a n d W h i t e Terriers, Collies, and C a r d i
rial urinary tract infection is the most c o m m o n cause i n the gan and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Ectopic ureters are rarely
dog, and sterile inflammation o f the lower urinary tract is seen i n cats, but the gender predisposition is reversed (i.e.,
the most c o m m o n cause i n cats. Evidence o f a urinary tract the prevalence is higher i n male than i n female cats). U S M I
infection or inflammation revealed by urinalysis (e.g., bac is a frequent concurrent problem i n dogs with ectopic ureters
teriuria, pyuria, or hematuria) initially supports the tentative or vaginal strictures.
diagnosis of urge or inflammatory incontinence. If clinical The most c o m m o n clinical sign associated with ectopic
signs persist after appropriate treatment for the urinary tract ureters is constant dribbling o f urine, although dogs and cats
inflammation has been initiated, further diagnostic studies, with a unilateral ectopic ureter also may v o i d normally.
including ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced radiography, Because 70% o f ectopic ureters i n dogs terminate i n the
and cystoscopy, are indicated because infiltrative disease o f vagina, vaginoscopy may allow visualization o f the opening
the bladder (e.g., neoplasia, chronic cystitis), polyps, uro of the ureter; however, the orifice may be difficult to see
liths, or urachal remnants can result i n pollakiuria and stran even i f the vagina is fully distended with air. Intravenous
guria. It should also be noted that detrusor hyperreflexia/ urography and retrograde vaginourethrography are excellent
instability may be a primary or idiopathic disorder that is diagnostic tests for characterizing the defect, although a
not associated with bladder or urethral inflammation. recent study suggested that contrast computed tomography
The preferred terminology for decreased urethral outflow (CT) is the test o f choice for the diagnosis of ectopic
resistance is urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence ureters. In contrast to the incontinence seen i n animals with
(USMI). This urethral sphincter dysfunction is most often ectopic ureters, incontinence associated with a vaginal stric
observed i n spayed, m e d i u m - to large-breed female dogs. ture is often intermittent, occurring with changes i n body
Decreased tone i n collagenous supporting structures o f the position. Vaginal strictures can be diagnosed by digital
urogenital tract caused by aging and/or decreased estrogen vaginal examination, vaginoscopy, or contrast-enhanced
concentrations is thought to be the primary cause o f U S M I . vaginography.
Additional causes/complications may include abnormal Incontinence may also be caused by cognitive disorders
bladder/urethral position (e.g., pelvic bladder), decreased (CDs), decreased bladder capacity, or decreased mobility i n
responsiveness of - a d r e n e r g i c urethral receptors, and senior animals. Polyuric-polydipsic disorders, such as chronic
obesity. Recently, abnormal caudad bladder movement with kidney disease ( C K D ) i n senior animals, also often exacer-
bate incontinence. Likewise, use o f diuretic and corticoste and U M N and L M N disorders result i n large, distended
roid medications should be avoided, if possible, i n incontinent bladders.
animals because o f their negative effects on urine- As noted earlier, incontinence i n senior animals may be
concentrating ability. caused by C D s , a decreased bladder capacity, or decreased
physical control. Physical problems i n such animals, espe
Diagnosis cially polyuric disorders and disabilities that impair mobility,
Clinical features o f disorders o f m i c t u r i t i o n often help should be identified and treated. Polyuria and polydipsia can
the clinician discern the underlying problem. For example, trigger urge incontinence by placing continual stress on the
if c o n t i n u o u s urinary incontinence has been present bladder wall and urethral sphincter; however, i n these cases
from birth, the likely underlying problem is a congenital the urine volume is large. A normally completely house-
anomaly. Incontinence associated with hematuria, pollaki broken animal with polyuria and polydipsia may start uri
uria, and dysuria-stranguria usually indicates the presence nating i n the house i f it does not have frequent access to the
of inflammation o f the bladder, urethra, or both. Inappro outdoors. If increased thirst and large urine volume are
priate dribbling o f urine during sleep or relaxation indicates described by the owner, appropriate diagnostic tests should
U S M I , and leakage o f urine i n female dogs associated with be performed to identify conditions that cause polydipsia
postural changes may point to the pooling o f urine behind and polyuria (e.g., diabetes mellitus, pyometra, C K D , hyper
a vaginal stricture. Dogs with pelvic bladders, which is a adrenocorticism, hypercalcemia).
more caudal abdominal location i n which the bladder neck Owners frequently mistake submissive urination, which
is caudal to the pecten o f the pubic bone (Fig. 48-2), can also may be a normal behavioral pattern o f young dogs, with
have urethral sphincter incompetence that results i n urinary urinary incontinence. Other voiding patterns that are con
incontinence. A l l these forms o f incontinence are usually strued by some owners as incontinence are the urine marking
associated with a small or normal-size bladder. used by male and occasionally female animals and inappro
Dysuria and stranguria that occur i n association with an priate elimination behavior problems. The owner's descrip
abnormal or absent urine stream are typical of an obstruc tion o f the animal's voiding pattern may reveal a behavioral
tive uropathy. Urethral obstructions may be caused by basis for the abnormal micturition, although a complete
anatomic (e.g., uroliths, tumors) or functional (e.g., reflex physical examination and a urinalysis should always be per
dyssynergia) problems. U r i n a r y incontinence that occurs formed to identify or rule out a urinary tract disorder.
i n association w i t h trauma or pelvic surgery is usually
neurogenic i n origin ( L M N disease); i f paresis or paralysis
is present, the lesion is usually above the fifth lumbar verte INITIAL EVALUATION
bral body and is a U M N lesion. Obstructive uropathies
The age o f onset, reproductive status of the animal, age at
neutering, current medications, and history of trauma or
previous urinary tract disorders are important anamnestic
points to cover during the history-taking i n an animal with
any disorder of micturition. The physical examination should
include evaluation o f the perineum for evidence of urine
scalding or staining. A thorough palpation of the bladder to
assess its size and wall thickness and a rectal examination to
assess anal tone, the prostate gland, the pelvic urethra, and
the trigone region o f the bladder should be performed i n all
cases. A digital vaginal examination is also indicated, and
vaginoscopy may be used to help identify congenital defects
(e.g., vaginal strictures, ectopic ureters) i n larger female dogs.
A neurologic examination should include evaluation of
the perineal and bulbospongiosus reflexes. The perineal
reflex causes the anal sphincter to contract and the tail to
ventroflex i n response to pinching the perineal skin. The
bulbospongiosus reflex causes the anal sphincter to contract
i n response to gentle compression o f the bulb of the penis
or the vulva. Both these reflexes depend on an intact puden
dal nerve (sensory and motor) and spinal cord segments S1
to S3. If both reflexes are normal, the pudendal reflex arc is
intact. Because o f their c o m m o n origin, injury to the puden
FIG 48-2
Double-contrast-enhanced cystogram showing a pelvic dal nerve may also affect the pelvic nerve.
bladder in a 2-year-old spayed female Doberman Pinscher Dogs should be walked outside so that the voiding posture
with urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence. and urine stream size and character can be observed. Imme-
diately after the animal has attempted to void, the bladder Care should be taken to prevent urine scalding by applying
should be palpated to determine the residual volume (normal petroleum jelly to the perivulvar or peripreputial and abdom
residual volume is approximately 0.2 to 0.4 ml/kg). Catheter inal skin. Bethanechol may be administered to increase detru
ization is indicated to quantify the residual volume i f a large sor contractility i f the urethra is confirmed to be patent by
bladder is palpable after voiding (in male dogs, however, bladder expression (5-15 mg/dog P O q8h; 1.25-5 mg/cat P O
behavioral urine marking can make assessment o f residual q8h). Adverse effects o f bethanechol include salivation, v o m
urine volume difficult). iting, diarrhea, or coliclike signs that indicate intestinal
Urinalysis should be performed i n all animals with urinary cramping. These signs usually appear w i t h i n 1 hour o f drug
incontinence. If a urine culture is indicated, cystocentesis is administration; if they are observed, the dose of bethanechol
the preferred method o f collection; however, animals with a should be decreased.
distended bladder should be catheterized instead to empty T o manage detrusor atony, the bladder must be expressed
the bladder and prevent the problem o f urine leaking from or urinary catheterization done intermittently to keep the
the cystocentesis site. Additional diagnostic testing that can bladder empty for a period o f days to weeks. A closed urine-
be accomplished at many referral centers includes cystoscopy collection system should always be used with indwelling
and urethral pressure profilometry ( U P P ) . Cystoscopy allows catheters. Urinalysis should be performed every 3 or 4 days
direct visualization of the urethral and bladder mucosa and and a urine bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing
the ability to obtain mucosal specimens for culture and his done i f there is any evidence o f urinary tract inflammation.
tology. The functional length o f the urethral sphincter and Bethanechol may be administered to increase detrusor c o n
the urethral closure pressure can be determined via U P P , tractility but only after increased outflow resistance has been
which is usually performed i n conscious patients. A flexible ruled out.
catheter with a side port is passed through the urethra, and
after the bladder has been emptied, the catheter is connected
to a pressure transducer and a withdrawal arm (that pulls UPPER MOTOR NEURON DISORDERS
catheter back through the urethra at a constant rate). Saline
is then infused through the catheter as it is withdrawn, and The nature o f the management o f animals w i t h a U M N
the resistance to flow (pressure) is recorded versus distance lesion affecting the bladder depends o n whether the animal
traveled. (See additional descriptions of bladder and urethral has an autonomic bladder. A reflex, or autonomic, bladder
function testing i n Chapter 42.) often develops 5 to 10 days after a spinal cord injury, and it
occurs because stretching o f the bladder wall stimulates a
local reflex arc that results i n detrusor contraction. There is
PHARMACOLOGIC TESTING no cortical perception or voluntary control, and initially
voiding is usually incomplete, resulting i n a large urine resid
Frequently, the diagnosis of disorders o f micturition is based ual volume. Treatment i n an animal before an autonomic
to some degree o n the animal's response to pharmacologic bladder develops should include aseptic catheterization three
testing or therapy. For example, detrusor hypocontractility times per day. The use o f corticosteroids for the treatment
should improve i n response to a parasympathomimetic drug of neurologic disease may cause polyuria, necessitating more
(e.g., bethanechol), and decreased urethral tone should frequent catheterization to prevent overdistention o f the
respond to - a d r e n e r g i c agents (e.g., phenylpropanolamine) bladder. Corticosteroids also predispose animals to urinary
or hormone replacement therapy. Increased urethral tone is tract infections. D u r i n g the initial stages o f treatment, u r i
treated with -sympatholytics (e.g., phenoxybenzamine) nalysis or urine sediment examination should be performed
and striated muscle relaxants (e.g., diazepam). Detrusor every 3 or 4 days, and urine bacterial culture and antibiotic
hypercontractility often responds to treatment o f the under sensitivity testing should be performed i f there is evidence
lying inflammatory process, such as bacterial cystitis or of urinary tract inflammation (corticosteroids frequently
urolithiasis; however, smooth muscle antispasmodics (e.g., mask signs o f inflammation). Because these animals are
oxybutynin) and parasympatholytics (e.g., propantheline) usually i n pain and reluctant to move, it is important to
may be useful i n cases o f severe inflammation. prevent urine scalding. The use o f elevated racks or absor
bent bedding is indicated, and petroleum jelly applied around
Treatment the perineum or prepuce may m i n i m i z e urine scalding.
After an autonomic bladder develops, the bladder should
LOWER MOTOR NEURON DISORDERS be palpated after urination to determine the residual urine
volume. It may still be necessary to catheterize the bladder
Animals with L M N diseases resulting from sacral spinal cord two or three times per day to m i n i m i z e urine stasis. U r i
lesions or dysautonomia require expression or strict aseptic nalyses should continue to be done o n a monthly schedule
catheterization o f their bladder at least three times per day. (weekly if the animal is receiving corticosteroids), and owners
Urinalysis or examination o f the urine sediment should be should be instructed to b r i n g i n a urine sample i f a change
performed weekly, and a urine bacterial culture should be i n urine color or odor is noted. N u r s i n g care to prevent urine
performed if there is any evidence of a urinary tract infection. scalding should be continued.
Reflex dyssynergia often responds to pharmacologic m a n
agement; however, a therapeutic response may not be seen The treatment o f urinary incontinence associated with
for several days. Drugs c o m m o n l y used include an -blocker decreased sphincter tone includes hormone replacement or
(e.g., prazosin or phenoxybenzamine), a somatic muscle -adrenergic drugs (or both). The usual induction therapy
relaxant (e.g., diazepam), and occasionally bethanechol. for estrogen-responsive incontinence consists of diethylstil
Intermittent urinary catheterization should be performed bestrol (DES; 0.1 to 1.0 m g total administered orally q24h
as necessary to keep the bladder small and combat for 3 to 5 days). The frequency o f administration is then
detrusor atony that may be caused by overdistention of the decreased to the lowest possible dose that will maintain con
bladder. tinence. Some dogs can be successfully tapered to a very low
Phenoxybenzamine has a slow onset o f action, and the maintenance schedule (e.g., 0.1 to 1.0 m g per dog every 7 to
dose should be increased only at 3- to 4-day intervals. 10 days). Phenylpropanolamine (1.5 to 2.0 mg/kg adminis
The urine stream should be evaluated to gauge drug tered orally q8h) may be used as an alternative drug or i n
effectiveness. If the stream is weak but continuous and o f addition to DES. Owners o f dogs receiving phenylpropanol
n o r m a l diameter, bethanechol may be used to increase detru amine should be cautioned to observe their dog for hyper-
sor contractility; however, it must not be used u n t i l the func excitability, panting, or anorexia and to decrease the dose i f
tional urethral obstruction has been relieved. If the urine these signs develop. Although initially administered three
stream is intermittent or narrowed, increased doses o f diaz times per day, i n some animals the dosing frequency of
epam or phenoxybenzamine or both may be required. timed-release or precision-release phenylpropanolamine
Because diazepam has a very short duration o f action can be decreased to a once- or twice-daily schedule. Careful
(approximately 1 to 2 hours when administered orally), observation by the owner for recurrence o f signs usually
administering it 30 minutes before walking the animal some reveals when the dose needs to be increased. Dogs with
times aids i n the management o f reflex dyssynergia. It may increasing resistance to D E S pose the greatest worry because
be several weeks before a correct combination o f drugs is the development o f estruslike signs and bone marrow toxic
determined, however, and drug dosages may have to be ity are possible adverse effects o f higher-dose D E S therapy.
modified over time. Periodic urinalyses are indicated to Endocrine alopecia is another possible adverse effect. If DES-
detect urinary tract inflammation or infection at an early resistant dogs are not concurrently receiving phenylpropa
stage. nolamine, a trial o f it should be instituted before the DES
Hypotension is the major adverse effect of phenoxyben dose exceeds recommended levels. -Adrenergic drugs are
zamine, and the dose should be decreased immediately i f contraindicated i n patients with systemic hypertension,
the animal shows any indication o f lethargy, weakness, or mitral regurgitation, and anxiety disorders.
disorientation. In most cases the dosage o f phenoxy Urethral sphincter incompetence i n neutered male
benzamine should be increased only i f a favorable response dogs is best treated with -adrenergic drugs. If testosterone
is not observed after 3 or 4 days; rapid dose changes is to be used, it should be parenterally administered because
should be avoided. Nausea is an adverse effect that can be most testosterone administered orally undergoes rapid
m i n i m i z e d by administering the medication w i t h a small hepatic degradation. Depository forms injected intramuscu
meal. G l a u c o m a is a rare complication o f phenoxybenza larly may be effective for 4 to 6 weeks. Male dogs receiving
mine treatment i n people; it is u n k n o w n i f this occurs i n testosterone should have regular rectal examinations to
dogs. evaluate prostate size. Testosterone should not be used
in dogs that were previously neutered because of a testo
sterone-responsive disease (e.g., benign prostatic hyper
FUNCTIONAL URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION trophy, perianal adenomas) or behavioral disorders (e.g.,
Nonneurogenic functional urethral obstruction, i n w h i c h In those patients with U S M I refractory to hormone
resting as well as voiding urethral pressures are abnormally replacement and/or -adrenergic therapy, alternative treat
high, has been associated with prostatic disease; urinary tract ments include gonadotropin-releasing hormone ( G n R H )
infection; urethral muscular spasm; and urethral inflam analogues and urethral bulking and surgical procedures.
mation, hemorrhage, or edema i n dogs and cats. Affected Increased concentrations o f luteinizing hormone ( L H ) and
animals have clinical signs and histories similar to those i n follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) have been documented
dogs with reflex dyssynergia. Resting urethral pressure in spayed dogs, and G n R H analogues w i l l downregulate
profilometry is usually necessary to differentiate these two production/secretion of L H and F S H . Submucosal collagen
syndromes. W h e n treatment o f the underlying disorder injections at the level o f the internal urethral sphincter via
fails to decrease the increased outflow resistance, -blockers urethroscopy can also be used as an adjunct treatment to
(e.g., prazosin or phenoxybenzamine) and skeletal muscle increase urethral sphincter tone. Finally, surgical procedures
relaxants (e.g., diazepam) can be used. such as colposuspension, cystourethropexy, and formation
of seromuscular urethral slings may benefit patients with plasia, partial or complete prostatectomy or radiotherapy
U S M I that is nonresponive to medical management. may be beneficial; however, prostatectomy is difficult and
frequently results i n neurologic damage and U S M I .


In general, the prognosis for animals with neurogenic forms
Smooth muscle relaxants and anticholinergics (e.g., dicyclo of urinary incontinence is poor. The long-term prognosis for
mine, oxybutynin, propantheline bromide, imipramine, animals with most types o f spinal cord lesions is unfavorable,
flavoxate) have been used to decrease inappropriate, invol unless an intervertebral disk protrusion can be successfully
untary detrusor contractions associated with lower urinary decompressed or an extradural mass successfully removed
tract inflammation, but their use should be reserved for or treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Even i f the
those animals that do not respond to treatment o f the spinal cord is decompressed, normal micturition may not
primary disorder (e.g., antibiotics for bacterial urinary tract completely return because the central nervous system has a
infections). Animals with chronic or recurrent cystitis require m i n i m a l capacity for regeneration. Damage to the pudendal
a thorough evaluation o f the cause o f the urinary tract infec nerve, pelvic nerve, or sacral nerve roots is associated with a
tion (see Chapter 45). Antispasmodics may provide a small more favorable prognosis because peripheral nerves have a
degree of relief; however, the identification and elimination greater capacity to regenerate.
of the underlying inflammatory disorder should be the p r i M o s t o f the time, reflex dyssynergia responds to pharma
ority. W h e n the detrusor hypercontractility is primary or cologic management, but occasionally the underlying disease
idiopathic, anticholingeric agents may be beneficial. worsens, making pharmacologic management ineffective.
D r u g doses should be reevaluated and increased i f this
happens, but this is not always successful. Diagnostic proce
CONGENITAL DISORDERS dures such as myelography, an epidurography, C T , or mag
netic resonance imaging ( M R I ) may be indicated i n these
The correction of congenital defects depends on the nature and refractory cases. Catheterization using aseptic techniques
extent of the defect. For example, a patent urachus or urachal may be necessary for the long-term management o f these
diverticulum is surgically correctable, as are many forms o f animals.
ectopic ureters. However, because U S M I may occur i n con Periodic urinalyses to identify or rule out urinary tract
junction with an ectopic ureter, surgical reimplantation of the infections constitute an important aspect o f follow-up care
ureter does not guarantee continence. The use of -adrenergic i n an animal with any disorder o f micturition. The frequency
drugs after surgery increases the likelihood of success. Urethral o f the urinalyses depends on the nature o f the disorder.
pressure profilometry can be used to detect U S M I and measure Owners can be instructed to evaluate the color and odor o f
the response to -adrenergic drugs before surgery. the urine and to bring i n a urine sample immediately i f they
suspect an infection; however, routine m o n i t o r i n g is the cor
nerstone o f the prevention o f severe urinary tract infections.
ANATOMIC URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION The prognosis for animals with U S M I is usually good, although
some dogs require multiple drugs for management.
In animals with an anatomic urethral obstruction, the size Dogs treated for urge or inflammatory incontinence sec
and nature of the lesion can usually be determined by retro ondary to a urinary tract infection should undergo follow-
grade positive-contrast urethrography. The prevention o f up urinalysis or urine bacterial culture studies to confirm
renal damage secondary to urinary obstruction and the relief that the urinary tract infection has been eliminated. L o n g -
of urinary obstruction to prevent detrusor atony resulting term dietary management may help prevent recurrences i n
from overdistention are the main priorities i n dogs and cats animals with urolithiasis.
with urine outflow tract obstructions. If the obstruction is The prognosis for dogs and cats with trigonal or urethral
created by a urethral urolith, retropulsion of the urolith into neoplasia is usually poor. In most cases, urethral neoplasia is
the bladder may be successful. If the urolith cannot be moved inoperable because the clinical signs (dysuria, stranguria,
by retropulsion, a temporary or permanent perineal ure hematuria, urethral obstruction) are usually not observed
throstomy may be necessary. until the t u m o r is invasive. In contrast, most female dogs
In dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia resulting i n with granulomatous (chronic active) urethritis respond well
urethral obstruction, castration usually leads to a rapid to a combination o f prednisolone, cyclophosphamide, and
decrease i n the size of the prostate. The use o f estrogens to antibiotics.
decrease prostatic size is not recommended because o f the
potential for systemic adverse effects and the development Suggested Readings
of squamous metaplasia o f the prostate. Surgical drainage A d a m s L G , Syme H M : C a n i n e lower urinary tract diseases. In
and marsupialization may be necessary to manage prostatic Ettinger SJ, Feldman E C , editors: Textbook of veterinary interna]
abscesses or prostatic cysts. In some cases of prostatic neo medicine, ed 6, St Louis, 2005, Elsevier/Saunders.
A r n o l d S et al: U r e t h r a l sphincter m e c h a n i s m incompetence i n sexually intact and spayed female dogs, Am J Vet Res 67:901,
male dogs. I n B o n a g u r a J D , editor: Current veterinary therapy 2006.
XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, W B Saunders. Lane IF et al: F u n c t i o n a l urethral obstruction i n 3 dogs: clinical and
A t a l a n G et al: Ultrasonographic assessment o f bladder neck m o b i l urethral pressure profile findings, / Vet Intern Med 14:43, 2000.
ity i n continent bitches a n d bitches w i t h u r i n a r y incontinence Lane IF: U r i n a r y obstruction and functional urine retention. In
attributable to urethral sphincter m e c h a n i s m incompetence, Am Ettinger SJ et al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine,
J Vet Res 53:673, 1998. ed 5, Philadelphia, 2000, W B Saunders.
B a r c h A et al: E v a l u a t i o n o f l o n g - t e r m effects o f endoscopic injec Lane IF: Use o f anticholinergic agents i n lower urinary tract disease.
t i o n o f collagen into the urethral submucosa for treatment o f In Bonagura J D , editor: Current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadel
urethral sphincter incompetence i n female dogs: 40 cases (1993- phia, 2000, W B Saunders.
2000), J Am Vet Med Assoc 226:73, 2005. Fischer JR, Lane IF: Incontinence and urine retention. In Elliott JA,
B y r o n J K et al: C o m p a r i s o n o f the effect o f p r o p o f o l a n d sevoflu- Grauer G F , editors: BSAVA manual of canine and feline nephrology
rane o n the urethral pressure profile i n healthy female dogs, Am and urology, ed 2, Gloucester, England, 2007, British Small
J Vet Res 64:1288, 2003. A n i m a l Veterinary Association.
Carofiglio F et al: E v a l u a t i o n o f the u r o d y n a m i c a n d h e m o Reichler I M et al: The effect o f G n R H analogs o n urinary inconti
d y n a m i c effects o f orally administered p h e n l y p r o p a n o l a m i n e nence after ablation o f the ovaries i n dogs, Theriogenology
and ephedrine in female dogs, Am } Vet Res 67:723, 60:1207, 2003.
2006. S a m i i V F et al: Digital fluoroscopic excretory urography, digital
Fischer JR et al: U r e t h r a l pressure profile a n d h e m o d y n a m i c effects fluoroscopic urethrography, helical c o m p u t e d tomography, and
o f phenoxybenzamine a n d prazosin i n non-sedated male beagle cystoscopy i n 24 dogs w i t h suspected ureteral ectopia, / Vet Intern
dogs, Can J Vet Res 67:30, 2003. Med 18:271, 2004.
H a m a i d e A J et al: U r o d y n a m i c a n d m o r p h o l o g i c changes i n the W o o d J D et al: Use o f particulate extracellular matrix bioscaffold
lower p o r t i o n o f the urogenital tract after a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f for treatment o f acquired urinary incontinence i n dogs, J Am Vet
estriol alone a n d i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h p h e n y l p r o p a n o l a m i n e i n Med Assoc 226:1095, 2005.

Drugs Used in Dogs and Cats with Urinary Tract Disorders


Allopurinol Zyloprim Xanthine o x i d a s e i n h i b i t o r 10 m g / k g q 8 - 2 4 h P O (dog)

Aluminum carbonate, Basal g e l , A m p h o j e l Enteric p h o s p h a t e b i n d e r s 1 0 - 3 0 m g / k g q 8 h P O w i t h o r immediately
aluminum hydroxide after meals
Amitriptyline Elavil A n t i c h o l i n e r g i c effects, 5 - 1 0 m g q 2 4 h (evening) P O (cat)
decreased histamine
release f r o m mast cells,
increased b l a d d e r
Amlodipine Norvasc Calcium antagonist 2 . 5 m g q 2 4 h (dog); 0 . 6 2 5 m g q 2 4 h (cat)
Ammonium chloride Urinary acidifier 1 0 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O ( d o g ) ; 8 0 0 m g mixed
with food daily (approximately 1 / 4 tsp) (cat)
Aspirin A n t i p l a t e l e t , anti 0.5-5 m g / k g q12h (dog); 0.5-5 m g / k g
inflammatory q 2 4 h (cat)
Azathioprine Imuran Immunosuppressant 1-2 m g / k g P O q 2 4 h initially, then 0 . 5 -
1.0 m g / k g P O q 4 8 h (dogs only)
Benazepril Lotensin Angiotensin-converting 0.25-0.5 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h
enzyme inhibitor
Bethanechol Urecholine Cholinergic (increases 5 - 1 5 m g q 8 h P O ( d o g ) ; 1.25-5 m g q 8 h
detrusor contractility) PO (cat)
Chlorpromazine Thorazine Antiemetic 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 5 m g / k g q 6 - 8 h I M , S Q , PO (after
r e h y d r a t i o n only)
Cimetidine Tagamet H2 b l o c k e r 2 . 5 - 5 . 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O , IV, I M
Cyclophosphamide Cytoxan, Neosar Immunosuppressant 50 mg/m 2
P O q 4 8 h (dogs); 2 0 0 - 3 0 0 m g /
m P O q 3 w k (cats)
Cyclosporine Neoral, Sandimmune Immunosuppressant 3-7 m g / k g q l 2 - 2 4 h , adjust dose v i a
Diazepam Valium Skeletal muscle r e l a x a n t 2-5 m g q 8 h P O
Drugs Used in Does and Cats with Urinary Tract Disorderscont'd


Dicyclomine Bentyl, Bentylol Antispasmodic, 0.15 m g / k g PO q 8 - 1 2 h (dog)

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Increased urethral 0 . 1 - 1 . 0 m g q 2 4 h P O f o r 3-5 d a y s a n d
sphincter tone then s a m e d o s e q 3 - 7 d a y s ( d o g ) ; 0 . 0 5 -
0 . 1 m g q 2 4 h P O q 3 - 5 d a y s a n d then
s a m e d o s e q 3 - 7 d a y s (cat)
1,25-Dihydroxychole- Rocaltrol A c t i v e v i t a m i n D3, 1.5-3.5 n g / k g q 2 4 h P O
calciferol, calcitriol decreases p a r a t h y r o i d
Enalapril Enacard Angiotensin-converting 0.5 m g / k g q 1 2 - 2 4 h PO (dog); 0 . 2 5 -
e n z y m e inhibitor 0 . 5 m g / k g q 1 2 - 2 4 h P O (cat)
Ephedrine - A d r e n e r g i c , increases 1 2 . 5 - 5 0 m g q l 2 h P O (dog); 2-4 m g / k g
urethral sphincter tone q 8 - 1 2 h P O (cat)
Erythropoietin (r-Hu- Epogen Stimulate erythrogenesis 3 5 - 5 0 U / k g IV, S Q 3 t i m e s / w k o r 4 0 0 U /
EPO), e p o e t i n alfa kg IV, S Q w e e k l y ; a d j u s t d o s e to PCV o f
Famotidine Pepcid H2 b l o c k e r 0.5 m g / k g I M , S Q , PO q12-24h
Flavoxate Urispas M u s c l e relaxant 100-200 mg q6-8h
Furosemide Lasix Loop diuretic 2-4 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h IV, P O
Hydralazine Apresoline Arterial vasodilator 0 . 5 - 2 . 0 m g / k g q 1 2 h PO (dog); 2 . 5 mg
q 2 4 h - q l 2 h P O (cat)
Imipramine Tofranil Antimuscarinic, a d r e n e r g i c 5-15 mg P O q 1 2 h (dog); 2.5-5 m g
agonist, muscle relaxant P O q 1 2 h (cat)
Lisinopril Prinivil, Zestril Angiotensin-converting 0.5 m g / k g PO q 2 4 h (dog)
e n z y m e inhibitor
Mannitol Osmitrol O s m o t i c diuretic 0 . 5 - 1 . 0 g / k g as 2 0 % - 2 5 % solution, s l o w
IV bolus over 5 - 1 0 m i n
N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)- Disulfide b o n d f o r m a t i o n 1 0 - 1 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O (dog)
glycine w i t h cysteine
Metoclopramide Reglan Antiemetic 0.2-0.5 m g / k g q 8 h PO, S Q
Nandrolone decanoate Deca-Durabolin A n a b o l i c steroid 1 . 0 - 1 . 5 m g / k g w e e k l y I M ( d o g ) ; 1.0 m g
w e e k l y I M (cat)
Oxybutynin Ditropan Direct a n t i s p a s m o d i c 0 . 2 - 0 . 5 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h P O (dog)
effect o n smooth muscle
d-Penicillamine Cuprimine Disulfide b o n d f o r m a t i o n 1 0 - 1 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O (dog)
w i t h cysteine
Phenoxybenzamine Dibenzyline -Blocker, decreases 0.2-0.5 m g / k g q 2 4 h PO (dog); 0 . 5 m g / k g
urethral sphincter tone q 2 4 h P O (cat)
Phenylpropanolamine Propagest - A d r e n e r g i c , increases 1.5-2.0 m g / k g q 8 - 1 2 h PO
urethral sphincter tone
Prazosin Minipress -Blocker 1 m g / 1 5 kg PO q6-8h
Propantheline b r o m i d e Pro-Banthine A n t i c h o l i n e r g i c , decreases 0.25-0.5 m g / k g q8-12h PO
detrusor contractility
Racemethionine Uroeze, Methio-Form Urinary acidifier 1 5 0 - 3 0 0 m g / k g / d a y PO (dog); 1.0-1.5 g /
d a y P O (cat)
Ranitidine Zantac H 2 blocker 2 . 0 m g / k g q 8 h P O , IV ( d o g ) ; 2 . 5 m g / k g
q 1 2 h IV, 3 . 5 m g / k g q 1 2 h P O (cat)
Testosterone c y p i o n a t e Andro-Cyp Increased urethral 1 . 0 - 2 . 2 m g / k g q 3 0 d a y s I M (dog)
sphincter tone
Trimethobenzamide Tigan Antiemetic 3 . 0 m g / k g q 8 h P O , I M (dog)

PCV, Packed cell volume.

Richard W . N e l s o n

C H A P T E R 49

Disorders of the
Hypothalamus and
Pituitary Gland

kg/24 h, respectively. It is possible, however, for thirst and

urine production to be abnormal within the limits of these
normal values i n individual dogs and cats.
A variety of metabolic disturbances can cause P U / P D (see
Box 41-3). Primary polyuric disorders can be classified on
Central Diabetes Insipidus
the basis of the underlying pathophysiology into primary
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
pituitary and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, secondary
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, osmotic diuresis-induced
Clinical Signs
polyuria, and interference with the hypothalamic-pituitary
Physical Examination
secretion of arginine vasopressin ( A V P ) . The most c o m m o n
Modified Water Deprivation Test
form of diabetes insipidus is acquired secondary nephro
Response to Desmopressin ( d D A V P )
genic diabetes insipidus. This form includes a variety of renal
Random Plasma Osmolality
and metabolic disorders i n which the renal tubules lose the
Additional Diagnostic Tests
ability to respond adequately to A V P . M o s t of these acquired
forms are potentially reversible after elimination of the
underlying illness.
Secondary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus results from
Acromegaly versus Hyperadrenocorticism
interference with the n o r m a l interaction of A V P and renal
tubular A V P receptors, problems with the generation of
intracellular c A M P , problems with renal tubular cell func
Clinical Signs
tion, or loss of the renal medullary interstitial concentration
gradient. Primary polydipsic disorders occur i n dogs and
usually have a psychogenic or behavioral basis for the c o m
pulsive water consumption (see the discussion of psycho
POLYURIA AND POLYDIPSIA genic P D , p. 702). A complete discussion of the diagnostic
approach to P U / P D is presented on p. 704. A n index of sus
Water consumption and urine production are controlled by picion for most of the endocrinopathies that cause P U / P D
complex interactions among plasma osmolality and volume, can be raised after a review of the history, physical examina
the thirst center, the kidney, the pituitary gland, and the tion findings, and results of a complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) ,
hypothalamus. Dysfunction i n any of these areas results i n serum biochemistry panel, and urinalysis. Specific tests may
the clinical signs of polyuria ( P U ) and polydipsia ( P D ) . In be necessary to confirm the diagnosis (Table 49-1). See the
dogs normal water intake is usually less than 60 m l / k g of appropriate chapters i n this section for a more complete
body weight/24 h, with an upper normal limit of 100 ml/kg. discussion of the diagnosis and treatment of each of these
Similar values are used for cats, although most cats drink endocrinopathies.
considerably less than these amounts. N o r m a l urine output Occasionally, the physical examination findings and initial
varies between 20 and 45 ml/kg/24 h. P D and P U i n the dog blood and urine tests are normal in dogs and cats with P U
and cat have been defined as water consumption that exceeds and P D . Differential diagnoses i n these dogs and cats include
100 ml/kg/24 h and urine production greater than 50 m l / diabetes insipidus, psychogenic P D , hyperadrenocorticism,
TABLE 49-1

Endocrine Disorders Causing Polyuria and Polydipsia in the Dog and Cat


Diabetes mellitus Fasting blood glucose, urinalysis

Hyperadrenocorticism Urine C / C ratio, low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
Hypoadrenocorticism Blood electrolytes, A C T H stimulation test
Primary hyperparathyroidism Blood calcium/phosphorus, cervical ultrasound, serum PTH concentration
Hyperthyroidism Serum T and free T concentration
4 4

Diabetes insipidus Modified water deprivation test, response to dDAVP therapy

Acromegaly Baseline G H or IGF-I concentration, C T or MR scan
Primary Hyperaldosteronism Blood electrolytes, plasma aldosterone concentration

C / C , Cortisol/creatinine; ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; PTH, parathyroid hormone; GH, growth hormone; IGF-I, Insulin-like growth
factor-l; CT, computed tomographic; MR, magnetic resonance.

TABLE 49-2

Results of Urinalysis in Dogs with Selected Disorders Causing Polyuria and Polydipsia


Central diabetes insipidus 20 1.005 1.001-1.012 5% 0% 0%

Psychogenic polydipsia 18 1.011 1.003-1.023 0% 0% 0%
Hyperadrenocorticism 20 1.012 1.001-1.027 48% 0% 12%
Renal insufficiency 20 1.011 1.008-1.016 90% 25% 15%
Pyelonephritis 20 1.019 1.007-1.045 70% 75% 80%

VVBC, White blood cells; HPF, high-power field.

m i l d renal insufficiency without azotemia, and m i l d hepatic veterinary hospital for determination of urine specific
insufficiency, most notably with portosystemic shunts. gravity. U r i n e specific gravity varies widely among healthy
Hyperadrenocorticism, renal insufficiency, and hepatic dogs and can range from 1.006 to greater than 1.040 within
insufficiency should be ruled out before performing diag a 24-hour period. W i d e fluctuations i n urine specific gravity
nostic tests for diabetes insipidus or psychogenic P D . Diag have not been reported i n healthy cats. If the urine specific
nostic tests to consider include evaluating the range o f urine gravity is consistently i n the isosthenuric range (1.008 to
specific gravities obtained from several urine samples (dis 1.015), renal insufficiency should be considered the primary
cussed i n more detail below), tests for hyperadrenocorticism differential diagnosis, especially i f the blood urea nitrogen
(e.g., urine Cortisol: creatinine ratio, low-dose dexametha and serum creatinine concentration are high normal or
sone suppression test), liver function tests (e.g., measure increased (i.e., 25 m g / d l or more and 1.6 m g / d l or more,
ment o f preprandial and postprandial bile acid levels), respectively). Isosthenuria is relatively c o m m o n i n dogs with
determination o f the urine p r o t e i n : creatinine ( P / C ) ratio, hyperadrenocorticism, psychogenic water consumption,
and abdominal ultrasonography. Ideally, all realistic causes hepatic insufficiency, pyelonephritis, and partial diabetes
of secondary acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus should insipidus with concurrent water restriction, but urine specific
be ruled out before performing tests (especially the modified gravities above (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism, pyelonephritis,
water deprivation test) for primary pituitary and nephro hepatic insufficiency, psychogenic water consumption) or
genic diabetes insipidus and psychogenic P D . below (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism, hepatic insufficiency,
Critical evaluation o f urine specific gravity measured partial diabetes insipidus) the isosthenuric range also occur
from several urine samples obtained by the client at different with these disorders. If urine specific gravities less than 1.005
times o f the day for 2 to 3 days may provide clues to the (i.e., hyposthenuric) are identified, renal insufficiency and
underlying disorder (Table 49-2). U r i n e samples should be pyelonephritis are ruled out and diabetes insipidus, psycho
stored i n the refrigerator u n t i l they can be brought to the genic water consumption, hyperadrenocorticism, and hepatic
insufficiency should be considered. Primary pituitary and
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus are ruled out i f the urine
specific gravity exceeds 1.020. Urine specific gravities that
Recognized Causes of Diabetes Insipidus in Dogs and Cats
range from less than 1.005 to greater than 1.030 are sugges

Idiopathic Primary idiopathic

DIABETES INSIPIDUS Traumatic Primary familial (Huskies)
Neoplasia Secondary acquired (see
Etiology Craniopharyngioma Box 41-4)
A V P plays a key role i n the control of renal water resorption, Chromophobe adenoma
urine production and concentration, and water balance. A V P Chromophobe
is produced i n the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei o f adenocarcinoma

the hypothalamus, is stored i n and secreted from the poste Metastasis

Hypothalamic and pituitary
rior pituitary gland i n response to an increase i n plasma
osmolality or decrease i n extracellular fluid volume, and
interacts with distal tubular and collecting duct cells o f the
kidney to promote water resorption and the formation o f Familial (?)
concentrated urine. The defective synthesis or secretion o f
A V P or an inability o f the renal tubules to respond to A V P
causes diabetes insipidus.

CENTRAL DIABETES INSIPIDUS Primary intracranial tumors that are associated with dia
Central diabetes insipidus ( C D I ) is a polyuric syndrome that betes insipidus i n dogs and cats include craniopharyngioma,
results from insufficient secretion o f A V P to concentrate pituitary chromophobe adenoma, and pituitary c h r o m o
urine for water conservation. This deficiency may be abso phobe adenocarcinoma. Metastatic m a m m a r y carcinoma,
lute or partial. A n absolute deficiency o f A V P , referred to as lymphoma, malignant melanoma, and pancreatic carcinoma
complete CDI, causes persistent hyposthenuria and severe have been reported to cause C D I i n dogs through their pres
diuresis. The urine specific gravity i n dogs and cats with ence i n the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. Metastatic
complete C D I remains hyposthenuric (i.e., 1.005 or less), neoplasia has not yet been reported to be a cause o f C D I i n
even with severe dehydration. A partial deficiency o f A V P , cats.
referred to as partial CDI, also causes persistent hyposthe
nuria and a marked diuresis as long as the dog or cat has NEPHROGENIC DIABETES INSIPIDUS
unlimited access to water. D u r i n g periods o f water restric Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus ( N D I ) is a polyuric disorder
tion the urine specific gravity can increase into the isosthe that results from impaired responsiveness o f the nephron to
nuric range (i.e., 1.008 to 1.015), but typically the urine A V P . Plasma A V P concentrations are n o r m a l or increased i n
cannot be concentrated to more than 1.015 to 1.020 even animals w i t h this disorder. N D I is classified as either primary
when the animal is severely dehydrated. In any dog or cat (familial) or secondary (acquired). P r i m a r y N D I is a rare
with partial C D I the m a x i m u m urine-concentrating ability congenital disorder i n dogs and cats, with only a few reports
during dehydration is inversely related to the severity o f the in the literature. The etiology of primary N D I i n dogs and
deficiency i n A V P secretionthat is, the more severe the cats is u n k n o w n , although decreased b i n d i n g affinity o f
A V P deficiency, the less concentrated the urine specific A V P receptors was identified i n a family o f Siberian Huskies.
gravity during dehydration. Affected puppies showed antidiuretic responses to high
C D I may result from any condition that damages the doses o f synthetic vasopressin (desmopressin [ d D A V P ] ) .
neurohypophyseal system (Box 49-1). Idiopathic C D I is the
most c o m m o n form, appearing at any age, i n any breed, and Clinical Features
affecting animals of either sex. Necropsies performed i n dogs
and cats with idiopathic C D I fail to identify an underlying SIGNALMENT
reason for the A V P deficiency. Although C D I is well docu There is no apparent breed-, sex-, or age-related predilection
mented in kittens and puppies, a hereditary form o f C D I has for C D I . In one study the age at the time o f the diagnosis o f
not yet been documented. The most c o m m o n identifiable C D I i n dogs ranged from 7 weeks to 14 years, with a median
causes of C D I in dogs and cats are head trauma (accidental of 5 years. Similarly, most cats with C D I are domestic short-
or neurosurgical), neoplasia, and hypothalamic-pituitary and long-haired cats, although the disorder has also been
malformations (e.g., cystic structures). Head trauma may documented i n Persians and Abyssinians. The age at the time
cause a transient (typically lasting 1 to 3 weeks) or perma of diagnosis of C D I i n cats ranged from 8 weeks to 6 years,
nent C D I , depending on the viability o f the cells i n the with a mean o f 1.5 years. Primary N D I has been identified
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. only i n puppies, kittens, and young adult dogs and cats
younger than 18 months o f age. P U and P D have been Chapter 55). Hyposthenuria i n the presence of persistent
present since the clients acquired these pets. hypernatremia should raise suspicion for diabetes insipidus.


P U and P D are the hallmark signs o f diabetes insipidus and The diagnostic workup for P U and P D should initially rule
are typically the only signs seen i n dogs and cats with con out causes of acquired secondary N D I (see Chapter 41).
genital and idiopathic C D I and i n those with primary N D I . Recommended initial diagnostic studies include a C B C ;
Clients may believe that affected animals are incontinent biochemistry panel; urinalysis with bacterial culture; abdom
because o f the frequency o f urination and loss o f n o r m a l inal ultrasonography; and a urine Cortisol: creatinine ratio,
housebroken behavior. Owners o f cats with diabetes insipi low-dose dexamethasone suppression test, or both. Results
dus often complain that they need to change the kitty litter of these screening tests are normal i n dogs and cats with
more frequently than expected. Additional clinical signs may C D I , primary N D I , and psychogenic water consumption,
be found i n dogs and cats with secondary causes o f diabetes although a l o w - n o r m a l serum urea nitrogen concentration
insipidus. The most worrisome are neurologic signs, w h i c h (5 to 10 mg/dl) may be found. Random urine specific gravity
may indicate the presence o f an expanding hypothalamic or is usually less than 1.006 and is often as low as 1.001 i f the
pituitary t u m o r i n the adult dog or cat that has not had head dog or cat has unlimited access to water. The urine osmolal
trauma. ity is less than 300 m O s m / k g . A urine specific gravity in the
isosthenuric range (i.e., 1.008 to 1.015) does not rule out
PHYSICAL E X A M I N A T I O N diabetes insipidus (Fig. 49-1), especially i f the urine has
The physical examination findings are usually unremarkable been obtained after water is knowingly or inadvertently
i n animals with C D I , although some dogs and cats are thin, withheld (e.g., a long car ride and wait i n the veterinary
presumably because the pet's strong desire for water over office). The urine o f dogs and cats with partial diabetes
rides its n o r m a l appetite. As long as access to water is not insipidus can be concentrated into the isosthenuric range if
restricted, the animal's hydration status, mucous membrane they are dehydrated. Erythrocytosis (packed cell volume of
color, and capillary refill time remain normal. The presence 50% to 60%), hyperproteinemia, hypernatremia, and azote
of neurologic abnormalities is variable i n dogs and cats with mia may be found i n animals if their access to water has been
either trauma-induced C D I or neoplastic destruction o f the restricted.
hypothalamus or pituitary gland. W h e n present, neurologic Diagnostic tests to confirm and differentiate among C D I ,
signs may include stupor, disorientation, ataxia, circling, primary N D I , and psychogenic water consumption include
pacing, and convulsions. Severe hypernatremia may also the modified water deprivation test, random plasma osmo
cause neurologic signs i n the traumatized dog or cat with lality determination, and the response to A V P supplementa
undiagnosed C D I given inadequate fluid therapy (see tion. The results of these tests can be interpreted only after

FIG 49-1
U r i n e specific g r a v i t y m e a s u r e d in 3 0 d o g s with central d i a b e t e s insipidus at the time of
initial presentation to the v e t e r i n a r i a n . (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline
endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)
the causes for acquired secondary N D I have been ruled lary solute washout may prevent a dog or cat with C D I from
out. forming concentrated urine i n response to only one or two
administrations. Clients should notice a decrease i n P U and
MODIFIED WATER DEPRIVATION TEST P D by the end o f the treatment period i f the P U and P D are
The technique, interpretation, contraindications, and c o m caused by C D I . U r i n e specific gravity should be measured
plications of the modified water deprivation test are described
in Chapter 42. The test consists of two phases. In phase I the
A V P secretory capabilities and renal distal and collecting
tubule responsiveness to A V P are evaluated by assessing the
effects of dehydration (i.e., water restriction until the animal
loses 3% to 5% o f its body weight) o n urine specific gravity.
The normal dog and cat, as well as those with psychogenic
water consumption, should be able to concentrate urine to
greater than 1.030 (1.035 i n the cat) i f dehydrated. Dogs and
cats with partial and complete C D I and primary N D I have
an impaired ability to concentrate urine i n the face o f dehy
dration (Table 49-3 and Fig. 49-2). The time required to
attain 3% to 5% dehydration can sometimes be helpful i n
establishing the diagnosis. It often takes less than 6 hours
for dogs and cats with complete C D I to attain 3% to 5%
dehydration, whereas it often takes more than 8 to 10 hours
for dogs and cats with partial C D I , and especially those
with psychogenic water consumption, to attain 3% to 5%
Phase II of the water deprivation test is indicated for dogs
and cats that do not concentrate urine to greater than 1.030
during phase I of the test. Phase II determines the effect, i f
any, that exogenous A V P has on the renal tubular ability to
concentrate urine in the face o f dehydration (see Fig. 49-2).
This phase differentiates impaired A V P secretion from
impaired renal tubular responsiveness to A V P (see Table 49-3).


A n alternative approach to establishing the diagnosis is to
evaluate the animal's response to trial therapy with d D A V P FIG 4 9 - 2
(desmopressin acetate, Aventis Pharmaceuticals). One 0.1- U r i n e specific g r a v i t y in seven d o g s with c o m p l e t e central
mg or one-half o f a 0.2-mg (dog) and one-half o f a 0.1-mg d i a b e t e s insipidus (red circle) a n d 1 3 d o g s with p a r t i a l
central d i a b e t e s insipidus (yellow circle) at the b e g i n n i n g
(cat) d D A V P tablet is administered orally every 8 hours, or
(hydrated), e n d of p h a s e I ( 5 % h y d r a t e d ) , a n d e n d of p h a s e
1 to 4 drops of d D A V P nasal spray is administered from an II (after a r g i n i n e v a s o p r e s s i n administration) of the m o d i f i e d
eye dropper into the conjunctival sac every 12 hours for 5 to w a t e r d e p r i v a t i o n test. (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W :
7 days. The effect of d D A V P should not be critically evalu Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St
ated until after 5 to 7 days o f therapy because renal medul Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B S a u n d e r s . )

TABLE 49-3

Guidelines for Interpretation o f the M o d i f i e d Water Deprivation Test



Central Dl
Complete < 1.006 < 1.006 > 1.008 4 3-7
Partial <1.006 1.008-1.020 >1.015 8 6-11
Primary n e p h r o g e n i c D l <1.006 <1.006 <1.006 5 3-9
Primary p o l y d i p s i a 1.002-1.020 >1.030 NA 13 8-20

ADH, Antidiuretic hormone; Dl, diabetes insipidus; NA, not applicable.

on several urine samples collected by the client o n the last the beneficial response to d D A V P wanes over the ensuing
couple o f days o f trial therapy. A n increase i n urine specific weeks i n dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.
gravity by 50% or more, compared with pretreatment specific Although less time-consuming than the water depriva
gravities, supports the diagnosis o f C D I , especially i f the tion test, the expense is often comparable, i n part because of
urine specific gravity exceeds 1.030. There should be only the cost of the d D A V P . In addition, the modified water depri
m i n i m a l improvement i n dogs and cats with primary N D I , vation test may still have to be performed i f ambiguous
although a response may be observed with very high doses results are obtained using this simpler approach.
of d D A V P . Dogs and cats with psychogenic water consump
tion may exhibit a m i l d decline i n urine output and water R A N D O M P L A S M A OSMOLALITY
intake because the chronically l o w serum osmolality tends Measurement of random plasma osmolality may help iden
to depress A V P production. tify primary or psychogenic P D . Plasma osmolality i n normal
This approach to diagnosis requires that all other causes dogs and cats is approximately 280 to 310 m O s m / k g . Diabe
of P U and P D , except C D I , primary N D I , and psychogenic tes insipidus is a primary polyuric disorder, with compensa
P D , be previously ruled out. Tests for hyperadrenocorticism tory P D to prevent severe hyperosmolality. Random plasma
should always be evaluated before trial therapy with d D A V P osmolality should be greater than 300 m O s m / k g . Psycho
is considered. Hyperadrenocorticism mimics partial C D I , genic P D is a primary polydipsic disorder, with compensa
i n part because o f the suppression o f vasopressin secretion tory P U to prevent hyposmolality and water intoxication.
with hyperadrenocorticism. Dogs with hyperadrenocorti R a n d o m plasma osmolality should be less than 280 m O s m /
cism typically have a positive, albeit moderate, response to kg. Unfortunately, there is considerable overlap in random
d D A V P treatment, w h i c h can result i n a misdiagnosis o f plasma osmolality i n animals with these disorders (Fig. 49-3).
partial C D I as the cause o f P U and P D . U n l i k e partial C D I , A random plasma osmolality o f less than 280 mOsm/kg

FIG 4 9 - 3
R a n d o m p l a s m a o s m o l a l i t y in 1 9 d o g s with c o m p l e t e central d i a b e t e s insipidus, 12 d o g s
with p a r t i a l central d i a b e t e s i n s i p i d u s , 9 d o g s with p r i m a r y n e p h r o g e n i c d i a b e t e s insipi
d u s , a n d 11 d o g s with p r i m a r y (psychogenic) p o l y d i p s i a . N o t e the o v e r l a p in values
b e t w e e n g r o u p s of d o g s . Dashed lines, U p p e r a n d l o w e r limits for n o r m a l p l a s m a
osmolality. (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n RVV: Canine and feline endocrinology and
reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)
obtained while the dog or cat has free access to water suggests
the presence of psychogenic P D , whereas a plasma osmolal
ity greater than 280 m O s m / k g is consistent with C D I , N D I ,
Therapies Available for Polydipsic/Polyuric Dogs and Cats
or psychogenic P D .
with Central Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic Diabetes
Insipidus, or Primary (Psychogenic) Polydipsia
Neoplasia i n the region o f the pituitary and hypothalamus A . Central diabetes insipidus (severe)
should be considered i n the older dog or cat i n which C D I 1. dDAVP (desmopressin acetate)
a. Effective
develops. A complete neurologic evaluation, including c o m
b. Expensive
puted tomographic ( C T ) or magnetic resonance ( M R ) scan
c. O r a l tablets or drops of nasal solution in
may be warranted before idiopathic C D I is arbitrarily diag
conjunctival sac
nosed, especially i f the client is willing to consider radio
2. LVP (lypressin [Diapid])
therapy or chemotherapy should a t u m o r be identified. a. Short duration of action; less potent than dDAVP
Similarly, a more complete evaluation o f the kidney (e.g., b. Expensive
creatinine clearance studies, intravenous pyelogram, C T or c. Requires drops into nose or conjunctival sac
M R scan, renal biopsy) may be warranted i n the older dog 3. N o treatmentprovide continuous source of water
or cat tentatively considered to have primary N D I . B. Central diabetes insipidus (partial)
1. dDAVP
Treatment 2. LVP
3. Chlorpropamide
Therapeutic options for dogs and cats with diabetes insipi
a. 30%-70% effective
dus are listed i n Box 49-2. The synthetic analog o f vasopres
b. Inexpensive
sin, d D A V P , is the standard therapy for C D I . d D A V P has
c. Pill form
almost three times the antidiuretic action o f A V P , with
d. Takes 1-2 weeks to obtain effect of drug
minimal-to-no vasopressor or oxytocic activity. The intrana e. M a y cause hypoglycemia
sal d D A V P preparation ( d D A V P nasal drops, 2.5- and 5.0-ml 4. Thiazide diuretics
bottles containing 100 g d D A V P / m l ) is used most c o m a. Mildly effective
monly for treating C D I i n dogs and cats. Administration o f b. Inexpensive
medication to animals via the intranasal route is possible but c. Pill form
not recommended. The d D A V P nasal preparation may be d. Should be used with low-sodium diet
transferred to a sterile eye dropper bottle and drops placed 5. Low-sodium diet (NaCl < 0.9 g / 1 0 0 0 kcal/ME)

into the conjunctival sac o f the dog or cat. Although the 6. N o treatmentprovide continuous source of water
C . Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
solution is acidic, ocular irritation rarely occurs. One drop
1. Thiazide diuretics
of d D A V P contains 1.5 to 4 g o f d D A V P , and a dosage o f
2. Low-sodium diet (NaCl < 0.9 g / 1 0 0 0 kcal/ME)
one to four drops administered once or twice daily controls
3. N o treatmentprovide continuous source of water
signs of C D I i n most animals. D. Primary (psychogenic) polydipsia
Oral d D A V P ( d D A V P tablets, 0.1 and 0.2 mg) can be used 1. Water restriction at times
to treat C D I , although the clinical response is variable. The 2. Water limitation
bioavailability o f oral d D A V P is approximately 5% to 15% 3. Change in environment or daily routine; excercise;
of the intranasal dose i n humans. Similar information is not increased contact with humans or dogs
available for dogs and cats. The initial oral d D A V P dose is
ME, Metabolizable energy
0.1 mg (dogs) and 0.05 m g (cats) given three times a day. The
dose is gradually increased to effect i f unacceptable P U and
P D persist 1 week after therapy is initiated. Decreasing the
frequency o f administration to twice a day, decreasing the expense becomes a limiting factor. The medication may be
dose of d D A V P , or both can be tried once clinical response administered exclusively i n the evening as insurance against
has been documented. T o date, most dogs have required 0.1 nocturia.
to 0.2 m g of d D A V P two to three times a day, and most cats Chlorpropamide, thiazide diuretics, and oral s o d i u m
have required 0.025 to 0.05 m g o f d D A V P two to three times chloride restriction have a limited efficacy i n the treatment
a day to control P U and P D . Treatment should be switched of N D I . d D A V P may control the clinical signs i f adminis
to the intranasal d D A V P preparation i f there is m i n i m a l to tered i n massive amounts (i.e., five to ten times the amount
no response to 0.2 m g (dog) or 0.05 m g (cat) o f oral d D A V P used for the treatment o f C D I ) , but the cost o f the drug
administered three times a day. obviously detracts from the attractiveness o f this therapeutic
The maximal effect o f d D A V P , regardless o f the route o f approach. Fortunately, therapy for C D I or N D I is not man
administration, occurs from 2 to 8 hours after administra datory as long as the dog or cat has unlimited access to water
tion, and the duration o f action varies from 8 to 24 hours. and is housed i n an environment that cannot be damaged
Larger doses o f d D A V P appear both to increase its antidi by severe P U . A constant water supply is o f paramount
uretic effects and to prolong its duration o f action; however, importance because relatively short periods o f water restric-
tion can have catastrophic results (i.e., the development of water should be divided into several aliquots, with the last
hypernatremic, hypertonic dehydration and neurologic aliquot given at bedtime. Oral salt (1 g/30 kg q l 2 h ) and/or
signs). oral sodium bicarbonate (0.6 g/30 kg q l 2 h ) may also be
administered for 3 to 5 days to help reestablish the renal
Prognosis medullary concentration gradient. Changes i n the dog's
Dogs and cats with idiopathic or congenital C D I become environment or daily routine should be considered, such as
relatively asymptomatic i n response to appropriate therapy, initiating a daily exercise routine; bringing a second pet into
and with proper care these animals have an excellent life the home; providing some distraction, such as a radio playing
expectancy. P U and P D frequently resolve i n dogs and cats when the clients are not home; or moving the dog to an area
with trauma-induced C D I , often within 2 weeks of the trau with an increased amount of contact with humans.
matic incident. The prognosis i n dogs and cats with hypo
thalamic and pituitary tumors is guarded to grave. Neurologic
signs typically develop within 6 months after the diagnosis ENDOCRINE ALOPECIA
of C D I , and clinical response to radiotherapy and chemo
therapy is variable and unpredictable. Symmetric alopecia without historical or clinical evidence of
The prognosis for animals with primary N D I is guarded inflammation usually results from hair cycle arrest induced
to poor because of limited therapeutic options and the gen by hormonal diseaseshence the term endocrine alopecia
erally poor response to therapy. The prognosis for animals (Fig. 49-4). H a i r follicles are atrophic, hairs are easily epi
with secondary N D I depends on the prognosis of the primary lated, the skin is often thin and hypotonic, and hyperpig
problem. mentation is c o m m o n . Other dermatologic lesions, such as
scales, crusts, and papules, are absent. Seborrhea and pyo
derma may develop, depending on the underlying cause.
PRIMARY (PSYCHOGENIC) POLYDIPSIA Causes of endocrine alopecia are listed i n Table 49-4. In
dogs the most c o m m o n causes are hypothyroidism and glu
Primary P D is defined as a marked increase i n water intake cocorticoid excess (iatrogenic or spontaneous). Feline endo
that cannot be explained as a compensatory mechanism for crine alopecia is perhaps the most c o m m o n endocrine
excessive fluid loss. In humans primary P D results from a alopecia i n cats. The diagnostic evaluation for endocrine
defect i n the thirst center or may be associated with mental alopecia begins with a complete history, physical examina
illness. Primary dysfunction of the thirst center resulting i n tion, and routine blood and urine tests, (i.e., C B C , serum
compulsive water consumption has not been reported i n the biochemistry panel, and urinalysis). Results of these tests will
dog or cat, although an abnormal vasopressin response to often provide evidence for hypothyroidism and hyperadre
hypertonic saline infusion has been reported i n dogs with nocorticism, and appropriate diagnostic tests can then be
suspected primary P D . A psychogenic or behavioral basis for performed to confirm these diagnoses (see Chapters 51 and
compulsive water consumption does occur i n the dog but 53, respectively).
has not been reported i n the cat. Psychogenic P D may be
induced by concurrent disease (e.g., hepatic insufficiency,
hyperthyroidism) or may represent a learned behavior fol
lowing a change i n the pet's environment. P U is compensa
tory to prevent overhydration.
Dogs (and presumably cats) with primary or psychogenic
P D have an intact hypothalamic-pituitary-renal axis for con
trolling fluid balance and variable severity of renal medullary
solute washout. Because A V P production and renal tubular
response to A V P are normal, these dogs can concentrate
urine i n excess of 1.030. Depending on the severity of renal
medullary solute washout, a period of 24 hours or longer of
water deprivation may be necessary to attain concentrated
urine. Psychogenic P D is diagnosed by exclusion of other
causes of P U and P D and by demonstrating that the dog or
cat can concentrate urine to a specific gravity i n excess of
1.030 during water deprivation.
Treatment is aimed at gradually limiting water intake to FIG 4 9 - 4
E n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a , thin skin, a n d severe obesity in a
amounts i n the high-normal range. The client should deter
7-year-old m a l e castrated P o m e r a n i a n with iatrogenic
mine the dog's approximate water intake i n a 24-hour period h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m c a u s e d b y c h r o n i c administration of
when free-choice water is allowed, and this volume of water p r e d n i s o n e for a s e i z u r e d i s o r d e r . N o t e the symmetric
is then reduced by 10% per week until water volumes of 60 truncal a l o p e c i a with s p a r i n g of the h e a d a n d distal
to 80 ml/kg/24 h are reached. The total 24-hour volume of extremities.
TABLE 49-4

Disorders Causing Endocrine Alopecia


Hypothyroidism Lipemia, hypercholesterolemia, mild Serum T , free T , TSH concentrations

4 4

nonregenerative anemia
Hyperadrenocorticism Stress leukogram, increased ALP, Urine Cortisol/creatinine ratio, low-dose
hypercholesterolemia, hyposthenuria, dexamethasone suppression test,
proteinuria, urinary tract infection abdominal US
Functional Sertoli cell tumor in None (bone marrow depression Physical findings, abdominal US,
male dog uncommon) cytologic or histopathologic findings,
plasma estrogen concentration
Hyperestrogenism in intact None (bone marrow depression Vaginal cytology, abdominal US, plasma
female dog uncommon) estrogen concentration, response to
Hyperprogesteronism None Physical findings, abdominal US, serum
progesterone concentration
Increased adrenocortical steroid None Measure adrenocortical steroid hormone
hormone intermediates (adrenal intermediates before and after A C T H
hyperplasia-like syndrome, administration
Growth hormone deficiency None Signalment, physical findings, growth
pituitary dwarfism hormone response test
Growth hormone-responsive None Growth hormone response test, response
dermatosisadult dog to growth hormone replacement therapy
Castration-responsive dermatosis None Response to castration
Hypoestrogenism (?)
Estrogen-responsive dermatosis None Response to estrogen therapy
of spayed female dogs
Hypoandrogenism (?)
Testosterone-responsive None Response to testosterone therapy
dermatosismale dog
Feline endocrine alopecia None Response to progestin therapy
Telogen defluxion (effluvium) None History of recent pregnancy or diestrus
Diabetes mellitus Hyperglycemia, glycosuria Blood and urine glucose measurement

T , Tetraiodothyronine; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; US, ultrasonography; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic


Once hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism have of a C B C may reveal aplastic anemia. Histologic assessment
been ruled out, the next diagnostic step is to rule out an of a skin biopsy specimen can be used to identify nonspecific
excess of one of the sex hormones or one of the adrenocor endocrine-related alterations and support the diagnosis of
tical steroid hormone intermediates. Dermatologic mani endocrine alopecia (Table 49-5). There are no pathogno
festations are similar for most sex h o r m o n e - i n d u c e d m o n i c histologic changes for sex h o r m o n e - i n d u c e d derma
dermatoses and include endocrine alopecia that initially toses. The identification of an increased plasma estrogen
begins in the perineal, genital, and ventral abdominal regions (i.e., estradiol) concentration w o u l d support the presence of
and spreads cranially; dull, dry, easily epilated hair; failure of a functional Sertoli cell t u m o r i n the dog and hyperestrogen
the haircoat to regrow after clipping; and variable presence ism i n the bitch (assuming that the bitch is not i n proestrus
of seborrhea and hyperpigmentation. Additional clinical or early estrus). A b d o m i n a l ultrasound may identify ovarian
signs of hyperestrogenism may include gynecomastia, a pen cysts or neoplasia i n the bitch with hyperestrogenism, and
dulous prepuce, the attraction of other male dogs, squatting abdominal and testicular ultrasound may identify testicular
to urinate, and unilateral testicular atrophy (contralateral to neoplasia i n the male dog. Hyperestrogenism and endocrine
the testicular tumor) i n the male dog and vulvar enlarge alopecia w i l l resolve after surgical removal o f the ovarian
ment and persistent proestrus or estrus in the bitch. Results cyst, ovarian tumor, or testicular tumor.
TABLE 49-5

Dermatohistopathologic Alterations Associated w i t h Endocrinopathy-Induced Alopecia


Nonspecific Abnormalities Supporting an Endocrinopathy

Orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis
Follicular keratosis
Follicular d i l a t a t i o n
Follicular a t r o p h y
P r e d o m i n a n c e of t e l o g e n hair follicles
Sebaceous gland atrophy
Epidermal atrophy
Epidermal melanosis
Thin d e r m i s
Dermal collagen atrophy -
Abnormalities Suggestive of Specific Endocrine Disorder
D e c r e a s e d a m o u n t a n d s i z e of d e r m a l elastin fibers Hyposomatotropism
E x c e s s i v e trichilemmal k e r a t i n i z a t i o n (flame follicles) G r o w t h h o r m o n e - a n d castration-responsive dermatosis
V a c u o l a t e d a n d / o r h y p e r t r o p h i e d arrector p i l a e muscles Hypothyroidism
Increased d e r m a l mucin content Hypothyroidism
Thick d e r m i s Hypothyroidism
Comedones Hyperadrenocorticism
C a l c i n o s i s cutis Hyperadrenocorticism
A b s e n c e of arrector p i l a e muscles Hyperadrenocorticism

A n abnormal increase i n serum progesterone may result

from adrenocortical neoplasia, functional ovarian luteal
cysts i n the bitch, and as a component of an imbalance i n
adrenocortical steroid hormone intermediates. Functional
luteal cysts may cause prolonged anestrus or failure to cycle
i n the bitch. Clinical features of progesterone-secreting adre
nocortical tumors m i m i c hyperadrenocorticism (see Chapter
53). D o c u m e n t i n g increased serum progesterone concentra
tion establishes the diagnosis, especially i n a male or female
spayed animal. Serum progesterone is normally increased i n
an intact female dog or cat i n diestrus. A history of recent
cycling behavior and examination of the ovaries and adrenal
glands with abdominal ultrasound will help differentiate
diestrus, functional luteal cysts, and adrenal neoplasia.
A n increase i n one or more of the adrenocortical steroid
hormone intermediates often occurs i n association with FIG 4 9 - 5
pituitary-dependent and adrenocortical tumor-dependent A 7-year-old P o o d l e m i x with h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m a n d a n
hyperadrenocorticism (Fig. 49-5). The predominant clinical i n c r e a s e in a d r e n o c o r t i c a l steroid h o r m o n e intermediates.
signs i n these dogs result from an excess of Cortisol. A n C l i n i c a l signs i n c l u d e d p o l y u r i a , p o l y d i p s i a , a n d thinning
imbalance of adrenocortical steroid hormone intermediates of the h a i r c o a t o n the trunk a n d tail. Tests of the pituitary-
a d r e n o c o r t i c a l a x i s w e r e inconclusive, a n d serum
such as 17-hydroxyprogesterone, progesterone, and andro
1 7 - h y d r o x y p r o g e s t e r o n e concentrations w e r e i n c r e a s e d .
stenedione has been proposed as an explanation for hair
cycle arrest, endocrine alopecia, and hyperpigmentation i n
dogs that do not have hyperadrenocorticism. A partial the skin and have been identified i n many breeds, most
deficiency of 21-hydroxylase enzyme may account for the notably i n the American Eskimo, Pomeranian, C h o w Chow,
clinical and h o r m o n a l findings. Clinical signs for this syn Keeshond, Malamute, Poodle, Samoyed, and Siberian Husky
drome (referred to as adrenal hyperplasia-like syndrome or (Frank et al., 2003). Males are overrepresented. Routine
Alopecia-X) are characterized by hair cycle arrest; bilaterally blood and urine test results are typically normal. Skin biop
symmetric, nonpruritic alopecia; and hyperpigmentation of sies from affected dogs show the typical changes of endo-
crine alopecia (see Table 49-5) and may also show features Endocrine alopecia may result from a deficiency o f one
of follicular dysplasia. Diagnosis requires evaluation o f adre of the sex hormones, most notably estrogens or androgens,
nocortical steroid hormone intermediates and sex hormones or may be responsive to treatment with one o f the sex hor
before and after adrenocorticotropic hormone ( A C T H ) mones (see Table 49-4). Dermatologic manifestations are
administration (see Chapter 53). The most c o m m o n abnor similar for most sex h o r m o n e - i n d u c e d and sex h o r m o n e -
mality is an increase i n serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone con responsive dermatoses and m i m i c the syndrome induced
centration. Currently, the only laboratory with established by alterations i n sex hormone and adrenocortical steroid
normal values for intermediate and sex steroids is the Endo hormone intermediates (adrenal hyperplasia-like syndrome,
crinology Laboratory at the University of Tennessee, College Alopecia-X) and GH-responsive dermatosis, creating a
of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville, T N 37901-1071. Treat difficult diagnostic challenge for the veterinarian, especially
ment has included trilostane and mitotane. when the alopecia occurs i n a breed such as the C h o w C h o w
The differential diagnoses become more nebulous and the or Pomeranian. Diagnosis o f sex hormone-deficiency or
ability to establish a definitive cause o f the alopecia more sex hormone-responsive dermatosis is based on response
difficult once hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism, and to treatment (Table 49-6). Castration o f intact male dogs or
increased sex hormone and/or adrenocortical steroid sex hormone replacement therapy (e.g., diethylstilbestrol,
hormone intermediates have been ruled out. Clinical m a n i methyltestosterone) i n previously castrated or spayed dogs
festations of growth hormone (GH)-responsive dermatosis can be considered i n dogs with endocrine alopecia o f unde
are similar to those described for increased adrenocortical termined cause. Because o f potentially serious adverse reac
steroid hormone intermediates (Fig. 49-6). C o m m o n l y tions to sex hormone replacement therapy, the more c o m m o n
affected breeds include C h o w Chows, Pomeranians, T o y and causes o f endocrine alopecia should always be ruled out
Miniature Poodles, Keeshonds, American Water Spaniels, before initiating treatment. The haircoat should improve
and Samoyeds; males are overrepresented; routine b l o o d and within 3 months o f the start o f therapy. If there is no i m p r o
urine test results are normal; and the endocrine alopecia vement within this time, another diagnosis should be
responds to G H treatment. Unfortunately, there is no c o m considered.
mercially available assay for measuring G H i n dogs, and an Response to melatonin treatment (3 to 6 m g q l 2 - 2 4 h for
effective G H product for treatment is not available for 6 weeks) is perhaps the most innocuous nonspecific treat
dogs. ment option i f diagnostic options have been exhausted and

FIG 4 9 - 6
A a n d B, E n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a in a 6-year-old P o m e r a n i a n w i t h suspected adult-onset, G H -
responsive d e r m a t o s i s . N o t e the symmetric truncal a l o p e c i a w i t h lesser involvement of the
extremities a n d s p a r i n g of the h e a d .
TABLE 49-6

Treatment for Sex H o r m o n e - I n d u c e d or Sex Hormone-Responsive Endocrine Alopecia


Sertoli cell n e o p l a s i a Castration None

Castration-responsive dermatosis Castration None
H y p e r e s t r o g e n i s m in the intact Ovariohysterectomy None
female d o g
Estrogen-responsive d e r m a t o s i s of Diethylstilbestrol, 0 . 1 - 1 . 0 m g P O Aplastic anemia
spayed female dogs q 2 4 h 3 w e e k s p e r month; o n c e
r e s p o n d s , 0.1-1 m g q 4 - 7 d a y s
Feline e n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a Megestrol acetate, 2.5-5 m g / c a t Adrenocortical suppression, benign mammary
q 4 8 h until hair r e g r o w s ; then hypertrophy, m a m m a r y n e o p l a s i a , pyometra
2.5-5 m g / c a t q 7 - 1 4 days (female cats); infertility (male cats), diabetes
Testosterone-responsive d e r m a t o s i s Methyltestosterone, 1 m g / k g Aggression, hepatopathy
( m a x i m u m 3 0 mg) P O q 4 8 h until
h a i r r e g r o w s , then q 4 - 7 d a y s
Telogen d e f l u x i o n (effluvium) None None
A d r e n a l hyperplasia-like M i t o t a n e , trilostane M e l a t o n i n (see Hypoadrenocorticism
syndrome, Alopecia-X Chapter 53)

PO, By mouth.

a definitive diagnosis for the endocrine alopecia has not been

established. The mechanism o f action o f melatonin for pro
moting hair growth is not clear. Proposed mechanisms o f
action include inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone
( G n R H ) secretion, thereby decreasing follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone ( L H ) , and sex hormone
concentrations; stimulation o f prolactin secretion; stimula
tion o f G H or insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) secretion;
and a direct effect on hair follicles.
M a n y clients elect not to treat their dog once hypothy
roidism, hyperadrenocorticism, ovarian cysts, and neoplasia
of the adrenal gland, ovary, and testis have been ruled out.
For these dogs the long-term prognosis is good, even without
treatment. Dogs remain healthy aside from the alopecia and

C h r o n i c excessive secretion o f G H in adult cats results in
acromegaly, a disease characterized by overgrowth of con FIG 4 9 - 7
nective tissue, bone, and viscera. In cats acromegaly is caused M a g n e t i c resonance i m a g e of the pituitary region of a 6-year-
o l d m a l e , castrated domestic short-haired cat with insulin-
by a functional adenoma o f the somatotropic cells o f the
resistant d i a b e t e s mellitus a n d a c r o m e g a l y (see F i g . 4 9 - 8 , A ) .
pituitary pars distalis that secretes excess G H (Fig. 49-7). In A mass is evident in the hypothalamic-pituitary region (arrow).
most cats the pituitary tumor is a macroadenoma that
extends dorsally above the sella turcica. Progestogen-induced
acromegaly has not been documented i n the cat. Progesto medroxyprogesterone acetate) or late in life after years of
gens, including megestrol acetate, do not appear to stimulate endogenous progesterone secretion during the diestrual
G H or IGF-I secretion in the cat. In contrast, acromegaly in phase o f the estrous cycle i n the intact bitch.
the dog is seen most c o m m o n l y after prolonged exposure C h r o n i c excess secretion o f G H has catabolic and ana
to progestogens, either exogenously administered (e.g., bolic effects. The anabolic effects are caused by increased
concentrations of IGF-I. The growth-promoting effects of
IGF-I result i n proliferation of bone, cartilage, and soft
tissues and i n organomegaly, most notably o f the kidney and Clinical Signs Associated with Acromegaly i n Dogs and Cats
heart. These anabolic effects are responsible for producing
Anabolic, IGF-l-lnduced
the classic clinical manifestations o f acromegaly (Box 49-3).
The catabolic effects of G H are a direct result o f G H - i n d u c e d Respiratory*
insulin resistance that ultimately results i n carbohydrate Inspiratory stridor, stertor
Transient apnea
intolerance, hyperglycemia, and the development of diabetes
mellitus that quickly becomes resistant to insulin treatment.
Exercise intolerance
Most but not all cats with acromegaly have diabetes mellitus
at the time acromegaly is diagnosed, and most eventually
develop severe resistance to exogenously administered Myxedema
insulin. Excessive skin folds
Clinical Features Conformational*
Acromegaly typically occurs i n male, mixed-breed cats that Increased size
are 8 years o f age or older. Clinical signs result from the Increased soft tissue in oropharyngeal/laryngeal area
catabolic, diabetogenic effects of G H , the anabolic actions o f Enlargement of:
chronic IGF-I secretion by the liver, and growth o f the p i t u Abdomen
itary macroadenoma (see Box 49-3). The earliest clinical
signs are usually P U , P D , and polyphagia resulting from
concurrent diabetes mellitus. Polyphagia can become quite
Broad face*
intense. Weight loss varies and depends i n part o n whether Prominent jowls*
the anabolic effects of IGF-I or the catabolic effects of u n c o n Prognathia inferior*
trolled diabetes predominate. M o s t cats initially lose weight Increased interdental space*
and then experience a period of stabilization followed by a Rapid toenail growth
slow, progressive gain i n body weight as the anabolic effects Degenerative polyarthropathy
of IGF-I begin to dominate the clinical picture. Severe insulin
Catabolic, GH-lnduced
resistance eventually develops. Insulin dosages i n cats with
acromegaly frequently exceed 2 to 3 U / k g o f body weight Polyuria, polydipsia*
twice a day, with no apparent decline i n the b l o o d glucose
concentration. Iatrogenic
Clinical signs related to the anabolic actions of excess G H
secretion (see Box 49-3) may be evident at the time diabetes Mammary nodules
mellitus is diagnosed. M o r e commonly, however, they Pyometra
become apparent several months after diabetes has been
diagnosed, often i n conjunction with the realization that Neoplasia-lnduced
hyperglycemia is difficult to control with exogenous insulin Lethargy, stupor
therapy. Because o f the insidious onset and slowly progres Adipsia
sive nature of the anabolic clinical signs, clients are often not Anorexia
aware of the subtle changes i n the appearance of their cat Temperature deregulation
until the clinical signs are quite obvious. Anabolic changes
in acromegalic cats include an increase i n body size, enlarge
ment of the abdomen and head, development o f prognathia
Pituitary dysfunction
inferior, and weight gain (Fig. 49-8). Weight gain i n a cat Hypogonadism
with poorly regulated diabetes mellitus is an important diag Hypothyroidism
nostic clue to acromegaly. W i t h time, organomegaly, espe Hypoadrenocorticism
cially of the heart, kidney, liver, and adrenal gland, develop.
Diffuse thickening of soft tissues i n the pharyngeal region IGF-I, Insulin-like growth factor-l; GH, growth hormone.
can lead to extrathoracic upper airway obstruction and *Common findings.
respiratory distress.
Neurologic signs may develop as a result of pituitary pituitary gland. Papilledema may be evident during an o p h
tumor growth and the resultant invasion and compression thalmic examination. Peripheral neuropathy causing weak
of the hypothalamus and thalamus. Signs include stupor, ness, ataxia, and a plantigrade stance may develop as a result
somnolence, adipsia, anorexia, temperature deregulation, of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Other endocrine and
circling, seizures, and changes i n behavior. Blindness is not metabolic abnormalities resulting from the compressive
common because the optic chiasm is located anterior to the effects o f the t u m o r o n the pituitary are u n c o m m o n .
Clinical Pathology
Concurrent, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus is respon
sible for causing most of the abnormalities identified on a
serum biochemistry panel and urinalysis, including hyper
glycemia, glycosuria, hypercholesterolemia, and a mild
increase i n alanine transaminase and alkaline phosphatase
activities. Ketonuria is an infrequent finding. M i l d erythro
cytosis, persistent m i l d hyperphosphatemia without concur
rent azotemia, and persistent hyperproteinemia (total serum
protein concentration of 8.2 to 9.7 mg/dl) with a normal
pattern of distribution on protein electrophoretic studies
may also be found. Renal failure is a potential sequela of
acromegaly and, if present, will be associated with azotemia,
isosthenuria, and proteinuria.

Clinical suspicion for acromegaly is based on the identifica
tion of conformational alterations (e.g., increased body size,
large head, prognathia inferior, organomegaly) associated
with acromegaly and a stable or progressive increase in
body weight i n a cat with insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus.
Measurement of serum IGF-I concentration provides
further evidence for the diagnosis of acromegaly. Measure
ment of serum IGF-I is commercially available (e.g., Diag
nostic Endocrinology Laboratory, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, M I
48909-7576). Concentrations are usually increased in acro
megalic cats, but values may be in the reference range in the
early stages of the disease (Fig. 49-9). Repeat measurements

FIG 49-9
B o x plots of serum concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-l
(IGF-I) in 3 8 healthy cats, 15 well-controlled d i a b e t i c cats, 4 0
FIG 49-8 p o o r l y controlled d i a b e t i c cats, a n d 1 9 p o o r l y controlled
A , A 6-year-old m a l e , castrated domestic short-haired cat with d i a b e t i c cats with a c r o m e g a l y . For e a c h b o x plot, T-bars
insulin-resistant d i a b e t e s mellitus a n d a c r o m e g a l y . N o t e the represent the m a i n b o d y of d a t a , w h i c h in most instances is
b r o a d face a n d mildly protruding mandible (prognathia inferior). e q u a l to the range. Each b o x represents the interquartile range
B a n d C, A n 8-year-old m a l e , castrated domestic short-haired (twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentile). The horizontal b a r in
cat with insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus a n d a c r o m e g a l y . N o t e e a c h box is the median. Asterisks represent outlying data points,
the b r o a d h e a d , mildly protruding m a n d i b l e , a n d p r o g n a t h i a (a) P < 0 . 0 0 0 1 , c o m p a r e d with healthy cats a n d well-controlled
inferior with d i s p l a c e m e n t of the l o w e r c a n i n e teeth. (From a n d poorly controlled diabetic cats. (From Berg RIM et a l : Serum
F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocrinology insulin-like g r o w t h factor-l concentration in cats with diabetes
and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B S a u n d e r s . ) mellitus a n d a c r o m e g a l y , J Vet intern Med 2 1 : 8 9 2 , 2 0 0 7 . )
performed 4 to 6 months later will usually demonstrate Treatment
an increase in serum IGF-I i f acromegaly is present. The Radiotherapy is currently considered the most viable treat
increase i n serum IGF-I typically coincides with develop ment option for acromegaly i n cats. Cobalt teletherapy
ment and growth of the pituitary somatotropic adenoma. involves the administration o f a total dose o f 45 to 48 G y i n
Increased serum IGF-I concentrations have been identified daily fractions five days per week for 3 to 4 weeks. The
in a small number o f poorly controlled diabetic cats i n clinical response to cobalt teletherapy is unpredictable and
which the poor control was not caused by acromegaly. ranges from no response to a dramatic response, character
Interpretation o f serum IGF-I test results should always take ized by shrinkage o f the tumor; elimination o f hypersomato
into consideration the status o f control o f the diabetic tropism; resolution o f insulin resistance; and, in some cats,
state, the presence and severity o f insulin resistance, and the reversion to a subclinical diabetic state (see Fig. 49-7). T y p i
index of suspicion for acromegaly based on review o f the cally, t u m o r size and plasma G H and serum IGF-I concen
history, physical examination, and results o f routine b l o o d trations decrease and insulin responsiveness improves after
and urine tests and diagnostic imaging. Identifying an cobalt teletherapy, although this improvement may take 6
increased serum IGF-I concentration i n a poorly controlled months or longer to occur after radiation treatment. In most
diabetic cat with insulin resistance and clinical features sug treated cats that respond to radiation therapy, diabetes
gestive of acromegaly supports the diagnosis and provides mellitus and/or insulin resistance recurs 6 months or longer
justification for C T or M R imaging of the pituitary gland. after treatment, although growth o f the pituitary mass is
Documenting a pituitary mass by C T or M R scanning (see often not evident o n C T or M R imaging.
Fig. 49-7) adds further evidence for the diagnosis and is Microsurgical transsphenoidal hypophysectomy has been
indicated whenever the client is considering radiation treat shown to be effective for the treatment o f feline pituitary-
ment. It is usually necessary to administer a positive contrast dependent hyperadrenocorticism, but use o f this specialized
agent to visualize a pituitary mass using C T or M R surgical technique for the treatment o f acromegaly has not
imaging. been reported. Successful use o f transsphenoidal cryother
A definitive diagnosis of acromegaly requires documenta apy of a pituitary tumor has been described i n a cat with
tion of an increased baseline serum G H concentration. Base acromegaly. A n effective medical treatment for acromegaly
line serum G H concentration i n cats with acromegaly in cats has not been identified.
typically exceeds 10 ng/ml (normal concentration is less than
5 ng/ml). Unfortunately, a commercial G H assay is not avail Prognosis
able for cats. The short- and long-term prognosis for cats with tumor-
induced acromegaly is guarded to good and poor, respec
A C R O M E G A L Y VERSUS tively. The survival time has ranged from 4 to 60 months
HYPERADRENOCORTICISM (typically 1.5 to 3 years) from the time the diagnosis o f
Hyperadrenocorticism and acromegaly are u n c o m m o n dis acromegaly is established. The GH-secreting pituitary t u m o r
orders that occur in older cats, have a strong association usually grows slowly, and neurologic signs associated with an
with diabetes mellitus, can cause severe insulin resistance, expanding tumor are u n c o m m o n until late in the disorder.
and are often caused by a functional pituitary macrotumor. Diabetes mellitus is difficult to control, even with the a d m i n
Clinical signs related to poorly controlled diabetes mellitus istration o f large doses o f insulin (20 U or more/injection)
are c o m m o n in cats with hyperadrenocorticism and acro given twice daily. A d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f large doses o f insulin
megaly. Additional clinical signs differ dramatically between is not recommended. The severity o f insulin resistance
these two disorders. Hyperadrenocorticism is a debilitating fluctuates unpredictably i n cats w i t h acromegaly, and severe,
disease that results in progressive weight loss leading to life-threatening hypoglycemia may suddenly develop after
cachexia and dermal and epidermal atrophy leading to months o f insulin resistance and b l o o d glucose concentra
extremely fragile, thin, easily torn and ulcerated skin (i.e., tions in excess o f 400 mg/dl. T o prevent severe hypoglycemia,
feline fragile skin syndrome). In contrast, conformational insulin doses should not exceed 12 to 15 units per injection.
changes caused by the anabolic actions of chronic IGF-I M o s t cats with acromegaly eventually die or are euthanized
secretion dominate the clinical picture i n acromegaly, most because of the development of severe congestive heart failure,
notably an increase in body size, prognathia inferior, and renal failure, respiratory distress, the neurologic signs o f
weight gain despite poorly regulated diabetes mellitus. Feline an expanding pituitary tumor, or coma caused by severe
fragile skin syndrome does not occur with acromegaly. hypoglycemia.
W i t h both disorders most o f the abnormalities identified on
routine blood and urine tests are caused by concurrent
poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. A b d o m i n a l ultrasound PITUITARY DWARFISM
may also reveal m i l d bilateral adrenomegaly with both
disorders. Ultimately, the differentiation between the two Etiology
diseases is based on results of tests of the pituitary- Pituitary dwarfism results from a congenital deficiency o f
adrenocortical axis (see Chapter 53) and serum G H and/or G H . Studies i n G e r m a n Shepherd D o g dwarfs suggest that
IGF-I concentrations. congenital G H deficiency is caused by primary failure o f
differentiation of the craniopharyngeal ectoderm into
normal tropic hormone-secreting pituitary cells. Pituitary
cysts are c o m m o n l y identified with diagnostic imaging of the C l i n i c a l Signs Associated with Pituitary Dwarfism
pituitary region using C T or M R imaging and may enlarge
as the pituitary dwarf ages. However, current belief is that
pituitary cysts develop secondary to primary failure of ante Stunted growth*
rior pituitary formation i n most pituitary dwarfs. Pituitary Thin skeleton, immature facial features*
Square, chunky contour (adult)*
dwarfism is encountered most often as a simple, autosomal
Bone deformities
recessive inherited abnormality in the German Shepherd
Delayed closure of growth plates
Dog. A similar mode of inheritance has been reported i n
Delayed dental eruption
Carnelian Bear dogs. Inherited pituitary dwarfism may be
due to isolated G H deficiency or may be part of a combined Reproduction
pituitary hormone deficiency. Concurrent deficiency i n Testicular atrophy
thyroid-stimulating hormone ( T S H ) and prolactin are most Flaccid penile sheath
c o m m o n l y identified i n affected German Shepherd Dogs; Failure to have estrous cycles
A C T H secretion is preserved. Kooistra et al. (2000) hypoth
Other Signs
esize that the disorder is caused by a mutation i n a develop
mental transcription factor that precludes effective expansion Mental dullness

of a pituitary stem cell after differentiation of the cortico Shrill, puppylike bark*
Signs of secondary hypothyroidism
tropic cells that produce A C T H . Pituitary dwarfism resulting
Signs of secondary adrenal insufficiency (uncommon)
from a mutant G H or an insensitivity to G H owing to a lack
of or defect i n G H receptors (e.g., Laron-type dwarfism i n Dermatologic
h u m a n beings) has not been documented i n dogs or cats. Soft, wooly haircoat*
Retention of lanugo hairs*
Clinical Features Lack of guard hairs*
SIGNALMENT Bilaterally symmetric
Pituitary dwarfism occurs primarily i n German Shepherd Trunk, neck, proximal extremities
Dogs, although pituitary dwarfism i n other dog breeds, Hyperpigmentation of the skin*
including the Weimaraner, Spitz, Miniature Pinscher, Carne Thin, fragile skin
lian Bear dog, and Labrador Retriever, and i n cats has also
been observed. There does not appear to be a sex-related
predilection. Papules
CLINICAL SIGNS Seborrhea sicca
The most c o m m o n clinical manifestations of pituitary
dwarfism are lack of growth (i.e., short stature), endocrine *Common finding.
alopecia, and hyperpigmentation of the skin (Box 49-4).
Affected animals are usually normal i n size during the first 2 but becomes hyperpigmented, thin, wrinkled, and scaly.
to 4 months of life but after that grow more slowly than their Comedones, papules, and secondary pyoderma frequently
litter mates. By 5 to 6 months of age, affected dogs and cats develop i n the adult dwarf. Secondary bacterial infections are
are obviously runts of the litter and do not attain full adult c o m m o n long-term complications.
dimensions. Dwarfs with an isolated G H deficiency typically Hypogonadism may also develop, although normal repro
maintain a normal body contour and body proportions as they ductive function has been observed i n some animals with
age (i.e., proportionate dwarfism), whereas dwarfs with c o m pituitary dwarfism. In the male animal cryptorchidism, tes
bined deficiencies (most notably T S H ) may acquire a square ticular atrophy, azoospermia, and a flaccid penile sheath are
or chunky contour typically associated with congenital hypo typical; i n the female persistent anestrus is c o m m o n with
thyroidism (i.e., disproportionate dwarfism; Fig. 49-10). impaired secretion of pituitary gonadotropins.
The most notable dermatologic sign is retention of the
lanugo or secondary hairs, with concurrent lack of the Clinical Pathology
primary or guard hairs. As a result, the haircoat i n a dwarf Results of a C B C , serum biochemical panel, and urinalysis
is initially soft and wooly. The lanugo hairs are easily epi are usually normal i n animals with uncomplicated pituitary
lated, and a bilateral symmetric alopecia gradually develops. dwarfism and isolated G H deficiency. Concurrent deficiency
Initially, hair loss is confined to areas of wear, such as the of T S H may result i n clinicopathologic abnormalities affili
neck (collar) and posterolateral aspects of the thighs (from ated with hypothyroidism, such as hypercholesterolemia and
sitting). Eventually, the entire trunk, neck, and proximal anemia (see Chapter 51). Deficiency of G H , IGF-I, and T S H
limbs become alopecic, with primary hairs remaining only may also affect kidney development and function, resulting
on the face and distal extremities. The skin is initially normal in azotemia.
FIG 49-10
A, A 9-month-old m a l e domestic short-haired c a t with pituitary d w a r f i s m . The s i z e of the
pituitary d w a r f cat w a s similar to that of a n 8-week-old kitten. N o t e the n o r m a l b o d y
contour a n d juvenile a p p e a r a n c e . B a n d C, A 7-month-old f e m a l e G e r m a n S h e p h e r d D o g
with pituitary d w a r f i s m . N o t e the n o r m a l b o d y contour, p u p p y h a i r c o a t , a n d juvenile
a p p e a r a n c e . D, A 2-year-old f e m a l e s p a y e d L a b r a d o r Retriever with pituitary d w a r f i s m
sitting next to a n a g e - m a t c h e d n o r m a l L a b r a d o r Retriever to illustrate the small stature a n d
juvenile a p p e a r a n c e of the pituitary d w a r f . A l l of the pituitary d w a r f s presented with the
p r i m a r y o w n e r c o m p l a i n t of failure of their pet to g r o w .

Diagnosis ough evaluation of the history and physical examination

The signalment, history, and physical examination usually findings, results of routine laboratory studies (i.e., C B C , fecal
provide sufficient evidence for pituitary dwarfism to be examinations, serum biochemical panel, urinalysis), and
included among the tentative diagnoses of short stature. radiographic studies (Fig. 49-11). Serum I G F - I concentra
Strong presumptive evidence can be obtained by ruling out tions are decreased i n pituitary dwarfs. Because baseline
other potential causes of small size (Box 49-5) after a thor plasma G H concentrations may be low i n healthy dogs and
cats, a definitive diagnosis of hyposomatotropism requires
evaluation of plasma G H concentrations during a stimula
tion test (Table 49-7). GH-releasing hormone ( G H R H , 1 g/
Some Potential Causes of Small Stature in Dogs and Cats
kg body weight), clonidine (10 g/kg), or xylazine (100 g/
Endocrine Causes kg) can be used. B l o o d for plasma G H measurements should
Congenital growth hormone deficiency be obtained immediately before and 20 and 30 minutes after
Congenital hypothyroidism intravenous administration of the secretagogue. In pituitary
Juvenile diabetes mellitus dwarfs there is no increase i n plasma G H concentration after
Congenital hypoadrenocorticism the administration of a G H secretagogue. A partial G H
Hyperadrenocorticism deficiency should be suspected whenever subnormal results
Congenital (rare) are obtained.

Nonendocrine Causes
The therapy for pituitary dwarfism relies on the administra
Gastrointestinal tract disorders tion of G H . Unfortunately, an effective G H product is not
Megaesophagus available for use i n dogs. Canine G H is not available for
Inflammatory diseases therapeutic use, G H antibody formation and legal restric
Infectious diseases tions preclude the use of biosynthetic h u m a n G H , and the
Heavy intestinal parasitism concentration of biosynthetic bovine G H i n commercial
| Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency products for use i n cattle precludes its use i n dogs. The
Hepatic disorders
amino acid sequence of porcine G H is identical to canine
Portosystemic vascular shunt G H , but porcine G H is difficult to find. If available, the rec
Glycogen storage disease
o m m e n d e d subcutaneous dose is 0.1 to 0.3 I U / k g three times
Renal disease and failure
per week for 4 to 6 weeks. Because of the synergistic influ
Cardiovascular disease, anomalies
Skeletal dysplasia; chondrodystrophy ence of G H and thyroid hormone on growth processes, sub
Mucopolysaccharidoses n o r m a l concentrations of thyroid hormone may diminish
Hydrocephalus the effectiveness of G H therapy. Dogs and cats with sus
pected concurrent T S H deficiency should be treated with
daily thyroid hormone supplementation, as discussed i n
Chapter 51.

TABLE 49-7

Growth Hormone-Stimulation Testing Protocols


Xylazine stimulation test*

Protocol 100 g / k g IV; plasma samples obtained before and 20 and 3 0 minutes after
administration of xylazine
Normal results Twofold to fourfold increase in plasma G H 2 0 to 3 0 minutes after xylazine administration;
poststimulation plasma G H > 10 ng/ml
Adverse reactions Sedation (common), bradycardia, hypotension, collapse, shock, seizures
Clonidine-stimulation test
Protocol 10 g/kg, IV; plasma samples obtained before and 2 0 and 30 minutes after
administration of clonidine
Normal results Twofold to fourfold increase in plasma G H 2 0 to 3 0 minutes after clonidine administration;
poststimulation plasma G H > 10 ng/ml
Adverse reactions Sedation (common), bradycardia, hypotension, collapse, aggressive behavior
GHRH-stimulation test
Protocol 1 g/kg human G H R H , IV; plasma samples before and 2 0 and 3 0 minutes after G H R H
Normal results 2 to 4 fold increase in plasma G H 2 0 to 3 0 minutes after G H R H administration; post-
stimulation plasma G H > 10 ng/ml
Adverse reactions None reported

* Currently preferred GH-stimulation test.

IV, Intravenous; GH, growth hormone; GHRH, growth hormone-releasing hormone.
FIG 49-1 1
D i a g n o s t i c a p p r o a c h to the p u p p y o r kitten that fails to g r o w . (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n
R W : Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B

Hypersensitivity reactions (including angioedema), car A n increase i n body size and regrowth of a complete
bohydrate intolerance, and overt diabetes mellitus are the haircoat has been reported i n pituitary dwarfs treated with
primary adverse reactions associated with G H injections. medroxyprogesterone acetate at doses o f 2.5 to 5.0 mg/kg
Frequent monitoring o f urine for glycosuria and b l o o d for body weight, initially at 3-week intervals and subsequently
hyperglycemia should be done, and G H therapy should be at 6-week intervals. Progestogens induce the expression o f
stopped i f either develops. Regrowth o f hair, thickening of the G H gene i n the m a m m a r y gland o f dogs, resulting i n G H
the skin, and changes i n serum IGF-I and glucose concentra secretion from foci o f hyperplastic ductular epithelial cells
tions are used to monitor therapy. A beneficial response i n and increased plasma concentrations o f G H and IGF-I.
the skin and haircoat usually occurs within 6 to 8 weeks of Adverse reactions with progestogen treatment include recur
the start of G H and thyroid hormone supplementation. The rent pruritic pyoderma, abnormal skeletal development,
hair that grows back is lanugo or secondary hairs; the growth mammary tumors, diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, and cystic
of primary or guard hairs is variable and may occur spo endometrial hyperplasia. Female dogs should be ovariohys
radically over the body. A n increase i n height is dependent terectomized before progestogen treatment. Serum IGF-I
on the status o f the growth plates at the time treatment is and glucose concentrations should be monitored.
initiated. A significant increase i n height may occur i f the
growth plates are open, and m i n i m a l to no change i n height Prognosis
will occur i f the growth plates have closed or are about to The long-term prognosis for animals with pituitary dwarfism
close at the time treatment is initiated. is poor. M o s t animals die by 5 years o f age despite therapy.
Death is usually a result of infections, degenerative diseases, Frank LA et al: Steroid hormone concentration profiles in healthy
neurologic dysfunction, or renal failure. intact and neutered dogs before and after cosyntropin adminis
tration, Domest Animl Endocrinol 24:43, 2003.
Frank LA et al: Retrospective evaluation of sex hormones and
Suggested Readings steroid hormone intermediates in dogs with alopecia, Vet Derm
Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Canine and feline endocrinology and 4:91, 2003.
reproduction, ed 3, St Louis, 2004, WB Saunders. Paradis M : Melatonin therapy for canine alopecia. In Bonagura JD,
editor: Kirk's current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000,
W B Saunders.
Aroch I et al: Central diabetes insipidus in five cats: clinical presen Schmeitzel LP et al: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia-like syndrome.
tation, diagnosis and oral desmopressin therapy, / Eel Med Surg In Bonagura JD, editor: Kirk's current veterinary therapy XII,
7:333, 2005. Philadelphia, 1995, W B Saunders.
Harb M F et al: Central diabetes insipidus in dogs: 20 cases (1986- Scott D W et al, editors: Muller and Kirk's small animal dermatology,
1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 209:1884, 1996. ed 6, Philadelphia, 2001, WB Saunders.
Nichols R: Clinical use of the vasopressin analogue dDAVP for the
diagnosis and treatment of diabetes insipidus. In Bonagura JD, FELINE ACROMEGALY
editor: Kirk's current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2000, Berg R I M et al: Serum insulin-like growth factor-I concentration
W B Saunders. in cats with diabetes mellitus and acromegaly, / Vet Intern Med
van Vonderen IK et al: Intra- and interindividual variation in urine 21:892, 2007.
osmolality and urine specific gravity in healthy pet dogs of Goossens M M C et al: Cobalt 60 irradiation of pituitary gland tumors
various ages, / Vet Intern Med 11:30, 1997. in three cats with acromegaly, J Am Vet Med Assoc 213:374,1998.
van Vonderen IK et al: Disturbed vasopressin release in 4 dogs Reusch CE, et al: Measurements of growth hormone and insulin
with so-called primary polydipsia, / Vet Intern Med 13:419, like growth factor 1 in cats with diabetes mellitus, VetRec 158:195,
1999. 2006.
van Vonderen IK et al: Vasopressin response to osmotic stimulation Starkey SR et al: Investigation of serum IGF-I levels amongst dia
in 18 young dogs with polyuria and polydipsia, / Vet Intern Med betic and nondiabetic cats, / Feline Med Surg 6:149, 2004.
18:800, 2004.
ENDOCRINE ALOPECIA Kooistra HS et al: Progestin-induced growth hormone (GH) pro
Ashley PF et al: Effect of oral melatonin administration on sex duction in the treatment of dogs with congenital G H deficiency,
hormone, prolactin, and thyroid hormone concentrations in Domest Anim Endocrinol 15:93, 1998.
adult dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 215:1111, 1999. Kooistra HS et al: Combined pituitary hormone deficiency in
Frank LA: Growth hormone-responsive alopecia in dogs, J Am Vet German Shepherd dogs with dwarfism, Domest Anim Endocrinol
Med Assoc 226:1494, 2005. 19:177, 2000.
C H A P T E R 50

Disorders of the
Parathyroid Gland

Hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia develop as a result

of the physiologic actions of P T H . In renal secondary hyper
parathyroidism renal failure causes retention of phosphate
and development of hyperphosphatemia. Hyperphosphate
mia decreases serum ionized calcium concentration by the
mass law effect ([Ca] x [Pi] = constant). The decrease in
Clinical Signs
serum ionized calcium, i n turn, stimulates P T H secretion.
Physical Examination
The net effect is increased serum phosphate, normal-to-low
serum ionized calcium, increased serum P T H concentration,
and diffuse parathyroid gland hyperplasia. The etiogenesis
Clinical Signs
of hyperparathyroidism is similar i n nutritional secondary
Physical Examination
hyperparathyroidism, except the decrease i n calcium results
from feeding diets containing low calcium-to-phosphorus
ratios, such as beef heart or liver. Dietary calcium deficiency
or phosphorus excess decreases serum calcium concentra
CLASSIFICATION OF tion, inducing increased P T H secretion and parathyroid
HYPERPARATHYROIDISM gland hyperplasia. A n increase i n serum P T H has been doc
umented i n dogs with hyperadrenocoricism and is believed
Hyperparathyroidism is a sustained increase i n parathyroid to be a compensatory response to increased calcium loss
hormone ( P T H ) secretion. Chief cells located within the and/or increased serum phosphate concentrationshence
parathyroid gland synthesize and secrete P T H a peptide the term adrenal secondary hyperparathyroidism. Serum
hormone that controls the minute-to-minute concentration phosphate and P T H decrease and serum calcium increases
of ionized calcium i n the blood and extracellular fluid (ECF). after successful treatment of hyperadrenocorticism.
The major regulator of P T H secretion is the concentration
of ionized calcium i n the blood. Decreased serum ionized
calcium increases P T H secretion, and vice versa. P T H stim PRIMARY HYPERPARATHYROIDISM
ulates calcium reabsorption and inhibits phosphate reab
sorption by the kidney, stimulates synthesis of the active Etiology
form of vitamin D i n the kidney, and stimulates bone resorp P H P is a disorder resulting from the excessive, relatively
tion. The net effect is to increase serum ionized and total uncontrolled secretion of P T H by one or more abnormal
calcium concentration and decrease serum phosphorus parathyroid glands. The physiologic actions of P T H ulti
concentration. mately cause hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia (Table
Hyperparathyroidism can result from a normal physio 50-1). It is an u n c o m m o n disorder i n the dog and rare i n the
logic response to decreased serum ionized calcium con cat. Parathyroid adenoma is the most c o m m o n histologic
centrations (renal, nutritional, and adrenal secondary finding; parathyroid carcinoma and parathyroid hyperplasia
hyperparathyroidism) or a pathologic condition resulting have also been described i n dogs and cats but are u n c o m
from excessive synthesis and secretion of P T H by abnormal, m o n . Parathyroid adenomas are typically small, well-encap
autonomously functioning parathyroid chief cells (i.e., sulated, light b r o w n to red tumors located i n close apposition
primary hyperparathyroidism [PHP]). In P H P increased to the thyroid gland (Fig. 50-1). The remaining parathyroid
secretion of P T H is maintained regardless of the serum glands are normal, atrophied, or not visible at surgery. Para
ionized calcium concentration. thyroid carcinomas grossly appear similar to adenomas; the
TABLE 50-1

Biologic Actions of the H o r m o n e s that Affect C a l c i u m a n d Phosphorus M e t a b o l i s m


Parathyroid hormone Increased b o n e resorption C a absorption N o direct effect

PO 4 excretion
Calcitonin D e c r e a s e d b o n e resorption C a resorption N o direct effect
PO 4 resorption
Vitamin D M a i n t a i n C a transport system i C a resorption C a absorption
PO4 a b s o r p t i o n

, Increased; , decreased. Ca, calcium; PO4, phosphorus.

FIG 50-1
A , S u r g i c a l site in a 12-year-old d o g with p r i m a r y h y p e r p a r a t h y r o i d i s m (PHP). A parathy
roid a d e n o m a (arrow) c a n b e seen in the thyroid l o b e . B, G r o s s a p p e a r a n c e of parathy
roid a d e n o m a (arrow) a n d thyroid l o b e after r e m o v a l from the d o g in A .

diagnosis o f carcinoma is based o n finding certain histologic Clinical Features

features such as capsular or vascular invasion by the tumor.
The biologic behavior o f parathyroid carcinoma is not well SIGNALMENT
characterized i n dogs and cats. Similarly, the histologic cri The age at which clinical signs o f P H P appear in dogs ranges
teria for differentiating between adenoma and hyperplasia is from 4 to 16 years, with a mean age o f 10 years. There is no
not well established. Although involvement of multiple para sex-related predilection. A n y breed o f dog can be affected,
thyroid glands suggests hyperplasia, adenoma involving two although P H P is most c o m m o n l y diagnosed i n the Keeshond
glands and hyperplasia involving only one gland have been and is an autosomal dominant, genetically transmitted
identified in dogs with P H P . In addition, hyperplasia caused disease i n this breed. The age at the time o f diagnosis of P H P
by renal and nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism i n cats has ranged from 8 to 20 years, with a mean age of 13
may not cause u n i f o r m enlargement o f the parathyroid years. The majority o f cats have been mixed breed and
glands even though the stimulus for enlargement is the same Siamese. There is no apparent sex predisposition.
for each gland. Differentiating hyperplasia from adenoma
has important prognostic implications. The surgical removal CLINICAL SIGNS
of parathyroid adenoma(s) results i n a cure, assuming at Clinical signs o f P H P result from the physiologic actions of
least one n o r m a l parathyroid gland remains to prevent excessive P T H secretion rather than from the space-occupy
hypoparathyroidism. In contrast, hypercalcemia caused by ing nature o f the tumor. Clinical signs are caused by hyper
parathyroid hyperplasia may persist or recur weeks to months calcemia, which is the hallmark of this disorder, and by the
after surgery i f the remaining grossly normal-appearing presence o f cystic calculi and lower urinary tract infections,
parathyroid tissue is hyperplastic at the time o f surgery or which are consequences o f the hypercalcemia. Clinical signs
becomes hyperplastic i n the future. are absent i n most dogs and cats with the mildest form of
cats has several causes (Table 50-2), the primary differential
BOX 50-1
diagnoses for hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia are
Clinical Signs Associated w i t h P r i m a r y humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (most notably l y m
Hyperparathyroidism i n Dogs p h o m a i n dogs and carcinomas i n cats) and P H P (see Chapter
55). The history, findings o n physical examination, results of
Polyuria and polydipsia*
routine blood and urine tests, thoracic radiographs, abdom
Muscle weakness*
inal and cervical ultrasound, and measurement of P T H and
Decreased activity*
Lower urinary tract signs*
parathyroid hormone-related peptide ( P T H r p ) will usually
establish the diagnosis. W i t h P H P clinical signs are usually
Hematuria m i l d to absent, the physical examination is normal, and
Stranguria results of routine b l o o d work, thoracic and abdominal radi
Decreased appetite ography, and abdominal ultrasonography are unremarkable,
Urinary incontinence except for hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, and cystic
Weight loss/muscle wasting calculi. Additional tests used to identify l y m p h o m a as the
Vomiting cause of hypercalcemia (i.e., cytologic evaluations of bone
Shivering/trembling marrow and l y m p h node, liver, and splenic aspirates and
P T H r p concentrations) are n o r m a l i n dogs with P H P .
* Common sign.
Renal failure i n a dog with hypercalcemia can create a
diagnostic dilemma. Fortunately, development of hypercal
cemia-induced renal failure rarely occurs i n dogs with
P H P , and hypercalcemia is discovered only after a serum P H P . Prolonged severe hypercalcemia may cause progres
biochemistry panel is performed, often for unrelated reasons. sive nephrocalcinosis, renal damage, and azotemia, but most
W h e n clinical signs do develop, they initially tend to be dogs with P H P have m i l d hypercalcemia and concurrent
nonspecific and insidious i n onset. The clinical signs i n dogs hypophosphatemia; the latter protects the kidney by keeping
are typically renal, gastrointestinal, and neuromuscular i n the calcium x phosphorus product less than 50. Measure
origin (Box 50-1). The most c o m m o n clinical signs i n cats ment of serum ionized calcium concentration will help iden
with P H P are lethargy, anorexia, and vomiting. Less c o m m o n tify the etiology of hypercalcemia i n dogs with concurrent
clinical signs i n cats include constipation, polyuria, polydip renal failure. Serum ionized calcium concentration is typi
sia, and weight loss. cally n o r m a l i n dogs with renal failure-induced hypercalce
mia and increased i n dogs with P H P and concurrent renal
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION failure. U r i n e specific gravity is usually not helpful when
The physical examination is usually normal, which is an assessing renal function i n dogs with hypercalcemia because
important diagnostic finding when differentiating dogs with of the interference of calcium with the actions of vasopressin
P H P from dogs with hypercalcemia of malignancy (see on renal tubular cells. U r i n e specific gravities less than 1.015
Chapter 55). Lethargy, generalized muscle atrophy, weak are c o m m o n i n dogs with P H P . Hematuria, pyuria, bacteri
ness, and cystic calculi (calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, uria, and crystalluria may be identified i f cystic calculi and
or both types) may be noted i n some dogs with P H P . The secondary bacterial cystitis develop. Hypercalciuria, proxi
severity of weakness is variable but usually subtle. Cervical mal renal tubular acidosis with impaired bicarbonate resorp
palpation of a parathyroid mass is rare i n dogs with P H P . If tion, and the production of alkaline urine may predispose
a mass is palpated in the neck of a dog with hypercalcemia, dogs to the development of cystic or renal calculi and bacte
thyroid gland carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma; l y m rial cystitis. In one study urinary tract infection was identi
phoma; and, least likely, parathyroid gland carcinoma should fied in 29% and cystic calculi i n 3 1 % of 210 dogs with P H P
be considered. In contrast, cats with P H P often have a pal (Feldman et al., 2005). Uroliths are typically composed of
pable parathyroid mass that is typically located i n the region calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, or mixtures of the two
of the thyroid gland. As such, a palpable mass i n the ventral salts.
cervical region of the neck should raise suspicion for hyper Cervical ultrasound should identify one or more enlarged
thyroidism (common) as well as P H P (rare) i n cats. parathyroid glands i n dogs and cats with P H P (Fig. 50-2).
The parathyroid glands of healthy dogs are typically 3 m m
Diagnosis or less i n m a x i m u m width when visualized ultrasonograph
P H P should be suspected i n a dog or cat with persistent ically. The m a x i m u m width of the abnormal parathyroid
hypercalcemia and normophosphatemia to hypophosphate glands ranged from 3 to 23 m m (median 6 m m ) i n 130 dogs
mia. The serum calcium concentration is typically 12 to with P H P (Feldman et al., 2005). A solitary parathyroid mass
15 mg/dl but can exceed 16 mg/dl. The serum ionized was identified i n 89%, and two parathyroid masses were
calcium concentration is typically 1.4 to 1.8 m m o l / L but can identified i n 10% of the dogs.
exceed 2.0 m m o l / L . The serum phosphorus concentration Measurement of baseline serum P T H concentration is
is typically less than 4 mg/dl, unless concurrent renal used to establish the diagnosis of P H P . The two-site immu
insufficiency is present. Although hypercalcemia i n dogs and noradiometric ( I R M A ) assay system is currently used by
1 TABLE 50-2

Causes o f H y p e r c a l c e m i a i n Dogs and Cats


Primary hyperparathyroidism Serum PTH c o n c e n t r a t i o n , c e r v i c a l ultrasound, surgery

H y p e r c a l c e m i a of m a l i g n a n c y Physical e x a m i n a t i o n , thoracic a n d a b d o m i n a l
Humorally mediated: LSA, apocrine gland a d e n o c a r c i n o m a , r a d i o g r a p h y , a b d o m i n a l ultrasonography, aspiration
c a r c i n o m a (nasal, m a m m a r y g l a n d , gastric, thyroid, of l y m p h n o d e s , liver, spleen a n d b o n e marrow,
pancreatic, pulmonary) serum PTHrp
Locally osteolytic (multiple m y e l o m a , L S A , s q u a m o u s cell
c a r c i n o m a , osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma)
Hypervitaminosis D History, serum b i o c h e m i s t r y p a n e l , serum vitamin D
C h o l e c a l c i f e r o l r o d e n t i c i d e s , plants concentration
Excessive s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n
Hypoadrenocorticism Serum electrolytes, A C T H stimulation test
Renal failure Serum b i o c h e m i s t r y p a n e l , urinalysis
Idiopathic cats Rule out b y exclusion
G r a n u l o m a t o u s d i s e a s e (uncommon) T h o r a c i c r a d i o g r a p h y , a b d o m i n a l ultrasonography,
Systemic m y c o s i s B l a s t o m y c o s i s fundic e x a m i n a t i o n , c y t o l o g i c studies of p u l m o n a r y
S c h i s t o s o m i a s i s , FIP w a s h s a m p l e s or intestinal b i o p s y s p e c i m e n s , serum
fungal titers
N o n m a l i g n a n t skeletal d i s o r d e r (rare) R a d i o g r a p h y of p e r i p h e r a l skeleton
Hypertrophic osteodystrophy
Iatrogenic d i s o r d e r History
Excessive c a l c i u m s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n
Excessive o r a l p h o s p h a t e b i n d e r s
D e h y d r a t i o n (mild h y e r c a l c e m i a )
Factitious d i s o r d e r
Postprandial measurement
Y o u n g a n i m a l (<6 months)
L a b o r a t o r y error Repeat c a l c i u m measurement

PTH, Parathyroid hormone; LSA, lymphosarcoma; PTHrp, parathyroid hormone-related peptide; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone;
FIP, feline infectious peritonitis.

most veterinary laboratories and is considered the most reli

able assay system for P T H quantification in dogs and cats.
M o s t laboratories have a similar P T H reference range for
dogs (2 to 13 p m o l / L ) and cats (0.8 to 4.6 p m o l / L ) . The
major regulator o f P T H secretion is the concentration of
ionized calcium i n the b l o o d . Decreased serum ionized
calcium increases P T H secretion, and vice versa. Serum P T H
test results should always be interpreted i n conjunction with
serum calcium or, preferably, serum ionized calcium mea
sured from the same b l o o d sample. If the parathyroid gland
is functioning normally, the serum P T H concentration
should be below the reference range or undetectable i n the
face of hypercalcemia because o f the inhibitory effects of an
increased serum calcium concentration o n parathyroid
FIG 5 0 - 2
gland function. Dogs with nonparathyroid-induced hyper
U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of the right thyroid l o b e of a 1 3-year-old
L a b r a d o r Retriever with h y p e r c a l c e m i a a n d p r i m a r y hyper calcemia should also have l o w to undetectable serum P T H
p a r a t h y r o i d i s m . A h y p o e c h o i c mass is seen in the r e g i o n of concentrations. Serum P T H concentration within or above
the p a r a t h y r o i d g l a n d (arrow). H y p e r c a l c e m i a resolved the reference range is inappropriate i n the face of hyper
f o l l o w i n g heat a b l a t i o n of the p a r a t h y r o i d mass. calcemia and indicative o f an autonomously functioning
FIG 5 0 - 3
R a n g e s of the serum c a l c i u m a n d p a r a t h y r o i d h o r m o n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in the more
c o m m o n d i s o r d e r s c a u s i n g alterations in serum c a l c i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n , p a r a t h y r o i d g l a n d
function, or both. PTH, P a r a t h y r o i d h o r m o n e ; hypo PTH, h y p o p a r a t h y r o i d i s m ; hyper PTH,

FIG 5 0 - 4
A , U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of the left t h y r o i d l o b e of a n 12-year-old K e e s h o n d with h y p e r c a l c e
m i a . A mass is in the r e g i o n of the p a r a t h y r o i d g l a n d (arrow), a n d a n e e d l e has b e e n
inserted into the mass using ultrasound g u i d a n c e b e f o r e heat a b l a t i o n of the mass.
B, H e a t is b e i n g a d m i n i s t e r e d to the mass, c a u s i n g h y p e r e c h o g e n i c i t y of the mass (arrow).

parathyroid gland (Fig. 50-3). In 185 dogs with P H P none the parathyroid glands appear enlarged or i f all appear small,
had serum P T H concentration below the reference range, the diagnosis of P H P must be questioned and hypercalcemia
45% were in the lower half of the reference range (2.3 to stemming from occult neoplasia or P T H production by a
7.9 pmol/L), 28% were in the upper half of the reference range parathyroid tumor i n an ectopic site (e.g., cranial mediasti
(8.0 to 13.0 p m o l / L ) , and 27% had increased serum P T H num) or by a nonparathyroid tumor should be considered.
concentrations (13 to 121 pmol/L; Feldman et a l , 2005). Chemical (i.e., ethanol) and heat ablation of abnormal
parathyroid tissue performed under ultrasound guidance are
Treatment also effective treatments for P H P (Fig. 50-4). Surgery is
Surgical removal of the abnormal parathyroid tissue is the avoided, anesthetic time is significantly reduced, and there
treatment of choice. Slatter (2003) and Fossum (2007) have are no incisions or issues related to w o u n d healing. However,
adequately described the surgical techniques for the thyro the management of the dog after chemical or heat ablation
parathyroid complex (see Suggested Readings). Almost all is identical to the management after surgical removal of the
dogs and cats with P H P have a solitary, easily identified parathyroid mass. In a recent retrospective study surgical
parathyroid adenoma (see Fig. 50-1). Enlargement of more removal, heat ablation, and chemical ablation of the para
than one parathyroid gland indicates the presence of either thyroid mass were successful i n controlling hypercalcemia in
multiple adenomas or parathyroid hyperplasia. If none of 94%, 90%, and 72% of dogs treated for P H P , respectively
(Rasor et al., 2007). N o t all dogs are candidates for chemical therapy can be initiated 24 to 36 hours before surgery or
or heat ablation. Surgery is indicated i f more than one para ablation because o f the k n o w n delay i n the onset of vitamin
thyroid mass is identified with cervical ultrasound, the para D's action.
thyroid mass is less than 4 m m or greater than 15 m m i n Therapy for hypocalcemia includes the administration of
m a x i m u m width, a parathyroid mass is not identified, intravenous calcium to control immediate clinical signs and
the parathyroid mass is too close to the carotid artery, or the long-term oral administration o f calcium and vitamin D
cystic calculi are identified with abdominal radiographs or supplements to maintain low-normal blood calcium con
ultrasound. centrations while the parathyroid gland atrophy resolves.
A n attempt must be made to ensure that at least one (See Chapter 55 and Box 55-7 for details about the manage
parathyroid gland remains intact to maintain calcium ment of hypocalcemia.) The goal of calcium and vitamin D
homeostasis and prevent permanent hypocalcemia. Removal therapy is to maintain the serum calcium concentration
or ablation o f the parathyroid tumor results i n a rapid within the l o w to l o w - n o r m a l range (9 to 10 mg/dl). M a i n
decline i n circulating P T H and a decrease i n serum calcium. taining the serum calcium concentration i n the low-normal
In the early stages of P H P the remaining parathyroid glands range prevents development of clinical signs of hypocalce
may secrete P T H i n response to the decrease i n serum mia, minimizes the risk o f hypercalcemia, and stimulates a
calcium, thereby preventing development o f severe hypocal return o f function i n the remaining atrophied parathyroid
cemia. In dogs with more advanced P H P , atrophy o f the glands. Once the parathyroid glands regain control of calcium
normal parathyroid glands may prevent a response to the homeostasis and the serum calcium concentration is stable
decrease i n serum calcium, leading to severe hypocalcemia i n the dog or cat i n the home environment, the calcium and
and clinical signs within 7 days o f surgery or ablation. In vitamin D supplements can be gradually withdrawn over a
these dogs intravenous and oral calcium and oral vitamin period o f 3 to 6 months. This gradual withdrawal allows time
D therapy must be initiated to correct and/or prevent for the parathyroid glands to become fully functional and
hypocalcemia. thereby prevents hypocalcemia. V i t a m i n D therapy is with
There are two approaches for managing the dog (and cat) drawn by gradually increasing the number o f days between
once the parathyroid t u m o r has been removed with surgery administrations. The dosing interval should be increased by
or ablation. One approach is to arbitrarily treat all dogs with 1 day every 2 to 3 weeks, after the serum calcium concentra
oral calcium and vitamin D at the time the parathyroid tion has been measured and found to be 9 mg/dl or greater.
t u m o r is removed, and another approach is to w i t h h o l d V i t a m i n D therapy can be discontinued once the dog or cat
calcium and vitamin D therapy until the serum calcium is clinically normal, the serum calcium concentration is
concentration decreases below a safe concentration, typically stable between 9 and 11 mg/dl, and the vitamin D dosing
a serum calcium or ionized calcium concentration of 9.0 m g / interval is every 7 days.
dl and 0.9 m m o l / L , respectively, and before clinical signs o f
hypocalcemia develop. Regardless o f w h i c h approach is Prognosis
taken, serum total or ionized calcium should be monitored The prognosis for dogs and cats undergoing surgical or abla
once or twice a day until the serum calcium concentration tion therapy for P H P is excellent, assuming severe hypocal
is stable and i n the reference range. I prefer to w i t h h o l d cemia is avoided postoperatively and P H P is caused by a
calcium and v i t a m i n D therapy i n dogs i n w h i c h I suspect parathyroid adenoma. Hypercalcemia may recur weeks to
parathyroid gland atrophy is m i l d and calcium and vitamin months after surgery i n dogs and cats with P H P caused by
D therapy may not be needed. The higher the preoperative parathyroid hyperplasia i f one or more parathyroid glands
serum calcium concentration or the more chronic the hyper have been left i n situ.
calcemic condition, or both, the more likely the dog will
become clinically hypocalcemic after removal o f the abnor
mal parathyroid gland or glands. As a general rule, I do not
initially treat hyperparathyroid dogs with oral calcium and
vitamin D i f the serum calcium or ionized calcium concen Etiology
tration before surgery or ablation is less than 14 mg/dl or
Primary hypoparathyroidism develops as a result of an abso
1.6 m m o l / L , respectively, and hypercalcemia has been present
lute or relative deficiency i n the secretion of P T H . This
for less than 6 months. Serum calcium or ionized calcium
deficiency ultimately causes hypocalcemia and hyperphos
concentrations greater than 14 m g / d l and 1.6 m m o l / L ,
phatemia because o f a loss of the effects o f P T H on bone,
respectively, and hypercalcemia that has been present for
kidney, and intestine (see Table 50-1). The major signs of
greater than 6 months suggest the existence o f significant
hypoparathyroidism are directly attributable to the decreased
atrophy o f the remaining parathyroid glands and a high
concentration o f ionized calcium i n the blood, which leads
probability for the development o f signs o f hypocalcemia
to increased neuromuscular activity.
after surgery or ablation. In these dogs oral calcium and
Spontaneous primary hypoparathyroidism is uncommon
vitamin D therapy is started at the time P H P is treated. In
i n dogs and cats. M o s t cases are classified as idiopathic (i.e.,
dogs with severe hypercalcemia (total calcium or ionized
there is no evidence of trauma, malignant or surgical destruc
calcium >18 m g / d l and 2.0 m m o l / L , respectively), vitamin D
tion, or other obvious damage to the neck or parathyroid
glands). The glands are difficult to locate visually and show
microscopic evidence o f atrophy. Histologic evaluation o f
the parathyroid gland may reveal a diffuse lymphocytic, Clinical Signs of Primary Hypoparathyroidism in Dogs
plasmacytic infiltration and fibrous connective tissue, sug
gesting an underlying immune-mediated cause o f the
Generalized seizures
Rear leg cramping or pain
Iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism after performance o f
Focal muscle fasciculations, twitching
bilateral thyroidectomy for the treatment o f hyperthyroid Ataxia, stiff gait
ism is c o m m o n i n cats. The parathyroid tissue i n such Facial rubbing (intense)
animals may be excised or traumatized, or its b l o o d supply Aggressive behavior
may be compromised during surgery. This form o f hypo Panting
parathyroidism may be transient or permanent, depending Weakness
on the viability o f the parathyroid gland or glands saved Inappetence
at the time of surgery. O n l y one viable parathyroid Listlessness, lethargy
gland is needed to maintain a n o r m a l serum calcium Biting, licking paws (intense)

Transient hypoparathyroidism may develop secondary to
severe magnesium depletion (serum magnesium concentra
tion <1.2 mg/dl). Severe magnesium depletion may suppress clinical hypocalcemia are interspersed w i t h relatively n o r m a l
P T H secretion without parathyroid destruction, increase periods, lasting minutes to days. Interestingly, hypocalcemia
end-organ resistance to P T H , and impair the synthesis o f the persists during these clinically " n o r m a l " periods.
active form o f vitamin D (i.e., calcitriol). The end result is
mild hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Magnesium PHYSICAL E X A M I N A T I O N
repletion reverses the hypoparathyroidism. Serum magne The most c o m m o n physical examination findings are related
sium concentrations in dogs and cats w i t h spontane to muscular tetany and include a stiff gait; muscle rigidity; a
ous primary hypoparathyroidism usually have been n o r m a l tense, splinted abdomen; and muscle fasciculations. Fever,
when measured. (See Chapter 55 for more information o n panting, and nervousness, often so pronounced that they
magnesium.) interfere w i t h the examination, are also c o m m o n . Potential
cardiac abnormalities include bradycardia, paroxysmal
Clinical Features tachyarrhythmias, muffled heart sounds, and weak femoral
pulses. Cataracts have been noted i n a few dogs and cats w i t h
SIGNALMENT primary hypoparathyroidism. Cataracts were small, punc
The age at which the clinical signs o f hypoparathyroidism tate-to-linear, white opacities that were randomly distrib
appear in dogs ranges from 6 weeks to 13 years, w i t h a mean uted i n the anterior and posterior cortical subcapsular region
of 4.8 years. There may be a sex-related predisposition i n of the lens; there was no loss of vision. The physical examina
female dogs. There is no apparent breed-related predisposi tion is occasionally normal, despite the previous history o f
tion, although T o y Poodles, Miniature Schnauzers, Labrador neuromuscular disorders.
Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs, and Terriers are c o m
monly affected breeds. However, this increased prevalence Diagnosis
may merely reflect the popularity o f these breeds. O n l y a few Primary hypoparathyroidism should be suspected i n a dog
cases of naturally acquired primary hypoparathyroidism i n or cat w i t h persistent hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia,
cats have been reported. T o date, these cats have been young and n o r m a l renal function. The serum calcium concentra
to middle-aged (6 months to 7 years), o f several breeds, and tion is usually less than 7 mg/dl, the serum ionized calcium
usually male. is usually less than 0.8 m m o l / L , and the serum phosphorus
is usually greater than 6 mg/dl. L o w serum calcium and high
CLINICAL SIGNS serum phosphorus concentrations can also be encountered
The clinical signs and physical examination findings i n dogs during nutritional and renal secondary hyperparathyroid
and cats with primary hypoparathyroidism are similar. The ism, after phosphate-containing enema, and during tumor
major clinical signs are directly attributable to hypocalcemia, lysis syndrome. The diagnosis o f primary hypoparathyroid
most notably its effects on the neuromuscular system. N e u ism is established by identifying an undetectable serum P T H
romuscular signs include nervousness, generalized seizures, concentration i n the face o f severe hypocalcemia i n a dog or
focal muscle twitching, rear-limb cramping or tetany, ataxia, cat i n which other causes o f hypocalcemia have been ruled
and weakness (Box 50-2). Additional signs include lethargy, out (Table 50-3). M o s t causes o f hypocalcemia can be
inappetence, intense facial rubbing, and panting. The onset identified after evaluation of the history, findings o n physical
of clinical signs tends to be abrupt and severe and to occur examination, and results o f routine b l o o d and urine tests
more frequently during exercise, excitement, and stress. and an abdominal ultrasound. The history and physical
Clinical signs also tend to occur episodically. Episodes o f examination findings are essentially unremarkable i n dogs
TABLE 50-3

Causes of Hypocalcemia in Dogs and Cats


Primary hypoparathyroidism History, serum PTH concentration, rule out other causes
Puerperal tetany History
Renal failure Serum biochemistry panel, urinalysis
Ethylene glycol toxicity History, urinalysis
Acute pancreatitis Physical findings, abdominal ultrasound, serum PLI
Intestinal malabsorption syndromes History, digestion and absorption tests, intestinal biopsy
Hypoproteinemia or hypoalbuminemia Serum biochemistry panel
Hypomagnesemia Serum total and ionized M g
Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism Dietary/History
Tumor lysis syndrome History
Phosphate-containing enemas History
Anticonvulsant medications History
N a H C O 3 administration History
Laboratory error Repeat calcium measurement

PTH, parathyroid hormone; PU, pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity; Mg, magnesium.

and cats with primary hypoparathyroidism, other than those two phases. The first phase (i.e., acute therapy) should ini
findings caused by hypocalcemia. The only relevant abnor tially control hypocalcemic tetany and involves the slow
malities identified o n routine b l o o d and urine tests are severe administration of calcium gluconate (not calcium chloride)
hypocalcemia and, i n most dogs and cats, hyperphosphate intravenously, to effect. Once clinical signs of hypocalcemia
mia. The serum total protein, albumin, urea nitrogen, are controlled, calcium gluconate should then be adminis
creatinine, and magnesium concentrations are normal. tered by continuous intravenous infusion until orally admin
A b d o m i n a l ultrasound is also normal. istered calcium and vitamin D therapy (i.e., second phase of
Measurement of serum P T H concentration helps confirm therapy) becomes effective. C a l c i u m gluconate is initially
a diagnosis of primary hypoparathyroidism. B l o o d for P T H administered at a dose of 60 to 90 mg/kg per day (approxi
determination should be obtained before the initiation of mately 2.5 m l / k g of 10% calcium gluconate added to the
calcium and vitamin D therapy while the animal is still infusion solution and administered every 6 to 8 hours).
hypocalcemic. The two-site I R M A assay system is currently C a l c i u m should not be added to solutions containing
used by most veterinary laboratories and is considered the lactate, bicarbonate, acetate, or phosphates because of the
most reliable assay system for P T H quantification i n dogs potential for precipitation problems. Serum calcium concen
and cats. Interpretation of the serum P T H concentration trations should be monitored twice a day and the rate of
must be done i n conjunction with the serum calcium con infusion adjusted as needed to control clinical signs and
centration. If the parathyroid gland is functioning normally, maintain the serum calcium concentration greater than
the serum P T H concentration should be increased i n the 8 mg/dl.
face o f hypocalcemia because of the stimulatory effects of a The second phase of therapy (i.e., maintenance therapy)
decreased serum ionized calcium concentration o n parathy should maintain the blood calcium concentration between
r o i d gland function. A low-to-undetectable serum P T H con 8 and 10 m g / d l through the daily administration of vitamin
centration i n a hypocalcemic dog or cat is strongly suggestive D and calcium. These calcium concentrations are above the
of primary hypoparathyroidism (see Fig. 50-3). Dogs and level at which there is a risk for clinical hypocalcemia and
cats with nonparathyroid-induced hypocalcemia should below the level at which hypercalciuria (risk of calculi for
have n o r m a l or high serum P T H concentrations; the excep mation) or severe hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia
tions are those disorders causing severe hypomagnesemia. (risk of nephrocalcinosis and renal failure) may occur. M a i n
tenance therapy should be initiated once the hypocalcemic
Treatment tetany is controlled with intravenous calcium therapy. The
The therapy for primary hypoparathyroidism involves the onset of action of vitamin D varies depending on the for
administration of vitamin D and calcium supplements (see mulation of vitamin D that is administered. In general, 1,25-
Chapter 55 and B o x 55-7). Therapy is typically divided into dihydroxy-vitamin D (calcitriol) has the fastest onset of
action and is preferred for treating hypoparathyroidism. The of preventing extremes in the concentration and the better
initial dosage of calcitriol is 0.02 to 0.03 (g/kg/day. Dogs and the chance of a normal life expectancy.
cats should ideally remain hospitalized until their serum
calcium concentration remains between 8 and 10 mg/dl Suggested Readings
without parenteral support. Serum calcium concentrations
Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Canine and feline endocrinology and
should be monitored weekly, with the vitamin D dose
reproduction, ed 3, St Louis, 2004, WB Saunders.
adjusted to maintain a concentration of 8 to 10 mg/dl. The Fossum TW: Small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2007, Mosby.
aim of therapy is to prevent hypocalcemic tetany and not Slatter D: Textbook ofsmall animal surgery, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2003,
induce hypercalcemia. Serum calcium concentrations o f W B Saunders.
more than 10 mg/dl are unnecessary to prevent tetany and
only increase the likelihood of unwanted hypercalcemia.
Bolliger AP et al: Detection of parathyroid hormone-related protein
Once the serum calcium concentration has stabilized,
in cats with humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy, Vet Clin Path
attempts can be made to slowly taper the dose of oral calcium
31:3, 2002.
and then vitamin D to the lowest dose that maintains the Feldman EC et al: Pretreatment clinical and laboratory findings in
serum calcium concentration between 8 and 10 mg/dl. dogs with primary hyperparathyroidism: 210 cases (1987-2004),
Vitamin D is critical for establishing and maintaining a J Am Vet Med Assoc 227:756, 2005.
normal blood calcium concentration. M o s t dogs and cats Gear RNA et al: Primary hyperparathyroidism in 29 dogs: diagno
with primary hypoparathyroidism require permanent sis, treatment, outcome and associated renal failure, / Small Anim
vitamin D therapy. The calcium supplement can often be Pract 46:10, 2005.
gradually tapered over a period of 2 to 4 months and then Goldstein RE et al: Inheritance, mode of inheritance, and candidate
stopped once the animal's serum calcium concentration is genes for primary hyperparathyroidism in Keeshonden, / Vet
Intern Med 21:199, 2007.
stable between 8 and 10 mg/dl. Calcium i n the diet is often
Long C D et al: Percutaneous ultrasound-guided chemical parathy
sufficient for maintaining the calcium needs of the animal.
roid ablation for treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism in
Supplementing the diet with calcium-rich foods (e.g., dairy
dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc 215:217, 1999.
products) helps ensure an adequate source of dietary calcium. Pollard RE et al: Percutaneous ultrasonographically guided radio-
Once the animal's serum calcium concentration is stable and frequency heat ablation for treatment of primary hyperparathy
maintenance therapy has become established, reevaluation roidism in d o g s , / A m Vet Med Assoc 218:1106, 2001.
of the serum calcium concentration every 3 to 4 months is Rasor L et al: Retrospective evaluation of three treatment methods
advisable. for primary hyperparathyroidism in dogs, J Am Anim Hosp Assoc
43:70, 2007.
Prognosis Tebb AJ et al: Canine hyperadrenocorticism: effects of trilostane on
The prognosis depends on the dedication of the client. The parathyroid hormone, calcium and phosphate concentration,
/ Small Anim Pract 46:537, 2005.
prognosis is excellent if proper therapy is instituted and
timely reevaluations are performed. Proper management PRIMARY HYPOPARATHYROIDISM
requires close monitoring of the serum calcium concentra Barber PJ: Disorders of the parathyroid glands, / Pel Med Surg
tion. The more frequent the rechecks, the better the chance 6:259, 2004.
C H A P T E R 51

Disorders of the
Thyroid Gland


Dermatologic Signs Structural or functional abnormalities of the thyroid gland
Neuromuscular Signs can lead to deficient production of thyroid hormones. A
Reproductive Signs convenient classification scheme for hypothyroidism has
Miscellaneous Clinical Signs been devised that is based on the location of the problem
Myxedema C o m a within the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid gland complex
Cretinism (Fig. 51-1). Primary hypothyroidism is the most c o m m o n
A u t o i m m u n e Polyendocrine Syndromes form of this disorder in dogs; it results from problems within
Dermatohistopathologic Findings the thyroid gland, usually destruction of the thyroid gland
Ultrasonographic Findings (Box 51-1). The two most c o m m o n histologic findings in
this disorder are lymphocytic thyroiditis and idiopathic
Tests of T h y r o i d G l a n d Function
atrophy of the thyroid gland (Fig. 51-2). Lymphocytic thy
Factors Affecting T h y r o i d G l a n d Function Tests
roiditis is an immune-mediated disorder characterized by a
Diagnosis i n a Previously Treated D o g
diffuse infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macro
Diagnosis i n Puppies
phages into the thyroid gland. The factors that trigger the
Therapy with S o d i u m Levothyroxine (Synthetic T )

development of lymphocytic thyroiditis are poorly under

Response to S o d i u m Levothyroxine Therapy
stood. Genetics undoubtedly plays a major role, especially
Failure to Respond to S o d i u m Levothyroxine Therapy
given the increased incidence of this disorder in certain
Therapeutic M o n i t o r i n g
breeds and i n certain lines within a breed (Table 51-1). Envi
ronmental risk factors have not been well defined i n the dog.
A link between infection-induced damage to the thyroid
gland and development of lymphocytic thyroiditis has been
the subject of speculation but has not been proved. Vaccine
Clinical Signs
administration has also been hypothesized to be a contribut
Physical Examination
ing factor for development of lymphocytic thyroiditis but
C o m m o n Concurrent Problems
also has not been proved.
Surgery Destruction of the thyroid gland is progressive, and clin
Megavoltage Irradiation ical signs may not become evident until more than 75% of
Chemotherapy the gland is destroyed. Development of decreased serum
Radioactive Iodine thyroid hormone concentrations and clinical signs is usually
Oral A n t i t h y r o i d Drugs a gradual process, often requiring 1 to 3 years to develop,
which suggests that the destructive process is slow.
Idiopathic atrophy of the thyroid gland is characterized
by loss of the thyroid parenchyma. There is no inflammatory
infiltrate, even i n areas where small follicles or follicular
remnants are present in the thyroid gland. Tests for lympho
cytic thyroiditis are negative. The cause of idiopathic thyroid
atrophy is not k n o w n . It may be a primary degenerative
BOX 51-1

Potential Causes of Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Primary Hypothyroidism
Lymphocytic thyroiditis
Idiopathic atrophy
Neoplastic destruction
Surgical removal
Antithyroid medications
Radioactive iodine treatment
Drugs (e.g., sulfamethoxazole)

Secondary Hypothyroidism
Pituitary malformation
Pituitary cyst
Pituitary hypoplasia
Pituitary destruction
Pituitary thyrotropic cell suppression
Naturally acquired hyperadrenocorticism
Euthyroid sick syndrome
Iatrogenic causes
FIG 51-1
The hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid gland axis. TRH, Thyrotro Drug therapy, most notably glucocorticoids
pin-releasing hormone; TSH, thyrotropin; T , thyroxine;T
Radiation therapy ,3,5,3'-triiodothyronine; rT , 3,3',5'-triio
3 3

stimulation; - , inhibition. Hypophysectomy

Tertiary Hypothyroidism
Congenital hypothalamic malformation (?)
Acquired destruction of hypothalamus (?)
disorder or represent an end stage of autoimmune l y m p h o
Congenital Hypothyroidism
cytic thyroiditis.
Secondary hypothyroidism results from failure of pitu Thyroid gland dysgenesis (aplasia, hypoplasia, ectasia)
itary thyrotrophs to develop (pituitary hypoplasia causing Dyshormonogenesis: iodine organification defect
Deficient dietary iodine intake
pituitary dwarfism; see Chapter 49) or from dysfunction
within the pituitary thyrotropic cells causing impaired secre
tion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and a "second
ary" deficiency i n thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion. recessive fashion i n the family of Giant Schnauzers. Develop
Follicular atrophy in the thyroid gland gradually develops ment of an enlarged thyroid gland (i.e., goiter) depends o n
owing to lack of T S H . Secondary hypothyroidism could also the etiology. If the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid gland
result from destruction of pituitary thyrotrophs (e.g., p i t u axis is intact (e.g., as occurs with an iodine organification
itary neoplasia [rare]) or suppression of thyrotroph function defect), goiter w i l l develop, and i f it is not intact (e.g., as
by hormones or drugs (e.g., glucocorticoids [common]; see occurs with pituitary T S H deficiency), goiter w i l l not
Box 51-1). develop.
Tertiary hypothyroidism is a deficiency i n the secretion
of thyrotropin-releasing hormone ( T R H ) by peptidergic Clinical Features
neurons i n the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of Clinical signs of the more c o m m o n forms of primary hypo
the hypothalamus. Lack of T R H secretion should cause a thyroidism usually develop during middle age (i.e., 2 to 6
deficiency in T S H secretion and secondary follicular atrophy years). Clinical signs tend to develop at an earlier age i n
in the thyroid gland. Tertiary hypothyroidism has not been breeds at increased risk than i n other breeds (see Table 51-1).
reported i n dogs. There is no apparent sex-related predilection.
Congenital primary hypothyroidism is u n c o m m o n i n C l i n i c a l signs are quite variable and depend i n part on the
dogs and has been caused by deficient dietary iodine intake, age of the dog at the time a deficiency i n thyroid hormone
dyshormonogenesis (i.e., an iodine organification defect), develops (Box 51-2). Clinical signs may also differ between
and thyroid dysgenesis. Secondary hypothyroidism resulting breeds. For example, truncal alopecia may dominate i n some
from an apparent deficiency of T S H has also been reported breeds, whereas thinning of the haircoat dominates i n other
in a family of Giant Schnauzers and i n a Boxer. Pedigree breeds. In adult dogs the most consistent clinical signs of
analysis showed that it may be inherited i n an autosomal hypothyroidism result from decreased cellular metabolism
TABLE 51-1

D o g Breeds Reported to Have an Increased Prevalence of

T h y r o i d H o r m o n e Autoantibodies


Pointer 3.61
English Setter 3.44
English Pointer 3.31
S k y e Terrier 3.04
G e r m a n W i r e h a i r e d Pointer 2.72
O l d English S h e e p d o g 2.65
Boxer 2.37
Maltese 2.25
Kuvasz 2.18
Petit Basset G r i f f o n V e n d e e n 2.16
A m e r i c a n Staffordshire Terrier 1.84
Beagle 1.79
A m e r i c a n Pit Bull Terrier 1.78
Dalmatian 1.74
Giant Schnauzer 1.72
Rhodesian Ridgeback 1.72
G o l d e n Retriever 1.70
Shetland S h e e p d o g 1.69
C h e s a p e a k e B a y Retriever 1.56
Siberian Husky 1.45
Brittany S p a n i e l 1.42
Borzoi 1.39
Australian Shepherd 1.28
D o b e r m a n Pinscher 1.24
Malamute 1.22
Cocker Spaniel 1.17
Mixed 1.05

From Nachreiner RF et al: Prevalence of serum thyroid hormone

autoantibodies in dogs with clinical signs of hypothyroidism, J Am
Vet Med Assoc 220:466, 2002.
*Odds of having serum thyroid hormone autoantibodies (THAA)
among breeds with an increased risk of having THAA, compared
with dogs of all other breeds.

and its effects o n the dog's mental status and activity. Most
dogs with hypothyroidism show some mental dullness, leth
FIG 51-2
argy, exercise intolerance or unwillingness to exercise, and a
H i s t o l o g i c section of a t h y r o i d g l a n d from a healthy d o g
(A), from a d o g with l y m p h o c y t i c thyroiditis a n d hypothy
propensity to gain weight without a corresponding increase
r o i d i s m (B), a n d from a d o g with i d i o p a t h i c a t r o p h y of the in appetite or food intake. These signs are often gradual in
thyroid g l a n d a n d h y p o t h y r o i d i s m (C). N o t e the m o n o n u onset, subtle, and not recognized by the client until after
c l e a r cell infiltration, disruption of the n o r m a l architecture, thyroid hormone supplementation has been initiated. A d d i
a n d loss of c o l l o i d - c o n t a i n i n g follicles in B a n d the small tional clinical signs o f hypothyroidism typically involve the
s i z e of the g l a n d , d e c r e a s e in follicular s i z e a n d c o l l o i d
skin and, less commonly, the neuromuscular system.
content, a n d lack of a cellular infiltration in C, c o m p a r e d
with A . (A a n d B, H e m a t o x y l i n a n d e o s i n stain; m a g n i f i c a
tion x 2 5 0 ; C, h e m a t o x y l i n a n d eosin stain; m a g n i f i c a t i o n
x 4 0 ) . (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline Alterations i n the skin and haircoat are the most common
endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B observable abnormalities in dogs with hypothyroidism. The
Saunders.) classic cutaneous signs include bilaterally symmetric, non
pruritic truncal alopecia that tends to spare the head and
extremities (Fig. 51-3). Alopecia may be local or generalized
and symmetric or asymmetric, it may involve only the tail
(i.e., "rat tail"), and it often initially starts over sites of wear
Clinical Manifestations of Hypothyroidism in the Adult Dog

Lethargy* Circling
Mental dullness* Vestibular signs
Inactivity* Facial nerve paralysis
Weight g a i n * Seizures
Cold intolerance Laryngeal paralysis (?)

Dermatologic Ocular
Endocrine alopecia* Corneal lipid deposits
Symmetric or asymmetric Corneal ulceration
"Rat tail" Uveitis
Dry, brittle haircoat
Hyperpigmentation Cardiovascular
Seborrhea sicca or oleosa or dermatitis* Decreased contractility
Pyoderma* Bradycardia
Otitis externa Cardiac arrythmias
Reproductive Esophageal hypomotility (?)
Persistent anestrus Diarrhea
Weak or silent estrus Constipation
Prolonged estrual bleeding
Inappropriate galactorrhea or gynecomastia
Testicular atrophy (?) Anemia*
Loss of libido (?) Hyperlipidemia*
Behavior Abnormalities (?)

* Common.

and friction. Although nonpruritic endocrine alopecia is not dermis, b i n d water, and cause skin to thicken. Referred to as
pathognomonic for hypothyroidism (see Chapter 49), hypo myxedema, the condition causes the skin to thicken pre
thyroidism is certainly the most likely diagnosis i n an affected dominantly i n the forehead and face of dogs, resulting i n
dog with lethargy, weight gain, and no polyuria-polydipsia. rounding of the temporal region of the forehead, puffiness
Seborrhea and pyoderma are also c o m m o n signs of and thickening of the facial skin folds, and drooping of the
hypothyroidism. Depletion of thyroid hormone suppresses upper eyelids.
humoral immune reactions, impairs T-cell function, and
reduces the number of circulating lymphocytesdefects N E U R O M U S C U L A R SIGNS
that can be reversed by exogenous thyroid hormone therapy. Neurologic signs may be the predominant problem i n
A l l forms of seborrhea (i.e., sicca, oleosa, dermatitis) are some dogs with hypothyroidism (see B o x 51-2). Hypothy
possible. Seborrhea and pyoderma may be focal, multifocal, roidism-induced segmental demyelination and axonopathy
or generalized. Because both frequently result i n pruritus, may cause signs referable to the central or peripheral ner
hypothyroid dogs with secondary pyoderma or seborrhea vous system. Clinical signs referable to the central nervous
may initially be brought to the veterinarian because of a system ( C N S ) may also appear after mucopolysaccharide
pruritic skin disorder. accumulates i n the perineurium and endoneurium or
The haircoat i n dogs with hypothyroidism is often dull, after cerebral atherosclerosis, transient ischemia or brain
dry, and easily epilated. H a i r regrowth is slow. Hyperkera infarctions, or the development o f severe hyperlipidemia
tosis leads to the development of scales and dandruff. and include seizures, ataxia, circling, weakness, and pro
Variable degrees of hyperpigmentation may also be noted. prioceptive and postural reaction deficits. These signs are
Chronic otitis externa has been noted i n some dogs with often present i n conjunction with vestibular signs (e.g., head
hypothyroidism. In severe cases of hypothyroidism acidic tilt, nystagmus) or facial nerve paralysis. Peripheral neu
and neutral mucopolysaccharides may accumulate i n the ropathies include facial nerve paralysis, weakness, and
FIG 51-3
A , A 6-year-old f e m a l e s p a y e d S a m o y e d with h y p o t h y r o i d i s m ; a dry, lusterless h a i r c o a t ;
h y p e r p i g m e n t a t i o n ; a n d e n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a . B a n d C, A 2-year-old f e m a l e s p a y e d
G o l d e n Retriever with h y p o t h y r o i d i s m , diffuse thinning of the h a i r c o a t , a n d d e v e l o p m e n t
of a "rat t a i l . " In both d o g s note the truncal distribution of the d e r m a t o l o g i c p r o b l e m with
s p a r i n g of the h e a d a n d distal extremities. D, A n 8-year-old m a l e castrated B e a g l e with
h y p o t h y r o i d i s m , obesity, a n d m y x e d e m a of the f a c e . N o t e the " t r a g i c f a c i a l e x p r e s s i o n "
a n d " m e n t a l d u l l n e s s " evident from the d o g ' s f a c i a l e x p r e s s i o n . E, A 7-month-old f e m a l e
M a l a m u t e with c o n g e n i t a l h y p o t h y r o i d i s m . N o t e the retention of the p u p p y h a i r c o a t a n d
small stature of the d o g .
knuckling or dragging of the feet, with excessive wear a variable and sometimes deleterious effect o n the b l o o d
of the dorsal part of the toenail. Muscle wasting may also concentration of v o n Willebrand factor i n euthyroid dogs
be evident, although myalgia is not c o m m o n . Thyroxine with v o n Willebrand's disease.
responsive unilateral forelimb lameness has also been A cause-and-effect relationship between hypothyroidism
observed in dogs. The relationship between hypothyroidism and behavioral problems (e.g., aggression) has not been well
and laryngeal paralysis or esophageal hypomotility remains established i n dogs. T o date, most reports have been anec
controversial, i n part because it is difficult to prove a cause- dotal and based o n improvement i n behavior following i n i
and-effect relationship between these disorders and because tiation of thyroid hormone treatment. A n inverse relationship
treatment of hypothyroidism often does not improve the between development o f aggression and serotonin activity i n
clinical signs caused by laryngeal paralysis or esophageal the C N S has been documented i n several species, including
hypomotility. dogs. Serotonin turnover and sympathetic activity i n the
C N S increase i n rats made hypothyroid after surgical thy
REPRODUCTIVE SIGNS roidectomy, dopamine receptor sensitivity is affected by
Historically, hypothyroidism was believed to cause lack of thyroid hormone i n rats, and thyroid hormone potentiates
libido, testicular atrophy, and oligospermia to azoospermia the activity of tricyclic antidepressants i n humans suffering
in male dogs. However, work by Johnson et al. (1999) i n from certain types of depression. These studies suggest that
Beagles failed to document any deleterious effect of experi thyroid hormone may have an influence on the serotonin-
mentally induced hypothyroidism on any aspect of male dopamine pathway i n the C N S , regardless of the functional
reproductive function. Although other classic clinical signs status o f the thyroid gland. The benefits, i f any, of using
and clinicopathologic abnormalities of hypothyroidism thyroid hormone to treat behavioral disorders such as aggres
developed i n dogs studied, libido, testicular size, and total sion i n dogs remain to be clarified.
sperm count per ejaculate remained normal. These findings
indicate that hypothyroidism may, at best, be an u n c o m m o n MYXEDEMA COMA
cause of reproductive dysfunction i n male dogs, assuming Myxedema coma is an u n c o m m o n syndrome of severe
that the Beagle is representative of other dog breeds. hypothyroidism characterized by profound weakness, hypo
Clinical experience has shown that hypothyroidism can thermia, bradycardia, and a diminished level of conscious
cause prolonged interestrus intervals and failure to cycle i n ness that can rapidly progress to stupor and then coma.
the bitch. Additional reproductive abnormalities include Physical findings include profound weakness; hypothermia;
weak or silent estrous cycles, prolonged estrual bleeding nonpitting edema of the skin, face, and jowls (i.e., myx
(which may be caused by acquired problems i n the coagula edema); bradycardia; hypotension; and hypoventilation.
tion system), and inappropriate galactorrhea and gyneco Laboratory findings may include hypoxemia, hypercarbia,
mastia. A n association between hypothyroidism and fetal hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia i n addition to the typical
resorption, abortion, and stillbirth has been suggested i n the findings of hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, and n o n -
bitch; however, published documentation of this association regenerative anemia. Serum thyroid hormone concentra
is lacking. Maternal hypothyroidism has also been suggested tions are usually extremely l o w or undetectable; serum T S H
to result i n the birth of weak puppies that die shortly after concentration is variable but typically increased. Treatment
birth. consists of intravenous levothyroxine (5 g/kg q12h) and
supportive care aimed at correcting hypothermia, hypo
MISCELLANEOUS CLINICAL SIGNS volemia, electrolyte disturbances, and hypoventilation. Once
Ocular, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and clotting abnor the dog has stabilized, oral levothyroxine can be started
malities are u n c o m m o n clinical manifestations of hypothy (see p. 741).
roidism (see Box 51-2). M o r e commonly, biochemical or
functional abnormalities of these organ systems are identified CRETINISM
in dogs exhibiting the more c o m m o n clinical signs of hypo Hypothyroidism i n puppies is termed cretinism. As the age
thyroidism. Echocardiography may identify a decrease i n of onset increases, the clinical appearance of animals with
cardiac contractility that is usually m i l d and asymptomatic cretinism merges imperceptibly with that o f adult hypothy
but that may become relevant during a surgical procedure roidism. Retarded growth and impaired mental development
requiring prolonged anesthesia and aggressive fluid are the hallmarks of cretinism (Box 51-3). Dogs with cretin
therapy. ism have a disproportionate body size, with large, broad
A reduction i n the activity of factor VIII-related antigen heads; thick, protruding tongues; wide, square trunks; and
(von Willebrand factor) activity has been inconsistently short limbs (Fig. 51-4). This is i n contrast to the proportion
documented i n dogs with hypothyroidism, and the develop ate dwarfism caused by growth hormone deficiency. Cretins
ment of clinical signs of a bleeding disorder i n hypothyroid are mentally dull and lethargic and do not show the typical
dogs is uncommon. A n evaluation of the coagulation cascade playfulness seen i n normal puppies. Persistence of the puppy
or von Willebrand factor activity is not indicated i n dogs haircoat, alopecia, inappetence, delayed dental eruption, and
with untreated hypothyroidism unless there are concurrent goiter are additional signs. Differential diagnoses for failure
bleeding problems. Thyroid hormone supplementation has to grow include endocrine (e.g., dwarfism) and nonendo-
crine causes (see B o x 49-4 and Fig. 49-11). The presence ing that lymphocytic thyroiditis may occur i n conjunction
of goiter is variable and dependent on the underlying with other immune-mediated endocrinopathies. Presum
etiology. ably, the immune-mediated attack is directed against anti
gens shared by the endocrine system. In human beings
A U T O I M M U N E POLYENDOCRINE autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type II (Schmidt's
SYNDROMES syndrome) is the most c o m m o n o f the immunoendocri
Because autoimmune mechanisms play an important role i n nopathy syndromes, and it usually consists of primary
the pathogenesis o f lymphocytic thyroiditis, it is not surpris- adrenal insufficiency, autoimmune thyroid disease, and
type 1 diabetes mellitus. A u t o i m m u n e polyendocrine syn
dromes are u n c o m m o n i n dogs and should be suspected
i n a dog found to have multiple endocrine gland failure.
Hypothyroidism; hypoadrenocorticism; and, to a lesser
BOX 51-3
extent, diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroidism, and lympho
C l i n i c a l Signs o f C r e t i n i s m cytic orchitis are recognized combined syndromes. In most
affected dogs each endocrinopathy is manifested separately,
Disproportionate dwarfism
with additional disorders ensuing one by one after variable
Short, b r o a d skull
periods (months to years). Diagnostic tests and treatment
Shortened mandible
are directed at each disorder as it is recognized because it
Enlarged cranium
is not possible to reliably predict or prevent any of these
S h o r t e n e d limbs
Kyphosis problems. Immunosuppressive drug therapy is not indicated
M e n t a l dullness for animals with these syndromes because the adverse
Constipation effects o f immunosuppressive therapy and the difficulty
Inappetence posed by suppression of the immune destruction of affected
G a i t abnormalities endocrine glands outweigh the potential benefits o f such
D e l a y e d d e n t a l eruption therapy.
"Puppy haircoat" Clinical Pathology
Dry hair
The most consistent clinicopathologic findings in dogs with
Thick skin
hypothyroidism are hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyc
eridemia; the latter is identified as lipemia. Hypercholester
Goiter olemia is identified i n approximately 75% o f hypothyroid
dogs, and the cholesterol concentration can exceed 1000 mg/

A a n d B, Eight-month-old f e m a l e G i a n t S c h n a u z e r litter mates. The d o g o n the left is

n o r m a l , w h e r e a s the s m a l l e r d o g o n the right has c o n g e n i t a l h y p o t h y r o i d i s m (cretinism).
N o t e the small stature; d i s p r o p o r t i o n a t e b o d y s i z e ; l a r g e , b r o a d h e a d ; w i d e , s q u a r e trunk;
a n d short limbs in the cretin. (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocri
nology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)
dl. Although fasting hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyc ULTRASONOGRAPHIC FINDINGS
eridemia can be associated with several other disorders (see Ultrasound evaluation of the thyroid lobe may be helpful in
Chapter 54), their presence in a dog with appropriate clinical differentiating dogs with hypothyroidism from euthyroid
signs is strong evidence for hypothyroidism. dogs with nonthyroidal illness causing low thyroid hormone
A mild normocytic, normochromic, nonregenerative test results. Lymphocytic thyroiditis and idiopathic atrophy
anemia (packed cell volume [ P C V ] of 28% to 35%) is a less eventually cause a decrease in the size and alterations i n the
consistent finding. Evaluation of red blood cell morphology echogenicity of the thyroid lobe. The thyroid lobe in euthy
may reveal an increase in the numbers of leptocytes (target roid dogs is usually fusiform and triangular to oval in shape
cells), which develop as a result of increased erythrocyte on longitudinal and transverse views, respectively; has a
membrane cholesterol loading. The white blood cell count homogeneous echogenic pattern; is hyperechoic to isoechoic,
is typically normal, and platelet counts are n o r m a l to compared with the echogenicity of the surrounding muscu
increased. lature; and has a hyperechoic capsule (Fig. 51-5). Although
A mild to moderate increase i n lactate dehydrogenase; thyroid lobe shape is often similar between euthyroid and
aspartate aminotransferase; alanine transaminase; alkaline hypothyroid dogs, there is often a significant reduction i n
phosphatase; and, rarely, creatine kinase activities may be size and volume of the thyroid lobe i n hypothyroid versus
identified but are extremely inconsistent findings and may euthyroid dogs. In addition, the echogenicity of the thyroid
not be directly related to the hypothyroid state. M i l d hyper lobe i n hypothyroid dogs tends to be isoechoic to hypoechoic
calcemia may be found in some dogs with congenital hypo with hyperechoic foci, and the echogenic pattern often differs
thyroidism. Results of urinalysis are usually normal. Polyuria, between thyroid lobes in the same dog. A direct correlation
hyposthenuria, and urinary tract infections are not typical between size of the dog and size and volume of the normal
of hypothyroidism. thyroid gland may exist; the smaller the dog, the smaller the
size and volume of the thyroid lobe (Fig. 51-6). This must
DERMATOHISTOPATHOLOGIC FINDINGS be considered when evaluating thyroid lobe size in a dog
Skin biopsies are often performed in dogs with suspected with suspected hypothyroidism.
endocrine alopecia, especially i f screening diagnostic tests
(including tests to assess thyroid gland function) have failed TESTS OF THYROID G L A N D FUNCTION
to identify the cause. Nonspecific histologic changes are Overview
associated with various endocrinopathies, including hypo Function of the thyroid gland is typically assessed by mea
thyroidism (see Table 49-5); histologic alterations that are suring baseline serum thyroid hormone concentrations.
claimed to be specific to hypothyroidism may also be seen, 3,5,3'5'-tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine [T ]) accounts for 4

including vacuolated and/or hypertrophied arrector p i l i most of the thyroid hormone secreted by the thyroid gland,
muscles, increased dermal m u c i n content, and thickened with only small quantities of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T ) 3

dermis. A variable inflammatory cell infiltrate may be present and m i n o r amounts of 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (reverse T 3

if a secondary pyoderma has developed. [rT ]) released. Once secreted into the circulation, more than

FIG 5 1 - 5
A , U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of the n o r m a l - a p p e a r i n g left t h y r o i d l o b e (arrows) of a healthy a d u l t
G o l d e n Retriever. B, U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of the left t h y r o i d l o b e (arrows) of a n a d u l t G o l d e n
Retriever d o g with p r i m a r y h y p o t h y r o i d i s m . N o t e the significant reduction in the s i z e of
the thyroid l o b e in the d o g with h y p o t h y r o i d i s m , c o m p a r e d with the t h y r o i d l o b e i m a g e
from the healthy d o g .
99% o f T is b o u n d to plasma proteins, which serves as a
4 deiodinated to form either T or r T , depending on the met
3 3

reservoir and buffer to maintain a steady concentration o f abolic demands o f the tissues at that particular time. T is 3

free T (fT ) in the plasma. The unbound, or free, T is bio

4 4 4 preferentially produced during normal metabolic states;
logically active, exerts negative feedback inhibition on pitu r T , is biologically inactive. T is believed to be the primary
3 3

itary T S H secretion (see Fig. 51-1), and is capable o f entering hormone that induces physiologic effects.
cells throughout the body (Fig. 51-7). W i t h i n the cell f T is 4 A l l serum T , both protein b o u n d and free, comes from

the thyroid gland. Therefore tests that measure the serum

total and f T concentrations, in conjunction with the serum

T S H concentration, are currently recommended for the

assessment o f thyroid gland function i n dogs suspected of
having hypothyroidism. Serum T concentration is a poor 3

gauge o f thyroid gland function because o f its predominant

location within cells and the m i n i m a l amount secreted by
the thyroid gland in comparison with the amount of T 4

secreted (Fig. 51-8). Thus measurement o f serum T , free T , 3 3

and r T concentration is not recommended for assessing


thyroid gland function i n dogs.

Baseline Serum T Concentration 4

The baseline serum T concentration is the sum o f the


protein-bound and free levels circulating in the blood. Mea

surement of serum T concentration can be the initial screen

FIG 5 1 - 6 ing test for hypothyroidism or be part o f a thyroid panel

The r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n total t h y r o i d g l a n d v o l u m e containing T , fT , T S H , an antibody test for lymphocytic
4 4

d e t e r m i n e d b y ultrasound a n d b o d y w e i g h t in 1 2 healthy thyroiditis, or some combination o f these tests (Box 51-4).

A k i t a s (closed circles), 3 6 G o l d e n Retrievers (open circles), Clinical chemistry laboratories currently use a radioim
12 B e a g l e s (triangles), a n d 1 2 M i n i a t u r e a n d Toy P o o d l e s
munoassay (RIA) technique or enzyme immunoassay for
(squares). N o t i c e the positive c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n b o d y
w e i g h t a n d s i z e of the t h y r o i d g l a n d . (From Bromel C et a l :
measuring serum T . Point-of-care ELISAs for measuring

C o m p a r i s o n of u l t r a s o n o g r a p h i c characteristics of the serum T are also available, are economical, quick, and easy

thyroid g l a n d in healthy small-, medium-, a n d l a r g e - b r e e d to perform, and allow the clinician to make recommenda
d o g s , Am J Vet Res 6 7 : 7 0 , 2 0 0 6 . ) tions the same day the dog (or cat) is evaluated. In a recent

FIG 5 1 - 7
Intracellular m e t a b o l i s m of free T to either T o r reverse T b y 5 ' - or 5 - m o n o d e i o d i n a s e ,
4 3 3

respectively. Intracellular T f o r m e d from m o n o d e i o d i n a t i o n of free T c a n interact with T

3 4 3

receptors o n the cell m e m b r a n e , m i t o c h o n d r i a , or nucleus of the cell a n d stimulate the

p h y s i o l o g i c a c t i o n s of t h y r o i d h o r m o n e o r b i n d to c y t o p l a s m i c b i n d i n g proteins (CBP). The
latter form a n intracellular s t o r a g e p o o l for T . (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine

and feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)

greater than 1.5 g/dl, the serum T concentration should be4

used to confirm n o r m a l thyroid gland function, not hypo

thyroidism per se (Table 51-3). A serum T concentration 4

greater than 1.5 g/dl establishes n o r m a l thyroid gland func

tion. The exception is a very small number (<1%) o f hypo
thyroid dogs with lymphocytic thyroiditis that have serum
T autoantibodies that interfere with the R I A used to measure

T . A serum T concentration less than 0.5 g/dl (6 n m o l / L )

4 4

suggests hypothyroidism, especially i f the clinical signs,

physical findings, and results o f routine b l o o d tests support
the diagnosis and systemic illness is not present. The defini
tive diagnosis relies on response to trial therapy with levo
thyroxine i n these dogs. Additional diagnostic tests of thyroid
gland function are indicated i f the serum T concentration 4

is between 0.5 and 1.5 g/dl; i f the clinical signs, physical

examination findings, and results o f routine b l o o d work are
not strongly supportive o f the disease; i f severe systemic
illness is present and the potential for the euthyroid sick
syndrome is high; or i f medications k n o w n to decrease
serum T concentration are being administered.

Baseline Serum fT Concentration 4

Free T is the nonprotein-bound fraction o f T circulating i n

4 4

blood and accounts for less than 1% o f circulating T . C u r 4

rently, the most c o m m o n l y used assays for measuring f T i n 4

dogs are the Nichol's modified equilibrium dialysis assay

(Antech Diagnostics, Inc.) and the Diasorin 2-step assay
(Diasorin, Stillwater, M i n n . ) . The modified equilibrium
FIG 5 1 - 8 dialysis (ED) assay utilizes a short E D step to separate free
Baseline serum T concentrations in 3 5 healthy d o g s , 3 5
from protein-bound T followed by measurement o f the free

d o g s with h y p o t h y r o i d i s m , a n d 3 0 euthyroid d o g s with T fraction by RIA. The Diasorin 2-step f T assay uses two
4 4

concurrent d e r m a t o p a t h y . N o t e the o v e r l a p in serum T 3 incubation temperatures (37 C for 20 minutes, then r o o m

concentrations a m o n g the three g r o u p s of d o g s .
temperature for 1 hour), not E D , to separate free and protein-
b o u n d T followed by R I A to measure fT . Preliminary
4 4

studies suggest that results using the Diasorin 2-step R I A

study serum T concentrations determined i n dogs and cats
4 method are similar to results using the more traditional E D
by RIA, chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay, and a method. For most laboratories the lower limit o f the refer
point-of-care ELISA provided similar and consistent results ence range for serum f T measured by E D and the 2-step R I A

(Kemppainen and Birchfield, 2006). For most laboratories is approximately 0.5 to 0.8 ng/dl (6 to 10 p m o l / L ) in dogs.
the lower limit of the reference range for serum T in dogs 4 Measurement o f serum f T is usually reserved for those

is approximately 0.8 to 1.0 g/dl (10 to 13 n m o l / L ) , although dogs with suspected hypothyroidism and a nondiagnostic
in some breeds the normal range may extend to as l o w as serum T test result, severe concurrent illness, or both. E D

0.5 g/dl (6 nmol/L) (see the discussion o f breed variations, assays for serum f T concentration have comparable sensitiv

p. 740). ity but higher specificity than assays for serum T concentra 4

Theoretically, the interpretation o f baseline serum T 4 tion. Similar studies have not been reported for the 2-step
concentration should be straightforward i n that dogs with RIA. Serum f T is more resistant to the suppressive effects

hypothyroidism should have low values compared with the of nonthyroidal illness and medications than serum T , 4

values in healthy dogs. Unfortunately, the serum T concen 4 although severe illness can cause serum f T concentrations 4

tration range i n hypothyroid dogs overlaps with that in to decrease below 0.5 ng/dl. In addition, serum T autoanti 4

healthy dogs and the serum T concentration can be sup

4 bodies do not affect serum f T results determined by E D .

pressed by a variety of factors, most notably nonthyroidal Interpretation o f serum fT test results is similar to that used

illness and medications (Table 51-2). Clinicians often find it to interpret serum T test results (see Table 51-3). Serum f T
4 4

difficult to judge the effect that extraneous factors, especially values greater than 1.5 ng/dl (20 p m o l / L ) are consistent with
concurrent illness, have on the serum T concentration. 4 euthyroidism; values less than 0.5 ng/dl (6.5 p m o l / L ) are
Because these variables can suppress a baseline serum T 4 supportive o f hypothyroidism, assuming the history, physi
concentration to less than 0.5 g/dl i n a euthyroid dog and cal examination, and results o f routine b l o o d work are con
hypothyroid dogs rarely have a serum T concentration 4 sistent with hypothyroidism and severe systemic illness is
Diagnostic Tests for Evaluating Thyroid Gland Function in the Dog

The decision to assess thyroid gland function should be Provides additional evidence for or against the diagnosis of
based on results of the history, physical examination, and hypothyroidism
results of routine blood work (complete blood count, serum False positive and false negative serum TSH test results are
biochemistry panel, urinalysis). common
Serum TSH should not be used, by itself, to diagnose hypo
Serum Thyroxine (T ) 4
Most commonly used initial screening test for hypothyroidism
Serum 3,5,3'-Triiodothyronine (T )
Normal serum T rules out hypothyroidism

Exception: T autoantibodies that interfere with T assay and

4 4 M a y be a component of canine thyroid panels
cause spuriously high results (uncommon) Not the primary hormone secreted by the thyroid gland; T 3

Low serum T does not, by itself, confirm hypothyroidism

4 is primarily produced from deiodination of fT within cells

Serum T commonly suppressed below the reference range

4 of the body
by nonthyroidal illness, drugs, and other factors in dogs T is a poor gauge of thyroid gland function and should not

with normal thyroid gland function be used, by itself, to diagnose hypothyroidism

Serum Free Thyroxine (FT ) By Dialysis

4 Serum Thyreoglobulin (Tg) and Thyroid Hormone (T and T ) 3 4

Autoantibody Tests
Usually measured in dogs with nondiagnostic serum T test 4

results, severe nonthyroidal illness, or both; common com Common component of canine thyroid panels
ponent of canine thyroid panels Tests of thyroid gland pathology, not thyroid gland function
Normal serum IT4 rules out hypothyroidism Used to identify lymphocytic thyroiditis and explain unusual
Low serum fT does not, by itself, confirm hypothyroidism;
4 serum T and T test results
4 3

severe nonthyroidal illness and drugs can suppress serum Should never be used to diagnose hypothyroidism
fT to below the reference range

Serum Thyrotropin (TSH)

Usually measured in dogs with nondiagnostic serum T test 4

results, severe nonthyroidal illness, or both; common com

ponent of canine thyroid panels

TABLE 51-2

Variables that May Affect Baseline Serum Thyroid Hormone Function Test Results in the Dog


Age Inversely proportional effect

Neonate (<3 mo) Increased T 4

A g e d (>6 yr) Decreased T 4

Body size Inversely proportional effect

Small (<10 kg) Increased T 4

Large (>30 kg) Decreased T 4

Sight hounds (e.g., Greyhounds) T and free T lower than normal range established for dogs; no difference for TSH
4 4

Nordic breeds (e.g., Huskies)

Other breeds?
Gender N o effect
Time of d a y N o effect
Weight gain/obesity Increased
Weight loss/fasting Decreased T , no effect on free T
4 4

Strenuous exercise Increased T , decreased TSH, no effect on free T

4 4

Estrus (estrogen) N o effect on T 4

Pregnancy (progesterone) Increased T 4

Surgery/anesthesia Decreased T 4

Concurrent illness* Decreased T and free T ; depending on illness, TSH may increase, decrease or
4 4

not change
Moderate/severe osteoarthritis N o effect on T , free T , or TSH
4 4

Drugs See Table 51-4

Dietary iodine intake If excessive, decreased T and free T ; increased TSH
4 4

Thyroid hormone autoantibodies Increased or decreased T ; no effect on free T or TSH

4 4

TSH, Thyroid-stimulating hormone.

* There is a direct correlation between the severity and systemic nature of the illness and suppression of serum T and free T concentrations.
4 4
TABLE 51-3

Interpretation of Baseline Serum T h y r o x i n e (T ) and Free T h y r o x i n e (fT ) Concentration i n Dogs w i t h Suspected

4 4



>2.0 g/dl >2.0 n g / d l Very unlikely

1.5 to 2.0 g/dl 1.5 to 2.0 n g / d l Unlikely
0.8 to 1.5 g / d l 0.8 to 1.5 n g / d l Unknown
0.5 to 0.8 g/dl 0.5 to 0.8 n g / d l Possible
<0.5 g/dl <0.5 n g / d l Very likely

* Interpretation based on lower end of the reference range for serum T and fT being 0.8 g/dl and 0.8 ng/dl, respectively, without regard
4 4

for breed of dog. The lower end of the reference range for serum T and fT may be as low as 0.5 g/dl and 0.5 ng/dl, respectively, for
4 4

some breeds such as sight hounds (e.g., Greyhounds) and Nordic breeds (e.g., Siberian Huskies).
Assuming that a severe systemic illness is not present.

not present; and values between 0.5 and 1.5 ng/dl are not what percentage o f these dogs progress to clinical hypothy
diagnostic. roidism. Clinical signs o f hypothyroidism are usually not
evident i n these dogs, presumably because serum T and 4

Baseline Serum TSH Concentration fT concentrations are i n the reference range. Treatment

Measurement of serum T S H provides information o n the with levothyroxine is not indicated. Rather, assessment
interaction between the pituitary and thyroid gland. In of thyroid gland function should be repeated i n 3 to 6
theory, serum T S H concentration should be increased i n months, especially i f antibody tests for lymphocytic thy
dogs with hypothyroidism. In dogs serum T S H can be mea roiditis are positive. If progressive destruction o f the
sured using immunoradiometric, chemiluminescent immu thyroid gland is occurring, serum T and f T concentrations
4 4

nometric, and enzyme i m m u n o m e t r i c assays. In one study w i l l gradually decrease and clinical signs w i l l eventually
the highest precision for canine T S H analysis was obtained develop.
with the chemiluminescent assay, although the correlation
between the three assays for measuring canine serum T S H TSH and TRH Stimulation Tests
was satisfactory (Marca et al., 2001). M o s t clinical laborato T S H and T R H stimulation tests evaluate the thyroid gland's
ries use a serum T S H concentration o f 0.6 n g / m l as the responsiveness to exogenous T S H and T R H administration,
upper limit of the reference range. The lower limit o f the respectively. The p r i m a r y advantage of these tests is that they
reference range is currently below the sensitivity o f these help differentiate between hypothyroidism and nonthyroidal
assays; differentiation between l o w and n o r m a l serum T S H illness i n dogs with low serum T and f T concentrations.
4 4

concentrations is not possible. Unfortunately, T R H for injection is currently not available.

Measurement of serum T S H concentration is usually Recombinant h u m a n T S H ( r h T S H ) for injection is effective
reserved for dogs with suspected hypothyroidism and n o n in stimulating thyroid hormone secretion i n dogs but is not
diagnostic serum T test results. A serum T S H concentration
4 available at a reasonable cost. The current T S H stimulation
greater than 0.6 n g / m l is consistent with hypothyroidism. protocol for dogs is 75 g o f r h T S H per dog administered
Unfortunately, serum T S H concentrations can be n o r m a l i n intravenously or intramuscularly and b l o o d for serum T 4

dogs with histologically confirmed hypothyroidism and concentration obtained before and 6 hours after rhTSH
increased i n euthyroid dogs with concurrent nonthyroidal administration. In a euthyroid dog serum T concentration 4

illness or dogs receiving drugs such as phenobarbital (Fig. should be 2.5 g/dl (30 n m o l / L ) 6 hours after rhTSH
51-9). In most studies the sensitivity and specificity o f the administration and the 6-hour p o s t - r h T S H serum T c o n 4

T S H assay has ranged from 63% to 87% and 82% to 93%, centration should be 1.5 times the baseline serum T c o n 4

respectively. Serum T S H test results should always be inter centration. Reconstituted r h T S H can be stored at 4 C for 4
preted i n conjunction with results o f serum T , f T , or both
4 4 weeks and at - 2 0 C for 8 weeks without loss o f biological
and should not be used alone i n the diagnosis o f hypothy activity.
roidism. Serum T S H test results increase the likelihood o f
euthyroidism or hypothyroidism when results are consistent Antibody Tests for Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
with results of serum T and f T tests. A n o r m a l serum T
4 4 4 Circulating thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid hormone ( T 3

and fT concentration and increased serum T S H concen

4 and T ) autoantibodies correlate with the presence o f l y m

tration occur i n the early stages o f primary hypothyroidism phocytic thyroiditis i n dogs. Tests for the presence o f Tg, T , 3

in humans. Although similar thyroid hormone and T S H and T autoantibodies i n the serum o f dogs can be used to

test results have been identified i n dogs, it is not k n o w n identify lymphocytic thyroiditis, to explain unusual serum
FIG 51-9
B o x plots of serum c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of thyrotropin (TSH) in 2 2 3 d o g s with n o n t h y r o i d a l
d i s e a s e stratified a c c o r d i n g to severity of d i s e a s e . For e a c h b o x plot T-bars represent the
m a i n b o d y of d a t a , w h i c h in most instances is e q u a l to the r a n g e . E a c h b o x represents a n
interquartile r a n g e (twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentile). The h o r i z o n t a l b a r in e a c h b o x
is the m e d i a n . O p e n circles represent outlying d a t a points. N u m b e r s in parentheses
i n d i c a t e the numbers of d o g s in e a c h g r o u p . S h a d e d a r e a is the n o r m a l r a n g e . (From
K a n t r o w i t z LB et a l : S e r u m total t h y r o x i n e , total triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, a n d
thyrotropin c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in d o g s with n o n t h y r o i d a l d i s e a s e , J Am Vet Med Assoc

T test results, and possibly to serve as a genetic screening

4 against them as well. Dogs with T and T autoantibodies
3 4

test for hypothyroidism caused by lymphocytic thyroiditis. typically have autoantibodies against Tg, but the converse is
Autoantibodies predominantly develop against Tg. T and 3 not true. As such, the better screening test for lymphocytic
T are haptens and not antigenic by themselves. T g is the
4 thyroiditis is the Tg autoantibody test. ELISAs for detection
protein that provides the antigenic stimulus. Because T and 3 of T g autoantibodies are sensitive and specific for identifica
T are attached to the T g molecule, autoantibodies develop
4 tion of Tg autoantibodies in dogs and are commercially
available. Results are reported as negative, positive, and The most c o m m o n factors that result i n lower baseline
inconclusive. thyroid hormone concentrations i n euthyroid dogs are non
A positive T g autoantibody test suggests the possibility of thyroidal illness (i.e., euthyroid sick syndrome), drugs (espe
lymphocytic thyroiditis but does not provide information on cially glucocorticoids, phenobarbital, and sulfonamide
the severity or progressive nature of the inflammatory antibiotics; see Table 51-2), and variation i n the reference
process. T g autoantibody is not a thyroid function test. Pos range between breeds (most notably sight hounds).
itive results increase the suspicion for hypothyroidism i f
serum T and fT concentrations are low but have no bearing
4 4
Nonthyroidal Illness
on generation of clinical signs if serum T and fT concentra
4 4
(Euthyroid Sick Syndrome)
tions are normal. T g autoantibodies should not be used Euthyroid sick syndrome refers to suppression of serum
alone i n the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Dogs with con thyroid hormone concentrations i n euthyroid dogs i n
firmed hypothyroidism can be negative and euthyroid dogs response to concurrent illness. A decrease i n serum thyroid
can be positive for T g autoantibodies. Identification of T g hormone concentrations may result from a decline in T S H
autoantibodies would support hypothyroidism caused by secretion secondary to suppression of the hypothalamus or
lymphocytic thyroiditis i f the dog has clinical signs, physical pituitary gland, from decreased synthesis of T , from 4

findings, and thyroid hormone test results consistent with decreased concentration or b i n d i n g affinity of circulating
the disorder. Positive serum T and T autoantibody test
4 3 binding proteins (e.g., thyroid binding globulin), from i n h i
results are interpreted i n a similar manner. bition of the deiodination of T to T , or any combination
4 3

The value of serum T g autoantibodies as a marker for of these factors. The subsequent decrease in serum total T 4

eventual development of hypothyroidism remains to be and, i n many cases, f T concentrations is believed to repre

clarified. A 1-year prospective study found that approxi sent a physiologic adaptation by the body, with the purpose
mately 20% of 171 dogs with positive T g autoantibody being to decrease cellular metabolism during periods of
and normal fT and T S H test results developed changes
4 illness. It is not indicative of hypothyroidism, per se. Gener
in fT , T S H , or both test results consistent with hypothy
4 ally, the type and magnitude of most alterations i n serum
roidism; 15% reverted to a negative T g autoantibody test thyroid hormone concentrations are not unique to a specific
with no change i n fT and T S H test results; and 65% remained
4 disorder but reflect the severity of the illness or the catabolic
Tg autoantibody positive or had an inconclusive result state and appear to represent a c o n t i n u u m of changes. Sys
with no change in f T and T S H test results 1 year later
4 temic illness has more of an effect in lowering serum thyroid
(Graham et a l , 2001). Currently, a positive T g autoanti hormone concentrations than do, for example, dermatologic
body test is considered suggestive of lymphocytic thyroiditis disorders. In addition, the more severe the systemic illness,
and supports retesting thyroid gland function i n 3 to 6 the more suppressive the effect on the serum thyroid
months. hormone concentration (Fig. 51-10).
Testing for serum T or T g autoantibodies is indicated i n
4 Unfortunately, euthyroid dogs with concurrent illness can
dogs with unusual serum T values. T autoantibodies may
4 4 have serum T concentrations that often fall between 0.5 and

interfere with the RIAs used to measure serum T concentra

4 1.0 g/dl, and with severe illness (e.g., cardiomyopathy,
tions, which thereby yield spurious and thus unreliable severe anemia) these concentrations can be less than 0.5 g/
values. The type of interference depends on the separation dl. Alterations i n serum concentrations of fT and T S H are

system used i n the R I A . Falsely low results are obtained i f more variable and probably depend i n part o n the patho
nonspecific separation methods are used (e.g., a m m o n i u m physiologic mechanisms involved i n the illness. In general,
sulfate, activated charcoal); falsely increased values are serum f T concentrations tend to be decreased i n dogs with

obtained i f single-step separation systems using antibody- concurrent illness but to a lesser extent than total T concen

coated tubes are used. Fortunately, spurious T values result

4 trations. However, fT concentrations can be less than 0.5 ng/

ing from clinically relevant concentrations of thyroid dl i f severe illness is present. T S H concentrations may be
hormone antibody account for less than 1% of such results normal or increased depending, i n part, o n the effect of the
from commercial endocrine laboratories. Serum f T mea 4 concurrent illness on f T concentrations and o n pituitary

sured using an E D technique is not affected by T autoanti

4 function. If pituitary function is suppressed, T S H concentra
bodies and should be evaluated i n lieu of serum T i n dogs 4 tions will be i n the n o r m a l range or undetectable. If pituitary
suspected of having T autoantibodies.
4 response to changes i n fT4 concentration is not affected by
the concurrent illness, T S H concentrations will increase
FACTORS AFFECTING THYROID G L A N D in response to a decrease i n fT . Serum T S H concentrations

FUNCTION TESTS can easily exceed 1.0 n g / m l i n dogs with euthyroid sick
There are many factors that affect baseline thyroid hormone syndrome.
and endogenous T S H concentrations (see Table 51-2). Treatment of euthyroid sick syndrome should be aimed
Unfortunately, most of these factors decrease baseline thyroid at the concurrent illness. The serum thyroid hormone con
hormone concentrations and may increase endogenous T S H centrations return to n o r m a l once the concurrent illness is
in euthyroid dogs, potentially causing misdiagnosis of hypo eliminated. Treatment of euthyroid sick syndrome with
thyroidism i f the clinician accepts the results out of context. sodium levothyroxine is not recommended.
FIG 5 1 - 1 0
B o x plots of serum total T (A) a n d free T (B) c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in 2 2 3 d o g s with nonthyroi
4 4

d a l d i s e a s e stratified a c c o r d i n g to severity of d i s e a s e . S e e F i g . 5 1 - 9 for e x p l a n a t i o n .

(From K a n t r o w i t z LB et a l : Serum total t h y r o x i n e , total t r i i o d o t h y r o n i n e , free thyroxine, a n d
thyrotropin c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in d o g s with n o n t h y r o i d a l d i s e a s e , J Am Vet Med Assoc
219:765, 2001.)

Drugs abnormalities do not support a diagnosis of hypothyroid

Clinical knowledge o f the effect, i f any, o f various drugs and ism. Glucocorticoids, phenobarbital and sulfonamides are
hormones on serum thyroid hormone and T S H concentra the most c o m m o n l y used drugs known to affect serum
tions in dogs is expanding as investigators continue to thyroid hormone test results.
examine the interplay between medications and thyroid G l u c o c o r t i c o i d s . Glucocorticoids cause a decrease in
hormone test results (Table 51-4). As a general rule, any drug serum T and fT concentrations. Serum T S H concentration
4 4

should be suspected of affecting thyroid hormone test results, is variable but usually within the reference range. The mag
especially i f the history, clinical signs, and clinicopathologic nitude and duration o f suppression of serum thyroid
FIG 5 1 - 1 0 , cont'd

hormone concentrations depend on the type o f glucocorti exception are dogs receiving relatively high dosages of glu
coid, dosage, route of administration, and duration o f glu cocorticoids for prolonged periods to treat chronic steroid-
cocorticoid administration. The higher the dosage, the longer responsive disorders (e.g., immune-mediated diseases). In
the administration, and the more potent the glucocorticoid these dogs glucocorticoid-induced secondary hypothyroid
administered, the more severe the suppression o f serum ism may become clinical and require treatment with syn
thyroid hormone concentrations. If glucocorticoids have thetic levothyroxine.
been administered i n the recent past, assay of serum thyroid P h e n o b a r b i t a l . In dogs phenobarbital treatment at
hormone concentrations should be delayed or must be inter therapeutic dosages decreases serum T and fT concentra
4 4

preted carefully. Ideally, glucocorticoids should be discontin tions into the range consistent with hypothyroidism. A
ued and serum thyroid hormone and T S H concentrations delayed increase i n the serum T S H concentration may occur
assessed 4 to 8 weeks later. secondary to loss o f negative feedback as serum T and fT
4 4

Typically, the administration o f exogenous glucocorti concentrations decline. Increased serum T S H concentra
coids does not result i n clinical signs of hypothyroidism. The tions quickly return to the reference range after discontinu-
breeds may be as low as 0.4 g/dl and 0.4 ng/dl, respectively.
TABLE 51-4 Serum T and fT concentrations that are consistent with
4 4

hypothyroidism according to standard reference ranges may

Drugs that M a y Affect Baseline Serum T h y r o i d H o r m o n e
actually be normal i n these breeds. Differences i n the refer
F u n c t i o n Test Results i n the D o g
ence range between breeds emphasizes the importance of
DRUG POSSIBLE IMPACT O N TEST RESULTS clinical signs, physical examination findings, and results of
routine b l o o d work when establishing the diagnosis of hypo
Aspirin Decreased T , free T ; N o effect on TSH
4 4
thyroidism i n dogs.
Clomipramine Decreased T , free T ; N o effect on TSH
4 4

Carprofen Decreased T , free T and TSH

4 4
Deracoxib N o effect on T , free T or TSH
4 4

Etodolac N o effect on T , free T or TSH The diagnosis o f hypothyroidism is based on a combination

4 4

Glucocorticoids Decreased T and free T ; decreased or

4 4
of clinical signs; findings on physical examination; and
no effect on TSH results o f complete b l o o d count ( C B C ) , serum biochemistry
Furosemide Decreased T 4 panel, and tests o f thyroid gland function. The presence of
Methimazole Decreased T and free T ; increased TSH
4 4 appropriate clinical signs is imperative, especially when
Phenobarbital Decreased T and free T ; Delayed
4 4 relying on baseline thyroid hormone concentrations for a
increase in TSH diagnosis. In the adult dog the most consistent clinical
Phenylbutazone Decreased T 4
signs include lethargy, weight gain, and abnormalities affect
Potassium N o effect on T , free T or TSH
4 4
ing the skin (e.g., alopecia, seborrhea, pyoderma) and neu
romuscular system (e.g., weakness). Other organ systems
Progestagens Decreased T 4

may be affected by thyroid hormone deficiency, but clinical
Decreased T and free T ; increased TSH
4 4

Cephalexine N o effect on T , free T , or TSH

4 4
signs related to these other systems are rarely the reason
Sulfonamides Decreased T and free T ; increased TSH
4 4
for presentation o f the dog to the veterinarian. Identifica
Ipodate Increased T , decreased T
4 3
tion o f a m i l d nonregenerative anemia on the C B C and
especially lipemia (hypertriglyceridemia) i n the blood sample
TSH, Thyroid-stimulating hormone. and an increased serum cholesterol concentration on a
serum biochemistry panel adds further evidence for
ation o f phenobarbital treatment, whereas serum T and f T 4 4 Baseline serum T concentration is often used as the

concentrations may take up to 4 weeks to return to pretreat initial screening test for thyroid gland function. It is impor
ment values. Potassium bromide treatment does not seem to tant to remember that serum T concentrations can be sup

have a significant effect o n serum T , f T and T S H concentra

4 4 pressed by a variety o f factors, most notably nonthyroidal
tions i n dogs. illness and medications such as prednisone and phenobar
Sulfonamide antibiotics. A decrease i n serum T and 4 bital. As such, measurement o f the serum T concentration

fT and an increase i n T S H concentrations have been docu

4 should be used to confirm normal thyroid gland function,
mented i n dogs treated with sulfonamides (e.g., sulfamethox not hypothyroidism per se. A normal serum T concentra4

azole, sulfadiazine). Serum T concentrations can decrease

4 tion establishes n o r m a l thyroid gland function unless serum
into the hypothyroid range w i t h i n 1 to 2 weeks and serum T autoantibodies are present and interfering with the assay.

T S H concentrations can increase above the reference range A low serum T concentration (ideally less than 0.5 g/dl

within 2 to 3 weeks after initiating sulfonamide therapy. [6 n m o l / L ] ) i n conjunction with hypercholesterolemia and
Clinical signs o f hypothyroidism can develop with chronic clinical signs strongly suggestive of the disease supports the
sulfonamide administration. The increase i n the serum diagnosis o f hypothyroidism, especially i f systemic illness is
T S H concentration occurs secondary to loss o f negative not present. The definitive diagnosis must then rely on
feedback as serum T and f T concentrations decline and can
4 4 response to trial therapy with synthetic levothyroxine. A d d i
lead to thyroid hyperplasia and goiter. Alterations i n results tional tests o f thyroid gland function are warranted i f the
of thyroid gland function tests may resolve w i t h i n 1 to 2 serum T concentration is less than 0.8 to 1.0 g/dl but clin

weeks or last as long as 8 to 12 weeks after cessation o f the ical signs and physical examination findings are not strongly
antibiotic. supportive o f the disease and hypercholesterolemia is not
present, i f severe systemic illness is present and the potential
Breed Variations for the euthyroid sick syndrome is high, or i f medications
Current reference ranges were established i n large popula k n o w n to decrease serum T concentration are being

tions o f dogs without regard for breed. It is n o w recognized administered.

that the reference range for serum T and f T concentration
4 4 Evaluation o f a thyroid panel that includes serum T , fT ,
4 4

but not T S H concentration is lower i n sight hounds, most T S H , and T g autoantibody provides a more informative
notably Greyhounds, and N o r t h e r n breeds such as the Sibe analysis o f the pituitary-thyroid axis and thyroid gland func
rian H u s k y and may be lower i n other breeds as well. The tion, can be used as the initial screening test for hypothyroid
lower end of the reference range for serum T and f T i n these 4 4 ism, and should be used when serum T concentration alone
fails to establish the diagnosis. L o w serum T and f T , and
4 4
increased serum T S H concentrations i n a dog with appropri TREATED D O G
ate clinical signs and clinicopathologic abnormalities strongly Occasionally, a clinician wants to determine i f a dog receiv
support the diagnosis o f hypothyroidism. Concurrent pres ing thyroid hormone supplementation is i n fact hypothy
ence of T g autoantibodies suggests lymphocytic thyroiditis roid. The exogenous administration o f thyroid hormone,
as the underlying etiology. either T or T , will suppress pituitary T S H secretion and
4 3

Unfortunately, discordant test results are c o m m o n . W h e n cause pituitary thyrotroph atrophy and subsequently thyroid
this occurs, the appropriateness of clinical signs, clinico gland atrophy i n a healthy euthyroid dog. Serum T , fT , and4 4

pathologic abnormalities, and clinician index of suspicion T S H concentrations are decreased or undetectable; the sever
become the most important parameters when determining ity o f the decrease is dependent on the severity of thyroid
whether to treat the dog with levothyroxine. Serum f T con 4
gland atrophy induced by the thyroid supplement. Serum T 4

centration measured using E D or the 2-step R I A is the most and f T results are often suggestive o f hypothyroidism, even

accurate test of thyroid gland function and carries the highest in a previously euthyroid dog, i f testing is performed within
priority, followed by serum T concentration. Results of T S H
a m o n t h o f discontinuing treatment. T h y r o i d hormone sup
concentration increase the likelihood o f euthyroidism or plementation must be discontinued and the pituitary-thyroid
hypothyroidism when T S H test results are consistent with axis allowed to regain function before meaningful baseline
results of serum fT , but T S H test results should not be used
serum thyroid hormone concentrations can be obtained.
as the sole indicator o f hypothyroidism. L o w serum f T and 4
The time between discontinuation o f thyroid hormone sup
normal T S H test results occur i n approximately 20% o f dogs plementation and acquisition o f meaningful test results
with hypothyroidism, and high T S H test results occur i n depends on the duration o f treatment, the dose and fre
euthyroid dogs with nonthyroidal illness and with medica quency of administration of the thyroid hormone supple
tions such as phenobarbital and sulfonamides (see Tables ment, and individual variability. As a general rule, thyroid
51-2 and 51-4). N o r m a l serum f T and high T S H may suggest
hormone supplements should be discontinued for a
early compensated hypothyroidism, but one has to wonder m i n i m u m o f 4 weeks, preferably 6 to 8 weeks, before thyroid
why clinical signs w o u l d develop when the serum f T con4
gland function is critically assessed.
centration is normal. Positive T g autoantibody findings
merely suggest the possibility of lymphocytic thyroiditis; T g DIAGNOSIS IN PUPPIES
autoantibody determination is not a thyroid function test. A n approach similar to that discussed i n the previous
Positive results increase the suspicion for hypothyroidism i f section is used to diagnose congenital hypothyroidism.
serum T or fT concentrations are low but have no bearing
4 4 However, serum T S H concentrations are dependent on
on the generation of clinical signs i f serum T and f T con
4 4 the etiology. T S H concentrations will be increased i n dogs
centrations are normal. W h e n faced with discordant test with primary dysfunction o f the thyroid gland (e.g.,
results, the clinician must decide whether to initiate trial iodine organification defect) and an intact hypothalamic-
therapy with synthetic levothyroxine or repeat the tests pituitary-thyroid gland axis. T S H concentrations will be
sometime in the futurea decision that I usually base o n the within the n o r m a l range or undetectable i n dogs with
appropriateness of clinical signs and results o f the f T mea
4 pituitary or hypothalamic dysfunction as the cause o f the
sured using E D or the 2-step R I A . hypothyroidism.
Admittedly, interpretation o f serum T , fT , and T S H
4 4

concentrations is not always simple. Because of the expense Treatment

and frustration of working with tests that are not always
reliable, many veterinarians and some clients prefer trial THERAPY WITH S O D I U M
therapy as a diagnostic test. Trial therapy should be done LEVOTHYROXINE (SYNTHETIC T ) 4

only when thyroid hormone supplementation does not The initial treatment and m o n i t o r i n g recommendations are
pose a risk to the patient. Response to trial therapy with summarized i n B o x 51-5. Synthetic levothyroxine is the
sodium levothyroxine is nonspecific. A dog that has a posi treatment o f choice for hypothyroidism. Its administration
tive response to therapy either has hypothyroidism or orally should result i n normal serum concentrations o f T , 4

"thyroid-responsive disease." Because o f its anabolic nature, T , and T S H , which attests to the fact that these products can

thyroid supplementation can create an effect i n a dog be converted to the more metabolically active T by periph

without thyroid dysfunction, especially regarding quality o f eral tissues. A sodium levothyroxine product approved for
the haircoat. Therefore, if a positive response to trial therapy use i n dogs is recommended. L i q u i d and tablet formulations
is observed, thyroid supplementation should be gradually are effective. The initial dosage is 0.02 mg/kg body weight
discontinued once clinical signs have resolved. If clinical (0.1 mg/10 lb) with a m a x i m u m initial dose o f 0.8 mg.
signs recur, hypothyroidism is confirmed and the supple Twice-daily administration is recommended initially unless
ment should be reinitiated. If clinical signs do not recur, a the levothyroxine product has been specifically formulated
thyroid-responsive disorder or a beneficial response to con for once-daily administration. Because o f the variability in
current therapy (e.g., antibiotics, flea control) should be its absorption and metabolism, the dose and frequency may
suspected. have to be adjusted before a satisfactory clinical response is
BOX 51-5 BOX 51-6

Recommendations for the Initial Treatment and Potential Reasons for Poor Clinical Response to
Monitoring of Hypothyroidism in Dogs Treatment with Sodium Levothyroxine (Synthetic T ) 4

Initial Treatment Client compliance problems

Use of inactivated or outdated product
Use a synthetic levothyroxine product approved for use in
Inappropriate levothyroxine dose
Inappropriate frequency of administration
Tablet and liquid formulations of levothyroxine are effec Low tablet strength*
Poor bioavailability (e.g., poor gastrointestinal tract
The initial dosage per administration should be 0.02 m g /
kg (20 g/kg) of body weight, with a maximum initial
Inadequate time for clinical response to occur
dose of 0.8 mg.
Incorrect diagnosis of hypothyroidism
The initial frequency of administration is every 12 hours
unless the levothyroxine product has been specifically * Tablet strength refers to actual amount of active drug in tablet, as
formulated for once-daily administration. opposed to the stated amount.

Initial Monitoring
Response to treatment should be critically evaluated 4 to 8
weeks after initiating treatment. FAILURE T O RESPOND TO S O D I U M
Serum T and TSH concentrations should be measured 4 to
6 hours after administration of levothyroxine. Problems with levothyroxine therapy should be suspected if
Serum T should be in the reference range or increased.
clinical improvement is not seen by 8 weeks after initiating
Serum TSH concentration should be in the reference
therapy. A n inappropriate diagnosis of hypothyroidism is
the most obvious. Hyperadrenocorticism can be mistaken
Measuring serum T concentration immediately before levo
for hypothyroidism i f other clinical signs (e.g., polyuria,
thyroxine administration (i.e., trough level) is optional
but is recommended if levothyroxine is being given once
polydipsia) c o m m o n l y associated with hyperadrenocorti
a day. cism are not present because o f the suppressive effects of
The trough concentration of serum T should be in the refer
Cortisol on serum thyroid hormone concentrations (see
ence range. p. 738). Failure to recognize the impact o f concurrent illness
on thyroid hormone test results is another c o m m o n reason
TSH, Thyroid-stimulating hormone. for misdiagnosing hypothyroidism. Concurrent disease (e.g.,
allergic skin disease, flea hypersensitivity) is c o m m o n i n dogs
with hypothyroidism and may affect the clinical impression
observed; this variability is one reason for m o n i t o r i n g of response to levothyroxine therapy if the disease is not
therapy i n dogs. recognized. Other possible reasons for a poor response
to therapy are listed i n Box 51-6. Whenever a dog shows a
RESPONSE TO S O D I U M poor response to levothyroxine therapy, the history, physical
LEVOTHYROXINE THERAPY examination findings, and diagnostic test results that
T h y r o i d hormone supplementation should be continued prompted the initiation o f levothyroxine therapy should be
for a m i n i m u m o f 4 weeks before critically evaluating the critically reevaluated and serum thyroid hormone concen
effectiveness o f treatment. W i t h appropriate therapy all clin trations measured.
ical signs and clinicopathologic abnormalities associated
with hypothyroidism are reversible. Improvement in mental THERAPEUTIC M O N I T O R I N G
alertness and activity usually occurs w i t h i n the first week Therapeutic monitoring includes evaluation o f the clinical
of treatment; this is an important early indicator that the response to levothyroxine treatment, measurement of serum
diagnosis o f hypothyroidism was correct. A l t h o u g h some T and T S H concentrations before or after levothyroxine

hair regrowth usually occurs w i t h i n the first m o n t h i n dogs administration, or both. These concentrations should be
with endocrine alopecia, it may take several months for measured 4 weeks after initiating therapy, whenever signs of
complete regrowth and a marked reduction i n hyperpig thyrotoxicosis develop, or i n the event that there has been
mentation o f the skin to occur. Initially, the haircoat may m i n i m a l or no response to therapy. Concentrations should
worsen as large amounts o f hair i n the telogen stage o f the also be measured 2 to 4 weeks after an adjustment in
hair cycle are shed. Improvement i n neurologic manifesta levothyroxine therapy in dogs showing a poor response to
tions is usually evident w i t h i n days o f initiating treatment; treatment.
complete resolution o f neurologic signs is unpredictable and Serum T and T S H concentrations are typically evaluated

may take 4 to 8 weeks or longer o f treatment before it 4 to 6 hours after the administration of levothyroxine in dogs
occurs. receiving the medication twice daily and just before and 4 to
6 hours after administration in dogs receiving it once a day. the reference range. Postdosing serum T and T S H concen 4

Measurement of serum fT can be done i n lieu of measuring

4 trations and recommendations for changes i n therapy are
T but is more expensive and probably does not offer addi
4 given i n Fig. 51-11.
tional information except in dogs with T autoantibodies.

The presence of thyroid hormone autoantibodies does not THYROTOXICOSIS

interfere with the physiologic actions o f levothyroxine. Thyrotoxicosis may develop in dogs receiving excessive
Ideally, the serum T concentration should be between 1.5
4 amounts o f levothyroxine; i n dogs i n which the plasma half-
and 4.5 g/dl when measured 4 to 6 hours after thyroid life for levothyroxine is inherently prolonged, especially i n
hormone administration and the T S H concentration should those receiving levothyroxine twice daily; and in dogs with
be in the reference range. Postdosing serum T concentra 4 impaired metabolism of levothyroxine (e.g., concurrent
tions are frequently above the reference range. The finding renal or hepatic insufficiency). Rarely, thyrotoxicosis devel
of an increased postdosing serum T concentration is not an
4 ops i n a dog given minute amounts of levothyroxine. The
absolute indication to reduce the dose of levothyroxine, reason for this marked sensitivity to the hormone is not
especially if there are no clinical signs o f thyrotoxicosis. known. Diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis is based primarily on
However, a reduction i n the dose is recommended whenever presence o f clinical signs, which include panting, nervous
serum T concentrations exceed 6.0 g/dl. Postdosing serum
4 ness, aggressive behavior, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia,
T concentrations may also be less than 1.5 g/dl. A n increase
4 and weight loss. Documenting increased serum T and fT 4 4

in the dose or frequency o f administration of levothyroxine and undetectable serum T S H concentrations supports the
is indicated i f clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism diagnosis. However, serum T and f T concentrations can
4 4

persist, the serum T S H concentration remains increased, or occasionally be w i t h i n the reference range i n a dog with signs
both, but it is not necessarily indicated if the clinical response of thyrotoxicosis and are c o m m o n l y increased in dogs with
to treatment is good and the serum T S H concentration is i n no signs of thyrotoxicosis. Adjustments in the dose or fre-

FIG 51-11
Initial therapeutic a p p r o a c h a n d monitoring r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for d o g s with h y p o t h y r o i d i s m .
quency o f administration o f levothyroxine, or both mea
sures, are indicated i f clinical signs o f thyrotoxicosis develop
in a dog receiving thyroid hormone supplements. Supple Clinical Manifestations of Feline Hypothyroidism
mentation should be discontinued for a few days i f clinical
Adult-Onset Hypothyroidism
signs are severe. Signs of thyrotoxicosis should resolve w i t h i n
1 to 3 days i f they are due to the thyroid medication and the Lethargy
adjustment in treatment has been appropriate. Inappetence
Prognosis Dermatologic
Seborrhea sicca
The prognosis for adult dogs w i t h primary hypothyroidism
Dry, lusterless haircoat
that are receiving appropriate therapy is excellent. The prog
Easily epilated hair
nosis for puppies w i t h hypothyroidism (i.e., cretinism) is Poor regrowth of hair
guarded and depends on the severity o f skeletal and joint Endocrine alopecia
abnormalities at the time treatment is initiated. Although Alopecia of pinnae
many o f the clinical signs resolve w i t h therapy, musculo Thickened skin
skeletal problems, especially degenerative osteoarthritis, may Myxedema of the face
develop owing to abnormal bone and joint development. Reproduction
The prognosis for dogs with secondary hypothyroidism Failure to cycle
caused by congenital malformation of the pituitary gland
(i.e., pituitary dwarfism) is guarded to poor because o f the
Mild hypothermia
multiple problems that develop i n early life (see Chapter 49).
The prognosis for dogs w i t h acquired secondary hypothy Congenital Hypothyroidism
roidism caused by suppression of pituitary function by med Disproportionate dwarfism
ications (e.g., glucocorticoids) is excellent, although treatment Failure to grow
with levothyroxine may be necessary i f the medication can Large head
not be discontinued. The prognosis for dogs with acquired Short, broad neck
secondary hypothyroidism caused by destruction o f the Short limbs
region by a space-occupying mass is grave. Lethargy
Mental dullness
Retention of kitten haircoat
Retention of deciduous teeth
Iatrogenic hypothyroidism is the most c o m m o n cause o f
hypothyroidism i n cats and can result from bilateral thyroid
ectomy, radioactive iodine treatment, or an overdose of anti
thyroid drugs. Naturally acquired adult-onset primary
hypothyroidism is rare. Congenital primary hypothyroidism of hair; and alopecia. Bradycardia and m i l d hypothermia
causing disproportionate dwarfism is recognized more fre may be additional findings on physical examination.
quently i n cats than adult-onset hypothyroidism. Reported The clinical signs o f congenital hypothyroidism are
causes of congenital hypothyroidism include a defect i n similar to those i n dogs (see p. 729). Affected kittens typically
thyroid hormone biosynthesis, most notably an iodine appear n o r m a l at birth, but delayed growth usually becomes
organification defect, and thyroid dysgenesis. Goiter is evident by 8 weeks of age. Disproportionate dwarfism devel
c o m m o n i n cats w i t h defects i n thyroid hormone biosynthe ops over the ensuing months, with large heads; short, broad
sis because the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid gland axis necks; and short limbs developing i n affected kittens (Fig.
remains intact. A suspected autosomal recessive inherited 51-12). Additional findings include lethargy, mental dull
defect i n iodine organification was documented i n a family ness, constipation, hypothermia, bradycardia, and prolonged
of Abyssinian cats w i t h congenital hypothyroidism. A l t h o u g h retention o f deciduous teeth. The haircoat may consist
rare, iodine deficiency may cause hypothyroidism in kittens mainly o f an undercoat with primary guard hairs scattered
fed a strict all-meat diet. thinly throughout.

Clinical Signs Diagnosis

Clinical signs o f feline hypothyroidism are listed i n B o x Establishing a diagnosis o f hypothyroidism in the cat should
51-7. The most c o m m o n are lethargy, inappetence, obesity, be based on a combination of history, clinical signs, physical
and seborrhea sicca. Lethargy and inappetence may become examination findings, results o f routine blood and urine
severe. A d d i t i o n a l dermatologic signs may include a dry, lus tests, and baseline serum T and f T concentrations. Mea
4 4

terless, unkempt haircoat; easily epilated hair; poor regrowth surement o f serum T S H concentration using the canine T S H
Asymptomatic cats with a low serum T concentration fol

lowing treatment for hyperthyroidism should not be treated

until clinical signs become evident i n the hope that addi
tional time w i l l allow atrophied or ectopic thyroid tissue to
become functional.
Synthetic levothyroxine is recommended at an initial
dosage o f 0.05 or 0.1 m g once or twice daily. A m i n i m u m o f
4 weeks should elapse before the cat's clinical response to
treatment is critically assessed. Subsequent evaluations
should include a history, physical examination, and mea
surement o f serum T concentration (see the discussion o f

therapeutic monitoring, p. 742). The goal o f therapy is to

eliminate the clinical signs o f hypothyroidism and prevent
signs o f hyperthyroidism. This can usually be accomplished
by maintaining the serum T concentration between 1.0 and

2.5 g/dl. The dose and frequency o f levothyroxine admin

FIG 5 1 - 1 2
A 1-year-old domestic l o n g - h a i r e d c a t with pituitary d w a r f
istration should be adjusted accordingly to attain these goals.
ism. A c o m p a r a b l y a g e d c a t is a l s o present to illustrate the If the serum T concentration is within the reference range

small size of the pituitary d w a r f . N o t e the s q u a r e , c h u n k y after 4 to 8 weeks o f treatment but there is m i n i m a l or
contour of the h e a d a n d the dull f a c i a l e x p r e s s i o n of the no clinical response, the clinician should reassess the
c a t f i n d i n g s that a r e suggestive of cretinism (see F i g . 4 9 - diagnosis.
1 0 , for c o m p a r i s o n ) . The c a t h a d concurrent g r o w t h
hormone a n d thyroid h o r m o n e d e f i c i e n c y . (From F e l d m a n Prognosis
E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocrinology and
reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B S a u n d e r s . ) The prognosis for adult cats with hypothyroidism that are
receiving appropriate therapy is excellent. The prognosis for
kittens with congenital hypothyroidism is guarded and
depends o n the severity o f the skeletal changes at the
assay should also be considered. Abnormalities identified on time treatment is initiated. Although many o f the clinical
routine blood and urine tests include hypercholesterolemia signs resolve with therapy, musculoskeletal problems may
and a m i l d nonregenerative anemia. Serum T concentration 4 persist or develop owing to abnormal bone and joint
is often used as the initial screening test o f thyroid gland development.
function. A normal serum T concentration indicates that

the cat is euthyroid. A l o w serum T concentration i n a cat


that has undergone thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine HYPERTHYROIDISM IN CATS

treatment or i n a kitten with disproportionate dwarfism sup
ports the diagnosis o f hypothyroidism. The effect o f age Etiology
should be considered when interpreting serum T concentra 4 Hyperthyroidism is a multisystemic disorder resulting
tions in kittens (see Table 51-2). Because naturally acquired from the excessive production and secretion o f T and T by
4 3

primary hypothyroidism is rare and l o w serum T concen 4 the thyroid gland and is almost always a result o f chronic
trations in adult cats is almost always caused by nonthyroidal intrinsic disease i n one or both thyroid lobes. One or more
illness (see Fig. 51-13) or some other nonthyroidal factor, the usually small, discrete thyroid masses are palpable i n the
diagnosis of hypothyroidism should never be made solely on ventral region o f the neck i n most cats with hyperthyroid
the basis of the serum T concentration i n an adult cat that
4 ism. M u l t i n o d u l a r adenomatous hyperplasia is the most
has not been previously treated for hyperthyroidism. D o c u c o m m o n histologic finding. Less c o m m o n are thyroid ade
menting a low serum f T and high serum T S H concentration
4 nomas that cause the lobes to be enlarged and distorted;
and failure of serum T to increase following administration
4 thyroid carcinoma accounts for fewer than 5% o f clinical
of r h T S H adds further evidence for the diagnosis o f hypo cases.
thyroidism. The definitive diagnosis relies on the cat's One or both thyroid lobes can be affected i n thyrotoxic
response to trial therapy with levothyroxine. cats. Approximately 20% o f hyperthyroid cats have involve
ment o f a single thyroid lobe (Fig. 51-14). The nondiseased
Treatment thyroid lobe is nonfunctioning and atrophied because of
Treatment of hypothyroidism i n cats is similar to that used the suppressive effects o f the hyperactive thyroid tissue on
in dogs, which is described i n detail on p. 741. Treatment T S H secretion. M o r e than 70% o f hyperthyroid cats have
with levothyroxine is indicated for cats with congenital and involvement of both thyroid lobes (Fig. 51-15). O f these cats
naturally acquired adult-onset hypothyroidism and for cats the thyroid lobes are symmetrically enlarged i n 10% to 15%
with iatrogenic hypothyroidism following treatment for and asymmetrically enlarged i n the remainder. A p p r o x i
hyperthyroidism that are symptomatic for the disease. mately 3% to 5% o f thyrotoxic cats have hyperactive thyroid
FIG 5 1 - 1 3
B o x plots of serum total T (A) a n d free T (B) c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in 2 2 1 cats with nonthyroi
4 4

d a l d i s e a s e , g r o u p e d a c c o r d i n g to severity of illness. O f 2 2 1 cats with n o n t h y r o i d a l illness

6 5 h a d mild d i s e a s e , 8 3 h a d m o d e r a t e d i s e a s e , a n d 7 3 h a d severe d i s e a s e . S e e F i g .
5 1 - 9 for e x p l a n a t i o n . (From Peterson M E et a l : M e a s u r e m e n t of serum c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of
free t h y r o x i n e , total t h y r o x i n e , a n d total t r i i o d o t h y r o n i n e in cats with h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m a n d
cats with n o n t h y r o i d a l d i s e a s e , J Am Vet Med Assoc 2 1 8 : 5 2 9 , 2 0 0 1 . )

tissue i n the anterior mediastinum, with or without a pal content, isoflavones from soybeans, and chemicals lining
pable mass i n the neck (Fig. 51-16). Presumably, this tissue pop-top canned foods (specifically bisphenol A ) that have
represents ectopic thyroid tissue. Functional thyroid carci migrated into the food during storage have been proposed
noma is the most likely diagnosis i f more than two thyroid as potential dietary and chemical goitrogens. Epidemiologic
masses are present (see Fig. 51-16). Some of these cats i n i studies suggest that environmental factors such as use of
tially have only one or two thyroid masses, emphasizing the kitty litter may be involved. Recent studies have identified
importance of histologic evaluation of surgically removed overexpression of the c-ras oncogene in areas of nodular
tissue. follicular hyperplasia in feline thyroid glands, suggesting that
The pathogenesis o f adenomatous hyperplastic changes mutations in this oncogene may play a role in the etiopatho
of the thyroid gland remains unclear. It has been postulated genesis of hyperthyroidism in cats (Merryman et al., 1999).
that immunologic, infectious, nutritional, environmental, or In the normal cell activation of the ras protein leads to
genetic factors may interact to cause pathologic changes. mitosis. Mutations of the ras oncogene produce mutated ras
Epidemiologic studies have identified consumption of c o m proteins that are not subject to the normal cellular feedback
mercial canned cat foods as a risk factor for development of mechanisms that prevent uncontrolled mitosis. Altered
hyperthyroidism, suggesting that a goitrogenic c o m p o u n d expression of G proteins involved in the signal transduction
may be present in the diet. Excessive or deficient iodine pathway that stimulates growth and differentiation of thyroid
FIG 5 1 - 1 3 , cont'd

cells has also been identified in adenomatous thyroid glands the most frequently affected breeds. Siamese and Himalayans
obtained from hyperthyroid cats ( W a r d et al., 2005). have a decreased risk for development of hyperthyroidism.
Decreased inhibitory G protein expression has been identi
fied, a decrease that creates a relative increase i n stimulatory CLINICAL SIGNS
G protein expression that may stimulate unregulated mito Clinical signs are a result o f excessive secretion o f thyroid
genesis and thyroid hormone production in hyperthyroid hormone by the thyroid mass. Rarely, a client will seek vet
cells. Further studies are necessary to clarify the significance erinary care because of an observed mass i n the ventrocervi
of these findings and the relationships among abnormalities cal region o f the neck. The classic clinical signs o f
identified in thyroid cells from hyperthyroid cats, potential hyperthyroidism are weight loss (which may progress to
dietary or chemical goitrogens identified in canned cat foods, cachexia), polyphagia, and restlessness or hyperactivity.
and the development of hyperthyroidism in cats. Additional clinical signs include haircoat changes (patchy
alopecia, matted hair, m i n i m a l or excessive grooming
Clinical Features behavior), polyuria, polydipsia, vomiting, and diarrhea
(Table 51-5). Some cats show aggressive behavior that
SIGNALMENT resolves i n response to successful treatment o f the hyperthy
Hyperthyroidism is the most c o m m o n endocrine disease roid state. In some cats lethargy, weakness, and anorexia are
affecting cats older than 8 years. The average age at the time the dominant clinical features, i n addition to weight loss.
of initial presentation to the veterinarian is 13 years, with a Because of the multisystemic effects o f hyperthyroidism, the
range of 4 to 20 years. Fewer than 5% of cats with this dis variable clinical signs, and its resemblance to many other
order are younger than 8 years. There is no sex-related pre diseases o f the cat, hyperthyroidism should be suspected in
disposition; domestic short-haired and long-haired cats are any aged cat with medical problems.
FIG 51-14
A , S o d i u m pertechnetate s c a n of the h e a d , neck, a n d p r o x i m a l t h o r a x of a healthy cat.
N o t e that the uptake of pertechnetate (i.e., darkness) is c o m p a r a b l e b e t w e e n the two
t h y r o i d lobes (solid arrow) a n d the s a l i v a r y g l a n d s (broken arrow). B, S o d i u m pertechne
tate s c a n of the h e a d , neck, a n d p r o x i m a l t h o r a x of a c a t with h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m c a u s e d b y
unilateral d i s e a s e affecting the right t h y r o i d l o b e (arrow). N o t e the difference in uptake of
pertechnetate b e t w e e n the h y p e r f u n c t i o n i n g t h y r o i d l o b e a n d the s a l i v a r y g l a n d s .


Physical examination findings are listed in Table 51-5. A
Clinical Signs and Physical Examination Findings in Cats discrete thyroid mass is palpable in approximately 90% of
with Hyperthyroidism cats w i t h hyperthyroidism. However, the palpation of a cer
CLINICAL SIGNS PHYSICAL EXAMINATION vical mass is not pathognomonic for hyperthyroidism. Some
FINDINGS cats with palpable thyroid lobes are clinically normal, and
some palpable cervical masses are not thyroid in origin. It is
Weight loss* Palpable thyroid* frequently difficult to accurately assess unilateral versus
Polyphagia* Thin* bilateral thyroid lobe involvement on the basis of palpation.
Unkempt haircoat, H y p e r a c t i v e , difficult to
T w o distinct masses cannot always be appreciated on palpa
patchy a l o p e c i a * examine*
Polyuria-polydipsia* Tachycardia*
tion, even i f both lobes are large. Large thyroid masses may
Vomiting* H a i r loss, unkempt hair c o a t * gravitate to the region of the thoracic inlet, which can inter
Nervous, hyperactive Small kidneys fere with their palpation. The thyroid mass may even descend
D i a r r h e a , bulky stools H e a r t murmur into the anterior mediastinum. This should be suspected
Decreased appetite Easily stressed
when a thyroid mass is not palpable i n a hyperthyroid cat,
Tremor Dehydrated, cachectic
although a small, nonpalpable mass is also possible.
Weakness Premature beats
Dyspnea, panting G a l l o p rhythm Clinical Pathology
D e c r e a s e d activity, Aggressive Results o f a C B C are usually normal. The most common
abnormalities are a m i l d increase i n the P C V and mean
Anorexia Depressed, weak
corpuscular volume. Neutrophilia, lymphopenia, eosinope
Ventral flexion of the neck
nia, or monocytopenia is identifed in less than 20% of hyper
* Common. thyroid cats. C o m m o n serum biochemical abnormalities
FIG 5 1 - 1 5
A , Sodium pertechnetate scan of the head, neck, and proximal thorax of a cat with
hyperthyroidism caused by bilateral, asymmetric disease affecting both thyroid lobes
(arrows), with the right lobe more severely involved. This is the most common form of the
disease. B, Sodium pertechnetate scan of the head, neck, and proximal thorax of a cat
with hyperthyroidism caused by bilateral, symmetric disease affecting both thyroid lobes
(arrows). Hypocalcemia after bilateral thyroidectomy is a major concern.

include an increase i n serum activities of alanine amino on palpation of the ventral thorax; and, less frequently, pulse
transferase, alkaline phosphatase, and aspartate aminotrans deficits, gallop rhythms, cardiac m u r m u r , and muffled heart
ferase; the increase is typically i n the m i l d to moderate range sounds resulting from a pleural effusion. Electrocardio
(i.e., 100 to 400 I U / L ) . One or more of these liver enzymes graphic abnormalities include tachycardia; an increased R-
are increased in approximately 90% of hyperthyroid cats. wave amplitude i n lead II; and, less commonly, a right
Additional evaluation of the liver should be considered i f bundle-branch block, a left anterior fascicular block, widened
liver enzyme activities are greater than 500 I U / L . Increased QRS complexes, and atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.
serum urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations are Thoracic radiographs may reveal cardiomegaly, pulmonary
identified i n approximately 25%, and hyperphosphatemia i n edema, or a pleural effusion. Echocardiographic abnormali
20%, of hyperthyroid cats at our clinicfindings that have ties identified in cats with hypertrophic thyrotoxic cardio
important implications regarding treatment (see the discus myopathy include left ventricular hypertrophy, thickening of
sion of renal insufficiency). U r i n e specific gravity ranges the interventricular septum, left atrial and ventricular dila
from 1.008 to greater than 1.050. M o s t hyperthyroid cats tion, and myocardial hypercontractility. Those seen i n cats
have urine specific gravities greater than 1.035. The remain with dilative thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy include subnormal
der of the urinalysis is usually unremarkable unless concur myocardial contractility and marked ventricular dilation.
rent diabetes mellitus or urinary tract infection exists. Either form of cardiomyopathy may result i n the development
of congestive heart failure. Hypertrophic thyrotoxic cardio
C O M M O N CONCURRENT PROBLEMS myopathy is usually reversible once the hyperthyroid state is
Thyrotoxic Cardiomyopathy corrected, whereas dilative thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy is not.
Hypertrophic and, less commonly, dilative thyrotoxic car
diomyopathy may develop in cats with hyperthyroidism. Renal Insufficiency
Cardiovascular abnormalities detectable during physical Hyperthyroidism and renal insufficiency are c o m m o n dis
examination include tachycardia; a pounding heartbeat noted eases of older cats and often occur concurrently. Identification
FIG 5 1 - 1 6
A , S o d i u m pertechnetate s c a n of the h e a d , neck, a n d p r o x i m a l t h o r a x of a cat with
h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m c a u s e d b y metastatic thyroid a d e n o c a r c i n o m a with multiple masses
present in the h e a d , neck, a n d a n t e r i o r m e d i a s t i n u m (solid arrows). H e a r t (broken arrow).
B, S o d i u m pertechnetate s c a n of the h e a d , neck, a n d p r o x i m a l t h o r a x of a cat with
h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m c a u s e d b y t w o h y p e r f u n c t i o n i n g masses: o n e l o c a t e d in the neck (broken
arrow) a n d o n e in the a n t e r i o r m e d i a s t i n u m (i.e., e c t o p i c site) (solid arrow). H e a r t (broken
1 3 1
arrow). l t h e r a p y is the treatment of c h o i c e for both forms of h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m illustrated
in this figure.

of small kidneys o n physical examination, increased serum renal failure after treatment for hyperthyroidism, suggesting
urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations, and urine that urine specific gravity is a poor predictor of renal func
specific gravity between 1.008 and 1.020 should raise sus tion i n cats with hyperthyroidism. For these reasons cats
picion for concurrent renal insufficiency i n a cat with with hyperthyroidism should initially be given reversible
hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately, hyperthyroidism increases therapy (i.e., oral antithyroid drugs) until the impact of
glomerular filtration rate ( G F R ) , renal blood flow, and renal establishing euthyroidism on renal function can be deter
tubular resorptive and secretory capabilities i n normal mined (see p. 749).
and compromised kidneys. Renal perfusion and G F R may
acutely decrease and azotemia or clinical signs of renal Urinary Tract Infections
insufficiency become apparent or significantly worsen after Urinary tract infections are relatively c o m m o n in untreated
treatment of the hyperthyroid state. It is not easy to deter hyperthyroid cats, with a reported prevalence of 12% to
mine what impact the hyperthyroid state is having on 22%. The most c o m m o n bacterial isolate is Escherichia
renal function i n cats. The clinical and biochemical manifes coli. U r i n e culture is indicated i n hyperthyroid cats with
tations of renal failure may be masked i n cats with both lower urinary tract signs or presence of bacteriuria, pyuria,
thyroid and renal disease i n which renal perfusion is or both o n urinalysis. Unfortunately, most hyperthyroid
enhanced by the circulatory dynamics produced by hyper cats are asymptomatic for urinary tract infection, suggesting
thyroidism. Thomas Graves, at the University of Illinois, that urine culture should be a routine part of the complete
has recently described a group of hyperthyroid cats with diagnostic evaluation of cats with newly diagnosed
urine specific gravities greater than 1.040 that developed hyperthyroidism.
TABLE 51-6

Interpretation of Baseline Serum Thyroxine (T ) 4

Concentration i n Cats w i t h Suspected H y p e r t h y r o i d i s m


> 5 . 0 g/dl V e r y likely

3 . 0 - 5 . 0 g/dl Possible
2 . 5 - 3 . 0 g/dl Unknown
2 . 0 - 2 . 5 g/dl Unlikely
< 2 . 0 g/dl Very unlikely*

*Assuming that a severe systemic illness is not present.

intestinal lymphoma. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography may also

FIG 5 1 - 1 7 provide clues to the possibility of lymphoma.
M e a n a n d r a n g e of r a n d o m total serum T (A) a n d total

serum T (B) concentrations in h y p e r t h y r o i d cats. Seventy-

five percent of h y p e r t h y r o i d cats h a v e values within the b o x ,
The diagnosis o f hyperthyroidism is based o n identifica
a n d the b a l a n c e is within the limitation bars a b o v e a n d
tion o f appropriate clinical signs, palpation o f a thyroid
b e l o w the b o x . N o t e that virtually a l l h y p e r t h y r o i d cats h a v e
a b n o r m a l o r b o r d e r l i n e serum T c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , w h e r e a s
nodule, and documentation o f an increased serum T 4

serum T concentrations a r e less sensitive. The pink r e g i o n

represents the n o r m a l reference r a n g e .
Baseline Serum T Concentration 4

Measurement o f random baseline serum T concentration 4

has been extremely reliable i n differentiating hyperthyroid

Systemic Hypertension cats from those without thyroid disease (Fig. 51-17). A n
Systemic hypertension is c o m m o n i n cats with hyperthy abnormally high serum T concentration strongly supports

roidism and results from the effects of increased -adrencr- the diagnosis o f hyperthyroidism, especially i f appropriate
gic activity o n heart rate, myocardial contractility, systemic clinical signs are present, and a l o w serum T concentration

vasodilation, and activation o f the renin-angiotensin-aldo rules out hyperthyroidism, except i n extremely u n c o m m o n
sterone system. Hypertension caused by hyperthyroidism is situations when severe life-threatening nonthyroidal illness
usually clinically silent. Retinal hemorrhages and retinal is present (Table 51-6). Serum T concentrations that fall

detachment are the most c o m m o n clinical complications of within the upper half of the normal range (i.e., 2.5 to 5.0 g/
systemic hypertension i n hyperthyroid cats, but i n general, dl) create a diagnostic dilemma, especially i f clinical signs are
ocular lesions are not commonly identified. suggestive o f hyperthyroidism and a nodule is palpable i n
the ventral region of the neck. This combination o f findings
Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders is referred to as occult hyperthyroidism and is most c o m
Gastrointestinal tract signs are c o m m o n i n cats with hyper monly identified i n cats i n the early stages of hyperthyroid
thyroidism and include polyphagia, weight loss, anorexia, ism. Serum T concentrations are more likely to be influenced

vomiting, diarrhea, increased frequency o f defecation, and by nonthyroidal factors such as concurrent illness and are
increased volume of feces. Intestinal hypermotility and mal more likely to randomly fluctuate into the reference range in
assimilation have been documented i n some cats with hyper cats with m i l d hyperthyroidism, compared with cats with
thyroidism and are responsible for producing some of the more advanced disease (Fig. 51-18; see also Fig. 51-13). The
gastrointestinal tract signs. Inflammatory bowel disease is a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism should not be excluded on the
common concurrent gastrointestinal tract disorder that basis of one " n o r m a l " serum T test result, especially i n a cat

should be considered i n any hyperthyroid cat that has per with appropriate, albeit often m i l d , clinical signs and a pal
sistence of gastrointestinal signs after correction o f the pable mass i n the neck. Additional diagnostic factors to con
hyperthyroid state (see Chapter 33). Intestinal neoplasia, sider include measurement o f serum free T (fT ), the T 4 4 3

most notably lymphoma, is perhaps the most important dif suppression test, sodium pertechnetate thyroid scan, or rep
ferential diagnosis i n cats seen because o f polyphagia and etition of the serum T test 3 to 6 months later. It is impor

weight loss. The abdomen should be carefully palpated i n a tant to remember that the thyroid nodule m a y also be
search for thickening of the intestinal tract and mesenteric nonfunctional and the clinical signs may be the result of
lymphadenopathyfindings that may be the only clues for another disease (see Chapter 54).
FIG 51-18
B o x plots of serum total T (A) a n d free T (B) concentrations in 1 7 2 c l i n i c a l l y n o r m a l
4 4

cats, 9 1 7 cats with untreated h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m , a n d 2 2 1 cats with n o n t h y r o i d a l d i s e a s e .

S e e F i g . 5 1 - 9 for e x p l a n a t i o n . (From Peterson M E et a l : M e a s u r e m e n t of serum c o n c e n t r a
tions of free t h y r o x i n e , total t h y r o x i n e , a n d total triiodothyronine in cats with hyperthyroid
ism a n d cats with n o n t h y r o i d a l d i s e a s e , J Am Vet Med Assoc 21 8 : 5 2 9 , 2 0 0 1 . )

Serum Free T Concentration

4 high-normal or increased serum T concentration is sup

Measurement of serum f T using equilibrium dialysis or the

4 portive o f hyperthyroidism. A n increased serum fT concen 4

2-step R I A (see p. 733) is the current recommendation of tration i n conjunction with a low-normal or low serum T 4

choice to confirm hyperthyroidism i n a cat with nondiag concentration is supportive o f the euthyroid sick syndrome
nostic serum T test results. Measurement o f serum f T is a
4 4 rather than hyperthyroidism.
more reliable means o f assessing thyroid gland function than
serum T concentration, i n part because nonthyroidal illness
T Suppression Test

has less o f a suppressive effect on serum f T than T (see Fig.

4 4 The T suppression test is used to distinguish euthyroid from

51-13) and serum f T is increased i n many cats with occult

4 mildly hyperthyroid cats i n cases i n which T and fT test 4 4

hyperthyroidism and " n o r m a l " T test results. Because o f

4 results are nebulous. The T suppression test is based on the

cost, measurement o f serum fT is often reserved for cats

4 theory that oral administration o f T will suppress pituitary

with suspected hyperthyroidism i n which T values are non 4 T S H secretion in euthyroid cats, resulting in a decrease
diagnostic. Concurrent illness may increase the serum fT4 in circulating T (Fig. 51-19). In contrast, pituitary T S H

concentration in cats, an increase that can exceed the refer secretion is already suppressed in cats with hyperthyroidism,
ence range (see Fig. 51-18). For this reason serum fT4 con oral administration o f T will not cause further suppression,

centration should always be interpreted i n conjunction with and serum T will not decrease following T administration.
4 3

a T concentration measured from the same b l o o d sample.

4 In this test 25 g o f T (e.g., Cytomel, K i n g Pharmaceuticals)

A n increased serum f T concentration i n conjunction with

4 is administered orally three times per day for seven treat-
FIG 5 1 - 1 8 , cont'd

ments and serum T and T concentration is determined

4 3 nodule i n the neck; to identify sites o f metastasis i n cats with
before and 8 hours after the last T administration. N o r m a l
3 thyroid carcinoma; and to provide guidance for developing
cats consistently have postdosing serum T concentrations of
4 the best treatment plan, especially i f thyroidectomy is being
less than 1.5 g/dl, whereas hyperthyroid cats have postdos considered. Radioactive technetium 99m (pertechnetate) is
ing T concentrations o f greater than 2.0 g/dl. Values o f 1.5
4 used for routine imaging o f the thyroid gland i n cats. It
to 2.0 g/dl are nondiagnostic. The percentage decrease i n has a short physical half-life (6 hours), is concentrated
the serum T concentration is not as reliable a gauge as the
4 w i t h i n functioning thyroid follicular cells, and reflects the
absolute value, although suppression o f more than 50% trapping mechanism o f the gland. Because antithyroid
below the baseline value occurs i n n o r m a l but not hyperthy drugs do not affect the trapping mechanism o f the thyroid
roid cats. Serum T concentrations are used to determine
3 p u m p , a pertechnetate scan can be done i n cats being treated
whether the client has successfully administered the thyroid with antithyroid drugs. Salivary glands and the gastric
medication to the cat. Serum T concentration measured i n
3 mucosa also concentrate pertechnetate; it is excreted by the
the postpill blood sample should be increased compared kidneys.
with results obtained before initiating the test i n all cats Scanning o f the thyroid provides a picture o f all function
properly tested, regardless o f the status o f thyroid gland ing thyroid tissue and permits the delineation and localiza
function. tion o f functioning as opposed to nonfunctioning areas o f
the thyroid. Fig. 51-14 shows the similarity between the size
Radionuclide Thyroid Scanning and shape o f the thyroid lobes and similarity o f radionuclide
Radionuclide thyroid scanning identifies functional thyroid uptake by the thyroid and salivary glands i n a n o r m a l cat.
tissue and is used as a diagnostic test i n cats with suspected This 1:1 ratio o f salivary gland to thyroid lobe uptake is the
occult hyperthyroidism; to identify ectopic thyroid tissue standard by which to judge the status o f the thyroid. F i n d
in cats with appropriate signs o f hyperthyroidism and ings i n most hyperthyroid cats are markedly abnormal and
increased serum T concentrations but no palpable thyroid
4 usually easy to interpret (see Figs. 51-14 to 51-16).
FIG 5 1 - 1 9
Effect of T s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n o n the pituitary-thyroid a x i s in

healthy cats a n d cats with h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m . S u p p r e s s i o n of

pituitary T S H secretion b y the T s u p p l e m e n t d e c r e a s e s

serum T c o n c e n t r a t i o n in healthy cats. In h y p e r t h y r o i d cats


the serum T S H c o n c e n t r a t i o n is a l r e a d y s u p p r e s s e d ; the T


s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n has n o effect. The serum T c o n c e n t r a t i o n

FIG 51-20

A , U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of the right thyroid lobe of a 1 3-year-

remains increased.
o l d domestic short-haired c a t with h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m . A mass
is in the m i d r e g i o n of the t h y r o i d l o b e (solid arrows).
N o r m a l a p p e a r i n g portion of thyroid lobe (broken arrows).
Cervical Ultrasound B, U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of the small (atrophied) normal left
Ultrasonographic evaluation o f the thyroid gland can be thyroid l o b e (solid arrows). Left thyroid l o b e (small arrows).
Results of the ultrasound e x a m i n a t i o n s u p p o r t e d unilateral
used to confirm the origin of the palpable cervical mass,
d i s e a s e affecting the right t h y r o i d l o b e , w h i c h w a s con
differentiate unilateral versus bilateral thyroid lobe involve
firmed with a s o d i u m pertechnetate s c a n .
ment, assess the size of the thyroid mass(es), and provide
guidance for developing the best treatment plan (Fig. 51-20).
Ultrasound does not provide information o n the functional may mask renal insufficiency in some cats (see p. 749), and
status of the thyroid mass and should not be used for estab azotemia may develop or worsen and clinical signs of renal
lishing the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism. Rather, cervical insufficiency may develop after treatment of the hyperthy
ultrasound should be used as an adjunctive tool for locating roid state. Because it is not easy to determine what impact
cervical thyroid tissue. the hyperthyroid state is having on renal function, it is pref
erable to treat cats with reversible therapy (i.e., methima
Treatment zole) until the impact of hyperthyroidism on renal function
Hyperthyroidism i n cats can be managed by thyroidectomy, can be determined. If renal parameters remain static or
oral antithyroid medications, or radioactive iodine (Table improve after resolution of hyperthyroidism with methima
51-7). A l l three modes o f therapy are effective. Surgery and zole, a more permanent treatment can be recommended. If
radioactive iodine treatments are used i n the hope of provid significant azotemia or clinical signs of renal insufficiency
ing a permanent cure for the disease; oral antithyroid drugs develop during methimazole therapy, the treatment protocol
only control the hyperthyroidism and must be given daily to for methimazole should be modified to attain the best pos
achieve and maintain their effect. sible control of both disorders and treatment for renal
insufficiency should be instituted. Maintaining a m i l d hyper
Initial Treatment Recommendation thyroid state may be necessary to improve renal perfusion
Hyperthyroid cats should be treated initially with an oral and G F R and prevent the uremia of renal failure.
antithyroid drug (i.e., methimazole) to reverse the hyperthy
roid-induced metabolic and cardiac derangements, decrease Antithyroid Drugs
the anesthetic risk associated with thyroidectomy, and assess Oral antithyroid drugs include methimazole, propylthioura
the impact of treatment o n renal function. Hyperthyroidism cil, and carbimazole. Oral antithyroid drugs are inexpensive,
TABLE 51-7

Indications, Contraindications, and Disadvantages o f the Three M o d e s o f Therapy for H y p e r t h y r o i d i s m i n Cats


Methimazole, Long-term therapy for all forms None Daily therapy required; no
propylthiouracil, of hyperthyroidism; initial effect on growth of
carbimazole therapy to stabilize cat's thyroid; mild adverse
condition and assess renal reactions common;
function before thyroidectomy severe reactions possible
or radioactive iodine
Thyroidectomy Unilateral lobe involvement; Ectopic thyroid lobe; metastatic Anesthetic risks; relapse of
bilateral lobe involvement, carcinoma; bilateral, disease; postoperative
asymmetrical sizes symmetric, large lobes (high complications, especially
risk of hypocalcemia); severe hypocalcemia
systemic signs; cardiac
arrhythmias or failure; renal
Radioactive iodine ( l) Therapy for all forms of Renal insufficiency Limited availability;
hyperthyroidism; treatment of hospitalization time;
choice for ectopic thyroid potential for retreatment;
lobe and thyroid carcinoma hazardous to humans

readily available, relatively safe, and effective i n the treatment evaluated 2 weeks later. The dosage should continue to be
of hyperthyroidism i n cats. They inhibit the synthesis o f increased every 2 weeks by 2.5 mg/day increments until the
thyroid hormone by blocking the incorporation o f iodine serum T concentration is between 1 and 2 g/dl or adverse

into the tyrosyl groups i n thyroglobulin and by preventing reactions develop. Serum T concentrations decline into the

the coupling of these iodotyrosyl groups into T and T . 3 4 reference range w i t h i n 2 weeks once the cat is receiving an
Antithyroid drugs do not block the release o f stored thyroid effective dose o f methimazole; clinical improvement is
hormone into the circulation and do not have antitumor usually noted by clients w i t h i n 2 to 4 weeks once good
actions. Oral antithyroid drugs do not interfere with results control o f serum T concentration is achieved. M o s t cats

of pertechnetate scanning or radioactive iodine therapy. respond to 5 to 7.5 m g o f methimazole per day, and the drug
Indications for oral antithyroid drugs include (1) test treat is most effective when given twice a day. Attempts at decreas
ment to normalize serum T concentrations and assess the
4 ing the daily dosage, frequency o f administration, or both
effect o f resolving hyperthyroidism o n renal function, (2) can take place once clinical signs have resolved and a euthy
initial treatment to alleviate or eliminate any medical prob roid state is attained, especially for cats receiving chronic
lems associated with the syndrome before thyroidectomy is methimazole treatment.
performed or before the hospitalization required for radio Rarely, cats are encountered that seem particularly resis
active iodine treatment, and (3) long-term treatment o f tant to methimazole, requiring as m u c h as 20 mg/day. The
hyperthyroidism. most c o m m o n cause for apparent resistance to methimazole
Methimazole (Tapazole; E l i Lilly & Co.) is currently the is the inability o f some clients to administer the drug to their
antithyroid drug o f choice because the incidence o f adverse cats. One alternative is to have a c o m p o u n d i n g pharmacy
reactions associated with its use is lower than that associated incorporate methimazole into tasty kitty treats. Another
with the use o f propylthiouracil (Table 51-8). Adverse reac alternative is the topical application o f methimazole to the
tions are less likely to occur when the dosage o f methimazole pinna o f the ear. C o m p o u n d i n g veterinary pharmacies offer
is started low (typically at subtherapeutic dose initially) and transdermal methimazole i n a pluronic lecithin organogel
gradually increased to effect. The recommended initial dose ( P L O ) formulation. Creams can be made with methimazole
of methimazole is 2.5 m g administered orally twice a day for at any concentration and are usually provided i n 1 -cc syringes
2 weeks. If adverse reactions are not observed by the client, that allow the client to place the appropriate dose o n the
if the physical examination reveals no new problems, i f fingertip and rub the cream into the p i n n a o f the cat's ear.
results of a C B C and platelet count are w i t h i n reference The client must wear gloves to avoid absorption o f m e t h i m
limits, i f the serum creatinine and urea nitrogen concentra azole, should alternate ears, and should wipe away any resid
tions have not increased, and i f serum T concentration is
ual cream 30 to 60 minutes after each administration. The
greater than 2 g/dl after 2 weeks o f therapy, the dose is dosage and frequency o f administration is as discussed with
increased by 2.5 m g per day (i.e., 5 m g i n the m o r n i n g and oral methimazole treatment. The bioavailability o f transder
2.5 mg in the evening) twice daily and the same parameters mal methimazole is more variable, the overall effectiveness
TABLE 51-8

Abnormalities Associated with Methimazole Therapy in 262 Cats with Hyperthyroidism



Clinical Signs
Anorexia 11 24 1-78
Vomiting 11 22 7-60
Lethargy 9 24 1-60
Excoriations 2 21 6-40
Bleeding 2 31 15-50

Clinical Pathology
Positive Antinuclear antibody titer 22 91 10-870
Eosinophilia 11 57 12-490
Lymphocytosis 7 25 14-90
Leukopenia 5 23 10-41
Thrombocytopenia 3 37 14-90
Agranulocytosis 2 62 26-95
Hepatopathy 2 39 15-60

Adapted from Peterson ME, Kintzer PP, Hurvitz Al: Methimazole treatment of 262 cats with hyperthyroidism, J Vet Intern Med 2:150, 1988.

is not as good, and the prevalence o f gastrointestinal adverse cations develop, methimazole treatment should be discon
effects is lower, compared w i t h oral methimazole. One tinued and supportive care given. Adverse reactions typically
important concern w i t h using transdermal methimazole is resolve within 1 week after methimazole treatment is discon
the lack o f regulation o f c o m p o u n d i n g pharmacies; consis tinued. It is c o m m o n for these potentially life-threatening
tency between products created can vary considerably. adverse reactions to recur, regardless o f the dose or type of
Adverse reactions to methimazole typically occur within antithyroid drug used; thus alternative therapy (i.e., surgery,
the first 4 to 8 weeks o f therapy (see Table 51-8). The cat radioactive iodine) is recommended.
should be examined every 2 weeks during the initial 3 months Carbimazole (NeoMercazole; A m d i p h a r m ) is an antithy
o f methimazole treatment and a C B C , platelet count, assess r o i d drug that is converted to methimazole i n vivo; it is an
ment o f kidney function, and serum T concentration evalu
4 effective alternative treatment i f methimazole is not avail
ated at each visit. After the initial 3 months of therapy a C B C , able. The dosage and frequency o f administration are the
platelet count, serum biochemistry panel, and serum T con 4 same as those i n oral methimazole treatment. Long-term,
centration should be evaluated every 3 to 6 months. U s i n g twice-daily schedules are effective i n controlling hyperthy
the dosing protocol described above, lethargy, vomiting, and roidism. Adverse reactions are similar to those seen i n
anorexia occur i n fewer than 10% o f cats; these m i l d adverse cats receiving methimazole, but they occur less frequently.
reactions are usually transient and often resolve despite con Cats being treated with carbimazole should be monitored
tinued administration o f the drug. M i l d methimazole- i n the same manner as that suggested for cats receiving
induced hematologic changes occur i n fewer than 10% o f methimazole.
cats and include eosinophilia, lymphocytosis, and transient
leukopenia. M o r e worrisome but less c o m m o n (fewer than Surgery
5% o f cats) alterations include facial excoriations, thrombo Thyroidectomy is an effective treatment but should always
cytopenia (platelet counts less than 75,000/mm ), leukope be considered an elective procedure. Surgery is not indicated
nia (total white b l o o d cell counts less than 2000/mm ), and if the risk o f anesthesia i n the cat is unacceptable, its renal
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. Apparent hepatic tox function is questionable, the likelihood o f postoperative
icity or injury occurs i n fewer than 2 % o f cats receiving hypocalcemia is great, ectopic thyroid tissue is present i n the
methimazole and is characterized by clinical signs o f liver thorax, or thyroid carcinoma with metastasis is suspected.
disease (i.e., lethargy, anorexia, vomiting), icterus, and Treatment with methimazole for 1 to 2 months before thy
increased serum alanine transaminase and alkaline phospha roidectomy is recommended for reasons previously dis
tase activities. Some cats test positive for antinuclear anti cussed. If possible, an ultrasound examination o f the ventral
bodies, but the importance o f this finding is not k n o w n . neck or a radionuclide scan should be performed before
Development o f myasthenia gravis has also been reported surgery to identify the location of the abnormal thyroid
with methimazole treatment. If any o f these serious c o m p l i tissue, differentiate unilateral from bilateral lobe involve-
becomes severe (i.e., serum total or ionized calcium concen
BOX 51-8
tration less than 8 m g / d l and 0.8 m m o l / L , respectively). A
Complications of Thyroidectomy in Cats decline i n the b l o o d calcium concentration is not an absolute
with Hyperthyroidism indication to begin therapy because the remaining parathy
roid glands may respond before clinical signs or severe hypo
Transient or permanent hypoparathyroidism causing hypo
calcemia develop.
The persistence o f hypoparathyroidism is unpredictable.
Parathyroid function may recover after days, weeks, or
Abnormal behavior months o f vitamin D and calcium supplementation. W h e n
Muscle cramping, pain ever resolution o f hypoparathyroidism is observed, it is
Muscle tremors, especially of ears and face assumed that reversible parathyroid damage occurred, acces
Tetany sory parathyroid tissue may be starting to compensate for
Convulsions glands damaged or removed at surgery, or the parathyroid
Laryngeal paralysis autotransplant (if performed at surgery) has revascularized
Horner's syndrome and become functional. It is also possible that calcium-regu
lating mechanisms are functioning i n the absence o f para
Exacerbation of concurrent renal insufficiency
thyroid hormone. Because it is difficult to predict the
N o amelioration of the hyperthyroidism
long-term requirement for vitamin D therapy i n any cat, an
attempt should be made to gradually wean all treated cats
off medication while m o n i t o r i n g the serum calcium concen
tration. The tapering process should extend over a period o f
ment, and provide some insight into the probability of hypo at least 12 to 16 weeks. The goal is to maintain the serum
calcemia developing postoperatively (see Fig. 51-15). Similar calcium concentration between 8.5 and 10.0 mg/dl. If hypo
information can also be gained by direct visualization at the calcemia recurs, therapy w i t h v i t a m i n D and calcium must
time of surgery. be reinstituted.
Postoperative complications are listed i n B o x 51-8. The H y p o t h y r o i d i s m may develop i n some cats after bilateral
most worrisome is hypocalcemia. There is a direct correla thyroidectomy. The clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment
tion between the size of the thyroid lobes, the inability to are discussed o n p. 744. The decision to initiate levothyrox
visualize the external parathyroid glands, and the risk o f ine treatment should be based on the presence or absence o f
hypocalcemia. Care must be taken to preserve at least one, clinical signs, not o n the serum T concentration, per se.

preferably both, external parathyroid glands and their asso Serum T concentrations c o m m o n l y decrease after surgery,

ciated blood supply. A "subcapsular" thyroidectomy affords often to less than 0.5 g/dl, but thyroid function returns i n
the best chance o f retaining functional parathyroid glands. most cats before clinical signs become apparent. T h y r o i d
(See Suggested Readings for thyroidectomy procedures.) If hormone supplementation should be initiated i n cats that
all four parathyroid glands are inadvertently removed, the develop clinical signs i n conjunction with a l o w serum T 4

two external parathyroid glands should be removed from concentration. Because thyroid replacement therapy may
their respective thyroid lobes, minced, and placed within the not be needed long term i n some o f these cats, thyroid
muscle belly of one of the sternohyoideus muscles by bluntly replacement therapy should be tapered slowly and then dis
dissecting parallel to the muscle fibers. Hypoparathyroidism continued after 1 to 3 months to determine the continued
usually resolves within a month o f surgery i f revasculariza need for treatment.
tion of the parathyroid autotransplant occurs. If clinical signs o f hyperthyroidism persist despite
Serum calcium concentration should be assessed at least thyroidectomy, the serum T concentration should be mea

once daily for 5 to 7 days i f a bilateral thyroidectomy has sured. If the serum T concentration is l o w - n o r m a l or l o w

been performed. Clinical signs o f hypocalcemia typically (i.e., <2.0 g/dl), another disorder should be suspected. If
develop within 72 hours of surgery, although signs may not the serum T concentration is high-normal or high (i.e.,

develop for 7 to 10 days. These signs include lethargy, >4.0 g/dl), ectopic abnormal thyroid tissue, metastatic
anorexia, reluctance to move, facial twitching (especially the thyroid carcinoma, or, i f unilateral thyroidectomy was per
ears), muscle tremors and cramping, tetany, and convulsions. formed, abnormal tissue i n the remaining thyroid lobe
If all four parathyroid glands are removed at surgery, appro should be suspected. Ectopic thyroid tissue w o u l d most
priate calcium and vitamin D supplementation should be likely be i n the mediastinum, cranial to the heart (see Fig.
initiated once the cat has recovered from anesthesia (see 51-16). T h y r o i d scanning is recommended to identify ectopic
p. 735). If at least one parathyroid gland has been spared, or metastatic thyroid tissue. Alternatively, oral methimazole
transient hypocalcemia may still develop and last for several or radioactive iodine therapy can be considered. Clinical
days to weeks, probably as a result o f disruption o f b l o o d signs o f hyperthyroidism may also recur months to years
flow to the parathyroid gland after surgical manipulation. In after thyroidectomy. The serum T concentration should be

these cats oral vitamin D and calcium therapy should be monitored once or twice a year i n all cats successfully treated
initiated only i f clinical signs develop or i f hypocalcemia with surgery.
become euthyroid within 3 monthsmost within 1 week
and more than 95% of treated cats are euthyroid at 6 months.
In one study by Peterson et al. (1995), clinical signs and
laboratory data consistent with hypothyroidism developed
in approximately 2% of 254 I-treated cats, 2% to 4%
required a second I treatment, and hyperthyroidism
recurred in 2% within 1 to 6 years of treatment. C h u n et al.
(2002) found no correlation between pretreatment serum T 4

concentration or thyroid to salivary gland ratios and resolu

tion of hyperthyroidism after treatment with radioactive
iodine. The most c o m m o n complication following radioac
tive iodine treatment is hypothyroidism, which typically
develops i n cats with large, diffusely affected thyroid lobes
receiving large doses of I . The duration of hospitalization
following I administration varies depending on state regu
lations and the dosage of I administered. In our hospital
the average cat is treated with 3 to 5 m C i of I and requires
4 to 6 days of hospitalization after therapy until the radio
activity of the cat and its excretions reach an acceptable

The prognosis is excellent for most cats with hyperthyroid
ism, assuming concurrent disease can be managed and
FIG 51-21 131

Box plots of serum t h y r o x i n e (T ) c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in 5 2 4 cats

thyroid carcinoma is not the etiology. Surgery and I therapy
b e f o r e a n d at v a r i o u s times after a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of radioio have the potential for cure, although hyperthyroidism may
dine for treatment of h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m . The s h a d e d a r e a recur months to years (or not at all) after thyroidectomy or
indicates the reference r a n g e for serum T c o n c e n t r a t i o n .
I treatment. Hyperthyroid cats with adenomatous hyper
Please see F i g . 5 1 - 9 for the key. (From Peterson M E et a l :
plasia or adenoma can potentially be treated with methima
R a d i o i o d i n e treatment of 5 2 4 cats with h y p e r t h y r o i d i s m , J
zole for years, assuming adverse reactions related to the
Am Vet Med Assoc 2 0 7 : 1 4 2 2 , 1 9 9 5 . )
medication are avoided. In a recent retrospective study cats
with concurrent renal disease had significantly shorter sur
vival times than cats with normal renal function and the
Radioactive Iodine survival time i n cats treated with methimazole alone (median
If available, radioactive iodine is the treatment of choice for 2 years; interquartile range 1 to 3.9 years) was significantly
hyperthyroidism because of the very low morbidity and 131
shorter than cats treated with I alone (4.0 years; 3.0 to 4.8
mortality and very high success rate associated with the 131
years) or methimazole followed by I (5.3 years; 2.2 to 6.5
treatment (Fig. 51-21). Hypoparathyroidism is not a concern years; M i l n e r et al., 2006).
with radioactive iodine treatment, is effective in cats with
hyperfunctioning ectopic thyroid tissue, and is the only
option offering the potential for a cure i n cats with meta CANINE THYROID NEOPLASIA
static or nonresectable thyroid carcinoma. Treatment with
methimazole for 1 to 2 months before radioactive iodine Etiology
treatment is recommended for reasons previously discussed. Thyroid adenomas are usually small, nonfunctional masses
Prior or current treatment with methimazole does not alter that do not cause clinical signs and are usually found inci
the efficacy of radioactive iodine treatment. dentally at necropsy. Exceptions are thyroid adenomas that
Iodine 131 ( I) has a half-life of 8 days and is the radio are functional and cause hyperthyroidism or are unexpect
nuclide of choice for treating hyperthyroidism. I adminis edly identified during ultrasound examination of the ventral
tered intravenously or subcutaneously is concentrated within neck. Thyroid carcinomas are more commonly identified
the thyroid, and the emitted radiation destroys surrounding antemortem because of their large size, presence of clinical
functioning follicular cells while causing m i n i m a l radiation signs that can be recognized by clients, and ease of palpation
damage to contiguous structures. A t doses of 3 to 5 m C i of by veterinarians. One or both thyroid lobes may be involved,
I, the thyroid cells killed are those that are functioning. and ectopic thyroid tissue located in the anterior mediasti
Atrophied normal thyroid cells receive a relatively small dose num and base of the heart occasionally may become neo
of radiation and are usually able to return to function, plastic. Thyroid carcinomas frequently infiltrate into
thereby preventing hypothyroidism in most cats. Depending surrounding structures such as the esophagus, trachea, and
on the dose administered, more than 80% of treated cats cervical musculature. Regional and distant metastasis to the
C l i n i c a l Signs Caused by T h y r o i d Neoplasia i n Dogs

Swelling or mass in neck
Weight loss
Horner's syndrome
Change in bark
Facial edema

Functional (Hyperthyroid)
Swelling or mass in neck
Polyphagia and weight loss
Polyuria and polydipsia
Change in behavior

FIG 5 1 - 2 2
A , A 13-year-old male Labrador Retriever was presented to
the veterinarian because the client noticed a mass in the with large invasive tumors that destroy both thyroid lobes.
neck (arrows). The mass was a thyroid adenocarcinoma. Clinical signs of hyperthyroidism occur i n approximately
B, Thyroid adenocarcinoma in an 1 1-year-old mixed-breed
10% of dogs with thyroid tumors and are similar to those
dog. Clinical signs included dysphagia, coughing, and a
visible mass in the ventral region of the neck. seen in hyperthyroid cats (see p. 748).
M o s t thyroid tumors are firm, asymmetric, lobulated, and
nonpainful masses located close to the typical thyroid region
in the neck. The mass is usually well embedded in surround
retropharyngeal and cervical l y m p h nodes and lungs is ing tissue and not freely movable. Additional physical exam
common. Metastasis to other locations such as the liver, ination findings may include dyspnea, cough, cachexia,
kidney, bone, and brain is also possible. lethargy, Horner's syndrome, and dehydration. A dry, luster-
Most dogs with thyroid tumors are euthyroid or hypothy less haircoat is c o m m o n , but alopecia is rare. M a n d i b u l a r or
roid; approximately 10% of dogs have functional thyroid cervical l y m p h nodes (or both) may be enlarged as a result
tumors that secrete excess thyroid hormone, causing hyper of tumor spread or lymphatic obstruction. Dogs with func
thyroidism. Clinical signs of hyperthyroidism may predom tional thyroid tumors may be restless, thin, and panting, and
inate in these dogs. Hyperthyroidism may be caused by auscultation of the heart frequently reveals tachycardia. Sur
functional thyroid adenomas and carcinomas. Adenomatous prisingly, many dogs are found to be remarkably healthy on
hyperplasia is the most c o m m o n cause of hyperthyroidism physical examination.
in cats but has not been described in dogs. C B C , serum biochemistry panel, and urinalysis findings
usually do not help establish the diagnosis. A m i l d normo
Clinical Features cytic, normochromic, nonregenerative anemia, hypercholes
Thyroid tumors occur i n middle-aged to older dogs, with an terolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia causing lipemia may be
average age of 10 years. There is no sex-related predilection. present i n dogs with concurrent hypothyroidism. A m i l d
Although any breed can be affected, Boxers, Beagles, and increase in the blood urea nitrogen concentration and liver
Golden Retrievers may be at an increased risk. enzyme activities has been identified i n less than 35% of
Dogs with nonfunctional thyroid tumors are usually dogs; however, the latter changes were not found to be indic
brought to veterinarians because the client has seen or felt a ative of hepatic metastasis. Hypercalcemia has also been
mass in the ventral region of the dog's neck (Fig. 51-22). noted in a few dogs.
Clinical signs may develop as a result of the mass compress Baseline serum T and f T concentrations are increased
4 4

ing on adjacent structures (e.g., dyspnea, dysphagia) or as a and serum T S H is undetectable in dogs with a functional
result of metastasis (e.g., exercise intolerance, weight loss; thyroid tumor causing hyperthyroidism. However, most
Box 51-9). Clinical signs of hypothyroidism may develop canine thyroid tumors are nonfunctional, and most of these
FIG 51-23
U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of a mass in the r e g i o n of the right
thyroid l o b e (straight arrow), the c a r o t i d artery (broken
arrow), a n d the t r a c h e a (curved arrow) in a n 1 1-year-old FIG 51-24
f e m a l e s p a y e d L a b r a d o r m i x . A small r e g i o n of m i n e r a l i z a M a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e i m a g e of a right-sided thyroid mass
tion c a u s i n g a s h a d o w i n g effect is e v i d e n t within the mass. (solid arrow) a d j a c e n t to the trachea (broken arrow) in a
The mass w a s a n u n e x p e c t e d f i n d i n g d u r i n g a routine 10-year-old m a l e castrated G o l d e n Retriever that w a s
p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n . T h y r o i d a d e n o c a r c i n o m a w a s the presented for a s w e l l i n g in the neck. The histopathologic
h i s t o p a t h o l o g i c d i a g n o s i s after s u r g i c a l r e m o v a l of the mass. d i a g n o s i s w a s thyroid C-cell c a r c i n o m a with v a s c u l a r
i n v a s i o n . The affected r e g i o n of the neck w a s treated with
r a d i a t i o n after thyroidectomy.

dogs are found to be euthyroid when serum thyroid hormone

concentrations are evaluated. Approximately 30% of dogs
with thyroid tumors have serum T and fT concentrations 4 4 Thyroid scans using sodium pertechnetate can be used to
below the reference range and suggestive of hypothyroidism confirm that a cervical mass is thyroid in origin; assess the
resulting from destruction of normal thyroid tissue by the degree of regional tissue invasion; and identify unusual areas
tumor. However, interpretation of low serum thyroid of uptake i n the head, neck, and thorax suggestive of meta
hormone concentrations must be done with caution and static sites. M o s t thyroid carcinomas demonstrate heterog
consideration of the suppressive effects of nonthyroidal enous uptake of pertechnetate, irregular gland shape, and
illness on thyroid function (see p. 737). evidence of regional tissue invasion. If the malignancy, espe
Cervical ultrasonography will confirm the presence of a cially a distant site of metastasis, does not trap iodine effec
mass, regardless of its size and location; can distinguish tively, the scintigraphic study will fail to identify the site.
between cavitary, cystic, and solid tumors; can identify the Failure to identify distant metastatic sites with scintigraphy
presence and severity of local tumor invasion; can identify does not mean that distant metastasis does not exist. The
the presence and location of metastatic sites i n the cervical amount of radionuclide uptake by the thyroid tumor is not
region; and improve the likelihood that representative tissue a reliable indicator of its functional status (i.e., euthyroid,
for cytologic or histologic evaluation is obtained during fine- hypothyroid, or hyperthyroid) or the benign versus malig
needle aspiration or percutaneous biopsy of the mass (Fig. nant nature of the tumor. Thoracic radiographs are more
51-23). Because metastasis to the lungs and base of the heart sensitive than a thyroid scan for identifying pulmonary
is c o m m o n with thyroid carcinoma, thoracic radiographs metastasis.
should always be included in the diagnostic evaluation of
dogs with a suspected thyroid mass. Cervical radiographs Diagnosis
may identify a small mass that was suspected but not For a definitive diagnosis to be rendered, a biopsy specimen
definitively identified on physical examination, may show must be obtained from the tumor and evaluated histologi
the severity of the displacement of adjacent structures, and cally. Unfortunately, canine thyroid tumors are highly vascu
may identify local invasion of the mass into the larynx and lar, and it is c o m m o n for hemorrhage to occur after biopsy.
trachea. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography can be used to identify Fine-needle aspiration using a 21- or 23-gauge needle and
abdominal (most notably hepatic) metastatic lesions. C o m cytologic examination of the mass are recommended ini
puted tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging can tially to confirm that the mass is of thyroid origin. C o n
define the extent of tumor invasion into surrounding struc tamination of the aspirate with blood is common, and
tures, identify distant metastasis to the l y m p h nodes and differentiation between adenoma and carcinoma is difficult.
lung, and identify ectopic thyroid tissue in the mediastinum Large-bore needle biopsy, surgical exploration, or ultra
(Fig. 51-24)information that is valuable i f surgery or sound-guided biopsy is often required to confirm the diag
megavoltage irradiation is being considered. nosis. Ultrasonography identifies solid areas of the mass to
biopsy and large blood vessels to be avoided. This procedure tion i n t u m o r size ranged from 8 to 22 months after mega
is preferred i f the findings yielded by needle aspiration are voltage irradiation (Theon et al., 2000). Progression-free
inconclusive. survival rates (defined as the time between completion o f
irradiation and detection o f measurable local t u m o r recur
Treatment rence or death from causes unrelated to t u m o r progression)
Treatment options for thyroid tumors i n dogs include were 80% at 1 year and 72% at 3 years with a mean progres
surgery, chemotherapy, megavoltage irradiation, radioactive sion-free survival time o f 55 months i n the 25 dogs. Acute
iodine, and antithyroid drugs. The therapeutic approach is radiation reactions to megavoltage irradiation include
based, i n part, on the size and invasiveness o f the tumor and esophageal, tracheal, or laryngeal mucositis causing dyspha
the presence of regional and distant metastasis. The func gia, cough, and hoarseness. These reactions tend to be m i l d
tional status of the thyroid tumor does not dramatically alter and self-limiting. C h r o n i c radiation reactions include skin
the treatment approach. All thyroid tumors i n dogs should fibrosis, permanent alopecia, chronic tracheitis causing a dry
be considered malignant until proved otherwise. Treatment cough, and hypothyroidism.
is warranted even for large, locally invasive tumors. M a n y
dogs with large invasive tumors appear more comfortable CHEMOTHERAPY
and have the potential for increased longevity after treat Chemotherapy is indicated when total surgical removal or
ment. In addition, local control o f the tumor may halt or destruction w i t h megavoltage irradiation is not successful, i f
reduce metastatic spread, and the presence o f metastatic distant metastatic lesions have been identified, and if the size
spread may not ultimately affect outcome. Local control o f of the primary t u m o r is such that local invasion or metasta
the thyroid carcinoma is o f primary importance i n manag sis is likely, even though it cannot be identified with diag
ing this disease. nostic tests. Whenever the thyroid mass exceeds approximately
4 c m i n diameter, the probability o f metastasis becomes
SURGERY extremely high. D o x o r u b i c i n given at a dosage o f 30 m g / m 2

Surgical excision of thyroid adenomas and small, well-encap body surface area intravenously every 3 to 6 weeks is the
sulated, movable thyroid carcinomas is likely to be curative. historic treatment o f choice. The response o f canine thyroid
Surgical removal o f a fixed, invasive thyroid carcinoma, tumors to doxorubicin is variable. In most dogs doxorubicin
regardless of size, carries a guarded to poor prognosis for prevents further growth o f the t u m o r and may cause the
complete excision of the tumor. Megavoltage irradiation is t u m o r to shrink, but total remission is u n c o m m o n . C o m b i
the treatment of choice for these tumors. Chemotherapy is nation chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, cyclophospha
indicated i f distant metastasis is identified. Surgical debulk mide, and/or vincristine may enhance the effectiveness o f
ing of fixed, invasive tumors is indicated to relieve tumor- doxorubicin. Cisplatin or carboplatin should be considered
induced problems such as dysphagia or dyspnea and allow i n dogs that fail to respond to or have recurrence o f disease
more time for other therapies to work. Surgical debulking with doxorubicin therapy. The response to cisplatin has been
may also be considered after megavoltage irradiation or che reported to be similar to the response to doxorubicin,
motherapy has caused the size o f large invasive tumors to although several cisplatin-treated dogs were previously
shrink. Aggressive attempts at surgical removal, especially o f treated w i t h doxorubicin (Fineman et al., 1998). (See Chap
bilateral tumors, threaten the integrity o f recurrent laryngeal ters 77 and 78 for a discussion o f the use o f these chemo
nerves, parathyroid glands, and normal thyroid tissue. It is therapeutic agents.)
important to monitor serum calcium concentrations before
1 3 1
and for 7 to 10 days after surgery i f there is any chance that RADIOACTIVE IODINE ( l)
the parathyroid glands have been excised or damaged. Recent retrospective studies suggest that I therapy will131

V i t a m i n D and calcium therapy should be initiated i f any prolong survival times when used as sole therapy or i n
evidence of hypoparathyroidism is found (see p. 735). Serum combination with surgery for the treatment o f thyroid
T , fT , and T S H concentrations should be monitored 2 to 3
4 4 tumors i n dogs. W o r t h et al. (2005) reported a median sur
weeks after surgery and, depending on clinical signs, replace vival time o f 30 months for dogs treated with radioiodine
ment therapy implemented accordingly (see p. 741). (See alone, 34 months when radioiodine was combined with
Slatter [2003] and Fossum [2007] for information o n surgi surgery, and 3 months for dogs that d i d not receive treat
cal techniques for the thyroparathyroid complex.) ment. Turrell et al. (2006) reported a median survival time
of 839 days for dogs with local or regional tumors (i.e., stage
MEGAVOLTAGE IRRADIATION II and III disease) and 366 days for dogs with metastasis.
Megavoltage irradiation is the treatment of choice for locally T u m o r site (cervical versus ectopic), age, body weight, treat
advanced thyroid carcinoma. Megavoltage irradiation can be ment protocol ( I alone or with surgery), and serum T 4

used alone or i n conjunction with surgery or chemotherapy. concentration were not significantly associated with survival
There is a slow regression rate o f thyroid carcinoma after time. Iodine 131 therapy is useful for any thyroid tumor
radiation therapy i n dogs. In one study involving 25 dogs tissue that can accumulate organic iodine, including meta
with unresectable differentiated thyroid carcinoma and no static sites. Kinetic studies to evaluate the ability of the t u m o r
evidence of metastasis, the time to attain m a x i m u m reduc to trap iodine should be conducted before considering
radioactive iodine treatment. Large doses o f I (i.e., 30 to Kyfe JC et al: Congenital hypothyroidism with goiter in Toy Fox
150 m C i ) are typically administered intravenously or subcu Terriers, / Vet Intern Med 17:50, 2003.
taneously to treat canine thyroid tumors. Potential adverse Marca M C et al: Evaluation of canine serum thyrotropin (TSH)
reactions include esophagitis, tracheitis, and bone marrow concentration: comparison of three analytical procedures, / Vet
Diag Invest 13:106, 2001.
Nachreiner RF et al: Prevalence of serum thyroid hormone autoan
tibodies in dogs with clinical signs of hypothyroidism, / Am Vet
Med Assoc 220:466, 2002.
Oral antithyroid drugs are used as palliative therapy to Peterson M E et al: Measurement of serum total thyroxine, triiodo
control the clinical signs of hyperthyroidism i n dogs with thyronine, free thyroxine, and thyrotropin concentrations for
functional thyroid tumors. O r a l antithyroid drugs are not diagnosis of hypothyroidism in dogs, / Am Vet Med Assoc
used as a primary treatment because they are not cytotoxic. 211:1396, 1997.
The therapeutic approach is similar to that used i n hyper Pullen W H , Hess RS: Hypothyroid dogs treated with intravenous
thyroid cats (see p. 754), beginning with 2.5 m g of methim levothyroxine, / Vet Intern Med 20:32, 2006.
azole administered twice a day, with subsequent increases i n Schachter S et al: Comparison of serum free thyroxine concentra
the dosage and frequency o f administration as needed to tions determined by standard equilibrium dialysis, modified
equilibrium dialysis, and 5 radioimmunoassays in dogs, / Vet
control clinical signs and maintain the serum T concentra4
Intern Med 18:259, 2004.
tion w i t h i n the reference range.
Scott-Moncrieff JCR et al: Lack of association between repeated
vaccination and thyroiditis in laboratory Beagles, / Vet Intern
Med 20:818, 2006.
The prognosis for thyroid adenomas is excellent after surgi Stegeman JR et al: Use of recombinant human thyroid-stimulating
cal removal. The prognosis is guarded to good for dogs hormone for thyrotropin-stimulation testing of euthyroid cats,
that undergo surgical resection of small, well-encapsulated Am] Vet Res 64:149, 2003.
carcinomas. Unfortunately, most dogs have relatively large
thyroid masses, which have frequently invaded surrounding FELINE HYPERTHYROIDISM

tissues or metastasized at the time of diagnosis. In these dogs Chun R et al: Predictors of response to radioiodine therapy in
aggressive therapy using multiple treatments can alleviate hyperthyroid cats, Vet Radiol Ultrasound 43:587, 2002.
Court M H et al: Identification and concentration of soy isoflavones
the clinical signs and i n some cases dramatically reduce the
in commercial cat foods, Am I Vet Res 63:181, 2002.
tumor burden. The long-term prognosis, however, remains
Fischetti AJ et al: Effects of methimazole on thyroid gland uptake
guarded to poor, with survival times typically ranging 99m
of TC-pertechnetate in 19 hyperthyroid cats, Vet Radiol Ultra
from 6 to 24 months, depending o n the aggressiveness of sound 46:267, 2005.
treatment. Hammer KB et al: Altered expression of G proteins in thyroid gland
adenomas obtained from hyperthyroid cells, Am / Vet Res 61:874,
Suggested Readings 2000.
Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Canine and feline endocrinology and Hoffman SB et al: Bioavailability of transdermal methimazole in a
reproduction, ed 3, St Louis, 2004, WB Saunders. pluronic lecithin organogel (PLO) in healthy cats, / Vet Intern
Fossum TW: Small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2007, Mosby. Med 16:359, 2002.
Slatter D: Textbook of small animal surgery, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2003, Kass P H et al: Evaluation of environmental, nutritional, and host
W B Saunders. factors in cats with hyperthyroidism, / Vet Intern Med 13:323,
CANINE AND FELINE HYPOTHYROIDISM Martin K M et al: Evaluation of dietary and environmental risk
Bromel C et al: Ultrasound of the thyroid gland in healthy, hypo factors for hyperthyroidism in cats, ] Am Vet Med Assoc 217:853,
thyroid, and euthyroid Golden Retrievers with nonthyroidal 2000.
illness, / Vet Intern Med 19:499, 2005. Merryman JI et al: Overexpression of c-ras in hyperplasia and
Credille K M et al: The effects of thyroid hormones on the skin of adenomas of the feline thyroid gland: an immunohistochemical
Beagle dogs, / Vet Intern Med 15:539, 2001. analysis of 34 cases, Vet Pathol 36:117, 1999.
Graham PA et al: A 12-month prospective study of 234 thyro- Milner RJ et al: Survival times for cats with hyperthyroidism treated
globulin antibody positive dogs which had no laboratory evi with iodine 131, methimazole, or both: 167 cases (1996-2003), /
dence of thyroid dysfunction, / Vet Intern Med 15:298, 2001. Am Vet Med Assoc 228:559, 2006.
Higgins M A et al: Hypothyroid-associated central vestibular disease Nykamp SG et al: Association of the risk of development of hypo
in 10 dogs: 1999-2005, / Vet Intern Med 20:1363, 2006. thyroidism after iodine 131 treatment with the pretreatment
lohnson C et al: Effect of I-induced hypothyroidism on indices pattern of sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m uptake in the thyroid
of reproductive function in adult male dogs, / Vet Intern Med gland in cats with hyperthyroidism: 165 cases (1990-2002), J Am
13:104, 1999. Vet Med Assoc 226:1671, 2005.
Kantrowitz LB et al: Serum total thyroxine, total triiodothyronine, Padgett SL et al: Efficacy of parathyroid gland autotransplantation
free thyroxine, and thyrotropin concentrations in dogs with non in maintaining serum calcium concentrations after bilateral thy-
thyroidal disease, I Am Vet Med Assoc 219:765, 2001. roparathyroidectomy in cats, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 34:219,
Kemppainen RJ, Birchfield JR: Measurement of total thyroxine con 1998.
centration in serum from dogs and cats by use of various Peterson M E et al: Radioiodine treatment of 524 cats with hyper
methods, Am ] Vet Res 67:259, 2006. thyroidism, / Am Vet Med Assoc 207:1422, 1995.
Peterson M E et al: Measurement of serum concentrations of free CANINE THYROID NEOPLASIA
thyroxine, total thyroxine, and total triiodothyronine in cats with Brearley M J et al: Hypofractional radiation therapy for invasive
hyperthyroidism and cats with nonthyroidal disease, / Am Vet thyroid carcinoma in dogs: a retrospective analysis of survival, /
Med Assoc 218:529, 2001. Small Anim Pract 40:206, 1999.
Sartor LL et al: Efficacy and safety of transdermal methimazole in Fineman LS et al: Cisplatin chemotherapy for treatment of thyroid
the treatment of cats with hyperthyroidism, / Vet Intern Med carcinoma in dogs: 13 cases, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 34:109,
18:651, 2004. 1998.
Slater M R et al: Long-term health and predictors of survival for Theon AP et al: Prognostic factors and patterns of treatment failure
hyperthyroid cats treated with iodine-131,/ Vet Intern Med 15:47, in dogs with unresectable differentiated thyroid carcinomas
2001. treated with megavoltage irradiation, / Am Vet Med Assoc
Trepanier LA et al: Efficacy and safety of once versus twice daily 216:1775, 2000.
administration of methimazole in cats with hyperthyroidism, Turrel JM et al: Sodium iodide I 131 treatment of dogs with non-
J Am Vet Med Assoc 222:954, 2003. resectable thyroid tumors: 39 cases (1990-2003), I Am Vet Med
Ward CR et al: Expression of inhibitory G proteins in adenomatous Assoc 229:542, 2006.
thyroid glands obtained from hyperthyroid cats, Am ] Vet Res 131
Worth AJ et al: Radioiodide ( I) therapy for treatment of canine
66:1478, 2005. thyroid carcinoma, Aust Vet ] 83:208, 2005.
C H A P T E R 52

Disorders of the
Endocrine Pancreas

Clinical Signs
Physical Examination
Clinical Pathology
Overview of Treatment
Perioperative Management of Dogs Undergoing Surgery
Postoperative Complications
Physical Examination
Medical Treatment for C h r o n i c Hypoglycemia
Overview of Insulin Preparations
Storage and D i l u t i o n of Insulin
Initial Insulin Recommendations for Diabetic Dogs
Identification and C o n t r o l of Concurrent Problems
Protocol for Identifying Initial Insulin Requirements Etiology
History and Physical Examination Hyperglycemia is present i f the blood glucose concentration
Single B l o o d Glucose Determination is greater than 130 mg/dl, although clinical signs of hyper
Serum Fructosamine Concentration glycemia do not develop until the renal tubular threshold for
Urine Glucose M o n i t o r i n g the resorption of glucose is exceeded. In dogs this typically
Serial B l o o d Glucose Curves occurs whenever the blood glucose concentration exceeds
Insulin Therapy D u r i n g Surgery 180 to 220 mg/dl. The threshold for glucose resorption
Complications of Insulin Therapy appears to be more variable i n cats, ranging from 200 to
C h r o n i c Complications of Diabetes Mellitus 280 mg/dl. Glycosuria causes an osmotic diuresis, which in
DIABETES MELLITUS I N C A T S turn causes polyuria and polydipsia, the hallmark clinical
Signalment signs of severe hyperglycemia (greater than 180 mg/dl in
History dogs and greater than 200 to 280 mg/dl i n cats). The most
Physical Examination c o m m o n cause of hyperglycemia and glycosuria is diabetes
Initial Insulin Recommendations for Diabetic Cats mellitus. Severe hyperglycemia without glycosuria also
Diet occurs c o m m o n l y in cats with stress-induced hyperglycemia,
Identification and C o n t r o l of Concurrent Problems presumably resulting from the secretion of catecholamines
Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs and possibly lactate. Transient glycosuria (typically less than
Identifying Initial Insulin Requirements 1% on urine glucose test strips) may occur i n some cats with
Insulin Therapy D u r i n g Surgery severe or prolonged stress-induced hyperglycemia.
Complications of Insulin Therapy
C h r o n i c Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Clinical Features
DIABETIC K E T O A C I D O S I S Hyperglycemia of between 130 and 180 mg/dl (possibly as
Fluid Therapy high as 280 mg/dl i n cats) is clinically silent and is often an
Insulin Therapy unsuspected finding encountered during blood testing for
Concurrent Illness another reason. If a dog or cat with m i l d hyperglycemia (less
Complications o f Therapy for Diabetic Ketoacidosis than 180 mg/dl) and no glycosuria is seen because of poly-
BOX 52-1 BOX 52-2

Causes of Hyperglycemia i n Dogs and Cats Causes o f Hypoglycemia i n Dogs and Cats

Diabetes mellitus* -Cell tumor (insulinoma)*

Stress, aggression, excitement, nervousness, fright* Extrapancreatic neoplasia
Postprandial (within 2 hours of consuming diets containing Hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoma*
monosaccharides, disaccharides, propylene glycol, corn Leiomyosarcoma, leiomyoma*
syrup) Hemangiosarcoma
Hyperadrenocorticism * Carcinoma (mammary, salivary, pulmonary)
Acromegaly (cat) Leukemia
Diestrus (bitch) Plasmacytoma
Pheochromocytoma (dog) Melanoma
Pancreatitis Hepatic insufficiency*
Exocrine pancreatic neoplasia Portal caval shunts
Renal insufficiency Chronic fibrosis, cirrhosis
Head trauma Sepsis*
Drug therapy* Severe canine babesiosis
Glucocorticoids Septic peritonitis
Progestins Hypoadrenocorticism *
Megestrol acetate Idiopathic hypoglycemia*
Dextrose-containing fluids* Neonatal hypoglycemia
Parenteral nutrition solutions* Juvenile hypoglycemia (especially toy breeds)
Hunting dog hypoglycemia
Common cause. Exocrine pancreatic neoplasia
Renal failure
uria and polydipsia, a disorder other than overt diabetes Severe polycythemia
mellitus should be suspected. M i l d hyperglycemia can occur Hepatic enzyme deficiencies
in some dogs and cats up to 2 hours after consumption o f Von Gierke's disease (type I glycogen storage disease)
Cori's disease (type III glycogen storage disease)
diets containing increased quantities o f monosaccharides
Prolonged starvation
and disaccharides, corn syrup, or propylene glycol; during
Prolonged sample storage*
intravenous (IV) administration of total parenteral nutrition Iatrogenic*
fluids; in stressed, agitated, or excitable cats and dogs; i n Insulin therapy
animals in the early stages of diabetes mellitus; and i n animals Sulfonylurea therapy
with disorders and drugs causing insulin resistance (Box Ethylene glycol ingestion
52-1). A diagnostic evaluation for disorders causing insulin Artifact*
resistance is indicated i f m i l d hyperglycemia is found to Portable blood glucose monitoring devices
persist in a fasted, unstressed dog or cat, especially i f the Laboratory error
blood glucose concentration is increasing over time (see
*Common cause.
p. 783).

HYPOGLYCEMIA Prolonged storage o f b l o o d before separation o f serum

or plasma causes the glucose concentration to decrease at a
Etiology rate of approximately 7 mg/dl/h. Glycolysis by red and white
Hypoglycemia is present i f the blood glucose concentration blood cells becomes even more apparent i n dogs and cats
is less than 60 mg/dl. It typically results from the excessive with erythrocytosis, leukocytosis, or sepsis. Therefore whole
use of glucose by normal cells (e.g., during periods of hyper blood obtained for the measurement o f the glucose concen
insulinism) or neoplastic cells, impaired hepatic gluconeo tration should be separated soon after collection (within 30
genesis and glycogenolysis (e.g., portal shunt, hepatic minutes), and the serum or plasma should be refrigerated or
cirrhosis), a deficiency i n diabetogenic hormones (e.g., frozen until the assay is performed to m i n i m i z e artifactual
hypocortisolism), an inadequate dietary intake o f glucose lowering o f the b l o o d glucose concentration. Glucose deter
and other substrates required for hepatic gluconeogenesis minations from separated and refrigerated plasma or serum
(e.g., anorexia in the neonate or toy breeds), or a combina are reliable for as long as 48 hours after the separation and
tion of these mechanisms (e.g., sepsis; Box 52-2). Iatrogenic refrigeration o f the specimen. Alternatively, plasma can be
hypoglycemia is a c o m m o n problem resulting from overzeal collected in sodium fluoride tubes. Unfortunately, hemolysis
ous insulin administration in diabetic dogs and cats. is c o m m o n i n b l o o d collected i n sodium fluoride-treated
tubes, w h i c h can result i n slight decrements i n glucose values insufficiency). A n adrenocorticotropic hormone ( A C T H )
owing to methodologic problems i n laboratory determina stimulation test or liver function test (i.e., preprandial and
tions. B l o o d glucose values determined by many portable postprandial bile acids) may be required to confirm the diag
home b l o o d glucose-monitoring devices are typically lower nosis. Severe hypoglycemia (less than 40 mg/dl) may develop
than actual glucose values determined by bench-top meth i n neonates and juvenile kittens and puppies (especially toy
odologies, and this may result i n an incorrect diagnosis of breeds) and i n animals with sepsis, -cell neoplasia, and
hypoglycemia. Finally, a laboratory error may also result i n extrapancreatic neoplasia, most notably hepatic adenocarci
an incorrect value. It is wise to confirm hypoglycemia by n o m a and leiomyosarcoma. Sepsis is readily identified on the
determining the b l o o d glucose concentration from a second basis of physical examination findings and abnormal C B C
b l o o d sample and using bench-top methodology before findings, such as a neutrophilic leukocytosis (typically greater
embarking on a search for the cause o f hypoglycemia. than 30,000/I), a shift toward immaturity, and signs of tox
icity. Extrapancreatic neoplasia can usually be identified on
Clinical Features the basis of the physical examination, abdominal or thoracic
Clinical signs o f hypoglycemia usually develop when the radiography, and abdominal ultrasonography findings. Dogs
blood glucose concentration is less than 45 mg/dl, although with -cell neoplasia typically have normal physical exami
this can be quite variable. The development o f clinical signs nation findings and no abnormalities other than hypoglyce
depends on the severity and duration (acute versus chronic) mia identified on routine b l o o d and urine tests. Measurement
of hypoglycemia and the rate o f decline i n the b l o o d glucose of baseline serum insulin concentration when the blood
concentration. Clinical signs are a result o f neuroglycopenia glucose is less than 60 mg/dl (preferably less than 50 mg/dl)
and hypoglycemia-induced stimulation o f the sympathoad is necessary to confirm the diagnosis o f a -cell tumor.
renal nervous system. Neuroglycopenic signs include sei
zures; weakness; collapse; ataxia; and, less c o m m o n l y , Treatment
lethargy, blindness, bizarre behavior, and coma. Signs o f Whenever possible, therapy should always be directed at
increased secretion o f catecholamines include restlessness, eliminating the underlying cause o f the hypoglycemia. If the
nervousness, hunger, and muscle fasciculations. disorder cannot be eliminated and the clinical signs of hypo
Depending on the cause, the signs o f hypoglycemia may glycemia persist, long-term symptomatic therapy designed
be persistent or intermittent. The hallmark clinical sign o f to increase the b l o o d glucose concentration may be neces
hypoglycemia (i.e., seizures) tends to be intermittent, regard sary to m i n i m i z e clinical signs (see Box 52-12). Such therapy
less o f the cause. Dogs and cats usually recover from hypo is usually required for animals with metastatic -cell or
glycemic seizures within 30 seconds to 5 minutes as a result extrapancreatic neoplasia.
of activation of counterregulatory mechanisms (e.g., secre Symptomatic therapy for animals with severe hypoglyce
tion o f glucagon and catecholamines) that block the effects mia of acute onset relies on the administration of glucose
of insulin, stimulate hepatic glucose secretion, and promote (Box 52-3). If the dog or cat is having a hypoglycemic seizure
an increase i n the b l o o d glucose concentration. at home, the client should rub a sugar mixture on the pet's
buccal mucosa. M o s t animals respond within 1 to 2 minutes.
Diagnostic Approach Clients should be instructed never to place fingers in, or pour
Hypoglycemia should always be confirmed before beginning the sugar solution down, the pet's mouth. Once the dog or
diagnostic studies to identify the cause. Careful evaluation cat is sternal and cognizant of its surroundings, it should be
of the animal's history, physical examination findings, and fed a small meal and brought to the veterinarian.
results o f routine b l o o d tests (i.e., complete b l o o d count If collapse, seizures, or coma develops i n the hospital, a
[ C B C ] , serum biochemistry panel, urinalysis) usually pro b l o o d sample should be obtained to measure the glucose
vides clues to the underlying cause. Hypoglycemia i n the concentration and other variables before reversing the signs
puppy or kitten is usually caused by idiopathic hypoglyce with the I V administration of 50% dextrose. Dextrose should
mia, starvation, liver insufficiency (i.e., portal shunt), or be administered in small amounts slowly rather than i n large
sepsis. In young adult dogs or cats hypoglycemia is usually boluses rapidly. This is especially important i n dogs with
caused by liver insufficiency, hypoadrenocorticism, or sepsis. suspected -cell neoplasia i n which aggressive glucose
In older dogs or cats liver insufficiency, -cell neoplasia, administration can result i n severe hypoglycemia after exces
extrapancreatic neoplasia, hypoadrenocorticism, and sepsis sive insulin secretion by the tumor i n response to the glucose.
are the most c o m m o n causes. C o m m o n l y , 2 to 15 m l o f 50% dextrose is required to allevi
Hypoglycemia tends to be m i l d (greater than 45 mg/dl) ate the signs. Dogs and cats with hypoglycemia usually
and is often an incidental finding i n dogs and cats with respond to glucose administration within 2 minutes. Recur
hypoadrenocorticism or liver insufficiency. A d d i t i o n a l clini rence o f hypoglycemia is dependent on the ability to correct
cal pathologic alterations are usually present (e.g., hypo the underlying etiology.
natremia and hyperkalemia i n animals with Addison's Occasionally, a dog or cat with severe central nervous
disease or increased alanine aminotransferase [ALT] activity, system signs (e.g., blindness, coma) does not respond to
hypocholesterolemia, hypoalbuminemia, and a l o w b l o o d initial glucose therapy. Irreversible cerebral lesions may
urea nitrogen [ B U N ] concentration i n animals with liver result from prolonged severe hypoglycemia and the resultant
of circulating glucose into most cells, and accelerated hepatic
gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. The subsequent devel
Medical Therapy for Acute Hypoglycemic Seizures opment of hyperglycemia and glycosuria causes polyuria,
polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss. Ketoacidosis devel
Seizures at Home ops as the production of ketone bodies increases to compen
Step 1. Rub or pour sugar solution on pet's gums. sate for the underutilization of blood glucose (see p. 794).
Step 2. O n c e pet is sternal, feed a small meal. Loss of -cell function is irreversible in dogs with I D D M ,
Step 3. Call the veterinarian. and lifelong insulin therapy is mandatory to maintain glyce
mic control o f the diabetic state.
Seizures in Hospital
U n l i k e cats, dogs very rarely have a transient or reversible
Step 1. Administer 1 to 5 ml of 5 0 % dextrose IV slowly over
form of diabetes mellitus. The most c o m m o n scenario for
10 minutes.
transient diabetes mellitus i n dogs is correction of insulin
Step 2. O n c e animal is sternal, feed a small meal.
antagonism after ovariohysterectomy i n a bitch i n diestrus.
Step 3. Initiate chronic medical therapy if necessary (see
Progesterone stimulates secretion o f growth hormone i n the
Box 52-12).
bitch. Ovariohysterectomy removes the source of progester
Intractable Seizures in Hospital one, plasma growth hormone concentration declines, and
Step 1. Administer 2.5% to 5% dextrose in water intrave insulin antagonism resolves. If an adequate population of
nously at 1.5 to 2 times maintenance fluid rate. functional cells are still present i n the pancreas, hypergly
Step 2. A d d 0.5 to 1 mg of dexamethasone/kg to IV fluids cemia may resolve without the need for insulin treatment.
and administer over 6 hours; repeat every 12 to 24 These dogs have a significant reduction i n -cell numbers
hours, as necessary. (i.e., subclinical diabetes) compared with healthy dogs,
Step 3. Administer IV glucagon USP (Eli Lilly Co.) by con
before the development o f hyperglycemia during diestrus,
stant-rate infusion at an initial dosage of 5 to 10 n g /
and are prone to redevelopment of hyperglycemia and dia
kg/min (see p. 805).
betes mellitus i f insulin antagonism recurs for any reason
Step 4. If preceding steps fail, anesthetize animal for 4 to
after ovariohysterectomy. A l t h o u g h u n c o m m o n , a similar
8 hours while continuing previously described therapy.
situation can occur i n dogs with subclinical diabetes treated
IV, Intravenous. with insulin-antagonistic drugs (e.g., glucocorticoids) or
in the very early stages of an insulin-antagonistic disorder
(e.g., hyperadrenocorticism). Failure to quickly correct
cerebral hypoxia. The prognosis i n these animals is guarded the insulin antagonism will result i n I D D M and the
to poor. Therapy is directed at providing a continuous supply lifelong requirement for insulin treatment to control the
of glucose by administering a 2.5% to 5% solution intrave hyperglycemia.
nously or increasing hepatic gluconeogenesis with a constant A honeymoon period occurs i n some dogs with newly
rate infusion of glucagons (see p. 805). Seizure activity is diagnosed I D D M . It is characterized by excellent glycemic
controlled with diazepam or a stronger anticonvulsant med control i n response to small doses of insulin (less than 0.2 U /
ication. Glucocorticoids and mannitol may be necessary to kg/injection), presumably because of the presence of residual
combat cerebral edema. (-cell function. However, glycemic control becomes more
difficult and insulin doses usually increase within 3 to 6
months of starting treatment as residual functioning B cells
DIABETES MELLITUS IN DOGS are destroyed and endogenous insulin secretion declines. It
is very u n c o m m o n for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mel
Etiology litus ( N I D D M ) to be recognized clinically i n dogs, despite
Virtually all dogs with diabetes have insulin-dependent dia the documentation of obesity-induced carbohydrate intoler
betes mellitus ( I D D M ) at the time of diagnosis. I D D M is ance i n dogs and the identification of residual -cell function
characterized by hypoinsulinemia, essentially no increase i n in some diabetic dogs.
the endogenous serum insulin concentration after the
administration of an insulin secretagogue (e.g., glucose or Clinical Features
glucagon) at any time after the diagnosis of the disease,
failure to establish glycemic control i n response to diet or SIGNALMENT
treatment with oral hypoglycemic drugs (or both), and an M o s t dogs are 4 to 14 years o l d at the time diabetes mellitus
absolute need for exogenous insulin to maintain glycemic is diagnosed, with a peak prevalence at 7 to 9 years of age.
control. The cause of diabetes mellitus has been poorly char Juvenile-onset diabetes occurs i n dogs younger than 1 year
acterized in dogs but is undoubtedly multifactorial. A genetic of age and is u n c o m m o n . Female dogs are affected about
predisposition, infection, insulin-antagonistic diseases and twice as frequently as male dogs. Genetic predispositions to
drugs, obesity, immune-mediated insulitis, and pancreatitis the development of diabetes are suspected i n some breeds
have been identified as inciting factors. The end result is a on the basis of familial associations and pedigree analysis
loss of -cell function, hypoinsulinemia, impaired transport (Table 52-1).
TABLE 52-1

Breeds Recognized to Have H i g h and L o w Risk for Developing Diabetes Mellitus Based on Analysis of the Veterinary
M e d i c a l Database ( V M D B ) from 1970 to 1993.*

A u s t r a l i a n Terrier 9.39 G e r m a n S h e p h e r d Dog 0.18

Standard Schnauzer 5.85 Collie 0.21
M i n i a t u r e Schnauzer 5.10 Shetland S h e e p d o g 0.21
B i c h o n Frise 3.03 G o l d e n Retriever 0.28
Spitz 2.90 Cocker Spaniel 0.35
Fox Terrier 2.68 Australian Shepherd 0.44
M i n i a t u r e Poodle 2.49 L a b r a d o r Retriever 0.45
Samoyed 2.42 D o b e r m a n Pinscher 0.49
C a i r n Terrier 2.26 Boston Terrier 0.51
Keeshond 2.23 Rottweiler 0.51
Maltese 1.79 Basset H o u n d 0.56
Toy Poodle 1.76 English Setter 0.60
Lhasa A p s o 1.54 Beagle 0.64
Yorkshire Terrier 1.44 Irish Setter 0.67
Pug English S p r i n g e r S p a n i e l 0.69
A m e r i c a n Pit Bull Terrier

From Guptill L et al: Is canine diabetes on the increase? In Recent advances in clinical management of diabetes mellitus, lams Company,
Dayton, Ohio, 1999, p. 24. Mixed-breed dogs were used as the reference group (Odds Ratio 1.00] for comparison with other breeds.
*The VMDB comprises medical records of 24 veterinary schools in the United States and Canada. VMDB case records analyzed included
those from first hospital visits of 6078 dogs with a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and 5,922 randomly selected dogs with first hospital visits
for any diagnosis other than diabetes mellitus seen at the same veterinary schools in the same year. Only breeds with more than 25 cases of
diabetes mellitus are included.
Breeds also identified with significant high or low risk for developing diabetes in a study by Hess RS et al: Breed distribution of dogs with
diabetes mellitus admitted to a tertiary care facility, J Am Vet Med Assoc 21 6:1414, 2000.

The history in virtually all diabetic dogs includes polydipsia,
polyuria, polyphagia, and weight loss. Polyuria and polydip
sia do not develop until hyperglycemia results i n glycosuria.
Occasionally, a client brings i n a dog because of sudden
blindness caused by cataract formation (Fig. 52-1). The
typical clinical signs of diabetes were either unnoticed or
considered irrelevant by the client. If the clinical signs asso
ciated with uncomplicated diabetes are not observed by the
client and impaired vision caused by cataracts does not
develop, a diabetic dog is at risk for the development of
systemic signs of illness as progressive ketonemia and meta
bolic acidosis develop. The time sequence from the onset of
initial clinical signs to the development of diabetic ketoaci
dosis ( D K A ) is unpredictable, ranging from days to weeks.
FIG 52-1
PHYSICAL E X A M I N A T I O N Bilateral c a t a r a c t s c a u s i n g blindness in a d i a b e t i c d o g .
Physical examination findings depend on the presence and (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocri
severity of D K A , on the duration of diabetes before its diag nology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B
nosis, and on the nature of any other concurrent disorder.
The nonketotic diabetic dog has no classic physical examina
tion findings. M a n y diabetic dogs are obese but are otherwise brittle and lusterless; and scales from hyperkeratosis may be
in good physical condition. Dogs with prolonged untreated present. Diabetes-induced hepatic lipidosis may cause hepa
diabetes may have lost weight but are rarely emaciated unless tomegaly. Lenticular changes consistent with cataract forma
concurrent disease (e.g., pancreatic exocrine insufficiency) is tion are c o m m o n . Additional abnormalities may be identified
present. The haircoat may be sparse; the hairs may be dry, if D K A is present (see p. 796).
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is based o n three findings:
appropriate clinical signs, persistent fasting hyperglycemia, Clinicopathologic Abnormalities Commonly Found in
and glycosuria. Measurement of the blood glucose concen Dogs and Cats with Uncomplicated Diabetes Mellitus
tration using a portable b l o o d glucose-monitoring device
Complete Blood Count
and testing for the presence of glycosuria using urine reagent
test strips (e.g., KetoDiastix; Ames Division, Miles Laborato Typically normal
ries) provides rapid confirmation of diabetes mellitus. C o n Neutrophilic leukocytosis, toxic neutrophils if pancreatitis or
current documentation of ketonuria establishes a diagnosis infection present

of diabetic ketosis ( D K ) , and documentation o f metabolic Biochemistry Panel

acidosis establishes a diagnosis o f D K A .
It is important to document both persistent hyperglyce
mia and glycosuria to establish a diagnosis o f diabetes mel Hypertriglyceridemia (lipemia)
litus because hyperglycemia differentiates diabetes mellitus Increased alanine aminotransferase activity (typically
from primary renal glycosuria and glycosuria differentiates <500 IU/L)
diabetes mellitus from other causes of hyperglycemia (see
Increased alkaline phosphatase activity (typically <500 IU/L)
Box 52-1), most notably epinephrine-induced stress hyper
glycemia that may develop around the time of b l o o d sam Urinalysis
pling. Stress-induced hyperglycemia is a c o m m o n problem Urine specific gravity typically >1.025
in cats and occasionally occurs i n dogs, especially those that Glycosuria
are very excited, hyperactive, or aggressive. The reader is Variable ketonuria
referred to p. 792 for more information o n stress-induced Proteinuria
A thorough evaluation o f the dog's overall health is rec Ancillary Tests
ommended once the diagnosis o f diabetes mellitus has been Serum lipase normal or increased if pancreatitis present
established to identify any disease that may be causing or Serum amylase normal or increased if pancreatitis present
contributing to the carbohydrate intolerance (e.g., hyperad Serum trypsinlike immunoreactivity (TLI)
renocorticism), that may result from the carbohydrate intol Low if pancreatic exocrine insufficiency present
erance (e.g., bacterial cystitis), or that may mandate a Normal or increased if pancreatitis present
modification of therapy (e.g., pancreatitis). The m i n i m u m Serum canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity (cPLI)

laboratory evaluation should include a C B C , serum bio Normal or increased if pancreatitis present
Baseline serum insulin concentration
chemistry panel, measurement of serum pancreatic lipase
IDDM: low, normal
immunoreactivity, and urinalysis with bacterial culture.
NIDDM: low, normal, increased
Serum progesterone concentration should be determined i f
Insulin resistance induced: low, normal, increased
diabetes mellitus is diagnosed i n an intact bitch, regardless
of her cycling history. If available, abdominal ultrasound is IDDM, Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM, non-insulin-
indicated to assess for pancreatitis, adrenomegaly, pyometri dependent diabetes mellitus.
tis in an intact bitch, and abnormalities affecting the liver
and urinary tract (e.g., changes consistent with pyelonephri
tis or cystitis). Measurement o f baseline serum insulin con plication o f therapy. Hypoglycemia is most apt to occur
centration or an insulin response test is not routinely done. as the result o f overzealous insulin therapy. The veter
Additional tests may be warranted after obtaining the history, inarian must balance the benefits o f tight glucose control
performing the physical examination, or identifying keto obtainable with aggressive insulin therapy against the risk o f
acidosis. Potential clinical pathologic abnormalities are listed hypoglycemia.
in Box 52-4.
The primary goal of therapy is elimination of client-observed Types o f insulin typically used for the home treatment of
clinical signs of diabetes. Persistence o f clinical signs and diabetes i n dogs and cats include intermediate-acting insulin
development of chronic complications (Box 52-5) are ( N P H , lente) and long-acting basal insulin (PZI, insulin
directly correlated with the severity and duration o f hyper glargine; (Table 52-2). N P H ( H u m u l i n N, E l i Lilly) is a
glycemia. In the diabetic dog establishing control o f hyper recombinant h u m a n insulin, lente (Vetsulin, Intervet) is a
glycemia can be accomplished with insulin, diet, exercise, purified pork-source insulin, and P Z I (PZI Vet, I D E X X ) is
prevention or control o f concurrent insulin antagonistic dis a beef/pork-source insulin with approximately 90% being
eases, and discontinuation of medications that cause insulin beef-source insulin. Insulin glargine (Lantus, Aventis Phar
resistance. The veterinarian must also guard against develop maceuticals) is a long-acting insulin analog i n w h i c h the
ment of hypoglycemia, a serious and potentially fatal c o m - amino acid sequence has been altered, compared with h u m a n
insulin, making glargine more soluble at a slightly acidic p H
BOX 52-5
and less soluble at a physiological p H than human insulin.
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus in Dogs and Cats The solution in the bottle o f glargine is acidic, which keeps
glargine soluble and suspended in the solution (i.e., the solu
tion is clear, and the bottle does not need to be rolled before
Iatrogenic hypoglycemia the insulin is drawn into the syringe). Because of this depen
Persistent or recurring polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss dency o n p H , glargine cannot be diluted or mixed with any
Cataracts (dog) thing that may change the p H of the solution. Glargine forms
Lens-induced uveitis (dog)
microprecipitates i n the subcutaneous tissue at the site of
Bacterial infections, especially involving the urinary tract
injection, from which small amounts of insulin glargine are
Chronic pancreatitis
slowly released and absorbed into the circulation. In humans
Recurring ketosis, ketoacidosis
Hepatic lipidosis
the slow, sustained release of insulin glargine from these
Peripheral neuropathy (cat) microprecipitates results i n a relatively constant concentra
Systemic hypertension (dog) tion/time profile over a 24-hour period with no pronounced
peak i n serum insulin. Insulin glargine is currently recom
mended as a basal insulin (i.e., sustained long-acting insulin
Peripheral neuropathy (dog) used to inhibit hepatic glucose production) administered
Diabetic nephropathy once a day at bedtime and used i n conjunction with either
Significant proteinuria prandial insulin analogs or oral hypoglycemic drugs in
h u m a n diabetics.
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Gastric paresis
Intestinal hypomotility and diarrhea Freezing, heating, and shaking the insulin bottle inactivate
Diabetic dermatopathy (i.e., superficial necrolytic dermatitis) insulin i n the bottle. Although keeping the substance at
" r o o m temperature": does not inactivate insulin, I instruct
clients to store insulin i n the door of the refrigerator to
maintain a consistent environment and prolong the life of

TABLE 52-2

Commonly Used Insulin Preparations for Treating Diabetes in Dogs and Cats



Regular Recombinant Treat D K A IV Continuous - - Rapid decrease in

crystalline human infusion blood glucose
IM Hourly initially 4-6 4-6
SC q6-8h 6-8 6-8 M a y cause
Treat diabetes at home SC q8h 6-8 6-8
Treat severe SC Once
NPH Recombinant Treat diabetes at home SC ql2h 8-14 6-12 Short duration of effect
human in cats
Lente Pure pork Treat diabetes at home SC ql2h 8-14 8-14 Short duration of effect
G o o d initial insulin for in cats
PZI 9 0 % beef Treat diabetes at home SC ql2h 10-14 Induction of insulin
10% pork G o o d initial insulin for antibodies in dogs
Glargine Insulin Treat diabetes at home SC q12-24h 10-16 10-16 Duration of effect too
analog G o o d initial insulin for long for q12h
cats therapy in some cats

DKA, Diabetic ketoacidosis; IV, intravenous; IM, intramuscular; SC, subcutaneous.

the insulin preparation. Some veterinarians advocate replac DIET
ing insulin with a new bottle every month to prevent prob Correction o f obesity and increasing the fiber content o f the
lems caused by loss of activity or sterility. I have not diet are the two most beneficial steps that can be taken to
appreciated a clinically significant loss o f insulin action with improve control o f glycemia i n diabetic dogs. Obesity causes
time when insulin preparations, including glargine, are insulin resistance i n dogs and is an important factor account
maintained i n a constant environment (i.e., refrigerator) and ing for variations i n response to insulin therapy i n diabetic
handled appropriately. I do not routinely recommend pur dogs. Weight loss improves insulin resistance in obese dia
chasing a new bottle o f insulin every month, especially i f the betic dogs. Weight loss usually requires a combination o f the
diabetic dog or cat is doing well. However, development o f following: restricting caloric intake, feeding low calorie-dense
cloudiness or discoloration suggest contamination, change diets, and increasing caloric expenditure through exercise.
in p H of the solution (glargine), and/or loss of insulin activ Diets containing increased fiber content are beneficial for
ity. The vial of insulin should be discarded and replaced with treating obesity and i m p r o v i n g control o f glycemia i n dia
a new bottle of insulin. Similarly, loss o f insulin activity in betics dogs. The ability o f the fiber to form a viscous gel
the bottle should always be considered whenever clinical appears to be o f greatest importance i n slowing intestinal
signs recur, regardless o f the quantity of insulin remaining glucose absorption. M o r e viscous soluble fibers (e.g., gums,
in the bottle. pectin) slow glucose absorption to a greater degree than less
Dilution of insulin is a c o m m o n practice, especially i n viscous insoluble fibers (e.g., cellulose, peanut hulls) and, as
very small dogs and cats. Although studies evaluating the such, are believed to be o f greater benefit i n i m p r o v i n g
shelf-life of diluted insulin have not been published, I recom control o f glycemia. M o s t commercial high-fiber diets pre
mend replacing diluted insulin preparations every 4 to 8 dominantly contain insoluble fiber, although diets contain
weeks. Even when these guidelines are observed, insufficient ing mixtures o f soluble and insoluble fiber are becoming
amounts of insulin are administered when diluted insulin is available. The amount o f fiber varies considerably among
used in some dogs and cats, despite appropriate dilution and products, ranging from 3% to 25% o f dry matter (normal
insulin administration techniquesinadequacies that are diets contain less than 2% fiber on a dry matter basis). In
corrected when full-strength insulin is used. It is important general, diets containing 12% or more insoluble fiber or 8%
to remember that insulin glargine is p H dependent and or more o f a mixture o f soluble and insoluble fiber are most
cannot be diluted. likely to be effective i n i m p r o v i n g glycemic control in dia
betic dogs (Box 52-6).
INITIAL INSULIN RECOMMENDATIONS The dog's susceptibility to the complications of high-fiber
FOR DIABETIC D O G S diets, its body weight and condition, and the presence of a
Lente and N P H are the initial insulins o f choice for treating concurrent disease (e.g., pancreatitis, renal failure) in which
diabetes in dogs (see Table 52-2). Recombinant h u m a n - diet is an important aspect o f therapy ultimately dictate
source or pork-source insulin should be used to prevent which, i f any, fiber diet is fed. C o m m o n clinical complica
insulin antibodies (see p. 782). M y starting dosage for both tions o f diets high in insoluble fiber include excessive
types of insulin is approximately 0.25 U / k g of body weight. frequency o f defecation, constipation and obstipation,
Because the overwhelming majority o f diabetic dogs require hypoglycemia 1 to 2 weeks after the increase in fiber content
lente or N P H insulin twice a day, the preference is to start of the diet, and refusal to eat the diet. Complications o f
with twice-daily insulin therapy. Establishing control of gly soluble fiber-containing diets include soft-to-watery stools,
cemia is easier and problems with hypoglycemia and the excessive flatulence, hypoglycemia 1 to 2 weeks after the
Somogyi response (see p. 780) are less likely when twice- increase i n fiber content of the diet, and refusal to eat the
daily insulin therapy is initiated while the insulin dose is l o w diet. If firm stools or constipation becomes a problem with
(i.e., at the time insulin treatment is initiated). The initial diets that are high i n insoluble fiber, a mixture o f insoluble-
dosage recommendation (1 U/kg) o n the package insert for and soluble-fiber diets can be fed or soluble fiber (e.g., psyl
Vetsulin is too high. In a recent study by M o n r o e et al. l i u m , canned p u m p k i n ) can be added to the diet to soften
(2005) evaluating the efficacy o f Vetsulin using the dosage the stool. If soft or watery diarrhea or flatulence becomes a
recommendations on the package insert, approximately 40% problem with soluble fiber-containing diets, an insoluble-
of the dogs developed clinical signs of hypoglycemia at home fiber diet can be added and the quantity o f the soluble-fiber
and a blood glucose concentration o f less than 60 mg/dl was diet decreased. If palatability is a problem initially, the animal
identified in 36% o f the dogs during generation of a b l o o d can be gradually switched from its regular diet to a diet
glucose curve in the hospital. containing small amounts o f fiber, after which diets contain
I currently use insulin glargine i n poorly controlled dia ing more fiber are provided. Refusal to consume high-fiber
betic dogs in which N P H and lente insulin are ineffective diets months after their initiation is usually a result o f
because of problems with short duration of insulin effect. I boredom with the food. Periodic changes i n the types o f
rarely use beef/pork-source P Z I insulin in dogs because o f high-fiber diets and mixtures o f diets have been helpful i n
the potential for development o f insulin antibodies directed alleviating this problem. Finally, high-fiber diets should not
against the beef insulin in the preparation that may create be fed to thin or emaciated diabetic dogs until control o f
problems with diabetic control (see p. 782). glycemia is established and a normal body weight attained
Recommendations for Dietary Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in Dogs and Cats

Correct obesity and maintain body weight in an acceptable range (see Chapter 54).
Control daily caloric intake.
Increase daily exercise.
Avoid excessive amounts of insulin.
Maintain consistency in the timing and caloric content of the meals.
Feed within the time frame of insulin action.
Feed one half the daily caloric intake at the time of each insulin injection with q12h insulin therapy or at the time of the
insulin injection and 8 to 10 hours later with q24h insulin therapy.
Minimize the impact of food on postprandial blood glucose concentrations.
Avoid monosaccharides and disaccharides, propylene glycol, and corn syrup.
Let "nibbler" cats and dogs nibble throughout the day and night; ensure that other pets do not have access to the food.
Increase the fiber content of the diet (dogs).
Feed high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets (cats).
Veterinary Diets for Diabetic Dogs Veterinary Diets for Diabetic Cats
Hill's Prescription Diet w / d High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets:
Hill's Prescription Diet r / d (obese diabetic dog) Purina D M
Purina D C O Hill's Prescription Diet M D
Purina O M (obese diabetic dog) Royal-Canin Diabetic DS 4 4
Royal Canin Diabetic HF
Royal Canin Calorie Control C C High Fiber Fiber-containing diets:
(obese diabetic dog) Hill's Prescription Diet w / d
lams Optimum Weight Control Hill's Prescription Diet r/d (obese diabetic cat)
Purina O M (obese diabetic cat)
Royal-Canin Calorie Control C C
High Fiber (obese diabetic cat)

using a higher-calorie-dense, lower-fiber diet designed for IDENTIFICATION A N D CONTROL

Concurrent disease and insulin-antagonistic drugs can inter
EXERCISE fere with tissue responsiveness to insulin, resulting in insulin
Exercise plays an important role i n maintaining glycemic resistance and poor control of the diabetes. Concurrent
control i n the diabetic dog by helping promote weight loss disease and insulin-antagonistic drugs typically cause insulin
and eliminating the insulin resistance induced by obesity. resistance by altering insulin metabolism (prereceptor
Exercise also has a glucose-lowering effect by increasing the problem), by decreasing the concentration or binding affin
mobilization o f insulin from its injection site, presumably ity o f insulin receptors on the cell membrane (receptor
resulting from increased b l o o d and l y m p h flow, by increas problem), by interfering with the insulin receptor signaling
ing b l o o d flow (and therefore insulin delivery) to exercising cascade (postreceptor problem), or by a combination of
muscles, and by stimulating glucose transporters i n muscle these. Depending on the etiology, insulin resistance may be
cells. The daily routine for diabetic dogs should include exer m i l d and easily overcome by increasing the dose of insulin
cise, preferably at the same time each day. Strenuous and (e.g., obesity); may be severe, causing sustained and marked
sporadic exercise can cause severe hypoglycemia and should hyperglycemia regardless o f the type and dose of insulin
be avoided. If unavoidable, the insulin dose should be administered (e.g., hyperadrenocorticism); or may fluctuate
decreased i n dogs subjected to sporadic strenuous exercise i n severity over time (e.g., chronic pancreatitis; Box 52-7).
o n those days of anticipated increased exercise. The reduc Some causes of insulin resistance are readily apparent at the
tion i n insulin dose required to prevent hypoglycemia is time diabetes is diagnosed, such as obesity and the adminis
variable and determined by trial and error. Reducing the tration o f insulin-antagonistic drugs (e.g., glucocorticoids).
insulin dose by 50% initially is recommended w i t h further Other causes of insulin resistance are not readily apparent
adjustments based on the occurrence of symptomatic hypo and require an extensive diagnostic evaluation to be
glycemia and the severity o f polyuria and polydipsia that identified. In general, any concurrent inflammatory, infec
develops during the ensuing 24 to 48 hours. In addition, tious, hormonal, or neoplastic disorder can cause insulin
clients must be aware o f the signs o f hypoglycemia and have resistance and interfere w i t h the effectiveness of insulin
a source o f glucose readily available to give their dog should therapy. Identification and treatment o f concurrent disease
any of these signs develop. play integral roles i n the successful management of the dia-
Recognized Causes of Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Dogs and Cats

Disorders Typically Causing Disorders Typically Causing

Severe Insulin Resistance Mild or Fluctuating Insulin Resistance
Hyperadrenocorticism Obesity
Acromegaly (cat) Infections
Progesterone excess (diestrus in female dog) Chronic pancreatitis
Diabetogenic drugs (most notably glucocorticoids and progestins) Chronic inflammation
Disease of the oral cavity
Renal insufficiency
Liver insufficiency
Cardiac insufficiency
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency

betic dog. A thorough history, physical examination, and ress of therapy; and, if possible, the b l o o d glucose concentra
complete diagnostic evaluation are imperative i n the newly tions range between 100 and 250 m g / d l throughout the day.
diagnosed diabetic dog (see the section on diagnosis, p. 769). The client is informed at the time insulin therapy is initiated
that it w i l l take approximately 1 m o n t h to establish a satisfac
PROTOCOL FOR IDENTIFYING INITIAL tory insulin treatment protocol, assuming unidentified
INSULIN REQUIREMENTS insulin-antagonistic disease is not present. The goals of
Diabetic dogs require several days to equilibrate to changes therapy are also explained to the client. D u r i n g this m o n t h
in insulin dose or preparation. Therefore newly diagnosed changes i n insulin dose, type, and frequency o f administra
diabetic dogs are typically hospitalized for no more than 24 tion are c o m m o n and should be anticipated by the client. A t
to 48 hours to finish the diagnostic evaluation o f the dog and each evaluation the client's subjective o p i n i o n o f water
begin insulin therapy. D u r i n g hospitalization b l o o d glucose intake, urine output, and overall health o f the pet is dis
concentrations are typically determined at the time insulin cussed; a complete physical examination is performed;
is administered and 3, 6, and 9 hours later. The intent is to change i n body weight noted; and serial b l o o d glucose mea
identify hypoglycemia (i.e., b l o o d glucose less than 80 m g / surements obtained over an 8- to 12-hour period after
dl) i n those dogs that are unusually sensitive to the actions insulin administration are assessed. Adjustments i n insulin
of insulin. If hypoglycemia occurs, the insulin dose is therapy are based o n this information, the pet is sent home,
decreased before sending the dog home. The insulin dose is and an appointment is scheduled for the next week to reeval
not adjusted i n those dogs that remain hyperglycemic during uate the response to any change i n therapy. If the dog remains
the first few days of insulin therapy. The objective during this poorly controlled, the dose o f insulin is gradually increased
first visit is not to establish perfect glycemic control before by 1 to 5 U/injection (depending o n the size o f the dog) each
sending the dog home. Rather, the objective is to begin to week until control is attained. This gradual increase i n dose
reverse the metabolic derangements induced by the disease, helps prevent hypoglycemia and the Somogyi response.
allow the patient to equilibrate to the insulin and change i n C o n t r o l o f glycemia can be established i n most dogs using
diet, teach the client how to administer insulin, and give the insulin doses i n the range o f 1.0 U o f insulin/kg or less
client a few days to become accustomed to treating the dia administered twice each day. If the insulin dose exceeds
betic dog at home. Adjustments i n insulin therapy are made 1.5 U/kg/injection without adequate glycemic control, then
on subsequent evaluations, once the client and pet have further investigations to determine the reason for treatment
become accustomed to the treatment regimen. failure are indicated (see the section on complications o f
Diabetic dogs are typically evaluated once weekly until an insulin therapy, p. 779). If hypoglycemia is noted either clin
effective insulin treatment protocol is identified. Glycemic ically or biochemically at any time, the insulin dosage should
control is attained when clinical signs o f diabetes have be decreased and further adjustments i n the insulin dose
resolved; the pet is healthy and interactive i n the home; its performed as needed to attain glycemic control.
body weight is stable (unless the dog is undergoing weight M a n y factors affect the dog's glycemic control from day
loss to correct obesity); the client is satisfied with the prog to day, including variations i n insulin administration and
absorption, dietary indiscretions and caloric intake, amount mia supports insulin overdosage and the need to decrease
of exercise, and variables that affect insulin responsiveness the insulin dose, especially i f glycemic control is poor (see
(e.g., stress, concurrent inflammation, infection). As a con the discussion of the Somogyi response, p. 780). In contrast,
sequence, the insulin dosage required to maintain glycemic documenting an increased blood glucose concentration does
control typically changes with time. Initially, a fixed dose of not, by itself, confirm poor control of glycemia. Stress or
insulin is administered at home and changes are made only excitement can cause marked hyperglycemia, which does not
after the client consults with the veterinarian. A s the insulin reflect the dog's responsiveness to insulin and can lead to the
dose range required to maintain glycemic control becomes erroneous belief that the diabetic dog is poorly controlled. If
apparent and as confidence is gained in the client's ability to a discrepancy exists between the history, physical examina
recognize signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, the tion findings, and blood glucose concentration or i f the dog
client is eventually allowed to make slight adjustments in the is fractious, aggressive, excited, or scared and the blood
insulin dose at home on the basis of clinical observations of glucose concentration is k n o w n to be unreliable, measure
the pet's well-being. However, the client is instructed to stay ment of serum fructosamine concentration should be done
within the agreed-upon insulin dose range. If the insulin to further evaluate status of glycemic control. In addition, a
dose is at the upper or lower end of the established range single blood glucose concentration is not reliable for evaluat
and the pet is still symptomatic, the client is instructed to ing the effect of a given insulin type and dose in a poorly
call the veterinarian before making further adjustments i n controlled diabetic dog (see the section on serial blood
the insulin dose. glucose curve).

Techniques for Monitoring Diabetic Control S E R U M FRUCTOSAMINE

The basic objective of insulin therapy is to eliminate the CONCENTRATION
clinical signs of diabetes mellitus while avoiding the c o m m o n Fructosamines are glycated proteins that result from an irre
complications associated with the disease (see B o x 52-5). versible, nonenzymatic, insulin-independent binding of
C o m m o n complications i n dogs include blindness caused by glucose to serum proteins. The extent of glycosylation of
cataract formation, weight loss, hypoglycemia, recurring serum proteins is directly related to the blood glucose con
ketosis, and recurrence of polyuria and polydipsia. The dev centration; the higher the average blood glucose concentra
astating chronic complications of h u m a n diabetes (e.g., tion during the preceding 2 to 3 weeks, the higher the serum
nephropathy, vasculopathy, coronary artery disease) require fructosamine concentration, and vice versa. Serum fructos
several decades to develop and are u n c o m m o n i n diabetic amine concentration is not affected by acute increases in the
dogs. As such, the need to establish nearly normal blood blood glucose concentration, as occurs with stress- or excite
glucose concentrations is not necessary in diabetic dogs. ment-induced hyperglycemia, but can be affected by concur
Generally speaking, most clients are happy and most dogs rent hypoalbuminemia (less than 2.5 g/dl), hyperlipidemia
are healthy and relatively asymptomatic i f blood glucose (triglycerides greater than 150 mg/dl), or hyperthyroidism
concentrations are kept between 100 and 250 mg/dl. (Table 52-3). Serum fructosamine concentrations can be
measured during the routine evaluation of glycemic control
HISTORY A N D PHYSICAL E X A M I N A TI ON performed every 3 to 6 months; to clarify the effect of stress
The most important initial parameters for assessing control or excitement on blood glucose concentrations; to clarify
of glycemia are the client's subjective o p i n i o n of severity of discrepancies between the history, physical examination
clinical signs and overall health of the pet, findings on phys findings, and serial blood glucose concentrations; and to
ical examination, and stability of body weight. If the client assess the effectiveness of changes in insulin therapy.
is happy with results of treatment, the physical examination Fructosamine is measured i n serum, which should be
is supportive of good glycemic control, and the body weight frozen and shipped on cold packs overnight to the labora
is stable, the diabetic dog is usually adequately controlled. tory. Storage of serum at r o o m temperature overnight can
Measurement of serum fructosamine concentration can add decrease serum fructosamine results by 10%. Each labora
further objective evidence for status of glycemic control (dis tory should furnish its own reference range. In our labora
cussed in more detail later). Poor control of glycemia should tory the normal reference range for serum fructosamine in
be suspected and additional diagnostics or a change in dogs is 225 to 375 mol/L; a range determined in healthy
insulin therapy considered i f the client reports clinical signs dogs with persistently normal blood glucose concentrations.
suggestive of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia, the physical Interpretation of serum fructosamine in a diabetic dog must
examination identifies problems consistent with poor control take into consideration the fact that hyperglycemia is
of glycemia (e.g., thin appearance, poor haircoat), or the dog c o m m o n , even i n well-controlled diabetic dogs (see Table
is losing weight. 52-3). M o s t clients are happy with the pet's response to
insulin treatment i f serum fructosamine concentrations can
SINGLE B L O O D GLUCOSE be kept between 350 and 450 mol/L. Values greater than
DETERMINATION 500 mol/L suggest inadequate control of the diabetic state,
Measuring a single b l o o d glucose concentration is helpful and values greater than 600 mol/L indicate serious lack of
only i f hypoglycemia is identified. Documenting hypoglyce glycemic control. Serum fructosamine concentrations in the
TABLE 52-3

Sample Handling, Methodology, and Normal Values for Serum Fructosamine Concentrations Measured
in Our Laboratory


Blood sample 1-2 ml; allow to clot, obtain serum

Sample handling Freeze until assayed
Methodology Automated colorimetric assay using nitroblue tetrazolium chloride
Factors affecting results Hypoalbuminemia (decreased), hyperlipidemia (mild decreasedogs), azotemia (mild
decreasedogs), hyperthyroidism (decreasedcats), storage at room temperature
Normal range 225 to 375 mol/L (dogs)
190 to 365 mol/L (cats)

Interpretation in Diabetic Dogs and Cats

Excellent control 350-400 mol/L
Good control 400-450 mol/L
Fair control 450-500 mol/L
Poor control >500 mol/L
Prolonged hypoglycemia <300 mol/L

lower half of the normal reference range (i.e., less than dog i n which clinical manifestations of hyperglycemia or
300 mol/L) or below the normal reference range should hypoglycemia have developed. Reliance o n history, physical
raise concern for significant periods of hypoglycemia i n the examination, body weight, and serum fructosamine concen
diabetic dog. Increased serum fructosamine concentrations tration to determine when a b l o o d glucose curve is needed
(i.e., >500 mol/L) suggest poor control of glycemia and a helps reduce the frequency with which blood glucose curves
need for insulin adjustments but do not identify the under must be performed, thereby m i n i m i z i n g the animal's aver
lying problem. sion to these evaluations and i m p r o v i n g the chances of
obtaining meaningful results when a b l o o d glucose curve is
Occasional monitoring of urine for glycosuria and ketonuria W h e n a b l o o d glucose curve is being generated, the insulin
is helpful in diabetic dogs that have problems with recurring and feeding schedule used by the client should be m a i n
ketosis or hypoglycemia to identify ketonuria or persistent tained, the dog dropped off at the hospital early in the
negative glycosuria, respectively. The client is instructed not morning, and blood obtained every 1 to 2 hours throughout
to adjust daily insulin doses on the basis of m o r n i n g urine the day for glucose determination. It is more important to
glucose measurements, except to decrease the insulin dose i n maintain the pet's daily routine than to risk inaccurate blood
dogs with recurring hypoglycemia and persistent negative glucose results caused by inappetence i n the hospital or
glycosuria. The vast majority of diabetic dogs develop c o m insulin administration at an unusual time (Fig. 52-2). If
plications because clients were misled by m o r n i n g urine there are concerns regarding the client's technique for a d m i n
glucose concentrations. Persistent glycosuria throughout the istering insulin, the client can administer insulin (using his
day and night suggests inadequate control of the diabetic or her o w n insulin and syringe) i n the hospital after the
state and the need for a more complete evaluation of diabetic initial blood glucose is obtained or can demonstrate his or
control using other techniques discussed i n this section. her technique using sterile saline after arriving to pick up the
pet at the end of the day. The veterinarian or a veterinary
SERIAL BLOOD GLUCOSE CURVES technician should closely evaluate the entire insulin a d m i n
If an adjustment i n insulin therapy is deemed necessary after istration procedure. By measuring b l o o d glucose concentra
review of the history, physical examination, changes i n body tion every 1 to 2 hours throughout the day, the clinician w i l l
weight, and serum fructosamine concentration, then a serial be able to determine i f the insulin is effective and identify
blood glucose curve should be generated to provide guid the glucose nadir, time of peak insulin effect, duration of
ance in making the adjustment, unless b l o o d glucose mea insulin effect, and severity of fluctuation i n blood glucose
surements are unreliable because of stress, aggression, or concentrations i n that particular dog. Determining the
excitement. The serial blood glucose curve provides guide glucose nadir and the time of the glucose nadir i n relation
lines for making adjustments i n insulin therapy. Evaluation to the time of insulin administration is critical for assessing
of a serial blood glucose curve is mandatory during the the duration of insulin effect. If the glucose nadir has not
initial regulation of the diabetic dog and is necessary i n the been identified by the time of the next insulin injection, the
glucose curve should be continued, the scheduled insulin betic state often stems from misinterpretation of the effects
injection aborted, and the dog fed its evening meal (see the of insulin that is based o n assessment o f only 1 or 2 blood
discussion o f the prolonged duration o f insulin effect, glucose concentrations.
p. 781). Obtaining only 1 or 2 blood glucose concentrations Blood glucose concentrations are typically determined by
has not been reliable for evaluating the effect o f a given a point-of-care glucose analyzer or hand-held portable blood
insulin dose (Fig. 52-3). Persistent poor control o f the dia- glucose monitoring device. Commercially available portable
blood glucose-monitoring devices provide blood glucose
concentrations that are reasonably close to those obtained
with reference methods, although results often overestimate
or underestimate actual glucose values. Blood glucose values
determined by most portable blood glucose monitoring
devices are typically lower than actual glucose values deter
mined b y reference methods (Fig. 52-4). This may result i n
an incorrect diagnosis of hypoglycemia or the misperception
that glycemic control is better than it actually is. Failure to
consider this error could result i n insulin underdosage and
the potential for persistence of clinical signs despite appar
ently acceptable blood glucose results. One exception is the
AlphaTRAK by Abbott Laboratories. Accuracy of this por
table glucometer is very good, but glucose values may be
higher or lower than glucose values measured by benchtop
FIG 5 2 - 2 methodologies o n the same blood sample, forcing the vet
M e a n b l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in eight d i a b e t i c d o g s erinarian to accept the blood glucose concentration at face
after the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of N P H insulin (T) a n d the f e e d i n g value.
of e q u a l - s i z e d meals at 8 A M a n d 6 P M (blue line) or Insulin therapy is adjusted according to interpretation of
f e e d i n g them nothing (red line) d u r i n g the 2 4 hours of a single serial blood glucose curve, and the impact of the
blood sampling.
change is initially assessed by client perceptions of clinical
response and change i n serum fructosamine concentration.
If problems persist, the blood glucose curve can be repeated.
If possible, performing blood glucose curves o n multiple,
consecutive days should be avoided because it promotes
stress-induced hyperglycemia. Information gained from a
prior serial b l o o d glucose curve should never be assumed to
be reproducible o n subsequent curves. Lack of consistency
in the results o f serial blood glucose curves is a source of
frustration for many veterinarians. This lack of consistency
is a direct reflection of all the variables that affect the blood
glucose concentration i n diabetics. Daily self-monitoring of
blood glucose concentrations and adjustments i n insulin
dose are used i n h u m a n diabetics to minimize the effect of
these variables o n control of glycemia. A similar approach
for diabetic dogs and cats will undoubtedly become more
c o m m o n i n the future, as home glucose monitoring tech
niques are refined. For now, initial assessment of control of
FIG 5 2 - 3 glycemia is based o n the client's perception of the diabetic
B l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n c u r v e in a D a c h s h u n d r e c e i v i n g
pet's health combined with periodic examinations by the
0 . 8 U of r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n lente insulin p e r k i l o g r a m of
b o d y w e i g h t t w i c e a d a y (solid line), a M i n i a t u r e P o o d l e
veterinarian. Serial blood glucose measurements are indi
r e c e i v i n g 0 . 6 U of r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n lente insulin p e r cated i f poor control o f glycemia is suspected. The goal of
kilogram of b o d y weight twice a d a y (dashed line), a n d a serial b l o o d glucose measurements is to obtain a glimpse of
Terrier-mix r e c e i v i n g 1.1 U of r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n lente the actions o f insulin i n that diabetic animal and identify a
insulin p e r k i l o g r a m of b o d y w e i g h t t w i c e a d a y (dotted possible reason that the diabetic dog is poorly controlled.
line). Insulin a n d f o o d w a s g i v e n to e a c h d o g at 8 A M .
Interpretation of the b l o o d g l u c o s e curves suggest short
Protocol for Generating the Serial Blood
d u r a t i o n of insulin effect in the D a c h s h u n d , insulin underdos
ing in the M i n i a t u r e P o o d l e , a n d the S o m o g y i r e s p o n s e in
Glucose Curve at Home
the Terrier-mix. The b l o o d g l u c o s e concentrations w e r e similar Hyperglycemia induced by stress, aggression, or excitement
in a l l d o g s at 2 P M a n d 4 P M ; the g l u c o s e results at these is the single biggest problem affecting accuracy of the serial
times d o not establish the d i a g n o s i s in a n y of the d o g s . blood glucose curve, especially in cats (Fig. 52-5). The biggest
FIG 5 2 - 4
Scatter plots of blood glucose concentrations obtained with two portable blood-glucose
meters versus concentrations obtained using a reference method. Data represent 110
blood samples from 3 4 dogs. Shaded areas represent concentrations greater than or less
than the concentrations that can be detected by each meter. The dashed line represents
the theoretical line of equality. Note that one glucose meter tends to read higher (A) and
one glucose meter tends to read lower (B) than the reference concentration. (From Cohn
LA ef al: Assessment of five portable blood glucose meters, a point-of-care analyzer, and
color test strips for measuring blood glucose concentration in dogs, J Am Vet Med Assoc
2 1 6 : 1 9 8 , 2000.)

factors inducing stress-induced hyperglycemia are hospital decrease i n the b l o o d glucose concentration after insulin
ization and multiple venipunctures. A n alternative to hospi administration. Assessment of duration of insulin effect may
tal-generated blood glucose curves is to have the client not be valid when the b l o o d glucose decreases to less than
generate the blood glucose curve at home using the ear or 80 mg/dl or decreases rapidly because of the potential induc
lip prick technique and a portable home glucose-monitoring tion of the Somogyi response, which can falsely decrease the
device that allows the client to touch the drop of b l o o d o n apparent duration o f insulin effect (see p. 780). A rough
the ear or lip with the end o f the glucose test strip. This approximation o f the duration o f effect o f insulin can be
technique is usually reserved for diabetic dogs i n which the gained by examining the time of the glucose nadir. For most
reliability of blood glucose results generated i n the veterinary well-controlled diabetic dogs, the initial b l o o d glucose con
hospital is questionable. The reader is referred to p. 792 for centration near the time o f insulin administration is less
more information o n monitoring b l o o d glucose concentra than 300 m g / d l and the glucose nadir occurs 8 to 10 hours
tions at home. after injection of insulin. A n initial b l o o d glucose concentra
tion greater than 300 mg/dl, combined with a glucose nadir
Interpreting the Serial Blood Glucose Curve occurring less than 8 hours after insulin administration and
A n overview of interpreting results of a serial b l o o d glucose subsequent b l o o d glucose concentrations exceeding 250 mg/
curve is provided i n Fig. 52-6. The ideal goal is to maintain dl, is supportive o f short duration o f insulin effect (see
the blood glucose concentration between 100 m g / d l a n d p. 781). A glucose nadir occurring 12 hours or longer after
250 mg/dl throughout the day and night, although many insulin administration is supportive o f prolonged duration
diabetic dogs do well despite blood glucose concentrations of insulin effect (see p. 781). Dogs may develop hypoglyce
consistently i n the high 100's to l o w 300's. Typically, the mia or the Somogyi response if the duration of insulin effect
highest blood glucose concentrations occur at the time o f is greater than 14 hours and the insulin is being administered
each insulin injection, but this does not always occur. If the twice a day (Fig. 52-7).
blood glucose nadir is greater than 150 mg/dl, the insulin
dose may need to be increased, and i f the nadir is less than Role of Serum Fructosamine in Aggressive,
80 mg/dl, the insulin dose should be decreased. Excitable, or Stressed Dogs
Duration o f insulin effect can be assessed i f the glucose Blood glucose curves are unreliable i n aggressive, excitable,
nadir is greater than 80 mg/dl and there has not been a rapid or stressed dogs because of problems related to stress-induced
hyperglycemia. In these dogs the clinician must make an
educated guess as to where the problem lies (e.g., wrong type
of insulin, low dose), make an adjustment i n therapy, and
rely on changes in serum fructosamine to assess the benefit
of the change i n treatment. The reader is referred to p. 792
for more information o n the use of serum fructosamine in
diabetic pets with stress-induced hyperglycemia.


Generally, surgery should be delayed in diabetic dogs until
the animal's clinical condition is stable and the diabetic state
is controlled with insulin. The exception are those situations
in which surgery is required to eliminate insulin resistance
FIG 5 2 - 5 (e.g., ovariohysterectomy in a diestrus bitch) or to save the
B l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n curves in a fractious Terrier- animal's life. The surgery itself does not pose a greater risk
mix. The s a m e d o s e of N P H insulin w a s g i v e n for e a c h in a stable diabetic animal than in a nondiabetic animal. The
c u r v e . O n e g l u c o s e c u r v e (blue line) w a s o b t a i n e d with the
concern is the interplay between insulin therapy and the lack
d o g in a n a g i t a t e d state r e q u i r i n g p h y s i c a l restraint e a c h
of food intake during the perioperative period. The stress of
time a b l o o d s p e c i m e n w a s o b t a i n e d ; b l o o d for the other
g l u c o s e c u r v e (red line) w a s o b t a i n e d through a jugular anesthesia and surgery also causes the release of diabetogenic
catheter with minimal-to-no restraint a n d the d o g in a quiet hormones, which promote ketogenesis. Insulin must be
state. T, Insulin a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d f o o d . administered during the perioperative period to prevent

FIG 5 2 - 6
A l g o r i t h m for interpreting results of a b l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n c u r v e .
W h e n the blood glucose concentration exceeds 300 mg/dl,
the dextrose infusion should be discontinued and the blood
glucose concentration evaluated 30 and 60 minutes later. If
the b l o o d glucose concentration remains greater than
300 mg/dl, regular crystalline insulin is administered intra
muscularly at approximately 20% of the dose of long-acting
insulin being used at home. Subsequent doses o f regular
crystalline insulin should be given no more frequently than
every 4 hours, and the dose should be adjusted o n the basis
of the effect of the first insulin injection on the blood glucose
O n the day after surgery the diabetic dog or cat can
usually be returned to the routine schedule of insulin admin
istration and feeding. A n animal that is not eating can be
maintained with I V dextrose infusions a n d regular crystal
FIG 5 2 - 7 line insulin injections given subcutaneously every 6 to 8
B l o o d g l u c o s e concentration curves o b t a i n e d from three hours. Once the animal is eating regularly, it can be returned
d i a b e t i c d o g s treated with r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n lente insulin to its normal insulin and feeding schedule.
twice a d a y , illustrating a difference b e t w e e n d o g s in the
duration of insulin effect. The insulin is effective in l o w e r i n g COMPLICATIONS O F INSULIN THERAPY
the b l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n in a l l d o g s , a n d the b l o o d
g l u c o s e n a d i r is b e t w e e n 1 0 0 a n d 1 7 5 m g / d l for the d o g s .
H o w e v e r , the d u r a t i o n of insulin effect is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1 2 Hypoglycemia is a c o m m o n complication of insulin therapy.
hours (solid line) in o n e d o g with g o o d control of g l y c e m i a Signs o f hypoglycemia are most apt to occur after sudden
(ideal duration of effect), a p p r o x i m a t e l y 8 hours (dotted large increases i n the insulin dose, with excessive overlap of
line) in o n e d o g with persistently p o o r control of g l y c e m i a insulin action i n dogs receiving insulin twice a day, after
(short duration of effect), a n d greater than 1 2 hours (dashed
prolonged inappetence, during unusually strenuous exercise,
line) in o n e d o g with a history of g o o d d a y s a n d b a d d a y s
following sudden improvement i n concurrent insulin resis
of g l y c e m i c control ( p r o l o n g e d d u r a t i o n of effect)a history
suggestive of the S o m o g y i response (see F i g . 5 2 - 8 ) . tance, a n d i n insulin-treated cats that have reverted to a
non-insulin-dependent state (see p. 785). In these situations
severe hypoglycemia may occur before glucose counterregu
lation (i.e., secretion of glucagon, epinephrine, Cortisol, and
severe hyperglycemia and minimize ketone formation. T o growth hormone) is able to compensate for a n d reverse
compensate for the lack of food intake and prevent hypogly hypoglycemia. The occurrence and severity of clinical signs
cemia, the amount of insulin administered during the peri is dependent o n the rate o f blood glucose decline and the
operative period is decreased and I V dextrose is administered severity o f hypoglycemia. In many diabetic dogs signs o f
when needed. hypoglycemia are not apparent to clients, and hypoglycemia
The following protocol is used during the perioperative is identified during evaluation of a serial blood glucose curve
period in dogs and cats undergoing surgery. The day before or suspected when a low serum fructosamine concentration
surgery the dog or cat is given its normal dose o f insulin is identified. Clinical signs and treatment o f hypoglycemia
and fed as usual. Food is withheld after 10 PM. O n the are discussed on p. 765. If clinical signs of hypoglycemia have
morning o f the procedure the b l o o d glucose concentra occurred, insulin therapy should be stopped until hypergly
tion is measured before the dog or cat is given insulin. If the cemia and glycosuria recur. The adjustment i n the insulin
blood glucose concentration is less than 100 mg/dl, insulin dose is somewhat arbitrary; as a general rule o f thumb,
is not given and an I V infusion o f 2.5% to 5% dextrose is the insulin dose initially should be decreased 25% to 50%
initiated. If the blood glucose concentration is between 100 and subsequent adjustments i n the dose based o n clinical
and 200 mg/dl, one quarter o f the animal's usual m o r n i n g response and results of blood glucose measurements. Failure
dose o f insulin is given and an I V infusion o f dextrose is of glycosuria to recur after a hypoglycemic episode suggests
initiated. If the blood glucose concentration is more than reversion to a non-insulin-dependent diabetic state or
200 mg/dl, one half o f the usual morning dose o f insulin impaired glucose counterregulation.
is given but the I V dextrose infusion is withheld until
the blood glucose concentration is less than 150 mg/dl. In Recurrence of Clinical Signs
all three situations the blood glucose concentration is Recurrence or persistence o f clinical signs is perhaps the
measured every 30 to 60 minutes during the surgical proce most c o m m o n complication o f insulin therapy i n diabetic
dure. The goal is to maintain the blood glucose concentra dogs. This is usually caused by problems with client tech
tion between 150 and 250 mg/dl during the perioperative nique i n administering insulin; problems with insulin
period. A 2.5% to 5% dextrose infusion is administered therapy relating to the insulin type, dose, species, or fre
intravenously as needed to correct or prevent hypoglycemia. quency of administration; or problems with responsiveness
to insulin caused by concurrent inflammatory, infectious, hypoglycemia-induced stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis
neoplastic, or h o r m o n a l disorders (i.e., insulin resistance). and secretion o f diabetogenic hormones, most notably epi
Problems with client administration a n d insulin nephrine and glucagon, increase the blood glucose concen
activity. Failure to administer an appropriate dose o f tration, m i n i m i z e signs o f hypoglycemia, and cause marked
biologically active insulin w i l l result i n recurrence or persis hyperglycemia within 12 hours of glucose counterregulation.
tence of clinical signs. C o m m o n reasons include administra The marked hyperglycemia that occurs after hypoglycemia
tion ofbiologically inactive insulin (e.g., outdated, overheated, is due, i n part, to an inability o f the diabetic dog to secrete
previously frozen, destroyed by shaking the bottle), a d m i n sufficient endogenous insulin to dampen the rising blood
istration o f diluted insulin, use o f inappropriate insulin glucose concentration. By the next m o r n i n g the blood
syringes for the concentration o f insulin (e.g., U100 syringe glucose concentration can be extremely elevated (greater
with U 4 0 insulin), or problems with insulin administration than 400 mg/dl), and the m o r n i n g urine glucose concentra
technique (e.g., failure to correctly read the insulin syringe, tion is consistently 1 to 2 g m / d l as measured with urine
inappropriate injection technique). These problems are glucose test strips. Unrecognized short duration of insulin
identified by evaluating the client's insulin administration effect, combined with insulin dose adjustments based on
technique and by administering new, undiluted insulin and m o r n i n g urine glucose concentrations, is historically the
measuring several b l o o d glucose concentrations throughout most c o m m o n cause for the Somogyi response i n dogs.
the day. Clinical signs o f hypoglycemia are typically m i l d or not
Problems with the insulin treatment regimen. The recognized by the client; clinical signs caused by hyperglyce
most c o m m o n problems with the insulin treatment regimen mia tend to dominate the clinical picture. The insulin dose
in the dog include insulin underdosage, insulin overdosage that induces the Somogyi response is variable and unpredict
causing the Somogyi response, short duration o f effect o f able. The Somogyi response is often suspected i n poorly
lente or N P H insulin, and once-daily insulin administration. controlled diabetic dogs i n which insulin dosage is approach
The insulin treatment regimen should be critically evaluated ing 2.2 U / k g body weight/injection but can also occur at
for possible problems i n these areas and appropriate changes insulin dosages less than 0.5 U/kg/injection. T o y and minia
made i n an attempt to improve insulin effectiveness, espe ture breeds o f dogs are especially susceptible to development
cially i f the history and physical examination do not suggest of the Somogyi response with lower-than-expected doses of
a concurrent disorder causing insulin resistance. insulin.
Diluted insulin. D i l u t e d insulin should be replaced with The diagnosis o f the Somogyi response requires demon
full-strength insulin. In some dogs insufficient amounts o f stration o f hypoglycemia (less than 80 mg/dl) followed by
insulin are administered when diluted insulin is used, despite hyperglycemia (greater than 300 mg/dl) after insulin admin
appropriate dilution and insulin administration techniques. istration (Fig. 52-8). The Somogyi response should also be
These inadequacies are corrected when full-strength insulin suspected when the b l o o d glucose concentration decreases
is used. rapidly regardless o f the glucose nadir (e.g., a drop from 400
Insulin underdosing. C o n t r o l o f glycemia can be to 100 m g / d l i n 2 to 3 hours). If the duration of insulin effect
established i n most dogs using less than 1.0 U o f insulin/kg is greater than 12 hours, hypoglycemia often occurs at night
of body weight administered twice daily. A n inadequate after the evening dose o f insulin and the serum glucose
dose o f insulin i n conjunction with once-daily insulin concentration is typically greater than 300 mg/dl the next
therapy is a c o m m o n cause for persistence of clinical signs. morning. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of the Somogyi
In general, insulin underdosing should be considered i f the response can be elusive, i n part because of the effects of the
insulin dose is less than 1.0 U / k g and the animal is receiving diabetogenic hormones on b l o o d glucose concentrations
insulin twice a day. If insulin underdosing is suspected, the after an episode o f glucose counterregulation. Secretion of
dose o f insulin should be gradually increased by 1 to 5 U / diabetogenic hormones during the Somogyi response may
injection (depending on the size o f the dog) per week. The induce insulin resistance, which can last 24 to 72 hours after
effectiveness o f the change i n therapy should be evaluated by the hypoglycemic episode (Fig. 52-9). If a serial blood glucose
client perception o f clinical response and measurement o f curve is obtained o n the day glucose counterregulation
serum fructosamine or serial b l o o d glucose concentrations. occurs, hypoglycemia w i l l be identified and the diagnosis
Other causes for insulin ineffectiveness, most notably the established. However, i f the serial b l o o d glucose curve is
Somogyi response, should be considered once the insulin obtained o n a day when insulin resistance predominates,
dose exceeds 1.0 to 1.5 U/kg/injection, the insulin is being hypoglycemia w i l l not be identified and the insulin dose may
administered every 12 hours, and control of glycemia remains be incorrectly increased i n response to the high blood glucose
poor. values. A cyclic history o f one or two days of good glycemic
Insulin overdosing a n d the S o m o g y i response. control followed by several days o f poor control should raise
The Somogyi response results from a n o r m a l physiologic suspicion for insulin resistance caused by glucose counter-
response to impending hypoglycemia induced by excessive regulation. Serum fructosamine concentrations are unpre
insulin. W h e n the b l o o d glucose concentration declines to dictable but are usually increased (>500 mol/L)results
less than 65 m g / d l or when the b l o o d glucose concentration that confirm poor glycemic control but do not identify the
decreases rapidly regardless o f the glucose nadir, direct underlying cause.
FIG 5 2 - 9
Schematic of the change in the results of blood glucose
curves obtained on sequential days after induction of the
FIG 5 2 - 8 Somogyi response to hypoglycemia induced by an overdose
Blood glucose concentration curves obtained from three
of insulin. Hypoglycemia and the Somogyi response occur
poorly controlled diabetic dogs treated with recombinant
on day 1. The secretion of diabetogenic hormones in
human lente insulin twice a day, illustrating the typical
response to the hypoglycemia causes insulin resistance and
blood glucose curves suggestive of the Somogyi response.
increased blood glucose concentrations on day 2. Insulin
In one dog (solid line) the glucose nadir is less than 8 0 m g / resistance gradually wanes over the ensuing couple of days
dl and is followed by a rapid increase in the blood glucose
(days 3 and 4), eventually resulting in hypoglycemia and
concentration. In one dog (dashed line) a rapid decrease in the Somogyi response (day 5) as sensitivity to insulin returns
the blood glucose concentration occurs within 2 hours of
to normal. The same dose of insulin is administered each
insulin administration and is followed by a rapid increase in
day (arrow).
the blood glucose concentration; the rapid decrease in
blood glucose stimulates glucose counterregulation, despite
maintaining the blood glucose nadir above 80 m g / d l . In
one dog (dotted line) the blood glucose curve is not periods o f hyperglycemia and persistence of clinical signs
suggestive of the Somogyi response, per se. However, the (Fig. 52-10). A diagnosis o f short duration o f insulin effect
insulin injection causes the blood glucose to decrease by is made b y demonstrating an initial b l o o d glucose concen
approximately 3 0 0 m g / d l during the day, and the blood tration greater than 300 mg/dl combined with a glucose
glucose concentration at the time of the evening insulin nadir above 80 mg/dl that occurs less than 8 hours after
injection is considerably lower than the 8 A M blood glucose
insulin administration and recurrence o f hyperglycemia
concentration. If a similar decrease in the blood glucose
occurs with the evening insulin injection, hypoglycemia and
(greater than 250 mg/dl) w i t h i n 10 hours o f the insulin
the Somogyi response would occur at night and would injection (see Fig. 52-7). Treatment involves changing to a
explain the high blood glucose concentration in the morning longer-acting insulin (e.g., switching to insulin glargine; Fig.
and the poor control of the diabetic state. 52-11) or increasing the frequency of insulin administration
(e.g., initiating therapy q8h). P Z I insulin of beef/pork source
should not be used i n dogs because o f potential problems
Establishing the diagnosis may require several days o f with insulin antibodies (discussed later).
hospitalization and serial blood glucose curves, an approach Prolonged duration of insulin effect. In some dia
that eventually leads to problems with stress-induced hyper betic dogs the duration o f effect o f lente or N P H insulin is
glycemia. A n alternative, preferable approach is to arbitrarily greater than 12 hours, and twice-daily insulin administra
reduce the insulin dose 1 to 5 units and have the client tion creates problems with hypoglycemia and the Somogyi
evaluate the dog's clinical response over the ensuing 2 to 5 response. In these dogs the glucose nadir after the m o r n i n g
days. If clinical signs o f diabetes worsen after a reduction i n administration o f insulin typically occurs near or after the
the insulin dose, another cause for the insulin ineffectiveness time of the evening insulin administration, and the m o r n i n g
should be pursued. However, i f the client reports no change blood glucose concentration is usually greater than 300 mg/
or improvement i n clinical signs, continued gradual reduc dl (see Fig. 52-7). The effectiveness of insulin i n lowering the
tion of the insulin dose should be pursued. Alternatively, blood glucose concentration is variable from day to day,
glycemic regulation of the diabetic dog could be started over presumably because of varying concentrations o f diabeto
using an insulin dose of 0.25 U / k g given twice daily. genic hormones, the secretion of which was induced by prior
Short duration of insulin effect. For most dogs, the hypoglycemia. Serum fructosamine concentrations are vari
duration of effect of lente and N P H insulin is 10 to 14 hours able but usually greater than 500 mol/L. A n effective treat
and twice-daily insulin administration is effective i n control ment depends, i n part, o n the duration o f effect o f the
ling blood glucose concentrations. However, i n some dia insulin. A 24-hour blood glucose curve should be generated
betic dogs the duration of effect of lente and N P H insulin is after administration of insulin once i n the m o r n i n g and
less than 10 hours, a duration that is too short to prevent feeding the dog at the normal times o f the day. This will
FIG 5 2 - 1 0
M e a n b l o o d g l u c o s e (blue line) a n d serum insulin (red line) c o n c e n t r a t i o n s in eight d o g s
with d i a b e t e s mellitus treated with a beef-pork source N P H insulin subcutaneously o n c e
d a i l y . The d u r a t i o n of N P H effect is t o o short, resulting in p r o l o n g e d p e r i o d s of hypergly
c e m i a b e g i n n i n g shortly after the e v e n i n g m e a l . T, Insulin i n j e c t i o n ; * , e q u a l - s i z e d meals

insulin at bedtime (i.e., 16 to 18 hours after the morning

insulin injection) can be tried. W h e n different types o f
insulin are used i n the same 24-hour period, the goal is to
have the combined duration o f effect o f the insulins equal
24 hours. Differences in potency of intermediate- and long-
acting insulins versus regular crystalline insulin often neces
sitate use o f different dosages for the morning and evening
insulin injection; because regular crystalline insulin is more
potent, less of it is required to get the same glycemic effect,
compared with lente, N P H , P Z I , and glargine insulin.
I n a d e q u a t e i n s u l i n a b s o r p t i o n . Slow or inadequate
absorption o f ultralente insulin was a problem in dogs and
cats, but ultralente insulin is no longer commercially avail
able. A similar problem is u n c o m m o n i n diabetic dogs
FIG 5 2 - 1 1
treated with N P H or lente insulin. Impaired absorption o f
C a t e g o r i z a t i o n of types of c o m m e r c i a l insulin b a s e d o n the
p o t e n c y a n d d u r a t i o n o f effect. A n inverse r e l a t i o n s h i p exists
insulin may also occur as a result of thickening o f the skin
b e t w e e n the p o t e n c y a n d d u r a t i o n of effect. and inflammation o f the subcutaneous tissues caused by
chronic injection o f insulin i n the same area o f the body.
Rotation o f the injection site will help prevent this
allow the clinician to estimate the duration o f effect of the problem.
insulin. If the duration o f effect is less than 16 hours, a Circulating insulin-binding antibodies. Insulin
shorter-acting insulin given twice a day or a lower dose o f antibodies result from repeated injections of a foreign protein
the same insulin given i n the evening, compared with the (i.e., insulin). The structure and amino acid sequence of the
morning insulin dose, can be tried (see Fig. 52-11). If the injected insulin relative to the native endogenous insulin
duration of effect is 16 hours or longer, switching to a longer- influence the development of insulin antibodies. Conforma
acting insulin administered once a day or administering tional insulin epitopes are believed to be more important in
N P H or lente insulin in the m o r n i n g and regular crystalline the development of insulin antibodies than differences in the
linear subunits of the insulin molecule, per se. The more glycemia. Failure o f the b l o o d glucose concentration to
divergent the insulin molecule being administered from the decrease below 300 mg/dl during a serial b l o o d glucose curve
species being treated, the greater the likelihood that signifi is suggestive of, but not definitive for, the presence o f insulin
cant amounts o f insulin antibodies will be formed. Canine, resistance. A n insulin resistance-type b l o o d glucose curve
porcine, and recombinant h u m a n insulin are similar, and can also result from stress-induced hyperglycemia, the
development o f insulin antibodies is u n c o m m o n i n dogs Somogyi response, and other problems with insulin therapy,
treated with porcine or recombinant h u m a n insulin. In con and a decrease i n the b l o o d glucose concentration below
trast, canine and beef insulin differ and serum insulin anti 300 mg/dl can occur with disorders causing relatively m i l d
bodies have been identified i n 40% to 65% o f dogs treated insulin resistance. Serum fructosamine concentrations are
with beef/pork or beef insulin. The presence of serum insulin typically greater than 500 p m o l / L i n dogs with insulin resis
antibodies is often associated with erratic and poor diabetic tance and can exceed 700 p m o l / L i f resistance is severe.
control, frequent adjustments i n the insulin dose to improve M a n y disorders can interfere with insulin action (see
control, and occasional development o f severe insulin resis Box 52-7). The most c o m m o n i n diabetic dogs include
tance. Dogs treated with porcine or recombinant h u m a n diabetogenic drugs (i.e., glucocorticoids), severe obesity,
insulin have more stable control of glycemia for extended hyperadrenocorticism, diestrus, chronic pancreatitis, renal
periods of time compared with dogs treated with beef insulin. insufficiency, oral and urinary tract infections, hyperlipid
Although u n c o m m o n , insulin antibodies can develop i n emia, and insulin antibodies i n dogs treated with beef insulin.
dogs treated with recombinant h u m a n insulin and should be Obtaining a complete history and performing a thorough
suspected as the cause of poor glycemic control when another physical examination is the most important step i n identify
cause cannot be identified. Documentation o f serum insulin ing these concurrent disorders. If the history and physical
antibodies should make use o f assays that have been vali examination are unremarkable, a C B C , serum biochemical
dated i n diabetic dogs. A switch to porcine-source insulin, a analysis, serum pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity, serum
switch to a purer form o f insulin (i.e., regular crystalline progesterone concentration (intact female dog), abdominal
insulin), or both should be considered i f insulin antibodies ultrasound, and urinalysis with bacterial culture should be
are identified in a poorly controlled diabetic dog. obtained to further screen for concurrent illness. Additional
A l l e r g i c r e a c t i o n s t o i n s u l i n . Significant reactions to tests will be dependent o n results of the initial screening tests
insulin occur i n as many as 5% o f h u m a n diabetics treated (Box 52-8).
with insulin and include erythema, pruritus, induration, and
lipoatrophy at the injection site. Allergic reactions to insulin CHRONIC COMPLICATIONS OF
have been poorly documented i n diabetic dogs and cats. Pain DIABETES MELLITUS
on injection o f insulin is usually caused by inappropriate Complications resulting from diabetes or its treatment are
injection technique, inappropriate site of injection, a reac c o m m o n i n diabetic dogs and include blindness and anterior
tion to the cold temperature o f insulin stored i n the refrig uveitis resulting from cataract formation, hypoglycemia,
erator, or issues with behavior and not an adverse reaction chronic pancreatitis, recurring infections, poor glycemic
to insulin, per se. Rarely, diabetic dogs and cats w i l l develop control, and ketoacidosis (see B o x 52-5). M a n y clients are
focal subcutaneous edema and swelling at the site o f insulin hesitant to treat their newly diagnosed diabetic dog because
injection. Insulin allergy is suspected i n these animals. Treat of knowledge regarding chronic complications experienced
ment includes switching to a less antigenic insulin and to a in h u m a n diabetics and concern that a similar fate awaits
more purified insulin preparation (e.g., regular crystalline their pet. However, clients should be assured that the devas
insulin). Systemic allergic reactions to insulin i n dogs or cats tating effects o f h u m a n diabetes (e.g., nephropathy, vascu
have yet to be identified. lopathy, coronary artery disease) require 10 to 20 years or
Concurrent disorders causing insulin resistance. longer to develop and therefore are u n c o m m o n i n diabetic
Insulin resistance is a condition i n which a n o r m a l amount dogs.
of insulin produces a subnormal biologic response. Insulin
resistance may result from problems occurring before the Cataracts
interaction of insulin with its receptor, at the receptor, or at Cataract formation is the most c o m m o n and one of the most
steps distal to the interaction o f insulin and its receptor. N o important long-term complications o f diabetes mellitus i n
insulin dose clearly defines insulin resistance. For most dia the dog. A retrospective-cohort study on the development o f
betic dogs control o f glycemia can usually be attained using cataracts i n 132 diabetic dogs referred to a university referral
1.0 U or less of N P H or lente insulin per kilogram of body hospital found cataract formation i n 14% o f dogs at the time
weight given twice daily. Insulin resistance should be sus diabetes was diagnosed and a time interval for 25%, 50%,
pected if control of glycemia is poor despite an insulin dosage 75%, and 80% o f the study population to develop cataracts
in excess of 1.5 U/kg, when excessive amounts of insulin (i.e., at 60,170,370, and 470 days, respectively (Beam et a l , 1999).
insulin dosage >1.5 U/kg) are necessary to maintain the The pathogenesis o f diabetic cataract formation is thought
blood glucose concentration below 300 mg/dl, and when to be related to altered osmotic relationships i n the lens
control o f glycemia is erratic and insulin requirements are induced by the accumulation o f sorbitol and fructose, sugars
constantly changing i n an attempt to maintain control o f that are potent hydrophilic agents and cause an influx of
and reabsorption lens proteins are exposed to the local
BOX 52-8
i m m u n e system, resulting i n inflammation and uveitis.
Diagnostic Tests to Consider for the Evaluation of Insulin Uveitis that occurs in association with a reabsorbing, hyper-
Resistance in Diabetic Dogs and Cats mature cataract may decrease the success o f cataract surgery
and must be controlled before surgery. The treatment of
Complete blood count, serum biochemistry panel, urinalysis
lens-induced uveitis focuses o n decreasing the inflammation
Bacterial culture of the urine
and preventing further intraocular damage. Topical ophthal
Plasma lipase immunoreactivity (PLI) (pancreatitis)
Serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) (exocrine pancre
mic corticosteroids are the most c o m m o n l y used drug for
atic insufficiency) the control o f ocular inflammation. However, systemic
Adrenocortical function tests absorption of topically applied corticosteroids may cause
Urine Cortisol: creatinine ratio (spontaneous insulin resistance and interfere with glycemic control of the
hyperadrenocorticism) diabetic state, especially i n toy and miniature breeds. A n
Low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (spontaneous alternative is the topical administration of nonsteroidal
hyperadrenocorticism) antiinflammatory agents (e.g., 0.03% flurbiprofen) or
ACTH-stimulation test (iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism) cyclosporine.
Thyroid function tests
Baseline serum total and free thyroxine (hypothyroidism Diabetic Neuropathy
and hyperthyroidism)
Although a c o m m o n complication i n the diabetic cat (see
Endogenous thyroid-stimulating hormone
p. 795), diabetic neuropathy is infrequently recognized in
Serum progesterone concentration (diestrus in intact female the diabetic dog. Subclinical neuropathy is probably more
dog) c o m m o n than is severe neuropathy resulting in clinical signs.
Fasting serum triglyceride concentration (hyperlipidemia) Clinical signs consistent with diabetic neuropathy are most
Plasma growth hormone or serum insulin-like growth factor c o m m o n l y recognized i n dogs that have been diabetic for a
I concentration (acromegaly) long time (i.e., 5 years or longer). Clinical signs and physical
Serum insulin concentration 24 hours after discontinuation examination findings include weakness, knuckling, abnor
of insulin therapy (insulin antibodies) mal gait, muscle atrophy, depressed limb reflexes, and deficits
Abdominal ultrasonography (adrenomegaly, adrenal mass,
i n postural reaction testing. Diabetic neuropathy in the dog
pancreatitis, pancreatic mass)
is primarily a distal polyneuropathy, characterized by seg
Thoracic radiography (cardiomegaly, neoplasia)
mental demyelination and remyelination and axonal degen
Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging
eration and regeneration. There is no specific treatment for
(pituitary mass)
diabetic neuropathy besides meticulous metabolic control of
the diabetic state.

water into the lens, leading to swelling and rupture o f the Diabetic Nephropathy
lens fibers and the development o f cataracts. Cataract forma Although diabetic nephropathy has occasionally been
tion is an irreversible process once it begins, and it can occur reported i n the dog, its clinical recognition appears to be low.
quite rapidly. Diabetic dogs that are poorly controlled and Histopathologic findings include membranous glomerulo
have problems with wide fluctuations i n the b l o o d glucose nephropathy, glomerular and tubular basement membrane
concentration seem especially at risk for rapid development thickening, an increase i n the mesangial matrix material, the
of cataracts. Blindness may be eliminated by removing the presence o f subendothelial deposits, glomerular fibrosis, and
abnormal lens. V i s i o n is restored i n approximately 75% to glomerulosclerosis. The pathogenic mechanism of diabetic
80% o f diabetic dogs that undergo cataract removal. Factors nephropathy is u n k n o w n . Clinical signs depend on the
that affect the success o f surgery include the degree o f gly severity o f glomerulosclerosis and the functional ability of
cemic control preceding surgery, presence o f retinal disease, the kidney to excrete metabolic wastes. Initially, diabetic
and presence of lens-induced uveitis. Acquired retinal degen nephropathy is manifested as proteinuria, primarily albu
eration affecting vision is more o f a concern i n older diabetic minuria. As glomerular changes progress, glomerular filtra
dogs than is diabetic retinopathy. Fortunately, acquired tion becomes progressively impaired, resulting i n the
retinal degeneration is unlikely i n an older diabetic dog with development of azotemia and eventually uremia. W i t h severe
vision immediately before cataract formation. If available, fibrosis of the glomeruli, oliguric and then anuric renal
electroretinography should be performed before surgery to failure develops. There is no specific treatment for diabetic
evaluate retinal function. nephropathy apart from meticulous metabolic control of the
diabetic state, conservative medical management of the renal
Lens-Induced Uveitis insufficiency, and control o f systemic hypertension.
D u r i n g embryogenesis the lens is formed w i t h i n its o w n
capsule, and its structural proteins are not exposed to the Systemic Hypertension
i m m u n e system. Therefore i m m u n e tolerance to the crystal Diabetes mellitus and hypertension commonly co-exist in
line proteins does not develop. D u r i n g cataract formation dogs. Struble et al. (1998) found the prevalence of hyperten-
sion to be 46% i n 50 insulin-treated diabetic dogs, i n which of amylin i n the islets as amyloid (Fig. 52-12). IAPP-derived
hypertension was defined as systolic, diastolic, or mean amyloid fibrils are cytotoxic and associated with apoptotic
blood pressure greater than 160, 100, and 120 m m H g , cell death of islet cells. If deposition of amyloid is progres
respectively. The development of hypertension was associ sive, as occurs with a sustained demand for insulin secretion
ated with the duration of diabetes and an increased albu in response to persistent insulin resistance, islet cell destruc
min : creatinine ratio i n the urine. Diastolic and mean b l o o d tion progresses and eventually leads to diabetes mellitus. The
pressure were higher i n dogs with longer duration of disease. severity of islet amyloidosis and cell destruction deter
A correlation between control of glycemia and b l o o d pres mines, i n part, whether the diabetic cat has I D D M or
sure was not identified. Treatment for hypertension should N I D D M . Total destruction of the islets results i n I D D M and
be initiated i f the systolic blood pressure is consistently the need for insulin treatment for the rest of the cat's life.
greater than 160 m m H g . Partial destruction of the islets may or may not result i n
clinically evident diabetes, insulin treatment may or may not
Prognosis be required to control glycemia, and diabetes may or may
The prognosis is dependent on the presence and reversibility not revert to a noninsulin-requiring state once treatment is
of concurrent diseases, ease of regulation of the diabetic state initiated. If amyloid deposition is progressive, the cat will
with insulin, and client commitment toward treating the progress from subclinical diabetes to N I D D M and ultimately
disease. The mean survival time i n diabetic dogs is approxi to I D D M . Current research regarding the etiopathogenesis
mately 3 years from the time of diagnosis. This survival time of diabetes i n the cat suggests that the difference between
is somewhat skewed because dogs are often 8 to 12 years o l d I D D M and N I D D M is primarily a difference i n severity of
at the time of diagnosis and a relatively high mortality rate loss o f cells and severity and reversibility of concurrent
exists during the initial 6 months because of concurrent life- insulin resistance. Cats may have I D D M or N I D D M at the
threatening or uncontrollable disease (e.g., ketoacidosis, time diabetes is diagnosed, cats with N I D D M may progress
acute pancreatitis, renal failure). Diabetic dogs that survive to I D D M with time, cats with apparent I D D M may revert to
the initial 6 months can easily maintain a good quality of life a noninsulin requiring state after initiation of treatment, and
for longer than 5 years with proper care by the clients, timely cats may flip back and forth between I D D M and N I D D M as
evaluations by the veterinarian, and good client-veterinarian severity of insulin resistance and impairment o f cell func
communication. tion waxes and wanes.
Approximately 20% of diabetic cats become transiently
diabetic, usually within 4 to 6 weeks after the diagnosis of
DIABETES MELLITUS IN CATS diabetes has been established and treatment has been initi
ated. In these cats hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and clinical
Etiology signs of diabetes resolve, and insulin treatment can be dis
C o m m o n histologic abnormalities i n cats with diabetes mel continued. Some diabetic cats may never require insulin
litus include islet-specific amyloidosis, -cell vacuolation treatment once the initial bout of clinical diabetes mellitus
and degeneration, and chronic pancreatitis. The cause of has dissipated, whereas others become permanently insulin
-cell degeneration is not k n o w n . Other diabetic cats have a dependent weeks to months after the resolution of a prior
reduction in the number of pancreatic islets and/or insulin- diabetic state. Studies suggest that cats with transient diabe
containing B cells on immunohistochemical evaluation, sug tes mellitus are i n a subclinical diabetic state that becomes
gesting additional mechanisms may be involved i n the clinical when the pancreas is stressed by exposure to a con
physiopathology of diabetes mellitus i n cats. A l t h o u g h l y m current insulin-antagonistic drug or disease, most notably
phocytic infiltration of islets, i n conjunction with islet amy glucocorticoids, megestrol acetate, and chronic pancreatitis
loidosis and vacuolation, has been described i n diabetic (Fig. 52-13). U n l i k e healthy cats, those with transient diabe
cats, this histologic finding is very u n c o m m o n , and B cell and tes mellitus have a reduced population of (3 cells, dysfunc
insulin autoantibodies have not been identified i n newly tional cells, or both, which impairs the ability of the
diagnosed diabetic cats. The role of genetics remains to be pancreas to compensate for concurrent insulin resistance. A n
determined. inadequate insulin response results i n hyperglycemia. Persis
Noninsulin-dependent type 2 diabetes may be identified tent hyperglycemia can, i n turn, cause hypoinsulinemia by
in as many as 50% to 70% of newly diagnosed diabetic cats. suppressing function of remaining cells and can induce
Islet amyloidosis and insulin resistance are important factors insulin resistance by promoting downregulation of glucose
in the development of noninsulin-dependent type 2 diabetes transport systems and causing a defect in posttransport
in cats. Islet-amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), or amylin, is the insulin action. This phenomenon is referred to as glucose
principal constituent of amyloid i n adult cats with diabetes, toxicity. cells have an impaired response to stimulation by
is stored in -cell secretory granules, and is co-secreted with insulin secretagogues, thereby m i m i c k i n g I D D M . The effects
insulin by the cell. Stimulants of insulin secretion also of glucose toxicity are potentially reversible u p o n correction
stimulate the secretion of amylin. C h r o n i c increased secre of the hyperglycemic state. The clinician makes a correct
tion of insulin and amylin, as occurs with obesity and other diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, insulin and treatment of
insulin-resistant states, results i n aggregation and deposition insulin-antagonistic disorders improve hyperglycemia and
FIG 5 2 - 1 2
A , S e v e r e islet a m y l o i d o s i s (straight arrow) in a cat with initial noninsulin-dependent
d i a b e t e s mellitus ( N I D D M ) that p r o g r e s s e d to insulin-dependent d i a b e t e s mellitus (IDDM).
A p a n c r e a t i c b i o p s y s p e c i m e n w a s o b t a i n e d w h i l e the a n i m a l w a s in the I D D M state.
R e s i d u a l cells c o n t a i n i n g insulin (red arrows) a r e a l s o present. ( I m m u n o p e r o x i d a s e stain,
x 1 0 0 . ) B, S e v e r e v a c u o l a r d e g e n e r a t i o n of islet cells. P a n c r e a t i c tissue w a s e v a l u a t e d at
n e c r o p s y 2 8 months after d i a b e t e s w a s d i a g n o s e d a n d 2 0 months after c a t p r o g r e s s e d
from N I D D M to I D D M , r e q u i r i n g insulin to control b l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n s . The c a t
d i e d from metastatic e x o c r i n e p a n c r e a t i c a d e n o c a r c i n o m a . ( H & E , x 5 0 0 . )
C, S e v e r e c h r o n i c pancreatitis with fibrosis in a d i a b e t i c cat with I D D M . The cat w a s
e u t h a n i z e d b e c a u s e o f persistent p r o b l e m s with lethargy, i n a p p e t e n c e , a n d p o o r l y
control led d i a b e t e s mellitus. ( H & E , x 1 0 0 . ) (A from F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and
feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)

insulin resistance, glucose toxicity and cell function position has been discovered, although Burmese cats may be
improve, insulin secretion returns, and an apparent I D D M overrepresented i n Australia.
state resolves. The future requirement for insulin treatment
depends o n the underlying abnormality i n the islets. If the HISTORY
abnormality is progressive (e.g., amyloidosis), eventually The history i n virtually all diabetic cats includes polydipsia,
enough cells will be destroyed and I D D M will develop. polyuria, polyphagia, and weight loss. A c o m m o n complaint
of cat owners is the constant need to change the litter and
Clinical Features an increase i n the size of the litter clumps. Additional clinical
signs include lethargy; decreased interaction with family
SIGNALMENT members; lack of grooming behavior and development of a
Although diabetes mellitus may be diagnosed i n cats of any dry, lusterless, unkempt, or matted haircoat; and decreased
age, most diabetic cats are more than 9 years old (mean 10 jumping ability, rear limb weakness, or development of a
years) at the time of diagnosis. Diabetes mellitus occurs pre plantigrade posture (Fig. 52-14). If the client does not notice
dominantly i n neutered male cats; no apparent breed predis clinical signs associated with uncomplicated diabetes, a dia-
FIG 52-13
S e q u e n c e of events in the d e v e l o p m e n t a n d resolution of a n
insulin-requiring d i a b e t i c e p i s o d e in cats with transient
diabetes. (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and
feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis,
2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)

betic cat may be at risk for developing D K A (see p. 796). The

time sequence from the onset of initial clinical signs to the
development of D K A is unpredictable.

Physical examination findings depend on the presence and FIG 52-14
severity of D K A and the nature of other concurrent disor A , P l a n t i g r a d e posture in a cat with d i a b e t e s mellitus a n d
ders. The nonketotic diabetic cat has no classic physical e x o c r i n e p a n c r e a t i c insufficiency. B, Resolution of h i n d limb
w e a k n e s s a n d p l a n t i g r a d e posture after i m p r o v i n g g l y c e m i c
examination findings. M a n y diabetic cats are obese but oth
control b y adjusting insulin t h e r a p y a n d initiating p a n c r e a t i c
erwise in good physical condition. Cats with prolonged
e n z y m e r e p l a c e m e n t therapy. C, S e v e r e d i a b e t i c n e u r o p a
untreated diabetes may have lost weight but are rarely ema thy in a cat with d i a b e t e s mellitus. N o t e the p a l m i g r a d e a n d
ciated unless concurrent disease (e.g., hyperthyroidism) is p l a n t i g r a d e posture. The more severe a n d the m o r e c h r o n i c
present. Newly diagnosed and poorly controlled diabetic cats the neuropathy, the less likely the n e u r o p a t h y w i l l i m p r o v e
often stop grooming and develop a dry, lusterless haircoat. after i m p r o v e m e n t in d i a b e t i c control.
Diabetes-induced hepatic lipidosis may cause hepatomegaly.
Impaired ability to jump, weakness i n the rear limbs, ataxia,
or a plantigrade posture (i.e., the hocks touch the ground malities may be identified i n the ketoacidotic diabetic cat
when the cat walks) may be evident if the cat has developed (see p. 796).
diabetic neuropathy. Distal muscles of the rear limbs may
feel hard on digital palpation, and cats may object to palpa Diagnosis
tion or manipulation of the rear limbs, presumably because Establishing the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is similar for
of pain associated with the neuropathy. Additional abnor cats and dogs and is based on identification of appropriate
clinical signs, persistent hyperglycemia, and glycosuria (see Treatment
p. 769). Transient, stress-induced hyperglycemia is a c o m m o n The significant incidence o f N I D D M i n cats raises interest
problem i n cats and can cause the b l o o d glucose concentra ing questions regarding the need for insulin treatment. Gly
tion to increase above 300 mg/dl. Unfortunately, stress is a cemic control can be maintained i n some diabetic cats with
subjective state that cannot be accurately measured, is not dietary changes, oral hypoglycemic drugs, control of current
always easily recognized, and may evoke inconsistent diseases, discontinuation o f insulin-antagonistic drugs, or a
responses among individual cats. Glycosuria usually does combination o f these. The ultimate differentiation between
not develop i n cats with transient stress-induced hypergly I D D M and N I D D M is usually made retrospectively, after the
cemia but can be present i f stress is prolonged (i.e., hours). clinician has had several weeks to assess the response of the
For this reason, presence of appropriate clinical signs, per cat to therapy and to determine the cat's need for insulin.
sistent hyperglycemia, and glycosuria should always be doc The initial treatment strategy is based on the severity of
umented when establishing a diagnosis o f diabetes mellitus clinical signs and physical abnormalities, presence or absence
i n cats. If the clinician is i n doubt, the stressed cat can be of ketoacidosis, general health of the cat, and client wishes.
sent home with instructions for the client to monitor the For most newly diagnosed diabetic cats, treatment includes
urine glucose concentration with the cat i n the nonstressed insulin, adjustments i n diet, and correction or control of
home environment. Alternatively, a serum fructosamine concurrent insulin resistance.
concentration can be measured (see p. 774). Documenting
an increase i n the serum fructosamine concentration sup INITIAL INSULIN RECOMMENDATIONS
ports the presence of sustained hyperglycemia; however, a FOR DIABETIC CATS
serum fructosamine concentration i n the upper range o f Diabetic cats are notoriously unpredictable in their response
n o r m a l can occur i n symptomatic diabetic cats i f the diabe to exogenous insulin. N o single type of insulin is routinely
tes developed shortly before presentation o f the cat to the effective i n maintaining control of glycemia, even with twice-
veterinarian. daily administration. The initial insulin of choice ultimately
Clinical signs develop when hyperglycemia causes glycos is based on personal preferences and experiences. C o m
uria and are the same regardless o f the functional status o f m o n l y used insulin preparations for the long-term manage
pancreatic islets. Information used to establish the diagnosis ment o f diabetic cats include human recombinant N P H ,
of diabetes mellitus does not provide information o n the porcine lente, beef/pork P Z I , and the insulin analog glargine
status o f pancreatic islet health, presence o f glucose toxicity, (see the section on overview of insulin preparations, p. 769;
ability o f the cat to secrete insulin, or the severity and revers see Fig. 52-11). A l l have potential problems in diabetic cats,
ibility o f concurrent insulin resistance. Unfortunately, mea primarily related to duration o f insulin effect, not species of
surements o f baseline serum insulin concentration or serum insulin and insulin antibody formation. Although lente and
insulin concentrations after administration o f an insulin N P H insulin are consistently and rapidly absorbed after sub
secretagogue have not been consistent aids i n differentiating cutaneous administration, the duration of effect of lente and
I D D M and N I D D M i n the cat. Identification o f a baseline especially N P H insulin can be considerably shorter than 12
serum insulin concentration greater than 15 U/ml (refer hours, resulting in inadequate control of glycemia despite
ence range, 5 to 20 U/ml) in a newly diagnosed, untreated twice-daily administration (see Table 52-2). Although PZI is
diabetic cat supports the presence o f functional cells and a longer-acting insulin, the timing o f the glucose nadir is
partial destruction of the islets; however, l o w or undetectable variable and occurs within 9 hours of PZI administration in
serum insulin concentrations do not rule out partial cell the majority o f treated diabetic cats. In one study PZI sig
loss because o f the suppressive effects o f glucose toxicity o n nificantly improved control of glycemia i n newly diagnosed
circulating insulin concentrations. diabetic cats and poorly controlled diabetic cats previously
A thorough evaluation of the cat's overall health is recom treated with ultralente or N P H insulin (Nelson et a l , 2001).
mended once the diagnosis o f diabetes mellitus has been Comparison of efficacy between P Z I and lente insulin has
established, for reasons discussed o n p. 769. The m i n i m a l not been reported.
laboratory evaluation i n any diabetic cat should include a Insulin glargine is the longest-acting commercially avail
C B C , serum biochemical panel, serum thyroxine concentra able insulin for treatment of diabetes in humans and is cur
tion, and urinalysis with bacterial culture. If available, rently a popular initial choice by veterinarians for the
abdominal ultrasound should also be a routine part of the treatment o f diabetes in cats. A n unpublished study identi
diagnostic evaluation because o f the high prevalence of fied better glycemic control and a higher diabetes remission
chronic pancreatitis i n diabetic cats. Measurement o f base rate i n newly diagnosed diabetic cats treated with glargine
line serum insulin concentration or performance of an twice a day, compared with lente or P Z I administered twice
insulin secretory response test is not routinely done i n cats a day (Weaver and Rand, 2005). Another study found no
because o f problems encountered with glucose toxicity. difference i n glycemic control i n diabetic cats treated with
Additional tests may be warranted after obtaining the history, glargine once a day versus diabetic cats treated with lente
performing the physical examination, or identifying keto insulin twice a day, and a higher diabetes remission rate in
acidosis. See B o x 52-4 for a list of potential clinical patho diabetic cats treated with lente insulin (Weaver et al., 2006).
logic abnormalities. In m y experience, the duration of effect o f glargine is quite
variable, with the glucose nadir occurring as soon as 4 hours Cats are carnivores and, as such, have higher dietary
and as late as 20 hours after administration. Glargine works protein requirements than omnivores such as humans and
well when given once or twice a day in some diabetic cats dogs. Hepatic glucokinase and hexokinase activity is lower
and does not work very well i n others. Problems are usually i n cats, compared with that for carnivores with omnivorous
related to duration o f effect (i.e., too short or too long). eating habits, and suggests that diabetic cats may be predis
Currently, my personal preference for the initial treat posed to developing higher postprandial b l o o d glucose con
ment of newly diagnosed diabetes i n cats is P Z I at an initial centrations after consumption o f diets containing a high
dose of 1 U/cat. Because the majority o f diabetic cats require carbohydrate load, and vice versa. Dietary studies in diabetic
PZI insulin twice a day, I prefer to start with twice-daily cats have documented improved control o f glycemia with
insulin therapy while the insulin dose is l o w to prevent prob diets containing increased fiber content, increased protein
lems with hypoglycemia and the Somoygi response. I switch and decreased carbohydrate content, and increased fat and
to lente insulin given twice a day if problems with prolonged decreased carbohydrate content plus treatment with the
duration of P Z I effect develop and glycemic control cannot -glucosidase inhibitor acarbose. The central theme i n these
be maintained with once-daily P Z I , and I switch to glargine dietary studies has been restriction o f carbohydrate absorp
given twice a day i f problems with short duration o f P Z I tion by the gastrointestinal tract, either by inhibiting starch
effect develop. W h e n using glargine for the treatment o f digestion (acarbose), inhibiting intestinal glucose absorption
newly diagnosed diabetic cats, I use an initial dose o f 1 unit/ (fiber), or decreasing carbohydrate ingestion (low carbohy
cat administered once a day and switch to twice-daily therapy drate-containing diets). Intuitively, the most effective means
if subsequent blood glucose evaluations support a duration to m i n i m i z e gastrointestinal absorption o f carbohydrates i n
of effect of 12 hours or less. If P Z I insulin becomes unavail the diabetic cat is to feed diets that contain m i n i m a l amounts
able, I w o u l d use porcine lente insulin at an initial dose o f of carbohydrate. Current recommendations include diets
1 U/cat twice a day in the newly diagnosed diabetic cat. with high protein and l o w carbohydrate content and diets
containing increased fiber and moderate carbohydrate
DIET content (see B o x 52-6). W h i c h diet will be most beneficial i n
The general principles for dietary therapy are listed i n B o x improving control o f glycemia i n any given diabetic cat is
52-6. Obesity, feeding practices, and content o f the diet unpredictable. The initial diet o f choice is based o n personal
warrant discussion in diabetic cats. Obesity is c o m m o n i n preference. Currently, I initially use diets containing high
diabetic cats and results from excessive caloric intake typi protein and low carbohydrate content, and i f palatability,
cally caused by free-choice feeding o f dry cat food. Obesity problems with renal insufficiency, or adverse effects become
causes reversible insulin resistance that resolves as obesity is an issue or poor control o f glycemia persists despite adjust
corrected. C o n t r o l of glycemia often improves, and some ments i n insulin therapy, a switch to one o f the fiber-
diabetic cats may revert to a subclinical diabetic state after containing diets should be considered. Diets containing high
weight reduction. Correction of obesity is difficult i n cats fat and l o w carbohydrate content (e.g., growth diets) are not
because it requires restriction o f daily caloric intake without recommended because o f concerns related to the impact o f
a corresponding increase in caloric expenditure (i.e., exer high dietary fat content o n obesity, hepatic lipidosis, chronic
cise). Although there are several diets specifically formulated pancreatitis, and insulin resistancethe latter induced by
for weight reduction i n cats, diets containing increased increased circulating concentrations o f nonesterified fatty
amounts of fiber and diets containing increased protein and acids, -hydroxybutyric acid, and triglycerides.
decreased carbohydrate should be used i n the obese diabetic
cat for reasons discussed later. The reader is referred to IDENTIFICATION A N D CONTROL OF
Chapter 54 for more information on correction o f obesity CONCURRENT PROBLEMS
in cats. Identification and correction o f concurrent disorders that
The eating habits o f cats vary considerably, from those cause insulin resistance and interfere with the success o f
cats that eat everything at the time it is offered to those that insulin therapy is critical to the successful treatment o f dia
graze throughout the day and night. The primary goal o f betes i n cats. Examples include obesity; chronic pancreatitis
dietary therapy is to minimize the impact o f a meal o n post and other chronic inflammatory diseases; infection; and
prandial blood glucose concentrations. C o n s u m i n g the same insulin-resistant disease such as hyperthyroidism, hyperad
amount o f calories i n multiple small amounts throughout a renocorticism, and acromegaly. In diabetic cats with partial
12-hour period should have less impact than consuming the loss o f B cells correction o f insulin resistance may result
calories at a single large meal. H a l f o f the cat's total daily i n reversion from an insulin-dependent to a n o n - i n s u l i n -
caloric intake should be offered at the time o f each insulin dependent or subclinical diabetic state. A n evaluation o f the
injection and remain available to the cat to consume when diabetic cat for concurrent problems is indicated at the time
it wishes. Attempts to force a grazing cat to eat the entire diabetes is diagnosed and whenever control o f glycemia
meal at one time usually fail and are not warranted as long deteriorates i n a previously well-controlled cat and should
as the cat has access to the food during the ensuing 12 hours. include a thorough history, physical examination, C B C , serum
A similar approach is taken for diabetic dogs that are finicky biochemistry panel, serum thyroxine concentration, urinaly
eaters. sis with culture, and (if available) abdominal ultrasound.
O R A L HYPOGLYCEMIC D R U G S have severe N I D D M or the early stages of I D D M . Glipizide
In the U n i t e d States, five classes o f oral hypoglycemic drugs treatment has been found effective i n improving clinical
are approved for the treatment o f N I D D M i n h u m a n beings: signs and severity of hyperglycemia in approximately 20%
sulfonylureas, meglitinides, biguanides, thiazolidinediones, of diabetic cats.
and -glucosidase inhibitors. These drugs w o r k by stimulat N o consistent parameters have been identified that allow
ing pancreatic insulin secretion (sulfonylureas, meglitinides), the clinician to prospectively determine which cats will
enhancing tissue sensitivity to insulin (biguanides, thiazoli respond to glipizide or glyburide therapy. Identifying a high
dinediones), or slowing postprandial intestinal glucose preprandial serum insulin concentration or an increase in
absorption (-glucosidase inhibitors). A l t h o u g h controver serum insulin concentration during an insulin secretagogue
sial, c h r o m i u m and vanadium are trace minerals that may test supports the diagnosis of N I D D M , but failure to identify
also function as insulin sensitizers. Studies have documented these changes does not rule out the potential for a beneficial
the efficacy o f sulfonylureas for treating diabetes i n cats and response to glipizide or glyburide. Selection of diabetic cats
-glucosidase inhibitors for i m p r o v i n g glycemic control i n for treatment with glipizide must rely heavily on the veteri
diabetic dogs. Insulin sensitizers as the sole therapeutic agent narian's assessment o f the cat's health, severity of clinical
are of questionable benefit i n diabetic dogs and cats because signs, presence or absence o f ketoacidosis, other diabetic
they require the presence o f circulating insulin to be effec complications (e.g., peripheral neuropathy), and the client's
tive. M o s t diabetic cats subsequently shown to have N I D D M desires.
have l o w or nondetectable insulin concentrations at the Glipizide (Glucotrol, Pfizer; 2.5 mg/cat administered
time diabetes is diagnosed, i n part because o f the effects q l 2 h ) and glyburide (Micronase, Pharmacia and Upjohn
of concurrent glucose toxicity o n circulating insulin
Company; 0.625 mg/cat q l 2 h ) are initially administered in
conjunction with a meal to diabetic cats that are nonketotic
and relatively healthy on physical examination (Fig. 52-15).
Sulfonylureas Each cat is examined weekly during the first month of
Sulfonylurea drugs (e.g., glipizide, glyburide) are the most therapy. A history, complete physical examination, body
c o m m o n l y used oral hypoglycemic drugs for the treatment weight, urine glucose/ ketone measurement, and blood
of diabetes mellitus i n cats. Sulfonylureas stimulate insulin glucose concentration are evaluated at each examination. If
secretion by pancreatic cells. Some endogenous pancreatic adverse reactions (Table 52-4) have not occurred after 2
insulin secretory capacity must exist for sulfonylureas to be weeks o f treatment, the glipizide and glyburide dose is
effective. Clinical response to glipizide and glyburide treat increased to 5.0 m g and 1.25 mg, respectively, q12h. Therapy
ment i n diabetic cats has been variable, ranging from excel is continued as long as the cat is stable. If euglycemia or
lent (i.e., b l o o d glucose concentrations decreasing to less hypoglycemia develops, the dose may be tapered down or
than 200 mg/dl) to partial response (i.e., clinical improve discontinued and b l o o d glucose concentrations reevaluated
ment but failure to resolve hyperglycemia) to no response. 1 week later to assess the need for the drug. If hyperglycemia
Presumably, the population o f functioning cells varies recurs, the dose is increased or the sulfonylurea is reinitiated,
from none (severe I D D M ) to near n o r m a l (mild N I D D M ) with a reduction in dose i n those cats previously developing
i n treated cats, resulting i n a response range from none to hypoglycemia. Sulfonylurea treatment is discontinued and
excellent. Cats with a partial response to glipizide have some insulin therapy initiated i f clinical signs continue to worsen,
functioning cells but not enough to decrease the b l o o d the cat becomes i l l or develops ketoacidosis or peripheral
glucose concentration to less than 200 mg/dl. These cats may neuropathy, b l o o d glucose concentrations remain greater

TABLE 52-4

Adverse Reactions to G l i p i z i d e Treatment i n Diabetic Cats


Vomiting within 1 hour of Vomiting usually subsides after 2 to 5 days of glipizide therapy; decrease dose or
administration frequency of administration if vomiting is severe; discontinue if vomiting persists >1 week
Increased serum hepatic Continue treatment and monitor enzymes every 1 to 2 weeks initially; discontinue glipizide
enzyme activities if cat becomes ill (lethargy, inappetence, vomiting) or the alanine transaminase activity
exceeds 5 0 0 IU/L
Icterus Discontinue glipizide treatment; reinstitute glipizide treatment at lower dose and frequency
of administration once icterus resolves (usually within 2 weeks); discontinue treatment
permanently if icterus recurs
Hypoglycemia Discontinue glipizide treatment; recheck blood glucose concentration in 1 week; reinstitute
glipizide therapy at lower dose or frequency of administration if hyperglycemia recurs
FIG 5 2 - 1 5
A l g o r i t h m for treating d i a b e t i c cats with the o r a l sulfonylurea d r u g , g l i p i z i d e . (From
Feldman E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St
Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)

than 300 mg/dl after 1 to 2 months of therapy, or the client cats, the drug is not c o m m o n l y used because of cost and
becomes dissatisfied with the treatment. In some cats sulfo adverse effects. Diarrhea and weight loss as a result of car
nylureas become ineffective weeks to months later, and exog bohydrate malassimilation occur i n approximately 35% of
enous insulin is ultimately required to control the diabetic treated dogs. Feeding carbohydrate-restricted diets is recom
state. Presumably, the progression to I D D M coincides with mended i n lieu of acarbose treatment in diabetic cats.
progressive loss of B cells, a loss that may be exacerbated by
sulfonylurea treatment. Regardless, the primary value of sul IDENTIFYING INITIAL INSULIN
fonylureas is an alternative palatable option (pills versus REQUIREMENTS
injections) for clients initially unwilling to consider insulin The approaches to identifying insulin requirements i n the
injections and contemplating euthanasia of their cat. D u r i n g newly diagnosed diabetic cat and dog are similar and dis
the ensuing weeks many of these clients become willing to cussed o n p. 773. M o s t clients of diabetic cats are happy with
try insulin injections i f sulfonylurea therapy fails. the response to insulin treatment i f the b l o o d glucose con
centrations range between 100 and 300 mg/dl throughout
Acarbose the day. Diabetic cats can have problems with hypoglycemia
Although the -glucosidase inhibitor acarbose has been and the Somogyi response (see p. 780) at relatively small
effective i n improving glycemic control i n diabetic dogs and doses of insulin (1 to 2 U/injection). A s such, the preference
is to have the client administer a fixed dose of insulin once the day o f the curve (typically, at the time of insulin admin
control o f glycemia is attained and discourage clients from istration and 3, 6, 9, and 12 hours later). Use of the ear prick
adjusting the insulin dose at home without first consulting technique i n cats has produced excellent results. Stress is
their veterinarian. often significantly reduced, and accuracy of the blood glucose
measurements improved. Problems with the marginal ear
Techniques for Monitoring Diabetic Control vein prick technique include overzealous clients who start
The techniques for m o n i t o r i n g diabetic control are discussed monitoring b l o o d glucose concentrations too frequently,
o n p. 774. One important factor that affects monitoring o f insulin overdosing and the Somogyi response caused by
diabetic cats is the propensity to develop stress-induced clients who interpret b l o o d glucose results and adjust the
hyperglycemia caused by frequent visits to the veterinary insulin dose independent o f input from the veterinarian,
hospital for b l o o d samplings. Once stress-induced hypergly difficulty obtaining b l o o d from the ear vein, and cats who
cemia develops, it is a perpetual problem and b l o o d glucose do not tolerate manipulation and pricking of the ear.
measurements can no longer be considered accurate. Veteri
narians must remain wary o f stress hyperglycemia i n dia Role of Serum Fructosamine in Stressed
betic cats and should take steps to prevent its development. Diabetic Cats
Micromanaging diabetic cats is not recommended, and serial The use o f serum fructosamine concentrations for assessing
b l o o d glucose curves should be done only when the clinician control of glycemia is discussed on p. 777. Serum fructos
perceives a need to change insulin therapy. The determina amine concentrations are not affected by acute transient
tion o f good versus poor control o f glycemia should be based increases i n b l o o d glucose concentration. Unlike blood
on the client's subjective o p i n i o n o f the presence and sever glucose measurements, evaluation o f serum fructosamine
ity o f clinical signs and the overall health o f the pet, ability concentration i n fractious or stressed diabetic cats provides
of the cat to j u m p , grooming behavior, findings on physical reliable objective information on the status of glycemic control
examination, and stability o f body weight. Generation o f a during the previous 2 to 3 weeks. In fractious or stressed cats
serial b l o o d glucose curve should be reserved for newly diag the clinician must make an educated guess as to where the
nosed and poorly controlled diabetic cats. problem lies (e.g., wrong type o f insulin, low insulin dose),
make an adjustment i n therapy, and rely on changes in serum
Protocol for Generating the Serial Blood fructosamine to assess the benefit o f the change in treatment.
Glucose Curve at Home Serum fructosamine concentrations can be measured before
A n alternative to hospital-generated b l o o d glucose curves is and 2 to 3 weeks after changing insulin therapy to assess the
to have the client generate the b l o o d glucose curve at home effectiveness o f the change. If changes i n insulin therapy are
using the marginal ear vein prick technique i n cats (the ear appropriate, a decrease i n serum fructosamine concentration
or lip prick technique i n dogs) and a portable home b l o o d should occur. If the serum fructosamine concentration is the
glucose monitoring device that allows the client to touch the same or has increased, the change was ineffective in improv
drop of blood on the ear with the end of the glucose test ing glycemic control, another change in therapy based on an
strip (Fig. 52-16). The marginal ear vein prick technique educated guess should be done, and the serum fructosamine
decreases the need for physical restraint during sample col measured again 2 to 3 weeks later.
lection, thereby m i n i m i z i n g the cat's discomfort and stress.
Accuracy o f blood glucose results are similar when b l o o d for INSULIN THERAPY DURING SURGERY
glucose determination is obtained by ear prick and veni The approaches to managing the diabetic cat and dog during
puncture. However, b l o o d glucose results obtained by por surgery are similar and are discussed on p. 778.
table b l o o d glucose m o n i t o r i n g devices may overestimate or,
more commonly, underestimate the actual b l o o d glucose COMPLICATIONS OF INSULIN THERAPY
values obtained with reference methods. This inherent error Complications of insulin therapy are similar for diabetic
must be considered when interpreting b l o o d glucose results dogs and cats and are discussed on p. 779. The most c o m m o n
obtained by a portable home b l o o d glucose monitoring complications of insulin therapy in the diabetic cat are recur
device. Several W e b sites explain i n detail the marginal ear ring hypoglycemia; insulin overdose, which causes the
vein prick technique i n layman's terms and provide informa Somogyi response; incorrect assessment of glycemic control
tion o n client experiences with the technique and with dif caused by stress-induced hyperglycemia; short duration of
ferent portable home b l o o d glucose meters. After diagnosing effect o f N P H ; lente and, less commonly, PZI and glargine
diabetes, the clinician should recommend a particular W e b insulin; prolonged duration o f effect o f P Z I and glargine
site and find out whether the client w o u l d be interested i n insulin; and insulin resistance caused by concurrent
monitoring b l o o d glucose concentrations at home. The cli inflammatory and hormonal disorders, most notably chronic
nician should allow for ample time to teach the technique to pancreatitis.
clients who are willing to give it a try and provide advice
regarding the proper way to perform a b l o o d glucose curve Stress Hyperglycemia
(ideally, no more frequently than 1 day every 4 weeks) and Transient hyperglycemia is a well-recognized problem in
how often to measure the b l o o d glucose concentration on fractious, scared, or otherwise stressed cats. Hyperglycemia
FIG 5 2 - 1 6
Ear prick technique for measuring b l o o d glucose concentration. A , A hot washcloth is a p p l i e d
to the p i n n a for 2 to 3 minutes to i n c r e a s e circulation to the e a r . B, A spot is identified o n
the p e r i p h e r y of the outer s i d e of the p i n n a , a small c o a t i n g of petrolatum jelly is a p p l i e d ,
a n d the spot is pricked with the lancet d e v i c e supplied with the portable b l o o d g l u c o s e meter.
G a u z e should b e p l a c e d b e t w e e n the p i n n a a n d the d i g i t h o l d i n g the p i n n a to prevent
pricking the finger if the b l a d e of the lancet a c c i d e n t a l l y passes through the p i n n a . Petrola
tum jelly is a p p l i e d to help the b l o o d form into a ball o n the p i n n a a s it s e e p s from the
site that is l a n c e d . C , Digital pressure is a p p l i e d in the a r e a of the l a n c e d skin to p r o m o t e
b l e e d i n g . The g l u c o s e test strip is t o u c h e d to the d r o p of c a p i l l a r y b l o o d that forms a n d is
r e m o v e d o n c e e n o u g h b l o o d h a s b e e n d r a w n into the test strip to activate the meter.

develops as a result of increased catecholamines and, i n therapy is invariably adjusted, often by increasing the insulin
struggling cats, lactate concentrations. B l o o d glucose con dose, and another b l o o d glucose curve recommended 1 to 2
centrations typically exceed 200 mg/dl i n affected cats, and weeks later. A vicious cycle ensues, which eventually c u l m i
values in excess o f 300 mg/dl are c o m m o n . Stress hypergly nates i n the Somogyi response, clinically apparent hypogly
cemia can significantly increase b l o o d glucose concentra cemia, or referral for evaluation of insulin resistance.
tions in diabetic cats despite the administration o f insulin, Failure to identify the presence o f stress hyperglycemia
an effect that seriously compromises the clinician's ability to and its impact on the interpretation o f b l o o d glucose mea
accurately judge the effectiveness o f the insulin injection. surements is one o f the most important reasons that the
Frequent hospitalizations and venipunctures for monitoring status o f glycemic control i n diabetic cats is misinterpreted.
blood glucose concentrations are the most c o m m o n cause o f Stress hyperglycemia should be suspected i f the cat is visibly
stress hyperglycemia. Blood glucose concentrations can upset or aggressive or struggles during restraint and the veni
remain greater than 400 mg/dl throughout the day despite puncture process. However, stress hyperglycemia can also be
administration of insulin. Failure to recognize the effect o f present i n diabetic cats that are easily removed from the cage
stress on blood glucose results may lead to the erroneous and do not resist the blood-sampling procedure. These cats
perception that the diabetic cat is poorly controlled. Insulin are scared, but rather than become aggressive, they remain
blood glucose measurements can no longer be considered
accurate. If stress hyperglycemia is suspected, reliance on
home monitoring of blood glucose or evaluation of sequen
tial serum fructosamine concentrations (see p. 792) should
be done, i n addition to the history and physical examination

Hypoglycemia, a c o m m o n complication of insulin therapy,
is discussed o n p. 779. In diabetic cats symptomatic hypo
glycemia is most apt to occur after sudden large increases in
the insulin dose, after sudden improvement i n concurrent
insulin resistance, with excessive duration of insulin action
in cats receiving insulin twice a day, after prolonged inap
petence, and i n insulin-treated cats that have reverted to
a non-insulin-dependent state. In these situations severe
hypoglycemia may occur before glucose counterregulation
(i.e., secretion o f glucagon, Cortisol, epinephrine, growth
hormone) is able to compensate for and reverse low blood
glucose concentrations. The initial treatment approach for
hypoglycemia is to discontinue insulin until hyperglycemia
recurs and then reduce the ensuing insulin dose 25% to 50%.
If hypoglycemia remains a reoccurring problem despite
reductions i n the insulin dose, excessive duration of insulin
effect (see p. 781) or reversion to a noninsulin-dependent
diabetic state should be considered. Reversion to a n o n
insulin-dependent diabetic state should be suspected i f
hypoglycemia remains a persistent problem despite admin
FIG 5 2 - 1 7 istration of small doses of insulin (i.e., 1 U or less per injec
B l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n curves in a 5 . 3 - k g m a l e c a t tion) a n d administration o f insulin once a day, i f blood
r e c e i v i n g 2 U o f r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n ultralente insulin (pink glucose concentrations are consistently below 150 mg/dl
line) 2 w e e k s after the initiation of insulin therapy, 2 U of
before insulin administration, i f serum fructosamine con
r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n ultralente insulin (blue line) 2 months
centration is less than 350 p m o l / L , or i f urine glucose test
later, a n d 6 U of r e c o m b i n a n t h u m a n ultralente insulin (red
line) 4 months later. The insulin d o s e h a d b e e n g r a d u a l l y strips are consistently negative. Insulin therapy should be
i n c r e a s e d o n the basis of the b l o o d g l u c o s e c o n c e n t r a t i o n discontinued a n d periodic urine glucose testing should be
curves. The client r e p o r t e d m i n i m a l c l i n i c a l signs r e g a r d l e s s performed i n the home environment to identify recurrence
of the insulin d o s e ; at the 4-month r e c h e c k the c a t h a d of glycosuria.
m a i n t a i n e d its b o d y w e i g h t a n d results of the p h y s i c a l
e x a n i n a t i o n w e r e n o r m a l . The c a t b e c a m e p r o g r e s s i v e l y Insulin Overdosing and the
more fractious d u r i n g e a c h h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n , s u p p o r t i n g the
existence of stress-induced h y p e r g l y c e m i a a s the r e a s o n for
Somogyi Response
the d i s c r e p a n c y b e t w e e n the b l o o d g l u c o s e v a l u e s a n d Insulin overdosing and the Somogyi response is discussed
other p a r a m e t e r s used to e v a l u a t e g l y c e m i c c o n t r o l . T, on p. 780. A similar phenomenon, characterized by wide
S u b c u t a n e o u s insulin injection a n d f o o d . (From F e l d m a n E C , fluctuations i n blood glucose concentration after which
N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocrinology and repro there are several days of persistent hyperglycemia, is recog
duction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)
nized clinically i n diabetic cats. However, the exact role of
the counterregulatory hormones remains to be clarified.
crouched i n the back of the cage, often have dilated pupils, Insulin overdose that induces the Somogyi response is one
and usually are flaccid when handled. Stress hyperglycemia of the most c o m m o n causes o f poor glycemic control i n
should also be suspected i f a disparity exists between assess diabetic cats. It can be induced with insulin doses of 1 to 2 U
ment o f glycemic control based o n results o f the history, per injection and can result i n cats receiving 10 to 15 U
physical examination, a n d stability o f body weight; assess of insulin per injection as veterinarians react to the persis
ment of glycemic control based o n results of b l o o d glucose tence o f clinical signs and increased blood glucose and
measurements; or when the initial b l o o d glucose concentra serum fructosamine concentrations. A cyclic history o f 1 or
tion measured i n the m o r n i n g is i n an acceptable range (i.e., 2 days of good glycemic control after which there are several
150 to 250 mg/dl) but subsequent b l o o d glucose concentra days of poor control should raise suspicion for insulin over
tions increase steadily throughout the day (Fig. 52-17). Once dosing and the Somogyi response. Arbitrarily decreasing the
stress hyperglycemia develops, it is a perpetual problem and insulin dose and evaluating the clinical response over the
ensuing 2 to 5 days is perhaps the best way to establish the c o m m o n i n diabetic cats treated with exogenous h u m a n
diagnosis. insulin, despite differences between h u m a n and feline insulin.
Studies identified an approximately equal frequency o f pos
Insulin Underdosing itive serum insulin antibody titers i n diabetic cats treated
Insulin underdosing is discussed on p. 780. C o n t r o l of gly with beef insulin and recombinant h u m a n insulin. In m y
cemia can be established in most diabetic cats using 1 U or experience, antiinsulin antibody titers are weakly positive i n
less of insulin/kg o f body weight administered twice each most cats that develop insulin antibodies, prevalence o f per
day. In general, insulin underdosing should be considered i f sistent titers is low, and presence o f serum insulin antibodies
the insulin dose is less than 1 U/kg/injection and the cat is do not appear to affect control of glycemia. Insulin resistance
receiving insulin twice a day. If insulin underdosing is sus caused by insulin antibody formation appears to be u n c o m
pected, the dose o f insulin should be gradually increased by m o n . Switching from recombinant h u m a n or porcine source
0.5 to 1 U/injection per week. The effectiveness of the change insulin to beef-/pork-source P Z I may improve control o f
in therapy should be evaluated by client perception o f clini glycemia i f insulin antibodies are the suspected cause for
cal response and measurement o f serum fructosamine or insulin ineffectiveness.
serial blood glucose concentrations. Other causes for poor
glycemic control should be ruled out before an increase in Concurrent Disorders Causing
the insulin dose above 1 U/kg/injection is considered. Insulin Resistance
Concurrent disorders causing insulin resistance is discussed
Short Duration of Insulin Effect on p. 783. The most c o m m o n concurrent disorders interfer
Short duration of insulin effect is discussed on p. 781. Short ing with insulin effectiveness i n cats include severe obesity,
duration of insulin effect is a c o m m o n problem i n diabetic chronic inflammation such as chronic pancreatitis and gin
cats despite twice-daily insulin administration. Short dura givitis, renal insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, and
tion of effect is most c o m m o n with N P H and lente insulin hyperadrenocorticism (see B o x 52-7). Obtaining a complete
(see Table 52-2). A diagnosis o f short duration o f insulin history and performing a thorough physical examination are
effect is made by demonstrating an initial b l o o d glucose the most important steps i n identifying these concurrent
concentration greater than 300 mg/dl combined with a disorders. If the history and physical examination are unre
glucose nadir above 80 mg/dl that occurs less than 8 hours markable, a C B C , serum biochemical analysis, serum thyrox
after insulin administration and recurrence o f hyperglycemia ine concentration, urinalysis with bacterial culture, and (if
(greater than 250 mg/dl) within 10 hours o f the insulin injec available) abdominal ultrasound should be obtained to
tion (see Fig. 52-7). Treatment involves changing to a longer- further screen for concurrent illness. A d d i t i o n a l tests will
acting insulin preparation (i.e., P Z I or glargine insulin). depend on the results o f the initial screening tests (see B o x
Prolonged Duration of Insulin Effect
Prolonged duration o f insulin effect is discussed o n p. 781. CHRONIC COMPLICATIONS OF
In diabetic cats problems with prolonged duration o f insulin DIABETES MELLITUS
effect are most c o m m o n with twice-daily administration o f C h r o n i c complications o f diabetes mellitus are discussed o n
PZI and glargine insulin. p. 783. The most c o m m o n complications i n the diabetic cat
are hypoglycemia; chronic pancreatitis; weight loss; poor
Inadequate Insulin Absorption grooming behavior causing a dry, lusterless, and unkempt
Slow or inadequate absorption o f subcutaneously deposited haircoat; and peripheral neuropathy o f the h i n d limbs,
insulin was most commonly observed i n diabetic cats receiv causing weakness, inability to j u m p , a plantigrade stance,
ing ultralente insulin, a long-acting basal insulin that had a and ataxia (see B o x 52-5). Diabetic cats are also at risk for
slow onset and prolonged duration o f effect. In affected cats ketoacidosis.
the blood glucose concentration w o u l d decrease minimally,
if at all, despite insulin doses o f 8 to 12 U/cat. Ultralente Diabetic Neuropathy
insulin is no longer commercially available. A similar problem Diabetic neuropathy is one o f the most c o m m o n chronic
has not been reported for P Z I or glargine insulin. Impaired complications o f diabetes i n cats, with a prevalence o f
and erratic absorption o f insulin may occur as a result o f approximately 10%. Clinical signs o f a co-existent neuropa
thickening of the skin and inflammation o f the subcutane thy i n the diabetic cat include weakness, impaired ability to
ous tissues caused by chronic injection o f insulin i n the same j u m p , knuckling, a plantigrade posture with the cat's hocks
area of the body. Rotation o f the injection site helps prevent touching the ground when it walks (see Fig. 52-14), muscle
this problem. atrophy, depressed l i m b reflexes, and deficits i n postural
reaction testing. Clinical signs may progress to include the
Circulating Insulin-Binding Antibodies thoracic limbs (palmigrade posture; see Fig 52-14). A b n o r
Insulin-binding antibodies are discussed on p. 782. Feline malities o n electrophysiologic testing are consistent with
and beef insulin are similar, and feline, human, and porcine demyelination at all levels o f the motor and sensory periph
insulin differ. Fortunately, insulin antibody formation is not eral nerves and include decreased motor and sensory nerve
conduction velocities i n pelvic and thoracic limbs and lipolysis to increase, thus increasing the availability of FFAs
decreased muscle action potential amplitudes. Electromyo to the liver and i n turn promoting ketogenesis. As ketones
graphic abnormalities are usually absent and, when identi continue to accumulate i n the blood, the body's buffering
fied, are consistent with denervation. The most striking system becomes overwhelmed and metabolic acidosis devel
abnormality detected o n histologic examination o f nerve ops. As ketones accumulate i n the extracellular space, the
biopsies from affected cats is Schwann cell injury; axonal amount eventually surpasses the renal tubular threshold
degeneration is identified i n severely affected cats. The cause for complete resorption and they spill into the urine, con
of diabetic neuropathy is not k n o w n . Currently, there is no tributing to the osmotic diuresis caused by glycosuria and
specific therapy. Aggressive glucoregulation with insulin may enhancing the excretion o f solutes (e.g., sodium, potassium,
improve nerve conduction and reverse the posterior weak magnesium). Insulin deficiency per se also contributes to
ness and plantigrade posture (see Fig. 52-14). However, the the excessive renal losses of water and electrolytes. The result
response to therapy is variable, and the risks o f hypoglycemia is an excessive loss o f electrolytes and water, leading to
increase with aggressive insulin treatment. Generally, the volume contraction, an underperfusion of tissues, and the
longer the neuropathy has been present and the more severe development o f prerenal azotemia. The rise in the blood
the neuropathy, the less likely it is that i m p r o v i n g glycemic glucose concentration raises plasma osmolality, and the
control will reverse the clinical signs o f neuropathy. resulting osmotic diuresis further aggravates the rise in
plasma osmolality by causing water losses i n excess of salt
Prognosis loss. The increase i n plasma osmolality causes water to
Diabetic cats and dogs have a similar prognosis (see p. 785). shift out o f cells, leading to cellular dehydration. The meta
The mean survival time i n diabetic cats is approximately 3 bolic consequences o f D K A , which include severe acidosis,
years from time o f diagnosis. However, this survival time is hyperosmolality, obligatory osmotic diuresis, dehydration,
skewed because cats are usually 8 to 12 years o l d at the time and electrolyte derangements, eventually become life
of diagnosis, and a high mortality rate exists during the first threatening.
6 months because o f concurrent life-threatening or uncon
trollable disease (e.g., ketoacidosis, pancreatitis, renal failure). Clinical Features
Diabetic cats that survive the first 6 months can easily live D K A is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus that
longer than 5 years with the disease. occurs most c o m m o n l y i n dogs and cats with diabetes that
has gone undiagnosed. Less commonly, D K A develops i n an
insulin-treated diabetic dog or cat that is receiving an inad
DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS equate dose of insulin, often occurring i n conjunction with
an infectious, inflammatory, or insulin-resistant hormonal
Etiology disorder. Because o f the close association between D K A and
The etiopathogenesis o f D K A is complex and usually affected newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, the signalment of D K A
by concurrent clinical disorders. Virtually all dogs and cats i n dogs and cats is similar to that o f nonketotic diabetics.
with D K A have a relative or absolute deficiency o f insulin. The history and physical examination findings are vari
D K A develops in some diabetic dogs and cats even though able, i n part because of the progressive nature of the disorder
they receive daily injections o f insulin, and their circulating and the variable time between the onset of D K A and client
insulin concentrations may even be increased. The "relative" recognition o f a problem. Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia,
insulin deficiency i n these animals is created by concurrent and weight loss develop initially but are either unnoticed or
insulin resistance, w h i c h i n turn is created by concurrent considered insignificant by the client. Systemic signs of
disorders such as pancreatitis, infection, or renal insuffi illness (e.g., lethargy, anorexia, vomiting) ensue as ketonemia
ciency. Increased circulating concentrations o f diabetogenic and metabolic acidosis develop and worsen, with the severity
hormones, most notably glucagon, accentuate insulin of these signs directly related to the severity of the metabolic
deficiency by p r o m o t i n g insulin resistance; stimulate lipoly acidosis and the nature of concurrent disorders that are often
sis, leading to ketogenesis; and stimulate hepatic gluconeo present. The time interval from the onset of the initial clin
genesis, w h i c h worsens hyperglycemia. ical signs o f diabetes to the development of systemic signs of
Insulin deficiency and insulin resistance, together with D K A is unpredictable and ranges from a few days to longer
increased circulating concentrations o f diabetogenic hor than 6 months. Once ketoacidosis begins to develop, however,
mones, play a critical role i n the stimulation o f ketogenesis. severe illness usually becomes evident within 7 days.
For the synthesis o f ketone bodies (i.e., acetoacetic acid, C o m m o n physical examination findings include dehy
-hydroxybutyric acid, acetone) to be enhanced, there must dration, lethargy, weakness, tachypnea, vomiting, and some
be two major alterations i n intermediary metabolism: (1) times a strong odor of acetone on the breath. Slow, deep
enhanced mobilization o f free fatty acids (FFAs) from tri breathing may be observed in animals with severe metabolic
glycerides stored i n adipose tissue and (2) a shift i n hepatic acidosis. Gastrointestinal tract signs such as vomiting and
metabolism from fat synthesis to fat oxidation and ketogen abdominal pain are c o m m o n in animals with D K A , i n part
esis. Insulin is a powerful inhibitor o f lipolysis and F F A oxi because of the c o m m o n concurrent occurrence of pancre
dation. A relative or absolute deficiency o f insulin allows atitis. Other intraabdominal disorders should also be con-
sidered and diagnostic tests (e.g., abdominal ultrasound) ketoacidotic, diabetic pet are (1) to provide adequate
performed to help identify the cause of the gastrointestinal amounts o f insulin to suppress lipolysis, ketogenesis, and
signs. hepatic gluconeogenesis; (2) to restore water and electrolyte
losses; (3) to correct acidosis; (4) to identify the factors pre
Diagnosis cipitating the present illness; and (5) to provide a carbohy
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is based on appropriate drate substrate (i.e., dextrose) when necessary to allow
clinical signs, persistent fasting hyperglycemia, and glycos continued administration o f insulin without causing hypo
uria. Documenting ketonuria with reagent test strips that glycemia (Box 52-9). Proper therapy does not mean forcing
measure acetoacetic acid (KetoDiastix; Ames Division, Miles a return to a n o r m a l state as rapidly as possible. Because
Laboratories) establishes the diagnosis of diabetic ketosis osmotic and biochemical problems can arise as a result o f
(DK), and documenting metabolic acidosis establishes the overly aggressive therapy as well as from the disease itself,
diagnosis of D K A . If ketonuria is not present but D K A is rapid changes i n various vital parameters can be as harmful
suspected, serum or urine can be tested for acetone using as, or more harmful than, no change. If all abnormal param
Acetest tablets (Ames Division, Miles Laboratories), serum eters can be slowly returned toward n o r m a l over a period of
can be tested for the presence of [3-hydroxybutyrate using a 24 to 48 hours, therapy is more likely to be successful.
benchtop chemistry analyzer, and plasma from heparinized Critically important information for formulating the
hematocrit tubes can be used to test for the presence o f initial treatment protocol include hematocrit and total
acetoacetic acid using urine reagent strips used to document plasma protein concentration; serum glucose, albumin, cre
ketonuria. (3-hydroxybutyrate and acetone are derived from atinine, and urea nitrogen concentrations; serum electro
acetoacetic acid, and commonly used urine reagent strips do lytes; venous total C O or arterial acid-base evaluation; and

not detect (3-hydroxybutyrate and acetone. However, it is urine specific gravity. Abnormalities frequently associated
extremely u n c o m m o n for D K A to develop without an excess with D K A are listed i n B o x 52-10. Once treatment for D K A
of acetoacetic acid. is initiated, additional studies, such as a C B C , serum b i o
chemistry panel, urinalysis, thoracic radiographs, and
Treatment of "Healthy" Dogs or Cats with abdominal ultrasound, or diagnostic tests for pancreatitis,
Diabetic Ketosis or Diabetic Ketoacidosis diestrus i n the female dog, hyperthyroidism, and hyperadre
If systemic signs o f illness are absent or m i l d , serious abnor nocorticism are usually warranted to identify underlying
malities are not readily identifiable on physical examination, concurrent disorders (see B o x 52-8).
and metabolic acidosis is m i l d (i.e., total venous C O or arte

rial bicarbonate concentration greater than 16 m E q / L ) , FLUID THERAPY

short-acting regular crystalline insulin can be administered Initiation of appropriate fluid therapy should be the first step
subcutaneously three times daily until the ketonuria resolves. in the treatment o f D K A . Replacement o f fluid deficiencies
Fluid therapy and intensive care are usually not needed. The and maintenance o f n o r m a l fluid balance are important to
insulin dose should be adjusted on the basis of blood glucose ensure adequate cardiac output, b l o o d pressure, and b l o o d
concentrations. T o minimize hypoglycemia, the dog or cat flow to all tissues. Improvement o f renal b l o o d flow is espe
should be fed one third o f its daily caloric intake at the time cially critical. In addition to the general beneficial aspects o f
of each insulin injection. The blood glucose and urine ketone fluid therapy i n any dehydrated animal, fluid therapy can
concentrations, as well as the animal's clinical status, should correct the deficiency i n total body sodium and potassium,
be monitored. A decrease i n the b l o o d glucose concentration dampen the potassium-lowering effect o f insulin treatment,
implies a decrease in ketone production. This, i n combina and lower the b l o o d glucose concentration in diabetics, even
tion with metabolism of ketones and loss of ketones i n urine, i n the absence o f insulin administration. Unfortunately, fluid
will usually correct ketosis within 48 to 96 hours o f initiating therapy alone does not suppress ketogenesis. For this reason,
insulin therapy. Prolonged ketonuria is suggestive o f a insulin is always required.
significant concurrent illness or inadequate b l o o d insulin The type o f parenteral fluid initially used will depend o n
concentrations to suppress lipolysis and ketogenesis. Once the animal's electrolyte status, b l o o d glucose concentration,
the ketosis has resolved and the dog or cat is stable, eating, and osmolality. M o s t dogs and cats with D K A have severe
and drinking, insulin therapy may be initiated using longer- deficits i n total body sodium, regardless o f the measured
acting insulin preparations (see pp. 765 and 788). serum concentration. Unless serum electrolyte concentra
tions dictate otherwise, the initial I V fluid of choice is 0.9%
Treatment of Sick Dogs or Cats with sodium chloride with appropriate potassium supplementa
Diabetic Ketoacidosis tion (see Table 55-1 and Table 55-2). M o s t dogs and cats with
Aggressive therapy is called for i f the dog or cat has systemic severe D K A usually are sodium depleted and therefore not
signs of illness (e.g., lethargy, anorexia, vomiting); physical suffering from dramatic hyperosmolality. Additional replace
examination reveals dehydration, depression, weakness, or a ment crystalloid solutions that could be used i f physiologic
combination of these; or metabolic acidosis is severe (i.e., (0.9%) saline was not available include Ringer's solution,
total venous CO or arterial bicarbonate concentration less
2 Ringer's lactated solution, Plasma-Lyte 148 (Baxter Health
than 12 mEq/L). The five goals o f treatment o f a severely ill care Corporation), and N o r m o s o l - R (Abbott Laboratories).
BOX 52-9

Initial Management of Dogs o r Cats w i t h Severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Fluid Therapy Low-dose intravenous infusion technique: to prepare infusion,

Type: 0.9% saline add 2.2 U / k g (dogs) or 1.1 U / k g (cats) of regular insulin
Rate: 6 0 to 100 ml/kg q24h initially; adjust based on hydra to 2 5 0 ml of 0.9% saline; run 5 0 ml through the drip set
tion status, urine output, persistence of fluid losses and discard; then administer via infusion or syringe
Potassium supplement: based on serum K concentration pump through a line separate from that used for fluid
(Table 55-1); if unknown, initially a d d KCl to provide therapy at an initial rate of 10 ml/hour; adjust infusion
4 0 mEq of KCl per liter of fluids rate according to hourly blood glucose measurements;
Phosphate supplement: not indicated until serum phosphorus switch to subcutaneous regular insulin q6-8h once blood
is less than 1.5 m g / d l , then 0.01 to 0.03 mmol phos glucose is less than 2 5 0 m g / d l or continue insulin infusion
phate/kg/hr in calcium-free intravenous fluids at a decreased rate to prevent hypoglycemia until the insulin
Dextrose supplement: not indicated until blood glucose con preparation is exchanged for a longer-acting product.
centration is less than 2 5 0 m g / d l , then begin 5% dex G o a l : gradual decline in blood glucose concentration, prefer
trose infusion ably around 7 5 m g / d l / h o u r until concentration is less
than 2 5 0 m g / d l
Bicarbonate Therapy
Indication: administer if plasma bicarbonate concentration is
Ancillary Therapy
less than 12 m E q / L or total venous C O 2 concentration is Concurrent pancreatitis is common in diabetic ketoacidosis;
less than 12 mmol/L; if not known, d o not administer nothing by mouth and aggressive fluid therapy usually
unless animal is severely ill and then only once indicated
Amount: mEq H C O - = body weight (kg) x 0.4 x (12 -
3 Concurrent infections are common in diabetic ketoacidosis; use
animal's H C O - ) x 0.5; if animal's H C O - or total C O
3 3 2 of broad-spectrum, parenteral antibiotics usually indicated
concentration is unknown, use 10 in place of (12 - Additional therapy may be needed, depending on nature of
animal's H C O - )3 concurrent disorders
Administration: a d d to intravenous fluids and give over 6
hours; do not give as bolus infusion
Patient Monitoring
Retrearment: only if plasma bicarbonate concentration Blood glucose measurement q l - 2 h initially; adjust insulin
remains less than 1 2 mEq/L after 6 hours of therapy therapy and begin dextrose infusion when decreases
below 2 5 0 m g / d l
Insulin Therapy Hydration status, respiration, pulse q2-4h; adjust fluids
Type: regular crystalline insulin accordingly
Serum electrolyte and total venous CO concentrations q6-

Administration Technique 12h; adjust fluid and bicarbonate therapy accordingly

Intermittent intramuscular technique: initial dose, 0.2 U / k g Urine output, glycosuria, ketonuria q2-4h; adjust fluid therapy
intramuscularly; then 0.1 U / k g intramuscularly hourly accordingly
until blood glucose concentration is less than 2 5 0 m g / d l ; Body weight, packed cell volume, temperature, and blood
then switch to regular insulin administered subcutaneously pressure daily
q6-8h. Additional monitoring, depending on concurrent disease

Hypotonic fluids (e.g., 0.45% saline) are rarely indicated i n fluid imbalance i n a slow but steady manner. As a general
dogs and cats with D K A , even when severe hyperosmolality rule o f thumb, a fluid rate o f 1.5 to 2 times maintenance
is present. H y p o t o n i c fluids do not provide adequate amounts (i.e., 60 to 100 ml/kg q24h) is typically chosen initially, with
of sodium to correct the sodium deficiency, restore normal subsequent adjustments based o n frequent assessment of
fluid balance, or stabilize b l o o d pressure. Rapid administra hydration status, urine output, severity of azotemia, and per
tion o f hypotonic fluids can also cause a rapid decrease i n sistence of vomiting and diarrhea.
the osmolality of extracellular fluid (ECF), which may result
in cerebral edema, deterioration i n mentation, and eventu Potassium Supplementation
ally coma. Hyperosmolality is best treated with isotonic Most dogs and cats with D K A initially have either normal or
fluids and the judicious administration o f insulin. F l u i d decreased serum potassium concentrations. D u r i n g therapy
administration should be directed at gradually replacing for D K A the serum potassium concentration decreases
hydration deficits over 24 hours while also supplying m a i n because of rehydration (dilution), insulin-mediated cellular
tenance fluid needs and matching ongoing losses. Rapid uptake of potassium (with glucose), continued urinary losses,
replacement of fluids is rarely indicated unless the dog or cat and correction of acidemia (translocation of potassium into
is in shock. Once the animal is out of this critical phase, fluid the intracellular fluid compartment; Fig. 52-18). Severe
replacement should be decreased i n an effort to correct the hypokalemia is the most c o m m o n complication that devel-
ops during the initial 24 to 36 hours of treatment of D K A . restored, urine production increases, and hyperkalemia is
Dogs and cats with hypokalemia require aggressive potas resolving.
sium replacement therapy to replace deficits and to prevent Ideally, the amount of potassium required should be
worsening, life-threatening hypokalemia after initiation of based on actual measurement of the serum potassium con
insulin therapy. The exception to potassium supplementa centration. If an accurate measurement of serum potassium
tion of fluids is hyperkalemia associated with oliguric renal is not available, 40 m E q of potassium should initially be
failure. Potassium supplementation should initially be with added to each liter of intravenous fluids. N o r m a l saline solu
held in these dogs and cats until glomerular filtration is tion does not contain potassium, and Ringer's solution con
tains 4 m E q of potassium per liter; thus these fluids should
be supplemented with 40 m E q and 36 m E q of potassium,
respectively. Subsequent adjustments i n potassium supple
BOX 52-10 mentation should be based on measurement of serum potas
sium, preferably every 6 to 8 hours until the dog or cat is
C o m m o n Clinicopathologic Abnormalities Identified i n
stable and serum electrolytes are i n the normal range.
Dogs and Cats with Diabetic Ketoacidosis

N e u t r o p h i l i c leukocytosis, signs of toxicity if septic Phosphate Supplementation

Hemoconcentration Most dogs and cats with D K A have either normal or decreased
serum phosphorus concentrations on pretreatment testing.
Hypercholesterolemia, lipemia
W i t h i n 24 hours of initiating treatment for D K A , serum
Increased a l k a l i n e p h o s p h a t a s e activity
phosphorus concentration can decline to severe levels (i.e.,
Increased a l a n i n e a m i n o t r a n s f e r a s e activity
Increased b l o o d urea nitrogen a n d serum c r e a t i n i n e c o n
<1 mg/dl) as a result of the dilutional effects of fluid therapy,
centrations the intracellular shift of phosphorus following the initia
Hyponatremia tion of insulin therapy, and continuing renal and gastroin
Hypochloremia testinal loss (see Fig. 52-18). Hypophosphatemia affects
Hypokalemia primarily the hematologic and neuromuscular systems in
M e t a b o l i c a c i d o s i s ( d e c r e a s e d total c a r b o n d i o x i d e c o n dogs and cats. Hemolytic anemia is the most c o m m o n
centration) problem and can be life threatening i f not recognized and
Hyperlipasemia treated. Weakness, ataxia, and seizures may also be observed.
Severe hypophosphatemia may be clinically silent in many
Phosphate therapy is indicated i f clinical signs or hemo
lysis are identified or if the serum phosphorus concentration
U r i n a r y tract infection
decreases to less than 1.5 mg/dl. Phosphate is supplemented

FIG 5 2 - 1 8
Redistribution of extracellular fluid (ECF) a n d intracellular fluid (ICF) h y d r o g e n , p o t a s s i u m ,
a n d p h o s p h a t e ions in r e s p o n s e to a d e c r e a s e in E C F p H (i.e., a c i d o s i s ) , a n i n c r e a s e in
E C F g l u c o s e a n d osmolality, a n d the t r a n s l o c a t i o n of w a t e r from the ICF to the E C F
c o m p a r t m e n t a n d subsequent c o r r e c t i o n of a c i d o s i s a n d the intracellular shift of g l u c o s e
a n d electrolytes with insulin treatment. A , N o r m a l E C F p H . B, E C F H c o n c e n t r a t i o n
increases d u r i n g a c i d o s i s , c a u s i n g H to m o v e into cells a n d d o w n its c o n c e n t r a t i o n
g r a d i e n t . Increase in E C F g l u c o s e a n d o s m o l a l i t y c a u s e s extracellular shift of w a t e r , K ,
+ 2 + +
a n d P O . C, E C F H c o n c e n t r a t i o n d e c r e a s e s d u r i n g c o r r e c t i o n of a c i d o s i s , c a u s i n g H

to move out of cells. Insulin a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d c o r r e c t i o n of a c i d e m i a c a u s e a n intracel

+ + 2 + +2
lular shift of g l u c o s e , K a n d P O , d e c r e a s i n g E C F K a n d PO
4 4 c o n c e n t r a t i o n . (Feldman
E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis,
2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)
by I V infusion. Potassium and sodium phosphate solutions W h e n the plasma bicarbonate concentration is 11 m E q / L
contain 3 m m o l o f phosphate and either 4.4 m E q o f potas or less (total venous C O is below 12), bicarbonate therapy

sium or 4 m E q o f sodium per milliliter. The recommended should be initiated. M a n y of these animals have severe
dosage for phosphate supplementation is 0.01 to 0.03 m m o l depression that may be a result o f concurrent severe central
of phosphate per kilogram o f body weight per hour, prefer nervous system acidosis. Metabolic acidosis should be
ably administered i n calcium-free I V fluids (e.g., 0.9% corrected slowly, thereby avoiding major alterations i n the
sodium chloride). In dogs and cats with severe hypophos p H o f the C S F . O n l y a portion o f the bicarbonate deficit
phatemia it may be necessary to increase the dosage to 0.03 is given initially over a 6-hour period. The bicarbonate
to 0.12 m m o l / k g / h o u r . Because the dose of phosphate neces deficit (i.e., the milliequivalents of bicarbonate initially
sary to replete an animal and the animal's response to therapy needed to correct acidosis to the critical level of 12 m E q / L
cannot be predicted, it is important to initially m o n i t o r the over a period o f 6 hours) is calculated by the following
serum phosphorus concentration every 8 to 12 hours and formula:
adjust the phosphate infusion accordingly. Adverse effects
mEq bicarbonate = body weight (kg) X 0.4 X (12 - animal's
from overzealous phosphate administration include iatro
bicarbonate) X 0.5
genic hypocalcemia and its associated neuromuscular signs,
hypernatremia, hypotension, and metastatic calcification. If the serum bicarbonate concentration is not known, the
Serum total or (preferably) ionized calcium concentration following formula should be used:
should be measured at the same time as serum phosphorus
mEq bicarbonate = body weight (kg) X 2
concentration and the rate o f phosphate infusion decreased
if hypocalcemia is identified. Phosphorus supplementation The difference between the animal's serum bicarbonate
is not indicated i n dogs and cats with hypercalcemia, hyper concentration and the critical value of 12 m E q / L represents
phosphatemia, oliguria, or suspected tissue necrosis. If renal the treatable base deficit i n D K A . If the animal's serum bicar
function is i n question, phosphorus supplementation should bonate concentration is not k n o w n , the number 10 should
not be done until the status o f renal function and serum be used for the treatable base deficit. The factor 0.4 corrects
phosphorus concentration are k n o w n . for the E C F space i n which bicarbonate is distributed (40%
of body weight). The factor 0.5 provides one half of the
Magnesium Supplementation required dose o f bicarbonate i n the I V infusion. This tech
Plasma total and ionized magnesium concentrations may be nique allows a conservative dose to be given over a 6-hour
within or below the reference range at the time D K A is diag period. Bicarbonate should never be given by bolus infusion.
nosed i n the dog or cat, often decrease during the initial After 6 hours o f therapy the acid-base status should be
treatment o f D K A , and typically normalize without treat reevaluated and a new dose calculated. Once the plasma
ment as the D K A resolves. Clinical signs o f hypomagnesemia bicarbonate level is greater than 12 m E q / L , further bicarbon
do not usually occur until the serum total and ionized mag ate supplementation is not indicated.
nesium concentration is less than 1.0 and 0.5 mg/dl, respec
tively, and even at these low levels many dogs and cats remain INSULIN THERAPY
asymptomatic. I do not routinely treat hypomagnesemia i n Insulin therapy is critical for the resolution of ketoacidosis.
dogs or cats with D K A unless problems with persistent leth However, overzealous insulin treatment can cause severe
argy, anorexia, weakness, or refractory hypokalemia or hypo hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, and hypoglycemia during
calcemia are encountered after 24 to 48 hours o f fluid and the first 24 hours o f treatmentproblems that can be m i n
insulin therapy and another cause for the problem cannot imized by appropriate fluid therapy, frequent monitoring of
be identified (see p. 780). serum electrolytes and b l o o d glucose concentrations, and
modification of the initial insulin treatment protocol as indi
Bicarbonate Therapy cated. Initiating appropriate fluid therapy should always be
The clinical presentation o f the dog or cat, i n conjunction the first step i n the treatment o f D K A . Delaying insulin
with the plasma bicarbonate or total venous C O concentra
2 therapy for a m i n i m u m o f 1 to 2 hours is recommended to
tion, should be used to determine the need for bicarbonate allow the benefits o f fluid therapy to begin to be realized
therapy. Bicarbonate supplementation is not recommended before the glucose, potassium, and phosphorus-lowering
when plasma bicarbonate (or total venous C O ) is 12 m E q / L
2 effects o f insulin therapy commence. Additional delays and
or greater, especially i f the animal is alert. A n alert dog or cat decisions on the initial dosage o f insulin administered are
probably has a n o r m a l or near-normal p H i n the cerebrospi based on serum electrolyte results. If the serum potassium
nal fluid (CSF). The acidosis i n these animals is corrected concentration is within the normal range after 2 hours of
through insulin and fluid therapy. Improvement i n renal fluid therapy, insulin treatment should commence as
perfusion enhances urinary loss o f ketoacids, and insulin described i n the subsequent paragraphs. If hypokalemia per
therapy markedly diminishes the production o f ketoacids. sists, insulin therapy can be delayed an additional 1 to 2
Acetoacetate and [3-hydroxybutyrate are also metabolically hours to allow fluid therapy to replenish potassium, the
usable anions, and 1 m E q o f bicarbonate is generated from initial insulin dose can be reduced to dampen the intracel
each 1 m E q o f ketoacid metabolized. lular shift o f potassium and phosphorus, or both can be
done. However, insulin therapy should be started within 4 blood glucose concentration. If the b l o o d glucose concentra
hours of initiating fluid therapy. tion dips below 150 m g / d l or rises above 300 mg/dl, the
The amount of insulin needed by an individual animal is insulin dose can be lowered or raised accordingly. Dextrose
difficult to predict. Therefore an insulin preparation with a helps m i n i m i z e problems with hypoglycemia and allows
rapid onset of action and a brief duration of effect is ideal insulin to be administered on schedule. Delaying the a d m i n
for making rapid adjustments i n the dose and frequency of istration of insulin delays correction of the ketoacidotic
administration to meet the needs of that particular dog or state.
cat. Rapid-acting regular crystalline insulin meets these cri
teria and is recommended for the treatment of D K A . Constant Low-Dose Insulin
Insulin protocols for the treatment of D K A include the Infusion Technique
hourly intramuscular technique, the continuous low-dose I V Constant I V infusion of regular crystalline insulin is also
infusion technique, and the intermittent intramuscular then effective i n decreasing b l o o d glucose concentrations. T o
subcutaneous technique. A l l three routes (IV, intramuscular, prepare the infusion, regular crystalline insulin (2.2 U / k g for
subcutaneous) of insulin administration are effective i n dogs; 1.1 U / k g for cats) is added to 250 m l of 0.9% saline
decreasing blood glucose and ketone concentrations. Suc and initially administered at a rate of 10 m l / h o u r i n a line
cessful management of D K A is not dependent o n the route separate from that used for fluid therapy. This provides an
of insulin administration. Rather, it is dependent on proper insulin infusion of 0.05 (cat) and 0.1 (dog) U/kg/hour, an
treatment of each disorder associated with D K A . infusion rate that has been shown to produce plasma insulin
concentrations between 100 and 200 U/ml i n dogs. Because
Intermittent Intramuscular Regimen insulin adheres to glass and plastic surfaces, approximately
Dogs and cats with severe D K A should receive an initial 50 m l of the insulin-containing fluid should be r u n through
regular crystalline insulin loading dose of 0.2 U / k g followed the drip set before it is administered to the animal. The rate
by 0.1 U / k g every hour thereafter. The insulin dose can be of insulin infusion can be reduced for the initial 2 to 3 hours
reduced by 25% to 50% for the first 2 to 3 injections if hypo if hypokalemia is a concern. T w o separate catheters are rec
kalemia is a concern. The insulin should be administered ommended for treatment: a peripheral catheter for insulin
into the muscles of the rear legs to ensure that the injections administration and a central catheter for fluid a d m i n
are penetrating muscle rather than fat or subcutaneous istration and b l o o d sampling. A n infusion or syringe
tissue. Diluting regular insulin 1:10 with sterile saline and p u m p should be used to ensure a constant rate of insulin
using 0.3 m l U100 insulin syringes are helpful when small infusion.
doses of insulin are required. The blood glucose concentra Adjustments i n the infusion rate are based on hourly
tion should be measured every hour using a point-of-care measurements of b l o o d glucose concentration; an hourly
chemistry analyzer or portable blood glucose monitoring decline of 50 m g / d l i n the b l o o d glucose concentration is
device and the insulin dosage adjusted accordingly. The goal ideal. Once the b l o o d glucose concentration approaches
of initial insulin therapy is to slowly lower the b l o o d glucose 250 mg/dl, the insulin infusion can be discontinued and
concentration to the range of 200 to 250 mg/dl, preferably regular insulin given every 4 to 6 hours intramuscularly or
over a 6- to 10-hour period. A n hourly decline of 50 m g / d l every 6 to 8 hours subcutaneously, as discussed for the hourly
in the blood glucose concentration is ideal. This provides a intramuscular protocol. Alternatively, the insulin infusion
steady moderate decline, with no major shifts i n osmolality. can be continued (at a decreased rate to prevent hypoglyce
A declining blood glucose concentration also ensures that mia) until the insulin preparation is exchanged for a longer-
lipolysis and the supply of FFAs for ketone production have acting product. Dextrose should be added to the I V fluids
been effectively turned off. Glucose concentrations, however, once the b l o o d glucose concentration approaches 250 mg/dl,
decrease much more rapidly than do ketone levels. In general, as discussed i n the section on hourly intramuscular insulin
hyperglycemia is corrected within 12 hours, but ketosis may technique.
take 48 to 72 hours to resolve.
Once the initial hourly insulin therapy brings the b l o o d Intermittent Intramuscular/
glucose concentration near 250 mg/dl, hourly administra Subcutaneous Technique
tion of regular insulin should be discontinued and regular The intermittent intramuscular followed by intermittent
insulin given every 4 to 6 hours intramuscularly or, if hydra subcutaneous insulin technique is less labor intensive than
tion status is good, every 6 to 8 hours subcutaneously. The the other techniques for insulin administration, but the
initial dose is usually 0.1 to 0.3 U / k g , with subsequent adjust decrease i n b l o o d glucose can be rapid and the risk of hypo
ments based on blood glucose concentrations. In addition, glycemia is greater. The initial regular crystalline insulin dose
at this point the I V infusion solution should have enough is 0.25 U / k g , administered intramuscularly. Subsequent
50% dextrose added to create a 5% dextrose solution (100 m l intramuscular injections are repeated every 4 hours. Usually,
of 50% dextrose added to each liter of fluids). The b l o o d insulin is administered intramuscularly only once or twice.
glucose concentration should be maintained between 150 Once the animal is rehydrated, the insulin is administered
and 300 mg/dl until the animal is stable and eating. Usually, subcutaneously rather than intramuscularly every 6 to 8
a 5% dextrose solution is adequate i n maintaining the desired hours. Subcutaneous administration is not recommended
initially because o f problems with insulin absorption from and improve the chances o f a successful response to therapy,
subcutaneous sites o f deposition i n a dehydrated dog or cat. all abnormal parameters should be slowly returned toward
The dosage o f intramuscular or subcutaneous insulin is normal over a period of 24 to 48 hours, the physical and
adjusted according to b l o o d glucose concentrations, which mental status of the animal must be evaluated frequently (at
initially should be measured hourly beginning with the first least three to four times daily), and biochemical parameters
intramuscular injection. A n hourly decline o f 50 m g / d l i n (e.g., b l o o d glucose, serum electrolyte, blood gas values)
the b l o o d glucose concentration is ideal. Subsequent insulin must be evaluated i n a timely fashion. D u r i n g the initial 24
dosages should be decreased by 25% to 50% i f this goal is hours the b l o o d glucose concentration should be measured
exceeded. Dextrose should be added to the I V fluids once the every 1 to 2 hours and serum electrolyte and b l o o d gas values
blood glucose concentration approaches 250 mg/dl, as measured every 6 to 8 hours, with modifications i n fluid,
discussed i n the section on hourly intramuscular insulin insulin, and bicarbonate therapy made accordingly.
Initiating Longer-Acting Insulin D K A remains one o f the most difficult metabolic therapeu
Longer-acting insulin (e.g., N P H , lente, PZI) should not tic challenges i n veterinary medicine. Despite all precautions
be administered until the dog or cat is stable; eating; and diligent therapy, a fatal outcome is sometimes inevitable.
maintaining fluid balance without any I V infusions; and no Approximately 30% of cats and dogs with severe D K A die or
longer acidotic, azotemic, or electrolyte-deficient. The initial are euthanized during the initial hospitalization. Death is
dose o f the longer-acting insulin is similar to the regular usually the result o f a severe underlying illness (e.g., oliguric
insulin dose being used just before switching to the longer- renal failure, necrotizing pancreatitis), severe metabolic aci
acting insulin. Subsequent adjustments i n the longer-acting dosis (i.e., arterial b l o o d p H less than 7), or complications
insulin dose should be based on clinical response and mea that develop during therapy (e.g., cerebral edema, hypokale
surement o f b l o o d glucose concentrations, as described mia). Nevertheless, i f logical therapy is implemented and
o n p. 775. animals are monitored carefully, a positive outcome is
Therapy for D K A frequently involves the management o f
concurrent, often serious illness. C o m m o n concurrent i l l INSULIN-SECRETING
nesses i n dogs and cats with D K A include bacterial infection; BETA-CELL NEOPLASIA
pancreatitis; congestive heart failure; renal failure; cholan
giohepatitis; and insulin-antagonistic disorders, most notably Etiology
hyperadrenocorticism, hyperthyroidism, and diestrus. It Functional tumors arising from the cells of the pancreatic
may be necessary i n such animals to modify the therapy for islets are malignant tumors that secrete insulin independent
D K A (e.g., fluid therapy i n animals with concurrent heart of the typically suppressive effects o f hypoglycemia, cell
failure) or implement additional therapy (e.g., antibiotics), tumors, however, are not completely autonomous and
depending o n the nature o f the concurrent illness. Insulin respond to provocative stimuli such as an increase in blood
therapy, however, should never be delayed or discontinued. glucose by secreting insulin, often i n excessive amounts.
Resolution o f ketoacidosis can be achieved only through Immunohistochemical analysis o f cell tumors has revealed
insulin therapy. If nothing is to be given per os, insulin therapy a high incidence o f m u l t i h o r m o n a l production, including
should be continued and the b l o o d glucose concentration pancreatic polypeptide, somatostatin, glucagon, serotonin,
maintained with I V dextrose infusions. If a concurrent and gastrin. However, insulin has been identified as the most
insulin-antagonistic disease is present, it may be necessary to c o m m o n product demonstrated within the neoplastic cells,
eliminate the disease while the animal is still ill to improve and clinical signs are primarily those that result from insulin-
insulin effectiveness and resolve the ketoacidosis. induced hypoglycemia.
Insulin-secreting cell tumors are u n c o m m o n i n dogs
COMPLICATIONS O F THERAPY FOR and rare i n cats. Virtually all cell tumors in dogs are malig
DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS nant, and most dogs have microscopic or grossly visible
Complications caused by therapy for D K A are c o m m o n and metastatic lesions at the time o f surgery. The most common
include hypoglycemia, central nervous system signs second metastatic sites are the regional lymphatics and l y m p h nodes,
ary to cerebral edema, severe hypokalemia, severe hyperna liver, and peripancreatic mesentery. Pulmonary metastasis is
tremia and hyperchloremia, and hemolytic anemia resulting u n c o m m o n and occurs late i n the disease. In most dogs
from hypophosphatemia. Complications usually result from hypoglycemia recurs weeks to months after surgical excision
overly aggressive treatment, inadequate m o n i t o r i n g o f the of the tumor. The high prevalence o f metastatic lesions at
animal's condition, and failure to reevaluate biochemical the time afflicted dogs are initially examined results, in part,
parameters i n a timely manner. D K A is a complex disorder from the typically protracted time it takes for clinical signs
that is associated with a high mortality rate i f improperly to develop and the interval between the time a client initially
managed. T o m i n i m i z e the risk of therapeutic complications observes signs and seeks assistance from a veterinarian. Most
BOX 52-1 1
Physical examination findings i n animals with cell tumors
Clinical Signs Associated with Insulin-Secreting Tumors are surprisingly unremarkable; dogs are usually free of visible
in Dogs or palpable abnormalities. Weakness and lethargy are the
most c o m m o n findings and are identified i n approximately
40% and 20% o f our cases, respectively. Collapsing episodes
and seizures may occur during the examination but are
u n c o m m o n . Weight gain is evident i n some dogs and is
probably a result o f the potent anabolic effects o f insulin.
Weight gain
Muscle fasciculations
Peripheral Neuropathy
Posterior weakness (neuropathy) Peripheral neuropathies have been observed i n dogs with p
Lethargy cell tumors and may cause paraparesis to tetraparesis; facial
Nervousness paresis to paralysis; hyporeflexia to areflexia; hypotonia; and
Bizarre behavior muscle atrophy o f the appendicular, masticatory, and/or
facial muscles. Sensory nerves may also be affected. Onset o f
* Common clinical signs.
clinical signs may be acute (i.e., days) or insidious (i.e., weeks
to months). The pathogenesis o f the polyneuropathy is not
k n o w n . Proposed theories include metabolic derangements
dogs are symptomatic for 1 to 6 months before being brought of the nerves induced by chronic and severe hypoglycemia
to a veterinarian. or some other tumor-induced metabolic deficiency, an
immune-mediated paraneoplastic syndrome resulting from
Clinical Features shared antigens between t u m o r and nerves, or toxic factors
produced by the t u m o r that deleteriously affect the nerves.
SIGNALMENT OF TREATMENT Treatment is aimed at surgical removal o f the cell tumor.
cell tumors typically occur i n middle-aged or older dogs. Prednisone therapy (initially 1 mg/kg q24h) may also
The median age at the time of diagnosis o f a cell t u m o r i n improve clinical signs.
97 dogs i n our series was 10 years with an age range o f 3 to
14 years. N o sex-related predilection is seen, cell tumors CLINICAL P A T H O L O G Y
are most commonly diagnosed i n large breeds o f dogs such Results o f the C B C and urinalysis are usually n o r m a l . The
as the German Shepherd D o g , Labrador Retriever, and only consistent abnormality identified i n serum biochemis
Golden Retriever, cell tumors have been reported i n try profiles is hypoglycemia. The median initial b l o o d glucose
Siamese and mixed-breed cats older than 10 years o f age. concentration i n 97 o f our dogs with a cell t u m o r was
38 mg/dl, with a range o f 15 to 78 mg/dl. N i n e t y percent o f
CLINICAL SIGNS the dogs had a r a n d o m b l o o d glucose concentration less
Clinical signs are caused by hypoglycemia and an increase i n than 60 mg/dl. Dogs with cell tumors occasionally have a
circulating catecholamine concentrations and include sei blood glucose concentration of 60 to 80 mg/dl. Such a finding
zures, weakness, collapse, ataxia, muscle fasciculations, and does not rule out hypoglycemia as a cause o f episodic weak
bizarre behavior (Box 52-11). The severity o f clinical signs ness or seizure activity. Fasting with hourly evaluations o f
depends on the duration and severity of hypoglycemia. Dogs the b l o o d glucose concentration should be carried out i n
with chronic hypoglycemia or with recurring episodes appear dogs with suspected hypoglycemia. The time required to
to tolerate low blood glucose concentrations (20 to 30 m g / induce hypoglycemia with fasting i n dogs with a cell t u m o r
dl) for prolonged periods without clinical signs, and only depends i n part on the extent o f disease at the time the dog
small additional changes i n the b l o o d glucose concentration is examined and ranges from a few hours to longer than 24
are then required to produce symptomatic episodes. Fasting, hours. The remainder o f the serum biochemistry profile is
excitement, exercise, and eating may trigger the development usually normal. H y p o a l b u m i n e m i a , hypophosphatemia,
of clinical signs. Because of the compensatory counterregu hypokalemia, and increased alkaline phosphatase and alanine
latory mechanisms that are designed to increase the b l o o d aminotransferase activities may occur, but these findings
glucose concentration when hypoglycemia develops, clinical are considered nonspecific and not helpful i n arriving at
signs tend to be episodic and are generally observed for only a definite diagnosis. A correlation between increased liver
a few seconds to minutes. If these counterregulatory mecha enzyme activities and metastasis o f cell tumors to the liver
nisms are inadequate, seizures occur as the b l o o d glucose has not been established.
concentration continues to decrease. Seizures are often self-
limiting, lasting from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, and may Diagnosis
stimulate further catecholamine secretion and the activation The diagnosis o f a cell tumor requires initial confirmation
of other counterregulatory mechanisms that increase the of hypoglycemia, followed by documentation o f inappropri
blood glucose concentration above critical levels. ate insulin secretion and identification o f a pancreatic mass
secretion i n normal animals, with the degree of suppression
directly related to its severity. Hypoglycemia fails to have this
same suppressive effect on insulin secretion i f the insulin is
synthesized and secreted from autonomous neoplastic cells
because tumor cells that produce and secrete insulin are less
responsive to hypoglycemia than are normal B cells. Invari
ably, the dog with a B cell tumor will have an inappropriate
excess of insulin relative to that needed for a particular blood
glucose concentration. Confidence i n identifying an inap
propriate excess of insulin depends on the severity of the
hypoglycemia; the lower the blood glucose concentration,
the more confident the clinician can be i n identifying inap
propriate hyperinsulinemia, especially when the serum
insulin concentration falls i n the normal range. If the blood
glucose concentration is l o w and the insulin concentration
is i n the upper half of the normal range or increased, the
animal has a relative or absolute excess of insulin that can
best be explained by the presence of an insulin-secreting B
cell tumor.
M o s t dogs with B cell neoplasia are persistently hypogly
cemic. If the blood glucose concentration is less than 60 mg/
dl (preferably less than 50 mg/dl), serum should be submit
ted to a commercial veterinary endocrine laboratory for
determination of glucose and insulin concentrations. If the
blood glucose concentration is greater than 60 mg/dl, fasting
may be necessary to induce hypoglycemia. Blood glucose
FIG 5 2 - 1 9 concentrations should be evaluated hourly during the fast
Ultrasonogram of the pancreas showing an islet -cell tumor and b l o o d obtained for glucose and insulin determination
(arrow) (A) and an enlarged hepatic lymph node (arrows) when the blood glucose concentration decreases to less than
(B) resulting from metastasis of the -cell tumor to the liver in 50 mg/dl. It is important to remember that blood glucose
a 9-year-old Cocker Spaniel.
results obtained from portable home blood glucose-
monitoring devices are often lower than results obtained
using benchtop methodologies. A blood sample for submis
using ultrasonography or laparotomy. Considering the sion to a commercial laboratory for glucose and insulin
potential differential diagnoses for hypoglycemia (see B o x determinations should not be obtained until the blood
52-2), a tentative diagnosis of a B cell tumor can often be glucose measured on these devices is less than 40 mg/dl.
made on the basis of the history, physical examination Once hypoglycemia has been induced, the dog can be fed
findings, and an absence of abnormalities other than hypo several small meals over the next 1 to 3 hours to prevent a
glycemia shown by routine b l o o d tests. A b d o m i n a l ultraso marked increase i n the blood glucose concentration and a
nography can be used to identify a mass i n the region of the potential postprandial reactive hypoglycemia.
pancreas and to look for evidence of potential metastatic Serum insulin concentrations must be evaluated simulta
disease i n the liver and surrounding structures (Fig. 52-19). neously i n relation to the blood glucose concentration. The
Because of the small size of most B cell tumors, abdominal serum insulin and glucose concentrations i n the healthy
ultrasonographic findings are often interpreted as normal, fasted dog are usually between 5 and 20 U/ml and 70 and
although a pancreatic mass or metastatic lesion can be found 110 mg/dl, respectively. Fnding a serum insulin concentra
at surgery. A normal abdominal ultrasonographic finding tion greater than 20 U/ml in a dog with a corresponding
does not rule out the diagnosis of a B cell tumor. A l t h o u g h blood glucose concentration less than 60 mg/dl (preferably
computed tomographic imaging was better than ultrasonog less than 50 mg/dl) i n combination with appropriate clinical
raphy or somatostatin receptor scintigraphy at identifying signs and clinicopathologic findings strongly supports the
primary tumors, false-positive identification of metastatic diagnosis of a B cell tumor. A B cell tumor is also possible
sites was unacceptably high i n one study (Robben et al., if the serum insulin concentration is i n the high-normal
2005). Thoracic radiographs are of m i n i m a l value i n docu range (10 to 20 U/ml). Insulin values i n the low-normal
menting metastatic disease, primarily because identifiable range (5 to 10 U/ml) may be found i n animals with other
metastatic nodules i n the lung occur late i n the disease. causes of hypoglycemia as well as a B cell tumor. Carefully
The diagnosis of a cell tumor is established by evaluat reviewing the history, physical examination findings, and
ing the serum insulin concentration at a time when hypo diagnostic tests results and, i f necessary, repeating serum
glycemia is present. Hypoglycemia suppresses insulin glucose and insulin measurements when hypoglycemia is
more severe will usually identify the cause of the hypoglyce
mia. A n y serum insulin concentration that is below the
normal range (typically less than 5 (U/ml) is consistent with Long-term M e d i c a l Therapy for Dogs with
insulinopenia and does not indicate the presence o f a [3 cell -Cell Neoplasia
tumor. Similar guidelines are used for cats with a suspected
cell tumor. Standard Treatments
1. Dietary therapy
Treatment a. Feed canned or dry food in three to six small meals
OVERVIEW OF TREATMENT b. Avoid foods containing monosaccharides, disaccha
Treatment options for a p cell tumor include surgical explo rides, propylene glycol and corn syrup
ration, medical treatment for chronic hypoglycemia, or both. 2. Limit exercise
3. Glucocorticoid therapy
Surgery offers a chance to cure dogs with a resectable solitary
a. Prednisone, 0.5 m g / k g divided into two doses
mass. In dogs with nonresectable tumors or w i t h obvious
metastatic lesions, removal of as m u c h abnormal tissue as
b. Gradually increase dose and frequency of adminis
possible frequently results in remission, or at least allevia tration, as needed
tion, of clinical signs and an improved response to medical c. G o a l is to control clinical signs, not to reestablish
therapy. Survival time is longer in dogs undergoing surgical euglycemia
exploration and tumor debulking followed by medical d. Consider alternative treatments if signs of iatrogenic
therapy, compared with dogs that receive only medical treat hypercortisolism become severe or glucocorticoids
ment. Despite these benefits, surgery remains a relatively become ineffective
aggressive mode of treatment, in part because o f the high
Additional Treatments
prevalence of metastatic disease, the older age o f many dogs
1. Diazoxide therapy
at the time cell neoplasia is diagnosed, and the potential
a. Continue standard treatment; reduce glucocorticoid
for postoperative pancreatitis. As a general rule, I am less
dose to minimize adverse signs
inclined to recommend surgery i n aged dogs (i.e., 12 years
b. Diazoxide, 5 m g / k g q12h initially
and older), dogs with metastatic disease identified by ultra c. Gradually increase dose as needed, not to exceed
sonography, and dogs with significant concurrent disease. 60 mg/kg/day
(See Suggested Readings for detailed information on surgical d. G o a l is to control clinical signs, not to reestablish
techniques.) euglycemia
2. Somatostatin therapy
PERIOPERATIVE M A N A G E M E N T O F a. Continue standard treatment; reduce glucocorticoid
DOGS U N D E R G O I N G SURGERY dose to minimize adverse signs
U n t i l surgery is performed, the dog or cat with a cell tumor b. Octreotide (Novartis Pharmaceuticals), 10 to 4 0 g/
dog administered subcutaneously q12h to q8h
must be protected from episodes o f severe hypoglycemia.
3. Streptozotocin therapy
This can usually be accomplished through the frequent
a. Continue standard treatment; reduce glucocorticoid
feeding of small meals and administration o f glucocorticoids dose to minimize adverse signs
(Box 52-12). The I V administration of a balanced electrolyte b. 0.9% saline diuresis for 3 hours, then streptozotocin,
solution containing 2.5% to 5% dextrose is important during 2
5 0 0 m g / m , in 0.9% saline and administered intra
the perioperative period. The goal o f the dextrose infusion venously over 2 hours, then 0.9% saline diuresis for
is to prevent clinical signs of hypoglycemia and maintain the 2 additional hours
blood glucose concentration at greater than 35 mg/dl, not to c. Administer antiemetics immediately after streptozoto
reestablish a normal blood glucose concentration. cin administration to minimize vomiting
If the dextrose infusion is ineffective i n preventing severe d. Repeat treatment every 3 weeks until hypoglycemia
hypoglycemia, a constant rate infusion o f glucagon should resolves or adverse reactions develop (e.g., pancre
atitis, renal failure)
be considered. Glucagon is a potent stimulant o f hepatic
gluconeogenesis and is effective in maintaining normal
blood glucose concentrations in dogs with cell neoplasia
when administered by constant-rate infusion. Lyophilized
glucagon U S P (1 mg) is reconstituted with the diluent pro POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS
vided by the manufacturer (Eli Lilly), and the solution is The most c o m m o n postoperative complications are pancre
added to 1 L o f 0.9% saline, making a 1 g/ml solution that atitis, hyperglycemia, and hypoglycemia. The development
can be administered by syringe p u m p . The initial dose is 5 of these complications is directly related to the expertise o f
to 10 ng/kg of body weight/minute. The dose is adjusted, as the surgeon, the location of the tumor in the pancreas (i.e.,
needed, to maintain the blood glucose concentration within peripheral lobe versus central region; Fig. 52-20), the pres
the normal range. W h e n discontinuing glucagon, the dose ence or absence o f functional metastatic lesions, and the
should be gradually decreased over 1 to 2 days. adequacy o f fluid therapy during the perioperative period.
Rarely, a dog will remain diabetic for more than a year. Client
evaluation of the pet's urine glucose level is helpful in iden
tifying when insulin therapy is no longer needed. Failure to
identify glucose i n the urine i n conjunction with the disap
pearance of polyuria and polydipsia is an indication to dis
continue insulin therapy. If hyperglycemia and glycosuria
recur, insulin therapy can be reinstituted but at a lower
Dogs that remain hypoglycemic after surgical removal of
a cell tumor have functional metastatic lesions. The dex
trose and/or glucagon infusion should be continued postop
eratively until pancreatitis has resolved (if present); the dog
is stable, eating, and drinking; and medical treatment for
chronic hypoglycemia can be initiated (see Box 52-12).


Medical treatment for chronic hypoglycemia should be initi
ated i f surgery is not performed or when clinical signs of
hypoglycemia recur following surgery. The goals of medical
treatment are to reduce the frequency and severity of clinical
signs of hypoglycemia and prevent an acute hypoglycemic
FIG 5 2 - 2 0 crisis, not to establish euglycemia, per se. Medical treatment
Tumor l o c a t i o n in 8 7 d o g s with islet -cell tumors. ( A d a p t e d is palliative and minimizes hypoglycemia by increasing the
from Feldman E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline endocri absorption of glucose from the intestinal tract (frequent
nology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B feedings); increasing hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycoge
nolysis (glucocorticoids); or inhibiting the synthesis, secre
tion, or peripheral cellular actions of insulin (glucocorticoids,
diazoxide, somatostatin; see B o x 52-12).
Severe pancreatitis occurs most c o m m o n l y with attempts to
remove tumors located i n the central region of the pancreas, Frequent Feedings
where the blood supply and pancreatic ducts are located. Frequent feedings provide a constant source of calories as a
Tumors located i n the central region of the pancreas should substrate for the excess insulin secreted by cell tumors.
be considered inoperable because of the high prevalence of Diets that are high i n fat, complex carbohydrates, and fiber
postoperative life-threatening pancreatitis despite appropri will delay gastric emptying and slow intestinal glucose
ate treatment aimed at preventing its development, includ absorption, helping to minimize the postprandial increase in
ing aggressive fluid therapy, nothing by m o u t h for up to 72 the portal blood glucose concentration and the stimulation
hours after surgery, and appropriate dietary therapy during of insulin secretion by the tumor. Simple sugars are rapidly
the ensuing week. The reader is referred to Chapter 40 for absorbed, have a potent stimulatory effect on insulin secre
information o n the treatment of pancreatitis. tion by neoplastic |3 cells, and should be avoided. A combina
The development of transient diabetes mellitus after sur tion of canned and dry dog food, fed i n three to six small
gical removal of a B cell tumor is not an indication of cure. meals daily, is recommended. Daily caloric intake should be
It is believed to result from inadequate insulin secretion by controlled because hyperinsulinemia promotes obesity.
atrophied normal B cells. Removal of all, or most, of the Exercise should be limited to short walks on a leash.
neoplastic cells acutely deprives the animal of insulin. U n t i l
the atrophied normal cells regain their secretory abilities, the Glucocorticoid Therapy
animal will be hypoinsulinemic and may require exogenous Glucocorticoid therapy should be initiated when dietary
insulin injections to maintain euglycemia. Insulin therapy is manipulations are no longer effective in preventing clinical
initiated postoperatively only i f hyperglycemia and glycos signs of hypoglycemia. Glucocorticoids antagonize the effects
uria persist for longer than 2 or 3 days beyond the time that of insulin at the cellular level, stimulate hepatic glycogenoly
all dextrose-containing I V fluids have been discontinued. sis, and indirectly provide the necessary substrates for hepatic
Initial insulin therapy should be conservativethat is, 0.25 U gluconeogenesis. Prednisone is most often used at an initial
of N P H or lente insulin per kilogram of body weight given dose of 0.25 mg/kg q l 2 h . Adjustments in the dose are based
once daily. Subsequent adjustments i n insulin therapy should on clinical response. The dose of prednisone required to
be made according to clinical response and blood glucose control clinical signs increases with time i n response to
determinations (see p. 774). The need for insulin treatment growth of the tumor and its metastatic sites. Eventually, the
is usually transient, lasting from a few days to several months. adverse effects of prednisone, specifically polyuria and poly-
dipsia, become unacceptable to clients. W h e n this occurs, the dogs treated medically was because many clients opted for
dose of prednisone should be reduced but not stopped and euthanasia when seizures recurred or signs o f iatrogenic
additional therapy considered. hyperadrenocorticism developed. The extent to which
surgery can alter the prognosis depends o n the clinical stage
Diazoxide Therapy of the disease, most notably the extent o f metastatic lesions.
Diazoxide (Proglycem; Baker N o r t o n Pharmaceuticals) is a Approximately 10% to 15% o f dogs undergoing surgery for
benzothiadiazide diuretic that inhibits insulin secretion, a cell tumor die or are euthanized at the time o f or within
stimulates hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, and 1 m o n t h o f surgery because o f metastatic disease causing
inhibits tissue use of glucose. The net effect is hyperglycemia. postoperative hypoglycemia that is refractory to medical
Unfortunately, diazoxide is difficult to procure and is expen management or because o f complications related to pancre
sive. The initial dose is 5 mg/kg q l 2 h . The dose is adjusted atitis. A n additional 20% to 25% o f dogs die or are eutha
according to clinical response but should not exceed 60 mg/ nized within 6 months o f surgery because of recurrence of
kg/day. The most c o m m o n adverse reactions to diazoxide are clinical hypoglycemia that is refractory to medical manage
anorexia and vomiting. Administering the drug with a meal ment. The remaining 60% to 70% live beyond 6 months
or decreasing the dose, at least temporarily, is usually effec postoperatively, many beyond 1 year after surgery, before
tive in controlling adverse gastrointestinal signs. uncontrollable hypoglycemia develops, resulting i n death or
necessitating euthanasia. Additional surgery to debulk meta
Somatostatin Therapy static lesions may improve the animal's responsiveness to
medical therapy and prolong the survival time i n some dogs
Octreotide (Sandostatin; Novartis Pharmaceuticals) is an
that become nonresponsive to medical treatment after the
analog of somatostatin that inhibits the synthesis and secre
initial surgery.
tion of insulin by normal and neoplastic p cells. The respon
siveness o f cell tumors to the suppressive effects o f
octreotide depends on the presence o f membrane receptors
for somatostatin on the tumor cells. Octreotide at a dose o f GASTRIN-SECRETING NEOPLASIA
10 to 40 g/dog, administered subcutaneously two to three
times a day, has alleviated hypoglycemia i n approximately Gastrin-secreting tumors (gastrinomas) are functional
40% to 50% of treated dogs. Adverse reactions have not been malignant tumors usually located i n the pancreas o f dogs
seen at these doses. Octreotide is not a viable option for most and cats. Sites o f metastasis include the liver, regional l y m p h
clients because o f cost. nodes, spleen, and mesentery. Clinical signs result from the
consequences o f excess gastric hydrochloric acid secretion i n
Streptozotocin Therapy response to excess secretion o f gastrin by the tumor.
Streptozotocin is a naturally occurring nitrosourea that
selectively destroys pancreatic cells. The treatment proto Clinical Features
col for cell tumors i n dogs involves a 0.9% saline diuresis The most consistent clinical signs are chronic vomiting,
for 7 hours with streptozotocin (500 mg/m ) administered weight loss, anorexia, and diarrhea i n an older animal (Box
over a 2-hour period beginning 3 hours after initiating the 52-13). Gastric and duodenal ulcers and esophagitis are
diuresis. Antiemetics are administered immediately after c o m m o n and may cause hematemesis, hematochezia, melena,
streptozotocin administration to minimize vomiting. Strep and regurgitation. Acidification of intestinal contents may
tozotocin treatment is repeated every 3 weeks. The effective inactivate pancreatic digestive enzymes, precipitate bile salts,
ness of streptozotocin i n improving hypoglycemia, controlling
clinical signs, and prolonging survival time has been vari
able. Adverse reactions o f streptozotocin treatment include
vomiting, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, and renal failure. BOX 52-13
Renal failure is less likely when the drug is administered
Clinical Signs o f Gastrinoma i n Dogs and Cats
during fluid diuresis as described previously. (See M o o r e
et al. [2002] in Suggested Readings for more information Vomiting*
on the use o f streptozotocin i n treating cell neoplasia Anorexia*
in dogs.) Lethargy, depression*
Prognosis Weight loss*

The long-term prognosis for cell neoplasia is guarded to Melena

poor. Survival time is dependent, i n part, on the willingness
of the client to treat the disease. T o b i n et al. (1999) reported
a median survival time after diagnosis o f only 74 days (range
Abdominal pain
8 to 508 days) i n dogs treated medically, compared with 381 Hematochezia
days (range 20 to 1758 days) in dogs that initially underwent
surgery at a tertiary care center. The short survival time for * Common clinical signs.
interfere with formation of chylomicrons, and damage intes diagnoses for increased serum gastrin concentration include
tinal mucosal cells. Diarrhea with malabsorption and steat gastric outflow tract obstruction, renal failure, short-bowel
orrhea may develop as a consequence. Findings o n physical syndrome, chronic gastritis, hepatic disease, and animals
examination include lethargy, fever, dehydration, abdominal receiving antacid therapy (e.g., H -receptor antagonists,

pain, and shock i f b l o o d loss is severe or ulcers have perfo proton p u m p inhibitors). Baseline serum gastrin concentra
rated. Potential abnormalities identified o n a C B C include a tions may vary, with occasional values i n the reference range
regenerative anemia, hypoproteinemia, and neutrophilic i n animals with gastrinoma. Provocative testing (e.g., secre
leukocytosis. Abnormalities i n the serum biochemistry panel tin stimulation test, calcium challenge test) may be consid
include hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypocalcemia, ered i n dogs strongly suspected of having gastrinoma but
and m i l d increases i n serum alanine aminotransferase and with normal baseline serum gastrin concentrations. Explor
alkaline phosphatase activities. Hyponatremia, hypochlore atory laparotomy should also be considered. (See Suggested
mia, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis may develop i n Readings for more information o n provocative testing).
dogs and cats that vomit frequently. Hyperglycemia and
hypoglycemia have been noted i n a few cases. The urinalysis Treatment
is usually unremarkable. Treatment should be directed at surgical excision of the
A b d o m i n a l radiographs are usually normal. If an ulcer tumor and control of gastric acid hypersecretion. Gastroin
has perforated through the serosal surface, radiographic testinal tract ulceration can usually be managed by reducing
signs consistent with peritonitis may be present. Contrast- gastric hyperacidity through the administration of H -recep

enhanced radiographic studies may show gastric or duode tor antagonists (e.g., ranitidine, famotidine), proton pump
nal ulcers; thickening of the gastric rugal folds, pyloric inhibitors (e.g., omeprazole), gastrointestinal tract protec
antrum, or intestine; and the rapid intestinal transit of tants (e.g., sucralfate), or prostaglandin E1 analogs (e.g.,
barium. In an animal with concurrent severe esophagitis, misoprostol). (See Chapter 30 for more information on these
secondary megaesophagus or aberrant, nonperistaltic esoph gastrointestinal tract drugs.) Surgical resection of an ulcer
ageal motility may be identified fluoroscopically. Ultrasono may be required, especially i f the ulcer has perforated the
graphic evaluation of the abdomen may identify a pancreatic bowel. Surgical resection of the tumor is necessary to obtain
mass or its metastasis. However, gastrinomas vary tremen a cure, although metastasis to the liver, regional lymph nodes,
dously i n size and may not be detected with ultrasound. and mesentery is c o m m o n . Even i f metastatic disease is
Gastroduodenoscopy may reveal severe esophagitis and present, tumor debulking may enhance the success of medical
ulceration, especially near the cardia. Gastric rugal folds may therapy.
be thickened. Gastric and duodenal hyperemia, erosions, or
ulcerations are often visible. Histologic evaluation of esoph Prognosis
ageal, gastric, and duodenal biopsy specimens may be normal The long-term prognosis for gastrinoma is guarded to poor.
or may reveal variable degrees of inflammation consisting of Evidence of metastasis was present i n 76% of reported dogs
infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils, and cats at the time a gastrinoma was diagnosed. Reported
gastric mucosal hypertrophy, fibrosis, and loss of the mucosal survival time i n dogs and cats treated surgically, medically,
barrier. or both ranged from 1 week to 18 months (mean, 4.8
months). However, the short-term prognosis has improved
Diagnosis with the advent of drugs that can reduce gastric hyperacidity
Gastrinoma should be included among the differential diag (e.g., ranitidine, famotidine) and protect and promote
noses for any dog or cat with melena or hematemesis or in healing of the ulcers (e.g., sucralfate, misoprostol).
which severe gastric and duodenal ulceration is identified.
Unless a pancreatic mass is identified by ultrasonography,
Suggested Readings
most dogs and cats with gastrinoma will inadvertently be
Feldman EC, Nelson RW: Canine and feline endocrinology and
diagnosed with severe inflammatory bowel disease, gastro
reproduction, ed 3, St Louis, 2004, WB Saunders.
duodenal erosions, and ulcers, and they will be treated with
Fossum TW: Small animal surgery, ed 3, St Louis, 2007, Mosby.
inhibitors of gastric acid secretion, mucosal protectants, Slatter D: Textbook ofsmall animal surgery, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2003,
antibiotics, and changes i n diet. The probability of a gastri WB Saunders.
n o m a increases if ultrasonography reveals a pancreatic mass,
the dog or cat does not respond to medical therapy directed DIABETES MELLITUS

at nonspecific inflammation and ulceration of the gastroin Alt N et al: Day-to-day variability of blood glucose concentration
curves generated at home in cats with diabetes mellitus, ] Am Vet
testinal tract, or clinical signs and gastrointestinal tract
Med Assoc 230:1011, 2007.
ulceration recur after antiulcer therapy is discontinued. A
Beam S et al: A retrospective-cohort study on the development of
definitive diagnosis of gastrinoma requires histologic and cataracts in dogs with diabetes mellitus: 200 cases, Vet Ophthal
immunocytochemical evaluation of a pancreatic mass mol 2:169, 1999.
excised at surgery. Finding increased baseline serum gastrin Bennett N et al: Comparison of a low carbohydrate-low fiber diet
concentrations from b l o o d obtained after an overnight fast and a moderate carbohydrate-high fiber diet in the management
increases the suspicion of gastrinoma. Additional differential of feline diabetes mellitus, / Fel Med Surg 8:73, 2006.
Briggs C et al: Reliability of history and physical examination Weaver K E et al: Use of glargine and lente insulins in cats with
findings for assessing control of glycemia in dogs with diabetes diabetes mellitus, / Vet Intern Med 20:234, 2006.
mellitus: 53 cases (1995-1998), J Am Vet Med Assoc 217:48, 2000. Wess G et al: Assessment of five portable blood glucose meters for
Casella M et al: Home-monitoring of blood glucose in cats with use in cats, Am / Vet Res 61:1587, 2000.
diabetes mellitus: evaluation over a 4-month period, / Fel Med Wess G et al: Capillary blood sampling from the ear of dogs and
Surg 7:163, 2004. cats and use of portable meters to measure glucose concentra
Cohn LA et al: Assessment of five portable blood glucose meters, a tion, / Small Anim Pract 41:60, 2000.
point-of-care analyzer, and color test strips for measuring blood
glucose concentration in dogs, / Am Vet Med Assoc 216:198, DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS
2000. Brady M A et al: Evaluating the use of plasma hematocrit
Davison LJ et al: Anti-insulin antibodies in dogs with naturally samples to detect ketones utilizing urine dipstick colorimetric
occurring diabetes mellitus, Vet Immunol Immunopath 91:53, methodology in diabetic dogs and cats, / Vet Emerg Crit Care
2003. 13:1, 2003.
Feldman EC et al: Intensive 50-week evaluation of glipizide admin Bruskiewicz K A et al: Diabetic ketosis and ketoacidosis in cats: 42
istration in 50 cats with previously untreated diabetes mellitus, cases (1980-1995), J Am Vet Med Assoc 211:188, 1997.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 210:772, 1997. Duarte R et al: Accuracy of serum (3-hydroxybutyrate measure
Frank G et al: Use of a high-protein diet in the management of ments for the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis in 116 dogs, / Vet
feline diabetes mellitus, Vet Therap 2:238, 2001. Intern Med 16:411, 2002.
Goossens M et al: Response to insulin treatment and survival in Fincham SC et al: Evaluation of plasma-ionized magnesium con
diabetic cats: 104 cases (1985-1995), / Vet Intern Med 12:1, 1998. centration in 122 dogs with diabetes mellitus: A retrospective
Graham PA et al: Influence of a high fibre diet on glycaemic control study, / Vet Intern Med 18:612, 2004.
and quality of life in dogs with diabetes mellitus, / Small Anim Hume D Z et al: Outcome of dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis: 127
Pract 43:67, 2003. cases (1993-2003), / Vet Intern Med 20:547, 2006.
Guptill L et al: Is canine diabetes on the increase? In Recent advances Norris CR et al: Serum total and ionized magnesium concentra
in clinical management of diabetes mellitus, Dayton, Ohio, 1999, tions and urinary fractional excretion of magnesium in cats with
lams Co, p 24. diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis, I Am Vet Med Assoc
Hess RS et al: Effect of insulin dosage on glycemic response in dogs 215:1455, 1999.
with diabetes mellitus: 221 cases (1993-1998), J Am VetMed Assoc
Hess RS et al: Breed distribution of dogs with diabetes mellitus Fischer JR et al: Glucagon constant-rate infusion: a novel strategy
admitted to a tertiary care facility, J Am Vet Med Assoc 216:1414, for the management of hyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemic crisis in
2000. the dog, / Am Anim Hosp Assoc 36:27, 2000.
Monroe W E et al: Efficacy and safety of a purified porcine insulin Moore AS et al: A diuresis protocol for administration of strepto-
zinc suspension for managing diabetes mellitus in dogs, / Vet zotocin to dogs with pancreatic islet cell tumors, / Am Vet Med
Intern Med 19:675, 2005. Assoc 221:811, 2002.
Nelson RW et al: Effect of dietary insoluble fiber on control of Polton GA et al: Improved survival in a retrospective cohort of 28
glycemia in dogs with naturally acquired diabetes mellitus, J Am dogs with insulinoma, / Sm Anim Pract 48:151, 2007.
Vet Med Assoc 212:380, 1998. Robben JH et al: Comparison of ultrasonography, computed
Nelson RW et al: Transient clinical diabetes mellitus in cats: 10 cases tomography, and single-photon emission computed tomography
(1989-1991), / Vet Intern Med 13:28, 1998. for the detection and localization of canine insulinoma, / Vet
Nelson RW et al: Effect of dietary insoluble fiber on control of Intern Med 19:15, 2005.
glycemia in cats with naturally acquired diabetes mellitus, / Am Tobin RL et al: Outcome of surgical versus medical treatment of
Vet Med Assoc 216:1082, 2000. dogs with beta-cell neoplasia: 39 cases (1990-1997), J Am VetMed
Nelson RW et al: Efficacy of protamine zinc insulin for treatment Assoc 215:226, 1999.
of diabetes mellitus in cats, J Am Vet Med Assoc 218:38, 2001.
Struble A L et al: Systemic hypertension and proteinuria in dogs GASTRINOMA
with naturally occurring diabetes mellitus, / Am Vet Med Assoe, Simpson KW: Gastrinoma in dogs. In Bonagura JD, editor: Kirk's
213:822, 1998. current veterinary therapy XIII, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders.

Disorders of the
Adrenal Gland


Pituitary-Dependent Hyperadrenocorticism Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease) is classified as
Adrenocortical T u m o r s pituitary dependent, adrenocortical dependent, or iatrogenic
Iatrogenic Hyperadrenocorticism (i.e., resulting from excessive administration of glucocorti
coids by the veterinarian or client).
Clinical Signs
Pituitary M a c r o t u m o r Syndrome
Medical Complications: Pulmonary
Thromboembolism Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism ( P D H ) is the
Clinical Pathology most c o m m o n cause of spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism,
Diagnostic Imaging accounting for approximately 80% to 85% of cases. A func
Tests o f the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis tional adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting
Mitotane pituitary t u m o r is found at necropsy in approximately 85%
Trilostane of dogs with P D H . A d e n o m a of the pars distalis is the most
Ketoconazole c o m m o n histologic finding, with a smaller percentage of
L-Deprenyl dogs diagnosed with adenoma o f the pars intermedia and a
Adrenalectomy few dogs diagnosed with functional pituitary carcinoma.
Radiation Therapy Approximately 50% of dogs with P D H have pituitary tumors
less than 3 m m i n diameter, and most of the remaining dogs,
specifically those without central nervous system (CNS)
Clinical Signs and Physical Examination Findings signs, have tumors 3 to 10 m m in diameter at the time P D H
Clinical Pathology is diagnosed. Approximately 10% to 20% o f dogs have pitu
Diagnostic Imaging itary tumors (i.e., macro tumors) exceeding 10 m m in diam
Tests of the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis eter at the time P D H is diagnosed. These tumors have the
potential to compress or invade adjacent structures and
Signalment cause neurologic signs as they expand dorsally into the hypo
Clinical Signs and Physical Examination Findings thalamus and thalamus (Fig. 53-1).
Clinical Pathology Excessive secretion of A C T H causes bilateral adrenocorti
Electrocardiography cal hyperplasia and excess Cortisol secretion from the adrenal
Diagnostic Imaging cortex (Fig. 53-2). Because normal feedback inhibition of
Therapy for Acute A d d i s o n i a n Crisis A C T H secretion by Cortisol is missing, excessive A C T H
Maintenance Therapy for Primary Adrenal secretion persists despite increased adrenocortical secretion
Insufficiency of Cortisol. Episodic secretion o f A C T H and Cortisol is
ATYPICAL H Y P O A D R E N O C O R T I C I S M c o m m o n and results in fluctuating plasma concentrations
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA that may at times be within the reference range.
Adrenocortical tumors (ATs) account for the remaining 15%
to 20% o f dogs with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism.
FIG 53-1
A , A 10-year-old m a l e castrated m i x e d - b r e e d d o g with pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o
corticism. Initial c l i n i c a l signs of p o l y u r i a , p o l y d i p s i a , a n d e n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a p r o g r e s s e d
to severe stupor, a n o r e x i a , a d i p s i a , w e i g h t loss, a n d loss of b o d y temperature r e g u l a t i o n .
B, Cross-section of the b r a i n from the d o g in A s h o w i n g a pituitary m a c r o a d e n o m a that is
severely c o m p r e s s i n g the s u r r o u n d i n g b r a i n structures.

FIG 53-2
The pituitary-adrenocortical a x i s in d o g s with a functioning a d r e n o c o r t i c a l tumor (AT; left)
a n d in d o g s with pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m ( P D H ; right). Excess Cortisol
secretion from a n AT c a u s e s pituitary s u p p r e s s i o n , d e c r e a s e d p l a s m a a d r e n o c o r t i c o t r o p i c
h o r m o n e ( A C T H ) c o n c e n t r a t i o n , a n d a t r o p h y of the contralateral a d r e n a l g l a n d . D o g s with
P D H h a v e excess A C T H secretion, usually from a functional pituitary a d e n o m a , w h i c h
causes bilateral a d r e n o m e g a l y a n d e x c e s s p l a s m a Cortisol c o n c e n t r a t i o n s .

Adrenocortical adenoma and carcinoma occur with equal Bilateral A T s can occur in dogs but are rare. A nonfunc
frequency. There are no consistent clinical or biochemical tional A T or an A T causing hyperadrenocorticism and a
features that help distinguish dogs with functional adrenal pheochromocytoma i n the contralateral gland is a more
adenomas from those with adrenal carcinomas, although c o m m o n cause of bilateral adrenal masses i n dogs. Mac
carcinomas tend to be larger than adenomas on abdominal ronodular hyperplasia of the adrenals has also been identified
ultrasound. Adrenocortical carcinomas may invade adjacent in dogs. The adrenals i n such animals are usually grossly
structures (e.g., phrenicoabdominal vein, caudal vena cava, enlarged, with multiple nodules of varying sizes within the
kidney) or metastasize to the liver and lung. adrenal cortex. The exact pathogenesis of this latter syn-
drome is unclear, although most cases i n dogs are presumed pecia, m i l d muscle weakness, and lethargy (Fig. 53-3; Table
to represent an anatomic variant o f P D H . Increased plasma 53-1). M o s t dogs exhibit several, but not all, of these clinical
17-OH-progesterone concentrations have also been docu signs. The more signs evident i n the history, the greater the
mented i n dogs with an adrenal mass and clinical manifesta index o f suspicion for hyperadrenocorticism. Additional
tions o f hyperadrenocorticism but n o r m a l plasma Cortisol findings on physical examination (see Table 53-1) help
concentrations after administration o f A C T H or dexameth establish the diagnosis.
asone (see the section on atypical Cushing's syndrome, Dogs are occasionally seen because of isolated polyuria
p. 830). and polydipsia, bilaterally symmetric endocrine alopecia, or
Adrenocortical tumors causing hyperadrenocorticism panting. There may be no other historic or physical exami
( A T H s ) are autonomous and functional and randomly nation findings consistent with hyperadrenocorticism. The
secrete excessive amounts o f Cortisol independent o f p i t u diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism is not readily apparent
itary control. The Cortisol produced by these tumors sup in these dogs. Fortunately, hyperadrenocorticism is a dif
presses circulating plasma A C T H concentrations, causing ferential diagnosis for polyuria and polydipsia, endocrine
cortical atrophy o f the uninvolved adrenal and atrophy o f all alopecia, and panting and will be identified as the clinician
normal cells i n the involved adrenal (see Fig. 53-2). This works through the differentials for these problems. Similarly,
atrophy creates asymmetry i n the size o f the adrenal glands, hyperadrenocorticism causes insulin resistance and can
w h i c h can be identified by abdominal ultrasonography. lead to the development of diabetes mellitus. Clinical signs
Most, i f not all, of these tumors appear to retain A C T H (other than polyuria and polydipsia) and physical examina
receptors and respond to administration o f exogenous tion findings suggestive o f hyperadrenocorticism are often
A C T H . A T H s are typically unresponsive to manipulation o f missing i n diabetic dogs with concurrent hyperadrenocorti
the hypothalamic-pituitary axis with glucocorticoids such as cism. A clinical suspicion for hyperadrenocorticism develops
dexamethasone. after critical evaluation o f routine blood test results (e.g.,
increased serum alkaline phosphatase [ALP] activity, isos
IATROGENIC HYPERADRENOCORTICISM thenuric urine) or after resistance to insulin treatment is
Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism typically results from the identified.
excessive administration of glucocorticoids to control aller
gic or immune-mediated disorders. It can also develop as a
result of the administration o f eye, ear, or skin medications
containing glucocorticoids, especially i n small dogs (weight
less than 10 kg) receiving them long term. Because the hypo TABLE 53-1
thalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis is normal, the pro
longed excessive administration of glucocorticoids suppresses Clinical Signs and Physical Examination Findings in Dogs
circulating plasma A C T H concentrations, causing bilateral with Hyperadrenocorticism
adrenocortical atrophy. In these animals A C T H stimulation PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
test results are consistent with spontaneous hypoadrenocor CLINICAL SIGNS FINDINGS
ticism despite clinical signs o f hyperadrenocorticism.
Polyuria, polydipsia* Endocrine alopecia*
Clinical Features Polyphagia* Epidermal atrophy*
Panting* Comedones*
SIGNALMENT Abdominal enlargement* Cutaneous

Hyperadrenocorticism typically develops i n dogs 6 years o f Endocrine alopecia* hyperpig mentation *

Weakness* Calcinosis cutis
age and older (median age 10 years) but has been docu
Lethargy Abdominal enlargement*
mented i n dogs as y o u n g as 1 year. There is no apparent
Calcinosis cutis Hepatomegaly*
sex-related predisposition, although A T appears to be diag
Cutaneous Muscle wasting*
nosed more c o m m o n l y i n female dogs. P D H and A T H have
hyperpigmentation Bruising
been diagnosed i n numerous breeds. A l l Poodle breeds, Neurologic signs (PMA) Testicular atrophy
Dachshunds, various Terrier breeds, G e r m a n Shepherd Dogs, Stupor Failure to cycle (intact
Beagles, and Labrador Retrievers are c o m m o n l y represented, Ataxia female)
and Boxers and Boston Terriers appear to be at increased risk Circling Neurologic signs (PMA)
for P D H . P D H tends to occur more frequently i n smaller Aimless wandering Dyspnea (pulmonary
dogs; 75% o f dogs with P D H weigh less than 20 kg. A p p r o x Pacing thromboemboli)
imately 50% o f dogs with functional A T H weigh more than Behavioral alterations Facial nerve paralysis
20 kg. Respiratory distress-dyspnea Myotonia
(pulmonary thromboemboli)
Stiff gait (myotonia)
The most c o m m o n clinical signs are polyuria, polydipsia, * Common findings.
polyphagia, panting, abdominal enlargement, endocrine alo PMA, Pituitary macroadenoma.
FIG 5 3 - 3
A , A 1-year-old male M i n i a t u r e P o o d l e with pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m
(PDH). N o t e the truncal distribution of the e n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a with the pot-bellied a p p e a r
a n c e . B, A 9-year-old male castrated m i x e d - b r e e d d o g with P D H . N o t e the severe laxity
of the ligaments, resulting in h y p e r e x t e n s i o n of the c a r p a l ligaments a n d a m b u l a t i o n o n
the hocks. A "rat t a i l " has a l s o d e v e l o p e d a n d is a f i n d i n g a l s o a s s o c i a t e d with hypothy
r o i d i s m . C, A n 8-year-old male castrated C h i h u a h u a with P D H . N o t e the pot-bellied
a p p e a r a n c e a n d severe c a l c i n o s i s cutis. D, A 7-year-old S t a n d a r d P o o d l e with P D H . The
p r i m a r y o w n e r c o m p l a i n t s at presentation w e r e p o l y u r i a , p o l y d i p s i a , a n d p r o g r e s s i v e l y
w o r s e n i n g symmetric e n d o c r i n e a l o p e c i a . E, A n adult m i x e d - b r e e d d o g with P D H . The
p r i m a r y o w n e r c o m p l a i n t s w e r e p o l y u r i a , p o l y d i p s i a , e x c e s s i v e p a n t i n g , a n d severe
w e a k n e s s of the rear limbs. N o t e the a b s e n c e of hair g r o w t h o n the ventral a b d o m e n ,
w h i c h h a d b e e n s h a v e d for a n a b d o m i n a l ultrasound 2 months b e f o r e presentation.
FIG 5 3 - 4
A , P o s t g a d o l i n i u m a d m i n i s t r a t i o n m a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e i m a g i n g (MRI) s c a n of a 9-year-old
m a l e c a s t r a t e d G e r m a n S h e p h e r d D o g with p i t u i t a r y - d e p e n d e n t h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m
(PDH) a n d a pituitary mass (arrow). There w e r e no n e u r o l o g i c signs present at the time the
MRI s c a n w a s p e r f o r m e d . B, P o s t g a d o l i n i u m a d m i n i s t r a t i o n M R I s c a n of a n 8-year-old
Boston Terrier with P D H , a l a r g e pituitary mass i n v a d i n g the b r a i n s t e m , a n d signs of
d i s o r i e n t a t i o n , a t a x i a , a n d c i r c l i n g . (From F e l d m a n E C , N e l s o n R W : Canine and feline
endocrinology and reproduction, e d 3 , St Louis, 2 0 0 4 , W B Saunders.)


Neurologic signs may develop i n dogs with P D H as a result
of expansion o f the pituitary tumor into the hypothalamus Medical Complications Associated with
and thalamus (see Fig. 53-1). Neurologic signs may be Hyperadrenocorticism i n Dogs
present at the time P D H is diagnosed but usually develop 6
Systemic hypertension
months or longer after P D H is identified. The most c o m m o n Pyelonephritis
neurologic sign is a dull, listless attitude (i.e., stupor). A d d i C y s t i c c a l c u l i (calcium p h o s p h a t e , oxalate)
tional signs of pituitary macroadenoma include inappetence, Glomerulonephropathy, proteinuria
aimless wandering, pacing, ataxia, head pressing, circling, C o n g e s t i v e heart failure
and behavioral alterations. In the event of severe compres Pancreatitis
sion of the hypothalamus, abnormalities related to dysfunc D i a b e t e s mellitus
tion o f the autonomic nervous system develop, including Pulmonary thromboembolism
adipsia, loss of temperature regulation, erratic heart rate, and Pituitary m a c r o t u m o r s y n d r o m e

inability to be roused from a sleeplike state. Identification of

a pituitary macrotumor requires computed tomography
(CT) or magnetic resonance imaging ( M R I ; Fig. 53-4). There factors, and an increased hematocrit value. Clinical signs of
are no biochemical or endocrine test results that reliably P T E include acute respiratory distress; orthopnea; and, less
correlate with the size of the pituitary tumor. commonly, a jugular pulse. Thoracic radiographs may reveal
no abnormalities, or they may show hypoperfusion, alveolar
MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS: pulmonary infiltrates, or a pleural effusion. There may be an
PULMONARY THROMBOEMBOLISM increased diameter and blunting of the pulmonary arteries,
Several medical complications can develop secondary to pro absence o f perfusion o f the obstructed pulmonary vascula
longed Cortisol excess (Box 53-1). The most worrisome is ture, and overperfusion of the unobstructed pulmonary vas
pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE), which generally occurs culature. N o r m a l thoracic radiograph findings in a dyspneic
in dogs undergoing adrenalectomy for A T . T h r o m b o e m b o l i dog that does not have a large airway obstruction suggest a
may also affect the kidney, gastrointestinal tract, heart, and diagnosis of PTE. Arterial blood gas analysis typically reveals
C N S . There is no apparent correlation between control o f a decrease i n the partial pressures of arterial oxygen and
hyperadrenocorticism and development of thromboemboli. carbon dioxide, and m i l d metabolic acidosis. Thrombosis
Factors predisposing to the development of P T E in dogs with may be confirmed by angiography of the lungs or by radio-
hyperadrenocorticism include inhibition o f fibrinolysis (cor nuclear lung scanning. Therapy consists of general support
ticosteroids stimulate the release o f plasminogen activator ive care, oxygen, anticoagulants, and time (see Chapter 12).
inhibitors), systemic hypertension, protein-losing glomeru The prognosis for dogs with P T E is guarded to grave. If dogs
lonephropathy, decreased serum antithrombin III concen do recover, it typically takes 5 to 10 days before they can be
trations, increased concentrations o f several coagulation safely removed from oxygen support.
Diagnosis congestive heart failure, and neoplasia as well as in dogs
A thorough evaluation should be done i n any dog suspected receiving certain drugs (e.g., anticonvulsants). However,
of having hyperadrenocorticism and should include a c o m finding no SIAP i n the serum may be of diagnostic value in
plete blood count ( C B C ) ; serum biochemistry panel; u r i ruling out hyperadrenocorticism.
nalysis with bacterial culture; and, i f available, abdominal Urine specific gravity is typically less than 1.020 i n dogs
ultrasonography. Results of these tests will increase or with hyperadrenocorticism that have free access to water.
decrease the index of suspicion for hyperadrenocorticism; Water-deprived hyperadrenal dogs maintain the ability to
identify c o m m o n concurrent problems (e.g., urinary tract concentrate urine, although usually the concentrating ability
infection); and, i n the case of ultrasonography, provide valu remains less than normal. A s such, urine specific gravities of
able information for localizing the cause of the disorder 1.025 to 1.035 may be identified i f urine is obtained after
(i.e., P D H versus A T ) . Endocrine studies required to confirm water has been withheld from the dog.
the diagnosis and localize the cause of the disorder can then Proteinuria is a c o m m o n finding i n dogs with untreated
be performed. hyperadrenocorticism. Proteinuria may be caused by gluco
corticoid-induced systemic and glomerular hypertension,
CLINICAL PATHOLOGY glomerulonephritis, or glomerulosclerosis. U r i n e protein :
C o m m o n clinicopathologic alterations caused by hyper creatinine ratios are usually less than 4, although values i n
adrenocorticism are listed i n Box 53-2. A n increase i n A L P excess of 8 have been identified. Proteinuria decreases and
activity and cholesterol concentration is the most reliable often resolves i n response to treatment of hyperadrenocorti
indicator of hyperadrenocorticism. The major contributor cism.
to increased serum A L P is the corticosteroid-induced isoen U r i n a r y tract infection is a c o m m o n sequela of hyperad
zyme of A L P derived from the bile canalicular membrane of renocorticism. Hyposthenuria and the antiinflammatory
hepatocytes. Approximately 85% of dogs with hyperadreno effects of glucocorticoids c o m m o n l y interfere with the
corticism have A L P activities that exceed 150 I U / L ; values i n identification of bacteria or inflammatory cells in the urine.
excess of 1000 I U / L are c o m m o n , and values i n excess of Whenever hyperadrenocorticism is suspected, antepubic
10,000 I U / L are occasionally identified. There is no correla cystocentesis with bacterial culture of the urine and antibi
tion between the magnitude of increase i n serum A L P activ otic sensitivity testing is strongly recommended, regardless
ity and the severity of hyperadrenocorticism, response to of the urinalysis findings.
therapy, or prognosis. There is also no correlation between
the magnitude of increase i n serum A L P activity and hepa DIAGNOSTIC I M A G I N G
tocellular death or hepatic failure. The A L P activity can be Abnormalities identified by thoracic and abdominal radiog
normal in some dogs with hyperadrenocorticism, and an raphy and by abdominal ultrasonography are listed i n Box
increase i n A L P activity by itself is not diagnostic for hyper 53-3. The most consistent radiographic findings i n dogs with
adrenocorticism. Similarly, an increase i n the activity of the hyperadrenocorticism are enhanced abdominal contrast sec
corticosteroid-induced isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase ondary to increased fat distribution i n the abdomen; hepa
(SIAP) is not a finding specific to hyperadrenocorticism or tomegaly caused by steroid hepatopathy; an enlarged urinary
exogenous glucocorticoid administration; an increase i n bladder secondary to the polyuric state; and dystrophic
SIAP activity occurs c o m m o n l y with many disorders, includ calcification of the trachea, bronchi, and occasionally the
ing diabetes mellitus, primary hepatopathies, pancreatitis, skin and abdominal blood vessels. The most important but
least c o m m o n radiographic finding is a soft-tissue mass or
calcification i n the area of an adrenal gland (Fig. 53-5). These
BOX 53-2 findings are suggestive of an adrenal tumor. Approximately
50% of A T H are calcified; the frequency of calcification is
Clinicopathologic Abnormalities C o m m o n l y Identified i n equally distributed between adenoma and carcinoma. Metas
Dogs with Hyperadrenocorticism tasis of an adrenocortical carcinoma to the pulmonary paren
Neutrophilic leukocytosis chyma is occasionally evident on thoracic radiographs.
Eosinopenia A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography is used to evaluate the size
Lymphopenia and shape of the adrenals and to search for additional abnor
Mild erythrocytosis malities i n the abdomen (e.g., cystic calculi, tumor throm
Increased alkaline phosphatase activity bus; Fig. 53-6). F i n d i n g bilaterally symmetric normal-size or
Increased alanine aminotransferase activity large adrenals (defined as having a m a x i m u m width greater
Hypercholesterolemia than 0.8 cm) i n a dog with hyperadrenocorticism is evidence
for adrenal hyperplasia caused by P D H . The adrenal glands
i n dogs with P D H are similar but not exactly the same i n size
Hyposthenuria, isosthenuria
and shape; should have smooth, not irregular borders; can
Urinary tract infection
exceed 2 c m i n m a x i m u m width; may have a bulbous cranial
Mild increase in pre- and postprandial bile acids or caudal pole; and do not invade surrounding b l o o d vessels
or organs (see Fig. 53-6). A n A T is typically identified as an
Abnormalities Identified b y A b d o m i n a l and Thoracic Radiography and A b d o m i n a l Ultrasonography i n Dogs with

Abdominal Radiographs A l v e o l a r infiltrates

Excellent a b d o m i n a l detail E n l a r g e d right p u l m o n a r y artery
Hepatomegaly* Right-sided c a r d i o m e g a l y
Distention of u r i n a r y b l a d d e r * Pleural effusion
Cystic calculi
A d r e n a l mass
Abdominal Ultrasonography
Calcified adrenal gland Bilateral a d r e n o m e g a l y ( P D H ) *
Dystrophic c a l c i f i c a t i o n of soft tissues, c a l c i n o s i s cutis A d r e n a l mass (ATH)*
O s t e o p o r o s i s of v e r t e b r a e Tumor thrombus (ATH)
Thoracic Radiographs H y p e r e c h o g e n i c liver*
C a l c i f i c a t i o n of t r a c h e a a n d b r o n c h i * Distention of u r i n a r y b l a d d e r *
O s t e o p o r o s i s of v e r t e b r a e Cystic calculi
P u l m o n a r y metastases from a d r e n o c o r t i c a l c a r c i n o m a C a l c i f i c a t i o n of a d r e n a l g l a n d (ATH)
Pulmonary thromboembolism Dystrophic c a l c i f i c a t i o n of soft tissues
H y p o v a s c u l a r lung fields

PDH, Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; ATH, adrenocortical tumor causing hyperadrenocorticism.

* Common findings.

FIG 5 3 - 5
A , Lateral r a d i o g r a p h from a d o g with a d r e n a l - d e p e n d e n t h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m s h o w i n g
a c a l c i f i e d a d r e n a l mass c r a n i a l to the k i d n e y (arrow). B, V e n t r o d o r s a l r a d i o g r a p h from a
d o g with a d r e n a l - d e p e n d e n t h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m s h o w i n g a c a l c i f i e d a d r e n a l mass
c r a n i o m e d i a l to the k i d n e y a n d lateral to the s p i n e (arrow). C o m p r e s s i o n of the a b d o m e n
in the r e g i o n of the a d r e n a l g l a n d with a p a d d l e has e n h a n c e d r a d i o g r a p h i c contrast,
a l l o w i n g better v i s u a l i z a t i o n of the a d r e n a l mass.

adrenal mass (Fig. 53-7). Size is quite variable, ranging from invasion into adjacent blood vessels and organs may occur
1.5 to greater than 8 c m i n m a x i m u m width. Small adrenal (Fig. 53-8). These changes suggest adrenocortical carcinoma.
masses (i.e., less than 3 c m i n m a x i m u m width) often main Identification of calcification within the mass does not dif
tain a smooth contour and may distort only a portion of the ferentiate adenoma from carcinoma. Generally, the larger the
adrenal gland; one or both poles of the adrenal gland may mass, the more likely it is carcinoma. Asymmetry i n the size
still appear normal. W i t h large adrenal masses (typically of the adrenal glands is evident (see Fig. 53-2). Ideally, the
greater than 3 c m i n m a x i m u m width), the adrenal gland contralateral unaffected adrenal should be small or unde
usually becomes distorted and unrecognizable, the contour tectable (maximum width typically less than 0.3 cm) as a
of the gland becomes irregular, and compression and/or result of A T - i n d u c e d adrenocortical atrophy (see Fig. 53-7),
FIG 53-6
Ultrasound i m a g e s of the a d r e n a l g l a n d in three d o g s with pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e
nocorticism (PDH) illustrating the differences in s i z e a n d s h a p e of the a d r e n a l g l a n d that
c a n o c c u r with P D H . A , The a d r e n a l g l a n d in this d o g has m a i n t a i n e d the t y p i c a l kidney-
b e a n s h a p e often identified in n o r m a l d o g s . H o w e v e r , the m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r of the g l a n d
w a s e n l a r g e d at 0 . 8 5 c m . The c o n t r a l a t e r a l a d r e n a l g l a n d w a s similar in s i z e a n d s h a p e .
B, The a d r e n a l g l a n d in this d o g is uniformly t h i c k e n e d a n d a p p e a r s p l u m p rather than
k i d n e y - b e a n s h a p e d . The m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r of the g l a n d w a s 1.2 c m . The c o n t r a l a t e r a l
a d r e n a l g l a n d w a s similar in s i z e a n d s h a p e . C, A l t h o u g h the a d r e n a l g l a n d has m a i n
t a i n e d s o m e s e m b l a n c e of a k i d n e y - b e a n s h a p e in this d o g , the g l a n d has u n d e r g o n e
m a r k e d e n l a r g e m e n t , with a m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r of 2 . 4 c m . The contralateral a d r e n a l
g l a n d w a s similar in s i z e a n d s h a p e .

although a normal-size contralateral adrenal gland does not of macronodular hyperplasia (Fig. 53-10). Bilateral adrenal
rule out hyperadrenocorticism caused by A T . Identification macronodular hyperplasia is believed to represent an ana
of an adrenal mass and a normal-to-large contralateral tomic variant of P D H . Failure to identify either adrenal is
adrenal gland i n a dog with clinical signs supportive of considered an inconclusive finding, and ultrasonography
hyperadrenocorticism suggests the possibility of P D H and a should be repeated at a later time.
concurrent adrenal mass that may be a pheochromocytoma, C T and M R I can be used to evaluate the pituitary gland
a functional adrenocortical tumor, or a nonfunctional A T for a macroadenoma and assess the size and symmetry of
(Fig. 53-9). Finding normal-size adrenal glands i n a dog with the adrenal glands. Contrast enhancement using an iodin
confirmed hyperadrenocorticism is most consistent with a ated contrast agent (CT) or gadolinium ( M R I ) given by con
diagnosis of P D H . Finding bilateral adrenomegaly with the tinuous intravenous (IV) infusion during the imaging
appearance of multiple nodules of varying size is suggestive procedure aids i n the identification of a pituitary macroad-
FIG 5 3 - 7
U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e s of the a d r e n a l g l a n d s in a n 11-year-old male castrated G o l d e n
Retriever with a d r e n a l - d e p e n d e n t h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m . A , Cortisol-secreting tumor
affecting the right a d r e n a l g l a n d [arrows). The m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r of the a d r e n a l mass
w a s 1.6 c m . B, The left a d r e n a l g l a n d has u n d e r g o n e m a r k e d a t r o p h y (arrows a n d
crosses) a s a result of s u p p r e s s i o n of pituitary a d r e n o c o r t i c o t r o p i c h o r m o n e secretion after
n e g a t i v e f e e d b a c k inhibition c a u s e d b y the a d r e n o c o r t i c a l tumor. The m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r
of the left a d r e n a l g l a n d w a s less than 0 . 2 c m .

identified (see the section o n radiation therapy, p. 829) and

to assess the size of an adrenal mass and extent of infiltration
of the mass into surrounding blood vessels and organs before
adrenalectomy. M R I is superior to C T i n detecting small
pituitary tumors; in detecting associated tumor features such
as edema, cysts, hemorrhage, and necrosis; and i n imaging
the adrenal glands.


The clinical signs, physical examination findings, and clini
copathologic alterations usually establish a presumptive
diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, and results of an abdom
inal ultrasound provide valuable information regarding
probable location of the lesion. Tests to establish the diagno
sis of hyperadrenocorticism include the urine Cortisol: cre
FIG 5 3 - 8 atinine ratio ( U C C R ) , the A C T H stimulation test, the
U l t r a s o u n d i m a g e of a mass affecting the left a d r e n a l g l a n d
low-dose dexamethasone suppression ( L D D S ) test, and the
(adrenal mass) a n d e x t e n d i n g into the lumen of the c a u d a l
oral dexamethasone suppression test (Table 53-2). Baseline
v e n a c a v a ( C V C ) c r e a t i n g a tumor thrombus (TT) in a 9-
year-old m a l e S t a n d a r d P o o d l e . The m a x i m u m w i d t h of the serum Cortisol measurement by itself is o f no diagnostic
a d r e n a l mass w a s 3.8 c m . The h i s t o p a t h o l o g i c d i a g n o s i s value i n diagnosing hyperadrenocorticism. Discriminatory
was pheochromocytoma. tests are used to identify the etiology (i.e., P D H versus A T )
in dogs with confirmed hyperadrenocorticism and include
the low- and high-dose dexamethasone suppression test and
enoma and the adrenal glands during C T and M R I examina baseline endogenous A C T H concentration. The most com
tion, respectively (see Fig. 53-4). The primary indications for monly used tests i n our hospital are the U C C R , L D D S test,
C T or M R I are to confirm the presence of a visible pituitary and abdominal ultrasound. A n endogenous A C T H concen
tumor i n a dog with clinical signs suggestive of macrotumor tration is evaluated when abdominal ultrasound suggests an
(see the section o n pituitary macrotumor syndrome, p. 814) adrenal mass but results of the L D D S test are inconclusive
or i n dogs diagnosed with P D H i n which the client is willing or suggest P D H and when an adrenal mass is identified with
to consider radiation treatment should a pituitary mass be contralateral adrenomegaly.
FIG 5 3 - 9
Ultrasound i m a g e s of the a d r e n a l g l a n d s in a 10-year-old f e m a l e s p a y e d B i c h o n Frise
presented for acute onset of v o m i t i n g . A , A n u n e x p e c t e d mass involving the right a d r e n a l
g l a n d , m e a s u r i n g 1.4 cm in m a x i m u m diameter, w a s identified (arrows). B, The left
a d r e n a l g l a n d w a s n o r m a l in s i z e a n d s h a p e (arrows); the m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r w a s
0 . 6 c m . The normal-size left a d r e n a l g l a n d suggests that the right a d r e n a l mass is either a
p h e o c h r o m o c y t o m a o r is n o n f u n c t i o n a l . Results of routine b l o o d w o r k a n d tests for
hyperadrenocorticism were normal.

FIG 5 3 - 1 0
Ultrasound i m a g e s of the a d r e n a l g l a n d s (arrows) in a n 11-year-old f e m a l e s p a y e d S h i h
T z u . The right a d r e n a l g l a n d (A) m e a s u r e d 1.8 c m in m a x i m u m d i a m e t e r a n d h a d a
n o d u l a r e c h o g e n i c pattern. In contrast, the left a d r e n a l g l a n d (B) h a d a l a r g e n o d u l e
l o c a t e d in e a c h p o l e of the g l a n d ; e a c h m e a s u r e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1.4 c m in m a x i m u m
diameter. Tests of the pituitary-adrenocortical a x i s w e r e d i a g n o s t i c for pituitary-dependent
h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m ; this f i n d i n g , in conjunction with the findings o n ultrasound, suggests
m a c r o n o d u l a r h y p e r p l a s i a of the a d r e n a l g l a n d s .

False-positive and false-negative test results occur with all results o f diagnostic tests. If there is doubt or uncertainty
of the diagnostic tests for hyperadrenocorticism. W h e n the about the diagnosis, therapy for hyperadrenocorticism
results are unexpected or questionable, another diagnostic should be withheld and the dog reevaluated several months
test can be performed or the same diagnostic test repeated, later.
preferably after waiting several months. Occasionally,
results of different diagnostic tests performed i n the same Urine Cortisol : Creatinine Ratio
dog are contradictory. The decision to perform discrimina The U C C R is an excellent initial screening test for hyper
tory tests or to initiate therapy should depend o n the clini adrenocorticism in dogs. Ideally, the U C C R should be deter
cian's index of suspicion for the disease formulated from a mined from free-catch urine samples obtained by the client
review of the history, findings o n physical examination, and in the nonstressful home environment. The stress associated
TABLE 53-2

Diagnostic Tests to Assess the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis in Dogs with Suspected Hyperadrenocorticism


Urine Cortisol: Rule out Cushing's Urine collected at home Normal Not supportive of
creatinine ratio syndrome Cushing's
Increased Additional tests for
Cushing's indicated
4-hr post-dexamethasone: 8-hr post-dexamethasone:
Low-dose Diagnose Cushing's 0.01 mg dexamethasone/kg IV; < 1.5 g/dl Normal
dexamethasone syndrome and serum pre- and 4- a n d 8-hr post- <1.5 g / d l > 1.5 g/dl PDH
suppression test differentiate PDH dexamethasone <50% of pre-value > 1.5 g/dl PDH
from ATH >1.5 g / d l and <50% PDH
of pre-value
>1.5 g / d l and >50% of > 1.5 g/dl PDH or ATH

A C T H stimulation Diagnose Cushing's 2.2 IU A C T H g e l * / k g IM; serum pre- Post-ACTH Cortisol concentration: Strongly suggestive
syndrome and 2-hr post-ACTH >24 g/dl Suggestive
or 19-24 g/dl Normal
0.25 mg of synthetic A C T H * / d o g IM; 8-18 g/dl Iatrogenic Cushing's
serum pre- and 1 -hr post-ACTH <8 g/dl syndrome
High-dose Differentiate PDH 0.1 mg of dexamethasone/kg IV; Post-dexamethasone Cortisol concentration: PDH
dexamethasone from ATH serum pre- and 8-hr post- <50% of pre-value PDH
suppression test dexamethasone < 1.5 g/dl PDH or ATH
>50% of pre-value
O r a l dexamethasone Differentiate PDH Urine sample for U C C R on 2 Post-dexamethasone UCCR value: PDH
suppression test from ATH consecutive mornings, then 0.1 mg <50% of baseline v a l u e * * PDH or ATH
of dexamethasone/kg per os q 8 h 50% of baseline value
for 3 treatments, then urine sample
for U C C R the following morning
Endogenous A C T H Differentiate PDH Plasma sample obtained between 8- <2 pmol/L ATH
from ATH 10 A.M. 2-10 pmol/L Nondiagnostic
Special handling required >10 pmol/L PDH

PDH, Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; ATH, adrenocortical tumor-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; IV, intravenous; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; IM, intramuscular; UCCR,
urine Cortisol : creatinine ratio.
* A C T H gel: Acthar Gel, Questcor Pharmaceuticals; synthetic ACTH: Cortrosyn, Amphastar Pharmaceuticals.
* * Baseline value is the mean of two UCCR values obtained before dexamethasone administration,
Strongly suggestive of hyperadrenocorticism.
Suggestive of hyperadrenocorticism.
FIG 53-1 1
Urinary corticoid : creatinine (C: C) ratio measured in 12 pet dogs before and after a visit
to a referral clinic for orthopedic examination (A) and in 9 healthy pet dogs before, during,
and after a 1.5-day hospitalization at a referral clinic (B). The arrows indicate time of visit
to the referral clinic. Note the increase in the urinary C : C ratio in a few dogs affiliated
with a visit to a veterinary practice. (From van Vonderen IK et al: Influence of veterinary
care on the urinary corticoid: creatinine ratio in dogs, J Vet Intern Med 12:431, 1998.)

with driving the dog to the veterinary hospital a n d having

the dog undergo a physical examination before collecting
urine can increase the test results (Fig. 53-11). The U C C R is
increased i n dogs with hyperadrenocorticism compared with
healthy dogs. N o r m a l U C C R test results can occur i n dogs
with hyperadrenocorticism but are u n c o m m o n . U n f o r t u
nately, the specificity of the U C C R is only 20% i n dogs. The
U C C R is often increased i n dogs with nonadrenal illness and
in dogs with clinical signs consistent with hyperadrenocorti
cism but with a normal pituitary-adrenocortical axis (Fig.
53-12). A normal U C C R is a strong finding against hyper
adrenocorticism and can be used as a screening test for nor
malcy; however, an increased U C C R is not diagnostic o f
hyperadrenocorticism. Additional tests are indicated when
the U C C R is increased or when the U C C R is n o r m a l but the
clinical picture strongly suggests hyperadrenocorticism.

Low-Dose Dexamethasone
Suppression Test
In the normal dog relatively small doses of dexamethasone
given intravenously can inhibit pituitary secretion of A C T H ,
causing a prolonged decline i n the serum Cortisol concentra
tion (Fig. 53-13). Dexamethasone is used because it does not FIG 5 3 - 1 2
Box plots of the urine Cortisol : creatinine ratios found in
interfere with the radioimmunoassays used to measure Cor
normal dogs, dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (HAC), dogs
tisol. The abnormal pituitary i n dogs with P D H is somewhat in which hyperadrenocorticism was initially suspected but
resistant to the negative feedback action of dexamethasone, that did not have the disease (suspect H A C ) , and dogs with
and the metabolic clearance o f dexamethasone may be a variety of severe, nonadrenal diseases. For each box plot,
abnormally accelerated as well. The administration o f a T-bars represent the main body of data, which in most
small dose of dexamethasone to a dog with P D H causes the instances are equal to the range. Each box represents an
interquartile range (twenty-fifth to seventy-fifth percentile).
serum Cortisol concentration to be variably suppressed;
The horizontal bar in each box is the median. Open circles
however, it is no longer suppressed b y 8 hours after dexa
represent outlying data points. Numbers in parentheses
methasone administration, compared with the response seen indicate the numbers of dogs in each group. (From Smiley
in normal dogs. A T H function independently o f A C T H LE et al: Evaluation of a urine Cortisol : creatinine ratio as a
control, and dexamethasone does not affect the serum Cor screening test for hyperadrenocorticism in dogs, J Vet Intern
tisol concentration, regardless of the dose or time of blood Med 7:163, 1993.)
anticonvulsant drugs, stress, excitement, exogenous gluco
corticoids, and nonadrenal disease; the more severe the non-
adrenal disease, the more likely the L D D S test result will be
falsely positive. W h e n performing the L D D S test, the clini
cian must ensure that all stressors are kept to a m i n i m u m ;
other procedures should not be performed until the test is
completed, and the effect of concurrent clinical problems
should be considered when interpreting results.
The protocol for the L D D S test and interpretation of
results are described in Table 53-2. The clinician may use
either dexamethasone sodium phosphate or dexamethasone
in polyethylene glycol. The 8-hour postdexamethasone
serum Cortisol concentration is used to confirm hyperadre
nocorticism. N o r m a l dogs typically have serum Cortisol
values less than 1.0 g/dl, whereas dogs with P D H and A T
have serum Cortisol concentrations greater than 1.5 g/dl 8
hours after dexamethasone administration. In general, the
higher the 8-hour postdexamethasone serum Cortisol con
centration is above 1.5 g/dl, the more supportive the test
result is for hyperadrenocorticism. Cortisol concentrations
between 1.0 and 1.5 g/dl are nondiagnostic. If results are in
the nondiagnostic range, the clinician must rely on other
information, including other tests of the pituitary-adreno
cortical axis, to determine i f hyperadrenocorticism is the
correct diagnosis.
If the 8-hour postdexamethasone serum Cortisol value
supports a diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, the 4-hour
serum Cortisol value may then be of value in identifying
P D H . L o w doses of dexamethasone suppress pituitary A C T H
secretion and serum Cortisol concentrations i n approxi
FIG 5 3 - 1 3 mately 60% of dogs with P D H . Suppression does not occur
Effects of d e x a m e t h a s o n e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o n the pituitary- in dogs with A T , nor does it occur in approximately 40% of
a d r e n o c o r t i c a l a x i s in healthy d o g s or cats a n d in d o g s o r dogs with P D H . Suppression is defined as a 4-hour postdexa
cats with either pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m
methasone serum Cortisol concentration of less than 1.5 g/
(PDH) o r a d r e n o c o r t i c a l n e o p l a s i a . In P D H d e x a m e t h a s o n e
dl, a 4-hour postdexamethasone serum Cortisol concentra
m a y initially suppress pituitary a d r e n o c o r t i c o t r o p i c h o r m o n e
( A C T H ) s e c r e t i o n , but the s u p p r e s s i o n is short-lived. The tion less than 50% of the baseline concentration, or an 8-
p l a s m a Cortisol c o n c e n t r a t i o n s initially d e c l i n e but i n c r e a s e hour postdexamethasone serum Cortisol concentration less
a b o v e n o r m a l w i t h i n 2 to 6 hours of d e x a m e t h a s o n e than 50% of the baseline concentration. A n y dog with hyper
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . In a d r e n o c o r t i c a l n e o p l a s i a pituitary A C T H adrenocorticism that meets one or more of these criteria
secretion is a l r e a d y s u p p r e s s e d ; thus d e x a m e t h a s o n e has no
most likely has P D H . If none of these criteria is met, then
results of the L D D S test are consistent with lack of suppres
sion but not informative i n terms of whether it is pituitary
or adrenal i n origin. Differentiation between P D H and A T
sampling because pituitary corticotrophs are already sup must rely on results of abdominal ultrasound, the H D D S
pressed and blood A C T H concentration is undetectable. test, or plasma endogenous A C T H concentration.
The L D D S test is a reliable diagnostic test for differentiat
ing n o r m a l dogs from those with hyperadrenocorticism and Oral Dexamethasone Suppression Test
may identify P D H . Sensitivity and specificity are approxi A n alternative at-home oral dexamethasone suppression test
mately 90%. The L D D S does not identify iatrogenic hyper has been used for years at the University of Utrecht, The
adrenocorticism, nor is it used to assess a dog's response to Netherlands. This test relies entirely on results of U C C R s to
mitotane (lysodren) or trilostane therapy. A n o r m a l or establish the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism and to iden
inconclusive L D D S test result does not by itself rule out tify P D H . The client is instructed to collect two urine samples
hyperadrenocorticism. If hyperadrenocorticism is suspected, from the dog on 2 consecutive mornings and store them in
additional tests of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis should the refrigerator. After collection of the second urine sample,
be performed. Similarly, an abnormal L D D S test result does the client should administer 3 doses of dexamethasone
not by itself confirm hyperadrenocorticism. Results of the (0.1 mg/kg/dose) to the dog orally at 8-hour intervals. Urine
L D D S test may be affected by concurrently administered is collected on the m o r n i n g of the third day, and all three
samples are delivered to the veterinarian for measurement
of U C C R s . The first two urine samples are the screening test
to diagnose hyperadrenocorticism. A b n o r m a l values support
hyperadrenocorticism; normal values rule out the disease. If
both values are abnormal, then the average of the two values
is used as the baseline value and compared with the third
value obtained after dexamethasone administration. The
dog is described as having responded to dexamethasone
(suppressed) if the U C C R result from the third urine sample
is less than 50% o f the baseline value. Dogs meeting this
criteria have results consistent with P D H , whereas those failing
to demonstrate suppression could have either A T or P D H .

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Stimulation Test
The A C T H stimulation test is used to establish the diagnosis
of hyperadrenocorticism and hypoadrenocorticism, identify
iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism, identify atypical hyper
adrenocorticism (see p. 830), and monitor mitotane and
trilostane treatment. A C T H stimulation test results do not
distinguish between P D H and A T . In our experience A C T H
stimulation test results are clearly abnormal i n approximately
30%, in the borderline range i n another 30% and within the
reference range i n approximately 40% of dogs with P D H .
Identification of A C T H stimulation test results i n the bor FIG 5 3 - 1 4
derline range is c o m m o n , and clearly abnormal test results Interpretation of the a d r e n o c o r t i c o t r o p i c h o r m o n e (ACTH)
occur i n dogs that do not have hyperadrenocorticism. stimulation test in d o g s . Ideally, d o g s with C u s h i n g ' s
Because of problems with sensitivity and specificity c o m syndrome have a n increased post-ACTH administration
Cortisol c o n c e n t r a t i o n (line a). P o s t - A C T H Cortisol values that
bined with the high cost of A C T H , I do not routinely use the
fall into the " g r a y z o n e " (line b) c o u l d b e consistent with
A C T H stimulation test when evaluating dogs for hyperadre
C u s h i n g ' s s y n d r o m e o r result from the effects of concurrent
nocorticism. illness o r c h r o n i c stress. P o s t - A C T H Cortisol values m a y a l s o
The protocol for the A C T H stimulation test is given i n fall into the n o r m a l r a n g e in d o g s with C u s h i n g ' s s y n d r o m e .
Table 53-2. W h e n synthetic A C T H is being used, a lower dose The a b s e n c e of a response to A C T H stimulation is sugges
(5 g/kg, administered intravenously or intramuscularly) is tive of a d r e n o c o r t i c a l n e o p l a s i a [lines c a n d d] o r i a t r o g e n i c
h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m (lines d a n d e). History a n d p h y s i c a l
also effective and the unused reconstituted A C T H can be
e x a m i n a t i o n f i n d i n g s should differentiate b e t w e e n these
stored frozen at 20C i n plastic syringes for 6 months with
no adverse effects o n bioactivity o f the A C T H . Four ranges
of values are used i n the interpretation of the A C T H stimu
lation test (Fig. 53-14). P o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol values
between 6 and 18 g/dl are within the n o r m a l reference clinical presentation o f the dog can help differentiate iatro
range, values o f 5 g/dl and below are suggestive o f iatro genic hyperadrenocorticism from spontaneous hypoadreno
genic hyperadrenocorticism or hypoadrenocorticism, values corticism. In rare instances a dog with A T will have a m i n i m a l
between 18 and 24 g/dl are considered borderline for Cortisol response to A C T H ; however, its p r e - A C T H and post-
hyperadrenocorticism, and values greater than 24 g/dl are A C T H administration serum Cortisol concentrations are
supportive of hyperadrenocorticism, assuming the clinical within or above the reference range.
findings and clinicopathologic data are consistent with the
disease. A n increased p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol value, espe High-Dose Dexamethasone
cially one between 18 and 24 g/dl, does not by itself confirm Suppression Test
a diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, especially i f the clinical ATs function independently o f pituitary A C T H ; therefore,
features and clinicopathologic data are not consistent with regardless of the dose, dexamethasone should never suppress
the diagnosis. the serum Cortisol concentration i f the source of the Cortisol
P o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concentrations that do not is an A T . In contrast, dexamethasone-induced suppression of
increase above the preadministration value suggest iatro A C T H secretion from a pituitary tumor is variable and may
genic hyperadrenocorticism or spontaneous hypoadreno depend o n the dexamethasone dose. The administration o f
corticism, especially i f the Cortisol values are below the increased amounts of dexamethasone should eventually sup
normal baseline range (i.e., less than 5 g/dl; see Fig. 53-14). press pituitary A C T H secretion i n most dogs with P D H . The
A history of recent glucocorticoid administration and the protocol for the high-dose dexamethasone suppression
( H D D S ) test is similar to that for the L D D S test protocol, Adrenocortical tumors and iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism
except that a higher dose (i.e., 0.1 mg/kg o f body weight) o f should suppress A C T H secretion, and P D H is the result of
dexamethasone is used i n an attempt to suppress pituitary excessive A C T H secretion (see Fig. 53-2). Approximately
A C T H secretion (see Table 53-2). Obtaining a 4-hour post 60% of dogs with A T H have undetectable plasma A C T H
dexamethasone b l o o d sample is optional; in our experience, concentrations, whereas 85% to 90% of dogs with P D H have
this has been informative i n only 2% o f dogs tested with both plasma A C T H concentrations greater than 10 pmol/L and
the L D D S and H D D S tests. Suppression is defined as a 4- 35% have A C T H concentrations greater than 25 pmol/L.
hour or 8-hour postdexamethasone serum Cortisol concen Plasma A C T H concentrations of 2 to 10 p m o l / L are nondi
tration less than 1.5 g/dl and a 4-hour or 8-hour agnostic. Several commercial veterinary endocrine laborato
postdexamethasone serum Cortisol concentration less than ries perform endogenous A C T H assays for dogs. The
50% o f the baseline concentration. A n y dog with hyper laboratory should be consulted for information on sample
adrenocorticism that meets one or more o f these criteria collection and handling; results should be interpreted on the
most likely has P D H . If a dog does not meet any o f these basis o f the reference range established for the laboratory
criteria, this is consistent with lack o f suppression. A p p r o x i being used.
mately 25% o f dogs with P D H and essentially 100% o f dogs
with A T H do not show suppression w i t h the H D D S test. Medical Treatment
Higher doses o f dexamethasone (e.g., 1.0 mg/kg) could be Medical options for treating hyperadrenocorticism are listed
administered in an attempt to suppress pituitary A C T H in Table 53-3. The most viable treatment options for dogs
secretion i n dogs with dexamethasone-resistant P D H . are mitotane and trilostane.
However, the percentage o f dogs with P D H that show sup
pression at higher doses o f dexamethasone is similar to that MITOTANE
observed for the 0.1 mg/kg protocol. Chemotherapy using mitotane ( o , o ' D D D ; Lysodren; Bristol
Myers Oncology) is the most c o m m o n l y used treatment for
Endogenous Adrenocorticotropic P D H and is a viable alternative to adrenalectomy for treat
Hormone Concentration ment o f A T s causing hyperadrenocorticisim. There are two
I do not routinely measure plasma A C T H concentrations treatment protocols: the traditional approach, the goal of
because the L D D S test and abdominal ultrasound are very which is to control the hyperadrenal state without causing
effective i n differentiating between P D H and A T . I use plasma clinical signs o f hypoadrenocorticism, and medical adrenal
A C T H concentrations to provide clarity i n confusing cases ectomy, the goal of which is to destroy the adrenal cortex and
in which test results for hyperadrenocorticism and findings create hypoadrenocorticism. I prefer the traditional approach
on abdominal ultrasound conflict (e.g., a dog with an adrenal initially and consider medical adrenalectomy in dogs that fail
mass but suppression o n the L D D S test or a dog with an to respond to the traditional approach or that become non-
adrenal mass, enlargement of the contralateral adrenal gland, responsive to mitotane after months or years of maintenance
and lack o f suppression o n the L D D S test). Determination therapy.
of a baseline plasma A C T H concentration is not used to
diagnose hyperadrenocorticism because many o f the con Traditional Approach to
centrations in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism are within Mitotane Treatment
the reference range (2 to 25 p m o l / L ) . However, determina For the traditional approach, there are two phases of mito
tion o f a single baseline plasma A C T H concentration may tane therapy: an initial induction phase designed to gain
aid i n distinguishing dogs with A T H from those with P D H control o f the disorder, and a lifelong maintenance phase
once the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism is established. designed to prevent recurrence of the signs of the disease.

TABLE 53-3

Drugs that Have Been Used to Treat Hyperadrenocorticism i n Dogs


Mitotane Lysis of adrenal cortex PDH, ATH 5 0 m g / k g divided q12h with food >80%
Trilostane Inhibition of Cortisol biosynthesis PDH, ATH 0.5 to 1.0 m g / k g q12h ~80%
Ketoconazole Inhibition of Cortisol biosynthesis PDH, ATH 5 m g / k g q12h <75%
Deprenyl Inhibition of dopamine metabolism* PDH 1 m g / k g q24h <20%
Cyproheptadine Serotonin antagonist PDH <10%
Bromocriptine Dopamine agonist PDH <10%

PDH, Pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; ATH, adrenal tumor causing hyperadrenocorticism.

* C N S dopamine suppresses CRH and ACTH secretion.
C N S serotonin stimulates CRH and ACTH secretion.
Induction Therapy metabolism o f mitotane and decrease its serum concentra
The mitotane dosage during induction therapy is 40 to tion, existence o f an A T rather than P D H , and client c o m p l i
50 mg/kg, divided into two doses. The daily dosage is reduced ance issues. The absorption o f mitotane is i m p r o v e d i f it is
to 25 to 35 mg/kg i n dogs without polydipsia or with concur given with food, especially a fatty meal, and i f the tablet is
rent diabetes mellitus. Gastrointestinal absorption o f mito crushed, m i x e d with a small amount o f vegetable o i l , and
tane is enhanced i n the presence o f fat. Mitotane is more m i x e d with food. Typically, dogs w i t h A T are more resistant
effective when each dose is ground up, mixed w i t h a small to the adrenocorticolytic effects o f mitotane than dogs w i t h
amount of vegetable oil, and administered with food. C o n P D H . If tests to differentiate P D H from A T were not per
current prednisone administration (0.25 mg/kg q24h) formed, dogs that are shown to be resistant to therapy,
during induction therapy is a matter of personal preference. defined as showing little or no reduction i n the p o s t - A C T H
If prednisone is not used during induction therapy, it should plasma Cortisol concentration after 20 or more days o f
always be dispensed before beginning induction therapy so therapy, should undergo further evaluation (i.e., abdominal
that the client has glucocorticoids o n hand should adverse ultrasound) to determine whether an A T is an explanation
reactions to mitotane develop. for the resistance. Rarely, dogs w i t h P D H require more than
The induction phase of mitotane treatment is typically 30 consecutive days o f mitotane therapy before the desired
done with the dog i n the home environment. Client aware response is seen.
ness of their dog's activity, mental awareness, appetite, water
consumption, and overall well-being is imperative for Maintenance Therapy
success. The usual amount of food offered to the dog can be Mitotane must be administered periodically to prevent
decreased by approximately 25% during the induction phase recurrence o f clinical signs. The maintenance phase o f mito
to ensure that the dog remains hungry. Clients are instructed tane therapy should be initiated once the p o s t - A C T H serum
to stop mitotane treatment and contact their veterinarian i f Cortisol concentration is less than 5 g/dl and the dog appears
they observe lethargy, inappetence, vomiting, weakness, healthy. The maintenance dose is defined as the weekly
decreased water intake, or any other change i n their dog that amount o f mitotane administered, regardless o f whether the
does not seem right. The veterinarian or a technician should weekly dose is given once per week or divided into multiple
call the client every day, beginning with the second day o f doses and given o n several days. Adverse reactions caused by
therapy, to check o n the health o f the dog. The i n d u c t i o n sensitivity to the drug are less likely to occur when the weekly
phase o f therapy is usually complete once any reduction i n dose is divided and given o n several days o f the week. The
appetite is noted or once daily water consumption decreases typical initial weekly maintenance dosage o f mitotane is
into the normal range (i.e., 80 m l / k g or less). C o n t r o l is 50 mg/kg administered orally, divided into two or three
confirmed with the A C T H stimulation test. The first A C T H doses, and administered o n 2 or 3 days o f each week (e.g.,
stimulation test should be performed 5 to 7 days after start M o n d a y and Thursday or M o n d a y , Wednesday, and Friday).
ing induction therapy, even i f clinical signs o f hyperadreno The maintenance dose o f mitotane is decreased from 50 m g /
corticism persist. Dogs that have responded clinically to the kg/week to 25 mg/kg/week i f the p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol
medication (or i f the client is not certain about response) concentration is less than 2 g/dl and the dog appears
should not receive further therapy until results o f the A C T H healthy. Mitotane treatment is discontinued and prednisone
stimulation test are known. Dogs that have not yet responded treatment initiated if the p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concen
clinically should undergo an A C T H stimulation test but tration is less than 2 g/dl and the dog is exhibiting clinical
should also remain o n daily mitotane therapy pending results signs o f hypoadrenocorticism (i.e., lethargy, inappetence,
of the A C T H stimulation test. vomiting).
The goal o f therapy is to achieve a p o s t - A C T H serum The initial dose o f lysodren during maintenance therapy
Cortisol concentration of 2 to 5 g/dl. Daily mitotane therapy is arbitrary, and subsequent adjustments are made o n the
and weekly A C T H stimulation tests should be continued basis o f results o f A C T H stimulation tests; the first test is
until a p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concentration falls w i t h i n performed 3 to 4 weeks after the start of maintenance therapy.
the desired range or signs o f hypocortisolism develop. In The goal o f maintenance therapy is to maintain the post-
most dogs clinical signs resolve and a p o s t - A C T H serum A C T H serum Cortisol concentration between 2 and 5 g/dl
Cortisol concentration o f less than 5 g/dl is achieved w i t h i n i n an otherwise healthy dog. The dose and frequency o f
5 to 10 days o f the start o f the daily administration o f 40 to administration o f mitotane are adjusted, as needed, to m a i n
50 mg o f mitotane/kg. A small number o f dogs respond i n tain a hypoadrenal response to A C T H administration. If the
less than 5 days, and an equally small number o f dogs show p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol is between 2 and 5 g/dl, a change
minimal improvement after 20 to 30 consecutive days o f i n treatment is not indicated and the A C T H stimulation test
therapy. should be repeated i n 6 to 8 weeks. If the p o s t - A C T H serum
Reasons for a prolonged or poor response to mitotane Cortisol concentration is greater than 5 g/dl, the amount o f
treatment include inadequate dose, inadequate absorption mitotane per administration or the frequency o f administra
from the gastrointestinal tract, concurrent administration o f tion is increased; i f the p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concen
drugs (e.g., phenobarbital) that stimulate hepatic micro tration is less than 2 g/dl, the mitotane dose or frequency
somal drug-metabolizing enzymes and could accelerate the of administration is decreased; mitotane therapy is tempo-
rarily discontinued i f clinical signs o f hypoadrenocorticism
are present. A n A C T H stimulation test is performed 3 to 4
weeks after changing the dose or frequency o f administra Adverse Effects of Mitotane i n Dogs
tion o f mitotane. Once the p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol con
Direct Effect*
centration is stable and i n the range o f 2 to 5 g/dl, the
A C T H stimulation test should be repeated every 3 to 6 Lethargy
months thereafter unless clinical signs o f hyperadrenocorti Inappetence
cism or hypoadrenocorticism develop. In most dogs an i n i Vomiting
Neurologic signs
tially effective maintenance dose o f mitotane becomes
inadequate as the compensatory sustained increase i n plasma
A C T H concentration counters the adrenocorticolytic effects
of mitotane. W i t h time (i.e., months to years), the dose and
Apparent blindness
frequency o f administration o f mitotane must usually be
increased to compensate for this effect. Periodic A C T H stim Secondary to Overdosage*
ulation testing will identify an increase i n the p o s t - A C T H Hypocortisolism
serum Cortisol concentration above 5 |Xg/dl, allowing the cli Lethargy
nician to adjust the mitotane treatment protocol before Anorexia
clinical signs o f hyperadrenocorticism develop and another Vomiting
r o u n d o f induction therapy is needed. In some dogs this can
ultimately necessitate daily mitotane administration, some
Hypoaldosteronism (hyperkalemia, hyponatremia)
times with poor control o f the disorder. Alternative therapy
(i.e., medical adrenalectomy using mitotane, trilostane)
should be considered for dogs that become insensitive to
Cardiac conduction disturbances
mitotane. Hypovolemia
Adverse Reactions to Mitotane Treatment
Adverse reactions to mitotane treatment result from sensitiv PMA, Pituitary macroadenoma.
ity to the drug or from excessive administration and the * Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test, serum electrolytes,
response to discontinuation of mitotane, and response to
subsequent development o f glucocorticoid and, i f severe,
glucocorticoid therapy are used to differentiate these categories of
mineralocorticoid deficiency (Box 53-4). The most c o m m o n adverse reactions.
reactions to mitotane are gastric irritation and v o m i t i n g
occurring shortly after its administration. If the gastric upset
is the result o f drug sensitivity and not hypoadrenocorticism, days o f the start of mitotane therapy i n some dogs. Hypoal
dividing the dose further, increasing the interval between dosteronism can resolve and hyperadrenocorticism recur
administrations, or both can help m i n i m i z e vomiting. spontaneously, but this is unpredictable. Some dogs remain
The excessive administration of mitotane results i n clinical mineralocorticoid deficient for the remainder o f their lives.
signs o f hypocortisolism, including weakness, lethargy, Mitotane may induce the development of neurologic
anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea. Clinical improvement is signs, including stupor, head pressing, pacing, circling, sei
usually seen within hours of the administration of prednisone zures, ataxia, and blindness. Neurologic signs are usually
(0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg, administered orally). If the dog responds, transient, typically last 24 to 48 hours after mitotane admin
the initial dosage o f glucocorticoids should be continued for istration, and usually occur i n dogs that have been receiving
3 to 5 days and then gradually decreased and stopped over the the drug for more than 6 months. The primary differential
ensuing 1 to 2 weeks. Mitotane therapy should be stopped diagnoses i n such animals are pituitary macrotumor syn
until the dog is n o r m a l when it is not receiving glucocorti drome (see p. 814), hypoadrenocorticism, and thromboem
coids. A n A C T H stimulation test performed once the dog is boli. Adjustments i n the dose or frequency of mitotane
healthy and not receiving glucocorticoids can help determine administration or temporary discontinuation o f the therapy
when to start mitotane treatment. Ideally, mitotane treatment may alleviate the neurologic signs. A n alternative mode
should be started when the p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol con of therapy should be considered i f neurologic signs persist
centration is 2 g/dl or greater. The weekly dose o f mitotane (discussed i n more detail later).
should be reduced when therapy is reinitiated.
Excessive administration o f mitotane ultimately causes Management of Concurrent
hypoaldosteronism. Mineralocorticoid deficiency should be Diabetes Mellitus
considered i n any dog with signs o f hypocortisolism that Hyperadrenocorticism and diabetes mellitus are common
does not respond to glucocorticoid therapy. Finding hypo concurrent diseases i n dogs. Presumably, hyperadrenocorti
natremia and hyperkalemia supports a diagnosis o f hypoal cism develops initially and subclinical diabetes mellitus
dosteronism, and mineralocorticoid therapy is indicated i n becomes clinically apparent as a result o f the insulin resis
such dogs (see p. 840). Hypoaldosteronism can develop within tance caused by the hyperadrenal state. For most of these
dogs, glycemic control remains poor despite insulin therapy, mitotane administration. The prednisone dose is tapered
and good glycemic control is generally not possible until the after completion o f the 25-day protocol. Unfortunately,
hyperadrenocorticism is controlled. Occasionally, diabetic relapse with signs o f hyperadrenocorticism occurs w i t h i n the
dogs presumably i n the early stages of hyperadrenocorticism first year alone i n approximately 33% of dogs so treated,
(often identified while pursuing the cause for an increased indicating the need for periodic A C T H stimulation testing
ALP) will be responsive to insulin and have good control o f similar to that done i n animals treated with the traditional
glycemia. Because the diabetes is well controlled, the decision mode of therapy. In addition, this treatment can be consider
to treat or not treat the hyperadrenocorticism i n these dogs ably more expensive than long-term treatment with mitotane
should be based on other factors, such as the presence o f because o f the expense o f treating addisonian dogs. For these
additional clinical signs or physical examination findings reasons, medical adrenalectomy is reserved for dogs that show
and the clinician's index of suspicion for the disease. The a poor response to the traditional form o f treatment.
clinician should adopt a wait-and-see approach i n the
absence of strong evidence for hyperadrenocorticism i n TRILOSTANE
these dogs. Poor control o f the diabetic state will eventually Trilostane (Vetoryl, Arnolds Veterinary Products) is a c o m
occur i f hyperadrenocorticism is present. petitive inhibitor o f 3--hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase,
The initial focus should be on treating the hyperadrenal which mediates the conversion o f pregnenolone to proges
state i n a poorly controlled diabetic dog diagnosed with terone i n the adrenal gland. The net effect is inhibition o f
hyperadrenocorticism. Insulin therapy is indicated during Cortisol production (Fig. 53-15). Trilostane is currently the
induction therapy; however, aggressive efforts to control the preferred enzyme blocker for treating hyperadrenocorticism.
blood glucose concentration should not be attempted. The clinical efficacy o f trilostane is excellent (approximately
Rather, a conservative dose (0.5 to 1.0 U/kg) o f intermedi 80%), and trilostane can control clinical signs o f hyperadre
ate-acting insulin (i.e., lente or N P H ) is administered twice nocorticism i n dogs for prolonged periods o f time (longer
a day to prevent ketoacidosis and severe hyperglycemia than 1 year). Trilostane is used as the primary treatment
(blood glucose concentration greater than 500 mg/dl). M o n modality for P D H i n dogs, as an alternative i n dogs i n which
itoring induction therapy i n the hyperadrenal dog w i t h con mitotane is ineffective or not usable because o f problems
current diabetes mellitus is similar to that used for the with drug sensitivity, and as a way to reverse the metabolic
hyperadrenal dog (see the section on monitoring i n d u c t i o n derangements o f hyperadrenocorticism before adrenalec
therapy) with one exception. M o n i t o r i n g water consump tomy. Trilostane is currently available as 30-, 60-, and 120-
tion is not reliable when concurrent diabetes mellitus is mg capsules. C o m p o u n d i n g of capsules to different strengths
present because both diseases cause polyuria and polydipsia (e.g., 10 or 20 mg) may be required. The published initial
and because polyuria and polydipsia may persist i f poor treatment protocol is 30 m g once a day for dogs weighing
control of glycemia persists despite the fact that the hyper less than 5 kg, 60 m g once a day for dogs weighing 5 to 20 kg,
adrenocorticism is under control. As control o f the hyper 120 m g once a day for dogs weighing 20 to 40 kg, and 180 m g
adrenocorticism is achieved, insulin antagonism caused by once a day for dogs weighing more than 40 kg. However, i n
the hyperadrenocorticism resolves and tissue sensitivity to our experience, twice-daily dosing using a lower dose pro
insulin improves. T o help prevent hypoglycemic reactions, vides better control than once-daily dosing using the afore
clients are asked to test urine for the presence o f glucose, mentioned dosing schedule and the occurrence and severity
preferably two or three times each day. A n y urine sample of adverse reactions are less frequent. O u r approach is to
found to be negative for glucose should be followed by a 20% begin treatment using a trilostane dosage between 0.5 and
to 25% reduction i n the insulin dose and performance o f an 1 mg/kg twice daily.
A C T H stimulation test. Critical assessment o f glycemic The dosage and frequency o f administration o f trilostane
control and adjustments i n insulin therapy, i f indicated, are adjusted, as needed, until clinical signs are controlled. A n
should be initiated once hyperadrenocorticism is controlled A C T H stimulation test and serum electrolytes should be
and maintenance mitotane therapy initiated. performed 10 to 14 days after initiation o f treatment and 4
to 6 hours after trilostane administration. In addition, the
Medical Adrenalectomy Using Mitotane client should bring i n a urine sample collected at home
A n alternative to the traditional mitotane treatment protocol the m o r n i n g o f the A C T H stimulation test for a U C C R . The
is to intentionally cause complete destruction o f the adrenal goals o f therapy are the same as those o f mitotane therapy:
cortices by administering an excessive amount of mitotane. In clinical improvement without the development o f illness,
theory, therapy for the ensuing adrenocortical insufficiency lack o f an adrenocortical response to A C T H , and a n o r m a l
would then be necessary for the life o f the dog. The protocol U C C R . Results o f the A C T H stimulation test are used to
consists of administering mitotane at a dosage of 75 to adjust the dosage o f trilostane; the goal is a p o s t - A C T H
100 mg/kg daily for 25 consecutive days, given i n three or four Cortisol concentration between 2 and 5 g/dl. The U C C R is
doses per day, with food, to minimize neurologic complica used to determine frequency o f trilostane administration i n
tions and ensure good intestinal absorption o f the drug. dogs receiving the drug once daily. If clinical signs persist,
Lifelong prednisone (0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg q l 2 h initially) and results of the A C T H stimulation test are indicative o f control
mineralocorticoid (see p. 840) therapy is begun at the start o f of the disease, and the U C C R is increased, then the frequency
this drug for the treatment o f P D H is, at best, 20%. The vast
majority o f dogs with P D H have a pituitary tumor, not alter
ations i n neurotransmitter control o f hypothalamic-pitu
itary gland function. Concentrations o f an endogenous
amphetamine, phenylethylamine, increase i n the brains of
dogs treated with L-Deprenyl, which may improve the dog's
level o f activity and its interactions with family members
independent of any improvement i n the hyperadrenal state.

Steroid biosynthetic pathways in the adrenal cortex. The Adrenalectomy is the treatment o f choice for an A T unless
branching pathways for glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids,
metastatic lesions or invasion of surrounding organs or
and adrenal androgens are shown. The site of blockade in
b l o o d vessels is identified during the preoperative evalua
the steroid biosynthetic pathways by the enzyme inhibitors
trilostane (T), ketoconazole (K), metyrapone (M), and tion; the dog is considered a poor anesthetic risk because it
aminoglutethimide (A) are also shown. has a concurrent disease (e.g., heart failure) or is debilitated
as a result o f its hyperadrenal state; or the probability of
perioperative thromboembolism is considered high because
of systemic hypertension, an increased urine protein : cre
of trilostane administration should be increased to twice a atinine ratio, or a decreased serum antithrombin III concen
day. Serum electrolytes are monitored for changes consistent tration. The probability o f successful adrenalectomy is lower
with the onset o f hypoaldosteronism. Once control o f the and the likelihood o f perioperative complications is greater
hyperadrenal state is attained, an A C T H stimulation test, the larger the adrenal mass. Removal of an adrenal mass that
serum electrolytes, and U C C R should be evaluated every 3 has a diameter i n excess o f 6 c m can be difficult even when
to 4 months. the surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon. The
Adverse effects o f trilostane include lethargy, vomiting, larger the adrenal mass, the greater the probability that the
and electrolyte shifts compatible with hypoadrenocorticism. adrenal mass is a carcinoma and that metastasis has occurred,
Permanent hypoadrenocorticism has been reported i n a regardless o f findings during the preoperative evaluation.
small number o f dogs. Histopathologic examination o f the Treatment with mitotane or trilostane offers a viable alterna
adrenal gland i n dogs treated with trilostane has revealed tive to adrenalectomy, especially for aged dogs or dogs at
adrenocortical necrosis o f variable severity i n some dogs increased risk for anesthetic, surgical, or postsurgical prob
findings that, i f severe, could explain persistent hypoadreno lems. (See Suggested Readings for detailed information on
corticism i n affected dogs. Acute death has been reported i n surgical techniques.)
a small number o f dogs shortly after the initiation o f trilo The most worrisome complication o f adrenalectomy is
stane treatment. thromboembolism, which typically develops during or
w i t h i n 72 hours of surgery and carries a high mortality rate
KETOCONAZOLE (see p. 814). Several steps help m i n i m i z e this complication.
Ketoconazole reversibly inhibits adrenal steroidogenesis (see Trilostane treatment for 3 to 4 weeks before surgery can
Fig. 53-15). The initial dosage o f ketoconazole is 5 mg/kg reverse the metabolic derangements o f hyperadrenocorti
q l 2 h , and subsequent increases i n the dosage are based o n cism and m i n i m i z e many o f the complications associated
results o f an A C T H stimulation test performed 10 to 14 days with adrenalectomy. Plasma is a source o f antithrombin III
later and while the dog is still receiving ketoconazole. The and should be administered during surgery. Heparin or
goals o f therapy are similar to those discussed for trilostane. other anticoagulant therapy should be administered during
Approximately 20% to 25% o f dogs do not respond to the and for several days after adrenalectomy (see Chapter 12).
drug as a result o f poor intestinal absorption. Adverse reac Dogs should go for frequent short walks within hours of the
tions are primarily a result o f hypocortisolism and include surgery to promote b l o o d flow and minimize clot formation.
lethargy, inappetence, vomiting, and diarrhea. Unfortunately, Anesthetic drugs and pain medications should be adminis
it is difficult to control the clinical signs o f hyperadrenocor tered at dosages that allow the dog to be ambulatory within
ticism without creating problems with hypocortisolism. 4 hours of the surgery. Despite these measures, thromboem
bolism remains a c o m m o n perioperative complication that
L-DEPRENYL should be thoroughly discussed with clients who are consid
L-Deprenyl (Anipryl, Deprenyl A n i m a l Health) inhibits ering adrenalectomy.
dopamine metabolism and increases hypothalamic and pitu Glucocorticoid therapy is not indicated before adrenalec
itary concentrations o f dopamine, w h i c h i n turn inhibits tomy because it may worsen hypertension, cause overhydra
corticotropin-releasing hormone ( C R H ) and A C T H secre tion, and increase the risk o f thromboembolic episodes.
tion. The current dosage recommendation for L-Deprenyl is Beginning with anesthesia, I V fluids should be administered
1 mg/kg once daily initially, with an increase to 2 mg/kg once at a surgical maintenance rate. Acute hypocortisolism uni
daily i f there is no response after 2 months. The efficacy o f formly occurs after adrenalectomy. After the surgeon identi-
fies the adrenal tumor, dexamethasone (0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg)
should be placed in the I V infusion bottle. This dose should
be given over a 6-hour period. A tapering dose (e.g., decreas
ing the dose by 0.02 mg/kg/24 h) of dexamethasone should
continue to be administered intravenously at 12-hour inter
vals until the dog can safely be given oral medication without
the danger of vomiting (typically 24 to 72 hours postopera
tively). A t that point, the glucocorticoid supplement should
be switched to oral prednisone (0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg q l 2 h ) .
Once the dog is eating and drinking on its own, the fre
quency of prednisone administration should be decreased to
once a day and given i n the morning. The prednisone dosage
is then gradually reduced during the ensuing 3 to 4 months.
If a unilateral adrenalectomy has been performed, predni
sone supplementation can eventually be discontinued once
the contralateral normal adrenocortical tissue becomes
functional. Lifelong prednisone at a dosage of 0.1 to 0.2 mg/
kg administered once or twice daily is usually required for
dogs that undergo bilateral adrenalectomy.
Serum electrolyte concentrations should be closely m o n
itored postoperatively. Development of m i l d hyponatremia
and hyperkalemia is c o m m o n within 72 hours of surgery
and usually resolves i n a day or two as exogenous glucocor
ticoid doses are reduced and the dog begins to eat. Miner
alocortioid treatment is recommended i f the serum sodium
concentration decreases to less than 135 m E q / L or serum
potassium concentration increases to greater than 6.5 m E q /
L. A n injection of desoxycorticosterone pivalate ( D O C P ;
Percorten-V; Novartis Pharmaceuticals) is recommended,
with measurement of serum electrolytes performed 25 days
after the injection (see p. 840). If the dog is healthy and
serum electrolytes are normal on day 25, the dog should be
reevaluated 7 days later. If serum electrolytes are still normal,
additional D O C P treatment is not needed. If hyponatremia
or hyperkalemia is identified on day 25, another injection of
D O C P should be administered but with the dosage reduced
by 50% and serum electrolytes evaluated 25 days later.

FIG 5 3 - 1 6
Approximately 50% of dogs have a pituitary mass identified
A , C o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y (CT) i m a g e of the pituitary r e g i o n
on C T or M R I at the time P D H is diagnosed. In approxi
of a 9 - y e a r - o l d , f e m a l e s p a y e d C o c k e r S p a n i e l with
mately 50% of these dogs, the pituitary mass grows over the pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m (PDH). The P D H
ensuing 1 to 2 years, eventually causing pituitary macrotu h a d b e e n treated with mitotane for 2 y e a r s , at w h i c h time
mor syndrome (see p. 814). Pituitary macroadenoma is ten the d o g d e v e l o p e d lethargy, i n a p p e t e n c e , a n d w e i g h t loss.
tatively diagnosed by ruling out other causes of the neurologic A l a r g e mass m e a s u r i n g a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 . 0 c m in d i a m e t e r
is evident in the h y p o t h a l a m i c - p i t u i t a r y r e g i o n (arrow).
disturbances and is confirmed by C T or M R I findings (see
B, C T i m a g e of the pituitary r e g i o n 1 8 months after
Fig. 53-4). Development of neurologic signs from a pituitary
c o m p l e t i o n of r a d i a t i o n therapy. The v o l u m e of the mass
macrotumor is a c o m m o n reason for clients to request d e c r e a s e d b y a p p r o x i m a t e l y 75%, c o m p a r e d with the
euthanasia of dogs with P D H . Irradiation has successfully v o l u m e b e f o r e treatment. C l i n i c a l signs related to the
reduced the tumor size and lessened or eliminated neuro pituitary m a c r o t u m o r r e s o l v e d , a n d mitotane treatment w a s
logic signs i n dogs with pituitary macrotumor syndrome d i s c o n t i n u e d after r a d i a t i o n treatment.
(Fig. 53-16). The primary mode of radiation treatment is
cobalt 60 photon irradiation or linear accelerator photon cally administered to hyperadrenal dogs with pituitary mac
irradiation. Treatment usually involves the delivery of a pre roadenoma at our hospital.
determined total dose of radiation given i n fractions over a Prognostic factors that affect survival time after radiation
period of several weeks. Currently a total dose of 48 Gy, given therapy include the severity of neurologic signs and the
in 4 G y doses 3 to 5 days per week for 3 to 4 weeks, is typi relative size of the tumor. Generally, dogs with subtle or m i l d
neurologic clinical signs and the smallest tumors show the secreting A T s . In contrast, dogs with atypical Cushing's syn
best response to treatment. T h e o n et al. (1998) found a mean drome have normal or inconclusive serum Cortisol
survival time after radiation of 25 months i n dogs with m i l d concentrations and an increase i n one or more adrenocorti
neurologic signs, 17 months i n dogs with severe neurologic cal steroid hormone intermediates, most notably 17-hydroxy-
signs, and only 5 months i n untreated dogs w i t h neurologic progesterone.
signs. Because o f the high prevalence o f a pituitary mass at Adrenal tumors that secrete progesterone and 17-hydroxy-
the time P D H is diagnosed and the potential for future progesterone cause a clinical syndrome that mimics hyper
growth and development o f neurologic signs, examination adrenocorticism i n dogs and cats. Clinical signs presumably
of the pituitary gland using C T or M R I and radiation therapy result from intrinsic glucocorticoid activity of progestins,
if a mass is identified should be discussed with the client at progestin-induced displacement o f Cortisol from cortisol-
the time P D H is diagnosed. The goal o f radiation therapy is binding protein i n the circulation, or both. A n atypical form
to shrink the mass and prevent development o f macrotumor of P D H has also been described i n which clinical features
syndrome; mitotane or trilostane therapy may still be needed m i m i c hyperadrenocorticism, abdominal ultrasound reveals
to control clinical signs o f hyperadrenocorticism. adrenal glands that are n o r m a l or mildly increased i n size,
tests o f the pituitary-adrenocortical axis are normal or
Prognosis inconclusive, pre- and p o s t - A C T H serum 17-hydroxypro-
The average life expectancy i n dogs with adrenal-dependent gesterone concentrations are increased, and clinical signs
hyperadrenocorticism that survive the initial postadrenalec improve with mitotane treatment. Diagnosis requires evalu
tomy m o n t h is approximately 36 months. Dogs with adre ation o f serum and plasma adrenocortical steroid hormone
nocortical adenoma and adrenocortical carcinoma that has intermediates and sex hormones before and 1 hour after the
not metastasized (uncommon) have a good prognosis, I V administration o f 5 g/kg o f synthetic A C T H (Cosyntro
whereas dogs with metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma pin). The most c o m m o n abnormality is an increase i n serum
(common) have a poor prognosis, with these dogs typically 17-hydroxyprogesterone concentration. Currently, the only
succumbing to the disease w i t h i n a year o f diagnosis. laboratory with established normal values for precursor and
Although clinical signs can be controlled with trilostane and sex steroids is the Endocrinology Laboratory at the Univer
mitotane, death ultimately results from the debilitating sity of Tennessee, College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville,
effects o f the tumor, complications o f hyperadrenocorticism T N 37901-1071. Treatment recommendations have included
(e.g., pulmonary thromboembolism), or other geriatric dis low dosages of mitotane (10 mg/kg/day initially) and trilo
orders (e.g., renal insufficiency, congestive heart failure). stane, although Sieber-Ruckstuhl et al. (2006) failed to doc
The prognosis for dogs with P D H depends i n part o n the ument a decrease i n 17-hydroxyprogesterone concentrations
age and overall health o f the dog and on the client's c o m m i t i n dogs with P D H treated with trilostane.
ment to therapy. The mean life span o f affected dogs after I do not routinely measure serum adrenocortical steroid
diagnosis of P D H is approximately 30 months. Younger dogs hormone intermediates or sex hormones when initially eval
may live considerably longer (i.e., 5 years or longer). M a n y uating dogs for hyperadrenocorticism. I reserve measure
dogs ultimately die or are euthanized because o f complica ment o f these hormones for those dogs with clinical features
tions related to hyperadrenocorticism (e.g., pituitary macro suggestive o f hyperadrenocorticism but persistently normal
t u m o r syndrome) or other geriatric disorders. or equivocal test results for hyperadrenocorticism.


Hyperadrenocorticism is u n c o m m o n i n cats. Although many
Dogs with atypical Cushing's syndrome have clinical features of the clinical characteristics o f feline hyperadrenocorticism
suggestive o f hyperadrenocorticism but persistently n o r m a l are similar to those seen i n dogs, there are some important
or equivocal endocrine test results. A n imbalance o f one or differences that should be emphasized. Most notable is the
more o f the adrenocortical steroid hormone intermediates very strong association with diabetes mellitus; the progres
required for synthesis o f Cortisol (see Fig. 53-15) is believed sive, relentless weight loss leading to cachexia; and dermal
to be the cause. It has been hypothesized that a relative defi and epidermal atrophy leading to extremely fragile, thin,
ciency i n enzymes required for Cortisol synthesis (such as easily torn and ulcerated skin (i.e., feline fragile skin syn
21--hydroxylase or 11--hydroxylase) cause accumulation drome) i n cats with hyperadrenocorticism. Establishing the
of steroid precursors p r o x i m a l to the blockade i n the syn diagnosis can be difficult, and effective medical treatment for
thetic pathway. H i g h concentrations o f one or more steroid hyperadrenocorticism i n cats has yet to be identified.
precursors may cause clinical signs or may be shunted into
alternative metabolic pathways and cause excesses i n other Etiology
steroid hormones, such as androstenedione. Increased serum Hyperadrenocorticism i n cats is classified as either pituitary
adrenocortical steroid hormone intermediates often occur i n dependent ( P D H ) or adrenocortical tumor dependent
conjunction with Cortisol i n dogs with P D H and cortisol- ( A T H ) . Approximately 80% of cats with hyperadrenocorti-
cism have P D H and 20% have A T H , with 50% of A T H s being the time cachexia and skin fragility develop. The primary
adenomas and 50% carcinomas. Cats with P D H have a differential diagnosis for insulin resistance, cachexia, and
pituitary microadenoma, macroadenoma, or carcinoma feline fragile skin syndrome is excess progestins such as that
identified at necropsy. Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism is w h i c h occurs with progesterone-secreting adrenal tumors
uncommon in cats and typically takes months of prednisone (see p. 844).
or prednisolone administration before clinical signs occur.
Clinical Features The classic clinicopathologic alterations seen in dogs with
hyperadrenocorticism are infrequently found i n cats. The
CLINICAL SIGNS A N D PHYSICAL most frequently observed abnormalities i n cats are hypergly
EXAMINATION FINDINGS cemia, glycosuria, hypercholesterolemia, and a m i l d increase
Hyperadrenocorticism is a disease o f older (average age 10 in alanine aminotransferase activity. These alterations can be
years) mixed-breed cats. There is a strong correlation between explained by concurrent, poorly regulated diabetes mellitus.
hyperadrenocorticism and diabetes mellitus, and the most A stress leukogram, an increase i n A L P activity, and isosthe
common initial clinical signs of feline hyperadrenocorticism nuric-hyposthenuric urine are not c o m m o n findings i n
(i.e., polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia) are more likely caused hyperadrenal cats. A n inability to document histologic
by diabetes than by hyperadrenocorticism. Other clinical changes i n the liver consistent with steroid-induced hepa
signs and physical examination findings are not as frequently topathy, an absence of the steroid-induced alkaline phospha
observed in cats as in dogs and tend to be very subtle i n the tase isoenzyme activity, and the relatively short half-life of
early stages o f the disease (Box 53-5; Fig. 53-17). A L P activity i n cats may account for the absence o f an
A frequent clue to the existence o f hyperadrenocorticism observed increase i n A L P activity. U r i n e abnormalities fre
in cats is the presence of diabetes mellitus that is difficult to quently identified i n dogs with hyperadrenocorticism are
control and ultimately progresses to severe insulin resistance. not c o m m o n i n cats.
Initially, clinical signs o f hyperadrenocorticism are m i l d and
tests of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis are often inconclu DIAGNOSTIC I M A G I N G
sive and difficult to interpret i n the presence o f poorly con A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography is used to identify adrenal
trolled diabetes. W i t h time, hyperadrenocorticism becomes masses and to clarify the clinician's index o f suspicion for
more apparent as affected cats become progressively more P D H . The interpretation o f results o f adrenal imaging i n cats
debilitated despite aggressive insulin therapy; weight loss is similar to that i n dogs (see p. 815). The m a x i m u m width o f
leads to cachexia; and dermal and epidermal atrophy result the adrenal gland i n healthy cats is typically less than 0.5 cm.
in extremely fragile, thin, easily torn, and ulcerated skin (Fig. Adrenomegaly should be suspected when the m a x i m u m
53-18). Dermal and epidermal lesions often occur when the width is greater than 0.5 cm; a m a x i m u m width greater than
cat is groomed or when the cat is handled during the physi 0.8 c m is strongly suggestive of adrenomegaly. The finding
cal examination. Insulin resistance is usually quite severe by of easily visualized, bilaterally large adrenals i n a cat with
appropriate clinical signs, physical examination findings,
and abnormal test results of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis
is strong evidence for P D H . C T and M R I can be used to look
BOX 53-5 for pituitary macroadenoma and to assess the size o f an
adrenal mass and extent o f infiltration o f the mass into sur
Clinical Features o f Hyperadrenocorticism i n Cats rounding b l o o d vessels and organs before adrenalectomy.
Clinical Signs
Polyuria, polydipsia*
Patchy alopecia* Although the tests used to diagnose hyperadrenocorticism
Unkempt haircoat* i n cats and dogs are similar (see p. 818), there are some
Symmetric alopecia important differences i n the testing protocol and i n the
Lethargy interpretation o f results (Table 53-4). I rely most heavily on
Thin, easily torn skin (feline fragile skin syndrome)* the U C C R , dexamethasone suppression test, and abdominal
Weight loss* ultrasonography to establish the diagnosis o f hyperadreno
Drooping of pinna corticism i n cats. The A C T H stimulation test lacks sensitivity
Additional Physical Findings i n the cat and is not recommended. I also rely on abdominal
ultrasound rather than endogenous plasma A C T H concen
"Pot-bellied" appearance*
tration to differentiate P D H from A T H .
Muscle wasting*
Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio
Skin infections
The theory behind and the specifics regarding the U C C R are
* Common. similar for dogs and cats and discussed o n p. 819. The cat
FIG 5 3 - 1 7
A a n d B, A 9-year-old c a t with pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m (PDH) a n d
insulin-resistant d i a b e t e s mellitus. N o t e the relatively n o r m a l p h y s i c a l a p p e a r a n c e of the
c a t in its n o r m a l posture (A). A b d o m i n a l e n l a r g e m e n t a n d i n g u i n a l a l o p e c i a a r e evident
on p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n (B). C a n d D, A 16-year-old c a t with P D H a n d insulin-resistant
d i a b e t e s mellitus. N o t e the relatively n o r m a l a p p e a r a n c e of the c a t a n d the a l o p e c i a a n d
ulceration in the d o r s a l c e r v i c a l a n d anterior t h o r a c i c r e g i o n in the a r e a of a c o l l a r w o r n
b y the c a t . A l o p e c i a w a s a l s o present in the ventral r e g i o n of the neck.

reference range for the U C C R performed o n urine collected non and the fragile state o f many diabetic hyperadrenal cats,
at home is less than 3.6 x 10 (often listed as less than 36); I typically use only one dexamethasone suppression test pro
this value may vary among laboratories. I use the U C C R as tocol (0.1 mg/kg dexamethasone administered intravenously;
the initial screening test for hyperadrenocorticism i n cats. A b l o o d obtained before and 4 and 8 hours after dexametha
n o r m a l U C C R is a strong finding against the diagnosis; an sone administration) when evaluating the pituitary-adreno
increased ratio does not establish the diagnosis by itself but cortical axis i n cats. A n 8-hour postdexamethasone serum
supports performing the dexamethasone suppression test. Cortisol concentration less than 1.0 g/dl is suggestive of a
n o r m a l pituitary-adrenocortical axis, values between 1.0 and
Dexamethasone Suppression Test 1.4 g/dl are inconclusive, and values greater than 1.4 g/dl
The duration o f the suppressive effects o f intravenously are supportive o f the diagnosis o f hyperadrenocorticism.
administered dexamethasone o n serum Cortisol concentra The higher the 8-hour post-dexamethsone serum Cortisol
tions is more variable i n cats than dogs. Approximately 20% concentration above 1.4 g/dl, the more supportive the test
of healthy cats do not experience the suppressive effects of is for the diagnosis o f hyperadrenocorticism. Similarly, a
dexamethasone, and their serum Cortisol concentrations are serum Cortisol concentration greater than 1.4 g/dl at the
greater than 1.4 g/dl 8 hours after dexamethasone a d m i n 4-hour postdexamethasone blood sampling time adds
istration. This "escape phenomenon" is more likely to occur further support for the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism
i n cats receiving lower doses o f dexamethasone. Because of (Fig. 53-19). Whenever the 4-hour post-dexamethasone Cor
potential misinterpretation caused by the escape phenome tisol value is less than 1.4 g/dl (especially less than 1.0 g/
FIG 53-18
A , A 15-year-old cat with pituitary-dependent h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m (PDH), insulin-resistant
d i a b e t e s mellitus, a n d feline fragile skin s y n d r o m e . N o t e the torn skin o v e r the b a c k of the
neck that o c c u r r e d w h i l e the cat w a s b e i n g restrained d u r i n g a p h y s i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n .
B, A 1 2-year-old cat with h y p e r a d r e n o c o r t i c i s m a n d severe insulin-resistant d i a b e t e s mellitus.
This cat w e i g h e d 2 . 2 kg a n d w a s r e c e i v i n g 2 5 units of regular insulin three times a d a y
with no g l u c o s e - l o w e r i n g effect. N o t e the e m a c i a t e d a p p e a r a n c e , p r e s u m a b l y resulting
from protracted p o o r g l y c e m i c c o n t r o l , a l o p e c i a , severe d e r m a l a n d e p i d e r m a l atrophy,
a n d lesions resulting from e a s i l y torn skin (arrow). C, A 17-year-old cat with P D H a n d
insulin-resistant d i a b e t e s mellitus. N o t e the e m a c i a t e d a p p e a r a n c e of the cat, the e n l a r g e d
a b d o m e n (pot-belly a p p e a r a n c e ) , a n d a b s e n c e of hair g r o w t h on the ventral a b d o m e n ,
w h i c h h a d b e e n s h a v e d for a n a b d o m i n a l ultrasound 1 0 months b e f o r e p r e s e n t a t i o n .

dl), the test results should be considered consistent with, but after the administration of synthetic or porcine A C T H ,
not definitively diagnostic of, hyperadrenocorticism and the respectively. Whenever porcine A C T H gel is used, blood
clinician must rely on the clinical signs, physical examination samples for Cortisol determination should be obtained 1 and
findings, and results of other diagnostic tests to help estab 2 hours after its administration. Whenever synthetic A C T H
lish the diagnosis. Results of the dexamethasone suppression is used, blood samples should be obtained 30 minutes and 1
test should never constitute the sole evidence for hyperadre hour after its administration. The reference range for peak
nocorticism in cats. p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concentration is 5 to 15 g/dl.
P o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concentrations greater than
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 15 g/dl are suggestive of hyperadrenocorticism. The sensi
Stimulation Test tivity of the A C T H stimulation test i n identifying hyperad
The peak increase in the p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol concen renocorticism is low i n cats. Fewer than 50% of cats with
tration occurs earlier i n cats than in dogs, and serum Cortisol hyperadrenocorticism confirmed at necropsy have abnormal
concentrations can approach baseline values by 1 or 2 hours A C T H stimulation test results consistent with the disease.
TABLE 53-4

Diagnostic Tests to Assess the Pituitary-Adrenocortical Axis in Cats with Suspected Hyperadrenocorticism


Urine Cortisol: Rule out Cushing's Urine collected at home Normal Not supportive of
creatinine ratio syndrome Cushing's syndrome
Increased Additional tests for
Cushing's indicated
8-hr post-dexamethasone:
Dexamethasone Diagnose Cushing's 0.1 mg dexamethasone/kg IV; < 1.0 g/dl Normal
suppression test syndrome serum pre- and 4 and 8 hr 1.0-1.5 g/dl Nondiagnostic
post-dexamethasone >1.5 g/dl and Suggestive
4 h r < 1.5 g/dl Strongly
>1.5 g/dl and suggestive
4 h r > 1.5 g/dl
Post-ACTH Cortisol concentration:
A C T H stimulation Diagnose Cushing's 2.2 IU of A C T H g e l * / k g IM; >20 g / d l Strongly suggestive
syndrome serum pre- and 1 and 2 hrs 15-20 g/dl Suggestive
post-ACTH or 0 . 1 2 5 mg of 5-15 g / d l Normal
synthetic A C T H * / c a t IM; <5 g/dl Iatrogenic Cushing's
serum pre- and 3 0 and syndrome
60 min post-ACTH
Endogenous A C T H Differentiate Plasma sample obtained <2 pmol/L ATH
PDH from ATH between 8 and 10 AM 2-10 pmol/L Nondiagnostic
Special handling required >10 pmol/L PDH

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone; IM, intramuscular; PDH, pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; ATH, adrenal tumor causing
* A C T H gel: Acthar Gel, Questcor Pharmaceuticals; Synthetic ACTH: Cortrosyn, Amphastar Pharmaceuticals.
Suggestive of hyperadrenocorticism.
$ Strongly suggestive of hyperadrenocorticism.

Endogenous Plasma Adrenocorticotropic

Hormone Concentration
The endogenous plasma A C T H concentration test is dis
cussed o n p. 824. The reference range for baseline plasma
A C T H concentrations i n cats is 2 to 13 p m o l / l . Undetectable
plasma endogenous A C T H concentrations (less than 2 p m o l /
L) are consistent w i t h A T H , endogenous A C T H concentra
tions greater than 10 pmol/1 are consistent with P D H , and
endogenous A C T H concentrations between 2 and 10 are

FIG 5 3 - 1 9
Hyperadrenocorticism is diagnosed o n the basis of history;
Dexamethasone suppression test results in seven cats with
findings o n physical examination; results of routine blood
histologically confirmed hyperadrenocorticism. Blood for the
Cortisol determination was drawn before and 4, 6, and 8 and urine tests, abdominal ultrasonography, and tests of the
hours after the intravenous administration of 0.1 mg of pituitary-adrenocortical axis; and the clinician's index of
dexamethasone/kg body weight. In most cats the plasma suspicion for the disease. Ideally, all diagnostic tests per
Cortisol concentration remained more than 1.4 g/dl formed i n the assessment o f a cat with suspected hyperad
throughout the testresults that are very consistent with a renocorticism should be abnormal. Discordant test results
diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism.
raise doubt regarding the diagnosis. False-positive and false-
negative results occur w i t h all o f the diagnostic tests used to
assess the pituitary-adrenocortical axis. Although normal
UCCR and dexamethasone suppression test results are
inconsistent with a diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism,
abnormal results o f these tests do not by themselves confirm i n cats that remain symptomatic at the starting dose given
the diagnosis. If there is doubt or uncertainty about the once daily. In one study by Neiger et al. (2004), three cats
diagnosis, therapy for hyperadrenocorticism should be with with P D H were still alive 6, 11, and 20 months after starting
held and the cat reevaluated 1 to 2 months later. trilostane therapy at 30 mg/cat once a day.
Aminoglutethimide (Cytadren, 30 mg/cat, administered
Treatment orally q l 2 h ; Ciba-Geigy Pharmaceuticals) inhibits the con
Treatment o f hyperadrenocorticism is problematic i n cats, version o f cholesterol to pregnenolone, thereby reducing
primarily because a reliable medical treatment for P D H has Cortisol hypersecretion. Aminoglutethimide has been used
not been identified. Trilostane is the current treatment o f successfully i n controlling clinical signs o f hyperadrenocorti
choice because other treatments, such as mitotane, ketocon cism and hyperprogesteronemia i n cats with progesterone-
azole, and the enzyme inhibitor metyrapone, are ineffective secreting tumors (Fig. 53-20) and appears to maintain its
or only transiently effective. The trilostane treatment and efficacy for a relatively prolonged period o f time (i.e.,
monitoring protocols are similar for dogs and cats (see months). Cobalt irradiation may be tried i n cats with pitu
p. 827). The initial dose is 1 to 2 mg/kg of body weight once itary macrotumor, although clinical signs o f hypercorti
daily. Adjustments i n the dose and frequency o f administra solemia may persist despite shrinkage o f the tumor.
tion are based on clinical response and results o f the A C T H Adrenalectomy is the treatment of choice for A T H , and
stimulation test, U C C R , and serum electrolyte concentra bilateral adrenolectomy is also an effective treatment for
tions. In general, twice-daily dosing provides better control P D H . Medical treatment with trilostane is usually necessary
than once-daily dosing and should be the initial adjustment for 4 to 6 weeks before adrenalectomy to reverse the catabolic

FI6 5 3 - 2 0
A , A 9-year-old male castrated d o m e s t i c l o n g - h a i r e d c a t with a 2 - y e a r history of p o o r l y
controlled d i a b e t e s mellitus, failure of hair to r e g r o w after c l i p p i n g 1 y e a r b e f o r e presenta
tion, a n d recent d e v e l o p m e n t of feline fragile skin s y n d r o m e . D i a g n o s t i c e v a l u a t i o n
r e v e a l e d a n a d r e n o c o r t i c a l tumor, i n c r e a s e d serum p r o g e s t e r o n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n , a n d
suppression of the p i t u i t a r y - a d r e n o c o r t i c a l a x i s o n a d r e n o c o r t i c o t r o p i c h o r m o n e stimulation
a n d d e x a m e t h a s o n e s u p p r e s s i o n testing. A progesterone-secreting a d r e n o c o r t i c a l tumor
w a s s u s p e c t e d . B, Five w e e k s after initiating treatment with a m i n o g l u t e t h e m i d e . Feline
fragile skin s y n d r o m e w a s r e s o l v i n g , hair w a s g r o w i n g , a n d g y n e c o m a s t i a h a d devel
o p e d . The serum p r o g e s t e r o n e c o n c e n t r a t i o n h a d d e c r e a s e d from a pretreatment v a l u e of
4 . 7 n g / m l to less than 1 n g / m l . C , Four months after a d r e n a l e c t o m y . Insulin-requiring
d i a b e t e s mellitus h a d r e s o l v e d .
state of the cat, improve skin fragility and w o u n d healing, adrenal cortex by neoplasia (e.g., lymphoma), granuloma
and decrease the potential for perioperative complications. tous disease, hemorrhagic infarction, arterial thrombosis, or
The surgical approach and medical management during and drugs such as mitotane and trilostane can also cause primary
after surgery are similar to those used i n dogs (see p. 828). adrenocortical insufficiency. For clinical signs to develop, it
Treatment for hypoadrenocorticism should begin i m m e d i is believed that at least 90% of the adrenal cortices must be
ately after bilateral adrenalectomy and include injectable destroyed. The zones of the adrenal cortices are usually
desoxycorticosterone pivalate ( D O C P , 2.2 mg/kg, adminis damaged at about the same rate, with aldosterone and glu
tered subcutaneously every 25 days initially, Percoten-V; cocorticoid deficiency typically occurring in tandem.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals) or fludrocortisone acetate (Flori Destruction is progressive, ultimately leading to complete
nef, 0.05 mg/cat, administered orally q l 2 h initially; E R loss of adrenocortical function. Dogs and cats typically have
Squibb & Sons) and prednisolone (1.0 to 2.5 m g once complete loss of adrenocortical function at the time hypo
daily). Subsequent adjustments in the dose of D O C P or adrenocorticism is diagnosed. A partial deficiency syndrome
fludrocortisone acetate should be based o n periodically mea characterized by inadequate adrenal reserve may occur ini
sured serum electrolyte concentrations (see p. 840). Insulin tially, with clinical signs manifested only during times of
therapy can be discontinued i n approximately 50% of cats stress such as boarding, travel, and surgery. As destruction
once hyperadrenocorticism is eliminated, and diabetes is of the adrenal cortex progresses, hormone secretion becomes
easier to control using less insulin i n the remaining cats. inadequate even under nonstressful conditions and a true
metabolic crisis occurs without any obvious inciting event.
Prognosis Mineralocorticoids (i.e., aldosterone) control sodium,
The prognosis is guarded to poor. Untreated hyperadrenal potassium, and water homeostasis. In the setting of primary
cats die within months after the diagnosis has been estab adrenocortical insufficiency, a loss of aldosterone secretion
lished because o f the deleterious effects o f chronic hypercor results i n impaired renal conservation of sodium and chlo
tisolism and insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus on skin ride and the excretion of potassium, leading to the develop
integrity and on i m m u n e and cardiovascular function and ment of hyponatremia, hypochloremia, and hyperkalemia.
as a result of progressive weight loss leading to severe The inability to retain sodium and chloride reduces extracel
cachexia. The effectiveness of trilostane remains to be deter lular fluid volume, leading to progressive development of
mined. Unilateral ( A T H ) or bilateral ( P D H ) adrenalectomy hypovolemia, hypotension, a reduced cardiac output, and
has the potential for excellent success; however, success decreased perfusion of the kidneys and other tissues. Hyper
depends, i n part, on correction of the debilitated state and kalemia has a deleterious effect on cardiac function, causing
skin fragility with medical treatment before surgery, involve decreased myocardial excitability, an increased myocardial
ment of a surgeon with expertise i n adrenal surgery, avoid refractory period, and slowed conduction. A concurrent glu
ance of perioperative complications, and the client's cocorticoid deficiency typically results in gastrointestinal
commitment to managing the iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency tract signs (e.g., anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss)
after bilateral adrenalectomy. Periodic evaluation of serum and changes i n mental status (e.g., lethargy). One of the
electrolytes and review of the treatment protocol are i m p o r hallmark signs of hypocortisolism is impaired tolerance to
tant. A n addisonian crisis occurred months after surgery i n stress, and clinical signs often become more pronounced
several cats treated in our clinic and was believed to be when the animal is placed i n stressful situations.
responsible for the death of some. Some dogs and cats with hypoadrenocorticism present to
the veterinarian with clinical signs of glucocorticoid defi
ciency but serum electrolyte concentrations that are within
HYPOADRENOCORTICISM the reference range at initial presentation. A deficiency in
glucocorticoid but not mineralocorticoid secretion is referred
Etiology to as atypical hypoadrenocorticism and is discussed on p. 841.
Hypoadrenocorticism is a deficiency of mineralocorticoids, Glucocorticoid deficiency resulting from pituitary dysfunc
glucocorticoids, orboth. Primary adrenocortical insufficiency tion is also called secondary hypoadrenocorticism. Destructive
(Addison's disease) involving a deficiency of both mineralo lesions i n the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, the long-
corticoid and glucocorticoid secretion is the most c o m m o n . term administration of exogenous glucocorticoids, and idio
The etiology of primary hypoadrenocorticism is usually pathic loss of function are the most c o m m o n causes of
classified as idiopathic because the cause of the disease is not secondary adrenal insufficiency. Naturally occurring, iso
obvious and necropsies are usually done years after the diag lated hypoaldosteronism is rare i n dogs and cats.
nosis is established, at which time idiopathic atrophy of all
layers of the adrenal cortex is the most frequent histopatho Clinical Features
logic finding. Immune-mediated destruction of the adrenal
cortices is believed to occur i n most dogs and cats with idio SIGNALMENT
pathic adrenal insufficiency; lymphocytes, plasma cells, and Hypoadrenocorticism is typically a disease of young to
fibrosis are c o m m o n findings i n animals that undergo nec middle-aged female dogs, with a median age of 4 to 6 years
ropsy near the time of diagnosis. Bilateral destruction of the and a range of 2 months to 12 years. Dogs with glucocorti-
coid-deficient hypoadrenocorticism tend to be older at the lemia. Bradycardia by itself, however, is not pathognomonic
time of diagnosis than dogs with mineralocorticoid and glu for hypoadrenocorticism, especially i n an otherwise healthy
cocorticoid deficient hypoadrenocorticism. Breeds reported dog. Similarly, dogs with hypoadrenocorticism can have
to be at increased risk for hypoadrenocorticism are listed i n normal heart rates. Polyuria and polydipsia are rarely pre
Box 53-6. Hypoadrenocorticism is rare in cats. There is no senting signs, although they may surface during the taking
apparent sex-related predisposition i n cats, although it tends of a complete history.
to occur in young to middle-aged cats (average age 6 years). Clinical signs are often vague and easily ascribed to more
Hypoadrenocorticism can, however, occur i n aged dogs and c o m m o n disorders involving the gastrointestinal and urinary
cats as well. tracts. Observant clients may occasionally describe an illness
with a waxing-waning or episodic course; however, this bit
CLINICAL SIGNS A N D PHYSICAL of historic information is the exception rather than the rule.
EXAMINATION FINDINGS M o s t dogs with hypoadrenocorticism are first seen because
Clinical signs and physical examination findings are listed i n of progressive problems that vary i n severity, depending o n
Box 53-7. The most c o m m o n clinical manifestations are the degree of stress and the adrenocortical reserve.
related to alterations i n the gastrointestinal tract and mental If hyponatremia and hyperkalemia become severe, the
status and include lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, and weight resultant hypovolemia, prerenal azotemia, and cardiac
loss. Weakness is also a c o m m o n client complaint. Additional arrhythmias may result i n an addisonian crisis. The clinical
physical examination findings may include dehydration, bra manifestations are as previously described; the only differ
dycardia, weak femoral pulses, and abdominal pain. Hyper ence is i n the severity of signs. In severe cases the animal may
kalemia and hypoadrenocorticism should be suspected i n an be presented i n shock and be m o r i b u n d . A n addisonian crisis
animal with bradycardia and signs consistent with hypovo- must be differentiated from other life-threatening disorders,
such as diabetic ketoacidosis, necrotizing pancreatitis, acute
hepatitis, septic peritonitis, and acute renal failure.


Breeds at Increased Risk for Hypoadrenocorticism Several abnormalities may be identified o n a C B C , serum
biochemistry panel, and urinalysis (Box 53-8). Hyperkale
Portuguese Water D o g mia, hyponatremia, and hypochloremia are the classic elec
Standard Poodle trolyte alterations i n animals with adrenal insufficiency and
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Bearded Collie*
Great Dane
Rottweiler BOX 53-8
West Highland White Terrier
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Clinicopathologic Abnormalities Associated with P r i m a r y
Hypoadrenocorticism i n Dogs and Cats
* Highly heritable but mode of inheritance undetermined.
Autosomal recessive mode of inheritance strongly suspected. Hemogram
Genetic predisposition suspected. Nonregenerative anemia
Neutrophilic leukocytosis
Mild neutropenia
BOX 53-7 Eosinophilia
Clinical Signs Caused by Hypoadrenocorticism i n Dogs
Biochemistry Panel
and Cats
DOGS CATS Hyponatremia
Lethargy* Lethargy* Prerenal azotemia
Anorexia* Anorexia* Hyperphosphatemia
Vomiting* Weight loss* Hypercalcemia
Weakness* Vomiting Hypoglycemia
Diarrhea Polyuria, polydipsia Hypoalbuminemia
Weight loss Hypocholesterolemia
Shivering Metabolic acidosis (low total CO2,HCO3-)
Polyuria, polydipsia
Abdominal pain Urinalysis
Isosthenuria to hypersthenuria
* Common.
are perhaps the most important evidence ultimately used to Box 55-4). The severity of the E C G abnormalities correlates
establish a diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism. Serum sodium with the severity o f hyperkalemia. The E C G can be used as
concentrations vary from n o r m a l to as l o w as 105 m E q / L a diagnostic tool to identify and estimate the severity of
(mean 128 m E q / L ) , and serum potassium concentrations hyperkalemia and as a therapeutic tool to monitor changes
vary from normal to greater than 10 m E q / L (mean 7.2 m E q / in the blood potassium concentration during therapy.
L). The sodium : potassium ratio reflects changes i n these
electrolyte concentrations i n serum and has been frequently DIAGNOSTIC I M A G I N G
used as a diagnostic tool to identify adrenal insufficiency. Hypoadrenal dogs and cats with severe hypovolemia often
The normal ratio varies between 27:1 and 4 0 : 1 . Values are have microcardia, a descending aortic arch that is flattened
often less than 27 and may be less than 20 i n animals with and has a decreased diameter, and a narrow caudal vena cava,
primary adrenal insufficiency. as seen on lateral thoracic radiographs. These findings are a
Electrolyte alterations by themselves can be misleading. crude means o f evaluating the degree of hypovolemia and
N o r m a l serum electrolyte concentrations do not rule out hypotension. Concurrent generalized megaesophagus may
adrenal insufficiency. Electrolyte abnormalities may not be be evident and may resolve i n response to treatment for the
evident i n the early stages of the disorder, when clinical signs hypoadrenocorticism. A b d o m i n a l ultrasonography may
result from glucocorticoid deficiency, and do not develop reveal small adrenal glands (i.e., m a x i m u m width less than
with secondary adrenal insufficiency caused by pituitary 0.3 cm), a finding suggestive of adrenocortical atrophy.
failure. Alternatively, other disorders can cause alterations i n However, finding normal-size adrenal glands does not rule
serum electrolyte concentrations that m i m i c adrenal out hypoadrenocorticism.
insufficiency, most notably disorders involving the hepatic,
gastrointestinal, and urinary systems (see Boxes 55-2 and Diagnosis
55-3). For most disorders a thorough history and physical Hypoadrenocorticism is often tentatively diagnosed on the
examination, together with a critical evaluation o f results o f basis o f the history; physical examination findings; clinico
the C B C , serum biochemistry panel, and urinalysis, allow the pathologic findings; and, i n the case of primary adrenal
clinician to prioritize the potential differential diagnoses. insufficiency, identification of appropriate electrolyte abnor
Important clues for hypoadrenocorticism include lack o f a malities. Results o f an A C T H stimulation test confirm the
stress leukogram i n a sick dog or cat and identification o f diagnosis (see Table 53-2). Baseline serum Cortisol concen
hypoalbuminemia, hypocholesterolemia, hypoglycemia, or a trations o f greater than 2 g/dl are inconsistent with the
combination o f these on the serum biochemistry panel. diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism, but baseline serum Cor
The most challenging aspect o f diagnosis is the differen tisol concentrations of 2 g/dl or less do not confirm the
tiation between acute renal failure and primary adrenal diagnosis. U C C R s are not reliable for confirming the diag
insufficiency. The azotemia o f adrenal insufficiency occurs nosis. One major criterion is used i n confirming the diagno
secondary to reduced renal perfusion and an associated sis of adrenal insufficiency: a p o s t - A C T H serum Cortisol
decrease i n glomerular filtration rate after the onset of hypo concentration less than 2 g/dl (Fig. 53-14). A p o s t - A C T H
volemia and hypotension. A compensatory increase i n urine serum Cortisol concentration o f 4 g/dl or greater is incon
specific gravity to greater than 1.030 allows prerenal azote sistent with the diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency. Post-
mia to be differentiated from primary renal azotemia and A C T H serum Cortisol values between 2 and 4 g/dl are
therefore adrenal insufficiency to be differentiated from equivocal and may occur with relative adrenal insuffi
acute renal failure, respectively. ciencya syndrome defined as inadequate production of
Unfortunately, many hypoadrenal dogs and cats have an Cortisol i n relation to increased demand during periods of
impaired ability to concentrate urine because o f chronic critical illness such as sepsis. Prolonged or excessive inflam
urinary sodium loss, depletion of the renal medullary sodium matory cytokine activity suppresses pituitary and adrenal
content, loss o f the n o r m a l medullary concentration gradi function i n humans and possibly i n dogs as well. In a recent
ent, and impaired water resorption by the renal collecting study by Burkitt et al. (2007), dogs with severe sepsis had a
tubules. As a result, some hypoadrenal dogs and cats with suppressed response o f the adrenal cortex to exogenously
prerenal azotemia have urine specific gravities i n the isosthe administered A C T H , an increase i n serum Cortisol concen
nuric range (i.e., 1.007 to 1.015). Fortunately, the initial tration o f less than 3 g/dl after A C T H administration, and
therapy for acute renal failure is similar to that used for resolution of the relative adrenal insufficiency after resolu
adrenal insufficiency. Ultimately, the differentiation between tion o f the illness.
these two disorders must rely on testing o f the pituitary- Results o f the A C T H stimulation test do not distinguish
adrenocortical axis and the animal's response to initial fluid dogs and cats with naturally occurring primary adrenal
and other supportive therapy. insufficiency from those with secondary insufficiency result
ing from pituitary failure, dogs and cats with secondary
ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY insufficiency resulting from prolonged iatrogenic glucocor
Hyperkalemia depresses cardiac conduction and causes ticoid administration, or dogs with primary adrenocortical
characteristic alterations on an electrocardiogram ( E C G ; see destruction caused by mitotane or trilostane overdosing.
TABLE 53-5

Differentiation of P r i m a r y Versus Secondary Hypoadrenocorticism



Serum electrolytes Hyperkalemia Normal Normal

A C T H stimulation test
Post-ACTH Cortisol Decreased Decreased Decreased
Post-ACTH aldosterone Decreased Normal Normal
Endogenous A C T H Increased Increased Decreased

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone.

Concurrent abnormal serum electrolyte concentrations

imply the existence of primary adrenal insufficiency and the
BOX 53-9
need for mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid replacement
Initial Treatment for Acute A d d i s o n i a n Crisis
therapy. N o r m a l serum electrolyte concentrations do not
differentiate between primary hypoadrenocorticism that Fluid Therapy
progresses and primary hypoadrenocorticism that does not Type: 0.9% saline solution
progress to mineralocorticoid deficiency or between primary Rate: 4 0 to 80 m l / k g / h IV initially
hypoadrenocorticism and secondary hypoadrenocorticism Potassium supplementation: contraindicated
(see the section on atypical hypoadrenocorticism). If sec Dextrose: 5% dextrose infusion (100 ml of 5 0 % dextrose
ondary hypoadrenocorticism can be documented, only glu per liter of fluids)
cocorticoid replacement therapy is indicated. Primary and Glucocorticoid Therapy
atypical or secondary hypoadrenocorticism can be differen
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate, 0.5 to 1.0 m g / k g IV,
tiated prospectively by periodically measuring serum elec
repeat q12h at dosage of 0.05 to 0.1 m g / k g in IV fluids
trolyte concentrations, by measuring baseline endogenous
until oral prednisone can be administered.
A C T H concentration, or by measuring plasma aldosterone Alternatively, hydrocortisone hemisuccinate or hydrocorti
concentrations during the A C T H stimulation test (Table sone phosphate,* 2 to 4 m g / k g IV or prednisolone
53-5). In theory, measurement of plasma aldosterone con sodium succinate,* 4 to 2 0 m g / k g IV, then dexametha
centration should be helpful i n distinguishing between the sone sodium phosphate, 0.05 to 0.1 m g / k g in IV fluids
various forms of adrenal insufficiency. Unfortunately, there ql2h.
is no clear demarcation i n plasma aldosterone concentra
Mineralocorticoid Therapy
tions between these groups of dogs.
Desoxycorticosterone pivalate (DOCP; Novartis), 2.2 m g /
Treatment kg IM q25 days initially.

The aggressiveness of therapy depends on the clinical status Bicarbonate Therapy

of the animal and the nature of the insufficiency (i.e., gluco
Indicated if H C O <12 mEq/L or total venous C O
3 2

corticoid or mineralocorticoid or both). M a n y dogs and cats <12 mmol/L or animal is severely ill. mEq H C O = body

with primary adrenal insufficiency are presented i n varying weight (kg) x 0.5 x base deficit (mEq/L); if base deficit
stages of an acute addisonian crisis, requiring immediate, unknown, use 10 mEq/L. A d d one quarter of calculated
aggressive therapy. In contrast, dogs and cats with isolated H C O dose to IV fluids and administer over 6 hours.

glucocorticoid deficiency often have a chronic course that Repeat only if plasma H C O remains <12 mEq/L.

poses more of a diagnostic than a therapeutic challenge.

IV, Intravenous; IM, intramuscular.
THERAPY FOR ACUTE * Assays to measure Cortisol may measure hydrocortisone and
prednisolone, interfering with interpretation of the
ADDISONIAN CRISIS adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test result,
A n acute addisonian crisis involves both a mineralocorticoid Higher doses of glucocorticoids may be required if the dog or cat
and a glucocorticoid deficiency. The treatment of acute is in shock.
primary adrenal insufficiency is directed toward correcting
hypotension, hypovolemia, electrolyte imbalances, and met
abolic acidosis; improving vascular integrity; and providing
an immediate source o f glucocorticoids (Box 53-9). Because venously at an initial dosage of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg and repeated
death resulting from hypoadrenocorticism is often attrib q l 2 h at a dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg i n the I V solution until
uted to vascular collapse and shock, rapid correction o f oral medication can be safely given. Rapid-acting, water-
hypovolemia is the first and most important therapeutic soluble glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone sodium suc
priority. Physiologic saline solution is the I V fluid o f choice cinate, hydrocortisone hemisuccinate, hydrocortisone
because it aids i n correcting hypovolemia, hyponatremia, phosphate, and prednisolone sodium succinate may be mea
and hypochloremia. Hyperkalemia is reduced by simple sured by the Cortisol assay, causing falsely increased Cortisol
dilution and by improved renal perfusion. Potassium- results, and should not be administered until after the A C T H
containing fluids (see Table 55-2) are relatively contraindi stimulation test is completed. W e do not routinely use these
cated but should be used i n lieu o f not giving I V fluids glucocorticoids for treating acute adrenal insufficiency.
at all. Currently available mineralocorticoid supplements
If hypoglycemia is suspected or k n o w n to be present, 50% include D O C P (Percorten-V; Novartis Pharmaceuticals) and
dextrose should be added to the I V fluids to produce a 5% fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef; E R Squibb & Sons). Both
dextrose solution (i.e., 100 m l o f 50% dextrose per liter of are intended for the long-term maintenance therapy of
fluids). The addition o f dextrose to isotonic solutions pro primary adrenal insufficiency. Injectable D O C P is the pre
duces a hypertonic solution that ideally should be adminis ferred mineralocorticoid for the treatment of a sick dog or
tered through a central vein to m i n i m i z e phlebitis. cat suspected o f having adrenal insufficiency. The drug is
Dogs and cats with acute adrenal insufficiency usually initially administered at a dose o f 2.2 mg/kg intramuscularly
have a m i l d metabolic acidosis that does not require therapy. or subcutaneously every 25 days initially. In an animal i n an
F l u i d therapy alone corrects the m i l d acidosis as hypovole emergency hypoadrenal crisis, the drug should be adminis
mia lessens and tissue perfusion and glomerular filtration tered intramuscularly. The IV administration of saline solu
rate improve. If the total venous carbon dioxide or the serum tion and the intramuscular administration of D O C P correct
bicarbonate concentration is less than 12 m m o l / L or 12 m E q / electrolyte abnormalities i n most hypoadrenal animals
L, respectively, conservative bicarbonate therapy is indicated. within 24 hours. There are no adverse reactions to a single
In a severely i l l animal i n w h i c h laboratory results are not injection of D O C P administered to dogs subsequently shown
yet k n o w n , a base deficit o f 10 m E q / L can be assumed to be to have n o r m a l adrenocortical function. Atrial natriuretic
present. The milliequivalents o f bicarbonate needed to peptide provides natural protection against hypernatremia.
correct the acidosis can be determined from the following Fludrocortisone acetate is also an effective treatment.
equation: However, it is available only i n tablet form, and most dogs
and cats are too i l l to receive oral therapy initially.
Bicarbonate deficit (mEq/L) = B o d y weight (kg) X 0.5 X
M o s t dogs and cats with acute adrenal insufficiency show
Base deficit (mEq/L)
dramatic clinical and biochemical improvement within 24
O n e fourth of the calculated bicarbonate dose should to 48 hours. Over the ensuing 2 to 4 days the animal should
be administered i n the I V fluids during the initial 6 to be gradually switched from I V fluids to oral water and food.
8 hours o f therapy. The acid-base status o f the animal Maintenance mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid therapy
should be reassessed at the end o f this time. Rarely, a dog should be initiated. If the animal fails to make this transition
or cat may require additional parenterally administered smoothly, persistent electrolyte imbalance, insufficient glu
sodium bicarbonate. cocorticoid supplementation, a concurrent endocrinopathy
S o d i u m bicarbonate therapy helps correct the metabolic (e.g., hypothyroidism), or concurrent illness (most notably
acidosis and also decreases the serum potassium concentra renal damage or pancreatitis resulting from poor perfusion
tion. The intracellular movement of potassium ions after and hypoxia caused by adrenal insufficiency) should be
bicarbonate administration, i n conjunction with the dilu suspected.
tional effects o f saline fluid therapy and improved renal per
fusion, is quite effective i n lowering the serum potassium MAINTENANCE THERAPY FOR PRIMARY
concentration and returning any E C G abnormalities toward A D R E N A L INSUFFICIENCY
normal. A d d i t i o n a l therapy to rapidly correct life-threaten Mineralocorticoids and usually glucocorticoids are required
ing hyperkalemia is rarely needed (see B o x 55-3). for maintenance o f the dog or cat with primary adrenal
Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid therapy is also insufficiency. The preferred mineralocorticoid supplementa
indicated i n the initial management o f an acute addisonian tion is injectable D O C P , which slowly releases the hormone
crisis. Ideally, glucocorticoids should not be given until after at a rate o f 1 mg/day/25 m g suspension. The initial dosage is
completion o f the A C T H stimulation test. I V infusion o f 2.2 mg/kg body weight, given intramuscularly or subcutane
saline is usually sufficient therapy during the initial 1 or 2 ously every 25 days. Subsequent adjustments are based on
hours while the A C T H stimulation test is being completed. results of serum electrolyte concentrations, which are ini
Dexamethasone does not interfere with the Cortisol assay tially measured 12 and 25 days after each of the first two or
and can be used if glucocorticoid therapy cannot be delayed. three D O C P injections. If the dog or cat has hyponatremia
O u r glucocorticoid o f choice for treating an acute addiso or hyperkalemia (or both), on day 12 the next dose should
nian crisis is dexamethasone sodium phosphate, given intra be increased by approximately 10%. If the day 12 electrolyte
profile is normal but the day 25 profile is abnormal, the sone (dogs) and prednisolone (cats) is given at an initial dose
interval between injections should be decreased by 48 hours. of 0.25 mg/kg twice a day orally. Over the ensuing 1 to 2
D O C P is very effective i n normalizing serum electrolyte con months the dose of prednisone or prednisolone should grad
centrations. The only adverse reaction is polyuria and poly ually be reduced to the lowest amount given once a day that
dipsia that improve after reduction of the D O C P dose. M o s t still prevents signs o f hypocortisolism. Approximately 50%
dogs (and presumably cats) receiving D O C P also require a and fewer than 10% of dogs receiving fludrocortisone and
low dose of glucocorticoids (prednisone, 0.25 mg/kg q l 2 h D O C P , respectively, ultimately do not require glucocorticoid
initially). medication, except during times of stress. A l l clients should
Drawbacks to D O C P are problems with availability and have glucocorticoids available to administer to their dogs
the inconvenience and expense associated with the need to and cats i n times of stress. Veterinarians should also be aware
make monthly visits to the veterinarian for the injection. of the increased glucocorticoid requirements of hypoadrenal
To minimize the inconvenience and expense, the client is dogs and cats undergoing surgery or during times of illness
routinely taught to give the injection subcutaneously at with a nonadrenal-related disease. The glucocorticoid dose
home. Every third or fourth treatment, the client should being administered should be doubled on days when
bring the dog or cat into the clinic for a complete physical increased stress is anticipated.
examination, measurement of serum electrolyte concen The most c o m m o n reason for persistence of clinical signs
trations, and administration of D O C P to ensure that prob despite appropriate treatment is inadequate glucocorticoid
lems with the administration of D O C P have not developed. supplementation. W h e n healthy and i n a nonstressed envi
Once the dog or cat is healthy and serum electrolyte con ronment, dogs and cats with adrenal insufficiency typically
centrations are stable, the amount of D O C P administered require small amounts of prednisone or prednisolone, if any.
can be decreased by 10% increments initially and the fre However, when stressed or i l l , these same animals may
quency of D O C P administration can be shortened to every require large amounts of prednisone or prednisolone (i.e.,
21 days to allow lower doses of D O C P to be administered 0.25 to 0.5 mg/kg) given twice a day. Failure to provide ade
(typically about 1.5 mg/kg/injection), thereby decreasing the quate amounts of glucocorticoids can lead to persistent and
expense of treatment. The goal is to identify the lowest worsening lethargy, inappetence, and vomiting. The amount
dosage of D O C P that maintains the health of the dog or cat of prednisone or prednisolone required to offset the delete
and keeps serum electrolyte concentrations i n the reference rious effects of stress and illness is variable and unpredict
range. able. As such, it is always better to err o n the high end of the
Fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef) is another c o m m o n l y dosage range and then gradually decrease the dosage over
used mineralocorticoid supplement. The initial dose is the ensuing weeks.
0.02 mg/kg/day, divided into two doses, and administered
orally. Subsequent adjustments i n the dose are based o n serum Prognosis
electrolyte concentrations, which are initially assessed every 1 The prognosis i n dogs and cats with adrenal insufficiency is
to 2 weeks. The goal is to reestablish normal serum sodium usually excellent. The most important factors i n determining
and potassium concentrations. The dose of fludrocortisone an animal's long-term response to therapy are client educa
acetate must typically be increased during the first 6 to 18 tion about the disease and client dedication to treatment. If
months of therapy. This increasing need may reflect the con there is good client-veterinarian communication, i f frequent
tinuing destruction of the adrenal cortices. After this time the rechecks are performed, and i f clients are conscientious
dose usually plateaus and remains relatively stable. about carrying out therapy, dogs and cats with adrenal
The major drawbacks to oral therapy with fludrocortisone insufficiency can have a normal life expectancy.
acetate are the wide range i n the doses required to control
serum electrolyte concentrations; the development of poly
uria, polydipsia, and incontinence i n some dogs (presumably ATYPICAL HYPOADRENOCORTICISM
caused by the potent glucocorticoid activity of this drug);
resistance to the effects of the drug, which has been observed Some dogs and cats with hypoadrenocorticism present to the
in some animals; and persistent m i l d hyperkalemia veterinarian with clinical signs of glucocorticoid deficiency
and hyponatremia i n some animals. Ineffectiveness of but with serum electrolyte concentrations that are within the
fludrocortisone acetate should be suspected when clients reference range at initial presentation. A deficiency i n gluco
report that their pet is "just not right" and hyponatremia and corticoid but not mineralocorticoid secretion is referred to
hyperkalemia persist despite high dosages of the mineralo as atypical hypoadrenocorticism. Glucocorticoid deficiency
corticoid supplement. The concurrent administration of may be adrenocortical i n origin (primary atypical hypoad
hydrocortisone hemisuccinate or oral salt may help alleviate renocorticism; most c o m m o n ) or may result from impaired
the electrolyte derangements i n dogs and cats i n which secretion of A C T H by the pituitary gland (secondary hypo
fludrocortisone acetate by itself is not completely effective. adrenocorticism). Baseline endogenous plasma A C T H con
Alternatively, switching to D O C P should be considered. centrations are normal or increased when the primary
Glucocorticoid supplementation is initially indicated for problem is adrenal i n origin and decreased when the primary
all dogs and cats with primary adrenal insufficiency. Predni problem is pituitary i n origin (Table 53-5). Glucocorticoid
but not mineralocorticoid deficiency of adrenal origin may icoabdominal vein and caudal vena cava, entrap and com
represent a dog or cat i n the early stages of development of press the caudal vena cava and phrenicoabdominal vein, or
typical primary hypoadrenocorticism with destruction of both (see Fig. 53-8). M u r a l invasion or luminal narrowing
the zona fasciculata more advanced than destruction of the of the aorta, renal vessels, adrenal vessels, and hepatic veins
zona glomerulosa. Mineralocorticoid deficiency and abnor and infiltration into the adjacent kidney and body wall may
mal serum electrolyte concentrations develop weeks to also occur. Distant sites of metastasis include the liver, lung,
months later. In some dogs and cats glucocorticoid defi regional l y m p h nodes, bone, and C N S . Paragangliomas are
ciency does not progress to mineralocorticoid deficiency. tumors arising from chromaffin cells located outside of the
The etiology for this form of hypoadrenocorticism is not adrenal medulla, most c o m m o n l y near the sympathetic
k n o w n , although drugs such as megesterol acetate, mitotane, ganglia, and are rare i n dogs and cats.
and trilostane are recognized causes.
Glucocorticoid deficiency resulting from pituitary dys Clinical Features
function is called secondary hypoadrenocorticism. Destructive Pheochromocytomas occur most c o m m o n l y i n older dogs
lesions (e.g., neoplasia, inflammation) i n the pituitary gland and cats, with a median age of 11 years at the time of diag
or hypothalamus and the long-term administration of exog nosis i n dogs. There is no apparent sex- or breed-related
enous glucocorticoids are the most c o m m o n recognized predisposition.
causes of secondary adrenal insufficiency. Adrenocortical Clinical signs and physical examination findings develop
atrophy may develop after the injectable, oral, or topical as a result of the space-occupying nature of the tumor and
administration of glucocorticoids. Adrenal function usually its metastatic lesions or as a result of excessive secretion of
returns within 2 to 4 weeks after the medication is discon catecholamines (Table 53-6). The most c o m m o n clinical
tinued, unless long-acting depot forms of glucocorticoids signs are generalized weakness and episodic collapse. The
are used. most c o m m o n abnormalities identified during physical
Glucocorticoid-deficient hypoadrenocorticism is usually examination involve the respiratory, cardiovascular, and
identified during the diagnostic evaluation of dogs and cats musculoskeletal systems and include excessive panting,
with chronic, vague gastrointestinal clinical signs such as tachypnea, tachycardia, weakness, and muscle wasting. Excess
lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. catecholamine secretion may also cause severe systemic
Results of routine blood and urine tests are typically normal. hypertension, resulting i n nasal and retinal hemorrhage and
Diagnosis requires an A C T H stimulation test (see p. 822).
Therapy involves the administration of glucocorticoids,
as previously described for the treatment of primary hypo
adrenocorticism. The exception is secondary adrenal
insufficiency induced by the overzealous administration of TABLE 53-6
glucocorticoids, i n w h i c h case therapy revolves around a
C l i n i c a l Signs and Physical Examination Findings
gradual reduction i n the dose and frequency of administra
Associated w i t h Pheochromocytoma i n Dogs
tion, with eventual discontinuation of the medication. Dogs
and cats with secondary adrenal insufficiency should not PHYSICAL EXAMINATION
have mineralocorticoid deficiency. The periodic measure CLINICAL SIGNS FINDINGS
ment of serum electrolytes is advisable because primary glu
cocorticoid-deficient adrenal insufficiency and dogs and cats Intermittent weakness* N o identifiable abnormalities*
Intermittent collapsing Panting, tachypnea*
believed to have secondary adrenal insufficiency may prog
episodes* Weakness*
ress to mineralocorticoid deficiency months after glucocor
Intermittent panting* Tachycardia*
ticoid-deficient hypoadrenocorticism is diagnosed.
Intermittent tachypnea* Cardiac arrhythmias
Intermittent anxious Weak pulses
behavior* Pale mucous membranes
PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA Polyuria, polydipsia Muscle wasting*
Lethargy Findings from systemic
Etiology Inappetence hypertension:
Pheochromocytoma is a catecholamine-producing tumor Vomiting Nasal hemorrhage
derived from the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. Diarrhea Oral hemorrhage
Pheochromocytomas are u n c o m m o n i n dogs and rare i n Weight loss Retinal hemorrhage
Abdominal distension Retinal detachment
cats. Pheochromocytomas are usually solitary, slow-growing
Rear limb edema Lethargy
tumors ranging i n size from nodules of less than 0.5 c m i n
Abdominal pain
diameter to masses greater than 10 c m i n diameter. Pheo
Palpable abdominal mass
chromocytoma involving both adrenal glands has been
reported. Pheochromocytoma should be considered a Rear limb edema
malignant tumor i n dogs and cats. Pheochromocytomas
c o m m o n l y invade into the l u m e n of the adjacent phren- * Common signs and physical examination findings.
retinal detachment. Because catecholamine secretion is spo raphy are most helpful i n establishing a tentative diagnosis
radic and unpredictable, clinical manifestations and systemic of pheochromocytoma. Systemic hypertension may be sus
hypertension tend to be paroxysmal and are usually not tained or episodic. Failure to document systemic hyperten
evident at the time the dog is examined. Because clinical sion i n a dog with appropriate clinical signs does not rule
signs and physical examination findings are often vague, out a diagnosis o f pheochromocytoma.
nonspecific, and easily associated with other disorders, pheo The ultrasound identification o f an adrenal mass with a
chromocytoma is often not considered a possible differential normal-size contralateral adrenal gland is perhaps the most
diagnosis until an adrenal mass is identified with abdominal important clue for pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocy
ultrasound. toma is one of several differentials for an adrenal mass (Table
53-7; see also the discussion o f incidental adrenal mass). The
Diagnosis primary differential diagnosis is adrenal-dependent hyper
Pheochromocytoma should be on the list o f differential adrenocorticism. Interestingly, many o f the clinical signs
diagnoses for dogs presenting with clinical signs suggestive (e.g., panting, weakness) and b l o o d pressure alterations seen
of catecholamine excess, dogs with an unexpected adrenal i n dogs with hyperadrenocorticism (common) are similar to
mass identified by abdominal ultrasound, and dogs that those seen i n dogs with pheochromocytoma ( u n c o m m o n ) .
develop unexpected problems with systemic hypertension or In addition, pheochromocytoma and adrenocortical carci
cardiac arrythmias during anesthesia. Pheochromocytoma n o m a both invade adjacent structures and cause t u m o r
may also be an unexpected or incidental finding at necropsy t h r o m b i i n the phrenicoabdominal vein and caudal vena
or may cause sudden collapse and death from a sudden, cava. Kyles et al. (2003) found 6 o f 11 dogs with pheochro
massive, and sustained release o f catecholamines by the mocytoma and 6 o f 28 dogs with an adrenocortical tumor
tumor. had t u m o r t h r o m b i . It is important to rule out adrenal-
There are no consistent abnormalities identified i n the dependent hyperadrenocorticism before focusing o n pheo
C B C , serum biochemistry panel, or urinalysis that w o u l d chromocytoma i n a dog with an adrenal mass.
raise suspicion for pheochromocytoma. A history o f acute Measurement o f urinary catecholamine concentrations
or episodic collapse, the identification of appropriate respi or their metabolites can strengthen the tentative diagnosis o f
ratory and cardiac abnormalities during physical examina a pheochromocytoma. Unfortunately, these tests are not
tion, the documentation o f systemic hypertension, and c o m m o n l y performed i n dogs and cats. As a result, the ante-
identification of an adrenal mass by abdominal ultrasonog mortem definitive diagnosis o f a pheochromocytoma ulti-

TABLE 53-7

Adrenal T u m o r s Reported i n Dogs and Cats


Nonfunctional None D o g * , Cat - Diagnosis by exclusion

adrenal tumor histopathology
Functional adreno Cortisol D o g * , Cat Hyperadrenocorticism Urine C : C ratio
cortical tumor Cushing's syndrome Low-dose dexamethasone
suppression test
+ +
Aldosterone C a t * , Dog Hyperaldosteronism Serum K and N a Baseline
Conn's syndrome plasma aldosterone
Progesterone C a t * , Dog Mimics Serum progesterone
Steroid hormone precursors
17-OH progesterone Dog Mimics A C T H stimulation t e s t -
hyperadrenocorticism measure steroid hormone
Deoxycorticosterone Dog Mimics hyperaldosteronism A C T H stimulation t e s t -
measure steroid hormone
Functional adreno Epinephrine D o g * , Cat Pheochromocytoma Diagnosis by exclusion
medullary tumor Histopathology

ACTH, Adrenocorticotropic hormone.

* Species most commonly affected.
mately relies o n histologic evaluation of the surgically excised orally q12h initially) is used to prevent severe clinical mani
adrenal mass. festations o f hypertension. Propranolol or atenolol may also
be necessary to control tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmias.
Treatment However, propranolol and atenolol should be given only
A period o f medical therapy to reverse the effects of excessive after -adrenergic blockade has been initiated because severe
adrenergic stimulation, followed by surgical removal o f the hypertension may develop after blockade o f -receptor-
tumor, is the treatment o f choice for pheochromocytoma. mediated vasodilation in skeletal muscle.
The success o f chemotherapy and radiation therapy i n
humans with pheochromocytoma has been limited, and Prognosis
results of chemotherapy or radiation therapy for the treat The prognosis depends i n part on the size of the adrenal
ment o f pheochromocytoma i n dogs or cats has not been mass, presence of metastasis or local invasion of the tumor
reported. Mitotane is ineffective for treating tumors arising into adjacent b l o o d vessels or organs (e.g., kidney), avoid
from the adrenal medulla. Long-term medical therapy ance o f perioperative complications i f adrenalectomy is per
is primarily designed to control excessive catecholamine formed (i.e., hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory
secretion. distress, and hemorrhage), and the presence and nature of
Potentially life-threatening complications are c o m m o n concurrent disease. Surgically excisable tumors carry a
during the perioperative period, especially during induction guarded to good prognosis. Survival time in our dogs that
of anesthesia and manipulation o f the tumor during surgery. underwent adrenalectomy and survived the immediate post
The most worrisome complications include episodes o f operative period ranged from 2 months to longer than 3
acute, severe hypertension (systolic arterial b l o o d pressure years. If metastatic disease is not present, perioperative com
of more than 300 m m H g ) , episodes o f severe tachycardia plications are prevented, and serious concurrent disease not
(heart rate o f more than 250 beats/min) and arrhythmias, present, the dog has the potential to live a significant length
and hemorrhage. Preoperative -adrenergic blockade is of time (i.e., more than a year). Pretreatment with an -
indicated to prevent severe clinical manifestations o f hyper adrenergic blocking drug before surgery and the involve
tension i n the preoperative period, to reverse the hypovole ment o f an experienced anesthesiologist and surgeon with
mia that is frequently present, and to promote a smooth expertise i n adrenal surgery help minimize potentially
anesthetic induction. Phenoxybenzamine is the drug o f serious perioperative complications associated with anesthe
choice for -adrenergic blockade. O u r current protocol for sia and digital manipulation o f the tumor. Medically treated
the management o f hypertension i n dogs with pheochro dogs can live longer than 1 year from the time of diagnosis
mocytoma includes preoperative phenoxybenzamine and if the tumor is relatively small (less than 3 c m diameter),
intraoperative phentolamine. O u r initial dosage of phenoxy vascular invasion is not present, and treatment with an
benzamine is 0.5 mg/kg q l 2 h . Unfortunately, many dogs -adrenergic blocking drug is effective i n m i n i m i z i n g the
with pheochromocytoma have episodic clinical signs and deleterious effects o f episodic excessive catecholamine secre
hypertension, making it difficult to adjust dosage on the tion by the tumor. M o s t dogs die or are euthanized because
basis o f improvement i n clinical signs and b l o o d pressure. In of complications caused by excessive catecholamine secre
addition, this dosage is often ineffective i n preventing severe tion, complications caused by tumor-induced venous throm
hypertension during surgery. Therefore we gradually increase bosis, or complications caused by invasion of the tumor or
the phenoxybenzamine dosage every few days until clinical its metastases into surrounding organs.
signs o f hypotension (e.g., lethargy, weakness, syncope),
adverse drug reactions (e.g., vomiting), or a m a x i m u m
dosage o f 2.5 mg/kg q l 2 h is attained. Surgery is recom INCIDENTAL ADRENAL MASS
mended 1 to 2 weeks later. The drug should be continued
until the time o f surgery. If severe persistent tachycardia is Ultrasonography has become a routine diagnostic tool for
identified, -adrenergic antagonist therapy (e.g., proprano the evaluation o f soft tissue structures i n the abdominal
lol: 0.2 to 1.0 mg/kg, per os, q8h; atenolol: 0.2 to 1.0 mg/kg, cavity. One consequence o f abdominal ultrasonography is
P O , q24h to q l 2 h ) should be used during the preoperative the unexpected finding o f a seemingly incidental adrenal
period but only after -adrenergic blockade has been initi mass. M a n y factors determine the aggressiveness of the diag
ated. Complications may still occur despite prior treatment nostic and therapeutic approach to an adrenal mass, includ
with -adrenergic blocking drugs; close m o n i t o r i n g o f the ing the severity o f concurrent problems, the original reason
dog during the perioperative period is critical for a success for performing abdominal ultrasound, the age o f the dog or
ful outcome after adrenalectomy. (See Suggested Readings cat, the likelihood that the mass is hormonally active, the
for more information o n the perioperative and surgical likelihood that the mass is a malignant or benign tumor, the
management o f dogs with a pheochromocytoma.) size and invasiveness of the mass, and the client's desires and
Long-term medical management is designed to control willingness to pursue the problem. The first consideration is
excessive catecholamine secretion. The -adrenergic block to be certain that an adrenal mass exists. A b d o m i n a l ultra
ing drug phenoxybenzamine (0.50 mg/kg, administered sound should always be repeated to confirm that the mass is
a repeatable finding. A n adrenal mass is suspected when the Adrenal tumors secreting progesterone, 17-hydroxypro
maximum width o f the adrenal gland exceeds 1.5 c m , there gesterone (see the section o n atypical Cushing's syndrome,
is loss of the typical kidney-bean shape o f the gland, and p. 830), and other adrenocortical steroid precursors have also
there is asymmetry i n shape and size between the affected been documented i n dogs and cats. Progesterone-secreting
adrenal gland and the contralateral adrenal gland. Bulbous adrenal tumors are identified most c o m m o n l y i n cats. Exces
enlargement of the cranial or caudal pole o f the adrenal sive progesterone secretion i n affected cats caused diabetes
gland is c o m m o n i n dogs with n o r m a l adrenal glands and mellitus and feline fragile skin syndrome, characterized by
can be misinterpreted as an adrenal mass. progressively worsening dermal and epidermal atrophy,
A n adrenal mass is not always neoplastic or producing patchy endocrine alopecia, and easily torn skin (see Fig. 53-
and secreting a hormone. The mass may be n o r m a l tissue, 20). C l i n i c a l features m i m i c k e d feline hyperadrenocorticism,
granuloma, cyst, hemorrhage, or an inflammatory nodule. which is the primary differential diagnosis. Results o f tests
Adrenalectomy is the treatment o f choice i f the mass is of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis are n o r m a l to suppressed
malignant and has not spread, but adrenalectomy may not i n cats with progesterone-secreting adrenal tumors, and the
be indicated i f the mass is benign, small, hormonally inac contralateral adrenal gland is n o r m a l i n size and shape on
tive, and not invading surrounding structures. Unfortunately, abdominal ultrasound. Diagnosis requires documenting an
it is not easy to determine whether an adrenal mass is neo increased plasma progesterone concentration.
plastic and malignant or benign before surgical removal and After discovering an incidental mass, the clinician should
histopathologic evaluation. Guidelines to suggest malig review the history, physical examination, and results o f
nancy include size o f the mass, invasion o f the mass into routine b l o o d and urine tests for evidence o f hyperad
surrounding organs and b l o o d vessels, and identification o f renocorticism, hyperaldosteronism, or pheochromocytoma
additional mass lesions with abdominal ultrasound and tho and should perform the appropriate tests to confirm the
racic radiographs. The bigger the mass, the more likely it is diagnosis. Whenever surgical removal o f an adrenal mass
to be malignant and the more likely metastasis has occurred, is planned, a U C C R and an L D D S test should be evaluated
regardless of findings o n abdominal ultrasound and thoracic and the perioperative management adjusted accordingly
radiographs. Cytologic evaluation o f specimens obtained by if test results are consistent w i t h hyperadrenocorticism.
ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration o f the adrenal If h o r m o n a l tests for hyperadrenocorticism are n o r m a l and
mass may provide guidance regarding malignancy and origin clinical signs suggestive o f pheochromocytoma are present,
of the mass (i.e., adrenal cortex versus medulla). the clinician should assume that the adrenal mass is a
A n adrenal tumor may secrete a hormone or be nonfunc pheochromocytoma and treat with an -adrenergic anta
tional. Excess secretion o f Cortisol, catecholamines, aldoste gonist before adrenalectomy (see p. 843). If the diagnostic
rone, progesterone, and steroid hormone precursors have evaluation does not support hyperadrenocorticism or
been documented i n dogs and cats (see Table 53-7). The pheochromocytoma, the anesthesiologist should be pre
most c o m m o n functional adrenal tumors secrete Cortisol or pared to manage intraoperative b l o o d pressure and cardiac
catecholamines. Aldosterone-secreting adrenal tumors rhythm disturbances should the mass turn out to be a
causing primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's syndrome) are pheochromocytoma.
uncommon i n dogs and cats. Excessive secretion o f aldoste A n aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach is
rone causes sodium retention and potassium depletion, often not warranted for a small adrenal mass (less than 2 c m
which is manifested as increased serum sodium (greater than i n m a x i m u m width), especially i f the dog or cat is healthy
155 mEq/L) and decreased serum potassium (less than and there are no clinical signs related to adrenal dysfunction.
3.0 mEq/L) concentrations. Hypokalemia causes lethargy In these cases, it may be preferable to determine the rate o f
and weakness, which are the most c o m m o n clinical signs o f growth o f the mass by repeating abdominal ultrasound i n i
primary hyperaldosteronism. Hypernatremia causes sys tially at 2, 4, and 6 months. If the adrenal mass has not
temic hypertension. A n adrenal mass should be identified o n changed i n size during this time, the clinician can increase
abdominal ultrasound, and the contralateral adrenal gland the time interval between ultrasound evaluations to every 4
should be normal i n size and shape. D o c u m e n t i n g an to 6 months (Fig. 53-21). However, i f the adrenal mass is
increased baseline plasma aldosterone concentration is used increasing i n size and/or clinical signs develop, the clinician
to confirm the diagnosis. should consider adrenalectomy.
FIG 53-21
A , An 11-year-old male castrated Doberman Pinscher mix presented for clinical signs
consistent with acute gastroenteritis. Abdominal ultrasound identified a 1.4-cm diameter
adrenal mass (arrow) and a normal-size contralateral adrenal gland. The history, physical
examination, and results of routine blood and urine tests were not supportive of adrenal
disease, and the dog responded to symptomatic therapy for acute gastroenteritis. The
adrenal mass was periodically evaluated with ultrasound. Over the ensuing 2 years the
dog remained healthy and there was minimal growth or change in the echogenicity of the
adrenal mass. B, The adrenal mass 1 year after presentation; maximum diameter was
1.8 cm. C, The adrenal mass 2 years after presentation; maximum diameter was 2.0 cm.


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Reusch CE et al: The efficacy of 1-deprenyl in dogs with pituitary- Neiger R et al: Trilostane therapy for treatment of pituitary-depen
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Ruckstuhl NS et al: Results of clinical examinations, laboratory
tests, and ultrasonography in dog's with pituitary-dependent HYPOADRENOCORTICISM
hyperadrenocorticism treated with trilostane, Am ] Vet Res Burkitt J M et al: Relative adrenal insufficiency in dogs with sepsis,
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Theon AP et al: Megavoltage irradiation of pituitary macrotumors Hughes A M et al: Clinical features and heritability of hypoadreno
in dogs with neurologic signs, / Am Vet Med Assoc 213:225, corticism in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers: 25 cases (1994-
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Vaessen M M A R et al: Urinary corticoid: creatinine ratios in healthy Lennon E M et al: Use of basal serum or plasma Cortisol con
pet dogs after oral low-dose dexamethasone suppression tests, centrations to rule out a diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism
Vet Rec 155:518, 2004. in dogs: 123 cases (2000-20005), Am Vet Med Assoc 231:413,
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dependent hyperadrenocorticism, Am J Vet Res 65:1245, 2004. 2007.
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Drugs Used in Endocrine Disorders


Aminoglutethimide Treat feline Not applicable 30 mg/cat P O q l 2 h

(Cytadren) hyperadrenocorticism
Calcium-injectable and Treat hypocalcemia, See Box 55-7 See Box 55-7
oral preps hypoparathyroidism
Carbimazole (Neo- Treat feline hyperthyroidism Not applicable 5 mg P O q l 2 h initially;
Mercazole) increase q 2 weeks to
Chlorpropamide Treat partial central 5-20 m g / k g P O q12h Unknown
(Diabinase) diabetes insipidus
Chlorothiazide (Diuril) Treat central/renal 20-40 m g / k g P O q l 2 h 20-40 mg/kg PO q12h
diabetes insipidus
Desmopressin (DDAVP) Treat central diabetes 1-4 drops of nasal spray in eye 1-4 drops of nasal spray in
insipidus q12-24h; 0.1 mg tablet P O eye q12-24h; 0.05 mg
q8-12h tablet PO q8-l 2h
Desoxycorticosterone Treat hypoadrenocorticism 2.2 m g / k g IM or S C q25 days 2.2 mg/kg IM or S C q 25
pivalate (DOCP) days
Dexamethasone sodium Treat acute Addisonian 0.5-1.0 m g / k g IV, repeat q12h 0.5-1.0 mg/kg IV, repeat
phosphate crisis at 0.05 to 0.1 m g / k g in IV q12h at 0.05-0.1 mg/kg
fluids in IV fluids
Diazoxide (Proglycem) Supportive treatment for 5 m g / k g P O q l 2 h initially; Unknown
cell tumor increase as needed
Diethylstilbesterol Treat estrogen-responsive 0.1-1.0 mg P O q24h 3 weeks Not applicable
dermatosis of spayed per month; once respond, 0.1-
female dogs 1 mg q4-7 days
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) Treat canine thyroid 30 m g / m 2
BSA IV q3-6 weeks Not applicable
Fludrocortisone acetate Treat hypoadrenocorticism 0.01 m g / k g P O q l 2 h initially 0.05-0.1 mg/cat PO q l 2 h
Glipizide (Glucotrol) Treat feline type 2 diabetes Not applicable 2.5-5 mg/cat PO q12h
Glucagon USP Treat hypoglycemia caused 5-10 n g / k g / m i n as continuous IV Unknown
by cell neoplasia infusion; adjust dose to effect
Glyburide (Diabeta, Treat feline type 2 diabetes Not applicable 0.625-1.25 mg/cat PO
Micronase) q24h
Growth Hormone-porcine Treat GH-responsive 0.1-0.3 l U / k g S C 3 times/week Unknown
origin dermatosis for 4 to 6 wks
Treat pituitary dwarfism
Hydrocortisone Treat acute addisonian 2-4 m g / k g IV, then administer 2-4 mg/kg IV, then administer
hemisuccinate crisis dexamethasone in IV fluids dexamethasone in IV fluids
Hydrocortisone phosphate Treat acute crisis 2-4 m g / k g IV, then administer 2-4 mg/kg IV, then
dexamethasone in IV fluids administer dexamethasone
in IV fluids
Insulin Treat diabetic ketoacidosis See Box 52-9 See Box 52-9
Treat diabetes mellitus See Table 52-2 See Table 52-2
Supportive treatment for See Table 55-3 See Table 55-3
Ketoconazole (Nizoral) Treat hyperadrenocorticism 5 m g / k g P O q l 2 h initially; Not recommended
increase to effect q 2 weeks
Medroxyprogesterone Treat pituitary dwarfism 2.5-5.0 m g / k g S C q 3 weeks Not applicable
acetate initially
Megestrol acetate Treat feline endocrine Not applicable 2.5-5 mg/cat P O q48h;
(Ovaban) alopecia once respond, then q7-14

Drugs Used in Endocrine Disorderscont'd


Melatonin Treat congenital adrenal 3-6 mg P O q12-24h Not applicable

syndrome, Alopecia-X
Methimazole (Tapazole) Treat hyperthyroidism 2.5 m g / d o g P O q l 2 h initially; 2.5 m g / c a t P O q l 2 h
increase q2 weeks to effect initially; increase q2
weeks to effect
Methyltestosterone Treat testosterone- 1 m g / k g (max, 3 0 mg) P O Not applicable
responsive dermatosis q48h; once dog responds,
then q4-7 days
o,p'DDD (Mitotane, Treat canine Induction: 25 m g / k g P O q12h Not recommended
Lysodren) hyperadrenocorticism until controlled
Maintenance: 25-50 m g / k g P O
per week initially
Phenoxybenzamine Supportive treatment for 0.5 m g / k g P O q12h initially Unknown
(Dibenzyline) pheochromocytoma
Prednisolone sodium Treat acute addisonian 4-20 m g / k g IV, then administer 4-20 m g / k g IV, then
succinate crisis dexamethasone in IV fluids administer dexamethasone
in IV fluids
Prednisone (dogs), Chronic treatment of 0.25 m g / k g P O q l 2 h initially 2.5-5.0 mg/cat P O q l 2 - 2 4 h
prednisolone (cats) hypoadrenocorticism initially
Supportive treatment for 0.25 m g / k g P O q l 2 h initially; 2.5 m g / c a t P O q l 2 h
cell tumor increase as needed initially; increase as
Prednisolone sodium Treat acute addisonian 4-20 m g / k g IV, then administer 4-20 m g / k g IV, then
succinate (Solu-Delta- crisis dexamethasone in IV fluids administer dexamethasone
Cortef) in IV fluids
Sodium levothyroxine- Treat hypothyroidism 0.02 m g / k g P O q12h initially, 0.05-0.1 m g / c a t P O q12-
synthetic T 4 unless formulated for q24h 24h initially
Somatostatin (Octreotide) Supportive treatment for 10-40 g/dog S C q8-12h Unknown
cell tumor
Streptozotocin Treat canine cell tumor 5 0 0 m g / m BSA IV during 0.9% Not applicable
saline diuresis q 3 weeks; see
Box 52-12
Trilostane (Vetoryl) Treat hyperadrenocorticism 1-2 m g / k g q 12h initially; adjust 1-2 m g / k g q24h initially;
to effect adjust to effect
Vitamin D preparations Treat hypoparathyroidism See Box 55-7 See Box 55-7

PO, By mouth; IM, intramuscular; SC, subcutaneous; BSA, body surface area; GH, growth hormone; IV, intravenous.
R i c h a r d W . N e l s o n , S e a n J . D e l a n e y a n d D e n i s e A . Elliott

C H A P T E R 54

Disorders of Metabolism

Bulky, voluminous stools are noted i n animals with pancre-

atic exocrine insufficiency. Diarrhea and v o m i t i n g may occur
i n animals with gastrointestinal tract disorders, and palpa-
tion o f the abdomen may reveal abnormal loops o f intestine
and mesenteric lymphadenopathy. The last condition may
be discernible i n animals with any o f the infiltrative diseases
but is especially noticeable i n those with gastrointestinal
tract l y m p h o m a , eosinophilic enteritis, or histoplasmosis.
POLYPHAGIA WITH WEIGHT LOSS In addition to routine questions posed to the client, the
clinician should assess the type o f foods offered, daily caloric
In most dogs and cats polyphagia is usually accompanied by intake, feeding routines, and competition for food from
weight gain, and weight loss is accompanied by partial or other dogs or cats. Daily caloric requirements i n cats and
complete anorexia. In some, however, polyphagia with c o n - dogs are quite variable and depend o n numerous factors,
current weight loss is the presenting complaint. The most such as signalment and the amount o f daily physical activity.
common cause o f polyphagia with concurrent weight loss is The average daily caloric intake can be calculated using the
inadequate caloric intake (Table 54-1). Daily caloric needs equation for the resting energy requirement (RER): 70x
may not be met i f inadequate quantities o f food are being body weight i n kilograms raised to the power. This can be
fed or if the diet is not complete and balanced or is o f poor calculated on a simple calculator with a square root button.
quality. Alternatively, the client may not recognize changes The body weight i n kilograms is multiplied by itself three
in nutritional needs (e.g., during pregnancy and lactation times, and the square root o f the result is taken twice before
and at times o f strenuous exercise, such as during hunting multiplying by 70. This value for R E R has a unit o f kcal per
season) and may continue to feed the animal at previously day and is multiplied by a factor to derive the maintenance
adequate caloric levels. energy requirement ( M E R ) . The factor for a neutered cat is
Endocrinopathies and gastrointestinal tract disorders also 1.2, an intact cat's factor is 1.4, a neutered dog's factor is 1.6,
cause polyphagia and weight loss i n some dogs and cats (see and an intact dog's is 1.8. The daily caloric requirements i n
Table 54-1) as a result of an increase i n basal metabolism any individual dog or cat may vary by as m u c h as 50% more
(hyperthyroidism), inadequate assimilation o f dietary nutri- or less than this calculation. A l t h o u g h this represents a large
ents (gastrointestinal tract disorders), or inappropriate use range for n o r m a l caloric intakes, the clinician may have a
of nutrients (diabetes mellitus). Gastrointestinal tract disor- greater suspicion that an inadequate amount o f calories is
ders include parasitism, pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, being fed i f the amount based o n the diet history is closer to
infiltrative bowel disorders, lymphangiectasia, and neoplasia 50% of M E R . A t the same time, consumption o f calories
(most notably lymphoma). In most o f these disorders the closer to 150% o f M E R may increase the suspicion that
history and physical findings usually provide valuable clues adequate calories are being fed but that an endocrinopathy
to the diagnosis. For example, polyuria and polydipsia are and/or gastrointestinal tract disorder may be leading to poly-
common signs in diabetes mellitus. A thyroid nodule is phagia with concurrent weight loss. If the results o f compar-
usually palpable i n dogs and cats with hyperthyroidism. ing the caloric intake to the calculated M E R prove equivocal
TABLE 54-1

Differential Diagnosis for Polyphagia and Weight Loss


I n a d e q u a t e nutrition Response to diet c h a n g e

Hyperthyroidism Serum T a n d free T concentrations
4 4

Diabetes mellitus Blood glucose concentration a n d urinalysis

Gastrointestinal disease
Parasitism Fecal e x a m i n a t i o n , trial therapy
Infiltrative b o w e l disease: plasmacytic, lymphocytic, Intestinal b i o p s y
eosinophilic, l y m p h o m a
Histoplasmosis Intestinal biopsy, serology
Lymphangiectasia Intestinal b i o p s y
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency Serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity, response to therapy
Protein-losing n e p h r o p a t h y Urinalysis, urine p r o t e i n / c r e a t i n i n e ratio
H y p o t h a l a m i c mass C o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y , magnetic resonance imaging

or cannot be attained, simply feeding more food or calories

BOX 54-1
and reassessing the patient's weight may be illuminative.
A complete b l o o d count, serum biochemistry panel, mea Potential Adverse Effects of Obesity
surement o f baseline thyroxine concentration, urinalysis,
Decreased lifespan
and fecal examination for parasites should be done i f the
Problems w i t h a m b u l a t i o n a g g r a v a t i o n o f joint disease,
history and physical findings are unremarkable. Results o f
intervertebral disk disease
these tests usually help identify additional specific diagnostic
Problems w i t h respiration i m p a i r e d lung compliance, Pick
tests that may be required to establish a definitive diagnosis w i c k i a n syndrome
(see Table 54-1). Inadequate n u t r i t i o n should be suspected C a r d i o v a s c u l a r disease a n d systemic hypertension
if the initial b l o o d test results are unremarkable. Changes i n Exercise intolerance
the type o f foods provided, daily caloric intake, and feeding C a r b o h y d r a t e intolerancepredisposition for diabetes mel
routine should be made to ensure that the animal has an litus
adequate caloric intake o f a palatable and nutritionally c o m Hyperlipidemia
plete and balanced food. The animal's body weight should Hepatic lipidosis
be determined 2 and 4 weeks after the start o f an appropri Predisposition for pancreatitis
Problems w i t h constipation
ate diet. The resolution o f signs and weight gain confirm the
Predisposition for feline lower urinary tract disease
diagnosis. Failure to gain weight indicates problems w i t h
Predisposition f o r u r i n a r y incontinence in spayed female
client compliance or the presence o f occult disease, most
likely disease involving the gastrointestinal tract. Predisposition for reproductive p r o b l e m s d y s t o c i a
Predisposition f o r d e r m a t o l o g i c problemsseborrhea,
OBESITY Increased surgical a n d anesthetic risk
Increased susceptibility to infectious diseases (?)
Obesity is a clinical syndrome that involves the excess accu
mulation of body fat. Obesity is considered the most c o m m o n
form o f malnutrition i n small animal practice. Indeed,
surveys suggest that 25% to 4 0 % o f cats and dogs presented obese middle-aged cats compared with the risk i n lean
to veterinary clinics are overweight or obese. The significance middle-aged cats. In dogs Kealy et al. (2002) found that dogs
of obesity pertains to its role i n the pathogenesis o f a variety that were kept lean throughout their life lived almost 2 years
of diseases and its ability to exacerbate preexisting disease longer than control-group littermates that were overweight.
and decrease lifespan. Obesity has been associated w i t h an The lean dogs also d i d not need treatment for co-morbidities
increased incidence o f arthritis, diabetes mellitus, hepatic such as osteoarthritis until later i n life.
lipidosis, feline lower urinary tract disease ( F L U T D ) , urine
incontinence i n spayed bitches, constipation, dermatitis, car Etiology
diovascular problems, respiratory problems, and increased Obesity develops when energy intake consistently exceeds
anesthetic and surgical risk (Box 54-1). In addition, Scarlett daily energy expenditure. Numerous environmental and
et al. (1998) found a threefold increase i n risk o f death i n social factors contribute to the development of obesity
Obese clients may be more likely to have obese pets. The
client's sedentary lifestyle may contribute to a lack o f exercise
by the pet, and the consumption o f high-fat foods by the
Causes of Obesity in Cats and Dogs
client may increase the likelihood that these energy-dense
Primary Obesity scraps are fed to the pet. In addition, it is possible that obese
Excess caloric intake clients do not believe (or recognize) that obesity is a major
Energy dense f o o d problem for their pet.
I n a p p r o p r i a t e f e e d i n g practices Because o f genetic differences, some animals have signi
Inadequate f e e d i n g guidelines ficantly lower energy requirements and therefore require
A d libitum f e e d i n g fewer calories per day to maintain their ideal body weight.
Reduced e n e r g y e x p e n d i t u r e
These genetic differences may be reflected by the increased
Genetic predisposition
propensity o f certain dog breeds to gain weight. Breeds c o m
O b e s e client
m o n l y recognized as at risk for obesity include the Labrador
Secondary Obesity Retriever, G o l d e n Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, Collie, Dachs
h u n d , C a i r n Terrier, Shetland Sheepdog, Beagle, Cavalier
Hyperadrenocorticism K i n g Charles Spaniel, and Basset H o u n d . Neutering has been
Hyperinsulinism associated with an increased risk o f obesity. It has been sug
Acromegaly gested that h o r m o n a l alterations secondary to neutering may
Hypopituitarism alter energy expenditure and the regulation o f food intake.
H y p o t h a l a m i c dysfunction Obesity has been reported to be more c o m m o n i n female
Drugs neutered dogs and male neutered cats.
Glucocorticoids Obesity is less likely to result from a disease process or
drug. Indeed, it has been suggested that less than 5% o f
obesity is due to a disease or drug. Endocrine abnormalities
associated with obesity include hypothyroidism, hyperadre
nocorticism, hyperinsulinism, and acromegaly. Drugs such
as progestagens and corticosteroids have been associated
with the development o f obesity.
(Box 54-2). These include decreased daily exercise as a result
of confinement to the house and overfeeding o f the pet. Diagnosis
Clients may overfeed their pet because a good appetite is Obesity is defined as a "pathological condition characterized
perceived as a sign o f good health, they may use food as a by an accumulation o f fat m u c h i n excess o f that required
palliative agent when they leave the pet on its o w n , they may for optimal body function" (Mayer, 1973). However, what is
replace exercise with food, and they often indulge begging an excess amount o f b o d y fat, and what is an acceptable
behavior because they find it endearing. Clients also tend to amount? T o answer these questions, the clinician must accu
feed the same volume of food each day despite changes i n rately determine the amount o f body fat. Body fat can be
energy requirements and the energy density o f foods pro assessed by techniques such as morphometric measure
vided. Daily energy requirements vary according to the envi ments, dilutional methods, bioelectrical impedance analysis,
ronmental temperature, the life stage of the pet (i.e., growth, dual energy X - r a y absorptiometry, densitometry, computed
pregnancy, lactation, adult maintenance, o l d age), the neuter tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, determination o f
status, and the activity level o f the pet. Therefore it is neces total body electrical conductivity, determination o f total
sary to adjust the amount of food according to these factors. body potassium, and neutron activation analysis. A l t h o u g h
Feeding errors also arise when a client purchases a different numerous methods exist to determine body fat, measure
type of food with a higher energy density but does not reduce ment o f body weight, calculation o f a body condition score
the amount accordingly. It is worth noting that dry extruded (BCS), and morphometric measurements remain the most
foods can n o w range from 200 kcal per 8-ounce cup to over clinically useful techniques i n small animal practice.
600 kcal per cup. Overfeeding may also arise i f the feeding Measurement o f body weight is the simplest technique
guidelines provided by pet food manufacturers are incorrect. available and should be included i n the examination o f every
In some situations clients are simply not aware that they are animal. Body weight provides a rough measure o f total body
overfeeding their pet. A d libitum feeding may also predispose energy stores, and changes i n weight reflect energy and
to overeating, particularly i f the pet is bored and inactive. protein balance.
Likewise, highly palatable foods encourage overconsump Body condition scoring provides a quick and simple sub
tion. Snacks and treats are a significant silent contributor to jective assessment o f the animal's body condition. The two
excess daily caloric intake as well. It takes only about 11 extra most c o m m o n l y used scoring systems i n small animal prac
calories a day for a pet to gain 1 p o u n d over the course o f a tice are a 5-point system i n w h i c h a B C S o f 3 is considered
year; many c o m m o n treats provide between 50 and 100 extra ideal and a 9-point system i n w h i c h a B C S o f 5 is considered
calories apiece. ideal. Larger numbers are used for patients w i t h greater
adiposity. Each point above and below 5 on the 9-point m i n i n g the leg index measurement ( L I M ) , which is the
system has been validated to correspond with an increase or distance from the patella to the calcanealtuber (Fig. 54-1, A
decrease i n adiposity or weight o f 10% to 15%. Thus a and B). The percentage o f body fat can be calculated as 1.5
patient that has a BCS o f 7 out of 9 is 20% to 30% overweight to 9 (rib cage measurement minus L I M ) or determined by
as a result o f the accumulation o f adipose tissue. Likewise, consulting a reference chart (Fig. 54-2). Cats with more than
pets can be classified as being thin, lean, of optimal weight, 30% body fat are candidates for a weight loss program. The
overweight, or obese (Box 54-3). The B C S technique depends F B M I is a very simple yet objective tool for determining the
on operator interpretation and does not provide any precise body fat content of the cat. In addition, it is particularly
quantitative information concerning alteration i n fat-free or valuable i n persuading clients that their cat is indeed over
lean body mass relative to fat mass. weight and i n need o f weight loss. Pelvic circumference i n
Height and circumferential measurements o f the relation to the distance from hock to stifle has been shown
abdomen, hip, thigh, and upper arm are c o m m o n l y used to to predict body fat i n dogs. Whether morphometric mea
estimate the percentage o f body fat i n humans. Circumfer surements or B C S is used, providing a quantitative assess
ential measurements have also been developed to estimate ment o f a patient's degree o f adiposity can be helpful in
the percentage o f body fat i n cats. The Feline Body Mass diagnosing obesity, which is typically defined as being
Index ( F B M I ) is determined by measuring the rib cage cir approximately 25% over one's ideal body weight.
cumference at the level o f the ninth cranial rib and deter-
After determining that a patient is overweight or obese, the
clinician should obtain a thorough dietary history to calcu
BOX 54-3 late the patient's daily caloric intake. The clinician should
gather the following information:
B o d y C o n d i t i o n Scoring (BCS) System for Cats and Dogs
U s i n g a 5-Point System
The name, manufacturer, and type (i.e., pouched versus
Thin (BCS 1/5) Underweight; no obvious body fat canned versus dry) o f the current food(s)
Lean (BCS 2/5) Skeletal structure visible; little body fat The amount o f food that is fed each day (pouches, cans,
Optimal Rib cage easily palpable but not cups, or grams o f food)
(BSC 3/5) showing; moderate amount of The method o f feeding (ad libitum versus meal fed)
body fat The person responsible for feeding the patient
Overweight Rib cage barely palpable; body
Additional persons who may feed the patient (espe
(BCS 4 / 5 ) weight more than normal
cially children, elderly parents, or friendly neighbors)
Obese (BCS 5/5) Rib cage not palpable; large amount
The number and type o f snacks or human foods given
of body fat; physical impairment
resulting from excess body fat each day
The potential access to foods for other pets

FIG 54-1
A , Length of the lower leg (LIM) from the middle of the patella. B , Measurement of the rib
cage circumference.
FIG 5 4 - 2
Feline body mass index (FBMI).

The patient's current body weight should be recorded and Given the large variation i n energy requirement that can
a BCS assigned. The BCS can be used to determine the per be seen i n cats and dogs, the best method to determine the
centage of body weight that must be lost. Remembering that amount o f calories to feed a patient to induce weight loss is
each point above a 5 on a 9-point scale represents an addi the use o f an accurate diet history. Typically, the weight of
tional 10% to 15% o f weight over ideal, the clinician can overweight and obese patients is relatively stable at presenta
calculate the percentage of weight that should be lost. For tion; therefore feeding 80% o f the patient's current caloric
example, a patient that has a B C S o f 8 out o f 9 is 30% to intake based on an accurate diet history results i n weight loss
45% overweight. For reasons that will be discussed later, of 0.5% to 2 % o f body weight loss per week. In patients i n
patients should not lose more than 2% o f their body weight which an accurate diet history cannot be determined or that
per week. Therefore it should be expected that most over are not roughly weight stable, the client may feed 80% of
weight and obese patients w i l l take at least several months R E R for cats and R E R for dogs. Regardless o f the method
to lose enough adipose tissue to attain their ideal body used to determine the number o f calories to feed to initiate
weight. Given the necessary length o f time, it is imperative weight loss, clients should be told to expect to adjust the
to break down the ultimate goal of an ideal body weight into amount o f food on the basis o f frequent weigh-ins. Initially,
smaller goals that can be achieved i n shorter periods o f time. it can be expected that some patients will gain weight on the
Therefore the clinician may recommend that the patient lose new weight loss plan, some may stay weight stable, some may
2% to 4% o f body weight every 2 weeks; later, monthly goals lose the desired amount, and some may even lose weight too
of 4% to 8% may be set. These shorter-term goals are typi quickly.
cally more manageable and provide more opportunities for After determining the daily amount o f calories to feed the
adjustment o f a weight loss plan i f needed and for praise i f patient, the clinician should consider the most suitable type
the plan is proving effective. of food. There are essentially two m a i n dietary options:
A rate of weight loss o f 1% to 2% of current body weight either feed a reduced amount o f the regular maintenance
per week is typically recommended for several reasons. First, food or feed a food that has been specifically formulated for
greater rates o f weight loss will require that the patient weight reduction. It is not advisable to feed less of the regular
receive a very small allowance of food, which is most likely food because this most likely was the food that resulted i n
to encourage begging behavior and garbage scavenging. the problem i n the first place. M o r e important, feeding a
These undesirable behaviors, along with the small volume o f maintenance food decreases compliance and increases the
food to be provided, can jeopardize client compliance. risk o f nutrient deficiency and unhealthy weight loss. M o s t
Second, weight loss greater than 2 % of body weight per week foods designed for weight reduction are one-half to two-
is considered unhealthy and has been associated with a thirds less energy dense than typical maintenance foods.
greater loss of lean body mass compared with fat mass. Therefore clients w i l l not visually perceive as m u c h o f a
Third, rapid weight loss is most likely to result i n a rebound decrease i n "bowl fill" when feeding a food designed for
weight gain effect after cessation o f the program. weight reduction. Decreased energy density is achieved by
decreasing the fat content o f the food, air-puffing kibble, portion of fat loss while preserving or, indeed, increasing the
increasing the moisture content of canned or pouched foods, lean body mass. The lean body mass is the most metabolically
and/or by adding fiber. There does appear to be some satiety active portion o f the body and includes skeletal muscle
effect by increasing "bowel fill". M o r e significantly, canine tissues. Preservation o f lean body mass i n humans has been
and feline maintenance foods are formulated according to shown to facilitate successful long-term maintenance of the
energy intake. This means that i f a dog or cat eats its daily ideal body weight once weight loss has been achieved. Lower
energy requirement, it w i l l automatically consume the ing the percentage o f calories from fat i n foods helps reduce
required amounts o f additional essential nutrients, such as the energy density of the food because fat provides almost 2.5
amino acids, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. B y times the amount o f calories per gram as protein or carbohy
feeding less o f the maintenance food, the client is reducing drate does. Lower-carbohydrate foods specifically designed
not only the amount of energy but also the amount of amino for weight reduction have become available. According to
acids, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins, thereby risking initial reports, these foods result i n greater fat mass loss with
malnutrition, especially given the length of time that is often the same amount of caloric restriction compared with higher-
needed to achieve an ideal body condition. Conversely, foods carbohydrate foods. The proposed mechanism for this differ
that have been specifically formulated for weight reduction ence relates to shifting metabolism from a lypogenic state to
contain more essential nutrients relative to the energy a lypolytic state, especially i n the cat. One drawback of some
content o f the food. This means that the patient w i l l receive lower-carbohydrate foods designed for weight reduction is
the required amounts o f essential nutrients even though it their potential to be more energy dense and thus have a
is ingesting fewer calories. decreased bowl- and bowel-filling effect.
Foods formulated specifically for weight reduction typi Carnitine is an amino acid derivative that is vital for
cally vary according to energy density, fiber content, and energy metabolism. Carnitine facilitates the movement of
caloric distribution (Tables 54-2 and 54-3). M o s t foods long-chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane,
designed for weight reduction are less energy dense than where they are used for energy production. Carnitine sup
maintenance foods. This enables a greater filling o f both the plementation is believed to facilitate weight loss by increas
b o w l and the bowel, w h i c h should lead to increased c o m p l i ing the efficiency o f "burning" fat as an energy source.
ance and satiety. Traditionally, higher-fiber foods are initially However, a study evaluating the effect o f carnitine supple
suggested for weight loss. Fiber is used as a bulking agent mentation o n body weight loss failed to demonstrate any
to decrease energy density and provide a satiating effect. benefits (Center et al., 2000). Cats that received carnitine
However, there is conflicting research as to whether fiber supplementation lost the same percentage of body weight i n
increases satiety. Because some patients may not respond well the same period o f time as cats that d i d not receive carnitine
to higher-fiber foods, some manufacturers do not use this supplementation. In addition, neither group of cats devel
nutritional strategy. Caloric distribution refers to the percent oped hepatic lipidosis.
age o f calories provided from protein, fat, and carbohydrate. As this chapter was being completed, a new drug (dirlo
Higher-protein foods have been reported to increase the pro tapide) has become available that helps reduce the appetites

TABLE 54-2

Level of Key Nutrients in Selected Therapeutic Commercial Foods Suitable for Weight Loss in Dogs*


TYPE (% ME) (% ME) (% ME) (g/Mcal) ME (kcal/can/cup)

Royal C a n i n Veterinary Diet C a l o r i e Dry 37.6 23.5 38.8 8.51 234/cup

Control C C H i g h Protein
Royal C a n i n Veterinary Diet C a l o r i e Can 42.6 53.1 4.2 6.29 2 6 3 / 1 2 . 7 o z can
Control C C H i g h Protein
Royal C a n i n Veterinary Diet C a l o r i e Dry 34.4 28.1 37.5 23.64 232/cup
Control C C H i g h Fiber
Purina Veterinary Diets O M O v e r w e i g h t Dry 34.9 17.7 47.4 34.6 276/cup
Purina Veterinary Diets O M O v e r w e i g h t Can 51.2 23.6 25.5 77.7 1 8 9 / 1 2 . 5 o z can
lams Veterinary Diets Restricted-Calorie Can 31 39 30 5.36 4 4 5 / 1 4 o z can
Hill's Prescription Diet r / d Dry 29.7

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