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Worsbrough Common Primary School

Rising Stars Daycare.

Policy for assessment, recording and reporting.

Overall the purpose of assessment is to improve standards, not mearly to measure them (OFSTED 1998.)
Why assess?
At Worsbrough Common and Rising Stars we assess to ensure that children make good progress in their learning, inform future
planning, and ensure that children are meeting age appropriate expectations. It also provides children with an opportunity to
celebrate their own achievement and progress. It provides data and information to support teachers judgements when feeding
back to parents, head teacher, SENCO and other agencies.

How do we assess?
We assess in a range of ways.
Formative (ongoing AFL). - This informs teachers planning and opportunities should be made when planning to include
assessments and assessment for learning. Teachers should use a range of approaches including peer and self
assessment (also see feedback policy). These might be evidenced by discussion or observations with notes taken, a
photograph, childrens learning or results of tests. Formative assessments are to be recorded in learners books and on
planning and should be used to inform planning and identify gaps which need to be addressed. (Also see the
assessment timetable)
Diagnostic - finding out what knowledge, understanding or skills are not properly learned and are therefore preventing
Summative (see appendix - assessment timetable). The level a child has reached at a set time. Used to assess
progress over time.

A quality marked piece of writing is assessed half termly using assessment criteria linked to the national curriculum or (in Y2 and
Y6) national published assessment frameworks, with childrens next steps and targets identified.
All learners will complete a test for reading, SPaG and maths in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Formal Summative
assessments take place at the end of key stage 1 and 2 in May. Children in Y1 will also participate in the KS1 phonics screening
check in June. Science will be assessed using teacher assessments, and recorded at the end of a teaching block. Thrive
assessments will take place across childrens centre and school as required.

Assessment in Communication and interaction resources provision (CIRP)

Assessment will be ongoing through teacher assessments, using observations and activities. A child accessing the resource
provision can access SATs along with their peers if the lead teacher advises that this is appropriate. The lead teacher will meet
with class teachers to discuss progress in speaking and listening, reading, writing and maths. These moderation meetings will
take place once per term per child and progress will be reviewed in Pupil progress meetings.

Assessment in the Daycare Provision

On entry assessments take place within 3 weeks (depending on the sessions attended). Observations take place regularly and
are recorded on Tapestry. These observations are to be used to inform future planning. Progress will be recorded on Tapestry.
Assessment conversations will take place each term. CC profiles will be moderated by day care lead, senior early years
practitioner and key workers. The 2 year check is completed the term before a child leaves the setting. A report is completed for
each prime area and photos attached for parents. (See appendix) This is shared with parents at parents evenings.

Assessment in Foundation stage.

In EYFS children are assessed against all areas of learning as specified in the framework. Observation will take place regularly and
as appropriate and will be used to support teachers judgements. The observations will be recorded on Eazmags. The childrens
progress will be recorded on cohort trackers and saved on teacher shared. Assessment conversations will take place each term.
(See appendix for observation sheets.)
Moderation meetings to be held regularly looking at F1/F2 Profiles. Cross setting moderation meetings will be held regularly,
moderating Daycare, F1 and F2 assessments and where possible an external practitioner will be invited to attend.
In Foundation 1 and 2 children are assessed against age bands and in F2 against the foundation stage profile. This is reported to
parents along with their characteristics of learning.

Evidence and records

Evidence is collected to support the judgements of staff for formative, diagnostic and summative assessments, evaluate
curriculum provision and learning experiences. To provide information for other staff in school and parents.

Childrens attainment and progress is recorded on cohort trackers and individual trackers along with dispositions and attitudes
for learning.
Electronic cohort files are stored securely on the school network.

Tracking progress and identifying next steps.

Termly analysis of childrens attainment and progress will take place. Data will be analysed by teachers and senior leaders using
cohort tracking tools
Assessment conversations / pupil progress meetings to discuss progress will be held termly to identify groups and next steps
including any necessary interventions. These assessment conversations will take place with the teacher, assessment co-
ordinator and SENCO.
Childrens individual trackers will be updated each term and shared with parents. (See appendix for example).

Parents and carers have opportunity to meet with the class teacher each year in formally held parents evenings. Parents also
know meetings can be arranged with teachers should they wish to discuss their child in between formal parents evenings.
Parents evening will be held in the Autumn & spring terms. A full report is provided for parents and carers once a year for each
child. Reports will be sent to parents in the second half of the summer term using the agreed format. The report provides detail
of the progress, attainment and achievement . The report details learned skills, concepts and knowledge learned and targets for
improvement including an indication of whether the child is below, at or above the expected level for their age for Literacy,
Numeracy and Science. Attendance is also indicated on the report.

This policy will be reviewed in September 2018 This policy links to the following policies: Learning and teaching, Curriculum, Feedback, inclusion, SEN.

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