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Student-Teacher: Maryam Abdulla AlSuwaidi

Date: 30/10/2017

Primary EPC 2403 Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 1

Grade Level: 2

Subject: English

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson students will be able to:
give their opinion on a topic and support it with details.
Understand and answer simple wh-questions in the present simple.

Resources: Preparation (what do you need to do/make before

Laminated flashcards: Pictures and words
of a pond, nut, 3 frogs, tree, rock, rabbit, 2 - Print the worksheets and make sure that I have
ducks, and a lion. extra.
Computer - Make sure that the audio, speaker and projector
White board are working.
Projector - Make sure that I have all the resources in class.
Speaker Key vocabulary/ Target Language
Audio track - Key vocabulary: Pond, nut, tree, ducks, rabbit,
Activity worksheets frogs, lion, hears, scary, strange, sound, silly,
wise, characters. Prepositions: Under, Next to,
- Students will be able to know the prepositions,
and talk about the story.
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

- Start the class by greeting the students and asking them questions about the the day and date.

- Make the students do some warm ups (by moving their body) and singing the head and
shoulders song while doing the action.
- Open the data show on the board on page 62 in the learners book.
- Ask the students what do they see on the page, what animals are in the story and let them give
their opinion. (Pre listening)
Time: 20 mins

- Tell them to be quite and listen to the audio. While the audio is on, I keep pointing on the line
that is being told so that the students know what is happening and pause after each line and
ask them what do they think will happen next and what so they already understood. (While)
- Then, after the audio is turned off, I read the story out loud while using gestures and face
- Later, ask the learners questions such as: Who are the characters? How many animals where in
the story? What was the sound that made the animals scared and what was it from? Who was
the wise one and who was the silly? (Post)
- After, tell the students that it is activities time.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)

- I sat with two groups who had the listening activity, they had 2 worksheets, one worksheet
that had a picture of a pond, tree, lion, and 2 ducks, where they had to listen to my directions
and then draw on the picture, for example, if I said draw a rock under the tree the students
should listen carefully and draw a rock under the tree. So, I was between those two groups
observing them and giving them instructions.
Independent Experience (small groups activity 1)
20 min

- Students were given a back to back worksheet where they had to match each animal (the
storys characters) with its habitat, and look for the characters of the story between other

animals and circle the correct ones.

Independent Experience (small groups activity 2)

- Students were given laminated flashcards with pictures and words of 2 ducks, a pond, a nut, a
lion, a tree, and a rabbit, and 3 frogs. As a group, they had to discuss the pictures and ask each
others questions.

5 min

- Clap 3 times to end the activities and let the students focus on me.


Ask the students questions like:

- Did you enjoy todays class?

- Who can tell me what are the new words you learnt today?

- Ask the students questions related to the subject to make sure that they know what were they doing.

Reflection WWW/ what went well /EBI

WWW: The learners understood the lesson and got their activities done on time and in a fun way. Also, I
managed to deliver the lesson in an organized and understandable way.

Behaviour management: Some students were outstanding and answering and some were not paying
attention and got their full energy since the class was after the break.
Next Steps in learning and teaching:

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