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T&L Instructional Plan Template

(Updated 4/17/15)
(edTPA Aligned)

The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting students with the
T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson plans, this format meets
departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.

Background Information (When doing the actual edTPA, leave out identifiers)

Teacher Candidate: Emily Sands Date:September 19th 2017

Cooperating Teacher: Kris Njos Grade:4th
School District: Puyallup School District School: Northwood Elementary
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Reading
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Reading and comprehension lesson plan

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose:

The purpose of this lesson is for students to utilize the prior days lesson on vocabulary and prefixes and put
it to use in their reading. This lesson will focus on students comprehension and using the vocabulary and
context clues to help them decipher and understand the meaning of the text. Racism and injustice is a big
topic for fourth graders and there are a lot of words within the text that need to be understood for students to
grasp the overall concept of the reading. For this lesson plan students will be able to use the notes form the
previous day to help them with the vocab words. They will also need to utilize their knowledge of prefixes to
determine the meaning of words such as illegal and unnecessary. The overall purpose of this lesson is

b. State/National Learning Standards:

Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text

Content Objectives and alignment to State Learning Standards:

1. SWBAT- understand the text using prior knowledge, context clues, and vocabulary words.
2. SWBAT- use context clues to determine the definition of a word.

Language Objectives:
1. SWBAT- correctly pronounce the vocab words.

c. Previous Learning Experiences:

Prior to this lessons students have already been introduced to three column notes. The day before students
will have taken 12 vocabulary words from the text and written the definition for each of the words. Students
will also have gone over the prefixes meaning NOT. This will help students understand what is happening
within the story and allow them to decipher the text using the vocabulary words and prefix knowledge.
Students will also have already done a lesson similar to this the previous week, reading an expert from
Because of Winn-Dixie. Because of this students will be familiar with the reading lessons and understand
that the ultimate goal of this is to understand the reading.

d. Planning for Student Learning Needs:

During this lesson students will have time to ask questions. The teacher will also be doing much of the
reading, allowing students to follow along. The teacher will allow students to use their notes from the
previous day and raise their hand when they see a clue or recognize a word from the vocab lesson. Students
will be able to keep up with the teacher by following along with the reading. AS the reading progresses the
teacher will use choral reading and the cloze method to ensure that students are engaged and attentive to the
material being taught. As the year progresses the teacher will encourage students to do the readings on their
own and then talk about them as a class after. Students will be held accountable for their reading and
enriched through classroom discussion.

f. Assessment Strategies (Informal and formal)

Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies

Content example: SWBAT- understand the Summative: Students will be given a comprehension quiz
text using prior knowledge, context clues, that will be open book. At this time students must use a lot
and vocabulary words of what they retained during the reading to answer the
questions. If they dont know the answer they must go back
in the text and find the answer themselves. This means they
must be familiar with the text and pay attention when the
teacher is reading.
Context example: SWBAT- use context clues Formative: As the teacher goes through the reading she will
to determine the definition of a word. stop and ask question. Different students will be called on
and when the teacher comes to a vocabulary word she will
ask the class its meaning, which they will answer chorally
together. They will then give a thumbs up or down if they
understood the meaning of the word in the context.
Language example: - correctly pronounce the Formative: As the teacher formatively assesses the class she
vocab words will have students read along with her as well as fill in the
blanks in the cloze method. During this time the students
will pronounce words together as a class. Ultimately
struggling students will be seen not saying the words and
those who can pronounce the words correctly will be heard.

g. Student Voice:

Student-based evidence to be Description of how students

K-12 students will be able to: collected (things produced by will reflect on their learning.
students: journals, exit slips, self-
assessments, work samples,
projects, papers, etc.)
1. Explain student learning targets Journal Students will have full access
and what is required to meet to their journals during this
them (including why they are time allowing them to look at
important to learn). the definition of the word
when stuck. Students are also
encouraged to raise their hand
when a vocabulary word or a
prefix shows up in the text.
Students will then be asked
what they think the word
means in the context. Their
journal will help them find the
answer to this question.
2. Monitor their own learning Thumbs up/ hands raised As the teacher reads the
progress toward the learning students are looking for words
targets using the tools provided related to the vocab or
(checklists, rubrics, etc.). prefixed talked about. The
students are asked if they are
following along by a thumbs
up or a thumbs down. If the
thumbs are down the class
will discuss what they just
read in more detail. If a
thumbs up the discussion will
be brief and the teacher will
move on.
3. Explain how to access Questions Asked Students will be asked to raise
resources and additional their hand if there is any
support when needed (and confusion or to ask question if
how/why those resources will they dont understand. This
help them). allows students to have a
voice and say when
something isnt clear or the
text doesnt necessarily make

h. Grouping of Students for Instruction: Students will be seated in their normal table groups of 5-6 students.
The students will have opportunities to talk with their partners and ask for help when necessary from their
table group. This lesson is more individual rather than group oriented. Many of the table groups are organized
with a mixture of students who access and those who have specific needs such as special needs students and
ELL students. The groups have been arranged so that students who are struggling can ask for help from those
students who excel.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

a. Introduction: The teacher will introduce the lesson by talking about the different vocabulary words they
went over yesterday, asking for different examples of each and going back over the words themselves. The
students will then be asked to leave their notebooks on the desk as they read the passage together. The
students will already be familiar with the words and understand that the book is written from the perspective
of Martin Luther King Jrs sister. The teacher will ask the class what they thought it would be like growing up
in such a hard time and what the King family must be going through.

b. Questions:

Who was Martin Luther King?

Why was this story important?
How does the vocab help us understand the text?
How does our prior knowledge help us understand the text?
Can we use prefixes to help decode words while reading?

c. Learning Activities: Describe what the teacher will do and say and students will do during the lesson.
Write it as a procedural set of steps in the left column of table below. On the right, refer to a supporting
learning theory or principle driving that activity and/or your rationale for doing what you are doing.

After the introduction the teacher will ask the class what they think the excerpt will be about based
on their prior knowledge as well as their vocabulary from yesterday. Students will get the
opportunity to share with a table mate as they turn and talk and guess what the passage may be
about. Each table group will have the opportunity to make an educated guess about the story itself.
This promotes discussion and critical thinking. Students will then settle in and get ready for the
Once the teacher begins to read the text students should be attentive and following along. As the
text is being read the teacher will stop and ask question about the text. For example as the teacher
goes along reading and comes across a word with a the prefix (il) she will stop and look at the class
asking if anyone can tell her the meaning of the word utilizing the prefix to give the definition. The
class will then have the opportunity to raise their hand and make guesses at the word using the
prefix given. The teacher will then begin to read again stopping any other time she comes across a
word with the prefix meaning (NOT).
The teacher will then continue reading and stop each time she reaches a vocabulary word. She will
then ask the class for the meaning of the word allowing them to answer chorally. Those who dont
remember the definition may use their notes that should be placed beside their desk.
As the teacher goes through the text she will give the students an opportunity to read chorally with
her. She will stop the class and explain that when reading chorally, she will be leading the group.
The teacher will explain that when they get to a comma or a period they will pause and if they
should come across a vocab word or a word containing the NOT prefix, they will stop. The teacher
will explain that if students get lost they should stop reading and pick back up with the leader. The
class will then read chorally together till the teacher finds a good stopping spot. The teacher will
praise the students and tell them that their choral reading was excellent. And that now that they had
mastered that, they would try something called the cloze method.
The teacher will explain the cloze method. The teacher will tell the class that the she will lead the
reading and when she stops the students will say the word that she stopped on. For example the
I saw the bus driving toward town yesterday.
She will read..
I saw the _____ driving toward _______ yesterday.
The students will be responsible for saying the word bus and the word town while the teacher is
reading. This ensures that students are paying attention and keeping up with the reading. The
teacher will then use the cloze method for the last page of the excerpt.

b. Closure: After the students have finished reading the excerpt with the teacher they will then go over the
text. The teacher will as the students question related to the text and related to the assessment that will be
given at the end of the unit. The students will then ask any questions they have related to the text.

c. Independent Practice: Students are encouraged to bring their books home and discuss the reading with
their parents and review for the comprehension quiz.

d. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology: Attached is a copy of the assessment given at the
end for the comprehension quiz.
e. Acknowledgements: Kris Njos
Northwood Elementary School

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