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14th Edition

NANCYS NEWS December 1, 2017

Our Lady of Unity Catholic School

2017-2018 School Year
2646 S. 34th St. Kansas City, KS 66106 (913)262-7022

We are entering into one of my
favorite seasons of the church.
Our Chess season usually
begins about this time of year
2 The tickets for the Blue &
Gold Dance have been printed
The anticipation and knowledge with practices from 3:15-4:30 0 and are waiting for pick up. It

no one has volunteered 0to

that Advent brings us one step on Thursdays. Sadly, since was recommended that we
closer to the birth of Jesus and have these available earlier
the salvation of the world is an step in and help coach, as7of this year for the families who
amazing reality. Sadly, it also
makes me feel a tremendous
now, we will not plan to have a
team this year. - might be interested in giving
them away as Christmas gifts.
sense of guilt, wondering what I 2
There is still time if you are As per your commitment to
have done to deserve such a an available Chess lover who
is Virtus trained or willing to 0
the school, each family is
sacrificial gift. be required to buy or sell at least
Even in our earthly lives, we trained, we could use your 0 four tickets. If you would like to
may never know why or how help. Our school took 1st have more, they are available
someone can love us so much, place in the tournament last 8 also. Tickets must be signed
always offering forgiveness and year and we have many great S for by a parent and can be
second chances. I learned a little Chess players who would picked up in the office or at the
long time ago, instead of love to have another chance c PTO meeting on Dec. 7 or Jan.
questioning, just appreciate the to bring home the trophy. h 4. The deadline for picking up
special people God has put into your tickets is January 5. At
our lives and let them bring the o that time, we will contact any
joy of the Advent Season into
your hearts. As the bible says,
o families who have not received
them yet. All money will be due
if even those who are sinners on l by February 2. Thank you.
this earth are able to show such
love, how much more must our
Father in Heaven love us to e UPCOMING EVENTS
send His only Son? Perhaps its
best to be a blessing to others

Dec. 3Advent Begins
Dec. 7PTO Meeting @
rather than to question the gift. r 6:00pm
Dec. 8Feast of the
God Bless!
Immaculate Conception
Dec. 8Science
Nancy Butters FAMILY RESOURCESs Discovery Day
There are some students whot
are coming to school without Dec. 12Feast of Our
coats, gloves, or hats. There Lady of Guadalupe
The students and staff began are resources available to help Dec. 128th Grade
the month of December today with these items and I even d Scholarship Workshop @
with a joyful prayer service. All have some already in imy BWHS @ 4:30
this month we will be practicing office. If your children are in
and identifying the virtue of Joy. t
need of warm, winter clothing,
Dec. 14Confessions for
Grades 3-8
Students who do a great job of please contact Ms. Carmeni or
Mrs. Butters in the office and Dec. 14Christmas Music
this will be entered into a
drawing at the end of the month. o
we will try to meet your needs. Program @ 6:30pm

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