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The establishment by treaty of pro- doctrine a reality were to contain pro- researcli (see U.S.

Department of State tele-

gram from U.S. mission, Geneva, 241546Z,
cedures for binding third-party settle- visions which would impede the under- JuIly 1971).
ment in cases where the ISA or the standing of the marine environment on 8. Statement by the President on U.S. Ocean
Policy, Oflice of the White House Press
state withholds permission for research which all nations, rich and poor alike, Secretary, 23 May 1970.
9. P. M. Fye, "Ocean policy and scientific
within their respective areas of control are going to depend increasingly in the freedom," lecture given before the Marine
is the position most favorable to basic years ahead. Technology Society, Washington, D.C., 11
September 1972.
research, and one that none of the 10. J. Bartlett, Bartlett's Familiar Quiotations, E.
References and Notes
competing interest groups at the 1973 Beck, Ed. (Little, Brown, Boston, 1968), p.
conference can effectively oppose. Hav- 1. A. de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, l1. U.N. General Assembly Document A/Ac
P. Bradley, Ed. (Knopf, New York, 1963), 138/SR 54 (22 March 1971), p. 109; quoted
ing claimed that a legitimate distinction vol. 1, p. 393. by H. Franssen, in Freedom of Oceanic Re-
exists between basic research and lim- 2. Ocean Affairs Board of the National Academy search, W. S. Wooster, Ed. (Crane, Russak,
of Sciences, "A proposed U.S. position on New York, 1973), p. 158.
ited exploration, the developed coun- freedom for science in the oceans" (un- 12. W. S. Wooster, "Costs and consequences of
tries cannot object to entrusting this puLblished, revised June 1972). restrictions on research: Another view," dis-
3. I make an obvious oversimplification in cussion paper presented at Scripps Institu-
determination, when contested, to a treating both the developed and the develop- tion of Oceanography Center for Marine
ing countries as unified blocs. The variety
neutral body of experts. Nor can de- and complexity of the issues confronting the Affairs Workshop on Conditions for Free-
veloping countries justify in the name 1973 Law of the Sea Conference, sponsored domn of Oceanic Research, 24-26 April 1972.
by the United Nations, assures that voting 13. K. Emery, Science 178, 298 (1972).
of the common heritage claims to the will not always be strictly along these lines. 14. P. M. Fye, personal communication.
Science, however, is one of the issues in 15. This proposal was made informally, and,
right to bar from their resource zones which the difference between developed and although it generated considerable comment,
research certified by an unbiased third developing countries is most apparent. it was apparently never mentioned in official
records. I learned of it from A. E. Maxwell,
party to be in the common interest. 4. U.N. General Assembly Resolution 2750 (17 provost of the Woods Hole Oceanographic
December 1970), p. 2. Institution and a frequent delegate to the
Freedom for science is no longer a 5. R. Friedheim, World Polit. 18, 25 (1965). lOC.
universal right. But access to the oceans 6. As quoted by W. Marz, Biull. At. Sci. 24 16. This article would not have been possible
(No. 9), 19 (1968). without the help of Robertson P. Dinsmore,
for research "intended for the benefit 7. Representative of the developing country's Richard L. Haedrich, Herman Franssen,
of all mankind" is equally justified un- position in the debate over the ISA's juris- Maureen Franssen, Paul M. Fye, Kaleroy L.
diction is a statement by the Peruvian dele- Hatzikon, and, above all, P. Sreenivasa Rao,
der the common heritage doctrine. It gate to the July 1971 meeting of the Seabed who spent many hoturs introducing me to the
would be ironic if the new law of the Committee, who called for an authority em- mysteries of international law. This article is
powered to carry out a wide range of ac- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Con-
sea that is being created to make this tivities, including the coordination of scientific tribution No. 3089.

man depression to offer insights into

the human condition. A comprehen-
sive hypothesis of depression, incor-
porating and synthesizing findings from
Depressive Disorders: different schools, is proposed.

Toward a Unified Hypothesis Depression as a Final

Common Pathway
Clinical, experimental, genetic, biochemical, and
Several models of depression, reflect-
neurophysiological data are integrated. ing diverse theoretical orientations,
have been formulated.
Hagop S. Akiskal and William T. McKinney, Jr. 1) The "aggression-turned-inward"
model, originally proposed by Abra-
ham and later elaborated by Freud, sees
depression as hostility turned inward
upon the loss of an ambivalently loved
Depressive disorders are perhaps the utilize dissimilar dialects, thereby hin- person (2). Although this is the most
most distressful, and certainly among dering communication, while ethical widely quoted psychological theory of
the most common, maladies that afflict considerations often preclude direct depression, there is no systematic evi-
mankind. Although man has known testing of hypotheses in human sub- dence to substantiate it (3). Indeed,
and experienced melancholic states jects. Studies are being carried out in this theory does not lend itself easily
since antiquity, it is only during the an attempt to create experimental ani- to empirical verification because it is
past decade or so that we have begun mal models of depression-models expressed in metapsychological terms.
to develop scientific insights into the that would simulate the central fea- 2) The "object loss" model, which
basic mechanisms involved. tures of human depressions. This ar- Dr. Akiskal is assistant professor of psychiatry,
ticle reviews these studies, as well as University of Tennessee College of Medicine, 42
Unfortunately, the literature on de- North Dunlap St., Memphis 38103, and research
pressive disorders, like that on other other formulations, both clinical and psychiatrist, Alcohol and Drug Research Center,
metapsychological, that derive from Tennessee Psychiatric Hospital and Institute. Dr.
psychiatric disorders, is composed of McKinney is associate professor of psychiatry,
isolated research reports, with few at- different frames of reference. We pre- University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, 1300
University Avenue, Madison 53706, and research
tempts at systematically integrating sent evidence that depression in ani- psychiatrist, University of Wisconsin Primate
them (I). Different schools of thought mals is sufficiently analogous to hu- Laboratory.
also has its roots in psychoanalysis (4, constitutes depressive behaviors and biological (1, 14). As a final common
5), views depression as a reaction to from patient populations that are diag- pathway, they are the culmination of
the loss of a loved object. Although nostically heterogeneous. processes that can be described in many
the loss may involve symbolic posses- Depression has been used to denote frames of reference. Our hypothesis is
sions, such as one's values, status, and a variety of conditions, including (i) a an attempt to build conceptual bridges
self-esteem (6), object loss generally normal mood state-for example, grief; between these various frames of refer-
refers to traumatic separation from a (ii) a symptom synonymous with sad- ence.
loved person-that is, the disruption ness that is seen in many psychiatric Robins and Guze propose a system
of an attachment bond. disorders; and (iii) a syndrome char- of classification that would exclude
3) The "reinforcement" model, which acterized by psychomotor retardation etiological considerations (15). The
utilizes behavioral concepts, postulates or agitation, dejection, hopelessness, label "secondary depression" refers to
that depression is the name given to self-derogation, suicidal preoccupations, depressed patients with a history of a
behaviors that result from the loss of insomnia, loss of appetite (anoroia), definite psychiatric illness other than
major sources of reinforcement, fol- and loss of libido. To avoid unneces- affective disorder. Currently, little is
lowed by operant conditioning in the sary confusion, Whybrow proposes the known about secondary depression, be-
form of attention and sympathy (7). use of "depression" for mood states, cause there are no large-scale syste-
Depression is equated with chronic while reserving "melancholia" for the matic studies of it (16). On the other
frustration stemming from environ- syndrome (11). A sustained state of hand, "primary affective illness," which
mental stresses that are beyond the deep dejection (melancholia) is a psy- is reserved for patients with no psy-
coping ability of the individual, who chobiological final common pathway; chiatric disorder other than depression
views himself as being helpless and once attained, the state becomes au- and mania, has received great atten-
finds relief in the rewards of the "sick tonomous and assumes the dimensions tion from researchers during the past
role." of illness-that is, morbidity, course, decade. It has been subdivided into
4) Finally, the "biogenic amine"' prognosis, and response to pharmaco- two groups: unipolar affective disease,
model, which focuses on biochemical logical therapies. It should, therefore, single or recurrent depressions; and bi-
derangements, hypothesizes a state of be distinguished from the ubiquitous, polar affective disease, characterized by
the central nervous system character- transient, and minor changes in affec- manic attacks in the subject or in his
ized by depletion of biogenic amines tive responses which occur as part of close biological relatives. Clinical (17),
(8). These neurotransmitters are con- everyday living. genetic (18), biochemical (19), phar-
centrated in the areas of the brain that The American Psychiatric Associa- macological (20), and neurophysiologi-
mediate arousal, sleep, appetite, sex tion, in the latest edition (1968) of its cal (21) differences have been de-
drive, and psychomotor activity (9), diagnostic and statistical manual (12), scribed to further substantiate the uni-
functions impaired in depression. classifies depressions into two broad polar-bipolar dichotomy. For instance,
We examine the interrelations among categories: (i) those characterized by bipolar depressives, as compared with
these models and propose a biological antecedent psychosocial conditions- unipolars, are characteristically retard-
final common pathway for depression. "neurotic depression" and "psychotic ed in psychomotor activity (22); have
Specifically, we argue that depressive depressive reaction"-that are pre- high genetic loading for affective ill-
behaviors must be understood as oc- sumably "reactive" to life events and, ness, suggesting dominant transmission
curring on several levels simultaneously therefore, are more or less psycho- (18); are more likely to have postpartum
rather than as having a one-to-one, di- genic and (ii) "involutional melancholia" affective episodes (23); will switch to
rect relationship with a single chemical and "manic-depressive illness," where mania upon treatment with sympatho-
event in the brain, and that a multi- "the onset of the mood does not seem mimetic drugs (19); and their brain
plicity of genetic, developmental, phar- to be related directly to a precipitating waves (average evoked potentials) ex-
macological; and interyrsonal factors life experience" (hence "endogenous," hibit neurophysiological overreaction
converge in the midbrain and lead to or coming from within), with the impli- (augmentation responses) when pre-
a reversible, functional derangement cation that they are biological in origin. sented with visual stimuli-these re-
of the mechanisms of reinforcement. The major problem with this system sponses can be corrected by adminis-
According to our hypothesis, then, ob- of classification is that an etiological tering lithium carbonate (21). The bi-
ject losses, interpersonally induced index-presence or absence of precip- polar type is clinically manifested in
states of frustration and helplessness, itating psychosocial events-is used in affective episodes only (manias and de-
and depletion of biogenic amines ul- defining disorders whose etiology is pressions), and the vulnerability might
timately result in impairment of the largely unknown. Moreover, studies be transmitted autosomally or by X-
neurophysiological substrates of rein- have demonstrated (13) that the lack linkage (24). Unipolar depressions, on
forcement; this impairment is mani- of psychosocial precipitants, thought to the other hand, are clinically hetero-
fested behaviorally as depressive phe- be characteristic of the "endogenous" geneous and apparently are manifested
nomena. depressive, results from nonreporting. in forms other than depression, such as
The severely depressed patient is too alcoholism, as suggested by the work of
disturbed to appraise fully the psycho- Winokur et al. (25); the mode of in-
Heterogeneity in Clinical Depression social context within which the illness heritance is uncertain, with some sug-
manifests itself; upon clinical recovery, gestion that it is polygenic (18).
Defining and classifying depressive the frequency and type of stressful The heterogeneity of depressive dis-
disorders are crucial for research. As events, revealed by careful questioning, orders encountered in clinical practice
Klerman suggests (10), some of the are no different from those in the "re- can be understood as interactions
confusion in research reports may de- active" group. Depressive phenomena among biological, psychological, and
rive from divergent concepts of what are neither inherently psychosocial nor sociological factors (26). k view of
5 OCTOBER 1973
tion. It is interesting that only 15 per-
cent of the infants suffered anaclitic
depression. According to Spitz, those
infants who had enjoyed a gratifying
relationship with their mothers were
the ones most susceptible to the trauma
of separation. Yet one should also con-
sider the possible interaction of genetic
vulnerability with loss of the mother at
a critical age.
A similar reaction was described in
older children by Robertson and Bowl-
by (5). It had three distinct phases: a
,"protest" phase, during which the child
exhibited restlessness and tearfulness in
Fig. 1. Hypothetical model of genetic-environmental interaction in depressive disorders. search for the mother; a "despair"
phase, in which the behavior of the
child was characterized by apathetic
the evidence for genetic heterogeneity, words, one has to define the concept withdrawal; and a final "detachment"
it is probable that there is more than of separation in a system where other phase, in which the child rejected the
one biochemical form of depression. factors are kept constant. Obviously mother upon reunion.
On the other hand, little attention has this can be achieved most readily at These investigations stimulated re-
been paid to the possibility that certain the animal level. Such experimental search in infrahuman primates, with
forms of depression result from inter- paradigms would permit rigorous in- the purpose of creating animal models
personal factors that secondarily in- vestigation of the behavioral, develop- of anaclitic depression. Starting in the
duce biochemical changes in those areas mental, and biochemical variables in- late 1950's, many experiments were de-
of the brain that modulate affect. De- volved. One can do the same with the signed at the Wisconsin Primate Lab-
spite the clinical and biological differ- concept of chronic frustration and help- oratory to study the differential effects
ences described k\or the various cate- lessness or any other psychosocial fac- of maternal separation and social iso-
gories of depression (secondary, bi- tor thought to enter into the patho- lation on rhesus monkeys (Macaca
polar, unipolar), many symptoms that genesis of depressive phenomena. inidlatta) at different ages (29). Separa-
constitute the syndrome of depression The modeling of certain aspects of tion from the mother during infancy
(psychomotor and vegetative dysfunc- the psychopathology of human de- provided the best parallel to human
tion, dysphoria, hopelessness, suicidal pressions at the animal level had to anaclitic depression (30). Monkeys (5
preoccupation) are common to the en- await the establishment of objective to 7 months old) that were separated
tire group of depressive disorders. This criteria for the evaluation of nonhuman from their mothers but still living with
uniformity of symptoms is consistent psychopathology (27, 28) and the pro- their peers in their original playpen,
with the hypothesis that a neurophysio- duction of stable behavioral syndromes. went through a predictable course of
logical final common pathway underlies Otherwise, the situation would have agitation in search for their mothers
all types of depressive illness (see Fig. been similar to clinical psychiatric re- to almost total lack of interaction with
1). search, where confusion in the classi- their peers and their environment. This
fication of disorders has often pre- was a rather stable behavioral syn-
vented generalization of findings from drome, reproduced and amplified by
Object Loss in Primates one study to another. other investigators (31). These stages
The nature and variety of reactions of separation are illustrated in Fig. 2.
The interaction of genetic and en- to separation have been studied exten- In one of the Kaufman-Rosenblum
vironmental factors in the genesis of sively in nonhuman primates because experiments (32), four pigtail (Macaca
human depressions is complex. To these animals form very strong at- neinestrina) infants (4 to 5 montbs
stuidy the psychosocial conditions that tachment bonds. These experiments old) that had been reared in a labora-
permit the expression of depressive be- were stimulated by clinical research tory pen in a group living situation with
haviors in a given individual, who may undertaken by child psychoanalysts. their feral mothers were separated from
or may not have a depressive genetic Spitz (4) reported a deprivational their mothers for a period of 4 weeks.
diathesis, one should investigate each reaction in human infants separated The mothers were removed from the
of the psychosocial factors. For in- from their mothers in the second half original pen, leaving the four infants
stance, to state that separation from a of their first year. The reaction was together. The first 24 to 36 hours were
loved person might precipitate a de- characterized by: (i) apprehension and marked by "acute distress" (protest
pressive condition is not very revealing. crying; (ii) withdrawal; (iii) gross re- phase): loud screams, searching head
One must, for example, specify the age tardation of development, retardation movements, pacing, and restlessness.
at which separation occurs; the object of reaction to stimuli, slowness of move- During the next 5 to 6 days, the in-
from whom separation takes place; ment, dejection, and stupor; and (iv) fants were described as "depressed"
the nature of the relationship between anorexia, weight loss, and insomnia. This (despair phase): they "sat hunched
the two before the separation; the man- syndrome, called anaclitic depression, over, almost rolled into a ball," with
ner in which separation is achieved; could, unless reversed by providing a the head down between the legs, and
and, finally, the length of separation substitute mother, result in death indulged in self-mouthing; their be-
requLired to cause depression. In other from inanition and superimposed infec- havior was generally withdrawn, with
only occasional reference to inanimate a selective depletor of dopamine and
objects and almost no interaction with norepinephrine (38), was administered
peers. to adult stump-tail monkeys (Macaca
Anaclitic depression is complicated speciosa) by Redmond et al. at the
by the fact that, in addition to the dis- Illinois State Psychiatric Institute (39).
ruption of a strong attachment bond, The animals (which exhibited no signs
the loss of the relationship with the of toxicity at the end of the study)
mother could markedly interfere with displayed marked changes in behavior
the infant's adaptive responses and, ulti- 5 to 6 weeks after treatment with
mately, survival. Studies of infants sep- AMPT was begun: (i) decreased total
arated from their peers (33) circum- Protest stage social interactions; (ii) decreased social
vent this problem, because separation initiative; (iii) changes in pos-ture and
from peers interferes almost exclusively facial expression, suggesting withdrawal
with the attachment bond. The experi- and lack of concern with the environ-
mental paradigm consisted of either ment; and (iv) retarded motor activ-
a single, protracted separation or mul- ity, without evidence of extrapyramidal
tiple, short separations of a group reactions. The Wisconsin group found
of four infant macaques that had been similar results with AMPT (40). Both
reared together since birth. During sep- the Illinois (41) and Wisconsin (40)
aration, they went through a protest investigators, however, found no ap-
phase, with excessive vocalization and preciable effects on the behavior of
random locomotion, followed by a monkeys treated with parachlorphenyl-
despair phase, with marked increase Despair stage alanine, the selective depletor of sero-
in self-clasping and huddling and tonin (42). Monkeys treated with
marked decrease in locomotion and Fig. 2. Illustration of typical protest and
despair stages following separation from AMPT, despite their "retarded" motor
exploration. One can conclude that the the mother. appearance and behavior, exhibited
disruption of an attachment bond, electroencephalographic evidence of
whether infant-mother or infant-infant, arousal. This is consistent with studies
is a powerful inducer of psychopathol- ization and electroconvulsive therapy. in man; contrary to classical notions,
ogy of the "depressive" type. For this reason, the reactions of pri- evidence for hyperarousal has been
The age at which separation takes mates to reserpine have been tested. found in depressed individuals (43).
place and prior experience with sep- Rhesus monkeys fed reserpine for 81 When injected into the central ner-
aration seem to be important factors in days exhibited significant decreases in vous system, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-
determining the form that reactions to locomotion and visual exploration and OHDA) causes permanent destruction
separation take. Juvenile monkeys (3 an increase in huddling behavior (37). of central catecholamine fibers, while
to 4 years old) ordinarily react to sep- The resemblance to the despair phase leaving the peripheral sympathetic sys-
aration only with behavior character- of both human and primate infants is tem, and both the central and periph-
istic of the protest phase (34). Hence, apparent (Fig. 3). It would be inter- eral serotonergic systems, intact (44).
great caution should be exercised in esting to compare the effect of reser- Stein and Wise (45, 46) have hypothe-
viewing anaclitic depression as the pine on normally reared adult monkeys sized that 6-OHDA is somehow in-
prototype for adult depressions. On the with its effect on adult monkeys with volved in the etiology of schizophrenia
other hand, a Wisconsin study (35) a history of traumatic separation. This (and perhaps also of manic-depressive
found that juvenile monkeys that had would more closely parallel the reser- illness). Whether or not this is found to
undergone traumatic separation during pine story in man, since severe depres- be true, it is now established that
infancy responded to separation in a sion is induced most readily in persons 6-OHDA given intraventricularly to
manner reminiscent of the despair with a history of depressive illrness or rats and rhesus monkeys produces sig-
phase. This suggests that early breaks a family history of such illness (36). nificant changes in behavior. In the
in attachment bonds could predispose Alpha-methylparatyrosine (AMPT), adult rat, there is a temporary diminu-
one to adult depression. tion in activity and in eating and drink-
ing, a reduction in the rate of self-
stimulation in the brain, and failure to
Pharmacological "Depression" learn to avoid unpleasant events in
active avoidance tasks (47). In rhesus
Chemically induced psychopatholog- monkeys, there is a dramatic decrease
ical states in primates provide further in locomotion and social interaction
parallels with human depression. Con- and increased passivity (48) (see Fig.
sistent with the biogenic amine hy- 4). These changes in behavior occur
pothesis is the fact that reserpine, a after each injection of 6-OHDA; they
depletor of biogenic amines, precipi- are temporary, however, despite a per-
tates depression in 15 to 20 percent of manent depletion of norepinephrine in
hypertensive human patients when the brain. This phenomenon requires
given in doses of more than 0.5 milli- further investigation, but is generally
gram per day (36). In a third of these Fig. 3. Typical huddling posture in rhesus consistent with the hypothesis pre-
patients, the depression is serious monkey following administration of reser- sented here. The data from studies of
enough to require psychiatric hospital- pine. monkeys support the notion that de-
5 OCTOBER 1973 23
pression is a final common pathway, depressive, but behaviors that do not
rather than a specific chemical event, reinforce him, no matter how "active"
and that it represents the response of he is. Observations of both the patient
the central nervous system to multiple and his family at home provide a pow-
stresses that could be described in inter- erful tool in manipulating interpersonal
personal or biochemical language. contingencies that elicit or maintain de-
pressive behaviors. Indeed, managing
interpersonal contingencies has proved
Helplessness and Depression successful in treating depressed individ-
uals (56). Positive reinforcement is
Is it possible to induce helplessness provided for active behaviors that take
in animals-that is, a state in which the place of the lost source of rein-
the animal can no longer cope with the forcement; such reinforcement, coupled
frustrations in its environment and with selective inattention to depressive
simply gives up? For many clinicians, behaviors, leads to their extinction.
hopelessness and helplessness represent Fig. 4. Acute behavioral effects following In summary, chronic aversive stim-
the central feature of human depres- intraventricular administration of 6-hy- ulation, loss of reinforcement, and loss
sions (49). For instance, Beck and his droxydopamine. of control over reinforcement are over-
associates (50) found that "negative lapping concepts that describe a state
cognitive set," the perception of one- of hopelessness and helplessness deriv-
self as being helpless and hopeless and actual deficiencies in the behavioral ing from interpersonal relations. A
having no control over one's fate, cor- repertoire of the patients. Some studies variety of techniques, deriving from
relates best with the depth of depres- have found that depressed patients ac- both classical and instrumental condi-
sion and suicidal behavior. tively attempt to manipulate their en- tioning, could be utilized to alleviate
"Learned helplessness" is an opera- vironments (52); others have found no such depressive s-tates, but apparently
tional construct which Seligman et al. evidence of objective deficiencies in these techniques are useful in the
(51) use to refer to a stable behavioral actual performance when patients were milder, so-called neurotic, depressions
pattern characterized by failure to ini- coerced into engaging in the task at and that more severe depressions
tiate responses to escape traumatic hand (53). One is led to conclude that usually require antidepressant drugs or
events and failure to learn that one's depressed patients have an underlying electroconvulsive therapy (54). There
own responses could be instrumental disorder of motivation and that their are two possible explanations for this
in terminating noxious stimuli. Dogs ability to derive reinforcement from phenomenon: (i) no matter what inter-
were subjected to repeated, inescapable their environments is impaired personal factors elicit or maintain de-
electric shock while strapped in a What interpersonal situafions lead to pressive behaviors, once these behaviors
Pavlovian harness; when these dogs such maladaptive patterns of behavior? assume severe proportions they become
later received electric shock in a shuttle- For those, in the Wolpian tradition biologically autonomous-the stage of
box, they failed to cross the barrier, (54), chronic aversive stimulation- melancholia (11)-and, consequently,
thereby "passively" accepting the highly that is, chronic failure in one's attempts require somatic therapies; (ii) severe
traumatic shock experience. This be- to have the upper hand in interpersonal depressions have underlying biochemi-
havior was in remarkable contrast to relationships-culminates in chronic cal predispositions and, therefore,
that of dogs which had not been previ- anxiety and inability to reduce anxiety would not respond to any appreciable
ously exposed to inescapable shock; by means of one's usual behavioral degree to verbal therapy.
during shuttlebox training, they im- repertoire. The clinical picture of such
mediately learned that their response- maladaptive behavior, characterized by
to jump the barrier-ended the shock. passivity and hopelessness, is somewhat Biogenic Amines and Depression
Learned helplessness was reversed by similar to that of Seligman's dogs. It is
forcibly dragging the dog to the other claimed that systematic desensitization, Disturbances in both classes of bio-
side of the shuttlebox; apparently the aimed at reducing the anxiety, or as- genic amines, the catecholamines (dopa-
dog learned that its own responses sertive training, designed to help the mine and noradrenaline) and the indole-
could bring relief from noxious stim- individual gain control over interper- amines (serotonin and tryptamine),
ulation. sonal contingencies, are successful in have been hypothesized to cause af-
In Seligman's view (28), learned treating such "neurotic depressions." fective disorders (8). The catechol-
helplessness parallels clinical depres- Lewinshon et al. (55), who utilize a amine hypothesis, the first biogenic
sions in which the individual loses con- Skinnerian frame of reference, state amine hypothesis to be formulated ex-
trol over the reinforcers in the envi- that a low rate of positive reinforce- plicitly, states that depression is asso-
ronment. Negative expectations about ment is the antecedent of depression, ciated with a deficiency of catechol-
the effectiveness of one's efforts in which is further maintained by posi- amines, particularly norepinephrine, in
bringing the environment under one's tive reinforcement in the form of sym- the central nervous system, and mania
control (hopelessness, helplessness, pow- pathy and attention. Lack of "social with an excess of catecholamine. The
ecrlessness) lead to passivity and dimin- skill," defined as behaviors that are possible role of impaired biogenic
ished initiation of responses (retarda- seldom positively reinforced by others, amine function in these disorders was
tion of psychomotor activity and is viewed as the central behavioral first inferred from pharmacological evi-
thought processes, seen clinically). deficit. This concept is useful because dence (57). It was known, for instance,
Such clinical states of helplessness it emphasizes the fact that it is not that a syndrome resembling naturally
and passivity do not seem to indicate passivity per se which characterizes the occurring depressions would develop in
24 SCINCE, VOL 182
hypertensive patients being given large served in depressed patients receiving serotonergic deficiency in the central
doses of reserpine and alpha-methyl- L-dopa (63). nervous system determines the patient's
dopa over a period of, on the average, Definitive evidence for the biogenic predisposition to depressive (and manic)
3 months. Both drugs are biogenic amine hypotheses has to await the illness; while the depressive episode is
amine depletors. It now appears, how- demonstration of significant alterations triggered by catecholamine depletion
ever, that reserpine is more of a chem- of monoamines in the brains of de- (and mania is triggered by an increase
ical trigger, which upsets a vulnerable pressed patients. Although 5-hydroxy- in catecholamines). In this view, de-
biochemical-neurophysiological system, indoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the major pression and mania are on a con-
than a primary cause of depression (36). metabolite of serotonin, and 5-hydroxy- tinuum, sharing the same basic dys-
As for the pharmacological therapies tryptamine have been found in low function, rather than being polar op-
effective in depression, they are known concentrations in the hindbrain of de- posites, with mania representing a more
to raise the level of free amnines in the pressive suicides (64), one must re- severe deviation from normal mood (71).
brain (57). Tricyclic antidepressants member that postmortem neurochemi- Bunney, Goodwin, and Murphy have
such as imipramine and amitriptyline cal determinations are beset with meth- suggested that the available data point
prevent the reuptake of biogenic amines odological problems. However, analysis to the role of catecholamine excess in
released from the presynaptic stores, of the cerebrospinal fluid from de- exacerbations of manic episodes, but
thereby causing a net increase in these pressed patients-and, interestingly, that the underlying dysfunction in both
transmitters at the postsynaptic junc- from manic patients-has revealed low mania and depressions of the bipolar
tion. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors such concentrations of 5-HIAA (65), which, variety probably involves a basic in-
as tranylcypromine and phenelzine pre- at least in depression, persist with stability of the presynaptic neuronal
vent the oxidative deamination of these clinical recovery (61). Since concen- membrane; such dysfunction is per-
amines at the presynaptic stores, again trations of 5-HIAA in cerebrospinal haps partially correctable by imipramine
increasing their availability at the re- fluid are affected by peripheral (gastro- or lithium carbonate, or both (72).
ceptor sites on the postsynaptic mem- intestinal) sources of indoleamines, the Another hypothesis, postulated by Ja-
brane. probenecid technique of preventing the nowsky, El-Yousef, and Davis, attrib-
Because the effects of reserpine and active transport of organic acids across utes depression to a shift in the balance
the antidepressant drugs on biogenic the blood-brain barrier has been intro- of norepinephrine and acetylcholine in
amine metabolism, storage, and release duced into clinical research; the results the diencephalon toward the choliner-
are nonspecific, the pharmacological obtained with the probenecid modifi- gic side (73). Finally, the work of
evidence thus far reviewed does not cation, however, have been largely in- Prange et al. suggests impaired sensi-
distinguish between the role of indole- conclusive, with some suggestion that tivity of the postsynaptic monoamin-
amines and that of catecholamines. both dopamine and serotonin metabo- ergic receptor (74), a condition that
Depressed patients have been given the lites are lowered in concentration (66). can be partially corrected by admin-
metabolic precursors of these amines As for noradrenaline, about 30 per- istering thyroid hormone or thyroid-
in an attempt to discriminate between cent of the 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl- stimulating hormone on top of the tri-
their respective effects. A collaboration ethylene glycol (MHPG) in the urine cyclic antidepressant regimen (75).
between U.S. and British researchers is thought to come from the metabolic This is an important consideration, since
(58) has strengthened the earlier British degradation of noradrenaline in the synaptic transmission is determined
claims that L-tryptophan, the amino central nervous system (67). This me- jointly by presynaptic changes in bio-
acid precursor of serotonin, has anti- tabolite has been found in subnormal genic amines and by postsynaptic re-
depressant properties, especially when concentrations in depressed patients, re- ceptor sensitivity. With impaired re-
coupled with a monoamine oxidase in- turning to normal after treatment with ceptor sensitivity present, it is possible
hibitor (59). The catecholamine pre- imipramine (68). However, it is not that depression could exist with normal
cursor, L-dopa, on the other hand, has clear at present whether low concen- or high levels of catecholamines.
been a failure in therapy, except for a trations of MHPG, and low concentra-
small subgroup of retarded depressives tions of metabolites of other biogenic
(60). The precursor loading strategy, amines correlate best with retarded Attachment, Reinforcement,
therefore, lends support to the hypoth- psychomotor function or with de- and Biogenic Amines
esis that a deficiency of indoleamines pressed mood (69).
in the central nervous system plays an In summary, the available data on The original psychoanalytic model,
important etiological role in the patho- biogenic amines and depressive disor- paraphrased by Spitz (4) and by
genesis of depressive disorders (61). It ders do not distinguish between one bio- Robertson and Bowlby (5) as a reac-
also suggests that retarded psychomotor genic amine and another. Although it is tion to the loss of the love object, can
activity, a behavioral correlate of cate- possible that distinct groups of de- also be conceived of in terms of dis-
cholaminergic deficiency in the central pressed patients suffer depletion of a ruption of an attachment bond, as sug-
nervous system, could be of etiological particular biogenic amine, a depletion gested by primatologists (76).
significance in some depressed patients model based on one biogenic amine is Learning theorists like Dollard and
(62). Yet, if optimal states of mood probably an oversimplification. One Miller (77) regard the love of the in-
and psychomotor functioning depend should perhaps consider the possibility fant for its mother as a learned "sec-
on the harmonious functioning of sero- of inefficient interactions of these ondary dependency drive" derived
tonergic and catecholaminergic sys- amines or substitution by faulty neuro- from the reinforcement of nursing (78).
tems in the diencephalon, then the transmitters (70). The failure of indole- However, the Harlows have demon-
negative results with L-dopa could per- amines to return to normal after the strated that the affection of the infant
haps be explained by the decreased patient's clinical recovery from de- for its mother is independent of feed-
serotonin synthesis that has been ob- pression has led to the hypothesis that ing and that attachment is a powerful
5 OCTOBER 1973 25
renergic medial forebrain bundle fibers
as part of a behavior-facilitating or
GENE§) DURING CHILDHOOD 'go' mechanism [that] . . .

cilitatory feedback [and] increases

. . .

the probability that the behavior will

run off to completion" (46, p. 348).
The MFB contains serotonergic fibers
too (82).

Hypothesized Biochemical Intermediates

1. Impaired Neuronal ATPase System Toward a Unified Hypothesis
2. Decrease in the Functional Level of Noreplneophrlne
3. Decrease in the Functional Level of Serotonin
4. Imbalance in the Serotonergic- Norsdrenerglc Systems From the foregoing information one
5. Faulty Neurotransmitters
6. Cholinergic Dominance can predict that impairment of biogenic
7. Inpaired Sensitivity of the Monoominergtc Poskynapttc Receptor amine function would result in dimin-
ished initiation of responses, decreased
activity, and disturbances in appetite,
sex drive (9), and sleep (83). It also
provides a conceptual bridge between
the behavioral and the biological mod-
| DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS I els of depression. Loss of reinforcement
Fig. 5. A multidisciplinary model of the pathogenesis of depressive disorders. influences the behavior of the orga-
nism through its effects on the dien-
cephalic mechanisms of reward and
"primary drive" in its own right, jusW AMPT, which are known to precipi- punishment. For instance, convention-
as feeding and sex are (79). The at- tate a depression-like syndrome, de- al reinforcers have no effect on be-
tachment of one human being to an- crease the action of amphetamines. havior when the anatomical or chemi-
other, be that infant-mother or peer- Extensive studies of the neurophysi- cal integrity of the self-stimulation sys-
peer, is a powerful reinforcer, and its ological substrates of reinforcement tem of the diencephalon is disrupted
loss can lead to serious psychopathol- have elucidated the biology of reward (84).
ogy. This fact gives psychoanalytic, and punishment (80, 81). The medial If depressive behaviors elicited by a
ethological, and behavioral theories a forebrain bundle (MFB), the anatomi- variety of mechanisms have as their
common denominator: depression is cal substrate for the "reward system," neurophysiological final common path-
associated with the loss of significant originates in the locus coerulus and the way a reversible, functional derange-
reinforcers. Although the behavioral adjacent reticular formation and forms ment in the diencephalic mechanisms
formulation is a broader one, it is a noradrenergic synapses in the lateral of reinforcement, as we have hypoth-
common clinical observation that hu- hypothalamus, at higher levels in the esized, then chemical, genetic, develop-
man depression is usually a reaction to limbic system, and in the frontal cor- mental, and interpersonal-experiential
withdrawal of reinforcement from sig- tex. The periventricular system (PVS), factors should all impinge on the dien-
nificant others. In primate species, in- the anatomical substrate for the "pun- cephalic centers of reward, as shown in
cluding man, object losses in the form ishment system," arising in the dorso- Fig. 5.
of disrupted attachment bonds are medial region of the midbrain, forms 1) Chemical. Certain drugs or meta-
probably the most traumatic examples cholinergic synapses in the medial bolic disorders can suppress or interfere
of loss of reinforcement. Seligman's hypothalamus and elsewhere in the lim- with the neurotransmitters of this sys-
formulation is even broader, because it bic system. It appears that noradrena- tem-for example, reserpine and alpha-
views loss of reinforcement as a spe- line exercises inhibitory control over methyldopa in man, reserpine and al-
cial instance of loss of control over re- behavior-suppressant cell groups in the pha-methylparatyrosine ii7tiifrahuman
inforcement. In conclusion, loss of rein- forebrain, while acetylcholine facili- primates; and "borderline hypothy-
forcement, however achieved, seems to tates the activity of these nuclei. It roidism" which could chemically in-
be antecedent to a perception of oneself should be noted that stimulation of terfere with the sensitivity of the
as having lost one's ability to exercise certain portions of the noradrenergic monoaminergic receptor.
future control over such reinforcers. system enhances sexual activity; where- 2) Genetic. These factors must act
Is it possible to reconcile this be- as lesions in this system (for example, by means of their effects on the chem-
havioral-ethological formulation with in the lateral hypothalamus) produce istry of reinforcement, because chem-
the biochemical point of view? Stein's anorexia. Stimulation of the PVS re- istry is the only language into which
work (80) links the pharmacology of sults in behavioral reactions usually as- genes translate their message in con-
depression with the neurophysiological sociated with pain, such as jumping, trolling organismic function. There is
substrates of motivation and reward. biting, and screaming. Finally, simula- substantial evidence for the contribu-
Thus amphetamines, euphoriant agents, tion along the punishment and reward tion of heredity in some, if not all,
when injected through permanently im- pathways is analogous to the action of forms of primary affective illnesses (18).
planted electrodes into the "reward cen- primary reinforcers, in that neutral However, the specific enzymatic defects
ters," increase self-stimulation. Imipra- stimuli, presented just before stimula- that lead to the chemical derangements
tion, acquire secondary reinforcing are unknown. If instability of the neu-
mine, an antidepressant, augments the
action of amphetamines. Reserpine and properties. ronal membrane is the underlying dys-
function in affective illness (72), then brain of animals exposed to aversive nerable to the effects of interpersonal
one possible enzymatic defect might be stimuli beyond their coping ability; conflicts or events that result in a de-
in the mechanism that controls sodium these animals also suffered anorexia and crease in positive reinforcement. That
extrusion from the neuron-that is, *a weight loss. On the other hand, those reinforcing events from the environ-
derangement in neuronal membrane animals that could cope with or avoid ment converge and interact with the re-
adenosine triphosphatase. The work the aversive stimulus did not exhibit ward centers of the hypothalamus has
of Coppen and his associates provides such chemical and somatic derange- been demonstrated in infrahuman ani-
evidence that there may be, in depres- ments. To extrapolate to human beings, mals (84); and there is no reason to
sion, an accumulation of intraneuronal interpersonally induced states of help- believe that man has two separate sys-
sodium (85). It is also known that an lessness, whether from chronic aver- tems of reinforcement, or that inter-
increase in intraneuronal sodium re- sive stimulation or loss of control over personally defined reinforcement by-
sults in extraneuronal leakage of bio- reinforcement contingencies, could re- passes the diencephalon.
genic amines (86). This hypothetical sult in alterations of biogenic amines. One might raise the question of why
chain of events can be summarized as 4) Developmental. Psychoanalysts genetic vulnerability to depression most
follows: Abnormal gene -* (periodic) claim that bereavement in childhood commonly manifests itself in middle
adenosine triphosphatase deficiency predisposes one to depression in adult- age and later. Two possibilities suggest
increased intraneuronal sodium -> bio- hood. Epidemiological evidence for this themselves: (i) the stresses of late
genic amine depletion -- derangement hypothesis has been generally negative adulthood are such that they result in
of diencephalic mechanisms of rein- or inconclusive (89). It is possible, how- substantial decrease in positive rein-
forcement -- failure to respond to re- ever, that if the bereavement occurs forcement or loss of control over one's
inforcement -- depressive behaviors at certain critical ages it can predis- destiny-for example, physical decline,
(87). As indicated earlier, there are pose to adult depression. Furthermore, chronic illnesses, retirement, financial
most likely several distinct genetic de- a good parental substitute might pre- troubles, loss of children through mar-
fects that could lead to various pat- vent the adverse effects of childhood riage, and loss of friends through death;
terns of impairment in the functional bereavement. On the other hand, both and (ii) if an optimally functioning dien-
level or activity of biogenic amines in childhood bereavement and adult de- cephalic reward system depends on ad-
the diencephalon. Relative insensitivity pression might be caused by the same equate levels of monamine neurotrans-
of the monoaminergic receptors (74), factor (for example, genetic vulner- mitters, then a decrease of such amines
which could be caused by a genetically ability to depression), since it has been with age-which would be expected
transmitted, defective structural lipo- demonstrated that mortality in bipolar from the finding that concentrations of
protein of the postsynaptic membrane, illness, both from suicide and other the enzyme monoamine oxidase in the
is another possibility. According to the causes, is very high (18). Therefore, brain increase with age (90) -might
scheme presented here, and irrespective one would expect patients from families provide another answer to the in-
of the individual lesions, they would all with bipolar illness to suffer bereave- creased vulnerability of the elderly to
result in a decrease in the functional ment during childhood and depression depression.
capacity of the reward system; or a pre- during adult life. Future epidemiologi- Melancholia (11), then, can be looked
dominance of the punishment system- cal work should control for these vari- upon as a psychobiological state that is
that is, cholinergic dominance (73, 80, ables. Primate models of depression the final common pathway of processes
82), to phrase it in neurophysiological may help clarify this Issue. In a recent involving interpersonally induced states
terms. study (35), 2-year-old monkeys were of mind in which the individual sees
3) Interpersonal. The occurrence of shown to respond differently to separa- himself as losing control over his fate
anaclitic depression in human and pri- tion, depending on whether or not they (hopelessness); increased psychic tur-
mate infants deprived of or separated had undergone traumatic separation moil; increased neuronal excitability
from their mothers can be readily un- during infancy; those with a history of and hyperarousal; disturbance of ge-
derstood if one remembers the work separation responded with increased netically vulnerable neuronal circuits in
of the Harlows, which showed at- self-directed behaviors and social with- the diencephalon; depletion of biogenic
tachment behavior to be a primary drawal, as compared to control subjects. amines; impairment of the neurophysi-
drive (79). Its neurophysiological sub- As to the way in which childhood be- ological substrates of reinforcement;
strate probably resides in the dienceph- reavement operates, in terms of the further decrements in coping mecha-
alon, as is true of other primary drives. model presented here, one can hypoth- nisms; and a vicious cycle of more hope-
As noted earlier, depressions in human esize that early breaks in attachment lessness, psychic turmoil, and hyper-
adults are often preceded by the with- bonds stunt the maturational poten- arousal.
drawal of reinforcement from signifi- tial of the brain mechanisms that sub-
cant others, usually in the form of serve reinforcement, making them more
breaks in attachment bonds. Such a vulnerable to adult disappointment and Summary
state of affairs could conceivably lead frustration-that is, the individual has
to (reversible) derangements in the di- a "fragile reward system," one which Our scientific understanding of psy-
encephalon, which would in turn lead can be easily upset. chiatric syndromes, including the phe-
to the dominance of the periventricular 5) Genetic-interpersonal -Probably nomena of depression, has been ham-
punishment system. genetic predisposition in the form of a pered because of: (i) the use of
But is there any evidence that experi- "labile diencephalic reinforcement sys- metapsychological concepts that are
ential factors lead to derangements of tem" (neuronal membrane instability? difficult to test; (ii) methodological and
the biological substrates of reinforce- impaired sensitivity of monoaminergic linguistic barriers that prevent commu-
ment? Weiss et al. (88) demonstrated receptors?) renders 10 to 15 percent nication among psychoanalysts, behav-
that norepinephrine is depleted in the of the population (18) extremely vul- iorists, experimental psychologists, and
5 OCIOBER 1973 27
psychiatrists; and (iii) the reluctance 13. M. Leff, J. Roatch, W. Bunney, Psychiatry 46. L. Stein, J. Psychiat. Res. 8, 354 (1971).
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tain aspects of human psychopathology. A. Lazare, N. Engl. J. Mcd. 288, 345 (1973). W. McKinney, R. Bowman, P. Bushnell,
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194), 7 (1966); G. Winokur, P. Clayton, T. J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 63, 28 (1967);
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12. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic 42, 88 (1971); N. Uretsky and L. Iverson, (1972).
and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric J. Neutrochein. 17, 269 (1970). 71. A. Prange, paper presented at National In-
45. L. Stein and C. Wise, Science 171, 1032 stitute of Mental Health Conference on
Association, Washington, D.C., ed. 2, 1968), serotonin and behavior, organized by Stan-
p. 35. (1971).
28 SCIENCE, VOL. 182
ford University and held in Palo Alto, Cali- 79. H. Harlow, Amer. Psychol. 13, 673 (1958); 86. D. Bogdanski and B. Brodie, Life Sc. 5,
fornia, January 1972; J. Court, Brit. J. and M. Harlow, Amer. Scf. 54, 244 1563 (1966).
Psychiat. 120, 133 (1972). (1966). 87. For a discussion of mineral metabolism,
72. W. Bunney, F. Goodwin, D. Murphy, Arch. 80. L. Stein, in Recent Advances in Biological catecholamines, and depression, see J. Maas,
Gen. Psychiat. 27, 312 (1972); J. Psychiat. Psychiatry, J. Wortis, Ed. (Plenum, New J. Psychiat. Res. 9, 227 (1972).
Res. 9, 207 (1972). York, 1962), vol. 4, p. 288; L. Stein, in 88. J. Weiss, J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. 65, 251
73. D. Janowsky, M. El-Yousef, J. Davis, Psychopharmacology: A Review of Progress, (1968); , E. Stone, N. Harrel, ibid. 72,
Lancet 1972-H, 632 (1972). 1957-1967, D. Efron, Ed. (Government Print- 153 (1970).
74. A. Prange, I. Wilson, A. Knox, J. Psychiat. ing Office, Washington, D.C., 1968), p. 105. 89. K. L. Granville-Grossman, in Recent De-
Res. 9, 187 (1972). 81. J. Olds and P. Milner, J. Comp. Physiol. velopments in Affective Disorders, A. Coppen
75. A. Prange, I. Wilson, A. Rabon, M. Lipton, Psychol. 47, 419 (1954); J. Delgado, W. and A. Walk, Eds. (Headley, Ashford, Eng-
Amer. J. Psychiat. 126, 457 (1969); A. Prange, Roberts, N. Miller, Amer. J. Physiol. 179, land, 1968), p. 65.
I. Wilson, A. Knox, T. McClane, M. Lipton, 587 (1954); R. Heath, Ed. The Role of 90. D. Robinson, J. Davis, A. Nies, C. Ravaris,
ibid. 127, 191 (1970); D. Wheatley, Arch. Gen. Pleasure in Behavior (Hoeber, New York, D. Sylvester, Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 24, 536
Psychiat. 26, 229 (1972); A. Coppen, P. Why- 1964). (1971).
brow, R. Noguera, R. Maggs, A. Prange, 82. C. Wise, B. Berger, L. Stein, Biol. Psychiat. 91. We thank L. Benjamin, P. Lang, and J.
ibid., p. 234. 6, 3 (1973). Stein and his associates have Westman (University of Wisconsin) and E.
76. M. Harlow and H. Harlow, Discovery 27, 11 postulated that the biochemical etiology of all Brown, G. Aivazian, J. Beard, and B. Kulig
(1966). the major psychiatric disorders is to be found (University of Tennessee) for their critical
77. J. Dollard and N. Miller, Personality and in derangements in MFB and PVS (45, comments on earlier versions of the manu-
Psychotherapy (McGraw-Hill, New York, 46, 80). script. This work was supported, in part, by
1950), p. 132. 83. M. Jouvet, Science 163, 32 (1969). research grants MH-18070 and MH-21892
78. For a comprehensive review of object rela- 84. B. Poschell, Physiol. Behav. 3, 53 (1967). and research scientist development award
tions, attachment, and love, see M. Ains- 85. A. Coppen and D. Shaw, Brit. Med. J. 2, MH-47353 (W.T.M.), all from the National
worth, Child Develop. 40, 969 (1969). 1439 (1963). Institute of Mental Health.

tential of a national network in sup-

port of research and education" (2).
An NSF grant under this program per-
Computer and Information Networks mitted EDUCOM to bring together
interested users and administrators
with those possessing shareable re-
The movement in research and education toward sources and relevant experience in a
series of three 2-day working seminars.
national resource sharing via networks is accelerating. The seminars, held in late 1972 and
early 1973, were designed to help
identify the central organizational,
Martin Greenberger, Julius Aronofsky, political, and economic issues in build-
James L. McKenney, William F. Massy ing and operating networks on a na-
tional basis.
EDUCOM has been concerned
since its founding in 1964 with foster-
ing the collaboration of colleges and
A medical researcher sits at an on- does illustrate the daily use of a variety universities in the use of computer and
line terminal in Honolulu searching an of communication networks that are communication technologies. It has
index to the world's medical literature currently providing efficient intercon- given the subject of networks special
stored on a computer in Bethesda, nection between computer systems for emphasis, beginning with its July 1966
Maryland, over 5000 miles away. His their users. Domestic usage of the on- summer study in Boulder, Colorado
request passes across a radio network line medical information system (3), and continuing with the open
of the University of Hawaii; the tele- through the commercial time-sharing conferences that it recently has been
phone network of ithe Hawaiian tele- network has been doubling every 6 holding twice each year (4). In these
phone company; the Pacific Ocean via months. This fact plus countless other working seminars, highly expert tech-
an international satellite; a nationwide important uses of networks in many nologists joined in discussion with
research network in the continental areas proclaim the growing significance social scientists, physical scientists,
United States; and, finally, a commer- of information and computer networks. decision-makers, and others from many
cial time-sharing network, before reach- The possibilities they offer in research fields (5). This article is based on the
ing the medical information system in and education point to new and better results of their deliberations (6).
Bethesda. By mail the request would computing and information services,
This article is adapted from the book Networks
have taken several days. By computer- greater efficiency in operations, broader for Research and Education-Sharing Computer
communication networks it takes less markets, widespread access to facilities, and Information Resources Nationwide (MIT
Press, Cambridge, Mass., in press). It reports
than 5 seconds. The response to the and extensive resource sharing. on a series of working seminars conducted by
request, a set of literature citations, Responding to the heightened inter- the authors for EDUCOM with National Science
Foundation support. Dr. Greenberger, director
starts printing out at the terminal back est in the possibilities of networks, and of the seminars, is professor of mathematical
in Honolulu within 15 seconds from reflecting its own continuing interest in sciences and senior staff associate of the Center
for Metropolitan Planning and Research at Johns
the time the request was dispatched. improving the use of new technologies Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Dr.
Numerous other remote users of the in research and education- (1), the Na- Aronofsky is professor of management science
and computing at Southern Methodist University,
medical information system receive tional Science Foundation (NSF) in Dallas, Texas. Dr. McKenney is professor of
business administration at Harvard University,
service simultaneously. 1972 announced the mounting of "an Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Massy is vice pro-
This example of what is happening expanded research program to
. . .
vost for research and professor of business ad-
ministration at Stanford University, Stanford,
now may seem dramatized, but it explore . .the resource-sharing po-
. California.
5 OCTOBER 1973 29

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