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I have had the opportunity to become the direct inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge and culture

during the course of this stage. In attempting to understand what definitions, concepts and connections
the students are required to know from the Progression of Learning, I have had to integrate my
understanding into a format that could be transmitted to many. Furthermore, I have been put in a position
to relate the topics to student schema in ways in which the tools and experiences they have are usable in
deciphering the information I am attempting to discover with them. For example, in teaching about
technical object design I attempted to explain the concept of mechanical properties. Because the general
definitions are fairly vague (and rightly so, they have to describe many situations), I related the
differences between resilience and hardness to a bicycle helmet. Although a helmet may be resilient in
withstanding shock, it is not hard in the mechanical sense as the reflective sheen can be abraded easily
when undergoing contact with a rough surface. What I have learned, however, is that deep experience
with the subject matter and actually teaching it leads to more readily being able to address common
misconception and illuminate the important relationships between ideas that allow for the best
interpretation of knowledge for the sake of students. Because I still have not experienced a full years
worth of knowledge with the trials and tribulations related to making that into a consistently understood
message for students to internalize into their personal world-defining models I give myself an acceptable
level of development.

Jeremiah Lee 260587356

December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

Part of the challenge regarding being an educator is being able to deliver the information in multiple
means in order to be able to reach students of all learning students. What my cooperating teacher and I
worked on heavily was the ability to follow up the complex explanations of a topic An example of this
occurred when I was trying to explain the concept of electron orbitals to a grade 10 class. The
relationship between the position of an element on the periodic table and the organization of electrons is
obvious to me, but for students it is a fairly abstract concept because it is not the most relatable situation.
In failing to explain my ideas consistently, it was recommended to shorten key concepts into discrete,
easy to follow short sentences. Upon having tried this, the change in my speech patterns made a clearer
message for my students to follow and aided in explaining the topic. With recommendations from my
supervisor, I also developed a more confident and attention-grabbing control over the volume and tone of
my voice which punctuated lessons and had students clearly understanding what they needed to focus
on given the plethora of ideas being put forward in one class. Due to this development, I rate myself as
thorough do to my continued development in this competency.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

A major difficulty I had with developing tangible, hands-on teaching/learning situations was knowing what
materials were available to me for making lab activities in which students would be able to test the
theories that were being discussed in class. More experience and discussion with the teachers in the
science department along with consulting the lab technician is necessary for me to feel fully confident in
my ability to formulate that style of lesson. In terms of a classroom lesson, more oriented towards theory
rather than applied, I have found a pacing of having the class do some work individually or in groups
followed by class discussion about concepts, in this pattern repeating, is a good method for having a
balance of complete focus to creative brainstorming and problem solving. This only applied to the classes
I have been able to work with, therefore I will submit my level of mastery only as acceptable as I need to
work with more diverse class compositions in order to recognize myself as thorough or advanced.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

My ability to guide a cooperating class through a lesson which has complex development of ideas is
thorough. I can often tell when students are not understanding because they are having trouble with the
topic versus when they are disengaged, uninterested or worried about an impending test for another
class. Along with what was mentioned in competency 2, I have had increasing success in clarifying the
most important pieces of information for students to reflect on while they build their personal models of
understanding. My classwork often relies on teamwork for student to student co-learning. For example, in
a lab relating to material constraints and deformations, the class structure was very open ended and
students had to share responsibilities based on their strengths in order to complete the material. The
kinesthetic learners operated the experiments on material properties while the theory-oriented minds
worked on piecing together what the results were in order to explain to the rest of their group what a
potential explanation might be.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

Evaluation has been very difficult as I have not formally had a class on what just and complete evaluation
is as of my current academic progress. I have noticed that experience teachers often have a
second-nature ability to gauge student understanding and relate it to their level of comprehension. I
believe that this is related to the mastery of the content they are working with. For example, my
cooperating teacher could tell how well a student understood the physical change of solidification from
how they explained it in a presentation and where it was lacking, whereas I had thought that they fully
understood the concept. The solution I am working on, besides the upcoming class on evaluation, is
always having a thorough rubric for ALL types of evaluation along with looking through numerous
examples of student work before formally beginning my grading. Thus, my self-evaluation is acceptable
as I have not had enough experience in gauging student understanding in order to rate myself higher.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

My classroom management skills improved decisively during my third field experience. When I started, I
was relying on having had quickly memorized the names of the learners in order to call them to refocus
their attention on the lesson. Along with working in conjunction with my cooperating teacher about what
were reasonable expectations for the respective classes, I learned enormous amounts about how to
sympathetically and democratically engage in constructive disciplinary behavior. Based on Lemovs
positive framing and building of momentum in the classroom and Dreikurs logical consequences, I had
dialogic problem-solving sessions with students in order to include them on how, as a class, we would
behave in order to accomplish every members respective tasks. For me, as the educator, it was to teach
them the material, and for the students it was to engage with the material and understand it to the best of
my ability. The solution was a 3 strike system that held individuals accountable for their action by taking
time from their lunch period to discuss how we would address the issue of class disruptions together. Do
to my progress towards democratic and instructional social responsibility, I deem myself thorough in my
current mastery.

Jeremiah Lee 260587356

December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

All of the classes I taught had students with learning differences; one of the classes had 22 students with
IEPs out of 31 in total. I found that addressing all of these differences was extremely difficult given my
inexperience in engaging in practical techniques. Further, that class had one Aid associated with a
certain student, but it was not enough to compensate for all of the issues from the diverse set of
learners. I did my best to relay the information in diverse forms and followed student IEPs as much as
possible. I also gave extra help in the mornings and at lunch in order to catch students who felt like they
could not pick up all of the information all at once during class time and needed individual or small group
instruction. For my classes that had trouble focusing on note tacking alongside concept comprehension
and class discussion, I began making Follow Sheets, a package with partially completed notes and
activities for students to work on while in class in order to keep them oriented towards the task. They
helped address many of the common learning difficulties outlined in the IEPs, such as issues along the
lines of oral comprehension, writing speed/note taking ability and prolonged focus. Due to these efforts, I
believe I am thorough in regards to competency 7.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

I consistently used Google classroom for all of my classes and had a separate digital workspace for each
of my classes. I designed interactive activities using Chromebooks for the classes without their own
devices and distributed them during those projects, for example when the students were assigned a
presentation about a specific chemical or physical change. They had to create a slideshow presentation
that they research on the laptops, transferred to me digitally through the online Google classroom
platform, which I then graded and submitted back to them through the platform. I also used a SMART
Board daily during my internship and regularly referred to multimedia examples in order to explain
concepts and give new perspectives on ideas. I deem myself, partly in accordance to my cooperating
teachers perspective, advanced in my use of information and communication technologies in the context
of instruction and professional development.

Jeremiah Lee 260587356

December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

During my field experience, I communicated often with parents in order to have a consistent and clear
update about the progress of the class. The information and communication technology platform of
Google Classroom allowed for parents to get summary updates either every day or every week about
what their child was up to in my class. Further, I sent emails regarding major projects or tests being
returned to students in order to have parent get involved with their childs academic career by asking how
the test went. I also communicated regularly by email and phone with parents in situations where a
student was struggling and we needed to find a solution to the issue. I participated in parent teacher
interviews and had a positive experience meeting students parents while coming up with solutions to
issues related to their childs academics. Despite this, I will claim my mastery to be thorough as I did not,
to a large extent, interact with the administration team beyond what was the general protocol of
attendance, absent student follow up and the like.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

I spent extended periods of time discussing with members of the science department about assessment,
different project ideas and how to explain topics in a way that most clearly illustrates the ideas to
students. For the most part, this cooperation benefitted me more than the seasoned staff. Although I was
a part of these conversations and tried to give my perspective when possible, I deem myself at the
acceptable tier due to my lack of contribution when compared to the depth of knowledge that the rest of
the teaching team was able to communicate to each other.

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December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

I continuously and consistently used the resources available to me to improve myself as a teacher through
multiple means, be it through discussion of skills to develop while delivering a lesson or personal research into
lesson ideas that best engaged students with the material. An example of both of these techniques coming
together was illustrated when I was trying to find a way for students to conceive of the concept of pressure more
intuitively, and my cooperating teacher recommended using a demo or lab class in order to do so. I started to ask
about ideas regarding this, but all of the projects had a large commitment to assessment and would be
multi-class period activities. I took to the internet to look through ways other teachers had accomplished the same
task. I was fortunate to find an example using capped syringes for illustrating the properties of compressible and
incompressible fluids. Another professional development I underwent was a LBPSB science teacher meeting on
practical methods used to change the delivery of science to a more creative and dialogically active discourse. I
felt I learned some techniques such as having students personally define concepts as employable methods that
are feasible without huge amounts of preparation that are characteristic of some of the McGill models, although
with the right resources the McGill methods are seemingly quite effective. I also attended the QPAT convention
and engaged in multiple topic of how I could self-improve. I looked at how individual posture could affect a
students focus in class through a discussion given by an occupational therapist. I also attended a lecture on
digital teaching platforms in order to continue my information and communication technologies skill development.
Finally, I attended a lecture on the importance of teaching reason and skepticism in science due to the plethora of
pseudoscientific knowledge being put forth in modern society.

Jeremiah Lee 260587356

December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

I have done my best to always be a just and democratic conveyor of knowledge in order to promote
socially responsible behavior of students in larger society. To do so, I have included students in the
development of rules describing appropriate behavior in the class and the resulting consequences for not
following those rules. I believe that this modeling of publicly situated rule-making is a good way to
demonstrate the identity and investment individuals have in contributing to a fair organization of society. I
have also continuously gauged my decisions about how to organize my class in order to attain the
greatest benefit for the class. I reflect before I enter the classroom, and quickly in the context for having
to react to a student action, about what the best possible to fairly ensure student individuality and sense
of freedom and safety are being respected. I also attempted, through methods discussed in
competencies 5 and 9, attempted to be entirely transparent about my methodologies and assessment of
student work in order to ensure the opportunity for just participation is shared by all. Because of this, I
give myself a thorough development.

Jeremiah Lee 260587356

December 7th 2017 EDEC 351

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