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3.1. Location and Time of Research

This research will conduct in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Medan at
Jl. Willem Iskandar no. 7B Medan 20222, North Sumatera. This research will take
three months which will be started from Mei 2017 to July 2017.

3.2. Population and Sample

The population in this research are the whole students in XI MIA grade in
MAN 1 Medan Academic Year 2017/2018 which consist of 352 students. The
sample choosen by using Cluster Random Sampling to select two classes out of
population for the research. .

3.3. Research Variable

This research variable consist of three variables, namely independent
variable, moderator variable, and dependent variable. They are explained as
1. Independent variable: guided inquiry as learning guideline.
2. Moderator variable: scientific interest through the learning process.
3. Dependent variable: students learning outcomes which consist of
knowledge (cognitive) and attitude (affective).
Scientific interest moderate the role of guided inquiry to students learning

3.4. Type and Research Design

Based on the background and problem identification which was explained
in chapter one, quasi experimental method is applied in this research. The research
contains two classes, the first class will be treated with guided inquiry, and the
second one is only given a traditional or direct learning. The design of the
research is presented in table 3.1.
Table 3.1. Research Design
Group Science Pretest Guided Inqury Postest
Interest (Treatment)
Experiment I P1 X P2
Control I P1 - P2

To describe data of students learning outcomes, the data analized by using

descriptive statistic. It makes data can shown visually and easier to be understood
by counting scores average or mean, deviation standart, and varians by using
SPSS 19 for Windows.

3.5. Research Procedures

Research procedures on the effect of guided inquiry larning and science
interest toward students learning outcome on structure and function of plant
tissue topic in grade XI science MAN 1 Medan academic year 2017/2018 are
consisting of arranging the research instrument, sampling, teaching treatment, data
collection, and analysis, conducting survey to investigate the scientific interest as
well. The initial procedures of research are summarized in the following figure
MAN 1 Medan Students in
Class XI Science


Experiment Class Control Class


Questionaire of Scientific

Pretest by using
multiple choice

Guided Inquiry Direct Learning on

Learning on Structure and
Structure and
Function of Plant
Function of Plant
Tissue Topic Tissue topic
Learning observation by
using observation sheet

Posttest by using
multiple choice

Data Analysis


Figure 3.1. The overview of research planning on the effect of guided inquiry
larning and science interest toward students learning outcome on
structure and function of plant tissue topic in grade XI science
MAN 1 Medan academic year 2017/2018.
The complete procedures begin from administration process due to have
permission to do the research in MAN 1 Medan. Then the class sample are chosen
by sampling process to determine experiment and control class. The procedures
detailed can be seen as follows:
1. Before the study began, first conduct a survey by using scientific
interest questionaire to experiment and control class.
2. Doing pretest to determine the samples based on their homogenity in
initial ability.
3. Giving ecosystem topic to students suitable with their class (different
learning treatment).
4. Preserving the condition of both classes remain the same through study
(time allocation in teaching, book using, etc) apart from treatment that
5. Doing observation to the ongoing learning process by filling
observation sheet in experiment and control class.
6. Doing posttest to measure the final learning outcomes in experiment
and control class.
7. Scoring or evaluating the result of questionare, pretest, learning
observation sheet, and posttest.
8. Analyzing the statistical test for data normality and homogenity, then
continue to the statistical advance test.
9. Making the conclusion after obtaining the value which change
(increase or decrease) from statistical test.

3.6. Research Instrument

The instruments used in this research consist of evaluation test (pretest and
posttest), students activity instrument, instrument of affective assassment,and
science interest questionnaire. Then the instruments distributes to respondents and

3.6.1. Test-based Instrument

The evaliotion test instrument used to collect the students cognitive
learning outcome. It consist of 50 questions in multiple choice form, for each
questions, the students got 1 (one) score if the answer is correct, and 0 (zero) if the
answer is not correct. The questions are made based on cognitive level from
Blooms Taxonomy: C1 (remembering), C2 (understanding), C3 (applying), C4
(analyzing), C5 (evaluating), and C6 (evaluation). The grille of the test can be
seen in table 3.2.
Table 3.2. Grille of the test
Cognitive domains
No Indicators C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Total

1 Mengidentifikasi
jaringan berdasarkan
bentuk dan lokasinya
2 Membedakan struktur
jaringan tumbuhan
yang menyusun organ
3 Mengidentifikasi ciri-
ciri utama berbagai
jenis jaringan
4 Menjelaskan fungsi
berbagai jenis jaringan
5 Mengkaitkan sifat
totipotensi jaringan
tumbuhan dengan
teknik kultur jaringan
6 Menjelaskan prinsip
dasar kultur jaringan
7 Mengetahui peran
kultur jaringan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari
3.6.2. Students Activity Instrument
Observation in the teaching and learning process will assess by using
students activities observation guidlines.

The non-test-based instrument consist of science interest questionnaire and

observation sheet that serve to investigate students science interest and to assess
students performance (psychomotor domain). To investigate the learning
motivation the questionnaire distributed to students before learning began. The
questionnaire (appendix) consist of 40 questions with five answer options
VA=very agree, A=agree, AE=agree enaugh, D=disagree, VD=very disagree.
Each score for the choice is equal to 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. The lettice work for learning
motivation questionnaire can be seen in table 3.3.
To investigate students performance, observation sheet is used to the
students during learning process. The observing of students will be done by
observers.The lattice work for observation sheet and rubrics can be seen in table
3.4 and table 3.5.

3.7. Data Analysis

To analyze data, test and non-test instruments that used in collecting data
should be examined by several test such as validity test, reability test, difficulty
level test, and distinguish index test. Then, the data can continue to the normality
test and homogenity test.

3.7.1. Cognitive Data Analysis

a. Validity Test
The validity is the precision and accuracy of the assessment tool from the
determination of the concept that assessed so truly judge whhat is suppossed to be
assessed. To determine the validity of each items, validity formula is used as

Where :
rxy = validity
N = number of students
X = item score
Y = total score
The calculation result of validity categorize to five ranks as follows:
0.000 < rxy 0.200 very low validity
0.210 < rxy 0.400 low validity
0.410 < rxy 0.600 enough validity
0.610 < rxy 0.800 high validity
0.810 < rxy 1.000 very high validity
To determine whether or not valid questions about the criteria have made.
If rcalculate > ttable, then the question is valid and vice versa (Sudjana in Lubis,

b. Reability Test
To determine reability test using Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R 20).
The formulation can be seen below:

11=( )(1 )
1 2

r11 = reability of the instruments
k = the number of items
St2 = variance for the total score
Si2 = variance for item score
The reability of the insrtuments as follows :
0.00 < r11 0.20 very low

0.21 < r11 0.40 low

0.41 < r11 0.60 standard

0.61 < r11 0.80 high

0.81 < r11 1.00 very high (Sofyan in Hamdilah, 2016).

c. Difficulty Level
To measure difficulty of one question on test the formula used is a

difficulty index, as formulated : =

Where :
P = Difficulty Index
B = The number of students who can answer correctly
T = The total number of student participants in the tests.
After calculating difficulty level the result value be grouped as follows:
0.00 < P 0.30 difficult
0.31 < P 0.70 medium
0.71 < P 1.00 easy (Kunandar, 2015).

d. Distinguish Index Test

Distinguishing features or discrimination index of an item about the
sentences that states how much the ability to distinguish between people who
know the true answer and people who unknown the answer of the question n test.
In other words, the distinguish feature of an item on the point about this is the
ability to distinguish the students who have a high capacity with low student
ability. It can formulated as follows:

Where :
D = Discrimination index
J = The number of test participants
JA = The number of high group participants
JB = The number of low group participants
BA = Number of participants in the high group which ansewered correclty
BB = Number of participants in the low group which ansewered correctly
PA = The proportion of participants in the high group which answered
PB = The proportion of participants in the low group which answered
Classification of discrimination index after calculating the result:
0.00 < D 0.19 bad
0.20 < D 0.39 enaugh
0.40 < D 0.69 good
0.70< D 1.00 very good (Arikunto,2010).
3.7.2. Learning Motivation Data Analysis
To know students learning motivation value, formula used as follow:

= %

The result from the calculation be interpreted toward criterias as follows:

0 < Percentage 60 low motivation
61 < Percentage 100high motivation (Riduwan in Faisal, 2014).

3.7.3. Psychomotor Data Analysis

Assassement did by giving scores to the available colomn in the
observation sheet based on fact that observers gained. To determine the
percentage of psychomotor value formula applied as follows:

= 100%

At the end of the calculation, the result will devided to three categories:
Percentage < 61 low
61 Percentage 80 medium
81 Percentage 100 high (Kunandar, 2015).

3.7.4. Data Analysis Requirements

a. Normality Test
Normality test is used to know the distribution of students learning
outcome, is the data distributed normally or not. To test the normality of the data,
then used Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test by using SPSS 19 for Windows.
Data stated normal in distribution if the probability or significance value of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test > 0.05.
b. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test aim to know the similarity of variance between two
groups or more. To investigate data homogeneity, Levene Test is applied by using
SPSS 19 for Windows. Data is said to be normal in distribution when the
probability or significance value of Levine Test > 0.05.
c. Hypothesis Test
To analyze data in hypothesis testing of the experimental class and control
class by using formula as follows:
X1 X 2
1 1
n1 n 2
(Arikunto, 2010)
Where :
X 1 = mean value of the experimental class
X 2 = mean value of the control class
n1 = number of student in experimental class
n2 = number of student in control class
S = deviation standard of both research classes
Compare the tcount and tTable with = 0,01 and df(degree of freedom)= n1 +
n2 2. If tcount<tTablethen H0 will be accepted and Ha will be rejected. Conversely,
if tcount>tTablethen H0 will be rejected and Ha will be accepted.

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