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International Journal of Computer Science

and Business Informatics


ISSN: 1694-2507 (Print)

VOL 10, NO 1
ISSN: 1694-2108 (Online) FEBRUARY 2014
Table of Contents VOL 10, NO 1 FEBRUARY 2014

Cloud Architecture for Search Engine Application ............................................................................... 1

A. L. Saranya and B. Senthil Murugan

Efficient Numerical Integration and Table Lookup Techniques for Real Time Flight Simulation .............. 8
P. Lathasree and Abhay A. Pashilkar

A Review of Literature on Cloud Brokerage Services................................................................................ 25

Dr. J. Akilandeswari and C. Sushanth

Improving Recommendation Quality with Enhanced Correlation Similarity in Modified Weighted Sum
.................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Khin Nila Win and Thiri Haymar Kyaw

Bounded Area Estimation of Internet Traffic Share Curve ...................................................................... 54

Dr. Sharad Gangele, Kapil Verma and Dr. Diwakar Shukla

Information Systems Projects for Sustainable Development and Social Change ................................... 68
James K. Ho and Isha Shah

Software Architectural Pattern to Improve the Performance and Reliability of a Business Application
using the Model View Controller .............................................................................................................. 83
G. Manjula and Dr. G. Mahadevan
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


Cloud Architecture for Search

Engine Application
A. L. Saranya
School of Information Technology & Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India

B. Senthil Murugan
Assistant Professor (Senior)
School of Information Technology & Engineering,
VIT University, Vellore-632014, Tamil Nadu, India

Cloud computing has become popular because of its on demand self services capability and
business benefits. This paper presents design of search engine application developed and
deployed using Google app engine. The application uses pattern-matching and regular
expression language processing across millions of web document and returns the matching
web documents. To facilitate large dataset processing the application makes use of Apache
Hadoop suite, which is distributed data processing framework that brings up hundreds of
virtual servers on-demand, runs a parallel computation on them, then shuts down all the
virtual servers releasing all its resources back to the cloud. The MapReduce concept is used
to implement the system to do the parallel computation and give efficient result to user. The
application is efficient and scalable to any number of users in quick response time. The
Google app engine uses cloud SQL instance to store data virtually in a cloud database.

MapReduce, Pattern matching, SQL instance, Google app engine, Apache Hadoop suite.

Using cloud architecture the software application can be effectively
designed and online databases are used on-demand. Cloud infrastructure
used for software application is utilized on need and returned it back to
cloud providers after its usage to make it available for other application.
Cloud architecture can handle large number of datas easily. Physical
location of the application infrastructure is determined by the provider, so
that there are many business benefits in cloud architecture, such as business
people no need to invest for infrastructure, quick infrastructure when
needed, resources is utilized efficiently, pay only for what using, through
parallelization processing time of the job is reduced. The main objective of
this paper is to develop efficient, scalable search engine application based
on cloud architecture which will give responses to many users. This
application should be loosely coupled so that it is available to all user
community and can access concurrently.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 1

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

The new computing model of cloud computing provide resource, storage
and online application as service to the user. Cloud computing is dynamic,
reliable, scalable, low cost and secure so that it provides virtual service to
any number users. The cloud computing provide three type of services such
as , software as a service where the application software can used by any
one as on demand resource, platform as a service and infrastructure as a
service. The internet users are more interest in searching datas and getting
needed information. For quick and efficient result, large computing
resources are needed. Cloud infrastructure is used get the resources needed,
to get data after processing the data and resources is given back. Using
Google apps engine implementation of search engine cloud application is
explained is this paper. The application use Hadoop mapreduce concept to
get large data from the cloud and map the process request on that data and
reduce the result set to give the searched result. Mapping of millions of
result has been done parallel and quick response to request is generated so
that application is more efficient.

Chunzhi Wang and Zhuang Yang [1] of Hubei University of Technology,
explain the cloud search engine process based on user interest. They showed
that demand of user can be known by introducing user interest model. Push
mechanism used to get result for search and close all exciting sever on
demand to user. This lets the user to get relevant information on time. They
compare the traditional search model with user interest based search model.
The user interest model has accurate rate of giving relevant information on
user demand.

Lingyging Zeng and Hao Wen Lin [2] of Harbin Institute of technology
explain the concept of existing MapReduce and modified MapReduce to
perform parallel computing to collect the hardware performance information
from the virtual machine. The existing MapReduce will have master slave
process, when the client request is generated master node will create a new
job and assign to a new processor and is ready to perform. The master node
always checks the salve process status is working based on that it will split
and assign work to all available process and get combine all task. They used
this concept in cloud computing which is dynamic and server will generate
the request to the persistence independent storage device to collect and

Jinessh varia [3], technology Evangelist, Amazon Web services explained

the cloud Architecture in June 2008. Varia explained how to develop an
efficient, reliable, scalable, distributed parallel application using Amazon

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 2

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Web Service which is loosely coupled system. Explained development of
application with GrepTheWeb Hadoop implementation based search engine
deployed using Amazon Web service. He also explained Amazon web
service such Amazon S3 which is used to get input and output, Amazon
SQS act as message passing, Amazon SimpleDB a database to get status,
Amazon EC2 a controller.

Gaizhen Yang [4] in 2011 explained the application of MapReduce in Cloud

Computing. Hadoop is the frame work for cloud programmers and Map
Reduce is the parallel computing large scale programming model. He
analyses the Hadoop and MapReduce model and described how this both
can perform together thats Map Reduce program in distributed cloud
computing programming.

Kejiang Ye, Xiaohong Jiang, Yanzhang He, Xiang Li, Haiming Yan, Peng
Huang [5] in 2012 discusses A Scalable Hadoop Virtual Cluster Platform
for MapReduce-Based Parallel Machine Learning with Performance
Consideration. Big data processing is increasing its important because of
increasing data. Efficiently process large data virtual infrastructure is not
clear at present. He clearly explained based on the performance of Hadoop
and vHadoop. The performance is measured based on clustering, k-means,
on vHadoop.

Zhiqiang Liu, Hongyan Liu, Gaoshan Miao [6], in 2010 proposed

MapReduce-based Backpropagation Neural Network over Large Scale
Mobile Data. MapReduce-based Backpropagation Neural Network is
proposed to process classifications on large-scale mobile data. MapReduce-
based framework on cloud computing platform is discussed to improve the
efficiency and scalability over large scale mobile data. MapReduce
framework is well known as a parallel programming model for cloud
computing. It supports the parallelization of data processing on large
clusters and built on the top of a distributed file system. However the
research of how to design a neural network on MapReduce framework is
rarely touched nowadays especially over large scale mobile data.

Closed frequent Itemset mining [7] plays important role in many real world
applications. Cost and handling of large dataset is challenging issues of such
data mining. A parallelized AFOPT-close algorithm is proposed and
implemented based on the cloud computing framework MapReduce in 2012
by Su Qi Wang, Yu Bin Yang, Guang Peng Chen, Yang Gao and Yao

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics



The overview of the proposed system is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Overview of Engine for Extraction of Similar Resultant Web Document

Design of search engine is divided into modules. The process of sending

request and getting result has four steps. First is launching of request, here
the input query is validated and Hadoop is initiated. Second is map data and
reduce based on matched input data from the cloud data base. Third is
billing of used data for processing Hadoop and stop the Hadoop process.
Fourth one is giving back the resource to cloud database by cleaning all data
used in the application.


The system architecture depicted in Figure 2 implies that the GAE design
will get the query from the user as regular simple expression, then process
the request to the mapreduce phase which split the expression data set into
small sub set and request is sent to all different database machines. After the
extraction of resultant web document which matches the expression it will
combine into a single resultant set and produce it to the user as web

Input query Search engine Output

(Regular application (web Documents)

MapReduce phase

Cloud SQL
database storage

Figure 2. Search Engine System Architecture using cloud sql

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 4

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Search engine application is developed to provide the user software as a
service (SaaS). This application is developed based on to give efficient web
search to user. Search engine uses regular expression as a query to search
into the cloud database. This regular expression is run over millions of web
document using Hadoop map reduce concept. It uses matching pattern to
retrieve the document which is matched at most of the user entered regular
expression query. The challenges in designing search engine is that
complex regular expression, if there are many web document which
matches, or else pattern is unknown. This application is overcomes all of
such difficulties and gives result to number of users even with large dataset,
with quick response and cost of usage is less. This is done over because of
mapping is done parallel in number of processor then reduce and combine
into smaller needed information.


The Mapreduce implementation is pictorially shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Mapreduce phase implementation in cloud database

Hadoop split dataset into manageable data and give it to many machines, job
launched and processed in different machine which is located physically
wide somewhere because of its open source and distributed which can
manage large dataset. After that the result of all are aggregated as final
output of job. It works in three phases to implement this. Map phase will
map the data which is matched with the regular expression from the cloud
database. Reduce phase will produce intermediate result of the web
document. Map and reduce phase is done independent of each other in
separate processor. Combine phase will combine all the extracted data from
different machine. Thus needed data will be computed from all over the
cloud data base and processed parallel to give efficient search result.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 5

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Hadoop use the master slave process, master process will run in separate
node and see all the slave process which runs in some other separate node.
Salve process all workers which extract data from different machine if any
failure in worker or any problem will be take care by master process.

Application implementation in Figure 4 shows the start up page of search
engine application which is developed and deployed using Google app
engine and web tool kit. The application ask the user to enter search string
and shows web document which match the search string based on Map
Reduce concept. Because Map Reduce concept uses parallel computation
search result will be mapped and computed fast so that response time of
application will increase. Cloud SQL instance is used to access the cloud
database and get all resource need for result and after the process is over
resource is released back to the cloud.

Figure 4. Search engine application start up page

In this paper Search engine application is successfully designed, developed
and deployed using Google Apps engine and cloud instance sql database.
Search engine performs pattern matching across millions of web document
using Apache Hadoop Map-Reduce for regular expression inputted by the
user for query processing. Because of using map reduce concept, millions of
documents are pattern matched in parallel at a time and result is combined
and given to user as a web document. The process uses parallel distributed
processing across many dataset gives the quick response to the user and also
scale for any number of users. Application uses cloud sql data base using
instance created for the application, so that billing of used resources from
cloud computing data base can be easily maintained.


[1] Wang C., Yan Z., Chen H., 2010. Search engine concept based on user interest model
and information push mechanism. 8th International Conference on computer science and
education, Sri Lanka.
[2] Zeng L. and Lin H. W. 2012. A modified mapreduce for cloud computing. International
conference on computing, measurement, control and sensor networks.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 6

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

[3] Jinesh Varia, explained Cloud Architectures in Technology Evangelist Amazon Web
Services in June 2008
[4] Gaizhen Yang, The Application of MapReduce in the Cloud Computing, International
Symposium on Intelligence Information Processing and Trusted Computing in 2011.
[5] Kejiang Ye, Xiaohong Jiang, Yanzhang He, Xiang Li, Haiming Yan, and Peng Huang,
vHadoop: A Scalable Hadoop Virtual Cluster Platform for MapReduce-Based Parallel
Machine Learning with Performance Consideration, IEEE International Conference on
Cluster Computing Workshops in 2012.
[6] Zhiqiang Liu, Hongyan Li , Gaoshan Miao, MapReduce-based Backpropagation
Neural Network over Large Scale Mobile Data, Sixth International Conference on Natural
Computation (ICNC 2010) in 2010.
[7] Su Qi Wang, Yu Bin Yang, Guang Peng Chen, Yang Gao and Yao Zhang,
MapReduce-based Closed Frequent Itemset Mining with Efficient Redundancy Filtering in
IEEE 12th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops in 2012.

This paper may be cited as:

Saranya, A. L. and Murugan, B. S., 2014. Cloud Architecture for Search
Engine Application. International Journal of Computer Science and
Business Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-7.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 7

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


Efficient Numerical Integration

and Table Lookup Techniques for
Real Time Flight Simulation
P. Lathasree
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Old Airport Road, PB No 1779, Bangalore-560017

Abhay A. Pashilkar
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Old Airport Road, PB No 1779, Bangalore-560017

A typical flight simulator consists of models of various elements such as the flight dynamic
model, filters and actuators, which have fast and slow eigen values in the overall system.
This results into an electromechanical control system of stiff ordinary differential
equations. Stability, accuracy and speed of computation are the parameters of interest while
selecting numerical integration schemes for use in flight simulators. Similarly, accessing
huge aerodynamic and engine database in table look-up format at high speed is an essential
requirement for high fidelity real time flight simulation. A study was carried out by
implementing well known numerical integration and table lookup techniques in a real time
flight simulator facility designed and developed in house. Table lookup techniques such as
linear search and index computation methodology using novel Virtual Equi-Spacing
concept were also studied. It is seen that the multi-rate integration technique and the table
look up using Virtual Equi-Spacing concept have the best performance amongst the
techniques studied.
Real-Time Flight Simulation, Aerodynamic and Engine database, Virtual Equi-Spacing
concept, table look up and interpolation, Runge-Kutta integration, multi-rate integration.
Flight simulation has a vital role in the design of aircraft and can benefit all
phases of the aircraft development program: the early conceptual and design
phase, systems design and testing, and flight test support and envelope
expansion [1]. Simulation helps in predicting the flight behavior prior to
flight tests. It helps in certification of the aircraft under demanding
scenarios. Flight Simulation is widely used for training purposes in both
fighter and transport aircraft programs [2]. Therefore, Modeling &
Simulation is one of the enabling technologies for aircraft design.
The fidelity of the simulation largely depends on the accuracy of the
simulation models used and on the quality of the data that goes into the
model. A faithful simulation requires an adequate model in the form of

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

mathematical equations, a means of solving these equations in real-time and
finally a means of presenting the output of this solution to the pilot by
means visual motion, tactile and aural cues [3].
The Real-Time Flight Simulator implies the existence of a Man-In-the-Loop
operating the cockpit controls [4]. Because of the presence of the pilot-in-
the-loop, the digital computer executing the flight model in the simulator
must solve the aircraft equations of motion in 'real-time' [5]. Real-Time
implies the occurrence of events at the same time in the simulation as seen
in the physical system. All the associated computations should be completed
within the cycle update time [6].
The basis of a flight simulator is the mathematical model, including the
database package, describing the characteristic features of the aircraft to be
simulated. The block schematic of flight simulator is shown in Figure 1
with constituent modules such as aerodynamic, engine, atmosphere (static
and dynamic), actuator etc. The simulation model for atmosphere includes
the static and dynamic atmosphere components. Dynamic atmosphere model
caters for turbulence, wind shear and cross wind. Dryden and Von Karman
models are generally used for the simulation of atmospheric turbulence [7].






Figure 1. Block Schematic of Flight Simulation

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Mathematical models, used to simulate modern aircraft, consist of a set of
non-linear differential equations with large amounts of aerodynamic
function data (tables), sometimes depending on 4 to 5 independent
variables. These aerodynamic data tables result in force and moment
coefficients which contribute to the total forces and moments. The equations
of motion are dependent on these forces and moments. They are solved by
the digital computer using a suitable numerical integration algorithm. This
allows the designer to create the complete range of static and dynamic
aircraft operating conditions, including landing and takeoff [6].
The type of method used for the integration of ordinary differential
equations is critical for real time simulation. The choice of an integrating
algorithm is a trade-off between simplicity, which affects calculation speed,
and accuracy. Also, real simulation needs high speed data access. The
aerodynamic and engine database used for real-time simulation are huge and
complex. Hence, the types of table look-up methods used for access of data
from aerodynamic and engine database also become critical.
This paper discusses the efficient table look up and interpolation schemes
and numerical integration techniques which can be used for ensuring
accurate real-time computations in a flight simulator.


The existing numerical integration techniques and table lookup and
interpolation methods for real time implementation are discussed in this
2.1 Numerical Integration
Many linear numerical integration techniques with single and multi step are
available which can also be classified into implicit and explicit numerical
integration techniques [8]. With respect to the stability and accuracy, each
of these numerical integration techniques has advantages and disadvantages
[8]. Depending on the performance, these methods can be suitably used for
stiff and non-stiff systems. Methods not designed for stiff problems must
use time steps small enough to resolve the fastest possible changes, which
makes them rather ineffective on intervals where the solution changes
slowly. The most popular numerical integration methods are listed below.
Taylor Series Methods
Runge-Kutta Methods
Linear Multi Step Methods
Extrapolation methods
The linear multistep methods (LMMs) require past values of the state. They
are therefore not self-starting and do not directly solve the initial-value
problem [9]. The simplest Runge-Kutta (RK) method is Euler integration,

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

which merely truncates the Taylor series after the first derivative and is very
accurate [9]. An RK method (e.g., Euler) could be used to generate the
starting values for LMMs.
Higher order RK algorithms are an extension Taylor series expansion to
higher orders. An important feature of the RK methods is that the only value
of the state vector that is needed is the value at the beginning of the time
step; this makes them well suited to the Ordinary Differential Equations
initial value problem [1].
2.1.1 Stability, Accuracy and Speed of Computation
While choosing the numerical integration technique, one frequently has to
strike a compromise between three aspects [10-11].
Speed of the method
Accuracy of the method
Stability of the method
Speed of the method becomes an essential feature especially for real time
Accuracy of the method is also an important aspect and needs to be
considered when choosing a method to integrate the equations of motion
[12]. Accuracy of the numerical integration technique can be determined
from step size, number of steps to be executed and truncation error terms
[10-11]. Generally, two types of errors will be introduced by the numerical
integration methods viz. round-off errors and discretisation errors. Round-
off errors are a property of the computer and the program that is used and
occur due to the finite number of digits used in the calculations [13-14].
Discretisation/ truncation errors are property of the numerical integration
Stability can be defined as the property of an integration method that keeps
the integration errors bounded at subsequent time steps [12]. An unstable
numerical integration method will make the integration errors grow
exponentially resulting in possible arithmetic overflow just after a few time
Stability of numerical integration technique generally depends on the system
dynamics, step size and order of the chosen technique and is harder to assess
[10-11]. Impact of numerical integration method in terms of stability can be
assessed by applying it to a well-conditioned differential equation and then
investigating the limits of the onset of instability [10-11]. In the context of
stability of numerical integration, it is understood that a stable continuous
system results in a stable discrete-time system. Numerical stability is
important for fixed-step Runge-Kutta integrators because of the limitations
imposed on the integration step size. Generally, selection of the integration

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step size will be carried out based on analysis on the stability of the
numerical integration technique. [15]. Numerical stability will be an issue
when the chosen integration step size produces z-plane poles close to the
Unit Circle.
If the poles are located inside the Unit circle, then the system will be stable.
Increasing T (step size) eventually causes one of the z-plane poles to be on
the Unit Circle where the system becomes marginally stable. Depending on
the location of T (product of characteristic root and step size) on the
stability boundary of respective integrator, it is possible to estimate the
maximum allowable integration step size (Tmax) for the system solution to
be at least marginally stable. Beyond Tmax, the system solution will
become unstable. Hence, it is very essential to consider stability boundaries
for different numerical integrators while selecting the integration step size.
Figure 2 shows the stability boundaries for Runge-Kutta methods [15].
Stability Boundaries for RK-2 thru RK4 Integrators
T Plane


Im ( T)



-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5
Re ( T)

Figure 2. Stability Boundaries for Runge-Kutta methods

2.1.2 Numerical Integration techniques for Stiff Systems
Stiffness of the differential equations may be defined as the existence of
one or more fast decay processes in time, with a time constant that is small
compared to the time-span of interest [13].

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

One has to consider the following two points while choosing the numerical
integration technique [10-11]:
The integration technique should be chosen such that any error it
introduces is small in comparison to the errors associated with the
main terms of the model equations;
The numerical integration techniques should be able to solve the
system of differential equations within the real-time frame rate.
Many integration techniques, for non-real time simulation applications, are
available that work well with the stiff systems [16-17]. Two approaches that
can be used for simulating stiff systems with respect to real time and non-
real time simulation will be discussed here. The first approach considers
selection of numerical integration technique that works well in the presence
of stiffness.
The second approach involves the use of multi-rate integration to simulate
stiff systems. In multi-rate simulations, the simulation is split into multiple
tasks that are executed with different integration step times. The inverse of
the integration step time is termed as frame rate and expressed in frames per
second. This multi-rate integration technique is useful for real-time
applications as well as non real-time applications.
Of the two approaches discussed for the simulation of stiff systems, only the
multi-rate integration technique is applicable for real time applications.
The control systems with electrical and mechanical components, referred as
electromechanical control systems, are composed of fast and slow
subsystems. Generally, the mechanical systems being controlled are much
slower when compared to the components in electronic controllers and
sensors. This results in an electromechanical control system with fast and
slow dynamics. The aircraft pitch control system is an example of system of
stiff ordinary differential equations comprising of aircraft dynamics and
actuators [15].
Kunovsky et al have established the need of multi-rate integration for real
time flight simulation [18] with an example of aircraft pitch control system
comprising of slow aircraft dynamics and fast actuator dynamics using
Runge-Kutta and Adams-Bashforth numerical integration techniques. The
airframe module of aircraft pitch control system is modeled as a linear
second-order system to account for the short-period longitudinal dynamics.
Generally, selection step size for numerical integration will be carried out
based on the analysis of stability and dynamic accuracy. Ts and Tf are the
integration step sizes of slow and fast systems respectively.
The numerical integrator used to update slow system is termed as master
routine, and the integration method used to update the fast system is called

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

as slave routine. It is common to use conventional numerical integration
schemes such as Runge-Kutta methods for both master and slave
systems. For the example studied here, the multi-rate integration scheme
with RK-4 is chosen for master and slave routines. The implementation is
carried out in the Matlab environment. For a pitch command of 2deg,
simulation is carried for the state space based simulink model. This result is
compared with the analytical solution and the response obtained using a
multi-rate integration scheme. The comparison of theta and elevator
responses for three methods is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively.

1.8 Multirate-RK4
RK4 @ 0.0025sec sampling







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Figure 3. Comparison of Theta response

0.4 Multirate-RK4
RK4 @ 0.0025sec sampling







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Figure 4. Comparison of elevator response

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

The responses obtained from analytical solution are taken as the reference.
From the figures, it can be seen that the response obtained using simulink
model at step size 0.0025 is matching well with reference whereas the
response obtained using the multi-rate integration exhibits loss of accuracy.
The multi-rate integration scheme would be recommended for real time
simulation even though there is some loss of accuracy, since the smaller step
size may deteriorate the performance.
2.2 Table look-up and Interpolation
Generally, an index search or look-up process will be performed first to
locate the data and this is followed by linear interpolation. Following steps
need to be performed for table look-up process [3]:
1. First we should decide between which pair of values in the table the
current input value of independent variable (X) lies
2. Next, calculate the local slope
3. Finally, apply the linear interpolation formula
For real-time simulation, it is always important to save the processing time.
One of the techniques to save the processing time is to remember the index
of the lower pair the interpolation range used in the previous iteration. The
value of the independent variable (X) is unlikely to have changed
substantially from one time step to the next, and hence it is a good first try
to use the same interval as before and thus save time in searching from one
end of the table each time.
Huge and complex aerodynamic and engine database has to be handled in
such a way that it can be easily read and interpolated for a given set of input
conditions. One way of ensuring the speed required for real-time simulation,
is to have uniformly spaced database. For this, the normal practice is to
convert the supplied database with non-uniform break points for
independent variables to equi-spaced format. It is necessary to choose an
appropriate step size for independent variables such as Angle of Attack,
Mach number, Elevator, Angle of Sideslip, Power Lever Angle (PLA) etc to
convert this non-uniform database to equi-spaced format. This is normally
termed as conventional equi-spacing concept. We propose a new concept
called Virtual Equi-Spacing where the original database with non-uniform
break points is retained. With the assumption of virtual equi-spacing, the
search process can be eliminated [19] as the index is directly computed.
The computation of index in Virtual Equi-Spacing concept is explained in
the following section.
2.2.1 Virtual Equi-Spacing Concept
A novel method is proposed which would retain original data with unevenly
spaced break points and satisfies real-time constraint without loss of
accuracy. In this method, an evenly spaced breakpoint array that is a

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

superset of the unevenly spaced break points will be created for the
independent variables and shall be referred as Address Map. The index
into this evenly spaced array can be directly computed (Refer Figure 5).
This index is then used in an equivalent breakpoint index array that provides
pointers to the appropriate interpolation equation.

Spaced 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

index 0 0 0 1 3 4 4 5

Figure 5. Indexing scheme in Virtual Equi-Spacing Concept

The Virtual Equi-Spacing concept satisfies real-time speed constraint

without loss of accuracy for the real time flight simulators. This technique
eliminates search process and directly computes the index of data tables.
The Virtual Equi-Spacing concept works as follows. A division of the
desired input value by the step size chosen for the creation of Address map
table gives the location K. The value of address map [K], say i is used as
a pointer in data table to get the final data component value i.e. Table[i] for
the desired input. This is now demonstrated with a typical example.
Aircraft engine database is a three dimensional dataset where thrust is a
function of three independent variables viz. Mach number, PLA and
altitude. The technique of computing index values in address maps and the
index values in data arrays is explained with PLA dimension.
Let pla_val = 54.0 deg for the Mach number 0.4 and Altitude 4500.0m.
The PLA and Thrust relationship at these conditions is given in Table 1.
The computation of index values and thereby data values is presented in
Appendix along with the pseudo code. The engine database of a high
performance fighter aircraft is used to demonstrate the table look-up and
interpolation schemes. This database consists of engine parameters such as
thrust, specific fuel consumption, N1 rpm, N2 rpm etc. supplied as function

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of Mach number, PLA and altitude. This index computation methodology
using Virtual Equi-Spacing concept is extended to multi-dimension tables of
wind tunnel database.
Table 1. PLA and Thrust relationship
PLA(deg) Thrust(kN)
28. -0.63
42. 3.21
54. 8.7
66. 13.81
78. 20.24
90. 26.32
104. 28.09
107. 30.26
130. 44.84

The next section presents a study on efficient table look up algorithms and
numerical integration algorithms suitable for real time implementation in
flight simulators.

From the survey of existing techniques for numerical integration and table
look-up, concept of multi-rate integration and Virtual Equi-Spacing concept
are implemented for real-time flight simulation and studied. This
implementation is carried out in the real-time flight simulation facility
designed and developed at CSIR-NAL.
Figure 6 shows the conceptual flowchart of real time flight simulation. The
simulation is typically started from an equilibrium / trim condition. For the
given set of pilot inputs, flight dynamic module solves the equations of
motion using the chosen numerical integration method. It is necessary that
all the associated computations should be completed within the cycle update
time for real-time simulation. These computations are completed ahead of
cycle update time and the beginning of the next cycle is delayed till the
internal clock signals the next cycle update as shown in Figure 6.

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Initial Condition / Trim

( simtime = 0)
(cycletime =0)

Pilot Inputs
Get External Inputs

Control Laws
Get surface positions

Get Forces and Moments Engine
Landing Gear
simtime = simtime +

Integrate rigid body

Equations of Motion


If cycletime < deltat

Wait till cycletime = deltat


deltat = integration step size

If Stop Simulation



Figure 6. Conceptual flowchart of real-time flight simulation

3.1 Timing Analysis

The timing analysis is carried out for the numerical integration and table
loop up techniques and the results are presented.

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3.1.1 Numerical Integration
The concept of multi-rate integration is adopted for the real-time flight
simulation facility designed and developed at CSIR-NAL. The full
nonlinear model of the aircraft dynamics along with the actuator dynamics
for a light transport aircraft is considered for this real-time flight simulation
environment. The aircraft dynamics of light transport aircraft constitute the
slow dynamics and fast dynamics is composed of actuator dynamics. The
nominal integration step size of 0.025sec is chosen for the airframe
simulation purpose. Similarly, for the actuator dynamics 0.0025sec is
chosen as integration step size based on the analysis of stability and
dynamic accuracy. It can be seen that the ratio of step sizes of slow system
to fast system (frame ratio) is 10 indicating a stiff system. The multi-rate
integration scheme with frame ratio 10 and simulation cycle update time
0.025sec ensures the handling of slow and fast subsystems. The Runge-
Kutta pair of Bogacki and Shampine [20] is currently being used for the
numerical integration of slow and fast dynamics. Table 2 presents the timing
analysis for the simulation (off-line) carried out using the windows based
timer function with the resolution in micro seconds.
Table 2 Timing analysis for multi-rate and mono-rate integration techniques

Duration Description Time

of (sec)
35sec Multi-rate integration with ts = 0.025 & 0.4271
tf = 0.0025
Mono-rate integration with deltat 1.8518
50sec Multi-rate integration with ts = 0.025 & 1.1058
tf = 0.0025
Mono-rate integration with deltat 2.7181
100sec Multi-rate integration with ts = 0.025 & 1.1077
tf = 0.0025
Mono-rate integration with deltat 4.9378

Figure 7 shows the plots of aircraft responses obtained with pitch stick
doublet for mono-rate integration with 0.0025sec sampling time and
multi-rate integration with 0.025 / 0.0025sec sampling times. From the
plots, it can be seen that the mismatch between the multi-rate integration
scheme and the mono-rate solution is negligible.

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15 20

10 10

5 0

0 -10

-5 -20
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time(sec) Time(sec)

78 2560




70 2500
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time(sec) Time(sec)

20 20
Monorate @ 0.0025sec

10 10 Multirate @ 0.025 / 0.0025


0 0

-10 -10
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time(sec) Time(sec)

Figure 7 Comparison plots for aircraft response variables with mono-rate and
multi-irate integration schemes
For real time applications, accuracy is the feature that must be sacrificed in
conflicts with other properties. It is better to obtain a solution with some
small error than not be able to obtain it at all in the allowed time. Moreover,
many real time applications incorporate a feedback control. Feedback
control helps to compensate errors and disturbances, including integration
errors. For real time flight simulation, the multi-rate integration scheme may
be adopted for better computational time.
3.1.2 Table Look-Up and Interpolation
This flight simulator facility is using the aerodynamic and engine database
with unevenly spaced break points. It is proposed to use the original dataset
with unevenly spaced breakpoints and facilitate a faster table look up and
As already discussed, a technique to save time is to remember the index of
the lower pair of the interpolation range used last time. From one time step
to the next, the value of the independent variable X is unlikely to have
changed substantially and so it would be a good first try to use the same
interval as before and thus avoid waste of time in searching from one end of
the table each time. Hence, linear search with option of remembering
previous used index is used for the timing analysis.

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Timing analysis is carried out for linear search with option of remembering
previously used index and the novel Virtual Equi-Spacing concept proposed
in the previous section. A windows based timer function with the resolution
in micro seconds is used to obtain the time taken for the table look up and
interpolation. Generally, this process includes, computing the location of
data component value in the corresponding data table and interpolation.
Table 3 Timing studies for different search and interpolation techniques

number Time in Micro seconds
Linear Search (with Virtual
option of remembering Equi-Spacing
previous used index) concept
PLA / 50 18.08 12.65
PLA / 90 18 12.5
PLA / 107 17.2 12.75
PLA / 110 19.1 12.44

The recommended Virtual Equi-Spacing technique has been used for the
table lookup and interpolation of the aerodynamic and engine database
consisting of around two lakh data points (representing a high performance
fighter aircraft). The engine data base of size 20000 data points is taken as
an example to carry out the study. Table 3 gives the timing of two different
techniques studies at different PLA conditions while Mach number and
altitude are maintained same. From the table, it is found that Virtual Equi-
Spacing technique takes lesser time. The accuracy is maintained as the
actual data tables are not affected.

A study was carried out to recommend efficient numerical integration and
table look up techniques suitable for real time flight simulation comprising
of system of stiff ordinary differential equations. Numerical integration and
table lookup techniques available in literature were implemented in a real
time flight simulator facility designed and developed in house. Aircraft pitch
control system representing the slow and fast subsystems was considered for
the study on numerical integration techniques. Table lookup techniques such
as linear search and index computation methodology using Virtual Equi-
Spacing concept have been studied for an example of the engine database of
a high performance fighter aircraft. The Virtual Equi-Spacing is a new

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concept developed for interpolation of large multi-dimensional tables
frequently used in flight simulation. With excessively small step size, it is
possible to solve the stiff differential equations, but this results in
performance penalty, an important aspect of real time simulation. Hence, it
is recommended to opt for multi-rate simulation, where it is necessary to use
a step size for the actuator simulation that is sufficiently small to ensure an
accurate and stable actuator solution and a larger step size for simulating the
slower dynamics of the airframe. The Virtual Equi-Spacing concept for
table lookup and interpolation leads to faster and accurate data access, an
essential feature of real-time simulation while handling larger databases.
From the results, it is found that the recommended multi-rate integration
technique and the table look up using Virtual Equi-Spacing concept perform

The authors would like to thank Mr Shyam Chetty, Director, CSIR-NAL
and Dr (Mrs) Girija Gopalratnam, Head, Flight Mechanics and Control
Division, CSIR-NAL for their guidance and support.

[1] Ken A Norlin, Flight Simulation Software at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center,
NASA TM 104315, October 1995
[2] David Allerton, Flight Simulation- past, present and future, The Aeronautical Journal,
Vol 104, Issue No. 1042, pp 651-663, December 2000
[3] J M Rolfe and K J Staples, Flight Simulation, Cambridge University Press, Year of
publication 1991
[4] Flight Mechanics & Control Division, CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories,
NAL-ASTE Lecture Series, May 2003
[5] Max Baarspul, A review of Flight Simulation Techniques, Progress in Aerospace
Sciences, (An International Review Journal), Vol. 27, Issue No. 1, pp 1-120,
March 1990
[6] Joseph S. Rosko, Digital Simulation of Physical systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company. Year of publication 1972
[7] Beal, T.R., Digital simulation of atmospheric turbulence for Dryden and Von Karman
models, Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, Vol 16, Issue No. 1,
pp132138, February 1993.
[8] Accessed on 8.1.2014
[9] Brian L Stevens and Frank L Lewis, Aircraft and Control and Simulation, John Wiley
& Sons Inc. Year of Publication 1992
[10] David Allerton, Principles of Flight simulation, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Year of
Publication 2009
Accessed on 8.1.2014

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

[12], Numerical Integration of
Equations of Motion Accessed on 26.6.2012
[13] Marc Rauw, FDC 1.4 A SIMULINK Toolbox for Flight Dynamics and Control
Analysis, Draft Version 7, May 25, 2005
[14] John W Wilson and George Steinmetz, Analysis of numerical integration techniques
for real-time digital flight simulation, NASA-TN-D-4900 dated November 1968,
Langley Research Center, Langley Station, NASA, Hampton, VA
[15] Harold Klee and Randel Allen, Simulation of Dynamic Systems with Matlab and
Simulink, Second Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2011
[16] Jim Ledin, Simulation Engineering:Build better embedded systems faster, CMP
books, Publication Year 2001
[18] Jir Kunovsky et al, Multi-rate integration and Modern Taylor Series Method, Tenth
International conference on Computer Modeling and simulation, 2008, IEEE Computer
[19] Donald E. Knuth, The art of computer programming Volume 3 / Sorting and
Searching, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Year of publication 1973
[20] Accessed on

This paper may be cited as:

Lathasree, P. and Pashilkar, A. A., 2014. Efficient Numerical Integration
and Table Lookup Techniques for Real Time Flight Simulation.
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics, Vol.
10, No. 1, pp. 8-24.

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Computing index values and data values:

data pladata /
* 28.0,42.0,54.0,66.0,78.0,90.0,104.0,107.0, 130/
The Address Map assumes the virtual equi-spaced data with 1.0deg step.
For the PLA value 28 to 41, the index number will be 1. For the PLA value
42.0 to 53.0, the index number will be 2. Similarly, for the PLA value 54.0
to 65.0, the index number will be 3 and so on.
data (plamap(it), it=1,103) /
* 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
* 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
* 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
* 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
* 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
* 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
* 7, 7, 7,
* 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
* 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8,
* 9/
The index into these address maps can directly computed based on the step
iplav = int((pla_val-28.0)/1.0) + 1 = 27
iplax = plamap(iplav) = 3
Based on this index number corresponding to the independent variable PLA,
it is possible to obtain thrust value in the table.
thrust_val11 = thrust_tab(iplax) = 8.7
thrust_val12 = thrust_tab(iplax+1) = 13.81
thrust_val = thrust_val11 + ((thrustval12-thrustval11)/(pladata(iplax+1)-
pladata(iplax))*pla_val-pla_data(iplax) = 8.7

If PLA value is lying between two break points e.g. pla_val = 70.5

iplav = int((60.5-28)/1) + 1 = 43
iplax = plamap(iplav) = 4
thrust_val11 = thrust_tab(iplax) = 13.81
thrust_val12 = thrust_tab(iplax+1) = 20.24
thrust_val = thrust_val11 + ((thrustval12-thrustval11)/(pladata(iplax+1)-
pladata(iplax))*pla_val-pla_data(iplax) = 16.2213

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


A Review of Literature on Cloud

Brokerage Services
Dr. J. Akilandeswari
Professor and Head, Department of Information Technology
Sona College of Technology,
Salem, India.

C. Sushanth
PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology
Sona College of Technology,
Salem, India.

Cloud computing is kinetically evolving areas which offer large potential for agencies of all
sized to increase efficiency. Cloud Broker acts as a mediator between cloud users and cloud
service providers. The main functionality of cloud broker lies in selecting best Cloud
Service Providers (CSP) from requirement set defined by cloud user. Request from cloud
users are processed by the cloud broker and suited providers are allocated to them. This
paper gives detailed review of cloud brokerage services and their method of negotiating
with the service providers. Once the SLA is specified by cloud service provider, the cloud
broker will negotiate the terms according to the users specification. The negotiation can be
modeled as a middleware, and its services can be provided as application programming
Cloud computing, broker, mediator, service provider, middleware.

A cloud refers the interconnection of huge number of computer systems in a
network. The cloud provider extends service through virtualization
technologies to cloud user. Client credentials are stored on the company
server at a remote location. Every action initiated by the client is executed in
a distributed environment and as a result, the complexity of maintaining the
software or infrastructure is minimized. The services provided by cloud
providers are classified into three types: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Cloud
computing makes client to store information on remote site and hence there
is no need of storage infrastructure. Web browser act as an interface
between client and remote machine to access data by logging into his/her
account. The intent of every customer is to use cloud resources at a low cost
with high efficiency in terms of time and space. If more number of cloud

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

service providers is providing almost same type of services, customers or
users will have difficulty in choosing the right service provider. To handle
this situation of negotiating with multiple service providers, Cloud Broker
Services (CBS) play a major role as a middleware. Cloud broker acts as a
negotiator between cloud user and cloud service provider. Initially, cloud
provider registers with cloud broker about its specification on offerings and
user submits request to broker. Based on type of service, and requirements,
best provider is suggested to the cloud user. Upon confirmation from the
user, broker establishes the connection to the provider.


Foued Jrad et al [1] introduced Intercloud Gateway and Open Cloud
Computing Interface specification (OCCI) cloud API to overcome lack of
interoperability and heterogeneity. Cloud users cannot identify appropriate
cloud providers through the assistance of existing Cloud Service Broker
(CSB). By implementing OCCI in Intercloud Gateway, it acts as server for
service providers and OCCI act as a client in abstract cloud API. Cloud
Broker satisfies users of both functional and non-functional requirements
through Service Level Agreement (SLA). Intercloud Gateway acts as a front
end for cloud providers and interacts with cloud broker. Figure 2.1 shows a
generic architecture of the service broker.
Workflow Engine

Identity Manager

Cloud SLA Manager

Match Maker Persistence
Broker Monitoring and Discovery Manager
Deployment Manager
Access Abstract Cloud API
Broker Intercloud Gateway Intercloud Gateway

Vendor Cloud Platform Vendor Cloud Platform

Cloud Provider A
Cloud Provider B

Figure 2.1 A generic architecture for Cloud Service Broker

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Identity Manager handles user authentication through unique ID.SLA
Manager is responsible for negotiates SLA creation and storing. Match
Manager takes care of selecting suitable resources for cloud users.
Monitoring and Discovery Manager monitor SLA metrics in various
resource allocations. Deployment manager is in charge of deploying
services to cloud user. Abstract cloud API provides interoperability.
The user submits a request to SLA Manager and it parses the request into
SLA parameters which is given to Match Maker. By applying algorithm
Match Maker find best suited solution and response is passed to the user.
Upon user acceptance a connection is provided by service providers.
Table 2.1 Sample SLA parameters for IaaS
Functional Non-functional
CPU speed Response time
OS type Completion time
Storage size Availability
Image URL Budget
Memory size Data transfer time

Through this architecture, interoperability is achieved, but this cannot assure

best matching cloud service provider to the client.

Tao Yu and Kwei-Jay Lin [2] introduces Quality of Service (QoS) broker
module in between cloud service providers and cloud users. The role of QoS
information is collecting information about active servers, suggesting
appropriate server for clients, and negotiate with servers to get QoS
agreements. The QoS information manager collects information required for
QoS negotiation and analysis. It checks with the Universal Description
Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry to get the server information and
contacts servers for QoS information such as server send their service
request and QoS load and service levels. After receiving clients functional
and QoS requirements, the QoS negotiation manager searches through the
brokers database to look for qualified services. If more than one candidate
is found, a decision algorithm is used to select the most suitable one. The
QoS information from both server and QoS analyzer will be used to make
the decision. By using this architecture load balancing factor of server is
maintained for a large number of users, but not efficient in delivering best
suited provider to the client.

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QoS Information
QoS Manager
Information Client


QoS QoS Request

Admission & QoS
Enforcement Negotiation
Web services Request

QoS Analyzer
QoS Result
QoS broker

Figure 2.2 QoS based Architecture

HQ and RQ allocation algorithm is proposed to maximize server resource
while minimizing QoS instability for each client. The HQ allocation
algorithm is to evenly divide available resource among required client based
on active clients. RQ assigns a different service level to client based on
Josef Spillner et al [3] provided solution is to subdivide resource reservation
into either serial or parallel segments.

Level L0 (provider hardware)

Level L1 (broker/market VM) 1. Authentication as
Level L2 (user provided VM)
2. Loading images.
Kernal Virtual Machine 3. When to switch
(KVM) + KVM Monitor
off and on VMs.
4. Which resources
Ec-2 tools minicom
and how much
5. Port forwarding.
Broker Configurator

Recursive Virtualization

Figure 2.3 Nested cloud with virtual machine

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Nested virtualization provides services to cloud user. The outcome is a
highly virtualizing cloud resource broker. The system supports
hierarchically nested virtualization with dynamically reallocate capable
resources. A base virtual machine is dedicated to enabling the nested cloud
with other virtual machines is referred to as sub-virtual machine running at a
higher virtualization level. The nested cloud virtual machine is to be
deployed by the broker and offers control facilities through the broker
configurator which turn it into a lightweight infrastructure manager. The
proposed solution yields the higher reselling power of unused resources, but
hardware cost of running virtual machine will be high to obtain the desired
Chao Chen et al [4] projected objectives of negotiation are minimize price
and guaranteed QoS within expected timeline, maximize profit from the
margin between the customers financial plan and the providers negotiated
price, maximize profit by accepting as many requests as possible to enlarge
market share. The proposed automated negotiation framework uses
Softwareas-a-Service (SaaS) broker which is utilized as the storage unit for
customers. This helps the user to save time while selecting multiple
providers. The negotiation framework helps user to assist in establishing a
mutual agreement between provider and client through SaaS broker. The
main objective of the broker is to maintain SLA parameters of cloud
provider and suggesting best provider to customer.


SaaS Broker Policy

Coordinator Negotiation Policy DB
Agent Translator SLA
Knowledge base

Engine Decision
Strategy Create
System DB

Template SLA

SaaS Provider Agent


Figure 2.4 Negotiation Framework

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Negotiation policy translator maps customers QoS parameters to provider
specification parameters. Negotiation engine includes workflows which use
negotiation policy during the negotiation process. The decision making
system uses decision making criteria to update the negotiation status. The
minimum cost is incurred for resource utilization. Renegotiation for
dynamic customer needs is not solved.

Wei Wang et al [5] proposed a new cloud brokerage service that reserves a
large pool of instances from cloud providers and serves users with price
discounts. A practical problem facing cloud users is how to minimize their
costs by choosing among different pricing options based on their own
demands. The broker optimally exploits both pricing benefits of long-term
instance, reservations and multiplexing gains. Dynamic approach for the
broker to make instant reservations with the objective of minimizing its
service cost is achieved. This strategy controls, dynamic programming and
algorithms to quickly handle large demands.

Reserved/On On-demand
-demand Instances
IaaS instances
User 1
s User 2
User 3

Figure 2.5 Cloud Broker Model

A smart cloud brokerage service that serves cloud user demands with a large
pool of computing instances that are dynamically launched on-demand from
IaaS clouds. Partial usage of the billing cycle incurs a full cycle charge, this
makes user to pay more than they actually use. This broker uses single
instance to serve many users by time-multiplexing usage, reducing cost of
cloud user.

Dharmesh Mistry [6] proposed a cloud-based analytics solution as a service

from a cloud broker which could considerably minimize costs for the client,

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

while assisting Independent Software Vendor (ISV) to maximize profit.
When data are arriving, it is divided and index is created and finally it is
mapped to original values through analysis. Large organizations are
purchasing such software as a SaaS instead of obtaining and hosting
software internally. But for ISVs that constructed their business by the
traditional model. The cloud broker acts as middleware between the ISV and
cloud providers. ISV yields solution to meet customer demands from for
existing services. The broker provides services such as entitlement,
analytics, billing and payment, security and context provisioning. ISVs
usually rely on pre-module licensing models and software audits to confirm
that the appropriate number of users access the modules and functions for
which the customer will be paid.

On-Boarding Provisioning Metering Billing Payments &


Analytics Demand

Figure 2.6 Mapping in Cloud Broker

An ISV can drive faster profit growth, while maintaining margins, and
respond to market demand more quickly.

Lori MacVittie [7] introduces broker as a solution to integrate hybrid policy

without affecting control in services. The integration between cloud and
datacenter is done with cloud broker integration at the process layer.
Brokers deploy vast amount of applications for customer through
infrastructure defined by corporate enforced policies. Identity broker
module communicates with datacenter through authorization and
authentication mechanism. The real-time implementation of cloud broker is
achieved by two types of architectures: Full-proxy broker and Half-proxy
broker. In Full-proxy broker requests are processed through the tunneling
and implemented in many ways such as VPN. In Half-proxy broker only
validation of the request is done by broker, successive communication
established directly. This model defines how the request can be handled in

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

late binding. A cloud delivery broker can make decision, such as where to
revert user upon request. Hybrid cloud must be able to describe capabilities
such as bandwidth, location, cost, type of environment.

Sigma Systems [8] introduces cloud service broker which is responsible for
order management, provisioning, billing integration and Single SignOn
(SSO). In the proposed architecture, the Cloud Service Broker allows
service providers to offer their own SLA, which provides a single source for
all applications to customers. Providers can establish and grow a single and
a combined collection of services that match their set of services, and allow
for unique grouping to meet their customers needs. Cloud brokerage from
Sigma Systems is available either as a managed service or can be deployed

Ordering Enterprise Product Catalog Billing Single Sign-on


On-net Service Management Cloud Services

Off-net Brokerage
Video VPN
Backup Office Productivity
SaaS Service
Managed Unified
voice Security Collaboration
Messagin PaaS Service

Mobile High speed IaaS Service CRM/SFA Financial


Figure 2.7 Sigma System model

The Sigma model allows service providers to create single and highly
exciting packages by combining high-speed data and other complex network
services with business and productivity-enhancing, SaaS based services.

Vordel [9] developed cloud service broker in order to allow organizations to

apply a layer of confidence in their cloud computing applications. It agents
the connection to the cloud infrastructure, relating governs controls for
service usage and service uptime.

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Figure 2.8 Services provided by Vordel

It records service type, time of day, and the identity of the user. All
information sent to cloud services must be examined for disclosing data, in
order to allow Data Loss Prevention (DLP). Caching protects the enterprise
from inactivity linked with connecting to the cloud service. Service Level
Agreement (SLA) monitoring observes the whole transaction throughput
time. The Cloud Service Broker contains a pluggable structure which allows
for modules to be added, such as modules to provide additional encryption

Apostol T. Vassilev [10] introduced personal brokerage of Web service

access which becomes part of the Web authentication structure, by network
smart cards. This allows new Web services based on their characteristic
properties of essential resistance, tough cryptography, connectivity and
computing power. To enhance network, smart-card capabilities, particularly
in the serious area of human-to-card interaction evidence, to bring further
accessibility and personalization to Web security and privacy. In Single-
Sign-On (SSO) systems users attempt to access services offered by a
connected service provider using a web browser on the client system. The
provider redirects the service request by directing the users browser to the
Identity Providers (IDP) authentication page. To facilitate the redirection,

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

the service provider issues a ticket that unites the users digital identity once
the authentication is complete.

Figure 2.9 Personal Brokerage extensions of Federated service

Users use an IDP enforced method for authentication to prove their identity.
If the authentication is well, the IDP declares the users identity in the ticket
sent back to the browser, which in turn sends it to the service provider.
Users can then access the requested services. The existing IDP-enforced
authentication method is by means of a user name and key. Because the
entire united system of Web services only requires one username and
password license, SSO systems are convenient for the user. At the equal
time, such credentials become a major target for hackers because it gives
them access to many private user resources at once. Presently network
traffic between users browsers and remote servers is secured by ubiquitous
standard security protocols for information exchange, based on Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Muhammad Zakarya and Ayaz Ali Khan [11] found that Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS) attack is identified as a major threat in present time,
which we overcome by new cloud environment architecture and Anomaly
Detection System (ADS). These ADS improve computation time, QoS and
high availability. Each cloud is separated as regional areas known as GS.
Each GS is protected by AS/GL. Developed ADS are installed in cloud node
or AS and router. A tree is maintained at every router by making every

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

packet with path modification strategy, so the attacker of node is easily
found. ADS have two phases detection of malicious flow confirmation
algorithm to drop attack or pass it.
Randomness or Entropy is given by,

H(X) =
() (2.1)
Where 0< H(x) < log (n), p(x) probability of x
P(x) =mi/m (2.2)
Where mi is number of packet with value x and m is total number of packets
Normalized entropy is calculated to get overall probability of captured
packet in specific time
Normalized entropy = (H / log n0) (2.3)
For detection of DDoS attack, decide a threshold value. An edge router
collects the flow of traffic for a specific time window w. Find probability
p(x) for each packet node. Calculate link entropy of all active nodes
separately. Calculate H(x) for router, if normalized entropy less than
identified malicious attack flow then system is compromised. For
confirmation of attack flows, decide a threshold value and compare with
entropy rate.
Srijith K. Nair et al [12] describes the concept of cloud bursting, cloud
brokerage, framework of power brokerage based on service OPTIMIS.
When a private cloud need to access external cloud for a certain time for
computation, then the process is called cloud bursting. Internal cloud in the
company needs to verify SLA requirements to measure performance. Cloud
bursting environment, architecture being developed by OPTIMIS with
following capabilities need common management interface, set of
monitoring tools, global load balancer, and categorized providers. Cloud
brokerage model was created by cloud service providers for the cloud
management platform. The cloud management platform is responsible for
activities such as policy enforcement, usage monitor, network security,
platform security. Cloud API mediates consumer interaction with cloud
broker. The SLA monitoring unit is responsible for monitoring all SLA and
violations. Identify and access module records of serviced customer and
generate one time token. Audit unit inspects broker platform and
capabilities. Risk management prioritizes risks based on events.
Network/platform security provides overall security through IDS. The user
send storage request to cloud portal. Then portal forwards id and password
for Identity and Access Management (IAM), it verifies and grants access
along with criteria. Cloud portal converts identity and access rights to
external token, containing criteria and request, which is encrypted and sent

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

to Broker IAM. Broker IAM decrypt using portal public key and verifies
integrity which in turn generates one time access token.

API Deployment Services Staging/Pooling Service


Multi-cloud Support VM/Service Placement

IAM SLA Monitoring Capability Management and Matching Audit

Gateway/Application Firewalls Risk Management Network/Platform Security

Security Compliance Performance

Cost IT Policy Enforcement

Usage Monitoring SLA Management

Figure 2.10 Functional Requirements for Cloud Service Broker

This token contains Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) which is again
forwarded to portal and discard old token. Cloud portal decrypts using the
private key of broker and forward to the respective user. The user sends data
to Application Programming Interface (API) which checks the strength of
token and grant access to upload data. This uploaded data in service
provider sends the position of data through secret key. This ensures
confidentiality and integrity.
Mark Shtern et al [13] described AERIE architecture. When organization
changing to public cloud infrastructure they have problem with control and
security and must contain best model for deployment. This project suggests
reference architecture for virtual private cloud built on cross provider
platform on-demand compute instance, that reduce levels of trust on
infrastructure providers. Inner instance is started from outer instance.
Together inner and outer instance forms a nested instance. An outer instance
runs an agent which ensures that it has not been modified. These agents
establish connection with the controller using novel key exchange
algorithm. A standard security application is implemented to preserve
integrity of outer instance. Traffic from public internet is made to pass
through security bulwark. A load balancing DNS service is capable of
detecting inaccessible host from available solution. Each instance has an
image which contains encrypted image to launch inner instance. Trusted

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Instance Agent (TIA) conducts key exchange with controller to establish
HTTPS connection using novel algorithm. The controller checks validity of
certificate in image. To maintain integrity it employs Intrusion Detection
System, if any, violations are met a virtual channel is terminated.

Figure 2.11 AERIE Architecture

Przemyslaw Pawluk et al [14] introduce cloud broker service which enables

the deployment and runtime management of cloud application using
multiple providers. Service Measurement Index (SMI) is a possible
approach to facilitate the comparison of cloud business. An attribute is then
expressed as a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which specifies
requested data acquired from every metric. After initial deployment,
decision to add/remove resources is made by cloud manager. Application
manager controls run time management of application according to the
model. A Resource Acquisition Decision (RAD) involves. We will use the
following scenario as a running example the selection of n resources from a
set of m providers. The Broker is responsible for solving the RAD problem.
It must also connect to the set of selected providers to be used and acquire
the collection of resources. Topology Descriptor File (TDF) is used to
identify the application topology to be deployed on the cloud. Each cloud
provider describes details of environment variables in the TDF. The chosen
nodes are instantiated through a translation layer. Cloud Manager and
Broker make use of monitoring information, the former to make ongoing
elasticity decisions and the latter to assist in the decision process. The
broker selects the set of all possible specifications that satisfy the objectives

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

stated in the desired models named in the TDF. Next, as a result of multi-
criteria optimization process, a set of equivalent specifications is selected.

Figure 2.12 Cloud Management Frameworks

From this set, one is selected and the appropriate instance is acquired from
the provider. In the situation where there are no suitable specifications suits
the objectives, the broker makes an attempt to relax objectives by
identifying the closest specification in each direction. Next, the optimization
step is performed over the resultant set of relaxed results. The RAD problem
can be formulated as a multi-criteria optimization problem.
Paul Hershey et al [15] presented System of Systems (SoS) method which is
responsible for activities such as QoS monitoring, management and
response for cloud providers that delivers computing as a service. Various
metrics are considered to calculate performance and security of SoS.
Delay is the sum of delays in lower level domain of cloud. There is an
infrastructure component delay. Hence delay is given by
Dsos = p1Dg+p2Db+p3DS+p4Di (2.4)
Pi- parameter that is dependent on the infrastructure components used.
Dj delay experienced in each layer.
Throughput at system level is defined as the number of transactions that are
completed per unit time
T1 = n x Transaction Throughput (2.5)
TS = m x T1 (2.6)
TB = q x T S (2.7)

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Where m, n, q are number of transactions at lower domain needed to
complete transaction at higher domain. Authentication metric is a logical
conjunction of each level in EMMRA.

Table 2.2 Metrics Categories

Category Metric
Performance Delay
Delay Variation
Information Overhead

Security Authentication
Information Availability
Certificate and Accreditation
Physical Security

Asos = AG ^AB^AS^AI (2.8)

Authorization is a bottom-up metric and it is applied at each level.
Authorization at IaaS level can be given as,
AuthI = min { PI} (2.9)
PI is permission to perform actions I at IaaS level. The min operator is used
to indicate least privilege level that is granted to the user.

The development of a cloud brokerage services framework is getting
momentum since its usage is pervasive in all verticals. The works till now
do not consider the scenario of more than one cloud service provider
providing the same level of requirements to the user. This scenario will
induce an ambiguity for the users to choose an appropriate provider. The
Cloud Broker Services will act on behalf of the user to choose a particular
service provider for providing service to the user. If Cloud Broker Service
becomes a standard middleware framework, many chores of cloud service
providers can be taken by CBS.

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[1] Foued Jrad, Jie Tao, Achim Streit, SLA Based Service Brokering in Intercloud
Environments. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing
and Services Science, pp. 76-81, 2012.
[2] Tao Yu and Kwei-Jay Lin, The Design of QoS Broker Algorithms for QoS-Capable
Web Services, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-
Commerce and e-Service, pp. 17-24, 2004.
[3] Josef Spillner, Andrey Brito, Francisco Brasileiro, Alexander Schill, A Highly-
Virtualising Cloud Resource Broker, IEEE Fifth International Conference on Utility
and Cloud Computing, pp.233-234, 2012.
[4] Linlin Wu, Saurabh Kumar Garg, Rajkumar Buyya, Chao Chen, Steve Versteeg,
Automated SLA Negotiation Framework for Cloud Computing, 13th IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, pp.235-244, 2013.
[5] Wei Wang, Di Niu, Baochun Li, Ben Liang, Dynamic Cloud Resource Reservation via
Cloud Brokerage, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 2013.
[6] Dharmesh Mistry, Cloud Brokers can help ISVs Move to SaaS, Cognizant 20-20
Insight, and June 2011.
[7] Lori MacVittie, Integrating the Cloud: Bridges, Brokers, and Gateways, 2012.
[8] Sigma Systems, Cloud Brokerage: Clarity to Cloud Efforts, 2013.
[9] Vordel white papers, Cloud Governance in the 21st century, 2011.
[10] Apostol T. Vassilev, Bertrand du Castel, Asad M. Ali, Personal Brokerage of Web
Service Access IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 24-31, Sept.-Oct. 2007.
[11] Muhammad Zakarya & Ayaz Ali Khan, Cloud QoS, High Availability & Service
Security Issues with Solutions, International Journal of Computer Science and Network
Security, vol.12 No.7, July 2012.
[12] Srijith K. Nair, Sakshi Porwal, Theo Dimitrakos, Ana Juan Ferrer, Johan Tordsson,
Tabassum Sharif, Craig Sheridan, Muttukrishnan Rajarajan, Afnan Ullah Khan,
Towards Secure Cloud Bursting, Brokerage and Aggregation, Eighth IEEE European
Conference on Web Services, pp.189-196, 2010.
[13] Shtern. M, Simmons. B, Smit. M, Litoiu. M, An architecture for overlaying private
clouds on public providers, Eighth International Conference and Workshop on Systems
Virtualization Management, pp.371, 377, 22-26 Oct. 2012.
[14] Przemyslaw Pawluk, Bradley Simmons, Michael Smit, Marin Litoiu, Serge
Mankovski, Introducing STRATOS: A Cloud Broker Service, IEEE Fifth International
Conference on Cloud Computing, pp.891-898, 2012.
[15] Hershey. P, Rao. S,Silio. C.B., Narayan. A, System of Systems to provide Quality of
Service monitoring, management and response in cloud computing environments, 7th
International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE), vol., no., pp.314,
320, 16-19 July 2012.

This paper may be cited as:

Akilandeswari, J. and Sushanth, C., 2014. A Review of Literature on Cloud
Brokerage Services. International Journal of Computer Science and
Business Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 25-40.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 40

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


Improving Recommendation Quality

with Enhanced Correlation Similarity
in Modified Weighted Sum
Khin Nila Win
Facutly of Information and Communication Technology,
University of Technology
Yatanarpon Cyber City

Thiri Haymar Kyaw

Facutly of Information and Communication Technology,
University of Technology
Yatanarpon Cyber City

Recommender systems aim to help users in finding the items of their interests from large
data collections with little effort. Those systems use various recommendation approaches to
provide accurate recommendation more and more. Among them, collaborative filtering
approach is the most widely used approach in recommender systems. In the two types of
CF system, item-based CF systems overtake the traditional user-based CF systems since it
can overcome the scalability problem of the user-based CF. Item-based CF system
computes the prediction of the user tastes on new items based on the item similarity result
from the explicit rating of the users. They predict rating on the new items based on the
historical ratings of the users. The proposed system improves the item-based collaborative
filtering approach by enhancing the similarity of rating on items with demographic
similarity of the items. It modifies one of the prediction methods, weighted sum, weighted
by enhanced similarity of the items. This system intends to offer better prediction quality
than other approaches and to produce better recommendation results as a result of
considering item-demographic similarity with similarity result from explicit rating of the
Recommender systems, collaborative filtering approach, item-based CF system, user-based
CF systems, demographic similarity, weighted sum.

With the explosive growth of knowledge available on World Wide
Web, which lacks an integrated structure or schema, it becomes much
more difficult for users to access relevant information efficiently.
Meanwhile, the substantial increase in the number of websites presents a
challenging task for web masters to organize the contents of websites
to cater to the need of users. Web usage mining has seen a rapid increase
in interest, from both the research and practice communities. The

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motivation of web mining is to discover users access models
automatically and quickly from the vast amount of Web log data, such
as frequent access paths, frequent access page groups and user clustering.
More recently, Web usage mining has been proposed as an underlying
approach for Web personalization. The goal of personalization based on
Web usage mining is to recommend a set of objects to the current (active)
user, possibly consisting of links, ads, text, products, or services, tailored to
the users perceived preferences as determined by the matching usage
patterns [1].
Memory-based techniques continuously analyze all user or item data to
calculate recommendations, and can be classified in following main groups:
Collaborative Filtering, Content-based techniques, and Hybrid techniques
[2]. While content-based techniques base their recommendations on individual
information and ignore contributions from other users, collaborative filtering
system emphasizes on the preferences of similarity users or items for their
recommendations. Since the proposed system uses collaborative filtering
techniques, explanations of other techniques are omitted in this paper and analysis
of collaborative filtering techniques are emphasized.
2.1 Collaborative Filtering Techniques (CF)
This approach recommends items that were used by similar users in the
past; they base their recommendations on social, community driven
information (e.g., user behavior like ratings or implicit histories).
Table 1. Special types and special characteristics of Memory-based CF Techniques

Special type of
Memory-based CF Pros Cons
-Neighborhood-based -easy to implement - reliant on human ratings
CF - easy for addition if - dispersed amount of
new data data may be impact on
- Item-based/user- -no need to consider the performance
based top-N content of are sparse
recommendations the items in - problems in
recommendation recommendation for new
users and items
- scalability limitation for

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Memory-based collaborative filtering techniques have special characteristics
and representative techniques. Table 1 describes the pros and cons of
memory-based CF techniques [2].
In user-based CF algorithms, first it finds a set of k similar users of the
target user based on correlations or similarities between user records and the
target user. Then, it produces a prediction value for the target user on
unrated items based on the similar users ratings. This approach suffer
scalability problem in large-scale recommender system.
In contrast, item-based CF algorithms attempt to find k similar items that are
co-rated by different users similarly. This performs similarity computations
among the items. Thus, item-based CF algorithms avoid the bottleneck in
user-based algorithms by first considering the relationships among items.
For a target item, predictions can be generated by taking a weighted average
of the target users item ratings on these similar items [3, 6].
2.1.1 Similarity Computation
Most of the recommender systems usually use three similarity computing
techniques: Cosine-based Similarity, Correlation-based Similarity, and
Adjusted Cosine Similarity. The proposed system uses adjusted cosine
similarity for similarity computation. Adjusted Cosine Similarity Vs. Modified Adjusted Cosine Similarity
1) Adjusted Cosine Similarity
Computation of similarity value using basic cosine measure in item-based
recommendation system has one important weakness since the differences
in rating scale between different users are not taken into account. The
adjusted cosine similarity subtracts the corresponding user average from
each co-rated pair to offset this drawback. However, it has one drawback-
the different rating styles of the different users are not taken into account.
Adjusted cosine similarity finds the subtraction value of the rate value of
user u on items i and j respectively and his/her average ratings. Then, it
computes the similarity value as shown in Eq. (1).

sim(i, j ) uU ( Ru ,i Ru )( Ru , j Ru ) (1)

uU ( Ru ,i Ru ) 2 uU ( Ru , j Ru ) 2
In Eq. (1),
Ru is the average value of the u-th users ratings [4].
2) Modified Adjusted Cosine Similarity

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Adjusted cosine similarity still ignores the casual rating styles of the user.
For this reason, the proposed system improves the computation by
normalizing the rate values.

Table 2. Enhanced Correlation Similarity Values Vs. Simple Modified Adjusted

Cosine Similarity Values

Similarity or Enhanced Correlation
Content Similarity
Similarity of (enh_corij=simi,j,+(simi,j*de
Items m_corij))
0.5 0.2 0.6
0.3 0.4 0.42
0.6 0.2 0.72
0.4 0.8 0.72
0.5 0.5 0.75
0.8 0.1 0.88
0.7 0.3 0.91

For example, in the case of the systems range of the rating is 1 to 5, user i
sets the rating 3 to his/her most like item t, while the other user j sets the
rating 5 to his/her most like items t. In such case, the system cant assume
the item t is the user is most likes while it assumes this item is the user js
most likes. So, the system cant determine the highest rating of the users and
cant assume the users most like even if it is the users highest rating in the
case of not being highest rating of the system. Therefore, the system needs
to normalize the rating style to accurately determine which the user most
like and which the least even if the users have different rating styles. The
proposed system applies the normalized rating to overcome such problem.
The proposed method, modified adjusted cosine similarity, can reduce
misunderstanding of the system on the users' likes and dislikes. Eq. 2
denotes the computation of similarity value by modified adjusted cosine

sim(i, j ) uU ( NRu ,i Ru )( NRu , j Ru )


uU ( NRu ,i Ru ) 2 uU ( NRu , j Ru ) 2

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

In Eq. (2),
Ru is the average value of the u-th users ratings
NRu R u ,i
,i HRu (3)

In Eq. (3),
HS means highest rating scale of the system
HRu means highest rating scale of the current user
Considering the topic similarity of item,
enh _ corij simij simij dem _ corij

simij means the similarity of item i and item j from the adjusted cosine
similarity after normalizing the users rating behaviour, dem_corij means the
similarity of the item i and item j according to the topic similarity.
Table 2 describes the way of computing to get enhanced correlation
similarity and also demonstrates how the demographic similarity improves
the modified adjusted similarity value.
2.1.2 Prediction Computation
To get the recommendation, recommender systems always compute the
prediction value firstly and then recommend the item according to the
prediction values. Among them, weighted sum is one of the widely used
techniques for prediction. However, it uses only the rating-based similarity
of the item. The proposed system enhances weighted sum techniques by
using enhanced correlation similarity instead of adjusted cosine similarity
value. Enhanced correlation similarity is the similarity value in which the
modified adjusted cosine similarity value is enhanced with demographic
similarity of the two items. Weighted Sum Vs. Modified Weighted Sum
1) Weighted Sum
The prediction value of weighted sum technique is computed by computing
the summation of the ratings of the user on the items similar to i. Each
rating of user is weighted by the corresponding similarity si,j between items i
and j. Eq. 4 denotes the formula for prediction computation with weighted

Pu ,i
allsimilar items , N ( simiN Ru , N )

allsimilar items , N ( simiN )

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 45
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

2) Modified Weighted Sum

In Modified Weighted Sum in Eq. (5), each normalized rating, NRu,N in Eq.
(6), is weighted by the enhanced correlation similarity enh_coriN. The
prediction Pu,i is denoted as

Pu ,i a llsimila r items , N ( enh _ coriN NRu , N ) (5)

a llsimila r items , N ( enh _ coriN )

In Eq. (5),
NRu Ru , N (6)
,N HRu
Modifying the weighted sum by enhanced correlation similarity performs
the prediction more accurately than the existing systems. Each of the
systems considering the item demographic data produces the prediction
quality more than 9% higher than the systems which do not consider the
item demographic data.
Recommendation techniques are applied in many areas in the mid-1990.
Some researchers develop recommender systems for various songs. Popular
music recommendation systems in the early 2000 are [7], [8], [9], [10]. In e-
learning systems, web mining techniques are used to learn all available
information about learners and build models to apply in personalization. A
detailed description about using and applying educational data mining was
given in (Romero et al., 2006) and (Romero et al., 2007) [11]. Many
resources and supported techniques such as [12], [13] are developed for
recommendation and personalization.
There have been many collaborative systems developed in the academia and
the industry. Grundy system [14] was the first recommender system, which
proposed to use stereotypes as a mechanism for building models of users
based on a limited amount of information on each individual user. Later on,
the Tapestry system relied on each user to identify like-minded users
manually [15]. GroupLens [16, 17], Video Recommender [18], and Ringo
[19] were the first systems to use collaborative filtering algorithms to
automate prediction.
Most of the earlier learning resources recommender systems find the
problems in determining the recommended pages accurately since they

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 46

International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

ignore the rating style of the current user. The proposed system,
Recommender System for Resources and Educational Assistants for
Learners, overcomes this challenge by normalizing the current user's rating
style. And in the section of similarity computation, the system considers the
rating similarity accompanying with topic similarity of resources pages. To
avoid the cold-start problem for users earlier system encountered, the
proposed system uses stereotypes or demographic CF. As a result, the
system takes advantages of not only item-based CF and but also stereotypes
or demographic CF. Moreover, the system can avoid the scalability and
quality bottleneck of the user based CF since it uses item-based
collaborative filtering techniques.
Modifying adjusted cosine similarity with normalized rating of users and
modifying weighted sum with enhanced correlation similarity are not only
able to determine accurately which the user's most likes but also able to
produce the higher prediction quality than the systems which do not
consider the item demographic data and only emphasize the rating of the
users. The system can reduce mean absolute error (MAE) between the
predicted ratings and actual ratings of the users due to the advantages of
modified adjusted cosine similarity and modified weighted sum.
The following tables show the case study of resources and educational
assistants recommendation. Table 3 shows all links current user u has rated
in the first column and the links in second column are the links need to be
predicted for current user since they are the links current user has not rated.
Table 3. The links which current user has rated and other links which current user
has not rated but other users has rated
The links current user has
The links current user not rated but other users
has rated has rated
IEEE seminar topics on LAN & WAN
networking 2011-2012 IPv6
Social Networking JavaWorld:Solutions for
Electronics & Java Developers
Communication Project Mobile Java
Topics Core Java
LAN Monitoring and
Network Books of Free
Computer Books

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

The data in Table 4 describes the respective co-rated links with the links to
be predicted. Fig 1 distinguishes that four links are the links the current user
has just rated but other three links has not among the co-rated links with the
predicted link, LAN & WAN. In Fig 2, there are three co-rated links the
current user has already rated and four links that has not. Unfortunately,
there is no co-rated links the current user has rated in Fig 3, 4, and 5.
According to this result, these three links may not be possible the current
users interested links. Finally, the system recommends the two links, LAN
& WAN and IPv6 according to the prediction values.
Table 4. Predicted links with their similar links

The links to predict

The links similar to the link to be predicted
for current user
LAN & WAN Social Networking
LAN Monitoring and Controlling
Network Books of Free Computer Books
Unified Communications of Infoworld
Networking of Infoworld
Social Hubs, IPv6
IPv6 Network Books of Free Computer Books
Social Networking
IEEE seminar topics on networking 2011-2012
Mobile Java
Java & XML
Java Security
JavaWorld:Solutions Core Java
for Java Developers Java & XML
Web Services & SOAs
Swing/GUI Programming
Java Security
Mobile Java Core Java
Java Security
JavaWorld:Solutions for Java Developers
Network Books of Free Computer Books
Core Java Mobile Java
Swing/GUI Programming
Program With Java

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Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Fig. 3 Fig. 4

Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Fig. 1 - Fig. 5. Co-rated links for the respective predicted links
Fig. 6. Recommended links for current user

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The recommender system can be evaluated by comparing recommendations
with a test set of known user ratings. These systems are measured using
predictive accuracy metrics [5, 6], where the predicted ratings are directly
compared with actual user ratings. The most commonly used metric is
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) which is the average absolute difference
between predicted ratings and actual ratings. Eq. 7 denotes the computation
of MAE value.

{u ,i } Pu ,i ru ,i (7)
In Eq. (7),
Pu,i is the predicted rate value of user u on item i,
ru,i is the actual rate value of user u on item i,
N is the amount of ratings in the test set.
The proposed system can reduce MAE by applying both demographic
correlation and rating similarity of items.
6.1.1 Comparison of MAE Values
The following table compares MAE between the system which uses
adjusted cosine for similarity computation and weighted sum for prediction
computation and the proposed system.
Table 5. Comparison of MAE Values

MAE Values For MAE Values

Existing System with Adjusted For Proposed System
and Weighted Sum
1.48 0.68
1.6 1.045

2.987 2.635

1.96 1.93

1.92 1.87

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Recommendation systems are very popular in research area. Those systems
are applied in many areas such as book recommendation [1], movie
recommendation, as well as music recommendation. However, there are few
recommendation systems for learning resources. Recommendation
techniques are sometimes used in e-learning systems. These systems are
mostly intended for providing convenient for learners in accessing learning
resources provided by the systems. Such systems are based on user log data,
rarely based on rating-based. Moreover, due to the fact that most of the
learning resources provided in such systems are e-books and audio/video
lectures, the proposed system intends to fulfil the lack of resources. The
learning resources in the proposed system are not only e-books and
audio/video lectures but also educational hyperlinks from the web. Topic of
these links are related with various fields such as information and
communication technology, computer sciences, digital signal processing,
personalized information management, security challenges in mobile
network, and management in cloud services. Moreover, appropriate
international scholar universities are recommended according to the user
profiles. Finally, the proposed system intends not only to fulfill the lack of
resources for learners by providing the rich topics from the web but also to
offer more accurate prediction quality by proposed methods.

[1] Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, Web Usage Mining and Personalization
[2] Hendrik Drachsler*, Hans G.K. Hummel and Rob Koper, Personal recommender
systems for learners in lifelong learning networks: the requirements,techniques and
[3] Good, N., Schafer, J.B., Konstan, J.A., Borchers, A., Sarwar, B., Herlocker, J., Riedl,
J.: Combining collaborative filtering with personal agents for better
recommendations. Proceedings of AAAI 99 (1999) 439-446
[4] BadrulSarwar, George Karypis, Joseph Konstan, and John Riedl, Item-based
Collaborative Filtering Algorithms,ACM 1-58113-348-0/01/0005, May 1-5, 2001,
Hong Kong.
[5] Andrew I. Schein, AlexandrinPopescul, Lyle H. Ungar, and David M.
Pennock,"Methods and metrics for cold-start recommendations", SIGIR
02:Proceedings of the 25th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research
and development in information retrieval, pages 253260, New York,NY, USA, 2002.
[6] L. Candillier, F. Meyer, F. Fessant, and K. Jack, State-of-the-art recommender
systems, 2009.
[7] Shao, B., Wang, D., Li, T., and Ogihara, M. (2009). Music recommendation based on
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This paper may be cited as:

Win, K. N. and Kyaw, T. H., 2014. Improving Recommendation Quality
with Enhanced Correlation Similarity in Modified Weighted Sum.
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics, Vol.
10, No. 1, pp. 41-52.

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Bounded Area Estimation of

Internet Traffic Share Curve
Dr. Sharad Gangele
Department of Computer Science,
M. P. Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal, M. P, India.

Kapil Verma
Department of Computer Science,
M. P. Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal, M. P, India.

Dr. Diwakar Shukla

Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Sagar University, Sagar M. P., India.

The problem of internet traffic sharing between two operators was discussed
by Naldi (2002) and he has developed mathematical relationship between
traffic share and network blocking probability. This relationship generates
probability based quadratic function which has a definite bounded area.
This area is a function of many parameters and needs to be estimated. But,
by direct integration methods, it is difficult solve. This paper presents
an approximate methodology to estimate the bounded area using
Trapezoidal rule of numerical quadrature. It is found that bounded area is
directly proportional to customer choice and network blocking .It helps to
explain relationship among traffic share and computer network parameters.
Probability, Area estimation, Trapezoidal rule, Network blocking, Operator.

The business of Internet is going fast and many countries are still using dial-
up-setup as provided by Internet operators. When network is blocked, it is
called cognition and is a parameter of this satisfaction among users. Naldi
(2002) has suggested Markov chain model where internet traffic sharing was
involved between two network operators. He has developed expressions for
traffic share and network blocking probability. These expressions are
functions of many other input parameters like initial choice of user,
blocking of competitor operator and probability of abandoning use. The
graphical relationship between traffic share and owners blocking probability
is a complex relationship and generates a curve where both axes contain
probability values ranging between 0-1. Now it is need to estimate the area
bounded by these curves at x-axis. If the area is high, operator can have

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

more traffic share. The estimation of bounded area provides first hand
knowledge about the traffic share status. This paper presents approximate
computation of the bounded area using Trapezoidal method of numerical
The stochastic modeling was initiated by Naldi (2002) and consequently
utilized by Shukla, Gadewar and Pathak (2007). Shukla, Tiwari and Tiwari
(2009) extend a Markov chain model approach for internet traffic sharing by
introducing concept of two call basis. Shukla, Tiwari and Deshmukh (2010)
suggested a new expression for traffic sharing between two operators.
Shukla and Thakur (2010) examined the disconnectivity factor effect in
traffic sharing and modified the traffic sharing expressions. Shukla, Verma
and Gangele (2011) focused on the problem of re-attempt connectivity over
the same area. Shukla, Gangele, Verma and Trivedi (2011) derived the
internet traffic sharing expressions for cyber crime through elasticity
analysis. Shukla and Singh (2011) utilize the knowledge of Markov chain
model for the scenario of web-browsing. Some other useful contributions on
traffic sharing are due to Shukla, Gangele and Verma (2012), Shukla,
Verma, Dubey and Gangele (2012) where the Markov chain model utilized
as a tool for expression development and curve fitting technique.
Shukla, Jain, and Ojha (2009) presented an analysis of thread
scheduling with multiple processors under a Markov chain model whereas
Shukla, Jain, Singhai, and Agrawal (2009) discussed Markov chain model
based analysis for round robin scheduling scheme. Shukla and Jain (2009)
have a discussion on deadlock analysis of a class of multi-level queue
scheduling in operating system using Markov chain model. Shukla, Thakur,
and Deshmukh (2009) performed a state probability analysis of Internet
traffic sharing. Shukla, Tiwari, Thakur and Deshmukh (2009) contributed
on the share loss analysis of Internet traffic distribution. Shukla, Tiwari,
and Kareem (2009) presented a comparative analysis of Internet traffic
sharing problem using Markov chain model.
Shukla, et al. (2010) discussed stochastic model approach for reaching
probabilities of message flow in space division switches. Shukla, et al.
(2010) examined the effect of dis-connectivity analysis in computer
networks for congestion control. Shukla , Ojha and Jain (2010) suggested
performance evaluation of general class of multilevel queue scheduling
scheme whereas Shukla, Ojha, and Jain (2010) discussed the data model
approach and Markov chain based analysis of multilevel queue scheduling.
Shukla, Jain, and Choudhary (2010) attempted for the estimation of
Ready queue processing time under SL- scheduling scheme in
multiprocessors environment and in similar approach Shukla , Jain, and
Ojha (2010) explored the effect of data model on the analysis of multi-level

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

queue scheduling. One more similar study is due to Shukla, Jain, and Ojha
(2010) on deadlock index analysis in operating system using data model
approach. Shukla, Jain, and Ojha (2010) conducted a study of scheduling
for deadlock state in operating system and in parallel Shukla & Thakur
(2010) presented an Index based internet traffic sharing analysis of users by
a Markov chain probability model.
Shukla and Singhai (2010) performed traffic analysis of message flow in
three cross-bar architecture in space division switches and accordingly
Shukla , Jain, and Choudhary (2010) has a contribution on estimation of
ready queue processing time under usual group lottery scheduling(GLS) in
multiprocessor environment. Shukla, Thakur, and Tiwari (2010) performed
stochastic modeling of Internet traffic management whereas Tiwari,
Thakur, and Shukla (2010) discussed the cyber -crime analysis for multi-
dimensional effect.
Shukla, Singhai, and Thakur (2011) discussed a new imputation
method for missing attribute values in data mining setup whereas Shukla,
Gangele , Singhai, Verma (2011 ) have a new viewpoint approach on
elasticity analysis of web-browsing behavior of users. In a useful
contribution, Shukla, Gangele, Verma, and Singh (2011 ) discussed
elasticity and index analysis of the usual Internet traffic share problem.
Moreover, Shukla, Jain and Choudhary (2011) presented an analytical
approach on prediction of Ready Queue processing time in multiprocessor
environment using Lottery scheduling (ULS) .Likewise, Shukla, Gangele,
Verma, and Thakur (2011) performed an study on index based analysis of
user of Internet traffic sharing in computer network.
Shukla, Verma, and Gangele (2012 ) has a contribution on least
square based curve fitting approach in internet access traffic sharing in
two operator environment and later Shukla, Verma, and Gangele (2012)
have extended the curve fitting approximation in Internet traffic distribution
in two market environment. A similar contribution is due to Shukla,
Verma, Bhagwat, and Gangele (2012). Some other useful are due to
Shukla and Jain (2012), Shukla and Jain (2012), Jain and Shukla (2013).


Naldi (2002) suggested the following expression for traffic sharing.
p (1 p)(1 pA ) L2
P1 (1 L1 ) .......(3.1)
1 L1L2 (1 pA )2

The graph of above expression is based on blocking probability ( L1 or L2)

and traffic sharing (P1 ) of operator O1. It provides a bounded area A within
curve between X and Y axes. If the bounded area A is high then different
conclusions could be drawn. Now the problem is how to estimate this

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bounded area. In this paper, we have tried to estimate the bounded area A
using trapezoidal method of numerical analysis.

Let y = f(x) be a function to be integrated in the range a to b (a < b). Using
functional relationship, we can write n different discrete values of x in range
a - b, and can write different y using y=f (x) as below:
x: x0, x2------ xn
y: y0, y2------ yn, ; ( i=1,2,3,4,..n) ;
where a = x0, x1 < x2 < x3, ---- < xn = b and differencing h= (xi+1 - xi)
is like equal interval.

b b
y0 2( y1 y2 y3 yn1 ) yn .....(4.1)
I f ( x)dx ydx
a a
which is known as Trapezoidal rule of Integration used in numerical


We take the followings for (3.1), and consider P1 = f (Lj), j=1,2, and assume
X = Blocking probability of network (L1) or (L2)
Y = Traffic sharing is equal to P 1
And want to evaluate the following integral (suggested due to Naldi
(2002)) in the limit d to l where d=0 and l=1 are the constraints:

l l
(1 p) pL1 (1 pA )
I f ( L)dL1 (1 L2 ) dL1 ...(4.1.1)
d d 1 L1L2 (1 pA )

Table 1. [for fig. (1) {Where fixed pA = 0.3, L2 = 0.4, h=0.1} ]

p 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0 0.352 0.424 0.496 0.568 0.64 0.712 0.784 0.856 0.928

0.1 0.348 0.412 0.475 0.538 0.601 0.665 0.728 0.791 0.854

0.2 0.345 0.399 0.453 0.507 0.562 0.616 0.670 0.724 0.778

0.3 0.342 0.386 0.431 0.475 0.520 0.565 0.609 0.654 0.699

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0.4 0.338 0.373 0.407 0.442 0.477 0.512 0.546 0.581 0.616

0.5 0.334 0.359 0.383 0.407 0.432 0.456 0.481 0.505 0.529

0.6 0.330 0.344 0.358 0.371 0.385 0.398 0.412 0.426 0.439

0.7 0.326 0.329 0.331 0.333 0.336 0.338 0.340 0.343 0.345

0.8 0.322 0.313 0.303 0.294 0.284 0.275 0.265 0.256 0.246

0.9 0.318 0.296 0.274 0.252 0.230 0.208 0.186 0.165 0.143
Area(A) 0.302 0.327 0.353 0.378 0.403 0.428 0.454 0.479 0.504

The data in following tables for equal intervals of L1 ( where bounded area is A):
table 1 shows that for increasing p , the area A increases subject to
condition other parameters pA and L2 are fixed. The lowest value of area is
A=0.3 at p=0.1 whereas highest value is A = 0.504 on p= 0.9.

Table 2. [ for fig. (2) { Where fixed p=0.2, pA = 0.3, , h=0.1}]

L2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
L1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0 0.256 0.312 0.368 0.424 0.48 0.536 0.592 0.648 0.704
0.1 0.237 0.294 0.353 0.412 0.471 0.531 0.592 0.653 0.715
0.2 0.218 0.277 0.337 0.399 0.462 0.526 0.592 0.659 0.728
0.3 0.198 0.259 0.322 0.386 0.453 0.522 0.593 0.666 0.742
0.4 0.179 0.241 0.305 0.373 0.443 0.516 0.593 0.673 0.757
0.5 0.159 0.222 0.289 0.359 0.433 0.511 0.593 0.681 0.774
0.6 0.140 0.203 0.271 0.344 0.422 0.505 0.594 0.690 0.794
0.7 0.120 0.184 0.254 0.329 0.410 0.498 0.594 0.700 0.815
0.8 0.099 0.164 0.235 0.313 0.398 0.491 0.595 0.710 0.840
0.9 0.079 0.144 0.216 0.296 0.384 0.484 0.595 0.723 0.868

Area(A) 0.152 0.207 0.266 0.327 0.392 0.461 0.534 0.612 0.695

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The table 2 shows that for increasing L2, the area A increases subject to
condition other parameters pA and p are fixed. The lowest value of area is
A = 0.152 at L2=0.1 whereas highest value is A=0.695 on L2=0.9.

Table 3. [for fig. (3){ where p = 0.5, L2 = 0.4, h=0.1}]

pA 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0 0.680 0.660 0.640 0.620 0.600 0.580 0.560 0.540 0.520
0.1 0.651 0.626 0.601 0.578 0.555 0.533 0.511 0.490 0.470
0.2 0.620 0.590 0.562 0.535 0.510 0.486 0.463 0.441 0.420
0.3 0.587 0.552 0.520 0.491 0.463 0.438 0.414 0.391 0.370
0.4 0.551 0.512 0.477 0.445 0.416 0.389 0.365 0.342 0.320
0.5 0.513 0.470 0.432 0.398 0.368 0.340 0.315 0.292 0.270
0.6 0.471 0.425 0.385 0.350 0.319 0.291 0.265 0.242 0.220
0.7 0.426 0.377 0.336 0.300 0.268 0.240 0.215 0.192 0.170
0.8 0.377 0.326 0.284 0.248 0.217 0.189 0.164 0.141 0.120

0.9 0.070
0.324 0.272 0.230 0.195 0.164 0.137 0.113 0.091
Area(A) 0.470 0.434 0.403 0.375 0.350 0.326 0.305 0.285 0.265

The table 3 shows that for increasing pA, the area A decreases subject to
condition other parameters p and L2 are fixed. The highest value of area is
A=0.470 at pA = 0.1 whereas lowest value is A = 0.265 on pA =0.9 .

Area Computation of Traffic Share By O1

(when pA=0.3, L2=0.4)

Area Bounded

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig 1. (Variation over p)

Fig 1 supports the facts observed in table 1 over variation of estimated

bounded area A.

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

Area Computation of
Traffic Share By O1(where p=0.2, pA=0.3)

Area Bounded

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig. 2 (Variation over L2 )

Area Computation of traffic Share by O1

(When p=0.5, L2=0.4)


Area bounded




0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig. 3 (Variation over pA)

The fig 2 and 3 support the observations in table 2 & 3 over variation of
estimated bounded area A. Consider another form of integration as below:
l l
p (1 p)(1 pA ) L2
I f ( L)dL2 (1 L1 ) dL2 ....(4.1.2)
d d 1 L 1 L2 (1 p A )
We have data in following tables for equal intervals of L2 (taking A as
bounded area):

Table 4. [for fig. (4) { where pA = 0.3, L1 = 0.4, h=0.1}]

p 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0.928 0.856 0.784 0.712 0.64 0.568 0.496 0.424 0.352
0.851 0.785 0.719 0.653 0.587 0.521 0.455 0.389 0.323
0.772 0.712 0.652 0.59 0.532 0.472 0.412 0.353 0.293
0.690 0.636 0.583 0.529 0.475 0.422 0.368 0.311 0.261

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0.604 0.557 0.510 0.463 0.416 0.369 0.322 0.276 0.229
0.514 0.474 0.434 0.394 0.354 0.314 0.274 0.235 0.195
0.420 0.388 0.355 0.322 0.290 0.257 0.224 0.192 0.159
0.322 0.297 0.272 0.247 0.222 0.197 0.172 0.147 0.122
0.220 0.203 0.185 0.168 0.151 0.134 0.117 0.100 0.083
0.112 0.103 0.095 0.086 0.077 0.068 0.060 0.051 0.042
Area(A) 0.491 0.454 0.415 0.377 0.339 0.301 0.262 0.225 0.186

The table 4, 5, 6 are made on varying values of L2 when many parameters are
constant. Table 4 shows that for increasing p, the area A decreases subject
to condition other parameters pA and L1 are fixed. The highest value of
area is A=0.491 at p=0.1 whereas lowest value is A=0.186 on p=0.9.

Area Computation of Traffic share for

Operator O2 (when pA=0.3, L2=0.4)

Area Bounded

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig. 4 (Variation over p)

Fig 4 supports the facts observed in table 4 over variation of estimated

bounded area A.

Table 5. [for fig. (5) { where p = 0.2, pA = 0.3, h=0.1}]

L1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0.814 0.828 0.842 0.856 0.87 0.884 0.898 0.912 0.926
0.736 0.752 0.769 0.785 0.802 0.819 0.836 0.854 0.871
0.657 0.675 0.694 0.712 0.731 0.751 0.771 0.791 0.812

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0.578 0.597 0.616 0.636 0.657 0.678 0.700 0.723 0.747
0.498 0.517 0.536 0.557 0.578 0.601 0.624 0.648 0.674
0.417 0.435 0.454 0.474 0.495 0.518 0.541 0.567 0.593
0.335 0.351 0.369 0.388 0.407 0.429 0.452 0.476 0.503
0.252 0.266 0.281 0.297 0.315 0.333 0.354 0.377 0.401
0.169 0.179 0.190 0.203 0.216 0.231 0.247 0.265 0.286
0.08 0.090 0.097 0.103 0.111 0.120 0.129 0.140 0.153
Area(A) 0.409 0.423 0.438 0.453 0.469 0.486 0.504 0.523 0.543

Table 5 shows that for increasing L1, the area A increases subject to
condition other parameters pA and p are fixed. The lowest value of area
is A=0.049 at L1=0.1 whereas highest value is A=0.543 on L1=0.9.

Area Computation of Traffic share for

Operator O2 (when p=0.2, pA=0.3)

Area Bounded

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig.5 (Variation over L1 )

Fig 5 supports the facts observed in table 5 over variation of estimated

bounded area A.

Table 6. [for fig. (6) {where p = 0.5, L1 = 0.4, h=0.1}]

pA 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 P1
0.680 0.660 0.640 0.620 0.600 0.580 0.560 0.540 0.520
0.632 0.609 0.587 0.566 0.545 0.525 0.505 0.486 0.468
0.581 0.556 0.532 0.510 0.489 0.470 0.451 0.433 0.416

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0.527 0.500 0.475 0.453 0.432 0.413 0.396 0.379 0.364
0.468 0.441 0.416 0.394 0.375 0.357 0.340 0.326 0.312
0.405 0.378 0.354 0.334 0.315 0.299 0.285 0.272 0.260
0.337 0.311 0.290 0.271 0.255 0.241 0.228 0.218 0.208
0.263 0.241 0.222 0.206 0.193 0.182 0.172 0.163 0.156
0.183 0.165 0.151 0.140 0.130 0.122 0.115 0.109 0.104
0.095 0.085 0.077 0.071 0.065 0.061 0.057 0.054 0.052
Area(A) 0.378 0.357 0.339 0.322 0.307 0.293 0.280 0.268 0.257

The table 6 shows that for increasing pA , the area A decreases subject to
condition other parameters p and L1 are fixed. The highest value of area
is as A=0.378 at pA =0.1 whereas lowest value is A= 0.257 on pA = 0.9.

Area Computation of Traffic share for Operator

O2 (when p=0.5, L1=0.4)

Area Bounded


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Fig. 6 (Variation over pA)

Fig 6 supports the facts observed in table 6 over variation of estimated

bounded area A.

The bounded area A is propositional to initial choice p. We can express A as
directly proportional variable to p when pA, L2 are kept constants (see table
1). Although rate of increment is slow as if p is doubled then area A has
only 5 to 10 percent increment. When p is at highest level (p=0.9) the
bounded area A is nearly approaching to level 50 percent.
The bounded area A is also proportional to opponent blocking probability L2
of the network competitor. The rate of increment in area A is higher than as
observed in earlier table. At the highest level equal to 0.9, the maximum
area is 0.69. When we look into the relation between bounded area A and pA

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parameter, it is of inversely proportional nature. The larger pA reduces fast
to the bounded area A.
As per Table 4, where the variation of blocking probability L2 relates
opposite to A, it is observed that bounded area A is inversely propositional
to the L2. The decrement rate is nearly 5 percent for unit increase in initial
probability p. Table 5 depicts the bounded area variation with two different
blocking probabilities. Increment in L1 provides higher levels of bounded
area for operator O2. Similarly, as per table 6, the pA and bounded area are
inversely proportional with the 2 to 3 percent decrement rate.

This is observed that estimated bounded area A contains lots of information
about the traffic sharing phenomenon. The A is directly proportional to the
initial preference p of consumer. It is also to state that bounded area is
directly proportional to the blocking probability of the owners network.
When blocking probability of network competitor increases, bounded area
reduces. It provides the knowledge of relationship between initial
preference p and network blocking probabilities L1 and L2.

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and Telecommunications, 6(23),pp 108 115.
[10] Shukla, D., Singhai, Rahul, Gadewar, Surendra, Jain, Saurabh, Ojha, Shweta and
Mishra, P.P. (2010) : A stochastic model approach for reaching probabilities
pf message flow in space division switches, International Journal of Computer
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[11] Shukla, D., Tiwari, Virendra, Parchur, A.k. and Thakur, Sanjay (2010): Effect of
dis-connectivity analysis for congestion control in Internet Traffic Sharing ,
International Journal of the Computer The Internet and Management, Vol. 18, no.
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[12] Shukla, D. ,Ojha, Shweta and Jain, saurabh (2010) : Performance evaluation of
general class of multilevel queue scheduling scheme ,GESJ: Computer Science
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[13] Shukla, D. ,Ojha, Shweta and Jain, Saurabh (2010) : Data model approach and
Markov Chain based analysis of multi- level queue scheduling, Journal of
Applied Computer Science and Mathematics, 8(4), pp 50-56.
[14] Shukla, D. ,Tiwari, Virendra,Thakur, Sanjay and Deshmukh, A.K. (2010): Two
call based analysis of Internet Traffic sharing. International Journal of Computer
and Engineering,(IJCE) ,Vol. 1, issue 1, pp 14 24.
[15] Shukla, D. , Jain, Anjali and Choudhary, Amita (2010): Estimation of ready
queue processing time under SL- Scheduling scheme in multiprocessors
environment, International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS),
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[16] Shukla, D., Jain, Saurabh and Ojha, Shweta (2010): Effect of data model approach
for the analysis of multi-level queue scheduling, International Journal of
Advanced Networking and application (IJANA), vol. 02, No. 01, pp.419-427.
[17] Shukla, D. , Jain, Saurabh and Ojha, Shweta (2010): Deadlock index analysis of
multi-level queuw scheduling in operating system using data model approach,
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06, No. 29, pp. 93-110.
[18] Shukla, D. , Jain, Saurabh and Ojha, Shweta (2010): Study of multi-level queue
scheduling for deadlock state in operating system, Madhya Bharti Journal, Vol.
56, pp. 141-157.
[19] Shukla, D. and Thakur, Sanjay (2010): Index based internet traffic sharing
analysis of users by a markov chain probability model, Karpagam Journal of
Computer Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1539-1545.
[20] Shukla, D. and Singhai, Rahul (2010): Traffic analysis of message flow in three
cross-bar architecture in space division switches. Karpagam Journal of Computer
Science, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1560-1569.
[21] Shukla, D., Jain, Anjali and Choudhary, Amita (2010): Estimation of ready queue
processing time under usual group lottery scheduling(GLS) in multiprocessor
environment, International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 8, No. 04, 39-

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[22] Shukla, D., Thakur, Sanjay and Tiwari, Virendra (2010): Stochastic modeling of
internet traffic management, International Journal of the Computer the Internet
and Management, Vol. 18, No. 02, pp. 48-54.
[23] Tiwari, Virendra, Thakur, Sanjay and Shukla, D. (2010 ): Cyber crime analysis
for multi -dimensional effect in computer network. Journal of Global Research in
Computer Science, Vol. 1, No. 4. pp. 14-21.
[24] Thakur, Sanjay and Shukla, D. (2010 ): Iso-share analysis of internet traffic
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Telecommunication, 4(27), pp. 16-22.
[25] Shukla, D. and Singhai, Rahul (2011): Analysis of user web browsing behavior
using Markov chain model. International Journal of Advanced Networking And
Application (IJANA), Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 824-830.
[26] Shukla, D., Singhai, Rahul and Thakur, N.S. (2011): A new imputation method
for missing attribute values in datamining. Journal of Applied Computer Science
and Mathematics, Vol. 10, Issue 05, pp. 14-19.
[27] Shukla, D. ,Gangele, Sharad, Singhai, R., Verma, Kapil (2011): Elasticity
analysis of web-browsing behavior of users. International Journal of Advanced
Networking And Application (IJANA), Vol. 3 No.3, pp. 1162-1168.
[28] Shukla, D., Gangele, Sharad, Verma, kapil and Singh, Pankaja (2011): Elasticity
of Internet Traffic distribution in Computer network in two-market environment,
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science (JGRCS), Vol. 2, No.6, pp. 6-
[29] Shukla, D., Gangele , Sharad, Verma, Kapil and Singh, Pankaja (2011):
Elasticity and Index analysis of usual Internet traffic share problem, International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Vol. 02, No. 04,
pp. 473- 478.
[30] Shukla, D., Jain, Anjali and Choudhary, Amita (2011): Prediction of Ready
queue processing time inmultiprocessor environment using Lottery scheduling
(ULS), Journal of Applied Computer Science and Mathematics, 11( 5), pp. 58-63.
[31] Shukla, D., Gangele, Sharad, Verma, Kapil and Thakur, Sanjay (2011) : A study
on index based analysis of user of Internet traffic sharing in computer network,
World Applied Programming (WAP), Vol. 1, no.04, pp. 278- 287.
[32] Shukla, D. Verma, Kapil and Gangele, Sharad (2011):Re-attempt connectivity to
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research in Computer Application and Management (IJRCM), Vol. 1, Issue 9, pp
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[33] Shukla, D., Gangele, Sharad, Verma, Kapil and Trivedi, Manish (2011): Elasticity
variation under rest state environment in case of Internet traffic sharing in
computer network, International Journal of Computer Technology and
Application (IJCTA), Vol. 2, Issue no. 6, pp. 2052-2060.
[34] Shukla, D., Gangele, Sharad, Verma, Kapil and Trivedi, Manish (2011):Two call
based cyber crime elasticity analysis of Internet traffic sharing in computer
network. International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA), Vol 2, Issue 1,
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[35] Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil and Gangele, Sharad, (2012 ): Iso-Failure in Web
Browsing using Markov chain model and curve fitting analysis. International
journal of modern engineering research (IJMER), Vol. 02, Issue 02, pp. 512- 517.

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[36] Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil and Gangele, Sharad, (2012): Least square based curve
fitting in internet access traffic sharing in a two operator environment.
International journal of computer application (IJCA), Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 26-32.
[37] Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil and Gangele, Sharad, (2012): Curve Fitting
Approximation In Internet Traffic Distribution In Computer Network In Two
Market Environment, International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 10, Issue 05, pp. 71-78.
[38] Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil and Gangele, Sharad, (2012): Least Square Fitting
Applications under Rest State Environment in Internet Traffic Sharing in
Computer Network, International Journal of Computer Science and
Telecommunications (IJCST), Vol.3, Issue 05, pp.43-51.
[39] Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil, Dubey, Jayant and Gangele, Sharad (2012):Cyber
Crime Based Curve Fitting Analysis in Internet Traffic Sharing in Computer
Network. International journal of computer application (IJCA), Vol.46 (22), pp.
[40] Shukla, D., Verma, Kapil, Bhagwat, Shree and Gangele, Sharad (2012): Curve
Fitting Analysis of Internet Traffic Sharing Management in Computer Network
under Cyber Crime. International journal of computer application (IJCA), Vol.
47, No. 24, pp. 36-43.
[41] Shukla, D., Jain, Anjali (2012): Estimation of Ready Queue Processing Time
using Efficient Factor Type Estimator (E- F- T) in Multiprocessor Environment,
International journal of computer application (IJCA), Vol. 48, No. 16, pp. 20-27.
[42] Shukla, D., Jain, Anjali (2012): Analysis of Ready Queue Processing Time Under
PPS-LS and SRS-LS Scheme in Multiprocessing Environment, GESJ: Computer
Science and Telecommunication, Vol. 1, Issue 33, pp. 54-61.
[43] Jain, Anjali and Shukla, D. (2013): Estimation of ready queue processing time
using Factor-type (F-T) estimator in a multiprocessor environment,
COMPUSOFT, 2(8), pp. 256-260.

This paper may be cited as:

Gangele, S. Verma, K. and Shukla, D., 2014. Bounded Area Estimation of
Internet Traffic Share Curve. International Journal of Computer Science
and Business Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 54-67.

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


Information Systems Projects

for Sustainable Development and
Social Change
James K. Ho
Information & Decision Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, USA

Isha Shah
Information & Decision Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, USA

Student projects in Information Systems courses are typically focused on advancing
technical skills or practical experience in application to business, industry, and perhaps
conventional service organizations. This paper considers an alternative focus on the
potential of leveraging commonplace information technology for sustainable development
and social change. A specific example of designing information services for the
underserved using SMS over mobile phone networks (without the Internet) is demonstrated
with a particular case of helping smallholder farmers prosper in modern supply chains. It
can be instrumental in motivating students who are already interested, as well as raising
awareness among the uninitiated.

Short Message Service, Supply Chain Governance, Sustainable Development, Social
Change, Information System Course Projects

In the latest revision of the curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree
programs in Information Systems [21] sponsored by the Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Association for Information Systems
(AIS), it is recognized that: It is essential for the health of the IS
[Information Systems] discipline to actively recruit IS students. [An elective
course in IS Innovation and New Technologies] will focus on topics
designed to excite students about the IS discipline. Specifically, this course
will look at how IS is used in the world around the student and how IS can
be used to create powerful applications. This is done by delivering topics
that will gain traction with the target audience. In turn, by exposing students
to a variety of business views of IS the students would better understand the
possibilities within the field.

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Furthermore, It is critically important that we expose students to how IS is

impacting the world around them and more specifically how IS functions in
the business world. This course should include hands-on demonstrations
and projects that allow students to manage these online tools; understand the
importance of information flows and provide the strategic importance of
such systems.

Since the degree programs are designed primarily for career placement in
the business world, it is understandable that course projects are typically
focused on advancing technical skills or practical experience in application
to business, industry, and perhaps conventional service organizations.
Example topics for IS term projects with a business orientation may include:

Job Application Systems for company recruiters and job search agencies,
Ticket Reservation Systems for Entertainment Industries,
Reservation Systems for Travel Industries: airlines, hotels, car rentals,
Appointment Systems for Health Service providers,
Online shopping and auction portals,
Delivery Tracking Systems for Transportation and Logistics industries,
Marketing and Sales Systems for Real Estate Industries.

Occasionally, students do have the opportunity to team up with non-profit

organizations or social services to experience the application of IS for the
public good, as in the following example

A team of MIS students are focusing on three technology-based projects

with Rebuilding Together Philadelphia (RTP), part of a national network
focused on preserving affordable home ownership. To boost the efficiency
of a warehouse of power tools, the students are creating a database that will
track its inventory. The team has identified specialized software and is using
it to create a system for RTP to archive and manage photographs of projects
and volunteers that will help RTP reach out to new people who have an
affinity with the mission.

Adapted from

Our purpose is to extend such socially conscientious potential of IS student

projects to issues of global significance. As sustainable development and
social change are high on the list of concerns for anyone who cares beyond
bottom-line profits and returns on investment, we wish to demonstrate
how IS can, and indeed is actually being used in this regard. One important
point to make is that doing more good to more people does not necessarily
call for cutting-edge technology, but rather what is most widely accessible
and affordable. Such lessons should help motivate and gain traction with

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

a broader spectrum of prospective IS recruits. In Section 2, the global issue
of sustainable food supply and the role and predicament of smallholder
farmers worldwide are discussed. Section 3 surveys how Short Message
Service (SMS), which is the most pervasive telecommunication medium, is
already being used in both commercial and government supported
information services to assist farmers in underdeveloped and developing
regions. A prototype student project to design and implement such a SMS-
based information service is reported in Section 4. Discussion and future
directions are given in Section 5.


According to The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO), feeding 8.2 billion people in 2030, and 9.1 billion in 2050, would
require raising overall food production by some 50 per cent between
2005/07 and 2030, and by 70 per cent by 2050 [8]. Oxfam, an international
network to fight poverty and social injustice, observed that:

Increased commodity trade could help to mitigate imbalances of demand

and supply, but securing a sustainable global food supply will require more
efforts and investment to increase production and productivity. Against a
background of increasing land and water scarcity, feeding a larger urban
population while also adopting more sustainable production methods will
become a challenge. Seventy-five per cent of the worlds poor and
undernourished people are located in rural areas and depend on agriculture
directly or indirectly for their livelihoods. Five hundred million smallholder
farms worldwide are supporting around two billion people, or one third of
humanity. There is an extensive literature and persuasive evidence to
suggest that measures to improve smallholder farmers capacity to increase
food production and productivity, as well as to link to markets, will not only
enhance their purchasing power but also increase wider food availability
and so contribute to global food security. (Wegner and Zwart [24])

Being at the bottom of increasingly globalized supply chains, rural,

smallholder farmers often lack the timely information about market
conditions such as fair prices for crops, trends and prospects for demands,
as well as technical know-how and financial investments to meet rising
quality requirements. Traditionally, layers of middlemen find lucrative
means to exploit this lack of market transparency, from selectively filtering
(or outright distortion) of necessary information to actual cheating in
weights and measurements. Facing such handicaps in effective operations,
many farmers, who are likely illiterate and unskilled in financial
management, take on debts without viable plans to stay solvent, not to
mention making a decent profit. This may have driven many farmers to
despair and led at least in part to the much publicized suicide rate (over a

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quarter million in 16 years) among farmers in India [19]. Less dire, but
equally critical situations can be found worldwide. For example,
governments in the Caribbean, being limited by colonization and
geographic location, often sign trade agreements with surrounding and
relevant trading countries which may not take into full consideration
sustainability issues concerning their smallholder farmers. To a large extent,
the farmers do not have access to reliable information that enables them to
make wise decisions in crop selection, growing operations, and marketing
[17]. Similarly, smallholder farmers in rural Cambodia must often settle for
incomplete, out-dated, or biased information when making business
decisions including what, when, and how to produce crops and livestock
and when and where to sell their agricultural goods [18].

The lack of information transparency is a key obstacle to effective supply

chain governance, which integrates a network of stakeholders: farmers,
processors, transporters, wholesalers, and retailers to share a common goal
in delivering a product as cheaply and efficiently as possible to the
consumer [22]. Creating such chain awareness, instead of each link
fending only for its self interest, is a big challenge in Africa. As an anecdote,
a woman farmer in Uganda refused to tell other farmers what she learned at
a cheese making workshop in Italy, not being aware that only sufficiently
large quantities of cheese can justify a truck to town [10].

To various extents, governments worldwide do attempt to assist their

smallholder farmers by way of agricultural extension, which is the generic
concept of applying scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural
practices through information and education in order to increase
productivity and sustainability of their production systems and improve
their quality of life and livelihoods. Historically, the series of research,
development, and technology transfer initiatives, occurring between the
1940s and the late 1970s that increased agriculture production in many parts
of the world is known as the Green Revolution. Its neo-colonial approach
to adopting genetically modified crops, large-scale irrigation, synthetic
fertilizers, and chemical pesticides, over-emphasized the transformation of
agriculture from a subsistence sector to a commercial one. By turn of the
century, the second generation effects of overlooking economic, social and
environment issues in sustainability concerning the intensive application of
the seed-fertilizer-irrigation technology began to manifest themselves in
rising soil salinity and toxicity, water depletion, pollution and nutrient
imbalances, may be negating the beneficial effects of the technology. It has
been recognized that agricultural extension services, whether supported by
governments or non-government organizations (NGO), need to be reformed
to enable small farmers to take up commercial farming through sustainable
practices [20].

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In India, as a particular example, with its wide variety of agro-climatic

regions and broad range of socioeconomic conditions in the rural population,
where more than 81 percent of Indian farmers cultivating an area of 2
hectares or less, the majority of them do not have access to any source of
information, despite the variety of agricultural extension approaches that
operate in parallel and sometimes duplicate one another. While farmers
actually require information for the whole food and agriculture value chain,
specifically regarding prices and accessing markets, the public extension
system largely concentrates on on-farm activities. There is an increasing
need for more effective intermediaries that can facilitate information access
for diverse smallholder farmers [5, 11].


At this point, an important lesson can be conveyed to students of IS that
unless one is specifically focused on cutting edge advances, even the most
basic and commonplace technology can be extended for far reaching social
benefits. In terms of the worldwide adoption of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT), while the Internet has garnered most of
the headline attention for spearheading e-commerce and social networking,
it is mobile phones that gained the broadest coverage as of December 2013,
as shown in the abbreviated listing in Table 1.

In Bangladesh, where over three-quarter of the population live in rural areas

and engaged in agricultural activities, the Ministry of Agriculture has an
initiative to provide a Web-based AMIS (agricultural market information
service: Four categories of wholesale and retail prices
are available for downloading as spreadsheet files. However, as the
coverage of Internet in rural areas of Bangladesh is still extremely low and
the farmers are typically illiterate in ICT, this initiative has deemed
ineffective. By contrast, mobile phone networks have reached full
penetration with subscription rate of 68% by mid-2012. With technical
assistance from the Swedish Business School of Orebro University and
local partners, a pilot version of a mobile phone based AMIS is now in use
in some remote villages in a northern district (Natore) in Bangladesh. Initial
study found the approach to be promising [12].

Table 1. Top 20 countries by number of mobile phones in use.

phones in % of
Rank Country use Population pop. Last updated
- World 6,800,000,000 7,012,000,000 97 2013
01 China 1,227,360,000 1,349,585,838 89.2 December 2013

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02 India 904,480,000 1,220,800,359 74.96 October 2013
03 United States 327,577,529 310,866,000 103.9 June 2013
04 Brazil 268,440,423 192,379,287 135.4 August 2013
05 Russia 256,116,000 142,905,200 155.5 July 2013
06 Indonesia 236,800,000 237,556,363 99.68 September 2013
07 Pakistan 130,583,076 188,854,781 69.18 December 2013
08 Japan 121,246,700 127,628,095 95.1 June 2013
09 Nigeria 114,000,000 165,200,000 69 May 2013
10 Bangladesh 110,675,000 165,039,000 73.8 September 2013
11 Germany 107,000,000 81,882,342 130.1 2013
12 Philippines 106,987,098 94,013,200 113.8 October 2013
13 Iran 96,165,000 73,973,000 130 February 2013
14 Mexico 92,900,000 112,322,757 82.7 Dec. 2011
15 Italy 88,580,000 60,090,400 147.4 Dec. 2013
16 United Kingdom 75,750,000 61,612,300 122.9 Dec. 2013
17 Vietnam 72,300,000 90,549,390 79 October 2013
18 France 72,180,000 63,573,842 114.2 Dec. 2013
19 Egypt 92,640,000 82,120,000 112.81 August 2013
20 Thailand 69,000,000 65,001,021 105 2013

In the Caribbean, mobile phone penetration has exceeded 100% in most of

the small island nations, with some over 200% since many users have more
than one cell phone. All farmers use cell phones, and most governments
provide some level of agricultural information through extension services.
However, calling and texting that require manual responses are labor
intensive and not cost effective. Many plans on such basis have been put on
hold. Nonetheless, projects are beginning to emerge that deploy SMS for
automated dissemination. Examples include the National Agricultural
Marketing and Development Corporation (, which
collects retail and wholesale prices from all four wholesale markets and
over 80 retail outlets, including supermarkets, municipal markets, farmers
markets, road-side vegetable stalls and mini-marts throughout Trinidad and
Tobago. It has embarked on a SMS service to provide wholesale prices for
fresh produce and seafood [17]. Farmers who live in remote areas and
without access to computers or internet can send a text message requesting
the commodity and automatically receive the retrieved market price on their
phone to help in their marketing negotiation. Fishermen who are out at sea
can also use this pricing system before returning to port.

In Kerala, a state on the southwestern coast of India, the Department of

Agriculture has launched an integrated, multi-modal agricultural
information system project known as KISSAN KERALA (Karshaka
Information Systems Services And Networking: In
its attempt to redefine the services provided to the farming community, it

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has introduced since 2010 a SMS-based feature to cater to the needs of the
farmers to its full potential. Information includes availability of quality
planting material from recognized nurseries or authentic farms, weather
information for specific locations; availability of quality livestock breeds
from recognized and authentic source; monthly crop management
advisories; and soil test results. The latter will help the farmers in choosing
the proper fertilizer for each crop. The farmers submit soil samples to the
district level soil testing laboratory. Once the analysis is complete, the
results along with fertilizer recommendations are made available to the
farmers on their mobile phone, thus avoiding considerable delay through
conventional means. Farmers can access the service by using the free SMS
package supplied by various service providers, and pay only normal SMS
charges for the messages.

A similar pilot project that started with free trials in Maharashtra State in
Western India since April 2007 has been launched by Thomson-Reuters on
a fully commercial basis [4] as Reuters Market Light. By 2013, it operates
across 13 states in India and covers over 300 crops and varieties and 1300
markets across these states and has over a million subscribers. Initial
surveys found most users attesting to benefits of such a service, particularly
in improvement of productivity [16]. However, a randomized controlled
trial involving 933 farmers in 100 villages of central Maharashtra find no
statistically significant effect on the prices received by farmers using RML
[7]. This somewhat disappointing observation is explained by the fact that
even with better pricing information, farmers typically have no option than
selling to the nearest market due to existing infrastructure, especially for
transportation. This shows that to assist farmers, information dissemination
is just one part of a complex challenge.

The dairy industry in Kenya is a US$458 million industry involving 1.6

million mostly small scale farmers using rudimentary methods to manage
their cows estrus cycle and milk production. They sell 3 to 5 liters per day
on average while calculations show that 15 liters per day is the required
production to bring a family over the poverty line. These farmers can now
use an award-winning, mobile phone-based service known as iCow
( to track each cow individually and maintain its comprehensive
gestation calendar, along with its customizable milking schedules, and
immunization program [2]. In 2012, an in-house survey of a focus group of
users of iCow found 42% reporting increased incomes. Among the
successful users, 56% attributed their gains to increased milk yield ranging
from 1.5 to 3 liters per lactating animal.

Other examples of partnership among government and the private sector to

offer SMS-based information services to smallholder farmers are emerging

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

[3, 6, 13]. In particular, Telenor Pakistan partnered with the Livestock and
Dairy Development Department of Punjab to provide information on
livestock best practices to farmers in the province [14]. Google, in
partnership with MTN Uganda, has launched 'Google SMS', a set of
services that allows users in the country to access information on agriculture
tips and weather conditions [23].


With ample examples of socially and economically meaningful application
of SMS-based information services for smallholder farmers, we hope our IS
students are now suitably motivated to take on the challenge of
demonstrating how such systems can work. We describe the detailed design
as well as the experience with a prototype project with the following goals:

1. On a generic PC platform, maintain a database with values

corresponding to a search key.
For example, a MARKET database can have PRICE corresponding
to CROP.
2. Receive a SMS message from a mobile phone user with a specific
search key, e.g. RICE.
3. Process the message and query the PRICE of RICE in MARKET.
4. Reply to the sender with a SMS message informing of the PRICE of

The system configuration for the project design is depicted in Figure 1. We

consider first the hardware requirements noting that our primary purpose is
to demonstrate the technical feasibility and the requisite skill for
implementing SMS information services. Therefore, we aim to accomplish
our goals at costs that should fit well within the budget of a student project.
For the server platform, any generic contemporary personal computer (PC)
will do. We use a laptop running MS Windows. A mobile phone with
telecommunication service supporting SMS is used as the end user device to
send and receive messages from the prototype system.

For the server, a GSM 3G mobile broadband modem with USB 2.0
connection is used. Most widely available and affordable models support
2G network protocols (GSM/GPRS/EDGE) at frequency bands of 850, 900,
1800, 1900 MHz and

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Figure 1. System Configuration for a Prototype SMS Project

3G network protocols (UMTS/HSDPA/WCDMA) at 850, 1900, 2100 MHz.

For mobile service we use prepaid SIM cards to avoid subscription fees in
our low volume, short term context.

For software requirements, there are two major components: server and
gateway. As server, we use the well-known and widely used XAMPP
package. This is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution
stack package, comprising the Apache HTTP Server from the Apache
Software Foundation (, MySQL database (Community Edition
from, and interpreters for API (Application Programming
Interface) scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages
maintained by and, respectively. There are various versions
of XAMPP available through different channels of distribution (e.g.

To provide an interface between the server and the GSM modem, a SMS
gateway software program is used. The choice of this tool largely defines
the technical tasks in the SMS project. In searching for a suitable program,
it is important to distinguish offerings, all under the guise of SMS gateways
that provide a platform/service for actually channeling messages, and those
that are standalone software program/application for SMS interface on ones

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own system. We need the latter and they fall into two categories: freeware
(most often open source) and commercial products. Freeware is obviously
cost effective, but may lack in ease of use and technical support.
Commercial products range widely in capability and costs. For IS student
projects, one can limit the choice to lower-end options, especially those with
30 to 60-day free trial offers. We demonstrate our prototype SMS project
with one program from each category. SMS Enabler ( is a
commercial software program that facilitates the automatic reception and
response to incoming SMS messages using a GSM or 3G mobile phone or
modem connected to a computer.

Project tasks using SMS Enabler:

1. Install XAMPP (or any of its variants, e.g. WAMPP)
2. Install SMS Enabler
3. Install GSM modem with drivers and serviceable SIM card
4. Configure SMS Enabler to connect to GSM modem.
5. Activate MYSQL and create database with
i. One table for incoming message (phone number, content, time
stamp,, etc)
ii. One table for CROP and matching PRICE
6. Compose PHP script to
i. Interpret incoming SMS message (phone number, content,
time stamp,, etc)
ii. Process message data and save into MYSQL database
iii. Send reply message with matched response from MYSQL
7. Configure SMS Enabler to
i. Send reply from the PHP script
ii. Connect to MYSQL with MYSQL Connector/ODBC 5.1 (32
iii. Save received SMS messages into a database
8. Test system
i. Use mobile phone to send SMS message with a CROP option
to number for SIM card
ii. Receive SMS reply message on mobile phone with CROP and
PRICE for option.

If Rice is an instance of CROP with PRICE of 25, then the SMS Rice
sent to the system will result in a reply of Rice 25. From the open-source
freeware category, we single out and use a particularly significant entry not
solely for its technical merits, but for its mission and impact on using IS to
promote positive social change. FrontlineSMS (, first
developed by Ken Banks in 2004, uses mobile technology to help

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

developing countries tackle key health, social, environmental and
development challenges. It is a SMS gateway application intended to
empower grassroots NGOs with instantaneous two-way communication on
a large scale. Hence it is a perfect fit in our context of assisting smallholder
farmers. In addition, there is a growing community of like-minded users to
share experience with diverse projects and help with technical issues. It can
provide further motivation and inspiration for our IS students.

Project tasks using FrontlineSMS:

1. Install XAMPP (or any of its variants, e.g. WAMPP)
2. Install FrontlineSMS (Version 1.6)
3. Install GSM modem with drivers and serviceable SIM card
4. Start FrontlineSMS to recognize and show status of GSM modem.
5. Activate MYSQL and create database with
i. ODBC and JDBC drivers
ii. One table for CROP and matching PRICE
6. Compose PHP script to
i. Interpret incoming SMS message as KEYWORD
ii. Query the MYSQL database for PRICE of CROP matching
iii. Set reply message to PRICE.
7. Configure FrontlineSMS to
i. Include all instances of CROP as KEYWORD
ii. Set for each KEYWORD an External Command (in place of
the default Auto Reply) to execute the PHP script
iii. Include Command Response
8. Test system
i. Use mobile phone to send SMS message with a CROP option
to number for SIM card
ii. Receive SMS reply message on mobile phone with PRICE for
CROP option.

If Rice is an instance of CROP with PRICE of 25, then the SMS Rice
sent to the system will result in a reply of Rice 25. Starting with basic but
not necessarily expert skills in HTTP servers, API scripts, and SQL for
database, our project is a reasonable challenge for IS students at both the
advanced undergraduate and masters level. We have outlined a skeletal
prototype of an SMS information service. Depending of time and skill,
additional assignment such as more elaborate design of the database as well
as the user interface may be considered. It should be reiterated that the key
feature of this experiment is to demonstrate an interactive SMS information
service without requiring end users to have access to the Internet. It is also
worth remarking that another open source SMS gateway API is SMSLib

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( which is a Java or .NET developer library for sending and
receiving SMS messages via a compatible GSM modem or GSM phone. It
can be of interest to IS students with advanced technical skills to attempt
more sophisticated implementation of our concepts beyond prototyping for
demonstration purposes.


The prototype IS student project we have demonstrated is designed to motivate and
raise awareness among both prospective and new recruits in the field. In case of
continuing and more in-depth interest, the concept can be extended to deploy
higher levels of technical skills. As potential directions for future development, we
can draw on a recent study summarized below. In a more comprehensive effort
to explore the potential of mobile technology to improve agricultural
efficiency and productivity, increase the income of smallholder farmers and
minimize the environmental impact of increasing food production,
Vodafone commissioned Accenture in 2011 to produce a study that
identified twelve opportunities in four key areas [15] as summarized in
Table 2.

For prospects of significant and challenging IS projects that extend beyond

sustainable economic development to more fundamental social change, we
illustrate with two cases that focus on child welfare. Plan-International
( is a global organization founded over 75 years ago
with a mission to improve the lives of children around the world. Since
violence against children is a serious problem and under-reporting hampers
efforts to assist, this organization initiated pilot projects in 2009 to
strengthen reporting of trafficking and violence in Benin, West Africa. To
mitigate barriers to reporting, including the risk of reprisals and stigma, it
proposed to collect reports via SMS, which is anonymous and low-cost. It
used FrontlineSMS along with Ushahidi (, an open source
mapping platform which allows users to crowd source crisis information via
mobile technology for a better understanding of the nature and the quantity
of violence that was happening [9].

Table 2. Opportunities for Mobile-enabled Solutions for Food and Agriculture [15]
Mobile payment system Increasing access and
Improving access to Micro-insurance system affordability of financial services
financial services Micro-lending platform tailored for agricultural purposes

Delivering information relevant to

Provision of Mobile information platform farmers, such as agricultural
agricultural Farmer helpline commodity prices and weather

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information where traditional methods of
are limited
Smart logistics
Improving data Traceability and tracking Optimizing supply chain
visibility system management
for Mobile management of across the sector, and delivering
supply chain supplier networks improvements for transportation
efficiency logistics
distribution networks
Agricultural trading platform Enhancing the link between
Enhancing access Agricultural tendering commodity exchanges, traders,
to markets Agricultural bartering buyers and sellers of agricultural
platform produce

Landesa ( is a Seattle-based nonprofit with a mission to

secure land rights for the worlds poorest people. In a pilot project in India,
it helps the government allocate small plots of land to families in destitute.
It teaches young girls vegetable gardening to increase their economic value
to their families. Along with lessons in women's rights, it hopes to
encourage girls to fight back against child marriage, as well as rape,
prostitution and other forms of abuse [1]. To date, its expertise and projects
are concentrating on legal and policy issues. However, it is not difficult to
envision a significant role for information and communication in its future
development. We see that challenging problems with grave social,
economic, and environmental concerns abound. For IS students, the
opportunity to contribute to meaningful solutions with the help of
technology is endless as well.

[1] Allison, M. Seattle-based nonprofit plants seeds of hope in India, The Seattle Times,
(March 16 2013).
landesa.html (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[2] Baldauf, S. iCow: Kenyans now manage their herds via mobile phone. The Christian
Science Monitor, (November 11, 2011),
(retrieved January 15, 2014).
[3] Banks, K. Farming out agricultural advice through radio and SMS. National
Geographic Newswatch (April 26, 2011).
radio-and-sms/ (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[4] Business Wire India. Reuters launches mobile information service to Indian farming
community, (October 1, 2007).
b2mid=13897 (retrieved January 15, 2014).

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[5] Cecchinia, S. and Scott, C. Can information and communications technology
applications contribute to poverty reduction? Lessons from rural India. Information
Technology for Development 10 (2003), 7384.
[6] Donner, J. Mobile-based livelihood services in Africa: pilots and early deployments, in
Fernndez-Ardvol, M. And Ros Hjar, A. (eds), Communication Technologies in
Latin America and Africa: A multidisciplinary perspective, Barcelona, IN3 (2009).
Available at
and-africa/ (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[7] Fafchamps, M. and Minten, B. Impact of SMS-based agricultural information on
Indian farmers, World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 26(3) (2012), 383-414.
[8] FAO/WFP The State of Food Insecurity in the World: Addressing Food Security in
Protracted Crises, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (Rome,
2010) Available at: (retrieved
January 15, 2014).
[9] FrontlineSMS, Case Study: FrontlineSMS at Plan International (2011). Available at
.pdf (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[10] Gakuru, M., Winters, K. and Stepman, F.) Inventory of innovative farmer advisory
services using ICTs. Report of The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA).
(2009). Available at
Innovative_Farmer_Advisory_Systems.pdf. (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[11]Glendenning, C., Babu, S. and Asenso-Okyere, K. Review of Agricultural Extension in
India--Are Farmers Information Needs Being Met? International Food Policy
Research Institute Discussion Paper 01048, (2010). Available at:
sites/default/files/publications/ifpridp01048.pdf (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[12] Islam, M.S. and Grnlund, . An agricultural market information service (AMIS) in
Bangladesh: evaluating a mobile phone based e-service in a rural context. Information
Development Vol. 26(4) (2010), 289302.
[13] Jaiswal, P. SMS Based Information Systems. Masters Thesis, School of Computing,
University of Eastern Finland (2011). Available at
Jaiswal_Pankaj.pdf (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[14] Khan M. Telenor to provide info services to farmers in Punjab. Pro Pakistani,
(Friday, June 8, 2012).
services-to-farmers-in-punjab/ (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[15] Kirk, M., et al. Connected Agriculture: The role of mobile in driving efficiency and
sustainability in the food and agriculture value chain. Vodafone and Accenture report
(2011). Available at
ability/2011/pdf/connected_agriculture.pdf (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[16] Mittal, S. and Tripathi, G. Role of mobile phone technology in improving small farm
productivity, Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 22 (2009), 451-459.
[17]Renwick, S. Retrieved trends in agricultural information services for farmers in
Trinidad and Tobago/Caribbean, Proceedings of World Library and Information
Congress: 76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly (Gothenburg, Sweden,
August 10-15, 2010). Available at
en.pdf (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[18] Roberts, M. and Kernick, H. Feasibility Study for SMS-enabled Collection and
Delivery of Rural Market Information, GTZPrivate Sector Promotion Program (2006).
[19] Sainath, P. In 16 years, farm suicides cross a quarter million The Hindu, Mumbai,
(October 29, 2011).
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[20] Sharma, R. (ed.) Report of the APO Seminar on Strengthening Agricultural Support
Services for Small Farmers (Japan, July 4-11, 2001). Asian Productivity Organization

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics

(SEM-28-01) Available at
01.pdf (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[21] Topi H., J. Valacich, R. Wright, K. Kaiser, J. Nunamaker, Jr., J. Sipior and G. de
Vreede. Curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in Information
Systems, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Association for Information
Systems (AIS), (2010).
[22] Torero, M. A framework for linking small farmers to markets, Paper presented at the
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Conference on New
Directions for Smallholder Agriculture, (Rome, Jan 24-25, 2011). Available at (retrieved January 15,
[23] Verclas, K. Google launches health and trading SMS info services in Uganda, (2009).
trading-sms-info-services-in-uganda.html (retrieved January 15, 2014).
[24] Wegner, L. and Zwart , G. Who Will Feed the World?-The production challenge,
Oxfam Research Reports, (April 2011). Available at
en/grow/policy/ who-will-feed-world (retrieved January 15, 2014).

This paper may be cited as:

Ho, J. K. and Shah, I., 2014. Information Systems Projects for Sustainable
Development and Social Change. International Journal of Computer
Science and Business Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 68-82.

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Software Architectural Pattern to

Improve the Performance and
Reliability of a Business Application
using the Model View Controller
G. Manjula
Assistant Professor,
Research Scholar, Dept. of Computer Science& Engineering
Shirdi Sai Engineering College, VTU. Bangalore, India.

Dr. G. Mahadevan
Principal, Annai College of Engineering, T.N.
Guide, Dept. of Computer Science& Engineering
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.

In recent time, several new methods have been developed at a rapid pace. Some of the
advancements in continuous years, new methods have been developed at a rapid pace.
Some of the advancements in continuous optimization methods have been focused on
comparison and contrasting nature of Evolutionary Algorithms and Gradient based
methods. As a matter of fact, an Evolutionary algorithm is one of the best methods
available for derivative free optimization on higher dimensional problems. This approach
will surely make difference in the existing system, whereas the measuring metrics software
platform varies in each application. Our approach applies to software architectures
modelled with the Palladio Component Model. It supports quantitative performance,
reliability, and cost prediction and can be extended to other quantitative quality criteria of
software architectures. By adding a new component model in between the each system is
more effective in measuring and easily suitable in any business application. In Software life
cycle, the two key activities involved are Requirements Engineering and software
architecting researchers are emphasing on mapping and transformation of requirements to
software architecture, but the lack of effective solution is still prevalent.
Evolutionary Algorithm, PCM, Software Architecture, MVC.

Palladio component model is a model which acts like Meta model for the
designed application, where we can measure the performance, cost and
reliability of a system .PCM is one of the high level design structure where

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software process can interface with the frame work. The software process
for measuring the performance, reliability and cost we can use the software
MAT Lab. The mat lab is one of the tools we can implement in the business
application and measuring metrics. PCM can be used many ways.
Prediction methods for performance and reliability of general software
systems are still limited and rarely used in industry Component developers
who produce components that are assembled by software architects and
deployed by system allocators. The diverse information needed for the
prediction of extra-functional properties is thus spread among these
developer roles. PCM can also be used based on the different data set,
where the behavioral skills of a data are data integrity. The each behavior of
a data can be put into sequence diagram and traced out. But some of the
features are dependent then different methodology are used some of the
methodology are Parametric dependencies, Branch conditions, Loop
iterations, Parametric resource demand. Some properties of patterns for
software Architecture are.
1. The existing Patterns document is well structured and designed so that
based on the business application it makes easy to adopt practically.
2. Each pattern will be suitable for the application either it is complex or
easy, if it is so we can also make new pattern by using heterogeneous
software architectures.
3. Patterns are the best methodology to apply any business application to
measure the metrics of a system.
The following listing helps to classify the Palladio Component Model
(PCM) which is underlying the Palladio approach. In case you are preparing
taxonomy or try to identify whether specific features are supported by the
PCM, this page assists our work.
Supported quality dimensions
o Performance
o Reliability
o Costs
o Maintainability
Requirements engineering and software architecting are two important
activities in software life cycle. Requirements engineering is concerned with
purposes and responsibilities of a system. It aims for a correct, consistent
and unambiguous requirements specification, which will become the
baseline for subsequent development, validation and system evolution. In
contrast, software architecting is concerned with the shape of the solution
space. It aims at making the architecture of a system explicit and provides a
blueprint for the succeeding development activities. It is obvious that there
exist quite different perspectives in user (or customer) requirements and
software architecture (SA).

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In this method, the concept of using feature model for requirements
engineering was introduced. As a main activity in domain modeling, feature
analysis is intended to capture the end-users (and customers)
understanding of the general capabilities of applications in a domain
requirements engineering and software architecting
Some of the IEEE standards are
1. To solve a problem a constraint is needed so that achieving an
objective of a problem is considerable.
2. The constraint or condition must possess the quality of interaction
with the system component model to satisfy the standard
specification or other formally imposed document.
3. A document must reflect the above mentioned stages, and then we
can ensure that the architecture has achieved the objective of a
SA has become an important research field for software engineering
community. There exists a consensus that for any large software system,
critical situation a high level of computational elements are needed to
design. Because critical situation leads to complexity while other models are
process flow in the modified or newly added model controller Palladio
components [6] [7].
1.1 Method
The transformation rule is applied to the UML, where each state of a system
is ready to accept the query provided by the metrics system. The system will
also available in java JSP pages, but the retrieval operation from each page
will continuously affect the system. The process flow diagram mentioned in
the Palladio component model [11]. The context for the method consists of
a requirements specification that is taken as an input to the method and an
architectural design generated as output. User interface are prone to change
requests. An MVP is a basic platform to extend the performance of a
designed system called M-ACCURATE approach. This approach is newly
involved in the problem context while processing the sequence diagram. In
Sequence diagram each model behaviour can be measured and identification
of the weakness of data, to overcome we insert one more new model at the
initial stage called ACCURATE model. This way we can improve the
performance, cost and reliability of a system compared to the existing
1.2 M-Accurate Approach
In this section we present the M-ACCURATE approach. The name M-
ACCURATE comes from an acronym for Model A Configurable Code
generator Unified with Requirements Analysis Techniques. As it implies,
requirements play an important role in both PIM modelling and platform
decision. The key idea is to capture functional and non-functional

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requirements into separate artifacts, a PIM and a platform configuration
respectively, and join them at the downstream of the development.
Implementation constructs UML models are meant for both logical analysis
and physical implementation. Certain constructs represent implementation
items. A component model is a basic or the initial level, replacement can be
done whenever the demand or the constraint is not fulfilling. In other words,
replaceable of a model can be done to improve the performance of a system.
It is intended to be easily substitutable for other components that meet the
same specification. A node is a run-time computing resource that defines a
location. It can hold components and objects. The deployment view
describes the configuration of nodes in a running system and the
arrangement of components and objects on them, including possible
migration of contents among nodes.

In Model organization, Computers can deal with large flat models, but
humans cannot. In a large system, the modelling information must be
divided into coherent pieces so that teams can work on different parts
concurrently. Even on a smaller system, human understanding requires the
organization of model content into packages of modest size. Packages are
general-purpose hierarchical organizational units of UML models. They can
be used for storage, access control, configuration management, and
constructing libraries that contain reusable model fragments. A dependency
between packages summarizes the dependencies among the package
contents. A dependency among packages can be imposed by the overall
system architecture. Then the contents of the packages must conform to the
package dependencies and to the imposed system architecture.
The model view controller relationship is the best architecture pattern for
the designed business application, but the behavior of a model in the OMT
diagram of an application is data over come from this insert
one more new model called M-ACCURE model between the model view figure 1 shows the interface between mode and view model,
the Controller is at the backend of the system, because the controller is
coordinating all the models.
1.2.1 model
The model component encapsulates core data functionality. The model is
independent of specific output representation or input behavior. When the
figure 3 is designed there are basically six models which are designed. They
are Model, view, controller, concrete model, concrete view and concrete
controller. Each model inherits the sub model called CONCRETE which
can be taken as presenter in the figure 1.The technic behind this is the each
sub model will be treated as the ACCURATE model such that we can
improve the performance, cost and reliability of a system.

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1.2.2 View
View components display information to the user. A view obtains the data
from the model. There can be multiple views of the model. Different views
present the information of the model in different ways. Each view defines
an update procedure that is activated by the change propagation mechanism.
View model inherited CONCRETE view model in figure3 which updates
the data information between model and controller.
2.2.3 Presenter
The concept represented by bottom-level approach represented by pie charts
in application result. Here the result will be simulated output. Presentation
model fulfill two different roles Composition and Coordination. Presenter
model always defines a structure for interactive systems in the form of a
hierarchy of other cooperating models such as Model and view, but in this
approach there are two new sub models are also added to overcome with the
communication failure. The communication between human and computer
will always taking care by the presenter model.

The following scenarios depict the dynamic behavior of MVC. For
simplicity only one view-controller pair is shown in the diagram.
1. The model instance is created, which then initializes its internal data
2. A view object is created .This takes a reference to the model as a
parameter for its initialization.
3. The view subscribes to the change propagation mechanism of the model
by calling the attach procedure. The mechanism is presentation model
where it inherits the CONCRETE-model, view and controller.
4. The concrete models continue initialization by creating its controller. It
passes references both to the model and view.
5. After initialization in each model, the application begins to process

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Main Program

Model, Concrete
View, Concrete

View Concrete,

Controller Model, View


Figure 2. A typical sequence flow diagram


It should be noted that it is necessary to use a different scenario set for
evaluation than for architecture design. The set used for design is generally
supported by the architecture. However, while developing the scenarios, it is
not necessary to develop two sets. The two sets could be generated later by
randomly dividing the developed set of scenarios. Figure 3 shows a typical
Object Management Group (OMG) diagram with asynchronous messages In
addition, depending on the system, it might be necessary to develop new
scenarios for evaluation purposes if the design is iterated a number of times.
In our experience, scenario-based assessment is particularly useful for
development Maintainability can be expressed very naturally through
change scenarios.

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Figure 3. OMG Diagram

The result of a simulation run contains response time distributions of each
executed service. The simulation resolves resource contentions for the
service centers either by a FIFO or processor sharing scheduling policy.
Further scheduling policies including more realistic schedulers of todays
operation systems and multi-core handling will be implemented in the
future. The simulation can therefore predict the performance for more
complex scenarios than the analytical solver finally; the real system
implemented using the code skeletons.

The simulation result will reflect the modification in the measurements

taken in the existing model states as each modified or added new model
controller will automatically reflect the result and its merits and demerits are
better than the existing output [12]. Offers the real performance - no
modeling is necessary here. However, in addition to the effort already
needed for the prototype to setup and measure the performance figures, the
time to implement the system has to be added. This approach of gaining
performance values is only applicable in late life-cycles of the software
system. When performance problems are discovered after the system has
been implemented, a redesign and reimplementation are costly the main
components of the architecture are implemented and other components are
simulated resulting in an executable system. The context, in which the
system is supposed to execute in, could also be simulated at a suitable
abstraction level. This implementation can then be used for simulating
application behaviour under various circumstances.

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//code segment highlighted here....
//MODEL main
Table View *v1=new tableView(&m);
public abstract class Model
BarChartView *v2=new BarChartVeiw(&m);
//now start event processing...
Class Model{
void attach(concretemodel *cm){ registry.add(s);}
void detach(concretemodel *cm){ registre.remove(s);}
virtual void notify();

//model view
class view :public Observer{
veiw(model *m):M1model(M1),M1Controller(0)
virtual ~View(){M1model->detach(this);}
virtual void update(){this->draw();}
virtual void initialize();
virtual void draw();
//... to be continued below
//model controlller
class Controller:public Observer {
virtual void ConcreteEvent(Event *){ }
Controller(veiw *v):V1view){

Virtual ~controller(){M1model->detach(this);}
Virtual void update{}

Model *M1model;
Veiwn *M1view;

class tableveiw:public veiw{

Tableveiw{model * M1): veiw(M1) { }
virtual void draw();
virtual Controller *M1Controller()
{return new TableController(this);}


The following three limitations will surely improve the software
architecture pattern metrics, the business application methodology will
always replica manner which in turn affect the limitations. Questionable

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efficiency: As the evaluation of each candidate solution, mainly due to the
performance evaluation, takes several seconds, the overall approach is
considerably time consuming. Here, software architects should run it in
Parallel to other activities or overnight. A distribution of the analyses on a
cluster of workstations could lead to significant improvements. It could also
be possible to split the optimization problem into several independent parts
that are solved separately and thus quicker.
Limited degrees of freedom: Currently, design options that over new
degrees of freedom are not yet considered. For example, adding a new
server results in further options to configure that server. Such de-sign
options could be integrated by formulating the genotype as a tree structure
rather than a vector. Simplistic cost model: The cost model used here is
simplistic, as we only wanted to demonstrate the approach. We do not want
to devise a new cost estimation technique. However, more sophisticated
cost estimations techniques.
An architecture design method has been presented that explicitly addresses
the non-functional requirements put on the architecture. The simulated
output will always measure the metrics of the business application. The new
model which is inserted in between the existing model will prove that the
quality of the metrics is improved. It has been identified that the ability of a
system to fulfill its non-functional requirements is, up to a considerable
extent, restricted by its architecture. The proposed method starts with a
functionality-based design phase in which a software architecture is
designed purely based on the functional requirements. The architectural
design method has been applied, in some form, in the design of systems,
Experience shows that the method is provide appreciated support to the
software engineers during architectural design.
An architecture design method has been presented that explicitly addresses
the non-functional requirements put on the architecture. The simulated
output will always measure the metrics of the business application. The new
model which is inserted in between the existing model will prove that the
quality of the metrics is improved. It has been identified that the ability of a
system to fulfill its non-functional requirements is, up to a considerable
extent, restricted by its architecture. The proposed method starts with a
functionality-based design phase in which a software architecture is
designed purely based on the functional requirements. The architectural
design method has been applied, in some form, in the design of systems,
Experience shows that the method is provide appreciated support to the
software engineers during architectural design.

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This paper may be cited as:

Manjula, G. and Mahadevan, G., 2014. Software Architectural Pattern to
improve the Performance and Reliability of a Business Application using
Model View Controller. International Journal of Computer Science and
Business Informatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 83-93.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 10, No. 1. FEBRUARY 2014 93

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