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International Journal of Computer Science

and Business Informatics


ISSN: 1694-2507 (Print)

VOL 15, NO 6
ISSN: 1694-2108 (Online) NOVEMBER 2015
Table of Contents VOL 15, NO 6 NOVEMBER 2015

Design of Industrial Robot Sorting System Based on A * Search Algorithm ........................................... 1

Wang Hongmei, Zhao Xueliang and Du Haitao Zhang Lanhua

Digitizing Traditional Filmmaking Process for Education and Industry .................................................... 14

Zeeshan Jawed and Dr Nandita Sengupta

The Socio-Economic Impact of Identity Thefts and Cybercrime: Preventive Measures and Solutions . 32
Dr. Nabie Y. Conteh and Quinnesha N. Staton
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


Design of Industrial Robot Sorting

System Based on
A * Search Algorithm

Wang Hongmei*, Zhao Xueliang, Du Haitao Zhang Lanhua

College of Information Engineering,
Taishan Medical College, Shandong,Taian, 271016,China

* Wang Hongmei, Taian, Shandong, China. Postcard: 271016

Robotic sorting system based on Machine Vision can quickly place the workpiece to the
specified location. Gaussian transform, contour detection, binarization processing, image
processing and other polygonal fitting methods were used to identify the shape of the
workpiece; Histogram technology was used to build a small text signature database method
for image character recognition; A * search algorithm was used for path planning.
Experimental results show that using A * search algorithm to determine the grab order of
geometry, and the optimality pruning and binary state compression method to optimize the
algorithm, it is faster than the local search method and the best first search method by 1 to
2 seconds, thus reducing the computation time.

Robot sorting, A * search algorithm, path planning, image processing

By analyzing the working process of the robot, it is not hard to find handling and
sorting are the foundation of all the work, no matter what field it is applied, is
inseparable from the handling and sorting procedure. Robot sorting system ,compared
with the traditional manual sorting, is more rapid and accurate, and especially in some
poor environmental and sanitary conditions the fomer has incomparable advantages.
Machine vision is the key to implementing the robot handling and sorting work. If its
positioning is improper, the sorting work will be greatly influenced, or even fail[1].
This paper designed and developed a robot sorting system based on A * search
algorithm, and studied the relevant image processing methods. A * search algorithm

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


was adopted to determine the fetching order of the geometry, and at the same time the
optimality pruning and binary state of compression method was used to optimize this
algorithm, which could efficiently solve the shortest path problem. when the
workpiece was sorted.

1 Sorting robot research status at home and abroad

In order to pick out the bad vegetable and fruit, in the early 1970s,the British have
designed a remote control of mechanical system, using the TV screen to observe the
images of the potato. If there is a bad potato, with its image clicked on the screen by a
specific pointer, a special device can pick it out. Although this system has replaced
partial manual operation, but it still needs the full manual participation. Then optical
method is invented to pick potatoes, and 3 tons of potatoes only need one hour to be
done, the equivalent work of six labor workers.
Now with the continuous development of technology, automatic sorting robot has
been widely promoted and applied. For example, Japan developed the apple automatic
dispensing machine. It only takes 1 minute to get more than 500 apples classified
according to different size, color, gloss, and then sent to different production lines[3].
In China, many kinds of robots have been used in different fields, but the overall level
of research is still in the primary stage, and more and more is based on foreign
research to improve or to carry out the secondary development. The real machine
vision sorting robot is only in the research stage. Therefore, the research, development
and application of machine vision robot sorting system is of great significance.

2 The composition and working principle of the sorting system

In this paper, the robot sorting system is designed on the basis of A* search algorithm
and composed of two parts: hardware and software. The hardware consists of three
parts: the working platform, the visual system, the robot control system. Work
platform unit is mainly used to place the required sorting workpiece; vision system is
mainly composed of CCD camera, camera support and visual processing software; the
robot control unit is responsible for analyzing the received parameters, controlling the
robot to achieve the appropriate action, and completing the ultimate goal of the
identification, capturing, and placing of workpiece. Software part is self-developed
control platform based on OpenCv library. The system main interface is shown in
figure 1.

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Fig.(1) System interface figure

The basic process of the whole design system is to use the camera to take pictures of
the working platform, and to recognize the shape and character of the geometry, and
obtain the actual coordinates, and then control the Tripod robot to put the geometry to
the specified position. The concrete implementation scheme is shown in figure 2.

Set up the workbench

Collect the original image

Image preprocessing

Create a data structure of

inside and outside the tank

Path planning

determine the optimal

fetching scheme

TCP/IP communication


Fig.(2) Implementation scheme

3 The description of the problem and the key of the image processing part
3.1 The problem need to solve
On the outer ring of the disc there are nine geometry workpiece, their initial position
shown in Figure 3, five geometry printed with "B", "&", "R" character, and only one
geometry printed with "& . " Recognize the geometrical body of the outer circle
printed with "&"and the place it in the middle of the disc. Other geometry, by
identifying, is eventually captured and put in the location, as is shown in figure 4. The
robot is required to find the best fetching order in the shortest time.

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Fig.(3)Initial position

Fig.(4) Final position

3.2 The shape recognition
Due to interference from other devices and external environment, a variety of noise
will be present in the resulting image. Gaussian transform can effectively reduce the
image noise and reduce the level of detail. So in this paper, we use the Gauss
transform to filter out the noise ; Because the contour line of the inner and outer
groove of the image is needed, the edge detection is used to detect the edge of the
pixel, and the actual edge is indicated; In order to eliminate the interference of color,
the image is carried out by binarization; when the inner and outer contours of the
groove is determined, it is necessary to determine its shape. With Polygonal fitting,
some contour features can be extracted to fill the inside and outside slot data
structures, for the subsequent use of follow-up path planning. The last step is to
calculate the coordinates of artifacts, thereby preparing for TCP/IP communications.
The flow chart of shape recognition is shown in Figure 5, the design sketch of shape
recognition in Figure 6, and the calculation of coordinate values in Figure 7.

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The original image

Gauss transformation

Canny detection

Binary processing

outline finding

Polygon fitting

coordinate calculating

Fig.(5) The flow chart of shape recognition

Fig.(6) The design sketch of shape recognition

3.3 Character recognition
Since the recognition of the text is three standard characters, the scheme of this paper
is to build a small text feature library. The characteristic library is established through
histogram method.
OpenCV is used to determine the location of the geometry of the text, and to obtain
the local screenshots, record text process, which turns 2D image matrix information
into two one-dimensional array. This operation essentially seeks summation of the
elements of each row and each column of the binary image matrix and calculates the
covariance coefficients of the two dimensional array and the standard
two-dimensional array of the image to recognize the character. Note that in the
process of identifying if the resolution selection is too large, it will increase the
amount of computation; if the too small, it will lead to distortion of character feature
extraction. Through the experiment many times, therefore, the resolution of character
standard matrix of this paper is 32*48.
Specific process of character recognition is as follows: first, image characteristics are
extracted to build standard image feature library; later, the current image feature is
extracted to match standard library; finally comparison results are normalized, and
according to certain rules, the best match combinations are selected to complete the
identification. Character recognition process is shown in Figure 7. Figure 8 shows
specific text histogram statistics results.

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Extracted from pictures

Access to "B" "&" R
with character of
"character standard" font
artifacts, character image

Binary character image Binary standard characters

Normalized standard
Normalized character images

Extraction of standard
Extraction of horizontal
horizontal and vertical
and vertical histogram
histogram of the characters

Using coefficient of covariance to the current

characteristics and the standard library data
comparing respectively

Determine the final

recognition result


Fig.(7) The flow chart of character recognition

Fig.(8) The process and result of character recognition

After deal with characters, then run the system, we can see that the system can
accurately determine sorting text type on the element.The final results shown in

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Figure 9 .

Fig.(9) The system interface of character recognition

3.4 the path planning
After the image recognition and acquisition of the relevant data structure of the
internal and external groove, it is needed to control the Tripod robot hand to grasp all
the geometrical bodies and place them in a specified position, and make the mobile
distance as small as possible to find a shortest path.
At present there are many kinds of algorithms to solve such problem : simulated
annealing algorithm, genetic algorithm, search algorithm and artificial neural network
algorithm, Dijsktra algorithm, ant colony algorithm[4]-[6]. In the process of problem
solving each algorithm has its own advantages and disadvantages. Their advantages
and disadvantages are shown in table 1.

Table 1 The advantages and disadvantages comparison table of all kinds of

Algorithm Advantages Disadvantages
High quality, strong
Simulated annealing initial robustness, Optimization process is longer
algorithm generally easy than the other

Implicit parallelism and Prone to premature

Genetic algorithm global search solution convergence and poor
space convergence performance

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the dependence on the initial

Local search ability is
Search algorithm solution is stronger, serial
very strong
iterative search process

Artificial neural network Optimization and robustness

Simple, standard, fast
algorithm are not strong

Parallel essence,
Relatively complex, the
Ant colony algorithm positive feedback, it can
search time is longer
obtain the shortest path

Considering the above advantages and disadvantages, as well as the current problem,
search algorithm is used. The commonly used search algorithm includes local optimal
search algorithm, the best first search algorithm, A * search algorithm . These
algorithms all have in common are using heuristic function, but the difference is that
they use different methods to choose optimal searching node.

3.4.1 Local optimal search method

This algorithm, in the process of searching the best node, initiatively discards other
siblings, and in the process of discarding the best node is also likely to be cast off by
mistake, because the optimal node in the solving process may only be the best in one
stage, not necessarily the best of the whole process. As a result, this algorithm has
some shortcomings[7].

3.4.2 The best first search method

Different from local optimal algorithm, this algorithm in the search process does not
discard nodes (except dead nodes), in order to prevent the best node from mistakenly
being thrown away. In every step of the estimate the previous and the current node are
compared to discard the high cost search path and choose the path of least cost to
continue down the search. However, this method does not guarantee the obtained path
is the shortest[8].

3.4.3 A * search algorithm

For computing the shortest path problem in the static network, A * search algorithm is
one of the most effective ways. This algorithm is put forward based on the merits of
best-first search algorithm and Dijsktra algorithm in 1968. Therefore, in addition to

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the advantages of the speed of the algorithm, even though the heuristic value is not
guaranteed to be optimal, it can also search for the shortest path. The current problem
belongs to the static simple pathfinding problems. Therefore, A * search algorithm can
be used to achieve the same speed as greedy best-first search algorithm. At the same
time it can well solve the problem that the greedy best-first search algorithm does not
guarantee to find the optimal path problem[9].
The principle of the algorithm is: if the evaluation function is able to find the shortest
path, it is called the admissibility. f (n) g(n) h(n) is the valuation function of A*
search algorithm. g(n) is the starting point to the shortest path of a node n. h(n) is
the heuristic value of the shortest path of the node n to the destination. f (n) is the
valuation every possible test points, it has two parts: the one part is g (n) , which

represents the cost from the initial search point to the current point, the other part
or h(n) , which represents the heuristic search, the most important part of the value of
the current node to the destination node.Since f (n) is difficult to determine in
advance, it can be replaced by the f (n) approximation. Under the condition
of g (n) g (n) , the g(n) is replaced by g (n) .Under the condition of
h(n) h(n) the h(n) is replaced by h(n) . Using the evaluation function, the

shortest path can be obtained, which can be adopted.

3.4.4 The optimality pruning method

The optimality pruning is generally deal with the issue of the optimal solution. To the
minimum number between two states, for example, search the minimum step process:
In general, we need to preserve a "current minimum number of steps", which is a
lower bound of the current solution d . In the traversal of the search tree leaf node, a
new interpretation, and preservation of the lower bounds for comparison, if a new
interpretation of the number of steps smaller, make it become the new lower bounds.
After the end of the search, the solution is the minimum number of steps. And when
we have searched the k Ayumi, if we can through some way to estimate the current
state to the goal state is the theoretical minimum number of steps s , you can
calculate the starting point to the target point of the theoretical minimum number of
steps: valuation function h k s , then current circumstances are the necessary
conditions of the optimal solution is h d , otherwise it can prune. Optimality
pruning is to optimize the process of solution space.
Program flow chart is shown in figure 10. The optimal path planning result is shown
in figure 11.

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Determine inside groove position, order label; Verify

the number of each graphic slot

Initial non-greeks slot array, the shortest path

cUrrent search depth =

Y finally search depth

Replace the sum of the original path
Determine position status tag

Records of fetching and tag

Select groove outside and inside
groove artifacts label

Update the accumulative length of the path

Have any branch
and search depth

The sum of the current path >
the sum of the shortest path

Output the shortest path determined

to grab the order

Update the search path node


Fig.(10) The flow chart of path planning

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Fig.(11) The shortest path display interface

4 Results and Discussion
Respectively using the local optimal search method, the best first search method and
A * search algorithm for path planning, through the B&R Robotic simulations with
the Visualization simulation platform, the system of the experimental results are
shown in figure 13.

(a)Time for local search (b) Time for best first search

(c) Time for A * search

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Fig.(13) Time comparison of three methods

Experimental results show that using A * search algorithm to determine the grab order
of geometry, and the optimality pruning method to optimize the algorithm, if the color
condition is not considered, it also uses the method of memory search, it is faster than
the local search method and the best first search method by 1 to 2 seconds, thus
reducing the computation time.

5 Conclusion
With the continuous development of computer control technology, the trend that
machine replaces manpower is inevitable, which enables the robot technology to have
a wide and in-depth development. Traditional robot is only a substitute for human
repeated work, which does not have the ability to correct error and self-adapt[10]. And
with the development of technology, today's mainstream online robots are basically
closed-loop controlled and artificially intelligent, and even some possess self-learning
ability. The current system is designed in this context. The technical route, as well as
the functions of the system, is as follows:
(1) The system is based on the path of the A * search optimization method and
optimized through optimality pruning algorithm to obtain the shortest path fast and
accurately in the end.
On the shape, color, character recognition method, this paper, by using gauss
transformation, edge detection, and many other image processing method of image
preprocessing, realized the pattern recognition of accurate and robust.

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[8]ChenBohao,JiangLili,Fang Jiang.Workpiece online real-time detection based on machine vision and

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This paper may be cited as:

Wang H., Zhao X. and Du H. Z. L., 2015. Design of Industrial Robot Sorting System
Based on A * Search Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Science and
Business Informatics, Vol. 15, No.6, pp. 1-13.

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


Digitizing Traditional Filmmaking

Process for Education and Industry
Zeeshan Jawed
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Multimedia &Communication,
University College of Bahrain, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

Dr Nandita Sengupta
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Technology,
University College of Bahrain, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain

For many years Cinema is entertaining its audience around the world, this is the source of
entertainment that had evolved immensely and had produced fascinating movies. Besides
being the most glamorous money making industry, it is also the most expensive industry. It
is very costly to use traditional equipment and traditional methods; it is the process that
takes some years to get completed. Many talented individuals want to join this industry, but
because of its high cost and overflowing budget, they hesitate to step forward. Therefore in
this research, digitizing them at competitive cost has focused innovative ways of
filmmaking. Efforts have been made by the authors to make filmmaking affordable by the
learners at reduced cost. The potential and interest in filmmaking in the Middle East have
been highlighted in the paper. The paper also explains why students are unable to learn
filmmaking on traditional equipment, which is due to slow growing technology in this
region regardless their potential and interest. To overcome this issue, the authors discuss
different methods of digital film production that help not only Middle Eastern students but
also students around the world. In the end, advantages, and challenges of the digital film
the authors describe production and related work in this field. Integration of digitizing film
industry and Artificial Intelligence can also yield an exponential growth in film industry
not only in middle east but also worldwide.
Digital filmmaking, Digital cinema, Digital era of filmmaking, Filmmaking in middle east,
Migrating traditional cinema to digital cinema, New age of independent filmmaking,
Teaching digital filmmaking.

Cinema has a long history of entertaining the general public, and it is a
source of entertainment that is continuously improving. Its evolution and
rise in demand for new styles requires filmmakers to learn new cinematic
techniques. However, filmmaking process is never been easy from the
beginning, and also it is not an affordable process. Cinema had not only
challenged film schools to train students to produce films, but also require
them to adapt the techniques that can make the process faster and

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In the recent years, computing technology has been improved/advanced in

many areas, and one of the areas is the film production. Many traditional
filmmaking methods have already digitized with the help of latest
innovative computing technology. Organizations like Adobe, Black Magic
Design, and Avid had contributed immensely to improve the digital
filmmaking process.
Adaptation of digital method of producing films has already overcome the
issues of complex process and the cost involved during the movie
production. However, in terms of globalization, this method was not yet
adapted in the Middle East region, until the author introduced it to some
universities teaching filmmaking courses. The main reason of choosing the
Middle East for the introduction of this platform was because of its market
value and potential in students. Students found this method ingenious and
straightforward, especially those who were working on the film for the first
Detailed comparison between traditional film production and digital film
production has been described in section 2. Section 3 explains different
stages of digital film production for teaching. Advantages of digital film
production are presented in section 4. Section 5 narrates challenges of
digital filmmaking. Related work is described in section 6. Section 7
concludes the paper and focuses future work.
The authors had as of now presented digital film production in Bahrain
(Middle East) and led three noteworthy understudies venture from
classroom to the silver screen. These three projects are discussed further in
this segment:
1.1 Anthology Film (Paranorma: There is always a dark side 2011):
Anthology film is a feature film, which comprises several short movies.
This practice is best to prepare understudies to deliver movies because
students need to work in diverse groups, and working in distinctive
gatherings helps understudies to complete tasks on time. With collaboration,
students work together that results in best projects, and they get a good team
working experience too.
The author first taught the technical part of the digital camera to the
students, with the goal that they could get their hands on advanced camera
workings. Because of the effortlessness, yet propelled components of the
digital camera, they figured out how to utilize it in couple of weeks. In the
wake of gathering thoughts and story line of the motion picture, students
were separated into three gatherings for three unique stories, which they
later arranged on screenwriting software "Adobe Story." When the students
finished their footages, they were taught how to recover the digital footage
and fare it into non-linear editing software, for example, Adobe Premier,

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and after that in the second last stage, they were prepared to utilize the real
procedure of non-linear editing. In the final phase, students learned the
techniques of computer-based colour grading/correction, and compilation
process for the screening (the post production process used in movie
Paranorma can be seen in Figure. 1 and Figure. 2, and a movie still can be
seen in Figure 3) In the end, the film was shown to the Bahrain's ministry of
culture representative and was screened in the year 2011. The primary
motivation for presenting this course was to comprehend the understudies'
capability, and the business sector estimation of the local films, the best
system to deliver the first understudy film and to screen it on the silver
screen before the mass gathering of people was the digital film production

Figure 1. Post Production shot from the film Paranorma.

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Figure 2. Student working on the movie Figure 3. A Scene from the movie

1.2 Visual Effects Based Film (Silveraven: 2012)

After the successful release of the first film in Bahrain, author pushed the
students further. This time author planned a course that continues the
previously taught digital film process and introduce them to the visual
effects process. In the traditional world, visual effects techniques are
achieved through arduous efforts. The process involves the huge amount of
manpower and lengthy process, such as non-computer based matte
paintings, keying and rot scoping (these methods are used to import unreal
objects in the movie and remove the unwanted objects from the film to give
surreal effects, and to perform impossible tasks.) On the other hand, the
digitization of visual effects made it easier to apply on any film and achieve
realistic results in less amount of time. In this new project, students were
taught the visual effects process in both traditional and digital ways, but
most of the part covered gets related to a digital process. Students learned
the digital matte painting, keying and roto- scoping by using Adobe After
Effects; they also learned the particle effects to create fake rain, explosions,
and dust blows. Students were working on visual effects for the first time,
before this they had only seen it in the movies [39]. This movie also got
screened at the Bahrain Cinema, the completion time of this film project
was four months, and the duration of the film was 57 minutes (the movie
stills of Silveraven can be seen in Figure 4) .

Figure 4. Few scenes from the movie Silveraven.


The traditional and digital film production is usually divided into five major
stages: (i) Development (ii) Pre-Production (iii) Production (iv)Post-
Production and (v) Distribution [1]. While working on the traditional
production, these five stages are further divided into sub-stages that get
completed at different locations and each sub stage requires different
workspace. After finalizing the long process, these phases and sub-stages

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are then centralized; this method requires more manpower, which

sometimes exceeds the already high budget. Teaching students film making
through this method are not ideal in many cases, first of all, this requires
more time and manual effort, secondly this method is expensive, which is
the leading cause of higher fees at those film schools and universities that
use traditional production methods to teach their students.
On the other hand, digital production does not require specific location or
venue. Moreover, unlike traditional production the sub-stages in this method
do not require different workspaces, and also this process dramatically
reduces physical efforts and the need for manpower. After finishing the
shooting, all the major processes are completed on the workstations. Digital
production is an efficient method and its ideal to teach students with,
because students nowadays are more familiar with graphic user interface
[GUI] based computer applications. Thus, the digitization of the traditional
production made it easier to learn faster and in more efficient way. Some
more comparison between traditional media and digital media systems and
equipment have described below [2].
2.1 Film Editing
Film editing is the part where editors join different scenes of the footages in
sequence and removes/remove the unwanted scenes; through this process
the film becomes more understandable and cohesive. Non-linear editing was
not invited by everybody and numerous editors opposed the new wave.
Also, the early advanced video was tormented with execution issues and
instability. However, the upsides of non-linear video inevitably turned out
to be overwhelming to the point that they could not be overlooked (the
process of non-linear editing system is shown in Figure 6.)
In the 21st Century non-linear picked up strength and linear editing headed
towards obsolescence. By this time the portrayal "non-linear" got gradually
surrendered as it was no more fundamentalevery editing was now
computerized, and the "non-linear" angle was accepted. Linear was dead.
Similarly, students learn the digital audio process via software such as Pro
Tools, Adobe Audition, and Audacity. They get first taught about the digital
waveform and then moved to editing part. Processing audio on computers is
simpler as compared to audio mixing on traditional equipment, which is not
ideal for students, especially for the beginners (the process of linear editing
system is shown in Figure 5.)

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Figure 6. Non-linear Editing System [3]

Figure 5. Linear Editing System [3]

2.2 Cameras
The nature of computerized photos can get measured in a few ways. Pixel
tally is ventured to associate with spatial resolution. [4] Some picture
components (pixels) in the image sensor get checked in millions and called
"megapixels" and frequently utilized as a figure of legitimacy. Advanced
cameras have a variable relationship between last yield picture
determination and sensor megapixel count. [5] Other elements are vital in
computerized camera determination, for example, the quantity of pixels
used to determine the picture, the impact of the Bayer model or other sensor
channels on the computerized sensor and the picture preparing calculation
used to insert sensor pixels to picture pixels. Computerized sensors are for
the most part orchestrated in a rectangular framework example, making
pictures helpless to moire example ancient rarities. The film did not get
influenced by moire due to the irregular introduction of the silver salts in its
emulsion; the presence of its silver salts regularly called, "grain"[5].
The determination of film pictures relies on the zone of film used to record
the picture (35 mm, Medium Organization or Large arrangement) and the
rate. Evaluations of a photo's determination brought with a 35 mm film
camera shift. More data may be recorded if a fine-grain film, consolidated
with an exceptionally figured engineer, are utilized. On the other hand,
utilization of low-quality optics or coarse-grained film yield lower picture
determination. A 36 mm x 24 mm edge of ISO 100-rate film was first
assessed to contain what might as well be called 20 million pixels, [6]
despite the fact that this evaluation got later reconsidered to somewhere

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around 4 and 16 million pixels relying upon the kind of film used (the
comparison of Film and Digital Camera is shown in Figure 7.) [7]

Figure 7. Comparison of Film Camera (left) and Digital Camera


2.3 Color Grading/Color Correction

Color grading or color correction is the process where footages raw colors
are stylized and altered according to the theme of the film. The color
grading was introduced when films got moved from black and white to
In the traditional film production, the footages were stylized through the
photochemical process, which was sensitive, expensive and lengthy because
this process got performed in laboratories that had to be setup with best-
maintained equipment. Later this process was moved from photo-labs to
hardware-based colour correction; this got called as the second phase of
traditional colour grading/correction process. On the other hand, digital film
process uses software-based color grading/correction method (as shown in
Figure 8); this process got entirely performed on workstations using
different available software.
Hardware based process (da Vinci 2K, Pandora International MegaDEF)
have truly offered better execution and a littler list of capabilities. The
constant execution got upgraded to specific determination and bit
profundities dissimilar to software-based process that utilizes standard PC
industry equipment and frequently exchanged speed for determination
freedom. Nevertheless, software-based colour grading/correction process
tends to have more elements, for example, spline-based windows/masks and
advanced motion tracking (as shown in Figure 9.) [8]

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Figure 8. Control panel-based colour grading, where the user works on costly
equipment to colour grade/correct the film project.

Figure 9. Software based color grading does not require any additional equipment.
This process can perform on a laptop or high-end workstation. This process allows the
user to work entirely on single software.
3.1 Development
In this phase, students mainly focus on the theoretical part before moving to
practical. Initially, they are taught how a task producer selects a tale, which
may come from a Word of God, play, another motion picture, true story,
video game, comic book, graphic novel, or an original idea. Students then
continue to learn the next steps, which are identifying a topic or underlying
message, in this step producer works with writers, to prepare an outline.
From this step, students start working on computers and learn outline-
creating tools, such as Final Draft. The Middle Eastern students are keen in

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adopting latest technology; therefore the teachers do not face difficulties

while introducing these applications.
After the introductory part, students are assigned tasks. For example, they
produce an outline, which breaks the story down into a one-paragraph
tantrum that dressed are on dramatic structure. Then, they prepare a
treatment, a 25 -to-30-page description of the story, its mood, and quality.
This stage usually has little dialog and stage way, but often contains lottery
that help visualize key spot. Another way is to produce a script once a
synopsis gets produced. These whole process students perform on
screenwriting tool; the most common tools are Final Draft, Adobe Story,
and Movie Magic Screen Writer. These tools are ideal for teaching because
of its simplicity and language control. Middle Eastern students often face
difficulties in languages, which are different from their home language.
Therefore, it has ideal to teach them advanced screenwriting tools but based
on simple GUI.
Next step that students learn is how a screenwriter writes a screenplay over
a full point of several months. In the traditional film production, the
screenwriter may rewrite it several Synonyms (Ordered by Estimated
Frequency) of noun time to improve dramatization, clarity, structure,
characters, dialogue, and overall style, which requires more time and
paperwork. With the help of screenwriting applications, the screenwriters
can finish their tasks much faster and accurately, software such as Adobe
Story acts as a catalyst in terms of screen and script writing, the user
interface of Adobe Story can be see in Figure 10. Working on papers
consumes more time, whereas using applications helps the screenwriter in
many ways because in these tools the screenwriting terms are already built
in and the writer only drag and drop it on the desired location. [9]

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Figure 10. Adobe Story graphical user interface

3.2 Pre-Production
In pre-production, students learn how each progression of commercially
making the film is precisely composed and arranged. In traditional film
production, the generation organization is made, and a creation office is set
up, whereas, in digital film production, there is no requirement of
establishing specific organization or office, with the help of digital
technology the whole process can get performed on one or more
workstations. However, the trend of entrepreneurship in the Middle East
often attracts students to start their studio in the end. The film is pre-
imagined by the executive, and storyboarded with the assistance of artists
and idea craftsmen, this step has become simpler due to the invention of
collaborative storyboarding tools, which can get installed on smartphones,
tablets or desktops, and can be shared with the storyboard team over the
cloud. Tools like Articulate Storyline, Celtx, Story Board 3D, and Paper by
FiftyThree (the user interface of FiftyThree can be seen in Figure. 11) are
widely used in teaching and commercial filmmaking. Tablets and
smartphones are best choice to install these tools because its handy, and
offers smart features like stylus pen drawing, and generating storyboard
illustrations by taking photographs through the device camera [38].

Figure 11. A storyboard example drawn on Paper by 53 on tablet.

3.3 Production
In this stage, the video is shot, and audio is recorded. In the traditional film
production process, the video is shot on film cameras, which is complicated
to use due to its independent technical parts, and cost of development of
film and maintenance. On the other hand, digital cinema cameras are
simpler to use. The digital cinema cameras are available from high-end to
low-end; DSLR cameras can be used as the cinema camera also. The cost of
digital cinema cameras is much lower, and these are widely available in the

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Middle East region. Students get their hands on the cameras during their
second level. They are given sound knowledge of traditional cameras, so
that can understand the concept of lenses and recordings. The traditional
film production follows the re-recording process to record sound. Re-
recording is the procedure by which the soundtrack of a movie or video
generation gets completed. As sound components are combined and
consolidated, the procedure requires "re-recording" the greater part of the
sound components. For example, dialog, music, sound impacts, by the
sound re-recording mixer(s) to accomplish the wanted deciding result,
which is the last soundtrack that the gathering of people hears when the
completed film is played. In the contrast, digital film production follows
digital audio recording process. Digital sound recording procedure is
valuable in the recording, control, large scale manufacturing, and
dissemination of sound. Cutting edge online music dispersion relies on upon
advanced recording and information pressure. The accessibility of music as
information records, as opposed to as physical items, has altogether
decreased the expenses of distribution. [10]
3.4 Post-Production
Here the video/film editorial manager gathers the video/film. The shot film
material is altered. The recorded sound (dialog) gets additionally altered;
music tracks and melodies are formed and recorded for film score; sound
impacts are planned and recorded. Any computer-graphic visual effects get
digitally included. In the end, every single sound component is blended into
"stems", which are then hitched to picture, and the film is finished
("bolted").In this stage, the computers get heavily used, and the most
important phase to teach students. After shooting the video, students are
trained to edit their video and audio files. In the video editing part, students'
gets their hands on computer based editing; know as "non-linear editing".
Non-linear editing uses tools such as iMovie, Final-Cut Pro, Sony Vegas
and Adobe Premier.
At the beginning of electronic video creation, linear (tape-to-tape) editing
was the best way to edit videotapes. At that point, in the 1990s, non-linear
editing PCs became accessible and opened an entirely new universe of
editing force and adaptability.
4.1 Shooting on Digital Cameras
Digital Camera Recording or Video is spreading rapidly. As innovation
develops, the video will soon turn into the business standard, due to
business friendly nature of Middle East region, students are more tend to
adapt the latest technology and are keen in learning them. It has difficult to
know when, however, the push towards it has started. The principle

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motivations to pick video are 1) work process, 2) cost, and 3)

reproducibility [11].

4.1.1 Work Process

Video can truly speed things up. With film, preceding the shoot, somebody
needs to stack the magazine in a light-safe zone. After the shoot, the film
must be produced, handled, and digitized (transformed into a computerized
document in a PC). The film gets digitized because most altering is
presently done in PCs, utilizing projects like Avid or Final Cut Pro.
On the off chance, that user shoots video; the user can avoid these strides.
User record straight into an SD card or hard commute. The footage is then
emptied in a PC or separate hard drives. The footage does not need to be
prepared; the user can watch it on the set within seconds subsequent to
taking it.
Another advantage; particularly in the middle east regions is that, the film
on the traditional cinematic cameras have to be loaded and used on camera
under the pleasant weather, and due to hot and humid weather of Middle
East, there are fair chances of camera film to get raptured. Students will not
feel comfortable or motivated while working long hours in this kind of
weather, as traditional film requires more time and effort to capture
4.1.2 Cost
Shooting film is costly. A 400-foot part of 16mm stock expenses about
$100. 400 feet of 16mm film is sufficient for 11 minutes of footage. That
implies that, when shooting 16mm, user burn through $100 for every 11
minutes. However, highlight movies are shot on 35mm, and they shoot path
more than only two hours of footage. With the help of SD cards media, the
storage media can be utilized perpetually again and again in distinctive
4.1.3 Reproducibility
The video is likewise helpful on account of its reproducibility. Much the
same as documents in users are PC, the video is computerized, and so it can
be cheaply duplicated again and again with no misfortune in quality at all
[12]. Moreover, one of the drawbacks of recording on film was the
restoration factor, for example, it was almost impossible to restore any
damage film. However with the help of digitization such issues were
resolved in the less amount of time [30][32-33].
4.2 Non-Linear Editing, Computer Based Editing

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There are numerous favourable circumstances a nonlinear video editing

system presents. To begin with, it permits user access to any frame, scene,
or even collection of scenes at any time. Additionally, as the first video
footage gets kept in place when editing, users have the capacity to come
back to the first take at whatever point they like. Furthermore, the nonlinear
video editing system offers the adaptability of editing. The user can alter
user's opinion a hundred times over, and changes can likewise be made a
hundred times over without needing to start from the very beginning again
with every change. Thirdly, it is likewise conceivable to edit both standard
definitions (SD), and high definition (HD) show quality recordings rapidly
on typical PCs that don't have the ability to do the full preparing of the
tremendous total quality strong determination information continuously.
4.3 Software Based Color Grading/Color Correction
Hardware driven colour correction process is highly expensive. Also the
training process is lengthy due to hardware complexity, particularly in the
Middle East region, because the overall region is adapting latest technology
with the immense slow rate. The Middle Eastern students are highly capable
of learning software based systems rather than hardware due to its flexible
nature. The software-based process of colour grading/correction is faster,
and the results get produced spontaneously. The simplicity of its GUI makes
it easier to understand. Therefore, users with no knowledge of colour
grading/correction can get their hands on quickly and results are fascinating.
The lighting is an essential part of colour grading and colour correction,
lighting enhances the look of the colours and gives a film an overall look
and feel. In the non-digital filmmaking, the results are not seen on the spot
because they are recorded on films and can be viewed only after developing
it, therefore this consumes huge amount of time and some times it ends up
with many errors. However, the digitization of film production has
enormously enhanced the lighting techniques by introducing new sources
and software based lighting controls [31].
4.4 Digital Audio Recording
One extraordinary advantage of digitally recorded sound documents is their
sturdiness. While tapes can physically break and frequently experience the
ill effects of contorted or mutilated tape, advanced records can be put away
for quite a long time with none of these issues. The sound nature of
advanced records does not decay after some time or when duplicates get
produced. While tapes get constrained to 60 or an hour and a half in span,
computerized documents can be of any length. It is likewise far less
demanding to alter advanced documents and to include exact timestamps for
parts that are indiscernible or misty. This digital process helps the customer
in that it gets to be far less demanding to ensure precision in the recording.

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One more of the greatest changes gave by advanced recording is its to the
point nature with which documents can get traded between the customer and
the sound designer. Advanced documents can be sent using a safe
transferring administration over the Internet. This method is to a
considerable degree helpful for clients who are occupied or travel every
now and again because there is no more need to come back to the workplace
or to endeavour to discover a mail station to send sound documents. All that
is required is a suitable PC and Internet Association. Correspondingly, the
sound designer has the capacity email or transfer finished transcripts of
computerized records to the customer, before erasing the first documents.
These advancements spare time and uproot postage costs while all the while
killing the danger of valuable documents being lost or harmed via the post
4.5 Digital Video
Not similar to different feature groups, which gets shown in regards vertical
determination (for instance, 1080p, which will be 19201080 pixels),
advanced silver screen formats are normally specified As far as level
determination. Likewise shorthand, these resolutions need aid every now
and again provided for to "nK" documentation, the place n is the multiplier
from claiming 1024 such-and-such the even determination of a relating full
opening, those digitized novel into a film outline is unequivocally 1024n
pixels. Here the "K" need a standard, which implies thinking about of the
double prefix "kibi" (ki) [13]. For example, a 2K picture is 2048 pixels
wide; also a 4K picture may be 4096 pixels totally. Vertical resolutions
contrast for viewpoint proportions. However, a 2K picture for a high
definition television (16:9) viewpoint extent is 20481152 pixels, same time
a 2K picture with an SDTV or Academy extent (4:3) may be 20481536
pixels, what's more you quit offering on that one with a Panavision extent
(2. 39:1) might a chance to be 2048856 pixels. Due to those "nK"
documentation not comparing on specific Indeed going resolutions for every
position a 2K picture lacking, for instance, the standard 35mm film
soundproof space, is only 1828 pixels wide, with vertical resolutions
rescaling Likewise necessities would. This digitization incited a a lot from
claiming movie-related feature resolutions, which may be really puzzling
What's more habitually tedium With respect to these days couple projection
Knowing that many formats intended for advanced cinematographer will be
progressive scan, and as a rule, this happens toward the same 24 frames for
every second rate built Likewise those standard for 35mm novel into a film.
Some movies for example, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey have span
rate about 48 fps, Despite over exactly theatres, it got discharged for a 24
fps versify that Numerous fans for conventional film incline toward. Those

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dci standard to cinema, Likewise a rule, relies for a 1. 89:1 viewpoint

proportion, In characterizing the best compartment extent to 4K Concerning
illustration 40962160 pixels What's more 2K Likewise 20481080 pixels.
At those side of the point At flowed as a advanced cine-film one bundle
(DCP), content may be letterboxed or mainstay boxed Concerning
illustration fitting on fit inside a standout amongst these compartment
formats [14].
There are many challenges in terms of digital filmmaking. For example, the
commercial market is not on the peak at the moment, the Middle East
region do not have a full-fledged filmmaking industry, and limited systems
available in Middle East that crashes every now and then. These challenges
are further discussed in details.
5.1 Commercial Market
Cheaper computerized film production systems had aided in making more
item than purchasers. In the end, the graduate students are expected to make
money out of their films, but if these facts stay for long, students might not
be able to grow in the field, and not even continue in the area as an
independent filmmaker. Even though the commercial market is saturated at
the current stage, there are bright chances of the digital film market to grow
dramatically in the future [35-36].
5.2 Setting up filmmaking as an industry in the Middle East region
There is no doubt that public in Middle East region goes to the cinema, to
watch movies on regular basis. They are more interested in watching
Hollywood or Bollywood productions; therefore whenever there is a local
film released, it gets fairly low exposure. Hence, the producers do not make
any money out of it. This situation is all due to lack of talent in the field of
local cinema. Thus, teachers go through arduous efforts while teaching
students of this region.
5.3 System Crashes
One of the most common challenges that filmmakers and teachers faces are
the system crashes. Even though this does not happen frequently, the
filmmakers and students feel frustrated when they lose their files due to low
maintained PCs or power failures.

After analyzing the innovation of Digital Cinema, it is evident that
advantages of it outweigh the challenges. For many years, students of
Middle East wanted to learn the filmmaking, but due to limited resources of
traditional film production, there was always a shortage of teaching staff
and equipment. However, introducing the digital film production to the

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students, made a huge difference. It not only helped students to learn the
filming process much faster and efficient way, but it also enhanced and
improved the local cinema.

There are bright chances of full-fledged cinema industry to be developed in
Middle East region soon. As more film students graduate, they will join the
field and contribute to the industry on an advanced level. Knowledge
management helps to collect, store and archive historical films which can
strengthen the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Digitizing film industry
integrated with AI [15 21] can bring exponential growth in film industry,
especially in Middle East region.

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This paper may be cited as:

Jawed z. and Sengupta N., 2015. Digitizing Traditional Filmmaking Process
for Education and Industry. International Journal of Computer Science and
Business Informatics, Vol. 15, No.6, pp. 14-31.

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International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics


The Socio-Economic Impact of

Identity Thefts and Cybercrime:
Preventive Measures and Solutions
Dr. Nabie Y. Conteh
Department of Computer Information Systems,
College of Business & Public Administration
Southern University at New Orleans, 6801 Press Drive, Suite 108,
Louisiana 70126

Quinnesha N. Staton
University of Maryland University College
Adelphi, Maryland

The purpose of this paper is to explore and address the socio-economic impact of identity
thefts and cybercrime in general. The paper will further explain the various ways employed
in their implementation. The paper will also put forward ways to prevent the threats and
vulnerabilities of the attacks. The study will also recommend solutions to stop and or
mitigate the consequences of cyber-thefts. The study will define social engineering as well
as provide various social engineering tactic. The paper will also discuss the reasons for the
rise in cybercrime. Such reasons will include financial gain, revenge, as well as non-
financial gains. Also cited are examples that demonstrate the capabilities of cybercriminal.
The paper will also provide justification for the reasons behind the cumbersome task and
failure in instituting a lasting solution to the criminal activities. Finally, this paper will
close with a conclusion on the economic implications of social engineering on the general
cyberwar on cybercrime at the national and global levels.
In general, while losses due to cybercrime are troubling, they do not directly pose as a
threat to national security, except to the extent that international cybercrime allows
potential opponents to train and maintain proxy forces at the expense of others.

Social Engineering, Cybercrime, Network Intrusions, Phishing, Identity theft.

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Cybercrime is a growth industry. The returns accrued by cybercrimes are

great, and the risks are low for the criminals that commit them. It is
estimated that the likely annual cost to the global economy from the
perpetration of cybercrimes is more than $400 billion [9].
A conservative estimate would be $375 billion in losses, whereas the
maximum could be upwards of as $575 billion. Even the smallest of these
numbers far surpasses the national income of most countries. Most
governments and companies underestimate the threats posed by cybercrimes
and the exponential rate of their growth [9].
In 1994, Anthony Zboralski, a French hacker called the FBI office in
Washington pretending to be an FBI representative working at the US
embassy in Paris. Zboralski was able to persuade the person on the phone
to tell him how to connect to the FBIs phone conferencing system. In
seven months, he ran up a phone bill to $250,000. [1] How vulnerable are
you? If you were a victim of a social engineering attack, would you even
know? There are countless stories of companies falling victim to
sophisticated social engineering attacks by some of the best cybercriminals.
The war against companies and cyberspace marches on. It is important for
organizations to understand what social engineering is, the various types of
social engineering attacks, the reason for the rise in cybercrime and its
impact, and recommendations for preventative measures.


The article Social Engineering: The Basics [2] defines social engineering
as being able to gaining access to property (buildings, systems or data) by
exploiting the human psyche, rather than by breaking in or hacking.
According to [3], social engineering is defined as any act that influences a
person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interest. But
social engineering is much more than that. Social engineering focuses on
the psychological, physiological and technological aspects of influencing
people. There are several types of social engineering attacks and they
continue to evolve daily. Examples of these types of attacks are:
Familiarity Exploit: a person pretending to be an employee or a
malicious employee trying to fit in and appear normal, to make
everyone feel comfortable like they should be there. They make
themselves familiar with those that they want to exploit.
Unknowingly, that person lowers their guard, and eventually falls
prey to the attacker. People react differently to people that they
know or that they have been around. An example would be a social

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engineer tailgating into a secure area behind someone that they have
become familiar with [8].
Reading Body Language: The more experience a social engineer has
the better they are. A good social engineer can read and respond to
their victims body language and make connections with a person.
They are able to recognize and adapt to emotions, and make their
victims feel comfortable. For example, if a social engineer has
learned the body language of their victim, they can make a
connection with a person from being compassionate. That person is
more likely to feel obligated to help the SE out and do small favors
for them such as letting them in a lab not knowing if that person has
access or not [8].
Gathering and Using Information: The more information you have
about your victim the more likely you are able to get what you want
from them. Social engineers gather information from various
resources whether it is traditional, non-traditional, or illegal.
Traditional sources are public available sources that do not require
illegal activity to obtain [6]. Examples of traditional sources are
social networking sites such as Linked In, Facebook, or basic
Google searches [8]. Non-traditional searches such as dumpster
diving is legal and very common and often provide lots of
information. Other methods to obtain information are by doing so
illegally. Illegal ways to gather information are by gathering
personal items such as security badges, uniforms, or smart phones
from unlocked cars [8]. SE can also obtain information from
malware, theft, and impersonating law enforcement or government
agencies [6].

Social engineering follows a set pattern or cycle of four steps that are easily
recognizable to knowledgeable personnel when exploits commence. This
cycle consists of information gathering, developing a relationship,
exploitation, and execution. During the information gathering stage, a
variety of techniques can be used by an aggressor to gather information
about the target. These techniques include the following:

Baiting - when an attacker leaves a malware-infected physical

device, such as a USB flash drive or CD-ROM, in a place it will be
found. The finder then picks up the device and loads it onto his or
her computer, unintentionally installing the malware.
Phishing - when a malicious party sends a fraudulent email
disguised as a legitimate email, often purporting to be from a trusted
source. The message is meant to trick the recipient into installing

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malware on their computer or device, or sharing personal or

financial information.
Spam receiving unsolicited junk email with possible malware
Spear phishing - like phishing, but tailored for a specific individual,
group, or organization. In these cases, the attacker is trying to
uncover confidential information specific to the receiving
organization in order to obtain financial data or trade secrets [14].


Cybercrimes are any crimes that involve a network and a computer. The
crimes can either be committed on the computer or the computer can be the
target of the crime. Cybercrime is often made up of traditional crimes such
as identity theft, fraud, cyberstalking, cyber bullying and child pornography
According to the Pew Research Centers State of Cybercrime Survey [17],
cybercrime ranked as the top national security threat, above terrorism,
weapons of mass destruction and espionage [5]. Cybercriminals have no
preference in which businesses they choose to attack. The attacks range
from small banks, to major defense contractors and even leading retailers.
These criminals commit cybercrimes for a plethora of reasons. Some
reasons are financial gain, curiosity, revenge, greed, lack of infrastructure,
non-financial personal benefit, or excitement [6]. Crimes that are done for
non-financial benefit like a jealous boyfriend hacking into a girlfriends
social media account or a teenager taking down a website just to prove that
they can do it; can still have a serious impact or cause substantial property
damage [15]. Most crimes committed for financial gain are committed
outside of the Internet. Businessweek estimates that cybercrimes targeting
online banking alone, pull in nearly 700 million dollars per year globally
[16]. Having state of the art information technology devices are very
important to help in proper monitoring. One of the reasons for the rise in
cybercrime in Nigeria, is because Nigeria cant afford to keep up with the
latest technology because of the current economic recession. The lack of a
proper infrastructure creates an open avenue for these types of crimes to
occur [4].
Cybercriminals work twice as hard to maintain an advantage against the
security measures that businesses and government agencies implement;
after all its their job to do so. But not all cybercrimes occur from the
outside. The Figure below taken from [18] shows the causes and
consequences of cybercrimes committed by insiders. Social engineering
made up 21% of the methods used to commit the cybercrimes. Cybercrimes
can have a detrimental effect on an organization, which can damage a
companys reputation as well as lose loyal customers. It can result in a loss

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of revenue, loss of confidential and propriety data as well as critical system


Figure 1. The causes and consequences of cybercrime committed by insiders

Hackers pride themselves on being able to hack a system, some would like
to go down in history for being known to successfully perform the act, and
then you have some that pride themselves on successfully doing so but
never getting caught. According to the website [4], the best criminal hacker
is the one that isnt caught-or even identified. Some of the unsolved cases
In February 1999, a small group of hackers gained control of the militarys
Ministry of Defense Skynet Satellite. These hackers disrupted a critical
system and military communications, which could have resulted in
something much more detrimental. The hackers were able to reprogram the
control system before they were discovered. No arrest were ever made
In the CD Universe Credit Card Breach of 2000. The hacker Maxim
demanded $100,000 from in exchange for destroying the
300,000 credit card numbers that he or she stole from the website. The
result in this cybercrime ended up in the customers personal information
being stolen, the companys reputation being damaged, as well as a loss of
customers. The case remains unsolved.
Although all cybercrimes are not always solved, the fact remains that
cybercrimes are steadily on the rise. Statistics have shown that social
engineering plays a major role in many insider cybercrimes resulting from
employee vulnerabilities. These risks could be mitigated by implementing
preventative measures.

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The average annual cost of cybercrime incurred per organization was

totalled at $11.56 million, with a range bet2ween $1.3 million and $58
millions. This means, there is an increase of 26 percent, or $2.6 million in
average cost in 2012. Organizations in the defense area, the financial
services and energy and utilities sectors suffered the highest cybercrime
losses. Thefts on Data caused major costs, 43 percent of the total external
costs, business disruption or lost productivity accounts for 36% of external
costs. While the data theft decreased by 2% in the last year, business
disruption increased by 18%. Organizations experienced an average of 122
successful attacks per week, up from 102 attacks per week in 2012.

The average time it takes to resolve a cyber-attack was 32 days, with an

average cost incurred during this period of $1,035,769, or $32,469 per day.
This represents a 55 percent increase over the year 2011, which was
estimated at an average cost of $591,780 for a 24-day period.

Denial-of-service, web-based attacks and insiders account for more than

55% of overall annual cybercrime costs per organization. Smaller
organizations incur a significantly higher per-capita cost than larger
organizations. Recovery and detection are the most costly internal activities


The following are some measures that e-commerce businesses should adopt
in order to secure their data, especially since they are more vulnerable to
cyber thefts when compared to traditional brick and mortar businesses [10]:

Choose a secure e-commerce platform. Put your e-commerce site

on a platform that uses a sophisticated object-oriented programming
Don't store sensitive data. There is no reason to store thousands of
records on your customers, especially credit card numbers,
expiration dates and CVV2 [card verification value] codes.
Require strong passwords. While it is the responsibility of the
retailer to keep customer information safe on the back-end, you can
help customers help themselves by requiring a minimum number of
characters and the use of symbols or numbers.

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Set up system alerts for suspicious activity. Set an alert notice for
multiple and suspicious transactions coming through from the same
IP address.
Layer your security. One of the best ways to keep your business
safe from cybercriminals is layering your security.
Provide security training to employees. Employees need to know
they should never email or text sensitive data or reveal private
customer information in chat sessions as none of these
communication methods is secure [12].

Hackers are stealing credit cards and other sensitive information from
ecommerce sites. To protect (and reassure) your customers, its imperative
to know how to protect your e-business and your sensitive customer data

Social engineering is one of the largest gaps in a companys Information

Technology Security plan, which has contributed to the rise in cybercrime.
Having safeguards in place can help lower the risk associated with social
engineering. One of the reasons that employees and companies fall victim
to these cons, are because companies do not train their employees and
promote awareness, companies do not have policies in place, and the
network infrastructure is not solid.
Security Awareness: Awareness training is a simple solution, yet the number
one defense preventative measure. If people are aware of what social
engineering attacks are, as well as the different tactics they are less likely to
become a victim. Without the proper education people will not recognize a
social engineers trickery. Security awareness training should be an annual
mandatory training for all employees to attend. It is important that the
training is held annually to incorporate any new tactics that social engineers
are using.
Policy: Having a sound and well-written security policy in place is a key
control that should be implemented. The policy sets the standard for the dos
and the donts of the company. It should include, but not limited to:
information labeling, how to handle email from unknown senders or
unknown sites, not providing non-confidential or confidential information
over the phone, via email or in person to suspicious sources, and an incident
response strategy. The policy should give a clear direction to the employees
of how to handle situations.
Security Architecture: Having a solid and secure infrastructure in place
provides detective controls to protect against cyber-attacks. A company
should ensure that firewalls, Intrusion protection, intrusion detection, virus
protections, 2-factor authentication, etc. are implemented. An administrator

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should know how a network would respond in the event certain events
Recovery Plan: Because controls are not completely effective in preventing
attacks a recovery plan should be implemented as a best practice. When
attacks happen, they should be investigated and well documented to
determine the cause as well as to assess the damage. In addition, the
policies and security infrastructure should be reviewed and adjusted to
prevent the attacks from recurring.


In conclusion, in spite of improvements in defense measures and the

increased level of sensitization of cyber threats the cybercrimes ecosystem
is able to implement more sophisticated cyber-attack tactics. The
cybercrime industry is even getting quite immune and resilient in its
capacity to adapt, quickly and successfully respond to countermeasures
being put up by the police and crime fighters [9].
Social engineering is not something new and it will be around for many
centuries to come. As technology advances so will the tactics of
cybercriminals. As long as humans exist, revenge, greed, coercion, and
pride will exist and will continue to be factors in cybercrimes. Companies
must continue taking a stance in minimizing cybercrimes due to social
engineering. Enforcing awareness, implementing solid policies and securing
infrastructures are just a start in taking a stand. Although, taking the
appropriate countermeasures will help in preventing social engineering
attacks, humans will be always be a vulnerability and the weakest link of
any network.

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This paper may be cited as:

Conteh N. Y. and Staton Q. N., 2015. The Socio-Economic Impact of
Identity Thefts and Cybercrime: Preventive Measures and Solutions.
International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics, Vol.
15, No.6, pp. 32-40.

ISSN: 1694-2108 | Vol. 15, No. 6. NOVEMBER 2015 40

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