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Modified theta-shaped monopole antenna with

defected ground structure for UWB applications

Article in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters July 2015

DOI: 10.1002/mop.29174


3 17

2 authors:

Sarthak Singhal amit kumar Singh

Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hind International Institute of Information Techno


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4. P. Corbishley and E.R. Villegas, A low power low voltage rectifier TABLE 1 Optimized Dimensions of the Designed Antenna
circuit, In: IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Structure
Systems, San Juan, August 2006, pp. 512515.
5. D. Fredman, H. Heinrich, and D.-W. Duan, A low-power CMOS Dimension Value (mm) Dimension Value (mm)
integrated circuit for field-powerd radio frequency idenfication tags, Lsub 15.5 Wsub 12.5
In: IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Fran- Lf 5 Wf 1.3
cisco, CA, February 1997, pp. 294295. Lf1 2.5 Wf1 2.1
6. K. Kotani, T. Ito, High efficiency CMOS rectifier circuit with self- Lg 5.6 Wg 4.95
Vth-cancellation and power regulation functions for UHF RFIDs, In: L1 1.1 W1 3.08
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference, Jeju, November 2007, L2 1.1 W2 6
pp. 119122. aouter 4 bouter 2.8
ainner 2.2 binner 1.54
C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V Lnotch 0.8 Wnotch 1.3
Pnotch 4.6 t 0.5
L3 2.7 L4 0.15
STRUCTURE FOR UWB APPLICATIONS size. The smaller size of UWB systems have increased the
demand for miniaturized antenna structures.
Sarthak Singhal and Amit Kumar Singh In this article, a compact modified theta-shaped monopole
Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology antenna, derived from a conventional elliptical monopole, is
(BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005 India; Corresponding author: investigated. The utilization of slot loading, addition of two
metallic strips, modified feedline, and defected CPW ground
plane techniques have enhanced the bandwidth significantly.
Received 26 December 2014
The designed antenna has advantages of large bandwidth and
smaller dimensions over monopole structures available in the
ABSTRACT: A compact modified theta-shaped monopole antenna for
ultrawideband communication is presented. It consists of a modified
theta-shaped radiator fed with a modified microstrip feedline and rec-
tangular notch-loaded quarter elliptical coplanar waveguide ground
plane. An impedance bandwidth of 4.3520.75 GHz (131%) below 210 The geometry of the designed antenna is depicted in Figure 10.
dB reflection coefficient line is achieved. The designed antenna structure The designed antenna structure is designed on a 1.6-mm thick
has nearly omnidirectional radiation pattern in H-plane and bidirec- FR-4 epoxy substrate having dielectric constant of 4.4, loss tan-
tional pattern in E-plane. The cross polarization level is also 20 dB gent of 0.02, and size of Lsub 3 Wsub. The optimized values of
lesser than copolarization level in every direction at lower frequencies. antenna dimensions are listed in Table 1. The theta shape of the
The performance of the designed antenna structure for three substrate
materials, that is, FR-4 epoxy, carbon nanotubes, and Ni0.2Co0.2Zn0.6-
Fe2O4, are also studied. The experimental and simulation results are
found to be in good agreement. The designed antenna structure has
advantage of wider bandwidth along with smaller dimensions as com-
pared to previously reported monopole structures. V C 2015 Wiley

Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 57:16251632, 2015; View

this article online at DOI 10.1002/mop.29174

Key words: impedance bandwidth; monopole antenna; quarter elliptical

coplanar waveguide ground plane; theta-shaped radiator; ultrawideband

Federal Communication Commission officially allocated the
spectrum from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz for unlicensed ultrawideband
(UWB) communication applications in 2002 [1]. After this spec-
trum allocation, UWB technology has received lot of attention
due to its characteristics of low power, low cost, and very high-
data rates at limited range. The developments in UWB technol-
ogy increased the demand for small low-cost antennas having
omnidirectional radiation patterns and wide frequency band-
width. The printed monopole antennas have drawn great atten-
tion in UWB applications due to their unique characteristics of
low cost, low profile, light weight, wide impedance bandwidth,
easy fabrication, omnidirectional radiation pattern, and easy
integration with other microstrip circuits. The printed monopole
antenna structures available in the literature include coplanar
waveguide-fed structures with different shapes of radiators, Figure 1 Geometry of the designed antenna structure. (a) Antenna I,
modified feedline, and ground plane structures [212]. The dis- (b) Antenna II, (c) Antenna III, (d) Antenna IV, (e) Antenna V, (f)
advantage with these already reported structures is their large Antenna VI, and (g) Antenna VII

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 1625
Figure 2 Intermediate stages of the designed antenna structure

radiator is derived from a conventional elliptical monopole operating band. This phenomenon has taken place due to the
antenna by applying two techniques, that is, slot loading and fact that the surface current is concentrated along the periphery
addition of two rectangular metallic strips. The theta-shaped of the elliptical radiator with minimum current density at the
radiator is fed by a modified microstrip line. The modified central portion of the radiator. So the removal of this zero cur-
microstrip feedline is composed of two sections, that is, rectan- rent density area does not affect the lower operating band. In
gular lower section and outward tapered upper section. This out- case of Antenna IV, obtained after the addition of upper rectan-
ward tapering of the feedline is done for smooth transitions gular metallic strip to the annular radiator of Antenna III, the
between the feedline and radiating patch to improve the imped- bandwidth of first operating band is enhanced, whereas that of
ance matching. Quarter elliptical coplanar waveguide ground
plane is used to enhance the impedance bandwidth. For further
bandwidth enhancement, the ground plane is loaded with rectan- TABLE 2 Comparison of Operating Bands of Intermediate
gular notches. The introduction of rectangular notches excited
an additional resonance at higher frequency. All the dimensions f1 f2 BW1 f3 f4 BW2
and locations are optimized using finite element method-based Antenna (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz)
Ansofts high frequency simulation software [13].
I 5.26 16.42 11.16 21.5 24.87 3.37
II 5.184 16.77 11.586 21.44 26.454 5.014
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION III 5.13 16.72 11.59 21.19 25.71 4.52
The intermediate stages achieved during the derivation of IV 5.13 16.78 11.65 21.06 25.12 4.06
V 5.16 16.604 11.444 21.02 25.67 4.65
designed antenna structure are depicted in Figures 2(a)2(g).
VI 4.9 17.61 12.71 21.13 25.19 4.06
Their comparison in terms of reflection coefficient performance VII 4.9 20.9 16
is demonstrated in Figure 3. The tabular comparison of interme-
diate stages in terms of operating bands and resonance frequen-
cies are listed in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. After analyzing
Figure 3, Tables 2 and 3, it is observed that for the first config- TABLE 3 Comparison of Resonances of Intermediate Stages
uration, Antenna I, two operating bands, that is, 5.2616.42 and
21.524.87 GHz are achieved along with three resonances at 7, Antenna f1 (GHz) f2 (GHz) f3 (GHz) f4 (GHz) f5 (GHz)
14.4, and 23 GHz. In case of Antenna II, achieved by the out- I 7 14.4 23
ward tapering of feedline upper section, the bandwidth of both II 6.8 10.4 15.2 23.2
operating bands got enhanced due to smooth transitions between III 7 10 15.2 22.4
various modes. An additional resonance at 10.4 GHz is also IV 7 10 15.4 22.2
excited due to this tapering. Thereafter, the elliptical slot load- V 7 10.2 15.2 22.2
ing of the radiating patch to derive Antenna III, reduced the VI 7.4 9.8 15 22.2
VII 7.6 10.2 15.4 17.6 20.2
bandwidth of second operating band without affecting the lower

Figure 3 Reflection coefficient versus frequency plots for seven deriv-

ing stages of the designed antenna structure. [Color figure can be viewed Figure 4 Variation of reflection coefficient with respect to frequency
in the online issue, which is available at] for different substrate materials

1626 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 DOI 10.1002/mop
TABLE 4 Comparison of the Designed Antenna Performance TABLE 5 Comparison of Simulated and Measured Results of
with Three Different Substrate Materials the Designed Antenna

Carbon Ni0.2Co0.2Zn0.6 Method fL (GHz) fH (GHz) Bandwidth (GHz) BW (%)

Substrate FR-4 Nanotubes [14] Fe2O4 [15]
CST 4.85 20.5 15.65 123
er 4.4 2.272 5.974 HFSS 4.9 20.9 16 124
tan d 0.02 0.0002 0.00226 Measured 4.35 20.75 16.4 131
fL (GHz) 4.9 4.86 4.83
fH (GHz) 20.9 25.62 12.33
BW1 (GHz) 16 20.76 7.5
TABLE 6 Comparison of Designed Antenna Dimensions and
fL (GHz) 13.46
fH (GHz) 17.06 Bandwidth Performance with Previously Reported Monopole
BW2 (GHz) 3.6 Structures
fL (GHz) 23.51 Dimensions % Reduction Bandwidth
fH (GHz) 27.88 S. No. Antenna (mm2) in size (GHz)
BW3 (GHz) 4.37
1 [2] 32.4 3 25.2 76.2% 3.12510.625
2 [3] 24 3 28 71.2% 313
3 [4] 40 3 40 87.9% 2.911
4 [5] 66 3 66 95.6% 1.512
5 [6] 32.6 3 32 81.4 3.19.3
6 [7] 24 3 20 59.6% 3.710.1
7 [8] 18 3 12 10.3% 3.0213.86
8 [9] 30 3 20 67.7% 3.0610.8
9 [10] 37 3 30 82.5% 2.514.5
10 [11] 30 3 30 78.5% 3.0213.27
11 [12] 18 3 15 28.3% 3.114
12 Designed 15.5 3 12.5 4.3520.75

Antenna VII. In this case, the operating range of first band is

enhanced from 12.71 to 16 GHz, whereas the second band is
shifted from 21 to 25 GHz.
During the parametric analysis of the designed antenna struc-
ture, three different dielectric materials, that is, default FR-4
Figure 5 Prototype of the designed antenna. [Color figure can be epoxy, carbon nanotubes (CNT) [14] and Ni0.2Co0.2Zn0.6Fe2O4
viewed in the online issue, which is available at] [15] are used as the antenna substrate. The comparison of
antenna performance for three substrate materials in terms of
second band is decreased. For Antenna V, first operating band simulated reflection coefficient versus frequency plots is demon-
got narrow down, whereas the second operating band got wid- strated in Figure 4 and listed in Table 4. From Figure 4 and
ened due to the addition of lower metallic strip. The lower Table 4, it is observed that the impedance bandwidth of first
metallic strip is added to create an additional path for flow of operating band got enhanced from 15.7 GHz to 20.76 GHz on
current. After this, the conventional rectangular ground plane is replacing the FR-4 epoxy with CNT material. While in case of
replaced by quarter elliptical ground plane while deriving the Ni0.2Co0.2Zn0.6Fe2O4, the bandwidth is reduced from 16 to
Antenna VI. This replacement of ground plane enhanced the 7.5 GHz. This bandwidth enhancement or reduction phenom-
bandwidth of first band of operation significantly with reduction enon is occurring due to the well-known fact that the impedance
in the operating range of second band. It is followed by the bandwidth gets increased by decreasing the dielectric constant
loading of ground plane with rectangular notches resulting into of the substrate material and vice versa. For

Figure 7 Variation of real and imaginary parts of the input impedance

Figure 6 Comparison of simulated and measured reflection coefficient of the designed antenna structure. (a) 7.6 GHz, (b)10.2 GHz, (c)
versus frequency plots 15.4 GHz, (d) 17.6 GHz, and (e) 20.2 GHz

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 1627
Figure 8 Simulated surface current density plots of the designed antenna structure at its resonance frequencies, (a) 7.6 GHz,(b) 10.2 GHz, (c)
15.4 GHz, (d) 17.6 GHz, and (e) 20.2 GHz. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Ni0.2Co0.2Zn0.6Fe2O4 material, three operating bands ranging, domain analysis of the designed antenna structure using FIT-
that is, 4.8312.33 (7.5), 13.4617.06 (3.6), and 23.51 based CST MWS [16], reflection coefficient versus frequency
27.88 GHz (4.37 GHz) in comparison to one operating band for plot is also achieved. The simulated and measured reflection
FR4 or CNT material are achieved. coefficient plots are depicted in Figure 6. Both edge frequencies
The fabricated antenna structure is shown in Figure 5. The of the simulated and measured results are listed in Table 5.
experimental measurement of the designed antenna structure is Both Figure 6 and Table 5, present that the simulated and exper-
done using Agilent E8364B VNA. While carrying out the time imental results are in good agreement.

Figure 9 Simulated radiation pattern of the designed antenna structure at its resonance frequencies. (a) U 5 0 at 7.6 GHz, (b) U 5 90 at 7.6 GHz,
(c) U 5 0 at 10.2 GHz, (d) U 5 90 at 10.2 GHz, (e) U 5 0 at 15.4 GHz, (f) U 5 90 at 15.4 GHz, (g) U 5 0 at 17.6 GHz, (h) U 5 90 at 17.6 GHz,
(i) U 5 0 at 20.2 GHz, (j) U 5 90 at 20.2 GHz

1628 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 10 Simulated co- and cross-polar radiation patterns of the designed antenna structure at its resonances

The comparison of the designed antenna structure with other The variation of simulated real and imaginary parts of input
monopole structures available in the literature in terms of impedance with frequency is demonstrated in Figure 7. From
impedance bandwidth and dimensions is demonstrated in Table Figure 7, it is observed that the real part or resistance is oscillat-
6. From Table 6, it is observed that the designed antenna struc- ing about 50 X, whereas the imaginary part or reactance is vary-
ture is providing advantages of wide bandwidth and miniatur- ing around 0 X in the whole frequency range of operation. This
ized size as compared to already reported monopole structures. observation led to a conclusion that the input impedance of the

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 1629
Figure 14 Normalized amplitudes of the excited and received pulses.
Figure 11 Simulated peak realized gain versus frequency plot for the [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
designed antenna structure]

the first resonance of 7.6 GHz, shown in Figure 9(a), the E-

plane (U 5 0 ) pattern is observed to have dipole-like shape,
whereas the H-plane pattern (U 5 90 ) is omnidirectional in
nature. For second resonance at 10.2 GHz, presented in Figure
9(b), it is observed that the E-plane pattern is slightly distorted
with no significant effect on the omnidirectional H-plane pat-
tern. In case of third resonance at 15.4 GHz, depicted in Figure
9(c), the dipole-like E-plane pattern has got less distortions,
whereas the omnidirectional nature of H-plane pattern is
affected significantly. At the fourth resonance of 17.6 GHz,
shown in Figure 9(d), it is observed that the H-plane pattern is
quite similar to that at previous resonance, whereas the E-plane
pattern has got more distortions. For the fifth resonance at
Figure 12 Variation of simulated total and radiation efficiency with 20.2 GHz, demonstrated in Figure 9(e), the patterns in both
respect to frequency for the designed antenna structure, (a) face to face planes are observed to be nearly omnidirectional.
configuration and (b) side by side configuration The simulated co- and cross-polar components of the radia-
tion patterns for designed antenna structure in both planes are
designed antenna structure is approximately equal to 50 X at shown in Figures 10(a)10(j). From Figures 10(a)10(f), it is
every frequency in the operating band. observed that for first three resonances, the level of cross-polar
The simulated current density plots of the designed antenna patterns in both planes is 20 dB less than that of copolar level.
structure at its five resonance frequencies are demonstrated in In case of last two resonances, shown in Figures 10(g)10(j),
Figures 8(a)8(e). It is observed that for first three resonances, the difference between the levels of copolar and cross-polar pat-
the current is uniformly distributed along the surfaces of radiat- terns in both planes is varying between 0 and 10 dB. This
ing patch, feedline, and ground plane. Zero current density is reduction in the difference between the levels of co- and cross-
observed in the lower strip for second resonance. At fourth and polar patterns at higher frequencies may be attributed to the
fifth resonances, very high current density is observed around excitation of hybrid modes at higher frequencies.
the ground notches without any effect on the current distribution Figure 11 demonstrates that the simulated peak realized gain
along other sections of the antenna. is varying between the maximum of 5.19 dB and the minimum
The simulated radiation patterns of the designed antenna of 1 dB with an average of 3 dB over the entire frequency range
structure at its five resonance frequencies for two values of U, of operation. From Figure 12, it is observed that the total effi-
that is, U 5 0 and U 5 90 are depicted in Figures 9(a)9(e). At ciency of the designed antenna structure has its variation

Figure 13 Configurations for the time domain analysis of the designed antenna

1630 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 15 Simulated group delay versus frequency plots in two con- Figure 17 Simulated phase of transmission loss versus frequency plot
figurations for the designed antenna structure for the designed antenna structure in two configurations

between 68 and 95%. It is also observed that the radiation effi- This linear variation of phase indicates the good pulse handling
ciency is varying between 78 and 95%. capability of the designed antenna structure.
During the time domain analysis using CST MWS, two iden-
tical designed antenna structures are kept in two configurations,
that is, face to face and side by side. A distance of 15 cm is
fixed between two antenna structures in both configurations. A modified theta-shaped monopole antenna for UWB applica-
The antenna configurations are shown in Figure 13. A Gaussian tions is designed and analyzed. The techniques of slot loading,
pulse is transmitted and received by each antenna structure in stub loading, modified feedline, and defected CPW ground plane
both configurations. The normalized amplitudes of the excited and are used to improve the impedance matching for achieving an
received pulses in both configurations are depicted in Figure 14. impedance bandwidth of 4.3520.75 GHz. The effect of differ-
Figure 15 demonstrates that in both configurations the simulated ent substrate materials on the antenna performance is also inves-
group delay is varying between 20.25 and 1 ns, which is in the tigated. The designed antenna has wider bandwidth along with
desirable limits for UWB communication. miniaturized dimensions in comparison to previously reported
The variation of simulated transmission loss, S21, magnitude monopole structures. A good agreement between the measure-
with frequency for both configurations are demonstrated in Fig- ment and simulation results proved the suitability of the
ure 16. From Figure 16, it is observed that in both configura- designed antenna for UWB communication. This antenna struc-
tions the magnitude of the transmission loss is decreasing with ture will be useful for UWB applications, mobile applications,
increasing frequency. For face to face configuration, the S21 WAS/RLANS (17.117.3 GHz), satellite applications, defense
magnitude variation can be divided into three sections. In the systems, Doppler Navigation aids, radio astronomy, Satellite
first section, that is, from 4.9 to 8.5 GHz, it is linearly decreas- Navigation systems, Shipborne and VTS radar, Weather radars,
ing. For second section, from 8.5 to 17 GHz, it is almost linear. Active sensors (satellite), passive sensors (satellite), BFWA
In the last section ranging from 17 to 20.6 GHz, it is again line- (5.7255.875 GHz), RTTT (5.8055.815 GHz), Non-Specific
arly decreasing. For the side by side configuration, its first sec- SRDs, ISM (5.7255.875 GHz), ITS (5.8755.925 and 5.855
tion is similar to that of face to face configuration. For the 5.875 GHz), radio determination applications (610.6 GHz),
frequency more than 8.5 GHz, the S21 magnitude in this config- SAP/SAB, FSS/MSS, HEST, LEST, and so forth. [17]
uration is almost linear except in the frequency band of 15
16.5 GHz, where it is reduced significantly and again increased. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Figure 17 displays the variation of the simulated phase of
Sarthak Singhal is very thankful to the Department of Human
S21 with frequency. From Figure 17, it is observed that the
Resource and Development, Government of India, for providing
phase is varying linearly with frequency for two configurations.
the financial support in the form of teaching assistantship.

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C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V the Quality of Service requirements. Accordingly, it is important
for network designers and operators to know various important
degradation factors affecting the quality of signal being trans-
mitted; techniques to measure and minimize their effects on sig-
AWARE ROUTING FOR WAVELENGTH nal quality; their influence on connection provisioning;
DIVISION MULTIPLEXED OPTICAL techniques to communicate this information to network layer
NETWORKS and control plane protocols; and finally, how to use all these for
Karamjit Kaur and Hardeep Singh connection provisioning and manage optically feasible lightpaths
Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab, India; Corresponding author: [1]. The majority of routing and wavelength assignment algo- rithms proposed to date assume the physical layer to be ideal
one, thereby neglecting the transmission impairments involved.
Received 31 December 2014 As the transmission impairments may significantly affect the
quality of signal in lightpath, it is important to consider the
ABSTRACT: Development of wavelength division multiplexing technolo- impact of impairments during connection provisioning.
gies and increased transparency in the networks has tremendously In this work, effort has been put in to identify the different
increased the information carrying capacity of fiber optic networks. How- parameters affecting the signal quality which necessarily need to
ever, these networks are affected by accumulation of optical impairments be monitored and controlled to meet the requirements of Quality
along the lightpath resulting in degradation of signal being transmitted of Service. The sophisticated optical performance monitoring
thereby creating inadequacy to meet quality of service requirements. In technique to measure these parameters and its application in
this article, effort has been put in to identify different parameters affecting connection provisioning is introduced. The network simulation
the signal quality. A technique to measure these parameters and their
has been done to obtain the response of network in the form of
application in connection provisioning is presented. Electrical postpro-
cessing techniques are implemented to calculate quality of link path. The
eye diagram, histograms, and optical spectrum. These plots are
algorithm designed consider the quality of lightpath for connection provi- then analyzed to calculate different parameters affecting the sig-
sioning for each connection requirement based on first fit, best fit, and nal quality. These measurements are then used for network man-
shortest path principle. The performance of designed algorithm has been agement with routing capabilities, where priority traffic that
verified by presenting different quality conditions of transmission links requires high performance can be dynamically tuned to the
and optimal results are obtained. V C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. appropriate channels.
Microwave Opt Technol Lett 57:16321536, 2015; View this article Performance monitoring traditionally refers to monitoring of
online at DOI 10.1002/mop.29146 bit error rates, Q-factor, signal to noise ratio and so forth. The
primary application of performance monitoring is to satisfy serv-
Key words: physical layer impairments; eye diagram; connection provi- ice level agreements between the service providers and the end
sioning; light path

1632 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 57, No. 7, July 2015 DOI 10.1002/mop

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