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Igor Gouzenko Affair https://en.wikipedia.

Igor Gouzenko
it is generally thought that he was the start of the cold war

start of extreme fear of communism in north america

intelligence officer

clerk at the Soviet embassy in Ottawa

learned of numerous Soviet spy networks throughout Canada

was going to have to return to USSR, instead left embassy with documents exposing the Soviet spy

network in Canada
his accusations weren't taken seriously despite providing documents

o initially, the 12 suspects Gouzenko accused were being supervised by 5 RCMP officers
Mackenzie King arrested 12 suspects after Gouzenkos allegations were taken seriously (after the

Soviets tried capture Gouzenko)

Gouzenko and his family lived in fear, and he was given a fake identity (wore a white mask throughout

it was thanks to him that the public was aware of the threat of the Soviets

Canada's former ally was spying on them

worsened the fear of communism

Basic Principles of Communism:

How to Spot A Communist:
Red Scare as a communist state)

McCarthy trials
Anti-Communism Propaganda (posters and films)
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Senate internal security sub-committee, senate
permanent sub-committee on investigations


You were randomnly

Sound effects:
Gun shot
Were gonna build a wall

Igor Gouzenko
it is generally thought that he was the start of the cold war

intelligence officer

clerk at the Soviet embassy in Ottawa

learned of numerous Soviet spy networks throughout Canada

his accusations weren't taken seriously despite providing documents

o initially, the 12 suspects Gouzenko accused were being supervised by 5 RCMP officers
Mackenzie King arrested 12 suspects after the spy networks were discovered (after they believed

Gouzenko and his family lived in fear, and he was given a fake identity(wore a white mask throughout

it was thanks to him that the public was aware of the threat of the Soviets

Canada's former ally was spying on them

worsened the fear of communism

The Red Scare was the hysteria surrounding the effect that communists would have on the United
States as the tensions between the Soviet Union and America grew in the 1940s and 1950s.
Communists were often referred to as Reds for their allegiance to the red soviet flag. This red scare
led to a range of actions that had profound effects on society and the government of the United States.
This movement was largely caused by McCarthy trying to push his anti-communist agenda against
members within the government and those within the film industry.
"McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for
This is what happened in the McCarthy Trials, which were a series of hearings in which people were
accused of being communist or supporting communism.
These accusations started in 1947 with President Truman's Executive Order. This required
background checks for federal civil service employees. These were to determine whether or not they
were loyal, but were essentially used to find communists.
Joseph McCarthy, was a US Senator, made a list of 205 "communists". These accusations were made
based on questionable evidence and caused unemployment, heightened tensions, and imprisonment.
Due to McCarthy's manipulation of the public, using fear, he was responsible for the unemployment of
over 2,000 individuals within the government.
We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.
-Donald Trump

Our job as Americans and as Republicans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they've
been sent to do their traitorous work. -Joe McCarthy

McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled, -Joe McCarthy

Sometimes you need conflict in order to come up with a solution. Through weakness, oftentimes, you
can't make the right sort of settlement. -Donald Trump

I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. -Donald Trump

Beware of Artists, they mix with all classes of society and are therefore the most dangerous -Joe

As you can see the simularities between Donald Trump and McCarthy are large

1. You have been accused of being a communist by Joseph McCarthy. The majority of these
accusations were based on false evidence and supposed relationships with communists, and in your
case, you were neighbours with Cubans. You were then given an unfair trial designed to prove that
youre guilty, and were sent to prison.
2. You are Charlie Chaplin, a well-known comedian in the 30s. Unfortunately, your repeated left-wing
comments to the media were interpreted by McCarthy as communist, and you were added to the
Hollywood Blacklist. The Hollywood Blacklist was also made by McCarthy, and accused celebrities on
being communist. Lucille Ball was also on this Hollywood Blacklist, as she was married to Desi Arnaz,
a Cuban.
3. You are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. You were accused of giving the Soviet Union information about
atomic bombs after a long chain of Soviet spies admitted to their spy-ness and gave your name to the
MAN. Although these accusations were made on one very flimsy piece of evidence, due to the fact that
you were members of the American Communist Party you were both found guilty in the short trial you
were given, and were sentenced to death. You later both died in electric chairs. Your death was seen
as very controversial as many noticed the inconsistency of the accusations and their origins, and
believed that you had simply been used as a scapegoat.
4. You are the US military. Joseph McCarthy has accused you of being too soft on communism even
though its being considered an international threat, and even accused certain members of the army of
being communist. This was the end of the McCarthy trials, as the army took him to court in the famous
Army-McCarthy trials. This revealed to the public McCarthys tactics and intent of instilling fear for his
own personal gain. He took advantage of the paranoia surrounding communism and used it to
manipulate and intimidate others to advance his career
We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.
-Donald Trump

Our job as Americans and as Republicans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they've
been sent to do their traitorous work. -Joe McCarthy

McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled, -Joe McCarthy

Sometimes you need conflict in order to come up with a solution. Through weakness, oftentimes, you
can't make the right sort of settlement. -Donald Trump

I have made the tough decisions, always with an eye toward the bottom line. -Donald Trump

Beware of Artists, they mix with all classes of society and are therefore the most dangerous -Joe

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