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Chapter Two | The Art of Composition 37

FIGURE 2.17 Frontal camera angle.

Horizontal Camera Angles

FIGURE 2.18 The 3/4 front left camera angle.

The 3/4 front, or 3/4 prole as some call it, is the most common angle on talent in
ctional lmmaking. It provides the audience with a clear view of the front of talent
so that facial expressions, hand gestures, and the like may be plainly seen. It also pro-
vides the frame with an increased degree of dimension. In closer shots of the human
face, it brings out the contours and depth of the facial structures (eyes, nose, mouth,
cheek bones, brow, jaw, ear, etc.). Note that we placed the camera around the circle to
achieve the 3/4 frontal view of talent, but also placed the head and eyes along the line
of thirds, yielding appropriate headroom and ample look room (Figure 2.18).

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