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Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills

Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by this lesson
Make connections 6-12 Correlation Reading Literary 3B
Determine the relevant connections between: Text to text (text ideas, including similarities and differences
regarding information and relationships in fiction and nonfiction) and text to world (text ideas regarding
experiences in the world)
6-12 Correlation Reading Literary 1A, Reading informational 1A:
Develop and demonstrate reading skills in response to text by:
Seeking clarification and using information/facts and details about texts and supporting answers with
evidence from text

Learning Objectives/Goals and Pacing

The lessons objectives and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting curricular and student
needs; Include the duration (number of minutes) you estimate the lesson will take
The purpose of this lesson plan is to get students to understand the different types of connections that can
be made. The students will learn the difference and similarities to text to text, text to world and text to self
connections while reading their independent books and using a worksheet with a list of questions based
on each type of connection to guide their thinking. This activity will take about two class periods which are
40 minutes each.

Resources and Materials

List of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the lesson
-22 individual reading fiction books
-Connection Worksheet with questions
-Copy of Henrys Freedom Box for the teacher to use for modeling
-22 IPads (headphones if needed).

Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and
student learning
During the teachers modeling, I will be using the smart board to read Henrys Freedom Box and to
answer the questions on the worksheet. The students will have the option to read a book on their IPad
using the EPIC app.

Assessment (type[s] of assessment used throughout the lesson)

Assessment(s) before, during and after the lesson
Students will be formatively assessed on their understanding of the three types of connections by
reviewing their answers to the questions on the worksheet.
After the lesson, I will be monitoring how well they keep up identifying the types of connections they have
made to texts. This can be seen during full class discussions or during their free-write which allows them to
write about the book they are reading.

Lesson Structure and Procedures

Sequence of events of the lesson elements. (The before, during and after the lesson, e.g.,
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion)
1. Review yesterdays lesson on prior knowledge and how students make connections to texts. This
will help remind the students of what is expected of them when they are independently reading.
2. Introduce the students to the three types of connections; (text to text-connections between two
different readings, text to self-personal connections to the book/characters, text to world-
connections about how the world works, going beyond our own personal experiences) by defining
each of them. Students will be given time to share connections if they would like. I will explain to
them that when they are reading, these are the types of connections we all make.
3. Once the students get a chance to reflect on their connections, I will be reading the book Henrys
Freedom Box by Ellen Levine . The students will be in their circle spot and making sure that they
are being respectful during the reading.

4. Once the reading is over, I will be answering the questions on the worksheet using the
1. What does this story remind you of? I once had to leave my mom for a short
period of time like Henry.
2. Can you relate to the characters in the story?
3. Does anything in this story remind you of anything in your own life?
1. What does this remind you of in another book you have read?
2. How is this text similar to other things you have read?
3. How is this text different from other things you have read? I havent really read
much books about slavery or the underground railroad
1. What does this remind you of in the real world?
2. How are events in this story similar to things that happen in the real world?
3. How are events in this story different from things that happen in the real world?
The story is different from events in the world because most people have not been
through what Henry went through but it is important to talk about.
5. When I am done answering the questions, I will ask if the students have any questions to clear up
any of the students confusions. The students will then be asked to move to their table spots and
get out their IPADS.
6. The students will be given the worksheet before they read their fiction book, so they can use it to
organize their thoughts. While the students are reading, I will be checking in on each student and
listening to what ideas they are coming up with
7. Since this lesson will be split up into two days, the students will have time read the entire book and
really think about connections.
8. When the students are done, we will come together as a group and discuss what connections the
students have made. This way they can listen to their peers and get the chance to share their
personal thoughts.

Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives and meet their needs
As the teacher, I will model at the start of the lesson the connections I will make to each of the three
types. Before the students start doing it on their own, I will be asking them if they have any questions to
make sure that I can fully meet their needs for this lesson. When the students are reading, I will be going
to each student to see how they are doing and supporting them in their work. I will be answering any
further questions that the students have.

Learning Activities
Opportunities provided for students to develop knowledge and skills of the learning objectives

The students will be participating in the explicit lesson by sharing their thoughts on the connections they
made during the read aloud. When the students are reading on their own, they will be activating their
prior knowledge to make connections in each of the categories. When the lesson is over, students will
share and listen to their peers work to deepen their understanding of the three types of connections.

Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences,
etc. (This includes accomplished/gift learners.)
By allowing them to choose their book, the students are given the chance to succeed while learning by
reading books that suite their reading skills. Learners are also given the choose to read a book online or a
hard copy of the book. The online text will allow students who might not feel comfortable reading, a
chance to listen to the text via audio and focus on their connections.

Classroom Management: room arrangements, transitions, material distribution
Strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior
needs to help keep students on task and actively engaged
The students will be reading at their table spots and will be asked to keep the classroom silent so everyone
can focus on what is being asked of them. If students are disturbing others, they will be asked to move to
their carpet spot to continue the assignment there. When the students are asked to move to their table
spot after the class discussion, I will be calling tables one by one so the classroom stays quiet and safe. I
will have my classroom helper pass out their worksheets once everyone is seated. When it is time to come
back to the classroom discussion, I will say LIS and the students will say TEN, which the students know it is
my time to be talking and their time to listen. When the students are sharing, their peers know to be
respectful and listen to everyones connections.

Activities for early finishers that extend students understanding of and thinking about the
learning objectives by applying their new knowledge in a different way
Since the lesson does take place within two reading class periods, I anticipate that some students may
finish early. If they do, I will ask the students to pick another book and read it while making connections
but this time they will not be given the guided worksheet. When the students are done with that, I will ask
them to label what type each connection is.

Follow-up to Todays Lesson: (check for understanding: exit ticket, pair share, wonderings)
Quick activity for review or building on todays learning that will deepen student understanding
and interconnect concepts (may be incorporated tomorrow or throughout the unit)
To check for understanding, I will have every student share their connections and what makes them that
type of connection. When every student has had a chance to share, I will ask that they turn in their
worksheet into the NEEDS TO BE GRADED BIN; this way I can review the students understanding.

Additional Information
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this format that you
think is vital to include in this lesson

This lesson will be the third lesson plan in the unit. This way students will have had two different lesson and
will have a better idea of how to make connections.

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