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From www.handoutsonline.

com Handouts Online

Look at the list below. Match the place and the reason.

Place Reason
1 post office withdraw some money
2 supermarket buy a dozen red roses
3 video shop have a cup of coffee
4 bank send a parcel
5 florist buy some groceries
6 caf borrow a book
7 library return 'Avatar'

Test your partner! Read out one of the places above. Your partner must make a
sentence. Use this pattern: "I went to the post office to send a parcel."

Repeat exercise two, but this time change roles.

Look at the places listed below. Finish the sentences using your imagination, and then
compare with a partner.

1 Bob went to London

2 Andy went to the movie theater

3 Janet popped over to her neighbors house

4 Jim went to the newsagent

5 Cindy flew to America

6 Henry had a meeting with his boss

7 Susie went to the doctor

Your turn. Think of five places you have been to recently. Write some example
sentences below. Then swap sheets with your partner. Test your partner!


From Handouts Online

Target Structure: Infinitive of Purpose

Vocabulary: General
Level: Elementary
Time: 30 minutes
Preparation: None

Suggested Teaching Method.

Students seem to make have many difficulties with this target structure! This is a low-level handout, dealing with
the most basic pattern.

You could introduce the target structure by writing two sentences, and asking students to combine them.

For example: I went to the barber.

I got a haircut.

Try to elicit the answer. If its not going anywhere, give up, and write the answer: I went to the barber to get a

Follow the instructions on the worksheet. Students should work alone, and then check in pairs.

Assign students as A and B. Student B should turn the worksheet over. Student A then reads one of the places
from exercise 1. Student B should then make the full sentence.

e.g. (Student A) caf!

(Student B) I went to the caf to have a cup of coffee.

Model this carefully with a competent student before beginning. Encourage student A to call out places in a
random order. Otherwise, your whole class will be speaking in unison.

Repeat exercise two, but this time, students should change roles.

Follow the instructions as given. Students should work alone and then compare in pairs. Monitor this carefully,
encouraging students to correct their own mistakes. At the end, elicit some example sentences.

Again, follow the instructions on the worksheet. When students have finished writing sentences, make new
student pairs.

The students should swap sheets with their partner. One student should make a question about a place the other
student wrote. e.g. Why did you go to the (supermarket)? Student B should then answer: to (buy some eggs).

Students should regularly reverse roles. Remember to model this exercise with a good student.

Answer Key

1 post office send a parcel 5 florist buy a dozen red roses

2 supermarket buy some groceries 6 caf have a cup of coffee
3 video shop return 'Avatar' 7 library borrow a book
4 bank withdraw some money


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