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ENG 101 B20

October 18, 2017

Why students and school system fail

The educational system has been changing throughout the past years. Students have been

performing poorly, most of which who graduate high school arent ready for what is next. There

are many reasons why the school system fails. Some educational system doesnt offer students

the same equal opportunity, because of low income in some community.

Why are student failing, is it because of the educational system or the students learning

ability, that is few of the many question people might ask. Throughout the past years, a lot has

changed with our public education. Americans have been forced to put their faith in a public

school system that is constantly being labeled as failing in our news headlines. Studies have

shown that America 30 years ago was ranked the leader in quantity and quality of school

diplomas. Today, our nation ranked 36th in the world.

Students have been performing poorly, most of which who graduate high school arent

ready for what is next. In todays society education in America is largely based on the graduation

rate. Studies have shown that in 2012, black students had only 69% graduation rate and Hispanic

students had a 73% rate, while Asian students had an 88% graduation rate and Caucasian

students had an 86% rate. Although a majority of young Americans graduate from high school

with extraordinary academic skills, there are a few many students who graduate with horrible
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abilities in crucial areas, such as reading, writing, and most of all basic math. As a student who

recently graduated high school, I can say myself that my math score isnt the best there is.

On average about 80 percent of students are graduating high school, yet less than half

who graduates is not ready for what is next. That shows that students lack what they need for the

world that awakes them. According to, the U.S. education department, reports shows that high

school graduation is at an all-time high. While 80 percent of students are graduating, less than

half of those students arent able to proficiently read or complete basic math problems. It is the

kids fault for not being able to reach certain levels, most students are being passed on to the next

grade not considering their lacks of knowledge to be moved a grade up.

Some might say students who fail, fail because they arent doing what is expected of

them. There have been many debates on why they fail, but people seem not to understand that

the educational system also plays a major role in whether the students in America succeed in life

or fail. No two students are the same, everyone exceeds at a different level. Some students are

able to work independently, while others depend heavily on teachers or parent assistance to

accomplish the smallest goal. So we ask our self-are students falling because of their basic ability

or are they failing because they lack the support they need to succeed.

However not only the students are falling but so are the educational system and there is

much reason why they fail, schools being overcrowded is one of the much reasons. The smaller

the class the better the individual students experience. The national center for education,

statistics founded that 14 percent of U.S. schools exceed capacity. An overcrowded classroom is

making it hard for students, to learn at a time where students need more attention than ever

before. It also makes it harder for the teacher to assist every student according to their needs.
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Another reason why the education system fails is due to the lack of parents not being

involved with their childs work. The time that is spent in the classroom isnt enough for students

to learn, its also not enough for teachers to instruct every student. Of course, students who have

an economic disadvantage often struggle in school, especially if the parents lack higher levels of

education. Also, another disadvantage of the school system is that schools all over has been

closing from left to right. Instead of shutting down the unsupervised public school, the

community or districts should consider other options, such as a community center.

Some educational system doesnt offer students the same equal opportunity, because of

low income in some community. Schools that are serving low-income students are being cheated

because the school system across the country isnt equality distributing their state and local

funds. Why does the educational system do this to the low-income community? , would be one

of the many questions on peoples mind. The department of education research fined that, more

than 40% of low-income schools dont get a fair share of state and local funds.

According to Paulo Freire, he refers to the education system as, the banking concept of

education. an act of depositing in which students are the depositories and the teachers are the

depositor. That shows that only the teachers know everything while the students know nothing.

Instead of communicating, the banking method involves students waiting, receiving and

memorizing information , then restating in this information back with a goal of only getting a

high grades on test. Thus where Paulo Freire came up with the banking concept of education.

That concept of learning should be eliminated, students do not learn anything that way.

Therefore this concept of learning, should be eliminated to something that can help the

students learn and develop critical thinking. One way that can be accomplish is with a method of

problem- posting created by Paulo Freire. Problem posting education solves the student- teacher
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contradiction by recognizing that knowledge is not deposited from one to another but is instead

formulated though dialogue between the two. That is one way stated by Paulo Freire on how to

destroy the banking concept of education. Another way we can get students to learn more often

is by getting the parents more involved with their students school work. This would help students

developed more critical skill.

Another article that talks about the educational system is why schools dont educate

written by john Taylor Gatto. He is a teacher who teaches seventh grade at junior high school 54

on Manhattans Upper East Side. America is at the bottom of nineteen industrial nations in

reading, writing, and arithmetic. The crisis that is going on in schools around the world is a

reflection of this greater social crisis. The students are locked up in a society that has lucked

them away from business of the world to an unprecedented degree. One of which students must

pass in order to succeed into society.

In conclusion our educational system has changed, America was ranked the 1st 30 years

ago in quantity and quality, now our nation is at 36th. Students throughout the years has been

failing, graduation rate has been decreasing and schools has been closing. The educational

system isnt offering students with the same equal opportunity as students who live in high

income household. Students are not ready for what is next after high school that is why most

students fail because the educational system has fail them.

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