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1.SOQL :

a. Salesforce object Query language .

b. These are simillar to sql queries

c. Soql's are used to fetch the data from the sobjecs(Standard or Custom objects)

d. Using soql we can also fetch data from related objects (child or parent
using relation fields

e. Soql's will return the result in the form of List<sobject> | Map<Id,Sobject>

f. Soql will return maximum of 50,000 records in a single call

syntax :

SELECT <fieldNames> from <OBJECTNAME>

[ WHERE <Conditions> ] // Optional

[ GROUP BY <Column Names> ] // Optional

[ HAVING <Conditions> ] // Optional

[ ORDER BY <Column Names> ] // Optional

[ FOR UPDATE] // Optional

[ LIMIT <NumberOfRecordsTo Return> ] // Optional

[ OFFSET <NumberOf Records to Skip> ] // Optional

[ ALL ROWS ] // Optional

2. Query : This is the statement writen to fetch the records from the database based
on the business requirement

Query Example :

1. Write a soql to fetch name,industry from Account sobject

Select id,name,Industry from Account

2. Write a soql to fetch lastname,firstname from contact

Page 1

select id,lastname,firstname from Contact

3. write a soql to fetch stagename, amount from Opportuntiy

select stageName,Amount from Opportunity

3. SOQL Queries can be executed in four formats in Apex .

1. List<Sobject> result=[query statement];

2. List<Sobject> result=Database.query(query statement);

3. Database.QueryLocator result=Databse.getQueryLocator(query statement);

4. Map<Id,Sobject> result=new Map<Id,Sobject>([query statement ]);

4. SOQl Examples using Apex :

1.Write a soql to fetch all the account records with name,Insutry fields .

List<Account> result=[select id,name,industry from Account];

2.Write a soql to Fetch all the contact records with lastname,firstname fields

List<Contact> result=[select id,lastname,firstname from Contact];

3.Write a soql query to fetch all the Opportunity records Name,StageName,closeDate

List<Opportunity> opps=[select name,stageName,closeDate from Opportunity];

4.Write a soql query to fetch all user records with lastname,firstname, profile

List<User> users=[select lastname,firstname,profile from User];

5.Write a soql query to fetch customer records with city,state,phone

List<Customer__c> result=[select City__c,State__c,Phone__c from


5. How to execute the soql queries

1. Debug annonymous block

2. Query Editor in the Developer console

3. Workbench to test the query result (Recommended for the testing)

Page 2

4. With in the Apex classes and triggers code

5. Using sforce toolkit using Ajax in Visualforce pages

6. Debug Anonymous Window :

|--------Developer Console
|-----Open Annonymous window

1. Write Query
2. Execute the query
3. See the result in the log file

7. Working with Query Editor

|--------Developer Console
|-------Expand the Console
|------select Query Editor

1. Write the query

2. Execute the query

3. From the result we can perform update, create , delete ,save ,Edit Detail
operation on the selected records

Note: Query editor is not for applying business logic it is used only for
operatons on the result set .

8. Workbench : Workbench is a third party used to test the data or perform apex
and testing webservices

1. Open the Url :

2. Select the environment as Sandbox /production

Page 3
3. Choose the api version

3. Login with salesforce account

4 Enter the salesforce account username/password

5. Select Soql from dropdown list

6. Select the object

7. Write the query

Ex : select name,industry from Account


9. Soql query statements are written in two forms

1. Static query Statements

2. Dynamic query statements

10..Static Query :

a. When the field which we want to fetch

b. When the object from which the data is fetched

c. When the conditions what we are going to apply

are fixed and know to us then we make single query statement which will run
throughout the business operation are called static query

Ex : String query='select name,industry from Account'

Ex : select name,industry from Account where Industry='banking'

Ex : String accIndustry='banking';

select name ,Industry from Account where Industry=:accIndustry

11.Dynamic Soql Query :

When the fields | Sobject | Conditions change from transaction to

transaction we call it as synamic

String query='select name,Industry from Account';

Page 4

if(accIndustry== 'Energy'){
query= query+'where Industry=\'Energy\' ';
query=query+' where phone=\'123\' ';

List<Account> result=Database.query(query);
Examples :

Example 1:

Write a soql to fetch name,industry ,phone from Accoutn and display it in the VF

Example :

public class SoqlExample1 {

public List<Account> accs {set;get;}

public SoqlExample1(){

accs=[select id,name,industry,phone from Account];


VFPage :

<apex:page controller="SoqlExample1">
<apex:pageBlock title="SoqlExample">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accs}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.industry}" />
<apex:column value="{!}" />

Example 2:
Page 5

Write the soql query to fetch data from opportunity object and display in the VF

public class SoqlExample2 {

public List<Opportunity> optyList {set;get;}
public SoqlExample2(){
optyList=[select name,stageName,Amount,closeDate from Opportunity];

VF page :

<apex:page controller="SoqlExample2">
<apex:pageBlock title="SoqlExample">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!optyList}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.stageName}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.amount}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.closeDate}" />

12. Limit :

a. Limit clause is used to restrict the number of rows to be returned by the

Query Result.

b. Limit Clause is an optional statement in SOQL Query.

c. Limit statement should be the last statement in the SOQL Query

Limit <Number Of Rows Returned>
Limit 1
Limit 10
Limit 50

Ex : Write query to fetch one Account record from Account object

Account acc=[select id,name,Industry from Account limit 1];

Page 6

Ex: Fetch 5 records from Account object

List<Account> result=[select id,name,industry from Account limit 5];

Ex: Fetch 10 records from Case objects

List<Case> result=[select stageName,Priority from Case Limit 10 ];

13. Offset :

a. Offset clause is used to specify from which record result should be

returned from query result .

b. Maximum offset value is 2000

Syntax :
offsett <RowNumber>

offset 1

offset 10

offset 1000

Ex : Return all the opportunities from 5th records

List<Opportunity> oppList=[select name,StageName from opportunity offset 5];

Ex: write soql to fetch all the accounts from 10th records

List<Account> accs=[select id,name from Account Offset 10];

Note : if you taking limit and offset together we have use limit followed by offset

List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry from Account Limit 5 offset 10 ];

14.Order By :

order by clause is used to sort the result in the asscending order or


Syntax :

order by FieldName DESC| ASC

Page 7

order by Field1,Field2 DESC |ASC

Example :

Order by Name ASC;

order by Name,Industry DESC;

Ex: Write a soql to fetch all the account records in the accending order of

List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry from Account order By Name ASC];

Ex : Write a soql to fetch all the account records in the decending order of

Ex: List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry from Account order by


Ex: Write the soql to fetch last 10 opportunity records based on created

List<Opportuntiy> opps=[select name,stagename from Opportunity order by

CreatedDate DESC LIMIT 10];

Ex : Write a soql to fetch last 10 opportunities based on closeDate

List<Opportunity> opps=[select name,stagename from Opportuntiy order By


15. ALL ROWS :

All Rows clause used to fetch all the records from sobject including the
which are deleted in the last 15 days .

Ex:Write a soql to fetch all the records including records which are in
recylce bin from Accoutn sobject

List<Account> accs=[select id,name,Industry from Account ALL ROWS];

Ex: Write a soql to fetch all the records including recycle bin from case

List<Case> cases=[select id,stage,Priority,origin from Case ALL ROWS];

Page 8
Examples :

Example 1:

Example :

public class SoqlExample1 {

public List<Account> result {set;get;}

public SoqlExample1(){

result=[select name,industry,phone from Account];

public void setLimit(){

result=[select name,Industry ,phone from Account limit 5];

public void setOffset(){

result=[select name,Industry ,phone from Account offset 5];

public void LimitOffset(){

result=[select name,Industry ,phone from Account Limit 5 offset 3 ];

public void sortAsc(){

result=[select name,industry,phone from Account Order By Name asc];

public void sortDesc(){

result=[select name,industry,phone from Account Order By Name,Industry

public void fetchAll(){

result=[select name,industry,phone from Account ALL ROWS];


Visualforce :

<apex:page controller="SoqlExample1">
Page 9
<apex:pageBlock title="SOQLExample">
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<apex:commandButton value="Limit" action="{!setLimit}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Offset" action="{!setOffset}" />
<apex:commandButton value="LimitOffset" action="{!LimitOffset}" />
<apex:commandButton value="SortAscending" action="{!sortAsc}" />
<apex:commandButton value="SortDesc" action="{!sortDesc}" />
<apex:commandButton value="ALLROWS" action="{!fetchAll}" />
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!result}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.industry}" />
<apex:column value="{!}" />

Example 2 :

1. Write a soql query to fetch last ten opportunity records based on closed date

2. display this records in the VF page

Solution :

class :public class SOQLExample3 {

public List<Opportunity> optyList {set;get;}
public SoqlExample3(){
optyList=[select id,stageName,CloseDate,Amount from
Opportunity Order By closeDate DESC LIMIT 10];

VF Page :

<apex:page controller="SoqlExample3">
<apex:pageBlock title="Opporunity">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!optyList}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.stageName}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.closeDate}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.amount}" />
Page 10

Excercise :
1. Write a soql to fetch first 5 Accounts based on created date and display in the

2. Write a soql query to fetch last 20 records opportunity records based on closed
and display in the vF page

3. Fetch all the case records and display first 10 case records based on createdate
and display in the VF page


16. SOQL with Where condition

Syntax :

select fields from Sobject where condition

Single Condition :

Where fieldName <Operator> value

Mulitple Conditions :

Where fieldName <Operator> value [ and | or ] FieldName <Operator> value

Example :

Where name='satish';

where Industry='Banking' and Phone='123'

Example :

1.Write a soql to fetch all the account records whose industry is banking

Page 11
List<Account> accs= [select name,industry ,phone from Account where

2. Write a soql to fetch all the case records whose origin is email

List<Case> cases=[select stage,priority from Case where origin='Email'];

3.Write soql to fetch the all opprotunties whose stage name is 'closed won' and
amount is more than 50000

List<Opportunity> opps=[select name,stageName,Amount from Opportunity where

stageName='closed won' and amount>50000];

Comparing with variables :

where fieldName =: [variablename];

String empName='satish';

Where name=:empName;

String stage='Closed Lost';

Where stageName=: stage

Example :

public class SoqlExample2 {

public List<Opportunity> optyList {set;get;}
public SoqlExample2(){
optyList=[select name,stageName,Amount from Opportunity];
public void staticWhere(){
optyList=[select name,stageName,Amount from Opportunity where
stageName='closed won'];
public void dynamicWhere(){
String sname='closed Lost';
optyList=[select name,stageName,Amount from Opportunity where
Page 12

VF page :

<apex:page controller="SoqlExample2">
<apex:pageBlock title="Opportunity">
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top">
<apex:commandButton value="Static" action="{!staticWhere}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Dynamic" action="{!dynamicWhere}" />
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!optyList}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.amount}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.stageName}" />

Example 2:

public class SoqlExample5 {

public string accName {set;get;}
public string accIndustry {set;get;}
public List<Account> accs {set;get;}
public SoqlExample5(){
accs=[select id,name,industry,phone from Account];
public void single(){
accs=[select id,name,industry,phone from Account where Name=:accName];
public void multiple(){
accs=[select id,name,industry,phone from Account where name=:accName and

VF page :
<apex:page controller="SoqlExample5">
<apex:pageBlock title="SoqlExample">
Enter name : <apex:inputText value="{!accName}" /> <br/><br/>
Enter Industry: <apex:inputText value="{!accIndustry}" /><br/><br/>
Page 13
<apex:commandButton value="Single" action="{!single}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Multiple" action="{!multiple}" />
<apex:pageBlock title="Opporunity">
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accs}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.Name}"/>
<apex:column value="{!a.industry}" />
<apex:column value="{!}" />

17.In clause :When we want to comapare


Where FieldName IN ( values)

Where name In ('Capital','Wipro','TCS')

Where stageName IN ( 'Closed Won','Closed Lost',Prospecting')

Where LeadSource IN('Phone Enquiry', 'Web')

Ex : Write soql query to fetch all the account records whose industry is Banking or
enery or Education.

List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry,Phone from Account where Industry In(


'Energy','Education') ];

Ex: Write a soql to fetch all the lead records whose leadSource is email,phone, web;

List<Lead> leads=[select lastname,firstname,company from Lead where LeadSource IN

('Emaii','Web','Phone') ];

Ex : Create List of names

: Write a soql to fetch all the account records whose names are in above list of

List<String> names=new List<String>{'Sam','Ram','Kiran'};

Page 14

List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry from Account where name in:names];

Example :
public class SOQLExample3 {
public List<Account> accs {set;get;}
public SOQLExample3(){
accs=[select name,industry,phone from Account];
public void staticIn(){
accs=[select name,Industry,phone from Account where Industry IN
public void dynamicIn(){
List<string> myList=new List<String>{'Banking','Education'};
accs=[select name,Industry,phone from Account where Industry In :myList];
public void soqlIn(){
List<Account> myData=[select id ,name from Account where Industry='Energy'];
accs=[select name,industry,phone from Account where Id IN: mydata and

<apex:page controller="SOQLExample3">
<apex:pageBlock title="Account">
<apex:commandButton value="StaticIn" action="{!staticin}" />
<apex:commandButton value="DynamicIn" action="{!dynamicIn}" />
<apex:commandButton value="SoqlIn" action="{!soqlIn}" />
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accs}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!}" />
<apex:column value="{!a.industry}" />
<apex:column value="{!}" />

Task1 : Fetch all the opportunity records whose account is industry is energy ;

public class SoqlExample4 {

Page 15
public List<Opportunity> oppList {set;get;}
public SoqlExample4(){
List<Account> accs=[select id,name,Industry from Account where
oppList=[select Name,Stagename,amount from Opportunity where AccountId

Task 2: Write soql query to fetch all the case records whose priority is Normal or

List<Case> cases=[select subject,Stage from Case where Priority='Noram' or


List<Case> cases=[select Subject,Stage from Case where Priority IN


Task 3: Write soql query to fetch all the cases of those accounts whose rating is

[select subject,Priority from Case where AccountId In ([select id from Account where

rating='HOT']) ];

List<Account> accs=[select id from Account where Rating='HOT'];

List<Case> cases=[select subject,Priority from Case where AccountId=:accs];



For Update clause will lock the records from getting updated by from other
untill the current transaction is completed

select fields from Sobject FOR UPDATE

List<Account> accs=[select id,name from Account FOR UPDATE];

Page 16
19 .LIKE :

Like clause is used to compare the string values or search for string value in the
given fields

'%' --Any

' _' : one character

LIKE ' A%' : Any string starts with A

LIKE '%sharma' : Any string that ends with sharma

LIKE '_k_r%' : Any string which contains second character as k and fourth
as r

Example :

1.Write a soql query to fetch all the Contact records whose lastname ends with s .

[select lastname,firstname,phone from Contact where Lastname LIKE '%s'];

2.Write a soql query to fetch all the Opportunity records whose opportunity name

[select name,amount,stagename from Opportunity where name Like '%salesforce%' ]


20 .DATE and Time keywords in soql :

1. TODAY :






Page 17






13.LAST_N_DAYS : n


Example :

1. Write a soql to fetch all the account records created in the last year

List<Account> accs=[select id,name,industry from Account where


2. Write soql to fetch all the opportunity records which are going to closed in next

15 days

List<Opportunity> opList=[select id,name,amount from Opportunity where


3. Write a soql to fetch all the application records which are Approved in last

1.Object :Application

2. Fields :AppType ,CustomerName ,ApporvedDate ,Status

List<Application__c> apps=[select AppType__c,Customername__c from Application__c

ApprovedDate__c =LAST_WEEK];

21. Date andTime methods :

CALENDAR_MONTH() Returns a number representing the calendar month of a date

Page 18

Ex: 1 for January

Ex :12 for December

CALENDAR_QUARTER() Returns a number representing the calendar quarter of a date

Ex :
1 for January 1 through March 31
2 for April 1 through June 30
3 for July 1 through September 30
4 for October 1 through December 3

CALENDAR_YEAR() Returns a number representing the calendar year of a date

field. 2009

DAY_IN_MONTH() Returns a number representing the day in the month of a date


Ex :20 for February 20

DAY_IN_WEEK() Returns a number representing the day of the week for a date
Ex: 1 for Sunday
Ex: 7 for Saturday

DAY_IN_YEAR() Returns a number representing the day in the year for a date field.
32 for February 1

DAY_ONLY() Returns a date representing the day portion of a dateTime field.

2009-09-22 for September 22, 2009
You can only use DAY_ONLY() with dateTime fields.

Parent -to-child--Soql :

If two objects are connected using a lookup or master-detail relation then we can

parent-to-child-soql query to fetch list of child records along with every parent.


| |
Page 19

1.Parent is Standard object and child is standard object

2.Parent is Standard object and Child is custom object

3.Parent is Custom object and child is standard object

4.Parent is Custom object and child is Custom object

1. Parent is Stamdard object and Child is Standard object

Syntax :

List<Parent> resul=[select PField1,PField2,(select CField1,CField2 from Childs) from


Ex: Account and Contact are connected by lookup

List<Account> accs=[select name,phone,(select lastname,firstname from Contacts )



Ex : Account and Cases are connected by Lookup

List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry,(select origin,status from cases) from


Ex: Account and Opportunity are connected by Lookup

List<Account> accs=[select name,Industry,(select name,amount from Opportunities)



Page 20
Parent is a standard object and Custom object is a child

Syntax :

List<parent> result=[select pfield1,Pfield2,(select Cfield1,cfield2 from


from Parent];

Note : At the time of creating a lookup /master -detail field We have a field called

ChildRelationName ..What ever the name we give in this box that will be used as

ChildRelationName name in soql

Ex: Account and Customer (Custom object) are connected by lookup relation with
Child relation name 'Customers' .

List<Account> result=[select name,Industry,(select LastName__c,Phone__c from

Customers__r) from Account];

Ex: Contact and Loan object are connected by Lookup relation and childRelation name
is Loans then we

List<Contact> result=[select lastname,firstname,(select security__c,Amount__c from

Loans__r ) from Contact];

Ex: Account and Loan are connected by Child Relation Name MyLoan

List<Account> result=[select name,industry,(select security__c,Amount__c from


from Account];

Note : generally child object name will be the child relation name

Custom Object is the parent and standard object is the child
Page 21

Syntax :

select pField1,Pfield2,(select cfield1,cfield2 from ChildRelationName__r) from


Ex: Account has lookup relation with Customer with Customer as parent and
name as 'Accounts'

List<Customer__c> result=[select Name,City__c,(select name,Industry from

Accounts__r) from Customer__c];

Custom Object as parent and Custom object as child

Syntax :

List<parent> result=[select pfield1,Pfield2 ,(select CField1,Cfield2 from

ChildRealtionName__r) from Parent];

Ex: CreditCard abd Payment objects are connected by Master-Detail relation with
child relation name as 'Payments'

List<CreditCard__c> result=[select Card_Type__c,Limit__c,(select Name,Amount__c from

payments__r) from CreditCard__c];

Scenario :1

Ex : Fetch all the Account records with list of corresponding contacts and

replace contacts otherphone as accounts phone;

List<Account> accs=[select id,phone ,(select id,otherPhone from Cotnacts) from


List<Contact> cons=new List<Contact>();

Page 22
for(Account a: accs){

for(Contact c:a.contacts){;

Scenario :2

Create a map with accountName as key and sum of corresponding child opportuntiy
amount as value of map. and insert the values.

/* AccountName is a string so key is string */

/* Sum of opportunity amount is currency so we have taken value as decimal */

Map<String,Decimal> accMap=new Map<String,Decimal>();

/* Write a parent child soql to fetch all the account records with */
/* corresponding child Opportunites */

List<Account> accs=[select id,name,(select id,amount from Opportunties) from


/* create a loop to one by one account from accList */

for(Account a: accs){

Decimal amount=0;

/* Every account has list of opportunities so fetch the list of opportunties for
account a by using a.opportunities

for(Opportunity op :a.opportunities){


// put account name as key and amount as value ;

Page 23

Child to Parent Soql query :

1. Child to parent Soql query

a. Relation field is created by salesforce

b. relation field is created by user

2. Realtion field is created by salesforce ( it using standard field to connect both



List<Child> result=[select ChildFIelds,RelationName.FieldName from Child];

Ex: Contact and Account are connected by using Standard Lookup field Account

List<Contact> cons=[select lastname,firstname ,Account.Name from Contact];

Ex: Customer and user object are connected by using Standard Lookup field CreatedBy

List<Customer__c> customers=[select Name__c,CreatedBy.FirstName,CreatedBy.LastName

from Customer__c];

3. Relation field is created by user i.e both the objects are connected by Custom

Page 24

Syntax :

List<Child> result=[select CFields,RelationName__r.ParentField from Child];

Ex : Create a Custom Lookupfield on Contact object choosing Account as parent

Field Name : MyAccount__c

List<Contact> cons=[select
from Contact];

Ex:Payment object has master-detail relation with Creditcard with the field name


List<Payment__c> result=[select
Mode__c,Amount__c,Creditcard__r.Type__c,CreditCard__r.Limit__c from Payment__c];

AggregateFunctions :

1. count() : This will return the count of no of records returned in by soql

Ex : Find count how many account records are there in the sobject Account

Integer size=[select count() from Account ];

Ex: Find the count of no of Opportunities which are won in this month

Integer size=[select count() from Opportunity where stageName='closed won'



2. SUM(Field) : This will give you summarized value of the give field from the

AggregateResult result=[select sum(amount) from Opportunity];

Page 25

Decimal amount=(Decimal)result.get('expr0');

AggregateResult result=[select sum(amount)total from Opportunity];

Decimal amount=(Decimal)result.get('total');

3.AVG(field) : This will return avg value of the given field from query result

4.MIN(FieldName): This will return minimum value of the given field from query

5.MAX(Field Name) : This will return maximum value of the given field from query

Example :1

AggregateResult result=[select sum(amount)total

MIN(amount)minval from Opportunity];

Decimal total=(Decimal)result.get('total');

Decimal avgval=(Decimal)result.get('avgval');

Decimal maxval=(Decimal)result.get('maxval');

Decimal minval=(Decimal)result.get('minval');

System.debug('Total :'+total);

System.debug('Avg :'+avgval);
System.debug('MIN :'+minval);
System.debug('Max :'+maxval);

Group By : if we use group by clause along with Aggregate functions we get the
result as

: we can only query the fields which are part of aggregare result or group
by clause .
Page 26

List<AggregateResult> resList=[select stagename,sum(amount)total

,AVG(Amount) avgval,MAX(Amount)maxval,
MIN(amount)minval from Opportunity
group by stagename];

for(AggregateResult result : resList){

String stageName=(String)result.get('stagename');

Decimal total=(Decimal)result.get('total');

Decimal avgval=(Decimal)result.get('avgval');

Decimal maxval=(Decimal)result.get('maxval');

Decimal minval=(Decimal)result.get('minval');

System.debug('====Start ====');

System.debug('Total :'+total);
System.debug('Avg :'+avgval);
System.debug('MIN :'+minval);
System.debug('Max :'+maxval);

Page 27

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