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Procedimiento [editar]

Al comienzo de un curso en un marco basado en competencias, los estudiantes deben pasar

por una evaluacin inicial, en la que el profesor determina el nivel de competencia actual de
cada alumno. Despus de esto, los estudiantes se agrupan sobre la base de "su nivel actual de
dominio del ingls, su ritmo de aprendizaje, sus necesidades y sus objetivos sociales para
aprender ingls" (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147). Adems, un curso basado en CBLT se
divide en tres etapas, que los estudiantes tienen que pasar para terminar el curso con xito
(Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147). En las Etapas 1 y 2, los alumnos abordan doce
competencias relacionadas con el desarrollo general del lenguaje (Richards y Rodgers, 2001,
p.147). En la Etapa 3 los estudiantes se agrupan en funcin de sus objetivos de aprendizaje y
"las competencias se definen de acuerdo con los tres ejes del programa de Estudio adicional,
ingls vocacional y acceso comunitario" (Richards y Rodgers, 2001, p.147).

Conclusin [editar]

Hay crticos y partidarios de la enseanza de idiomas basada en la competencia. Segn

Tollefson (1986), es muy difcil desarrollar listas de competencias para cada situacin
especfica. Esto se debe principalmente al hecho de que muchas reas en las que las personas
necesitan ciertas competencias son imposibles de poner en prctica (Richards y Rodgers, 2001,
p.148). Otros investigadores argumentan que describir una actividad en trminos de un
conjunto de diferentes competencias no es suficiente para manejar la complejidad de la
actividad como un todo (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.148). Pero, por otro lado, CBLT est
ganando popularidad en todo el mundo. Se argumenta que a travs de los resultados
claramente definidos y la retroalimentacin continua en CBLT, se mejora la calidad de la
evaluacin, as como el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y la enseanza (Docking, 1994, p.15).
Estas mejoras se pueden ver en todos los niveles educativos, "de la escuela primaria a la
universidad, y de los estudios acadmicos a la capacitacin en el lugar de trabajo" (Docking,
1994, p.15). Rylatt y Lohan (1997, p.18) sealan que "el negocio de mejorar las competencias y
habilidades de aprendizaje seguir siendo una de las industrias y prioridades de crecimiento
ms rpido del mundo" en el futuro.

At the beginning of a course in a competency-based framework the students have to go

through an initial assessment, in which the teacher determines the current proficiency level of
the individual student. After this the students are grouped on the basis of their current
English proficiency level, their learning pace, their needs, and their social goals for learning
English (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147). Furthermore, a course based on CBLT is divided
into three stages, which the students have to go through in order to successfully finish the
course (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147). At Stages 1 and 2 the learners deal with twelve
competencies which are related to general language development (Richards & Rodgers, 2001,
p.147). At Stage 3 the students are grouped on the basis of their learning goals and
competencies are defined according to the three syllabus strands of Further Study, Vocational
English, and Community Access (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147).


There are both critics and supporters of Competency-Based Language Teaching. According to
Tollefson (1986) it is very difficult to develop lists of competencies for every specific situation.
This is due above all to the fact that many areas in which people need certain competencies
are impossible to operationalise (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.148). Other researchers argue
that describing an activity in terms of a set of different competencies is not enough in order to
deal with the complexity of the activity as a whole (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.148). But on
the other hand, CBLT is gaining popularity in the whole world. It is argued that through the
clearly defined outcomes and the continuous feedback in CBLT, the quality of assessment as
well as the students learning and the teaching are improved (Docking, 1994, p.15). These
improvements can be seen on all educational levels, from primary school to university, and
from academic studies to workplace training (Docking, 1994, p.15). Rylatt and Lohan (1997,
p.18) point out that the business of improving learning competencies and skills will remain
one of the worlds fastest growing industries and priorities in the future.

evaluacin inicial (colocacin)

completar la subparte con la evaluacin y pasar a la prxima unidad.


initial assessment (placement)

completion of subpart with the assessment and moving on to the next unit.


Cblt prepara a los estudiantes para encajar en el status y mantener las relaciones de clase.
Adems, la enseanza generalmente se centra en el comportamiento y el rendimiento en lugar
donde desarrolla sus habilidades de pensamiento.


Cblt is seen as prescriptivism for it prepares students to fit into the status quo and maintain
class relationships. in addition, teaching typically focuses on behavior and performance rather
than on the development of thinking skills.


INSTRUCCIONES: en una hoja de papel de 1/4 responda las siguientes preguntas.

1.-CBLT es la aplicacin de los principios de qu movimiento?

2.- dnde surgi CBLT?

3-4. Quines fueron los proponentes de CBLT?

5.- Cite una actividad de aprendizaje para CBLT?

6-10.- En 2-3 oraciones, qu tan importante es CBLT para los estudiantes de idiomas en
preparacin para las tareas del mundo real?

INSTRUCTIONS: on a 1/4 sheet of paper answer the following questions.

1.-CBLT is application of the principles of what movement?

2.- where did CBLT emerge?

3-4. who were the proponents of CBLT?

5.- Cite one learning activity for CBLT?

6-10.- In 2-3 sentences, how important CBLT is for language students in preparation for the
real world tasks?


Competency-Based Language Teaching.

From the explanation above, we would like to answer the question about:

What is meant by CBLT?

What are the approaches of CBLT?
What are the implementations of CBLT?
What are the competencies involved in CBLT?
Who are the targets of learners?


At the beginning of a course in a competency-based framework the students have to go

through an initial assessment, in which the teacher determines the current proficiency level of
the individual student. After this the students are grouped on the basis of their current
English proficiency level, their learning pace, their needs, and their social goals for learning

Furthermore, a course based on CBLT is divided into three stages, which the students have to
go through in order to successfully finish the course At Stages 1 and 2 the learners deal with
twelve competencies which are related to general language. At Stage 3 the students are
grouped on the basis of their learning goals and competencies are defined according to the
three syllabus strands of Further Study, Vocational English, and Community Access.


Al comienzo de un curso en un marco basado en competencias, los estudiantes deben pasar

por una evaluacin inicial, en la que el profesor determina el nivel de competencia actual de
cada alumno. Despus de esto, los estudiantes se agrupan sobre la base de "su nivel actual de
dominio del ingls, su ritmo de aprendizaje, sus necesidades y sus objetivos sociales para
aprender ingls".

Adems, un curso basado en CBLT se divide en tres etapas, que los estudiantes deben seguir
para finalizar con xito el curso. En las Etapas 1 y 2, los alumnos abordan doce competencias
relacionadas con el lenguaje general. En la Etapa 3, los estudiantes se agrupan en funcin de
sus objetivos de aprendizaje y "las competencias se definen de acuerdo con los tres ejes del
programa de Estudio adicional, ingls vocacional y acceso a la comunidad".
What Is Competency-based Language Teaching All About?

CBLT, though now a buzzword in the field of teaching, had humble beginnings. It emerged in
the 1970s as a crash course method because of its focus on giving learners the essentials first.

The pillars of this method include:

Active learning
Real-world application
Long-term retention
Competency-based assessment

A traditional CBLT course begins with an assessment of the students current speaking level as
well as his or her goals and needs. The teacher uses this information to tailor the curriculum to
the students profile. If your student is an IT professional, you will first focus on the skills that
he or she will need to get through an average day at work. You do not start at the traditional
beginning with fundamentals. You start with what the student needs now.

This approach is great for one-on-one teaching, but what about the rest of us with average-
sized classes and deadlines to follow? The good news is that you do not need to adopt CBLT
100% of the time for it to be effective. You can choose to incorporate it occasionally to spice
up your classes and give your students a new challenge.

Here is an overview of everything you need to know to infuse your curriculum with a healthy
dose of competency-based learning strategies. Doing so can help bring a lethargic classroom
back to life by reminding students why they wanted to learn the language in the first place: To
5 Truths You Need to Know About Competency-based Language Teaching

1. CBLT Keeps You on Your Toes with Active Learning

CBLTs biggest claim to fame is perhaps its focus on active learning, rather than passive

Here is an example to elaborate. You have taken the bus to work every single day for the past
year. You enjoy the ride and watch the scenery go by. One day the bus never shows up and
you are forced to take your car. You are driving along without a problem until you come to a
fork in the road and you realize that you are not exactly sure which way to go.

You were not even aware that you didnt know the way to work until you tried. Your
knowledge of the route was passive, not active, because you were never the one driving.

When you ask one of your students if they know how to order a coffee in a foreign language,
chances are the answer will be an automatic yes. It is not until they attempt to do so that
they become aware of the areas in which they need to improve. It is sometimes hard for us to
judge what we know and do not know. This is why real-world role plays are common exercises
in a CBLT classroom. If you already use them thensurprise!you have already got a soft spot
for competency-based learning.

CBLT exercises are:

1. Systematic. Theres a specific goal in mind (i.e. to teach a student when to use that versus
when to use which when describing people or things).

2. Repetitive. Students learn by doing, not by memorizing the rules, so repetition is essential.
3. Measurable. The success of the exercise is easy to measure. If a student has grasped the
lesson and can apply the new skill, then it was successful and you can move on to the next

CBLT works hand-in-hand with a mosaic approach to lessons, meaning that the language can
be broken down and taught as subcomponents. These pieces can be prioritized and taught
separately, then assembled later. Each exercise has a purpose and imparts a skill.

A teacher does not move on to the next exercise until the student has mastered that skill. In
this methodical way, the teacher is promoting active learning. These pieces can be taught in
any order because they are not based on grammatical knowledge. The syllabus is easy to tailor
when you are not rigidly focused on the successive building blocks of basic grammar.

One of the great things about using CBLT is that you do not need to worry or wonder if your
students are grasping what you are trying to teach. You can see it in black and white by having
them actively demonstrate each new skill.

2. CBLT Keeps It Real

Teachers of the CBLT method aim to give students the words and language forms they need to
function in their lives. The language is never taught in isolation. Again, adopting CBLT 100% of
the time might not be realistic for the environment you are teaching in, but you can still add
some of its strategies to your playbook.

It is common for a language teacher to use newspapers or other real-world materials in the
classroom. CBLT will have you take it one step further and bring in real-world texts that are
relevant to the students lives.

Lets say you have a student who is learning a language in order to apply for a job in
hospitality. You could bring an article about a new hotel opening up in Paris. After helping him
understand the article, have him compare past hotels he has worked in with the hotel
mentioned in the article. Ask him what kind of hotel he wants to work in and why. Later,
reformat this conversation as a job interview and ask him similar questions in an even more
realistic setting.
Remember to follow the checklist we mentioned before:

1. It is systematic. The goals are to teach new vocabulary related to hospitality and to have the
student discuss past work experience.

2. It is repetitive. As the teacher you will repeatedly introduce the new vocabulary that the
student initially struggled with. When you do the mock job interview he or she will have to use
these new words.

3. It is measurable. Before moving on, the student will be able to discuss his job experience in
an interview setting using new vocabulary words.

By encouraging your students to speak and try to accomplish tasks, you are preventing them
from learning the language in a vacuum. It is not something abstract. It is a tool that helps
them make friends, get a job, connect and be heard.

They will be so busy using the relevant words they have learned, speaking fluently but not
perfectly, that much of the rest of the language will be acquired through foreign language
conversations with newfound friends.

With CBLT, teachers keep in mind that the language is first and foremost the learners tool.
There is no preset curriculum because only the student knows what he or she needs to learn.
Check in frequently to see if there is any language skill students are missing and need

On the first day of class, you can conduct an exercise in which students define their language
goals for the course and for the year. After discussing and comparing these goals, you will have
a clearer idea of how to shape your syllabus.

3. CBLT Is In It for the Long Haul

I have a piece of paper in the back of my desk drawer thats signed by my university dean
claiming that I am fluent in Spanish. It is true, my Spanish is decent, assuming I dont actually
have to speak it. Im guessing Im not alone here.

CBLT strives to avoid this phenomenon by emphasizing feel over memorization. Tests and
dictations have their place, but it is good to avoid a curriculum entirely based on
memorization. What matters is the students ability to use the language, not their ability to
memorize the rules. Much like a native speaker, the learner will be able to sense if a sentence
is grammatically correct or not without knowing the underlying concepts.

According to an article in The Atlantic, memorization is the learning of an isolated fact

through deliberate effort and tends to bypass real conceptual learning. Memorization is not
bad. It can be helpful. The difference here is in intention. According to CBLT, memorization
should be the byproduct of application, not vice versa.

CBLT is successful when it comes to long-term learning because it only cares about
competency. It claims that a student should take as much time as he or she needs to master a
skill before moving onto the next one. I think we can all agree that this would be ideal, but it is
not realistic for those of us who need to stick to prescribed timelines. It is also tough for us to
tailor syllabi to individual needs when we have 15 students per class.

Here are some tricks to help you apply CBLT within these constraints:

70-30. Decrease teacher talking time. Try to aim for students to speak 70% of the time and you
to speak only 30%. This will ensure that they are getting more time to master their speaking
exercises. You will not need more than 30% to present the basic framework of the exercises
and grammar points.

Strategic grouping. Split the class up into groups based on interests, occupation or desired
occupation. Themes could be: business, IT, human resources and hospitality, depending on
your students. This will help them learn new vocabulary from each other in a field relevant to

Review day. Always save a day or two at the end of the course to review areas in which
students are not fully comfortable. Conduct this class in rapid-fire fashion, with lots of
repetition and speaking. Get through as many of the selected problem areas as possible.

Teachers without the luxury of unlimited time and resources can stick to a syllabus while still
using CBLT tricks to give students a somewhat tailored experience.
4. CBLT Challenges Tradition

CBLT is concerned with what students can do with a language, not what they know about it.

Despite the wide recognition of CBLT as an effective method, some still see it as the flowery
lovechild of a hippy generation set on equality and individuality. Todays education system is
big on assessing and measuring. When learning de-emphasizes the importance of graded,
written tests, it is bound to attract some suspicion.

CBLT is seen as a threat to this system because it is less concerned with pen-and-paper tests
and more concerned with how a student functions using their new skills in the real world. It
considers test scores irrelevant and says that competency is all that matters.

Instead of typical written tests, CBLT assessment generally requires students to demonstrate
their ability to achieve performance-based objectives, i.e. to politely negotiate a raise or to
explain to someone how to drive to their house.

We do not need to adopt this method exclusively for it to be effective. Many teachers
incorporate a demonstration section without giving up the pen-and-paper portion. Others
have the flexibility to instruct a class entirely via CBLT.

Whatever your preferences or constraints, consider flirting with CBLT testing methods and
then go from there. Even if you cannot use its results officially, you can include it anyway to
obtain some valuable feedback about your teaching.

There is a misconception that CBLT and traditional assessments are mutually exclusive.
Although they come from different schools of thought, both assessment methods can be
combined. Assessing a classs progress through tests does not undermine the CBLT approach,
although for a CBLT classroom the results are not the be-all end-all.

5. CBLT Has a Bright Future

Views towards CBLT are slowly but surely changing. More than 350 institutions are now
offering or will soon offer competency-based academic degrees. So long live the lovechild!

One argument is that by measuring knowledge rather than time spent studying, the school
systems will become more efficient and ultimately save moneyand we all know money

Excelsior is one such institution following this approach, claiming that you cannot determine
whether someone is competent unless you can determine their ability to demonstrate
whatever knowledge they have in as real a situation as you can.

As this trend continues to grow in academics it will surely shape how language is taught. CBLTs
biggest selling points continue to be its efficiency and its effectiveness, essentials in a world
where time and money are of the essence. As the global community gets smaller with
technology and as migrant populations expand, there will be an increasing need for speedy
language learning.

Keep your eye on CBLT as it further transforms from an upstream rebel into a mainstream
player. I hope youve enjoyed reading about this flourishing school of thought and can find
some tidbits to take back to the classroom with you.

CBLT, aunque ahora era una palabra de moda en el campo de la enseanza, tuvo comienzos
humildes. Surgi en la dcada de 1970 como un mtodo de curso acelerado debido a su
enfoque en dar a los estudiantes lo esencial primero.

Los pilares de este mtodo incluyen:

Aprendizaje activo
Aplicacin en el mundo real
Retencin a largo plazo
Evaluacin basada en la competencia

Un curso CBLT tradicional comienza con una evaluacin del nivel de habla actual del alumno,
as como sus objetivos y necesidades. El docente utiliza esta informacin para adaptar el plan
de estudios al perfil del alumno. Si su estudiante es un profesional de TI, primero se enfocar
en las habilidades que necesitar para pasar un da normal en el trabajo. No comienzas en el
principio tradicional con fundamentos. Empiezas con lo que el alumno necesita ahora.

Este enfoque es ideal para la enseanza individualizada, pero qu hay del resto de nosotros
con las clases de tamao medio y los plazos a seguir? La buena noticia es que no es necesario
adoptar CBLT el 100% del tiempo para que sea efectivo. Puede optar por incorporarlo
ocasionalmente para darle ms sabor a sus clases y ofrecer a sus alumnos un nuevo desafo.

Aqu hay una descripcin general de todo lo que necesita saber para infundir en su plan de
estudios una dosis saludable de estrategias de aprendizaje basadas en la competencia. Hacerlo
puede ayudar a que una clase letrgica vuelva a la vida al recordar a los estudiantes por qu
queran aprender el idioma en primer lugar: Para comunicarse!

5 verdades que necesitas saber sobre la enseanza de idiomas basada en la competencia

1. CBLT te mantiene alerta con el aprendizaje activo

El mayor reclamo de CBLT a la fama es tal vez su enfoque en el aprendizaje activo, en lugar del
aprendizaje pasivo.
Aqu hay un ejemplo para elaborar. Has tomado el autobs al trabajo todos los das durante el
ao pasado. Disfrutas el paseo y ves pasar el paisaje. Un da, el autobs nunca aparece y se ve
obligado a tomar su automvil. Est conduciendo sin problemas hasta que llega a una
bifurcacin en el camino y se da cuenta de que no est exactamente seguro de qu camino

Ni siquiera sabas que no sabas la forma de trabajar hasta que lo intentaste. Tu conocimiento
de la ruta fue pasivo, no activo, porque nunca fuiste el que conduca.

Cuando le pregunta a uno de sus estudiantes si sabe cmo pedir un caf en un idioma
extranjero, es probable que la respuesta sea un "s" automtico. No es hasta que lo intentan
que se dan cuenta de las reas en las que ellos necesitan mejorar A veces es difcil para
nosotros juzgar lo que sabemos y lo que no sabemos. Esta es la razn por la cual los juegos de
roles del mundo real son ejercicios comunes en un aula de CBLT. Si ya los usa, sorpresa!, Ya
tiene un punto dbil para el aprendizaje basado en competencias.

Los ejercicios CBLT son:

1. Sistemtico. Hay un objetivo especfico en mente (es decir, ensearle a un estudiante

cundo usar "eso" versus cundo usar "cul" al describir personas o cosas).

2. Repetitivo Los estudiantes aprenden haciendo, no memorizando las reglas, por lo que la
repeticin es esencial.

3. Medible. El xito del ejercicio es fcil de medir. Si un estudiante ha captado la leccin y

puede aplicar la nueva, entonces fue exitosa y puede pasar al siguiente ejercicio.

CBLT trabaja mano a mano con un enfoque "mosaico" de las lecciones, lo que significa que el
lenguaje se puede analizar y ensear como subcomponentes. Estas piezas se pueden priorizar
y ensear por separado, luego se ensamblan ms tarde. Cada ejercicio tiene un propsito e
imparte una habilidad.

Un maestro no pasa al siguiente ejercicio hasta que el alumno haya dominado esa habilidad.
De esta manera metdica, el profesor promueve el aprendizaje activo. Estas piezas se pueden
ensear en cualquier orden porque no se basan en el conocimiento gramatical. El plan de
estudios es fcil de adaptar cuando no se centra rgidamente en los sucesivos componentes
bsicos de la gramtica bsica.

Una de las mejores cosas sobre el uso de CBLT es que no necesita preocuparse o preguntarse si
sus estudiantes comprenden lo que est tratando de ensear. Puede verlo en blanco y negro
haciendo que demuestren activamente cada nueva habilidad.

2. CBLT lo mantiene real

Los maestros del mtodo CBLT pretenden dar a los estudiantes las palabras y las formas de
lenguaje que necesitan para funcionar en sus vidas. El lenguaje nunca se ensea de forma
aislada. Una vez ms, adoptar CBLT el 100% del tiempo puede no ser realista para el entorno
en el que est enseando, pero puede agregar algunas de sus estrategias a su libro de
Es comn que un maestro de idiomas use peridicos u otros materiales del mundo real en el
aula. CBLT har que va ms all y traiga textos del mundo real que sean relevantes para las
vidas de los estudiantes.

Digamos que tiene un estudiante que est aprendiendo un idioma para solicitar un trabajo en
la hospitalidad. Podras traer un artculo sobre la apertura de un nuevo hotel en Pars. Despus
de ayudarlo a entender el artculo, pdale que compare los hoteles anteriores en los que
trabaj con el hotel mencionado en el artculo. Pregntele en qu tipo de hotel quiere trabajar
y por qu. Ms tarde, vuelva a formatear esta conversacin como una entrevista de trabajo y
hgale preguntas similares en un entorno an ms realista.

Recuerde seguir la lista de verificacin que mencionamos anteriormente:

1. Es sistemtico. Los objetivos son ensear vocabulario nuevo relacionado con la hospitalidad
y hacer que el alumno discuta la experiencia laboral pasada.

2. Es repetitivo. Como maestro, repetidamente presentars el nuevo vocabulario con el que al

principio el estudiante tuvo problemas. Cuando hagas la entrevista de trabajo simulada, l o
ella tendr que usar estas palabras nuevas.

3. Es medible. Antes de continuar, el alumno podr analizar su experiencia laboral en un

entorno de entrevista utilizando nuevas palabras de vocabulario.

Al alentar a sus estudiantes a hablar y tratar de realizar tareas, les impide aprender el idioma
en el vaco. No es algo abstracto. Es una herramienta que les ayuda a hacer amigos, conseguir
un trabajo, conectarse y ser escuchados.

Estarn tan ocupados usando las palabras relevantes que han aprendido, hablando con fluidez
pero no perfectamente, que gran parte del resto del idioma se adquirir a travs de
conversaciones en un idioma extranjero con amigos recin descubiertos.

Con CBLT, los maestros tienen en cuenta que el idioma es ante todo la herramienta del
alumno. No hay un plan de estudios preestablecido porque solo el estudiante sabe lo que
necesita aprender. Regstrese con frecuencia para ver si hay alguna habilidad en el idioma que
los alumnos hayan perdido y que necesitan de inmediato.

El primer da de clase, puede realizar un ejercicio en el que los alumnos definan sus objetivos
lingsticos para el curso y el ao. Despus de discutir y comparar estos objetivos, tendr una
idea ms clara de cmo dar forma a su plan de estudios.

3. CBLT est en el camino a largo plazo

Tengo un papel en la parte posterior del cajn de mi escritorio que est firmado por mi decano
de la universidad, afirmando que domino el espaol. Es cierto, mi espaol es decente,
suponiendo que en realidad no tengo que hablarlo. Supongo que no estoy solo aqu.
CBLT se esfuerza por evitar este fenmeno haciendo hincapi en la "sensacin" sobre la
memorizacin. Las pruebas y los dictados tienen su lugar, pero es bueno evitar un plan de
estudios completamente basado en la memorizacin. Lo que importa es la capacidad de los
estudiantes para usar el idioma, no su capacidad para memorizar las reglas. Al igual que un
hablante nativo, el alumno ser capaz de detectar si una oracin es gramaticalmente correcta
o no, sin conocer los conceptos subyacentes.

Segn un artculo en The Atlantic, la memorizacin es el aprendizaje de "un hecho aislado a

travs del esfuerzo deliberado" y tiende a "eludir el aprendizaje conceptual real". La
memorizacin no es mala. Puede ser til. La diferencia aqu est en la intencin. De acuerdo
con CBLT, la memorizacin debe ser el subproducto de la aplicacin, no al revs.

CBLT tiene xito cuando se trata de aprendizaje a largo plazo porque solo se preocupa por la
competencia. Afirma que un estudiante debe tomar tanto tiempo como l o ella necesita para
dominar una habilidad antes de pasar a la siguiente. Creo que todos podemos estar de
acuerdo en que esto sera ideal, pero no es realista para aquellos de nosotros que necesitamos
cumplir con los plazos establecidos. Tambin es difcil para nosotros adaptar los planes de
estudios a las necesidades individuales cuando tenemos 15 estudiantes por clase.

Aqu hay algunos trucos para ayudarlo a aplicar CBLT dentro de estas restricciones:

70-30. Disminuir el tiempo de conversacin de los maestros. Trata de que los estudiantes
hablen el 70% del tiempo y de que hables solo el 30%. Esto asegurar que tengan ms tiempo
para dominar sus ejercicios de conversacin. No necesitar ms del 30% para presentar el
marco bsico de los ejercicios y los puntos de gramtica.

Agrupacin estratgica. Divida la clase en grupos segn los intereses, la ocupacin o la

ocupacin deseada. Los temas podran ser: negocios, informtica, recursos humanos y
hospitalidad, segn sus alumnos. Esto les ayudar a aprender vocabulario nuevo el uno del
otro en un campo relevante para ellos.

Da de revisin Siempre guarde uno o dos das al final del curso para revisar las reas en las
que los estudiantes no se sienten cmodos. Lleve a cabo esta clase de manera rpida, con
mucha repeticin y conversacin. Recorra tantas reas problemticas seleccionadas como sea

Los maestros sin el lujo de tiempo y recursos ilimitados pueden apegarse a un plan de estudios
al tiempo que utilizan trucos CBLT para dar a los estudiantes una experiencia algo adaptada.

4. CBLT desafa la tradicin

CBLT se preocupa por lo que los estudiantes pueden hacer con un idioma, no por lo que saben
al respecto.

A pesar del amplio reconocimiento de CBLT como un mtodo efectivo, algunos todava lo ven
como el lovechild florido de una generacin hippy basada en la igualdad y la individualidad. El
sistema educativo actual es importante para evaluar y medir. Cuando el aprendizaje resta
importancia a la importancia de las pruebas graduadas y escritas, seguramente atraer algunas

CBLT se ve como una amenaza para este sistema porque est menos preocupado con las
pruebas con lpiz y papel y ms preocupado por cmo funciona un estudiante al usar sus
nuevas habilidades en el mundo real. Considera que los puntajes de las pruebas son
irrelevantes y dice que la competencia es lo nico que importa.

En lugar de las pruebas escritas tpicas, la evaluacin CBLT generalmente requiere que los
estudiantes demuestren su capacidad para lograr objetivos basados en el desempeo, es decir,
para negociar cortsmente un aumento o para explicar a alguien cmo conducir hasta su casa.

No necesitamos adoptar este mtodo exclusivamente para que sea efectivo. Muchos docentes
incorporan una seccin de demostracin sin renunciar a la porcin de lpiz y papel. Otros
tienen la flexibilidad de instruir una clase completamente a travs de CBLT.

Sean cuales sean sus preferencias o limitaciones, considere coquetear con los mtodos de
prueba CBLT y luego ir de all. Incluso si no puede utilizar sus resultados de manera oficial,
puede incluirlo de todos modos para obtener comentarios valiosos sobre su enseanza.

Existe la idea errnea de que CBLT y las evaluaciones tradicionales son mutuamente
excluyentes. Aunque provienen de diferentes escuelas de pensamiento, ambos mtodos de
evaluacin se pueden combinar. Evaluar el progreso de una clase a travs de pruebas no
socava el enfoque de CBLT, aunque para un aula CBLT los resultados no son el final.

5. CBLT tiene un futuro brillante

Las opiniones hacia CBLT estn cambiando lenta pero seguramente. Ms de 350 instituciones
estn ofreciendo o ofrecern pronto ttulos acadmicos basados en competencias. As que
vive el hijo amoroso!

Un argumento es que midiendo el conocimiento en vez del tiempo dedicado al estudio, los
sistemas escolares sern ms eficientes y finalmente ahorrarn dinero y todos sabemos que el
dinero habla.

Excelsior es una de esas instituciones que sigue este enfoque, alegando que "no se puede
determinar si alguien es competente a menos que se pueda determinar su capacidad para
demostrar cualquier conocimiento que tenga en una situacin tan real como sea posible".

A medida que esta tendencia contine creciendo en lo acadmico, seguramente moldear

cmo se ensea el idioma. Los puntos de venta ms importantes de CBLT siguen siendo su
eficiencia y su eficacia, esenciales en un mundo donde el tiempo y el dinero son esenciales. A
medida que la comunidad global se reduce con la tecnologa y las poblaciones migrantes se
expanden, habr una necesidad creciente de aprendizaje rpido de idiomas.
Mantenga su ojo en CBLT, ya que se transforma de un rebelde aguas arriba en un jugador
convencional. Espero que hayas disfrutado leyendo acerca de esta floreciente escuela de
pensamiento y que puedas encontrar algunas cositas para llevarte al aula contigo.


Dr Richards responds:

Competency-based instruction is an approach to the planning and delivery of courses that has
been in widespread use since the 1970s. What characterizes a competency-based approach is
the focus on the outcomes of learning, as the driving force of teaching and the curriculum. The
application of its principles to language teaching is called competency-based language
teaching. Because this approach seeks to teach the skills needed to perform real-world tasks, it
became widely used, from the 1980s, as the basis for many English language programmes for
immigrants and refugees, as well as for work-related courses of many different kinds. It is an
approach that has been the foundation for the design of work-related and survival-oriented
language teaching programmes for adults. It seeks to teach students the basic skills they need
in order to prepare them for situations they commonly encounter in everyday life. Recently,
competency-based frameworks have become adopted in many countries, particularly for
vocational and technical education. They are also increasingly being adopted in national
language curriculums.

CBLT is often used in programmes that focus on learners with very specific language needs. In
such cases, rather than seeking to teach general English, the specific language skills needed to
function in a specific context is the focus. This is similar, then, to an ESP approach. There, too,
the starting point in course planning is an identification of the tasks the learner will need to
carry out within a specific setting and the language demands of those tasks. (The Common
European Framework of Reference also describes learning outcomes in terms of
competencies). The competencies needed for successful task performance are then identified,
and used as the basis for course planning. Teaching methods used may vary, but typically are
skill-based, since the focus is on developing the ability to use language to carry out real-world

El Dr. Richards responde:

La instruccin basada en la competencia es un enfoque para la planificacin y la imparticin de

cursos que se ha generalizado desde los aos setenta. Lo que caracteriza a un enfoque basado
en la competencia es el enfoque en los resultados del aprendizaje, como la fuerza motriz de la
enseanza y el plan de estudios. La aplicacin de sus principios a la enseanza de idiomas se
denomina enseanza de idiomas basada en competencias. Debido a que este enfoque busca
ensear las habilidades necesarias para realizar tareas del mundo real, se utiliz ampliamente,
desde la dcada de 1980, como base para muchos programas de ingls para inmigrantes y
refugiados, as como para cursos relacionados con el trabajo de diferentes tipos. . Es un
enfoque que ha sido la base para el diseo de programas de enseanza de idiomas
relacionados con el trabajo y la supervivencia para adultos. Busca ensear a los estudiantes las
habilidades bsicas que necesitan para prepararlos para las situaciones que comnmente
encuentran en la vida cotidiana. Recientemente, los marcos basados en competencias se han
adoptado en muchos pases, particularmente para la educacin vocacional y tcnica. Tambin
estn siendo adoptados cada vez ms en los currculos de idiomas nacionales.

CBLT a menudo se usa en programas que se enfocan en estudiantes con necesidades de

lenguaje muy especficas. En tales casos, en lugar de tratar de ensear ingls general, las
habilidades lingsticas especficas necesarias para funcionar en un contexto especfico son el
enfoque. Esto es similar, entonces, a un enfoque ESP. All, tambin, el punto de partida en la
planificacin del curso es una identificacin de las tareas que el alumno deber llevar a cabo
dentro de un entorno especfico y las demandas lingsticas de esas tareas. (El Marco de
referencia europeo comn tambin describe los resultados de aprendizaje en trminos de
competencias). Las competencias necesarias para el desempeo exitoso de la tarea se
identifican y se utilizan como base para la planificacin del curso. Los mtodos de enseanza
utilizados pueden variar, pero por lo general se basan en las habilidades, ya que la atencin se
centra en desarrollar la capacidad de utilizar el lenguaje para llevar a cabo actividades del
mundo real.


The goal of CBLT is to enable students to become autonomous individuals capable of coping
with the demands of the world. Not only the quality of assessment will improve, but the
quality of teaching and student learning will be enhanced by the clear specification. Rather
than teaching language in isolation, CBLT teaches language as a function of communication
about concrete tasks. Students are taught just those language forms/skills required by the
situation in which they will function. What counts is what students can do as a result of
instruction. The emphasis is on overt behaviors rather than on knowledge or the ability to talk
about language and skills.


CBLT serves the purpose of itemizing the behavior a person should have in order to use a
language. The benefits of this approach are the clarity in the expectations. However, for some
the minute nature of the expectations limits the development of a person. Regardless of the
pros and cons, CBLT is one model of approaching language teaching.


CBLT sirve para detallar el comportamiento que una persona debera tener para usar un
idioma. Los beneficios de este enfoque son la claridad en las expectativas. Sin embargo, para
algunos, la naturaleza de las expectativas limita el desarrollo de una persona.
Independientemente de los pros y los contras, CBLT es un modelo de enseanza de idiomas
que se aproxima.


El objetivo de CBLT es permitir a los estudiantes convertirse en individuos autnomos capaces

de hacer frente a las demandas del mundo. No solo mejorar la calidad de la evaluacin, sino
que se mejorar la calidad de la enseanza y el aprendizaje de los alumnos mediante una clara
especificacin. En lugar de ensear el idioma de forma aislada, CBLT ensea el lenguaje como
una funcin de la comunicacin sobre tareas concretas. A los estudiantes se les ensean solo
las formas / habilidades lingsticas requeridas por la situacin en la que funcionarn. Lo que
cuenta es lo que los estudiantes pueden hacer como resultado de la instruccin. El nfasis est
en los comportamientos manifiestos ms que en el conocimiento o la capacidad de hablar
sobre el lenguaje y las habilidades.


This study found that students in fact held strong preference for learning English. However,
they would rather improve Putonghua in their first year of study. Therefore, curriculum
planner should take into account students need at certain point of time when implementing
CBLT. Collaboration across departments is also strongly recommended.

Students also revealed that the assessment descriptors were not useful in helping them to
achieve the assessment targets or get a high grade because the descriptors were in relative
form. To solve this problem, pedagogical adjustment was strongly recommended. Teachers
may consider showing students sample scripts of different grades while explaining the
assessment descriptors in details so that students can easily internalize the assessment
Students also stated that research skills was the study skill that they felt not confident in most
while the fours skills speaking, listening, reading and writing could be easily acquired and
employed. Thus, needs analysis can be done before the commencement of the course and give
more instructional emphasis to those skills and areas which students do not feel confident in.

All in all, to enhance the effectiveness of competency-based language teaching, the language
programme must be locally developed so that curriculum, instruction and assessment can be
correlated with each other. Competency-based language education should also have an
instructional emphasis so that the programme is not another form of standardized testing.

Based on the above results found, educators should think carefully about whether the right
domains are being assessed, whether they are learned.


Este estudio encontr que los estudiantes tenan una fuerte preferencia por aprender ingls.
Sin embargo, preferiran mejorar a Putonghua en su primer ao de estudio. Por lo tanto, el
planificador debe tener en cuenta la necesidad de los estudiantes en un momento dado al
implementar CBLT. La colaboracin entre departamentos tambin es muy recomendable.

Los estudiantes tambin revelaron que los descriptores de evaluacin no fueron tiles para
ayudarlos para alcanzar los objetivos de evaluacin o obtener un alto grado porque los
descriptores estaban en relativa formar. Para resolver este problema, se recomend
encarecidamente el ajuste pedaggico. Maestros puede considerar mostrar a los estudiantes
ejemplos de scripts de diferentes grados mientras explica la evaluacin descripciones en
detalles para que los estudiantes puedan internalizar fcilmente los criterios de evaluacin.

Los estudiantes tambin declararon que las habilidades de investigacin eran la habilidad de
estudio que sentan que no confiaban en la mayora, mientras que las cuatro habilidades,
hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir, podran ser fcilmente adquirido y empleado. Por lo tanto, el
anlisis de las necesidades se puede hacer antes del comienzo de la curso y dar ms nfasis
instructivo a esas habilidades y reas que los estudiantes no sentirse seguro en general, para
mejorar la efectividad de la enseanza de idiomas basada en competencias.

El programa de idiomas debe desarrollarse localmente para que el plan de estudios, la

instruccin y la evaluacin se pueden correlacionar entre ellos La educacin de idiomas basada
en la competencia tambin debe tener un nfasis en la instruccin para que el programa no
sea otra forma de prueba estandarizada.

En base a los resultados anteriores encontrados, los educadores deben pensar detenidamente
si el derecho los dominios estn siendo evaluados, si son aprendidos.
1. Entrevista: preguntndole preguntas relacionadas al tema o a las
2. Mostrar un video o audio o plataforma donde se da un dialogo o se pueda
mirar un dialogo.
3. Hacer un ejemplo de un dialogo
4. Dar un papel con todo el dialogo escrito para que ellos puedan practicarlo y asi
entender que es lo que deben hacer en un caso que se de como un ejemplo.
Session Information
July 9, 2014 - 11:20am
Teaching & Learning Effectiveness
Areas of Special Interest:
Innovative Blends
Major Emphasis of Presentation:
Best Practices
Institutional Level:
Audience Level:
Session Type:
Information Session
Governor's Square 14
Session Duration:
50 Minutes
Information Session 6
Virtual Session
Come experience a free and engaging online course that introduces you to competency-
based instructional components in a blended learning model that is scalable and
Extended Abstract
Educators the world over are organizing learning around competency-based models of
education. While this is a concept that many have thought about exploring, achieving
success in this endeavor requires careful planning to ensure that it is sustainable and
scalable. This isn't about a new way of teaching, this is about focusing existing efforts to
ensure that all students are prepared for this age of global innovation.
The Northeast Comprehensive Center's Regional Innovations in Learning Team is
making available a new professional learning course to help districts implement
competency-based instructional components in a blended learning model. The course
entitled, Building Personalized Lesson Plans with Competency-Based Instructional
Components, will be first launched on July 1st, 2014 and then it will start again each
month with a new cohort. The course is based on Dr. Sam Redding's work on the
standard definition of personalized learning to assert a multidimensional role for the
teacher and vivify the place of motivation, metacognition, and social and emotional
competency in personalized learning. The Design Framework we are introducing,
supports the ideals of online education and is closely aligned to the the Five Pillars of
Quality (Lorenzo, 2002) conceptualized by Sloan-C.
Part of making personalized learning a reality is using technology and data systems to
deliver material and provide feedback in a blended learning model. The interactive
whiteboard is replacing overhead projectors, laptops and tablets are replacing pen and
paper, and virtual classrooms are offered alongside physical ones and everything is
connected. In a blended-learning model, students are offered several avenues to access
information. Standards such as the lecture and textbook are still used but are
supplemented by online references, classes, videos and all of the other resources the
internet makes available. The boom in free online educational resources makes
supplemental material easy to find and cost effective. Additionally, online classroom
platforms allow teachers to administer paperless assessments with instant feedback.
Teachers can track and monitor the progress of their students in real time and adjust
accordingly. To read more about why this is important, please read our blog post at this
Combining computer-based and face to face learning provides opportunities to improve
learning (Moore, 2004). No matter where you are in planning or implementing a
competency-based model, be sure to explore what this course has to offer to see how
our research and practice can help you become more successful.
This four-unit online course includes:
1. Planning for Success: Explore the meaning of personalized learning and competency
based education.
Designing Competency-Based Instructional Components: Through the lessons within
this unit you will learn about the Comprehensive Model of Personalized Learning' as
introduced by Sam Redding, Center on Innovations in Learning.
2. Developing Competency-Based Instructional Components: Through structured
activities, using open source resources, we will guide participants as they design
component plans within the competency-based Component Framework using the
Design Principles of Personalized Learning Rubric.
3. Evaluating Competency-Based Instructional Components: Through the lessons
presented in this unit you will learn about mechanisms for collecting data on student
learning and experiences through the use of competency based components.
Course Goals
Upon the completion of this four-unit course, which participants will have access to for
up to six months, participants will be able to work closely with facilitators and other
course participants to help them achieve success in a blended learning model that
focuses on faculty and student satisfaction with demonstrated success of personalized
learning. Participants will complete lesson plans with competency-based components
for one unit of study. They will learn to collect and analyze data while they teach their
new courses.
Course Objectives
Participants will be able to:
1. design components that support the four levels of Webb's Depth of Knowledge-
recall, skill/concept, strategic thinking, and extended thinking- which support and
differentiate instruction.
2. implement components that involve 45 minutes to 2 hours or more of expanded
learning time using blended learning during double-periods, study halls, or out of
3. evaluate and analyze performance data to provide participants with the right learning
opportunities at the right time.
Our Plan for this Presentation
Before, we meet participants in person, we would like to know a little more about each
and every person attending our session and so we encourage you to take this short three
question survey to help us personalize the session for you. The survey can be accessed
During the presentation we will bring some sample lesson plans and help you explore
how to complete lesson plans with competency-based components. Through an
engaging and collaborative activity, participants will walk away with new ideas to
implement in their classroom, school or district.
Many of us have attended events and in the moment we find the content to be very
useful and relevant. However, after the session when we reflect upon what was
presented we either have more questions for the presenter or would like to speak to
other colleagues about the topic that was presented. Social media provides us the
opportunity to introduce the topic, interact with participants during the session and
extend the conversation beyond just the Conference Information Session. We invite all
participants to follow us through our social media channels, Twitter (@NECompCenter)
and LinkedIn (Northeast Comprehensive Center) and join the conversation in advance,
during and after the presentation to ensure that we continue this important conversation
as we collaborate to prepare our students for the 21st century.
1. Lorenzo, G. "Five Pillars of Quality Online Education - The Sloan Consortium."
2. "Through the Student's Eyes - Center on Innovations in Learning." 2013. 18 Oct.
3. Depth of Knowledge. (n.d.). New York City Department of Education. Retrieved
October 23, 2013,
4. Moore, J. (2004). ALN principles for blended environments: A collaboration. The
Sloan Consortium. Retrieved November 20, 2008.
Lead Presenter
Anushka Pauls work focuses on the planning, implementation and evaluation of online
professional learning communities. She ensures that all clients, community members
and subject matter experts receive the best, most effective and efficient customer
experience available. A large part of her current work involves facilitating the NYSED
Virtual Advanced Placement (AP) Program and Diagnostic Tool for School and
District Effectiveness Professional Learning Communities.
Anushkas expertise lies in implementation guidance for educational technology
programs in developed and rapidly developing economies. Her teaching experience
along with a strong exposure to business environments allows her to successfully
strategize on ensuring that all projects meet their intended outcomes.
Paul has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and Sociology, a Master of Arts
degree in Sociology with a concentration in Mass Media from Mumbai University, and
a Master of Arts degree in Technology, Innovation, and Education from the Harvard
Graduate School of Education. She has strong experience in U.S. and international
curriculum development, particularly within the public and private K12 education
system, and has worked in developing and testing high-quality technology projects for
early childhood settings through her work in India. Her interests include new and
emerging educational technologies, educational programs for at-risk youth, and
informal learning environments.

Cblt prepares students to fit into the state and maintain class relationships. In addition,
teaching generally focuses on behavior and performance in the place where your
thinking skills are developed.


At the beginning of a course, students must go through an initial evaluation, where the
teacher determines the current level of competence of each student, then they are
grouped according to their current level of English proficiency, such as their level of
learning, their needs and its social objectives. After that, in the process of teaching
English students must pass through three stages, in the first and second stages
students must obtain twelve competences related to the general language and in the
third stage they are added based on their learning objectives .

Al comienzo de un curso, los estudiantes deben pasar por una evaluacin inicial, donde
el maestro determina el nivel actual de competencia de cada estudiante, luego se agrupan en
funcin de su nivel actual de dominio de ingls, como su nivel de aprendizaje, sus necesidades
y sus objetivos sociales. Despus de eso, en el proceso de enseanza del ingls los estudiantes
deben pasar por tres etapas, en la primera y segunda etapas los estudiantes deben obtener
doce competencias relacionadas con el lenguaje general y en la tercera etapa se agregan en
funcin de sus objetivos de aprendizaje.


The goal of CBLT is to enable students to become autonomous and be able to face the
demands of the world. Instead of teaching the language in isolation, CBLT teaches language as
a function of communication about concrete tasks. In this case, what counts is what students
can do as a result of instruction. The emphasis is more on overt behaviors on language and
skills than on knowledge or the ability to speak.

El objetivo de CBLT es permitir a los estudiantes convertirse en personas autnomas y

ser capaces de enfrentarse a las demandas del mundo. En lugar de ensear el idioma de forma
aislada, CBLT ensea el lenguaje como una funcin de comunicacin sobre tareas concretas.
en este caso, lo que cuenta es lo que los estudiantes pueden hacer como resultado de la
instruccin. El nfasis est ms en los comportamientos manifiestos sobre el lenguaje y las
habilidades que en el conocimiento o la capacidad de hablar.

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