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Carlos Alexander Nieto 1

Instructor Julia Intawitwat

English 111-05

October 27, 2017

Essay #3 Multi-modal Rhetorical Construction

The choice I picked seemed fit for my third essay. The memes that were created

illustrates the theme of my essay, being an Arrogant Narcissist. They all tie together showing

examples of the characteristics of someone with that psychological disorder. Thinking you are

the best and is above others in one, how you try to become something without the effort, and by

doing any means necessary to achieve that even if it means plagiarizing. How hard you try to

create an image of yourself and you end up making several images of yourself all being the

same, showing people how un original you really are. I chose to make Memes because it is the

best way to captive a you audience using modern culture and humor. I approached this

assignment by using Pathos, an appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an

argument by creating an emotional response.

Using humor, I can make the reader react to the message of the meme and have them

really analyze the situation, comparing and contrasting any other situation they might have

encountered with an individual. Once they read the essay they could further understand the

many symptoms of being an arrogant narcissist and then could relate it to the memes and make

that final connection. The strength to my topic would be that everyone once in their life have

encountered some one with such characteristics. The weakness would be that the only way to

fully analyze and find those hidden characteristics would be to create a bond between both

individuals. They are related to reading and writing literature, using words and pictures and

finding a way to relate the reader with the passage is all part of different models of writing.

Carlos Alexander Nieto 2

Instructor Julia Intawitwat

English 111-05

October 27, 2017

3 MEMES !!!

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