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Nestor Torres

Emily Litle

ENG 121

12 December 2017

Reflective Essay

English 121-001 is a class that made my writing skills grow thought. English 121 made

me notice a noticeable difference in my writing if compared from day 1. With the help of my

teacher Ms.Litle I learned new ways to make my writing better. I have improved in grammar,

summarizing, and descriptions. Using what I have learned from Ms.Litles English 121 class, I

wrote many papers in class and out of class that I can reflect on.

What I feel I improved by so much would be my grammar. Spelling, commas, and any

other type of grammar has always been my enemy. For example, my artifact Would You Care If

I Was a Rhino is one of the first papers I wrote for English 121. To write Would You Care If I

Was a Rhino I had send this piece to be checked for grammar 3 times. This artifact is proof to

my growth. As I continued to write my grammar checks decreased less and less because of my

success. Another exercise that I must give credit to was Writers Help. Writers Help was for

Studio 094 but this program really helped when it came to grammar and so much more.

Summarizing was a big part for many of our papers in English 121. My artifacts 1 and 3

both were summaries. The rest of the artifacts still all are summaries but relied on other things as

well. Artifact 1, or Radio Lab was s summary of a podcast. Using what I learned before

actually summarizing the podcast, I was able to summarize the podcast correctly. I was able to

take out the main points with the evidence to summarize the main topics the podcast relied on.

Artifact 3 is titled Dames of Destiny A summary of a clan in the games Destiny 2. The object
of the short paper was to summarize what made the Dames of Destiny clan a discourse

community. Again, I went point to point stating what dames od destiny clan was and what they

do. All other artifacts are summaries as well. Artifact 2, or Would You Care If I Was a Rhino

was a summary of a picture. On paragraph two of this writing piece of mine, you can read a

whole summary of the picture I choose for the paper. Certainly, my summarizing skills did

improve as you can see in paragraph two of Would You Care If I Was a Rhino.

Artifacts 4 and 5, or Journals 7 and 8 showed me something else. Both these journals

showed me how to express myself in my writing. I was able to describe what I was writing

about. For journal 8 I state one of my sentences, It hurt, it hurt looking at myself hurt. This

sentence shows how my vocabulary and my way of effectively impacting my audience. Journal 7

I said, And I guess sometimes we just cant explain the best thing weve experienced unless

youve experienced it. This statement has an impact and so much description, all that I learned

in English 121. Of course, the credit for my writing being more effective goes to not just writing

Journal 7 and 8 but by writing all the other journals as well. Doing so made my writing evolve.

My writing is not perfect that I will admit. I know I am no Stephen King, I have never

been the best when it came to education but just with creativity. I do feel like my writing

improved since my arrival to OJC. The number one thing that helped me was Ms.Litle. Her

exercises helped me very much so that I may not sound like an imbecile. These 5 artifacts stand

here to help support that my writing has improved. My grammar, my summarizing skills, and my

descriptions have all improved.

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