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TEACHER: Chelsie Allen & Karen Olivas DATE 11/7/17

OBJECTIVE: Environmental Science 7(A) GRADE LEVEL: 11th

Relate carrying capacity to population
Objective/Purpose: (The student expectations must be clearly defined and in line with the district/state
standards. For the students benefit, explain what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson and
why these objectives are important to accomplish.

7(A) Compare how population and carrying capacity relate to each other.

We will Compare how population and carrying capacity relate to each other.
I will describe populations, resources, and build carrying capacity graphs.

Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed:

Bell ringer
Populations in C137 Table
Power Point
Graphing assignment sheet

Instructional delivery (What information is essential for the student to know before beginning and how will
this skill be communicated to students? This is the section where you explicitly delineate how you will
present the lesson. Direct instruction? Small group? Centers? The instruction could include a variety of
instructional delivery methods.)

1. Bellringer: Questions- 1) Give an example of a population. 2) Name one resource organisms need
to live.
2. Work on the Populations in C137 activity.
3. Power Point Presentation with the definitions of carrying capacity, and population for students to
write down in their foldable. Write definition in own words of carrying capacity and population (in
the foldable).
4. Work on making graphs assignment.
5. Complete My definition section of foldable based on their own understanding from the lesson.

Anticipatory Set (ENGAGE): (Before you dig into the meat of your lessons instruction, set the stage
for your students by tapping into their prior knowledge and giving the objectives a context. What
activities will you use to focus students on the lesson for the day?)
Activity to identify populations in different continents.
Task: Students will identify populations of object throughout the classroom and fill out at least three
Tool: Table
Populations in Planet C137

Organism (shape, include amount) Continent (area in classroom)

Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

1. Students will work in partners to fill out the table we will provide. One table for every two
2. There will be squares, triangles, circles, and hearts which will be considered different species.
The shapes will be spread out through the classroom in different amounts across different
3. The continents will be the classroom which we will divide into 4 areas- Rick, Morty, Summer,
Jerry. The class will be divided into the four areas by using tape to mark the floor into the four
different sections.
4. Example: if there is a bundle of 5 hearts in the Rick section, then the students will fill the table
by putting Organism: 5 Hearts Continent: Rick.
5. This would be an example of a population according to the definition we provided.

(EXPLORE): students encounter hands-on experiences in which they explore the concept further.
They receive little explanation and few terms at this point, because they are to define the problem
or phenomenon in their own words.

The bell ringer and population in planet C137 assignment is the hands-on experience where the
students will explore the concept on their own.

Model (EXPLAIN): (If you will be demonstrating the skill or competence, how will this be done and
Guided Practice: (Under your supervision, students are given the chance to practice and apply the
skills you taught them through the instructional delivery)

We (Chelsie/Karen) will explain the terms population and carrying capacity, and the students will
add notes (my definition) to their foldable based on what we discuss as a class.

Independent Practice (ELABORATE): (List the assignment(s) that will be given to the students to
ensure they have mastered the skill without teacher guidance.)

Task: Understand how carrying capacity and population compare. As the population grows,
the population gets closer to approaching K. Understand how a graph will look once the
population reaches carrying capacity.
Tool: Carrying capacity worksheet with a partner
Strategy: With a partner student will complete the two problems in the worksheet. All the
information is needed is given to the students to solve the problems.

Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

Check for Understanding (EVALUATE): (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have
learned the objective FORMATIVE.)

The assignment the students turn in will serve as an evaluation for us to see whether the students
understand the comparison between populations and carrying capacity.

Closure: (What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson? How will you
wrap up the lesson by giving the lesson concepts further meaning for your students?)

At the end of the lesson the students will then write their own definition of carrying capacity and
population based on their understanding from the lesson.

Modified Madelyn Hunter/5-E Lesson Planning Template (2-15/RLA)

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