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How to start a conversation

Zdravo/ ao Hello/ Hi
Kako si How are you?
Dobro sam Im fine
Nije loe Not bad
Ne ba dobro Not really good
ta radi What are you doing?
Nita Nothing
Nita posebno Nothing special
Evo, kuvam ruak. Here, Im cooking lunch.
Uim. - Im learning.
Odmaram. Im having a rest.
Kako si proveo dan? How was your day/ How did you spend your
Super. Great.
Ceo dan sam zauzet. - Im busy all day.
Danas odmaram. - Im having a rest today.
Jel si iao negde danas? Did you go anywhere today?
Family members/ lanovi porodice
mother majka
father otac
mum mama
dad tata
parents roditelji
grandmother baba
grandma baka
grandfather deda
grandpa deka
grandparents baba i deda
brother brat
sister sestra
children deca
daughter - erka
son sin
cousin roak/ roaka
cousins roaci/ roake
aunt tetka(sister of your father or mother)
uncle ujak(brother of your mother)
aunt ujna(wife of your ujak)
uncle stric(brother of your father)
aunt strina(wife of your stric)
wife ena/supruga
woman ena
women - ene
husband mu
man mukarac
men mukarci
marriage brak
girlfriend devojka
boyfriend deko
friend prijatelj/ drug/ drugarica
godfather kum
godmother kuma
Are you married Jesi li oenjen/udata
Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend Da li ima devojku/ deka
Do you have any children? Da li ima decu?
Reading exercise
Writing a letter/ message


ta radi? Kako si? Kako je tvoja porodica? Da li jo uvek radi u Beogradu, u

onom restoranu na Adi?

Ada je divna, mnogo mi se svia, voleo bih da opet odem tamo kada budem
doao. Dolazim u julu. Donosim ti tvoju omiljenu crnu okoladu.

U Americi je trenutno ba lepo. Sve je zeleno, sunano je, u bati imam lepe
suncokrete, a danas sam posle kie video i dugu. Poslau ti i sliku.

ujemo se i vidimo uskoro





What are you doing? How are you? How is your family? Do you still work in
Belgrade, in that restaurant at Ada?

Ada is wonderful, I like it a lot, I would like to go there again when I come. I will
come in July. I am bringing you your favourite black chocolate.

Its really nice in America right now. Everything is green, its sunny, I have some
nice daisies in my garden and today I saw a rainbow after the rain. I will send
you a picture too.

I hope to hear and see you soon,


Dobro sam, uglavnom uim i radim. etvrtkom i petkom drim asove, a

vikendom radim u restoranu. Ponedeljak mi je trenutno omiljeni dan jer tada
imam dosta slobodnog vremena. Sredom idem na plivanje, to mi ba prija.

Moja porodica je dobro, svi su dosta zauzeti. Mama i tata puno rade, a brat
puno ui.

I ovde je vreme lepo, jue je zalazak sunca bio divan, takve boje nisam nikada
pre videla.

Jedva ekam da se vidimo. Naravno, vodim te na Adu ponovo. Hvala za

okoladu, jedva ekam i to!

Vidimo se!




Im fine. I mostly study and work. I give classes on Thursday and Friday and I
work in the restaurant on weekend. Monday is my favourite day at the moment
because I have a lot of free time then.

My family is fine, they are really busy. Mum and dad work a lot and my brother
studies a lot.

The weather here is also nice. There was a wonderful sunset yesterday, I have
never seen such colours.

I cant wait to see you. Of course, Ill take you to Ada again. Thank you for
chocolate also, I cant wait that too!

See you,


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