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Journal Record

Date : 18/10/2017
Question : What is senegal? What are their problem and some overall detail of the
Summary :
part of french in the past + major language
Become independence in 1960 but still part of Mali Federaton
First president is Lopold Sdar Senghor
near sea
cant grow crops
West africa
Capital city- Dakar
Analysis and Opinion : reasons why they cant is that the soil has been used to grow only
one kind of plants cause the soil to be bad bc theres no nutrition for the plants. + from the
fact that they cannot grow plants cause the crops(food) there to be expensive + not that
good in quality
References :

Date : 21/10/2017
Question : What are their Social issue?? How its affect their country?
Summary :
Poverty - people in senegal cant grow crops due to their land, cause them to have
less way to find money and crops are expensive, so they cant afford food that
clean water and sanitation - most people in senegal didnt have access to clean
water yet + sanitation are bad. causing them to sick.
education- since people in senegal are poor most of the kids their aint go to school
bc their parent cant afford it.
Analysis and Opinion : theres actually some of this problem appear in thailand in some
part so it make it become easier to understand. like for the northern part of thailand, some
dont have an access to clean water makes the person who drinks it to be ill but they
cannot go to see doctor bc dont have enough money. next is that the child there doesnt
have a long live much.
References :
Date : 23/10/2017
Question : How people there find income?

Summary :
agricultural bc so many italian and french wanted to buy from.
some are doing this boxing thing(show) to find money for the family
fishing is around 30%
going out on the boat every 3 weeks and come back with food.
Analysis and Opinion : people in Senegal doesnt have so much choice to choose in the
worst case they have to go to boxing which is hurting themselves kind of choice but since
they have to find the money for the family to live, they have to do it.
References :

Date : 2/11/2017
Question : more politics and overall timeline.
Summary :
french values of equality and freedom
french here in 1840
Blaise Diagne fight for African rights in 1914
senghor in 1980
became fully independent in 1964.
Analysis and Opinion : senegal are slowly getting out from french but thats doesnt help
their country to be in good shape at all, maybe they could wait longer so that french could
help them.
References :

Date : 7/11/2017
Question : how the poverty cycle happen?
Summary :
people in senegal mostly aint get a good education or some didn't even get a
education. so, thats cause them to doesnt have a chance to get a better job and
causing their child to continue as a loop bc their parents cannot afford them a
access to school.
Analysis and Opinion : free education should be happen for them or they could as for a
donation to create some type of material for studying.
References :

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