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Analyzing Persuasive Texts

INTRODUCTION: Over the last two weeks, weve discussed the strategies people use to
persuade an audience. Now, it is your turn to analyze a text on your own. Choose one text to
analyze by discussing the speaker, context, intended audience, purpose, claims (if applicable),
bias, logical fallacies, and other rhetorical strategies weve reviewed in class. You may use any
type of text for this assignment as long as you can provide a print or digital version of the
original text. It may include written, visual, or auditory elements. If you choose a text with
visuals or audio, remember to look at how the visual elements and multimedia contribute to the
overall message of the text. We will brainstorm some possible texts to use for analysis as a class
before you begin working on your own.

PLANNING: Once you choose your text, begin compiling your thoughts and observations in
your daybook. I provided some questions to help guide your analysis during your planning
process. As you identify the techniques the speaker uses to persuade the audience, explain the
effect on the audience. How is the audience supposed to respond or react to the text? Does the
speaker use effective methods of persuasion?
What claim is the author making in the text?
How do the speaker, context, and audience influence the way the argument is expressed?
What is the authors purpose?
How does the author appeal to the audience?
What evidence does the author cite to support the argument and does that evidence
support the claim?
Are there any weaknesses in the argument?
Is the author objective (unbiased) in the text?
Are there any gaps in logic (logical fallacies)?
How does the language and style shape the message?
How does the mode of delivery (written, visual, auditory) shape the message?
Look at the visual or auditory elements and how they are used in the text. Do colors,
fonts, images, illustrations, music, etc. play an important role?

ASSIGNMENT: After reviewing and analyzing your chosen text, you may compose an essay,
create a webpage, design a visual, or record audio/video to explain your thoughts on the piece.
As you compose your response, you should cite evidence from the original text to support your

Submission Requirements:
1. Reflective Letter
2. Evidence of Process Work
3. Analysis of Persuasive Text
Rhetorical Analysis

Criteria Highly Effective Somewhat Somewhat Ineffective/Incomplete

(20) Effective Ineffective (14)
(18) (16)

Rhetorical Situation:
Provides context for the
analysis by describing the
text and identifying the
rhetorical situation of text
(subject, speaker, audience,
purpose, tone)

Rhetorical Appeals:
Shows awareness of
rhetorical appeals and
explains how the speaker
appeals to ethos, pathos,
and logos. Identifies
specific evidence from the
text to support conclusions.

Identifies conventions of
the genre or medium and
explains how they are used
to convey a message
(layout, style, diction,
color, images, audio, body
language, voice)

Ideas are organized in a
logical sequence that
guides and engages the
reader in the analysis of the
text to address a specific
audience and purpose.

Process Work:
Reflective letter discusses
students understanding of
rhetoric of persuasion and
analysis of text. Student
shows evidence of process

TOTAL ________

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