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Running head: VA ACTIVITIES 1

Summary of Rotation Activities at the VA

Kacy Shaffer

Fontbonne University

9. We participated in an all-day meeting for the MOVE program with Amy, the two RDs, the rec

therapist, and the psychologist who deliver the program. They discussed ways the program and

classes could be improved. These include the yoga and FITT classes as well as the sixteen

sessions. They went through each of the sixteen lessons and talked about what they have

observed during lessons and how they could improve them. One example was that many of the

veterans were not doing the weekly goals. They decided that they need to make it more clear that

everyone needs to write their goals down, not just the two people chosen to share them aloud.

They do this yearly to make improvements to the program.

15. I instructed classes for the MOVE program and for Cooking Matters at the VA. The MOVE

classes I instructed include the orientation, emotional eating, mindful eating, and one CVT class.

The Cooking Matters class I taught was on increasing fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

16. and 22. We developed educational materials for the monthly market that Amy is working on.

She asked for at least 12 topics and we gave her a few extra. We found materials already

available on the topics, then created talking points for each topic. These talking points can be

used by whoever is helping with the market for point of service education. The artifacts can be

found in the online portfolio.

17. We participated in a smoking cessation booth at both the John Cochran and Jefferson

Barracks divisions. We asked people about their quitting stories or why they would like to quit

and handed out granola bars. Some people would take quite a few bars and Maurice explained

that he does not stop them because he does not know whether they are homeless as there are

many homeless veterans in the system. We gave out resources including educational materials

and referrals to resources for smoking cessation.

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