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PRIEST: Today, as we gather the hopes, fears, and longings of all humanity,
let us present them to the Lord Jesus who is Emmanuel, God-with-us.
May the Good News of his birth warm our hearts as we pray:


1. We pray for our religious and political leaders. May they imitate you
who emptied yourself of power and glory, sought the weak and the lost,
and gave up your life for the salvation of all. Good Shepherd, bless your
people. We pray.

2. At your birth, you manifested yourself not to the powerful, the wise, and
the clever, but to the poor, the humble, and the outcast. Once again,
look with favor on those whose only trust is in you. God of the lowly,
bless your people. We pray.

3. Like you, many people have no place at the inn. We pray for those
rendered homeless by natural calamities, by eviction from their shelters,
and by wars and conflicts. God of the homeless, bless your people.

4. A good number of our brothers and sisters cannot be with their families
this Christmas: doctors and nurses in hospitals, migrant workers abroad,
soldiers on duty, prisoners in jails, among others. May they all
experience the comfort of your presence. God of the lonely and the
suffering, bless your people. We pray.

5. Let us pray for our commsunity here at the Ateneo de Iloilo Santa
Maria Catholic School. May the graces and gifts that we have received
be shared to others as we continue to give ourselves to God in all that
we do. We pray.

PRIEST: Heavenly Father, today we rejoice at the birth of your Son. As we

celebrate his humanity, grant us forgiveness and life through the
power of his divinity.We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

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