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Tutorial 1

1. Find fx and fy for the following:

(a) f(x, y) = (2x - 3y)/(x + y)

(b) f(x, y) = (x2 -3y)(x 2)
(c) f(x, y) = (x2 1)/xy


(a) fx = 5y/(x + y)2 fy = -5x /(x + y)2

(b) fx = 3x2 -4x 3y fy = -3x + 6
(c) fx = (x2 + 1)/x2y fy = (-x2 + 1)/xy2

2. Given the utility function: U = X0.5Y0.5, find the MUx and MUy functions. Are they
functions of both goods?


MUX = 0.5X-0.5Y0.5 = 0.5(Y/X)

MUY = 0.5X0.5Y-0.5 = 0.5(X/Y)

Both depend on the both goods (on how much the consumer has consumed of each

3. If the utility function of an individual is of the form:

U = U(X1, X2) = (X1 + 2)2(X2 + 3)3

Where U stands for total utility and X1, X2 for the quantities of the two goods

(a) Find the marginal utility function for each good.

(b) Find the numerical value of marginal utility of X1 (assuming an imaginary unit
of utility called util) when 3 units of each good are being consumed.

(a) U1 = 2(x1 + 2)(x2 + 3)3, U2 = 3(x2 + 3)2(x1 + 2)2

(b) U1(3, 3) = 2,160

4. Using the simple Keynesian model:

C = + (Y T) ( > 0; 0 < < 1)

T = + Y ( > 0; 0 < < 1)
Y = C + I0 + G0

Which results in the equilibrium National Income (Y*):

Y* = ( + I0 + G0)/(1 + ) (1)

Find the partial derivatives, Y*/I0, Y*/, Y*/.

Interpret their meanings and determine the sign.


Y*/I0 (investment multiplier) = Y*/ (autonomous consumption multiplier)

= 1/(1 + ) > 0

Y*/ = [-(1- +) + (1 )( - + I0 + G0)] / (1 + )2

= [-(1- +)]/ (1 + )2 + [(1 )( - + I0 + G0)] / (1 + )2

= [-/(1 + ) + (1 )Y*/(1 + ) [using (1)]

= [- + (1 )Y*] / (1 + )

= (Y* - T*)/(1 + )

Y*/ > 0
5. Given:

Y = 840 333.33i (IS)

Y = 704 + 800i (LM)

Write this IS-LM system in matrix form and solve for the equilibrium Y and interest rate, i.


Y + 333.33i = 840
Y - 800i = 704
1 333.33 Y 840
1 -800 i 704

Y* = 800, i* = 0.12 (12%)

6. The export demand function (foreign demand for our exports), X depends on foreign
national income, Yf, and our price level, P: X = Yf1/2 + P-2. Find the partial elasticity of
foreign demand for our exports with respect to our price level.


XP = (X/P)/(X/P) = (-2P-3)/(Yf1/2P-1 + P-3) = -2/( Yf1/2P2 + 1)

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