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The logistics of merchandise AE


(Analysis and competitiveness in logistics)

Prof. univ. dr. Eduard Dinu Asist. univ. drd. Cristina Curea
Academia de Studii Economice din Academia de Studii Economice din
Bucureti, Romnia Bucureti, Romnia

Logistica reprezint o activitate de baz n cadrul lanului de creare a valorii finale,
recunoscut de ctre consumatorul final. Crearea avantajului competitiv n domeniul
logisticii se poate realiza fie prin externalizarea operaiilor componente, fie prin
internalizarea acestora. Alegerea formelor i a rutelor adecvate pentru transportul
mrfurilor, proiectarea i exploatarea raional a spaiilor de depozitare, poziionarea
raional a acestora la scara teritoriului deservit, utilizarea mijloacelor moderne de
urmrire a mrfurilor pe fiecare stadiu constituie factorii-cheie de succes n domeniul
logisticii mrfurilor.

Cuvinte cheie: monitorizarea transportului, performana operaiei de depozitare,

marj brut operaional
Clasificarea JEL: L91, D57

In the strategic analysis based on value chain concept, logistics represents main
activities. Competing on the global market increase the importance of specific operations
like transport of merchandise, warehouse exploitation, i.e. Creating and sustaining
competitive advantage in the field of logistic activities is achievable through outsourcing or
by in-house strategy. Choosing optimal ways to transport the merchandises, efficient
warehouses design and utilization, adequate positioning oh them on the territory, RFID
monitoring systems are key success factors in logistics.

Keywords: transport monitoring, warehouse operating performance, operating gross

JEL Classification: L91, D57

Introducere Introduction
Dup cum se cunoate, logistica As it is known, the logistics
desemneaz un ansamblu de activiti designates an ensemble of activities that
care asigur accesul produsului de la insure the products access from the
productor la consumator sau la producer to the consumer or the final user.
utilizatorul final. Principalele componente The main components included in the
incluse n termenul generic de logistic generic term of logistics are: the transport
sunt: transportul mrfurilor, stocarea, of the merchandise, stocking,
depozitarea/manipularea i sortarea, storage/manipulation and sorting as well
precum i expediia i recepia mrfurilor. as the delivery and reception of goods.

Nr. 24 Iunie 2008 59

AE Logistica mrfurilor

Transportul fizic al mrfurilor The merchandises physical

deine ponderea cvasimajoritar n cadrul transport holds the quasi-majority share
costului total al logisticii, cca. dou within logistics total cost, approximately
treimi. Asigurarea competitivitii la two thirds. The insurance of
nivelul activitii de logistic este competitiveness on the level of the
influenat n consecin n principal de logistic activity is influenced, as a result,
competitivitatea operaiilor de transport mainly by the competitiveness of the
de mrfuri. De aceea, considerm merchandises transport operations. This
necesar prezentarea sectorului is why we consider necessary the
transportului de mrfuri att la nivel presentation of the sector of merchandise
global, ct i european i, respectiv, n transport on global level as well as on
Romnia. European level and respectively in

1. Sectorul transporturilor de mrfuri. 1. The sector of merchandise transport.

Evoluia transporturilor de mrfuri The evolution of merchandise
la nivel mondial transport on global level

Expediiile i transporturile The expeditions and maritime and

maritime i fluviale de mrfuri se situeaz fluvial transports of merchandise are
pe primul loc, cca. 50% din traficul la situated on the first place, approximately
scar mondial realizndu-se pe mri, 50% of the traffic on world scale being
oceane i fluvii. Principalele avantaje ale performed on seas, oceans and rivers. The
acestor forme de transport a mrfurilor main advantages of these forms of
rezid n faptul c prin utilizarea unui transport for merchandise lie in the fact
singur mijloc de transport se poate that by using one mean of transport one
transporta o cantitate considerabil de can transport a considerable quantity of
mrfuri, costul prestaiei fiind mai sczut, merchandise, the cost of the performance
n comparaie cu celelalte categorii de being lower compared to the other
transport. Transportul maritim este categories of transport. The maritime
reglementat de Convenia Internaional transport is regulated by the International
asupra liniilor de ncrcare, Convenia Convention on lading lines, the
pentru ocrotirea vieii pe mare i Convention for protecting the sea life and
Convenia calculului capacitii navelor. the Convention of calculating the ships
Piaa global de transporturi The global market for merchandise
maritime i fluviale de mrfuri a cunoscut maritime and fluvial transport had known
o cretere volumic de 11,2% n 2004, a volume increase of 11.2% in 2004,
11,1% n 2005 i, respectiv 9,1% n anul 11.1% in 2005 and respectively 9.1% in
2006, de la 89 milioane Teu1 n 2003 la 2006, from 89 million Teu1 in 2003 to 99
99 milioane Teu n 2004 i, respectiv, cca. million Teu in 2004 and respectively
120 milioane Teu n anul 2006 (vezi about 120 million Teu in 2006 (see the
graficul 1). graphic 1).

60 Amfiteatru Economic
The logistics of merchandise AE
160 The dynamics of global maritime merchandise
Dinamica traficului maritim global de mrfuri -mil. teu 60
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010

Graficul 1 Graphic 1
Sursa: International Transport Journal, Global Source: International Transport Journal,
Freight Forwarding (estimri pentru 2007 Global Freight Forwarding (estimations for
2010) 2007 2010)

Creterea cererii i implicit a The increase in request and

volumului de mrfuri transportate maritim implicitly in volume of the merchandise
n perioada 2005-2006 se datoreaz transported by sea in the period 2005
regiunii Asia-Pacific i n special Chinei. 2006 is due to the region of Asia Pacific
and especially China.
Transporturile de mrfuri pe cale
aerian asigur derularea a cca. 2% din The merchandise air transports
totalul expediiilor de mrfuri. Din punct insure the deployment of about 2% of the
de vedere structural, traficul aerian de total merchandise expeditions. From the
mrfuri nregistreaz creterea cea mai structural point of view, the merchandise
spectaculoas, indicatorul specific, air traffic registers the most spectacular
numr tone-km, dublndu-se la fiecare increase, the specific indicator number
7-8 ani. n ceea ce privete costurile tones-km doubling each 7-8 years. What
specifice, forma aerian se caracterizeaz concerns the specific costs, the air form is
prin niveluri mai ridicate, dar i characterized by higher levels, but proves
dovedete rentabilitatea n cazul its profitableness in case of high value
mrfurilor de valori mari i cu un volum and low volume merchandise. The main
redus. Principalele reglementri n regulations in the field of merchandise air
domeniul transporturilor aeriene de transports are: the Convention for the
mrfuri sunt: Convenia pentru unificarea unification of the air transports and the
regulilor de transport aerian i Convenia Convention regarding the international
referitoare la aviaia civil internaional. civil aviation.

Creterea pieei globale a The increase of the global

transporturilor aeriene de mrfuri a fost de merchandise transports market has been
4,1% n anul 2005 i, respectiv 4,6% n of 4.1% in 2005 and respectively 4.6% in
anul 2006 (vezi graficul 2). 2006 (see the graphic 2).

Nr. 24 Iunie 2008 61

AE Logistica mrfurilor
Dinamica traficului aerian global de mrfuri- mil. tone The dynamics of global merchandise mil. tones
air traffic
25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Grafic 2 Graphic 2
Sursa: International Transport Journal, Global Source: International Transport Journal,
Freight Forwarding (estimri pentru 2007- Global Freight Forwarding (estimations for
2010) 2007 2010)

Transporturile de mrfuri pe cale Railroad merchandise transports

ferat dein o pondere important n hold an important share within the
interiorul continentelor (cca. 15% - 20% continents (about 15% - 20% of the world
din traficul mondial), avantajul competitiv traffic) the competitive advantage in this
n acest caz constnd n posibilitatea case being the possibility of transporting
transportrii unor cantiti apreciabile la appreciable quantities at more competitive
tarife (costuri), mai competitive tariffs (costs) in comparison to road
comparativ cu transporturile rutiere. n transports. Under the conditions of the
condiiile creterii preocuprilor pentru increase of preoccupations for
protecia mediului, un aspect major l environment protection, a major aspect is
constituie i poluarea mai redus generat the reduced pollution generated by
de transportul feroviar fa de cel rutier. railroad transport in comparison to the
road transport.
Transporturile de mrfuri pe cale The road merchandise transports
rutier au cunoscut, mai ales n Uniunea have known, especially in the European
European, o dinamic ascendent Union, an appreciable ascending
apreciabil, ponderea lor tinznd spre dynamics, their share reaching 30%
30% n cadrul transporturilor totale de within total merchandise transports. The
mrfuri. Principalele atuuri ale acestei main advantages of this form of transport
forme de transport sunt reprezentate de are represented by the possibility of
posibilitatea de livrare a mrfurilor door- delivering the merchandise directly door-
to-door direct la sediul clientului precum to-door at the seat of the client as well as
i de viteza relativ ridicat de transport. the relatively high transport speed. As
Ca principale reglementri n domeniu se main regulations in this field we can
pot meniona: Convenia vamal mention: the Customs Convention
referitoare la transportul internaional de regarding the international merchandise
mrfuri sub acoperirea carnetelor T.I.R., transports under the cover of T.I.R. books,
Admiterea temporar a mrfurilor sub the Temporary Admission of Merchandise
carnet T.I.R. .a. under T.I.R. book, and others.

62 Amfiteatru Economic
The logistics of merchandise AE
Ca form modern de transport a As a modern form of merchandise
mrfurilor trebuie menionat forma transports we must mentions the container
containerizat care se poate transporta fie form that may be transported single-
unimodal (cu un singur mijloc de modal (by one mean of transport), or
transport), fie multimodal (cu mai multe multi-modal (with several means of
mijloace de transport). transport).

2. Evoluia transporturilor de mrfuri 2. The evolution of merchandise

n Uniunea European transports in the European Union

Datele disponibile la nivelul The available data on the level of

Uniunii Europene [2] indic prevalena the European Union [2] indicate the
transportului rutier i a celui maritim ca prevalence of the road transport and the
principale forme de transport utilizate n maritime transport as main forms of
rile din Uniunea European (tabelul 1). transports used in the countries of the
La nivelul acesteia dimensiunea pieei European Union (table 1). On its level the
rutiere de expediii, transport de mrfuri i dimension of the road market for
logistic este estimat conform Asociaiei expeditions, merchandise transports and
Producrilor Europeni de Automobile la logistics is estimated according to the
aprox. 250 miliarde euro, piaa specific a Association of European Car Producers at
Romniei fiind evaluat la cca. approximately 250 billion Euro,
4-4,2 miliarde euro, adic 2% din piaa Romanias specific market being
european. evaluated at about 4-4.2 billion Euro, that
is 2% of the European market.

Structura transportului de mrfuri n Uniunea European, pe forme de transport 2007

(The structure of merchandise transport in the European Union
on forms of transport 2007)
Tabelul 1
Form de transport Pondere n transportul total de mrfuri (%)2
(Form of transport) (Share in the total merchandise transport (%)2)
Aerian (By air) 0,06
Maritim (By sea) 39,1
Rutier (By road) 44,2
Prin conducte (Through pipes) 3,4
Feroviar (By railroad) 10
Reea fluvial intern
(Internal fluvial network)
Total 100
Sursa: Eurostat: Panorama of Transport, 2007

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AE Logistica mrfurilor

The dynamics of transported merchandise

thousands of tones

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Graficul 3 Graphic 3
sursa: I.N.S.S.E. date statistice source: I.N.S.S.E. statistical data

Principalul obiectiv al Uniunii The main objective of the

Europene n domeniul transporturilor de European Union in the field of
mrfuri vizeaz crearea unei reele unice, merchandise transports vises the creation
transeuropene, prin interconectarea celor of an unique, trans-European network, by
27 de reele naionale. Politica comunitar interconnecting the 27 national networks.
n domeniu, elaborat pn n anul 2015 The community policy in the field,
prevede favorizarea, dezvoltrii elaborated until 2015 foresees the
transporturilor feroviare precum i a celor favoring of railroad transports
maritime i fluviale, n paralel cu development as well as the maritime and
limitarea impactului negativ, generat de fluvial transports development, parallel to
creterea activitilor de transport asupra the limitation of the negative impact
mediului nconjurtor. Cile concrete generated by the increase in the transport
urmate pentru atingerea obiectivelor activities over the environment. The
menionate mai sus sunt: concrete means of transport for reaching
integrarea costurilor ecologice i the above mentioned objectives are:
sociale n cadrul tarifelor de acces la the integration of ecological and
infrastructur; social costs in the tariffs for infrastructure
posibilitatea finanrii ncruciate access;
ntre cile ferate i cele rutiere; the possibility of cross financing
armonizarea taxelor aplicate between the railroad and road means;
carburanilor .a. the harmonization of taxes
applied to fuels, and others.

3. Evoluia transporturilor de mrfuri 3. The evolution of merchandise

n Romnia transports in Romania

Dinamica transporturilor de The dynamics of merchandise

mrfuri din Romnia este indisolubil transports in Romania is indissolubly
legat de creterea economic anual related to the annual economic increase
nregistrat n perioada 2002 2006. registered in the period 2002 2006.
Astfel, volumul de mrfuri transportate a Thus, the volume of transported
cunoscut o majorare de cca. 20% n 2006 merchandise knew a growth of about 20%
comparativ cu anul 2000, iar parcursul in 2006, compared to 2000, and their way
acestora s-a dublat practic n acelai practically doubled in the same time
interval de timp (vezi graficul 3). interval (see the graphic 3).

64 Amfiteatru Economic
The logistics of merchandise AE
n ceea ce privete structura Concerning the merchandise
transportului de mrfuri pe forme, n transports structure on forms in Romania,
Romnia, la nivelul anului 2006, aceasta in 2006 it presented thus (table 2):
se prezenta astfel (tabel 2):

Structura transportului de mrfuri n Romnia, pe forme de transport anul 2006

(The structure of merchandise transport in Romania on forms of transport 2006)
Tabelul 2
Form de transport Pondere n transportul total de mrfuri (%)2
(Form of transport) (Share in the total merchandise transport (%)2)
Aerian (By air) 0
Maritim (By sea) 0,3
Rutier (By road) 71,3
Prin conducte (Through pipes) 2,5
Feroviar (By railroad) 19,7
Reea fluvial intern
(Internal fluvial network)
Total 100
Sursa: I.N.S.S.E.: date statistice, 2006 (I.N.S.S.E. - statistical data, 2006)







30,000 through pipes

by air
by sea
internal fluvial
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 by road

by railroad
Graficul 4 Graphic 4
Sursa: I.N.S.S.E. date statistice Source: I.N.S.S.E. statistical data

Se remarc ponderea cvasi-majoritar We notice the quasimajority share

deinut de ctre transporturile rutiere n held by the road transports within the total
cadrul transportului total de mrfuri. merchandise transports.

4. Indicatori utilizai n aprecierea 4. Indicators used in the appreciation of

performanelor n activitatea de performances in logistic activity
logistic Although the strategic objective of
Dei obiectivul strategic al firmelor the companies that have as object of
al cror obiect de activitate l constituie activity logistics is in principle the same
logistica este principial acelai cu cel al with the other microeconomic entities,
celorlalte entiti microconomice, respectively the maximization of the
respectiv maximizarea valorii acionarilor, shareholders value, the specific of the
specificul activitii desfurate determin activity developed determines the
individualizarea indicatorilor de apreciere individualization of the appreciation
a performanei realizate. indicators for realized performance.

Nr. 24 Iunie 2008 65

AE Logistica mrfurilor

n primul rnd se impune clasificarea First of all, the classification of

clienilor pentru care se presteaz activitile clients for whom the specific activities are
specifice depozitare (D), manipulare (M), being performed deposit (D),
etichetare, nfoliere, consolidare (E), manipulation (M), labeling, packing,
distribuie (DI). Principalul criteriu de consolidation (E), distribution (DI) is
partajare uzitat n vederea ierarhizrii imposed. The main parting criteria used
clienilor este cel al suprafeei de depozitare for the hierarchy of clients is the one of
constante ocupate de ctre fiecare client n constant deposit surface covered by each
parte (de exemplu minim 1.000 mp). client (for example minimum 1,000
Clienii mai puin importani sunt prezentai square meters). The less important clients
grupat, n cadrul categoriei ali clieni, are presented as a group, within the
realizndu-se o cuantificare comun a category other clients, a common
rezultatelor operaionale i financiare quantification of the obtained operational
obinute. and financial results being performed.
Performanele financiare realizate pe The financial performances obtained
on each important client (turnover,
fiecare client important (cifra de afaceri,
operational profit, etc) are centralized on
profitul operaional etc.) se centralizeaz pe
monthly and respectively annual basis. The
baze lunare i respectiv anuale. Valorile
effective values are compared to the
efective sunt comparate att cu cele budgeted ones as well as to the values
bugetate, ct i cu valorile obinute n obtained in the precedent financial
exerciiile financiare precedente. exercises.
Pentru calcularea efectiv a For the effective calculation of the
indicatorilor de performan la nivelul performance indicators on the level of
fiecrei locaii de depozitare se each deposit locations are built the
construiesc urmtoarele seciuni de date: following data sections:
date cu caracter economico- data with economic financial
financiar: cifra de afaceri, nivelul character: turnover, level of direct and
cheltuielilor directe i indirecte; indirect expenses;
volumul de mrfuri depozitate i the volume of deposited and
manipulate exprimat n numrul de palei manipulated merchandise expressed in
intrai i respectiv ieii; number of entering and respectively exited
detalii despre manopera pallets;
consumat: costuri salariale cu muncitorii details about the consumed
permaneni i temporari, cu personalul production: salary costs with permanent
administrativ, precum i valorile and temporary workers, administrative
centralizate ale acestora, volumul de ore personnel as well as their centralized
normate, precum i cel de ore suplimentare values, the volume of norm hours as well
efectuate, orele de absen etc.; as the volume of performed additional
date calitative: numrul hours, absence hours, etc;
comenzilor realizate cu ntrziere, qualitative data: the number of
numrul paleilor la care s-au constatat orders performed with delay, the number
distrugeri sau lipsuri pariale of pallets with damages or partial lacks.
Pe baza inputurilor precedente, se Based on precedent inputs is
determin setul de indicatori de apreciere determined the set of appreciation
ai performanei clienilor: indicators for clients performance:
a) productivitatea orar, obinut a) hourly productivity obtained by
prin raportarea cifrei de afaceri la numrul reporting the turnover to the number of
de ore pltite; paid hours;

66 Amfiteatru Economic
The logistics of merchandise AE
b) productivitatea fizic a muncii, b)labors physical productivity
exprimat ca raport ntre totalul orelor expressed as a report between the total of
productive i numrul de palei mnuii, productive hours and the number of
indicatorul fiind exprimat n minute ceea handled pallets, the indicator being
ce implic nmulirea cu 60 a raportului expressed in minutes, thing which implies
precedent; the multiplication with 60 of the
c) costul salarial tarifar, precedent report;
determinat prin raportarea cheltuielilor cu c) the tariff salary cost determined
salariile la numrul de ore pltite; by reporting the expenses with salaries to
d) ponderea activitilor administrative the number of paid hours;
n total, obinut prin raportarea d)the total share of administrative
numrului de ore lucrate de ctre activities obtained by reporting the
personalul administrativ la totalul orelor number of hours worked by the
pltite, raport exprimat procentual; administrative personnel to the total of
e) ponderea orelor suplimentare paid hours, report expressed in percents;
n total ore lucrate, exprimat ca raport e) the share of additional hours in
procentual ntre numrul de ore total worked hours expressed as a
suplimentare efectuate i totalul orelor percentage report between the number of
productive; performed additional hours and the total
f) gradul de utilizare a capacitii of productive hours;
de depozitare, obinut ca raport procentual f) the degree of using the
ntre spaiul efectiv ocupat de mrfuri depositing capacity obtained as a
exprimat n metri ptrai i spaiul total de percentage report between the effective
depozitare existent, space occupied by merchandise expressed
g) procentul de reclamaii, in square meters and the total space of
indicator de calitate determinat ca raport depositing existing;
procentual ntre numrul de comenzi cu g)the complaints percentage,
plngeri primite din partea clienilor i quality indicator determined as a
totalul comenzilor. percentage report between the number of
order with complaints received from
clients and the total orders.
Aprecierea performanelor pe baza The appreciation of performances
contului de rezultate implic utilizarea i a based on the results account implies the
datelor cu caracter statistic. Spre use of statistic character data. For
exemplificare, indicatorul marj brut example, the indicator operational gross
operaional n total cifr de afaceri margin in total turnover varies
variaz semnificativ n funcie de forma significantly depending on the forms of
de transport utilizat: transport used:
pentru transportul maritim for the maritime transport the
valorile optimale ale indicatorului se optimal values of the indicator are
situeaz n intervalul 7% - 15%; situated in the interval 7% - 15%;
pentru transportul aerian valorile for the air transport the optimal
optimale sunt cuprinse ntre 15% - 25%; values are included between 15% - 25%;
pentru transportul feroviar for the railroad transport the
intervalul optimal este 1% - 3%; optimal interval is 1% - 3%;
n cazul transportului rutier valoarea in the case of road transport the
optim este cuprins ntre 7% - 12%; optimal value is comprised between 7% - 12%;

Nr. 24 Iunie 2008 67

AE Logistica mrfurilor

pentru activitile de distribuie for the distribution activities the

nivelul de referin este 15% - 25%; reference level is 15% - 25%;
pentru activitile de manipulare for the manipulation and
i depozitare valoarea indicatorului depositing activities the value of the
excede frecvent 80%. indicator frequently exceeds 80%.

5. Ci de cretere a competitivitii n 5. Means of increasing the competitiveness

logistica mrfurilor in merchandise logistics
Creterea eficienei activitilor The increase of efficiency of
specifice de logistic implic adoptarea specific logistics activities implies the
unor msuri specifice pe tipuri de operaii. adoption of specific measures of the
Astfel, la nivelul transporturilor de operations types. Thus, on the level of
mrfuri putem meniona: merchandise transports we can mention:
alegerea i utilizarea formelor choosing and using the adequate
adecvate de transport precum i a rutelor transport forms as well as the most
cele mai eficiente att din punct de vedere efficient routs from the costs point of
al costului, ct i a timpului de tranzit; view, as well as the transit time;
ntocmirea calculaiei cu privire the conclusion of calculation
la transport i a cheltuielilor accesorii de regarding the transport and expenses for
transport; transport accessories;
asigurarea mrfurilor pe durata the insurance of merchandise
transportului; during the transport;
monitorizarea integrat a the integrant monitoring of
evoluiei transportului; transport evolution;
accesabilitatea prin satelit pentru the accessibility by satellite for
comunicarea rapid i independent. fast communication and independence.
La nivelul operaiei de depozitare, On the level of depositing
principalele aspecte vizeaz: operation the main aspects regard:
dimensionarea optim, pe baza the optimal dimensioning based
studiilor de fezabilitate, a spaiului de on feasibility studies of the depositing
depozitare pentru a se evita att space in order to avoid its under-
subdimensionarea ct i supradimensionarea dimensioning as well as its over-
acestuia fa de necesitile reale de dimensioning towards the real depositing
depozitare; necessities;
identificarea mrfurilor cu the identification of merchandise
ajutorul sistemului RFID (identificarea with the help of RFID system (the
prin radio a mrfurilor n procesul de identification by radio of the merchandise in
depozitare, vmuire i transport). the depositing, customs and transport process).
Trebuie s menionm i strategia We must also mention the
de poziionare a depozitelor la scar positioning strategy of deposits on
teritorial, existnd diferite configuraii territorial scale, different optimal
optimale (de tip stelar utilizat de ctre configurations existing (of star type
grupul Metro, circular etc.) care permit used by Metro group, circular, etc) which
att scurtarea timpului de transport a allow the reduction of the merchandise
mrfurilor, ct i a cheltuielilor specifice transport time, as well as the reduction of
de transport. specific transport expenses.

68 Amfiteatru Economic
The logistics of merchandise AE
Concluzii Conclusions

Cele dou opiuni strategice majore The two main strategic options
pe baza crora se poate obine based on which one can obtain the
competitivitatea sunt reprezentate fie de competitiveness are represented either by
externalizarea ntregii activiti de the externalization of the entire logistics
logistic, fie de internalizarea acesteia. n activity, or its internalization. Evidently,
mod evident, alegerea strategiei optimale choosing the optimal strategy is based on
se fundamenteaz pe cuantificarea the quantification of the expected effects
efectelor scontate pentru fiecare opiune for each option. Thus, in case the
n parte. Astfel, n cazul n care firma company opts for the externalization of
opteaz pentru externalizarea activitilor the logistics activities, the main
de logistic, principalul avantaj competitive advantage is that it allows it
competitiv este acela c i permite the concentration on the core business in
concentrarea pe activitatea de baz (core which case it disposes of a superior level
business), n cazul creia dispune de un of experience. The main advantage in the
nivel superior de experien. Atuul major case of externalization is related to the
n cazul neexternalizrii este legat de high process coordination between
coordonarea procesual ridicat ntre different phases of the productive
diferitele faze ale proceselor productive, processes, which insures the acceleration
ceea ce asigur accelerarea ciclului de of the production cycle.
Indiferent de opiunea strategic Regardless of the chosen strategic
aleas operaionalizarea unui set de option the operation of a set of measures
msuri specifice fiecrei operaii n parte specific to each operation is to ensure the
este de natur s asigure crearea i creation and consolidation of an important
consolidarea unui avantaj competitiv competitive advantage under the
important n condiiile n care principala conditions in which the main form of
form de manifestare a rivalitii o manifesting the rivalry is the prices war.
constituie rzboiul preurilor.

Note de sfirit Endnotes

1 1
Teu unitate convenional de msur Teu conventional measurement unit
egal cu un container standard de 20 equal to a standard container of 20
2 2
determinat pe baza indicatorului to- determined based on to-km indicator

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Nr. 24 Iunie 2008 69

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