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Alpha v.



Video backgrounds (Windows: mp4, avi, webm, vp8, ogv, mpeg. Linux: webm, vp8, ogv)
Added Song Settings menu to in-game pause menu, can change certain song values like
offsets per song and video start times. This will force a song.ini file to be
written for the song, and will automatically add the song's length value to it if
one doesn't already exist
Added support for Rhythm (from .chart) and GuitarCoop charts (from .chart and .mid)
Added Random Song (Section) to Song Options menu
Condensed volume options, added Master Volume setting
Added Custom Content menu to Settings menu
Can rescan Custom folder for new content
Can change image/video backgrounds
Can disable per song videos (song videos are disabled by default)
Added JPG support for backgrounds and highways
Made Custom folder structure a bit less stupid
Added Export Songs (JSON) option to export the song list in JSON format
Setlists (saving/loading setlists will come eventually)
Added Practice button to stats screen when there's only one player playing
Scroll bar added to song list
Added Video options to disable highway SP effects and lightning
Added Player Setting to show profile name during gameplay
Added song name and artist name text to beginning of gameplay and pause menu
Improved text rendering

Fixed Best Percent text in Practice not showing your Best Percent
Pressing Red/Cancel in the Pause menu will now prompt you to restart if you changed
Fixed an outstanding bug from when "Full Song" was a selectable option in Practice
that caused the first section to always start at the beginning of the song even if
that section is set to start later
Hopefully fixed menu music songs getting stuck at the end and not playing the next
Fixed profile text on main menu from getting truncated
Fixed a bug that prevented Sound Effects volume from being changed while in-game
Fixed a bug that would cause the selected item on a menu to be higher than the
first item
Fixed preview stems not playing
Possibly fixed a bug that would cause songs to slow down when less than a second
was left
Fixed an issue with open note sustain flames persisting when they should've been
Added a few I/O checks to hopefully prevent crashes
Slightly better in-game resolution scaling for 21:9 resolutions
Fixed open note sustain glow from getting stuck if a sustain is played before the
open note ends
Menu Music doesn't play for two seconds after waiting for songs to scan
Removed Second Chance effect from failing (you could survive TTFAF intro with only
playing the Green notes)
Fixed bug that caused the highway to shift forward after rewinding a song that has
a negative offset

Known Bugs:
If there's too many profiles, scrolling down when choosing a profile will show
ghost Guest profiles
Having the profile selection menu open without having a profile chosen when a song
is started will crash the game

Alpha v.16

Charts without any sections now have sections labeled 10%, 20%, 30%, and so on
Reworked how the song syncing works, hopefully fixes stutter issues
Changed difficulty layout in player select screen so Expert is on top and Easy on
Lightning effects don't play when the bot is enabled
Added "Show FPS" setting to Video Settings, in-game FPS display
Practice has an actual Pause menu
A/B loop positions in Practice
Can press Red while the song search box is open to cancel it, and Green to do the
Section browser window in song select screen
Confirmation prompts galore, so certain people won't quit the game on accident even
though they still probably will
Flames modifier now disables 6 Fret flames
Song options screen added to song select, can delete songs and change song speed
Got rid of WoR Font
The score HUD got tired of getting covered up by Player 2's solo HUD, so it moved
Added Show Hit Window setting to calibration menu

v.15.1's Practice mode had problems that were fixed from reworking how the syncing
Selection bar on the Pause menu appears to finally want to reset when I tell it to
Ticks earned by holding sustains now correctly change when SP is deployed/released
while a sustain is held
Fixed ini parsing issues with capital letters (should fix most DEFAULT song names)
Hopefully fixed every issue with songs that ended the scanning early
Hopefully fixed held sustains being longer than they should be
Fixed Genre default tag so it doesn't say "Unknown Artist"

Alpha v.15.1

MIDI's with a BEAT track will have the BEAT track be used for beat lines
Changed how the notes are synced to the audio (reverts a change in v.15 to try and
reduce stuttering)
Menu Music plays at normal speed when Song Speed is not 100%

Hopefully fixed most of the stuttering v.15 caused
Hopefully fixed songs not ending because the audio ended before the chart did


GHL Mode (Requires an X360 GHL dongle and Windows 10 to be used normally, although
it *can* be played with a standard guitar or keyboard)
Instrument/Difficulty selection after choosing a song in Song Select (no longer can
you play a chart that is unsupported)
Black Backgrounds setting moved to Video Settings, can now change between
animated/static/black backgrounds
When the bot is enabled, it doesn't activate SP and the Health/SP/Combo/Multiplier
bars are now removed. Basically is a "Preview" mode now
While rewinding (and catching up to the current note) you can no longer overstrum
Note time is synced to the audio time every second
Song stems hopefully shouldn't desync anymore (mostly happened on Linux)
'Get Hardware Latency' added to calibration menu
Rearranged the settings file, settings will also be wiped on first launch
Improved song scanning efficiency (songs without a ch.dat will load a bit slower
though since the ch.dat file needs to be created)
Added "Menu Music" setting to the volume menu
Only the player who paused can control the pause menu
Added an animation to the song scanning/exporting window so it's easier to see that
the game didn't crash

Animated background plays on Linux
Sound effects on Linux should play more than once now
Checked a checkbox that allows the Pause menu to wrap
Anchoring HOPO/Tap chords now works with sustains
Hopefully fixed menu music so it doesn't persist where it shouldn't
Fixed a bug that caused the current TimeSignature to always be the last TS, when
the chart had multiple TS changes throughout (this caused SP to last for wrong
amounts of time)

Alpha v.14.5:

Can anchor Tap/HOPO chords now
Custom game icons (place icons into the Custom/Game Icons folder)
Music plays while in the menus (can be disabled, Game Modifiers/Menu Music)
Added Controller Poll Rate setting (this changes how often the controllers are
Practice Mode now uses Song Speed, although you can't change speed while doing this
You can now have multiple highways (place PNG files in Custom/Highways) and set the
one you use in profile settings
Animated menu backgrounds

Fixed an issue with sustains lasting indefinitely
Fixed an issue with the song select selection bar turning invisible
Fixed a bug that caused sustain notes that were already missed to be able to be hit
while rewinding
Fixed an issue that caused crazy fast speedups to run really glitchy
Fixed Black Backgrounds setting not being affected by Streamer Mode

Alpha v.14.1.1:

Added Black Background option to Streamer Settings

Fixed HOPO's functionality that was broken in v.14

Alpha v.14:

Added customization options to the current song export:
-In the settings file, custom_song_export can have (not sure what to call
these) replacement characters
-%s (song name), %a (artist name), %b (album name), %y (year), %g (genre), %p
(playlist), %c (charteR), %n (new line)
-So something like: %s%n%a, %y would become "songname (new line) artistname,
Hopefully better menu scaling with different resolutions (16:9 is default, so
everything else gets resized)
Stats screen shows song speed, as well as current song export
Changed health values to match GH3's better (144 notes from no health to full
health (19 with SP), 38 notes to fail from full health)
Health bar removed when No Fail is enabled
No Fail enabled by default (if you've already played the game and have a settings
file, this means nothing to you)
Mouse input options (buttons can be used for frets or strumming, moving the mouse
can be used for whammy)
Current song export gets wiped when going back to the main menu
New Moonscraper code, may be more efficient (faster loading)
Highway shakes when missing a note when combo is greater than 9 (complete with
settings to disable it)
Note miss sound when overstrumming or when the highway shakes
Open notes are brighter
Can press Escape to cancel song search
Changed HOPO's so multiple HOPO's in a row can't be hit without strumming or
changing frets
Removed ", " from year tags that have them
Custom highway and backgrounds (on first launch, the game will create a "Custom"
folder next to the exe)
-Only works with PNG files, must be named "background.png" or "highway.png"
-They both can be whatever resolution you want, background will work best at
whatever resolution you run the game at and the highway resolution is
best at 512x1024
Changed SP lightning sprites
Added rewind sound
Added Practice to in-game Pause menu
Added functionality for "album_track" and "playlist_track" in song.ini
Added Song count to Song Select screen

currentsong.txt now gets put in the same folder as the game exe, instead of inside
the DATA folder
Fixed searching by playlist
Fixed frets not showing held state at the beginning of Practice Mode
Fixed some bugs with incorrect values from .ini/.chart files
Raised the sort order of the open note flames
Fixed an issue with .chart files ending the song scanning early if a track had a
blank line
Hopefully fixed an issue where some users couldn't press Enter on the song search
Fixed resolution issues with the alpha cover on in-game menus
Hopefully fixed a bug that caused the SP Release sound to play at the wrong time
Hopefully fixed song previews not playing (songs that had separate preview tracks)
Hopefully fixed song stems from getting stuck so they played during other songs

Alpha v.13.1:

Mouse cursor is disabled
Improvements to menu screens so they scale at different resolutions better as well
as text not getting truncated
Alpha v.13:

A little something called PRACTICE MODE (which actually is a big something
considering the work put into it)
Lots of art stuff
Song Search by pressing Blue and then typing in your search
Slightly improved held sustain textures (should also help performance a miniscule
Some menu things were removed and some menus retain the old WoR, will be worked on
Streamer Mode
-Can export the currently playing song to a text file
-Can change the placement of the single player highway
.chart notecharts can now have solos charted into them
-To do this, the track that you want to have a solo must have an event to begin
the solo and an event to end a solo
-To start a solo, put a "time = E solo". To end one, put a "time = E soloend".
Old MIDI files that have SP phrases charted as solos will now have those solos be
picked up as SP phrases (if you have a MIDI where the solos are intentional and
they get picked up as SP phrases, add a "multiplier_note = 116" line to the
song.ini file)
Default Sort Filter option under Game Modifiers, changes the initial sort filter to
something of your liking
Pause on Focus Lost setting (pauses the game when the game's window loses focus)
When sorting songs the selected song no longer resets to the top
Calibration menu added to in-game settings (you must restart after changing any
value, the game won't do it for you)
When Lefty Flip is enabled, menu navigation is reversed (up is down, down is up)
HOPO's are treated like GH3 now, strums are completely ignored while you have a
combo and a HOPO is in the timing window

Fixed a bug where the tip on a settings menu would persist when backing out of a
Fixed a bug that caused one note long solos to last indefinitely, or until the next
Tried to balance the volume of the sound effects better

Known Bugs
Rarely when activating SP the audio will skip and get desynced, can be fixed by
pausing and un-pausing
When starting a practice section the audio will sometimes be desynced. Can be fixed
by just restarting by pressing Select

Alpha v.12:

Song Select screen audio now recognizes volume settings
Song Select screen section headers
Can't overstrum at the end of songs anymore
Song scanning is now multi-threaded (starts scanning songs as soon as the main menu
loads, should be much faster now)
Reduced size of the notes, reduced how far away sustain tails can be seen, made the
note animation overlay brighter
Swapped Unity's audio engine out for Bass.NET
-Allows for time stretching (speeding/slowing of songs without the pitch
-slightly lower load times as well as reduced latency (you may (probably) have
to re-calibrate audio lag)
-MP3 support, each stem still needs to be named properly (like song.mp3,
guitar.mp3, and so on)
Raised SP tilt threshold to 100% (was 90% before, the change really isn't that
Changed frets to be colored in-game so custom note colors will eventually be
possible (notes are already colored by the game)
Added timers to stats screen and pause menu to prevent buttons being pressed as
soon as they come on screen
Sound effects are now customizable (they're inside Clone Hero_Data/StreamingAssets,
they must be WAV format)

Fixed bug that could cause solos to not start or not end
Fixed some bugs with song previews
Fixed problems with song.ini files that have missing values
Fixed problems with some bizarre MIDI problems (track names were being picked up as
"jenny" from the 8675309 MIDI)
Fixed a bug with the GHL Guitar difficulty icon (it was swapped with band
Fixed Lefty Flip bug that caused the wrong particles to play when notes are hit
Fixed a bug that caused the notes to freeze if the song ends or you fail when you
have a higher player and not a lower player (eg Player 2 is assigned, but not
Player 1)
Fixed bug with the FC indicator while playing 3 or 4 player
Fixed an outstanding bug from multiple versions ago that caused the audio to desync
when playing a song with a positive offset and at a different speed than default

Sound effects
Volume menu still lets Guitar volume go past 100%

Alpha v.11:

Particles toggle in game settings
Bot changes (bot setting is now in player settings, score doesn't reset anymore,
bot players have cyan colored names, "BOT" text on the highway, F1 key can now be
mapped properly)
Solos (uses Rock Band solo scoring)
Changed star cutoff values (every solo note adds 40 to the base value)
Gem size setting in game settings (changes size of the notes and sustains)
FC Indicator (goes away when you miss a note)
Touched up some textures
Export song list to a text file (in the Settings menu)
Volume settings (in-game options menu)
Can't overstrum at the beginning of songs (not being able to overstrum at the end
of songs is coming in v.12)
You can fail now
Health values changed: 45 notes to go from 100% health to 0%, 111 notes to go from
0% to 100%, notes under SP takes 23 to go from 0% to 100%)

Fixed a bug that caused the last section of a song to be repeated multiple times in
the stats
Possibly fixed a bug that caused framerate to not be unlocked on game start up
Known Bugs:

While playing in 2 player, Player 2's solo HUD will block part of the score HUD
Volume settings don't carry over to the song select screen (just disable song
previews if necessary)

Alpha v.1:


Recursive folder searching (Doesn't matter how many folders deep you place a song,
it'll be found, assuming it has necessary files although make sure no folders are
next to song files)
Selecting "New Song" from the pause menu brings you back to Song Select, selecting
"Quit" takes you to Main Menu
Minor improvements to song stats screen (more sort filters, charter tag, star
Player profiles (lets you save/load player settings)
In-game options menu
Instrument Difficulty on Song Select screen
Dualshock Mode (it's in the player settings, makes it strum every time you press a
fret so you can play with standard controller)
Multiple song directories (write "path = *songdirectory*") into the settings file
(default path will always be where the Songs folder has always been)
Songs that won't load are written to a txt file called "Bad songs"
Whammy bar button for keyboard players (to gain SP you must press it 3 times a

Song Select selection bar resets to the top when using Scan Songs from the Settings
Songs that have no audio won't be added to the song list
Fixed a bug that caused the target frame rate to not be set unless you went into
the Settings menu
Fixed every player but Player 1 in multiplayer being a bot
Open sustains turn gray when missed or let go early
Options removed from Pause menu (It'll come back eventually, just need more time to
do things with it)

Alpha v.09:

Song Select screen, numerous improvements to show more data about each song
Better song directory scanning, can now scan sub-folders (only one folder deep)
You can set unlimited framerate by going past 2000 in the framerate setting
Song speed increments/decrements by 5
Reduced size of open notes by a small amount
Improvements to open sustains
Improvements to hit effects for open notes
Note/Star animation fps setting
Input remapper (kinda buggy)
32-bit Windows build

Pressing up in the player settings menu scrolls the setting back instead of forward
Vsync and framerate settings are now properly set after changing them
Fixed the star count and progress bar not resetting correctly when the bot is
Fixed minor issues with audio offset caused by v.081
Open sustains render correctly again
Overstrumming while holding a sustain will properly render the missed sustain
Hopefully fixed a bug that caused problems with sustains after an extended sustain
to get dropped early
Hopefully fixed a bug that caused certain MIDI tracks to be read instead of the
correct one

Known Bugs:
Numerous problems with having a song speed other than 1 with songs that have
negative offsets (just make sure Song Speed is set to 100% while playing one of
these songs)
Text on the song select screen can extend past where they should be able to if the
text is long enough
Folders with song data in them can not have another folder in them (that song won't
show up) even if there's nothing in that folder

Alpha v.081:

Songs with negative offset values play properly now

Alpha v.08:

Menus (Main menu, Settings menu)
In-game settings changing (Vsync, Framerate cap, audio/video offsets)
Song speed setting (speed up/down songs, from 10% to 300%)
Pause menu (Resume, Restart, Quit)
Song rollback when unpausing
Score resets to zero every second if the bot is enabled
Warriors of Rock font
Increased whammy timeout to 64ms
HOPO window resets as soon as another note comes into the timing window

Invisible spaces no longer show in the song select screen (Folders without required
song files won't show up)
Fixed end of song stats screen not showing every section
Fixed combo counter continually rising when losing less than 30 combo
Fixed combo counter raising/lowering slower at higher framerates
Fixed some font character sizes
Fixed beginning of song fret animation
Fixed Yellow on controllers not restarting the song from the stats screen

Alpha v.07:

Local multiplayer support up to 4 players
Lefty flip (in the player settings)
Moved the notes down a bit on the Y axis so they don't change as much while getting
closer to the camera
Changed the amount of time it'll eat a strum after hitting a HOPO from a max of
140ms to 64ms
Frame rate cap setting in the settings file
5-lane Keys support
Combo counter drops down when 30 combo is reached

Guitar track doesn't cut out when playing bass
Sustains and star power don't drain while paused

Known Bugs:
You can pause and still hit notes
Activate Star Power while paused
Letting go of an extended sustain early can cause the dropped sustain to be shorter
Combo counter is buggy in multiplayer, will stay down even though combo isn't 30 or

Alpha v.06:

Individual Player settings on the Song Select Screen:
Change Instrument
Change Difficulty
Note Modifier (forces all notes to be a certain type of note, like all Taps
or all HOPOs)
Enable/Disable tilt
The Song Select screen remembers what song you chose when you go back to it
(Backspace during gameplay to go back to it)
Bot timing window dropped to .01s
Video lag offset in the settings.ini file
Stats screen after song is finished (songs end at the end of the audio file, some
songs have excess length which may cause it to sit there for a while before the
stats screen comes up)
Pausing implemented
Whammying during star power sustains gives you star power

Combo counter should work correctly now
Songs with a drums.ogg track will load that track correctly now (before it would
only load drums_1, drums_2 and so on)
Fixed a bug that caused notes to not count as missed
Fixed a bug that caused the last note of a song to duplicate if it was a chord
Fixed Open note sustains
Better Song Select screen controls
Sustains don't disappear 1/4 beat early

Known Bugs:
Pausing while holding a sustain will make the sustain shrink
Star Power decreases while paused

Alpha v.05:

Controls improvements to song select screen (hold to scroll, wrap from top/bottom)
Optimized chart loading drastically (Smaller songs it's unnoticeable, but for songs
with tens of thousands of notes it's noticeable)
Multi-track audio (guitar.ogg, rhythm.ogg, drums1-drums4.ogg, vocals.ogg, song.ogg)
Configurable settings file (note speed, global offset)
Song progress bar that shows how far the song has progressed
Individual and Global offset support (individual unique offsets per song, global is
applied to every song)
Star counter (Star cutoff scores are very close to what they are in WoR)
Made Star Power bar look better and a bit more inline with how it looks in WoR
Made normal tap notes a bit more seethrough to help distinguish them better
Made the track fade out more like it does in the official games (probably improves
performance as well)
Hit flames turn cyan now when playing a Star Power note or if Star Power is active
Improved extended sustains so you can play chords and lower notes
You can now strum and then press a fret shortly after, which makes fast strumming
sections much more doable

Combo counter correctly goes back to zero when you miss
Unity team may have fixed the crash that happened seldomly
Bot plays extended sustains correctly now
Sustains now give the same amount of points no matter the framerate or how late
it's played
Fixed an issue which caused certain frets to not be at the same height as the
others while animating

Alpha v.04:

Proper score and combo counters
Many of the effects for Star Power
Sound effects
Improved MIDI reading code
Keyboard controls now use Up/Down arrows to strum so generic guitars can properly
use programs like Joy2Key correctly
Notes look a bit better coming into view (it hurts performance pretty bad though,
no idea if it'll stay like that especially if I can get it to look better)
Improved performance in areas that were causing too many draw calls, so
everything's a bit more stable now so the game shouldn't drop excessive amounts of
frames all at once
Note textures are improved and will eventually allow for easier customization
Health and Star Power containers improved
There's an indicator that you have the Bot enabled
Logo on the song select screen
Bot will automatically use Star Power when Star Power is available

Known Bugs:

Whammying sustains at high frame rates results in no star power earned

Sounds will probably be a bit off (as in, either too loud or too quiet)
Sounds might trigger at the wrong times (for example, I've had the sound that plays
when Star Power runs out play while whammying)
The combo counter doesn't reset properly, although if you get a high enough combo
it is accurate (it'll get accurate after 9)
Not really a bug, but tap notes aren't as see-through as they should be I think
Sustains can sometimes glitch out and render at completley wrong proportions (this
is a Unity problem, nothing I can do about it)
Very, very infrequently the game might crash. I think the problem lies with how I
set the sustain texture, but again it's a Unity problem and there's nothing I can
do about it.

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