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11/26/2017 2D Mesh Tutorial using GMSH - OpenFOAMWiki

2D Mesh Tutorial using GMSH

This tutorial was created to show how to generate a 2D mesh for OpenFOAM using the GMSH Open Source Mesh Generator. OpenFOAM by default only works with
3D mesh elements, so some special steps need to be applied to create a 2D mesh. This is not meant to be a tutorial on GMSH or OpenFOAM, but just some useful
steps to get the two tools to work together. Note that two ways of geometry generation are shown. One uses the GMSH GUI to create the geometry and requires
some modi cations of the resulting geometry (.geo) le. The other one directly creates the geometry le. Meshing might be done with or without GUI in both ways.

1 De ning the Geometry and Mesh in GMSH
1.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) and *.geo-modi cation
1.2 Creating *.geo from scratch
1.3 Optional: Structured Mesh
2 Converting the Mesh to OpenFOAM
3 Mesh Examples
3.1 2D axisymmetric stenosis
4 External Links

1 De ning the Geometry and Mesh in GMSH

1.1 Graphical User Interface (GUI) and *.geo-modi cation
1. Open GMSH and create a new le.

2. In a single plane (2D), create the geometry by rst creating all points, then combining the points into lines, and then the lines into a surface. These can all be
done from the Geometry Menu under Elementary entities->Add->New.

3. Extrude the nal surface into 3D by selecting Elementary entities->Extrude->Translate under the Geometry menu. Select Surface, then click the surface in the
viewer. This will extend the surface into 3D space. The distance and direction of the extension is de ned under the Contextual Geometry De nitions window that
appears, under the Translate tab.

4. Now that the shape is 3D, the boundaries can be de ned. To de ne a boundary, go to Physical Groups->Add->Surface from Geometry and add each surface that
will be a boundary. Remember the order of the boundaries, as the GMSH GUI will label them with numbers that later need to be changed to a text name for
OpenFOAM. For example, if the shape is a square, select the bottom, left, top, right, front, and back faces and individually add them as a Physical Group (If your
boundary consists of multiple faces, you can select them together and then add the Physical Group). Later the names will be changed from a number to bottom,
left, top, etc... These names will be used in OpenFOAM.

5. The volume of the geometry must also be named. Select Physical Groups->Add->Volume from Geometry and select the volume.

6. The shape should be saved as a .geo le automatically, but if not, save it now. Then open the .geo le in a text editor. Rename the Physical Surfaces to the
names that will be used in OpenFOAM as the boundary names. You can also assign internal surfaces to physical surfaces to make internal walls in the geometry.
For example (the numbers may be di erent):

Physical Surface("front") = {28};
Physical Surface("back") = {6};
Physical Surface("bottom") = {27};
Physical Surface("left") = {15};
Physical Surface("top") = {19};
Physical Surface("right") = {23};

Do the same for the volume:

Physical Volume("internal") = {1};

7. In the .geo le, the Extrude statement must be modi ed to have a single layer, and then should be recombined. Do this by adding the Layers{1} and Recombine
commands to the Extrude command. This ensures that the mesh blocks are created only in 2D and then extended to 3D, and not divided in the 3rd axis. For

Extrude {0, 0, 10} {

8. Save the .geo le in the text editor and then reload in GMSH using Reload under the Geometry menu. There should be no errors produced by GMSH.

Below is an example of a 2D mesh .geo le of a simple square: 1/7
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Point(1) = {-100, 100, 0, 1e+22};
Point(2) = {100, 100, 0, 1e+22};
Point(3) = {100, -100, 0, 1e+22};
Point(4) = {-100, -100, 0, 1e+22};
Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 1};
Line Loop(6) = {4, 1, 2, 3};
Plane Surface(6) = {6};
Physical Volume("internal") = {1};
Extrude {0, 0, 10} {
Physical Surface("front") = {28};
Physical Surface("back") = {6};
Physical Surface("bottom") = {27};
Physical Surface("left") = {15};
Physical Surface("top") = {19};
Physical Surface("right") = {23};

9. Create the mesh in GMSH by selecting 3D from the Mesh menu. You can also do it from the command line: gmsh -3 <fileName>.geo which will automatically
produce a leName.msh le in the same directory. If everything is set up correctly (via the Extrude modi cations), the sides of the 3D mesh should only have
straight lines connecting the front face to the back face. This is required for OpenFOAM because for 2D analysis the mesh blocks should only change in two
dimensions. OpenFOAM will produce an error if the mesh does not meet this requirement.

The size of the mesh elements can be controlled by setting the Element Size Factor under Mesh in the Options window (select Tools->Options from the main menu).
The smaller the number, the smaller the mesh elements. For the changes in element size factor to take place, just go back to Geometry, Reload, then back to Mesh
and click 3D.

10. Save the mesh by selecting Save from the Mesh menu. This will create a le using the same name as the .geo le, but ending in .msh. This will be used by the
OpenFOAM utility gmshToFoam that is shipped with OpenFOAM.


1.2 Creating *.geo from scratch

Instead of creating the geometry via GUI, you could also create the *.geo le from scratch in any editor.

1. In an editor of your choice, create a new le with a .geo le extension.

2. De ne the 2D-geometry using the syntax below.

Point(<pointNr>) = {<x>, <y>, <z>, <cellSize>};
Line(<lineNr>) = {<startPointNr>, <endPointNr>};
Line Loop(<lineLoopNr>) = {(+/-)<lineNr1>, (+/-)<lineNr2>, ...};
Plane Surface(<surfaceNr>) = {<lineLoopNr>};

Be aware that the Line Loop function needs sorted input. The end- and start-points of adjacent lines have to match and the direction (e.g. clockwise) must be
consistent. The direction of lines may be reversed with a minus.

Note that the order of appearance of lines in Line Loop will be used again after extrusion.

3. Extrude the surface using

surfaceVector[] = Extrude {<x>, <y>, <z>} {
Layers{1}; // create only one layer of elements in the direction of extrusion
Recombine;}; // recombine triangular mesh to quadrangular mesh

where 'surfaceVector[]' is a vector containing

surfaceVector[0] = surfaceNumber of opposing Plane

surfaceVector[1] = volumeNumber of extruded Volume
surfaceVector[...] = surfaceNumber of surrounding surfaces in the same order as in Line Loop
after extrusion.

4. De ne physicals for later use as boundaries using the syntax below

Physical Surface("<boundaryName>") = {<surfaceNr>}
Physical Surface("<boundaryName>") = surfaceVector[<integerAsShownAbove>];
Physical Volume("<interiorName>") = surfaceVector[1]; 2/7
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5. De ne variables for your parametric mesh

squareSide = 200; //m
meshThickness = squareSide / 10;
gridsize = squareSide / 20;

6. The *.geo le should now look similar to this example.

// Inputs
squareSide = 200; //m
meshThickness = squareSide / 10;
gridsize = squareSide / 20;

// All numbering counterclockwise from bottom-left corner
Point(1) = {-squareSide/2, -squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Point(2) = {squareSide/2, -squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Point(3) = {squareSide/2, squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Point(4) = {-squareSide/2, squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Line(1) = {1, 2}; // bottom line
Line(2) = {2, 3}; // right line
Line(3) = {3, 4}; // top line
Line(4) = {4, 1}; // left line
Line Loop(5) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// the order of lines in Line Loop is used again in surfaceVector[]
Plane Surface(6) = {5};

surfaceVector[] = Extrude {0, 0, meshThickness} {

/* surfaceVector contains in the following order:
[0] - front surface (opposed to source surface)
[1] - extruded volume
[2] - bottom surface (belonging to 1st line in "Line Loop (6)")
[3] - right surface (belonging to 2nd line in "Line Loop (6)")
[4] - top surface (belonging to 3rd line in "Line Loop (6)")
[5] - left surface (belonging to 4th line in "Line Loop (6)") */
Physical Surface("front") = surfaceVector[0];
Physical Volume("internal") = surfaceVector[1];
Physical Surface("bottom") = surfaceVector[2];
Physical Surface("right") = surfaceVector[3];
Physical Surface("top") = surfaceVector[4];
Physical Surface("left") = surfaceVector[5];
Physical Surface("back") = {6}; // from Plane Surface (6) ...

/* On my PC, the file must end with a free line to avoid errors which might come from different control characters in UNIX, Mac and

7. Mesh the *.geo-File using either the GUI or a command line as shown in the previous chapter.

1.3 Optional: Structured Mesh

There are several ways to obtain a structured mesh in GMSH. One easy way for simple geometries is adding

Transfinite Surface{<surfaceNr>}={<edgePointsNr1>, <edgePointsNr2>, ...};
// forces later meshing to contain structured triangles
// e.g. Transfinite Surface{6} = {1,2,3,4};

Recombine Surface{<surfaceNr>};
//combine triangles to quadrangles
// e.g.Recombine Surface{6};

just before the extrusion command in the *.geo- le.

Example: 3/7
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// Inputs
squareSide = 200; //m
meshThickness = squareSide / 10;
gridsize = squareSide / 10;

// Geometry
Point(1) = {-squareSide/2, -squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Point(2) = {squareSide/2, -squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Point(3) = {squareSide/2, squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Point(4) = {-squareSide/2, squareSide/2, 0, gridsize};
Line(1) = {1, 2}; // bottom line
Line(2) = {2, 3}; // right line
Line(3) = {3, 4}; // top line
Line(4) = {4, 1}; // left line
Line Loop(5) = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Plane Surface(6) = {5};

//Transfinite surface:
Transfinite Surface {6};
Recombine Surface {6};

surfaceVector[] = Extrude {0, 0, meshThickness} {
surfaceVector contains in the following order:
[0] - front surface (opposed to source surface)
[1] - extruded volume
[2] - bottom surface (belonging to 1st line in "Line Loop (6)")
[3] - right surface (belonging to 2nd line in "Line Loop (6)")
[4] - top surface (belonging to 3rd line in "Line Loop (6)")
[5] - left surface (belonging to 4th line in "Line Loop (6)")
Physical Surface("front") = surfaceVector[0];
Physical Volume("internal") = surfaceVector[1];
Physical Surface("bottom") = surfaceVector[2];
Physical Surface("right") = surfaceVector[3];
Physical Surface("top") = surfaceVector[4];
Physical Surface("left") = surfaceVector[5];
Physical Surface("back") = {6};



2 Converting the Mesh to OpenFOAM

1. An OpenFOAM case directory with a controlDict le must already be created. Copy the .msh le into the case directory.

2. Open a command console and go to the case directory, and enter gmshToFoam < le.msh>. For example:

gmshToFoam square.msh

This will create the mesh used by OpenFOAM under the constant/polyMesh directory. If there are any errors, ensure that a proper case directory is set up (refer to
OpenFOAM documentation, or use a pre-shipped case directory such as icoFoam or simpleFoam). If the errors indicate no 3D elements exist, or there is another
mesh problem, make sure all steps were followed in the GMSH section of this tutorial.

3. Check that the mesh conforms to OpenFOAM standards by running checkMesh from the console.

4. To con rm that the boundaries made it to the OpenFOAM mesh, open the boundary le in the case directory under constant/polyMesh. Each boundary is de ned
here. For the faces that are along the 3rd dimension, set the type to empty. You can also use the Contrib modifyPatches (/index.php/Contrib_modifyPatches) to
automate that. For example: 4/7
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type empty;
nFaces 2858;
startFace 4217;
type empty;
nFaces 2858;
startFace 7075;

This will indicate to OpenFOAM that this is a 2D case. Ensure that all other boundaries as de ned in the GMSH .geo le are present. There will also be a defaultFaces
boundary that should have nFaces = 0 (it is unclear what will happen if nFaces is not 0):

type patch;
nFaces 0;
startFace 10073;

5. To generate an internal wall you need to remove the zero sized boundary from "constant/polyMesh/boundary" and add two zero sized patches at the end of the
le named internalWallMaster and internalWallSlave and update the total number of patches (you can use Contrib modifyPatches
(/index.php/Contrib_modifyPatches) to automate that) then use splitMesh (/index.php/SplitMesh) to cut the mesh at the internalWall. If you have more than one
internal wall use splitMeshWithSets (/index.php/Contrib_SplitMeshWithSets). More details can be found in importing a uent mesh with internal walls
(/index.php/Howto_importing_ uent_mesh_with_internal_walls)

6. The 2D mesh is now ready to be used by OpenFOAM. Be sure that the boundaries names in the initial conditions les (for example p, U, etc...) match those if the
boundary le. For the empty faces (3rd dimension), set the boundary type to empty in these les.

7. If all went well, OpenFOAM should be able to use the new mesh for a 2D case. If things dont go well... OpenFOAM will let you know.

3 Mesh Examples
3.1 2D axisymmetric stenosis 5/7
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Profile of the axisymmetric stenosis following a cosine
function dependent on the axial coordinate x [1].

f(x) = R * (1 - f0/2 *(1 + Cos(2.0*Pi * (x-x0)/L) )
-- x0 maximum stenosis position.
-- L stenosis length.
-- R vessel radius
-- f0 obstruction fraction, ranging 0--1.


[1] Varghese, S. S., Frankel, S. H., Fischer, P. F., 'Direct numerical simulation of steotic flows. Part 1. Steady flow', Journa

ls = 5;

Xi = 100; // um
Xo = 100; // um
L = 100.0; // um

x0 = Xi + L/2.0;
R = 50.0; // um
f0 = 0.5; // 0--1

Z = 5;

Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, ls};
Point(2) = {Xi, 0, 0, ls};
Point(3) = {Xi, R, 0, ls};
Point(4) = {0, R, 0, ls};

Point(5) = {Xi + L, 0, 0, ls};
Point(6) = {Xi + L + Xo, 0, 0, ls};
Point(7) = {Xi + L + Xo, R, 0, ls};
Point(8) = {Xi + L, R, 0, ls};

Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 1};

Line(5) = {5, 6};
Line(6) = {6, 7};
Line(7) = {7, 8};
Line(8) = {8, 5};

Line(9) = {2, 5};

pList[0] = 3; // First point label
nPoints = 21; // Number of discretization points (top-right point of the inlet region)
For i In {1: nPoints}
x = Xi + L*i/(nPoints + 1);
pList[i] = newp;
Point(pList[i]) = {x,
( R * (1 - f0/2 *(1 + Cos(2.0*Pi * (x-x0)/L) ) )),
pList[nPoints+1] = 8; // Last point label (top-left point of the outlet region)

Spline(newl) = pList[];

Transfinite Line {9, 10} = Ceil(L/ls) Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {4, -2, 8, -6} = Ceil(R/ls) Using Progression 1.1;
Transfinite Line {1, 3} = Ceil(Xi/ls) Using Progression 1;
Transfinite Line {5, 7} = Ceil(Xo/ls) Using Progression 1;

Line Loop(11) = {4, 1, 2, 3};
Plane Surface(12) = {11};
Line Loop(13) = {2, 10, 8, -9};
Plane Surface(14) = {13};
Line Loop(15) = {8, 5, 6, 7};
Plane Surface(16) = {15};
Transfinite Surface {14,12,16};
Recombine Surface {14,12,16};

Extrude {0,0,Z} {
Surface{14,12,16}; Layers{1}; Recombine;

Physical Surface("symmetryLine") = {51, 37, 73};
Physical Surface("frontAndBack") = {60, 38, 82, 16, 14, 12};
Physical Surface("wall") = {59, 29, 81};
Physical Surface("inlet") = {47};
Physical Surface("outlet") = {77};
Physical Volume("volume") = {2, 1, 3}; 6/7
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4 External Links
gmsh Reference Manual (

Categories (/index.php/Special:Categories): Mesh generation utilities (/index.php/Category:Mesh_generation_utilities)
Datenschutz- Tutorials (/index.php/Category:Tutorials)
This page was last modi ed on 15 May 2015, at 16:18.
This page has been accessed 123,647 times.
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