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TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Remember to write the ODU honor pledge at the end of this table.

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name: Lauren Wickizer

Name of the tool Quip
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Go to
of how to use the 2. Click on Sign Up in the top right
tool 3. Enter your email in the space provided and click Sign Up
4. Next you will enter your full name and create a password
5. Once finished, click on Start Using Quip
6. A verification code will be sent to your email
7. Click on the link given in the email and set up your group
8. Click on the Quip logo on the left side of the site and log in again
9. You will be given a tutorial on how to use quip
10. After the tutorial, you can begin to share documents and media
Ideas for how the In accordance to 6th grade SOL 6.1 The student will participate in and
tool can be used contribute to group activities c) Summarize and evaluate group
in PK-12 activities. Quip can offer students how to evaluate their work together
while being online.
In accordance to 10th grade SOL 10.1 The student will participate in,
collaborate in, and report on small-group learning activities f) Collaborate
with others to exchange ideas, develop new understandings, make
decisions, and solve problems. Quip allows students to collaborate by
having a chat option to discuss points and highlight what they think
needs to be changed.
In accordance to 5th grade SOL 5.1 The student will draw conclusions,
and share responses in subject-related group learning activities. With
Quip the student can have multiple folders for the different subject areas
and groups can discuss and change any document or media inside them.
Positives and Positives (4): 1. Adding people to the group is easy. 2. You can chat real
challenges of time with your group members. 3. You can create a folder with
using the tool everything together in one place. 4. The site is free and open to anyone.
Negatives (3) : 1. Since you need an email to set up, this might not work
for young elementary students. 2. Since it is very professional looking
site, younger students may get bored. 3. Kindergarten students may
have a difficult time setting up since there is a lot of typing
Peers Katie
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions Go to website and just add mind map bubbles.
of how to use the Then you can change the directions of how things are connected.
Ideas for how the (1) Allows children to know how things are linked together or to show
tool can be used their similarities.
in PK-12 (2) They could read a story and identify a main character and then
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
mind map all of the things that they know or remember about
that character.
(3) It could also be used as a brain storming tool to share ideas and
see where the connections are.
Positives and Positives:
challenges of (1) Ease of use.
using the tool (2) Your mind map can be shared with others because it is a 2.0 tool.
(3) Editing on this is also very easy (i.e. adding and deleting boxes).
(4) It is a great visual to pull up on the board/screen for students to
see and discuss.
(1) A challenge might be that it is very simple and may be too basic
for a professional project or for higher grade levels.
(2) Depending on how big your map gets, it might be too hard to
(3) There is a user fee for the more advanced version that has more
Peers Shaye
Name of the tool Twiddla
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions 1. Log on to the computer and open an internet browser;
of how to use the 2. Type in ________ (each whiteboard gets its own link);
tool 3. Click join the virtual whiteboard created by the teacher; and
4. Begin marking it up and/or creating a display (whatever the
Ideas for how the 1. The teacher can easily upload a document or article as the
tool can be used background for the
in PK-12 whiteboard and the students can collaborate to mark-up and
correct spelling and
grammar errors;
2. The teacher can upload multiple visual multiplication problems
onto the white board and the students can race to complete
them. This can be hand written or typed and uploaded; and
3. The students can take turns writing one word on the white board
to make a few sentences, making a collaborative short story.

Positives and Pros:

challenges of 1.This gives student the opportunity to use a web 2.0 tool and integrate
using the tool it into their daily learning;
2. It also allows them to work together, but from separate computers;
3. This gives students the opportunity to feed off of each others ideas,
especially when using this tool to create short stories.

1. Some students may not participate at all or minimally because
they are embarrassed or unmotivated;
2. Some students may not have as much of a chance to participate
if other students work faster; and
3. 3. If this tool malfunctions or does not load in real time, students
may be writing over eachother which could cause conflict
depending on age/grade level.
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

From this ODU webpage copy the Honor

Pledge below to make the promise that you have met online as instructed in a face-to-face virtual environment (e.g.
Skype or Google Hangouts) to complete this assignment.

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