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Public School teacher challenges

The National center for education statistics reported that there are fifty million

students enrolled in the public-school system in the United States. (Barrington, 2017).

Therefore, it is required that teachers try to make the best effort to ensure students

receive the proper education. However, there are many stipulations that occur,

depending on the school district a teacher is affiliated with. For some politics plays a

major role in undermining a teachers true capabilities. For instance, reliance on

standardized testing as a measure of teacher effectiveness, and massive government and

corporate efforts to privatize public education (Delacruz, 2011) If a teacher can teach in

an energetic climate, challenges can be overcome for the teacher and the student

because there is a good support system.

The biggest achievement for teacher successes is to teach in a climate that allows

the teacher to teach through their own pedagogy. For example, one can teach through

their artistic style using unique creativeness. Such as being able to perform in their

classroom Even more so, a teacher can take advantage of those teachable moments such

as spontaneously opportunities that can further advance the students cognitive thinking

skills. However, many districts are forcing teachers to lose their pedagogy by having them

race against the clock. In other words, the school day is packed with a core curriculum

and the students are being taught by the text only. Similarly, teachers can become

frustrated and burn out. The essential point is all these challenges the teacher faces

makes it difficult to teach the way they would love to teach. Certainly, teachers would

make a better impact on students learning if they had wiggle room to teach other than
by the text only. To makes matter worse teaching in a low budget school district makes it

even more difficult to have some students reach their full potential as well. If there are

not enough of funds being allocated, this hinders the available resources both the student

and teacher need to achieve their goals. Harry Boyte civil rights activist and Director of

the Hubert Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, observes that the US

schools in towns across America were once vibrant places for community gatherings,

town hall meetings, adult education. And social events for all sorts of people (Boyte,

2002). Similarly, teachers are forced to work in these conditions. If adults dont want to

step in these facilities, how can it possibly be a good environment for students to possibly

thrive in the same atmosphere. Furthermore, Jonathon Kozol a journalist who wrote a

book called Savage Inequalities provides a biting critique and historical analysis of the

inherent injustices of municipal state, and federal tax and funding policies that gave rise

to the shocking conditions of education and community life in the poorest and most

segregated neighborhoods of East St. Louis, Washington, D.C, Chicago, New York City, and

elsewhere. Today, 20 years later, these injustices persist throughout the nation (Kozol,

2007; Strauss, 2011). If the school systems are breaking how can a child learn in an

environment that doesnt seem to care of the students wellbeing. Although teachers do

their best under the circumstances when the odds are against all regardless the situation.

However, they are under attack and are being blamed for students unsuccess.

For school to become more effective towards the students success they need to

overcome the poverty obstacles making sure children learn regardless of low funding.

They need to keep them up to speed. For example, teachers, students, and parents need
to collaborate with each other to get the message out that they need help and to keep

strong. In addition to that, teaching art is a necessity because those are the ones to go on

to become the leaders of the world. Even more so teachers who continue to strive,

regardless of the conditions that are not up to standards should have the right to

challenge the ones who think intuitively. For instance, we need to educate both our

students and the wider public about how essential it is to be innovative, creative, critically

informed, and ethically engaged citizens. Its now. An entrepreneurial disposition will also

include thinking outside the box in our efforts to shape public perception about the

value of publicly supporting those teachers and schools in pursuit of such aims (Delacruz,

2011; Jackson, 2011). Certainly, its through the teachers educators reflection of their

own personal lived stories in academia as they are told and retold. By acknowledging their

personal stories, the expression of the participating teacher educators personal practical

knowledge and understanding of experiences. (Clandinin, 1986 & Connely, 2000). In other

words, if the teacher had the permission and the time to creatively conduct lessons by

demonstrating and using real life experiences that the teacher experienced the students

would have a better understanding of the subject matter, rather than intensely pump out

the work through a guided text book. Teachers and students should not have to teach

and learn like robots. We are all human beings and what matters most is how you shape

the mind. Although recalling facts and learning strategies are a good technique to

memorize the information, however real-life experiences help the learning process to

master the material. For example, engaged student conversation broadens the mind and

enhances those critical thinking skills which can be effective in the learning process, rather
than memorizing and recalling facts. The purpose of learning is for students to think

deeper than what is being offered these days due to standardized testing.

In conclusion, teachers today are being under attack for circumstances that are

beyond their control. In collaborating with their colleagues and community together they

can fight the fight. If gathering resources that back up their claim, slowly but shortly

awareness will occur perhaps worldwide, and teachers will be able to apply themselves

with the intention that was meant to be in the first place. They should be allowed to

practice teaching without being bullied by the parents or the executives.

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