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Professional Growth Plan

Established Date October 19, 2017

Name Muriel Kirby
Review Date December 15, 2017

Goal #1

Learn how to work with parents to improve students learning.

Related KSA(s)
#12 The importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of
teaching and learning.
#13 Student learning is enhanced through the use of home and community resources.
Indicator(s) of Success
Able to interact with parents independently (face to face)
Able to interact with parents through email and newsletters
Action Resource(s) Timeline

Ask TA about how they interact with

TA Throughout practicum

Find resources to communicate with Apps (App store),

Throughout practicum
parents. TA, other teachers

Attend events that involve parents to

School events, TA,
observe how other teachers interact with Throughout practicum
other teachers


Throughout practicum I was able to interact with a number of parents. This was mainly possible
because many of the parents were teachers in my school. Most of the communication was face to
face, but I did learn from my TA that you can interact with parents through google classroom.
This is a useful tool that I will definitely use again. I plan to continue working on this goal in my
upcoming practicums. Being involved in the school community is very important, therefore this
will be a goal I continue to work on throughout my career.
Goal #2

Learn how to engage students in subjects they dislike or struggle with.

Related KSA(s)
#5 All students can learn, albeit at different rates in different ways.
#9 There are many approaches to learning and teaching.
Indicator(s) of Success
Able to help students with their weaker subject one on one
Able to work with small groups of students and engage them with a difficult subject

Action Resource(s) Timeline

Observe how TA engages students. TA Throughout practicum

Ask students why they think they

Students and TA Throughout practicum
struggle with a subject.

Pinterest, Teachers
Obtain a variety of resources that can pay teachers, Alberta
Throughout practicum
used to teach one topic. Education website,
Curriculum Lab

This is a goal that I spent a large amount of time on. I taught grade 7 language arts during my
practicum. This was most of the students least favorite subject. Therefore, it was the perfect place
for me to work on making my lessons engaging for these students. The biggest lesson I learned is
that students are engaged when they learn through others. Therefore, I used a large amount of
small groups and whole class work to improved engagement. In addition, I was able to
incorporate students interests to keep them engaged. My class all really loved Disney, so I used
Disney examples as often as possible. Overall, I believe I achieved this goal in my PS1
practicum. I will continue to develop this skill in the upcoming practicums and throughout my
future career.

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