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Risk - The chance that some unfavorable We can use the standard deviation (_,

event will occur. pronounced sigma) to quantify the

tightness of the probability distribution.7
Bonds offer relatively low returns, but
The smaller the standard deviation, the
with relatively little risk
tighter the probability distribution and,
Stocks offer the chance of higher returns, accordingly, the lower the risk.
but stocks are generally riskier than
Standard Deviation, (sigma) A
An assets risk can be analyzed in two
statistical measure of the variability of a
ways: (1) on a stand-alone basis, where
set of observations. The standard
the asset is considered by itself, and (2)
deviation is a measure of how far the
on a portfolio basis, where the asset is
actual return is likely to deviate from the
held as one of a number of assets in a
expected return
Because past results are often repeated
Stand-Alone Risk - The risk an investor
in the future, the historical is often
would face if he or she held only one
used as an estimate of future risk. A key
question that arises when historical data
No investment should be undertaken isused to forecast the future is how far
unless the expected rate of return is high back in time we should go.
enough to compensate for the perceived
Coefficient of Variation (CV) The
standardized measure of the risk per unit
Stand-alone risk is important to the of return; calculated as the standard
owners of small businesses and in our deviation divided by the expected return.
examination of physical assets in the But how do we choose between two
capital budgeting chapters. For stocks investments if one has the higher
and most financial assets, though, it is expectedreturn but the other has the
portfolio risk that is most important lower standard deviation? To help answer
that question, we use another measure
Probability Distribution - A listing of of risk, the coefficient of variation (CV),
possible outcomes or events with a which is the standard deviation divided
probability (chance of occurrence) by the expected return
assigned to each outcome.
If a choice has to be made between two
Expected Rate of Return, r ^ - The investments that have the same
rate of return expected to be realized expected returns but different standard
from an investment; the weighted deviations, most people would choose
average of the probability distribution of the one with the lower standard deviation
possible results. and, therefore, the lower risk. Similarly,
given a choice between two investments
The tighter the probability distribution of
with the same risk (standard deviation)
expected future returns, the smaller the
but different expected returns, investors
risk of a given investment
would generally prefer the investment
with the higher expected return. The key point to remember is that the
expected return on a portfolio is a
The coefficient of variation shows the risk
weighted average of expected returns on
per unit of return, and it provides a more
the stocks in the portfolio.
meaningful risk measure when the
expected returns on two alternatives are Realized Rate of Return - The return
not the same. that was actually earned during some
past period. The actual return (r _)
Risk Aversion Risk-averse investors
usually turns out to be different from the
dislike risk and require higher rates of
expected return (r ^) except for riskless
return as an inducement to buy riskier
securities. Risk Aversion Risk-averse
investors dislike risk and require higher The portfolios risk is generally smaller
rates of return as an inducement to buy than the average of the stocks _s
riskier securities. because diversification lowers the
portfolios risk.
Risk Premium (RP) The difference
between the expected rate of return on a Correlation - The tendency of two
given risky asset and that on a less risky variables to move together.
asset. Risk Premium (RP) The difference
Correlation Coefficient, r A measure of
between the expected rate of return on a
the degree of relationship between two
given risky asset and that on a less risky
Stocks W and M can be combined to form
In a market dominated by risk-averse
a riskless portfolio because their returns
investors, riskier securities compared to
move countercyclically to each other
less risky securities must have higher
when Ws fall, Ms rise, and vice versa.
expected returns as estimated by the
The tendency of two variables to move
marginal investor.
together is called correlation, and the
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) A correlation coefficient, r (pronounced
model based on the proposition that any rho), measures this tendency
stocks required rate of return is equal to
Diversification is completely useless for
the risk free rate of return plus a risk
reducing risk if the stocks in the portfolio
premium that reflects only the risk
are perfectly positively correlated.
remaining after diversification.
When stocks are perfectly negatively
The risk of a stock held in a portfolio is
correlated, all risk can be diversified
typically lower than the stocks risk when
away; but when stocks are perfectly
it is held alone
positively correlated, diversification does
The expected return on a portfolio is no good.
the weighted average of the expected
As a rule, portfolio risk declines as the
returns of the individual assets in the
number of stocks in a portfolio increases
portfolio, with the weights being the
percentage of the total portfolio invested Diversifiable Risk That part of a
in each asset securitys risk associated with random
events; it can be eliminated by proper market. Beta thus measures market risk.
diversification. This risk is also known as
the steeper a stocks line, the greater its
company specific, or unsystematic, risk.
volatility and thus the larger its loss in a
Market Risk The risk that remains in a down market. The slopes of the lines are
portfolio after diversification has the stocks beta coefficients.
eliminated all company-specific risk. This
Average Stocks Beta, bA By
risk is also known as nondiversifiable or
definition, bA = 1 because an average-
systematic or beta risk.
risk stock is one that tends to move up
Diversifiable risk is caused by such and down in step with the general
random, unsystematic events as market.
lawsuits, strikes, successful and
Because a stocks beta reflects its
unsuccessful marketing and R&D
contribution to the riskiness of a
programs, the winning or losing of a
portfolio, beta is the theoretically correct
major contract, and other events that are
measure of the stocks riskiness
unique to the particular firm. Because
these events are random, their effects on Diversifiable risk can be eliminated; and
a portfolio can be eliminated by most investors do eliminate it, either by
diversificationbad events for one firm holding very large portfolios or by buying
will be offset by good events for another. shares in a mutual fund
Market risk, on the other hand, stems Compensation is required only for risk
from factors that systematically affect that cannot be eliminated by
most firms: war, inflation, recessions, diversification
high interest rates, and other macro
factors. Because most stocks are affected Because a stocks beta coefficient
by macro factors, market risk cannot be determines how the stock affects the
eliminated by diversification. riskiness of a diversified portfolio, beta is,
in theory, the most relevant measure of a
Market Portfolio - A portfolio consisting stocks risk.
of all stocks.
Market Risk Premium, RPM The
Standard deviation is not appropriate additional return over the risk-free rate
when the stock is held in a portfolio, as needed to compensate investors for
stocks generally are. assuming an average amount of risk.
shows the premium that investors require
Relevant Risk The risk that remains
for bearing the risk of an average stock.
once a stock is in a diversified portfolio is
The size of this premium depends on how
its contribution to the portfolios market
risky investors think the stock market is
risk. It is measured by the extent to
and on their degree of risk aversion.
which the stock moves up or down with
the market. Security Market Line (SML) Equation
- An equation that shows the relationship
Beta Coefficient, b A metric that shows
between risk as measured by beta and
the extent to which a given stocks
the required rates of return on individual
returns move up and down with the stock

Required rates of return are shown on the

vertical axis, while risk as measured by
beta is shown on the horizontal axis.

The slope of the SML reflects the degree

of risk aversion in the economythe
greater the average investors risk
aversion, (a) the steeper the slope of the
line and (b) the greater the risk premium
for all stockshence, the higher the
required rate of return on all stocks.

nominal, or quoted, rate; and it consists

of two elements: (1) a real inflation-free
rate of return, r* and (2) an inflation
premium, IP, equal to the anticipated
rate of inflation

The slope of the SML reflects the extent

to which investors are averse to riskthe
steeper the slope of the line, the more
the average investor requires as
compensation for bearing risk.

In the multivariable models, risk is

assumed to be caused by a number of
different factors, whereas the CAPM
gauges risk only relative to returns on
the market portfolio.

Basic CAPM is still the most widely used

method for estimating required rates of
return on stocks.

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