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Generalized Small-Signal Dynamical Modeling

of Multi-Port Dc-Dc Converters

David C. Hamill

School of Electronic Engineering, Information Technology and Mathematics

University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, United Kingdom

Abstract - A general method is presented for modeling multi- voltage to constant current, or be nonlinear, so a linear re-
port dc-dc converters. It copes with multiple inputs, multiple sistive load is a special case. With other loads, the small-
outputs and bidirectional ports, and is, based on an averaging signal damping will differ from that predicted using an
formulation. A matrix description is adopted, so the technique equivalent load resistance. Worse, the load could be induc-
can be extended to converters with any number of ports. As an
tive or capacitive, and this will greatly affect the overall
example, a three-port forward-flyback converter is analyzed
using symbolic computation software (Maple V). system dynamics. For these cases, models developed using a
stiff voltage source and a resistive load will give misleading
results. Instead, the aim should be to model the converter in
I. INTRODUCTION isolation from its surrounding circuit. Provided its terminal
characteristics are properly represented, such a model can
ompared with the attention paiid to two-port conver-

subsequently be embedded within a complete power system,
ters, little consideration has bjeen given to modeling allowing the interactions to be assessed with ease. This is the
multi-output dc-dc converters. Important characteris- basis of two-port circuit theory, adapted here to multiple
tics such as static and dynamic cross; regulation have been ports.
little explored in the literature, and then usually only on an First, a generalized model of an open loop dc-dc converter
ad-hoc basis - e.g. [l], [2]. Furthermore, very little work is developed, assuming an averaged description. Next, the
has been done on generalized multi-port dc-dc converters. characteristics are linearized around a quiescent operating
For example, a personal computer power supply could com- point. Finally, the open loop model is embedded within a
prise a single converter with multiple dc outputs as usual, feedback control loop. The method is subject to the usual
but two dc inputs: one fed from rectified ac mains, the other limitation of linear models: it may be inaccurate for large
from a secondary battery. The battery port could be bidirec- signals. Nevertheless, linearized average models have proved
tional, to allow recharging. A generalized dc-dc converter popular with engineers because they allow the application of
can have multiple input ports, multiple output ports and standard linear systems control theory.
bidirectional ports.
This paper describes a general method for small-signal II. THE OPEN LOOP CONVERTER
modeling of any multi-port dc-dc converter. It is based on
A dc-dc converter has two or more power ports. If power
matrices, for several reasons: they provide a compact nota-
always flows into the converter it is an input port; if power
tion; the results can be applied to converters with any num-
always flows out, it is an output port; if power can flow in
ber of ports; numerical matrix computations are easily
either direction, it is bidirectional. However, for generality,
programmed using standard linear algebra packages, work-
the standard circuit-theory sign convention is adopted here:
sheets such as MathCad, and even spreadsheets; and matrix
the reference direction of current is into the positive terminal
algebra can be automated with symbolic computation pack-
of each port, as shown in Fig. 1. No distinction is made
ages such as Maple, Mathematica and Macsyma.
between input and output ports; if the power at a port is
Most analyses of two-port dc-dc converters start by assum- positive, it is acting as an input; if negative, as an output.
ing a stiff voltage source at the input amd a resistive load at
the output. For good reasons the proposed approach does not. A. The State Vector
At its input, a converter is often fed from a filter, or at least The model presented is based on four essential vectors, the
via some line impedance decoupled by a capacitor. At the first of which is the state vector x(t).A general description of
output, the load's dc characteristic many vary from constant a dynamical system is:

Q 1997 IEEE
0-7803-3840-5/97/$10.00 42 1
where distinguishes a particular system. The dynamics of
an mth-order converter can be characterized by m internal
state variables, usually the inductor currents and capacitor
voltages. These state variables can be formed into an instan-
taneous state vector, x,,Jt) E R. This gives an exact de-
scription of the time varying, nonlinear circuit including, for
example, ripple at the switching frequency.
L- N-i

In most converters, some components of the state vector

will be fast (comparable to the switching frequency) and other ports
others will be slow. In many cases the model can be sim-
plified by overlooking the fast variables. A suitable process Fig. 1: Generalized multi-port dc-dc converter, showing
converts the time varying mth order model into a time in- reference directions of current and voltage.
variant nth order one, n < m. The instantaneous state vector
n,,,(t) E W is changed into an equivalent low frequency independent variable - the batterys voltage is independent
state vector x(t) E OB of the converter and changes according to the state of charge.
Moving to the input port, the supply is usually approximated
Two approaches for eliminating the fast variables are
by a variable voltage source, so voltage should be chosen as
sampling and averaging. In the first, x J t ) is sampled at the
the independent variable, with the converters input current
switching frequency f,, and the fast variables are neglected.
as the dependent variable. In control system terminology, the
(Though not attempted here, the method presented could be
components of w are disturbances to the system, while the
adapted to a sampled data description.) Alternatively, any of
the averaging methods developed for two-port converters can components of y represent its response.
in principle be used to obtain x(t). These include the original A very common situation, termed here the Ordinary Case,
circuit averaging process [3], state space averaging [4], is when the converter has a single input port and N - 1 out-
injected-absorbed currents [5], the PWM switch model [6], put ports. For this case the independent vector w best con-
Bogoliubov averaging [7], and switching-frequency depen- sists of the input voltage and the output currents, while the
dent averaging [SI. Of particular interest are symbolic com- dependent vector y comprises the input current and the out-
putational methods [9]. Discussion of the pros and cons of put voltages.
particular averaging processes is outside the scope of this
C. The Control Vector
paper: it is assumed that some satisfactory process exists for
mapping x,,,(t) to x(t), and that the dynamics of the conver- Let the converter have M control variables. For example,
ter are adequately described by the result. these might include signals that determine the duty ratio or
frequency of a switching device, or control magnetic amplifi-
B. The Port Vectors ers. The control signals form a vector u(t) E RM.
Suppose the dc-dc Converter has N power ports. The port It might be thought that if A4 = N all the dependent vari-
currents iT and voltages v, , r = 1 ... N, comprise a set of 2N ables of y could be individually controlled by U. This is not
port variables. For each port we choose either i, or vr and necessarily so. In an ideal lossless converter, with the sign
form the chosen quantities into a vector of independent vari- convention adopted the total power entering the converter
ables, w(t) E RN.The remaining quantities are then formed must be zero. This removes one degree of freedom, so only
into a vector of dependent variables, y(t) E RN. N - 1 components of y can be controlled by U .
There are many ways in which the port variables can be Often, M < N - 1; then it is impossible to control more
assigned to the two vectors, some of which are more helpful than A4 dependent variables, and the rest must rely upon
than others. For each port it must be decided which variable, cross regulation. If the converter is allowed losses, the total
i or v, is to be regarded as the independent one. For instance, power entering the converter is no longer constrained to
if the converter is designed to deliver a constant voltage to a zero: it is positive and equal to the losses. Now all N depen-
load, the output ports current should be taken as the inde- dent variables can be individually controlled, for instance by
pendent variable, because the load. not the converter. deter- including linear regulators in the converter. (This adversely
mines the current drawn. The current is independent of the affects efficiency.) In the Ordinary Case it is only necessary
converter so it should be the independent variable. Converse- to control the .V - 1 output ports, while the input current
ly, if the converter is meant to deliver a constant current, e.g. goes where it must.
as a battery charger, the load voltage should be taken as the

D. Large-Signal Model loop stability, the converter will settle to a steady state where
The open loop converter can be characterized by two non- x(t) = const = X and y(t) = const = Y. Substituting for U, w,
linear vector equations linking the essential vectors U, w, x x and y in (2) and (3), and setting dxldt = 0 (since X =
and y: const), X may be found in terms of U, W and Y. This gives
the steady state operating point, Q = {U,W, X, Y >.
Now consider small perturbations around (2. Adapting the
usual notation for dc-dc converters to the vector case, let
x(t) = X + g(t) , etc., where k(t) is a small perturbation from
Y(0 = Ur[X(t)> w,W ( 4 l (3)
the steady state equilibrium. Provided they are smooth, the
The state equation. (2), governs the (converterslarge-signal nonlinear functions 4 and y may each be expanded by a
dynamics as it reacts to the control signals and independent multivariable Taylor series; truncating after the linear terms,
port variables. Equation (3), the response equation (output (2) and (3) become
equation in control terms), describes how the dependent
port variables respond. Functions 4 and y are attributes of a d
- act) = A i ( t ) + B G(t) + E G(t) (4)
particular converter. dt

E. Linearization $(f) = C i(t) i-

D h(t) + F&(t) (5)
We next find the steady state. Let u(t) = const = U (i.e. the where A, B, C, D, E and F are real, constant matrices:
control signals are held steady) and w(t) = const = W (i.e.
the independent variables are dc quantities). Assuming open



n hmension of the averaged dynmcal system

M number of control signals Here the ijth entry of the sensitivity matrix %/ax is 84,/&, ,
etc. Equations (4) and (9,valid for small perturbations only,
N number of wrts are an augmented version of the standard state space descrip-
VECTORS: tion of a multivariable linear system. Fig. 2 shows the equa-
i(s> (,Ux 1) small-signal control vector * tions as a block schematic. The notation follows that of [lo]:
matrices A, B, C and D have their usual linear-systems
&(s) (N x 1) small-signal independent ~ortvector *
meaning. Of particular importance is the system matrix A,
i(s) (n x 1) small-signal state vector * whose eigenvalues govern the dynamics. Matrices E and F
i ( s ) (N x 1) small-signal dependent port vector * represent direct feed-through of disturbances.
4 (n x 1) RHS of the state equation F. Open Loop Small-Signal Model
w (Nx 1) RHS of the response quahion Taking Laplace transforms, (4) and (5) become
* x is a large-signal quantity; :i is a small-signal quantity
s i @ )= A i(s) + B $s) + E &(s) (7)

Wh t i ( s )= C ;(s) + D h(s) + F+(s) (8)

wal f where, with some abuse of notation, i ( s ) is to be understood
r as the Laplace transform of i ( t ) ,etc. Finding i ( s ) from (7)
t and substituting into (8) yields the open loop small-signal
wh 7
closed loop port-to-port transfer function matrix i(s)= H(s) i(s) + J(s)&(s) (a)
open loop control-teport transfer function matrix (9)
open loop port-to-port transfer function matrix where H(s) = C(s1- A)-B -tD (b)
and J(s) = C(s1- A)-E + F (c)
controller matrix
t evaluated at the operating pin1

Fig. 2: Block schematic of the open loop small-signal Fig. 3: The model of Fig. 2 may be reduced to two
model of a dc-dc converter. frequency dependent blocks and an adder.

(I is the N x N identity matr)ix. In (sa) the internal state 2N port variables, there are (2N)!/(2N!)possible combina-
vector ?(s) has been eliminated and the constant matrices A tions, excluding row swaps. This number determines the
to F have been replaced by frequency dependent matrices. different forms of matrix G. (E.g. there are six varieties of
Equation (sa) is shown in block schematic form in Fig. 3, a hvo-port parameters, but 60 varieties of three-port parame-
complete black box small-signal model of a generalized ters.) In the analysis of large multi-port networks, the usual
open loop N-port dc-dc converter. The entries of the N x M choice is to group all the currents into one vector and all the
matrix H(s) are transfer hnctions from the A4 control signals voltages into the other. Depending on which vector is chosen
to the N dependent port variables, and the entries of the N x as independent, the resulting matrix contains either ini-
N matrix J(s) are transfer functions from the N independent pedances (2-parameters) or admittances (y-parameters).
port variables to the N dependent port variables. However, these are not very useful for the present purposes,
because the y and z-parameters for an ideal converter are all
The two-port g-parameters have been suggested by Mand-
An objective of a dc-dc converter is to regulate against hana [ 111 as a small-signal model for dc-dc converters;
disturbances: to maintain certain components of y constant
despite variations in w. Ideally, i ( s ) = 0 . This goal is ap-
proached by applying closed loop control. In the feedback
system of Fig. 4, i ( s ) is compared to zero to produce an error
vector, which is processed by controller K(s) to produce the where g , , is the converters input admittance, g,, its reverse
control vector ii(s),thus closing the loop. current gain, g,,its forward voltage gain, and g2, its output
impedance. This description can be extended to the Ordinary
G(s) = -K(s) $(s) (10) Case of a multi-port dc-dc converter if the port variables are
In general K(s) allows cross coupling, so that any component segregated into dependent and independent vectors as sug-
of y can influence any or all components of U. From (9) and gested above. with port 1 taken as the input. Then (1la) may
(10) the closed loop small-signal model is obtained: be written as

1p(T) 1 1
= A&) I

Zo&) \I;*?I

A condition for validity is that I + H(s)K(s) must be nonsin- Here $(SI and +(s) have been partitioned into voltage and
gular, which is usually true. A block schematic is shown in current parts, and the matrix G(s) partitioned accordingly.
Fig. 5 . Note that if K(s) = 0, ( l l a ) reduces to G(s)= J(s). Scalar YJs) = g , , = i ,/cl is the converters input admittance,
A. The Ordinary Case Row vector Ai(s) = [g,, ... g,,J comprises reverse current
A , . * A

gains, i 1 l i 2 . . i I li,v , and describes how output current

The Ordinary Case is particularly important in practice.
changes affect the input. Column vector A,(s) = k,, _..g,lT
When the N independent variables are chosen from a set of
comprises forward voltage gains ;2/; I . . . ;,v/l/G I . It describes

Open loop converter
Fig. 5 : The model of Fig. 4 can be reduced to a single
Fig. 4: Block schematic of the closed loop small-signal frequency dependent block, forming a small-signal black
model of a dc-dc converter. box model of a multi-port dc-dc converter.

how input voltage changes affect the output voltages, i.e. the discontinuous mode, so both the duty ratio and the switching
dynamic line regulation of the converter frequency affect its output voltage. For this example n = 5
(audiosusceptibility). Ideally all its entries would be zero. (state variables), N = 3 (ports) and A4 = 2 (control signals).
Matrix Z,,(s) = [g,], i, j = 2.. .N, comlprises self and mutual Let the four essential vectors be:
impedances c i i j . The leading-diagonal elements (i = j ) are
the source impedances of each output jport, and describe the State vector x = P L I iL2 vc1 vc2 Val
dynamic load regulation of the converter. The off-diagonal Independent port vector w = [vI io, i,IT
terms (i j ) are mutual impedances relating the port-i cur- Dependent port vector y = [i, vo, vmIT
rent to the port-j voltage, and describe the dynamic cross Control vector U = [6 fl
regulation. Ideally all the entries of Z,,i(s) would be zero.
For cases other than the Ordinary Case, different ways of where i,, is the current in L , , etc., 6 is the duty ratio andf, is
choosing the independent and dependent variables might be the switching frequency. Other quantities are defined in Fig.
more appropriate, and they should be considered on their 6. The circuit has the following parameter values: L , =50pH,
merits. L, = 600pH, Lp = 60pH, C, = 47@, C, = 470pF, C3 = 470pF,
Fs = 49kHz, A =z 0.3, N,,IN, = 20114, y/ = 28V, I,, = -1A, I ,
Thus the N x N transfer function matrix G(s)gives a com-
= -lA. The output voltages are intended to be Yo, = 12V, V,
plete small-signal description of the dy.namics of any N-port
= 12v.
dc-dc converter. For an open loop convierter (with its control
signals held constant), G(s) is identical to J(s). For a closed The low frequency state equation may be found by a
loop converter under the control scheme shown, G(s) is naive averaging process as:
given by (lla). Other forms of control (e.g. innerlouter -
loops) will result in a different form for (1lb).

As an example, an Ordinary Case converter is analyzed
using the symbolic computation packagie Maple V [ 121. The
method can easily be applied to more complicated conver-
ters, the computer handling the increased complexity of the which corresponds to the state equation (2). Likewise,
A. Open Loop Model
The three-port converter shown in Fig. 6 [I31 can be sepa-
rated into two semi-converters: it is basically a forward
converter but, instead of the normal energy-recovery reset corresponds to the response equation (3).
winding, the transformer has a flyback winding. The forward
semi-converter operates in continuous mode, so its output
voltage depends on the duty ratio but is independent of the
switching frequency. The flyback semi-converter operates in

For space reasons only the 5 x 5 A matrix is shown here B
is 5 x 2, C is 3 x 5, D is the 3 x 2 zero matrix, E is 5 x 3,
o1 and F is the 3 x 3 zero matrix
- The H(s) and J(s) matrices are found by computing (10)
and (11) in Maple
+ Hrcrat.=evalm(Cmat&*imse(s* &* () -Amat) &*Bmat+Dmat):
Jmat:=evalm(Cmat&*imse(s * &* (1 -Amat)&*Emat+lFmat) ;
H(s) is 3 x 2, J(s) is 5 x 5
The full expressions for H(s) and J(s) are too complex to
reproduce here but, substituting numerical parameter values
and setting s = 0, their dc values are found as

4.286 -0.875 x
Fig. 6 : Two-output forward-flyback converter used in the
example. H(0) = 40 0
80 -2.45 x

0.0153 -0.4286 0

-101 0.8571 0 12.00

VI At other frequencies the entries will be complex numbers.
N, Columns 1 and 2 of H(0) indicate the effect of duty ratio
and switching frequency variations, while rows 1, 2 and 3
refer to the input current and the two output voltages. Thus,
for example, if the duty ratio is increased from 0.30 to 0.31,
Substituting numerical values for the parameters, the the input current will increase by 4.286 x 0.01 = 42.86mA,
operating point Q is found as the forward output voltage will increase by 40 x 0.01 =
400mV, and the flyback output voltage will increase by 80 x
U = [A Fs]' = [0.3 49 000HzIT(given) 0.01 = 800mV. If the switching frequency is increased from
W = [VI I,, I,]' = [28V -lA -1A]'(given) 49 to 50kHz, the input current will decrease by 0.875 x
x 1000 = 8.75mA, the forward output voltage will be unaf-
x = [IL, I L 2 Vc, vc, valT fected, and the flyback output voltage will decrease by 2.45 x
= [0.857A 1A 28V 12.0V 12.0v'
x 1000 = 245mV (all dc values).
Y = [i, vol '],v = [0.857A 12.0V 12.0v'
The j , , = 0.0153 entry of J(0) means the incremental input
Matrices A through F are easily computed from their conductance is 15.3mS. The j , , = -0.4286 entry is the cur-
definitions in ( 6 ) ,by calling Maple's jacobian function six rent gain from the forward output current to the input cur-
times. For example, A = (@/ax), is found by rent (negative because all currents are defined as flowing
jacobian(phivec, wec) : into the converter). Increasing the flyback output current
A := subs(Qset, !I) ; does not affect the input current, as shown byj,, = 0, due to
which yields the open loop discontinuous mode operation. The voltage
gains from the input voltage to the two output voltages arej,,
= 0.4286 andj,, = 0.8571 (poor line regulation). The for-
ward output resistance is j,, = O n (perfect load regulation),
while the flyback output resistance isj,, = 1 2 0 (poor load
regulation). The two mutual resistances j,, = j,, = 0Q mean
that this idealized converter has perfect cross regulation.
B. Closed Loop Model
Suppose the loop is closed by adding a simple proportional
controller with no cross coupling:

d I As in [13], the duty ratio was employed to regulate the
forward semi-converter and the switching frequency was
used for the flyback semi-converter. The two control loops
interact, see Fig. 7. For better results the loops should be
decoupled; this will be discussed in a planned future paper.
The full Maple listing of this example is available from
the author on request.

A technique has been presented for modeling a general-
ized N-port converter, in isolation from its sources and loads.
The starting point is an averaged large-signal state equation,
obtained by any applicable method. The outcome is a full
dosed loop open loop model. This can be embedded within a control
loop to give a complete small-signal dynamical model, G(s),
for any multi-port dc-dc converter. The matrix formulation is
particularly suited to automatic computation, either numer-
ical or symbolic.

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