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Cell Membranes and Transport 1B Options Gongs eteyeiietae | Aeegitans, Learning Objectives D1. Compite your own glossary from the KEY WORDS ‘lsplayed in bold type in ha loaning objectives below, Cell membranes (pages 68-91, 112) D2 Drawa simple labolod clagram of the structure of the ‘plasma membrane (call surface mombrane), clearly identtying the arrangement of tho lipids and proteins. 1 8. Deseribe and explain the current fluld mosaic model ‘of membrane structure, including the terms lipid bilayer and partaly permeable membrane. Explain the roles of phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, proteins, and glycoproteins in membrane structure, ‘Explain how tho hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of phospholipids holp to maintain membrane structure. Appreciate thatthe plasma membrane is ‘essontaly no diforent to tho mombranes of organelles. 4, Outline the evidence from freeze-fracture studies in ‘support ofthe current model of membrane structure. Contrast this curently accepted model wh the earlier Davsor-Danieli model. D5. Describe the functions of mersbranes Grcluding the plasma membrane) in cols, ienttying their ole in the Structure of organalos and in regulating the transport of mmaterals within cals, end into and out of cals. Cellular transport (pages 87, 92-99) 1D 6. Summarize the types of movements that occur across ‘membranes, Outine the role of proteins in membranes as receptors and carriers in membrane transport Detine: passive transport, concentration gradient am © Gompigts o 7. Describe fusion and osmosis, dentin the typos ‘of substances moving in each cass, Describe facilitated diffusion (ciliated vanspor). Identify when and where this process might occu in a cel 8. Identiy factors delesmining the cate of fusion, Explein how Fick's law provides a framework for determining ‘maximum difusion rates across cell surfaces. 9. Suggast wy cell size is ited by the rate ofifusion. Discuss tho significance of surface area to volume ‘ato to cals. Explain wry organisms without efficient ‘ransport mechanisms remain small 10, Explain wnat is moant by wator potential (y) snd ‘ant its significance tothe net movemant of water in cols, Define the components of wetar potential solute potential and pressure potential. I required, determine the net direction of water movement between solutions of ciferent y. 11. With respect to plant cells, dfine turgor and plasmolysis. Wit cespect to solutions of difering solute concentration, distinguish between: hypotonic, Isotonie, hypertonic. 12, Distinguish between passive and active transport mechanisms. Undersland the principles involved in Active transport, clearly kdentiying the involvement of Protein molecules and eneray. 18, Desesbe the folowing active transport mechanisms: lon-exchange pumps, exocylosis, endocytosis, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis, Give examples of ‘when and where each transport mechanism oocurs. “V4, dant the mechanisms involved inthe transport of ‘some of the moet important substancos: war, ty ‘acids, glucose, amino acids, Or, CO, ons (0g. mineral ‘and metal ion), and sucrose (in plans), 18 Phosphate Uptako in Carrot ane Yeast Tho a Emstian Bog) Tesere, €3(7) Set 2001, pp. ena Ey ot 490-302. A otodoxt actly on vesting ‘ete ransportmechanioms i ole cal ‘Supplementary Texts See pages 55 fractional deta ofthis text 1m Aci, J, of 2003, Molecules an Calls, (Neloontnomes), cb a ead. Software and video resources econ be ete Seepage 6 tor dtats of pushers of prcetcls: ‘STUDENT'S REFERENCE 1 coltuar Factories Now Saints, 23 Now. 1996, (side Senco). An evorew of eta recesses fd the role of rganeien pot and anna co Ww Border Control New Scions, 15 Jy 2000 (side Sconce). The structure and te oe aera mombrano (neudos membrane recpters). W Size Does tater Bil. Sc Rev, 17) Fobruary 2005, 9.1053, Mozering the ste of ongansins and calling magnieation and cal ‘TEACHER'S REFERENCE 1 Budaing Vesicles in Living Cells Seintic ‘Retin, Maro 1995, . 50°55, Voscos and he "ole fe Goll azpaatus call anspor Gaal» See pages 10-1 fr dete of how to acess Blo Links rom cured sie wu From Bo Like, accase ses une te topes ‘GENERAL BIOLOGY ONLINE RESOURCES > Online Tetbooks and Lecture Hotes + 80037 ‘onine org Kanbal's Blog pages » Lear otk Sur eriugys baogy web sie and oes (CELL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY: + Coll {2nd moocla ilogy anno » Cal structure and funclon web ies» MIT Blog hypertexaoak > Coll Structure and Transport: Aguapoins » ‘imal colle» CELLS aie!» The vital 23 * “Tansportin and out fens Cell Pr All of the organelles and other structures in the cell have functions. The cell can be compared to a factory with an assembly line. Organelles in the cell provide the equivalent of the power supply, assembly line, packaging department, repair and maintenance, transport system, and the control say i Lysosomes contain powerful digestive | Seeman aie Sent rr Sehiao toes Protein eynthesis. ‘Chromasomes into nucleus storo gonote Instructions forthe producton of specie proteins. These proteins {are put togetner by Fbosomes on the ‘oncoplasmic rou, | | i I Phagocytosis ‘The plasma membrane can engul objects (such as food Darts or bacteria). The rmombrane pinches of become a vas, en the panicles are then igestod by powedul enzymes, Pinooytosis “The plasma membre oiftatrap some of he: watery Ta in a velo ocesses centre, The sum total of all the processes occurring in a cell, is known as metabolism. Some of these processes store energy in molecules (anabolism) while others release that stored energy (catabolism). Below is a summary of the major processes that take place in a cell. Transport in and out ofthe cell ‘Simple difusion and active taneportmove package cigostve enzymes. substances into and out of the cell across. at Re paue (al surace meron 4 | = ee! Cat vision = Canoes eel be novamaro oi cocanswe | | J a secretion | ~ Mecasgpraisive || we possi purer! he col. 7 produces eecteory vesicles femal ie Montane an tac) ale f) tow sot wrtuchomens a prepare substances for movement | af Siernocateg nomcrosy ore | gd | complex chemical roceee which stars in the eo {ylolaem but is comptetod inthe ritechondia, Th process Supplies the call with energy to tay out the many other chemicl reactions of metabaiem. 12cen pinch surrounding Photosynthesis Chloroplasts are found only in pent cells. The ciagram above is of an animal cell. 1. State which organelles or structures are associated with (8) Seoretion: (©) Respiration (©) Pinoeytosis: (d) Phagocytosis: (6) Protein synthesis: 2. Explain what is meant by metabolism and describe an example of a metabolic process: CChioopiasis (found ony In pant cals) cary ox the cham procnas of Drotosyniness, Ths capes ight fnargy and Wanetore nto usa! hema energy. | | | i | each of the processes listed below: () Photosynthesis: (g) Cell division: (h) Autolysis: (i) Transport infout of cell: eee ets BL) Photocopying Prohibited Code: Al ‘a All cells have a plasma membrane that forms tne outer limit of the cell Bacteria, fungl, and plant cells have a cell wall outside this, bout it is quile distinct and outside the cell. Membranes are also, found insise eukaryotic cells as part of membranous organelles. Prosant day knowiedge of membrane structure has been bull up {a8 a result of many observations and experiments, The original SY 7 PEN Tha nuclear membrane thai surrounds the nucleus nel ontrol the passage of gonetic ‘fonmation tothe eyloplasm may ‘ao ane to protet no ONA ‘of materia ON EI Sstacnmant tos fr enzyme actly ‘The Fluid Mosaic Model (amen coneos ne oney and 2x2 invalved in aerobic reepraton Imex membranes (prove The Structure of Membranes ‘model of membrane structure, propased by Davson and Daniel, 'was the unit memarane (a lipid blayer coated with protein). This, model was later modified aftor the ciscovery that the protein ‘molecules were embedded within the bilayer rather than coating the outside. The now-acoepted model of membrane structure the fluid mosaic model described below. is surounded by « plasms membrane which contre the fmoverent of mest substances Ine Band out ofthe et. This photo shows wo neighboring calls rows). ‘The Golgl apparatus comorises sacks ol membrane-bound sacs (8). Tis involved in packaging materia for ansport or export rom te ce as scteton veskes ( Pak. “The curcenty accepted model for the structure of membianes is called the ‘lula mesalo model. n this model hero isa double layer of pis fats) which ‘avo arranged withthe ta facing Inward, The double ayer of pes is tiought to be quite td, ith proteins "loating in thi layer. Te mabila proteins are s i i carries bah chet sete seat ite ; te cake eer, ae and act #8 receptors for hormones and a a rae ‘ orintnerrecrees ys lame - a iz vey cholesterol ios ‘he close pacing of ne phoepbolps. hele to foguata membrane {uly ais mperiant formamerane tba. Some prensa suc 0 ‘ho sface of be membrane Some substances, pata ion and SEWN sé thought to have @ numberof functions, including a role in active transport. Some protens completly pontato ‘hein ayer These potas may cont he enty and ema ot Specfe msscues ro ho Go 1. (@) Describe the modern fluid mosaic mode! of membrane structure: uke ghexprtcns, ‘lycolipids act as Sua rcepirs ord ‘size te memevane. uo ayer of phocpholiiss (ee ipl aye. Phosphoip meecwe TL tyson esr, tpt rd erase Some subetaees, eluding alo, te wanspoed deel ‘ough the iid yor ENS Me: ot Td fo (©) Explain how the modern fluld mosaic model of membrane structure differs from the earlier Davson-Daniell model: 2. Discuss the various functional roles of membranes in colls: 3. (@) Name a collular organelle that possesses a membrane: (©) Describe the membrane's purpose in this organelle: 4, Identity three other cell organelles that are made up of membrane systems: @ © © 5. (a) Describe the purpose of cholesterol in plasma membranes: (b) Suggest why marine organisms living in polar regions have a very high proportion of cholesterol in their membranes: a yl 6. List three substances that need to be transported into all kinds of animal ces, in order for them to survive: @) () to) 7. List two substances that need to be transported out of all kinds of animal cells, in order for them to survive: (@ —_______) 8. Usa the symbol for 2 phospholipid molecule (below) to draw a simple labeled diagram to show the structure of a plasma membrane (include features such as lipid bilayer and various kinds ot proteins): ey ES s Ei zg ri Fi & = = Fy Symbol or 2 pepo Bl 2 ES ~ oe “- a! Pe * a @ SRG SAREE ® ¥ eee eh IASG, uy mS EV eg BS a The Role of Membranes in Cells Many of the important structures and organelles in calls are ‘composed of, or aro enclosed by, membranes. These include: the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nucieus, Golgi apparatus, chloroplasts, lysosomes, vesicies and the plasma membrane itselt, All membranes within eukaryotic cells share the same basi¢ structure as the plasma membrane that encloses the Ieolation of enzymes Membrane-bound Iysosomos certain enzymes for he ostracton of wastes an foroign materia Paroxisomes ae the ta for destruction SMe the tox and eselve molecu, oe Prone (formed as a result of some bobular reaction). Role in iid synthesis Ss a ‘The emeoth ER iste ste of Z lpi end steroid synthesis 2 Yi Containment of DNA ‘The nucleus ls aurounded by a nocear envelope o two My ene Ay, PS eo’ entre cel. They perform a number of critical functions in the call serving to compartmentalze regions of diferent function within, the cel, controling tho entry and exit of substances, and fulfling a role in recognition and communication between cells. Some of these roles are dasorioad below. The role of membranes in the production of macromolecules (2.9. protein) is shown opposite: O a Cell communication and recognition ‘The protelns embedded Inthe ‘membrane acl as receptor molecules for hormones end neuroransratos. Giycoprolsns anc gyeoipds sizbtze the plasma membrane and act as call Ident markers. helping calls to ‘xganize themselves into issues, and ‘enabling toregncels to bo recognize. Packaging and secretion ‘Toe Golgi appara lea speclatzed momerane-aound ‘organelle wrch predses ‘membranes, forming a | ysosomes and comparimentalzes feparate oomparners othe = ae) Ketoaeaton, pagina, and tats genase material SSA oo © Nd Seer of substanes such a8 eo? yey (qy arenes 2% Role in protein synthesis: oat 0° S, = Some protein synhess occurs on te > PA Be / oosomes, butmucn acu on by Trembane ound eosomes on Be ugh NS. “raneport processoe Sdopazme etouam, Here the prota Chant an ear petains are ivehesin tSayrtesaed dec ine he space Sevectve anspor acres opasna merorano ‘ann he EF membvanes holetrl intro membrane ean Rp prover ‘ens or poe masses am passing Pvough Re Entry and export of substances The plasma ‘membrane (acting as a plug). trembrane may lop fs o eo materi an form trembrane bound vesicles (rage vacuoles) within Energy Wanster The actos of celia espiaton ond the os Membrane-bound vanspor voseles move ‘zubetanees fo tha inner eutaoa ofthe col whore they ‘an be exporied irom the oa by exooytoss. ‘Compartmentation Within Membranes: ‘Membranes plsy an important role in sapaatng rogion within the cell (and win organelles) where particular reactions ‘occur Spectic enzymes ar therfore ten located in particular ‘organelles, The rection rate is controlled by contig the ‘ale al wich substrates enter the organell ar! thoreore the _avaiabilty ofthe raw materials required forthe restos. ‘Example (right): The enzymes involved in colar respraton _are arranged in dterent parts of tho mitachandia. Reactions are localized and soparatd ty membrane sysiems [phtosyniness in plants) ta pace inthe embrane-bound ‘nergy ranster systems occuring in itachoneta and Horopiasisrespoctvey. See tne xampeexpilned botan. Ain ota oad — Gtheransyen ene 3 Shermortrare surace “Ace tnase anc tar eechorasee Eotecen Be membranes esptatryassantiy ‘eres ered ft mt — fhe manbran ass) 25. Many soul czy of 2 CA — leaks gee toatngin ne saater deat ae yee {bet ect earataon 1. Explain the crucial role of membrane systems and organelles in the following (@) Providing compartments within the cal (©) Increasing the total membrane surface area within the cell fet. we ‘cco maton! 201-2005 Photocopying Prohibited Cells produce a range of macromolecules; organic polymers. ‘made up of repeating units of smaller molecules. The synthesis, packaging and movement of these molecules inside the cel ae involves a number of membrane bound organelles, as indicated below. These organelles provide compartments where the ‘enzyme eystems involved can be isolated. Golglepperatus The Golgl apparatus comprises stacks of fataned membranes inthe shape of curved sacs. This organelle receives transport vesicles end the product they contain rom smooth ER. hey ere modified, stored and eventually shipped tothe surface of tho cl or othr dostnaions cia sean teen | conte veldaslemecen F. I s { Tenspot I vee Gig appara proicos S ssn ae arose Rough 8 PS ‘pine uno cat if be scone srones : i Mageaoro reanen Sm Enzymes of the smooth ER are Important to te syrnesis of fs, phospholiis, steroid hormones, andeteriiies. Creating Proteins for Exocytotic Secretion 1. Apotypepise chain grows fom a boune bosome, 2, The chain is tread through the ER membrane int the ‘sletnal space, possibly through pore. 8, Asitenters the cistemal space inside te ER, itbids up nto Is correct &-dimeneionel shape. 4, Most protoine destino’ for soeroion are glyenpetoin (8. ‘hey are proteins with carbohydrates adaed totem); the carborydlate s atacnes tothe prota by enzymes, 5, The ER membrane keeps proteins for secretion seperate from protsns made by ree ribosomes in he cytosol. 6, Proteins destined for secretion leave the ER wragped In trangpon vesicles which bad of trom the ond ofthe 7. These vesicles are retelved by the Golgi apparatus, ‘modi, sterod and eventual shiped to he ces surace, where thay can be exported fom tne cal by exacytoss. 2. Explain the importance of the following components of plasma membranes: {2) Glycoproteins and glycolipids: {b) Channel proteins and cartier proteins: 8, Explain how cholesterol can play a role in membrane transport: 4. Non-polar (lipid-soluble) molecules ditfuse more rapidly through membranes than polar (lpid-insoluble) molecules: (@) Explain the reason for this: (0) Discuss the implications ofthis to the transport of substances into the cell through the plasma membrane: CS ccna D | AS “y aa § “a yy BS PEK 8nd weed iste'e ket a FA Fa Fl z 3 FI i Po J Fi 2 3 Hy Es My 9 EPR ete ea Active and Passive Transport Calis have a need to move materials both into and out ofthe cell avr materials and other molecules necessary for motabolism must be accumulated from outside the cell, Some of these substances are scarce outside of the coll and some efor Is required to accumulate them, Waste products and molecules for, Use in other parts of the body must be ‘exported’ out ofthe cell. eee cat Diffusion Mcleculs of quis, essed Sold and gases ae able ‘move noo oto ox wihout any expenaturo of energy. These molecules move because hey ‘alow 8 concentration eradient Facilitated tttusion Difusion meting a carlo eytem ba wahout any anergy xponcte Osmosis iter ean alo fotow a concentration (godert, 270s @panialy pormeablo ‘membrane by siucion This iecallod oats, Gemosa eauces eaten ash ‘toro pull up as water oope in. THs rater mast comin pel ‘Some materials (e.g. gases and water) move into and out of the coll by passive transport processes, without the expenditure ‘of energy on the part of the coll Other molecules (e.g. sucrose) ‘are moved inio and out ofthe cell using active transport. Active ‘ransport processes involve the expenciture of energy in the form ‘of ATP, and theretore use oxygen. Rees Yon pumps ‘Som cots need to contol the anountota cern anne he cel Proteins inthe plasme memorare fan ety aocumuate spect ons fon one sige of ha membans Plasma membrane Exooytosis Vesiies buted em the Gaby apparatus or endopioomie reloutm en fuse th he plasma menrae, ‘xpeling the conten. Common Seovtory cole og. gland Pinocytosis| {gestion oa fis 8 suspension roth cel. Tha plasma menbrare fencoaes some othe id and Dhches fo fom a vase. Phagocytosis Ingestion of soe om outs the call Tha plasma membrane nenees 4 parisle and bos oto forms ‘ocunt Lysosomss wil te ih it to anabie gestion of he consents NE _. soli foot corbacteral 1. In general terms, describe the energy requirements of passive and active transport 2. Name two gases that move into or out of our bodies by diffusion: 3, Name a gland which has cells where exocytosis takes place for the purpose of secretion: 4, Phagocytosis is a process where solid particles are enveloped ty the cell membrane and drawn inside the cell. (@) Name a protozoan that would use this technique for feeding (©) Deseribe how it uses the technique: (©) Name a type of cell found in human blood that uses this technique for capturing and destroying bacteria: feu Photocopying Prohibited Diffusion The molecules that make up substances are constantly moving. about in a random way. This random motion causes molecules. to disporse from areas of high to low concentration; a process. called diffusion. The molecules move along a concentration, radlent. Diftusion and osmosis (diffusion of water molecules, cross a partlly permoable mombrane) are passive processes, and use no energy. Difusion occurs freely across membranes, «as ong as the membrane is permeable to that molecule (partially permeable membranes allow the passage of some motecules but not others). Each type of molecule difuses along its own ‘concentration gradient. Diffusion of molecules in one direction, ‘does nol hinder the movement of other molecules, Difusion Is important in allowing exchanges withthe environment and in the regulation of coll water contort Diffusion of Molecules Along Concentration Gradients Difusion isthe movement of particles from regions of high te low concentration (the concentration gradient), with ‘the end result being that te molecules become evenly Cistrbuted. In biotogial systoms, clitusion often occurs ‘across partially pormoablo membranes. Various factors determine the rate at which this occurs (388 rch). High concentration =" Low concentration Concentration gradient molec ao hoot move, tay move om nigh te ew cancontaton unt they a9 evenly depersed Factors affecting rates of diffusion ‘Concentration gradient Oifusion rates wil be higher whan thas isa greater dferenes in concontation tween wo regions. Difusion over sorter datenees ooo ‘ata graater cate than difusion over larger distances. ‘The larger the aree across which usion occurs the gear th rate of catsion. “The detance involved: The area ivehed “Thicker barcets slow silusion rate. Pores ina berir enhance afuscn, Barron to liso “Theso factors are exacessed in Fick's law, which govoms the rate of ofusion of substances within a system. tis dascribed by Surface area ofmembrane Difference in concentration Length of he citftusion path (thickness ofthe membrane) Diffusion through Membranes Each type of citlusing molecule (gas, solvent, solute) moves afong its own concentrallon gradient. Two-way difusion (below) is common in biological systems, e.g. atthe lung surface, carbon lode atses out and oxygen dftuses into the blood. Faciated ‘itusion (lon, right) inreasee te clusion rate selectively and Unaided aittusion . ee . A Jotcestah rototoe ; | cormiumame | Dison retes depend on the concentration gradient. Difusion ‘can occurin ether decton but net movement inthe ection ‘othe concentration gradient. An equlibrum is reached when ‘concentations are e948 I ratany . eo |, pemeste ~ j@l-t@ {is important or larger molecules (eg. glucose, amino acids) were ‘a higher difusion rate is desirable (e.g. rangport of glucose into ‘skeletal musce fibers, transport of ADP into mitochondria). Nether ‘ype of dlusion requis energy expenditure because the molecules ‘r9 not moving against thal concentration grad. Facilitated diffusion Ionophorepreterentaty ows pasoogo of coasin molecules, Facitaled cision occurs when a aubstance ie aided acroas ‘3 membrane by a special melecula called an ionopher Tonaphores allow came molecules to sifu But not ethers, ‘fectvely spoesing up tho rate of eusion ofthat moll. Describe two properties of an exchange surface that would facilitate rapid ciffusion rates: @ - — 0) 2. Identify one way in which organisms maintain concentration gradients across membranes: 3. State how facilitated diffusion is achieved: £9 rreSierhomine fort ‘across tha membrane a ists } ea Wy Pere - - We Sera a x es EINES, ‘’ Osmosis and Water Potential ‘Osmosis is the term deseribing the diffusion of water along Its, Concentration gradient across a partialy pormoable membrane. Its the principal mechanism by which water enters and leaves, colls in living organisms. AS It Is a type of difusion, the rate at which osmosis occurs Is affected by the same factors that atfoct all lfusion rates (see earlier). The tendancy for water to move in any particular direction can be caleuiated on the basis of the water potential of the cell sap relative to its surrounding ‘environment. The use of water potential to express the water ‘lations of cells has replaced the terme osmotic potential and ‘comic pressure although these are stil requently used in ‘areas of animal phystology and medicine. NOTE: Students not roquiting coverage of water potential can uso an alternative ‘activity (eownload from extras. him). Osmosis and the Water Potential of Cells mosis is eimply the dition of water molecules from high concentration to lower concentration, across a partially permeable membrane. The direction ofthis movement can be predicted on tho basie ofthe water potontial of the sclutions Involved. The water potential ofa solution (denoted with the ‘ymbol\) is the term given tothe tendency for water molecules to enter or leave a solution by osmosis. Pure water has the highest water potential, set at zer0.Dissolving any solute into pure water lowers the water potential (makes It more negative). Water always aiftusas from regions of less negative 10 more negative water potential. Water potential is determined by two ‘components: the solute potential, es (of tho coll sap) and the prassure potential, yp. Tiss expressed as 2 simple equation Weell = Ws + Wp Less negative Ws Less negative Hypetonic Loses water by osmosis ‘Water metecule ‘The pressure potential (YP) ‘Tho presure potential ithe hyskostatec pressure fo wien waters eubjected (o-by a rig plant coll wal). The pressure potonial is usualy faltough ‘ot always) positive. kis sometimes ated turgor or wal pressure, Parialy permeable membrane Water moves towards more negative Ws unl water concentrations equalize More negative Ye 6 @ More negative y ° Hypertonic eS ° Gains water Og by osmosis Se Ste melee caret pass OB] through te membrane ‘The solute potential (\s) “The solute potentil is a meseure ofthe reduction in water potential due to the presence of solute molccules. It is the ive component of water potent, sometimes referred to as the osmotic potental or osmotic pressure 1. State the water potential of pure water at standard temperature and pressure: 2. The three diagrams below show the solute and pressure potential values for three hypothetical situations wiere two solutions are separated by a selectively permeable membrane, For each example (a) - (c) calculate w for the solutions ‘on each side of the membrane, as indicated: 3. Draw arrows on each clagram to indicate the cltection of net flow of water: ® Calculate for side A © a Calculate y for side B fe... ed Photocopying Prohibited Water Relations in Plant Cells ‘The plasma membrane of cals is partially permeable membrane and osmosis isthe principal mechanism by which water enters and leaves the cel, When the external water potential isthe same as that Of the ell there is no net movemant of water. Tino systems (cll an i Plasmolysis in a Plant Cell Hypertonic eat solution We -600 Water 7 ‘cal wali toe permeate tc ‘ratermoocioe ‘The Ys is ue to theschte content ofthe ‘poping veptem Floss montane ‘Water In alhypartone solution, the external water potent is more nagatve than the water potential ot the coll (yell = Ws + yp), Wator eaves the coll and, bacause the call wall i gi, the plasma membrane shrinks away fom the coll wal. This process is termed plasmolysis and the call becomes flaccid (yp = 0). Ful plasmoysis is ireversibe; he cot ‘earmot recover by taking up water environment) with the same water polerla are termed isotonie. The tlagram belo ilustrates two different situations: whan the external water potertial Is less nogative than the cell (hypotonic) and when itis more nagatve than the col (hypertonic), | ‘Turgor ina Plant Cell Puro wator(ypotonic) cll wal bulges ytopaam takes conway, puting procure on fe sma memerane reat al. Yo oes frsmng ys atratuge) water In a hypotonie soluton the external water potential i loss negative than the Wosll Water enters te col causing it toewal ight A pressure potential is generated when sufficient water has been taken up 10, cause the cell contonts to press against the cell wal. yp rises rograssively uni it offsots Ws, Water upiake stops whan Wool! =O. ‘The rig coll wal provents col rupture. Cals in this stato aro turgid 4. Fluid replacements are usually provided for heavily perspiring athletes after endurance events. (@] Identity the preferable tonicity of these replacement crinks ('sotonie, hypertonic, or hypotonic): (0) Give a reason for your answer: 5, Paramecium is a freshwater protozoan. Des 1 the problem it has in controlling the amount of we 6. (a) Explain the role of pressure potential in generating cell turgor in plants: (0) Explain the purpose of cell turgor to plants: 7. Explain how animal cells itfer from plant calls with respect to the effects of net water movements: 8 Describe what would happen to an animal cell (2.9. a red blood cell) if it was placed into: {@) Pure water: (©) A hypertonic solution: (©) Abypotonic solution; — ‘9. The malarial parasite ives in human blood. Relative to the tonicity of the blood, the parasite's cell contents would be hypertonic / isotonic / hypertonic (circle the correct answer). Ze ok oY ans SN Gael tty BS k, eA Viste es * s ve Ce a wf i erect rine et we Ve V¥eree ONE Surface Area and Volume When an object (e.g. a cell) is small it has a large surface area in comparison to its volume. In this case diffusion will be an effective way to transport materials (e.g. gases) into the coll. As an object becomes larger, its surface area compared Diffusion Respiratory gasee and somo otner ‘substances aro exchanged withthe ‘surroundings by dfusion or activa ‘sanspert across the plasma membrane, oxygen . sox Amoeba: The small size of single-celled protisis, such as ‘Amosba, provides a lage surface area relative to the cells volume. This le adaquate for mary materials fo be moved. into.and out of tho coll by cifusion or active transport Organisms of Different Sizes ‘The plasma membrane, which surrounds every ool unions as 2 selective barior ‘hat ragulales tho cots nomic ‘omposion. For eacn square micemeter fo membrane, orfyc0 mich of a parioular fubetanee can ore por sacond. 10ts volume is smaller. Diffusion is no longer an effective way ‘to transport materials to the inside, For this reason, there is a physical iit for the size of a cell, with the effectiveness of diflusion boing the controling factor. “The suave area olan elephant |s increased, fr racating body eat, y large fat oars. [A specialized gas exchange sulace (tings) and creulziony (blood) systom ara requires 10 peed up the movement of substances trough the Body. Aesplatory gases cant rach boey sue by ison ‘lon. ‘Multicellutar organisms: To overcome tha problems of small call size, plants and animals becamo muliosldar. They provise ‘a small surface area compared to thei volume but have evolved ‘various adaptive features to improve thelr effective sure area, ‘Smaller is Better for Diffusion One large cube Volume: = 8m? Surface area: = 24 cm? ‘The eight aml cll and the ingle large coll have the sama total volume, but their curface areas ero diffrent. Tho small ‘colts together have twice the total surface aroa of the lerge ‘cell, because there are more exposed (inner) surfaces. Real ‘oigenleme have complex shapes, bul the sarve principles apply. Eight small cubes _ tom Volume: Surface area: = Bom? for 8 cubes om? for 1 cube 48 om? for 8 cubes ‘The surlaco-area volume relationship has important implicatons for processee involving tanapor into and out of calis across: membranes. For activites such as gas oxchango, the surace area available for fusion isa major factor liming the rate at which axygen can be supplied to tissues. £9 eens ‘The diagram below shows four imaginary cols of diferent size (cells do ‘ot actualy grow o this sie, tel lage size for the sake ofthe exercise). “They range from a small 2 em cube toa larger § cm cube. This exercise Investigates tho effec of cll size onthe officiency ofaifusion ap 2em cube 3.em cube 4cm cube cube 1. Calculate the volume, surface area and the ratio of surface area to volume for each of the four cubes above (the first has been done for you). When completing the table below, show your calculations. Cube size Surface area _Notume Surface area to volume ratlo 2omcube 2x2x6 = 24cm? 2 x 2x 2 = Bem? 24toB= 31 Semeube | soneate Sem cube 2, Create a graph, plotting the surface area against the volume of each cubs, on the grid on the right. Draw a line connecting the points and label axes and unit. 3, State which increases the fastest with increasing size: the volume or surface area. 4. Explain what happens to the ratio of surface area to ‘volume with increasing size: 65, Diffusion of substances into and out of a cell occurs across the cal surface, Describe how increasing the sizo of a call wil affect the ability of diffusion to transport materials into and out of a cell: Dizon nomaon 201 2005 ‘Photocopying Prohibited ey <| © ayy 8 ut aM Rete we tae eb BANS bed eee re te rani 4 a “1 = re = ‘sf re TEN BV DT ES $95 ED INE FS OR lon Pumps Diffusion lone cannot supply the cel's entire requirements for molecules (and ions). Some molecules (e.g, glucose) are required by the cell n higher concentrations then occur outside the cel. Others (e.g. sodium) must be removed from the cell In order to maintain cell fui balance. These molecules must be moved across the plasma membrane by active transport mechanisms. Active transport requies the expenditure of energy because the molecules (or ions) must be moved against their concentration gradient. The work of active transport is performed by specific cartier proteins in the membrane. These Sodium-potassium pump e ~) Sodium-potassium pump ‘The sodtum-poiassium pump is specie ptain in te membrane het uses energy inthe fom of ATP to exchange sodium fons (Na*) for potassium ions (K*) across the membrane. The unequal balance of Na ‘and K" across the membrane crea large Concentration gradients that ean be used to clive other active transport mechanism, Proton pump oe Proton pumps [ATP driven proton pumps use eneray to rerrove hydrogen ins ("from nse the cello he outside, This restos a large tileranca in te pron concentration einer ‘ide of tha mameane, ith Ue inside of re plasma membrane being negatively charged. This potontialdiferanco ean bo coupled tothe transport of other molecules. transport proteins harness the energy of ATP to pump molecules from a low to a high concentration. When ATP trancfors a phosphate group to the carrier protein, the protein changes its stipe in such a way as fo move the bound molecule across the ‘membrane. Three types of membrane purnp are lustre bolow. “The socium-potassium pump (below, let) is almost universal in animal cells and is commen in plant cells also. The concentration ‘gracient created by fon pumps such as this and the proton pump (Conteris frequently coupled tothe transport of other molecules. ‘such as glucase and everose (below, right). Coupled transport Dittusion of hnydregentons Coupled transport (cotransport) Pant cals use the gradient in hydrogen ‘ons created by proton pumps to dive the active transport of nutans iio the cel ‘The epectic wansport protain coupes the return of H? fo te transport of sucrese into ‘he phlosm cals. The eucrose rides with the Ht asitfusas down the concontation gradient maintained by the proton pump. 1. The eodium-potassium pump plays an important role in the water balance of cells. In terms of osmosis, explain the ‘consequences of the sodium-potassium pumps not working: 2, Explain how the transport of molecules such as sucrose can be coupled to the activity of an ion exchange pump: 3. Explain why the ATP is required for membrane pump systems to operate: 4. Name a type of cell that refes on coupled transport to perform its function foe we Photocopying Prohibited Exocytosis and Endocytosis ‘Most celts cary out eytosis: a form of active transport involving, the in- or outoiding of tho plasma membrane. The abiity of cals to do this is a function of the flexibly ofthe plasma membrane. Cytosis results in the bulk transport into of out of the col and Is achieved through the localized activity of microfilaments and microtubules in the cell cytoskeleton. Enguliment of material is, Motors that re be alto and ‘rougitint the eal are engullodty an ‘nvaginaton of te plasma membrane. esis bo of trom the pasma merbeane “Tra veri cares maecles bo ‘hoot The contents may then bs 1 digested by enzymes dehered 0 ‘a vacuole by yeocomes, “Ta contents of expetesinio (wmen may oa metiocs ssa), Vso uss wenihe plasma memorane Vesicle camying motos ferexporemoves he 1. Distinguish between phagocytosis and pinocytosis: rao cs termed endocytosis. Endocytosis typically occurs in protozoans and certain white blood coll of the mammalian defense system (e.g, neutrophils, macrophages). Exocytosis is the reverse of endocytosis and involves the release of material from vesicies or vacuoles that have fused with the plasma membrane. Exocytosis is typical of cells that export material (secretory cells). Endocytosis Endooytces(t) occur by invagintion (rolng) ‘of tho plasma membrane, which then forme vesicles ‘or vacuoles that become detached and enter the ‘loplasn. Thre aze two main ipes of endocyesis: Phagocytosis: ‘elheating? Examples: Feeding metnad of Amoaba, hagooyosis of foreign material end cell debs by nourophis and ‘macrophages. Phagocytosis ielvs he engutrent of solid material and resuis in tne formation of \atuolas (29. toed vacua) Pinooytosis“collcrinkng® Examples: Uptake in many protazoa, some calls of tho ler, and soma plant ol, Piocyteas involves the uptake of liquids orfine suspensions and reuts Inthe formation of pinocyi vests, yoy we, of o> y BC Ye, ee wae Exocytosis Exceytons ft isthe reverse process o endocytosis In muliceliar organisms, various types of cols are specialised vo manufacture and expor podvets (6.9 Protas) trom the elt 0 eseanere In te body ot bute it Exeetosiececurs fin ofthe vosie membrane and the plasma membrane, followed by ‘ease ofthe vos concerts ote eis oc entugemert 2. Describe an example of phagocytosis and identily the cell type involved: 3, Describe an example of exocytosis and identity the cell type involved: 4. Explain why eytosis is affected by changes in oxygen level, whereas diffusion is not; 5. Identify the processes by which the following substances enter a living macrophage (for help, see page on difusion): (a) Oxygen: (0) Cellular debris: (2 Bexar inter 20012005 Photocopying Prohibited (©) Water: (6) Glucose: 9 g < a a FI g Fy EI 8 = # 3 Fe H By pee

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