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Felicia Madonna

A. Trivia Box Game

B. Citations:

Cebula, Katie R., Derek G. Moore, and Jennifer G. Wishart. "Social cognition in children
with Down's syndrome: challenges to research and theory building." Journal of Intellectual
Disability Research 54.2 (2010): 113-134.

Peterson C .A, & Stumbo N.J.(2000). Therapeutic Recreation Program Design: Principles
and procedures (3rd ed.) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1-33).

C. Equipment needed: 18 boxes numbered #1-6 different colors, trivia questions, 1 dice, & a
sheet of paper to keep track of score.

D. Activity Description

1. Divide group of individuals into 2 teams, A & B. Flip a coin to decide which team

goes first.

2. First team rolls dice and the number on the box is turned over. On the back will be a

trivia question which the team has to answer correctly to gain a point.

3. The next team rolls the dice and the number on the box is turned over, this team will

also have the chance to answer a trivia question.

4. The game continues until 12 of the boxes are turned over and the team with the most

points gets to pick for a box.

5. Trivia questions can include any category such as movies, music, places, or people.

E. This activity would be considered intergroup because it focuses on a group of people

from the fewest to the largest but divided in two groups that are in competition with each
other. The teams are divided into two competing for the amount of points to win the

F. Adaptation: This game can be adapted several different ways to affect many different
groups. You could adapt it to a child with down syndrome and working on cognitive
development. Rolling the dice would be a cool way to make it fun while maybe making
the trivia questions, math problems or even complete the sentence with the correct word.
You could change the trivia questions to any type of questions to adapt for a specific
cognitive skill like math, language arts, history, or even household items. Still keep the
game aspect of it so it doesnt feel as much as a learning skill for the individual.

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