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Ava Gambucci

Activity Upload #5
a. Giants, Wizards, and Elves
b. Sources:

B. (2014, June 12). Giants, Wizards and Elves Game. Retrieved December 18, 2017, from

c. Equipment needed: None

d. Step 1: Facilitator will break up group into 2 teams. Each team will have a designated
side of the room. Each team will work with each other to decide what character they
want to be: giants, wizards, or elves. Facilitator will explain that giants beat elves, elves
beat wizards, and wizards beat giants. If two teams choose the same character it does
not count and they must deliberate again to decide what character to choose.

Step 2: Once both groups decide what character they want to choose, the facilitator will
have both groups come to the middle of the room and stand about 6 feet apart. The
facilitator will shout GIANTS WIZARDS OR ELVES and both teams will show off their
character at the same time (Giants- yell rawr!, Wizards- yell shazaam!, Elves- yell

Step 3: The winning team now has a chance to capture players from the other team.
For example, if team A chose giants and team B chose elves, then team A will be able to
chase and tag any elves that dont make it back to their side of the room.

Step 4: The process begins again; the game can end when one team has all the players.

e. Primary interaction pattern(s)- Intergroup; action of a competitive nature between 2 or

more intragroups.

f. Adaptation: This game can be easily adapted for Deaf children and adolescents. Instead
of having the groups yelling out their character noise, they can instead act out their
character. For giants, you can make yourself as tall as possible and wave your arms in
the air. For Wizards, you hunch yourself over and wave your finger as if casting a spell.
For elves, you can crouch down low and make elf ears by cupping your ears. All the
other rules can still apply. However, this game is also easy to adapt by eliminating the
tag portion. If your group would rather just act out the characters, the facilitator can
simply keep score of who has the most wins.

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