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Lesson Plan Template ED3501GHI Curriculum Overview Lesson

Lesson Teacher:
L.A.-Writing December 15
Title/Focus Date:
1 hour and 15 minutes


GLO 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.
GLO 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.


SLO 2.2 Respond to Texts

SLO 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques

SLO 2.4 Create Original Text

SLO 3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate

1. Students will be able to sequence a literature
2. Students will sequence their own story
Observations: Student engagement and participating
Student participating in sequencing activity
Student books
Key Questions: What comes first, next, last?
Can we write our own stories?
Products/Performances: Student discussion
Student participation
Student First, Next, Last Book
Alberta Program of Studies Teacher Materials:
Pinterest Elf on the Shelf (Microwave eating random foods)
Chart Paper
Pre-Made Books
Elf Body and Heads
Plastic Bags
Random Items
Student Materials:
Pencil crayons
Introduction Time
Attention Grabber Our crazy classroom elf says he has a tummy ache from all that he ate! Is that
kinda like the lady in the book?
Transition to Body
Body Time
Learning Activity #1 First, Next Last
o Do we remember First, Next, Last?
o Lets sequence, map out, place events of this book together! Have chart
12 mins
paper with First, Next, Last. Go through the steps of First, Next, Last
with students talking about the book.
o Record student answers on the chart paper as they are being provided

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 1

Lesson Plan Template ED3501GHI Curriculum Overview Lesson
o When finished asked students if this is a good idea of what happened in
the book?
Assessments/ Differentiation Are students engaged and participating? Are students able to sequence events of
the story?
Ensure proper wait time to give student time to translate and process the story and
what is being asked!
Learning Activity #2 Craft:
o Students will be making themselves as an elf with a belly full of items!
o Give students the pieces to make their elf
o They are asked to glue there pieces together and fill their tummy with ~20 mins
items in order of sequence. Using the words first, next, and last!
o Have a class discussion of what was ate first, next, and last!
o Have students hand in their elves
Assessment/Differentiation Are students engaged and participating?
Learning Activity #3 Writing our own First, Next, Last books:
o Tell students we will be writing our own First, Next, Last books with
this theme but using ourselves, Jingle, another elf as the main character!
o DO we remember what the main charcter is?
o Read students my exemplar First there was an elf who swallowed a
Next, the elf swallowed a Last the elf swallowed a They are
going to do this but they choose their own main character and what they
eat! 30 mins
o First step is to glue the First, Next, Last on each Page! Reassure with
students what they must do first!
o Tell students they are then going to grab their pencils and write their
three sentences!
o Tell students on the chart paper it says the word swallowed is provided!
o Tell students they are to write their sentences first and then they are
allowed to color with pencil crayons/crayons.
Assessment Differentiation Are students engaged and participating? Are students able to accurately sequence
events of their own story using First, Next, Last?
Circulate class and assist student who struggle with writing.
Cliffhanger/Closure Time
Assessment of Learning: Are students engaged and participating? Are students able to sequence a
picture book? Are students able to create a story using First, next, and last?
~10 mins
Ask students to come back and join me at the carpet and who wants to share
their story with the class!
Transition: Ask students to line up and wash their hands for lunch!
How does this individual lesson
scaffold learning opportunities
for students? Students have been working on re-telling stories and sequencing a story using First, Next,
What assumptions does this
lesson make about what and Last. This activity is to further master these skills of first, next, last and have students
students already know? being creative and silly in their own there once was a stories!
In what ways is this lesson
connected to the next lesson?

Adapted from a template created by Dr. K. Roscoe 2

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