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Kalie Onukiavage

a. Alphabet Category Game

B. sources: A game I played often in with a geriatrics population in the nursing home I worked in
over the summer.

c. equipment needed: paper or whiteboard

d. Activity Description following guidelines for task analysis. How will you explain to your
participants how the activity will go?
1. Break up into groups
2. Pick category (animals, boys names, food)
3. Choose 3 participants to call out a letter
4. On a piece of paper or whiteboard write as many items that fit the category with the
chosen letters
5. Group leader will choose allowed time
6. At the end of each round switch papers with someone else and add up their points
7. If an item is iffy have the group vote
8. After 3 rounds add up all points
9. Player with highest points is the winner

e. Primary interaction pattern(s) Mutlilateral

f. Children/Adults with Aphasia

- Dont break into teams
- More of a one on one activity
- Print out sheets with category on top and each letter of the alphabet
- Players will go through naming one item that fits into the category for each letter
- Can be timed or not depending upon skill level
- 1 point for every item

These items are good for people with aphasia because it gives them more time to think and it
also gives them an opportunity to only pick one item for each letter instead of many items for
one letter.

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