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Spot the error

- Pronouns
- Rules, examples and practice questions
1) Read each sentence given below and find out whether there is an
error in it. The error, if any will be one of the parts of the sentence
which are marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4. If there is no error, the answer will
be (5) i.e. No Error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

I, you and he (1) / must attend (2) / the seminar (3) / on career
guidance. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
The correct order should be 'You, he and I'.
When three pronouns(different persons) are used in the same sentence,
they are arranged in order 2-3-1.
2 3 1
Second person Third person First person
The correct sentence should be: You, he and I must attend the seminar on
career guidance.

2) You, he and I (1) / are to be (2) / blamed for (3) / the accident.
(4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
The correct order should be 'I, you and he'.
When three pronouns(different persons) are used in the same sentence and
the sentence confesses a guilt, flaw or sin, then they are arranged
in order 1-2-3.
1 2 3
First person Second person Third person
The correct sentence should be: I, you and he are to be blamed for the

3) The Party Chief (1) / and the Chief Minister (2) / expressed his
views (3) / on demonetization in India. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'his' with 'their'.
When two singular nouns are joined by 'and' refer two different persons the pronoun
used for them should be 'plural'.
The correct sentence should be: The Party Chief and the Chief Minister
expressed their views on demonetization in India.
Example: Ashwin and Hardik are brothers. They play cricket.

4) Mr. Budhrani, (1) / my friend and professor, (2) / is known for (3) /
their good behaviour. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'their' with 'his'.
When two singular nouns are joined by 'and' refer to the same person or
thing, the pronoun used for them should be 'singular'.
The correct sentence should be: Mr. Budhrani, my friend and professor, is
known for his good behaviour.
e.g. The founder and owner of this firm expressed his views on the trends in
the industry. (One person- two portfolios)

5) The manager (1) / as well as (2) / the clerks (3) / absented

themselves yesterday. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'themselves' with 'himself'.
When two nouns are used with as well as, the pronoun must agree with
the first subject.
In this case, first subject is 'manager', the correct pronoun to be used should
be 'himself'.
The correct sentence should be: The manager as well as the clerks
absented himself yesterday.
e.g. Rohan as well as his friends is doing his work.
The students as well as their teachers are doing their work.
6) Every boy and (1) / every girl (2) / will do his best (3) / to pass the
exam. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

Answer Explanation
Replace 'his' with 'her'.
When two singular nouns are joined by 'and', preceded by each or every, the
pronoun used must be singular and agree in gender with the second noun.
The correct sentence should be: Every boy and every girl will do her best to
pass the exam.
e.g. Each man and each woman went to her shop.

7) Neither the students (1) / nor the teacher (2) / was in their (3) /
class. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'their' with 'his'.
When two different nouns are joined by 'either...or; neither...nor', the
pronoun is used according to the number and gender of the second noun.
The correct sentence should be: Neither the students nor the teacher was
in his class.
e.g. Either your brother or you have done your work.

8) There is (1) / none who (2) / can help you (3) / in this crucial time.
(4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'who' with 'that'.
Always remember that in case of pronoun, after the words - the same, none,
nothing, any, only, the few, the little, all, relative pronoun 'that' is used.
The correct sentence should be: There is none that can help you in this
crucial time.
All that glitters is not gold.
I have spent the few dollars that I had.
This is the same dog that helped me.
You may take any book that you may like.
Uses of 'That'
'That' is used Example
1. After adjective in superlative He is the best man that I have ever met.
2. In case of persons, animal and The pencil that is on the table is mine.
lifeless things
3. After an interrogative pronoun What is it that scares you? What is the
subject that interests you the most?
4. Substitute for single noun The climate of Dehradun is cooler
already mentioned than that of Mumbai.

9) He introduced to (1) / the Chairman as (2) / the Host of the (3) /

event. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Add 'himself' after 'introduced'.
After the words - hurt, cheat, prostrate, introduce, present, absent,
satisfy, lay; object or reflexive pronoun is used.
The correct sentence should be: He introduced himself to the Chairman as
the Host of the event.
She introduced herself to the G.M.

10) Many a (1) / warrior has met (2) / their death (3) / in the
battlefield. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'their' with 'his'.
'Many a' always takes singular pronoun and singular verb.
The correct sentence should be: Many a warrior has met his death on the battlefield.

11) None of these (1) / two officers (2) / has been looking after (3) /
his department well. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'none' by 'neither'.
'None of the' is used for more than two persons or objects, 'neither of
the' is used for two objects.
The correct sentence should be: Neither of these two officers has been
looking after his department well.
e.g. None of the three flowers is red.
Neither of the two teachers is competent.
Similarly, 'Each of the' is used for two or more than two and 'either of
the' is used for two persons/ objects.
e.g. Each of the three boys
Either of these two boys

12) His elder (1) / brother is (2) / more intelligent (3) / than him.
(4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

Answer Explanation
Replace 'him' with 'he'. In case of pronoun coming after 'than', it must be in
the same case as that coming before 'than'.
For e.g. Nominative case - You are better than I.
Objective case - He respects you more than me.
The correct sentence should be: His elder brother is more intelligent
than he.

13) The Manager ordered the (1) / watchman to (2) / let the boys (3) /
and I go in. (4) / No Error (5)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Answer Explanation
Replace 'I' with 'me'.
After the word 'let', pronouns are always used in objective case.
In the same way, after prepositions like between,except etc, pronouns are
always used in objective case.
The correct sentence should be: The Manager ordered the watchman to let
the boys and me go in.
e.g. (i) Let you and me.
(ii) Let you and him.
(iii) Between you and me
(iv) Between him and me.

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