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Predict storage-tank

heat transfer precisely

Use this procedure to determine the rate of heat transfer from a
vertical storage tank when shortcut methods are inadequate.

JiT1I11!J! n. Kllmana alld Sami,. P. Kothari, HnmingIIJII. Durhalll and f{/chardwn, Inc.

o Hc.ating or cooling storage tanks can be a major above the liquid level may be expected to be lower than
energy expem.· at plants and tankfarms. Though many the liquid itself. Experience has shown that the average
procedures fCo' calculating such heat-transfer re'luire- bulk temperatures of the liquid and vapor spaee may be
ments have b"en published [1,3,5,7,8,10], the simplify- signirlcantly (i.e., more than 5°F) diH'erent, and they
ing assumptions that they use can lead to significant are treated accordingly in our procedure, Use of differ-
: I" errors in caml'tlled heat-transfer rates, This is of con- ent liquid and vapor tempf'ratures is an important de-
cern because f'ilicient sizing of tanks, insulation, heaters parture from the traditional approach, which assumes
i and coolers l.kpends on accurate cstinlates of heat t,-ans- the same value for both.
fer to and from lhe various tank surfaces. And the ulti- Our basic approach is 10 develop equatioos {(>r C<lleu-
mate value of being accurate increases as enel'gy costs bting the heat loss from each of the four categories of
continue to r'<e. surfaces, and then add the individual heat fosses to get
The procedure presented here determines the heat the total heat loss. Thus:
transfer to or from a vertical-cylindrical storage tank
seated on the R'round-like the one in Fig. 1. It includes
For dry sidewall qd = UdAd(Tv - 7'.t) (I)
the effects of lank eonfig-uration, liquid level, arr.bient For wet sidewall qw = U.,AIO(TL - -r:d (2)
temperature ,lnd wind セー」・、L as well as temperature For tank bottom qb = UbA,,(TL - QセI (3)
variations wilhin the tank and between air and ground,
A partialfY wc,rkcd example shows how to usc the tech-
For tank roof q, = U,A,(TI' - T t ) (4)

nique, dnd h"w to do the calculations on a computer,

Total Q = '1<1 + 'iUl + 'it + 'i, (5)
) \Yhen using these equations in design or rating prob-
The theory lems, we either assume the various temperatures for typ-
Storage t<ulks come in many different shapes and
sizes, Horizontal-cylindrical and spherical tanks are
uscd for stonll;e of liquids under pressure; atlllospheric
tanks lend to be vertical-cylindrical, with flat bottoms
and conical n.nfs as shown in Fig. 1. The example pre-
sented here is for the latter configuration, but the proce- ,...-

dure applies til any tank for which reliable hrat-transfer
correlations al'e available.
For the ウ。ォセ of simpliCIty. we assume that the lank
contents are lAarmer than the amhient air, and that we -

are concerned with heat loss from the tank rather than
heat gain. Rill the method may. ofeourse, be applied 10 L

ei ther case.
Consider, Then, the categories of surfaces from which
heat may be transferred across the tank boundaries: wet
or dry sidew",lls, tank bottom, and roor. In L1le cunlext
used here, '\,'et" n:fers to the portion of Ihe wall sub-
.....qw セ
- L",

ュ・イセ・、 undt'l the liquid surface, whereas "dry" refers to I

the portion "I' the wall in the vapor space, aho\'e the
liquid surfacf. セ qh
In general, the heatillg coils would be located near
the bottom (,j the tank, in the fllnn of flat "pancake>:," Typical vertical·cylindrical tank Fig. 1
The,efun:, TlH: temperature of the air (or Yapor) space

ell! \114.:.\1. r'l;(.'\U-K):'\C \l\HCtl '::. iG Zlセ 127

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_ _--"-Sl:..:·O;:.:R"-'.\CE.l,\"" HEAT TR.\!'ISFER

ent. Data on the efTect of wind velocity and セ T have

Individual film heat-transfer coefficients Table I been ーイ・ウセョォ」ャ hy Stuhlbarg [/01 and Boyen [21. With
a little bit of manipulation, their data were replotted,
Type/surface Dry wall
yidding the "wind enhancement factor" (W,) in Fig. 2.
Wet wall Roof Bottom
--'- By definition:
Inside h Vw h
Lw h Vr h Lb WI = h.4u jh:4W = h-tr/k-tr (10)

(t -+ -f'
kM Ie,
" (r
/eM KセイG 1<, (::r (::r
Therefore. once エィセ outside-air coefficient for still air
(h'4U') is known, the overall dry-sidewall 」ッセヲ ゥ」 LNョエ
various wind velocities can be computed as:

I/Utl = I/h vw + tM/klf + t,/k, +

Outside iOHwAャセBL + hR ,,) + l/h Fd (II)
Similarly, thc overall coefficients for the wet sidewall.
Fouling bottom and roof surfaces are;
lin", = l/h"u> + 'M/klf + t,/k, I
Nota: Tank roof and hottom lire uninsuJated.
OHwLィセAoQ + hRu.,) + I/h pon (12)
l/Ub = I/h,.b + 'J,/kl( + I/hr; + l/h Fb (13)
I/U, = I/h lT + f,lf/k.". +
ical conditions or determine them by measurement. iOHwヲィセL + hRr ) + l/h pd (14)
The area valucs arc also easy to obtain:
Eq. 13 and I{ assume that the roofand bottom are not.
Ad = 'lTD (L - L",) (6) insulated, which is generally エィセ r;"" in temperate cli-
Aw = 'lTD Lw (7 ) mates. \Ve shall /lOW review correlations for the individ-
ual heat-transfer coefficients needed to obtain the over-
Ab = 7rD2/4 (8)
all coefficients.
Ar = ('lTD/2)(D2/4 + d 2 )lf2 (9)

The complications arise when we try to estimate the Individual film heat-transfer coefficients
overall heat-transfer coefficients Ud , U"" U b and Un for The film heat-transfer coefficients mav be divided
the fuur su,.faces of the tank. For the tank geomctry into four categories: convection from カセイエゥ」。ャ walls,
chosen, エィャZセ・ can fortunately be calculated from the convection from horizontal surfaces, pure conduction,
individual hIm heat-transfer coefficients in the com'cn- and radiative heat transfer. 'Within each category, cor-
tional manner, using published correlations. reia tions are prescn tcd fur several flow regimes:
Vertical-wall film coefficients. These applv to the in-
The overall coefficients side wall (\\"(:1 or dry) anJ tht' olltside wall (still air). Fur
Tahle 1 セィッキウ the com poncnt coefficients for each vertical plates and cyl inders, Kato et aI. [6J recommend
surface. Th.' overall heat-transfer coefficient for th,. dry the following for liquids and vapors;
sidewall of j he tank (Uti) is calculated as the sum of the Ns" = O.I:.lR ュイᄋセカNHイャ[セカN - 0.55) (1:1)
resistances "f vapor film. fouling, metal wall, insulation
(if any), allll outside air (convection plus radiation). where 0.1 < ,'Il"r < 40 anJ
N Gr 10 9 . >
The ッオエセャ、・M。ゥイ heat-transfer coefficient (h4W ) is a For isothermal venical plates, Ede [.,t] reported the
fUllction of wind velocity as well as temperature graJi- following for liquids:
NNu = oNQYUHngイーIッRセ (16)
where N pr > 100 and 10' < (NGrNpr ) < 10 9 , and for
Nセ N vu = 0.0295 /v]·:o WQ[ᄋセn (I + 0.5 NカセWイGoa (17)

セ <> where N pr ::::: 5 and (NGrNpr ) 10 > 9

:! For vertical plates laller than 3 ft, Stuhlbarg [101

E recommends;
E 4
Q> ィ]PNTUォlMッNWUHngイ ー IoNRセ (18)
c: 3 where 10 1
(NnrNpr ) 10 , < 9

'c:" Horizontal-surface heat·lramrrr coefficients. These

" coefficients apply to the roof and inside-bottom surfaces
uf the tank. The bottom is assumed to be flat. For sur-
faces facing up 181:
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Wind speed, mph N v" = 0.14 (NGr ャNセoIイーn (19)
Effect of wind velocity and For surfaces facing down:
6.T on heat transfer rate Fig. 2
"'xu = 0.27 HngイG|ᄋpイIoセN[ (20)

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Fouling coefficients. The coefficients h Fd , hp". and h Fb

apply to the vapor and liquid at the wall, 'and the liquid
at rile bottom of the rank, respectively. These are em-
A Area of heat-transfer surface, ft 2 ; A b for bottom, Ad pirical, and depend on the type of fluid and other fac-
for dl)' wall, A", for wet wall, .4, for roof tors such as tank cleaning. Generally, h pd is the greatest
cp Specific heat at constant pressure, Btu/lb- OF of the three, and hFb the least, indicating that the great-
D Diameln of tank, ft est fouling resistance is at the bottom of the tank.
d Height of conical roof at center, ft Equivalent coefficient for radiative heat transfer.
g Accdel HI ion Jue to gravity, 4.17 X 10 8 ヲエOィセ The coefllcient for sidewalls and roof depends on the
h Individllal film coefficient of heat transfer, emissivity of these surfaces, and is given by [8]:
bエオAヲ セィM OF; hAW for air outside the walls, hAT for
air abo\'c the roof, LBセZィ and ィセイ for still air, hL ", for hR =
liquid between the walls, hLb for liquid near the
bottom, hI'''' for vapor nea'f the walls, hft for vapor.
0.1713f [(7'",., + TVPIセ _ (T
4 + 460)4] (24)
(T,,,s - T 4 ) I 00 100
near t h r foof
hI' セョゥャオッf coefficient, Btu/ft 2 h-oF; hpw for liquid at VVith these relationships, we now have the tools to cal-
thc walls, hFTJ for liquid at the bottom, h/i'T. for culate heat transfer to or from the tank.
vaporH the walls or the roof
hG Heat-t";lnsfer coefficient for ground, Btu/ft 2h- o F
hi Heat-trAnsfer coefficient for insulation, Btu/ft 2h- ABC Chemical Corp. has a single manufacturing
OF plant in the U.S., and exports a high-viscosity specialty
hN Heat-V/\llsfer coefficient for metal, Btu/ft2h_ 0 F at! product to Europe. The oil is ornuaded in Port City.
hR Heat-transfer coefficient for radiation, Btu/ft 2h- ami stun:d ill a llat-bottom, conical-roof lank イ・ョエセ、
OF; hR', for bottom, h Rd for dry wall, h Rw for wet from XYZ Terminal Co. Ltd. The tank is located out-
wall, hl/' for roof doors and rcsts on the ground. It is equippeJ "itl! pall-
k Thnm.1 conduct ivity, Btu/ft-h- F; kG for gt"ound,
cake-type steam-heating coils because the oil must be
k l for i'lsulation, k M for metal wall maintained above 50°F in order to preserve its Ouiditv.
L Total Irngth for heat-transfcr surfaec, ft Other pertinent data are: tank diameter is 20 ft; エ。セォ

height is.f8 ft (to the edge of the roof); roof-incline is :% ,.
I L", Total J"ngth for wctted surface, fl
N Gr Grash,.f numbcr. [.3f12g{i.'!! 1'//12 . in. per fOOl; tank sidewalls are o/lG-in. carbon.steel; insu-

--I ''''Nu Nusseh number, hD/k or hL/k lation is I %-in. fiberglass, on the sidewall only.
N pr Prand.] number, c"Jl/k XYZ 'jerminal Co. does not have metering' stations
Q Rate e,j heat transfer, Btu/h on the steam supply to individual tanks, and proposes
q Individual rate of heat transfer, Btu/h; qb for bot- to charge ABC Chemical for tank heating on the basis
tom, q I for dry wall, q", for wet wall, q, for roof of calculated heat losses, using the convent ional tables
T Tempt'lature, Of; Wセ for ambient air, TL for bulk (I], and assuming a tank wall temperature of 50 u F. The
liquid, Tv fur vapor, TG for ground, Tw for inside projrct rnginrer from ABC Chemical decided to inves-
wall, 7;"., for outside wall tigate how XYZ's estimate would compare with the
;;. T Tempcl'"turc difference, OF more elaborate one describer! in this "rtir-le.
t Surface thickness, ft; II for insulation, til for metal First. the engineer collected basic data on storage and
U Overall heat-transfer coefficient, bエャjOヲセィMof[ Ub dilllute. Oil shipments from the U.S. arrive at Port City
for bolt,)m, U d for dry wall, Uu' for wet wall, Ur for approximately once a month, in 100,OOO-gal Nセ・ィ」エ。「
roof Dclin:rics to lucal custulll<:rs arc lIlaJc ill S,OOO-gal
IV, \Vind enhancement factor tankrrucks, three times a week on average. The typical
fi Volumdric coefficient for thermal expansion, of-I variation in tank level over a 30-da1' period is known
/l Viscos;ly of Allin, Ih;rl-h from experience.
p Demit" of flllid, ャ「Oヲエセ The ambient temperature goes through a more com-
Emissility plex eych:, of course. \Vithin the primary cycle of 365
days, there are daily temperature variations. But in the
seasonal cycle, heat supply is required only during thc
winter months, when temperatures fall well below SO°F.
Both equati"ns apply In the range 2 X 10 7 < \\lind conditions at the storage site arc not as well
(:VGrXpr ) <
:1 X 10 10 , defined, and therefore much harder to predict. How- i'i
Equi\'alent coefficients for conductive heat transfer. ever, we can assume that the wind speed will hold con-
The ""all and inwlation coefficients are der'ived from st"nt for a short pl"riod of time, and calculate the heat :1·
the thermal .:onductivities: loss for this unit period under a fixed set of conditions. !

hI(:::; kif/1 M (:ll)

The wind spC'l'd to hc IISr-rl mllst hI" h"'I"'rl on the known 1
prohahility distribution of wind speeds at the site.
hi :::; k/I J (22) The procedure for determining the annual heat loss
consists of adding up rhe heat losses calculated for each
The coefficient for heat transfer to and from the ground
twit period (which could be an hour, 12 hours, 24
is the coeffiC1ent for heat conduction from a semi-
hours, or 30 days, as appropriate). This example dem-
infinite solid 19];
onstrates the calculation of heat loss for onl\' one unit
(23) period, of 12 hours, using an ambient temperature of

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35°f, a wind velucity of 10 mph, and a liquid level of

Data for ABC: Chemical Co. example Table II .'iOS{,. The other data required are given in Table II.
Note that the liquid temperature is controlled at 55 u 1-'
Physical properties Air Vapor" to provide a 5°F margin of safety.
Oensi ty , Ib/ft 3 4.68 0.08 0.08 Since the Prandtl amI Grashof numbers occur repeat-
Specific ィセ。|L B\u/Ill." F 0.6 0.2!> 0.25 edly in the film B・。エMャイBョセヲ・イ coefficient "'l"atinns. ancl
Viscosity. cP 40 0.007 0.007 remain relatively unchanged fur all the conditions of
Thermal conductivity, interest, let us first calculate their values. Thus, for lhe
Btu/ft·h·o F 0.12 0.0151 0.015 liquid phase:
cオエZヲHゥ」セョl ur \iUIIJlllelric
expansion per 0.- 1 X 10. 6 0.002 0.002 AT';r = lSーセOANH J,TI/t 2 = 97.5 1. 1 J, T
Assumed fouling c08fficienu N pr = Cpllik = 484
Dry wall 1,000 Btu/ft 2 h-o F
Wet wall 800
Similarly, the vapor phase, N a , for 1.90 X =
Roof 1,000
10'L36.T, and N pr = 0.28. \Ve can now calculate the
Bottom 500 individual film heat-transfer coefficients, using the ap-
Thermal conductivities
propriate Land J,T values in the Grashof-number
Metal walls '0 Btu/ft·h· F
o "Llualiulls. This is an it", ative proctoSs thilt rcquit·cs ini·
Insulation 0.D28 tial estimales for wall and ground temperatures. plus
Ground 0.80 wall temperatures.
Surface emissivity Coefficient for vapor at wall (h ,·on ). As an initial ap-
Wall and roof 0.9 proximation, assume that the wall temperature is the
iemperatures average of the vapor and outside-air temperatures:
Vapor in tank 50 0 F Tw =
(50 + 33)/2 42.5°F. Then find the Crashof =
L.iquid in tank 55 number:
Outside air 35
Ground 40 NOr = 1.90 X 10'(L - L w )3(TI' - Tw )
·Since the liquid has lOIN volatility. the vapor space is assumed to 1.90 X 10 ' (24)1(7.5)
bo rnoo;tly air.
1.97 X I PQセ
Empl()\'ing Eq. 15, find the Nusselt number and then
the coefficient (k = 0.0 151, L 48 ft, LIe 2·1 ft): = =
Heat·transfer coefficients after first iteration Table III NNII = PNQSrHvoイIッᄋZャ[|セエWG^ - 0.55) = 921.1
h,.", = (9211 )(k)/( t - L u,) = 0.581 Btu/ft2h- OF
Coefficient Dry wall Wet wall Roof Bottom
CoelTicient for liquid at the wall (h tu,)' Here. neither
"Vw O.5fl 15
NT'r nor (VOr NT'r) falls within the range of the applica-
h Lw 1415 ble correlations (Eq. Iii, 18). Let us try both, again using
h Vr 0.1537 an average for WセLZ
h Lb 1.105
"G 0.102
7'". = HWセL + 7:4 )/2 = 45 n F
0.6635 N Gr = 97.47L"Ui, - 7'",) = 1.35 X 10'
. 2.057 uセゥャ ァ Eg. Hi and 13, we get twu ・セエゥュ。エ・ウ for the heat-
. 0.51 0.51 transfer coefTicient (k 0.12, Nl'r = = TMXᄋセIZ
hAw 1.6WI 1.683
hL,,, = HoNTYUォ[lL・InイーGセゥ = 0.704 Btu/ft 2 h-oF
hM 640 640 640 640
h, 0.2H 0.224 h/"" = (OASk/ L?,:イッnHIセG ゥGNセ iヲIn
hF 1.000 800 1,000 500 1.--115 Btu/ft 2 h- ° F
hR 0.7'i65 0.7594 0.7651
To be con,e,,·;)tivf'. WI" uセイZ fhe highf'r ,-,alllf':
U· 0."i16 0.1828 0.1457 0.0933 hLtC = 1.415 Btll.·ft セィM 0 F.
-For QPセューィ wind

Coefficient for vapor at roof (h"r)' \\'c consider this a

nat plate, with a diameter of 20 ft, ;-ond use Eg. 20,
again with an avcrage 7',,, of ᄋセRNUᄚf (k = 0.0151):
Second iteralion yields closer
temperature f>stimates Table IV Nr;r = 1.9 X 10 ' dセHtイ - 7',,,) = 1.1-1 X IO t2
h"r = HoNGRWォOdIntイsijセB = oNャセ Rtu:fl 2 h-oF
Temperature I1Mation Dry wall Wet wall Roof Bottom
Coefficknt for liquid at tank Lottom (h tb ). Assume
T w (inside). ° F 2 46.0 52.7 35.75 53.7 that the ground temperature HWセI is 5 ° F abO\'e ambi-
1 42.5 45 42.5 47.5 ent, and lise an average of lieJltid and ground tempera-
T ws (outside), °F 2 35.9 36.5 35.75 tures as a first approximation for the tank-bottom tem-
1 38.75 40 42.5
1;,. = (71, + To )/2 = (TL + セエ + 5)12 17.5'F
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Then, figure the (;"asl\()f number, and use Eq. 19 to get

the coefficient:
.Yr. r == セQH dWQNヲY - 1'.,.) == 5.85 X 10';
,Var Nt'r == :! 113 X 10!'
hl.h = 1 105 I3tu/ft h-oF 2

Coefllcient for outside air at roof (li./). A,,"me

1'.", =
T". since th .. roof is uninsubted. and get the coef-
ficient for st il1 ail frOllt Eq. 19:
Ncr == 1.9 X 10 7 /)\7;", - T 4 ) == 1.1-l X 10 12
h:4r 0.663 I\tu/ft 2 h-oF
Cocflleicnt for outside air at wall (h:4 /,). Assume that
lhe temperature thop across the film is one-fourth of the
drop from the in·;ide fluid to the outside air (averaged
for the: we:t and dry ",all,), and use: Eg. 15 to [Iud tile:
coefficiell t:
J.T = 1 7S/-l = 4.375°F ·For QPセューィ wind
SGr = QセI X 10 L3 J.T = 9.19 X 7
ioャセ [. == 0.',[ Blu:ft 2 h-oF

Conduction COl ffieients for ground. metal wall. and For drv \....all, the rn te of heat loss is given by all three
insulation (h o. h'ol and h j ). These are straightforward, of the fol1owing:
from Eq. 21-23:
gil = ['II AIl(T\. - T4 ) (25)
h\( = kit/til = G·lO I3tu/ft 2 h-oF == hV",Arl(T,. Til,) (26)
ht == kj.'l j = 0.22·1 Btu/ft 2 h- fセ
=(h nd + htu·)Ad(T,,, - (27)
ho == 8 I (Jr./) == 0.102 bエオOヲ セィMッf
Solving Eq. 25 and 27 for 7;"., yields:
Radiation coellit'ients for dry and wet sidewall, and
rouf (It RII , h RII " hl/r)' As for th; outside-air film coeffi-
T == II ' j (Uri /(h",1 + h 411 ,)( T, - T(4) + T.4 (28) )

cients, assume I hat T,vs == T.4 + 0.25 HWセQi ォ - T\), Similarly, solving Eq. 25 and 26 for 7;c yields: I
キィ・ョセ 7;,ulk is Ifl(' temp..r"lur/' of th .... \i'luid nr v"'por I
inside the tank, ir the surface is insulated. For lhe unin-
7;,. = Tr - (U/lih\,,)(T1 - TA ) (29)
sulated roof, aNIIllC that T,,,., == T.4 + O.5( T r - 7:,). Using the same approach, now calculate Til' and 7;/" for
Then T",., == 38.1'jOF for the (insulated) dry sidewal1,
T,r., =40"F for rlie wet sidewall, and 7;,." == ,],2.5"1' for
the wet wall, ,md 7;,. for the roof and bottom of the
the roof. Using F.C{. 2·L find the coefficient I'llI' each of
the three cases:
To find the correct wall temperatures. use the initial I
h" I == 0.75 7 bエオOヲセィM °F
estimates of C and II values in Eq. 28 and 29 (and in the
parallel CqUd lio", fUf Ill(;' OdlL'l SlIl f<lcC''') IV gel nt'W 1;" 'I
= 0.759 rャQOヲエセィMッf
= O. 7(,5 MィセエヲOオb 0 f
and 7;,..< values. Table IV shows these temperatures after
a second iteration. Using these new temperatures, re-
compute Grashof numbers, individual heat-lransfer
coeflicients <Ind overall cociTicients, and then iterate セ ,

Closing in on results 'I

again to get a new Sci of '1;" and 7;". values. \Vhen the
Table III sunlll1arizes the heat-transfer coefficients current and previous ileratiun's tt"mperature estimates
just calculated, i"cludillg the corrections for wind-I/.,I>' are the S<lllle (wilhin a specified tuleranee), the iteration
and h:.
r are multiplied by 3,3 and 3.1. respectively, is completed.
based on data 1'('1 IO-mph wind in Fig. 2. Substituting Table V lists the indlvidLLal and overall coefficients
these individual wemcicnts in Eq. 11-14, we obtain the after the second iteration. Although it is clear that addi-
U values listed ill Table III. tional iterations are needed, let us accept these values as
\\'hat remains 10 be 、HIョ・セ \\'hen we began the calcu- suflieiently <Iccurale for the present purpose. Then we
Lセ lations. we assufiled that the outside-wall temperatures can obtain the total heat·lransftT rate (Q) b\- オウェャ セ the
were related to (he bulk-fluid temperatures by: U v<llues in Eq. l-j and ウuャ Qュゥョセ Tahle VI ウィHI| Gセ the
TIC == T.'I + O.:li ォャOセW - T,) for uninsubted surfaces calculated heat-transfer rat('s through each boundary,
and Ihe IOtal rate. Note that the roof and bottom of the
Tor., = T + oNZGᄋLHWセQiォ
4 - WNセI for insulated surfaces
tank account for only ウャゥセィエ heat loss, despite being
In order 10 calLul.,tt: aCCUr<iLe cuefficients fUI heal trans- uninsulal<:u.
fer. we must no'., obtain better estimates of these wall This, of course, is for the unit period of time. when
temperatures. This requires an itnative procedure that wind speed is 10 mph, the tank is half full, and the air is
can be programmed and run on a computer. Xl' F. Table VII sho\\s ho\\' the results of unit-period

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5T{)t{ ..,<;I·:-TANK fll'::AT TRi\;-.lSFt:K

The algebraic method of Hughes and Deumaga [5]

Rate of heat transfer during unit period Table VI resembles the one presented in this article in many
ways. But it does not recognize differences between liq-
Surface U, Btulft 2 h.oF Area, ft 2 6T, of q, Btuth uid and \'aror temperatures inside the tank, nor does it
------- account for the interaction between セ T and wind speed
Dry wall 01392 1,508 15 3,148.7 in calculating a wind-enhancement factor. Finally, even
Wet wall 01655 1,508 20 4,991.5 though their procedure requires iteration, the focus of
Roof 01636 315 15 773.0 the iterative etlorts is to get better estimates of Auid
Bottom 00875 -lli 15 412.1 properties, not tankwall temperatures.
Total SLVTセ 9,325.3
Note: Total for l:J·h period i. 1'1.904 Btu
Our engineer at ABC Chemical was able to negotiate
a significant reduction in the heating charges proposed
by the XYZ Terminal Co., which had used a shortcut
Summing iセウ・ for unit periods method for its estimate, because the procedure pre-
yields heat Inss for 30 days Table VII sented here is rational and defensible, A rigorous solu-
tion of the itcri1tions can easily iJe reached lJlI a digital
Period Liquid I"".i, % T , OF Wind speed, mph Heat loss, Btu
computer or even a programmable calculator, and the
effort pays ofT in better design or operation criteria.
1 50 35 10 111.904 i'lnrk Lipou;c:, Editor
2 50 27 5 392,407
3 43 42 0 42,591
1. ⦅ョゥャ[ セa F.. and Strcl'l, G .. "Applied Chemi("al Process Design:" Plenum
BGイH ウセ • .:'Jew York, QYWセL p. 12 L.
2. Boyen.J. L.. "Thermal Rt"'Covery," John \Viley & Sons.. New York.
42 93 55 30 0 1978, p. 285.
:1. Corduo. R .. セィt cost ur
missing pipe insulation. Ch,m. セHLBe Feb_ 14, lQ77.
p. 77.
4. L」、セf A.J" '', in Heat tイセョウイャB L Vol. 4. Ar.adt"mic Pre-55. New York,
1967. p. I.
59 56 48 20 12,368 5. hオセィHBGセN R,. and Dcumaga, V.. Insulation saves HGョ」イセケN Chffll. Eng., ケ。Qセ 27,
60 49 60 15 0 1914, p. %.
tッイセQ for 30.daV rwriod 8,389,050 6, Kato. nゥウィ |セ。ォゥN and Hirata. Inti. ./. o{ jQセHャ and .\lass tイエャ セヲWN \'01. II
(19681, p. 1117.
7. Kern. D. Q. --Process Heat Transfer:' |ャ」gイ。キセuゥャ N New York, 19:;0, p.
:!I I,
R. Perry. R. H .. and Chilton. C. fl.. " Engineers' Handbook," 5th
ed., McGraw·Hill, New York. QセWェL p. 10-17. .
heat losses (,In be tabulated and added to get the cumu- 9. Rohsrllow. \\", M., セュ、 H:mnl"tt, J. P.• "Hanrlbonk or He3t tイセョウヲエBイL
lative heat "ISS for a month or year. Of course, this re- McGraw· Hill, 'lew York, QYWセL p. j.120
10. Stllhlbarg, D .. HllW \0 n.-sigll Tank Healing Coils, P,t. R,}intT. \·nl. 311, No.
quires climatic data and tank-level estimates for the 4 (19')91, p. 1\3.
overall tim/' period.

Comparison with other methods

The authors
Aerstin and Street [1] ofler a very simple method for (imm\' D. Kumana is Chief Process.
calcularing I,eat loss from tanks, For a tank with 1.5 in. tngineer al Henningsen, Durham and
Richardson, Inc.. P.O. Bu, 12744,
of sidewall I nsulation, and a wind speed of 10 mph, the PC::lIs;H.:nl.t. FL 32J 7J. wht'f(' he is
recommend('d overall U (based on k 0.019 for the = invol\'eO in all aspecls of t'ngint'ering
insulation) is 0.14 for :1T =
60°F and 0.14 for desiclO. He holds a 8. Tet:h. dt"grff from
the lndi::r.n iョウエゥ オ セ of tセィョッャ sIGN and
:1T =100°F Adjusting these values for k 0.028 and = an M.S. from Ihe Universilv of
Cincinnati, both in 」ィ・ュゥ」セQ
J,. T = I r F. as in our examplc, yields an overall U of セョァゥ ・HGヲゥョセN ;\·fr. Kumana is 、セイGエウゥMZョイ
0.206 Btu/fl セィM OF. The total exposed surface is 3,331 ft 2 as a professional t"nginM"r in four statr-s,
and is active in AIChE as chairman of
(tank bottom not included), and thus the overall rate of his local section_ ャイセ holdS a p:ltf'nt on
、ェセイゥャ エ| ゥッョ of furl-grade' ethanul.
heat transfer by their method is:
Q = 11206 X 3,331 X 17 = 11,666 Btu/h
Samir P. Kothari WAS a process engineer
This compares with a heat loss of 8,913 Blu/h (fur
rhe exposed mrfaee) calculated by the procedure of this セ ャ jウセ Nョヲ セ セ セ Q」 ・ was
written. He rf"ct'ntly joined h|ャイ ュセョ MiNS
artide-seeTable VI. Thus their method yields a result Roche:'" セN 」ョャ Nケォャオセ NJ 071lO, ' I.' here he
SQセゥN ton high in this C:lSt:'. is 、・セ。ァョH in 、」ウゥᆪョ セ chr--mic;tl.procos
plants. Me. kオ|ィセイゥ holds a B..s. d'grn:
Stuhlbarg r10] takes an approach similar to that pro- from セQN S.:tyajirao ・ョゥ|Gセ サケ I. India)

posed here, hut his method differs in how the outside and an 1\1.S. fmm thl'" Unh'ersit\' of
Cincinn;ui, bach in chemical .
tankwalJ film coefficient is computed. Stuhlbarg recom- ・ョNセゥイエZB He 「エMiッョセウ to AIChE and
ho.u W1'lltP.r'> セ カ t 。 ャ technical nrtidC:i.
mends the use of a manufacturer's data table, and does
not explicitly distinguish between the bulk liquid tem-
perature and the outside-wall surface temperature in
calculating die proper heat-transfer coefficient.

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