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F.Sc.XI BIOLOGY Ch # 12,13

02-04-2016 30 50 MINUTES

Q#1 Encircle the right option. 10

i. Deficiency of which causes lack of chlorophyll in leaves?
(a) calcium (b) potassium (c) magnesium (d) sodium
ii. Killing of ingested microorganism occurs in which range of pH in amoeba?
(a) alkaline (b) acidic (c) neutral (d) at any pH
iii. Zymogen cell secrete_____________
(a) pepsin (b) gastric juice (c) pepsinogen (d) HCL
iv. Feeding on dead and decaying matter is called:
(a) Autotrophic nutrition (b) Phototrophic nutrition
(c) Saprotrophic nutrition (d) Parasitic nutrition
v. HCI adjusts the pH of stomach content to a range of:
(a) 1-3 (b) 3-4 (c) 2-3 (d) 2-5
vi. Gaseous exchange in man takes place in__________.
(a) Para bronchi (b) Bronchioles (c)air sacs (d) alveloi
vii Photorespiration would not occurred if?
(a) there was no chlorophyll (b) there was no rubisco
(c) rubisco didn’t had dual nature (d) Lignin
viii. What of these aggravates the emphysema?
(a) presence of surfactant (b) Smoking
(c) mycobacterium (d) none
ix. Blood contains ___________ oxygen when hemoglobin is 98 % saturated per 100ml of blood.
(a) 19.6 ml (b) 18.6 ml (c) 17.6 ml d) 16.6 ml
x. In earthworm, the exchange of gases occurs mainly through:
(a) lungs (b) gills (c) skin (d) anus
Q#2 Write short answer of the following questions. 2×6=12
i. Give two properties of a proper respiratory surface.
ii. What is role of secretin in digestive system?
iii. What is surfactant and what is respiratory distress syndrome?
iv. Define 1-Nutrition 2-Peristalsis
v. Give differences between inspiration and expiration?
vi. Differentiate between diarrhea and constipation.
Q#3 a) What specialized features of your small intestine account for the efficient absorption of digested food
stuffs? Explain with diagram. 04
b) Describe digestion in cockroach 04

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