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ae ee eae ETS EDUCATORS’ ACCEPTANCE AND STUDENTS” PERFORMANCE ON TECHNOLOGY TOOLS ADOPTION IN EARLY EDUCATION WARDATUL AMALINA BINTI MOHD MOHID A projectreport submited in partial fallment of requirements forthe award of the ‘degree of Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) Intemational Business School Universiti Teknologi Malaysia DECEMBER 2014 I declare that tis graduate project ened “Educators? Acceptance and Students’ Performance on Technology Tools Adoption in Early Bducation” isthe reslt of my ‘own research except as cited in the references. The graduate project has not been ccepted for any degree and is not concuremly submited in candidature of any other degree. ee = = ee ee se ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to extend my gratimde to Dr. Nomahaza Mahadi, who has been an inspirational supervisor stating from the bepinning of preparing this graduate project, Thank you very much for your overall support and giving me this invakosle experience and knowledge in completing this research. My sincere appreciation also extends to ell the preschools prinipal fr allowing me to conduct this survey among, theic teachers. Special thanks to all the teachers who ad participated in this survey and spent courtles time to complete the survey J would like to thank 10 my colleague and fiends for their insightful ‘comments and reviewed this research on very short notie. Last but not least, depest gratitude to my wonderful family especially to my parents, Mohd Mohid and Sait Supien for imconditonal support end encouragement to pursue my interest. Thank you to my siblings for their support and believing in me, = ABSTRACT The purpose of this stady is to investigate the teachers’ acceptance of implementation educstional technology tools (ETT) by adopting technology scceplance model (TAM) as the research ftamework. Further investigation on the implication of ETT toward stndenis’ scademic performance is conducted inthis study. The survey questionnaires were distbuted and collected manually 10 the teachers in public preschools, Islamic International preschools or Montessori, and Islamie private preschools in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur areas, A total mimber of 112 of teachers completed survey questionnaires which measuring their responses of ous constructs: perceived usefulness (PU), pereived ease of use (PEU), tite towant using (ATU), and academic performaice (AP). Then, the collected data were analysed using SPSS Statistic 2.1 software. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was used to examine the reliability of ali construct inthis study. Pearson Correlation coefficient and multiple regressions were peeformed to test the proposed hypotheses, ‘The result of this research showed that perceived usefness and perceived ease of use with atitude toward using ETT in ‘early letming environment, In ation, it was found that perceived usefulaess was gnifcantly afested by percsived ease of use. Finally, teachers’ attitude toward wse Of ETT had significance effect on academic performance of students, The research ‘was a significance relationship on contributes usefal information as a guideline for policy makers, erly leaming centre providers, teachers and parents to enhance academic performance of students by implementing new ETT in the fru. l “ABSTRAK “Tajuan penyeidikan ini edalah untuk mengkaji penerimaun tenaga pengalar dalam penggunaan alat teknologi pendidikan (ETT) dengan menggunakan mode! penerimaan teknologi (TAM) sebagai rangka kerja penyelidiken, Sinsstan lanjut rmengensi Kesan penggunaa ETT terhadap prestasi okademik pelajar telah fijlankan. Kajian soal seldik telah diedarkan dan diampulkan secara manual aripada tenaga pengajr di pra-sekolah awam, pra-sekolah serta Montessori Islan antatabangsa dan pra-ckolah Islam swasta di sekitar Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur. Sejumla 112 orang tenaga pengaar telanb menyiapkan kajian soal slik yang ‘mengulcur respon mereka tends’ daripada tanggapan kegunaan, tanggapan kemadchan penggunasn, skp terhadap pedggunaan dan juga prestst akademik Data - data yang diperolehi imasukkan dan dianalis dengan menggunskan SPSS ‘Statistic 2.1. “Cronbach's alpha coefficient” telah digunakan untuk mengkaji ‘kebolehikepercayan terhadap kesemua aspek di dalam kajan ini. Manskala, “pearson correlation coefficient” dan “multiple regressions” telah ioksanakan untuk ‘mengesahkan hipotsis Kajian ini. Keputusan daripada analisa ksjan meninjukkan ‘behawa terdapat hubungan positif dianara tanggapan Kegunaan dan tanggapen kemudahan penggunaan ke ates sikap techadap penggunaan ETT i dalam persekitaran awal pembclajeran. Hasil kafian menunjukkan babawa tanggnpan ‘kegunaan dipengaruhi oleh tanggapen Kemudshen penggunasn, Begs juga sikap terhadap penggunean mempengaruhi prestasi akademik pelajar, Hasil kajian int Aiharapkan dapet menjadi suato pengetahoan Serguna dan dijdikan sebagai tis panduan kepada penenta pols, pemilik pr-sekoldh seta tengga pengsar dan juga ‘ba bepa dalam menggunskan ETT dalam persekitaran awal pemnbelsjaran bertjuan ‘untuk meningkatkan prestas akademik peejar di masa hadspan. CHAPTER ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE, DECLARATION FORM ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLE, LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF APPENDICES INTRODUCTION Li Research Background 1.2 Barly Learning Environment as Research Cantext 13 Problem Statement 14 Research Questions 1S Research Objectives 16 Scope ofthe Study 17 Significance of the Study 18 Definition of Key Terms 19 Sommary LITERATURE REVIEW " 2.1 Introduction 22 Educational Technology Tole PAGE n 2 3B 4 —— a a oo oo oom 23, The Effect of Educational Technology Tools Usage on ‘Academie Performance of Students Academie Performance of Students in Early Learning Environment 24 Theoretical Framework of Technology Acceptance Model 2.5 Related Studies on the Acceptance of Technology In Education 26 Relationship of Teachers’ Percsived Usefulness and Teachers’ Aiud toward Edvestional Technology Tools ‘se in Barly Leaming Environment 24 Relationship of Teachers’ Peresived Ease of Use and Teachers’ Atitude toward Educational Technology Tools use in Early Learning Environment 28 Relationship of Teachers’ Perceived Ease of Use and Teachers’ Percived Usefulness of Educational ‘Technology Tools in Early Learning Environment 29 Relationship of Teachers” Atitude toward Using Educational Technology Tools and Academic Performance of Students 2410 Conceptual and Operational Construct Definition 2.11 Research Framework 22 Summary 3.1 Introduction 32 Research Design ‘Varisbles and Measure Perceived Usefulness Perceived Ease of Use Attitude towerd Using 334 Academic Performance 34° Questionnaire Design 2% 7 2 41 3.5 Sampling Data 36 Data Collection Procedure 3.7 Data Analysis Procedure 38 Summary DATA ANALYSIS. 4.1 Tatrodution 42 Response Rate 43. Demographic Characteristics 44 Construct Reliability 45. Descriptive Analysis 46 Pearson Conelation Coefficient 47 Hypotheses Test Results 48 Research Model 49° Summary 3.1 Tnwoduetion 52. Findings and Discussion 53. Research Question 1 Research Question 2 Research Question 3 56 Research Question 4 5.7 Research Contribution 58 Research Limitation 59 Revormmendation 5.10 Conclusion [REFERENCES Appendices 1-11 se 38 38 © 85 2 LIST OF TABLES Research summary Defi tion of key terms Sammary table of past literatures Definitions and items measured of core construct Related studies on TAM, Related studies of Acceptance of Technology in education Related studies of PU-ATU relationship Related studies of PEU-ATU telationship Related stuies of PU-PEU relationship Related studies of ATU-AP relationship Conceptual and operational definitions of constructs Operational definition of variables Snudy consiruss, seal items and sources Rate of response Demographic profile of respondents ‘Type and percentage of ETT used ‘The value of Cronbach's Alpha for PU, PBU, ATU and AP Descriptive statistic of variables Pearson correlation coeicient between variables Maltipe regression analysis. ‘Summary of hypotheses supported PAGE LIST OF FIGURES HIGURENO. TITLE PAGE 2.1 TAM proposed by Davis (1989) a 22 Research famework 4 3.1 Conceptual framework. 58 41 Research model B a : . a i 1 1 i i ' 1 ' 1 ' ! 1 1 ! 1 1 I I APPENDIX. LIST OF APPENDICES TWTLE Survey Questionaire (Cronbach's Alpba foe PU CCronbech's Alpha for PEU Cronbach's Alpha for ATU Crocs Alpha foe AP Descriptive Analysts for Demographic Dessiptive Analysis for PU, BEU, ATU & AP Comelation Tableon PU, PEU, ATU & AP Muitinerearesscn analysis on PU, PEU, ATU & AP Tein Report Word Count Report PAGE, 2 100 12 104 108 13 n7 8 130 st

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