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We’re trying to enable Machine Learning and Deep Learning to one and all. Irrespective of
whether a user knows how to code or not.
Nov 1 · 8 min read

Everything you need to know about

Neural Networks
Courtesy: Kailash Ahirwar (Co-Founder & CTO, Mate Labs)

Understanding what is Arti cial Intelligence and how does Machine
Learning and Deep Learning powers it is an overwhelming experience.
We are a group of self-taught engineers who have gone through that
experience and we are sharing (in blogs) our understanding and what
helped us in simpli ed form, so that anyone who is new to this eld can
easily start making sense of the technicalities of this technology.

Moreover, on this mission of ours we have created a platform for

anyone to be able to build Machine Learning & Deep learning models
without writing even a single line of code.
. . .
Neuron(Node) — It is the basic unit of a neural network. It gets certain
number of inputs and a bias value. When a signal(value) arrives, it gets
multiplied by a weight value. If a neuron has 4 inputs, it has 4 weight
values which can be adjusted during training time.

Operations at one neuron of a neural network

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Connections — It connects one neuron in one layer to another neuron
in other layer or the same layer. A connection always has a weight value
associated with it. Goal of the training is to update this weight value to
decrease the loss(error).

Bias(O set) — It is an extra input to neurons and it is always 1, and has

it’s own connection weight. This makes sure that even when all the
inputs are none (all 0’s) there’s gonna be an activation in the neuron.

. . .
Activation Function(Transfer Function) — Activation functions are
used to introduce non-linearity to neural networks. It squashes the
values in a smaller range viz. a Sigmoid activation function squashes
values between a range 0 to 1. There are many activation functions
used in deep learning industry and ReLU, SeLU and TanH are preferred
over sigmoid activation function. In this article I have explained
di erent activation functions available.

Activation Functions Source —

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Basic neural network layout

Input Layer — This is the rst layer in the neural network. It takes input
signals(values) and passes them on to the next layer. It doesn’t apply
any operations on the input signals(values) & has no weights and
biases values associated. In our network we have 4 input signals x1, x2,
x3, x4.

Hidden Layers — Hidden layers have neurons(nodes) which apply

di erent transformations to the input data. One hidden layer is a
collection of neurons stacked vertically(Representation). In our image
given below we have 5 hidden layers. In our network, rst hidden layer
has 4 neurons(nodes), 2nd has 5 neurons, 3rd has 6 neurons, 4th has 4
and 5th has 3 neurons. Last hidden layer passes on values to the output
layer. All the neurons in a hidden layer are connected to each and every
neuron in the next layer, hence we have a fully connected hidden

Output Layer — This layer is the last layer in the network & receives
input from the last hidden layer. With this layer we can get desired
number of values and in a desired range. In this network we have 3
neurons in the output layer and it outputs y1, y2, y3.

. . .

Input Shape — It is the shape of the input matrix we pass to the input
layer. Our network’s input layer has 4 neurons and it expects 4 values of
1 sample. Desired input shape for our network is (1, 4, 1) if we feed it
one sample at a time. If we feed 100 samples input shape will be (100,
4, 1). Di erent libraries expect shapes in di erent formats.

Weights(Parameters) — A weight represent the strength of the

connection between units. If the weight from node 1 to node 2 has
greater magnitude, it means that neuron 1 has greater in uence over
neuron 2. A weight brings down the importance of the input value.
Weights near zero means changing this input will not change the
output. Negative weights mean increasing this input will decrease the
output. A weight decides how much in uence the input will have on
the output.

. . .
Forward Propagation

Forward Propagation — Forward propagation is a process of feeding

input values to the neural network and getting an output which we call
predicted value. Sometimes we refer forward propagation as inference.
When we feed the input values to the neural network’s rst layer, it
goes without any operations. Second layer takes values from rst layer
and applies multiplication, addition and activation operations and
passes this value to the next layer. Same process repeats for subsequent
layers and nally we get an output value from the last layer.

Backward Propagation

Back-Propagation — After forward propagation we get an output value

which is the predicted value. To calculate error we compare the
predicted value with the actual output value. We use a loss function
(mentioned below) to calculate the error value. Then we calculate the
derivative of the error value with respect to each and every weight in
the neural network. Back-Propagation uses chain rule of Di erential
Calculus. In chain rule rst we calculate the derivatives of error value
with respect to the weight values of the last layer. We call these
derivatives, gradients and use these gradient values to calculate the
gradients of the second last layer. We repeat this process until we get
gradients for each and every weight in our neural network. Then we
subtract this gradient value from the weight value to reduce the error
value. In this way we move closer (descent) to the Local Minima(means
minimum loss).

Learning rate — When we train neural networks we usually use

Gradient Descent to optimize the weights. At each iteration we use back-
propagation to calculate the derivative of the loss function with respect
to each weight and subtract it from that weight. Learning rate
determines how quickly or how slowly you want to update your
weight(parameter) values. Learning rate should be high enough so that
it won’t take ages to converge, and it should be low enough so that it
nds the local minima.

. . .
Precision and Recall

Accuracy — Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to a

standard or known value.

Precision — Precision refers to the closeness of two or more

measurements to each other. It is the repeatability or reproducibility of
the measurement.

Recall(Sensitivity) — Recall refers to the fraction of relevant instances

that have been retrieved over the total amount of relevant instances

Tp is true positives, Tn is true negatives, Fp is false positives and Fn is false negatives

. . .

Confusion Matrix — As Wikipedia says:

In the eld of machine learning and speci cally the problem of statistical
classi cation, a confusion matrix, also known as an error matrix, is a
speci c table layout that allows visualization of the performance of an
algorithm, typically a supervised learning one (in unsupervised learning it
is usually called a matching matrix). Each row of the matrix represents
the instances in a predicted class while each column represents the
instances in an actual class (or vice versa). The name stems from the fact
that it makes it easy to see if the system is confusing two classes (i.e.
commonly mislabelling one as another).
Confusion Matrix

. . .

Convergence — Convergence is when as the iterations proceed the

output gets closer and closer to a speci c value.

Regularization — It is used to overcome the over- tting problem. In

regularization we penalise our loss term by adding a L1 (LASSO) or an
L2(Ridge) norm on the weight vector w (it is the vector of the learned
parameters in the given algorithm).

L(Loss function) + λN(w) — here λ is your regularization term and

N(w) is L1 or L2 norm

Normalisation — Data normalization is the process of rescaling one or

more attributes to the range of 0 to 1. Normalization is a good
technique to use when you do not know the distribution of your data or
when you know the distribution is not Gaussian (a bell curve). It is
good to speed up the learning process.

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Fully Connected Layers — When activations of all nodes in one layer

goes to each and every node in the next layer. When all the nodes in the
Lth layer connect to all the nodes in the (L+1)th layer we call these
layers fully connected layers.
Fully Connected Layers

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Loss Function/Cost Function — The loss function computes the error

for a single training example. The cost function is the average of the
loss functions of the entire training set.

• ‘mse’: for mean squared error.

• ‘binary_crossentropy’: for binary logarithmic loss (logloss).

• ‘categorical_crossentropy’: for multi-class logarithmic loss


Model Optimizers — The optimizer is a search technique, which is

used to update weights in the model.

• SGD: Stochastic Gradient Descent, with support for momentum.

• RMSprop: Adaptive learning rate optimization method proposed
by Geo Hinton.

• Adam: Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) that also uses

adaptive learning rates.

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Performance Metrics — Performance metrics are used to measure the

performance of the neural network. Accuracy, loss, validation accuracy,
validation loss, mean absolute error, precision, recall and f1 score are
some performance metrics.

Batch Size — The number of training examples in one

forward/backward pass. The higher the batch size, the more memory
space you’ll need.

Training Epochs — It is the number of times that the model is exposed

to the training dataset.

One epoch = one forward pass and one backward pass of all the
training examples.

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At Mate Labs we have built Mateverse, a Machine Learning Platform,
where you can build customized ML models in minutes without
writing a single line of code. Our platform enables everyone to easily
build and train Machine Learning models, without writing a single line of

Let’s join hands.

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Tell us if you have some new suggestion. Our ears and eyes are always
open for something really exciting.

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