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Life theme: “I desire”

Soul colour: Red, burgundy, black

North Node in Scorpio represents your soul mission, according to karmic astrology.
Scorpio symbolically represents the EMOTIONAL RESPONSES, ATTITUDES and
ENERGY to adopt and explore throughout your life.

There are THREE STEPS you can use to consciously attract a soulmate.

Step one: Appreciate your Taurus talents

Your sense of what’s right, and patiently building is natural for you

The first step in claiming your North Node in Scorpio is to embody the highest
expression of Taurus (opposite to Scorpio). Taurus represents your karmic past. So
definitely appreciate — but! Don't make your Taurus qualities the centre of your life.

Celebrate your patience, your slow-warming steadfastness, your unshakable sense of

what you stand for. Enjoy your sensual nature, love of beautiful things and ability to create
security on every level. Be practically creative. Love your garden.

Study Taurus to understand its highest potential, and choose to live that, holding Taurus
ever so lightly.

This is your first step to consciously attracting your soulmate.

Step two: Own your Taurus karma

Careful of getting stuck in your own way of doing things, holding on to people and
things that no longer serve you

With a North Node in Scorpio, your karma is around your rigid value system. Also
around materialism (if you abhor or attract money-hungry people, this is a clue to who
you’ve been). In this lifetime, you are to let go of the dead wood, and open yourself up to
new growth. You’ll learn the true meaning of power: which has nothing to do with what you

In past lifetimes, you were a banker, a farmer, a builder or a land-owner. You might have
been a landlord or an oil baron, or someone who had accumulated wealth, and became
attached to his or her possessions. Have you used your sensuality or money to sway or
manipulate others (or do you have strong feelings about materialistic people)? There’s your
The shadow side of North Node in Scorpio has to do with an overdeveloped need for
success and to hold on to things, people and behaviors that prevent new growth. It also
means a resistance to change and having to do things your own way.

Step three: Step into your Scorpio soul mission

Cut ties with people or things you’re better off without. Wear red, burgundy or black
(your soul colours)

Scorpio is self-disciplined, sensitive and sexually intense. It is about transformation,

and with this soul mission, your experience will involve other people’s ideas. Whether
through marriage, or complex emotional experiences, you are experiencing other people’s
value systems, so that one by one, you can discard the outworn values that oppress you.

No matter how foreign this sounds to you, this is the energy to step into over the
course of your lifetime. In past lifetimes, you established your values and a deep sense of
self worth, and may have achieved a great deal of material success. North node in Scorpio
plunges you into a transformative process that cuts outdated ties and allows you to claim
true power that has nothing to do with what you own.

If you want to know how to attract your soulmate, I'd say go deep. Part of your soul mission
is having a willingness to plummet the depths of your being first within yourself, then with
another. Explore sexuality, how to communicate intimately. Certainly be discriminating, but
don’t hold back when the passion is there. Scorpio is magnetic. Explore your sexy side.
Learn how to attract.

The more you shed the old, the more quickly you’ll attract new people and situations
that will help you step into your new life. The more you let go of, the more you receive.

The house where your Scorpio soul mission expresses itself, is the area of life where you
will experience a dramatic transformation and re-birth.

Take me to:

Soul missions (North Node) by sign and house

Karmic astrology – More on why karmic astrology is a great way to discover your soulmate
signs... plus tips for further reading.

Soulmate Site Home
North Node in Scorpio — South Node in Taurus

The traditional interpretation of the north node in scorpio is that it gives the individual great
stamina and a drive to succeed. The Dragon’s Tail in Taurus indicates sensuality and a
material preoccupation. It may also be a sign of physical laziness.
In the past, you focused on the importance of the material world. You spent so many
lifetimes doing manual labor that you are accustomed to doing things “the hard way.” At your
worst, you refuse to observe and learn from those around you, having to discover the danger
of things which others can appreciate through watching. You have what can be an insatiable
desire for sensual pleasures and nice things. If you are not careful, you can become
possessive and materialistic, hoarding all items that cross your path. You do not need these
things in your present incarnation, and the sooner you learn to let go, the better.

You have suffered substantial damage to the ego in previous lifetimes from the north
node in scorpio placement. You come into this life with a great need for respect and the
desire to prove yourself worthy of it. This is so intense that if others indicate you are lacking in
some essential quality, you may become depressed.
Your task in this lifetime is to reach for the regenerative powers that lay dormant within you. It
is no coincidence that Franz Kafka, born with the thenorth node in scorpio placement,
wrote a famous story called Metamorphoses. You are destined to transform yourself
completely. Let go – of old habits, unnecessary “junk,” false beliefs – and you will begin the
path of spiritual growth. Burn your bridges as you move forward for you do not need to ever
look back.
While you may have the natural tendency to husband resources as a bulwark against life’s
vicissitudes, you are better off giving and receiving help from others. If you are not spiritually
aware, you may still find yourself trapped in the thinking that you should not give without there
being something in it for you. You can cure this by participating with others in joint ventures.

You have developed over many lifetimes a great deal of will power. However, the emphasis in
this incarnation will shift slightly to self-discipline and insight. Avoid simple formulas for
success. Spend your time getting to know yourself and understanding your own psychological
issues and analyzing the true and complex motives of others. This is your path to happiness.

Resistance to change is the biggest obstacle to spiritual growth for the north node in
scorpio. Your soul remembers the pleasures of a routine life spent in great luxury. Without
material well-being you may feel threatened, insecure, and materialistic. This is when you
resort to being possessive and stubborn. However, the longer you dig your heels in, the
worse the eventual upheaval will be, for you are destined to undergo continual
transformation. Be forewarned that resistance will be very costly. Learn to welcome change
as a way of life or you will find yourself in one crisis after another.
There is some sadness in the north node in scorpio nodal placement. As Martin Schulman
writes, this individual “would like to rest, thinking his soul journey is over. So tired is he, from
past life memories of the yoke of his earthly burdens, that whatever the cost he would like to
feel settled.” But settling is not in your future. Rather, your karmic destiny is transformation,
in the process of which you will be stripped of all that is dear to you. You may give it up
willingly like fellow claimers of the north node in scorpio Jean Paul II and Osama Bin Laden, or
have it taken from you, like Mohamed Pavlavi, the last Shah of Iran, or Emperor Hirohito, both
born with the north node in scorpio placement. The transformation may be so severe that you
spend the end of your life alone, stripped of everything but your physical self, like your nodal
sister Marlene Dietrich, who was bed-ridden and living in seclusion her last ten years on earth

Vénus retrógrado em Virgem ( Relacionamentos )

Esta posição do planeta indica um ser muito crítico: a pessoa, antes de amar, procurava
sempre o defeito da pessoa, o que lhe dava um pretexto para não se comprometer
numa relação afectiva com ela. Deve agora sair da sua atitude destrutiva e egoísta.

Júpiter retrógrado em Carneiro

Cuidado com as ideias preconcebidas! A pessoa tende a ser um tanto directivo demais; falta-lhe
flexibilidade em face das circunstâncias da vida. Ele tende a julgar os indivíduos segundo critérios
pouco realistas, e categorias demasiado estanques. A vida conjugal não lhe será fácil, por causa da
sua possível vaidade, acrescida, por vezes, de uma surpreendente ingenuidade - e por causa de
sua sede inextinguível de novas experiências! Lição cármica desta posição planetária: ser honesto
consigo mesmo.


A pessoa com Netuno em Sagitário precisa de valores religiosos e espirituais mais elevados.
Por isso tem grande fé religiosa, mesmo que não seja praticante de nenhuma religião. Seus
ideais são nobres, e procura o sentido mais profundo da vida. Em busca do lugar ideal faz
muitas viagens. O único problema é não se tornar uma fanática. Em questões de religião,
convém ter bom senso.

Neptuno na Nona Casa

• A Neptuno encanta-lhe o impulso ascendente do espírito que está implícito nesta casa.
• Neptuno é um planeta expansivo e não vive bem com barreiras impostas, pretende ampliar os nossos
horizontes e alimenta as viagens físicas e psicológicas, sem restrições.
• Neptuno, nesta casa, convida a explorarmo-nos intelectualmente e filosoficamente.
• Neptuno sente-se estimulado nesta casa, onde as ideias e ideais podem aplicar-se ao benefício de
• Neptuno estimula o sonho, com os grandes ideais de futuro.
• Os nativos podem estar envolvidos em cultos espirituais e místicos, métodos de ioga, meditação e
religiões orientais místicas.
• Se Neptuno estiver bem aspectado, indica espiritualidade e visão profética.
• Esta posição mostra uma mente intuitiva altamente impressionável.
• Se Neptuno estiver bem aspectado, pode-se obter um valioso conhecimento por meio de fontes
• Nesta casa, nasce o conceito de uma consciência de massa e Neptuno adopta um conceito de coesão,
mediante o intercâmbio social e humano.

MC in Cancer
The sign of the Moon, the mother and nurturing at the Midheaven suggests that your life path must
involve you in looking after other people in some way, regardless of how far it might be from
reflecting a traditional family paradigm. It may be that you are the focal point of your family,
sacrificing a career in the world to look after others, or you may still be the focus whilst going into
the world under a family banner – running a family business or somehow working from home are
obvious choices for you. You may inherit a role, on a family farm or in a family company. Or it
could be also that you come to see the world at large as your family, and pursue a pastoral
occupation, looking after children, teaching, counselling, nursing, any activity where you take on a
mothering role (and that’s regardless of your gender, too!).
Cancer as the sign of the Moon might naturally be considered the sign of the Lower Heaven or IC,
and having it at the MC brings something of the inner world into the public domain. It is an
emotional signature, but inclined to self-protective timidity. Often you will be drawn to careers that
offer safety, perhaps with fewer glittering prizes but a steady income and superannuation at the
end. There is often a pattern of slow but steady building towards a final goal – and the building
could be quite literal. Cancer is the sign of the home, whether private or corporate. So the
construction industry could be another option for you. Whatever you build has to be solid and real,
protecting you and those you care about. There is something dynastic about this combination, with
a need for continuity.
That Capricorn base of yours gives you a large shot of deep down ambition, a need to be taken
seriously and accorded respect. There can be a degree of severity here, and an inclination
towards passing judgments. Inner doubts and fears about a lack of security or uncertain status can
make you quite relentless, driving yourself and those close to you, turning you into a nagging
spouse, a pushy parent, or the boss who is never satisfied. The materialism of Capricorn, when
distorted through a timorous Cancer Midheaven, can become very intrusive and bunker down into
a siege mentality. A major lesson in life could come from learning to let go of smother love or
material anxieties, so that you can construct a deeper and truer security based on a free-flowing,
yet deeply practical and supportive, connectedness.
When you have faced squarely the essence and extent of your worldly Capricornian inner drives,
and learned to look after people without seeking to dominate, you can embody the noblest
potentials of Cancer and become a kind of universal mother figure, with gifts of loving sustenance
as bounteous as those of Mother Nature herself.

Meio do Ceu em Capricórnio:

Cuidadosos e pacientes, esses indivíduos são extremamente ambiciosos e dão
bastante valor a status pessoal. Se eles começam alguma tarefa e sempre
certo que eles a terminarão de forma impecável.


Ambicioso, quem tem MC em Capricórnio coloca sua
perseverança a serviço, com o objetivo de chegar o mais
alto possível na carreira. Sua reputação importa muito,
portanto, essa pessoa tem facilidade em assumir
responsabilidades na vida pública, ou em profissões que
exijam sobriedade, prudência e seriedade. Sua excelente
capacidade organizacional indica que é a pessoa ideal,
assim como quem possui MC em Virgem, para criar
estruturas e processos em uma empresa.

Sun in Leo, Moon in Pisces *Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the Third House *Saturn in the
Fourth House *Sun in the Fifth House *Venus in the Sixth House *Pluto Opposition
Ascendant *Moon in the Twelfth House
The Data Page

This report is a short edition of the Personal Portrait. It is meant as a sample and
advertisement for the full version of the Personal Portrait which can be ordered from
Astrodienst as a downloadable E-Horoscope of about 20 - 30 pages. In the short edition,
only a few, but nevertheless important aspects of your natal chart are considered.
Further horoscope reports
Psychological Horoscope

The profound analysis of your personality by Liz Greene, Astrodienst's

best-selling horoscope.
Read more Order it now

Personal Portrait

The inexpensive interpretation of your birth chart, by Robert Pelletier.

Read more Order it now
As you read your short report, or any other astrological report, keep in mind that the
energies interpreted here are your birth potentials. However, you may or may not choose to
actualize these energies in the manner described. Your age, sex, socio-economic situation,
education, environment, level of development, and many other factors contribute to the
ways in which you express your natal energies. Remember, the planets do not compel you
to do or be anything. They influence you, but you still have the free will to determine your
own life.
The report was generated with the following birth data: Male, born on 22 August 1975 at
8:30 pm in Promissão (São Paulo), Brazil.
Your sun sign is Leo. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your
Ascendant is in Aries, and your Moon is in Pisces.
In case you are wondering why you are addressed as Leo in this report: If you had been
born 18 hours 54 minutes later, you would be the subsequent sign Virgo. The exact hour at
which the sun moves from one sign into the next is different every year.
Partner references which may occur in the text are set for a relationship
with a woman.Explanation

Sun in Leo, Moon in Pisces

You were born with the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Pisces. The Moon in Pisces gives you
an outwardly passive personality, while the Sun in Leo makes you internally very positive
and clear. You were born with all the qualities to be completely successful in life, both
materially and psychologically. The Sun in Leo gives an individuality that is proud, dignified,
commanding, magnanimous, reliable, fixed in opinion and principles, and with tremendous
creative potential. The Moon in Pisces, however, gives a personality which, although very
emotional and creative, lacks the strength of character to act on the many procedures that
are necessary in order to reach your goals. Externally, you are predominantly a Piscean
personality. People view you as essentially intuitive, emotional, and expansive. You are
attracted by the intangible, which may bring you in touch with all that is beautiful and
mystical. In love you will be intensely emotional and sometimes lost in a nebulous dream.
The key to a better integration of your being is to combine all the positive aspects of Pisces,
that is, your creativeness, altruism, and emotion, with the practical and courageous
influences of Leo, which lend clarity and the ability to analyze situations and to exercise

Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the Third House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aries was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler
Mars is located in the third house.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives seem also desirous of being "first"
in all activities with which they happen to be involved. The cardinality of the sign makes you
extremely active and capable of displaying ambition, impulsiveness, courage, and boldness
in order to satisfy your desire for prominence in the world.
The general course of your life will be filled with many 'ups' and 'downs' and changes
conforming very much with the psychological nature of your temperament. Whether you
triumph or not in life depends on your ability to develop your most positive inborn qualities
and, simultaneously, exert some control over your less favorable characteristics, such as a
lack of prudence, and a certain disregard for the feelings and opinions of others.
Aries gives a tendency for its natives to be inclined to politics and public work. You should
be successful (or at least attempt to be so) in any work or activity that necessitates
pioneering ideas and/or a militant disposition. You also appear to have an ardent attitude in
any project that somehow or another involves new concepts or original work and in which
you are given a position of leadership. One of your problems is that in your love for
achievement in novel projects you tend to destroy old concepts and former contributions
which would, perhaps, have been useful for your endeavors. Impulsive, critical, despising
mean or dubious acts, you will create many excellent friendships but also important
enemies. Your life is rich in passion and ardent love. In sexual matters you are quick,
aggressive, and to the point. You also are a lover of pleasures, which you feel with a bright,
open, and sparkling character.
Among other things, you should be an individual with a tremendous force for expressing
your views in life and, at the same time, one who becomes involved one way or another in
intellectual pursuits. Please be attentive to the following: you are not a pure intellectual;
rather we should say that you are passionate, impulsive, and with an outspoken nature
which can be better expressed in activities that have to do with the mind.
For good or bad, you will create a path for yourself in life and in doing this you will show
courage, energy and initiative. On the negative side we should warn you against some lack
of decisiveness in taking attitudes related to intellectual problems. Because of your
constant mobility and quick mind it is very difficult for you to feel calm and tranquil in times
when such characteristics would be very beneficial. In love you are passionate, and like to
be the first person in the sexual life of the people to whom you give your love. Because the
course of your life will require much energy and strength on your part it would be wise at
times to stop and utilize the mind in matters which are not particularly related to objective

Saturn in the Fourth House

Saturn was found in the fourth house at the time of your birth. With this placement you may
have the feeling that duties and obligations in your early childhood conflicted with your
innermost emotional needs. Consequently, you felt frustrated and misunderstood. This
could lead to a sense of fear and distrust in the world that is not conducive to success in
human relations and communications.
However, this does not have to be the case. Although you may feel that your personal
freedom is hindered, Saturn can lead you to a better understanding of what causes these
emotions. You have the ability to learn a lot about your inner self and about what you need
to find emotional security. If you accept Saturn's challenges, you will be able to do or leave
things at your own volition. It is only your inner duties and obligations you have to answer

Sun in the Fifth House

The Sun was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. This is a very significant
location for the Sun.
There seems to be a progressive and gradual expansion of your feelings, especially the
generative ones, throughout the years. Your life is oriented towards success in matters of
enterprises, businesses, speculations, and society and pleasurable activities. Your love life
promises to be very rich and will list many rewarding emotional attachments. In love you
conduct yourself with dignity and certain poise.
Your pride is very sensitive in matters connected with your emotional nature. You are easily
injured if your possessiveness and majesty in love is threatened. You can be very
magnanimous and forgiving with the object of your love, and you will extend many positive
qualities along with natural protection and strength.

Venus in the Sixth House

Venus was found in your sixth house at the time of your birth. You can regard yourself as a
lucky individual. Your health throughout life has been either very good or you have had the
capability of quickly recovering from illness.
In dealing with others within your work environment, you may also obtain an increase in
income. Your attitude to work is that it is a pleasurable thing to do. You are not a hard
working individual; on the contrary, there is something of laziness in you. Destiny may put
you into positions where you will work under the direction of extremely kind and attractive
superiors. A love relationship could start due to this interaction.

Pluto Opposition Ascendant

Pluto opposition the Ascendant shows that you attract people with powerful egos and
strong temperaments. You have a strong desire for close, intimate contact with many of the
people you associate with. You make extensive demands of the people you deal with, but
you resent it when similar demands are made of you. Such problems can ruin otherwise
fascinating relationships.
Your talents lie in your ability to direct people, so public relations is a field you should apply
yourself to.
You generally get what you want when you want it, and you do not tolerate refusal of your
demands. If you are motivated to change people's attitudes about their social obligations,
you can accomplish miracles.
Moon in the Twelfth House
The Moon was in your twelfth house at the time of birth. Secretly, you enjoy a love of
romance and adventure that lends a bit of excitement to your daydreaming.
It is possible that the little popularity that you may enjoy in this life will be from some very
reserved and secretive circles where your merits are recognized.
It can be expected that you will be successful in positions that call for solitude or remote

Astrological Data used for Short Report - Personal Portrait

for Claudemir Fernando Ferreira (male)
born on 22 August 1975 local time: 8:30 pm

in Promissão (São Paulo), BRAS U.T.: 23:30

49w51'29, 21s32'12 sid. time: 18:13:09

Planetary positions

planet sign degree motion

Sun Leo 29°14'30 in house 5 direct

Moon Pisces 11°55'56 in house 12 direct

Mercury Virgo 18°23'54 in house 6 direct

Venus Virgo 6°25'13 in house 6 retrograde

Mars Gemini 4°54'49 in house 3 direct

Jupiter Aries 24°35'37 in house 1 retrograde

Saturn Cancer 27°19'00 in house 4 direct

Uranus Libra 29°17'24 in house 7 direct

Neptune Sagittarius 9°01'23 in house 9 stationary (D)

Pluto Libra 7°38'12 in house 7 direct

True Node Scorpio 25°55'45 in house 8 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)

Ascendant Aries 3°03'37

2nd House Taurus 2°11'50

3rd House Gemini 2°30'20

Imum Coeli Cancer 3°01'04

5th House Leo 3°37'53

6th House Virgo 4°03'54

Descendant Libra 3°03'37

8th House Scorpio 2°11'50

9th House Sagittarius 2°30'20

Medium Coeli Capricorn 3°01'04

11th House Aquarius 3°37'53

12th House Pisces 4°03'54

Major aspects

Sun Conjunction Venus 7°11

Sun Square Mars 5°40

Sun Trine Jupiter 4°39

Sun Sextile Uranus 0°03

Moon Opposition Mercury 6°28

Moon Opposition Venus 5°31

Moon Square Mars 7°01

Moon Square Neptune 2°55

Venus Square Mars 1°30

Venus Square Neptune 2°36

Mars Opposition Neptune 4°07

Mars Trine Pluto 2°43

Mars Sextile Ascendant 1°51

Jupiter Square Saturn 2°43

Jupiter Opposition Uranus 4°42

Saturn Square Uranus 1°58

Saturn Trine Ascendant 5°45

Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°23

Neptune Trine Ascendant 5°58

Pluto Opposition Ascendant 4°35

Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).

Áries é um signo de fogo, Cardinal, de natureza colérica, ativa, domicílio diurno de Marte e
exaltação do Sol. É um signo Ascendente relativamente comum no Brasil, já que Áries tem
ascenção longa (lenta) no hemisfério Sul. Ao contrário, no hemisfério Norte, especialmente
em países como Rússia, Canadá e Noruega, esse será um tipo-ascendente muito mais raro,
porque a ascensão deste signo no hemisfério Norte é curta (rápida), em alguns locais Áries
permanece ascendendo por menos de uma hora por dia.

Quando aparece na Astrologia horária, especialmente se Marte e Sol também estão em

signos Cardinais, pode ser indício de que a pessoa que pergunta é muito independente, e
não levará muito a sério os conselhos que lhe forem transmitidos.

Na astrologia natal, esse é um ascendente de pessoas saudáveis, altivas, iniciadoras, de

natureza empreendedora e as vezes agressiva. Tudo isso será regulado de acordo com as
condições tanto de Marte quanto do Sol no mapa de nascimento daquela pessoa, um Marte
ou Sol em detrimento pode gerar uma saúde mais debilitada e uma personalidade mais
agressiva, enquanto que um Marte ou Sol domiciliado vai gerar uma pessoa competente,
apta para quase todo tipo de atividade, saudável e com auto-controle . Em geral
são irascíveis, de temperamento explosivo, intolerante e autoritário, refletindo com perfeição
a manifestação do temperamento colérico. Fisiologicamente, o corpo tende a ser forte,
musculoso e saudável, mas isso quando Marte tem força no mapa, do contrário pode indicar
debilidades. Febres, inflamações e doenças relacionadas a cabeça são os problemas mais

A personalidade Áries-Ascendente é autêntica, tende a ser atual, a mudar rapidamente caso

isso seja necessário, e a assumir naturalmente posições de autoridade e controle, já que o
Meio do céu quase sempre está num signo Cardinal (no caso Capricórnio). Por mais branda
que seja a conformação do restante do mapa, um Ascendente em Áries sempre representa
uma pessoa que não leva desaforos pra casa, que pode ser invasiva, indiscreta,
especialmente quando Sol e Marte estão enfraquecidos seja pela posição por signo ou por
estarem em casas ruins. Mas este é o signo que garante os inícios e reinícios infinitos da

Algumas personalidades famosas que nasceram com Ascendente em Áries:

Roberto Carlos
Chico Anysio
Vera Fisher
Che Guevara
Fernando Henrique Cardoso
John Lennon
Barbra Streisand
Heath Ledger

Marte em GÊMEOS
PERFIL: O dom da comunicação, a capacidade de articular idéias e de unir pessoas são a marca
registrada de quem tem Marte nesse signo. Costuma ser versátil, curioso e muito ágil, tanto
intelectualmente quanto fisicamente. Precisa estar sempre em atividade, mas não deve desperdiçar
energia mudando constantemente de idéia ou lugar, nem falando, andando, pensando ou dirigindo
demais. Deve tomar cuidado com seu tom naturalmente irônico e sarcástico, que pode ofender quem está
a sua volta.

A MULHER: É falante, sedutora e gosta de fantasiar. Mais do que a atração física, é seduzida por uma
boa conversa e por tudo que vem antes do corpo a corpo: o telefonema, o cinema, a festa e aquilo que
imaginou sobre o encontro. Adora trocar palavras e idéias eróticas com o parceiro antes, durante e depois
do sexo, e aceita experimentar novos jeitos de transar. Sente-se atraída por homens inteligentes, leves,
comunicativos, descolados, joviais.

O HOMEM: Tende a ser volúvel e conta muito com sua esperteza, versatilidade e inteligência. Sabe
conquistar com uma boa conversa, mas precisa de estímulos eróticos bem diretos, senão desperdiça
energia se gabando do quanto é bom na cama.

A QUÍMICA: A mulhercom Marte em Gêmeos combina com homens de Marte em Aquário, que são mais
mentais do que sexuais. Com eles é possível passar horas trocando boas idéias e tendo discussões
acaloradas. Mas você pode ficar entediada com o romantismo e a sensibilidade de homens com Marte em
Peixes, e pode sentir-se insegura com a intensidade e a profundidade dos que têm Marte em Escorpião.

Ascendente em Áries
Vibração, intuição, liderança e magnetismo! Dois signos tão ativos, extrovertidos e apaixonados
fazem da vida uma experiência que precisa ser tudo, menos monótona, repetitiva e previsível! A
impulsividade e o espírito arrebatador de ambos levam a decisões intempestivas, mas existe algo
no coração de leão que aspira a estabilidade, que vem na maturidade, depois de ter saboreado
muita adrenalina! Profissões ligadas a movimento, ação, comando e iniciativa são as melhores. No
amor, nada menos do que a paixão e a invenção de cada dia. Alem do sol, observe também a
posição natal de Marte , planeta regente do ascendente, para um delineamento mais preciso.

North Node in Scorpio/Eighth House,

South Node in Taurus

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North Node in Scorpio and/or in the Eighth House

With North Node in Scorpio, our South Node is in Taurus. With North Node in the eighth house, our
South Node is in the second house.

A tendency to be overly self-reliant and set in our ways, to cling to our possessions (material and
otherwise) and habits, to be too fearful of crisis and overly focused on security, and to attempt to achieve
success through sheer will rather than listening to our sixth sense are some of the issues this position
suggests. With this position, we need to loosen the grasp we have on the things and people around us and
open ourselves up to our soul's need for transformation, change, and regeneration. We may experience
difficulties in partnerships because we tend to be blind to others' values and worth, expecting them to
share the same values as us. We, in fact, not only need a partner, we need to learn the value of true
partnership and intimacy (sharing) in order to gain the security we so crave! But, first we need to move
away from our instincts to support ourselves, and towards sharing with significant others. We may fear
taking chances and we tend to resist change as well as input from others. We may find ourselves
imprisoned by the world of the five senses, and need to learn to fearlessly confront the possibility of crisis
and change in our lives. Moving out of the seemingly solid and stable material world can seem
intimidating. But clinging to things and people that are either outdated, limiting, or counter to our growth
will steer us in the wrong direction. Releasing ourselves from our attachment to doing things our own
way will help us find inner balance and satisfaction.

North Node in Scorpio and/or in the Eighth House

With North Node in Scorpio, our South Node is in Taurus. With North Node in the
eighth house, our South Node is in the second house.

A tendency to be overly self-reliant and set in our ways, to cling to our possessions
(material and otherwise) and habits, to be too fearful of crisis and overly focused
on security, and to attempt to achieve success through sheer will rather than
listening to our sixth sense are some of the issues this position suggests. With this
position, we need to loosen the grasp we have on the things and people around us
and open ourselves up to our soul's need for transformation, change, and
regeneration. We may experience difficulties in partnerships because we tend to be
blind to others' values and worth, expecting them to share the same values as us.
We, in fact, not only need a partner, we need to learn the value of true partnership
and intimacy (sharing) in order to gain the security we so crave! But, first we need
to move away from our instincts to support ourselves, and towards sharing with
significant others. We may fear taking chances and we tend to resist change as well
as input from others. We may find ourselves imprisoned by the world of the five
senses, and need to learn to fearlessly confront the possibility of crisis and change
in our lives. Moving out of the seemingly solid and stable material world can seem
intimidating. But clinging to things and people that are either outdated, limiting, or
counter to our growth will steer us in the wrong direction. Releasing ourselves from
our attachment to doing things our own way will help us find inner balance and

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