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1. Agathe/agata- protection, calming, courage, strength, harmony, self

confidence,stomach, insomnia, tooth decay- the first three chakras
2. Abalone- handling emotional situations, psychic development, intuition, the
first three chakras, arthritis, joints problems, muscle, heart, digestive problems,
solar plexus chakra
3. Amazonite- psychic, integrity, honor, hope, communication, trust, truth, self
steem, heart problems, muscles, calcium deficience, pregnancy, nervous
system, tooth decay, - third eye chakra
4. Amber- draw out negativity, purification, romance, calming, energizing,
cleansing environment, inner child work, past life work, purifying body,
headaches, bone problems, heart problems, ear problems, endocrine
problems, fibromyalgia, digestive disorder, kidney, lungs, - solar plexus chakra
5. Amethyst- peace, psychic, sobriety, stability, meditation, emotional, spiritual,
calm, balance, patience, prosperity, abundance, telepathy, past life regression,
clairvoyance, get rid of addictions (drugs, alcohol); compulsive behaviors,
headaches, insomnia, arthritis, diabetes, pain relief, circulatory system,
endocrine system, fatigue, fybromialgia, immune system, asthma, phobias,
pregnancy, -third eye
6. Angelite- angelic contact, serenity, inner peace, calm, anti-stress, against fear,
against anger, forgiveness, guardian angels, spirit guides, higher self, telepathy,
psychic awareness, astrology, astral travel, spirit journey, shield of psychic
protection, balancing energy, infection disease, headaches, hemoglobin, throat
inflamations/infections, heart, circulatory system,- throat and crown chakra
7. Apatite- intuitive awareness, ideas, intellect, imagination; thinking, focus,
meditation, to brings powerful psychic awareness, clairvoyance, clairaudience,
enhance the energy of other crystals, to increase creativity, inner peace, assisis
with nail problems, allergies, arthritis, bones, eyesight, glandular problems,
muscles, nervous system, weight loss- related to throat and third eye
8. Apophyllite- meditation aid, connect with spiritual world, clairvoyance (aminly
when placing on the third eye a pyramid shape of this stone), strengthening
consciousness, good for deep meditation, mystical vision, interdimensional or
astral travel (to remain aware of this plane while being in another planes), to
work with guardian angels, spirit guides, manifestation, higher self, to make a
sacred place, protects against fire, to help one to see the truth and act upon it,
brings mindfulness, helps with stressed eyes (putting one over the eyelids),
used in different parts of the body for respiratory problems, stopping asthma,
allergies,- associated with the third and crown chakra
9. Aqua aura- increases psychic awareness, increases consciousness awareness,
psychic, truth, enhances communications of all kinds, helps to speak and see
the truth, to self express in a calm and loving manner, success/abundance
stone, healing, automatic writing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, all
psychic skills related, protection against psychic attacks and vampire psychic,
heals the auric field, used to calm emotions and the emotional body, stress
reliever, eliminates anger, helps with grief, disturbances, help with throat
problems, stress related physical or mental illness, vertigo, thymus, depression,
immune system, helpful with distance energy healing, related to the throat and
third eye chakra
10. Aquamarine- courage, peace, communication, inner peace, fortitude, great
power, hope, self love, shield for the aura, bring angels for guidance and
protection, meditation, against fear and anger, past life recall, good luck stone,
fatigue, endocrine system, eyes and eyesight, fluid retention, headaches,
intestinal disorder, nervous system, phobias, teeth- throat chakra
11. Aventurine- success, prosperity, mental clarity, friendship, creativity,
imagination, intellect, mental clarity, career success, balance, enhance
happiness, courage, inner strength, blood, blood pressure, sinus, nausea,
headaches, general health, allergies, fever, - various chakra depending the color
12. Azurite- stone of heaven; development psychic awareness; enhances intuition;
guides to be accurate with psychic stuff; good for meditation; enhance
prophecy and divination; it helps to control energy and to bring the right
amount of energy to each situation; cancer prevention, liver issues, arthritis,
joint problems, depression, sinuses, skin problems; third eye chakra; alignment
of all chakras
13. Bloodstone- centering, grounding, adaptability, reduce anxiety; help with
calming, courage, lessen confusion, anxiety, good with emotional traumas and
grief; brings abundance, success and prosperity; anemia, blood pressure,
bleeding, cardiovascular system, cramps, diabetes, lupus, colds, endocrine,
system, kidney, bladder, physical strength issues, flue, physical traumas, pos
surgical issues;
14. Calcite- amplify energy, reduces stress, fear; good stone for distance healing;
amplifies learning abilities; protection, grounding, centering; brings inner
peace; promotes creativity and imagination; increase prosperity; good for astral
travel, channeling, increases intuition; good for spirituality and wisdom; best
for cleansing the human system; clear negativity in an environment; stone of
reconciliation in relationships and balance; good to back pain, increasing
physical strength, teeth, eyes, healing, detoxifying, antiseptic, emotional and
metal conditions; can be used to balance all the chakras;
15. Carnelian- Creativity, courage; protection; recall of past life; help with the
memory; assit to find the right mate; good protection against anger, jealousy
and fear; helps to manifest one’s desire; brings good luck; stabilize energy at
home; root and sacral chakra; heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells,
rheumatism, kidney’s stone and other kidneys problems, gall stones, colds,
pollen allergy..;
16. Celestite- angels; angelic stone, to be used in meditations, channel with angels;
purifies aura; helps with anything; against anxiety, good for hope; emotional
protection; healing eye problems, mental disorders, stress, ear problems,
eliminating toxins, thyroid, digestive problems
17. Chalcedony- brighten life, brotherhood; gently relieve depression; lessen
hostility and brings emotional stability; energy of love and kindness; heal heavy
metal toxicity, senility, dementia, mental stability
18. Citrine- success, abundance, personal power; good fortune, good luck; success
and prosperity stone; manifest abundance in all areas; manifest generosity so
prosperity is well shared; solar plexus chakra; brings will power; doesn’t absorb
negative energy so it doesn’t need clearing; clear energy; psychic awareness;
spiritual development; rid of negative energy; enhances mental clarity,
confindence and will power; brings creativity and honesty; eliminate fear;
brings happiness and positivity, help with self destructive tendencies; good for
digestion, stomach, nightmares, sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health,
heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system,
tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, diabetes, fibromyalgia,
overcome addictions; heighten sexuality;
19. Cuprite- masculine energy, confidence, reduce worry, brings energy; kundalini
energy examine past life experiences, root chakra; thymus, heart, metabolism…
20. Danburite- release energy blockages, healing, associated with the crown
chakra, can align all chakras, strengthening clarity, perceptiveness, lessen issues
of self pride,
21. Diamond- relationships, amplifications; bounds relationships and enhance love;
brings longevity; balance, clarity and abundance; it can amplify one’s thoughts,
strength and weakness; crown chakra;
22. Dolomite- charitable actions, generosity and giving of all kinds; encourages
energetic thinking, original thinking, creativity and manifestation; balance the
atmosphere energy; good for anxiety, stress, soothing heart; strength bones,
teeth, muscles, good for insomnia
23. Emerald- love, communication, truthfulness, love and romance, brings passion
and domestic bliss; enhances harmony, joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory
and faith; nebefits intuition, intellect and communication, decision making,
promotes truthfulness and honesty; enhance intuitive awareness; bring forth
manifestation; stone of protection; help with emotional traumas and bring
hope; helpful for adrenal glands, diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, heart
issues, insomnia, muscle problems,
24. Fairy Frost- fairies, nature spirits, elements, energy of communication with
nature spirits, elements, for learning from those beings; promote universal love
and open heart also care for nature
25. Fluorite- spiritual wholeness, peace, organization; development, truth,
protection, brings peace, protects physically, helps with meditation with
passing the “chatter”; calm and relieve anxiety; rid of mental block and similar
mental issues; for pain, general health, skeletal, muscular system; good for
cleansing the aura, strengthen consciousness; restores emotional balance;
strengthen mystical insight, psychic awareness, open the third eye, restores
emotional balance, promotes healings and self love;
26. Galaxite- protect and cleanse aura, astral travel; aura stone; helps the aura
with balancing, stop leaking energy; growth, intuition, transformation; helps in
contacting beings from another dimensions; stress related illness; anxiety
disorders, brain disorders, digestion, metabolic illness;
27. Garnet- romance, love, self confidence, regeneration, vitality, order; brings
order to chaos internally or externally; protection from evil; during travel,
nightmares and from wounds; release bad karma, protection in this life time,
protection agains and success in lawsuits; root chakra; excellent for
manifestation; brings abundance, prosperity, realization of dreams; good for
business, career, inspiration, creativity; access ancient memory; increases
commitment, honesty, hope, faith; relieve depression; overcome crisis and
trauma; releases old ideas; realize and enjoy the pleasure of earth incarnation;
filters fear; stone of health; acid reflux, adrenal glancs, anemia, other blodd
related illness, assimilate vitamins and minerals, bones, brain, fertility, heart,
immune system, skin, spine, general healing and regeneration; root chakra,
heart chakra,
28. Hematite- Mental organization; stability; grounding, calming; mind, blood;
stability, grounding; to connect with earth plane; good to be used in the
corners or in properities for protection; mental organization, grounding and
calming; decreases negativity (balance mind, body, spirit connection); good to
nervous problems, stress and insomnia, spinal alignment, broken bones,
29. Howlite- calming, awareness, prepare to receive wisdom from higher self and
the divine; good for travel and healthy meditation; release attachments, linking
old emotional pain, from this life or past life to the present. Calm upset states
of mind, decreases overly critical, selfishness, stress and anxiety, anger; expand
self expression, creativity; healing pain, insomnia, bones, teeth, calcium,
anxiety, circulatory system, endocrine system; crown chakra and balance all
30. Iolite- psychic healing, curiosity, sobriety, one of the best stones to use in
psychic healing, spiritual activities, expand the psychic skills, Viking stone, good
for meditation and astral travel, “shaman” stone, build relationships, enhance
curiosity, heal sore throats, respiratory system, liver, blisters. Third eye chakra
31. Jade- love, fidelity, generosity, abundance, immune system, emotional balance
and stability; help to enhance self reliance,
32. Jasper- the nurturing stone; gentleness, comfort, relaxation; astral travel;
protection magic (talisman); helps the emotional and mental realms; relax and
be peace even in difficult situations; healing grief; good for emotional
disturbances and traumas; enhances mental process; heals lives, kidney,
stomach, intestinal problems; used to align chakras
33. Kunzite- stress, broken hearts, to interact better with others, strength
circulatory system; heart chakra
34. Kyanite- stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall,
visualizations, it gives protection during these states, it doesn’t retain negative
energy so it doesn’t need cleansing; align all chakras; eliminate energy
blockage; for sacral chakra; help with sexual problems; depression and fertility
35. Lapis lazuli- truthfulness, inner power, organization, creates and maintain a
connection between the pyshical and spiritual plane; assists with guardian
spirits; helps with writing; can be used for automatic writing; manifestation
stone; excellent for meditation; it protects from physical and psychic attacks; if
placed in the corners it can be protective of the home; it brings
communication, truthfulness and openness, its used to say just the right thing,
it can bring emotional and mental virility, and strengthen the mind; lessen
confusion and increases concentration; it helps to recover traumas, abuses,
rape; builds confidence and courage; dream recall; enhance love and fidelity in
marriage; helps with cancer, headaches nervous systems, speech problems,
pituitary gland, body strength, virility, depression, autism; related to throat
36. Lepidolite- calming, balance; trust, accepting; brings hope in dark times; helps
with transition; enhances self love, patience, optimism; used for dream work,
rebirth; success in business and career; helps with immune system, glands, skin,
nail, hair, dna, stress and anxiety, childbirth, pregnancy,
37. Lemurian seed crystal- said to be left by the lemurian society to guide us. Said
to be charged with consciousness thoughts of love, unconditional love,
equality, and spiritual teachings, great for dream work, dream interpretation. It
has Yin feminine energy, gentle feeling. Great for helaing and clearing all
38. Moonstone- calm responses and stress and void overreaction; it brings hope,
enhances feminity, sensitivity, intuition, psychic abilities, abundance,
protection (child birth, pregnancy and travel sea); helps with digestive, obesity,
water, retention, retention, hormonal problems, menstrual problems
39. Obsidian- protection, grounding, remove negativity, infections; very protective,
protection against psychic attacks; benefits the stomach, instestines, muscles,
can get rid of bacterial or viral infections. Related to the root chakra;
40. Onyx- protection, assist with challenges, stabilizing; associated with the root
chakra; prevents draining energy; protection; grounding and controlling
excessive energy; wound healing, childbirth,
41. Opal- inspiration, imagination, creativity, water stone; enhances memory;
decrease confusion; enhances self steem; eliminate demage inhibitions; access
your true spiritual nature; brings happy dream and avoids nightmares; brings
sense of hope and inner peace; stone of love; good for headaches, eye sight,
blood insulin regulation, immune system. Heart chakra and crown chakra
42. Pearl- calming, centering, give purity, promote faith, enhance personal
integrity, charity, truth, loyalty, helps to connect with the goddess, good for
childbirth, fertility, digestive disorder, muscular system
43. Pyrite- fool’s gold, healer’s gold, stone of intellect and protection,. It enhances
intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory and psychic
development, helps with latent talents and abilities, grounding, great
protection stone, brings the energy of good luck or good fortune
44. Ruby- it’s a red sapphire- happiness, prosperity, integrity, devotion, psychic
protection; root chakra
45. Sapphire- creative expression, intuition, meditation, joy, peace, psychic
protection (also in rituals), protection from evil; mental clarity, lessens
confusion; shows hope; relieves depression and anxiety; improves
communication; for inflamations, burns, cancer, insomnia, clinical depression,
blood vessels, hair loss; third eye or brow chakra
46. Selenite- mental clarity, decision making, angels, mental flexibility, strong
decision, making abilities, truth, honesty, good business, subconscious, well
being, creating the flexibility and intuition, sweet angel stone, remove energy
blocks, intuition, psychic awareness, acess past lives, clairvoyance, meditation,
understanding of the universe, can be use to emotional and etheric level, love,
inner peace, harmony, relationships, align the spine, decreasing of epilepsy,
absortion of calcium, vitamins and minerals, promotes fertility, enhances libido,
crown chakra
47. Seraphinite- angel stone; help contact angels and communicate with angels;
good for intuition and psychic awareness; protective of the heart chakra,
helpful for sending unconditional love; helps one finds higher self and the
purpose in life; helpful with transformation; helps with nerves, brain cells,
purification of the blood and organs by eliminating toxins, kidneys, liver
48. Sodalite- logic, rationality, efficiency, stimulates thoughts, heal breaches in
communication, truth, end arguments and disagreements, honesty, emotions,
love, increase intelligence, knowledge, learning, can unite the logical with the
spiritual. Good for the glands, diabetes, digestive system, lymphatic cancer,
relieving insomnia, decreasing calcium deficiency,
49. Sunstone- decrease stress, good fortune, abundance, energy work, helps with
phobias and fears, leadership stone, deal with stress and depression, brings
good luck, turns negative energies and psychic attacks in positive energy. Good
to contact animals or spirit guides. Heal general health, physical energy, sexual
dysfunction, increasing sexual energy, depression, phobias, stress
50. Tanzanite- magic success, stress relief, stone of magic, spiritual awareness,
psychic insight, helps to slow down and take it easy, brings success, relieves
stress and depression, enhances of pose composure and harmony, transmute
negativity, related to the throat and third eye chakra
51. Tiger’s eye- protection, grounding, integrity, stabilizing, grounding, enhances
integrity, will power, self confidence, practicality, correct use of power,
enhances good luck, brings prosperity, protective during travel, helps to see
clearly without illusion, brings a bust to the solar plexus chakra and to one’s
personal power.
52. Topaz- balance, release tension, success and protection. Balancing and calming
stone that balances emotions. Brings joy, success, good fortune, synchronicity,
protection, protection from evil eye, and greed, brings creativity, individuality,
true love, peace. Heal blood disorders, hemorrhages, poor appetite, endocrine
53. Tourmaline- happiness, compassion, channeling, increases flexibility,
happiness, hope, objectivity, serenity, tolerance, understanding, very
protective stone, poet’s stone, related to the heart chakra,
54. Turquoise- sacred, master healer stone, abundance, associated with the sky,
brings sky energy to earth, promotes honesty, brings clear communication from
the heart, relieves stress, protect against pollution in the environment, brings
abundance, speeds the healing process, powerful grounding and protecting,
associated with the throat chakra,

Root chakra (lower aspect aura)- red, black-

existence, survival, physical well being

 Black, red and grey stones

 Agate
 Black onyx
 Black tourmaline
 Bloodstone
 Carnelian
 Garnet
 Hematite
 Obsidian
 Pyrite
 Ruby
 Red jasper
 Smoke quartz

Sacral Chakra (lower emotional aspect aura)- orange, blue-green

Creativity, abundance, emotions, fertility, gut feeling, family, freedom, imagination,

passion, reproduction, sexuality

 Most creative stones, orange, blue-green

 Amber
 Carnelian
 Fire opal
 Re tiger’s eye
 Moon stone
 Sunstone

Solar Plexus Chakra (lower mental aspect aura)- yellow

Authority, discipline, ego, humor, joy, personal power, self confidence, self control,
strength, will

 Most yellow stones

 Amber,
 citrine,
 sunstone,
 topaz,

Heart Chakra (astral body aura)- Pink/Green

Compassion, emotions, empathy, forgiveness, love, understanding

 most green or pink stones

 emerald,
 fluorite,
 rose quartz
 tourmaline

Throat Chakra (higher physical aspect aura)- Blue

Communication, eloquence, expression of creativity, humor, self expression,


 Most blue and turquoise color stones

 Amazonite
 Blue quartz
 Topaz
 Celestite
 Chalcedony
 Lapis lazuli
 Opal
 Sodalite
 Tourmaline
 Turquoise

Third eye Chakra (emotional aspect aura)- Indigo, purple, blue-violet

Coordination, balance, insight, intuition, mental clarity, psychic abilities, sight,


 Most indigo or purple stones

 Amazonite
 Amethyst
 Azurite
 Lapis lazuli
 Sapphire
 Sodalite
 Purple fluorite

Crown Chakra (mental aspect aura)- Purple, white, gold, violet

Divinity, enlightment, guidance, harmony, higher self, knowing, life force energy,
ones with the universe, spirituality, wisdom

 Most white and clear stones, purple…

 Amethyst
 Diamond
 Quartz
 Moonstone
 Opal
 Selenite
 Tanzanite

Planets x crystals
Crystal colors

Red- death, blood, power, anemia, blood issues

Pink- calming, receptors, self love, joy, venus

Orange- personal power, self esteem, luck, success

Yellow- communication, promote health, digestion, skin trouble, nervous system,

mental perception, mercury

Green- healing, fertility, earth magic, help to grow plants, money, prosperity, wealth,
harmony, equilibrium, venus

Blue- Neptune, sleep, healing, fever, inflamations, ulcera, purification

Violet- spiritual receptors, meditation, psychic, subconscious,

White- moon, sleep, sensitivity, luck, night protection,

Black- stability, protection, self control, power,

Crystal shape

Redonda- power to receive from the universe, magnetism, feminine organs, sensitivity,
reveal the secrets of spirituality, love, attraction

Finas e compridas- phallic (falicas), protection, god representation

Redondas e compridas- love rituals

Ovais- criativity, new ideas, happiness, pregnancy spells, buried in the garden to have
fertile plants

Quadradas- earth, prosperity, abundance, stability

Curacao- love

Triangle- protection

Em forma de L- luck, combination of the spiritual and the physical

Body part shaped- used to heal those parts of the body

Pyramides- channel energy,

Cleansing, charging


Earth- burry on dirt; throw some dirt over it, bury on salt; throw some salt over it

Water- wash in running water, wash in holy water, wash in water with salt

Fire- let it under the sun (the rays burn energy)

Air- pass it over the incense smoke

Leave it over or close to a natural clear crystal (drusa)


Leave it under the moonlight

Leave it under the sun light

Pass it over the fire or candle flame

Charge with dirt (earth)


Take it closer to the third eye, visualize the intent for the use of that stone

Anoint with oil


Sol- ouro

Lua- prata

Marte- ferro

Mercurio- mercurio

Jupiter- estanho

Vênus- cobre

Saturno- chumbo

Terra- chumbo, mercurio

Fogo- anitmonio, boji, bronze, ouro, ferro, meteorito, pirita e aco

Ar- alumínio, mercúrio, estanho

Agua- cobre, magnetita, mercúrio e prata

Aço- marte, emissor, fire; protection, healing

Aluminium- emissor, mercury, air; inteligencia, viagem, magia com imagem

Antimônio- sun, fire, protection; protection against negativity

Bronze- sun, fire, emissor; healing, money, protection

Chumbo- receptor, Saturn, earth (element); divinacao, protecao, magia defensive

Cobre- receptor, venus, water; luck, protection, money, love, director of energy

Estanho- Jupiter, air, emissor; divinacao, sorte, dinheiro

Iron- emissor, mars, fire; healing, protection, defensive magic

Magnetta- receptor, venus, water; fidelity, healing, friendship, love

Mercurio- emissor/receptor, agua/terra/ar, mercúrio; ying yang, metal liquido

Meteorito- emissor, akasha/fogo;

Ouro- emissor; sun, fire; power, healing, protection, wisdom, money success, male

Boji- emissor; mars, fire/akasha; power, protection, healing, quilibrium

Pirita- emissor, mars, fire; money, divination, luck

Silver- receptor, moon, water; amulet, emotions, subconscious, psych,



 moonstone



 Citrine
 Carnelian

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