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Aura is the energy field that surrounds all matters.

Everything that has an atom will

have an aura. Protons x eletrons. The energy of the atoms in animal life is more vibrant
therefore is more visible

In humans:

 Egg shape
 3D
 The healthier you are spiritually and pshysically the more vibrant the aura will be
 The more vitalized your aura is the more energy you have to do things,
 The weaker the aura, the weaker the person, easier to manipulate
 Nature energy heals the aura, the body absorbs the energy and transform it into use
 Stellar astrology
 When the frequency of your aura is close to some other person, you feel the
 Every individual has a unique connection
 Too much different auras may result in a instant dislike of that person, but in can
develop into harmony later on
 The human energy field interacts with other energies, being people, objects, animals,
 The energy exchanged in sex is intertwined and not easily rid of
 The shape of the aura and size and color depends on the emotional state and can
change throughout the day depending on what you think or do
 Wherever the focus of your brain goes, so does your aura energy
Mental waves

Wave Frequency Associated Mental State

Gamma is associated with the formation of ideas, language and
memory processing, and various types of learning. 2 3 4 Gamma
Gamma 27 Hz and up waves have been shown to disappear during deep sleep induced
by anesthesia, but return with the transition back to a wakeful
state.5 6

Wide awake. This is generally the mental state most people are in
during the day and most of their waking lives. Usually, this state in
itself is uneventful, but don't underestimate its importance. Many
people lack sufficient beta activity, which can cause mental or
Beta 12hz - 27hz emotional disorders such as depression and ADD.7 8 and insomnia.
And low SMR production (a sub-range of beta at 12-15hz) may be
related to insomnia.9 Stimulating beta activity can improve
emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness and
concentration.10 11 12

Awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When

you get up in the morning and just before sleep, you are naturally
in this state. When you close your eyes your brain automatically
starts producing more alpha waves.
Alpha 8hz - 12hz
Many studies monitoring the EEG activity of experienced
meditators have revealed strong increases in alpha
activity.13 Alpha activity has also been connected to the ability to
recall memories, lessened discomfort and pain, and reductions in
stress and anxiety.14 15 16 17

Light sleep or extreme relaxation.

Theta 3hz - 8hz Theta is also a very receptive mental state that has proven useful
for hypnotherapy, as well as self-hypnosis using recorded
affirmations and suggestions.18 19

Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves.

When your dominant brainwave is delta, your body is healing itself
Delta 0.2hz - 3hz
and "resetting" its internal clocks.20 You do not dream in this state
and are completely unconscious.
Exercise to see auras:

 Feel the aura between the hands

 Use the finger to make a gemotric figure like a circle and try to feel it or have another
person to feel it
 In a room with the back to another person, try to feel the person as it get close to you
 Look to the center… look as you are going in and then make the movement to come
out; see it as a tunel
 Have a black background with a large spot with colors, each paper should have one
circle color
 Have and white back ground with colorful circle
 Look at these colors and visualize them as 3D
 Have a star in a paper or five dots away from each other, move your eyes quickly
between one point and another
 Hands in front a white paper or wall
 Have someone stand against a white wall; focus on the top of the head then visualize
all the aline of the body In a clock wise direction in a very fast movement; then stare at
the top of the head for 30 seconds


Etheric layer- the first layer, the closest to the body; the easiest to notice; 1-2 inches away
from the body, seen as light, connected to the root chakra, represents the well being and
health of a person

Emotional layer- second aura layer, connected to the sacral chakra; represent the state of
emotions, past experiences and present feelings;

Mental layer- third aura; 3-8 inches from the body; yellow color; the color is pronounced
around the head and shoulders; depending on the intellectual focus the color will be
pronounced or light

The astral layer- relates to the spiritual self of the body; connected to the heart chakra; this is
the layer that reads love, depending upon the love the person feels the layer will be pale or

The spiritual layer- fifth layer; 2 feet away from the body; it looks like light bluish white.
Related to the creativity, communication, and vibration; connected to the throat chakra; it tells
about the higher consciousness of a person and its will

The celestial layer- sixth aura; 2-3 feet away from the body; shimmering multi-colored light
that dances appealing like diamond; related to the third eye chakra; this relates to the
subconscious, dreams and spiritual awareness, this layer tells the emotional level of your
spiritual mind; the point of meeting between physical and spiritual mind

The casual layer- seventh aura; connected to the crown chakra; 3-5 feets away from the body;
the shape of this aura is like an egg different from the others; thin, bright, golden white wich
keeps all other layers together; this layer relates to divinity, highest spiritual evolution and

 The energy that vibrates in the aura reflects a color

 Different collors reflect different atittudes, moods, personality
 The closets colors to the body means: physical conditions and energies
 The fursthest colors means: emotional ,mental, and spiritual
 The cleaer and more pastel colors the better
 Muddier and thicker colors can reflect inbalances, overactivity and other problems
connected to the specific colors showing
 Dark colors that are bright can indicate high energy level
 The auras closest to the body, standing one or 2 feet are the ones that change the
colors the most throughout a day

Orange-tact, diplomacy; can be easily hurt beacause its sensible; the color of warmth,
creaitivty, emotions, courage, joy, opening of new awareness, socialness; depending the shade
it can indicate imbalance and agitation, may refer to worry or vanity

Yellow- self expression; pale yellow around the hairline can indicate optimism, mental activity,
new sunshine, new learning, opportunity, lightness, wisdom and intellect. The more pastel
reflects an enthusiasm, the power of ideas and spiritual development,. It represents the power
of ideas and the awakening of psychic abilities. Deeer yellow can reflect over analysis, overly
critical and dogmatic

Green- practicality; hard worker; sensivity and growing passion, growth, sympathy, calm,
reliable, dependable, open-minded. Bright green towards blue indicates ability to heal. It’s a
color of abundance, strength and friendship. The muddier shades represent uncertainty,
miserliness, jealousy, possessiveness, self doubt, mistrust

Blue- freedom; they are good at everything they attempt; they don’t like to feel restricted; like
traveling; always looking ahead; color of calm and quietness, devotion, truth, seriousness,
clairaudience, telepathy. The light shades reflect an active imagination and intuition. The
deeper shades indicate loneliness, life long quest for the divine, levels of devotion. Royal blue
reflects honesty and good judgement, is about to find his chosen work. The muddier blue
reflects locked perceptions, melancholy, rushing, worrying, domineering, fearfulness,
forgetfulness and oversensitivity

Indigo- responsibility; caring, humanitarian, involved with home and family, loving,
appreciative, sympathetic, kind, creative

Violet; understanding; wisdom, spirituality; closed off-purple- violet is the color of warmth and
transmutation, blending of the heart and mind, the physical with the spiritual, independence,
intuition, dynamic, dream activity, one who is searching,

The purple reflect people who can deal affairs with practicality and worldliness,

The pale violet and purple reflects humility and spirituality

The red-independence;purple indicates great passion or strength of will, may also reflect the
need for greater individual effort

The muddier and darker might indicate a need to overcome something, they also reflect
intense erotic imagination, overbearing, needing sympathy, feeling misunderstood,

Pink- materialism; color of money; compassion, love, purity, joy, comfort, strong sense of
companionship, quiet, modest type of individual, love of art and beauty; depending the shade
can indicate immaturity specially muddier shades, can reflect truthfulness or the lack of it,
times of new love and new vision
Gold- dynamic spiritual energy, true coming into one’s own power, devotion and restoration of
harmony, strong enthusiasm and great inspiration, time of revitalizing,. Muddier shades
indicates the person is still in process of awakening, and has not clarified yet within her life,
the alchemical process still being active, person still working to turn her life into goal.

White- usually when it appears it’s a conjuction within other colors, when it stands out it
reflects purity, the energy is cleansing and purifying itself, reflects an awakening of great

Gray- color of initiation, unveiling of new abilities. Shades of grey more towards silver reveals
an awakening towards feminine energy, this is the color of imagination, illumination, intuition.
The darker shades of gey can indicate physical imbalances, specially if seen in specifically areas
of the body, also indicate the need to leave no task undone, much gray in the aura can indicate
a person who is secretive and wolf-lone type

Brown- if shown above the head and around the feet means growth, stablishing new roots and
desire to accomplish, industry and organization. Brown on the face or around the head may
indicate a need of discrimination. If seen in the chakra areas, it indicates it needs to be cleaned
(clogging of energy). Indicate problems in the physical,

Black- color of protection, can mean that a person is protecting himself or herself. The person
has secrets, new understanding of burden and sacrifices. Can also indicate imbalances, black
hole is the aura can indicate victim of child abuse or drugs abusers

Silver- idealistic, impractical, they are more capable then they know of

Gold- master builder, more practical then silver,

Silver sparkles- creativity, fertility (pregnancy)

Copper bronze; humanitarianism; giving selfless color; sensitive, caring, generous,

humanitarian type occupation, creative color

 Shapes:
 The fuzzy aura- lack of clear personal boundaries, tendency to on other people’s stuff,
get caught up in other people’s problems, difficulty with saying no to others,
 The aura wall- a defensive attempt to define personal boundaries. Blocking out others
to feel safe. Tendency to assert your will through resistance and judgment
 Spike aura- feeling threat and ready to conflict. Deeply wounded, some kind of abuse:
physica, mental, sexual, emotional. They will oftenly hurt other people even those who
are rtying to help
 Neutral aura- clear sense of self, able to define healthy boundaries with others. Take
self responsibility. Owns personal space without needing to fight or defend.
Empowered to respond neutrally


 Large aura: intent to control or dominate others, taking too much responsibility for
others, overly focused on things outside yourself, easily to lose contact with your inner
 Small aura: fear on some level, trying to hide, hoping not to catch attention. You may
be holding back until you feel safe to release your energy. Its easy to lose sense of the
self because the flow of energy is not happening naturally
 Absent aura: energy out of body- if your unhappy with your life or deeply wounded
you may have the tendency to “check out” of the body. While you as a spirit is out of
the body you can avoid feeling any bad experience. But eventually you and your body
will need to deal with the issues. Absent rather then being present in life.
 Healthy balanced aura- this aura extends an arm’s length outside the body. In this
case you can be aware of others around you without losing sense of inner self. It
supports for healthy flow of energy and helps being present.

Aura position

 Aura at front: if you are getting ahead of yourself, thinking too much of the future the
energy will tend to move too much in front of you. The result of stress and anxiety;
you might find yourself doing this if you are in a hurry; doing this in a regular basis can
cause posture problems and healthy issues.
 Aura at back: if you are holding yourself back by dwelling in the past your energy will
move behind you. The result of unhealed issues from the past. This can prevent people
from moving forward. And cam result in depression. It can also lead to posture
 Aura floating above the body; if you are trying to escape life and avoid reality your
energy will float above your body. Living In fantasy world; they may talk big but
manifest very little; this can be a result of trauma and can lead to further trauma.
 Centered aura position and clear definition: if you are being present and centered In
the now your energy will flow equally around your body. This support posture,
empowerment and health, allows to create the futre without leaving the present, also
the ability to heal from the past
Aura dynamic (between two people)

 Blurred boundaries: if you don’t have healthy boundaries with the other, the auras
tend to blurr together, in this case you wont know what is your energy and what is
theirs. You might find yourself taking in their problems, health issues, emotional
problems, and also the other problem would confuse their energy with yours. This
would cause a lot of confusion, misunderstood and conflict
 Power games: if someone tries to dominate you their energy will be pushed over you,
over your head, if you withdraw your energy you allow them to keep doing that. It can
happen even with no interaction, the way to fight this is by keeping your energy out in
a healthy way.
 Emotions enmeshed: if you do not have emotional boundaries with another, your
energies will often become enmeshed. You might feel emotions that are not yours. If
somebode’s else emotion is coming to you, you will feel overly emotional, emotionally
erratic and irritable. If your energy is going in to another person’s aura the they will act
that way too.
 Healthy boundaries: when you have a balanced energy and healthy boundaries with
the other person, your aura and the other’s aura remain distinct. There is room for you
to have opinions and they have theirs. They will have their emotions and you will have
yours. This will be harmonic


 Right side: the masculine energy; how ones projects oneself to the world; its more
straightforward, and physical, less emotional; the colors on the right side may have to
do with physical changes, memories or goals, it’s the energy that is moving out or from
a recent past or far past
 Center: 9above the head): this is the energy of the moment; usually in the colors that
the person traditionally reflects; the closer the colors are the more closer or intense
they are experiencing that. If there is a band like an arc over the head this means the
goal is really important
 Left side: this is the person’s feminine side. This is the emotional and imaginative side,
this side is indicative of what a person is projecting into the future. It’s the energy
moving in and the person may not be aware of it yet.
 Translucent, flowing energy; feels pleasantly warm and tingly: typically indicates
good health in that region, mental clarity, emotional balance
 Jagged or chaotic energy; feels like an unconfortable burning; typically indicates
anger, or a place that is susceptible to illness, can also so indicate mental confusion
 Sluggish or muddied energy; doesn’t feel like much at all: typically indicates fatigue,
sadness or depression. Jealousy, stubborn, refusal to forgive, it can indicate an area of
weakness in the physical body, an area with memory of an old injury. Mental
exhaustion or emotional fatigue.
 Frozen or crystallized energy with little movement; sometimes feels very cold and
clammy tense: fear, stuck belief, chronic emotional pattern. The energy looks the
same as it feels (tense and cold)
Exercises for aura

Protection when talking to someone that drains energy

Breathe in through the nose and breath out through the mouth

Visualize a swirling vortex of white light, spinning clock wise above your head, and it covers all
your body slowly. Then for each part the vortex covers say the following letters
The 12 roses of light- energy center

Feet center- is activated by dedicating your life to service, walking in the path of old masters

Knee center- is activated after hours of prayer or meditation,

The hand center- is awakened when you apply yourself to serve others, extending the hands to
help and heal
The others are base chakra, sacral+solar, heart, throat, brow, crown

Meditation to open this flower is imagine yourself naked in a room in front of a mirror.
Visualize the foot chakra opening and think of the things related to that and so on

Crown chakra-uranus-amethyst-iunderstand-violet- thought- feelings, talent, creativity,

selfishness; area of consciousness: etheric body; this is realted to the spiritual realm, where we
merge with God; governs: our concept of God or higher intelligence; energy: air-meditative

Third eye chakra-I know- Jupiter-purple/indigo-light- dreams, astral, intuition, insecurity; area
of consciousness: celestial body, intuition, imagination, clairvoyance,; governs: intuition,
visualization, search for meaning in life, spirituality; energy: air-meditative

Throat chakra-mercury/neptune-sodalite-I speak- blue- sound- speak mind, spiritual range,

sing, temper; area of consciousness: etherical body; our potencial for perfection (template to
the physical body); sound, vibration, communication, self-expression; governs:
communication, expression of thoughts and feelings- energy: water-

Heart chakra-I love- rose quartz- venus-green/pink-air- love, harmony, inferiority, jealousy,
healing; areas of consciousness: astral body; the first level beyond 3D matter; the bridge
between the dimension of matters and spiritual, love, compassion ,balance; governs: love
compassion and acceptance of others; energy- water

Solar plexus-amber/topaz/citrine- mars/sun- I do-yellow-fire- areas of consciousness: mental

or intellectual body-thoughts, opinions and judgements; wisdom, clarity, esteem, competitive,
ego, combustion, fire energy, action, power, will, responsible for distribution of metabolic
energy throughout the body as indigestion; governs emotional issues and issues of power

Sacral chakra-moon- coral/carnelian- I feel- orange-water- area of consciouensess: emotions,

polarity, masculine/feminine, distrust, envy, change, desire, awareness of others, difference,
separation, duality, movement, governs feelings of sexuality and creativity; bladder and
kidneys; circulatory system, sex fluids, urinary-related to liquid parts of the body

Base chakra- red-earth-earht/Saturn-I am- garnet/ruby/obsidian/onyx- courage, vitality,

strength, im wrong, negativity, stability, unity, form, solidity, area of consciousness: physical
body, all physical sensations, pain, sensuality, pleasure, power, survival, need for world peace,
environmental balance; related to solid parts of the body specially the bones-spinal column;
athletic, cares about survival, sensuality, power, pleasure; governs: perception of the physical
world, will power, motivation and intent

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