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From: (b) (6)

To: (b) (6)
Subject: FW: Snapshot
Date: Thursday, May 03, 2007 2:48:45 PM

See the outreach portion below. I outlined our discussion this morning.



From: (b) (6)

Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 12:11 PM
Subject: Snapshot


This is a quick synopsis of the events from the past week:


OBP was informed Monday that the project lay down for PF225 was going to change and be modified
to reflect only TI Bible projects

Direction change was initiated by SBInet based on their interpretation of S-2’s comments

I addressed this during the FEIT on Tuesday and again during the PMT on Wednesday, ultimately, it
was agreed to take the discussion before the Chief

Myself, Rowdy Adams and (b) (6) briefed Chief Aguilar, (b) (6) and Laredo Chief
Carrillo and it was decided by Chief Aguilar to go with the OBP approved lay down which more
accurately reflects sector’s up to date requirements. The Chief and Deputy stated that they want the
overall 370 mile fence mandate cut down to 370 from the current 416 identified with buffer. They want
a set 370 that can be sent out to the public and all other projects that do not make the first cut
removed from the spreadsheet. Subsequently, I am working with the sectors to identify the excess 40
miles to be removed from the project lay down.

Outreach Effort

During the brief, Chief Aguilar discussed a meeting he had with the Commissioner in regards to the
Community Outreach effort and the fallout over possible condemnation info being released to the
media. The Chief stated that the Commissioner wants a 60 day timetable and established protocol
measures in place in the next week.

Chief (b) has coordinated a meeting today with Chief Aguilar, Rowdy Adams and (b) (6) I
like to attend but will be enroute to pick up the wife from the airport. The Chief is to discuss a
plan of action for heading the outreach effort.

I met with (b) and (b) (6) this morning and laid out what we felt are the necessary steps in
(6) end state. We set up a rough draft outline so that we have are ideas on paper for the
getting to our
meeting this afternoon with the Chief. As we see it, we need to complete the following:

Complete our initial contacts with land owners so that we know all the players

Set up 3 day training (Outreach rep, PIO and PLLA from each sector) to be conducted by Army
Corps Real Estate Branch, CBP Real Estate, CBP PIO, and possibly a brief from someone from
DOI to cover the public lands angle. This ensure that all three entities at the local level are
delivering the same message and that everyone has received proper guidance when initiating
RE talks with land owners. I tied the Public Lands Liaison Agent Program into the mix because
that is another element that I feel should be incorporated from the start.

Coordinate and conduct town hall meetings with assistance and participation from CBP, DHS
and congressional. Provide official lay down and fence info.

Initiate ROE

Initiate Real Estate action and MOA concurrently

Initiate Public Lands coordination

We will elaborate further and establish timetables during the next week.

Fence Lab

Delegated test and evaluation coordination to (b) (6)


I forwarded all requested info to (b) (6) for brief to S-2

This should bring you up to the minute.


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